OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 18, 1903, Image 12

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-04-18/ed-1/seq-12/

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W1 t SISttlf If
rZ1 I Ii
i i r r XHE dOO3 t I 1 1 I
Charlie Hither Take TwoYearold lUc lUcby RuebJ Raeby
Carle Iaer Te TOeOld I IupNorbrook
by bJ a llrd lerd IIesdGrand Ormad Operas Hand Handcap laml UaniUcapNorthbrook
cap upNorbrook capNorthbrook Nortbbrook Carrie Cmr ffles l Ofr Dwrr > rver Colon Cot coon Cotoh
on oh to Victory IMorG Three Favorite Fnorlr Win WlrPerfect WinPerfect 0 I IluCec
Perfect luCec weather weater and ad a fairly faIr Mtrnctlv Mtrnctlvcard ntracl nttrndttcMd
card made the patron ptOI of rnrlng rnrll turn tlm on ouIn onsfternpon Olt OltIn I
cr In la targo mae nlmbr numbers at t Aquluct AQudIct lte CtP dft dftffrrnOfl ny nyIftfrnlon
Iftfrnlon sfternpon Fully Fl 8000 10 persons plO were wer at1 Dt tli tlitrack tho tilitrack j jtracL
track tracL when whn the first Jt bugle bale Bounded lunded Tlim Tlimfiivorltcs Thl TtrcfsivorlO I IrlvorlE
thin thlrchoice thlnl thincbokeA
fiivorltcs a second choice cboc and two I
choice rlvorlE cholcllabll enabled eon the te regulars Illar to t make malII furtli furtliInrondH CurtLr CurtLrIlroodlln furtlisInrood < >
InrondH Ilroodlln In the layer bank bn roll rollThe rUI ro1LTfi
The Tfi chief event waa WA the Rocknwar Rockawl Stake Stakefor BtklI BtklIfor Rtnkcifor
for three thle yenrolda rerld and ad upward at 11 evi evifuriongi ve vefurlongs
furlongs There her1 va u a hot tip tp In drculn drculntlon crtla crtlatOD drculntion
Icdis Ieeds Nevermore who wa watho ai aith
tlon tOD on W V n 1It Nevermof nl nltho
tho th favorite at t It I to t S while whlo a 1 pile piI tI of mow mowwrui mon monM ifloenl
wrui M nl placed plard Ioeed upon UPD Frank FaDk FnrreUii Jnrll Uuelli Uuellint Duellt Duelltlt DuetIlit
nt lt three IhreE Henator Bntr McCarrenn Mcrnl 1otente Ioltnte vra vrawidely wailteIy I
widely Idly lteIy played playtd at fire n1l with wih Numeral Slmtral bucket bucketdown blckId blckIddown bicedown
down to eight Ilrhtl because brul beeau of recent rNnt fant rRt work workTfonr workIoor worklTonr
Tfonr Ioor took tok Duelist DuelAt away Iway from the pos poaflylne p8t p8tflnl posttyin
flylne flnl and the gelding 1tldlne had A commanding Inlnandlnr lead lemovrr Iuorr
ovrr Nevermore eermore Courtmnld and Numeral Sln ral t tth t t4 t4th I
th > head of the stretch Itrtch Then he hf began ti tihack to tohck tc tchack
hack hck up lP like llI lke a rank ralk quitter Qultlr and Hum lurnl let Potento Po Potente 10 10tente
tente down who then ran over his hi Held feld am amgalloped and and6110p aNcIIopd
homo winner by three lengths lengthsTT
galloped a wlnntr tble 1tllth8 1tllth8T
TT T Grlfflns Grlnl Embarrassment Embalmtnt a 20 2 to i hot hotwith hotIh hotwith
with Ih little ltte Wllkeraon Wlkffn up ran Into the th plao plaoa pla0 pla0a pac paca
a lngth lnltb and a half ba before bdor Nevermore eVrmol vrh vrhbeat who whoblt whchcot
beat blt Duelist Duellt a neck The time wan wa l 131 l3O24 l3O24The o 34 34The 2
The eport apor opened OpDe with wih a I handicap handlp at atand flv flvand nwAnd <
and a half furlong rlrloDa for which Plttxhun PlttxhunHills 11 iittburPhIia tlhurl
Hills PhUI Grand Opera Opra Op ra with wth Shaw In the ruddle ruddlewo uddi uddiwaa
wo 01 made mad I an It I to 6 favorite tvorle James JIIIA It ItKeenes I Iteens
Keenes Jfone8 eens ruturlta tlturia was wa backed bcke down to fours foursMcond rOUr fourI
I Mcond ond choice choic with wlt Lord Lrd Badge Dad Ie Captivator CaptlvatorWealth Captator CaptatorWpalth CaptivatorWaItti
Wealth and Early FArl Ev Evt Ev a11 attracting aHractnl liberal liberaliupport llberahupport lbral lbralhUppr
hupport There Thtr waa 1 nothing nothlnl to t the thl race rncibut rne racebutorand
hUppr but butorand Grand Orald Opera Opra who made all al of the runnini runniniand runDlnend runninaand
and nd won easily elU by b three thr lengths lenlh8 Gannoi Gannoidriving Gonnondrlvna lannondriving
driving Futurtta Futula Into Int the place plac a length leDrth am ama and nndI anda
a drlvna half before tJ9rl bef re Lord Udge 1cli who beat bat Vealti WnltbahladTletmewulO Vealtiahead Vealthahead
ahead I The Tetimewl time Lr wan I oo 14 14Fritpk 14 14Frvk 4 4FrlI
ahladTletmewulO Fritpk FrlI A Joneaa onea Charlie Chle FUher tbfr by by Longl1lghtMtu Long Longfllght Jnl
fllght nlshUu l1lghtMtu MlM Islington waa 1 conxMfred cOIIIrfd u ucinch I a acinch
cinch for th the second 100d event evDt ror moldeD two twoyearolds twoerldl twoyearolds I
yearolds erldl te at four and ad a hall hitlrJoi furloiii furlorigi HI HIopened Ie IeoPne lieopened
opened at 7 7to to 10 10 O but receded to 7 to toof i b t > cati4 cati4nlariKl cal <
oPne or a boav heavy a pJunreon Jack J9 Joyner erl holkn holknote liocknotte
otte by HuroDFane huronFannIe E81er EJster whl who wn wnlavd 11
nlariKl Iar ote down dow dowtfromvea frOv Qves to t 13 1 to t 5 Koxhal Koxhalto FoxhallP oxhll
I P KeeDea Palznboarer Pambaer made the running runningto rlnnlnr rlnnlnrto
to the he top tp of oChe the stretch trtwher where Charlie Charle Flshe Flshetook Flher Flhertook FIhortook
took command cmmaDd but In I the run ru home th thlatter tho tholat tholatter <
latter lat r cut across acoufr Mr Eeenea Xena colt clt com compolling Cl cornpolling
polling Oannon to pull pul up Then In a driving drlvlinfinish drl drivingilniab viI
finish ID < Charlie Cbnrle FUher F1ber won by a bead bed will willJalm wlb wlbJam wIthiaAmboarer I
Jalm fnilb iaAmboarer bearer br a head b a before bror Frank lnk Fnrroll FnrrollXameokl FarW FarWSalekJ FnrrohINapnooklj
Xameokl Jam twho was wa coming strong at th thend thp thptnd threfld
end tnd SalekJ Gannon Oanon preferred prererr coma a protest of foil foulagainet foilThe r011 r011aealJt
aealJt againet the wInner but It wa waa not aIOfld aIOfldTbe altoweti altowetiThe
The start was WAi poor L L 1k V BeH BI1 Bells > Atwood At1o lln llnpractically 1 beIng beIngpractIcally > lnl
practically pmclCy a led I ft P The Jo nl time tme was wa 017 017Mike 07Mil O7Mike
Mike Dwyer Dwer lto ltld EOAt3nd tand wan l a ivcwlln ivcwllnfavorite rtretlingfavorite
favorite favorit Mil In the fourth Court race 4C ac at six Ix lurlonux lurlonuxand IUlloll IurIon IurIonand
ad and he finished outside the thl th nionny mOI Tm Tmcood r rRo jwugood
good things thn nnlhl Virginia YJ lnla Bradley BraloY Hradioya Ahola pluyo pluyodown pladdow pttttIdown
down Ro dow to o sized bM and ad d George OorKe Forbexs Yor 1ittuoiiH 1ittuoiiHbacked IIIII httaeuMc
c backed t down dow to five IV ran ra onev on two ilkiT ilkiTpole Iklr Iklrlon tlkrk
k aon waited with th AhoJa unti until tD IIMt last furloll lurloirc lurloircpole
lon 1 pole > 11 waite when he found an a opening oPllnl 11 nntj Inll tlm Ih Aloha Alohatllly Alohalilly ohl
tllly went to the front frot winning wmlnl by I h eight eightlength eIghtlengths llht llhtlenlthl
length lenlthl Ily Pittacus Plttl beat bt Oukn Dlkn of Kendal eldol lu luto 10t into
to I by a neck 10ck The Te time Um wa f 01 llrt llrtII tlo lliihi
t II I L I Coletuan opened favorite rlvorlt nt lt It I to totor S Sfor
I for the fifth nrh rat Il OpDt a selllni llm fvent ent nt nt lt aS a nill nillHiid 11
I and d seventy sevcnt ynrds but his prlre JrlN row ro to 7 to tobocaiife tocnlN 2 2becaure
bocaiife cnlN of a Plunge Junle ar8 on Ueorve OeOrCI Forbes Jorh M Past Pastwho 10 10ho Iastwho
who ho was 11 Iwoked back from fours to In t ii to Thl Thlproved 1hl4 1hl4Iro1 1h14 1h14proved
proved to t l betha > the thl most IntereMitiB lkrrIIR race raC of the theday thf theday
day Iro1 H I L L Colerran Colt Courtenay CUrllla anti lal Pat Pntrunning l Patrunning t trnllnA
running rnllnA In a bunch bllch riM right down to the ln lnt lntelxteenth 11 11FhlNnth t tFlxteentn
Flxteentn FhlNnth where little ltle De Souza tOll put plt up UIIplpcdll u usplendid itspterdld
splendid Iplpcdll finish Inllh on Past who t hot bhot > by 1 the thejudtre Iht theJudacs
judtre Judle a lensth lenRt to t the good liurns lurM taking takingwooiil Inklnl takingecniid
wooiil Ollt raoner tonlT with Lord Lr rQo Advocate Iollte by h u uneck Unplk itneck
neck nplk from the favorite Cavrlt The T time wan wa no noTim I 119ihie em emIh
Tim talent tnent plunged plunce on Mike Diryer Jwer North Northbrooic Northbrooc orlh orlhbroo
brooic broo Ih to win the last IAt race rac for maiden 1llldel nt ntMsvnn lt lt1pn ntevpn
1pn Msvnn towD furlong rUrlOnl8 and ad In I n Kruellliu lrt1111 HnUh HnUhCochran Inlh Inlholhra ttniIsoehran
Cochran olhra not JM o4 him home a winner wnr by h a I lencth lencthFlying Ilnlll lenciliFIuIn
Flying 1ln Glpor a 80 S to t I shot IwaUuc laUol Pave PaveJohnxonB nvJohnln DaveJohineons
JohnxonB Johnln OPT Erbe Erb second Icnd choice rlJlc by h half a alencth alllth alength
length lllth Mutiny a good thing thin I WIIM va a bond bondback hAd hAdbuk headiaek
back and ald ltn half a lencth lenlth Ro before Snowdrift Snowdriftanother Hlols Kniowdrittanother
another noter hot tip tp The time tme wan wnl 131 35 35IIRBT 2 2nest 5 5IRaT
nest nice niceHandicap nCElan4cap nicchandicap
Handicap for threeyesrolds thrleYNrld and nd upward upwardtfno upwardItou
tfno 0 lan4cap addedIre adf added Live and ndaa ndaanaif a half haf furlong furlongirand fronc froncan furlongIi
Ii an ant 4fl 11 llS foraM Drttlnt nfll Fin FI n nUrdOlr34 nrand
UrdOlr34 rand Opera 4 f 114 11haw Shaw 115 I ll PIO lO II IIlM I IIVutUrItn3ins
VutUrItn3ins lM nannon 41 t s4 1 aalord 7U 7UIxwtUsdre 71 71Ir
IxwtUsdre lulurln3 lord Udce hedge I 4lItONeI llJOVell 11 ai l 71 I J1 J1Wealth 31 3bWesItbf117Odonn
Wealth WesItbf117Odonn Ir UTOdom l 31 t 4 4KArtyKve 4Yr 4Yarty
KArtyKve Yarty le 4 JO I Mums lun 71 5J 5JCsptlrator r I a aCaptivator
Captivator Yr 10 Hire e 11 G1 i 21 21lime 2Iflni 1 e enme
CpJalor3 lime flni 10 1 11 11Good tJ l lGood
Good God start startnwon Ia nwon won eajVj Ut eMlLi Orsnd OpjraJiU Op Opera bit e 4 4smith 4I 4I
I b by smith Wernnle WauerI3onnie ttirJ lr ow ownei t b GfOrge rre E Et4inhth t ttmllh
tmllh ZCOXD ICJ RICB RICBFor RaYo atczIoi
For Yo maiden laden twoyearolds trar Id KW I 4100 added four and anda ant
a hail lurlonr lurlonrHorwawlAoe furiongiJfitr
HorwawlAoe iiorwantl r Jfitr J aM Aye f WI l Joittit J ll nrttlno nl Fin rinCharlie FinCharlie 110 110Care FinnCharlie
Charlie Fisher tlslrr JIIOCocnran IOCbrn ilOCocbran 75 7 12 I l lPalmbearer It ItPalmbearer IJalmbrr ItIalmbeartr
Care Palmbearer 2 107Gannon 1JI 11 41 1 J Jiiorwantl JNsmeokl2 2Ntkl > hfl
Nsmeokl2 Jalmbrr Ntkl 110Hoar 10loar 121 11 fl h SI rI l s snneevllte2 I 5acevtlIe2
nneevllte2 nn 10 hum Hums lum izl 11 41 4ChiocinaJrOtte 4 4Choekayottei 4CIarot
ChiocinaJrOtte Choekayottei Inrnle 107Redtern 107 Redfern dlm 15S 12 45 45NunfllnlJ 4 r a aungltn2
NunfllnlJ CIarot IWMinder Iti7Mlnder01 JOl s1 1 B BTornanawk r aVoinaMwk
Tornanawk unclol2 2 1U7Michaelstoit atlchaeha ifi ni l 7 7Atwood 7Alwo 7Atwood
Atwood Com x 110Rlee JO ito tee htfrr SM 31 hoi IH IHTme K KTime sTime
Alwo Time Tme OS7 OS7Poor U 0Poor 7 7rOf
Poor start won driving dr1nr Charlie ChArle Fl Fhhr hf r b e eby 1 7 2by
rOf ta
by b Lonffllfht LDCtlcbtI loagfligbtiIa MlM Ieilnxton Ielnlou owned owrrd by Frank FrankJones Iran IranJon t tJonra I
Jones Jon i iThe
The Roekavray noku Stakes Slk for threojearolds tlrraole and andunTfrd andupnrd nd ndu
unTfrd u furlongs furlongsliOric r 110w 10 Oo added adte selling lnc allowances alowMCs seven sevenr eevenfurlongs rn rnfuronc
furonc furonc10r liOric r flnf any lof 1 11 ltt olrfi fotl IJr IfeUmri irtlln < 7 W WPollrite INn INnPolet FinPotiuntr
Pollrite 10r ant ated a acedtO fIIllrls loo Hums 51 51KmbarraAsmentS rI l 1 I IEmbarmenl3 in inEmbarrsument3 >
KmbarraAsmentS Embarmenl3 MUHUerMn 1lllkrrn 94 W hlinernon SOJ 0t 1 Pi Ji JiNevermore3 71 71Xevrmor 2tevernore3lint
Nevermore3 Xevrmor evernore3lint 3 lotllannon 11larnon flaflnOn 115 I II 010 0 S SiniellKtt 3JutAI 3i 3icrn
iniellKtt 107 I0loar Hoar J1 1 even 4 4Courtroald 4Curlmud 4Couriniald
Courtroald JutAI 3 04ltrdfern Cl 4Idlrn ttrdfeffl 71 71Xunrl lk2 42unera1 t tXUTieral >
XUTieral 47 ili tuOXcl > nehl < Nell 11 Ni l o olien 0ln alien
Xunrl lien Horard 4 1MK IM t Waltli rt > I 20I ol I 7 7MoroKnntaB111 7Irklnla 7Mtroltanta
MoroKnntaB111 Mtroltanta ln Iofad etl Martin larln ao1 I 101 101Selfiiket 101etttiIet A Aell
Selfiiket rl 4 IttlFuller 101 Iule I utICr 401 li1 li1llan 11 11lan ia i ihtan
ell llan lan away fndw1thdrMrn fndw1thdrMrnCood Ind end Wlhdnlyn WlhdnlynTII withdrawn withdrawnflnir1I
flnir1I t tn 2 2ood
Cood ood start < ron TII ca r caallv llv I Iotente I b I p I aged by byn b bFtTB hrflelncPow
flelncPow n rlne g Iow I Wow owned by 1 P Ir II MrCarrrn MrCarrrnrOCRTH MrCarrnov1Tg i
rOCRTH FtTB BACK BACKFor Ica IcaIor acxFor
For threeyearolda Ilre ra lc and ad upward upwar who wb have hae not notwoi
woi 0 tfO S1 VO In IBM 10 or IK 11 ii3 7U 70 added addf ten I n pounds poundsbelow pund poundbelow
below the Ile scale 111 with 1lh allowance aovuCo six al urlonpi turlongalion urlonpiHorn
blow Horn lion anil Agt t 117 in I lockn netting ln Fin FinAtaola3 Fn FnAbola3 Fine1
