> c sr Ij fr frI I g I q b t r L TTT T d r d T W L DOUGLAS DOUG D 0 U G L LAS AIS AISt 11 I t t j YiWR MA N 8N E 350 35 0 SHOES S H 0 E S Mfc MfcYou wo IW IWI1 VaT tfD IN INt 1 P I1 You OJM lJllIUW gay V9 from 30Qto 300 to 5OO on your footwear footwearthl G a thl this Si s SpiM IIy hywarlnt y wmmHng w W WLOougMa L Dougktm 35O shoes shoesThey shoest aIoa6j 6j f1t 1 7 They nre just Justas aa gtxxl goodin in every way as asthose those that 1mvo mvo been beencosting costing you from fmmOO fmmOOI 8500 8500k 8liOOi t I J I k to 8000 iOO The immense salo of W V L I Douglas 8Jr 3rO > 0 shoes proves their supo suporainy 8UPOt supoi i i rlority over aU other makes 1 You ou will need n apair Ilr of ofhigli 111gb cuts forcool for cool and nndI v t I rainy ral Ymlthorand weather and a pair pairof of low cut oxfords for fo warm sunny days Dont Dontv Dontpay j pay 81000 to 81200 1200 forthc8o for these twopalra of shoes when you OU canKCt just justas i 4 as much style comfort and service in two pairs of W L Douglas Douglasshoes DouglaaF F f v shoes for 8700 GTDont pay 8600 5OO OO or 8000 6Ot for shoes any longer longerTho longerf < I < The Douglas secret process proee of tnnnlnpr tho bottom so1etr soles solesw solesfi tr f i w l produces nb aboIiiteIy olntely pure leather more flexible and will willI1UU fi 7 TAME I1UU In NO L wear longer than any other tnnnnfro In the world The Thesnles Thejj I Ivaales jj S vaales sales have more than doubled tho pant four yean yeansrhich yearllt t 1I i J il UH crETrTrpi srhich which proves its superiority superiorityc c I I J AlJi4 1809 Sales 12 22038832 22O38832II 203 883 2 2W 1 v W flrti ii 1002 100 I Sales 502434000 502434000ULuTP35O I i I I 1 BfS ULuTP35O T 3 1 50 SHOE IN w t tHEWOni n f WORL D I II h I I Iti 111 U h I I I U I 1 iUH ti iU I > 4 Icy an Jf wear we W U 1 Doug DougImm IIOfIIII Dowglas las I Strong 011 Made 2 200 200hoes > OO OOhoe hoe 110 i Youth 178 178Hail 175Mad 71l 71l1I1l Hail 1I1l Mad etUt but f Imperial Iperl ant andAmrfri Amtrleem Alr n leatlnn leatlnnHttlt 1r frathrNWi < l11Nn l11NnHrI HrI Httlt a PGIIflt fatintOalj alnt CIf 041 fruit fnamtl nam tax Calf Calf CalfVlcl Cliffriel Ca1 Ca1Vkl Vlcl Hit Patnt Corona C CoOnkd rona Kid nut Pattnt Corona Colt Colty CoftSn 4 Sn Snid by y M 4 uougla lorn Ior In Amrrir Amrlan AmrlanI n neltlrmiiiHhb I eltlrmiiiHhb ThftefniilnxhkTonntnrinclprlrronbollnm eItIc I nd 1 thfItII tho ilraJer e everywhere everywhereThftefniilnxhkTonntnrinclprlrronbollnm Y tl Firt Color Eytlrti 7aJet mi iiclutlvily szcluvIytELW iiclutlvilyW tELW W YORK CITY lY STORES 4 45 LMrtlnncit rtl n Street t 433 33 Broadway cor Howard Street Street7R3755 Street7rJ75 street7r37az 7R3755 Broadway cor 8th Street StreetIJIO 1340 Broadway cor 80th Street 2202 Third Avenue Av nn cor 120th St St2O1 201 Wen 125th Street Street142Faat 142 142Faat East 14th Street 074 Third Avennsur Aenu84Z Avenue sur 8 + 5 Eighth Avenue 1 I HONeillCo ft llONeill ONeill Cot Co t a 560 High Grade GradeEnglish GradeInglish QradeJ QradeLnglish English and Scotch Plaid FlaidSteamer PlaidI I J I Steamer Rugs and Travelling Shawls ShawlsMuch ShawlsMuch ShawlsMuch Much Below Prevailing Prices PricesSpecial PricesSpecial PricesSpecial Special numbers at 475 498 SO08 698 and 1098 each eachOn On sale In Blanket Department third floorSixth floor floorSixth OoorSixth Sixth Avenue 20th to 21st Street ACCUSES DAUGHTERS LOVER LOVERmen men MAKES HIM COIIESPOD COIIESPODEXTIXHIS conESPODEIT COIWSPOXDEXTINIIZS EXTIXHIS EIT IN IllS SUIT FOR DIVORCE DlVOltCEDeclare nllonCEDeelUH DIVORCES DIVORCEDclze S Declare That fttratton Young Youn Princeton PrincetonGraduate PrtnCftonGraduate PrincetonGraduate Graduate Ha Been n Too Friendly FriendlyWltto Frlmdl Frlmdllib Frkudlywiw Wltto lib III Jill Wife rueWife Wife wants Separa Separation S Sepralion para ¬ I lion Calling Call1n III fits Charge Cruel CruelApplication CruelAppilcatlon I Application was wa made yesterday to toSupreme toBupreme toSupreme Supreme Court Justice DavIs In behalf behalff I Dt > f fMra Mrs Nanoy Rich for counsel fee and andUlmony andLllmony andiltmony Ulmony pending her suit for a separation separationfrom flCparatlonfrom roparationFrom from William L I RIch Mr and Mrs Rich Richlive RichUve RichUve Uve at 21 East Scventyflrst street Mrs MrsRichs MIIIRlchs MrsRlche Richs lawyer A H Hummel says hos hesmember hosmember hosa a > member of the firm of Black Starr A AFrost t tFroetJewelelll 1Frostjewelere Frost FroetJewelelll Jewelers at Fifth avenue and Thirty Thirtyninth Thirtyninth Thirtyi i ninth street RIch himself hlm 1t says he Is Isonly isonly only 001 a clerk though he admits that ho hogets hoseta homete gets 115000 a year yearMrs yearMrs Mrs 118 Rich who wa WM ss Mrs Ann Shaw an anactress anactrell anactress actress bases her suit on allegations of ofcruel ofcruel ofcruel cruel and inhuman treatment Her chief chiefcomplaint chiefoomplalnt chiefcomplaint complaint Is that her husband hu band has accused accusedher aCCUledber accuiedher her of misconduct ml oonduct with Frank L Stratton Strattonwho Strattonwbo Strattonwho In 1899 1899Strattone 1899Strattons 199Strattons who was as graduated from Princeton Strattons father Thomas C Is a manu manufacturer manufacturer nianufacturer ¬ facturer of proprietary medicines living at 117 West Eightysixth Elghty 1xth street She says Nl11 that thatyoung thatoung thatyoung young Stratton is actually the sweetheart sweetheartof of her eighteenyearold daughter Edna Ednawho Ednawho Ednawho who Is the only child of her first marriage marriageMrs