Qd 1 J
r I
1 THETTh HF I lT f1ND v ft 1903 I
ITS WISllO1I AT t7 122 KJ fj A CLIP CLIPRevival OIl OIlf
1 Revival n hal of an Old 01 Notion ottoi With lh a Few Few Modr ModrFrIIU Uollm UollmFrli ioirn ioirnj
j FrIIU Frli Attached utaehrIIt lachrlI It Catches tclllhe Ihe ho Fane FaneToo Iale IaleToo Fancy FancyToo
Too or XMV SfW York ork Women Wo 1 l1 Who Vhowy An Anway AnJ
way WI llu Ilne IIc > ca a IIUIng Ivcn for H2 Mystcr MystcrThero 11Icr 11IcrI litcryThoro
J Thero Ther is i nothing nothln now under tho sun sunquoth lun lunquoth itinff
ff J quoth the th wise wi man nnd oven tho wise wiseacres wll wllIcr8 wl wlri
ri I acres Icr8 to t whom viorn hom pasts pnstl are nr an In open boo boonnd bok bokInd book bookt
t w I and Ind who tmiko Ilulc a specialty spoen II of forecact forecactndmlt forMt forMtr ftrec4tgtdtnt
ndmlt It So docs dOIM the Now w York woman womuwho wumanwho woman1r
r 1r who yearns ennul to havo 18V1 her fortuno fortUln told tol am amthere and nndther andthero
there ther are ar many man of Jf her for it has ha ha come cmt ti tipass to toPIC
1 pass PIC that Homo lorll rnt of the t1 most 10rt t rt sueoiwful lues Cul s Mrl MrlIn oers oersin cr crIn
In town havu gorm bank to cryhtnl gazing gazingNot ga1hll gaahigNot
Not only Is I crystal gazing gn1ll ono on of the themost thomObt tuemost
most anclonl ways of ufpuling pulling aside Illde tin tincurtain the thecrtuln thei
i t curtain crtuln thnt veils wit tIIp the Istobu 1 toU but it U Ilall Ilallno b also ttlsione alsoIflO
one no of tho tt1 mott 101 satisfactory ntilfucor If Homo peopli peopliare popl poplJ peop1J
J are ar Ut to IKJ I Ijflleved 1 lec HJ JJ that as I n It I may rile tin tincrystal thecrstal tlwf
f crystal crstal is I having hniIK Its It lt turn turl againu agaila vcr verprosperous vcrI very veryt4
t4 I r prosperous protllru1 4 turn tUIl too tooMost tau1OIt tooMost
Most 1OIt womnn wor uro glad of it There Tlwl U 1 b i itouch a atuch aI
touch tuch of mysticism rr tlcltl of tho uncanny UICann about abouitho abouttho
1 tho thing that rofatH mkJ the thl experience eXftrllle of hav hoving haviK hav4I
4I ing iK ones onf fortune furtunl told above no tho common commonplace cmmnn cmmnnplac commonNi ¬
Ni place plac level reaohwl reldl by otlwr ot her methods methodsFor mcthodMFor niotliodsI
I For the timitielng tm helng palmistry palmlttr physiognomy physiognomyastrology physiognomytrolo
ft I I f astrology trolo and card signs llnJ all ni tako tko a hack IwcVneat hackfnt
neat fnt when whol confronted with Iho th ho crystal crystalBuch cry crystal4t11 ta taBuch
4t11 Buch a 1 hold Indocd Indfcd has hal thin thlf alluring alurlnp bit bllOf bitj bItof
Of rock gained on the feminine ferlnlm affoctiomthat affoctiom atlctlon atlctlonthat
j und ttntlImpresslonablo undImpresonahlo andt
that women of a highly hllhly imaginative Imagllatvl
t 1 Impresslonablo nature nallre some lome of whom whomwenl whomp hom homonl
p vent onl to KroIT M ol ofr and ali remained fmalnlc to adore adnr art arttaking arotakll aretakIng
taking takll lessons Ip on at It l 5 > u lesson IIt n in tho th art ar ol olcrystal of ofcrltalreaoln ofcrystal
crystal crltalreaoln reading liolng Iolnl assured astlrpd by the sect seeithat 8cr 8crthst sectthat
that they the pasw t to wnnw 1m iixtent the spirit spiritof spiritof spIrit4jf
4jf 14f of divination divinationTo olvlnatlol
1 To bo able Ihl to drag dr knowledge from t tcrystals I ICIHtnll a acryHtals
crystals CIHtnll limpid lmpid depth to gain gall tho power poweito powerto
q4 f to probe deep down dowl Intn Its iM heart Iwar and rear rearthere read I Ither
4 k there ther ones onot future futue is I an accomplishment accompliahmenltheso nccompl hmen I
1 A 1 these the women fool Hi tht t Ls b well 111 worth trying irylnsfor tryIngfor i ifor
those who cant afford nffonitho affordt
for Meanwhile cnwhle for aford I Ithl
t t the thl lessons the tll seer feer goes gOl1 ahead ahlml and dOl low lowtho lo4i > 1 1tho
i I tho reading and 011 It must bo admitted ndmlted dow dowIt does4c I I
4c J It very well wel Indeed considering cnsl erlng that thlt ac according acI according ¬
I cording cor ver lng to his hli own oln stniemenl bttement ht h4 is II handi handicapped liandicapped ¬ I Icapped
capped by the fact that crystals erltnI8 like likehumans lke lkehuman lIkefi
fi humans human havo strong ttronp likes IkPM and anr dlsllket dlsllketwhich dLlkcs dtsIlkewhIch I Iwhich
which thoy occasionally ucaslunll manifest manlfllt by h ru rufusing rt reI
I fusing fuing to make even a try tr at lt unveiling unlllg the thefuture thofuturl theI
I future futurl of a sitter nittcrWhon sitterv ItterI
v I Whon Whol such tuch An embarrassing embarMlng situation situationoccurs Iluallol Iluallolocur situationS
S occurs tho wer tlCr who hasnl ha t the thf heart to todisappoint toO todIsappoint
O disappoint dlfPP11nt a customer customlr nor Incidentally Incidentallyto Incdentaly 1
f to t soy tUl IJ l diverted dlerl from frm his hL coffers cofer gentr gentrally gell gellnly gelmerally ¬
tho by undertaking undertakingtho
to rescue
ally nly comes CUlel nlcue underaing underaingtho
tho r61o 1610 rob of prophet himself himselfAnother hlmlfAother hImselfl
l Another whim of the crystal orptal o It is issaid l
1 1 said Ild Aother Is to refuse to talk at the thl sunset hour hourand hourand hourj
j and the l same smo authority adds addt that crystals crystalsvary crystaldvary crystalst
t vary in i their temperament tcm > ramtt Seine are arograve nrogr
7 grave YO and sedate ledate given g ven ovor to consider considerfcg conside considep considert I
t lag gr the great questions of life leIuch lifesuch such for forInstance forl I IlMtlncf
p Instance lMtlncf ig as affect notions nat Ions rather than in individuals InS ¬
l S dividuals I and Ild aret deal dlal with spiritual spiritualrather 8phitualrther spirItuali I
i 1 rather rther than material latlral issues L8UI A 0 crystal crlt of ofthis ofthl ofk
k this superior brand seldom llldom condescends condescendsto condeltndt
to thl be b suprior bothered btherld with wlh questions UtttOfl5 purely per personal prI prI80nal perI ¬
I sonal As most 108t mon and women womcnpar womenpar par particularly ¬ I Ic iticularly
80nal womenwho who seek the LlI aid aidof
c ticularly Icularlr most women wOllnwho pftk tli Ild Ildf
1 of a seer aro running over with questions questionsof quettlonof >
of 1 an In intensely Inttnslv runlnp personal prnal and material materialnature lalral lalralnAturl irntriainature
f nature nAturl It naturally naturaly follows folows that tills type typeof typeI i
of crystal is less leK In demand than is i another anotherof anut anotuierof llr llrof
of gayer temperament which takes tnkll tkt s ati atiactive In Inacive anactIve
active acive Interest interllt tempmlnt in Cupids Cupldi capers laptl and in inmatrimonial Inmtrimonial Inmatrimonial
matrimonial and busings bl lnl 1 speculations ulallonl of a athoroughly athoroughly I Ithoroughly
thoroughly commonplace description descriptionOno deerlptlol deerlptloly
2 l Ono of the seers feerl who is I most mOlt in Inluor favor just justnow jUI justc
y c d now no with lh the New ew York woman nnd who is iscalled II ist i ii iI
t i I called cled Doctor Docor Includes Incudl In hw hl outfit outlt Iwo Iwocrystals twoS
S crystals by which he sols great ral store 8101 One Oneofthem
1 I ofthem of them which is II pure white wflte and wonder wonderfully won wondert er erfuly ¬ I
t otthem fully transparent added add to its It I fame by byprophesying byI byH
H prophesying PrRhe fuly so Its IttOIneroecArthelol It s owner declares I he IOFS IOFSof Io Ioof I Iof
of the Bourgogne iOPln the Wlndor fire fr and andother andother andother
I other disasters dlMstfr Jourlogne thereby saving fwlng the lives livesof Ivls IvlsI livest
t of several persons who h 1 ad intended Intendt to tosail tof I I8al
I f sail by tne prfnl illfated steamer 1ean10r but blt heeded heededthe heeld heededthe
the 8al crystals crtals warning arlnp This 11 stone which whichIs whichI I
Is themoro the moro valuable nilablo of the two is only onlybrought onlybrought onlys
s brought out when hen dignitaries dlgnlar1 are present presentor prRelt prReltor
f or when questions q ulsdol of moment momelt are to be besettled b besettled I
settled settledThe settledThe led ledI
I I 6t The Thl other crystal eYAtal which Is I by far the themore themore
more mor popular pular with ith tn tnA ladles lallp is of a yellow yollowwhtte yolow yolowwhie yellowwhite I
white whie tint dit whloh stamps Hta1pS it n M being of a amore aI
more emotional if less IEi Intellectual Intelcctua order orderthan orderthan I
I about the Uiosame thoMme ther
than its it companion cmpanion Both are aholt
r tan same shape and size sizen n perfect prfN globe gloL six sixInches fb sixr I IInohM
r Inches shap or so 10 in diamntw dhulatJI When not In Inuse II inuse
use 8 the crystals ortlltlro are inclosed 1llot In cotton coton bags bagsand bal bagsand I
and nd securely lecurel fastened up by b an intricate intricatecombination Intricalecmbination Intricateoomhination
combination cmbination lock in n 1 small tlal safe Mf The Thedoctor Thedotor rIsed
d doctor dotor takes no chances chlncl of losing them themUplodato thel thetaUptodate j jUptod1o
Uplodato Uptod1o crystalenmamiy cr IInlelmanu differs dlter some somewhat Hmo ¬ I
4 i what from that prnctlsd prctlfd by the ancients ancientsIn anchmti I
In the old days d11 tho o olrtor oxrator > erator muttered mutteredover niutteredt
t over ovr lh thf < crystal n 1 prescribed prefrhed prayer prcr and audthen andien andthen I
then ien gave ii i tt into ll the hn hands handl of n youth or ormaiden ormden
4 maiden mden who read rod In it soniitiniPrt olltlmP in writ writion wrt wrtton r1t r1tD
D ton characters oharctors sonuilmos 111tmcf by Images 111 e the tlieanswers theanwef theri
ri answers anwef to the questions uelolt asked askedThe alkd alkdThe askedJ
J n The New o York seers frl have no assistant assistanthor atistant atistantnor assistantnor
nor is I any Iny a very r young man The doc doctor dootnr toothr ¬
tor for instance Intancf has hD white whlo hair hllr And Andprayers Andpryer8 Andl
l i prayers pryer8 arc al dls sIlspens IL IIP > enn > d with withOn witht Ih IhOn
t On tho other hand the th New Xe York sw Sfr SfrIntrocucos seer seerJ > r rintroduces
J introduces Introcucos some ole formalitIes formalth R which wl ch the IhoOrientals thoOrllntahl theOrientals
Orientals Orllntahl know knol nothing nothln about aUIt Thus flu when whenthe whll wisestt
t the mare frivolous frlolols crystal crstal lit it is always alwaystho alway alwaythA alwaysthe
the mow frivolous rrinlous one Oln that is I UWH Ifl used if the thecandidate thecandldato thei
i candldato Is a woman and not extremely extremelyagol extremelaRo extremely1L
1L 1 aged aRo has hM boon hll placed plncl 1 in II the middle or a atablj atabl atabl
tablj tabl J directly dlr > eth under IndlI on al oblong nhlon piece plc of ofcrystal ofoswl oftt
tt crystal watch wlciit witis Is hooked to toarord a alof1 cord that dangle danglefrom dln danglAs IA IAfr
s from fr the t ie o 01 olliisg > llliiK In it is 1 covered covIred Immedi Immediately intll intllatly isnmnedi4d ¬
4d ately atly with wih a thin 1 bit hi of white whll muslin n1111 After Afterthit MIr MIra AfterL
L thit a soeiml IOcnd long lon ford 10 orvl rr which ends loIl in a anmall nImllteellro asmall
small Imllteellro steel crossbar hlr Is II attached ut tarh1 to the first firstcord Irst Irstord firstt
t i cord ord and tha th visitor IAlor who in II seated fatlo some somodistance somedistance ro roolstanco
distance from the th table tlhl is asked a kd to t < remove removeher rlmOVf romoveher
her glove and ald grasp r p the Ihl thesleel steel bar hal As Al soon soonnsshc 101 soonas
nsshc n8 she tnkosttin takes It In her Ilr fingers nn ert the tloctcr eocl docts r steps stepsto atlJ8 atlJ8t stopsq
q j to t a I piano and running ronin Ills hflln fingers erl over oAr the thokey thAIey theiceyt
key announce annOII Irml Imt lie has found her hrr key keynote klYnOle keyrk
rk r note her dominating dimlnnlnl stoic 10to in music mllc which whichIn whichIn shlcisi
i In turn tur indicates what wlnt hr hlr Iser > r complementary complementarycolir ompllmcntar
I chr colrlR colrlRt colir is isYour IsYour
t r Your koy note nte he announced annolncld tho other otherHy othprthy otherf7
f7 5jP Hy < to a sitter Ilter sitter5 is II A minor which means meansthat menli menlitnt meaast
t that tnt vri 111 c i a 1 vo 0 nritiiv color ciloI is lilac lilneButexpostulated iac iacBut lilacIL
IL Butexpostulated But expo tlatl the woman In a tone lonnof toneof toneof
of derision derlon I 1 never wear wlar Iliac iiac Its IA not notbeconingtonv notboong notz
z beconingtonv beconingtonvThat boong to m mThat
That miUos Inke no 10 dlTcrenw clre rll calmly llhnly re reJoined f n nr
r Joined the dtor d I to tor moving 10dn as I ho spoke Apko tew tcwnrd tewIrd tewt
