4 4
I I 1 Joy of Battling With th thSavage the theSavage thI
I I t Savage Muskallonge MuskallongeFJfiflTS Muskal1ongefUfT Muskallongeii
i 1 < h I Great Get Ferocity Feroit Strength Stregth an anVitality and andI anVitality <
Vitality of the Fish FishTwo FishI Fishrwo
I Vialty
I l Two To Methods or Catching It I One Sporti Sportimanlike Sprts Sportimanlike
1 manlike manlke the Other ohrr Not Note The Sporto Spor Sporto Spr Sprto
to De KnJoyMl 1nJorl Not Very 1 Far Eu Fron FronNew Fm FmNew
1 New York orkOutnt Outnt Ilcqutrrd ntulrr Jlcqutredlltw JlcqutredlltwkaIonge Altu Altukallonce
kallonce kalonce Getting Grtlnc Smaller mIUrrFIelnl mIUrrFIelnlon Faiclnk Faiclnktloni
Hon on of Trout TOlt Fishing Flhlnc at NHht NllhtWa NllhtWaor Way Wayof
of the IllnU Ilnl Th That t Fish Flhpower FthPowet Power or i iSmall a atml i
1 Small tml ntII Calibre nine Rne Tested Trte on a Bear BearEvery Drr DrrEvr flearj
j Every Evr barrier to the legal lelal taking of flsl flslIs fsh fshil flslI
I Is down now and Ind from Juno JUlO 1 until unti the toI id idpets Ic IcIts
I pets Its In i the angler may llvo 10 and have his hlibeing hisblna liLII
II i being blna without fear ear of the game warden wardenOf
I Of all al American Inland Inlald fishes fshes whose whosehabitat whoR whoiI
I habitat habltat is II readily readiy reached rached by the sports sportsman spors sporsmn sportsmn
man mn greatest gratfst IH 11 b tho muskallonge mnskalonpe Thii Thiigreat Thlagat ThuI
I great gat flsh tsh i Is I found in Northwestern Norhwe ter lakes lakesonly lakesony IakeI
I only ony a nights ride from tho large towns o othe of ofthe oz
z j3 J the West and even the New Yorker wh whdoes who whodol whdoei
does dol not care cre to fish fsh the St Lawrence Lwrnc sys systern system iyiI
I tt tern for tho huge hugl swimmer can an get out to th thWoods the theoos thiI <
I Woods woOd5 of Minnesota or Wisconsin In less lesithan lesstha leathan
than tha thirty thiry hours and them put In days ol olexcitement of ofexcloment o oj
j excitement excloment which ho will wi remember a along M Mlong aI
I I long as I ho lives livesThe lves livesI
I l The 10 muskallongo muskalongo is 1 h > much luch like Iko other otheimembers othermember othejt
t members member of tho pike family famiy In appearance appearanceIndeed appearanc
1 Indeed there therl are many man men ln unable Inablo to tel tolthe tol telk
k the muskallongo muskalonlo from the t ht great Irlat Northern Northernpike Norher Norherpike Northerrpike
pike but there thel is a wide wid difference ditennce In the thedisposition thoj th thdispoaltion
j disposition dlplton of these t he fishes flhls and they t hlY are ar not notall notal no noalt
all al alike alko once thoy tho are fastened to the end endof ondof endofailne
of ofailne ofailneI n line lineAll lne lneAl
I All Al true tro pike are born bor fighters fghters The Thebiggest Te Tebiggest Th ThI
I TA biggest and fiercest fer st of them t rarely rNly show showon Bhowon showr
r on the surface surfac when hooked hooktd and when their theirfins theirfns
f fins fns do see so daylight daylgh it is I ii only for an Instant Instanta
a sullen sulen roll rol and down they go again de depending depnding dot ¬
t pending pnding almost alnolt wholly holy on strength strengh and andweight andweight andI
I i weight to obtain their freedom freedol fre dom displayinglittle displaying displayinglittle displayinglte
little lte activity actviy and little litlo gameness guinonessThe garene6 gamenessThe
The Te biggest pike that ever swam if it itgets I itf
f gets gts the th th butt but hard har and Is reeled rele savagely savagelywill Bvagty Bvagtywl savagelywill
will wl surrender urender utterly uterly in ten minutes the thewalleyeel thewal thewIIleyel
walleyeel wal d variety arfty will wi quit within wthin a minute minuteand mluto mlutoand minuteU
> U and come cme to the tugging of the reel ree as astamely 8 a atamely
tamely taely as l a croppie but the muekallonge muekallongebred muskalonge muskalongebr
t bred br In cold cld water and ad recklessly savage savageby savageby
1 by nature natur will wi fight fght generally genoraly so long as n It Itbos Ithu Itx
x bos a dash da or a surge in it itMany ItMay ItMany
Many May a flsh fsh sh of this thi kind has hn ha been ben lost lostafter lostater batafter
after ater being bing reeled relec to the boats bats boat ° s side Ilde and andheld andheld andheld
held with wth its Is head hea out of water while whie the theslow theslow theslow
slow guide gide prepared prpartd to shoot It through throughthe throughthe throughi
i the head hea for there thor Is II often oten an ounce ounc of ofdesperate atdeprato ofdesperato
desperate deprato fight tgh left deep down In a beaten beatenmuskallonge baten batenmUkalonge beateninuskallonge
muskallonge mUkalonge and just at the tle second fcond when whenthe whenthe wheni
i the revolver rvolver Is I presented prlsentel and the angler anglerIs anpler anplerIs
1 Is mentally mentaly estimating estmatng tho weight a final finaltremendous fnal fnaltrmondot finaltremendous
tremendous trmondot flirt fr and surge are given tho tholine tholne theI
I line lne snaps Inps or the hook straightens stralghtenl or the thobarb thebarb thec
c barb is loosened loosned and the supposed supposd victim victimis victimI ctm
I 4 is 1 aw away y once onc more to freedom freedomFishing trEdom trEdomr freedomt
t r Fishing 1bhng in waters water which hlch contain both bth the thegreat th6gt thec
c great gt pike and the muskallonge mulalonge a man manmay manmy manA
A It may my tell tel almost instantly Instanty what variety varety he hehas heh hec
c has h struck strck by the te behavior of the te fish fsh If Ifthe I Ifv
v i the fighter fshtr stays under uder and puts on a steady steadysullen stay staysulen steazjyi
i sullen sulen drag that is 1 pike if it be b muskal muskallonge mukal mukallonge niuskalg ¬
g longe that is hooked the fisherman fsherman will willknow wi willknow
know it soon for the active ativo vicious vclou thing thingat
t at the far end of the line Ino after aft r a jerk or ortwo ortwo orI
I two will wi come cme straight Itraght to the surface and andthrow andthrw
2 throw thrw It Its It length lengt in air ar shaking Ihaklnj Its It huge hugehead hngehe
1 head he as violently Tlolenty and rapidly as a the beating beatingwings batng batngwngl beatingt
t wings wngl of a grouse gro aud when it I strikes strkes the thewater thowar thewator
water war it will wi strike it I head downward dowward with withbody wit withbody
body by curved throwing every ounce our of ita itaweight Itawight Itsweight
weight wight against the tackle tackleMen tackleen tackleMen
Men en call l that a game boss ba which leaves leavesthe leave leavesthe
the water twlco tlo In leaps Ill of two feet high highor
or more mor but the muskallonge mukalonge in prime primecondition prme prmecnditon primecondItion
condition cnditon will wi leap a half hal dozen times tmes in a afight aflht afight
fight flht of t n minutes minut duration duraion and there ther U Urecord i isr
r record of ono which went into the air not notless notlea I
rr ar
less 16 than tan twenty times tmes in a half hourse hours hoursfight hourI
e fight fght It seemed tmld to t the man mln who caught caughtthis caughtthIs ught ughtth
this th fish tah that it was above abv water most of ofthe ofte oft
t the te time tme and ad his most vivid recollection reclectlon of ofthe orte ofthe
the te struggle strggle U I of a powerful silvery Rivery body bodyoutlined bdy bdyoutned bodyoutlined
outlined the horizon
outned against agant borzon seeminglyten seemingly somlnglytn
ten tn feet fet high highThe highTe highi
i The Te muakallonge mukal0nge in reality ralty will wi go from fromthroe rrm rrmir fremiI
iI throe ir to four feet out of tho thC th water and ono onoexceptionally onoexcptonaly onoexceptionally
exceptionally excptonaly powerful and having at attained attned attamed ¬
tamed tned exceptional oxcptonal impetus ImptU may go five flvefeet fve fvett fivehot
feet tt out The fish fsh which proved pred itself itselfsuch Itel itesifrd
rd such a leaper was wa taken last Ia t October Octobtr from fromthe fromthe
1 the waters watI of Connors Lake Lke In Sawyer Sawyercounty Swyer Swyercunty Sawyeri
i county cunty Wis It was not not of extraordinary extraordinarysize oxtraorlnary oxtraorlnarylz
size weighing IS pounds but male malein malett
I lz welghlnl pund was WI a Inae InaeIn
tt in perfect prfect condition conditionUnder cndition cnditionUnder conditioni
i Under ordinary ordlnlry circumstances cJrcumHtacs it would wouldhave wouldhave wouldhave
have undoubtedly undoubtely obtained obtaned its Is freedom freedombecause freom freombause freedomil
il because bause the te strain and shaking Ihaklng to which whichit
I it subjected subjeted tho hook would have loosened loosenedany loosne loosenedi
i any common cmon hold This fish fsh however howeverhod howeerha howeverhad
had ha struck strck a No o 0 spoon spon which had three threeUrge thr three1arge
Urge hooks hoks behind It had struck strck with ith forcend force forcend forc
ad nd jaws wide open opn being bing hungry and ad all alltfireo al alltree
tr tree of tho hooks hookl had ha fastened one in intho Into inL
L the to lower jaw near nea the right rght corner crner of tho themouth thomouth thor
r t mouth one in the corner crner of the mouth and andono andono andr
r ono in tho upper uppr jaw Capturing Capturng the flsh flshBO fsh flhso
BO 8 badly baly struck was wn only a question of line linestrength 1M 1Mf linestrength
strength strngth and ad time tmo It stood no chance chanceto chace chaceto
to get away from tho barbs barbsThere barbl barbsThero
f There Ter are two methods of fighting fghtng the themuskallongc themUkalongo themuekalbongo
muskallongc mUkalongo one of them highly sports sportsmanlike lprl lprlmnlke sportsmanlIke ¬
manlike mnlke the other unsportsmanlike unsprtsmanlke and andbrutal andbrutal andbtl
brutal btl The To latter lter Is much tho more com common cm cmmon cornmon ¬
mon method and ten years yerl ago was wal uni universal unlI Un Unversal ¬
I versal ver1 Of late lte years it is still stl general but buthas butblexCptol
4 has blexCptol exceptions exceptionsThis exceptionThis
This Tis method consists conists in the angler Ingler sitting sittingon sittng sittngon
p on tho rear rer thwart of the boat while whie the theguide thegide
1 l guide gide rows slowly around arund a lake keeping keepingHi
t 16 feet fet out from the line lne of lily Iy pads pdf or wildrice wl wild <
4 3 rice rco growing gowing In the shallower Ihal0wer water When Whenfeeding V ThenIf en enfeing
If V feeding feing tho mvlsknllonge m lkllonge ensconces enlconcc Itself ItselfIn Iselt IseltIn ItselfY
Y In inthiscorertand this thi covert cvert and dashes out upon upn uponany any prey preythat pry prytt preythat
that tt swims swim by byTho byTo byi I
i Tho To angler has hal a stout short rod rd a line linetested lne linef
f tested tte to a breaking breking strain of thirty pounds poundsand pUns pUnsand
4 4 and a spoon spon with wih either oiher a threehook thehook gang gangor
r t or single hook behind bhlml it I generally glnoraly the thegang the thegang
gang He le lets out from forty to sixty feet feetof fet fetof feetof
of violently volenty volenty11m line lne and BO 8 trolls trols the spoon spon spinningViolently spinning spinningviolently fplnnng fplnnngvolenty
When 11m the muskallonge mlskalonge strikes the guide gide
immediately Imelately head for deep < eop water er pulling pulng pullingft
ft strong Itrongltcdy steady stroke and dragjlngthe dragjlngtheHah draglng draggingtheflab the thef
Hah f away from the pads pds or rice rl The Tle guide gide gideI
I keeps kep on rowing and the angler keeps ktpl on
holding to t the rod which hlch Is bent far back ck
in a semicircle by the fish fsh towing If I the
hooks hok and line lne and rod hold the muskallonge muskalonge
is a dead ded fish fb if I not It gets away
There Tere Is i no science Iclencln sciencein In this method of
fishing fshing there Is no fairness falrnfs to the fish fsh
Against its twenty pounds are lre pitted plttl a
J80Pund J8 und guide gide uido a 190pound lepud angler am ama and anda
a IMpound 15pund boat It Is II n cites cle of drat dra draand
and drag Ira and the fish finally exhausted
fh fnaly exhuted
by Its fruitless frultl efforts ptorte to hold buck bck11 i is reeled reeledn
Iin In n and shot All Al of the mans mna excitement excitementwhether excitementa
Ii a foune founci In holdlnl holding on and wonderng wondering
whether wheter or not nt the fish fh will get off offt
Te The Rmillw gnutne genj rnuskallonce mu kaonle angler scorns
t Uo > o assistance of the
Ilstnce guide after artr the boat boatI boatv
U taken beyond tno reach of the pads pd o orloe or orrlo orios
rios 1 tken He backs his hil skill ski and wriststrengt wriststrengtagainst wratstrength wratstrengthaainst wristst rentl rentlagainst
rlo against le tho bck skill and muscle musle of the flsl flsland tsh tshand asiand
and aainst whon ho Ikl IOHOS 10HO ho knows knowl that he hai haibeen ha haboon
been bn defeated fairly find has no complaint complaintto cmpllntl
