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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, May 07, 1903, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-05-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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I RESULTS or oK nKOPiid Tin TinV TillIlICE
1 f The niillrn 1nlll Nnt Nntln OlIO I 0 III Moved From ront Theli TheliV ThrlrCour Thurk
k V Cournr Cour C hut Ihn n Xeitrop egroe Modn lIdo Ui U 10ulTlraIl8 o oiutTcrFnet
i fciifTcr ulTlraIl8 Facts Ahoiit hlllli HIP nrwliig IotIiI nl nltho IIf IIfthn orho
tho ho Post ro t ome OmrtIollt1taJ < Political Agltaton Agltatonrlzc lIlIator8itlle
1 SrIit rlzc the Opportunity DIJIorI 111tH to I U Slake IIIkl Trouble Troublif TroubleINDIANOIA Trouble1NDIMobA
f INDIAKOIA Ml MIA1MOY 11 May III 8 Thin Th IK j h th thonly Iho Ihoonly ho hoonly
only town in tho United Stntca Stnll tnto tlmt enjoyed enjoyedthe fnjoedjj
c jj the distinction dl tJnctlon of conducting a postofflci postofflcidepartment post offito offitodepartmtnt OffiCudepartrnen
department of it Itll own ownAs onAs OWflAs
As soon as a the President of tl tllf i United UnltecStates UnitedState8
1 States closed thn Imltanola post po t office aftoi aftoirpfunlng artoriI attorreftiHing
iI rpfunlng to nccnpt thn ho resignation 1 lgnatlon of the thenogrtSH thonlltro ho honogroM
nogrtSH nlltro Minnie Cox wh fur omn oninhad time timehad timehad
had been tho postmaster thn I ho residents hnrr hnrrand hlroand iurn iurnt
t and In tho ho country countl for miles around found foundthemselves foundj
1 j < themselves faco to fact with a situation that thatthreatened thatthrlatf1n1 thatthreatonNi
threatened to paralyzo para I7 business businessIndlanola LJtlilnlSIIIndlanoln iiuisLnosiIndlanola
Indlanola Is n thriving town It is i tho thocounty thocount thecounty
county count seat of Sunflower r ono of the most mostfertllo mostr
I r fertile counties of all thU marvellously fer fcrfl fertile
fl 4 tile Delta region of Mississippi MlnsissipplIt MississippiIthasaflnenowcourt l1I1I11 lppL lppLi
i It Ithasaflnenowcourt has a fine now court lmuo hu ltuuocommensurnte ltuuocommensurntet e commensurate commensuratein
t f in dignity with thn wealth and require requirements requlroI ¬
I Ji ments of tho community two prosperous prosperousbanks properoubanks
i banks on electric light plant water works worksa worka
1 a oottoaseed ootton eed oil mill In very ory profitable profitableoperation profltahloI prothablooperation
i operation bosldat ono about to be built builta hulltia
I a large icemanufacturing lcemallufnct urlng plant nqually nquallyprosperous nquallyi oqunJlyproeporous
i prosperous pnx < peroW and a thriving hardware hardwaredry hardwaredry hardwareI
I dry good grocery and drug trade It Is Isthe I II h hthe
the I he central cent rnl mart of a very large and wealthy wealthyagricultural wealt wealthyagricultural hy hyagrlcult
agricultural agrlcult uml district districtThe dlst districtThe rlct rlctThe
The population of the town Itself It elf Is 1 h < about aboutrOO aboutI
rOO but the pot MVt office did thn t hll luminous luminousof < A
I I of at least Irn t 3000 people hero and In the mir mirroundinR surrounding ur urL I
L rounding round In It country It was WII > I the distributing distributingpoint III distributingpoint trlbutlng trlbutlngpoint
point of three smaller post offices back backamong back5t backi
5t i among the th plantation plantationTho plantationsThe
Tho business bu ine of tho th office wan M steadily steadilygrowing stMdllygroing steadilygrowing
growing Tho postmaster received for forherself forhen forheruelf
herself hen < elf and tho assistant she might hire hireabout hireabout hireabout
about 1400 a year This compensation compensationwas
was to have been Increased owing to the thotteadlly theteadlly
I steadily advancing business to SlKOO 150n this thiscoming thiscoming
1 coming July JulySo JulySo JulySo
So when the heavy hon hand of the President Presidentof Pret < ldent ldentof
of the United States fell upon the com community 0001munlty cornmunity ¬
munity and suddenly extinguished lt ltpost its lUipost itspost
post office thus practically thrusting It Itback Itback Itback
back Into pioneer conditions it was wa a stag staggering stagi ¬
i c gering blow So far as the overwhelming overwhelmingmajority overwhelmingmajority overwhelmingmajority
majority of those doing business with the theoffice theofficn theoffico
office was wa concerned tho infliction was waswanton wuwanton waswanton
wanton and causelosjt causelosjtThey cau causeos4 ole oleI1Jty
4 They had had no part In the meeting meetingheld meetingheld meetingheld
held here last full at which the postmaster postmasterwas
4 was requested to resign Many of them themknownothing themknow
7 knownothing know nothing about tlio meeting until it itwan Itwas itwan
wan over and the resignation was turned turnedIn
i In
Not that they wore not pleased when whenthey whenthey whenthey
they learned the fact and saw sa w before them themthe themtho thornthe
the prospect p o pect of n white person at the head headof headof
of the post office They Tho heartily rejoiced rejoicedover reJolc ed edover
over that tI1a outlook outlookOn
I On the question qUtJ tion of tho appointment of ofnegroort ofnegrotJ ofnegrorsu I
negroort > l to Federal JI < < lural offkvs tftb in thu South Souththere SouththerlJ Southc
c there are no diffureuuo of opinion among amongthe alllonlthe amongF
the lie whites Thu moderate conservative conservativeelement lOI130rvatlveelement conservativeelement
element deplores such appointment > for fortwo fortwo fortwo
two reasons rua orl Indopcudunt of f thu natural naturalprejudice uaturalprejudlcu naturalif
if V prejudice on thn subject Ono of those thosureasons thoBereatol1 thoseii
ii reasons > i is I the bail utlHct etlHt they have di directly dirt diL ¬
L rectly rt ujxin the negroes nlgroC themselves themselvesThe themseiv08 themseiv08if
t if h1 The political poltical and nodal ocal status latu of the theblacks theblakl theblacks
blacks blakl in tho South Suth is i irrovocably fixed txod for fortho fortho forthe
tho present pro6nt and ann the noxt generation at atleast atleut att
t least The negroes rljro > when loft alone acoept acceptthis acoeptthis acoeptI
I this situation contentedly and with no die disposition di dieposition ¬
position psiion to disturb it i Under it their re relations 10 10laton relatiouis ¬
lations with tho whites are back to the thefriendly thefriendly thed
d friendly considerate basis which Is normal normalwith normalIth normalwith
with Ith the Sonthern SOlthlr white whle and the Southern Southernblacks SouthernblacU Southernblacks
blacU blacksj blacks blacksBut
But among the negroes neiroe ai lamon among other otherlarge otherlge otherlarge
j large lge group of laborers lab rer there are Idle Idleworthless Idleorthle8s idleI
worthless fellows felows who are averse avere to toll tolland tol toiland
I and who get their living lving and enhanoe enhancetheir enhanoef enhanoetheir
f their personal pronal Importance imprtanc by agitation agitationand agiaton agiatonad
and ad preaching the doctrino of discontent discontentamong dlontontaong discontentL
L among aong the industrial industrialTho IndustrlouThe industriouThe
The object lesson of a negro In a Federal Federaloffice FEderal FEderalofce Federalif
if office ofce particularly in a small smal community communitywhere communitywhere communitywhere
where ho is conspicuous furnishes rurnlshf those thesofellows thoROlelowR those4r
4r fellows lelowR with a constant constnt text They work workupon workupon workupon
upon the emotional nature of tho negroes negroesthe ntgroos ntgroostho negroesthe
the overwhelming majority majorty of whom whomare whomar whom1ts
1ts are ar naturally naturlr docile doclo good tempered mere meregrownup mereRrwnup moregrownUp
grownup Rrwnup children chldrlnand childrenmid mid fill fl their heads with withfantantic wih wihfantaRtlc
5 fantastIc Ideas Irlas as far beyond their reach reachcr
cr M tll tho tun mui Atan stars n Tho i itu rrAult inuit vt of this HHT in Is U I a tendency tendencys IVdilclluy j jtoward I
s 4 r toward disturbances rlhturbancls from which the negro negrohimself negrohimacif
himself himslf in tho end lli U > tho worst worit sufferer suffererThat Auleror AulerorThat suffererThat I
That In II i one Ofl reason beyond the boundaries boundariesof
of more race rc rae prejudice in the abstract abstractwhy abFtrct abFtrctwhy abstractwhy I
why people in the lIi South SOlth who stand for forwhat forwhat
1 what Is I sanest fanlt mid Ind best In their respective respectivefommunitie rl8pltho rl8plthoommunlll rrspectlvoiIa
iIa fommunitie ommunlll are strong Atron in their opposition oppositionto oppositon oppositonto
to Federal Federalappoiritineiits appointments A among al0ng arnongthenegroes arnongthenegroesgs the negroes negroesAnother negrOER negrOERAnothor
gs 4 Another reason rl > on Is s that such appoint appointments appointmt appointlb ¬
lb i7i moats mt not lt only 01 servo rvo as a texts tfUi for negro negroagitators negroaltator negroz
z agitators altator but nerve fervo also the same fme purpose purposefor purposefor purposefor
for white whie agitators agitatorsWith aglaton agitatorss
s I With the negro question qUfflo in Its I social socialand Iclal socialand I
I and political pUtcal bearings InrilgR pnnnanently prmanently settled settledby flled flledby settledby
by Constitutional Conflutlolnl provisions prnI > loll and by race raceInstincts rac racei
i Instincts IntnctR as resistless rslstlel as the Law lw of gravita gravitation gra gravitab vita vitaton ¬
b tion ton there really realy was wa no field feld left for a acertain acrtain acertain
certain crtain group of ef political poltlcal agitators agitatorl in the theSouth thoSuth thetisi
tisi South Suth who either litllr from childish chllrLsh prejudice prejudiceor
or for their own personal pelonnlends ends bend bnd their theirefforts theirtorts theirefforts
efforts torts to the tht production of sectionalism sectionalismnnd fectonalsm fectonalsmInr
end Inr to the postponement of the day when vrhenthn whontlo whent1m
thn American Anwrc I people ople as n a whole in the thedisciifsion thedi8cufs theD
D discussion di8cufs on of questions qURtlcJA of national Impor Importance Impel IrnporI ¬
I lance tano will wl divide elvid in tholr opinions on the thebasis thoLass thet
t basis of rcnsonlng rf180nlng Instead of on the basis basisof bail bailof basisof
of geography geographyThe oiriph oiriphThe
r The diBfranclilsernent dlErlunchlrent of the tie negro and andtho andIho ands
s the swiftly fwlfly changing industrial conditions conditionsof
of the he Mouth were rapidly rpidly cutting cuting the ground groundfrom groundfrom groundI
I from under tlio tIi feet of agitators agitatri of this thistort thlA80rt thissort
tort tortAs
As 8 a matter maler of fact the lie negroquestion negroquestionhud lgrO oegrn quclton qucltonhud question questionhod
hud and lias cenwdto ceasoci afd In exist xl t aoa a as 1 a legitimate legitimatepolitical logltlmatepoltcal legitimatey
y political poltcal factor In the Southern Souther States The Theonly Theonl Theonly
only onl hopo hp left let to the agitators whose stock stockIn