t t nrd Ird the table tnhll lilac 1lne is Ii your olr lucky rolor rolorIf 010 olorS
S If you ever wr have aore uo throat Ihrat bind It up
j In a piece picc of lilao lal woollen woolpl material IAIrlnl and these thniowill thle thlewi thesev lJ
v will wi bn b be no 10 need neld need to send 11 for a physician physicianLooking phylcal physicianLooksng
Looking Lkinl only partly convinrod the his listener l histenersank ¬
tener tenlJ tenersank sank anI burk hlll in her hfr prat rat ftlll tillutchlng tillutchlngthe clutching clutchingthe
the bit of iifo tel and watched the dictor as ashe n nhe
1 he selected IlecId from from a big hi pil pi pile of squares FCln of ofpotln offatn ofeatin
potln fatn and silk flk of many mau colors colo and all tones tonesof tonr tonesof
of color pprpud FrTllII around lnund tlio table tnhlf a square squareof Aquaroof
1 of lilac lac silk flk anti one drnpid it over olr the t hI > crystal crystalwhich crystalr rYllal rYllalwhich
r which by thl this time was n converted onril into a amound I amounmi
mound of dry goods goodsor or HO 0 it looked from fromwhere fromI frontwhere
I where whlr she sot sntSho Im ImShe sotw
w She was M puzrlfd pl77I1 as I to how hol on earth Irh the thedirtor thed1tor thef
f dirtor vas to road 111 the crystal unless InlAA in inl IndCd indeed
dCd deed l l U hI he 1 111 lend 1 ler left a 100J loop I holl hole AOlolhNC AOlolhNCI somewhere somewherek 1 1In
k In I the drapery drapr on the thc skIn ilo next him Hut HutBhe flutiK lt ltIhe
iK she Ihe was Wl vp reassured ISI rNI by the thl seer fer who Just Justat ju justS t tat
at this point pint explained xplalold that the crystal crystaltalkrd crstaltikNI
5 S S talked tikNI to him himIts hll hintA
A tc i Its Is talking taldnp now ho wont Int on and asks asksme asksfl kf
fl I me to toll t1 you youAnd youAnd ou ouAnd
And then for fovcral Hlrl minutes mlnut Ill ie talked tnlkrdalong talkrdaonf talkedong
along aonf ong without wihout a bronk brlnk giving Ihinl the thl crystals crystalsmessage crltnll crystalsmessage
message mepa to the woman listening ltlnlng ns n she sheprobably shf sheprobably
probably never 1lr had listened lstlnld to anything nnthlnRofo anythIngbefore
before ofo in herllfp herllfpA hfr her Ifl lIfe lIfeA
A cryttsl cry tal by i tho w wsy IY y never n r wastes waltpl any anytime anytIme anyS anytime
time i ttrrlng otlrlnp around nrollcl among amon pests lt It Itdrills Itdutls
S drills d n I mainly mtlnl with wi h futures fnt nrll hence hnN its It corn fommxnlcwlomi rm rmm cornmtiiieat1ons
mxnlcwlomi m nkllon are orn not likely IkdV 10 be long lCn drawn drawnout orlwn orlwnut drawnout
out ut In n the til case re In point olot the doctor had hndl0n haclrn hadtxn
l0n rn speaking paklnp not lnt more mnr than three or four fourmlnutpf fourmlnll fourmlrnites
mlnutpf when ho full and nndInfonnid andI andinforsntd
mlnll rnme m to a fiI slop ftOp nld nldInfonnd
Infonnid the thl woman wnmnl who wan hanging hnging banglnhrcatIsirsiy
hrcflthlfnly hralh1H I on Oi hlt hl < words And who ho hud hudconfidently Mdonn ha haconfldently
confidently onn < kntly rxprolrd IxClcllc him tn RO on for half hnlfan holfan halfan
an tiotir lOlr or Jr bo t at lcn lenI t that she po Rhl might ml ht ask nskquFMions a askS k kqUHtlcm
S quFMions quFMionsAs qUHtlcmAR
I As mAY rn rosIly MI lly lx IX l > inuiglnml Imt III he took tookntivantnco tookndyontlf tookndvantaae
ntivantnco ndyontlf of the ohuncc hanC And nd If a crystal crystalnos rIII
nos hi hiDf ho Df 11 ppcrinlty fpcAhy hc h ts hfmn fon clocTerrd dIcovercd l ° covcred that thatt
It t ITIUM l c that of giving advice adviceur <
p plvlnp 1 lie
Of coutfo con10 the tIll woman never 1fer heard a nRhOFt aJhoPt agisost
RhOFt JhoPt of a whL whLper hL > llr flr from frm the th crystal crRtal while whileshe
I she was wal in the ni roombut room but thn Ihl doctor dncor assured nwuredv a uld uldr
ncr r that the Alknt uiicIertanding between
betwen betwenmN1
hlmslf mN1 Ind and thl the v IAcdrpd lilflcdrapI undrrfandllF M i MQiit stone had hadMcr hadinver naa naaMvcr
Mvcr Mcr t Ilen been f enmore mJe more wit Mtlflcor sntlsfsctnry Isfflctory There Tlrl could couldwith culd
b ndo no 10ub1 loub rlther but I hat the fltrr sitter hld had
4 I Da C n dljldpd d1ded h t with ith the crystal < rltnl ho h hi hes heIW
I fsaid > said si Aa A a proof prof of thin th every eVr que qfton qfton8ht queitton queittonahe tlo tloahu
ahu 8ht put was answered to the tlef full I even i ito as asto
to how nnd bow bw anwere1to not when and nd where wher I IInvent t to toInvest
Invent her money moneyNevertheless moneyNIvorhelel
Nevertheless NIvorhelel that ungrnteful Wgrtful woman wonuwrnt womn womnWfnt womanwent
went off In something fmethlnK very very like Ika a huff huflavowing h havolg huffavowing
avowing Wfnt of her entire disbelief dLbllf Vlr In i crystals ortnil I Ig In Ingi
avolg g gi < nernl nerl and that tht entre very ver crystal crtnlnprloulr crtnlnprloulrTho In particular purtlouUiI particularThe
I The trouble was Wi this Te The last lt question quoatlonut queton quetonput questionput
put to thecrystnl the c ll was on the thoduilcate dyllcate delct BUI BUIject sub 8ubJEc subJtct
ject of matrimony and here was waslt Us answer answerAvoid lwer lwerAold answerAvoId
JEc mtrmony
Avoid matrimony Any AlY matrimonIal matrlmonuentanglement mtrmonial mtrmonialI matrimonIalentanglement
you entanglement I matlmony will wi be D most disastrous dllttul t tyou to toyou toyou
A Maine Ialnl Imitation Imlalon IntItatlOnThat That Tlt Hat Ia Almon AI mO tittf tittfplnnlfdtheflemilne IUp IUplItanIcd
plnnlfdtheflemilne Illanl lItanIcd Id the Orlnlne Genuine Article ArticleIt trtInIeIt rtole rtoleIt
It Is II fact that cant CIt be denied denie said saidwholesale eld a awhole6ie awholesale
wholesale whole6ie grocer Hint tmt there are ar comparutively com comprutvel cornparmitively
parutively few Imported sardines Irdlne an anconsequently and anllconsequentl andconsequently
consequently prutvel few sardine srdlnla at all al sold shl 1 1thin 11 11thlt in inthIs
thin thlt country countl nowadays nowadaI and nd yet not on onconsumer oncon one oneconssI1rncr
consumer con unwr In a thousand thlU n knows knowl the dlffui dlffuienco difTurerIc lll lllneo
enco erIc neo so 10 nearly ruarlr do the fish fsh sold for sardine sardineapproach eardlneapproach sardinesapproach
approach the tht genuine both In appearance appoarancand appuranct appuranctnnd appearanceand
and taste tasteNinetenths tateInotntht tasteNlrsetentlts
Ninetenths Inotntht of our sardines trluO come from frorMaine fromfahlt fromMaine
Maine fahlt There rhll are art In II Eastport F ttvor Me Ic alone nlomtwo 11ne 11netwu alonetVo
mock mockardln mocksardIne
two dozen 01UI or more places pluclt where the moc mocsardine
sardine ardln is II prepared prpurod and boxed and there therarc thereare
are many other at Iubec Iul Joneaport Jonesor an another and amiother andother
other towns tOWI of the Maine coast coastThe consto coastThe
o The businessbegan ulnctcegan as II long ngo as a 187 187It 1810 1810I 1810It
It I was the conception coneoptun of a couple of shar sharand ehnp ehnpand
and farseeing fnrIelng Now lw Yorkers rorkor They Tho began begaiat boganat
at Eastport Ettport not as I sardine Irdlne packers pncker8that pncker8thatM tha thawas
was M an ID afterthought MtErthoaghtbut afterthoughtbut but in packing small sinalherring elal smallIserrlng
herring In oddaliaped little Itlo wooden kegs kegsthe klg kegsthe
the pickle that preserved them being high hlglwith highwith hIghwith
with spices apl These hf herring wore wee place placeon placed placedon
on the mirket tket an al Russian Ru lan herring horng and fo foa for forI
a long lima thll their cheap and ald fraudulent fraudulonflsh fraudulentIlh fraudulentfish
fish Ilh was on the thl bills bis of fare of the swell swolrestaurant Bwol swellrestaurants
restaurant re uUrltl of this thlt city ciy and Ind elsewhere elowher a atho I as asthe
tho highestpriced hlrllstprltd relish rclAh they served servedThe sone servedflio
The ni enterprising entcrprllng New e Yorkers made madimoney mdumoney mademoney
money fast in their venture but they go gothe got gotthe gotthe
the Idea Ite that there was wal more money still etllin 8t1 stillin
in modelling nDdlUlng the herring after the srrdtnei srrdtneiput rdlnl
put Plt up U il In France Fralce although nlhough some shrewd shrowYankees shrewdYankees <
Yankees Ynnkel had experimented exprJlumtJd extensive extensivennd extensively extenshelyI
nnd used UI up no little Jle capital cnpltl years yes before befonin beforein
in effort efortt to work out n similar simiar Idea Ide t tpractical to toprnctrhl toprnctirt <
practical prnctrhl results rule but without success successThoy 8UCC successThey
Thy had found It easy esy to cook the thicallow thu01i0 thecallow
callow 01i0 Maine herring hering pack It IA i Im olive olivnil 016 olivenil <
nil 01 In II Imitation Imiatlon sardine iardi no boxes box with wth French FronolInlxsls FronchInhell Frenchlabels
labels Inhell In Imitation Imlatolof of oftho tho labels labl I on tho lm lmported 1mpred insported <
ported pred sardines FudlnoA and give 0 them tlem every ever ap appearance aI appearnutco ¬
pearance of the genuine gOlulne g Imported Imprte article articlebut artclej artclejbut articlebut
but when Ilhon this thl Yankee Ynnk sardine Irdlne went Wlut to t the thetable th thtnble thetable
table Its It I fraudulent frudulelt character charalor became bame ai aionco at atonlI atonce
once onlI apparent Tho soft rich rch flavor taor of th thimported the theImpore theImported <
imported Impore sardine Iardlne was not there but only onljtho onlytho onlythe
tho unmistakable unm11takabll taste tlte of the native her herring horrng herring
ring rng The Maine lan experimenters could rwd not die diecover dl dlc discover
cover c < wer any means exprmentorl by which the herring hlrrng flavor flavocould flavorcould aor
could bo replaced by that of the sardine sardinennd sardluennd sardIneand
nnd tho business hu rpao I1 ended in failure falure but the thesmart thesmal1
smart New l CV Yorkers YorkeM after ufor a few experiments experimentsof expermolld expermolldat
of their own lilt l t upon a mixture or blend blendof blendof 110111of
of at spices pl > and Atl oils nlH for a packing sauce MUc that thatmade thlt thltmldo thatmade
made mldo n sardine lrdlne of a burring In a twinkling twinklingand twinklng twinklngan twinklingand
and an a 1 gigantic Ilgaltlc Industry Indutr has hl sprung fPruR from fromthat frol froststhat
that simple Ihlfle discovery Not only are ar nar nardines Ir Irdino sarlilies
dines made from frm common cmmon herring hemn now nowU nowbut I
U but frl frosts young II sea trout a 111A ltle little rtfc fh fish clco clcothl called calledth
the thl th moranee and several other species or orvarieties orvaretl orvarIeties
varieties varetl of fish all ai perhaps Ilrhaps herring hring SpOA of a alesser alesser i iItBtr
lesser ItBtr or greater growth growthThe rowth rowthThe
Ilwlh IlwlhThl
The herring herrng of which tho Yankee Yanko sar sardines fr frdlmR sardInes ¬
dines are a made aro n am never more mur than Ula four fourinches fourinchO fourinches
inches inchO long and the catching Ilchlng of them themkeops thlm thlmkept thetakeeps
keeps kept hundreds hundm of people pple busy hUIY along aonR the thecoast thecoat the001st
coast coat of Maine Iane and New ew Brunswick BrunswickTho Drunlwlck DrunlwlckTho Brunswickrite
Tho way they are handled hlldle at the faa factories fao faatories ¬
tr1 tories is a night Ilght worth worh going golnl all ai the thE way wayto wayto wayto
to Maine lnno to nef se > The fish fsh are taken from fromthe frol froststhe
the fisheries tlherl I immediately Imnlllatel to tho factories factoriesThere fncorlt factoriesThere
There Ther they are nr piled piol in heaps h apson on long 10n tables tablesI tnblel
I have heard 11urd many mon a New SIW York rustic Ilc boast boastof blt bltof boastof
of the facility facllt with th which hlch he can cn skin kiti a acatfish acatfish I Icatfih
catfih catfish hut if I he could culd see some pro of the boys boysand byi boysand
and girls who work In those thof sardine fac factories factore8 factories ¬
tories grls clean ellal these the herring herrnR he hf would never nevermention Devermentlun neverniesittun
mention tore8 his hil skinning fldnnlng fish fh again I watched watcheda
a sevenyearold Ienvlnrld girl Ilrl go through thrugh thin thinoperation thl thlopomtlnn tliIoperation
operation one day da and timed tml1 her She Shebeheaded Shebeheae Shebeheaded
beheae beheaded mid putted seventyfive aveltylve herring herringevery herringEvpr herringevery
Evpr every minute for I ten e minutes mllut without witholt a amiss I ImlA isntiss
mlA miss or a halt and they told me there ther wore worehundreds worehundreds Ir
hundr hundreds more who could do the same samethine 110 110thlnf annietliln
thlnf tliln thine and keep kPp it up all al day dayNow clayow Iav Iavow