marriageMra marriageMrs Mrs Rich according to her counselapplied counsel counselapplied counselappUed applied to Justice Blschoff for alimony alimonyseveral aUmony15eral alimonyseveral several weeks ago but at that time Rich Richdenied Richdented RichI I dented ever having accused his wife of In Infidelity infldeUty inildeUty ¬ fidelity and succeeded 6UCce ded In convincing tho thoCourt thoCourt theCourt Court of the truth of his dentals Now Nowhowever Nowbowover Nowhowover however he has begun a counter suit for forabsolute forab forabsolute absolute ab olute divorce naming Stratton as tho thocorespondent thooo1elpondent thecorespondent corespondent lie has aUo alO begun an action actiongainst actionagaInst actionigainstStratton agaInst igainstStratton gainst Stratton for 1100000 l100OOOdamagc damages for the theJlenaMon thealienation timL L alienation of his wifes affections affectionsAccording allectloDIIAccording affectionsAcconfing According to the papers which Richard RichardT 0 T Greene Richs Rich counsel has filed flIed1n In the thedivorce thedlvorceproceedlngll thedivorce divorce dlvorceproceedlngll proceedings the trouble in the theRich IheRich theRich Rich family began about Sept 1 1902 1902when 1002when 1902when when Stratton came to visit Islt Miss Edna Ednat I at t a cottage which Rich had rented near nearm nMrLake nearLake Lake Placid m P In 4t the Adirondacks AdlrondlkAfter AdirondacksAfter jl jlAfter After that Rich says 111 he noticed a chance chanceIn chanJ1In In his wifes manner toward him She Shefinally Shefinally Shefinally finally he says got so that I0t he wouldnt wouldnthave woulllntha11 wouldnthays have anything to do with him him and fro frouently frrquently frequently quently asked him In the presence of their theirold theirchlldrtn theirchildren children a boYI 12 and a girl Irl 10 years rtllrold yearsold old If ho wouldnt t furnWi her some grounds groundson on which she he might apply for a divorce divorceIn In addition to her charge of cruelty Mrs MrsRich MIIIRich MrRich Rich declares that her husband drinks drinksthat drinkthat drinksthat that he does not supply h hr r with enough enoughmoney enoujhmoney enoughmoney money for her needs although he Is a rich richman richman richman man with an Income of 150000 0000 a year yearthat yoarthat yearthat that he has stopped all her credit at the thedepartment thed thedepartment department d partment stores and that he him orderedthe ordered orderedthe orderedthe the servants Bfrvantsln in the house not to obey her herReferring herReforring herlleforrthg Referring to Richs RIch assertion that he had hadno hadno hadno no funds with which to pay alimony alimonyand be beyond bevend ¬ yond and the 120 20 a week which ho had hadbeen been accustomed to give Ills wife Mr MrHummel MrlIwnmel Mrllumniei Hummel produced produO d a letter dated Sept SeptJS 15 1D02 In which Rich addresses his we wife wifeaa 1IlCeMy aa 5 My Darling Love and says that ho hohas hoh hoha has h ha placed in a tin box in his hi safe her herjewels herjowele 7 jewels valued at 135000 35000 to 110000 40 and andISO SlUt15o 1150000 ISO 000 in money moneyyou moneyou You you ou will admit admltt the letter says that thatthis thatthlal thatthis thlal this Is i a good saving taking Into ronald consideration ron ronaldratlon d dratlon ¬ ratlon the t1 e manner in which you have havelived haelived havelived lived livedJudge livedJudgll livedJudge Judge Davis reserved reetrld decision decisionMrs d decisionMrs lalon lalon1InI Mrs Rich it was said yesterday ye terdar wan wana WMa wasa a sister of Amelia Summerville Her first firsthusband fllllth18band 4 husband was an officer In the British Army She was married to him when aba hft was 1I II IS ISyears 15eILni ISyear years eILni old and got a divorce In 1887 SheI She Shemarried Bheinarrled married Rich two years later laterIMPROVE later11fIPROIE LaterIMPROVE I IMPROVE ST GEORGE TERMINAL TERMINALBoard TEnVINALBoard TERVINI4LBoard Board of Ectlmate Approve Plan to toUpend topm toI I Upend pm SSOOOOO on toe Project ProjectThe rroJ ProjectI t t11Ie I The Board of Estimate E llmate approved yester yesterday yestrI t8trr t8trrda ¬ I day da the plans for laying out a new approach approachto to the St George terminal of the Staten Statenbland SlatenIsland StatenIsland Island ferry so ts to Icfeon the grado lead leading leadIng ¬ 1 ing to the terminal and to furnish facilities facilitiesfor faclUlt8for faciUtiefor for building a curve for trolley trollt cars The Thecost Thec Thecost cost c t will be aboutJacob about S300000 S300000Jacob 1300000Juob Jacob Ioth rAlth1 Golden Wedding WeddingMr Mdln MdlnMr Mr and Mrs Mr Jacob Loth of tie West West150th W West150th lt ltl60th 150th street celebrated their golden wedding weddingfMt weddingJ c Jut night b by giving a dinner and reception receptionL tJon tJonI J L at I the h ioma orne of their IOn > lleaLoth3l lleaLoth3lMt IIeIu7 Lotti1l1 Lotti1l18eTeZ1t7fourth > fMt Mt BoventyfourUi ttntu 1tL 4 i 1 The Standard DesksAre Desks DesksAre DesksAre Are the Best BestFOR FOR SALE OY OYCHAS BYCHAoS DYCllAS CHAS E EL MATTHEWS riATTHEWS37K 37K CAXAL ST N T TAll TAll YAll All our other office and library furniture furnlturii furnlturS furniturematch i match with Yo IIh these In quality and andllue andllueSUNDAY value valueSUNDAY alueSUNDAY S SUNDAY BALL GAMES LAWFUL LAWFULMAGISTRATE LAWFULVAGISTRtTE LAWFULS LAWFUL1IAGISTIt4TE S MAGISTRATE DEUEL UPHOLDS VPIWLDSTHE VPHOlDSTllF UPHOLDSTHE THE RIGHT TO RECREATION RECREATIONSay Say Sa In Dlicharflnf the Manager