Ataola3 10 iniWII IOIWI irrson rn e1 It 71 71Pla3I t l lPtltaeiMS is ist
PtltaeiMS 103Fuller rulr I SI 1 7 7nukeulliendtl 2nukul t tDukruf
nukeulliendtl Pla3I nukul lend2 rnd 3 l 11luro inthiurns llurn 101 101 41 S SStllaniatiy410iJtlce 81 81Cp j jCap
Cap H 1 ICliIek II kA 401 ot otROlnd 4 47lontd
Cp ROlnd 7lontd 3 10 Ifs Cob Cochrafl rn r 2 rrn no nof t tMetstrnlngrr
Metstrnlngrr I 10i a a10I
f n nrons3 10I 41 7 7Glennevts3
rons3 10 iflSIledfrrn tlm 1 3t I C Crapi4
Tp rapi4 IIIafartla 11110 II fOt 20i t D DtUn1t Dtt
Stllaniatiy410iJtlce tt ilaniaby rh IO ion Jt itice lil 12 t 41 4110 10 10illuloiian 101isatoIary
illuloiian tUn1t 6 RIO le Connlcy lonley 301 > 1 131 11 it itTime 1 itTime
110101111 Time Tlne lil lilFair te tetalr 116Fair
Fair start won 11 eMily eUrAhol Ahola b f 3 by Aloha AloliaUn Alol Alohara
In Un ra Stewart owned by b lira Ir ira n Dradley Dradleynrrn Drdl Drdlnr flyadIr1plrTn
nrrn nr HALT HALTselllar rr rrelar ronrStub
selllar Stub elar for threeyrarsold Ihr rald and upward fson fsonadded f fa faaddrd
added allowance lnwa c one on mile loln and nd 70 yards yardstnrtt yartnntin ulwar rdo rdofn
fn tin tnrtt tinJ ua 1 Ace 11 If I in nkry IrIM lltttng S1ttli 11 Fin FinPut4 rtnPLt y yr
Put4 PLt MIWSoura fnuraIS ld5 71 ti titoni t tJxnldvof
Jxnldvof r toni i tdvoeatrS d tp3 3 1r leIlurni lt H nni 31 atIt I In 3 3II
II I Column Cle 4112Hinder 17Iloder 73 61 I l lConrtenny ICOlrPIY lt lt41
Conrtenny COlrPIY 4 10eVI IO Iwl wU 41 1 Ao C4 4 4 4Carroll 4Carroll
Carroll Crrl D I 4lt3flrenflIn ll IU > Brennan rnn 71 I 2 2llprae 2tIilpplee t tpblllpnlae
pblllpnlae tIilpplee l07OLougtlInlot 1070Lullln10l 41 1 e errledKrupp4 aFred 5flied
rrledKrupp4 Fred flied llprae lcrupp nPP 4 innUartln tOUr1n 41 I 31 1 7
Time Tm iu iuGood 11 14Cood I IGo
Good Go start won wondrlvlng odrlnc drlvtnr Past b t > 4 br b Bath Bathampton flathamptornIIygone I Iamplonunnnr
ampton amplonunnnr llycnne owned owf by b Cleorc Prce Forbes ForbesUrn For TortxItTU
IIU Urn aA aAUIC IASellIag ACK ACKselllar <
selllar UIC for lhrteyear tlrerrald Ihrteyeirotds ldi and upward upwad tooo toooadded S Iotaadded
added dded allowances alowae wren yn furlongs lurtonctllnrrranK furlongslieZ unonr unonrM
llnrrranK lieZ eflC6 M A Aft in 111f liftt ttitlnr nml flrlln Fin Finn FinNorthbrnokIiOCochraunttt I
NorthbrnokIiOCochraunttt or b k a IS 44 I I1ln II II21itn
n 1ln > lni Clpsy3 Clp310lulr 102luller IGIChr 8Oi 8111 jj 131 Z ZHrbr3 71 24rtw I Irt
Hrbr3 rt rtw lOLHannon IOIllnnon 77 77Mitlnv4 I a 3 3lllnv is isMutIny
Mitlnv4 MutIny lllnv a IWMartin It 104 jaflhn Iarln s 1 3 31 I I ISnnwdillt3 1IM1113 4newdfl
IM1113 Snnwdillt3 newdfl 3 H 1Innn 6Itrrnnani Hrennaii 61 J JAilrle 21 21dl 1 1tdI
Ailrle tdI dl llnrdlnu3 larln 3 M MMeC IeCatfrr13 Calr ITerty H PnVithllt 11 3 3iviielllys 31 I I0IUI3
iviielllys 0IUI3 Vithllt 3 in 10IIck IOSlIIcks HIck K Krhlroa4 nl I el 7 71111 7thtrou
rhlroa4 thtrou 4 IMVaUb to toVarcraft3 1111 401 111 I 5 5Ifll
Varcraft3 rrlf3Ilhf3 3Shea so in inYour 101 101Your C CYour
Your Grace raee raC Ii i107Oakley 15 eIIO eIIOfamdrn 51 < 10 108amaden4 tOftamaden4JIOormlereoi
8amaden4 ftamaden4JIOormlereoi USOormfeyv JzGrrIIH t M 201 1 u
famdrn TIme Tm 141 31 31iood 21 2Oood
iood start alar won driving r1nc Notthbrook Xorhbrol b e ri 3 3by 2by
by b Hoo si I Onri Cf CrogXervtni < Nervlne owned owf bv U l IHvyer IHvyerQVKDVCT 11n 1rr 1rrIQlnCT et etIqrIP1TT 3
I Ipltblrr
PIHtliiirt pltblrr Phil rU Clean Cle fp Nome Nnl lUg s net neton Rrton fletson
on the te Day DayTor Da Dao Dalor
Tor o the te fIrst nrt time tme this thl season lulon PltUburg PltUburgPhil Pltburr PltburrPhi PittiburgPh11
Phil Phi made mMdehlmwl hlm himself elf felt C In the letting bettn ringat ring ringat rlnrat
at Aqueduct Qlenct yesterday Yftera He le placed plaC a large largecomrnivdou lal largecomnilsalou
comrnivdou commlvlol on 01 his colt cot Grand Ord Opera OPr In the thefirst thennt tiletlrsi
first rare rat and cashed cAbrd Then Ttn he 1 went nt to toCharlie t toCharlIe
Charlie Fisher In Uie second race with
Chnll nhtr Aond rlce wit success tuccessHe IUlII successlie
He 11 had hld a good ao bet t across acrO acro tbe board bad on Pit Plttacns PIt Pittacim
tCU8 tacns who ho ran ra second Aond In the fourth race rae and andmoanedthe Rndmaled andnnsltd
moanedthe maled nnsltd the ring rlDA on Past Ialt In the fifth Be Before B Before ¬
fore tort thn th races rc PHUburg 1Ibur Phil Phi atood 1o on the theboard te teoRrd thebontrd
board lawn cUssm In band waiting to
oRrd 1111 I bad walln t see seeGrand so soUrand
Grand Opera OJra warm up A Nassau SIII street streetdrink artt arttdrnk streett
t t drink drnk mixer mllr caught an M sight lrht of him nnd edged edgedup fdad fdadIJ edgedtill
up IJ to hi his elbow Ih Just Ult then O L J Hlcbards Hlcbardscame Icbardl Itichardscame 1 1cam
came alone II0nnd and exchanged excbanld views with It the thewellknown t th thwrlIknoiin I
wellknown lflkn011 plunger plllier Tho To drink drnk mixer mixr got gota Iot IotcO
a clone cO us a tio 10 could coud to catch ca b the tbe drift of the theconversation theconversatIon I Icnr
conversation cnr on When hm Phil started trtd for the thering tl I
1 ring rnl the th drink mixer followed rnIOfd Phil llU went wentdown wentdOll wentdown
down tho linn lD whlsinrlng whlIrlnl In II the thl ear ear of the thebookmakers thl thehookmskers
bookmakers ookmall until unt the human hlman leech Iech thought thoughthe tolaht tolahthe
he heard htlr him 110 say l something 10mUllna about abut Wealth WealthKoleaving Wfth WfthKn Veaittinlavin
Koleaving Kn nlavin lenll Phil Ihl to go IO on with wih hi operation operationthe oPrlo
the thf Nt Nsnni Hii l street tN vcnd vender nd < r of liquids luldA pulled pulledout PII pullednut
out nut ut a bunch of Mils biA und Ind bet IM 10 on Wealth WealthAft Wmlh WmlhAflr WenlthAftr
Aft Aflr r th the race raCt ho hl wiw W Phil lhU figuring naurlnl up UI hl hlwinnings h hiwInnings
winnings Innllrsln In his hl btlltiif ttlul tmnkro book po he h concluded concludedto co ludd luddUcjto
to ticfc Ucjto It 1 to him all the afternoon ar afternoonr rnOo with IU Ihi
reauIUMthebcksdPittocuI reult that he h backed bce Plttacu PIWU andPast ad sndP Put tin tinwonraulte u uwonquite 4 4wonqut
reu wonquite a bundle bUde on o the ted day At newi bewlIalnl bowl bowlleaving newileaving
leaving lIalnl wonqut the track t l the te dlspen dlper dispenser er of cocktal cocktalsaid coki ockIaUsaid
said to a friend friendI fe d dI
ed I am am going to t follow tolow PltUburg PlttbaaD PlttbaaDmOrOw again fc fcmorrow to tomorrow
morrow mOrOw ondycu Md yu u can C bet bt I worftmakea wo wolt t mae make a mltake ml mltk mittake
take tk inch aa I I did dd In InteJtra inthe the tInt raoe raoeCharloy raoeCharloy
Charloy Cbae Dwyer Dwer son fOD of Mike Jlke Dwyer Dwe COD ooitldved CODId considftred
tldved Id ed Hottand Jotnd such a a rood Ioo thing tin I In U Ufourth te tefourth th thfourth
fourth race that tlat he sent Int enough Inoub money mone in inthe Int mt mtthe
the ring rlDI to eat up bis entire rntro bank bnk roll rol Whln WhlnJOtnd Wits WitsItostand Whi WhiKosUnd
KosUnd lost 10t young lawyers wrlrl friends friendsI ial ialthat uld
JOtnd oul
I that he was practically broke but wlthoi wlthoiturning withotturning lltbout lltbouttumlna
turning a hair he bet t a 1 10 200 marker mRrk r on worth Nortlbrook Sorll worthbrook
brook In the tll Itst rnce rncl nnd cashed 1I d ccttlr aetne aetnes
3 to t for hi money But Dlt hi his run ru of III Iluk luc lucstill luestill
still tl clung to him lln for Northbrook enters entertto entersto
to be b clns sold old for 5I too was TU run rln up UI to L 11000 1000 0 by byman byman a ama
man named Htubetibord who 10 haiU hal hia1l froi froiConey Cronl CronlCOMY frorConP
ma 8tubrbrd
Coney ConP Inland Jl nd Dwyer 1 > lr retaining rellllnaho Abe co cowith col col colwith
with an In extra IS 5 bid There 11frl wiw WR another Inither bl blup hid hidUII hiUI
up UI In the Ilockawny JokawB Stake ltklB when 1n Vot Iot Iotpntprd Pottn Pottnentered t tentered
entered to be blold sold fur 5lKi to lx wns win nl Iwcnted hOOt d I Ilvw to toby t ti4n
lvw J by y IK 1 ii T r Grinint urlni Uriflin Frnnj Frank rlnk nrowp Irol lirown blddln blddlnMnCarrcn blddlnnn
MnCarrcn nn Mraren atrnt trl 4 barn barnlust barnIud barnJut to IloP konp Li11 hl 8tllla geJIIIIIg In Butor ButorMraren sonsto sonstobfrCarren
lust alter aUtr tho first race rlCI a goodlookln goodlooklnyoung loIooklnl goodlookiniyoung
young man with lh u stylishly t18hl dressed your younwoman yourwolnlnn lmC lmCfOUan
woman fOUan OUlt entered tnlred one onl or tine tl private boxes bxl I Ithe In Inthe ii iithe
the grand stand A woman Wlmal not far awntold awn awntold 4wntold
told Irand a friend Itld that the th man Unl wan a the th Fwirl FwirlYnrtnoutli Ir Irnrauth it itYarmouth <
Ynrtnoutli nrauth und thatthe that the young IIIa womun wOIan wOIanIM wn wnllkewilaflrewith WitIia
Iia Thaw or pittsfurg Tine story sprear prlld
1hl tor
IM IlttrJr6
llkewilaflrewith hInt wildfIre with thourniultthatthere the rult that th there r wa wageneral WA waa waanerai A AInfr4
lke general Infr4 nerai wildfre craning crnnlnl of necks n kl and Ind staruiBon staring tarls on a apooed 41 at atsides
Ildf sides coupled with no ed or gOSsIP Fin Finch Finchthe 01
4Id 10l11
thl the story COl 11 became I 10 so w4dcl rlrllatd circulated witi witiunibeliistninsnts Ylth YlthlmbIUhtent
atof laml
unibeliistninsnts lmbIUhtent that It It WAi was Idel IAM uiilti that the tbl siip siiphosed
hosed tld Enrl tnrl Eon wm WU making malll n series erlt of plunglnneU plungln phmlnJ plunvinbets
bets b In I the ring rlll in order to t secure Acurr COOt enoiialleged Inol8h Inol8hfHCt COOtfact
fHCt fact for a story try a reprtpt reportet 4pproch the thealKI titi titiahieJfed
alleged alKI Earl tnrllnd and > ild lld d to t bm bmI blmolr himsotlr
sotlr olr lrne Irnoe thll this II is I a chlrll charming atenon atenonJ afternoon afternoonI
fortune rOrIUII forlsjinph I understand unlaand you OU arc or winning a am amfortune Imal sinai sinaiforlsjinp
1 beg bA your1 your pardon Hold lld the thl supposes eupposEnnlUh supposesEnglish IU aNI aNIEIIII
EIIII English a mlaUke mlaUkeAre inhstaksArevou noul noMmln nobleman mnn Pron I think you have hnvI mada mae maea mad madta
altakl Are Arevou rol you not the th Earl Erl of Yannouth aske askethe aaktr askettine
the srrllK srrllKNo iterflwNo n nSo
No I nm not waa the reply I am 1m n nEnullnh nn nnEnllh atEnciish
on not wn r1lr
Enullnh Enllh actor acor nnd nm my m name Ilalell Is lirandonlturs lirandonlturstimes flrandonlfurstI randonJut randonJutII
II I hle have been fn tnkln taken nn for tbparl the arl a number of ofI 01 01tinre
times I I but blt J do hptiknow not notknow kuo hlm hmami hlmA
A 15w if mOlent Innoifleflt later th Enalbh Engiib Ictr Ictrold ctoi ctoiand
and old his hIl companion rmpnln hurried huried from the thl track trackrl trackman trackninny
man ninny pefsoins still 1 IrlUDtthat ineisting that h lie was lbs tbo1lrl lbsIqrl
1lrl Iqrl rl or Prlll Yarmouth 1 armolih arrnoutI Just JUIt the same sameWhile 111 autoshiie
While Whlf hiie the betting Itlne on the Kockaway Stake Stakewaa StRkt1 8taktWa
waa wn going 10inK on Timothy D Hulllvan I un Ketim Ketimkct rletaIkct tHI tHIku
kct agnlnot 86llnl whom whol 40 41 0 to t I was 11 quoted In th thring tbrilt iiiring
ring rilt ran nway IWO three thrl Miles ml und wan with withdrawn withdrawn
drawn drwn by the stewards slNlardl Tho Thol Those who bet o oS on onIuukt ortauket
S tauket wauted thlr money baric bu bustarter but butoccrlnJ butaccording
occrlnJ according wOltd 10 tins hl r1 rules I In n pal posted barki a as 1 ii iistarter
starter iuid stun tine thl bookmnker bkmnkr were > not IOt In Incllned IDdined inchinned
dined to surrender the tin wager wagerIIarr wall Wagerharry
IIarr Unrf harry > Cochran tlrller who by theway Is IJ gettlniheavier gettlni IttDI gettinaheavier
heavier htRler every Itry day rode two winners flnnerl bu buIn hilt hutin
In hU hl antlftly olxly to get ge i away ow r from rrOu the th post plt wit witCusaUly with withl4ostnd Ith IthJogtnd I
l4ostnd Jogtnd In th the fourth eVDt event he h brke broke through throucbthl throughthe
thl the brrpr barrier nD1 and Wi was 11 mispendsd Inded by Starte Starter StarterCUsId
CusaUly ll8ol for three thrt dnys dnysWlllin dArl daaWillie
Wlllin Wil IhR SInew h w trod lil his fit mount In I the Ea Easince Et East EastSineS I Ialle
since alle coining cmlllCrom coinlngfrom from California Calrornii when hn ho hI rod rodtlrnnd roe rodehand
hand urnd Opera 01rR In Ui tine first ut race ral 8hawls haw II tli tlimore In InIll influe I
flue cnditin condition Rld end hiieves that ht wi flj flj01i15 hI
Ill t1ve
more HUcoeiwCul lutlrll thauewr than vtr tr before beforeThe bfor beforeho
nr tlAI
The he colors color of W I D Leeds LfdR the Hock Hok Island Islandninihiionnnir Iitanmillionaire blad bladmUlonllre
millionaire wore been sen fur the flnt Ilt time tml o othn on ontho onthe
the mUlonllre turf when Nevermore Sermur evermurs carried clrrltd them tom L Ltlie I in intine