Now ow York IB the treat wholesale wholfle centre centrefor cntr eentrefor
for these th Yankee Yake rrpat sardines Ardlnf Some 80mI Idea ideiof Ideaof 1 1of
of tho magnitude tlnltude of the business hUlnls may nu he hehad hehad wi wihad
had when hln I tell tel you ou that ono factory alone nlonein Ilune IluneIn
in Iubee Iubtand Iubeeantl and there are ar other factories factoriesdoing fneor factoriesdoing
doing unite as large lape a trade Irochl tradehas has nirulu mid and andsold Inll Inllsold andsold
sold as high as 2J0 C03000 boxes bXf of sardine sardineIn MrHnEA MrHnEAIn san1lnsin
In a year besides id the th large quantities luntlll of ofBoa offa ofsea
Boa fa trout t rut and ant other brands brncs of transformed transformedherring trlHfurme transforniedherring
herrng herring it I disposed of ofSHE ofShE 0 0SlE
Out Then Ien the Amateur A mat tur rontorllontut rontorllontutPound tontnrtIontstFouiitL ontorlonl t tlonll
Pound lonll That at She Shl Couldnt < oulllt tnilo tncl It ItBUFFALO I ItBtnruo
BUFFALO IcfFu May Iar no aOPretty IProty Protty Laura Green Oreenough Grcn Grcnongh Greenotigh
ough of Rochester Roullter Is 1 ii visiting yiHling her cousin cousinNellie cousinNellie usln uslnel
Nellie el of Elm Elro Eimwood wood In this thl city Young Younl Mr MrFinlay MrFinlay MrFinlay
Finlay of Cleveland Cleelanc and his sister Minnie Minnieare
are likewise Ikewl6e visiting there thereThe thero1le thereThe
The 1le circus exhibited uxhihltld hero a few days daYI ago agoYoung ag agoYoung
Young Mr II Finlay took tok tho girls grLq to t see se the theshow thehow theshow
show In discussing dlqOLqlng the performance performanceafterward porformancoafterwafI performanceafterward
afterwafI afterward the young man expressed expr o his hisnmacment hIsaml1mcnt Isisamazement
amazement aml1mcnt at tho feats feltH of a female con contortionist cn cntorlonl6t contnrtlonist ¬
tortionist tortionistHo torlonl6t torlonl6tlo
Ho lo was WI particularly paricuarl amazed amlzo at the highly highlyaccomplished highlyacmplRhe highlyaeconspitahod
accomplished acmplRhe manner In which she he twisted twistedher twistedher
her foot around the back of her neck and andmade andmadt andmade
made madt a cushion rest rlt for her he head out of ofher ofhr ofher
her heel hel The To warmth with wth which hlch ho ex expressed exprfll oxpressed ¬
pressed his hl admiration ndllrltlon for this act ac of the thelady thelad thelady
lady lad contortionist cntorlont seemed nle to nettle pretty pretv pretvMif prettyMias
Miss Mif Orewiough Grenough a little ltle and she ho turned turnedup tun turnedup 1 1up
up her nose and Incl and said saidPshaw saidIRhawl saidIshawt
Pshaw That Isnt nt anything Bnvhlnl to brag bragabout brngabut bragabout
abut about I can do it myself myselfCousin mlolf myaclftCousin
Cousin usln Nellie Nlll and ad Miss SlM Finlay Fnay screamed screamedI screamedand creaml
and I Burll assured I If Miss IH I T Lur Laura It t tha that t she I Ifactly Wi was per perfactly r rrnctly
factly awful and yourg our g Mr Finlay Inlay laughed laughednt
nt her and an poohpoohed poohrohfl But her Ier laulhec Flour FlourCltv IkurCity ur urIt
I City It v sporting A rtlng blood was W up nnd she ho turned timodto t rl rlto >
Mr and nd said In decided
to Finlay ad ll ld tones tonesIll tone tonesIll
Ill Il just ju > t bet I t you the price prco of a box bx of ofWd ofkid ofkid
kid gloves 101 I can cn do It ilYoung ItYounp itYoung
Young Younp Mr 11 Finlny promptly prmptly took the thehot thehN thebet
hot Then tho delicate nlUlnto question quetlon as to how howMiss howI howMiss
Miss I ireenoughs rcnolhl ability abity to perform frfun the thencrobntlf thf timacrobatic
acrobatic acrobntf feat could ould Ixi proved pre1 troetl to tho satis satisfaction satiefactIon nU nUfnclol ¬
faction fnclol of the young fenthman pontlcman came cmp up upII upI upIt
II I was R finally InAI decided clcl Olli that Cousin Nellie Nellieshould Nelo Nelohould Nelliehold
should bo hI prorfpnt plnt a 554 < referee n1ferl for Miss A Green Oroenough GrNnolgh Greenoisgls
ough olgh while whll the th act ac wns WI on and nd that young vOlng
Mr Klnlays J nlaYf sister should Ihould also be b bethere there therr in inthe Inth Inthe
the th intflrftsl Iltf of her hprhrolhfr hprhrolhfrTIl brother brotherThe brotherThe
The TIl throe thre girls Irs retired rtme to Mist Mil Green Greonoughs Oron Greenoiighs
oughs 011 room and young YOUIR Mr Finlay waited waitedon walfd walfdon
on the Ihl piazfti plazra iaza for nn official ol < nl report mpor of the thoresult thl theisuIt
result rlult of o the thl feat fea Spasmodic SpnOodlo burxts Imltl of ofmirth ofmirh ofnilrth
mirth mirh from tho room reached Techll his hi ears Ia for fora
a tIme tml and Ind lh th1 then < m there Iher was R a I painful silence silencefor silencofor
for a few fe seconds fOndR This was Wil broken hrken by byscreams byscreams
screams Irlaml of laughter alghter exclamations XcnlatlonA of won wond wonder o odol
d dol der r and loud clapping clapplnp of ImiuU hRld In tho room roomblinked rom romllnkod roomBlinked
blinked llnkod if I dont bellove Jlele the little lttle tar tartar tarlar tartar ¬
himself himselfAnollier hlmtlf hlmtlfAnother hImselfAnother tar has hIi won Wal H I said Ild young younj Mr Finlay Fnlay to tohimself tohlmtlf tohImself
Another period of painful pailul clients fln0 fol followed fullowe foihewed ¬
lowed lowe the pro outburst oltburft of wonder 10nder and ap applnuso app1au applause
plnuso p1au This was Wi followed folowed bv h A 1 scream fcram or ortwo orto orto
to not prompted prmptl by mirth mlnl or wonder wondorSuddenly wonderbuddenly omlorSuddlnly
Suddenly Suddlnly Cousin Cmlfin Nellie NIIlo hurst bUrt from the theroom thf theroom
room rnm and ran out shouting 8houtn In alarmed alarmedtones Ilnned Ilnnedtonll alarmedtones
rose rO tones tonll to her mother Young Younp Mr Finlay Finlayroso Fnlay FnlayrO Finlawrose
rosoHAS HAS JM itiitt ho hf done one It i Nolllo ole IIP hI asked askedOh Mktd MktdOh askedOh
Oh Frank Jrnk Miss lls Nellie ele sobbed Ibl she shohas shehi hio hiohas
has hi dono it I but she Ih cant undo it I lease Plpaserun leaserun
run rn for a doctor dOor And nd oh Frank Jrnk Got Gotnn Ootno lot lotan
nn old ono onoFortunately onoForunntlly oneFortunately
Fortunately Forunntlly n I physician phYFlcan of forty fory yearn yearnand yearsand eal
and more 1010 practice pracica lived Jve not far nay
Young loln Mr Ir Finlay Flnla summoned lummono him lu I o ohurry ahurry
hurry hnr
The he doctor was 1 a Rood ood while whll in the ama amatour all aissatour
tour tOlr contortionists cntorllollRtH room rom but when hIl ho holoft holeft heloft
loft It ho was wa smiling llng When 1lenl 1ien Mica Green Greenough Orrn Orrnulh Greenough
ough ulh came out Olt an al hour hal I or so 1 later latll she nhnwalked Hhnwalked shewalked
walked a trifle trne lame Ilmo hut she announced announcedtriumphantly AnnnunCdlrumphant announcedtrlunsphantiy
triumphantly lrumphant to young Mr Finlay Flnla that she sheImd Ihl she1usd
Imd won on the hot bt lllj The TI1 Tb official ofdnl report r of he hereferees herofrf hereferees
referees rofrf unanimously sustained ltaned the r ctiim ctiimand clhn clhnId claIm claImand
and Id it was W promptly prmpt paid pld
The Idea said Mist MI Qreenough o rnolph I Iused Iurc Iused
used urc to do it i easy calY when I was at school schoolAll Ihoo IhooAl
All Al the thl girls could clir My Ir heel never nevfr stuck stuckbefore
before bfore I i guwnI I must be b getting old oldaid oldsaid
said aid Id the Rochestir gll r bud bud with wih gettnK a sigh sighSr
TO THE THROAT THROATPint TInniT TInniTFrt TI 1Wt7 1Wt7pint
Pint Frt One Malt On ts Able Abl to Turn rum the Ilt lie Ileail IleailFreely INI IIedFreely
Freely Freol This 1 Way Wa soil DIllt Tlmt Next ext U the thtMatter tlo tlolatrr theIiatter
Matter latrr of Holding loldlnt IloldIn U i lu lit Iiit t Iltch IICh EnonBl EnonBlThe EoDlh EoDlhIt EflOUltflit
The It Necks Nek SlwpnCbaiiRfd Shap Shape MIRItd Changed by MMMH MMMHHave lUule lUuleBa MasUIethive
Have Ba V8 you OVer watched vntoh < the motions moUol of o ofolntPonyoarold a afuhrtfenyearold afourteenyearold
folntPonyoarold girl girlHave girlHave girlHavp
Have you oU ever lvor noticed how abe Re tume tumehqr tum8bQr ttirTtshir
hqr head h n this thl way noUo and Ind thnt and ad how she shedarts ahedart shedarts
her head high highlowers high10forl highlowers
darts dart out her chin chil poises paile
thousand and quick quickllttln quickItn quicklittle
lowers 10forl It und < makes a thou
little Itn movements every Ar mlnut of her hlr life lifeNow le leow lifeNow
the four fourteenyenrold fourteenyearalit our ourtlnYCrnld
Now ow after aflr you OU have hovo watched wncllo
teenyenrold tlnYCrnld girl fora for forawhhleJUt 1 whllft wht Junt JUlt turn tur yoiii yoiiiattention yo yournttention r rntltlon
attention ntltlon to thn motions 10tlon of a Woman om a of 30 30And 30Ad 30And
And Ad for this purposenolpot purp IIfot the tlA conventional conventionalwoman oonwntonal oonwntonalwoman conventionalWonnan
woman the < he welldressed weUd t N woman mnn the lady ladyof ladyof ladyof
of leisure leisureIf leLmr
If I you ou look at lt her rOl you will U note at ono onotliat onO onOthat ones onesthat
that her throat thrat 1 Is done up very ry tightly tightlyand tightlyand tightlyand
and that thlt when also turns turM her head hl she does dooso doet doett doesso <
so with an effort elort She looks over 01 her high higtistock highItoek highstock
t stock Itoek at t you nu and wldom lldom does d < 1 she fhl turn tur her heichin herchin herdun I
chin dun more than an Inch or two twoIt twoI twoIt
It I Is II Impossible for her to t do to for heihead her herhed herhead
head hed la l held high by Ito Itlnlck nook dressings dressingsand dresing dressingsand I
and her throat thrat Is II swathed Iwathe with wth silk 81k llk and andlace andlao andlace I
lace lao and nd stiffened stioned by wire unlll nU it is for faifrom forfrm farfrom
from frm lo being able to perform prlon Its It natural naturalduty naturalduty naturalduty
duty namely that of turning turing the head headfreely hoa headfreely
freely frely and naturally naturallyYou naturnlv naturnlvYou naturally1oti
You will il note that the matron matrn If you youwill youwl youwili
will wl keep on studying 1tllylog her makes a few fewmotions fewmotonl fewmotions I
motions with her head Ilad but for the most mostpart m08tpart mostpart
part motonl she Ihe wih turns It only onl by turning the whole wholebody wholebod wholebody
body bod and If i shn sh desires deRlrel to look behind behindhershe behindher behIndher
hershe her lhe she turns from the waistline nat aist 1M line keeping keepingher kplnghel
her nock and throat thrat Immovable ImmovableTho
Tho result rel11 U obvious The throat throt of the thefourteenyearold thefourtn thefourteenyearold
fourteenyearold fourtn earold girl 111 Is II long lon and slender slenderbut slenderbitt Iendrhut i
but tho throat of the matron matrn ls I short and andthick andthlcl andthIck
thick thickThe thlcl thIckThe
The fourteonyfcarold moves mov her neck neckand neckInd neckand
and Ind chin naturally naturliy and no she hn keeps keps down downthe downthe downthe
the fat and keeps away lwy the double dOlbll chin chinbut chinbut chinhut
but tho matron with wih her neck In a high highstock highMock highstek
stock and ald her chin securely lcurely supported supportedby suppre
by braces hracel of silk Uk and wire li I not able to tomove tomove tomove
move her head held freely frely and ad the lie result lult Is seen seenin Fon FonIn seenin
in the thickening of the neck the stiffening stiffeningof 8Ufenlng 8Ufenlngof
of the thl throat and ald the doubling doublng of the chin chinEven chinEven chInEven
Even with wih the tight tllht high laco stock there thereIs
Is much damage dalage done doneThe donoThu doneThe
The same lle rule holds true ofany 01In1 part pr of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the body If I you keep the ankles ankl wrapped wrappedup wrappe wrappeond
up and ond do not exercise lxprlsl them themthey they will wi soon soonaccumulate 80n 80nacumulate soonaccumulate
accumulate acumulate fat If I you keep kop the waist waisttightly wnltI waisttightly
tightly tghtly bound nnd do not exorcise its itsmuscles It Itmuscles I Imuce
I muscles there t hfre will wi soon luon be b rolls of fatty fattytissue fnt fattytis4u0
tissue muce ti > UO around arolnr the waist W8st and tho l body dy which whichIs hch hchIs
I Is naturally nlluraly slender and graceful will wi bo bobulky b beI
I bulky hulk and disagreeable dlsFr < hle to gaze glze upon uponWith uponWith uponWith
With tho throat thrat It Is oven eelmor more apparent apparentthan apparenttitan
than with tho rent rllt of the body bodyllcu89 because the theneck thl thlnek theneck
neck nek is If visible lllble at all al times tmes or partly prl visible visibleThe visibleTIse llble
The 11e rolls rol of fat as they the accumulate acumulato are arOIln seen seenby seenby
