OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, May 31, 1903, Image 5

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-05-31/ed-1/seq-5/

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I rL1 ii iib
b r t wr wrp
iciL TA fpwJ
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1 I i L LT
I I U Ur
Fine lneHr R Raj 0ft at t the thl th Ilarlem llrlem Be aeptaNew aeptaNewYork ftestNev ftestNevYork tt Ne NeYork
York A C Take TAk Junior Juior Fight FJKt an anJunior and andJunior tu tuJunior
Junior Donblr DonblrVttl DoubleaVeeIy Vrselly the Hobo Iloho1Sculler HoboS ho hoculer
S Sculler culer Heats Ott Henley Itnllf Canbltlate CanbltlateAn Canllate Canllaten
An n excellent cIlt clnys dn sport wan Wi offered otered ye yeterdny yeterdziy e8
terdny trcl on tho Hiirlem Ilrlem Ilivpr RvIr by the Uarlen UarlenHecatta larlcm larlcmnlall IrarknJlegattu
Hecatta nlall Association A eorlaton which brought brollht off of there therevery thre threrT thereer
very rT er ucccssfully ucctfull tIccesftt1 Its It thirtyseventh thltyseenth annua annuaregatta nnnual nnnualrenUa annuaregatta
regatta ilaclnu JaCIUI becunshortly heJln begun Ihorth hort1y after Arer inoclock inoclocknearly In ocock ococknearl oelock oelocknarIy
nearly nearl half an In hour hou later than schedule scheduletime chectutetfine <
time 1111 andln ancn H I cold ralnswnpt rllnlWpl across nrrOI aern thu rive riveby riverhy rIvehv
by a I Il lively Ivlly oy noreuster nrlllter Sheltered Hhelter by b thcded th thwooded the theoded
wooded oded slopes Ilol a1op however the wind had ni nifffert n ruffee
fffert tlert ffee on tho water Wlt which was wa pcrfcctl pcrfcctlsmooth pertocty pertoctymooth pertoctIrnooth
smooth and at the low low of tho tide tdo In th thmorning the themornl thmorntn
morning mornl spectators specalorl wero wto few but the sun sunfhinn sunhln un unhinn
fhinn hln brought thousands thouMndl to the Rpeedwa Rpeedwaand Rpeway RpewayAnd 3peecIwaond
and the Washington Wnhlnlton Bridge Drlrao for the to aftcrnoni aftcrnonievents afernon afernonfent aftornoaiventh
events fent while hundreds were wert scattered scatercd alom alomthe alonithe I
the bluffs bluffsThe blul bIuffThe
The course curo wa wan a mile straightaway fronthe fron tromthe fronthe
the Point o Bocks Rock a I tew hundred hundre yards abov abovthe abovl abovthe
the Washington Bridge to what Is know knowAS knonR
AS R A Farmers Bridge at Unlverolty Heights HeightsIn leleht
In the morning the etart waa made fron fronFarmers rromFnmErs ron ronFarrnera
Farmers FnmErs Bridge Bries so 10 as to send Isnd tho oarsmei oarsmeiwith oarsmonwllh narmmwith
with thejlde and In tho afternoon afernoon they wen wensent Wercnt ere ereMnt
sent cnt away from the Point o Bocks BocksJames RockaTamel RocksJames
James Tamel PUklngton was wa aa a has he been for R Rmany o omany < imany
many years Yer are the starter Itarter and Ind Robert J Milll Milllgan 111 111Iln
gan Iln of the Pennsylvania PenNylvanla Barge Club wa wareferee waferee U Ureteree
referee feree They occupied occupie the Columbia launch launchwhile launchhle launchwhile
while hle the y San n Cott brougbt broulbt Dr 3 J F Buckley Buckleypresident Buckleptcdent Buckleyprealdent
president ptcdent of the Harlem Regatta Reatta Association Associationand AMocatlon AMocatlonADd
and other officials oMclat over tho course courseJim COUI cour courJln
Jim JlmPlklnos PUklngtons pistol rang ranI out out at lt 1011 1011oclock 1010ocloklendlng toin
ocloklendlng n oclock elook sending off of o the boats bont for the th first nrt flr heal healof heatot healof
of the te Association As Asso laUon Single Sculls Suls race ract and ad li liwas It IiWIB
was 111 8 oclock oclok In I the afternoon artrnoon when It cracked crackecfor crackedfOr crackerfor
for the theleolor senior eight eightAll elbt elbtAl oLgbtAll
All Al the te event event were well wel contested contslEd bin binthe blt bltthe biiithe
the rM of the day wae Wi the final heat for th thjunior Ibo IboJunIor ttujunior <
rae te na
junior eights eightsASSOCIATION elrht elihteBOCZATON
H I Leo Le Oonnell Cnntl Union Boat n At Club William W11am Vat Varley Vat1ev 4
ley le AlalantaBoal UalaDal Club Cub W V B West West Phlla Phlladelpbla Phla Phladlphla Phfladtlpbts
delpbla dlphla Boat Bt Club Cub E 1 F Rlvlnus Phlladelphli PhlladelphliBane Pbladtlpbla PbladtlpblaBAre PblIadetpbIlBarge
Bane BAre Club Cub David A Clary C Nassau SAau Boat Club ClubVarley Cub Cubaley ClubVerity
Verity aley won the Ue first frst heat hlat In 4 minutes V VMconds 2 2iFeconds
Mconds and Clancy Clcy the th second lecond In s minutes
22 1S 1 seconds eond In I the final tnal Varley got th thbest tho thobest ttubeet <
best of eonds the th start sta and ad Crossed croaed Immediate Immediatefrom Immeiately Immeiatelyfrom Immedlatellfrom
from the weat wet chute obut side tdo of the river to thi thiNew theNew thiNew
New York aide where he hugged hUIREd the shore shoregetting sore soresttlg ehoregetting
getting sttlg the least leat resistance relltance from the te tide tidewhich tde tde1hlch tideichich
which 1hlch WM Wi now no ebbing Clary Clar kept In mid midstretm midstrea midatresni
stretm strea and d mae made a capital oaplt fight until ut nearlnc nearlnchome nearlnbome neartnhome
home when he appeared IPpare to be giving out outVarley outarley outVarley
Varley arley finished fise first trt In 7 minutes mlnutel 2S seconds secondswith secondswltb se000d8with
with Clary Clar 12 1 seconds londa later laterJtmos latr latrlnos laterJuNzoa
Jtmos lnos iionrOAnKo 10loAIE SHELLS SHELLSNew SRIL 8RELLaNew
C CJ J Knox bow R B Mann MannJ
New Ne York ork A A Jay bw Man ManJ
J Boylan Brl 1 1 L Durant Durnt D Heiser Hestr H P Huner HunerC HuntrC
C F Qulnn QI G r Johnson Johsn stroke strkt D 0 Smyth Smythcoxswain Smylbcon SinytbcOi8waifl
coxswain coxswainMalta con cOi8waiflMlta
Malta t Boat Do Club ub PhlladelphlaIV PhladtlphlaW N West W I bow bowC bowC bowC
C B P 1 Hu Huey y M Somers Saer C N Kelly Ke1 C H I Ouster Oustern
n 1 L Ord Or L H VIcLoughUn WcLulbln J A Elberson Ebersn stroke strokeR strke strkeRD
R C Arres coxswain coxswainDauntless couwainDainUes
RD Dauntless Rowing nCUb ClubJ Club J McKeon McKen bow bw rPost r rPost rEost
Post J UcKevttt Q P I Arnold old J J Herbert Herber F Flagan 1 FI1an
Eost lagan larn J 1 McKeit UoAullffc loAnlle O G Covert Cnn stroke alrke ParkeiUana Parkei Palkeraa ParkeiLan
Lan coxswain coxswainAlalanu coiswalflAtInta
aa Alalanu on onal Boat dub ClubW W G Masscy bow bO R H HAdelman Hcel HAdelmsn
Dol CubW Mer
Adelman al W H Miller W V Turck Trk K Y S Sm Smith Smllbf SmithJ th thR
Ward R f cel J Oweni Os coxtwatn coxtwatnColumbia COiawtnColumbia C B Becannon eannoo Ol J 7 Fast Ial stroke alrke Allan AllanWard AU4CWard 1
War Columbia ent University Unlerlc Rowing R01n Club CubJolstr CubJolstrbow ClubHolliutet ClubHolliutetbow Holltster Holltsterbow
bow WUlard GreeB Greel Mertltt 1 ert Rich Rcb SeInoutMiller Seymour SeymourMiller SermoUIltr
Miller ltr Post Poal stroke Klnf noxswaln noxswalnWyanoko ouwaln ouwalnWyaoko noziwtWyanoke
Boat Waldeck bow Cnarlei CnarleiCohn Charlelcohn
Wyanoko Wyaoko Oub CubC ClubC C Wdek bO Cbart
Cohn Cbn Henry Herv Reunlnf ReuRar Richard Rlcrd Nelson eln Fred FredGetrer lred lredGrrer FredGeltcr
Getrer Grrer M Waldeck Wde C S r Rock Rk Percy Keyte Keytestroke Ktflealre Keytetrne
stroke alre trne William Wiia Ruppen Ruppn coxswain coxswainThe couwaTe couwaInThe
The Te first lnt heat looked looe like lke a I fine fne struggli strugglibetween stnule stnulebetween strugglibetween
between the Dauntless and New Yorks whet wherMcKeon wben wbenMcKeon whetMckeon
McKeon McKeon the bow man In the Dauntless Dauntp1 shellaught shell shellcaught shel
caught lubt aught a crnb erb and split splt his te lock lo The Maltai Maltaiwon MAil MAil10n Maltsuwon
won 10n on sufferance from the New Yorks Ir l
4 minutes mnuts suaeranc J4 4H seconds londl Columbia took tookthe lok lokthl too toothe
the thl second ond heat hfat easily In 4 minutes minuts 37 seconds secondsA Ieeonds IeeondsA
A finer fe rac rac race usl oould ould not well 1el be Imagined Imaginedthan Imallned Imallnedthan Imaginedthan
than the final tnl flna beat for the te first frt quartet quartetthere Qunrltr QunrltrIhere quartOlthere
there was little to spare IpMe between betwPn the crews crewshut erfW8 crewshut
hut tlt whatever wha lite er lead was wa In It was had by b the theXew theNew thsew
New ew forks Columbia men and the Maltas MaltasAt Malt MaItaAt
At the half the Ctmbla u New York Yqrl crew took the lead leaddelphlan leld leldhut leadhut
hut We wn QliclY quickly overhauled b by the Phll Phila Philadeiphians
delphlan lelphlan who however h01evt again Igaln fell fel behind behlmby behindby behindby
by half a boat length I oth It then became becamefierce bome a alerc alierce <
hal bt
fierce lerc struggle for th the leadership between bctweeColumbia btwtn btwtnCnlumbla betweenColumbia
Columbia men and Ind the New N w York Athletics Athleticswith AthlellC Athietleawith
with Ith the Quaker Qua rn making a desperate tlht tlhtto Ich Ichto Iihtto
to keep kep their place pllc man Bow lo and bow the thiColumbia thA thAColumbIa thecolumbia
Columbia and Ind New 5w York Y rk shells Ibela wrnt nt to th thfinish the thetnleandtlal thennlehsndtheflag
finish tnleandtlal nnlehsndtheflag and the flag wan Wi wUdropped dropped droppe twice In quick qulcsuccession quickAUCceaion < ulol
succession uccElon srlvine Ivlnl the boys boT of the te athletic athlettclub athletc athletcrlub athleticclub
club the victory by a second sfcond The Malt Maltcrew Maltare1g
crew ew te made vctry a good third but blt Elberoon Elbrln th thline the Ihotrol thestroke
stroke trol mae or oar oUapd coijapeed 0 tir whn bn tblY they OIs croseed te telne the theline
line lne Tbe Tb Tb time tme was 1 4 minutes Plnuts 6 0 secondsJI1oa seconds secondsJONIOB onds ondstoa
JONIOB DtaLI tCVUM tCVUMJeitiefi scvusJamea
toa an811Cu an811CutJ
Jeitiefi Von Shnlly Wannetah t Boat aM Hub r lItter
t tJ Grant Nassau Cun Boat Club James ONell Metro Metroow MetropolitAts Itfr
politAts hown nr nub 1 I rltr lilt Melropollan Melropollann MetropiIta MetropiItaRowg
10111n n Rowg ow f Oub aubLL1tedInrtesn K Itedlnruvn ltlnr Potomac POlma B i3at > > > at I Club ClubWashington ClubWuMnvon < 1ubWuhorln
Washington Wuhorln O I C Won by b b1 Grant Time Tme 5 mlnu lei te tee3
63 secundj nd SecoodL Sel SeCOa OTiell 01tn time lme a minutes I Iecorfd I I Ibec0
bec0 1 ecorfd ecorfdGrant
bec0Qrant Grant 1 had th te nee ra from frm the start slar anr anrproved anproved
proved hlmMlf ha t ea 1 f n neat t a sculler Bcllr as has ha bee beeiseen been beenen beeseen Inl
seen prve en on h1t the river ver to t M the Ilat errest rr at Joy jo of the Xns Xnssau X Nassau nl
sau olub who r had been ben whooping whoplnl him ui uias up upA U Uas
as A the commit eomlnl man Eller Eler and OKell OXel both botlof bothor bot botof
of whom te were wtro shirtless Mirlei were wer his only onl danger danirerous danler danlernUl dangerflue
flue nUl competitors but strive Itrhf us they the would wouldthey wouldther wouldthor
they tompltor could not prevent th te the Nassau NA1U man IRn fromgajnjne from fromgainln rromlalnn
gainln lalnn at every no stroke Itrke The two Metropoli Metropolitan Ietropol ¬
tan tn wen mEn were wer Ivel on even terms rrms for the tf greater irretiterpart Irenler Irenlerpar greaterpart
part of the course hut a spurt hv ONell ONlt near nearin ntKr ntKrInl near1n
in par Inl the finish rare ne him second e nd place p11c to r Grant GrantThe Oranthe Grantthe
The he te time tme fnish was Wa I minutes mlnutfs 52 seconds eecoudaJtrXIOft econd secondstexica
NaSwnBaat lDoat Club CubA flubA A N Wood Wa Jr bow bw H I M MLydenber ML NLydenberg
Lydenber L dtnber a 2 II I S S Johnston onl 3 Frank Jr R Culley Culleystroke CuHeyatrke Cult CultalNlt
stroke Hoderck llodtrick Stephen coxswain coxswainColumbia enswalnClumWa cnaswatnCiumhia
alNlt Columbia University I Boat Club CubMlctl ClubMitchell Mitchell bow bowSnrdet b bow8nder w wSIdu
Snrdet 2 Allen tnlt S Odd Ode stroke atrke Perk coxswain coxswainHudson 101wan 101wannudn coxswainfluthon
SIdu Hudson nudn Boat ltn Club cublrd ClubAlfred Alfred Kaufman Raulpun bow 0 Alex Alexander AlexIndrWarts In Inr ¬
IndrWarts ander Warts 2Harry Harry McCutcbeon8 MeCatcheonSGeorge c George rr Eunz EunzJr Kuz KuzIrat KunzJr
Jr stroke rs William Uoorley coxswain coxswainC eoiwainFirst w
r First Irat Bb Dohetjiu IU DOA Boat CubS ClubS Vtlroe etrovec bo boC how howC
C Poslk Pol 2 V Nygrym rrTm 3 C Adamece Adamef stroke E EKanna CKana FKaflat
Kanna toxiwaln toxiwalnTbe tojwatitThe swaln swalnTbe
Kana Tbe Bohemians t fairly leaped len ahead abpad at the thnstart thl theStart
start antI fnd never novlr left a moment momlnt of doubt as asto al asto
