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c 44 44VOL
iJ I ai Aftrt AftrtOoud
I 7 1If t Ooud todaYprobab1y rain tomcxrow tomcxrowfresh
J t fresh north to east
VOL 01 1XLO 231 NET YORK SUNDAY APRIL 19 1903coprg I IDOS br TA TAi 811 Sisn PTi1d pnt acI P145UM1O PublIlAI Auodelloft FORlYFOUR OENTSJ J 4
r1 1m SCfLlVAX l11n LIKELY TO BE BESICHIM J1 nzSIC11Lt A Astrlll
p psrr tlfr rr Will 111 A Uk k at t t the Impending Meet MeetIn Meefio U IiIl IiIlIn
In o lie llrroinlcd II olnlltd aj Member of ofrertithe ofeqjlIr ne nerrutht
rertithe eqjlIr Committee and ndon Wont WontTlirn Woit11Hfl De De111m
Tlirn May Ia aY Fight or Comprom CompromPatrick CompromlFtflk CompromhF3twk
Patrick Kocnnn K cnan who was aa City Chamt ChamtUiB Chamber ChamberIaiJI ChambWi
UiB umler uu < l r the Von Wyck admlnlbtrot admlnlbtrotuA dm1nktratlid
leader of the 8 8t 81x 81xt Suth
uA rd U I to > tho Tummany I
t uth rth th Assembly A mhly district has been oho ohoty choiby n nby
by trader Murphy to sueeed the th late Jc JcjlcQuaile Jotn JotncQuadt Jc1euade
jlcQuaile as treasurer of Tammany HalMr Hal UUr
Mr lr r K KI18 vnan nan will be elected to t that ofl oflt oftlco oftlcoat oflat
at t the first Ilr t meeting flOtlI of the Rercral o onil oItft m mchtt
chtt nil Itft The mooting will be held soon al altb alter alterthl iLltiM
tb tiM adjoiinmcnt of tho Legislature which whichto wh whLitotRk rh rhis
is LitotRk to tak < place nest ext Thursday The dls dlstalon diM diMMion U Uikn
talon ikn of the riandnmus secured by Don DonIMVC Doory Dooryl Dovijeasc
IMVC l the lie ccmmltloo free freete to organ organHr orlanhe orlanhelr organi organir
Hr lr r Ketimn Ia a wealthy man made madettriCt BO BOattract 1 y ycottract
attract ttriCt secured cured during his longcent longcenttfcn longC < urec ureclion
lion with T TmrriMY TmrriMYHI mmany mmanyHe 4 4He
He wo s a au a close d06 friend of Richard Crok CrokIn CrukIn Crobr CrobrIn
In his district III trict liven Jl eis William F Orote Orotek4 w wM ho hokllh
k4 M kllh the Greater Ore ter NewYorkDomocn NewYorkDomocnthere NwYork Nw J York Dmocr Dmocrthen D mocraoy mocraoythtrl
there Mr Grotc onoe Mid When Whenwent Whcnwtnt ben I Innt
went Into the thegamo game in the Sixteenth 1 1Ewnoit Pat PatIiftJlU I IEcfJlaIp
Ewnoit wild Id Fatty Ill put pu you on onbum I Ibum1 tho thobum
bum1 bum Andl And 1 niu muM lt wiy y hi h kept his hI word wordWhrn woniWlltn wordSVhtn
Whrn the th flrst mostlng me t1ng U held Devt Devtwill Devor Devcwlfl
will appoar and dema nd recognition recognitionIU recolJ tJon Ho Ho11m
11m IU lit through rough bin hl members of the gene genecommittee general generalcommlttre geneOfl1tfllttC
committee Ofl1tfllttC auk that thltthe the organization root rootdire rooog rooogIIbf rooalii
dire him OHmember 111 mlmber of the thoexeenUvo executive on onmttr onin1ti rom rommiUN
mttr miUN in1ti < As II tho Appellate Division DiviMondecided I Icompose haa haadecided
decided that the general oommlltoe may mayompo m mompoP
compose ompo 1 Its It executive exlCUUecommltteo committee as it 11 11hl Ukea Ukeahi UI UIh14
hl h14 application will be rejected rejectedjHP noJectedIII
HP II may then go to court but It was s sli lAId lAIdat si silat
li lat at t nlRlit nl ht that na that method meant meantlong meantloTig a alonK
long delay Devory might consent to tocoitipromlw tocorrprnniiu a arompromilOJ
coitipromlw by which DrWUIlam J Stewwould Stew 8tewart 8tewartIIould Stewiwould
would he recognize reco zo1 on a the executive me met memo memor mibet
bet t > r Or Stewart Htl art if chairman of Dever DeverAsBAinhly DeErya DeEryaeA DeverAniily
AsBAinhly eA hly district organization HJB fl nolOfTlllrl w wformerly wformerly
formerly with the Goodwin O otJwla crowd and andU andIi It ItIA
U thought that Tammany will make makey no nourtllr i ifiartJir
urtllr tight If Devery Dee wIll 11 ha hase Dr Stewi Stewinamed Btewart BtewartMmlll
Mmlll 1ht Povory ocry y controlling controUlPI8tewart Stewart Stewartlio will willI w wlJ4
lio I lJ4 > A tho real leader lea er but Tammany willThat will lie liert I Irdlevod
rt lIeod > or the odium o of Devery hhnael1 hhnael1Tllat hlmaeThat
That arrangement would woulduntil continua < onl onluntil on onuntll
until the primaries next fall when hen Goo Goowin GoowI lOod lOodIn
wI win In will again content with Devery ti ticontrol ths thscontrol Ucontrol
control of the Ninth NinthThe NinthThe
The TammanySocietywillmeet TxnmanySOcety TmmimyS cletywlllmfoet wIll met Mond Mondnight Mondnight ondl1Y ondl1Ynight 1
night to elect a new board of sachen sachenTenof NChemaTenof machenTenof
Tenof tho eleven will be reflected ro lectNl JoF Jo John JolF I
F Carroll resigned some IIOmetlme time agomkl agomkla 9nwdnK 9nwdnKa
a vacancy which will bW b filled it Ia predict predictby predicted predictedby predIctty
by the election oti Timothy D Sullivi Sullivithe 8ulUvana ilUva ilUvatiifl
the new Congressman of the Battery a aWalt an anWall ai aiWall
Wall Street Big Tim wan ws received I Itho Into Intothl In Intt
tho tt Tammany Society at its te last meet meetBy m xntlr xntlrBy lnl lnly
By y Ms electlon to tbe board of t sachet saoheLeader sachetLeader ohema ohemaLPadEr
Leader Murphy will gain ain a man there thereho thcrehe thereho
ho will advance his own power by b the thelntMPnt i ipolntmont a apointmnt
polntmont lntMPnt of Patrick Keenan Kt nan a u treasu treasuof trtAIIWCl treaauzof I Io
of o the Wigwam WigwamPART WlgwamPART WigwamPART
Devery Dever Will WIIIMUeh March to t Tammtay Han HanW HaDW Hanw
W Stephen 8t rn Derery DereryBig Dce DceDlgDI DeveryBig
Big DlgDI BIU 1 Devery and his lieutenant lIfUto lleu uaxiti aritl hi hia h hia d dmeetlnc
a meeting last night at the chib ub rooi rooiin rooma roomaIn roozIn
in Eighth 2l < < hUl Av ATen nye eo4 and sd registered SIgn slgiiturtjf SIgntutt I ItUItUrombQut
tUItUrombQut tutt turtjf frpm4bput X 3OOStIthbet m Mmbert mbert of of o the therJ tkaCM tkaCMeraJi Hn HnrnOommklee
eraJi rnOommklee rJ Commit Comm1tta t of th tM dlstriotoertlfyli dlstriotoertlfyliIhnt dlrc rlyi
tIt William Wilam 8 D Devryures DYas v orwn9 duly duy Ileeft Ileefttn lect4 lect4tn ee I Ito
tn the Executive Committee of Tammai TammaiHill Taany TanunaislIi
Hill I Dry Eeutw l nnounoedr Cmtt that htha hthanerd When JJ JJpnersrCommft I
pnersrCommft nerd ot rau mltl mtttei e h6UU b I t next st meetlill r meet nQIlI
lill Oer4 ibether b U thi t wthbraw lt th bt bMs bopds d Eater Eaterplenty laio laioplenty or
plenty I of 0 rod fire flr and cheering chrlC followeand followe rol foliowerand OW81
and od Committeeman CommltteemanThe demarirt den r to t fr o < b bo recognized rgl reoognl a Executl ExecutlCommltteeman ExecutliCommitteeman eU
CrmltMma The BIg Chiefs parting remarks rmk befohe befo btor betoibe
he Te retired rtir retlredIaat last Clet night partnc were wi We will wi gi1 gi1tbnm ghthfTfl
tbnm M tho fight tght of their thellve lives I tell tel you youmid youtntd youa1d Kve Kvetbm
mid he 1 I think thnk the trouble with Charl CharlMurphy Clfl Clfllurphyl CharIMurphy
Murphy Is that he dont want wt men aroui arouiMm arourhim runi
Mm lurphyl that has that handles handll to their the names name 111 111BI lie lieBI II IIall
BI 1m all Larry Dick Tom or Dan D Hereaft HereaftStephen Hereter HereterI IlereaftiI
BI I UCM Lnl 11 iii he have t to chop chop my ne name In te temIddle U UmIddle
mIddle 1 1 and do lke like Jim 71 m Cr Cram IJ8rgnt IJ8rgntCr 1 Bergeal BergealCrarni
Cr Crarni I dd did 11 Ill cl call myeel myself after rter tb thia W WStephen V VStephen
Stephen Dover Dovety After Ater I part prt my nat natiIn name nameIn natIn
In tho th middle Dve I I guess Ill Il have b to part pr n nhair my myhar m mhair
hair har In I tho middle middleYou mdde mddetou middlel1 1
l1 You ou know that old raying about wh whthe whrn whrnthe whethe <
the Devil was sick a Monk he would woud b bHome be beSme bSome
De1 wa
Home of these tht Monksin Monkl Tammany Tammy no noJ now nowuno
have Sme uno only lot to take tko ot o J their thlir eho ehoea ehoeadipIay i ineo to todl
dl dipIay play the split rlt feet It Ilnt atnt a lone tlmo tlmoalo tim timego
ego neo when hen some of them thought the apt aptfoot splt spltr spilrt
alo foot r t weremarks weremk of honor and didnt mak makany mae maea malcany
any < attempt to cover them and ad youi youitnilv youitruly
yurs yurstnlf
truly a Ittpt was the marker for them thm thmTe I IThe IThe
tnlf The pooplo mrkr of U thla tile > ls district dltrict are ar with rr rrand me mead niand
and ad Te the pplo nastier the deal they try t to gl glmo live glv glvme
mo in Fourteenth Founonth nuter street tt tthe the stronger strongerwill strongerwifl Itrnger 1
will 00 get The rxviplo plo down d01 here her like lk fat falpiny lair lairIJr fatv
11 Te
piny v These 1 bluffers hlie opgootte oPlollte Tom Sharke Sharkeplaie Shkey ShkeyJa Sharkepia
pia plaie Ja ie otni Q1 paliy thomeelve tho eln white 1hlte as a m mexpense my myetpl mexpenee
expense I want wat no other endorsemei endorsemeitlian endQrent endQrentIhan endarsemerthan
than etpl the one I get Iet from my own dlsirie dlsirieIf diltric
If any Tnmmany TammlY leader Ifdfr can On do as well i ime a ame
me in this town twn the th Republican Rpublc party partyup py partyup
up on a kite kiteTOCALL kiteTo klo kloT
Remit Rei ef ef the ho Discharge P MaIe of One Ce of o I IMm Ill IllMen
Mm ll ramlntnK E amlnng the Citys nt Aecomt AecomtMocxr Afat AecountsMorr
Mocxr 31017 VERSOK N NY Y April Apr is ISEu ILEugen ILEugenShinn Eugei EugeiShlnn ne neShinn
Shinn who was 18 discharged iU8hl today taYI as chic chlof chler chlernl chicAt
of the staff Ital of experts os rlho who are ar making mklnK i iInvestigation a ainveitigitlon
Investigation of the accounts aUDtl of Mou MouVrrnon MotirVernon Iount IountVrrnon
Vrrnon has 1M attacked attake the manner mcr in I whit whithis whlrh whlrhhl whkhis
his hl employer Samuel D Patterson Pattrn an a ai airountaat Sc SceOutant
rountaat fUtlut with offices omcl In New York aa aaCVci ad adClcI amCtlc
CVci ClcI < 3 hw h1 been On carrying crngon carryingon on the work wortM workI
M I Shhn alss ale has h retained rtained a lawyer an anwill anwiJ nd
will 1 lx hfRln > gln n suit lult uft for damages d mls against aganlt Mi Mifatttwin MtPattri Mr Mrr1tlrt
fatttwin for nllpRed a defamation of char chaiaot charaetpr
r1tlrt Itdefaton
aot aetpr r The Investigation Is about but one ha haonmplcted h hnlmpicted
onmplcted Te and IEltgaton has h already alrAy cost Clt tho cit citt3OIjflO cty
130000 130000An t3OIjflOA
3 An A n mult lult of ofShlnns Shlnns statements IIIImants Jowp JowpS Jo ph phR
S Wood Wod ooc1 a prominent citizen citzn who too toopart tok tokp1rt t tpart
part In I the thf Injunction Injuncton proceedings p dlDg to pn pnv pr prent
v nt th tht srondlng of any an more mor money o otho othR on onth
tho th investigation will wi a 1kth uk k tho taxpayei taxpayeito IsS
to c cU IIltllUon U A mass meeting metnr to Investigate Ineltate the Ir Irvcstlgators I inVetfgatom
vcstlgators vcstlgatorsvvsEr VetfgatomVVVSE v tlgtol tlgtolUrur
vvsEr CHAMES uta MID MIDnnmorThtt MINDItumorThat D DRumor
Urur InAOE8 118 l
Rumor nnmorThtt 1at Doitoni F rmlnl Erntng fntng Jecmal JecmalMay JeernalMay ml mlI
May I Not Dr Knipfndfd KnipfndfdDOSTON otpendtdfloirox oa
DOSTON DOSN April 18 111 ILThe The Frentno EWII Jotmal JotmalI Journo JournofeJiod OMrna OMrnafdld
fdld I to toRY fny a word of farewell tArwl to It Itff Itradpe Ita ItartldI
ff rtldI radpe d rs this thi afternoon afmon wnr although athouhMr Mr Mun MunVT MunfT MumWi
VT fT ttie proprietor had h announced anouno thah that thatI thath
I h would suspend publication publcton of the th evening eveningNlltloM even1ndIt1o
flton NlltloM dIt1o with IU5pn Ith the late afternoon a mon Issue INe to tod tod todv
d dv v The TE rumor was a circulated clllild througl througlMpwjppor thruh thruhSfmlpr througiNewpipnr
