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rI e 0 0rI I THE m SDN SATURDAY APRIL S 18 1903 190 1903S
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I SATURDAY APRIL J8 8 1003 1003flBburlptlnns 1003lIabJCrlpUn 1903bcrIptIni
flBburlptlnns by b Hall 11 rotlsttld rotlsttldDAILY roIlcLnAlLY IosIpaIdAIIT
SUNDAY Per Year 20 20DAILY 100 100DAILY
DAILY AND D SUNDAY 81 NDA Per Month MonthPostage UoilbI n nIoIIac
I Postage to foreign forCI cointrlw added addedTIIK addedTUK dcledTinc
TIIK SiN New York CUr CltrPARU CUrPAIlclQosque CityPnsmosqu
PARU PAIlclQosque Klesque No 0 2rar li near amrd Hotel an anKtesquc and andJ1oQuO a aX1Cqui
Ktesquc No o 10 Uoulertrd drs dr d CspudDes CspudDesH
1 I IZr
H eu 0 > trbnZI r rtj ttto furor oro dCQr ui II irtti 11 maniuert In4U4CrfdS Jtfl Jtflp 10 10I or orII
I II j ptIcaon p VIoMon tIlllOIl irt ItIIUO wist l So hart lIarrttc nttrted art arfltlu It lit rttvmttth rttvmttthmurt rtlllfll reunId ihf ihfs IIV IIVflllIIl
murt In taU oU f U caics oi I < x It el tltmpi amp lor ID 0 tool pvrtme pvrtmeReasonable pll pllRelUn ptiPlSfleainpabo
Reasonable RelUn ablo Combination or Va Vareasonable Unnacmabl VutdIdflalIIi
reasonable Competition CompetitionWhich CompetitionWhlcb CompetitionWhich
Which Shall It Be BeIt DeItol DoIt
It Itol T will ill be in vain to try to conceal o ominimize or oinhlnirnize
0 minimize the consequences of the Anti AntiTrust AntiTn1st AntiTru3t
Trust law aw of 1600 under an interpreta interpretaUon Interprotation
Uon by the Supreme Court brought tcIlg1t t tlight to tolight <
light by the recent opinion and decree decrain decreein I IIn
in the Northern Securities case It will wilavail willvall willftvDil
avail vall nothing to point to tho prospectof prospect proopoelof
of great agricultural crops and the mar marvellous marvelloua rnarvelloui ¬
vellous proaperity of tho countrycondition country A Acondition A Acondition
condition produced by competitive poll pollticlans politicians pollUctans
ticlans competitive political parties anc ancthe and andthe
4 the Government G vernment at Washington con confronts confrouta confronts ¬
fronts us The exigency exl ency has not come ol olnatural 01 01natural 01natural
natural laws but bu of mans man doings It k kmisleading Is IsmlaleadIng l lt
t misleading to speak and write of the thepending thopending thepending
pending crisis as if only a few very rich richmen richmen richmen
men are troubled by the courts d dthat decree decroothat decreethat
that no dividends on tho shares of th thGreatNorthern the theGreatNorthern theGreatNorthern
GreatNorthern or Northern Pacific o rail railway rallway railway
way shall be paid to the Northern Securi Securlties Securities Securitle
ties tle Company and that a majority of th thshares the thohares theshares
shares of neither of the two companlc companlcshall compnnlesflhaU companIcshall
shall be voted d at shareowners1 meetings meetingsIt
It is misleading because there are Ira Iraperilled imperU1ed tinperilled
perilled the earnings savings and In Incomes InCOJ11e Incomc3
comes of numberless innocent persons personsmen personsmen peraoaemen
men and women who honestly invested investedyears InvestedrelU8 invested3care
years ago agoln in tho shares of the two roads roadsand roadsand roadsazd
and with no thought of doing an Illegal illegaact lUegalact Illegalact
act exchanged their shores for thoM o othe 01 01the olthe
the holding corporation corporationHow corporationHow corporittionRow
How has the critical situation come to tcpass topus topias
pass What created It Which ot thosconcerned those thooooneemed thoseconesroed
concerned has been Ignorant careless carelessor
or recklessly selfish lias the Govern Oovernmeut Government Governmett ¬
ment at Washington or Its it laws or dia disregard diaor diargsrd ¬
regard or false I Interpretation of those thoselaws thoselaws
laws 1 created existing conditions That Thatto ThatIe ThatIs
to what innocent inventors Invellto ra the people peopleand peopland peopleand
and the voters vote will demand and have a1ght a aright aright
right to be toldThe told toldtThe I IIfhe
The AntiTrust Antl t enactment of June 26 281m
1890 popularly known as tho Shermanlaw Sherman Shennllnlaw Shermanlaw
law is the starting point Senator SenatorSHERMAN SenatorS SenatorSuziu
S SHERMAN lR described its origin in the thesecond thesecond thesecond
second volume of his Recollections Recollectionsand
and left little doubt that it was to be beapplied beapplied beapplied
applied only to production and not to totransportation totranspoft4t1on totranportAUoIt
transportation Nobody was quite sat satsfted satsfte satEsfi4
sfte sfted with lth it yet under public clamor clamoronly clamornly clamoronly
only nly one Senator voted against it itSenator ItSonator ItSenator
Senator HOAR insists that he and andSenator andSenator andS
Senator S nator EDMUNDS were the draftsmen draftsmenof drar men men6f
of the law la that Senator SHKBUAN S 1ta1U had hadlittle hadlittle hadlittle
little or nothing to do with It and that it itwas Itenacted ItWI
was WI enacted substantially in the Ian Ianfeuaga lanjuage
feuaga in which it left the draftsmens draftsmenshands draftsmensi
hands Senator EDMUNDS has been re reported rel ¬
1 ported the correctness of the report reporthas repor1baa
1 baa never been questioned as declaring declaringthat declaringa declaringthat
that be never Intended the th enactment enactmentto
to be applied to railways and Senator SenatorHOAS SermtorHOAR SenatorHotn
HOAR has repeatedly said in the Senate Senatethat Senatethat Senatethat
that he had never thought the law In Included encl1ded tncluded ¬
cluded and denounced every restraint restraintof
of trade whether good or badLaat bad bodLast badLast
Last autumn each of the two political politicalparties politicalwt1es polIticalpartIes
parties through its Congressional Com Committee Comm1ttee Cornmittee ¬
mittee comprising a member from each eachState eachState eachState
State published as Is now tho usage usagea
a a Campaign Text Book Therein theAnUThist the theAntiTrust theAntiTrust
AntiTrust law and Its administration administrationwas
was was by the managers of both political politicalparties polIticalpartIes politicalparties
parties made the prominent topic topicThe topicThe topicThe
The Republican book referring to the theattitude theattltudo theattitude
attitude of the parties regarding trusts trustssaid trosblJ
J said
The Democratic part party look to constant asjlta asjltaBon MIlaGII aitstioii
Bon wltn oo restrictive Icglslstloa the nepnbllcan nepnbll nrpubUeD
can partr l1 made suob restriction as wtU prevent preventarbitrary pmtllartJIINIT prrvrusItirsT7
arbitrary advance asnn In prices prt or reduction la 18trougb wag cr crI es esIhrougb
Ihrougb I cb exclusive ezuslyeIt control controlIt conlrolIt
It refers to the th history of the Anti AntiTrust AntITrist ntlTru
Trust t law of 011800 1500 and adds addsThe addsTIM addsThe
The Qeveland Administration failed to restrain restrainaay reslralaIIJ rustra rustray
aay y combination ot capital by b ui u of this Ihl livPresidcat law lawPresident lawPrNldcliI
President CUTCUIXD In bis last lu annual message messageto mtstqto meaiieto
to Congress expressed Ibo opinion opllllollilial that the Federal FederalOoenuneat ledcra1OoVOllllllea Fderloohtnmei
Ooenuneat OoVOllllllea could not 00 suppress lbs evil 01 trusts trutlaand trustsand rulIIand
and as looked to aa adaptation ot the tarts and ud to tothe toJUI tolbs
the State 5th Legislatures for or the oily 0111 poulble relief reliefThe nIIetNo
No L The Republican text book claims ex exclusive excluslTe axduelve ¬
clusive credit for tho legislation of 1800 1800The 1800Tha 1890The
The Democratic a Campaign Book Bookon Booknn Bookoa
on the other hand ridiculed the theRepub theRepubUcan Repub Republican Republleen ¬
lican pretension of exceptional fidelity fidelityto
to the work of suppressing trusts In Lafailure Insisted InBfat ¬
sisted d that the Sherman law had been beenfallure a afailure
failure that under it trusts had devel developed developed develo ¬
oped o in number extent and power u asnever unever unever
never before claimed that Mr CLEVE CLEVELANDS CLEVEU CiuvzLLND8
LANDS U DII Administration had begun themostimportantof the themost themoet
most mostimportantof Important of the Government prose prosecutions proecutlons prosecuttons ¬
cutions under the law and that the Re Republicans HepublicM Repubilcans ¬
publicans had not put in force the crimi criminal criminal criminai ¬
nal sections of the statute The text textbook textbook textbook
book made a striking display of 1415C3 14tciout 1415C3out 141563out
out of 200000 miles of railway in the theUnited theUnited theI
I United States consolidated since the theenactnent theenactDent theeriactnent
enactnent of the AntiTrust law 1 into intoMven IntoNlTen IntoMYtfl
Mven groups known now as the Vander Yonderbllt Vanderllt Vanderbflt
bllt llt group the Harriman group the GouldI Gould Gouldgroup Gouldroup
I group the Pennsylvania group the New NewHaven Ne NeHaven NewHaven
Haven croup and so on onThose onTb08e onThose
Those two publications are important importantbecause ImportantbeC4U80 Importantbecause
because they the exhibited in 1002 the opin opinions opinions opintoni ¬
ions of tho controlling politicians of the thotwo thetWo thet
two t wo parties regarding tho topic referred referredto
to Therein the leaders lcado of both are areBeen areseen
1 Been down to McRiXLBTs death throw throwing throwIng throwI
I ing the law of 1800 and suits under it itas Itall Itas
as a tub to tho antitrust whale whaleAfter whaleAlter
1 After those th two publications last au autumn autumn ¬
1 tumn President ROOSBVEUT R09SBVELT began his hismiltrust histitrust hisantitrust
antitrust campaign with his Provi Providence Providence ¬
0 dence speech in Rhode Island IslandSince IslandSince IslandSince
Since the decreo In the Northern Se Securities Se Securitlea Socurities ¬
curities case them hM been manifested manifestednatural manll08tednatural manifestednatural
natural exultation In the Department of ofJustice 01Justice ofJustice
Justice at Washington and there have havebeen havehoen havebeen
been reports of what has been said saidtherein Midtherein saidtherein
therein Among mong other reports has been beenone beenone beenone
one In the Herald In which Its carve correspondent o carvespondent rre rrellpendent ¬
spondent said that he was referred by bythe bythe bythe
the AttorneyGeneral to Mr DAY an anAssistant anA anAssIstant
Assistant A AttorneyGeneral Attorne Oenern1 for Infor Information Inlorrn inforF ¬
mation rn Uon and the latter answered answeredThe
The position of DIllie the AtUirneyOtntral ever everlUnojTk rnra ever4oc17e
lUnojTk 4oc17e a entered office om bad been to lake e the public publicuJuWy publicb34145c1r
F b34145c1r uJuWy Into blii oonndenet whenever bo b be bV
UT u ttp Ute thipIWiCt5t4iSt Pll1llo bSeiiit 111kreI ra required lu II Hhad Hhadto He Uab4dAI M4 doa
to 0 la matJnt maklDlllla bit bis5rstuounoemsof Crt MBOunwmeat of tb UIll1eDded UIll1eDdedcUoa thlatdlaction Intend Intendaction
action against allII the lb Northern SeeartUe mner mnerPresident IrgSr TII TIIPresldeu i1 i1President
President bad quietly asked th lbs AttorneyGene AttorneyGeneto Altornqoeaeral Altornqoeaeralto
to Investigate the complaint that bad beta b ni niby lIIado lIIadobr msb
by b the III ctUzcns of almost lbs cull entire Northwest No 1mIlbal 1mIlbalhdr tl tltheir th thIbeti
their Interest Ililtrestaere were bdif bd1 beLg r tbreateaedbyavloUU tbreateaedbyavloUUof Ihrrakl threc ed td bJ a T1olalloa T1olalloaollho violsUc violsUcof
of ollho the law lie Invettlttted this cue and rep repbrto icpOrtto rted rtedt
to the IIIcatdeu President bit opinion tbal Ibo law wa via viaviolitc4 bti btiviolated bdAc bdAcv1olaled
violatedTho violated v1olaledTbo violitc4The
The foregoing lore going may be taken as an a acurate ao aocurato ac accurate
curate history of oltbe the genesis of the Sort Sortcrn North Northern Nortera