of ofGame a aGame aGame Game at Jasper Oval That the Whole Wholeaetlon ftboleQnrttlon YtholeQuestion Question aetlon I II Whether the Peace of ofNeighbor 01rlhbon ofeiIbbora Neighbor rlhbon It I Affected by b Ute Game GameCity GaIDtCity GameCity City Magistrate Joseph M Deuel in the theWest theWest theWest West Side police court yesterday handed handeddown handeddown handeddown down a decision on the question of Sundaybaseball Sunday Sundaybasabill Sunda Sundabu baseball bu bll playing In this city clt The de decision decision decislon ¬ cision declares In effect that all games gamesmiy gamesm1Y gamemay may be played legally on Sunday so long longas as II the residents of tho neighborhood in lawhich inwhloh inwhioh which they take place are not disturbed disturbedThe disturbedThe disturbedTime The decision has been awaited by PoliceCommissioner Police PoliceCommissioner PolloeCommlMloner Commissioner Greene and tho police who whohave whohl1e whohave have made no arrest II for this thi cause pending pendinga a determination of this case ca e Tho Thocasewas Thocasewasbefore case was wasbefore wubefore before Magistrate Deuel originally in the theHarlem theHarlom theHarlem Harlem police court when William Lslth Lslthwas Llthwag Ith Ithwas was arraigned arr gl1ed charged with violating theSunday the theSunday theSunday Sunday law by permitting baseball bueballgame bueballgameIn game gamein gamein in Jasper Oral on March 24 Lslth Is dis discharged dlscharged dl dlcharged ¬ charged from custody by Magistrate MagistrateDeuels MaglstratoDeuels MagistrateDeuols Deuels opinion which Is I In part as a follows followsThis followsThl followsThis This defendant confessedly conft s dly the manager manacerof of the came was put pu under arrest upon uponchartro uponchariC uponcharge charge of violating th It Sabbath law There Therewas Thtrewall Therewan was no evidence that the t nlartfI > lajrr or the pN pNsons ptt pttlIOns pnSons sons oonitltutlng the th I a spectators pectalor811rr wr were re bolster boiteous bolathou bolsterous > ous ou or noisy noli or that previous Sunday SUndlllamt1 SUndlllamt1at 8und names eamrsat namesat at thu same place bad In any wise disturbed duiurbedth th peace P < acp and quiet Qul t of lbs th day The Th arrest was AI at the Instance of ofthe the Sab Sabbath Sabbath flabbath ¬ bath tommltUx whose attorney attorn John N N1rrry 1rrry was a permitted prm tud to control the proicu proicutlon prOICUtlon prosculion tlon and who vlio1e If thn th facts existed had shun Abundant RbundaDt shundent ¬ dent opportunity to show th character of ofthe oftn oftti the tn Bonie cither < on the tb Sunday In question questionor or on previous Sundays In rrspct rrtlp ct of Its It Itinterfering I IInlfrrerlnc interfering with tho repoi and religious religiousLIbrty 1 liberty Inlfrrerlnc or tho day No such evidence wasotfrred was wasoffend Willollpnd offend The nttorn attorny < > > for such committee commltuecontended committeerenftnded e eooDtpndd contended Hint haieball hueb lI playing on Sunday undll undllSa la I forbidden by b law la and therefore the lb quo qucamntrLu Quetlon quotion tlon or annoanc i 10 cltlzon III wholly 1m 1mmRtrL tinmatria1 mntrLu mntrLuThe mRtrLTht matria1The The evidence in this thl cane caNi doe not how chowthat howthat howthat that any an on one wn was dl dloturbd turlx1 unless unit It were werewho wnethe werethe the mlmbers 01 the th Bshfath Sahoath Committee Committeewho Committeewho who went purposely plIU pui olly > ana and In anticipation anticipationof of what hat would occur and to get evidence evidenceupon t1dn t1dnupon evidenreupon upon which to make an arrest arre t For aught aughtappearing aUlhtnpJ aughtappearing appearing npJ > Iarlnu In th the evidence before me 4a laeper laeperOval per perOval r rOval Oval U I a secluded cludfd part of Manhattan Inland Inlandor Islandor or I In a neighborhood entirely tntl ly poplllatl poptdaief poptdaiefby < l lhy I by people J > who hI uniformly unlforml KMP itnothei itnotheii snotbedey I Ida da dey or the wick Ilk nil holy Uml ime and that ill illthe 1111 1111the the P Person < rOna pre present nt on i theoccA th OCOUIOD loa of th thserving the lbbaseball I baseball plnlnl were re of IIktfalth IIktfalthSow itkefatthSow Sow Ie IIn under < ltr the th law IIuch P persons < fMnll may labor on thl lii neat dll ds or th tiuc week corn corninonly libor man inonly y called Munda bnnday dlrurb provided th they to cOI io ionot 0 0not not interrupt or dilutb other persons 0 0IUrTlnlt ob obsertng serving the th lint day or the th week as a holy holytime holytlme time I It con consistent litDt to ascribe to th the Legis Legislature lAalllature Legislature ¬ lature tho Intention In ntlon to to o deprive such person pertoDiof personof of the right and nd privilege P yllue of Innocent and andSaturday ILDdhslthCuI andheuithfW hslthCuI recreation 1he They cannot labor 00 00turda ont3aturdsy Saturday turda becAuw cure > thMr religion forbid forbidno rorbldmany forbidsmaty many cannot labor on Sunday because thtir thtirmpinimnt h lr lremploymntJa employmntJa mpinimnt ts of a character to violate the tbeSabbath the53bhttb Sabbath 101111 mil mu t they also forego Katur KaturdRY taturday dRY anti 8und Sundy amusement and bea1thfms bea1thfmsrecreation bflltht bfllthtrlcratlon recreation and tPfoIaUr 110 when there tino It Itno no proof that otner are substantially dis disturbed dlaturl di diturbed ¬ turl turbed > ed thereby Hut Irrespective of the theof the1uetlon thequestion question or religion