OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, May 05, 1903, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-05-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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now nowousers nowOU8er nowOusere
ousers ousersi OU8erRain OusereRftIfl
i Rain RftIflANA RainWANA RainW
feet ect fit fithand fithand fithand
hand handfit handfit handfit
fit nor noreach noteach
3 each eachm
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walk walkietted walketted walker1ng
ietted iettederings ettederings
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Grand Grandwere Gr Graidwere d dw
were wereCorne w were wereCome re reCotlle
Come CorneSara CotlleSara ComeSara
Sara Sararenlng Sarafine Saraening
renlng renlngre eningre
re the theaerica theerica
erica aericaample ericaample
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wT wTlace
lace laceJasona lacea8on8
Jasona Jasonaed a8on8ed
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have haveelbow haveelbow
elbow elbowfine elbowfine
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hat we wetee wetee wetee
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req e eand eandedium and andledium andodium
odium lediumtedium odiumodium ediumediuni
tedium tediumirfectly odiumrfectly ediuniiIectly
irfectly irfectlySuit rfectlySuit iIectlySuit
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ubtful ubtfulit ubtfulqu1ethn
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nan an echool echoolThe choo1The
The etreetiatrolled streets streetslatrolled
latrolled by byIi byNary
Ii Nary NarySex Nal7Stnf Narys Naryde1gn
Sex Sexdesigns Stnfde s
designs de arty am amIty ar arty
Ity ty for the thei thecrWaell4 thecruisers
i cruisers cruisersare
are to de delour deour deour
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which will willaso wlla willaemate8
t a emate aso aemate8 aemate8there mates mateshound
there thereway
way waycold
cold coldhound
hounduggist hound houndlegist
legist legistbottle
bottle bottley
Mts MtsT
rcniTAT HHPOttTS THAT TtlABprrlflf THATrJ1ll
rJ1ll 7 II i I Im I 111 11UNSIIIV 11UNSIIIVFIfC11le mIIII mIIIIIllrlr
Bprrlflf rii hall tIar r M Agalnit lalllt the thl Mrtropolltai MrtropolltaiKnllrrlv Utropoltl lropoIlttiii
Illrlr Knllrrlv 111111 iii IrrI Wllhniit lholt Itliniut Iotm Iolndaton Fotinilal < UllonHo len Mo o Fai Fain IaiJ4 ar arn
J4 n < Ttir Involve 4rlnilnl rlllal Wrong WrongilnlMfi tron troniInIi roll rolltlnlljI1
tlnlljI1 iInIi ilnlMfi IM i n Ihn i lie ln frlnilnal Crlllal Cr1 tilni I Iliirrau Iliirraufii I Iltiraiitir Irl I IJncl
fii tir Jncl nti Attornny Atorno At torliny Jeromodropped Jeromo eropple dropped AmoryuIIrrhIg Amory Amoryy AmoryIrdll
y < kTlny concurring eOWlrrll uIIrrhIg in tho report repot or hii hiixiori hil hilI1rl hI hIArtPnir
xiori I1rl luiciiiniant llllllllt Arthur W V Tel thai thaiis
I h lPU is I nnlhing 10thlll In II their speclflo trKlfo crimlnn crimlnnphargi crlmlnnlIharrI critninutirg
phargi IharrI tirg against n alll tho tII Metropolitan Melrrltal Stroel Hlrot Hlrotnllwl HtroelHi Stroellliihviiyloiiipnny
lliihviiyloiiipnny Hi nllwl IwiIy lCII oItlInny II mnnngomont nnRenmlt Jlr Ir Jerome Jcromgavixiut Jeromea <
gavixiut ga a t olt Iflt a I 5tH Htiitcmont tntllonl t liftlflt in II I ii which ho said saidIn ald aldI
In I tu lIl D > II4L i < t nf f Sovpinlior Slhrr 1007 Mr Ir Amorj Amorjiii lon lonII mnr mnrIii
iii > Tniti > d in II inc 11 10 pcrtnlii tln acviifatlunn Iccl tlun In r rp r rtt ro roiq
iq p t ti tt to > tin th t lu lliiinclid fnancul inin manngpnl iiMHiH nf tin tintrnpohlan thottnpnhlul tiutM
M ttnpnhlul trnpohlan rnpr I I t 1 II Strrrt Ilrt St rett Itnlhray Inlhvl H ri I I wii Conipmiy Cn OIPlIY iii izi ny nm nmin Ind IndIL fl fl1t4
in IL iiu 1 Id d llni1 111 IItit Ihlch w hIcli if well wIl eiI foiindpd fOllclld woiilc woiilctindoiilitiMlly wOIIt WOIIICon
on tindoiilitiMlly Indlllldl Iiuitr iti Iy Iit have t In Involved 11oh vol vd < d the t ln KiinniUsloi KiinniUsloiof fin mmllnnf flt lU4Ifl lU4Iflr
of f rriino rim In II flit til roimty ollt at < if f New Nc York ork I pin pinilnynl Im Implnpd ciiiIIIYNI
ilnynl Mr Ir Arthur W W 1cdo us I an I uccountnnt uccountnntmill IICUlntnnt
mill 111 a uktd kt d tlio t 1113 nfflwr Omll r of the MotropolUnr MotropolUnrStrppt Metrnloltln MetrnloltlnAtrt MetropollintSirttt
Strppt Ilnllwiiy Illw roinimny InllII oinIiliIly to pfrmlt prml Mr Ir Schur Schurmnn SchurInu MehurInn
mnn Inu Inn 0 nnd Ild 11 IitI Mr 11 i r Tcele 111 to t 0 pxnmlno t ciim I ne their t book booktn honlIn
tn I rt lfiirinlin dptlrml1 < whether the I ie olinrKP d1ff wero wlr wol wolfniinilcil wel we weir
fniinilcil nr ir not nnt Tin h olflror of O the companj companjMtpl olpany olpanyt1
0 Mtpl t1 to I 0 tills I I IiJ Thereupon Thtrlllln I submitted ulmlttd ti tiMr tu tufr fttr
Mr tr fr TPIIH 11 tln til tIi > report rCllrf of AttountnnU lcolmtnnt Hertliuiil Hertli Herto IlertitiI I II
uiil iI I Toiohninn Thhnlil tosethpr with wih statpmonti statpmontii t tlmrnt tlmrntII
i < nliivlyiii II nil I of Mr Ir Amorys Amor char eharll chnrgtt e i no noi not fbii
i > i IIIKM 1111 iiiiiiJ In II tho thoe u reports with wih wit h Instruction Instructiontn Instrlctonl Instrlctonltn
tn arofiilly arorll mid Ild fully rlll liivnstlunte 111tlmto the mtittpr nuitterittinc mtittprin Ilttr Ilttri
in i thn Ihnf ttinc p rppnrts rllIlrt anti nd In Mr ir Amorys Amo ehnriro ehnriroml etnrgt etnrgtand hnrls hnrlsand
and ml report rforl tomo tn 10 11th tho result resul Mr 11 IVelei IVeleirei 1clrtIt tfh1 tfh1I
rei > nrt N I v < N ry clear dcaI and nd full rli till jmd Ind takes t kes up enelnrii each eachIn1 end endant
ant In1 every PI llndlnK fodlnl of Messrs Ie rs Ilertle nnc nncTpihman and nndhlnl andIthtnnn
Tpihman hlnl and pnch Pich charge chnrle made by b Mr MrAmory Jl Jlmnn Mrfl1Ot
Amory mnn to Mr 11 Schurnmn Hchlrmll This rhi hl report rrIJrt If Ifon II IIIn I IT
on In T Illn 110 tti In n my 1 officeand omt oflct Ind and access Ic ac9es rs may IIY be hnd t tit to toI ft ftIt <
it I nt any an y proper tlino tl0 by nny nii I one 01 Ono ol olMr orIr oltr
Mr tr Ir Te 11 TptIt li M finding Oldlng Is I an follows followsTlie folo foloThe
0 The 1 tie reports rellrts by b tho Metropolitan letropolt n StreeHull Street Strlet StrletHliwn Street1it
Hull Hliwn 1it tJ way V Company COII > I y to t o tho t Iit Railroad HllroRd Com ComtiM Cor Coinhiniicrq
ionprs not full and complete state sintenniit stateiii
tiM hiniicrq nro RO rll ld olplcte slntl slntlInlt
iii nniit Inlt tIt of tholr flnancliil Ilalclullun condition conditionTht Ondit llon llonTht ion ion1ht
Tht read Irad In II connection eonncton with wl vIt h Mr 11 lr Teclei Tecleifull TrlefIlii Teeiefull
full report mennn that tlat their method1 Ilethod ol olmikins or orlking 01Ill
mikins lking Ill 1 k in t llulr I Iiti r iiuarterly q 1Iarlrl iiarttrl and a nd annual I nllli liii ha I stntp stntpin stat t tr trpoL e einnt
in innt poL nn iiro 110 it ro faulty fallt fault and Ild are properly prnprl the tnt RIIJoct tntjn uh uhJpct
Joct of criticism crlte1 from frol the standpoint tlndpolnt of o POP POPporate dorpnrate 01
porate pnratl iiccniintlnv Iccnlltn hut blt thii thl lnvptliatlor lnvptliatlorlias
Ins h clearly celrly shown holn that it I Is I the method thai thaii t hat hatI
i nt fault f ult nnd ald thnt th l the fuel fl I results 1111 shown shownKO hnwl
KO t far us lS the t lie actual artlli present prlllt Innnclnl In lell1 condl condltion condiunit I Ilinl
unit linl of the company l Is concerned nllrle urn mil miliilfcotod nntIlrpel titittTtitnd
iilfcotod Ilrpel by I the enn1un course nlre adoptod Mr 11 Tpelt Tpeltllncls feekithctM lrle lrlernd
llncls that tho th specific concbiKlons conclllolI of MesxrH MesxrHHertln MPMSrNItrrtln
rnd Hertln tlat nnd am nd Telchnian Trlc 1111100 II n and tho specific ppcfc clinrirnf clinrirnfof chnrle chnrleof eiartre eiartreof
of Itlo Mr Ir Amory Amor are entirely eltrh without wlthnlt founda foiintlztlion foundation ¬ i
lion so fur ns I they thp involve 11010 criminal rrlnlu I wrong wroncilnins wronl wrongthing
thing and Ild in this tht view Ie Mr Ir ficlnirniiin Schlrnll nnd 1 1Ionpur I ITim
Ionpur IonpurThe
11111 The Tim o InvpstlEtntlon llstlltol mnde has ha been beol cpn confined cpnnld cpnIneil ¬
fined nld to the thl chnrue ehlrlr embodied Pnhodled In the report reportnf rlports rlportsof reportsof
of Messrs Hertln lert and nd Tolcnman IIhlan and nd those thosemncla thoeIlde thoseinride
mncla Ilde by h Mr 11 Amory Amory Anor orally to Mr I Scliur Scliurnwn Sehiirbun chlr chlrmln
bun mln Tho 1 h District IItrlt Attorney ttorney Is not rr fr officic otlciaoted officicvested omcloeted
vested with wih vUitnrlnl 1101111 powers over corpora corporniloni corporalion coritornI
lion I und In the I lie nlnoncc Ihonce of apparently oPplront well wollfounded WI wellfoiintlod 1
founded fOlntN1 Information Ilformllon it I Is II not 10t his hi duty dlt nor noiwithin norwlthlo no nowithin
make Investigation Investigationof
within his hi powers Ilwr to Ilke InlltlaUol
of corporate enrporlt management Inn gelpnl That no ml mlmilorsUmliiie 11 11Indrtlnlnl niltin4prstanllti
milorsUmliiie a t to the th scope of tills Inquiry Inquiryand Inlulry Inlulryand lncuIrand
and Indrtlnlnl of Mr Ir Teeles Inclines Onllnl tony m nrlfp 111 it itmust ttmlt Itmlht
must mlt lip hI remembered thnt th t the followlnif rolol11 sub subJicts subjcts ub ubjct
Jicts wpr wet not 10t generally Ienruly Investigated InvestigatedFirst Inethrltd InethrltdFlrtWh InvestigutedFlrsthettier
First FlrtWh Flrsthettier Whtthcr Lher dlvlitrnds dlldnd hare we been beel paid out ol olrnpltnl at atrlpla1 olcnpltftl
rnpltnl rlpla1 by h charclne chArl to construction constrction account whlct whlctshould whlcbhould whict3hould
should have hl1 been paid out of operating oplralnl rsp epnn epnnScondWlcthr epene epeneSecondWhether n ts tsSecond
Second ScondWlcthr SecondWhether Whether pid an al overvalualloa oIalualoo has hl b been beenplacd beeracid ci ciplaced
placed acid u non V seiurttlcs oerurle eeudtie at th the time lme of their purcbatr purcbatrThird purcbI purcbaeIltrdShcther
Third ThIrdWhether In Whether excrwlve excesIe amounts have hall beet beetpMd he beerpiI n np311n
pMd p311n In construction ontrclol for labor Ilbor and andenlces services rendered renderedand rendcdand retiderednd
and nd material materllL furnished furnishedFourth fumlslld fumlslldourtlWhether fumtsltcclFourtliVltethrr
Fourth FourtliVltethrr Whether charges chaiI have been b en made for foiletal forleCl1 toilegal
legal leCl1 ourtlWhether and Ild other expense e peMe where the expenditure expenditurewere exp rxpcndltureiwere ndlure
were In fuel not made midI for such purposes purposesI purpOc purpOcI
I do not mean mlun to say An that any al or nil ni ol olthese of ofthle 0 0these
these thle four things were done I have hnvl no ncevidence noevidence noevidence
evidence that th t any Rn of them thel was wn done The Thtdetermination ThedptNlll ThedeternJnntln
determination of these questions would take takmany tke tkemal takerunny
dptNlll 1sloIS
many months Uonlhs tun and Ild would Involve 1101 the ex exppndlture cxiwndlture x xIlndllrt
mal ppndlture of II ninny Ual thousands thClsnnds of dollars dollarsThp doI dollarsThe r r1hl
The Ilndllrt relations of the thl Metropolitan lltropolt Street StreelRailway Rtrplt RtrpltRalwR StreetRaIlway
1hl rllutnls
Railway Company OIPI the Interurban Jltlrurh n Com Company CompQn Cornpony ¬
pony RalwR pQn and Ind the MetropolItan Irtropultnn Securities Hecurilps Com Company COl Coniany ¬
pany palY iany wire not 10t invvstleated Ine81I tld except lxcept CXCCPIOB ns I covered coveredby cOfrtd cOfrtdbJ coveredby
by bJ Mr Teeles Tlele report as 8 there were no other otherchnrcen othtrchargf othirchnrgts
chnrcen In respect to these matters 18 ters The Thefollowtns Thefolulnl Thefollowing
following folulnl Is rrlpct the conclusion of Mr f Teeles Teelesreport Tlele Tlelerepnrt Teeleerert d
report to o mo moTh nicThe
1M 1MTh
repnrt Th rcnultd rCult of mr examination exnlnaton mar ma b bbriefly b bbriefly
briefly summarized lmmlrlzed ns a follows followstfniThu followtnPmaLTliu
brllt tfniThu deficit detclL claimed folow by b Mesr tesrs Herjle Herjlennd Irerleand
and JILTII Ttichman 1Ihmn Tt lchnian is not sub itubatantleted lbt tnntli JpsrInrrle JpsrInrrleand ntlted t d either eitherIn lltner lltnern
In n prlnciplu or in fact The Th llnblliyes IlhlltlC which whichhave whichhlve whluhhsve
have hlve prlocllo been omitted omlttd from From the balance sheet sheetother Ahclt Ahcltother heetother
