OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, June 08, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-06-08/ed-1/seq-2/

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t tj tTHE
I a I
I iI i and Ilil without out his hl wife wlr und children chldrln hut wh whole wholeJ wu wuV
1 kate f lo U our OIi own shores shoresTills
i V I urn Ifhi Tills roiuinlftlon o nW I mltflit uglit htt to hn n I i IenRiioLiberation LII IenRiio IpagtioI lo or or1lberllon
J I Liberation Jbe ri lou II J I outfit Illht tin gli to t 0 be tomnowd of in ininpabn men menj IllV
j I inpabn 1lberllon 1flnbl P11 tim or flnrllnM fliI nlil 1 iii their t IIL r way 11 a to t 1 Iho t ho IVnr l1nr n r n niWdvliiK Ill IllV 111 1111t
V iWdvliiK a courteous iimrlne IIrl roni rOI him himbrlleivn IiliiihcIUo I Ihelov
V brlleivn helov 1t lvlnA I tills thl his 1 KlMiluon JlkhlloO I llrtlOlo IUliiI1 innsftiirru 11 In to u be h II toci tocirln toe11 toe11rlnl oct octrIiii
rln to tyranny tyrannyIf tnnnyH
rlnl If I r the Ilussinn Ilnn Mudents tdnl I iicIiiit pennantH plKlnt nt ntnobles unc illV
I V I nobles tII en I Hint thlt hat the th Jmv J I In II the thl eye eyeIhe IYI vyPtIii or ori
i lohll Ihe world or1I nnil that our Oil lienrls hllrt Un uooitt loolt oIL to hi hihim hlll hr hrhhn
him worldllc he h will III route lo a I clUTeniil dlfInlt htato htatoyou kt htI htIyou I Ir
r you hll ou do 10 till wi yon YOI Jews II will 111 lll In II HftiiiK Irlll up lP ip iptin t tunnncr th thbulner
unnncr bulner tin 11nr of o t freedom frdol for buiiuinlty buiiuinltyTho hllllnl hti iiiu n It y yl
Tho l ho speakers tparH closing words woldl wero WIO vpr almo almodrowned Blmot BlmotdrownNI alnint
t drowned in II I i tho tl t hi wiw WIW svt of o f cheers that t can canfrom camo camofrom conI
I from tho audience ludllncI almost nlI entirely nt Irly cor corposed col colpRd corV
posed of JrtWN 1 JPw as 1 they t got ot on their t fe feand fl11 fl11I
V 1 I and pRd cried crlld their thl11 approval npIOInl npprova Tho Thl Iii dotnonstr dotnonstrtlon r rV
V 1 tlon 1111 n increased Incrln I 11 until 111 i I HI I I Dr it r Iorimer Inllor I un riir riirJ was Iln cot cotiwllod lom loml
J 1 iwllod to rise I isp I and nll bow bowDuring hol Io IoJ
J l pelld During Dlrln tlm Ih I Ii mu 11111 IflUi ini LI number lnhlr which I1Ih ft ftlowcd rol rollord lit
t lowcd lord Dr lirimers suggestion t1 iggst Illon on wns 111 wnsV ell ellcussed dlR dlRhrllnl
V V cussed hrioflv hrllnl I rhfl V by I V the I I lenders 1ull1 I1tI P4 of the Ihlftln Ihlftlnnnd I Ii meotlt meotltand I IItflI
and later Mows IOkll M I St trn rn grand 111 graii graiior innwti innwtiof mn > tlr tlrof
of the ti Independent Order rc1r of Free Frlf Fr Sons SonsIsrael tonH MoosIsra of ofhorel
Isra Israel horel 1 under Indlr ii ntlpr whoso who Sl t5fl niis nunpices nlpl CP < R the I h4 rnretli rnretliwas nllItllK nllItllKwn 0 if Et Etas
Ihe lip clergyman clergymansuggestion clryinririsitggpt mnnn mnnnIIIIllon
was wn as held Illd announced that thnt t lint thl cllrl
suggestion sitggpt IIIIllon ion would wOllel vntliI he II I n Inld Ilfl I i hi before thn t n ne nemeeting npxt npxtmptll n nV
V meeting mptll of tim thl orders orelI executive lcllll con conmlttee oommltp conI
mlttee mltteeIlabbl inhttopV
I V mltp mltpBnbhl Rabbi Schulmnn Hlhllman In n brief hrilf address addrl sill sillhit sa saV nld nldItml
V Itml f hit irlt tho clenrest lplrll note 10t In t U tho t ho recent Icpnt ecntneglo Ca Caneglo Canpln
neglo Hall meeting 1111 of protect wannxprPxHC wannxprPxHCby wn was Ixprlld Ixprlldby Pririor Pririorby
by President Hnl Kchtirnmn hil of f Cornell Conpl who wheho whn whnhn whoh
ho h said IrlRldlnl In ii speaking sjien IIklll k I n g of thn thl I ho reeint 1111 situatioi situatioithat nHlatln nHlatlnIhnt si that
that t lint America Atllrlla An orlea spell pel Is opportunity oJPOrllli 0 pport ii i m t D DSchulmnn Or OrRchlhnnn 1 1Selit
Schulmnn Rchlhnnn Selit 1 nia 0 urged Ird II thai t hii I u Americas A rica inoil cit reputatlo reputatlofor rlpltatlon rlpltatlonfor rrput itt k kor
for or helping the thl oppressed l mV mt > o sustain sustainIn kUllalnld kUllalnldIn
t In tho hllplnJ matter Intpr font ton of f the Ihl t ho outrages oltrIU ntt rng on tho Ihl t ho Jew JewIn JCWl Jc JcV
V i In Russia RussiaDr HUIRla HUIRlai ItusslaV
V Dr Newell 1nwpl DwiRlit DIi hl Hllli llll I I I Ills declared dlcllrli thf thfIhn that thati t lu luth
i V th Ihn real rplI reason rnlon for the th Kishineff F1 hl1 mw500rtab massacre massacrelay IRnCrCl
i lay la in thl tlio lie simple lmJ11 explanation tplnnlll thai a 1 five fivetalent f fl fltalfnt
talent man always IInll hntps Iiat n tpiitnlent Int 111 t man manDr Iln IlnJ niaflf
J Dr Hillls upokoin stoko pnk in high terms 111 of ofRnonvIi Prewidet PrewidetRoosevelt Irlldent IrlldentROOM
f Roosevelt ROOM HII nnd Ind Secrilnry SplrIIY Hay fnr and I ld saidV saidJinI said aid h hhad ho hoharl
had understood from oxillnlstor IIItfI 1trihtor Strat Stratthat HI raUR raURthat rat ratthat
V that the th tI Inrprllood OOlrlllt lovernnient was wa doing everythln everythlnthat 11Irlhlnl
I that I was n JtidlcloiH jUldol Jtid icloi I4 In m n th Ihl t matter Ilttlr nat t or of Hi Himussncres t1 t1malRRrrf t i iV
V mussncres Then Thln tho Ihl speaker referred rpfrrld t tan to toIn tan
an malRRrrf energetic message mln 1 sent by Oliver 0lwr OhivorV Crotr Crotrwell Cmmwel
V In well wel nlrlltll to a Kuropenn Elrpnl iropai monarch 1lnlcl whoso whoo who peopl peoplwere poopir oplo oplowern
wern committing comllling nscesten P i and said saidI
I dont say oy lint thn I would > ld like Itl to hnve ln1 n nOliver an anOlwr itOIior
Oliver Cromwell CrollI1 for President Prp lrpnt but hit remerr remerrherlng rmmhrln rpmorihrmng
herlng Olwr hrln that President Prlldllt Roocevelt oncn onef wrot wrota rolo rolof
a life 1lf of Cromwell Cromll I I say a ay Would Wolld we Ie lm lmthirty had hadthirty hot <
f thirty t Iii If r y minutes mlnlt1 ni II t of Oliver OIIIrCrollll OIIIrCrollllZIH on r Cromwell CromwellXIOISTS Croro woll V
XIOISTS rorT IfT rtt 70 70V KISHIXEFI KISHIXEFICall 1111 1111al
V Call al In o le Jrw n to lined 11 the lrSMin lrSMinTpnelirs Ir on 1 I ITcaoie
Tpnelirs TpnelirsPlTTsntinn Tfrhrs TfrhrsPITTRnURn TcaoieAmprican
PlTTsntinn lune Jlnl 7 7Th The Kederntion Fldlrtlon c cAmerican of ofAnurical ci
American Anurical Xionists lonlI which Ihlh tii1i is II holding hnliln n 1 con POIventlon conI conPirrsntinri
I ventlon here wro had a big hl Ig meeting mlptln in II the th Dljo DljoTheatro RhoV j01 j01ThEal
V Theatro ThEal r tonight lonllht and resolutions rlolutioln WIT WITadopted 1lrn 1lrnIdoplpll r radoptod
adopted Idoplpll declaring dcllrln that t hat tho mossaotea laMwte tnaiui e a aKishineff at atKihlnlf
1 Kishineff Kihlnlf had demonstrated dllont hOIflOflgt rtNI ratod that tlm t h htI IMII IMIItinned u utlnlpd
I tinned tlnlpd settlement sott rt lEment lpment of Jews JelI in Russia R1fnla wa waattended IIH IIHIttndln waattondod
attended Ittndln with personal danger drlgcr and futil futlhmartyrdom futilmartyrdom f1tlo f1tlomartrdom
martyrdom and closing closingTherefore coilnl closingritroforo
Therefore Tlwrcrorl this convention nnlrntlon renfflrmin renfflrminthe renfrmln renfrmlnthp
the Zionist principles prncplpn calls cll upon UpOI npon1owlhi ever everJewish efI efIIowllh
Jewish Iowllh congregation conIIallon nnd communlt communltthroughout tommunlt tommunltthrupholt communitt
throughout thrupholt t h roiighoii L the til t I it United Unld tint t cl States St atos and a tnt upoi upoievery 1pn 1pnwpry ii pot potevery
every individual Innlldlll Jew Jp to give pit heed to th thpiteous thn thnpII01R thph
piteous pII01R ph tooiis appeals a ppit Is of our people popl and Ind In I ii th thcommon the thecommon tbV
V common interests intII I of if humanity hlmlnlt and th thparticular tl <
particular necessity nc iy y of the th > Jewish Jpwl h peopli peoplito pople
to prllclllr help h > lp end pnd their present plight pl ht bynffordim bynffordimthe h afordlnl
V V that cordial am amfinancial and andfnapdnl flflfinapcfnl
the Ihl tn Zionist movement lolllnt thlt corlal
financial fnapdnl support which will wil enable it I ti tiachieve to tit I II
I V < achieve Ichl the thi ptirjxjM plr for which hlch it I Is organ organIaed Ojanj organi
i bed the settlement IUIPIlt of the Jewish Jelih jeoplin jeopl jpoplo peopkin < I
in Palestine PalestineProf Pnlptllp PnlptllpProf PatlstiiioProf
Prof Hlchard lehnn Oottheil nollhll of Now 0 York Yorkmade YOIkmano YorkV
V made the th chief address IdnreF He said saidOur soldOur aid
Our 011 gathering athlrin this thl year Ylal has ha an adder adderimport Iddpn IddpnImplr ddcV
V import l hoc4tIjiA > > ecausn CillO of It the events ntl in fnrot1tusla farofl faroflRussia fnrof
Russia which have ha1 cast cnft their shadow hldml ovei oveius OIfHII ovpiIts
us II Wo Vt did not need nled tlm t h Kishineff KIFhlnef massacn massacnto maAcro maAcrot rnaisacrV rnaisacrsho
to t show sho us the th way wa ny WP did not need thf thftears thAtelrR thi thii
V i tears telrR nnd tlio tLI blood of f hundreds hlltrlr of innocent innocentyictims Innotntitlm6 Innocentvictims
victims itlm6 to point out the th road rad we e ought olht tctake tc toIHll tctHhiP
take takeWho IHll Who is il the th physician phylrAn that k knowing knowingth nowingliii nowing nowingthe
the th insidious ravages rna which a disease di chisasI eaA wa wamaking Wl Wlmkinl
I making would not bend all nl his efforts Ifort not notonly notonlv notS
S only mkinl to stop Ilbp the thr ravages raln e of a disease dlll but butto bUIto hutto
to try to prevent its i recurrence IpcurrtnC in II the theflture thefltureWe future futureWo fiittiroWe
We Jows tIWR ows who are the only physicians that thatwe thatwe thatvo
we have haf for our own body politic pol I Ie what whatare whtnro whatar
are nro ar w ws doitlg nollg to prevent the recurrence recnrllce recurr nce ol olRoumanian ofRoumlnlan otRotinianlan
Roumanian Roumlnlan excesses IXCCA and and Russian Hu inn massacres massacresOnce ml tllassacrosOnce ACI6 ACI6Onc
Once Onc more tno e we raise our voice 0110 saying sayincto ayin ayinto
to our brethren hrelhrln that they th I hy be hI not cajoled cajoledhv I
hv hI 011 false fal promises and nd delusive n deIIsivphnntomsV deIIsivphnntomsVWe llll phantoms phantomsWe phal 01 R RWe
We shall in sonm way way and Ind somewhere tnko tnkocare tlk tnk tnkcare
care 010 nhlil of those who will 1 bn hf forced to leave leaveBessarabia Ilao IlaoBfrbla IeavtiBessaraitla
Bessarabia in the tll near fifturo furt But are RII wr wrmindful w wnV wnmindful I Inllndfll
mindful nllndfll Bfrbla of tlio thlot lot of those thof who will wi lie left leftbehind lefthehlnrl leftbehind
behind behindAr hehlnrlAI
r Ar AI we 1 conscious I1dol of the thr righteous litOIL de demand den11nn 10 10otand ¬
brethren In Eastern Europe Europethat EuropoV
mand n11nn of our hrethrl1 Iter Eurpo Eurpothlt
V that thlt wo alii thorn in securing clrill some per permanent prmanent r rmanent ¬
manent and safe afc habitation hlhitltlon habitat lou Do we need needany Iled IledIny neilI
I any further incentive Inlnt o to t work better Iter and andmorn andmor antiV
V Iny morn mor intensely 111n ly upon the th path pat It that t hat leadt leadtto IC 1endti IH IHto
ti to the thl one goal onl If I t W < do co God has hl not notleft hotI notIcf
I left Icf us I without wihout wit hoot such Ih incentive incentiveLet inceltle inceltleIIt incentiveLPtV
Let IIt us take tnk the tIl thi lesson IIRou to heart hl < rt using usingit IRin IRinI
I J it I as I all al such lessons I > onl should hOII1 he hI ho used uld used as a n npersuasion 1 1pPllnlon itV
V V persuasion to to greater iffnrt forl a stimulus lillhlR t tnfurther to torlrhpr toV tofun
further rlrhpr fun hr work Irpatpr for tilt Ih good Iooll of thosu Iho1u t hioii who whodepend whorIpnd chtcjI
V I depend rIpnd upon UN UNriWGitMMi UHr V V V V Vli
li V riWGitMMi r nJ nt1IW ii 111 tV1 n IT 1 IIWl IIWlAlhrrlord iIiwiV iIiwitdertIeiI ntna ntnaAhrrtl
Ahrrtl Alhrrlord tdertIeiI eil Talent Tnllat IHil 1111 Aot ot tppear pprar llpl3r at atKMilnrlT atL atIktineIT
V L KMilnrlT IIhlnll IktineITA ItrnrHt ItrnrHtA nelrn nelrnA
A variety v riot y performance porfoni hand in n aid nit of tlm tlo t I to Kishi Kishineff Kihinel K iih 1 1I
I neff nel ne stifferors ufNer was given ji n at th the < Academy Academyof eanomyof
of Mimic 11ic last hlll night nihl The programme programmestated plojrmmo plograrnlnstaled I Ii
i stated that the th Ito show was 1 under und1 the patron patronago pltron pltronne patronV
V ago of tlio tIm Central lt 11 KelUf lell Committee COlmll of ofwhich ofwhich ofV ofwhich
