e Shower 0 0OJ
> toody nd toomorrowo
OJ NEW YORK SATURDAY MAY IA Y 30 1903 1903CoJlllriohJ CopirfoW lOW fcj n T71e Bun Vlnffna and rvbllihina Atiocialion Au d lion PnIC TWO CE TS
t Have IHroe SnuircU Stlldl VMer I llrr Surveillance Surveillancennrt Slneilaner SlneilanerAnl
nnrt Anl > a > Arr l One Ont Mainly Jlalnl to Maki Makiill Iakt
ill I j Camptiell famphel Talk TlkDarllllllcl Oaroheadrd Mai MaiSrrn Ial
Srrn Slrn In Tarrylown Tlrrown Soon loon After Aftr Murder MurderlBVINirONONHUD8OX 111111 111111IRINorONONHutSON
lBVINirONONHUD8OX IRINorONONHutSON May Iay 20 OThe OTherrr Till Tillarrest
arrest rrr t of a young Tarrytown Tarry to man who li liknown If
known to havo hl e been bn devoted devole to Miss MI Saral SaralOunpMI Sarh SarhCImphrl
OunpMI CImphrl tho young ounr woman who was will willJohn wllh10hn
John Ilnffornnn I frtr1 when he was wal murdorex murdorexn
n nar ar tli ArtUley AII llY Club on Sunday nigh nighto nightlat
to lat t U t momentarily mCrrltarlr expected epeclld Tho county countjRiithoriticH countyILhorit
RiithoriticH ILhorit have eliminated plmlnatll tho theory theor thaiIlfiiTprnin thai thatIriP11
IlfiiTprnin IriP11 was wa > killeel 1 < lpd by n member of the theAnlsley theMdIp
Anlsley Club Cllh In 11 mlstako for somo othei otheip othrald
p r fmaiKl ald are now no at lt work among aton tho nd ndmirrrs admlr
mirrrs mlr or f Miss 18 Campbell Clnpbel among nlonp whom whonihoy whomth6
ihoy th6 expect p to find fnd ono whoso wholo jealousy ol olIeflVrnm or orJ
IeflVrnm J rrn11 was A > siiflicient II0clIt to form a I motive motivef 10t0 10t0ro
f ro r the th crime rlIO With Wlh tlio complete cmplpte exonera exoneration exonernIIn ¬
tion of Bufiis Hlrl L Sewall Sewal nnd Edward Somer Somerrille Somerrlo
rille rlo Jiffray J fry from participation in the crime crimeih crhnoIh
ih caiiflnlous calrllou whisperings whlRplrlng > have ended endedn cndld cndldnd
n nd < l it i K i thought that the murderer muderpr of Her Heffermn Herrnln
fermn rnln will wil be lI found foundlllong among persons per8n > of hi hiom hiOI >
om OI wcial rank rnk or among the wayfarer wayfareraloig wafarerf
aloig aIQ the th lino 11l of the thl Hudson River Hnilroad HnilroadPwpiie Hnlroad HnlroadDEpile
Pwpiie the statements that Miss
DEpile Ilalmcntl UH Camp Campteil Campt
teil t i Imd no 10 ardent Irden admirers it has been beenlearned I ern ernrned
learned rned that threo young men nel in Tarry Tarrytown lrry lrryto1
town to1 l l yideg idef Ilcftornan 1onernnn wero weo elevoteel dloled to totcr tocr
tcr cr Otfipors trorl wero wel busy bus yesterday terday trying tryingt trlnt
t to trace their I movements on the night n1tht of ofil ofth6
il th6 iminiT lurlf It was as said Ild on 01 tho highest highestftijtKTity highcstllthrjty
ftijtKTity toniRlit toIIht that tho movements of ofen1 otcn
en1 cn of r ihosM t h men mOi on Sunday inda night made it ituite ItIlitp
Ilitp uite pruslblo pn lhp for him to be nt the 111 rceno PCno of ofthe oft
the t p F Fhotil1 = lioc ting when lwI Heffcrnan Htfrnnn was wnl assailed assailedand 1Jlled 1Jlledand
and hi 111 iirrest Inet Ls expected Tlio evidence evidencesgiiist eldencoaglis
sgiiist aglis him hil so far as is known Imowl is II of the tlioflimeippt thetlm
flimeippt tlm il t character but tho authorities authoritiesMill nuthorllea nuthorlleadlee
Mill bclievo that Mlsn MI1 Campbell Clmpbel knows knowsrcon knowf
rcon p thnn llrm shu 11 has haf told and that an arrest arrestnil arrc t tmlsh
nil mlsh Jog hll n r memory memo 1 as I to tho identity identityof Identiy Identiyd
of the t f murderer murdererAn mu ercr ercrn
An n important cluo was W 8 furnished furished to tho thoauthorities thoIllhoritlls
authorities Illhoritlls yesterday Inlerda by William WIHal Pnskett Pnsketthenifht Paskct
the henifht niht engineer lnplucor at tho plant of tho Tarry Tarrytown Tarr Tarrlown
town Kloctrlo Elctrlo Light I1 ht Works Tarrytown TarrytownIB arrtown arrtownIs
IB ahiiit ah1 tlvo In miles mll north of where the thomurder theImlrd1
murder Imlrd1 warf W committeel commited Paskett Papket bays bl that thatnlioiit thatlllll
nlioiit lllll 3 oclock Monday 10lday morning morlllg lie was wassilting waRlill
silting lill at a htnull lul desk dple In tho engine engilo room roomwhen roomwh
when wh 1 n man wlioso whos head was M bare bae appeared appearedt npparcd npparcdf
f t tho open doorway dorwar and beckoned to him himlie himII
lie II went WClt over to tho man he savs BI8 and amintked andn
ntked n ked him what wht ho wanted Tho man manasked manl
asked l ked to be b put up for the thclihl night but Paskett Pasketthad Pakett Pakettbad
had to refuho rlrUb him as ni he had no plttce Tho Thoman Thomln
man mln then asked askCd fora for a hatKaylngliehad hatMlng he had lost losthis 10Slhis
his while whll boating bating Ills way along on a I f fripht friphtrrrn roight roightiifcln
iifcln Pnskett lnlrt Jave cave him an al olel oIl Hough Houghicjeat HoughRider
Rider hat size whleh he puton remare remarein
icjeat in lt the time Gr that it was a very good goo fit fitTh lt ltTh
Th man r n thanked tlanked him hll for th hat hatnnd nnd went wentaway wentla
away la across acrO the railroad riroad tracks trckB Tho next nextruglit noxtrglll
ruglit rglll Paskott says Bat he saw sa w the man at Wlldoy Wlldoyand Wldoy Wldoyand
and Cortlandt Corlandt streets Rtrfetf Tarrytown lecog lecognlzing
nlzing Fllng him by b the military mltuy hat hat It wasnt wasntuntil WISlt WISltIntl ICCV
until Intl the following folowllg day that the significance significanceof sigiicance sigiicanceor
of a bailees hale man coming cming up the road from fromtho rromtho
tho direction direct 101 of Irvington appealed appeale to toPaskett toPMket
Paskett PMket He heard hlard then that the man who whohad whohad
had murdered murered Hcffernan Hcter had left bin hi hat in inthn II
thn road rad behind him himThe I IThe
The police plc feol fe1 certain crain that the man who whoot whl I
got ot the hat from frm 1oskett Plkett murdered Hef Heffernan
fernan ema Paskott PlkAtt waa WI not 10t abe to give ho a agood 1 I
good god description defor don of him but says ay ho was waswell WMwel
well wel drwseef dlpf and ad didnt dIdnt look loo like Ike one who whowould
wuld would beat hM Ills way wa on a A freight trl ht train From Fromtown Fromhaflet I
haflet that the man WM stif around Tarry Tarryt
town t w twenty tcnt hour hOlrl after aoIPakett Paskett saw him himI himtheauthort
theauthort I he authorities arc certajn c n that lie is I a Tarry Tarrytown Tarr Tarrtow
town tow man manTho manTho
Tho police p1C theory theol Jhat lhnt Heffernan Heferan wan wankilled waRhied
killed hied by a jclous jCJou rvval is strengthened strengthenedby strl thJed thJedhy
by a htatoment Itatumnt made1 mnl yisterdnv lolcrda by I Mrs MrsHugh Ir I IHugh
Hugh Kelly Kely the wife of a 1 Dobhs J hhl Kerry Kerrywiloonkeepor Fcrry I
wiloonkeepor flonk Mrs Mr Kelly Kely sayn 1 that thatHeffernan
Heffernan Helpran epl often crnie cme into her hiisbandh hiisbandhplace huhald huhaldplaf I
place plaf and that she he knew klle him and freimontly freimontlytalked frquunly frquunlylalkell
talked with wth lilm l m On SafVirday Safrda night nsht last lastihc
ihc h wiys VI Heffernan Hefernn said tld to her that tha s bom bomfolks > onw onwfolks
folks nidnt like Ik it Irecauss > cuse ho was friendly friendlyHjth friendl
with Surah flrh Campbell CampbJ and had warned wared him himto I
to keep away from fr091 her herMrs
Mrs llt Kellys iplYB bijst recollection reolecton of what whatHeffernan t tHeleran I
Heffernan Heleran said was WI that people pople had told toldhim toldhim
him Is hf would be done up if I he didnt keep keepaway I I11i
away 11i from Sarah but that he wasnt going goingII goingII
II II be bifcared scared away from a Ilrl zirl by I any Iny such suchhrent Blch BlchhrPlt
hrent hrPlt as a that Twentyfour Twentfou hours after afterthli aCer aCerth
thli th alleged aleed conversation cnvertion Heffernan HeIeman was waskilled WI
killed kied in II riarah arh Camnbells llljbelf company companyhiff
hiff of Police PolcE Aliunctj iUlet comJIU1 comJIU1hipt of Tarrytown Tarrytownwho farytown
who is j 1 the county ofHciobt yes I
lenlay ferda a stiane lale story tOI that haebeen
been hen repoatsd rect d to him 11m liy Edward Edilld Ham HamininJ HamnJ
ininJ nJ tf l f Nortli Tarrytown 1arrtwn Hamnionecays Hammond HammondU
cays U ilat thl he got on a traiij tai at Tarrytown Tarrytownto
to go to Xnv Xlv Vork Ylrl on Uunday tundr morning morninglaKtand m ring ringla6t
laKtand la6t and that two men who wit Nt behind him himivcre hll
ivcre cr tking tlldng aliout allutl a third man and one of ofthem ofth
them th wUel td Yon 01 must mu t kill kil him The Theother Theoth
other oth r replied npll I dont liko Ik the thl job jobHammond jobHllmond
Hammond Hllmond turne tured < l around Iround to look at thr thrmiii thr
miii nlel bu hey le put their faex > sdowu dowl that thatIn thatI
In I couldnt cullnt see ce them mid cld coased cas onvor onvormion
mion llon Wliother tlio men mel pot out ou nt Irving Irvington IJln IJlnlOl
ton lOl Ardslcy rlley or Dobbs Ierr fot er > ° Hammond Hnmmondoulii Hammondl
l oulii uld not nay F but lio is hum they got ot out outat outH
at ono of the > stations Jtatons What Il littlo luhl dt dtiptioa dliplion
iptioa he ho coiiKl cII glvo v10 of ilm Ihl men was wasi ms
i f 1 > lo The only onl thing he ww C1 at nil 11 cei1 cei1Mln
Mln 111 about is that they 11e worn re yiung 1ng mn mnTli m n
Tli 11 Isnhiiton lmhpl l agncy took cnirg in inf Inparh
f parh > nnit toelay Assistant htant SlpHriIJtldet SlpHriIJtldetFieds Superintendent Superintendentiliam
iliam A Fields Fieds drove llln over tho tl fjround fjrounditervlnving roul
itervlnving t riin ovary 1rr person prrol who iius ilUt l lI1 lI1n > nd ndiny
iny n connection IClnlccton with wih tho CIFR p Ho Hpcnt Hpcntinilprailo p nt nttnlorlJle
tnlorlJle inilprailo tlnio tlmr at the tJI Anlsley Ardll flub Iul anei aneii nndI
I i tlm th servants tlrvln halls hal of private plivne residences residencesKitll ridlnes ridlnesFi
Kitll Fi II refused Itflhed to commit cmmit himself hilslr yeeter yeeterliv retler retlerIa
liv Ia but it is I understood that he II firmly firmlyIxlicvec frmlv frmlvtlll