other titan taxes tuxe would when brought broulht Intothe into intotho intothl
the thl balancesheet hnlunce t11 sheet add assets asset of a corre corresponding correIPolln correpondIrig ¬
sponding value valueb llue llueI
IPolln b I t Thp Thl 1 I tiP theory 11101 upon which It is I claimed claimedthat cllimed cllimedIhal claimedthat
that dividends paid Plid were unwarranted unwllrrnted or orunpiriudl orI orunarndI
unpiriudl l Is entirely t1trel wrong In II principle principleid prlnclplfcl
id 0 The Th reports relortg by b I the Metropolitan 31elroplln Street StreetItnllwuy Htret1Iu Streetlthihtny
Itnllwuy Company oipany mp n to the Railroad Ralrond Commls Commlshioiicru Commll lommlsstoitrs
hioiicru 1Iu iolerl aru lre not 10t full ftl und complete statements statementsof statment
of r their financial OI ncll1 condition conditionnil Iondltol
nil Id The TII ttocks teck and JDd bonds hodl which It Ifi Ifirlalnipd IAdalntd Istialined
rlalnipd were cre issued Is ud without consideration considerationwep conslderlton conslderltonwpr
dalntd wep Issued for value and In accordance with withthe withthe
the applications for Increase Inereal of capital c Plal made madeto
to th IIpllllon < State latr Knllroad Illrold Commissioners Commissionerslet COIII loners lonersel
let Ie el It i js not to bo expected that a state statement statelfUt tat tatIPII ¬
ment IPII nt nf cftsh receipts rrclptM and disbursement disbursementwill dlsburellwnt
will wil aereo 111 nerc with wih the balance balnnc sheet or r income incomeiiprouni IncumeIOUII incomeIIIot
iiprouni iiprouniifl IIIot II I Iif
IOUII IOUIIf ifl if f Marked llrkf differences diterenCs do exist between betweenth bteen bteenth
th Li hnlanoi hllll sheets hcet or March lllch 31 1002 t02 ns ren rend rendprPI ronIred
d dprPI Ired reil ID the Ihl State tte Hoard of Kuilroad Hulroad Com ComiuiloniT COI Con Con2IIijoflrs
iuiloniT Iljlollr and Ind to the Sew York 011 Stock Ex Exchiiiicp Exhnn Lxchincs
chiiiicp hnn These The differences dllerencr arise rlte from frol an anevident anevdtnit n npldnt
evident lack of uniformity u lformlt mind Ind cnro c ro In 11 tho thotJiiinir thetjiIIt
tJiiinir 11111 tjiIIt of balance hiianr sheets heet nod the method methodwhile meLho methodwhite
while Ihie < open ope I to criticism crllcl81 for reI not 10t gIving 11lng a full fulluncl rullImd fulliuiii
uncl complete presentation of the company companytlnanclnl companAIlnnclll companyslinandul
ollpllt prrntnlol
tlnanclnl Ilnnclll rondltlon Indllol does 10 not result In tiny nnywppnretit In InIIIIJlrplt tinyiuppiirtut
wppnretit IIIIJlrplt iidvnntaco 111lltIO to the company cOIPOn or detrl detriment detrlpnt detrllIIPnI ¬
ment pnt t to < j it I Its stockholders stockholdersim IoekholderIll
im The Th dIfference between the net Income IncomeH
Ill olpen
ID H I liown ho1 by 1 tllpreno the th quarterly reports reprtA and the theHPtillaitlon theSjIlon thestiilcittoi
HPtillaitlon to the Stock Kxchanv XChlll cund eane the thehind thec thebctweeu
SjIlon rnl hfwpel bctweeu tho ttu affidavit Idllt of Mr II roe reeIlnd roehind
c hind Ilnd In II the Woriiispr ormnser cult and Ild thn ii quarterly quarterlyifport lu quarterlymetort rnrl
ifport Iport Is I duo dle to the adjustment IdJustmenl of Items Itemsnot Itlm Itlm10t Itemsnot
not 10t directly rlr < elr chargeable clrlplhie to the th current period periodrp priod priodIplrll
rp Iplrll rm orIuil rtimd Theso Ths adjustments I adjust Jutmrnt gmlemits ure a re not > ot un uniuul 11 mu n nj
iuul wl iiiKl j are of littlo 1110 < consideration lon ldprIUon when whenexplained whenexpjnl hen hentxplainld
explained 11 < The hp differences dlIoreneM between brl een the Items Itemsnf ItemsIf ltomnf
nf If f tnn Ir ts iticoniH In tho two reports rlprtl are re duo duoentirely dueolnl duo duotfltireIv
entirely olnl Iwol to reporting In one cn also e Kro 110 grtro5 H figures flKUremid fgurel figurestimid
mid in il j the other case cI e part 1lrt gross 110 figures Olrel and andIarl andIan
Ian 111 IIP IIPIn niot niotIi
In Ii I The Increase In the investments hlretment nt ntthe ntInrlous a athe
the various Inrlous l dates dltes fpeclflcd tpecift Is due du to actual actualtransaction actal actalLrlnnctln actualtrinuutlnn
transaction transactionTho Lrlnnctln LrlnnctlnH trinuutlnnII
H Tho changes chullr noted In the bnlance bnlancefhed hnlnnceIieit
fhed 11 of r the wvern siverol rnl qnartcrly Ilulrtr reports reportl re referred refrrd refurred ¬
furred to of I the th Thirtyfourth Street Htret Crow Crowtown Cro Crotwn Croastowui
town twn Itailroad Hnllro d Company COIIP nnd and nd of the tl Twenty Twentyeighth Twentyelhlh twentysidtitil
eighth and Id Twentyninth wpntnllih I Streets Crosstown CrostownKailroud CroRlownJnirond Crosstown1tniiIroul
Kailroud Jnirond Company Lolpln are lre due to regular relulnr trans transwctiotis tran transactlonu
wctiotis wctiotisii actlonuII
ICIOI ii J Tho lncren increne e of 3000000 300 in the Hal Halnnip UII UIIen fin finRoil
Roil en duo I from frol lessor 1101 coinpanles cinl nlp June 10 30tlI 10iwn toIrsi
iwn tlI < is I due dl to regular r lular transactions trIUlcton not notppclflcidly 10t 10tpltcll notepecjflclI
> ppclflcidly reported reportedki
pltcll 1k ki k I The HI 7 7Y iOOi 101 tOO Second Scoud Avonue cnue iUillronil iUillronilIoiiipnny Hllrond Unlirontiolflhfl
Ioiiipnny 10111 olflhfl by bonds hOII1 have been lyued I lmcd uld In nccord nccordunw nccordance
unw 01 urt itli ttfl the iirovl Irovllolo provlsion4 loiiH of tber tlinderd < > leed lted of o trust trustHi tru trlittIll t tI
Hi Tho Th tll tittonno f3OI 3OOts South Moult Kerry prrY Railroad RullrondCompany Rulro RailroadhuulIMLfly d dlomnl
Company huulIMLfly I bonds and Ind tho t2500tKio 111 I2OO 1kW Broadway BroadwaySiirfnco lrotdwuiySurface roldI
Surface lrfnrl Hallway it Company Cumllal bonds bOldl were er omitted omittedfrom omltld omltldfrom omittedrota
from rota tli bnlnnca hlllll sheet on 01 advice Ilror of counel counelnn cOIIrl cOIIrlI
nn I the round of there bclnz bll a I question IuUel of the thedirect thl thedirit
direct dlr t liability of the Metropolitan Itroolllu Street StreetKaihviy ftrp Streetitiiilwuy
Kaihviy Ilhilt Company COllm nmnmtan for tho wuin Ilnl The ThlI1500 SH50000 SH50000outli 450000Sotiti
Iolh Sotiti outli 111 Ferry Ftrr llnllroad Iulroad Company COI1In bond havo havonice hlvo hlvoOll lunvnIIice
Oll nice liioii hrl brodeht broHlht on to the Metropolitan MetropolitanStreet MetropolitanStreet Iptropoltlt
Street Hallway Companys books amid Itd In my myPinion I mytiiilimon
ILrp1 Pinion Inlw the LOIIJn 5000 5fQ 000 < X Broadway Broldu Hurfaco HurfacoHallway Burrle KtmrfmmcoltnIwt i
Hallway ltnIwt lllnlol Companys 200 bonds unmi ld should be b brought hroulht hroulhtn broughtn
11111 IOPID
tin n with wit the n net Ket of corrospoiidliiK torrepondlli value valueIn valuemm llup llupIn
wlh In conclusion loncluflou I beg to repeat reMat that my myexamination nl myXaiflinatIon
examination of If r the thl books and ntd accounts accou t of ofth orI oftlio
th tlio umlnato < Metropolitan Street Htret Hallway 1olwa Company Companyhas Compauhae Connpminiins
has I been Ictrtpoltan confined strictly Atrlct to the points plol raised raisedIn rnlsld rnlsldIn
In tho findings cOlfned or conclusions cOlcluslons reached rnchrd by byMessrs h I IMessrs
Messrs 1 Indlls Hertle and Telchnian Trlchranand and In 11 the theoucstlons theuton8 theliltt5tjons
oucstlons t submitted Aubmlllcto trto to me by b you uu hor 01 or this thisimrpnfw thisPliritse
imrpnfw uton8 the officers omce of the company have haveKflorded hnoklnrded hareePorded
Kflorded klnrded 1110 m me every eer facility rlllt Respectfully Rllptul sub submitted tlb tlbfllll subinltted ¬
mitted A w VtCertified TBKLK TBKLKCertified ltUK ltUKCcrU
fllll Certified CcrU fed Publlu publu Accountant Accountantin Aoountalt AoountaltIn
in Mr Teclon Telol detailed report he has hasthis baathis
11 delaled
this 111 to say 1 say on n point mado repr much of by byAmory hyAlor byemory
Amory Alor emory and ane Phllbln PhllblnIn Phibin PhibinIn
In the statement tltelent presented prslntd to rOi you omi In re roMiert retIptt
Miert 11 to the thf S3OOOOOO 2300 3000000 of cash a1 to be paid by byi I
i ii tntprurbiin company to the Mfitropolltnn Mfitropolltnnonipaiiv MetropoiitnnOZIITILmIy 1rtrnlllt n
Inlrlrbln Cnllnyo
onipaiiv there Is I An effort Inrt to show Unit thlt COIUP COIUPiliini omiu omiuIiitig 11
iliini nl over JnOdOOOO U 11 provided lrollrd with no noiliir
< olr fOOOo
11 tar nurimse than th n to enrich tho th tms mnnnKerM mnnnKerMI mnnllrM
111 I i lb heMetropolitan Illrlle Street Htrrfl llallwiir 11II Comimny ComimnyI ComlonI omfilInflyft
1111 I I ft Is I shown llrpnlt first I that i2oooooonre 12010IOO i2Oi0ii nrf sure rlulrld rlulrldfor rpiiulred rpiiulredor
for or construction unnitrumc lftrIIUol tlini purpose PUrMI mind HIcthel then that thlt ns nsHe 11 mislip
He Mont nOl I Inn Inl debt of tim Metropolitan 1tropCII1 Street StrrtIbllI StreetitimIt Streetnopifted
IbllI itimIt ny imIimflY other th than I for PUripS Piirrtises PiirrtisesDmfled
nopifted CIn was not more than thl tlTNIfl tlTNIfllime 2iMI1m siG9tS s on onJim
1011 10t loro
Jim lime 11 10 3 mm 1911 the dllTprpncp dllfrlncp must mlst be h fp 11 nor profit profitit
1 it deduction I td net Ion tnndp midI In I n view vi Iew a of all 11 ii ii the t tie lii liiiriiiiition 11 Iimfrintitt
frintitt iriiiiition < Iclol nvallnblp Is so st 0 unsound In ound thnt It ItUiris Itrp itra
rp Uiris iimri lrt inore oallhI oxplanntlon explulatlon 6 Id cd d I will wi briefly brlenyll IrllO
t > ll 1 wuir omnr 1011 attention to the th1 these e facts factsI fnctIlrlr
I udir III tin I IlHton hit term of o I the t he Intpriirbnn Inlrlrbll I ft ritrhn n tense tenseI rllp rllpt
I Ilrlr prnvlded I that thll out Olt of the th IMfioqOPO 2I000000 1nO0 hall hallUid h hialI I Ii1
I Uid i1 olcrd practically all 1 nf Ir the th iinfiindpd Infunded debts debtst dphll dehttiruvian
t ntlifrwUp < hrwl provided for of tlin tlo Metropolitan Metropolitani Ietrolmllll
SI t i hallway Comtiany oninmfly 1 n existing ox 11 1 nt lt the theMii theldl theiau
Mii ldl iau rffect Inlwa of the th 11 Ions I en Marnh I rh 1 l 1002 1002IK 12 1012init
init IK 1 refprencp IIpct to the bnluncp hlln sheet made madehi Ilde IldeI
I i H Iii < hi Stock Kxchatiire Fxchlll1 of that tll l date < l to show showiinfunrlpddpbtK slmosI howHI
I HI > y iinfunrlpddpbtK nfunltd f tmturld debts nt lt Mnrch Mlreh In rchi 31 1 III I I 1102 mnount mnount1iiiethlng nmount11Lhlll nnioUfltr
r 1iiiethlng 11000000 wit I the con conIfciiipi tonof on onI
over tle
I Ifciiipi 11Lhlll IC of other lther 111 debts dobt IIO ncrrumir Icfrlfng micertirnig wih during durlll the their ther
between lietweeni ItwppnIIP
h he apportioned
ir r which lire to lporloled
IIP lila i iw I r < i poinunnleH mllnl 1111 on 01 the basis Inbl of time tme or orownership orO offl5brrsh
ownership ownershipThp O fl5brrsh fl5brrshThe IIfrhhl IIfrhhlThl
The Thl Kirning Fn POlt Post understands Indltandl that Mr MrThllbin MrPhlhin MrPhIiht
Thllbin Phlhin will wil now nlw fl bring brng bdn some lome kind of a acivil adll advii
civil dll proceeding pro < lnJ
Alleged AlflM Pooln PoolnomaIdJ ColrfomHallo omH lilro1irt lif Ii Ha ftIO by my IllnPullwl 1m 1mllre Him HimPulleti
Pullwl by ImyWaiihr Watitr and OCom
llre alli enf OConlr OConlrAn r rAn rAiinllgitl
An Aiinllgitl nllngod Ilod poolroom p tro luild ldto suthlto to ba e nm In by
Joe Vcndlg mil nt n sr Wt v ft wt TVenty T Thentyeovonth ThentyeovonthrrotI nt1 oventh oventhmrrot 0enthIrro
mrrot Irro rrotI was wnl raljlod falld ftI1ei by hr Acting cln ln tnlpor lapOclon ppct6i
Walsh Wnllh nnd dipt OConnor Oollor of t Ilio lln I un Tendorlolr Tendorlolrstation ienciorioln iencioriolnstation re dorloln dorlolnAtnlon
station Atnlon yesterday afternoon about thin llrm llrmtho tlmrtime
lmu lmuIho
time last falt race rno was Wi being lJhlK run nt It Jamaica Jnrnlcn
Wnjnh Wnlh SVnIsh ami tll OConnor OeOl10r took IOlk a cloven men mnrwith menwit fn
with wit lh thorn tlom WnlflKwid WIh Ild six 11 men guarded luardrl tlu tI
front of the house houl whllo whlo OConnor OClnuor and nnl RJ RJother sIm sImothers Ilx IlxItlmrl
other Itlmrl got KOt to t tint th rear They reached reach l the thiroar thorenr therear
roar of the tl hoiwo hOIMO by II going golnl through throulh i n latin I ln
dry 11 In tho IKUJSO hqufo nt 37 When Whel tho cop I OP Op went wontthrough wentIhrough wentt
through t thol tholaunilry umry a buxom wnlldroraotl wnlldroraotlwoman wnlerd wnlerdwomnn wnlldrtclwoman
