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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 18, 1903, Image 5

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-04-18/ed-1/seq-5/

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f IL
4 lki kLkSUN U bALUitD4 UitLi81W3 I
FltbtrJ Motion to Strike U tke It Oat LoIt LoItS LO
5 S 11 to in 2011Ie The IN1I Now C GeN Ge M to toi tile tilef t ttembIY
f tembIY i emul for rorrun Concurrence conourreaeeEJltwrs conourreaeeEJltwrsTrltf Blt BltTrie
run to force orte the Assembly to toIlli Pau PauIII p pII
II Illi III Coroner Dili br b Holding IfoIdIn Up Upnull the t tellis
null or Aiiemblyroen to the thetuiiNV 8nte 8nteI MenI MenItRAr
I tuiiNV LU April 17 171t It now depends on onijVembly the t temJlT II IImhlr
ijVembly mhlr Rllles Committee to say whet whetutor whether whetherI whethyot
utor I Lo IaW ehan h have An n opportun opportunveto opportunity opportunityo
o veto yor tlO tho ThreePlatoon PoUoe bill billdy 1 1Ait Ta Tad
Ait d o tho Senato pawed Assembler AssemblerFinchs Al8OI1blrman Al8OI1blrmanS
dy finch bill providing for 3200 22 addltloi addltloiBD additional additionalIDtll 4dltlormen
S to the New ew W York city police for forThe force forThe
The BD bill bli In Its present ahape is not denii deniiby dMlrod dMlrodby cteirby I
by Poli P ° < < tI Commissioner Oroene and Ma Majjgw Mayor MayorII May MayLow
jjgw Low About two months ago Gay Oc Octoured Odell OdellUurtd OdaMIured
II toured Gen Greene while Uo tho Gene Geneva General GeneralII
in Albany that there the was no doi douUe doitint doubt doubtthallle
va U
tint thallle II ilie Ue police Increase bill would pass t tSteal the theSeatr tJ tJSeMte
Steal Therefore tho Commissloidiinlxd Commissloi CommiNlonerdiJnbOO Commlsaionp
p diinlxd the stairs from the Goverao Oovernoiatt Goveraoprint Governors Governorsprinll
print prinll att officer to the Senate Chamber a ajtt and andItd at atied
Itd jtt l himself at the tide of LdeutOcIflfldn LdeutOc LleutOo1II UeutOoIau1n
Iflfldn 1II 1I8 to FCO eo how IOW nicely legislation U Uh that th thEdeiredCOUt1 I
h te EdeiredCOUt1 dflrp d ln1 > i could be b passed He called Set Settor Sena SenalOr Senot
tor ot Egbert EI bcrg to his side and insisted In that thatbaj t tbill the thebm
bill ihould be proved Pl lled for passage at one oneThe oneThl oneThe
The bill wan called up for final passa passaivl puaage pusaw
ivl 1 wa Wall kicked back into the Senate CitCommittee Cit Cltles Cltlesommltl CitiuIttee
Committee ommltl = uIttee nil of the Democrats D mocrata voting votingncoinmit votingfo3nmIt to tono
ncoinmit no tnm1t Seven Republicans voted wl wlthem Wltb Wltbthtm withem
them themAfter themAfter
thtmMIlr After lying in the committee for son soilu eome sonreke
1 IIIJuo lu > nen > en Greene appeared before U UQtIM t tCitin the thei
i Citin ad QtIM > Committee to explain his opposltl opposltlto
to the scheme of incorporating a thn thnplatoon three threeplatoon threpsoon
platoon amendment Two weeks W fkl later t tbfll ti tibill the thebill
bill was reported from the theoommlttee committee in inoriginal 118 118original I Ioriginal
original form tho attempt to inoorport inoorportthe InoorporateIhe
the threeplatoon amendment havi havifilled havittIkI bavlng bavlnge
e filled II Then the hopes of the Low a aminbtratlon ad adrninllratlon a aninItritIon
minbtratlon went fnt soaring until they ntru ntruthe IItruck IItruckI tru truthe
the ceiling I1II1 with ith a bang for in the SewSenator Sew Senai SenaiStnalot SenaSenator
I Senator Grady had succeeded BU ed in amend amendthe amending amendingI amendthe
the I t bill by lacking on tho throoplato throoplatoamendment thrplatoona1I1endultnt throoplatcxmpndiint
amendment amendmentTo a1I1endultntToda mpndiintTndat
To Toda Tndat < lay Senator nnlor Elsberg attempted attemptedKtrike to tolrikt I Istrike
strike nut this thl amendment His tnotl tnotla motion motiona <
a e defeated by a party vote O l of 27 to totin tolb 0 0I
tin II i unitytwo I1Itwo Democrats voting again againdie against againstII againiIit
I die II motion with theso Republicans Sen Senlor Sena SenaI Senurs
I urs lor Ambler of Columbia W V I L Brown BrownOnronta BrownOnenda of ofO
Onronta O t OIIIa > Lefevre > of Ulster Lllomir Lllomirrtieii LHornmediell LIlornrnclieu
rtieii of Orleans McEwan of Albany ai aiIVIIcox and andWlcox arWilcox
Wilcox or Auburn Senators Prime Rep Repanti Re Redid Betaflj
did Townsend Dem wore paired T Tbill The ThelIi1 TLull
bill was M then passed by the same vote ai ainow and andI artHw
now I RWS go to the Assembly for concurren concurrenin concurrenceill
in the amendment amendmentThe nmEnd cnt cntnil
The Assembly has already passed passedthreeplatoon paeedtlireeplatoon a aIh
threeplatoon Ih p1atoon bill but that was before t tthe the theIht U Uthf
the > Committee on Rules took charge chargelegislation chargelegielatlon of ofItgi
legislation Itgi laton and an Interesting state statealfini statntrair of ofatraitll
alfini ntrair exist eX1At The Committee bmn U oh on Rul Rulran Rwee RweeNUl Rucan
ran amend the bill by striking out t tihreoplatoon the theI U Uthrreplatoon
I ihreoplatoon platoon clause If It does It Itbe w wbe will willbe
be put back again a in In the Senate AU Alltli of i ithe
the tli members of t the Committee Comn ttee on Rul Rulroted Ru1ell Ru1ellroled Ru1rd
roted rd against the Remsen threeplatxx threeplatxxThat
I hlU
hlUThat That yesterdays terday events In the Sena Senaleft Senate Senatewrt Senal1ft
left a scar that will not heal at onoe w wshown Was WasMOwn wishown
shown by the events that followed todi todiwhen todawhen todwhen
when Senator Nathaniel A Elaberg start starttn startto staTUd
tn continue his rule or ruin policy B Bthis But ButI El Elthis
I this time be did not have 22 Democrat DemocratSenators DemooratloRenatolll DemoratSenators
Senators to oount on to support him ai aibefore and andbefo atbefore
before befo h he was through it was found th ththe that thatlbe thithe
the sentiment of the majority of the Sens Senswas Senate Senatewas Senaiwas
was decidedly against his filibuster filibustertactic ftllbuaterina ftllbuaterinatCtloa fihibusterirtaot1
tacticSenator tactic tCtloaSenator taot1 taot1Senator
Senator ElIberg has not yet abandon abandonhope abandontd abandontdhope abandonehope
hope of getting gettinJrhla his Coroners bill billby MIed MIedby pa paby
by the Assembly Miaemby By Inaugurating Inauguratingcampaign Inauguratingcznpalgn a aomr
campaign aI to bold up Assembly mbJr bills bUIaoolv i icelved n nolved
celved d in the Senate for or concurrence ooncurrenoebdleed concurrencebelieved he hebeleTed
believed be could brine the Assembly Assemblyita Ir to toJ
J ita It knees kn and the result would be that t tVuVn the theP Ui UiPuea >
VuVn P Committee Commt would report his hI Corona Coronabill CoroDenibill CoronetbU
bill and the lower house in order to ghA g gtakenf se seIUlleplatlon
IUlleplatlon hA thougb ugh would pIWIlt pIWIltBat pass It ItBat
Bat in this he hewumItakenfor WU mLetakenror takenf or his hleooronei hleooroneibill oorone ooronebill ooronenbill
bill Is t a dead one and cannot pass pa at th thMwslon thll thllNlMlon thieaUon
Mwslon But he can make it unreasonably unreasonabiuniomfortable unreasonabuncomfortable unreasonablyuncomfortable
uncomfortable for the Assemblymen atla an anIn l lIn
In a measure mlUu block all legislation lel llation for tl tlremainder the theremalndor Uiremainder
remainder of the session sessionToday seselonToday on onTooday
Today when several dozen Assemb AesembibiUi Assembbills AMemblr AMemblrbills
bills were received for concurrence t tobjected he heobJtctHi b bobjected
objected to the substitution of them f fsimilar1 for forhi Ic IcImiIar
similar1 hi ilar > bills In the committee of the who whoof Whole Wholelr wholof
of the Senate or to the advancement advancementany < of ofany c cany
any to a third reading Usually at tb tblatfl tbiA tbiAIaUl thilate
late date of the soswlon Ion It Is customary customarY I Imbfttltute to tofub teubtItute
fub mbfttltute lltute Ansembly bills for Senate bill bllin bUla bUlain billIn
in order to expedite their passage Instecof Instec In inateaof tNld tNldor
of htvingthe bills referred to a oommitte oommitteor
or to advance them to a third reading readingIf
If Senator mator Elsberg Ela rg persists pellllatsn Tn his atttude att attllude attitude
tude for the remainder of the session Ion titer theiwill there theretrill titerwill
will be but butfew few bills bII1 to go to the Governor Governcfor Governorror Governafor
for his hL action for legislation will be prett prettwell preUy preUywell prettwell
well tied up u uSo
No matter from which side request requestcune roquetaame requestrune
rune for the advancement of bill Beru Beruin Sena Senalor ten tentor
lor EIberg ehouted I obJect fIe Was WasIn we weIn
in frequent consultation con ultaUon with Senator Senatoflracktt benatcBracket SenatorBnlckttt
Bracket BnlcktttA t tA
A local bill of Senator Warnlcks Ai Aisomblymnn All Allmblrmnn Acemblymnn
somblymnn wee received for concurrenoi concurrenoinnd concurrenoennd concurrenoand
nnd Senator T1tor WArnick moved it be referre referreto rererredto
to tim Committee of the Whole Senate SenateEluberg SenatorEl SenatoEleherg
Eluberg El horg objected Arollcallwasderaande Arollcallwasderaandeand A roll call was demanded demandedIUIII deniandeariil
and the hill wag wa ordered to a third readln readlnby reading readinghy readinby
by a voteof vole of 29 to a the threo Republic RepuhllcaItteirgente RepublicIneurgcnts RapublltAnInwrjtCntll
Ineurgcnts nnd Senators Martin Ram Ranuperger RamJllrger Ranperger
perger and Wagner voting against the me melion motion mctio
lion tio Moat of the Democratic Senatoi Senatoivoted Senatolllvoled SenatoroIed
voted for thA motion motionSenator moUonnator motionSenator
Senator nator Elsberg asked for a ruling froithe froi from fromIhe frorthe
the Chair insisting that a single BlnK objection objectloould objectionWould objectiolwould
Would ould prevent the advancement of a bll bllv blUUeutov biliLlutGv
Ueutov v JIlgginll < ald that under 1 the therulM tb tbniIe L Lrules >
rules the Senate > nate could dispose of a mcasut mcasutby meuuteby meaaurhya
by hya a majority vote voteTlicn roteThen ote oteTIlen
Then senator Raines said he wanted I Inude It Itmade I Imade
made plain to the people of the State th thon that thaton thaon
on account of petty personal pt nal uplte Senato SenatoEhberg SenatorEld SenatoEkberg
Ehberg Eld rg was attempting to hold up th thbudnras tbe tbebuFlnlflll tbtbuMnp
budnras of the Legislature LegislatureI IAogi aturtl aturtlI
I thought I made it plain yesterday yesterdaywild yeaterdyId
wild Id Senator Elsberg Elaber that what Senato Senatoand SenatorR1n SenatoRaIne
R1n thlnkl of me la a matter of auplflme auplflmeAod aupremsad
and utmost indifference I am wilUni wilUnito wl1Unto <
to have my actions judged by the peopl peoplcf ple pleor
cf the t State I simply Intend that all billin bllli bllliIn bill billiIn
in this thl Legislature shall be consider considerM considered consideredn
ci M n their merits and if they th y are a not then therill the theII theniIl
ill II be no legislation for the balance o othi of ofthlfo othi
thi thlfo session ll8 on If I can prevent it itSenator ItI
Senator nator Ralrow naln then moved that thrd th the therder thirrdr
rder I rd r of business S of receiving bills from fronthe fromthe Ironthe
the Assembly A mhly for concurrence be laid asldi asldiIM aaldeIn asidiIn
IM In ntw iew of X Senator VM Elaoorgl attitude attitudeRtnator attitudeSenator AI AISenator
Senator Grady sold that at this thisof thisof ae aeof
of the seMlon Olftdr It I was time for a concill concillalion concillm oonrlllAlion
lion and mmproml e between Senato SenatoIn Senatortin
m In order that the personal legislationtne legislation of ofIhfo 01 01bcnAtore
tne Senators 1IAtora might not bo interfei interfeifitn Interfered Interferedllilh InterferecVheztany
fitn fitnWhen llilhe When Vheztany e any ny Senator Snator SenatoraIdnator sold st8nator Senator Brack BrackJt Bk Bkeu Brsckett
Jt eu In the to sneering manner that we liavJu liav 1 IiaiiItntisedand
Ju Ut t iItntisedand itnoseed ltnland Inrmf and there is only ono OD ma main marIn
in o the Senate who is capable co lo of It Itcannol Itcannolmake canno cannopiake
piake mh make ke a Snate single Injle nge motion moton without Wthout critlelslninl critlelslni ctcllt ctclltlelow
nl fellow Senators it Is no time for com compromise oomhrl compromle
promise lelow or 10ra conciliation onclltion I The T Senator Sentor from fronijie fromI Ironthe
the I ijie hrl e Fortyoeoond Iflaineel Raines cannot cnot adopt adopttEe adope