Mpwjppor Sfmlpr Row Rw tonight tonlcht that Mr I Munst Munsti Munl Muns3 Muns3thnged
h i A phitngod his hi mind mlr about ahut carrying ou ouIII nut nuthi
III II rhilfd plan P pt 1 of o consolidating conloldatll the cr h evening eveningMllons ecnl eenbgtdilon
Mllons lonl with th the morning mom Issue IssueMr INU issueIr
Mr Ir Mtinsoy 1MY wih ti left Boston BOI 01 for or New York Yortrs YorIrirday
rs r rirday crday rda afternoon Two T hours latei lateinii lter lterni latetfliin
nii ni fliin in tn Manager MMalr rttrmon Wlnirate Wlnlate was w ordered orderecto
to follow 00 by bFJhe the nxt xl truln trulnTli tminnje
Tli 11 nje < > day composlnc complnl tn room rm foroa rOf has h beer beerorlcrcd Jen Jenorllred beenorhrcd
orlcrcd orllred to report for or duty at the regular reculaihoir rllar rllarhOllr regularhoii
hoir lr Monday being beinfhollaiy beinga
on tn Tuesday morning moring Iond
a hollaiy h011 and ey the men employed emplo In I thiprtu the thopr thePrFt
prtu pr I and nd BtorrotyplnR rooms rom were wer re reqwMed requested
qU quested ted to come cme strotynI around aoun on Sunday Bund fore foreIMIU forefjfl
IMIU MOi fjfl for or the final fnl word wordU ord ordI
U I u raid Id that Mr Munsey Mun prepared i ifarewell a afftrwelI
r prpr prprlalel
farewell editorial article arlce for this evning evningf venlngV venlngVcopy
lalel otorial
ieNIte f but It did not appear Some Bre or the theCop te teCiN
copy CiN Cop readers rader who expected ex appr to t loss 10 the therw tholr tholrr thah1lca
wh te
could ou oouldTe rw r 1lca 1Id s remain remainTV were wr told thU th afternoon ateron that tht the thecould they theyou they theyoould
rm rmt
TV t N St Sw > w York Vorl Ctntrtri 70hour r tt ITI train ta laM PMM PM Purgri
M rgri ITI only ot tot or Chluro C ro To tt test bl stcommo stcommocuiont aIIO sCeonOotoA1
cuiont ralllf 011 It u I vtU U to tpplf allr tn ad adrMCeX
Got llunn UunnDfUnt Deciinn D elthes Dill DillDoyen Di DillDoynn to tolllthe Kirn Ige the Repeal RepealDill Rtpalnl RtpalnlDi RepealDill
Doyen DOUJ Del Dl Del0 April l8nclawaro l8nclawarostill 18nlal i istill 1
still si have tho Addlcks VotersvAB8lsta VotersvAB8lstalaw Voters ot I Alawni Asa1sta Asa1stalaw
law lw Oov by Hunn HUrn allowed aloo midnight midnigh to oowithout oo OnO OnOwll0lt ccwithout
without wll0lt attaching atlhlng hi II his signature gnaturo to the thepooler thepoaler roo rooper
pooler which whlcl by a coalition cltlon of thnDeri thnDericrats thn Demo Democraten Den Dencrate
crate craten and Regular Hsular Ilepubllcans ltpublcns posi posithe pWe pa pathe
the Legislature L 18ltur toward towar the close clo of I Irwerit t I Ireoedt o ot
rwerit t rt sositon Ilon and an whlrh hllh 1tkh would he heabolished Ii Itsalled avo avoabQllo
abolished abQllo the thoaYfto sytom of voters votfrs asslsta asslstaat ailtnnt ailtnntat auiMaat
at general inerl elections oloUonllnthlattto In this Utato UtatoTho t4tatoThe
The 110 Regulars Rglra and ad Democrats Dmorats chars charjthat chrso charsthai
that the tl0Adlck Addlcks men mcnus used the VoteAssistants Vote YotaAsastante
Assistants tt law lw as Aa a means of ascertain ascertainwhether Iralnlng IralnlngWheUler atcertainIwhether
whether purchased pua voters otel delivered delvor i igoodsb tho thoojI I Igooiatn
goodsb ojI the tle election ol ton booth bth TheAddli TheAddlimen Te The Addlck Addlckmen Addhmen
men in Ir this thi way they charged cargo spent spenllarge spentlarge pnt a I Ilarge
large campaign c Ign fund ui I In the Interests Interl of i icandidacy the I Icandidacy I Icdidacy
cdidacy candidacy of J Edward FAwaniAddlck Addicts for I IUnited tho thoUnltl I IUnited
United States BtDt < S Senate SenateThe SenateThe Snat
The Th Addicks Addlck men In their hearing bering bofi bofiOov brors brors00y botcany
any Hunn and Id In their public publo prints prlt a autterances and anduteranc aUtteranocj
uteranc utterances declared dolare that bribery bribr in De Dewore Dela Delaa Doware
wore a could culd not b b be stamped IItamp out out or p praoted pimoted pro promoted
moted by the te votersaiwUfanta votOI votors asalsants 1at8 that h hircdM hun hunde In Incfred4
de ircdM of ofvoters voters could culd not begin bln to vi viIntelligently viIntefllgontly ote oteInteUlgnty
InteUlgnty Intelligently without assistance altanoo with Ith th thblanket tholr tholrbanket thbjanket
blanket ballots that tht every man mn had a ci ciit con consltuton cc1itutfonal
sltuton it Itutlonol bJOtl right to vote vot and havo it I oounti oountithat oountlo countithat
tht that without the tle voters otel assistants assistantspointed 81tatl ap c cpointed
plnt pointed by an a AddlcUs Addlc Governor Oovror that tha t hat par paralthough pry pryalhough paililthouh
alhough although the dominant omlant party prty In Kent a aSussex and andSUX aBuasex
SUX Sussex counties counte could not have repMutation rep repre represnttlon repitetitatlon
snttlon Mutation Inside the election eleion rooms rma and andthe andthe In Intht
tht the custody ctoy cu tody of the ballot blot on election cetlon da dawve datave day
s wve where hfr they were wer fortunate rortuao onou onouX onugh onught
t X o > elect elot an inspector inspectorThe Ilptr inepectorThe J
The T last contention bad hld weight dgb wl wlho wih wihthn wiLhe
thn ho Governor Ooerbr for only a few days ago agowAd agotaid ho hold
ld wAd to a friend friendWith rrlnd rrlndWlh friendViih
With Wlh the voters TOCI assistantstho Itstantl assistants the he unl unlRepublicans unIon unIonRpublca uniRepublicans
Rpublca Republicans are ar enabled to have a re nrr nrrlotath rci rcieDtaUve pi pitentative
lotath tentative inside Inlide that election electon rccm I Iwithout lut Ilthout j
wthout without them they can ca have no voice voiceverslght voiceverslght ole or oroTnlgh
oTnlgh > verslght although nthough they compose compe iieai iieaiill learly Itealtil
11 ill the Republicans Rpublcl of Kent county a atlne aietentha and andnlnotnth II
nlnotnth tlne ietentha t nths of the Republicans Rpublca of orsuru orsuruwe Bur BuriVere ursc urscIem
we iVere It not for this thll feature rfatur no power powerlarth Jcer en I Iartb
eah larth could prevent prvent me from signing Ilgnlng tl tlepealer that thatrpaler Ui1pealar I
rpaler epealer 1pealarThe epealerThe
rpalerT The T two tw bills bila which got gt the pocket pklt ve veire yere eto etolr
lr ire re An A ret tc to repeal r nn cct ec entitled i ict rn i ict I
rt ct to create te voters vte isslsUuts 111 uts end e nd reg regbtlng rlgu rlgu1tnlle regcting
1tnlle btlng the duties dutl thereof therf An net ac Inireu Inireung Irt Inretirgthe
Ig rgthe ng the powers pers and duties dutie of the audttiif audltf audtti
or if f accounts aunt accounteConcerning accountsConcerning
Concerning Cncmlng the veto vto of the Voter Votef A Ailstrnts Aiiatinte A
lil ilstrnts nt reperler the Governor oomor said saidI MA
I have h rprer only to wy y tInt tht I have hle dothot dot don dorbat i
tht hot which Recording acnlng to the thl best bt llgl llglcould lght lghtI ligicould I
I could culd get works the tl le 1 Dt t harm hr and t tmcfct the themcet ti timcbt
mcet mcfct gocd g to future lrtereets Irterutl of tho State SttcSUSPENDED StnteSV8PEDED StateSUSPVDED
Yold Youth nth and a Girl Gir tn t litton 1lo Seminary 8 mlnar To Toto Told Toldto TOto
to Go Home lo1r HomrTbey They Marry Mal Inileart InileartTnmm Inltra Inltra1N InitcadTUJTON
Tnmm 1N N H April Apr 18 18Freerck 18Frederick 18Frederick3utter Frederick Frederickalter W WButor
Butor alter who has ha been bn working in 11 a sto stouarry Itone Itonequr stotIUAXTY
uarry to earn em money to carry mr him throuj throujilton throuruton throug
qur TUton ilton Seminary Salar the leading I dlg Method Methodshool Metholt Metholtehol Methodiichool
ehol shool of New Hampshire Hmphlr has ha eloped elop wigirl wi wth wtha witI
a I girl lrl student wl who is I 18 The Te your yotupmans youreornana
wom eornana pmans lrlaunt amine pm is f Hejep HeJ F Flwnc Lwrecc at atr axirhomeIs nd ndh
h irhomeIs r home 1s in ltu inoud oudon oudonButter n nBler nSufter
Butter hml who wltoIa U 1 24 74wucaught was caught by b one oneo o oneho or orthe <
the ho o Bler faculty wh of the Ucugt college paying pylg pylgtUou a aC aflltt afllttptitlous
C ptitlous titious Ilcuty vlnlt to MlM cleg MlaaLawrence Lawrence in tl tl6frd tbe tben Urect
6frd tUou rect WlDg vlt n a sj toMlnc thegirtsdormltonr thegirtsdormltonriQed thegiijs do doiltor doiltorIed 10 L
iQed n Ied jTMey They yen were J suspended sUIPrre the1 Then el UM UMere theoardec eY I
oardec a train rin for BunoQk Sunok whlr where thy thywer the theera
bnie ere married by tb th the Rev Jv Dr H Hartwf Hartw HrtweU HrtweUoHh lIarLweftheMethodist
wer ftheMethodist f the mr Methodist Episcopal church churchIt o urh urhIt
oHh It is MthltEplD reported that tht they have hve gone gonelarre to toBr I Itarro
Br larre I Vt Vt rpre where h r the young man ls 1 undetood under udlr udlrIIto undertood
tood to have secured work ork Suiter was waslumber wasember a amembr
IIto membr lumber bTI of the senior r nlor class c and has h fo fotlted lor lorlelted fottited
tlted his diploma diplomalIE diplom diplomTnE
ew w Cruller C11 Kent ent Into the Water atrr Fro Frothe Fretthe Fom FomIhe
the Newport Ne1lr News e11 ewi Yard YardNEWPORT lardNaweotiv ar arNzRT
NEWPORT NEWS Va April Apr IS lAln In th threwsnce threrence the theprnc
rewsnce NzRT of lOjom 10 persons prnl Including lt1cudlnc Gov Govhlt 001 001Whit GoviihLte
Whit ihLte hlt of West Wlt Virginia and Montagu Montaguf Iontlce Iontlceof
of f Virginia Virgini the cruiser cnr West Wlt Virginia Ylrglna wi wilunchod wetunehed U Uluah I
luah lunchod at 1 oclock oclek this tMI altcrrecn aleroon MI MIatherlno Mhaiherino SF SFKtherlt1o
atherlno Vaughn Vlughn > thite hlt hlf daughter dauGber L L6v of ofO c cov
O 6v v White Whie broke the tlo bottle Lette of otwie otwbe wue and andamed ad adnamed andinied
named amed Die ship Ilp amid the cheers cllrrs of tl tljectators the theSpAtOI th thpectatora
jectators and nd noisy nol y din di of the river era erailutet crlt crltaute cml cmliluteti
SpAtOI ilutet The weather was B ideal Ie and r ricldent no noIcdent ii iiicident
aute icldent marred the occasion occasionTho Qlon QlonTo occasionrho
Icdent Tho To West Wet mar Virginia Virgiia is one of a new ne tyj tyjF typr ty
ot F vessels 11 now no being added to the nary naryThese nAV navjThese
statlstloj of th threit thla thre3t
These are the general gnerl attlltlOJ
reit Te Virginia ar la Length Lngth on load loa watt wattne wattr wattrIno wattno
ne 803 feet ret beam On extreme etrme C n feet ect t 6 6ichea J Jiches
Ino iches 6 draft on normal noral displacement dplcment 0 c <
Inh8 1078 tons drft 24 t feet tet I inch full load rod displace displacetent dl dieplactent plac placment
ment 1181 tent alt ammunition and stores eto on boon lard lard1lo
1104 tons designed indicated horsepowc ltorsepowcii000
1lo 1000 tOI speed dtlpned 22 knots Incct I coal 01 hOMpwcr supply fu fuunker fedunker ul ulbukEr
20 unker Ile capacity ISSO 1t tons tOI complemen complemenr cmplemnt cmplemntof
bukEr cpcity
of r officers omcl 47 complement of soamei soameilafines smea smeamfnt seameriatinee
lafines etc 783 783There 783There
mfnt There are et two 78 sets Fte of vertical vrcl Invertei InverteiIple Invertei1ple Imerl
Ter ar direct acting proneilin proneiliniglnos prope1iing1noe
triplo Iple expansion ex on dre acing proplng proplngenlno
oollectiv oollectivarse couectfvionto
designed for 23000 20 oUeho oUehoI
enlno dMg rewlutlonn a minute minuteach minuCath
onto power at 120 12 rlutoM mnut
I hor ach engine Is II placed In a separate lpte water waterght waterIJaht waterfht
ght c compartment and has cylinder cylinderfa clnders clndersI
IJaht 11 fa Inches comPment 83JJ 63 Inches InchC and ad two 74 inche inchelameter tnchiameter
