f t i b 4 t REAL REALESTATE ESTATE MARKET MARKETIVATK IABIETIVATI IARXETATIJ IVATK Iv ATIJ SALES ML AUCTIONS AW AWVLDLIC AND ANDlVDUC ANDiUJJLIC VLDLIC RECORDS RECORDSM 4 4t MfholM Apartment Aprtm t Howe Sold 80111or Sol Solfor 1 M gt t for or Ih the FIfth TlmeTenemenU te teA t tD Ertttrd Erect on the Site or St Ambrae Ambrae11aptlLonr ArnbroioOjipeILonI Anjbr i iCtaptiLonr Of D A 1 CtaptiLonr U UK of Minor Deal Dea1IL DesliflIjLowryhMsoIdt DealC L IrI Co C B flIjLowryhMsoIdt H Lowry haa aold to a acUent cUentIJ cllont cllontUT UT til V l East Vmmt Vif nttfourtb nttfourtbouNlIOI1 fty4oujhIroet > tawA l 4W 4WLr John Miller No O 125 f Gf IJ Iroet Lr a fourstory highstoop dwelling dwe1lli1cIr Ir Jolot on o lot 1810x1008 between Park pilngton and Lex Lexlaton 1 laton atenuwi atenuwiI seflUeTt Tnuce TnuceThIa I ThU Tt block baa developed a great deal of ofI ofIdlTIlT 4 I actlviir fa 1nce O It t WM decided to lo lower r the thaI theIf thee If e I Ie ew York Central tracks and build a wagon waeonroad wagonideacroeetheUrosdcut road At l1ade ideacroeetheUrosdcut acrollll the r out NearI Nearly NearlyOTOT7 bouse In Ixitlrn the block has changed band bandwlthlo bandaYithln hondathe 41 I nor wlthlo tb the U lut t six month Among thoee thosewho thoeeho thoeel U WlllUm Emlen Emlent made fl8J purchase l I4 who ho bite t t l BooMrelt who ho hi hu taken title to tolx six house houeeef 1 I northeast and southeast corners of ofI the f C at t 1 1 I Park arenue renue and Fiftyfourth street streetI 1 I A A M Baumann it Co have soldfor old ° tor Louis Louisij Loult 1 t Kramer rrner the St Sicholu apartment house hoUleI loa or and 9 St Nloholu oholaa avenue avenuet It ItSa I at t ierenctory elevator building on A Aplot aplot t Sa a 1 plot MJxl33i505xl078 O2I Sx50SxI070 The price was wasabout 4 11 I about IUOOOO IUOOOO7t 110000Tht lt4O lt4OI I 7t Tht bouM ho wan erected by Oundlaph Gundlaoh A AKoch tr 1 loch and nd pawed auoceeslvely 8uooee to L Duncan DuncanBulkier D Duncant ncant t t Bulkier Max Jar Ma Marx i and Louis Kramer KramerIn 11 In i each transfer lran rer the sale was negotiated negotiatedby negoUatedflorsee by A M Baumann 4 Co CoHorace CoHorace Horace S Ely A Co have sold for the thePre thet thep0byiery t ij Pre pnwJytery brt ry of the atr ty of ° New York Yorltfjovtafeld to toIJJtlftJd 1 fjovtafeld vofeld t l Prager a frontage e of two and andt t half lots on tbo ho north side of 118th 110tblltreet 11thstreetd street streetbet 4 ttIen bet lfttD n Fifth and I d Lenox avenues avenuesGdpr avenuesGeJrt avenuoerr Gdpr GeJrt rr it Braverrann have sold IOldto to a client clientof oUentlit dentIn lit of SStelngut s A Co No No107 107 Second avenue avenuea a tixttory and basement b ment tenement tenem nt on lot lotHiioo lotI I I Hiioo 2Woot ico at ISIono ISIonoMandelbaum 3lOflOI 510001andtlbaum I Mandelbaum 4 Lewlne hare sold to toChuto toJ tot J t Chuto Charl and d Henry Friedman the St Am Ambrow Amt1 Amit t1 brow chap chapeltJroperty Ch5pl l property 75x78 at the south southw southwetcorneroPnnce I w wetcorneroPnnce Nt t corner of 0 Prince and andThompson Thompson streets streetswhich IItreeteblch streetawhich which blch they Ihe bought this week from the theProtestant theProttlilant theproteetant Protestant Episcopal Cltf Cit MIssIon Society SocietyThe T 1 The prc plFtDt nt purchasers elll will build two twoilistoo twoit twoJ it ilistoo tenements tenementsHarry ItDtmenlllHarry tenementsHarry J Harry B Davis has hBJIllold sold to Edward Palak PalakKo PalakA A Ko 224 Eat Sixtysecond 8Ixly econdltreet street a three threeitorr thrlOrr threeitory itorr dwelling on lot 30x70 for 112600 112600Bi S13OOBuflowa 13 00 00Ballowa Ballowa Bi < t Bullowa hare bought for fora a aclient 15 5 client Xo O 1473 Lexington avenue a ave flrestorr aveIorr flvetr1 storr apartment house on lot 25x84 2 xM from fromJulia fromJulia froma a Julia Downing DownlnesAlbert DowningAlbtrt DOfllflZ9Albert Albert 11 Thorpe has bought No 40 West WestNinetysecond WeltNiulTofIeCOnd WestNinetyfecond Ninetysecond street a fourstory and andbawrnent andbuerDent andbsent bawrnent dwelling on lot 17x1004 17x1004Warren 17xloo8Wrren lTzlOO8Warren Warren II Sklllin have sold IOldNo No 128 Welt WetrtSarentyelghth WestSeventyeighth 1 Sarentyelghth street a fourstory and andPnrtjll andbuemlnl andblaenAnt buemlnl 18oot dwe dwofllng Ung for Dr W 8 8rI 8I rI Pnrtjll alls11 to an intending occupant occupantJohn ooou occupantJohn t tJohD I John J Hockh ockhbaa has sold for OBrien OBrienCaravatta OBrienCuaatta cI cIcnalta Caravatta Xo 625 West Weetl2fth 124th street a amodern alDodtrD amodern > modern Hat on lot 276x100 at SMOOO 11410 and andor C 1 for or C Schutte Shute No 209 2 Humboldt street Itt Itttwolory a atwoatory av v twoatory twolory frame frae house hou on lot 25x100 at atIf atlG3 If 11000 11000A lG3 lG3A A J JVnhalin nhan has sold IIOldNo No 102 10 East EastSixtyfirst Ellt ElltS East8Izvflrst S Sixtyfirst SUTlnt street Itt a fourstory fouretta and basement basementdwelling bent bentdwelng basementdwellIng dwelling dwelng on lot 19x735 to Henry Her B An Anderton A Anderson derton dertonWUllam dnn dnnWii dersonI I William Wii J Hamilton Hmtonbaael has sold No 132 132Eart 13 133ERt Eart It Slxtyflrst Slxlrf street Itrt a fourstory fouetr brown brownatone brow brownstone atone BIn8 dwelling dweUlC on lot 20x100 3xloo for Mrs MrsAnna MrsAnnaDeWer Ann AnnDeWer DeWer DeWerHoward DeWerhoward IWer IWer10ar Howard 10ar Bloomgarden momgaen and ad Lena Len Kun Kunwell Ku KuwU Kurweil well wU have bought through Joseph J0ph Cans Cansfrom Oaa Oaarm Oansfrom from rm Itaao Ita Hart Ha the flveetory fhelorJlatNo veetorv data Catao No 1670 167074J 1670Wllnjton 1670Waehlngton Wllnjton Waehlngton avenue and sos No 7 744 1U 74 7 74 74J 7W and ad 7M 76Vendover Wendover avenue nueThe nueTheprpry The Theproporty TheDrOprty proporty frontsabout fronta bout ninetjrflve feet fet on onWashington onWahlngn onWashington prpry Washington frontautntylve avenue avue and 150 10 on Wendover Wendoveravenue Wedov Wendovort t avenue Wahlngn Due r The price pr was about aut 1110000 1110000W 11010 110 000 000v j W v Ft F Pt C HSnlth HiSmtbTelIOla have havesoki sold for the theWUhelm theWiel theWilhelm WUhelm Wiel estate > Va N 2962 2 Third TaTnue avenue a athreestory athrlr athreeit threestory threeit iy e frame fr < ebuldlc building on lot 25x88 25x88tad 28 25z8t t tad thrlr Id for K KP P Hooks Hokthe the twofamily tofay dwell dwelling dwel dwellIrig ¬ I ing Ic oftlbt ofll t 25x100 2510 25x100oifthe orf Otthe the south side of Tenth Tenthstreet Tent Tenthstreet Iti street port 850 8 feet fet south of Avenue Avnuo C Union Unionport Unin Uninpr Unionport portCharfonOrifflth pr portcheple CharfonOrifflth CarmthH cheple arimth Moeeo A Brother Bt report reportthat reportthat J that tt they have hTe oompleted omplet the te sale ee to various variouspurohasern V vaiouanurohaert r purohasern purhr of the extensive extniv real estate estateWashington Ot estate1oUIng holding of thelte thelate WlI William F Iluckleyon IluckleyonWnehtngton r ckleyon ckleyonWAlngton Washington WAlngton Heights Helght In 157th 167hLl6tand 167hLl6tandIIJh 158thand 158thandlft 18thand1Cth lft IIJh 1Cth h streets 511tl Broadway DrOway and ad FortWash FortWashington 10rWu FortWasIalnton ¬ ington and In1 St StNitholas Nicholas avenue avenuewill avnue avenues1r Jgton I 1r Buckley dlel died 1cI01 In Dmbr Decoruber Jt last Hi His Hiswill will was wa probated pro1t in February Febr and ad in March MarchhU MarchhIA hU h executors exeuto decided dode to dispose la of his hisrealty hl hisrealty realty Ialt Within a I month It wa all al sold sl for forca forJ forcash J ca eh cash > h brlntrlng upward of 1500000 1500000ensteln 10 500000William brlnsng upwar WUlm William R osenzwelg nzelgand and Bmh Bernhard El Eling 1 ensteln n ln haw ha sold Xo 313 313Min Madison avanue avanuea avsnpeI a I fourstory rourstor brownstone brownlone dwelling dwelig on lotIUd lot lotI7 iot17i91 I7 IUd x l 2S9 I south uth of the southeast utho corner comror comrorFor of ofFortfsecond atFortysecond They the thehousa thehou thehoiii Fortfsecond For cnd street etrt They Thy bought housa hou at auction last 11 October Oclobr Octoberfor for 1101000 1101000The 101 101TM 101000Th The Th fourstory nur dwelling dwng on lot 248x100 248x100At 28xI0 At t No 75 Madison ldl lor on avenue Ivfnue adjoining aoining the theMuth thelulhaMt thesouthat o Muth lulhaMt southat aRt corner crner of Twentyeighth Tentylghth street streethaa IItrt IItrth streethM haa h been bl sold soldDaniel soldDtnlel ld lds s Daniel B Freedman F man has bought bught from the theDormin th theflcrinin Dormin DrY B Eaton Eon estate through thuhDugl8 Douglas DouglasRoblneoQ DouglasBotInson I RoblneoQ RhlnfD Charles Carles S Brown Drow i t Co the thefourstory th thefourtory fourstory building on lot 101208 208x089 at No NoExit NoE NoEtit Exit E t Twentyninth street streetFrancis elrt elrtRchard J Rchard Richard Twentnlnth H f Oatlg Qatlthg hu Bld sold for th the thet t Francis FrancI McMulkin estate ciite No 215 