to make makeHe makelie
mke mkelB
He may troll or may cast ct and ad castlni castlniIs eltng eltngIs
lB trl
Is by far the better bttr thing thng This Thil sort 8rt o oangler of ofangler oangler
angler occupies ocupJel the front frnt thwart the boa boaThe bat bathlng boabeing
fift feet from tho tholles th thlilies
hlng being rwed rowea fory forty or ffy fet frm
lilies He casts ahead 11th with his big a spoon spoonstriking on onstrking
strking striking lles the watr water ahra a yad yard from the 11el 11elad ilhie ilhieand
In rapIdly rapIdlyThe
and reeling
rpidly rpidlyThe
ad relng
The progress of th thman the bat boat Is slow and the thema tb tbman
man with prgr8 the rod rd is able to t whip whll ere eretwenty evr ever evertwenty
twenty ma twnty feet of water watr thoroughly thorughly That Tat I Ienough Is Isenough ienough
enough as the muskallonge muskalong will wl nee an anhit ad adht wuhit
hit ht at a spoon from frm ten feet tet away Th Thto Te Tespn Thi Thispoon
spoon II is permitted spn to ank sink to a yard blow blowthe bebo bebothe
spn the Iurfao surface prmltf The man man In Mlng casting I is able ableto abbto
to put his spoon where wber he wants It to go gomaking gomaking gomaking
making hs two lpn or throe thm casts Clts over Olr the th likelles likellesplainly lkelest lkelestJookng likeileslooking
Jookng looking spots and plng paseing by thos those which whichplnly whiciplainly
plainly contain spts no fish flshThe fishThe
plnly fsh fshThe
The moment cntan the strike Itrke occurs ocur and ad th thhook the thehook tuhook
hook Is sent lnt violently volenty in the guide Ide a awith a si siwith
with wth the trailer trler spins splnl the boot bat half ha aroun arounand arund arundand arouncand
and snatches Inatches It Into deep dep water watr He HI go goand gl glout goel goelout
out a hundred hundrd yard but ther there he stp stop stopand
and rests upon hl ha yar oar oars watchng watching the flM flMand figni figniand
and giving glvnl upn a barrel brrl of advice advic not a woi woiof worof
of which is heeded bOded or oven heard heardFrom heardFm heardFrom
From a stationary boot batrone boatorone or one th that t woul wouljerk wuld wuldb woulcbe
b be Fm statonary stationary Itatona If the muskalonge muskalionge dd did not notjerk notjerk
jerk It about sothe fight Is waged and andharder a aharder I IIarder
abut fght
harder more mor 5te glorious fight fght wag is II not to t u uwitnessed b ix ixwitnessed
witnessed wtneld anywhere anywher It I is II the musical muskallongo mUlkal mUlkallongo musicallongo
li lisuccessive In Inluo8Ive Irsuccessive
longo fought so whloh leaves the water
1 whlo lave te
successive luo8Ive leaps one which Is II dragged drgged tc tcdeath to todeth tcdeath
death deth has ha no leap chance clanc to leap lep and the ferocity ferocitystrength ferClty ferCltystngh temcitystrength
strength stngh ful and vitality of the tle fish f are ar wonder wonderful wonderful wonderful
fulThe ful The boat bat spins spll around aund and around arud tin tinangler thangler Ie IeIngler
angler Ingler faces rao every point of the ooropow ooropown
pint omP
a dozen dozn times the still slllurfac surface of the l lko lkoIs takc takcIs k kIs <
Is broken tme into te tiny ty waves wves which wlch spreac spreacfor aprd aprdfor spread spreadfor
for a hundred hundrd yards Ylrds or more mor from frm the cen centre cn cntr cwntre
tre tr of the commotion Ten times tme th thman the theman theroan
man thinks t nks ho cmmoton has ha the foeman foma conquered conqueredten onquerd onquerdttn
ten ttn times he is II forced forcd to give line ne and ad adevory sec secevery seeevery
every foot of il won at much gve cost cst takerback take taker takenback
back bck again againi againTwice
i Twice Twic alan alanTwic or thrice tbrc he will wl fight fght the flab f to towithin towithin towithin
within five fve yards of the boat bat and ad each eob time timeit timeit
it will wi break brak yars away awy and carry cary out from fromfifty frm frmffy fromfifty
fifty to a hundred hundrd feet of line lne seemingly seeminglyteristlo IJngly IJnglyas seemInglyas
as fresh frsh as a when first trst Itrck struck It It Is charao charaoterlUo obaractertstio
teristlo of tho pure pur grit of the muskllonge muskllongethat muskalonl
that terlUo it tattles batles until unt grt the last Int moment and andthen andthen andthen
then goes all al to pieces rlecs at once onc like lke the one onehorse on onehorse
horse hore shay sha shaAt
At a moment It Is soaring Ioarng from the water watergoing waterRaing watergoIng
going away up in II tho clear cllar and Its Is massive massivehead mllve mllvehad massivehead
side sendingstrong sending sendingstrong
head fluttering futerlng from side to sndlnt sndlntstrong
strong vibrations 1ratona to tho fishers flhors elbow elbowthe elbowthe elbowthe
the the next nxt it is apparently dead ded and comes comesIn comesIn comesIn
In like a senseless fensll1 body as the reel rel crank crankis
It Is with the thelittle thelttle thelittle
is piled pld almost utterly uterly gone I II
little lttle vitality vialty it gathered gathere while whie being reeled reeledin reled reledIn
in that it makes make its Is final fnal dash dnh for freedom freedomwhen freodomwhen freedomwhen
when the guide is I getting ready for his hi shot shotThis shotThl shotThis
This Thl is I a fight fght worth worh any ay anyrnans mans while whie to tomake tomao tomake
make and nd any ay mans ms man while whie to watch It I Is Ispure II IIpur ispure
pure mao angling without wihout a hint of the butcher butcherIn
In pur It aglng and ad It will wi test the resources reourcs of the themost themOt themost
most experlenoed It is I not popular with withpeople withpple withpeople
people mOt eperenc who go into tho wilderness wldem 8 deter determined determile deteromitted ¬
mined pple mile to get fish fsh and to get all al they th y canbecause can conbecause canbeaus
because beaus many may more mor muskallonge mtkalonge are lost lostby IO lostby
by it than tha by the dragging draging method methodThe methodThe methodThe
by The muskallonge muskalonge captured cptured from frm a stand standstill ltd ltdsti standstill ¬
still boat must be securely surely hooked hoke and ad then thenmust tbenmUlt thenmust
sti must mUlt be handled bandIe perfectly A battle btte of ofthis oftll ofthis
b prety
this tll kind will wi last lat from frm ten to t twenty twety mln mlnin mi mm mmutce
ut utce depending dependlng upon the atren tre th and andtemper ad adtempr
temper of the fh fish upn ad and te the aller angler I a skill skillThe ki
tempr The longet longest ad and Itronget strongest mukalonle mukalonleIn muakallonge muakallongein
be token by the standstlthe standstl itanciatlUandtlghtitout
in any ay water con c b ten tdtU tdtUandfghtItout
andfghtItout andtlghtitout method bu because no game gamefish
fsh fish can withtd withstand for ever the Btra strain of ofte ofthe
the te rod ca tip Muskallonge Mukaonce will wU run r ire ireluently rr feequently
luently quenty ro t tbut to tl1fve thirtyfive and ad tory forty pund pounds poundsthe
the larlet largest ever ten taken welhe weijhed 10 103 pund pounds poundsbut
but the leaping tuna of the te south sout Calif Clforia calIfornian calIforniancoast ornlan ornlancoast
coast coat will wi run r to five fve or six IL hundred hudr pounds poundsand pund poundsand
and and that fish fh is killed kie with the te rod r just justas jut jutI
as the tarpon of ISO 15 pounds punds is killed killedWhat kie killedhat
I What hat tarpn is called cle the drag drg of the redtip rdtp rdtpII rodti rodtiIs
Is II one of tho most tiring tring things thlngl to whloh whloht whlohanimal whic whicanImal
animal t 1 musle muscle 1 c can 1 bo subjeted subjected V I J Yi Yilets I It never nsverlets neverlets
lets up for an instant Instnt and the harder it is isfought I isfought
fought the greater grlater the drag dragAt drg drgAt dragAt
this tho Is striking strikingmost strikingmot
At season eean muskauonee mtkalon e strkln
most mOlt freely frly The beet bt sport of the year yer is isto II isto
to be had in early June sJr because bu the tle fish flsharo th tharo fishare
t b PArly
aro still stl hungry hungr from frm their teir long winter winterfast wintr wintrtWt winterfast
fast tWt and ad are feeding reednK at every eTer opportunity opportunityThey oppruty opprutyThey opportunityThey
They are ar not so 1 vigorous as they will willbe wl wiUbe
be b in October Octbr or late lat vgrouB in September ptmber fewer fewerflsh tewertsh fewerfish
fish are taken tke then but they are apt to be belarger b belarger
tsh ar
larger and ad to t fight tght harder In June how however however however
ever a man will 1 get two strikes Itkea to toone t toone
one at another Urn UrnOn time timeOn
On the north norh tm tmOn woods lakes lake the lilies 118 have havenot have havenot havenot
not yet come cme to t the surface lura the rice rc Is still stillnear si stillnear
near to the bottom botom and ad the weeds wes are ar short shortThese shor shortThese
The These growth grwthl however howevr are ar high hlh enough enoughto
to afford the fish the cover cver it needs needsIn nes nesIn needIn
afor fKn
In the fore for part of June only ony the naked nakedspoon nake nakedspoon
spoon Is used J for muskallonge muskalonge Frogs Fro arenot are arenot ar arnot
not Ipn as yet us fairly In season ln and It would do dolittle doltte dolittle
little good yt to hang a minnow minow or chub on onthe onthe onthe
the ltte spoon goo as a the nn Ish takes the spoon to be h a aperch aIerch aperch
perch spon or crappie orpple anyhow ayhow Some Sme Ipon guides guidesobject guldel guldelobjel guidesobject
objel object to the use us of bait at any season seasonsaying seasonsaying n nfyng
saying that it lends nothing nothln to t the at attractiveness attractven attraotleness ¬
tractiveness fyng 1 of the te spoon but the weight weightof weigh
tractven of argument seems oml to t spon be b on the side sde of those thosewho tos toswho thosewho
who say sy that that the te bolt bat is a good thing thin as a the themuskallonge themuskalonge themualcallonge
muskallonge later latr on will wl often oftn swim swm close closeto c01 closeto
to a spoon and fall fal to t attack attok it unless it itknows Itknows itknows
knows sJon that there tber is meat on It ItWhen itWhen
When frogs are ar used us those thos of large size sizeand siz sizad sizeand
and ad green grn color olor are chosen They arehooked are arehooked ar
hooked booke through thrugh the lips lps and suffered ufered to tofloat totoat tofloat
float toat behind bhind the spoon pon as 1 It is trolled troled or orreeled orreled orreeled
reeled reled through thrugh the water waterThe waterThe waterThe
The average aorge size s17 of muskallonge muskalonge taken takenfrom tken tkentrom takenfrom
from Northwestern Northweltr waters water has hl been bn de decreasing decrlng docreasing ¬
creasing crlng for years year Ten thousand thoulnd anglers anglersore Ingllr Ingllra
ore a after Iter them every ever summer swer and ad the fish flshare fishare fsh fshar
are unable to t hold their teir own Damming Daing
t ar he rivers and nd the lower ends of likes lake has hasliad h hashad
had a rver bad effect upon them also alsoTen all alsoTen
I ba elect
Ten years yes ago upn muskallonge mtkalonge captured cpture in inWisconsin InWlacnsln inWisconsin
Wisconsin Wlacnsln or Minnesota rUnnoot would average averagefully averagefuly averagefully
fully twelve pounds Then the average averagefell averagelel averageCell
fell fuly to ten andnow and an lounds now It itis Is notanything not nt anything aboveeight above aboveeight aboeeight
t tn
eight lel if so 1 high hgh Tills T l does doe not mean men that thatlarge thatIule thatlarge
large ones are not taken now because beul each eachseason eachMIn eachseason
MIn season furnishes fuml ar M records recrds of great muskies muskiesbut mueklesbut musklesbut
but there ther are a not so 1 many may large ones and a amuch amuch amuch
much greater greter number numbr of small amal ones onesAmong oni onesAmong
Among the better bttr class cla of anglers agler it has hasunder hascmo hascome
come tobo b aooepted aopt that any muskalon muslcallonge muslcallongeunder e eunder
cmo t
under seven sven pounds Joud weight wight should aould be re returned returne roturned ¬
turned to t the water watr at onoe on0 and ad many manyof may mayof manyDf
pound of turne pounds poundsTho them refuse rfus te to t keep anything aythng under ton tenpounds tonpound tonTheglant
The Theglant giant of 103 10 pounds to t which refer refernfice rfer rferlc refersflco
giat pund last in the thenets thenets thenets
nfice was had was taken lnt year ar I
nets lc of the fish fh hatchery hatcher at Mlnocqua MlnocquaWls MlnocquaWi
Wls and returned rtured to t the lake It I Is I still stillIn ttl atil atilfl
Wi In fl Tomahawk Tomhawk waters water awaiting awai I I the th lure lur of ofHome ofEme ofome
Home ambitious ambitous angler and ad many my will wi try tryfor tr tryror
Eme for it now that its It it existence elsttno U I known kno but butit butIt butt