In i trade tradt it had been llen was war in such flch events from fromtimo fromtmo fromtt
tt time tmo to timo tmo as a would galvanlo it into a atom atomPorary tem temporary ter ¬
porary I > rry semblance Imblauc of vitality vitalityApx vltalty vltaltyAppolntleltf
4 Apx Appolntleltf Appointment > lntmentH s of negroes ntgr1 to Federal offices officesIn OfficB officesJici
Jici In tIm Southern Sutllf States Stntet were events of if pre pr pro11v I Iclsely I
11v clsely ctel that character chnrcwr They were covertly covertlyr j jwelcomed
r welcomed with llh Joy by I tho radical rdial nnd nndreactionary andreactionary I
element them themwithammunition themI
reactionary ratlolry ellltt Thoy supplied
4 r 41L I withammunition with ammuniton ammunition and beyond that they theyserved theysrwc theyserved
served srwc served absolutely Ib > lntuly no 10 purpose purpondTo pup I Ifo
t To tho iii negroes nn rotH themselves Ihem ehe they wpr vern a adisaster aS
S disaster dlhaller liocausu Ilcau they thoYlIater thoyereated created at least I tt an un unsympathntic onsyinpattiotic I Isympathetic 1
sympathetic if not actively nlly hostile host I lie at atI j jmosplinro i10SpllT
I mosplinro 10SpllT which by just jUBt1 so much imxdedtluir imxded irnisdedtIiIr
t tluir progress progressBecause progrlBcuso progreaBecauso I
Because Bcuso of their direct ill i effect upon upontho upontho
1 tho negroes neltref themnelvosand thcmHIoH and because becu becausoof e of their theirstimulus their1q I
1q Btimuhu stimulus < to reactionary renotlonar agitations among amongthe nmongt
t S the thewhites whites whi the broadest minded rlnded most mo t tern ter ternr j jperato
r perato Prato men of the th South regarded nltard1 the thecreatlon j jcreation i icratlon
creation cratlon of negro Federal officials officals In tho theSouthern j
Southern Suther State Sttt OK in every way ay deplorable deplorableThin clpnrahlo clpnrahloThil deplorableThis
Thin wintlmont in Jmlianoln Jmlianolnwhen niianotat
Thil fntmflt was W stirred B lrrr hHIBnol
when President Prpsld nt made the
t McKlicy llcKIey negroes JiegrcscMinnie nogrcH nogrcHllInle negroesMinnie
Minnie llInle Cox Co tlio tlo Kwtmaster po tlatr here hl hlYet her hervi j
vi Yet the appointment was received fecfhrc with without witht ih ¬ I Iout
t r out hostile hte dimoristrntion comonstrnllon drnonst rat iott It was a as accepted accepteda accptfl
I a Uf us a presumably pr nrlh y incvitnbln misfortune misfortuneTo I Hfortlne Hfortlnet
5 t To make the t he bohl h of what hl they did dlc riot at atall atk I
k all al like II and to 1 hold in thn community commuuly some eomesort tomf1 tomf1sort somesort
sort of control contrl of the situation porno oro of oftho ofthll ofthe
the leading Ilarlng men of tho town townmrn men who whorepresent whot whoispresent
t represent Jeprn moderation molrlton and conservatism conservatismwent con erItHm erItHmwent
went on the womans bond bondDuring hondoDuri londDuring
During Duri the administration adminitration of President Pre ldet
McKinley MoKley the resentment Jntent even of th the radi radicals rai raicas zadIcals ¬
cals cas began ban to die out There Therou was lh 111s4 111s4I l
In hi hL his composition an a man ma which wo wotlio won wonIho wonho
tlio ho respect compliton of the people poplo of the th Southern SoutherSlates SouthernStatestheir
Slates Rlatethelr Statestheir their respect rppt and It L Is H safe lMo to say RajHOtnelhlnc Iay IayHJtethlng saysomething
something HJtethlng very rrr like Ikn u sentiment ntlmtnt of af affectlon affcton atfection
fectlon fectlonJf fcton
Jf 1 tim thl oxpresiom about him hln which you yoimay youmay ou oumay
may bear bo < u In nil 11 parts of the thl Houth uth toda todaore today todayar toiayare
ore ar any guild uld that certainly Nrtalnlywa esrtalnlywas was the foot fnctThey fnotThy footThey
They regarded rglrdpc hl his appointment of ncgroeto negroes negroesto
to Federal Fpderll offices M 1 mistaken miltkl but blt the ap appnlntmonts appolntmnntl apiintmuiuts
pnlntmonts polntmnntl were made with wih absence abence o oswagger of ofswngglr ofswagger
swagger swngglr or of theatrical dragooning at attltudcM attit atIt
tltudcM tltudcMThe tit It udn udnTho Uthk4rime
The question of their being made ai aigrandstand al alfrandHtnd as asgrandstand
grandstand frandHtnd plays and for his own ulterior ulterioends uleror ulerorrndl ulteriorends
ends rndl ends won Wi entirely eliminated elmlnatt In II President PresldenMoKlnleys Pr PresidentMoKinlys sldent sldentMoKlnlty
MoKlnleys MoKlnlty case Cl As mistakes mlslaes they wen wendeplored werodeplolod weredeplored
deplored deplolod but because bnUe of the personally personallyof pronalty pronaltyof
of the man who made them and ac because OaU o otho of ofthe ofthe
the Implicit Implcit faith fath in his hi sincerity sincrty and of ht htobvious hl his histiljviiii
obvious nlJlnu Holfeffacnmont tlfEtacfront In making makng them themthey themthey thornthey
they were accepted with a sigh as 1 pan panof partof
of the burden hurrn of the white whie man in the South Soutlof Suth Suthof Southof
of which a better hCtm understanding undoftandln of con conditions condltlonl conditions ¬
ditions dltlonl ns they the wero would ultimately ultmately re relieve re10e rehove ¬
hove 10e him himThe himThe himThe
The situation Iltuaton here helo in Indlanola wa watypical WM WMtypical wastypical
typical of all al that Had Ha President Preldent McKinley McKlnlejlived McKinleylived loKnloy loKnloy1ld
lived 1ld Minnie Cox would woud have gone on orqulotly onquloty onquietly
quietly quloty to the end of her term of office ofc In InJanuary InJnuary inJanuary
January Jnuary next Had Ha President McKlnleyi McKlnleyisuccessor McKleys McKleysHuccssor McKinleyssuccessor
successor Huccssor carried Cre out President MoKlnleyVpolicy MoKlnleyV MoKneys MoKneyspoley MoKinleyspolicy
policy poley had he manifested sympathy sypathy with withPresident wit withPresident
President MoKinleys McKnleys attitude atttude and obvious obvioiuaspirations obvlol obvlolsplratons obviousaspirations
aspirations splratons regarding rlgadng the South tho In Indianola Indlmola Indianola
of dianola dlmola incident would have been bn unheard unheardof uead ueadof
But there came tho agitation agiatin of the ques question quel question ¬
tion ton of the th appointment of Uie tlO negro negr Crum Crumin CMlmIn
in Charleston the moderate but very earn earnest earnst earnest ¬
est st efforts lorts of the people of Charleston Charlolton to tcavert toavert toavert
avert that appointment tli then n the stories storieeof
of Ethiopian festivities ftthi e8 and ad receptions receptonl at atthe atthe atthe
the White Whit Houseand Housond thus one aggressive aggressiveIrritating aggre8lveIrritating aggressiveIrritating
Irritating incident after afer another anotherThe anotherTho anotherTim
The conservative people Pople hero her saw AW the theway thewar timeway
way things were drifting drftng and vainly tried triedto trl triedto
to check the current But the radical radicalagitators radIcalagiator radicalagitators
agitators agiator quickly seized flzc their opportunity opportunityThey opprtunty opprtuntyThey opportunityThey
They kept up tho growing Irritation Irrtation and andthe andtho andthe
the Senegambion Senegambla feet In Washington still stillgoing sti stigoing stillgoing
going on they never looked lakl for material materialThen matoral matoralThtn materialThen
Then Thtn came the meeting meetng called cled here h re in the theCourt theCurt theCourt
Court Curt House HOUf at which Minnie Mnnie Cox Cx was wasasked wasasked
asked aske to resign resignThat resignThat resignThat
That she was Wil ever threatened is II pre preposterous preposteroul preposteroUs ¬
posterous posteroul nonsense nonsns Neither Nolher by word nor norImplication norImplction norimplication
Implication Implction was any threat thrat directed dircted toward towardher towar towardher
her The people Joplt here her those thol who supply supplyninetenths supplyninetenths supplyninetenths
ninetenths of the th post pst offices omos business businessnever businessnever s snewr
never wanted a negroes negrS as postmaster psmtr TheT Theytolerated TheTtoleratd TheTtolerated
tolerated toleratd her and would have hav gone on toler tolerating tolr tolratng toleratlng ¬
ating atng her to the end had harlt it not lot been bn for the thesudden thesudden thesudden
sudden outbreak outbrak of prodding of the dor dormant dormant dormant ¬
mant negro question Into Int life lifeThen lfe lfeThfn lifelhtti
Then Thfn and then ten only it was that the thelatent thelatnt thelatent
latent latnt dissatisfaction ditisfacton took tok formal forml expres expression exprs exprssou eipres1oui ¬
sion sou lime Indlnnola Indiluola meeting meting which asked askedMinnie aked akedMlunlo askedMinnie
Minnie Cox to resign Blgn and the antinegro antinegroeducation antnegro antnegrooducton antinegroeducation
education oducton campaign cmpaign now on In Mississippi Mississippiare MI81lppl I IIIr
are IIr the direct dirct result of the Administra Administrations Adrnnstra Adrnnstratlon Admlnistrations ¬
tlon tions course CU Under the policy polcy pursued pursuedby purued puruedby pursuedby
by President Prsdent McKinley the Indianola Indanola In Incident Incident inoident ¬
cident never would have occurred ourrd and andthu andth andthe
the th antinegro antnegr education campaign cmpign never neverwould nevrwould neverwould
would have been bl possible possibleSo l > s8lblo
So 1 far as this thl community clmuunly is II concerned concernedthe concernd concerndtht
the feeling felng has hl been greatly gretly intensified intensifiedby intellfed intellfedby
by what is regarded by all people here
It regrde al pple her as astho asthu asthe
the petty pty persocutlon IJrlooutlol which won Wi applied appliedafter apple appliedafter
after the closing coBlng of the post pst office offic That Tat In Initself InIself Initself
itself Iself was wa bad enough but it only reflect reflectthe r reflectsthe O
the tht universal unlerdI opinion hero to say IY that tht the thesmallness thesmalne8 thesmallness
smallness smalne8 of the Administrations Admnstrations counts countssubsequent ourlo ourlosuhquent coursesubeluent
subsequent suhquent to tho fact was Wa even worse worseEvery worlleJ worseEvery
Every J ery embarrassment embrrument that the big Gov Government Governent 0evernment ¬
ernment ernent of the th United Unleu States StatC could throw throwIn
In the way of the people prplo of thin th little ltle com communitys om ommunlty cornmunitys ¬
munitys getting gettng and sending Qdng away iu iuletters I Ileters Itsletters
letters leters seems m to have boon bn resorted rorte to toIt toIt toIt
It was Wi directed direcd that the Indianola Indlanl mall mal b bdelivered b be bedelivered
delivered delerd at Greenville Greenvie for Instance Intn which whichIs
Is nearly neary thirty trty miles n le distant dis 1nt Instead Intea of at atHeathman atHeathman atHeathman
Heathman which is only four miles mies away awayThe awayThe awayThe
The people here asked aske that their mall mallje ml mallbe
be je sent Bnt to t Heathman Hethmn and their request requestRas