Weet Weet100th WeetlOh West100th 100th lOh street Iret a elxstory IIor aIxetor elevator tlevator apart apartment aprt aprtmnt apartrnent ¬ ment mnt house hOUl1 on plot 80x52 51 for about 1700 70000Jackxon 70000 20000Jackson Jackson Jckln A 4 A Stern have hve bought Dught from Her Herman Herm ¬ 4 man m Herrman Hermn tho plot 75x10011 75xI01 on the thenorth th thef r f I north nrh aldu Ildu of 115th 15th street IItrt 250 2 feet west W of ofFifth ofFilh ofFilth Fifth Filh avcnuo aTnu and have resold t8ld it to J R RHorowitz RHorwitz HHorowitz Horowitz Horwitz who wh will w erect er an elevator olvatr apart apartment apartmont ¬ mont lD nt house houseD houl ap D Phoenix In graham Ingaam A Co have hv sold aoldfor soldfor ld ldt t for tho HorzoR IOrM estate elt to Jackson Jackn cI Stern SternNo Str SternNoi c No NO Sf 334 4 358r r 358 3 3S and 380 3 3 West Wet Eighteenth Eighteenthstreet Eghtnth Eghtnthi EighteenthStreet i street lrl four threestory thtr dwellings dwelng on onplot onplot onpIGI plot iOtltt iOtlttA 5t2 5Or0A I A C Weincarton Weingaren has b sold to a Mrs Mrssecond Hi MrsWeUlnger f I Wellilr WeUlnger second iDd street Itrt t thodwelllngNoS10 welnl Ko 310 E East SvenY SvenYI Seventy Seventyt Richard Jch M Montgomery Montcme A Co have havesold hve hveI I 4 sold Ild for the Oustave OutTe Belnnon Rlon estate elllt to toT tof toJ fLHtn J T Henry Alexandra Axandr No M i ici East Et Seventy Sventy Sventyw f third w it Irt street met a twostory twr brick building buildingen bulldg I en lot rt 20x1022 20x1022William 102 Wila William P Mangam Magam has sold lll for Mrs MrsAgnes H Agnes Ace MWebster M WebtrHo No ro M 0 East Kt 127th street streeta lt reel a threestory Uretor and basement Det brick bric dwelling dwellingon dweUlg dweUlgmlot on mlot lot ISfccll l8x l 1 The Te Empire Epi City Cty Realty Rt Company has hasght h I bbuUlht bought ght Xo o 128 10 12 Lewis Lw ert street ai1r astxtoz7 building dig on lt lot 2 25x70 x0 Michael Michal A Hoffman Hfa has sold 114 to a Mr H Mrf f Otteaberg Oltbrg Nos Ho No 6 to t 0 OE Bast 114th 1th street streettorn srt srtXBtl torn lxstory XBtl brick brck flats f on plot 76x10011 7xI01 Roeenrweli Roinw nzel 4 Elson El have ba sold Ilto to Sam SamBel S Sameel eel 1e Kurlan Kui Nos o 30 a and adl 41 West WN 114th lUt street streettwo t two tTo five 6estory ory or brick brck flaU f1 on o plot 60x10011 lol Lucas Org has sold to Louis Less No Org b IOI Iu L 21 2 Eaat t ii7th Itb street IItrt a flvestory brick bk flat flatn f a am 0 m n lot 23x10011 2xIOl lowenfeld Lwenreld 4 Prager er have purchased Nos Nosand Nos320and 2 320and and ad 222 West We P Thlrteeath Th1rt rteeeth l street attold prh treetold old build buildC Igi ° C on plot 4lxB89 4x0 Nos No No It 1 and d U J Riving JT ton street trt southeast corner of Chrystle Chrystlet rysUe rysUeStreet Street t six lx aj ad and lIOuttorr > d threestory btiildl btiildlPot b btifldlnta t on plot 60x11 fSI i and Woe N o thz 408 4 and 410 10 East Eastuntil Et EIghty bt until street old 40x1008 buildings buUdp on plot40xl plotlIfl plot aethltrt Cohen end 4 Glauber Gaubr have bTe sold 11d Nos No No 1460 1460Kory 1 1I Ifl Iflend 1441 I and 1463 0 Mbn MadIson aTue avenue tf three five story 1 lUu oriplot o niot ThIS near w lOBd street streetirWW StreetOs reet reeta 76 n lO irWW It 4 Hughes qhe Os la I conjunction with withJJnlnth withugotlated Lldhel 01 C ugotlated onuc the rt rtIIOf recent iais of the Toie Tourab negottt Hotl Hotel and 11 Et EtL Zit 7jnioth IIOf Urnlth JJnlnth street The buyer E H Hwtenfleld HI Beld 1t Te buyr wtenfleld L Ce eld cave gav ve in I part payment fortysix toYi ionyeIx 1 I Ioti ° on o o theT tl PAk > ark 81op Slop Slope p Brooklm Brooklmt Brk Brkt pyent Etet t Th Trlbelhorn blor baa IOld for M Mrs AUDa Anna flQhegr D emlr to M Mrs E Emma S Sn dedkr decker the norout northeast comr corner of Pak Park avenue L and Xlfltyforth Intyourh srt street and for M Mrs Josephine OPhlne Alr Alger t to R O Quin Quinn t the lutb lutbtit south southeet place placeDu r tit eet t corner crner of Edgecombe Emb road roa and Jumel JumelDujf ul ulr Dujf Du Du 4 0 Brown Brow have hv sold IOI for Charles CJ K KCompany tIark ak of Pu1 Pulaski to te the Mcrott McDermott BD BDII sen Company CtPly a alot plot of four lots 100x100 100x100north IOloo IOloob II 01 be north norh side of Manhattan Mt Mnh f street streetw Btrt jOtW5e b tW n Arniiterdaxn avenue and Broad Altr avnue w Way rforlsoooo rforlsooooVeatertays y for 10 10lt Br Veatertays lt raJ1 Aoetlon eio Sales SalesKT 1 KT I D pwxnrx PII ntomAaUM a aidtiot oo ooM M rCII c idtiot u aaue DU wu aide Ide 12 3 td aonh aonhI 0 DlrDlh street tt 3 i1a A W I ndhr u s Wllal William Olbb ci 1 LU TlW TOWU aD 1q01 M Windtii ttorney W S txwan WDI allle7 S La Er tfere Ifi Prutloo nOD to li Cbarlea bai Gulden Oulaap for ortiif Ib p rjlaintm rjlaintmReal Dlln 1330 1330Real 0 0Rfal Real Rfal Estate Ette Transfer TransferrowrrowK Tlf TransfersrowtTowt rowrrowK rowrrowKSou fW rowtTowtlT J loW Sou 5saA ef rvnttaM 1 K ttI 1 1 lT > V > Ifl Ittr q qesn e lld P < 1 fI fo rorqunrLImdedb qwclaltB qlnell It IN Aff4 Aff4I b a az4 ar1 brti astd u ui dHrf deedn a for df deed eD eDOTtUt 1WAlsi OTtUt iInit Stealer 05111 05111i I i IvU u C a w erh tot 5th I l UU n a A Avm a C C WI3 a 55u1asswlmJernstwI I M 1 W Wf 4 f I I i 3aliu Wedesteth wIg SS5r A Avsnu 0 a itb at 37siN cue ken to Abrsis flaclirscb mIs 511000 uK i 1 Ill Lv is 2iio0 Prrdflck r8 8loIgenbert 10 ad and ao1 ann to Wol wolt Dlrn flonron ml mta U 1 COO 31730 2d o av 107w 101 V aMxlOO U 2ll 34Z1t Herman lm S agal raet 0 at al Sr i to toedon1iwebimteW 8ldonlay II c i s mtre tr U70007 10 c 7 1 1ujr 100 Alleq Ie as II us e i 3i571 Jacob Coben Cobent1mas 10 10 t1mas fm Adlld Adelaseta 3178 ad and ao ano ab mte mire Ohm 118 118A1InIfss 11 100 100C A1InIfss ujr CfIJ ° JJ I J2VlxM7x5xxi7i t u ihiiais T11 ° I aSe e eDel 10 C Rwaeeke Del to 1 Ida lla Machlx Wabl tclge Us Uswo ItSooand IB IBa wo o ooand o and d K 100 ChrIU JVitle II at tJ 1 II7XIOOXJX100 211110110 Caaael Caaaeln 10 a Cobn I 10 L Lana Bum Ilium mtre 335000 C 100 If ilenr7 n at 1 m 1 30 s a 2lxeo 2Q with wlh irore 10 on adl Max Mi Ma 10 ano Cohen 0 tI mire and Id sno fllooa ano l0 to Edward Ewar Demauln Imt Bernstein a n and andano al andSf0 I 120 Lewis Ioflendet1uacamIge15o at t dO I2 18 12e a a 28x79 2170 ml 110 Jull JullLudlow Ju Julius t Sml Smllt Schatiman I Ludlow lt 11 at IM a e a U4xMx22txKIil 33sdsz23exiottLudjow 21I Samuel Scboenberr nbbl to 0 Amelia Amel Newmark NewmarkLudlow NWr NWrc Ludlow c ow n at a t e I a II US n RIvtnton a t s8 238ka Muse 1 U N Valentine Vlmte Rh10ra to Amelia Ameia Newmark Newmarkkd band bandsuftotk a Suffolk kd at I 15 IJ w a 26x100 t00 i tnatx Hebman nm nmI a 110 fdl to Janob b KufmamlI Kaufman nIre UI000 1 IO nom nomNaihan 10m 3d it t a23I0WAveaueV41z00z33j73 110 W Anou hwu Uai Iobeato obo Frk Frank RubIn C2Ua2tll C2Ua2tllhwu mIle 3110 0 aom 4th t sI t 333 C c IIOI lStOzIe 10hD Ouwalt 10 Oai Nathan HU Roaenberc Rberro oo and 100 Same m property Nathan Roaenbtn to task laakgcalndl l1 11l RoDr prpnr 1la OrDmn Greenman ad and l0 am mln 118300 oc and 100 I 5th 51 1 110 C 5 210 3az100z Imr nag 1rnesttns ao Jkro JkrobiSdIvud ae 10 gcalndl e biSdIvud 10cv v and Id extra eztrzto Irl to laaao 11 mNln llale Ualemtge Ualemtge15th Dr mire mtfellth mire1Oh I IIe llth at na2i S SGotdatet 2i elaVav2 I bi xlO JKjeiinie JKjeiinie1UOOO ti 1Oh Gotdatet I Ie QI 1 to Wtr Weller oUbm OtIbOolfl mlr 1UOOO 10 7 7Ban 100 100SAl Ban J SAl an anUfa ama amaUrt Iniau Ufa Urt au e e7 rtfOt F ar I a ottwtm Hwm rmrlMnl rH ant 110U UC tu tuM a M 2 av a JOfJ 3057 w a a 2JlixlOOx 11101 Irret Jonaa Jol 111000 111000Same ir Well We 180 and ad i ana 10 to t Lw Louis Oppenheim Opphem mile IntlBSIne 1 1me Same me property prpn 9rnpefl7anyGruetoJoaUWefl 9rnpefl7anyGruetoJoaUWefland Fanny 1aDT Oruea Gre to Jonaa JOD Well Welland WeUld and ld ano l rate 13600i u 36 I 10 100 M av v 710 10 mir w a MxM > N laaao 1 Sakotakt Sakolaki k to totllXno t S Har Hanta Maddbum Mandelbaum Id d anD mile tllXno 1 oe 0 and I 10 100 1 la U ay v a e eor or nll Old 2d at 100x100 10110 Andrew ADd Carnerl Carnerlto to I Townaend 1wlol Burden DureD Cmec t I30th Mtb 1 at 1 M J E E lIaise Hew He UUIer 1Uler1 MUlerio to Francis Prl II Jenoka leel mtf e tuooo Wo > t I1th I 1th Hth at t1 aw and Id lit E IOxM4xMlU r84aUII 10z54tz411zS78Clirtatlan 7 7Christian Christian Crtl Stoebr Siolr to 1 George orle mill 1 Jr rmlre Dire Intl30th 110000 100 DO DO1Mb 10 1Mb ai at I n a 202 3 e Itb 1 av v tOxM rl George Oele D DWlek 0WI9k DWick Wick to 1 Edward Ewr H Lllehtleldetal UlbDld d Indlv Indlvand Idlv Idlvad mdlvand and ad trustee trust nil mini at m8g 1MOOOO e nom nom40th 40th 4b 4Othst sl a Sl311w34v s 21l 21 w M 3 avj rues r runalQSzwIOi runalQSzwIOia a M 0 x w lOx lOxKtb a 4 4731 D W 2 3745 A a 1 Lt W as I D 81 eats ao aotb Ilh Ktb tb at 1 n a 20 S 4 0 w Id 3 av lf7ilOOSx 11alO1 1 1Ilml jrrec Ilml MMh Ib 04b atn a a M04 u w 2d 2 av HJiSS laM1 laM1nr lLSz00as x anda aDd Irrjr nr William I Apkeea Apl to Beea U hoe a Reel Re b banda