it t is II not thought thou ht that tht it will wl ever be b taken takenches taen taenwith takenwith
with hook and lne line A fh fish that that h has rahed rahedthe reached reachedhe
the he age a necessary t to give It such girth andnehes and andInche
Inche ches Is nl0M pretty prety expert experthat eXiene experienced av ad and grh tle the fact factthat factthat
that hat It It never has ha been bn hooked hoke is I a good goodndlcntlon goodindicAton goodndication
ndlcntlon that It never will wl be beAnglers b beAnglers
indicAton Anglers AgleM who do not mind purchasing purchasingxpemslve prhing prhingcxpIJshe purchasingzpenslve
cxpIJshe xpemslve outfits outft use us silk lines lns of g eat eattrength eatItrngh eattrength
trength on muskallonge muskalonge yet It Is I difficult difficulto I
Itrngh to o see that they are ar in any way better bttr than thanhe thanthe thanhe
the he cheaper cheapr linen lnen They Tey rot faster fAtr fasterand and ad snarl snarlis Inarl InarlM
is badly and are ar not so 1 strong strongA Itrnl ItrnlA
A linen line lne tested teltrd to thirty thiry pounds pundl will willhe 11
h 16 found t to b be god good enough for ayby aybyThe anybody anybodyFhs
The he remainder of the out outshort outft outfit 11 will cMllt consist of ofa ofm
a m short shor steel stl rod rd No o B spoons hooks bokl of oftome ofpropr ofroper
roper eize sIz and ad a double multplying multipytng reel reellome rl rl8me
propr tome men mn use ue the quadruple multiplying raultlplylneels multplYg multplYgrell multiplyingeeis
8me rell eels on muskallonge mukalonl merely merly because bcu the theiave they theyhav theyave
hav ave bought hught them for boss bU but there ther i iIttle 1 Is Isittlo
Ittle power In the crank crak of the fast reel reelif ri riof
ltte of if f this thll per character chaacr and handling handlnl a big fish flshflth fb fbwith fishwith
with them is difficult difficultThe dlmeultThe dtffkultThe
The mutikallonge mUlkalong musky or Olong longe longeor
for or short Ihor is II not only olly one of the thegamest gament aelt and andnoRt andmOAt andnost
mOAt powerful pwerul of the big Innd Inland fishes rhes but butil butall butilso
all ilso il o one of the most toothsome tothlme The Te man manrho mn mnwho manrho
rho has never taMed tut6 a tenpound tenJund musical muskalonge mulal mulallonr musicalonge
lonr onge prepared 4 courtbouillon r0rbouiM by one onerho onewho onesho
who knows prprd how is 1 like lke tho man who wlo has haslever hunever hasever
lever read David Copperfletd Cp rfeld he has ba anxperience an anixperience anoxprlenC
ixperience ra coming to him mm that he should shouldake Ihoud Ihoudtake shouldake
ake oxprlenC a week wek off or to enjoy enjoyThe enjoyTho enjoyThe
The musky Is also 111 an exceedingly e Idlnlly hand handome had hadIm6 handnnle
and mounted mountedipon mountedrn
Im6 ome swimmer properly prprly mountd mountdlpn
ipon rn ° n an n old oaken oakln board hard makes mlkl an orna ornanent ora orament ornanent
nent lpn fit ft for the diningroom dlnln room wall wal of a copper copperlng copperring
king ring Man May Many men who have fought fOUlht cppr cpprking their theirIctorlous Uelrvictorloul their1ctoriois
victorloul Ictorlous fights ngbl on woods WOOdl lakes lakfs or rivers riversiave rveM riversmare
hll mare their trophies trophlel no 10 mounted mountd The Theveragn Te Tea Theverage
a veragn coat Olt of muskallonge mtkalona served srd in this thistyle thll thisityle
Ityle tyle frll is I some Ime 120 10 20 a pound poundTIRRED pund pundSTIRRED poundITIRRED
A I i Spoon Apon Bent Bfnt Nearly Nerl Double Duble by b the Feroe Feroeor Fro
or a flIt DI Fiihs Flb Fish Blew BlewPoling BlewPoUng BhwPoling
Poling up the North Fork of the Tiara Fl Tiaraeau Flamau
bu eau au River Rver In northern norher Wisconsin Wllmln recently recentlyI rontly rontlyE
E 4 I Andrews Adrw turned ture Into int an affluent auent known knownthe knownIs
A Is the Slough 810llh or Dead Dea Mans Ma Slough ItI It Itwide I
I I wide wde shallow shalow water running rnning away awa into Int Int1
the woods wod for a couple ouple of miles and ad dial draling dan danJn diallag
lag of swampland Andrews w wlooking wlooking
Jn an are ar area Iwap1d
looking lookln for maple trees trl but had ha a flshli flshlirod fshlng fshlngro fishlirod
rod with wih him himGetting himOettng himGetting
ro Getting Oettng up the slough for a quarter of ofmile ofmile a amle
mile and rounding a bend bnd he ran into limb limbshadow tl tlshadow the thesbaow
mle shadow sbaow of a birch tree tre which fell foi ole cloacross oloar oloaraorol oleacross
across aorol the water and ad his bl eye was WA attract attractby atraoted atraotedby attracbby
bank son sonflfty some somettty sonfifty
by a slight Illht movement close to bk
fifty ttty feet fet from him himHe himHe himHe
He stopped the punt and looked looke hai haiand hard hardand haiand
and saw IW stopp tho outline outlne to of a giant muskallong muskallongwhich mtkalonge mtkalongewhich muskallongwhich
which was Wi loafing loafng a foot gat under water wli wliIts wih wihIa wiits
Its Ia belly bely rubbing tho sand snd and enjoying enjoyirItself enjoyingIsel enjayimitself
Itself Isel The Te fish fsh was WI nearly nlarly four feet tet Ion Iona long longa iona
a broad savage Ivage fellow felow with cavernous cavernotjaws cavernousJawl cavernoJaws
jaws Jawl and lidlees Idlel eyes staring 8tarng unwinking unwinkingthrough unwlnklnglythrough unwinkingthrough
through tho water watorAndrews waterAndrews waterAndrews
Andrews drovo In his bil pole ple braced tl tlpunt the thepunt Upunt
punt against alanst it to t hold it picked picke up his re reand rod rodad rcand
and ad made a cast cnt He would have give giveanything given givenanything gtvcanything
anything to hook and fight fgbt that fish fsh to tofinish t tofinish a afnh
finish fnh and there was wa a wide clear cler expani expaniof expaniof
of slough all al around giving him amp ampacreage ample ampleaege ampacreage
acreage aege for a row rowThe rowThe rowThe
The big spoon spon landed lded within withn a yard yardtho yan yardtho of oftho <
tho muskya mtkys snout and spun through tl tlwater the thewater tiwater
water as I It was WI reeled reele in The Tle fish fah did n nnotice not notnotic ni ninotice <
notice notic It by so 1 much as a an a extra etra movemei movemeiof movement movementof movemoiof
of fin or toll tollAndrews tailAndrewa
Andrews Andrw tn til tilAndrw tried again and again with th thsome the theae Usame
some result trie The agan muskollonge aan looked looke f rrom rromthe froi froithe roi roithe
ae rsut Te mtkaonge
the spoon to the man ma and evidently evldonty cot cotneoted connete coinected
neoted nete spon them Then the fisherman flherma wl wlhas who whoha wihas
has ha been ben catching muskallonge mukalonge for son sonyears some someyeM soiryears
years yeM made cthng a wide wdo cast C8t striking stiking tho watt watttwenty water watertwenty wattwenty
twenty feet fet from the flab fsh and bringing tl tlspoon the theBpn Uspoon
spoon to him rapidly rapidlyAt
Bpn At the thelecnq second cast ct of this thll kind the musk muskdart muskdart musicdarted
dart dart darted d forward forwad toward tward the lure for a yar yaror yard yardor yaror
or so but saw sw what it was wn and retire retiredisgustedly retred retreddutoy retiredisgustodly
disgustedly to t Ua original position positiontills psition psitionTia positionThis
dutoy tills Tia variety of pike pi le has ha an Infirmity Infrity infirmitytemperandmaybo c ctemper of oftempr
temper temperandmaybo and may be Induced Inducd to strike some somitimes sometmes soimtimes
times tempr in anger ager when it will wl not strike froi froihunger from fromhungr froihunger
hunger tmes Andrews Andrws knew this so 1 he thre threw threw threwhspn threhis
his hungr spoon w over the muskys I I bck bacc l and nd L brught brughtIt brougi brougiit 1 1it
hspn it through the water with wih a rush rushNo rsh rshNo rushNo
No result rlult and ad he he cant Cat again agan strikln striklnthe striking strikingthe strikinthe
the water watr in practically prctcly the same Imo plaa plaaNo placiNo
No result rult and ad he began be an casting cutng so thi thithe thAt thAtthe thmthe
the spoon would fall fal Just in front of tl tlThe the thebig Uibig
big spon idlers nos nose At the frh fifth cast Home Homethng soimuthing
thing happened happenedThe
thng The happne muskallonge mUlkalonge waited until unti the spoo spoofell epnofell
fell and had been btn withdrawn for a couple couplof coupleof coupiof
of yards and was travelling travelng rapidly tn tnward towar irward
ward yars the punt then It struck stnlk it I It I struc strucIt Itrck ItrckIt strucit
It war for every pound pund that was WI in it and wit wititsjaws witit th thIs
itsjaws it jaws tightly shut shutThe shutThe shutThe
Is The spoon which had been ben a foot uncle unclethe underthe unclethe
the surface surrac spon flew tew into the air air a M if she shefrom shefrom hot hotfrm
from frm a gun It I described decrb a half hal clrol clrolover ere ereover clrilover
over the gn fishermans fsheranH head and pplashe pplasheinto Ipla eplaslirInto hld hldInto
into the water wat r on thc far sido sld twenty twelty fet fetaway feet feetawav feeaway
away Like a black flash fa h under uder tho yelloi yelloiwater yelow yelowwat yeliowater
water wat r the thl muskallonge muskalonge with a single singlpowerful singlepwerful singipowerful
powerful flirt fir of Its flukes fukcl was n gone gonl yard yarddown yarddown ad adaw
down the slough and invisible invisibleat InvisibleAndrws invisibleAndrewa
aw Andrws Andrewa slonph rclt reeled In hil his spoomi and 100kp1 100kp1at looke lookeat
at it It was wa bent bnt nearly nfarly POH double douhlt muc mucan much muchIt moeas
an If it had been ben laid on a rock with lh a hollo1 hollo1under holow holowuder holbounder
under uder It and ad hit hard har with a hammer 1 1was I Iwas
was out of action acton for good Then Ten he picked pickeup pickedup Piekeup
up wa his pole ple and ad andpuntod punted punt on after Iter tho maple nmplciNIGHT mapleNIHT niapleNIGHT
There Tee Are Queer Thlnn Tlnc About Abut H I Tha ThaGive ThsGive at atGIve
Give It Fascination FascinationNight FascInatIonNight
I Falclnaton FalclnatonNisht
Night trout fishing thln is II a form tor fo of spor sporthat sporthat
that the regular rgla flycaster fYter has ha not trlee trleeand trlrdad trieand
and ad would disdain dlaln to try tr but it has hl It Itmerits itmerits
merits merltl Not the least of them thor them is 1 that th thtrout the thetrut thtrout
trut trout through thrugh some crankiness ornlne8 of it itnature Is Isnatu itnature
nature natu will wi often oten bite bit after afer dark when al althrough althrough
through the day It lies lel motionless motonless at thi thibottom thebtom thibottom
btom bottom of a pool pol and refuses IfU to rise ri to tin tinmost tho thomot tliimost
mot most tempting tmpting lures lurl At such periods pros thi thiBntlre theenUr thisntlre
enUr Bntlre nature ntur of the fish fh seems s ema 0 to have liavtchanged haveoang bavithanged
changed and an it nas na become bcme a nighthawk nighthawkroving nighthawkrV111 nighthawkroving
oang rV111 roving Its native natve stream stra from dusk dtk to day daytight da da11M clayight
11M tight and sleeping sleping through the sun hours hoursThere hoursTer hoursThere
There Ter Is 1 no such thing as n taking hall hallbasket halfa
a I basket bket of trout after dark with the fly flyChanged fy fyCang flybanged
Cang Changed as l the fish fah islt Is It still Ul has bR scns seneinough scnssnough snse snseenough <
enough to know that Insects Incs it likes Ikel an annot arcriot
not broad brd at that tbat hour hourOccasionally hourOolonly hourOccasionally
no Occasionally Oolonly one will wl rise ri to an artl1 artl1Idol arl arlfc artic4a1
Idol fly ty cast CRt in the dark but this Is l s snc ec ecmxceptlonal 0 0ecptonal <
ecptonal fc nc mxceptlonal pt tonal as not nt to bo b worth worh counting ountn I Irill It Itwl Ii Iiwilt
rill take tke the worm avidly however wher whert wIlenIt
It wl t is night night feeding feelna and It Is with wormihat worms wormsthat wornuhat
hat the night fisherman fherman take it itThere ItThere itThere
There is II no explanation eplanaton of how the trout troulmanage troutmaage troutanage
manage to see 8e the worms orm in the dark darkrhey darkTey darkIlmey
maage rhey find find them however on the blackest blackestsort blakest blakestIOr blackestcart
Tey sort of fnd night and possibly pllbly they are ar guided guidedby gide
IOr by a sense sns of smell smellWhere smel inel1Where
Where ere there ther U I one onl trout there thrr are ar apt aplo aptto
to o lie more morl moreand and the angler who has takerwith taker takenone takerne
one ne with his bunch of worms worlS may con confidently cnl coqhiently ¬
fidently drop them into the same place placeindeed pacl placencieed
fdently indeed the chances chanl are that he will wi land a atialf a ahaI aaIfdozen
haI tialf aIfdozen dozen d01Rn beauties bantlea before hfor ho is I forced forc tomove to tcmove tomovo
move on by failure faiure of supply supplyThe supplyThe supplyThe
The sensation afforded atorde is an odd od one onebecause onecau onecaus