I s lameter by tH 48 t Inches stroke of piston pistonteam puton putonI piMonteem
I dimter Bt8m team at 250 pounds poundl pressure plur will il In 10 sup suplied suptied IU IUI
or orthl
sixteen watertube boilers o oi oe
lied from atertub blei
pled Babcock IlxNn Wilcox marine tyi type > e Th Thjllers The ThebUers TiciUers
I thl i e Bbk a Wicx mno
jllers are arranged In six watertlgh watertlghjnjpartmcnts walerUghtI watertlghmnartments
bUers jnjpartmcnts a The ngc total tol grate Kte 6Urtio 6Urtioid turtzortfie
I of comprmcntl rtfie the sixteen biers boilers lI1 is square lul l feet feetd < t tand
and id d the total tot heating hNtlng surface surao 1 1 hi 70944 squai squait luaE luaEIt squariet
The smoke are four in nutate nutateandlng IUlbr IUlbrtndng Ilurutieratiding
It et t To Imoke pipes plp ar
andlng fore and aftAn aft aftAn
tndng An armor tor belt extends extend af flvp five feet fet belo beloid blo bload beloid
amor feet above normal load line an anom nnd nndtrom antem
id d four nonal loa lne
ad trom om stem lot to stern abo It is six Ilx inshes In h thlc thlcthe thick thickat thielthe
tler I
at the top and five 110 ve Inches lchel thick tWcl ut It the bot botim bt botrn
The armor or topers t at the ttem ttem anr anrern nncem nnd nndlit
tm im em ern to a thlcknetn tWcknefl an api of three threl and Ind onolml onolmlches onehlif onehlifInce
lit ches The armor on the thl Hlchborn Jch rn bal baliced 01 01anc battoed
Ince iced oval Te turrets with th inclined IncUne par porates paratea prt prtlate
anc ates iselz six and tur onohalf nnhllllnhO Inchon thick Ihlt 01 01e on onthe otiO
the late e port prt l plate and Ud bis sx I Inches Incl thick on th thie thteM
ie teM and nd rear rearThe rerThe
ed The main r battery battr consists cnslstl of four fou 8 8ch 8Inh 8ch
ch breech mn loading riflw rlflesmotmted rine mounted mounte twieach two twoIn tweach
Inh brh lOdng thi thiasel thn thnel thieeel
In each turret on the th centre Cntr line InO of
asel There are fourteen fourtn 8Inch rapid rapidt rpld
el Ter and a a secondary battery btery o othteen 0Rhteen of oft
t runs n fndar
1 thteen Slnch and twelve Sjiounde Sjioundens 3louder 3louderIM
Ighto besides four onepounder auto outoitlo autoatlo
ma ns onepundtr
t IM itlo guns gun bdH four our oncixmnder rnpldtln rnpldtlnns r
mto ns six gl ix Colt Colt automatic guns ns two ma maIne mar maIn
chne gM In Ine gun guns rr ix and two 3lnch a1cb fluid ftld guns gunsDank gunsflank gUl gUlDan
r Dank Dan Merger U rrr In n M fl Pant PantT rautST
Ex Exngo Exchanc Exsf10
ST T PAUl April 18 18The The American AnlcrlM
ngo National Bank nk forrnerly tiro tlr North Northi Norh NorhI
I em chanc ii i Savings Brngsand and lh tl the lorffry Union Bank tn tnong two twoItrng tweong
ong State Statt Institutions Inatltutons are ar to bo b mmv mmvo mtr11 mtr11I <
I Itrng Into o the American Arltt National Natlonn Bank nk Joscpl Joscplokey JOp JOpI Josepickey
I okey formerly Awlsant AF1ont Aeais ant Coinmlfslonei CoinmlfsloneiPensions Corn ConmlssionePuflaona flluner fllunerot
Lkey ronnrlr in to be presirLnt pn sUknt 1 jiei ho I foraia foraiatarilzatlon fornaan1zatton I Ioratton
ot Pensions pn lemt
oratton Plonl tarilzatlon an1zatton V will wl be b completed ollted on Monday MondayFive Mondy Mondyfve MondayFive
fve Five Chlne CnNe Chinese B From Fom Canada Arrttted ArrtttedERIE Arrestereva retel retelEus
l8ChlnceeIn 18Chlnfu l8Chinerelnspeetot l8Chinerelnspeetotmea pccto pcctoroes
ERIE Pa April Aprl Infptor InfptorJae
Eus roes A Andcnon of Dunkirk arrest arrestChinamen arrested arrestedC
Jae Andefn hero thEe owning lnlng on th thwge tIn thochi tInarge
C Chinamen her thl
11 Ciamen of being in the country 6utr In violation vlolatlothe violationthe IoatlonI
chi Chinese tf exclusion law It is beliovf beliovfit belioved beliovedit
ot the eclllon
theChlc the li lijently Iaent1y la latntl
it t t hey were smuggled smu lle across ICroa
tht from wr Canada None of then thenttld thtmcould themuld
I jently rrm OdaNone
could tntl ttld produce pruc the necessarj ne wrtlflcateregistration wrtlflcate certllicateiregistration
ot registration rctn registrationa
a 4
Doodle Dole Scandil andal Grows Growiunder Under Grand Ju JuProblns Jur JurrobhuLrotoov Jur JurnbIngUrut41ov
Problns robhuLrotoov nbIngUrut41ov Uent ov Le Ll Lees Droll BrotH Drother Drother1a Droll2I
1a H 2I > t the Latter LUt Will Wi Return to Te Teon TeUr Test Teston < j jon
on TurtUay TeaIn TuesdayMany Many WltntMM UtnlN Ilei IleiST lea lIcaSr
ST IJtlR It I April AprI18Bumclant 18 Sufficient testlmiwas teatime tetlmony teatimewas I IW8
W8 was adduced adduro before Wor the April Apri Grand Orad J Jtoday Jur Je Jetoday I
today to justify Juty tho Indictment for bribby brib brbr bTitXby
by the Colo Cob County Grand Ord Jury Jur of th thBlato thre threStatn thiState
State Senators Sentor whose who names nmo have not he hetofore here hetofore I Itnor
tnor tofore figured tRlr In tho Legislative Lglalthe boot boescandal blo bloIc3ndalnrlg bootscandalaccordlng
Ic3ndalnrlg scandalaccordlng scandal according to t wellinformed ellnfono souri souriIt ourcIt ur urIt
It Is said ld that Eugene Hansmann HaMmnn of ofLouis ofbarils 8t 8tLuis <
Luis Louis county count gave testimony ttmony as A to toiudden touddon tho thoudden
iudden accession acNlon of wealth welh by legtslatTram legtslat 1glllors 1glllorsrrom legiaIattrroin
Tram tho county countySenator countySenator unty I ISMter
Senator SMter Buell Buol L Matthews MtthoW and a Rep RepWDtatlve Rpr Rprlttatve RepeutatIve
lttatve WDtatlve A E L J Gardner Oarer of St Lo Locounty Lula Lulaounty Lotmunty
ounty county cannot cnot bo b found Whether tlire tl they theyar
ar ire 10 Implicated ImplCte in the the scandal Indla Is a matter matterconjecture mtter matterronjecture or I
conJttul conjecture but their disappearance dl pprc fn fntheir rrom friLlieir
their homos home IK II causing cUlnl comment commentAnother coment comentAother commentAnother I
Another Aother fact tac was made pubHo pubto tod todthat toy toythat tocLhat
that will wl cause cu many my a boodler ber to stil stilfrom zu zutrom ter I
and that thathat thatlLat
from an attack atak of Insomnia 1lma II IIthat
that hat James Whlteootton Whieton Speaker Spe of t tout Iiii4 the thellt
llt out house hou and the te man who first frt assert asserthat ure assertthat
existed b bin hin
hat legislative corruption corpton ODse bA
in allday aldy lEglotive conference conrerenc with wth Circuit Cirit Attorn AttornPolk Attorey AttornFolk I IFolk
Folk last IAt Sunday Bunly and Is to t appear app befe befehe bfor bfortho befelie
tho he local Grand Jury Ju on Monday Iondy and ad i itell r reU
tell his story storyCapt storyCapt
Capt Bob BI Lee L brother of the te fugltl fugltlUeutenantGovcrnor rugltl1 fugitiLleuteteantOovernor
Leutenatovcmor UeutenantGovcrnor bad an Intervii Interviidth Iteow intervhI1tli
dth Mr lr Folk Fol today and ad assured aue h hhat hihat hm hmthat I
hat wth ho would woud have i5 John A Lee L In tho d dn dty dtyon dn
on > n Tuceday cy morning mornng ready and wllll wllg wllgto
to 0 go before blorl the Grand Grd Jury Not rau raumportanoi muoh muohImprnno murnportancis
mportanoi in li attached attche to this th promlilowever promli prol prornbcowever I Ibowecr
Imprnno bowecr lowever OH 8 it Is I asserted Ir that tht tho Lie LiecnantGovornors Leu Leutcnotowrnrs LieenantGovernors
tcnotowrnrs cnantGovornors testimony teiony before bfor t tVpril tbo tboApri tiprli
Apri Vpril Grand Jury Ju was contradictory contradictoryAmong oontrdcor contradictoryAmong I IAmong
Among the witnesses ltn C before btor the lo bc bcrand < x x3rand I
Orad rand Jury Jur today tooay were pr the Rev Ry Re Crayt Craytirooks Cyn CynBrkl Crayti7rooks
Brkl irooks of Jefferson Jetlnn City Ct whose hol oharf oharfif oagf I
or if legislative corruption orpton precipitated pripitte t tnwent ti tiresent tho thoplent
plent resent invostlgatlna Inv0tlgatlno Beprceentatlvo BplnttYo J Jeph 00 J Jeph i ieph
eph R Lee L Senator Snator John Sartorious Bnorou J Jraigheod Jrn1gliead T I ICrlghen
Crlghen raigheod manufacturer mauracurr of baking bng powdi powdilepreHentatlve pder pderRplnltle powdiePenthtive
Rplnltle lepreHentatlve Slebert a saloon aalon keopt keoptItanlny keopItanley kepr keprStahy
Stahy Itanlny Stoner a lawyer lawer and represent representives repre8ta representhes II
tlve ives of tho Pennsylvania Pensylvania Salt Bt Compar Comparrhlch Cmpy Cmpywhich Companrhich
which 1 I Is said to have sold alum alu to cot 001ionics com cotaniea I
palt ionics outside the trust trt Anthony Antony Fou FouJr FaUt FautIr
Jr Jr who bo testified tMtt on A to money raised f fho fho for fortho
tho ho defeat dert of the te Audubon Auduln bill billCircuit bU billCircuIt
Circuit Cirit Attorney Atorey Folk and Attorns Attornslenerol Attorneeneral Atomey AtomeyOEner
OEner lenerol Crow Cro have havE arranged for a conic confcnee onrer conicace I Ienc
nee tomorrow at which a plan of cat catlgn carteign c cplg
plg teign lgn will Wll be b mapped mpp out outwhlch which it Is bellevi bellevirill beleved belevedwm bellevinil
rill nil prove disastrous dltrou to many mny not nt evi eviuipected eviuected eon eonIUptl
IUptl uipected at present presentCHICAGO pl presentCnicaoo nt I
CHICAGO CICAOO April 18 18Aonilng 18Aoeordtng According to a F FKiuln St StLuw 8oub
Luw Kiuln despatch dtlptch published publlahlo hero hro toda todaJeutGov todaJeutCov I ILtutGov
LtutGov JeutGov Lee L of Missouri lIeul who Is I want wante wantcthat
I 1 that tbt city to testify testiy before btor the tb Grat Gratury Ord OrdJU liar liartar
JU ury tar In tlw tK Bl Baking Powder Powdr legislation IfjWatlon li listlgatlon I iititlgation
stlgatlon f fhich la 1 In CtC Cldtaio Jnque Inquirhs a atie a
tie Auditorium and theA the Annex 1 at one onerhicit or orwhlc
to hich hoUls It wan Wa rumo rumov rumored Ut duet UOlt Ueut Ueuttqv I
hotll rmr
tqv v IMO would rtop failed to 10 find nna nnaof fnd an ant anacp
Ov acp L of him 1ad Soarrih 8ar ar t at tl the t t other othr do dota dow dowz dowzwtjqtels
t9 wtjqtels lf > ta II likewise lewl failed fa to reveal revealhim r an anor
ft Qt him himJIM himJIMIOW himJIM
Dm rnle cni That THTkP lie Took Part tn I Any A TT TTIn WIn Ws WsIn
In Goebl Corbels AlnUO AlnUOFNJRT AassinaflooFBANKVORT AssaMlnatloB AssaMlnatloBFBANKFORT
FBANKFORT FNJRT Ky April Apr 18 18at 18James James Jamesaward I Ioward B BHowar
Howar award tok look thf the sld stand I in his own dcfen dreno defencI dcfenhis
In I hi his trin trial for the Oobl Goebel muer murder th this moi mom momIng rnorrig moig
Ing ig g and ocple occupied th the wble whole dy day lie oon oontradlcted cmiadicted oo ooadlcted
adlcted Youtsy Youteey thrulhot throughout a and a ad adred a aired
herd red in I the m main to his h former ronr teatmonj teatmonjith t te stimon stimon1th lmony lmonyItb
1th svera several mior minor contrdlclona contradictions He Hedenied H Huded I Isnied
denied snied any connection with wth the murder enurdetrd murdeid murderad I
ad id said b be Ce came azne to Fkort Frankfort to seem scourpardun seempardon u ua
a pardon tron fromTaylor Taylor for the murder murderBorge muer or orrg a aserge <
serge Dker DkerHoward BakerHoward Baker BakerHoward
Howard rg contradicted contradic his former rOlr test testony t teatllony st
mony ony in testifying that h be h hd had a letter free trom tromJohn freeten froihn
John > > hn O White to Taylor In his previoi pru prevtouatimony previoistlmony
tettlmony stlmony he said ld he hd had no inlroductloi Itruclon Itruclont inlroductlo
t I i Taylor ad and ce cams without a lter letter fret from fromnny fretw froiiv
hId h hId hId
nny iv one On his previous testimony Wtmon
Id that he had a prvoU Iller letter through John O OWhie Chlte C Chlta