baDd baSdu nom Ud l 34 tan ta a MU 1 w Park P av 118x1004 IUIIO j Caro CaroHflM C Cuoline lne line HflM W T TWUmerdWf 1rlr USrdmg Id and too n 1 to M han N Nmrlr WUmerdWf mrlr joint Jont tenanU tent 100 10 10055th Htb at t 24 K ItxlMU IhlO Sara Sr S McQaade to 0Wa Mary Wa T Tboma Tlom mtce nire 1MOOO 0 Wcua nom D Uth 0 bt at MS l 43 n 2711004 hIrsch Kobre to 2UKU Kor J 1 Stanley Stle Foster Fote r a lOc to mile ml tMtoo e6 nom aO Sea58th Bth Ih at 11 a a 78 w Avenue Avluo A 27x100 2108 Eman Emanue SnianUet ue Uet ifochlIeImer obelDer 1 to Bmuel Samuel WDe wenek mtr mIce mIcee 110000 o e and ad 1 10lh li 135 13500th Ib 00th 0lh st t n s 2414 e lit tt av V 2J4XIOO 2UlOI 8 Emma Fmma Fmma1alra Haasmger 1alra to Seltx Rl clt Realty R rO Co mire lliooo 10 leO 100WUT 10 leOwas was WA irrJa irrJaIT mu muWait m mt1 IT t1 Wait K of Fifth at attifttn Wi FourtetnOt F0tl < tnt 14 11OM I II 0 Wt ttti tttiAmsterdam au auAmardam Amsterdam Allr av a s w cor or Win at t 27x 37a00 City 2g CIT Real Rr FJtate Ile Jtt Co C to 1 Robert Rn F hallanttne hallanttneaad Ilalne BallantIneS b and ld a mtge 134000 o a ana and i sto 10 10and IUb av 6l367w 111 a 75z70 LuHelbrDn Louts Hetibruns Hetibrunsand and d ano alo xcrs to 1 Marcos N1 Kramer Krt mtge Dlre 5111 138000 0 4XOOO 4XOOOUth 000 Uth at 5 204 a a781W a 73 w 7th av UoiMO UoiMORobert 1Sei0S0itobertWHallIoMarbsT 8 a W J Robert itobertWHallIoMarbsT i W Hall I to Martha nhh T Kellyonand K 100 10044th 10 44th 35111115 I at I aa I 1MJ I ltSJwStbav w ath hv av runa f runin J a lOOix lOOixi 101 100511 I 11 n 21 toja 11 2 311 a nol io6i i ii I iLs 4etb 4etbU1w 4 t st stliia liia U1w w Mb 8b ar avo Uixiooi 1101 New Ne York YorkAaaoelatloa Ya Yal YoreAUoctatIoO 1 Aaaoelatloa for Improvtag lbs Condi Condiano Condiun I un of l the Poor to d Helen II J Jenkins and lc 0th 4 > th ano at a b bn n anda and s It ISO a Ow w tUb i i n av Mx 26137 iif 7 to ti a a Ver Verdant Verdant r ¬ 20000 20 20cnt 300000th 4 dant cnt lane lle with wlh1 all title tte to 1 Interior lot at atcentre altl atcentre centre tl line Ile block blk between bUrcD 4tth 41h and ad 60th 60thata 6b 6bI 10that ata at I ISO Ir 110w w 11 ilia IltItay nv x aw w 2Jx Itzalx 181UI MX e e2Ii MX a n nM I nLI M 1 John Jol J Sullivan SuUvI to John 01 Weber Webernice Web Webermire r rDUre nice ocand 100 10071th 10 71th ht at lIT 11 W 1JX102J Qlaa EII J Buskey BI I to toFannie toFannie Fannie FI Fannie e EWrttht eWrrbt flft flftIMtb rif If If111th IMtb Ilb at t a a 200 z w3d wa w 34 av 24x100 21110 Henry IDr ABrann ADrl to lAmnlea American Wonrr Uortfaf e Oo 14000 14000lilst 100 14000lthsttI lilst lthsttI at a M e Amjterdam av avo tUiMil tUiMilano 1010511David 1 1 David oppenheimer Afledm t and site to Ous Ous142d aul15vua 15vua I I r Iawrenre c 10 tim 142d lU < at all W V 29xMlt 2aOI Frederick Frdelek SIlOs StldaAvenue te 1 10 Ale AnnIe Bbf Sebsefer r 550hz 550hzWorovQlt alln a1liena lon 10m 10mlon sea sea550hz WorovQlt 1 of o TM flees fleesAvenue rOr1 rOr1AWI1fl Avenue D n w a 21IxM l Avenue AI I D n w a art aItIzU AWI1fl ItIzU lot 7 and part rt It map pt ptFckdt Samuel Samuelu ajnuelFickrIi FickrIi Irl Sarah r Iebon 10 Sml1 Sml1Wlehetn Samuel SamuelMlcheh3on Mlcheh3on Fckdt u 4 na MIt n mlro v vBrtcra 2uim 40 10 100 100flZIU Brtcra 8rr Wlehetn 1 avn aV1 LV fl a 774 74 e IMth t0lh sttOxlOO It610 it 50105 An Antbony A ththonySmyth tbony thonySmyth Smyth Snrlh to Oeorce 1 e DKlnfstononand DKlnfstononandConcord I I Klnrallo Rlngstono and 10 100 100Concord Concord Ctr ave tv s n H I lot 112 32 map vniton vnitonPort flttomPort ltn ltnPor Port Por Merits 1orm Ae C Eugene Eucn Hit Ruen en to Oeoree OeoreeMuller Gore GoreIuleradwl Oeor OeorMuller Muller Iuleradwl and wife wit Joint oint tenants tenanuJackson lenau 280 2600 2600Jackson Jackson I av w a MIO 5 IBM st 152x79 152x79Rusiel 152175fluse I Rusiel I S VJO Johnson I It8rp to t8rp Ralp b C Dullard DullardWales uf 10 100 100Whes Wales w av a e7l7i w s 9nil710tS710x 50157i015710zseIlLouts 7 7a > all allLouis wlarl Louis larl lsy 1iayt r PI to Jacob b Hermann x and ano anoan moan an liens liensWestebester S SWHlbralu IWestcbeatr Westebester WHlbralu a ln Creek w a belnc btln plot 7 map mapof mpor mapof pol of part Brownei Arw property prprr Hock Oel at n e a a200aeThomaa aZTomu a200a 200aeThomaa ZTomu 200a pn eThomas atru II rnn runs nine n e IMSxaw Inu a w lllOx lllOxn n w 12811 121 to beflnnlnr belnr b bpin ln parcel srccl rrl Xo Xont XoIs 16 IIn1 same map btrnnln contalai 100 st stof 1tooo i1 of ofli acres acreaJamea acresJames James Ferfnson to Charles c S Taylor and andj andIns nt 18000 I 50 501t Ins mire li IC ICWila j 1t it 01 a a 10 r 0 WILlIS vuuWilliam n i 1 bum bumWillIim William Scbmulw Slmult1 to t Leonard Loar Halber Halberatad Hbnad Halberigtad atad < ad Wila mtce mt e tea000i 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RelT RealIyand and 1 Mortgage Morra Coto CotoEraanoelDoctor 01 0010Emanuel EraanoelDoctor Emanuel to1 DMlr Dotnr 60000 60000linh 10 1000011th linh U Faael at a s 2W 3 6 wMh av tOxlOp bum Isidore IsidoreJackson IsidoraJackien Jackson nD and aoo to Isaac I rllco rllcomlrt It Horowltx Horowltxmtge HorowItznmtge mtge 20030 nDca 000 0 ca oo 0 and ad 100 100112th 10 100112th 112th U st B i IU w 8th av bum ll Oscar OscarS OacuSstraua S Straus M to ti Isidore Jackson I b and ano ano111th J 1 1lllth IUJ lllth st Ill li W UxlOOll > ton Rendrt Isaac II to toJulius toJulius UJ Julius Schattman mIte Ilrt 121000 110 I l11Mb IUf I111th Sbtma 11Mb Julu tn a 22w w Iuv stav23xlootl V 23110011 J nomen nomenloo C Crremtr flomcnleo Uf leo Rledo and ano no to Rostaade toi1n de LGuer LGuerrlerreTntgellSOCO b auer auermiprrenmige13000 rlerreTntgellSOCO 1MOO 1MOO127th 15000127th 6t30 18I 127th rremtr st nstOte a I 03b e Madison av li l5z94tll l5z94tllWtUIamn s o otlrmleS atil atilWilliam 1 William M OBrien ne r to Mary OOnen l r all allw alltitle title mtCe uim 10 100 1334 tlrmleS it a a 1035 I w6t W w 5th aT I 1509911 800 c Oph Orpbas Orpbasltralnerc4referre h lA Ttralntra ltralnerc4referre J refrrre to toepb 1040Mph Joseph L I 10 OlsnnJ 001 IIIIe 10100 10100U4th 1010 15100134th nrntra reore U4th at t MJ E ZSxlon > 110 Charlw Char i S Ouggen Ouggenhelmtrrcteree Guea Gueahemrrlet OUctenhelmetrefeTee U41 helmtrrcteree r to ti Morris WOrJ H Hayman larma 14100 14100IBih 110 1tOOlIh IBih hemrrlet st ion 1011 R 1 3011788 1t25 12 IMward IlwAr Regea Regeahard nereDlA ftegehard Illh hard to Edward Rohltuk Rhlkh b and nd a nom nom177th noml1th nom177th 177th l1th lA at IIa ataLSleJemnme a aUe EdwAr eJrm Jerome av7ailU Iv vt 1 75125 > William WilliamO WIIm WIImOne1 O newer to Mayer S Auerbaeh Aurrh mtgv One1 mlr 14000 13 oo ooand 0 and d 100 100Lota 10 100Lola Lola U 17 and U 6 8 map land lad Nelll Nel estate eatatejMepn estatemacph 11 Ll jMepn Diamond I o to James D a Osgan A gan mtge mtgeItjnoo flhteItStm Itjnoo Dora DoraIota nm nmLt seaLola Iota ir 205 20 map sec t 1 St Raymond Rrold Park Otto OttoSchmidt 0110Bbmdt OttoSchmIdt Lt Schmidt Bbmdt 2 to Ralph Jpb Hlkox Hlax I 1MlhstH14 IaUaCauAllt IMIICIILANSOi1 aUaCauAllt MIICIILANSOi1 MIICIILANSOi1MthitH1b MlhstH14 n 7H1008 1UI0 Alice Alr n Craw Crawford e Crawford MluI2I ford lor to Patrick Pllel Derry Dr mtge Hl 181500 1 oo 7SOOO 7SOOORecorded 73000fleeorded 0 0Rert Recorded Rert LeatM LeatMMonroe La Laonr IeueeMonroe Monroe at 1 I7 11 75 Frank ItlUman IUUma and Id ano 10 to toAbraham 10Abram toAbraham onr Abraham Klnstler KI te 6 yru WrMO WrMOFront 1 3300 3300Front Front Frn Abram at t a 1 e cor cr Broad nrd at Ill t Stephen Stpbrn Pyle Jle to toAlbert 10Alben toAlbert Albert Nelson S yra n 1100 1100Rutgers 110 1100flutters Rutgers nuten pi Nlon 10 0 Samuel 8mut Zarettky ZrtzkT and ad aao aaoto l0 moto to Max 1 Sehoefert 4 yrs n n12h 4080 4080120th 4050120th 120th 1 at 1 lit 21 ShoteM C Thomas TbOI Case Ce tndlr Ildlv and andu andas 1 12h u atty et al to Aadreaa Alr Schmidt SchmidtNaaiau Slldt SchmIdtS a St a 1 1t 1250 1250Name Name Naaiau S man yr rit 1 It t yr tO 140 40 Uak Ma tiffi ln mn to t iitiii LuL Loub Slldti fengai fengaiman Er Erma rg4ittan i 1000 1000Crosby IC 2000CroabI1 CroabI1 Crosby ma at t U I Michel Iehel Seangarttla SraU 11 11Oourd tolasso tolassoOourlsnd to Isaac Isaacarn Cbr Oourlsnd ad and ao1 ano 3 yra 0 St 5 Oourd A Anna iv 106 BU fimU Kult JuhnIo Pederol Frederick FrederickU U nand Syri 750 7501sotIt 10tb 1sotIt 6 444 1 l 10lD Jobsona T 0 KCF Jenny 1 to Angelo AnreloIrtrI AngelowczwSuua 7 750 750Sober wczwSuua IrtrI W Tlhl tlab tlabBbe 8 Sober I ITg 5220 5220S2dmtld4E3uUaMTUtb1UtoJ0 2 S2dmtld4E3uUaMTUtb1UtoJ0 Bbe E W 1 la Dr Drwt Ihober Tth n4t a S arn > iv lno lnoWillis 1 1Wal 1300ut Willis ut av 144 il Hlrara Ji a i inL L L Pheipa P IP to i Richard RichardJ i i wt J Wallace I i yra vOO1020 vOO1020Pearl OI OIPelI Wal Pearl PelI at 21 60S 1 n Emma EDm B r I Bowna Dwe to 1 Dennis DennishVr 0I DennIs5th 1 Mi 5th hVr Sbea avI7 av Wl4JAaioBFHedrlch 574 AII Antoa Fr4eD Tdedrtcm to 1 HLseBlm HLseBlmand H L Shlm Schim SchimaudazmoIOTT3 1riJ riJ inJ N i ij ePb i 12 121d 1 and audazmoIOTT3 1d ano 10 t yrs yrsDoyer i