was curtly refused rofu e the reason reeon given bjlng bjlngthat lJlng lJlngthat bingthat
that the Heathman Hethman post office offic was fili not notequipped notequipp notequipped
equipp equipped to handle hndlo so f large largt an increase increasef Increse Increseof
of f business lu8110ss That Thlt that reason was not nota
a i valid vald reason roMn Is demonstrated demonstrt by the fact facthat lactthat factthat
that the Heathman post pOlt office by the thenethoda themethos themethods
methods methos pursued PUlue by the residents of this thisilace thl8plac thIsplace
plac place ilace is II now handling handlng every bit of the thendlanola theIndlnla theIndianola
ndlanola Indlnla post office offic business buelneA and has haseen hasben hasbeen
ben been > een for months monthsThis monthsThL monthsThis
This was brought about by Indianola Indianolaeoplo Indlanolapeplo Indianohapeople
people > advising advisig BO far as u they could culd all allarsons al alllersons
1 lersons arsons lons who ho might write to them to address addresshem addr8 addressthem
them at Heathman HeathmanTo
To gather in such mail mai matter mater as got to toho t ttho tthe
the ho Greenvilln Orenvmt office they Individually Individuallyirrote Individualy Individualywrto
wrote wrto to the postmaster there directing directinglim directng directnghim
him to forward such matter to Heathman HeathmanIn
In the main effort erort to put the people poplo here herehirty herethlrt herethirty
thirty thlrt miles mie from their post office tho Ad Adnlnlstration Administraton AdmInistration
mInistration ministraton at Washington has scored Bcred a aallure afaiure afailure
allure faiure But It has ono triumph trumph It has hasmused hMcaused hascaused
caused Indianola much small smal annoyance annoyancemd anoyance anoyanceand annoyancoand
and crippled its mail mai service with vexatious vexatiousmd vexatoU vexatIousand
and sometimes costly delays In one In Initance InAtance Instance
stance a very er important Impornt letter leter was wa ten tenlays tenday tendays
lays day In getting gettng here hpre from Greenwood Grenwood only onlya
a i little ltte more mor than twentyfive twontyfve miles mlcs distant distantBut ditant distantBut
But the postmaster pstlMter at Greenville GrMnvUo could couldlot couldnot couldnot
not be forbidden to forward forard letters loter to toieathman t toHeathman
ieathman Heathmn and a people pople at a distance distanc could couldlot couldnot couldnot
not be prevented prvent from sending letters letter to toIeathman toHeathman toHeathman
Heathman So Heathman which the Ad Adnlnlstratlon AdIlnitraton Administration
ministration Ilnitraton said could culd not handle hadle the thendlanola theIndlanola theIndianola
ndlanola mall mal as a a matter mattr of fact is hand handing had hadlng handhing ¬
ing lng it every bit of It ItBut I itBut
But the people pople of Indianola Indlaola had to cstab cstabiah etab etablsh eatabhislt
iah lsh a local locl post office ofce of their own and had hado hadto hadto
to o inaugurate a postal system sy tem of their own ownThat ownThat ownThat
That wan I not a very ery difficult matter matterOne mater materOne matterOne
One corner of the Sheriffs Shorls office offic in the theiourt th8court thecourt
court house hou e was fitted ftled up with boxes boxesthe as ashe asthe
the he poet pt office and Mrs lr Haktoad Hated was ap aptointed ap appointed
pointed tointed postmaster ptmlter at a salary any of 14 K a anonth amonth amonth
month Sid Davis Davi who is one of the livery liverynen lvery lverymen liverymen
men of the town took the contract cntract of car carylng carrying carrylng
ylng the mail r1 to and an from 1101 Heathman HeathmanHe Heatman HeatmanHe
He makes makel two trips a day da charging there thoreor therelor therefor
for or a reasonable reanahle compensation oompnston Beyond Beyondho Byond Byondthe Beyondtime
the ho delays doays of letters which hleb stray around aroundy aroundby aroundby
by > y the th Greenville Grnvle route the service srdc is sur suririslngly surprtlngly surprislngly
irislngly prtlngly good Mrs 1111 Halstead makes mkes an andmirablo anadmlrlblo anadmirable
admirable admlrlblo postmaster postmltr and the people pople have havecttlod haveItled havesettled
settled Itled down to a goodnatured ioonaturd laughing laughingicceptancQ laughingaCptanc laughingaceeptauico
icceptancQ aCptanc of tho vexations vexatonl and annoy annoyince annoyanC annoyanee
ince anC which of course courH cannot bo wholly whollylimlnaled wholy wholyelminaled whollyeliminated
eliminated elminaled with a philosophy phiosphy that IB I dls dlsiinctivoly dlstnctlvoly dietioctivoly
iinctivoly tnctlvoly American AmericanIf AmlricanI
If I you were to characterize chlraotrlz their frame frameif frameof I Iof
of if mind toward tho President anger would i iliardly Ihlrdly ihardly
hardly hlrdly be the word wor A healthy hlalhy well el de deeloped drelupd doveinped
eloped elupd article of contempt would about aboutlilt abouthit abouthit
hit It ItJut It itJurt I
Jut Ju t what couice ou e of sackcloth SRckc0th and ashes ashinvhat a asheswhat hl hlwhat
what lowly advances Rchanct they must mu t make makeKfore makefole makebetote
Kfore fole the President rldent will wi give Ilve thnm a post postifflce p08tof postoffice
office of they lwy do tb not know and Id they do not notare notare notcare
care < are Sackcloth Sckcoth and ad humiliation humiiton before beforehe bfor beforethe
the he throne are ar not lot within w1hln the ncope sie ope of their theiran thllr thllrplan theirplanc
plan > an They TIt will wi run their own pt P pret < t office ofiicondeflnltely omc officeindefinitely
indefinitely indefniely before they will wi play pin tho r6lo r6loif r610of rob robof
of if humble penitent pnlen and and it will wi bo h a cold coldlny rll rlldlr coldclay
clay dlr as 1 some of them pxpresplt IxpN pllt before they theyfill the thewi theywill
fill wi do co bulnoHK bulnft with another negro Mgr or orletiress orncf orncgrs
letiress ncf at the hood of the Indlanola post postiflkfl potonko postoflko
iflkfl onkoIn oflkohim iflkflIn
In tho meantime mOlntlme the Government Goverment of ofho ofut
tho ho United UnlMI < Stales Sltes at the expense lxpn of about abut about3O I
3000 30 a year In II going folng through the fitroe t c of ofhere ofthero ofthere
here being bing a pout po t office onlC in Indianola The Thenegress I Iicgrew InegreM
icgrew who held th thl the office offic of postmaster pstmIlr postmasterlives I Iives I
lives Uve over In Birmingham Dinnngham some 275 miles milesiway mles mlesaway mIlesaway
away and ad Is there in elegant elegat leisure leisur enjoy enjoying eJoy eJoyinl enjoytog ¬
inl tog ing the t attractions atttlot of city cty Uf U Ills drawing drwDg bar bariwn bl blown herown
own salary I uialaryanci and ad that of on auirtant Ut whom bm
of courM our under Uder lh th hi oirounuUnoea cromtO abe Ie dt dtnot doe doenot
There I Is mall earrte earrtehero cfirriothero
not have to pay py Tero II a mal cror crorhere
hero In Indianola Indaola who U II also all drawing i isalary A AMlary asalary
salary and tho rent rot of tho ho post pst office olc 1 1regularly II IIrlgularly is isregularly
regularly rlgularly going on onI onToward
I I Toward rowa Mrs Cox there l Is here In Indian Indianola IndianI Indianole
ola not a trace trao of Illfcellng 1lelng She resigned resignedIt relfne
I It Is true at the request rtCJulst of the people pple o othe ot otth ofthe
the th town but nobody nobdy blames blamN her for with withdrawing withdrawng withdrawing
drawing drawng her resignation when by doing dolniBO dolnJ doingso
BO J sho was enabled to t live Ivo where she he chose chosin choMIn
in time thl enjoyment tnJoyment of a liberal lbral salary way wIth wltlno wIthrO withno
no rO service to render for It ItShe ItShe itShe
She rvo knows Just JUt osthe 1 as the people pple here know knowthat kow kowthat knowthat
that her occupancy ocupanoy of the office of actua actuapostmaster acual acualptmfter actual actualpostmaster
postmaster ptmfter here Is at an end endShe endBhe endShe
She said lald from tho first tlt that if her presence prescncIn pre presencein
In tho post pOlt office was deemed unadvisable unadvisablby unadvlable unadvlableby unadvisableby
olo wa
she would woukquit wouldquit wouldquit
by the white people pople of tho town
quit and she did quit Tho salary lry Is I un unImportant u tinimportant
Important Importat to her hernotig hernothing nothing as 1 comparw comparwwith compared comparedwith
with the respect and good will wi of the best besipeople bst bstpple bestpeople
people pple of respt the town where she Ihe and ad her hus husband husband
band bd have a comfortable home and other otheproperty otherproperty otherproperty <
property as well wellThe wel wellThe
The husband hubad is 1 still sti at work In the th rail railway ral ralway railway
way mall ml service 8rl But with the Govern Government Oover Ooverment Oovernmeat
ment of the United Unite States State Insisting Insitng on her hoireceiving herreiving herreceIving
receiving reiving 1100 ltO doing nothing nothng Mrs Ir Co Codoes Cx Cxdo Ccx Ccxdoes
does do not quite quie see I her way clear to a refusal refusalAnd refusl refuslAnd refusalAnd
And that Is 1 the present plnt status 8tatl of the great grealcase grat gratC greatcase
case C of the President Presidnt and ad the village viae post postoffice pst pstoffic postoffice
office officeSI1AXO offic officSHAO officeSI7AG
Bent Railed RIle on Him 1m and HU II Place In Twen TnentrelKbth TwentelJbth Twentyelghlh <
trelKbth Street Stret It I to Let LetOver Lt LtOver LetOver
Over the door of the brownstone house houseat hou houat
at 6 West Twentyeighth street a To Let Letsign Lt Ltsign Letsign
sign was WI placed plaod yesterday YEsterday afternoon aternoon At Atdusk Atdlk Atdusk
dusk dlk three thre moving vans stopped stopp In front frontof frontof frontof
of the house hom and a half haf dozen men began txganto bga
to remove the contents contnts There w wlro were re a good gooddeal gooddeal gooddeal
deal of furniture lurnlure and a great many chairs chairsMany chllr chairsMany
Many boxes bxes were loaded loade on the vans They Theywere Theywere Theywere
were big and ad heavy boxes and whatever whateverthey whateerthey whateverthey
they contained contano was not evidently meant meantfor met metfor meantfor
for the movers mover to see seeThe 8 seeThe
The house had been occupied occpied for ten tenyears tenyeal tenyears
yeal years by Shang Draper Drapr District Ditrct Attorney AttorneyJerome Atorny AttorneyJerome
Jerome Jerme raided It twice twic On the last raid raidhe rai raidhe
he found thousands thou8ds of dollars dolar In the safe safeThere sle sleThor safeThere
There Thor has been gambling gamblng there ther since Iln up upto upto upto
to the time Commissioner Cmmilioner Greene Grene ordered orderedInspector order orderedInspector
Inspector InBpotor tme McClusky McCIUky to close cos the gambling gamblinghouses gamblng gamblnghou8s gamblinghouses
houses hou8s Draper Drapr closed clo d up with most mo t of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the others other Known visitors to the house housewere houf housewere
were welcomed afternoons afernoon8 for then the thepltioe thepl theplare