Ixlicvec tlll that HcfTernan Htfernan was killed hied by In somj somjline om omne
line ne of his hi own cltisb Inc ncl that thlt I caeful caefulnetlatlon careful carefulinvestigation
investigation will wi cl rcvtal ru al tho person To Tomortow Tomorow
mortow morow he will wi have uso oth othfr < pnon r Pinkenon Pinkenonmen Pinlcrol
men Iln htre hfr to awilst him himAnother himAnther
Another Anther statement ttement of Heffcrnans Hltcmnns wns wnsmade nl
made mae public publc yesterday Father Fatier Fitzsim Fitzsimmons Fitz lm lmmon
mon mons of the Roman man Catholic Ctholo church at atDobbs atObb
Dobbs Obb Ferry wes rs summoned to the mans mansside mnnl
side Ide by telephone nnd Ind ho met mtt the thl wagon wagoncarrying la on oncrng
carrying crng the injured injued man mli to the hospital hospitalon hOlpltal hOlpltalon
on the road roadI
I asked Aake him If he know kno who shot Ihot him himKid himsld
Kid sld Father Flther Fitszimmons Fitfzlmmon yesterday Ittorda nnd nndhe anr
he said that he did not that Ullt tho inwri IAn wns wnsa WIM WIMtranger
a itranger to him Was al lio n foreigner foreignerI rorc ner nerI
I pskixi lkf No he WHB W1 an American ho horeplied horfHo
replied rfHo He was perfecty perfectly rational ratonal nnd I Idid Idid
did not It press my questions quetonl ns ni I felt fllt certain certainthat rrtr11
that lh t he hf Jrl had made a full ful statement Itatement to the theauthorities theauthortel
authorities authoritiesTho
authortel Tho hospital hOtpltl authorities authortlR in answer anlWor to tho thocritlcium thr
critlcium Irtlc r of Coroner Croner Russoll RI811 that no official officialM oOdal oOdalA
M A notified notfed of the thf ca C e in time tme to get Iet a aftatement atltment
ftatement tltment from frm Heffernan He ternln Raid yrsteiday yrsteidaythat rlflpdar rlflpdarIhltl
that Ihltl as the patient patent camn to the tht hospital hospitalunder hospltll hospltllundtr
under direction dirction of Dr Shrnely Shrdy they tI sup suppowd up upM
powd M d he was Wl a private pralo patient pllUelt Oro r of ofhe otth
th he nurw nl s 1 at the hOlplnl hospltil found In HrlTer HrlTernans Hcler Hclernalf
nans nalf clothing clothng a pair pir of woman gloves glovesan 11011
lor which ar now trinl to fm fmar
tf plc
an ar owner They aro of fawncolored kid kidl kidItl
l Itl Ojf 6 edged rled TlY with wth ar black blck and have hn e tho thonumber thonlmlr
number nlmlr C83232 8322 stampsd tmp d on them themThe themThe
The statement Itatcment attributed atrbuted to Heffernan Helernan by
F I < Eldridge that Mr Ir Hewitts Howltl coach coachman COMhman ¬
man shot Eldrdgo him has beon bern investigated Inetlalod by the theoral theI
I oral ral authoritiosilio have learned Iearrd that the thoHewitts theitB
Hewitts itB nuthortCwho havo ha 0 not not had hae a ooochman cachman for a amonth arl
month rl nlh It was WI learned Iraml however h01efr that thath thntIhrn
Ihrn h rn have been bn strained Itralned relation1 between betweenhe bclwf1
he Hewitt Hlwltt servants lenantA and those of Mr Sand SandHoflernans SandIrernans
Hoflernans Irernans employer for somo 8mo time timeJohn tmo tmohn
John hn Finn Filn tho bellboy belboy at tho Arelsley Arelsleyflui Arcllt
flui lul who testified tlqtllNI at tho th inquest Infueat that thatHxMMnan thlt thltnrnlan
HxMMnan told him that tlll Mr Ir Hewitts Hewlts in inomlod InonlQ1
omlod onlQ1 soninlaw shot him resignoel resignoelv nHlgnndIdn
v Kerdnv Idn nnd all went to 0 New York Yol Ho Howould II
would IOllr civo ho no explanation pXllnnntlon of his hil nctlfm nctlfmHonci 11101
loono Honci saying he hI thought somo Iomo one onl would wouldhvc wOlll wOlllhl
hvc hl if I in for mo Io for the testimony IIP IIPssve
ssve the nl Defporivn DtNtiw Fields FItld w WI trying tlng to find findthe fnd fndtl
tl boy tonight tonightI lo lght
I 1
OOVLDS flET ET THE U AXD AD Of OfHonil 0 r rnoul
Honil noul Hns In Cot Away way From the Pcnmyl Pcnmylvanla PennI PennIanla
vanla Aicorillng Acorlng to Report neportCincuao ReportCuoAoo
Cincuao CuoAoo May 20 21The The Post tonight tonighpublishes tonightpublshel
publishes publshel the following followingHove tolowng tolowngHae
Hove the Gould Guld interest InterCtl succeeded Ilcccdcd Ir Irwresting In InwrOln
wresting wrOln control cntrol of the Baltimore Dltmore and andOhio andOhio
Ohio road from the Pennsylvania Pennylyana and andplacing ald aldplacing
placing themselves In nti ni impregnable impregnableposition Impregnahlopsition
position psition In regard rcgad thereto thorot This is I the thequestion thequ
question qu ton which is now agitating agitatng the rail railroad rai ¬
road world worldIt
It was WR confidently confdently assorted aserted today by bysome byImo
some Imo claiming to know that such luch la i the thecase theCIU
case CIU and that tho Gould are now 10W In secure securecontrol 6ure 6ureconlrol
control of tho property Possession Plilon or orcontrol orcntrol
control cntrol of tho Baltimore Baltmoro and Ohio would wouldundoubtedly wouldundouhttdly
undoubtedly make tho GcAilel Grld system Bstel of ofroads otroad
roads road by far tha most no t Important In II the thecountry theuntry
country untry irrespective Irre pectlo of I ho question qU0tlun of ofmileage ofmleago
mileage mileageTho mleago
Tho ho Pennsylvania Plnnlyanl ban ha not now nnd novelhad novel neerhnca
had hnca n majority rnjoliy ownership ownerhlp of tho Baltimore Baltimorennd Baltimoreunc
nnd unc Ohio Its ownership ownenhlp of that roads rondfsecurity roadsIrurly
security Irurly has hUl never 11Vlr amounted to more thai thaionethird thal
onethird olelhhc of tho whole This hlt however howeverwith howeverwith
with friendly interests Inttrc8tl which have Blip Blipported supprted
ported prted tho he Pennsylvania Pcnlslmnla r6glmo r glmo has hI en enabled ImIuld ¬
abled Iuld tho Pennsylvania Pennllvlnla practically prctlcal to con control control ¬
trol tho property prpery and have It operated oprtld in incomplete incomplete
complete harmony harmon with wih tho Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaInterests Pennslvanlainterests
Interests InterestsStrong interestsStron
Strong Stron opposition oPPofltlon to this arrangement arrangementit arrngement arrngementIt
it is now stated has existed from the thebeginning theblglnnllg
beginning blglnnllg of the Pennuylvnnlas Pennllmnbs exercise exerciseof eXlrdse eXlrdseof
of dominance in Baltimore Balimore nnd 1 ld Ohio affairs affairsand affairsund
and this luis 11B steadily etlHiy developed devlloplc of Ito latountil Itounti
until unti the opportunity opportullr occurred to form an annllianco nnulanco
nllianco ulanco with Gould and uld probably open opentho opla oplatho
tho way for the overthrow overhrow of the Penn Pennsylvanias PEnn PEnnRyhnnlaH ¬
sylvanias dominion and control of the theproperty
I property propertyPHILADELPHIA propertI
I PHILADELPHIA 111DEIPlA Pa Mar 1ny 29 2Tho Tho Penn Pennsylvania PEln PElnBylvanla ¬
sylvania Hailroad Hllroad directors professed prres od utter utterignorance uter uteri
i ignorance Ignornco upon the Gould report tonight tonightTho tonightI
I Tho ThC Pennsylvania Penlllanla Railroad Halroad owns OWIS t2140 I ISOO ISOOI > 00 00preferred
preferred prefered of Baltimore Balimore and Ohio and 30 30291iOO 31
291iOO IO common cmmon out of a total total188uo issue of JOO to
I 000000 00 preferred and 125000000 200 of common commonSomo commonoro
Somo oro prterrcd of its It I subsidiary bulsldiary companies corpllic8 liko likotho Ik Iktho
tho Pennsylvania Pennlyllla Company and tho North Northern XOllher ¬
ern er Central also al own Baltimore Blltmol and Ohio Ohiostock OhioI
stock Rloc but tho Pennsylvania llallroad nlroar has hasnovor hasnoyor
novor professed to own the controlling cottrolnp In Interest Intel ¬
I terest tel t A Pennsylvania Railroad Piroad director directorsaid directorid
said id tonight tonightThe tonightI
I The outstanding outtaldlng stock of the Baltimore Baltimoreand llmot llmotand
and Ohio Is so 0 scattered M attclll and it has hn be b < n so soweak 10 10Hnk
weak in tho mirkei that thl it I is II improbable improbablethat
that Mr Ir Gold hxs h succeeded mcCtdecl In obtain obtaining obtainIng ¬
ing anything anythllg Mko 1o n controlling c ntrolln interest interestJEROMK illerst illerstIERn1I
Attached 1 a Il 11 on Klevateil Jlwattr Stairway tllrwa liy h Two Twoiambic
iambic lmhlrr Hed It Ilecn Following FollowingWilliam 1otolnl I
William Wilam K Secord Scord of OS West 13Sth 13 th street streeta Itrt
a dutcctlve on tho tll District Dis rlt Attorneys Attores staff staffwas btal btalwas I
was severely EeQllr bcaton blntln last lalt night by a man manhe Ilan Ilanhe
he had been Ien following folcwing Ho was Wl set upon uponon upn upnon
on the dark dlrk stairway loading leadln to Eighth Eighthnvenuo EighthInuo
nvenuo Inuo from tho elevated elevlltd station at l3lh l3lhstreet 155t h h8trrt
street 8trrt Ho rolled rled to the bottom btom of tho steps stepsand tep
and was wnl picked up unconscious by Police Policeman Polc ¬
man Miller rlcr of the West Wflt 152d street ftrt station stationAt stltlon stltlonAt
At th J Hood lood Wright Hospital Hosplt the doc doctor doI ¬
tor worked over him mi ni hour before he re recoered i icovered
covered consciousness conslouHnes Ho had n I broken j jnose I
nose several scalp vound8 and n bad out outover cutover
over tho th right eye ee His skul had not boon boonfractured
fractured froctured and ho was wak allowed alowed to go homo homoat hOIo hOIont
at midnight mldnirht Sccord Scord had been shadowing shadowingtwo slldowlng slldowlngtwo
two gamblers gnmllers all al tho afternoon cfernoon and Ind last lastevening Instevenlnr
evening evenlnr when they separated eparted ho followed folowed I Iono
ono 010 on a 1 Ninth avenue elevated train trainThe trnll
The man 13n rode rde to 151th street and an tho do dotectivo deteltive
tectivo teltive followed folowcd when whel he left tho car Half Halfway Unlfwnr ¬
way down the stairway Scoord c rd received reteied a aheavy
heavy heO blow on the back hnek of the head and andat andat
at tho eamo time the man lan he had been ueel fol tollowlug i ilowing
lowing turned tlred and struck strck him in tho face facelth I Ivith