and tbe lbe exception made mRdeIn madein In the statute abollt the laboring 0 of persons Nlraonaof of the th Hebrew faith doe do It accord with withpre withpreotnt withpreenl preotnt pre ent Idea and liberality I bforallt to draw th t line lineof IIDtof lineof of Hunday tiunda restriction rl trlctioM an a ktrictly a as II did the thepeople theJIfOplo thepeople people In IM1 when the present law had Itstatutory It Itttatulorr Itl ItlItlltlllor ttatulorr origin originCirriaita orillnC1rrltllll originCarrtare Cirriaita bicycle and automoblls riding ridingand rldlne rldlneand ridingand and century nturY run runl may ma be pursued with Im Impunity Itopunity m mpunltr ¬ punity under all circumstance and durlneall Ouringall during duringali all hour h9urs or the day HO long as the th statutory statutoryiipewi ataWtoTTppAsd iipewi PN h9Ur < 1 limit 1m It I III noteic not notexceetled 81oeedid < iftd which tatutor I J id idam u uurn am lima on Sunday ns on n other days Sunday Sundaytituden Bun Sundayexcursion af excursion trlllni and ItIamboata take mu mujtitudes mutltudrII tituden from our citydurlna cttal city during Ui the oprlng oprlngcummer IprlnlrIummer prtnrurnmer cummer and fld fall for all I kind of fun and andfrolic ana anafroll aneplsrsrs frolic frolicOolf frollOolf Oolf players go by b thoniuind to nearby DearbIInk8 links on Sunday for enjoyment and ex IIzer IIzerdse ezorelse r rcouai else Each a ot th tha forms or amumen amusement amusementis is 1 equally wIt within In the InhlblLiOllI tnhtbjtioqs of tb lbs law lawbUebU lawU U baseball p playing ariD and iocaflty ocallt whether whetherIn In the h citY or country is not taileD Into ae aeoowaa Icooua couai ooua fcj 3 i she e law wtiob I U ofuai oIuUfWMI U UJ a aA J A U 05 0 Nassau N Street 8treet8lS6 806 85 Sixth Avenue AnnueBROOKLYN AvenueRNOOKLYN BROOKLYN 708710 Broadway DroadwR cor or Thornton Tborntonla07 1307 Broadway Droadwa cor Gate Avenue 421 Fulton Street cor Pearl St4D4 St St4O4 4O4 40 Fifth Avenue AvenueJERSEY AnnuliJERSEY AvenueJERSEY JERSEY CITY I 18 Newark Ave AreNEWARK AveNEWARK AveNEWARK NEWARK 783 Brond Street StreetPATERSON StllttATERION StreetPATERSON PATERSON t 210 Market Street W 0 n 8mIn 8mIno and lIa mu muwH o = c wH It Han hind Zwd Zwdman d dJ J > mti9 9 titan 1I1n mnytthff u maw mawlootufff m mla man la lootufff tu In tn the irorrf irorrf25OOO 25OOO Reward Rewardwill will b be paid to 1i anyone who ho can dIsprove dIsprovethis ttliprovthl ellpronthlll thl ttHlf atmt statmeittub atmtflhtH1I roriit roriit8hnf 8hnf tub nes IIT h mall nail25 2SeU 2f Cf i s sIn Illn Jli Ilinstrated Ilinstratedclinic iir tr te iPd iPdCatnloc < l lCatalne clinic of n Spring end Summer styles tIa free freeV freeL V T L hoKOIAS llrfMVton M Ms > Till EVENING SUN SUNTODAY SUNI TODAY TODAYIN I w wIN IN ITS ITSILLUSTRATED ITSA 1 i ILLUSTRATED ILLUSTRATEDSUPPLEMENT ILLUSTRA TED r rSUPPLEMENT I IISUPPLEMENT ISUPPLEMENT ISUPPLEMENTwill SUPPLEMENT SUPPLEMENTt r rwill t willpublish will publish a page illustratingTUE illustrating illustratingTHE illustratingTHE THE OPENING OF THE which will include includeRACING includeRACING includeRACING RACING SEASON photographs of the theCARTER theCARTER theCARTER CARTER HANDICAP OflWednesday on onWednesday onVednesday Wednesday THE PARADE THE START THE FINISH FINISHTHE FINISHTHE FINISHTHE THE WINNING HORSE just after the race and THE THEWINNING THEWINNING THEWINNING WINNING JOCKEY together with photographs photographsincluding ploto photographsmade raphs raphsmade made tillS week of scenes of horSes 10 in training trammgincluding trainingincluding including ADVANCE GUARD the irdn ir n horse the thegreat tliegreat thegreat great HERMIS COL BILL ZOROASTER the Green Greenb b Morris string and othersTIlE others othersTHE othersTHE THE PRESIDENT of the United States at a abarbecue abarbecue abarbecue barbecue in North Dakota DakotaA A unique photograph photogr aph together with others illus illustrating illustrating illustrating ¬ trating the Presidents journey to the time he hedisappeared hedisappeared hedisappeared disappeared in Yellowstone Park ParkSPRING P PrkSPRING rk rkSPRING SPRING FASHIONS F A full page of photo photographic ph photographic to tographIc ¬ graphic reproductions reproductionsof of the latest ideas in womens apparel A score scoreof scoreof scoreof of photographs of summer waists waistsIN waistsIN waistsIN IN THE THEATRES A page of reproduc reproductions reproductions reproductions ¬ tions of the most moststriking moststriking moststriking striking scenes in the current metropolitan plays playsTHE playsTHE playsTIlE THE MONEY CENTRE This weeks instalment instal instalment instalment ¬ ment of the Around Aroundthe Aroundthe Aroundthe the Clock series deals with the beginning of ofe ofactivity ofactivity e i If l 1 j j rt rthalf activity in the great financial district with a ahalf ahalf half score of interesting interestingphotographs interestingphotographsBROOKLYNS photographs photographsBROOKLYNS photographs8ROOKL BROOKLYNS 8ROOKL YNS PLEASURE GROUND A half halfpage halfpage halfpage page of ofinteresting ofinteresting ofinteresting interesting views views taken last Sunday afternoon afternoonin in Prospect Park ParkSNAPSHOTS ParkSNAPSHOTS ParkSNAPSHOTS SNAPSHOTS IN THE METROPOLIS Pict Pictures Pictures Pictures ¬ ures uresof uresof uresof of life in the great city including striking snap snapshots snapshots snapshots ¬ shots of scenes about the windy corner cornerTHE cornerTHE cornerTIlE THE IMMIGRATION RUSH Photographs of ofa ofa ofashipful ashipful