tine llocknwny Stakes Stakl Mr fr < Leeds Ldl was wal no nopresent not notlrllt notIireent
present tll lokawn to seu ee Ms l inipllichtcr lmpllhter colt cot beat batn batnIotent beaten beatenhn i iby
lrllt hn by > Potente Iotent and Knibornisiment KnibornisimentCornelius tlbrIAlmlnt tlbrIAlmlntCOfllul EnnntarrnnssinentCornelius
Cornelius COfllul Fellowon tIUIO wwrftiin rtlf of the tbl Cone ConeIsland Coney ConyIAlnnd ConeyIsland
Island Jockey Joke Club mudo his first ft vIsit laIL t tthf t to tolbs
lbs trunk trnk yenterdiy yenterdiythe Tltlrd Tltlrdnil
This nil RoklvI flockriway Jtak Stakes wo was lt first run In 18l l80 l80thit
the winner yllner being 1111 David lvlldlon Gideons i Leixlsville LeixlsvilleSlnctf teudjhletincsn e1Up e1UpIlncl
Slnctf Ilncl then tbtn the thl stake IUk has 1111 been bfn won wln by laze OazeIlidfern OIt lazellaaiino
llaaiino 81110 l0IIntZ JOIZ Mntdnlncso lddurf aDd A AprU trU fbower fbower1drm hitower hitowerItidfcrn
Ilidfern 1drm has ha Ita not ridden a winner sine sinecoming elnC sincecoming
coming to Aqueduct lledlet Mr Ir Whitney sla slaJockey 11 sttr sttrjockey
Jockey I Ig net cutting iUnr tho thl beet t mounts mount then thendays th thdA tiwsednye
days JokeT dA but blt he will wi be 0 heard Illrll from rum later Ilter Jiis Jiisat Jllot JllotIt Ji1st Ji1stat
It at present young ONell 011 IB II attracting atrultne th thmost ti the themont
most Jlnt attention OUIA by I his hil work ork In tlie tlt saddle saddleit lddle lddleI
atlnton thut tutu W K KVanderbllt Is IsVanderbilt
it wu U reported rllnd yesterday tAtlrdl thlt 1
Vanderbilt andrrllt had u 1 string tri of horses hff at Morris MorrliPark MorrisPark forll
Jnrl Park but hit It turns tuml alit 01t that tint they ther art tine tll satm satmIJIlni allnn allnnll rsrnolilies
lilies that T 1 C McDowell clonl had laM year Iar ennr ant antwith and nndthnt andthat
ll that the they hae have been wiltlrln wintering at Iro Itronkda1 Itronkda1with < kdn
wih with tine tl probability rJrobobll that they te will i be b soon soonretired soo sooretired loon loonUrll
retired tn the stud tld after a I few fl races racosWnco mct racesinc
Urll Barrett the trainer was barred bnrreiFrom barredfront
Wnco ilncI inc Billy Di Daret triner WI bAred bAredrrol
From rrol tine IIe paddock liy h the Jockey Iokl Club H HU nI ItI
I U Ilrldgetle Irfdlett pddok is training trllnlDI hi his own homes homesAqnednet horselAllluot horseAqueduct
Aqueduct Allluot Kntrles ntrf1 for T4 Today TaynUl Todayhirat > lay lay1rtt
1rtt nice nAor RaceFor For threeyearolds Ihreryrrld and ad upward upwardrlllnic upwrdoplnl upwardspIIlniic
rlllnic n nr e and ad a half furlongs furlongshomestead luriontsla uroura urouraIa
oplnl sla Ia Ill II Francois lran 101 101lomeitead
homestead 110 DndurdU Ondurdtsits Ondurdtsitsehther to tovrmeaih I Ian
vrmeaih j iw NcltbrrOne ehther g One D w wMllnrtl 90 90Mhladi
Mllnrtl love IOJ Maru an V VOcean l1 l1a 90 90Ocean
Ocean Dream IM I HAU After fe fter fterTrue IN INTrue
Tr True a Blue Irem IM 1 White WhleOI Owl Owltvtihiamnted fr frLaMVllle 1
LaMVllle lue 104 WtlllamMcd IImed IT ITndr I 92 92CredulIty
ndr nlrntu ttu < 102 Credulity CredulityKlrkthaw Crrdul I at atKlekahaw102
1U3 1U3Second
Klrkthaw Klekahaw102 Klekahaw102Second 1r I Irnd
Second rnd HaccIor nlcIor twoyearold Ivorarld four and au1a a bal baleterPaul IU IUw ballfurlongs
furlongs furlongsIter I
w Peter eterPaul Paul r UI 113 13 StlverPrtam 51r Sliver Ora Dream DreamKnohhamptonlit M Mnnbbamptun MKnobbampton 1
Knohhamptonlit nnbbamptun lul 1 < H 1 Fcblnaie I hloe W Wrtra WOrlra 1 90 90My
Orlra onbbamltun rtra 101 My 1 Mate Mal i iliunran w wliunean tanlunncan
Orla liunran m Any 1 Day la lalnur la W Wsrymour wsrjmour lit litersntour
srymour w Wizard Iurd IX IXsprtni txsprtni t 90prthg
sprtni < prnc prthg lnur IM Valour n nPeter Wllrnnl 90
llrnnl mns W WThird t 99Third
Third Thir RareFor naetuc three Ilreefraole Ihreeyeuolds year olds and an upward upwardnelllni Ipa upwardachIng
nelllni seven furlongs furlonjsAlaila lurlunraAlAla furlongsAtacta
IrUnc Alaila H 11 114 < Ilenraora lnlora hlenmorKingratne irc ircKlniMlnc 11
AlAla KlniMlnc e 11 113 Maraud star anid darter Garterlot Garterlotitrtilc 10 10HrUk
m rrdl l lAlhambr
HrUk tlO Oeorclaltne leOrgil 1 1Driniths
Driniths I HO Albambra AlhambrIelleu tlbambraIrItl tt ttMlurlaii
Mlurlaii 110 Petit Ielleu Illeu KMark K 1 92ar
Mark ar Cheek IW IU 1oravale lomsvalrOclawaha W WDclawaha l
Dclawaha ion 10 11 Ixjulir Khton tslon 11tonimePt W WIrnect l
Irnect t Parham 1 lull < I Me Iu lrUo lrUoAnne w w wAnnie I
Ire Annie ArnrOrne Grace IM 10 Lord trTrr Turro u uLruarhau II IIrhau tnt tntliobbiart
Lruarhau rhau 101 llobblnet IlhbllI N NFourth I nit nitFourth
Fourth Fourb Race nrrTr hareThe The Arverne nre Slakes SItrs fur three threegrearolds thrterarl threeycarokts
grearolds s seven Bnn furlongs furlongsAhnrnada rronC8 rronC8Abumda
Ahnrnada < IW 10010nlal 4 > ontat IOC IOCW 10
W v IICondon ft Cndon Condonill 114 14 Chicle CbIdfIr loc locnr 100Pro
nr I savior iw 10 lilitlaAlheiroy Jilyrla 101 101Atbelroy
Atbelroy belry IU IU lt54 Iluraxto lurno o oPacrnnt 07 07Ia 97Pageant
Pageant Ia nnl 100 100HIth 10 100111th
HIth 1lh Race neIor For twoyearolds 1vOrcr two sarotda Id selling foul foulanil louranll fourand
and a halt furlongs furlongsMlisNancy furlongsMISS
halluronCI halluronCIlu
anll MISS MlisNancy nc in Meflonlgl tt ttCaly 02 02lorlzel
Caly lu 101 Klorul KlorulAlbertola Jlorsd 13 13Alb to toitlhrrioIa
Albertola Alb lInt Ustawajr Ualw Ul UlHoney UI UIlon UIhoneY
lon Honey bOY bOYSiath HoySlstb 0 0SIUb
Slstb Hace Haeladlrap HaceItandleap Hanrileap for threeyearolds anc ancupward and andupward nd ndupwr
upward seven 6 n furlongs turlonisKthles turlonCIIblra furlongssbtra
upwr Kthles IfO 1 I Silurian iuran 10 10lx 11
lord lx > rd fledge 1101 IG RIO I I Flying lluttrcit lulrcu ltultrcna10 ltultrcna10Mackey IO OS OSMaekey
Maekey lr Makey Dwyer IlayerIll Ill llllodrlor Iloderator100 Iloderator100Ilenioraf Moderator lot lotHeninne
Heninne itO 10 I I Futunia tulurla 101 101UeMlerslntrr
lenlBI UeMlerslntrr ellerlnrr 1071 1071At 10 is I i iAt
At Lakeside LakesideCiitCAi Lrtd LrtdCICAo LakcitdeCnt1CAhn
CiitCAi i April Ari 17 t111clber itflrtbeiherc Ulillc there wa wa no class loth lothrard 10 the Ihrtard thecard
card tard CICAo presented plnltd at Lakeside Lkfde this afternoon alenon lbs nice nicewere f racevere
were ye all Inlrrutlnt and nd sell JI contested conlrl d The featur featurrvrnt tralursryrnt
rvrnt alinlertnc ot I the proeramme was the fourth fO In I which wbleml whichscorpio
scorpio I was an uddon i laconic o Third wan ah the thetwat
twat ml he could do Tb The race went I to Albult thin thinholce thirdchoice hl
choice 1 1 In the tiettliir t tl at tm 11 to i IItl He Itl raced Sla Uppe Uppein lapped lappedJo J <
00 in Scorpio rplo for ova Ie furlong furonrl and at the linal llol elf c1rglb c1rglbI lghtb lghtboolc nil nilole
oolc > ole took command utMlnr under the wlie r rth two twienilhMothe twolenzthsIottie
enilhMothe I I rood end nXt tmextended fe L Dr Stiphens Stiphenshe h
th the he extreme cIme oulflder oUIder rot the place 11a hy t h two lengths Itncthrum lnClbfrm lengthsfrom
frm from rum Scorpio rlo The 1 wrsther alhrr was 91 u Ideal IhdAy Ib snc sncbe And andthe
111 the be track tak much mlb Improved Improvedlint Im Improvedilrat rord rordnnt
lint llaee naeSI ItareSla Six and n half hal lurlonirsSan lurlola S Sac Sacgannn r rws rCI
gannn ws 04 1 4 IJ J looker oolen 7 to 0 I won nn Chicago Chl Wrl ilrl ilrlIrlmni rl
117 CI 7 Irlmni 4 lo I second oPnd Dr tr 3ood Moody 110d innInto inn lI c 1101 1101I llool lloolno
no IUrmI I lttttrd third rimS IS1J4 Spnne JpflagsteaJ iead r Foiflyer Foiflyersecond hozOrerMUte
r MUte I J Shells m T Cowm040re n abr Desry Wnf and oln L oJ I aiso aisoflareSix r rr rnd
second nd Itwe re flareSix Six < x and nd a half hf furlonrt furoncII furlongIlleitory furlongIlleitoryCorners Hickory Hickoryfernrn kory koryc
Corners IWjH 102 III PhIllIps prJI S to I won LA jlondi jlondiXtorpen honda hondaIn I Or OrIUorn
In IJ hooker c 4 to 5 nneeond Vhangdoodle lie liettortefl
Xtorpen S to I third Iblr Time nm I3i I t2 Ur lr Clan ClanThlrrt CII CIIOoldar Clamsfloldaga
Ooldar IUorn Gerlr nenle tVeinbobtl rlnbolt and Phl Phil Knight a also alsoPqj1
Pqj1 Thlrrt nce tFar RaceFour Fonr fiirlonrs flroncsMII ftidongsMla MlM Cornet no noIP 10 10II 110ip
IP Campbell 2anItwitI I to I won won lady lA Free Knlrht Knlct no noII 10 10IJ Itodi
di II II CnlpbII 1DllllpAl I to 4 second and Miss Callatn CAam 110 10 Dora momr l1omnick Doranick
IJ nick 1lllpl even third Time 0S1 Ijidr Fonso Fonsoule lonoCas1e
Cas1e ule Schuier r r W belle r Juan J eill Hlndlloe nel and d lucretla IJror iucretlaturtonrsAlbinia
4 also ran ranFourth
1 Fourth Race Six furlonrs trOCAlb turtonrsAlbinia Albula too tO IC ICJdli C Clli CKeiIm
KeiIm lli 11 to irr1 6 won wn Dr D Stephen Strhent loe 10 CC < C Irrtm IrrtmMot Imnlp IrrinlRio
Jdli Rio Mot 1 secondScorpioll I tg ill nthrn Ifatheannu M thewstt4to tu 4 to 1 third thirdllfth thIrdrIme blr
rIme p I 115 Owernton of and lf Antonlus aso ran ranIlfth
llfth flareOne rnUe mUeUngo LJnro 100 0 Uatbews Uatbewsto
2 I to tIJ I IhW won Chen Huey loa ftJ i U Jllaken Ilalnefl k lut Is to I Sec SecndSAferuardM As AsDnd
ond ndSAferuardM star Safreuard 04 c Itt H lhllllp lhtlpI 3toS 31n 3m third thir Time 1mc
1 144 44 FulthArk and Will Sherry also I ran ranSUIb ranSmtb
SUIb ilrUll Hace ItaeOne One nn mile mIleAlfred I Alfred l C in lfl 2Z m mInlkl2 Di floats floatsnick > m mnlrkli <
Inlkl2 nick nlrkli 2 to I won n Radioed Rdlor 112 Uon Wore2 Uorperit7 > eri2 to I Ili Iseeon J JIna
seeon Moront Iorn lOT 11 lPltilI1nn e 10 1 thir third Tme TmetIS TIme TImellS
Ina tIS li 4 Filiform Old Mike MII Illuminate Jlmlp Marion Marlonyneh Marionrneh
ron ronJneh
Jneh In yneh rita Prairie Prlrp Dog oC Dr Gunwy Our Ournnne end ne Dandnla Ilnoo Al alIn cut cutrita o oAt
At A Memphis MemphisMKurnis Mlnph MemphisMattpnts
MKurnis J Rr April prIIIAY 17 17Tnday Today tbe Ile be field nele was v wa thrown thrownpen throwntoeD
pen to all 1 who wished hf to wllness lnl the thl raolnr from fromlie frn frnthe fromline
the lie greensward crrnrd and nd more thin 10000 10 persons personsrrre personaerrs
wr rrre at 1 tbe park pak Tbe Mbeduled btult feature frtu ol the tbefternoon Ibeatmon theifternoorn
fternoon the John Joln A Denim Ilnl Sons Sn Handicap Handicaproved H04C Hsntncatnproved
atmon proved roved a walkover Iovr for Sam SmlldrthA Hlldrethn Thane He Heot I Itorot u ua un ue
rot ot away a five fly e lengths to the rood and d st one time timead tme tmeFlnt timetad
tad ad widened n his rr rra advantage a f lo seven lengths lenrthaFirst 1 lengthsPleat
First Rao Rne flareOne One mlleOronte mlfrnt M I Treanon Treanonto nIO
11 I to 0 I won on Flaneur Flarar IM 10 trnryl Henry 64lo Hi to I I tlwnd tlwndClt second secondipt sesondcapt
capt ipt Hurt nradley nralf Ci I SpllUnt Ulnel I 8to to t thirdr third tblrdmr thirdflat
Clt flat mr 14 143 Ilmud IkImUda Matue alle Vul and ld BolIng nollnc
Finer r also Is ran ranSecond r ranSecond
Jr Second 1Hnd Race RrFour fleerPour Four and nl a ha bl t furlongs furonltncore furonltncore101Iulmnl funlonngatilngore Ulnrore
101Iulmnl 07 Dullman Vi i to t I won wn Pbelan bell M t Vlclntrre VlclntrreIme Wcntrl Mclnlvreirtoisecoadlugfloose
70 rtoisecoadlugfloose Ir Oe 101 mu1 I Ie l5tti t I th th1rre third thirdflme
Ime ft 7M tnl JfMle Jreale Wefler Iretty Peggy PPU U lclr lclrTblrd ly
len SAllo and Vlona also rrJr ran ranThird rainThird
1rre Third IV RaceOne e One mile mlPr mliePrleiri Ptrlrlrj lrN M ffi Reed l lo Ii <
10 o I won wn nn Major MaorTennyDl aJorTpDY Teeny M I A AlfaD Hall a to C taeeond taeeondlarah t teernndtsrah nd ndIra
Ira larah Maxim ulm s CC Hdgeraon Ihlc rnl 18 1 lo t J third Ibr Timet424 Time Tm TmIUi
IUi 42 < Autumn Leave Ln Taacred Tuc Scotch Ilt 1lald 1laldIbnet JludOI1 Jlaidttnel
OI1 Ibnet t and Arachue A rabu aLto a ran ranFounb ri ranFourth
Fourth our Race re flareJohn John bn A Dealt Soas Ru onJm Handicap Handicapiae
01 nile mile mie sad inreeslxteentlu tlrtenlu1han thrersztentismThanc Thancj lie 10 Coburm iCoburmr Coburmulh
7 r to I won 1 llbern un IA Jal hlalhi i II to 1 Cerand Cerand1ltratr lnd lndhltr
1ltratr 100 HenrY 31 to I third Time 202 202400th
OJ Tm 20 20ntb
400th > ulh hltr nrerte IdoU and Huzuh also ran ranntth ranflftb
ntth ntb Rate nx flareiti Six furlongs rrooltJr furtongsSeinper Semper Viniin 1nm rum 106 106Wonderly I weWondenly
Wonderly lo 1 I nTtn Ooldrn Kule nulI 110 Henry Henrybird
Wonderyt1 Ut
I I to a Moad second U You ou nt flare In I Ill ICoom eCoblllfld eCoblllfldhtrd a nl 10 I IIhlr
Ihlr bird an Time Tm lilt tlL Avoid Avd and ad Dummer numme II I aUo aUoan aia aiaaa
ra anSlxlb Sixth SIII Race Rlx flareSIx Rti rarlonp troDruburbU futlongstuburban Suburban Queen Qurn 00
rrcanon rfon It to t 1 won wn Afghan Afrbn IOO 10 Coburni tCoburinbto Coburnito Cbuml
to I aecood IGd ee0dAnI0m Arsloma Anlm 101 ISlr Scully < to If I third thirdIme Illrd Illrdmr thirdnate
Ime mr Ht In6 l < Heroine leoe BudweUer Budrr Uttle Uile Dueheu
1 1 I The Ikuton Den Frost FtI Choice Clre Know K1r Durlra Tatlus Tatlusnyon TIIU Tatlusbold