I 5100 5100Dover Dover I etTW It I 13 Jaatrow rw Alexaader Aludf to Due DueBlanoWtor Do Duck Duckton DTr ton I Co i VT n S mO Inos InosoadWay 7 Wo C oadWay 0 2873 515105 E Iomhlme flemuhelmeraiia flemuhelmeraiiaano BlanoWtor BlanoWtorAcker < 2smon Coadlt Co CoFonirtV c ano 10 1 to Acker Aele Merrall Wr 0 120 FonirtV at VloV i H Dir ii Baiir Vo fl Brannef BrannefKprJont lri i 1 1N 1 10 10Norfolk KprJont N Norfolk 3315 J at ill ii alt ioaVph JOICPh epi 6 GO14STb < A t d1r dfarb to laaao laaaoHershkorru ii 15110i4Yo I Inbko Hershkorru nbko lyra I 11 3700 3700H CUtr H DrOSS ao Clba Bhtli 1 i4Yo Ol Columbus Dro iv T M s4s HDr Henry finyar e 1 to WU WIIUa51 WIIUa51Schemer Clumbu Shwer Schemer 1m S 1i r I Iare 10 10IIeo are IIeo rdeid Morps MorpsDIW Mortlages Mortlagesnowxvowx DOWKTOWX DOWKTOWX3ot DIW 1 3ot of 0 FfvrtHntH Torl ttj ttjimwre a anlt atIwasre imwre nlt ao 1 latereit Ilkr I Is staved tt4 read r t per pr cent centAvenue ell ellAvu eentl eentlAvenue Avenue 0 B w eec 5th ta at also Avenu AVII 0 Ow 0a 0w Avu w a 23 i a Slim cr 1 at 1 t JulIus ulU a Welnstcln Welnkl to toWilliam t toWilliam William Ftltxel mtge M 1500 1 001 I yr 400 400vJnuJc 40 s000Menu Au vJnuJc Wll C PUel aw a w cot mI ftth at t also Av A AvI C w 11a we we50a a aj53l cr t ao j53l 50a a ith Mh at 1 Jullua uUt WeInsteIn Weoll to 1 LtjopoM LPlu81ldr Lopoid LopoidSchmeldler Schmeldler 81ldr Schmeldler and ad aao a prior mtg 14000 14000t 0 t vr r I t > ercent nt Voo VooAvmne 10 3000 3000Avsmie Avmne Avsmie cTi 6 a r a a at a w a 12th tti at at Abram AbraraBachraeh Abrm AbrmBlrab Abramltacbraab Ave Bachraeh C to f ciavt a Kohnken Konkea dti dueW due May I lvenue Blrab 110 110Avenue 1504 Avenue venue 11 b 01 11 S I a 405 0 > 11 Sib b at ta V Jacob ob Margo Margovlti War Margo1t o 10 vlti 1 1t aad an anD to 0 MorrIs Fedjr F dir and Id ano anonrtor a amnitor nrtor aIO mtie elite M7000 67 000 Won demand dmad I PCT cent Dt 10 3000 3000aav 00 00to 1 aav rrr v 1 mIo Wot Wolf I 1m I0nZO50 1 Frek Frederick SII SIItobr 31011 31011eftberf I eftberf lutl Italta Aptl April I 10 10 In 3750 37502d 2d d tobr avIO av I H Rldlla SIdants Wel WeIss to Htr uerman BI Begal Begaletal et etal 4 4511 0 r tcent lt ltI 24 av a D W T rr rr r 1 Joabb oepb Woowt Ucskowttl Ucskowttlto I to Stale Sank In I yra Tr I per eal 018 otf o1s UOOO UOOOAllen 310Mien Allen 11 at IM 1 Ik Ida Mac ilackli Usto 1 to pr Oeame Ome C nei neieke Rl Rein Reincke Ic 1bl Al eke le t prior pler mtge 114000 110 due A Ali Aug e 1 MOS MOSCbVaUcatH lt 1300Spercenl I Spercenl SpercenlCheysue 1 C CbVaUcatH Cheysue pe fnl at 8 as LVakfaaum JI Lass l Baum um toLawVefi to len iwyera Title TitleInsurant 1t TillshSaurmn0500 Cft Insurant hSaurmn0500 Co ITt < 3ooo 3ooohrystltT 50000Chryalle 0 Chryalle hrystltT InUrcO It 55 Lena na Baum Dum toCaaaelOohea toCaaaelOoheaprior to Ce diesel OhD OhDpror Cohen Cohenprlormllell000SflIOPrCrnt CrII prior prlormllell000SflIOPrCrnt mtgeltaoao me I o yrs n 8 percent prerlt 10JM 10JMHenry lr 10210Henry Henry pror at 1 a sJ a I ij 3 e scannel BIDe st with wlh gore goreMax rr torIdJoleIac Unr dJoleIac Edward ttemnaleln ad and alf attn t to toMu Max aoDt Wa Cohen Ohe dar and ld ano 10 Imtrln due Feb Ieb 4 W04 W04t I Ip SV t > er V cent rntLcow v ov ovNewmark LudhowatIeS102Sfl p IO1 D RlnD Rlvlngton ln at t Amla AmlaN Amelia AmeliaNeWmart Lcow Newmark N to Moses WOt M Valentlae aeDUo due Mar MarII W IdayII II IMI I perreat psi r CI rent rent3d 44000 44000d 0 11111 2d d si It a a aa10 w Aveaue Avlue C Frank rk nnbln nnblnto ltO I to 1 I Max Liii I Cohen Chn prior pror mtge 517000 I700 10 uutalla uutallala Ittl Ifttalla4th 7n 7750 7750Tnaeabaclt 4th T J 22SflathanR0SeS jr r 10 Rb 1 Ot aflct E 11 Tbbal Tnaeabaclt I yra 414 peT er ceOt 1 110 110sIgn l sIgn at NPrr DzeDeriy le umq 1 to Iou Onadpro Oawaldpllev Oawaldpllevat tl11ID M a la 1 335k k o Qr1331 04 aeS t A BOHSbSTI I 31 I ll LI S SI 5th 51 I I bI aYui amos I ra m M azal t Is a alse Mli lse Breweez ee ln 1 1015135 uUi a yrs r I per perOeBl P PT0th OeBl D I t l 1100 1100MUten J Jtb 0th tb t B 1714 e University pi P 1 George uere H HMasten I 0 Masten l to 1 17 Mary D UnTel Duo Do I jn 7n yr I per p cent CI 7 714th 7141b 7000 700011th 14th I at t a a m Wi e Avenue 0 b unlouport Unoapn Oua Ouatave Ou 0aa1ve tave tY Iy rn Buacbow lulow to 1 Louise Lul Goergt Oc widow widowrn wd widowIy I IBut aAIID aAIIDBu SLaT SIDE SIDEHail But Bu of 0 Fifth Flf at bitiettn bwtt FturtttnUt nurm ana d UOMaU UOMaULexington 10 uClA aU aULeilngton Lexington Lllnrtn av V KB Emma m F Fetlretcb Fdlr to toAlbany 10Albany 0 0Albay Albany County 1 savings Dank 1 yr yr4 4 per perMtlfat percent Albay cent Ount S10rl D J pr pre 1 11000 1100055th Mtlfat 55th th e al 1 333 wwraarnetoaameiJrV4pir wwraarnetoaameiJrV4pirceat W WI lmo urn 1 to lmo lame 1 yr S pr prdcD Per Percent cent I la laid 1L0 1L03d ¬ id dcD av V 2OJ7 Louie Oppenhrlm to t Joaaa Jonuand o Well Welland wdlaa 2 Lul Oppabm and aa and moo l0 prior pl0r mire IUOOO Installs lot 4 4yra Iyr yr yra I per cent centIan 4T 4Tth o Ian th ar v a pr s cot tr8d Wd at 1 I Townsend Wma Burden Burden4th Dur nuroento to Andrew Carnegie I rn 4 per cnl ceSt 1 300000 3000001411i o 1411i 4th I et Allrw aaZMwidav a a 280 Clelo w ad av Edith E1 qr qrsnam Ji Jiano pr Id azmd azmdalma alma to 1 New 2 York Eye and al Ear Et Infirmary Infirmarydue IDn lnflrInafldueMarch due dueMarch Wart n I IV IM7 4i per cent 100 10075th o 7 7ui 75th ta at n aI a 1M8 w Park av r William I J MarrlB MarrlBexcr i i4arml i4armlslot a auer aIIrf4 Irf4 slot and DI trims to 1 lawyers wer Title 1Ue Insurance InsuranceEstate IDrc IDrcC hwaraalcCo 15000 C Co I yr r 44 Iq pe per tOl cent 500 at 41 E Jaeol n Wblo White to al CitY II Real Realsate 1 Estate Etk sate Co due oD June II 21111 l 1004 4 4M 4I per cent centEmir em 2000 5315 Ib at 1 a C a 18 S W Avlue Avenue A Bui Samuel Wek Went 1 10 10Emigrant Emir EI Emigrant rant rli Industrial IDduira SavIngS BTID Bank Bk 1 yr yrSame r rI I 44 pet cent 1500 1500Same o Same e p propertyYaameto property II manic m 1 to Emu1 Emanuel Hocheimer HocheimerScaucbmann Hohdmf HocbaSaeTprIor pnarmre prIor pmpMl wIg 5100 100Irr 100IrrIb I yr 4000 4000ISlim o ISlim Ib at 1 U 437 E Frank Shmc SchmIdl 1 to Fr Frank Frank8Chuchmann Scaucbmann luchmIpe per cent centWMT cDt cDtwt 5000 5000wr o WMT lio liodr mini miniWt wt II dr tia Wt e of 711 7tfll at a l Ol bIWWI liw n rwrtmah Totlfl and tcl0aJ tcl0aJBmaw 110M K KBroadway its itsBzoadway Broadway Bmaw a w cor 77ft at 1 Albert Alb Saxto Sax Se Set Sueto cr 11 to t Washington WaIDrID Ufe Insurance IDrteO C Co v due dueJuael du duJueI doJUSel Juael 1KB I per cent WO WOMlh 5000 500050th Mlh I at t 204 10 W Martha WarihT MacthaT p T Kelly KU to Robert RblnW RblnWIr W WHalVIyr WHall HalVIyr Hall I yr 4per 4 per cent cril W Wth 0000 000030th 30th > th at 1 Ir 2 2 35 W C Francis Fre p M Week Weekato to 1 United UnitedState UD UnItedSlates State 8tC Savings Bank I yr yr18th r 57500 5750020th 18th vh at 1 a 8VII w a K a 325 0 a e Ctn eh av 1 Frand Fnlc U UW WWek 54Wrka W Wek Wrka ks to Dernlce Dtmee D Emerson Emell prior pl0r rotf mtrea e eM7SOO M7SOO I yr c Bdat a 334 d76 I at 404 W 7 Mary Wf 0 Vanpel VIDpl to 1 Tnut TnutOn Trl TruatCo On of 4 America due du April Aptl 1111 l I8M I ITaller 3800 380050th 0 Amelr 50th I at I Ii W FrleM Frances P nelu reid 1 to Hbn Robert W WTle WTalIez Taller Tle trustee lnt i yr 4M 11 4 per cent centth 25000 2500035th 35th th at n a tIM Itt 15 e Amsterdam av Kbeneaer KbeneaerKurd ybtDerr ybtDerrHUr YbcneierHurd Kurd HUr j to 1 Mary Mary R Lewis Lwu due May y I two two4H I Idl 000 4H percent por U U3d dl eel 300 3d at 1 a a IU I e Columbus Clumbu av Theodore TheodoreKlllan Tledor TheodoreItillin Klllan KID to 1 Adolph Adopho > Ode ad 3 yra n told 17u 17uBABLUt 1700 1700I ° BABLUt BABLUtV BABLI V I Mtmfculan JaMon stand IIn4 north nl of 0 101 10 ttlt Hi Hialb at at5th f alb li av T a w cor cr IMtb UCI it t Henry ln F Lucca Lue 10 toJamea 10aM 10Jaute Jamea Kverarda Breweries demand demandper dDod 0 0oye Iper aM EerAd Brtle per cent eu gold WoOO WoOOLenox 3000XdIflO Lenox oye no av n e cor 011 119th st George W V Eggers Eggersto Err ErrLnH aV1 cr 19tb to Henry D Goodman m I yr 6 per r cent 8000 8000Lexington 10 10AnDt 5000Leahngton Lexington LnH av ol l 1936 = S8 Mao I Mib8 115th l tbst it IM riot K KFeeney 5 5ASnIe AnDt ASnIe Doughty Indlv ald and Uf eitz t to tllltfl tllltflFeeney lf I Feeney due April IJ 1SOJ 11 l 1omIDr 1500 1500iomlngsldeavegWI 00 00Mornlncslde Mornlncslde uFterl iomlngsldeavegWI omIDr dovetl av Aprl e U1 I a IIBUi 111I st Marie MarleliUtt MarleliUttto relluU Uutt Uuttto to Max J Roth prior mtge mtrt due Jill Ja Rll pl0r 1 11904 l 04 WOO WOOtilth 3 3500111th tilth 111 at t n a 2l2 2120 w Amsterdam ADtrdm av Kman Kmannet rme man mannet ll net ue Doctor Oolr I 21 to 0 State llcalty lealY Itralt and ad Mort Mortgage Wor WorS WorIJi Mortgale gage Co l yr I per cent o 75000 75000Same 70 701i0 75000Same Same S property IJi same to same m prior mtfc i i 174000 1i0 1 yr 8 per cent COt ji UOOO UOOOUJth 10 1300113th ° UJth si 1 si J 