< te tEe > < e methods methof4 of tho slave Rn lve driver drrr in this Son SonMe Bn Bnarl SonI
Me arl or II IIQuick and I for ono 00 do not propose pp to slam slamSoick standQuick
Quick as a flash Senator Raines retorted retortedJim retor retorhT
nh Snator Res
hT Jim 1 hc 11 Senator SnatorJ Us at perfect pere liberty lbrty to wash waslmspwn washhle h hown
mspwn hle own eoaru on his hl hl own ow back backTTien bk bken backThen
TTien Then en Senator nator l Rainess motion to lay lajJid lay layId layUlde
Ulde Jid Id < > Aucmhly bUls was carried cared by a vote voUof voteof
of M 2 to S The throe thr throeinaurgntadJdnotvote throeinaurgntadJdnotvotearid bi Insurgents lnurlntadid did not voU voUAad
and the negative votes were re cast ct by Demo Demolf Demoert
lf ert s This nEgatve ended tho Incident Incdent for the tlmibnltig tImid tImidiiirig
rr bnltig iiirigr Ing
By a vote ote of 38 2 to t 18 II tho Senate Snte today todajP ty tyRntor todayred
r P red M > d Senator Rntor Lewiss Lmi s bill bi continuing oontnul th thntatn to toStaIn thc thctate <
StaIn tate Water Watrr ater Storage Commiwilon Ommwdon Ita ob obJ ohject
ject J ir w lii understood undlnto Strag to bo b for or the prevention jrlnUon jrlnUono preventionof nreventlori
o of i floo iI od < U and frealieta rrf8hlt The Te Merchants MerchantsAssociation Merhnt Merchantsnciatlon
Association Mllol nciatlon and the Society Bltty for the Precrvatlonof Precr Preseration r ralon
vatlonof alon ation Iif or the Adlrondacks Adirndk though con conAdirondack oonItdnl eontnJ
Itdnl tnJ th that the bi bill tl ie II In the Interriiu Intell of the thnltndk theMImidack
Adirondack ltndk tlle mill mi owners owncl who want to t bulk bulkMlra buid buidMlr buildlrage
Mlra Mlr lrage e dams dnm and roHervolr roHervolrliili rroln rrolnII imorvoirSSIiIJ
SSIiIJ II liili JI tilt I hn bill prohibits prhlbltll the erection elln ol olli of ofIJ oficii
icii li I Mructure bi yet It Is II i a significant 1 lfnt fact facliil Ictthltllhu factthet
iil thltllhu IJ tlm Irclurl members 1fmbrs yt of the Legislature IAogltur < and ald aldn andthe
the 10 n mfiuwnoe outside outlide of the LegtalsturiwhIri Legislature LegislatureJnlcli
Jnlcli whIri hlel nnno have hvo always alw born IJ seeking flg for or aucl auclKHlntlon ah ahIPr uch uchlieIatlon
IPr lieIatlon KHlntlon tll have hve be bl been i active acive In support supponKf wpprt wpprtIhIJI
Kf 1 this Mil Milhtrjilor lll lllntur
htrjilor ttur ntur Baileys DIE1 Mil hi amending ametnl the auto aut auto
mob N i le lw law 1e4 th tha
a oA2 to11 1 Te ThebWj tft bUb t theesactk t n
Oth of the We Automobil umb Cu club of Amta A bt bi biotbe
a otbe aut automjb1J aasoajoit dJpproi dJpproiof
otI of It u bl beln t too b da drastic Uu I It requires d thi thierr
everr ft err chauffear cd aball aD be b Uoeneed Uoeneednot l as
th that for a ti third TlU Violation of the kw w wobauffetj1 a a achue
chue obauffetj1 l 11oezi al shall b be rokedad o revoked at
t ftiture 1 Uoen to such offender f is lor lorlr fol
bidden Aesemblynn ac Doughtys elm
lr lar bW Ia held b In I r the Dult Assembly Aly Contnltteo bm bmmltte a
mltte tnltteo on Rule Rules and Mr Doughty esy the U
bi bill Is i dedbu dead because an M the DulCY cmte committee WUI WUInot WI WInot
not report r rt It
Te The Astembl Amb1 passed Senator 8 Sr tor McEw McEwthe MoEwan
bI bill which Is au the Interests of for forRush lorer fonni
Fire Ieutenant Usutenant Rub Rush 1t of Ne New York ct
Rush Rub was dismissed dm dlamJs from the New Ne Yo YoChief York
Pite Fi Department Dpent during dun t the t trial of
Chief Cef Croker Cker because bW in his h youth youthto yuth he
ba had bn been cnlot convicted of a felony Stor Senat
MoEwa MoEwans bi bill prlta permits the appitent appointmet appointmetto
to the department depment of persons who ha habeen bn hai
been of bn age ageThe ne convicted oonvice of a felony feony pnnl under 18 ye yeor y yeai yeaiof
The Senate Snate passed Senator St Davis Dnl oocurrent oo 0 cotcurrent
current cUrnt resolution rluton p providing rovdg for mo moadditional mor rnoiadditional
additional aditionl Supreme Suprme Court ur Justioes Justo by I Icreasing In Incllng it itcreasing
creasing cllng the number numbr according to the pop popu populaton poptLatlon
latlon laton of the t districts dic aorng I The T resolutla resolutlayear reeolutli reeolutliDaseed rluUon rluUonlt
Daseed last lt yearand year and if I It passes the theA Asset Assetbly
bly will Wi 11 be b submitted subm submitted tt to t a p vote rot ot of the peot peotat pple ppleat peopat
at the election elon in I 1904 1904If 10 lO4If
If I the Assembly passes M Senator Ma Uatthalls Maahalls Mr Mraa
ahalls aa concurrent ooncurt resolution rlutD which Whlb Whlbthe passe pasethe passethe
the Senate 8t today the city oltyof of New Yo Yocan York YorkQdeo Tocan
t te
can exceed iu debt limit liit In I order to e etend e at attend
Qdeo te tend Its water system tm The T orer reaolutli reaolutlipassed rluUon rluUonp reelutiopassed
passed the W Legislature Lallatu last I year and ad if ifcareless Ifpasses It Itp
p passes thl year will go 0 to y a vot vote 01 ofpeoila the thepple
p pple peoila thi at the 7 eleton election I In 10 1906 Te The A Ai AiesmDIT
esmDIT ambly passed th these bUI bUe today
pl ty tylmbyma
Aeentblvman Sherrs prohibiting ti ticareleas
careless celeu lmbyma distribution dlatrlbuton 8hr of medicines melcM Pohlbitt dniiand dnii drl drland dnaiand te teceleu
and chemlcAls chemlcAlsAssemblrman chemicaiMAecemblyman
cemlcl cemlcllmblman
Assemblrman lmblman Burkes Burkl compellln cmpll assocl usociitione assocltlons uaola uaolalon
tlons lon that tat loan lo money monfY on salaries Iules to t file de ie sut sutAsMmbljTniui Iat itatments
ments howthg the Interest ohareed ohareedAscmblymsn
ment AsMmbljTniui ahowlc te McManius McMa Inurft ohlrle authorlrln lutorin authoriting tl tlIsylnB the thelaylnR ti tilaymnr
IsylnB lmbl out ou of py PllYIQudl playgrounds round In New Ke York clt cltTbs clr clrTe eItThe
Tbs Te bill bi su sui authorize autbori the te dty ety to t o buy proper properaj propr prop propAiwemblyman
aj i private sale saleAssemblyman
a Assemblyman prtnt embla le leembla Finnsran prohibiting prohlbltll tl tlhunting te tehunlnl U Uhuntinr
hunting hunlnl In this State Btte of of nonresident nonreldenU wltbo wltboa wltou wltoua
a license licenseSenator Ilrn IkeneeSenator t
Senator Ilrnflr flr Hilts 11 lIIll prohibiting prhlbtUc the te emplornetit employ employmenC emplotbent
bent of women oren or children cUdr In I factories Ilotrie mo mothan more morethAn molthan
than 4 hours In one week weekAssemblyman wk wkAsmbllml weekAwmblyman
Assemblyman Awmblyman r Poolings Doollcl Ioollit onl Sflttlnr lttnr aside asidenumber asidenumber a anumbr
number numbr of 0 Oi piers pie In New York city for re rereatlon reo rereatlon
reatlon realon Senator purposes purposesSenator pUr Marshalls > ls ls8ntr piscine Lloyd 1 1surnnoe In InaurnnO Istirance
surnnoe aurnnO 8ntr companlen compnlel Maball under lacnr the te control ontol UoT of tl tlState te teStle U UState
State Insurance Department DepartmentSenator DepartmentSenator
Inuranr DePlrtent DePlrtent8natr
Senator Rainess appropriating 117000 f fODELL for forte Ic Icthe
fpproprlatnl 10
8natr Re
the Imorovement of the quaratne quarantine buUdinp buUdinpat buudlniat
at te 10tma lloftman Imlrovmtn Iland IlandODELL Island IslandODELL
Practically PoUotJ Admits There ee I I Ii a Split pUt Bet Betwee BetweeHimself we weHlmietr wem wemHimel
Himel Himself ana anf Senator 8etor Platt PlattBrjyriu Pt PlattBtiprAto
Brjyriu April 17ln a talk with t tnewspaper U Unewspaper
BtFL Aprl 11n t wt t
newspaper rpntth representatives at the Buffal BuffalClub Buffi BuffiClub Bualo BualoCub
Club nepr Cub this thl afternoon aoon Goy Ov Odell OeU gave pv pub pubutterance pbUo pbUoutteroo publiutterance
utterance utteroo to his views ve concerning oonoor the th u uheaval UI UIheaal
heaval havl at Albany Aby yesterday He H in inmated Ind Indmt mtmated
mated mt In his conversation onverUn yry that be was n nchagrined not notchged nc ncchagrined
chagrined over OT the rejection rjeion of the pen pennation DOm nomnation
nation chged of Frank Fr M Baker BeforBbm BeforBbmmoDer for Railroad Cot Cotmlssioner Conmlesloner
mlssioner moDer In fact fc to State Stt Commltteemi CommltteemiWarren ComanitteemaWarren
Warren be remarked rmked that tt he would wu n nlose not ac aclose
lose 10 any sleep Ile over oer it itWill ItWi Itwin
Will Wi you send another aother name ne to ti tiSenate the tb tbSenate I
Senate in I place pl l of Mr M Bakers Bkes the Go Goemor GoT GoTernor Ooiernor
asked askedI
ernor was w e
I will w not discuss dl the Baker Ber Incident Incidentsaid Incet Incetd Incidentsaid
said d he and I cannot cot say IY now what Wht cows oourI OI cowsI
I will Wi pursue pursueWill pure pureWI pursuewiu
Will WI you say ey anything anrll about abut Orori OroriWilson fkorgWilson
Wilson Wnln Morgan Morg your appointee appol for Ele EleUons Ee Elections
Uons Uo Commissioner Cmlloner of New York YorkMr YorkM YorkMr
Mr M Morgan 110rg was wa Assistant Att District Dlrc A Atorney At At Attorney
torney under Jerome He is I I theman the m wl wlconducted Who Whoonductt wbconducted
onductt conducted the campaign tplgn against alt the polio pollifleers Ilc Ilcocer polioomcers
and he baa DO DOery noe noevery
fleers ocer in I the metropolis melll a ha Dn Dnver
very ery successful aucfw In his efforts efor Re h honducted has hasonducted ha haconducted
conducted onducted ver all thoee thoCand lhoeecaeeeand cases and the thecrJ thecredit credit f fireaklng for forbrkl to tobreaking
breaking up al the offending officials oca i I is L Llarge I It Ita
a large measure due to his h efforts effortsDm elor elTortaDia
Dm he m have hy Senator Platts Ptt Indorse indorajent Indol Indorsement
jent menU menUHe
mentHe uMdent uMdentThe He had b my myfnmlnt indorsement and a that tht thtwtcent wr wrThe wauMdent
wtcent wtcentT The T Governor Gover made m this I remark r wit witnsiderable wth wthollderble wititensiderable
ollderble nsiderable posltlvenessand poeltivene and In a manneindicate manne mer mert mannelo
o indicate that tht ptfne his b appointments appolntenu were re mad madIthout md mactiwithout
t wthut without Idlct consulting ontl oonsultlngxty any ay one Qn but bt the th Oovemo Oovemoif Overr Overrof
of ii if the State StateAsked Slt StateAsked
Asked U he did not know koW that the thtrouble thtroubleat troubl troublt
at t Aled Albany was d taken ten n as a split Ut betweei betweeiImself btwn btwnhimal betweehimself
himal himself and Senator Sentor Platt Plt the Oovemo Oovernoiiaid Oovemoid
eld iaid id Yes YesWill Ye Yeswin
Will Wi you you u say ay y whether Wher or not no you yu anc ancnator a anenatorPlatt
Bnatr enatorPlatt nator Platt ltt are a still al friendly friendlyI frendly frendlyI
I am friendly Ind That Tt b a hard h question qoeatloatowever questionlowever qulton
boWeYr lowever For Forn all that I know kow to the oon oonrary oont
t rary r we are a friendly frindy tt That 1 is I I all al I car caiT c cIn carr
T In r reference rferen to I his mortgage tax t measur measurov measuri3ov m as asOOTOeU
3ov ov Odell Odd said saidThey saidThey morp
ad adhey
OOTOeU They hey have rejected rjeed eeoted the mortgage mortgae ta taeasure tz tzmture tAi tAimeasure
mture measure and I cannot cot anticipate antcipt what the thenay ty tymy thea theanay
nay dowlth reference rlPO to framing rrnJ somther some Ime Imeoter someother
my other dowth legislation along that line lne I shoul shoulAther aod aodrther ebOUIdrather
oter rather leglton surmise that there the would be b n nurther no nolurthtr ncrurtlier
rther lurthtr urther tax t ul legislation legl latlon but you cannot canot te tejvemlght tU tUoverllt tel tel3vernht
jvemlght what wht the Legislature ature will Wi dow do doWUlthere doWI
overllt WUlthere w ther there be b a direct dlnt State Bt tax taxThere t taxThere
There WI will 111 be no direct dint tax t while Whl I an anovsrnor a sit3overnor
Govrnor 3overnor ovsrnor Tre not during dur my term of office officeThe ofoe oMoeThe I
The Governor spoke of several means meansUsing m or orrlng ci ciraining
Using T Overnor revenue and lpk indicated Idl eefr that tht a polK polKf poUor
or rlng f retrenchment would be followed lolowe out t the I La Lahe
the he State Government so 1 as a to enable tr trdmlnlstratlon the theamlnlrtlon thiidminlatratlon
amlnlrtlon dmlnlstratlon Onment to t meet met all al expenditure expenditureith exnditue exnditueWIth expenditureewith
WIth ith revenue rvnue raised r in an Indirect IndlnL way wayMORGAN wayMORGAN wayMORGAN
8ator lender ater Raines fe Made ate the Motion HOUO and a tb tbVete t thiVote
Vote Was Cnsnlmoa CnsnlmoaALBAKT UIO UIOALAN VrsnieioiALBANr