vith a I black blnl jack Ho Io eiocant dOCnt remember rememberwhat rlllber rlllberwhat
what happened happened after afer that thatThe that11e
The 11e police plce would not say last night who whoit whoIt
it wns W Record Seord had been shadowing Bhadowin nor norivoultl norwould
would the detective talk about it Secord Secordhlnks Secore
thinks the th second pecold man must 11 t have followed followedilm toHowedhim
him on the cars
Tliree Knglnps Called alel Out to Suppress npllrl a aCollege aI
College Collc Celebration CelebrationThe II Il rt 01 01The
I The Columbia College Co lpgo sophomores Tri Triumph Tr ¬
umph over Oo Calculus a custom u tfm which whichwas whichI
was wa abolished abolshed two years ears aio a o after afer lasting lastinghalf IMUughalf
I half a century centur was revived rHivpd last 111 night nl ht by the thoclass theCos
class of n1 n They chose rhfe last night nlII because becausea hecalse I II
a Cos number llmbor of tho freshmen rrchll who accord according a cvr ¬
I ing In to tradition trrlton have to tjte tt wood for the thetriumphal LhetrIumphal I
triumphal bonfire bonfre had their tiiir dress dreS suits suitsi uls ulson
i on to attend atend dance in il the tle Horace Horce Mann MannSchool Ianuol
School ol and in tlio college colego gymnasium gymnasiumTlio lnI8Ium lnI8Iumho
Tlio ho IltOS men en gallic gathlld red early pnlIJ Ui the th even evening eln elnin ¬
ing in in In th now We Wet < t Field fild ut lt llota ttiwt ttiwtand tr t tIlnd
and Broadway Erollry clad lad In night Idrhlown gowns 11 j > i ijnmas
Ilnd jnmas jRmnt and outlandiMi ouland h cutluints cutumel Tho ThodnFWd 10 10dr I
dnFWd dr d np frohliinen then had to bring bringwnoel hrn hrnI
I wnoel for tnu t le firo firoThe fr
The blaze blzl had hill hardly hard I started however howeverwhen howeverI
when whel ffnibody Fbcdr probably a I tired froh frohman rrc h hman
I man rang ral in a 1 flro fr alarm allrm Tho firemen firemencamo tremen tremenI
I camo and nnr the polio polc tniido Inulo tho crowd Mand Mandback tlnd tlndI
back while whie threu thr engines Inlinet put out tho UJ firn firnThe 1m 1mTht
I The Tht sophomores had another firo 1m later in inthe InI
I the South Field Fieldl anei anl burned burntd up all ni their old oldtixt olr
I tixt lx bonks > oks while tho ceUbraterfi clbrater yelled yelledsong YIled
I song tft and danced daIL daILJIm I
Charll Charlie Ilrown 1101 12 I llesetics It el Tommy omm Stead tlad tladrlm
0 From rlm > rinvnlnR rinvnlnRCharlie
Charlie Charle Brown 12 years er old of 428 4 a Hicks HicksI Iclta Icltastreet
I I street Brooklyn Is II tho hero of his neighbor neighborhood ¬
hood Yesterday Yctrd r morning mornlnp ho hI rescued resculd from fromdrowning fromdroynlng
drowning sixyearold Exyearld Tommy Stead Steadof Steadof
I Ifel
of Harrison ami a 11 Van Yln Brunt streets trerts who whoi
i fell overboard Ocrboard at the foot of Baltic Bailo street streetYoung EtrcetI
I Young fel Brown hoard the cry cr of thn thl llttlo llttlofellow Itlo Itloflow
fellow cnp threw off of his coat and plunged Jlun cd in inafter InafUr
after afUr flow the drowning drownlnl boy Ho grabbed grabbedTommy grbbed grbbedTommy
Tommy by the waist as the child chid came to totho totho
tho surface turflee nd held hEld him with wih his loft lofthnnd lofthAnd
hAnd while whie he swam Iwam to t shore moro thnn
100 feet feetA feetA
10 A crowd crwd of boys saw the littlo Itle hero strug struggling stnU stnUJlnl ¬
gling with his burden and helped im to toIrag 10Irat
Jlnl Irag tho halfdrowned hlirdrownli child chid to tho thoshore I Ilhorl
shore Irat lhorl where both boys bOYI weru 1110 laid Irld out fut for fora
a few frw minutes mlnutf After Aflr renting Brown picked pickedup plckEd plckEdup I
up tho thl semiconscious Remlon col Tommy and carried carriedhim carred carredhim
him on his hl shoulder to his hl homo homoTROLLEY horl horlTllIE
lwtnFs Swings It Around but llocirit 101 nt rnsct n rt It ItOne I
One Onl Horse 101 Killed KilledA lil l lnorthbound
A northbound Madison Mndlo1 avonua 1onIO com combination Im Imhlnatlon ¬
bination car truck a Grand Granr and Ind Cortlandt Cortlandtstreet CrUanrt CrUanrtpllcet
street pllcet horse horl car at Cunt Imlle to and Walker Walkerstreets WalkEr WalkErtrCtf
streets trCtf late lat last night killing kilng ono nie of the thehorfies thohorfe
horfies horfe Ilm how hon enr II which waa M going goingwest golnp
west wPt was Wl turned tUlmd completely cOlplltn around but butTin1 hutnot
not Ipt IptfI
Tin1 fI itiiver ff r 111 linm Iole car ril Imis Oxen Oxenfcld Oxenfell
fcld fell of Bsrtfoid Hdrol I avenue nlrlr llreoklyn lrodn was wascut wn wncut
cut on ni the I iw wrint wr iiitl 111 condurior 11111101 Max M 1 Hein Heinof Tdl
of f 1J2 If Sianton strcot ttreot was halnn up Ip Th ThwrIe y yWP
WP wrIe > Inti Itl iil n to the HudRon lud601 srft R hos hospitrl hJ II
pitrl pii J < p I if i n or win 1 hurl hurlil
I il 1 l h Hie n lest Tnli Tnlifor MI
for tr the Ih illMiinrr ln Itic Ih uurM r hi h rver r viii I Snvrn Snvrna r rI
a I ilny 11 hriivciu hr l the lc IAM I I mill I < ml ut Tl > t tA orK orKCentura oncnll I
Centura cnll l JOlti Century IlnillfilUr tllle < 6r
He lt Is tntler lndlr Constant Surveillance urniianee at t Is IsloUeOnc Ills IllsHome
Home loUeOnc Ono Specino Cliaree Made MadeAgainst IadeJa
Against Ja hut Him IlmIostmnter Postmaster Merrill MerrilllUlHlcu errUt errUtnCIlea
lUlHlcu nCIlea to Sir Ir Tultoclii Tuloch Charcn CharcnWASHLVOION larees lareesW
WASHLVOION W ASINOTON May ta 29H 29I is the general generalopinion gneral gneralopinion
opinion among tlioso tho s in a position to know knowthat lnow lnowthat
that tho next move in tho investigation Investgation of ofPost otPost
Post Ofllco Ofc scandals Icandall will wi bo b tho arrest arrHt of a ahigh ahigh
high officer olker of tho tlo Department who la now nowunder nowulder
under ulder constant surveillance 8urvll1c at his homo homoThoro homeThor
Thoro Thor has h l Ien > een ono definite detnl specific Ipelfc charge chargemade chargemmlo
made against him In his hi cose C officers ofcrl of oftho otthe
the Post POlt Ofllco 010 Department privately prvately ex express IX IXprfl ¬
press prfl tlio opinion that there Is no doubt doubttho douht
tho investigation IIYstlgatlon will wi produce produl evidence evidenceof
of absolute ablluto criminality crlmlnnl In II addition to ex extravagance extrvuganc ¬
travagance trvuganc maladministration maladministrtion and nl irregu irregularity Irreru IrreruInrit ¬
larity larityAt Inrit InritAt
At the beginning of tho general pencrllnqulr pencrllnqulrthero Inquiry Inquirythere
there was not a slnglo spocillc spcelc clmrgo ehargt Iled Iledagllilst lied liedagainst
against agllilst Supt up Machvn 1aclcn who was arn nrrsted nrrstedldnlduy > lcd lcdiat
iat Weeinewluy and Ind when ho was taken takenInto
Into 11 euttody CUttoty Postmost POltmrelGlwral rGeiieral Payne Paynemaele 1aynemade
made tho significant tignifcllt remark rlmark thai tlt tho tl rest restwill fst fstwi
will wi Im 1 comparatively clfalallly easy ea meaning melnlng as asho ushl
ho hl explained plal111utr later that in II gutting gettng evidence evidenceHgaitiht oldenc
Hgaitiht Igailst Maclien Iachel tlio liippvctors hud pur purlormud pr pr10rlod
lormud 10rlod by h far fal thu most mOrt difficult dlflcult part of oftheir ofthell
their task taskPostmasterGeneral tWk tWkicslmuterGencml
PostmasterGeneral icslmuterGencml Payne Parle today mado madopubiio madopullo
pubiio pullo llio lht answer ulswer of IosimuHler lolnlHLer Merritt Merrittol lerriLtur
ol the Iflt UaalUugton aingtol ollioo oUo to the tht charges chargesrcconlly chargoHreclnll
rcconlly reclnll preferred prccrod against IgalnHl him by Seymour SeymourW ymuur ymuurW
W iulloch 1ulooh former rorwl cashier cIler of oJ tlio Washing Washington 1lng 1lngton ¬
ton otilcu llee who waa Wit diamUseel dwmLlcl by Mr Jlor Jlorrilt Iul
rilt Ji I The Tie answer Qwel uuys UUt
1 bet e to btuto bllll thut Lut my I appointment nplolltlent wns wnsnaili IS ISIa
naili Ia nay j loai lo l but IU 1 cliU not lol iisauum UUI ula ulailiitiiM IhudUl
iliitiiM ul tliu ollao until jul
dUl tl olIC Ult JUli i lollowlinf lollowlinfin 101011
in J uiu II iiiUilin IILcrl1 i tial Uuuer UI H coiiaKleiiuluu coiiaKleiiuluutnu COIluIllou COIluIllouIIU
tnu IIU iuiluui ut my I uxvvutlvo eccUI toiir Ioln lUlU e IU IUclal ie ieuiiiii
clal uiiiii itiit lhil puit PUl ul or it I wnkli uiiilur Ullu tne to law lawvu Ii W J JwJ
wJ vu uutliulutU uutholu lu t eliooutf llObU outsiue oUI iuo ol tlio tlu dubsi dubsilitU cuhsl
1 litU < < burvicu unlc namely l tleli tliu Iw usaictunt aIIUH i LOSluhbLur > u iui > 8ier 8ieruiul
uiul 111 me easiiier lU ller 1 huu hUl no 10 iiciboiiui IInbolul ucijiiuint ucijiiuintiinuu Illlllt
11 iinuu witn 11 uiinur clLlur ol tliu tlu Ktlillontii CIIIuu tLvii twllilllJ Miln MilnInesB
tl InesB tJ i llcc iuefs but ull J huu II lieuixl hculd mucji lucl ul or thuiii thuiiinail tCU
nail IUllllC imiUBiiiHiruiiriuto approrilLc iiitiulrjcotiCTriiliu llulr lohCtII them themUllll
Ullll 111 UtlUIl Law UU Ubi UJltll I I UPUII UlOI lul 101 UlllIlK UlllIlKLliur lailll
cliure Lliur e ui I thu th uHieo ull < 1 haU Iau deciUed dcclJ nut 10l lu II rt rtiiiipelul 11
iiiipelul viincr cUII oo o jar III as a relates lutu to tliu tl caalilfr caalilfrtau chhlurlac
tau loiiuwiiiK IIIUIII aUituiiieiit LtII11 In II luUiil ueilt Llubouies Llubouiesllio CIUvHCB
11 llio riunuiis fUUI lur my Ij uetisiun uetisiunMy uCl loI
My 11 judwnioiit JIUlelt ot 01 Ml I julluch uloch was tlmt he hewas I
was wu an I uruitrury UIIJtI > uan ui 01 very err iiutifuiiuiu iiutifuiiuiuKuirosteDiu lulCIUII
KuirosteDiu IetlCI unJ UIJ with wil biKu bUl1 an exultvu c II MMSO MMSOot IIO
ot his hl onii 011 iiiiiioiUai1 1IIIOrIW anil IUJ uuihuilty IUtwlt us u to toprucitciiiiy to11lclll I
prucitciiiiy 11lclll Ustsuiiio U Ullt lilieuu equality C4111t witn U Unot ItIOL
not IOL Bupfiionty bIcrorll to tt uitj I iiusttiiiuttur nu IU VUB VUBijii u u1all
ijii 1all aiiU in II uiuuii luel invute 11ltu Lmninoss uUless which hlch i ibrought IlIUllt
brought lIUllt uuout 100ut nl 1 nut lul luIiiMUeiil IIrrlU1 absunvo ILliO I Iiruiu I
iruiu I ru 1 Uuty and ilid vauli W1dl uven Cel wien WWI he lu us usresent