00 bold I Cockade Cke 11B 1tsa hum Jostir JOrtr YI Esi L I and andanyon j
Cnon nyon slw aa lo ran rn
rnT Turf T Note NotrI NotfJlt8Ja Noteunavruz
I Jlt8Ja tniTtuB Ky Acnl Aplt 17 IHlram 17Hiram Hiram Scorgln Iruln has hasurebated hasUrchased
II urebated I e from frm Pred Irt rosier 01P tht ll lb stallion llon fir r Rice RiceInner Ricerioter
tlae Inner of the Ile Brooklyn Brkhn Handicap Janp teversl krsn tnr tnrro rars rarsgo
ro The pui p pad paId I Dot elt4 dItmnIgt4 dItmnIgt4ft eHra
Die Tbronc ns at th the te Polo tlrowidlMhUI tlrowidlMhUIhitting Grounds ruMr 8h 8hIllttlnc
hitting Ittn and ad Poor Pr Reldtojj Fel FIgidlnBOItoftI FIgidlnBOItoftIPittibtirli Bo Btol BtolPt toi toiPlttaburc
Plttaburc Pt bl and ad Ctileaioa OIao Wo 10 Fro FroopponenUBMnlU Fm Fmopnetarult Peon PeonOppouientaesnlta
opponenUBMnlU opnetarult of Oilier otltr CanteThe Garnet GarnetThe 0 0Te
The Te full Cul complement omplament of four game ramlW4 ramlW4Jlnyl wi wiplayed Waplnyed
played Jlnyl yesterday ft ray In the thf National League Leaguetho Llle Llletho LeaguetIne
tho second 8cnd day of the tbe pennant pnnalt season JQD A Aof Al Al Alof
of the home team teml were wer beaten atD The TheYork Ne Nefork N Nrorkllucu
fork succumbed suc urnbed bd to the Brooklyn DrooklYD In the theflr tbelr tbelrtnt thelirat
tnt lirat flr rorkllucu t game th th the Boston DOltoM won a 1 one onelde oneeldec oneeldecoouttoat lde ldeoootott
oootott from Philadelphia this also 110 an open opeiIng opn opnInl opening
oDtat Phladel bth
Ing Inl game almetbe the PltUburg PJtburrl beat ba the tht Cincli CinclinntU Clndnnot Clocinnattnn
nntU not I for the second time tme and the Chicago Chicagotttrned Chlcagtturned Clcaaoa Clcaaoaturne
turned the table tablel aon OP St fx JAII fAith > uls Big nttem nttemunce ntend ntendnnc attndnine
unce nnc nine nnd much enthusiasm fntbullum prevailed prenled a aalong ci cialong l
along alonl the line lne and the theln season has made n nauspicious aD aDaU8plcoll atauspicious
auspicious aU8plcoll beginning beginningnrooklyo balllne balllnenr beg1ningIhfOokin
nrooklyo nr kln I 9 New N w York ork 7 7Iloslon 710sln 7hioston
Iloslon 10sln I Philadelphia Pllaelpl I IPltUburg Ilitbura IPlttsburg
PltUburg litbura t aadnoaU ODdoIU 2 3Chicago 2Ceao 2chicago
Chicago Ceao 7 SI IouU IouUITAKOIMO JWIDIQ I Imannnto
Pn P P Pir Pr PrIV P1v
ir z crw cn C vrt if I en enPlttsburg C CPlsburc CentPtttburg
Plttsburg l 1 0 1000 i Chicago ChicagoI t I IUrlyl1 A ABrooklyn 10 10itmotniya
Plsburc Brooklyn I 0 loco 10 10 New Ccafo Ne fork tor1n orkO o I 0 0Boston 0 00 00ltononI
Boston Urlyl1 ltononI I 0 1000 10 1 Philadelphia0 PIIdrphlO I 00 00tt a aSU 0
tt SU Louis Lul LouIst I 1 MO dndnnail CDnllO 0 7 u uBROOKLYN O OBRotLT1 00 00aaooiTzc
BROOKLYN BRotLT1 K t a NBW TOHIC 7 7The 7The 7The
The president of the National Leagu LeaguWaa LeagiltWag
NatonD Llcne Llcnewa
Wag present rdeDt In person te nt the opening of th thLeague hits hitsLeague he heLlue
wa ojDID
League JNt baaeball Pnon raoe at l tbe be Polo I olo Dround Droundyeeterday Iround IroundYetrda siroundiyoWrday
bba rao
yeeterday Yetrda Llue afternoon ar moon and the spirit IpJlt of Put PutHam 111 111Jam Itlihan
Ham han was over ovr the battle btte on the Held I d O Omore OC OCmorl 01more
Jam te
more morl Importance than tha the opening opnln rime gamItaelf rimelt gauntitself
itself lt l was Imprnce 11 tbe lint lnt teat tt of the te Instruction InstructionIssued Inatructonl Instrucilofinissued
Issued by b the new president prPldent to t umpire am amplayers and andDRye andpiityert
lul players demanding pmlndlnr correct corect behavior umPr on th thfield te telpid tin tinfield
field lpid DRye and Ind in this tbl respect rpt the thl game wa WI wupretty wuprettynearly jrety jretynearly brett brettnearly
nearly a model one It was WQ a hardfougb hardfougbtussle hardrouabtUlo hardrougbttunisia
tussle Ulo and ad by no mean I flawless nawle from rror thj thjthougn the thekndplnt tineatntndpotnl
atntndpotnl kndplnt of ofakihl hut IL was 1 cleanly enl played playedthougn pJd pJdtbouln
thougn tbouln from a beginning bwlnnlug to t end wit witmanlike wlt with lpra nsporta nsportamanilke
manlike contention When at len lenretirement ICRUI lcngUt thu thurrUrlmlDt ttitretirement
retirement rrUrlmlDt mruike cODtDton of the last IAt batter btr aside alde Ui Uikhrnud te tehroud the theeshroud
khrnud of battle oast the New ew York YorkJ wer werbeaten werheatl werebeniton
batl 01
beaten Brooklyn BrooklynTo heatl The Te score cre wag wa 9 t to 7 in I favor of th thBrooklyn the theDroklr thelirooiilyns
Droklr To 0 those tlo of the ih estimated crowd cowd of lr 2COCpretent 2COC 26OOtpresent 80
present who go to etmte ball games to see then thenwon tbemon themwon
won on and Ind lot to with the bRl proper arel spirit the fact facthat factthat factthat
that it waa WA Wa all al business propr yesterday rtra and no nt nttempt It Ittempta atttittnpts
tempt were nude mdllo to shoulder blame for or short shortcomings shortconning bor
comings conning on 01 the umpire the manner maner In which wblclthe whlcbthe whichtho
the game WAS WI played was W gratifying es esreformation fS fScll1 Cspeclabiy >
peclabiy cll1 so ate after conditon condition that 8Wynt bl1 hate hlhfrto httherto htthertoprevailed
prevailed rvale The hp main hop hope was that thl tile tilersnforintinn
reformation will be it lasting lastingThe laMingThe
Ialn IalnTh
rerormaton The Th gathering Iatherna wi hosts began b < a pouring puna through throughthe throughthe
the gates as R soon fon as a they tipy were wer opened and andIt nndW8 andit
cak1 opnl
It was evident early In the tbl afternoon rnoon that thattbe thattbe thatthe
tbe W8 attendance would be close CO a o the record recordand recordIn
t tp
atendanc b rper
In size At 20 oclock the elevtd lovatd road roadand coedand
and surface urrao cars cnr ocock were vr packed pckl with wih those thosebound tho0 thosebotlfld
bound blnd for the Polo Oround Straps 8trap creaked creakedarms ceake creakedanna
arms ached and many a new tencent tnnt oblne oblnewas abinewas bnl
arl8 was spoiled before the end of the ride rid wa wareached WA was wasreached
reached aple but nil bror these thes thing thlnl count cunt for nothing nothingwhen lothln lothlnwh nothingwhen
reacbl 11
when wh n the opening of the tb baseball habol season aOOD Is I at athand attintith t thnld
hand hnld A opDlnt new nlw arrangement aranCCment of entrances entrDc at atEighth atllhth atEighth
Eighth llhth a venue annle nude mdl tbe handling handlnc of grand grandhtamj arald araldlln1 grandnitanil
htamj lln1 tipectator Jc3tOr easier fRler than under ulder previous previousconditions prevola prevolaoOltol previouscondition
conditions but did not mean any nn more room roomand roomand roomand
and oOltol many Ilny n I late 111 comer had to toetand stand during duringlh duue duueth duringtine
tine lh gamn gamnThe ganuTine
The Th Iamo IamoTh onlookers onloklr were wer Ave nTC deep backof bacoC the theats theatA theseats
seats > ats In the thl lower part of the grand 14n stand standand standand tnd tndand
and they were wtr banked bnked pt In aa a many row back backof bcl backof
of the outfield ropes l Horn Hm climbed cimb up on onthn onthl onthe
the thl Incline Inclle behind bblnd rl ttteecors I th lie acore cr board br and watched watchedthe wltchl watchedthe
the game from afar Ira Craned and trained strainednecks trainednecks talnl
necks tl nlck Aam were in order and a short hort man ma but butbrniid butIro1 butbrnnd
brniid Iro1 of mann RR was wao heard hpurl to t complain1ve complain complainIve omplaln
Ive tiptoed no 1 much trying trlnl to get Ct a acllmpi aJlmP aglinnpe
cllmpi or tlplO what bat t doing dolt out there ther that Ill Illnot lUnOI VUnot
not JlmP be b able to walk flatfooted fatotd for a week weekIn wlek wlekIn weekIn
In the U thn bleachers bl aclerl tine tl spectators apcatora were weresoueered wIr weresnueezed
soueered lup7d togithr tOIltbpr till tU they were we no fatter fatterthan rattr rattrthan fatterIbsen
than shadows bat nothing short Ahor of a hydraulic hydraulicpr hydrulo hydruloJr hydrauiiopress
press pr M could clid halow have hl squeezed < the nlr out of their theirlungs teir teirIlnA theiriiinnnss
IlnA lungs Jr They TIne could ruld shout when hpD there Ihlt was waanothing WI wasnothing
nothing nothlnt elsx I etc left It vro was 0 a vast 8t hive of hu humanity humllit hismarshy ¬
marshy In which wbllb the I king klnl In i btva were wr on the thellelilwhere to to1lllwhpre thefIeIiiwhneretheVlnad
1lllwhpre fIeIiiwhneretheVlnad llelilwhere t Ih hoy had nil nl the room they thl > wanted wantedThreefourth watd watdhrtrounh wantedThireefourths
Threefourth hrtrounh of the tl spectators pcttor were wlr pres present prunnt prescOt ¬
cOt when hpn the th march of tbe white whie and the tie gray grayncrocB ara araIcro grayncronia
ncrocB Icro a the tbl Held 1td took place pllc The Th New ew York forkwore Yorkor Yorkwore
wore or spoil potisnis white whi whit suit IUI which were wer trailed trailedIn traUI traileslin
In the mud lud before bror the game ame was 11 over oVr and by byway byWO byway
way WO way of welcome Ilom variety wore black caps capswhich cn cnwhich capeswhich
which top tp off whltenults whltulll better kr than white wblt capheretofore cap caphlrllorlrl capsheretofore
heretofore hlrllorlrl of tho fashion with the borne team teamThe tur teamThe
The Brooklyn were rObhon nil 11 in gray IIY except eOpt stock stocking atck atckInl tock tocking ¬
ing The neutral wero tints sported by the per performers perforniers ¬
Inl Th nltra tnt pri pr prrorlp
formers rorlp In the tlt tin days day diamond dilmond drama found foundsharp Coud Coudahup foundsharp
sharp contraxt cot rNt in the confusion cnfualon of bright brrht color colorsupplied clor cloruppll colorsupplied
supplied by b the decorations Flag and anti pen pennants pennanta ¬
deoraton pn pnnan
nants uppll representing every republic republo monarchy monarchyprincipality mOlcb mOlcbprlndpauy monarchypriricipauty
nan principality prlndpauy rlresntnA and ald power on earth rh and ad a few fewneighboring fewnpllhborlll fewneighborirng
neighboring planet pwer are r annually dug du up upfor UPCor upfor
for npllhborlll the opening JlaDptl ball game nnu and nd yesterday yesterdayunder yesterdaunder
under ulder u Opnlnl clean washed whd bal Ilme ky they had rekra rekraulder a brisk briskbrcero brlk brlkhrl7o bris brishroro
brcero hrl7o to cean transform tralorn them Into It one great greatflapping areatIRpJlnt greatflapping
flapping kaleidoscope kaleidoscopeof kaleidoscopeTherss
IRpJlnt Thrr Therss knldor old sport Vsn sang ot out a dpnlzfD dpnlzfDor dentze dentzeof
a al
of the bleachers hl achpr lprt aa I the march mach of the tbl players playersbrought plrfr playerabrouglnt
brought them within distinguishing dltlrlhla dis distance dl dltane dlthrice ¬
thrice tane HI ITia I log1 Ipla lega withn all right I can tell t 1 by bythe bytl bythe
the way ho walk walkSay watkaa2
tl Say lY a2 young YOln feller fpl rejoined reJolnld a neighbor neighborits n lehbr lehbrItIMl
its ItIMl all right eyes these ducks want wantWell wat watWI wantWcil
Well WI hue hl hi eye 11 eyes ttae all al right r ht all right You Youcan Youca Youtaa
can ca bet on thatlov that thatby
10 lov Odell Odd wa WAIl not on hand to throw out outthe ou outhp outthe
the ball for the th game but a man with a high highhat blcbhat highmat
hat In the box from which the th ball wa was thrown thrownwas thrownnll thrownwars
was nll taken tak n by JIIAD many for the Governor and andthu an4thus 111 111thu
thu thus came in foe reflected fame The ball bollAs ballwaR ballwas
waR thown out bT lrll I1mab wits of the theSIv theNew
New YOrk Club JlnIlldlnt JlnIlldlntAI
As the th team took the field there were werecheers werechprll werecheers
cheers for Catcher Warner the th prodigalcho prodigal prodigalwho prodliralwho
who had returned from the Boston wild wildcheer wUdllchtlre wildscheers
cheer for Jack Ja k Doyl < s who rejoice that h hIs hIII his hisis
Is once more back In Greater treater rrat r New w York Ynrkl even evenson eventhouljb eventhough
though ITOM th Bridge cheers for Malhew Malhewson alhe1l alhe1llIOn
son lauder Merle Irt and other players new newcomers DfWcompnI newcorners
comers and oldtimers Umpire ODay O 1a an announcvd annOllDld announcud
nouncvd the th batteries In a voice vol which would wouldnot wouldnottarn wouldnot
not nottarn earn him the price of an egg sandwich sandwichIn
In the Metropolitan Op O Opera ra ITouae Uou but which whichannounce whichIIlrVI1 whichservua
IIlrVI1 fully on tin ball field II its failed to tonnOIlDC toannounce
announce < th the hr name nam of thn umpire Ul plre Such Suchannouncement 8uchanIlOllnC1mnt Suchanunouncement
announcement would have been bt superfluous superfluousbut lupoorftuoubllt
but should be done according to the letter letterof letteror letterof
of the thlal thlalTbe law lawTbe lawThe
Tbe game ame was sharply played rtd and poorly poorlyplayed poorly1111I1ed poorlyrnlnnyed
played In turn but at all time exciting excitingBoth ncltlnlUoth excitinghiotin
