V r
I THE SUN SUNDAY MAY 811f03 31 1 1903 l9Ok < 1I I
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f1 1
i Daredevils of Coast and Port PortTRAGEDY PortTR
j o I I of oftheTVGBOJiT the TUGBOAT MEN MENU1
V u 0
1 1V U1 < II 4H fIt JII V It ItII
V threading hor horway way at atfull ntI atrijIi
nV vas
A inry lll II tufit
full 11 steam into iflt tho hO Brooklyn Brokly navy yard yarddancing yarddanclnl yarddancing
I of steam steamimcho9 steaniiincIi
a flotilla slcm slcmchl
dancing In anil out Olt nnumg nnln
danclnl imcho9 iincIi chl rovboms rfhontl niul nld nL SCOWH tOWK 4OW an al 4 cluvorly cluvorlyns co erly erlynI
ns nI a 1 laay laCY lad In n n 1 crowded ballroom ballroomSuy Imurol ImurolI bzitlrootii
officer lean leanIng leanInK leanI
out an
i I I Suy Hu LV captain lnJ mg ng In ofcer
V mil or the cruiser Cincinnati Cincinnatiarent Cincinnatii Cincinnatiwarent
I Ing over O I the lie mi crulfer Clnolnnat I
i V arent you 01 afraid lo como Into the navy navyynnl navyI
ynnl like Ikl 1ik that thatAfraid thtl thtlrld ttuV
V I V Afraid retorted rltnrtd tho th tugboat tlgbont skipper skipperIn Ikippcr IkippcrIn kippcrIn
V rld
afraid of ofanything ofanythln ofI
Wo Vo arent
In Fcornfiil forrul tones 1m ton o arnlt
I anything In II this thi > lineluess 1 ln jive Cre me a dozen dozenold dozl dozlI dozeflI
and Ill I U como In and tnjw tnjwyour tn tnYOlr tOhIl tOhIlI
I I old tugboat oat moti 111 ald Il COlI
I tp blessed navy ynnl battlenhipsindsrj battlenhipsindsrjBy hatl bat tlesliips hlp8 ald ind si sii li
I your YOlr
1 i By the I lie lonl Tic id paid a Id tho t l officer to I 0 himself himselfsoftly hll8l hll8lfly lilnie1fsoftly
th t IVo old shellbacks fierce fierceweatherbeaten fiiprceI e evlathrhMtpn
softly looking loo1cln at oll IhpllmckR fpr
fly looldng
hnd be becapabln beclpahlo
I V weatherbeaten vlathrhMtpn fiiee rl fa 1 bcllovn hele1
I capabln clpahlo of it i at a I i pinch pinchThis pinchhls pinchI
I V This hls anecdote antdoto is II b illustrative IItltlo o of the fiame fmeor fiuneI
I 1 of mind of tho typical tugboatman tlghoatman 1rneroIs 1rnero flhernsit rneroiR
sit Is i no peril pll too great grlat no chance too risky riskylor riskyJar riskyf
f V Jar theso thll th daroduviLs dnredol of const and rnort rnortof Jrt Jrtof prt prtJ
J iti of New York Chicago Chipo Boston Haitifiioro HaitifiioroPhiladelphia 1atl UaitiprnroJ lor lorPhiaellphll
J V V Philadelphia San HII Francisco 1ralciHco Now No Oileans Oileansand OIleanl OIleanlsnd Onloani
i dl V and nd a scoro cor of other American Amlrican harbor harborPoet harbori
c4 ii i i Poet POII and novelist nover nfe tire t Ir of rpoiunt rpoiuntinc relnt relntI
I V which tho deepwater deepwaterBailor < iecpwaterI pwater pwaterMiar
f I V Ing the tht tl dangers dllIO to dl
sailor is exposed oseI Hut Blt he Il leads IIIR a snfo snt fo and andplacid andplacid andV
V V I V Miar placid life compared olparld to that of the tugboat tugboatmanwho tugboatmanwho tugboatp
p V manwho man who Ifl picks up a living IIn by plying to and andfro andI andV
V fro among ImonJ the thl crowded crw I led shipping of a busy busyport bllY bllYport busyV
V V I port portDaily portV Daily Daly almost hourly tho tim tiigbnatman tiigbnatmanfaces tlgbMtnl tlgbMtnlfae tlgl hatflttfl hatflttflV
V faces fae rae s such fuch perils peri ns ni n come tothodeepwnter tothodeepwnterallor lothedlwnler lothedlwnlerW
W V V V pallor only once in a voyntsn or once onc in I 0 a year yearHo ynrI Inr InrI
I I V taior Ho 10 knows koW8 this thil very ry well 11 and nd him 11 n 1 lofty loftycontempt lofy loftyI I
tho thoea thola thesa
I contempt cntempt for to them thPI that go down to
la sa ea in ship fhlpl and Ild do their business II ill an 01 great greatwaters Jrllt greatf
f 7 waters watersSteamers water
1 V Steamers StlamMI capns paid id tIIP th skipper of ofa ora ofi
Dont talk to tomo tome toF
i t a tugboat the tl other day Illk
F mo about ahut em I ni Theyre as nI timid n r as girls girlsTheres glri girLst
t Theres nothing 11thllg I like llm letter boler than hitching hitchingmy hlchlng hlchlngi
I i my boat Mongsido longllee of a 1 tramp nnd just justivarlng jlfl jlflIarlng justaring
ivarlng Iarlng aring the life If1 out olt of f tho t ho old 01 < man on the thnbridge thobridge theI
I I bridge bridgeHow V Vhow
bridgeJow How Jow o you ninnagn mllaK that he WIVB WIVBasked w wRked wa waV
V asked askedThn RkedTho V VI
Tho captain spat t comprehensivelyWhy comprehensively olprlheIRhelrWhr
I V Why wt > just jl t creep crlp up II III In the dark car larJ unrtll unrtllwere Iltl iirttilwere
I i were right under Ulif his hl how und then thln letol let letoff letI letofT
I off ol an almighty big bl toot with tho Mpjn MpjnCourse 1tnCourse in inj
j V Course Cour tlwy havent hanlt seen cn us tR They The never nuverdo nlwr nlwrO neverdo
do O see 10 anything on hero t hlm blessed hr cl htonmcrK htonmcrKOur itoamertV toamlr toamlrf
f V Our Olr toot jost j 1 about scores earl tlie olciinaiiout olciinaiioutof old lnIOlt lnIOltof zxtasoiit zxtasoiitt
of his hi wits witsWhen witsC ss lts ltsc
C V V When ho gets glts over tho shock we maV maVa 1 rn3 rn3V
c V a bargain bagain to bring hrllJ him hin up lp tho rivrir rhlr and ant ntl ntlhitch j jhitch I Ihlleh
hitch longsido Course oure WB Wf com COI irjirofy irjirofyfast II 11 Pft Pftflt y yfaM
fast flt Times Timel money mOlc in il our h hwHo hV > Jinis JinisHo neslie
wHo Ho soon EOI gets sll icwd cr < t death del deatilnandoutatnongclorV nwinp nwinpinnndoutamongdopr n I m
innndoutamongdopr if ihlp whi wh whi7t t tIxen IIwen >
7t Ixen used us1 to hur < is l d f nUleA 1 Jt V i1 V Vwater cn cnwater n I Iater
water ater all al nrnii amiI u i He ftaml ld i long longas loIR
V as a 1 ho can lnn h t V ji 1 h b hihoiLer hollers holers dc n to u uSai UI UIWSa uVl
Vl WSa Sai foulllter you vnu totter go g a I bit e elown lower lowerT
V I T o V t srin rin and of course cour I jOlt JOHIo jOltnl
V V o my nl r IP L 0 shove ho1 her along a alastrL 1 1f aV aEtr
I V lastrL f < Etr I VV V vo 0 her hCr full fiI tilt tit on tho thowh thob thuV thuvh
V wh b 1f r till tl thv tb old man mln on 01 thu ho 0 bridgn IriJRI la laVvmbHup 1 1z 1zV
V V VvmbHup tnh1uC t4flh1ilVVJe VJe xe e n 1 jelly jely nnd then t h1 wo jejit jllt stop stopnor topI top
V f I nor 1r a andrpi ndli feet off 01 and aneland land her longsldn longsldnf
i f ne f11 it she was wa glass You 1otI ou lx bet > t wo 0 teach toch teachVt I Iihoso I IJ
hose merchant skippers that wo know knowour kno knoI knowV
Vt I hos mlrhlt WI
V J J c I our our business businessStanding hu luinessV ineI8 ineI8Staelng
V 3 Standing Staelng by b tho side id of CapL apt Feet FeetV on onho I
V V ho steered rtelred tho tugboat t II1ont Baltic through throughNew throlKI throughc
harbor thn thnreporter thfrprter thureporter
c New Yorks York crowded Rave ave
reporter rprter an Insight into Ilto the daily diy perils perl8 of oftho cftho f fthe
tho business businessNo bulnesNo businessco
No sooner had tli thl thu Baltic Ralic got clear cear of ofher 01her ofV
V her wharf than another tugboat bore down dovnon dovn dovnon
on her starboard Bide ide nnd a 1 big hlJ ferryboat ferryboatthreatened ferryblt ferrybltthrauJl1 ferrybiatp
p V threatened thrauJl1 to ram her hlr on the the port pr It Itseemed ItemId Itc
c V seemed emId impossiblo Ilpo Rihlo to te escape Iscap a 1 collision collisionwith colh collisionwith < on onwih
wih with one onl or both of them them hlm hut Oipt Poet Peetgave Pelt PeltJnvo Poetgave
gave Jnvo a little lttll twist to the whoel hol nnd tho thoBaltio thoDlto theV
V Baltio Dlto glided Ilded hild out of f danger ranlcr miFFing the theFtern theter theI
I stern ter of thin ferryboat by n few feet feotWasnt rlt feetWnsnt
Wasnt that n 1 pretty prlt near thins Ihln the thelandlubber thellndllbbcr thelandlubber
landlubber llndllbbcr asked askedTho n askedt askedThe IHr IHrTho
Tho captain caplall looked lookd surprised surprisedWe Imrpri surpriset l lMWe
t t MWe We shouldnt Ihnuldnt call cal that near nlnr he said saidIf FaidH saidV
V V q sit If you YI want adventuro alleltul youve chosen chosentho chosenthe chosenthe
the wrong time Tho river is ISlmpty empty todfty todftyA tody todyA
A child chid could navigato Jtvigt it itEmpty1 hEmpt itI
I V Empty Empt It I Deemed eeml > d to the uninstmcuxl uninstmcuxlpyo unintnCc
chock choe l full of ofpuffing ofpun ofV
I V I eye of a landsman simply Hllpl fiI
V pun puffing tugboats unwieldy ferry boats boatsand bats batsand boatsand
and ocean tramps all al getting IttlnJ in one an anothers anothcrl anV ¬
V V others othcrl way and anl threatening thren lellnJ to run one oneanother onean oneV
V another an thcr down downTho dovnVt
cown cownTho
4 Tho tugboat passed within a I few feet feetof feetof feetof
t of a big passcnger poclllr steamer stlller which was wascoming wasrmlng wasV
V j V coming rmlng down the th river dVlr as al if hhe he worn a atorpcnlo 1 1torfo atorpedo
torpedo torfo boat V The skipper Ilipplr noticed his hisvisitorn hisIsit hisV
V visitors Isit orl concern concernCollisions coneernColslolR concornV
V Collisions ColslolR are very ver rare ho said aid com comfortingly cornfortingly < om omi ¬
i fortingly roringly A man mnl gets so In used u8d to tho thobusiness thohusine theV
V business 1 t hat hit bo steers ttle rat rtlwr rather lior by bln6tln Instlna than thanreason thanraon thanV
V reason raon He 10 lIedolgesothcr dodges dorp11 other ot hlI boats hoatl Iioatswithout without think thinking thinkIng thinkV ¬
V V V ing about it i Justus jUltll 1 iist as you 01 would wOlld avoid bump bumping bump bumpV bumplug ¬
ing into illo people on 01 a crowded croweed sidewalk sidewlk A Ayard Ayardlavlf AVf
Vf V yard yardlavlf saves a t collision co1Rion over and 1111 over again againbut ngalnhut againV
V V V hut wo 0 lOOt dOIt get rattled rtld A miss rll Is II as asgood aHgood
4 1 good as n mile mileOur mil I
4 Our only worry is Ii when 111 same brass brnFbound lraFM lraFMi brassIL
IL rf L i bound bund captain cptnln of a I nck nlckdpJlled niclcIplated > lpaied yacht yachtcomes yachtV acht achtI
V comes cmes careering carcrUg up the t lie river r r Ten Tel to ono onohe anahe onehe
he knows knowf nothing about it I and nd hos just justlike jus justi
i V j I V like lke a man trying tr ioJ to learn Itnr how to ride tde a abicycle 1 aV
V E V bicycle in a crowded crHnld street streetHo Streeti trC
1 i WHo Ho falls rai over OW1 tvciythini Ithln and gets pell in ineverybodys Inerybody inV ineverybodys
V everybodys way Yes Ye those thtn yacht cap captains capV ap aptaln ¬
V tabs put the fear fel of 1 death into ua some sometimes sme smele santetbnes ¬
j jTnJk
times tbnesTalk le
Talk Tak to any an old tugboat tghoat man lullnd and he h will wi I Ipin
1 Spin pin you yarns that would rnako the lit literary It Itarar litI
I V erary arar fortunes fOI 11 of hall a dozen dozel Clark Hu Huwlls nUI nUIfls Itus
1 V sells fls Every Enl on one of them thcl them bos 1m his modes of ofstorms or8tOII
4 V V storms 8tOII and collision and fire ff to tell tl tellVV j
VV I remember rllnbr snid nlc one onl ten years ea ago agowo ngowo agowe
about off Hook Hooktwenty Dooktwen HookVV
wo were beating bettln oI Sandy Sldy
VV twenty twen miles mll out 011 at wa a It was a terrible terriblenight tenhle tenhlenlghtdurl terriblenightdark
V ning night nlghtdurl dark and Ind foggy fo gy with a high sea run running rn rnninK runV ¬ j jI
I had just stepKd out ut of the galley galey after afterupper aftert
tV t upper nnd mil happened hUlpennl to look up UI There Therewas Therewas era eravs
was the stem Btel of n 1 big liner lner towering right rightover tght tghtf rightI
I over lver UK U Xext xt moment momelt she he sjruck strck us UI amid amidwiipw amlc amidV
V f I snips Inlp and cm Cll u I fls clean cean In halves halvesThen1 halcHThcn halvesV
V i I Then1 was WI hardly a second nd for thought thoughtbut thouRhtJ
C J j but l I know kno In 11 n 1 lash fal that if I jumped jumpd to toport topO toi
i t I t port pO of her the tl sea el would wash me Into her herpropoler herpr
1 propoler pr Plr So Si I jumped jumpec to starboard Itarbnrd and andns andas I
as her hull hul flashed fahld pmt pD1 mo I caught cught a rope ropoliimfciing ropeVV i ilaniin
laniin In tho water and drew dre
VV liimfciing LfliiO II they mo monboard meV I Inboard
V I nboard nboardCurious ntsirirdV I ICurou
V Curious Curou thing thinJ was W not ono of our crew crewwas crewI crewdronod
V was Ia drowned drown > J except exCpt my 1 pel > et dog that I Iwouldnt Iwouldnl Iwouldnt
wouldnt have taken takln SllVi lll IIJI for forTalking forTldlg forV forTalking
V Talking Tldlg of dogH dOPM remarked remarklI another anotherold aother anotherold i ioll