Irleell resent at lt me It post oiilre ollu tool ui UII > a I Irut IrutlC11 rcut rcutuiiii
uiiii lC11 ui oi hU hi tune tlnc > lr II luilocli ulodl w IL < u 11 1 lurie lurieuivoolur luno1ULr I
uivoolur 1ULr 111 II t Ilrll ru it ttf bubincbs hUblls HIIC n it I veutuie veutuieBoine CIIUIU CIIUIUOJ
Boine OJ man Ilnl In II tha thl rluld 1l ui ioculialon IIUlltlol ur In Inuiuiorutiinid
uiuiorutiinid 1IrIII wiierviu 1 lctu tlio II eiohiuiu elOlem ol uri uriceruiity uuleralt I
ceruiity leralt lurtjely Iurc entered CI ten > As I i vi 11 a I Gov Govcriiuiunt O Oernullt
criiuiunt ernullt oltKer olcer about to tttko bI chur cJaro o of u ubutiiiKti I
butiiiKti ulile tiuit lHt wuulil ouil riiiuiic 1lul thu le 1IIIndlnl iiinclllng iiinclllngol
ol JIIHWUOO OO a I year cur forme for IIC security scurlt uf o vhlcli htell
1 hitu h tflven Icn u iieavy hca buml uulI 1 eliJ not eleeia UII It Itudvicitiulu Itnd
udvicitiulu nd loilUlc to retain tiliu tllli us my 1 llnuiiciui llnuiiciuiassUtuiil I I II hchl
assUtuiil assUtuiilIn
Ustttm In llio published pulhc Interview Intervllw which wtlch you youmention ou ou1l1101
mention 1l1101 Mr lr 1 ulioch uloch rcturs lo hinuelt hllell as an anobiacle il
obiacle fULlcle in the way m Hie tl Iotiniiister IotiniiisterCiiiicral Itller ItllerGlwrnl
Ciiiicral and Ind hin hi llrtt Irt ii sisiuit Itllt and lhd thut 1 1Iiiiioved Irlocc
Iiiiioved tlil ohttiicl lIJtIJ within Illhl five fve niiiiiitut niiiiiitutThe m lllh lllhThe
The rlocc liut IIt Is I that millher tho tr lo o11RsIrlpl tiiiu t rlieii rlieiioral
oral clal nor 101 Mr ll Heath Ilath directly ulrcctl or indirectly indirectlyinfluenced Indlrectl IndlrectlInfuInHl
Tiilloeh Tiilloehhince influenced InfuInHl lloch me 1C lu my II action Icllol regarding Mr MrTiilloeh Ir Irlloch
hince 1111 the separntlnn of Mr Ir Tulloch Tuloch from fromthla tromtl
thla ofilco Oral a I number nUller of thinx Illn have come lo lorny tomy
rny tl knowledge which convince cOIlnco me m that In Inliji 11
hi liji ou asC o I iiiiilo ladl no 10 iiiitake iiiitakeTulloch JItlke JItlkeTUloIl
Tulloch TUloIl hue hu bvgn 11 In Uie tie habit for many manyveuri 11ny 11nyIr
veuri Ir of r iiinKiniT ni lkl l U1j upllie iiuunerly payrolls payrollsIn puroll
In niitik iicltlne the hlgnnturew of the 0111 0111ploycoa ll
ploycoa and IcLtng lUlitm 11111 In afterward uerwRld the dates dlll nnd nndnmounts nndnm
nm 1110 nmounts unt paid lod 1 do not lol churco that these theseurnuuiiti la laluun
urnuuiiti luun w wlro ret ever improperly Ilprop < rl filled Oied in but butsuch ut utuch
such a practice wa Wls an op > n 1 door to fraud fraudHuliire rraud1hrurc
Huliire 1 became heCll1 poiimaitur POllsllr ono 111 of the theemployes theenl1loreM
of thi otilcu onl was suspendod
enl1loreM employes Ill WI upenrod n nninnth alonth
ninnth lonth witliout wihout pay without wlLheUl record rfconl and with without without ¬
out authority nuthml Mr Jr Tulloch Tuloch retained rclalner this thismans thl thlJln
mans piy Pl ninountliiB Ilnuntln t II < i 51inil against flllnt his hisprotest
Plol Jln protest t obtained hU hi fllRnuturu Rhm tull to the th pny PO I
and sent > lt tho II nccoum lo the Auditor A us
though h payment pamelt been made madeThe Inde IndeThe
The cushler < a hlpr upimrently 11111111 did ld not make mlkl pcnonul pcnonullist per > onul onulu
list u of the 1hl money IOle but thu trunsnctlon truns8tol eom eomproiiendi om ompr
proiiendi lllHI the tll Drtfentiiloln DTet1toln of a false voucher voucherwliiih ouchrhifh
wliiih pr < hifh Is nindc u I crime under Section Sctlol lisa il 3 of ofthe ortl
the Hevlsed Stntiitei Lnlut The moneiy mane thus Ihl tin tinlawfully In InIlwlulr
lawfully tl Ilwlulr taken tuktl wiw 1 divided Ii Ii ed by 11 the CHshlor CHshlornniont 1 hlrr hlrrn
nniont n a number of peron 1100 upon Ipon orders ordersslKiied orderltlp1
slKiied nont in tho th nanm nUl1 of thu th postmaster potmll r by hI his hisnsslstant hisIHsttlnt
nsslstant IHsttlnt ltlp1 hough In II one amt Cil no 0 order or pr hua huabu Ils
bu hCln n found i until lrt nil Al of it wns 1 uHd I up c crept ex exropt I
rept ropt S SiM 00 which whlrh Is now no In th posesslon pos elon of atburclu a abureau
bureau burclu of the Ihl Dipiirtincnt DipiirtincntIt 1parI11nt
It s RP enm rather itiiordmnr ltI10rdJII > tliat Mr MrTulloch Ir IrTuloch I
Tulloch Tuloch I should bo bl iinikini lakinl n loud louilnn on outcry outcryiiciilnst outenIulnsl
iiciilnst Iulnsl tho tLe inanacfinenl lnlalent of the tl Poet IOt Oitlre OitlreIJupurtinent II I
IJupurtinent and of the1 th post ottlc 01 nhrn II hrn his hismemory hbmrlor
memory mrlor should sholld tiiku IIkc in this thl cis ca in which whichhe whichhe
he was n particlpant puldpan every r feature tatlrc of which whichnpjxarst whichI
npjxarst I > ho Vfbeen t hlll without warrant l 11 nl of ulIW lnw lnwTho I Ih
Tho h IrrcitularitiPA IrrellllrltlP rlmridd dilrad by b Mr lr Tulloch Tullochthoiiah Tuloch Tulochtholuh
thoiiah tholuh 1 nm 1 not infornud nlcml1 IM to the II details detailsnil < lal
nil occurred uccurNI bufore July l I Mi II when I en entered n ntlred ¬
tered I upon Innn the duties dlls n 01 tiie 11 < olllce 0111 while whileMr whie whieIr
Mr Ir Ililloch 1lloch wns WI hnldimr holdll1 the offlci omcl of cashier cashiernnd cAhlI
nnd when 11 if ho 111 hull recarded them IIIm a ni wron wronho II0n II0nho
In ho them should Ihould have ofllcially on1 ca I culled caled attention otfllol to toThis I Ithem
This he h evidently e lentlr fulled to do for the Comp Comptroller Comptmllr ¬ I
troller tmllr of the th Trimsiiry TruIlrr who I understand understandfni In < rstrlld
fni thoroughly thOTHlthl over the whole wholl mattr ral l ami amiwho 111 111who
who wrote ti Illh > the IoiitniaBtfrreKiirdineit Posllusl tle r lrdll I says saysthat
that he II anted on ul hid tat own million millionAs molon molonh
As you artrl will I1 SPO > from the th Comptrollers COlntrolr letter letterwhich kter kterwhich I
which I hireiith IIreith Inclose 1 ndos some tOO1 of tho irregu irregularities IrrII ¬
larities Ilriti to which th II Comptroller 01111011 ol the Treas Treasury TrlS ¬
ury celled utteiitiin Itkntin at tlm t tina twf wero pm due dueto
to Ir TullochH neclecl n < litci or litnoriiice If J thosuthincs those thoseIhlne I
thincs Tlloch were III criminal crillal why 111 did dl he 1 mtke 110 hliii hliiiself hll
self If u party to them He 1 never ciillid Iled nttm nttmtiini
tiini < to any n of them thel while hll ho remained rIIIICrl pushier pushierlie eshlll
111 lie withheld thhpo th performance of this t duty dUI until untilHome unti
Home 11 other iran tll I nil il taken 1111 his pluc1 pluc1Mr lac lacIr
Mr Ir Tulloch Tlloch nav la8 that ohoitly hoJly after Irrr my myselection I
selection IplUIOD WBH W Bnnounred nuJINI I inforined uflrlor a jenllo jenllonmn
nmn who mentioned IOfntfl it to him that Tulloch Tullochhad Tlloch Tllochhll
had hll tu to that lion In Heath Hcatl nmlstud Isl w upon UpOI It Itiui1
iui1 that thft no preiisuro brouKhl hrulhl to bear eur could couldsavo Ioull
savo a 0 him hll I So Slluch Irlguro such remark wns WOI ever elr ultercd ultercdby Utpllt Utplltb I
by b li e eMr
Mr 11 1 Tulloch nl f f > complsins that I appointed appointedmr appol nted ntedI
mr ftcpBon 11h 11 II K 1 Van In Alstyne to tlio tlioofflyoi
offlyoi om I tpsOI I Miiperintendent of thn lleniHtry Iltlr lilvU lilvUion DIII I
ion of tlio th Post Olt Olllre 01 with a I sulnry ulurl of S2Jil S2Jilper 1n 1nIIr
of tins intrn t tIIIK
per innuin Two TWl points Iiolutt tlS
IIIK IIr Ftiitement Itenput are fal filI c Mr Ir rnn nn AlKtyim AlKtyimis I
II is not lot my Hterwon on is I In fact rlcl not even riinotcly riinotclyrclnted rlutely
rclnted II to tf Itp me III and he II nover reiwived rfmtnr jni jnin I In I
n year yer He I i now no a clerk dll in I llio inonuy order orderdivlMon or er erdllhlon
divlMon with n salury Illary of si Klt n nuIr i iKornvr
Kornvr PoetrnuHturOeMieral Po lmIHrGIlwrl uiarliB uiarliBEmorj C1lnrllEmul
Emorj uIr Smith camn CI1 to Washington 011111111 todayand today toelnyand
and Emul had hit a long lon talk tonight tollght wllh wlh Ptst PtstmaptcrOcnprBl plt pltmOfterGmral
maptcrOcnprBl mOfterGmral Iayno 1nI regarding Tglldlng tlio Post PostOfllco 10lt
Ofllco 01 scandals fnlal Mr Ir Hrih Smith gave tho Post PostmnalorGoneral 10 > 1 1rnstlrGonlral
mnalorGoneral rnstlrGonlral a statement Irhlclt In II iTstionse IIr to totliochargCHitmdouKnini t
tliochargCHitmdouKnini thu chargc ldo Igllut < t his hil ndmitiiMratlon ndmitiiMratlonby ndmll trallol
by h fornvjr fomr Cnshiur Tull Tul uh 01 Mr 11 Piiyim 1110 will willmakn 1
makn the document documelt public publc on Sunday HUlda nfior nfioriioon nCl
iioon iioonTlio
lonl The PostmasterOenerxl PO lmMterrfleml ruiid Fd toninht toninhtthat tolhrh
that thlt Mr 11 Smilhn fmltht answer IIfwer will wi settle tc thn thnTulloch tlATuloch
Tulloch Tuloch matter mater for Ot good Mr Payne PUyI ovon ovonwent oVonwent
went went so far as af to tl Bay that tho former forer Post PostmaflturClenoralR Ilt IltmltorCenQrll
maflturClenoralR mltorCenQrll answer alwer would probnbly probnblymake prubnhlymako
make unnoeesfiarv unnOCAal any tiubllo plhUo explanation explanationof lfllnllol I Iof
of alleged alpc Irrptularitics Irrp u1rtc in tho admlnlstra armlll trn i ition I
tion of the First irtt Astjstants A1ftnntl Hureau Hur < al by byPerry byPerry
Perry S Heath Hn th now 10 secretary tccrrlar uf Ir tho th Ho j jpublican Ipnhlcnl
publican National Campaign n Cotnmitt corllh < e ewlio
pnhlcnl Xntonnl Cmpl
wlio wlo served trvcd under PostmastorGcncrai PostmastorGcncraiSmith PolmaqtrGInera PolmaqtrGIneraSmIth II
Smith SmithMr SmIthr
Mr r Pnynesnid Pnyne Fald hohnd ho hnd received rlclcl worel tliat tliatMr thll thllIr
Mr Ir HeathH Ieathl oxplanatlon pxp111atlon of tho worr clmrge clmrgemade hRrpl hRrpltlt1
made aKnift nflll t him by h Ttillnch was on fn ils ilsway 1M 1MWHlo
tlt1 way WHlo lo tliiD thf D t ntbut ltlut ho would woull not pay paywhflher Fnyh1
whflher h1 hlr ur not Ko 0 would make lalH the lle docu docuniert dlwumeIt
niert meIt nubile nubileI puhlC
I dont dUIt believe lelcve it will wi bo 1 nexoHiry nefFury to tomake tomake
make public puhlc Mr Heaths Helhl utntemnnt ttntclenL after aftertho nfer nfertlo
