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NEW YORK SUNDAY y MAY 31 1903 1903001IIrlohl CopvrW IWW by iy The Sun PnnHno J > and PubtMtno Anoclatun
Copyright 1803 bv DOubleday IW 4 Co
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I remember hearing Jim Breelln eslln describe describeMr de Orlbe Orlbehl
Mr hl h ratly trials and tribulations in the hotel hotelhiicinosH hotelIn hotelltIInMhow
hiicinosH ltIInMhow In > how he began at a the bottom of ofthe oftho ofthe
the ladder and orked his h1 way wa up Now Nowthe Nowthe Nowtht
the difference dillrr < nce between Jim Brealin and andmyself andmrF andnysIr
myself mrF lr Is t that while ho began at the bottom bottomrf
rf 1 i tho ih ho ladder and slowly worked his ht way wayup wa waup wayup
up I began at the top of tho ladder nod nndliavo nodlia
liavo 111 hern rapidly rapid working my way down downran downIflrj
ran Iflrj 1111 ever since sinceBut lilnclHilt 1nc 1ncflut
But the ladder I began at the top of was wasthn WIlAIhl waPtIui
thn stcpludder and tho way of it was this thisVlinn thisWh11 thIsVhn
Vlinn I first embarked in the th hotel business buslnetjgI
I < iiid to dear old Garrison GarrisonI
I want to learn this business thoroughly thoroughlyI
I was in the first flush of early youth youththm youthtl youthtIfl
thm tl > lI and I had a childish notion that a hotel hotelman hotelman hotelrnlfl
man ought oll ht to bo conversant with tho do dotails delail doaiI
tails lail of business Well Mr Garrison looked lookedmo
mo In all over and tools in In tho full details of ofIPV ofI
IPV 11 I GothiC style of architecture and he heKil hellure hetture
Nature llure lm ha not been very lavish to you youin youin OU OUin
in tho tl matter of fleshly flshlycharrn3 charms bulehe but he has hasevidently haaidllItlr hasiidently
evidently intended you ou for some purpose purposennd purposelWei purposetnd
nnd in my opinion that purpose is to per perftv perflltly perftely
ftv flltly ly adapt you to going up a stepladder stepladdercrawling stEpladderawllng stepladderitvling
crawling over a transom and opening the thecluir theIi thedur
cluir Ii Ir in cases of suicide suicideWell suIcideih ulcldeII
Well II naturally I was dazzled at the tliehnliatit tbebnliant thelrhatit
hnliatit prospect which I saw opening openingliforo openingIrm openlnInc
liforo inC and I flung myself Into the work workwith workwllh workwtth
with all tho abandon of youth and I think thinkIlI1n thinkI
1 IlI1n may cay ay without being accused accu cd of undue unduevfniity unduethnt undueiiity
vfniity iiity that when it comes to crawling crawlingivir
uV ivir l transomn thereIs no man in tile pro proIcfsion pror protrsioii
Icfsion r iln who ho Is If my m peer There are men menfamous nuo11I1I10n menIfltlS
famous IfltlS all over the country an a hotollceepers hotollceepersI
I nit none of them could ever hope to achieve achievedistinction aehleeli achievedistinction
distinction li l1ncllon at crawling crawUn oer transoms transomsAnd transomllAnd transonAnd
And speaking of suicides sulcldesI I always wax wasilo waxIrllluent waxIiuent
ilo Irllluent < uent when I Iet get on this tW subject for It Itis Iti Iti
is i one with wlthWch which I am thoroughly con conversant oonrrsuntIt convcantIt ¬
versant rrsuntIt It is Bt strange range that with all the new newnrd newnrd newflrl
nrd beautiful hotels which have of lat latbeen late latebeen latetcen
been erected our old place still tlII continue continueto
to he the favored report Tt < ort for that claw of oltrade ofIralo ofI
trade I iad Indeed I pometlmca think that thatthese thattileto thatItieiO
these beautiful palaces rather boom the theindustry thoillelultry theindustry
industry for when a man has ba spent a day da3or clayor
or two at one of these palaces and hat hatreceived hatIlcelvrd haieceivcd
received and paid his hl bill he has nothing nothing ootblnrcl nothingIrft
loft l ft to live for and what more natural naturalthan naturAlthMI naturtthan
than that he should wish eh to blow his bI brain braininut brainlilt branucot
nut lilt
Wo 0 have never entered to thi thlll claN ol oltiuli of oftnull oflrak
tiuli We have never written letters to teprospective tollrolpeltlve toproipective
prospective suicides at our hotels inviting invitingthem Invitingthtm Invitingthem
them to come with us at reduced r u d rates ratesnnd ra ranml ratmauth
nnd yet when hln a man feels fee l that it is time timeTor timoI timefor
for him to make a cut and shuffle off bin binmortal hilltjJ1al hisitjoiil
I mortal tjJ1al coil it oem m perfectlY natural IlaturafQr IlaturafQrhim for forhim forhijici
him to drift into our hotel unostentatious unostentatiousthough uno moentatiouthough ientat1 u ut
though t It be beIt beIl beit
It is Ii i a comparatively catty class of trade tradeto
to I satisfy They do not stop to Inquire Inquireliether InqutreIoetblr inquirehiether
liether the plumbing is modern or antique antiqueThey antiqueIhe antiqueThey
They Ihe do not ask whether their rooms arc arcdecorated arorleroratfd aredecorated
decorated rleroratfd in the stylo of the First Empire Empireor
or tho Seventh Ward Give them a good goodpixfoot goodif10t goodiixfoot
pixfoot gas burner about 1500 1 feet of olilluminating ofIlluminating ofIlluminating
illuminating gas at t 1125 125 a thousand and andn
A fnw ow uninterrupted moments and they are arecontent arellOtlnt areflteflt
content contentNot llOtlntot flteflt fltefltNot
Not ot long since I came Into my office one onamorning onemnrnlng onemorning
morning and found a gentleman there theresimply thereimply theresimply
simply boiling with rage It seems ma that he hehad hehad hehad
had just ju t been married marriooInd indeed d had spent spentthe llpentt spentthe
the t he first night nl ht of his marital career under underniir underOlll underfill
niir roof On arising in the morning he heJind It ItI1ml himid
mid lx been en told by some busybody that thn thnroom th throom thrmom
room which he occupied had on the previous previousday previolUlrlsty previotuin
day in Iwn I > occupied by two persons who whohad whuhnd whohaI
had committed suicide therein thereinHe thereinfie thereinlie
He was IR very ery indignant I endeavored endeavoredin
to pacify him I said saidMy faldIr saidMy
My Ir door sir you would scarcely expect expectn
II > to put a silver plate on the door and andnilvor andiIfr andiiIvr
nilvor handles and consecrate the room roomto roomtn roomto
to tho memory mp ory of the dear departed We Wenro WeAn VeCr
nro Cr conducting a hotel not a cemetery cemeteryBut W WBut
But he was very VEr indignant and made maderemarks maderlnarkA madernnrke
remarks which hlch were w re painful to one of my myhhrinklng myrhrluklng rayhrinktng
hhrinklng sensitive Iifn ltIe organization organizationI
I once had a peculiar dazzling suicide at atmy DtI11r att11
my t11 place in which two persons quenched quenchedthe
the I h vital spark and destroyed a new Wilton Wiltoncarpet WiltonC Wiltonnrpt
carpet C simultaneously This accident C < ilent was wasnplendidly WaRJlJf wasIJlPflildly
nplendidly JlJf > nrlldly written up In one of our leading leadingjournals leading50Ilrnr1I leadingournols
journals with lovely portraits of tho prin principals prinpIIIR prinptls ¬
cipals pIIIR evolved from tho imagination of oftho ofIIII ofthio