Both sides were on the anxious scat lea most mostof moatr mostsir
of r the th time There Tb re wa a no cinch phase to tothe totho tothe
the controversy which reached the unusual unusualbut WlUIIUnllelllth unusualleingth
lelllth of two noWll and twenty minute mlnuwhut minutebut
but the customary exodus before a game Is Isover IIovrr Isover
over was siniUl because of the closeneM clOllln of ofthe oCthl ofthe
the score Mnthewion Inthoonl generally an effec effecyfsterrtay effetlive O O1Ie
live tdtciser Iteher before a h big r crowd wu DO not ao aoA soyesterday
yesterday A rday lie wo wan 111 nervous and wild nnd nndIn nndIn andin
In a plncu Schmidt the stranger who pitched pitchedfor pitchedfor Jlltchedror
for the Brooklyn rook I was his master lIIallterhmld lIIallterhmldI Schmidt Schmidtwin Schmidtwits
win I lilt harder than Msthewson hut showed showedhimself IIbowtdhl1ll5elf showedhimself
himself n cool hand Far from home nud nudfacing nudoclnJl nudfacing
facing oclnJl batsmen whose way WII were V rl strange Irane to toutter La11m tolnim
11m he kept bill ner nerve and tb this prep prrponderaaoe prrponderaaoeof nderlUlOfl nderlUlOflor
or hltA iilt on New YorklI III side de did not null the theluttlr thelatter
utter because Schmidt wall steady 1IklId and Imo eftloetit Imolellt efficicint
etit when the th situation wa w was a most ticklish ticklishThe Uckllbfhe ticklIshfhe
fhe outfield play wa Will noticeably poor poorlies poorilira
lies were tr misjudged and nips were muffed muffedmt mulledbut muffedbut
but not without excuse for the outfield was wasvet W4IWlt waswet
vet and heavy and the difficulty in keeping kNPlnrtho keepingthe
the he footing accounted for some of the blunt bluulen blunden bluntdcc
len dcc There also were a few mlscue In tbe tbenlleld tbeIntltld theInfield
Infield hut a greater number of meritorious meritoriouslays merttorlouaploy meritoriousplays
lays ploy > Not N ot a little harp nUmber hitting did the theruardlans tbeauardlnnll theguardians
guardians of the th Inner citadel have have to tackle tacklerhe tRcltleThe tackleThe
The batting waa snappier than usual for so soearly o oarly 0eoarly
eoarly early In the aenon and was more evidence evidencehut evidencethat evldencthat
that the foul strike rule doe not seriously seriouslyllsturb aerloualydlaturb seriouslydisturb
disturb batsmen Doyle and Iauder Iud r wet wermbodlmmt were werethe wetthe
the bosses or the band with the stick Doyle Doylewaa Doylewa
waa wa a blllnNllke person fjom Crornnrat first to lastWhen last 11Ith
When h n Doyle 111 In workln working humor humorhe be III the thembodlmlnt theembodiment
embodiment of energy and nd a II captain of the theanotherwho tbeDrookhlD theUroodyna
DrookhlD he set et a rapid pace pacefnm paceSammy
Sammy fnm Rtrllnso anotherwho another who has seen th thew the theTor theejor
Tor or his ways a and rtturnld retsirnesjNew to IIrflr
New ew 1 York to ply pl ball wo was the first Brook Brookynlte nrookh BrookIittlto
h ynlte lt to awlnghls swing bl his stick in In defiance at Mathew MathewTime MathewTime the the102lml
102lml ° Time wn was when Btrane was 11 charged with withlelng withhrlnr withbeing
being lsry but be wag loaded to the gun gunm gunwait In Inwalo
wait with OpperlIItIrdy pepper yeterday Anybody who whohBII whobans
bans putln II year Rr In Chicago and ben CORO CORObck corcohack
hack to New 111 York ought to tlfl m ao 0 grateful gratefulbat gratefuthat
that bat hed Play ball 1 for nothing nothln was 11 a com comnent com1IIrnt cornlnent
nent heard a AI 8trang toed thp the Pate PatelaUiewon DlateAWIIInIl plateYawning
AWIIInIl gspe JrII l were tom ID he aIr by byIMatbeaoltlI
laUiewon e Peed d aa lie let go lroh1l o hi his arm but butils
IMatbeaoltlI mis ils bump of direction was out of kelter He Herled Hetrlld Hetried
tried to keep the th ball up around Htmng Htmngipfk titnuaaanpIIl titrangsOPtIC
OPtIC but huttnAtlnd Instead sent it over bla head hfladThPt1 hfladThPt1vlth Then Thenvlth Thenwith
vlth three th balls called he got 0 the leather leatherlown letbrdown 1eathedown
down but 10 o fr down that It singed IIID Btrangi Strangsshoe
hoe tops and the l batter > atter walked McCreedie McCreedieollowed McCIftdIefollowld McCreedIefollowed
followed with a high flyto n fly La right Browne Vrowuewas Browneiras roYtle
iras playing around tothe to tbe left and had a aonr
Ion long onr I chose before rore he got under WId the ball b ft When WhenIB Vhenlie
hI IB did get under he b dropped It I McCreedle McCreedleId Mocreedmegoing cC dle dleJrOIDI
going to second and Htranc to bird Thl ThlI This Thisdid
did Id not nl > t act aa an anchor for r Majbewson Majbewowho
who bo hit tho ground In front of the plate I with withfast wlui wluia wI wII
I a fast C one and the th ball bounding boUDdln t out of ofcnmpered
WamerlIlfarh tarnprs reach Stranoored Strang scored and JooCreedle JooCreedleAc MoCreediescampered
Ac scampered to third Hheckard took ad ad8teuiyMattycried adrantage
vllIItare or Msthewaons athelllloD wildness and four
hails we wefe ills rt rton rtonteady on onlitMd
8teuiyMattycried litMd teady I11tYl Matty cried an anxiou anxl ndQUI ug rooter rooternd rooterIInd rootertad
tad nd Matt steadied ssteadl tIad Id d long enough nough to give lrI lrII
I JotHeholdor n ball which the th latter liked likediou Ilk IlkI
J householder iou ehnlder slammed a straight one to Babb Babbnd iMbbtilt
hut Uabb fumbled badly lcCrerdle scored coron <
I on a tin misplay thlCkard hadetolen had atolen I second
In 0 tinS meantime He lI went nt 10 third OD 8abbll 8abbllror Rubbnsrrcr
ror and then Jlouholdtr stole I second secondarner QOnd QOndarnr
arnr made I perfect ct throw 10 head oft olfI
Jloullfholdrr hilt IWrr OJ Gilbert hert ran In front or JJabb JJabband Jtabhirni
and nd took the throw which saved ved House Houseolder Uousenoidera 8
I boldrflI older life lifeTheyre lireTheyre lifeTheyre
Theyre rattled was 11 the verdict of r the thealnt thllI thestInt
stInt hearted ltame Kame me old team hllsmalwall teamalwaysioing alway alwayolng
I olng the wrong thine thin Mid others oth Doy Doyad Doylnssde
mad the first bit ot the game tM 1 cllIn1n clean atari Doee Doeemad e eto
to 0 eft and 1 scored 8hroclrardrid Bhrckard and after Dab Dahlia Dahliatad n
hlld ad struck out Flood looci singled to left soorlngouseholder soorlng aeort
householder hum struck out and Poyl Poylrani Doyli Doylia
1111 rani a run down at the lb plate trying tmD < to cor on onlinlitewnion
IntlirwHinn a second od wild pitch tchor of th the Inning en ag
The very yei ones one OD who bo are 4U groaning and coo
ditnalag 1the the Nn 1lIIta Yf ifpt y Dta DtaWcbmldt S Ut Utet tbu4eat
u4eat deat et a few Ce mlmiu mlnu miniiisbtttt 1a When tl ttSaDO ttSaDO1ITer7 190 NeW NeWo 0 0zorswlt
zorswlt o kBwept a J1t at t bchmfat bchmfaterr 8obtn hMfdt ch yjcl CMI ey t Is DC DCa
1ITer7 a ye err hUarlotudebut hUarIolU arios d6bu for e Dew De IIrt P beor tCbCt 0 0have I II
have I be Cnlt man 11 up m loll olt t bIsdeUVS dB1l tori torilorneJ1an Or a abome
bome II Tb Thu Sa I II wsst tBrowD BrOWU id idHcbm le13 le13rope
Wcbmldt Ikbtn lorneJ1an t The ball > WO went ent over therlght the rlall fie fierop tie tier
rop r ° a and tEe the mulUtud muIUtUdeabr1eUd ahrlekedwlth shrieked with de deIbt d dlight deiigtit
light rope Ibt to much M that they were almost ia1mo 01 01baaea out outo ou ouof
o of shrieks brlek wb40nV whpn Vaa JlaltreD bit forthree forthreebUt lot hltI hltIbases
bUt to to o deep right Dahleh Dahl D fumbl fumblMcGanna tumbled tumbledlIeOanD fumbieJdcOann
McGanna a hard on onand one and Vdn ualtren J1altnDlerteWIlI opn opnerror c re reMules
lerteWIlI Mules Was an nlru easy outon out on a lj tq 1lO0C 1lO0Cbut
but not i0 0 Bob Habit made up for or orlJTor it iterror
error by b hitting hIHIn1O to Doyle 1 and bealUJgthe bealUJg < ouL ouLthe c1 c1the
the latter in In a sprintfor jIIlntrorl1rat At base Moaa Moaacame leOan leOanRnlf Nctistiearns
came In while Dole nod Babb nabbwereraqlne nabbwereraqlnelor wereraol wereraolfor Were roqin roqinfor
lor for the bag b and Lauder Laud lAuder r Tlped UOP i the thobdU boll bollleft to toeU t tlull
left moorIng Babb
Both pitchers braced up In the lII econ aeconinning econInning ond ondIDDlnlf
Inning A double play ended Brooklyn Brooklynhalf flrooklrtlhalt rook rookhDlr
half or the Inning but time Um were llveliiwhen llvelii lIellerwhln iiyelieedith
when the New ew York wero teem ero In Mthew MatheW1lo11 Mathewsonwas o owas
was safe are on Dab Ooblens YOrb n fumble rut ble and Brpwr Brpwrdid lIrown lIrowndid r wne wnedid
did asublime a ubllml to the ridiculous act follow follovlngahomerunwltba rouowInlt followinvahomsmrun
lngahomerunwltba Inlt invahomsmrun II home run with a trlkout yantlqltre yantlqltreraised yanlf1ltren yanlf1ltrenrlsed anIIqitrs anIIqitrsraised
raised u soaring soarlnslipped ny La lcCreedit The jatteslipped atkr atkrlIp
slipped lIp aDd oarlny fe1 fe1horsohlde frlater aUrr taklnetbe taking the ball and thn thnboraohlde th thI
I horsehide fell out of orh1l hi hia clutch Klght net netI hrlS hrlSIII her herI
I I III where Van an Ualtren and Mathewson gaY gava < ave avea
a dramatlratlon drhamatllatJon of a anqnl novel novel of orthft the day da wIde whlcmight wIdemight IIIIll IIIIllmllf
I might mllf t he paraphrased Into IDIOTanlllld < Tangled UP I Istraighten In InPololand IIololand
Pololand M atbwaon beln heinz headed aWRY aWRYtrom nwi nwifront
front right neld did not see what wAllaoln wAllaolnon want goln golnop
on and toppt running at t second balM s an anHaltren a anaUren
Haltren rnltllll rap on to tosecond ICOnd andwlth and with both mHi mHithere met metthere
there Van Haltrtn was an n easy out Mlllta MllltaleIrw Mapace MapaceMctlraw
leIrw chlRd out on the field and tried to toIItrlaht40n I Iatraihtnn
straighten thing out and waaordredto WAI orddto to t tbench tllft tllftoh th thbench
bench oh by ODay
A bans on ball to Mertea a Mcrlflcet wilt wllIn wUd wUdpitch wiltpitch
pitch and lAuder out at first fIOOrld erte erteIn ertcIn
In the third Inning McCreedle twpbaggei twpbaggeiBlnglenjjy twpballrfrIIDaiell tWpIaggeialagies
Blnglenjjy IIDaiell by Hheckard Hpuaehqlder householder an111 an111New and 1 01111 01111and loyianti
and a wild throw hy Gilbert gave 1M Brook BrookIrnll BrookIrna
Irnll thlf runs IDa ID the ftCth tftl Inning Tbll TbllNew Ihis Ihistew
New tew York cored once In the satins Ilme Innl Innlon Innlon innini inninion
on a fielder neld rfI a choice and hits by Babb an anlouder IInd IIndIAuder annIAtlder
louder In the seventh McCreed Mc < rtedl took firs flnat nraL nraLon firson
on four bDllll moved up OD 8heckard s oUL oULt ou ouat
at t first went to third thlrdWb when n Lauder made wadelow a alow I Ilow
low throwof throw or Uouseholders rounder ntns ntnsscoredonshltby and andfllJOfd in inthe
fllJOfd scoredonshltby OD hit b the theperlstentDoyie tltnlJ < tfnt DOrle Wben Wbenth hel helthe
the th New York came to bat in turn the thethreatened they theythroatln thejthreateued
threatened d to do thing to ttchtnidt scoring ecorlnonoe I Orlnlr OrlnlronOt scoringonce
once on suooesilve double by b Van lIn Haltre Haltreand Jlnltrrnand italtrenanti
and Mart But Schmidt quickly cut th thremaining tbe tberomalnlnll thscontaIning
remaining batter down downThat donTht downThat
That wa Was the th lait of the coring for thNew th tbl tbl1iew thin5w
New 5w Yorkj York although they bad ad mIll en on the theFor thrl thrlnnat
nnat In both the eighth and ninth Innings IDDln1IFClr InningsFor
For Brooklyn Kheckard beat out ahit ahitGilbert a hit to toOUrt to toGilbert
Gilbert In the ninth mnln inning 0 hUbert But Tl bfrt upside J JA a aJIlItty n npretty
pretty Dlo pinsy OD the b hit lnolntr t and ndJbrlW threw 10 IIbarplr sharpl sharplto
to McOain l OllIIn that them latt latter r dropped rol the b bIt hal halIt
It would not have mattered mad McOalJD McOalJDheld Mc4lannmeld
held the ball II a Hbrlkard was AI thlrnwith then with It ItA itA
A bold steal atfalloded landed gheckard on accondbase accondbaseHe
He came ram the th rest of the tb way when Van Haltreiran Haltrei Ilaitrenran
ran in on a liner from DoyUtf Dor bat and dropped droppectbe drop dropthe droppedtine
the ball Before the name ended the New NevYorks NewYorb ItW ItWYoks
Yorks found time to make one more frrorGilbert frror error errorhilbert
Gilbert tried to lasso a fly inright in right field and anda ana anaa
a muff and a seat in the marshy noil were ftt hit hitreward hi hireward mlreward
reward rewardaOOELTN
aOOELTN aOOELTNa yaw Toac Toacnr 10araH ToagauPaa
aH a auPaa nF A a su5raa su5raaIncur nr u uStranc A a ang
Incur ng bi 01 0 I C 0 I Browne rI i I I 0 0 0r3I I IIcrdl IMCrdI
Icrdl MCrdI r3I rf rtl J 101 I 0 I 11 I yanHlfncfl VnIIIID cU 110 110Doric 2 I 0 I Ier Iitbeckardif3
itbeckardif3 2 3 0 0 McOsnn lbL t II 0 0 0tcnuiteerof2
I g g gImlD
f f g t2 fl t
tcnuiteerof2 er I I 0 1 Menes lf3 I i 0 0 0hoyle
Doric lbO 8 14 0 0 Babb asI 702 702Danlen 2 0 2 1 1hahlen
i Y I IFlood
Danlen ImlD asM 8 0171 g 0 II I 7 2 t Lauder lb ib CbO 3 I IFlood 5 I IYIood
Flood 2bo rb 0 2 4 I 0 Gilbert Ollbert2bO 2b0 Oil OilHeara 0 I IHearn I 2 2HerncO