era Securities prosecution but Preside PresideI PresidentRooSBVELTS PresiderR00SnVE18
I ROOSBVEWB attitude therein Is In i iImportant an anImportant a aImportant
Important sense immaterial now I Ihad He Hehad H Hhad
had a right to a tako care that the Ja Jabo Iaw Iawbe awlI awlIbe
be faithfully executed executed as he unde undestood udder udderstood wldozstood
stood them themTho themTho thornThe
Tho main question now under oo ooslderatlon con oonslderatlon consideration
slderatlon relates to the circumstance circumstancethe
the popular and judicial atrccspher atrccspherin
in which tho Northern Securities Con Conpanv CompanV Corupanv
panv was organized organizedIt
It is Improbable that it was the Intel Inteltion Ioten Iotentlon taLontion
tion of those who were ere made defendant defendanin delendantIn
in the Northern Securities suit to viola violathe violate violatethe violatthe
the statute The individual defendantwere defendant defendantwere delendantaWere
The AntiTrust law declares that ever everperson overy overypersOD overperson
person who shall make such a contract contractor
or engage in such a combination or con coisplracy conIIplmcy conspiracy
splracy as is denounced by b that la laahall law lawllhall lawa
a ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor mi an anon and andon azuon
on conviction thereof shall be punished punlsheby punishedby punisheby
by a fine not exceeding exoeedln 15000 6000 000 or by im imprisonment Imprisonment hnprisonment
prisonment not exceeding one year o oby or orby 0by
by both said aid punioAmerUt in the dlscretion dlscre dlAcretlon diacretion
tion of the court courtMen courtMen courtMen
Men of the character of these gentlemen gentle gentlemen gentlemen
men are not likely to enter into contract contractcombinations contractecombinations contractscombinations
combinations or agreements a menta in tto ttomanagement tho thomnnagement thtmanagement
management of railway property in thface th thoInoo thitaco
face of olsucb such a statute without taking tin tinadvice theadvioo tInadviee
advice of the most competent and 1m tmpartial 1mpartial impartial
partial lawyers within their reach I Imust It Itmuat Ii Iimust
must be assumed therefore that th thdefendants the thedefendants tIndefendants <
defendants in the Northern Securities Securitiesprosecution Securitiesproeecutlon SecuHtleprosecution
prosecution had no idea that what thoj thojwere tberwere tbo tbowere
were doing would bo in violation of lawThe law lawThe lawThe
The literature of each of the severn severasuits llevcml llevcmlsultaand severnsultsad
suits sultaand and there have bavebeenvoI7 been beenvcry very few rewWhlch rewWhlchhavo whlcl whlclhave whicihave
have been begun under the statute o 01 01lSOOthoW8 ol ol1890shows
1800 lSOOthoW8 howa that for at least half a dozen dowiyears dozenyears dozeryears
years after its enactment its It mean1nand meaning meaniniand meaningand
and legal effect were ambiguous San Sanater Banater Senator
ater EDMUNDS had said as wo have seen seenthat lleenthat seenthat
that it i was never intended Itende to t be opplioc oppliocto appled appledt
to t railways rawa and Senator Seatr HOAB HOA HoA has ha re repeatedly repeatedly
peatedly ptely said sad that It was wa never Intend Intendto Intendocto
to t forbid reasonable lonable restraints rtnts of trade tradeThey te teTey tradeThey
They Tey were its It draftsmen draftsmenThe dmlUme draftsmenThe
The suit begun begn by the United Unt Statei Stateiagainst Bttes Bttesagait Sttoiagainst
against agait The Joint Joit Traffic Tmc Association Associationwas Aoclton Aocltonwa
was wa begun b hi the Southern District DItlct ol olNew 01 01lew olNew
New lew York during dunS CLEVELANDS CDS LEVELAD8 admin administration aml edministration ¬
Itrto istration The Circuit Clult Court Curt decided docded It Itfavor 10 10lavor Iafavor
favor of the railroads rird and the Circuit CircuitCourt Cirit CiritCourt CIrcuiiCourt
Court of Appeals Appls affirmed amned that tht decision decisionwhich deision deisionWhich decisionwhich
which shows ehow that tht this th New Ne York Federal Federalcircuit Feeral Feeralcirut Federalcircuit
circuit cirut took tok the view ve of the to statute tatte which whichwas whichWa whichwas
was Wa generally inery taken ten in I 1890 16 by tho rail railroad rl railroada ¬
r roada road and tho public publo The Supreme SupremeCourt Suprme SuprmeCou SupremeCourt
Court Cou however howevr reversed rvor the t court be below below ¬
low lo and a followed 10Uowe Its iU decision deO made rde a alittle a altl alittle
little ltl while whil before bo In the th case c of The TheTransMissouri TheTrnMou TheTransMissouri
TransMissouri TrnMou Freight Fright Association Associationwherein Aocton AoctonWherei AssociationwhereIn
wherein Wherei it declared dear that the AntiTrust AntiTrustlaw AntiTrst AntiTrstla AntlTreatlaw
law la of 1800 18 applied to railroads rirds arid alsomade also alaomdo alsomade
made mdo Illegal l pl oil CI contracts contrc In restraint restraintof rtrint rtrintof
of trade td whether wheter reasonable rob1 or unrea unreasonable ur unreasonable ¬
sonable sonableThat IMb sonableTbit
That Tt last lt part prt of the th judgment Judgen war warot wasnot
not ot concurred ccur in by four lo of o the t Justices Justicesfarms JuaUc JusticesWmT
WB farms FTOD F GRAY G4 and ad Sanus BBI The Theere T1 T1wr They Theywere
wr were ere of the t opinion opln that tht the th only ofr restrain restrainif rtrt restraintof
01 if trade tde condemned cdemed by the statute ttu wai wain wu wuan wasan
an n unrwsonoWt troal restraint rtt such sch as was waiunlawful wasunlAwful as asulul
unlawful ulul at common comon law That Tt SupremtCourt Supreme SupremeCourt 1
Curt Court opinion opion by only ony five fv Justices JUtiC dell dev deverd dcliv dclivered v vsred <
erd sred on Oct SI 2 180S 18S controlled the decree decreeIn docreIn der <
In the Northern Northr Securities 8rite case c Th ThSupremo The TheSupmo Theupremo <
Supmo Supremo upremo Court had hd said saidThe saidTh saidTbe
The Th natural ulura direct dr aad Immediate te4lo eSeet Se ffc o otomivSlrla 01 01LIle ofOUMPIIIflO
tomivSlrla Is LIle however bowiyTthlowu to tow twn tr rate rlead ratsand and to tolbersby tolbersbyLacrusa tbcrebi tbcrebiIncrease llcnl
ICtle Increase the UI demand for commodities emmoUe the lb snpply snpplyng aupplylot uppl upplIlir
lot ng of which wbeh Increases lerrae commerce commer and d an inbent agree agreeBent are aremCI
mCI Bent whose w first 1 and A4 direct trei effect eal It to preven prevenhis PfI PfIIb pruwniIbis
Ib his flui p et compttuton tPpttlo restrains rrhu Instead lztad of pro pronoting pr prmoUor procnottD <
noting cnottD trade tro and ad commerce commerceThe rommeroThe commercThe
The solution soluton of the problem probm of com campetitiwe competitive ¬ i
pttlvo petitive values vuC for services ero and commo commodities como cominoi1tIee ¬ I IditiC
ditiC dities is isaperplexing a aperple perplexing one oneand and perhaps prhpnot prhpnotatogthr not notUtogether notiltogether
atogthr Utogether suited sted to the t purely judicial judicialnlnd Judic judicialmind
md mind but the Supreme Court Cu seems sm to toliave tohavs tohave
have felt itself Itl bound in I defining de the tbephrase thephrase
ph phrase in restraint rtint of commerce commercex oomer
t x o > consider conlr that problem of competitive competitiveraluesand oompttve oompttveTaUe competitiveralues
TaUe ralues raluesand and to declare decl that tt restraint rtrt of ofho 01tho ofho
tho ho play of competition comptition is the thesamo same samen
10 n railway rway business ble and in law laws as a toItraint ro roitralnt r
strt itralnt of trade tradoOn trdo trdoOn tradeOn
On Jan Ja S 1003 10 Senator Sntor HOAB Ho criti critisiaod ct critlisod
cod siaod In I the Senate Snate with it a good goo deal de of oficveriry 01enrit ofleverity
enrit icveriry the t decision dcllon of the th Supreme Supreme3ourt Supremeouit
Cou 3ourt in i The T TransMissouri TaJou Freight Freightssodatlon Fht FhtAolon FreightseocIaiion
ssodatlon case that the AntiTrust AntiTrustw
Aolon c tt th AntTt AntTtlw
lw aw w condemned oondm all restraint rtrt of trade tradenether te teWhetr tradewhether
Whetr nether reasonable reanle or unreasonable unreasonablend unanl
ad nd expressed oxprM his hl concurrence ooncrnc with It the theilnority t theninorlty
minority Justices JuUos He insisted Ifated that tht the theurpose thepurp theurpoee
purp urpose of the t AntiTrust AntTrt law of 1800 1800ras 189 1890vas
wa vas only to enforce enlor the commonlaw commonlawulo commonlawn
ulo In regard rgl to restraint rlltrlnt of trade tde and andsad andrd andcad
n rd sad to t the Senate Snte from so 10 elementary elementarybook olemntary olemntarya elementaryI
a I book bk as a Boovmt8 BOUVES Law L Dictionary Dictionaryshow Dictonar
t 0 > show aow that tt Congress ConiM when it con conemned oondem canleinned
dem emned every CM contract ont combination oombltlon or orgreement oramnt origrearnent
amnt greement In restraint rtrt of trade only onlyitended ony onyItnd onlyntended
Itnd itended unreasonable unaonabl restraint restt and not notioea nottho
tho ioea reasonable reant restraints rtmt which whic the theammon theoomon thexmmon
oomon ammon law l of England and America Americaad
b ad approved approvedIt approve
It I is quite quit evident eidnt in the t recent opinion opinionn opin opinin
in n the t Northern Northor Securities Secriti casethat c tt the thelefendants thedelendt theIefendanta
delendt lefendants believed bUev that tt because bc they theylid thy thydid theylid
lid not Intend Itnd to diminish dlh and did di not notllrotnlsh notdiih notlbnInlah
diih llrotnlsh the t quantity qutty of traffio tmo over the thewo thewO
two wo roads ra after the Northern Norther Securities SecuritiesCompany Scuriti Securitiesompany
Compn Company came Cne into ownership ownrhlp of a ma maiority maJorty maority
Jorty iority of the stock of both bth of them thm there thereore tre trefore there0ll
fore ore tho AntiTrust AtlTrt law of iso 18 had h not notwen notbn noteen
bn wen violated volted by them That is cear cearfrom clear clearrom clearrein
from rom that port of the th opinion of the tharcutt thetourt
court in the p Northern Securities SCUritlll case c in inhlcb Inwhc Invhlch
whc hlcb it refers rlere to t the he third t branch brc of tho thotefenoo thodlenoo theIefenoo
dlenoo tefenoo of the defendants dlendat which whic was wasTbat wasTbI as asTh
Tbat Th the h combination 8mblUoa proven prno waa w one 011 ci formed formedi lored loredla
la i aid ad of eomaere coler erCS and ad nd not rI to restrain 1 r II II I la a otbtr otbtrrorta oibtrwr oihtrmeSs
wr meSs that I It I 1 was w erne n formed lore to enlarge elUe the t volume volumef 1m 1mar
ar If f Intentau llt trattc rsc a and a4 Utut UlI benefit bAel lbs t public publicTha pIUc pIUcT pubflcThe
The T court insisted ifa d that it could not notsent notant notsaent
ant sent to the proposition propiton and ad assigned assignedho ulgd ulgdt
t ho following toUw reasons reasonsIt raon
It I may i ay be that 11 neb a virtual rual consolidation consolidationf 8IOUIIID 8IOUIIIDor consolideltosIpirsnel
or f Ipirsnel parallel pad and ad ccmpeUnf eptlir line 10l of railroad rli M iiaen baa baaen 1
b aen en effected taot laklnc tk a broad br itw of the situation situationi aluloo 1 1I
I i beneficial bDtlc to the public pubc rather rUlu than Iba harmful barl It Itlay 21tar i
Ier lay be tfa tthi tae IU motive IU which wbd b1th Inspired Ilpr the tl is com comination cornlnalon
bla ination by b whkfc whk Ibis 1 eDdvistMoamplUbed end 4 sacocp1iisg ud wert vie 1
wbony wn laudable Inlbo and unselfish und l that the teCbllUOI teCbllUOIw comblnaOo comblnaOowaa
via w formed fred by b thr lb h Individual tdcdetad1 defendantt to prote proterr prtet prtetp protecslits <
rr p slits U nteratt I wttoh w wbtc bad b4 t b bt > ten committed rmlt to t thel thelchart IhelChsf2 her hereh