2 RId w id av David W Gilford Gilfordto Glor OldordtoCharleaWlkxaiSyrI 11 to 1 toCharleaWlkxaiSyrI Charlea Crlra W Iiooss3 1I 3n yra 8000 8000tilth 80 6000lIttb tilth it 1 n a 2M w si IIU a av Isaac Is K Uorowlti Uorowltito lor01t 121 I to cent 1 CII Isidore 1llor Jackson Jakla and adDoI ano l yr r I per percent pr prCII PerCent 10100 10100112th tolO 10100112th 111 112th at 1 n I a MS 2 29 w 8th av a avLtIdore Isidore Lldore Jackson Jaekaonand J Jacksonand kID kIDad and ad ammo ao to Oscar Oaar S SIrIUS l yr fold Id 20009 20009tilth 20 30000llIlm tilth 11 at 114 W V Julius ulu Schaltman Sballa to I Empire Empirercent Pplro PplroCty rmplreCity Cty City 11 Hal heatiy C Co prior ml mtge 110 121000 I rr rrI yrI I per rcent cent 1JOO 1JOOM 1 11510 pr M n a 2JS w lat 1 av avo Dr L I 1 Rosene Roseneprior Rosena0uerrerre Oumrr 0uerrerre to Umrulco 1omcnlco IlclO jUcciO and ld am amprIor 0 prior mire lljooo 1Lc 0 due April Apll I IN INper 11 1000 I II 5percent pror percent per oent eD 4JOB 4JOBEnf 4300uth 00 00ham I uth reD at H 1arta i A Dn Doimilegin iAD to Abra Abraham bj ham r Enf b t4tgel el I due June JUID I tl 1903 OJ a I per pr cent 0 ItO 1 1104 M at a a 4U w lib av v Joseph Jospb L OBrien ODrll OflrIento IU to 2mIrant Industrial SavIngs Bank BankIr t clrlt IDdutr SvIDr Blk BlklJr Ir 4 per cent centit Dt > 11 11ta ISitbat it t tl 543 4J E MorrIs ri H Hayman Haymnanlo i iMD1 to WIN WINllam wil WItItam lJr llam ta FMoore P FMoore3yrs4 Wo S yr n 4H percent Jcr cnt i iIKtn 16 11500 11500135th IKtn 1 at a a 200 E 7tb 7b av I Louts Lul Hanneman Hannemanto lanleml > 111 2 to Julia Julia Kratky Krlky due April Apll l IXW IXWIJTth 11 4100 4100111Th IJTth ul at 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premisesowner pMmllownerI prnnlIssowner owner ownerI J P I > Voelker Voelker oelker m 7 14 av v architect architectcost architectcost cost 0 8COO 8COOrr 600045th 000 000Hb 45th > Hb at too W llth av onestory e eplue r gu and andboiler andboiler boiler rr house Consolidated t Gas Co co4 Irvine Irvineplace Irvingplace f fartblltrt place owner Howard Bruce Astoria L I Iarchltert I Iarrbtieet artblltrt archltert cost eo IJOO IJOOrulan 1 1UrulD 1300fleulan UrulD rulan av v w j 81101 50 0l n 2O9tb at i fxtenrton nt IIoo to toBros 10tw totwoandahIlfatorV tw twoandahIlfatorV ndahfaIO dWWlD dwrulnr R6kobJ R6kobJDroL RokobiBros Bros premise prtml owner B W tt Berger BerterBoo 0 aSon Boo architects cost 1000 1000APAaTJIEN18 3000APAaThENI APAaTJIEN18 TOLE1FVaJUaHED TOLE1FVaJUaHEDEXClUTJOHAL TO LE1FUftYauzD LE1FUftYauzDJLW JLW Ct yw w wcVT1O1AL EXClUTJOHAL Oprd 0PhltTtNmH3BttMIt NmESsuwes sv svseat seat 11 elrrllltlr tul1llllicf furnlibe prnm PeTtIneVts iIlna Park hnrwt ParkWs wt J1STJf RT7IEJLAW4 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GUARANTEE GUARANTEEANDTRUST GUARANTEEANDTRVSl 6tJARANTEENDTRVST ANDTRUST COMPANY COMPANYTuVrlK COMPANYCPlTaLD COMPANYC3LTu1AtptL CPlTaLD TuVrlK SuaPLUa 38000000 18 000 000 146 6 Broadw Broadway jr New York York17S 175 75 Remsen Rc nsen Street Sl Street1 eet Brooklyn BrooklnMajiurri Brookl1DMnutrl BrooklynManurre Majiurri Branch 11 1 Montague St Bklrn BklrnWall BkITLWall rklynWall Wall Street Stre t Exchange ExchangeBuilding ExchangeBuilding ExchangeBuilding Building BuildingNOS NOS 41 43 WALL STREET STREETEztamclDi STREETEatC STREETSExisslimi EztamclDi EatC thr thrazk h ck th block 111N U UNaa I Ino Naa N no 43 4 4 43 47 and 49 4 Ezeluusc Mae MaeSale PliesSafe 101 101Slfe Sale Deposit Vaults Biiklif Bakla Rooms Roo iad 10 Floors will be ready May MaylI90J May15 11903 11903at 1903 at Doors 10 ne Elevators alort BuIldIng always open openPerfect opeDPerfect openPerfect Perfect System of Ujhtlnr hjghtl g Venlllallnf and Heal Haaltar Healtar nestIa tar Ia Vacuum ayatem Iem of Cleanlac enlag Installed InstalledTint lDaa1tdTIUI InalatIedTHE Tint HTATK SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS TAClTHAND YAmrllAND VAULTSAND AND THE NATIONAL DANK OF NORmS NORTIIAMERICA NORTUAMERICA NORmSA50EIUOA AMERICA will 111 mon lot Isle Jail baJldlsc Idl Idler o or op opr er r aboat aboaM7 May I L 10O3 10O3Plans 11103PIau 1003Plani Plans and particular at a 41 it Wall 31 31A StA A J MURPHY ilanatloc Managlog nartDr Agent AtentJ J ROHAINE BROWN A P W KUNNAN KUNNANJ KIANICANtSTAnUUED KIANNANEOTAIILIMIED tSTAnUUED IN lQe lQeJ 1138J J ROMAINE BROWN BROWNk CO COBrokera COBroker COBrokers Broker Asentu Appraiser AppraiserNO pprllerlNO NO to U WEST 33D STHRtTT STHRtTTNOBTHEAST 8THIITNORpUASTCORiER STRRKFNORTIIEArT NOBTHEAST NORpUASTCORiER CO1LNRU IIRUADVAT IIRUADVATTelephone IIROADAYWIaI IIHUADWAYTelephone Telephone Xo o5tl351b o5tl351bWaablngton aw nh nhWashington Washington WIaI l al Ilelshts fe 1at 1 proR Proportj rty a Specialty SpeelaltyWM 8 dtt dttKnERT WM KnERT nENBT FOUBOM IOLSO2t 14 East 33d Street 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April 1ft 1ftH IIH H f nr J = COGCJESJIALJ rAtr 21 215 Montague o St Db Brooklyn BrooklynSTUYVESANT brooklyn brooklyn5TUyVIAKT I I5TUYF1A1oT STUYVESANT SECTION nice twostory base bastmeBthrownatoneorilya47M baumeat basemeotbrownsloneonly4730terlflaWsUIL meat meotbrownsloneonly4730terlflaWsUIL meBthrownatoneorilya47M hrollllIoDe oDIJ HnotmI > termataault to ult SMITH SMITHill 1 ill Montague at t s st7no In t7no n 250 toT fo a 1ltorr and nd basement baa nnl 30foot foo nrown nrowntone nrown0lIO nrowCstone tone dwelling THOMAS ROSECRAN1 Ii 31ft 7th 7thv 7mblv lv v ItrooUyn ItrooUyn1NVB9TIOATB nroo nrooUC flrooljyn1NVSSTIOATE 1NVB9TIOATB UC rIOATII Park su tOM > p IItrraina argainafor for Sale uJ or ormtby orto orto to mtby b calling at a RtCEEIUOVS RIC nsoN8ue 144 Flatbuak Piablllll ar arRUT avBAIOAIHIUr ivflARGAiN3taesflY BAIOAIHIUr IIItaeIt detached bOule tIOOeuta tIOOeutaIOBHnaaToOO17I 300 cut cutas60t as60t IOBHnaaToOO17I JOHN PZII3T RUT 41 OO 371 < 7I Fulton al stBka I8k r t i l c B 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imnMvnnenl lmP0 ° vemenl lustfimaWd East 12ttt btliI Its at Yal YalPark YalPrll Yale YalePark Park n mlaxltaa MrkTww Ptrk 1 1IItihLallrd Irk tow Brighton Beaoh tin tinAcent lIne IlIIe6tfOi lIne5ccnt Acent lar tars ra it oR K Klar Highway U rbr Batihed IIIIlahedO IIIIlahedOnntotlau i iOntclaaa Is Isflrstclaaa Ontclaaa mAnner on and Dd haUsome apnearsnee apnearsneehighly eopemrance In Inhlghi n nhtrbly highly hlghi realrktaxi loeattoaj 1000 000 no 33 Jo cash caahmonthly O OJDODlllly 530naontly monthly para par pr1pcdt > ata atflnIerea f Interest lute Builder t trremlaea OIl OIlpremlle onDremlael rremlaea daUraJitd dUttd cImU md SutdaV flUDII = Call or adores 1TM 1TMT WKIUCHARDMf ff30IIICHARDSON IUCHARDMf East Situ lit SI YALE PARK PARKON PARKod ON pMospsclPARK VIT VITRTWEEN 81tTWEEI OtIflW11ARK1lIT OtIflW11ARK1lIT81tTWEEI ATTN 8 INI liD 13TH ski T room ilia and tiled llodbalh bath gas u aDd electric ecrlO fixtures fixturestelephone Uu Uutelepbotle1II lizmnrestetepboae telephone telepbotle1II ID each apanratnt lu uIIW new and tipto tiptodate uplod uptodatc date d limestone IIlIIeslo buildlorsJolt bUll4ltl bultdlnw jell completed In M Mcordaaeei ancoidmnce cordaaeei with r J new bmlvlBg Iuho law r poilttvfiy pos1ttea J JIU Jrc Jrcr th thAnna the thebandsomeaI r bandsomeaI c apdftmced houSes in Prooklrt reut IU 44 upward I Nupeflsleitdent Icltllt 011 praml premises open oje11rTelllnlfll openevenIngS rTelllnlfll unlU S o ociOck I aUt at asS II IIaT TasSr TasSrbill bill aT ears paaa the dIr dIrHOMEStEKERS Mr MrBOliaUKERII BOliaUKERII HOMEStEKERSII 1 will ntI61 Ton OQ tO nelh is lbs 5 kautltul Queen QumAnn QueenAnne Anna cottages reeouy MeD erected 11 on olileill lath a av and 72d 72dTad nd1Id Tad and nl17lth 74th 7ltIailreeIa aireets Inte Kaeh II liftS heuss la built on plot 40 o oaoxioo or aoxioo tact f and h baa from lOIII I to 14 room and bath bathNew bathNew bathNew New UtrVcht VimllTerrace Terraoa u aliualed blw between en 11th am amMth and and14th 1 1141b Mth ava VI and lIdlOb SOlO tn And 76th at Sta ta Brooklyn Hoi Hoito Uowto Howto to get rttbtraA then thereAt AINanYofk rYofIlCllrlf11 uv YotkCitY City Hall station TAKE TAUIBATH TAKEHATB TAKEMATH BATH BEACH 8IACTRASil TRAIN ft 10 89TU OR T4TH T4THJOHN 74THJOHN TH JOHN 01111 KISSEr JUNIUtTJ Builder BuilderAROAIN HUlldtr7ID BuIlderIan Ian ST AIfB 140 11TH AT AL BROOKL BROOKLnRUAIIIAROAIN BROOICLTNI1EnSzs I1EnSzs nRUAIIIAROAIN AIARI1A1N AROAIN l lTo STo To secure l uiryibrmit fTI rtnIt and atone bottle only onlytwo ani aniIwo onlyIwo Iwo len In aamtblock 11111 bJoek for the Ih money the best In Inthe Inlb Inthe the lb city CII hardwood trim HIM bathroom with tlb nile mlrron 1111 1111ro nilemrs ron ro througtiactbcatilirin section ledlonCl4 et and CIII a Rut Rutland HUIlanl1 itutland land road road pear O Flatbush ay coma and an4I1aeI an4I1aeIan make mnaeua mnaeuaan ua uavery an offer A Apply OIt oipremt5ee rmw or 10 owner IAM IAMJ JAMES JAMESJ J JJIOlA 1 1t44 EIIIIOa ulloa St Brooklyn OpeD OpeDfrom OpCfltroTs from 0 untIl S dell TIIIIID Ttl6l B rC Bedford BedfordSTRICTLY lrordSTRlCTIY < STRICTLY JlJltSToC YIRSTCtARS I INVESTMENT Y ST ill illuated 11 