a shipful offuture of offuture offuture future Americans and other views views plication throughout the Stat Pubic senlAment sen senUroent fiefumen umen lAment a century ago o would ouId have been in intinned InoeD inceiied tinned oeD at such nractiom it look on now nowTh noww1th nowwith with toleration If not w1tb witlu approval and ta taCQuraltment enrouragsment CQuraltment CQuraltment1M Th 1M defendant in this thl caw Is discharged dlichargedbecause dleherarPdbecause dischargedbecause because there l IA no evidence showing any anyInfringement anyInrlnlemen anyinfringement Infringement of the rights of other to peace peaceand JltRtJIand peacand and and quiet Every such cone mutt depend dependwholly drpelldwbollyupQn depetudwholly wholly wbollyupQn upon the particular facts acta developed developedat at tb trial and whether uch fact amount amountto to 0 a serious disturbance of the tb repose and andrellgloua andlIl1loua andreligious religious lIl1loua liberty of the community This Thisdisturbance 1 1tsditurbaxioe hl disturbance dl tur IDOl ought to be real not fancied fanciedMagistrate fa tapciedit rlN rlNIt I It ought to 1 be > 41 unavoidably IIubol4lltl and aDan andriot n riot t aeltimposednot elllmpo ot one or which the com cornplalnhzit I plalnant baa gone In qUC1t qucetMagistrate qUC1tMAJiatrate Magistrate Deuel e decision In no way wayeffects 1Ia wayeffect I Iefl efl effects Ots the question of the right of a pro professional POfe88l0nal profeseional ¬ fessional ball team to play pIa games to which whichadmission whichadmlaalon which4rniMIon admission is charged chargedGroat char charGrout chargedGrout Grout for an BOFoot Living U1n Uitngston ton on Street StreetThe Iltr streetThe ft ftThe The proposal to widen Livingston street streetBrooklyn streetBrooklyn streetBrooklyn Brooklyn was again considered by the theBoard tbeBoard theBoard Board of Estimate yesterday Nterda in the dl dlotiMion dla dlaCUMion dlcuMion CUMion on the improvement Comptroller ComptrollerGrout ComptroUerGrout ComnptroUerGrout Grout came out in favor of widening the thetreat theItreot theErect treat to eighty feet Final action was waapostponed w wPMtPOned waspostponed postponed for a week to afford the Mayor Mayora aD a opportunity to visit lb the iUMb NEW A EW IT E4ST SIDE PARISH HOUSE HOUSEfiranch IWVXEBranch HOWiEBranch Branch of the Chnrch Chnrehot of the th Incarnation IncarnationDedicated IncarnationDedleatreS IncarnationDedicated Dedicated by b Dllhop Pottrr PottrrA A new Incarnation parish house was wasopened WIIAopened wuopened opened yesterday afternoon In Thirtyfirst Thirtyfirststreet ThlrtrtlllltIItreet Thtrtyftratstreet street near Second avenue It U the EastSide East EastSide EutSido Side work of the parish of the Incarnation Incarnationand IncarnatIonand 1 and is a memorial to Its rector the late lateRev lauRev lathRev Rev Dr Arthur Brooks Bishop Potter PotWrsaid Potterthe Pottersaid said the service flervl of dedication and the therector therector therector rector tho Rev Dr W WlII V M Orosvenor gave gavea all alla a history of the chapel and tho pariah house houseThe bouseThe houseThe The Rev Re Dr John Colton Brooks and the theRor theRoe Roe Dr Huntington of Grace Church Churchspoke Churchpoke Churchspoke spoke spokeThe The parish house is built of brick and andsandstone MdMndstone andsandstone sandstone in a form of French Gothic and and1s andIa andIs 1s finished in oak It cost 180000 000o The Thebasement Theburment Thebaeiuent basement contains drill room boys club cluband cluband cluband and kitchen The ground floor has three threelargo threoelarge threelarge large room that are now used as a a chapel chapelThere chapelThfre chapelThere There are on tho ground floor a dispensary dispensaryand dlspen dlspenand and offices for doctor and nurses The Thesecond Theaeoond Thesecond second floor IsnowusedforaSundayschool IsnowusedforaSundayschoolbut Is now used fora Sunday school schoolbut but later Is l to become a kindergarten kindergartenThere klnderllrta1Tbere kindergartenThere There are also an assembly Membl room a girls girlsclub atriaclub girlsclub club a mens men club and library clergymen clergymenquarter cler clergymnsters < < rmen rmenrtert quarter rtert and on tb the third Door a gjrmna gymnay y f Theres nothing like ft fresh freshSpring freshSpring freshSpring Spring Sunday to make old oldclothes oldcJotlHJS oldclothes clothes look out of date drtteDoat dateDont dateDont Dont you want a now nowFrock novrock newFrouk Frock rock coat coatCutaway coatCutnwny coatCutaway Cutaway coat coatWashable coatV coatWashable Washable V nshnble waistcoat waistcoatStriped waistcoatStriped waistcoatStriped Striped trousers trousersScarf trou8ersScarf trousersScarf Scarf ScarfSilk ScarfSilk ScarfSilk Silk bat batPatent batPatent hatPatent Patent or enamel shoes shoesSpring shoesHpl shoesSpring Spring Hpl ng overcoat overcoatKOOBKS oercoatlHOGlmS overcoatROGEHS KOOBKS PEET < fc COMPANY COMPANY2M CO IPANY 2M nraadwir opposite olr > oSlIe City Hall Halland lIalland hailand and 7 and II c I Warren SU SUMI tI MI 47 flmadway Dro mad dw way y ror or Uib Uibanil W < all ordn ordnby Drd Drdand ordrisnd and 140 in If UR U 4th < l 111 Av AvIKO Ave by r mall mallCARPETS maiLtfO maltlIce lIce Droadway Dm ror 3d 3dand 3d 3daeii diL diLt and M fVtxt 31d 3 fit t tMstI4bSt MstI4bSt MstI4bStTft t l4t St StDTI DTI TfJ 1107 o7 o7l < o l TM 141k 55 If RELIABLE 0RELJBLECARPETS RELIABLECARPETS CARPETS CARPETSBEDROOM CARPETSBEDROOM CARPETSBEDROOM BEDROOM REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONSGOLDEN REDUCTIONSOOlDEN REDUCTIONSGOLDEN GOLDEN OAK OAKII 3 PIECE 9UT l00 111200rerJuwl FIOOrelueed l00reduced reduced from 117 117cmFFO 17 17CniFFOXIKIW 17CHIFFOSIEItS CniFFOXIKIW cmFFO IPRI VOO VOOreduced 1110reduced 100reduced reduced from 11175 11175Wood 075 075Wood fI75Wood Wood back WIFFOMERS C SAOO SAOOrtttuced 00 00rrduced ooruluced rtttuced from 1850 1850French 350 350French 850French French bevel mirror mirrornutiRAUX mirrorunr4t1X mirrornunravx nutiRAUX anon anonrudvcei 1000reduce on onrlduceJ reduce from fore 1800 1800HlUldomply 800 800Handsomely 800Handsomely Handsomely carved carvedCIIHVAI caledCIIFAL carvedCIUIYAL CIIHVAI IIVRRAITXCH00 IIVRRAITXCH00reduced 1tRF4lr J UCIO UCIOreduced 1100reduced reduced from 111100 111100HandllOmel 1900 1900Handsomely th00Handsomely Handsomely carved French bevel mirror mirrorReliable mirrorRellablo mirrorReliable Reliable Carpet Rugs Matting MattingsDraperies MattlnpDraperie MattingDraperies Draperies eta etaLONG etaLONG 1 LONG CREDIT is a boon to econom economical economleal economIcal ¬ ical housekeepers housekeepersCASH hOUlllkeepI1JCASH housekeeperCASHon CASHon CASH on CREDIT CREDITWPERTHWAIT CPEDITWPERTUWAIT gWRERTHWAIT WPERTHWAIT WPERTUWAIT4IOOand 8R 8RtD4l06and lf9 lf9I04IOOand tD4l06and 108 lO8st West W5t W5tNEAR KI I4SiNEAIt SL SLNEAR NEAR 6TMAV 6TMAVrjroohirn 6THAvwtrn 6HAVoctIyn rjroohirn wtrn Sores Flatbusn fIdIbUtlAV Av twFjionSl twFjionSlFor fIftJ nhiion nhiionFor 100 Sl SlFor For years we have stood for all allthat allthat allthat that is best in modern clothing clothingmerchandising clothingmerchandising clothingmerchandising merchandising but this t is season our ourstock ours ourstock stock s toe k has been bee n so popular popularespecially popularespecially popularespecially especially in inSUITS inSUITS inSUITS SUITS and OVERCOATS OVERCOATSthat that its success has been more moremarked moremarked moremarked marked than ever before with the thehigh thehigh thehigh high class of trade which this thisstore thisstore thisstore store attracts attractsStyle attractsStyle attractsStyle Style StyleFit StyleFit StyleFit Fit FitQuality FitQuality FitQuality Quality and Making MakingAll All Superior SuperiorThe SuperiorThe SuperiorThe The best of taste combined with withthe withthe withthe the widest experience experienceSaturday ex experienceSaturday trience trienceSaturday Saturday Furnishing Day Daysplendid Daysplendid Dayzplendid splendid offerings in every variety varietyof of Haberdashery HaberdasheryHATS HATS 4 SHOES SHOESSmith SHOESSinith SHOESSmith Smith Gray Co CoBroadway CoBroadway CoBroadway Broadway at 31st St StIfpfllNTS StIfFfllNts StfLINTS IfpfllNTS fLINTS jfTNEplRNITURE jfTNEplRNITURESPRING FiNEF RNITURE RNITURESPRINO SPRING DININGROOM DESIGNS DESIGNSAre Are you OU looking for decorative dining dinlngroom diningroom diningroom room furniture It Is here In the richly richlycolored richlycoloreod richlycolored colored Golden Oak OakCHINA OakCHINA OakCHINA CHINA CLOSETS 1700 1700SIDEBOAHDS 1700SIDEBOAWDS 1700SIDEBOARDS SIDEBOARDS 1600SIDE 1600 1600SIDB 1600sIDe sIDe TABLES 900 900EXTENSION 900EXTENSION 900EXTENSION EXTENSION TABLES 800 800ARM 8 809ARM O OARM ARM CHAIRS 475 475CHAIRS 4751IAIRS 15 15CHAIRS CHAIRS 250 250PLATE 250PLATE 250PLATE PLATE RACKS 250 250Artistic 250Artilltio 250Artistic Artistic Flemish designs In dark oak oakDutch oaknutch oakDutch Dutch extremely XI remlly picturesque plClurtfoque having havingEvery havingc1arRlterilltio havingharncteristo c1arRlterilltio qualntn quaintnees of detail Colonial ColonialMet Colonialmci Met Sheraton In rich dark mahogany mahollanyEry mahoganyEvery Every decorative Idea worked out with withInfinite withInfln11 withnflnhta Infinite skill at factory prices when h n youCEoCaINT you youBUYOFTHEMAKER youBUY BUYOFTHEMAKER BUYOFTHEMAKERCEOC BUY OFTHEMAKER OFTHEMAKEROEO CEOC OEO CEoCaINT C FLINT Co Co4345AM CO4345AN047WESTZ3St Co4345o47WtST235L 4345AM 4345AN047WESTZ3St 4345AN047WESTZ3StNEAR > 47WET23JST 47WET23JSTNtAR NEAR BROADWAYf BROADWAY BROArJNtrfNTORl f fNTORl KTORV 505 O to 0 51S 5I wm 32STRTrt 32STRTrtOil 321 STRUt STRUtion ion Oil n TEARS NEW ENGLANDS SGL4NU FAVOIUTE FAVOIUTEINION FAVOIUTBCNIOll FAVOIUTEVMo INION fj Oft 11 i I0 I0MADK IDe IDeMADE iDeAD1 7 20 4 MADE AD1 f < CU4 > CIGAR CIGARN N T distributor Albert H llllm IIIlIman n O 54 l P Park rk Row RowH RoWR H Fm 0 1 SULLIVAV MElt MANCHCSTER 1A CIfrITrH N H HMEMOHIAL HVEORIAL HIIEMOIfIAL MEMOHIAL TO TIIE9THS TilE DTIlS DEAD DEADPrrtrntfd DEADPrrtmttd DEADIre Prrtrntfd Ire semted to the th nrglnifnt After a Review Reviewby Rf1eWb Reviewby by b lit It Unit Veterans VeteransTho VeteransThe MfranlThe The Ninth Regiment paraded In heavy heavymarching hea1marching heavynarching marching order at Its armory last night nightfor nightfor nightor for or review by its Civil and Spanish SpanishAmerican Spanishanarloan American War veterans In command of ofMajor ofIajor Major Dabney W V Dlggs DlggsA A bronze memorial erected to the memory memoryof of f the members of tho regiment nglmen111ho who died diedIn diedIn diedfl In fl the United State service nlce in the Civil Civiland Civiltad and an tad Jhe SpanishAmerican SplL llhAmeriCAn wars wars was un unveiled unveiled unretied ¬ veiled and formally formall presented to the regi regiment nglm regibent ¬ bent m nt by Major Dlgg DlgIWCoIMorrillreotlvtng Col ColMorrle Morris receiving receivingLt it Lt on behalf of orthe the regiment regimentAfter ngimentAft regimentthere After Aft r the unveiling uo IUnI there