by everybody eerbdy and Ind the woman who can cn con conceal CODC concoal ¬
coal her waistband with wth a straight strhtht front frontand frontand frontand
and C can hide her htr fat ankles Inkle under lndeI a long longsldrt IonI longskirt
skirt is compelled cmpled to come cme forth forh Into tho thobroad thohrcad thehiroacl
broad hrcad daylight daylght with her double chin dun and andher nndher audiher
her thick throat throatThero throatTher throatThere
There Ther are women whoso WhOAt chins chlnl are ar so sodoubled sodoubled O Odoubllo
doubled doubllo that thlt they are compelled cmpdlqd to wear wearmens wearmenl wearmens
mens menl collars clarf taking fifteen Ifton and sixteen sixteenInch sixteenloris Ixtten IxttenInch
Inch bands bd to span spn the neck k There Tre ore oreothers ar arolhel areothers
others olhel whose whof chins chin are BO I fat that they theyaro the thearo theyare
aro compelled cmplled to wear wer ft strip strp of ribbon ribbonaround rlbrn rlbrnaround ribbonaround
around the throat And Ald still sti tiU others otho can canwear canwear al alwer
wear wer nothing 10thlnF except exop a tiny tiy hit bit hit of lace laoeHeavy la laReay laceHeavy
Heavy breathing hrathng is II always IWaB heard in these thesecases theo theoCa thesecases
cases casesOf Ca casesOf
Of course cu all al beauty bauty IB II lost aa 1 soon son sontll as astho asthe
the tll face fac become becnl so fO fat OH thin th For with withfat wtthfat withfat
fat In the chin and throat the face fl0 is II square squareand suarl suarlnnd squareand
and the contour cntour Is It lost lo > t and tho oval nil nilgony 01 nilgone
gone gonyThe gonJTo goneThe The To young yong summer fummer girl does dos not look lookforward lookforwnrd lookforward
forward to any such accumulation nccumultlon of fat fntbut fatbut fatbut
but it is II 1 not too early earl for her hlr to begin beln to toguard togrd toguarti
guard grd against Igalnst it Sh She must mUlt remember that thatonce lhalonc thatonce
once onc upon upn a time tmo the fat fatolln woman the woman womanwith womln womlnwth womanwith
with wth four chins chlnl was wnl a summer SUnle girl rl herself herselfnnd horflf horflfnnd herselfand
nnd that tha t the plumpness plumpnlR en CIOe canto me upon her herslowly herIloly herslowly
slowly almost imperceptibly Imprceptbly but none nonethe nonothe nonethe
the lens surely lurlly and steadily steadilyIf Atladl
If I the summer 8Ummlr girl Ilrl would keep away fat fntnnd fatand fatand
and make her throat more mor plenrter Iend she Iho must mustget mustgt mustget
get at work upon It She must not walt waituntil waltuntil I IInt
gt at upn
until Int the first Irt roll rol of otf fat at appears when hIIRhA aIm sholooks aImlooks
looks Into the glass she should Ihould BOO f several severalthings Iverl Iverlthing severalthings II II100k8
things thingsFirst thing thingsFirst
First Frlt she he should behold n 1 neck nek that Is Iswhite I Iwhlto iswhite I
white and smooth with wih every oery bone covered coveredThe coero coveredThe
The Te neck nek should Ihould be l plump but not fat by byany byany byany
any means meansIts mlans mlansIl meansIts
Its Il hollows holows should Ihould he all al filled fle out but butthere butthoro butthere
there should be no rolls rols of flesh llh The fat fatneck fatncek fatneck
neck ncek Is a disagreeable dhlgoahle thing thIn and rather ratherthan ratherthan ratherthan
than have a I neck entirely entrly filled fle out one oneshould oneholld oneshould
should holld cultivate culhate a chest chet with Ih a 1 few hollows hollowsfor holows holowsfor hollowsfor
for hollows holows the artist arllt will wi tell tl you are aremuch aremuch aremuch
much morn interesting Interftng interetla thin fit fitAs flt fltA fatAs
As A for thin throat it should be slontlor slontlorlong Ilender Ilenderlonp slonderiong
long lonp and almost almolt round A 0 perfect rflct throat throatIs throatII
steadily Is II like lke a column supporting supportnr the hoad hoadsteadily hoadftOdly headsteadily
There are throats thoats that seem Bm to be strug struggling ItruR ItruRglng strugghing ¬
gling glng to hold up lp the head had and at the back backof backof backof
of tho neck nek there Is nn impression SB af though thoughtho thoughthe thoughthe
the hoad hfd were too heavy for the nock nek which whichsupports which8upprtR whichsupports
supports It ItThere ItTher itThere
8upprtR There Ther are ar n 1 few women no 0 richly rchly en endowed endowed endowed ¬
dowed by nature with ith a nice nic neck noK and andthroat ald aldthrolt andthroat
throat throlt that it I Is II not necessary nPRary to take tnkobeauty takebeauty lakebeauty
beauty exercises oJercllcl But for tho most part partone partthe partthe
the neck Is faul faulty anu and t to mko make It prfct prfctono perfect perfectone
one must mlFt work upon it itThere ItThere itThere
There aro three ways of cultivating cultvltng tho thoneck thoneck theneck
neck as al the Hi work of way boautlfying the throat throatIs thoat thoatII
Is II called cled Tho first frt bJutfyng and most Important Importantone Imporant Imporanton
one on Is that of exercise exerciseUnless lerelseUnless lrll
Unless you YOl can hold your head hea erect er can canturn canturn canturn
turn your chin freely freel this way and that thatnan tbatcan thatcan
can throw thrw back your head hac so as I to look at attho atthe atthe
the ceiling ceing you ou will wi not have hBe a supple neck neckThe nek nekThe neckThe
The next nextlmporlaTt Important move In neck culture cultureis culturoII
II is learning Iamlnl the th proper carriage of tho head headTlio hlacl headThe
The 110 head should Ihould prpr bo held up lp at lt all al times timesand tme tmefnd tisnestncl
and as I soon In as you OU get In the til habit hn bit of hold holdIng holdIng holdlug
fnd Ing up lp your head hlad just so f soon lMn will 1 you ou add
50 per cent to your good goo looks looksBy 10okBBy looks3y
By pr 3y holding up tho rhln in not meant the thehabit thohabit thehabit
habit of ducking the chin forward torar In goose goosefaslilon goosefashion
fashion nor no that 1111 of holding up tho 1011 head headhigh h headhIgh d I
high hilh and pressing pnI lng the chin chn down own into tho thothroat thothroat thethroat
throat but tho thf little Utle trick of holding It just justhigh jUlt jUlthigh justhigh
high enough enoughTo fnolgh fnolghTo enoughTo
To loam Ifam to hold 1110 up the th head properly prprly it itIs I itIs
Is II a good thing to study stud thu thl th portraits prrail of offatuous offarouIauI offatuous
fatuous farouIauI beauties hl and to note how exquisitely exqulbifly
they tho have ha learned learnld to poise plRe Uw 111 head The Thechin Thochin Thinchist
chin in il hold so well wel out that ih t It snakes makel ono onolone onl onelongbautlfnl
lone longbautlfnl beautiful lnutlul curve CUrTI right rlht from the thl hollow hollowIn hulo huloIn
In thn timi throat thrat to tho very ycr tip tp of tho chin chinAnd chinAnd chInAnd
And If you will wiltud study the successful f < Iful women womenof WIIII woimsenof
of the th stage thu stage ftaJo beauties laullI you will willsee wi willsee
see tro how they I tale hl universally uIICrMI hold hoi up tho t thchlri thchlriA hl chin chini chil chill
i A plain woman often ofo beconvH hpcmH charming charmingsimply chnrring chnrringI charmingsimply
simply I l mp by h the trick trck of lifting ItnR the head and anda
a pretty nrt ono becomes I > cmef Irresistible IrtI thla Try ry
hultlng holding your chin hln up lp as n you walk and note notewhat noteWhllt notewhat
what a difference rtturen1 it It will wi make In your our np npeii nJ ajiPnIrance
PnIrance PnIranceTo > eii ranc rancTo
JenrnC To hold the thl th chin up up begin hgln by simply tip tipping tlp tlppinp tlpping ¬
ping pinp the head hlar Tip nJ Ip i It back M far fa that th t you youcannot youcannot OU OUarmot
cannot s 1 see > e the thf floor toor Practise Pratt walking in inthis inthis
this hll strained lt mined position pltlon gradually grlllly changing changingtho changlnthu I
the poise polN OiSU of tlio head until unti you un got jt1 it ex exnrtly cxsicIly
sicIly acly becoming IJcCmlng IJcCmlng1ag a as It I should RhOlld be I erect nct graceful grCful and andbecoming anl andbecoming I
Massage 1ag > IK I another stop Itlp In neck nrck cult culture cultur cultlire ¬
lire ur If I the the throat is I baggy ballY the flpsh nrh must mustbo mlRt musthe I i
he manMigod mAled nway To do this thl you must muststroke mwtFtroll mimatstrolse
stroke Ftroll the Ihl chin hln n few times dally dHly punning punningthe pIhlng pIhlngthe pushingthe
the flesh ne h to one side flde You cnn soon lon If your vonrstroke yourstroke 011
Iltrnke stroke ho vigorous h orol discruriifSo dlAurll the liltlc liltlcroll 111throil I Irol I
roll rol of fat and ane drive drl1 it away no by I a natural naturalreduction naturll isatisralreduction I Ireurton
reduction reurton method methodIf mNhrd i
If 1 the th neck nck Is II hollow holC you YOI cnn massage massagea
a little ltle skin Ikln food Into It I sad If the mBng throat throatbo thrlt throatbe
bo 0 dark and creased cral you y u car bleach It with witha wih
a bleaching hlelchlng lotion after afer which you can cancream en enclam cancream
cream clam It and got gt It smooth smoth and and pretty prtty
The Te neck npck and throat thrBt are ar like Ile wax In ones oneshands onshand oneshands
hand hands for one can mould moull them remove removeblemishes remo remoblcmlhe removeblemishes
blcmlhe blemishes and ad finally Ily turn tUr out the te com cm ¬
1 t
pleted plc odprduc product in I I as patty prta a shajw MiuI a 1 yo yoplease Cu Culow utl utl1Thopresont
please pleaseThp low
1Thopresont The present prsnt standard Itandar standardof of feminine femnlne beaut beautshowsa b bea Iutr IutrMawl1 t tshows I
showsa Mawl1 shows a very long throat thrat longer oyoi oyoithan oun ountln evoisthan
than the thl classics clallcrwr ctasscsrequlre TCr require and more mor sleji slejidor Ieh Iehder 1eh 1ehder
tln der even than Is I seen tel In thofamous thotamou tIm famous oli olibits old oldbl oldbits
bits bl of statuary itntulr stt tUnry which stand In every eer housas house hous houseas
as n guide to feminine femnlno beauty beautyTo
a To agde get glt this thl810ng long throat requires r ulrel a greo greodeal g great greatdeal > t tdeal
deal of patience patenc and plenty plontr of hard work worlfor workfor workfor
for lisa long throat thra does not no grow gw on oneor oneorhuman oneerhuman ever everhuman
human form f and the woman womn whoso whO nee neeIs neeIs necIs
Is short whose whol throat Is 11 dumpy whps whpsohln wholuhln whose whosechIn
chIn scents aboutto sink Into another alothlr chl chland chin chinnll chmlnand
and nll still In1 another anal aboif her t will have to work fo fothreo fur furthno forthree
IUI wi
three months montl to get It her neck nek Into shape shapeBut IhBp shape13ut
But sho Iho cnn treat trat It with creams cror an anlotions and and10Uons andlotions <
lotions and cln sho can cn keep k p on until unt tho cole coleIs COWl color coloris
Is I is cornHit Corlt mcanwhllw mlonwhll working upon th thshape tho thoshap thushape
shape For Yor a nock nok bleach sho can upn take takofresh taJ I a afresh
shap fresh fnlh rips rip cucumber cuum r and an cut It in il Ion Ionstrips IqnR IqnRItrlp Ionstrips
strips Itrlp laying tlu tIl > strips Itrlp around arolld the th iiw iiwHO IIlk IIlkf sic
HO f that this thi juice will wi ooze out eitaat utai ail 1 iry ry on orThis onThl onThis
This Thl makes makl a very ery r nice nic harmless harllea nee neeblench neck ntkblpnch neckbleacim
blench blenchLUIIIOII blpnchUICJ bleacimLonitoit
LUIIIOII UICJ juice Is II effective ltocthe but It has hl a 1 wa waof way wayuf ay ayor
of not 10t agreeing with every skin and an11ku an11kuglrclrll Ilk Ilkglycerine like likeglycerine
glycerine ajrotlng It Is 1 > sometime sOeluiM oyr a high irritant Irrltanlrequiring Irr irritantivtiulmlng Ult UltnIulrnl
requiring nIulrnl implications npplctoM of cold cld cream cram t tkeep to tokeepthl tokeepthe
keep keepthl keepthe the skin kin from frm roughing up upA upA
A 0 bleach bllleh cream erlal is 1 made mall by ly taking mut mutton muttun mUtton
ton tallow talow and olive 01001 oil In < equal parts on onAdding and audadding andadding
Adding three tlrlc drops Orm of oil 01 of rose rol geranium goranlutrto glrnlum glrnlumto
of T Tuse To Touse
to nn ounce Oc the completed cmpletd cream Cam
use uie this to bent bltt advantage molt a tables tableespoon t tablesspoon les leslpn
spoon of It Irra saucer add a half teaspoon teagpooof teapU teapUof teaspoonof
of lpn bran stir until Wit I thick and oool 001 and an sprea spreauxm spread 8preadupon spreadupon
uxm upon the thl skin skil like lke a poultice poulticeTWs poulticeTids
TWs Tl s la very good for whitening whlenlng the hand handas han hanal hadJ3as <
al as well l as the neck while hle for freckles frecklesit It I Ia 111 Is Isa
wel tio