V which Arnold Amoll Kohn Iohl vicepresident of the theState thoRtate I lii liiStale
V State Hnnk Bnlk in iramt lnll street trcpt is the I lie chair chairman hnl hnlman 11011 11011V ¬
V V man ma n and 111 a nil under the I h management 11lnaRPInt niahia gonlint of the theKaphnn theKaphnn t Ii c cKaplian
Kaphnn Theatrical Tlmtr Titoal rical 1 Hyndicalo o Of the t lie liet per performers pll pllfolll ¬
t formers folll advertised adlpl1111 01 you id to I o appear nppllr tho t Ito following followingdid fnlowllg fnlowllglTel
i did not Darn UIO Wnrtield WRrfeld Francis Franc WIOI WIOIr Vilon VilonMrs ViIortbI
r lTel Mrs bI Ir rs Alien Alen A I Shaw Hhnl Ml in a and fnd a tid daughters dOI tint ight hl ors r Blanche BlancheRing malehe maleheHln BIn nelie neliefling
Ring Hln And Inel and Adelaide Ielnlcll Homnnnn Hnrrllnn and comjiany comjianyand on1panyand
and of if tin I ito oralors oralolK adveitised Idllt achez tod lcl lomJlny lomJlnyanrl District DistrictAttorney IItrct IItrctI list tlct tlctL
L I I Attorney Atornoy nt Jerome JlroI Pollen Poleo Commltisioner CommltisionerGroPiie Coninilsionorc onlnl lonlr lonlrGroene
c GroPiie Congressman ronrl lan fioldfogle oldfopI Arnold ArnoldKohn ArnoldV rold roldIohn
V Kohn and David Rot hscbild hhill did not speak sptakt speakWilliam IMakWlilm
t William Wlilm J Brewer Irowlr made an address addressHo IddrI addrestk
k I Ho was wa formerly formerl of the Salvation 8lltion Army ArmyI Armyhut
1 I but went into tlm tim mining stock business businessThe husinossI
I V The TA theatre was Ian fairly well wel filled flld The Thethree Thl Thethree
three galleries glllrleR were packed nnd the body bodyof I Iof
1 of thpo the house hOll was nR twothirds full fullP ful fulr fullt
P F f V t Demands Ullanll a 1 Protest Irntl8 tov toV to llussla llusslaAt
v V 1 At yesterdays YI tcrlays meeting meclin of the Central CentralFederated CentralFldlrllII CentralFpdprateil
Federated FldlrllII Union resolutions 1lllonR were Wlf passed passedcalling padcnling passtdc
c calling cnling on the American Amlrlenn Ciovornmenl nOllmpnt to tovoice toolee toV tovolc
voice olee tin Ih sentiment plnJnt of the thl American AnwricanV people peoplein pMIll
V V in condemning connlnmln the Ihl Russian Hl lan nOIHnllnt nOIHnllntror lovernment lovernmentfor overntnontI
I for permitting ermittit1g tho Ihf mnsacro mfIIJ of the I hJ Jews JewsIn hm hmIn Ji ws wsIn
In Kishineff IIhlnlf tlrmlting The resolutions rlOhltlnnR worn I ero pro proposed propOlo1 pror ¬
r posed by Joseph Jnfph Barondess BarondesssiEn Ba rondl rondlFf
4 S siEn ST Ff i roil V flft niMKiti 1111 Vl 1 iinnsK iinnsKBrollirr IfmSI IfmSInrollrr 1IURSEflroltter
Brollirr nrollrr of Srnnlor 1lnltor Itrnn I 11 Vlio tto n l < Wealthy WealthySaid Wealthyk WealthyiaIiI < II IIall
k Said all to t lal lIa nv c Done Ihlr It I Illinclf IllinclfJAST 111lr 111lrJAST IIIncitI
I JAST OrAXOK Ofm N f Inn hl lnt 7 Suit Imi Imst Imihopii hahn
t I hopii hn brouslit hlol lt ly y ih Society SJclty for fnl the thl hit Pro Frpvention Prcwntiol ProIt
It vention wntiol nf lf Cruelty nll t to Animals nlmnl against ngainftAlexander a againstj1 nint nintIIlnd1
j1 Aioxn Alexander IIlnd1 nile I L Koa Kean pnn it a brot brother hrntlllr liir of Senatoi SnatorJol SenatoiJohn natnr natnrJohl
John Johl Jol t it Kean 1nn Eon ii Jr Jr chiirging Ihlrl thu rgi i IS him hll I I ni with WI itl i I i cruelly cruellytorniring IruIll IruIlltorlllil orti l i itonihInilIg
torniring torlllil n horse IIff by II cul CIIIII ting II off nf If1 the tl animal animaltail Inlmal titihinolsk
k tail tal Mr Il lr Kfnn inn is I wenlthy IIlh ard has hn a lnrgnli largo Inl Inlpl11 largoi
i 1 nli pl11 < n > in MvtngMoii 11 in Oi il Ile caoV cate CM npniiist npniiistnlrn nlA Int InthIm
V hIm hi n will wil wi II I s heard hllnl Iitrt ir I hy I Instlre 1 i i SI icr of llir II I I ir irV PPBCC PPBCCJnmtK Jal JalJIIN
V V JnmtK JIIN H I Vrreland 11 d here 11 on itfl4 Wednesday WednesdayThe flne dA dATI
V The complaint IK I mad by Colonel E EI S SEd SFlward
4 1 Flward Ed wards of the Ihl t lu society societyIi oiII oiIII
I m Ii I Is It reported 111111 that t the I h Ito proFcrutlon prFllon will willendeavor wil svtlIndeaor
endeavor fndlnor to show hint llat Mr I Kean ln hinifelf hinifelfnmpiltatfd hllllr hllllrallllatf1 ltitielfi
i nmpiltatfd allllatf1 the th lull tl while wilI VhIlIf his II conclinian conclinianheld qoncliniaitheld oachmnl
held thin th tll horse hol head headDorkinK Illd IlldIorkln lienilt
t DorkinK Iorkln a hooos IOI Iiors s tail Inl is i punUhnble Jlllf lnhlp by byImprisonment hI hIImprOmll11 byI
I Imprisonment ImprOmll11 rn pri son I IVltt not 111 exceeding II o t dill fl it t three Ihlp t Ii tro > months monthsIn 10nth 10nthIn 111001 h hI
S In tiff I flYtV ii lfl lfl11mXI tho t > lie countv cullir cottO I V VVIOl jnilnd VIOl inil I nnd a ni I a fine fl not no i x Xfrln Xfrlnlfl erding erdingtiff crdi ii g gS
I 11mXI iiininv t nrr r ron FOII 1 nitoriiitt nitoriiittWrIy IIWlIii IIWlIiinr isiuniiikV
V Wesley nr If Phlllli Ihlllll or f trlnh irrrnnlch < Conn ann llac llacllf I IIutitecti =
llf 111 itecti m Conl ionp 000 Sluice 11111 TitrMlii TitrMliiHnrry TttestlaI lrII lrIIliarr >
Hnrry liarr I I ii rrv Phillips Phllp Pitill iii of > 1 tho Ih t lic sporting iort oltlll ittt goods notls llrm llrmof frm frmof Ii rrn rrnof
of H I I I V Phillipit ihhhli Phillp V c Urn 111 It Ti of OrCnilh reeuwicb roohi id I Conn Conncame CQnl CQnlC1JP I r n ncanto
came C1JP hero hr In last t cveiiinc l 1 0tiIltl Ii le to se sno f < if he iMiild iMiildfind vttltlV 1111 1111fnll
V find fnll a I trnrp tn I tao of f his II ll brother hruthlr brot lior Wesley tslpv tslpvho who whoIm whohn
Im nays 1 vs left < his hi home in ireemvich illnidl lastV last lastTu latTujldl
V Tu Tujldl Tu4sdns Tu4sdnslrV dav davMr
Mr tr Phillips Phllpl said In that I he hi had 111 beon hp told toldthat loldthat toldV
V that his hi brother had I threatened Ihllltnll I iipat eitl Filicide Filicidebut itiheblohut uledl
but hit us n he knew kn of no 10 reason f OI for such anV an anact nnaot
V act he h was wn continuing cntlnulnl his hi search llrch The Thepolice Tht Thepoliceherehava
police polo policeherehava whereabouts whcrcau1lw here hav haV tut found olld any nn clue cu to t tohi tohiV Us Uswhereabouts
If It I fan Cm He nl I Irond rovr < l They Th Want atit to Kno KnoIt Hlow HlowI UnoIt
It I They 8 SalItrlet y iHMrlpt Attorney Attorneylung lorn i iKing of ofHII
King Likely UkI to ne Aiknl to Look Inl Inlat Into Intoat
at HII teat Iclt one on Specific HplI o Complain ComplainThe lolplalnl lolplalnlThl ConiplahiTIto
The Thl published puhlHhn announcement that thlt Dl Dltrict Ols OlsIrict Ditrict
trict Attorney Atorney Jerome was WI taking Ilklng cognl cognlnncn cognlzInco cognlhlflCfl
nncn of stories familiar famllnr to every employi employiIn Itployer ItployerInhl
In Inco Inhl iho i hit building huidlnl ItOrH trades I that certain walkir walkirdelegates wnlklnl waIkhrdelegates
and receive receivelarge receIveIarg
delegates dele ltl have demanded dJIIIled rpcllec
large Inrgl cash pnymontN 11Imnl to bring hrlnl to an pn pnstrikes enitrlkes nd ndtrlkpn
strikes that ham been bIn called calIll on films filmspretexts Ilmn IlmnpJtxt filtitsPtItOXts
pretexts pJtxt and that I hat have cost COlt bothpmployui bothpmployuiand bolh flployell flployellnnd ertiployci ertiployciand
and employed large Ilre unnecessary UIIIC Rar lossei losseiwere lon lonwef lossiwern
the labor mo meyesterday moypsterdny men menYlflr
surprise to IBbr
were no great lrprnl
wef 10 Ircnt
addltlot addltlotthat acldhtlotthat
learned In
yesterday It was 11 IMrNl nddllon nddllonthat
that Ylflr besides 11Iis the reports rprls which have hBlo boo beobrought bn bnbrlRht boobrought
brought to the attention atlntion of Mr lr Jerom Jeroma 1rolo 1roloa
a brlRht specific complaint 01p111nt is likely Ikel to be 1 bolahi bolahihoforo lali lalilieforo laid laidIwforo
lieforo plcfc District Dlltrlct Attorney Clarke In King KingCounty KingCounlY KIngCounty
County touching the alleged demand dClnld of ofwalkIng i iwalking R Rwalking
10lehlnl alElld
walking delegate dlogntl for or SIOOO IX 1000 as I a conrtltio conrtltioof conollon conollonof
of not fteclaring Itclarlnl a strike ttrikn a I sU weeks Iplkn wtrlkt wtrlktthat Htrko Htrkothat strlkcthat
and a stmlt stmltment settltinInt wHll1nl
that followed folowpd refusal rcflal to piy p1 Ind I
ment at the I he end of that time tlnI by 1 the pay paymem pnyIpnt Pa Pamont
mont 1nl of I double dOl hII t the Ih lie original orjilli demand detnaiiclMIchael demandMichael ecmnnd ecmnndMlrhall
Ipnt Michael Mlrhall Stanton Htalton chairman chnlllln of tho ho slrik slrikcommit strlkconitnittee Irlkcmmltfe
cmmltfe conitnittee commit I w of the th Hoard Illrd of Dulldlng Duiditg Tradr Tradrwalking Trndln Trndlnlkln TradrwalkIng
walking lkln delegates dpllgnlRI and leader Ilnthr of trie pear pearparty pearparty
pal palprty
prty party in II the Imrt hoard said yesterday of th thhriliery thr h hbrhlsry
hriliery reports reportsDistrict reportsP1st
hrllf District nl P1st rIot rlprtl Attorney Atlonl Jerome JNoml if them i iunythingof In Inthl Irinyritlngof
unythingof lrc the thl kind going oln on in this thl count countmust cuntYi coutitflhtist
must bo I thoroughly apprised NI of tf if it amhnvo anIhlvo am anthave
IUt thorolphl Ippr
hlvo have the th matter under Ild consideration I Ithere I It
thNI t there tore has hn been bplan any holding hollng up lp of Work ork fo fomoney for formonl fomoney
know tlv tlvnmount Ihamount lbim000t
money monl considerations con ideral ont he must IUt
amount amountI nmount nmountIf
If I bribery has hB been resorted II nted lo th thparties Ihf IhfpnricR thparties >
pnricR parties who gave af the th money are 111 equall equallillpablo Ilual eqitaiIottlpalilo
illpablo with those tholo who have hnv taken takln lh lhmoney IhA IhAmonl thinonty >
culpblo monl money As to the tlI hit charges about nholt a I long lnrgum Inrll InrllRum <
Rum um of money monfV having hling been paid lo call cnl of ofi of olS
I elnh cli tb building litthld In I don donlilnk lonl lonlthink Intltlnk
a i strikn Itrkf at rlke on a acertnll certain cert a ii llh hlldlnj g
think It Is tine I i III We WI havp 11111 been looking looklnp u uhesrt lp lpI iites
I hesrt h tes o charges chnlpI hut we WI cant elnt find Inrl nnythlui nnythluio nn thln
who 1to do thrs thrshingn thcnt IltesI
10 o 1 them thlm If there are Iro people 11011
t I hingn in tho Board we would wOlld be glad plnd d dlinvn to tohalo tihne
halo linvn hlnpn them exposed Ixpoel 1 personally havnever hay hnwnllcr haylever
nllcr never known of a I delegate dplllal e who accepted nclplln acceptedrilsi i iaribe a ahrlf
hrlf aribeThis This bribery hllhlr business 118Ine is i nil lalk Then Thenis Thlrn ThlrnIn Thrrk
is nothing nothln not li log in tlie tlA t It e storl stories loriI s that 1111 t ho I building bulclll bi i lIning con contracts cnntracts I Itrctl
trctl tracts wero WIIO held up by h walking wll < nl delegate delegatefor dllelnten dllelntenfnr
for a money lonl1 consideration The Roan Boanf nnld nnldf
f nulldlng Trades TrdlI would not stand fo foanything for foranrthlnp fonythIng
anything Rlldlnl like lk that We e have hl been investl inve41tatIng investlCiting 1111 1111gAllnp
anrthlnp gAllnp Citing mattersand mlterand cannot Innnol find fnd an instanc instancit hllnncl hllnnclof instancthe
it the th kind Two walking delegates cllepnlcH soot wnnIme Mm11mI sootInle <
11mI Ime ago were Ire charged with extortion extortionThey Ixtotlon etnrtlonThor
Thll They 110 were wlre tried Irpn twice and the Ihl result rlJ wa wahattwo wathntlo walint I
thntlo hattwo lint t wo juries disagreed diM rll BO B that thechargei thechargeinave thlcharltn thlcharltnhao the charge chargelove
Iglfly then thenet thpmIet thetiet
hao nave not been hlen legally proved against aRllnL
Iet et I cant see Iec that thlt there thpll Is II anything onlhinp h hheap In IiileA
I heap hc p chnresJohn charges chargesJohn chnq p pIohn
John J J Donovan president of the board boardaid hoarnMid boardIf I
Mid < aid
aidIf If any In walking wllking delegates nelElntlR are 111 guilty guity o oippeptini of oicoeptitig I
nlClpll ippeptini brIbes hrlhl wo 0 want nnt to have hl1 tOys then1iod then thenxposed thlm thlmTher
xposed They ought to be h put plt undo undohn Ifllr itttdnho I
tho hn searchlight earchlgnl as a soon nOOI as possible possiblemow possiblemow I Ikno
kno mow of no such cases CnfR but hiI when vagui vaguirlmrgen vaguibarges
chnrgf barges of the kind are or made mntr the walkini walkinilelegates walkinttelegates alklngdellpatcI