woman who wiwt wnl lit tho place pl co began he nl to totliroalun 10threatun tOtirntun
tliroalun them them with wih all al sorts IortH of legal coin coinplications 11 coinIlIiCUtiflS
plications plcltluM for fOlnall foiinvndi Invading g her l hlRlnelA > iuilnrm place placoCnpt pl placeQipt co coCpt
Cnpt Cpt OConnor OColnor and Ills hli men In en paid little littleheed Ille Illeh littlehieei
heed h 1 to I tc her hlr putburHt uthurt butt hut continued on to totlm totho totim
tim roar rar In tho yard stood tod n man manwell n milanveil n nWIl
well WIl dressed effd in I a bind bIl lIim Hurgn lurlf sursd1t 8illt lt and a white whUcwaistcoat whio whiowalAtcoa whitewaistcoat
waistcoat walAtcoa An soon 111 as RIl Ji IIP RAW I the lie cops horabbcd ho hograbbed
grabbed grnbbd a stick stck and nld becanto be nto otlrn Itlr a wBHhtuli wMhtuhrul waihtuiiull copho cophogrnbbd
full rul ull of 101f olled linen 11n When Whfn nuked Ille what ho hoIn hoaH liewas
was aH dohll dolimg thlr then I lie ld SAid he Watt nl Im employed ploYId
In tho laundry Ihe The pollen polc say t ho was WJIHapparently WIH WIHallp wasahnnrenti
apparently allp rnl a lookout lookoutwell lookoutIn
In the onto fp rntlng u and7 afll ii tllln tlllnadeN ti Jo Jovadors
vadors found a oC i5 i5well 5
adeN 10UII gate HRI TIl TJue rlr near
well guarded against intrusion Wil
wel Juardll alalnt for tho thowindows thowineows thewindows
windows wineows and bore dDrR were Irpifbarrmi Ofbarrd Capt Clpt
O OConnor Connor knocked on thin basement hUflent door doorwitli doorwih doorwith
with wih a Hledgv fledg sitici On > the Ih parlor floor were werethirty ert ertthirty rl
thirty mon WI All Al wero ero allowed llrler a 10II to go 0 hut hutone hit hitone bit0iW
one Ho said ld he h iuewas WOH wal Sydney II I Carter arter rtlr of ofMfl ofill
ill 111 Wfl Vst est NinetyfourthMroot jnetyfourlhstft Tho police policeBUV plka plkaSll policeSn
BUV Sll Sn ho wa in I charge chnr e of the room roomWhim rom roomVmhuunt
Whim Wlln O Connor OCnlor admitted ltmltpdWalh Walsh and his hismen hlRmr1 hismcii
men mr1 who wore wor guarding I rllng tho front of the thebuilding thohuldlng timebuilding
building huldlng tho telephone telephon boll l on the parlor parlorfloor II parlorfloor rlor rlorfoor
floor foor rung rng Dqtectlvp DtlCtVO Fitzsimmons Fl7Qlmmone im imKwerod 11 noswered
Kwerod fwerd the phone and a womans womall voice voioooffored voiceoffored 0110 0110oltJred
offored oltJred to give glvl the returns rturnH of tho last Inst race rncoat rnc raceat
at t Jamaloa Jnrnlml When Whln the detective deteclv told her herto 111 iitrtt
to tt go ahead Ihlad she didnt didt recognize rcgl17n his voice voiceand voltanl voiceand
and anl asked IMked him to identify Idpnt himself himselfIts hlmlI itimseifIt4
Johnson JohnsonOh Johnwl Its I all ni right said tld tIle sleuth Im ImJohnson Im ImJohnwl ImJolmnsoml
a Oh no 10 It Isnt Isn replied the woman wom n I Iguess Iglel1 Iguess
guess glel1 the place plac Is pinched pinchedThen plnchdThen inldhlei inldhleiThen
Then she off locked lockedup iockdup
rang mlg 01 Carter was lockld lockldup
up at the tll Tenderloin Teld rloln station Ktalon The Th evidence evidenceagainst Ojdll Ojdllngaln eidmteoagainst
against t the place plnc wan va obtained by 1olce 1olcemln Policeawn Police Policemen ¬
men mln Tiernan Tlerln and I1 Jones Jonlf of tlm th Church street streetstation Btret Btretstntiol strcetstqtfon
station stntiol They ThlY had little ltle III tie difficulty difclly in get getting getlng getting ¬
ting lng in Justice Jutlc Mayer of Special Hpclnl Sessions Ses 4cssbus s sslolllIued ¬
sions slolllIued issued the thowarralt warrant warrantJoo warrantJoe
Joe o V Yeldlg ndig wn Wil not 10t In when the police policecalled plc policecalled
called calId He le is i making a book lx > ok at the thl rme rmetrack n ntrlele raietrack
track trlele His H alleged allged poolroom plrom is a I well wellfurnished w1 veIlfurnished
furnished turlHhed brownijtono brown lole front house houseARISTOX hou houARlSTO IioueARISTON
Arrested rretCd on a Charge of Keeping J plns a Pta Disorderly DIs Ptaorderly ¬
orderly orlerly lloiur lloiurHerman loule louleHeran 1loueHerman
Herman Heran Hoofer Hcrer a wall paper manufnct manufnctturer lanutnc nuanufactturer
turer turr the owner ownfr of the Ariston apartment apartmenthouse nprtment nprtmenthouse apartmenthouse
house at the northeast corner crer of Broadway Broadwaynnd liroad way wayand
and Fiftyfifth Flffrth street strl In which hlch were the theAriston theArston theAriston
Ariston Arston Baths raided last 10t February Febrar was wastakon wnRtakon warstaken
takon from frol his Illlbed bed at 2 oolock yesterdaymorning yesterdaymorning yesterday elterdaymorning
morning by Inspector Walsh and Patrol Patrolman Patrolmln Patrolman ¬
man mln Hibbard Hibbar of his hil staff taf on a warrant warrantissued w warrantIssued rrnt rrntIMued
issued on 01 April Apri 10 by 1 Justice Justlo Wyatt Wnt of the thoCourt theCurt theCourt
Court Curt of Special Rp cl I Sessions s llons charging him himwith himwih hintwithjceoping
with wih withjceoping Jfplnj jumping a disorderly disorderl house houseHoefer hou houHodel houseHoofer
Hoofer Hodel loft the t h city cty immediately ImltI lely after aftertho afer aferthe afterthe
the raids rids and stayed at his hmi country cunty place placeIn pl plIn ace aceiii
In Connecticut Conneclcut lome Some oiito one told Patrolman PatrolmanHibbard Patrolmal PatrommanIlibbard
Hibbard on Saturday that hoofer hind been beenBeen bn bnten beenbeer
Been ten at a Broadway Broldwu theatre theatreInsx thllr theatreInspector
Insx Inlplctor Inspector > ctor Walh Walsh thought lhoujht big hi would Olld be bemORt bemost te temost
most likely Iklly to find fnd Hoefyr at home homl in I the thoemail thesmal thesmall
email smal hours and yesterday morning morlnR ho hocalled hocaled lmocalled
called caled at the Arigton Aston Hoefor HOtr was wal taken takento
to the West Fortyseventh ForYBnth street strt station stationwhore ItaUol stationwhore
whore whor he was wal detained d alned for half an hour hourtill hourti hourtill
till ti he got bailXesterdav ball ballYesterday 01
Yesterday esterday morning mr mordin ln he was arraigned arraignedbefore arraignEdberor arraignedbeforeJusticti
before beror beforeJusticti Justice JUltlc Wyatt in I the til private prhatl cham chambers chll ehanbors ¬
bers br of the Court Curt of Special Sessions SessionsHo 8loIM 8loIMHe SessionsHe
He pleaded not guilty gu1ltyand and and was W held in 1300 1300bail I 1300ball O
bail bal for examination examinaton next lext Saturday SaturdayTho SaturdnyTho SaturdayThe
Tho police plc arrested arrt thirtyseven thlryeeven men menin menin menin
in their theirrald raid rad on the th ArUton rtbn A numberof number numhr numhrot
of the prisoners prnet charged c ofwth with gross 80gS im immorality Inlmorlty in inmorality ¬
morality morlty were 11 r I convictedand n tbant j 1 i sentenced sentencedIi senloned
Ii 1 1 POLICE 1111 DnlI DItIIVI MflVAATER TEI E OCT OCTSuiptnded otT otTon OLTSimupended
Suiptnded on Charse CulrKe Chrgeofrerlvhsg2ione Chrgeofrerlvhsg2ioneFronu of Hwelvlng RNhls Money MoneyFrom loDe loDeFrom
From Hecrulti MeeruitsPolice HecrultiPolice K erult erultPole
Police Pole Commissioner Commisioner Greene received reeive an ananonymous nnanonyou ananonymous
anonymous anonyou letter leler recently recenty which hlch said that thatthe thnt flintthe
the recruits rrits added add to thus thI force for e in April Aprilhad Apri Aprilbad
had hld 1ch each contributed contrbu e money to their theirdrillmastor Ihllr Ihllrdrimaster theirdrillmaster
drillmaster drimaster and instructor Instrctor Sergt Srgt Charles CharlesSchauwecker Charle CharlesSchauwecker
Schauwecker who is in chargeof tho school schoolof
of instruction IIItructon All Al but three admitted admittedthat edmlted edmltedthat admittedthmat
that they had contributed contributo 1 each ech which whichwas whichW
was W aR turned ture over to a committee commitee which whichwas whichI whichwas
was I to present it to Sergt 8rgt Schauwecker SchauweckerThe Shaulcker ShaulckerThe
The men also said that the thosergenint sergeant refused refusedthe rlCuse refusedtine
the money which was then given to hisvife his hiswife hl hlwire
wife wifeSchauwecker wireShuwekor vifeSchauwecker Schauwecker Shuwekor was sent for and Ind admitted admittedthat admittedthat dmite
that thq money mpIO Lncnie had been bel given 1 en him him as QI a apresent aprent apresent
present prent presumably pfsumahly rfsUmabh to buy flowers toeN He Hesaid HeMid Hesaid
said it wns 1tf4 R nn al old custom in II the department departmentfor depltment depltmentfor
for the new policemen nIlcmel to make a present presentto prleent prleentto
to their drillmahtor dr Iml tr Asa As a result r811 of the thoinvestigation theInvptlgutlon lie lieinvestigatIon
investigation Commissioner Greene Gree sus suspended 6USprde susperded ¬
pended Schauwecker S uweker and ordoredcharges ordoredchargesperferrod orerdcharges orerdchargesparferr ordered charges chargesperferred
perferrod trial prde parferr trili against him hll Ho will wil bo b put 11t on ontrial al on ontrial
trialTim The three thr men mn wlio ho denied delied having given givena
a dollar dolnI will wi also nllo be tried trie to find tnd out if they theywere theywere theywere
were not making false statements statements1874and Rtt8iTents Rtt8iTentsSchauweker statementsSchauwecker
Schauweker Schauwecker h has I been on the ror force Aile since since1874and
1R74 1874and and much of the time since elnr then then ho has hasbeen hnl hasIteen
hrn been on duty dutyin in the school of oflmiu ofinstru Jnstruption JnstruptionSergt lol tion tionSergt
Sergt Charles ChnrlO Place Plc II Is now now in charge chargeof
of 8rgl the school shool of instruction instructionTO IntrciQI IntrciQII IntrciQIOlO Instrue1inGL1VXNON
OlO TO TIE TRIED TRIEDllhougli TnlEDAlhou5h T1IEDMlhoult
Alhou5h llhougli den < n flreene fren reeno nnil 101 nit Capt Dillon DillonMay Uiion UiionHa Zillionida
May Ha He HI Shot to Defend UrrCnd Himself Ilmert IlmertPolcman hliniselfPolicentan HimselfPoliceman
Policeman Polcman Joseph JO ph Glennon of the West WestPrtyBovonlh WestFprtAventh WestFprtyseveflth
FprtAventh PrtyBovonlh Street stret station staton who shot shotiugh shotHugh shotHugh
Hugh Corrigan during a tow ow that followed followedn folowed folowedan
an n attempted attlmplid attennpt c1 arrest arrCt for for excise fc violation violationn
In n West Fiftysecond FICsccond street on Sunday Sundaylight SundayIlght Sundaynight
Ilght light will wi lx tried at Police Polc Headquarters Headquartersin Ieadquartet Ieadquartetin
in tho near futuro futuroCapt futuroCnpt futureCapt
Capt tlar Dillon of the precinct procncl sent fnt to Cornmissioner Com Commissioner Commi8lnlr ¬
missioner Greene Grelne yesterday e1eraytho tho Ito report on onthe onthl onithe
mi8lnlr the affair made madlhy by Glonnbil m nnol and attached attachedto atldwd atldwdto
thl aaiI Dillon In which whichtho whlnhtho Mimic Mimicthmo
made by
to 14 It was wa a report rprtmao lt Dlol II
tho I Captain said fald that after aCer a careful I carrllleltl carrllleltlgaton investi investigation investigatlon ¬
gation he whs was satisfied ffd that Glennort Gennon had hadfired lnd lndfrd Imadfired
gaton frd fired his revolver rvoler in deforce dlConc of his hil own ownlife ownle ownlife
lifeGen le life Gen Gln Greene Grn sold tld yesterday yesterdnytlma4 16terfY that tho he was wasof WI WIoC wasof
of the opinion that lat the policeman pollema did the thonnly theonly theonly
only thing ho could Iuld have I vo done donI under Inelr the thecircumstances th thclrcuIHtnnCH theI
circumstances I but hit that tho trial wnsordered wnsorderedin WI was orderd orderdi ordered orderedin
clrcuIHtnnCH i in order to bring 11111 brimi out all al the facts In II the theHugh theCII timeaso
aso asohugh
CII Hugh BUlh Corrigan Corigan of 429 4 West IRt est Fiftysecond Fiftysecondstreet Fr I tIecol d
street who was waf shot by Olcnnon Ollon was wie re reported r rpred toported ¬
11 ret
ported out of danger yesterday estcrcIa at Hoos Hoosevelt Hoosvplt Hoosuelt
pred velt Hospital danjer Magistrate Magiftrn o Hogan put the thecnso theClf thenso
cnso over until Tliursdaywheii ThUIdayhen Thursday when it is ex expected e epcted cxpected ¬
Clf pcted pected that Corrigan C rrlgim will 1 bo b bhi in II court courtMSTEIX cur curImSTEI courtFIJSTEIV
SOICthlnc nniethlng May Mn It Drop Before ntf rc He II Sail 8111 for forEurope rorEurope forEurope
Thumlay ThumlayFirst ThuritiaFirst
Europe on n T1rlda T1rldafllt