be b that lbs combination was th thInitial Ih IhIIUa lbInitial
chart eh or It nay 1J tI U cmbllaUI we
Initial IIUa and ad nd a neoesaary IIrcr step In II n the tie accomplishing accomplishingof acmplallmellt acmplallmelltor icCcnIptlabtfleOofgrcal
of ofgrcal treat rel designs dcatrl which wbell If I carried cmed out oU as they Ult wei weicjncdved wre wreeoOCte VUcjncded
cjncdved eoOCte would prove prn to be be of Inestimable IINumable valu vaue vaueUI valuo
10 o the UI communltlei 8mmulu which these reads road serve and alil andthe t tthe to toUlo
the country clf at luce luceWe lacr lacrWo lrgeWc
We shill allcUler neither affirm r nor deny dell either clber of thea theaprepositions Ibes Ibesprplol IbnopreUoni
present law ur which w ware we wea see
prepositions because boalo they preelll lel
prplol of thei theiInvolve UlemInlf thuInsults
caned to determine and torn
are a ee not ao ee upon UpD deeae adoml
Involve Inlf questions quelol which wbe are a not 10 within Un the ll PrOVISO provUcof prO
of any an court run to decide ded InrolTlDC IIIt r u they Ile do d qua quadons Que qu qutloai
dons 1011 of pubUo pubo policy pe which wbe Oonrrcas CICr nrrrM must mli dtta dttanine dtlc dtlcIllIr detOlrln
nine IllIr
IllIrU It la I our duly to ascertain aralD whether wbelle the lb pro prodl prl prld10 PTOOd1de
dl d10 d1de clos < a combination comb1aUoilla In direct drt rutralnl rIrilI of ollDtr ollDtrna Intel laterstate Inteldata
data na commerce rmmer that la 1 to aay a comblaatlo comblaatlowhereby combla comblesUelWbertby oD oDwbrrebr
whereby the 110 power pr baa be been bell acquired aquire to aupprei auppreicompetition auppre auppretmpelol IllpPr5Seornpetltlon
competition tmpelol between belwoa two tW or more ror oompetlnran oompetlnranparallel OpUlir oontieUflrsspare1lel and andparale
parallel parale floes Ule of road r encased eare la Interstate IIIrtalo com commere cm cmlIIer CG CGrnrrce
mere lIIer rnrrce1fItdocidIseleusucb
Ifltdoeadiselosetuen doe ts0uuel combination comblllao and we wbi wbiblue hav havlittle bY bYIUt
little IUt hesitation lIaloD In a answcrtnc werDl this Ib question qUllOD In th thaffirmative Ibl IblarUn tbarinUvi
act as It has be beheretofore blObezstfore ll llbeltore
affirmative arUn then he the II AnilTrust UTl c 1 U
heretofore beltore Interpreted 10let by Ik lbs court cr of l lad I reaenhis reaen fel1bIs
his b been b violated aad aadt sndthe the Oovemment OOeCII It SCUlls eatltlto etUe etUet SCUllsto
to t a decree decrceThe decreeThe d dT
The T gist glt of the to reason rn why wh the t cowl courcould cowlcould
could not assent ant to the t third thi propositioi propositioiof proplton propltonof
of the defendants dllendats was that by the t com comblnation oomblntlon cornbination
blnation blntlon entered enter into Ito between tho do dofendants delIndlnt dof
f fendants lIndlnt this th t > Northern Norhern Securities curites Com Cornpany Compony Cm Cmpay
had the to suppresi suppresicompetition suppresicompetition
pony pay acquired acuired paver pter supprl supprlompetton
competition competitionIf ompetton ompettonU
U therefore thelrOre the defendants deendat had hd 01the 01 onthe ortho
the trial tria offered oferd to prove prve that neithei neitheiof nithr neitheiof
of them thm mtAndd ntendVd to restrain nstrl traffic to oveithe ovei oveithe overthf
the thf conroUdsted corldate roads roda and n that the thieffect te teelfec theeffect
effect elfec of tbe merger mergr had ba not nt been bn t tdiminish to todlnih tcdiminish
diminish dlnih the traffic tnmo but had hd on the th con contrary oontrary contrary
trary greatly vatl1 Increased Icad it the t court courlwould courtWould cowlwouid
would have ruled rfd out out the testimony < etony etonyIlvat aiirrelevant ai aiirrelevant
irrelevant Ilvat and ad inconsequential inoonquental upon upotthe uponthe uporthe
the ground cund that the th contract oontat in prool proolwas prol prolwas proolwas
was evidence evdenc conclusive conclulv of restraint restait ol oltrade of oftrde 01trade
trade trde and of intention intenton to restrain rtin it itIt It itIt
It I was wa certainly crtainly not unreasonable unreanable forthe for foitho fortho
tho defendants defendats to be b advised advd by com competent comptent cornpotent ¬
potent ptent counsel counl and to believe bleve that not notwithstanding not notwithstanding ¬
wIthtdlng withstanding the ruling rln rulin of tho Supreme SupremeCourt Suprme SuprmeCou SupremeCourt
Court Cou In The Joint Joit Traffic Trao Association Associationcase octlon octlonc
case c a trial ti court would admit admit evidence evidencetending ovldnc evidencetending
tending to t show the intention itention of the t de defendants delendabl dofendants ¬
lendabl fendants and of the t practical praciC results rsult ol olthe 01the olthe
the In order to the lane innocence laneconco ¬
merger mergr I orer provo prvo th Inno Innooonce
cence of the defendants defendantsLittle defendat defendantsLittle
Little Ltte progress preg can be b made mae by dwell dwelling dwel dwelltag ¬
tag ig now no on the te sincerity sicrity of the efforts eton oi oieither 01eiter ofeither
either eiter political poltic party to revive rive and ed en enforce e eoro enforce ¬
force oro railway competition by cutting cuttingrates cut cuttingrates
rates rat after rwa ter that cmpton form tor of competition comtJtion had hadbegun ha hadbegun
begun bgn to decay dey and ed yet it It seems I that thatwithin tht thatwithin
within a dozen years yel after aUlr the law ol ofisDo
1800 only two to or at the moot mM three thrllt thrlltwere suit suitwore suitswere
were begun bes by the Government Goverent at Wash Washington W8h W8hIngton Washingthn ¬
ington to t enforce railway rway competition competitionthat oompttion oompttiontat
that tat they the were begun bg under uder Mr CLEVE CLEVELAM CVE CVELS CizvLLD8
LS LLD8 LAM > B Administration dltation that tat In eachthe each eachtho e
the Judges Judl of the lower courts OIJr held bed in inthe inte inthe
the te localities lote affected aet were wl1 opposed cpp to tothe t tothe
the Governments Goverents theory thor arid Tld not till tillthe t tillthe
the cases Ces arrived av in Washington WMIton was wa It Itadjudged Itaudg itadjudged
adjudged audg by a divided divde court cour that tt the theright theright theright
right of individuals Individua under ude the Constitu Constitution COl Constitution lt ¬
tion to make mae private priyat contracts contact Is sub subordinated sb subordlnatcd ¬
ordinated ordint to the right of Congress CoD to toenforce t tooriforco
enforce enor tho play of competition comptto be between b between ¬
tween te Interstate ItertUl railways mlway and to destroythe destroy destroythe d ty tythe
the business buine of naturally rival railways railwayswhenever rawa rawawheneer railwayswhenever
whenever wheneer the trade tade Is I 1 not competitive competitiveAttorneyGeneral cptitv competitiveAttorneyGeneral
AttorneyGeneral AttoryGeneral KNOX in his hi Pitts Pittsburg Pitt Pitteburg
burg speech apch of Oct 11 1 1002 19 delivered deliveredafter dolvred dolvredaltr ddllveredafter
after altr he had answered awerc the th Presidents Presidentsinquiry Psidents Psidentsiqui Presidentsinquiry
inquiry iqui respecting rpotla a prosecution prscution of the theNorthern t theNorthern
Northern Norher Securities Seetles merger mergr criticised criticisedtbe cltc
tbe decision dcion of the th Supreme Suprme Court Cou of
1807 187 in The TransMissouri TnYlu Freight FreightAssociation Flbt FlbtAation FreightAssociation
Association Aation oaso c wherein wherei tbe Anti AntiTrust Atl AtlTt AntiTrust
Trust Tt law la of 1890 180 was Wa applied appU to railways railwaysin
in violation voltou of the common law l which whichtbe whc whichthe
the court cour c said made mde Illegal W all a contracts contractsIn oontc
In restraint rtint of trade tre whether wheter p reasonable reasonableor rnbl
unreasonable unreasonableThe
or unreaonable unreaonableThe
The opinions of the AttorneyGeneral AttorneyGeneralwhich Attorneynrl Attorneynrlwhch
which whch were exprewed less lce than a year yearago ynr ynrwhn yearago
ago when whn an election elecion was pending pnding can canwell canwel canwell
well wel enough bo b taken now as an Ideal of ofrailway 01raUwny ofrailway
railway legislation legislaton that ought to be beHe b beHe
He seems sms to have been bn then In i harmonywith harmony harmonywith harony haronywth
with wth Senator Snator HOAR and the minority minoritymembers minrity minritymembr minoritymembers
members membr of the Supremo Court Cu He Hesoems He8r Heseems
seems 8r to have stood sto then by the common commonlaw commonlaw commonlaw
law which Whic the te AntiTrust AntiTrt law rejected rejectedand rjec rejectedand
and to have hav appreciated apprecat the t conditions conditionsof oondltons
of modem moern railway ralay life Ile and the th decay decy of ofcutthroat 01cutt ofcutthroat
cutthroat cutt competition comptitioD conducted conducd not notby notby notby
by railway rUway directors dcor but by b110c local traffio traffioagents tao taoagnta tzaflloagents
in defence of directors directorsHo
agnta agents i delec direcors direcorsHo
Ho said sid for example exalnpleIA exampleA
expe expeA
A law rerultUnt talJr Interstate IDtma commerce Cmm for Ita Itaprotection IIIprrlliarall lieprotection
protection prrlliarall acatost restraint retrlll no broad brad as I a to cover Ce all allpersons a anpersons
persons prl whose wllle buslnen bllle Is I conducted ellducle4 under uade sire screemenu sireent rr rrmeol
meol menu ent which wbe are In any a7 n way wa or to any an extent et In Inmtralnt IIIfrD toTtattplnt
frD mtralnt of trade tre rnlf 1111 nilgbt bt exclude edudo thousands llod of ola olatllcr small smallconcerns irnallconcerns
tllcr concerns eonducttnt rlldc Industries IlIduru In one 01 State Sl from frommarketlnt fm fmmlel frommarketIng
mlel marketIng thdr Ildr thclrptoductstn products prucla In others oter otheribut but a law which whichinly weh wehanI wblchonly
anI only covers evrr contracts tlitata and d combination cmbllUalA In restraint restraintif rrll rrllof
of trade o ii J ttftiut d by I Uu U is tmxio rl1 lav 141 Ia would Wd ex exglade o ooude ciolde
oude glade an a hurtful 11 combinations combaUon and ad eouptrade eouptradeContrets eossptradcongress pr
CDlr congress ctnlftIseoiSI can e if It teot fit 11 adopt apl the tbesebemecfthS tbesebemecfthSliv scheme Kbmt of that thatlaw B
Iw law In 1 the enforcement erl ot 01u such law each C Cao oaee M Mit asIt
it arose ao would 114 ootd be considered Dd upon uplll Its own 0 tide faotaind tideand
and the l rule rle of rildanc cll would wlc be b a ulald as laid dew d by bythe b bythe
the Supreme Sprmo Court co of the United Ulllt State SeUa SeUapbo Statesthai that la Ispublic
1 public pbo welfare wn la 1 first In considered cldcr and a If I It b be not notnvolved D notInvolved
11lved Involved and d the Ibrralrali tberesralnt restraint upon upa on party pa U I Ml Mlcreator B Brrr astrrestr
rrr creator than protection Plroo to the h othi r party pu require requirethe reutraslbs
lh the contract ellt may m be sustained ItDed Tbe yb l queitloa qlNOD la lawhether I Iwhelhe Iiwhether
whelhe whether under ullde the particular paUc circumstances drulle cjrcutnstsceiofth ofUla of ofihe
ihe th oaae 0 and the te nature IIUr of the particular pael contract contractnvolved colilr contractIavoIied I
IDolnd nvolved In It the eon rtal restrict tract Is or la not ao reasonable reasonableTbe rI rIThe rcaeonablThe
The Northern Norern Securities Sete case 0 was wa not notconsidered notcnder notI I
I considered cnder upon its It own O facts Ia but butupon bt btupon butupon
upon judicial Judi la presumptions presumptionsThe prptoW
The whole of the foregoing extract extracttnd oxtractand
Te 0 te fOri exb
and especially aly the te last Jt paragraph paph con conlns cont conLIns I
t LIns lns as a we e understand uded the gist st of the theefence thedelence theietence
efence in I vain va interposed Iter by the to North Northrn Nor Northstn