pltioe pl wer was run as a a poolroom poolroomWhen poolromWhen pooiroomWhen
When the I he Tenderloin police ple heard herd of ofDrapers ofDraprs ofDrapers
Drapers moving movlnl last night they seemed seemedto me
to Draprs take the credit for It As A a matter mattr of offact oflact offact
fact they had nothing to do with it Draper Draperwas Drapr Draprwa
was wa paying 11000 fO 4Ox a year oar rent and ad on the the1st theht tim tim1t
1st of plng this thll month he was wa told he would wouldhave wouldhave wouldhave
have to pay MOOO sm or move moveHe moveHe moveHe
He had py been bon 10 dickering ever since slno trying tryingto tring tringto
to got a 1 reduction reucion and when he didnt didntsucceed dl didntsucceed nt ntlucel
succeed lucel ho decided deide to move He has put puthis puthis putIda
his property in storage Iorag until unti such Ilch a time tme as ashe I ashe
he can cn rent another house houf and begin busi business bll bllnl businose ¬
ness nl again againThe againThe ain ainThe
The conviction of Al Adams was WI a sore soreblow soreblow oreblow
blow to Draper DralJr HP and Adams were part partners partners ¬
ners ner and Id It wee WAI reputed replte In the Tender Tenderloin Tenderloin Tenderloin prt prtner ¬
loin that Adams Arams had an interest Intorlt in the thegambling thegamblng thegambling
gambling gamblng house houseRECOMES houAoBECO housoIJECOIES
Vltltlnc lllns Concrnimrn Concrtlmen See the Speedway SpeedwayIn SpHwa SpHwaIn
In Style 811100r StyleHoard Board of Trade Ulne Ulnf Km KmThe ItnThe r rThe
The Congress Cngos committee commite which Is looking lookingover loking lokingover lookingover
over New Yorks waterways watorwaI spent spnt most mostof mo roostof t tof
of Its Ill second snd day here her yesterday Yllterly In auto automobile automobie automobile ¬
mobile mobie rides rdes more than a score cor of big bigmachines bll bigmachines
machines maohlne being used UPd Mayor Low Lw wel welcomed welcome welcorned ¬
corned come the tlu committee commlteo to tho city at the theHotel theHotel timeHotel
Hotel Manhattan Maattn In the morning Tho Thoautomobile Thoautomobie Timeautomobile
automobile automobie party went up time West W t Side Sidepermission Sldetk Sidetook
tk took a rde ride prty on the Speedway b by special specialpermission
permi510n permission and then toured Hpway The Bronx BronxIn BronxIn BronxIn p
In the evening the Xorth Norh Side Siee Board Brd of ofTrade ofTre ofTrade
Trade Tre entertained enteralno them at a dinner diner in I the theMetropolis thoMetropolL theMetropolis
Metropolis Theatre Thetr building buidig at 112d U2 street streetand strt strtId streetand
and Id Third Thir avenue and ad James Jamf L Wells Wellstold Wels Welstold Vehlstold
told them all al about abut the needs nt of Bronx Bronxwaterways Brnx Brnxwateray Bronxwaterways
waterways waterwaysMayor wateray waterwaysMayor
Mayor 1Iayor Low Lw was a the guest gUet of honor honorHe honorHe honorHe
He told the committee commite how much the theUnited theUnie theUnIted
United Unie State Stal Government owed owe to New NewYork SA SAYork NewYork
York and ad complained complaine of how little ltle pro proportionately proprtionately proportlonately ¬
portionately prtionately Congress CongfH had done to payoff payoffthe payoffthe of
the obligation obligationCongressman oblgaton oblgatonCongrmnn obligationCongresman p
Congressman Congrmnn Burton Duron chairman chairma of the theRiver theRiver theRiver
River and Harbor Committee talked talkN on the thnPort thl thePort
Port Por of New S w York explaining how fully fullyappreciative luly lulyapprOltve fullyappreciative
appreciative apprOltve he and his hl colleagues colenguE were wereof wereof ere ereof
of New Yorks needs ne and how much they theywould theywould theywould
would like lke to do for It if they thlY only could couldLOST couldIOST couldLOST
Said aid to Be Wanted antNI by b Ulitrtet Ultre Attorney AttorneyIn Alorne AlorneIn
In Insurance Case CaseKate CueKate CaseKate
Kate Condon who raid she was M a dress dreesmaker dr drmaktr dressmaker
maker maktr was wa locked up in the Tenderloin Tenderloinstation Tenderlointatlon Tenderloinstation
station last Ilt night by h Roundsman Roun mln Barry Brry of ofDistrict ofDbtrlct ofDistrict
District Dbtrlct Attorney Jerome office om and a anegro nnegr anegro
negro negr tubpoena fubpna server named name Quails Qui The Thewoman Thewoman Tuewoman
woman was arrested ar Ie at Pelham Pelhlm Manor Manorwhere Manorwher Manorwhere
where wher It Is I said she ho was wa employed employe as 1 the thecaretaker thecrtaker thecaretaker
caretaker crtaker of R L J I Kembles KemblA1 hou houe houeQuails e eQuails t
Quails Quai said that t hat he had been bn looking lookingall lookingal
all al over 011 the country cOlntry for h hr r since last De December Dcembr Docember ¬
cember embr and that sne she was wanted by the theDistrict theDI theDistrict
District DI trI Attorney in the th cose CIO of one Max MaxKornfeld Ma MaxKornield
Kornfeld KornfeldMr Korleld KorleldMr
Mr ilerornn 1rorn was Wi aked lkel about the case CAA and andhe ane andhe
he said Bi1 that it was an unimportant unlmporanl one oneThe oneT1 oneThe
The T1 woman womn was wno a witness wlnlH who had ha disap disappeared rlp rlpp dlsappeared ¬
peared he hf said aid and a body by attachment attachmenthad atachmlnt atachmlnthle
had p been bn Issued Iue for her herA hlr hlrman herA
A man who f falr said id he knew knw aid Id that the thowoman thl thewoman
woman WM wanted wanle in an Insurance case caseIn Ce CeIn casein
In which thirty thiry witnesses wltnft had hl disappeared disappearedand rlEappale
ad and gone to different diferent part prt of the 1 ho country countryOne conntryOnll countryOne
One witness wltnCI won arrested arretMI In Boston Jton yen yenterday yC yesterday
terday this man m said The case CI < O Is now be before b before ¬
fore the Grand Jury JuryIIS Jur JurIlS JuryIlls
Col de Monteverde Ionlere Just ut a Few Ft Dayi Dy by byllli byI byliii
llli I Sons 80n Bedilde Oelle Before Btfore Death BeathFrederick Deth DethFrederlok DeathFrederick
Frederick de Monteverde the 15yearold 15yearoldon IIyearold IIyearoldln
on ln of Col Cl Federlco Feerico do Montoverde Monteverde mill millary mi milltar
tar tar ary attach of the Spanish Rpnlsh Embassy EmbM y at atWnlhlnn atWashington i iVashlngton
Washington Wnlhlnn died yesterday yeltoray at 472 West Westld WeBtld Veatl4d
ld ld street Btrt Tho boy hy had been ben ill 1 of heart heartllsease heartdllM heartdisease
disease dllM for a month His father who whoas whowas wIowas
was as in Spain Rplnl was 1 notified notIfed recently that thatCol thathis thathis
his lon sons oonQllon oonrlltlon W was serious seriousCol rIOI
Col 1 de Monteverdo Immediately Imldlateiy char chartered phartpred chartered ¬
tered a special Ial train and ad went to Paris ParisHe rartsHe ParisHe
He had to hire a tug tUl to catch clch the Deutsch Deutschland Dputsoh Dputsohland Deutachland
land before bfore she sailed sle for thin country countryon
on her last lat voyage The Deutschland Deutsohlandarrived DeuIlhlai Deutschlandarrived
arrived here lost lat Friday Jrday Col Co de Monte Monteverde Monteverde Monteverde ¬
verde was Wi rewarded reward I for his haste hlte as a hU hUton hi hiln hisson
ton ln was conscious on8loU up to a few minutes minutesbefore minutesbfore minutesbefore
bfore before his death deathtUMORS dfath dfathRU10RS deathIWlIOIfS
I If t She Se use 101 Another Husband Hutnd In n View Iew Her HerFatherlntw ler lerFatherlnLw 11crFatherInLaw
Fatherlntw FatherlnLw Doesnt DOlnt Know It ItGen I ItDen
Gen Edward Ewar L Molineux of Brooklyn Brooklyniad Brooklynhnc
lund hnc this to say sy yesterday yeteray in reference rllereno to toho 10tho tothe
the ho contemplated contemplat divorce dloro suit lult of Mrs Mrstoland MrsRoland rA rATolaml
Roland B Molineux Molneux and the rumors MlmON of her herntendod herIntendo herintended
intended Intendo Tolaml marriage to a Wall Wal Street Strlt broker brokerMr brokerM brokerMrs
Mr M Roland Rland Molineux 101nelx hasnt secured fcuro a alivorce adivore adivorce
divorce divore an 81 yet 6t and sho hu could ould not marry marrymill marryunti marryuntil
mill unti this thlt is done Knowing of course courselathing cour coursenothing
nothing about the grounds upon upn which whichho whloh5ho whichsho
5ho ho will wi apply for a divorce dIvorc we cannot cnot say saylow IY IYnow saynow
will bo in reference referenceo
now what our attitude ntltudo wil b refernc
to o the cult cultI Iult IultJ
I certainly crtainly have no knowledge Imowltpe of her In Inended Intendl intended
ended tendl marriage marrago and ad if she fho is i going to tonarry t tomarry
marry marr I do not know who her horhusb husband husbandrill husbandwill
rill be beAnother heAnother W WAnother
Another Star ta of Flueltutlni FueluaUns Eight UghtHARVARD UhtIbRVARD EightIIARVAJtD
CAMBMDUK CANIJIDUi MASS MAS May May2IDJ May2IDJTh 210031 210031The lO3 lO3The
The Th light lght of Nova Geminorum OfmIMMlI appears appa to tox tohe tobe
he x > fluctuating iutuatng like lke that thot of Nova lova Perse Perseso Pr5el PerreiNo
lo2 No so 2 On last evening enilg May I It appeared appearedhat afp appearedthat d dthat I
that hat Its is light lght had ha Increased Incrald about abut half haifa haifamagnitude a anagnltiide amagitude
magnitude magitude during the preceding prcding twenty twentyour twontyfour twentyfemur
four our hours hour Since Sinc the measures meuun1 described describedn delr d dIn
In n the bulletin buletn of April Apri 22 similar Ilmlu measures maasurewere meaus meauswer measureswere
wer were obtained obtlnd on April Aprl 21 25 21 27 7 28 20 2 to tomd a 30and
and May I and ad gave the magnitude maittudos
147 17 16 7 071 171 081 181 EDWARD 081 07 178 978 0 PICXEBINO and ad 030 18 18pcITely ra raipectlrely repectiveiy
ipectlrely pcITely EDWAI PeUUO
Flagstaff Mix iiigMteiiMi hoChOI CIa ciiMMU CIaIHt Claus Clausfleets
fleets IHt Him 1m at t Grand Cn Cn CanyouiPresI CanyouiPresIdent > onPr OPrel OPreldent il ilitent
dent Bides Idf Ides Thirty Tiry Mile MU Through TroUlh 111 111Canyon the theCaouNow theCanyonNow
Canyon CaouNow CanyonNow Now on llli I Way to Calif CaUlorla CaUlorlaORAND CalIfornIa CalIfornIaGRAND oral oralGRAND
GRAND CANON Aria May 0 GAter 0After After i inight a aniht anight
night niht made mae somewhat 1 me wht restless rete by the super superabundantly superabundantly upr uprabundty
abundantly abundty expressed expre enthusiasm enthllam of some somiof Imo Imoof someof
of the populace peplJlac of Arizona Arzna President ProsldenRoosevelt Prosldlnt ProsldlntRoyelt PresidentRoosevelt
Royelt Roosevelt has ha refreshed rlreshed himself h1lt today b ba by bya
a visit to t 0 the mighty caAon cfon of the Colorado ColoradoEarly Clorado CloradoErly ColoradoEariy
Early Erly this thi morning ho went out on horse horseback hore horebk horseback
back bk to Howes Rwel Point Poit with Dr Nicholas NlcholaiMurray NicholasMurray
Murray Mury Butler Buter Dr Blxey and GOY Brodl BrodlOn BrodlOn BrodlOn
On hi hl his return rtun to the hotel hotl at a the terminus tcrmlnuiof terius teriusof
of the Grand Orad Canon C on branch he spoke spke t tseveral to toIvera toseveral <
several Ivera hundred people pople many of whom whotrcame whomce whomcame