tho artist nrtistlMy artistMy
My 1 portrait was also printed together togetherwith togetherwit togetherwith
with wit h a brief synopsis of my DI life I shall shallnever IIhalilIo shallnever
never lIo r forget my wifes exclamation of ofdulight ofdlJlight oftlolhght
dulight when the article was shown her hernnd hArIIn herornl
nnd IIn her simple unaffected joy and pride at atMpIng atIIIIR ateing
MpIng IIIIR my picture side I do by side with tho thodoreased thodtad thohasd
doreased were truly touching touchingIt
It Is needless nt > edlm8 to say that for a long time timethereafter timethermlter timetliercafter
thereafter our place was wa thronged with withhiilcidos withluJcidN withtttcids
hiilcidos and anclllll all without costing us u a cent centv centHn cents4
Hn s4 v > I never let an opportunity pass to say saya M MI
a I good ood word for newspaper men menI
I always have a tender spot In my heart hearttowaril hNlrttownrd hearttoward
toward newspaper men What would ould hotels hotelsdo hotelsdo hotelsdo
do do without them Whenever we e have a afire a atir afire
fire tir or a robbery or a suicide who is I the thefirst thefirht tImettrt
first to fly to tin 1I in tho hour of our affliction afflictionTho affilctlonTho amictionIliu
Tho newspaper man And he proceeds to togive toic togive
give ic us n big sendoff I nay sendoff sendofflor
for it I generally has the effect of sending sendingoff
off a lot of star sta r boarders boardersIts boa boardersIts rderl rderlIl
Its Il no trouble at all to beat a hotel Tho Thoaw Thonw Theaw
aw says KIlS we must take any anyone one who comes comeswithout comesthout comeswithout
without thout regard to age color or previous previouscondition prevlouBondltlon previouscondition
condition of servitude The only thing thingu
we u can look to is tho baggage baggageAll baggageAll
All 11 a beat has to do IB h to present himself himselfwith hlmeelfjlh himselfnih
with jlh a fair array of baggage bag o We take him himlo hihimito
lo our bosom bosomAfter bOlomArtcr bosomAfter
After a few days or weeks or a month monthaccording monthRccordlng monthaccording
according to the custom of tho particular particularhotel partlclllalbotel particularhotel
hotel concerned he is If asked to pay pIl He Hehasnt liehalnt Hehasnt
hasnt any money A remittance he ex expected exIIllted oxpeeled ¬
peeled hasnt come comeWo corneWo comevo
Wo vo hold the baggage He skips Wo Woo Woopen WeuPOn
o open > cn the trunk and find a soiled handker handkerchief hllndkcrhleC handkcrhint ¬
chief and three dirty dirt collars There we were welire wemiret
lire miret re We can go to the law What hat good goodwill goodwill
will 11 It do us u in nine out of ten cases casesHomo caaes7 caaes7Homo casesSomno
Homo of tho beats atl are not sharp enough enoughto
to work the thing that way They remove removetheir rpmOVAtlidr removehair
their baggage or property piecemeal If Ifve IfWe Ifwe
We can catch them doing that with intent intentto
to defraudthe law can holtj thorn in criminal criminalproceedings criminalproCCldlntf criminalproceedings
proceedings but It is almost amo t impossible impossibleto ImpoBIIlbletlllllh
to tlllllh nab a departing guest under such condi conditions condition conchthom ¬
thom that we can prove intent intentto to defraud defraudThe dCfraudllle defraudThe
The average man who ho doesnt pay hla
hotel ho 1 bill isnt without pride Isnt a regular
beat lIe Is more often a man who ho well wellto wellto welltodo
to todo < lo or having been well fixed Xtd is hard u up
for the moment Ho expects to catch 01 01nest unnext onnext
next week and goes ahead ahoodancl and blows him himpelf himsolf himself
pelf self hi good faith Next week doesnt d snt come <
loaded with bank notesand ho cant settle settleIts MttleIts tttleItll
Its t the he fashionable hotel holelthat t hat loses 10 R hea heavily vllj lIy
through bad debts The real swell housei hous101le
lose thousands of dollars every year > ar through
debts run up by social soclalll lights lightsThese lightsThese hts htsThes
These establishments cant turn down downpatron a apatron apatron
patron of high social standing He is use useto u used usedto ed edto <
to burning money mone and runs up a skyhigl
bill It seems IIClJ1t1l1atllral natural enough that he should houldI1n
Then ho cant pay Po PoWhat
Whats What II the hotel man to do lIe mai maieventually maeventually may mayeventually
eventually get the money mOlll Then again hi himay h hmay lie liemay
may not He cant afford to raise a row rowI ro roI rowI
I dont know but what tho oldtimer haibeen has
been the most fatal proposition for me meSometimes nwSOlnetlmc8 meSomnetinies
Sometimes a I man who has IKSMI 1 < 11 coming
to the house for years and has always bit Ulll Ulllon Lxoimon > i ion
on the straight strikes hard luck and asks nskifor nlkffor asksfor
for time timeWe limeWe timeWe
We let him run along for the sake oi oihis of
his record His bill climbs high ho doesnipull doesnt doesntpull doesntpull
pull out ou of the hole and ho lands us 18 for foia fora
a good round sum sumBut sumDut BurnBut
But it isnt only onl the oldtimer who beat beatus h heatsus > ats
us Why Wh ll even the children cam play willus withus will VIIjIus
us hotel men menOnly mlnOnl moonOnly
Only Onl a little while ago three small boys boyicame boyscame > oyP oyPcame
came to my hotel They were werfJlllere mere shavers shaversand shaversand hafl hafland
and they stayed three or I four days Ia be before hmfore l lfore
fore we asked them for money mOlle They The con confossed confoased on onfeslCd
fossed that they thie didnt have h vfl any an that thmthey thnttheoy thatthey
they had run away from home and had hadspent hadopent hindspent
spent every cent they the had brought will willthem withthem riththem
them themThis themThis
This seemed like a a good deal of a joke jokeand joktDnd jokeand
and they the tim were such nice nI l bright h right little Ii II Ie chaps chapstoo dll1pRtoo clumpstoo
too They The gave us their home address addressand lIedrl lIedrlanc addrcs4and
and anc we telegraphed to their parents Oot Oota Jo1 Jo1a ot ota
a telegram right hack Parents were over overjoyed olrjOtd overjoyed
joyed to get track of erring children childrenWould chlldrpnWonld childrenWould
Would wo kindly hold the boys The Tinparents Theparent Theparents
parents would IKJ heeown down here hereafter aft er r them themWe thtmWe themWe
We kept the boys and they kept right on oreating onfORting oneating
eating everything within sight After t tfew n nfew afew
few days had gone by we telegraphed to tothe Inthe tothe
the agonized parents fgain fgainPrompt tgalnPrompt tgainPrompt
Prompt answer a 1111 er Family b hr hremvemnent hremvemnentprevented < reivernenl reivernenlprevented Iment ImentprevenWd
prevented tholr coming at once but they thejwould theywould theywould
would be on by the end of the week weekWe wtltWe weehiWe
We fed the young oormorsntfl all that thatweek thatweek thatweek
week No parents At lost wt ce 10 > bought ImiiRhlrailroad hou boughtrailroad ht htrailroad
railroad tickets and a nd sent the kids home k ksave ttIlIne to tosave
save ourselves from bankruptcy bankruptcyI
I suppose the parents wanUd to give gi 0 the thfchildren thoohildren thechildren