ALBAKT ALAN April Aprl 17 10 17Gov Oov Odella Ode nomlna nomlnaon noma nomaton nontinaIon
Ion on of George Grg W Morgan Morg of New Tot Yorty York Yorkcty TotUy
ton Uy ty to succeed John Joh McCuUagh Mch aa Superntendent Super Supeiitendent SuperInlendent
cty itendent euc of the Metropolitan MeropoUt Electionistriot Election Eelou EelouDltct ElectionilaUlot
confirmed in th thsnate tluionate
Dltct istriot was unanimously ulmouly oon ne
snate today and Mr Morgan Mor will wl at on onake one oneike
Snte toy MeCullaghs term haxplred ha hu huexpir batrpired
tke ake ike office ofoe as Supt Supt Mclaghl tr
expir xplred The salary ta ls I 15000 10 5000 a year yar ani anihe and andte ancbe
he appointment appointt Is I for four fou yearsPrevious years yearsPrevious ye yePvous
te Previous to t the session ion of the Senate Senatetie St Senatihe
the tie Pvous Senate Judiciary Judica Committee Comtt met ant anienator and andSentor antionator
Sentor enator Elsbarg EUb Eberl rg moved that the th nomine notalnaIon nomineon
Ion on be reported to the te Senate Ste The Te thr thrleurgents threc threcneurgents
leurgents rpr had expected eed that tt their vote votejgethor VI VItogtbor voteogethor
jgethor with wth the votes v of the Democratl Democratllember Deinocrathnembers
togtbor lember of the committee would wwd be b al allat al aihat
memblll lat would be in oomtt favor of reporting lflpotna th thominatlon thc tbenominaton thciomlnAtion <
tht ominatlon But In this thl they te were wre rats misiken n nten ratsalcen
nominaton Senatoniso Senaton Senatolllala Senatoriso
iken for the regular Republic RpubUo
ten iso voted to report rpor the nomination Ai Aix Accon
ala Tote Rains Ralneiloved Rainsnovod
It was reported Senator
con x > n as Sentr
Bn loved that tho nomination non naUon be b confirmeead confirmed confirmednd
mvo and ad it was carried Ore without wthout a dissentlnj dissentlnjThere dilnti dilntiote diesentinote
oteThere There was no way by which Whc the nomlna nomlnaon nomlnaIon
could have been defeated owing teto to totho toho
tion Ion
on hve bn defet own
tho ho to alliance of the three thr Insurgent lnust Republlan Republl Republlin Rpubl
oaD in Senators with wth the twentytwo Demo Demorats Demorats
rats Not a word was W spoken 8Pken in conwon conw oonneoIon
orat fitness for t tBee the themoo
Ion with Mr Morgans
on ftne
ton Bee wt and he enters entr Morgl upon his he new duti dutiIth duties dutiesrith
ofo WIth Ith many of the members memb not knowing kownc wh wha who whohe
he 0 a is m or hi hit qualification quUfctlon for such an Im Imurtant Import Irartant
port urtant office officeLEGAL ooeILEGAI omeeLLEGAL
Jsda > d Fire Fre AsaeelaUeas AUe Against Ap Which WhichProeeedthgi Whl WhlPreeeeman
LI Preeeeman Pefp Will 1111 Be le Instituted InstitutedALBANY IUt InstitutedALSANT me meALK
ALBANY April Aprl 17AttomeyGenei 17AttomeyGeneimneen 11AttomeyOeneralLanneen
ALK today made public the nam namthe names namesI
Lanneen mneen publi th
tooy m
of Cnn I the Lloyds Lloyd fire fr Insurance lnro associations associatloialnst ullu ulluagaln associationsgalnet
which proceedings have been o or orw orill
agaln alnst t prlg hT bn
that the thennot they theycnot theyinnot
ill 11 be instituted on the ground lrund tht
w InlUtut continue in business In thl thlaCe this thistaCo
nnot gay oontlue bune
cnot aCe because It can c be b shown that tbe tbein tby tbywere they theyore
Stafbu lawfully engaged in the busineinsurance business businessr
were in
nt lwfuy enpg thei theire tbeUltlona these theseicioclations
Oct I 13
of r insurance Ifoo on O 11 Whn
icioclations of indIvidual underwriters underwritersere
Ultlona from idividu the provisions of tneate the thetate
were ere > re provln
ate Insurance law and all future futre organl orjaniationi organlitlons oranlutlonl
Btte Inranoo lw
utlonl itlons of the sort ert were ruled r out outThe outTh outTbe
associations th to be proceeded against againste
The b a aa
Th ultln United Underwriters pr of the thety theItT
a re ItT e ty the th of New Unie York Un the Inter Itr t Insurers lnurelll ofinerica of ofnerica ofAmrc
Cty nerica the Fire Association of New York Yorke Yorkth
Amrc Standard F Fire AUon Lloyds of New York city citye ciy ciytbe
10 e
th Stda International Fi Loy Fire Offices the Im Ime Impr Imerl
tbe Of
te e Intertn F
erl Fire Uoyds the Jefferson Fire Uoyds Uoydse
pr e GermanAmerican Fr Loyd th Fire Fir and ad Loy Mart Martoyd M Matitlovda
th lovda GrAro the Assurance Lloyds of AmerUid AmerU rha rhaad
LoJd oyd th Aur Ll York Yorkare YorkTh Yorktiee
id the Insurers Alliance of New
ad tiee tb are llrr the only associations onl onlWhlcb against againstthe againstblob
Whlcb Th blob IL a I is t dm deemed an n rtecei r7 to p pat proceed proceedt
at t the present prnt time ti
pane Hce e Theory TMI ef r a Haa Mt tsa to Make Mae U UBeatlon Idet IdetIUon ideal idealIosUon
DtflkmrtMect ef the theNow Mt MtNew
Beatlon IUon D8t He f a Me
Now Under UDdtr Anest AN Win W Be tnMorello tn F FreeMoreilo
Morello Mort to Be B Ue Held fat I All Al Even EvenSeveral Et EtSe EventSeveral
Several Se times tlmy yesterday Jy the thpUoo thpoIoe police thoujhat thouj thoUt thoUtth thougithat
hat th the t body by of the ItiOlan Itt which wb WM four foun foud foudIn fourin
In n a barrel bl at Elevenih Ee1 street It and Meat AvenD Afu MeatD
D on Tuesday Ty moral morag morttlug ug would wud soon Bn beide beidetifled be b ldeitifled Iden Idenbut
tifled but in I two casjs c ca the te man m who w was si sito eld eldto sal salto
to be b the dead man ma turned tu up safe ai aisound ad adlu an ansound
lu sound and the other identifications Idtcon we wetoo wetoo Were Weretoo
too uncertain unora to t be of any value valueInspector nlueInpr valueInspector
Inspector Inpr Modusky Mou said ad yesterday rtrday th ththe that thatthe thithe
the only ony two things tnp that t would w help hep hi hiIn h hh hhIn
In I solving alvlng the t mystery myt would w be b the pa palive p poetFre
live ty identification lenUoon of the dead de man moraon moraonfoon or a oo oofession cot cotfession
foon fession from one of the t prisoners prne A oo ooCession oon oonreon cotfeeslon
Cession reon is I one of the things tp that t the poll polldo poUc pattido
do not bank bak on very vr much Italians Italiansthe Ita Italianthe of ofte
te the class c of those tho now in I custody Oy doroften don dont dontoft donoften
oft often confess confessIt oonN
It was w learned INre from fm the polio poU last llt nig nigthat nCht nChtthat algithat
that the clothes clte worn wr by the man mn w wwas wbo wbol vi viwas
was l murdered murde were we not the sameas same as a he ha haon hi hion bd bdon
on when whe the Secret St Service 8o agents asnta M Mhim sahim w w11m
11m him with several ae of the prisoners prnera in t tbutcher the thebtoer ti tibutoher
butcher btoer shop at 10 Stanton Stnton streetIt street streetIt It
It Is I said that tht at that tht time t he was mu mubetter mu raucbetter
better to dressed than were Wee the others othersmuch 1 i imuch
bt de tn
much mo mr moreio re30 in I facM lc to make mkhmnt him nolle nolleible notloibis
able The Te clothe clthe on the body bdy were wer on onpar onpar a apr
pr par with wih those t worn by the man undinrflt und uder uder81t undiarrest
inrfltThe 81t arrest arrestlbs
The shoes found on the body were wer ma maby made madeby maby
by a dealer aoe on Whitehall WtbU street Ittoppoate Ittoppoatethe oppotl oppotlthe opposilthe
the Produce Puc Exchange Eobng According Ardli to t tpolice the thepll U Upolice
police and the Secret St Service Sic men one onethe onethe or orte
te the men me under ude arrest ar vent W into lto that ItO stoon ItOon stolon
on Feb 17 last lastThe lastThe
The police 1 llt lltTe were w confident onnet last night th ththe tt tttbe thethe
the Te victim viCm pUo bad bd been b redressed after U Umurder the themue Ui Uimurder
murder had been b committed rr In I order ordernvert orde to toaVtrt t tavert
aVtrt avert mue suspicion lu plclon and comtt if I possible polble preys preveWhen prvnt prvnth preyshis
his identitlmtion identitlmtionWhen
h When We Idmtltion IdmtltionWe Peooraro Per one of the th e prisonei prisoneiill pre prisonenbroke
broke dow down In court yesterday eterda mornin morninand
brok oou morg morgad
ad and later In the dy day When 110rll Morello who vItosaid il illd
said to be chief or the Mafia In this countr countrbecame
ld b cher f M t count
b became ill I In I the th Jefferson Jefern Market priao prn prna prisotB priaoown
a report Ipra spread that t these men had broken brokendc brokedown
dc down own rprt and ad confessed The Te confession confeon w waid W8 we wesaid
said aid to be b one In the hands hand of Inspect InspectIcClusky Inspr InsprMcur lnspectcMcCIusky
IcClusky rd When asked we about auc it the te 1 1pector In Inlpor La Laspector
Mcur pector laughed laughe and said ld that the stor storwas sto storas str
Wu lpor ras absolutely false falseMoClusky falseMOCIURkY
MoClusky ablutel said d fa yesterday ytrday that on Sund Sunde Sudar Sudarh Sundahe
he e McU would probably have b to allow most mostIs of ofhi c chis
h his Is woud thirteen prisoner pnceJ to go aw free fr T Tto The TheprcD Th Thprinc1pIs
hi princ1pIs trn In the gag gang however w will be beheld Li Liheld
prcD held Indeft1y Indefinitely ad and 1 If any atmpt attempt I I Imade
made to free rr them by a writ t of ofhabea habeas hb oo oru oorpu oorpuAgent rp rpfnder
me Met Agent Flynn F of the Seet Bt Setvice Seroo says 1 It Itwill he heWi
Wi will make charges of oouteretng oounterfoitlng aat aattm againi againithem
them me and cagO hold tm them on thO those cha chargee chargeeUnder
Under tm a no circumstances drto will MoreUo MorelloMowed b b ballowed
Mowed to go free fr until ut every w possible olu oluoonnecting ol olinflecting
eer oue oueoneg
aowe oneg inflecting him b with wit the te murder muer pble has be bein b boa boarun
run in down downA dow downA
r A writ wnltot t of habeas hab corpus ooru was served servedhe o othe
the he warden of the Jefferson Jeern Market Mkt sr priso prisoyesterday prli prliesterdar prn prnyN
In the of Ignatx Luoo ot otof
yesterday esterdar I case C Luo a alanchard OD
of yN the prlnelll prisoners It was le Issued by Juuoo JuuooBlobar Jusuc JusucBlanchard
Blanchard Blobar and is returnable ruabl this th mornin morninthough more moreALouL mornini morniniAlthough
though Lupo 1s 1 said to be b the treasurthe treasure tur turor treasureof
or ALouL the Mafia J society P the police pUoo will w not o oee Ot Otpose
pose > ee t his being bing set free freeAg fr treeAgent
p Ag Agent nt Flynn J1 said sd yesterday try that it you wouseveral wud wudbe yoube
be > several days before he finished finl his h e enlnation ex exation ezunlnatlon
nlnation eever of day the th letters lttn and ad papers take takirom taken takenfrm takerrom
ation frm rrom rom the apartments a mnu of two t of the th ppra prisonei prisoneiJp prln prisonenUp
Up Jp to date he says most ma of the ie letteixamined letter Jti lettertwriined
exin xamined have been bn ar of a personal pern nature naturd natureand naturemd
and athough although thy they show tht that bth both writer writermd tera teraand
and d recipients rclplnta are a aW members mmbelll of the thehere th 1 Mafli Maflibem
the here is I nothing noth in I them tm to connect one elthrlth elth either eitherwth eltheeltil
rlth the crime cro now under uder Investigation InvestigationAgent Iveltatn IveltatnAnt investigationAgent
wth Agent th Flynn in speaking I g of Morel Morelhe MorU Moreiloho
he Ant leader Fyn of the Mafia Mf said ad yesterday trday th thie tht ththe tha thato
he th to ie was lar a very r dangerous d rou man m but bt that I Itad h hi hiiad
tad not nt been bn arrested at < In I recent nnt years 7 b buse b be beirlt
cU irlt use It was Impossible Ipble to get a case c r agains againsI 1 1nfllf
I nfllf
hi nfllfThis This i man Is the bead h of a gang that t 1 1jenpaasinf be beteen
m tb
teen jenpaasinf T passing fivedollar ToUa notes n p of the N Nnal Na Nat Natnat
bn nat o Iron Hank of Morristown M 1 N J Jfour be bea itt ittatdandalthoughwe
InIn atdandalthoughwe ahuh We hy havetrteckofln t t aa h bit bitdint
a dint lort for a the paat four fou yean we bay have havej not nocyeC notet
plt J
yeC et suoceeded j In I doing dolll so soHe soHe
He l has been bn a dealer dr in these t counterfeit oouterfelt oouterfeltnot counterfeittotes e eotee
totes never passing them tbm himself hll The There Ty Tya Thee
not re e splendid Iplendd counterfeit ctiet pig and MoreUo MrD sol solism Ili solchera
tm a hera ism to member mmbr of the t Mafia M only Th Thrstam Theytem
rstam of passing them was for two met mettravel mn mnt metI
11tm I > travel tyl together One On would have hy a bl blU b brU bil bilon