tho answer of tho former formCr PoFtmnMer POFtmltr Gen Ceneral Genpril
eral tlo pril atnr luis hIl bcein hlon read and riifioctod 1OIf headd he 8 tt ttIr l lMr
Mr Ir Smith Smih got rfAc straight Ftralht ant to the th point and andI ld ldI
I bellevn his hi po explanation prlantlol of tho alleptxi alleptxiIrregulnritlort
Irregulnritlort Irre helo ulartlf will wi carry weight wllpht and ld emel emeltho llt
tho Ih mailer mater for good ood and C11 all allMl al alI
Ml I Sort o r of f Lniv Lo Union UnionTo Itlt
To California < In May M liitif hl July Jul rnd Auctul 1 Tn TnCnlnrmlo Tnllr
Cnlnrmlo llr I1 In II tnnH r luiv IIi nnil n 1 Aucist 151 lnnrni 10lnrOll01 toii toiiM
M 1 HKk lsnil 111 llokl Id1 nITioot mc Ill Il HruAitvn IrUAch or Sltli Sltlihi 11
hi L aiirt fl1 Mil Avr4dr Avr4dri Aor Aor1
1 < tlnn h tf rlib a aI
I II i i UiltMil nII1 S3IIO fIJ May J Vit Vitullir llh Supc
1 I ullir Ihr n roiilpmint rfIlpmlnlA A < r
Ire tlanhilt 1IhIa Detecthe lYIcs 1ll to Connect ConnectHim Connect11m
Him 11m With Wih Harlem lalem Tenement Flrr FlrrDotectivo FlrrDotfte
Dotectivo Dotfte John H Ryan of the Fire FireMarshals I
Marshals InThnls office ofce who lias h been trying trig to toget toget
get tho man ma who ho set tho tenement flro fro on onWednesday onWcnCdny
Wednesday WcnCdny morning moring at 135th street and andEighth andEighth
Eighth avenuo where four lives 10 were lost lostwent ot otwent
went to Everards Eerrdl Brewery Drewer nt 133d street streetand Itreet Itreetand
and Madison ladion avenuo yesterday Cterday afternoon afternoonHo ateroon
Ho 10 walked walke up to young yotng James Jam Everard Everarda Everar
a superintendent and a nephew of the theJamoB theJamC
JamoB JamC Evorard Everar who runs ru Iho brewery breweryCome broweryCome
Come on out and have a drink drik said ealdRyan saidRan
Ryan RyanYoung RanYounp
Young Younp Everard Eerrd absented sente and the Iwo Iwowenl twowent
went across the street to a saloon where whereJoseph wheroJOStph
Joseph Uvorard Evorrd the father of the young youngman youngman
man was wasNow WI
Now paid Ryan to young ounp Everard Everardyou Everardyou
you aro not under uld r arrest but you OU will willcomo wi
como with Ith mo just jut the same sameYoung faml famlOUII
Young OUII EverarJ EvorrJ asked mike the meaning of ofRyans otRIIs
Ryans RIIs assertion erlon Tho dolectivo doteetvo explained explainedthat explnlne
that ho wanted wanle young Everard to ro 0 to t tho thoscene thufoenn
scene foenn of tho tenement firo fr and stand ltnd in line linepossibly lne lneIOldbly
possibly to bo Identified as 1 the man m who whohad whohad
had Bet ft the flro fr The Thl older Everard Everar burst burstout butIn
out said in an almost insane Illne fit ft of anger Ho Hosaid le lesid
sid sidrou
You arrested arrfsted my boy by two years yeaIl ago apo for forarson foraTon
arson aTon and ho was 1 Innocent If I you try tr to totakei totalo
takei talo him out of hero therell therl ba a lot of oftrouble ottrouble
trouble troubleYoung troubleYoung
Young Everard however went with withRyan withRyan
Ryan to a stationery ftationel store tre near ner the tle burned burnedtenement bure
tenement and there stood Btod In II a line lne of men menA menA
A man who says he saw the firebug frebug running runningfrom runing runingfrom
from the tenemcnl when tho firo fre was dis discovered dlscered ¬
covered cered looked looke over the men mln He said saidthe ad adIhe
the flrebug frebug wasnt there Young Evorard Evorardthen Everardthen
then went back backHis backIiA
His IiA father mid nd uncle have engaged coun cun cunlel i isel
lel sel and say lay they will wi make ll mighty hot hotfor hotfor
for Homebody
dot Lnilrr lnltr Control fontrol byFlrchoat br Freboltompnlr Freboltompnlron Companies Companieson
Land Have Trouble TroubleA
on Lnc lne rrotblt rrotbltA
A flro fro which slarted at 9 oclock ococc lasl lat night nighlon
on the river end of the White Whto Star Str Linos Linospior Lnes Lnespior
pior 40 at the thl fool of Bank street strot North NorthRiver NorthRver
River Rver caused causd much uneasiness UneleBR among amongtho amongt
tho t he firemen fremen and ad somewhat 8mehat frightened frghtene the thecrew I
crew crtW of tho freighter Georgic Georglc which was wasmoored
moored loorel to tho north norh ond Ind of the pier pierThe plorThe I
The blayo bla7o was seen sen for some distance distancealong dlstanC dlstanCI10n
along I10n the river front and small lma I lugs lost lostno lostno
no time in getting geting near ner The first frst boat boatto boatto
to reach the pier was the Old Dominion DominionLinos DominionLlnos
Linos tug Wi Kathryn Kathry which is equipped equippedwith equppe
with lh two pipe lines Inel The boat was doing doingexcellent doingexcelent
excellent excelent work when the fireboat freboat New NewYorker XewYorker
Yorker arrived arrve and began bega throwing volumes volumesof volume1 volume1of
of water wlter from her sixInch BixIICh pipes pipesThe pips pipsThe
The firemen fremen on land hod ha all al kinds of oftrouble ottrouule
trouble in gelling gcttng al the blaze blaz The pier pieris pierI
is I ono of the new 000foot Ofoot ones ono and ad it took tookaboul tk tkabout
about a I Ihousand thoulnd feet of hose hos to reach rach the theblazf theblazE
blazf blazE Coupling Couplng the fiftyfoot fftytoot lengths lengt took tooksomo tookfome
somo fome time and when Ihree thr engine engne compan companies cmpn cmpnie ¬
ies ie got ready lo t pour pur water on the fire fr the thehose thehos
hose hos began bgn to break all al along the lino linoThe lne lneThe
The firoboat frebat succeeded suce in pumping pumpig enough enoughwater enoulhwalI
water walI onlo ont the pier to t get the flre 1r under undermtrot undercntrol
cntrol mtrot BO 8 that tht the te land ld firemen frmen had b no norouble notruble
the work when they theyot
truble rouble in i cleaning olNla up wh te tegot
got ot their hose hos lines in 1 order orderThe orer orerTe
The Te blaze bla at first flt looked loke so 1 threatening threateninghat thrtenlnl thrtenlnlthat
hat the odicers ofcr of the steamer stationed stationednen statone
men to cast ct off oc should the fire fre come near nearhe nearIe
he Ie ship and the flip Ilp between bten piers plen 49 and
60 0 wns wai cleared for use useThe ue ueThe
The fire fro was wa in a alot lot of ropo rop and olla oil stored storedin Btoro
in a compartment on the far end tnd of the pier pierThe pierThe
The damage was estimated al aboul 12100
Avert rl the Threatened hreltent Kxtlnctlon l of the theOld
Old 011 Clnne < ulncy IJnc IJncBOSTON UneIOSTON
BOSTON IOSTON May Ia 29 29The Tho threatened thratened ex exlinclion extncton
linclion tncton of tho thl old line lne of Josiah Quincy of ofBOB otDodol
BOB Dodol ton has haf been averted avertd by the advent of ofJoKiah otJOllah
JoKiah JOllah Quincy Jr born two weeks weks ago in inFlorence InFlorenco
Florence Italy Ialy whero wher the former formr Mayor Mayorof layor layorof
of Boston B ton and his hil wife Ifo have been ben for several severalmonths aerl aerllonth
months lonth Thoro Ther havo hve been ben six Josiah Joslahjulncys Josiahulncs
julncys in Boston straight down from that thatJosioh thatJosiah
Josiah son 8n of Edmund Emund Quincy of ante anteRovolutlonary anteIolutlonlry
Rovolutlonary Iolutlonlry tirnes tllB Threef Thr of those thoseJosiahs th08
Josiahs JOflahs have sat latln in Bostons 1ltnI msyoral chair chairTlio char charThe
The first frst of these ther Mayors Iayon held office ofc from
1823 18 3 to 1828 His Isn son was W Mayor from 184B 184Bto 181
to 1848 The next generation gnerton Josiah Pillllps PillllpsQuincy PUUps PUUpsQulnc
Quincy skipped skippd the political pltcal field fe1d for the thequieter theCuiltlr
quieter Cuiltlr life un of a I literary lerar man His Il son sonJosiah sn snJorllh
Josiah Jorllh Quincy was Mayor from frm 1808 to 1899 1899Whon 180
Whon he surrendered urrnderd his hi office ofc in January Jau
1900 19 ho was wn a bachelor In less than six sixweeks sixweeks
weeks he was W married His Hi bride brde was wasMrs wa wan
Mrs n William Wiiam R Tyler widow of Prof ProfTyler Prto PrtoTler
Tyler of Adams dam Academy Acdemy Quincy QuincyIIE QuincyIR
Tat That the Cliarce Chnrr1 Made In a l lAtfrFrom lAtfrFromShlnllat tterFrora tterFroraKhanRliat
KhanRliat Shlnllat to a london Paper PapersirnaJ Papr PaprIulal
sirnaJ Iulal Cable Dtipalch Vtpall 10 Tut SUN SUNLONDON SUI
LONDON LOND May 1Y 30 30A A letter 10tUr to tho Daily DailyMail Dail DailMail
Mail from frm Shanghai Shangha dated ded April Aprl 24 quotes quotesa
a British officer as saying that somo 8mo time timeago
1 BrllHh oIcr tme tmeago
ago wliilo whie there ther was WI an unusually unusualy large largegathering largeFathprng
gathering Fathprng of foreign warships warshlp at Kobe Kobeone Kob
one 010 of the best gunners gnen of his Majestys Majestysship Majestyship
ship Barflnur Brfeur disappeared cspprd and could culd not notIxs
Ixs 1 > found He was 8 entered enlr on the ships shipsIxioks shipshookl
Ixioks hookl as af elead eleadIt denr
It has hl since Slll been ben discovered dl8ver that tht he waa waabribed WI
bribed brhed to cnllcl ell t on a United Unitd States Sttel battle battleship btle btleIhlp ¬
ship Ihlp receiving roclvllg 100 IO and three thr limes tmes tho thoBritish thoJri
British Jri Ish pay py pytl
Sir Ir MHCTI lelr Aiilo Ilo ertelent ercrnt In Italy lal Fol Followed ¬
lowed 10111 hy h One lr to Kir II Iraneli 1ranll nertle nertletSfttM Drrle Drrlewc
tSfttM wc Cabit C bl DtipnUh lrh lo Tan SUN SUNHorn SII SIIlmn
Horn lmn May MIY 70 Tlm automobile nutomohle acci accident nccltlt ¬
dent tlt lhil Ihatllplnt1 happened to Mr Moycr Morel tho Ameri American Amlncal ¬
can cal Ambnswidor AtbntIndor yeM yr lortll onlay wan WIK followed followedtoelay rollwCI rollwCItday
toelay by a similar llar aoddiiit nedhlt to Blr HII Francis FrancisBerlin Frnldt Frnldtlrtlo
Berlin thn British Ambassador AmbassadorWhilo Alhl
lrtlo t 1r11h nlor nlorWII
Whilo ho wun Wil leturnlliK 1tlrhlM to 0 Home1 1011 from fromAlbano frl
Albano Ihlnl I th IIP rtiglnn rllnO of hi nnlomoMIn lulomoll ox oxplodoel f fJndld
plodoel and ln h mid 1111 hit hl clmtifffur houlr wrro 11 hmlixi hmlixitovnral hmlr