I old oll shellback 11lhaek Mdic did you ou ever hear of the thedog thedCII thedog
dog dCII that wived Me a tugboats tlgboats crew crewTho crw crwThl crewTho
Tho Thl boat 1It was tied teel alongside the wharf wharfone whar wharfone
one night night nod all al the crew cre wore wer alnecp alnecpaboard allp allpaboanl alseepI
I aboard aboanl Along about midnight she caught caughtflro caughtflo caughtIIIVO
flro flo and blnred la7Illp up beautifully bautluly bautlulyI beautifullyV
V I Tho lOg dCK howled howlll and barked barke but he hecouldnt heollldn heV
V couldnt ollldn t waIte wnlt the crew BO 8 he trotted trott up
< Ut Ole cook coll antI bit him in the leg The Thocooksyell To ToOk Thecoohis
cooksyell Ok coohis yell 1 woke the rest r st and ad they just justV
had ha time tme to get clear cear ashore Ihore before bfor the thebcjnt thebcit lii liibcgit
bcjnt bcit was a mass of flames flamesWo famM famMWe flamesso
Wo dont usually usunly look on collisions rolRlonl as aslycky asl7Cky
lycky things said a third tugboatman tugboatmanmt
4out mt ut I know of a young fellow flow down Boston Bostonway Boetonway Bostonay
way way ay who got a wire and a fortune through throughone
one n6 V ViIo
oneHo < n6Ho Ho wna Wi deckhand dekhand on ft 1 Boston tug and andsho andIho andshe
she Iho was run nl down ono night by a tramp trampsteamer tmmpstcamlr trampsteamer
steamer stcamlr outward outwar bound for San Fernando FernandoTrinidad Femlnco FemlncoTrnldnd FernandoTrinidad
Trinidad Trnldnd Thecaptain Thecptan was WI drownd but butthe huttM butth
the th rest reft of them were picked plkd up and and carried carriedto
to Trinidad TrinidadWhen TrinidadWhrn TrinidadShen
When Whrn they got there the the others were weresent wreInt wereRent
sent Int back to Boston by the American Amercn Con Consul Conteil ¬
sul 11 but tho deckhand dlckhanc liked IIed the place plac and andutayed and3tayeI
utayed getting gethlK a job to boss a gang of ofcoolies ofcoolls ofcoolies
coolies coolls on a cocoa coca plantation plantationHe
MHe He wa WM a smart Imart young fellow felow and he hemade hemado heinado
made good god In a couple cuplo of years yesr he was wasthe wasthe wasthe
the planters planterl chief overseer ovefer and nd had a ai asmal asmall
i email smal plantation plntation of his own ow besides besidesThen hI8Idl besidesThen
Then Thln the planters daughter came out outfrom Olt Oltfrom outfrom
from England Ianc where whcr she had been beln finish finishing fnlh fnlhinl finishing ¬
ing inl her education eucaton They Tey foil ffl in lovo with witheach witheach withCflCIl
each otUor oter and got married mnrlrr The planter plantergave plantlr plantlrat plantergave
gave at an al a 1 pretty prty good goo start ftart and now that thatdeckhand thatdekhAnd thatdeckhand
deckhand dekhAnd IB II one of the tht wealthiest wflhi t cocoa cocoagrowers cocoagrowers
growers grwer in Trinidad Ttnldnd and has hal a 1 treasure treasureof
of a 1 wIfe It I was a lucky collision cllion for forhim forhim
him him
Tills 118 story 8tor recalled renlt a sadder fadder tale which whichIs
Is related flatf of an English EnKlfh tugboat skipper pklpperII kippr kipprIt
It was wal told to Tennyson Tenn on by 11 the late Lord LordAeton lord lordActon LordActon
Acton and Ind Is supposed IUppf to have ha1 suggested suggestedEnocb suggestedEnoeb
Enoch Arden ArdenTho Anlln Anllnfl ArdenFhQ
Tho fl skippers kipprs tug was wal cut down In South Southampton Southampton Southsirupton ¬
ampton Water ater by a 1 Royal Mall Mal steamer Bteumorbound Ittamrr IttamrrhOlnd steamerhound
bound hOlnd to tho River Rlvlr Plate Plte He was saved savedun1 HavldlyJ savedatyl
un1 lyJ carried crrf thither In Argentina Af entlna he got gotnrxed Iot Iotmxl gotrxed
nrxed mxl up II in a revolution and was thrown thrownbilo thrn thrnblto thresnfjito
bilo jail jailAfter jnl jailV
V After Afttr his release rellaR a series er of misfortunes misfortunesproventwl mlsrortunr misfortunesprevented
prevented prllnl1 him from returning rturnlnK home and andover andoor andover
over two years year had passed plf before hofor he saw sawSouthampton FawSouthampton sawSouthampton
Southampton again His homecoming homocorlng was waslike WMlke waslike
like lke that of Enoch Enoh Arden Ardln Hn lt found that thathis thathll thathis
his hll wife wle believing lJlelnJ him to be h dead dNc had hadmarried hadmarll hadmarried
married marll another man His house and his hispossessions hispOffOO hisPOSMOn
possessions pOffOO POSMOn were in the hands of a stranger strangerHe Ilrngtr IlrngtrHe
He did not languish languis and dlo like lke the thehero thehero thehero
hero of the poem pm ho simply BlmII went hack to toSoutih toSub11Amrrc toSouh
Soutih Sub11Amrrc America after aftr a painful interview interviewwlUi Interviewwlt interviewwiti
wlUi wlt his wife ite who vainly Implored him to tostay tosty tostay
stay sty and an he was wa never noe heard her of again againAs againV aln alns
V As s a rule rle tugboatmen tupboatmen are ar happy jovial jovialfellows jovialfelowf jovialfellows
fellows felowf full ful of fun and high spirits splrtj but buti hit hitI
i agedy is il never far reifioved re reovcd 0vnl from their theirly thlll theirV
V ly 1 experiences experence Any day they may mayup mayup mayill
up ill a body floating 10atln In the harbor harboro habor
o unhappy girl who has hn flung lun herself herselfoff hlelf hlelft herself4r
off t the dock or some fmA drunken drnen deck deckhand dtk dtkhand dcclihand ¬
hand who ho has ha fallen ralen off of o the wharf while whllotrying whlo whlotrIng whiletrying
trying trIng to t stagger ItagRer to his hl ship shipI Rhlpought
I ought to bo b hardened to It by byth1 this time timewild 1111 tiniesaul
wild nil tho mate of a tugboat referring rrerrlng to toi toIhll tothis
Ihll this i hi unpleasant unplOant pan pr of his hit work ok and andI
I dont cnt mind pulling pllng up a mans manl body hdy so sonwch 10 10nmch somuch
much as at 1 used u ld to do when hel hen I was wa a green greenUnnd jreen jreenbnd greenband
band bnd But every time we e come cme across acrossa acrosswoman
a woman floating l0atnK In I the water watel I turn sick sickand sickand sickand
and think of my little ltle wife at homo My Myold Jy Jyold Myold
old captain cptain whod been hn at the game amtf for forforty rorfory forforty
forty fory years used to get t hysterical hyfrcl some sometimes lome lometme8 sometimes ¬
times tme8 when this thl happened hap led Ive seen sn him himcry himcr himcry
cry cr like lke a child childA chid chidmsn
A man needs nptR to be b pretty prlt tough nt ntthis ntthis atthis
this business bwlne tho mato continued rntlnuc Ive IveBeea Iecn Iveseen
seen cn some nasty sights IIRhtM A few years YCII ago agoI 110 110I
I was Wi in a tugboat tugbat about thirty tlry miles mll off offBhoro at otTshore
shore Ihor and wo had picked plckEd up a leaky l aky rotten rottenold rolcl rotteaold
old tub of a schooner choolor which had conm conmthrough contethrough 0 Ol
through some lomo heavy weather in tho West WestIndies ScstIfldViO4 IS ISIde
Indies IndiesA Ide IdeM
M A tearing gale gl caught us and the tow towlinn tow1M towline
linn 1M parted pared We tried tre1 to beat up to her herhut hlrhut herbut
hut a terrible t rthle sea sln caught cuRht her hel on the beam beamand hllm hllmald beamand
and ald down she Ihe went l before > our very lry eyes eyeswith eyewith eyeswith
with all hands banl aboard aboardWo abard abardWo aboardWo
Wo saw W them thel struggling trUrKlng In the water waterbut watlrblt waterbut
but blt we could culd do nothing By y the time timuwo timeve
wo ve 0 reached the place plac there thlre was WI nothing nothingleft nothinglet nothingleft
left let but a few ItI pieces pleCR of wreckage wreckageThe VlkaKe VlkaKeThe
The yarns which the th tugboatmen tgbatmln tell tellare tel tellnra
are not all al tragedies tragEel Ono of the queerest quoereitis qucr st stIs
is the story of the runaway rnaway tugboat tlgbnt It U Uabsolutely igabolutey isabsolutely
absolutely abolutey true and ant happened happnt In New NewYork SewYork ew ewYork
York harbor habr a few years year ago agoThe agoThe agoThe
The tugboat one of th the tiniest tnlelt craft craftof erarLor craftof
of its kind in th3 harbor had steam up upalongside upaloUKalde upalongside
alongside a wharf The Th engineer tnoluOr stepped steppedashore Itepped IteppedWhore steppedashore
ashore Whore for a moment and Int when wh n he hI turned turnedto
to look at the th boat hat ha h saw fW that the mooring mooringline moorng moornglno mooringline
line lno had slipped slpped and she was WI steaming steamingmerrily Itramlngmerriy steamingmerrily
merrily merriy away into the middle of tha Ih river riverwith riwrwith riverwith
with nobody nbdy aboard abar She had run rln away awayjust awayjut awayjust
just jut as I if lfho she Ihe were werl a horse hoE and anc the th engineer engineerhad enginr enginrhad engineerhad
had not oven tho satisfaction Atlracllon of yelling yellingWhoa yellingWhoa ollg ollgMWhoal
Whoa MWhoalHalf WhoaHalf WhoaHalf
Half a dozen other tugboats chosxl chl d hr hrbut h Itrbut r rbut
but she fhl hind ha full rul steam stenl up and went along alongins
ins if thero were wer a crew crw of demons dcmols aboard aboardzlzzagglng nbolrd nbolrdzlzzgging aboardzizzagging
zlzzagglng zlzzgging from one sida of tha th river rM rMth to toth3 t tth
th3 th other othpr tu a bar h r rudder vered vield with wih tho thocurrent th thcurr11 thocurrent
current Whenever WhenpCr her pursuers pUrllPr draw drawalongside drwalonKside drewalongekie
alongside slu sh would suddenly whizz off ol at ntright atrght atright
right rght angles and mako a be b line Ino for tho thoother thC thoother
other side ide of the river and the chase would wouldhavo wouldlao wouldhave
have lao to begin anew anewTho anewTh1 anewThe
The whole river rler was WI w in commotion commoton In Inthn IntlC Inthe
the tlC course COUf of her mad car caer carer er the tugboat tugboatcollided tuboatcolded tugboatcollided
collided colded with half hal a dozen doz n small Bmll craft crat and andendangered andndangld andendangered
endangered ndangld several lives les At last Ilt when whenthe 1hpn whenthe
the patience patpnc of the pursuers pUIer was W8 exhausted exhaustedand e exhaustedand hauted hautedInd
and Ind her own o steam sta had ha nearly given out outshe outshe
she finished fnihed up by crashing crlhlng into a canal canalboat cnal cnalboat canalboat
boat and sticking stlcklK hard hart and fast fastShe tMtShe fastSIte
She was Wi repaired repare and ad is plying New NewYork NewYork NowYork
York harbor today Her engineer takes takesgood takesgood takesgood
good care not to t let her run rn away again againTheso agnn agnnThlse againThose
Those Thlse aro only a few of tho strange and nndthrilling andthrling andthrilling
thrilling thrling experiences exprlto which fall to the lot lotof lotof lotof
of the tugboatmen tlbatmen of the big Ilg harbors harbr Hard Hardas lard larda
as a nails naiJlnurc Inured to a thousand perils prlf equally equallyused equaly equalyused equallyused
used to buffeting butetlng gales far out at sea Iea in intholr Intheir intheir
their tiny tny craft and ad to sliding slding under tho thobows thebows
bows bws of an ocean oen liner lner with wth only a few fewfeet fowfet fewfeet
feet between them and Instant death
fet btwen those thesodaredevils thefn thefndardovis thosedaredevils
daredevils dardovis of coast coat and ad port are the stur sturdiest sturdiet sturdicat ¬
diest diet of the heroes herol who follow folow the sea seaThey MnThey seaThey
They love their adventurous aventuroU life Io and would wouldnot wouldnot wouldnot
not change chage It for tho best billet biet on an anoceangoing anocangolng anoceangoing
oceangoing ocangolng vessel vessel0nco vlel vlelOnce vesselOnco
Once a I tugboatman tugbatman always a tugboat tugboatman tUKbnt tUKbntman tugboatman
man said one of them Its a hard hlrd life lifeand Ifo Ifoad lifeand
and ad a 1 dangerous dagerous life lfo but theres no other otherlifo olherUto otherlife
lifo on earth earh that tat I know of equal eual to it itSometimes I itSometimes
8molme Sometimes one of us u goes goe for fOI a voyage or ortwo ortwo ortwo
two on a steamer but he Is I always glad to tocome t tocome
come cme back bak to t the tugboat tugbat business buine again againWooden againIooden M Mooen
Wooden ooen Shoes hOM In Chletco ChletcoPram ChlcaloJrom ChloaoFrom
Pram Jrom the Chitago Chroto Daily O News XevtA rl rlA
A Chlraao drummer drumme recently rlcent undertook
to josh a man who wlo was WI wearing earlnl undlrtool a pair pnlrof pairot pairof
of wooden shoes IhoeB hoe about the street Itre In this thincity thisclt thiscity