t rU on > U of counterfeit cuntereit tosther bills bU with wu th him h but th thther t thethat
that would take one on at a time t and try t tIBS to top tcSam
othr a t
Sam it Then Tn If he h were We caught cucht no n othe otheunterfelt otr otrooutrfelt otbetounterfeit
p unterfelt money would be found on bin hirid binnd
ooutrfelt mny wou fou h
ad nd id the chances oho were We in I favor lavr of hi his h esoapig esoap esoapt
ig t conviction oonvictlonI
oonvotln oonvotlnI
I I am a ready rr to arrest a MoreUo now no fo founterteJUng foeounterfeiting
unterteJUng and think I can c make out i ipar a acl s slea
oountretlng th m ou
lea par case c against hIm htmIn hImIn h
cl In spite t of aP the statement etmet of Agent Flynn Flymat Fy Flynntat
tat at I Morello orelo has been bn free lr for the last I fou fours four fourY out outears
t ears rs former for Chief ief of the t th Secret St Service ServiceUllam Serc ServiceVLilLain
Y Ullam P Basest Bun said ld yesterday tha thaiorello thaMorell thaforeilo
Wii orello was only recently released ry from frouison fromn fromI Ironitleon
Morell on rnt r
itleon itleonIn ison isonIn n
In I 18 18 1899 said ud Baron H Morello 10r0 and andlan a aman i inan
man lan named Maggiore were w sentenced eento ic icailby t to toja1by
ja1by ailby 11 by n Judge Judg Maggo Thomas Tom In the United Unt State Statercuft Bt Stateelreiiit
Ct rcuft Court Cou in this t city cty MoreUo Morlo gc gcyears got gott gol gollites
lites years and Maggiore six iz years Bo Boen Bth Bthmen Bat Batflea
t men en were wre yra sent to MJore Jail at Atlanta Att y Ga terve t trve to toeere
eere erve rve their thei terms ten jil Their Tir crime cre was WI cou courfeitlng oun ountereIUngth cotta cottaerfelting
rfeitlng fivedollar oll United Unt States Btt Trea Treacles Thasur ThasurtoteS ¬
nole toteS With his commutation oomuton MoreUo MoreUonly 10reUo oe oeniy >
nly have hav been out of jail a very sho shome Ihort Ihorttie shotiLate
bn r
ony Late me I remember rmomber his h case c very Yr distinct distinctid dUncly dUnclya distinctly distinctlyad
tie a emus ad id can c man manAll manAl assure you yu that tt he U I a most mOt dr drirous d dan danemus
ser All efforts effor m to trace tr the red r wagon wn thaiC t tsupposed that thatup
C supposed up to have conveyed conY the t taut murred mu tautered
ered red mans body by from frm the t Elizabeth Eth street streiady streetandy
dr andy ady m store to t the point where whe It was fount founve foud foudhay fountias
cYltore hay ias ve failed fa and andtbe t the t pt police pUoo admit at that t the thei they theya theyFe
a Fe i going gig to a have b e a nard h time t tracing tr thrime th the thecm therime
rime to the men m now in custody custodySome Cy CySme custodySome
cm Some Sme of the t evening newspapers n yester yesteray rt yesteriST
day iST ay decided deide that tt en the murdered mur nwlp man m wa wantonlo wasAtono vuintonlo
ntonlo dAndrea d who testified ttf against aa ai aiollan an anI1 attallan
Atono ollan counterfeiter outereltar Ad in I Buffalo Buao last I Deoem Deoemr Dm Dmber
I1 ber or > r The Te only flaw fW in the Identificatioi Identificatioias IdntUtln IdntUtlnWas
Was as that DAndrea DAda pleaded pl guilty to noun oounrfeitlng OUI nounrfeiting
rfeitlng in Chicago on Wednesday jty iay the thily tbed theaT
trelUne ly after r the body by was found foundSecret foundt foundSecret
d Secret t Service t Agent Edward EW Peck Pk ar arted arred atsated
Srloo Ant
sated ted an Italian Itian yesterday rday about abut whom whomslther whomnther whomeither
either the Secret Sret Service Ser men mn nor tb tbUoe the tbepolce theiollc <
nther iollc > Uoe would t say anything The prisons prisoneiys prnr prnre1 prisonslye
polce lye ys be Wou is Joseph Jo 11 any uuarbano Ouabo of 186 11 Motreet Mot MoUtreat
e1 treat although athoeh the tb people pl at that thaty tht addre
art y they never heard be 2d of him himHe h himHe
e He ty was neyr detained deted h at the th Mercer Ir sine sineatlon streetatlon rt rtlaton
atlon The sergeant there refused rfu t tImit tc tcdccii
laton adn Imit t that tht Te his arrest I lrft Ud l tre anything anyh to d dith do dowth darUb
wth rUb the barrel bl murder mur case caseHeal C Caeal eseReal
Heal Estate Ete AssocIation A aUO ef New Yank YerkALBAKT Tr TrALA YankAtwrr
ALBAKT ALA April AprlITe 17 17The The Real B EsU EsUlooiation Patats Patatsesoclatlon
Alatlon looiation of New Ne York with wth princi princioe princIpal princIpalmoe
moe oe In New York city was W inoorpora inoorporaday Incorporated Incorporatedtday
ofoe tday day to promote promot nhe the passage p of la lansficlal ln lnbeneftcla laws lawseneficial
beneftcla nsficlal to t real estate Ot In New York city cityaong dtyAnl cityinong
r Charles T Bar Bary BarPy
aong the directors drlll are a ClT B
Anl W H Chesebrough Chesebroughhn
ney Py y E W CoggeshaU Chebrouih ChebrouihJohD
JohD Dhn hn E D Crimmlns CID CoaghrW Robert nber E Dowllng Dowllngorge DwUg DwUgGrp Dowlingeorge
orge G Dewltt Horace Hr S Ely Ey Amos AmotEno AmosP00
Grp F Eno Albert Dewt Flakejtndrew Flake Andrew w H Green Greenarles OnCIO GreenharIe
arles E F Al1ftr Hoffman Hoffm Flaer Edgar J Levey L Wll Wllm Wi WilSan
San m H Mcintyre Henry Henr Morgenthau Morgenthaumry MrpnthauIlmr
la mry F Miller r Charles Clsriea l E E Miller Mier Davit DavitOgden Dala Dalan DavidOgdenCharteS
Ilmr n OgdenCharteS Ogden Charles 11 A Peabody3ohn Peabody Pe John Ranei Hatsenhoades Raneiloades Hln HlnROiN
Oen Cle
William Rhine Rhineider Rhineoder
loades B Aymar A Sands Bd WIWa
ROiN ider Stewart Edward E Sprague Spre Henry HenrjTnornell Hc HcL HenryThornell
L lader Tnornell Stwa and Ewa Ernest Thalmann Tn of Ne Neirk New NewYor Nework
ork irk Tornel city dt Edward Fwa ENt J Devlin Dvln of Yonke Yonked Yonera Yoneraand Yonkers Yonkersd
Yor and d Frederick Ferick H Ecker ker of Brooklyn BrooklynEasy Brkly BrklyEJ BrooklyniaIy
iaIy Easy EJ New Ladle III IIIT Ladleel LadleelThe I IThe
The Nervousness NervoulN of American Americ Women Womenthe Womenwas Womenas
was as T the subject aubje of discussion dlon at the te weekl weeklting Weky WekymtlnR weekly weeklyeeting
mtlnR eeting ting of the Manhattan Manhtt liberal Club Cub lasht las wt wtnlaht lestIght
nlaht Ight ht with Mrs Almon Hrnsley president presldenthe presidentthe prdent prdentof
of the wth Society M of the Study Stdy of life lAte M th thJef the thechief theget
chief get te speaker 8ety The Te consensus OOln of opinion oplnloiimed opnon opnoneme opinionemed
imed le to be that American Aerc women were werttlng werettIng
eme putting ttlng on b too to tt much steam It and ought t tw to toNOW toow
NOW ow w up
upItiree upT Three T Felice Ple Matrons MatNllte MatNllteTh shifted shiftedThree HhtftedThree
Three matrons were transferred trfet yester yesterybyorderof yesteriybyorderof e edy
dy ybyorderof Th byorr mtD of Police PU Commissioner Cniner Greene Greenea OrD OrDIdCk OmenIaC1Jk
IaC1Jk a Clark who was fined f for touting tUnC for i iiryer a alwr awyer
while at the Mercer Merrtt street station stationsent slOn slOnWi stationU
lwr U iryer sent to I 8tat Sttn Staten n Island bld and Julia Ju OSulll OSulllras OSu 0 Bull Bulla
Wi an a Was brought t from there tre to the t Eldridr Eldridrteutlon Eldridgerest
rest station Mary deary of that tt statloa statloaas stattp stattpsent Itan ItanWi
It aton M C to til litMus Miss dark Ciarksace
Wi as sent at to Mercer Mr Itrt t a M Qk Qkpl
pl ace
rnzaiMM0Na rnz5IMMez N wm wmMe ix ixWee
Me WM Helper J dueeeraur and andMrs I wta2aq wta2aqt
t Ue the pe peMrs t I IM
Mrs M Rose R FiUsimmoBS FtmUwleolB i the it wife of B BFlUslmmons Bot BotPltastmmona
FlUslmmons FtloD the former lOre champion oploD hea iteweight heaweight b
weight wlt pugilist pUlt of the te world wld died di in inhome I h be beborne
home hom Rose B Villa Vi Bay By Parkway Pkay and ad Crop Cropavenue Oropis Oropisavenue
Opy Opyavnue
avenue avnue Bensonhurst Dlnbut at flilS ye yesteri yesterimorning r rmorning
morning mornl She had h been b sick ak since loo ytery yterymornl Mon Monmorning Mody Modymornig Month Monthmorning <
morning mornig with wt pneumonia peor Oh o O Thurt Thurtnight Ty Tynih murednight
night nih at U I oclock she at began bea to sink sinkconsultation ini inioonaulfation
consultation oonulfton of physicians phyo1 could ould extend extendhope extd n nbp ahope
hope bp except that tt by prolonging PrlODc life lifeartificial le by Li Liartificial
artificial al means m there was a chance cce of ofoover i ioovery ii iioovery
oovery oover though slight slightFlUslmmons IUht IUhtFtlon slightTituitnmons
FlUslmmons Ftlon started lt at 11 1 1130 JO to obtain obtaintank obt obtaintank a atk
tk tank of oxygen oxsen On O his h return rur at 1 1life 1le ilife
life le was almost amot extinct etc but the te use U of t toxygen t ii iioxygen
oxygen caused ou a slight rally rly and that deadid dth dthdid thatdid
did not occur or until util 815 81 oclock oclockMrs ooook ooookMra oclockMrs
Mrs Fltzalmmons Ftzlon was an acrobat abt as asitavailed ai aitravelled ad adtveled
travelled tveled with wth her he brother brther Martin Mi Marinjuii MarinjuiiWhen Julis JulisWhen Ju
When We FlUslmmons Fltmo and his first tt wife Wlewer wifewi wifewidivorced we wedivorced
divorced divor Bob Bb married med Julians Ju lllt sister s sJulian ai aiJulian ad adJul
Jul Julian married mar the divorced dlr wife wifeFuneral 1re 1reFe wifeFuneral
Funeral Fe service lrl will w be b held hed at the t he 84 84sonhurst Bn BnInhit BesonhUret
sonhurst home oo 0 Sunday Sudy The T Thecharlee Re ReCharles H
Charles Inhit E Benedict Bnedlot BenedlctofStJamee of St S Jamess Ja Method MethodEpiscopal Me MethodliEpiiioo
Episcopal Epiiioo Church will official officialMrs ofl ociaMrs
EJI Mrs FlttaimmoM Cbur was a great lrt aid aidthe ad to tothe I Ithe
the l Cornishman Comtm Flumon She 8 invariably ivaly attend attendhis attd attendshis
his important fights and 4d her heravlo advl advlhelped advirhelped
helped I him greatly In I winning wlnl Fi Fialways Fll Fit Fitalways
always hep made her ceUy his hl confidante ondte le Be Ie Iemost lefL lefLmOt let letmoat
most alwa1 of m his hl buslneoe buln le transactions hanllol to h hand her herand he heand <
and mOt she carried out all his plans pl with wth wo woderful Won Wonderul wordenful
derful derul Be executive oxeutlve cre ability Ablt Flu Ii Its is very ver e eacting e at atacting
acting in his diet and and would not let ai aione an anon anone
one on actg other than bf his hi wife cook ook or orsuperinten orsuperintenhis superintei superinteihis uprtni
his meal when in training trainingMrs trnl trainingMrs
hl Mrs mel FlUslmmons wa w a spectator s ator of tl tlfight the thefht Ui Uifiaht
fight J between betwe Bob Bb and Jim Ji Jeffries Jelre at Com ComIsland Coney ConeyId ConeIsiand
Island fht in I 1890 18 She occupied ple a seat seatFitzalmmonss It ItFltlmonaa I IFltzslmmon
Fitzalmmonss Id Fltlmonaa dressing trla room and saw t tmill the themil Ui Uimlii
mill through a window widow After the sera serawhen arp arpwhen scrawhen
mil knocked and had lo lothe lot lotthe
when Fitz was Wa knoked out ad h 10t 10tte
the ohamplonshlpshe championship ohplnehlplhe she was the first tt to co cosole con oonle console
te sole le him The blow which hlh put Fitzsleep Pita Ft to toeepw8 t tsleep
sleep was a hard one and ad he was wa still Itn daze daziwhen de dazewhen
eepw8 when he Mme h to his room rm Mrs Mr Fit FitBimmons Fll Fitsimmons
simmons gently bathed bthe his temples temple witoold wit with withold wlt1oold
oold water and reassured her h r busbar busbarbetween bubd bubdbtWen husbanbetween
old btWen well between WaUr applications applcton rur hat h t all would Woud I IDont b b bwell
wel wellDont Dont worry old man m Ill Il ask Jeffrli Jeffrliself Jeifriemyself JefrlO
myself self Dnt to wor give you another aother fight lght si siid sbe sbeMid shMid
m11 Mid id Her Ilve words orde had a magical mnlcal effect effeciu efet efetFlu effectFits
Flu iu pulled pule himself hllRlr together tet r and was BOG BOGi ln lnI sacEn
I En i gooa good sDlritM nlritJ againMrs again againMrs aa
Mrs JO FlUslmmons won Wi also consplouoi consplouoit ootplooU ootplooUat
Ftlol Flu and al Jim Corbet Corbetthe CorbettBhe CorbetiShe
at t the fight between betVen Fltt Ji
the to coached and advised advi Bob Bb and be beirceenoe ber berprnoo beprreenoe
prnoo irceenoe oonhe had b a great grat deal deo todo to do with makln maklu1itoh maklnob mlne mlneBb
itoh ob win When Fits Flz was WA bleeding bleig pro prtuselv pr profuselr
Bb fulT uselv Wi In that fight fgh she ae told tld htm bl not to mIn mlnt mid midIt mInIt
It t Dont Dnt try t for the bead bed she ae cried criechit orledj orledjht criedhit