to lar th the result They TbfY speedily I put a stretch stretchOther Itretcl stretchof
of Water tlr blt between en them themselves ehfs and the three IhreoQther threeether
Other o boats which followed roloI abreast IhrRt te In the thefirst thl theftrBt
first quarter bals the th Hudson Hudln Boat Olt Club becan becanto bp al
to frst lose ground Iround and pretty soon eon It wax WB n bow bowand bowInd bowand
and Ind bow fight between the Nassau SRI nu and Columbt Colum Columbia ColumbUt ¬
bUt bt men mpn tlt Vow No the Columbia Clumbia gig WD wa ahead aheadand ahesdand aheadand
and now the Nassau Nlau and until unt gl the Ih line lne wnj wnjcrossed watcrossed n nerof
crossed It was Impoosslble Impoo slble to t say ea which was wasffoln WB wasgjg
erof ffoln gjg U khave tohave have second acond place plac The Bohemians Bohemiansfinished Bohnmlfnl I3ohnmlensfiniabed
finished joln several ienrths JenEts In the Ilead lead with 1th the theNaMfttu theaIS theNaMitIB
fn1be NaMfttu aIS enera second loond Time S minutes m nutls and so soseconds nosecotid 0 0lcotda
lcotdarlT roxnm rlT DOCTIM DOUL1 Sc avrtts avrttsB cnt cnt5eJrwanhaka
5eJrwanhaka ealla B C CRobr CPobert Robert Handy lisod bow bo J 1 Ryan RyanHarie flgana
11 a >
Harie iees t R C CwluS Julius Bradley Brdey bow W C Fre FrenfhlurBc Frereh Ftctiehs
tiehs Slrke SlrkenlrO siroke sirokeClifton
reh nfhlurBc nlrO Clifton B CAbur CArtbur Arthur G Thompson Tomtn bow M F FNcwTYort0Af FC FQuicley
Quicley ° itroke itrokeNeW
C NcwTYort0Af NeW et fort A CL daB d Handley IldlfY bow bw J 1 Coth CothiotomacR Cothrr Cothran
ran stroki strokiPotomac
rr iotomacR Potomac R C Washlnfton WuhlnClf D C CJoseph Joseph T TDaly TDa TflaIr
flaIr Da bow bw George Glrre A Chase Cba stroke strokeTh Atoke AtokeTew strokeTheew
Th Theew > Jew Yorks York Yorkigot got 10t off of In thn lend 1eld with the theClifton th thltn thetlirton
Clifton Tew crew cre second but hit In a few seconds secondsthat secondsthe Icolds IcoldsIhe
the ltn feawanhnka uwanhaka sel aeiihrs tr hi hit I it up at 1 n pace paceta pacethat
that made mldt It doubtful doubtul as to t the winner Innpr For Forthe ForIhf Forthe
the ta greater part of the course the Seawan Seawanhaka Snwan Snwanhaa Seawanhaka
haka Ihf Iltr shell held on to the New Yorks and fnd Inthe In Inthe I IIhe
haa the laM Iel quarter r after a I spurt both were verp on onven one onsygn
ven terms Qlar hut atlr bad steering teprlng which took tookthe tookthe tookthe
the e visitors trt all OVCT the river rlvpr loft lot them Ihpm the therac therl therace
race 11 The lof New Ne al York Yorkl tl finished fnishe with wih scarcely scarcelythe larch larchte scarcelythe
the rl third of a boat bOt length to spare from toni the theSeawanhaVts theHealnbaka theSeawanhizicas
te SeawanhaVts Healnbaka tird Time lme 5 minutes mlnutt SS 3 o seconds secondsJUNIOR seolds seoldsIlrOI
Union B 0 OWUlam 0WillIam William O Ehnl bow bw John H HAtalanta nH HHuntltTOke
H HuntltTOke k
Atalanta B C Clres Charles Berannon Delannol bow bo Robert Robertiltan1n Robtr RobertJ
J Owen ittolee ittoleeMetrorolttan
Meropolan Metrorolttan iltan1n alrokf H CH L I Augustine Aurltne bow J T TCi TcaJ TCaflxhan
Ci caJ Caflxhan loOe e1St Star I stroke strokeloOe r Bl B < CJ J Llllcnthal Lleihal bowl 0 bow L 1 I Kaufman Kaufmanstroke Karmao Karmaost Kaufmanstroke
stroke strokeThe st strokeThe rke
rkeT The r rico < from the th start stal was between theAtalatstae the theAtalantaa Ih I IAta
Atalantaa Ata T I rlo end the lx lln Lone ne stars Star both crews crewsmaklnc crlWS crlWSmalo crewsmakIng
1 rd
makIng the pace for the th Unions Unlonl and Mets MetsAt MetsAt etl
malo At the halfway tle PCO mark mlrk tho Atnlantas drew drewsteadily Ire IreIfadly drewAteadily
steadily halwny away n from the I Ion Lone < ono Stars Rtaf and andkeep andkeepIn keep keepIng kep
Ing In Ifadly th the lead Itad won by over Otr two lengths lendhR The TheTnlons ThoInlonl Thelnlone
Inl Tnlons Inlonl were third Time Tml 6 minutes Ininultl inute 4H 4Hseconds 4 4ccnda 4seconds <
ccnda ccndaC101 nmm ODABBCPUt OCAnltL pnjLLs pnjLLsN nLI nLISUI
N SUI w York C101 ACP cp CP A Moore ore bow bw H I A Jack JackPhUdelDW Jackn Jacksea
sea n Cochran 3 h n Jobnon strokf stroke strokePhiisdclnhiC
PhUdelDW Cahrn iSrle Itime J CluhDa Cuhfa1 bow Justice Justiceir JUMlcf
2 pla Strawhridre tphlf Ibrle a fleyward arkl arklonfre1 stroke strokeonperetI
Statrd onperetI It C c4 J ntly Reilly hor ir r Ixiescr 2 2aker 2n 2H
n rrlel Partleti onfre1 I 11 Shoemaker hltllt aker stroke MrokeThla RtfKI RtfKIThl strokeThis
of excitement be bepause brU8 beenu
This race caused uJed a lot octpmfnt
Thl rac which the New ew Vorke prks prksuhiiUes
pause enu of the tht advantage alantee wblc orkl orklO
O U8 In Jumping awa away and the Ilppinl slipping ot the thnl theladeiDhis
ladeiDhis elphla Jnmpinl Itroke stroke from hl his let seat An Antto Aneftort
eftort l was mado to hrlnl hrIn the crc1 crews ba back backknIt ck cknJt
knIt tto the ther 1 plld puld no atlnton attention to the rfcnll rfcnllit recal recalwhisUes
The Philadelphlte hunq on In IngUnt
uhiiUes uhiiUesgallant hunl
gallant it style yip bow Phlltdllphll to stern sttrlL a ano anlde ceveral ceveralsports efral efralsport
which lt put them nlmOt almost bow 10 bow bowwith bowwith I
sport sports with Ihe hle New Yorks tbfm Tn The Nopparlel NOlparlelR lostno lost lostn
no tlmejln time In drawing away Iwa and i itheir malnt maintained maintainedtheir lnl
their n le Id d to the th flnlf flnlfby tn beating tlnl the Xtw New Forks YorkRb ForksbyclayenseCOnde
by b byclayenseCOnde eleven seconds secondsEKIOR cnda Tlmebminutea2eeccndR Tlmebminutea2eeccndRPIMIOR I me mlnult 2lCnds 2lCndsIEOI
Staten 51Itn Island blad Bo D l dub Oublver ClubOliver Oliver T Johnson Jobnan bow bowV bowIarld bowubFrnk
Iarld V FnUJbeJI SBeSKi Ir fioalubFrank Blt strl ClubFra ubFrnk V Vwley ul l r bow bowrrvlpeVdlokttaub bw bwFrtd bowpttladeipbIaO
rrvlpeVdlokttaub Budre attk attker phnadtlphU pttladeipbIaO O W Enrle Enrlebow Erle Erleb 1ugiebow
bow er it n C Ot Lockwood Lkwo Cub Pnaclplia stroke MrokeThe strokeThe trkt trktTer11
b The race waft between betwtn tho Hoboes Dohoel and andfwpOTVTothebair al1 aqd1per1
fwpOTVTothebair Ter11 eplTO 1per1 Tp Ue tbe hal half the Ue hoVep VeejKMwere Vesper wee Bll ehUr eUhtl7 eUhtl7I htijr I
I t4 F if
j IttheblPd In theblPd the h lead ng and a on on th the i Manhttntdebt > Unh tt ln W bu
iTOi then n t the e80hOI BolioM In midstream md6tlam lanhlt aptirtfdnnd aptirtfdnndINTHRMKDUTE spUrted lll end
alnlna ainin I a Ipnlth lentgtl kept It to tit tile splrtN 6nlMb nii
1ejrs e In til the 1 lat Iuartorsrck tiusrIor I struck alol a log lh lht lhtr bu buhdldt
t hdldt hdldtnot not t throw Irow them Olt osit or their course
the e time tr me was minutes 3 2t Idd IddrNTRWEDrAT seconds secondsDTlRsi cun
v u Iwet Wet > iWif Veet tl Phlfdelpta Philadelphia Phl < l IPhl B a c John JohnI JohnjnhLby obn J 1
C Cohuru Itttliut M t lull I ii c Chance Jobtison lolnsn Aln
ton H C Boston William d ItunnUrooklya it t
N 111mb tOlsoln Harlem A em Wiham I it I l lJ c cort Slunnurkyn I
jnhLby hon on by Woil Wotnmt Vat nmr Ume B minutes mlnutt 87 second
JohBon J a h Qcn second Time rme t mlnutev mlnutevnJiSfSiiSi0 mlnuleWcst mlnuteWest 6 send
nJiSfSiiSi0 West led trom torn start A t to tllah flniah 9L J and 4 It i TM TMa was a I
tight h nimost to the
Ilmost te hnl hail for leoond second plac piset
hetwppt etpel Johnson and Dtn but then the th
Iroo lirookiva IO n join It shot Ihot ahead ahtll Dllon and hune bun on ti to
t the 1 1 lllfIadelphlan h adephln with two iengtbe Ind separailni
them onll Johnson made > a good 10d IfnlthI third 8JlrAtI nnd tli tliTime the thBClor Of
i liarleni Clor em mftuuirrfcote1 mien droppd dropped Iltol Iutoj f fourth ° Ufth plax plaxixrtnxitnuTB plan
Time fl 5 mluuf1 flhinutce 7 Icnd seconds secondsncrEnwanlSTS
ixrtnxitnuTB nTERWIPIT rounoiniD rWARED otos otoshn 0101Columhla 0105Columbia
Columbia Unw1 < < < ClubUpdike
hn Siwain bow eouwAln eouwAlnb ris rllts 2 IJackenze MackenzIe I Hownl Wblelcr Vheelcrotrokei lcrMroketulbrl lcrMroketulbrltm t ro kt I Cutbll Cutbel CutbelVest
W Vest AI IJulAdelplV Pttliadclphla Boat ciubWllwn Club H Sloyle Sloylet Slo lt ltUowCltll
tm b how UowCltll u H I II GklePle GilIetple 2 E 1 H OUlv lJunwoody WIn I Irancl
Ii Cull 0 Slr siroko c I J 1 Goran tiornian rOlwaln eoLwalfl
InstlUI liUtttuie loa Iloat ClubM Crlln Corinan bow C OCon Con
nor rJ 2 A Mother 3 I OSbaurhnyre OSflaurbnyjre bw stroke
slrke slrkeur
t F j i ooburn b coxswain coxswainM coxswainItuat
C2 C2b C2Mother ur e01waln e01walnII
VW11 a lual Ituat ciubstephen O Cm bow V11
llam II M Lam I J purlcv QU Quint lel r 7 Howard B Stiver flvtr b e A J Jc
t c Fraser rascr I r stroke ltoQcrlek Roderick Stephens MtePhe coxswain coxswainonP
Nonparei Nonpareil onP rell Irci lio lowlol ln cerek Clubil Club Club4 < T j UrKlulry ooaan ooaanG ooaanNonparei bow bowrrc
George G rrc A Prane Itlle Jr 2 c1 c1There Cha ChadeR leKllty hoffman 3 J Joran
Moran oran alokt stroke IInk lrank Jrl 1 ilaight agbl Cuan CuanThere cOxswain cOxswainThere tolman
There wan Wnl a smahin sm raoo between Co
lumbll lumbia umblaand and Wcet Wet 1hUadeWa Ihladelphla The Quaker Quak n
took tok the lead lit the start and for rol the hal ball halwere
were hotly pronged prO tdhy by the Columbia boys boyswho bys bysWlho boyiWho
who Wlho held helion on n at times In s bow to bow stms stmsrace
I ate e To the IhreQulrters threequarters It wal was a hot hotnnd halrace
race and a foul seemed slcred Imminent In fact act
the t 0 Quaker QUlkpr coxswain rxsaln made a protest bu hut
the Ihollrteredlr refereejdld refereedjrl not allow alow It and nnrl a foul hareally ha had hadrea hatreally <
really rea l not occurred ocourre although alhoUh It looked as I I Ioars I ii iiOars
oars wore clashing < Iashlnl with pars Odds were weroffered wetoffered
offered 01 fered quickly quick then on Columbia Colmhla and enter pntEr pntErnl
ins nl on the tbl last lat quarter Quartr the college oolole men pu puthe pUi pulthe
the question qucston of lend 11nd beyond a doubt am an antflnlshtl
finished fnlhed four rou our seconds to the rood Iod Nassau Nassaivus Nafsal NassauWas
Was KS third The Thl Institute Insuutf men lo lot t theli thelirudder theirrudder thelirudder
rudder before the th start but cmnn nt1 to the Iin lne lneand ilnuand <
6 and Booonds went over the oure course Time I t Ilnul Ilnulsoond tnlnutei tnlnuteiseconds
soond secondsNATAL
Flirt FIn1 Battalion Dallaton New tW York Y rk Third Tird Battalion natalon Ne NeNow Net NetYork tW tWorkIounb
York orkIounb Fourth Datllon flattalion New ew 4ork ork Rlond tecofld lalalon tiattallot tiattallotNaw
Now 1 w York YorkWoo Won by Fourth Battalion lalalo Time Timeminutes Tmf Timeminulci 6 6mlnule
minutes mlnule 22 seconds seonds Seond Second Second Stnd Battalia BIIUon BIIUonre
Time re 6 minutes nllnUIfs o seconds secondsThis aconds acondsTdhla secondsTtha
This Tdhla Ttha was the picturesque picuresque race rce of the da dannd day dayIn daand
and In the winners the tht men of the Fourth ourh Bat Battallon BRtlalnn TinttaIlors
taIlors lalnn were Ee the thl favorites favorltt from th the moment momenthey momntIhe momentthey
they Ihe shipped In their cutter cutt The Thin ThinBattalion Tblrdattlol ThlrBattalion
Battalion attlol pressed prelfd them closely dOlelr until thi thiIan thola thlust
Ian la t quarter when the Second ond unt BatUlloi BatUlloiforced Batnlon Batnlonrorle l3attnllorforged
forced rorle luarlr into Ilr second place PIr le It I was a well wellcontested ttl wellcontested
contested race throughout Time t minute Plnutes
23 seconds scnds
sision 11101 rovno4nu fLoan > sniiia sniiiaPblladelpbla IIEL 5r55uJPhiladelphia
Philadelphia Ibladtpbla Barge Club Clublewel CiubHeweli Hewell bow bw Mltche Mitcheaona Mltcheran Mllchesn
ran sn aona 2 Wood3 Wood Williams stroke strokeUniversity strokeUnlve strokeUniversity
University Unlve IY flare Brre Wiias Club of Philadelphia PhlldtlpblaA A J JHenry JItno 1 1henry
Henry Itno bow bw L fotauoa Johon Jr 2 S D Slnliler 11nkler 3 3F 8I SF
F I W V Slnkler stroke strokeFirst slrke slrkeIrsl strokeFirst
First Irsl Bohemian Ublmlan Boat Bat Club ClubW W Veseley bow bowV bowllm bowV
V Vlllm llm iIim 2 C Vortsek oraek 3 F Budrl BUrle stroke strokeThe alrokeThe strokeThe
The University boat bnt cot Qt off or o first frAt but was WAIImmediately wasImmelRtel wiseImmediately
Immediately ImmelRtel UnlclHy outstripped nuttrlpP by the PhllndelphleHarge Phllndelphle Phhadflphla Phhadflphlaaree PhflttdelphlsBarge
Barge aree Club shell ehel which shortly sMrthhad had a lead leadof leador icadof
of a length The Bohoes Bohoe were t r another length lengthand lenlih lenlihRnd lengthand
and more behind blhlnd In this way ay the tht second secondBaree Irconi secondhalf