dellpatcI lelegates are brought under Indr suspicionThe suspicion IIlplclonTh I
Th The Board HOlrd of Building Buiding Trades Tradl does nOI not wan wanuch want wantuch wanitch
uch men menand and If the District Olllrict Attorney tomlv hai haividencp hMplrn hayldence
plrn videncp < that ant any nl walking Inlklnl delegates delpplt an anorrupt anonrttpt i icOlrlpl
cOlrlpl orrupt he should Ihoullr make the thl matter matt fr puhlli puhllis puhle
a I5 s soon as Oi possible possiblernr4r pOllheIJ possiheIIGbF11S
rnr4r IJ niaaEns WEW ASK tK sirronr sirronrIHilnR SIIOnltl SfIEORTilhmn
ilhmn IHilnR ltl lo fio 0 flack on fontrHplorj onlrRellr Ternu Ternutint Ttrn Ttrnhut Ternttilt
tint Want Thrlr Tftlr tnlon necoRnlzrcl necoRnlzrclThe Rleol17ed Rleol17edTho
The Central Federated Fedrted Union talked tllkd talkedreaL i ireal n ngrelt
grelt real deal dllmorf more yesterday Iterda about aholt the mud mudlo muddle mudto
dle lo it got pot itself into by indorsing indonlng tho dolands do delands domlnd8 >
mlnd8 lands of the Hockmens Hockmeni and Kxcavatora KxcavatoraInion Bxcavltorl BxcavltorlVllon EcavatorBTtion
Vllon Inion whflsfl strike Itrko on the subway IUbWI anc ancIsewhere Ind Indelsewhere and andsewbere
elsewhere has haq ita since IIUC utterly Iterly failed fli Albert Albertmlth Albn Albertmith
Smih mlth a colored coloed man member of 0 f th thnlon the theInlon thanlon
Inlon nlon was wa allowed alowld the privilege pr lege of the theoorand thenoorand theooratid
oorand oked ked the C F U t I to continue continutupporting continue8lppoltlng contlnuupportlng
8lppoltlng upporting the strikers strikersWe RtrlkernWe strIkerss
We s e do do not want WBlt any an financial fnnncili assistance assistancee allltonc
he e said alcl If I we WI get the support lupport of tin tininions theunion tti ttiitlons
union and work outside of the stibwax stibwaxe nlbWIV nlbWIVw
w e may hil succeed We will wi not succeed succeedithotit succl succlwlholt succeait
ithotit it Itotit such support supportDelpgati1 supportDelegato ppor pporDpllnte
wlholt Delpgati1 Juinlan Qlinlan of the Pine PIP Calkcrs Calkcrsnion Calkcrlnlon Calkersnlrrt
lnlon nion reported that his hll organization orlnnl7 ltlon could coulcrove culd couldrovo I IprlI
rove that tllt the demand drand of 1350 S15 I50 a day da waie wr wa wasit <
tlw it ie prevailing prallnp rate of wages Wlg but the thl union uniorad unionhad Utlion Utlionau
had ad au agreid agrd agreed that tin thl demand Nllnd for pay py on ori ont oniii
t h i iii subway at that rate rte should Ihould beheld be hlld ovei Olr OV OVII
11 July Jul I IThn t 1rho I
ti Thn delegate of the thl Team elm Drivers Orr Union Uniorpported Unionrporlll UtilonPPrtCd
rporlll pported a grievance lplnnco against apalnlt the Hapic Hapicransit HnpldTrnlt IIn1ddransit
Trnlt ransit contractors contrelor who he said were wereIready Wfro wirelrsady
Rlrfdy Iready violating their thel agreement aplIolent with wih re reard tiard 1 1pard I
ard to overtime ovelthm He asked lkd that a letter loltein Iclpr I Iho
ho pard n written wrllln to Alderman AhllJmnn naffney nafl exSenatoi exSenatoieathorson oxSenatorentherson
eathorson and Jack Murphy 11rph brother olleader ofsadet of ofIn I
1eatherRon In leader Charles Chnrl F Murphy lurlhy of Tammany Tammanyho Taiiiiitanyho
who ho art a ll contractors cOltmctrs asking why wh thoy tho hat haticked had hadolced
icked out 01t their teamsters tpaflrt The Thl request requestas reql t twa
wa as granted glll before Ifole he had time to o pxplairihv pxplairi Ixplnlnwh
wh hv the t Ito teamsters tlntstlrs were wlr locked out outThen oUI1hen out1IteIl
Then u discussion lICIiol took place plalA about the theosition thl thlpORitlon theoshlon
pORitlon osition of the Rocktnen Hockten and Excavators Kxcavalorsnion Excavatorsrtloit xcIatorf
rnlon nion Delegate Hanna Hlnna of the t hI Bluei Blitestone Blitestoneittter Buestono BuestonoCuter > tonp tonputters I
utters DelejRtt Union sold Flid that as the rockmen rockmennd
Cuter tnwn tml tlO rocmlf1
nd 11 excavators exca ltor had refuned rlftld arbitration arbitrationnd alLlt orbIt rtlon rtlonand rat Ion Ionttd
and nd ignored ipnorld nil I suggestions IU gptoIR by the th C F U Uley Vt Uhy
t h ley were ere not lot entitled entited o any nn further flrt her con coniteration Cl cottdtratboti
iteration Delegate Green of the Hock Hockirillers HockOrierH Hockrillers
OrierH ideratol irillers Union Dllclato said tid that tlat through I hrugh the strike strikeis
hl is union had lost lo t 03000 10 in wages wagesOne wagesOne agl
One On or two 110 WI delegates dellpat6 were inclined Inclned to toontlmio toontltnm I
Intlllo ontlmio coddling cdrlln the lie rockmen rckmen and excava excavairs lJXCIa lJXCIatOII excavars
tOII irs rs hut this made madl other delegates dllc nte angry angryresolution nlgr nlgrA nttryresolution
A resolution rllullou was finally flaly finally passed IJSd to thn tll Ito eftect eftectial enctthlt eflecthit
thlt hit the I Iti Rockmen Hocklln and Ind Excavntort Kxca xalntor valors tnion tnionIP lnlol nlon nlonii
of the Central Centraltolerated enralecterated
thl IP recording rpfordlnl secretary necrotRf 111 Inlral Inlralertld
tolerated ertld Union l nlon and the tn various arioul union unionpresented unnnRIeprelted unloniireseriteti
Ieprelted presented < in the subway should get getsgether getgitltei et ettOKtll1
tOKtll1 sgether and sind tl a circular circ1lar to all nl tho tli con conactors conactors
Irnetort actors both in the lie subway hway and outside outsidesking oUIidaklnl otitsitleekIng
ekIng for a conference cuflrelc Before this waf wafassed waassod l
aklnl pllid assed William Wilam Caiuillo Catlo delegate celelate of the thejckinen thnrockmn theCktflefl
jckinen and atloxcalatl excavators declared delared that they theycrn the theef theywIlling
crn willing to go back on the contractorH1 contractorH1rms enractorK enractorKterms vontractorsrnis
terms ef rms provided proiIPI the union unlol was recogniwd recogniwdIts rcolnI7r
Its IR too to late several Ieprl delegates dtlegalel said saidfterward fld fldnfetard saiItterward
nfetard fterward fterwardO
tulon titan CiptR t8 the thl e K 1 1 lo Order Ordtr hack ntaeksmlttis hacksmtha
smlttis 8mlhl and IlflpfM IIJp1 to Co opcratr ooplrtl oopcrlDelegate > opcratrDelegate
Delegate OIflal Weiss WII eiss of the Inside Jnlldo Architeo Architeoiral Archlteemid
tlml mid Iron Workers Union whose who e members membenr mlmbl mlmblrA
r rA on strike Irik against alninHt the Jron League Ixagueported JIogu JIogureporled LeagueporIod
ported to the tle Central Cntrl Federated Union Unionstorduy UnionIerll UnIonsterday
storduy that an attempt to get Ket thohlack thohlackniths the thieldacknhtlta hlack hlackImlth
Imlth niths R helpers hllpcrH and Ind chippers to strike trkr In Inempathy Intlpnth Inrmpathty
tlpnth empathy In the tll shops of J B A t J 1 M Mornell 1 1lorel
lorel ornell 0 had hlli been hell unsuccessful IIRlCPff11 The Thp help helprs hllpIR lul p pM
rs M were wrt unwilling Inwilnl Ii ii ltl I Ii rig to st strike Hlrke rike the tll t he delegttlo delegttlolid e edd
i 111 IR lid but they went tlm th I liii length 111 lengt th ii of refusing refusingwork rlfl rofttslngI llg llgto
to > work with wih V It Ii nonunion nonti 111011 men menA 11 InertA
A similar report was 11 made Indp by h the thl dele deleale dcl dclIll doleIto
ale of the th Metal telll Polishers Polihlr Union Inlol whoseettihters whoso whosoleiubers who who1lmhlr
I Ill 1lmhlr leiubers are ar njso nl also on strike trlkl The Th C F U Ugreed t tlrlc UriMl
greed riMl to I o notify tint ify the 111 t he blacksmiths hllckmlh blacksttilt hit chip clilpra chipIIf chil p pN
lrlc ra and helpers to II cooperale c on prate In the ho strike strikeThe strikeflie trkl
IIf The hl Employer Elplolri hpl1I Aesoclat Association FRoeat prll Ion Ifn of Archl Archlilttral ArcItIrtitral rchl rchlI
t111111 ilttral Iron IrnlWnrklr Workers gave 110 out 011 a I state statelent RtaleIlnl stateloll
I lent loll yesterday tlnla in II whieh ltbeli It I Raid Raidoir saidFoir lld lldoar
Ilnl Foir oir oar eeks llks hari falI elapstvl Jnll sinro sI1e t lie hI sirike sirikenrtifi slltkp slltkpI irtkearted
I nrtifi hy I Hie thl Jntde In Inslll irte ArthllecinrHl AnhllplllrHI Iron Ironorkers IronWorklr ton tonorkets
Worklr Inrlel orkers I 1llon lrilfl nlon nunlnt lnlnt Ihl liii lie Iron Irn Iencue IencueIP alll alllII
II IP I Kmployers Flplnrr Aksoclallon 1 sol81101 otIatlori of Arrhlterurni Arrhlterurnion rlhIIClr1 rlhIIClr1Iron teIltecttnef teIltecttnefVon
Iron on Worker rklr rkrr nntt tutu the thl A Anlalon Aoulntlnti oilntlon or < if f Irl IrlI tre trennitfnettrir re reInnnfnrtiirer
I Innlrnrtllr Innnfnrtiirer unc or f Xew 1 rw York Tlie lti strike strikeii sllkl it rtki I Ij tI
ii I iiiiiiiniP of lie leinnnd of the union unionKirli nri nridprll
j Ii
Kirli 1111 Insltsnn I oil lr trlrt nl union tin 1lr ott riilsanil niilcs Jr n ntiil Iherehy Iherehyi t I
dprll i I lirI irivps V tin11 I osdf r nil 0 riKht rllh ri aflt lo I n run fn nt n hlk Id Ii I shop shopml shottn hoi hoiuir
ml tn InMnlU Inslnl I the thl t lie walkliiK Rlklm tlilecHtp 11IHle and an shop shopHwnrd hnl hnlnrd tto ttoapril
uir april nrd lo rule rlll MiiirrniP MiiirrniPThe trntiie trntiielhe
sllrrlp sllrrlpThl
The Thl prpMnt plenl rain ratl nf Ir if t iiRf 11 whleh Ihlrh 1 hIh i from fromi
1 i In t 0 i per cent I on Ot I V liikher Ihhr lit elton than t ha tt out 011 ott t nf r 101 I own ownmi 0 Oil Oiltiititltnts
mi tiititltnts pel II ors pay tta I their hrl I men IIOllk Is httnhe to 1 0 he h still thII 1 further furtherif rlrt her herIn
In 011111101 if roakfil rN 1 and al the hours hOII nf 0 labor shortened shortenedVilf4 hnrlpnrI d dThl
Thl Vilf4 l IIP sni > rnn < titt i only Iolr result reul In the vih wih wihdrnwnl isliltra vihrnwal
rnwal ra sin I or the i tie unreasonable Inrrnnlnhl i tnrrasnti Itli deinancU dpmold ti liii ii il e of Hie Hieiilon t he hedolt
I 11111 dolt If ttie Ihlol thee e were P tranled Iranlll New P osv York Vnrkmid Yorknlld Yorkupld
nlld mid upld net n Inoippf flfl1tit nPp with wlh inililrie 111t p rllles 11111 and nnilil nndI andiI
il < would wllhllnrllnhlr Inevltnlily icsiilt rll In the th t hi Iloslnit 10111 of ofnt orIT r rI
tll nt sliois siiIs III a disi lalrr pr ns I ia much nlllh tn II he fearrd fearrdv learId learIdhr
I hr v I I iln 111 t It inrn 11 fis I II 5 hy h th 1 hI tie rinplnvers rinplnversWe lllopr llloprWI iii elorrs elorrsvi
We WI vi are Rrl Mnnrh Inllh t1porcr < uiiportor nf rlhl the Mnildlnc Mnildlncrnries lllrtnl ttiitldlncrtde
rnries ICinployir A tOt niimlnn ntlllnn Ifltlofl and are arelirmitiid arpIerrlld areI
I Trlrls lirmitiid I srtn hrtid 1IInro in I 0 Irml ournlil nit r s Id to o rfrtlfy ni rlllr I I t fll the I 111 lie ninny ninnynises inn nlnn nlnnall ii iiittC
all Ierrlld nises whlih 111 are Arl or ihi Ih result 1111 of 11 I Innu Inng Inn z rclen rclenHIP rrln rrlnnr rrlcnthe
nr HIP I hI ridkliiK Ilkll ripeJMle ripeJMleAt rlplellll rlplellllI
I At n niritine IIirt inl Inc i of > f the Kinplnynrs isnrn isnrnnn i irOV
nn mi Frldty FrldI niirlit n hl tin n imlirnken Inhrlkn frmit rrlil t tl tl tlrlol is istt
lnl rlol < l tt t Hie tie iliMiinnd iiittin fll lid nf the union Iniol wn In iniiln iniilnItioil 1111 titilotiie
Itioil tiie i IIP The mpitiiKf iitls ns I iiiifiniinniisly 11111 1lnlnHII itlnitittali lr in invnr il iiior
I IIII ril vnr 01 t nf I rnntlniiintrlliestrike Cnnl Clint Inllmt lnutInLt rplllue hl Iuestrlke trikl prniiil prnlllni iroptiIliicttpiipI iroptiIliicttpiipIit inBiiinpli inBiiinpliolpftlon I 1 pi piprnlNtlnn
prnlNtlnn olpftlon it Oct loti tn II I the 11 t lii men Iwn now nt lt It I work nnil Inr ti nit to tointc 11 11np
1101 intc wlllinc to ii tCItiiiP rf unie ii on onliii nrl nrlTlie
leII Inr
Tlie 11110 ilirterent report from the th vnrinu vnrinuinps stirloitOl nrlnl
hnp inps TI Ol showed lnlrlnl hII1 ninre Ilnrl limn lmn t him 7i 7 per I r rent Ipnt hnvo hnvosiimed hn I Ir to tosittieiI
r siimed lllId work The majorIty In nri of the thl men menhnlmveconenn mpnwho menIto
who hnlmveconenn Ito hn ltate IOlpnn coneon strikeand Itrtknr who ho are nicinhfrs Illhrrl itietutnrstie
nr 1 the tie union Ililn were prl patifllH atMIN with th tl his treatment treatmentirl trc8tlenl trc8tlenlnnr
irl iVHges 1181 they the tlieysierereeeltInc were rre receiving rlchlll and i MI tire > re wIllIng willineen Illn Illnto
nnr to tdt lUdatbuu en n hack to vork 1 < sow 1 were ue it not lot ot for la lalUdatbuu IDtdt Iniidtbu
Chlcaio hIeao Learirn r Prparlnt Prtprlnl to Tarry Carryth Tarrythe Carr On Onthe