came ce in on excursion train from Phcenlj Phcenljand Ph Phcenizand nlx nlxnd
and nd Flagstaff Fagsta The Te President Prlldent at the th ent entof end endof
of his hi speech pch handed the diplomas dplomas to th thgraduates the thoiraduates thegraduates <
graduates of tho Flagstaff High School Schoolwho Shool Shoolwho Schoolwho
who came cme all al the th hundred hundrd miles mll l from home honuin homeIn homeIn
in order to t receive recive them from his bands bandsTho hnds hndsTh bandsThe
The Th President Presidnt said sd in part partI p partIhavecomeheetoeethe
I Ihavecomeheetoeethe hare come cme here her to t Bee the th Grand Carton Cartonof Caton Catonof Cationof
of Arizona Arizna because bU in that tat carton Arizona Arizonalias Arizna AriznaIw Arizonahas
has a natural Mtl wonder which con so 1 far aa 8 I Iknow Iknow Iknow
know to I in its kind wanoI al absolutely > unparalleled unparalleledthroughout unparalleledthroughout
throughout the rest relt of the world Ap TApplauseI Applause At > ¬
plause I shall hal not attempt atempt to describe dllrll it itIwcausn Itbecause t tlcu8
lcu8 because I cannot I could not choose chos words wordfthat wordsthat
that would woud convey cnveyor or that could culd convey conveyto cnvey cnveyto
to any any outsider oUllder what that cftflon is 1 I want wantwith wantto ant antto
to 8k ask you to do onl one tlng thing caon In cnnlclon cnnlclonwith connection connectionwith
with it in II In your own Interest and In the theinterest thoInllrst theinterest
interest Inllrst of the four he country countryKeep countr countryKeep
Keep this thl great gt wonder of nature as I it itnow Itno Itnow
now no Is Applause ApplauseI Applaus1 Applaus1M
M I was Wa delighted delghte to learn of the wisdom wisdomof wl om
of the Santa Sta JW F Railroad Rlroad In deciding dlddlng not notcanon notto notto
to buid build their potel iotel on the brik brink of the thecaton timecation
canon caton I hope hop you will wi not have a build building buid buidIng buildtrig ¬
ing of any kind kid not a summer cottage ctage a agrandeur ahotel ahotel
hotel or anything e1 else to m mar thl the wonderful wonderlulgrnreur wonderfulgrandeur
grandeur grnreur ayhing sublimity lubllmly the great gret loneliness lonelinessand lonelne lonelinessand
and ad beauty of the canon canonLeave cton ca on onLeave I
Leave Lave It as a it is You cannot cal not improve improveon
on 01 it Ii not a bit Tho ages have been bm at atwork atwork atwork
work on it i and ad man con ca Ifel only mar it What Whatyou Whatyou Whatyou
you can cn do is i to keep kep It for your children childrenyour chldru chldruyou childrenyour
your you childrens chidrns children chidrn and for all Il who whocome whocme whocome
come cme after you as I one of the great grot sights sightswhich sightswhich sightswhich
which every American Amercan If he can cal travel travelat
at all al should see so Keep Kep tho Grand Grad Canyon Canyonas
as 1 It is isWe 18We isWe
We have gotten goten past pt the stage lagI fellow fellowcitizens fello fellociizens fellowcitizens
citizens ciizens when we Wf are to be b pardoned Prdone If Ifwe Ifwe ifwe
we simply fmply treat trlat any part of our country countryas
as something 80metllng to be b skinned klnne for two or three threeyears threeens threeyears
years for the use of the present prent generation generaton generatonWhelher generationWhether
Whether It is the forest forelt the water 1ater the thoscenery theBcenerv thescenery
scenery whatever It Is I handle hdle It so 8 that thatApply thatyour thatyour
your 01 It chidrens childrens chidren children wi will get the bneft benefit benefitof I
ItAp ItApply Apply Ap ly irrigation InKaton under uder circumstances circumstancesthat
that will Y11 make mke it of benefit blont not crcumetanC51 to time tie unecu unecuIn ipou ipoultor epeculater
In ltor later frtr frtrtwo who hopes to fet get proft profit out of It for fortwo
two or three thr years er but BO that tht it will wi be b of ofuse 01Ui ofuse
use Ui to tho homemakers homemkerto to the man ran who whocomes whocome whoconies I
comes come to live lve and to have hve his children childrenst chidren chidrensy childrenstJy
st sy y after Hfer him himIn himIn himIn
In the afternoon aflmoon the President Prfdent and his hisparty hIsparty I Ipary
party pary wont wrnt up the carton C10n and rode rde for thirty thirtymiles thirtymiles I ImUe
miles mUe Lunch was W served srvod fifteen fftn miles milesup miEA miEAup tithesup
up the trail trai He left for Williams Wllarl and Iud HIP HIPmain thomain timemain
main line 1M of the Santa Snla F4 F on hU hil way to toCalifornia toCJorla toCalifornia
California CJorla at 6 oclock ocok this evening Aonllg
One of the first trt to meet met the President Presidenton Peselnt Peselnton
on Ilia hi htl arrival was Ben Daniels Daiell Mr MrDaniels MrDaniels Ir IrDaiels
Daniels Daiels it will wi be b remembered remerbero wan wa nomi nominated nominat nomninated ¬
nated nat and ad confirmed cntrle as al United Ur ted Slates SlatesMarshall Statel StatesMarshall
Marshall Mllhal for Arizona Arizla his hil final fnal establish establishment ttablHh ttablHhment establishimtent ¬
ment In the office otc was W upset by the discovery discoverythat dllery dllerythat
that In II early eay life lfe he had uJet stolen hones hoTs and andhad a andhad
had suffered suter the laws law penalty pennly for tho in indiscretion Indiretion indiscretion
discretion discretionThe diretion diretionThe discretionThe
The President Pridnt in I withdrawing the thE nomi nomination nomlnallon nornination ¬
nation said that he did it because bcU Daniels Danielshad Danlolshad Danielshad
had concealed his hi past pt and not on account accountof accunt I Iof
of youthful wrongdoing In I which he had hadbeen hadbn hadbeen
been bn the catepaw of other men for which whichho whichho
ho had atonai atone by a 1 righteoiu rlhtU life He spent in inthe inthe inthe I
the maintenance mintenanc of the law lawThe lawTe lawThe
The Te President Prldent apparently apprenty feels that Mr MrDaniels 11 MrDaniels
Daniels IH i now square Bqure with wih the world word and andeligible andeligible I
eligible elgible to any office which ho Is i fitted fittedcia ttcd fittedmentaliy
mently mentaliy ad and physlcly physically t to admInister admInisterThe I
The Prelrent President bara hada cia reception repton for former formermembers forer forermembf formermembers
membf members of his hl regiment rglntnt for half hal an In hour hourbefore hourbfor hourbefore
before bfor the departure deprture of his train trainRoosevelt trainoolnel trainflooseselt
Roosevelt oolnel Sends Greetings Grletn to Dla DlaEL Dial DiuEt DialEt
EL Et PASO PA Tex May My 6 6Frnc0 6Francisco Francisco Mallen MallenConsul Malen MalenConAul MallenConsul
Consul for Mexico at this place
1oxic plac today todaytrlographed tooay tooaytdegraphe todaytelegraphed
telegraphed tdegraphe a greeting gretng from President PresidentRoosevelt Prelident PrelidentROOevelt PresidentRoosevelt
Roosevelt ROOevelt to t President PreWent Diaz Dlz Mr Mallen Mallenmet Malen Mallenmet I
met President Presdent Roosevelt RIelt at Albuquerque Albuquerqueyesterday AlbuquerqueYNterdlY Aibuquerqueyesterday
yesterday and was W8 requests requCtl to convoy
his best bst regards regars to President PrOidpnt Diaz and andto Rndt andto I
to t say to him that Mr Roosevelt Hoofvelt hoped hopodto hopd hopdto
date to meet met him personally prsonaly at a some re future futuredate futur futuredate
Two Shot In Levys 1 Wires Wife Cheek Chfek and Two TwoIn Twotn TwoIn
In a Casual Calul Passer PaueriSigmund Paler PalerSigmund PasserSigmund
Sigmund Levy Ly of 112 12 East EHt Ninetyeighth Ninetyeighthstreet Sinelrollhth Sinelrollhthstreet
street found an oldfashioned oldfashione powderand powderanduliot powderld powderldIhot
uliot Ihot pistol yesterday ye terday in a house hou8 he was wasworking wasworking I Iworking
working in and took it home He lit lt a amatch aumatch i imatch
match to examine It and got the match matchtoo matchtoo matchtoo
too near the vent vent The thing went off offbreaking ol offbreaking
breaking the front window Two shot shotWorth shotstruck i iMt
Mt struck ruck his wife In t time he left cheek and Adolph AdolphWorth AdolphWorth
Worth who was passing on the other side sidenf sideof sideif
nf the thestreetgot street Atretlot got two twoshot shot in II his right cheek cheekLevy chek chekLy cheekLevy
Ly Levy was wa arrested arrestedNews arrestedew arrestedNewe
News ew or PI rIa Plays S and Players PlayersThe llatrl llatrlThe llaersThe
The Man Ia Who Stole the Castle ante was wasaketi wa wataken wastaken
taken off ol the stage ftage at the Princess PrnC lost Int lastnight j I Inght
night nght This curtain curtan raiser raisr preceded prce There Therend Thtro Thtroad Thereand I IAlen
ad and nd Back Bck and in It eightyearold Louise Loulsolien Lu8 LouiseAllen
Alen Allen lien had ha a rOle The Gerry society notl notied notlfe notlfled
fe fled ed the management managemet yesterday YClerday that Louise Louiseon Luise LuiseWI Lotmisewas
to bo actress actressOlga actreMOlga actressOlga
WI was on too young b an In
Olga Xethersole Nethrsle wants the English rights rghtR rightsof j jf Iof
of f Pretty Prot Peggy Miss Nethersole may mayet mlY mlYget nittyget
get et them if Charles Frohman who has an anan j jn Ian
an n option on the play decides deides that he does doeslot doe doesnot
not want wat to produce prouce It in England EnglandWilliam Englad EngladWilam EnglandWilliam
William Wilam A Brady was informed Informe yesterday yesterdayhat yp6terdaythat yesterdaythat
that a dramatization dramat tion of Tho Pit by 1 Elliott Elliottage Ellot ElliottPage
Page age and Id E E A Johnson Johnll had boon bn pro prolucod produO producod
lucod duO in London Lndon for copyright cpyrght purposes purposesJr purpolOI purposesMr
Mr Brady Bray owns ownl the stage rights rihts of the thelovel timenovel
noel both here hert and andabroaduumd abroad au ana he hehas lias hW in initructed InItrucl instructed
itructed Itrucl his attorneys roa to protect prtot his in inerests Interests intetvsmts I
erests terestsThe tetvsmtsThe erestsThe
The curtain curtan at the Herald Square Suar Theatre Theatreras Theatrewas
WM ras twenty minutes late In rising last Ilt night nightVictor nllthIctal nightVictor I
Victor Ictal Morley who plays Copt Civmht Civmhtaused Clumfl CAvmleicaused
caused tho delay He went automoblllng automoblllngn automobilng I
In n the afternoon aternon and tho machine machie broke brokelown brokedown brokedown
down far from frm home homeSimon homeSimon homeSimon
Simon Newoomb Newcrbh the astronomer Itronomer went wpntto ventto
1 v I j t1e f f + t towoombs
to s see A Message Jrom rom Mars a at tne Crl CrlterCn Crieden
eden It last night Thil Tlmis Is said id to bl be Mr MrNowombs MrNewoonths
owoombs Nowombs second end visit vllt to a theatre in his hislifetime hil hishifetimo
lifetime Ifetlmo IfetlmoGrand hifetimoGrand lifetimeGrand
Grand Lodge Lte Refleets Rrelets oncers oncersTlio omterl omterlTho OmecruTho
Tho Manonlo Grand Grnd Lodge Ldge of thIs State Stateeuleoted Staterilecte Statereliiected
euleoted rilecte yesterday yesteray its Is entire entr set let of officer officerImoDt ofcer ofceramot officersalmost