I children an outing They 1 ey Hid it Itl1nd and it itdidnt It Itdldnt Itdidnt
didnt coat them anything a thlng beyond the theprice theI theprice
pr price ot otthe the ticket to th be city oltyRumoN citySIMEON citySIMKON
And New Nt Yorks ork Birthday DIrt hila Piety Part Compared ComparedMore COlllparNII comparedMore
More Fun lIn in the Former Formerj FormerI1lpre FormerThere
I j There was W86 a stranger in town last In 1 hips Tupsday TlIpday hipsday
day down at the City CII Hall and a Vow 11 York Yorkman Yorkman Yorkman
man having run out of everything erylhln else pi to Irtalk totalk totalkaboutaekedthestramiger
talk talkaboutaekedthestramiger aboutnsked aoout Mkd thestrangor If ho had ever evciseen ef1rIEfn everseen
seen anytliing allytl ng like it The stranger replied repliedas rlpli d dall
as follows followsI folio folioWI
WI I was 11JI just thinking of thp celebration celebrationwe
we had In little old Smithvillo It J wan wanabout wnllabont wasabout
about the thtlla last t town in the State to got any anything anything antthing ¬
thing WH had been getting f1ttin our mail oni onia once onlJlwrek oncea >
a week on horseback for a good 01H1 miiny miinyyears 1111111 1111111vtara nuIrivyears
years vtara But in the course of things a rail railroad railroad ¬
road road company surveyed aline a line through the thntown thfllawn thetown
I town and seine time after the roadbed was wasgraded wasradpd wasgraded
graded gradedThen gradedThen radpd radpdI
Then there was another long wait fol followed followed oh ohlowed ¬
I lowed by the building of a stone abut abutment Rhulment ahtttment ¬
ment on Oh tho bank of Smiths Fork Forkollr orkoitrsummer onr onrsummer
I summer resort The abutment was a just justa ju t ta
a plain yellowstone affair I reckon it itdidnt Itdldnt Itdidnt
didnt cost co t 1200 200 But it was M the first rail railroad railroad rollroad ¬
road abutment Smitlivlllo ever saw iw and It Itcaused ItcaUfet itcaused
caused a lot of talk talkWhen talkWhen talkWhen
When the abutment was la completed completedSmlthville compllfdSmlthille completiciSmithviile
Smlthville concluded to have a celebra celebration celtbratlon celebratlon ¬
tlon Squire Reaves was tho law in Srnith Srnithville hrnitlirUle nlth nlthlIe
rUle lIe and the citizens persuaded d him to toissue toIl toissue
issue Il < 8ue a proclamation setting aside a day for forthe fOlthe or orthe
the event Squire Heaven made a trip to tothe tothe tothe
the county seat to to ask the County Court if ifhe Ifhe ithe
he had the right and returned with the theauthority theauthority theauthority
authority authorityA
A meeting was held in the church the theonly theonly theonly
only one In town and a committee was wasappointed wasappointed as asappointed
appointed to arrange The chairman called calledfor Callldfor cahimlfor
for suggestions saying that every Smith Smithvillian HmlthvUUan Snmithmvillian
villian present ought to l he > o willing to do dosomething closomething dosomething
something somethingThe
The citizens were a little backward In Inthe Inthe intime
the way ay of speaking and there was Wll a lull lullafter lullafter lullafter
after the chairmans remarks until nUl the town towndentist tondentist towitdentist
dentist got up and said that anybody who whocame whocame whocame
came to town on tho day of tilt celebration celebrationwith celobrationwith celebrationwith
with the toothache would ould ho treated free freoThe flCUI1le freeThe
The chairman said that was wa thn proper properspirit pro propemspirit p I IIIplrlt
spirit It broke the Ice and after that thatsuggestions fllatUltltostionll thatsuggestions
suggestions came earn thick arid and fast fastTho fAAtrho at atThe
The old family doctor offered his hi services servicesand servicesand enlet enletanrl
and medicines in tho same way n Tim nmm mer merchants 11101chant8 mimerchants ¬
chants offered to sell for cost on that day davTho hayThe
Tho tavern keeper ke per said he would oulrl give two twomeals tomalA tworncels
meals for or one price and care for last for fornothing fOInothln1 tomtmothin
nothing The school teacher said he would wouldread wouldread wouldread
read the tilt Declaration of IndeK IlldepenrltHICI IlldepenrltHICIAnd > ndKiice ndKiiceAnd
And so f 54 < O it went until all had spoken spokenexcept Apnkpnpxcept spokenexcept
except the minister As < he remained remainedsilent remalneIIllnt remimainedsilent
silent tho chairman called him out He Hewax JItWM liewas
wax a good Campbelllto and a power in inthe III IIIthe 1mmtime
the county Ho arose and said hat hn hnwould hllwould liewould
would marry any couple on the day rill of the thecelebration thiflcelebration
celebration without charqo charqoOld c etmarge etmargeOld Jar JarOld
I Old Squire Heaves Interrupted to say saythat saythat l1Ythat
that he had intended to make the some someproposition tlWnopropoltloll minnieproposition
proposition The minister replied that he hewould hewuld liewould
would not stand In the way WIIOC of Squire Reaves Reavesbut RtuII Reavesbut
but he felt as he ought to enter into the thespirit tillIrlt 11mmspirit
I spirit Irlt of tho t hn occasion therefore he an announced nnnoullcerl nonouticed ¬
nounced that ho would baptize anybody nnylxidyon anrhod
on th the day of the celebration and UI that tliatbo thatho thatlie
I bo would do so with the understanding un < lerstallclin that thatthe thattlte thatthe
the Immersion would be good in any church churchf
I of f any denomination lenomirmat ion This proposition propositionfrom propoltlonrrom proposit ion iontrain
from anybody hut the old dominie would wouldhove wouldluivo
I hove caused more or less hilarity bill mmml every everyone cel1one everyone
one knew h ht was in earnest earnestWell tarnlitWell earnestVmehl
Well sir the th day came and wo hud huda
a big time only tho dentist and doctor doctorcleared doctorand < loctOland
and the dominie had nothing to do hut wo woolearro wecleared
cleared the main street in the tit afternoon afternoonand afternoonand afternoonand
and had horserace till dark one mile milndashes miledClhS miledashes
dashes tho length of the street Fiddles Flddlosfurnished Flddl Flddlfumlshfd Fiddlesfurnished
furnished the music muse and there t her wits a dance danceby clanClb danceby
by b night in the grove roYo near town townYour tolnYour townYour
Your New York celebration is right rightsmart rightmart righmtsmart
smart hut you are not having half as II much muchfun mIlchfun nmchmfun
fun as we had in Bmithvlilo on Abutment AbutmentDay AbutmentDaYt AbutmentDay
Day when wo celebrat celebrated < > d tho completion completionof
of tne the railroad mlllOnr masonry The abutment nblltmentl
is l still standing but that is as IS near a mil milroad ranroad railroad
road aa the town ever got
iK lW 13tV TIIF rii wonn mm nnopiEn Ill ttrirsrifv II Illircrin
irsrifv votvs ipitNsfllgwsuit votvsWlmvam
Wlmvam ltra III llai ha AUo tIO Disappeared FromThrlr FromThrlrTongue From Their ThrolrronJlIllndlan TheirS
S Tongue ronJlIllndlan Indian titiKUicrt lan uaKN Used More Moreunit MoreUIIII Meremmmiii
unit Better leclope < l man fiver fiverWant Ivcroiiis r rOI1l
Want OI1l mat Express J < xprl8l Whole hole Sentence SentenceLINCOLN Srnttnee9IIICOIN SentencesLiNco1