First Dfputy D puty Police Polc Commissioner Comml oner Eb Ebteln Ebstoln Ebmtein
teln fllt presumably lectured leture nomo Hre of r his hi subrdinatea sub subirdinates 6ubordlnat1
ordlnat1 irdinates because of tho charges made by byho hytho byhe
tho ho Hev He bauf Cortland orland Myew MCr of the Baptist BaptistPcmplo BaptistFempie ltst ltstTemple
Temple regarding poolrooms polroom mid ad hand linndjooks handhook bandooks
hook in rgarln Brook Brok lyn 1 Yesterday Yefterda ho had hadInspector hadInspector hadlnnpectoi
Inspector Inspector Clayton and Capt Capl apt Maude of it the theitagg theStgg thetugg
him What Whatook Whatlook Whatlook
itagg street sl et station before hefor
Stgg look place pla has not been beln made public puhlc hut Initubwqiiently huttlllluontlv buttmheqtmitly
ubwqiiently the Deputy Commissioner Commissionercknowledgod Commissionericknowled mmlllolcr mmlllolcraknowleg
tlllluontlv icknowled cknowledgod od i ho was WI InwstiRaUnc IImt atlIC the thelatter themotoI thenattor
aknowleg latter of liow how ouUiders Ulllde could 111 get jel Infor Infornation Inrormatlon mnforitation
motoI nation leading to tl ind Indictments ctmeritH and which whichs whticifho
the ho police 1idlng did not get el hero II is a feebinig relng orinrest OCI OCIIlrst
inrest plc among time captains Id and InKUN lnspeeumrs lnspeeumrsis
Ilrst it hax boon tl motored for Jera jeverai > veral weeks weekshat wek wekthnthnmlalely reekslint
is s habel nlmor
1 hat iJnmodlatoly after ICer thin til police Mlc parade parndoommlssioner pral pralC4mml parademmlssioner
thnthnmlalely ommlssioner lonlr Greene Orllo intended Inttldtd to make makeiff a abig ftig
big iff shokoup eh eup In tho t ho department departmentirop dellarmtlt dellarmtltDlpuJ tlepart mnent mnentDeputy
vhll cal calor
CmnniMiOner ommllloMr Fhtl1 Ebsteini wi Ml Mlror
Deputy DlpuJ Berlin on Tlmtrsday anmd ali in hil his absence absenceapt abn abnCapt
or ThUIday
Capt ror apt Ikrln Piper w Will b ho In chlre charge or nrOOklI nrOOklInl Brooklyni Brooklynilie
nl lie general enoral Pipr fell feeling II 114 th thmnt t tltthl1 something wil wildrop vhll vhllirop
fnl drop irop pcforo prore Deputy Co Commllluler Comnnlssioiier JI Fsteint FsteintEczema teln telnfnl
Eczema o Car No D ra PAY 4 SYour
Etuma will refund four 0Ur monet mone It PWO PWOtur PAO PAOOIItr I IiiTMFT
Your 0 r diugClIt dr rIAt I mmdi mmdiheed
OIItr iiTMFT laUqto Cute Itnrm ltlngworm TttWr tur Lt Did DidU 14 14Uer
uid Santa faltto M ltnnplei and lekl itIACiiucfdJ U 4i ou uoLbo I Iho
heed at
Uer Lbo ho f co ald sad aU Alio skin Ilnpu dluast dmusscI 6 ao ceolIdr ccntaidr
Removal Notice NoticeAlfred Notce NotceAlred Nof ice iceMired
Alfred Alred H Smiths Smith Smih i Co CoImporting CoImporUnt Colmporttnj
Importing Merchlnt Merchant in inOriental InOriental InOriental
Oriental Pearls Pearlnnd
nnd nndRare Ind IndRare nd ndRare
Rare Gems GemsAnnounce Gms GmsAnovncc GemsAnnouncc
Announce Anovncc to the te Trade their tei rc removal rcmovnl rcmoval
moval from 182 Broadway BrOdwny aile ailean aner aneran nfterzrn
an occupancy ocupncy of 21 years t to
170 Broadway
Corner ol Maiden Mllden Une UneBuyers Le LeDuycrs Lsnefluycrs
Buyers abroad Ibroid are lr tnvitcd Ivlcd to 0 our ourLondon ourLondon ourLondon
London Olilcc Olcc 6 Holborn Viaduct ViaductOH VllducL VllducLOR VIAductOH
RIval Faction I actoal Meet Ilel In II a Shecpihcacl SheCJRhlad Hai HaiProtestant nay nayIrottstant BaProtestant
Protestant Irottstant Episcopal 1plsColal flinreh but No Nont Not Notnt Nolat
nt the Knmo Iale Time Tlmehulclnts TimeIncitlents Incidents of ora oraChurth i iChurch a ahmureim
Churth Church How Over Several eerl Tilings TilingsBoth ThlnlsBoth ThitnsBoth
Both sets ts of wardens and vestrymen strvmen of ofSt ofSl 01St
St Sl Mnthioss rathllHS Episcopal EplscplI Church In InShOpR InShOpRtW Shoeps Shoepshead Sheepshead
head tW d Bay Br bold holdletings meetings last night and no nobody noboc nohotly
body boc was hurt Warden Wardel anlon Marvin who wlushingled whoIhllglod whcshhnmgksh
shingled Ihllglod the lie parish homo did dle nay R howeverlint however howeverthat howoorthll
that thll Homebody ought to be punched nni nnithat ald aldthat and andthat
that ho would like ic to do tho punching punchingBrother punchingBrother itmncltlngBrother
Brother Marvin lrln was WIS standing outside outfldo be behind 0 behind ¬
hind a tree trte trunk trlk at the time tlll keeping keping watch watchon
on tho Hann H nn faction r ctlon which had temporary temporarypossession tcmporarpOAfsion temporarypossession
possession pOAfsion of tho lie church churchI chlrch chlrchIwlqh
I Iwlqh wish we had h d the Rev Dr Ralnsforc Ralnsforcdown nalnsrorddOn Italnsforddown
down dOn here her for a week Bald Ild Mr Marvin MarvinHed MarvinHed I rin rinHee
Hed Hee fix tx em lm with wih the gloves Ive Ivl seen uceihim fen fenhim seenhim
him put a man out all al right Thats tinkind tin tho thokind thekind
kind Sheepshend Rheepshed Bay Ba needs nedHa zieedsa a little ltle atm stifpunching stlf atmpunching
punching for them that rime a disgrace disgrac ti tiour to toour tcour
our little hitth church churchWarden churchWardln chumrchWarden
Warden Wardln Mnrvin is I on the side of the theRev thenev the11ev
Rev Thomas E I Hvde In the St Mathias Mnthiasrow Mathiasrow Mathiasrow
row and tho only fault be has to find fnd with withhis withhit withhis
his hit rector is that ho isnt so 1 handy with withbis withhis Ith Ithhil
his hil flstH ftH flst as tho Itov Ho Dr Kainsford Itln8ror of tills tillsborough thisorolgh titleborough
boroughBoth orolgh
Both sides lidcR opened opntd opened their meetings melings with withprayer wih wihprver withprayer
prayer last night 11gtt The fnctfon that Ih t didnt didnthave cidnt cidnthai daditthave
have hai thp thl I me minister 1IIIRtrr with it had a lay reader readerwhoso rader raderwhoo renderwiosu
whoso strident trirllt voice icA during Illrlng the thl responsive responsivereading reHpolsho reHpolshornd responsiverendhng
reading rnd I II linn h Hlmhltured embittered nmhtt eremi the I he pastors party frnrt frnrtVthihio p rt rtWhie
While Whie Warden nrciemm Marvin who shingled shllglc llhe llhep the theparish theparish
parish p rih house housl kept watch w tch under Indr the trees treesVestryman trr trrYItnlln treesVestrytiiami
Vestryman YItnlln Vestrytiiami E D I Strong Hlronl who lives 1IA with wih his hiswifes hiMwifol hiswifes
wifes folks kept guard over the minister ministerin mlll ter terII
in wifol II a nearby nearh house and nld at the tame tllO time timesmoked tlmoBlolwll timosiiiokd
smoked and said the thecorner Ihecorel thecorner
Blolwll a cigarette rlte o Nld things on
corner corel He c said theo thincs thin with wlh HO much muchemphasis muchcmph muchemphasis
emphasis cmph KIA that t lint some ROII of his lirotlmer brother Tlhlr church churchmen chlrch chlrchtln churchnun ¬
men tln feared rled that t he might hurt liii ri the t ho reputa reputation rJula rJulatlul reputation ¬
tion tlul oftheir side I l for rpr piety and they thc ex exhorted exhored cxhorted ¬
horted hored him himThuHnnn hll imitimrI
ThuHnnn re rI mont faction got otlnto Into the church hlrch first firstwhich frt frtwhich firstwhich
which i IH the thuldaltlKe advantage of hnvllgthl having the sexton sextonon
on 01 their side sicJ Ide They havo 111l also IIIO got ot the thetreasurer thotrl9HlrI thetreasure
treasurer trl9HlrI who him hn been asked to resign by bythe hythp bythe
the other side sideAt sideAt Iee IeeAt
At tho first ft meeting meting were wer Warden anlen George Georgettann Otrge OtrgeHall GeorgeLatin
Hall Latin Treasurer Richardson Hchnrdson and Vestry Vttrynen Yettr Yettrmel Vestrymet
mel met Clnyburn CunlilT Cunll and Keep IOp Mr AirKeep MrKop MrKeep
Kop Keep is tim lav I V reader rO dr William WlluJ ihlman Hann Hannho Haln Halnthe Itanrnthe
the ho sexton Klxtol is il a brother of Wnrden anben Hann IfanoHe HannHe Hal
Heand He andanother and anothr another member membr of tho Hann Hannraily Hannfry Hannrmjly
fry rmjly raily Held nt tine t dor door while whie SIr 11 Keep Kep offered offeredirnyer oler alTeredprfer
irnyer r jJndTrpastirer Richardson Rcnn made madeUs madehil madeits
hil Us r reportThey rT ndT4urr held postessioh pIEslon for an anlour anhour anhour
hour lour andr then they woro wer outflanked outlanke by b bthe
the lie pastors pntorl faction facton which stole across acrossots acrosslot acrosseta
lot eta in single Ilngll file 11 stepping noiselessly nollleesl nollleeslthrulh
thrulh hrouch the tall lal wet grass grassVestryman grnsOttryman 118 118otrman
Vestryman otrman Strong who lives IIe8 with wth his hisnrlfee hlawire hisivifs
wire nrlfee folks and is Bomethlng of a comedian comedianvent comdianwent comedianwont
vent first tnt and ald knocked kockll the dow de1 off 01 the tliorasH thogrlto therars
grlto rasH no thattho that tho rector might cross the theot tholot theot
lot ot dry dr shod Then ThIl followed folowe Brothers BrothersUnrviri BrolhlrR BrolhlrRlnrln Brothers1arvinm
Unrviri Jim McKnne brothers brthlrl of the late lateForm lateJohn lateJohn
John V McKane K G Cornell Cornel clerk of ofho ortho ofIto
tho ho vestry tr and nd Leonard Llnrd Knox nox with whom whomStrong whomStrng whomstrong
Strng Strong fives Knox and McKane were wereecently werereentl wereecenthy
reentl ecently elected Ilcted to succeed Hnnn HIln and andCeep andKcp and andEeei
Kcp Ceep who are not recognized recgnized by the Hydo Hydoaction Hydofaction Hydeact
action factionhe actionThe act ion ionThe
The he antiHyde faction r ctlon wont recognize recognizeInox rcgnIze rcgnIzeKnox recognizeCnox
Knox nnd McKano and nd accuse OCCUSI them thlm of ofeing oftJlng ofeimng
tJlng > eing Methodists The f single file fle closed cold up upnto upInto upato
Into nto a huddle before hfor a back back door of the thejliurch thechurch ho hohurch
church and Ild and then tlln entered in il it a body At Atho Attho Athe
tho ho same K me time tme the Hann crowd had a quick quicklencdictlon quickhenedlcton quickOfleiiCtiOtm
henedlcton lencdictlon put out Olt the gn gait and went out outhrotigh oulthrugh outhuroumgh
thrugh hrotigh the church churh by tho front door doorChats doorThat doorlhats
That Chats ono onl reason rMan why wh nobody nobdy was waslunched waspUlched wasiunclied
pUlched pUlchedho lunched lunchedTho iuncliedThto
Tho ho later comers comrrl relighted rllhted the gas and andIN andOR
OR IN soon as S the lie Ilov It Mr II Hyde who is II a aitout aAtOUt aitoUt
itout man II recovered reovcrld his hlf breath brath after aCel that thatlulck thatulck thatuick
lulck ulck move across Hcros lots IltH ho opened upned the theiecond thesecond theecond
second meeting meting with wih prayer AntiHnnn AntiHnnnipeechei onlHlln onlHllnHptchei kntiHztnntpeeclies
ipeechei followed Colowed and al ways w ye and means meansvore manwer mneammyore
Hptchei wer yore discUi dlwl clisetttsod < sod 8d for making Treasurer Treasurertichnrdwon Trarr TrarrRlchnroHn Treasurerlichnrdson
RlchnroHn tichnrdwon take tho tht hint to resign rElgn When Wheninked Whf1 Whenutked
Iked inked about tho trouble truble tho Rev Ry Mr Hyde Hydeald Hydesaid Hydeaid
said > aid that there ther was none noneJroups noneGroup noneGroups
Group of the th congregation cOI Tpatlon stood Itood around aroundnitside aroundoutlde aroundttttside
nitside and and watched both meetings mlltngl through throughho throughthe
the ho windows and the Hydites Hdlle and nld the theilnnnltes theJnnnlte thelnnnites
Jnnnlte ilnnnltes defied defld each other from their theirt theirrspectl theirespoctiwn
rspectl t espoctiwn i > octlvn tree tre shelters she II According Acording to tohe toth tolie
th he most communicative cmmunlcnte pwrwMis in the thelarish thepariAh thearish
pariAh the row begun a year pTnR ea ago when whenomo whentmo whenorne
tmo omo of the Hann Hnll faction gave gle a I show showit Hhowat
at it Coney Conc Island IIlnnd In the name of the church churchTile churchThe hurh hurhTh
Tile Th use U < of the tim church name u re wasnt WIUt oh obccted ohIcctee ohected
ccted to by h h the rector rctor and ald amid his hi friends friendsut rriendshut
hut Icctee > ut they thought that thlt mom molo money mono should shouldmve IhOlid IhOlidhn shotildiav
hn mve iav lx been > on turned tured into tho church treasury treasuryro trtnfur treaeuryrond
fron ro rond rt thu I Con Cony Coney y Island Ifland receipts lcelptf They Theyinid Tll Theyaid
Mid no nnd nll and they said 11c it so 10 frequently trluenlly and nndn ni
In n such Ilsh a way wa that the Hnnn sympathizers sympathizersinallv fymp sympathizersInajIc thlzr thlzrtnah
