OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 01, 1903, Image 6

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-10-01/ed-1/seq-6/

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THURSDAY TRDAY OCTOBER OCOBER 1 1903 1903flikMrlptlani 103 103al 1903aiptIn
flikMrlptlani by Mall al l lOtpald lOtpaldPAty 1otpaId 1otpaIdLft > o tpald tpaldDAILY
Lft DAILY PAty Per Month 10 I IDAILX Ic IG IGzAIvz
DAILX PAIL Per Pr Tear TearSUNDAY yer 4 H 00 00SUNDAY
SUNDAY Per Pr Year YearDAILY 2 U 00 00DAILT
DAILY DALY AND AD SUNDAY Per Pe Year ear 8 8DAILY I 0 00 00rI
rI DAILY DAtYA AND SUNDAY Per Month MonthPottage Month1otago 0 0lwtllO
Pottage to toiorelgu foreign countries coultre added addedTHISDM ldded lddedrU1SUN addedfll
THISDM rU1SUN fll SU New rew York City CityPam Ciy CiyPaKosue cttyk
k Pam PaKosue PAItI1ltIosque Klosciue No = 0 O 12 near nea Grand Hotel trl an anKlosque lad ladIlouo and
1 Klosque Ilouo No No 10 BoulcvaM Bulevard des Ctpuclues CtpucluesIf CIPuclnes CIPuclnesI
If I our ortna oirfriends frlendi trAo tutor arr uwr ut t U irflft tll tW manutcrlpti manulerl1l f fpublteiMon for forc ar aril
c publteiMon il < lon vith II to o hat hare law rijtclet rjlled arltclet arlce returned rtlrntd tlu tlumutt IhU tseurttu
mutt 11 In n all a ctutjiend stump an1 for or Him II purpose 1ur1O 1ur1OReaer purposec < r rReaders
Readers Reaer at Tiu TI SUN leaving the city ell It ran an Imve IUI th thDolly Ihe IheDa thnA
A c Dolly Da and ad Sunday Sundy editions eUOI mailed maied to their addressi addressiwhich addres5 addres5Cwlicb addresjeawtdc1
Cwlicb which may be chanted when hn necessary nc1 lor furenta 1 1cents 1u 1unt
cents < nt a I month Order Orer tbrouta tlrnrh your our newsdcalc newsdcalcor
or TH TI rHa SUM 81 170 Nassau Nutu street streetTheodore llnet llnetTbe siteeLTheodore
Theodore Tbe dore Roosevelt Roostwtt ami 111 the t h Open OpeiShop OltenShop OpenPresident
Shop ShopPresident ShopPsidimt
President Psidimt ROOSEVELT has nilted culed i ihalt n nhalt ahalt
halt upon upn the pretensions of the labor luboagitators luboragittor laboragitators
agitators agittor and his 1ii action acton will wi be b of in incalculable inclculable inr
r calculable clculable benefit bneft to tho country Am Amnot And Andc
c not the least leat gainers gainer by it will wi be b labor laboiitself laboritslbth laborItaelfboth I
itslbth itself Itaelfboth both union and nonunion nonunionThe nonunionTe nonunionThe
The Te leaders leader of organized labor labr de clemanded demanded deinanded
manded that tlt a man should be b dismisseifrom dismissei dLmissed dLmissedfrmtbesrk dirnissedfrom
from frmtbesrk the service of the United States Statesbecause Statesbcu Statesbecause
because bcu he was WI a nonunion nonunon nina mOi Presi President Prs 1 1J
J 3 dent ROOSEVELT ROSEVELT refused reCud to comply cmp 01 01the on onthe onc
c the ground gud that he was WI sworn to t admin administer administrthe administer ¬
ister istrthe the laws Jw of the land ld which wen wenenacted wer wereenacted
It enacted enacd for the benefit rneft of the whole whohpeople wholep wholepeople
people p opleadwhich and which cannot cnnot and ald must IUSt no nobe not noti notj
j i be b construed cntr constru d as I permitting prmiting discrimina discriminatiott dicrlminn dicrlminntaa dicrixninnet
et of the people peopleThis peopleThis
tiott taa against againt some pople popleTis
This Tis is as D sound as the tle Constitution Constitutiotof Contuton Contutonj
j of the he United Unitd States Sttes It I will wi have the thehearty thehearty thehearty
