r fr r1
I 0 1
Till 111 I SOCIM SLII ml H 1 1 HEMOCItATS HEMOCItATSTTic r rJ11e rrbe
TTic KalMrrN lial rr ACRrosslve Jrrsslr Attltmlo Against Againstfroncti AlalnstFrnc AgatntIrenIi
froncti Frnc llMlRlims rll loUs Interests InlerMitslIIs liii Ills right rightlor 111rhtlur Fightfur
fur tin llrRcmony ul Western Kurope Kuropesclirmc guropDlulIIr luropoItllC
sclirmc lulIIr to I I Iut Down Io Inlvrrsal InlvrrsalsuiiriiKP lulnr1nlllfrl CuilvetinilItrle
suiiriiKP llfrl In II Cernmnv erIRn A Hold 1011 nino ninoThat nID nIDTIAI nnoi
That TIAI i llt May IR L 1lad LCIlI itl to War ur Very er Soon SoonIOMH SOOI SOOIom soonROMK
IOMH om May 21 21Wlhelm 21Ithelm Wllhelra IIs II E pompous pompousJourney pompu pompuJour pompousJourneY
Journey Jour to tim Vatican and to Monto MontoCBSMIIO MantoQuIU Monto1lRJ
CBSMIIO QuIU 1lRJ strikes 11 21 rlkK everybodys imagination imaginationbut
but ut creates cnalll no 10 unuasiness ullRlnlss Governments Governmentsami GocrnmentAnd Iovcrntnentsafli
And public publc opinion oplnlol soom 1Cm to look on 01 this thisimperial thl thisimptriai
imperial mpr al Ijohongrln lhenrn display ns n a 1 sort of offanciful oflandfil offarcful
fanciful landfil historic dream erlam or a pathetic patlwtc stage staRBtcilng stagerr stageetng
tcilng rr tn Tho I Iio Kaiser 1IIfcr will wi mivor noe ho taken takenfdioaly takenly takenFClkttlY
fdioaly ly until unti ho has done something somethinggnfii Iomcthlng Iomcthlnggnal somitliInggrtfll
gnfii He is a sphinx whom all al study studyliti1 lttldylu Iudyhut
hut lu whose who hocrct nonn dares dar1 to unriddlo unriddloWill unrlddloWi unritidloVjlI
Will Wi ho h turn tlr out to bo hI a gorl gor god a table or ortul a atub atOt
tub tul
tubHis His IL Rome > journey is the natural develop development dCelop dCeloprfJI dovelopmeit ¬
ment rfJI of hi ecclesiastical fccfhlal policy polcy hastened hastenedby Imltelwd Imltelwdhy
by llio I hu folly foly and ani rtckless reckllA spirit of II IItubes MiiiIn 1
I tubes III iiiIn When heii threi thrt years relm ego Igo In TllE TllEStN TUEst iE iESes
StN st I tried trilll to trace the lil Kaisers 1CIRrt plan of ofi
i 1 cMubllrthing tblthln thu Emplro of tho West Westi We VstWho t tplo
i x > i plo > Io who professed profljqt to ho Koriouu IrloU and andhnnn andan andpaul
hnnn an denounced dtlluncet tho tl prophecy tho easy easyl eay eayf
l f > ivsiht r lght of if tho things thll t Iiil1g that t hat were ern to come comeus I
us 1I a I pictiiroequu pielurelll itct ti tesqt1lJ IxorclMj twrcbu xt rci of 0 f tho th t un imagi imagination Imagllalion I inagiihttIofl ¬
nation lalion Tim Lutheran Luthlrn 1opol Tho ho Holy HolyKomnii HolyHoman HolyIllflall
Komnii Empire Fin Ilire I The new empire emlJlrt putting puttingon pUltng
on 1 II the Ih old helmet hell1t of OlmrleinnRnol CharolCnel What Whatit WhatI Shatit
it I confusion cOlfulol of ideas ideasToday Idla IdlaTodny idualoilny
Today serious WdUIi people the theof professors professorsof profejor profejorof
of reasoning reason rlIBOn the Inmiori lumorslf humorists tH who whounderstand whuunder whoUflIcrttLflhI
understand under llnl facts faci faet only iii when whel they have havt a ahistoric ahistric aIi
historic histric Ii 1st orio form Jorl and a I lit I have IIn I aVe happened happlet IIaiIjtIILtlpot ex expound exp011r ¬
pound p011r pot iiiti to I 0 us I 11 pedantically pfdllt I lfl ri I Illr Ieti I ly what s ia t tlio lln I ho observer observerhad olFerver olFerverhad
had IOIIR lolg In iig been hC11 ablo In I u read in tho tJI t ho clear clearprogress lleur lleurprogr clearrngr4
progress progr nf affairs afairI My I ly expectation PXIWCttlon xjctat Ion seems seemsi fIIS fIISI
i i have hl hav been Ilel surpassed urpa cd even 1lnj the thl th move movement moC moCIlnt inovI ¬
ment Ilnt I a1 t is I being Iing I iti og hurried hlrr1 ii urn I The Th Kaiser de declares de deClllp8 doliips ¬
clares Clllp8 his hi intentions Intenllon with aClinrlutrmgne aClinrlutrmgne1IU1 1 a Charlclagn Charlclagni ChnrltrnagneIlk
1IU1 i Ilk gorKOoncness orglnlI1ii that can bo h explained explainedonly IxplalnNIIIIually PxplaInedlIiPl1l8ttIY
IIIually lIiPl1l8ttIY only ollr by his hi state slatC of mind mlnll He Heshows HI HIII lb lbvs
shows vs < in II Ii its 11f egotistical pgotisllell got 1st lcal and hopeful 111tful bsre bsretiSR hf hfI htreL
tiSR I L s his hiI PanGerman lanPman scheme Ihllp and his dream dreamTan drlam drlamr dream
Tan r al at Empire Ellpir of If the West he hI II reveals mVlI pre preenionsly preII1lotl re rePt
enionsly II1lotl Pt 101 si y to t 0 the I I world his hi Ii I firm frm Intention Intentionf Intlntlon Intlntlonf in tout Ion Ionf
f taktiifi taking Frances Frnces place placC in II tho Orient and andai
ai Home HOIII ho demonstrates dmol tiemotist trlci rates with brutal brutalostentation hrutallellaIINI brutaltentat
ostentation lellaIINI tentat iiii the 111 almost nlmelt dramatic drmallc contrast contrastbetween eontrst contrasthptvccn
between 111 wlln republican Iplhlcan persecution prlecut ersecutIcn 101 and ane im imporin imprh I
porin protection prc Oct Ion It I is 1 a frank fmn1 game gllC with withthe witht I II
the I lp ii iiids a F ex exposed posel that that t I IL t is If i disconcerting disconcertingThe di cJcrtln cJcrtlnThf ctncprt in g
The Thf Knlser 1llsr must IUFI be hI fully fuly convinewl C en vinMI that thatis tllt tlltilpo thatfur
is iinpossibUi ilpo hll for the ti republic Iplblc to learn learnilrnns IarnI
1 ilrnns I hng mean mell for him to indulge 1ltl o in insKh InIrh Inlrl
sKh Irh lrl luxury luxnr of contradiction Itrdlclion nnd nne and in turning turningihiiiRs tring turningI
ihiiiRs 1 I gs to I account to such an extent I1 Other OthorWMI Othol Otholil Otherit
WMI it would woule ho pure pnrC madnesH madle to proclaim proclaimthus proclim proclimIh
thus Ih lui < m the 111 tli world the opposition of ecclesi ecclesiniioal eceel eceela ecciesiaIiaI
niioal a t al policy rolcy in il Germany anti Ind in Franca Francaii rrnct rrnctwould
ii would warn war the enemy ncmv and and force forc him to tobaek tohack toIak
hack water watlr It I seems eeml that thlt the Kaiser Kliser has hasno hasni
no more fears and lnl anticipates nntcpltei no reversal reversalcf rerMIe
cf e policy pollY ioIic It is said aie tid in wellinformed welInformed circles circlesHint clces clceshat circleslint
Hint in his hi conversation conesaton with wih Cardinals Cardinalslotti Cardinalsioll Cardinalstti
lotti ioll tti Agliliardi g1lartl and Itampolla 1ampoli fit the Pros Prussian Prl Prlinn Prosan ¬
sian inn an legation Ifgnllon In Rome the Kaiser pitied the thelot theInl theof
lot of Franco Frlc I fear flr everything eerrthllg for that thatland thatland thatliiiicl
land because belaue ithas It has forgotten fo ot1 God GodTlm OodTho GocllIio
Tlm Knisor 1IIor may ma ho right for there tlere Is Isiiihlng 1 1Ing Islung
iiihlng lung Ing to show that M 11 Combes Cmbe and his hisfollowing hll hllfolowin hIsfollowing
following folowin have ever pr considered con8111d the possiblo possibloeffect pIlblo pIlblocs posi4bloqrcts
effect cs of their policy poloy on the future fltur and nne on onthe onI
the I he safety Mfet of tho Republic REpuhll Whiln Whit its 11 neigh neighbor nlghhI neighIVl ¬
bor concentrates cncentrteI and coordinates coordinats all al his hisforces hisfnrNs hisforces
forces fnrNs and Ind coordinates cnrdlnnt them every everywhere where to toward toarel toward ¬
ward arel a single object in order to win tho thehegemony thohf thohegemony
hegemony hf eloIY of Europo tho t ho Kopiibllpdlssolres Kopiibllpdlssolrestvnil lLepiihlI dIssolves dIssolvesanil
tvnil anl scatters cHerf all nl vital resources r ourC through tlrough civil civilwar chilW8f civilwar
war nnd discord Ifcnl On Onlhe the one side iro Is If union unionon
on the other oller weakness wcnknelf On tho one ntclo ntclotho sidot IdeI
tho I ho subordination fubodlnatlon of all ni efforts fortf to the pur pursuit pursuit purstilt ¬
suit of o tho star ftar on the tlo other the absolute absoluteprr Ibluw IbluwprpmdtlnC absolute1reponcleiaiicc
of sectarian interest and andif andff
prr prpmdtlnC 1reponcleiaiicc ponderanco a cnrlan Ind Indff
ff a thesis t hCliR a I geometric olmt ro theory thEry Thorn ThornIs Ther
Is I the Ihf antithesis allihPFif In all 11 its i splendor 1Jlondor and andhistorical andhlForical andhistorical
historical hlForical significance significanceThn Illnlknnl slgniflcancrh
Thn rh Imperial Im rlnl fervor on the subject slhjot of ofreligion ofrflglon
religion rflglon 0 igloo draws drwf ii rars its 1f sustenance Iutnal perhaps perhapsfrom Jrhap prha p pfrcn
from fll a source l lols lss s high and and more German GermanA Germanfriend Irran IrranA
A friend frlJd who ho is if closely Ilollv connected < nnllpd with withthe withtho withthe
the court rlrt with lh Count Billow Bilow and with withWilhelrn wih wihlhelr withVilhelm
Wilhelrn lhelr II said to me I in in tho midrib oflast oflastwinter Mllft Mllftwintr o last lastwiiiter
winter Tho Emperor Emperr knows that tine thnSocialists 111 tineSocialIsts
Socialists Rcall will wil make Ilk moro mor gains ins at tho thocoming thocoming thecoming
coming elections He le means lani to profit proft by bythe hyIh bythe
the Ih fear fel which these Ihe triumphs trumphs will 1 arouse arouseIn nrOllp nrOllpII
In II the Ih middle classes Iali to carry out a coup coupd6tat coupd
d6tat d tal tat Ho lu will I change chlngc the constitution constitutionand conftiuton conftiutonanll
and will wi suppress universal suffrage suffrageThat fuIrae fuIraeThat stnffrageFinal
That is I til I lie reason rplson from the I Inc standpoint standpointnf
nf f German 018n intornal politics poltiC for fo the thl march marchon
on the Vatican Yatieln utah nnl the concentration conntrton of ofreligious ofrelllous ofreligious
religious relllous nnd conservative forces I doubt doubtwhether doubthelhpr doubtwhether
whether the Pope favors this thl nonmodern nonmodernaim 10nmodlrn 10nmodlrnaim
aim for his hiI policy polc tends Indf toward lowarl the gradual gradualorganization gracitialirgani7Mtifin rdual rdualIrlanl7110n
organization Irlanl7110n of democracy dmocrc and the all allfinee cliinnc 11 11fnp
finee fnp of the I hI Church with wll illi h the I ho people He HeHstinofi I HoSIStOnNi
Hstinofi on the thl part of the Centre Intrp seems seemsinevitable IN seemsinevitahii m mInfinblp
inevitable Infinblp When in 1881 nistnarck nFn1rck already alreadyfiisclnated alrp10 alrp10ficnatEI alreadyrisclnaterj
fiisclnated ficnatEI by the th rising rlfln tide of social Fofal de democracy el elmocmcr dIPnacicracy ¬
mocracy proposed propollc to Herr Iprr Windhotst to toput toplt topint
put plt an end to the Kiiltiirknmpt hlllrkrmrf in exchange exchangefnr ehln
fnr th ° suppression lpprtslon of universal In rHI1 suffrage suffragethe Plfra PlfraIh
the Ih lender Ifadlr of the Centre CCntr ontre waved away nla the theproposal theprpoFal theproposal
proposal as af Christ did lll those Ihof of the Ihf tempter temptersaying tlmptP tlmptPFlrlnJ temptersiying
saying FlrlnJ that 1heimpregnnblf thl Impre nnblf > tower tolr was wasl WI wasiunded
l tunll iunded > iinrled on the rock rrk of the thl people pPoplf Today Todaythere TooayIhre Todayrhere
there hnp ha been no change chan n in electoral f1fctorll condi conditions cndl cndlin conlltjOfls ¬
tions in and al11 In spite of the thl Hohenznllerns Hohenznllernsalluring Hoherilieriisalluring
alluring alur nr invitations Inlaton the thl calculating alculaln Teuton Teutonwill Tlulon Teiito0will
will 11 decline ddil to sell 11 his hiI birthright hlrt hrf ht for a m IIM IIMff flieSs flieSsf > s sff
ff f pottage pottagoNow pnta pottagewhat e en