because cau the fisherman therman cannot see tee his line linenor lne lnenor lineor
nor or tell tel when the trout trolt strikes strkta except by byhe bythe bylie
the he jerk All Al he ran an fee Ple Is 1 the trees trS waving wavinglankly wavingdarkly wavingIarkiy
lankly against tho sky ak on al the bank of a ariver ariver aiver
river that is onlv on dimly visible Ilhle and nowtnd now nowand nowand
and then t he I catches mtchfs a gllrnppe Ilmp o of hs bil rod rodwhich roe rodwhich
which looks loks like lke a line lne no bigger bl ger than a alead aleae aead
leae whih lead pencil pnclrunnlnl running out over QIr the tle lie water waterHe watfr watfrle waterHe
He fights his trout blindly he has ha no noknowledge nokowled nonowIedge
knowledge le flhts e of the th movements movemlntl it II Is making makinghe
kowled Idea of It its siye from fromtho fromhe
nor or ha has ho any I 817A except
tho he trouble It i gives plvfs him until uti excp it has h been beencooped bn bnBCOOP beenicooped
cooped within wihin a I dinnet dpnet struck rck downward downwardillndly downwardblndly downwardllndly
BCOOP illndly and lies Jc gasping posplng on the bank bk With Withi
blndly a I i light rod and silk sik the angler agler If I ho strikes strikesi Itrkes Itrkesa
under these circumstance circumstancea
a t i heavy bcv trout uder tbe crcmstanC
a a seriously at a disadvantage dlaVntafe It Is this thisrery thll thllver thisvery
1 ver very lroully uncertainty ucranty which whic lends lend night fishing fishingts fhing fhingIt
It ts charm char to some Ime men menIn menIn menIn
I In some pane of the Province Prvno of Quebec Quebecmd Quebc Quebcad Quebectad
ad md in other prs parts of the Dominion Domiion it is ishe Isthe Isbe
the he custom outom 01 of prl the country cutr people pople to fish flshor tlh tlhfor fishror
for or brook brok trout trut almost amost wholly wloly after ater dark darkind dak dakad darkend
ad end they take te them In enormous eonoW numbers numbersfheee numbl numbersThese
fheee folk are ae not refined re e enough to use uselupple te teluIle useiupple
Te silk line lineut lineThey
lupple flvrod and ad sik 11
luIle They fvro have Instea Instead pll poles which thty thtycut they theynit
cut ut Tey on the banks bank of the creek crfk or river and andtout ani andclout
tout linen cords crds To their hooks they theyisten thevfaton theyraten
faton isten half hal a dozen dorn worms orI and drop rrop them themhey thelIn themLn
In Ln wriggling and when they got 1 a strke strkethey strike strikehey
hey wlgglnp yank yak the fish fh fifteen ftrn feet fM In the thl air nlrandlng airIInHng airanding
IInHng andlng It on the bank behind bhind them with a ahump athump ahump
hump They always build huld a a large fire flren fre freon
Tey awaYI
on n the bank bk and ad the te trout are attracted atrild by byhe bytellhtl byhe
tellhtl he light coming cming In i schools Iholl to the feeding feedingAt fedlng fedlngAt
At such Bucn such a place pla in proper season 8n half a aloren ado ajorien
do loren n men and ad women prJr will be b yanking YInklng out outeokled outspkle outipeckled
ipeckled eokled trout trut cc fast rUt on 1 they ther can take tRkethem takehem
spkle them from the hob hooks ad and 1 will wU keep this thUort tbt tbtson thisbet
ort of thing thin up for on a hour going back backa baokt
0 a their homes home before bfore midnight with wlb two twor twoor
t or r three hundred hudre speckled pkle beauties beautifwThe baut beautiesThe I ITe
The trout taken In these thee streams str1 are all allmall al allmail
lal mall Te seldom sldom running rning above abve half hal a pound poundut pund pundbut poundUt
but ut exceedingly excelngly fine tne table flab ffh with the theright thebrght thenight
brght right salmon almon flesh tesh and ad nd true tre trout deli deliiacy d del H Hwy
cT wy of flavor flavorfAVAL fvor fvorNAVAL flavorPAVAL
Harl ami Teats Ttl the Penetrating Power of a aa
2 Calibre Calbre lUfle lUfleWllJIam Jne JneWIam PleWilIam
WllJIam WIam Harral of Vilas Vil ilas coupty cupty Wls Wi a aoodsman awodmn aoodsmsn
wodmn oodsman and ad guide < ude had hd a Singular Itnglar u uprenC cxerience x xirience
prenC irience not long ago H I demonstrated demonstratedhe demonltratfd demonltratfdthe
the he hurtful hurful character crcr of bullets buleta driven drTn by bymokrlees byImokl bymekelees
mokrlees powder even evn when of the smallestajibre smallest smallestallbre
Imokl cibr allbre ajibreHarral allbreHarral pwder sml6t sml6tcibr
Harral Brl was camped camn on Squaw Sw Lake just justff JUt JUtof justff
of ff the Chtppewa ClpJwa cp reservation rlrlton In I the wildest wildestwrt wdet wdetpr wildestmart
mart of the State Btate HU Hi business bUln8 out there thereras thereas
pr ras as to estimate etmte the value of some lome timber timberuids tmbr tmbrlds timberinds
lds uids and ad he put In a good co deal del of time timetahlng tme tmefhlg timeiahing
fhlg tahlng iahingOne tahlngOne
fhlgO One O morning mmln he got g Into his I boat bat to try tryho tryhe
the ho miukallonge muklon and ad he took tok with wth him a aiflo arno alfle
rno iflo of 22callbre 22clbr a a repeater Mptlr with Ith whloh whloho
to o shoot hot any ay fish fh he rreled hi I He le went out outif outof outf
of if f a a small sml narrow nrrw bay by and ad just JUt as a he got gottHhe gotthe
tHhe 3 the mouth of It heard hrn a commotion cmoton In the therater thewat therater
wat rater ahead ae of him Looking Loktarud around he heaw heaw
1 aw a black blck bear bar swimming swlmmlnl hard han toward towardilm twar towardtm
him At least lt the bear bar had h been bn swimming swimmingoward swimmingtwad swimmingoward
twad oward him but had hd turned tured suddenly luddenly when whent whensw
It t NW aw the boat bat ad and was to 0 badly bly frightened frightenedhat
hat It made mae a good deal del of noise noiseHarral nol noiseUarral
Harral Hl 1s I not a afraid afrad of bears bar on land or In Inhe Inth inho
th he water wt r The animal animl thcn had h Its side sideurned sidetue sidetuned
tue tuned toward twar him and was some twenty twentyrands twent twentaway twentyrcli
rands rcli away The T man raised rd his ni hi rifle rte notmoping not notloping nothoping
loping to Injure Ijure the brute brte seriously serouI but
fired Intending flredThe Itendig to sting Rtng It aimed aIme carefully carefullyflred crfulrad crfulradtrd ni nifired
firedThe trd trdTe The Te tiny pellet struck the bears bars hei heiand hlnd hlndamt heiand
tny plet
and flattened against t tho skull It I hi hisufficiently litmiufficiently
fattenei Ilall
sufficiently to make the bear bar turn tur tall tallTho tal tailThe
sufclmtv Tho bear i started out Into tho lake Th ThHarral Then Thenlarml TimIiarrai
Harral shot Ihot It three thr timra In tho nun nunNot nllp nllpNot runi2ot
larml trf
Not liking lking this thl treatment and believing hellvlng th thIf that thatI tliif
If It shifted again it would do bettc bettctho ht bettethe tor torthn
the bear bar once onc moro turned tured broadside broadsideand hloadllde broadsideand < on onad
and ad dug for forshore shore shor three thr hundred yards yarl awa awaHnrral awaHarril aweHarral
Hnrral Harril jerked the thl boat but In a 1 couple clpl6 couplemztrokes i istrokes of ofItrokl
strokes Itrokl to within ten feet fet of tIme swlmmtr swlmmtrseoution swimming swimmingllt I4winmlibeast
llt beast and b began an to plmp inimp In the led lead 1 1temerity
temerity conmo nrar costlngliinm him 60fthlng 60fthlngprticulrly soowthin soowthinparticuLarly
temlrt cmo c tnJ
particuLarly tui ho canlot ciumot swim for tho thoLar ti tibear
Lar bear furlouQly furiously anllc angered at last IW thl this pr prloutlon pe peseoutlon
seoution loutlon swerved IwerYld toward towar the boat bat and unc g gone got gotonl gionc
one onl paw over tho gunwale gunwaleThe 111111 gunwaleTime
The pw boat tilted tite dangerously dOIJerouly and Inc Harr Harrknow Hlrral Hlrralknow Harrknmv
know that if I tho boar blar cot its I other pa paover paw pawOlr paover
over Olr ho would be spilled pled Tho earn oar wei weilyinR welying
lying on tho thwarts and ald ho had no tin tinto time timeto tinto
to gra grap grap p thorn oven oel if i they tllY would wOlld lm lmdono havo havodont hadone
done dont him any Rood RoodInstead roodInstead
food foodInltead
Instead Inltead he worked Ills li > little Ito gun H Hhad I Ihad
had some eight shots sIi hotl t left lef In it and Inr hn pep pelpered pepprd pe pepared
pared tho bear at a 1 distance dlatanC of three thre feet feetThe fet fetThe feetTime
prd The whole business bu lnC from the time tme th thbear the theoar Ubear
bear oar grasped the boat blt until Intllt it released rlcle 11 11hold Its Itshold I Ihold
hold and grnp rolled roled over oVlr dead dea did not tak takmore te temore talimore
more nie than tha five fve seconds scond but it seemed Bmod ba baan half halfun haan
an hour to t tho man ma Ho hitched a rope t tthe I Ithe
the carcass carc and ad towed it ashore Ihore rop Thoi Thoihe fhole fholehI limomhe
he hI examined xamlne It ItWhen ItWhen ItWhen
When he came to nklu kil It lie found tlu tlutho that thatthe tluthe
the bullets bulets which had struck Itruok on the sku skuhad skahad
had all flattened and those tho o which ha hastruck hastruck
ha al fatened >
struck Itruck the body had ane merely penetrate penetratethe penltrlted penltrltedthe perntratethe
the skin tkln The eliot which killed kIled had hadtered er erterod n ntere
terod tere at tho oar far striking trkln fairly falrlln In the cavil caviland cavtyv cavtyvand caviland
and thence thfnc had penetrated penltratld the brain brainwas 1 1was t twas
was of coiirft1 COlr e entirely Iltlrt accidental aecdental nun nunvery and andvery a acy
very cy good accident nccdlot for Hnrral HnrralThis Harrl HarrniTiii
This Thil Tiii gooe b oar boar ar was wal a small smal male 111 evidentone evident evl evidentione lnty lntyone
one born bor Into last year and had been 01 01of Olt Oltof 01of
of its I hibernating place pfncl long loni enough > to hnv hnvbecome I1t I1tbecomo
become blome reasonably rl onubly fut fut Boar Blar are arewhen ff ffwhen t twhen
when they wnke wakl up but rapidly rapl ly loco 10le flo flofor n flesifor h hfor
for ten clayn da afterward afttIward and a 11 then t hpu get ff ffagain fat fatRlaln ftagain
again Rlaln and thl tim fellow fflow was wa fairly fairy alon alonwith along alongwih alonwith
with wih the tht ae replonl fplenlhlnp repioiiilming hlnK procefs procefsTho prOCfR prOCfRho procesThe
The ho bullet bulptof bulietof of 22 2 calibre calm caiihretlmncigh though thol h not nollarper nollarperthan large largethan largcthan
than a cowpea will J when driven by h Mnols Mnolslens hnole hnoleIB imnotules
lens IB powder cwpa penetrate pelltrato a < coupli COl rln pit of Inches incheof Inchesof inchcof
of hard hare pino pln or dried drld hemlock herloc and mmd this thII on onafter one oneater orafter
after ater entering entornJ the oar cr had gone nearl nearithrough nearlthrough ntarly ntarlythroulh
through throulh the bears bllul brnln brnlnFisiufi brin brnlnF1SIIJTJ 0 0fIHIO
Fisiufi fIHIO OF 11 THI 11 nntitfi nntitfiSome IlW IlWSume ItIIfDSSome
Some of Them Thf1 Kxvcnlliigly Jxlellln I Kxprrt I lpcrtT1i lpcrtT1iluSh > xfrtThe xfrtTheIllsh Til TilIlsh
luSh UaKlR I allo Inl ItiiI nly a I IliiiiBlcr IliiiiBlcrIt nln ler lerIt
It Is easy for a man abroad with wih ro roand rod rodad torend
and ad line 110 on some ctll Itll treefringed treefrnged lak lakto lae laeto IaImto
to understand Itder tlnd how tho loon tho helldlvci helldlvcithe heldhII heldhIIthe helldivethe
such birds make llvirif llvirifThoy llvirmjThey
the kingfisher kigfsher and hiId a IhlnJ
Thoy are all al eXpert exper angler angllll with wih their ow owpeculiar own ownpular owpeculiar
peculiar pular outfits outftt and understand undlrltlnd how to us usthem utthem uso usothem
them to perfection perfectionThe prfclon prfclonThe
The The helldiver holdivor does doO not pretend to tnckl tncklanything tacklonythlng tackianything
anything nythlng but very ver er small smal fishes fshel minnow minnowmostly iimimmnoumostly
mostly and it I cats a good goo many things thing tin tinit that thatIt tluIt
it finds fnds in the mud mudTho mUll rnmutThe
Tho loon n is II it a powerful owerful and fast HWiinmc HWiinmcand Iwlmmlr Iwlmmlrad swimnrnnnei
and ad one on of tho greatest IrellteHt of all al great gl lt dlvenIt divers diversIt
It thinks thlnkl nothing nothll of going lolnl to the botlci botlciof hot 1 cm cmof
of a lake fifty ffty feet felt deep dep nod nld when wlln it I get getafter ge gealter
after nter a small smal boss bais or a perch or crcippie clople thn thnparticular thnt thntprtcular tlitparticular
particular prtcular fish fsh is II In for a very unpleasan unpleasanthree unpleaant unpleaantthre unpicasamithree
three thre minutes The he lama matches atchel and eat eatflsh eatfish
fish fh all al day being ben almost an unfailing unfailnj pur purmier purImer piiricuer
mier and d one of the most 10lt destructive dl tructlw of a abirds abirds
birds which prey upon upn fish f h life lifeTho lfe lfeThe lifeThe