hit him hi In I the body by Bob Bb did so 1 an anmocked ana snknocked
mocked ht Pompadour Jim i out outA outA outA
koked A familiar Pompou sight at Bath Bth Beach an ant and andat anit
rall c
at t other places plao was WI Mrs Fitzslmmor Fitzslmmorith Fwlmmon FwlmmonWIth Fitasimmonwith
WIth ith one of the little ltte children cidn drivln drivlnja drivlnfast drivig driviga
a fast horse hOr to t a buggy bugy and pacler pacl pl pacinher
he her er husband bubnd on bis roadcplns rae road spins pl for win winJhe wid widShe windShe
She was a good olwom horsewoman and ma maust made madeJut madfuet
Jut fuet ust the right rghL ao pace pa for Bob Bb over ove the road roadMrs ro roadtMr
Mrs Mr FiUslmrnons was 34 years yt old an anad and andh anhad
had ad l been married to the exchamplo exchamploIne ezbplon ezbplonnie
mod t
nie h nine Ine years ra She Se leaves lee three tr chil1 chil1WAITER odr odrRbrt children childrenROber
Rbrt ROber Jr 7 ye years old Jfa Mania 5 ana anaRa ani aniRose
Rose 4 4WAITER
Niet Inety Years Ten Old and Had Ila Never Nee Kne KneSleknen Ke Ke81ee Isawi IsawiSieknesi
Sleknen 81ee Till U tHe End Ed Came CameWalter Ce CeWale CameWaiter
Walter Wale 8 Gurneo Ourne died die at t 1M 7 ocloc oclocist oclk oclkwt ocloclLast
wt ist night at his home 628 18 Fifth Fth avenue avenuf aeue aeueof <
of f apoplexy apoplex Mr Gurnee Grne was in his b ninety nlnetjIrst nety netyfrat ninetytrat
and to a week he haever ha hitnever
frat Irst year ye up Wek ago ao ha
nevr ever experienced upeno a days sickness elce in hi hife bla blaltl hiifs
ltl ltlHe feUe ifs fe He was for many years a broker brke at a t tIroadway 8 e eroadway
roadway where Wher there the y firm fn ia I now continue continuey nUnue
by y rway his hi son In under te the firm f name ne of Walt WaltOurnee Waltr WaltrS Vialte VialteI
S I Ournee Oume Jr A Co He Ilewas was 18 treasurer trrr cie c of ofthe oie
the ie Shelby Iron c Company a director dtr of th thmerioan the theAmerc thutmerican
merioan Smelting Bltl and Refining R Com Comany Cornany
Amerc any the American Aeric Surety Buy Company Compy am amf ad ador antf
py or f many railway and mining mlnl companies oompanieile o
He le my was a rwaT member membo of the e Metropolitan Metropolitantalon MetropolitanJiion tUt
UDo talon w and ad Union UDon League L clubs cub the te Down Downjwn Dw Downown
to own Association the American Musev Musevf Mu
or f Natural Nata AUo History Hlator te and a the te eoaD Metropolis Metropolisluseurn Metropoltan Metropoltanuln Metropolitatfusewn
luseurn of Art ArtHe ArtBe
uln Be Is survived by two sons son Walter 8 Sr 8r
r and ad I Augustus AtU Iuve C and by two n daughtertella daughter daughtellla daughterseha
tella eha 1 a E Gurnee Ourne and a Mrs MrJ J A Montant MontantObttoary Montt MonttObtl MontantObiteary
Obttoary Obtl Notes NeteChristian No NotesChristian
Christian DlnkeL superiat superintendent nd nt of th thmerlctn the theAmeic theImerican
Ameic merlctn Chrt Sugar SUla DineL Beflnlnc Btnm Bmflnln I ltndenC CompanY Cmplyl bl bltlaat bl bh bhlart
tlaat to Jersey City died dl yesterday tndaT momat mom mornnc momme
me D8C nc at I C JeneCly the New York Yor fiotpltal Boplt wberuodsrwent where whprebe whereIA
be IA underwent ul erelt te an operation oprat n for tb the remora remoraf rmovl rmovlor removal removalf
or f a cancer of tbe stomach llma three t weeks WH1 ago agote agoIs 0 0Ie
te was OQr born In Germany In lies 18 and oami ol
I GrmaDY
Ie 9 this country brn at the ate ot of6 < 4 years yea with blitber bl bll bllrater bitather
t itber cuDl who was chief enfti enmer engineer > r of the SUBS SUBSlact aUlar aUlarp18t augai augaiilatit
rater lact > for or wh a quarter of a century nCI Mr fluke Dlnkeras Dnk1 Dnk1w flukeu
w ras unmarried quarr Funeral services levlcl ervice will b beld b be beski <
held ski tomorrow tmorw unmaie afternoon arUrnon Fnrt st his ht late borne borneI bomeh
h 3 I Grant Orlnt street t Jersey Jerar City CityW CityW Cltrw
W A ITedenberf Reenb a California C lomta rortjnlner rortjnlnerled lrnlner lrnlnerdlrd
dlrd led at his hl home170 West Wft Elghtrttith ElfhYlft street streetct Ite Ite5tray streeterterday
erterday ct a rday aXternoon Mr Ttedeobrc 1180bre waorn wa wabr Waliota
iota 5tray In Xewark faJ ewark atron X J In I 1a3 1MO 111 lie Ie wui wuinember was waslember 11 a amEmbr
br lember I ot the Sacrameoto Society of Call Callrnla Callornia 1
Iaclment 80 etT
mEmbr rorlia rnla Pioneers te and ad was 1 wa for some Ime time tie vice viceomla vtc vtcneeldent t tpNtdent
pNtdent Pnfre or the NW York 8clety Society of Cai Caiforia Call Callornia
omla Pioneers lie ones owned an interna intern intenlCI
foria Ptonft le ono owD
a the thl Comitock Comllk mine mlnWilliam mtne mtneWUI mineVUliam
I William B Miles for many may rears a pbotoi pbotoinpber photoljlpe photogreplier
replier WUI of Ilolroke olrokf Mass A died afa ld yesterdsj yesterdsjwas yetrl
jlpe 5 wu born m New e sw Jersey Jerr Tn In ISO if ifnlltted Be Betnlud lii liinltited
1e nlltted In brn the Twelfth Regiment New York Yorlolunteers Yorkollntera Torbobinteers
tnlud olunteers ollntera te In TrOReelment UU and ad was taken ten prlsone prlsonen prllntr prllntrIn
In n September of that taC year T yostby br Btonewal Btonewalaokson Btnewal Stonewatackson
aokson at atliarper Harpers Ferry uli III term of en enitment enlltment entitment
Jacln lltment itment had b IlrJr expired epir before bfor FtTT he wasexchuncei wasexchunceind was tr exthlncd exthlncdad sichangec sichangecnd
ad nd released releasedVUllam rlld rlldVUUlm releasedWilliam
William Edward Cooper CPr who for man manears mly mly7ea many manycan
ears was In Ewr the flour business bslM here and wa waiter wal wetstet
7ea stet a wa member te of four tb the Consolidated Cnsldatd Exchange Exchansled Excllnle Excllnledie ExchangeLied
Iur led on membr Thursday Thurla at his hi home la I tbe Hot Hotimereet 101 101Bmerlt llote1 llote1omerset
die imereet In west Wel Yortrcoventb vnth Itt stree1e
Bmerlt ic e wan born brn b rn at Newark ewark lorty N J April prtl 1 Ill Illa 11 i3Is
11 Is a retired from business 1 several ITr years sec secr egoit 0 0Mr
Mr le it r Itr Cooper Cpr leaves a widow widowRufu wiow wiowRuu widowRufus
Rufus K Bewail wll a Maine historian hltorn died a aithor ac acWlscasNt at atWtscasset
Ruu I
WlscasNt Wtscasset yesterday aged as lie was wasautor wituthor
ithor of Ancient Ancent yeleray Donmna DomlD omns Ale of Maine l1lne An Anent A Anlent
autor lent Voyage oYIe to the Western Weatr estsro Continent Continentlemolrs Cntnent CntnentMemo ContlnentMemoir
cnt Memoir Memo of Joseph SewsllDD SwaU HewsU Dn fl Lecture Lecturei Lmur Lmuron
on n i the Holy Spirit and Sketches Sketc of St Stufuatlne StAUutne Stuguettue
AUutne AUutneLul ufuatlne uguettueLouis ufuatlneLouts
Louts Doles son ln of ExGov EsY Boles Dol and ad i iember a amembr i iiember
ember Lul Ble of the law firm frm of Boles B Blea Ies A Bole Boleled Boleled Ble
die membr led In I Waterloo Watrlo tie UvesUrday I 1 yesterday I ra of typhoid tjrphohAddlion tYPhoi typhoidever
feer ever at the age or otsil otsilAddison 3 3Addison
te ale
Addison 8 McClure of Wooster WOtr Ohio Ohioxt Oho a amembr i iiember
iember of ongree nr lcur fron Irol Ohio In luGfl luGfllet ISol
die membr let xt yesterday ytray of heart hear d don dl dlew dlewIre
l Ire on the t North Norb German G8 LJord Lord Hen HenA Pe PeA PiersAipark
A Aipark spark ak from frm frorna a hand furnace fu fell fel hi It intoa intoahg to a aof abm
bm hg of charcoal ob and fired tr the roof rf of the thebrth theNor theort1i
Nor brth German Gran Lloyd Loyd Pier Per2 3 in Hobokeroperty Hoboker Hobken Hobkentrday Robokenveeterday
veeterday trday aternon afternoon iO More than tha a thousand thousandatsons thoud thoudn
atsons followed the Hobke Hoboken f fire engines enginesthe
to the n pir pier foUWe expecting C a repetition PtUon or of the thebg theig
ig te blaze which deoUe desnoilshed t the company companyroperty
b1 Whc oompy oompyproprty
bg operty three years ago The Te firemen fmn go goe got gottie < t tte
proprty tie e flames t under ude y1 controlfive oontlf minutes mut after afteelr atr atrt aftertteii
te f
tteii elr arrival Chief Oef Apptogate estlma estlmae emt estimated estimatedie
t thedale ie e damage ava at less le thaa thaaThe t te thsflI3QO thsflI3QOThe Apea
The e Weather WeatherThe Webe WebeTe Weatherrho
The area Im of high prwmire preesutsft1i wltb 11 fair t r weather tool toolunmand tok tokmu4 toolitmmnd
unmand Te mu4 of all al tbe ocrantrr eltreW can ot th the bl Rocky Rockyountaiue Rock Rockouatalu R
WOI ouatalu yesterday INt In usforatOUch e fora fr a touch lud et rain rl 01 01rout ODbiu asI
biu I rout ut of Nor North OaroUsa Cra and IIIS a llbt Dlb tall t ot aao aaoi aw awoD mow mowthe
oD i the be New Ne Cntland nIand lla4 rout rWtl from Rood R Weed la4 It Itatne 10ats 0 0We
We atne ats ThU T was wa L thelutot be tl 01 the tbestermwlctsauU tbestermwlctsauUisd storm In which wbeb UU UUu UUel
isd u td low pressure alone aoll the e Atlantic AUUO rout coutindptlly C Cprnlr routr1ncpslly
el indptlly tb lbs New Ne England DI14 aectloo aectlooThere I secilocThere O
prnlr Tbn There was a storm lr central eeDlr over ove Utah II attended attrndedr
b V r a ralo rsl belt b exteadtnt eledDI from trm the south ol Pacific PacificlaitlntothectntralKockrUoanUU Pltc PltcCuUl1 Psd5aosatloto
I rD States About Aboutree Aboutire
CuUl1 osatloto laitlntothectntralKockrUoanUU Ibecnlrt lhecentrtflockyMOtifltMIStIes Rok WODatl Slal Abu AbutrlllbN
trlllbN ire ree inches ot rain raa tell at I Loa Auctlti AuctltiFair AetL AetLFar AngdeLFair
Fair weather will wt prntU P over this aeetlon IUOD to toY 1 1car <
Far Y and a4 Sunday Dr with Ub a alltht alb flee 1 of temperature temperatunie tfprtur
car underwent undttWrntet1 ery allfhl allfhliance lIibtlniu
To be ie temperature Wprlur yytttrday JEn U4t1 ey aI aIeb
iance In III any of the tl States StatmIn SI SIIn StatesIn
eb In this U dty dt the day d wu WL fair tar and a allf abU sttgbuy hUy wanntr wanntrind wirmrrins
w4 ins fresh t lo 1 brisk br1 northerly nolel srtnc In humidity humidityper bUmdy bUmdyU
barometer corrected to read to sea searei seayd
U I per cent cl bltr c 1 r 1
led rei at s A II reet O 1 r 1 U nM nMTh 2 yaseTh
Th temperature yesterday Ner ax I reordd 14 by b th thIcUl the theSciil u um
IcUl IJprulr thermometer Uee U shown I la 1 Ue tl saseiM an0 table Uble1KB lbll tableiKe
m 1KB 1 JHX 503 110 11 lS 10 10A II lIOI
I A U 10 1t WISP 51 1 P M 1M H tl tlISHUiOTOH I Iito
I i P i w1 I U 1 to 1 12 11c 11cUHUC MId41 IM IMP 45 45p 44 44ssstKotoN
UHUC ISHUiOTOH VOUBCAM fn f rOKTOPiY r roe Toprf 0 iMVTOMOsaOW iMVTOMOsaOWFor AWloaw AWloawFv tim voKosaow voKosaowPa
For Pa ttiltrn New Nr Ver 11 W fetr tt4r Sde 4 ltn iMUI4Q iMUI4Qennesa t twalnut
Fv oa iwrM ortA U UM soIst
walnut u tnt aS warmer n ttmtrrrw fruit Tu tr
Ist M vtitii vtitiiFor itidJFor
For vlIl New Ne Earland Elt4 fair lr today 10 and 14 tomorrow tomorrowjMb tomorrowib
Mb north to nortbeait winds windsFor w4 windot
tlo For ot the District 1 norNI ot Columbia Clubi Maryland Wd and anditn ad adPllvu andistera
itn rr tt Penniylvanla De fair lar fit today 4a Ucrtaatni Ucrtaatninnllneee iecuulngoudinis ortilc ortilcev
and warmer tomorrow piobably rain rainnltht rainigkti
nnllneee lnr lmOIr P1bt rD rDb
ev b nltht Uht north to ea ea51 I t wlaeU wlaeUFor wa4 windiPer
Ibt UI Dr Jersey fair leday to tocloudlne IiesMsj
For Delaware sad 4 Neir N tar I IIJ
Dwa erth te iset isetlads
IJ esMsj cloudlne eU tomorrow molw t
J wd
Bow ew He H Bastled e te t sHave 1 Off OffWbee e a abea > le lene
Wbee ne bea e theMtd theM theMVeteeir U th Toek T mm m at a 1 HI I mi W Wr Wet Wetend
end Veteeir VeteeirWitt Voted t fr 01 OneLang COe Cinfrtn Cinfrtnwith
with 11 laterberengti ItOoq OtBeert OtBeertThlac OIn1le OIn1lei OeersWho OeersWhoThing
Thing ie i Be B H o oTt Settled 8te on Mends MendsTbiieia Mi MiThere Je
There Tt Tbiieia is f little ltU likelihood U now nw that tt the tbibe ther therwb thewWbe
wb wWbe be any anYltre strike on the Manhattan Htt e eated ele elent el elvated
ated nt railway r1way The Te officers ofnof of tho Intorough Into l Intoborough lr
borough brourrh Rapid Rpi Transit Tt Company Cmpy and t trepresentatives the therptUY U Urepresentative
representatives of the employees w wave wb wi wihays
by hays rptUY ave asked od for lora a ninehour nehou epoye day dy all a i iutted ad admt a amitted
utted mt that tt last I night nt after atr a sixhe sixheeret ahur ahurcJe sixhocoereaoe
cJe coereaoe eret > oe in I the office ofo of General Gner GeneralThe Mi1 Mi1Bryan
Bryan BryanThe B
The T most mo definite cdltt r statement that thatmade tht was wasmerort w wmadefortb
made merort madefortb for the public publo after aer the meeting meetingthat me meetingwthat