almost amot without a contest Time officers orfloernre omcr omcrar officersare
ar are re ElbertCrandall Elbr Crandal Grand Master Mltor Frank FrankH
H I Robinson Rbinson Deputy Grand GrandMaster Master Mater SNcl SNclmith 8 Nel NelHon NdHon
Hon Sawyer Bemor Seniorurand Orand Wanlcn ardomm charles charlesSmith
Smith Rmlh Junior Grand Warden Col Edward EdwardI Ewanl EwanlL
M I L Ehlora Ehlor Grand Secretary and tho thoev thoRv tImeRev
Rev ev George Gorgo R Van an De Water Grand GrandII OrandChaplain GrandChaplain
Rv II T l il Grand T Af > rt rtionor
Chaplain Lt Last night the Granl Lgo Lgogave iocige iocigegave
gave a dinner In the Democrato Democratlo Club In Inhonor inhonor
honor ionor of a dozen dozel officers ofol and ad representatives representativesf reprContatvM reprContatvMof
of f the Grand Grad Lodge Lge of New Jersey Jerseyvia Jery JeryChle JerseyChin
Chin via Federation Flerton Head lead to Meet Next NextWednesday Nexttdneda flextWednesday
Wednesday WednesdayA tdneda tdnedaA
A call cal has been bn issued Ilue for the semiannual semiannualiceting lmlanual lmlanualmeeing semiannualmeeting
meeting meeing of the Executive Exeutlve Committee Cmmite of the theNational theNatonl theNational
Natonl National Civic Federation Feeratloll to be b held here heren her heron hereon
on > n May 13 The chlirman chairman Is Senator Senatorianna Snator Snatorlann SenatorHenna
Henna lann and Samuel Smuel Gomperu G omprd and Oscar OBr R Ritrauy R6traul SStrauam
itrauy 6traul are ar vicechairmen vlcharmen Among Amolg IU 1 mem memrs membrs memhers
brs hers rs are exPreeldent oxPrldlnt Cleveland Archbishop Archbishopreland ArchbishopIreland ArchbishopIreland
Ireland and Bishop Putter PutterHanded Poter PoterHandl PotterHanded
Handed Handl Ills lL Glass 00 Rye to the Jnry JnrySTRACUBB Jn JnSyaacuaa n nSTIUCUI
STRACUBB STIUCUI May My 6 eGerge 6George George H Goebel Goebelhe Gobel Gobelthe Ooebeithe
the he plaintiff plallUf in a suit eut for damages against againstthe
the he Rapid Transit Trnsit Company astonished astonishedhe allonishe
the he Ju Jury today toay by removing rmovig his ere eye and andandlnc andhnlj andheeding
heeding It I t over ovr to t the the foreman foremn for ln inpo inapeo inapeoLion peo peoloo
hnlj 001 Lion loo Ii I ltwM WM N pas ed around arud and retur returIt rture returned returnedJtwasaglasseye
pu It I Jtwasaglasseye irai as a glara SiM eye tye
1 1BOY
The Elder Eldfr Held feld for fo Trial Tral on the te Complaint Complaintof Complint Complintof
Broker BrokerTho Brokerho
of Their Ttlr father the a Broke
Tho To ho story Itor of a real rl bad b boy b came out outIn outIn outIn
In the Harlem Hart police pelc court our yesterday yesterdayThe trda trdaThe
The bad bd boy I > y was wai Howard loward 0 flnydnr fnydlr the theseventeenyearold thesvcnteenYfaoJd theseventeenyearold
seventeenyearold svcnteenYfaoJd eon en of Walter OSnyder OSnydera O Snyder Bnydera
a broker living lving In the Berkshire Brkshre at 125th 125thstreet 125thstlt 125thstreet
street stlt and Eighth avenue avenueThe avnue avnueTe avenueThe
The Te boys by parent prntI arranged arrang to be b away awayfrom awlY awlYIrom awayfrom
from homo on 01 Saturday Sturday night last lat so 1 took tooktheir tok tokther tooktheir
their ther three other children chidren one of wnom wnomIs wnomII wflomis
Is II Donald DDald U 1 years yerl old to t an a uncles for forsafe tors forsate
keeping keping
s Howard got hold of Donald Pnad and ad pro proposed pror proposed ¬
posed a scheme Iheme According Acrog to t the story storytold Itory storytold
told by Donald in court leswrday yesterday they theywent theywnt theywent
went to the th basement bement cou of 0 the BerkHhire BerkHhirewhere Brxlhr Berltahire Berltahirewhere
where whr Howard Hoar put Donald Dn In the te dumb dumbwaiter du dumbwaiter ¬
waiter water and ad hoisted holst him to t the family tarl apart apartments apartments ¬
ments on tho third tlrd floor Cor There Tr Donald Donaldtook Donaldtook p
took a diamond ring worth 115 180 a sUck sUckpln sUckpin sUckpin
pin worth orh 150 1 50 a rng fortydollar fortydolar watch wath and andchain andohan andchain
chain ohan 100 and other jewelry Jowelr valued value at about abut I
100He 10 He gave the stuff stul to his hi brother broter who whoafter whopawned I Ipawned
pawned It al all for tto and then the two twoboys
bys boys went t to Phiadelphia Philadelphia t to visit t a rlatve rlatvearl relaUvo relaUvoafter te I
after arl they had ha bought bught two revolvers revolvr They Theywent Ter Terwent Theywent
went to the home of a cousin oUBln there and andsaid ad adsd andsaid
said visit sd that tat their parents pant had ba sent sDt them to tovisit t tovisit
On Sunday afternoon aferon tho boys took tooktheir tk tktheir tooktheir
Sudy by
their cousin Ethel Burke out to t treat htr htrto htrto barto
to soda fl and candy cdy On the te street str Donald Donaldcousin D Dooaldtook ad adtook
took out h his rvolver revolver ad and showed It t to his hiscoun hiscousin
cousin Howard Howad told him sowe to t put It up upand upand
and coun when Donald Donad ref rfU refused uwed a souffle soufo followed followedThe folowo followedThe up
The revolver rvolver wan discharged dlschnge and Id the te bullcjt bullcjtentered bult bu1le bu1leentered
entered the little uiris throat roat
m de the boys b
to New York Donald said and nd an a their theirmoney theirmoney theirmoney
money won gone they spent Apnt Monday night nightin nightII
in II MornitiKHide MorlllHlde Park Detectives Detecv6 Von on Bus Buskirk BU Buskirk
kirk and Mayer fo foand found them on Tue6ay Tue6ayad Tuesday Tuesdayand
and ad locked locke them up lp
Their father appeared appnred in court curt yesterday yesterdaymornlnR ytlerday ytlerdayrrnl yesterdaymorning
morning rrnl and ad told the Magistrate Mailtrat that he hethought hethought hethought
thought Donald Donad was led le astray Itray by his hisbrothor hisbrther hisbrother
brother brther so the younger boy was Wi released releasedMr rel relJl
Mr Jl Snyder made mae youler a complaint complant against againstHoward aganst aganstHoward againstHoward
Howard however and ad ho wan hold for fortrial lortral fortrial
trial tral in 1100 1000 01 boll bollORJECTS bal balOBJECTS baIlOThJECT
Mr lr Dowie Uo M l P Doesnt UOtnl Think 1Ink Am Ambaiaador Ambasador Ambassamior
baiaador basador Should Accept ccept Decoration DecorationSpecial Deorton DeortonSptc DecoratIonspeaal
Special Sptc Cable Dllpalcl Dtipatch to TBS SUN SUHLONDON SUNLNDN SesLoinoN
LONDON LNDN May 0 6The The acceptance acCptanc by bySir bySir bySir
Sir Francis Francs Bertie Brtie the British Brtlh Ambassador Ambassadorto Amba ador
to Italy of the decoration decoraton of the Order of ofSt ofAt ofSt
St Maurice Maurc from King Victor Emmanuel Emmanuelduring Emmnuel Emmnueldurng Emmanuelduring
during durng the recent visit of King Kng Edward Eward to toRome toRome toRome
Rome was WI wasthe the subject subjet of a I short debate in inthe Inthe intime
the House Houl of Commons Cmmons today Mr Thomas ThomasGibson Thomal ThomasGibson
Gibson Glbll Bowles BwleA who raised ras the question questionsaid queston questonsid questionsaid
said sid that under the Foreign Office Offic regula regulations regulations regulatiorms ¬
tions of 1898 all al British Brlthh officers officr serving servingabroad Brng Brngabroad servingabroad
abroad were prohibited prol bll from accepting acpting such suchdecorations aucndecorations suchdecorations
decorations from foreign sovereigns sovereignsReplying sovereignsHepllng sovereIgnsReplying
Replying to this Prime Prme Minister lnlter Balfour Balfourcontended Baifourcontended llour llouroontendL
contended > that King Edwards Ewards visit Ist to t Italy Italyjustified Itly Itlyjustlto Italyjustified
justified justlto the Government in allowing alowing the theBritish thertlh theBritish
decoration decorationCIIOATE decorationIUITE British rtlh Ambassador Amb8Mdor at Rome Rme to accept acpt the thedecoration thedecoration thedecoration
CIIOATE IUITE 1101 TE COMIXO HOME HOMEAmbassador llUE llUEAmbaador IIOIIAmbassador
Ambassador to He Il Here Itrt for the Wedding Weddingof rdl rdlor
of Ills Ils Son SonSpecial SonSpectsl on onSpulal
Special Cable Dttpatch Dtpal1 to THE SUN SDKLONDON SUNIAIDON SONLoteooms
LONDON IAIDON May fl Ambassador 6Ambatdor Choate Choatewill Choatewil Choatewill
will wil sail fi for home on May 15 to attend alenr the thewedding theweding timewedding
wedding weding of his hi son sonWant lon lonWant soniant
Want Protection Irotlclon for German Irlan Exhibits ExhibitsSpecial Exibi ExhibitsSpecil
Special Cattle Cabt Deipalch Dtpalch lo II THI SUN SUKRERUN SUNERUN SUNBERLIN
RERUN ERUN May 6 6Tho Tho Foreign Office OMo is isnegotiating Isnegotating isnegotiating
negotiating negotating with the American < n Government Governmentat OOTermelt OOTermeltat
at Washington Wlhlngton to secure a special IJoial measure measureof melure melureof
of exception excpton for German exhibits at the theSt tbeSt theSt
St Louis Iui Exposition from the socalled socalledmanufactory Iolod IolodmaJ1ulacory socalledmanufactory
manufactory maJ1ulacory clause clauf of the American Amercn Copy Copyright Copyrght Copyright ¬
right rght Act of 1S91 1 91 Should thin thl not be b ob obtalnud ontane ohtamed
tamed tane Germany will wi ask protection protction from fromimitation fromImtaton fromimItation
imitation Imtaton during and for a certain Ortan period periodafter periodafter periodafter
after the Exposition Epltlol HO H that Industries Indultrle such suchas suohn suchas
as n lithography ltography can cn make such protection protectiona proteton protetona
a condition cndIton precedent precent to rending ndlg exhibits exhibitsAtlantic exhibit exhibitante exhibitsAtlantic
Atlantic ante Colons Work WorkSpecial WorkSpten VorkSpectmt
Special Spten Cable Deipatch Dtpalcl lo THE TUI SUN SUKLONDON SUNLND SUNLoNDo
LONDON LND May IY 6 6The The annual anlull meeting meetingofthe meellngof meetingofthe
ofthe of the Atlantic Atlantc Union which wan established establisheda etablshed etablshedI
a I few years ago for or time purpose purpse of drawing drawingtogether drawng drawngtOW1 drawingtogether
together tOW1 her various Englishspooking Enltlhsptj dng jxsoplei jxsopleiduring peple pepledurng peopiesduring
during durng visits vi lts to London was wa held today todayIn
In the House louse of Lords Lrdl The report rpr of ofLord ofLrd ofLord
Lord Lrd Monkawnll lonksrI the th president prcldent showed showedthat Ihowld Ihowldthat showedthat
that during tho year tlr 190J 19 iDO the club had en enturtained entrtalnod entsrtaineci
turtained trtalnod 270 20 Americana Amercal and 310 Colonials ColonialsLord Clonials ClonialsLrd ColonIalsLord
Lord Lrd Monkswell lonk8wel said tld It I was wa expected pxp1ted that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the number numbr entertained entcrtalntd would lx II doubled doubledthis doublodthis doubledthis
this year yearSmallpox yearSmalipeN ear earSmalpo
Smallpox Smalpo on Transport Tralllor at Manila ManilaNptclal 3laniIap Ianl
Nptclal Sp p citi I 1 Cable DepaicH Dtpalllo lo THE TrE SUN SUNMANILA IUN IUNMANIL Su551ANIi
MANILA MANIL May Iay fl 6Smalpx 6Sunallpox Smallpox has hn broken brokenout brokonout brokenout