city clt The Hollander lolandpr offered olprf to bet the Chl Chlcaroan Chlcnoa Cliieagoan
caroan cnoa that ho could Mlbhm shinny up a I tree faster
than the tll commercial m man n both man to go goat KOat goat
at it with shoes ahOB on and ad tho Hollander Iolander t won wonOne wont wonOnce on ontb
tb t bet betOne
One Once Oncerm nrm fm rm In Holland Holand tells 11 no lens lell than thfn 2000 2000pairs 2nooplrl 2ApaIrs
pairs plrl of wooden shoo abotl a rear jR here we Home Homeare ROIP Homeaze
are ae sold ld a as souvenirs louenlrl but the bulk bllk go n to the thnpeople th thepeople
people pple who 1ho learned ned to t wear lr them in Hoi
land land and ad have taught tulb their children lbUdrel born j
In 1 this country countr to wear CI them theaViV
ViV n
0 y
A Bicycling Bicyclng Mishap Mbh Mbhapand p and a Hod HodUp HodUp HodV HodUp
V Up That Helped Hlped to Smooth SmoothOut Smoth SmothOut SmoothOt
Out a Love Lve Affair AffairAt Afair AfairI
f At the top of Kynoston Knnton Hill Ji I jumped jumpedoff jumpedof jumpedoff
off of and walked my bicycle slowly Ilowly along alongtho alongth alongthe
the th footpath fotpth I heard the ting of u 1 bloy bloyclo ulcycle bicydo
clo do bell bl and a girls girl figure fguro rose rOft to view on onthe ontho onthe
the Bumm t against tho clear morning sky skyHenvensI skyHcvensl skyHeavens
Heavens Hcvensl She was Wi never nenr going to ride rideI ridedown
I I down Kynaston Hill HH In this mud mudGet mudGet mudGet
Get off ofl I I yelled e111 the U rand la I like lke a aI aI aI
I pond pondTho pnd pndI pondThe
I The girl glanced at tni 1 for an instant instantthen In institntthun tant tantthen
then at the long sweep Iweell of road falling fuling away awaybefore aln alnbEtor awaybefore
before bEtor her smiled Imll put her hlr feet fet on the thoj thent thinrests
j rests nt and coasted castr Her bicycle skidded skiddedjust klddld klddldI kiddudjust
I just as I I expected lXptl and I hurried down downj eown eownI downthe
j I tho rood roa to find fnd her hlr sitting siting In tho mud mudlooking lud ludloking mudlooking
looking loking at her machine with wih a rueful reful face fticcSho ruceRhl faceShe
She Rhl picked herself helelr up tp without wlholt my as asfilstance W asslstance
filstance I tanc while whie the pink of her hlr cheeks cheeksdeepened clt cwnluideepened el eldNpnld
deepened deepenedThere dNpnld dNpnldwTherl V VThere
wTherl There Is n wnrnlnp arnln t6 bicyclists hlcycl t8 at the thntop thotop thetop
top of the hill 111 I said stopping Itopplnl to o take taketho takethl takethe
the thl bicycle by tho lamprest which was vas tho thoonly thoonly theonly
only part prt I could see 1 se unspotted t potid by mud mudIt mudIt mudIt V
It is 1 too late lot to toll 11 me that now she shesaid shefld shesaid
said fld Nobody with wih any an sense lenHe ever eer gets getsoff getaofl
off 0 for a warning to cyclists cyclists1Tho cyelts cyeltsTho cyclistsThe
Tho tone tonl showed Ihowl mo that further ro ropronoh roproaoh roproacli
pronoh would bo unwise unwiseSho unwlsoSho unwiseShe
Sho turned half round rOlnn to gaze a7 anxiously anxiouslyup andolRly andolRlyup
up tho hill hillHe hil huhtie > IH
He H cant be b coming cming yet sIte lho murmured murmuredAn murrnu red redAn
An unwarrantablo nnwlrmntbln feeling flnK of disappoint disappointment dilappolntmlnt ¬
ment mlnt chilled chlld me for a moment momentOh 1011nl macmontOh
Oh Oi she hI cried I mustnt wait an In Instant InItantl inslant ¬
slant Itantl I The bicycle is IRIUIf quite clean can now nowIr nowIrthank nowort pr prthank
thank t you Ol very Ylr much I will wi ill walk down downtho downth downthin
thin th rest ft of tho hill hillIt hiI billIt
It would lo wiser wlHlr I turned t Unld to hide hiden hler hlera
a smile Imio I will wi wheel whlI1 your rOlr bicycle hlrll if i ifwill you youwill 01 01wil
will wil allow nlow me meSho ml meShe
Sho looked at me for an 11 instant before beforereplying hrol hrolreplin hefomereplying
replying but after a 1 short flor scrutiny Crutlnr her herface herCaC herfare
face CaC cleared clearedThank cenr1 clearedThank
Thank Tank you YOI very ef much she fhe said saidShe saidSIte aid aidSho
She was alxitit aholt 18 and charmingly dlrmllplr pretty prettyI prty
I fell at all a posts o ts I must know more 10r about nlxiuther abouthlr abouther
her hlr
Wouldnt otitdnt it be I bettor lJtter bet ter if wo 0 sal at down and nndwaited nne andwaited
waited for him I asked alkld gently gentlyThe gntlrThe gentlyThe
The girl gir looked nt 11 me with Ith eyes lrel full ful of ofalarm ofnlarm ofalarm
Wait she Iho cried crte Good heavens hl8enf no noWhy nol nolr minihy
Why hy r I should Illule have to go JO straight Itri 11 hack hackhome bnckhome hackhome
home If w Wf did didAt didAt dinAt
At the next turn tur she Iho looked ookld back As Asshe ARIhe Asshe
she Ihe did so I stooped ftoopld with wih the pretenoo pretenooof prellO prellOat pretemioof
of clearing eleadnl the mud m from rota the thl brake brkp rf rfh r Vf Vfher
h hn r bicycle bleycll and drove dre a pin right rlJlt through throughthe throughthe
the front lira liraIm tir tireIm I
Im afraid youve punctured your YOlr tire tireI
I said ich gravely The Tl look of o despair In those tliosogray tlof tlofgra thosegray
gray gra eyes eI filled fcd me 11 with a asucdln sudden remorse remorsefor 110r1 remorsefor
for the deed drd I had done doneI
I havent got an outfit outf she hI cried Per Perhaps Plr Plrhapl Perlisps ¬
haps hapl you have though thoughXo
Xo I answered anIWle untruthfully Intrlthuly hoping hopingshe hopingRhe hopingsite
she would never nOlr see the thl contents 10ntlntR of my mysaddlobag mysadlohaj mysaddlebag
saddlebag saddlobagTho sadlohaj
The gray eyes eeR filled fl with itl lEarR tears ears and andI an anI
I felt that I had ha behaved l > ba1 like Ikl a beastly beastlycad bDtly bDtlycad beastlycad
honk here her said fld I unless unlf you toll tollme tol tellme
me all al about it I I dont see fCO how I can help helpyou helpYOI helpyet
you YOI
youIt It I is 1 > Uncle Undl George Cfr1 who is II coming comingwith comingwith mln mlnwth
with wth his hil dogcart dogcar and if I he he catches mo moI 10 10I
I shall fhal have to go straight st rlRh back to rry Beryston rryton rryston
loots lot go and Ind sit llt on that t fallen ralen tree treesaid t treesaid reo 1 1aid
said aid I persuasively prsullvely and 11d talk it over calmly calmlyIf calmlyI
If I you ou dont mind my suggesting slggNlnl it i wouldnt wouldntit
it be a good plan to begin with your namo namoand namoand nameand
and address addressSho adcrRs adcrRsSho addressShe
Sho hesitated little thentat then sat at down
holtatod a 1 Itlo tl1n cown on onI ontho
I I the extreme edge of tho log 10 and all looked lookedI 100k lookeildoubtfully 1 1douhtfu
I doubtfully douhtfu at mo moMy moI meMy
I My Ir name talM is Letitia Ltiia Bo Rwe we M she I hI said lald and andI
I live IIe at tbo White House Boule at Beryston BerystonIt DerltonI
I It I l is II a very try ry pretty name famc I murmurod murmurodpoliotly lurlurod lurlurodpootly niurmnurodpohiotly
poliotly Why did you rOl run rUI away awayLctilias Iway IwayI awayLotitias
Lctilias Lttlas face fac grew grw crimson crmn I eamo eamoaway camoawar eamneaway
I away sho sliosald ho said In a very pry low voice vokolioeuue vokolioeuueI liocauao liocauaoI
I am engaged engagec to be b married mrr d to n aabeast aabeastIre a beaut beautHo
Ho Ic is coming cming today to tho White hiit Hoiiso Hoiisoto 1010 1010to IlonsuI
I to seo Feo me and I mado up my mv mind that I whon whonhe whonhI whenhe
he hI came I wouldnt b hf he there thereI
I dont blame you YOI said Illd I I But I dont dontquite dontllo dontquite
quite llo understand Why h hy if tho gentleman gentlemanis untleUan untleUanIs
is ii a I beast st have you got ot to marry him In Inwhat InI Inwhat
what way WIY w fly is if he a beast Is I ho ugly uglyIctltia uglyLetltia I
I Ictltia Itlta frowned frowlod and polwd tlio ground groundwith groundwih groundwith
with wih her small Rmal patent patlnllather Iat ° mtt leather toe toeI to totI
I dont dOlt know whether he is 11 ugly or not notshe notsho notshe I
she said Bid quickly because hecnule I have hn 0 never neverI
I wen fen him I am 11 engaged onglged to lx b > married marriedl maried mariedI
l to him him because bau I Boryston BrRon is if mine and Kymus Kymusj KYOl Kynaston
j ton Is his hi and Lticlo George Corpo thinks they
I ought to be joined together togethlr ns H one estate oRtateAh estateAb
1 Ah I murmured murmurd encouragingly olcoura lngly It Itseems I ItV
V seems leomE a suitable arrangement arrangementI Irrnngement IrrnngementI arrangementCant I
I I Cant you see el she said pettishly pttahly I Ionly Ionl Ionly
only onl left Iltt school Ichool six wcokn ago and ald I want wnntto I
I to have some fun before lJforo afo I ann married marriedI mnrlld mnrlldI
t I should like lke to have somo Iomo say ay In choosing choosingmy choosinghusband
I my husband And then thel David Kvnaston Kvnastonis
V is i awfully awrllr old deloen oven older than you I I should shouldi Iloulel Iloulelthink lioiiltithink I
i think thinkIf i iIf
I If I you have ha e never nler seen leln him hll perhaps prhnps I jhe Ilie
he Is not neI so I ancient ancent after arr nil ni I HUgnostod HUgnostodHn Hu gfMII
I Hn H may ma bo able to walk quite qulo well vclIwithi vclIwithithe clwith clwiththe with withtho
the assistance Iqiltnnc of a stick stick1etitia Itlck ItlckI stickletitia
1etitia started to her feet Mv Iv remarks remarksdid rerarlH rerarlHelelnot remarksilhil
reconcile her her fnte fnteIt fat fatIt fnttIt
did elelnot not appear to roncio to fllr
I It i 1 is no use UI trying to persuade mo III tu go goback goback goback
back she Ihe said becniHu bcusl I wont wontWhere WOIt wonthere
Where llrp here are you ou going Are 1 you on going gnhlJ to totake 10tak totake
take tak refuge rrugn in school Fc101 again againNot nlail againSot
Sot if I know it I she fhi answered Infrd hastily hntl
I am going poing to ride relp to Mornington lornln lnn to my myAunt ni niAunt mimyAunt
Aunt MargarftV argarrt and Gnc I am n iii going gOII to May Maywith staywith lay laywih
with wih her hel till ti Uncle leorge can cn be brought broughtto hrught hrughtto
to reason reasonPerhaps Iaqon Iaqonlerhap reasonPerhaps
Perhaps lerhap If t you val were el to meet mrlt Mr Ir Iyno Iynoton Iiynnq Iiynnqton IynastVOfl
ton ton I taid slowly flowly you yollnlRht might make lakl HOMHI HOMHIkind IOIl sontiokind
kind kine of n 1 bargain with wih him hll You sec I lie lietoo hI lietoo
too might might rcN repent > nt of the arrangement arrl nwn by bythat t1 bythat
that time timeLetitias tlmp timeLetitias
Letitias lttlal color rose r t again againYou alain alainYol againYou
You Yol are ar not very ery Iy polite pltn she he said fnldVery fale saidery
Very ery likely lkely he would but Tarn I al omit not going goingto Rohl Rohlto
to give him tIm chance < If I any ni one Is to tobefiltedit toU tobe
befiltedit U be JtlI jilted It shallbe shall hnl Iw he heI hI
I assure you 1 I dont cont think it i is II in tho tholeast thoIIMt timeleast
least IIMt likely Ikoly c uld id I hurriedly hlrrilly hitirriet I ly Unless lnlf be beis li litIs
is II blind blnd he cannot calnot fail fii I to bo h pleased ptusfd with withIds wil h hhlR Iihis
Ids share Ihare of the thl bargain hlrgnil Now OW If I IDavid wero weroDavid Wlro WlroDavd
David Kynaston I should Fhoull not lose 10 los n mo moment momlnt taomont ¬
mont mlnt In InThen il
Then Thll Ietitin Iotlln Interrupted InterruptedIt Interrpl1
It I must lUt I he > e nearly nmrl halfrant 0 she fho saltS cnldand saltSand ule
and I have hnl got to nlk this wivtchinl wivtchinlmachine 1etch1machino rtetcliidniachine
machine to Kynoftton Iynnlon iynast on to t lx li > mended lnlkl Oh Ohwhat oh ohwhat ih ihhat
what hat hoes dO It It cost to hnvo hl1 a puncture puncturemended punctur punctureflielidOd
mended mende shin paid Fale suddenly IudcPlly
About Abolt a 1 quarter lart I think thinkI thinkItltla thinkletitia
I etltia took a dainty dnlnt y green rn leather Illt hr puivo puivofrom purcfrom umse umsefromn
from her and it itI
pocket pck t aie opened I
I havo only olly got Iot twenty I wtnty altogether altogethershe altoietlirshe lo etlr etlrFhe
she Fhe with wild that thatAgain thatAgnlu that4gaiii And Anc I wnnt t tn o gl g ° t coinu t IU luiipli luiipliwith hllh hllhdth In inteli inteliwith
Again tier 111 gray Jrn eyr EIr filled fl1 with s It h I tents tonryI II
I should Ihould rather think you YOI would Mid I IConsidering IConsiderlng
MCnllderlnl Considering that Mornington Mornlngtol in fifty flr miles milesfrom milesfront lh lhfrom I
from here her at tho very ery leat Ilnt you ou seem l < m to tohavo 10hae tohave