Now n what is If the play that we wflhallnok wflhallnokupn vrshall shall look lookupon lnnklire
upon lire The Kaiser TII er has hal shown Ihown all al his hi cards cardsWill cRrdWil carlsiiI
Will Wil iiI he hI piny them If I ho were 010 not sure ur of ofhis ofhis ofis
his is hand Ianlll all of his adversaries adCrfarls being hfin fore forewarned forI forIwlmld forewarned ¬
warned wlmld would rJld take tnlt their precautions precautionsWIlhHm prCautonf precautionsVhihe1n
WIlhHm Wlhfm II 1 1lis is either a 1 mere Caligula CRIula with an anadmixture In InMlmixllr anadmixtiirri
admixture Mlmixllr of Nero or else he must mUft draw drawM drAwhF
HOOT ImOTI UfOTIS nv XEir EI flI cniLnnKS 111Rr Y1 HOME HOMEVolunteer IWJEnllnt flIISAhtint
Volunteer SAhtint nllnt Irr errs Mill Wi Care Cnrl CareforYenngsl for Youngsters 1Cr 1 11 er Xes Xesliotfil eg eglnetcd 1
liotfil ketld by b > Their Own 01 Tronic TronicCommander Jropl JroplCommanelr lcoplemmandor
Commander and M Mia ff > H Ralllngton Balngton Booth Boothnf Both BothI
nf I the 110 Volunteers Iunteers of America are lre about lhout to tofart toFlart tostart
fart a I new movement in tho local work of oftm oft ofIm
tm t Im Volunteers Yolultefrl They Th will wi establish etahlsll a I home homefor homefor
for unprotected children chidren or unparented unparentedtitiprotected unpfrentedIlprollcled unprirentednIInprotectel
titiprotected Ilprollcled and ungiiardianed I nlard ir1t11 children childrenn ohldren ohldrenn
Booth said last evening eveningHi
n Commander 1oolh 11Ft plning plningTh
Hi L h house hu will wi lie I in Bookiyn Boold1 nnd anr will wil nc ncnmoiitp aclloiall nonini
nmoiitp nini lloiall jtt f thirty t or thirtyfive thlrly t ii Irt yfi = l children childrenV Ihldrn IhldrnW Iii hi ran ranifl
W V Inv 1 ifl Va recently recntly recent ly found fOIHI a number of ofeiIdroii ofc ofat
eiIdroii c at drl1 I rein in I ri Brooklyn BroollI wld Inlel sn iii Commander CommanderB Cormlnqpr CormlnqprIh
B > ith t ti who wh vl ii could clld ennui I be benefited Ilnlted itIiPtit I by hya I a homo homoapart homoapart honiorpart
apart apart fpm fr iii their thf people for a tlnio tlmej tiniepos tinieposSjhIv poa poafMy I
fMy Jlly uiitil lt 1111 II they I grow ro up and lnl we are able ablolo ahloI ablelii
lo I hut pll them Ibl I I nen 0 in places plae wliero J1ro they lIl I can work workIn workIn cnrkfri
In this honvj hor they tho will wi ho > kept kPJt from un unJljiy untIlipy
11 tIlipy Jljiy 1 surroundings llrrouneln and vicious icluu influences influencese
> > e f arr nhoady caring for six or seven sevenand tC1 iecoiisuch
such h phirrfn children In our plac place In Trooklyn Trooklyn8nr Brooklyn Brooklynand
and 8nr we w hall hal be hI prepared prlpard to do the work workr
r on > n n a larger scale < cae in II our new ne home homeTho homt homelhi
Tho Th purpose plrpn of I tina ha home oml is not 01 so f much muchnr
I tL pr vide Idt a I permanent homo as al a tempo temporary tempoI ¬
rary I r ry hi hmnIIII hjao inn wh w Iiil Tt th children ehicrcn mayftayuntll mayftayuntllHoplo mnYFtlyuntl maystayuntllI
t h ho Hoplo who Ih w ho < have intsn cured CII red for to r them tllm t hem can canI
I If 1e i ver r difficulties dfculiF The plan Inn has worked workedvili workedwitll workedIi
vili Ii gfat 11 gr nl success Sel in il our nI ltevera ll v < rp r Hotm > In InwlniJi 10n initt
n itt I n wlniJi hll wan WIA staitLd stil til led two years carf ago agov alo aloI
v I < > < mi t s > t any al itii ngi I zig limit Imll but our ourr ourIT
IT t r i Ilili ii l I directed diretc inuinly malll toward tnwlrd the theciiv tle tleC I lie liei
ciiv C f t I i vruiliger VIUI Ir children dllr
1 ninviiiilpr Mouth n Bout < Ih Ii added nhlrd that Ihll Brooklyn Brooklynaiid Droklnald 13rnklvnaniil
aiid ald w 1 yr York lImos had already nlpaty given to loV toI toliii
frms Jivcu
I liii V ltmt tunlnlm uInt ° ers a number I u 11 I I of l hed 1015 eds mal mntJnsnH malIr matmigici
JnsnH Ir nnd Ild ether th tiler pieces plCI of furniture flrnltur hut butJftt huttt
that Jftt tt further flrth r donations donltonR wer solicited solicitedilioy solcitd solcitdIOY
ilioy IOY rn rny y l be < sent to tho Voluntwrs Yoluntef at atir atuheadquarters
thpirh ir headquarters 3S Cooper Copr Square Squareohsttan
1 ohsttan an
Ilcvlew or the Work ork or the Portrait PortraitPaint Portrit PortritIalnt PortraitiaInter
Paint iaInter en Led Le Ledby by Sarcent SarcentLOMDON Srenl SrenlLONDON SargentLoNDoN
LONDON May 306f 3 r the halMoren halMorenjxirtraits hllonn hllonnportlnf n nImrtraits
jxirtraits portlnf sent Hlt by John Sargent Srgent to the thoRoyal theIoyal tIneRoyal
Royal Ioyal Academy this year Expert xprt opinion opinionconsiders opinon opinionconsiders
considers cnldel ono of Mr G MoCorquodate MoCrquodal to tobe tob tobe I
be b decidedly the best ost and ono on of Lord LordCromer Lrd LrdCrom LordCromer
Cromer Crom r to exhibit tho greatest gratest number numbr or ofdeficiencies orc9fcencles orc1eflchncies
deficiencies c9fcencles Public Publo opinion always liable liableto lable lableto
to bo much Influenced In uencd by such considera considerations cnsidera cnsideratons consideratlons ¬
tions tons as the personal prnalldentty Identity or the come comeliness cme cmeIntss comelinear ¬
linear Intss or lack of comeliness cmolness of an artists artistssitter artstl artistssitter
sitter siter and taking little Itll noto of technical technicalor techniCl techniClor techn1 al alor
or artistic artiltic qualities qualtes seems Fel well wel satisfied satisfiedwith 8tl satisfiedwith fed I Iwih
with wih this presentment preAntmnt of Lord Lrd Cromer Crm r an a 1 a aheavy aheavy
heavy hla quiet prosperous prOlprou redfaced rdfacd Eng ¬ I
lishman lshman clad In a light lght gray suit sui a sum summery summery summery ¬
mery frock coat cat which la II exceedingly exceedinglycheerful ecedlngly I I Icheerful
cheerful and at the same time highly de decorous docorous ¬ I
corous crOUI This raiment rhnlnt is II Indeed almost almostas almolt almoltf
as f creditable crdlahle to his Lordships L1rthlp tailor taior as al is ishis II I Ihis Ilila
his Lordship to Ids hl Lordships Ird > hps native land landNo landNo landNo
No rustic rftC seeing elng this figure tgur In an English Englishcountry EnRIlh EnRIlhcountr EnglIshcountry
country countr lane but would at once onc Ixsthfnk Ixsthfnkhim hothlnkhim bothinkhim
him of tho pleasant pl alant leisure leisur of the lilies Ulee of ofthe oftIne
the field feld and promptly plomplly touch Us l s cap It ItImpp3ns I Itinnpp3ns I I
Impp3ns hnpp ns however that Lord Lrd Cromer Crol r does doesboth dll 1005both
both bth spin and toll tol and also a rule rul like 11e Solomon SolomonIn Solomn SolomnIn
In all 11 his glory The characterization characterzton of ofthis ofthlf ofthis
this thlf portrait prtri inns hiI In fact too much In com common cm cmmon cornloon ¬
mon with wih tho kind displayed In scores and andscores andcre andscores
scores cre of others oth18 which hang hlng annually annualy upon uponthe upn upnthe uponthe
the walls 11 of Burlington Durlngton House HonS and do not notdisappoint nottl notdisappoint
disappoint tl ppint that wlilch whch they thty largely largly form formtho formtho formtine
tho public puhlo taste tlPto In II portraiture prtrlur What It Itotherwise Itother Itotherwise
otherwise other lacks chiefly chiefy Is distinction dl tncton That ThatIt ThatI
It I is well wel painted technically ttchnlcly goes goel without withoutsaying wihout wihoutylng withoutsaying
saying ylng since ilnc It Is by Sargent SargentEverybody Hlrglnt HlrglntEYryhocy SargentEvervlaaiy
Everybody EYryhocy seems to admire his portrait portraitof prrit prritof
of Mrs fm Joe Chamberlain hamb rlaln which hangs hangsconspicuous hangl hanglconHpicuolS hangsconspIcuous
conspicuous In the chief gallery galery though thoughyou thoughyou
you may lay at any an time tmo hear ladies standing standingin standln standlnIn I
in front of it i declare loudly 10ldly that she shoreally shereally ho I
really rfaly does dO1 not look like Iko that thnt Some SomeJournalist SomeJournalist I
Journalist JOUrIUI in a society societ paper pnpr hath said saidthis slld slldIhls saidminis i
this thing thIn g Also it I is thought Ihoujht possible p Flhll that thatmany thatmany I
many mln of these ladies ladlE know what Mrs lr Joe Joereally Joerlaly Joereally
really rlaly does doet look like ikI almost as well wel as a all allof al allof
of them know what she really realy ought oliht to look looklike looklil looklike
like lil Tho mere art critic seized ltzId with wih re respdctful reIpetful respctfmil
spdctful Ipetful amazement ama1lmpnt goes gotS Into a corner to towonder towon towonder
wonder won er why they should houl not thus t111 but butmore hutmor bittinor
more appropriately speculate lJulate concerning concerningIxiru1 cncering cnceringJJr concerninglion
lion JJr Cromers portrait prtrai And he has hl > to togive toi togive
give it i up lp Anyhow Mrs Mf Joe herself heClf as assho asho asshe
she ho stood toot before bfore her portrait at tho private privateview priatevlm privateview
view seemed med quite qui pleased to look like ikI that thatand thata thataid
and a certainly ertnlnl what she thengazed thpn gazed upon UpOI uponis
1 If is a sprightly and skilful performance performanceMoreover prformanc prformanconer performanceMoreover
Moreover oner the color colorsohemnoof scheme of pearly whites whitespale whies whiespale whitesPall
pale blue and gray Is refined rtfnl and Ind pleasant pleasantYou plelant pleasantYou
You 01 wish that many Iny others would do aa aamuch I asmunch
much muchBut muchBut munchBut
But the only portrait prtrit really rlly good enough enoughfor enolgh enolghfor enoughfor
for Sargent argent is the throequarter length h of ofMr ofMr ofMr
Mr McCorquodale He looks lookf wonderfully wonderfullyalort wonderfuly wonderfulyalort wonderfullyalert I
alort very fry much alive al The Thf painting paining Is Isblacks II isvery i
very ery direct of masterly Flmplciy simplicity and the thebllCkA tineblacks
blacks bllCkA of the attire atir are ar fine fno In quality qualityAlthough Ilallr qualitytlthiougli I
Although not as If good as al the thl Alfred Alfrld Wer Wertheimer Vertheimer er erthelmEr
theimer thing thelmEr last lalt year it i In II novertheless noertheler a fine finething tno tnothiag Incthing i
Sargents Srgentl other portraits portraiA are 110 of Lady LadyEvelyn LadvEely LadyEvelyn i
Evelyn Eely Cavendish efndlsh Mrs Mrl Philip Phiip Agnew and andMrs an anr6 andMrns
Mrs r6 Julius Julul Wernher emher Speaking Splak1j generally generallyof enerly enerlyof
of his hii work as a seen en in the Ih Academy Academ this thisyear thil thisyear
year it seems fems a little lite hasty hall tending tfnding to tosuperficiality tou tosuperficiality
superficiality u rfclally and his proneneps to use Uf too toomuch toomuch toomunch
much green grEn In il fleshtones feshtoms and el E11here E11hereis elsewhere elsewhereis rwhere rwhereIs
Is cerlninlr CPI ain 1 not 10t less leI in evidence evidenceAinU evidenceAuth idEnc
AinU A II nltrram partan Concerning Conlrlng this thismaHer I thismnnur hl hlIflr
maHer Iflr of haste haFlo and superficiality Fupprfcalir in rein rendering rll reincleritig ¬
dering the people of our day da one Max Maxa ax axa I
a drifl brilliant hriiant brother of that other brilliant brilliantBeerbohm hrliant hrliantIPhohm brilliantBeerbotmni
Beerbohm IPhohm branch brnch calleclTreo clcrTrE calleu Tree has recently recentlywritten rpcnt recentlywritten
written wr ten thus In the pages pagel of the Saturday Saturdayfcricir SalurdayRccicw alurdal
fcricir RCIiet RccicwlJ4iIOl1 fcricirBehold