that the conference ooneno had h adjourned ajoured ui uiMonday until untilMOldyi un unMonday1
Monday when a final settlement woi woibe wouberesohed
MOldyi Wb 6 ttemenL u
be beresohed beresohedBOUIIMr reached reachedBoth rb
Both BtH BOUIIMr Mr Bryan B yan and William W B Mab Mabiresident Mn Mnpet Mahopresident >
president iresident of o the te International Itertn AssooUtl AssooUtlf Aoo Aooof
of f Street Bt Railway Bwy Employees Employeesnfldent Epqy a seeme seemeconfident
oonfdet confident nfldent that tt the t results rta of the m mn mel melon rnesth rnesthon
on n Monday Mond would ud be b aaUfsaotory Itar to toIdes bt bat batIdM
Iide Ides and a to r the tUI public pubU Nothing Not will willone w b I Idone
don done one until ut after ar Monday Mndy at any ay rate rateThe rte rteTe rateThe
The Te repreeenUttvee r ttes of the ll Interboroi InterborouiRapid Interboroitapld lrroUh lrroUhRpid
Rpid Rapid Transit Tat Company Omy who Wh were wr prw prwt prt prtat preset presetat
at t yesterdays s conference ooneno were w Genj Genjlager Or Oenr OenrManager
M Manager lager Bryan and John Joh B > McDonald McDonaldf MoDld MoDonaldbiof bbe bbeof
of f the th directors dltora Dr and the th subway aby contra contran entrr entrrOn ontracto ontractoOn
On n the other otht side were wer President Pldent Mahon Mahonie Mn or orte e ethe
the ie employees International Intertn organUatl organUatlWent orlU organleatinPresident I
te Plnt President eploy Went George Gf E Pepper Peper of the t 1 1irganltatlon lo lao laoorganization
oranltlon organization and the t following f l ll W wlng mem memf mb membet membetof
of f the employees eploy executive ez te commit commiti oomt oomtD oommltteD
D i McCormack Mcrk H B May My Thomas Tom ThomasCaprot ThomasCaprot3ohn Capi Capiohn pr
Joh ohn FUlbrook Ibrk George Grge W Corwm Cori K Kiokett BPiokett A APlokett
iokett and ad H Rogers RogersThey Bser RogersThey
They met in I Mr Bryans Bra office ofoo at 2 ocloin ocloi oolok oolokIn ociocIn
In n the afternoon ateroon and ware W1 in I executi executiMslon eetive eetiveI executlsession
session I n until util 8 The Te employees employ m mrequent I ma marrquent
fruet requent trips trip to the telephone telelone booth boothonnult bth to tocMult I Ionault
cMult onnult their associate tIt outside ouuldeDuring outlde outldeDure outsideDuring
During Dure the first tt two hours hou the men w1 w1une Wh wit witaine
ce une out of the conference oneO room rm for a t tnlnutee fe feminutes fe femlut
mlut minutes looked glum Iluand and had b nothing nothingay nothl to toMY
MY ay Later Ltr in the afternoon atrnon they seem seemnore seemsnore me
nore hopeful hopfw and reported that tt progrc progrcras prl progreewas
1 was being blg made me and ad when Whe all a hands bd oai oailut cant cantut
out lut at 8 I oclock oolok everybody eyrby was cheerful oheerfuPresident oherfu cheerfulPresident
President Prdent Mahon Mo whose reputation rutton wl wlaboring WIth WIthlabrng wit witaboring
labrng aboring men cant ot stand lad the lose 10 of raa raanore IY IYmr man manmore
mr more strikes lUku seemed amed muoh muo easier eer In 1 1nlnd h hi hinind
md nlnd than t on Thursday TUay night naht when Whe t tnen the themen ii iinon
men voted vt to strike a1 He said sid tKls tKlsWe tI tIWe tRY tRYWe
We have hv been b carefully tfly going olg over oy t tsntire t iii iiintire
et sntire situation etuon We have ha now nW adjourn adjournintil aoued aouedut adjournemdl
ut intil Monday Mondy when Whe the matter mattr will w age ageLie agitaken a
be Lie taken tke up and I believe beUey settled te Evei Eveihings Evezthings
t things points point to a favorable laTrble settlement settlementGeneral atent atentO settlementGense1 I
General O Manager Jr Bryan Br said a All that thatsay tt thata I
c a say yla is that t the t matter mtt have hv pro proery progress progressvery
very favorably I consider that the theling th wbo wbothing
ve faTOrb oonde tt t
tlll ling is I as good aa asHe settled settledHe
He was asked g what Wh points had h been b dl dled dliuied
uied ed at the conference onferoo pt but replied repliede re t the thee
c be e couldnt owdt go Into details detailsHe det detailsHe
He was W asked specifically ecy what was wase Wi t te to tobe
be e done don about aut the demand dem of the men m f fninehour for fora fc fcI
a I ninehour nehou day dy He Intimated id that tt th thas tt ttwas the theursa
was as one ole of the details det that he it oouldi oculdaUscusa oouldiI oouc
d Uscusa
I cant ot talk t about abu these u the thing thingded tP th1n it itidded
ade idded ded but b I repeat ft that tt all a dlfferenj difference differenceire
settled settledContractor settledContractor
ire j practically
a a
Contractor bntrr pcy McDonald who is I supp supphave suppose
to 0 have brought bht about abut yesterdays B Bf meet meetng i
1 ng f was just Ju as sanguine age y ae Mr M Bi Bid Br Bryax Bryaxnd
nd d Just JI as reticent reticentMahon rt rtM reticentMakiei
a Mahon M was w the te only wI one 0 who wb did c i iilklng aY aYtU an analbing
tU ilklng for the t employee employeePreliminary employeesPreliminary
Preliminary P to empy the t conference Co t tas then thenrae
of President August Augustlont Augu Bel Beltoni
W rae as a meeting Ig Pt U J
mnt toni of the t Interborough lterbu company CJY t tent yis yisreeldestt
Ptt reeldestt ent Headley Beey General Ger Manager K r rd Bzyai Bzyaiad
and ad d Mr M McDonald MDd After Ar that tt meetto meettoBelmont m meet meetft
M ft Belmont Blmot was w asked uk if f the t oompan oompanired opy opyfo oop oopeared
fo eared ired a strike strikeOh Irk strike0h
Oh dont worry wor about abut that tht he h it salt saltlat a saidThat
Dt That lat matter mattr will w take te ak care c of itself itselfMahon 11 ftalfMhon
Mahon Mo also a had h a conference conferencethe oonfernoo si4j si4jIi
In Ii the day with Herman Ber Hobineon bl of t tnerican t th thLmrlcn
dy wt o
nerican Federation Fteton of Labor Lbr who whontly whooty re reently
Aer ntly organized all of the elevated elnate r rad iall iallcad
oty cad ad hands hd orp except a the t motormen moten r In Inational It kite kitetanhattan
r tanhattan Dvon Division ezp 1 s32 of t the inter interatlonal nt
naton Mtt tmoloyees tmoloyeesMahon ational mployeeaMahon Association AUon of Street Stt Railwa Railwatmoloyees Rwy RwyE Rllwaimployeea
E Mahon ly and Robinson n bl talked te about tl tlrobable thu thuuobable
Mon au t
robable strength Itlfln of o the new dlrUiof dlrUiofIscusAed divo diitslocIiacued
probble IscusAed iu fund which Wbc te haant hasn had h I Igrow t time
lll to 0 > grow much yet t and considered consideredbonces ond the thehancel t
bonces Iw of muc winning a strike tke of unak unakiborers unsidilee unsidileeeborers n111
Janc iborers for wnn every one of whose WbO place placelere pt placehere
lbr ever
thrr here lere are at least If threo th appuoanuPresident appuoanu appiloantsPresident JPUota JPUotaPdent
President Pdent Milton Mon is I already alrdy on reoor reoors
as s being bln opposed op to a aeUk strike of the use nerrganizatlon useirganization
rganizatlon When the men voted o ohuredsy on onTury ot othureday
Wen me
orgztion Tury huredsy night Dgh In spite Iple te of him hmto hImto TOte to strike strikia ea eahe
he I a disappeared and Was aa not to be b foun founy founcIT
by IT y reporters dpp He felt much better btr yester yestershapethemselv yetr yetrMY yesterlay
MY rpre whenthngl when thing bg began to shapethemselv shapethemselvthere lhpetlvu lhpetlvudiferently shape thernielvee thernielveeliflerently
liflerently and there thre was promise of ofttlement a atttment i iettlemerit
diferently Wlpr
ttlement without wthout a strike strikeMahon etrjkeMalton
Mahon tttment is asable aitabl abll as scanty er anyone a one else tooal tooalilate toc tooalulate
ilate Mon the chances that the ticket tleke e ohoj ohojtards ohonners ohonnersuards
cte tards tle conductors oonduer cant tt ahd te oar cleaners cleanersanhattan cle opp I n te teat the thetanhattan
anhattan elevated elelted tines Ue would d have haveIn b to towin t tem
win em In a at stlke He reoUees that they ty ha have
11 1 received an increase Ino r In I wages Wa sim simpril since sinceprll noo nooApl
al pril rv 1 and that tht another atrl Increase has b bee beeromised bo bopm beatiromised
Apl romised He realizes rr also a that t public publlwled r pbUo pbUokwleg publicaowledge
pm aowledge wled of this Ino increase to together witi witibe
kwleg tbe be greai t Inconvenience t of a strike ab might mlirhknows mightsally wtb wtbtbe ht hten
en sally deprive lonvenol0 the m men of pubilo pbUo 1y sympathy sympathyLa y yH
La knows dpy that the th rootormen moteon motcunenonthe on the ele eleds siceatec siceatecoads
H oads ds kn would not strike Uk to t help hp the oth othd oLe others othersad
r and ad d he knows kOW1 that hundreds hunde of men meniplying m are arepplyfng <
iplying daily dly for jobs on the trains cr an anthe ad adat sac sact
at t > the station stationBecause stationsBecause
Because th etatO etatOBUI of all these th facts fa which whic Mr M Mahoi Mahoiiprvciates Mn Mnaprte Mahorppreciatis
iprvciates BUI just as well ni as < President Plnt Del Belicnt Bl Blmont Delont
aprte mont ont or Mr M Ju Bryan Br he b Is f fully fuT alive aU to t thnger th the thedagr theanger
anger that a strike might not only r rdefeat end endI
Itra oy oyIn
mht 10
dagr In I the defeat and practical det detthe deItrUOUOS deItrUOUOSI
or I the tb local lo dret organisation oU a plo bt but buti might alec alecean
ean tb i the end enorh of of his power as president pent mt o oTbe ofio of oft
m io InternatIonal AMt isocIatlcn isocIatlcnThe
t The Interti recent rnt atreetrallway MtSet ti railwy Wy strike r in I Wa Wairy Wat Water Waterury
bur iry T failed fail and a Mahon Mon cant ct risk rk aaothe aaothesoon athr athra
0 soon soonHI
a 0His HI His l pet scheme for fo several years hi hien bat batsee
bn see Hi en to t pt organise organ I the t conductors oonulll aYr and a motor motoimpany mt motorten
ten 01 the Metropolitan t Strt Street Railway Railwayompany
mn Com mpany and Mt take them Into hie hien h h ooI ooIion
tlon ion > n lie B a has failed failedin k In that1 th that plan whDn whDnb wheneser whenesere 1 1has
e has tU attempted H The Thestrike 1eort elo to eseu eseustrike
b a Itr strike b ap in I the t surface srfa I llnea l line In Manhat Manhatveral ttas ttasnetsi
veral years ago yea a flailMacott flail fttsleMalion
W f
aVr Malion whipped a the elevated elevat men in inie into intoas
Mhowhip tb IUOD under I Irisdlction his hisarfediction
as ie as a branch broh organization o uder
lie risdlction by promising pro to t get et them themnenour te a amDehor a aInshour
JurlcUon mDehor Inshour nenour day A good t many my of the men meniok BH BHok
g and the ne neilori neW neWuon newalan
took ok him hi seriously ioull a six Jole joined
alan Then much to t Mr r Malions Wonltotet a anishment as asnlaiunent
uon nishment Ten they the mu really expected eK him h U Uit toSt
totet pt St it them a ninehour nlHou ry day dy for or the te askingthen asking askinghen uldnlWhe
hen he failed to make good the men m be beme belie
Whe lie me more mo fa1 nUiUslastlc DUIutc mae union uio men me thai thaihad thanC
e and decided to strike strikethen strikeLahon
htl C had bargained for dee
Lahon then h bae and his hi subordinates lubrl will wll a work worlentyfour wrk wrktwentyfou worksentyfour
MoD twentyfou entyfour a hours a day if I necessary necessarym ne
from iota > m now until Monday to t induce Indu then thenreconsider themreconsider
to reconsider their th lr vote vt and aapt accept what whatr whatret
ret rnder r terms tn the thl Interborough InterroUb company oompy IL ILJllng istiling I
tiling to offer them themTo themTo themTo
To lg tve ofr off 0 the hotbead hotbe > who wanted wantedgo want
to I go on t strike immediately Ilately after aler the te vote voteu vte vteWa roteas
g night Mahon MahonId Mahonuld
Wa u announced on Thursday Tuay nght Maon Maontold
told Id annuoo the men mn that h he had h reopened npf nego negoitlons neg negoatlons
itlons with the company and might get getcompromise getcompromise
a tltlol compromise Wllhte if ompy the employees emplo would wouldgument wouldly
ly omprm hold or and givehim him mre more time t ihat ihatrgument 1
Ov gument or was a successful loOul sn although alth at the thene theUre theme
arimot Ure ne it I was ftunpectecl of being hlna a ruse nl on onn ontl1ft oni
tl1ft i n part of the fwt riesprrato tf rate Mahon MahonIt Mon MonI
It prt was learned INe t yesterday that tht Milton Miltonwily Mahonally
ally I did di have hav a yeray conference orernr with wth some someBoers 1t somelIosre
11 Boers of the company on Thursday Tury after afterion a afterDon