LINCOLN Nob eu May Iay 30De 30I aoDesplte > > plte the theadoption theadoption theadoption
adoption l hy > y the Indians of the Northwest Northwestof orthwetuf
of the ways aR of the white mon In the matter matterof
of vocations vocntlr na the English language Is per perhapH perhaJ1t perImaps
hapH farther from being generally used U Jed by bythem bythem bytlicmn
them then ever before beforeThe bofoloThe beforeThu
The statement In made by missionaries miftalonnrieaand
and Government agcntH that tho Indian Indianlanguages IndillnIangulIgts Indianlongumugemi
languages are more generally spoken and andbetter andltttJr andbetter
better ltttJr developed today than they were irerefifty werefifty werefifty
fifty years ngo This Thl la l particularly true trueof tnleof trueof
of the Sioux which In two dialects the theTelon theTetolll1ncl timeTeton
Telon Tetolll1ncl and the Yankton has hn been tho means meansof menlJuf meansof
of communication for ro unnumbered yearn yearnamong yel111among yearsamong
among tho Indiana of the great plains plainscountry plainsllJuntn plaInscountry
country on lx hoth > th sides of the Missouri 1IK > lIri River RiverThe RiverThe RiserThe
The iaw law of evolution works orl8 in the Indian Indianlanguage Indianlangul1ge Indianlanguage
language just ju t as 81 it doer In the English EnglishTho EnglishTim EnglishTime
Tim older Indians employ words and andphrawa andphmasos lndpharJ
phrawa that the later generations g nfratlonf do not notue notUif1 notwe
ue and do not seom seem m to understand understandTho understandTho
Tho change lies come about largely largelythrough largelythrough largelythrough
through the Influence of the missionaries missionarieswho mlDBlonarlefhll
who hll have taken tho trouble to learn the thetonguo thetOUgUA thetongue
tongue and have then employed their theirI theirJluglll theirlimigmiistic
I linguistic Jluglll tlc skill kl11 In systematizing it Gram Grammar GramUar Grammar ¬
mar had very cry little place pIa eo in the old lan language Ianguago hangttago ¬
guage of the Sioux hut the missionary has hasbrought hashllu hasimouglmt
brought hllu ht order to this part of It ItOne ItOne itOne
One noticeable change in the character characterof
of the Indian IrllUallll1nguago language of today is its com comiwratlvo compnratitJ comnparatis
iwratlvo purity In tho old days nays when whenthe whentho wimoimthu
the tribes trlbt > A roamed Ioamer at will cacti enriched enrichedthe onrlchedtho emiricimedthe
the language of tho others by picturesque picturesquephrases plcture picturesqueltmmaes quo quoplna
phrases plna 1 or words either through the ex exchange etlhanltt oxvimntmge
change of greetings or the words wrung wrungfrom wrungfrom wrungfiomn
from the lips of if captive braves bravesThe hmll111e braveslhme
The Indian exhibit the same quickness quicknessin
in grasping a new idiom or striking phrase phraseas
as the white man although restricted nec necessarily ncfnrlly necessmmrily ¬
essarily to Indian sources Ourc It is I a romarUn romarUnI r rimrnrkmside < murl < a ahII
I hie fact that tilt tll slang of the English tongue tongueMuds ton tongueI lle lleI
I fuels littltsfavor lItt little favor with the reds although althoughtliev althllughtll
I tliev tll uhie > are eager In pr to seize upon anything good goodin
I in nn any other Indian tongue Their con confinement confinpll1ent commfhmwmmictmt ¬
finement to the bounds of the reservations reservationshas rllrvatonshns
has hud the effect of purifying their lan language IlInguagf Ianguage ¬
guage in thai hero is little of C the t e old mix mixture mixtun mmmixlure ¬
lure of other tribes to be found foundAll foundALl
All 11 Indian language langul1 is spoken In gut gutlural gltIlIral gimttumral
lural d dp ° p i throaty tiuroat tones tont with small smallsvllablos Im somalimirliahiles all alllIal1l
svllablos lIal1l and much use u > c of vowels Words of ofthe oftlJO oftime
the Sioux sometimes IIetlme mean whole holn phrases phrasesof
of English Enltll h Take for instance I nsUUlce the old oldword oldwon oldworui
word won I amahpaRantagil which ex expresses e eIt ea ¬
presses a long sentence in English EnglishIt En lIh lIhIt
It moans that the Ill Indian has i seen en some something sometiming me methlnc ¬
thing silhouetted against the sky sk after afterdusk RfOIclult afteru
dusk u lias ha set It in I n and that t hat he hI has watched until untillie untilho timitillie
lie could Qulr dlctlnguish ml lit in gmilsii the I imp oject by the I lie rod rodlight rfdIIpht roillight
light of ml the afterglow Tenderfeet scarcely scarcelyever
ever observe this peculiar ullllr phenomenon of ofthe ofthp oftime
the plains pIal but old plainsmen have noticed noticedtliHt notlc noticddtimumt rl rlthllt
tliHt always in the evening when darli darliness darjm darjmmbs < lar larIII
ness III in II gathering Kill hlrlng over the land there is a afaint afaillt afaimit
faint reappearance of glowing red light lightas
as if the sun were about to rise again againThr againThe
The > Indians who are great rfat at noticing noticingthings noticingthing noticin noticinthIngs
things understood Ulrlpr tOd this phenomenon hfnomenon an anwatched nn nnwatched ndatch1
watched for it When hll1 written the word wordwould wonlwould orcl orclwould
would have ha 1 wayankapi added arldf if the theobject tbenhjlct theobject
object had been Pfx seen > n by more than on onTim one onllI1IA oneThis
Tim aflU pi always signifies the plural pluralnumber pluralnumber pluralnumber
number numberThe numberThe numberTime
The old olrllnd ohrilndiamm Indian 1 wr wrro > rd wjcw wigwam m and tolna tolnarinwk tofn tofnhwk tou4hawk
hawk have no longer a place pla plac in thq tan tanguagnol tinguage tanguageof
guagnol guage of tho reds These ana anti many othersare others otherllAIf othersare
are practically extinct They ThE werr strictly utrictlypeaking strictlyspeaking tricttrspeakin
peaking < < words wordamof I nrd II of Eastern tribes trih < > r and in insoraa inIIOme insome
some raw < aPPA they w woro < ro the invention of oftrappers oftrlp oftrappers
trappers trlp r and plainsmen Time Sioux worrl worrlfor worifor 1foJifor
for wigwam is tepee which hlc11 has a more moreessentially morelerntlallv moreessentiallY
essentially Indian sminrl sminrlBy IOOUII IOOUIIprft enumiriBy
By prefixing prft int and affixing an Indian word wordmay wordnmar oTl1 oTl1mR
may mR lw 1 lengthened Itn thnecl out Into int meanings meaningsEnglish meanil1 nicanimugsthat f ftlia
that would oule require 1 a 9holtPara whole paragraph raph of ofEIIIIlfh ofEnglish
English to fullv full translate tran latf The i n Inng1II1 Inng1II1IR languageis language languageIs
Is verv vem ey coinprenensive nnd in Its It greater greaterpurity greaterpmmrity trfatelpllril
purity is i morn poetical than formerly formerlyshorn formrlvIIhorn formerlyshorn
shorn as it now is m of what corresponded correspondedto correpondto
to Indian slang slangIt
It I is I losing losln a little in the wnr way of beIng bfingfigurative bc beIngtigmmrat > lnc lncfililIrathO
figurative tigmmrat lye this thi lx hlln wing > lne the result of mien mientine eden edentitle dlntlfjC
tine application I1pplleltiOl1lUld and systematization f tcmatIZlltlon Tho Thowords ThoworelA Thewordle