hearty approval approvl of tho public publc and andnone ald aldIonethe andnone
none Ionethe the les less because baoue it was wa wa widely widelyfeared widelyI widelyfeared
I feared feald that tht Mr ROOSEVELT ROOSEVLT might act acldifferently actdifernty actdifferently
difernty differently THE SUN SU had little ltHe appre apprehension apprellenionon appreliension ¬ I
hension llenionon on the subject It I warned the thelabor thei thelabor
i labor labr agitators agitator that they were in danger dangerof dangerf
I than th the one with whom they had hd estab established estb established ¬
lished lshedsucb such excellent exclent if i profoundly dis disturbing di ¬
4 4 turbing turblngrlaton relations and that when they theydid theydid theydid
did wake wakehimup him himup up they thy would burn their theirfingers theirfngrThii theirfingers
fingers fngrThii This is what THE SUN SU said saidThe lid lidThe saidTbe
The Mr RQOSIVKIT ROBVr1 they IhlY hAvn hvn how tOW to do with withTrill wllhwi I
4 Trill wi dispense d pn e with wthtbc the whole wbpie Ie vote ot organized oreanlnllabor orrallztlt orrallztltlabr organizedlabor I
labor labr and ad fill fU the thej Jill lull of walking delegates del late be before Mloroho bcr
r fore loroho he will wlUbudlea wIItbUdtean budgean Inch Ilch Wbenheseei Wien When he ae aeei s hUduty hUdutydear hLduly hLdulydeubfor hLsdWyIer
dear deubfor Ier before him hmh h he wU tlll I11 stick sek to It I no 10 matter maier what whatIt wh3 wh3ItIIld whatI
It I costs ItIIld him and no nOp10na personal sacrifice Mcrllce will wi tII deter detcihim delerhIm deterhim
him or or o sway s aW5 him for fo a moment amomenlr momentMr
4 Mr r ROOSEVELT OOSEEL1cught ought to feel eel like lKe n nman nmanwhobl at
t man manwhobl who has cast ct off 013 a grievous gievous burden burdenHis buren burenHis burdenHis
His dalliance dalanc with the professional proteionalabr proteionalabrngtt1h labor laboragitators labore laboragitators
e agitators ngtt1h had for its open and undis undisguised undisliobjet widisguided ¬
guised liobjet object the vote vot of labor labr in his hiecoming biscminl hiscoming
coming cminl campaign Cpg eanp ign for the tle Presidency PresidencyHe Presdency PresdencyHe
He had 1ad hadery every erre8n reason to believe blee that tht he hehud hehudacWeve hehad
hud hudacWeve achieved his hs purpose puros He had hadmade hadt hadr
r madenomlslcl made no miscalculation tion but the labor laborleadershack lareer labor4eaders4wLThey
t 4eaders4wLThey leadershack eer They Teythou thought l hat t tl Mr MrROOSEVELT rr rrROOSEVELT 1rROOSEVELT
ROOSEVELT was Wa theirs their ana an ana that his htsgreat hist hisgreat
t great rcatpwer power tho power of the United UnitedStates Unite UnitedStates
States State Governntent G vcr ent was WI wa invocable at attheir atj attheir
j their pleasure and for for their own ends endsTheywore endsi endsTheywcre
i Theywore mistaken mistken in their Ulcr man Now Xovvthey XOITthoy Nowthey
they know better beter and a great reat part of ofthe ofthe I Ii
i the the people of f this country knowa knowt better bettertoo bettertoo I I Itoo
too tooLabor Labor Lbr that is the professional profe ionul walk walking walkb ¬ i ii
i i b ing in delegate dele ate form forl of it now denounces denouncesMr
I Mr fr ROOSEVELT ROOSEVEJ and passes p e resolutions resolutionscondemning reslutons reslutonst resolutionscondemning
condemning condem nin him Let us reflect retect a mo moment momch momeht ¬
t ment Suppose that Mr ROOSEVELT ROOSEVELThad ROOSEVELTbdompled ROOSEVELThad
bdompled had complied with labors demand and andhad andhad andhad