tovnral Jndld HJ rl Rlt yards ardN Thlv I hey wnn WI only nliv rlmUcn rlmUcnnnd hnl1 hnl1and
and scratelied cruitlII but ilm inachlim Rchlll wim < N reti retirierud 11 11rlrcn
rlrcn rierud uselosB uselosBMTLAI 11IIMR 11IIMR1rlH
Ilrothcr Irothrr or te He Monrluli Sultan 1111 llxil lloen lloenAntlou Irrn IrrnAnlll
Antlou Anlll In llulc llulcSfifcto nulctl1
Sfifcto tl1 Cabtt Iinpalch frh If n Tnr Il r Res ResMADRID RNIAonID
MADRID May Iay 20 A ikipiitoh from trlll Ouln Oulnpays fltA fltApnYB
pays thai Mulal Mohammed MohnmlI Ilm brother brotherof
of IhoSultanof thu Sultnn of Morocco lorCJ hasIMWM hM hfJ1 pnim IIult IIultMulal > ncd ncdMulal
Mulal Mohammed had ambition nmhilon to I aim tnllohi aimlilw
hi lilw brothers IlrotIIrl plar plar < e on 01 the threitip tmlnl anil alil hail haillxtn
becauso of of hl hlnot hinc
lxtn ImprlHoned Inprlold Ucau somo 01 Ir >
not HH H was aK rtIeiased rtlmell whon tho rrronl 1IIIt re revoll rr rrolt
nc voll olt stnrtid Itlrhd A despatch telpach a lew Itw ilayn ago agoHtnlrd I O Olllrd
Htnlrd lllrd thai tml hn had l hen nn proclaimed froclllnl1 Sultan Sultanby Hulan Hulanhy
by the t 11 relx nImu < lliU < Riff If trilxw trilxwIcnnolvunla t rl I Itcanoynl
Icnnolvunla Ilnllroail IniproTfd Itoud Wrilrrn WrilrrnTrain pun punTrln
Train Srrtlre SrrtlreSfvrn Srnl e eIJ
Sfvrn fa o l rsnrrM train rum New York Tht Tm e eUmllcrts
IJ Umllcrts 1 See Wt wcw time r ulile Y ylrfr
Campaign Campall Speech Made Jlade In a 1 Ballroom BallroomCell Dlroom DlroomGet
Cell fool fool Reception RcepUul Ho Devcry Devlr WariM WariMWoodhaven Warll WarllWoodhann
Woodhaven Ofllelals Omelalalrll Three Cheers CheersTailed Chtll Chtllfaled
Tailed faled For or and Ttirec lrCe Mm lln Cheered CheeredBig ChrerlDig
Big Bill Dl Devery Dovry began his hil Bug Bup campaign campaignfor
for Mayor lost Iwt night by invading the thoborough thebrough
borough brough of Queens Queenl and unless signs Sigil fall fallBig tal
Big Bg Bills Bis opinion of that part prt of tho country countryisnt
isnt nt at nil al compllmantar cmplm ntul Deivery went wentto wentto
to Woodhaven and with wlh rare discernment discernmentsized dilrllnt dilrllntllzd
llzd sized up the condition con lton of tho streets Itrets and andcity andcity
city departments deprment there ther and made mde them themhis themhi
hi his first frt campaign issue issueHo IttE
Ho said Id that the city cty officials ofcals and the tlioMayor theMayor
Mayor should have Iia vc been indicted for neg neglecting negIftlng ¬
lecting Iftlng the town and promised that when whenlie whtn whtnhe
lie was a Mayor tho town should thould hav ha all allthat al
that wa4 Wi coming to t It But In spite of the thopromise
prmllO promise it cannot ho said sid truthfully truthtuly that thatPeverys thatOeers
Peverys Oeers invasion Imaon was a iwccess Jucces Perhaps Perhapsthat Perhapsthat
that fact fat was Wl duo to t his hil host hostKxDstrlct hOLt hOLtJxDltrlet
KxDstrlct JxDltrlet Attorney Attrney John B Merrill Merrillwho lerrl lerrlwho
who was turned turne down for renomlnotlon renomlnotlonlast
last time tme Is II trying to t be nominated for forCounty forCounty
County Judge on tho Democratic Demortc ticket ticketnext ticketnext
next fall fal and his hl campaign has hll already alreadystarted alredy alredysUrted
started startedAs sUrted sUrtedAs
As a votegetter vottgeter Morrill Merri gave a ball bal lost lostnight IMtnight
night but early reports repor showed that the thecrowd thecrowd
crowd wasnt coming so fO ho asked Iked Devery Deveryto Ieer Ieerto
to be present and ad make a speech lpch Then Thenho Thenhe
ho plastered pltered tho town with wih invltatlonn Imitatlonl which whichsaid whichsaid
said that tht the Big Dg Chief would give a pleasing pleasingtalk plelngtalk
talk and ad that every ever one would go home homehappy homehappy
happy happyBut happyBut
But oven that dirtnt draw When the thoball thebal
ball bal got into good goo running rning trim trm a 1 census censusshowed cnlU8
showed thai there wore Me 250 persons In the
hall hal threequarters thrrquarters of whom wero wer women womenAnother womenAother
Another Aother damper dapr was WI put on DeveryB DeveryBfeelings DeeryBfrlngs
feelings frlngs when he got off oR tho train tran with Eddy EddySchneider EddyShneder
Schneider Shneder and Magistrate Connorton Connolton of ofLong otLnp
Long Lnp Island City Cty his escort escortHe ecort ecortHe
He found a crowd of seven Bven small smal boys boysawaiting bys bysaatlng
the volunteer volunteerflro volunteerfro
awaiting aatlng him Pretty Prety soon
flro fro departments hose cart drove up to tothe totho
the station staton for no reason relon apparent and andthe I Ithe
the driver seeing Brlng Big Bill Bi jangled his hi bell bellHuh bel
Huh grunted Dovery I dont want wantany wantany
any water wagon In mine mineJust mne mneJut
Just Jut then Merrill Ierrl came cme up and ad a moment momentlater momentlater
later proved that the presence of the hose hosecart h08ecat
cart cat was W8 no omen omol Then Merrill Ierri walked walkedthe waked wakedthe
the exChief exChet all al over town to tOfhow show him how howulco hownc
ulco it was and Ind how big the thl factories factores were wereMerrill were1errl
nc Merrill 1errl had despatched a messenger ISbengor to totho totho
tho hall hal to have hle every epr one ready read to give giveBig giveBig
Big Bill Di a reception recption when he entered enterd and andwhen ad adwhen
when the pony pary finally lnaly got tot there the orches orchestra orchestr ¬
tra tr began ba to play lay Mr Devery DeveryBillliad DevervBl
Billliad Bl had lug hat off and several seral happy happytobcwithyou happytoIwlthyou
tobcwithyou candidate cndidate bows nil aJ reoay rlaay rlaayhut
but they were wer not needed About six sixmen Ilx Ilxmen
men clapped their hands haldf as 11 the candidate candidateentered candidateeilored
entered eilored clapPd The rest Ift continued contnued to dance danceWhen danc
When the number was wa finished fnlhed ono of ofMerrills otMerll
Merrills Merll lieutenants leutenants proposed prpsd thtvo thro cheers cheersfor cheeJ
for Dover Dve tho next Mayor Mlyor Ho got just justwhat
what he h < askfd afked for tortlm three > o men cheered cheeredBut chelrd chelrdBut I
But if Devery Dver was disappointed dl8pln td so 1 was wasMerrill WMMeri
Merrill Meri the host hOlt when Dovery Dvery made his hisspeech I
speech Merrill Merrl expected ex cld to hear a good goodsendoff goodsndl
sendoff spch for hlmxelf hlmlf He heard more morecriticism mor
criticism sndl than praise pris A drum drm rattled tted for forattention torattntin
attention attntin crtclm th someone Im90n8 Introduced Itroduc the tle Hon Honbeing HonWi I
th r
1 DVf n mntQn
being bing the daadsur daur next Mayor Myor and then thenBig
Big Bin Bi said saidlENTIKMEV d dOESTIO I
OESTIO lENTIKMEV ES AND SD IADIW1 I wish Ith to CtatO CtatOthat ett
that It doe m nt heart hlrt Rood 100d to t nee lre men and andtliolr I
tliolr wives wlyel and nd youn oU men and their sweet sweethearts sweetheart ¬
hearts Ilolr here this thll cvcnlmr e pnlnr enjoying enJoylnl themselves themselvestlttlvate themlcl I
A I d011 thlrt YII11 Ria tried to tottivate
MOe tlttlvate myself up for this occasion oco lon befoie herol t I
1 ttivate left New rw York but ut you know those tiling tilingthey thlnla thlnlather
they life I alone nlon the roads ont here dont dOIt use no noanthracite
anthracite coal coalThem
anthmCLe Them curs III coal was dusty dUJt and Ild dirty dirt I not Iot Iotmy I
done of It for IR cents I know you tot
traction town towl you ou
walk nlk miles 11 to get to tf Vm 10 I don lon t see SI why whyyou whyou
you ou cant ride on 01 the Pennsylvania lennljlanll not no on onthe onIhe
the tonu Lonr Inland lland Railroad Raro d for five cents cent same sameas samelS
as on thn th tractions roads rondaWhen roadshl1
lS Iralton
When hl1 I irot rot here and rot rot off or the train thn thnvolunteer thovollnt1
volunteer vollnt1 fire Or department dlpnrtnlent was M comtne comlnl around aroundI Irolld IrolldI
I dont dOlt know how that fire department deplrtmunt Is Isequipped I
equipped elulppld but I think Its itI pretty prel near lar time timeafter tme tmearer
after six el years that you ha hi a 1 paid depart department dpparlent ¬
arer ment ent Why W hOHS that onehorae onehor1 article articleChief
Chief Geltlinger Geltlnger of the volunteer volultrr Irtcl fire fr de department deprment ¬
partment prment Devery was sitting slttlg immediately behind behindDevery bhind bhindDelr
Delr Shut Butt up he whispered wl apere leaning leang over and andInterrupting andInternptn
Interrupting Internptn the speaker speakerIll
Ill Il not stop spaker spakerIl answered alswer the Big B Chief Chiefright Chletright
right out loud Ill soak you as hard as aslean III
lean I cln Then he went on onYoure onYoure
Youre the Chief of the Fire Department Departmenthere Departmlnthere
here nnd should have proceeded to Indict Indictthe Indictthe
the nfflcinlB omei IR for this condition during the thelost theIIlBL
lost six years pllrll I nlnt talktn to the men mennow I Ino
now no Im tnlkln to the women and children childrenThings childrenThlnlra
Things In this town U In a condition thats thatsoutrageous thatsoutll1leolls
outrageous 1 dont see how ho youre ouro alive aliveYouve I I01lV6
Youve 01lV6 got ot no ecwers ecwersYour
Your streets are open 0 In cesspooli Youve Youveot You p pot I
ot no water here and an you got to pay pl for It ItIVater ItWater
Water mains should bo put in this place placefrom placefrom
from Aqueduct same as Brooklyn BrooklynIJack rookjnlIack
IJack lo llio Fire jro Department Ill tell you youhut OU OUhilt
hut that tiling that passed me dont amount amountto
to no more than a ncedlo in a haystack Why Whyif h hIr
if the factory Irot ot afire Itd burn all down downand I IInd
and thored be 1300 or 1500 or 1800 peojjlo peojjloout i iout
out of work workYou workYou
You orter have a paid llIld flre department departmentYou
You lint sol no flre Or department partmenL no police policedepartment policedefsrLlIIlJnt
department no nothln nothlnI noll1ll1IIndersWnd
defsrLlIIlJnt I understand your our schools are pretty irood iroodI 1 1I
I call on your Our trustees tru teeR or who ever runs Vm Vmto Pili I Ito