out among tho men of the Second Socnd Infantry Infantryaboard Inlantryaboar Infantryaboard
aboard aboar the transport trasprt Sheridan The vessel vesselwill vesselwill etl etlwi
will wi bo 1 held In quarantine quaranlM for five fve days daysThe dasThe daysThe
The health hoalh officers officer are ar afraid afrld of a slight slightgeneral sUghtgenoml slightgeneral
general increase IncraE In the spread sprad of 01 cholera choleraand choleraand I Iand
and will 1 rplmpose rlmps the quarantine quarantne regula regulations rgula rgulatons regulatlons ¬
tions tons of 1002 1002Irlih l0 l0Irlh 1002Irish
Irish Exhibit Exhibi at t St lt Louis LouisSptcM IoullSpulal LouisSpvrlat
SptcM Cable Coblt Deipalth Dtpalh to TaN TiE Str StrIXN lu luINfN SUN SUNLoNpor
IXN INfN LoNpor ON May 6 0Mr Mr lr George Ooori Wyndham WyndhamChief Wynrhlm WynrhlmCllf WyndhamChief
for Ireland announced announcedIn
Chief Cllf Secretary rlary Irlnd anounod anounodIn
In the House HOI of Commons today tha ne negotiations negotlationA negotlations ¬
gotiations were prCdlng proceeding by which the thpIrish th thIr thellshm
Irish Ir h Department Dfprtment of Agriculture ogrculture would wouldhave wouldhnve wouldhao
have a special lpcal exhibit of Irish lri h industries industriesat
at the St St Louie Luis exposition epllion next year yearOld yearOld elr elrOd
Od Old American Allrltan Document Dotumlnt firings 8225 8225ral > 22K 22KSpecial 221Spettal
Special ral Cable Co able bIt Despatch Dtpah to THE Hn HnIXJNDON HUN HUNJSON 405L0Noos
IXJNDON JSON May 0 OAt At the sale of the Crow Crowcombe Cro Crocomb Crowcombo
combo comb Court Curt library Ihrary at Taunton a manu manuscript manu8Crpt manuscript ¬
8Crpt script script entitled The Thl Briofe Orders at Gen General Oeneral Genoral ¬
eral Meetings 1ttingl of the Councell Councl of New Eng England Englad England ¬
lad land in America Americ16221623 Anteriea10221623 10221623 was sold fold to Mr MrSt MrSIoOs MrStevens
SIoOs Stevens St ovens for 45 45Uerman f5Grrman 45Gernuan
Uerman Fleet 1 left Xot to 0 Co 0 to Holland Hollandspecial loland lolandSputal Hollandipecta
special Cable DespairS Dtparh to Tag TOi SUN SONTHE SUNTIF SUNTuE
THE TIF HAOUK JAOUt May 8 6The The proposed prope visit visitf visitof Islt Isltof
of f a German ermnn naval squadron to the harbors harborsf harbrs harbrsof
of f Holland Holand has hal been abandoned abandonedItalser abandonodalar abandonedEuler
Italser alar Leaves Home HomeBipedal Roml Romlpulol RecurSpecial
< Bipedal Cable Dcipatch Dtpal1 lo THE SUN StWRoMKMay SUi SUNRoMrMay
RoMKMay Emperor William Wiiam and suite suiteeft suit suiteleft
left eft here today todo for Berlin Herln
AMONG A MONG the Great Thins Thinsof Things Thingsof
1 of Amerc America those thatjustify thatjustify that thatjustify
justify the claim caim that it pos possesses pos possesses ¬
sesses InsUtutons Institutions are theimmens theimmense the theimmensemanufacturing
immens immense immensemanufacturing manufacturing concers concems con concerns ¬
cers cerns and the superior excellenc excellence excel excellence ¬
lenc lence of their prductons productions
RECORDED PECORDED in the Director DirecI Direc Directory ¬
I tor tory of A American instutons In8titUtiOflS In Institutions ¬
stutons stitutions is the house ofKranih ofKranich of ofKranich
Kranich Kranih Bach Pianos PianosA
A Musical History fre free to applcants applicants for ctalogue ctalogueAsk catalogueAsk catalogue catalogueII
II Ask for our special terms to thsewb th3sewho those thosewho
wb who prefer spca making partal partial paymentsW paymentsWAREROOMS payments paymentsUWAREROOMS
UWAREROOMS W WAREROOMS 2345 23345 E 23d St Stand st stand
and 16 W 125th 12 5th St New YorkKRANICH YorkKRANIC1 York YorkKRANICH
Victoria Ietora Government Goverment Order Oren Railway Em Emplote Er Erfloee Employees
plote floee to Leave Iee Central Cetrl Union UnionSwart Unon Unonptca UnionSpecial
MELBOURNE ptca May 8The Government Goverment o oVictoria 01 01Vlotora ofVictoria
Victoria Vlotora announce anounC that unless une the railway railwaymens ralway ralwaymens railwaymens
with the theTraders theTraer theTraders
mens union severs Bver it It its connection cnneton wit
Traders Traer unon Hall Hal which IB l the the central cntra organi organisation orgal orgalUon organ1zatlon ¬
sation Uon of all al the trades trae unions before bfore May MayI
12 I the leaden leader will wi be b dismissed dl8me without withoutfurther wthout wthoutluher withoutfurther
notice The Governments ulti ultimatum ultiznatum ¬
further luher notc Te verment6 ult ultmatu
challenge to the labor party partywhich partywhich
matum matu IB e a chalenge labr pary parywhlcb
which threatens threten to entail entl one of the most mostImportant mot motImprt mostimportant
Important labor labr ware W Autralla has ha known knownThe knownTe knownThe
Imprt The Te situation situton briefly brlofy stated statd Is this thi The Thevarious ThevaoU Thevarious
various railway raiwy mens unions uions of Victoria Victoriaowing Victria Victriaowing Victoriaowing
vaoU owing to t a reduction in I wages wa lately af affiliated aftlaod atfihiatod ¬
filiated thomselvcs rucion lvoe with Ith the Traders Traf Hall Hallthereby Hailthereby al
tlaod tbm
thereby th rby rendering rndern themselves thenlvcs liable lible to be becalled becalled
outside lde strike strikeand strikeand strikeand
called cled out In support of any alY oU
and thus placing plaing all al the railway raiway communica communications commwlc commwlcdon communicastiona ¬
tions don of the colony clony at the mercy of any anytrade anytrade anytrade
trade dispute disputeThe d1puw d1puwThe dIsputeThe
The Government Governmnt which owns OWO the rail railways ri railways ¬
ways waYl is willing wlig to allow alow the thp organization organizationof organiztion organiztionof
of the men so long an a they are not affiliated affiliatedwith amlat amlatwith affiliatedwith
with the Trader Trel Hall Hal and ad with wth this con condition cn cnditon condltlon ¬
dition diton attached attohd offered olero to t discuss dicu the gen general generd general ¬
eral grievance grlevalO of the railway raiway employees employeesSeveral employesSveral employeesSeveral
Several Sveral conferences onferencs have failed faie of result resultand resultand resultand
and hence henc the ultimatum ultimatumTO ultmatum ultmatumTO
TO IMPROVE MAXILA HEMP HEMPShippers liE liEShlpltn hEMPShippers
Shippers Herd 11 1 the Complaint Made by byAmerican b bArlrcan byAmerican
American Arlrcan Buyers BuyersSpecial Oue OueSptcal BuyersSpectat
Special Cable Detpatch Dtpofcllo to TBI Tal SON SONMANILA SUNMANILA UN UNMANIL
MANILA MANIL May 0 6The The hemp hOlp firms fnns In the thePhilippines thoPhlpplnel thePhilippines
Phlpplnel Philippines are beginning bginning to realize r aUrc the thegravity thegravity i igraity
gravity of the complaints complalt made mae by Ameri American America Amencan ¬
of ofthat ofthat I Ithat
can ca consumers consumer as 1 to the poor por quality CJunty
that article aice which has boon bon shipped shippd to t the theUnitod thoUnlto theUnited
United Unlto States Stats In the lost four fou year The TheBureau TheBureau IheBureau
Bureau of Insular Affairs Alars complained about aboutthis aboutthl8 aboutthis
this matter to the Philippine Phippine Commission Commissionwhich Commh Commissionwhioit < lon lonhlch
which hlch recently rently had ha a conference with wth local localbuyers loca localbuyers
buyers buyersSubsequent buyer buyersSubsequent
Subsequent Subsuent investigation Invetgaton indicated indicate that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the cultivation cult aton of the article has ha been ben greatly greatlyneglected greatlyneglecte greatlyneglected
neglected neglecte At first frt Its Is preparation preparaton greatly greatlydeteriorated greatlydeteriorated greatlydeteriorated
deteriorated during the Insurrection Inurrecton owing owingto
to the haste hat to send snd it to tho markets larketB In Inn Ina Ina
a period prio of high prices prc Gradually Gradual the thenative thenative I
native natve and ad the foreign forIg firms lns came cme to be believe b believa ¬
lieve eve that tba the American Aerc consumers consumef were weredependent weredepndent weredependent
dependent depndent on the Philippine Pl Uppln crops and ad must mustaccept mUlt mUltacpt mustaccept
quality and therefore therfore en encouraged encouraged ¬
accept acpt poor pr quaity Id
couraged hasty haty and ad Inferior preparation preparationThe preparaton preparatonTe
The courage Te present awakening naenlng to the danger dager of ofthe oftho ofthe
the vanishing alshl of the thl market will w probably probablyresult probablyr probablyresult
result r ut In I general genra generalrefonine reforms reforlln in this direction directionTO dircton dirctonTO
Turks Trkl Moving 1lo1ns on Ipek IpekAretl IpekArreuta Arrests of Bal Bulgarians Balarlan Dclgariani ¬
garians arlan In Constantinople ConstantinopleSpecial Conltantnople Conltantnoplerptn ConulsntlnopleCpectal
Special rptn Cable Deipntchei Dtralt to Tan Tl SUN SonCONSTANTINOPLE SUNCONSTlTJNOPLE SUNCo
CONSTANTINOPLE CONSTlTJNOPLE Co NsTANTflOPLE May a eThe The police policeare plc plcare
are making domiciliary domiciary visits vlAlt and are aresearching aroAarchlng arewarclmlng
Aarchlng searching the BulgaroMacedonian BulgaroMaoonla quar quarters quarter quartens ¬
tens ter of the city cty Fiftytwo Fftytwo Turkish and andten andten andten
ten Bulgarian Bulgara subjects lubjetl have been bn arrested arrestedThe arste arrestedThe
The authorities auth rtls in Albania Albnia have arrested arrestedtwentytwo arrste arrestedtwentytwo
twentytwo chiefs In the eandjak sndJak of Friz Frizrend Prz Przrnr PrIzrend
rend rendThe rnr rendThe
The Tht troops troofl are advancing on Ipok IpokGIBRALTAR Ip IpolcGrBmutTAR
GIBRALTAR GIBRAtTAR May 6 6The The German Germal cruiser cruiserCondor crl cruiserCondor r rCndor
Condor Cndor left leC here her today for tho Levant LevantThere lvant lvantThEf LovantThere
There ThEf will 1 he b three thr German Germa cruisers crlBr In tho thoMediterranean thoMEdlerranlan timMediterranean
Mediterranean MEdlerranlan when hen tho Condor arrives arrivesat
at her destination destinationIpek destiaton destiatonlpk destinationIiek
Ipek lpk Pedsh Peil is a town of some me Impor Importance Impr ImprtMc importattoo ¬
tattoo tMc In the north Albanian Alps olf near ner the theeastern theelttr theeastern
eastern elttr extremity of Montenegro Montenegr and not notfar 10t 10tfar potfar
far from thenouthweetfrn theluthwetfrn border of Servia ServiaIt Sra SraI
I It is about abut 200 miles mleR northwest northwft of Salonica Salonicaand Slonlc Slonlcand Salonicaand
and a a short sbor distance rlstnce from frm the town of Priz Prizrend Prlzrend Prizrend
rend rendIXCOME rend1COl1 rendINCOiIE
Minister Illlttr of Finance Fnance Homier Ha Hal a Novel NovelBUI NovelDIII I
BUI BUISpecial Bi Bipulal DIII4pec41
Special Cable Deipatch Dtpalciin to Tax SUN SUNPABIS SUNPants I
PARTS May ay 610n 6Vhen When Parliament Parlamenl re reuaomblen r rImblel reassembles
assembles Imblel M Rouvier Ruvier Minister 1Inilter of Finance Financewill Flnanc Flnancwl Financewill
wl will attempt atempt to secure scur what wht other French FrenchMinisters Frnch FrnchMiulstor FrenchMinisters