Heara HerncO 00 0410 0 3 0 Warner Wmcroo oa 114 114Schmidt I 5 4 0Schmidt 0 0Sebmldt
Schmidt pO p 0020 U 0 2 0 Uathaon pJU P 014 014Tolal 0 2 2Totala11 1 4 0 0TotalC
Totala11 Tolal C 2711 n t ii 41 4 Totals JoalJ7 7112711 7112711rooklyn It n u u8roolllll I IBrooklyn
Brooklyn 4 0001010 0 0 0 1 0 lOt lOt4ew 4 o t tlew is isFirst
4ew lew York 4 o l o l o l o o oFlnt 07 07Flral
First base on errori noraNw N w York 4 Brooklyn t teft aLeft 5Ieft
Left eft on on basesNew York S I Brookljrn Broolll 7 Firs Firsase Flntbaae Thubase
base ase oo ball tnUaOtT OB ft MaUitwaoa la nrlOo K Ii oIl 0 Schmidt 2 2iruck 2Slrucll 2Struck
Struck out outD By Uathewson 7 by b Schmidt Schmidttome 2 2Home 3Home
Home run ruoBrowne Browne Ttire 1breebaao baemi bllan VanHaltrrn VanHaltrrnwobaae Hallltn HallltnV tisitrenuTwobsae
wobaae blta bl hItsVan Van Haltren UcOana Marks llertesttolen 1oI 1oI9tolra MarksMccreedie
V Mccreedie = r Sacrince r Hb bliathlbcrt I1 21 lMbb lMbbStolen
Stolen bases bUUYcOann McUaon Merles Babb Sheckard Sheckardli II II IIleaseholder
louaebolder leaseholder Doyle 1 Double play playLaudrr Lauder Oil OilertandUcOaan 01 01brn UIbert
WeOann Hit pltcbrrB By Schmidt Schmidtill
bert > ertandUcOaan and by pltctifr
I lId pUctaUaibewrsoll 3hmidt lichmld I pu puballHearn Pasied Pasiedballhlearn
ballHearn ill Heara Cmplre tm LmpIreODy lQDaY ODay T1mot 1Im lime of game fmthours am
2 hours and 20 minutes Attendaac AlIendsACS30Q00 AlIendsACS30Q00aoetoo XOOO XOOOPnriADiuitiA IIOOOIIOITOX
PnriADiuitiA P rLAPKLIIIIa April Atlrtll1IIoaIOIi 17 ILflostoa Doston won tb the open openng open10F opentsr
10F ng game from IbllAaelpbla thu aft afternoon ernooa by bbrller bbrlleraI better betterJi betterallarouad
aI allarouad Ji around play Attendance rlldanre llia lliaBOSIOK 24IL 24ILloeTOJr
n crAL crALpeat H p Am BR r AS ASlexter A a aDutn
peat lexter ctl 2 3 o 0 ThomascfO T1Jomaa do I I 0 0Tnney 0 0rtnney 0Tenopr
Tenopr rtnney lb2 1 II 0 0 WolVfnlbt I S I 0 okbhato 0Abbalo 0Abhaloul
1000 1000x I 0 0 0 0ooUy 0Cooileylfi
kbhato Abhaloul MI 1 0 I I 2 ItarnIfI
Cooileylfi ooUy x > llty 1t1 If 1 S i 0 0 KeUer leII elakrrfO rfO rfOI 2 I I I IC 1Carney
C Carney araey me rfl 0 0 o 0 Dougls IbO OHIO OHIOonner 0 II 1 0 0IIonner2bO 0Iioriner
IIonner2bO Iioriner onner 2bO t 3 a 0 Hallmanltit HalIman 2b1 1440 1440IremerabX 1 4 4 0 0Onmerllbo 0Grsmerabn
IremerabX o i 2 o 1 HaUwiuu0 1I1111 aO 0 > a 0 omrre 0KltlrCII 0Rlttrgec2
mrre Rlttrgec2 ct c a 4 1 0 Doom 1oolncO e CMO o o 0300 0300WWISpI j o o oAUllt 0WI
WWISpI AUllt WI 1040 2 0 4 0 Knutr Praaerp0 pO 0 0 0 0 oBurcbell 0Bu 0flurcaetl
Burcbell Bu lIell po 1 i 0 l n itTotal111271 nTotal IITot
Total Tot Total111271 t tl 17 II I 3 VJmmtrO I 1 0 0 0 0Totali 0T 0t
Totali T t tatJ I 513514 12 14 i inatted IBalled 18tted
Balled for narcheU narcheUA Ba fiurehellAbattccbJo heIL heILballreblo
> A AbattccbJo > batleehlo hit by batted ball ballhlladolphla ballPhlladftipl1a bellPhiladelphIaA
hlladolphla PhiladelphIaA n o 1 o e 0 t 0 01 61ton 01BoaloO 01pint
BoaloO ton 0 0 1 J 1 0 o 0 0 IJ IJFlnt t tPint
Pint DAM en errors emlnfflaton Boston i pBlla4lphla 2 2ft 2I 2left
left ft I on basssnostoar basu1I atoll r Pblladslpbta PlU pinisaasintta lllllta p First Firstiae FIIftau2 rirsibase
base iae on tMllaOO Fruer fc oB Ourchell u l off oltlllls offWIllis
cr Iffla Ifflau IfflabJtaWtIIII
WIllis lllls ftau2 1 smirk k ouvBy Ulllls 4 4bJtsWUIII Twobase TwobaseuvnilU
uvnilU Dexter narry 7y Kctiter SacitQee Ct1flCe hit hitDextsr 1111Outer bitDexter
Outer Stolen oaaoUexwr baI e Tenner IPJ m 12 Hit Hitr Hitb flitby
b by r pitched hsJl hallBy ba1IIl By Wllu I11Ia I KTlfl tiel pltebMBur pltebMBuri
eben i fi 2 Umpire Umplrelioran Uorati Tims Timei 1 hour and M MImitea 10mlnules 0 0mlnnnt90
mlnules Imitea
rrmnrito CdxcnrxAn tcJXCllnUncur t tcnraxKAVi ICt5yAU
cnraxKAVi cur fn April 17 1TEwtDa Ewlng and Sudbofi were werejtted Wtreballed werebatted
balled freely by b Us Pirate J ratN today and the Red Redever Rednever Redsnever
never had a chance Dobeny I offset a alight lIc wild wildess wildness Id Idrcsata
ness ess by rood work n krrt at 1 the critical u aI points The Tbtocala 1btClKcnrun Thebeau
rcsata ocala two W errors mI mIn were disastrous dlsaitrouactxcnrxATt disastrouscixctrexi
ctxcnrxATt rrmsrao rrmsraoa rlTnlraGLgrA1
a LgrA1 m r A n R ILIIPAIC ILIIPAICKeliey R P A ft ftfiler IIKrUe
KrUe Keliey filer Ifl I ilio I I 0 neaumtcf2 i 1 to 0 oc oceymourcfO a 0SeymourcI0 aRrmouretO
eymourcfO > 1 a 0 0 Clarke IfI Ir l I 0 0 oJonlln 0Vonln 0Doafla
Jonlln rfo 0 lloo 1 2 0 0 Leach Sba ab l lttekiiT I II 0 0r oUekteylb0
Uekteylb0 ttekiiT ibO o oil II t o 0 Warner Wagneru0 o 1 4 4 I Itorrlsr I ICorroraIII1 1Mont
g = tli 11
Mont torrlsr r yb0 gj bJ 2210 2 2 1 0 BrAairdlbt iianstdlbl 21 3 14 21 213oreoransal 2 1 1Oorcoransal
3oreoransal l l I I Sebrtnr Sr rln rfO l 0 0 0 anelardtlbO 0Ntetardt3b0 04tetstdtSbO
nelardtlbO 1 0 3 I RUcbey2bO Rllcbry bD I I a i ilerrm IIerrrn 0Rergvne0
Rergvne0 lerrm co 0 1 a 0 Phelpa PhrlpaIO co I 3 i o owlorLpo GEwlnrrpo 0wiog
Ewlnrrpo wiog wlorLpo 0 o CeO e o Doheny lJollrn bobenyp1 pl I t 20 20bUUpo 2 0 0NudhO 0Sudhoff
NudhO po 0 I 0 0Pidulips0 0 0PblWpaOO
PblWpaOO bUUpo 0 0 0 01 0 Totals 5 14 27 M 20Tolala t ti 3Totala3
Tolala Totala3 7 7271 n IS 3 3a 2nctnnati
i o o a o o i a
f g gTwohue
a nctnnati 0 o o o i o o o ii iiTwobaA 13Twobs
TwobaA bits 1I11sarner Warner lleaumont Threebaae ThreebaaeIt TI1ebeIIltC1ar ThrebuehitClarke
IIltC1ar It Clarke Stolen buesClarke baaea 1l1lt < 121 II 3 Kelley Kelleyaerinec KII iCeUryhermes
hermes e bitClarke Double e playaIXAeb nitcb nitcbr
Cr r and i tl llrananeld r r Warner and J Bransfleld drU drUand Mor Moru Morrlsey
rlsey u y and Urckl heckler Stmck out ou outfig Uy SuChofT I lr IbY Iin
bY in > r Doheny lJohen 2 Z FIrst base on ballsOIT taring Inc 2 2II 2DC
DC ft Doaen noen I left on baaea banclnnlI Cincinnati 7 7tttihurg 7Pltlohule 7Ilttuhtilt
tttihurg 7 lint base on errors crroraQnclnnUI crroraQnclnnUInrtola Cincinnati CincinnatiPltuburg
1 Pltuburg 2 IraBire ImpireKmsfle KwaBe Time TImI I hour hourCHICAGO hourltCAno hourmd
nrtola lr Xnl
md to rntnuka tttcndknee4000 tttcndknee4000crncco
CHICAGO ltCAno 7 BT r LOCI 1011S1 e eST 6Sr
ST Loci April 17Chicago 17 Chicago 0 took the tl1 second secondime secondgame d dcame
came ime from St Louis by h a score of 7 to e e It took tooken tookten tookten
ten en Innings to decide deciden d ld I IIT IST
n Locta csncAno csncAnoHHTAt tIItC4noII CICAOOiispsg
HHTAt II iispsgFarrell R P Jr Rn rM JI rAE rAEartrll 4 a aFmli
Farrell artrll 2b2 3433 2 4 a 3 Jones Joa rf rtHI 3 tot totmool 1 o 1 1i4moot
moot cfo 2 3 0 0 Slafle IiICI1f If J s 4 I 0 oIraln 0Brlnllb 0LlrslaIIb
Brlnllb Iraln Kb I I I 7 t Kllnr Klln C I 2 e I n nlurke nlurk 0hurt
lurk lurke 111 2001 2 0 0 I DobCs cf efi 1 0 04 4 0 0 otonovanrfl 0Ionov 0loaoviurft
Ionov tonovanrfl ftt I I 0 0 Tinker 3D Sbt I 0 I 4 o oilchoU UNI oNieholit
NI ilchoU ho IbO 0 13 1 u 0 Km aa 112 I I 2 I 1 1Vllllanu lWllllamaO IWIllIamS
WllllamaO Vllllanu MO 0 2 4 0 1 Lowe 10 Tb 7bO 0 2 I I 0 0INeUI 0rcfg 0fleW
fleW CO 0 0 3 1 o Hanlon U lhO I 0 1 1 I IVeaverco 1Weaert0
g g gcl1llS
Veaverco rcfg o g I o o Welmer r po 0221 0221erkss 0 3 2 1 1eiku
erkss p0 o 5 o i o 0 ilenete Ienefrro r p0 > 0 I 0 I 0 0m 0cer 0WickerplOO30
WickerplOO30 m cer PI o o 01 j o
TOUIJ TOUIJTotals ToII7 1130 t2 t2ToIe 4 4Totale
Totals ToIe 80 10 U 5Two 5 STwo 5TwCl
Two out when 11m winning run was seared searedItLouts eeorfd151lou ecoredChicago
ItLouts 0 0000420004 0000420004rntcno I 0 0 0 2 00 00Chlcaco
Chicago 0 i 4 0 i 0 0 u 0 17 17Twobate 17Twobaae 17Twobsse
Twobate bits bUllSmoot Smoot Farrell 17 7 Jones Joneallf11e Uene Uenee MeneFoe I
fee e Threebaa bit bUEflllR Evert Double play plaftllaclo plaftllacloanll Mlsgle Mlsglemd
md Kline Left rt on 1 baes bueSl fit Louis ftChicago ftChicagoo iClIr ro
10 o struck out oulII llr Wkk Wklrr r 1 bv b Welmer Ielmrr eimer 4 by bylent bUenefee b blmdt
lmdt lent fee I First base on balls ballsOlr Oft Wicker I oft oftVelmcr4 oftWeimer o oIelmer
Weimer Velmcr4 4 Wild 11d ptlehen JllrllFtlekrr Wicker Ij I Welmrr elmfr I IIt tHIto ISltiOh
HIto SltiOh Yel1le nea I oft WIcker ae setf Wemn 7 7all 7if
all if It Utnefe a S Umplra UmplollAstflllr Johaatoar Time Tlme2 Tlme2boar Timebar j jour
boar our and od 10 mlautu mlautuOtter Irlautelether llIutU
Otter Oa OaAT 0 Oaaes OaaesA
AT A 1 CEO mu murtnlty naLDTrtDII >
a ii a aretail
retail rtnlty I 10104000 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 7i1jai 7i1jai0 II ia
vUil 0 0 a 01 LIVo I1 J0 Cii iat II t 7 7Ds2teileilliaan
Ds2teileilliaan aDn and lId Bra Braden eD Conner Dllor and andcDowell andllcIowelt i
1I cDowell lr i iAT
AT A ocrm IOvnc rtru rtrulln 7fl2Dlion I
111 lion < I 0 00 II 0 0 o 0 l 1oIumb1a o 0 l t l lDlumbla aColumbia
Columbia 200001 200 0 0 1 o o s 4 4 4Dalterles 4nrtNoolwet1b
Dalterles nrtNoolwet1b Woolworth and Dd Earl Grant Graatnd and andshier
lIahler shier shierlyPrep I
AT 5 0mrtU rtaaI rtaaIIr flftiolyPep
lyPrep Ir pp all 2 I 10 I 0 0000 0 GOO 00 0 07olumhIs o i 87 7 i ilUfnhlaOR I IColumbia
Columbia lUfnhlaOR 08 2 I 0 110 I I 0 1 1 0710 0710nattert 07 to e ea ea 5flatteniaBisell
nattert flatteniaBisell a aBU Blaoell ell and Weldmtnn De PcJ MUo MUoId 1Uo 1UoAyU JUold
a Id Carter
ATJiWSJt AyU OtAU ou ofatlssthattanool I IaabsttanOol
II IINaablttaaOoI
aabsttanOol 0 II 1 1 i 1 T l oa 0 36 202 202ninu 0 0URlnu Oirsinus
URlnu ninu ooro 0 0 01 t 0 i 0 0 o IT i i 7 7Batteries 7nttertonrtn 7IlsttertraOi1rtn
Batteries nttertonrtn OBrttn Mlnnehan and Dd Duff Du Duffaloe Iafon IafonIne Ifritalnr
aloe Ine Madry and od Price PriceAt Prt PrtAt PriceAt <
At KaoulUeUnlverslty of Alabama I Ii UnU UnUentty UnIersity
entty enll ot Tennessee TrnneattNaUell1lA1qula 4 4Katlaaal 44aUonl
NaUell1lA1qula Katlaaal t Lesgno > t ao Came fr f r TtMlay Tiyirooklyn TtMlayrooklyn r rBrooklTllai
BrooklTllai rooklyn at New N Tork TorkBoston Yo Toikno k kBotIoO
Boston no ten at t PUladrtpbU PUladrtpbUPlttabtirt PblldtlpllaPtltaburct PbilsdeipblaPlttaburg
Plttabtirt Ptltaburct at dndanatl dndanatlCnleageat andnnUChloro QndnnaflChiosgo
Cnleageat Chloro st t St Louis LouliThe LoutlIIMe Louissssbsfl
IIMe Note NoteThe tea teaThe
The Hobokeaa and lS flew N York YOr1la will play at 1 the theuoeorceCrtoket tbesa thetOOrgeCdokehClrosiadll9
sa tOOrgeCdokehClrosiadll9 uoeorceCrtoket Georce Cttoke around tn Hobekcn Hobokr10ofllOTlOw Hobokr10ofllOTlOwTI1e Tomorrow TomorrowThe
The Murray Hills win iU 0 bar bne tbeOtaulli Cuban Cubanlasts Cab Cabaflanle l lGlUM
lasts aa their tlldropponeDta opponeot at atJaaperOval Jasper Oral lomorrow lomorrowThe tooQorrowTI1 IoronowThe
The TI1 Cedar I1I11ADrlI have T April 1 iS open Oood gnsraatee gnsraateeittat IDIlIDIfemUit e elust
mUit lust be given Address Joan Dempsey 47t 47 TO Bast Basttb tI4ltb at at15th
I4ltb 15th tb street streetThe IIr IIrTIIeOrdlaM SifletThe
The TIIeOrdlaM OeeUlatu bar ha April It I and d 21 open ope for forlod torrood forood
rood lod tem offering nllenDf Inducements Ctetllaa D 0
0 221 Can n lOSth street streetThe e streetThe rtf 1 1TbeXnler
The TbeXnler Xavier A A AbuApdiIS has AprilM April and1May 411 J open openubs openClu openlute
Clu lute oBertng lI ertnr good InduceMents addrrae J H Hgge JtPor IIogge
Por ogge > gge W 0 We Weal t Bereath street tr trect1b et t tTb nnTb
Tb follower of tile XartAr Cav1flAA AA akn ne will be at atWhawko atthlt atte
thlt te Whawko grounma rOaD tor4umwMoroot tonew to root for forelr fortheIr fortIr
theIr elr plyen liver In tie 01 rune gins scheduled agslmat the thet tbeWut th thrut
Wut rut t KeWYoi New Volt lean tesrnHoward leanHoward 11 11Howard
Howard J rail eaptala eaptalaoklyn 1IJ4 J4gjof or tli tlitl the thes
s all tl 101 om 0rs4 2 2IIrOckIJl Ti4s7 0W M Mlookhii
IIrOckIJl lookhii oklyn vs New w York Yorku orlr A4i dise10ew44 dise10ew44wba1l M MBueball
Bueball u ball Jersey 1C1lrWHt < CIIT Cu W WeSt t Ode Odenni Mdm14t1 tIft Toda TodsrPblia
121 nni 1I111r lAm League teagu Cle CnaOiBlonj CnaOiBlonjrttrn vs 1 ieTltT aIr aIrlsttgn l lrlD
lsttgn rttrn rlD tagvej rAiI All Ptna r enu f e cm41ttetl4 cm41ttetl4i m i t
0 i
0w w
y i
CHAFED heels and an ankles are the penalty of ofwearing ofwearing ofwerfng
I CHAPED wearing many ordinary low cut shoes shoesBecause shoesBecause shoesBecause
Because most Oxfords are made on o the theselfsame theselfsame theselfurns
selfsame lasts lutsae as high cut shoes shoesSuch sboesSuch shoesSuch
Such lasts are too full at the ankles to hold Oxfords Oxfordsin
in a nonslipping nonsllpplngposltion position and not only U gape1 gapethere gapetherebut pO there therebut therebut
but slide up and down on the feet wearingout wearing out the thestocking thestocking thestocking
stocking first t and chafing the heel l next nextRegals nextRega18are nextRegals
Regals Rega18are are separately cut for right and left feet feetand feetand feetand
and are shaped shapedupon hapeduponspeclal upon special Oxford lasts with just tbe tberight tberight theright
right tension about the ankle to prevent slipping and to toavoid toavoid toavoid
avoid pinching plne lng around the upper edge edgeOf edgeOf edgeOf
Of Valvic Ventilating Calfskin the coolest clean cleanest cleanest cleanest ¬