11uated uated In choicest setlo eetl Iand full IIIvrllllr1oa IIIvrllllr1oar Inyeatlgatlone4Ully e4Ully a p very ve ttf large 4atory apartment apanmentmcnls apartmentbousesl r rw J alrve larlI1 Zno Znoao bousesl all oulstde alr ynoma leased all yearly tenants tenantsno ao varaDdf fUII faultless = III t oaatruction truetJon anlpl and appoInt appoIntmeals llnt llntgaein < meals gaein ateaun ehO hot water r supply p pPark gsa ranees 1 1bank 5bask bank mortgag lusl oar beat paying property dq 0 0Park Park Slope MARTIN lRTIN the lb Dullder Duurcr 7iJ 1 roalran roalranav Voalrand Voalrandav 0aIran 0aIranav av Brooklm Jlrookl FOR iflAI iflAITO 8AL IALR IALRTO TO CLOSE CLOIJIAN AMf EHT EHTATK ATR f no SO alu a IS us HTTOX HTTOX8T 8T AND AN 11 1 a I 1114 M MTIIfSII FLIi TillY AV A V THIS THISPIECE TIllSPIECE THISPIECE PIECE Or Sr PROPERTY P OPPRTT IS OFFERED toll FOItMALE FUBtULE tollMALE MALE TO CLOSE LOIIE THE RATATE OF OFLtrrHEftOIJIVT7 OFO OFO4TAGNIII O O4TAGNIII TAUHIP WARD WARDLtlTREJI WARDLVFHER LtrrHEftOIJIVT7 LtlTREJI KOVNT7YXE1TOR KOVNT7YXE1TORUOBROADWAY KOIJl471F KXECTTOR KXECTTORISO ISO UOBROADWAY BROAUWAY MANHATTAN MANHATTANAlMACrXT IIANIIATIAfuAr MANJIAFTANAIJACIXr AlMACrXT uAr TO THE TIIEPAUK TIIEPAUKror PAHK PAHKFor PAI1KForsate For Forsate sale 0 th the h best corner COrflerltore store properly In Prook Prooklyn llrookIrn Itrooklyn lyn a e cot JIlbat lllb at and SIb ay store zxxtnxm zxxtnxmatore ZSl100 ZSl100alore Hx00xistore store now eorJ6Iht used wr tisk aa a flnlolaa lItoI confectionery t with withIf wllb1Iturea withrood rood 1Iturea whIch will he sold wIth the property roptM If needed C IRil Thll 1hi property will Iw sold thta season aeaaonfor seasonfor I If IC frr h Mot Mot81ft for f any REAaONiHLE PniCKi TFJtMS TO TOBITC TOSUIT SUIT TflOMin TRO MrCANX OWNER OTVNERnENSONHIRST O OWNERBCNSOI41t1ItST En EnJlEOROSItRST nENSONHIRST BY It THK SEAn SEA 12 rooms rO 1m < and andbsth andbath nl1 nl1bllb bath steam heated houseplat Mil00 toOa I 00 first class con condition ronc1Jllon condillon ¬ dillon tree and shrubbery 4 blocks from the 11 bay bayrestricted b brtnled bayrestricted rtnled restricted neighborhood ael lIborhOCKl boating bon fishing and bath blhr bathtar tar will sacrIfIce owner rolnc West n no arenu arenumo agentanmot mo r nmot ll t convenient r r t and ar bealthfal ArhfI suburb b of New eV eVM Vork Vorkpsri York YorkAddress M Address 50th PLtts Ii fldU f n Bay psri Parkway > r BrooW7D BrooW7DTWOFAMILY BroollllITWOIAYILY BrooklynJO1EP1 JO1EP1 i ZO1LLNEJI ZO1LLNEJITWOFAMILY TWOIAYILY TWOFAMILY house In Iteatorrt aertloa ectlo on onPark onr onrack Park placebetween place between BedfOrd and Franklinavi Franklinavirnrnts Franklin avs avsitone r 1 r itone tronts boz stoop I ill modem lmpmve lmpmvemacnIl p pmnU rnrnts opened dally and Sunday and evenlnrs tvenln by byappointment bTappotnllllftlt byappolntmenttwomlnutes appointment appolntmenttwomlnutes two minutes mlDulesl walk from Hints Kln ltinnCountr ltinnCountrI Count CountvL Countfll L I station etrhteen mInutes IDUI to New < York or UEO UEOH UEOrot 150IIhAVFYbuilder fll J H IlKATTVGuilder IlKATTVGuilderruH IIhAVFYbuilder IIhAVFYbuilderroll r rot HALE Oil BXCIIAlfJB FXCIIA04Csuarealllo uartalo new nwfamilr sit sitfamily itSfamily family brick house writ located ttrms to suit also alaornvemenu aUoblock alsoblock block IIf II 1 new 11larDIlT brick hOIl hoaus4 al all 1m 1mm Irapmveme5ta rnvemenu OounUnf aelzDhorhood aelzDhorhoodJATCM lr 3 1 1HATCH HATCH m 1I 334 4 Klilfrt r 3 au rB Brooklyn ur Ho Room m me it 4 Ti TiWallu N NWall 9 9Wall Wall Wallu St New Yort YortOPEN YrcOPEl YoruOPEN OPEN EVENINGS EVENINGS4IB 4IB V1 V1seioo MACON BT STSslo4J seioo seiooONIT Sslo4JONLY 100 100l ONLY FRED l t 81000 SI I I 000 5301111 CASH CAMI1W CASHFRED tll 1W Montague SI Telenbont Kit Main MainU MainI U PElt CENT NET NETI 1 New ew 310eV story doublt anartment bousebrtck kl klrelt and andllmeitone andlImestone lImestone 11 l lire ll suiiuio I built mrr under new law lawcan lawran can be bought right pay pa you to Invntlcale Owner Ownrnn On premise pre mi U4 62 Lafayette Laltt av or llesldence Jt ldellte 471 471Monroe 47 47IODtoC 47Monroe Monroe St Brooklyn BrooklynBMIO41V BrooklynltAltOIINAt rooklrnDIIOIS BMIO41V ltAltOIINAt At New e cw Clrecht Terrace near cars ra 40 minutes to Iwibntisn all Improvements Improrl1lnuCDlly re recently cccentl ¬ cently centl decorated and In perfect condition COodltlonIJ U300 U300Dyker 53500Ityker Dyker IJ er Retells Jf Houses < i4lu > and up rents tIMand tIMandup 10 and andtip andtip tip Sr 51 snVPR PR l2Uh3d 121 1 II3d IIIj stlirooklmn stlirooklmnNEW li Urooklin UrooklinNKW IJrooklIINEW NEW TWOrAMIIV IIODNFJt lIotHFIulh IIODNFJtON 501 PIES PIESON ON lIJ TIlE I IIlK > IIK IIILI IIILIIf 1111010th l ulh 51 Snd r lrnspect tt l Inrk InrkIf If you ou want to buy bu look at Ihrxer firoi firoir so soC oo r n IIEMSUV utninnn utninnnOXIT UIIILnrnONIT IltrllDFRONIT ONIT njioo njiooNear 57100Near 7100Nrr Near Abraham e Straw 3flon IOIT baoemtat cellar cellarand PUarnd cellarand and nd brick front lot Iot75100 nsW 311 31 Atlantlo atr 1 Apply Applyto to WIlLIAM WULI I nniDGE Wt I Iemten st l Brooklyn DrooklYIIIranklln flrooklynFranklIn BrooklynFranklin Franklin Uullc1Jn Ituildlnt near city ClI Hall Halli lIallIUFIU8T i IUFIU8T 103 3 FIRST STM ST T lIROOKLTN lIROOKLTNup lIUOOKLnINew IROOKLTNNew New 1100 alofl tilt lMfment ptlal brownllltD brownllltDlip brd1vnaton brd1vnatonup < up to dale In 1 dIcer remn > t ON PREMISES PRRMIHESPETFR PREMISESlETER PETFR rW I l F DELANEY r A T milder milderFIATIWSH 115110crF1ATRIJSHDelacbed I rJf rJfFIAT FIATIWSH FIAT F1ATRIJSHDelacbed USKIIebrt Uttacbeit to room condltlona condltlonarood coDdlUonacood 00DdltlOnarood rood owner occupies 134 Hawthorne St see re any anytime tlD tlDtilDe antIme time CHARLES HOSE Ullle Unlcy Farm Nanuet NanuetN Nlluei N Y Y Price low tens tern fur taayNEW furOP eaayE NEW OP E CORNER APAIITMUNTN AIAllnIC TS handsomely decorated CI all light 1I 1It room and tll tile bath ateam ateambrat ateamhrAI steamheat brat hot waterauppiy water ulplr tM 30 to Ml 35 lloivard howardave howardaveend oward ave aveend aved end d Dfcatur O rlur st stVC 51WE 1 1IIJLL VC SlLL IlrooklyA properly t for rash without withoutlUbllclty witboulpubllelty withoutpublicily lUbllclty Answer In 21 2 bourn bou Money paid In Inne Inonr Inone one ne wrelt w rk KHNESTUS t1I04e TtS OVLICK CO BO Fulton FultonI Fultpflat at I Ilrooklyn IlrooklynFOR llronklynFoil FOR I4ALINtw SALK New corner rnff store property on bust bustrssthorourhfare bualII builirssthooUcbfRrt II rssthorourhfare llambart ave t cur Hancock Hancockt at t Brooklyn Owner o ner and builder on premiseALUKRT premise premisesLHERT ALUKRT r8 RTnlr J LAMB LAMBFOrt LAtinJOR w FOrt SALE OK TO LET LETrrr Lar e house near nearcAch nrarhArh nearbeach beach > proper for boardlni W VM 11 A ZFLL Villa Villaiydneylay VillaSldrlfljlaY lIIa lIIadUIIr SldrlfljlaY iydneylay 17th at 1 IMIn 1 lialtafleach lialtafleachIF J1 Uearh UearhIF h hIF IF you ou want a home or lots 101 visit uorough Park 27 7 mlnuiea mlnul from Manhattan fare i cents 49th 4 lb al alnd Stand t tIIIId IIIId nd 13tb 7th av Brooklyn BrooklynnROOKIYN QroolllIInROOKI1S BrooklynBROOKlYN BROOKlYN IMPROVEMENT T COProspect COProspectark Park ark Iota and nd Gowanux Canal lot 10lS and basins for forie lor1o1t forule 1o1t ie and nd to rent Apply Ap pply lV Mnv 3d IIV and 3d at 1 Onmo OnmoIRIVATR OmoIRIATP OritsoPRIVATE PRIVATE HOUSIthccnolceit IIOUSr thrcholrul location In Brook Brookn Hrookln rookIrn Irn n Price 12 2 7SO can be bought bIIurbtfor fur IIJW cash caahlory cashppiy h hArry Arry ppiy VAi 1Ai4t9iEN A HIS 140 Nu at athIOlISESFEKblSLcoat t tIIOU8FSFEK IIOU8FSFEK hIOlISESFEKblSLcoat fuI k tho thate rlt1ant S SllloOnd 3toryandbaaement llloOnd toryandbaaement lory and basement Llmeaiooedttelllncs 11H11M 11H11MiU 24 Iro 121 iU 1 Bergen at Brooklyn DrooklynRBAsj DrootlrnREAL BrooklynHEAL REAL ESTATE AT T AUCTION AUCTIONETER AUCTIONPETER AUCtIONPETER PETER F MEYER Auctioneer Auctioneerwill will sell at auction on onHUR8DAY nnTHURSDAY PaTHURSDAYAprU THURSDAY THURSDAYAprU HUR8DAY April 23d 903 903t at > t II oclock at the New Vork tork Real fled r J Utate Sale Saleroom SalNroom Satesroom room Ill 1t11ntIdwar 1t11ntIdwarEXECUTORS rrrbadwnr IflOidwnrEXECIJTORS rrrbadwnrEXECUTORS EXECUTORS SALE SALEiivoiuiEnor SALEOIIllFnOr SALEJl iivoiuiEnor iivoiuiEnorlnry Jl OIIllFnOrDearT OIttlEfl OF OFUser lnry User B D Andoraan E DII q Executor of th thEatal SbEatlllIr thEatate Eatal EatlllIr ot tarretla rret fl Jane nr deed deedfhe dredTheChofce det detThe The TheChofce Choice and Valuable ValuableProperties ValuableProperties ValuableProperties Properties Propertiestos PropertiesNOs PropertiesNos tos NOs IU I and 117 West Street Streettoathcast StreetSoitbeast tr t toathe toathcast oathe Corner Murray StreVt StreVtNo flUntNo Street StreetNo No lid II Murray Street StreetNo StreetNo StreetNo No 97 l Barclay Street Streettos StreetNos StreetNos Nos 47 49 51 Jay Street 116 INTEREST IN PlEBS AT FOOT FOOTOf FOOTOfBARCLAY