hai half waR entered on when til the lbladAlphla lbladAlphlaarle Philadelphia PhiladelphiaHargo
Baree men spurted nnd added t tto two IcnlthR IcnlthRto lengths lengthsto
to arle their lead The University Unlvelity finished Inlsbtd sec second seeond ec ecand
ond Time 1lme S minutes 0 seconds secondsSKNIOH letndsSENIt eeondsaZNsts
Frank Frak Vestley tslty esciey First Fral Bohemian Bohemin Boat nat Club Fred Fredertok Frtdh Frederlok
ertok Fueuel Fuesset1 Harlem r Rowlnc Club Fernan FernanOrleans Pemsadflemoraetle n <
bbb bbbn bbbOrea
h orf r nn
flemoraetle tounc o or Mcns rymnastlo I Club NetS NetSOrleans
Orleans Orea La L Won WOI by b eseler Time Tm S minute minuteS3 mloUltl
S3 3 seconds tndl Demoraeue DemoraeUI second aernd Time S > minutes mlnll
33 3 seconds secondsVender Mnd secondsVeseley
Vender eleler who had already won In the senior seniordouble IPnlor IPnlordouble seniordouble
double race with Budrio led lEd from the start startand Alnrtand startand
and finished rnc two lengths ahead of Demo Demoraelle Dtmo Dtmorlele Demoradio
radio flahEd who Is n candidate lenlths for Henley I Fred KredFuessel Jrd JrdUIBAel FredFuessel
Fuessel rlele UIBAel made a good race rac but was I unfortu unfortualthough unforlunat Unfortunate
nat nate In Iell getting his scul scull mltd up with aloe aloenlthough a log logalthough
although this did not nt affect alect his position positionNeither 108110n 108110nSeltbe positionNeither
Neither Juvenal nor Clary Carr put In an appear appearance appearonce appearance ¬
ance Seltbe th the former being Influenced Innulncd by b the theabsence IheIbsno theabsence
absence Ibsno of Titus Tltul who cannot Innot think of racing racingexcept rlcln racingexcept
except excpt on the Thames Time 5 minutes 82 S3seconds 82scnds 82seconds
seconds scnds
RowingClnbJ Clnb J S Maeder Maederbow Masderbow
Columbia fnlverslty tnhtrsl Rowlnr Rownr CubJ Wur Wurbnw
bow H C Townwnd 2 W V O RolllnH Roln S 3 A C CScott Clrol CScott
Scott 4 M I Cornell Crel 6 A Nlooll 101 6 W V H I Lan Landrrs Ln Lndrl1 Ianlets
lets drl1 7i 1 R n Bartholomew Barbolomew stroke arke C Cutuel Ct bel coi coiswain rx rxIwaa cozswain
swain swainDauntlew swainLauntleM
Iwaa IwaaUaunteM Dauntlew UaunteM Rowing Club Club ClubJ J F Haley fltV how bw E ERelnhold ERtnhold EReinhold
Reinhold 2 I D M I Dales AltS 1 E SiMile 8111 4 George CeorreCovert Gtorref GeorgeCovert
Covert Rtnhold 6 O Brawn 0 It Stettlg I 7 W It 1 Pump Pumpfrey Pumpfreg
f frey r stroke ln J 1 C bE Edicerton r f coxswain x I Won r on mg mgCumblR by byColumbia byCoumbia
Columbia CumblR Time Tmt 4 minutes mlnutt 4f 48i < 4 seconds Snc Daunt Dauntless DAunllond Daunt1CM ¬
less second lond Time Tme 5 minutes t seconds secondsThe lcnd secondThe
The Te Varsity arit crew cre had ha an easy fST thing of It Itwith Itwllh Itcub
with the DAuntless UauntlM men mEn Getting Gettn away awayfirst awaynrst awayflrut
first the Varsity shell took tot a lead led cf c1 half a alenrth aI alength
aliy llel
I length len i Immediately Immldlotely the tl men rowing rowln with witha
a steady Iteady swIne while whie the Dauntless Vautes crew crewstarted crewslRrtld crewstarted
I started slRrtld In to flJf flhl their boat with water wat r from fromtheir rromI rota rotatheir
their blades Striking n a swell swsl the men simply slmpl slmpldrrncbld simplydrenched
I drenched drrncbld bladl themselves themaelvP In ij their effort eo IIfn to 0 hong hongon hae haeon hangon
on to Columbia The TA 1 Varsity VarSty men did not nottrouble notI nottrouble
trouble themselves them8elvlR with wit doing dolnl more than thankeeping thankeepIng thankeeping
keeping the thl lead until unti over oVlr half the coursewas course coursewas
I was cone Then as if they thp had a motor mnl r in the theshell theshel theshell
shell Wa Ione thry tbr Tln put a 1 stretch Itretch of water of fuly fully six sixleneths sixlenQthR sixlengths
lengths shel suddenly sUddely between themselves tlemlvlM and andthe andte andthe
lenQthR the Dauntless champions htWlf The Columbia Columbiaboys Columlaboys Columbiabnys
boys te Dauntf were werf perfectly prrect fresh freh at th the finish fnilh while whiletheir whie whiethtlr whiletheir
their opponents were fagged faege out Time TimeI
4 minutes minute oprnenls 4PVS 40Y seconds secondsVEIF seoondsFW secondsNEW
TOro4hap TorpedoShaped Steamer ItrAmfr Goes Mile Je In Inlnlle 1 1Minute iMinute
Minute lnlle 2 45 4 4 Seeonrti SeeonrtiBOSTON Scndl ScndlDOSOS SeondiBostoN
BOSTON DOSOS May lay XX MF F E Stanley Stnley with hi hitorpedoshaped his historpdoshlpld hitorpedoshaped
torpedoshaped torpdoshlpld steam cArriage went a mile mileIn mie mieIn nub nubIn
In I minute 2 4s seconds secnds at at the Readville Readvilletrack ReadvUe ReadvUetlck ReadyhUetrack
track tlck this afternoon afenoon In a race rQc against alalo t the theworlds theworlds theworlds
worlds record of l minute i seconds scoldl made mldo at at1rovidence atIrovldence atlroldence
1rovidence last year ear The new nw mark was wasthe waste wasthe
the only notable nolble feature of the card of ten tenraces lenracs tenraces
te races racs that were run un off or under the auspices auspicesof ausIlce ausIlceor
of the Massachusetts Mlsacbultt Automobile Automobie Club They TheyWere The Thette Theyee
Were tte ee the first fr automobile a utomobit races rcs over hold beldln beldlntli Inthis in inthis
this State Slltl and nearly nOrly I0 100 < r > 1 people turned iuned out outto outto outto
to tli watch ltoh them The pursuit tu1ult taco rat between betweenHarry btween btweenHalT betweenIIarr
and Kenneth A Skinner was wasthe wasthe
Harry HalT IIarr Fosclyk Fosd1 Ind 8klnnlr Wi Withe
the feature featurE of ofthoday tho day Kosdyk won catching catchingSkinner ctoblne ctoblneHklnner catchingSkinner
Skinner after Arer nine and a half bal mile mileSlock mie milestitock
Slock Teams Teas Three fhrp mllns mlflon milesWon Won by F K 1 Stan Stanley Rtanly IIaflher ¬
her Slok F A Hlnclitfr second strnd Louis Lul Ross RSI third tblr J JJar 1 1 1Jay B BJag
Jay ly J fourth Incll Time 4 minutes 22 2 2 2a 4 seconds secondsMotor secnds secndsMolor secondsMotor
Motor fourb Cycles CycluFln Tmp4 Five miles ml14Won miiesVOn Won by J Oeltosler OeltoslerF Oel051r Oel051rF
F C Hovt t second stlond Joe Downey lwe third I Tudor Tudorfourth Tudorfourtb Tudorfourth
fourth lo Time I II minutes 64 6 I 16 5 seconds secondsGasolene aernda aerndaOalee secondSOsanlene
Gasolene Tmt ItO Pounds and ad 1nUer Undtrfve Five miles milesWon mlts mltsWon milesWon
Won Oalee bf H V It01Pundl Chamberlain Cbambrlln L 11 I Roberts seconds secondsW 5londa 5londaW
W v Jameson Jamtsn b third A It I Bangs rs fourth Time TimeOssolenr 1me 1meo
° minuteS I S Atonds AtondsOuolen seconds secondslasolene °
Ossolenr mlnutll Over 1000 Poandl Pund and Under 2000 2000Pounds 2 2Pocd8
Pounds live milesWon 10 by b I 1 1 L 2owi Ro Snow K KS11nntr i iSkinner A ASkmner
Skinner second miesWon Harry Kosdyk Jodk third Ihlr K t Tudor Tudorfourth fudorfounb tudorfourth
rnd laru
fourth S11nntr Time 7 minutes mlnlta 3 S8 5 seconds cecondsinvitation llonds llondsIn1tllon secondsinvitation
invitation Tmc Kl 1e MilesWon by J H I MeAlman MeAlmanL lelma
L 1 In1tllon It I Speare Rpur second setnd F Tudor third Time Tme 7 7Pound 1mlnUltl Iminutes
minutes M sa seconds secondsGasolcOC aIrnds aIrndsGSlltnl
mlnUltl GasolcOC Or 7000 0 Pound Punds Two MleWon MleWonhi MllWon MllWonh
hi h by GSlltnl Harry fnsdyk ro k John I Snow ow second Itlond George GeorgeG Otrl
G Rcd Isry third Time Tme 7 minutes mlnUlt 41 4 second secondPursuit scnds scndsIUfu11 secondsPttrxuil
Pursuit Rod Haee HAcWOI lttceWofl Won liy Ir Harry la Fosdyk Fol FOSdIkdhtaflCc FOSdIkdhtaflCcl distance distancemiles d tcl
I < IUfu11 miles Time 12 12minuIes minutes an 5 45 seconds secondsFIXE stends stendsw seConds3weepstaktsTbrre
3weepstaktsTbrre w mits miesWon milesiton by Har Harry F Fdk Fos Fosdylt
dk J 1 plkITT1 I Sow Snowaecorid strad Tme Time 4 milutts mInutes 4 42 42seconds
scnd scndFINE seconds secondsFINE
AUAmtroan AUAmcrtoan RUle Te Tem 1ern m PmctUw PrtbP In InHard a alar ahard
AsBURT 6DVIT PARR May 30 80The The AllAmerlcan AllAmerlcanIfle AlAmtrlcn AlAmtrlcnrno
rifle team fnm arrived nrrhe at 8 Ba Sea a Girt to coday < lay where wherohey wherethey hre hrethe
the hey at one onc once began l nn practice prtctc at the ranges rangesn rang rangIn
treacherous northeast wind windThe windTht windThe
In n the face fac of a teaohrouB nortblut
Tht The team as IS a I whole shot Splendidly splendd scoring scoringiull scrlnl scoringbullseye
bullseye iull yo after bullseye bulle The rapidity rpldltr of ofho oftho oftho
bule tho ho fire was wal remarable remar able as the men shot shotray Ihot Ihotway shotway
way tre Inside In lde of the one minute miute rate which whichtoverns wblrh wblrhiovlrns whichovterns
matches matchesThe matchesiho
International mit chel
iovlrns The expert Inlrnntonll use of the Mirage system SYltem In InIxlng Infxln Inlixing
Ixlng Th stunts oxprt to combat cmbll the variable winds windsvn wlnd wIndssac
fxln sllhl responsible for the marvellous marvellousrnrk marvellouswork
sac vn practically relponplh1 thf thl maneloul maneloulwrl
wnf work prnct of the III marksmen mnrktmtn today ta His It Is a t matter matterif mAU r rof
of wrl if r gossip at It the clubhousethat elubhoual clubhouSe that If I tho form formllsplayed ror formlsplayed
dl llsplayed losllp by b the team itt t Its It first practice plnctc Is Isontlnued 1 Isontinued
ontlnued IIe I the he AltAmerlcau AIAmerlriu aggregationTill aggregation alrEllton alrElltonwi
cntnud Till bo practically unbeatable unbeatableAlternate unbPtbl unbPtblA1ernIl unbeatableAlternate
wi Alternate 0 prlctoly Private Howard Ovii O GttleCl oh el of tho tholrt thoIrt theEbrst
Ebrst lrt A1ernIl Nev N Jcrwy Jerse l Ie tho Hownrd only on almontee Ih ntP In the thenornlnir Ihf IhfrunkM theranks
ranks He I is e erpcted 10 arrive hp In th thInnlnl the thenernlng
nornlnir Thn Tii Ulk 1 llk now no iiraone tie tle omeers omeersll nmers nmersof
Innlnl of ui the tein Til seems to IndlCltl tndtcotn nmont that at thn tim men menli menciii
ciii ll Ilp leave ICv tllm the tii Im ranges runle tnmo oro timo t tim m between bctwefiJuno bltern blternJuno betweenItinc
Juno li 8 nnd in for or the Creedtncor Crtdmcor range raneetepSSr8odt ranlP ranlP1ong rangeLong
Long 1 Island IRnd from which pllC place th ttioi wil willtpnrt il ildtplnt
for tnland tnlandCompanF
dtplnt tepSSr8odt CompanY 1ni1nnd 1ni1nndCompanY D I of tln the < ie SlU SIJnth SItenth nth Infantry Infantrys
v H A wa was a nt work today todl at ft skirnis skirnistrill ltlnnl trmIA trmIAI h hcv
trill before the larattl tnrets on th Inrd range rangeFlier
I Flier ri cv displayed dlpplntd great nccxtratv nccxtratvlotachment OcCtlrC of oOIm 11m rnnF 0 0Par ol olParfeer
11 Par Parfeer r formerlr formerI o at the FIE Epsee TrOOP I led 1 1 1or it itiutuciment
lotachment of Oompany ompan A fourt1 Fourth National Nationallunrd Nltonal NltonalOunrd Nationalluard
lunrd N J 1 nt the tiY W aM n l and niynrd niynrduIups tynrd tynrdIIHKPK lrd lrdrlltle
IIHKPK The Thf lorney Irrle boys bO used uaP the old Spring Sprlngleld SpringflI SpringIcl
rlltle flI Icl leld and rondo creditable crldllAblo scores scoresPollre 8core8rolr scoresreline
reline rolr tUtU Bow Ko at at Cycle Ccle Races lUceKiiinT Rate RateIDvnT RacesASVCIuT
ASVCIuT KiiinT lAna PAnl N T May 30Th 3The feature featuref rentureor
Park Parkoday Iark10dRY farkodaF
or if f the bIcycle race meeting meetne in Anbury
oday blccu held under the auspices ausplell of the Oreos OIR OIRC Orcosh
wrangle In which vlsjtors vl lor and nndpectators andIpecatr andpectators
h C wn Wil was a 1 wrln lI
pectators participated The row rol wa was caused causedlarry MUle causedCF
Ipecatr parlcpnte or Gus and andHarO andtarry
by CF an alleged ed eort on the put aUl
larry Welslnc Wetlin nle VeIiuin of the thl New York A A C to UJrlAI UJrlAIt tirac tiracIsc prac praclao
HarO Clue dpllb dpllbIddcn aelibrateIY Ih IherAIEI
lao team work worIC In the mile mie open Jus I
t rateIY throw his bodY In coat ot the wheel wheplridden wheelIdden
erAIEI ridden Ihrw by b Harry UnrO bd Kushton Jusbton who ho wan Wil con conIdered cn cnsidered conIderod
dangerous factor factorThe
Idered n danceroul facor u sed and d tho thoo th 0 0polc
became InWincd Inn Innioiico an
ioiico o The Ico he were spectators IPfotalrl obliged bMme to l Intrse Interpose n Inen iw > M Tbemlle TbemlleDon The nlil nlilo nulls nullspen
polc Wlr obile by E Hindis Hlndleof of Dundee Lake Iakthe
o Don en was won UuneN
fi WB handicaP wa was captured by byewla v
tbf iwla ewla baimie Bennett of Indlop A Alur APbUFY bury Park thj tbl the twomlle twomllendloap tom twomileandican I IhndicP
Lwl ndloap BnMt was won wn by D J P1kt QUIIJ QUI e ot Bsyoflnend BX3f BX3fnd