words and phrases > still deal mainly malnl with withthe withthe withtime
the ordinary things of the Indians simple simplelift simplelife
lift Ii anil when the realm of metaphysics metaph fiC > l is isentered I InlNIII isntprceh
entered the tli red rN man is at n loss forwords forwordssave for word wordI wordssave
save I < lve as al lie can Illustrate hln meaning by bythe h hthe bythe
the mien of common words of double sip signification Ai Ainlflcatlon sipnificatlon
nification nificationOFF nificatlonopt
OFF 0 CMK 011 ins Ii itEn itEnChinese iitnhlnese ftn ftnhI
Chinese hI r Knipress 11111111 < now Ooallr Kcri Way WS of In InlerniptlnKn Int InterrimptIna
lerniptlnKn t rnlptlnr A Hneeph HneephMACON l > IJ1 pcehMAco < < yh yhhCON
MACON Mo Io May 30 0 To send a telegram telegramto
to his hi paper the Shanghai Mercury the thecorrespondent thlcorrlfpln timecorrospnndnt
correspondent corrlfpln < llnl at Pingtu China has to lowalk toalk towalk
walk alk twentyfive miles III lit Pingtu is a city cityof cityof cityof
of 40000 people and ancllhp the telegraph line runs runsthrough runthrough ruinsthiroughm
through the town but there is not enough enoughtelegraphing enoughtellgraphlng enoughtelegraphing
telegraphing to justify the establishing establishingof
of an office there thereTim therTho thereTime
Tim Itav W H Sears > Rrl a native of Mis Missouri MissoUri tfj tfjlour ¬
souri lour now a Chinese missionary is l the theMcrcuryf thecrcurllI theMcrcuryR
Mcrcuryf crcurllI Pingtu correspondent When he hegets hegets liegets
gets a piece of news that ought to go gopromptly goprompt gopromptly
promptly prompt Iy ho saddles his home and makes makesa
a twentyfivemtle Journey over the hills hillsto blllllto
to a town where there is I an operator operatorMost opfrI1torMot operatorMost
Most of Ids news lIew is sent in by h mall and andthough Rndthough antithought
though the paper for which he corresponds correspondsin
in only a weekly cekl and his letters to the theMercury theMercur theMercury
Mercury are not overfrequent his expendi expenditure espendlture ezpeniilure ¬
ture for stamps at the Pingtu Iln tu Post Io t Office OfficeIn
In onefifth of the entire amount of stamen stamenpurchased IItampspurchallll stampspurcimasl
purchased there In a letter received here herefrom herefrom
from from Mr lr Sears ho says saysChina aaK aaKChina saysChina I
China has established post offices offiCl in all allthe allthe allthe
the walled cities and many of the larger largertowns largertowns I Itownl
towns but post po t offices and telegraph offices officesare officeare oflicesamc
are looked upon as foreign institutions institutionsand
and are not well patronized patronizedThere patronizedThere patronizedThere
There are not many papers In China ChinaThe ChinaThe CubaTime
The province I live In line nearly 40000000 40000000population 40000000populatloll 4OOOOOpOUlUtioim
population yet there is but one Chinese Chinesenewspaper ChlneeenewApaper Chinesetiewepaper
newspaper in it and that one lonesome lonesomesheet JonegameAllIet lommemuomesheet
sheet has ha > not nearly the circulation of tho thoaverage thoaeragfJ theaverage
average country count ry newspaper In Missouri MissouriAbout MIS8ourlAhollt MissouritAiomJt
tAiomJt About 20001 Not more than one native unlivein
in ten can n rroadno > ad no I will say not one in intwenty Intwenty intwenty
twenty I do not know of a single Cliuuwo Cliuuwowoman Chluftwomanpxeept Clibiesewomnamiexcehl
woman womanpxeept except those who are ChristIans ChrltlanHthat ChristIansthat lirlmlanHthat
that can read The Chinese dont cdu cducutn educut cciucute
cute cut A their t hlII girls girlsIn girlsIn Iris
In regard to the clipping you 1011 sent from froman flOI11an rome romeatm
an American newspaper about al out the Em Empress Emproll EniprmuM ¬
press proll Dowager pitparing to inaugurate u uliioody 11hluo abloody
bloody hluo r warfare on the foreign dovils dovilswill doIIwill dovllswill
will say 1011 ay that the t he ivport is without con confirmation oonIIrmatlon conlirmumatimii ¬
firmation There is I no doubt the Kmpirss KmpirssDowager Enipresslossagur
Dowager 1 > OW1PII is one of lilt worst WOl1 < t women in tho thoworld thoworhl thewoild
world She has no Iden whatever of right rightAs ri rightAs hl hlall
As an am m Illustration Ii hut rat momu I will give gi ie you the t he follow following tel low lowhug ¬
hug storv iii 0 omv taken from a recent isuuu 1I ue of the theCcleiitiuf thoCrIEIIi thuclslh1
Ccleiitiuf CrIEIIi clslh1 Umpire l of Shanghai ShanghaiWhen Hhnughalh
When h u the royal cavalcade started startedrvery staItOdlevery tart d dor
every or mandarin along the routo of nearly nearlyROO
800 00 miles li1ill knew that th t if the t hI Kmprosw Jo mJreAA Dowager Dowagerfound Dowagerfnund Dowagerfound
found that insufficient provision had l been beeniumade > een eenmado
mado for 01 her In his district < his head would wouldjje wouldbe
jje likely to be tho forfeit forfeltof of her herdlKpleasure herdlKpleasureW displeasure displeasureAs
W As Tsa Hi was entering Klohlan a aman aman aman
man in Boxer regalia ran Into the road and andkm andkl1follnK andkneeling
km kneeling > nlinic l beside > her chair began an ttulo ttuloistic IuloRlitlc sub subgistic
Rlitlc istic address a < < hlrefolR on her effort lo exterminate exterminateso
the f foreign rel n devils The Empress Dowager Dowagerso
so an eyewitness told me merely motioned motionedto
to one of her lx bodyguard > who quietly qui t1y walked walkedIwhind walkedhohlnrl walkedhuohind
Iwhind the Boxer and with one stroke of ofhis ofhll ofhis
his sword sword cut off his oration and his head headat headat headat
at the same 1tne time That wai was when Boxer Boxerlady BoserIsm Boxerism
Ism WM out of fashion and the Im Imperial Imperiallady rlll rllllady
lady was on her way to Hslan
Are Their Low Low Pi Prices Pricesrlroadway = =
R H Macy Cos Attractions
25c 2 c Irish IrishDimities sh l F Ftiasenment i1
12Uzc Dress 8e c Dimities at atAlso 8e J J yt ytCorded
Ginghams at atCorded l lsolid
domestic Dimities Dimitiesstripes
Also He
Corded woven Ginghams Ginghamssolid stripes trip polkadots scrolls scrollsrosebuds Q Ii Iiplaids
lJ lJfast
solid colors stripes che checks checksplaids < ks rosebuds rOcblt s and other florals floralson
plaids blocks and pinchecks pinchecksfast pinchecks on white navy and black blackgrounds black1Jasemenl
fast dye 1Jasemenl rlroadway J4th 4t11 to 3 7 35t11 > th S grounds Basement i I
Shirt S hi rt = Waist Wa i st Suits Sui Suits2d1 ts 2d = < iFi Floor ° ornwa ornwaSilk hlwaY hlwaYSilk a aSilk >
Silk ShirtWaist SuitsCotton ShirtWaist Suitsthousands Suits thousands are here herePhenomenal herePhenomenal herePhenomenal
Phenomenal values valuesreally really phenomenal phenomenalHighclass phenomenalHighclass phenomenalHighclass
Highclass makers the th best in this country countryare are simply running off their theirsurpluses thersurpluses theirsurpluses
surpluses through throu h the vast Macy retail outlet out et We are glad to have this thisgreat thIsgreat thisgreat
great store used as a mammoth conduit through thou h which such bargains flow flowto flowThe flowto
to you youThe youThe
The garments > involved in this movement are very tine The materials materialsi matenalstrimmings materialstrimmings