The kingfisher kll fHherlmA1 small active acive And blue bile can cannot cannot cannot
not swim Iwhn a stroke lt rake but It Is II a diver to a deptof depth deptlof depthof
of a foot and it makes up in expertness epernefs what whaIt whatIt whmmit
It lacks lackl in Rtiipliibiounnrss Perched Perche upon upoia upona upoa
a branch which overhangs otrhangl the water watlr will willIts wlh wlhIs winits
Its Is head turned to ono OII side Ilce ltle and its Is oy oycocked oe oeok cycocked
cocked ok d like a I parrots It sees Ie everything everythiniwhich everythingwhich evervtlmin1which
which pasfws pld flSMS below blow and dons < as elownwan elownwanat downwlrd downwlrdat
at frequent frquent intervals intervalsIt
It 1s 1 after surface fish fh minnows chubs chubsdace chubsdac chubsdare
dace dac and such things seldom sldom capturinj capturinjanything eaptudnganyhing capturinianything
anything moro than three Inches long longThe Ion longThe
The anyhing kingfisher klngfhpr Is successful Iucce lful about once on li lithree in inthre iithree 1
three thre times which is 16a a very good average aVlrngc foia foi foia fora
a nonwater nonwlter bird nnd onr us 11 it is I very ver very Indus Industrlous Indul industrious
trlous trlou a It gets plenty for itself Iselt and Its Ie sittlnf sittlnfmate Iltlnl sittln sittlnmate
mate and later for the tht young yolng In the thf nefl neflamong nOt nOtamong nesiamong
among the sedges edge by b the lakes edge edgeman Ige A Ama A Aman
man who watches small smal gulls uls flying flnj and anddiving anddiving aia aiadiving
diving ma over a lake will wl find fnd that they the do not nolaverage notaerago notaverage
average more than ono kill ki to FX six Ix lives clvI and andthn andthl andthe
the thl kingfisher kln fher has hiI I hem clearly clar out classed cluwwdNo cllld cllldo classedNo
No o angler al lor though thou h ever lcr has hI understood understoodhow ulder iitiuleztoodhow tood toodhow
how tho th grunt flshiURle flhearlo gets et along alon This Thishuge Thishugo Thuhuge
huge bird with a wingsjireod winl vlngIu Jllad taI of f hix tX feet feetana ftet ftetand feetantI
ana antI a big body ldy needs much luch food More Morein Moreover roreover
over except in sate lato atl fall fal and winter IltPr It hn hnalways hAi hAialwlYs haalways
always alwlYs a brood of squalling Rquallnl young that thaaro thatao thatare
are insatiable insatiableBoth insatiableBoth
ao Both intable intableBth the tit main and the female remlln fish flh for the thinest thonest thenest
nest Bth but it in I a I mysteryhow m nIely teryhow how they the manage mnnagito
to obtain obtli enough ennu h for thuninClvus them m < hes let alone alonethe 1l0le 1l0letho alonethe
the youngsters YfJUlgtlrl Tlw 11J 1li fisheagle f hln I cnnnn cnnnnswim CHlilt CHliltIwlm cmnlmtswim
swim Iwlm It cannot c < nlot dive it in flow of light flightIt lightit ght ghtIt
with itli its beak UNIKThe beakTho beakTime
it cannot cnnot pick up anything anythlni wih il
The kingfisher kln ther hits hll the water wntlr pourbill pourbilldownward Iwlrhl peirbiIldowmmwarci
downward like lk lik a flash lalh of bhw hII blu amid Ind whim whimlight whitolght whitelight
light hut the fi fha fislicaglt hoaRlt I ponderous cum cumbrous cumbrous cunibrous ¬
brous lght and deliberative delherthe Imx hl no deH dlpllen dlpllentlnly dtsmmei > nd en entirely entirtly ¬
tirely upon its itt talons taloll It I llis ls slowly shwI Iow over overtho merthe overthe
the lake upn at a height of ten tul tn twenty yards yardsSeeing ards ardsSeeing
Seeing Seing a fish fsh near the thl tmrfaoo llfH < it lowersitself lowers lowersIteelf Cowersit
itself it pl above abvo it drops Its It leg lej legs down for iix iixInches tlx tlxInchpl blxIncites
Inches Inchpl and brings hllgH < oIJI its tl long talons talont together togetherIn
in the ortort eron to grasp graspWhilo gralp gralpWhio graspWhile
While Whio It is II doing this thll timl Its Is great rat wings wngs are arepounding ar arepounding
pounding the air to keep It aloft Iloft Nobody Nobodyknows Nohod Nohodknows ohodyknows
knows what would lmpj happen > en if it fell fe1 in Inlore inmoore A Amore
more lore awkward takedchanceanyhow tokeachancayhow fish fisherman tlh tlheran fisherman ¬
erman eran does not exist existIt exilt exiltI exIstIt
It I would seem Im that any fish fdl with an atom atomof Itom Itomof atomof
of sense would get out of the way since sinceunquestionably sinceunquestionably
unquestionably unqulstonahly lnse plenty pl nt of timo tmo Is afforded affordedA aiorded aiordedA affordedA
A bass bllldlnl Idling on the surface surfac and Feeing Feing the thegreat thegrpat thegreat
great shadow Ihadow descending delcenelng would easily easilyihoot ealiy ealiyahoot easIlyshoot
shoot twenty yards Arcl bofore bforo the terrible terribletalons torrlbltalo torribletalons
talons talo were let Ilt let down downIti donIii own ownII
Iii II fact the man who has seen a fish flsheage fAh fAheag1e fisheagle
eage eagle catch cath a fish flh is II rare though thoujh every everyangler ever everyangler
angler has hal iwon en it try lots of times timesThe tI1t1 timesThe
The Th eagle after ono of these thel attempts atemptl gets getsaloft getsaloft getsaloft
aloft awkwardly awkwAnly for a hundred hltdrNI feet or so sothen sothpn sothen
then takis tkI a perch preh on Home IOI dead tree to over overlooking oer100kll overlooking ¬
looking 100kll tho water wallr and apparently Ippllfntlv thinks thinksabout thinksAbout thinksabout
about it for a while whie resolving III to do CO o l better hettprThen betterThen > ett r rThen
Then it i takes tulu wing and arl KCXS K through its itsowra iA iAOl1ra itsoiwra
owra Ol1ra bouffi hontl ohm hmns ono1 mO nc morn mornEagles 1110 11111 11111Eagles
Eagles Eglrs do cntch fIsh lh for now and 1111 then thenabout thenabut thenabout
about abut Minuet Inns t one Is 11 win HI winging wn 111 its I way waytoward waytoward waytoward
toward tho newt nrMt with wi h n handsome laldol l haQ ha > a w or orpike orIlkI orPike
pike In II its claws but the til prey must lu t have luivobwn h1 havelxen
bwn n nslcop atop when whtl tHU talI takmm n Th Irl ite h < flnheaxli nhII i ia Is Isa isa
a good deal ceal of a 1 scavenger and alII probably probablymuch Irohlhlv Irohlhlvmuch Prol > mbmlY mbmlYmuch
much of its I I mistonaneit UstOIall lanll Is gaIned galntd In cleaning cleaningup deanllK deanllKup
up dnil ead Palm flshIotn 18h 18hlt PalmIota
Iota lt of them thfm aro killed hiled and not eaten eatenby patenby eatenby
by other fish fh Often Ofen a 1 munkallotiKo IIMkalonlo or orbig nrhll orbig
big hll bass 016 will wi hit hi a smaller 1lal swimmer IwlllHr and kill killit ki kIllit
it when its iM own 0 maw mlw is II gorged gor d and the thodead thndrad thedead
dead thing floats foat away Tho flsheaglo flsheaglotakrn fshalln fshallntlkf1 fisheagletakes
takes tlkf1 it i in almost any stage Itae of decom decomposition decompositon decomnposition ¬
position positionThe positon positon1t
The 1t most mOlt frequent victims lo ravenous ravenousgamo rvnoul ravenousgamrie
gamo gaml fishes 15hs belong h10nl to t I the tll class ll R of suckers suckersThey suckersThey > ckerl
They Thp art ar slow arid ant get l < t out into deep water wateroften walprnftln wateroften
often nftln and ald there they tho meet 11lt fate If I a man mansees manfs mansees
sees fs a R big bli fat sucker Iurker floating 101tln b hII ° lly upward upwardwith upRII upRII1lh upwardwhim
with 1lh a gash g8h in it I ho hI may know that a muska muskalongp muskalonpe musksbonge
longp lonpe pike Jlke plckirril 1 or II I h linen KISS has hl bw blpn been n at atwork atwork atwork
work If I ho looks for tho bodv of the thesucker tlA tlAlucker thesmucker
sucker lucker the next day hn will wi not find fnd it Tho Thefisheagle Thofish Thotahagle
fish tahagle fisheagle agla will wil have boon hln along alongnirvo alon aloimgIS
nirvo 11110 IS WITH Tnorr TnorrThe TnnT TnnTTe T1IOrTThe
The Te Eplrurlan SIuikullnnBe tl knU n n or Same small SmsllMichigan smalliIIiigaii maU maUJhllal
Michigan Jhllal Lake LakesThere LakeThern Iakls IaklsThern
Thern arc several loeral email < mal lakes lale on the thoheadwaters thehladwattM theheadwaters
headwaters hladwattM of tho Mtinistiqua M niltlque nisthque River HiveI in inMichigan InMichigan inMichigan
Michigan whore I hero ther arc very cry laign lal go mus muskallonge IUM IUMkalonge nuuskallonge ¬
kallonge kalonge sad a Now ow York angler anllor Brook Brooktrout Brooktrout flrooktrout
trout are lr abundant in tho tl streams that thatrun thatrn thatrun
run rn Into Ino those lholc lakes lakesIt lakeIt lakesh
It had bi bn n tho lament IImelt of fishermen fishermentime f fichermentime hprmontime
time out of mind that tho muokallongo muokallongowould mUkllone mUkllonewIuld musknllongcmwould
would wIuld take no livu 10 bait bat or lures lur that wero werotried wacotried
tried on them but a party pary of anglers anglerl who whowore whowore whowore
wore trout fishing flhlng in that region madethe made madethe madot
the t hf discovery dllcCver homo seasons reltOnl ago rlgon that the thomuaknllongf themukalonlc timemuskallonge
muaknllongf mukalonlc would not accept aCCpt any of the thoordinary theordinary theordinary
ordinary l units hnl > for tho reason that they theywere theyere theywere
were ere highly epicurean tllicurean in their tastes tastesOne tastef tastesOno
One of the party rlr iart went out ono day to totry totry totry
try liiu I d 8 chill kl on the mutikallonge Iubkalong in ono of ofthe ofthl ofthe
the thl lakes After Ater exhausting exhaUtng it I nil al without withouthaving wihout wihouthang withouthaving
having liad a single hlnllo strike ho abandoned abandonedmuskallonge abandond abandondmUBkalonge abandonedmuskallonge
mUBkalonge muskallonge fishing and ant began casting castingfor casln caslnfor castingfor
for trout trut at a stream that emptied into the thelake thelak thelake
lake lak
He re hooked a fairsized farlizd trout and nd was watreeling wa wasreeimng
Jlng reeling it in when there ther came cme a sudden suddenf
< f
swoop fWOP and ad splash 8plh In the water wter and ad dot dotwent down downwent doiwent
went the thp trout trut and the tht fisherman fshermana H lead leadIn leadIn leader leaderIn
In the whirlpool whhlpol that marked the spot apt who whethe where wheretho whothe
the trout had been beenThe beenThe
ben benfhe
The fisherman fshtrma knew that It WM nothii nothiielse nothing nothitelse
else than a muskallongc luskalongo that had awe awethat twept twepttrout swojtrout
trout and and leader away In a dash luch such i ithat
that and ho Instantly made ut up his mil milthemselves mind mindthat mitthat
that It Wi was trout Inttuntv those tho e great fish th regalel regalelthemselveb regalt regaltthemselves
themselves on In those thoseallvn thos waters ateM Hokopt HokoptaUve Th kel kelaUve
aUve the next sixinch trout ho eaugh eaughput caughtl caughtlput caughput
put It on his hil muskallongv luskalonj hook and base tole toleI baseIt <
11 I into the lake where wher ho thought nmskal nmskallongp lusk umuskalongs l lJanKo
longs were more than tha likely Ikely lying In wait waitThe waltThe waitThe
The trout had barely sunk lunk below th thsurface thl Usurface
surface when hen It wastxnincod was pounced upon anblue on onlie and andtlo
tlo blue lie angler after artr I a wlrlunce stiff st stift fight fght for upn a quarte quartemuHkallonge quarterof quarteof
of an hour had the gratfcaton gratificatIon of landing landinga landn landna
a seventeenpound ha muHkallonge muHkallongeinuskallonge mu kalonge With Withsimiar It Itsimilar
simiar similar Heventnpund bait the party kied killed twelve big bigluHkalong bi bimnuskaliongo
inuskallonge luHkalong In that lake In less le tha thatwo than thantwo thatwo
two hours hoursAt hourl hoursAt
At the same time every other kind o obait of ofbait cbaIt
bait was wn used sme without tmo lthout ever a single strike Itrke re resuiting roultng rcculling
suiting ultng on any of them At A t any time tme dorm durlnthe dormthepartys
the thepartys partys stay sty ty thereabouts thorCouts muskallong muskallongbait muskalonge muskalongeculd muskahlongcould
culd could be cAught when trout were uled used al a abait
bait bat but at no time with wih anything else elseThe Ill elseThe
The big fish tmo were ore connoisseurs cnnlsleurl Th Thstreams Tho Thostream Thstreams
streams stream provided prvded flh them with wih delicate delcate troutand trout trouand troutand
and they refused refUld tem anything lens le choice choiceTrading choiceTrading choiceTrading
Trading off trout for muskallongo mtkalono soome soomelike soemelIke
like lke a decidedly dolderly barbarous baharous and utwport utwportmanlike unprt unprtmanlke umvportsmanlike
manlike thing to do but the knowlodg knowlodgobtained knowlodgeobtaine knowlodgobtained
manlke t
obtained obtaine as A to the ways waYI of rausknllong rausknllongwas muskalongo muskalongoWi muskallonwas
was Wi regarded by the anglers as a worth worthsacrifice th thsacrifice tho thoscrlfcf
sacrifice sacrificeAnother sacrificeAnother
scrlfcf Another lake In that region has ha nowher nowhermore nowhoremore nowhermore