inallv cams cam3to to tho Ito conclusion ln that the RevIr Rev RevIr nevMr
tnah Mr Ir Hyde Irl wasnt wlnt the th oncu kind of preacher praher that thatJt thatHt
Ht Jt Mat Mnthiass Int biass needed neededThats trdId trdIdThlt neededThats
Thats Thlt how it started st rted hut it has hl been a now aw aow
ow w of large Irjo growth and ane now 10W they t are areIgMing nref areIght
f Ight IgMing htll hug over otr everythingfrom evcrhln everything from the shingles shinglesii fhln leH leHOi
Oi Itt ii tho 11 t 1111 jiarhh un riMil house houO to the thl t he sexton xton who has hasilso hl hasthee
Ihlo thee iMim asked to resign r61 n amid nld wont wontWillie wont wontWii1le
Willie 110 Hann Balu isnt any ny good ns a sexton sextoninvway sextonanVa sextonLfl3Say
invway said Mlid Brother Brt hpr Marvin Inrvln What do dooil doyoi doroe
yoi anVa roe oil think th I II ho lit does do does Sabbath Ii evenings rellll Ho Hoinlocks le leunlock liemnlocks
unlock the church lights Ilhtl up rings rinE the theHI thehl1 timetihl
hl1 HI and ald then Ihol runs off 01 to tho Methodists Methodistsill Iethnelstl
Al ill his hlo girls nro an in tho Methodist Church Churchhink Clnmrchimink hurchThink
Think hink of 0 flrll that and ha h n sexton xton in II the Episco Episcowl pIEc
ImI wl Church tho real r I Church Curch of America AmericaVlion AmericaWIIn AnnericaSlion
Vlion he doesnt dOIIt go over to tho Methodists MethodistsIB
he IB runs nlM down to w the Ixiwling howlng alley I and andlow ald aldhowls andxiwls
howls low Is as a noon as l ho gets through throu h ringing ringinglie Inling Inlingthe
the lie hell bel for evening eVlllng service Sometimes Sometimesin SmetlneK SmetlneKht
ht m in forgets fnrlets to come cm back bace to put out tho gas gasWe RI gasWo
We W havo ordered the treasurer trnalrer not 10t tomay to tony toP
P ny > the sexton xton nny n more salary 1lnry hut the thornnsurer thetroalurer Ito Itoronaitrer
troalurer rnnsurer and nd the thl i Bexton xton are r on fl tho lie same saniolido sameIde mo moBl
Bl lido o BO fO there you ou are Then theres thera Keep Keepi pep pept
t jio i o lay la reader rBcer that thll they tler claim caim Is 11 a vestry vestryrian vestryaii petryman
man aii Ho 10 comes cmr from rrm Brooklyn and alc shouts shoutafl shoutsb
fl 0 b loud in the th responsive rtspnlio rending that ho hoIrowns hodrowns hoIviwnis
drowns Iviwnis out the rectorSexton rector rectorSoxton rectnr8xton
Sexton Hnnn retaliates rotaHltel as R follows rOIOWH with withgcsturo withgesture th thJftur
gesture 8xton taking talni In the moonlit moolli roof ror of the thoIttlo th th1tlo theittlo
Ittlo Jftur church churlh You we 11 them thlm shingles shinglesn Ihinr11
nn 1tlo In n that roof Well 11 ell Mnrvin M Iln built hult that t lint and nntlIC nd ndho
ho 10 didnt do it right by us 1 with the thl shingles shingleswont shlnKlle shlnKlleI shingleswont
I wont sty f1 nny more mnrl but In he didnt do dohnt dothnt dohat
thnt hat shingline shlngln in il tho Interest InlNIt pt of the thl t lie churchnd church churchLnd churchAnd
And Lnd that aint il nil niKnox itiiKnox Knox and McKnrio lel ne are nrolotliodlsts rm rmIt areitihicdists
lotliodlsts It hlI tl They Tile wore elected lcctld vcMry vcMrynnninnhoufie vCNtr vCNtrmrm vctdrynon
non nnninnhoufie nnninnhoufieThat inn houl house houseThmat
That at crowd hasnt hnd a legal Iflal meeting meetingnr 11llng 11llngrr
nr months 1011hl And 011 we claim cl lm that the tll lit Rov RovIr lt htivIr
rr Ir Hydo Ivuio I is guilty gultyoC of neglect nr locl of duty dlt diRt to toho totho toIto
tho ho church co Ho 10 went away for several sosornieeks severalwks lrl lrlWlkK
WlkK wks and only wrote rlo ono ole letter pter to the thoestry thepst theestry
estry pst 1 nnd ann that was wal to n oj ask k for his hil salary salaryTheso II salaryThese I
These TheEo charges chnrll nnd Ril counter charges chnrgesrom chnrKls chnrKlstrol
trol rom the different difofnt groups roup of waiting w lln and andatching nld nldatehlnj Midntehlng
atching parishioner rarIJoler in tho tlm vacant lot lotere lotwlr lottre
ere atehlnj In the nature n ture of responses l ponf nnd ani clod clinlnges chaltnll clodflgcs
tnll wlr nges Interrupted Inllrnlptfl by treatment rroluenl yells rll1 ofIrnve of ofProve orIro
Prove it itBut ItBut
Iro But ns I I the night nl hl grew grc lato and II as nF the theccond th thcnd theccoiici
ccond cnd meet lt meetinig Ing Inl inside wns wa ns about to have liavos hlvo hlvoiA
s benexlictiori tho lit two t 0 warring warrlnj groups groupsutslde group groupsutshle
outEld iA utslde said llil In chonw chonwIf chonf
If it wasnt WMlt for the thl Hydo Hree Hydoor or Hann gang gangur janK janKour gangurhittietciiurehm
our urhittietciiurehm ur J littlo church would growanclbea grow and ane be a rower rowerar powrfor pourerr
for ar r good II od te and righteousness rghtIMloeO anti II all al chant cliarilbleness clart clartahlneF chanthknesa
ahlneF bleness in II our midst mlrAt x to
SII qtyg M A Nfl F1 JOI ionic DFOmrIT DEiIWIlti DEiIWIltih11I nEMOvu nEMOvuWILI
h11I WILI 1 IWFKtT FFIT nomtlSlELT nomtlSlELTlie 01 IT
lie 1111 It the Man Who ho Drraniril OrraDt Tltal Tll tloKlnlrWould tloKlnlr lrKlnll lcRlnIej1oiIii
Would Hn nJ Killed IUlrt mil llurrlrd I 1111 Id Iron fronNealllo Ironi4eattIr 01
Nealllo Hrat Ie to Warn arn thn Pmldml Pllflltlle PreslthilitIlt PreslthilitIltAlso II IIAlso
Also 0 foretold IJin t11 nahtlon Galveston < J lve ton ltood ltoodW IioedAnmnioroN ool oolWA
W WA sniNOTON nNoTON May M Y 4 4iinrlrs Chnrle Chnrlel V Barterothorwlso Barter Bortonotherwlm Barterothoruriute
othorwlso otherwlm known as al Krtrl Jlrl Count Clnt Courtney Courtneytho COlrtnoy COlrtnoythu
thu Dream Dram Prophet who vlut eighty dnyi dnyiboforo d daymbefore YI
before 1rMilnt 1resldcnt McKlnlnys assasslnatloi assasslnatloint tMlnalon tMlnalonlt
nt lt Buffalo uIlin came lle to Washington WaAhlllton from Seattli Seattlito featlo featloto
to warn arn thin Prpsldont Pre dont not to leave loe Wash WashInglon Walh WalhIngtOl Vjasimingtomi
Inglon IngtOl as ho had dreamed drolcd of an Impend Impending Impll ImpllInR impending
ing disaster IIMnlIr thruatenlng threltlnlng Mr 11 McKinley McKlnloyhas
has ha dreamed that th t President Prllldlnt Roosevelt Ifooseveltwill JOOSI1
will wi l ho > o clefeatod derrlted for reflection reilecton by a aorlc New NewVork Jo JoYorl
Vork orlc State Democrat DemocratH Democrat
It Is a matter mater of record rocr that tllt Barton Bartomialiotit Bartonabout Bartonahout
about Sept Sopt I 1001 101 was a compelled cmple to leavi leavithe ICQcthe ienvthou
the White hite llouso 1olso by tho policemen plemen stationed statlonecthere Itatone stationedtlmero
there ther as R lio was wal thought tholght to be I a harmless harmlessbut harmllt harmlessbut
but annoying crank crnk Barton larton said at the thetime thetlle th thtime
time tlle that hu had dreamed drlalti that Presldpnl PresldpnlMcKlnley Presld Presidin1McKinley nt ntlcKlnley
McKinley would IKJ killed kiled and ali appearedmuch appeared appearedmuch appared apparedIlch
much Ilch affected aleced when no attention was paid pairto paidto paidto
to bin hlO warning The Dream Prophet Prophet1has Prophetha ProphetInns
has ha the tle following folowilg to say Y In regard to the thenoxt thonex thmcnext
next election electionOn j jOn
On April Apri 7 I dreamed drlal1 that President PresidentHo
Ho ovelt would be defeated derentll In thin next nextelection lext lextrlcelon nextelcctioni
election rlcelon and that a Democrat Democrt from Now NowYork NewYork No Noork
York ork would he elected ellctll This hla dream came cameto cameto cameto
to mo undor tho name M mo circumstances w wothers 1 1othcr n nothers
others othcr and I know in my own mind that thaitho thattho thattIm
tho noxt President will wil be a Democrat DemocratI Democrt DemocrtI
I can even name nlm time thl man manBarton manRaron loanBarton
Barton Raron has sonic HOIO very 11 remarkable view viewion vlewHon viewon
on curtain crtain subjects slujectK but hit ho is evidently evidentlythoroughly evitnt evidentlytimorougltly Iy Iythoroulhly
thoroughly thoroulhly sincere flncr or thinks lie Is II Ho 10 IFa IF IAI i ia
a I small Mmnl dark dalk hnlredman Imlrdman about 35 years yearsold yearold yenrolti
old and a native nnlve of Kentucky Irntlcky He Ut is nr atcniiiloyee nremployee onrmploee
employee of the Government Oovermenl Printing PrintingOfflco Irlntilg IrlntilgOfm IrlntingOffire
Offlco Ofm In II a recent recnt lntcrvl Interview w he said saidWhat MidWhlt saidhat
What Whlt hat I do I do for Christ ChrlHt I have Ino th thpower the thopOWI thepower
power pOWI of foretelling forlelng events in dreams dreamsand drenml drenmlInd dreamsnoel
and Ind ny I mu solo desire IllHlr Is il to benefit 1Jleft humanity humanitythrough humaniy humaniythrough huimnunnitythirommgh
the theOalvpston theO thm thmGalveston
through this great llnt gift lr Just boror
Galveston O lvf1ton disaster I was WI on my way WiY tc tcSeattle toSeattle I ISlatto
Seattle Slatto by h steamer ftl mer from Sltka Hlka On the thttrip theIrlp tImetrip
trip I had a dream in which I beheld Hit Hitflood thofood theflood
flood food My child chid was wa in Clalvestori OalEston at that thattime thailme thattime
time lme but although I was WI confident cnfcent that that a aterrible alerble muterrible
terrible lerble disaster dlfKtrr had occurred occurrd I was WI not notuneasy nottmeaR notuneasy
uneasy tmeaR for in tho dream I had seen sn that thatthe that thatIhe thatthe
the child chid was WI safe re When I reached rached Port PortTownsend PorLTowllnd lortTownsend
Townsend Towllnd I learned from the newspapers newspaperstho newspprR newspprRIho
tho full particulars of the disaster dlfflor Thus Thusmy Tht Thtmy Thtisnov
my dream dram prtlcula came true tre as 1 I was WI sure Ilm it would wouldremoved wouldI
I hnd al also dreaomed dramed that my chid chIld had bn bnremowd been beenruinivcl
removed to some KOle other city ciy and I wrote wroteto wrte wrteto
to that lh t place plal saying that i I was aware awnr of ofIts orIt ofits
Its It safety R ret All Al turned turntc out as I had seen seenit Hc seemuit n ni
it In my vision visionI
i I haw had h d the power powlr of foretelling foretellingevents fortelnR fortelnRIents foreteilin foreteilinevents
events Ients slnpis Inln I was Wlf 13 years nn old It is all allin al a aiii
in tlio thl t ito Bible Rh Bhle hiI everything cveryt erthlig Iminm g that t that lint I do You Youcan Youcan lotmcant
can rend rP d of visions there All Al I wish to todo tl todo
do is I to bonnflt Iwnpft Ix neflt humanity hum nltv When Whll huen I dream dreamof drlm drlmor dreamof
of seine no disaster of the til hi future I feel rol that thatI
I muft go forth fort h and II wnrnthoRo wor I hOR upon whom whomtho whol wiuomiitue
tho disaster dlo 10 tel must fall C l I predicted prllcted Ufln the thodestruction thedestrudlon thedestruction
destruction of the liattleship Maine and andiinvo andhnt andiiavti
iiavti iinvo hnt lund hli visions 1lonf from frl time to time in which whichI
I I have hn foreseen other disasters dIAsteT But very verylittlu vcr vcrItlu verylltthm
littlu Itlu attention atlltlol Is I paid Jlid to what I say as nspeople aspopll aspeople
people think I am n crank crankIf cralk cralkI
popll If mv warnings wlmlng had been ben taken Presi President Prsi Prsident President ¬
dent I MoKinloy 1 would not have been bn killed killedI kild kildI
of the disaster disasterwhich mlisasterwlmkh
I gave O repeated rpated warnings dltBler dltBlerwhich
which which P finally overtook him but no heed heedwas hed hedwag heedivas
was paid to tnthem them by 1y those thos charged charwd with withhis withhis withhis
his personal safety and I won Wi moro mor than thanonce thQnonc thaitonce
once forcibly ejected ljetl from the White WhiteHouse White10ul Whitehouse
onc House grounds I know klew positively psitively that thatthe thatthe thattime
10ul the PresidPnts Irsldnntl life lre waa In danger danfr and andIt ald aldIt
It almost alloHt mnost broke my heart Iwar when my warn warnings warnInr warnlogs ¬
logs were laughed to scorn scornMr 8cnl 8cnlII scentMr
Inr wer laughe made whattproved whattprovedto
Mr Barton BroDrcnlymQde recently wboprved wboprvedto
to II bo b an unsuccessful ursuOCurut attemiJttto atlml attemhittoem te4r carp a aliving alvig aliving
living on tbolecturc thelecu platform piltonn In a short shorttime Ihor shortdine
lvig time be will organize in this tbl city a 1 mil millennium mi rnilleimniwn ¬
lelnlum lennium wi club cub and ld says H heIs he i makingef makingefforts makilger makilgerforts making ef eforts ¬