Behold them on his hit 1nIscanvasecnugiit canvases can p caught mujht and andfixed nndfx1 andfixed
fixed fx1 thoro for a hrliant brilliant instant In the themidst themld themidst
midst mld t of their thfir whirling whlrlnj overwork and over overplay ovr ovrpIl overplay ¬
play pIl swished IRlll on in a manner that accords accordsso lecord
so 0 brilliantly hrlianty well 111 to It Its I matter matera mattern a manner mannerthat malner malnerthnt mannerthat
that Is I moreover moreer itself elf a Justly contemptu contemptuous cnte0pll ¬
Otis 01 criticism crlclfm profound profolnd in its if very err superfi superficiality tuprf superficiaflty ¬
ciality clall Here are ladies lalUel and gentlemen gentlemenwhose Kfntcmen KfntcmenwhoM gentlemenwhose
whose bodies bod IIs are still Itl vibrating Ihrlinp from the themotion Ih Ihmollon themotion
motion of motorcars rlotor rioter cars Their ears lar are still stillbuzzing it t i ill illbuzzing
buzzing huzzln from talks t lk down dOIn telephones telephonesTheir lelEphon lelEphonTheir telephonesTheir
Their eyes eycf are arf still sti strained Ftrin from staring staringat ftarinj
at at cinematographs cncrato rphs Their 1lr doctors doetol have havelong havelong havelong
long warned wared them that if they the do 10 not take taketho laketho takethe
tho restcurethat rftclrpthat nasty nally reply r1111 which whichnature whichnature whichnature
nature makes mnkpf to her defiers defemthcy leflersthey they will willcollapse wi vill villcollapse
collapse lollap e suddenly suddenl and forever But they theygo theyo theygo
go o bravely hrvoly on dashing Iafhln with wih an In eversillier eversilliervelocity pyprfllflr pyprfllflreoc oversilliervelocity
velocity eoc down Cown the thf incline Inclnl and hero they theyare thp thparp theyare
are on their way wa snapshotled into intoimmortality intoIrmoralr intoimnmortaliy
immortality Irmoralr by a fireat reat painter plnler and andpsychologist andpfycholofllt andpsychologist
psychologistThat pfycholofllt
That Is a definite dcfnl point pint of view vle and ad admirably admirably ¬
mirably mlrbh defined Ifnell At the Ihf same lamo time is Ii It Itthe I Ittine
the thl point of view for a great rea I artist Would WouldIt WouldI
It 1m 1 a worthy wort hy us IS use of I his talent Does DOcK it itnot Itnot itnot
I not not migRoit lggf 1 the t fu attitude ni It Idl of a I cynical cvnlel pho PhOtOjrapII punt photograpWr
tograpWr tOjrapII t < graphitl toward fashionable fmhlonaJle clients clientsrather CUltl clttmntsrather
rather rath than that of a I great rfat artist ntt toward towardhis towardhiI towardhis
his hiI sitters Iltpr It T is i perhaps pthap sufficient flfcent to re recall recal recall ¬
call cal tho work of a I couple of others othprl who whowere whoWt1 whowere
were Wt1 great grCnt masters rMtor of thn tlll brush hrlh and who whooften whooCen whoiftefl
often oCen palnte sitters yltfrR who ho were no whit whitless whitIp8 whitleis
less frivolousVelasquez and anl Fran Hals HalsTheir 1ali IlalsTheir
Their 1fir points ptnt of view Ill were otherwise othlrwlFe their theirwvchology thflr thflrpwcholojY theirpsychology
psychology pwcholojY of a subtler lhtler order and their theirachievements thpirIchleempntl theirniclnievotnents
achievements Ichleempntl on another plane In fact factthey flct flctth factt
they th t gave gopmnr moretimennd niora tlmp t and trouble to worthier worthieralms worthier1m worthieraims
alms 1m and ends fndl And this thil beyond Iyond a certain certainpoiut crtlin crtlinpint certainpoint
point an which Mr r Sargent Slr ent long ago lO reached reachedis rachedl
choice choiceNo cholcl choiceNo pint is mainly a 1 matt matr mattr r of an artist artH s I personal personalchoice prlna prlnacholcl personal personalchoice
No o one will wi accuse aecU J J Shannon of swish swishing swishing ih ihIn ¬
ing In overbastlly Qrhntly though thoulh he also has his hisbesetting hi hihe histieettlng
besetting he colorsin colorFn consistingin eonlistnl In a certain certainbrownish cErt certainhrownihi ln lnhrownIh
brownish hrownIh ettn gray grl called calpd by b painters panterl dirtiness dirtinessand dre8 dirtinessand
and Ind seen fn particularly parlcllarlln in flesh ftfh tones Some Sometimes 80mtim Sometimes ¬
times tim this tendency tPn noy is I entirely absent abHnl from fromhis fromhi fromhis
his hi workind worklqnd tyork qnd sometimes ometmp1 strongly ftronplylndlcated ftronplylndlcatedn stronglylndicated stronglylndicatedA indicated indicatedAn
An A n antitobacconistic anttohaoconIFt admirer connects connectsthese cnnect cnnectIhe connectsthese
these Ihe phenomena phffompna with ith the artists arlfts use us or ordisuse orISIII ordisuse
disuse ISIII of the pernicious weed Smoke or orno orno orno
no smoke Mr r Shannon sends lnd8 some tomp excel excellent excllent excellent ¬
lent things to the Royal Academy this year yearnotably yMrntAbly yearnotably
notably ntAbly a full ful length of George Oeorgl Francis FrancisAugustus Francll FrancisAugustus
Augustus AU l II I nrd > rd Vernon one onl of of King Ed Edwards Edwards Edwards ¬
wards pages at the Coronation The Th pict picturesque pit pitIrl plctuiresctmncu ¬
uresque Irl q1n costume cOltuml includes a scarlet Icarlpt coat coatwith cnt cntwith coatwith
with white whit shoulder Fholloer knots and black cuds cudslace culTslace un unla
lace la ruffles Mlmel white I hle waistcoat and knee kneobreeches kneehrceehes
breeches hrlchps white silk sik stockings and gold goldbuckled pold poldhuckled goldiUCkhCI
buckled shoes Fhol He wears carl a dress drlM sword swordhas swordhas ord ordhnl
has hnl his hlt cocked hat tucked under his hlf arm armand Irm Irmanl armarid
and stands AlandI well 11 and easily Mffy before a gray grayarchitectural gry gryardllcnrl grayarciuitoctural
architectural The scarlet
ardllcnrl background one oneof 00 oneof
of th the most mOft difficult difcult colors clorl to manage manageis
is if very Ifn well wel treated tre < ted and the whole hole manapo manapoif forms formsa forf
a very ery pleasing and ad successful 111fnl portrait portraitpicture prtrait prtraitpicture portraitpicture
picture It is I the more mol notable because becauseShannon hCaIFf hCcAtin hCcAtinShannon
Shannon is If usually 111Iy considered rnl erpd to b ha chiefly chieflya ohlefy ohlefyI
a I painter panlr of women and Inll children childrenAnother chidrn chidrnnothor childrenAnother
Another nothor good god portrait portrit by the same IO artist artistdepicts art artistdepicts t tdepict
depicts Miss I N Dulcio Dulco Lawrence Lawrenc Smith a agraceful I artncefuh
graceful rtncefuh child chid posed pld gracefully rcfuly and dressed dressedin dre
in I fraceful black relieved releP with ih white whif lace laO Into Intotho Intothe Intothe
the composition comPFllon there ther enter a dog dop a red redarmchair redarmchair redarmchair
armchair and IHI a decorative deoratlye screen IrEen this thislait thli thislast
last la < t forming forlnp a background which assertItself assert assertsitself
Itself 1 lf rather rther too much Then Ten there II hi H a aportrait I aportraIt
portrait port rail of Miss Beale principal prncpal of Chel Cheltenham CI CItnham Cheltenharn ¬
tenham College Cole e robed robo In blue hhlf and anr rod rodrloetorial r reddoctoritil d dcoctorial
rloetorial coctorial garments a rren tq which are lre evidently evidentlydifllcult enlly
difllcult dltcllt to I harmonize harronl1 And Mr Shan Shannoas Shanlions I
lions lons other othll sitters tltprA are Mrs Mr Ansell Anel Mrs MrsLazarus MrsLarartis Ir IrIams
Lazarus Iams nnd daughter and Mrs I rs Henri HenriIthiere H HenrilUvhrt nrl nrlHer
Ithiere IthiereMr Her lUvhrtMr
Mr Ir K 1 I n Millet MJet Is II also allo represented rrm nte this thisyear thll thisyear
year er by a portrait prlrai a small FmAI portrait portrnt ortrnit picture picturewhich plcturowhich picturewhich
which hangs halg low on 01 the lime fno in the first firstroom frrt frrtrnom flrrtream
room you ou enter at the tli Royal 1oal Academy Acnemr
The Thl subject lihjIt is Mrs r Huth Juth Jackson J ckFon who is isnhown II ismninown
nhown in a room which somehow Amehow seemft seemftcuriously seemAuirioitsly ml
curiously rolly full fu1 of objects ohJec of art She wears wearsa W3ra
a scarlet dress and anc holds by tho neck ntk a agleaming 1 agleaming
gleaming Illmlnj metal mltll cobra cohr which together togetherwlih topcthlr topcthlrwi togetherwith
with wi I h a vase al of azaleas azaJeal reix rtTIFeA reposes > ses on an art arttable arttahle arttable
table which stands ftnnd near an art cabinet cabinetand cabinetand cabinetand
and an art chair in front frnt of a Japanese Japaneseart Japanplefrt
art frt screen crepI and on an Orohardson Orohard on art Irt floor floorHowovor for forHowoor floorhowever
however these thpf thing thllj1 dont dont jump atyou atyouall at OU OUal
all al at once Mostlythoy otly 01 keep kep their plocospretty places placespretty
pretty prety well 11 and thin thil portrait prtrai though per perhaps perJiaps ¬
haps laR less lel ambitious ambltlouf is II more pleasing than thanthe thanthe thantine pr prlaR
yelr year the largo canvas can shown by Mr 1lr Millet Miet last lastKept lastyelr lastyear
Kept cpt MftRlstratc llllslratr riarlon ntutol nusy nusyMagistrate nu nuTalltrtQ Iluyagistnate
Magistrate TalltrtQ Barlow Dulow told the clerks olrkl of tho thoYorkville thoYorkv theYorkvilie
Yorkville Yorkv police pole court curt on 01 Saturday turdIY to get getto gt getto
to work earlier earler than usual ulunl yesterday YClteray morn morninc momInl morning
inc Inl io 0 as al to finish fnish tho Sunday business businessquickly buslnesquickly businessquickly
quickly Ho Jo showed up at 8 oclock but butho butho butho
ho had not counted countd on the police plc activity activityThey acthltyThey activityThey
They had harl6 150 prisoners prl10nr watlng ntlni for or him and andthe Andthe andthe
the before befor Magistrate Magitrnt noon 10n pcaa < 1 tumble uble to t g ie get t away 147 I
Gives Up a Whole 1011 Chapter Capttr of Ills 18 Book ii iiThe to toThe toTine
The American Antrlcan Liar LarPoke LIarPokEs Pokes Fun a aOur at atOur atOur
Our Civic Crlo Parade PardfUlt ParadeiIIuuL lint Admits Tha Thatho 1mt 1mtthD That Thatthe
the American omerlcn lit I U the he Worlds orlrs Best Brt Soldier SoldlcLONDON SoldierLmwoN SoldierLowoN
LONDON May 30 3lontaguo 30Montagmto Montague Venioi VenioiPonsonby Vernon VernonPon80nby VeinonPonaonby
Ponsonby Esq Eq as a 1 journalist jouralst who ha hahad has hashd hasirrl
had considerable con ldernbl American AmlrC81 experienostyles experience eprlenc experiencestyles
styles himself hlmlolf has written wrlt n a hook Th Thsubject The The8ubject Thesubject
subject thereof may he guessed guessd from the thititle thette thetitle
title The Preposterous Yankee Mr Pon Ponsonny Pon8nhy Poeeonhy
tte Prepstorous
sonny 8nhy declares In his hil preface prefac that he Ii Iia Ie Iea isa
a candid cndd friend frend of the United UnltE States no noan not notan notan
an enemy though he admits admltl that some somof lome lomeof someof
of the things he has written wrten sound so 0 dlsa dlsagreeable dlJ dieagrecable
greeable gr tble that he Is il almost ashamed Ihame to have havipenned haepnne havepenned
penned pnne them thai Lnclo Sam ho nays nayspaints IYI sayspaints
paints himself as f a fullgrown fuljrown man with withwhiskers withwhiskers ih ihwhl
whl whiskers ker This Is a fallacy falaoy He is II a very verjraw ver veryraw
raw gawky youth and he might mRht better betteibe bter betterbe
be called calId Nephew Sam SamAfter SamAf SamAfter
After Af r telling tolllg us UI In the opening words wordof wordsof
of the first frt chapter that The American Amorlcn Ii Iifree 18 18fre Isfree