er stn rn Securities Site Company Compy Tho same se ideas ideasre ide idea IdeasIVO
a IVO re elaborated elar with Wit admirable able felicity fect In Inicse inte inLhese
te Lhese icse sentences ateno which whic follow 1010w in the theHomeyGenerals te teAttomeyGeals thetthrneyGeneraV
AttomeyGeals HomeyGenerals speech speechTbe speechThe po
The Te real r character chat of the te statute lltte of
1 1890 90 as now disclosed dlco by an e actual aca trial trialtnder ta trialmder
uder tnder the law lwollB lawof of 1800 In a Federal Fee equity equitytnirt equitycrt equitycourt
crt court is 1 a sufficient eumcent reason rn for a careful carefulopulor clul clulpopula carefulopuIar
popula opulor consideration ondeton of the situation lituaton as asson aI aI8nl asoon
8nl son in the results fult thereof therl which whc are a bo boore b berore
lor rore ore the country count oounti The gist Rlt of that tat statute statutei statte stattefa
fa a i in I the first firt section eon which declares de that thatwry thatr thattesry
r wry contract contat combination combiton or consplr consplrcy conpl
ac Icy cy in I restraint rtt of trade te and commerce commercemong oe commeicoimong
aon mong the several fvea States Stat or with Wit foreign foreignations lorel foreignatlona
natioW ations is I illegal iega The Te ambiguity abiity of the thetatute te telltatte theitatute
lltatte tatute is I in the phrase in restraint rtnt of ofredo ort ofade
t redo or commerce commerceUnless comerce comerceUne commerceUnless
Unless Une the t Federal Foeattut statute of Umlta limitaone Umltaions lt
ions one of two to years re or whatever whateve the te num numer nu numet
be > er of years y the term n may be b interposes interposeso Ioterl
t o protect prote the individuals indlvidua who were wereefendants werelefendants
del efendants ndat in i n the Northern Nore Securities Securitiesa 8ritJt
ca a ase e each eh one one of them tem is I as liable lble to t aTfminal a arimlnal
cma rimlnal indictment Indictent and ad under the de deree de >
c 1 ree 00 of the t court o in i thatNorthenafleoorKj t Noe
tiescsseltianoteuytoeeobowonee tiescsseltianoteuytoeeobowoneethem ties tle ease 0 It is f not easy e to t sea e how one onethem oe 01 01them <
them could < escape conviction convictionThere oonvlcton oonvlctonTore convictionThere
There Tore is another aotor reas6n r toan n why the thoshould theshould
should be reconsideration IMldemton of the te statut statutwhich sttt statutwhich
which is that other railways rawy and nd the theofficers theollicers
officers ofoor are a in peril if naturally natraly con cciipoling conpoting oompt
poling pt they tey have hvo merged merge or consol consoldated consol coneoldated
dated da their tei power to fix f rates rat Porhai Porhaisuch Purha Purhasuch
such railways rawy will w be safe if I the mergeor merge mergeror
or consolidation co eoldao or control oontl was wa occon occonpllshod am ampllh accoripUshed
pUshed pllh prior to t June 20 1800 18 Foden Fodenstatutes Fodoristatutes
statutes atatut of limitations Imlttons protect prott indlv indlvduals Indl Individuals
duals dua against aganst criminal crDnaldlcment Indictments Th ThFederal To ToFoera TbFederal
Federal Foera Constitution ColtitutJon forbidding lorblddlg ex e pot potfacia plt pltfaco poeado
facia faco ado law will wi prevent prevot criminal criia or penn pcnasuits pena pennsuits
suits swt for t offences oteno anterior atrior to t the to date dateany c cany 01 01ay <
any ay enactment enatmet But it is I not so 8 oortai oortaithat ortn ortntt cortalthat
that tt the th Constitution OntituUo will w protect prot compel compelItlve compelitive
Itlve Itve railway rway mergers meer against aat civil civi pitceedlngs pit prcceedings
ceedlngs clng to declare dela tho mergers melers Illega Illeganotwithstanding Iegal Iegalnotlthstlng Illeganotwithstanling
notwithstanding notlthstlng what wat tho Constitutlo Constitutlodeclares Cntttion Cntttionde1 ConstJtutlodeclares
declares de1 regarding rgaing the Impairing ImprC of ante antecedent at anthcadent
cadent cent contracts ontats Retrospective Rotlpetivo lawi lawiwhich lawrwhich
which whch look lok backward bakwa and retroactiv retroactivlaws rtve retroactivIawi
laws 1 which whch act at backward cWa have hv not beefavored bee boafavored
favored lavor but bt everything evlng will wll depend depnd o owhat on onwhat 0what
what executive exetiye officers ofol and the Judge Judgeshall Judgeshall
shall eh say sayIt ey eyIt sayIt
It matters mattr nothing notng that what wht has hl pro produoed produoed
duoed duo such recent rnt convulsion convlion in tho in industrial Industria Induatria
dustria dustrial and ad investment Invetent world is Judge judgtmade Judgemade
made m law lw That Tt law la when wben declared dea b bthe by bythe bthe
the Supreme Court of the United Unt State StateIs StateIs
Is f as U much law as If enacted enat by Congree Congreeand Congreaand
and ad approved approve by the President predent so 8 Ion Ionas long longas ionjas
as it Is not modified moie either by Congree Congreeor
or by the court courtWhat cour courtWhat
What Wht is I needed nded now no is I careful cful recon reconslderatlon rcon rconaderaton reconalderation
slderatlon aderaton of tbe whole whol subject subjec by voter voterand Totl Totlad voterand
and ad Congress Congsa and ad especially especaly in I ordo ordothat orr orrtht ordothat
that tht there ther shall lhl exist elst uniform rallwa rallwaconditions riway riwaycondltol raiiwaconditions
conditions condltol throughout thughout the th whole coun country oountry country
try It is absurd aburd as well 1018 as unjust unjut tha thain tht thtIn thain
Northeastern of the Unite UniteStates UnitoStates
in the th Northetern portion porion Unitd UnitdStatee
inter interests interest intereats
States tho rule rle of community omunlty of
eats est shall shl prevail prevai in railways raiway as a i iNew In InNew ii iiNow
New England but in I the Northwester Northwesteripart Northwesterpart NorthweBtrn NorthweBtrnpt
part pt there shall shal be an opposite oppsit rule rulewhich rle rlewhich rulewhich
which is I tho rule rle of cutthroat cuttroat compo compotitlon comp compotitlon
titlon tton by railway rlwny traffic traIo agents agnts undetbe under undert widethe
the t Northern Securities SecltM decree decr It I Iabsurd I Iabatird
absurd abur and unjust ujut that the defendant defendantIn
In the Northern Securities Sourites case ca shall shal b bdenounced be bedenoucd bdenounced
denounced denoucd punished pufah and injured Iured fo fodoing ror rordoig todoing
doing doig nothing nthing more than others othol have havibeen havebn havcbeen
been bn by tho Government Govrnment permitted prittd b bdo to todo t tdo
do and have hvo done don in otber parts pa of tIn thicountry t tIncountry
country ooutry with railways rwar naturally nturally com compoting comptiD cornpoting
ptiD poting If I competitive omptiUve values vu for rail railway ral railway
way ay service erlo in tho Northwestern Norwoater portioi portioiof prtion
of the United Unted States Sta S is i to be b the rule ruleIt rle rleIt ruleit
It should bo b in New England Englnd In I Now Nesork Nevork Nowork
ork and in all 1 other parts of the coun country count country
try t If I preventing proTntg p play of compett competttion rmpt competltion
tion ton is I criminal cimina in the t Northwest Northwelt I Ishould It Itshoud Ii Iishould
should shoud be b everywhere everhr Evon If i whlcl whlclis whichI
is I not probable the defendants defendant in the theNorthern theNorthern theNorthern
Northern Securities Scuitis case c intended Itended t tviolate to tovolate tcviolate <
violate volate the law of oll 1800 and their property propertyis prpery
is 11 thereby treby by a decree decof of the Fedora Fedoraequity Fedorl Fedorlequiy Federaequity
equity equiy court placed plac in a condition fronwhich fron lromwhch froixwhich
which whch it It cannot cot be b extricated extctod exocptlnj exocptlnjby excpting excptingby exeeptinby
by Federal Federalltatte statute it I is certainly cerly a hard hardship b iacjship
ship that the t property prpr of a multitude multitudeof
of innocent iocnt persons prns shall shl without anj anjillegal an anIllegal
illegal act or Intention itention of theirs thl be sud suddenly suddny suddenly
denly ilg dny put in the same ee category ctegry and ad al alIncome al allincome
Icom Income therefrom therelrm kept kpt back blck and ad ro rostrained r rst restrained <
strained strainedIf
st If I it shall aJl turn tu iirn out after exam examInation eam eamiation examination
Ination iation that tht during durg a half bal dozeryean dozer dOZn dOZnya douryears
yean ya from lrm the th enactment encment of the t Anti AntiTrust Ati AtiTt AntiTrust
Tt Trust law la of 1800 180 nobody nobdy believed belevd orsuspected or 01suspected orBWpcted
suspected BWpcted that tht such IUc a decree decr upon th thfacts the thefacts <
facts fac offered oter In evidence evld no could bo b en entered entd ontoted ¬
toted td aa a has ha been bn entered entred in the North Northam Nor Northera
am er Securities Sect case c then tn it does do seem seemrequisite sm smrult seemrequisite
requisite rult and ad decent dct that tt the te Governmeat Govern Government Governmnt ¬
meat mnt at Washington Wahngn shall eha at the earliest earliestopportunity elet eletopportuty earliestopportunity
opportunity opportuty give relief reliefAnother rliel rlielAother toftefAnother
Another Aother Mast Gone GoneShamrock GoneShamrok GoneShamrock
Shamrock Shamrok III II is I the fourth lourh ninetytooter ninety ninetyooter ninet
foter tooter ooter to buckle buc up her most mat that thaLIstingulshed thatdtinglshe thatdistinguished
dtinglshe distinguished company compy being compose composef composed composedof
01 f tho last lat two Shamrocks Bhark Columblind Columbia Columbiatu1d Columbiaand
and nd Constitution Coltitution The Te tumbling tblng over ov o oihamrock or orShark ofbhamrock
Shark ihamrock Is topmast tpmat in an easy ey broezo broezohe brzo brzote broezothe
te he ominous ominou bending bnding of Defenders Derenders mast mastrhich mat matwWc mastwhich
wWc which caused cus her to be taken te out of a trial triaace trialrace
ra ace and the parting of tho Ylgllanti Ylgllantiwwsprit Vigiants Vigiantsbwsprit Vigilantsbowsprit
bwsprit bowsprit shroud with the consoquenw consoquenwif
01 if f bowsprit bowprit and topmast topmat both bth being car carled ca carned
led away make mae up the list of serious seriousuccidents lnous lnousaents seriousrccldents
aents uccidents occurring ocuring during d the process processf
01 > f experiment exprimett with wih the enormous enoroualor enoroualoru forces forcesmod forcesasod
u mod in I the groat gt Cup Cp yachts yachtsOf yaht
Of course coure there ter will wi be b a more or less lessehement lessvehement
veeent vehement chorus c10r that tt tho nlnotyfootora nlnotyfootorare ninetfootol ninetfootoln
extreme and and impossible impossibleTot
n u re e exte wrong wng Implble ImplbleYot
Yot Tot not noise enough can c bo b made mae in I that thatuorter thatquar thatquarter
quar quarter uorter to drown dro eoug the snapping of dozens dozensipon dozensupon dozensipon
ipon dozens of masts mat of twontyono twontyonoboters twontyonoootere
lotcrs boters and nd such Ich like during durg the last lat few fewears fe feye fewreals
ye reals ears of rapid r pld development dolopment in pleasure pleasureraft pleur pleuror pleasurera1t
or raft A few great gt guns g cannot cnot silence silencehe silencebe
the he rattle ratte of the muskets muaket of a regiment rgimet of ofifontry 01Iat ofnfantry
Iat ifontry This T or that thing th in I this thl or oroat ortt orhat
tt oat big boat has b not been b strong atng enough enoughnd enoughand enoughmd
and nd that is 1 the te whole of it It AU her prodo prodonsors pradoors
oOr nsors ors have outlived ouWv their troubles tuble and andJiamrock ad adSak andiliararock