to keep em 01 proirreoKln t1rolreR III an to see Be tlmt Mr MrMaxwell i
Maxwell 1 dont Intvrfere and all every time he hedot
dot 110011 stick his hl nose no in lot the th people of Wood Woodhaven i ihayn
haven Jump in and oak him himYou himYou
You people must stand up for or thnrlshts you youhavent
havent eot Thou Thoulh Eh Im a friend of Air AirCnESldr Ir IrCassilly I
CnESldr and Mr Merrill I cay tlmt If they theydont tl11Ydont
dont Hland by you 01 and slve you uu what you youwant 011 011wont
want dont you vote for them even thouuli thouulithey Il1oulohtl1e
they tl1e arc your brother brotherI
I see that drains hnra 11 110 < co Into vacant lots lotsSei 101RSpmA
Sei SpmA > ms to me a wonder you 011 aint nil down downwith dowl1with
with typhoid and malaria and a lot more morediseases mordbellte
diseases There aint no reason why trio trioworking tileworkl1ur
working people should ebou Id pay p taxes nnd net netout I Inothln
nothln ThatJI l caee 0 ta38tlolI Wlth Wlthout
out representation representationYouve relrrsentatlonoue
Youve oue got ot a few macadam roads the th reft reftof rp t
of em m In I dusty tfu tr and nobody neemc ptII to P > ° III IIIattlntlon V Vattention
attention to cm I p p nk for the llnroudi of ofQueens I
Queens You can tret Indicted the th people peoplewho lloJlpho
who ho has them things In charge Vmi 011 can canhave lnllhle
have Indicted thn th Mayor of New pw Vork for not notelvln noLglln
elvln Rome of the thre e little things thingsI
I wnnt nnt to say to you 011 people PCOI that you 011 havn havnpassed hn hnpaeald
passed through four years of Tnmninny and andtwo andto
two yenm of reform And nd youre In n shame shameful IIhnllllfill ¬
fill position To chastise both them organla organlatlotm orltallllntlOII
tlotm Im I Roin out for the people I know knowIll kllowIll
Ill win Ill cut through hath parties and andI nn nnJ
I promise prom lni ae that If Im elected youll oull have haveverythln haveevrrthla
everythln thats comln to you youTho 011 011The
The women applauded the speech flIJlClh no nodid
did most m t of the men but they didnt dil nt cheer cheerThen cheerIhln
Then thn dance wont on and oven Devery Deverylook
look a turn on thn door doornKlEttl noorntln
nKlEttl CAT T IlT rT JVOOVtV Olt OCT OCTTntmin T TTanllllan
Tntmin > fl View II1 I If Tliat Onl Only till lIall lIallnlrlll Halls Hallsiiiirrnt
iiiirrnt nlrlll Committee Could UIlIt UIlIt1A1I1r llu II IIIrndor
Irndor Murphy of Tammany went to 10Alilltllh toAtlantic
Atlantic ell Oly y yesterday morning St Secre Secretary cre cretnry ¬
tary Hmllh fpcaklng 14khl of Dovorys action In1pt11I1 In Inotpolllng
otpolllng John Nooimn and fourteen other othermpmbcrs
mpmbcrs IIr f the lr Innoral > lIcrnl Committee of the thoNinth I IllIlh
Ninth llIlh Mhllt wold II wiw Hourly r nll UI Illegal nll its tho lawM law lawmirx
M mirx that nxmllnn may bo 1011111111h1IllIh aocomplishod aocomplishodonly
only It by n tIn twolhlnlN h1l11 VOIP ull of t thn h 0111101111 0111101111oli1lnfll noral noralrommlltro
rommlltro oli1lnfll an whole whioh embraces embracesnil nhll11nil
nil of Mnnhaltnn and T Thn In Hronx As thA1IINnl thn thnClrnrral
Clrnrral Commlttw hnil tnknn no notion notionN tllll tllllH
N < iMi nlnry > lnry Smith wild Mr Noonnii and hilirII11 his hisfrllowo
rII11 frllowo uriv ntlll tlllllh1II1n tlllllh1II1nIllI lUomlHTH lUomlHTHThe
The llnr nr uf lr l ltr IIrII IIrIIr < l < liinn liinnnm <
nm ulnne o lt tr < r Hmlion I HlMT Ihtiucli Io HIP Wlon Mxlmuk MxlmukVsllr I
Vsllr r ftlnnr f 1 lnkc Bile gl Anil take Mrilin In InClilrnrn
Clilrnrn will ltr lunnrlin In i 1ndlII InihuiMI sril 11 M l 1111 1111It < iul iultl I
tl h i iilk1 let lli New rw Yin 11 cniiiil nlllIIIrt nlllIIIrtrfW Aitr AitrN
N rfW > w Gtroclall rcnrl n llolfl l 1Mh Ih M lirlwrrn Mil th Avr Avrnrt
anflllrlh nrt McuJd tiquntf ilclUIHdil dtll hlllllIll itf unnnft hninf bnmeIa
Hllllain Stoevcni tlren nnd lolm Mojrn Irn Slcn SlcnHoned Iell IelltlonNI
Honed In npport to lx IAlllllon IAlllllonjJtlalloblt > mlon mlonSvttliil
Svttliil jJtlalloblt Cable Dtipalcli JJtpal to I Tim StN StNLoNDO 5111LOWON
LoNDO f May Iay 30 3OA A despatch to tin tinHi till tillPJ >
Hi pros prr s from Berlin pays flas thut William WilliamSteevens WilliamI
Steevens Sti > Vellll and Joh t Meyers Amercuis Amercuishave AmerenllIhave
have been arrested at MuslliEUsen anc ancexpelled und undxpellPC
expelled from Germany German In tho publii publiiinterest juhllcXo
interest No detntn are glvrn but thli thliphrase thlllphrallo
phrase usually means that the persons personsexpelled I ersonll ersonlloxpelld
expelled have committed some political politicaloffence
offence offenceIt
It is understood that the Now lio York YorkHeralds YorlIlIeraldlI
IlIeraldlI Heralds corresfiondtfnt Mr Ir Luchnow Luchnowhas IuchnoVbM
has al < o been expelled for sending slndln his hispaper III IIII
I paper reports of which the German Govern Government GOlrndiBupprood ¬
ment disapproved Tho ifeuettc usle ffach ffachrichtcn Nachrichlcn
richtcn suggests that tho expulsion of tho thoBerlin thoI
Berlin correspondent corrc lpondent < of the London Times Timeswould Timeswould
I would be a public benefit benefitAMEKICAS blnefittu
AMEKICAS tu f1lUt AAl 11 IX 1 UAXUHIl UAXUHIlKnglnrrrs IItWmInglnlerl
Knglnrrrs In China Hrsrrlcd I h Simularlns Simularlnsirnt landArlnOIlnt
irnt to Protrct Tlieni TlieniSpecial 111 e III IIISerl
Special Serl l Cablt DtipattH to THK Sex SexPEKIN 5csPERIN
PEKIN May Ma 20 29Two Two mandnriim ordered orderedby orderedby
by the Viceroy of Canton to accompany accompanyand aCCOlnIJllIIand
and protect the American engineers of oftho oftho
tho CantonHankow Railway Rail ar who wero werolately werolately
lately rescued from a mob at Tslngyuen Tslngyuenby
by the American gunboat Callao have havedesorttd hl1odeoortld
desorttd tho ongineorH and consequently consequentlytho I Itho
tho Callao will ill start again a aln on Sunday for forTsingyuen I ITlllngyuen
Tsingyuen to protect thn enginoers enginoersMr
Mr Conger onger the American Minister will willreport willreport
report the conduct of tho mandarins to tothe tothe
the Board of Foreign Affairs and will urge urgeimmediate urpoImmediate
immediate action looking to thoir punish punishment punuhmont ¬
mont mentThe montThe
The citizens of Hong Kong and Canton Cantonhave Clintonhave
have contributed 200CW tnels for the lelief leliefof eliefot
of the famine sufferers in the province proln < o of ofKwangsl ofKwanglli
Kwangsl Mr Conger has telegraphed to tothe tothe
the New York charitable agency that hcs hcsalready hBalready
already contributed 1i0 3000 0 in gold that thatfurther thatfurther
further aid ls needed needednoVOUT neededlIOUGI1T
n n Chapman Give Gh Up 14Oa 400 In Wash WashIntrton WuhIneton
Intrton for Cancelled Securities SecuritiesNine SecurltlllNine
Nine out of ten bonds of the Wabash WabashRailroad Wabl1shRailroad
Railroad which were stolen in this city cityon cityon
on March 23 were ere sold in Washington WashingtonD
D C yesterday for 7400 before it was wasdiscovered wasdlscoered
discovered that they had been cancelled cancelledand cancelledand
and wero worthless worthlessThe 8 8The
The police here learned last night that a aman aman
man took the bonds to G B Chapman Chapmanmanager Chapmanmallager
manager of the Washington office of tho thoNew tboiow
New York brokerage flnn of Post d < k Co Coyesterday Coeslerday
yesterday and offered them for sale saleHo 88leHe
Ho then telegraphed word of the salo to tothe tothe
the New York office of his firm The local localoffice localoffice
office almost Immediately asked him for fortho fortbe
tho numbers of the bonds In that way waytheir WilYtbelr
their worlhlcsunffls worthlC5 nt88 was discovered discoveredWASHINGTON dl8conredWA8111NOTON
WASHINGTON May W IIThe The bonds wero weroboughtfroma werobought
bought boughtfroma from snail pan1Jhogave Tyho B y the name nameof namefdDS
of fdDS D 8 Fairbanks wbo b > ha b been bien dealing dealingwith dealln deallnwith
with the local broker for some sOmetime time and andabout andabout
about whom little is known He has since sincedisappeared sincedlNlppeared
disappeared Fairbanks at one time had
12000 on deposit with Ith the broker and for fori
n i time was employed by b him him1LEELAXD himUW
Sentiment SI stron rone Fnoush to Force HID
CHICAGO May 29 29A A Berlin cable de despatch deto ¬
spatch to the Caiy Vci CtC says Bourke BourkeCockran BourkeCockran
Cockran who haa arrived inthls city from fromEgypt
Egypt ald Id today that Cleveland would wouldbe wouldb
be b electee President of the United States Statesif
if nominated nominatedIf non nated natedIf
If there is a popular demand for Cleve Clevelands Cleeland ¬
lands land return to the Presidency strong strongenough Btrongenough
enough to force his nomination non natlon upon the theDemocratic theJmoeratlo
Democratic convention said Mr Cockran Cockranthat Cockranthat
that same popular demand will ill be strong strongenough Btrongenoujth
enough to insure his election because tho thoopposition thooppomtion
opposition to him is strongest in his own ownparty ownparty
party Any movement sufficiently power powerful ¬
ful to overcome the greater obstacle is not notlikely
likely to be arrested by the lesser lesser1oD
I II11at
That the Latest IAlt t Development of the Bucket BucketShop DnekltShop
Shop In Wall Street StreetThere StreetThere
There is an enterprising person In New Newstreet iewstroot
street who makes a hand book on the thestock theetock
stock market and does more business businessthan buslneBSthan
than somo brokers Among his clients clientsare clicntBaro
are men who dealt in 100fhare lots only onlya
a few months ago One share is tho mini minimum minimum ¬
mum trade in this book but several patrons patronsmay pat 10 III IIIJIUY
may form a onedollar pool so that tho thoindividual thoIndlldual
individual speculation may involve but a afraction Ufraction
fraction of a share Tho man who trades tradesin tm cB cBIn
in two three and five shares is regarded regardedin gardedIn
in that crowd as a reckless plunger Trans Transactions IranBactions ¬
actions are based upon quotations received receivedfrom receivedfrom
from a public ticker It is a bucket shdp shdpIn IIh p pIn