free fre only in II the Declaration Declarlol of Indepen Independence IndependEnc Independence
dence dEnc the writer vrlr goes on to describe It Itdetail In Indetai indetail
detail detai the manners mannorl and Ind customs clstoms of lilt liltsubject hIl hIlAubject hissubject
subject The following rolowlng passages plgel are arelectld se selected solected
lected lectld at random radom from an amusing volume volumeThis volumeTiuls oluml
This is II how a business bUHlnefs man goes to lunch lunclIn lunchIn
In New ew York After Ater ho has hal sat half baker bakerIn hakedIn
In his ovenlike oenlke office ofc for three tlrr hours h hsuddenly he hesuddenly hesuddenly
suddenly jumps up and exhibits ehibis all al tin tinttyniptoms tholymptoll thesymptoms
symptoms lymptoll of a madman bent bat on escaping escapingfrom escapingfrom escapingfromni
from his cage With a wild wid scramble Icrmble lit litseizes heflzs lieseizes
seizes flzs his unbrushed unbrshl hat puts on an over overcoat overcont overcoat ¬
coat made of a sort fort of shoddy Ihoddy felt and andbefore andbfor andbefore
before bfor it is fairly fnrl on In I rushing rushln through throughtho throuhtho throughthe
tho corridors corrdorf and yelping Yflplng for the lift 1ft which whichhas whichhas
has hal just jUlt paused his floor foor to stop flop for him himHalf himHalf himHalf
Half dazed dl1 < O dishevelled dlRhoelld frantic frnto and hys hysterical h ltysterical f ¬
terical tprlcal he arrives IrrPA on thn ground round floor foor So ScIntent Solatent Sointent
Intent is he on being blln first frt man mln to leave tim tlulift thp1f timlift
lift 1f that he tramples tramplel down dowl nil al who are arC in his hiiway hisway lilaway
way and lnd like lke a person perlnn escaping from n nhouse a ahouf ahouse
house houf on 01 fire fre bolts hols down into the street street4n strtt strttn street4n
4n n Englishman En lshmnn who saw faw this performancewould performance pfrformancewould performancewould
would be inclined inclnld to suppose IUppf that the per performer pprformer performCr ¬
former was Ia a defaulter defauler escaping eFaplng with ih all allthe al allthe
the available aalahlp assets ISts of the thl bank But he hewould hewould hewould
would he mistaken mlstnkln It I is simply the presi president prpItdent prasident ¬
dent of one of the largest larp st financial fnancial Insti Institutions Inlt metitutions ¬
tutions tutonf In New York going goln out fcr fr his hislunch hil hislunch
lunch lunchA lun < h hA
A whole chapter is il devoted deotld to The T11 Grant OreatAmerican OratAmrienn GrantAmerican
American Liar Lllr One IP tuo learn Ilarq from It that thatthe I hatIhe lintthe
the American Ameloan always alwlA speaks Iprnkr In hyper hyperbola h hypebole pfl ¬
bola 01 Everything Ecrthilg he h says MIf borrows barrowI the thC tint tintof Int Intof tintof
of the th rainbow rlnllw He HE talks of millions Illon of oftons oftons
tons toO of gold everything perlhln is If huge hu e colossal colossalmagnificent colocalmagnificent olo al altpnlfcn
magnificent tpnlfcn If l an American Arerian eats eatl a ham hamsandwich hnr bentsandwich
sandwich fandwlch when talking tllking about it I he an announces announCC8 announces ¬
nounces that he has hal feasted like lke Lucul Lucullus Luculhll Luculhits
hits hll that he ht ha hap gorged himself hlllldf with wih ssit in food foodthat foodhunt
that thlt he Is in danger dan 1 of dying cn of apoplexy apoplexythat npnploythat
that he hI has hal eaten eal a 1 hundred dollars dolar worth worthof worthof
of nourishment nOrl hmfnt If I he drinks a glass las of ofwater nfwatN ofwater
water ho goes jo s out and tells lel teil everyone that thatho thatho thatho
ho has just quaffed quafed a glass of nectar n ctnr or a abeaker abeallr abeaker
beaker beallr of champagne chRlpagne This Thil not to mag magnify mlg mlgnlfy mnmgnlty ¬
nify tho ham sandwich and Ih ich or the thf glass gl of water waterbut watprbut waterbut
but to glorify himself hlmsll to show Ihow what a asplendid aspltndld asplendid
splendid fellow felow he ht Is 1 how rich and prosper prosperous prosperOtis ¬
Otis 011 and powerful pwerfll and colossal cnlo MI he hI is isAmerican j jAIfrlcal isAnierIcati
American AIfrlcal millionaires milonnlrs when they t have havodied haotifd havedied
died tifd and ami have ha 1 l been > > een pn assessed a8 A r by h byth the t probate probatecourt jrhall jrhallcourt irohatacourt
court generally gnPall yield about aholt ten cents on the thedollar thptolnr tinedollar
dollar tolnr The 10 American Amercan thousand I hnlnld in i about aboutthree nlaitntthree holt holtthree
three hundred hlndred The American Amercln milo in al almost nlmnf nilmins ¬
most mnf mins eight f1rht hundred yards Drdl American Amfrlan knmricnipaper news newspaper nw nwpaper ¬
paper circulation crcllatnn is so UIJ per cent nt of the th fig figurcK fg fg1ff figmires
mires 1ff announced by b tine publisher pubJsher If I you youcotinta youcounta ou oucount
cotinta count a thlrty5tory American Allrilan skyscrumpitig skyscrumpitigImuilding > ky krcrpIII > < cnipiiis cnipiiisbuilding
building huidlnR you 01 will wi lx > lucky Ilcky If you 01 can find findtwentysix Iln1t fluidtwentysix
twentysix t went rflx stories storel Everyone Ever one is 10 lying lyingAmericans IingAmercanf lyingAmericans
Americans Amercanf lie 1 in the pulpit pllpl in court cOlr In InCongress II InCongress
Congress ongreM and In their thllr sleep sleepIf
If I an American Americln tell tlJ tells you 01 that ho h sits sitsup sitsup is isup
up all al night it means Ifanl that thaI lie hI did not gn 10 to tobed 10hlr tolied
bed hlr until Intl I A M T If lie h Inn MIJH MR that he hf ban banju hii hasjtiQt
ju jlqt jtiQt t marie IIOI 1000 he h m moans ans that he ht has hasmade hMmad innsmade
made S1 51 If I he h announces InnOIS that t Ihethentre Ihethentrewas the thare thareWBf meat to towas
was WBf PO 10 absolutely ahlolutfl crowded croMlld that tine thl > audi audience alcl audincn ¬
ence ntn were P hanging hanpin on to the t h balcony haleon by bytheir h hthElr hytheir
their thElr eyelids eelldl ho hC wishes wl hlA you 01 to understand understandthat IncrlInn IncrlInnIhat uinderstmndI
that I the house hOIS > was wn1 about I hi it half hlif full ful If I 1m 1mnays hHf in insays
nays f that his hi wifes wios frock cost co t tson ffll tCs and that thatdie thatIlm lintsine
die Ilm bought hOlght It i In Paris Po r he hI Is II trying I r ing to ex explain explain oxplain ¬
plain to you rOi that lint she Ihf line ha never nfpr been bln to toParis toParis tolarie
Paris in her life f and that hrr hlr frock fr < k cot cottn eo1Sn codsill
Sn sill tn at a Broadway dry dr goods store Itoro and a 11 that thatnot timno lintnot
not no of the first fmt class caIl cither citherThe ellherThf ettinerThe 100
The Thf American merllf confuses nfu IR no 101e mnols p and boast boastwith Iroastwith o t twith
with work If I he lies hnl something InlflhlUj to ti do dohe doho dolie
he thinks thlnl that that It Isholf Ii is half done corlorry op very nearly nearlywholly nearlywhnly
wholly whnly Iunlly done dOl If he lute hil talked tllkf1 about ohol it i for a along alonj along
long lonj time t in So impressed impreF is he hI hi with wi win h tho thoimportance t hn hnImprane himImportance
importance Imprane of conversation c I lt Ion that t h 1 ho hI often oftenconfuses ofen ofenmnflf oftenconfunses
confuses mnflf his hlf resolve rpll to do a thing t with vit in its itsbeing IIAhlnp Itsbeing
being hlnp done doneSet donpS doneSo
Set S noticeable nolrtlhlp Is II this characteristic ehnrcIrFlic that thatan Ihalan thatan
an English n Ih war WAf correspondent mrppondll who frervfd frervfdin Ierwd IerwdIn
in the tht SpanishAmerican Hpni hAmerlrln NV Wr r and who whoreally whoreal whoreally
really real admired admlrp1 the American Amfrlnn gallantry palanlrr
displayed ol plad there mad theobM the ornrnltlm obsrvatlon rvaflon that thatAmericans thatAmerflll thatAmericalis
Americans Amerflll were W the th only 11 really rlal brave hr men menof nwnof niceof
of any amlallon any nation whom he had motwho Ilt met who hnaiMpd hnaiMpdof hoatlpd hoatlpdnf
of being brave braveNearly hra braveNearly VI
Nearly all 11 American Amfrcan progress prgres consists consistsIn cnflst
In Irresponsible IrrAJIFlhl talk indulged In around aroundbarrooms aroun arounh3rroml aroundbarrooms
barrooms h3rroml The Americans Amrcanf declare ecnrp that thatthey fhatthy I hat hatthey
they intend Intfn to conquer cnqlPr Euror Europ Europe but hit much muchof muchof munchof
of the th conquering cnqlfrll is II to bo h done by h person personwho p preonwho rAon rAonwho
who can an barely hll nay their fare nine to Kiirop Kiiropmuch Elropmuch Emropmuch
much less 1111 back h1ck p These Thl lv lJnFtlr boaster astrrh who whocome whorm whoeime
come rm here hlr on Cunarders Omar ers and In with 1tii lh patent patentmachines pntntmachInes
machines maehlnpl which are lre golnn 10lnl to drive riv several severalEnglishmen severalEnglishmen plcnt plcntI flal flalEnglhmn
into the th nearest
Englishmen Englhmn workhouse workhouseor workholI
I or with wih jrlt great schemes for converting convering tin tinTower thTowpr tliTower
Tower of if London into a glue Rile factory fOI tor hang hangarottndthe hang hangarolnd nanga
a arolnd arottndthe round the Hot Hotel el Cecils Cpdlf CecllsAnierican American bar h font fontfew for 1 1fc it itfcw
few fc weeks WpEk never flagging fng ing in their Ihllr boasting boastingand hOIRtilp boastingand
and talking talkng and then tl1n go o and cit i on the door doorstep dnorFtep doorstep ¬
step of the th American Amercan Ambassador AmbasFlrol in a vain vainendeavor vainendeavor aln alnIndnor
endeavor Indnor to induce Induc him to pay their fares faresl farf1 fansback
l hack ck to tho preposterous prpsttnl p country from fromwhich fromhleh fromwhIch
which hleh they came cameWashington cameWsfhingtol cameWashingtna
Washington Wsfhingtol is I more or less < of a school schoolof
of oratory ortor where Ilerl gentlemen enllpln with eitl trombone trombonevoices tromhnl trombonevoices
voices olCR bellow le10v out nlt incorrect Incnlct conclusions conclusionsliased endnfion conelusiotisbased
based 11 r upon wrong information informationPatriotism InformationPatrotilm lmnformatlonPatriotism
Patriotism Patrotilm upn wronl In America Amrm does otIP not mean so somuch FOmuch somunch
much the love of ones on1 own country countr as af a ahatred 1 ahatred
hatred hntrd of other othtr countries Cuntriel and and an allnlolran allnlolranof intolerance intoleranceof
of kings klngf and feudalism feudalismOne feldalfm feldalfmOM feudalismOne
One chapter Is I headed hfded Tho habit which whichtho whichthe whichthe
the Preposterous PrpsterouI American Amercan is If developing developingof deJoplnp
of donningoocVed donnlnlcc1er hats hatl and anl bin blue IIf and scarlet scarletclothes fcarlel fcarlelclothes scarletclothes
clothes and of giving lnp himself hlmllf ridiculous ridiculoustitles rdlclloll ridiculoustitles
titles tltel and marching in n sort Fr of circus circusprocession circutaprocession
proc8510n procession which hch he calls pnlf1 a Civic Parade ParadeThn Plrad PlradTh ParadeThe crcuf
The Th writer wrter deduces from this 1111 tii that tlip tlipyearning th thvlamlng tlupyearning
yearning to dress drcFf himself hlm5cf llks Ik llk ° a hnrrel hnrrelbrgan hrlfl hrlflrpln hirrlorgan
brgan organ monkey monke is il inherent in every e Am ri H Hcan ricall
can ln rpln Labor Dar Da psrndn p1ado Is II then described describedfor clescrt Il rild rildfOI bed bedfor
for tho benefit bnoft of ttm 11 nntravrllrrl unlrllrr English Englishman EnRIh EnRIhmnl Englishmain ¬