CItIO the th War All Al Over Chtr tVeT the Country CountryCHICAGO Cout CowitrClucAao 1 1CmcAoo
CHICAGO June 7The strike Itrke of tl tlNational the theNltlonll IINational
National Nltlonll Biscuit Hilult Company Is to be b cam camInto crr earninto d dInlo
Into every city In which the company complny op opates opr opratn opeates <
ates a plant The word is 1 to bo given gen givenmorrow t tmorrow to tomorro
will made to t tup tie tieup IUp
effort o
and an
morrow morro Inclln efort wil mae
in New York St LouDetroit Lou LouJDetrok
up all al of the plants LuB LuBDetroit
Detroit and Cincinnati CincinnatiMore ClndnnatlMore ClnInnatIMore
More than 1500 15 employees elployO of the con conpany compny conpany
pany In Chicago Chlcalo are on strike at lt prose proseand prNent prNentIld proseand
and Ild pny Iffmorrow IOmorrw the strikers slrker expect oxpct to swt swtthtft swel AWithIs
thIs Ihi to 2000 20 William Wilam Ilh1atn Mcintosh Montolh prcaldei prcaldeiand prCldent prCldentnnd prosideiand
and ImslncM hUllnel agent of tIm Cracker Crcker Baker BakerUnion Ik BakerUnion rB rBUnion
Union who In managing mana lnl the local 10lBI flgtv flgtvsaid Ight IghtMid
said today that tho ho fight fKht on the compar comparwas company comparsas I
was 11 to he to a finish finishWherever fll fInishV h hWherovr
V union mn mnemployed man manemploYld maemployed
Wherever Vh wo 0 can Cn reach rllch a
call hi hiout him himoul hIout
employed by the company compny we will wi 111
out said the business hlinelR agent lgnt Our mn mn1m meare me mearo
are 1m out Olt at II Kennedys lennldI and Brenners ar arwe ann anne anwe
we e expect expct to get them thln out at tho Aldrich Aldrleand Aldrichami Aldrhcand
and Schmidt plants of the company companyAt cmpany cmpanyAt
At the meeting motlnl of the Chicago Chlcnlo Federi Federitlon Feera Feeration Federitlon
tlon of Labor IMbor today it i was Wa voted olld that tl tlboycott Iho Ihoboct Uboycott
placed the company pon SOfltIme pontime ome omelimo
boycott boct pllce upon Ipon cmpany
time ago should Iholln be made midI active Ictl ilacarr ilacarrare Placarare
are ar to nlo l he b > e distributed diltrhlled calling cllnl upon link linksympathizers Inlon Inlonmpnthlzrl iinhcsympathizers
sympathizers to assist nMRt In the boycott r rrpfuslng hy hyrlfulnJ 1 1refitslng
rpfuslng rlfulnJ to uso I the Ih product of the th compan companAt cnmpaflAt
At the Ih plant of the National 1lllonal Biscuit HI cll Conpany Con Compan Conpany
at 4B9 69 Wpst street It was said aid lat latlast latlalt 11last
pan pany WPlt tllt I RI
lalt last night nlht that no impending strike Irlk ha habeen hnd hndolln habeen
been olln heard hlard of there thlrp The Th bakers hl kll it I wj wjRaid Ia Ialld WasaId
mix their dough i it at
Raid lld had hld prepared to Ihllr dOIh
2 A M 1 and Ind to ii bake b < k at7 at lt 7 A M 1 today todayLMtOlt toen toenltln todnyLI
LMtOlt ltln LI ItOl 11tnFli lEt DERS AIARVEn AIARVEnhtpaKo Umunrhtlalo 1 LI fl1111 fl1111Chteago
rhtlalo htpaKo Men > lrn Deprecate leprlatl Repent RIItlt Strlki StrlkiThat StntkiThat trlkl trlklTfat
That Tfat Trnuhlp Trolht That Tat fit fitCHICAOO nlCHICAno lt ltCHICAnO
CHICAno June Jlnf 7That 7 That conservath conservatheadprs conRprallA conRprallAleldr conservatlvreaders
leldr readers In the ti ranks mnkl of organized nrpanlzpd labo latmiitit labois laho lahonR
nR is well wIl ns the Ihl employers Implnlrl are 10 Iwcomin Iwcominilarmed hlcolln hlcollnnlnnlll becotahtiS
nlnnlll S ilarmed at the t It e prevailing prvnling lresa hi log state et at e of Indui Induirial IUtIR IUtIRtral I it ii itt ittrIal
rial unrest was a shown ho1 today todn at II the meet mpetng meetIng mcelInp
tral Ing ng of the Ihl Chicago Federation Fdprt on of Luboi Luboileports LahorReportl LaloiReports
Inp Reportl Reports from Chlc1lo various varol sources 101CS showed Ihowed thin thahe t thinhto hit hitIhe
Ihe he conservatives oonlrall1 were wprl fearful of the t hI strlkigitntlon strlk It striksgitatloti rlto rltonplltiol
igitntlon It It was declared decnrfd that the ties ncvinions new newInloln
nplltiol Inloln inions wore in thiS main responsible fo fonost for formolt fofltst
nost of the or be labor difficult dlfel1 Ie ics a I situatlo situatloipon nluation nluationIpon itttatioupon
molt Ipon upon which the thl oldtime olltlmo oldI Ime labor Ilhor leader Icadprlook lCdfl lCdfllook leader10k
look with apprehension apprehensionThe IpprehnlonTht
The Tht strike Irko of the th cooks ok 0015 and waiters wnler wa waarried waarriecl aR aRcarrlNI
arried before the Ihl Ito Federation Fptratlon for an in inlorsement Inlorsetnent Indorllmenl
dorllmenl lorsement of moral 10rl support IIPPOr After Artr it wa waxplained waR waRcxplalned waiplalned
xplained that hotel and Ind restaurant rc tnurant pro proirietors proprlltorn prosnietors
prlltorn irietors and ant managers mannRerl had hne practicaligreed practical praclalb praclalbnlrf practIcal1igreed
nlrf igreed to treat Irrat with wih the thl unions Inlons as al Indlvld Individmis Indlvldual8 Indlvldtale
tale the indorsement Innorlmlnt of the Federntloi Federntloiras Fflrllon FflrllonWIR
of the Fednratioi Fednratioivas FpderallonWln
WIR ras obtained ohlahlld The act action Ion
Wln vas taken Ilkln to mean Ipan that hint the thl Federatloi Federatloipaders Fpdlraton Fpdlratonrllcr Federatioicailers
paders rllcr expect to son Cl a peace pICl pact tomor tomorow lomorro tomorVOW
and the worker workervere workersore
ro ow Roth the Ihl employers worklrl worklrlwlro
mood tonight A Arprpnce eon eonerence tOllorence
wlro sore in a hopeful hoplfll male tlight
erence of the restaurant rlitalrnt owners ownes and th thoint Il0 Il0Joint tboint
Joint oint board bonrc representing rcprcllntnp the I hI cooks cok waiter waiterind waitertnd lltlR lltlRand
and miscellaneous mlecelantuR help is I scheduled cwdul fo foomorrow for fortomorrow fonmorrow
tomorrow morning morningThe momlnj mornIngThe
The only indication of the re rostaumnt rostaumntt taurnn taurnnitrike
itrike t rke rike in tlie the downtown district di diet t 1111 net today tocl toclthe wa wahe ssalie
the he appearance IpplarnC of placards in the window windowif lneoR lneoRof
of if r the leading Iln lnl restaurants rt lauflt bearing hlrlnl tin tinvords the theword ttitcords
word Closed CionId on account accunt of strike ItrlkE Thi Thiestaurant Thl ThlIeltnlranl Thiestatiralit
Ieltnlranl estaurant managers held several Fern I eon conerences eonftrlncEl eonerences
ftrlncEl erences while whie the waiters wBltprl who are 111 on onlied Olt Olthld ontied
lied themselves thprEehe to the parks prk and Ind enjoetheinselvet enjoyet enjoyethemselves Injo ed edtht
tht hemselves lp The waiters walerR who were biuty bUlY a aho at atthe aIto
the ho hotels and clubs > which the strike trke hai hailot hal halnot ltaitot
not lot yet It reached relchld were pre more or less lc ls restless rftlesiut r tle tleblt
blt iut showed no disposition di p llon to hasty halty action actionrVHER
1 rVHER 1 iitin n iOCK01T I lK Wl UH V I LAST VOII VOIIni VOIJniploers OW OW1nIIIlr
1nIIIlr ni niploers lo > frs Arbitration rhlraton Sphem Slhlle Haint lant nil nilM nl nlIK81 DliP05011
IK81 P05011 M pl < TliilldliiB nll < lnr Board to t n Peace PeaceThen Peall PeallThm Peacerliere
Then wasa 11 a feeling feln of uncertainty Incrtnnty yester yesterlay yesterlay elter elterda
da lay among Imong amongmorrmtxrsoftheBoardofBuildin amongmorrmtxrsoftheBoardofBuildinrades mcml mpmlI > er of the I he Board Blrd of Buildini Buildiniades BIJdlnl
result of the meeting o ohe of oftho olie
TrnrpR > ades as a to the rpsul thl mfetnJ
tho he board bOAId today todn Before Bfort the tIt Board nnd o oJovernors of ofGOlnOln s slOVOFOOtS
GOlnOln Jovernors of tho Building Hlidinj Trades Tradln Em EmCovers EmIovrs m mplolrl
plolrl Covers Atmociation Mocltlon proposed ploJld its I it plan 111 o orlAtration of ofRrh1tltlnn otrhi
Rrh1tltlnn rlAtration rhi t ration it i t was nH lx IIIE lelil > IU > ved < that I Ita I at todayV todayVleetingof tocal tocalmtllp todaysieetittgof
leetingof or I the he hI board IJanl thp tlc tli j Ilaeo eacn > party wculc wculcstrong c ld ldI
I mtllp 0 strong IlrOIR et roitg enough cnolh to have the th t lii P1r Biilldiiif Biilldiiifiaterial IttIlditiglaterial lldhli
iaterial Drivers OrPI Union arid the Ih Builditif Builditifilnterial Buiding Buidinglntrll BtiIirllntatprial
ilnterial lntrll Handlers Union expelled xplpd if tie tieid tley tleydid tiey tieyId >
did id not obey ob the t lte request rqllt voluntarily ollntily to tclire tortlrf toiIre
rtlrf lire from the tht I ite board bord to Ilrmlt x > rmit the t he materia materiaards tRtlial tRtlialvnrdK toatenialards
ards to lx II > reopened reopenedIn rpnllnldIn
In viow viol however of the th now plan of olrbitratlon ofarhltrtlqn ofrhiitratitn
arhltrtlqn rbitratlon of the th t Iii gijvernors > ror of the th t hi asso assoiation R assoiatioli O Oeltion
iation which hlch practically prlticnl jo eliminates elmlnall the thealking thewalkln thealklitg
eltion walkln alking dHegate c1lHnt from rein consideration conRldrllon In Inihur InInhlrdilPII Iniiatrdlptie
InhlrdilPII iiatrdlptie ihur disputes many seenud Iplnuo to think ester venteray esterav
dl ay that thlt the tlo Board arn of Building lidlnJ Trades Tradesrould rrds rrdswonld rradesomtld
wonld rould now want to kpcpup kfplp ke1i tip the thl fight finhtIn fght fightlit I IIn
In reference rpfrencf to the plan plln of arbitration arbitrationroposed nhltmllonpropod oititrat ion ionroposed
roposed by the thl association 1ocatiol Delegate DIItnl Stan StanDII Stanton
ton itt said aid yesterday yesterdayI Ienlay IenlayI
I don dont I believe bele > the t hI plan lOfl is feasible flnRibl It Itould I Itotiltl
wo11 ould wipe wlpl out Olt tho I be business hllneF agent who ho If Ifecessary Isteess1ry
nIC ecessary 1I as the thl accredited acrldi ee representative representativef rppleFntnto rppleFntntoor
or f I tIe lie union u lon What Whlt is the lii board of gov govrnors go goornorR gonitors
rnors of the thf Building li ln Trades TrldH Emnlojers Emnlojersssociation Emploel Ellipo3ersVSSOCIflIIOT1
ssociation but a board of delegates delegatesIhv delll tpl
Aolntlon Whl Ihv should holld the thl labor unions not not have haveliolr IaeI haveicir
I herr represent reprlentatheR at ives as n well wellI el
I hardly think that the t hf plan of arbl arblration arbitration arhlration
ration will wil ill be 0 accepted aeepted by the tIl unions unionsThe ullonl tiniontirhte
The only reference at lt yesterdays lstordlyR meet mpotig mlel meetig
ig of the Central Centrl Federated Feerl Union to the theroposed thepropOle theroposetl
roposed plan of arbitration nrblrntlon was made madeiy
propOle by iy James P Archibald the recording recordingrcretary Ilconlng IlconlngArchlhd reeortlhigenittany
rcretary Archibald said saidThe soldThe ald aldThn
The contractors cntrclor sent a plan Ian of arbitra arbitralon arbitraI
tlon lon to the unions unloll untoits to which hlr we wore sup suposed nupI stiposetl
osed to agree Do you YOI think that we can canK Cn CnI
I 1Pc K 0 > forced forcd to abandon Ihndon our olr organization organizationf orranI7tlon orranI7tlonI
I I f we give up the thl representatives reprepntatlpl of our ourrganizntlomt olr olrI ourrganlzatlonti
I rganizntlomt it will l ho t > e the lie first IrKt step step to toivlng togllng toIting
orpnnlztlonH gllng ivlng up lp the tht organizations or III tlon themselves themselvese thmEIe thmEIeW
W e cant do it I and we will 11 not do It ItAll I itAll
All prestige that the thl working world people ople have havei
in i given Al 1n prltlp them I by their I organizations orlaI7tlonl ni I Iave Ihae Iave
hae ave nothtin nothing nlhln to say against any an congenial congenialIan cngenial cngenialplnn
But would wouldgreo wouldn wouldgree
plnn Ian of arbitration arlltration I never
n greo r to the the elimination elmnation of any class CII6 of men menTie menTlt menhio
Tlt Tie hio employers association II0catlon has Its I own ownepresentatlves ownreprRnlalpI owneprewntattves
epresentatlves and why should Ihollr we notelect not notsleet notIlect
Ilect reprRnlalpI sleet elect our olr representatives t as well wel lAp lApplalel lAplansel Aplause
plalel plalelSEcrtary lauseSecretary lause lanselSecretary
Secretary Farley of the Board Bard of Building Buildingrodes Buldlnl BuildIngratios
Trld1 ratios SEcrtary said aId he hadnt hsent even read rlad the thl ha arbiat1on arbi arbiration arbltralon
tralon ration plan planTEXTILE planT planTLXTILE
01111111 pernllve Say Sa They Thl The Nerd Sl11 Shorter Shorl fr Moan Moanfor Hnur Hnurror bun buntar
for the tie Hake akl of Goool oo ood l Health HealthPHiiAnEiPHiA Inlh InlhPIIATEIPIA healthPItILAPEtPIlA