i j i i beyond criticism iLl tn + i TUjiif They tiMr were mil made madeby madeby It Itwith
trimmings styles and workmanship are
by manufacturers who cater to the best and richest trademanufacturers trademanufacturerswith
with hardearned reputations to sustain Th Thas Their positions as artists and ours oursas oursas
as merchants are amply protected by the following followingFoulard followingFoulard iollowingFoutard
Foulard Silk Shirt Waist Suits white dots on onblue onblue onblue
blue and black grounds groundsworth 10 S SShirtWaist 74 74wOIth 7 7woith
wOIth 1500 at atShirtWaist atShirt
ShirtWaist Shirt Waist Suits made of blackandwhite blackand white checked checkedtaffeta checkedtaffeta checkedtaffeta
taffeta blue and white Iouisine I and black piau p au desoie desoieworth de sole soleworth2000 49 49wo
worth wo worth2000 worth2000ShirtWaist S2000 S2000ShirtWaist 2000ShirtWaist 1 J
ShirtWaist Suits made of selftigured white madras madrasand Iradrasand madrasand
and white lawn sprinkled with tinted dots or figures figuresworth SJ 3 91 91worth 91worth
worth 5550 550 550ShirtWaist 550Shirt 5 5ShirtsYaist
ShirtWaist Shirt Waist Suits made of ofsheer sheer white lawn broad broadshouldered broadshouldered broadshouldered
shouldered waists and gored flare skirts skirtsworth 23 23worth 23worth
worth 650 650ShirtWaist 650Shitt 650ShirtWaist 4
ShirtWaist Shitt Waist Suits made of dainty daintycotton cotlon canvas canvastan canvastanand tan tanand
and white whitetrimmed trimmed with lace and pearl buttons buttonsworth liuttonsworth 86 86worth 86ShirtWaist
worth 875 875ShirtWaist 875Shirt 5
ShirtWaist Shirt Waist Suits made of oftiuwhlle tine tjn white lawn lawnallUer lawnallUerembroidery lawnalloverembroidery allover alloverembroidery
embroidery and lace used lavishly but tastefully tastefullyworth 67 67worth 67worth
worth S15WO S15WOShirtWaist S 1500 9 9Shirt 9ShirtWaist
ShirtWaist Shirt Waist Suits made of white whilelinen linen waist and skirt skirtembroidered skirtembroidered skirtembroidered
embroidered to match tucks are plentiful t tworth 96 96worth 96worth
worth 1750 1750Womens 1750Womens 175 175Vomens 11
Womens Dresses made of dottecTswisses dottedSwisses s and figured lawns lawnsfront lawnsfrnt lawnsfront
front of waists tucked tuckedlacetrimmed lacetrimmed square collars finished finishedwith finishedwith linishedwith
with embroidery beading run through throu h with black velvet rib ribbon ribbon ribbon ¬
bon j gathered gather d flounce skirt So 74 74worth 74worth
worth 1500 1500Womens 1500Womens 1500Womens 8 <
Womens Shirt Waists WaistsWaists WaistsdWaists d FI FIWaists
Waists for dawdlers or on piazzas of luxurious resort hotels hotelsexquisite exquisite with withdelicate withdelicate withdelicate
delicate hand needlework needleworksheer sheer transparent fine as veiling and filmy as asspun asspun asspun
spun glass trig trim Waists for tenting life canoeing automobiling bicy bicycling bicycling bicycling ¬
cling golfing tennis basketball and all other forms of diversion that the themuscular themuscular themuscular
muscular woman of the period takes to toCome toCome toCome
Come and see the displays displaysand and thank us for making the invitation so hard hardto hardto hardto
to resist resistAQc resist4CC
AQc for 75c Shirt Waists made of lawn mall black figures on white hltt grounds groundsy AroundsfrclRt groundsfront
4CC 4 y QC front trimmed trm trlmmnedwith edlth with tucks tuc iuckaPTch s French h h69c backtwo back two rows rowlo rowsopearl of pearl buttons fancy fancystock Incytockeoll fancystock
stock tockeoll collar collarQc celhst69c
69c Qc for foflOO 5100 Shirt Waists made of percale black stripes on white hLte grounds groundsfront groundfrot groundsfrot
frot and nd back backtrimmemI trimmed with tucks pearl pearbuttqn pearbuttqnQCc button buttonhoc bultqns bultqnsQQc
hoc QCc for 135 I35ShlrWaIstmade 35 Shirt Waists made of tigured Mercerized Mfdrw M dru front trimmed trimmedyy trimmedwith trimmedwith
yy with wide ide tucks French back also sheer white hlte India linen front trimmed trimmedwith trimmedjrh trimmedwith
with jrh hemstitched tucks and embroidery embroicl ry inserting fancy stock collar collarS
S 29 for 175 Shirt Waists made of sheer white lawn trimmed with tucks tucksand tucksand tuicksand
and four rows of lace inserting tucked sleeves collar and cuffs of lace laceInserting InceInserting laceinserting
Inserting InsertingS
S I S9 for 200 Shirt Waists made of Mercerized cheviot Jacquard pat patterns pattems pattems
tems back b ck and front trimmed with stitched box plaits large pearl hut huttons huttons ut uttons
tons another style styheinade made of white linen front trimmed with three rows of wide videlace widelace widelace
lace inserting In ertlng and wide tucks tucked back and sleeves sleevesSi
Si 1 79 for 225 Shirt Waist aist Suits made of sheer white India linon round roundyoke roundyoke roundyoke
yoke and stock collar of Valenciennes lace inserting fine tucks helow yoke yokeanother yokeIInother yokeanother
another made of fine white Persian lawn front trimmed with side plaits lace laceand laceand laceand
and embroidery inserting fancy stock collar collarwith collarS
S I 98 for Z50 Shirr Waists < < aim made of white linen hack and front trimmed trimmedwith trimmedwith
with tucks and lace medallions tucked sleeves others made of white lawn lawnhack lawnhack lawnhack
hack and front trimmed with lIh clusters of tucks handmade Teneriffe wheels wheelsfancy wheelsfancy wheelsfancy
fancy stock collar
2 69 for 325 Shirt Waists made of Persian lawn tucked yoke trimmed trimmedwith trimmedwith trimmedwith
with three rows of lace and two rows of fine emEroidery inserting back backtrimmed backtrimmed backtrimmed
trimmed with narrow tucks tucked sleeves fancy stock collar
2 69 ° for or W25 3Z5 Shirt Waists raists made of fine white linen front trimmed with withhanddrawn withhanddrawn withhanddrawn
handdrawn work tucked back large pearl buttons buttonsS3
S3 3 7 19 for 375 Shirt Waists made of Persian lawn square yoke poke formed of ofclusters ofclusters ofclusters
clusters of tucks inserting and fine embroidery fancy collar col ar and cuffs
3 5 24 for 375 Shirt Waists Wai ts made of Persian lawn square yoke yoke formed of oftucks ortucks oftucks
tucks and fine lace insertings fancy stock collar and cuffs cc Is
3 329 29 for 5400 400 Shirt Waists made of Persian lawn trimmed with tucks tucksValenciennes tucksVenciennes tucksVaienciennes
Valenciennes lace and Teneriffe wheels wheelsplaits
3 69 for 450 Shirr Waists made or white linen trimmed with two wide widep1alts jde jdeplalts
plaits heavily embroidered in small and large designs designsM49
M49 4 49 9 for 550 Shirt Waists made of fine lawn round yoke formed of nar narrow narrow narrow
row embroidery and hemstitched tucks fancy collar nnd cuffs cuffsChildrens cuffsChildrens curlsChildrens
Childrens Dresses DressesThese 2d d Fl FlThese riThese
These Dresses are for children between the ages of 4 and an 14 years yearsThey years yearsThey ars arsThey
They are a source of satisfaction and gratification to mothers moiherswho who are arespared arespared arespared
spared the th cost in time money mon y and work of homesewing home ewing Every Ever garment garmentis