more than four feet fet of water Vatr In It and It Itbottom It itbottom
bottom botom is so 1 soft 8ft that a pole ple twenty twent foe foelong feotlong feebug
long may be shoved down into it withou withoureaching wihout wihoutrlachlng wtthmureaching
reaching solid 8Id ground The lake is allv allvwith alvl ali aliwith
with big hil pickerel plollere for they havo devoure devoureall doourtd doourtdal
all al au of the th small smal ones onesThey one orion1hey
They lhlY bite at almost anything presentei presenteito prCented prCentedto
to them thlm them hut the moment ono Is hookei hookeiIt hooker
It dives dlls Into the soft 1f bottom bottm and goe goeco gocso
co 10 deep that sometime 8metlnC they have to b bpried he heprNI bpried
pried prNI out Olt with poles pl I It I is not an unoom unoomof unrm unrmman uneonimon
man thin thing to mlnea mine a pickerel from a depth depthof deptiof
of four feet flot The bottom botom is II not mud mue o omire or ormir omire
mire mir hut a pulpy mass m described dPrlhe as resem resembling rem remblng resenibling
bling blng tapioca pudding puddingllfT puddingtT puddhugIRT
Crowing Popularity Popnlal of the NpertHInt NpertHIntfor Sport sprtlnt sprtlntror Hint Hintfor
for the thf Antler AntlerFlyfishing AnslrrFyfshlng AnglerFlyfishing
Flyfishing Fyfshlng In northern Maine water waterwill waterl waterlwil watertlIi
will wil soon bo prmo From the lat to th th15th the the15th th15th
15th of June is the th recognized reognze time tme for th thbeginning the thebellnnln thbeginning
beginning bellnnln of the best of this thi sport Iport but Indl Indlcations Iml intLciutlons
cations catol8 this year yer point to an exceptional exceptionalfino exceptlonly exceptlonlyfno
fine fno opening brought about by an unusunll unusunllwarm unusualy unusualywarm unusualiwarrmm
warm spring springThe IprlngThe springThe
The secret ferlt of the thl growing gowlng popularity ppularity o othis of ofthlM cthis
this sport lies il1 In the fact that It Is II fin art artnml Irt Irtnnd artamid
amid like lke all al art it has an ideal Idel which on onis one oneil onis
is il over IJlr striving btrlvln for but never quite quie attain attainOno attins attinsOno attainuOne
Ono who begins begl In proper propr form can will willpractice wih wihpractie witpractice
practice practie continually contnuly improve in distance diltance ac accuracy accurcy accuracy
curacy curcy and delicacy delcacy Accuracy and delicac delicacnro delcacy delcacynre
nro the main requisites requllt of the practicn practicnfisherman practcal practcalf practictftshermnan
fisherman f herlan distance casting figurbngprincipuully flgurlngjprin flgurlngjprincipnlly fgrngIprln fgrngIprlncpnl
cipnlly cpnl in contests contfMta and exhibitions oxhlbltons Th Thdistance The Thedl Tbdistance
distance dl t3nce record U I something over 140 10 feet feetbut fet fetbut feelbut
but the lie average fisherman fhormnn will wi seldom seldonII selciorrnome
II P more than tln sixty and never more thai thaieighty thaneighty thaeighty
eighty font fet of line lineFlycasting lne lneIyc limmeFlycasting
Flycasting Iyc atlng U l simply a motion moton of th thwrist the the1Tlst thWrIst
wrist 1Tlst end forearm a I quick quck twitch twith bac bacat back backat bacat
at the proper time tme and another forward forwanwhen forwardwhen forwaruwhen
when the lIne Ino has had time tme to stralghtei stralghteiout tralghtenout
out behind The more line lne cast clat th thmore the themore tI tImore
more time tme is II of course oourle required for th thback the theback lbback
back oast Theoretically Thooretcaly these thes casts cats should shoulibe shouldbe ehoulube
be the same sameThe sme smeThe sameThe
The novice bungles for several sveral reasons reasonsbecause relOM relOMboause reasonsbecause
because boause he usefl U not only the wrist writ and fore forennn foreanl forearumi
nnn anl but the entire arm Irm arm and the body ni niwell ns nswel a awell
well wel does doe not give the beck cast C61t sucIent1rne sufflcien sufflcienfine sufcent sufcenttime
fine or throws the rod too far forward forwardthus forwardthul forwardthus
thus thul making it Impossible Inpo8Iblo for the line 110 t tunwind to tounwind tc tcunwind <
unwind and come down easily 6sly and naturally naturallyAccuracy 1 naturallyAccuracy tusly tuslyAccuacy
Accuracy Accuacy and an delicacy dclcc como from lon lonpractice Jonl Jonlpractice ionpractice
practice and are most mot essential edsnUalaccompllh edsnUalaccompllhments accomplish accomplishmonts accompllsbmeets
meets The big troutwhich trout whlcb lie le in wail wailfor woltfor vaitfor
for tempting morsels morses under uder logs and lil lilpads 1 lllpads >
pads pds or beside rushing rlblng eddies edie pay pa little littleattention ltle ltleatention littlEattention
attention atention to a fly fy unless It Is put down in inthe Inthe itthe
the right spot and in the right manner mannerLong mannerLong mannerLong
Long experience experienc has hal taught tught them that thatthem thatthem thatthere
them Is something Iomethlng very suspicious lusplcoUI about aboutdainty aboutdainty aboutdainty
dainty bits bis which come into the water watol in inunnatural Inunnatral iiiunnatural
unnatural unnatral wajs Warl wa8 Heavy splashing splashlnl casts castsmay Osts Ostsmay castsmay
may attract atract the small Imal and inexperienced inexperiencedtrout
trout tho kind of trout trat that one may take takeone tlte tlteone takeone
one minute throw back and ad catch againten again againten againten
ten minutes mlnutel later the frolicsome frolcome festive festivetrout festhetrout festivetrout
trout which jump for everything fvelthlng from fromtiny fromtiy fromtiny
tiny tiy bits bis of wood up to big maple leaves leavesbut lenvN leaeslimit
but the big fellows fol018 tho oldtimors ol tilors do not notpay notpar notpa
pay pa any particular attention atlmtion to this sort sortof sor sorof som somof
of castingAnd casting castingAnd caatlngAI
And AI for these thlle reasons rpalons and ad many mny more morethere morethero morethere
there is I a deal to learn lear in fly fy fishing fishingIn fshlnl
In quick or running water trout will willoften wi willoften
often tako the th fly when it Is allowed allowedto alowed alowedto
to float foat Icwn m l1n wn past pa their retreat retreatnaturally rctrtnaturaly retreatnaturally
naturally naturaly wIth Lao curront while whie they theywill theyI theywill
will I refuse refuB to rise rs to the same fly fy dragged draggedagainst draggedasalnst draggedagainst
against tho current In one Instance Instanc the thelure tholuro thelure
lure Is following folowing natural naturl laws lawsand and in tho thoother thoothr theother
other othr it is violating violatng them and the big Ig trout trouthave trouthave trouthave
have sense enough to t know it itFor ItFor itFor
For th tht the same reason In pond fishing fishingit flhlng flhlngIt
it Is necessary nocsary to put a fly fr down just as a anatural anatura anatural
natural natura fly fy alights alghtl as gently as a falling fallingfeather faiing faiingfeather fallingfeather
feather It I is often oren necessary neclary to make makea
a cast Ct so 8 that the flies flc will wi hang hag upon a abush abush abush
bush that overhangs overhanp1 a pool for a few mo memonte moments momonts ¬
monte before dropping Into the water wlter below belowThis beow beowThil belowThis
This Thil trick will wi often fool the oldest oldett trout troutwhen troutwhol troutwhen
when whol a cost cat made directly into tho water waterwould waterwould
would wOlld attract atract no attention attenton whatever whateverThe whateverThe whateverThe I
The reason rORon Is II plain The Thf trout below lie liethere le lethere liethere
there hiding waiting for flies fls to light lght uponthe upon uponthe I Ithe
the bushes blshes They see le them light lght and ad walt waitfor waltforthom waltfor
for forthom them to fall rai When Whn a fly fy comets como suddenly suddenlyinto suddenlyInto suddenlyinto
into view from nowhere and suddenly suddenlydUnppoars luddenlydllappars sudeisimlydisappears
disappears dllappars Just jtt aa mysteriously they the know knowsomething knowsomothlng knowsomething
something is wrong wrongHi5 wrongBl wrongPig
Pig trout will wi not rise close clO to a canoe cano or orboat orboat orhoat
boat Place Plae two fishermen lhermen in the same samecraft samecrfat samecraft
craft at the right point and have one cwt cocttwenty cwttwenty casttwenty
twenty feet fet and the other fifty ffy Nine Ninotimes Ninetimes Ino Inotimes
times out of ten the one casting catmg twenty twentyfeet twontyfeet
feet flCI will wi bo hI taking trout running six Ilx twenty nnd nndelujlil nd ndIltht zmdeight
eight to the pound arid ald the one 01 casting
Iltht flli flltv fli t will wi bo funding trout weighing wol weighing hlng fromhalt from fromtwo fromhalt
halt a pound to a poud pound and a half It Ittwo Lettwo
two men fish fsh from frm the same fame boat boatand and ad upon uponcantsand uponoPPoMite uponoponmte
oPPoMite side aides and let one make bW1glng bW1glng01tsa bungling bunglingoastsand
cantsand 01tsa the other other place plac the film flM upon the thewater thewater thewater
water with wih delicacy dloac and much the same sameresults samerCuha sameresults
results rCuha will wi follow followThere folow folowfher6 followFhere
There is II also IIM ls a difference dltlreno In the way waythn waythn waythe
thn flies nils must mtt be h handled when once onc upon upontho upontho upontIme
tho water waUr For instance hllt e early ealy in mime ihoor I mimeseason he heImafon
Imafon season trout take a wet wet fy fly that Is an Inch Inchor inchor
or no 10 under water simply Imp because hacaule they the urn urnnot lre lreIot aremint
not Iot rising rllnj freely hut feeding fOdlng mainly tinder tinderthe tindertht tinderthe
the tht surface surfacelater surfac surfacelater
later Ite on the flies tie must mUt be b trolled t rolP gently gentlyon
genty gentyon
on tho surface Iurfac and at times tlmC when the trout troutfly troutfy troutfly
fly fy is ma in evidence evldlncf a hopping fly fv tempts temptseven tmptP temptsercim
even the thl most indifferent Indlforent fish flll This Thil is isbecause IsbeCIlte isixcatmse
because beCIlte tho trout t rol fly f of which hlch time tll fish fishare flh flhlre fishare
are lre very ery fond differs clfrs from other 0 her flies fip In Inpossessing Inpossclmg Inpossessing
possessing possclmg the nblllty nhlt to light lght upon the thewater theter thewater
water ter rest rel a moment and fly fy off of again againThe againThe agaimTime
The average fly fy or miller mlr Is II down for good goodwhon goodwhon goodwhen
whon onoo onc It strikes lt rkO the surface surfaceThe lurface lurfaceThe surfaceTime
The lii Ito idea a that thlt trout may be b taken taken upon uponthe uponthe uponth
the th fly at all al times tmfs is II decidedly doldNly an a error rror
Trout will wi not rise ra well wel unless unlel conditions conditionsare condllonl
are favorable favorble In the majority mjorty of waters watersTherearo waterl watersTherekre
Therearo to ho sure Ilr places plac where they theyseem theyseem theyrecta
seem TereJro little ltle affected alerd by unfavorable oondf oondftlons oonMtons oommdftions
tlons tons hut they are ar very few and invarlaby Invarlah Invarlahtho immvarialmvthe
the sportsman I ma soon on tires tlr of the sport whete whetethoao wheltheBe sbmemmthese
these spr unnatural Innf ura condition ondltlon exist exlt apr Water Waterwind W Waterwind atlr atlrwind
wind and have much
ad temperature temprature to do dowith dowih dowIth
with wih bringing about the tht best bst fly fishIngand fishing fishingand flhlng flhlngand
and for just this reason reaon it is 1 not every day
that thlt the fisherman tlherma finds fnd the fish eer In the theright theright therIght
right are mood even eYln if I ho U I where the fish fishare fsh fsharA fishare
areFarly arAJrly Early Jrly In the season lelln wann weather draws drawstho drawl drawstime
tho trout lroutfrom from the deep to the shallow shallowwater shalow shalowwater shallowwater
water but later on warm war weather sends sendsthem sendsthem ndl
thlm them from shallow Ihllow to deep dNp water and andcool andcol andcool
col cool weather brings them back to shallow shallowwater Ihalow Ihalowwater shallowWater
water again There There are at days da1 when the thetrout thetrout thetrout
trout are rising rling continually cntinualy but generally generallya generaly
a fow hours at at inornln inornlnSmall morning ad and evenig evening afford dordthe affordtim
the bt best thlng fishing ot the dy day
Small Sml trout require rquir much more food
than larger fish flh It is making a con conservtive on onlerlatle noncervative
servtive lerlatle estimate Ct Imate to state that a sixInch
trout trut rises rl0 fifty fft v timed where a a pound ptnd trot trotrises trut trutrsC trotrises
rises rsC once onCe and a I lmN pound pund trout twenty time timeto tmes tmesto timeto
for fish fishThoro fishThere
to onoe onc a fourpound fsh fshThoro
Thoro is a lourpund general belief blef among non nonfishermen nonfshermen norfishermen
fishermen fshermen that genera trout blto the fly fy Sue SuoIs Suoh SuohhI SueIs