oolll noon ion while the oompyon men mn were wr voting vUr and a that thatwas thatIt thatvu
wh t
It was then that John B McDonald M agreed agree1bring agreedI
to I bring brg t about abut yesterdays era ml meeting wit witmeral with witbOernrB withansiel
meral Manager Bryan BryanBiz BryanSix
OernrB OernrBIx Biz hundred men 1 applied apled for jobs Job on o th thivatod the theevatod
ivatod bu roads yesterday All Ar who can canthe nextgi7timinU
een the physical r y examination eumaU lt will wl be b place Iaeed IaeedThate
t pc
on 3 eligible list listThere ll
There t elbl are more mo than th enough foulh applicants appUcani aota aotaC applicantsa
C a i the waiting list l now noWto to man m U the roi iold ioldI
I I c case of a ei eliike
a ZkIotUessset MInTranbh MInTranbhIn 8
te West We T f VIr1 VIr1Wzuzma tteta ttetaWHMatmo
WHMatmo WBO W Va Va April ITOTie Kane Kanewha Kanwha K
wha w River IT oonferenoe onenoott Apl committees ag agon a agree agreeon
on a scale e for mining this tl morning morningoonfereno mr Te TeoerD Th Thoonferenos
oonfereno oerD oommltteea omtt will wl report reportto b ba bato
to the miners amen md
t t mn operator operatorThla operatorsThis
This T looks lou as though tho oPrtn oPrtnT there t would be beeettlement a aatUement I Isettlement
settlement atUement of o the longstanding lotn trouble troublwhich trouble troublewhich
which resulted 1 ltt hi i tbe slaughter aUhtr at Stam Stanrilford Stamford Stn
ford for City CityIHOV at atlROV CityiRON
CeaferrUtg Ce1 Here lul New N to t Settle SettleAmerican tte the theAlert th thAmertean
American Alert Bridge Brp Co Strike StrikeA Strie StrieA
A series re of conferences CnfenDO lasting lasta all al dlwas dl dy dyw ciawas
was w field fe yesterday Yter1m In the Ashland Ald Hou Houbetween HoU Housbetwea
between betel committee omtt of the IntemaUon IntemaUonAssociation ltrtlonal ltrtlonalAw InternatloncAssociation
Association Aw tlon of Bridge Brdc and Structural Strcur In IreWorkers Inworkers In Inorre
workers orre and ad officers and committees committeeslocal omitt of c
local 10 union throughout the country countryorder cuntr In Inorder I Iorder
order to arrange for settling MUl the iitr iitragainst strik strikagainst trke trkeant
against the ans American Aro Bridge Brdle Compan CompanThe Compy
The ant officers ofon of the t International IDwrtlonl AnsocUUd AnsocUUdpresent Ation Ationpnt Aaeeoclatiotpresent
present pnt werei eM Frank Fk Buchanan Buh presldenand president prldent prldentE presidentandR
and andR R E E Neldig Nel H F Donnelly Dne and J V VJohnson W Wof ViJohnson
Johnson of the Executive Eetl Commute CommitteeJohn CommuteJohn Cmtte
Jol John McOabe Mcb MCcb1 another other member mbr ofthe of the Exi Exihere Exe Exeoutive
oUy outive Coltt Conunitt f Is expected here frojre fro from fromtW trotPlttaburg
Plttaburg todaywhen wheD ep tIters jre will wl be mo mooonferenoes mor mor moroonfersaces
oonferenoes oonfersacesIDLE oonferenoesIDLE tW ero eroIDLE t1 tere
Trouble Tlle Between B wf Miners Mle Union Dlon and Co CoCempaales Coal CoalCmpN CosCompanies
Companies CmpN AdjostedPOTMTILLE Adjosted Ade AdjestedPorrsvuLi
POTMTILLE POTn Pa April Apri 17 17This This evenlr evenlrSupt eenlnc eenlncSupt evenintSupt
Supt Veldt Veit of o the Philadelphia Padelpbla and Readlr ReadlrCoal Rig RigC ReadInCoal
Coal C and ad Iron Io Company Compy and ad Seorotai SeorotaiHartline Srt SeorotazHartline
Hartline Blle of tHe tie executive exeutve board b an anTerranoe ad adToce antTorrance
Torrance Toce Ginley Giey Thomas Thom Plchards PChl anJoseph an ad adJoph antJoseph
Joseph Joph Lindsay Ldy of the te United Unit Mine 1le Work Worler Workelll Worketa
elll er had h an Important Imprt conference cnferenoo a athe as astherut at atthe
the therut result of whiob all 01 the difficult difficultbetween dlMoUe diffloultiebetween
between betWe the t United Unit Mine Workers Worker antheooal an and andtheo antthe
theooal theo the coal companies ompl In the lower low r anthraclt anthracltregion anthrite anthriter anthiacitretion
r region lon were We amicably aibly adjusted adjustedThe
The Te Individual idividu operators o aUt tor will wi follow foloW thcourse th the theoou tbcourse
oou course of the tle Reading Raie and the oolllerle oolllerlenow clerie oollierlanow
DW now idle Ide will wi resume lumo work on Monday Monda MondaThe
The question of an eighthour day o oSaturday on onStuy ot otSaturday
Stuy cilation dIlationSulks Saturday dilation dilationStrike will wi be b left lft to the te boards br of con condilation concilation condIlation
Strike 8e of Lake Le Firemen Pme Settled SettledBUTFALO SettledBcvrazo eUe
BUTFALO BtJL April Aprl IT nTe 17The The strike ItrO of th thimen the thefmn thefiremen
fmn firemen imen oilers olllll and ad water wtar tenders tnelll of tb tbreat the theOrt theGreat
Ort Great reat Lakes LkO was settled Mtte tonight tDgbt Co Colons Con ConoOD Conoeaalone
oOD oeaalone lons were WO made me on both bth sides Iide the thevessel tb tbeseel tb
val vessel owners ow agreeing a roelnl to t pay an increase increaif increaseof
of f 1220 a month and the firemen frmen py wolvinMir wolvin walvmntheIr
mont wavin
their Mir S demand for a pay dure during certain tlm tlmut thee theewhen <
deman crt tie
Who when thy they are Idle py 11e The mn men h had bn bnout boor boorout
out ut slnoe 110 hUbS April 1 and the strike Itrlk had b beeiwrked beer bn bnmke beermarked
mke marked by assaults and other forms lor o oioienoe or orTlo1n ot otviolenoe
Tlo1n Tlo1nAOAIN ioienoe violenoeAGAIN ioienoeOXAT Uut
Ce Clarke Repeats aep HI 81 His Charge Crrre ef o f Lebbyln LebbylnCalled IbbS IbbSe Lobby1ncaRed
Called e Down DewnAxaaVT D DA DownALeuir
AxaaVT A April 17 1P8 17Ohrgee Charges of lobbyin lobbyind lobby lobbylniand
and d boodle b Ap were r flying a in the t air a in I th thaably t theAssembly
Aly Assembly aably today and for the first a that tunhe tie tiea thatamos
made his sensational charge chargef
a amos he h m h nUn ohc
01 f corruption Assemblyman Amby George Georgelarke Grg Eclarke B BCk
clarke Ck oorl of New Ne York city oty received receivedively reOIv figurs figurstively I
tlvly ively speakins a spanking Be BeMember a eccuaec eccuaeca
a Member Mmber a of Assembly mbly a of lobbying lbby an annother and andanotr antsnotlr
anotr nother Member Memb of Assembly ly Mr M Romeo RemseBep Ramn RamnRp RomeoRepKInguldthat
Rp RepKInguldthat Bep Kings Xpa said that tt members mmbra objected obje t tbill t ti tiS
a S bill because bu he believed blv they ty thougrhere though tbobt tbobtth thoughthere
th here was some am hood boodle bd in I it and wanteo wante wantecto anted antedto
to o be b bedeolard declared d In InFor i InPer
For several ar weeks web the U member m of o thsembly th the thembly theAssembly I
Assembly sembly mbly have ha been b anxiously au awaltln await1nIn awaltlnopportunity awt I
In opportunity opprt to get r at Mr M Clarke Ck an anday a sac sacinday I
ty inday day they ty had b it I After Ar It waa i all a oveClarke ove or orM ovetlit I
M lit Ck Clarke found foud that th he b was w in I a ahop hop hopaorlty hopelese hopeleseminority
minority aorlty In I trying tc to reform lllfr the te wii wiii wic wicked wickedend
end i corrupt cr oorTuptLsgislatureand Legislature and a that tt his h hlspun hlspunortm pi piorts PU PUo
orts o dI eea to t change c existing z conditions cndU wen weieea wendI r rtt
tt W dIW a bill of Senator ar Primea Pesm in re reto r1 iala ialacn
cn to o a street railroad in I Warren W ooun ooune cut caunt caunttarn
ce t tarn e t up i s Assemblyman r blya Graeff Or who whonator wh I Ii Ii3nator
Assemblyman hustl hustlout hustled hustledshout
3nator nator Prime Pe Ablyan huled huledat
at shout out in I its I Interest Int There T has been beenuoh b e emuc so sonuch
nuch uoh talk of late l of boodle ble and ad corrup corrupn corp corpt cartupion
muc ion n in t oonneotion with railroad blue Urje Ur ta thaik
I oeoto w r
t k je members meblll of the t Legislature L a were w wa waf W Wof wary waryf
U of f voting for the bill bi On O a call o of sheen abeentea a sheenme
tea TOU Mr Graeff succeeded in I getting a a suf sufoient itt ittoIent
pttl a
t oient M number G ber ao of votes To to t pass p the t bill billQ bil billrbsei
tot rbsei Q Mr nu Clarke threw a bbD bombshell Into Intotee Ito a aad ateaoeful
M Cke tr
T teaoeful ad and q quiet cp camo Be ld ldI said saidI
I must protest against th this T That bi bW bWead
prot aa
ead pU passed mu by Ibbjl lobbying dua during a cU call for forat foribenitees
ibenitees ibeniteeslnstsntiy tee teeInstantly
at Instantly all the theznesnbeza members meb wer were o on their tbeliMnd ti theirstand
stand lttly they al all te cZIOWdedtOWard crowded toward M Mr Clarke Cke CkeS Ciarkebeaker Clarkemker
fed S beaker mker er ty Nixons a ce Ivl gavel fell t with a bi bit bang bangLet ban banjarred
Let jarred Ja 4vtc NIo the clab chamber He lty sternly de deman6 cinsnced d dded
t nsnced ded of Mr Clarke ClarkeThe tflarkeThe
man6 The gentleman Uem Ck fm from NeW New York w will be beel becitciflo b belfic
el citciflo elfic He mut must t teliwbo tell Wh who did t the lobbyinge lobby lobbying
We e will ieij have hve a hou house oel cleaning t time nowT nowrber now nowere
rber ere have been too many charges of this thlantu thisiature thisture
T ntu iature I ture h 1 going b on t Now my tl tell u us a all o aut autIt aboutI aboutMa about aboutMr
It Mr Clarke being so pressed wavered and anden andte andhen
b I wyr
hen M en hesitatingly saidAs id idA said saidAs p
te A As blltgy muh much u1 as I a regretit regret It it it wl11 was Mr Gaf Graeffeho Oraeff Oraeffho
Wh eho ho was W abut about thl this cabr chamber askig asking mem memb memrs
rs to tovot vote for the bi billMr bill billMr
b Mr toot Graeff who t la I a wthy wealthy fatstatnd fae farmer farmerid
nd id M Oer owner Gr of mlOIn mines in E Essex cunt county tued tuedtw turnedoward turned turnedward
a ward Mr Clarke In surprise and the t mem memsrs membn marstees
tw bn tees srs luhed laughed Ck aa hutl hustling lur aut about the cm cmbr chainian chain chamir
ian ir for vote TOl for a bi bill I is a tieworn timeworn ptitoIce pr prno prnooe
br Ice oe Indulged in by ee everybody Ten Then A Asemblyman As Asonblyman I
Mbly too onblyman idul Dal Dale Dora King I tk took a hand handi bd bdI
n i the proceedings and d delivered er a ver veryeves very veryrrere
I eves t prl arraignment etof of M Mr Clarke CIarlseMr Clal ClarkeMr
He Mr Graeff Orae also resented being called eed a abbyist alobb aobbylet
rnt b
bbyist M Or and aed asked a M Mr Ck Clarke t to apologiasr aploKze aploKzeM apologias
lobb itt r Clarke saw tht that the turn ai affairs hadak had hadJten
M ak Jten n Qke was serious for hi him 1 so he tried toquitrn toqui to tolUlrm
tn lUlrm out aou of I it by by saying tt that he did notthe notIe not notie
Ie qui ie the word 10bbr lobbying ur But HI 140 othermeb othernsmbers other othericmbers
icmbers had had heard him and he then hadt had hadrigile
h b
meb h
0 wriggle rigile ale out of it in some Im other manner mannerlauTbe mpr mprHe mannerIn
t He In eald lauTbe he wt wanted t to prott protest qa against thl thllym theystem the therstem
rstem a of mblll members scurrying abut about lookingr ll looking
lym lor or > r votes uder under a call of ant aheenteesSpeaker absentees absenteesSpeaker
Speaker TOt Nixon asked c him if I he wt wanted wantedput
Nio aske
t 0 > Sper put Ut that I In te the lor form of a moton motion a andipon and andpon
in the affirmativee affirmative
upon pon reoeiviiigaTeIpOflM receiving a response
be > e motion rlY was rpob put Mr M Clarke Cke wu thn thnuly th thon tbaly
t uly moton one to vote for it a and the Speakerxtnounced Spkr Spkrau Speaker Speakerinounoed
on inounoed t tt that I it h had bn been deNtl defeated by act a aate
au TOte ct ate of 10 1 t tFILKV toFINLEY to toFIJfLEY I
UWe Ule Doubt Da Tbat Be B WTO w Be B Head He ef efIke elike r
Ike College CUerrl ef o the 1 City at of New York YerkIt Ior IorI YorkIt I
It la expected that the trustees of the thelUege thel1ege
t t t t
eDp lUege I I of p the th City at of New Ne York will wil make makeair makebelt
belt air choice of a new D president pldent at a asetlng ame aieet1ng
thr ieet1ng setlng colO to be b held bld next nt Monday My night nightot nt nightiof
me iof ot John Joh H Flnley F has b been one of the theiost themO thetoet
Pl iost favored lavred of the di nineteen nte men mn con condered C conIdrd
mO dered for the office ofo ocie and after afr the t last lamtetiag lasteeting I
eeting dr of the trustees It was rumored rumoredat rr runiorec runioreclist
tb mt list at the choice choo t had h t practically pcly narrowed narrowediwn nwe
own to him himBefore binBefore