Id Whie hlta tht on the date dal of Jan 27 to t come t ttinkfort to toFrkfor Iritakiort
tinkfort ritakiortToday tinkfortToday
Frkfor Today he ttlle testified tht that be h had receive receiveo
tho 10 o letter on Jan 24 Youtscy YoutlY rve ItMine ItMineAt tCtl teetlfieitat ed edthnt
Irter the I letter Jan 20 20Howard 0 0Howard
thnt At Taylor dicte dictated tor on Ja i iHowa
Howard testified that he had stoppe irtoppeithe stoppethe
at Howa the Board teUfl of Trade Hotel wth with ttopp Iierroward Berr Berroward Br
Howar oward 01 on Ja Jan 3 30 the night followln rololng rololngtho foilowin1to I
tho 10 killing Prvouy Previously at bt both trlali trlalioward ta fflahoward
oward kiing tftted tstlfled that he slept on the tor torla floothe floo floothe
la Hoa the omc office of the CmMoner Commissioner of Agrl Aa AgriilIum Agrlilture I
ilture that night Borrylloward Berry D Howard testinei testlilecJim testineiat tetHed tetHedtht
cltur tht at Jim Hoar Howard ha had slept wth with him at thi thla thlabot1 thtitel thittfll
bot1 ttfll on Jan 3 30 10 1000ILward 1900 1900anation
ILward could offer oler no aadsfactory aadsfactoryannilon Mtsraory e
planaton anation lwar for his change of testimony testimonyWIFE teUmolY teUmolYWIFE testimonyWIFE
111 cia Sot Shot mmalf Himself In Fnt Front of f He Her at atfleelr a aTheir t
1 Their lr nooms In nb Fifth Aveoe AveoeEuanio AwenueEduardo Avenue AvenueEduardo
Eduardo Vila Viola a leo lemon Importer poner of I Iate 1 1ato
Stato Euanio ate street tret shot ad and kied killed himself hiil las 1m 1mnight Isagut lasght
night gut In his hi rl rooms at the Fifth rt Avtnu Avanutartineita Avtnumrtmonts A U8 U8Apanmmte
Apanmmte mrtmonts 10 toss Fifth avuo avenue Viola accrding acrdtng ac acrding
crding rding to statemettXmade latcet1mAe to Comnerjack Comnerjackn Coroner Coron Jack Jackn Jk JkI
I n t to whom the rport report of the th deah death wa waiado watide
made tide directly killed kled himself hlll in a fit Il oebancholia o oelancholla or ortlelancholla
elancholla elanchollaHe
I tlelancholla He west t out yesterday atmo afternoon am ad adbeght sacught amifght
ifght a rohor revolver Abut About 7 oclok oclock just JUt justdora Jusiforo
beght dora he e nrd and his wlo wife were ero to have hat hal hatrror hairror
rror ho put tho revolver to the right righle rightI rightie
I ide le of hi his bend ad and f fIred J His wle wife trle tred tredto triocstop trlestop <
hut couldnt She cough caughtbody coughi
to ItOp stop him hi hut couldt cuGht cuGhtI
I Tho servant callei cailecrerintendent calleiiperintendent
i bodv In hEr her arms an To fnt
t1 Sur iperintendent Robinson RoLlulon of the building buildingri buldng buldngnr
ri he sucmoced Dr Emer mer A Mier MierI MillerCoroter Miller MillerLoroier
nr l Loroier Jackson Jack lanll learned thit Viols Viol ViolaLI Violshe
LI had rlor flIt of deapoideacy del ldlrcy Three yrana yranap
I ha hd fts bnltbriu bnltbriuAstoria Sniuitir1urAstoria
he was In the IUerlt llurum llurumat
p I
ag Astoria a Ills wife fe had hd been bn waru warut warred warredat
at ltoria Ils
at t ho should Illould he > t > constantly watched watchedIrank watcbedFrank watchedFrank
I tht Frank hI MCM Mr who crantf was Wi Mr Violas Vlolal counsel counselfmA coun counee couneeLa l lW
La sat lor and he hl came cae to in the house hoitsoj hO hOI
I W j said Ilt that there ther was A no reason I an for Viuli Viulikill Iul tuba tubakilt
to Io kill hlnuvlf hlm tht that tht be was 148 well WE off 01 arid niicit audnot aridt
not t ki iivvy 11 trouble Viola was W8 about abut 34 yean yeanI ye yeI y1 y1olrl
olrl I I atd ar childless childlessOSSITT chldle chldleCOSUTT childlessOSSITT V
OSSITT CONES COXEf ASSETS S3S1 S3S1oUrrn 83ffolcers 3Gt 3GtDrolleraLabUlt
DrolleraLabUlt oUrrn liabilities MDooo SIO000Vetitlon SIO000Vetitlonflankrupt DOOor Petition UUon 1 1DankruptcyAKalntt
DankruptcyAKalntt Dakrpt flankrupt ty yr AgaInst lllnll Him Himpetition 1m 1mA HImPetItiOn
In Involuntary bankruptcy hat haten h hpn
A petition Inoluntnl bankruptc
ftld tton d against W V r rat < w ltt Cone ont steck steckbrr toc toclrr ck ckI
pn against
I bl brorr lrr l cf 4 u < Broad Br d fitrect 6tre who failed 1lfd twiinths twi toI twcrtths
I inths c ago ry L th the following ololnc creditors d n Mat Mnlm 31n 31ncom
mcnthl C l Rose 110 ltd 01 Charles D Kicker Rcker of Motin Motinrnon Mounlrnon IountI
com m
and Hsrwood Fl Fish h of Rooell Rooellrk fteeellirk
rnon 129 I P tnd 1oo Fb Ifle Iflelk
I fron rk N J < f 191 < Df > 11 all 1 for or balance bnancC due du on opt optoiint nn nnnlOIUt openuinI
lk It was alleged tint hf U Insolvent Iniolveni
oiint alt ta
nlOIUt 11 i commltttd comnlttd I A an act ae t of o bnr blururc banarurtcy rurtc > b bikloe bmaklD bp bpkIa
I anl maklD ikloe kIa nsslgnmrnt on Feb b isti It iS I AV M Ben BenIt BnI BenIt
I It No 4o RMlrnmnt schedules chfulr were wer ant nr died ted In thi teIgilment thiIgnment tie tientlnm
nlL The aMlene p hs ircclrrd Ircld I3 I3m 136 136rn
Ignment The alt < f381 f381rmm
ntlnm rmm m th Ihe sstrti tIU tt end fnd I net nc tiki lIkiy ll IT r to toget ret sn any anyire
There is an apt Lrept natanec natanecI4l
mnr ire from a ban equity ln tn sec rt irltlwi ul Urt uledo uledot ll iIedged iIedgeda
431 I
of In I4l Nul1
Irl the eeeunitk sri sriImed
JoAn Of 11150 but s
U furlt
a tI NtV
rfr Imed 10ln ty rustmn Judc Judte Hot 0045 or the theItd e eHd
rllmd Itd t Hd d Stet Ul UIUrl tl t Court sppolntM poll Au Auhes AusUP
Stt I bkllltn receiver or the Altt assets assetsDone
sUP a 11 bkll rflvfr Ie
1 Usbllitiw are 49000
Cne Done hes a UtbIUII ar IO
Ho II Declined Dflned to Talk Talklit TalkI Hit Itodrruard ItodrruardMtatlon DOdJI DottyguardHtatlon t
Mtatlon Itaton to Look Lk Lookout Out for Ills 11 HaTety HaTetyALBANT Haet HaetALAN Nafet NafetAWIAIrT
ALBANT ALAN April Apr 18 18Gov Gov Odell Odelrtu retur returfrom returrfrom
from Buffalo Dulllo tonlg tonlght tonlgt t Ho declined declinedmake deUne decilnedmake to tomae
mae make any statement Atatmlnt pleading plelngwerinC plelngwerinC1Icn wearim wearimWhen wearincWhoa
When 1Icn asked Ikl If I he ht cared c to say NY ay anyth anython aythng aythngon ant1klDfl
on what what had happened happe here her during duringIH duringabsence dung h
abtnco absence IH > UCO ho said saidNo Id IdNo saidNo
No I dont dOIt care C to discuss dlU It 111 II II i iway ay ayay ft ftway
way ay In fact tat I havent havlut read r1 a paper papertwo pp papertwo In Intwo
two days dnYI except OXlpt as A to the general gener news newsBut neW newsBut
But you kriow kro what has hO happened happenedTho hppene happcndTho
Tho To Governor smiled Iled and ad replied rpled Ir Irgeneral Iieuerei n a acenera
cenera general euerei way wayAs waytle wayAu
As the tle Governor stopped etpp off 01 tho trail trailshort trn traitshort a aIhor
Ihor short stout ItOUt man mn sidled up to him i icast a acast ad adcut
cast furtive lurlvo glances glMC at the persons pnM v vutopped w wttopped ho hotopp
utopped when they tey saw aw the Goventlight Govern Omo Governilight r ralight
alight topp Tills 11 strange ItrMpo man seemed lme to thi thithat think thinkthat thtthat
that he had hd a perfect prf right to be b at atOTemors t tGovernors the theOonmors
Governors OTemors side His Is manner aanntr was 1 that thatne thatrre ot otono
ono > ne who regarded rgaed himself hlrlr as solely 8lely i iiponslble r rfpnble rrponatble
fpnble iponslble for the Governors Ooerorl safety a an a an
on > n the lookout lokout for bomb bmb throwe throwedynamite tbrowersdyate throwetitynaznito
dyate dynamite fiends fendl cranks crk and Anarchists AnarclilstsWicn AnarchistsWhen Aahlata Aahlata11en
When 11en the Governor Omor started le to ma mails ma maIs
hli ils Is way through throulh the depot dept this man w wit wet a aat
at it his heels htl all the tle Umo tmowt with his h eyes eyf bti btiwatching blY blYwatclng buvratching
watclng watching the movements movemont of every nor o odona one oneaonlthe 0tlong
aonlthe dona the paUl palliWhen paUlWhtn paUrWhen
When Whtn a reporter rpner stepped tpp up to the Govi Govitor Gover Governor Govtror
nor the stranger lit rnger glowered RloworJ at him T Teporter Te Terpner Teporter
eporter hesitated heslttl for a minute mlnutend and spc fpko fpkoto
to rpner 0 the th le Governor Whe Vhei th they y reached rscbe tl tliurb tiurb the thecrb
crb iurb and tho Governor was WI safely lely insIde lnldo insIdetarriago t tarrlago tho thocrrgo
crrgo arrlago tho ho man a slammed lamme the door dor look looktbout loke lookibout
abut tbout as a If I to see I If I the thecoAta tliecoa4 coast was cle cleuid cer cerand dc dcand
and then tle jumped to the thf teat ft beside ldelh8 ldelh8drver t tIriver Ilniver
drver Iriver and Jump the ride to the Executive ExeUve Ma Mailon fan fanslon Mailon
ilon began beganTho Lgan LganTo beganThe
The To BtraiiRo stmnr man mDn is II tho Governors Ooyemorl bod bodr by byglr boduard
r iard furnished fumlhe by the PInkerton Pnkern date dete datelye
glr thf lye 1 VB agency Despite Dplc nil 1 denials dlnlalthe the Go Gover Governor Govt Govtor vi vior
nor > or has not boon bn permitted penlte to be b wiLlie wllhct without withouta
for months Detocll Detocllocherty Detectlocherty
a t bodyguard bodYGUrd month Dettive DettiveDohery
Dohery ocherty has gono away He le was 8 i ilevcd i ifeveci
Ip1 levcd by the thoaulstnt assistant superintendent superintendenthe luprntondont of ofthe
the he Pinkerton PnkononNew New York city agency alenc n nhe and andthe ahe
the he latter laler was wlln In turn relieved reled by tills Ul man manMAX manV manII4N
MAX V WITH WIT 11 THE Til liED ROOi ROOiirmted noOc noOcArltt flOOtruited
irmted at t the Waldorf After l r Mr r Bo BoSll Bon DotMissed
Arltt aldor
Sll Missed 11 ed His JI Overcoat OvercoatJ Onlat OnlatJ
J W Borsl Blt of 62 6 West Wtt 102d 10 street strt i iown et etd01 a atown
d01 town own In the Rid room rm at the Waldorforia Waldorf WndorA WaldorfAorla
tor oria yesterday Yfttery to read r an afternoon af mn pap papIhllo ppr pprWhlo papVhIIo
Whlo Ihllo doing dolnp eo 1 he h threw thrw his hi overcoat overat ov ovhe oEr oErthe ovhe
the he back bck of a chair Two To women wme saw sawlan IW sawIran a am
m lan carrying a big red r book bk pick up upvercoat an anOrt I Irercoat
Ort vercoat crng from a chair chir and walk ak away wl wlTho with withIt siThe
It The women supposed the coat oat b bmeed b bDnged
lon meed Te to tho man m IIUppf When Bo Borat Br ret mists mlsaIs mi
hl iI Is coat ct ard tejan lelan to inquire Iqulr about abut It tl tlromen th tiromen
romen told what they th y had seen seenThey In Inley seenThey
of the thief thiefletccllvo thisetectio to toDteh
They ley gave a description dMrpUon thilt
letccllvo A Tliomhtll of the hotel Th Thwell TeT TeTdwel Thewelt <
Dteh well particularly lombU on the fact rne thai tht the thi thiid tblr tblrhad tbtad
dwel pricrly boo boorithln boolthin
had id carried a big redcovered dr bk bkWithi
rithln cre twenty minutes minute Thornhlll TomWI had hd a asted ar armtN arated
Withi rated a man In the corridor ordor who linda Imdni lindalie hadnt hadntthe
the mtN lie i coat ct m but had ld I a red r book bk oontalnlo oontalnlotmnles contig contigemnll oontalntnimnise
emnll tmnles of cloth clothWhen dothWben clothWhen
When he wes taken before bto the two tw wornley worn wm wormey D Dhy
hy ley wild 11d ho wrs the mat mq maq who had hd csrrii csrriiI cre Cairirthe
I the cort t They Tff were wn1 wereso so sure sr of It Ih Ihtey that thathYlld
01 hYlld tey said they hey would wuld appear In I court cour th thlomlnK Uiiernlngiswitnruci tbl
iernlngiswitnruci iernlngiswitnruciThOIDhIIZ lomlnK a wttnrsscs wttnrsscsThornhlll I Iml appr
mmlR Thornhlll I took wln tok h hI hg prisoner pnnll to the th Trade TradeIn Tfdfr TendeIfl
loi Ifl In Millent ml tln TheprisenerssldhowTsJol TheprisenerssldhowTsJoldress ThepIecnerseid f tlS udd ho wraJol wraJolke Joh