a sovereign Iverlgn balm bleaching blelchlng them unt untthey until untilthey ntl ntlthey
they am an a pale plc 011 yellow yelow and Ind curing ourg a Httl Httlrough lul lulrugb little littlerough
skin rough rugb spot 8pt which a freckle leaves lee on th thskin the theskin
skinThe The summer girl 1 can keep llop her nock lk fre frefrom free freefrm freefrom
from frm the the tltmur creases made cn by y the stock If sh shwill she 8hewi shewill
will wi go over olr CeaAII It every AIr night nigh with wih a 0 ver verlittle very verylittle
little ltle skin Ikln food washing it off ar in the mom momIng momIn inOrTslag
lag In with ith hot water Rtur and plenty of soap soapThp sp spThe soaprIte
neck caused b bmetallic by bymetAlic hmetallIc
rIte The linen around tho Ou
metallic metAlic lnel borders nnd by rims of black blackrlk btacktl btacktlcats o ell ellcan
can 11 also 011 Iw I > removed rlnoed In I this thll way But ButIwforo DUlheforo tintbefore
before working workln upon them with Ith cold 010 cream crpnrrono crMmono creamono
ono can cn try Ir alcohol nlcollil to take out thX th deepest deopeeof ONp deepestof t tof
of the stains stainsThe flalli flalliThe stainsThe
The neck nek In the evening emlg should bo b pow powdered powdered
dered delicately and Ind first there must mu t b ban be bean
delotelr frsI
an application applction of cold cl cream cram after which whlctho whch whchtho whichthe
tho powder x > wder IB i dusted into int the skin unt unta Wtl until untila
a pure smooth white even surface lurnc Is se secured Il secured
cured curedIn curd curdIn
In making maklR up Ui the neok the powder wder cai caibo cn cnb can canbe
bo b put on rather rther thick as a It will i be b ah ahsorbfU absorbed
sorbfU frl by the thl moisture 101 turo of the skin Ikln one onejust and andby andby
by th the time ono II is drc8d dressed there wi will bo bojut bejust
just about abut tme a Incoming hecmlng amount amoWt left on th thsurface the thesurfac thesurfaco
surface surfac of the skin skinsrK 8kl 8klSIK skincxK
srK HOLES 111S I IV KANSAS KANSASMyiterlon XiNSt XiNSthltlou K1NS4S3liter1ouc
Myiterlon Urprestlnni Urrlllnnl In t the Vitnt VitntIirt Yeteru YeteruIart etfm etfmItar
Iirt Itar of the Htate HtateAn HtateAn StateAn
An interesting Interstig phenomenon phenomlnon In western westerKansas wltern wlternlanMB westernKansas
Kansas Is l described dscrbd and pictured pictu In a recet recetreport lclt lcltrpr recent recentreport
report of the United States Statel Geologic GeologicSurvey Gologcl GologclSury GeologicalSumy
Survey Sury One of the natural curiosities ouriosltleof ourORltee ourORlteeof
of the great plains region rgion in L known know as tin tinMeade the theMeado theMeade
Meade Bait tl well wel In southwestern southwostor Kansas KansatIt K0
It mad I Its It appearance appaac very ery suddenly euddel i iisTO In inissa
isTO 18
On March lrh 3 in that tht year yRr the famous famuul Jones Joneand Jonesann Jonesand
and Plumrner Plumrlr cattle cltl6 trail trai extended righover right rght rghtoer rightover
over the tlo spot where wher this thlf thii depression deprsion wa wasoon was wasn wassoon
soon n to t appear nppar A wagon passed pal olon olonthe along alongtho alongthe
the troll trai over tho level 1011 ground It I Is l no noknown not notknown notknoWn
known that this thl spot lpt was va seen n again unt unttwentythree until untiltwentythree
twentythree twentythre days da later when hen it was W found founithat foundthat foundthat
that the ground grund for a considerable cOlsldcr hl6 are arehod ara arahad area areahad
had sunk lntottho Int intetiiss thn earth larh and thc hole wa wapartly was waspartly al alparly
partly parly filled lild with th water from frm an under underground undlr undlrground underground
ground source sourceTho IUI sourceFlso
Tho ho cavity oly was WI circular cirular and ad the tracks traokiof traoKI traoKIof tracksof
of wagons and cattle cat tin on the trail trfl wen wenstill weroItl werestill
Itl still plainly seen n on either < lher side tlde of tb tbhole tbt the thehole
hole holl A considerable cnfldtrble area lfa around urOlld the holihad hole holohad holehad
had l lon been > oen depressed deprlsd to a smaller smaler extent extentThe extnthe extentThe
The he sink holo remains rmains today toa and ad 01 01elthor on onolther onelthor
elthor side of it still to be the road roadruts
are ar ttl seen n tht roa roaruts rad radrte <
rte ruts and cattle catte trails trls along nong which fQr year yearscores yearssoores
scores fr8 of thousands thnusn11 of ranch rlch cattle otte wen wendriven woredriven
rrlvln driven from northern Texas Texls into Kansas KansasThere KansasThere
Ther There were er very ory few routes ruts of travel traelarR traelarRthl acrosithis across acrossthis >
thl this wide hil plain But the accident Icldent to the thisurface thefurfac thissurface
furfac surface occurred occurrd on the most Important Imprant o othem of ofthem oftltens
them themThoso themThof tltensThose
Those Thof who studied Itudld this duprosslon dprlon were weresurprised werelrpred weresurprised
surprised lrpred to find that the water Wter in II It was wasvary wa wassry
vary salt l1 although use tla ground grunr water in intho Intho intiso
Tr tho neighboring nughoJng wells wli veii contained chtalncd not a atruca a atrc atntco
truca trc of salt alt It 1 was wai also alR found that thisaline tub tblIlnc tubsaline
Ilnc saline water tlr had at tlms thl a u high tempera temperalure tlm temperaturo r
lure tur closely cotlr approaching the bulling bing point pointThe pint pintThe pointThe
The geologists Rlloglltl as II yet have not been n able ableto abloto ableto
to explain either lhor the thi wiltnesn tultne8 or the tii high hlglitemperature highlemprtlr hightemnptratitre
temperature of tho water U I was 1 also found foundthat toundthat foundthat
that tlion thoI wore two distinct d1tlnclaverl layers of water waterthe wntfr wntfrth icaterthe
the th upper layer three tll foot thick being beitismuch btlngmuch beingmtioh
much upPr less le > R salt Ilt than thln the lower layer Ilr r which wlilcliwas whichWi whichwas
was Wi sis II si feet in depth depthToday depthTo depthToday
Today To ay tho depression lpreAlun measures rewu s 280 26 feet feetacross ftctacrOA feetacross
acrOA across tho top and 120 foot f < ot across acrl the sue surface sueface ¬
face fac of the thl pond which is nine feet deep deoptho deepthe < lop loptbo
the distance dl tlnc from frm the bottom hotom of tho ths water waterto waterto
to time level of the plain planlRu is 40 feet A good goodsized goodsi7ed
sized 811 house might might bo 0 hid away I ITime lY in the de depression d dr dopression ¬
pression pressionTho r on onTbo
Time geologists WololltH say IY that tho Meado salt saltwell flt saltwell
wel well Is iollr only mmi tho most striking ItrklnR of the Kansas Kansassink Kansassink
Hlik sink holes holel fur there tlr are ar many other depres depressions dlprs dlprsRlonl deprestsbus ¬
sions Rlonl of similar Ilmlar nature n1lUm in the State Rtntt Large Largesections Irf Largesections
fcton sections of the high plains which stretch stretchacross Itrtch ItrtchACrt stretchacross
ACrt across tho III wo wettern tfr prn part of Kansas KRnMI are arcfairly arefllrl arefairly
fairly fllrl pitted pited with wth large Inrg or email Imal saucer saucorlike luC saucerlike r rlke
lke like depressions rprfIQII sometimes RmclmElo so near together togetherthat tOlethM tOlethMthat togetherthat
that a stone may bo 1 thrown thrwn from ono to toanother toaolher toanot
aolher aolherMany anot another anotherMany her herMany
Many of theso sinks Ilnk are ar shallow Ihalow but butothers bt btothf butothers
othf others are lr deep hike IkA tho salt Mi well wel hero herodescribed her heredescribed
deMcrhed described The depressions lepllon8 are BO 8 nu numerous nulemUf numerniis ¬
merous lemUf that farmers farrerlr are talking tlklng of utilizing utilizingthem utUzng utUzngthom utilizingthens
them for tho storage of the spring rslns rslnsand rllnl rsinmand
stortg prng
and thus thut conserving llril the wator that falls fallsinto failsinto
into them for irrigation Irltlo purposes s It t may la laIJ
Iw IJ worth worh while whlo to make purp them serviceable serviceableIn InOahlo InOahloIn
In this thl way wa for irrigation Irl atO is II all ai that the thegreat thejlat thegreat
great jlat region rpiUI needs nrdt to make Oake it I wonder wonderfully wonderful wonderfully ¬
ful fully fertile tortileWo fl fertileVe rtio rtioWe
Wo Ve have long known kow of the countless countlesssink countlesssink
sink Ink holes hole In the great grat cave OYe regions of this thiscountry thlRcWtry thiscountry
cWtry country which are formed fone by goM water per percolating percolating ¬
colating through throuh the limestone lmestone rocks rcke pr prcolatlnR dis dissolving di dissolvIng ¬
solving olln thoir mineral particles partlnM and nd thus thuscarrying thuscarng thuscarrying
carng carrying tho rock away In solution loluton No NoBtich NoMuch Nosticlm
Much explanation oxplMAton however can cn be b given givenof gyeaof vfn vfnof
of the tl wink Hnk holei of western ltnm Kansas KI They Theyire Theyare ey eyar
ire ar still i constantly cOtnnt Ir forming formlnl and ad ore a gradu graduilly grldu grldualr gradually
ally alr lowering lowerng the tlf surface Ilrface over Oer large larf areas areashut arM arMhut areashat
hut how they ore ar formed Is II not yet fully fulr
dftennln dftennlnTho determInedThe determined determinedTlio
The study that thn has hi recently rnlly boon bn made mader mal madeof
of r them 1 hy ls tho Olologlea Geological i i 8urtY Survpy rf rfmailer 8mA 8mAto seems seemsto
to show that the setiiing ltlng II is olio In the thesnsahler ha hamnler
mailer mnler canes ca > s to the gradual Krdul compacting compactingf
ompctnR ompctnRof
of f the thm soil I1 particles partcE by the th percolation prato of ofator ofator or oryator
yator ator which collects culotl from frm from rain in partlcu partlcuar particular
lar ar spots tl and by the chemical chemC41 solution poluton parcu parcular and andvoshlns ad adwnqhln andwashing
washing wnqhln away of the tho more mor soluble aolubll patti partiIes prte prteclM patticbs
cbs Ies which compose tho ground groundIn frotmd frotmdIn
In the larger Rr cmp sinks flnkl which appear sud sudlonly 8uddenly suddenhy
lonly like lke the tll Meade Meao salt II well well appr there thor seems seemslowover seemshowever 1
howoVer however lowover to hove been a caving In of tho thomderlying thoundlrlyn theunderlying
underlying rock bed b which whch Ic I Is thin th ll n In places placesarried placesand
undlrlyn and hiss prhohl probably bfn been d1 dccoinpoced and andcarie andcarried
carried carie away Iway by t the tLe u uLAST undargroW underground waters watersL4Sr atei atei1iST
aId lo Hate lu Been IIn Fired Irl at Major F B Btornn Bomn Bomtt
tornn omn In Texas TexasFrom Tral TralJrmlh TexasFrni
From Jrmlh the OAirnoo Inter Ocean OceanThe OC OceanThis Oq OqThe
The lust limn IUI fired Id upon during durnI thai Civil CivilVar ChUal
Var al lives 11A lu 11 Huron Hurol H I U Ho Is Major IIJor Fred KredII Ird IrdI
F II I Coma who has hUl recently rt ntl attracted atra < W at attnt atInlol atlenSless
lenSless tnt Ion as the author luthor of several works on onnutiililiyslcs onlulalh onmnottspimslts
nutiililiyslcs Inlol lulalh hf Mnjor MIJor Cofjlu fu was In 11 the last losltailli
battle bat 1 > of Iho lh lie war lar which 1hlch occurred at Pal Palnutto Pii Piiuto PsIlucite
lucite uto KuncU Huncl lox on 01 May ta 12 t acid 13 1 ises isesI IHtS
1 1 I he Union I clan forces orcI s were wr commanded ommandl by Ion Ionllipodorn ie iel on
t llipodorn h1010 H I Barrett IITrt the th Confederate lontrrnc forces forcvaly forVs
b by ly Oon ion J E Slimliter SlimliterOn SlittifImterOn
On tlif tbJ iiUlit Illht of 0 or May Ma 1n it 1 Gen Burrott Barott sent sentol Int sentoh
Col ol UaVlil lI II Branson with wt the8iuyioond the8iuyioondInltod IheSIt the SIxtyseoond SIxtyseoondVnited ond ondUnl0
Inltod Unl0 htJitos Mit Infantry 111ltr and two companies ompalle ompalleof companiesof
of > f tIme thl FIrst 1lrst texas 1111 Cavalry CUIlln an to t destroy deBto a Con ConMleratP
federate flJuratl outpost t and 110 vamp lmp at u Inlmctto Jnlmeto Ranch
HIP 11 rump IUP was WDI cHuturod and destroyed dlslroL About Aboutoclock
4 oclock nn In In lliH th meritIng lomllr of May ar 1 S Oln flea n Bar Barotl
rlt retm otl iirrlTod nrl1NI with lh the tb Tlilrtrfwirth ThirYfourth Indiana Indiananfinitry
Jnflutn nfinitry An n udvunw advlnc wns 118 s its made madf and Dm Dmonfoderntrs
Confederates ConCeert wrre werl driven about two miles milesx
hrond x yoml Inliiiclto Inlnto Ranch AVhon hen tbn Union Unionrooim uniontroops ml18
troops arrived nrrhl there llern 1110 len n Bnrrett Artt ordered orderedsiiiior > d
lnJor a Jor 1reil Jld i F H I Cofrtn then th n a Captain Captaino orlrt
10 o take takl command oOmanl of the skirmishers Iklrmilur CIPtsin In n nAhort a ashort i