have come cmA rather mUleI poorly poory provided pfvldfc I slmll slmlllx Ihul stiiilibe
lx 1M be only too tooCertainly to tooCertainly
Certainly Ceranlv not 10t I Interrupted lj Illtla titia It is with withdignity
dignity dIKnl I ought to Stave hal had plenty pl nty of ofmoney ofmane ofmoney
money mane Aunt Margaret Marlalt gave VI mo II S50 50 on ni niy
birthday blrhdl which I put in II Ja tbo th t lie hank at Kyn Kynaston IynMton lyiiaston ¬
aston and yesterday yesttrdar I drew drw it I out to como comoaway cOle cOleaVa comaeaway
away aVa with withI withI
I put Plt the t h not nots In my lY saddlebag fddlllj and nndwhen andwhen antiwhen
when I got home I left the machine in in the tlmhall thohal thehail
hall hal Uncle George eorgo wont rummiging rumlging about aboutto abnt abntto
to so 041 if I had tukon his hiI screwkey and lie liefound hofound heifound
found the notes notis and Is II going polng to take them
back to the bank Inc today todaytho
MOld Old boast t I wish seine le 01 one wOlld would stop
tho trap and ald rob him Ahl she cried cred ns nssomething ni ussomething
something fm thllg evidently Idlntl flashed fllhed Into her mind mindwhat mindwhal mindslut
what a glorious Iorous idea Ila Why hiy shouldnt shouldnt3QU1 khouldll khouldllou slmoiildmtyou
3QU1 3QU1Ilold you ou
ouUold Ilold him lm up upY 1 11ekcd naked in dismay dlmoy
LetlUa Ltuw LstltjaVWSM was breathless brathlo with wih withthb thb brilliancy brilliancyYe brllcy I
of ° her Id IdYlll Idea IdeaYes
Ye Yes robhim rob him Stand and deliver that thatsort thatsort
Ylll rh
sort Irt of Of of thing Oh cant cnt you ou see s o what I II Imean Imeati I
mean meanYcIII meatiYeeel
YcIII Yeeel I answered anwerd slowly I think thinkI
I see C You want rn to play the highway highwayman hlghwayman ¬
man for your our benefit Jtobbory Hobber with ith pos possible p posstbhe ¬
UI f >
sible ItllP violence olpnC on tho highroad highrad IH it adanger adangerOUH adangerotisjamne
aUK gatna to play playou piztyott
You ou dont look at it In a proper light lightsaid lRht lRhtfl lightsaid
said fl Letltia Lt II quickly Remember IemorLr prfr the themoney the1010Y theIlionoy
money 1010Y Is II I mine n nl It I Isnt robbery Ibber It Is IsIt laIt isit
It Is Then with a sudden luddon inspiration inspirationIt Inlplralol
It Is knightarrautry knIght irrantr irrantrTh
The Th law wouldnt wouldnllallt call it kniglitorrantry kniglitorrantryI klightelrntry
I remarked gloomily >
1100111 1100111Iook
Iook bert hIf sho shl shi crwtl crl > d opening her saddle saddlebag l saeklle1mg dlc dlchnR ¬
bag with Ith trembling t rlhlnp flngurn flgul f I will wlient lend you youmy yotimy OU I Im
my m revolver n producing producng a thing about aboutfour abouttOIil
four inches Inohet long lon mounted mourtll with silver silverIs liur liurII I
Is II It loaded I asked askedHer alked askedHer
Her Icr I face fac fell fll Im Im afraid nrrall It I isnt 1fIt shin shosaid Ihe IheInld I
said Inld but Inl that doesnt matter mater In the tlt least liBfelUndo leastUncle
Undo Unco George Is 11 frightened to death of ofi offlrintrmns
i firiiinnx firiiinnxMy flrintrmnsMy
I IrfIIS IrfIISl My l spirits splrit wink tmk lower and lower Iwtla Iwtlawan J Letitlava4 lla I IWI
wan WI very VOl pretty and I was WI afraid that a adirect adlrectrtual adirect
direct annoy dlrectrtual refusal her to carry out her plan might mightannov mpht mphtInnov ntfghtannoy
Innov What about disguise dllIIII I laRked laRkedAh asked askedSlia alicdKli
Slia Ah considered onHldCrd fora fOllllnuthol mlnuo miiinutmthomt then bright brightened hrlghtfnpe brightcited
cited enedsaid
fnpe I htl1 hutve git gt t my wll tkflrOit rpiM cape she shesaul ho I
said 1111 and anr you O I hay has fMtyrtuw t yours yoursVlilt ur Put YOUTS yoursovor YOUTSoor YOUtSover
over your lioadlt h IJt > vDlfrcjjt r Ir t 11 in tl your now nowand n flondand J Jand
and oars 11 If yoUarovcnrefitlnud oubro tfl 4reezttettJ tfJtJ nud you 101 ou can cantlo cantlollno tie tieinlno thettthiio
inlno llno around aou I i yoiri yoprwaIst wilst wllt Then If you pull pullyour pul pullyour
your yur cap well 1 r1 rO over yoUr eyes eYI nobody n Ld can canpossibly c canpossi1y ln lnpo
possibly po iI rocochlze reolII7l YOU YOUI vol
I ninoorely hworel hppontflny hnpfcC biopt4 tJWy wouldnt I cm IH asSt file fileMiitrd he helilre
Miitrd St lilre I t I I her I er notion ltd Iti ii to t a her lie tc r words wod vci rds apparently apparentlywith apparutl apparutlwith apjia rout ly lywhtk
with tho t irn greatest enjoyment Uowiiver Uowiiverit JIowuntrit OWl
it I wds va I l too pratcs late latl for regretf rglctr now Ixtitla Ixtitlascrambled ltln ltlncrmhld Isdithascrambled
scrambled crmhld through n 1 gup In the lndp1 Iwc and andwith and andwit
with wih wit ii beating hIl bent I tag heart hlnl lien rt I waited wlled JIP nht ed by h the thl t he roadside roadsideSuddenly rael roachklnSmititlonil lcn lcnHIhell
Suddenly HIhell Smititlonil y the til t lit wretched wr11lld wrot chmetl dogcart dllIt t lgca rt appeared appearedon npptarfelon itlIsa ret I Ion
on tho th I lie top I OP of 0 f tho t Ito hill hil I ml II with wihoh ivit hohm oh horror lie rro m of ofhorrors orhorroftwo ofliorrorstwo
horrors horroftwo liorrorstwo two men on tho front seat seatI fat
I could clld hoar Letitlas Ltltlul stiffled giggles glggl from fromthe rromtho frontlie
the lie gap In the thl hedge I flung lulJ n hurried hurriedreproach hlrrlel hurriedreproach
reproach at the Ih corner cOrwr of the thC white whin iit sailor sailorhat Inlur Inlurhat sailorha
hat ha t which w Ii icit appeared aPlwarpt a ppoa roth In II tlm th t I in opening openingYou oponlnl oiOi Iii g gdidnt
You OI didnt say I Sn your uncle unce would bring bringa
a man manIts lanl lanlIl nuuanIts
Its Il only William WIIm elm fho answered anllcrd Ho OR ORbltll s sbetter eliottir
better bltll than thal nobmly lobly because I < aul hell hll be II so soterrified 10 10tlrrlld soterrified
terrified tlrrlld that t hell Iwl I ie II frighten frjhtll undo u nclt Into Inl in t u fits fitsI ftl ItsI
I waited walld till ti tho white whie mare 11 was wal less lessthan les lesthal lesstlrnii
than thal five f paces PIIS from frol me le then thPI not t my m teeth teethfind tlrth tlrthIll teethanal
find Ill strode et roth bravely I irit oly Into Ilto I nit I tho thl t he middle mlddll iii klcllo of the theroad thernad t he heroiul
road nourishing lieu ourllhllK rishii mig ijftlas I tlal t las ridiculous rid leu iou lOls lonis toy toyof toyif
of if r a revolver revolverYour revolverour
Your Yol10I our money or vour our lifo nr I said lid slernlv slernlvIiCtiiia oIrll oIrllllltla slernilthot
IiCtiiia llltla hot lila was Wil right ll The h firearm 11Llrl did didthi dIdt
thi t hn work vo rk Tho Iii hl r white wl hll it marc larl itia me was a stoppedby stopped toppldh I Iby
by h n 1 frenzied Jerk jlrk of the reins relll The Thi gal gallant KalIlnl gallii ¬
lant Ilnl lii nit William Wi i I hianti la 1 huddled hiudd let I Into I n to tho I lie corner corn r of ofthe ofth oftilt
the th seat at Uncle Un George Oorpn Iorg was pastyfaivd pastyfaivdstoul pastyradItoll
stool Itoll nnd mll spectacled spectacledW oplctlelldW
W V w w1hal what hiiut the deuce dluco dye rvo want wantho wanlho wanthe
ho cried eild at last In a voice oic shaken Ihnlwil to a deli delicate dll delionto ¬
cato tremolo tremoloFifty 11010 11010Flft tremoloFifty
Fifty Flft dollars doln r said Hile I I fppulehrally fppulehrallygaining sepulchrallygalnhmig pulehrl
gaining fresh murage elrall from flo the helpless helplessterror 11111 11111tror helplessterror >
terror tror of those thf two bravo hre men menThis menThlM menThis
This was wal too much Ilch For Fo an a instant instant1ncln inftant inftantlncln instantTitclo
1ncln George Corgl forgot to l he > o frightened rrightlned and andraised andrald antiraised
raised his whip threateningly Ihrpltenlngl Ihrpltenlnglou threatenInglyttFV
Youyouscoundrel ou ttFV YOIR YOtIVV5COti < oundre nl ml lie 11 It cried erld wll Ill IllFPO I II IIsee
see 111 you 01 otu hanged han d before I give Ilo you YOI a 1 penny Inlv InlvWial
Wlllmm Wial Vi II maui you vaum 01 fool whip wiii the th t I to mare mareBut mile milelut I IHut
But lut William Wi illinmii I I a 1 did not move 10ve Uncle Unc George Oeorgoseized Geor GeorgeFPlZeil o I Ifol7ed
seized fol7ed the reins 11118 and anc I saw NW that now was wasthe 111 wasI
the I Ii moment lomnnt to bo firm fn1 II rio Besides Belld Ihesk s for fo r tho thofirst tl tlfrlt I Ifirst
first frlt time Ilnl tInt I hogan hlan to enter NieI Into tho true truespirit truepiri truesPirit
spirit piri t of the I he game gameAccordingly 111 gate gateAccordimigI
Accordingly Acconlnll I strode forward with wih flap flapping fap fapping flapping ¬
ping wings wil of if mackintosh lalklnto h to the til tailboard tailboardof tulholrd tulholrdof
of the t hp iii dogcart dOIart flourished folriHhd thin thl revolver revolverwithin reolor reolorwihin mevolvorvi
within wihin vi t lu I n one on inch i of Williams WI Vil la I in 1 mmis head headFifty hla hlarlfy henrilVhfty
Fifty rlfy dollars 101ar said Inld I or I fire fireUndo fn fntnco flr flr1itcle
Undo tnco George lor wanted waltll no 10 more 1010 persua persuasion porstmasiiiii ¬
sion SIOI He 10 drew drtw a crackling craekln roll rol of Jla JlaSIOI notes noUsfrom not notfrm notesfrom
from frm from his hil pocketbook and handed them to tomo toinc
mo 10 without wlhout another alothlr word then toro too tar tho thowhip thowhip thaiwhip
whip from rrol Williams 1111 shaking haklnl hand handA
A frantic frntic cut nit on the Ihl sleek whiteness whllelf of oftho oftho ofthe
tho plump marn a frightened plunge i for forward foriard ¬
I I r I frlht11 Ilulle
ward of that astonished altonlll1 < beast an Illsup Illsuppressed ilIlp ilIlpprlHRed
pressed laugh lalh from from Ijetltla Itlta and I wits n left leftstanding Idttnndin leftstamiding
standing tnndin in the thl t lie middle Ilddle of KynoMon KnCtol road roadwith roadwith moalwith
with a bundle hlndll of bonk notes notesA 101 101A tail tailA
A volco olco from the th hedgo Ildgo recalled rlcalcd my myscattered myIatcrld myscattered
scattered Iatcrld wits WIK with wih n rush rushYoud nllh nllhYoud rushYoud
Youd better bller take tak these things thil 1 off ol before beforennv Ilforo Ilforoanv beforeany
any one else comes COII along nJ said lale 1etitia 1etitiaI tiln tilnr
I felt very very cn cross und began l ln to drag drl thin thowretchxi th thwrtoh1 thinwrptchi
wretchxi things over my lY head without withoutspeaking witholt witholtptkln withoutShtut
speaking speakingYou Shtut ptkln kitig kitigoti
You oti did It I splendidly Ipeme1Iy went WElt on Ixititla IxititlaSho Itlla ItllaHhn 1otlthaShe
She was almost alnoHt speechless pehle with wih ltlm laughter laughternnd lau laughternail lhr lhrnnd
nnd sat at down on the fallen falln tree tro again agail to torecover toIwocr toherself
recover herself herselfThese herolf herolfTlwll V
These Tlwll compliments eomplmlnta did not tond to Im Improve 1mproll Imnprove ¬
prove proll my temper tmuplr I handed ham1d her Ilr the roll rollof rol rollof
of notes not I without wihout a word She Shl took them themwith themith thornwith
with ith evident pleasure and counted oullld them themovor thll thmenitover
over oIH
ovorHo Ho has Ins only onl gIven glvll you 01 thirty thitr she said saidbut fdd fddhut saIdhaiL
but even Units thatl bettor hlthr than nothing nothilJ
Wont I havo a good time tilt now nowBut nowBut
But at In last It began hlgan to dawn upon UpOI h hr hrthat hnerthat > r rthat
that I was l really Ialy aunnyd Mimi Hh put her herhand herhand heirhitititi
hand on my m arm arm and looked up nt It my 1 dis displeased dlMIMal d is ishlvasI ¬
pleased IMal d fact rUC1 with wih Hitch lu < h a charming charllg air air of ofcontrition oftcuIit
contrition Pltrtiol tcuIit rb I inn that thl t my niger nug a r mulled luled inlt e I away awa like likethe lk lktll I Ikehit
the hit morning moring d deW deWDonl dawIont w wDont I
Dont b Ia cross < rnlq sho said 1111 You i no were weroan werean r ran
an angnl II I to do d ityou It can Imagine imaginl how howgratoful howgratoful
grwrul gratoful I nm nmXo 111 antiNo I
Xo said Iid I smiling fIiIi at last lati I certainly certainlycant crtainly certainlycant I Icnt
cant cnt You ou ui dont cont accept a cpt it I L In Jim I nt all al tho thoproper theProper
proper pro1 spirit spiritLetitia Iplrl
Letitia Ltitia laughed lalhld again againI IainI I
I think it is timo I was on 01 my lY wny WIV to toKynnslonshe toIlllQtnn toKyniutstin
Kynnslonshe IlllQtnn Kyniutstin Iho shie said 1 I will 1111 tiv t iv to 0 cultivate cultivatei
a i proper 1rpr spirit piri as I we po gc o along alongVo alongWo aioiigse