Is not the cane The troutattracted troutnttraot troutattrnotedbyth troutattrnotedbythfly by th thfly the thefy
fly fy rises rlsc for CIO it with the Intent Intnt to take tke it I Iits in inI Iits
its mouth carry it away and devour 11 11The It ItThe itfhe
The fish fh runs carr with its Ie food foo from frm other fish flzljust fh fhjut fishjust
just jut as a chicken wth runs with a worm trot frorthe tromother trotother
chokon rn
other ohlcken chIckens but on touching the fy fythe 11 11the
the trouts keen kCn nose no so tells tell Instantly Inltanty bbs thaIt that thatIt bbsit
It has h been bn deceived docevod and it spits spll the lur lurout lue lueout brouti
out at once onceFor oncoFor onceFor
For this reason the strike is II necessarj necessarjand nOllar nocesearand
and tho fisherman fsherma must be quick Notoo No Notoo Not Nottoo
too quick not too slow Ilo iuw Tho novice wll wllI wi
I be slow about nineteen times out of olwenty olwentyI twenty twentyI twentyThere
I I There Tero 1 II no tug such tmc as a tho bait bat fisher fisherI fsher fsherI fishermen
I men experience The Tbf trained traine fishermani fishermanioyo fhrma
I eye notes nots the rise rlt and instinctively Intnctvely h hstrikes he heI hstrikes <
strikes strke Ho does not give a jerk that wll wllthrow wi wilthrow
throw the fish fh clear over the boat but juspressure jus juspressure jUlt jUltprelure
I pressure enough to t hook the fish tlh and tlui tluiis thll thllia thuIs
is very little littleTry littlerry
Try Tr to ltte ltteI sot lot a sharp hook Into the flesh fleampart tOhy tOhypr fleshpart
I part of the thumb and seo how easily el11 easilycan li lican It ItI
can pr be b done Too hard a strike strke make makea
I a rent in tho jaw ja1 of the fish fsh and ad renderi renderiescape renderl renderlap renderiescape
escape easy eaY Tho right kind of strike strikesets Btriksets etrke < i iI
sets ap the hook firmly and oven permits t tmoderate a amodorate imoderate
I moderate amount frmlr of 0 slack slak line lineThe lne lineThe prmtl I
The artificial artlfolal fly fy Is II not necessarily necrly ar arimitation In InI erimitation
imitation of some natural fly although athoUfh the tmbody thebody theI
I body hackle hakle and feathers fether are in imlta imltatlon imnitation < i
tlon of the body legs and wings Borne Bornestandard Somestandard me
standard ton flies flc are close cloo leg copies co les of natural naturalkilling naturalflies I
flies for Intance Instance the whlre white and gray mi rail raillets
ler lets 11 the blak black gnat and the lke like but other othoikilling i ikilng
killing flies have no parallel In nature th throd the thero therod
kilng rod ibis fe and tho Parmachonee Belle DUe 1 1particular In InI it itparticular
particular ro tho latter being the favorite favorie o ofishermen of offshermen 01 01fishermen
I fishermen The later attractiveness attratlvOIM bing of the lure luris lure lureIs lureIs
is fshermen what seems to appeal appl to t the trout am amto and andto ancto
to whet tho appetite appetiteBait appetiteBait
apptte apptteBat
Bait fishing has hl about tho same roltioi roltioito rolatlonto
Bat fshing
to fly fishing fhing that shooting a covey cvey of qua quaon qui quaon
on fy the ground and picking ono from thc thiflying the thefying thcflying
flying bunch has to t hunting luntng One is sport sportthe IpOr sportthe
the other recreation rretion pure and simple simpleFlyfishing slmpeiyf8hlng simpleIytlahing
Flyfishing requires require skill Ik1 Judgmentexperienee Judgment Judgmentexperience JUdgmentexperonce
experience iyf8hlng baitfishing batflhlng requires requirel little llttlmoro lttle lttlemoro littlemore <
experonce moro than stout tackle takle It I is I the easIest easiesthing eiest eiestthing easIestthing
thing in tho world ord for a trout to t cscapiwhen cscapi eapewhen escapwhen
when lightly lghty hooked with wih a fly fy it is L next tc tcimpossible to toImpnlible t timpossIble
impossible for It I to get away when caught caughton
on the average avergo baitfishing baltlshlng rig rigAnd rg rgAnd rigAnd
And for this reason rean tho tendency tfndency o omodern of ofmoder oh ohmodern
modern fishermen Is l more and more tc tcgive to togho togive
give moder the fshermen fish a chance chanr for ane life le Within Wlthtifrom Withintho ithir ithirthe
the past few fah years trolling rigs have 8TOIyo evolved evolvedfrom
year trolng
from frm dragging drgging Irons IroD to single hook device deviceand delcN delcNad devicesand
balonly bal bait baitonly baitonly
and many fishermen have come cme to use
only ad when hel Ishermen trout trut for food can be b scurec scurecin azcured azcuredIn cured curedin
in no other way wayRods wayRds wayRods
Rods haw gone down dow from ten and eight eignlto plghtto eightto
to Rds four and five ounces ounCI In weight wflght leaden leadenmany lIaer leadersIron
from double and amid treble gut ut to sIngle nd ndmany and andmany
many changes hav havcall hOln heart wrought which whichal whichcall
call for the best bo the th fishurman flhurman can cn give giveThe glwThe giveThe
The al time when baitfishing baitfshing will wi he consignee consigneeto
to pot hunters and farmers farmlI boys boysl except excepwhen eXClt eXCltI exceptwhen
when pt the th fish fh cannot ane be sucossfully sucoMful y taker takerin tkln tklnin takerin
in any other way Is not far distant distantThe ditt ditt1h distantThe
I The flyfishermans outfit outft is 11 of prime oo caalderation
1 sideratlon 1h fyt The ermn rod should be b prme prmeIlderaton of soli soliIwmboo splt spltI splIt splItbamboo
Ilderaton Te ro
bamboo which is now recognized recgnzod as n havin havinthe having havingthe havingthe
I bambo the most wloh resilience and strength Itre th lie lieweight It Itweight It Itweight
weight should rsienc not be b more mor an than tba five fv or six sixounces Ilx Ilxouncs sisounces
ounces ouncs nor its lt length more mor than tha eight eightfeet eightfeet eightfeet
feet feetAsmall feetA Asmall A sml small waterproof watrproof line lne will 1 lost lat longci longcithan lonr lonrthan longemthan
than the plain silk but will w1 not cost so sowell 8 8wpi sewell
pla will ba basufficient besufficient
well Two twentyflveyard twentyfvyar coils 011 wl
sufficient wpi A plain click clck reel f11 U better bttr than thana
a sufcient multiply and a landingnet is II a necessity necessityThe neo necessityThe lty ltyThe
The fly book need not contain an a endlew endlewvariety ecle eclevarety endiesivariety
fy bok ne cnta
variety of flies IUC for a good god many may of th thlures the thelur theburee
lures lur varety are evidently made mae for no other otbtr pur purpose pu puple purpose ¬
pose than tha evldentlr to sell Half Haf a dozen dozn of th thstandards the thetandards thestandards
standards ple will illwer answer every ever purpose purso of th thMaine the theMaine theMaIne
Maine fisherman fshermanthe fishermanthe the Parmachenee Parachene Bellebrown Belle Bellebrown Ble Blebrown
brown hackle gray hackle Queen Qu n of th thWater the theWater theWater <
Water Montreal Montrfal Silver Doctor Door and ad black blaclgnat blackgnat blaclignat
gnat For Forapoclal special spocal occasions oo lom the gray gry and andwhite ad adwhite andwhIte
white millers Jlerb ths tl yellow yelow May 1y and ad the theHackles therr thered
red ibIs may b0 e adde added addedHackles
rr Hackles Hacklf Ihl should ou1d be b bewourmdwlth wound with wth silk Ilk sllkbodiee1 sllkbodiee1and bodies bodiesand bie biead
and ad not 10t with peacock feathers feathersIf fethem fethemI
If the fisherman flherma pacck is I to work ork into Int the wil wilderncs wilderns 1
derncs dore8 Illlc I n two tWI tIV mil rods 1UUO roes should anwuiu be b l D taken Idnuii because buse busea becausea trv iw iwfly
a fly fy rod n nare 11 breaks brlJks easily ea iy and ad repair rcpr shops shopse shop
are e not notpart plentiful in the jungle An anti antidote antIdote
dote for black fif flies I is ao also an Idlplablo Idlplabloplrt indispensable indispensablepart
part plrt of the outfit outft and ad a pair of pocket pcket scales scaleswill Icale scaleswill
will il show many may trout trut that weigh eigh less If than thanestimated thanestimatedand thantmatlland
estimated estimatedand and a few that tha weigh more moreOne mr moreOne
tmatlland One prime prinl requisite Is l to find tnd where here to go goand goad goand
and ad this can befit bt be discovered discsro by con consulting on onsuIting consuiting ¬
suIting tl some fisherman f henna The Te important importantthing Imprat Impratthing Importantthing
thing is to find where the trout trut are The Thenovice Te Tenovc Thenovice
i t tnd
novice will find a little ltle preliminary prelmln back backyard bak bakar backyard ¬
wl fd
novc yard casting very helpful helpful No fly fy la lanecessary 1 Isneces
necessary nPF neces ar sary I hut yer If I one is used ue it should Ihould be bebroken b bebroken
broken brken at lt the bend to t mako it harmless hnlc
Giants That lt May De Caught Only Oly In the theEarly te teErly theEarly
Early Erly Sprint SprintIn prtngIn
In the early spring Iprng suckers sucket in immense immenseschools Immeneschools immensehool
schools hool run rn up from St Marys MarY1 River Blverbetween Rver Rverbetwcn Riverbetween
and Huron into intothe Intothe intothe
between betwcn Lakes Lkel Superior Superor luron
the small smal streams that thut come in on both bothsides bothIdts bothaides
sides Idts of the river ryer and ad there deposit dEposit their theirspawn theirspawn theirspawn
spawn They are followed folowe by brook trout troutin troutIn troutin
in droves drovl8 and among along them are ar specimens specimenslarger specinmenslarger peclmens peclmenslarger
larger than can he found anywhere ayhere else elN in intho Intho inthe
tho Northwest SorthwcstThese NorthwestThose orhwlt orhwlt111ese
These trout trut are after tho sucker spawn spawnand fpaW spawnand
and leave the thl upper waters ater of the streams streamswhen stlarb stlarbwhen streamswhen
when the spawning of those thoF fish tlh Is over overWhile oyerWhlt overhiIe
While hiIe following IJawnlng the suckers they furnish furnishrare furllh furllhrar furnishrare
Whlt with withflve withfive ith ithfve
rare sport tport to the angler Inller and catches
five rar fve and ad nixpounders Ixpounder among n10ng them have havebeen bavebeen havebeen
been made madeBy madeDy madeBy
By the end lnd of May tho trout have ro returned rotured roturned ¬
turned tured to the deep pools and to the St StMarys Sttarvs StMarys
Marys tarvs River Rver and the large larlc ones will wl not notrUflto notrAtO notrise
rUflto rise to the thl fly fy again during tho season seasonNow la laNow seasonNow
Now rAtO and nd then a big one ole will il be b tempted tempte by byan byan byan
an attractive atractive minnow on the hook hok and a asmall a111al asmall
small white troll trol without feathers on It Itoften Itofen itoften
often 111al proves a good killer kier of them The Thesmaller Tbesmaler Thesmnitlier
ofen smaller smaler trout however continue cntnue to t give giveexcellent giveexcent giveexcellent
excellent excent sport to the angler all al through throughthe trugh trughtho
the season seasonALLlQATOnS se311 se311H season4LLWITOIS
M Mans Ian ny Refine Rrrlie to Eat and ani So Stan to Death DeathOne Deth DethOnr DeathOne
One Way ar of Feeding Feedln Them TtieraThe ThemThe em emTho
The alligator algatr sold sd a showman Ihowmn is iscommonly I Icmmonly Iacommonly
commonly cmmonly supposed sUPpld to have a good appe appetite app appetile ¬
tlo tile In fact from the stories stres we read rad about aboutits aboutIl aboutits
Il its roaming around in the streams Itrl and andbayous andbayoul andbayous
bayoul bayous of its native regions rgion picking up upand upand upsad
and eating eatng colored clored pickaninnies plckanlnnes and stray straydogs strydOls straylogs
dOls dogs and biting bitng off or the legs I gs of men It finds findsasleep tnc findsisluep
aloep asleep on the banks bankl and even taking In a aman am aama
m man whole and swallowing swalowng calves clVOI and that thatsort thatfrt thattort
frt sort of thing ono would think t nk that the sill aliigator aJ sillator
gator ator had a very voracious vorcloul appetite appttc which whichwas whch whchS whichsa8
was S always alwl1 in good working workng order orderAnd ordernd orderAnd
And nd this is all al true tre enough of the thl sill alligator a1 sillator ¬
gator ator down there ther under natural latural conch conditions cndi cnditons conchIons ¬
tons Ions and Ind free fro But the alligator algator In cap captivity captivty caplvity ¬
tivty tivity Is II a very different dlfernt proposition prpsiton It I is isaften isften ieofen
ofen aften very ery difficult difcul to get jet the alligator algaor in incaptivity Incaptvty Inaptivity
captvty captivity to eat at all al especially Elpolaly at first firstBo tlt tltS firstSo
Bo S thousands thoulnds of little ltle alligators algatrl that thattourists tht thttoursts thatourlsts
toursts tourists send up or bring brng up from Florida Floridastarve Florda FlordaItaro Floridactarvo
Itaro starve to death after they th get her They