Miulstor Ministers of Finance Flno have hitherto failed failedto faied faiedto
to achieve ahievethat achievethat that Is the imposition Impsiion of an anincome anIncmo anhneomo
income Incmo tax taxM I IM
M Rouviers RouYers bill bi is remarkable rmarkable for the themanner themanner I ImannoI
mannoI manner on which it Is proposed propsd to estimate estmato estimatethe I Ithe Ithe
the citizens ciizns liability lably to contribute The Thenx Timetax I
lo tax nx will wl not bo b levied on the actual total totalDf totalof totalof
of each persons prns income and it will wi not notbe j jbe
b be progressive progr8lve as In I Great Britain but the theimount th theamount
be levied will according to tohe tothe
amount amout to b levIe 1 vary t
the he social Icll position psiion of the taxpayer tax Pyor and will willL wi willbe
b be L > e based hd on the outward outwor signs of his hisprosperity hi hisprosperity
prosprty prosperity
20000 2 000 0 Babies BabiesH Ii a b I e s sHad
Had H d their skiD made soft f as a velvet velve and sweet awet as I roses rs this morning morlni by byMtmyonV byMunyon byMunyont
MtmyonV MtmyonVWitchHazel Munyon MunyontWitchHazel J
WitchHazel Soap SoapAnd
And 20000 200 mothers were made happy thereby Remember Remembr Munyons Witch WitchHazel Wich WichHanl WitchHazel
Hazel Soap quickly quikly eases eses baby of hives hlvr chafing chafnE and all 1 forms of baby rash rah It Itcures I Icures itcute
cures skin disorders In old as a well wel as I a young i It Is so 1 excellent ecelent for the complexion complexionthat complexiontat
that tat many women prefer prfer It I even to the French Frnch toilet toiet soap oap that tlt costs cost as high as a i iSfU 1SIIM zsId
ttkt U UI
sId SIIM fvtrwttftt I ice I H ft l
I Our OurlSSackSuit OurlSSackSuitI f 15 15 Sick Sck Suit SuitOur Sui
I Our OurislopCoat OurislopCoath > t5 Top Coat CoatOur Cot CotOur
h Our OuriRainCoat OuriRainCoatOur 15 Rain Cal CalOur
Our 1 Negligee Negl ee Shirt ShirtOur Shirt ShirtOur
Our ft I Underwear UnderwearOur Underwea UnderwearOur
Our SOc Neckwear NeckwearO Neckwtaro
O r ft f19 19O 90 Derby Hat HatOur Hat HatOur
Our 190 t9 Soft Hat HatOur Hat HatOur
Our 510 110 10 Boys longpant longpantSuit longpant longpantSuit
Suit SuitOur Sui SuitOur
Our 12 Top Coat CoatOur Cat CatOur CoatOur
Our J5 5 Childs Norfolk NorfolkSuit NorfolkSuit NorfolkSuit
Suit SuitOur Suit SuitOur
Our Or ft t Boys Wash Suit SuitOur Sui SuitOur
Our soc Knee Plots PlltS PlltSrowni PaitsfroWri
froWri froWriKin2Co rowni 12 12Kif2
Kif2 Kin2Co
Nearly Opposite Opposie Cooper Coper Union UnionBrooklynFulton UnionBrooklynFulton UnionBrooklynFuiton
BrooklynFulton St St and DeKalb DeKlb Ave AveDOLLARS AveDlLtRS AveIJOLL4RS
Ottered Orerrd by b fr Ir r Ilalnsforcl With Wih Good Goo Ad Advice Al AdIce ¬
vice Ice at Trade School Ichool Exercises ExcrrlmCommencement Ecrrlf ExercisesCommencement
Commencement Commenoment exercises exeris of St Georges GeorgesEvening GrgeA GrgeAEvening GeorgesEvening
Evening Trade Trde School Shool were held last lastevening lt lteyenlng lastevening
evening In St Georges Memorial House Housein
in Ea Et East t Sixteenth Sixtonth street itrt A class cll of oftvrcntyeeven oftwentY8Cn oftwentyseven
tvrcntyeeven twentY8Cn boys bs who have completed completeda cmpleteda
a throe thr years year course coun in carpentry carpntry draw drawing drw drwIng drawing ¬
ing plumbing printing printng or woodburning woodburningreceived wooburning wooburningreolved woodburningreceived
received reolved diplomas dplol Some Smo of them got gotprizes gotPrltband gotprizes
prizes Prltband and all al of them time t1 advice advo from the
Rev Dr r Rainsford Ransford to stick to the trade tradethey tradethey tradethey
they had chosen cho and never to t choose choof the tlieeasiest theeasiest
easiest eaiest job jobThe jobThe jobThe tle tleeaiest
The man who hunts for the tii easiest elest job
doesnt dOnt ford deserve derve a job at all al said Id Dr Rains Rns
A feature of the exercises exerifA was wa an offer offerof offerof
oler olerof
of Dr Ralnsford Rnlford to give a dollar dolar to every everyone ever everone everyone
one of the 350 boys ofthe of tle time school who swim swlmA1M
150 1M yards yars this IIIH summer and d J10 10 to those thol who whoswim whoswm whoswim
swim swm a mile 11e Dr Rninsford Rnsford paid fd that thatswimming thatswmmng thatswimmIng
swimming swmmng was wa a test of perseverance and andthat ad adthat andthat
that the boy by who couldnt culdllt prvornc swim swm wasnt wasntany wasntany fasntay
any ay good goodProf
Prof John H Finloy Flllo Fimmie the new City Col
loge president pr8ldent also ailo talked tlKod to the boys bys Ciy Tho Thoschool ThoBchool Theschool
school completed its itl eleventh year last lastnight lastnight lastnight
night nightHORNERS nightDORNERS nightIIORNERS
Selections for Summer Summerfurnishing Summerfurihinl Summerfurnishing
furnishing furihinl can nowhere be b made madewith madewith madewith
with the same satisfactory Eatsfactory results resultseither results resultseithcr
either in variety vaiety of choice choic or in tha thavalues th thvalues thvalues
values offered ofered as a at our establish establishment establih establihment establishment ¬
ment mentBedroom mentEeoor mentBedroom
Bedroom Eeoor Suites Suit in birdseye mape brch brchoak brc brcoak bnchask
oak and mahogany mabogny
Enameled Enamele tcdrojm droum Suites SuitePl1n SuitesPlain Plain and deco decorated deo deora decorated ¬
rated ratedBrass ra ratedBrass led
Brass Bedstead Betead In over two hundred bunde patterns patternsEnameled patems patemsEnamded patternEnameled
Enameled Iron Bedsteads brass bras trimmings trimmingsDining trimmings trimmingsDining
Dining Room Suites Suies in the Colonial and other otherfashionable otberfabionable otherfashionable
fashionable fabionable styles stylesExclusive style stylesExluslve
Exclusive designs deigs in Parlor Paror Furniture FurnitureLargest Furiture FuritureIr FurnitureLargest
Largest Ir et display diplay in America of Flemish Flemis and amiI andVenetan andVenetian
I Venetian t4A T Furniture I f Tt TII TIIDens
Venetan for Lbarie Libraries Hsls Halls ani aniDens aniDens
Dens DensMaion DensM DensMaion
Maion M icn Furniture Fumitre in Settees etes Arm Chairs ChairsRockers Cbait Chairsiockers
Rockers oke Tables Ac AcCouches c cCouce cCouches
Couches Couce Settees etet Easy Chairs Cbli Rockers Rokers Dresi Dresiing Dres DresIng Dnesulag
ing Tables Table Cheval Chevl Glasses Gla5 Writing Writg Desks Desksc
c in unequalled une1uale assortments assortmentsR assotments assotmentsR assortmentsR
R J HORNER CO COFurniture COFuriure CoFurniture
Furniture Furiure Makers Mlke and ld Importers Impr
01 615 63 6365 65 West V cst 23d Street StreetFlat Streetml StreetI
2CORTLANDT sr 31 31Flat
Flat Last Lat Low Shoes Shoeswith Shoeswith Shoeswith
with Herring Herringbone herringbone orrin orrinbne ¬
bone bne Shanks
498598 498598Made 498 598 598Made w wMdo
Made like Iko 1200 I 200Custom OU OUCustom i iCustom
Custom Shoes TPATl PAT
500 and 600 000 Oxfords Oxords at 275 275Last 27SLat 273Last
Last Lat seasons seaonls goods styles that we wewant wowant wewant
want to close out they arc flat last lastmd lat lataDd lastand
md high heels heelsHats heelaHatsNo heelsMatsNo
HatsNo Hats No MiddlemensProfits MiddlemensProfitsToppy Middlemens Profts ProftsI Profits ProfitsS
I S Toppy Derbys DerbysThe
The Latest Latestlattlsli LatestFlatUsl LatestPhattishi
lattlsli FlatUsl Round Curl
190 190275 190275New 275 275New 275New
New Soft ft Hats HatsThe HatsThe J JThe
The Trooper Troopern Tropr I IIn
In n Tan Pearl Black >
190 190 275 275telsons 275Stetsons 75 75Stetsons <
Stetsons Soft Hats 350 and 500 500lens 50 50Mens 500Mens
Mens Furnishings FurnishingsA
A big lot of ofFine ofFine ofFine
Fine Vests at atHalf atHalf atHalf
Half Price PriceL Prie PrieFancy PriceFancy
L Fancy single slnFle and andI anddoubl anddoubl
I doubl breasted 400 400jS 00 00SOO
5 1 jS 500 and 600 values valuesJ7 aluesAt 5k1c5White
J7 At 249 249White 49 49White
White tan tansIngle single breasted breastedi
119 i 19 worth 200 200Whitedouble 200WhItedouble 200WhItedouble
Whitedouble breasted298 breasted298worth breasted 298 298worlh 2 98 98worth
worth 500 500hirts 100 100Shirts 500Shirts
Shirts ShirtsWhite ShirtsWhite hirtsWhite
White Pleated Pleted Negligees NCElgees 7 79c ° c worth orh
100 00
00Madras Madras Mara new colors color Tan Blue 8ue dray drayIrsen 0 GrasOrson ra raOren
Oren 98c 98c worth ISO ISOOxford ISOOxord 150Oxford
Oxford Oxord Negligees Ne lloC 229 2J worth JJO Jo 35
1 t
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then thenahab
ahab ahabi
deli delitiret
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Intel Intelatva
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done donethat
that thatquent
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it wo wogatto
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gross grossbeen
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under underresig
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hand handthe handthe
the i ibeen a abeen
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vestjg vestjgprehc vestigpreho
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Tress Treasrill Tressnil
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Tulle Tullerconcei Tulleconce
concei conceinervlc conceservi
nervlc nervlcTlie serviTime
Time Tlieyet Timeyet
yet h hto
to dot dotoonfiri d dconfir
oonfiri oonfiriexpect confirexpec
expect expectlleved expec
lleved llevedfaith lievedfaith
faith faithMr faithMr
Mr MrCott MrCott
Cott o oto olothe
i to lothe lothereqni the therequlni
requlni requlniusecl
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and tl tlliad t thad
I 1I had Bt Bttlon a ation
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mobile mobileMr mobileMrIt
I Mr MrIt MrItducing B Bducing
i ducingGER ducing ducingWA
I WA WAtendsl Watends
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Menu Mormothat Menuthat
that thatgation thatgatlon
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of the thothe thebacon
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but ltmtquote I Iquote
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U consld consldinthor considinthe
inthor inthorGovcrr
3 Govcrr Govcrrwill Goverwill
will In Inshould lieh
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Church Churchns hurdiasaum
1 ns asaum asaumSouse a in inSOUK
Souse SOUKfurnish Sousefimrnidi
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IiI on the theExpofdt theExposlt
Expofdt Expofdthis
his pie nluime
I r The The1i me mehave
1i have n nment nment
ment mentGovern i iGovern
Govern Governexpulsi Governexpuki
expulsi expulsition expukia
1 a tion of ofWASH ofcinnati
WASH WASHoinnatl
j oinnatl oinnatlgunboat cinnatiI
i dnnat gunboat
gunboattraining Junbt
4 training trainingthp rrnlnllg
4 I thp thlmo th mo moand memnd
1 and anr tko tkeI tkoTho
I I The ThoMonuvf Thf TheMontis
Monuvf MonuvfFortune MontisFortune tont 1
Fortune FortuneMox Fortue Fortueex
Mox Mexfolk ex exfolk a afolk
folk for forThe forThel forThei
The Thelrlk TheiAnna r rpeak
peak t tAnna
rlkA Anna A

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