short tljr0jifnrrlnijlon 11 SI rt 11 silt CnrlnrloD arrinrion rodo ro lip lp to the theonfpdprnto theft
WCt ft cud if the aracla wIth a 4staohmont of
f Iraca 1111 llaommt
onfpdprnto ClnCpdprntc cavalry and Ind opened olm > ltrcllo ltrcllooon lre Itre 10 lb lbsemi
semi fnu entered ollnld a retreat rpjrcntAs rlt retreatArt r < M MAl
As Al the th ConfrdBrnlns Confrdlratl were Wlrl lenTlnr on onbout one P
eanirVtttan lrllln whlllld wheeled hi hIs horse IrQlnd around dlii dliimounted
mountr mounted took dllbrnte delIberate aim and nrM 018 nt atsiajor
MnJor Comn The bal ball Blrck struck In the sand sandabout nd ndabout
bout about six sil feet In II front of him Ibis I hi t w was u s at atundown atBundow atsundown
sundown Bundow on May ilft is IMS 1r The T he e followlni followlnilornlQir folownr foliowlnasnormilor
lornlQir rornlDI an order nvtler wag as received fCITo > d tar tarnd to to the he effect
that Oln flea Dik DIck eer Taylor Bud Oln lea Kirby Irby Smith ttlct
hd nd surrendered smirr rr nder nderd to den Sheridan 8Jlh which whichicldcnt
icldcnt closed Cl0Be the lb war or ShelI
THE TTO SlUlKrt GrilL OIKLProiwuneNl GrilLPohUttntrNi 11RL 11RLPonunl
ProiwuneNl Ponunl > 1 Splendid Sllrntll Exercise Eertlse for r0 fo the thtWoman theWontan theWontan
Wontan In Need sri eeI of Physical PIloal tpbnlld tpbnlldInit IJptmlldingit pbUd pbUdInlI
Init InlI ingit It Take Tkf One OtC Far Afcll Afield and andTralnlns ald aldTllllnl amidTriliiiIt
Tralnlns Tllllnl the tbE nirds Drd U I a Pleasant Occu OccuiMlnu OceuIttolIa 000ulaliaiiilI
IttolIa laliaiiilI iMlnu Ili Vogue oelc ogtse In England EnoUtidAmonf EnglandAmong iurlandmonr
Among sports for the summer Ium r girl this thi thiYe thisyear
1 year Ye monr is falconry fnkolry fprtf It Is II a I splendId pastime piBtlmafor p tmo tmofor
for the young wom wotnn or ° n In need ner of physical physicalupbuilding phYflcl1upbuiolng physicaltmpbuildlng
upbuilding upbuiolng for fornot not only lly toes loC It take her herfar hlr hlrfrr herfar
far afield hut tim trrlnlng tlnln of the hawk hawkdemands hlwk hlwkdemandl hawkdenianda
aiold tlO
demands demandl that much limn tlml bt spent j int dally daly In Inthe Inthe hithe
the optn upln air lr oa I the bird must IU t be carried carriedon uurrlcl uurrlclI
on the flat fal for exorcise etrd and flown IDwn to t thu thulure thulurl thelure
I lure lurl
lureFor For Ior tIll wuiiuiri W11 who IH suffering IUIllng from fromsuperfluous fromlupllUOlH tiornstipeifluotss
superfluous lupllUOlH flesh t h thesport tl the Fprt sport is the best bestpriitlrne hlt hltptlne bestpzstinsie
priitlrne In the world A great deal dCI of care caretraining mrutlalnlrK caretraining
training ptlne tlalnlrK and attention ar lro dso needed relcd by iy the theeyas timeeyas I
must mustbe mustbe mustbe
eyas ly as Q the young bird is called ole I
be fed at regular fglar Intervals bathed Lthe in tho thomorning thoI
I morning nnd Lid hooded hoodCd and put up In the themews thl themews
mews mewi at night nightEvory nightEvory stlghtEvery
I Evory day y the 011 bird must mUlt be weathered weatheredon
on his hl block His II feathers ftther must be kept keptIn keptIn keptin
In perfect pertet order If I one should Ihould be b broken brokena
a perfect perfet feather fe tler from an old skin must mustbe mUt mUtb mustbe
be b Inserted Inrtod by means mean of an an Imping needle needleThe n needleThe < dle dleTe
The Te operation Is painless pinles to this thf hawk liawkand hawkand hawkand
and If properly proprly done the tl feather fethor hi 1 quite quiteas quit
as 18 sightly IlgUy nnd serviceable senlcculo oe ai a the original originalone origin
one oneFalconry oneFon Falconry Fon has ha been b < n revived rh In England Englandand Egland EglandInd Englandand
and Ind not oven In mediaeval medlwal times 1mi were there theremore thoromoro theremore
more falcons faCn or hawks In training taining than nt ntpresent lt ltprnt atpresent
prnt present About Abut all al the American Amlrcnn girls girlswho girlwho girlswho
who have married Englishmen EnglishmenLady EnglishmenLady1ex Lady LadyFasex
Fasex the Duchess of Marlborough and andLady alldLady anmdLady
Lady Hesketh among the number numberhavo numberhavocstabU8ht numberhaveestablished havo havoestablished
established hawking mows mowsFalconry moweFalconr mowsFalconry
Falconry Falconr Is a sport eminently suited to towomen towomen towomen
women for many man reasons and It is I likely likelyto
to beoomo popular us It guts more gen generally gonernllv generally ¬
erally known knownagain again ft fthas has just that thatamount thatamountof amount amountof
of charm and romance about it which at nil niltimes alltlmC1 niltimes
times 1s door to a womans heart no matter matterhow maUrlrhow niatterhow
how sporting and weathered she may maywish maywish maywish
wish to be thought thoughtAs thoughtAs
As there t1u re are as yet but few trained falcons falconsin
in this country and these Importations Importationstraining Importationstraining lmnportationstraining
training ones own bird is LIpart part of the fun funAlthough funAltbough funAlthough
Although It requires time and patience patienceone
one U quit repaid in the end as the maiden maidenon
on falconry lx bent > nt will find when with Ith a awelltrained awelltralnad awelltrained
welltrained falcon on gauntleted gauntjeted wrist wristshe wristf wristshe
she joins in the sport in August AugustSeptember and andSeptember anc ancSeptember
September Septemberwhen
when you pay a visit to your friends this thissummer thissummer thissummer
summer one par of a the first things to greet greetyour greetour greetyour
your our eyes perhaps will bo a arol row of falcons falconssitting falCODIIidttlng falconssitting
sitting on blocks on the lawn each block blockpicture blockstandlng blockstantilag
standlng In 8 circular bId of sand The Thopioture Thepicture
picture will b bfJ a pleasing one of those beau beautiful beautiful beautiful ¬
tiful and strikinglooking birds pluming plumingtheir plumingtheir plumbtheir
their feathers stretching their wings and andwatoliing andWntOhlllR an anwatoldtsg
watoliing with their tlu r large bright eyes eyesThe eresetJr1hlllg eyeseverything
everything that moves In the sky skrfhe skyTime
The lady of the manor will talk learnedly learnedlyof Iflamed Iflamedof
of eyas josses JC8801 lure rufterhood and imp ImpIng im imIng ¬
ing needles and ud much of her time will willspout be bespent bespeut
spent In training her hawks hawksThe hawlulThe hawksThe
The first stage of training a young hawk hawkor hawkor
or eyas is to accustom nl < ustom it to the hood a aleather aleatlier aleather
leather headpiece h < which wl ch Is constantly constantlyworn constantlWOnl
worn except when the bird Is flown own at Its Itsquarry Itsquarrr Itsquarry
quarry or prey plf It must then bo accus accustomed accUStomll accustamed ¬
quarrr tamed to the thebel18 bells jesses and leash leashThe leashThe leashThe
The first tlr t two are always kept on the thebird thAbird thebird
bird the bells being attached atta hed by b slips of ofleather ofleather ofleathmer
leather to the tllleg8 legs and a light swivel on the theend theend theend
end of theleash can be hooked hook d In the rings ringsTho ringsTho ringsTime
Tho leash Is a thin strap with a silk Uk cord cordat COIdat cordat
at one end tU a few feet in length lengthIn
In due time after much I1Ott1ng potting and andcoaxing amicolxing andcoaxing
coaxing with ith bits of meat the bird b rd will come cometo cometo cosneto
to look loo on Its miKcresus n 8tlOSllS or masters fist fl t as asa 11a asa
a favorite porch When calling a hawk hawkto
to the th 1st the same cry 1 or whistle whI t1e must mustalways mustnlwaJoI mustalways
always be given Of course the bird is isi Istmlned istrained
i trained to do this unheeded unhoodedThe Wlhoodedlh6 unheededThe
The next lesson U to teach the eyas to tocomn toCOIIIII tocoins
comn to the lure which Is a bunch of offeathers offeatholll offeathmers
feathers with th a piece of raw meat in the thecentre thocontre tuecentre
centre a short cord being attached to the theluro thuluro thelure
luro luroIs
luroAnother Another ImportlUlt part of the training trainingIA
Is to teach tho hawk to wait on This Thliliti Thlilitit ta tatraining IstraIning
training t It to follow it1 It Its I master when hen is isIs IIII isis
Is on the wing witiKTo will willTo wingTo
To accomplish this tho falcon Is I let loose loosoin 100JIn loosein
in an open space when It will circle round roundthe roundthe roundtime
the falconer looking for the lure A pigeon pigeonmust plpcollmtlJt pigeonmust
must then be flown so 0 that the falcon can caneasily caneMU caneasily
easily eMU catch it itHaving ItUaylnlt ithavIng
Having been n put through this several severaltimes severaltunes ceraltimll
times the falcon on being released relelL ed will willat willat willat
at once rise rl e above the falconer and circle circleround circlorowld circleround
round looking for quarry This Is wait waiting waitIng waitlug ¬
ing on A welltrained bird on being beingcast hlntCMt beimgcast
cast off will rise to como height and then thenwait thconwalt thesiwait
wait on the falconer from field n < ld to field fieldwatching fieldwatching fioldwatchIng
watching for him to flush to quarry quarryglove qUBrTThe quarrylIio
The falconer must wear a thick gauntlet gauntletglove > t tIove
glove Iove on the left hand when hnwklni hnwklniIn lmwkingImi
In the East falconers always carry a hawK hawKon
on the right wrist wrUtThere wri wristThere t t11fIf
There art many mal1v technical terms in con connection connection connection ¬
nection with this fascinating sport For Forinstance ForI Forinstance
I instance a Aha hawk k is said Ral to lx > hoodshy hoodshywlnn hoOOflhyI hoedshywhen
I when LIn It resist having its hood put on onTo OilTu onVu
To man n hawk is to tame it and accustom accustomit
it to strangers strangersTwo
Two or more hawks are called a cast castThe castThe
The 111 frame upon which wl ch hawks are nome nometlmce 80meIlm sotnetimes
times Ilm l carried c rril < l to thy field is a cadge cad Tho Thoanie Thoheight Theheight
height to which a hawk wben waiting for forganll forgame
game anie to be > flushed rises In the th > air Is called calledIt culledits i ius
us It pitch pitchA
I A hawk is said to bind when it seizes f a abird aI abird
I bird and clings to it Tho term is properly properlyonly properlyonl properlyonly
only onl applied to the seizure of largo quarry qnorrytoken qnnrrtaken quarrytaken
taken at a height In tho air nirA airA
A 0 hawk is said Id to foot well or to be a aood agood agood
good ood footer when it is suctwRful In kill killjg killlug killlug
lug jg Many Man hawks are fine flyers without withoutbeing withoutbeimsg Iithoutbeing
being good footers A bird rings rin when whenit
it ri rlq rises r spirally In the nlr A hawk plumes plumcna
a bird when it pulls off HH feathers A Abird Abird AIlrd
bird is said ald to put in when it saves ave > itself itselffrom itselffl itselflion
from fl ll11 < Site th falcon by b dashing into covert covertIn coortIn covertTn
In former days all au l both > oth rich and poor poorhunted poorhunt poorhunteti
hunted hunt Id with the falcon Jon those who whodid whoclld whodid
did not care about the sport themselves themselveskept themaehls1lpt theniselvesItept
kept falcons for tho purpose pl1rpll of entertain entertaining elltprtalnIng entertainIng ¬
ing the nobility fientlempn Glntl > mPII and ladles ladlesrarelv ladl ladlrareh ladiesrarely
rarely appeared in public without falcons falconson
on fl their wrists rl tA They The were pre wen tasen tasenInto tnlnInto ta ¼ en enInto
Into church while hile their masters and mis mistresses mletlC mistresses ¬
tresses tlC N attended divine service serviceTEIS 8 serviceTENS > 110 110TF >
TENS TF Yrrt AT COnLEAnS HOOK HOOKGonvenieur IlOnKGomlnlfur 1100KGouverneur
Gonvenieur Tlnipltal nO fllal Doctor Give GI1 the theKant tiltFa timeEast
Kant Fa t Side Idtl a Free Short ShortNow SiiotNew hInt hIntew
Now ew York Is suoh o big town that ono onooxj ol1eoxpectl oneexpects
oxj expects > eots < to t find a lot of queer < things in inoutofthowny Inoutofthcwa inoutoflhoway
outofthowny places but all the same sameIt Il santeIt l11e l11eIt
It is a bit surprising to see a game of lawn lawntennis IlIwntnnt lawntennis
tennis south of Fourteenth street In Man Manhattan Manhattnn Manhmattar ¬
hattan You will find It any afternoon afternoonnowadays nftcrnoonnowwiall afternoonnowadays
nowadays In Concurs Hook Park one oftho of oftho oftho
tho favorite breathing places of the Hast HastSide EnstSldt EastSIde
Side SideWith
With tho advent of lawn tennis to a region regionwhere regionwhere regionwhere
where such things t ng are about OH little known knownas
as the fine points poln lf of astronomy crowds crowdshave crowdsha8 crowdshavegoneto
have havegoneto gone to the thepark park And Dutch Louis Louisthe Loulllthe Louisthe
the blueooat who ho guards tbo citys city Interests Intereststhat