live iv a few weeks or a month or two without withoutMaybe withoutmatimmg
matimmg anything and than just dfe dfeMaybe
Maybe this IB Just as well In the case of
IIPSB alligators for the alligator would wouldinrdly wouldinrdly
inrdly do for a household pet and as n nnatter emmatter
matter of fact time owners of these small smallilllgators emailulilgalors
illlgators are likrly to l he > e pretty well tired tiredif
if them anyway l eforn > thme they diehit die dieBut
But now with alligator kept for show showpurposes showaumrposes
purposes especially time larger ones Its dif ¬
ferent You rant afford to tahavethiem have them dying dyingdevise dyinaDfT
DfT on you anti youve got to get em to leecT leecTmorneluow
morneluow If they wont eat ouve got to toiieise
devise some way of making em emble emOne
One way of doing this with time iarcer iarcergatore
gatore ie to throw food Into em Tobe Tobeible
ble to do this you have got of course courneto
to get them to open their mouth and andIcing in
doing this you must of course exercise exercisejlte
lime care for you dont want an alligator to
bIte your hand off or anything like that thatI
I One way ue ay of feeding these larger alligatorss alligators
s to stand ofl at s safe distance with a stick stickif
if f suitable length In one hand and a chunk chunkif
if f meat In the other Mth the stick you youcratch youecratch
cratch the alligators head until you get it itingry Itingry
ingry and it raises its upper Jaw opening openingad
its mouth to snap at you if it can Then Thenwhen
when its mouth is wIde open like that you youmuri
muri time meat clown its throat and so aive
he animal nourishment even though it itria4
ria4 ad refused to take it of Itself ItselfMany itselfMany
Many a sizable aJllcatcr of say three or orour
tour our foot and upward In length that would woulditherwlso
itherwlso have been l > teen lost has been saved savedn
n this manner by experienced animal sninmalecuers animaleders
eders After the gator once sets to toeedtng toeeding
eedtng why then it will eat all right Hgiti
= i rJ t r a A 1
You eu Men net Your our Harm tin Our llrnnk llrnnk8ay tirnokgaysthecemmlsslon
8ay gaysthecemmlsslon the Commission to the Voters Vntersmni Vntersmnia tnn tnnTrout
a Trout Vote ote DOM it Pay Pn Taxes TaxesBirn FacesBarn
Barn Owner Inquire of then limo Whir trip World WorldCALSD0m1IA VorlilCILBDOWIA
CILBDOWIA N Y May 17 TIme Now NowYork NowYork
York State Fish Commission IJM ordered orderedthat orderedthat
that all barns and outbuildings along alongBradys alongBradys
Bradys Brook a stream feeding Sprint SprintCreek SpringCreek
Creek which supplies the States big trout trouthatchery trouthatchery
hatchery here lx > moved Tho Commis Commissioners Commissionors ¬
sioners say that the buildings are nuisances nuisancesand nuIsancesand
and endanger the lives of the fish which whichthey whichthey
they are trying to propagate Many ManyCaledonia ManyCaledonla
Caledonia people take a different viow of ofthe ofthe
the matter They pay that trout are a anuisance anuisance
nuisance when they interfere with mens mensbarns mensbarns
barns and that the Fish Commission Qaa Qaago c = l lgo
go to thunder with its fish They also ntawallege alsoallege
allege that trout cat anglo worms and andother andother
other dirty things and as for the men who whoare whoare
are employed at the hatchery and have havegot havegot
got to drink the watnr why they are work working working ¬
ing for the State Its argued and must mustdrink roustdrink
drink what the taxpayers give them Be Besides Besides ¬
sides fishermen here say time trout in Spring SpringCreek SprIngCreek
Creek havent been hurt any by sewage sewagein
in the post and are if anything firmer trout troutthan troutthan
than can bo found anywhere else Ono Onolocal Onelocal
local sport who signs himself Justice Justicewrites justicewrites
writes to the town paper paperI
I take this opportunity of sending you youa
a few line to express my mind on the sub subfeet subfeet
feet that everybody 1 ut interested in that thatis thatIs
is liberty AM wo living in a free freeStato freeState
State Do we own the land wo bought boughtand bnugimtand
and paid for If not why not I am amreferring antreferring
referring now to those FISh Commissioners Commissionersissuing CommIssionersissuing
issuing such nn outrageous order compelling compellingus
us to stop using that nasty little ditch aa an anoutlet anoutlet
outlet and sower Why the people below belowhave belowhave
have always used the water at time Snapp Snappand Soappand
and Connor springs And time people peopleat
at the fish ponds dont look unhealthy unhealthyThey unhealthyThey
They have always drunk it nnd while whilethey whilethey
they have complained once in n while they theyhad theyhad
had no right to totime they are at work for us usand usand
and must take what we give them themTho themThe
The idea of their finding fault with us usbecause usbecause
because we have outhouses located over overtheir overtheIr
their drinking water sources It is a a down downright clownright ¬
right shame and disgrace that thcso offi officials ofIlcials ¬
cials can come here and interfere with a aman aman
man when ho is on his own property I Ifor Ifor
for one am willing to put up my share and andhire andhire
hire a lawyer to fight them Yen fight fightthem fightthem
them to tho ha death Let us force those flsh flshmen fisimmen
men to drink our sewage as they always alwayshave alwayshave
have done and if they refusewell refuse well wo wohave wehave
have some good friends at Goneseo IGenesso IGenessoIs Geneseo GeneseoIs
Is the county seat of Livingston who will willhelp willhelp
help us in this matter and what they say sayto sayto
to the Governor goes I dont know but butwhat butwhat
what that would be the proper way to do doat doat
at once Have the Governor fire the whole wholedurn wholedurn
durn shootingmatch for Insulting us andwarn and andworn
worn the people at the flab ponds to take taketheir taketheir
their medicine and stop kicking or they theywill theywill
will go ao too tooPerhaps tooPer1ape
Perhaps this letter Isnt wholly sincere sincereThe sincereThe
The Brady Brook is about a half mile in inlength ittlength
length It starts from a big spring right rightible rightoutof
outof the lime rock inJim Boytans cellar cellarnear
near Main street Butter anti other destruct destructIbis
Ibis farm products are kept In the spring
but the Commissioner dont object much muchto muchtothat
to tothat that The surface sewage sewageof of Main iiainetreet iiainetreetempties street streetempties
empties Into the stream near the source sourceback sourceback
back of Smith Bros blacksmith shop shopand shopand
and there are also two or three duokyards duokyardsand
and henyards near the head h ad Trout have havebeen havebeen
been known to come up to the spring of oftheir oftheir
their own accord when the creek was so sodirty sodirty
dirty with the sewage from the street that thatone thatone
one couldnt see the bottom and instead of ofbeing ofbeIng
being injured by the drainage they seemed seemedto
to like it itJohn ItJohn
John Pullyblanks livery barn also Is Ison ison
on the stream He washes the mud off offhis oWhIs
his buggies Into the creek but the Com Commissioners Cornmissloneri ¬
missioners say that will be all right if ho hocleans becleans
cleans up his barnyard Fred Dalys beer beercooler beercooler
cooler and his honyard which are about abouthalf abouthalf
half way down the stream also have got gotto gotto
to be looked after and there are several severalother severalother
other places near the foot of the brook brookwhich brookwhIch
which according to the Commissioners Commissionersorders CommIssionersorders
orders will have to bo attended to toThe toThe
The Commissioners are taking extraor extraordinary extraordinary ¬
dinary precautions It is im said because becausethe becauseof
of the spidemto which occurred among amongthe
the flan in Spring Creek four or five yean yeanago yearsago
ago At that time they lost more than thanhalf thanhalf
half the fish in the ponds and in the other otherparts otherparts
parts of the creek and the work at the thnthat thehatchery
hatchery was badly orippled It Is thought thoughtthat
that the epidemic was caused by polluted pollutedwater pollutedwater
water entering the creek from a millpond rnillpondabove millpondabove
above and ever since the Commissioners Commissionershey
have teared a repetition ofthe experience experienceThey
They hey have expended 5000 in acquiring acquiringand
and and water rights to the millpond so sohat sothat
hat the water may have on uninterrupted uninterruptedlow
low aw from the springs to the creek creekand and In Inither Intimer
timer ways have been unusually careful carefulThe carefulrho
The creek on which the hatchery is in only onlyibout onlyLbout
ibout a mild long but it is one of the finest finestrout fimmestrout
rout streams In In the country varying varyinginly varyingnly
inly a few degrees hi temperature In winter winterind wintertnd
ind summer The entire stream Is pro proected proiected
ected and the State owns a large part of oft oft
t The hatchery which la the one started startedly startedly
ly Seth Green is said to be the largest largestrout largestrout
rout hatchery in the world worldThere worldThere
There is no love lost between the Fish FishiJommlssloners Fishomm1ssioners
iJommlssloners and some of the Caledo Caledodana Caledoalans
dana The Fish Commissioners come up uplere uptiere
lere and flub on tho States property and andhe andhe
he local anglers although the stream is a aort amort
ort of Caledonia institution are outside outsidef
at f the pole altogether They are lucky
Lf f they con sneak in through the cattails cattailsjnrt cattalisand
and muck and drop a line on the sly
But the Fish Commissioners the local localports mealIporta
ports contend havent any more right righto
o flsh on the State property than other othereople otherpeople
people > have They werent appointed to tot totat
tat t the States flush Caledonians say and andn
n the opinion of some they dont contribute contributemy
my more toward the support of the States StatesIsh Statessh
Ish sh interests than the fishermen here do dolo doo
lo o what with the aggravation of not b bring ing
Jlowed to flan on Its Jwn stream and of oflelng ofacing
acing obliged to move iin building so that thatithers thatthers
ithers may enjoy the sport and so that thatIsh thatIsh
Ish may be raised to stock foreign stream streamCaledonia streamaledonia
Caledonia Is discouraged about the general generaliqulty generaluquity
iqulty of thngs thngsThe thnguThe
The reports published recently that thatoeal thatocal
oeal anglers middlo for their trout trouthat trouthat
hat Is tickle trout on the belly and catch catchhem catchhem
hem In their hands handsfe is emphatically de deiled deIed
iled by everybody here who knows any
hing about fishing fishingRETln fishingRETURN
lihlnn Again Good GoodInllchigan In Mlchtmn Where WhereLambtrlnv ihereLambering
Lambtrlnv Had Reined It ItBoth ItBoth
Both grayling and trout fishing are ex exellent cxehient
ellent Again In the Michigan woods In Inhe Inhe
he Pigeon River district said a Michigan Michigannan
nan since the railroads went Into the theumber thetimber
umber woods and did away with logging loggingn
n the streams It was to the choking and andammlng andamming
ammlng of the streams and time ploughing ploughingmd
md tearing up of their beds by the Interninable inter internimble
nimble log drives that the apparent nnnlhl nnnlhlatlon annihiation
atlon of trout and grayling in their favor fnvorte favorto
te haunts for years was due The lumber lumbornen lumbernon
non found that they could get their logs to tohe toime
he mills quicker safer and cheaper by build bulldng buildng
ng railroads Into the woods and eonseiuentiy consc conscluently
luently most of the streams have been beenibandoned beenbandoned
ibandoned to the possession of their native nativeIsh nativeLab
Lab again againThe againThe
The marvellous recuperative powers of ofrout mf mfrout
rout and their kind when not Interfered Interferedritb interferedmltb
ritb by unnatural causes CaUB is demonstrated demonstratedn
n a convincing manner bv t he extraordinary extraordinaryeoovery extraordinaryeoovery
eoovery of these Michigan streams from frompparent frompparent
pparent sterlity to fertility in trout and andrayllng andvayling
rayllng A catch of grayling in Pigeon Pigeonliver Pigeonliver
liver mode by Cal Pork of Columbus Columbunfter800 Columbushlo
hlo numbered thirtythree and weIjhed weIjhedfterOO
fter800 miles of transportation over thirty thirty1Iz thirtyIx
Iz pounds an unusual average for that thatish thatlab
lab ishCol Cob Park also killed a nineteonInch nineteonInchrayllng nineteeniachrayling
rayllng the largest ever token from fromMgeon tramigeon
Mgeon River It rono to the fly before trie triely trmmIy
ly had reached the water and struck It in innid inaid
aid air The big grayling was landed landedtor landedter
tor a severe and exciting struggle The Timereight Therelght
relght of the fish was nearly three poundnd pound poundsad
nd leads the record