Iddkt tdrti tdrtiAcoerding dress dressAccording ke 6 4Qyeari n olc old bQ bt kiedIogixe tQar I r rtdrti i
According Acniln fM toDrtfctrwoTbornhfll toDrtfctrwoTbornhfllho toDtflnTal mn mnwho rha rhaho <
who ho csrrird Crd a red book bk Mole lole aworru aworrucketbook a awomancketbook wmna wmnapketbk
> cketbook fai the he hotel hotIhlltni hotelbilhlsrd blllisrd room rm th theeks thre threwtekl tInt tIntceks
pketbk wtekl eeks I ego > KO < I She 8hbdldt brd left her pctkelb pctkelbi pbtbk pbtbke
i a table 1 while wW11 ens sheturtwd heIund turned totslk to1tlk to toirnd tolrnd a afrirnl
e irnd tbl9 When she ab mhererchtd > rCfchtd re e hf d forI fcrIhe tor t he pu puhud PUI pun punlaid
frirnl hud disappeared d and going nut rut of orItUrdroom tho thobUILrdrm U Uflbardm
1 hd CII
bUILrdrm ItUrdroom was as a man mn carrying crn a re reRS red redhk retok
hk hklS10J8 51115 tok RS lS10J8 ROUTS PETS SENT EASTn EAST EtT
1 In n De Cared Cr For hy b the Society Sctlr ecietytor for t tPrevention Ue UePnnton Iii IiiPrevention
Prevention Pnnton of Cruelty Creltr to Animals AnimalsTtrriK AnImalsTznnr lmal
TtrriK Ohio April ApriI18ln 18 18In In pursuance pursuancee pursunc of oftbe
tbe e provisions prollol of the will of Mrs Reu ReuHoyt Reuon ReuonJoy Reube Reubehoyt
Hoyt Joy the wealthy wethy and ad eccentric entro wor worm wormho
ho 10 died dle last It winter lnwr her pet pt dogs do8 and ca cave eat eatLye al
have ve been bn shipped by express epr8 to New Yoi Yoiicre York Yorkwher Yorhere
wher here icre they I therwill hey will 11 be taken care cr of by bytlie the 8 8ty S Se Seoty <
cotylor oty > ty for the he Prevention Pventon of Cruelty Colty to An Anits An AnJalt
its alttfter itsAltar
II IIter Altar ter tho death deth of Mrs Hoytflve Hoy tfe aliens aliensills aleKed aleKedmi allegetile
ills executed exeted by her were dlscoverc dlscovercbe dVfr
to mi be In existence cl In each one of then lhiis thm thmwo
b I tno
wo is R a provision proilon of 50 monthly for the cat catid cre creand carid
and id maintenance malnteln of her birds blr dogs doll an anU and andcl anta
U of which hlch she he was 11 passionately puontcly fon fonicre rondo rondoTher fonrere <
cl Ther icre are A several very ver valuable valuble animal anlmathe anma animalthe
In the collicllon collicllonMrs colctlonMrs
Mrs Hoyt Hoy won the ho wife wto of Reuben Rebn Hoi HoiNew IloyNew I
ot New York YorkKILLED YorkKILLED
Dor ly V picked Itk to Death Datbu DeathWas Was Picking IrJdnl Ip i iDall i iDali
Dall Dat Near the Animal AnimalElevenyearold AnimatEefenycarld AnimalElevenyearold
Eefenycarld Elevenyearold John Hubbard Jubba of 2 2rth 21 26 26rth
Norh > rth Tenth street trt Willlamsburg Wilamburg w wked WM WMkicke witiked
kicke ked to death dtth by R 1 vlcloui iclou horse hor IMcnlng IM It ItfvenlD lastoning
fvenlD cnlng at Rocbling l blni and North Tent Tentreels Tenthstr Tentirecta
reels He had br bn n playing bait bdl and andmpanlon andmpanlon a aoomJanlon
str mpanlon II toAeed tOlhe toeaeeltlieballtowherothe the ball bl to where whr the thf hort hortxxl hoiaod
oomJanlon xxl od Hubbard stooped down to get th thl
eto 11 and ad Huhbr as 8 he did etoD so 10 the horse hon kicked klcki hlrd bin him himnnd bind
hal nnd d rm hI fell When he tried to to t rise riJ th thImal the theaniml thiLiffliLl
animl Imal kicked klck him 1m twl twlC twice again aain and Id the boy boyull bY1 bY1lul boyuti
ull was fractured Incur and Id his hl face a was badl badluntied bdly bdlyman badiangled
lul man untied He died soon In after arer he reaches reachesC lahe
If Jl
8t C < therines thre Hospital HospitalOVfillS HOlplt HospitalOLGIIS
Doelon cton Think 1lnk Fay Fr Swallowed 8walo Its It It KB Egg 11 I Ithe In InI Ii Iithe
I the ITilllpplne ITilllpplneSYUllan PippIne PippIneWIII PhIlippinestvilllan
WIII SYUllan Fay FA a former UnIted Stat StatIdler Rtat Rtatflder State Stateidier
flder Idler from the thl Philippine Phlppl sea N of Jame Jamejr JamlJ JamlJFlr
Flr jr chief ehlpkespsr 5hlpko p r at thn Brooklyi Brooklyivy
vy v yard yesterday esterlY oaiigiod 031110 up UI ai aicleworm In Inajlewon iLCgbeworm
n1Y cleworm Y1r half an inch thick and andab andabhee si siIxant NX NXInchM
ajlewon InchM hee long after almost t choking to ane death dpnth1ounl deathrung
lonl attr amo
rung Fay baa ha no rNItton recollectIon or awallow awallowthe lalow lalowIgIhe
1ounl the won worm Ind and Surgeon Pric Pdee and hili hili81tAnt liiittstant
IgIhe Ixant Dr L I W V Hpratling HprUlng b belIeve bUnethe belIeveC llo lloyoung
81tAnt the C young man swallowed lalowo an n eRg of o th thcies thu thuedo thtPio
edo cies yung whIle whlo drinking drnking from a cistern ctm I Ii In InUle Ina
tPio Ule a i Philippine PhilippineJersey Phlpplne PhlpplneJ PhilippinesJersey
Jersey J nt1 ExAMemblyman Fwemblmn Divorced DivorcedrnRNTON DhortM DtrorcirtFsarTo
TREtN rnRNTON N J April Aprl 18Mr 1811 E Fly FlyE jnlI jnlIKUnk Ul UlKUnk
E KUnk ltnk has h obtained obaine a divorce divor from ox oxvmblyman uxAAmblymn oxsemblymim
AAmblymn vmblyman WlUm Wlliba Im E Kllnk Kli of Jerso Jersoy JelY JelYCity
City ty y and the th custody cuetoy of their onl onlild ony onychh
ild Kenneth The Te divorce divor w wiRht wa waigtrt
chh iRht on statutory latutor grounds gud I Mrs lb KUji KUjimed Klnk Klnklamed KLtiimed
med as corcspondrnt Mrs MI Helen elcn B Beking H HDfWu Hcktug
lamed DfWu eking I wife 1t colPndtnt of Florence Fornc B Decking Dlng o oith oi oihtb or orEghtb
Eghtb ith M Itlt itrcet wt New ew York YorkUrrcklnridEe YorkUrecktnnldge ork orkUrtklnrdlf
Urtklnrdlf UrrcklnridEe out of Kentuckys Uentlrk flare tiawDANMUP RM RMDAN flareDAlLU
DAN DANMUP L Ky I April Aprl 1Judl 1JudgnRold 1JudgnRoldBrockinridge JudoRol > eri eriBrectdrrldRp
T BrectdrrldRp Brcldrrldge eridldt ce < Idld didte tt for the Demo Demoitlo Demortln
itlo icmini lIen tcn fcr Governor otror In the thf Mnj MnjInu Mnyprlm ttr ttrtmc
prlm cnlo Inu ry r lii I s f ntouicc nxouiccd toulC111 l In a letter Ittr to CJulr CJulrn OIlr OIlrn
ct f the Bute Ru te Ctntn Ctntnminiltee Ccntomrnltteo
n n Alllc Ale W Yourg ourg c te Rt nt1 nt1emlUoo
miniltee his hi withdraw mthc1 1 from the he nee neeni neta n nTI <
emlUoo down to Oov GO J C W Wcklicm Wrkhrm Wckliam
> a ni ii rrews rrollhe mwhe he race Jr dwn by
TI rkhrm cklicm of orFrHklorad Frt Fretkfort tkfort and John Joh K Hen Henck len lendck lienickofPduub
dck ickofPduub ickofPduubwin ck of Pidua Pdua b bwin bEwn
Ewn win Ooaidi Oood Yacht aC xRcch RKtht Reaches AnaapolliiKNJiTOMB Anaapolli AsaapostrxAvoiia
At iKNJiTOMB lUI April 18 18n 18edwin Edwin Gould Ooul o oXT ot ci ciYork
0 XT York unexrectedly tfXeoly to himself hlm I has hs hsedrc beerndlBr beer bretiudiag
edrc ndlBr three thr days d to I Annapolis Aaoll HI HIstonrs lIltrorcet
rorcet stay w vci o on aout account ot the non nonrtaor nonItalof
mfor Italof his hl YAht yacht the Oloot Qrlcbota whoh whohthe whict whicta
the rtaor a stonrs Iloma m the th Chesapeake dels delstwo delayed delayedtwo
ror two days in her passage from Norfo NorfoI orton
I ad 1 I twod whIch wbc only oly I reached rhe plg Annapolis AspU today todaytrz4 ty
PULLED PVIED ANOTHER ANOTI1Ei ON 0 A COP COPJIadaThlrdlnReirno COPlIadaThIrdtnfleaeneIso
JIadaThlrdlnReirno lIadaThIrdtnfleaeneIso nlr In Rt AUo m Dlackjack DlackjackU Daclack DaclacklUx
lUx U Ilopodermlo 10permlo Sjrtnset 81nt SIx Uoxtof Hare Poxe Poxeof Hareor
of Pills MIl and a Silver Sh r Spoon spon Free Frorthe Fom FomU0 Freethe
the U0 Waldorf Waldorfli tdorl Is from Fm Pltttburi PltttburiA tbure tbureA
A young man m who bo eoy says y he is Chant Charlcrederick Cala CalaFrerick ChantPrederiek
rederick yug Spang Spag a member membr of a wealth wealthIttsburg wealthPlttsburg ultby ultbyPttburg
Pttburg Ittsburg family a morphine and ord cccaui cccauiland crcalnland caie caiefcmd
land and ad a sufferer from paralysis paralras wen wenrlld went wentld wenirild
fcmd rlld ld In the Tenderloin suerr but It night and abc thoiff tht thtoi abcif
oi iff at another man m one of the three th re reelvers reolvera norolvers
elvers ho carried carriedYoung cried criedYoung carriedYoung
Young Spang t3pangirandered BpDgander wandered up to the Thirty Thirtyfth Tiry Tiryfrh ThirtyHth
frh fth street trt entrance entrc of the Herald Herl bulldlni bulldlnibout buldng buldngbut buildiritibout
bout 10 oclock Qclok and said Md something 10metg to i itan inan a amn
mn tan who was aa standing there ther What Whlt hi hiid he hed hiisd
id d the police poilcedldnt plc didnt didnt learn lea but bt the mar mare
he 9 addressed adr shook sook his hi head hea and ad walked walkecway waked wakedaIY walkedtway
way Spang pulled puled a revolver rvolver iron fronhe rromthe ironhe
aIY BpnR
the he righthand rghthand pocket of his coat and fired firedTho fr firedTho
Tho 10 bullet bulot apparently apprently pet didnt inflict Itlc i irioiM a aIroU iicriotis
rioiM wound If I any at all al for or the thelut thelutn las lassen taiteen
IroU teen n of tho man n won Wa wa when he was U runnlni runnlnip rning rningup
up p Broadway blocks blok away as If I on a anna armjas annaas ay
as 8 Bway at his hi hook hO The To noise notof of the shot shottartled Ihot Ihotsale shotitartled
sale tartled a lot of people pplc one of whom hom wai waiollocmin Wa WaPolomi teat teatolloeman
ollocmin Klely Kely of the Leonard LnrJ street streettatlon srt srtstaton streetitation
staton Polomi tatlon who ho was WI enjoying a day off 01 o ii iilaln I Iiplain
plain > laln clothes clolhenKloly cotht clothesKicly
liln Kloly found out what Spring had ha don donnd dono donoa doncmci <
nd Kely then trailed him bt After Aler Bpg shooting ehotnj hit hlievolver hitevolver WI WIrvolver
trled hi
a rvolver evolver off Spang put the gun Kn back bck In II bit hlilocket h1 bitocket
locket and a walked walkoddown down Broadway BrOway a tet teteel fe feeel eW eWret
pket eel Then ha went back bck to the plac placrom plac plactrota <
rrom rom which ho had ad ahot Klely Ke1y sneakec sneakeciponlilmfrom sneake sneakeIpon
whch side of thimildlng tin tbehuldng tintuilding
iponlilmfrom Ipon him from the Sixth Sith avenue avenu
upn mildlng and clutched bUn by tho throat throatiivuig throatSpag throatipang
huldng Spag iivuig pulled pule clutho another aoter hm revolver rolver from Irol hi hiaft hilelt hItaft
aft hand pocket pocketLook pocketLook I
Look hnd pkot outl out I Hers He1 cot ot another aother gun gunihouted gl glIholte gunhouted
ihouted Lk somebody Bmeby in the crowd that hat hat hatgathered b hatathered
Iholte gathered at a respectful distance distanceKlely distanceKiely dtac
gathtr Kiely clutched IsJrul a little ltle lighter and nd by am amy and andby sacHpang
by > y Spang H g whose whol face rac wan 8 distorted ditore begat begatwoaken bgan bganto
oaken The policeman then got him nlrry himby hintthe
to 0 > ft
by y the arms IT Te Pulled pult thooo thO behind lehlnd their theiiwners theirownerl theiFnvners
wners back and ad started Bpang pang towarthe iowan towar iowanhe
ownerl the he Tenderloin bck police Itae station He hoc hocono hadgone hacono
gone ono only a short Ihor polo distance dlstanoe Itaton when hen Police Policeaan Polc Polca Policenan
nan Mury ury came to his hil assistance assistanceAt Ulo
a At the police ce station Mttonthe they took tok from the theoung to toyoug thcroung
Plc articles articlesThrte articlesThree
youg oung mans pockets pket these the alcle alcleTree
Three revolvers revolversA
A Tree blackjack blackjackMftr blackjacklifer
tlacJaok tlacJaokIy
lifer cartrldce cartrldceHlx cartrjrlcea cartrjrlceaSix crtrl le leBS
Six h1podfrllo hypodermic aynine aynineA
BS A dozen tollto bottlel of 1rlnrl meicne meicnetUs medIcine medIcineWi
Hlx bonA of pilLs pllwA 11
A draft for lioo 110 100 and fnd Plher tlr papers papersA pa l
A doznn dOZ D spoons one of which was marked roarkoV markedVaidorfAsIonIa