FOOTOFBAfiCLAY OF OFBABGLAY BARCLAY AND MURRAY STREETS STREETSAND STREETSAD AND ANDTwo ADTwo ANDTwo Two beitrtbla Lots on ond on3d on3d 3d d Street Streetbtwen Stre Streetbeteee t tbet btwen bet tat Ar Atesu a A Avenue AT A Ato AFit AFor Fit For book m maps Atea sic Co ajlpl to 0 Anderson Andersonxecutor AndenoaADdenon a aAnderson > Anderson Jaqs AII Allorllez for Executor S Wall Walli WallSt 5 St or al i th the Aoctloater1 orfce 111 Broadway BroadwayWANT llroadaWANT BroadwayWANT WANT ICE ICEAND AND VALUABLE ICE PROPERTY PROPERTYEXECUTORY PROPERTYEtEct1ToR4I1F PROPERTYEtECUTOR34 EXECUTORY EtEct1ToR4I1F clAiw cA AT PUBLIC AUCTION AUCTIONJOHN AUcnONIJOIIN AUCTIONJOhN JOHN lJAtR llASPn aLA ER Auri AurESTATI AlaeSESTAT I IPHILIP ESTATI OF OFPHILIP OFPHILIP PHILIP HOOK HOOKFORT HOOKFORT HOOKFORT FORT LEE LEENJ LEENJWEnNHSDAY N J JWEDNESDAY JWHDNBSDAY WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 228U at 2 PM PMProperty PMProPlrl PMProDirly Property oonsUtlng of about boUI i acres conlala conlalaInr conolllIII contaInlag lag III ICB IC POND 0 D with surface of 1300 square aquareIIr squarefeet squareand feet calling IIr 12W tlkoeakes uk ICPo ffOUIIII 11172 11172and 5173and and M 0 ft high equipped with wll boiler and andl1 andl1rlne andengin en engine ¬ gine gin with Midleas chain ell llo puts PU In 24 rakes per perminute perDlIIIUIe perminute minute Houaea NOW 011 CONTAIN cXNTAl about aboul2i50 2250 TONS OF OFICE OFICE ICE ICEFlvctoa 1 C E EFIeOD Flvctoa Fairbanks airl anb > Scale and full i ot > rt of tools toolsfor tootlfor tootsfor for cutting and housing Ice property also alaocontalna 110tIOnlalna alsocoatales contalna contalnaFIVE tIOnlalnaFIVS coatalesFIVE FIVE CHOICE HOI B BUILDING B ILDINO LOTS LOTSSal LOTSSal Sal xinfctwrvrt Vrd Trrra TinM W Pi p w e oa day da of otaal ofsale aal sale to ap pe p > t taiidayabalaace la 11 days t balance tOdaya tOdayaJOSCPlt 10 0 dare daraoa JOSEPh oa 1t C HO nOK iK AaralntSrator AdttIAIrator AdttIAIratort t C CC C v HANM 11 AlW ti I VUNM 1U1V Aim HMANV HMANVSpecial n J J1U1V w 1vI I f 4 follh f I IA IASpecial Special Sale Saleof StI StIof of Fifty Fiftyand FiftyOran FiftyOran Oran and Upright UprightWEBER UpriphtWEBER UprightWEDER WEBER PIANOS PIANOSThe 0 0The The instniments used ustdby by the artists of the Maurice Grim GrimOpera GruOpera r u 11 11Oper Opera Company during the past season ason among amongthe amongthe < I Ithe the flneat production produetlonlof of the Weber Weberfador Weberfadorand factory factoryand factoryand and In Inalirespects all respects practically equal equalto to new newwill newwill r rwill will be sold this week and next at att atVERY 1 II IItl1 t > tl1 tl1or ttVERY or I 11 VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONSfrom REDUCTIONSI t from regular > prices pricesAn pricesAn I Oc OcAn An anniual opportunity for forjudges Judges of musical quality qualityto 1 1to Ito to secure the BEST at much less than real value Terms Termsliberal Termsliberal Termsliberal liberal ONE PRICE ONLY Other instruments taken in inexchange inexchange V Vexchange exchange Further particulars on application applicationWEBER applicationWEBER applicationWEBEK WEBER WAREROOMS WAREROOMSFifth Fifth Avenue Corner 16th l th Street New Yorll Yorllrmuiia YorlLOrAnUI YoriSsrANsAIo OrAnUI rmuiia of ocrHlINur HiaHur MUIP 11111 I ° THI THalllODUla BMB991HINr Of TOMI ro AX9 33 AMI A AP1F5P r 1F5P SCH SCHpIANOS pIANOS L 164 FIFTH AVENUE ANi > aiNU a Ta Z NEW YORK WATERS WATERSPIANOS WAlE RS RSPIANOS PIANOS PIANOSExamine Examine the new Waters Uprights Uprightsand and you will discover that a thoroughlyfirstclass thoroughly thoroughlyfirstclass thoroughlyfirstclass firstclass piano of Wonderful Tone ToneQualities ToneQualities ToneQualities Qualities can be purchased at a very veryreasonable veryreasonable veryreasonable reasonable price and if desired on onsmall onsmall onsmall small monthly payments paymentsSend paymentsSend paymentsSend Send Postal for Catalogue CatalogueHORACE CatalorueHORACE CatalogueHORACE HORACE WATERS W CO 134 Fifth Ave near 18th St StHarlem StHarlem StHarlem Harlem Branch Open Evenings 254 West J25th St near 8th Ave AveSMALL AveS AveSMALL SMALL S 1 TP PIANOS FOR lQ SMALL A LJt ROOMS ROOMSA I A dainty retn With Ill h full rich e lose complete aa aaaortraent assoriment < aortraent of Grands and Upright cuy easypsyxDen1 easypsyxDen1rents as psyroeou psyroeourenta paymeotlifth rents applied on purciiasc Catalocue tree treeMathushek treeMathushek ifth Mathushek hek iUS SonBwaycor47thSt SonBwaycor47thStSMAU 7 W y r41th St 12 2 filiAL R IALI SQIARF PIANO upright m 35 larcc larccK larl larrcv5 e eau K au Cblckrnng cheap WESCK HIIOS I4 I tin West West2M It It21d 2M at 1 atTOE TOE PLACE FOR OR PIANO HAHOAINS 8 M MJACOB I IIACOB ISJACOB JACOB DHOS S7 7 FULTON ST UIIOOKLYV UIIOOKLYVRUAI UIhUKLYNRIAI BhtOtKLYNREAIa RUAI ESTATf DiTAnOLT 017T OP TIlE CITY CITVWXG CITYu CITYLONO u uuuu u uLONG1JiIANDSALf WXG LONG1JiIANDSALf IKIAND ISLANDSALE SALE OR lUST liKXTHAY lUSTnil lIENRAT HAY nil SHORE L I I IFurnished IFumlllbed IFurnIshed Furnished cottages for rent 33300 to t3MO00 t3MO00for U 3350103for OO OOfo for fo the season also ten of the handsomest collages collagesfully rolllrrstully cottaceruiiy fully furalthrd l icln eIDln lre Send > for ctlalogue ctlalogueR ratalorurftK R ftK K COUNKIlLK COII ILLP CO Hay Snore L I I 1Don 1Don24F IDOUO24P lDone24r 24F Branch OOlce om e IM llontaguu St 1 Ilrooklyn IlrooklynPhone IlrookiYahoo hlrookiynIbone Phone hoo lK2Maln lK2Maln1K1VT 12 1252 Z lalll lalllF MaInIONT 1K1VT DtY until D you have Investigated this thisFor thIsForeale 1J For F Foreale aale at aP Floral r Park r Mmlnutra I from New York Yorknag Yorkflag k klIAr nag aldewalk to station bottle II rooms and Dd bath batnmodern blbVg bathmodem modern improvements halt acre of land son 01 fret fretfrontage feetfrontage Vg frontage rtI chicken C W houses IIra IIraoh garden oh shade di and fruit fruittrees I Itreea fruittivcs trees For price and terms addrros ddn W H TILTON T1LTOVFloral TILTONt10ral TILTONFloral Floral Park L 1 I INEW INC1 INl5tt NEW lOrtOOU I0 ftOOM 1 HOtlSB partly furnished all allLong allImprOvelnerItE 11 11Improvenrnll Improvenrnll two I tiocls loel horn rom IlroAdwa liroadwar IoUon atatlonLong IoUonLonr Long Isand Railroad 30 minutes Manhattan Manhattan One Onesummer IInoeo Onesummer summer home e can be seen any day but itlve pre pre1ous pee1oua tJre lf lt r rnuhlnr 1ous eo notice by postal A S SI7 Sanford fo av avnushlng atFlushing Flushing Long Lon Island Islandrooms 1llIndsllr IslandTO TO llFNTFuli fumlhed b lovely farnthouse Ii Iirooms fJu M Mpletou rooms sllr large arre 1 stables and Ui acres of 4ind i nd wltfi wltfispacious with withspacious spacious pletou lawns with lIh beautiful fruit ana Immense ImmrnceJBSWE7IY Immenseabade e elIad abade lIad Irrea full view 01 the Oret South 11a lIay mi 375 375J JBSWE7IY 1 DMWEI Patchogue LI LIAT L I I IAT IAT AT nAHYLON AND A D WEST W iT < ISI1P 1 1lr I SA I IMost 1OU Ihost Most accessible place on South outh Shore re S7 miles milesout inllciout OUOIO OIO = bzeJWI d J Jmt out OU M trains dally express station Furnished Furnishedcottage turnlmbedcottaceaorent n cottaceaorent cottage to rent Desirable Deslrableproperly property for forsatc fcalr Illus Illustrated tIlestrtrd ¬ reJnElt7ltblr8fJ Elt7ltblr8fJ trated mt mtreJn list reJn JEREMIAH HOIIUINS Ifbi Ifbin Babylon LI LIHEMPSTBADFlne I I IIIEMPSTEADFhne HEMPSTBADFlne dwelling d on Hilton av 14 14rooms IIrooTna n 1I oVM VM VMtlltl rooms bathroom nrw plumbing sanitation o per perfect perftt ¬ fect ftt electric light shaded lawn large arre plot fruit fruitstable r rNEW rult rultlable rultstable stable RANSOM 84 Maiden lane IlIIIeNEWrER8E1S laneNEW NEW NEWrER8E1S JERSinSALE LE OR RENT RENTCHOICE RETu RErCHOICE u CHOICE t SUMMER HOMES at Atbtiry Park XUeoburst J Deal IWlfr Ilradley l Beach b and vicinity ffnlt for forrent f forirat r rrent rent Illustrated pamphlets matted on application applicationT ppllc Uon UonT T FRANK APPLEIIY APPLEIIYopposite APILEJIAlbu APPLEIIYopposite opposite 1 depot depotAstiury depotAibury rrltnhUn rrltnhUnAT Astiury Albu 10 P Pnru and Allcnhunt AllcnhuntAT AtlenhuratATntrrflERFonfl AT RUTHERFORD N JKfnt privilege pur purchaae purebIM purchase chase three modern cottagea eoU right nine and ten tenrooms Irnmom tenmoms rooms every Improvements One locations every everyway eeryWT everyway way desIrable dNfltbllllld and worthy wonb attention H U DELL UELLNo DELLNit BELLNo No I Erie av avMONTCLAIR avW01loTCLAtR atMONTCLAIR MONTCLAIR N J12room house hou modemImprovements modem modrrnImJrovmnu modemlmorovemelmta Improvements fine location five rnlautra walk Ik to toeither toeither 0 0t 0r 0I ImJrovmnu either r depot rent reasonable J i ELLIOT CLLIOrOOOC M MWeat soWst Weat t 104ln I tr at ato atsg OOOC sg o WILT ntnr ELKOANT RESIHEXCE at atPaasalc atPassaic 1 1Pusale Passaic N J Including largo tar bam fruIt Irrea Irreaand Intand 1evcaand and garden rden MILLEII A MEYERS UE MEt ERS Pasalc N J JRENT Jwt JREST RENT furnished