PHiiAnEiPHiA PIIATEIPIA June J1P TA i statement statementas tllment tllmentWf
Wf as Issued yesterday yterdl by h the working wOlklng com comlitteo om ommlteo cornitter
mlteo litteo of the th striking Irkinl textile textlA workers orken In Ininjunction Inconjunction innjltflihIOO
injunction with wih the Ito executive fXClt 1 committpe committpei cmmi IrA IrAIn
In i I which hllh the thl movement for th shorter shorterork Ihorter Ihorterorl aborterork
ork stock ck was discussed dicIIHt as a sanitary sanitaryleasure fnilar fnilarlnRlr sanitaryrasmire
leasure lnRlr for the Ihl preservation prl rntlon of th tu the lives livesid II IIall 11esiii
all id t the ii health tea It Ii of men women womln and Ind clii children childrenuployed chllfn chllfnIm ithren ithreniiployed
Im uployed tm In the th t hi industry InhlIII lntitist ty The Thl testimony testimonyfore tlItllon tlItllonhpror testimonyfore
hpror fore tli thp lie recent rlnl anthracite Illnaetp strike Irke com comlission cni cni11lon enniIsstoti
11lon lission I I WHK WI asserted aolrtlll proved the t I e tex texI IfX IfXII
II I industry indlllr to bp bE more deadly dlall t than IIJU mining miningid minnl
id that the tll wnavers WAlr are nr peculiarly pcllarl > sub subCt subct ub ubJICI
JICI Ct to pulmonary disease diseaseThis dl dIseaseThis RR
This Thi t th t he commil orll teen Ile8a sny toi IsastatPmpnt II Is n statement lntlmlnl of oflets offnel oftet
fnel lets tet s and nd as such loCH not admit ad tnlt of arhi arhiation nrbltration a rhi rhiation
tration ation The Thl willingness wllhl nI of tho strikers strikerstalk Ilrkel t4rlkersI
t > talk oven ollr the thl question IIAton nt Issue IIRUp at l any anymp anrIlmc an anme
Ilmc mp with wih the thl manufnetitrprs mnnlfnllrrn was rplteratptl rplteratptlIIP rlllratlc
Thl IIP cloth spongers ponp < rl nnd finishers fnlnhlrR haverawn have haverawn hnp
drlwn rawn up lp a minimum mlnlmll scaln of wages 1 p to toconw tobcomH tocomm4
bcomH conw operatlvp ofralhc tomorrow While Whie hIle they theyp tlp tlparl
arl p not affiliated aflintpd with wlh the thl textile lxll workers workersipir worklrl storkerstom
1 hp ipir tom action nct Inl at this I lime t 1mm is II of imprest to toic toI toit
I ic it general labor situation Illallon in Philadelphia Philadelphiastrikes Phlnncl1hla Phlnncl1hlaa PhIladelphIaI
a I strikes 11 Inlrllahor rkl arc M anticipated ant IdpatNI in several eeal large largeitahlishment Inrlt largetnhtlishtnent
itahlishment itahlishmentTICKET 1 tnhtlishtnentTIKET hlhrnt hlhrntTIll1
Ilnl Incas Cmicps RI 511505 rl a JattmnrPimemrneni lam al of P PU81ncel srnser at It an anlploMi anI anlptnsti
lploMi tplOII rp Elcualed Itll > apt Station Stationtnarlps 1taton 1taton1llrl StationI
I tnarlps 1llrl I Krons the Ihl ticket Ilcllt agent nInt at the the0lh IhpI the0th
I IMlh 0lh street 111 btation llllon of the thl lie Third nvpnue nvpnueevatptl nlnl nlnlIIIatle avmniiettatitI
IIIatle evatptl line Inp was wa stricken trlckln with apoplexy apoplexyst lJopllx lJopllxla1
la1 st I evening Inlnj while hin nt his hl work HP 10 had hadist hndI lundtoltl
I JII ist sold hil n ticket to one of a lot of people peopleho opll opll111
ho fell fellnseless fellnseltsim
ho wer1 111 coming downtown when fel
slnhkH nseless from his hi stool Iloo Ho 10 was taken to toin 10thA toIC
thA in Lebanon Jlhnon Hospital Hoplal where hpr it was wal said saidis lld lldhll
hll is a condition < nnllon was f serious seriousHis serIousIlls rol
His H illness Inesl occasioned ocenlonf a small Amli block of oftho ofif
tho 10 if wouldbe onldb passengers paSfnjr but hit matters malei at attho atIc
tho 10 station statou were aoon 80n straightened strnihtened out outV
Diamond Merchant MerchantJeweler Mrhant Mrhantlewder MechantJeweler
Jeweler and Silversmith SilversmithMADISON Sivesmih SilvctsmithMADISON
I ctwera ttef16th etw 75th th and ud 5eth 1811 et Streets StreetsEttablkbed Strts treetiEstablLbecl
Ettablkbed Etabllbed IMS IMSII tM tM tMIt
II I m ftar on John Jol obn S St u a Starr Star 4 Uaroiu UaroiuSt Marou
St 6 yf yen eua us < u tbors tborsWEDDING abovsWEDDING bn bnWEDDIG
No Noconnection connection connecton with wih any ny other otherhouse otherhOUID otherhouse
hOUID house In thu this line lne of businessPMTTSGUESSATDEVERY business businessPLATTSGUESSATDEYERYYOT I IPLA
Neither flhor Mr fr Platt Ilat or NallonaKonimltlrf NallonaKonimltlrfman National alolal olmlt ornnilhcq ornnilhcqtItan 11 11lan
man lan Scott Neol Expert l xptlt8 a Change hnl In III IIINational tll tllalonal timaIlonaI
National alonal Commuter 0111 tt Chairmanship ChairmanshipLabor halrtan halroiansuipLatior llp llpIahor
Labor Troulilej Trouhlt as a a Campaign alpal n Iacloi IacloiSenator laetorSenator alt or orSnRlor
Senator Platt said Bleln iat la t night nlJhl that he hI hano bai baino hae
1f no knowledge knowlldpe of the Ih reported reported movemrn movemrnto IWIlllnt IWIlllntto
to make makl Senator Matthew 1nth Stanley Htnll Qua Quaof Junf IlA IlAof
of f Pennsylvania PfnnHIlnla chairman of the tl Natiotia NIottnCommittee NatiotiaLommltt 1lllnnll 1lllnnllCommlttI
CommlttI Committee e Senator Snatr Hanna Ilnnn has hl mad modnn madan madFin
nn admirable chairman chlirman and Ind he hI suits me mesaid m maid mesaid
said Senator nltm Platt Plait 1 have halr great llnt ndinirn ailmiutudon ndinirntlon Idmla Idmlaton
ton don for Senator Quay Qln He HI is I nn excellet excelletleader pcplfn pcplfnlelder excolletleader
lelder leader with ih many mnn victories Ictnrl but I don tlonknow dont dontkno donknow
kno know that hn would l he > o a candidate Cnndlnale for tlv tlvplace thplaC liiPlace
plaC place It is the thf custom t tl to < consult CCII11 I tho thocaiflldntl tb tbaftrhldttte hi hiJaftdldato
caiflldntl Jaftdldato so the thf President will 11 name nn thi thinext the thenlxt thnext
nlxt next halrman halrmanSenator hal rul
Senator Snator Platt Plat said sld he hI was al going olnl to Wash Washngton WahInglon aslt asltngton
ngton this week and Ind would Olid fee Fe the thp Prtni Prtnilent Pr Pnisllent I Ident
Somebody asked alkP if I the t hc President Pleidlnt wn wnolng angoIng a i iJolng
settle the th of tho lie ties nevpresident tiespresident
Jolng goIng < to fHle question qlllion tle i ipreldelt
preldelt president of the New p O York rok County COIII Com Committee Commlle 0111 0111mittee
mlle mittee The Senator Snator replied rplfd The Th Presi Presiients Prli PrlidenlR Protllents
lents a I good man mln to settle Iftll anything anythingSenator nnthlnp anythingSenator
Senator nator Platt Plntt ventured ntlrf1 the guess 1J6 tha thaDevery I Int IntDelry ha haDeery
Delry Devery would poll pl 20000 200 votes ot for MayorEnough Mayor MayorEnough MarorEnol
Enough Enol h to defeat dlflat Tammany Tnmmnn Hall HII tab MiUIe tabe tabPostmaster lld lldh lldPotmnlpr
h Ie e
Postmaster Van an Cott railed alld on Senato SenatoPlatt SenatorIlnt SenatoPlatt
Ilnt Platt yesterday yplttrda afternoon afternoonSenator arroon arroonSnalot afternoonSenator
Senator Nathan 1athnn B Scott Hcot of West WII Virginia Virginiaho Sirgininxho Irllnla Irllnlawho
who ho has his been hron abroad for two months monthsat monlhA
A R at the th Fifth Firh Avenue pnlp Hotel last night nightiVhen niht nightVheii
Wh1 iVhen he was 1 asked If he ht thought thouphl that lnlo lnloroubles lal10rtroublpl lahorouhlt
troublpl roubles would olid have havp any In effect Ifecl on the com comng comIng cornng
Ing ng Presidential Prllldntll election Ilpeto Senator SnatO Scott Scotiiald feott feottlld Scottaid
aid ialdI lld
I dont think so 0 We WI always II have nion nionabor 001 mcliabut
Ilhm abut troubles trlhlI when hn the Ito country olmt is pros proslerous pro properol proserotis
perol lerous than at any Iny other lime 11mI We W hnvlad hnv hao haohad hutmmd
lad so 10 many years al of gocd goCd times t imlR now nnl thai thaihe I thaihe hl t tI
I he boys have hl A forgotten forlotcn that I hat there per evetvera eveivere perwpm
wpm hard times timesIt limenI
It I would 10uld lx II > a good poon thing thinl for our labor laborne laborin
in ne n men here if they would send some somenheIr someoheir of oft
t heir representatives reprepnl al hl abroad ahrad They fhiev h wouU wouUe wOlld wOlldhe
he e better hpt r satisfied At Infd if they t he hOCus of con conlitions cond eonlitlons
d litions t on there thel 1 visited a great rnt many mln conn connries cun cuntrl cotinrles
trl ries and ald made something of a I study stud oi oiabor of ofIlbor olabor
Ilbor abor conditions It I is I no exaggeration cxaggeratioro exajjeraton exajjeratonto
to o say ttt that the American workingman worklnlman golfwo golf lelR lelRtwo getswo
two wo and a half to five fll times 11111 as ni much mich as In the thecorkman theworkman th thvorkman
The best bestmid hAIpalrl heatmid
workman in other ot her countries count rilH
palrl mid workman wnrklln in England Bnlland gets jeiK onehalf onehallo
to o onethird the wages wlg of tho American Americanlolng AmercBn AmercBndollg Americaniolng
dollg lolng the Ih same sort 011 of work workSenator workenRtor workSenator
Senator Scott SNi Is II the tle Republican Repuhlcan National Nationalommltteeman Nation1ommitteeman ltlolnl ltlolnlCommlHemln
CommlHemln ommltteeman for his hl1 htI State Asked ARkld about abouthe Ihout Ihoutthl abouthe
in the he chairman chairmanie
thl he reports of a change
he if ie said llld rfrl 1 dont think there thlr < will wi be a ahange ahlng ahangs
hangs hlng unless Inlpl the President PrpRlllnt wants wantl it itEverything i itscrythlng
BIervhlng Everything points rolnll oints to President PrlRlllpnl Roopnvelts Roopnveltsomination ROOR ROORnomlnalon Roweeltsomination
nomlnalon omination now It I is il a little 1111 early Iarll to Ii talk talkf Illk Illkof
of f the lie chairman of the Ihl lie committee lOnnltIP The Theew Th Thnl rIteow
nl ew National Committee lommitte will wil be bl chosen chosenHer ehoFenRfpr chosenfter
Rfpr Her the Ihl nomination has been hlln made IBd The Theommittee Thl Thlcmmite Theommittee
cmmite ommittee undoubtedly undolhlldl will 1 consult the theixheH Ihpwi hi hiIslies
wi ixheH of the tht candidate cnndld to before elect electing electingchairman 11ct hug hugchairman inga
a chairman chairmanKYI chalrmnnnT chairman1Eb
nT KYI THAT UT POPE 10 IS VERY m ILL ILLatrr 11 11Iattr ILLalec
Iattr alec deports Say Sa That lint lot Weal tealtier tealtierCaused lltllr lltllrC her herCaused
Caused C nU8IJ a SIlEht Indisposition Indispositionfipecial Inl ImullspolIlotuSrpeCa pot lon lonSputa
Sputa SrpeCa Cablf aSIr Depeicll Dt Vtparh > pnch la Tug sis sisLONDON StsIODo l lLONDON
LONDON June Junf 8Despatches 1 OepatchlH to to ihe iheVmrn thl thlTimR iii iiiimcR
Vmrn and Ind Chronielc Chronirc from frm Rome HOI confirm confirmie conlrm conlrmtho confirmto
tho ie statements statemEntl that the alarmist nllrmit rumors rumorsnnccrning rlton rltonconlernlng ruttnoirsoncoming
conlernlng oncoming the condition of the Pope Pop are arenwarrantable fr frInwarrlntahlp arcnwarrantable
Inwarrlntahlp nwarrantable The postponement pltponplent of tho thoonsistory tholnnlstory thoonslstory
onsistory from June 15 to o June 22 Z is held heldhe hlld hlldto IteidI
to I he h responsible Jlpon lhll for the stories ItorllR of the theckness th thRlcknpH theLckn0ss
RlcknpH ckness The hot weather wIather caused calnld him himsuffer himto Ititosuffer
to suffer ufer from a slight slght indisposition but butis hit hithi hutis
hi is private priltl audiences nndiencR continue cont itine uninier uninieriptedly Inlntr Inlntrruptlly tinltut or oruptedly
ruptlly iptedly He is also working upon Ipon the thellocutlon theIloutlon thelocutIon
Iloutlon locutIon that he h will wi deliver dllhr at lt the Con Constory ConRlstOf Constory
RlstOf story storyCardinal storyCardinal
Cardinal Cardinal Capocelatro C3pecelltro apecelat no Archbishop of ofapua ofCapua ofapuR
Capua apua and Librarian Ibrlrlnn of the Holy Roman Romanhurch Romll RomllChurch Romanhunch
Church has arrived arlvd In Rome Homf for fol his hi annual annualispectlnn annlnl annlnlinp annttalispotIon
inp ispectlnn cllon of the th Vatican Vntlcln library Ihrr He found foundie
th ie Pope Pop brighter hrlehter than last year He H nays naysis HaplhlA saveis
hlA is memory > is retentive and his hi intellect intellects Intelcl Intelclan
an s quick as ever everThe otverTue
I IThp
The cabled cahlld reports IlprlR that the Ih u lus Pop is I hiif stifring hiifring tuf tuffprnp
fprnp ring from fro intestinal 111ltlnal inflammation Intlmatlol nnd nndlat lnd lndthat otniiat
that lat his strength Rlrlnlh is I failing falln receive little littleredence IHI IHIcrdlncc littleredence