Sak Jiamrock HI will do the same se though thoughamentably thoughlaetly thoughamentably
laetly amentably to her misfortune morne is i added addedie addedlie
te lie ie death de of a sailor sor The undlshearten undlsheartenjle undhen undhenale
ale ible jle Sir THOMAS Tows may be expected expt to toppear t toIPpODZ
app ppear on time te with wt his boat bt in its It scotia accusimed a scotiaomed
tome imed tiptop tptop order orderThe orde orderThe
The accidentis aent accident f is another aoter warning wang to toIERREHIIOFP t toIasaaniiorr
HIUUiE8OF IERREHIIOFP to make mae another anoter inspection inspectionf Ition
01 f his hut lt creation ctio An A extra ext strand stad or ora ors oro
s a of the very best bt wire w in the th shrouds of ofiellonoe orRlac ofLeUanoe
Rlac iellonoe or an extra bolt b1t in her chain chainlates chainlatee
plat lates can c do no harm harmThe h harmThe
The Te Attack Attck oa the Election ElertoD Lw LwTe Law LawTbe LawThe
The Te law l creating ctin a metropolitan metpolt eleo eleoion olooion
ion district dlto with Wit a Superintendent Suptendent and andk
a I k staff tol of olds aid having haV police polc powers power was wasassed wasaMed
pu assed by the Legislature it of 189 1808 18 as 8 aneans a aneons ame
me neons of putting pttng an end en to ooloniza oolonizaion coloniza oolonizaIon
ion Selection Sloon of oLJO oLJonN JOHN N McCcLuan lcoo as ashe asthe asbe
the he Superintendent Supntdet was WA dctat dictated or at ateast atl ateast
l east t justified jutifed ju tIflod by the th fact lat that as the theormer thefonner theormor
fonner ormer captain ct of the Elizabeth Ebeth street streetirecinct stt sttprnct streettreclnct
prnct irecinct Including incudins most of tho Second SecondAd Sond Sondad Secondad
ad Ad Sixth Sith districts dtct he was WI especially espialy fa faoilior Ia Iamlia fanillar
mlia oilior with wt the to practic practice condemned condemnedOn cndomned cndomnedOn
On the te 12th 1t of August Augst 1888 188 at a meet meetag mot meetag
ig ag of tho Tammany Taay Hall Hal Executive ExecutiveJommltteo Eetive EetiveCmmitt Exocutivoommittoo
Cmmitt Jommltteo the t bill bi was declared de to bo bon bea
a unconstitutional enactment special specialsgislstion specialegislation
an n unoonttutiona enatent Iplal Iplalletion
letion sgislstion of the to most U0t reprehensible reprehensibleharacter rprehen reprehensibleharacter ble blechr
chr haracter denying deny to t the t citizens cltW of the thoMtropolis themtpolfa theaetropolls
mtpolfa Mtropolis the t right rht of selfgovernment selfgovernmenti sUgovrnment sUgovrnmenta selfgovernmenttotally
a i totally toty unjustifiable uuat1 and ad radical rc scheme schemeevised schemeLevised
dev evised solely Illy for Republican Rpublic partisan partisandvantsge partisandvantage
avat dvantsge and a manifest mllelt Insult Iult to tho thooncsty thohon theonoaty
hon oncsty ty intelligence Intno and ad patriotism ptotm of oftie 01te ofhe
te tie citizens ctzn of the th Greater Greatr New York who whoustly WhoJutly whoustly
Jutly ustly pride themselves themhs on the puritynd purity puritynd purilYad
ad nd fairness fal of their tll elections elction electionsTamnanyEsflrefooed4o
TartaJHfu TamnanyEsflrefooed4o Mp aeoepit i
allotted alottd quota quot of deputies deputis provided prvd prov1dadfcunder f funder tor torundr
under undr the tle law or to t submit any list listnames i inames 01 01name
names name or to toacpt accept any appointment appointmentthe appolntentll appolntentllth
the th Kings King County Cunty General OenerDmorto OenerDmortoCmmlt DemocratCommittee Democrat DemocratlCommittee
Committee Cmmlt adopted adopt a like li course u so s di dithe did didt dithe
the t Democrats Democat of Richmond Richond and ad QueenAgainst Queen QueenAgainst Quns QunsAganst
Against Aganst the law against aganst the principle principleelection 01 01elocon C Celection <
election elocon supervision superiion embodied embIe in I i iagainst It Itagant Iagainst
against agant its It enforcement enlorment Tammany TalUlY Ha Hahas Hal Halha Hahas
has ha been bon carrying on for five years yearsvigorous 1 yearsvigorous a algf
vigorous lgf resistance cg itc not onlyin only In this th cltbut cit citbut city citybut
but In n the Legislature Lgslature whore her its It repn repnscntatlvos representativos
scntatlvos lontto have at last succeeded succe In cur cuitailing curtailng citetailing
tailing tailng tho appropriation given for th thElection the theElecton thElection
Election Electon Department Dcparnent from gven 100000 100 th thfirst tho thot1t thfirst
first t1t year yer to 175000 750 this tl yearit year yearIt yea
It I has hI been ben no secret t that tht the te war wa o othe on onthe othe
the law was wa conducted conduc chiefly ohlefy by Senate SenateSDLLIVAV Seatr SeatrSULAN SenateSULLIVAN
SULLIVAN SULAN in whose whoe district dstct the enforce enforcmont enforcemeat
mont of tho law had been bn most mOt notice noticeable noUc noUcable noticeable
able and curiously crously enough tho curtail curtailment cr curtailmeat
ment of the law by cutting cuttg the to spprc spprcpriation appropriation
priation pratJon for its It enforcement erorent and ad th thdisplacement tho thodlplcmont tiedisplacement
displacement dlplcmont of its It first ft and a fdwayi fdwayiefficient siwayrecIentSuperintendent
efficient elclent ecIentSuperintendent Superintendent Superintendet ore a acoompUshe acoompUshein
in the administration amlnstaton of a Republics RepublicsGovernor BepublicGovernor
Governor GovernorThe Governorrbe GovernorThe
The Accident on the tie Iowa IowaTho IowaTho OWA OWAThe
Tho board bar of inquiry Inquir convened convne to tacertain ta ascertain
certain Crl tho cause cus of the explosion cplolon of on onof onof
of the to 12inch 12lnch guns gns of the battleship bttchlp Iowa Iowaon Iowaon Iowaon
on Thursday Thuray of last lt week wek has reported repor t tAdmiral to toAdmlml tiAdmiral
Admiral HiaaiKSOK HIGGINIO that tht it has h been bn un unable u iinable
able to reach rch any conclusion conolulon In the mat mattor mt mattar
tor Tho shot during tho firing fring of whlcl whlclthe whch whchthe whiolthe
the fired at targesome targe targesome targeteome
gun gn exploded oxploed was trd at a
some 1700 yards yn or about abut one on muc mucdistant mile mUedtnt miledistant
distant distantThe dtnt distantThe
The first trst explanation explton was that tt thprojectile th the theprojectie tInprojectile
projectile projectie had burst bU1t In the gun butob butobservers but but ob obscrers ci ciservers >
servers scrers testified tetied before blore the board br oInquiry o oinquiry or orInquir
inquiry Inquir that tht they saw it fall near ner th thtarget tbe tbetarst tIntarget
target tarst Another Aother theory is l that tht then thenwas ther therwa therewas
accumulation of smokelesspow smokelesspowder
was wa an acuution emokelCpow emokelCpowder
der gases g8 at the point pint where tho gui guiburst gn gnburst guiburst
burst some distance ditce in front of the thitrunnions thetrnions thetrunnions
trunnions trnions and outside of the turret turretFurther turt turtFher turretFurther
Further Fher Investigation Invtgatlon of this theory thery wll wllbe WI wabe
be b made madeIt madeIt madeIt
It would ould seem em to be evident however howeverthat howevr howevrthat howeverthat
that there Is a lack lck of definite defte knowledge knowledgeof
of the effect olfot of smokeless smokele powder upon upoiordnance uponornnc uporordnance
ordnance ornnc of all al kinds The gun I thai thaburst tht thtburt thaiburst
burst burt was Wa manufactured mnulactured in 1805 1 anc ancup and andup andup
up to Jan 1 of this tbi year ye bad bd been b fired fr
135 12 times tie From 1805 185 to the th end of 9 9black 1801 1801black 1mblck
black blck powder had hd been bn used udln In It since elnotthen elncethn sincethen
then thn smokeless Imokele powder had hd largely la1ll re replaced r rplcd replaced ¬
placed plcd the other kind kindThe kindTe kindThe
The Te explosion exploion of the Iowas gun g li liregrettable Is Isrgretablo Iiregrottablo
regrettable rgretablo only on account acunt of the t deaths deathiof deathsof
of the three thr sailors alo1 caused cu by it it In it itself It Itself ¬
self it must mut bo b welcomed welome as a the short shortest sor shorttot ¬
et est road rd to Indispensable Idpnble knowledge kowle ol olsmokeless 01 01sokee cismokeless
smokeless sokee powder powderAlthough pwder pwderAltoug powderAlthough
Although Altoug Mr M DBVKBT DaTY Is f a weighty weightyhe wlht man manhe
h he 1 f is not so 8 heavy he as a the unanimous uou judg judgment Jud Judment judgmont ¬
ment of an a Appellate Division Dlvn of th te 8u 8upromo Suprme 8uprom
promo prme Court Cu Appte Under the to Primary Plw law th thconstitution te the theoontitutlon 1
constitution onsttution of the te Tammany Ta Hall B Executivi ExecutiviCommittee ExscutlvsCommittee e i
Committee Cmmitt whereof whet Mr DXVUT DlTT would wd be beis b b
is adjudged ajudg to be b a matter mtt resting in I the thihands te tehnd thebandi
hands hnd of the General Gener Committee Cmtt wh whereof whereofMr r rMr
Mr DBVMIT Dsy is f a hopeless hoplmt minority Ag AgMr Again AgainMr
Mr CHABLXS CI F Mcnrnr MtJ is I polities politiesboost pUo polItically polIticallyboosted I
boost be beI boosted boostedIn ad adIn
In I the te tntsrurban Itb baseball bb contest onr and andtho ude under underthe
the ftusploee of the t National Naton League L which whichbegan wbc whichbegan
began ba hereabouts hrut yesterday yet w we are a for forvictory torYot forvictory
Yot victory for New York but bu la I th U the Inter Interborough interborough
borough breuh struggle stgle between btwn ManhntUn Mt and andBrooklyn ad adBrky andUrooldyn
Brooklyn Brky good citizenship ctp of the t great greatcity greater greatercity
city ct forbid forbld g preference peero for one on en borough borougorer bruh bruhovr boroughover
over the other We hear with delight th thshouts the theshout
ovr t oter b wt dh te tesout
shouts sout s of triumph tuph from lr the to rooters rt fo foeither tor toreter foteither
either eter side sideTHB ad adT sideTas
THB T BUMS pUn pl of o ttmnfJHng tWe under underremu ude Sixth Sixthavenue
avenue remu nnu at a Thirtyfourth Ttou street ee stresto so that thattown t ero erotown
town tow traffic te will l not Interfere Itre with wt noi noiand nor north northand
and ad south lut traffic tao appears appa In I President PresldcnCANTORS Pde PresidentCANTOSS
CANTORS CNT01S report to the te Mayor 11r for 1003 1003Tunnels 18 1903Tunnels
Tunnels Tnel at Thirtyfourth Tyfouh repr street s and ad at Canal Canalttreet Canalstreet
street tt and ad numerous nueru other oter streets tt would wouldbe wouldb wouldbe
be of the highest value valueCOLOR valuecoLoft
b te hbO vaue vaueCOLR
New XeW OrlMtnit ObjrcUoni ObJltona to Colored Colol Mens MensMuslo Meo MeoIIu50 MensIuiIe
Muslo IIu50 Rebuked Rbuked In North Norb Carolina CarolinaFrtn croU rolIna rolInaFroi
Frtn Ff Uu 1 7lol BIe IlaltgS l0fc Post TostThose 10 10To PostTh035
Those To who ho have bn chart cua cbar of the local l arrant arraniements arraniementsfor Cccol em ents entsfor
for the Confederate Cilledeate reunion at New Ne Orleans Orlrl very veryproperly Veryproperly
properly want WaI music mur and d call ra for tr twenty rty bands bandsThe band bandilbe
The T prpr bands bld of the tlo lb city dI dl all a belon blDI to t I a union loa and aadsome Ld Ldom andcorn
some corn om of them are composed of colored eolon people pople To Tosupply tosupply
supply the bl twenty tmp bands bd called eed for rake make It neces necesaary a aIT nessari
sari IT to t Include Ilitude some Imo at least Ifl of tbe lb 11 nrcro D artists artistsand a1 artistsand
to and bay bavebeen baybtll havebeen
and this 11 the local lol managers mue object obJet
been btll noUfled nllle by the lii union uloll that lbl unless u1M they Ulr accept acceptIhenrtribands acceptlhenerobanda p pIhr
Ihr Ihenrtribands Dt1 bl alone aDC witb tha tbwhlto ba wblte wt they Ibe Iblycanmareb Iblycanmarebwithout eanmarcb eanmarcbwithout on marb marbvlbou