m cottage 18 I room roomy bam near nearROW nearWaterwltch JJ WIbtll btll wt Waterwltch i Park Address JOEll WI LUIhtLIt LUIhtLIthow lmt lmtIOW ROW Locust N J JPl JtRISIIEO I IFtTlVISHED FtTlVISHED Pl ISJlEDOOM COTTAOESll2ill7 AGFI1171 for season seasonboard seasonboard uon uonboard board at t clubhouse UOLLOY MOLLOYMurray IOLLO IOLLOIIScrA Murray HID 1ll2 1ll2MISCEJLANEO NJ NJFOR MISCEJLANEO MISCEJLANEOTon IIScrA Nm M MF F RMsT FOR RENT for term of years eArs the h hKutbDl famous famouslnglhrIennsylvantaRallroaddepoldoln famousKuchnies KutbDl Kuchnies lint holeI AtInlleCItX J lor located Itd adjoin adjoinlngthelennalvanlaftallronddepoldolng dJoln dJolnIn In lnglhrIennsylvantaRallroaddepoldoln tbr JtnftI lvIDla ftaUrolld dI Il < dolllr blgbusl blgbuslo big bust bwlfb bustness o ness < ua every day d In the year largest bar buxInMs In Intho Inthe I M MtioL M Mw l d fb the State Address CiKOIHiK flr P J KOOIIRS 1112 1112Atlantic 1312AtlantIc Atlantic av Atlantic llIIIlIe OIly CII N J or J J B DUNNY DUNNYJohnstown 1J 1NNYJoimnatown N I IrOil Johnstown w p Pa Paroit a aroll rOil SALEIN TUB TI iiKAnr or 01 THE ArmioN ArmioNDACKS AOmOit AflhIiONflACKS flACKS t a ala new house with J sevenlarge seven large alreplni alreplnirooms stecplnrooms p pIIbrry rooms a Urge kitchen I n dining room rrr parlor and andlibrary an anlibrary library completely eamp IIY furnished piazza fItly feet long longon lon lonon loncon on one of to the largest lake 111 In the tb AcUrondkaam Adirondack Adirondackalao also a new n barn will sell rn cheap If purchased Im Immediately 1mItly Immediately ¬ mediately Itly for UOOO lJoooAddreAI AddrCAS U I J BENSON IS7 IS7State InSlate 133State State st > Albany N Y VCOUNTRY YCOUNTRY YCOUNTRY COUNTRY 1LLA It laOOllnfltlru Connecticut overlooking onrlooklnLoII Long LoII Inland sound 17 I acre running ntllDlo to watera wateraedge waur waurtdr watcraedfe edge stable Ailed with latest convenlencea apart apartraents apnmII apartments raents mII and nd bath foratableman for lIablemllll all 01 the finest ftDIlor ftDIlorM for forat formale male at a grual b bCURRIER bargaIn Apply to UIIAIL UIIAILFOR IIIIAIJL1 a adInKIER M EIJ IJ fll fllt fllUIIAIL dInKIER E CO No lit I West t Jld st stFOR t I IFOR FOR SALE In the Sullivan MounlitlnillniiMa MounlitlnillniiMalevalrd MounlsinslImiatzelevated < a elevated bay till and M woodland well ell watrrrd watrrrdIra wlprtdWra wateredMrs Mrs Ira WILLtt WILLIAM MCLAUGHLIN llrldgrlown Nova SoaItolla NovaScotia I Iotta Scotia ItollaFOR ScotiaFOR otta I IFOR FOR CoalNOIl 001 OoalN Oil and Timber Und In Eastern I Ientucky 1CtlItU Eenlueky entucky write W R HAMILTON Slmnxon mA lPo < Ky Kr1r KyW I IM 1r W LM M OXTRANDER ii Real Estate I and d larcit larcitu InestaosIi S I aosIi u North American Itidg I dr PnuadMphia IblladrtpluC8VNTa PnhfmdelpbtsCOUNThY I IofMTmv ofMTmv C8VNTa REAL BGAL E DlTAri TATB TATESALE 8 SALEOB SALEOBRENT LE OR ORE ORnrmKSHIIU ORnWWr RENT RENTIIRnKSHIIU E nWWr WWtfltJWWaflaSWfl WWtfltJWWaflaSWflflEflKSH IIRnKSHIIU flEflKSH 11tH HfLLStXslrable H furnIshed l houses 110110 Jea I foMhe fortbesummer to or tbo Iaaa ummer MNMHN U TCMN TIlNC1 TIlNC1to I = = t d d6dbGftl 6dbGftl 5 5Greitest Pianos Pianosper I per perWeek perWeek 1 Week WeekGreatest WeekGreatesl Greatest of AllPIANO All I IPIANO IPIANO PIANO SALES SALESThree SALFSThree Three Wonderful WonderfulPiano Wonderful WonderfulPiano WonderfulPhino SAUSI Piano Values ValuesWilson p pWilson Wilson Pianos Pbnos1S5 Pbnos1S5Unrmony 155 155Harmony 155Harmony Harmony Pinnos 175 175Walters 175Walters 175Walters Walters Pianos 193 195Including 193Including 193Including Including Stool and Cover CoverDelivered CoverDelivered CoverDelivered Delivered on Payment ol 5 5Pianos 5Pianos 5Pianos Pianos guaranteed for five and andten andten andten ten years yearsSecure yearsSecure yearsSecure Secure one immediately and save savei savefrom savefrom i from 100 to S200 S200OLoonlNODALE 200 200DLOOniNQDALB 2003d DLOOniNQDALB BROS BROS3d OROS3d 3d Avenue 59th S Ih inJ 60th Streets StreetsJAMES SimlajAMES Streetsm StreetsJAMES m JAMES < HOLMSTROM 23 EAST MTH STIlES a aTleautlful arU aBeautiful Beautiful l lh dainty Baby b Grinds r of o hlrhe I merit mertvwtt lt ltwIboUI I Colonial rU henieiance la ad o Baby tjprlghIawlth t of ofwithout without wtt noulourwondcrful ourllonderlul transposing kerboarilSerer kerboarilSereral al Mrlnway 11 lnaV anrtChlrkrrlnr And Cblrk Chlekerlnr rtnlr nlsnniat IIInn al b banrl harlan nrlan prices nrlresAUSTKHUAM Irlrrt1IIIT pricesitIISTEIIDAM AUSTKHUAM 1IIIT IWAM PIANO IA > O COMPANY CXJUPANYrtanos OOUIA COMPANYPlsonaforsaieandrentoneaIy Y rtanos PlsonaforsaieandrentoneaIy 1 for sale and rent on easy term trnns Eiehanr Eiehanrlnt i a lnt 10 and 3 repairing I fd special f Inducements r for casi cliii cliii4mm t 100 West 4 list lit su sunAnOAIN ItnA atISAJIOAINMagnlfleent nAnOAIN nA ISAJIOAINMagnlfleent OAIN Uatnincent Ma n1nteDt mahogany upright tiprtfhlpiano IIprirMpl uprightpiano piano pl DO new December I last guaranteed sicrinco sicrincoaccount aacltllC8lI sacrlnceaccount account lI < of rarnoval KKAI11O KYR 143 East Stout StoutAITUHATIOV 6elb1tAITlnATION 56th it itAITLItATION AITUHATIOV SALK SALPGood ood uprights mrd utedSps 671 7V tM tai Weber Cblckcrlnr barcalaj baral I11OULU3 I11OULU3a a West lutb I III II stHEUA1ILK IIUL IIRELIABLE UL RELIABLE ilLI CONNOR 1IAVOS I OS for ulond ulondrrnl stl Ue and andrent andrent rent on easy Irrms rxrharitlnr repairing cal catavlorura cal101rue calasIotuea lorura mailed free 4 lju I InsI > I 4JU al alTO itTO > l lTO TO LET von 0 IIUSJMSS DVS1 i Iurposp IurpospLARGE Ivnu IvnuLAROEilo PVflPUSJLARGE LAROEilo LARGE LIGHT rMODER MODERN OFFICES OFFICESone OFf s I Ione one blockfrom block from Produce Cxchaocr New Xe Custom Home and Battery Modem ConvenIences Low Lowest Lo LoI Loweat est I rents obtainable for such teb accomtnodatlonl accomtnodatlonldowntown accommpdaIionidowntown erommodallOnlr downtown MOD 303 to 11000 ItIXI per annum Apply oa oapremises oppremIses premises r M and 22 hltehall htzr Street s e cot or Pearl PearlPAHLOIl rrl rrlPAnUm F FPAJILOR PAHLOIl FLOOR STORE U tlWul West SMh at 1 near nearttn n n6tb nearStb ttn av from May M ZiiM feet deep steam beat beathot beat hot water waler active district dLtrl < tRevlllona RrvUlon DClI door WM 12l1EORY llENnr l1ERYlOLSOM TOLSOM 21 East 2ad at atA atA 1 1A A STORE MxTO leos MadIson av below belo lllth lllthat IUt IUtrJw 111kstLarge at rJw stLarge Large gt anon lr windows possession lffl J JOrnd time al lowed to at up Ar CVRlLLB lrLL CAHHEAU Agent AgentOrand AgeulGrind Grind St near flowery IlowerySTHnEH Jlow flowerySTGREM I ISTUREII STHnEH tofu buildings office om 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conlemplallDg sale or exchange cIty cltrsuburban eliTubu cItysuburban suburban ubu loon Interviews Inltllr and correspondence aollo aollolied 10110IIrd aollolied lied numerous waiting customers OfcOROe OfcOROeIKIWMXO B BKJWIIIOO a1KWLIG IKIWMXO IKJ llroadway llroadwayAPAHTMRXTHOUSES IIrolWwyPAIIT3lP ltroa4wayAPAIITMENT APAHTMRXTHOUSES APAIITMENT PAIIT3lP hOUSES managed mII d conaclrntloualr conaclrntloualrand ronlmtlou ronlmtlourn I r rand and rn rronomlrally best t ret relerencas ele ele1n < renr teaaonabl teaaonablN p terms orl IlEyitEj34N iA a JESSLRUN n N 10 10BROOKLYN 103 t 1 1n WEIJmsrliSr WEIJmsrliSrBltOOKlYN 1 ONrlJ Sf SfDltOOKLYl BROOKLYN PROPERTY converted Into caadj caadjcondition raaJrondltloo q qcondition condition Immaterial quirk qulellactloa action RAY L OOI OOIntEY 000 000IHEY 001IIIEY > ntEY 20 Court at t Brooklyn BrooklynmVKUJNG DrooklaDnTUJNG L LDU1WTUIIOUSF If mVKUJNG DU1WTUIIOUSF IIOl IIOUH RN TO LET LETMODERNIZED LETfvralbed I IFamIshed FamIshed fvralbedWOOFRSIZEO FamIshedMODERNIZEr MODERNIZED beautifully furnIshed rumtabe I latorr 3slot 3slothouse house hou Went rt litn at 1 recently rerrnU decorateditl decorated SI 000 000FOLPIII po poFOLNUM FOLNUM FOUHUllinonumu iinoTtimw rvu HROAUWAT HROAUWATfntnrnltliM UlOA WA WAafumc i1lOG i1lOGFOUHUllinonumu i iVntnrnltkd fntnrnltliM fntnrnltliMA afumcAIIOT t tAhIOrSCS A AIIOT AhIOrSCS HOrsrw IIr i unfarnlshrd 1 and furnished hi hidedrsnlc IDdt4lr Ti Tidesirable desirable lorallln rent tljon to Kono KonoIOISIIH p pIohSetH dt4lr IOISIIH IIm IIROTIIERH m R t v3l onf onfP1IAT ft ISROADWAY ISROADWAYlUIINISIIEI Itb AD WAT P1IAT1UINISIUU WATITHNLSIirU ITHNLSIirU HOOJH KO I16 TO M7T M7T2IST UIu UIlal a u w wEast East iii iii21ST 114 ii a l3i I I21ST 21ST ST x2 WnsT Wr nII11dlOme < Handsome large rooms roomsrtvaie roomopI1Ut rooraprivate private rtvaie baths sIngle rooms transient takes ref refrence f freDe ferenee rence exchanged exchangedID liD ID HT U t FAST VASTOppostte OppoMte Hotel Manhattan Manhattanoora Manhattanlarge I large gOI front room nlth urPrr pusate IIblIsI bathi also liai liairoom hmau hmauroom room oora trlephoae trlephoae70TH west fI 11111 111117tlTJf sie20TH 70TH ST rI2J m 22 WMt WMtnItI WesLItandsomeiy lIanrUamely DII funilikrd trait traitroan rr1roCIIII 5351room roan private bah teatlsaaaii lD teatlsaaaiiaww aww