est and lightest of oflummer summer leathers they are well wellworth wellYiprth wellwprth
worth 1000 in solid comfort alone aloneprice price 350 350Every 350Every 350Every
Every Regal carries 1tswn its JJwn own proof of Genuine Oak Oaksole Oakaoleleather Oaksole
sole aoleleather leather See U 4 Window of the Sole SoleOAK Solei
OAK SOLED OL > SHOES SHOESSold tHlOIESSold O OSoldoniyinltflegalShoStorea
Sold SoldoniyinltflegalShoStorea only In Int Jl Regal neraJSboeSlOret Shoe Stores from New NeW1orklO York to San Francisco and London LondonAUo LonllonAUo LondonAllobymall
AUo Allobymall by mall
10 1 Store Stores > Metropolitan District DistrictMENS DitrielMENS DIstrictHUNS
Ill Nasiau anntu St bet Ana > Beekmaa 197 Fulton at opp Montague St st1Vlllroady
1Vlllroady 211 2 1 Broadway cor Head St Ill tlillroad Broadway near Bedford Ave Ave71S
7 71S 1 cor 10th IothStreet Street 1001 Uway l1waybet bet DltraaraStftWIIloughbyAv
1211 M bel 2 Mb th and aoth st sta May tat 4M Firm lIlh Ave Av AvIM Avelilt
lilt app Herald IaI aI Building llulidinf it JpltSIIY ll llp llY Y CITY CITYM7 CI n n1M
IM M7 nubth Elrll 1I Ave betsith I andsethii and th I M Newark Ave AveIM Avelot p
IM West Wlall IMth lb St cor 7tb Ave NEWARK > N NI NInao J J27MThlrdAveSWcorl24lbNt 3210ThirdveS
27MThlrdAveSWcorl24lbNt nao 210ThirdveS Till rd AnS Vcor cor1241I1SI 134lsiIt MIBrodStoppCentralKnotNJ MIBrodStoppCentralKnotNJMay 841 54 Broad SIoppCenlra I R norNI norNIW Rot Sf SfMsy
May W lat 41 Cortlandt St
NEW EW YORK CITY CiT 714 Broadway corner lath St StU3 81ID St1li
U3 ID Broadway opp opplIrald Herald Square SquarIeVrntb
207 Seventh Ave Av ecr IMth St
iliac Stain team htr been engaged to coach th thColumbia the IbeColumbl theColumbia
Columbia Vanity team until the came with L Lehlrll Lehicbat < Mh Mhat
at 1 South Dethlebeni Pa P on April U UAt 211AI 33Al
At Jasper Oval thl Ibis allrmoon tile Columbia Col College CoIlere 001lege
lege team will meet m el tile Wllllama 1U1am Collere team tramt tramtoclock at atoclock atOclock
oclock while whltet at 2 oclock the team t from Uanhattai UanhattaiCollege WanblllJICoUereII ManhattanCoblegewlil
College CoUereII will play plTrtIlIlV Trinity Collere Coilegeof of Hartford HarttordConn HarttordConnCranks Oono OonoCranks CoDneraolla
Cranks In certain Amertaaa League cities an anfretting aretnttlnc atefretting
fretting tbevselve over the foujHtrlke rule 1 1they If IfIllry ifthey
they are re open to conviction the chance are re the thimore tberuo themore
more ruo they see ee of the rule the better they the will Ilk llkiColumbia IlkII IlkColumbia
II more
IIColumbia Columbia second Vanilly baseball team coca goeito cocato roeto
to forett HIll this afternoon to play lt Ita seron seronplayer aecoDO aecoDOgams ad ad100e <
100e of thefear With Ill the torNt Hili FIeld Clu Clupl Club ClubsApt
pl henry H mlas Iaa will II lake Afteen Columbia 00lunnblaplayers Columbiapaell
player to paniclpate In the game gameThe rllD rllDTile gameThe
The aemlproteulonal armlprol IIODat American mrtrDo F C would wouldlike wouldIIIIe wouldilke
like to close June 20 July II U Aug I 21 and andSept sadSept ueS ueSs
Sept s 12 with strong stroog 0 outoftown nIf1 team oderlnr oderlnrTblnr oflertiiggood fr a anqrr
l en t1
good inducements d New Jersey tesins oreferred oreferredManager
Manager nqrr lC 21 West 1611111ree 11th sIred New ew Yor York city cityThIngs tr tr1blnr
ThIngs are In better shape up here than I ex expected uplCfd cxpseted ¬
pected to nnd them after the rain said President PresidentGordon PrratdrnlGordon PrealdeniGordon
Gordon at the lb American AmrrtclLecue League gttmnd fotiuudS yesterday yesterdayWe reftlcrdWe
We have made good progress Vjday cIy The up upGcht upr1Cl1ta upTights
Gcht Tights for the grandatanrt > I are all up U and lId the door doorr doorlor doorlag
lag r will be done by b Monday MondayTbe WonduThe MoodayThe
The Roebllng A A of Trenton n N J have a afew atew afew
few open dales and would like 1111 to nil In with b food foodemtproltllllonal rood roodsemlprofrsilonal goodeinlprofesslonsl
semlprofrsilonal learns from Newark New York Yorkand ork orkd orksad
and d Vlrtnlty Will 111 pay good guarantee or will willexchange wtUeiehngc U Uncbaace
exchange a Sunday Sund game abroad for a Saturdaygame Saturday Saturdaygam Saturdarme
game gam at home W C Yard erd IK I Hmory avenue aveaueTrenton avenueTretlon nnurTrentol1
Trenton N J 1 Telephone 1042 KoebllnrsnSSVLTS Koebllnrs HoebllocRESULTS HoebllngsIfESVJLTS
At San Francisco FranciscoSAN FrancllOoSAN
SAN FntNCiaco April Aprlll7nelJlne h7ftttlng 17 < netting was lively Itnl atOakland at atOakland atOakland
Oakland this afternoon sfternoonand aad nd deaulle the fact that thatfew tbalfew thatfew
few favorites won tae various winners were well wellbacked l1ellbacked weUbckod
backed I Ur > r lloyle l Is > In grand form at present pretcntand presenland presentsnd
and captured tbe handicap baudlc In easy eaa style after aftergetting aftergelting lIer lIerrllne
getting orT four lengths behind bla hi field fieldFirst neldt1131 OddFirst
First llace ItAuS1 six furloaraDolUe Wlethotr lelbo Og OgKotu 011IJ
IJ 3 T l SbebaD II to 6 won The Miller 114 It ttat ttatsoW
soW 110 10 to 1 second Amass Am 113 See SI U to 1 third thirdTime Il1lrdTlmr tbirdTIme
Time 11 116 Jerld Homage YeUowatone Skip Skipklllaa klp klpIe klpMe
Ie oooe Pat Womup Albert tarlrhl tarlrhll11IA Earitittills
klllaa loriator UonlOr Clrarclte Sam Lacanu Laulusd and Edo filucate EIIucall Edorate
call also ran ranSecond ranSreQDd ran5eeond
Second llace JaceFollr llscsTourfurlongSt Four furlongs tortonrsSI St OeOr1eb Oeorgr < eorrcuJr Jr IllS 101Time IllSJ
J ShMhW to I won nlena 101 IC thonnen thonnena Men
a to I second Whoa bo hIll 110 ISeel See 12 10 I third thirdTime
Time TlmrO 04 011 KeIth SofiA The Rogue ue Rose Farr Farrlied Farr1Ifd FanIted
lied cnui roll Nur Nurse and Lamorlce also ran ranThird ranThIrd ranrnlrd
Third Itace HacrFulurlty Futurity coune colinEd Ed Lllburn IM 101II 105I
II I Iocln 4 10 t won on J 7 n konen Ial I fIII fIIIi
24 to I secbad Alls 0 101 Knapp 20 to I third thirdTime Il1lrdTllnrin thirdflme
Time Tllnrin 112 113 Somenoa IIomnOllit St Ulnlfird Ouatre Qllal uatrr Print PrintFourth Pr1ral1k Pr1etlike
1k like eterano ifyrunerdale and halo also ran ranFourth
Fourth v Itace ltactSli IDroai Six and a flf halt furtonrs turlonugslr rtol Dr lloyle f hoyiii lr lrU2
111 ii Kelly I to I wonMrtnceas woo 00 lrlDrn Tltanla jOa Ice inon inonio Iflunnice a aoent
oent nice IKellJ1I 2 10 I If second < Annie In 114 lKoPPIJ tKnapp 20 10 10L
1 L tnlrd t6frd TIme 121 looorilo and Kenl isenllwortti isenllworttialso orth
also io ran ranFifth rannnhHareone ranFilth
Fifth nnhHareone Hace RaceOne One mile mU and a nUteenth ohleentllYlra slateerntbMiraeltIi Miracle MiracleII le leiO
II 102 Knapplftto KnapP Sb lwon Rlmllocklininufani RlmllocklininufaniR Rita V RackII kw m Dugan DuganS
R to iO I second llifu Hutch flUteb N Miller ftrr 107 Potvelli SO rl rltlilrol to I Ithird Ithird
third Time Io I i490i Gawalne Blessed nl ASed Oamotel OamotelMLsaVera Dmonllll DamoeriMisiVers
MLsaVera lll Vera Tom Tom Slavin UuruaL DUnl To Tonopab nopah r opab Fondu FonduRaceOne FondoRespirator ondo ondoRnlllralor
Rnlllralor lJotIrIlaoit 100cc Mlsibr and nd biuer ouear also 110 ran ranS ranStatS
S StatS Ib RaceOne mile mU mUeVlrgie 1rrle rele DOr 107 t01Po Po wetli
7 710 to 2won 2 won Illowabo lit IDuxtoul1 Uuxtonl 8 to I second secondAda Rp secondAda rond rondAda
Ada V I liD ICraon7 Canon 7 to I thIrd Time l42 l42The J47TIle 1424 1424The >
The Pride Spindle Ulloa 110 EI 1 Orients and Cam Cambseercs Cmbactl Cainbaceres
bseercs al also > ran
At Nt lAD LnlMr lADRT LouisST
Mr Louts Mo April 17 17Ao An Ideal day da brought brourhtout brourbtoul
out an unusually large crowd to Klnloch today todayThe Iosa IosaThe o4yThe
The condition wtrealtogetber favorable to a good gooddays roodcia gooddss
cia days port with a fair track and a warm ann day dayearvst day dayNearcit 1Ia 1IaNeftlt
Nearcit a wellplayed accord choice won the theFlnt Ib Illfeature e erealure
feature event eventFlrstRnnceYlve eDt eDttor7
Flnt FlrstRnnceYlve ItAce Five sod a ahaif half furtonr furlongsSam Sam TrJ Hous Houston lbsston ¬
YO fdo I N j2 tJt
tor7 ton its Karl Katll4 4 to l won UolllrT IM HoweUj HoweUjWafjan howell howellS
1110 S tt i second Mine H IIIlunroe t Munfoil IS 10 1ll1lrd 1ll1lrdme I thIrd thIrdTime
Time me 1101 Howling Uen1sll John mr ameyWaban mrbll
Waban Wafjan bll And Md fjommii Domua aiJo also ran ranSecond ranIi ranSecond
Second Ii Race RaceFour Four and a half furlonra rurloncnato rurloncnatotld Rain RainUnd
Und III IT T 1 Dean Deaal10 I to 2 won Uretchen oretchrJ Ill 1131DII 1131DIIgnrdI Uavl Uavlson bavIcoal
son 100 to I second Uaynne Ili nale Dale 4 5 to 2 2third 2third
cus cuseJHeldg eJHeldg eJHeldgColla
ra t
third gnrdI gnrdIr Time r OiMj Fore Horn Ous Os Heldora HeldoraColin HeidornCohn
Colin George Splint and ityrondale rond1e also rail railThird rllThlnt ranTISIrd
Third Bac RaceFive Five and a half haI lurtono rurlonraJrIh rurlonraJrIhJewrl turtongslrlubJewrl Irish IrishJewel
Jewrl Ill Howell oelll IS to i won Ooudy OoueS III It ItWilson 11P It Itfltson
Wilson 3 I 1 second ro Jerry m Hunt til 31nu 31nuKatie Poland DolandIt
It P to S 5 tLlni talrd t ro Time 110 Caanell ll Rauleton RauletonKatie hlussletooItatle
Katie Glboiu 01110 Madam dam Peter ptt r Uuryea OUI and nd Miii MiiiSttsuas Ulke UlkeStrauxa JlllIelIr
Strauxa lIr uu also 0 ran ranFounh ranYourth ranFourth
Fourth Race fax furlonrs tuloncDr Dr Srhain lot lottlunroei 101Uunroer iDoMunroel
tlunroei 10 to l won Kaffir IM Ban a to I Isecond III Iseejd
second II COId liarklereore 100 Sayersl Iar II lo t iblblrd iblblrdTlmr third thirdTime thIrdlime
Time litVf II Lauo Welcome Llrbt meal DenralWUs hengai hengaiarIa mealILaa
arIa ILaa Aubrey u Woodatlck Irla and On the Quiet Quietlto QUlelbo Quietalso
also lto ran ranpfth ranI ranPun
Pun I fth RaceOne ralleNearent IDS l tlattlnle tlattlnlea
a 1110 to S won Audlnhooe ItO Dean 11 to 10 secondfliendon second aerondOlendon arrandotrndoI
Olendon M AUdlrhonr Ie HeldcU ItrIdl tlrD e to I third Time l Ia i44i i44iSaritla H HSixth
a Saritla alto ran ran811th
Sixth b lUce l ltsceiiuidlOnP Hurdle jfur4eoll One mile mU and a sixteenth ulileenlhItacatlara sixteenthltanattara ltlrrnlhItllatlara
Itacatlara 11 ns Johnson I 11 to I won nil Mrs Oran Orannan Orannan Irannan
nan IM W Huestonl 4to 4 to > aecoad Sherwood Sherwoodsnd 1iII Sherwoodwe lIIood
1 we IGartcl to lOIn 10 I third Tlme21T TIme 217 nu1r 000d 000dMd Oflowdrind
rind Tomn Torfen ai also < 6 ran Sir Vere ere I or > e Tare ue and Judge JudiePettus JudrePtUUI JudgePeltss
Pettus fell fellDr fellDr fellDr
Dr Quick nini tn Consolation llantlloap llantlloapt 1EandioaIt
a It t Kansas city cityKANA CUyKANIA fltyELXSAS
KANA Cirr Mo April 17 17The Th final finalshoot IInalIboot floatshoot
shoot of th the Interstate Association wa 1111 held heldtody beldtodalth belatoday
today todalth With the consolation COn olatiOD handicap aa the thefeature thefeatU thefeature
feature featU Dr A Quick of EzoeUlor ceJalor Spring SpringMo 8pfDIIMowtth SpringiIdo
Mo Mowtth with a handicap of 19 6 yard ardl broke ei eiout g gout aaout
out of apoMlbla 11 polllible IM He wa wu pished i uusbed for forflnt rortlllt forfirst
flnt money by b A O Connor annor of Pekln III IIIwho 111wbo liiwho
who with a 16yard handicap destroyed dpltroy l 93 93B < l lK aIt
K It W V Arnold of 0 learned Kan handicapped handicappedII
II J yards antl soared 81 and ana Chris Gottlieb of ofKansas ofKnNII ofanaes
Kansas anaes City it 17 yards scored 61 9 Twenty Twentythree 1wentyt IWentythree
three t of Wi the 104 entries shot hot a score of 80 or orM orIttr orbeerF
beerF M Ittr E t ITensler IJIIIler of Battle reek Mich M I ch the UiowUmer theInn thewittner
wUmer Inn r of tb the preliminary Pff Or Imlnry handicap handicap and of ofpecond orJ ofsecond
second J money In the grand handicap Is con considered oonMldttfd contideTCd ¬
sidered aphenomrnom a Iff UI lf I II JD year erI old oldThe oldThe oidThe
The bestknown shot Gilbert Hlrschy HtiachYlnd HtiachYlndlroeby and andCrosby andCrosby
Crosby falld fsU d to finish near tho th top In any anyor anyor anyof
or tlm tI handicap events For or the shooters shooterswho IIhool IIhoolwboremaln shooterswborernain <
wboremaln who remain hllndll4iJ In Kansa aDAU Clty < Lt3 It tomorrow a live liveHciioolboy livehirdbandicapwUl 1I0blrdbndleap
blrdbndleap hirdbandicapwUl 11 I b held heldH heldNcboolb7
Hciioolboy H loobrG11Inaat G > Tnnat inuta Compete CompeteJuvenile COmpeteJuvnlle competeJuvenile
Juvenile gymnast of Columbia Grammar Grammarhool OrammarScbool GrammarSchool
School > hool performed In eicellent style at tho thonual thoMDual theannual
annual nual cymnastlo contest of the school schooldmr IIchoolterdar > yes yestrdir
terdar dmr afternoon The gymnasium of tIneschool the theavid theachoOI
school ucroJfdld with the parents or the tbllOOYII theboys
boys and nd much eDthulum wall displayed dlAplafdDvl displayedavid
Dvl avid Mahany of the sixth 11th form formt carried carriedormVHV cl1rrledorr carriedoff