were evening eveningparade eveDinaparade parade and Gd dancing 5 Ii Iirfllii rfllii rflliiMens Mens Spring Suits vSuitsman SuitsAPRIL APRIL A PRIL has been rather discouraging to tho thoman thoman man who has his new Spring suit ready to toweor wear Now it itwill Itwill i iwill will probably tako a turn and hurry up tho man not vet yetprovided vetprovided vetprovided provided The WANAMAKER W A A fAER stock will meet your wishes most mostquickly m mstquickly st stquickly quickly and complete The stock is largo and tho selection hai haibeen h ha habeen I Ibeen been gathered from tire very ery choicest of now fabricsSuits fabrics fabricsSuits fabricsSuits Suits of fancy cheviots and worsteds very excellent style st lo and andentirely andentirely I entirely well made madellt nt 12 and 1350 1350A I IA A superb collection of Cheviot and nd Worsted Suits at atHandsomer 15 15Handsomer I IH Handsomer H ndsomer suits of finer cheviot and worsted made up inthe in intho inthe the most correct styles at f18 18 20 f25 25 and fao 30 Among the thelatter thelatter thelatter latter groups are suits that rival those for which you pay your yourcustom Jourcustom yourcustom custom tnilordouble the prices pricesThe pricesThe i iThe The new serge suits are here h re in both b th blue and block Theyare They Theyare Thcynre are absolutely ab801utel fast f 8t in color cotor10 10 12 and 15 15Mens 1 1Mens 15Mens Mens Striped Trousers in a very cry broad collection of choice choicepatterns choicepatterns choicepatterns patterns at 5 Also a collection of about two hundred pairs of ofmens ofmens ofmens mens striped worsted trousers such as ordinarily sell for 5 iij i J here hereat hereat hereat at 350 Second floor Fourth tourlllle avenue avenueAn aveiueAn u uAn An Exceptional Offering OfferingOf OfferingI OfferingOf OfferingOf Of Clothing for Boys Boysi Boysf BoysWE BoysW I i WE W f E have just finished a large and handsome handsomeEaster hondomeI lmndomeEaster Easter business in Boys os Clothing Wo had probably the thechoicest thechoicest thechoicest I choicest collection which we have ever gathered thpred in order orderto orderI orlerto to have broad variety for you to choose from Naturally Xntur II the thestock thestock thestock I stock has discovered some broken lots and these are many mlln of the thevery theI tilevery I very elJ handsomest kinds as R tho best goods are always tho first to tobecome tobecome tobecome become broken in sizes Today we proposecleaningup propose cleaniugup nil theselittle theselittlegroups tJ1t tIiseiitt1ogroups elittle elittlegroups groups and have marked them at prices that will do it itina in a jiffy jiffyThe jiffyThe I Irhe The collection includes about four hundred Sailor nnd Norfolk NorfolkJacket XorfotkJncket NorfolkJacket Jacket Suits and about one hundred and ndflftJ fifty handsome SpringOvercoats Spring j jOvercoats iOerco1te Overcoats grouped as follows 5 to 975 Sailor Suits at 375 315ThOfle 375These j jThese I These am a handsome Sailor Suit Suits In many man different styles and various colon colorsof i iof I Iof of serge and cheviots and while not one On style Is complete In sizes there U abun abundont abundMt abundant dont choosing chOOflln for all ae ages CtefI from S to 12 years 6 to 5950 950 Norfolk Jacket Suits at S5 5 5Thin 5ThL Thin 1111 la a very lrr handsome hMd ome collection of the dressy Norfolk Jacket C1 h hat all allhoys j jhoys ihoyll hoys as well as their parents PA nt admire The materials are cheviots and fancy worsted worstedSires worstedSizes I IBIZCII Sires range from 0 to 16 years y alll j I 5 to 650 Overcoats at 350 350Various 350arlou 350Various Various arlou styles of Overcoats for boys from 6 to 18 years All made In the very ftITIlmArte verysmartest j jsmartest smartest IlmArte t manner i if50 2SO f50 to oSll 11 Overcoats at 5This 5 5ThU 5ThIA This U a very fine collection of these popular coat for fo little fellows from Z 2X 2Xto 23 23to > f i ito to II years made of Cheviot cashmeres and broadcloths broadeiothaA j jA iA A remarkable collection col1 tion to choose from at these popular i iprices ipriccs i iprices prices Second oond floor Ninth street streetSaturday tre < et i iSaturday I Saturday Shoe Sale SaleOME Sale3OME I 3OME 4i OME O rE of the best offerings made in in a long time goto go gooJ j jto oJ to the making makln of this Basement D 8ement Sale today And every everypjroup everyroup everygroup group contains little lots of finer shoes than we dare daremention daremention daremention mention which will go to earliest comers But heres news newsenough nq nqaenough I Ienough enough to make lively Belling all day long longMens i iMens IMens Mens 3 and 390 Oxford Shoes 190 190Many 190Many i iMany Many of our regular lines are Included others oth 1II from one of the be beat t New Eng Entland England Eagland land factor factories Including patent leather loot her box and velour lour calf and kldaktn ahoe shoWomens i iWomens IWomens Womens 2 3 and 4 Oxford Shoes at 150 150The j jThe I IThe The finest kidskin Oxford from one of f our own regular stocks size are not notcomplete notoomplete notcomplete complete but nearly nearl all feet can he fitted except cept the very broad both tan and black blackIncluded blackIDe blackincluded Included IDe udeod i iBoys includedBoys udeodBoys Boys 2 250 and 3 Shoes and Oxfords Oxfordsat i iat at 150 and 190Box 190 190Box 190Box Box calf and kidskin lac lace and Blucher Bluch r Shoos and Oxford our own regular rguJarlInell regularlines i ilines lines that at our prices