forts to bring brllg on the thl end of the world He HelinH Hoh Heins
h linH ins K a number lumlr of unique views onLimis on onthis onIhls
this subject lubjec He believes bllevC that the drinking drinkingat
at l beer > eer or whiskey in a saloon decreases decreasesby dcrnMI dcrnMIh
h by 20 per cent cnt tho tim effect elec which a i perlOI miersomi miersomiis rson rsonin
in able nub pr to exercise upon the accomplish accomplishment ncmplsh ncmplshment accomplishriieot ¬
j ment of tho millennium mielnlum while whl drinking drinkingl drnking drnkingber drinkingbeer
ber l beer > eer at homo decrease decreal that power IIWII only onlyi 011 011r emilyper
cent If a person has hO groceries doivered do dolivprpd deIvlrd
i per
r livprpd pr cnt to his hi I home prin after Irt r 5 oclock rcrel in in tho thoevening thoecnill iliumveniing
Ivlrd evening tho Dream Dram Prophet says snyf Ills effect effectin efect efecton
in tho lie millennium mlelnium Is decreased deceald 5 plr Pr ior rent rentHo centEtc
Ho also Ilso made uldp the tl following rolowing statement statementIf tltlment tltlmentI
of less lessthan lesshan
If I n 1 Ingle man has an au income les
than 100 r 60 a month 10nth his effect etect on producing producinghe
the he millennium Is I reduced rducd 5 per cent while whileif whie whieIr
if f his salary Blnrv is II over 011 ICO 60 a month PI Its effect effectjn elect electln
ln jn the millennium m1 nnlum is reduced rduced 20 per cent centJeromo cnt cntJ centJeronte
Jeromo J role Dismisses 0111811 Two Clerk ClerkSamuel Irkl IrklSarull lerksSamuel
Samuel Sarull J Siogel and John J Martin Martinilerks Martinlerlus l rtin rtincerks
cerks ilerks in II Assistant District Distrct Attorney Atorne Oanss Oanssippeal Oansl OanslIppal Ganstmmppeal
Ippal ippeal bureau hurfau resigned rrlllned yesterday by re raluest request reuent
quest uent of Mr Jerome A stenographer of ofhe orthr ofhue
thr he General Genrl Sessions SrlsluM made complaint cmplolnt that thathoy thatthoy thathey
hey had made a copy cpy of the evidence eldlnc in ini Ina incase
a i case c whore ho was the official ofcniltenogrpher ofcniltenogrpherand stenographer stenographerind
and had wild it I There llre was nothing 10tlng wrong wrongn wrongIn ron ronmu
In n their doing doll 1Oimi this thl except excpt from the official officialitcnogrnpher ofcial ofcialRtenographer officialutenogrmiplmer
itcnogrnpher s t point of view It wns wnsearned wnslearned wmt wmtearned
earned liowover pint that they had procured procuredi
a L i copy of 10wmer the minutes mlnutps of the trial tra rrocured rrocureda an al un unmportant unimprant minimportaflt
imprant mportant cpy one from frm the chief clerks clerksifffce cerkO cerkOofce clerksfllce
ofce ifffce fllce to copy cp from This clerks copy copyannot cpy cpycannot copyanniot
cannot be tJ found foundHonoken foundlohoktn foundHoboken
Hoboken lohoktn Elevated Flcntl Structure Safe SafeCivil 8afCivi SateCivil
Civil Civi Engineer Whittemore Whitemore of Hoboken Hobokenivho Hobken Hobkenwho Hobokenrho
who wns engaged by 1 the North Norh Jersey JerseyStreet Jlrsy JlrsyStret Jerseytrect
Stret Street Railway nlwny to examine examile the elevated elevateditructuro elevatedtrctur elevatedtniicturo
itructuro trctur between Hoboken Hobkln and Jersey Jerseyity JCI Jerseyity
City ity Heights 111hts reported Ieprted yesterday that it itvas IIwa itas
wa vas as safe Ife Tho Twelfth wrlth Ward Wlnl Improvc Improvcnent Impre Imprement Imnpmvemint
ment mint Association Aocatlol of Jersey Jersy City Heights Heightsamend Jtights JtightscontclIM Heightsoiiteils
contclIM amend that t hat itisunsafeitncolumnshaving itisunsafeitncolumnshavingnink It I is unee unsafe I itscoiumns I clumns having havingRunk havin haviniink
nink from rrol half to ii threequarters of an al Inc inch inchn InchIn
In n n nYIlI year According Acrding to Whittemore Whltttmore the thocolumns thecolulne theoltinins
colulne columns have been bm two years Ylars In il sinking sinkinghreefourths AlnklngtherourhR simikingimreefourthis
therourhR hreefourths of an inch inchStevens Inchstctnl inchStevens
Stevens stctnl late Not ot to no Sold SoldCol 801dCol SoldCol
Col Edwin A Slovens StevoI yesterday deniedpublishitd denied deniedi
a i published publflld report repr that the old family ramly cs csate e etnte tsate
tnte ate nl lt Castle Point was to bo I cut up and sold soldor Rld Rldror soldor
ror or building huldhll lots lotl opening Into Ilto the streets streetsif Itrols Itrolsor trcetsf
or if f Holioken HolokI N J The estate has ha been beeniwncd Ixenowned lxenwned
owned by 1li t the h Stevens HteveO family fnmly since slnc 1784 1784vli IRI IRIwl 3781ilmen
wl vli ilmen n Col hr 0 John Stevens purchased purhald the th is isand IRIlnd ismid
Ilnd and of Hobuck for Co 18300 1830 Baron Brn Steubenad Steuben Steubenind Stlubn Stlubnhad
had ind made an unsuccessful unucArul attempt alompt to secure secureho scur secureha
tho ho same fme property prolXrty through throlghOov throtmghOov Gov Livingstonif Livingston LlvlntO
of if f Manhattan Inlhntan
The Tlc Weather WeatherSave Went lthrr lthrrSe Iter IterSwe
Save for some om cloudy clouc and ald fo tatty weather w ltlcr And a alltht 1 anit
Illt nit fall f1 of rain rnll In the tb morning morlnr In the Atlantic AtlanticItntrs Atlanticlairs tantc tantclntes
lairs from from Virginia lrllnl to Maine the weather w atb r over overhe overIhe overhe
Ihe he country COltl Ohiiuti was WI generally IIReral fair fil Tlie pressure prur walith wa WI was1gb
Ihrh lith over the Central Stales the Ohio Valley Vale and andlie andIh andto
Ih lie to Lake IlrKloni Icllol and nlll was rising In the Atlantic Atlantictatci oLalto oLaltoState tiantIotat
State tatci tat which mcain meal fair fall weather wrthr In the lh latter laUeI nee neeIon AecLol seeion
Lol Ion for three tner days c3YS at least U I will 1 gradually graduallyiccome Irdu31 graduallyctome
iccome warmer warmerThe warmerTIl Wa rotor rotorrio
The TIl pressure In I n the Northwest Norhwest t and Southwest SoulhweS Southwestin
in 1 n low hut without wihout storm formation formationThe tormatol formationTue
The temperature temperaure was w hIgher hllher except lxc pl In the tlo Ohio Ohiond Ohionnd OhIoad
nnd nd Tonneiire Tcnlee valleys Ie and the iheupprr upper Uikc Regions Regionswas etloM etloMI
I was I everywhere ahfive the freezing frrerln point flnt ejrept ejreptj
In j I northern norhern Minnesota MinnesotaIn Mlnlroln MlnlrolnII
In II this 11 city < t the early nrl morning mnmlnl was aa cloudy colrl wlih wlihCht uclihctit 1lh 1lhlhl
lhl Cht min followed folod liy I fair weather before trfI noon noonnil nol nolnlll foamntnt
nlll nil hecomln hrcumhll winnen lnnrr ilncl III fresh fesh northeasterly northeasterlyvrracehumidity77percent oorhcter noflhcastmlyvrsehtnnlihiitS77tCrerflt
4rl vrracehumidity77percent 111 < 11 7 ercnl barometer bnnneler corrected correctedjriailtosralevilatSA correctedron
10 jriailtosralevilatSA rIt ron tOMII to Ma bitt at S A M 2013S 11 tl 8 1M3t3 1M3t3The 1 > M W13 W13The 5l3The
The temperature len rlllr ycstordaj u recorded rlrdfd hy I the thefflclal Lbeorcal theRciol
orcal fflclal thermometer tlrmoreer U l shown abowiin In the annexed Dnue table tablI tableIwo
Iwo I 1807 I 1BOJ I IIM2 IIM2A lo 152tA
tA A M M U 4 I 5 PM p 4 M g SJ SJM 6 t2S7
I M I 1 IT 17 7 lb P M t tI IA Bl BlIlM GIII
II IlM I 1 M I 81 M1 f4m llilld 12111 12 SJ 50 50fASniNOTOX r rwAsnlfrml o oASflnN0iO
far corn Xev Stl Iork tatttrn Olfrn Itnntiltanla Itnntiltanlatlnvarr Jm Icnnhi4anpg4atiar lroa lroaIOIOrr
IOIOrr tlnvarr Xea es tc Jtnrj Jr Maritand ar Id llu h Dliliicl DIc of opauntbtm ofvlumbti
100 vlumbti and lld lrffinla Irgnll fair fat today and na tomorroir tomorroirOfil lomorrl lomorrloM tOmorromrIf
Ofil If rnrtnrtte eltnMr iritirfj iritirfjFor andf andforwern itOiitSForweniern
For Forweniern orwern wesirrn Pennsylvania rrnl hanla and wejtern elrrn New rc Vork Vorkilr lorkiir ork orkflir
flir ilr today loca with lh rising rlnl temperature temprle IncieMlne IncieMlneioudlnei IlclIOI ineiensiaoudineas
claudine tomorrow to morr morro light Irhl northeast norbfll winds windscromlnc windsconninm Indl Indlbccmlnc
bccmlnc cromlnc conninm outhea oolhIor oUtheO3tbr t tFor
For or New rW f England n114nc fair todar looar toda and tomorrow tomorrowarmer lomrrw lomrrwwarmer tomorrowermer
warmer inmorrnw llftt IrtL north norb to northeaat wind winderumlnir wladcuall windcoiiiiiif
erumlnir cuall varlaUc rabl
New Offices Officesshould Ofces Ofcesshould Ocesshould
should have haveNew haveNew haveNew
New Desks DesksExport DesksExport DesksHALE
Export Prices Priceshere Pries Prieshere
here hereHALE hereHALE
15 STONE ST next Produce Produce ExchangeDECLARED Exchange ExchangeDECLARED ExchangeDECLARED
It I Pmrrllirti PreCrlt Piinlshnirnt PUllshllnt of Tliaip Tllr fllioby fllio Itimoby 10 10b
by b Inllnildatlon Intlldton llrllicry Uriler unbar or Otherwise OtherwisePrevent Otllrwls OtllrwlsIrntnt itimerwluteIreucnt
Prevent Irntnt Negroes StJroll From VotlnB VotingTime VotingTimeCourt otnThc The TheCourt
Court 011 Sny Sn CoiiRrrss oIKr s Juts lal No o 1tfwcrto 1tfwcr Iwcrto l6werto
to Punish llrlbcry UrlJrr at State Klcctlons KlcctlonsWABIIINOTON iIeeuoitaVABmmliaToN Ieetols IeetolsWASINOTON
WABIIINOTON WASINOTON Mny Mn 4 4flie Tlio Dl law enacted enactedto pna ted
to carry carr out Olt In part wrt tlio t hu provisionH of tho thoFifteenth thoFitenth timeFifteemitht
Fifteenth Fitenth Amendment Amendmclt to t o tho Constitution Constitutionby ConRtltuton ConRtltutonb
by b prescribing punlnhmcnt pUllfhlJnt for those thos who wlioby whoby uhioby
by intimidation Iltlmldaton bribery bribry or othcrwUo otlwrwlr pre prevnnlccl preentld provented
vented entld ncRrocH nClrocl from voting v01ng was today todnyclnclnrcd tod todaydeclared Y Ydeclared
declared entirely eltrlr void old by tho Supremo SuipretnoCourt SupremoCourt Slpmo SlpmoCourt
Court Court A previous decision decslol had declared declaredit drclur1I
it I unconstitutional IlconHtllutlola KO fO fnrns far 18 as rotate Ftlte ttite electloriH electloriHwero electlolH electlolHwere electioniswere
were concerned concrd anal ald todnys todn judgment judgmentmakpfl judglnt judglntmnkpK judgmentmakes
makes time th invalidity Invaldiy npply also Ilso to Federal Federalelections Federalelrctols Federalelections
elections electionsTho elrctols elrctolsho electionsrite
rite ho case ClF arose arol in Kentucky Ilntlcky where whereHenry whlro wherehenry
Henry Honr Bowen and others nlherl were wer arrested arrestedfor
for bribing bribln negroes neKrel to tl stay fta away way from the thopollB thepls thepails
pails pls in 11 the lie Congress elections llectlole of 1808 1808Bowen 1801 1808Bowen
Bowen watt released rellsd on n writ of habeas habeascorpus hnheascorp hmahcasvorptis
corpus corp e tho lie District DiEtrit Judge holding holdlnj that ns nsthe asthe t
the statute had been b1 declared Ileclnrld unconstitu unconstitutional Ilconltll uniconmutitimtional ¬
tional tolallo so far ns it applied applld to State elections electionsIt electlnlA electlnlAwas
It was also void old as 11 to Federal FedJ11 elections electionsThe eltctole eltctoleTh electionsThe
The Th Supreme Slprme Court affirmed Itrmed tins t view vilw nix nixJustices Ilx IlxJUftes sixJtmstices
Justices JUftes concurring lncurrlng in the majority maj ri opin opinion oplnIon opimiion ¬
ion Justices JuslCa Hnrin Haran nnd ald Brown Drowlditntlg Drowlditntlgand dissenting dissentingand dissentingand
and Justice Justc McKennn taking no 10 part plrt in II tho thocose thocl thecase
case coseTlio cl Tlio law was enacted en cled in 1870 and providesflint provides providesthat providesthlt
that thlt Every Evel person peton who prevents hinders hlndc hlndccntrols hinderscontrols nlnderscontrols
controls cntrols or Intimidates Ilthlld tl1 another Qlothei from exer exercising eXlr eXlrIsllg exerdaimig ¬
cising Isllg or in exercising IxerrlBlng the t he right of mif miffrago flr flrrrge smiffrago
frago rrge to whom who 1 that right r ht is guaranteed guaranteedby gUQmnteld gUQmnteldhy
by the Fifteenth Flt nth Amendment Alenclllt to tho IhoCorRII IhoCorRIIlulol IhinCorsti IhinCorstitutiomi Consti Constitution ¬
tution lulol of the United Unled States HtatcF by means 11 IS of ofbribery orbrlnry ofbribery
bribery brlnry or threats thratM or II depriving dcprih1 such Iuch per person persnn irson ¬
son of if employment or occupation ocelplton or of ofBJecting oroJecthlj ofejecting
oJecthlj ejecting such slch tichi person 1JT0n from a rented house houseIdiulK hOIf houselanmuis