hndicP nd E 1urrelI of Nwatlnlf Newatliwofttbetwothiedll NewatliwofttbetwothiedllRIle t ttt Baholfrnt Baholfrntad
ad Burl Id jumped
RIle novice W E Quinn of Frethold O JJu n
0le 9 feeL novlo tbche 5 Lubee Ithe ntbrce D rr rac W
Cbftrlet Carle Sehlee hlfe of Newark Nfwar Again Wakes Mk th thFastest the theFaltet hitFastest
Faltet Fastest Time Tme In historic IUaorlc Cycling eIIS E Emt Event EventExcItin > en enKjicltlni
Kjicltlni 1 ExcItin tlns Finish Fnlb Iletween Uete Pint Fn Tiire TiireFew ThretFew re ref
Few f Accldcnta A AccidentsMIx < ldeDt Mix lx Up at t the 8Url 8UrlA strt strtA
A dark dlrk hone hor Is again the te winner wnner of 11st 11sthistoric th thhistoric te teblltrlc
historic blltrlc IrvlngtonMUlburn IrvlnerDMUbur 26mile 21mle roai roairace road roadrace toadrace
race and It appears appSIUK as if t once moro the th1raoe the therace
race rac had brought brouah to light leht a now 01 omntou omntourldor Rmltour Rmltourrldor amatoulrider
rldor of prime racing racile quality QuaUt for tho reasoi reasoithat realon realonthat reasorthat
that the winner not only onl finished fnlAhe first Irlt bu buwon but butWon butwon
won second cd time tme prize as lS well wellAdolph weUAdolph wellAdolph
Adolph ICrolin roln a young OUnl 5flg Sweets Swee of Brooklyn Brooklynwas
was the winner wlnne yesterday estera Ho Is n journey journeyman JourneytaD journeyman
man taD carpenter carpnter 24 years yeKr of age lee a feet II I InchcIn inches IncbesIn inchesin
In height and weighs wrlfhs 171 pounds He le did hi hitraining his histralnlnv lilttrainIng
training for the big race rao over the famous toot foothllU tootbia tootlulls
lulls bia of the Orange mountains mountlnl and on the flat flaConey fat fatConey flatConsy
Coney Island Ornle cycle path riding at night afte aftesbusiness aftebusiness aUfrbUflnl8s
business bUflnl8s hours He le never saw the eour eouruntil course courseuntil our
until unti yesterday cetray Krohn has ba been riding rding i iwheel a awheel ii iiwheel
wheel for three years year He Is a member membr o othe or orthe 01 01the
the Monitor Monlrr Cycle Cyce Club of 520 20 Atlantic AtlnUc ave avemie AVe AVenu aventi
nu mie Brooklyn Last Lst fall tal he entered th th25mile the the25mle the25mile <
25mile BrookID race rac on the Coney COle Island llnd oyclo pathbut path pathbut pathbut
25mle but broke down aud did not 10t finish finishThat finIshThat finishlhat
That was wa hi hi his first IrRt road race His I only onlyventure onlyventurI onlyventure
venture In competition prior to t that was waswhen waswhen U Uwbll
when wbll he started CIIPttton in a rfnvloa rmloa raoa rao at Man Manhattan Mathattan III ¬
hattan Beach last summer and was wal not placed placedThe plactd plactdThe placedThe
hnttlleach Itst
The wheel holho ho rode yesterday yesteTby was M a racing racingmodel rlcng rlcngmodol racingmodel
model of twentythree twentrthre pounds pound with wih a I W WBear U btgear
Bear and fitted with lUlnch Urea Krohn Krohngrado krohnwill
will have his Ilted pick wih of ha hsf 11 f Inc a doz tT n neW high blehIado highgrade
grade Iado 1 wheels wbe ls pck as his reward rewardThe rewardThe rewardlhe
The first ltr t time prize for covering coverin covcrl the distance dlstancin dstlnee dstlneeIn distanceIn
in the fastest flt fatet tme time prze was wal won by Charles Charle Seme Semeof Iohle schies schiesof
of Newark Who bo won the lime prize last Ilt year yeaiand yea yearnd
and nd established a saw as record tlmeJrlzo e ccrc1 of l hour hourminutes hourminutes 1 1mlnuta
minutes eLablshod 42 2 seconds 03 for tho course rurs He dl dlnot dla dlanot dinot
not mlnuta do so well wel yesterday tlrday his hl net time tme fo fothe for fortht forLisa
the tht twentyfive tentynvolull 1 miles being belnl l hour 0 minute1S minuteaI minute
a 1S I seconds ReOoIW Krohn with Ith 1 hour 10 minute mlnlt8
32 seconds lecond for his h not Dt time tme won second Becnd Urn Urnprifte tme tmeprl7 titusprize
prize prl7 and the thl second secnd man to finish nlsb G F FBattalle FB8ttale FBattaile
Battalle net time l hour 11 I minutes minuts 2 ll llseconds 15 15cnd 15oonds
seconds B8ttale oonds won tme third time prize It I wa WaS j jgloriously a aalorlousy agloriously
cnd tme
gloriously fought race rlco from prze ttrt r to end endand fnd fndInll endanti
and Inll at the tie finish tnleh the first trst three men mtn crossci crosscithe eossi crossed crossedthe
the tape lapped on each other with only onl i ifew a afew afew
few inches Inchl IIPPr separating the first 1m two and tb tbthird the tbethird thethird
third H couple cuplo separalnl of ofltet feet behInd bohlndYesterday 01 behIndYesterday Ind IndYestlrdny
Yesterday I marked the fifteenth successive successlvyear succesive succesiveyear successiveYea
Yestlrdny ftteltb
year that tho classic cl lo event ntt has been bln hel helon blld blldon held heldon <
on Decoration Deoraton Day over the to same Bae fine tne course coursbetween coursebetweenthevillagesof ours
between betweenthevillagesof the tbf villages of Irvlngton and Milburn Milburnin Mlbum MlbumIn
in btween Essex county vlagls New Jersey Jlrsey This Tbl year i iwaa It ItI Itwas
was under the management of the tin Bay la > View ViewWheelmen SLowWheelmen ow owWhelmen
Wheelmen Whelmen I of manalemen Newark ewak for the tb first fr t time timeThe tme tmebe timeThe
The be entry entO list lst was wa quite Quie up to the average averagethere 1eraIO 1eraIOtherl averagethere
there therl being belnl lot entered entere this year tar as l against
103 last year Owing Owhl to a strike by b the thetrolley thotroley thetrolley
trolley men of Newark that began beel yesterday yesterdaymorning yesterdaymorning esterda esterdaPornlne
troley morning and lasted until the middle of the theafternoon theartrnoon lie lieafternoon
Pornlne lastd unti
afternoon persons could cOlld not reach the start startIng strt starting
Ing artrnoon plnoo without pnons H conveyance or a lone lonewalk bone bonewalk lon lonwak
Inl wltont
walk over the th three famous sister sistr hills hillsthat hi hillsthat
that wak have made mlde the race rAf a classic c8io because becausethey bcaus becausethey
they test a riders stamina stliina and ad grit Irlt to t the theuttermost theutermolt theuttermost
uttermost In rldera consequence of the t0 trolley trolleytrouble troe troetrouble trolleytrouble
trouble utermolt there I were cOllellnCe ere fewer spectators Ipcttrs along alongthe a0 a0tbe a1on a1onthe
the course titan ever before brore this tf crowd reach reachIng reachtog
COUT ttn
tog probably between 3000 30 and 4000 4000The 4 0 000 000The I
III The road rOd was 8 very ery dusty ana In places plaoesrough placesrough placs placsroulh
rough but on the whole hole It was WS fairly fast rlst at atthe a athe sthe
the roulh start lut of the race raC A 4 drizzle drlze that lasted lastedhalf lat 1astihalt i ihair
half str an hour b during durng the first frt half bl of the te racu racumade raceniade I Imae
made the going slfiw slfiwAt eIM1 slbwAt
mae At 1170 0 o oclock clock the te three thr men with wth the thelimit t tlmit th thlimit I
limit At of 7 minutes minuts handicap haodlca were wr pushed puishioil lsh
oil lmit All w went nt smoothly unur until thl the men wt with I
01 4 minutes mlnlie 1 15 seconds scondl were started startt They Theygot Thereot Theyot
got ot away a Yy at It the proper time tmp but with 1th them themwent themwent themwent
went all the men on the marks of 4 minutes minuts
3 minutes 11 and nd i minute milul 80 seconds Icoode There Therewere Tberewere Iherewere
were three Ihre scratch s ratcb men and ald so 8 us W not to make moketoo mae maetoo maketoo
too much of a gnp between beltn them thEm and the theothers theotber theothers
others otber they the were started Ilarte i minute so seconds secondsahead eecondl secondsahead
ahead of time This made a sad mishap mishapof
ahe of the te affair afar tme for the te scorers ma and timers afterthe after afterthe atr atrthe
the rnce was over overThere ovr overThere
There Ther were eightyone oljltyone starters and the long longmarkers lonl longmarkers I Imarket
markers market got into a big bunch very soon soonKrohn lon lonKrohn soonKrohn
Krohn the Iot winner was among amon the Ihl first IrH six sixfrom sixIrom sixfrom
from the tn te start He was In second place pJaC at atten n nten atten
ten miles mit first trt at II fifteen tleen miles mieR and third thir at attwenty attwentr attwAnty
twenty miles milesThere milesThere I
twentr There Ther were fewer fter Swer spills Rpls than status tiunl lunl andno and andno I Ino
no one was seriously trlolsh hurt Frank Cavanngh CavannghJ Cavnngh I IJ
J A ant Klsele tlsle and andJ J 1 II II Mcintyre all al of Newark Newarkwere Newarkwere ewnrk ewnrkwere
were three who ho got severely reh cut eutenci and Ind bruised bruisedand tnll hnile4and l
and there tlreo were several levernl Iot who had their thllr wheels wheelsbroken wheelsbroken wheelsbroken
broken but were themselves Ihemeht unhurt unhurtReferee unhurtRefere unhurtReferee
Referee Will er R Pitman Pltlan decided that those thosowho thos thosewho
who Refere got away Wi ahead aheld of time tme dlcde should Ihould be given giventime elvln elvlntme giventime
time prizes If they won them but that InplacIng In Inplacing Inplacltl
tme placing prZ8 them the time they the gained Raine at the theMart theIr thetart
Mart placltl would have to tmf be b deducted deductl and the men menset menst incaset
set Ir back hlck accordingly accordinglyThis accringly accordinglyThis I
This his involved l such such a 1 labor labr of fltrurlne thrrnl that thatafter thatater hatafter
after I a Involve couple of hours hoUI of wrestling etng with th It Itthe Itthe i
the ater officials ofca postponed it until unti the tte night nllht at atthe atthe attue
the clubhouse Iolynnl The he summary aurmay given below belowIs
Is that cubholae made up from tho figures f urs of thn chief chiefscorer chM chMscorlr chiefscorer
scorer scorlr me and chief timer apd Is In the main maincorrect maincorlct maincorrect
correct corlct Time has h8 tmel been deducted dect from toni the theet thenet thenet
net et time of the tht men who got ot away awa too to soon soont 800nI soonIt
tme be decided later not to allow them themplaces tunasplaces
It t may ma b dlcldN nt alow Ihtm IhtmplcM
places I or to put them further rlrher down dow the list listthan l bittthan t tthan
than they are ae The prize pr7 winners 1nner who got gotaway Iot Iotaway gotaway
away ahead of o time and whose whol positions pOlllonl are aretherefore le lethorefore aretherefore
therefore In doubt are Rr W Hmlth SmU llobert llobertMeyers lobprt lobprtMef itobertMeyers
Meyers Mef Edward Fhrar Meyers lpf William Wiiam Wllklns WllklnsJerome WiklnR WiklnRJerome iVilkinsJerome
Jerome Stelnort Stllnrt C W V Wldtnan John W WParsons WPlrsons V VParsons
Parsons Plrsons and ald H J Gilbert albtrt albtrtnde
7tfep nde 7tfepVnmf Vef r Time TimeM Tmt Tmtat TimeVime
Vnmf at M B BAdolph II I M S SSO st 5I
I Adolph Krohn Brooklyn 5 So SoK I 10 32 s
t 2 K i F Bnttatlle rJWe Maplewood Ji i 6 00 00DavidMackayNewark 1 II 02 15 15t IS3XMvidMackay
3XMvidMackay DavidMackayNewark I Newark r too toonALons C 00 t H 02 2S
t 4 nALons g nALonrRakway Rahw h y 8 800 800JoscphOrUndo e 00 11 02 S
6 JoscphOrUndo JouepuOrlnUoiItuoklyn oStDOranlo Brooklyn Broklyn 800 800E 8 00 0 I II I 02 0 4S f 45a
a E Itupprooht Newark 800 800W 8 00 11 45 4a7WIIiiiiwardtNeeArk
f 7WIIiiiiwardtNeeArk W H B f Rdwards Newark 5 500 00 11 I IIa U
8 John Hfcdretan l rt an Brooklyn lrklyn r 4 45 45V 4 t I 11 I 48
9 W V Smith lf Maplewood Ialewo ilewood 300 300to 3 00 0 I 11 I 18 8 15
10 W V J Ho Rats < j Msplewood apltwod 4 SO SOfltfep 5 I U I I SI 25 25it
11 WllllamTrempcr Paterson Altrn 4 so 5 l n I as SS12JJHIckeyNewVork a
12 12JJHIckeyNewVork 1 JJ WlllmTrmltrI Ilickey hew York 4 SO 3 Si 11131 11131IS I 11 I 31 3 3I
IS J S Flhurclo flhllo Klliibeth Rlnlttb 4 SO I II I 37 3714Robert 37H
14Robert I H Robcrt obcrt Meyers MtIAterson Paterson I 30 3 11129 11129IS I 11 I 29 29I 2
IS Edwnnl ttnrJ Meyers Iter Paterson Ialtrson I 30 1 11 I 29 2 15 15id 16tf
id 1 i i HUM HI Newark 4 45 4 i 14 04 0 25 25I 25I
17 tf I E IU HLSteadUayonne UMead MMd Bayonne onnt 000 00 a 00 l 1334 13 34 3iIs SS s
18 I Alfred Atr Ashurst lllral ewark 4 45 I 12 19 45
19 1 William la0 WilkIns Wikins 4 00 0 i It 1 M Mscratch soSO
SO 2 Charles CIIule Stalee Shl Newark twak scratch lernlcb 1030515 1030515There I 03 r U 0 15 15ThAre ISThere
In all alland allend
There were thirtytwo place pln prizes alt
and t ie tie e othsttirizo othICfrle winners Innpr In the order ordr of ofthe n nthe oPthe
the finish tnlsh from the twentieth twentllth place plaO on were wereFred wer werHf wereFred
Fred Kuthler ur Somervllle Jerome J Slelnert SlelnertulfVivllt StelnertHIcksvtiie