down then > has got 110 much into the gllnle gllnlethat gattiethat
that ho called out Forty love the other othernight uthorIIlght otimersiight
night by mistake when ho melded pinochle pinochlein
in the usual usua evening contest contestThe COllteltThe contestThe
The lawn tennis gamn is 1 1 run by the doc doctors doctors doetors ¬
tors nt the Oouvorriour Hospital Thuy Thuygot Thc ThctOt lhiuygot
got togcthor the other at her day da and made up upoutdoor uptheir
theIr minds tho they werent getting elllU enough enoughoutdoor h houtdoor
outdoor exercise Th Tlw rornmittoo on wins WBVMand wa waand winsand
and msans then went ahead and anclltol got permfs permfsion rwnnfalon permfsslots <
slots ion from tho Park Department to play pia I I
lawn tennis on th the pitys eity gross rw In the park rr rrThei
fhe doctors imagined that there might mightthe might
bfI a few very er curious lpIoctlilors when whenthe I
the th > gamo began but they thl by h no means meansreckoned meMICkonM meansreckoned
reckoned on the pro presence enci > of the throngs throngsthat
hat h have ve watched Iehl < rrlACnCI the contests t t there every evnrynffArnrn everyafternoon or I
afternoon nffArnrn since utnnA the U net wow > rt first put up
The > spectators came there In drove and andnearly anonNrly andnearly
nearly draw the two policemen pollC < men stationed stationedthorn etatiosisdthere
thorn to distraction distractionThe dl tractloll tractlollTho I
Tho trouble the police had was In keep keepbery kee
Ing the crowd from trampling all the ebru hrub
bery and grass of the park to death Or ¬
dinarily one policeman is able to preserve preserveorder prolllleordor preserveorder
order at the park but ever since tennis t nnlll has hasstruck haAstruck hasstruck
struck the place three tbr bluecoats have been beennone beennone beennone
none too many
The children who who1 of course make up
the greater part of tho crowd agree that
tennis to a great game
The Probes of Manufacture Ma r rieture cture M It b Car earrted CaNFINI
1 rled On In InThraeO InThraeOIn The These e D Di1 Di1In yi yiIn
In these days when a shirt can be turned turnedout turned turnedout turnedOtiS
out buttonholes but nbole and al all at the rate of one onein oneIn onein
in every six and a half minutes there U no noexcuse noexcuao noexcus
excuse for not having a ooond one to your yourname yourn yourname
name n nie and possibly ptlt lbly couldtho could the heroine of ofHoodB ofHoods ofhoods
Hoods Song of the Shirt look In upon a amodem amodlm amodern
modem ihlrt factory she would ho even evenmore evenmore evenmore
more disconsolate < than tho poet Talnt Talnther paInted 1Jalntldher paIntedher
her herTo
To satisfy SlItl ty his own curiosity the reporter reportervisited reportr1slt reportervisited
visited 1slt 1 a factory and told the ouporlnten ouporlntend
d dent nt t that he would like to start at the be beginning beginning ¬ I
ginning and an follow a single shirt from the thucutter thLeuttcr thecUtter >
cutter to the finisher The foreman turned turnedhtm turnedimlm I Ihim
him over to the forewoman who piloted pilotedhim pIlotedhiimn I Ihim
him safely utiung IUIIJIIg300 300 machines amid aa aaman nlmartY asmars
man martY girls and eventually let l t him out into intotlw Intothl intothtti
tlw open Ol nlr unhurt unhurtVo unhurtVu
Vo 0 will begin here she he said walking walkingover walklnlCoer walkingCr
over Cr too to a sixtyfoot table On this thl8lIlay thl8lIlaythe thmiswu wo lay laythe laythe
the goods ooda layer upon u > JII layer after af or which tho thomarker thomarlwr themarker
marker comes along and marks out the theshirts theshIrt theshirts
shirts Tim second step is to cut these thwsosix tlltsnIx thesesix
six Ix yfoot stripe Into square aquafVI each l > ono of ofwhich ofwhich ofwhich
which contains a whole shirt and then thenthey thontho thenlImo
they lImo are taken to t the cutters tablo tabloAnd tabloAnd tableAnd
And puling to another part of tho room roomsho IOQmeho roomshe
she pointed to a young man who was pull pullIng pullIng pulling
Ing a slab of cloth around a knife run by byelectricity byelectricity byelectricity
electricity with all tho nonchalance he hewould hewould hewould
would have exhibited had it been a pine pineboard pineboard pineboard
board boardHow boardHow boardHow
How many shirts can you out at ata a time timeak dmeII9kltd timeasked
ak asked d the visitor seeing the young man mansawing manuawing mastsawing
sawing away as a pile of goods several severalInches severalInchclI severalInches
Inches thick thickUsually thickU8ually thickUsually
Usually 300 You see that alt tho dif different dlfferent different ¬
ferent parts of the garment such oa col collar collar ccllar ¬
lar cuffs Ao 0 are marked out on that tliatsquare t1latsquare thatsquare
square he Is at work on oq and when ho runs runsthe rIInlithe runsthe
the knife along every line ho has cut each eachpart eachpart eachpart
part required so hat It can go direct to the themachines themac themachines
machines machinesTho mac machinesThe hi nos nosTho
Tho cutting was ono of tho most interest interestIng InterostIng interesthag
Ing Bights In tho factory In the centre centreof centreof centreof
of the table was u long lon sharp knife run at atgreat atgreat atgreat
great speed by electricity and the cutter cutterwoo cutterW88 cutterwail
woo sawing through 300 thicknesses of ofcloth ofcloth ofcloths
cloth rapidly but with mathematical pre precision precllilon procision ¬
cision In ten hours he can cut 250 dozen dozenor dozenor dozenor
or 3000 shirts shirtsSelecting shirtllSeleotlng ahlrthSeieotlng
Selecting half a dozen pieces of black blacksilk hlaokIIllk blacksilk
silk which she said were an embryonic embryonicshirt ombrvonloshirt ombryoriioshirt
shirt the tbpforowomm forewoman descended to the next nextfloor nextfloor nextfloor
floor where the machine were situated situatedThe situAtedThe altuateciThe
The first girls Into whoso hands they theyDoss therP theypass
Doss must be expert seamstresses No NoI
I took them and rapidly fashioned the thebosom thebo80m thebosomafter
bosom bosomafter after which they the were passed to No o
2 who fastened on the collar and sewed sewedIn
In the t he back backBefore backDefore backBefore
Before this th visitor knew what had become becomeof
of it a third had made the sleeves and a afourth afourtb afourth
fourth was sowing them in the proper places placesNo plaCC8No5 placesNo
No No5 5 grabbed tho thflllhin shirt and quickly Beamed Beamedup seamedup mod modup
up the sleeves and tho two sides of tho shirt shirtwhloh flhlrtwhloh shirtwhich
whloh up to tlits time had been flying open openNo openNo openNo
No 1 I hemmed the bottom and put In In the thegussets thoItIIBtetR thegusteta
gussets and then No7 finished the cuffs cuffsAt CUff8At cuffsAt
At this stage the garment usually f goesto goes goesto go goto
to the thebeing In inspector pectnr who wholooks looks It over carefully carefullyto
to see that tho work I is well done hut th this thisbeIng l lbel
being bel nit a specialcase special ll > cial aBe edSe It It was given directly directlyto
to the button and buttonhole girls The Thelatter Thelatter Thelatter
latter turns a machine that automati automatically autornaUcaiy automathcally ¬
cally works tho buttonhole first and cut cutIt cuts cutaIt cutsit
It afterward afterwardShe aftorwardShl afterward51w
She makes 10800 buttonholes n day or ortwentyeight ortwentyelRht ortwentyeight
twentyeight a minute All the operator operatorhas
has to do at this machine la to place the thogarment thAgllrmont thegstrmomit
garment In proper position and the ma machine lonchino machine ¬
chine works around and when the circuit circuitis
is complete an automatic knife drops down downand downand downand
and cuts the holt holtEqually holtlI haItiEuuallv
Equally I ullll interesting Is the next and last lastmachine lastmachioewhlch lastmaoiiinewhichm
machine machioewhlch which KCWB on the buttons There Therewere Theroere Therewere
were ere seven lIt ven on this particular shirt and andwhen andwhon andwlmon
when the last one on was in it its place the fore forewoman for forwoman forewoman ¬
woman announced that the garment was wasfinished wa watlnllhed wasfInished
finished and anollkeo anollkeoHow asked askedHow askedmRow
How long do you supppose It has taken takento
to make this shirt flhh1O and then as she 8hek she5 and andng andnot andnot
not the interested spectator bad been sceep sceephag cep cepIn
In hag ng time replied to her own question Just JustIxanda JustIIlr Justslranda
Ixanda IIlr and a half minutes minutesnrsas mlnutellTnrBRS minutesTIllERS
Private Irate Circulation or Ills Conclunloru Conolo tolUl by byIII b byIlls
III Ills Sister SUterA
A few members of the Institute and a aImlted aIIn ahintited
Imlted IIn ted number of prominent Trench jour jourinlUts JournalLit jouriialtts
inlUts received lt1 hlrl the other day a volums volumsntitled volumcntltl volumsentitled
entitled cntltl Notes otl6 and an l KjcoUeotions of M Mhiers MTl MThiera
Tl Thiera hiers III Tho bx b book ok > > fc which U for private privateirculatlon privateclrculnllon privatecirculation
circulation only III compiled by Tliierss Tliierssttcr Thiersssister l lF
sister F ter who has all his papers and letters lettersIt
It t blots out some IIOnl popular illusionsjudging illusionsjudgingrotn illusIons judglng judglngfrom
from rotn the clipping just printed in French Frenchvipers orenchpapers Frenchpapers
papers which show that the military militarylength mlUtnrytlenth militarystmonth
length of Germany 0 must muatnotba not bs measured measureds
as s it luis been for over thirty years by the therar thewar
war rar of 187071 Hero is 3 an extract from the theKimphlet thepamphlet
pamphlet pamphletIie KimphletTho
Tho great majority of Frenchmen are arepersuaded arepersuaded
persuaded that the Prussians beat us bs bsuse hacatise
catise use their military organization was wasounded wasfonmided
ounded on compulsory and universal universalservice universalservice
service I never shored that opinion Wo Wovore Wewere
were bfaten b aten because becauseFirst becauseFIrstVse
First FIrstVse Vo made no preparation for war warevor warNever
Never evor In any country at any time was a war warindortttkon warundertaken
indortttkon with kite material to make It ItSe itVe
Se did not have 250000 mn to put in line lineur lineOur
Our ur artillery was both in quality and quan quanity quantity
tity ity deplorably inferior to that of the Prus Prusions Prussians
ions Our Ourmagazlnes maeaJnes were empty Metz Mttawlsich I Ivhicli
vhicli was to bo the pivot of our operations operationsvas
vas not even armed and Anally we were werovithout werewitisoLit
vithout an ally
Second SecondTo To the inefficiency of our means meansf meansof
of f nctlou was added the lack of judgment judgmenta
In a our manuouvres Fifteen days were werorasted werewasted
wasted upon a line of fifty leagues and no nonovument nomovement
movement wan made The army was waallvided wasdivided
divided into five corps beyond supporting supportingcibitancti
liHtance of each other and Its right wing wingilitoed wingplaced
placed ilitoed without support beyond tlio Vosgeould Vosge Vosgescould
could not fail to be carried no matter matterlow matterbow
bow low hefolr ltd resistance might be beThirdEven beThirdScums
ThirdEven after theno blunders nil nilro allwas
was ro not lost U at the close of the Rolcfcs Rolcfcslofton Reichsliolon
lofton disaster Mctz had been atian atianleen abandotted
dotted and painful though it might have
been leen two or three marchcu to the rear wero weroundo weromade
undo to avoid the danger of being hemmed hemmedn
in n By remaining on the ground wo gave gavetIme
tIme he Germans time to envelop us with toOo toOomen 00000 00000nan
nan arid also gave them the < chance to toako totake
take In ono sweep all our cadre that is iso ii iito
to o say all the means of reforming another anotherrmy anotherarmy
army After that disaster the height of ofneoinjwtonco
incompetence neoinjwtonco was the march on Sedan SedantiKtead
instead of a backward movement on Paris ParisThese ParisThese
These are the real causes of cur disas disasnrs chisastars
tars nrs amid not the pretended superiority Buperloritvf
of f the Prussian military organization re reultiiig yestiltimig
ultiiig from tIme application of compulsory compulsoryervire
servIce In reality that system of recruit recruitjg
ing jg by sacrificing the quality of the sol solliera aolchars
chars lo the number Is a cause of weakness weaknessather weaknessrather
rather than of strength in nn army armyTJTE armyrI1
Letter ntler From the tbeWensnnWho Woman fflio Wrote Cnr Cnrfrw Cnrfew >
few Must Not lllns Tonight TonightThe TnnthtThe
The editor of the Ragle published in inYemont inFrennont
Yemont Ind having discovered discovcredthat Uwt Mm Mmlose MrsHose
lose Hartwiok Thorpe author of Ourfow Ourfowlust Csjrfe CsjrfeMust
lust Not Ring Tonight once lived whore whorolie whoretIme
tIme lie Eagle office now stands asked hor to torrite toTite