crdlncc redence among amonl the th Catholic clergy here hereather hCf henather
ather Hayes secretary Ecrelary to Archbishop Archbishoparloy Arhhinhoj Archbishoparley
FarfY arloy said yesterday fterday that a letter had been beenceived henrcpld beencelved
rcpld ceived by b the hie Archbishop only a I few feways fl feways
dlY ays ago from a man who had seen nl1 t the he h Pope Popogently pfp Popecently
rfpntl gently saying that the thl Pope POll was WI in the theest tht theest
bt est of health healthArTRIAS hlalh hlalht
ArTRIAS t f STRL4 TIf Vc COVIC COJlW HERE HEREarce 11m 11mIarle II iiw iiwarts
Iarle arts Mmnhers tttnher nhlro of Cneniplo Eneniplocd nllplo > e 11 < l Iron Irnnworhern Iron10rlr ron ronaVorkera
worhern 10rlr Knilajrate KnilajrateSprdit f InilgreSprctii llrtl llrtl8plrl
8plrl Sprdit coWf abl able Despatcis < f pi7fci fo I TDK SUN SUNVIENNA StN StNVIENNA Svi SviIEA
VIENNA IEA June 7 iJarl 7Large Large numbers of ofustrian ofAItrBr ofustnian
AItrBr ustrian Ironworkers Are going golnl to America Americavingto lnflien lnflienI Atneticitwing
I wing vingto ni to theimprcccdcntedstagnation t the hlnprccldlntd itoprecedented stagttntIoo ta Uton here hereHundreds hfrl hfrlHundren honeHundreds
Hundreds of men mln have ha beon discharged dischargedthe dlHclarll1 dlHclarll1II
II I the thl last IIt six months WIP Vaces have hal fallen falleni falllf
1 u i por l r rent Many lnr of the thl workmen earn earnss ear
II ss than half a dollar dolar a I day ta ola There ThErp is small smallipe flal smallof
hopl ipe of improvement improvementHOP Improlmtnt ImprolmtntInWl
f J Hill 11 Hellene nII1 Fmplojers Iplo trs Should holld Deal DealDirectly natreIl DeaiDIrectly
Directly reIl HUH tl the Ihl Men MenST MenST Ien IenST
ST PAtTI PAt Mimi lnn June Jln 7 President Pmesidnittniesj PresidentmesJ PJI ldFnl ldFnlJamll
Jamll mesJ J Hill HIl of ottho the Great Glfll Northern orlhlr tonight tonightated tonlghtItald tonightated
Itald ated his hil opinion that the walking waldnl dele deletes celf doletpa ¬ I
atI tes and business blino agent and Inlll Ihn ho iritertootate Interme Intermeoto intermecilto
cilto ate agencies between hllwen employers pmpo lrl and Ind their theiren thfir i imln
mln en should Ihoult he done away with wih and nun that thatich thatIuch I hatich
Iuch ich action would wOllrl facilitate fnellnt the develop developiotnt < clop clopmlnl JeTloplent
mlnl lent of better helpr relations relationsMr rplat lonn lonnMr
Mr Hill Hi referred rpflrrecl 10 o the Ihl attitude alludr of this Iherent thf thisteat
Orlat rent Northern orhr on the tln question Iucltlon stating statingat Itatlnthlt
thlt at it I Is II the Ihl policy pole of of the thl system 1lllm where whereer thereer hrp hrpIrr ¬
Irr er possible pO llhp to dral 1111 dirrctly dirrcII with wih the thenployees theImployl the1plOyNs
Imployl ImploylNP nployees 1plOyNsriii nployeesPIPK
T hey iey Are rl Tr TrIn > lnR Inl lo Make flkl the tfr Fmplnjers FmplnjersDeclare 1mplool Enmptnoraleoiare
Declare llarl All 1 Shops Inlnn InlnnTho InlnnThe niln nilnTo
The To delegate efllgatp of the Smoking Smokln Pipe PIp Makers Makersnlon Mnkotrsnlon lnkpl
Union nlon reported to the Ito Central Federated Federatednlon Fceprlld FceprlldUnion Federatednlon
Union nlon yesterday that smoking Imoklnl pipes may mayscnrw ortyScotiA
b > ScotiA slnnln in a day or two A general Infrl strike strikethn Rlrlkof strikethe
of the Ih pipe pip makers maklrl is likely to take place placeila plncotnln
tnln Itt week to force the he employers to placeircia place placeirds pllc pllcMriB
MriB irds in their windows announcing that thatB thaIthlr thatsir
thlr sir Ihop shops Ir re union conCml concerns Most of ofte
the te B employera mployer have refused rtuSd the demand d mand
r fm l
tl DIJ
Junlloe Ju te for nowntrmldtfn nownt rodltn npaclierj nrcbl I ITUtnlnB I I1ElauiuIng
TUtnlnB 11lllllnl HaIlecruiWhCfl Bttleor > Uhcn He le W WChlof UB UBChler a athief
thief Chler He le Ixt Actor Ilay In St Sta StaClothicsSlnoere tale talecotIPSlnclrtleHI5 i iiotlicd
cotIPSlnclrtleHI5 ClothicsSlnoere iotlicd sincerr lleSaysand lie San anl anti will Wi Wl WlBig i iBIg 1 1nip
Big nip Bill Hii Devpry lectured lecluled last lalt nig nigIn night nightIn nigIn
In MorrUons Morrilol8 Theatre al lt Rockavray ROI ltway Bcao BcaoHis Blah BlahIft Beacia
His Ift ia subject 8ubJet was wnl Why the Hon Wlllla WllllaSr Wilam WilamgOelerv Willla5fDftlery
5fDftlery Sr gOelerv Devery Should Run for Mayor of Great GreatNei4tYork OreatNe Ornter OrnterNe
Ne Nei4tYork ftYork York Ills IR stunt was the seven sevennumber RAnth RAnthnumbr sevennumber
number numbr in a vaudeville nudolle performance performnnC ar arwas and andwns adwas
was announced on the ito stage Ilage by two b bplacards big bigplacard I Iplacards
placards hearing hlarlng Dnverys DferyR full ful name namestartling namestartlIng In Inllartlng
startling llartlng green letters leten lined lned with wih gol golLottie goM goMIotle golLottie
Lottie Iotle lilnon IRon the vaudeville nudele singer Blnler prceded pr prceded pre precdll
ceded cdll him and two Ciernmn CIrmnn comedlai comedlaicame come comedlatcamm llM llMclmi
clmi came on after aflr hp hI finished InlBhcd iin hi act act AimiF Ai Ad AdolFllon Atrmiission
miF olFllon rmiission lon wan 25 cents centsAll CntR CntRAl centsAll
All Al of Rockawny Beach turned out to hot heithe hllr hllrIhe hotthe
the lecurp and Ind every Alery seat wa 11 takeiThe take lakenTho takeThin
The Midway Mi way during durlnl the performanc performancwas
was 1 fls 11 quiet Illet and Ind deserted cIertc n I as a colinti colintilane cuntr cuntrInnl cotinttlane
Innl lane almost nlmolt all tl the lie places plncC having hallnl sht shtiown shut shutdown shilown
down for the occasion occallon Big Bg Bill lUl ai ainouncpd annOlncNI amriotinced
nOlncNI nouncpd beforehand boorhlnd that his hll lecture lecturewas Iclre IclreM lectuirtsag
was M the Ihl product of considerable conFldlrhle though thouglnd Ihouhtand thoughanti
and > nd some Imo careful crful preparation preparationThat Jfparatlon JfparatlonThaI
That was wa evident elldfll from frol thp Ihl lie diction alon aionfor alonfor nlonpfor
for he nmdp mndl only < nly one break hrlak in the tie speed speedThat spseclThat peeh peehThat
That was Wi when wll somebody Rnmlhody In the thl hi back backhe hackhe of ofth <
th he theatre Ihlatrl shomtt shoutvl holl d Hurry Hlrr up afto aftolilt aft aftRill lfer lferI <
Rill I had hln been lKen feeling fpeln around Iround for seven sevenseconds Fleral FleralcCnd8 coverttPconds
seconds cCnd8 in search of not onl of Ir his loctui loctuiorm l leetutrnrsuu < etur eturforl
forl rnrsuu orm words Then Thln ho unconsciously unloncol l l lin to toIn let letIn <
In in aint 1Int slip lp out In place pla of one of th thare Ihl Ihlarl liiarc
are arl nots and is 11 nols that had bee beeloxving bCln bClnfrm belotting
loxving from frm his lips lipsThe lp lpThp lipsThe
The Chief spoke pok from a ho lmox The Thl ral ralas rin rinaH ral5flK
5flK as dripping drlpphlJ through throu h on the thl t lie stage 11 1 and h hefused hp hprdu Iieftiserl
rdu efused 11 to go up lp there thlrp and get III wet lIt HI HIonlnlaw Hif HifollnII H HtlViti
tlViti onlnlaw ollnII I nlrtsv Eddie Fink Fin ft sat 11t behind h I iou hlnd I mid him Ii Ito dm dmng dtu luring i imug
ing ng his act and Ind his hl daughter dau htpr Annie Annll Iwiurii Iwiuriiv llrl llrlI
I v 501 i down in front frnt 1ottie llt OIHon illson intrt intrtlubed Intr lntritid
lubed him by h singing Little IIt Li t I II le Willie WillieThe WilI illle illleTh
The Th orchestra orehe lr llllng burst blrt out with wih Mr Dov DovTV Do DoEr Dor
Er TV r ns Big Ag Bill l gut ot up upIadio upldio tipTadieq
Iadio nnd gentlemen gfmlllen ho said aid i iIne In InInl iVine
Vine language lauglage Mr tr Walnwright Walnwrghl the lie fatheif fathif father fatherIf
If Inl if Hookaway Hook la Bearh Hllh was wat to 0 have hlllntrodlcd hlllntrodlcdn1 Introduce Introducene
Is Sh Shflid Sho ShoMid Sbaid
n1 lii ne hut that task IIRk was waf left If to rttlp ott
Mid a 04 she h left lEf the thl he stage taP that t there Ihlre note nevevan neerWil noteat
Wil van at a l minute ii little Ill Htle t li Willie Wlh VIl I Ii wasnt wlHn1 Isa sn in II it itI itIf i
If I think we 10 ate I in it to May Ia The Thl Hev HevDr He HeDr flor
Dr r Isrlnmr says UH that thlt the American Am > rieU youni youniwntlemen yonnggnllmen yottnientltstnen
wntlemen Irler especially when they th are ar llngei llngeivith t llngetltIt hlllO hlllOwih
gnllmen wih vith ltIt German Oellal 111Clnll are nr hot not to 0 be trifled I rifled iId will willvhen wih wihwhen alt I Ivhen
vhen they th want nnl their 11I beer 1 agree 1 1 will willhe wi suitIh h hIhl
Ihl he h ° Rev br Dr Ixjrimer IxjrimerYou Ijrmr IjrmrYol I4rin1r I4rin1rYou
You Yol folks are ar hen IIn > enjoying everythini everythinihatistflkingplacf nverythlt1hat
fhlt hatistflkingplacf hat Itlkinpllt actcrstlieactrpssf actcrstlieactrpssfnd th lhaclcrthencUpl1 lhaclcrthencUpl1und
und I nd all ni the th t Ill > oth othr 01 i1 r comedians Clldilnf cotned latis I shouli shoulihink nloull nloullthlik Ii Iihitik
thlik hink that man mln In II charge clnr of the 11 he Police Pol De DeHirtinant DI DIpn Deian
pn ian Hirtinant rl 1rtnt r 1 t would wOlld have ha 11 ss spoiled led the r hI ii who wholihow wittltliow II IInlow
how before now nol for lies 10 interfering wit with withIhJ stitilit I Iho
IhJ ho rights of the IhP hot bach hPleh people plopli JtiKtici JtiKticior Iuft Iuftfor
for or lh lluc downtrodden nowntrodd1 benchers biacneln is I mj mjlaming m mlalln inin
lalln in laming timi ng battle bat bat t Ip cry tonight tonightVo toni ht t tl
l Vo Q want walt no oppression no tyrannlca tyrannlcarders Irlnnlcal Irlnnlcalnnlr tyrantilcanders
nnlr rders siph ch as have l been > een Issued by Gen fienIreone GenOrlone OenrPntle
Orlone Ireone rPntle When Wlel leni I was chief rnd rnd uP audiencei audienceiame audlenCn
ame 111 > hern hlrl and Ind paid plid admission adlhlon t ho 10 to mea immealsos meaas mpat
sos as 11101 not taken on O < t of the th show hol by 1 the th acton actonnd actorand feloniiiti I
and nd actresses IltreA act resses having hal111 to t go on o the stag sagon tngo tngoIn
In n 1 civilians cilila clothes cothf IShlil Shnll cries criel cries of Hear Heariparl Harhlnrl Hearcart
cart from the stage wings wi I That take tak takal takeli
al 11 the fun fUl out of it I You 1 do not get Iet tin tinffect thl thlItct tlurffect
Itct for nr ffect you Ol expected xpeclf and Ind and paid your monej monejnr mon monfor iflOflotor
Please PII1 dont think now ladies and findentlemen andgpntlflen andentlemnen
gpntlflen entlemen thftt I hI hat I am 1m gettIng glHlng any nn of thegatf thegatfr Ihlato Ihlatorecpipil thiegabeeelpts
recpipil ceipts r I am not I am simply hen hento her >
to 0 3 lecture lecure to you 101 about Ibmlt oppression oppressionThe oppre oppressionlhio slon slonThl
The Thl people como cmo here hprl from frm far fil and andear andnenr andear
nenr ear Twothirds of them th m come porI here hEf to Uave tohnlo toave
hnlo ave all al tho pleasure plclur the Almighty Ahnlht bestown bestow be to1
on n the flock flockThey fok fokThe flockrhey
They The tak lake ake their lunch Ilnch baskets blkptl l > with wih them themnd themand themnd
and nd they the have ha to lead leld their children chldrcn with withwlr wih wihthElr withheir
thElr heir little pattering feet flt Into the tie hotel hotelr hotelror
ror > r sandwiches fdwlc ltle Ilatrng INI Is JI not lot that a I hardship ltardsblpThe hardshipThe hardihlp hardihlpThe
The beach peoples OpH right I say are arl in inTfered inINrlrn inrfersd
INrlrn Tfered with Why Wh picture pictue to yourselves yourselvesnly yourel yourelOnl
Onl nly this morning mornlnJ I WOH M in a butcher shopere shop Ihophef shopor
hef or ere and an old respectable fpctahll woman was wasuying 18 utriatuylng
uying some steak A policeman plh lman cam camlong camal Cainelong
al hUIlnp long and saw hor and Ind made her hlr put it itnek ILonck itack
onck nek nl
onckIn nekIs Is not that thnt a bad state tall of affairs nlaln 1 askou ask askr nRkou
ou r > u Here Jprp is also an In old man white whie with ith ithIho
Iho 10 burden hUlden of years Iarl who wln ha 11 l lon > een making makingliving maklnp niaklnglivln
n living livln for almost a I generation llloton collecting collectingnd clect Ing Ingand
and nd Ihlnl painting paltllg sea II shells hlIL and he h has hal been beenpprived beenepnived 1
pprived of that right right Is it I tyranny t rann tell tellle tIl chl chlto