ulfVivllt HIcksvtiie w Alexander A I ftnri n9grmekJUf > r Kutiler Ifliillfir r Newark V uMrV rkSlt < n tisvid tisvidWociur > Wd WdWohr iM iMWoehr
Woehr Hf Wohr Newark lewArk John A Coi Ca Cox1 Landlnr LandlnrW Lfndlnr Lfndlnrw Landlngiv
W Va a C W V Wldman Newark W H noydon noydonNewark itoydonNewarit
Newark w ii Clifford il rdn Jenkins t Wyomlnr J William Mi bras brasul f ft1 lUstCal
ul Newark John W V parsons Iarlnl Iirookdalc lrokdlle Oscar OscarWolfartu Osar OsarWolfarb OscariVolfartb
t1 leurk
Wolfartu Wolfarb Irvlneum InIIln H I J Gilbert Glbtr Newark NewarkTIGERS NewarkTIERS NewarkTIGERS
Ell El Bate Manner Punches Puce Prlncetonlan PrlncetonlanWHO Pcetonlan PrineetonianWho
WHO 10 Tries Trr to Hold Iold Him HimNEW 1m HimNxw i iNEw
NEW HATEN IAVES May 30In SO sIn In a baseball baeblllame baeblllamerul game gamefull gamefull
full rul of phenomenal pbenolenl plays Yale defeated Prince Princeton Price Princeton ¬
ton this afternoon Rtemoon by l a score scrl of o 2 to I The Thevisitors ThevLlrr Thevisitors
visitors vLlrr outbatted outbnte the home team tAm but could couldnot clid clidno couldnot
not no bunch their hlta hit hIt The features fenturl of tho thogame thoeame thegame
game were ere a onehanded onehandpd catch catc by Underbill Underbillthe Undtrhl Ijnderhiilthe
the cutting ctUne oft of of Barness Bamtsa hit by b Purnell Purnellwho purelj Purneilwho
who made mde a sensational nsaUolal stopand llp and OBriens OBriensdouble ODrles ODrlesdouble OBriensdouble
double play pIa which was the prettiest piece pllr of ofwork ofwork ofwork
work seen on Yale ale Field In years elrs Both Bothteams 80lhtama Bothteams
teams lcn fielded tde well wel but several sfcral costly CRty errors errorsby orrl errorby
tama by Princeton Princton lost the came Chlttenden Chlttlden won wontho wonthe wonthe
the game for Yale when 1hcn he linonkrd nut a athreebase athreehue athreebase
threebase hitIn hit in the fifth Inning ia scoring scoringMetcalf Icre IcreMetlr scoringietcaif
Metcalf MetcalfShe ietcaifThe
Metlr MetlrTbe The grand stand stnd was ws packed packe to t overflowing overflowingbefore oerlowlnl overflowingtad
and She before the game jame th thf undergraduates undergraduatesfrom I uinderradtiaIrom ndlrrldunl18
from hrore each eah university unlvrllUkllt kept thlnas thlnlR lively IhI with withcheering wltboheerlne withheertng I
cheering and nones lon I A delegation delellton of Prince PrinceIon Princeton J JIon
Ion men soo stron stronl wits I In the tbl eastern eBlern part partjf pnrtof partr
jf r the grand rlnd stand st d Led 1 by b Bill 81 Edwards Edwardslie FAwlu11
Ih lie old football root bal guard 1lr Hteye tte tlteve McClave Mclwe and andjthers andolhfrl andthere
olhfrl there they thty made mndt thing thllrllvlI thllrllvlIAn livelyAn lively livelyAn
An Inctfnntpl IneJlontlf inlitutit cii an In unpleasant unll lsnnt nature natr marred marredin
in otherwise otherlt clean cleln name are In the third thir mnrre Inning InningIurnell Innlnl inningurnell
Barnwoll at third base when
Iurnell held DarwI tblr bDI the thealter theatter
lurnll alter attempted to l run homo Barnwclliromptly Barnwcll Barwel Barawelluromptl
iromptly Altmpte struck trck the th Princeton IrlnCtn man Ian and Ind a aitorm aterm
prompt term of hisses hl w went Ant nt through the grand granditnnd grandtend I
Irr tend Just at the finish fnl h of the game Iane news newsame nowscame newstame
came tame of the victory vlcrf of Yalo nlo io In the Intrrcol lntertologiates Intrrcologlates Inlofol Inlofollellatel
oglates Pandemonium lRneOonlum broke loose loo and andhe nndthl andhe
lellatel thl he und undjrnadIBI tindereraduateS rSTaduat < s 1 rushed rshf on 01 to r the tbE field fieldmd tcld tcldand fieldnil
md nil carried off of the victorious vlclrloul ball bnl players playersTALI plalerf playersTics
II I nIPAL H r A K I R RHPAx RHPAxIcteatf2b H I T A K KHelralfJbl KMeltat2bt
HelralfJbl Icteatf2b 1 0 1 I o I Reldc Reidco 0 I 2 I o oVDrlcHuo 0i1 iivarier
Meltat2bt VDrlcHuo varier cJ0 0 1 I 0 CostravecfO i 3 o o olarnwcilefl oiarnwciLctl
f an g g g gChlnolbu
i1 larnwcilefl r 1200 I 2 0 0 Pkrsonlbo i n I o ohItflelbU o ohlfnnlbo
hlfnnlbo ir 2 12 I 0 0 Purnell3bo Purntl3bO 0 3 I I Itotrmaripo IlowmanpO I IllrmanpO
Chlnolbu totrmaripo lowmanpO 0040 0 0 4 0 ttnderhllllfo tndtr IIUo I 200 200oterf 2 0 0 ootc I
llrmanpO otc oterf 00000 0 0 0 0 WellM2bO WIItA2bn I 101 101ivin I 0 I IWInslow
ivin WInslow lowco Cti I C I 0 Davlirf flaIsrt0 0 o l o o oUirnrvl oIjumesiiO
1 g IU g I IThompob
Uirnrvl IjumesiiO 11 g 0 0100 0 I 0 0 Amellst o i I 2 t trnorapnSbO trhompnSbO
rnorapnSbO 0320 0 3 3 0 Sievenspo Slmns SlmnsToll2 0 1 4 ii iiTotals3
Totals Toll2 Totals3 2 42414 4 2 28 U l Totals TotI1 TotaliI I 84 S 24 14 3 3Cosersve 3Co 3Cougrse
Cosersve Co rlile out hit by b batted hattd ball baliale ballale al
ale 0 00 0 I 0 I n I o o 2 2rtnceton 2Irn
rtnceton lle 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 01Tiireebtso i iThrrebwo IThlbUI
Irn Thrrebwo hit hlCblttnden hltChittenden Chlttenden Sjrrlncc S8trfCO hit hitIDrten hl hlO hits hitsLIr1en
O IDrten ThlbUI llarnwrll Isntl Stolen bMe btAIleron batealierson Plerson Wells Wellsavln Itla ItlaIAvl leliaavi
avln avi rtn ODrlen O Iisrnwell larwll First 111 base on balls ballsIff bailitt
IAvl itt Bowman rtn a niT 01 Stevens Ilttnl I Left Lf on bases basesale bMtlaf basesI
nI I ale IIwmAn K Princeton Prlnlclon 9 Struck Rlrek oul outIly UlI By Showman nowmanby noml Showmanby
2 af by b Strvcna S Oouble hoult playOPrlen and Met Slelsit Metair MII MIIral
air Hit by b pitcher plcblrClrrAI plteherCostravr Cosrravr Umpirellolll Umpirellolllay tmplretol
ral dfl Lay ay Time Tmr2 Timc2 tll 2 hours bour Attendance Atlendance600o Atlendance600oIceords ttndce Sooo Soooleeordi O I IRHrl
RHrl leeordi Broken BroCn at atAndoerFxeter AnrtovrrKxrtfrCiamrs AnrtovrrKxrtfrCiamrsAst ADl rJ xrter Gmcs GmcsAXDQVEIi aml amlsPQnn
Ast sPQnn > pvtn Mass MilS May 30 3 Andover wan wana waseasy al ala
Exeter In the annual annualrack annualrack
a a easy eaf winner over anual anualtaIl
taIl rack game eml today tolr the former rornllr academy academycoring academycorttug uC3dem uC3democorlnl
ocorlnl coring 6 55 ft 18 points plntl to Kxeters Jxters 37 3123 23 Three Threecords Thre Threrecorda Threeecords
recorda cords were ra broken apt Ipl Suniner 8umnfr of And Andver Andonr Andver
onr ver covering coverlnl loo 10 yards ards In 10 1 seconds 8conds flat flatMarshall fli fliMarahll flattarshall
Marshall of Exeter Exl r won the the shot lot put with witho llh llho
Marahll o feet r t li 113 > < Inches lochet another new ne mark whim whll whimI
1 K Smith I Y of Andover Anaofr ran ra the mile 01 In 4 min mlntis min1t mittea
tea 45 36 3 second aoond three tbrel seconds seondl better bttr than thanas t1an t1anthl thanhe
1t he pr5riOUi recori JOhn llbf OatH ot Andover AndoverrssablgP0Iflt Ando1P
thl rssablgP0Iflt as prvourNora a Wgpoint winner lner for to hu hi school aholl captur capttr5t I Iflr
Inl 5t allbeplnt flr frt first t places IICNI In the broad bro ad jump uMjalf r cap ba ball ballsUe I
Ue sUe and quorVermUe qUI rmUe run rW rWL runsju54ta JL
L ju54ta t
Wind Wrld Die Die Oirt ou and andn Not One of the te Yacnt Yacntl Yadte YadteI
l Is AWe to FinIsh lnl the Course CourseNot Clue ClueNot CourseNot
Not one ole of ottho the yachts In the annual regatt regattof relat regattiof
of the Harlem Yacht acht Club was w able Ible to t oem oonvplcto oemploto I I
plcto tho course cur yesterday YOteray and when the nut nutwink SO SOink setsunk
wink ink In a bluzo of golden Iolden glory 1100 the yaoht yaohtthat yaohtthut aohtl
that thlt had not nt already alradY been towed to the club clubhouso clubhouse clubhouse
house at City 111 Island woro drifting listlessly llstlesslalong listlesslynlong listleslialong
along the Sound with wlUlaltoorl a good prospect of stay stayIng IIla IIla1nll St us5 us5ingthereuntllznidnight
Ing ingthereuntllznidnight there thpr until midnight ThOMof Those or tho yacht yachtnion yachlsblIHI ynchbblue
blue who were fortunate enough onoulr to read readport rMobIIOrt reactport
port barely hod time to change their theirseit lien tog togfor top topfor Of Offor
for evening dyes and take part II r In the recep receptlon recepUon recepInn
tlon Inn that oompletwl thn dnvrf festivities festlvItlMThe rP8lhIIIaThe festivitiesThe
The courses for all classes clas warn cro trlangulai trlangulaithe Irlanlfllllrthe trianqularthe
the outer marks for the larger bouts beln belnchannel belplT belplTtbo beiflithe
the black spar off lIIatlnlcock Point and Iho IhoIIJnnnel tb tbchannel
channel buoy off Delancey Point Pointsmaller Pointenmile The Thentallor
smaller craft turned an anchored dory dory t tthe to tothe tthe
the eastward of Old Hen buoy and th thstriped the theIItrlptd tbstriped
striped buoy on the northeast end of Exeou Exeoutlon Execution I
tlon Reef Itee taostarting the starting and finishing I1n Ish I 1111 lln llnfor IInll IInllfor 11wfor
for all clnnseti classes being between an nnchorw nnchorwntakeboat IIlIchrredIItnkeboat auicherestakeboat
ntakeboat and the regatta committee committeesteamer commltlffslteamlr commltteeateanuer
steamer Charles Chnrl Matthews off Belden 1olnt 1olntCity lolntcity i iCltYllsland
City CltYllsland Island All AlIlIIQrks marks wore loft on the per perhand 1I0rt 1I0rthanl potband
hand handthe hanlI bandIhie
the I hI preparatory whUtlo sounded nt atand 123C 123Cand 1210and
and the yachts crossed the th line at flvemlmit flvemlmitIntcrynln fiveminuteIntt flvemitsuVIntervals
Intervals Intt > close elo e hauled with wlUtboomll booms to star starboard starboard starnoard
board rvQlllt The ho direction of the Mind Ind which whlcwas whichwnR whileWOIS
was northnortheast made the course n ben bendead bent bentc1end bertdead
dead to windward wind ard n close reach on the star starboard Ilarboard starboard
board tuck to the second mark nnd a broad broairench broadrench brostreach
rench on tho port tuck to tho finish lino linoThe Un UnThe linisblue
The boat slipped > d ovnr the tines with le lerolls Ice Icerllils icrails <
rolls nwanh II utwuus IIAh In tlio tim following order order12300ArauUs orderil3S00Aquila
123500 12300ArauUs Aqulla and Annie AnnielV4Uonfop Aaole1l4100 AnnicI240Oliiopci
lV4Uonfop 1l4100 I240Oliiopci124itXArbcetcn fopl foplTal i iI24voo
I24voo 124itXArbcetcn ArUckn A Firefly flrrtlyGrassbopper Onuisbopper boP Romanct RomanctTammany Rornanciteniniany
Tal i i r rcnl 3 3lUI
Tammany Sparrow Dorothy Adelaide i am amNnapper inchuapper
Nnapper Nnapper12fl00Knsve lUI 12fl00Knsve fl Knae Wave Hf FJ Gre Bl and Juanlta JuanltaI2i5co Juanltl12OOImlh Juanita12LiinltmiIy
12OOImlh I2i5co Imlly Gulden Rod and Lauretta LaurettaBefore Laur Laurrttaliefore llA llAlIetore
Before the leaders readied the flr first t milrl milrlthe mdrkthp mrlr mrlrthe
the wind veered nround to the couthwsn couthwsnnnd soutluwartand outhwRrdond
and before the last of < the fleet lied lu tee teeornurjd > er erarmirid Irl IrlorolllJd
armirid the I hA buoy buo Leuov It lucid dropped to t l nlmoHl nlmoHla
a deiid onlm Im the th tmnllcr crAft however howeverhu hoerrhue howererhugginetlue
hu hunnd hue hugginetlue lnlllhE northern horpktpl IIIIICht a light brplzp brplzpRnd breeziand
and suede good gOHI tliue to the th wf wrtwlrd > stv rd afte afterounding sttprroundln atteirounding
rounding this th Parsonage Point huor Thu Thurace Tberace lherace
race va rae a caller o or nt 730 oclock oclockoy ocluckRMJIlO eluck eluckR4CJNG
At LatonlaCINCINNATI Latonla LatoniaCIIellolATI LatonlaCINCINNATI
CINCINNATI May IoIS SO 8OJl 8Oitesersstlon Iteservsllon enallon won th thDecoration Ihe IheDteoratloo lbDecoration
Decoration Handicap over a muddy track at La Latonla Lalonla Latools
tools today He was baoked down from 6 to toto toto I
to 101 7 to 2 The colt was cleverly clecr rated by b Romanelll RomanelllIn Romanelliwho
who bo IIvoldtd the early fI1Ct pacesnd and from nUh JtOAlllon JtOAlllonIn
In the si alrtlcb retell went wen I to the front and patted ih ihether Ibe Ibeelhtrl thiothers
ether winning easily eASlI by b two lengths from Eon Fonaoluca Eonaoiuca on onsoluu
aoluca aolucaFirst soluuIIrlll aoiucaFirst
First Race RaceSix SU furlongs funonlrsllturon neuron 113 I Scully 1Icull 1Iculln
3 to 14sw00 I4 won Alamanzo 100 McMillan II IS to 5 5second 1second
= second n f Goo Goo oo 81 nighs Rita tifimI 9 to llg 1 third diin diinI Time Timell limeI
ll I r lcl j > Mint Leaf Harlem Lane Remark Johi JohiDrake JobaDrake JohIDrake
Drake and Margaret steele also ran ranSecond ranIcood ranecond
Second Race One mile mlleMandamuuii Mandarmix 103 I iS iSflonnert S SBonner SDonnerl
Bonner 4 10 I won Welch tlch Girl 100 lUeauchamp lUeauchampK
K 10 l second Wallabout 103 I lJ J OConnorl 7 11U to 0 l lthird IIblrd 1third