without vlbou music musicWhere musicWhere
muc mucWbrr
Where Wbrr Ibo objection obJrlloD to the h colored ror musicians muldA can cancome cancome A Acme
come cme In II we w fall to see ar They ito will wtl only 011 be b employed employedfor aplor
for their 1tr music muse and Ad nothing nllllllr more rorad moreand and we w venture ventureto rtlr
to say er they III will wtl furnish tmls more mot really relr Insplrlnr luprtllr heart heartII be heartlilting
II Iltllr lilting tint music muc than IbA all the 110 other oUle band badmp bandscomposed composed of offordrners 0110reCliea offortiIben
fordrners 10reCliea u they Ibe are a areever ever dreamed dme of and ad more morereacblnt 10re 10reruelllllr morereachini
reacblnt after ae the Southern Sulllrrn heart heartWhy hra heartitby
Why tr the only an distinctive dtlctv American AmereL music muo todayare today todayare or orare
are th Ile lbs Southern SuUlea negro Otr melodies meue And when beu did didSouthern d4 d4Sulhrrn didSouthern
employing the colored band bandstrtnr bandstunt
Southern Sulhrrn people peple cease e eploJ ti colore band
stunt trliC or tooltnt IllIr toottn Instrument Ilidrmr or both boU for tr their theirstrictly Uler Ulertrte theirstrictly
strictly trte social la functions tliCUOlt We nave bY4 danced an a nlfht nlfhtUU Irhl IrhlUI nichlun
UU UI broad brad daylight dyUClil and cone home bore with wtl flrts clr la Lath Lathmorning the themomlnc UI UImorn
morning morn to the Inspiring Izprr strains Iralz of Old Frank r Johnado John Johnson Jo Jola
la son and Pompey Pp Lone LC and ad they have ba auccenaora auccenaorawho succasiorswho u r
who are ae quite u responsive rpDvo to demands dould upon Upll them themIf themIf
If 1 our belle bN and el beaux beu can of afffard fr to t step tep I to the tbemualo themusic la lamuc
bands old veteran afford affordto
music muc ot colored cor ba4 we od verU can U a r
to march marll to the strains Irl of Dixie Dllc or the Uocklnc UocklncBird Won Mocklngnrd
Bird Brd or the III Suwanee saN rubber bbf when eD rendered rder by byour b bour byour
our own OW Southern Sulliern darkles darlc and a If I any one 010 on 01 esrt esrtever earth earthever e ene
ne ever threw his lIUlllito soul Into his hI music muc It Is I our ou Southern Southernnetro Sulhern Sulhernnrr Southernnesro
netro nrr when brD he h Is cloning cloJD halleluiah beua touching t uc the thelltht UI UI11clll thelitbI
lltht rltr guitar ultar or tooting IUIC a familiar tmWa Southern Sulbern melody melodyon meod meodon
on a horn bomLet 10 10LI hornLet
Let LI the lb committee rmmUr of arrangement afllcrmlnI go on with withIts wtUlIta vjt vjtIts
Its business bUaliM The Old Vets Vei are ar willing wUoc for the sons sonsot 11 eonsof
ot their Ild old plantation ptlloD darkle dlN to make me ouslo 110 forthem for forthem tr trUle
Ule them anywhere anywhereARADOX aber aberPARDX nyvherPARADOX
ne e BotuniT BolUS I of t Star ltr Image Ime Lessened LeMenedby Lee
by b Artificially Araolar Agitating AstUo the te AirFret Air Airrm A
J1 Fret rm AisWaM A AMotl Report npr I ti Fret If L z L5R51y + fki f fVu fIM I
Vu Smatuinle S 1 Iiutf llU IRst1ion IRst1ionI isVtit isVtitI
I add a few words wrd ta reference recn to t your newly newlyntroduoed aewr aewr10trl0 newlyIntroduced
the h wellknow wellknowBeet weflkoowiieSect
10trl0 Introduced device denc for tr prevenUng preeaUlr
Beet eae of boiling bJr ol the teleacoplo tplo Image 1 a da d1 d1eully dim dimulty
culr ulty due to the earths ue atmosphere amophere and ad which wcb has haslisted b hasdialed
ulle listed always alwar and d everywhere efleN aad 54 which wd aaa hasKemed aaaeemeJ
eemeJ ne until WllI lately lal latt2 so e Insurmountable luroultb that Ila It I has hasiet hasnot u
101 not even nO been bee thought UuCI of aa subject aUbJe to correction correctionThe creUo correctionThe
The device that you JU have IAe suggested IUnele consists colII eases cuseatally tm tmUar easesUllir
Uar tally not D In keeping koplnl the air ar alrstlllwlIbtn still aUI within and ad ndslthout ndslthoutthe without withouthe Wlbou WlbouIlle
the he telescope Ifrp tube but In violently lory arltatlnc arlaUnl It over overj onrL overMreatarnseas
L Mreatarnseas j great rrl a range re as I possible pble A AllLoch 11Inch 12oeb blower bloe run runiy rn rnby runby
by iy an electrto rlrdro motor was as caused 4usd to exhaust ubUI air airrom ar arlr airfrom
lr from rom tbelnner Ibe Inlie tube tub at a halt do df dozen ten points pllil along alOIC the theube Iholub thelube
lub ube and Id to t force air ar In at a other points pRII alternate alternatertth allerllalwtUl aIleratwlth
rtth these ter so as thus Ulu vlolenUy voleUr to disturb dlurb or churn churnhe cur churnlbs I
111 he air ar by forcing 10rC a vigorous nroru circulation drUoa of It I along alongbe aollr aiongLb
II Lb be whole wlolo path pl of the 111 beam from f the lb coMostat emolal to the theolar Ihela theiclar I
olar la Image 1m ae This TI unquestionably uoquelal reduced ruo the tbeboiling IhobUllr thebotung
boiling bUllr The There Tere was WI a very IT marked lIIare boiling bolflOgclor boilingefore bIDIC bIDICbeor
the blower by another llier arrsnenenfl
beor efore starting trl Ile bler r arrange arrangeaenl Ue
This nearly disappeared while the blower blowerras
mrlll nenfl aenl t aur dappare who 1 bwu bwuI
ras I R running rDIIDC One observer obee estimated uUle theboiling theboilingjifouraftha UleboUIIICI the boUtng boUtngU
I U jifouraftha 10Ir1 fourfttthaovercome overcome OUOC another Ule thought Uull UUle more moreban 10re 10reIIA moreban
IIA ban a quarter Quarr remained rallled This Te last 1 result rel U I to tourprtslng a soneprising
nrprD urprtslng that la I fe I feel l constrained Cltrae to add that U thattbs thattbsii ths thsxpertmenta lb lbalrcllII
alrcllII ii xpertmenta so 1 tar la an a not Dl exhaustive uhauU having aV beta betaarrled beesMs
ceoa Ms arrled lledOnbu on but bt a abort aon time timeGood Ur UrOe timeGod
Good La f lor r M Tear TearY YeuFrOi
Oe L nu
I FrOi Y m the M LmtttOii Lt 1 rml r PS PSndward sf sfrd
rd ndward ward ard 8 Glaucock GILN1 ot Harrisburg HarrtlurI III who w pn pnrnlM pr p prudPd
vrlll rnlM th Ille wreck w1 ot the UI Dig Dr Four passenger pcne train trainbere icalohere ao aoIbrrr
bere recently rrtliUr bat b been br given a PSAS 1 iM for hlmajf hlmajffamily br bimeifi Jr Jrlalrovr
i s4 family lalrovr over Ibo tb entire system lor a period Pa0 ot otyata attltyda
1Jo tltyda yata yeau Ju yea M a reward ra
OuLrfM 01 Against ASaRe Bead of o Order Or of o Ui UiAteaemcqt Ue UeAeme lbAtesernent
Ateaemcqt Aeme t b bl > y Bbbep BO Coleman CelemanThe Colemn ColemnTe ColemanThe
The Te Rev Rv Paul Pu James Jae Francis Fc minister ministergeneral mser ministergeneral
general of otte the Order O of tho Atonement Atonementwith Atnmet Atnmetwt Atoncuieniwith
with er headquarters at Garrison Is to b bbrought bbrought
wt bqu a Oan I t
brought bulht to trial t Papers Ppr In I the to case C hav havbeen hayobo ha haboon
been bo prepared It is i said Bd by b Bishop Cole Coleman Coleman
man m pp of Delaware Dlw in i which whch diocese doC th thBev the theBy tbRe
Bev By Re Mr l Francis Frc is canonlcoily cncrdent cncrdentTe resident residentThe residentThe
The Te charge chg have hn to do with wth the teaching teachingof tahng
of the Rev Rv Mr Francis FrC who for seine me year yearha ytaha yearhas
ha ha has openly 0 1 advocated avote the t Episcopal Epllpl Churcl Churclacknowledging Curh Curhacknowleglnl Churciacknowledging
acknowledging the Roman Hom obedience obl no am amprocuring and andprrg anprocuring
acknowleglnl procuring prrg pardon te for the tin of having havng de denlod denlO doriled
riled nlO the spiritual spirtua pon supremacy te sn of tho Io Pope PopoRecently Pop
Recently Rntly there ther havo appeared ap several is ismee Ismiss I IUN
miss of a periodical called olo are The Tlo IlHlra Uunpf UunpfThey L
They Tey have hve not nt procal boon bn edited edte by the to minister ministergeneral mst minletergeneral r rgenera
general but have been bn pubUhe published from Torn thi thiheadquarters thebNquer thiheadquarters
headquarters bNquer genera of the Order of the to Atone Atonoment Atne Atnemet Atonemeet
meet met at Garrisons GarrisonsA
OaM OaMleer
A leader leer of the te Catholic Colo party In i the te Epis Episcopal Epi Episoopal ¬
copal o Church hur aid ad yesterday yetrr
The Oatholloi of the Church Cuh have hav ncyznpaThy n nrmpathr no noPhl <
rmpathr Te QthUo with the th position t taken tkon by b th thRev the the11ev < I Iv
Rev v Phl Mr A Francis Fcad1 wt and pton his Order Orer of tao toAtno Atone Atonement Atoneinset ¬ I Imet
inset met There Is 1 no element eleent among u u wh whdealre who whcdesire < I
Ter anc
desire d union with w1t the Church Cub or Rome RomeW Rm RomeWe 1
W We are a uon behind blnd wt the t te movement mv nt that t ha haurged b bai baipapen
urged uge Bishop DOI Coleman Clm to t prepare paper paperto ppr papenIt
to bring Mr lYaooia to trial trialIt
t brg Y t
It I unfair to charge t us u with the te burde burdeof buen bueno burderof
t wt
of such ua a a man m Somebody Smb gave pv his h orui oruia orer orera orde ordea
a o mountain moutl IUc at Garrisons Oan worth wor about abut abutad 300andupononeildeoflvheheeetabllahed 300 300and
and ad andupononeildeoflvheheeetabllahed upon one side sd of It be ha b eetabllahed etbUe i imonant a amOnlr a amonastery
monant monastery upn ry o so called and ad upon the he othe otheide oher oherIde otheside
mOnlr side ide hi his slater 8 under cle a Second Send uPn Order Orer of th thAtonement tho thoAtonmnt thAtonement
Atonement Atonmnt le baa ha b udr established etbUhe a mother houseJioth house houseDoth hoU
Doth Dl have hv been bn a mountain moutn to t u uTRACKS U UTIlCKS us usTR4C1S
Aldermens Adrmm Committee Commitee Hill 111 nrport ncpor Favoably Water Paor Waterably
ably on the Franchise FranchiseThe FranchIseThe chlse chlseTe
The Te Aldermens Aldenen8 Committee Cmml on Railroad Railroadheld Rlra Railroadaheld
held a public publc hearing herng yesterday yelray on th thfranchise to totro tIn tInfnohiee
franchise tro asked uke for by the te Union Unon Rallwa RallwaCompany Rlway RlwayCmpy RallwaCompany
Company Cmpy to t cross Cr Macombs Macmbs Dam Da BrideThe Bride Drde Drdee BridgeThe
The e Board Bar of Estimate Etmt baa b already ary fixed ftxothe fe fixedthe
the te terms ter and compensation cmpnMUon upon upn which whlcltbe whic whichthe
the to franchise trcl shall al bo b let and ad It now 0W re remains remaw remains
mains with the th Aldermen Aldenen to pass upon upn th thactual tIn thoaotu tInactual
actual grant grantIxmla grnt grntLul p
aotu Louis Lul A Couvilller Cuvler suggested IUSKOte that thifranchise the thotrncl thefranchise
trncl franchise 8 M now drawn drawnlhould should be amended amendeno amendo amendedso
no 1 as a to provide pr1do for on alnterlnge interchange of trans transfers trn trnfer transfore
fore fer between Ltwo the thl Union and ad Motropolltoi Motropolltoisystems Motroplt IotropoUtansystems
systems systemsSome
sYltm Some of thonn who ho npoke pke in I support o othe of ofthe cithe
the Sme franchise frnch tOI told Mr r Couvilller Cuvler what IUppr they thojthought theythought theythought
thought of him h1 and his motives motve in nome nomewhat 1m 1mwhnt somewhat
what emnhatlo emphato language lgu ge Father Mullln Mulllnahalctnu Muln Mulnki Muulinsliakthg
ahalctnu ki his h1 flit ft in the to direction do of Mr MrCouvilller MrCouviuler Ir IrCuvier
Couvilller Cuvier exclaimed exclaimedYou exclme exclaimed9ou
You are ar a nice nic kind kid of a man ma to t come comrher cme cmeher comeher
her her and ad oppose this th franchise to you U who whilive whoUv whofive
live Uv on the opp East Et Side and ad can c travel trn down downtown dow downtown
town on te the elevated elevt for one fare fa whllwe while whUewi whilewe <
we tw on the West We Side Sldea Sldeare are scorched srhe to t deal dealto de deathin
wi tle