is from a factory factorya a factory factorythtt that turns out hundreds of thousands of Dresses Dressesduring Dressesduring Dressesduring
during a year But no stigma attaches to them on that account Painstak Painstaking Painstaking Painstakingmakers
ing ingmakers makers hive lifted their goods above the level of the commonplace and andit andit andit
it is Is to the credit of discriminating women wOI11 n that such efforts have met with withso withso withso
so much appreciation appreciationReal
Real economy derived from enormous production productionChildrens projudiol1Chlldrens proluctionChildrens
Childrens Dresses Dr sses made of chambray Childrens Dresses made of chain chainpercale champercale chainpercale
percale and pique hlRhneck I < 31 7 < I bray gingham ging am and lawns highneck highnecksailor highnecksailor highnecksailor
sailor and guimpe styles lui Gibson Glbs n sailor guimpe and andRussian < ni
Russian HusslanChildrens RussianChildrens I IVO IVOChildrens 96
Childrens Dresses made of chambray Childrens Dresses IJres es made of chambray chambraymadras chambraymadras chambraymadras
madras and percales highneclcguimpe sailor highneck and guimpe styles stylessailor stylesII stylessailor
sailor and Russian sI blouse bI I trimmed with Ith pique q and an em e f
style II 147 1471 broidery broideryWomens d 261 261Womens 261Womens 26 i
Womens Hosieryi l1osieryhtllrtltcr tn ur Womens Underwear Underwear2Womens wu n nWomens I IWomens
Womens Imported Imort J Black Cotton Womens Lisle Thread Vests ests low lowHose lowHose lo loHose
Hose all black and black with im neck sleeveless trimmed with lace lacebleached lacebleached lacebleached
bleached split feet 24c 4 1190 1190Womens 119Women I IWomens
Womens Black Gauze Lisle Thread Womens Lisle Thread Vests low neck neckHose neckHose neckHose
Hose double soles heels and toes 29c sleeveless trimmed with narrow lace UceWomens laceWomens laceWomens
Incrain In rain Lisle Thread Hose J SSi 2 29c 29cplain e elain
Womens Du i rv rvWomen
Women Ribbed
Rlcheliea Richeieu and Rembrandt rib j s Union Suits Suitsned
plain lain low neck FI sleeveless eYels knee
Ced 0110 lengths 49c 49calso 49calso
ned white tipped heels and toes
also with unbleached split leer Z9c i omen s LIsle I lhred bre d Umbrella UmbrellaWomen UmbrellaWomen
Women Black Gauze Lisle Thread shaped Drawers finished with French FrenchHose FrenchHose FrenchHose
Hose very ver sheer and nd fine 44c bands 29C 29CWater 29CWater 29cWater
Water and Perspiration Proofed Black BlackJapanese BlackJapanese BIackJapanese
Japanese Silks Underpriced i t Fl ntlllHl ntlllHlNeither Jth lit litNeither StNeither
Neither water nor perspiration can affect these Black Japanese Silks hurtfully hurtfullyThey hurtfullyThey hurtfullyThey
They have been subjected to a chemical process that makes them impervious imperviousto
to the two elements that are usually most injurious to dress fabrics These Thesequotations Thesequotations Thesequotations
quotations are about a third less than regular regular23inch regular23lnch regular23inch
23inch at st39e 39c 27inch at 59c 59c27inch 59127lncb 59c27inch
27inch at 49c 27inch at 79c 79c69c 79cfor
69c for 100 Natural Pongee Pon ee or Shantung Shantun Silks Silksthe the genuine Chinese Chineseweave Chineseweavewith Chineseweavewith
weave weavewith with colored embroidered dots and figures figuresnatural natural black cardinal cardinalreseda cardinreseda cardinalreseda
reseda ciel white and pink pink26 26 inches wide
75c Linen Voile Suiting at 39c 39cFrench 39cFrench 39cFrench
French Linen Voile Suiting SuitingnayY nayy cadet turquoise turquoisetan I Itan
tan and black bl lCk 54 inches wide regular value 7Sc a ayard ayardour ayardour
3 39c ° c m isLmloor Floor
yard yardour our price 1
125 5ilkandLinen Silk = and andnLhien = Linen Pongee Pon ee at 49c 49cThis 49cThis 1 1This
This charmirjg fabric is i ideal for Of Summer gowns gownsentirely gownsentirely j jentirely
entirely new damask an an1 glzica glm effects e fectsin in addition additionto 4 4to
to the plain Introduced this season isou and successful successfulfrom successfulfrom 1 r1f
from the thestart start Sold by others Oth 5 at tt 123 f 25 a yard by byus 1 r a aus ftll ftllus
us at 119 1 t 9 by us now no at 49c 49cVoiles a lh 11 SmZZ f i
= M r w = ZZ I I Iyolles 1 1M fj fjy
y yolles Voiles This Th is our Amuial nnua ChaUKe t tne Sale S tle of Black and andTwine andTvine < < lj ljEtamincs
Twine Cloth Colored Dress Oooth ll affects many more moreEtamines moreEtaii
Etaii Etamines I nes weaves aes than the oiu on oi mentioned iliml1tiOl1iCanvas d r rCanvas
t tCanvas
Canvas Cloth Tlwre tlle are all coinx con on including includingu 59 ks C Clourettc
nourette u 4i Voile n cream and black ha W Iths range rangeFI n nnourette v vr j I h I
f rrom from 40 nf to vi J i 11 > ciic > I t
Flecked FI ec k es r bolians I 0 I lans Ih hsi hsiOxford SI sm f fOxford j1Oxford
Oxford Cloth Our regular < Prices Were WereTweeds WereTweeds I J
Cheviots Tweeds TweedsCheviots 79C 7 C tO t M98 M98A j 1 1 l98 l98A 98 rvo rvoCheviots f I
i j jA
d l lThe
A Grand Array of Summer Rugs RugsThe El ElTile
The following news > touches the needs of thousands of people We Wearranged e 1 j jarranged I IYOll
arranged to give it wide publicity today to day becau we knew that many of ofyou ofyou j jto
you would take advantage of the suspension of business on Decoration Day Dayto Dayto II
to visit summer abodes and mi make inventories s of ni hs il things required r qlirect for f > r the thecomfort thecomfort thecomfort
comfort of warm months ahead Among them iiuss Ptl us 5 are important Inmnrtallt items itemsOur ItemsOur itemsOur
Our collections of both the tins and inixpensiv kinds k nds ari ar commensurate commensuratewith ont11 nsurate nsuratewith t twith
with the universal utl ersal demand demandRugs demandRugs
1 Rugs for all over the th house houseparlors parlors chambers chal1lb rs dining diuill rooms halls porches
East India Moodji mooclji54c
54c for the 75c kind kindIS 18 x36 36 in in94c inc inMc
94c c for the 125 I kind kind3D 30 x36 in 1
149 149 for the 215 kind 2 211x x 5 ft C
224 for f r the 300 kind 3x6 3 x 6 ft C
349 for fo the 5475 5 kind 4 x 7 ft
1349 140 for the S1SOO 1800 kind P xi2 xl ft ftAllwool f ftAllwool
i Allwool Alwool Reversible ReversibleSmyrna ReversibleI ReversibleSniyrna
Smyrna Rugs RugsRich Ru RugsRich s sRih
I Rich Rih Oriental Designs and andColorings andColorings andI
I Colorings ColoringsrtSc
tile 3c for our 87c kind kind18 18 x 36 in in98c in98c inOSc
98c for our mum 5124 124 kind 21 x 45 in
I 124 124 for our 154 kind iildZ6 2fi x 54 in
134 134 for our 189 kind 36 x 40 in inII
fZ24 224 for our 298 2tS kind 36 x 72 in I
II 374 for our 498 kind 84 x 48 in
East India
S SlDs 193 193 forth for th 300 kind3 kind 1 x6 x 6 ft f
334 33 for the 5475 475 kind 4 x7 x 7 ft C
SS 598 for the S775 kind fi x9 x I 9 ft
348 for the 1050 kind 7 7xl03 ixlO ft
974 97 for forhCIVO forritc12Stl the USfl kind Idld 9 I xlO ft f fthl98forthcSl6OOkind
1198 1198 hl98forthcSl6OOkind for the51600 the S1600 kind 9 x2 xi ft ftProBrussels f j J JProirL1s3e1s
ProBrussels Pro lsels Art Squares SquaresExtra j jExtla L
Extra ExUa Heavy Weaves WeavesLarge i1 I 1 1Large f