third Time 140 North orlh Wind Invlctus I 11111 11111lluehcss 1lll1eDuchess 11111Duchcss
Duchess Dean Choice Hurry and Locust Ulosson Ulossonalso Wossomal1lO liiossonalso
also ran ranThird ranTllird ranThird
Third Race laceFhe Five furlonis furlonrsDorice Dorlce 105 I Reed CRterJ Ifleedi Ifleedia <
0 to 5 won San Marino 101 Paul 50 to I second secondPrtnceM secondPilncess
PrtnceM Lucille rJ 71 lot f1 S on flinner 1nneri g 8 to I r t third 1 IdsTt Time Timel07U limelO7
l07U 1 lO7 071 Silver Thistle Danube Rlcena and Good GoocCheer OoodCbttr GoodCheer
Cheer also ran ranFourtb ranPourth ranFourth
Fourth Race Rateflecorstiort Decoration ooallon Handicap one mtli mtliand mleanlt mliisari
and a slitcenthResenatlon BS tRomanelUIto rfomnnelUl rfomnnelUlJack 1
10 2 won fonAOlurs 86 ISrullr 0 10 10 second lletondJaele secondJsck
Jack Ratlin IIS Innclry 3 to I third Time TimefMf TimeISltI
fMf 1 4r > Sinner nncr Simon Silk lIk Cord and Woodlaki Woodlakialso WoodlakAIIo SVoodiakaLso
also ran ranFifth rcaFifth
Fifth Race RAleIIe Five furlonm furlnrllScl Sclplo io 105 I Beau Beauchamp Beauchsinpl uu
champ 4 4101 to 1 won uu Walter Duff 102 IS S Bonner Bonnlrt
12 t to I second St PArtS 102 Komanelll 13 1310 to I Ithird IteTI Ithird
third Time rCfl I ridonoso Huckleberry ltbtrry Finn FinnSixth IIl1nSiith FinnCohxsset
teTI teTInd f rrlx li ol
Cohxsset end nd Fjix Martin I also ran ranSlth
Sixth Race RsetOat One mile And nd 70 fl yards yardAGnld Gold flell
101 H Herd tdl R to 10 won Blnehello mc btllo ins S SOonnel Bonnet BonnerK
K RIO to I second Tom Hall IDS Kills 20 to I I third thirdTime Ihlld11l11e thirdTime
Time 153 Senor Luliart and Altona also ran ranAt ranAi raeAt
At Chicago ChicagoCRICAOO CI1Ioltosot ChicagoCuTcano
CRICAOO May SO 50As As easily as be wo won n his othe othetwo othetwo
eAa t tAI
two t w victories alhar Charlie Elllnns rf1r slr grand rand n colt I Skilful Skilfulat k kiltulat
at odds < of t to S raptured the Fllcht Stakes a aHawthorne at atlIawlborne atHawthorne
Hawthorne Ibis afternoon Four lengths back wa waGrernr was wasUrror waGregor
Grernr K another Derby JJtr r candidate and John A ADrakes AJ1rakes AIlrakes
Drakes High Chancellor alsi als ai a Derby Delb colt WBJ WBJthird waithird 8 8thIrd
third a length behInd The position oslllan of the three threicolts IlIrteeolls threecolts
colts did not alter after they swung Into the stretch stretchThe stretchTbc IrelrbTbe
The stake was worth 24SO net 10 KIIUnn but hi hiwon ho howon hewon
won much more than that In the bettliif ring ringIn rlnrIn ringIn
In spite of the Ihrratrnlnr threatsnn weather a large crowd crowiwas Irllwll crowdwas
was 8 present and liettlnt leitln was a brisk John HcOurl HcOurleasily McOurkea MeCuriteasily
ea easily < II won the Pralrlc stakes SIAletsFlrsl StakesFirst stakesFirst
First Race lIalerour Four furlongs lurlonrsSI St Paula 108 C CGray COray CGray
Gray S to 2 won Katie Powers 1CW 1 Henry
15 tii l second Gen tn Steward 103 Adklns 7 to l lthird tthird 1thIrd
third Time 040 0 35 Mllklrk Ullklrllt Wreath Wrtalhor of Ivy Ivyran 1 1IJtlermllt4tlon IvyIetermlnatloD
IJtlermllt4tlon Foresight and Lady ady Loose also alsoran alasran
ran ranSecond Second Race nuSWplechlt Steeplechase short course eouraDuke eouraDukeof Duki Dukiof
of York ork U ISi 15 IT T Murphy Murp 8 to S won Crest CrestIAS Crestlas
las lOuenO s to 2 second Hen H tn Paxton U UHayes lto I4tilaycs
Hayes A to t third Time 2A3 2 Spurs Farrell Farreland FalrellAnd Farrelland
and Klngvlong ALso bo ran ranThird ranThIrd
Third Race JlatlThe The Flight Slake sIx furlongs furlongsSklltul fUllonrsSkilful tenantsSkilful
Skilful 102 II Bockeri R to S won Greior K
102 ReifY 10 to 1 second tl lnd < High Chancellor Chancelloriltoubre D Milioubre
iltoubre I to I third Time 110 Walnamolncn WalnamolncnTorroonde WalnamolnenTormonclt WalnsmolncnTormonde
Torroonde Ahola Organdl Gulden Hule FUjI FUjIChip FlrdChip IlrJIChIp
Chip and The Lady Lad also a1s ran ranFourth tAOFourth
Fourth Race nefThl Tne Prairie stakes two mllei mlleiJohn mUIJobn mtIetJohn
John Mcfiurk leC urk loo Adklai S to 2 won Barrack
10 Hflgerson r 18 to S second Rolling Doer t 1ft 1ftstarters
5 Ir h S to 5 lI3 third lime itf nguR 343 24 Only thre threstarters h hslarltlS
starters startersFifth startersFlith
Fifth Race JlMfFI1 Fire urtong ftcrlontsPoor Poor Boy nO 100 IItl He Hecersoni lidgersont
cersoni ID 1810 to fi won nn Sardine rt1lnt 122 IIItlnJ Rein II to rt rtsecond V Vrrcond
second ond Havlland 101 Domlnlcki K to I third thirdTime IhlrdTIme thirdTime
Time 103 1 S Attelle lItlle Ortsus and Joe Martin also alscran alsorAn aLsoran
ran ranSl rAnSlltb Sl Sixth lh Race RAreOn One mile mlllGllul Glassful 9 9 HeljiTson
8 to 5 won Moroni ion 10 Ilohhlnii II l to I second secondMr serondMr secondMi
Mr Dlncle B II Adklmi 9 to 2 third Time 145 145Bonnie 145r U45hionucic
Bonnie LlvaW ilcrops The Bobby Canyon Paul Paulakrr Paulski
ski Imlrte r rairie Doz Io jo joef ef Cogswell II Rollick l m II 1 ra and 3n Banana BananaCream o oCrtllm BananaCrcam
Cream also ran
At Toronto TorontoTOROrro TorontoTOROfTO TorontoToRONTO
ToRONTO Ont May SO xTbe The player and book bookmakers bookmakl hookmakers ¬
makl makers quit qullal about oUteven > even atVojttlni9 today loda Claude Claudefrightened Claudel1rhttntd ClaudeI1gIIICOC4
frightened most of the entries out of the mile mileMnilfl miltanlllI milearcd
anlllI arcd Mnilfl fUllollr fiirlflnr rare find had no trouble In ranturtnr ranturtnrthe capturIng eaplurlnrIlle
the event eventFirst evcnlFlrslllAltSla evfltFIrst
First FlrslllAltSla Race RaceSix Six furlongsHleaway 100 Uunro
7 1102 to 2 won BurtMre 100 1H0dJr Hodgson on S to I second secondGeorge IftnndGlorrc secondGentle
George Perry err ki Croqhan Cro hsnl 3 to I third Time Time1tl0
116 Gold Cure Olreetiim Sly RI Boots 01 Caisvllle CaisvllleMam CAulUeMillll CatsviileSiam
Mam Klnghrook Kldetu Star hater Masctle MasctleMaggie MateUeMaigie
Maggie KlnrhroOltt W The Elba klba Ib8 Clarena and Lady Lad Russell Russellalso Russellalso
also ran ranSecond rAnr ranSecond
Second t Race RaceFive Five furlonu furlongTermagant Termagant I rJ ItT 117D ItTp
D r Murray I ayraj s tn S won Short rilr Cake T 10J Adamai m mI
I 30 3 to I second Sky SIc Blue 105 lO Castro a 810 to I third thirdTime IhlrdTlmt thirdTime
Time l IOH 104tt 4t Ertcula All Good Strange Device Deviceand De1reand Desireand
and Con Amore mnre attn ran ranThird rnnThird ranThird
Third Race RlccOne One mile and a sUleonth shtt atteenthFasy atteenthFasyStreet 1nthIlAy 1nthIlAySirtel < Fasy FasyStreet
Street 117 Hoar II to S won Merilment 125 125Adams IZSdamsl 125Adams
Adams t to 5 second S nct Butter Scotch 119 IJ J Daly Dsl Dslto aI I Ito
to to I third Ihlr l Time 1404 Io Maiden Procession Processionand
and Crestfallen Also ran ranFourth ranlIurth ranVourih
Fourth 1I00000SInltha Rice StMnierhsss e about two miles ands and andhAlr1nlUltf
s half hAlr1nlUltf DaltlancR 175 lC Gallarher 4 to K won wonHero wonIfro wonHero
Hero 1M Mr Led 20 to t I wind tJd Jlufter 188 188iGraham tllllGrnbllml 10 10iGrthain
iGraham 8 to I third Time BU 01414 > f Ten Bellows BellowsZem DtllowsZtrn BellowsZero
Zero Tweed and Zolo lob also ran rsnFifth ranllflh ranFifth
Fifth Race nareQnt One mile and An eighth ellhlbClaude ellhlbClaudeIQ Claude
ITS J Daly 1 to U won James IAm F 128 J L Daly OalyI
I to 2 26 second Marcellan US Hoar IS to I third thirdTime IhlrdTlmt thirdTime
Time liO I 1504 O < Jem Also 1o ran ranStth rAnstllh ranSixth
Sixth Race RAte RaceSix Six lx furionLatrob fiirlon Latrobe 105 J BaIt ORlylori207a BaItT
7 to 2 won Ravelment 105 T F WaIst S to t second secondKarl secondrri
I102n1 gia hi 813d sTf sTfIt
Karl ori207a of Norfolk c 102 Adams 7 to S third Time
11 115 Baxtanlo 1Iicnlo Lady Lltd Fuex I < u Lee I Ridley IIldle Miss MissfKhr MIsIIh Missrishr
IIh fKhr Australia Gossiper Lady Lad Powhaltan Powhaltanhtonlda PowbltlAn1onldll PowbattanItonida
htonlda and Adrlc Sardine also ran ranSeventh ranSeventh an
Seventh Race RaeSix SU I nirionr fiirinngetpatllute o Destitute 107 107ICaitro 107Castro
IC Castro b3 3 to t Ic t f won Frank F Love 104 1tm Bucklev BucklevIS rklt >
IS to I second Ki nI Ilirnhs IM IllaVe I14 11 8 810 tn I I third thirdnme tblrdTlmr thirdrime
rime II7W 117 June Collins AmahaggA Fueco ru o Oil Oiln onIn
In n the Can Taps 1AP Tapsenter Veneer lnPtr Cartoon Maria Vaughn VaughnHealing VaughnIcalitig
Healing Salve I aht and Walbrook also fan fanThe snCricket an anCricket
Cricket CricketThe CricketThe
The Brooklyn Club yesterday visited rUltedtuten vl visitedtuten 1 tfd tfdStilton
tuten Island where wherllil It gained an easy victory victoryiver victoryner victoryver
iver the Livingston L1vlllg ton Field Club by nn innings lnnlnend InnhllIaud inningsintl
aud nd 131 run TlIM H tlusiton uu ton was In One form formor rormfor
for or the winner both with bat and ball for forn fortn
tn I n addition to taking eight I t wlckotn for is isinh ISiliA
inh lie Io mnde the top score of the th mntci mntciIth nllll nllllwllh Iciuhteicliii
wllh Ith a free rrr Inning of 49 0 For UvlngHton UvlngHtonV
W V F I Lewis wls was < the onlyman only lnan to ii rnaci double doubleIgiircH Iloulo1tlllinre doululecures
IgiircH In the lIt Innings bul In the second secondttempt IIteondlttempt secondtiempt
ttempt at the th bat W V J J II Clark hit freely freelynr rrI rrIfror
fror nr 20 2 nnd H 3 K G Cooke played well II for 17 17he 17TIp I IIn
TIp he corp wn 11 104 tfl ns to P7 P7The P7Thl eiTb
The Tb Manhattan tjrlcket Club oponorl lie ltnpagun It ItlelllllIl lietrtgil5
lelllllIl pagun bt b1IIROn > Hson yesterday Illrdl1 at Prosr Prospect ect > > Park Parkdlli ParkWit lsrklii
Wit dlli lii 11 gumentKilnst t Klny County fount und gained gainedvictory gainedvictory
11 victory clory by Oil 11 runs TIm if II F irahamn crahll lo batted ImttllIn hatteda
In 11 fine form for or tm winners In I his hi innings nf nft nfsi
si t while hll E F H 11 Ear Kit nl also o showed goad style styletOTi Ilrlllfor styledir
for dir 23 fOlihlO ollhlo nlUr figures wero tro abet I added ded b by byI
H I D Coyn IInrl I J IrondrrlllJst rite rheo ritetore 1
tore o ViH 130 to 41 41The 41lllP n nTill
The Kssflx County ount nnd Colitinbln Oval Ovallubs 0111Iub Ovitilubs
lubs Iub yosterdsy played off the tie In the thes thetIorlntlon theoelrtttnfl
tIorlntlon s orlntlnn clnrnpioninlp contost of innj innjt 11102nt
nt t Uranci Ilrooit Park Newark and the theJttfr tll thesttir
lollr Jttfr by b their victors vi tnr by by tn wickets secured securedlie LtIrOI
Ihe lie hi trophy 110 1 K s Kcobal and J 1 Seignior Seigniorintted 8 Sciguuiornttecl hrnlor hrnlorbntt1 I
intted splendidly IOn enllldir for thc Ih winner the former formerincially rormprI lorflteraicially
I incially clallr dicing dnln flno ito work In n contribution contributionf
05 f SI not out H O Wllltlnson S 1I1t1n OII bowled mot moitffcctlvelv motpfTlttICh niotfPctliel
ffcctlvelv for Columbia Oval nnd took six IIbrwlrt sixiclctK lx lxrlrlrtn
rlrlrtn for 58 s run In addition to nciOrn nciOrnili IICIomfIlii 0000Iii
fIlii ili Iii < Inn tno fet of bowline four vlokct > t In InonsfcutlvH ittsnsccitivt I
onsfcutlvH hulls The score orr wn uric Kfl 8 to xt xtThe 52liun 2
The West We t Indians nrcomplUhed a bowling bowlingnut
rllt nut ct In fHr game at Prrsjiept Irlo 11 Inrk norllln1 norllln1I gnlnt > t tli
I li Thistle lt istles whom su Ii oin they ic di tllsii IOIllIAPd ml lsed sra In I ii their theirr I hllrtlr1 nil r rrt I
tlr1 r rt l attempt at thi ti hal for or in runs run land won wonvimtuiilly waniiihtiJi5 nn nnlIttllilI
vimtuiilly lIttllilI by b 10 wlrhcis The totals sueriistle were wereiilstlii
110111 iilstlii 13 1 nnd ID 0 West I I Indians 33 and 37 37or 31for a aor
for or no in wicket wicketThe wlckelTh wlktTue
The Th Mnnhuttnn Mnllhlll Inn cocond cnnrl eleven Hi sent > nt a tenm tenmf 1llImof
of f only 0111 Hnvon WI IIIPII to Newark for Its It assopln assoplnInn 1111011tlOllllOl1le ctssorinInn
tlOllllOl1le Inn game wlO Newark Slwnrllund and us II a consequent consequentiii oon tQueiHC tQueiHCWII
WII iii SIC on onlI CltilY lly defeated hy h 121 runs rllll The total totalfiro 101111WIro totalere
firo ere Newark N wnrk 173 I 73 Manhattan II 44 44IIIMK 44iu
1111 Ilin Oct11 or 0 Ihe Onlo 1lurPd the Wellt Wellt1IIIIIIIn Ststridilans
1IIIIIIIn IIIMK B team nt Pro Propeci ct Park I ark and was wasrfeuted WIISdlrtl11ft wascieteej
rfeuted by b 72 cUlls after their opponent opponentnd opponpnthnd opponentsRd
hnd nd dfclnrrd their Inning closed with four fourilfkitcdown rourwhkll fourlekh
whkll ilfkitcdown lekh C don The totals were ro Wet We l Indians Indianaci
1111 11 S S Ocenrle SI SInenttelaer llitensielser 11 11RmllPlaer
nenttelaer vXthlctes thlctell Beat tat Rivals nivalALBAXT RhaiNALBANY RivalsALBANY