man mnl who learns 1lr that thatOnco thatOnco thatOnce
Onco a year vPr all al the th hands in America Americaparticipate Arrca Arrcaplrtcpatn Atncricaparticipate
plrtcpatn participate In a 1 procession pOCCAJO Sandwiched flldwlchpl flldwlchplIn Sniudwlclieniin
In brtween them are ar perhaps twenty tlnt thou thousand thouMnd thiutisanl ¬
sand carpenterH clrpelte with blue sashes M8he around aroundtheir arolml arolmlthoJr aroundtheir
their wAists w Atl and wearing wCrlnl cocked Plcklc hats hatl rind rindcrimson rnd rndclm8n andcrImson
crimson clm8n pat pt Then lfn will wil follow folow 500 o oo alum chimney ehln ehlnnny alumnay ¬
nay sweeps 11eP each eah of them I hor wrapped wrlPPd In the thoAmerican th thAmericn theAmerican
American Americn flag fal and boating hpnlng a a drum After Afterthem AftIthem Afterthem
them come cmo say Aa 3000 30 plasterers pll tertrl each lch In Inblue Inbluo Inblue
blue silk Ilk tights tphtl blowing hlwin n trombone tromboneThen tromboneThen tromboneTitan
Then there will wi be n I battalion halalon of carpenters carpentersa
a brigade of coal heavers hea eri and HO f on n There ThereIs TherAII
Is II nothing about a I I Thor Day parade ard to tosuggest toullet tosuggest
suggest ullet or connect connet It in any way n with wih the thodignity thf thedIgnity
dignity ollllt of labor IRor Each man disguises diflllf his hiscalling hl hiscallIng
I calling calnJ aa 1 much as al he known 110 how in a pur purplc purI purtile
tile Jle and ant gold golr masquerade mMllnprlde He Is i pretending pretendingto prptondlut prptondluto
I to lo o bo lo proud roud of hie employment tmpluyrelt but what he heis heIs heis
is really rlalYy boasting hoaAlng about arc his Is silly iy clothes clothesTho lilt othes has hasThe
Tho author In one chapter complains complainsthat
I that th thf tha Americans mfrlans would spoil pl tho whole wholeof wholeof wholeof
of London Tnron If they thlnt jot aeluwe a hlnlo Forunntely ForunntelyIt ForunnlI
It N I too big hlj for thffm th t m bu hl they Ih I her have ha ye man managed Imi ImiIlcd nnrnnaged ¬
aged Ilcd to ruin rulul a section lclnn of tine wrrldnraritnl wrrldnraritnlThe wi w rld rids ccl ar i hal halThe 11
The American Am Plan who comes omo to t findon findonsoon Iondon Iondonofn ondonsooti
soon ofn corrupts orrllt and spoil pll hotelkeepers and andservants nndIPrntl andservants
servants IPrntl by b his ways a One n nf f the lie largest largesthotels Ilr largesthotels t thotel
hotels has ha heome become so Amerlcatilrer1 merfcallred v so > un uncouth uncouth uns unscouth
couth and Impossible Impoflhle that cultivated cullllted En Englishmen ln lngl Engllshmen ¬
glishmen gl hmen hold un their hands hane In horror at atthe attho ittthe
the thought of it UA ItAs itA
A A As soon In an 8 an a American Ameroa arrives arrC In an anEnglish
English Englsh hotel htel he begins bgins calling cli the wdtcr wttr
1elo Hello 8Uy Billy er r Ahkther Ab there JI17 Jimmy 81ap s1aP s1aPping
pig ping hm him on the bac backdigging digging him In the thenlbr theribs
ribs ad and otherwise mallollng manifesting hi his hi hifiority Infe Infer Inferior4ty
r fiority nlbr 0 ty to the aforesaid d waler waiter Ater Afterdealing Afterdeal AfterdealIng den
Ing with n few nore Amerlcanl Americansand Americans and their famll fami familiarity famlllth
Iaiy iarity i it 18 impossible to do aythln anything with witha lth ltha
a waiter w ter unless unlet Impsslbl ono dies him in the ribs ribsand ribsad ribsand
and ad calls c1 him Hello Helo on Hilly Bly or Ah there thereintr therel thereJimmy
Jiny Jimmy 11d and slap him on the back intr ntu ntutakes Wi ant anttalceshtm
takes tlep talceshtm him to the theatre theatreThe theal theatteThe
The American Amerc is a moat mOlt frugal traveller travellerTo traveler travelerTo travellerTo
To give a tip of any ay sort ort wrenches his hil feel feelings feplIngs feellungs
ings But he often ton fte gives large tips tpl Ii IiEurope In InJuropo inhuropo
Europe Juropo apparently because he Is II afraid afrid o owaiters of ofwatei ofWalters
waiters not having the moral courage curage K Kthe to tofefu totefuse
watei fefu tefuse them He is always Ijnoraut ignorant of ofthe ofthe
the amount necessary I6Aay alway to t distribute dlstihute Ti Tishould To Tothe
the poreoil who shoUld get a Ihllnl shillIng tip tiphe tiphe I
he gives prlOI a halfpenny nd and to the men who whoIhould whoshould
should Ihould get et halfpnny a twopenny lwopllny tip tp ho donates donatestwo donat1 clotmuitestwo
two shillings shilns Tho consequence COnfquenc in II that thathe thathe thatho
he Is I always In some sort of hot winter wnterand walerad winterand
and ad gets gfts the thE reputation Fomt of being a mean anrl anrlmiserly and amimilrly andmIserly
miserly creature without wihout any In of the financial financialadvantages ftilueni ftilueniad titnaticiniadvantages
advantages ad antagea usually usual attached atlehe l to such a repu reputation repUtnton reputation ¬
tation tationIn tationIn
tnton tntonIl
In Il all the restaurants rEatlurantH and shops in Lon London Jndon London ¬
don frequented al by Americana Amercan Ihsolunco Ilsolllcl is istho Isthe isho
the ho rule among Imolg the umployfe el OlOH The TheAmericans FineAmencans he heAmerc1
Americans thoinmlves thomelel Imported thin liuio liuiolenco Inro Inrolenc litsolenco
Amerc1 Imprtld
lenco lenc and arc responsible lble for It It Fortu Fortunately FOtu FOtunatelrlt Fnntunately ¬
nately natelrlt It is confined confne relll to what might Ilght bo called calledthe caled caledthe coiledthe
the American Amerlcn quarter lllrler which Is the tle region rlllol in intho inthe Inthe
the neighborhood neighbrhood just east IKt of Trafalgar TrafalgarSquare Trtalgar TrtalgarSquar FratahitarSquare
Square Squar and ald also nilo In the vicinity clnhy of Blooms Bloomsbury Bloomsbur lllcoiiisbury
bury bur For some reason rlKOI thu li lie Americans Americanshavo Anwrlcanhao Amirlcanshave
have selected the most IOt undesirable quarters quartersof quarers quarersof
of Ijondoti Indol for their tttlr Oheltoes OheltoesBut UhnellotsHut < leHoA leHoABut
But here the lh author grants Irantl that lint there Iheroare thereare thereare
are many improvements Irprolelpntt which Americans Americanswould Amtrlcll AnncricnitsWould >
would make in London btisliifjss btlIIIH methods methodsFor methodFor methnoriFor
For instance tho London bunineBS IutIneM man mangets Iln Ilngltl titangets
gets gltl to his office 010 nt 10 it or 11 I and at 1 o oclock oclockgoes clock clockgoes cloct cloctoel
goes oel out to lunoheon for a I couple cuple of hour hourAt hourAt hoursAt
At 4 oclock ck lie begins bgins to go home and at 5 5oclock I 5Oclock
oclock clock oc actually starts He does doel no work workon workon k kon
on Saturday netual or Sunday lunday and ali very er little llttluon ltle ltleon littleon
on Friday because on that day lay Ma thoughts thoughtsare thoughtare
are entirely tfUfe devoted to catching caehln an 11 early tarlytrain earl earltrain earlytraIn
train for out of town On Monday nday ho gets getsto jet jetto getsto
to hIs hil office ofce so Into lae that he In I not able ubiI to do domuch domuch domuch
much work that day and on 10 Tuesday TuesdayWednesday TUridoy TUridoyWedneHday iuesIiyVrcinesday
Wednesday and nm Thursday flurlcny he Is If MI un unsettled UI UIIctled innsettled ¬
settled by his iiimisementH Uluperenl of tho other otherrinyH at lair lwrdny lairdays
Ictled days that thl hid hl gross output IK vory Or ers small smallIndeed trnl tntillindeed
Indeed Inded The Tht English EnAIih IJ business man Jlan Irt It I much muchaddicted Ilch Ilchaddicted tintnchnaddicted
addicted to playing laimng dominoes in II tIne middle middleof 11 < 11 11of
of the lie day cia In tint city cl nut of Ixindon lJldnn within withinhalf wihin wihinhll wit liiii liiiihalf
half hll n mile mie radius radilH of the Bank Tanl of htifiland htifilandbetween hngllnd hngllndbetwen lmnglandbet
between bet ween noon ninth 4 P M It I Is If u grnvu grnvuquestion gruJquestion grin vi viquestion
question an I to whether 11thlr dominoes domllOfA or flnancv flnancvis fnant fnantII uinainetis
is II most mo t played playedTho plafdTho playedTiio
Tho American Amircal business hlllnIf man Irn can cln teach Iocl us usto Ui usto
to attend atend to our lmlnesH hu lnti ninth atl to give ghl up uppinepong upplnipng uiipingpang
pinepong during pHlc IIJ hours hotr The Briton Britonreally Brion Brionral flrltnnreally
really plnipng plays pla1 dlrlll nt buxinoss hu ill or dodges rncl it Ho Hodislikon lt liiidIslikes
dIslikes ral It cordially Th linei h i only ollr time 11m ho hodoes h hdO liedoes
dlsTKlt cordlal
does dO any real 111 workis Ivork i is wham whfn he hi is I on a golf golffield eolf eolffield llf llffplc
field fplc or engaged enlolecln in cricket Clcket or some other othernonsense nlhplnonlnR rnttuiinonsensa
nonsense nonsenseIf
nonlnR If I the thr American Amprean In London could forget forgnthis fOlgft fOlgfthiI forgethis
his hiI nis had nail habits hnhltl nanus long Ion long enough BIHMIRII enolrh to m impress iim > i > jv jvwith us I miswIth
with 111h his hi good 1Oiflts Kints h might fill f a long longfelt 1011 longfelt
felt ff1 want But bo I in will wi not Tie HI is II too busy busymaking hUlmalting himisymitluin
making mitluin g the se seeneiy > mry hideous1 hideous1For hldfu hldfuFU hiudilnisFor
For FU the I hI lie American AIIrean tincreanI army Ir and nivy n Y Ih Ihwriter t timwriter h hwr
writer wr tIr IIRS h nrthinc lehll inn thiiii but praiso prl lral Of If tho thoformer Ihf Ihfformf t lip lipformer
former formf ho h says Irr The Thl krcn lell practicability practicabilityof plctcahily plctcahilynf
of the thl t lie American Atprleln nation nlton is shown nowhere nowhereso nnhlr tiriwhcren
so palpably a as in its i army The Tlu American Americansoldier Amerlln Amerllnoltr Americansolriir
10 palpahJ
soldier has ha few of the vault ailtl ai it Ion and nflVcta nflVctatlons olcll a ffact a atinn
tlons oltr of the European solrllor old 111 and T have havono hl hlno haveno
no tonR hesitation hlsltptoo tlrOIJan in expressing fxprlsplnR n view llw IeW that tlll ho hois hAIA heis
is the tht t he licet hepI soldier r in tho t he world worldorrnsino wOlh wOlhoproslw ombl omblPPSt7IOV
oproslw orrnsino TO To auovr IEIW IEIWSUIKMton It1L17Suggestion auovrSiiBBMtlcin
Suggestion SUIKMton to Close COKC Certain rrllin Hoiuls loaL In New Newport SI SIport teuvport ¬
port Meets Irtl Wllh ni ItIi h Henionstranees HenionstraneesNEWPORT ttenioiistrancrsNFivpoaT llIIonst ranN ranNSFWtOR
NEWPORT SFWtOR R I I June 7 7Thre There promises promisesto promlleto
to bo a social war at Newport Xelfot this summer summerand snnmnurand umnrand
and all al over the attempt atemp of Mr Ir and Mrs MrsOliver MrsOliver rl rlOltr
Oliver Oltr H P Uolmrint to close cnie certain crlain roads roadsIn omli omliIn
In tho lower part llt of tho city cll a hearing hfarl on onwhich onwhich oilwhich
which wan Wi hold hfld before the Board of Alder Aldermen Aldlr Aldlrmen Ablernnett ¬
men on Friday Frldf evening enln Mr Ir and ane Mrs Ir Bel Belmont Bel10nt Belmont
mont 10nt are very fr desirous ceRlmu of having haln their thoirplace theirplnc theirplace
place plnc shut phnt from frn tho gaw g1ZI of the th public publc and andit ant amidIt
it is said lld that thlt if they the are aI not successful successfulin 111cc ful fulin
in i having hnvln the Ih roads rOlf closed do > I they will willleave wl isililpnie
leave Ilae Newport XeIII At thin tl hearing hllring letters letterswere letterTOrO lettersere
were ere presented from Llspcnard Ipnard Stewart Stewartami flowart flowartand Stewartand