In miniature miniaturenmAX mlnlaturElllRJto
lint Ra IIaI > i the Need or a Silver Htandard U Uas I Ias
as Evident al i Ever EverLINCOLN EnrIINCOLN
LINCOLN Neb May 20 29In In an extended extendedarticle extendedartlell
article In the Commoner Com mOIler today W J Bryan Bryanrenounces Dryallrpl1ounCPI
renounces all claim or desire to leadership leadershipof
of the Democnuto party At the same samelimo I Itlml
limo he nays the need nicd of a silver standard standardIs
Is as B evident now on it ever was wasSTRIKER waMSTRIKER
Subway Snba Worker orker Wholl Hart IJttlr for Ifli IfliChildren lit litIIt1trn
Children IIt1trn for Several Ia naI naIAntonio > f fAntonio
Antonio Nicollas n subway rockman rockmanwho rockmanwho
who went out with tlio other strikers two twowexsks twowookll
wexsks ago o tried to kill himself by Inhaling Inhalinggas Inhalillpgall
gas yesterday at his homo 309 East Ea t Seventy Seventyfirst Seont Seontf1retl
first f1retl Ktreot Ho woa > found in time to save savehis MY MYhlk
his life lifeHe
He is It a widower and has cared for his histwo hlfltwo
two children For several eral days da there had hadbeen hadbepn
been littln food in the th house because he was wasunable W88unablo
unable to get work workKlrc work1Ire
Klrc Knclne n llIe Illta a Street Car CarWhilo CarWhil
Whilo returning from an alarm of tire firolast tireIMI
last night Fngino 33 3 ran into a northbound northboundIoxlngton northhoundIxln
Ioxlngton Ixln ton avenuo car at Ilnh lI th ctreet ctreetPriver ctrcetflrir
Priver Hrnnrd Xitch said l lld that tho motor motorman motormlln
man Kred Fink of 122 Kast Ninetyeighth Ninetyeighthutrettt Xlnltll hth hthtrltt
utrettt did not stop his hi car an a tho engine engineapproached englnoapproachcd
approached and had him arrested arrr > tcd Ono Onoor Oneor
or or Ilm t hn firo horses had to bo killed killedPark klllctIark
Park Around tlin th Jninrl Mantlon MantlonTho IanlonThl1
Tho Board of Estimate voted unanimously unanimouslyyesterday unlnlmousl unlnlmouslteIIl
yesterday > teIIl to lay la out 0 a park betweenWest betweenWest100th
100th juid lB2d striven and Edgecombo rood roodnnd
nnd ilumcl Terrace Thn old Juniol man mansion ¬
sion occupied bv Gen Waliington as a aliriuiciimnfis
liriuiciimnfis will hp in tli new park parkIrrnmiuif
Irrnmiuif IOM of tlif H lr m v tie rntlrrly rntlrrlyprevented
prevented I 111 use nt llurn lt Cnrn lne
EXIt VAVT VliEK VliEKllonnl
llonnl or IJulldlns Tradr4 Ireiiarlng lo loAbandon
Abandon the HtrlldiiB Driver and andIMctil
IMctil lor Open Lmrlier Vanln VanlnMore
More Inilile Iron Horher < i Ktrlbe KtrlbeThe
The Indications yesterday pointed to the theending
ending of tho deadlock in thn building trades tradesnext
next week and Iho dpocdy resumption of ofwork
work throughout the clly cllyTlio
Tlio Board of Building Trades whose in indorrcmont
dorrcmont of the elcmands of tho llu Idling IdlingMaterial
Material Drlvora Union led to nil tho trouble troubleIKIH
IKIH evidently experienced a eihiinge of heart heartfincei
fincei itn miHliiig eil lust Wednesday Il Ilsont
sont llirco hours yesterday d cusslng ths thsquestion
question whet her It had acted wisely or not notSome
Some of Iho deletion waiileul lo know knowwhat
what wan to bo gullied by throwing 100000 100000peoploout
peoploout of work In a prosperous building buildingseason
season seasonThe
The Inarel will recoiiBidor iU action actioniiicloivlng
iiicloivlng Ihu < iiiaiidn f tle ew uiion uiionof
of unskilled laborers Thl will probatly probatlybe
be dotio on Monelay whon it is nxpected nxpectedtlmt
tlmt the action of llio board will Le re rescineleii
scineleii Thei eifticial nnrrurturenl after aftertho
tho meeting VEH as follows1 follows1The
The Imnrd luis deeldod to recniulrter 111 111nrtlnn
nrtlnn In ineloi pine the denmnds of the fiuUd fiuUdlim
lim MnUilal Drivers Inloii This will h hdone
done either on Monday or on Vdnpiiriajr VdnpiiriajrVe
Ve do not undertake to fnrceRkt what thfl thflresult
result will lie but wo are in hopes of a speedy speedysettlement
settlement of the Iroublo IroubloPresident
President Donovan of thp hoard Mtri il ilhad
had byen decided us fa as tho schools were wereconorneel
conorneel that union men evmld handle the thematerial
material no matter by whom it was d dhveixd
hveixd Ho would not mention tho word wordunion
union or nonunion nonunionThe
The committee1 of five appointed by th thIxiard
Ixiard to bring tin Lumlwr Dealntn and andBuilding
Building Material Dealers associations bn bnforo
foro tlie courts for conspiracy also changed changedits
its programme It will go before the theemployers
employers next week and suggest thai Ihoy Ihoyhave
have open yards which means llial union unionand
and nonunion men may Ira employed Indis Indiscriminately ¬
criminately The committee hail nothing nothingto
to report about conspiracies conspiraciesTh
Th shutelown in the lumber yards In InManhattan
Manhattan and Tho Bronx took plao on onMiy
Miy 5 owing to th strike of tho Team TeamDrivers
Drivers Union which was newly organized organizedfor
for recognition The shutdown In the thebuilding
building material dealers yards took place placethe
the next day on account of strikes to tounlonlx3
unlonlx3 tli yards This wan followed followedby
by a shutdown in the Brooklyn yard in insupport
support of the Manhattan lumber dealers dealersIt
It wan sale yesterday that the employers employersmight
might insist on tfo ending of all other labor labortroubles 1
troubles before oponlng tho yardif in order orderto
to resume work on a stable foundation foundationAmong
Among the unsctlled troubles are a demand demandof
of the bricklayers that foremen must be belong ¬
long to the union and strikes of plasterers plastererslaborers
laborers cement workers and Insldo Iron Ironworkers
workers Tho strikes and the shutdown shutdownhave
have kept 100000 men idle for nearly a amonth
month monthA
A large number of bricklayers went this thisweek
week to Newark wboraa strike in thebqlld thebqllding
ing trades haa been settled Soveralhun Soveralhundred
dred bricklayers intended to leave town townon
on Monday but now they will wait to see seeif
if the expected end of the deadlock takes takesplaco
placo placoStrikes
Strikes were ordered yesterday by thn thnhousosmilhs
housosmilhs and brldgemens union on onbuildings
buildings on Jersey City whero the J B Bk
k J M Cornell Company has contracts contracts1heso
1heso strikes are ordered In pympalhy
with tho inside
who are on strike in this city against the thecompany
company The Cornell company is in the theIron
Iron League against which the strike of oftho
tho inside architectural Iron workers it itdirecteel
directeel directeelStrikes
Strikes of structural iron workers were werealso
also ordered in this city against sewa sewamembers
members of the Iron League The inside insidearcliltectural
arcliltectural iron workers demand a new newwage
wage scale scaleA
A representative of the Iron Leagun Leagunsaid
said yesterday that more than one half halfof
of tho inside ironworkers who had gone goneon
on strike had returneel to work To test testtho
tho vitality of the strike of tho teamsters teamstershe
he said Ills firm had advertised for a team teamster ¬
ster and had received 200 applications applicationsirJ0ir
Mrs rarllnir Whose Husband Died While WhileShe
She Was Abroad Kills Herself HerselfMrs
Mrs Celestine Garling a goodlooking goodlookingFrench
French woman 24 years old committed committedsuicide
suicide by inhaling gas yesterday noon noonat
at her home 225 Thirtyninth street Her Herhusband
husband Fritz died on North Brother BrotherIsland
Island two months ago and grief over his hisdcatli
dcatli in thought to have caused the suicide suicideAccording
According to the janitross whero Mrs MrsGarling
Garling lived the elead woman was mar marrim
rim four years ago while her husband was wasemployed
employed as waiter in n Paris cafe He Heheard
heard that America was tho countrv where whereono
ono could grow rich and six months after aftera
a son was born to tlie couple they came cameto
to America and left tho child with Dar Darlings ¬
lings parents parentsliarlmg
liarlmg got work al tho WaldorfAstoria WaldorfAstoriaand
and become ono of tho head waiters When Whenhe
he had saved enough money he sent his wife wifeback
back to France for tho little boy While Whilesho
sho was there she got word thut her hus husband ¬
band was dying and when ehe reached reachedlore
lore ho was dead She spent all allthe
the savings in burying her husband and andfinally
finally finding herself without means meansand
and worrying over her separation from fromthe
the child slu decided to dio dioR
Ilia UookH Wllleil to the Anthort Club and andthe
the Century Association AssociationThe
The will of liichani Henry Stoddard thfl thflpoet
poet was filed for probate yesterday It Itdisposes
disposes of an estate valued at 12000 The TheAulhors
Aulhors Club is to liayeeuchof t be testalors testalorsbonks
bonks as its committee KclectH the re remainder ¬
mainder going to tlio Century Association AssociationHis
His works on dramatic subjects aro be beniijathed
niijathed to the Ilnycrs and his bust of ofbhakespearo
bhakespearo to tho Authors Club A Apicture
picture palntenl by his dead Bon Lorimer LorimerBtoddarei
Btoddarei is left to Daniel M Slimnon Mr MrStoddard
Stoddard s furniture and other household householdgoods
goods are bequeathed to Alico Bruoder hie hielate
late wifes companion whom he adopted adopteda
a year ago agoMRS
Shei Ihe IHvoreeel Wire of llawalli Attor Attorncrneral
ncrneral ncrneralFleanor
Fleanor Gallagher tho divorced wife of ofEdmund
Edmund P Dole AttorneyGeneral of ofHawaii
Hawaii is going on tho stage as a chorus chorusKirl
Kirl Sho liecomes a member of The TheJtuiiawavs
Jtuiiawavs at tho Ioalno on Monday night nightMiss
Miss Gallagher is a California girl and andshe
she was divorced In Honolulu She and andher
her husband lived at the palace there after aftertheir
their marriage Sho Is a good dancer dancerand
and has a finn figure figurew
w Writern Schedule ScheduleNrw
Nrw MM mint to Chlragn SI L > ul Clrvrland ClrvrlandTolrrtn
Tolrrtn Clnrlniiatt Indianapolis anil loutanile loutanilevia
via JtnnsylvanU llallrMd Atfr