ALBANY May MIn the Union Collesensselser College Colt88f1oReMaelaer Collegeetisselser
ensselser Polytechnic Institute track meet meetday meetwda meetday
wda day the Utt latter r won 111 by a score 01 07 7 to tks U 41t 41rn
t = =
> lhJlaOofl Jlaoon A k Clark at tholr atablea M Brldji Brldjistreet Bridiestreet BrldvStreet
street Brooklyn hold a sale al of hor horses e 01 01Wedncadny on onWdntllldny 01Wednesday
Wedncadny of each week Tb Tbe consign conalgnmenu consigninents
menu Mclude elude every useful type for hard work worland workandbuslneRs won wonand
and andbuslneRs busIness u use e find there U I generally generallysprinkling i iprlnklln II IIIPrlakllnlf
sprinkling prlnklln r of orlfood good driving horses with no noand now nowand nosand
and thon one of the thetanoy fancy kind that can atep atepblllh stelhigh U Uliluh
liluh or that has more than average speed speedAside epIJedAsldt speedAalde
Aside from the anctlon Bales Bacon AI < t c Clnrl Clnrlalway CJlarkIIlwR1I larl larlalways
always have In the stable from 100 to 20 20liorne 200 200lIorMeI 20horses
horses for private sale nl Every represents reprewntatlon repref nta ntatlon
tlon Is guaranteed and fortyeight hours hoiirntrial hOIlIlltrlal hourstrial
trial allowed to test the animal animalEdwnnl IlnlmalEdwnrd animalEdwnrd
Edwnrd Cullanans Sons announce a line llniof lineor Ilniof
of new carriages some slightly shopworn Hhopwornthat shopllornthat shopwornthat
that they offer It attractive prices rathe rathethan rlltherthan rathethan
than undnrtnke at thin his busy bu y season ea on to pu puthorn put putthom ptithenu
thorn In perfect order again There are nisi nisiu nl o
u few second econdhlJnd hand traps that have rcall rcallnot rellily rellilynot reallnot
not bad the new paint worn but the prlceiaro prlcei prlc8aro prIcerare
aro almost cut In half halfA halfA I InUnlbltr
I Ibe
A number of highclans saddle horses cat catbo enn ciiibe
be seen at Durlunda Riding Rldln Academy Them Themaro TheOleTII Theaare
are the noted Kentuckysaddlers Kentucky saddler > thorough thoroughtrained thorouehltralMd thoroughltrained
trained thoroughly reliable and ready fo foImmodlato for forInunedlat toltntnodiatp
Immodlato use Patrons of tho academy o oothers or orotherOl oothers
others who cont contemplate mplate the purchase of ofnaddle II IIMddle I Icaddie
caddie horse will do well to see e what Is ll llthe In InIbe IIthe
the stables st blea at Durlandti DurlandtiThe DurlandtITbe DurhandsThe
The C F Bates ates CV Company mpnny > at West ellt End Kniavenue Endavenue nd I Invenue
avenue have somethIng new In fancy am amuseful 111111 111111uoful antueotuh
useful carriage hor horse ea every day do This com compuny Iompliny cocapany
puny has ha furnished a full quota of ribbon rtbborwinner ribbonmnnertl ribborwinners
winner to ita it patrons aside from tho ho man manwon manr manron mabwon
won on with entries direct from tho stable stableThe stableThe stableThe
The training stable nt nubbard Ohio ar arlocated are arelocated arelocated <
located In tho centre of a thrifty breedlni breedlnisection breedlncetlon breedinieectiofl <
section and the best the breeders produce produwfinds produooJnd producefinds
finds Jnd Its It way to New York buyers through throughthe tbroultbIhe throughthe
the C F Bates Company CompanyII
II It Macy A Co advise all readers to look lookover lookover loolover
over the driving outfit carefully before start startIng lltartInll startIng
Ing for the annual sojourn In tho ho country countrjnod oountrynnd countryand
nod have everything complete before leav loaving leavlog
log 111 the city Heaves It saves time expense and an annoyance annoyance annoyance >
noyance What can be more unpleaaani unpleaaanithan unpleaaantthllll unpleasantthan
than to plan for a long jaunt after reacblni reacblnithe recblnetbo
the cutuitiy and then And that some Im Insportent Important important ¬
portant part of the equipment baa been ne nefleeted neIected nohected
Iected and the drive must be postponed postponedntil potItponedilntlJ postponedfIntil
ilntlJ ntil a trip to the city or a message and car carrlor carrler cartier
tier con supply auppr the deficiency This depart deportment department departmont ¬
ment at Macy s Is under the personal super supervision supervision supervision
vision of P H I Comerford who made name namefor harnel harnellor harnesifor
for the pioneer road drivers of U the e metropolis metropolisMr I
Mr Comerford Comer fOld Is still making the beet har harness harness harneeR barfleas ¬
ness hut ekIU can fashion and Maoys pilcei pilceiMr pilceiare prlcelare rsicelare
are always alwa s right II ht prices pricesThe pr price priceThe I ITbe
The Standard Coach Horae Com Company Companywant Companwants pan panwant
want the public to know that because II IIfacilities ItII ItIIfacUltll3 111faculties
facilities for breaking break In schooling IIChoolln and ahow ahowing ahowIIli ihowIicg
ing canlaeo carr talle hoisos are far superior to th thaverage the tbeIIvcraee theaverage
average the pilcea are not Inflated A coo coohois good IoodhOlee goodboise <
boise ia always worth a good price and andhow a ahow a ashow
how i line ing winner Is always worth more thai thaione thanone thatone
one of the useful type with more claims t tservice to tosen1ce toservice <
service than style The Standard Coach CoaclHorse CoachHorRe CoachHorse
Horse Company have both types In their thelstables theiretllbltt thieistables
stables 41 West Sixtythird street and It t tonly 8 toonly
only a question for the buyer to decide which wblcltypo wblchty whichtype
typo ty oj best suits his fancy and his purse pursevery purseJovery purseTvery
Jovery very representation made at the sale ma mabe may mayJbe mabe
Jbe be relied upon At the its training farm In New NevJersey Newcreey eu euJersey
Jersey creey the company ha hu every facility for foitho forthe forthe
the cure of horses flout for a run at a gross grossA
A month of rich grazing will 11 work wonders wouderrwith wonderlhlth wonderswith
with hlth the horse that nan grown dull and per perhuts perhapia
huts 11111 fyotaore in faithful serviceThis service serviceThis serviceThis
This company announced a guaranteeauction guarantee QUaranteedauction guaranteedauction
auction companr sale of a highclass coach and car carAcademy carrlttae cartIctIe
rlttae hones to take bhltcll1M p place 1100 lit Durhlnds Rldlne RldlneAc RidinsAcademy
Academy Ac idetny on Monday evening eYeQ i June 8 llie lliehorses lheae lheaehoraes ibesihorses
horses have been specially selected Iectl l to suit tutthe lulttbe suitthe
the Eastern buyer of the most critical taste tusteKvery tI1IteJvon tasteivery
Kvery horse In the sale Is thoroughly fit and anCseasoned andaeon andseasoned
seasoned aeon and will be sold absolutely ablOlutf y without withoutreserve withoutreICTYe withoutreserve
reserve to the highest bidder with a positive positiveguarantee poll1tlvejfUarantoe positiveguarantee
guarantee covering soundness driving quail cjuallties IJualties quailties
ties and manners The managers or tb tbhtandard the thehtandard thehtandard <
htandard Coach Horse Company have tested testedthese testedthese testedthese
these horses horscsln In every way and know they ar arbound are arebound arebound <
bound to suit the most exacting horse fancier fancierThat fancierfhat fancierThat
That Is why wh they are BO ready to poelilvelguarantee posltivelj posltiveljguarantee p06ltlye p06ltlyeQUarnntee
guarantee every horse sold Under utter utterconditions suchIondltlons siteconditions
conditions buyers will have the best of It ItCatalogues ittIIOKUeR 11epilogues
Catalogues with full particulars on applies appliestlon np apylicatian IIC8 IIC8t10n
tlon to FaslKTlpton Company MonitorSquare Monitor Ml MadIsonSquare iilon iilonSQunre
Square Garden Now ew ewYor1 York city cityWilliam cityWllllan cityWilliam
William H Gray usa manufacturer Importer Importerand Importerand Importerand
and dealer has been selling highclass vehicle vehicleto vfblell11to
to the New York t ork public for or nearly half a pen penauputmont IIInturf contury
turf At present the carriage and harness harntlldtopartmonlls harnessdepaxtmunl
auputmont is on one of the he most complete in th thcity the theoJty thecity
city Everything Everythlnrrrom from the miniature village vUlagCtrl viJIalsout villagectrt
Ctrl to the mall coach U Li shown with Itb appro appropriate appropriato ppropriale
priate harness for each At t this season th thline the theline theHoe
line nf wagonettes waonllI and depot wagon KllnM is ver vercomplete very verycoplet flry flrycol1plett
complete Many MlIn cnjourners In the pountr pountrprefer Iountrprcfr country countryprefer
prefer to buy each spring and sell at the he en enof end enilnl endof <
of the season William illuam II Gray OrR shows i ilines a ahnte alines
lines at such attractive prices that buyer buyeroften bU buyersoften lrs lrsolten
often wit after the seasons I < l18on s tine u e at a profit profitThe pronto1he profitThe
The expenses IXpn 1I of the house aro small when wheicompared whenosniluared hsn hsnNrnllared
compared with the th great outlay some manu manudocrease manufnctnrtrs manufactuirers
fnctnrtrs find nllcu neesry and nil this helps to todccre todecrease
decrease dccre se the cost of everything olicred olicredMark oUertd oUertdMltrk olieredMark
Mark Cross Company report the Incest larfessilea Incesta largeststIes
stIes a les of harness during durln the month of May li litlie In Inthe inice
the ice history bislor of thn house Trade has been boeiactive bMnactive beenactive
active In nil lines largely owing to the oom pompleteneM oomttenCl oomPleteflrs
pleteneM ttenCl of i tl tcu7h > nci 3 department rhe publl publloIkft publiolikei
IHcs a i i good ood axsoyment atlllo rmtont from which to sileceven select spl selecteven ct ctevn
even though the purchase may be trifling
This is the season when outings create a desnand de demand demAnd ¬
mand for luncheon baskets and the many manyarci mnnyIIrclllllorl0 manyaecrssorls
arci IIrclllllorl0 < ssori 8 s of a coaching party or even a aouiot aqult aquiet
quiet ride through the country now decked deckedin deckedin
in the beautiful verdure of early summer summerAt
At this time the devotee of the horse cither citherunder eitherunder
under the saddle or In harness is found In Inevery inevery
every walk of life Outdoor recreation U not notnnly notonly
only popular but sensible and healthgiving healthgivingThere
There ia not a want portninlng to the saddle saddlenr
nr harness outfit that ticattroax Cross tr Co are not pro propared propared
pared to fill promptly promptlyMany promptlyMany
Many renders who contemplate a so sojourn somum ¬
mum In the country have planned to buy a adriving adriving
driving outfit after leaving the city To all allsuch allsuch
such we would say saybuy buy before you start startrhe startThe
The saving will more than pay the extra extracoat extracost
coat of transportation At the semiweekly semiweeklysales semiweeklysales
sales held by Van Tocselt and Kearney a abuyer abuyer
buyer can see an assortment and have n nchance achance
chance to buy at his valuation instead of ofthe ofthe
the valuation of the seller Many who have haveplanned hayphaned
planned a trip trlpto to Europe Luropoconalgn consign their driving drivingeffects drivingeecta
effects at this ciA time rather than Incur the thnexpensn theexpense
expense of maintenance during a prolonged prolongedabsence prolongedctbsercce
absence Such nro sure to bo bargains for forthu forthe
the buyer seeking a good outfit that w III IIIalways illalways
always command a fair price in the open openmarket openmarket
market marketTho marketThe
The carriage show rooms of W D Grand
in charge of 8 T 1 Snlffcn at the AmericanHorse American AmericanHorse
Horse Exchange always look attractive to tothose tothose
those who admire good vehicles In addition additionto
to the line suited for heavy harness W V I IGrand IGnatid
Grand Is the New York agent for the Faber Faherspeed Faberspeed
speed wagon believed by many to be the thestrongest thestroIte9t
strongest light wngnn nude Many proud prominent proudtient ¬
nent drivers nn the Speodwayusc this tisI wagon wagonin
in preference to any other otherA
A few words will tell nil that readers need needto
to know regardingthe regarding the Peters Harness and andSaddlery andtiaddlery
Saddlery Company Reliable goods an anassortment ansssorimiict
assortment suited to oven requirement requirementand
and prlws 19 I low us good coods ood cnn be sold soldfor saidfor
for toll the Iii story Incondensed form If any anynridfr anyrotder
nridfr likes this ttcl way of doing business Jetbin let lethim
him visit the shop shopAt altopAt
At Durlands Rldlntr Academy on Thursday ThursdayBvenluc Thursdayvenituir
Bvenluc June II the horses now working working5n