and W 1re Watts ntc Sherman supporting UJPorling Mr MrHolmonts MrBelmonts Ir IrJolmolts
Holmonts contention cntcnlion that it I would ho boa hoa hoa
a Jolmolts benefit henCft to tlm city eir to have time th roads rOld closed closedwhile do closedwiill I Iwhie
while wiill opposed to them Ihll are af tho lie Fred Frf1 nn nnderbilts nndcrhltA nnidorhilts
derbilts whie Baroness Pelliero Selli 11rl rm Mrs ri Boll BIH Mrs MrsPost MrsPost fr fr105t
dcrhltA Post John Johl laronc Cadwalador Cadwaladlr anrl Ind oxGov Oo Charles CharlesWarren Clare Clareonl Cliiurlesarron
Outside of tho opposition oppositionby
Warren arron Lippitt Lippitt oppollion oppollionby
by onl the resident of If the th lower part of the thocity thAct thecity
city those Ihlsn rlllonu people proplf will wi put up ttl a hard hare fight fightand f fightand ht htand
ct unturned to prevent preventthe preventlii
and will wilele leave no tone ullmned prell prellthl
the lii closing of the t ht he roads roadsThe roadl readsFine
The he collnl matter It 1M now In II the hands of tho thoBoard th thnoard I lie lieBoard
Board of marr Aldermen and during time th wook k the themembers tht thtIlmhrl tineinenthora
members Alttrmfn will make an lrn Inspection of if tine thopromises Ihl Ihlprlmilf tinepronn1rs
promises prlmilf Ilmhrl and on Friday Frrar evening Ipnlnn next nfxt they theywill the thewi theywIll
will wi hold another mooting 111Ilin whon they thfY willgiro will vtIiglee
glee 11 u decision dcFlon on tho th matter matterirorvMp lat mint I to toS r rnH
irorvMp or siEcni 111 rors rorsAll OISAl 01SAll
S nH
All Al Mho ho Wore sore orp Inlfnrnu lniforls In Conej onr Island IslandMmrRprl hlald hlaldharKlt hintttnarged
MmrRprl harKlt Mllli Wih IorsonntlnR Irsonntnl tInkers OfTlcrrsPolice onlI onlIIol tInkersiohie
Police Iol Captain a Pt nl n Knipo Knlp Kni pa under instruc instructions ilitruc ilitructoRR I inst tuc tucions ¬
ions toRR from frm Commissioner Comlii lollr Greene Onl yester yesterday yesterday ster steronr ¬
day caused cluf1 the tl tln < arrest arrplt of every Ifr special specialpoliceman specialpolicttnsmn cnl
policeman lemAn employed rplold at the tIn various arlnu amuse amusement amlp amlpttat nminnnseiflflt ¬
ment ttat places dance halls hll and shown how in inConey InOlf inCotniy
Coney Island 11111 who wore oP n uniform on nm a acharge acharge acharge
charge Olf of impersonating an officer officerTim omerTh officerTIni
Tim Th men mel ImPronatnl it is I said Iall are a ri working wor lng without withoutproper wi iholl ihollpropr it itproper
proper authority nnthOly Each special tpcal ofllor ofllorunder om omunofr ofilarunder
under unofr propr the I h hi law la dv ns al interpreted intprplIe rprited by h Com Commissioner Ul UlmlAIOlr mn mnimnisslomnar ¬
missioner mlAIOlr imnisslomnar Ore Irene rnf ne must 1111 Imvp hn IP his hit license licensetransferred lefn lefntranfprred licensetransferred
transferred to the I h place plaC to which hn is i at attached attachrd attumehed ¬
tached tachedMoro tachrdMorC tumehedMore
Moro MorC than n genre Ilrf of the thl specials pclh wore woreforced wrpforlpo warpforced
forced forlpo to give 11 up lp their shields hlfld and nll will wil h harraigned hp hpIrralnpd harrnlgtmeci
arraigned Irralnpd before hdor Magistrate Ma agi gnat trl rat e Vnorhres nolhlp to tomorrow tomorrow I ii iimorrow ¬
morrow morning morningThe mnrln mnrlnThe morningThe
The entire pnllrt police polc force fore of Luna LIM Park Parkuniformed Pnrluniformeo Parkuniformed
uniformed almost exactly like Ik the Ihl finest finestwore fn finestwere 1 1tho
wore Included in the th ° cleanup eennuprunrril pl1nuprunfrl cleanuprunernt
runrril runfrl of llenrj nnr nomrlke nomrlkeFuneral nnmrlkFnnpral flonirtkpFuneral
Funeral serviron FnIr for H henry nry Jtomeike Jtomeikewero H ltnmeikewere mlkp mlkpwerl
were werl hold yostorrlny al the Church Chlrch of tine thpPPlppmpr tinefledeemer he heriedoemer
riedoemer PPlppmpr In West AI FortylUth Fortyllh street Ftrl the theIlov Ih IhI theRi
Ilov Ri William WiHam iihiam Pnllman flhnAn tho thl pastor pltor ofTl ofTlclnting omclnllnlt emelating
elating I Ro nelf Bo1rantitRt1VPS olontatives 1lalh of the lie Lotos Lotosthe IIitOsflit fit 01 01till
the Tlrteon anti the Now f York nrk Pro Irpa s clubs clubsto Iuh
to which Mr HotnHIro < t belonged hfl ngl attended attendedAmong attpndedAmonlt attendedAtnong
Among others < present wore Ir T C Quinn QuinnAdamA QlllnnTlmothv Qmiinniiniethy
Tlmothv norman inenia n George lIarrl harrison ion < Ma MaAtlsin 11 11dRII1
Atlsin AdamA dRII1 A A Jacob Thumns I C Kvans KvansOleorge IlI1f1 ye1corge IlI1f1reor
reor Oleorge p Lyons John Rohulls hultll and many mAn of ofthe offhl ofthe
the employees 11I110 of the Homollre Clipping ClippingTamilian ClipplnsBllrFnll Cllpplingh3iircruii
BllrFnll BllrFnllTamrnan h3iircruiiTanmniany
Tamilian Soelelj Solt lleel S TnnlRht TnnlRhtTho ronlhtTho ronightTino
Tho Tammany Society will moot tonight tonightto tonl ht htto
to install tho tb sachems chosen at the last lastmeeting IIIfttnptln Instmeeting
meeting and carry Justice Juetl Tamos film A OOor OOorman 0001man OGornmnin
man over for fnlllother another year rar as a Grand Sachem SachemThn RnhflnJhp Sachamrhe
Thn Weather WeatherThe WlathfrThr WestherThe
The Inw I prf Ir pre5slir r f ans irf whlrh I blrh apjirnrril lJ > Ar1 In thf thfOult lIniunIt hr hrl1ul1
unIt StatM IMr on TMirsrtny an Mint moved northecM northecMward nnrlhrFMward nnrthesalcard
ward hroiiRht hroll < 111 with tlh It tine Ih long l ng looked loo rcJ for rainfall rainfallwhich rlnf111which rniitallwhich
which w IM i iiiftlrlrntly heavy ha In tine Ul MHcllP 1lnl Atlantic AtlanticNew AtlinticNew
New 11 KnBlimrlStitM Ynglnnd suts and Iakf regions teIoni tn in hrak the thedrought IheI
I drought nnd quench q nrh thf ih form Inr nr Rru In the Adlron Adlronducks AiltrondarIus dlrondarks
ducks Thr Th prmurc nvi 1 vn Mcndlly ICAIII falling ycMfrdiy ycMfrdiyIn esi5rdm esi5rdmin IHrtw IHrtwIn
In nil Ihf dIMrlcIs north nf Virginia and cast as nf nfIhln nlOhln ofOhio
Ohio The high prMUtc which was w on thf Ih rnint rnintinnvid inmtinniiwi 11 11Inn1
innvid eastward thus issistlng an Inflow of moist moistair moistatr 01 01air
air from tn tile orran n < tao An arm of hljtli prmiutr prmiutrover 1111orr tnumeover
over the Ih Roche nnt Reck r Mountain Stairs Ial krpt the wtntlirr wtntlirrfair IIalhrfair wiwtluirfslr
fair quite jcnrrally ltn enrali rAI1 over the Western cMrrn Stalri StalriThere atateThere tlllr tlllrThrr
There was u 5 hut llsnt chnnjrc1 thnn of temperature In InanyofthedlMrlcts Inan inn
anyofthedlMrlcts an n ollht dltrltl Inthlxrlty In Ihl this cIty 11 the lb day dll was IA cloudy cloudyand rloud rloudanr eiouityand
and showery wind ntl light tn frcsh easterly eMII rainfall rllnlllllI
10 I Inches Ineh nearly nrarl stationary temperature average averagehumidity airFaRehmnmtdin trag traghllmtll
humidity SO per J rr cent 01 tiirnmetcr corrected to read readat rendat readat
at sea ea level at 8 A M S007 IO 3 P 1 M MTint MM MMTnr 29911TlJr
Tint temperature yesterday as recorded by b thn thnofflclaJ thAoftlclallbrmnml ha haomctal
offlclaJ oftlclallbrmnml thermometer r Is I shown In the annexed ann ud table tablcIOO tabismoea
1903 IOO 1005 I 1M1 1005 1005BAM loa
BAM a 11 53 10021 It Rl 8PM S P M 1 17 s 74 741JM
1JM 12 Id M 7VI 7 7t C IP P M 1 71 71jpM 713rM I II
jpM I P M 68 7i UMId 1 Mid M 70 70WASHINGTON 70WA8I1INf1TOS o oWAimtNaTON
For tatltrn Ycu1 York nrk stinirrn mamroS moSsy fair and andwarmer an anararmtr annairarrner
warmer In InmDlrnw mamic fight 100 fa frrih rst foulh nina dnd ihtfl ihtflinn hII hIIIno PmSfam
inn am In teal tealfor iitYo
for Yo wetlcni Itrn New Clt York sliowrrs to tndll day fair tat r to tomorrow tomorrnll tomarten ¬
morrow light vnrtntilr IUll1hl winds 1111 bccomnc west westTor wc1I westlor
Tor or Ne1 W Knelniicl showers 1I0w rA lo lod dsy dn lljlit to 0 fresh freshsouth Ireititout
I south tout It 1ln ii lnds s fflr fri m lo I o trortuw trortuwFur rrullnFur iroruniaFor
Fur the Wslrtct of Columbia ulum > 11 And Mnrjlond Mnrjlondshowers MArllandhorer Marilendshower
showers horer early cAr earl this morning followed liy clearing clearingair rlrannllair
air tomorrow light snulli to writ 1 winds windsPor ilnlsEor Illd IlldFor
For New > ew Jersey J Jere and Delaware ihn hori ers today todayfollowed lodll lodllfollawrd todafolloweil
followed by II it clearing lair and warmer to morrow morrowtight morrowUrbl morrowllht
tight to freih south tn west 1 winds windsFor windFar wlumnltFor
For emlern Pennsylvania shower Ahol < ru today tota tel followed 101lowed teltowed ¬
lowed t br > y clearing cI att r and warmer fair tomorrow tomorrowtight tomorrowUrbt tuzasrrowUihut
tight to fresh ninth to welt winds
The Gorham Cos Co s exhibit of ofSterling ofSterling ofSterling
Sterling Silver shows the finest fineststock fineststock fineststock
stock in n the world of presen presentation presen presentation prcscntation ¬
tation pieces of all kinds kindsPunch kindsPunch kIndsPunch
Punch Bowls Loving Cups CupsTankards CupsTankards CupsTankards
Tankards Centre Pieces and andsets andsets andsets
sets of silver suited to all pur purposes purposes purposes ¬
GORHAM CO COSilversmiths COSilversmiths COSikersmiths
Silversmiths and Goldsmiths GoldsmithsBroadway GoldsmithsBroadway GodsmithsBroadway
Broadway and Nineteenth St
2123 Maiden Lane New York YorkMXELL York11
Very er III JIlin In the Old Hotel Where hrrr Ills Krlends KrlendsHay FrienuisSi rlendslie
Hay Si lie 11 IJK lisa us Illetl lIed t lII a Million MillionThomas llIlIonThomaA lIlIIonThomas
Thomas R McNeil one of tho oldest oldestrestaurant oldestrestaurant airiestrestatirunit
restaurant keepers In this city IB seriously seriouslyill
ill of pneumonia at Smith A i i McNeils Hotel Hotelat
at 108 WnshiiiRton street I t rfet Mr 1r McNeil McNeilwho lcNellwho McNeIlwino
who is 75 year earf old was aA taken ill IlIlapt last ThurB ThurBdny ihurfdllY Ihursday
day Dr Janeway paid aIti yesterday that thatthere matthere
there was littlo chance of Ills hi recovery recoveryMr recoveryMt I
Mr McNeil hall been hte In the rrstnurnrt rrstnurnrtanrl rstnurantand
and hotel business f about fiftyfive fift flve years yearsHo yearslb
Ho lb carne to this < country eouutr from Belfast BelfastIreland BeHnslIreland BelfastIreland
Ireland and with Mr Ir Kmith Sinit in who died diedtwentytwo diedtwciitrtwo I Itwnt
twentytwo twnt two years < ego u o opened an eating eatinghouse IlltingI Illtinghnmf eatingimniii I
house in a basement two blocks north of oftho ofthe oftutu
the present holol They The moved nhout nhoutfifty aholltfifly ahonitfifty
fifty years enrs ago lo tho site the hotel now nowoccupies nowoccupieR nowoccupies
occupies occupiesWashington occupieRWRshinlttnn occupiesWaalmingtoii
Washington Market was then back of the thohotel thehOlel tinehotel
hotel which was nl a headquarters hpnlqllllrt rfl for thin Ihomnrliet thinninrlnet I
mnrliet men annul butchers The hotel hotelwas hotellaH lintelas
was as noterl nut ad In tlmco t iiosi days tin ye < for a butchers butcherssteak I nllchlrsltfll nut cit i ra rasteak
steak < which wan served to Iho I hI market marketmen unlkelmeu iriniketmmcmi
men It became hca me so prosperous that t II IIwn ItaN iiwas
wn was aN cut through t to Greenwich street st lent III In1S73 IIII iiiiR7i
1S73 I IIi nnd n nd since then t other 01 hpr additions liavo liavobeen ha iiavihieetn Ill Illheen
been made to t n it itAl itAl
Al first fI rat it had sixtyfour si Itfollr xt yfoi ir rooms but I mat nov novit 11 11it minisit
it hr < < > 471 Some otiie of the I lie lodgum have lived livedthei 111t livedthnui