V aMorrAslorla VaidorfAsIonIaTire aMorrAslorlale MorfA pnl torla torlaTlie
Tire le young man said ho had ha on n uncle uncleohn unclpJobn uncleolin
olin Blnsell of Woodland road Plttsburg Plttsburgnd PUuhurgand
and nd that Blvel his grandfather grrather founded loudl roa the Pitts Pittsurg Pittsurg Pit
hurg urg Iron and stool Itcl Arm fn of Spang Sfag Chat Chalml Ca Chatant
fant ml t Co His Hi mother Mrs M r B Spans Spanse SpnR SpnRhe
he e said is 1f now In Paris PAril He said Id ho h wa wajll WI warull
ful jll of morphine The Te police polc sent Nnt him himlellevue hi to toBleve It Itteilerue
lellevue teilerueEAGISTRATE lellevueAUISTRATE
be o AntiPolicy AUpolo Society Win 0 Halo n nBefore litre litreflefore
Before Deore the Appellate Aplale Dlvltton DlvlttonCharleH DhtaIonCharles Dhllon DhllonOalO
Charles OalO P Blaney Dlane counsel counal for F Norton Nortooddards Nortonoddard
Oodad oddards AntiPolicy AtPolc Society 8cot served sro Cit Citaglslrato Cty CtyMaglsmtoJIO City Citytagistrato
MaglsmtoJIO aglslrato James G Tighe Tghe with som somapers Bme Bmepapl some somealters
yesterday morningat the law ofllc ofllci omoc omocof ofliotf
alters apers Jetrday te
papl of f tb thi ltter latter I 830 Flton FubtOn art streetflroocIyn streetflroocIynon Dr1l
on n April 27 27M 27It
O It i BlaiJjy BtM would ou1dprsehb J1PI prosefik 1 to the Appellate AppellateIvUlon Appellatetivislon Appellte AppellteDlvlo
M IvUlon DiWutdp a petition and ad charge clal of Copt Coptoddard Ot Otdar Oaptloddard
Dlvlo oddard In Iwblb plt which It wai stated td that fixaetatrate fix thelagiatrato
Magitrate aetatrate dar bad wmigfully mngf Uy failed taeto to pot porrm potnfl >
tbn rm his hi dutes dut s Another Aother was a a copy cy olpetition ol otthl ofe
e petition Ion referred rferd to A third was aa an anHdavit anadavt anmdavit
thl Hdavit poU of Mr r DIsney Blaey backing 1cklng up the thetltlon thopeUtlon thedIllon
adavt peUtlon dIllon A fourth louh was wal a dopotlllon dcrlton ol oleclal ofecial orpelal
> eclal Patrolman Charles S Mclale Mclaleupcrlntmdent McFarloue McFarloueperintcndect MoFanlruroiperintendent
pelal perintcndect of the Crlo AntiPolicy AtiPolcy Society Societytid Siety SietyArd Hocietyud
Ard tid a fifth fth is M I deposition delJOllton of First FIlt Deputy Deputymml6Aioner DeputyommIedoner DEputy DEputyCommlioner
mml6Aioner > Clwtoin ClwtoinThe thateinThe tclt1 tclt1Te
The latter latrr asMits aRlt Jh that tht the deponent depnet has haspt hasept
klpt ept Te pt a record of the number numbr of eases r re rellig roo rooIIUr toUrg
llig g to rr violations of Sfdlon 8 lon 344 3 344t U A of the Ihemai thePelat theerrs
Pelat IIUr errs mai Code Coe Ioltona brought before bfor Tighe Tghe for foraring rorh forearing
h aring at d that out of twenty cases casl the thoolstrale theULstrte theL1latrate
L1latrate olstrale lias discharged dl seventeen seventeenNone 6entou 6entouonf seventeenOflC
hn h8rge
ULstrte None OflC of the pipers seemed Ime to bother IxithertRlstrato IJther IJther31RI botherqgIstrato
31RI tRlstrato onf Tigho plpr very much At hU hi house bousosterdsy housesorday
trat ver
sorday afternoon it was announced he hed heh
ye tersy ateron wa aouc
14 d gone to the raora raoraTho ra rasweThe
h Tho IDe Appollato Apfllto App ° bbato Division Dlrslon has power pwr to toraovo tomove
move a MtgUtratfl on charges
Record neor of James Jamr frurman 1urman Tfho 10 Fought FoojtiIudrr Foolhtmlrr FoughtIitder
WASIIIKOTOM WAfINOTN N J 7 April Aprl 18 18For For thi thitwentyeighth the thetwentylghth thrtwentyeighth
twentyeighth time a child clUdha has rn been pro proscntcd pp pepsented
scntcd to James Furman Funan a colored color wa waveteran warveteran a aotran
veteran nte who ho resides rldea In a neat na littli littlicottage ltte ltteottR llttbcottage
cottage on Lincoln avenue He Jo Is 03 0 year yearold yearold 1 1old
old ottR Ho had fourteen fourtrn children chldn by his hli first flrswife fnt fntwtro firstwits
wife and fourteen rourn by his present prnt one Thi Thifirst Te Tetrt Thifirst
first fourteen were all al boys except one oneIn oneIn oneIn
trt In 1878 he married mnrri wr Miss Ml Mary Mar excp Hunt whi whiwas whcwag ho
was IS at thai tht time Her brood consist consistof consilt
of 1 eight hcht boys bYI and six Ilx girls girl including tw twsot tO tOIt4 twcacts <
sot acts of twins twinsFurman twinsFurman
It4 Furman twl who was wal born bor in New Jersey Jerseyserved JfrY JfrYlre Jerseyserved
FnM Mawa MawaShaw Mn MnchU8tt Massachusotta
B Fiftyfourth
served in company com pan BI Flytounh
lre chU8tt chusotta Coloi Colored Vo Vo6nteers untr under Cob ColShaw CobShaw
Shaw ShawFurman ShawFurman
ShawFnan Furman Is II In demand as I a t guide gide by city cltjsport citypr cityspoamen
Fnan with all the be behunting beet beethunting
sport spoamen men being bing familiar faiar vth al bet bethuntng
hunting pr grounds groundl In northern norhern New Ne Jersey JerseyT Jeny JenyJe JerseyHe
T huntng He II is always rl on t hand i at sbotlng shooting l t tand matcho matchoand matchs matchsand
and Je few aay young marksmen markaen can outc outchim outchm outciasi outciasihim
him himSenator hm hm8matlr himSenator
8matlr Senator Jan Hanna to n neply ply to Mr r rr rrCL ParryCLE Parry ParryCLE
CLE CL RLANP RLAt April Aprl 18 lBSntor 19Senator Senator Hanna Hannhas Hannaha Ifannahiss
ha has acpte accepted a an invitation to alrnd attrnd the thebn thebanquet th thbanquet I
banquet uet of tho Amalgamated Acaton Acatonat Ascociatloi Ascociatloial
at bn Columbus on AmallmRted 111t next Tuesday Ny fvlnlng fvlnlng81d evening eveningand evenln evenlnand
and make an address takln taking for hllu hlluJec his subitet sub subJcct
81d rnke al
Jcct the recent utterance of President PresidentParry Pr111flt PreshlentParry
Parry Jec of tho ho rcl National uternc ANlaton Association of Manuactur Manu Manufueturers lnu lnuracu
fueturers actur re nt New O Orleans leal leans Mr Pam Pameverly Parryseverely P rn rnseverely
severely racu r criticised labor unions unlol and their theftmethods theirmethod theirmethods
methods everly ctlclld Mr Ilna Hnnna lbr It is udersto understoodwill understood understoodwill
will defend t the bl Inbr labor ulon ulonRat undoneReal unions unionsReal
Real Rat fletcher Dtlfr Rvrnlnx mlnl In Plymonth PlymonthPlymouthChurch lymonth lymonthPlyouth PlymonthPhymouthChurvb
PlymouthChurch Churh Brooklyn Brklyn under udtr tin tinauspices tlo tlonUplO tIm tImauspices
auspices nUplO Plyouth of the Re Jelew Review view Club Cub of the tlf church churchannounced churchj churchjanounc churchannounced
thnt real Boocioi Boocioiuvonlnp lkociorevening
announced yettcrdny a I rltller rltlleronnlnj
evening anounc with etlrn Mark larkTlln Twain midlng rrllrl must mustcal muli mulical mustcab
onnlnj cal numlcrs num 1 1lh and nrd vocal vonl elections EfIlton bY un unoacnlled uncicelhed I IOXt11
oacnlled talent 1 Is I to bo given ch at the t11 cmirclon cmircl churh churhon clmrvlton
OXt11 Tucsdav evening next The reader will willbe
on fvfnl nJL Te faer 1
1 hf be > 1fav Frederick freercl WlUla WIIB Divls Dlvll Miss MIA Ethel EthelForsyth EthelFoIth EthelForsyth
Forsyth LIttle will render nder several 8eral con contralto contralto cn cntmho ¬
FoIth Lltlo
tralto selectIons o ctlons and Ind O 1 Waring Stebblmi Stebblmiwill Bte1blnK Stebbinswill
will supply luply Itlonl the music No admission amllon fee feowill reoU feewill
will U l he > e charged chargedStill charge chargeti chargedStill
Still ti No Trace Trf of C P DlalidclU DlalidclUThe Dlilldtl DlilldtlTe UlalidehIThe
The Te police plk and ad relatives relthe of Charles Caru F FBlalsdell FIIAel FBlaisdell
Blalsdell IIAel the cashier ca hler at the coalyard of ofCurris ofCurtis orCr
Curtis A c Blaisdfll Blalll who ho disappeared dlMppnrd after afterleaving ator atorlenln afterleaving
leaving Cr a dance dnc at Fiftythird Flrtblr btrcet btrt and andLexington nd ndlxlngon andLexington
Lexington avenue on Monday night haw havobeen trovebeen hawI
lxlngon been unable to fret et t a clue to hw hI where whereabouts whor whoreabotits ¬
I abouts bn HU 11 brother hrther Bert Der IllaL Ial Itlaledeli detl CI came camuhern raml camehere
here h bute yesterday from lrm tho thf tli family hcrac hcracat htmoat
at r Wlnt Wlnwror Winwrport yltra rpnrt JIetoat 10 to anreist IUt U < t tn I the to search searchThe narb narbr searchlire
The r Maine at Lea L1ce League cue Island IslandPnttJiDKLriiiA land landP lalandPnhTflflpn14
PnttJiDKLriiiA P lonEP IA April Apri 18 18Te 11Tho Tha battle battleship batte battehp battleshYp ¬
ship Maine llre put put tn I at l League e Island Illnd to tonight tonIght ¬
night ard will wi go to Cratrps Cllrpl on Monday Mondayto Monda Mondato
to be overhauled overhaulfd The To sailors lol1 were r anxious nnxlousto flxlouA flxlouAt
to t leave leTe the tht battl bllphhip hattIehip Hhlp On Monday Iondy the thecrew theI thecrew
t between the thacruisers thecruisers
crew will lx > apportioned apporlonf btwen
I cr cruisers cilrs 1 Yankee Yak t and Hlcneapolls HlcneapollsHknri Innlpll Innlplllnn
Hknri lnn Lin Line Ln flhnrt r Time TimeSr TI TIahr TimeSeaboard
Sr Seaboard N rd Air Line Un RaIlway nat la Savannah 1nnb Jsctr JsctrllanvlU ae aeonvnis I
llanvlU ahr sod 4 T Tim ai Lne pe > al III Uj lo Atlanta AIAto cornrclltn nmllt for fortoultiwrtt toett or orallWI
tt > vI toultiwrtt allWI Ihroucb Ilr1ll 1 CATS ran double douh doutle e dill dalr tit thins thinsonce In InOm
once Om 1IU U liro II1r ilrodwsr4a dir rA < l
Ban R His HI Auto 1 iiiiiies Miles Mi an flour pODcn pODcnIUI JourGIvet JourGIvetIlls < 3h 3hlilt
lilt Haute 1011 for the Ue SHOO 100 0 Dall DallHarry DallBlr DaliIfarTy
Harry Blr Payne Payo Whitney Wtney son ln of WUHaiC WUHai Wlam WlamC WflhienC
C Whiney Vhllney was Wi arrested arsttd y yutrry ysterdey sterdsy morn mornIng momIg mornlag
lag charged char with speeding his hi automobll automobllon
wlb spdlnl
Ig e
on Central Park Went Bicycle Drcle Police Policeman PoUcemn Policeman
man Kerrigan of the West Sxtyclghtlstreet Sxtyclghtl 8xtylghthstret SxtyeighUstreet
street mn stret statlcn slaten chcscd him hm for ooverai Dcvenl block blockand block blockand bbocluand
and timed him with lh a stop watch Tinautomobile Tin Fbiautomobile 10 10automolo
automobile tlC was running eighteen mile milean niuietan
automolo 1S ring eigten mea meaan
an hourthe policeman Bays BaysKerrigan lya lyaKcrgn saysKerrigan
plcman to the thiWest theWest the theWelt
Kerrigan took hs hs prisoner prlncrdown down
West Side police court Mr Whitney Whiney wsi wsiwilling Wli Wlimlng wuwilling
willing mlng to plead plc guilty gnty to tho charge chage Hi Hisaid 1ksaid le lesaid
knew knetwhat knewhat kneswhat
said that the policemen undoubtedly
what hat that ho wss Wi wasbout about abut plCtn He HI wanted lo be b fined finetand finedand fd fdand
and have It all al over ovr with withMagistrate wih wihM4gatrato withMagistrate
Magistrate Druel hid hd Mr Ir Whitney Wt y pe penot pHd pHdnot pieednot <
not M4gatrato guilty to the charge and nd waive ex examuiatlon e eamlton cxaminatlon <
amuiatlon amlton gty pending pnding trial I in n the he Curt Ctu o oSpecial or orSpolal ciSpecial
Special Btsslcna Buecn Ball Bl wes flxtd fed at 1100 1100I 110
Spolal I have no bonCsmtn bonLarn here said eld the thiprisoner thoplner theprisoner
prisoner My father Is II at home I hatthe hadthe had hadthl
the thl plner machine mlrhnt out to take him hi to the track trackMagistrate tnck1atrate trackMagistrate
Magistrate Dtucl Dtur allowed alowed the prisoner prisoneito prlner prlnerto
1atrate for foithe ror rortbe forthe
to go on his h own ow bonds bndl As A security secriy
the 1100 110 ball bal he gave his h home at a 3 WesiFiftyseventh West Wtt WttFUtYovnth WestPiftyaevenmtb
Fiftyseventh street streetSOMETHING streetSOUITllO streetSOMZTIIIVG