Large Variety of ofChoice J
Choice Designs 1 l lU9 j
439 for our 594 kind klnd3 3 x 2 yds ydsS549forour ds J i ii
S549forour 549 for our 5iH 724 kind kind3 3 x 2H Z yds yd 1
659 for our 5S7 874 kind kind3x 3 x3 x 3 yds
769 for forotir our 998 91 kind llnd3 kind3 3 x x3j 3U 3 yds 11
879 for our 1164 1164 1 kind klnl3 kind3 3x4 x c 4 yds yd i l
989 for forour12OS our 129S kind klnd3 kind3x4 3 x 4 H yds I
Aljwool Alwool Smyrna Smyra Rugs RugsG 6 x 9 ft ft red from 1093 93 to 824 824AlUwool 824Allwool I 1 1i
i AlUwool AUwol Smyrna Smyra Rugs Rugs7xlO 7ixl X ft f red from rom S16C 1698 8 to 1284 11284Allwool 1284Allwool tW tWi
i Allwool AI wol Smyrna Smyra Rugs lugS9 Rugs9 9 xl2 x 12 ft f red from 52249 to S1798 S1798Axminster 5 1798 d dAxminstcr i iI
I Axminstcr Carpets Reduced Reducedfrom Reducedfrom f t tfrom
from 124 124 and 138 138 to 98c 98cThese j 1 1These 1 1Thcse
These beautiful and serviceable Axminster Carpets are always desirable desirableWe dcsirableWe i iAe
We are showing howing thirtyfive thirtyfve handsome hands01c styles including incudinJ Oriental Orienta floral foral and andtwotoned andtwotoiied 1 1twotoned
twotoned patterns pJtcrmwih pttteriiswiih with and without borders Sold regularly elsewhere elsewhereat
at 150 and nd 5175 i7 special at 98c 98cFive CSc CScFie 98cFive f
Five Hundred Carpet Samples SamplesManufacturers1 SamplesManufacturers I IManufacuers
Manufacturers Manufacuers sample sam pIt lengths of Carpets Carp ts Wilton Wion Axminster Axmilster Wilton Wilon Vel Velvet Velvet ¬
vet Brussels Brssels and Tapestry Tap rapestryeach stryeach each piece measures tCaSurlS a yard and a half long longends longends longends
ends firmly frmly finished finishedSamples t 1 1Sampls mSamples
Samples Sampls worth SlH II 1 I at Gc 6 c I Samples worth worh St96 S 196 1c6 at 98c 98cSamples 98c 98cSanples
Samples worth 3147 t4 147 at 79 ic Samples worth s75 75 5 at 5149 5149China 149 149 149China t
China and Japanese Mattings MattingsAll 1atings
All Al our ou Mattings Ma tings are fresh f e h We W Ve cant say s y it too tn teu often o te Just now no when whenthe whenthe I i ithe
the market is IS flooded with driedout drcdout ancient goods L oods it is IS wall 1 ll to remember rememberthat rememberthat < 1
that the best qualities qualties and ald the newest n est produtions are here at the lowest lowestprices m mprices 1 I Iprices
J JJapmcsc
prices pricesJapanese pricesJapanese
Japanese Mattings Matingscarp Mattiiigscarpt carpet t designs worked out in red green blue tan and andcream andcream andcream
cream I IFory
Fortyyard Fory yard Rolls Rols price prie elsewhere 8900 900 our price prce S59S S59SFortyyard 598 t tFortyyard I r l lFortyyrd
Fortyyard Fortyyrd Rolls Rols price prie elsewhere SI SI5OO 1 500 00 our price p ie 998 998Fortyyard 998Fortyyard r rFortyyard
Fortyyard Rolls Hols price elsewhere S2250 2 50 our ou price 1498 1498Chinese 1491 149SChinese I 1 1Chinese
Chinese Mattings Matingspretv Mattingspretty pretty fancy weaves weavescear weavesclear clear cool colorings coloringsFortyyard fj j jFortyyard
Fortyyard Rolls Rols price prce elsewhere elsewhtre S700 700 our price prie S39S S39SFortyyard 39S 39SFortyyard 39 39Fortyyard
Fortyyard Rolls Rols price prie elsewhere 900 our price prie 3598 3598Fortyyard 98 98Fortyyard 8 j jFortyyard
Fortyyard Rolls Rols price prie elsewhere el ewh re 1000 100 our price pric SG9S SG9SFotyyard 698 698Fortyyard 693Fortyyard
Fotyyard Fortyyard Rolls pric price elsewhere eswhee IMO olr our price Iic 898 M8Foryyard 898Fortyyard S9SI S9SFortyyard
I Foryyard Fortyyard Rolls Rol Rollsrice price nc ebwh elsewhere 2000 our olr pnc price Si 1198 1198China 198 198China 198China
China = = Haf PricesBargain Pri Prices = = Bargain Tables TablesMA l i iOur
MA tnmm ii li liOur miOur
Our China Bargain Tables Tabl s have acquired a national reputation The China Chinathat Chinathat Chinathat
that perennially perennily contributes to their th ir character c mc e are the very v ry things thjn s tint critical criticalpeople crtcal crtcalpeople criticalpeople
people want artistic att tlc odd fine practical pr ctlcal pieces with ith rich novel decorations decorationsfor decoratons decoratonsfor
for tables and sideboards sideboardsLast sidcbads sidcbadsLast sideboardsLast
Last week weec we recited r cJ d interesting news of exceptional exceptonal values in m Limoges LimogesChina LImoge 1 I IChina
China That sale sle sue continues cntinu s and is enhanced enhan J by thousands of o beautiful beautifulPlates beautifulPlates
Plates CupsandSaucers Berry Bowls Chocolate Pots Cake Trays and andvthe andthe andthe
vthe the like from the bestknown French English Englsh and Austrian Autrian Potteries Potteriesincluding Potteriesincuding Potteriesincluding
including incuding many choice choie specimens sp clens of Theodore Theoore Havilands Haviands Grand Fire Royal RoyalBlue RoyalBlue
Royl RoylBlue
Blue China The Te Decorations Deserve Dcsee Special Specal Study StudyThey udy udyThe 1 1They
They The are distinctive distinctiveullcomnloll uncommon really magnificent laglh iflaglhitichltaIl ntal ill of them lavished lavishedwith lavihed t twilh m mvith
with superb gold g ld clTects Youll not find fnd handsomer or more desirable deirable goods goodsanywhere goos goodsanywhere 1 1anywhere
anywhere at full regular prices pricesStandard pncesStandard pricesStandard
Standard Granulated SUjarl Sugarlirthnoor Fifth < door
25 5 Ibs put up in incotton too 10 Ibs put up in indouble incotton j I Icoton I
cotton coton bags for double burlap bags bag 1 1
117 464 464Bridal 464Bridal 464Bridal
Bridal VeilFloUfLily veiFlOUrLly White WhiteWhole Whitehole
Whole hole Barfel 524 Whole Barrel S8 448Half 448 448Half i
Half Barrel 279 2 Half alf Barrel 268 j i
241 24 4 lb Bag 67c 61 24A 24 H lb Bag 56 56I 56Red 6c 6cRed
Red I ed Star Baking Bal < ing Powder PowderGuaranteed PowderGuaranteed PowderGuaranteed
Guaranteed absolutely chemically pure and equal in every way to the widely widelyadvertised widelyadvertis widelyadvertised
advertised advertis d highpriced high pried brands brandsHalfpound brands brandsHalfpottnd 1 1Halfpound I
Halfpound Onepound Fivepound FivepoundCan
Can I5C Can 2 2Qc ° c I Can CanPure I 1Pure P
Pure Flavoring Extracts l
Lemon Lemon2oz Lemon2oz i iI
I 2oz bottle botte at Ijc Ijcpt tcpt 13cpt
pt pt bottle bote at 24c 24cipt 24cpt 24cpt
ipt pt pt bottle botte at 44c 44c1pt 4Icipt e et
1pt t pt bottle blJtte at 79C 79Cv 79c8c f
Be v ior for jui IDe cuii can uurn Corn ini lnanore lnanorebrand Linganore Linganorebrand uiiurc uiiurcbrand
brand sweet tender end Bn juicy juicycase luk lukcase
case cae of two dozen 518 181 181for I i
Be 8 C for lOc can cln Marrowfat Peas PeasJessamine PeasJessarnine I
Jessamine brand brnd case of two twodozen twodozen twodozen
dozen S 181 181 181I
Vania Van lIla lIla2oz
2oz bole bottle at tc I Sc Scipt
tpt ipt botle bottle at 29 29pt 29ipt
ipt pt bote bottle at He Het 54c1pt
t 1pt pt botte bottle at 98c 98cII t tI
II I I C C for 14c can Extra Sifed Sifted Early
a a June PesJ PcasJessamirmecase PcasJessamirmecaseof essaminecac essaminecacof
of to dozen S49 S4912c 249
12c 1 2 for He Slga Sugar Peas Jet ic icsaminc
saminc mine brand medium sie siesweet size sizesweet
sweet and tender case Z66