5n ti tile coftoh Pioneer on the route between betweentho hetweeho
tho ho Holland House and the Ardsley Club Clubtrill Clu Cluciii
trill bo sold at public auction I hero lce are nrethirtyseven areicirtraestu
thirtyseven in nil and and n morn useful lot was wiwnever waslever
never offnrrd at a public wale Aside from fromielnt fromeinrr
ielnt tifwful and fully masoned and ready rendyo
o continue hnrd work many of f tho fourIn fourInland fourhitand ¬
land teams are well mated and worthy tho thomention Ilcoittentlun
mention of buyers who hio contemplate coaching coachinghis
his summer Others In the lot are clo closely closelyacted elv elvnated
acted for use a SR imlrnand a number are hi li liMass hiliLaC
Mass combination horses equally good In ItsIlterless Iniiirness
iiirness nr under saddle A few ow han coors rnornlinn coorsluau
linn avorngo speed combined with cool all alliround allround
round action actionClslioi actiontisliop
Clslioi at 30 5 Warren arren street calls attention to togood togood
good line of cnrrlasns suited to the wants wantsif
if sojourners In the country Many of ofnd oflthope
lthope bctrvains oar be useti one acacors acacorsml
nd then sold for more than the first cost costher costhers
her are iilsto a few secondhund vehicles vehiclest
t about onehalf regular prices pricesKvervthinv pricesEversthltcg
Kvervthinv In buslncaa wagons for heavY heavvcork heavYcork
cork Is the > announcement of the Hurrrtt Hurrrttlunufuctiirlng HcirrcttIccnufocttrlng
lunufuctiirlng Company ompnns Johnson attest fltrwtIrooklin attestlrooklen
Irooklin IrncVs that will cnrry six to rlent rlentons ylrhtand
and lighter trucks for or one horse market marketi marketucgons
i ucgons tonn express and furniture vans In fact factvcrvthlne factverthiny
vcrvthlne suited to heavy trnnsrortntlon on onrheols ontceeis
rheols Is madn and sold at modernta prices pricesiy
iy S this reliable house houseM
M Vt Barney A c Brother 37 ttrltlce street streetiln Streetewark
ewark announce a compete line of every everyhlnr
hlnr iln In horseflesh from the heavy draught draughtorso draughtorac
orso to the hlh xtopplnx eat or the road roador road011I
or 011I wltli wit speed There Is also a nice lot of ofhctland ofhotland
hctland ponlos anti mlnhtiire horses suited suitedo
o the use of children and women Every Evnryepresentatlon Everypresentatlon
epresentatlon of this firm can be relied reliedipon reliedpots
pots iponCammnyer potsCatnIIirer
Cammnyer has been oelllnc coed footwear footwearor
0 lone that the pubilo has conic Ie look for forIce
Ice best usC a price manr other dealers chuaree chuareeor
or Inferior goods The department dr droted dcoteel
oted to hose who InilrleiHiire In the saddle saddleone saddleS
< one of the most complete in the IMir store storvnr storesnnthing
vnr snnthing > thlng Is up to date ds and inado In a man manter nunner
ter that combines Style and finish with ex exllence cxcHance
cHance rttidthenth and then the price Is always right rirbtrho rightThe
The Bedford XVagon WagonWorks Works nt 7S4 Bedford Bedfordvenue Bedfordvenue
venue Brooklyn make taikea a specialty of soiling soilinga
The STANDARD COACH HORSB CO make a new departure by byauthorizing byauthorizing
authorizing the tale at PUBLIC AUCTION without reserve of ofGIARANTEED ofGUARANTEED
MONDAY EVENING JUNE 8 8Commenclnc LCommencing
Commenclnc at SilC 5th oclock sharp sharpThese t tThese
These horses ire now at the city stables of the Standard Coach Horse Co 4 4Welt 41 i iWest
Welt 63d St where they may be seen at any time They are specially selected to wit witthe t r J Jthe
the most exacting Eastern buyer hive been thoroughly tested and every hone will b bsold l lsold
sold with a positive positiveGUARANTEE t 1 16UAANTEE
It Is believed buyers will appreciate this novel and generous condition Full particu particulars ¬ f flars
lars In sale catalog Copy mailed on appllcitlon to toFASIGTIPTON 1i 1iFASICTIPTONCO
Uflfl UflflCRSS
a sa
The Belt of a aGentleman aOentkman
Gentleman GentlemanTakes
Takes the place of waistcoat walstcoatshould should hi hitame have havePaIne
tame careful attention as waistcoat waistcoatEngliih waistcoatEnglish
English Harness Leather Belt htablack black blackbrawn at atbrownskis
brawn brownskis rich la simplicitycoolanistocratic simplicitycoolanistocraticin simplicity cool arutocra arutocrain
in quality qualityNever
Never grow shabby more respectable respectablilonger respectablelonger
longer the they ire worn wornbelt belt for the man wh whprefers who whoprefers
prefers smutnesi not flouchlness just justnegligee justnegtgec
negligee negligeeHoneshoe
Honeshoe Bucklebrass Buckle brass or silverBrass silver silverBrass
Brass Buckle 125 up upSilver upSilver
Silver Buckle 150 up upEnglish upEnglish
English Harness Harnessand Harnessand
and Riding Goods GoodsWomens GoodsWomens
Womens Saddles Saddiesrnost roost difficult to supply supplypresent supplypresent
present our own make makealso also agents for all allbest allbest
best Womens Saddle Maker of London LondonCROSS LondonCROSS
CROSS reputation first grew from torn highest highestgrade bibestgrade
grade Harness in world worldmade made in our English Englishworkshops Englishworkaliops
workshops because best made there thereEverything thereEverything
Everything from rota light Swiss Collar Run Runabout Runabout ¬
about to tourinHnd Harness HarnessCROSS HarnessCROSS
CROSS Park and Polo Saddles for fo men menWejmoath menWeyrnoeth
Wejmoath Bridles BridlesImported Imported Crops CropsPrices CropsPrices
Prices lower than one would expect for the thehighest thehighest
highest quality known knownAll knawnAU
All Goods Advertised Are Sold Soldat Soldat
at Both Stores StoresMARK StoresMAEK
DOWNTOWN I 253 Broadway BroadwayOpposite
Opposite City Hall HallUP lulllip
UP 210 Fl th AvenueTOWN Avenue AvenueTOWN
TOWN 11132 032 Broadway BroadwayUetweea
Uetweea 26th and 25th > 6th SU SUBOSTOM iSisBostoNI
business wacona tnickn mdcc and furnIture vitae ranaat vitaeat
at cash prices on weekly InatnllmonU that thatare thatlire
are n sctrcelr vrec felt by the lie buyer All tho work workIs
Is fully warranted warrantedJohn warrantedJohn
John Moore states briefly that ha has some somebarcnlne om ombtrcaln
btrcaln In fashionable cArriiviui Ht in inten > R War Warron
ron street Many Mn of them are stilted to UM UMIn tuein
In the cotintnviind even the little toUts onti ontili cautis
is li suited In n trap rnn for tire pony Kxerytiilnenvt Kxerytiilne
alee nvt used In n nrlvlntr outfit nun be found here hrrnhfirncHi hereharness
harness wlilfi wlci stable clothInir nnd fill thn thniicp ha hasccessoride
iicp sccessoride > s orUn that so o to make th thins corn conipleto cornp1cm
pleto p1cm Inlrons of the houso ureftk highly hlithlynf
nf the manner in which the btislncw la con conJucl eonducid
ducid Jucl d
Wedding Presents Presentsin
in Sterling Silver take pre precedencc preccdemhce
cedencc Exclusiveness in indesign indesign
design is essential We areshOwiiig are areshowing
showing an exceptionally exceptionallyexquisite exceptionallyexquisite
exquisite line of articles in inour
our own copyrighted pat patterns patterns ¬
terns unsurpassed in excel excellence excellence ¬
lence and workmanship workmanshipREED workmanshipREED
41 Union Square
6 Maiden Lane Langa
a r
37 to 41 Bridge it Newark N 1 1ISO i I
The Best Horses tn the East EastAnother 14 14Another
Another superior lot of high claw Coa CoaHorses Coach CoachHorseS
Horses from our Training Farm In P Pennewl nn nnShetland i I Iiants
iants many mated pairs two pairs auItab i ifor
for wheelers in fourinhand 23 Saddle Horses Pit PitShetland
Shetland Ponlevftad Ponies Sod mIniature lIoriM I t45
14 hand all suitable for children L J
weighing from 1300 to 170D We can show showsuperior kti j jsuperior
superior goods at reasonable prices Give as asa III1 III1a
a call callOur ri riOur
Our stables are easily readied by the Laekawaona Laekawaonaand LsckawatsRailroad
Railroad ron Barclay and Christopher at ferris r rand
and the stable are bin hid two minutes walk from 111 111Broad 1 1t3roadettstion
Broad t3roadettstion t station Newark Telephone 451 451James 424James
James Emslie EmslieSALE i iSALE
ZOO TO 21 lIt i EAST 2 24T1f < TK ST STHAS r rHAS
of all descriptions from highctats uaraeaa botac botacto botassto
to betty truck horses horsesFOR ll llFORTUESUIMFRACATION
Choice selection of high class but moderate moderatpriced I Ipriced
priced driving horses suitable or ladlas lsdl and ga gallemen gaolUmen >
lUmen going to the countrjSEASONED country countrySEASONED
Delivery express and truck horses from 1200 M Mtwo Ti Titissi
two pounds acclimated and ready to eo to work workto wotkin
to tn tIcs present t thOT
Fortyeight hour trial given and If not u ttp ttpresented ki1 ki1reacaledmoney
resented reacaledmoney money will wltlberctundel be refundel refundelTelephone t tTelephone
Telephone lOtl lOtIiSth lOtIiSthRstabilahed l th thEstablished
Established 1M7 1M7TAN 1507TA >
ABetlo Sale SalMOF Saleor
ComrnencinF at IA ociaek ift iftAt
13O and 132 East 13th St StDetveen Stnetweca
Detveen Third and Fourth A Avg vs Now York VorltCatalogues f I ICatalogues
Catalogues rrauv read moraine ft each sale Pup Pupchasers V Vchasers
chasers will always nnd a large and Interesting tnterwlliMrlist
list to loaded select from fromThme fromThese
These desiring to sell c can n make eatrtes til at ataar atsay
say time ip to t P M the d day y before the sal salion pale paleroirs
ion roirs MOORE a CO COS I IS
of all description desrrtptlnntneaeb 4 4Reach
Reach Warons nuuat Ruicabouts > outs Hjhiweltht Surrey SurnfTraps I I ITrans
Traps Station Wagons Icn Joni Carrlsirrs Waton Watontie Scrgoncites
cites tie Slaabopes Doetont Buggies hackney au4 au4DrenklDK 1ii 1iilireafting
DrenklDK Carts Handy lbaon airoiM 4c 4clarir c jic I ILsrg
larir tandy flatness horse Clolhlnci ClolhlnciAll 1 5 5MI
All Uorix Hors Goods Popular 1rloct 1rloctW
Tc Tcwe
Up to Date Carriages CarriagesXeir
Xeir and Second Hand HandS
I 30 Warraa St StHigh SIHigh
High Grade Curias Curiasor
for or City and andCountry andCountry
Country ue ueModerate L LMoitrate
Moderate Prices PricesBACON PrcsBACON
Horse Auction Sales Evern iroenatsiai iroenatsiaiAt
At 10 oclock A M MOur i iOur
Our next sale will be held on onWEttvcsnAY ottwEUcSSsAt
WEttvcsnAY JIJCT an anof l lof
of ISO horse of all nrad nradSM gradm I ° 4 4Too
SM hor horses e satiable for all requirement requirementlwar ra raalways
always lwar on bond 48 hours trltl allowed allowedJ t tJhtBACOyAuraIorte °
J JhtBACOyAuraIorte JhtBACOyAuraIorteC K BACON AuMlon AuMlonC
Zl 215 W West t End Av y and IW 0 West Mth ttstbRave S Slavn
Rave the lines selection ot fasluonable hlhiles hlhilespers hsighslepper >
per In New YorU ork city lull 11 Mi izs and roloi coioaF roloiT
T II BAKHINGTON 1resldenl 1resldenlOver IrealdenicsRBLALs
Over et 400 40 constantly on hand likewise Hsrn Hsrnnd t ttact
nd Horse ooci > in gmat real variety varietyTHK varietyTHE
THE I K UKMSEN liEn rt 0
710750 Grand St Brooklyn X V VATTRACTIVE i iAriIsACrivt
ATTRACTIVE handsome sound stylish cent centon gentoh
on has been rlddon and driven by ladle toe pa paear p per
ear Urewsler Victoria broughamststloti waroaValdorf waroa watosValdort
Valdorf trap family ejrw tacit foiiri curd Silvers Silversunabout SilverSrunabout
runabout harne Kn Enlah Ksh rldlne iidIn saddles bridles bridlesobes bridlesobel
COACHMAN private privatetable 1 1table
obes whips nxtures lie
table K Xladl MadisoO on av 6 Slut 27ib 7th M MBIO StBIG
lUSTY HnrncM 77S Heavy Muggy Harness ISno ISnourreyHnnies11800 1500urreyHanieacIsOO
urreyHnnies11800 Ujhl BuslneM Harness I7JU I7JUMubii 1730ouhlt
Mubii tars HarneAi 2100 Coolers loa loaloneSheetsKr 100horse
horse loneSheetsKr iThtct4 IXTI flusters ISo 7JcJTIIS ISoriTtlts
S 4 Vul Broadway near Chambers SI upstairs upstairsTflfCKS upisIrsTRrCISALLfITVIrS1ThY000flSandMAR
ANS NS and nd HALF VANS always on hand sold on onasv Ottast
JIIING CO Ct Johnson Johnsunatror si cor Navy Navsat ft Brooklrn BrooklrnnrRIMMH hirookignnIaSNins
r rlilGit
nOTn NItW AND SBCONll HANI HANIunsbouts iIAN1Lunbsici
unsbouts Traps Waronetles Top Wagons Carts CartnUWAIll I 6 6IJWATti
ii1hlS1S HOHSKS WANTED ANTEl FOR PASTIRK it t reason reasonbleprlreA rexsoii rexsoiihis
bleprlreA his prices I have three acre of she he nne Sneel t of clover cloveray cloveras
ay For full particular apnly or address S H HOUNEH Ht01INER
OUNEH rare llwui Farm Falrvlew N NAXDRFNV j jANDBFW
AXDRFNV MOWBRAV has IcaittO IW fine newand nrwandsrc nrwandsrcnd e end
nd hand Warona aicnr ol every descriptionat rreat rreatartalft I IargalSa
artalft RKPOSITORIRM 17 U Mi Schermer SchermerTIRES I Iorn
orn ai cear Bond Brooklyn 2
jretn1 repuwtloB 7 niiiiUinll rn M = I

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