A Brides Tronaean TonlCan Is 1 Not to De Trifled TrifledWith Te TrIfledWith
With lh In t Ilobokcn IlobokcnHenry lobken lobkenHenr IlobokenHenry
Henry Henr Wlsllrng Wlltnc of 407 Jefferson Jeleren street streetUnion treetUnion rt rtUnion
Union Hill JU N J had his father summoned summonedbefore lummonedbtore summonedbefore
before Recorder order Hauensteln lauentol In I that hat town townyesterday tow towrceterdy townyesterday
rceterdy btore yesterday to compel compl him hi to surrender frrender hit hitbrlden hli hlibrlde hisbrides
brides brlde trousseau trurau The Te elaer Wlslleng Wlaleg ex explained explall oxplained ¬
plall plained that tho young couple cuple had been beenboarding ben benbrdg beenboarding
boarding with wih him since their marriage marriagethree mrage mragethre marriagethree
thre three weeks week ago and nd that ho was wal merely merelyholding merelyholding merelyholding
holding the brides brldel clothing clothg as 81 security securityfor Iclty Icltyror
for their board boardYoull hard hardYoul boardYoull
Youll have hav to give It up said the Re Recorder J Jcrder Itocorder ¬
Is a thing thingabove thingabove
crder corder A brides trousseau tr01u thiK thiKnb
nb above the law lawSUICIDE lawSVICIDE lawSUICIDE
Lr teit eft His ni Locomotive Lomothe Locomotiteand and nd Threw rw Himself BlnucUIn Wtel
In Front n of a Train TrainCmmxaLAND Ttn TtnCtKJL TraInCmniEBIANn I
CmmxaLAND CtKJL Md M April 18 18Daniel 18Dalel Daniel B Blutson Dlutn BHutson I
lutson aged 44 4 of Romney Rmney W Va V pas pasnger p psisenger I
lutn Inger senger nger engineer enCler agd on the be Romney Rmney branch brnch of ofhe orthe ofthe I
the he Balllraoro and ad Ohio Railroad Rrd this thisnomlng thlamomlg hismorning
morning deserted dene his engine at Green GreenIpruigg Orn OrnBprgs GreenSprings
momlg engne
Bprgs Springs leaving Ivlg no one to run r the train iralnnd tr trad trainand
ad nd went ent to Bradys Brdy Mills 11 seven In mile milerest me meet milewest
After calling on his histster hissister
rest et of Cbrld Atr mUg hi hisiter
siter sister Mrs Mr J S Van Va Mcrter Merer ho walked walkediut wlked wlkedout walkedout
out In front of a passenger train ti and ad was wasilled 10 10kit waskilled
out I Jrgr
killed He had hd been b ill at t a Bolllmore Bolllmoreicspllal Dtlor DtlorhClpltl l3altirdorehospital
kit hClpltl hospital le and was pronounced prounc incurable incurablelils incurableThis Icble IcbleTlls
Tlls This preyed prye on his h mind mn He 10 once ono bad badloney h hmoney hadmoney
Dr r Hunter Inte of Kentucky Authority Aotbon for forSaylnc forSaying I I8atl
Saying 8atl That l the leaor Senator I II a Candidate CandidateLOUISVILLE Canddle CanddleLUISJL CandidatLoulsvIuE
LOUISVILLE LUISJL Ky April Apr 18 18Dr Dr W Cod Codroy Oo Godfrey
rry frey roy Hunter Uulr Is I authority authorty for the statement statementhat statementthat ttment ttmentthat
that Senator Bnter Charles Carle W Fairbanks Farbk of In Inliana Indiaa Indiana
diaa liana has announced anounco that he will wi be a aAndldato acdidat acandidate
cdidat candidate fortho for the Republican Rpublc nomination nominationor nomaton nomatonrorPrldent
rorPrldent for or President Senator Bnatr Fairbanks FaIrbak and andluter nd ndnutr andliunter
nutr luter had a oonfnrenoo oonrnnoe of several ver bourn bournurationat houl houlu hoursfluratlon
h and U U said saidhat saidbat
fluratlon urationat ateOtH at thOOalt House Houaea4 L
hat u the te doctor door will U look after at a the te Indiana Indiananans Ind1nmans Indlarf Indlarfmalltir
malltir mans Intererte In i Kontucky KontuckyACCUSES KontuckyCCVSESSN KontuckyACCUES
FeYrrld I1tfleeaYearOd 1fteenYcr OId Boy Do Said aid to Have ue Stolen Stolenand 8ioIrand
and nd tndoned tdonf CJiecks CJiecksFifteenyearold Cek CekFtnyald cflecksFItoenycarold
Fifteenyearold Ftnyald Rufus Rul Potter of 603 603Jast G 3 3East
East 105th lo th street atrt was WO locked loked up In i the theAlexander tbeAleunder thederander
Alexander Et avonue avonue police pUc station sttion yesterday yesterdaybarged yesterdayharged y ray raychrg
barged with forging lorglg the signature Igtur of his hisather hisrather
chrg rather Frederick Forick Potter who bo is I a boss bossdumber bosstiumber
dumber to two small IIrI chocks chocksTho che checklimo
pumbr Tho toy ran away from homo on Jan JanI Janaccording
21 I according to his IW father but returned rtured
10 0 the acrng house hou twice twlo and each ec time tl Inter Intercptcd Inlr Inlrcpted interopted
opted a latter carrier from whom hom ho got gotittcrs gt gtletcl gototters
cpted otters containing cor the checks chcck The Te boy boyigned by
letcl continng
Kiied 1 1 his fathers rath name nmo to tho checks checksnd checksLrid
nd ld le got It thorn thor cashed Che Detective Deteve Roth Rothjan Rtb Rtbmn Rothnan
jan gt found the thl boy by hiding In I a woodpile woodpilecor wpil
mn nC tear his l fathers house houseROMOTUR hoU houseIOOTEII
Man Jlan Who 10 Leave Lu 8W4X S 000OO > OOO Worth ortb of Dcbti DcbtiSatli DebtiSails Debt
Sails 8a1 for londun londunNEW hondurasNew Honduras HondurasNEW
NEW ORLEANS April Aprills 13 ILHenry Henry enry Herman Hermanthepromoter nenn nenntbe Hermanthe
the thepromoter promo promoter r who is missing mMig from Mil Milwaukce Mu Muwaukoc I
waukce AukcI loa leaving ng debts debtl estimated estmated at 1cpooo 1cpooosailed 1 qp000 qp000sailed I Ille
sailed lle yesterday YCterdy from bore hnr for Puertt PuerttCortcz PerQ PerQCorez PuenicCortez
Cortez Corez Honduras Jondur with Ith which Wch country count th thUnited the theUntd theUnited
United Untd Stales Stato have Il18 no extradition extrddton treaty treatyDespatches tlt tltDptche treatyDspatehes
Despatches from Milwaukee Miwauke say IY Herman Henan Henmanufriends i ifriend I
friend Dptche do not not expect him him to return retu Case Casehavo Caseshave C
have rrendi hav been bn found tslt It Is I said where wber mart martgages mor montgages
Herman Hermansecure to tolure tosecure
gages had ha been bn assigned agne by Hln
secure lure large largeWOMAN largeHOMAN ale sums su from mm two t0 to four rou times tmN tmNlarge i ilarge as aslarge
Run Rn nrr Owr by an Express Fpl Wagon con Wlilc WlilcHo Tfldoh Tfldohso 1110
Ho 1 Far Yr Remains Renlat Unidentified UnidentifiedAn tnldtnUff tnldtnUffA
An express wagon ran rn over and In InPtonlly instartly InFrUy
A Cpl W1gl
Ptonlly FrUy killed Ile Mia Mary IY Polka Polk a Polish Pollsrwoman Pl6h Pl6hWDln Polishwoman
North Sixth Slxtlstreet Sixthstreet 81sthftrf
woman WDln 41 yenta ye r old ol of 1S1
street ftrf Irst evcrlng e rll nt Berry Br and North NortlSixth Norh Norhflxth NorthSixth
Sixth streets WUlUmbliurg Although hun luindi bundi hundl
flxth 6trte WU nllurg Alhoug
di rca a cf peitrrs eircrs rs on their wry TY borne fro froteletborirg from fromteigLorfrg
teletborirg t selu ff dories crIe wltressed It11 tho fa faU II IIt fitU
U ellt1orirR lli lily i zctodv < Lody n nv re ito en efTort efort to rKertaln rKertalnwnn rKe1 ricentainthe
the t II lde detity t1 of r the wgon wcgon or to lolo follow It ItT itFbo
tlA Fbo o woman wre deed wcn when sIre he was wnnpicked Wl Wlpicked waspicked
1 t dNt
picked T up Sho Ihn lived In1 with Ith her husband husbandtnd hlemd lruirbctndarid
arid tvo smell me 1 children childrenBICYCLIST cbtdrcn cbtdrcnDUCUST childrenIIICICLISTSIIOOTS I
St lt Bernard Berad Attacked Him 1m on tllieel tllieelReward 1l ItheelReward e eRer
Reward Rer for III 111 Ills Arrest ArrestMoNTCurnN Arrlt ArrltMOcwm ArrestM0Nrci4flt
MoNTCurnN MOcwm NJ N J 1 April Aprl M nA 2 A St Bernard Bernarddog Brard Brarddol Bernarddog
dog dol valued nt 11000 100 i000 and owned by Mrs MrsCharles MrsCharles 1
Charles Robbing ltbblnl of Church street Itr fell tel a avictim aiclm avictim
victim iclm to Ito own 01 treachery tllahery yesterday yesterdayand yeterdy yeterdyId yesterdayand
and Id will I never new r again attack atack bicyclists bicyclistsBob hlccl8 hlccl8oB11 bicyclistsRob
Bob the dog jumped Ju d out at a bicycle hlccl hlcclrider bicyclerider j jaway
rider away oB11 who 10 shot hot And kUe ICIUOd hi him and ro roawar rode rodeaway
A largo reward rni Is to be offered olcr < l by Mrs MrsBobbins Mr MrsBobbins
Bobbins Rolbll for tho arrest arl of the rider riderEngineer riderFcn riderEngIneers
Engineer Fcn Salute fllute Mr In Emmett EmmettWHITE Emmet EmmetWmu EmmettSVnrvz
WHITE PLAINS Ptt s April pril ts 19AI tAbl All the tlO engi engineers engineera ¬ i intm
neers ntm on 01 tho Harlem Harlm railroad rird as I they tley pass passtho J passtho
tho homo of Mrs 11 Margaret Mgalt Hannlgan lannlgan Em Fmmett Emmttt Emmelt
melt mttt at South Suth Bronxvllle ronxll saluto luto her with withthree withllmno lh lhtl
three tl blasts of tli tl lhn4iir lr whistles whl tcs In I recognition recognitionof rcogniion rcogniionor
of her bravo hr act aotln in signalling l < saUng the engineer engineerof
of the the American Amerc Express Epr18 in time Hrp to prevent preventhis pMnthiI
his hiI train firm lfm cirflilnc rIhfnf Into the te WklSo WklSoPWis VhJoPialia 0 0PlalI
PWis PlalI local loal at full lul tptid six pd U When Wlfn the tn tnjlntcrs InIln tntglncera
jlntcrs < we o her I r they hI wave Wr theIr hands at alher ather athr
her Iln e1 iHhldifi Ixhdul blowing hlorll thdr whltlos whltlosFamUy whl wlnieticsVanity tI tIamt
Vanity amt IUicatcd J catf In Rumlan RumlanBRLTAnr DurllnDKLAT fluralaryBmrsev
BRLTAnr DKLAT Mo April prUIA 18 18A A BWR 11nr gir of burg burglars burgtars ¬
lars 11 which has operated opfnle throughout throulhout this thiscounty thisI thiscounty
county for a year r past line been bn broken up upIt upIt upIt
I It Is believed bleed Frank Douglass DOlllls of Jackson Jacksonhli Jacksonhii JCOI
hli hI two sans fnl Asa AII and EIm bhl Douglass Dougll of ofof orUnit ofUnntty
Unit Unntty and hL liLe snntnlw 1lnI Celtl Cheitsa Frhuh Frhuhor Furbush Furbushof
of Jackson Jako pleaded pladP guilty Ilty when wlm arraigred arraigredIn amljel arralodin
In the e municipal mulrlpal court cur today charged chargedwith oharld oharldwih chargedwith
with teveral burglaries Lurglae and were er bound boundover bud budocr boundovcr
over wih to the Supreme Judicial Judl1 Court Courtttir Cu CuKiIon CourtFur
Fur Million KiIon ClAlloni Ollan In I Bond loa4 Itnur 14f th thtrallonn the thealor tbVfltfoni
alor trallonn qutlltr of Vhrri lh PcoUh fkbAf fkbAfP ScotchAd Adr
I i
8ee Znce ee Last L December Dembrtt Deeembernlt Molt Derm Dep th U flaw NtwJenry N NJ flawJersey
Jersey J nt1 to Cancel ael srneei toe Ue Certificates CerttfloatrgGet Cc100atC and andCct a
Get G i New Ones as Was U Done DDe Aft AftManhattan A AftManhattan
Manhattan IUaata Barings lainc Dank Da Robbery RobberyTho Rb Rbo Robberyrho
Tho o loss lol by the Union Savings Svi Bank Dk DkTrt and andrust sadTrust
Trt Trust rust Company Compay of Cincinnati CioinlU of 8133000 8133000orth 10 123000worth
worth orth of Itayal Ihr Baking Bkrg Powder Company Companytook CmpJ Companyutock
atk took was wa announced aouncd over the Wall W Stroot Strootioker St BuegLicker
toker Licker yesterday feterdyl In this form formSecretary formrfl formSecretary
Secretary rfl U n A Koshler KOher of tht ta Ui Vales tTaloavln tlc ValesSvings
fvlnl Svings vln s Bank and Trust Tra Company Cmpn innoirnon anO annouaossthat innoirnonhat
hat ba hi his Institution Ittuton I ii tb the owner ower of IJTI IJTIhares 1 1lb If Ifthares
lb hares am of the te prefeTed prered stock Iol of the te Royal Royallaklnv Ro RoDala RoyalBaking
Dala Baking Powder Company CompD certlfloaUs ceUloawlNo Noo NooU Ne
t 135 U to t 041 GUlcUlv Inclusive for 100 10 shares h each Moo NN
78 154 4 to 70 705 Inclusive lncul1 each ecb for U 2 2 shores u and andertlncal ae aa aaerUflcates
certncata ertlncal Nos No T TDD B to t 80JlncJutlvisaohfo 808 8lculn bciuslv eac sack rw toetoshares rwha II
toshares tosharesThe 0 shares sharesThe ha