dow Before h any action was taken ten on his h nomi nomlttlon nominto nomietion
ttlon Bor as was ao the case C with each of the tliehers theoten thetiters
w t wth e
hers whose who names n were w brought buht up upi upb
oten asked if be would accept the place placePiUNorroN placePnnecrtott
b S i wa WaS u I b p pa paPCK
PiUNorroN April AD1D Aprill7Dr 17 Dr John H Flnley Flnleyofeesor Fnl lncyroteseor < y yprofer
ofeesor PCK of politics in Princeton Unlver Unlvery Unyr Unyrity
poltic Pton
profer ti y when asked we tonight whether Wbtr he would wouldcept wd wdaJ wouldeeDt
ity cept the presidency togt of the College Coleg of ofB ofti ofte
aJ te B City te of New prc ew York said Ild he Intended Intend to tooept toJ toDt
ti oept Dt the place ploe Prof Pf Flnley Fnt1 Finley has b been beenPrinceton bn bnIn bcenI
In I Princeton J University Unvrty for three tr years yearsi
He a i Pon formed hi his class in politic UtC Into a chain clioror chambr
r lon of deputies dePtle h o modelled moele exactly exy after afterd attr attrte
Ce French ohamier Oflll OMcer w were elected electedd Iet
te ad ihlon ishlonEIc1I d ihlonRxOrll Fnch debate deb cbor were carried ce on 01 in the French Frenchihlon Fncb Fncblaon Frenchishlon
laon laonEofl RxOrll Eofl Servlee ne Clerk Ce Goes to Elmira ElmlraCharles Emra EmraCe ElmiraCharles
who while dork dorkthe dorko clerkr
Charles J Kllpatriok Who a
r Ce the Civil Kprlo Service Board B altered ater rating ratingan rlne rlneof
o of r an applicant a av pUct 8oe for a job Jobi in the t Fire F1 De Dertment Doirtznent
rtment and altered the rating rtel of hi hiend b his histenth
peDt tenth end pupils atr and clients ole was U sent lnt to tote tois
freDd Elmlra ppU Reformatory on an indeter macicierUnate indeternate
is 9 Ietr Ietrmt
te Unate nate E sentence yesterday y by Justice JusUceott Justiceoott ut
mt Soot oott rem ott e In Court Into the t criminal cm ty branch br of the 8u 8ue Sitrem
of f Burlington Burlngton VL Does Doe Not NotWait NotWait NotWait
Wait for Sickness SicknessHE Sickness d dHB 1 1trn
HE USES USESi USESPaines USESPaines usesNines
Paines Celery CeleryCompound CeleryCompound CeleryCompound
Compound Compoundbe
The be Spring Health tlelh Giver When Whenever Wbenever Whenever
ever He Feels OutofSorls OutofSorlsand OutofSortand
and Thus Maintains Ret Regular Retular ¬
ular Health Uealb and Vigor VigorPaines VigorPaines
Paines Pane Celery Clcr Compound Compud Is more mor talked talkeditelleotual te talkedof
of In the thl springtime In eah each Ittct state city n ntow
tow town nd and vlae village fprnglme titan any oter other mhdioln mhdiolnclaw
now befor before t tltq publo pubiio It ba hats a mlo pl place I lit 4 4the
the home homes or tho e welthy wealthy Infuonta Influentipi and atitttntellectual Jt
ItleUJ itelleotual It In I tho disease dlleM banlaheY bal Mr that thatan tht ththi thathas
hi has an the entire entre confidence confdenc of our men and
E C M J SUTTON SUTTONwomen SU SUWomen StrrrOtewomen
women who toll dally dy In n workshope worbboP stores storesoffices storesoffloes tor
offices oMO and homes home When Wen the first frat warn warningsymptoms W WIng warning ¬
ingsymptoms Ing aptom symptoms of physical phyIOI weakness wene and anddisease andd1 anddisease
d1 disease are ae experienced esporienO wise w and prudent prudentmen prudentmen prudentmen
men and nd d women invariably Ivably seek k new vl vlJ vitlty ritality
J tlty tality ifi ifiheaLth1nl heaLth1nl beaLh health And strength Itrengb In natured naturedhealth natu naturehealth
health builder Painos
helth buider Pano Celery Qler Compound CompoundIf CompoundI
If I the reader of this thi article artice finds fnd It difficult difficultto dlcut dlcutto
to obtain obti rfr restful retfu sleep If I nervousness neroUO and andweaknees andWeO andweakness
weakness WeO ore a causing caUlg alarm aan If tho blood bloodis blo f
is I impure Imp and sluggish If I rheumatism rheumatismneuralgia rhewtlar rheumatismneursAgia
neuralgia dyspepsia dYBppla Bluggh kidney kidey or liver liverthe lyr lyrtrouble livertroubles t
neurga trouble troubles or are commencng commencing to aol follow loUowthe followthe
the safe and ad wise w example exple of ExMayor ExMayorButton EMyor EMyorButtn haMayorSutton
Button Buttn of Burlington Bullgnt Vt use U Palneathe Palnea Paes PaesCler PainesCelery C
Cler Celery Compound aa an prmpty promptly bh bhthe banish banishthe r
the lttle little i ills do not wot wait Wru till you a are aresick
eck sick One btte bottle as a rule will br brao braothe f
the nerves ner correct oor Impaired ipaired digestion digestionand digestioncleanse
ce cleanse the blo blood ad and mo make you youand dgn dgnce robU
and ing ad ln testimony tUrny strong etn Read R Senator 8tr Buttons cheer cheering cel cheerln ¬ r
I People Peple hvl nave often asked Med mo how I Imanaged Im Imanaged i
managed to keep so well for although althoughout
klr 1 wel
out m In nearly nerly all al kinds kind of ot weather weter athous and andtravelling andtrvlng andtravelling
travelling trvlng considerably clderably I have bay no ache acheorsickness aoheaor
olckn orsickness or elokncss t My one answer ler has b a been beenthat bn bnt beenthat
that t Instead lte of waiting wating until utU I am a alok aok In Inbed inbed
bed b and forced 10 to stop tp work ork for a while whilewhenever P Pwhenever
whenever enevr I feel rel outofort outro the least le bit bitI bl
I take tke Palnns Colory ClD Compound ComPud Compoundkeeps which whichkeeps I
keeps kp me well wel and strong It Is I a great greatdeal greatdeai
deal de better In my opinion opin to take te a medl1 medl1dne me mod modnine I I Io
nine that keeps one well wel rather than towait to towait towt
o tt kep rer t
wait wt for sickness liclme and ad then hunt hut around aroundfor aroundfor
for a medicine meolne or a doctor I have haf au been beena b I
a hearty hM advocate avot of Palnea Pae Celery CI Com Compound Cm Cornpound ¬
poud pound since Ilc It was W first fr made me a great manyyears many manyyears m
years ye ago O and ad have hve yet to tobeer near be g of o a aC1 aoas aoasInwhichfthaafailodtofulflhltspmmjse case casein ¬
in I Inwhichfthaafailodtofulflhltspmmjse InwhichfthaafailodtofulflhltspmmjseLIEUTGOV which wbch it has b failed lao to fulfil Illt its promises promisesUHJTGOY p
MISOURI BOODLG CA t teMUebQBlekCeneern 4GeRDBeCcrl
eMUebQBlekCeneern GeRDBeCcrl Gave Oay191 OayeSiO00Sfor OayeSiO00SforProtecUonfltneses Sieeorer SieeorerProtecUen
ProtecUen PtUlt ProtecUonfltneses Wltaessee N Ten TD Grand GrD Jury JuryWhat JuryWhit
What ba They Te Knew Kew About DKtrlba DKtrlbaUen Db DistriboUsa I
Usa ten of Money MODe Among LegIslator LecUUtorST Lstton LsttonST
ST Lame LoVB Mo April Aprl 17 1oh 17John John A A Lee L LeeLIeutenantGovernor i ieutenontGovernor
leutenveror eutenontGovernor of Missouri Mu is 1 in InTolut involuntary j jolunUry
Tolut voluntary exile ee whether In I the woods w of ofMu ofMissouri j I IUssouri
Mu Missouri or in i Canada Cada is I a matter mtr of con oonecture 0 conJecture
Jetu Jecture JectureLee ecture ectureLee
Lee L was in I Jefferson Jefen City Ct on onWedneedey1 onWedneedey1end Wednesday Wednesdayind Wedn Wednand
and in order to avoid being big served eod with withrubpcena wth wthapna eL eLubpcena
apna rubpcena assured au AttorneyGeneral Attorneyener Grow Growhat O ow owthat
that he Intended Intndl to return rtu to this t oily 0 to toappear t toappear
appear before Wor the te Grand Jury Ju Crow Cw be belevcd b belisted
lee listed him h and permitted prtt him to depart departCircuit dep departCitcult
Circuit Attorney Atornn Folk Fol learned tonigh1 tonigh1hat tonh tonhthat tonIgb I ILhat
hat Lee told tld a friend that tht lie had no I In Ininntion in inentlon
tentln entlon L of returning rturng to St Louis Lula and ad going goingefore gig goingbefore
befor before > the Grand Grad Jury Juy Mr l Folk Fol saya sayahat I eayathat I
hat Lee must either return rt and ad testify testifyr tWy
tht or > r forever forevr L remain in I exile If ho enters entershe etra etrat entersLila
t he State Stlo he will wl be b brought broult back bk here hre in iniborge i Inthatge
iborge of an oflloor oflloorIt o cr crIt
cc It developed dfvelo today tOay that tt 110000 100 was w atpended ex extended e ¬
pended tended by tho getrichqulck getrlcb ulck conocrnsto conocrnstonsure conolt conoernatoinsure
pnde insure protection prottion of thou thei vested esu Interest InterestVrnold InUre InUreArnold Interestsrnold
lure Arnold and GUI Gl being big charged chgd with having havinglaoed hvg hvgpla havingpieced
pieced > laoed that tht amount aunt of money whore I lirould it itrould Iwou
pla rould do the th most It good Another Aotber peculiar peculiaract peculiarract
fact wou act sold sd to t have hve g been bn uncovered unooven pr prfact Is Ishat I IthaC Ishat
hat some Ime of the th legislators leelator did not cam camspecially c catnrepccIalIy
but slot slotnachines sinsmachines
specially for money accepted acptd 11
mhee machines for their votes in protecting protectinghat protels
hat mechanical m dumlc contrivance contrivanceheir ontrvanc
tht A nubr number of witnl wltneewi appea appeared bor before beforehe
the he Grand Ord Jury Ju ty today but the purport purt of ofheir t tthei
heir testimony could oud not be b ascertained ascertainedLmong ascertainedkrnong
thei ttmony uor
Lmong thbse th present pret was Colin Coli Selph BID a asprtMontatlve arprnIU aepresontatlve
Amonl rprnIU sprtMontatlve from this thl city cty and ad editor etr of ofn orthe oflie
the Wolr1 Worl4iu Fair Far Baieiit Blin Whie While In Jeffer Jefferon Jel8j Jel8jln
on > n City Cty Mr M Selph Sph fitted fte up sumptuous sumptuousuaners sumptuouslusttore
lusttore uaners placing plng In I charge cgo as majordomo majordomointed rnajordomohereof Ipuou
quer therf hereof a colore colored m man whom rorm be ha had apI ap apoitited 1 1UtrcMt
inted clerk to one of the committees committeesSelph committeesSeiph
poite Selph cerk was W supposed to know kow comtt something somethingbout Imeta eometh1n eometh1nibout
bout the division dlvlon IUPp and distribution dtrbution of thai thaioodle th thble thetactile
abut tactile among aonl certain oerln legislators which whio art ae aebUev itsi itsitelleved I Ielieved
ble bUev elieved iusrtera uarters uartersTwo to t have h been bn < 4Two mode me in these the head hSaLtiusrtera headuarters he
qur Two witWcses wit were W war brought from Steelj SteeljUle St Steel SteelrUle
rUle Mo to tell the story Itr of the flashing flashing1ity tash flashingIt
vlf of It 500 b hEft I by Senator nator Fars Fatvie In hi his home homoltr homecity <
oltr city khltecotton khltecottonAt They Tey are a Hermann Hcrmn Eesman Fr and Cain Cainkhltecotton Cn CnWllttt CainVhltecotton
Wllttt At 1010 oclock oolok tonight tonigh the Cole CoI county countyI oout1 countyhand
Ord rand I Jury Jur returned ltrn three t indictment indictmentt Ilcl
of t legislators leglatot to Judge Hazel Hal The pre preamption preumption
amption is that they aro for bribery briber orat oratemptod ora oratP oratein
ein uptlon emptod bribery brber I The names name of those UIO PT ln lnIcted audlci inticted
dlci tP Icted were wer not mado public public8a publo I ISays
Says 8 8a < JI1 lie lies Honolnlni 10notnlai Cttf Chirr Sleuth SleuthA 51tt 51ttA i iA
A young ma man who po rays ho is Joseph Josephuiiam Joab JoabWUa Josephfillarn
uiiam yung Lwl Lewis of 10 108 WOt West Thirtyninthre Tirtynth TirtynthItJt Thirtyninth
WUa tiset re t was arrested last nKht night in WNtTlrynnth Westhirtynlnth West Westilrtynlnth
ItJt ilrtynlnth 11 etrt street 10 charced choM with ith Imper Imperinaung Ijr IjrInUnl tmperonating
Tlrynnth Policeman Zlra Zlralerman im imnetman
onating inaung a polcm policeman Policman Zm Zmmtnan
InUnl lerman M Ma Bays Lws Lewis thlawno threatened to put putAnlo pultanle pu punnlo
mtnan nnlo M Mayer ayor a street etnt walker under unl arrestewiet arrest arrestowls at
owls had on Ila Us waltoont walptooat A bg big be badge on oawhch onrhich onWell
L111 Well watt the InrpUon InrpUonllt inscriptionChIef Inscription InscriptionChief
whch Chief llt Detective ldErlh 10Dotulu 10DotuluCARPET honoluluARPET Honolulu
UtrcMt tn I the U he World 10rld Every Fnr7 dtUlL dtUlLTUB 4t1L 4t1LU dtILIItniflia
I IBroadwsr
iSi yr rari eataUroadwar ri riptrirnre ulrlr ulrlrBro4wa
Broadwsr cnr r Blli h StM MI l Xc > eW w York TerkRrl Yorkrl TorkErIe
Rrl ErIe rl and 8th SI J VP7 er r 1 Cltn CltnORAQE C1 Clt CltrORAOE
ORAQE WAHEIinUMK Inr AMI NI 11 MOVINO V4N6 V4N6Write V4 V441eirtts j jrlll
SRAGE Write rlll or 0 WARtlnU1y telepboae for intrrcttlne booklet bOOkl bookleti j 4
L JrcO dll A mt mtcaCIMlaoD
cQ cQIt
caCIMlaoD a 1 aJ
It t f
I I s Ld =

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