are a third bettor than any we know and that are fully full guar guaranted gnatanteed i ianteed anteed as a to service Little mens mlln cprlngheel flprinRhetlllhoee shoes sires 9 to ISKi 13 kid and calf at I IIISO IISO 150 Youths BUM ty 13 to 2 with heels at 1170 170 Boys size 2X M to BK n 5 with heels heelannd heeland 1 1and and including some ooltskln Oxfords at tlBO 1110 WOMENS OXFORDS OXFORDSAt At 3i li 1 worth SISOBlaek kid kidnVln kidIkln kidakin akin medium m lilum heels both plain and andtipped aneltJ andtipped tipped tJ toes toesAt tOOllAt toesAt At 120 worth SI7SKfdskln SI7SKfdsklnstrap strap and button Ties Tit also Oxford Oxfordshapes Odordhapos Oxfordshapes shapes hapos dainty and comfortable comfortableAt At 5140 140 worth 2Kldskln S2Kjdskinmedium 2Kldsklnmodlum ZKldJlklnmedium medium heavy hea weight with exten extension eztenlion extension ¬ sion notes notesAt 11011 11011At soleAt At 5165 163 worth 250Black 52110 3250Blackkidskin 250Blackkldskln Black Blackkidskin kidskin Oxford styles tyle neat toes with withshapely withkid Withkid kid and and patent leather tips and n neat neatahapely at atha shapely ha 11 heels sizes from 1 to 7 espe especially ftI ftIcll1ly espeoilily ¬ cially desirable J8IIlrab e for women with small smallfeet smallfeet niallfeet feet feetAt At l 190 ° 0 worth 250Black 1250Blackkidekin 230 250Blackkidskin Black Blackkldskln kidskin Oxford Shoes with welted weltedsoles Wlltfd801M wettedsole soles flexible hut firm made on the thenewest theneweet thenewest newest lasts 1M with shapely heels pmy9 JOHN WANAMAKfcIL WANAMAKfcILPormtrly A i iA Pormtrly A T Stewart t A Co Broadway 4tfe ave 9th and 10th iii iiiA ti tiA A 16 SUIT SALE IN THE THEHEART THEHEART THEHEART HEART OF THE SPRINC SPRINGIT would be unusual to own an Arnheim making at the end tn of ofa ofa qf qfa IT I a season for 16 But chance favored us usand and you share it itwith itwith itwith with us If wed paid the real value of the woolens that thatcame th3tcame thatcame came in that great mill purchase we couldnt possibly make gar garments garIltents gainients ¬ ments to your measure and maintain the high standard weve jet jetand setand t tand and say ay Si6 Si6You S16You 16 16You You have choice of the best materials woven in A America Americain nri a ain in plain blacks and blues and fancies fanciesin in serges and cheviots cheviotsTL cheiotsThe cheviotSThe TL The making I is At the I best i we f know ttftn Well i line with genuine mohair l1Ioh11ror l ir iror or alpaca serge er e and keep the suit if you dont say youre coin coinpie complettl cortlplefely plettl pie t fly satisfied satisliedSend sahsfledSend satisfiedSend Send for samples measuring instructions and fashion cards cardsARNHEIM car1 cardARNULIM I IBroadway IBroadway ARNHEIM ARNHEIMBroadway Broadway 9th St ASK ROOSEVELT ZiOOSEVEITTO TO BAR V 1 P PlAbor PlAbor PlAbor lAbor Union nlonl Want Wniiim ant Him to Travel byionte by byHome b bIIome Home Other Line L1nllln In the Park Again AgainCtKNAOAB AsalnCr1fN4 tatnCfxnAnAa CtKNAOAB Cr1fN4 4a Men Ion April 17 nThe The Presi President PIttIIdent Preident ¬ dent has labor complications awaiting his hisconsideration hilironalderatlon hisconsideration consideration when he cornea out of tho thopark thopark thepark park Local assemblies all hI over the Stain Stainhave Statfthave Statehave have been adopting adoptlnllHOlutJonl resolutions asking klnl himDot him himnot himDoL not to travel over tb the Union Padflo Rail At 5Z 2 worth 3Handllomt 33HandsomeOxford 3 3HandllomtOdord Handsome HandsomeOxford Oxford Shoe of patent itent and enameled enameledWOMENS ln8lntledleAtherl enameledleather leAtherl leather kldaklr and tan RussIA leather leatherall leatherall all mace made with welted soles on attractIve attractl1Ita attractIvelasts lasts WOMENS BOOTS BOOTSAt At 1160 160 worth 250Kldsldn 250KldsldnLoe 25oKid tn Loe and Button Shoe with soles of ofoak ofMk ofoak oak leather welted and itltched four fourstyle four8tyl fourstyle style to choose from fromAt fromAt fromAt At 3190 190 worth 33 3 Kidskin KldaklnBoot KldsklnBoots KidskinBoots Boots lace and button In half a dozen doinrood do dozengood un unODd good < < rood styles also 180 some that are worth 250 and are extra good value at that thatho thathOM thatshoes shoes ho A for practically practlc ly all uses for drew drewschool drtf4IICbool dicesschool school or business businessAt buslne81At businessAt At 240 worth S3 3 and ad 1350 1350Shoes JBO JBOShoes I IShON Shoes that Include Includeall ali the niceties nloo of ofstyle oratle ofstyle style and finish that make up high highcloni highelM highclasq elM goods kidskin enamel and patent patentleather patentleather tent I Ileather leather welted soles 1Oee various heel heeland h heelsand 1J and toe shapes Basement I way 11 Wa while he is in the West Wr There Thereben hill hillblen l lbeen > ben a machines strike on tll the liu lninn lninnPaciflo ttiPacific ° n nPacific Pacific for many months The ThflJ pT1 > tOplf rIA rho rhohave hrt hrthave hoho have boon pasalnR tho these e rem IfIOlullor lutlnr Mv Mvevery h hfr h0 h0every the President IJrt ldlrt fIll willheed fIllhNd 1 1heed every fr confIdence that > heed them themThe themThe themThe The President Ire 1dcnt left Fort VellowMrre ihi ihimorning hi himornlril hImorning morning for his second trip trr > into the theoftbepuk U Uof d dof of oftbepuk the park b 1 1i e K i if ifp p 11 t4 11t4 II IIt t IIt t J c I I I I 1 I I C 1 I 1I 1I I 1 1 t 1t I I I 1 1 4 4I I 4 4t 4r 4I 4I I I t r i I 1I > Ii I It i t I 1 I