Wo Vo reach rachd reaciiIV H the Ih rillugo lulo all al too soon soonmooting soonfotlng soonmiteeting
mooting oa ollht the way two of thJ th Incompetent Incompetentvlilas3 IncomJt ImtcompitsmitvIiIae lt ltIia
vlilas3 Iia polifwmen pOImen ovldontlv vldlnth H lnt sait nt by h Undo UndoGoorgo UnC UneIorge
Goorgo 010 orge Naturally Snurll Nut tiralfy y thy th didnt recognize recognizeth 110llz 110llzthl
th thl than terrible highwayman in n 1 young voung man in ina ina Ina
a bicycle bloce suit AHin AIln All iii good tune w IY we had ha tho thopimctun thopnnctur timepimnicttir
pimctun momled momledIt tII1
It t was while whlu wo w were waiting for it that thatJjetitia thatLt thuatLet
Jjetitia Lt Ila itla promised prollOdthat that I should rido with wi wit h IHT IHTto IIr IIrto liirt
to t Mornington lrrnlngtol and it was Wi then that I 11 Ixgnn Ixgnnto gan ganto
to realize reaH1 what wha a 1 really 1 < 111 delightful dol dhI glrll ghmtftii girl slit slitwas shamvns h hW
was W I wished IRhed the day da would last lalt forever foreverIJut fOIJer fOIJerUul V VBut
But it didnt didntand and when hn wo 0 stopped stoppedJnr stopjxder I Ior
Jnr or er tea tla at a wayside cottage eotaKo under a 1 green gttenrolis gmrenrehlis I Irlif
rolis rlif awning awnlnp the tle sign Kn pent t at tho gale galeorio jall V Vcried
orio cried out Olt in i ii unkind ulldld di n cl miii black letters hot Jo PtN t t rs that I Morn MorniiiRton horiihign
iiiRton in hign tln en was wa only timil y eight IllIt c IgI it tulles IICM further fim rt her on onWn onl j
Wo l came CIII to Aunt Alnt Margarets lnrgnl tH bout Ilout even evensooner pTnoonM V Vsooner
sooner than I had bargained harpninlt for Irtitln Irtitlnjunux lol Lethi i la lajUIpld a
junux jUIpld 1 U l of tiff iff her 111 lie r machine laolinn mnaoii no and arl a ii I held hpll I out her herliund I or orhumuS
humuS fllld JH s I came nll to hor side sideGoodby HilOoislly i inol I
Goodby nol ly she suid aiel it I has been Ilel a aglorious aglorlou8 aghiirious
glorious < day tay arid nll Im 11 I tim not 1c1 in tt u bit hi I it tired tlrdhut tlrdhuti t I rdiiut rdiiutIt but I IIts 1 1ThIR
Its i It s all ni over now nowThis nowfile
This ono 0f is over 01 certainly I saul Nit saulmuon but butlimn Intthll
limn thll may ia IK I others othersIiotltln othll nthiorsLVtit
Iiotltln Irtt LVtit In shook her hlr bead JIII I a I Sho 11 il it fronted frontedto teonilru llcd llcdto I It
to t 0 have 1 iLiC grown growl gro wni older ler r and nun I moro sedate Ildt simo simotlm sint inpI o ot
tlm I ht lit morning loring But perhaps pehnp unc she was as 1 only onlytired lnly lnlyIlrod onlySIred
tiredNo No N shun ho said aid slowly I dont think thinkthere thinkt
there t hCrl lie re must rl mn list l Io > o any Iny a mmy others othersWhy nt hNH hNHh I in rum rumhu
Why h I was still ti holding hol < llR Inr h r hand handbut handbut linedhut
but nhe KI did tld not not srem el to notice nntlC it itI It itI
I think you YOI do 10 understand Inderftand shim h cried criedsuddenly Crd Crdlddpnly nntistiildenly
suddenly gaining ralnln coutago 0 a und ruisinc 1iinl her herheat herhll hmorhead
heat hll and Ind I dont think it I is II very kind 1 < 11 rf rfyou cityou
you to make aliP nv nl tell tpl you It I Is I because hlall1 I Iam Iam Iann I
am engisod ln llYJd to be h married lrfld to David Ilhllna Ilhllnatnn Kynu KynuKton hynastofl
Kton tnn and 11 because I like IIP you OU too much muchalready muchalrady 1 < h hnlracy
already nlracy
I urn ur glad you you have l htpn been > pen frank with withme withmoo Ith IthIne
me I said ld still Itl rou holding holdll her hand because becausenow hlaIRP hlaIRPnow becauseioiv
now I shall hal riot bo afraid afrl to tolel tell you YOl my myname myname niymiamne
name nameIrftilia nameI miamneLu
Irftilia I Lu < ltia I t in rtarod Itamd t a red in i ii amazement amazementWhy ulument itutia7mtiomitlI
lI should I bonfniid h I ufri It I to 1 tell t oh I
Why WI my hlhi you YOI in Irmid 1lle me your yournamo yournamo y our ourname
namo namo11uF nameItecatise
namoHicniiFo HicniiFo 11uF I spoke pokl very ry slowly Hlnwl to give givemy r11 giveiti
my 1 iti words 1 Id the t lie mwo l m net < mJ i oTtct eJtt because hllII hetui so af affording annornll ¬
fording lorHng nornll n g to I 0 you nl it i I t Is Ii Iho I ho name na nit of a beast beastMy Ip1 beastMy
My Iy tmino nlI1A isDavid Il is nalil Iniii Kynaston 1IAlon and I nm 11 en engaied En Engall1 engaotI
gaied gall1 to be married larrld to youT youTThlM you youS 011 011Thi
S S 4 5 S S SThis
This Thi was wn all l very Ir well II but hii the thl really reallyiinplonxint rlal reallytmniplonicunit
iinplonxint purl frl of the thl business 11 lnP8 was a after afterward nflrward afterward ¬
ward whou uvl 11 em u Letitia Iotiia I et I t Ia Incited InI I nslt lld ed upon ii po n my Ill i ii y iniklni iniklnia 111111 imi k lug luga
a clean breast ol lt the til whole hok afirlr annll to Uncle UncleGeorge UncleOpogo lJmicliGeorge
George GeorgeIlesl OpogoII GeorgeUet
Ilesl II t Tlilnr Thlnrc < Jrow row furthest 1llhl t North NorthThe Ollh Ollhrl orih orihIroi
Iroi rl rh the 1IhilfJ h1isP FOIV FOIViIit n nTh
The Th iIit interesting IltPeftn fact bus hlR bitchy Iltll conn on omiie tu tuthe tl t tI
the th I hi attention it t tiit I I cii of tu tl t in tolrllllt I loverntnent 1 ivern rntit sriimini sriiminithat q scj Iltt Ilttthlt in t i ithini
that thlt thini t tlm th frni fri fr i Ih the t ho ediilo 101 ott i I 1n vailctyi van alhI Itt y 1 atulnn atulnnits attllnIt at ti I its itsits
its It erentwt Irlatt ned id lost t t devrliipnirtit I Ifn 11 I nit 111 IIH IIHone a mt mtiuit I
one ni iuit would ill Imnulnr Inlllhl hi tin th rmltrlid rmltrlidhwiiuilw I Isaittmi
saittmi hwiiuilw 111 I of fr Florida Florldl neil 1111 louhlanu leIlllll Iml hit hi hifar IHtlr I Ifar
far tlr northern lurtlrn Canada 111 on UI ii the tle extreme Ixlrluthln iiortliiin iiortliiinlimit it itHmnht i
limit Irlt Kt which ii hl hihhi < h thesis th lure reptiles rpUI are a r fiuuiiil fiuuiiillhtls iiml iimlTlilH
TlilH hoars hra lisa rs out nlt an 11 ii ii old nnd Ind pretty Irel iirct t y sufe f rule rulethut rul rulthlt ru Ii Iithiiit
thut thlt both plant 1lllt nnd Inll nnimuls nlllil attain nlala their
lieitt devrlojiment at the northiTimiot
oIOltllt Iht lfrthrllllt ixilnt ixilntof ltInttof
of their tlllr haliltnt hahlnt V Thus Thl the thC diamondback diamondbacktf 1llt 1lltor
tf Irrapll t > rrnpln ra iii it or er tI tlu tl t It im theHtipiMlcr olalJIbllk olalJIbllkIrrapll lulnm Itll I tnt ws nearly 1101 rh u I Iillt Itiit
IiBlit illt tiit times thl the til price prcp uf lt it the dlnmondtwk dlnmondtwkof dllllnldhl
of lonlslnna lnII lnna timid Ind the IIP IIPN oranecnnrt orln triimiires nn crown crowntint greatmint
tint rilt In Inlrnphl trnpionlciilin Il ii hl ha IIWO i oil tl Ip oUh < if f thcoMoruenpra ttit oldr IrnWI emira
tlon still till tl riinemoiT nIIIr th the coiiiffcniltiid coiiiffcniltiidMiiirMi clrpllllld clrpllllldurl1 ctmmlssctithtidsiiurlhi
MiiirMi url1 llnviuia 1111 nriincosj ornlr rimn0s m but In II northern rllnl I
FlorIda where rhN the th tieri 11 tm tfq are 111 frrrniPiitly h 1111 I im ut
down bj lr lh thl hard fiv rl tH t and ald cold weuther
One Maxim of Draw Drw Poker Illus Illustrated 1lIutrated ¬
trated trate by a Player Who Won Wonthe Wo Wothe Wrnithc
the Pot Without Fill Filling Fi Filling ¬
ing His Hi Hi Hand HandI Had HadI
I I never nCcr acquired the fourflush habit habitmyself habitmilf habItmyself
myself milf nad the t hn grayhalrodyounglook grayhalrodyounglookIng
leg hlJ man In the club cilb smoking ImoldnR roomlor 10rlor tho thoniinplo themultmipho
niinplo llplo reason rea > el that tho percentages pcrln tll QI of tho thogamo t tim3game hJ hJlam
game lam do not make it advisable I Ilsablo11 lvlsabhohmi In my lyJud lyJudmont mnyjudg mnyjudgmerit judg judgment ¬
mont to draw to t a fourHush four1ulh very often oftenTha ofln oflnThe oftenTime
The odds against attltlt filling flnp It are of o course coursei coursejut coursejtist
i Just thirtyeight thlltynlghllo to nine niio That Is II there are aroI nroUllrtrolF arethiirtyelht
I thirtyeight UllrtrolF lt curd > In tIme fortycoven rOltOI11 you youhavo youIHLO youhiavu
havo IHLO not not soon any IIY ono of which will wl bo boworthless beurthll1 lievorthmless
worthless urthll1 to you or at at best blt will wil give gle you OU a asingle nIngll asimigle
single pair and ald thero are nine in tho forty forlyNOVOII rorl rorlVOI fortyiQOiu
NOVOII VOI any ono 010 of which will wil fill fl your flush flushif fufh fufhIr
if 3011 01 get It ItFiguring i ItFiguritig
Figuring on 01 that batis a good ood many manyplayers manyplayers
players plyer consider clHlder It I conservative eOIIrvatio poker p ker to tostay toMtay tostay
stay on a fourflush rourfl h If they thp can get gc odds IdA of offour otfoul oftout
four to one onl In II tjit I hIII > < I mug > which whl1 i ii approxi approximately approximalely ¬
mately of courMO nOUI n I setoff Itof to the four to neil nnda
a fraction rrelJ fraei to t one mm against aaillt lliem Ihll t Item n In 1 tho t lie draw drawThis druwThl lEttVrt
This Thl rt Is however lit does dl not II ut commend COlllld cnii niutmi I Itself Itselfto le leto it 501 501to
to mo IW as a a matter Inatr I nttit t or of habitual hahlunl hot lii I utah piny pIn y becnuco becnucotho hccau hccauthl lwcnuisthu
tho thl Hmall Imnl percentage remaining rfmalnlnf will wi bent bentany beatally
any al plnyer In Ihe tIl I hit long Ion I run rln if I f In h conllnufs conllnufsto eonliuuto cent iou cs csto
to buck nguiust l tllsl it long enough unless ho hoshould hohould lieshiiuild
should happen to have hn n luck enough loulh to beat beata hat1IathonHtlealorll
a 1IathonHtlealorll mithoniatlcal average averageBut averageBut
But this thil h 1 not by b any mou mnNll means > s the thl wholo wholoof wholoor wholeof
of tho problem plhlI If I I f tho t lie flush luh when filled filledworn fled fledWl lih led ledScorn
worn Wl a miro IUle winner llnlI tho plnyer would ould eel eeltninly rN rNtfinly ce cetmtlmily
tninly tfinly be hI jii jltltl1 justified lifiel In staying on a four fourflush rOlr rOlrIhllh fourI
flush Ihllh I tili whenever vi heIlr inttivr Iho I him odds oldl on in I ii the t I in hotting hottingwpro hotllg hotllgIro bet I I tig tigvern
wpro Iro oiml qlHl qlm iLl to the t hue odds oddt odds against ugni mist in I ii Ihe tl I hue draw drawBui ii ImwHit mu muhim
Bui Hit him t t t he h i i IIh II lush is I by no means 1nl111 n mire winner winnerIt wlnnl al nninr nninrit
It I is I very Ylry frequently rlquelt Iy beaten bt ten and III the theman til tilman iii iiiniant
man who ho has h pluyed it I before IJICor HIP Ihl draw drawis drawut
is i almost exactly xatlv in time predicament dllallnt of ono onowho
who v lie should idiom holl i hVl Inku tnk t Ft lie odds ddl of if live ll II vi to t o one 011 nmi i betting bettingon hetlng hetlngon hot t ing ingon
on n I cortain rlln horse horl to bo hI entered lltprll In a I race racpagainst flf flfngninst raceagiul
against agiul nst four fOlr out r others ol hlI liens when wlll a I ttmm ho hllld hud I mu I no 10 knowl knowledge k a o a I Iedge ¬
edge of what tour othor olhol horses holC were Wfl to run runHo runle run11cm
Ho le might know hi liIm horse horl was 11 a pretty prettygood prpty liCt ly lygood
good one but he hI wouldnt woulelt bet on CI in that bnc IJ itasis itasisaintme is isalone il
alone aloneAt
At leant IIMt thats the way I figure fgu1 it out outfor outfor outfur
for my lY own OWI play pl I cleat cont quarrel with withany wlh wlhan wIthaity
any an other it liur players theories theorI t kco rio and Ild I know knowthat knol knolthat hc nov novthat
that a I good Koollany many do do consider onHlcpr such slch a play playns
ns n I have described cerlhrd to bo hI good sood poker I Idont IdOIt Ilimit
dont dOIt limit t consider 1nslhl it uusiilem il i I so 10 and Inc consequently 10nlCquently OttflSnlUeIit hy I Inever Innlfr 1never
never nnlfr contracted cOltrcllol cotut racted the I lie fourflush fourfulh habit habitAnd hahitAnc haliitAtul
And Anc of eoursethe lr8 t he fourstraighl rour tmlght is il a still stillmoro Rll stillmnonm
moro 10m hazardous ha7areou huazari louts thing t huh tug than t a four fOlr foum r flush flushThe Ihllh IhllhlU 11 ushm ushmflit
The flit lU odds ocdH against agallRt filling flln it are thirtynil thirtyniltu t hlrtneto
tu t eight ci ghit and when vI ueni you 01 havo bin e filled flld hi I kcI it i it is isnot II IIlnt Ismint
not lnt so strong Htrng st romig n 1 hand V This seems 111 like Iko a acontradiction I Icnntrdlcllon acontradiction
contradiction cnntrdlcllon of the principle prlnlplo of poker pokerthat pker pkert11 pokert