IdiulK IlndH or other property proplt or by threats of ofrefusing orreflling ofrefusing
reflling refusing to renew relJ leases INtlt or contracts for forlabor Corlabr forlabor
labr labor or by threats of violence IlolenC to himself himselff hlmllC hlmllCor
or > f family r II shall l bo punished plnllhd byn b by a firib tn fi O not notess 10t 10tIIB niottitan
IIB ess than 8500 MO 500 and 011 Imprisonment Inpr180nlnt nit of notliore not notmore lot lotmore
more than t ono year yearTho yealThe pal palTho
Tho Fifteenth Fltllnth Amendment Alnendllnt says la the Hieplnlon theopinion theplfliOti
opinion > of thu court which is I by Justico JusticoHrewer JustlnoIIwr JusticoEhntuvpr
IIwr Hrewer relates TIQtff solelj to action by h the theJnlted theUnlld timeLoitecl
Unlld Jnlted States or by b the t I Slates Statti and nol Ito to tondlvidual toIndlidull tondiviuitial
Indlidull ndlvidual action acton as > had been decided decidedn
In n several crl cases CIP The indictment Indlctn1nt In II tho thoireaent thopresllt ho horetent
presllt ireaent caw Cl charged chantld no wrong done by byhe h hth i3ii
th he ii State Sta of Kentucky Klntucky or by 11 any In ono act actng Icl IclIng actnig
Ing ng under it I its > authority authory Nor or was wlt it charged chargedhat chalgll chalgllthat
hat the lie bribery was waso on account aeolnt of race racetolor rc rccolor raceolor
condition of servitude servitudeThey servituderhicy
color or previous pri conditon Itritudp ItritudpThey
They were not bribed because beauso they th vrero vrerololorod wroaiorod
colord lolorod men mel but be becauui4J auRp u t they tho were rr voters votersNo votersNo o < r
No discrimination dlcrmlnatlon on on account acunt of race rcoo6r rc raceolOr
col o6r r or prevlous prou9 conattlon Ch lUon was WIR charged chargedI
A I Htntutc sttute wh6iri5UrYxlrtcd whrl topuniah lopunlth to punish purely purelyndlvidual purllyJndhldual purelyndividual
ndlvidual action ncton a tion IUire could COI cou i not il l be > e sustained sustainedis susliled susliledal
al is an 11 appropriate exerciso exerle of the power pownrojiferred pOlr pOlrcnferrd poweronferred
cnferrd ojiferred by b the Fifteenth Fleenth Amendnient Amendnientipon Amcndlilnt
IpOI ipon Congress Conjr to prevent action by b tho thoitnto thoStato iliumitate
itnto through some tOml one on or moro mor of its itsifllclal it itofcial itsiflicial I
ofcial ifllclal representatives rprlpnlnth and Ind an n Indictment Indictmentvhlch Indictmtlt Indictmtltwhich inudictuwntuhiclm
which charged no 10 discrimination dl8crimlnnton on ac acount anmint e eCOlnt
COlnt mint of race rce color or previous provlols condition contlltionif conditon conditonof
of if servitude tlnltlde was WIS likewise Iklwlu destituto dllttutl of sup Kupiort support supmrt
port iort by b such amendment amendmentIleferring aendment amendnuientIhefrrinng
Ileferring Hlrrrng to the contention contlnlloo that Ihll Confress Con Conres C < n ngn
gn fress res < had ample power with respect rlpt to tho thoSection thoton I hue huelectiomi
Brewer Section Jrowersays JrowersaysTho ton snI of members membeT of Congress ClgrlKf Justice JusticeJrowersays Justce JustceBrewer Justice3rewersays
Tho 1t fhu dinieulty tllilllt dliii eu it with wit it this thl lb is contention contlnl contemi t ion Is I thnt thntoncresH tlt tltongrl tlmnm tlmnmmigress
oncresH ongrl tins not by h tlii tll 1114 < section lon noted tl1 In Inihe 11 ini
thi ihe i lie exercise nlc nf such AICh power jllwr It I I t Is I not in Ct iPcHii iPcHiillon lcl lecIilitlion ll
lion in II respect to elections plpton of Federal F rll nftlcern nftlcernLull nnrr nnrrlut otflcrsiiit
lut Lull Is I levelled 1fIId rMJpct nt lt nlleliKtlnns 11111 till Stnteur StitonI Stair < or Feclcrul Feclcrulmid l Ideimtim delll delllnd
mid m nd ii d It does not ii cit purport Plrplrt to t is puiilih mlii III it iii h bribery Ijrilieryif brlhlrof
of if nny un voter tO hut htt simply jfph those minted Iltpd hunted In 11 the theFifteenth theFlflnth thelifIientlm
Flflnth Fifteenth Amendment Indlll On n lie 1 face fnllll It Is cKjirly cKjirlynn rh rhIn
In nn ml attempt Ulpt to exercise pXIrj power supposed IIIIIOSld to tol t tconffrrle toLe
l Le > n conferred conffrrle by h the th Fifteenth Amendment Amlndnltnt In Inrespect Inr inrespect
r respect ct to I ci all 11 it II electlniiH 11101 lect I nit S nnd In itO it < not lot In pursuance pursuancenf Ilu pmtrstta lnnC it Ct Ctif
nf ticular the 11 Iii cnneral elections electionsTo IIclon norallontrol control hy I Ii C01are ortgress s over par particular piI mnmrIetninr ¬
111111 To 0 change ch this tbi stntute tutltr enacted nactld to punlRli punlRlilirlbery 11111 ptmnlshmribery
hrlb lirlbery of lo persons pereol nnined In the hit Fifteenth FifteenthAmendmentat FlflInth FlflInthmndlntIL FhfteenmthmAmntendotent
Amendmentat Amntendotent mndlntIL at nil 11 elections hCtll to n ftntuto ftntutopuninhlnt Ft tttut tttutpunishIng tlt tltpUII
pUII punishIng hlnl bribery hrhlr nf any 111 itmi voter otlr nt lt certain certainflections Iltnll certahmilettittni
flections t would wOlld ioii Id bo In effect Ilrr ludirlnl 1 udlrlil I legisla legislation IJII IJIIlon lcgiltI ¬
pfltonM Ion I It I t would bo wrestiiiK wrest rfAln hit g the Ih n lie stntute stltll from fromthe fro I a ati
lon th the ti purpose > rPM I with Ilthlhlh wit which it was WI rnncted nnd nndinakinif nnlmik attiliemktnie
mik inakinif j n It serve Irrv another lotbrr purpose IJlpoSI Uuiibt Uuiibti Duutt11 IoiiitP058
P058 i > ss even t11 tfl I I a 1 crliniiiid Irlmlnll cr1 mmihttth strtiite Artutp CI tt ito mny 111 11tH be h itood itoodIn Id IdIn
In pnrt and 011 laid hld In 11 part plrt lart providing the tl1 two twonn tWI twofin
nn par he hI hI clenrlv eltrl dci ris sepnrnlid Iplrld and Ind mini d it I Is apparent apparentthnt 1arlnt 1arlntthat ii Itiinrmittint
that time legislative lIIIt both hotly would ould hiivo hlo enacted enactedthn enactedho
thn ho one 011 without the ether 01 Ir but there ther nro no notwo nolwo nowo I
two wo parts plrt to t this thl statute statuteWe statutee t tutl tutlWe
We e tire Irn fully 111 tiilI sensible 11110 of the creiit Irlut wrong wroncrhlch wro wrongutic1t g I Iwhlchrlull
whlchrlull rhlch results from bribery hrl > I nt t elections tlections and antdto andlo Ind i ido
do lo not otllp question lon tho ih power of Contrross eOI ro to toiini t toumnilm I
plnlh umnilm iini h such ucl otTence ofonC1 of1n cc when whp committed oOmltd omit maim tori in II r ripnct 1 rpoet
poet to the election or Federal r lrll officer mcrt Al Alho Athim
t ho lnct I same lme Iw tlmoMt lmo t I me ellton tl I all a I I I Important Imlortlnt I < imu Port ii nt hint t a ajrimlnal I t tri
crllhlli jrimlnal ri nit intl atnutifte tatie ttft shoulil sIt holhl o il clearly cflrb elitm ri i define dlOlp dtfl tie t he heitfenee h huffelN liemuon
uffelN itfenee muon ce which it purports lo I o pmiMi 1111h pimni I lt und thnt thntrhen 11t ilmiutchen I Ihel
chen hel so 0 defined ctld I I t should sholl be hI Ii within wihin wit Ii in the II t hue limits limitsf Iml llmmi it a athe
of I > t f the power of theleKlflatlve thelelllale body bod enacting enactingt enactingConcres tnuctlmgCongress enullng I II ICOllrp
Congress COllrp has hll no power to punish Ilnlsh bribery hrlbr ut ntill utI utIl
ill Il elections loet lonis The 11 Ihit liniilH I 11 I nil I I s of o r It I a power 111 nrn nrnn fl re ren i iIn
In n I respect 011101 to a elections In 1 which hlh the nation 111 tiaticimia Ion IonI
I 1 directly int interteni r tsted or In ni which some mandate mandateif II1l1l1dlllof
of if the Constitution Cen tltutlo Is I disobeyed nnd the tim courts courtsin Iurt i iIIn
IIn in ru < not at liberty III Ii trt > to t o tnko II criminal I stntiite stntiiteirond stat tmtm tmtmmrnntl I
irond and nd enmprehenslve Iomprfhen in Its It terms nnd nndheso nntdhose IIU
the ternis beyond the th power of Conuress Conuressiiid nllllrpM nllllrpMnnd I
iiid chnnire it to fit some orn particular Iransnc Iransnclon tfllns trotiancion c clion
lon which Concress mh itltit ht l have hn c lesislnted lesislntedor
ror or If it had seen fit fitSVPREME ntSVpnE11E fitSUPREIIE
DamaKcs > ni Ecs for or Fires 1 lrl8 Caused an rll by h my Locomotive loconnatiueLaud LocomotiveKami IoeoillotheIMIlId
Laud Title Ill Ie Cases OnsenWASHINGTON CasesVAsmmtNoT0 n nW
WASHINGTON W ASltnmTO May Iny 4 1Thc The Supremo SupremoJourt Suprrmorourl Supremoourt
Jourt today toda after tho announcement of ofpinions oCoplnionA ofpinion
pinions took a recess for or two t wu weohs weohsIn wellI wellIIn werhcsIn
In the hi suit brought by h the tnlted States Stateso
to o quiet title t it Ia to t 0 land in ii m Oregon 0 regan claimed lmld by byhe Itythe I iy iylie
the he Oregon nnd nd California Call Corn In Railroad COIII Conniaiiy om omlany I IPI1I1Y
lany upon which prior patent p tenl had lx htllI heemitamed > en enjsued
tamed to apersonal entryman imtlur th thrgon thOrgon fitrgona I
Orgon rgon Donation act tho court awarded awardedIlle nwnrdltllitle awardeditle
Ille to the railroad company l lKc ixcnuse > ecnu ulO the thocttler the8Itt theether
8Itt ether Ir had not ns M the l ho law In w required re noiahitch renabuKl rernalll
rnalll nabuKl d on the th notl land for four years yanmu nrll Tho Thoudginent Thojudgment Timetidgineot
judgment of the Ito Circuit Court of Appeals Appealsor
for or thu Ninth circuit was OR therefore over overuled OVtrruled overulel
ruled ruledIn uledIn ulelin
In a suit brought to recover damages damagesrom damogll4rrom
rrom rom the Texas and Pacific Itailroad Com Comlany Comaany Jill Jillpan
pan any for fires alleged lo IK I set t by h nparks nparksrom uparksrout park parkfrorp
frorp rom ono of thulr lociimotives 1IIIOlllot eEl the court courtmid collrthold courtold
mid old that tivldenro that t h t tho t he tires lire sprang sprangip RprallK1IJ1
1IJ1 ip Ii nft after r the Ito passing p slng of thn I lie locomotive was wasxlmlxnlll waMadml witsdmbutibim
adml xlmlxnlll llhln > as II showing their t origin I right and andudument andJudllmJnt andunlmtment
JudllmJnt udument was given against the company companyWhjthor comtupnnyVhcthnr OlliponvVlwthor
Whjthor a nettler sctt Icr who is Ito had haclloc located tcrt within witlilnhe wlihlnIhl
Ihl he limits of a land grant rrllntor or tlm lie granitetiai grantee granteeras rllutef rllutefWI
WI ras entitled to it Wall tho t he question presented presentedn PIIFoClltcdIII
III n 1 th thiJ < 3 appeal nl > pInl of tIme tit Northern rtlurn Pacific flail Itnlload lIal1mad flailand
mad Company from tho t lie judgment of tIme thoilinneotn th thMlnnelSOtll tImeinnesota
ilinneotn Huprenui H lprelll Court in favor of ofownsend ofTownontl ofownutenti
ownsend the Metier Congress lI re the court courtield tOurthltl courtehti
hltl ield had nmdn n specific grant In this cane canend onej onejnnd rinsend
nnd nd as 0 the Minnesota olhllll Ot < a court had erred in himtiling inullng IIInlling
tiling that hint parts p rtll of it could bo segregated segregatedtn
1111 tn ii judgment J was invented inventedAnotnar IUwr mevermuedAnother d dAnotll
Another Anotll r decUion dcl > ioll in h the controversy controvorsyvnr rontro rontrooyer
oyer vnr er title tltl to land formorly COrlnorl subnurged was WIIHanded wnlthandd wasancied
anded downtoday down tolla In line I hn appeal of Kcnn Kcnnrom Kcanrrom Keirnrom
rrom rom tho I he decision ci ° clsmon of the t lie J Indiana courts in inivor Inravor Inivor
ravor ivor af f th t h1 lr Calumet Cnnal CII 1111 I and Improve Improvement ImproolItent improvetent ¬
tent Company napan3 which Ilio th t hut court on mi minority authorlt anmonity ¬
thorlt nority of it previous dfoiInn 111 cFolon conflrnied conflrniedustloes conflrmfdJUfjtiloe14 conflrniedustices
ustloes White and 111 MeKennn dissunted dissuntedlio liitIItdtho
tho lio ui3 former holding huldln that ns tlio fractional fractionalr fractional rraIJlionalctlon fractionaletion
r > ctlon under which thin canal company companylaimed lOmpanydlllmld compantyinimed
laimed tlin t h adjoining submerged lands landsros mudsas
11111 ros particularly pllrtlJIII rl deccrilxd even to the thelimlxr tlieIItlmhr themimlier
limlxr of acres the th claim I lm for additional additionalind additionalland
land ind under that patent was all without merit meritI meritW
s S 0 sa
IE iC iCis r
> is c H1I1 li i tn tnnave 1t l 111 Ij Ijhn 4 4have
nave have hn e arranged to tol we M 4 UUf rj f fCONTINUE I IC0NTINUE
High Grade Shoes Sh es and an Oxfords Oxfordsfor Q QJ Qd Qdfor I IforltJeI1atJ1
for forltJeI1atJ1 Men ar at1225 225by 225 e eby i I Iy