off t the e champloDllhl medal The rorm rormtt fonmedals
tt medals a a wrewoD were won a roRo follow FIlllt Corm John JohnNcCorml JohnMccormick
Mccormick Iroond second form Robert iisl 1 third thirdrorm thirdform
form ormVHV n Moore fourth form O OPipl OPipldtiI PIn PlelOdd PInOdds
Odd dtiI and nd End EndsAt of Sport SportAt SpornAI
At lbs tll annual election of the be lion Haven A C Che Co Colb Clb
lb he fdllo flllovtn tn otncers were elected r P FJlbson POIheOn Phtbon
Jlbson president II president drn B Osrrtty < ylcepresldeat ylcepresldeatrhomaj 1repnalient alceprrsldeatThomas 1repnalientT1Jom
T1Jom Thomas McArdle treasurer Charles Flynn Flynnnandal Flynnnonctallffltlary Flynnflaincisi
nonctallffltlary nandal secretary William J Walker correspond correspondng rorreapondtaIfCnIn
taIfCnIn lag ng secretary John J a J hogan rerordlnr rdlnr secretary IfICrtlnIrank secretaryPrank Krttar Krttarnnkllradr
Prank nnkllradr IIrad serrraiit llercralltII1nno tana < Michael lltl1 UrCisro lrGarnrat MeGarrirapisin UrCisroaptalniThomaa
rat aptalniThomaa Thomas ONII OoIIlIeulnplaln lleuteaanic lieuteaantcapialn iptaln George Ceorfelannnn Grorce1IlJ0 Georgehannah
lannnn auditor audltorAt
At the th annual MnulmMllor meeting of the ewark Day n HC
0 C 3 of Bayonne N i on onTnesda Tnesday evening tbe these IlirlfolJtlfrII theseottrer e e1tcni
1tcni ottrer > for t tile en fDIulr ul r year ar were et elected W II IIrrettsnd ItVmllUld IIVrreland >
rrettsnd presIdent Ullllarn Humble Jr vice viceirartdeni tiesprwddent Icr IcrpMdnl
irartdeni Oeorco Wheeler Meler recording secretary aecretaryift
r ft 1 nensoo nnaactalstrrttsry haiscial serretsry and ndJ J A t Knowln RnoINtrcuurer lCnowlrelres4uircr i ireuurer
reuurer Thhaummer the club win take a proml proml1Ilt patrolarat I Iirit
irit part In aquatic snorts
We repair rubber Oiled balls at t n per dozen dorenReller douur dozenBelier
Reller r than new Sample repaired rt lred ball seat upon upoireceipt UPOIlrerllpt uponreceipt
receipt ot xsc In stamps am We pay hlrhest c cut caabprtcea cutprices l lprices
prices for old golf r balls solid or rubber dUedUNION flUed flUedUNION
tcwnkN 1 1P
P a 0 no flog M
flex imi Han Urns UrnsPubitahed Offlre OfflrePublished
Published Tuesdays and andsalurday Saturdays during dufln Season SeaaoDIRRCS SeasonDIRKES
DIRRCS A H 60th at t 9th b ave VC Td Sit 13 Cot ColIIASniiALI CotHASCDALL
IIASniiALI Yale Freshmen vs Fordham Fresh Freshmen Freshtorn
men al 1ordham name ame 2JO Admlwlon 2ic 2icYACIIT8 21eS 21eYACIfTS
FOR SAtEcolch SALE Scotch marine boiler nearly newl54 new newBOWLIXO
l54 feet diameter II feet 10sf FilE CRASMIR
1220 bleach at PhiladelphIa PhiladelphIaBOWLING
Tbe Rip Van Winkle ladle rfam tans dtfealed both botlopposing bothopposing
opposing fives la tbe be womens tournament ye esIr esIrday > Ur Urday <
day afternoon The scores scoresnnsr scorenlnst
Rip Van Winkle LadletMrs SchweU M IllsRalehe Ills HUiRalcbe
Ralcbe 112 ii Mra Mr Uourherty 121 Mr Klurapp 121 121Mrs 123Mrs
Mrs Ueorrl IW Total Totalileethoren Stn StnIltlhovrn
Iltlhovrn Ladle Ladlestirs Mrs Loth IM Ura Mr Rlee Rleeman Rleiman <
man wi Mrs Itnill 71 Un Singer U Mrs Wag Wagner Wagaer
ner III Total 61 1 1Itoetboven
cloy cuans cuansIteethoven
Itoetboven ladles LadiesMr Mrs Lath IM it Un Kleemaa
120 Mrs Pencil M Mn Mr Sinter tr tin Wag WagMr Wagtier
Mr s cv Total MS MSOleander 13 13Oleander
Oleander LadleMrsaAs 107 Mr Sever Berersteln Severstein
stein sal Mrs Uehlert 121 Mrs Fddbusra 111 111Mrs 113Mrs
Mrs Dotttjer UI Total no noTRIKIIOAMI 029TElisli
lUp Ri Va Van WlnklenLadleaJlrsmScl1w Winkle LadiesMrs SCIWIn U 1 lU MUs MUsmeander MisItaiche
Itaiche 10 Mrs Klumpp It MrsDoughsrt 123 123Mrs
Mrs Ucorgi lO Total CII CIIOleander
meander Ladle LadieMrs Mn f Isa > as 12 120 < K Un Darer Darerstein Severstein
stein il lit Mr Mrs neblert in Mn FeldbnMo IK IKMrs iiQMci
Mrs Boettjcr 117 Total 010 010Bowling II IIBowline
Bowline Note NoteTh NoteTb
Th New York Bowling Association will hoi hoia hold holda
a meeting at the Victoria Hotel Droadway an anTwentyseventh and andTWCnty
Twentyseventh TWCnty eeventls street text Monday evening
In Issuing the call President Charles H Ebbeu Ebbeucalls EbbtscsU
calls attention to the evils which today threaten threatentbe threawnthe
the favorite pastime He uys that mushroom mushroomclubs muthroomclubs
clubs the forfeiting of scheduled game and the tbeloaded theloaded
loaded ball can be eliminated from the sport and andbowling endbowlIng
bowling Immediately placed upon a cleaner cleanerbroader cleanerbatader
broader and more Interesting basis H Its wishes wishestbe wishesthe
the alley owners uwnqrandpreaidcotsof and president of the tournaments tournamentsabout tournamentto
to cooperate with the ansociatlons in bringing
about this tlsl turn of attain attainCricket affslrsThe
Cricket CricketThe
The New ew fork Wanderers Cricket Club Clubwithdrew Clubwithdrew
withdrew from the championship schedule scheduleof
of the Metropolitan District Cricket league leagueat
at a meeting of the executive committee of ofthnt oftttltt
thnt organization held this week at the theCosmoMltan theCosmopolitan
Cosmopolitan Hotel At the same meeting meetinga
a letter wa was read from the assignee pf the theKnickerbocker theKnickerbocker
Knickerbocker A C stating that the organi organisationU orgaojzsttioutit ¬
sationU htlll In existence On this ground grounda
a protest has ha been lodged by the cricket com committee cornmittee ¬
mittee of the Knickerbocker A Cagainst the
Metropolitan cup award to the New sow fork
Wanderers and demsndlng the same a as the thewinner thewinners
winner of the championship of IPO IPOThe iooThin
The matter was left over to the next nextmeeting nextnieeting
meeting of the league for final disposition
Meanwhile the secretary lias been requested
to write to the New 1 orfc Wanderers request ¬
ing the return of the cup
Thn im following date for the Intercity
matches with Philadelphia have been ac accepted socovted ¬
cepted Aug s at the grounds of the German
town C C Philadelphia and Sept 7 at s New
fork on grounds to be hereafter dexlgnated
A i match has also been arranged between the
llrooklyn and New Jersey clubs to Iwt played playedon
on June t and an effort Is also to be made
to arrange a game between an eleven of the
Metropolitan District Cricket League apa a aAssociation ateam
team of fifteen of tine New york CrIcket
Association AesociationTwo AssociationTwo
Two Boxing Bill Reported by Smite SmiteCommittee SenateCommittee
Committee CommitteeALBANY CommitteeALOLr4Y
ALBANY April 17 17The The hope of the sup aupporter supporters
porter of boxing In this isis State were raised to today today ¬
day by the action of the Senate Code Com Committee Cornmitt ¬
mitt mittee In reporting for consideration SenatorFrawleya Senator SenatorFrawleya
Frawleya two boxing bills bill One la for pro professional proessiorsal ¬
fessional sparring matches to be held by II IInenstd lioenad
nenstd club under the jurisdiction of a State Stateboxing Stateboxing
boxing commission to be appointed by the thelovernor thelovernor
lovernor rind which Is to have charge of ofiuhl ofiuhlfight all allUnlit
Unlit The commission Is to Issue permits permitsfor permitsfor
for fights und to set < that B certain percentage percentageof
of the gross receipts are paid Into the 8talreasury State StateIresauri
Iresauri reasury A few months ago after It Its Intro Introduction introduction ¬
duction Senator Krawley Frawler announced that thuthe thathe
he had abandoned this till rut he had Intro Introduced Introdunned ¬
dunned it tinder n misapprehension misapprehensionThe
The second bill authorizes the Amateur
Athletic Union to conduct boxing matches matchesbetween matchesbetween
between amateurs with rlghtoumi gloves glovesthe giovcsthe
the bouts not to bo hi of man than fifteen min minute mm mmultea ¬
ultea ute duration The prlies prizesars are to be medals medalsor
or other considerations other than money rnone rnoneSenator
Senator Klsberg was recorded a as dissenting dissentingrom
from rom making any kind of a report reportFOR reportCARPET
FOR 40 1fcAll
Hethedi pt ptdate < Iale rrnprs4 Air Cte Ctereprcteaistlre teed
Week den prmptlv sad whe premised
Will 556 reprcteaistlre en reiel reielS rCt riI riIp5t
p5t 15133 I VTH wr wrelPph
elPph S np Of 326 Q 7rH I MC MCNEAN VEi
Diseases of Women las lS5Weit West 47th 47thMl
I I iir lllIi Ml near Broadway Hoars 13 2
I LLIj 57 7 Tele2l Trip 2l3etb Wth Esl IMi
erns ernsc
c CSM OasDy k a Di 1 7Dt b 33c
C Spring is hurry time for forclothes or orclothes
clothes buying
C L Tailor is too slow slowRcadymadcs slowReadymades
Rcadymadcs are too medi mediocre mcdio ¬
ocre ocreL o rc rcL
L Spring is Semireadyseasiest Semireadys Semireadyseasiest
easiest time to convince convinceC
C Rcadytotryon so that thatthe thatthe
the general expression of ofthe ofthe
the garment gamientrnay may be judged judgedbefore judgedbefore
before purchased purchased4L
4L Finishedtoorder Finlihed to order in a few fewhourV fewhours
hours time according to your yourown yourownd1ctaton
own ownd1ctaton dictation an aiI d tie tie tieibid pecioliar pecioliaritiei
ibid ofyour form formC formIL
C About half the tailor price pricifor pricefor
for similar grade graded gradesL
d L What tailor own you 7011SlMI
Brtsavay V EliTisit Isiiblt IsiibltA It ItA
Ceatrelltis Catll far New Ttk TtkQUEENS YtkTVIIF
wJ wwwSSS S w5wrJ nc ncQUEENS
AQUEDUCT L I I IRacingEveryWeelDayat230Pli IRacing
RacingEveryWeelDayat230Pli RacingEveryWeelDayat230PliAdmlaklon Racing Etery Week Daat 230 RM RMAdmission
Admission to Grand Stand fc00 00 Ladles ILo1 ILo1Race i iBase
Race Iraloa leave B iuh St luJO A U tt tJ40 l31 l31iio
110 ISO IJO 140 140 P U and from flatbuaA rtAtburt rtAtburtAv
Av A IBM A U IJ0 1 Is 130 145 ltl P M MnORMES IIJIORRE
CsUbllahed IMTt IMTtYAK 1501YAt
Aietle Sales SaleeAWK SalesOP
Oommenelng at 10 0 oclock oclockAT odookAT
ISO aad It 201 East IStk 8t 8tBetween StBetween
Between Third and Fourth AT ATs New Tork TorkCataloruea 7crkCatalogues
Catalogues ready morning of each safe sal POT Petchasers POTrhsvrs
chasers will always Cad a large sad interesting loMrutlnglist
list to select from fromThose Iota Iotafloi
Those floi dMtrlag to I sell can make entries M Msajr iias
sajr as time up p to t 1 I V M tk day txf bfre r tk tie sal salCARRIAGES salCAERhiU
Of g guruteed sraaud quality at moderate pile pileWILLIAM prices pricesWILLrAM
BtUb 1M9I 1819 181937Wflrotwav f fea
ea Wooster nu tw Jftar JftarATTIIACTIVR irrnin flrees flreesATFItACTIVII
877 37Wflrotwav W t nroadway
ATTIIACTIVR handsome sound stylish gentle geatlharncM gentlecob
cob also lsasdsome ilhettsflj pony governss Call Callharness
harness saddles Ac Ilrewsier Victoria Drouihsm Drouihsmfour lhroughainstation
station wagon Na1IIOri trap tamUi surrey seats seatstours
four ladra phaeton Silvers runabout barnes barnesaEntUsh barnesEnglsh
EntUsh tiding saddles robes whips fixtures Ac AcBAHNKSHExtra doCOACHMAN
COACHMAN print stable 61 Madison Lv Cd5C Cd5C37th
37th at atUAltNKSExtra
BAHNKSHExtra nne On Buggy Harae ILW ILWSurrey 110lunry
Surrey Harness l qp llonabout harness harnessEZIrras M Mtixprua
tixprua or HcBI Grocerr Hamiu I7W I7WIx 100Double
Ix Double > ubleFaruiTlarneu Farm ilameis liar Dump liUUipClrt Cart Harness It ItExtra isBills
Extra lusty City Double Truck Harness ltsrneupEricits taM taMPPTKRS
sa M Wet Broadway near Chambers at up stairs atalrsTnVCKS stairsTRtcgSALLSTYLESIRGOODSand
VANS band sold oa oaeasy oseasy
VANS and HALF always oo
LHINO CO JotuuoD Jobaauosleor si cor navr St Braoklira BraokliraB HmoklyR
100 armjcs Slew sad SKCONO BAND itAffDKUNABOimt BANDRUNAB0mI
Lands Rubber Tires 250 250Spider > SO SOSpider
Spider rhaeuin Rabber Tire MS MSNew USNew
New Rnnabont MO 00 Hnrrar 31 up upW50 P PWM >
t moderate moderateRUNABOUTS
His Brr Draught Realness and Driving Bar BarTracks flrsi flrsiliaruess
liaruess Tracks k Wagons all all14IE KInds
Bvo BvoS
Higbgrade repairing repairingEDWARD
BROUOnAU HORSE souod cIty broken txxxl txxxlactor goonSaetor
actor prIce MJt 425 two day trial COCUBERN COCUBERNpom
103 Vesl Z3J II
Duv uy a aood aTrunK
ood oodrvmK
TrunK TrunKCrouch rvmK rvmKTouch
Touch Fitzgerald Fitzgeraldlob
lob BROADWAY Detpw CortlanSt St StMM I Ieu
IM SIXTH AY Below 42 St StTwo StTwo
Two Automobile Automobileelivery AutomobileDe1iver
De1iver elivery Wagons WagonsFOR
Address M Box 133 Sun Office OfficeWILLIAMS OfficeWI
FOR SALK SALEAt Ata scrlflce a handsome loutS douborame loutSFrsme
Frsme rame soundproof oaktelephone oak telephone booth mruii mruiiVDPXVDITCDCSotnii n1e54Iimg
mg 3 rest 4 Inches i 4x7 feet llrsttlat condition conditionbn
bn 4344 EquItable flunilding 120 Itrod Itrodcab
cab New Vorlichy Vorlichyr
VDPXVDITCDCSotnii nsntn ii iiS WEKKL
r yDwnii
U35way U Bway N V V I fllrbt up W jullon M Uklra UklraTYPEWRITERS ilkliLTYPEWRItERS
rrSsTER 1ThT Tel 3344 Frsik Frsiktllliard
Billiard and Pool Tables soUdlr soUdlrmade saldimade
made hlcbtrade foods IIhIClog Llfhi Llfhinlnr
Clog accurate dur durable Wf eaiMoni eaiMoniDecker cusioasDccherent
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