that t11 t himtt Iho t hn value lluo iuI ito of o f u hand tilt much depends on tho thodifficulty tho1nclly t bin bintI
tI difficulty 1nclly lflicu ml I y of getting petlng gett I it g It I hut It I is II not a 1 real realcontradiction ralcontrclctlol realcomitradictiomi
contradiction contrclctlol for there Ihlrp ore nr a great Krl1 many manymoro mal malmore ninnymom
moro four straights stralKhl1 in the deck dlk than theme tbcioaro thewam themeare
are four Hushes HushesBut IUlhll hiushasIhut
But although ullugh neither nliher unit bier of theso thllO t lies hands handsIs
Is 11 a particularly partlcular tempting temptllg proposition propoeliol to tome tome tomile
me thero are times tlln of course courl when hen 1 will willplay wil wilpia wIlliulay
play pia onu OlO or 0 the thl t Ime other on bier Tho great rlnt beauty beautyof
of Kiker pokll to mo 10 Is i the elasticity ela > ticity of the gntno gntnoand glunoald gmumnnamid
and ald the I h necivsiiy nelil that exists CxlHII of deciding decidingon drcidllK drcidllKon
on in each play according nlpordil to the circumstances circumstancesof lrculftnnctl
of if the w deal dUII arid because 1caIRI of this thl elasticity elasticityI li tlct tlctI
I never oer allow alow myself I > elt to bo b governed gOHIled by bynny hyl byarty
arty l hard nnd ane fn lall faam t rule ruleI rul rulI
I romenlir lellII1 one game galI in which a very verypretty very verypretty n nprt
pretty prt situation Iltlatlon arose 11 simply because hleaUFI I Idisregarded 1dhrJard1 Ichisregartlesl
disregarded dhrJard1 my 1 general gpnff1 rule ril The rh hl sequel sequeltoo HCIlI HCIlItoo sequeltoi
too was a good deal of n surprise surpriseI urprlm urprlmI
I had been h1 running rlnnlng rti ii ul rig In I n pretty prot I y hard Sin ml luck luckfor luckror Stickfor
for a whole wholl season on when Imon it happened hppene It Itwas 1 hiwas
was Wl beforo 1 had hld fairly rairl marlo macn muiad a mart in thin thoworld Ihoword thinweritl
world word and I was wa struggling Sm I rUKilnl hard to get geta
a little lulo ahead Being Bpln naturally nltural adventu adventurous Ihontu Ihonturoul mulventurotis ¬
1 rous roul I had had ups lP and IIHI downs In II mm plenty plentybut plelt plelthut phenun y ylint
but at this t hi hiSs lime till tiimt it had been hln mostly 1t east I hy downs downsfor dowilsrur downs downsfor
for nearly n year yearTho yanVlham 1
Tho Ilr w biiwimws 1llin hui mus I had started ftnrllel stamt cii in a Wentern Wenterncity WIn WInci Vst rmi rmicity
ci city promised pruli well but I made iad 111101 some HOle had baddedtH haddehlM hadh1Iut
dedtH h1Iut that t cripplid tneand 11ane iuita itmi Iho th I lie crops croj r em failed failedso faid faidMU
so 5 that t lutt trade tr I ruth fell r1 fih I off ol till ti I III I was WIl seriously seriouslydamprod Hlioll stnrioicslyhtanu l lhaml
damprod htanu porPi lpd for ivudy le money 101Y 1 was Wt HO sohuamui o ohalpen1 I Ihampered
hampered haml halpen1 huamui I1rnsl in I ii fact that I liii t I neglected 11glletld d my myiiiHumncie m mitylmiummmrmtmicai
iiiHumncie InIIWe and 811 as might Ilht havo ha been expected expectedmy 1pt1 1pt1my I
my stole 1101 burned down making 11 itii k < I 1g mmg H total totalloss total10M totalloss
loss just ju t a wii k 1 niter the policy pl expired expiredI pirI
I hadnt fluent boon plaving pllvin uhuu ving cards erdlllh en rds much wbilo wbilothe whl shuI I Ithin I
the thl business hlIISI wu Ruing IIn hug on tparini learln thit t hat it itwould itvouhuh
would hurt my 1 credit eflll tri i it hut when wlln I found foundmyself fould fouldIr foundmimsclf I
myself llr iMitiroly eiui llrh inIy out I became leomu I iecatno a I little Ihtl I it t In rwlt rwltless nIIIIA ruhcless
less IIA Ir I sornped rp d up lp all 11 the tl odds and Ild ends umudsI 11 11I j
I could lould and turned turle1 t unmet I everything t vtryt hI ng I had into intoeach ilto iltocah huutttcas
each cas ii so 0 that I got ot together to I tl1r about Ihout thnii thniilitmdrid thr thrhlnlrol I hi rm rmliii
litmdrid hlnlrol liii nd rah In II I ni real r al money mon and Inel determined determinedto
to go o still tl further Wett lt 5t But Bi before IIrorp starting startingI
I npent nn ii I ii evening I Vti nlnl iii g at pukT pukTNow pkorSow iikm iikmNow
Now 3JO 3J Is II a good noel bit of monov monlV or n nvery aVlr muvery
very Vlr little Iith according 11forellg to how ho you fU look at atIt atIt atit
It It seemed a very vr rv little ltt hltti t tl to > HIP m and Ind I Iwas IwnR Iwas
was I sort ore enough enou h besides hslles to It 1 h be > a little ltle nxk rckle54 ok i iUw iIsl
Uw Isl so 10 5 I played plyd a amon more open game Jal than thll thiatiI I II
I generally lncraly do nnd tml for a while whl I suffered sufferedin luIerCd i iIn
in consequence comisoiiuiulCnThit olIIUICI i iTho
Tho Th party was 11 a pleasant plallt one Thero Therowere TherC Tiitirevuri I
were no 10 professionals ii rtfsslomtalm in I Ii it but tbo t him five fl hi e emnxt i imen IIn
men In I was WOI playing Inrlng with wore rt all al true trl trul sparta cporlikeen spartakeen prtH prtHkln
keen in their I play pla but h unit square squla re as tS a I die dl good goodlosirs goodhostrs
losirs and good ooel winners winnersThens wlln wllnTI wimimterslluert
Thens TI anc wasnt 111 a man there t her who hio wouldnt wouldnthave woulull woulullhal Vould iit iithays V
have hal taken ttlln my 1 money 101 n as a nutter 111tlr of course courseif cou couIr courseV
if IIP 1 lit had hac won WUI It I but they thp all al knew Illw how hiovI
1 was > situated lUIIcl nnd a ii iid none no1 of them I tmnt would wouldbegrudge wouldhrrI VouiIilI
begrudge hrrI I teg rumlge me II tho tl ai money 1n If I should win win1t m Iii IiiIt I IIt
It was nl tIme best lCt sort of a I name 110 to play pIa In Inno 11 iiino
no mercy lrc nnd tn1 mini no nf iriks t ripll in I n it itI It I t tI
I was wn friendly frld1r with nil ni of Iho til I Itn players playershut plyerumbut
hut cine That Flit t wns WI n merchant IllThalt itt named namedBolton Ilnle an mtu I ITtilt
Bolton Ttilt on who hrd IId I CC I r rn a f believed bllld I oh loved been IIPI 1 iemi guilty guiltyof gul1 gui It y yof
of Home 011 sharp shalp shia np prsetlrp ln ot < tip ice In I mu a business hln hush mttss deal dealwith de1wih lCa I Idth
with wih me some S < IP months mOlth Ilp lefore leforeThere hiforeThinro eforl
There Tllre had he hu I not 1t been 1 i r ny n open quarrel qllrnl qnmnrrolhietwtmeit j
between hetwell us If but hit the tl tiling thllV ranklo1 nk in il my mymind 1 nutytiulmitl
mind 1111 and HHI he Il know 111W thrl the tii t it tiid Ho II line linelifid hnil hnilhl1 hindhim
lifid him I tho t Ito Itrl I tVCt end PII miil of the t lie Irrnsrc tn t ri 1 us e rin c tlrn n it so 10 ho hofelt heflt liefelt
felt no 1 < enmity fllit ntaity to me IW in but l1t ws wr v I it rr r r thor tlnr in inrllwd iiirIiial
rllwd < 111 on the th I Itt contrary oltm to t IIP 11 friendly rlnch to a ndprpp adjI ahut
dprpp djI hut I hnd h received r d his hi overtures overturescoolly Iejtln Iejtlnoolh ielVttmnescioi
coolly cioi oolh ly nnd em m nd wis vm mt PS PI ii s n innltor lttI m nit I t em of fret ftcI ti ct figur figuring Ipur IpurIn hi gur gurleg ¬
leg In on on n the possibility posihlll of winning wlnlln fiwi him himtliolwlancp himthl luautlmehm
tliolwlancp thl tlmehm 1m ln1 bunco of oHIPt bet WPPII ICn four find Ild fivnlumdrei fivnlumdreidollars f1 five hunllll hunlllldolal Iiumtiired
dollars dolal 10115 rum which I considered cc ollIle1 th t I i t he hI really reallyowed II ie < liv livTao h howe
owed owe me 10 hut which hih I hind hrd no Ih n hope of eel collecting cufkCllnl eelhoning ¬
honing kCllnl j
Of If course Clur that thl wan W1 vun u I lr bitt d frnmo frmc of ofmind ofmind ofnuhiud
mind to I o In I ii In i while hl plivini 11111 tli vi iig 1 hnve 1 I in ye > notlwd lti i tot ICVd ICVdI d dt j jthut
butt t 111 when iten I find flli nivHIf ldllr in f plnylng p1 u yIiug ln nt ii t nny a n muy one onejiaitlcuhr 01 o rid ridliallicuhir
jiaitlcuhr pal11cullr nntagonht amitagiimift In II a 1 pmy P 111 umay my game gameBuffers gall gallluIer ganilsuffers
Buffers luIer I can tie lo btft h h ft meal Inr I bliisv hlh h liv eviry ivt II IIothLr iy I Iother V Vci
other othLr ci her player play hula ye r can cn Vtl it do Ix h hCSt t wiun hon hetliminrttri hetliminrttriall hI Ilrlnrt t I iniiiirt t tnil j
all al perronal rolal fetllng tllnr front frul th > cam 1 V t nrd nrdplayn lal lalth nidplays
plays against tIne th coinlitiiition lolbi1tion h he is i oppotnd opp oppcumtdto td tdtn j
lo witlinut Ithnl iincilig rhuIJ tImighii out in idlviiliiil idlviiliiilHowovor 11111 11111Howewr I Ih1owtnvr
Howovor I VTS rs plivlnp p1ln nnd I war wnrrcckkfs war warruckkrs
rcckkfs Jellcf ns I I wild 11 arid oll I WIH WI feeling pr prtlouhrly pr11lhrl purt
tlouhrly 11lhrl t Irmibu rly hottlli hrtll 1k > to II Hilton Illfn B ult ri no it I was 1 no nogurt IH V VgrtVlut
gurt grrt wond wOld Omlhtt < r Ihrt I wan lotinc Iinr lwin z as n I was 1l waspret i ipretty I Iprety
prety pret pretty t y steadily umt taely en ti I I for fo r the til frn Ih half lot If hour houl i
The rh rs tffoot efct on m 1 nt fliiit 11t wast I to t mike 1111P m mmorH mmort iiittuimre
morH mort rccklpun reckl and all rv rlI rVVi < r bill1 hit r nnl 1uil con COI consiutimttl i iquentlv
quentlv < iutimttl 11ntl moro 1nlVe I Patu to It it mnko lk mmii k pn iu r rIf phys physIf ph VI
If I had hal net 1f frllin 1111 oi 1 si V m II r w v short shortruns shortruins horlrm
runs rm of f pood root lnk I wulil iv 111 uihl hiiv hl liii V bi h n down downnnd downan1 clownamid
amid out in uhort clue cm ont r < nl r I fr w > wr 11 > playing playinglablo playingtable layln
table Ktnkfi Itak nrd t a u tl ul mh 1 r rIwttcr I h or Im I hui huiif Iml Imlhete hittlhisitter I
Iwttcr hete hick Ilcl thnn t 111 I 01 < > rv rvben d V d I if I lied Ird Irdbun hirmIIiun
ben pInyin phi yimi my IY mini 11111 itt iii I g gwould gn gi m 1 I 11 n fn 1 I 1and Iould Iwould
would ould havo 11 hun e bvn 111 I u anu alvad 111 u i I t d tIbat I
lor1 bat I my li1t tirit hllllld hitmuiuircl a 1rl muI 11 hi aumghmt IIt nn > 11 1111t It Itninth
and 11t life t II hI second 1Clll pi pH WUH gotling gt lug Inw b I ticu ticuI iiiUI I
I nulled myself to5 t cg tbur tburThou t I ii r rltudIm
tllet Thou Thol it i eanio 01 It litO Icrtlr IcrtlrThol tl t < m II l I In 111 I mi u flash 1h that thlt t I at I was wasHearing WII wastica
Hearing nea rn In g tho the t Ito vry 1 > end 111 of C I my I remains osuu ui uiIf f fIf I
If I 1 should holil buy agiH ngVmi Ile nid I l is th tl tl third thirdMark thlre thIrmist
Mark st uuk I wouldbo woo ould It I ho nctupliy Ietlrlr net ute Ily Pitiil i uti mi I is and andthe Itld tu it I II I Ith
the th I Iii tliioi Iln turn hundred hlcrni that 1 111 lit had looked on 01 MI MIlightly i I
lightly lht lIght I ly when wlen I hit down delll wiiild uld ippfnr
II Hid a small 1111 fortuir forI fturtmm I b bc Itig hl gin Olh > ll I lmk ti C I Ihald
hard hi itI knock k aoch to I o nobcr elk I m m Inr in il I mm iliis t lli I thu wiiv Wi ii y nid a mil I Igiil Iu1 I
giil ot u1 tin t i t kucck k ock ns n ivKiilt nsti Mlit It nf what wl I l > li J a1 w wa wi wia 1 <
a fnollnh ro Ih t piny pIa ulay win whll vi it n I inado iad tuia di it itTlm it l t tI I
Tlm 1 I hf mtm mm m1 on Oi flu my Ift a 1 fellow re I 1 namil mnmniIStmswns nm1IStl
CiateN Stmswns IStl wan dealing fPlllg mind nnc no In oni Oi bfon mum niinxlitd 1 mumt
nxlitd Iho t hit I
olnl 111 jnckrrit flu 10 nn 11 had queens UPilis
f o opened lnie > enp < l fo for Iho t hI Iu tl t 17 p > of mm t the t hI pot Iit it wllch wLh VI 1 It vas wassix > vassixdillars rl
sixdillars six Ie I d 1H0 ii ha rim h iilos i lee Mnycd Id I and Ind a mud Holnn 1cIJn lIe In tim who wluiwan I Iwa iiva
wan wa um noxt 10xt to t t him I ii ln to slayed slayedTho si tnle ayed ayedTiti
Tho Th next 111 two 1 W lrojip < d I anti my uti riaht I
< e 11c 1 rII
lined hlnd nclKhbir IlfhhI HnndrlikH Unl r dI PUMI < < IA In It I I
looked 10Iu < fairly ralrl ftul rir well wll iie I I or 01 ir mo 1 mii nsout ni a um Hit out t of a f t IIP Ii thru thruiipaimt t h I I I1jln1 tH
1jln1 H iipaimt ga Inst m 1 two I WVI t linil I pnivicd pnivicdDolliin pldMIIHI i1ss4VtlIloItuut
MIIHI Dolliin might light hav Ial mmcv passKl p 1 blind IIrd V but hiI tIme ilnchau Il tImeohiazucts
chau ohiazucts IIIU B wero welo thut my lt ful1 qmmccn iccnu seem > better bttcr Ltterj4V I
than tha his 1sor bleor or Hondrlokss Hendrokss hand Of course cur course I Icould Icould
could culd not notjudge judge of what Gates Gntl8 might have haveNobody haveNobdy haveNobody