The above abn certificates cetfcll hay bn been b mloslat mloslatIncc m mIssl mIsslllnce
alne Incc Dec De 2 tMl 11 and all parties pUe are ao caiiUontd caiiUontdignlntt caUoDe cariUon cariUontgsinst <
aalmlt ignlntt negotiating naoUatns the ts same ame The Tb bank bankms b < 1has IasmadeapphIcatIon
has ms asmadeapphIcatIon made application nlplcaton to t the te Hudson lud Circuit Circuitourt Clr i iJourt I
Jourt of New Jen Jersey r for an a order orde dlroottaR dlroottaRtsura dUI diectgssutt
Cour tsura of o nw De certltloutes tn place Dlacoank ci those thoseelijah O
ISul o
elijah hleh have L been rftlcatJ Inst lol or destroyed destroyedotIc Nt1 Nt1Notce pa
otIc Ii also o livn given that O on Wv I 1 1sank
bank sank Notce will I apmr a to t the abovojrder abovo a f otns fo roe a 1 Seal Sealnder
order directing d ct a the tunes It ue or wio e new na o oiflcntN r I Imenu I Itfrnt
menu suit tll f Hint all 11 person having havlniMlm havinglaim 11
tfrnt Mlm llm or IntcretU In the pon sbovo abo1n said Md saidaVe r rItn I IrlJ
aVe should Itmu b be present prnt ut ta the Cour Court loQ P oias oiasp
rlJ I p Jerl Jersey l1t CIty on hay t9 a at to oco clock toe toeJrn 0 I
Itn punoM of showing ehowlnl cause why ouch Ic MW MWertlnoate asvrentillcatcs
ertlnoate purrJI should nut bo Isiuod IsiuodTho iseusdTime lued
oerunoat The stock shoud U not listed on the tb sWt Stock Ex Exhango b arhangebutisdealtiaontheourbwbrsis
ltk I IIte
hango hangebutisdealtiaontheourbwbrsis but is I dealt det In I on tho t curb cb wbero wh M Mfas f fCu
chag fas quoted yesterday at 101 10 bid b ll0 IMKaskod IMKaskodIlls 102 aais4 aais4I
11 I Ills 11 quote makes mAke the erdYt stock Bk loot lot worth WOI financially fl tinanclafly11S775 e
123775 The loss of such a sum am caused causedroat oUa oUaIrat a ameat
1127 meat roat deal Te of comment oomDt In I Wall Wa Street Streethere st Htreetflrero
Irat here was wa no Indication iicatin whether wher too t aooo aoooItlps seesltire
Itlps wore lost or stolen stolenCINCINNATI stolenClrwnniavi atolenCNCINNAI
CINCINNATI WAr lot April 18 18An An official ololoft of th thompany tbmpany
ompany CNCINNAI mpany refused rfW to explain exl tonight tDht how aoWhe b howhe
ompy the he stock Itok was lost lostFtltE lostFIRE lst lstFIRE
lotel Ebb ana nd Three 1r Cottages Cottl Bumtd B HurnedFla HurnedFlaero FIaJM FIaJMSeen
Seen lern ero at t Sandy 8 nook nookThree Uok HookThree
Three Tr cottages otagl and a email al hotel hotelt at Rook Rookway B Books Booksiway
aayDlch way B Beach cch between betwen Bommell Hrel and an Hol Holand Hoand
and stations talon were wre destroyed detryd by fire f last lastlight lu lasttight
light before bfore the Rockaway Rkay Fire F Depart Departnent Departnent De
nent practically practicaly got lOt to work All Alor of the thoturned thebud theurned
situated on Sort Sorttvenuo Surfivenue
bud turned buildings buiding were etuted Su
tvenuo and faced tac the ocean oan Only Ony one onehat oD onehat
hat owned owed by Mrs Mary Mr Maloney lllone was wascupled wasiccupied
oupied cupled Tho To others otherl had been shut su up upor upfor upor
for or the winter wter their owners owra residing rada in inilanhatten I indanhatten
ilanhatten danhattenThe ilanhattenThe lnhtan lnhtanTe
The Te fire f started In the th dining dlnlg room r of ofhe ofthe ofhe
the he Delevan Dtlevn Hotel and the flames fme spread spreadnpldly spreadspicily lrd lrdrlpldly
rlpldly spicily through the building buidg lighting IgtlK up tipho uptho upho
ho bench for miles milesFrom mU mUFrom milesFrom
From Sandy Sdy Hook Hok It seemed Home as If aU a of ofhe ofthe ofhe
the he buildings buidig on Rockaway lkay Beach Dt14h were werea w
i a flames fmes The Te fire tro spread sprea from the hotel hotelo b
o the summer residence roalenc of Mrs I T Hartung Hartungif IIartu
t or if Eightyseventh Eghtyventh smer street and Lexington Lexingtonvenue Lexingtonivenue Lsa
venue nue and then to the th other cottages cottagesinablo oUag cottagesAbout
About this time the tr fire companies fl fron fronkiaside I
Abut thi tie omP
kiaside Itkaay Itockaway Park H01 lioUands Ar Arrerne
8ulde veme and Far Ilockaway arrived b bat w wsr wsrmmblotoaavethoburnlngbotldlnga
Rkawy arv
unble mmblotoaavethoburnlngbotldlnga inablo to gave tho burning buring buildings bUng There Tbororaa T Theretas
and this fanned fannedhe fannedhe
raa a high l wind blowing ad thl tlned
tho wa he flames t jb H DO that tht some 11 of the pipes pl pipeewhinh whloh whlohlad wh 4 4tad
lad fam been been taken I to 0 the roof rt of an a adjoining adjoiningiiMinir adjoiningmuUdtag adJo adJolha
h muUdtag iiMinir ben badtobe hart t to b be abandoned abdnbTdie abdnbTdien abandondbythe by tho firs flnoveral firsnon
non lha 8ver Siverai veral other cottage cttKa which whh It Itmed Itmed Itteemed
teemed med would woull not escape fp damage damg won wonved w weedby warsaver
eedby aver ved by the t firemen mn playing pla waist war on o too toofs t theuois
uois uoisTw fs fsTwo
rr rrTo Two Tw of tho thebuildings buildings which were web bamod bamodod lwdtad
thobuUllt1g wich
hl od To only recently rnty boon Ln rumed furnished Tho Tholevon 1 flr flrelevnn
levon Hotel was 0 to t open op for theseason theseasonn te n non
on Dle n Memorial Day DayThe DayThe DayThe
The members of the Rockaway Rkwy Beech Boaohollco B Beechtoilce
ollco force ro did excellent txocltnt work tn I aa aaUtiog asbating
Iltlg polc bating the th firemen frmn to save ave the th adjoining adjoiningottoges ao adjoiningof
ct ottoges ottogesThousands Thousands Thud te of mon and od women wome from Cm the thetookaways thaookaways t
ookaways and ad other settlements ttemete botwooa botwooaimatei btm btmJamalt betwesaarnaica
Jamalt Rkar imatei and the ooein 01 were wor attracted at to tole t tohe
te he le beach bl by the flames flamesAPT fM fMCAP flamesAPT
A ski CharlUe OaUe Department Dprmft to Car C for forFive fseFive
Five Fve of too Ue EIght ElcbUCipt Ellbt Ellbt03pt EIghtCapt
Cipt 03pt Edward Ewa Els Elsorth worth Flynt Flyt who 1h was wasirmjrly wasrmnly
tonnly irmjrly well wel known kown In I National Naton Guard Ouardroles G Gcirle Guardroles
cirle roles In I Brooklyn Drky as a marksman mk and andhlete ad adathet andLhlote
athet hlete and ad who commanded omdo a company companyr comy comyor
or F r the 114th Ufh Regiment lllont In I the th Spanish Spanlahmerican Sp Spanishmenican
I Americn merican War Wa Is I In a sad sd plight plght Tester Yostorly Y r ry
ly y he was Wi forced for to apply Ipply to Commissioner Commissionereale Cmo CmoTae
< Charities Department to torn tornjrarily tamnrarily
Cole of the Cite lepmnt t t tpnly
Tae of five of ofs ofhis ofis
jrarily relieve him of the core o 11
pnly his is s eight r10 children chdrn whose who hl e ages as range rn from fromto rr fromto
6 to ellht 12 yoirs yOrs He le has hO been bn lyhll1ith living with the thoilldren t theIldren
illdren for soma Ime lime t I M lt 333 33 Second 8nd strait streotit a
chidrn but it has h lx brn been > en notified notfet by I the th owner to tone go goiw gee geeiw
ne iw quarters the other occupant opt of o ofme
tha 10 house houl quarere having havn objected obje to the th preoenoo preoenooeo pfD pfDor
or r eo many children chidrn Commissioner Commleoner Teals Toaloomlsed Te Tealsm1sed
r omlsed to mo 1 that tht the to children lrQ are cared e
Capt pt Flynt 1 urn urnbnxrassod
barrassod Fyt will will contribute cntrlbut something tll to totheir t totheir
their hrd support 11 His mi flnit fft wife wie died di la i January Jn
1000 IUPPr tend fnd about a year later ltr ho h married marriedMiss m marriedMLi
Miss 10 Elizabeth Harms His second snd wife wiferefused w wiferefused
MI refused Elloth lo accompany anl him hi to the home ho be beprovided haprovided b
provided rfuld for aCpny hcrnndthey hernd Ihey have h never nee lived livedlojtelher U9 livedtogether
together ther Caul Flynt alleged that tt hie hiewlfo h hi hiwile
tOi Cpt her alel by her hermother hermother
wile was restrained IsfAlned of htr llbrty liberty b
mother I Wl and brought proceedings prlg In i the theSupreme U tl tlSuprcrnri
Supreme Bupr al Court Curt to have lave her hr restored rar to to1dm t to1dm
1dm 1 but bt failed failedHID faled faledIID failedHID
Gc Ceo en Varlans arlln Son Breaks Urek News 1eW t t to toFamilyYoung BM BMFamily
Family Fnlonnl FamilyYoung Voanj Wife Ue Anxious AnxloaWyllo Anor AnorWylo AnxiousWylie
Wyllo Wylo Varian Yaran the twentytwoyearold twentytwoyearoldson twentytwoyl
son of Gen Joshua Johua Varian Varan of 719 11 No Notrand No Notrand Notrand
trand avenue Brooklyn Brklyn announced aWouno to t bin binparents h hisparents
parents yesterday 3Cteray that tt tho young womanwho woman womanwho wom
who prnts ho had ba been 1 n Introduced Itruco to them on several severaloccasions l1e severaloccasions
occasions ns the landladys daughter daughterhad daughte
Olon ni ldhtyl
had hnt been bn the young youg mans IIS wife ife for more morethnn mr morethan
thnn a year yearmarried yearle yearThe
The le young hrid WM 3lsa 1M Constano ConstanoButtoner Contano
Buttoner youg 01 Nova Sctia Scotia Te The coule coulemt couple couplemet
mt recml years yc arf ao wble while younl young Var Vanian Vanianens
ens travrltlng On 161111 lebll1902 they were weremarried e emarl91
married WR marl91 tlflnj by the llev llv Mr Armstrong Atrong of QrSI
303 03 Pacific street streetYoung Itr streetYoung t tYoung
SI Young PAcno Varian Varia announced that tht he was wasgoing w wKolnR wasgoing
nnour tho ho South and andtook andtook
going on A 1 business hWI trip trp to Hutb a
took his bride on their honeymoon honeymoonAt IIO oon oonAt
rk At hl thn homo of the young yunRp people le 83 83Lawmnco 1 83Lawrence
Lawrence street last I t night Mr ll Mint Varian Varianodmlttcd Va Varfanadmitted
Lwlonct admitted the th trt truth trtb of the marriage mariae but butoald bt btoad butreid
Ddmltr reid with wit hh on o anxious axlola look lok beyond tyond tyondreprtr the thoreporter thereporter
oad reporter for TUB Sine HtN that her husbae husbaehad husb husbhad hUI
hl had reprtr gone to sro 6 TR the General Onr and a sho did di cot cotknow nt ntkow notknow
know jOM when hon ho would olld return returnAt rellnl rellnlAt returnAt
kow At tho homo of Gen On Yarinn Yaln no informs information Wor informstion ¬
tion could Ira obtained an to the th attitude attltudno tUtul
o ot the Mud young 10 W1 mans U1nl family fMly toward towardthe tw towardthe
the couple couplonut ouple ouplenut coupleflui
nut Ip p a Mound Iounl Builder Duldr PloughPniKCcrov Plough Plo PloPlCEON rleughfticETor
PniKCcrov PlCEON III I April Aprl 18 ISEl 18ElI Ell Williams Williamswho WIU WilliamwIno
who owns 011 z farm fam four miles ml south Ilth of this thUoty t thisat
at oty while whle digging dijRlnl a well wel unearthed unearthedcnido Ineo a aerindo
cllo cnido Hone plough that has attracted atrate at atL a atI
I L n Ion It Is believed bo1 that the plougbbe plougbbeUurodto ploulbb plough be bebirodlci
t Uurodto to tho WI thennnundbulders mound vc builders huld l Tho plough ploughiinarM Is Isinntlo I
inntlo llJo of rcddi ldi8h > stone Iton U triangular tran ular la lashape insispo IDsp
shape and ad measure meUr thirteen thrpn Inches InchO < each eaobway 7 7way
sp Wn way It I was WD found Immediately Immeltely above af a aI s ststurnofooal
I tsturnofooal tsturnofooalMr alum of ooal ooalMr ca
Mr r Ralnrxs nalnt Auto 0110 Went Too To Fiat FMtM F FIUam L L1111am
M illlam IUam T TltIMI Ilnlncy was arrested arte y yestor yestorday str stray
Bicycle Polloemaa Polloemaalularkey f fMuiarkey
day ay afternoon afemoon by I10ycle Pol
Muirby lularkey for driving drvnl his hi auto at a a speed aptodxce a aerefcdirg
erefcdirg xce Nlrp dlrg twenty tWfnty miles mUe an 1 boor b alone aloneoulevarU an 3 3Boulevard if
Bunl Boulevard Lalayelto Layett
I i iau