mp le The people opll are being hln deprived dlprle of ofterythlng ofeplthhlK ofrer
terythlng eplthhlKe rer > thilng
s e an paying laxPHhul 1t sue have lothing lothingnot nothltmg nothltmgit
not it even pn onr otte itie o of thoKO thm things thln that says 8 to toIP toIhc tototdut
Ihc IP totdut dust ut Dust Du1 your yomirnntno our name nlle Is mud mudnot not even evensprinkler ecnn evenspnInker
n sprinkler Fprnk r Youve < 1 got o I a man supplying supplyingin
rou Dli in who is IC worked Vorkln by h a string fastened fastenedCroker futned futnedto fassteneI
to I Croker lokll roket I refer refll to Cord ord Mayer nyer He Hes Hehan
han s a trusta trust Irl t for supplying water waterIs waleI
H Is wells 110 run dry dr the th other day da and ani all al the theramps thcnall tImevamps
nall ramps and meadows meldowH got on Oi fire fireThere fr fireTIter
There he was 11 no water to put the flames flameslit tarnl8 tarnl8out lamesit
out lit and that ladies and ad gentlemen gentemen is II tits titsuse tl tlIUAe tltuso
IUAe use of the smoke which had oa cast t its IR veil veiler veilron fl flnpr
npr ron er New York ork for the last I few days There Thereno
I no truth in tti the thl report repor that thlt It came from fromthe fromto
the to 0 Adirohdacks AdirohdacksI Adlrhrlacks
I would like lke to call cal your our attention atonllon toumo to tome toome
ome me educational EducltlonRI matters It I is I a fact factat factthll facttat
thll tat at onehalf onthalf of the thl children ehldrel In this tW city citye dlyar
ar e being bln schooled ehoolpe on half time lme The Board onrd onrdof
of 1 1 Education Fnucatol is too busy bulY Ilsteriln listening l tlln lo Max Maxell MaxoIl ¬
ell and appointing high snlarien 81arlel officials officialsdo omcal omcalto
to 11 I do anything anyt Ippiltlni hilI about abut it i You know knol and andknow Ind IndI andknow
I know that I hat wo 1t ann Irl not lot getting gelllg much mich from fromir fromOUI
OUI ii ir reform government olmen Wo ln want llt a glass glawsbeer HII HIIof glassbeer
of beer her a ajlcc rcc I c of moat 10n 1 a llttlo Itlo milk mik on a aunday aHUlday atttclay
HUlday unday But Ilt no a policeman plceman Is stuck in inont Infront inont
front ont of the places plncf wore crc these thE6e things thlnp are areId Irp Irpsoli areilti
soli Id The city cit people 11Jlu are deprived Heprwd of ofnir ofIhrlr ofdr
Ihrlr nir dr rights just jUlt the same They 110 are dt dtivpd r dtlvecl >
prlcd ivpd of their dock fronts frnllhAlr their recreation recreationprs rtcrBtlon rtcrBtlonpir
pir prs and their free fl baths IwitheU Ilth8 Ilth8I
U I Ishlgh is II high time t 1m the thf people ptplr irrespectiveV irrespectiverchigton irrespective irrespectivereligion Irrpect Irrpectof
of V religion rplllon or politic POIIIC took this matter matterhand matpr matprIn matterhand
In hand It I is not alone a matter maieI of right rightIs rllht rllhtIt
It Is II not alone Alol a questionof que8tlon of beating heatinl the tholl thegrhhr thealiher
grhhr aliher ll J I it Iwi Ihurry 111 ttpl n comebody holerlo holerloa hollered holleredI
a I Bill Bi hesitatedit hllnt hesitated I It aint he exclaimed exclaimedughly exclalml exclaImediighlv
rouphly ughly a film flm lam fam matter mater of guesswork guessworkall guc5work guc5workBt
Bt all al Ita its ta on the hard cold level levelDevery 1te1 levelDevery
Devery Devr then advled adlld the Rockaway Rockawayain Rckaway RckawayBlach ILockawayach
Blach ach volunteer olunllr frmen firemen to orng bring lulL lulLalalnst suit suittalnit
talnit ain t the city el for back pay fia before Ilfore tim tbnII thAh timII
alalnst 10
h II wan al outlawed outlawedSome outlawEd outlawEdRme outlawedSome
Some Rme pplo people he concluded cncludNI think that thatam thatI thatam
I am joking joklnp about abut running rnning for Mayor Mayorm Mayoram aor aorI
I am m not not No I am sincere ncr very ery sincere sincereit inom inomIn
In it I and I hope eeryoneofyon everyoneof eeryonof you ou will lVllhlnk lVllhlnkth think thinkie hunkS
th ie matter matlr over olonelyand cIolland see 0 that thll Hock Rockray hockray I IaWIY
aWIY ray and other ther places plCI gels III what halil Is coiningthem coining rmlnglolhem coiningI
lolhem lolhemn them themFREXCH I hemrncl
FREXCH n 1 lEOlCE 1m lLY 11 IHSSIA IHSSIAir I lu SsIt SsItir 1 1For
For ir Ihe I he KlihlnelT IUhhlol > taiaerePolilleai taiaerePolilleaithltanee lasacre laNaprfIolleal laNaprfIollealInl Political PoliticalAlliance
Alliance Inl No o ChccU ChccUKpMil hfl heel heelSptCSui
KpMil 11 Cubit t aOlr Dnpnleli lfporh lo THe THY sex sexPARIS SlIAnl Sl ScPAnts
PARIS IAnl Juno JUI 7 The Thf political plltloll alliance alliancetween alance alanceht alliancetween
ht tween France Jranl rsuncs and Russia RUII11 does cOH not serve servecheek lle servecheek
10 cheek chplk the outspoken outsrkn condemnation < ndclnlllon of ofe ofthl
thl 0 e Kishlreff liHhlf outrage outrl and lnn tho til expulsion expulsionthe oxpll ion ionof
of the London TVmf Timrl Timrsa correspondent from fromi frm frmRUHla fromissla
RUHla i issla l M 1 Jatires JaUrIF vicepresident lielprrldflt of tho thommber thoChnmJr thtotatntxr
ChnmJr mmber of ff Deputies Dfpll has published puhl hfd acorolla a agorous 1
Igorou corolla philippic phipIll against alllnll tlie thl Russian Russianpat Ruplantralmpnt Russianatment
tralmpnt pat atment ment of the thl Jpws JpwsThe If IfThe JwsThe
The SI St Petersburg Plprlbur corros correspondent mdent of the theMe I thushire h hIete
Iete Me Rtptbli Rt RendsIique tfUUI < iur sends endl an account n 11 I of the theidlence I theidlence h hludlenc
ludlenc idlence of M Plehvn Plph Russian Minister of ofe ofIhe ofC
Ihe e Interior Interor with the thl lIt Jlewisb lpIIIh deputation deputationim depulnton depulntonfrom
from im m Kishineff KI hlne which hlch contains contnl an addition additionwhat adrlllon adrlllonto ntldlt Ion Ionsuhiat
to what whlt was af known knownM
M Plehve PlelnI openly opnl told lol the delegates dlllatlI thai thaii thaihl
hl i was WI greatly preall displeased di plenFld with VIthl lh the thl t he conduct conducttho ccnduttIhe ndlr1 ndlr1of
of tho Jewish JIIIh population Jopulatlon He HI declared declaredat dpcRled dpcRledthaI
thaI at a Jewish h tevnititionar
Jlwl revolutionary movement movementhich ropmpnt ropmpntwhich tnovenpfltFilch
which Filch hud h r already Ilrnlr gained ainlll considerable considerableagnitiule conldPahlp conldPahlpla consitinralulsa
la agnitiule a nllll compelled > lpl111 the t hte Government Governmenttako ocrnment ocrnmentIn oentunienttake
In take tlko Its il revenge revengeHo r111 reuerigeHe 1
Ho HI 1 threatened Ihrlnlned huron tened the tl t lie clmi deputation titntinii and through throughem t thrnlgh thrnlghthrm limit gim gimem
thrm em all Al the Ihl Jews 11 in Russia RUAln that tilt In II the thelure th thflturp lie liemire
flturp lure mire hr hI would not recoil rcl from from any In mens menses n10 n10f mnsD5
f es of rigor rigorand rlnrlld and would wOll1 allow nlow no nppor nppornlty ippornity PPI
t nlty It to of the h lii lives
11 escape lIcap rendering rlnclrhll t I IIR of ofc ofthl
thl c 0 Jews JEn intolerable Illnlmhln If the th I hut Jewish holier lalmrnvement Inlor Inlormopmpnt holierovemotnt
nvement continued cntnllc to develop relop He even evenId evenid pn pnMid
Mid Id according to the hl correspondent crf pondlnt that thathfirwlM IhatothpIIM thatherwlss
othpIIM hfirwlM It would old IMS II better hler Ifthey I they all allared al oilared
clead ared iut > ftut of the country cuntr
A Lively LivelyStimulant LivelyStimulant LivelyStimulant
Stimulant StimulantA
A Ardlb1e reliable tonic and a amedicine alfedicle athediciiie
medicine lfedicle for disorders disordersof
of the stomach bowels bowelsliver bowelslver bowelsliver
liver lver kidneys and blood bloodWOLFES bloodWOLFES bloodWOLFES
Used in families famiies and by byI bythepublic
I i thepublic he public p b tfor for three threeI t1r threegenerations
I generationsBottles generations generationsBottles generatQns generatQnsBote
Bottles Bote ONLY ONLY2 ONL Y2 2 Sizes SizesDruggists Siz SizesDruggist
Druggist and GrocersUDOLPIIO Grocers GrocersUDOLPIIO GraclrsUIOLIIO
RAPS lIO rVWV W LEADERS LEIDERStttachra LEADERSAttaches 1tnlnstaohl
Attaches taohl no Importance 1lllKrlanr to Their Tlr Attltui AttltuiBelieve AttitnilHellevea tllm tllmnttf
Believe nttf th the 111 WorKlngman Worklnlla Will 11 Slur RttiilThu SlurThin tnr
Til Thu Thin f qUl810n Qucitlon Hirst Ion for Illnuelf Inutlf1 IftnielfIf If Price PricePood Prlel PriceFond < f fFood
Food Hon < lp P Wares 1flit Will WH Advanc Advancfipteitil Advaietcpsoab danll danllpula
fipteitil pula rablf Olf Drfpileh polrh lo THE Tn TnJOSON srxLONDON srx St1ToNnioN
LONDON JOSON June llne 7A 7 A workman workmBI belongln hltonlln hotlonglnto
10 0 a I trades tradeI union unlol recently wrote to Colonial ColonliSecretary ColonialHrtnry Colonitiocretary
Hrtnry Secretary Chamberlain Chnrhprlaln quoting Ilollng criticism criticismif crtlcl811 crtlcl811of
of if f his preferential pefellnlllltBrl tariff and old age Ige pensio pensioiroposals pnRlonproplnll pensloproposals
proplnll proposals by trades IranC union nion leaders l adErR an anithcrs nnothcrf anDthcrsm
othcrf ithcrs Mr Ir Chamberlain ChambclRln replied repliedI replln repllnI V VI
I do not attach Itlch excessive importance hnprlaneA t tho 10 10the the <
the ho opinion of oftdn trades union unlonlea leaders es becausi becausihoy bfauRo bfauRothey becamiathey
they are almost without without exception strongRadical strong strongladical Irong1t1dicll
1t1dicll Radical partisans Their 11e opinions oplnlols are ar no nolecessarily not notnrlssarly nolecessaniiy
nrlssarly lecessarily shareri sharf huarer by IJ working pespli pesplijenerally pplI pplIIeneral peploenerally
Ieneral jenerally nor oven by trades t unionist unionistho unlonilts unloniltsho unionIstvita
vita ho appoint npplnt their officers ofcrl independent independentif Indeprndentlyof
if political pltill considerations considerationsFor
For ingtance In tlnc I may ma mention mlnllon that i ilirmingham In InBirmingham ii iiirmingham
Birmingham the members memherl of the Trade TradeCouncil TmdCounci Tradeouncil <
Counci Council almost to a man opposed me po poIdeally 10 10lt poIticalty
lt Ideally ialy notwithstanding notwlhtanrlng which my ma maority majorl maonlty
jorl ority at the t hI last h Rt election ellcllon in a purely work workUKclass workngclnss ork orkInpcaR
InpcaR UKclass district nlAtrct was WR 1500 1500I ISO
I feel fOl confident confdent that In the matter o oinferential or orprlforlntlal oireferential
prlforlntlal inferential tariffs tarfl and Rnc commercial commercli fait faitlay fniiilay fnlrpilY
pilY lay the worktngmen will 1 think for them themelves themFhes themelves
elves and will wi not be dictated to by h ever everhe Oen Oenthe overhe
the he most trusted tusle trades trdel unionist unionilt leaders leadersIt leaden
It I will wil be b impossible impslblA to secure prefer prefertitinl prefprpltlal prefertttlal
pltlal titinl treatment to the colonies clonlP without withouiiomo withoutmoo tholt tholtome
moo duty on corn crn an 1 well wpl ns al on oth othrticles othr othrarllcleA othetrt °
rticles rt Ides of food because these are the chlei chleiirticles chlfartlcleR chielrtlcles
irticles of colonial clonial produce Whether this Ihlnwi thisnIl
wi nIl 111 raise rlle the cost of living lilng is a matter mater of olppinion ofopinion ofpinion
opinion opinionThr ppinionThere pinionThere
There is no doubt that in many cases ceR a auty I attty
dlty uty of this thll kind is 1 paid by h the exportei exporteind eprtr eprtrald
ald nd it i really realy depends dppnd on the extent of thi thiompetition Ihecomptition thtompetition
exporting countries countriesFor countriesFor
comptition ompetition among exprting euntris euntrisFor
For instance I think It I is established establishecmt CtablAhe
that mt the shilling RhBlng duty recently Imposed Imposecas Impled ImpledwaR
waR as met mt by a reduction in price and freight frlghtf freightsI
In 1 the th United tni States Sintel and ad the tax did di not notlerefore nottherefore notierefore
therefore fall fal In any Iny way on the consumerere consumer COIUler COIUlerhep
hep hepBlt ere ereBut But Blt even If the price prce of food is II raised raisedie rald raldthp
thp ie ot rate of wages 8IeA will il be hI certainly ernnly raised raisedi
in i greater J1ater proportion proprtion This has hal been the these thecal theace
cal ace se both in the United Untl States and Ger Gerlany German br brmany
man many In the former country cntr the available availableolance Raiable Raiablehnlln availablealance