Nobody Nobdy had ad raised mlsd however and that thatlooked thatlooked thatlooked
looked well as far as It wont wontWhen wontI wentWhen
When wel It came to the draw Bolton nlon and nndHbndricks andHendricks nd ndHondroks
I Hbndricks Hondroks each took ono and I decided dccdpd to tostand 10stand tostand
stand pat and bluff on the queens qUlct Gates Gatestook Gatestook
took three thr pt so 8 I figured IKurd that he would lay IlY IlYdown hayclown I
I I down and and I put up 115 115I 16 16I 15I
I wan wal right as to Gates GatEE but to mydu mydurust my mydmtuist dla dlalust
I rust uist Bolton Holon raised mlFc me fifteen ffeln Hondrlcka Hondrlckathen IHcrck IHcrcknen Hencirickimthou
then lust nen folded Coldfd and I was wa left atone ln with Bolton BoltonI Bltn I IIt
I It was practically prcclv ant certain that he had hndI hadfilled I
I I filled fled a 1 strong tllg hand and of course CUI my myI myqu rayqueens
I queens qu enR were WEO worthless wOlthlcl If I it had been any anyono IIY IIYuno anyone
ono of tho other four who had been b en in his hisplnco hisplnco hisplace
plnco I would hn hao vo hid down but my m temper temrxjrgot tlm tempergot r rgot
got the better b ter of me and amid I shoved fhowd my 1 lii who whopile whole wholepie WhiCilSpIle
pile pie In InJ making a raise rais of nearly 120 20 over his huiI hi
I bet h t My Ily ft thought of course coUr was wal that ho howould howould hoV
V would oumld credit crdit me 11 with a strong Itrnghandand iutrongiuandaad hand and lay laydown buyclown Y
down but ho didnt didntWhether didntWhethcr didntVltether
I Whether ho had judged judlo me correctly correctlyfor corretly corretlyfor
for a bluff hlut or whether ho II called rled on general generali genlral genlrali generalprIncIples
i principles I cant cnt say 1 but he called clll nnd nndshowed andsbtownd i ishol
showed shol 1 down dOln a small Im1 straight of course coursewinning coule coursewInning I
winning thin pot poti potThn I0tIIiim
i Tho feeling rlnK tint I deserved dllere to lose the thelaatthlrtyflvo thelast thuslastthilrtyflvo
laatthlrtyflvo last thlrrtt didnt make Iakp me mt any anV any happier happl happIeror r ror
1 or decrease dor my hostility hoatllt to Bolton Bolon but butI butdid bittit
I it did have the U1C effect Iftt of bracing braeIn mo up upand upand upamid
and I bought bou ht tIme thC last hunrirpd hUMrld with Ith the fine finei fne fneI fInedctrinimurution
i determlintlnn dlrmlnton that I would cash calh in this thnmoment thAmOl1nt thismomnnt
moment mOl1nt I found fuld myfielf even 11 with wih the gamp gatnoI
I had lost 10lt all ni ambition ambiton to come cme out a winner winnerbut wllnlr wllnlrhil wIntrierhut
but hil I was 1 desperately dII1ltllv resolved rolve to go broke brokeor Irol
V or get rt bark tho whole of my Ir three thrc hundred hunerd hunerdA hundredi
i It ohanco for start storttmpwnrd
Ai A i happened my ohalC a 1 81r
1 upward cnmo Cnl on thai th very vlry next lxt deal efal which whichof whichof whIchof
of counie courI wait wal Boltons oltonI It I was WI a jack jackot jackpot jackI
pot I ot > on his hl It I ptruight Ftrlpht st nt Ightt and anc It passed pa all a I I tho thowny thowar I lie lievny
war vny around nrund to tl Gates late Ihadn I had a four rOlr straight straightking straIghtIcing tralghtIdng
king high highGates hIghGates
I Gates Gatcf oicned it for five f and tho other otherfour otherI otherfour
four all al came In 11 That mado thirty thlry dollar dollarin dollarsIn < olnO
I in thc not nnd it only onl took tok marn five tw for mo to topiny t toplay
pt had raised I judgedthru judgedthat
play for no ono 010 rLd judged judKtdthat
I that the hand was II worth tho money as asI a asI
I had not only a chance of a 1 straight ttralght but butj butalso
j i also n 1 chanco for a pair of kings klolM or queens queensI qUllns qUllnsI
I I or Jacks Kings Inps or queens qUlen might rnI hit perhaps perhapsl perhap
l he > o enough enOuch to t t call cl on Thai I could culd not notjudge notI riotjutlge
I judge jud I of ti tilh ill later Iltlr but I put up tho five and anc anditnd
1 waited waitedIn waltId waltIdI itnd itndin
In tho thO th draw each Iach man excepting excCptlng Gates Gatestook Oatl Outistook
took ono nn card cart and ho took three thr It wan wana W
I a 1 doubtful dOlhlful outlook for him hIm and he laughed laughedas laugheelI
as I ho threw thrlw in a whllo whlo chip without Itholt even evenlooking 1en10olln evenlooKIng
looking at It his h draw drawI drawhiat
I I 10olln What hiat show Rho have haC I got against < t five fleonp fleonpIlard flnomie flnomiecard one onecard
Ilard card draws he said carelessly carelA81 hut bo bofore b bfor befort
fore for It emw got around to me it i looked very veryi
i t much mULh an A If ho h lit might mllht have haC a show for they theyall theyal theyt
t all al laid down heir t hands handsI h nd ndI
I had waited as ho had done don before beforelooking betoreIHoklng beforelooking
looking I nt wall my draw drw I to sec se what tho hue others otheiswould othelswoule otherswould
would woule do and when whol It came cale my turn tur I Ipiekpj II IllehCkl
piekpj up icy card It wns I a king klnp and andwithout andwlhoul andwithout
I without wlhoul tho I slightest lghtt limitation lYltatlon I shoved shovedJW Ihoo shovedrt
JW n in the pot Kit I had made mlll up my mind to todo t toI
I do t 10 it before blrnrl I saw what I had caught calpht for forI
I couldnt have had n better betor chance for a abluff aI ahhuff
I bluff hluf especially Iptoial OB I I had just been n caught caughtin
in ono and Ind might mlrht he supposed RUPP6e to be afraid afraidto afraWto
to try t rs another onoso omit so soon soonGatw Ioon Iooncal soonGates
anotler 111P
Gates f puzzled for fully fuly two minutes minutesbefore minut minuthroro minutesiinfore
before cal deciding pU1loc what to do and I could couldSPO ouldr
SPO r t hot coldlnp he was wal looking at me ca very ver carefully carefullyAt careful carefullyutlast
At utlast t last IIP h said saidYoure saidYoure saIdYoure
Youre a pretty pretr bold player I wouldn wouldntsuppose t tsuppose tFUPI1P
suppose that thlt a man would OU try tho came camej Fale FaleI matnesort
j I sort lort of a play two deals del In succession fuccOflon whon whonne whenhe
hI he ne goi got ot rnumu rnlght oautght the inn first mm time univ but uui honest honAlitInjun honestInjun uii n nInjun
I Injun I belIeve youre ourl bluffing And ho hoput hepul hueputt
put up tho fifty fiftyIt fiftyIt
I It wan a good call but I won the pot poti potin
I i in sPIte pit 0 ofit of of it for he had a pair of kinK kingflthe kinKame kingsthin
the same nn I had hut his next card was a atenspot aten1I11Ot atenspot
tenspot and andmlno mine of course wax a queen queenThat queenI queenThat
That gave Ia me about SRO 80 moro to play playwith pInywith playwith
I with and I decided that it was time for forme torml1 forme
me to play plll cautiously autlO1LI for the rest of the thegamo thisgonnA
I gamo a mo so eu I f stuck to thin u safe end and nureed nureedmy nureedI11Y nursedlay
my pile up ti to 3H 304 In the course of half an anI anh anhour
I hour h ur morn Then Im glad to pay sa I had hadfpn hadI htmlPpne
I fpn Fl1ngl e enough to cash in inYou InI ittott
I You ott might think that an experience experiencelike
j like Ilk that would tend to make me more moroliable moreIlahlp moreliahulcm
liable to nlay la four flushes flualmosand and four foniretraigluts foniretraiglutsbitt straight straightbut ftrlithtfhut
but it didnt There wan nothing in it itto IIto itto
to upset thn lino of reasoning which nv nvI pVI
I I said convinced me that its not the boot bootpoker h bestpoker t tpokCr
srrrs TO FORTLK FORTLKOdd 01lTlEOlld
Odd Things That Start Home Mm In In tpCalf tpCalfor C Cof
or a Trolley Troll Motornmn MotornmnSomo MetormanSirno otorman otormanmo
Somo > mo men are spurred to great endeavor endeavorby
by ono thing th lIR some by another said Mr Mrflozyleton MrGoz7lelon
flozyleton No 0 end of men really own owotheir owntheir
their success in life to Insult or misfortune misfortuneA
A good hard snubbing has stirred up many manya
a man to a stern resolve to get ahead aheadof ahlador
of the Ih snubber and and many a man In his hisefforts hisIITort hisefforts
efforts to retrieve his losses has discovered discoveredIn
In hirnsnlf hirn > elr strength and ability far greater greaterthan preaterthan greaterthan
than he had over dreamed himself hlm lf possessed possessedof
of and gone on to greater success than thanever thaneer thanevtr
ever everBut But things much less serious than these thesethings thl4thingll thesethuimigs
things most unlooked forand trivial lni things thingsperhaps thlngfIdlap thingsixrhiaps
perhaps may ml start a man up as well I Iknow Iknow Iknow
know for instance a man a most prosper prosperous prollperOL prosperou4 ¬
ous man he is i now in n thriving Western Westerncity Wltlrncitro Westerncity
city who owes his great success in life to totciK tohelnlt tohieing
helnlt tciK left on a crossing by the motorman of ofn ofa ofa
a trolley car carHe carUe carlie
He was n man earning fair living pay paythiH paythl paythis
this thl Western tern chap chaplInd and well wllIlnough enough satisfied satisfiedwith IIatlsflldwith satisfiedsklt
with his lot and if this thing hadnt hap happened hapIed happruet1 ¬
pened to stir him up I suppose he would wouldhavo wouldhllve wouldhiavo
havo boon h n working away for wages still stillbut IItillhut stillhut
hut whon hed been left behind throe days daysin dav8in dayslit
in one week by one particular motorman motormanwho motornlnwho motornuanwhitu
who didnt seem to care whether anybody anybodyliked anbodyiIllprl anylodyhIhec
liked iIllprl it or not but just scooted RCOOt past and andleft andIt andleft
left It > ft the people p opl there why wh this young OU1 man manto manto manto
to whom tIll t lie > net nctlon ion of the t hue motorman proved proveda
a very er sharp spur indeed made up hl his mind mindhe mindI
he I > was going to do something somethingThe
The lte motorman was a heap bigger than thanho thanhe thanhin
ho was al so ho couldnt lick him but what whatbo whnthI whathit
bo did make up his mind to do 10 was to buy buytho buytlI bu but
tho t hiti railroad nnd so get the power to kick kicktills ide ideI
tills 1 his motorman mot orl11a out figuratively as to the thekiok thekick
kick but literally as to tho result resultXor resultNor
Nor was this scheme by any means so sovisionary sovlhumtaiy
visionary as it might seem The stock stockof stockif
of if this road at that timo was selling for fornothing fornouhiing
nothing or next to It the road paid no nodividends noIiVItttidi5
dividends and nobody wanted it There Therereally Thereltahly
really wasnt a very great amount of money moneycomparatively moneycommiuaratiely
comparatively speaking required and the thoyoung theyoummig
young man sot to work earning It ItHo itlie
Ho worked harder and ho worked longer longerthan longerthan
than ho had ever done before and his zeal zealand zealamud
and energy and ability soon got him bettor bettornnd bettormmdl
nnd more profitable work to do BO that thatlie thatbin
lie began to earn double the money he had hadbeen hadlucomi
been earning and it wasnt very ery long be beforo before ¬
fore ho revelled in the possession of hid first firsthundred firsthunuirotl
hundred shares of the stock of the road roadwho road roadwhtoo
who whtoo o indifferent motorman hod started startedhim started1dm
him up to work for it itThis itruts
This motorman by the way still on the theroal thisreai
roal still occasionally gave my friend a achanco achatico
chanco to wall nhh for thin next car all un unknowing unknowIng ¬
knowing of course as ho shot past him of ofwhat ofwhiat
what ho was doing And f ivory time that thatthat thuattuial
that did I appon of course the young mans mansrosolvo niansrimeolve
rosolvo was as strengthened his j hiurpose hiurposetliuln > ur > o6c o6cmado
mado firmer than I ever everAnd overAnmi
And now omitting ouiult tinig the c Vtnils ° taiis and sac com coming coinleg ¬
leg right down lo t a the facts In something
lnsn than five years lie bod n majority of ofIho ofI
Iho I Ito stock of thin road and elected hect ci hlrnrelf hlrnrelfitn hilnuurelits
its president Ilint 1 limit was mnUlm pretty prettyquiclc rcttv rcttviUCl
quiclc iUCl work of it you think I Well I r dont
know ilinls ihiat um the way fortune comes to tojioople tohOP1C
jioople who really work hard enough to todeserve totieserve
deserve it itAnd ItAmid
And then you suppose ho promptly
fl 9l xl Uio oTniullnrT molorrrnn Xo he hepxvtly hat
t pxvtly To that I > t id put him In Ini
i IIP Ii car itI Ilirn < r m n u MP < rnlnr < cniF 8IF
bit lxmfo Mforn long le l It f Mm vo ls old oldold tulcioli