In summer er and frozen tfzn to t death drt In winter wintebeoatue wntr wntrbu winterbecause
because bu we have to t walk half b a mile acro acrothe across acrossthe a
the bridge bridgePark brdge brdgePrk bridgePark m
te Park Prk Commiaaloner Cmoe Euatia Eu 1 George Orp W WMcd WMcAdim V VMorris
Mcd McAdim Cga Congressman OUle Gouldsn Forh Foedharn FoedharnMorris
Morris fora and ad many may other ote property owners ownersnaked owe1 ownersasked
naked the committee to recommend rmed the thegranting thegranting
ake omntt t
to te tegtg
gtg granting of the te franchise trch It I Itwifl will w do d eo eoECONOMY e eECOlOVY soECOXOMY
Commlaatoner of PnbUe Work Turns T Oat OatElectrto 00Elete OutElecirlo
Cmmone o be or
Electrto Elete Light to I the te City CU Halt HaltBTBACUSS U 11118T3Ac1751
BTBACUSS Sno April Apr 17 10wn 17OwIng Owing to a desire desireto der
electrio bills for the city the thedark thedark
to t save Iv eleo light bi te ct te tedk
dark dk corridors oror of the te city cty hall ha are a now nowlighted nowht nowlighted
lighted ht with wt oldfashioned oldfaion lantern latr Com Commissioner Cm CmmD CornniLaone ¬
missioner mD of Public Pblo Works Work Thompson Thompsonbaa Tompn Tompnb
b baa been bD insisting I on more mr economy onm In i the thematter te tem thematte
matter m of o light Ubt and a the to halls h have hv been beendark bn bndk beendark
dark dk Commissioner Omonr of Safety 8et Mutman MutmanIn Lt
In attempting to get to his office oto ooe In l the thedark thedark
t t i te tedk
I aD ct
dark dk tumbled over a mop pall akinnnd akinnndIng skinnedhis
h his itIna hn ad and It got i his te feet vet tt pl T TiIa mor morn mornlag
lag In be turned ture on one of the te chandeliers chandeliersIn ohndeltr
In front trnt of bis ba hi office ofo and ad the te elevator elvatr boy by
Immediately Immeatly turned ture It off ot o saying that tt he hebad beb hohad
had b orders from tr Commissioner Cmloner yg Thompson Thompsonnot Tomp Thompsonnet
not to oe let It burn bu Commissioner Cmlner Llstmaa Llstmaahad Llstmaathen Lta Lietmanthen
then t sent ent out and ad got ot a lantern lter and bun bun hung It Itup Itup itup
up te over ovr the door dor City Qt Treasurer Trurr F W WTrauKott WTugt WTraugott
TrauKott te also bung hu one over ovr his bs door doorlt dor dooralt
Tugt alt lt 1 is t so 1 a dark dk we are a afraid ard some Ime one on will willwaylay w willwaylay
waylay IJ us In I the t hallway hway and a get lt a bag hc of ofmoney o ofmea
money mea aid sd be beCommlaaioner heOroner beCommissioner
mn Commissioner Oroner Thompson Tompn when be b saw sawth IW IWwb sawwhat
wb what was 11on golnzon tu turned ot outthe te remsining remsiningelectrfo
elro electrfo light I in U the h hail saying rr t tht now nowt nowthey
t they th y had h lantern lt they t didnt df need n any anymore a anymore
mr more electricity electricityJUDGE eeat eeatJD eleotricdtyJUDGF
TtedenbBTtf vf Sworn Im In I at a Last Lt bet b Hi HiDeetsteo I Wi WiDeeten
Deetsteo Deu Mar Be Attacked AttackedTaxxTON Attre AttackedTasirroe
TaxxTON April Ap 17Judge 1udg William wU XL XLWednburg H HVredenburg n
Vredenburg Vnbu vra was sworn rr In I today ty aa a amember amemb amember
memb member of the te Court Cu of Errors Er and ad Appeal Appealhaving App Appealshaving
hvtgen having served five fv yean of a six Iy sIxyears sIxyearsterm years yearsterm r rn
term n without wtout taking tg the t oath ot of office officeIt ofc ofilcoIt
It ls understood that the members membr of the tbocourt thecourt
I I udro t te to toou
court have hv been bn aware aw of this t for ome someweeks omeweek omek
week ou k but the fact ta only became bm public publicafter pubUoaler publioafter
after the administration amltrt0n onJ of the t oath oathBomo oth othBme oathSome
aler U felt lest the
Some apprehension t validity validityof vdit
of Bme decisions d apprbno on In I oases ol In which whc Judge Judg Vreden Vredenburg Vrn Vrnb Vrsdenburg ¬
b burg sat It and ad voted vote may my be b attacked attke In Inhich I inwhich
which hich case o the t court our might m ht be b called o upon upondecide uponto
whch upn upnt
to decide dede a rather delicate dlcl point Jlt While Whilebe Wie Wiet Whilethe
t be Impression on rr seems el to t be b that tt the de decision decon docislon ¬
t cision I would wul hold that t Judge Judg Vredenburg Vredenburgi Vrenbug VrenbugW
W con was i a dofacto dofaco hol member mmb of the court Olrt It Is Iswn Iskw Isknown
kw known wn that th his h status attu has been b a subject subjectof IJe
of much anxiety axety to t the t Chancellor Ccr and andChief ad adCet andChief
Chief Cet Justice JusticeDRIFTED Jutc JutcDRFED JusUceDWFTED2000
DuUe Dismantled sntled Hulk Bu of the te Ebraezer Etneur Haggett HaggettIn Darret
In I Port Por at a the te Azores AzoresTbe AzoresThe re reT
The T American Aerc schooner ehonr Ebonexer Eneze Hag ITagt Ba Hagpa
pa t which whc was dismasted dmt and a abandonedn abandoned abone
p In n a November Novemb gae gale between btwen 1 runswiok runswiokJa rnok rnokOa
Oa Ja and ad New York baa b been bn towed twe to toflores t toFierce
Fol flores In the Azores Ar according arDg to t a de deipatoh de do15ALoh
ipatoh received by b the agents yesterday yesterdayThe
IIV agnt
lpt T The Se bulk hu drifted d aOOO 20 miles me before tor yeray yerayT aba abai ao aoW shewas
W was i picked up upman upI upn
I man n Balarle le of o Cetatry ett Minister MinisterFrom 11n 11ters 11tersFrets
From Fr IA t Carbifen ClrRIIUII IsSelUnccr IsSelUnccrTb allJife < nc r rTbe
Tbe n tyoteAtrvam W rl a an n Influential lfueta organ or of the tbeaptlst te teBaptt theBaptist
Baptt Baptist Church Oud baa ha ha lately latl furnished fmle a eyn eynposlum ym ym9lum n
poslum 9lum la which1 wc a number Dumbr of Baptist Darta pastor pastorsv put pastorsrave
pull why they desired to chance chancelelr chingheir
rave sv reason r w te d81 t o8c o8cUel
Uel heir pastorate put In on one particular ptclu they theyI te tea theyIl
Il I aT agreed < d namely nmel that ta It 1 U very er difficult difficulti d1ct d1ctt
a t lo i feed te Nw and 8d doth cot and d properly prprlr educate eu0t a aariDy f aranfi
ta ranfi ariDy nn on ethtlnc nlUI aslariecthe alarle Iarelte the averace averacealary uora uoraIJ averareiaIary
alary IJ of threefourth trourta of the te Baptist raster paotorsn p rasterthree tra
1 n three t New England E18d States Sttet h I reported rprt to t be beoly b beaiy
oly oly lioo Perhaps Ierhapa the te shoving ho would be belulte b beiou
Quit iou lulte a similar amUar in othr denominations denomiaton In Inlur Inour InUt
our lur own Church the averse aral U sllirhUy JhrhUy more moreSmall moreSm moreSmall
ow te
Small Curc salaries larll unsettle UaUe more 10r ministers ministersban mlnltr ministersthan
ban Sm any other one oe thine I Expenses Expnla In Ineaae 1 ineaae
a 1
ta eaae with th the e increase of their famllle and arjle andlb hI hIa
c lb le a growth w of their I children oUdro te and 8d It I I but butatural butnata butaturaJ
atural cw that tat they tOY tal si should uld desire delr a change changet bale
nata 01 t pastorate putrat for to to the te Improvement Impnmet of their theirnances theiroazica e
nances oazicaFifty nancesFifty
t a O
Fifty year ate though salarlM went WIN as asmall A asituall
1f toul eae
mall as now nowJ ministers were w r much better betterupportd betteriupportd ttr ttruppr
upportd mal Not Jo ot mlstr only oDI was W the te muc purchaptnv purchaptnvlower pUloha puchaIngDower lnr lnrper
lower uppr of a dollar dolar creator atr and tim tf demands demandsm
per m the puree fewer flr but congregations onreaUons found foundileimure foundplfOur foundreMure
01 plfOur ileimure te pur in I shame harln harl their teIr gent o things tlnt and andheir ad adIhelr andheir
heir prosperity with the e pastor r and ad hi hiamlly hie hieramlir
PoJJlt wt pt hil
amlly So 8 many ma trovaloM pro proelsione vision found their theiriy te theirway r rw
way iy to the domlnlns domlll larder and i so > o abundant abundantsupply Ibundanta
w Irer
a I supply tf of fuel ff1 lid to th te the woodshed wooshM and aId so soucb somuch 0 0muo
much ucb bar and ont ORV to the t barn bar that thl it wan wanot W witsmt
not muo ot altoKf atollther altoeether ther untnie what whr wn WM said Ntd ald of a cer ceriln crstn r rtln
tln iln church by b a retlrinir reUI pastor Patr The Thetlary Th Thlar TheaIiry
tlary lar curc may not seem Ilm large lar t but but It I means so soinch somich o omich
mich inch money and a llvlne ITlnl Anniversaries Anniversariesolldays Annlflr Annlvnrsarjeo11dye
holdar olldays and other ohlr ocxauilon oolone b bltla bsldss l < lns w wf wad wadInga l lln
dll Inga ln rs and funrrals Ilnrala were werf marked make by elfts elftsII RlruAl
111 II thi this has chanced canli The Te mlnlnter mlnlo r Is I ex exet rxp ciectsd >
Al ectsd et tl4 d to t provide pr01de evenrthln vrthl out of a lalnry ull aler alerehich
p hleh Is I not only tiara fxf but small arl and vary TI varyiften
oltD iften ten Irregularly Ir6I1rl paid paidFkrslclaa pll pllPld paidPhysiciss
Fkrslclaa Pld and n Iua Sauces rc a Im I a AppeadlcltU AppeadlcltUTo ppa4IdUI ppa4IdUIT
To T m EDITOK Ena OP THe Ta sv Sr Svsr r To T most 10 of ofb orlIIoere ofbe
b be members lIIoere of the Ua Amalgamat Amalraalld l Order Ore ot Ampu Ampusled Ampuppde Ampusled
sled Appendices ppde It will iU appear aprra remarkable rearable that thatay lh thaiIC
ar IC ay one 010 should luld question QurtoA for a moment Ilri the Im Imortant 1mpn tinortant
pn ortant part p that a physician pllFe plays pra In a cue U of ofippeadlciaa 01adU ofippeedieltiL
adU ippeadlciaa Aa A a member mrmb la good co standing IDC ofiltt of ofbat orha
ha bat order ore I Ila have a right rlb to speak el somewhat liwhl dog dognaUoally dc dcIUD dognaUoiIIy
IUD naUoally oa 0 fee subject IbJI Not N l many Da year e ago 0 I Ioasulted Ieultd
0 oasulted o Oe 0i of the most r skilled akDe n Iffl surgeons re eons IB I New NewFork Ne flewott
Yo Fork ngVdlag rn aa obstreperous oblrru vermiform Ynlor After Arura Atr AtruaaUoa
a examination uaaUoa b be said ac ssl Do D you ro know kDW what a I Irauld Iwold Iwould
wold would do If I I thought houclt I bad bd appendicitis appedcllt I would wouldirompUyconrjtt wuld wuldprpU wouldrorOpUyconEtit
prpU irompUyconrjtt colJlt a physician pbrdaa St Bke 1 for forlutanct forlutanctAd Iltc Instance Instancend
Ad d attn ea be said ad It I was tune lio tIm to operate opral Id call e a aurceon aurre aturgeon
urceon urre and not before betorC Van V DIM D DJyou nise1tivYesgApitlU
Jyou 1tivYesgApitlU
Packages Pare on the te Transport Tr Reward lewr From FromHong Fom FomBonl Fyo Fyohong
Hong Bonl Kong 10nr Addressed Attree to 0 Army Offlcrn OfflcrnWAsniNOTOX om omee omeeWsairnovo tl
WAsniNOTOX WL IO April Apr 17 1Te 11The The War W r rpartment D I Ipartrnent >
partment plet baa 1 boon b advised av that th an a effort effortwas eor erortwas
was u recently made by officer ooers
rt mae b army ay ofor to toemuggle t tomnuggle
emuggle suggle a quantity qutt of silks Ilk and ad curio cre Into Intothe It in inthe
the Philippines Pbpplts without wltout payment payet of auty
The Te goods Co were wer captured optu on o the army armytransport arT arTtrapor ftrmytransport
transport trapor Seward Sa which bad h Just Jut returned returnedfrom rturt returnedfrom
from tr Hong Hog Kong where wher she was under undergoing udor udorgig undergoing ¬
going gig repair repar Information Ifonatl given Ilvo by a aformer afoner aformer
former foner employee eplyo of the transport traaor enable enabletho eablel eableltho enablalthe
tho customs official omcl to locate loate the te article articlein atllt artlilesin
in I especially clpllly prepared prp lockers lockersLearning lokc lockersLearning
Learning Larig from some ar ore of the men me on Mud hourdthe Mudthe bnae bnaethe
the Scwaru far ward what hnd been bn going goig on In I Hon HonKong lon lonKong lIonKong
Kong he informed Infono the river rver and 8d harbor harborpollen hlrbr hlrbrflct harti hartipolice