thei t 1111 > thIrty lllirt years It has Ieen a stopping stoppingplnce plnpplnltI stoppinigptice
plnce for farmorn armtrf and btmirepH m titan ji Irom Iromout IrnrnOllt I iomnm iomnmomit
I out of town n James n Larkin one of if f thf thfmnnllyrrfl he hemnniiKPrp Ireumnannigers
mnniiKPrp began f an work at the hotel forty fortyvonrn for y yIar vyears I
years Iar ago A number of tie employees employeesnavn employeeshave l11ploYfAhlln
have navn hen there I thirty years and more moreSmith more8mllh moreSmIth
Smith < l McNeils is now a stock company companyDunns cnmpanDnr comimpansDrtring
Dunns Dnr nt the th civil wr and shortly 11Nlh nf alter altermnammy r rmany
many 10111 > prominem soldiern < stopped at tho thohotel I h hhotII ln lnhotel
hotel Downtown politicians who Inter Interbecame Inrprhpetlnf lamerliecaimi
became Tnmnmny ln marion ii v Hall I leader adl re frequentrd frequentrdthe lieu m meni cci ccit I
the t tm ° plat and for It lone tlm sportini men mennnd menand tnnemiand
and prizefighters lrl1fI hllr like iii Hoenfili Hyer and andMorr alldhrr antiMirrlssoy
Morr Mirrlssoy hrr sey stayed 111111 there thereMr IhrpTr tltereMr
Mr Tr McNeil I Nllf mad a fortune out of the thehotel t tineInotl hf I IhotII
hotel His friends estimate that I hill he is isworth isworlh isworth
worth more than n million IIH lii lu hal n ranch ranchin ranchin ranchiii
in California Ct lirnlll n country conuiut ry place a Alpine on onthe I1nthf onIto
the Ito Inllsndes And n city Ill hoti lioutse > o nt IKi IKiVesl 1111Wf1 llflSosi
Vesl SevontyMfili streetwhich at reel which Is closed closedDespite dorIfprpltp closedDespite
Despite his hi ape 1 1 Mr Ir McNeil worked from fromI from
I 5 oclock ock in I ci the t I no morning mornlll rico g until ant ii late lilt i At t night nightup lIi11lI mightmnii
up to a short time ago when hfn after a fter roiurn roiurniiiK ret urn urnIII urnI
I iiiK III I i i g from his California ahi fo rmnin ranch ho begun begunto
to show signs I n of illness illnessMr 1IIIIIsr ihlmiessMr
Mr r McNeil had fourteen children four fourof fOllrof feartif
of whom all all11lnrri1 married daughters tire living livingMrs livingMrs
Mrs 01 McXell 0011 who has hll lx I been > > en out of towiii towiiiwai lon lonw lostimWa
wai w Wa summoned to her husbands berUlda berUldavesrrlnj l tsnlsuduiesndun3 tlhldo tlhldoYf
Yf vesrrlnj vesrrlnjoin rn rnnO
oin 140 MAX i1t I rrxciiEit A 4 ror rorSaj OP OPSa p pSa8
Sa8 Sa Saj omerr Cut lIt OPT UhTIiIsiew Ills IIt Vlrtv 11 of the Parade Paradeanil J tradeand Paradeslid
and IiKillteil II1 UIt1 Him HimJnine 111111Jnmf 1111wJannu
Jnine Vnlltc < > an elderly cldl man who lives livesat livesat
at 731 31 Amsterdam A1I1 tprdall1 avenue sins walrl in the Yank VorkvilU Yanksilk
silk 11 police pn II el court yesterday y tNdl1 charged witii witiinssauliing wit Ilil IlilaslIulllng a aassanililtig
nssauliing Policeman William IIIIm Acip iJl of the thoirnnd thernnllInnllp I ho horamiil
irnnd rnnllInnllp avenue station Bnioklyn Brookl I on the t lie re reviewing reilIinp reiiewilig ¬
viewing stand at tIne firemans < pArade pArade8alllnlll PsraloSitmn
81111 8alllnlll 8alllnlllTh ITlHV ITlHVThe irinylinc
The Th 1lilfl11au wns on rhily diU there I lilr and miil ho hotold laololct lietokt
told Magistrate tlnmgisl lugI tra rid t Itnrlow Ba rio iv lint I HIM t I a old o hI man nitiupunched manpunchel ma mu muPu
punched Pu nchimt him I ii iii in I n tln t hI I ii > eye P Wallace Va llh1 llein < noknowl noknowlerlgprl aeknowllItrd a ektno iv I Iedged
edged lItrd that t I nut he punond pun1I1 m inemmeul r tho I ha cop op but de declared 0 0cllrLd dcIa ¬
clared cIa itd that t I nni t he hnd i md rloim so aflfr a ft icr Alp A i p hrrl hrrlcallerl hodellllNI lund lundcalled
callerl him lii tin a vile vi lIe Ia name nun umne and told I him I i flu tu I ci go goto goto goto
to hell hllII
1 had n ticket I to t a sen the t lie parade 110 mdc and an ii this thispoliceman thi t I ii S Spllcuima
policeman 1 0111111111 ii stood in i ii my iii way so 01 that I hat Inn t ho cut cutoff ellloff omitoff
off the view ie view of the t Inc passing firemen I 1anked IlItktd Iasked
asked him him to step leJ1 one side idl KO o that I bit I could couldsee pnllidHeO comilnisee
see Ho Insulted me 01 ad I struck him himtho hllllthll mliiitInts
tInts prisoner sold soldMagUtrate snhIMagistrate nld nldlIlutistrate
Magistrate Barlow held him In 1300 300 bail bailfor 1 hailfor 111 111for
for trial trialIV trIalI
011 Veteran t Iran Has Ho a lltillrl Itrinnvrri iIcimum cml That ThatHo ThlltIII Thattic
Ho nrdvc n hed l In the he hattie of Fair Oaks OaksIlATTsnrno nakIlATTsnuno IpakiPtATTsnruio
IlATTsnrno N Y y Juno JIII 7 p A ron ronforl on onfld iii iiifedritt
forl fedritt niloe mlo as bullet whioh svhm liI i Williani V il Iium in ti HTabberih HTabberihkeeper H 1IIIhpllhkPIfr Tn I heirthn heirthnluttpir
keeper of the t he Cumberland Cnl1hllamII1Plld Head lighthouse lighthousehad li light htholl huoici huoicihad p phac
had curried n round in hs hi hip since Slay 11 11iI luy luyill
11 ISH3 1S6 over fortv fort v wears arll was removed removedal
al the th Plattsburg birrscks hospital a fnw fnwdavBBuo fnwrlas fiwdays
davBBuo days a ago o hy I ApsUtnn l tnl1 Surgeon Voorlhury VoorlhuryassiMerl Iodhurr18i etxlhuryaesitnl
assiMerl 18i tlt by h Pr C S Bent ley and Major MajorSnydor iialimrSinvdar lrl1orHnwlrr
Snydor ft I I wns found mu nil Imbedded I in i in the theb Ih Ihh I he heh
h h ii > which hi II mitt Iwontno dlpeased Iipcoa Iipcoaof Vipceaill
I of 1 I lie hone ver or rr nso 0m5 taken out Thp lie liet opern operntion oflerrt
tion t Ion tested lest pci half hucil f an a in hour m nnd ci lii I the I hf surgeons surgeonsare lIrns lIrnsI
I are a rf ronfidom tin nfidnl ii knm that 1 Ira t tlm I hI Ii n pnii nntient int will i Ill ontiiely ontiielyrecner In ciii 1111 1111rpcnnl I icty ictyraces
recner races u Mr Tabberah lnt I ci a shot hot in he hebattle hphatt liehail
battle hail II of Fair FII I Oaks OaksntlK nIItrO iks iksrnii
ntlK rO HOXOItS TWO > rillKSTS rillKSTSHlftlnetlnns lII1t iiiitsrcflIstimimttnns T TI
Hlftlnetlnns I 1Jnlltons ronfprrcrl nn Fathers FAt hlr ColTpy ColTpyand oIT oITa offeyflint
and a 1111 NRKle agIe of the Anthrnrltp nrRlnn nrRlnnDocuments nlnnfoelll1pnll fletimnIocuinuetits
Documents hnve hJ 1 hpfn received from fromHome fromRom fromfltuuuno
Home ronferring the II dIgnIty of Domestic DonicotloPrelate DomclltloPrelalr Domesticl1rnlame
Prelate > upin the Vry 1 Tievs Tliomns E ECofTey ECoffl ECoffey
Coffey Coffl ami Peter NnglB ngle of the th Sernnton Sernntondiorvw IemntonfliO iomtntonlioO54
diorvw fliO Father Coffey Is < Vicarfioneral Vicarfioneralof
of the Scranton dlocci dln > and rector of St StHoses Rt RtItos StRoses
Hoses Church fnrlwrdale He was prcJ prevjou prcJollsly prcjoimsly
ou ollsly ly Chancellor Chuaiuc ilor of the I laP Cathedral CathedralFather Cnl mit hdm hdmFIIIIIlr IcndmalFather
Father Nagle 1IJp Is I rector of St Ht Nicholass NicholassChurch Siehola Siehola111IIh NicholassChimtrtin
Church WilkcsBsiTp anti rban nn of uppr upprLuzenie upptrLII7frnl tupirLml7nrmie
Luzenie county IIIII Hn formerly formorl served ned in inthe InIh imslit
the Ih lit Prussian Army Arm He U Pivoted at Wilkes WilkesBtirre WllkffDllrrf ilkes ilkesBarre
Barre without Ihnllt Incuring debt de hi the th handsom handsomest ¬
est church in Pennsvlvanln PennsvlvanlnCllj
Cllj 1t 11 rhnmhprlaln Aecntinls AecntinlsThr Inunts InuntsTht COitIfllSThur
Thr examination of the iii Recounts of tho thoCity thoit lie lieCli
City Cli it y Chamberlain office by h the Ih State Stntc0nmpt HlateCOli Stateomiuldl
0nmpt COli omiuldl II roller has bepn practically lracl I irnlly ll lr completed completedafter elll11t1klldaftf1 conulktetIafter
after nearly two t wo 0 years < There hud been beenno
no thoroughly t systematic ystemat II Investigation Investigationof Inf invrstignii tilal ion ionnf mauiof
of the Ih I lie omen slnco it came under the I lie con control cnntrol coiiI ¬
trol I rd of the t lii Slate Comptroller oropt rolkr in illl 191 191Ply ltbrI J1 J1I
Ply I rI Tim TlnipA Timplapu
A plague of flies settled down on Now NowYork NewYork ow owYork
York yesterday and stirred the lie tardy tnr r house housekeeper hOUFfkleplr housekeeper ¬
keeper to put up the Ih screens The tUmmy
day was wn one of Ur n the kind on which flies fliesbites fillsbltps fliesbites
bites oem most penetrating and annoying annoyingand
and New IW Yorkers concluded that summer summerwas summerwas ummOrWaB
was really rla1 here herePood lucreFood
Food Company 0Illpan8 Factory Factor Durncii DurnciiBINOHAMTOK DurnellntNOHUITO liurneilBtNoimnro
BINOHAMTOK N Y June 7Tho factory factoryof factor factorof
of the Standard Food Company which whichlias whichht whichhas
has ht been hel1ln In operation only onl a week for tho thomanufacture thomanufacture themanufacture
manufacture of a new cereal food was wasImrmd wasiuuurireci a ahllrtwd
Imrmd this thl t hIs morning The TII loss was ltl 10000 10000with OOOOwilh otioowith
with an insurance of S2SOOO S2SOOOMlfc S2 525000WIfe JJO JJOIfl
WIfe Ifl Wants Waius ants Actor Ollnre liaN to Support Her HerJVtcr IIprJter 11crItcter
JVtcr OHaie an actor playing pla lnlt with thn thnFour thnFlur theFour
Four Cohans wan arraigned arral lled yesterday ye terday In Inthe IIIth inthe
the th Fwttx tlX Market pollen > court charged chargedwith chargedwith < 1 1with
with abandonment and failure to IlIpr support supporthis up orthill > > ort orthi
hi hill wife IfO Annie of II I t2 West pst Ninetyeighth Ninetyeighthatrcet NlnetclghthBtrcel NInuetye1ghtinstreet
street lie lb o uu 8 hold hll for examination
U UiOver
uuh w wQuer uu
w w
Ouer Tons of GoldFORT GoldFORT Gold GoldMany
Many columns could be filled with the praises the reviewers reviewershave reviewershave reviewershave
have printed about Fort BIrkett Edward W Townsends Townsendsnew
new story of mountain adventure adventureBut adventureBut S SBut
But here only this is to be said Fort Birkett is the kind kindof kindof I i iof
of stirring story of adventure and romance every healthyminded healthymindedman
man woman and child delights in reading Its readers are its b6st b6stadvertisers b btstadvertisers st stadvertisers
advertisers As critics have said saidIt saidlilt saidlilt
lilt It stirs stlrstthe the blood bloodCharms bkodCharms It ItCharms
Charms and fascinates fascinatesrhk fascinatesii x xIts
ii Brhk rhk and cxcltlns excItIn excItInIts i iIf
If Its love stories beautifully finished finishedFORT finishedFORT IlnlshcdFORT
FORT BIRKETT h y Edward W Townsend TownsendCoth TownsendColh TownsendCloth
Cloth 125 125W 125W 125we
Ornamented OrnamentedGoth OrnamentedtIiitei
Goth Cotl16mo J6mo J6mow te tee
Eth tIiitei e 1 w JOO JOOThere 100The t tJ
There The is isno s
no d dialect ia lect lectin J J DELL DELLAuthor BELLin D E L L Lconversations
in thess charming charmingconversations charJ1lingconversations
Author of ofWee orEthel atEthel
conversations betwcen betwcenBhel hetwfen
Ethel and her fiance fianceThe fianceThe
The dialogue sparkles sparklitswith s with withthe Wee W ee lacgreegor lacgreegorHARPER M acgreegor acgreegorthe
the humor that gave Wee WeeMacgrcezor Weeacgrceror
Macgrcezor acgrceror its great popularity popu1arityHARPER poitilarityHARPER
AIHHT rolrv rolrvCol T0fl T0flCol
U I I fU1IS 1 1Col
Col lack Chlnnof Clulnn hlnn of Kontucky llrlIY In a recent recentvisit rerontI rerontplt recent1sit I
visit plt lo this thl city ell was lurrd from his hi hotel hotelto Iotplto
to n Broadway retntirant rl tollronl whero an ener energetic enrotle enikgelie ¬
getic otle orchestra was wrestlltiR IHI IIIlg with popular popularand ixipularamid