old jib j thu IwvkthPiP iwik them was as notMng mpnn mpnnor mcmiiior
or vindictive Hlxuit the t hue new president presidentand
and ant I llo t ho nirit orinnn didnt ci Id nt run ru a pat past > t nnv nnvIxxly a n
Ixxly nftrr ll that at for hn hi 1 had ad sense trough troughto
to I tm prolt by I y I IIP good hard han I jolt j it IIP hud bath
in ll I I inexporUwi Is nnd nun In thin courro of oftime oft
time t liii In lsm went V4 it higlpr It jg on thin road thnnkr thnnkrntfitin t I snip sniptmztitt
ntfitin to Ic I lie mini who iio oed his great rood roodfortune goodftmrtumnic
fortune primarily to thin roinpamilvnlv roinpamilvnlvtrivial colnpariit ivols ivolsI
trivial I m I hit I olreumntriicp ci reuiruust V tlCd of beinp hsimt g left I rilml eLI nut
ly 1ih t luI mrtortran on n pre rrclig ng
You h me rniv ui youd U ci liko lih to know of roiio roiioIhriving rettnI
Ihriving I Wenteni st lii town like ilk thai w vl ore erptrolley oret
trolley t rtl ty roalc rouU con ili 1 bought bout ghu I rrnp VIICfl ii nnd nndvVio a nul null
vVio l yon VO i roiild coil I po nnd Mnnd SI mi mm I on n crnK crnKing crrttsmug
mug aiii havp lii vi KOIIIP inrtonrnn run I liii furl furlvou run
vou nnd ti it i mnlc > you m i Vfl irml youd you m cl ro ft am It at
Imv I ems i he un road and an > o felt feltill j
Well ill vou tni might not thin niir ipnrx unnr unnriutVm i ipphmn
iutVm like t bnt itrotirid now lii t is yrur li i iiers
pphmn bm ilTiV JUM n as gopi oier oieroption et etnpsinl
option unit ins lying rround pvorvwlnup pvorvwlnupYRltitiR e est
YRltitiR st uig for nni < l ltoIy > ody to grasp I hem hem hemlit
In fact teo aro now aa s over moro moreV I
You are now putting th thfinishing thfinishing
finishing touches to your yoursummer yoursummer
summer home or yacht yachtHave yachtVH
VH Have you thought that thatwithout thatwithout
PIANO PLAYfcR it lacks lacksthe Iack Iackthe
the crowning jjlory ot a asummer t tSUh1fl1h
summer home There 1 here is isnothing isnothing
nothing which will make so solargely solargely
largely for your pleasure pleusursand pleasureand
and happiness and that of ofyour or oryour
your guests as this marvel marvellous marvelbus ¬
bus entertainer entertainerIf
If you wish to experiment experimenttha
tha th firstseasonan APOLLO APOLLOmay APOLLOmay
may be rented rentedSend rentedSend
Send far cr Illustrated Bootlet No 7 7The 7The
The APOLLO Company CompanyAf0lJ
Af0lJ AIOll HIMUHNO tot IMPril AVKNTK N T Tllctwrrn IlldtwcOO
llctwrrn 17th and 18th Slreew SlreewANDKHSOX StreeIANliEltdO
ANDKHSOX It CO 370 FLITOV ST DrnoVlyn DrnoVlynopportunities flmookInopportunIties
opportunities than seekers for forto to say saysomething saysomething
something of thorn prompted by just plaIn plaiaambition plaInambItionninny
ambition ambItionninny many as are tho tuose e who by h onus onaodd onusodd
odd cause and another great or trifling triflingare
are happily spurred on to fortune there therenre thieroare
are many more whom nothing can stir stirwho stirwho
who are satisfied to plod along just aa aathey asthiey
they are who will never got out of tha thasame thiesante
same old rut no matter how hard or in inwhat inwhat
what mannnr you spur 4etn 4etnAT cnn cnnIT
AT THE OIL LOT HItOtnS HItOtnSIrsnKfurlrrn lIlOfVDSPraakfurtciw
IrsnKfurlrrn and anther Ice Cream Instead of ofPennuts ofPeamiuts
Pennuts at a Hall iamp iampPeanuts lanicPeanuts
Peanuts are sold to the patrons atrons of the thenational thenational
national game at the Polo Grounds frank frankfurters frankfurtere ¬
furters and and Ice cream to tho th spectators spectatorsof
of the great game on the vacant Iota ground groundon
on Sunday SundayAt
At many a one of th these > se Sunday game gamethe gamesthe
the Interest in the rport Is great and th thcrowd the thecrowd
crowd large amid the frankfurter seller selleran
an d the Ice cream vender make for them themas
as they would for a fair or for any holiday holidaygathering hohidaygathering
gathering Here In the Intervals between betweenthe betweenthe
the Three balls or the Strike of the thnumpire theumpIre
umpire and the goodnatured chaff or orfriendly orfriendly
friendly cheers of the rooters for OUR side sideor sld sldor
or the other you hear the warble of thus thofrankfurter thusfrankfurter
frankfurter man manHere manhere
Here they are now and they are all allhot allhuot
Theyre mostly boys tho he frankfurter frankfurtermans frankfurtermiuuntm
mans custoiners here and watching the thoame thegame
game ame and their appetite always good goodgeneral goodthtey
thtey buy a frantlifurtet to emihianeo thuetr thuetrgeneral
general enjoyment of the occasions occctsions Its Itsvonh ItsV
vonh V Oil hi whIle to I 0 se the t he frankfurter man manservo mtuamiserte
servo them for lies lightning lightningPIcking
Picking up ono of his long torpedo torppdoIxjalshaped torpedoboahishuapeci
Ixjalshaped rolls in ono hand ho lays laysit
it open from stem to m stern rn with om omsingle onsingle
single swift swipe with a knife held in inthe iiithe
the other With a single jab into the thnboiler theboiler
boiler he spears a sausage nnd and lays laysit
it along in in the cleft of the roll and andthen andtbumn
then before you realize what lies up to at atall atall
all he has swept down over the length of ofit ofIt
it with the spoon out of the mustard pot potand potand
and left on the sausage a trail of mustard murtnrdFinished mustardFinished
Finished Not yet Again he forks forksInto forkslute
Into the boiler and brings up this tIme a alittle mmlittle
little bunch of hot sauerkraut which hn hnlaya hishays
hays on thin sausage closing now the roll rollupon rollupon
upon both some frInge of the sauerkraut sauerkrautprojecting eaumnrkrumuttprojecting
projecting appetizingly and hands thiS thowhole thiSwhole
whole over to the waiting small boy irV irVjust I Ijust
just no time at all Throe cents eniutsStriker i iStriker
Striker out says the umpire umpireHooray V
Hooray Fays a man looking on nt th thgame the thegame
game aa a player on the side hes for slides slidesthrough slidesthrough
through a cloud of dust lust to second secondNow second secondNow
Now hit em Bill says another lo thus thoman thusman
man at this bat and easily quickly not at atall atall
all obtrusively but heard till the same sameHere samej
Here they are now and theyre all hot hotsays hotsays
says the frankfurter man and ho does not notlook nothaok
look for customers customersOver oust oniers oniersOver
Over on the other side of the field in the theice theice
ice cream man doing n fair business too tooand tooaitd
and helping on that side as the frank frankfurter frankfurter ¬
furter man does on his to give a little Httllife littlelife
life and variety and picturesqueness to the thesceno thescene
scene scenoPeanuts scenePeanuts
Peanuts at the Polo Grounds ice cream creamand creamand
and frankfurters at the ground of the theopen thusopen
open lot lotSin lotcni
Ttifj Called Him in Yuk at indover ndovcrHhI ndovcrHhIthitaiI lib libIlstttll
Ilstttll inside IIU III Shirt ShirtFrom ShirtFrom
From the Karmas City Slur SlurOf StarOf
Of nil the Ito stories that have been written writtenand writtenand
and told of Sir Llanir Chen Tune the new newMinister newuhlmuister
Minister from China to the United States Statesnone Statesnone
none la more pleasing to Americans than thnntales thantiles
tales oi o hU school days nt Phillips Acad Academy Acadrnn ¬
emy rnn Andover nearly neari twentylive year yearago
ago when he was almost an American Men Menwho Mciiwho
who were then associated with him as boys boystogether
together liked PI Yuk Uane as he wax thnn thnnknown thieniknown
known HU nationality they entirely for forcot forgot
cot They completely loot sight of that thatpeculiar I Ipeculiar
peculiar inborn feeling which mo most < t Ameri Americans kmnicans ¬
cans posses that there Is something quier quorabout i iabout
about a Chinaman Chiaatnnnthat that he U ii not like other othormen othernice
men The lids at Andover retarded Pi Yule Yuleas U
as one of themselves It la their testimony testimonyof V
of him that he was wjis just a rollicking clean cleanwellnvinnered cleanwehImuunercd
wellnvinnered sportlovinR boy boyTier boyTier3
Tier are men in Kansas City nnd its itsvicinity itsvicinity
vicinity who were classmites of PI Yuk YukArthur uk ukArthur
Arthur C Coates and W A Nettlcton of ofKansas ofKansas
Kansas City and H W Woloott of Ixvivon Ixvivonworth betvcniworth
worth knew him well at Phillip Academy AcademyThey keademiwTheyroomed
They Theyroomed roomed In the same house Mr Coatp Coatproom oatss oatssroom >
room was on the name floor and adjoining adjoiningthat I Ithat
that of the boy who has been awarded on onof one
of the highest positions which his country countrycan
can five him They Kindled together and andthey
they played together They Theylook took lone walk walkand wnlkand
and they the enjoyed their school boy pranks pranksin
in common Mr Coates regard him a on onof nutof
of the best and most intimate of his its school schoolboy schoolboy
boy friend friendPi friemmdsPS
Pi Yuk add Mr Oaato utte came to the theschool thisschool
school In IS79 He entered the third year yearof
of th course which nude him a member of ofmy ut utnut
my clmw cluussVVthe tho diem of M He was then a alad ahad
lad of about 17 years earu4 n large robust hand handsome
some young follow full of fun and spirit spiritThere spiritsThere
There were several of these Clilneno hofK hofKnt
nt Phillips nt that time t cannot recall not notof a aof
of them by by name except Pi Yuk uk and nU imm immmHtp r rmete
mete Lieu bin Lieu LieuOn j jOn
On the floor of Mcfurdrs houpc when whnmy whennil
my r rome om wn was there was only 001 one other room romnnnd roomand
and these two Chinese boys occupied It to tof tocthter V
ether When hien they were not In mu my room roomwas rudeI
f I was In their room and WP used lo hnva hnvasumo hini hinisonic
sumo mIghty good ood times tiicethcr tiicethcrWhile ugttbrWhile
While I knew both of these hor lays inti intimately inthntatehy ¬
mately I knew Il Yuk especially well We Wemised Va Vaused
used tii tike lone walks together in thi > moon moonllcht tuuointhtcht
llcht He was always n creit lover of nntunv nntunvThe nutttrThe
The women of Amoln never bait n morn mornstinch tmunrestamuch
stinch admirer than Ii Yuh t uk lie iI used lo losiy tosay
say Joculaily Joetihium ly that some day he would marry marrysome marrysome
some niftly Ammlpin A itt bait cll and spend tIm Hiiremainder tImrelutit
remainder relutit Indnr of hi hi Is ddj lit < 11 thl 1 it itt coiinfy oiint wiuvli wiuvlihe aim iihm iihmhe
he loved so WOO wpuTo WOOrt
To rt tell the Iuti wn iv never thought of ofPI ofrI
PI Yuk nnd lii liii iiisool itfs ns Chinese IKIJM IKIJMnt tiiiv tiiivSt
nt all Tiny Ilit y IopRTd JUKI lle other liny linyt tuuyst
t i us is Thei plitlilns WHH just tie s seniun seniunms mo moHH
HH nuts nnd liny fit y wo e their nlitiiU down downthe dcwnthe
the barks of thi Ii I nek o that on could couldsec
sec only diii I 11 smill em 4 II plrrp pIn V i of them tt taut They Th wro wromnniy ivruiii
mnniy iii i I ijy hry Ii y 4 too t in olm mi mnrally mit 014 h and well wellbred weltbred
bred PI Yik ik especial y WIK pojeiwvl nf nfrhnirnlne ofchin
rhnirnlne chin mmdcc mnnneis S tad su > ris is u younw Bintli1 Bintli1man menttlumnmmlu
man of I hi firs wt wtThr mi t r rihui
Thr ihui hti st l hs i ntioiit thu lit Ii Y ik u k s < < ha huuchal ohill I ability abilityhave a bill t y yhave
have ntH lien fSiKKPratj in tho least II Iiwits ii iiwas
was a 4irndil ui nut I 1 I II I t hr tu nndvpy itt d vi y cnth isiastin tsi ast ii iier i iover
over er tin1 lit KUIIIP smlt I douht IT hi t IIIA lost any nf nfliU ofIi
Ii liU Is old time t tnuu lovrt Ijv fur fi r n Kmd ti id ball gante ame DIM DIMclinmiH rh rhtli
clinmiH tli a lit 5 ale 8t C IIP nill lie 0 n fnmlliir a in ii I flcure nt th thluiil tImIitii
luiil paik pat k In Uusllntt in ll lie I to rtdiqhtd Il Ilnil Ithl
nil hl mit etfdurur ofd or KKiiti ti but wtin iti cn clHllv clHllvfund
fund of linixiinll lie wan n rrKiilnr pithi pithiKII llt m mmi
KII mi thi I hi Ktin t ini nf l lit s shod hoilnlieaiirt ti I te a lid wix V VtS noi noias I It
t I d as nn nf e f I4r inniit mi t < o ilheili lhme i d < liind liindIl ii mmii mmiiI
I tt the t
Il Ynk utk iii1 hit i count n fli T WPP nv nvr nvVt
r II Vt > t > criid i t free IM 1 n Hi II t luc ilili luct
li t it tiTmiPl varftlim fnniwinr futoimu tl I s iuil iuilar I ISr
ar iin rirtisii crut a fot r on t hmn Hnd dh dhi di divItm
i Itid wltli IIIIKII Item i i it t tries IO > M woin woinhpiimli7
hpiimli7 1 tuu iii aitocftirr t ito cc tuer Wn Arnci 10 Ci iiitnid I V j ii C I u utiiv 14
tiiv Lit tviiftn of ef hU re re1om j < oi t vtny ltie waro i vs < U 4i