rrite something about her life In Fromont Fromontler Fromont11cr
11cr ler reply shows the discouraging olroum oireumstatictas
twncwi under which literature is Is some somehlutes
InuHt produced It also throws nn Inform Informig
Ing ig light on time price of poetry Part of
It follows followsThoiio followsrhiosa
Thoiio Krnmont dup wore not the happiest
41 f my ifl life by Is tiny niwin and perhaps i hnv hnvuune
ltoiii ems ly tee willing to foriret them Mv Mvvoilne
voilne uune husband wim H carriniremiker nt that thatthe
lime Insxpsrlcmsrsd Its nrmny thlnqs and I Iwas
was very lmotisic2 for rnr aid home nir
iusettiutr anti the rnmpnnlnnithlp of friends friwicUm
Inouui > m whom 1 luid never Iwen separated bo boTO
fore foreThen TO TOThen Then too my two babies worn nrs n earn and
prccated me trout forsnlmig nets acqtmnli acqtmnliaJitq
aJitq meniorie of Fremonit nrc uisuIiy
eonfltied to fomr small rooms at the Ismek ot
the 10 carrIage shop and a cemetery whloh WP WPwo wewere
were wo pblliffd obliged to r past > ns < on our way to and nd from
time 10 stitloii Sot ot a very pleasant memory
on will Will say ass assAt
At that Urns inrCurfew tii Cumrfew Miut Not Illnir Illnireven lttn
TomulRht was flndltg Its way Into evary
corner of the world jhis was In 5573sc
the poses was lirst published in 1570u nn nnnewsoaper
newsoaper people were asking contlnmunuily
for its author I was even then wrltlnevmep writing
rhymesfor vmep for paper papcrswhng whose editors paid at t th the therate
rate te of one suhacrlptlnn for ten or twelve twelvnwii
Ims wii as cport ood some mitch better than those thowPX
nor which I have Mace received flve ta
yea PX nrtccn dollars each eachf eachtpt
Money X6t Always Involved intoiedA A Minister MinisterDeceived Mljmitt MljmittIHicelveti
Deceived to Prove a Theory flmeoryMan Stan aim aimWife flInttlfe
Wife Divorced and nenurrliMl tn tnNave t tPbao
Nave a Name NameA A Mothers Stratagem StratagemThe StratagemThis
The arrest In London of Mrs Gunning Gunmmin GunmminS
S Bedford on a charge of making a lab falsuentry labentry
entry In the birth register In the Bt Inn itnqrns Inncrns
qrns district lost Dwomber by reprfpotalti reprfpotaltiherself represenIiiitImersoif
herself as the mother of a child mi ti ro rotired ri ritired
tired detective of this city talking nbr iibtti iibttisimilar > tt ttHlmllar
similar cases casesBogus casesBogus
Bogus babies ho said mtlo do not nwur nwurInvolvo ttw ttwinvohv
Involvo monetary questions clone although althougha
a maJDrity of micli canes are based upon uponexjKCtod tiputuxjwcted
exjKCtod Inheritances I recall 11 awhere CASI CASIwinre
where a bogus baby bocamu what it wu wuintended svLintended
intended to be beAn beArm
An ambitious woman became tho ths silt siltof rir rirof
of u minister lImo falhur was nnxiom nnxiomto anxmoii anxmoiito
to rear n boy in accordance with his idea ideaHo ideaHo
Ho had a theory which he wanted to prom provjto promto
to himself His wife was as much interoatixl interoatixlin
in his theory us ho was Out they had no nochild n nchild
child childAfter
After nearly three years the wife pre presented presentod ¬
sented her husband with a male heir In Inthis In Inthis
this case the physlotan wan an honest roan roanbut manbut
but before consenting to play his part h hlaid hs hslaid > <
laid the whole plan before me There wa wano mvano <
no monetary consideration In the case so sofar s star
far as the olilld was concerned I advisiM advisiMhim sulvtse1him
him to confer with a lawyer and It WIM WIMfinally ssjfinally
finally agreed that tho doctor < would no nobe not notbe
be implicated discreditably discreditablyTho
The child lived It waa reared In ac accordance accordanca ¬
cordance with the ministers theory and andI
I know that ho fulfilled the ministers ex expectations expectatiotis ¬
pectations pectationsHe
He never knew the truth of his birth birthHIa birthHis
His mother died after having lived to tt son sonhim so sohIm
hIm him become a great and successful preacher preacherShe ItreacherShe
She won a member of his congregation congregationand
and when she died bo preached tier funeral funeralsermon funeralsermon
sermon sermonHo sermonHe
Ho had become greatly Interested in her herand herand
and through his efforts she was cared For Foras 1o 1oas
as longas she lived Before her death slu sluattended shiattended
attended his wedding and she was the god godmother godmother ¬
mother of his child It sou nds a little stagy stagydoesnt stagydoesnt
doesnt It Reads Ilk lIk9 a novel novelAnother novelAnothercaseotwhioh
Another Anothercaseotwhioh case of whloh I had some knowl knowledge knwledge ¬
edge was that of a middle aced and child childless childloss ¬
less couple who lived In Ohio The wifj wifjhad wtfabad
had a younger sister who gave birth to n nfirl iigirl
girl baby under circumstances that would wouldlives wouldhad
had they been known have shadowed th thlives
lives of both bothThe bothThe
The birth occurred at a hospital in Cia Cincinnati Ciacinnati ¬
cinnati The mother died in childbirth childbirthThe childbirthThe
The aunt of the child took it and want into intoa
a new and distant State where her hum husband humband ¬
band joined her Bifore doing HO h he ob obtained ohtamed ¬
tamed a divorce from her and in du dus thai tfraiha thaiho
ha Itectraa the husband for the second Urn Unsof i iof
of hi his first wife wifeThe wifeThe
The people In ths new country new newknew neverknew
knew the truth of that alliance In this thisCOM thatease
COM the husband was not deceived H Hand Ms Msand
and hits wife wore devoted to tha child childnnd chlidand
and the child beoami a noted beauty in inher itsher
her State StateShe StateSite
She married a ran of prominence and andher andher
her name was frequently mentioned in con connection connectionwithi ¬
nection nectionwithi with State sooialf functions in Wash Washington WashiniTton ¬
ington All the parties connected with withthin ivltlmthis
thin ca ease o ate dnad The man who bcanv bcanvth bscinnthe
the th husband of that child died not six sixmonths sixmtths
months ag >
Them was a Binguhr 0159 ca a few years yoariago yearsago
ago In Chiotgo A younisglrl young girl bsoami n nmother amother
mother H Her r own mnthpr trite to R Rmothers amother
mothers instinct wont away with h hr hrdaughter r rdaughter
daughter and In inthe the cotlrss of a few nionthi nionthishe rnnthsshe
she notified her husband thtt sh she was soon wwtito soonto
to beconv a mother A short tim nfter nfterch nftershe
she ch informed him that timisthe he was nn agtin n father fatherand fathrarid
and In due time she returned returnedwith with hr hiir hiirHor ht1rHer
Her daughter did not return until some sonvtim sometime
time tim after afterTh afterThesjs
Th Thesjs i are three cases of which I had hadknowtortg hadknowlecigm
knowtortg In each cas case < there fieetrod to totie tobe
tie no reason why why the public should have havncnown haveknown
known cnown the truth truthAW truth54W
Sail Francisco Cabnyi Story of the Pamotu PamotuDuel PamowDud
Duel DuelJohn DudJohn
John Hughes a San Francisco cabnua cabnuai
13 i one of the few living men who saw th thuel t ± t tduel
duel uel between Judge David S Terry aso asoenator anSenator
Senator David C Broderick on Sept U
859 at Lake Morced He drove two men menn nsenin
in n his cab to the duelUng ground ana go g
75 for the job Here U the story he toils to too tothe
the > o Son Francisco Chronicle ChronicleWhen ChronkicWhen
When Iarrived at the scene of thodueU thodueUhere the duet duetthere
here the principals were standing severe severeards severayards
yards apart surrounded by their rwpw rwpwive reepeciive
iive ive groups of friends of which each eachiabout ivi ivibout
bout a dozen present Everybody looker lookerwfully looeawfully
awfully solemn nobody was conversing conversingnd conversingand
and nd ths th only words you heard ware tiM tiMormAl theformal
formal remarks in connection with th throc thproceedings
proceedings roc edlng When I got there the ca caif a aof
of if pistols was already opened and the gt gtlay w way
lay ay gleaming in time righ sun It wu wuibout wsabout
about 5 oclock and you Know how stroi stroihe atroathe
the he sun comes up here on a clear summer summernorning sumnrmorning
Presently ora Hiyes 6t steps p up and call caUsmt callout
mt Now gentlemen your time hi hilotDB tuscorns <
corns He was Terrys second nnd was aa aaixperienced allexperienced
experienced duellist having himwlf kilW kilWL
a L man or two on the field of honor in Fatal Torairoru Fatalfrom
from roru which State he cams to Ciifirau Ciifiraulo Ct ifwnit ifwnitHe
lo was the man that owned hayes < Valise Villernd Valiseand
nd gave ave It Its name The princioiU were wepearclied weressarehmed
earclied for arm < an 1 Tom llaye an anlounced aanounced
lounced that neither hal any weanja weanjain
on in him Then Tom paced off fifty paw pawhat pt1ethat
hat was the number If I rocoll recolioct ct rl rIgtt rIgttEverything ht htiverytldng
Everything was done qiiiokly Hay aud audMeCuno ina inaIcCune
IcCune who was Bttxlerioks second flaw nnwos flawtossed
tossed os ed up for chiico of position anl anlIcCune 1fldMcCune
IcCune won He chose the east pillion pillionjid P11t0nand
and theeun thesunwasthrewiistraight was thrown straight IntoT Into TrrYs TrrYsface rry rryoca
face oca
ocaNext Next they tossed for choice of pi pind pttdt pttdtmind
mind nd again Brodericks serond won Tiw Tiwi Tti TtiSenator
Senator i notor walked over to the opinvi co C3fr C3franti t tnd
anti nd picked < l up the first gun tint c cmm5t cmm5th m3ti m3tinnd >
h nnd He spsnt no tlm t ismm in rxuninliu rxuninliuerry cx m mninht ii iiTerry
Terry erry used more care in the selection of ofweapon ofa
a weapon but no tima was lost in tai taiiroo thmprocedure
procedure iroo durp You uqyer never saw a mire wirmi wirmiirowd eotticrowd
crowd than that which witnessed tin d1 d1After dmt l lAfter
After these preliminaries were arratiSNi arratiSNite rrtigaiwe
we te all withdrew to the RC side about ho hoItRtonco ti tidistaimee
ItRtonco of In iimif If a block and stood on hrs liriTiolU hrskOolls
TiolU outside the range of tlv lit I1 > uIt s st
It t was the soberest qucr stlo > Kif Kifirowil
crowd I over saw and I gu gmm5ss ps th m a ahem 0tlsem
hem felt an I dtdthat tiny wish i hv hvladnt h hlmadnt
ladnt com I hiv drlvii ai in in infunensis > ny nyuneruls
uneruls In my day but I hiv > novor wn wnhe n nthe
the he like for solemnity eolomntitvTutu
Tom Hayos Ilayes had told thorn to tak tin tinilaces tlt tltplaces
places ilaces marked off for them nn1 i1 i1ponne i isionst
ponne Ui his qujstion oicli IUMW IUMWiromptly
iromptly that he was n rntly ftdy TIT TITi
a i wait of a few seconds nnd iipn iipnlegau I ft ftbegan
began legau calling one two rnivo T 1 Vl Vltood
stOOd tood like oiiwanls onwards breathl w trmMiK trmMiKnd mr mlh mlhand
and nd overwhelmed nt tIme munlTu niurmi r 5 p pacle Ptacle <
acle Terry was tIme oooloat MIIM mmiI i icrowd ti tirowd
crowd He stood with his n ninbuttoDed cii < e i t tunlaittoned
inbuttoDed and hU hint thrwn thrwnnuntlly t imrwisjauntily
jauntily on his head Broderifk n nother ll lltlier
other hand hind pullwl hl isis hu d wr ov ovils o ohi
hi ils eye and had buttoned lit < at atfit it
fit lu appeared to 13 h strunglinE to Is intni intnilimsolr I Iidmself
limsolr whllo Terry bctui sensI > d prrfiMuy iirftM n nawe 1 1ease
ease easeI awe aweI I shall never fori ftmrgt thu slinrn sla rp npnp npnpsno risflitone
tone sno of Tom ITiyvs voie > iu a h hlit >
lit the thnw mimhrs At t th C n l lIhrrvs 1three
three bnth Broiiriok and Ti 7 7mt
but mt I think Brodorick was first Ii UN hI bul bultniok hUfstruck
struck the ground nl ahmstmt > mt half wiy M 5 5them
them and I saw sa th I lie lltth lit ti Hind of f iw iwulsed t mm mmmisted
misted His pistol vent ofl Icfore h hm > hirt hirtrought himsIbrought
brought It to a level or sisitrd it H 11a N NhartrigKirguniuid
a hartrigKirguniuid ho wi witt v vt < u HP HPit tm tmto
to > it TiiTv niiwd difrbcrnirly drliherclYmmielcly t tulckly
ulckly and Senator Broilrink Brir ink inkt1t n nid
t1t grounni first restIng eu i right bane baneand
and id then rolling over on his luck ii it itI r rI
I heard Tern sny say to Tutu Hajw HajwIt IlaYcshilt
hilt It him twi tw inches too far tn t too I no rip ripho rmgThe
The ho doctor pronotinrHl i it n fatal woji wojind sci sciand
and nd the duel was dnchnvl at an jril jrilnough nl Imrs Imrsenough
enough the doctor mid ho bullet iuil Mf Mfassod tarpassed
ho ripii of tno h ari arin arfand
passed assod two incises lo I
and Terry I remark to flaves st0W5 hss hssthus
thus n Judge shot with im iiiemit nt to kill r rid rrr rrrand <
and id his friends at nnco loft the jilseo jilseoroderick MU MUliroderick
roderick was quickly quieklycarried carriod to hi lcarrLag lcarrLagand carrtaB carrtaBankcll
and conveyed to this linuss of his beth bethHaskell
ankcll the woolhn mtnufactunsr wbeni wbenii u ube
be i died two weeks later 1ate