pollen A search Ilarch WM WA made of the th vasaul vasaulwhich cl clwhich I Iwhloh
which flct brought to light lgh a number nuhr of pack packagen packieR packeges
agen two of them being big labelled lable with wih the thaname te tenR8 thename
name nR8 ieR of Capt Cpt Harry Har D Chamberlain ChamberlainQuartermaster Chnbrl ChamberlainQuartermaster
Quartermaster Quanller of the Seward Sa The other otherpackages otherpakgR otherpackages
packages wore wor addressed addr to prominentarmy prominent prominentarmy
pakgR prnmlet prnmletotcr
army officers otcr in I Manila lloll Complaint Cmplllt was wasmade WI wasmade
made aaalnst Iga1n t Copt Cat Chamberlain Cbrla and ad h hDavia hwa bti btiwas
wa was rUevc relieved trm from dUly by of orctar r n of f h0 h0Davis l lDam
Dam IJo was WI afterward afenar brought brught before beforeJudge bfor beforeJudge
Judge Judg CroHsfleld Clfei of the I he CustomCourt Cto Qistoms Cu Court of ofAppeal 01Appa ofAppeals
Appeal Appa but released rleM on hi h his own ow recognis recognisance lilz reootiznco ¬
ance ac nco for or a hearing heg later laterCOLLEGE laer laerCOLLEGE laterCOLLEGE
Columbia Clumbia Cornell Comtl and ad Pennirivanla Pmnlnnl Make Makea Mae
a 1 ThreeYear TI1ceear Agreement AgreementA A eemet eemetA
A triangular trogua debating debtng league le composed composedof
of Columbia Clwnbla Cornell Crel and ad the University Universityof Unvety Unvetyot omp
of Pennsylvania Ponylvona to t obtain obt for three te yean yeanwaa ye yearwas
was wa organized orgw1 at a conference onfernc of delegates delegatesIn delegat
In Earl Hall In1 yesterday yotray By the terms termsof t termsof
of tho agreement agrtmont the university uverty under underwhose ude underwhoto
whose whol auspices a debate b I bold hed shall aub aubmt sub submit submit ¬
mit mt tho to aupc subject subjet of the debate debat to t the te visiting vtalUnguniversity vU visitinguniversity
university at least leWt two months before bore the tbodebate thedebate
uverty mont to todebt
debate debt The Tle choice cholc of side ade shall a rest restwith rt rtwt teatwith
with wt the visiting vtng university uverlt and ad shall be betbe b bemade
made within two wek weeks of the receipt a of ofte ofthe
ma wtn te
the sub subject subjectNo subjet JoeL JoeLNo
te No student Itudent shall ehal be h eligible to t represent representnny representany prt prtMY
any of tho ho universities uverlles eghle during durng his h first flntyears lt ltyo firstyoari
years yo residence rdeno who ho hn has previously prvoUy prvoUyln repre repreoenttMl reprosented
oenttMl I Yale Harvard Princeton I or the thetwo thetwo
ln 1 Yae laart Prctn te tetwo
two other universities In In n the league lc In I de debate de dobate ¬
bate bto or any oy an uv > other rte university unlofty with wt which whch whchtY whichthy
tY thy have debated dobalo wthn within ten years yearsTho yer
To Tho 10 executive exolh committee of th te the new newleague n nl newleaRue
league l ue I la composed of Arthur Arur L L L Strasser StrasserPennsylvania Ste Strseserof
ot Clumbn Columbia omp lrak Frank L Ia Clle Carlisle ot Orel Qorneli Qorneliand
Md Henr Henry Dior LUlor of t the Unvety University of ofPcyl ofPennsylvania
Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaPROCATHEDRAL Pcyl PennsylvaniaPROCATIIZDRAL a apnO
Stanton 8tton Street Church al to Be B Transferred Transferredto Tae
to Episcopal Eplop City Mission MissionBishop loa loaBlehop kiaslenBishop
Bishop Potter Pottr as a soon eon as detail detaUc can be bearranged b bearranged
arranged arrged will wl give ilv up responsibility rlonbWt7tor for th thProCathedral te tePCthedl the theProcathedral
ProCathedral In Stanton Btatn street and ad the thework thework
PCthedl atrt te tework
work there tere will wU cease o to t be b part oftha ofthacathedral ott of the thecathedral
cthe cathedral foundation foundtion of St John Joh the te De Devine D bevine
vine ie By action aton of St Bt George Ors parish parishvestry pb pbVtr parishvestry
Vtr vestry on Wednesday Wedy night nght legal lep title titleto tte tteto titleto
to the te property prprt wo w was ordered oror transferred transferredto ttter
to the Protestant Episcopal City Mission MissionSociety Missioncloty
t Pttt Eplp Cf Won Wonlt
Society cloty lt and ad Blbop BUhop Potter Poter will w transfer transferTbe tfer tferthe transferthe
the Ithuton tnsttut1ona1 work t to te the same me letl society societyThe
The nme name PQtherl Protathedral will l brp brpTe bodropped bodroppedThe
Te The Te present prnt vicar vr U I the te Rev Rv Phil PhilKerridgo Phlp1 Philip II IIKerridgo
Kerridgo and ad his hl wife was formerly torerl1 Mia Miaa M MissGrace
Or Grace Kerdg Urigga a daughter dugh we r of th Rev By DrQisrIea Dr Drwa DrCle
QisrIea DrJg A Brigga of Unon Valon o Bmr Seminary te I it itwas
Cle A lrls
was wa said Bl by the Superintendent tuprtoent of the City CityMlneion at atlUaeon QtyMission
lUaeon Mission Society 6ety yesterday that tht no plans plansbad pl plansbad
h bad yet been bn made me concerning onrD1t Its manage manageen managemeal
meal en Tt He thought the present prnt staff li ata would wouldmain wouldrma wouldremain
remain main and ad tout the character ctr of the t work workitild wk wku workwould
rma would itild certainly continue ontu unchanged unchangedEXAS unchangedTZXAS
u oer u ufrX
PoD oil of Legislature Lratae on Demeeratl PemeoU Candi Candidate Cd caadldateOne ¬
date dtoOoe dateOne One Dryn Vote VotaAUSTIN VoteA VoleATSTm
AUSTIN A TIN Tex April AprllI7Ibe lrThe Texas Legl Leglituro Leala Lealalature Legilattice
lattice ituro has been polled to ascertain the thoreference Ihopreterenoe thepreference
preterenoe reference of It lu members for th the next nextMmocratlo outDemocra rztDemocrat
Democrat Mmocratlo io o candidate for President Tho Thohole Thocholoo Thehoice
choloo hole of the majority lie U lies between Parker Parkerf
ot f New York and Olney of Maasaohtiaetta Maasaohtiaettaarker l1ua1OhUBOttaParker MMWUaOttLParker
Parker ha hu a slight ht lead over Olney In num numr number aiimbet
bet r of expressed 8IP preferences but the Muss Massaitisetta AIauachuetta Mussnhuiettm
chuetta itisetta man U 1 In the lead when it oomee oomeej oomesto comaeto
to j second choice choiceA
A large number of member spoke In the tbeghest theblgbeet thehighest
highest ghest term of develand by reason of ofi oth oftie
h i recent utterance but they would not notblDlllty 00 00o notnpenly
o npenly declare ID h1a hI aver am a PrtIidentl1 PrealdaPcrLnamber
> blDlllty blDllltyA
PcrLnamber A small 2 Dumber favor Gorman pi tKlr7 tKlr7land p1L1 slary slaryand
land L1 and andU U 1 was dlaclosed ed by b this canvass oan that thatIryan thatBryan thatBryan
Bryan baa only one open adherent as a aurther aturther aruriher
urther Presidential Preslden al candidate A small smallLumber allnwnbez a1i a1iuznber
Lumber advocated Hill of New Tore ToreINN YolltINN YorkINN
llnmnl Ask Trustee Tralt t to Delp TtMsa ZesaIn GIlt OtrtIn GIltIn
In nulldlng It ItThe It Itbo ItThe
The Williams College Alumni Alumnitlon Anorla AesodaIon Anorlalon
lon of New York city held It Its annual meet meetDg meetIng meetzig
Ing Dg and smoker at Delmonloo last night nightL nightpetition
A L petition was circulated asking the trusses true tJuatees truesea ¬
tees sea of ot ofthe the college to support the plan plani planof
of If i the alumni to build an inn at Williams Williamsown Williamsown IJ1a IJ1atown
town own to be open all the thoyOU year round for the thefoommodation hoeacoommodation theicoommodation
foommodation of graduate graduateTho graduatesTue < radUtee radUteeTho
Tho followUxg foUo officers were elected electedrosidont slectedirealdont t tPre
Pre rosidont ldont Frederick B Jennings Jenntn 12 7Jj 72 vIe vioiresldents W Wcldente vIerealdente
iresldents John Tatlock Jr 83 and andI andbridge and3ainbrldge
cldente 3ainbrldge bridge Colby 110 treasurer am amO asnes asnesI
O I I Rogenon 63 II3L secretary Francis 8uthhFns 8 Butchlna 8Hutohln
utchlna 1900 Eieoutive J CommIttee CommlttoVila CommItteeB
B I Vila Beckwlth BO Edward O Bene BeneIct Benedict fleashat
dict hat 83 Charles B Johnson 00 gOd John B BheppardJr BSheppardoJr SlhepossdJr
heppardJr 91 E Dimon Bird Blrd 97 97harts 117Charles 7 7hsrfes
harts Parka 01 and William KvsrdsU KvsrdsUSURROGATE
03 03SUnnOOATB
BulIn Inflng g on the Proposed led Divides C the theGeorge GaeOeorre theGeorge
George P Ctlman Estate EstateThe ratatTho EstateThe
The refusal of Surrogate Thomas to ap approve eprove p prove
prove rove the compromise wpJch bad been beannterod beenenterod beenaterod
nterod Into ID to between the administrators administratorsf
ot f th the George F Oilman estate and andB endOeorge endOeorgeI Oeorge
B I 1 Hartford who baa been fighting for a abare aahara aliars
ahara bare in the estate ba hu been reversed ed by byM bytho bybe
tho be M Appellate Division The compromise compromisei
wa rue i based on an greement that the estatehould estate estatelould eetatoahould
lould be capitalized at 12100000 to carry carryn carryon rry rryIn
on In n the Oilman tea business and that tOO thodmlnlitrator tOOadmlnltratore thuthnlnletratori
dmlnlitrator should receive 11 I IOOO0 50000 OOO In Inreferred Inpreferred Inreferred
preferred referred stock while Hartford was to toat toJCt toOt
JCt at the balance of 150000 of preferred preferredad
and ad all of the 1700000 700000 of common stock stockThe took tookTbe tookThe
The Appellate Division says the Suite Suiteate Surroate SunOgate
gate ate had Jurisdiction and should have havxamlned ba baenmlDtd havezamined
xamlned into the merits of the oem oomromlse oemprom1ee comt
prom1ee romlse t The proceedings pfOOe i1n are aooord aooordigry acoordlngI accordugly
ugly igry referred back to the Surrogate SurrogateEARING SurrogateBEARINO Surrogate1EAIJNG
looker otter Washington W n Tells Bow Do He Ot a aUft aun aIAft
Uft Prom Edward EvereU Hal HalBooker Dale DaleBooker flaiLBooker
Booker T Washington was the guest of ofeachers ofTeachers ofeachers
eachers College Columbia University Universityesterdav UnlveraltyY UniversitYstardav
Y esterdav afternoon He delivered d an anaddrou iiiddress n nddrcas
ddrcas to tho faculty and student on onIndustrial onIndustrial onIndustrial
Industrial Education EducationMr Edu tJon tJonMr
Mr Washington W ngtln told how Edward Everett Everettale EVflrettHale Everetttale
Hale ale carried a satchel for him once la B Bn 8 8ton Itoon <
ton on > n before the two men had met Just Justanno two twoC8u >
C8u anno o he h saw that the colored man manoVlrburdenod wi wiverburdenod wiverburdenod
verburdenod with Ith baggage and con coohudod conludod omcludod
ludod as follows followsEach followsEach followsEach
Each onn can help to lift the burden fron fronlie tromthe frniihe
In so doing hn hnrill t tdli I Iwill
the lie shoulders IIhoul rs of the negro
iJ iJur
will rill be helping himself hlm lf and nd making hlmiwM hlmiwMur h1tnM4t1SC
4t1SC ur If this Is done the day will come comehen OOID OOIDwhon comethen
whon hen the moo problem will be solved solvedIREMENS 1I01vooInEE solvedrIflEMENS
layer ajor Ix Low > w Expected to Veto eto It ItIe It Would WooldCost WouldCost ODld ODldCot
Cost 2500000 9t > ooOOO a YearMayor Year TWMayor yearMayor
Mayor Low received yesterday ye a bU bUrovidlng blIproviding bUroviding
providing rovidlng for a twoplatoon system yitem Inhe In Ine Inthe
the he e Fire Department He will give a boar boarg boarIn boarrig
It la e erpecfrl erpecfrlhat i ieasun 1that
In rig g on the bill on Thursday erpeo
that hat the Mayor MU 111 not only tw Ill IllmeuUJP Ii Ii IinMsur
meuUJP easun but also the thrt thnoeplatoon pUtooti pollill poll pollbill petitiii
bill ill if it reaches him l nl Fire CommiJlon ConunWJorJrtiturj1 < > r rturgl S Sturgs
turgl wiy FII that to put the iwopjauwu iwopjauwurutern LOoplalNII1IY11lem twopistCuystem
1IY11lem rutern Into effect effeetwould would moan the addiuoJ ddItlO1or
or f 2000 firemen to the force and so 4 ext extoat rai raiMt
o Mt to the city of auooooo t oomft innMHy 4