by y supplementing M pt oo fing thestyjesand the styles yI pm and sizes sizesYou sizesYou i iYou
You may nInyh have 1e them of Patent feather featheror eatber eatberor j jor
or Vii Vi i Kiel button br r lace style fyelt fyeltsoles w tveltsoles Jt Jts9
soles s9 twenty w ly new styles front whjfch wI b to toselect tosele q qselect
select sele t embracing all nIl the neW lasts laststian ajnd ajndtoes pd pdtoes d dtoes
toes sizes 5 Sto to II I I widths B C D and E ESome Er ESome
Some S mc ore worth 300 300Some 300Some
Some arc worth wo th 4350 J5 350 > r rSome > Your Choice nt 225 2 25 5 I i 11 11Somi
Some are worth w rth 400 400II I I1L1a
II 1L1a u mUY iai 3311 tiJ 34tt t1J gt tirit t J JJ II IIIn i
4 J JtmanQit I i iIn j jI jIn I
FLOOR are prepared to make to order orderSummer orderSummer orderSLimmer
Summer Gowns owns Walking Vakn Jalk ns Suits SuitsRiding SUUsRidin ii iiRiding
Riding Ridin Habits DriVing Driin and andTravelling andTravcllins 4 4i 4Travc1Iin
Travelling Coats Coatsfor JI JIfor
for which designs and materials including Linen LinenCrash LinenCrash LinenCrash
Crash Pongee etc are shown shownniittttenti shownElgbtttltb I
1c 1cEIghteeNth
Elgbtttltb St niittttenti St Slxtb Jlot1nfl neW Ion vornXHnmjStow IonJo
Jo JoI Ji
u 4 4tititcn
I t tt Etft Ji1tnyt
J XHnmjStow XHnmjStowS j tititcn ttrn Stort Stortformerly tort iI iIformerly
S formerly at 390FifthAvenue 390 390f Fifth th Avenue Aven e is Removed1 R vedto to i
240 FIFTH AVENUE AVEN1JE N Near ar2 i8ih thS Street StreetWSKINSEYe6 Streetw eet eetWS
WSKINSEYe6 WS w S KINSEY eo ji 1 1g i > j
g mmmm n m mn L
S i r rfl4taIlvc1Want
fl4taIlvc1Want iclallves Iat hC > Vant ant a iVrnilt IermiIltSmapietoua SjiiiilciouiAbout SjiiiilciouiAboutHIVWH IIJII J S A Ab9imt Ab9imtltlsIl n nIat lIt lIt1Ii1I
ltlsIl HIVWH I IDistrict
r t tDistrict IDistrict
District Attorney AttonnteyieomonAtt eromosa ef0 d 4 yejs P jeday jedaythat ertlay ertlaythat er ny nyth
that th t he had not recei recehll receiwtl > x > d so raraahdktifiw raraahdktifiwn far ashokrp ashokrpa
a request roqllesttrorn from olntJyfj < o oCW ofViialiiiiissil ofViialiiiiissilto W lafii lanr iyiiigsll iyiiigsllto 68el 68eltonpply
to tonpply apply fornpermitto fOI8 petmlt t to ftxhumpWcli utxluurnpWdst1sbody hum cI1IM cI1IMbod plH plHbody
body bod A statement tutatenicnt1 imdo by IJ J 4wrGr 4wrGrSamuel 1uvorSamuel awyar awyarSamuel
Samuel Korguson I IIOn totiie totim eflecttliat lIreel tllllt such np npplicntion miphhicat 1 1pllct1lol1
plicntion hhicat ion would bo madq to Mr Jeronin Jeroninwas erOm
was 1111 shown to tlio DittrlctAttorney 1strlct tttoritey who whonaid whoaid uhio5iil
aid that It mightIje ItIlnht IJl among a lot loti of mail mailho mallIoe mailito
ho received rece l I yesterday ye terlla and was wn iniablu to toget IIIget togot
get timo to rend retdelssel rendWeinscl readWII
Weinscl WII elssel cl died on April 0 last at 411 Lox Lexington Loxiogtomi ¬ i iIngtnll
ington nvemie a warding bIlr ln house run by byFrederick byFrederick byFrederick
Frederick Flinte According tivtlte lothedenth to the death deitliccrtiflcath deathcertifleato i iccrtlflcato
ccrtiflcath of th thl lie nttonding phjsician phjsicianWcis phr phyeciuntcisitl icjall i iWel
Wcis cisitl el died of luiarl murmur m and Bright Brightdisease Brigittudisease
disease Burial wax wa In Linden HUlCwno 1hiJICuemuWY HUlCwnotery
tery WY Jueons borough boroughWeitwel boroughWeisi
Weitwel left n SiOOOOO 00OO esrtte but seven sevenof sevenof
of his nephews and nieces were cut off offwithnothing otTvitlm
withnothing vitlm nothing or 81 l They are thp ones whp whpwant wh9wamit
want time body exhumed according to Mr MrFerguson MtFergusuin
Ferguson for no several vend rrnHonsnno mcitsomm 0mm of ofivtmlclt ofivtmlcltlie irliiah irliiahhe
he wild was that Villiuti Vihiitmtj Hull who had liadli hadihecl
li ihecl ed with Weissoli who was nn old and andlonely andloiiely
lonely man for some time had wriltou to torelatives toiclativts
relatives that Weltfcel died of imcumtininThe imcumtinin TiiieuntdmtinTin
The evcij relatives ant miAlHCious oC oCthe ofthe
the signature of I ho will and also Kuspoct Kuspoctthat susjxsetthat
that the thm body of it was drawn up iii by some someone utomiioOnto
one not familiar with I lie testators family familyMorris fornillyu1orris
Morris Stern St mni husband I ttiita ntl of ono of Weissils Weissilsnieoen oissih n np100014
nieoen is one tin of the t lie oxooutors under th thwill t lie liesill
will which does n not reiiiiru the filing of ofan ofmlii
an executor bond Mr and Mix Stern Stermimmccordlnir Sternaccording
according to IIul were nbout the only onlyones onlyontes
ones of Voiswels relatives who paid uih nl nltentlon amtentlomi
tentlon to him lit recent yearn lltcy will willget willget
get almut a i sixth nf the emulate tHtnleSARATOGA emulateSAnAT0Ot
SARATOGA May I IVihliiittt William II Hull has hasretiirned iua iuarettnimetl
retiirned lo IL his homo here und Is nl Kim Kimwood Elm Elmivood
wood Hall Ui said today that Drs DrsMoKenssw Irmdc1enzii
MoKenssw nnd lii mci Kdlich Etli helm informed him I m I in I on tho thonight t tie tiemmight
night of if April A itmil 7 thnt t pleuropiioumonia pleuropiioumoniawas
was th I lit principal eauso of WeUsels dnnth dnnthFor dent Ii Iilor
For almoKt twenty years and up iii to tho thotime tit titof
time of WeisMilx istls death they t Iit were rnrm wnrmtipersoimntl rnrmpersonal
personal friends and were cumpauions nt ntdifferent ninh
different nh tlervnt I warding uoarhi Hg plaens item here and a also alsoIn lao laoitt
In Homer X V Gardner Mass and New NewVork NewYork
York city dlv dlvHull
Hull is 04 years old and a civil war warveteran warct
veteran veteranITAIJAX ct trati tratiITt
In a Ulsimte Over II Ct UnRrs tngesLndior iJidor I lyimig lyimigMnmt > > IIR IIRJinny
Jinny Mnmt lights M i here aOfltlAre OC re nt Vnrk VnrkMovTCLAin IorkMoTcLA1n
MovTCLAin X J May 4 4Heniy Henry Abbott AbbottIS
IS yenis old n hubcontrnclor for Stewart Stewartis
is t Abbott of New Vork orl is dying in the theMountainside thu7utotunitaitisido
Mountainside Hospital here of n stab wound woundInflicted woundinflicted
Inflicted by Savoyro Cianciiilli a laborer laborermi
mi the new reservoir In Cedar drove near nearthis nearthis
this Place at 0 I oclock tills morning morningThe muorninigTIte
The Italian fled to the hit woods woods and has not notlx nothicemi
hicemi lx > on arrested although a large posse is isin litin
in search of him himThe huntliit
The liit trouble it is said arose over the thelaborers timelaborers
laborers pay may Abbott and the Italian Italiangot Italiangot
got Into nn argument and the I ito latter Blabbed BlabbedAbbott stabbedAbbom
Abbott t with u stiletto stilettoA at iin to toA
A number of flghU of this nature have havenccurred havenecmirreui
nccurred hero since the work of building buildingthe
the new reservoir was ttarto ttartoThere startoI startoIfliem
There are 200 Italians working there thereSummer thereStititinier
Summer Camp flttiii for City Boys BoysArrangements flopsArrangniients
Arrangements have boon made by the theSpeyor Ito ItoSpeyor
Speyor Settlement of Teacherh1 College Collegelo
lo establish n summer camp for boys near nearold mmearold
old Spnimigonu SpringoiitheHudson hicIluclson The camp campis
is tn i lam > e managed by l Columbia students studentsind stmuileritsmci
ind it Is propowd to raise HUffioient funds fundslo
lo take oat 2X xm > boys from tIme Manhatlan Manhatlanvlllo Manthiat tan tanullie
vlllo neighborhood fora for a two weokfi outlii outliiIho outimig outimigFiti
Iho camp is to be situated on the old Mo Modean MoImican
dean camping ground across the river riverFrom nivurrroimt
From Vest PointS Point
luclt Droud Droudice
ice Mrh MrhArron
Arron Uranjl UranjlhoM
hoM npininn
S k
I thdbmlffalt trait ot Um lehIgh val j jhsyfoueant4ght
lay hsyfoueant4ght Heaven atMcht pi p nmm mi and reach reachfar reachhjimffslo
hjimffslo As ip rniaksdirect rniaksdirectcic5AtMfIfortii
cic5AtMfIfortii Rara fs1is orprin orprinmvIruitiotntItttm
mvIruitiotntItttm uario far farela0O farela0OtIhi WOO WOOtejepiipne
tIhi ilclJveTedainuT hii1tcLeckod I j i4 i4t
a atiophione
tiophione tejepiipne sVl 4 I rnpdjspn mhis9n qr 2500 frank frnnltfor frankliii
liii liiiIIEflLIiI
IIEflLIiI E1r i s PLPA I IInr
for Delay l ha In IJlsjJrIieI ills JTrlal Hccauie lie U Poor31k Poor PoorPoJI
31k Vet m lnsserFree d dPolice
PoJI Police ChiHalu HerliliylwhbB9 hiehthiy tvhi5 third thirdirjbfjDorfioiiPctof 4 t tI
irjbfjDorfioiiPctof I m i for tegiict of duty iluilO ulaln tnt command commandof
of the liii FJdridgc Eii1rkit street prccincthnd hreciticL hnrl been set setfor setfcr
for ynsterdaji appeareil before Jubilee JubileeFltrgerakl J J1mtgerald
Fltrgerakl in tim Criminal Ii irniminul Branch ot the theSupremo theSniimrerite
Supremo tourt fo niiik hgalnfor again for six months monthsdelay I
delay dmla ijo lie repeated time nruiouncenrfeht he hemado hommmdi
mado when vhieim li hit > applied html ii i for ilelay hiitmy Ip April Aprilthat Aprilthat
that ho was penniless and unable to hire a alawyer l liniwdi
lawyer iniwdi to defend him > Ho has been under undersusonsiou tinder tindersti9ioiisioTm
susonsiou without pay sinco slneoGen Geai Greene Greenebecame Greenebecammie
became Police Commisdonor j ji
1 shall bo compelled to act as B my own ownlawyer t
lawyer Horlihy Honhihydceiarecj declared I am broken brokenIn J 1 1iii
In liinl ftmtitht th and pocketbook l beonuso > e < wiUso ofthe ofthepenweution I IpenMeulioa
penweution of the thi District Attorney It Ithns r rlinus
hns cost rue 0000 for steiioRrnpheromin steiioRrnpherominules
tiles of my trials and I nm still in 4ebt to tomy totmmp
my couiinelaiid cinnot ask Airt further her favors favorsJustico favorsJmisth
Justico Jmisth ss KilxKeJcakl Fit gexuki gave him till Thurs Thursday ¬ I Iday
day to iiuike affidavit mtYidzm cit thatrho t htut he is pcnnileaa pcnnileaaIn iwniiilelii
In that t Its I cnvnt the t I a Court Coo it will appoint it coun counsel ¬ I Ieel
eel for him i i iTniiXG 1 17PlIVd
TniiXG IOV flETTS flETTStiamtilrr < 5 5a
tiamtilrr a itibler lla Kotir l lasu crn m s to Help Him HimUuek filmUttek
Uuek Sl Shout ilh ht Kvldcncf KvldcncfIx Eu Idenee IdeneeIii
Ix Iii > u Betls l3eum weiitto1 vtitt ii trial yesterday before beforeTudgH beforeimmdg
TudgH Cowingin C wimmg iii tl tim General Sessions Seselonsfor t LI LIfor
for running n gambling hoiiee at 122 West WestThirtyfourth t tihimrtvfotirrhi
Thirtyfourth ihimrtvfotirrhi street BettH was defended defendedb
b hly > Jimmy Jinitmmit Rldgway fimlling Dan OReilly
Henry Ooldsmith liUitttf and George H Engel Engelthe Engelthe
the last lie two uf I fittlijTim 1Ittln limn Sullivans Taw Tawfirm law lawlirrn
firm firmFrank
Frank McCribe nn fmpiltea Weit Western rn rnsleuthtoldof I
sleuthtoldof Immtim toil of yiiits utmtn to Bettss eovertng eovertnga t I IIL
a period of cl a 1 Veok or 6 ci Ho soldthat i ii
he Ii first tried f fmr uro and list 8 at it after afterwhich afteruhimcit
which he turnedhis I urmicd thilg nttfcnllon to roulette rouletteat
at which jjame life was wim a inner He saw sawBlts
Belts sftycrhl1 eurni times occupying the look lookouts lookouts ¬
outs chair at nt1fun anti Mc McCaio < ibo was still stillon LI t ton
on on tho I he stolid when wimp adjoilrnment aclj tirnmnent was taken takenuntil takentititil
until tlilrt tiii4rnorping mornirtg mornirtgAKT t tIIT
S Sw SFilth
AKT IIT HMVM ii M MAvenue > ENhlhIhlUa45 t i
Filth Auction AuctionRooms i iAvenge
Avenue AvenueS3 Rooms Roomswiin
S3 S3FIFTH oa wiin wiinNoiiiiAX wu is isItJII
FIFTH ATE ATErar3Kth NoiiiiAX NoiiiiAXAuctioneer I IeIr2Pttm a
rar3Kth St t Auctioneer AuctioneerNOW Auclten AucltenNOW
Important Salek Sale by Auction Auctionby
by irdrrof the thePROVIDENT timePROVIDENT
of IhUiUrlpalj r rfit r4t
fit fitVery 4tVery
Very Choice Choi Old mahogany mahoganyAdams MahoganyAubms
Adams Marquetcrle arquetcmla and Oak OakFurniture OakFUrflitUre
Furniture FurnitureIn
In eraavvurlrlv and most litaullfullycnrved litaullfullycnrvedSheffield lcaunlftttycsryedShfIle1d
Sheffield Plated Ware Brass BrassAndlron5and BrassAndlroni
Andlron5and Andlroni and Fenders Fire Sets SetsBronzes SetsBronzes
Bronzes a Dunham Upright Case CasePiano CasePiatto
Piano iandpme Bull I Hall HallClock HallClock
Clock costly Turkish Carpetsand Carpets Carpetsand
and Rugs SpsnUh Leather LeatherScreens LeatherScreens
Screens very choice Modern ModernFurniture odern odernFurniture
Furniture etc etcDAYS etcDAYS
Thuns4 ItitayandSaturdaiPAfnraSitS ItitayandSaturdaiPAfnraSitSMay
May 7 M and B it 12 3 I r M 11e

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