and classical music While hilf there one on of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Colonels friends turned to another who whowas whowits
was WI supposed fill 1 pOfC1 to know Imo something about abouttunes abollttllnel abouttunes
tunes until inquired the th name of a selection selectionthe I Ithe Itine
the musicians mntiscitiii4 were playing playingThats pllylnjtThntR playlmigTlmrits
the thereply theLook tInereiilv
Thats Narcissus by Nuvins was
reply reiilv1ook
Look hare young tnnn remarked remarkedCol I
Col 01 ol Chirm youre1 ro1ilt ohl Fe either mUtuken or orlyin orIyin orlyin
lyin NnrclsHiin nrcif < II iri I by Tr TOil > p Oallaut Ah Ahorter I Iorter Iorter
orter know cos cJ Ah Am bred him himOscar iiitnOscar I IOMcltr
Oscar Hnmmersteln Hnmnnrerstelnsaw saw n man amid a awoman awonuan 1 1woman
woman Blmiding In limo lobby lohh of his hi theatre theatrea
a few nights ago a o anrl notice third they theyrlid thpyI thpydid theyliI
did liI not enter when thn th liii performance began beganWero h meganVere an anpro
Wero pro you waiting wRllln for or some uno ho hoasked honlkd lieasked
asked the man al last Can I help you youI you youI Oll OllI
I dont know Mr Hammersteln re replied 1 1plied icFlied ¬
plied Flied the I lie stranger st ranger probably recognizing the thefamous thffllmlll1 tineanions
famous anions hat Wo e were walling for a atheatrical atheatrical I Ithatrlcal
theatrical friend who was to get scats scatsfor seatsfor
for UK UKDo 111Do misDo I
Do I know you Oll asked Hammerstpin HammerstpinDont lIamll1frf llanunuerstrimitont > till tillDont
Dont know came ho unexpected unexpectedreply IInel iimicxpecidreply > < ctc
reply rr > pl Im Im the I lie warden of tho th I in Klnfts KlnftsCounty Tln TlnCOllnl IcimugitCotinlv I
County COllnl Penitentiary Pllatntlannctpp
Indeed l exclaimed the manager Well Wellyou Veilvon 111
you von 011 donut need seat 1111 Ill give Itl you 011 a box boxIts boxIt boXIi
It Its s a good ooo thing youre ollm not the Ilwwarrlell I hue warden of ofSing ofSitig I ISing
Sing Sing 8111 If I f you oil had be 1 ISioli 11 > n Id I d give you youthe ynnmtine 011 011the
the whole house hOIl f Have a box on tue tueA lineA
A loading actor at ono of the th lie lhnalrr lhnalrrmissed lhoalflI11IHPld hhmnntresimiissd
missed his hi Is mulatto nnmilat I a valet vii let the th t lie other tit her night nightThe nl glut glutTIme hl hlTho
The valet alpt inns practically prnt lually lnrlix IlIdl iuicIb9snsahl pnahlf > n abl ° to tothe tot I
the t he actor In making up but it couldnt be behelped hIhllpte IceInlpil
helped Paint ami alld pnwdf tdt wtro Wpl put icit on onsomehow onsonilmo I IMmho
somehow ur without wit iiciiit his assistance assistanceIt
It was > the next afternoon aftfrtloolIlfore liefore the I hue man manreached II1nnrpllchCd nnniireached
reached the lie actors apaitmrnls ci IVn IVnsorry r Isnsorry n norr
sorry orr boss hn I coss H he explained o x lila imueni but Ah A I i w WA was wasretcd s srested I
rested yesterday Itrrclll afternoon in tint raid on onThe onThe am amTime
The Allens poofroom Ah sent lit n telegram telegramta
ta minim mother and a telegram tlI rnlll to mah mahbrother mahhrothpl maclibrot
brother brot her but I imut d mi v didnt lltiin rtime 111 neah ah me meDalV IIJIDilt nui nuirt
DalV Dilt n why hr Ah didnt make up yoh face last lastnight IAtnight lastnight
night nightWhenever
Whenever hron iueiiser vlr n phllce inspector gets busy busyin bUi bUiIn titi titiin
in II precinct the th I he policemen shake their theirheads t1EIthfad8 I heirhneatis
heads nnrl say that somebody is gunning for forthe fOlIhf forthe
the captains scalp Recently nfIntJ there have havebeen ha hah I Ibeen
been h n a numlxM1 of raids rA Id in in a certain ai It nln down downtown dOWIItown dlowimtown ¬
town prpcinct Tim Th tale going nllg abrut among amongthe omonpthf nmomigthe
the vlfonrres is I that then t mar IB I a scheme schemeafoot solwnueafoot phfmpafoot
afoot to get I t the > captain who l ie high on the thelift th th11Ft thlist °
lift for promotion lo Inspector into trouble troublennd I Innd Irind
nnd shove him hmI out of the hi WAr to make room roomfora roomfnrn roomfern
fern favored captain captainXFW captainvrii nplaln nplalnFn
XFW Fn rtfK ATiLnris ATiLnrisHull rIU rJ rJlIaU
Hull tall From West Mlt India HnnrtsniiioM lIamt olU t In the theMrnaitprlp IhltlaIlKlrll i iMenagerie
Menagerie Smith Ri RiA f l lA mc mcA >
A pair > air of Fast Fo Imllin antrlopps INn werorecniiod INnrpcplcd werereceltad
recniiod nt the Ondal lemnt III al Path nPnnReiln nPnnReilnlate
late IAt on Saturday nljjht They had been beenhi 1 111 111hi
hi the Ih national n na lolal qunnuvne qmmniumn ini station stal lilt IN In inJersey New NewJersey tI tIJprpp
Jersey Jprpp tinee I heir arrival from Clermnny Clermnnytnreoweek Ormflthlleek bermummumnythree
tnreoweek three ssaik ago ajriThey agoThpo agollnev
They arc a 1 much like gazelles nIIF and Director DirectorSmlllidoclorerlthnt Dlrptnrmll
Smlllidoclorerlthnt Smiilt mll lidnuclared lint they were f her rnitdnwny rnitdnwnytho acid away awayI
tho I Ice hnndsomest hun muisoint nnmais air4 fluain4 in lh t ho niiMiagerie niiMiagerieand tmnmiagereand
and much more grace in1 i1 I t him the t he Mrxicnn Mrxicnnriper Mcduiitleer
riper The lintelopei linve imt Ir ltst > f1 n good gool deal dealof dealof
of t linlr nat1 nal isn v Khvnrsi KhvnrsiDDfl ehivncsWA
I U IvnItr4 4t I tst H Hi way
D n U A U W A Y Km i M Mati M wm A i s SSt SStnecIii t tr
r fclil > Irlccs Wrdursday Mstlnccv We tn lloJ lloJHfrry liienry
Hfrry enry W V Savages avage New es MusIcal Comrdy SuoccM SuoccMPRINCE StnCcrlPRINCEPI
AtADI5E Af AOISP ROOF Hoof of Vlrtora IrteraI IrteraIieiiniro1hiir
P fc HciiuoPin HciiuoPinProgram Iieiiniro1hiirGARDENS4
7mm Ar I no Mlcliilcni MlcliilcniroRruim
APAnrMV ACADEMY ol MrsiiV I Frat at nis 515I
HbRUtmin I lb st u lrvliiE lrnilii i lI > MntsMid Stats n ut A Sat SatAL am amt
AL t I ° 1 II I nShsiociiiiriiir nShsiociiiiriiirA s shrine mi I 111 111tt
A DLiE E R I Merchant of Venice VeniceHURTI6 Vaniceand
HURTI6 SEAMONS SEAMONSSittnt and 7th rw rwHtllnrr ave
Htllnrr Krtrnry A nurvrn Jrnnle Ytamani Ytamani1oUny ieamansioday
1oUny I Krno Wflch etclu Mvlrosr nnl annthrr annthrrTiit rlhcr rlhcrrMuSewl
Ka Iiat t 14th St TO net Monster Tntlmnnlil TntlmnnlilTERRACE TeaturnrcclITERRACE
TERRACE GARDEN GARDEN59mti1 GARDEN59mti1uielr j uielr lesiniglomn i iVERDIS avi aviVERDIS
RNO 21 tug fft iii GEISHA GEISHAllj
llj tin Mcwart prr C o oHILL oM
HILL TIIEA I Lea Av s A I si ii ii3tatliipc
M UfiRAY Ma 3tatliipc II n re Krrrj tin ltumm ltummTIlt 2J 2JTI1K
1 TIlt lviK I iI Jilt ii It IONKS IONKSKEITHS iusI
irway illiwr silltiV In TOWN TOWNand
KEITHS K I and 1smiAT Acrs31 Acrs31Illh trrs
tub StllIIICIM st lIIIOES use and Sllc SllcSnmmtrOiird acicST
ST NICHOLAS 1511 st ColftAdnm tile I and andU
TOl6u U LA IDlE cig cig5nrnnmr
SnmmtrOiird 5nrnnmr srden nJ0NI6HT Ft FtLLEit LLKI1 bill uliWEST billPIKE
Mr Hiip annnpaanta onl Phnrl Storlca Amateur AmateurRo m teur teurIre
Ire kslflaln Ro flerioia iioidhi old London Tom Jcnej JcnejTT jone3t31isEiiTh
TT nil 1th nv nvMYeslpROffTORS
t31isEiiTh t31isEiiThOh
MYeslpROffTORS Oh Yt bDnlcTnorOlAL
IflUIj I Ufi t roilmnrtT > nM58c nM58cDprrvcd ilpi ac aciCcrCd
Dprrvcd l 15 iV ut AM k Eve lull Orclir Octatrn trivi trivinnjni
nnjni I Ctintlmiuim Vuuderlllr uudeiilleii Troja TrojaVXn
2 VXn 3 ii 8L T I Kmmrti Ixvoy i t Co Moon Illfnt IllfntLUU itIa itIata
LUU ta Ul I Uorotby cvlllr J5 2 Oilicn 25 S SWAILAfi
1 i lime lllitilimn iiolttNcr nalri nalriifl
5 ifl U WAILAfi KKSKINK annnl n < l All Slock SlockFnvrirltcs Smocnctil
til V I Fnvrirltcs FinvorntcslilgntidiviiIr nit Vitudevlllr Continuous Continuousl CcnilnnuOmu32fht
uuiu UOlllUlit UOlllUlitJ UI t MATIKKFS DAIIV DAIIVt IAl1 I t tJ
J flPlL nrii 01 t Vlrlor Wtor thinned IFLAI11H IFLAI11Hi
I CUUIUI CUUIUIKven 1ntr UIII > All Stppl tttort r raiorite vorUe fllir Vaiirte VaiirteIHthStl ainrte ainrteMADISON
Kven Rvr T I T Y C t C Af V lime limetiii U UtSa
tSa tiii U 1i J J O O oiitllfeirRA oiitllfeirRASOLOIST oUt ltPMrR ltPMrRSOLOIST
SOLOIST MISH OARR1K nlllHKVBLU nlllHKVBLUCnntraltn I IcContraito
Cnntraltn nf time Orttti 11am Olicra to toVENICE CoVENICE
Tine Mldsummcrnlclifs Drrsm Tcatlzfd TcatlzfdnrarrvrdsmliiAa teatlredfleeiCd
nrarrvrdsmliiAa fleeiCd sP5I5 ta OKMJRAL ngnltt CCflrt CCflrtThe
The Island I r 01 I ADMISSION1 ADMiSsiO JCrn JCrnI C CUnder
I Under the tin nircctlon of n H Johnston Johnstonla Ioiunntmtmiuwai
la A I I APtfQ Uway ami 30th I taint > a t wk Mat S t tnALLAblV tThmnnilni
nALLAblV O Thiirdnv West Point Klght KlghtSat igbt igbtsat
Sat EVK lr it Lontli it Last Tlmf Souvrnlra Souvrnlrallenr Surnulratlear
llenr > V Savatfe presents Gcurje Ades Hit HitMutterr Hitih5uLTANSULu
Ii Mutterr Music ty AllredO AttriuI di Vntliall VntliallIYI anliaitMAJ
IYI MAJ A J E ST I Cnroada C flroadirav i iflroadirav xTMth ¼ radIi 3t 3tHvrnlnc t ttvninn
Hvrnlnc N SUsrp Matlniti Vrd Sat 7 Sharp SharpWIZARD SharpWIZARD
HF5T Bre CEATC < iF4T W Wiitnittln ilne dnr MatInee Slon SlonOCOI 5100U
OCOI U I OLHIi U U J Kyrnln t Sat Mat MS0 MS01fir Isn IsnCASINO
TIlA 1fir HINAWAVS IS A eICUls C I5 8 Herald HeraldPASTORS HeraiuiPASTO
XAM JOK ft NKUin DONBH riTZOinBos riTZOinBosMcrov rtrzoinnoMcCOY
I KMCICCHI1IK NirU citilLFI KKI Eli Thfiirr Thrai ii BWay B tics t 39tn 39tnTo 35thTo
To nUhl Hn sh5rp h rp Po4lllrly psnmnn sic First Prcstnlnllna Prcstnlnllnaor
or Kco W Lcurrcrs LcurrcrsBLANCHE merersBLANCHE
BLANCHE RING In n The Blonde Blondeln In Black BlackHERALD BlackuE1Lfl
HERALD U lifl U Sg S j JnsVrK1 JnsVrK1h tvi sia Uronctccuivk3ith Mitinee ruI 2ld 2ldDA1 St StU
h hDAN DALY In John Henry HenryiAHitlr HenryIItitI
iAHitlr U i TIlHATliK HthSI ilh Si near Bmndw BmndwEv 8risidway 8risidwayEvgl
Ev Evgl r C3 53i MaB Ma mien < r iVedncartai vrdncadi VStitday VStitdayHtMlV 5 Ssmur1a I
HtMlV K i IMXKV uixni FAflNU IlIK MlSIl MlSIlTHE MtiiItZ
tirondwa a ai Sn SnIIItI1itL1Z8
Z ii IIItI1itL1Z8 Or Mats Wed t Sat SatTHE
I CT f I tf Boartwny A Rth St StI
I I K O i B II and Sit Sitnr
B innssv nr si A ElAINE ElAINEflEesit
TnEssin flEesit < iiiNvtoon illN ii hum voriifx orid4 iiiRhMt iiiRhMtnrr UlrheatVor
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ETnCTlM I WOI8IU IN WAX HfGronpi NewGronpiI
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An uu rntranrc prl Pr11 if Jim mrn o rn > n to stn smlniiims nti pr prpnrcil prs prsptmrcst
pnrcil In n Xrw rt tilt SiTonl and rxainjned rxainjnedIn
In New Yorl Is ullirl ls y ihn i Ins riltrirm Pm I nir nii Club of ofNrw ofpt
Nrw pt Sort fr the brut esr raiilo i nlrnnrt inlrIuflCamuitndatec > ua irra irraCcnilldfttrs
Ccnilldfttrs for this prl f mw mcIu taUi1 crar errailnttloni errailnttlonion > ilnitloni ilnitlonihn
hn mIme ihnr inrntlonnl das In In nil the Acjdtinlo AcjdtinloTnr cuaemnitonuintmn
nuintmn i rtjui remnnntt remnnntttor
Tnr lurlhrr Inlonnnilon nddri sddrsii i iII
II N VAX N DVKI lirjiistrar IrincMnn N f J JSYMS ISMFfOOL
Robert u iyui > yiii VUlllnin i lillian F simmom simmomApply iImmoiApply
Apply nor < ircular 12 i rst 4Mh Mrcet MrcetIIANCIN4i rtrceuAt
lou AN 3 t > ns I r itt r rMVVEi m mC >
C I MVVEi v > i T I ITim iThu
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Accrjlhlr Ac ecnflIr atlraniyr sntriou4 tupuiar and al always alWail ¬
ways Ihc txM painmcrj iturni I mta P allrratloai allrratloaitnJ
sail ImptnvcrainK tiavi luu lieii > cuinplclcd cuinplclcdtrrailr cuinpietedttsaiij
trrailr tnlrclnt the Hour APKT and lucr ucrsaiag ucrsaiagitib < ul ulink
ink comfort and convrmriir t our miunn miunnGlide iuu iuuOllde
Glide and halftlmr waltrr toazoi toazoiMISS 1aug01MISS
MISS McCABES McCABESDanclnz ti tiUtucluig
Danclnz School 21 i Kast aai JTlh ft ftrnral
Private rnral MU claaa UaMU daily bcflnacri ur 07 tin I