hnlln olance left lef to the workingman after he heas hehaR heas
haR as paid plir for the necessaries nectArf1 is II much larger largeinan largerthln largerlan
thln nan it is here hlre These TheA facts we have tcring tc tohring tering
ring to tho notice nOllceofworklngmen of workingmen generally generallyAnother glneraly glneralyAnothlr generallyAnother
Another Anothlr side Ilde of the question quelton requIres requireiecussion requIresdI6cuFllon requireslacussion
dI6cuFllon iecussion At present we go Into nego negoatioim negotltionl negoaliens
tltionl aliens with foreign foriRn countries cuntries empty emptyMided pmpthanned emptyanded
Mided We have nothing to give gl and ad have havei haveto
to i take tnk what they the are lre good enough tnouh to leave leavejr JplO JplOfor
for jr us usII UI usII
II I we w were wer able abll to bargain on equal equalinns elual eluallerm equalrms
lerm inns I believe blele the lie duties dutes now no imposed imposedi Impld ImpldOi
Oi i our produce would l he > e generally glneral reduced reducedhero reducd reducdThr reducedhero
Thr hero would wOlld be b competition cmPtlton among Imong foreign foreignitions forign forignnatonl foreignstions
natonl itions for our markets mnrketl marketswhichi which would bring bringnearer hrlnp hiringt
11 t nearer to real free fre trade than we le over overive elr elrhalp overaye
halp aye been beenAs benI beenAte
As I regards oldage oleage pensions I would wouldit wouldnot
not it look lok at the matter unless Inlell I felt able Ible to tooniise topromle toronuise
promle oniise that a large lrge scheme for the pro prosion pr prosion
sion of such ch pensions pnllonR to all al who have liaveeji halo havefn
11 eji thrifty thrif and well WEl conducted cnductpd would olld he beisured heIIred hecured
IIred cured by h a revision pf of our system Islom of ofiport ofipr oflpont
ipr iport duties dutleThe dutiesThe t tThe
The corn cr and Ind other food already sup supled nlp nlpple slipled
ple led from the British Brilh possessions pe8ionA are arE very veryiportant vry vryImporant veryiportant
Imporant iportant and Ind are capable capble of a rapid raplr in inease increle inease
crele creleThe ease easeTlie easeThe
The returns retlrl show ho that this has hn taken takenace lalla takenace I
plo ace in the past pt oven without a preference preferencehlle prefeence prefeencehle
hIlt hle our exports exprl of finished fllRhd goods goo to for forgn foreign forgo
eign gn countries cuntres have gradually gradllly given placeexports place placei
to i exports exprtR of raw materials materaho which are areturned aroreturne areturned
returne turned to us In with the he advantage to the thereigner Iheforlgner thereigner
reigner of increased Increa8d employment emplo IEnt of ofbor oflor ofher
lor her and of trade profits profh on the business businessills buslnethll
thll ills secured securedMr scure securedMr
Mr Chamberlain Cambrlain concluded hy h asking askingcorrespondent aking akinghis askingS
his S correspondent crrelpndlnt to note especially lpcaly the thellowing thefolowing theliowing
folowing folowingYou llowingYou llowing liowingYoU
You are ar told by the opponent oppnenls of all alllange nl nlchang allLange
chang lange that such a reform refon as 1 I contemplate contemplateould rntemplatt rntemplattwould
would ould uhd Involve the country coutr in ruin rin bring bringarvatlon brig brignlaraton bringartation
nlaraton arvatlon into the homes homlR of the working workingople workllg workllgpop11 workingopie
pop11 ople and destroy dlsroy our export lxprt trade tradeIf tradeI
If I these Ihlepredlctlon8hlvean t predictions have any foundation foundationw
> 1w w are we to account for the fact that the thecrease thecrease
crease in exports and an l wages and generalosporhy general generalosperity
osperity during the last twenty years yearsi yearsthe
i the United States and Germany havsen have haveten
ten greater than In the United Kingdom Kingdomhich KIngdomhich
hich is the only civilized country In the theorld thearId
arId to enjoy the blessings of unrestricted unrestricteden
en imports importsA
A society calling itself the Imperial Imperialnriff imperialnnhfT
nriff League has been formed to further furtherr
r Chamberlains tariff proposals A Aimbcr Aimlmer
imbcr of commercial men manufacturers manufacturersml
ml members of Parliament are identified identifiedith
ith It Its manifesto says saysWhat sayshstt
What hstt is now called free trade is n de dodon deision
ision don and a sham Our Ott freetrade policy policythe policythie
the main obstacle to a commercial union unionithin unIonithiin
ithin the empire which is so much de clotred dered
red by the Colonies as well as by our ourlves ourives
> lves It is obvious that the imposition impositionf Impoltloncustoms
f customs duties by this country against againstireigners ngalnstreigners
ireigners is necessarily the Initial step stepward stepiward
ward the attainment of this end Wo Wovo Wacrc
crc vo placed ourselves In a position of de dendence dendeneot
ndence upon foreign nations to such an antent anItont
tent that we are no longer masters In Inirown Inir
irown ir own house houseiV housoIvu
f Opens a Week eekO1fSlWctl of Special KtTorl In He Hehair liehiiU
hair at tendon Hospital Hospitaltit lIoptlalasrprlat
tit srprlat > rctal fublf be linpatrh In Tint Ta sine sineLONDON StNlO2tON
LONDON June 7 7rIie The King and Queen Queenin
in e Prince and Princess of Wnles les the Diikid Diik Dtikciti
id Duchess of Connaught Prince and andrimvps andinFR
rimvps Christian and the hit Duke of Cam CamIdgo am amItlge
Idgo attended a speciil service at St Stnils Stumils
nils Cathedral tins afternoon that t lint was wassigned wassigned
signed to inaugurate n week jf if special specialFort specialrort
Fort on onbehalfofthothospltaiof behalf of the hospitals of London LondonThe Londonrh
The rh King and Queen drove In an open openrrlage openrrlage
rrlage from Buckingham Palace to the theithedral theithedral
ithedral and the other members of th
Young Men MenGraduate MenGradue
Graduate Graduatefrom
from boys long trousers intonens into intomens
mens pants pantstoo too great a step stepWe stepWe
We nuve have suits especially madefor made madefor
for young men 32 to 35 inches incheschest incheschest
chest not overgrown boys boyssuits boyssuits
suits or undersized u n d e rs i z e d mens mensgarments mensgarments
garments just young mens menspatterns mcispatterns
patterns patternsCommencement patternsCrnniencernent
Commencement suits of fine black blackthibet blackthibet
thibet serge or worsted handtailored handtailored8S
8S s and 1O 1OStylish 1OStylish
Stylish summer materials in grays graysand graysand
and browns and reliable blue serges
10 and 1250 par suit suitFOtR suit43e
43e 43eroCo
70 Broadway 211 and ann ZIOCtli 2111 lb Are
47 Cortlanrtl St I2lh St m Car 3d Art Artroyal v vroyal
royal party also drove In open carriages carriagesFrom carriagesfrom
From their respective residences Largs Largscrowds Uirgerowds
crowds greeted their Majesties throughout throughouthe
he journey At the city boundary the theLord tueLord
Lord Mayor and Sheriffs m met t the King Kingnd Hingmci
mci nd Queen and performed the timehonored timehonoredimtom tImehonoredmmtom
imtom of formally presenting the synihollcmword oymbolic oymboliciword
iword iwordUpon mwordUpon
Upon reaching the Cathedral every pub pubic pubIc ¬
ic part of which had been filled long before lioforeho beforehe
ho party arrived their Majesties were werenet acreet
net et by the clergy headed by the Bishop Bishopif
if London at the wept door whence they theynoved theynoed
noved in procession through the lie nave to toeat o oeats
> eat eats in front of the choir In addition to tohe tolii
he members of the royal family the Lord LordJayor Lordtlayor
Jayor civic officials a number of peers peersnembers fuotersnembers
nembers of the House of Commons and andither anduthuer
ither prominent persons attended attendedNo
No uniform or decorations were worn wornixcept wornxcept
ixcept by the Lord Mayor of London Con Consequently Conequentl ¬
sequently the noriembly hardly differed differedn
n appearance from any crowded corigregi corigregiion congregaIon
ion Them was one dlsinctive feature featurelowever featuretowever
lowever in the presence of about two twomndred twtundred
mndred uniformed nurses from the various variousnetropolltan variotisnetropolitan
netropolltan hoppltalswho formed a guard guardif
if honor to the royal procession along the thelave theave
lave laveIt aveIt
It was remarked that although the other othernembers othrrrIen1bemR
nembers of the royal family knelt during time thnirayera timerayers
irayera the king sat throughout he having havinglever havingLever
lever recovered the full use of his knee kneeince kneeinca
inca bin fall some sotime time ago agofOMtVS agoROJIJItS
o Give On fine Performing PerornisncTbere There and hurry HnrryDick hurryflack
Dick to London IxmdonSpflnl LondonSpqctai
Spflnl Cable Uripateli la TBB Ti SPM SPMLONDON ScidIMND0N
LONDON June 7 7Charles Charles Frohmana Frohmanaampany Frohmaneompany
ampany which has been performing in inThe InThe
The Admirable Criohton here left Lon Lonon Lenon
on this morning for Paris where theplay the play playill
ill bo presented presentedatthieRenaissancc at tho Renaissance Theatre Theatreir
ir one preformancc after which the com comany cornany
any which numbers 112 portions will re rejrn rern
jrn rn to London The baggage and scenery sceneryjr
jr r the play fill eight freight carsThe cars carsThe
The trip across the Channel was made madeithout madeIthout
ithout noteworthy event and when Bou Bouigne Boiiignu
igne was reached two hours were occu occuiod oceuietl
iod by the French customs officials in ex exmining exmining
mining the properties The comparative comparativerpcdition comparativeaporlitlon
rpcdition of the examination wan due duethe dueI
I the intervention of the British Am Amassador Amassador
assador at Paris the French authorities authoritiesaving authoritiesaving
aving originallyudemanded three day for forle forto
le examination examinationMr
Mr Frohman will take n party of die disnguished dienguisherl
nguished guests to Paris to witness the theerformance theerformance
erformance tomorrow This party will williclude wiliIclude
iclude thin Duchess of Sutherland Ml Miss Missthel s sthel
thel Barrymore and Arthur Pinero J M Marrie Marnie
arrie William fIiiani Gillette H A Jones John Johnare Johnare
are Gilbert Parker Louis Parker and andladdon andladdoni
laddon Chambers The Society of French Frenchuthors Frenchuthors
uthors will fake advantage of the presence presenceT
T so o many dramatists to give a luncheon luncheoni
i their honor at the Hotel Ritz on Tuesday Tuesdayhe
he performing company will start on their theirturn theirtturn
turn to London Tuesday morning and anJill andiii
ill reappear here in the evening eveningSir
Sir Edmund Monson the British Amhac Amhacerican Amnbasdon
don Henry Vfgnaucl secretary of thte thtemerican
erican Embassy and representatives of ofle ofie
le French Government will attend the 11wurmance por porrrnance
rrnance at the Renaissance Theatre TheatreKEZlELA TheatrevNEzIEIVt
overnmenl Report a Big Victor Our OerRen Ourben
ben Mato MatoSptcial latoSpclai
Sptcial Cable Dtipatch la THE Sex SCNCARACAS SexCARAVAS
CARACAS June 7 7Accoroiing According to the in inirmatlon inrmatlomi
irmatlon given out here by the Govern Govement Governcot
cot the revolution under the leadership leadershipGen leadershipGen
Gen Mates is rapidly nearing its end endle endie
le different divisions of the Government Governmentrces
rces succeeded In forming a junction at atin atibancta
ibancta in the Core district on Friday Fridayid
id tli the entire force attacked Gen Matesitting Mates Matesitting
itting his army into three sections sectionsSen sectionsGen
Gen Mates Is reported to bo fleeing fleeineitb fleeingithm
itb a few of his companions in the he dir dirn direr direrin
in n of o thus coast it being his intention If Ifissible ifissible
issible to embark for the Island of ofCOOLNESS ofSPECIAL
No Other OtherGoods
Goods GoodsCombine
Combine CombinePOROSITYand
So Perfectly PerfectlySPECIAL
The Ideal Wear for Hot Weather WeatheriutSTnATin Weathera
a I IAtO
I t I IitLtsTnATmn
iutSTnATin rATMnnt i FKHF FKHFSold IItrFSold
Sold Only Colyat it the theJAEORR JAEGER COSn COS twn n Slorf SlorfNFW SioreWEYi
Fifth Avenue
NFW vnRK YORK 1306
NLWTUKR1155157 1 t55157 BroadwayOKLYN5C4FuitonStrt Broadway BroadwayBROOKLYN
BROOKLYN OKLYN5C4FuitonStrt 5C4 Fulton Street

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