t had dismissed dismisse the man from the public publicservice publc publct publicservico
t service ferVICO because b cause he h e was a nonunion nonunIn man manWhat manWhat manWhat
What would ould labor abr have thought of him himthen himthen himthen
then It would have havo applauded him himTrue himTre himTrue
True Tre but what wht would have been ben the thereal thereal thereal
real nature of its Ia applause and how howlong howlong howlong
long woud would it have lasted lastcIl lnste It I will wi not notdo notdo notdo
do to forget that labor labr the maty mat of it is issound isBound issound
sound in the head honest lnest in the heart heartand heartI heartand
I and first ft of all al things American This Thisbeing Thisbeing Thisbeing
being true te how long would its it laudation laudationhave laudaton laudatonhave laudationhave
have lasted Ilte andwhat sort sr of ring would wouldit wouldithayehqdCor
it ithayehqdCor have had hadfor for the man who had done doneits doneit doneI
I its it biddingWoneed bidding biddingWeneed biddingWeneed
Weneed say no more but we hold that thatthe thlt thltthedenunelaUon thatthe
the thedenunelaUon denunciations now destined detned for Presi President Prol Prolf PresiL ¬
f L dent ROOSEVELT RoohEVL will wi redound reound to his hL per personal perHhavantg per80hd ¬
sonal Hhavantg 80hd advantage and ad that the American Americanpublic Americn Americnt Americanpublie
t public pu lto and all imen men who toil toi be they theyunion theyunion theyunion
union or nonunion nonunon will wil think none the theless thelesoiim theless
i less lesoiim of him than Jley they did before beforeEngland beforei beforeU
U 1 England gnglmdnud nnd the tbeJlaeedonhm Macedonian Qucs QucsHon QI1et ue uer
r t Hon HonIf ton tonanythng tionIt
If anything anythng can cn bring brng bringthe the Sultan Sulan to toreason toS toreason
S reason relon in his dealings dealng with his Mace Macedonian 1ace 1acei Macedonian ¬
i donian donn subjects subjec and his Bulgarian Bulgaran vassal vassalit vlll vlllitougbt
itougbt it ought to be the notification notfcaton which he heand lleand hoi
i and the Bulgarian Bugrian Government have re received r rI rejiveJ ¬
ceived c Iv that tb attb they Y will wi not be allowed alowe to tosettle toi tosettle
I settle sette thedifferenccsbetween thedcrenO the differences btween between them either eitherby eitherf eitherby
f i by yrar Warornegotrto Warornegotrtot waror or negotiatlon negotiatlonA negoti tloh tlohA
t A plainer plnner hint bnt that tht neither neiher Turkey nor norBulgaria norugai norBulgaria
Bulgaria ugai is any longer regarded regared as 1 on a in independent indopd independent ¬
dependent dopd nt factor actr it would bo b impossible impossibleto Ipaible Ipaibleto
to give I It confirms cnfrm the suspicions that thathave thathve thathave
have gve been en entertained entrtned in so s many quart quarytere quar quarttersthat
tere tortbaJ tersthat that the theultlmato ultmate ultimate design deIgn of the Euro European Europn Europenn ¬
penn pn Powers Poer is the settlement sttlement of the Near NearEasternquestion NearFt NearEastern
Easternquestion Ft Eastern iquetonby question by the partition pariton of the thoBalkan tle tleBolncountrinto theBalkan
Balkan Bolncountrinto country countryinto into spheres her of control controlAustria cntrol cntrolJAUtraand controlj
j JAUtraand Austria and Russia being bing the constituting constitutingPowers con constitutingPowers ttutng ttutngPower
< Powers Power under a 0 more or lesprobably lesprobablylesaelectv less lossprobably lossprobablyc probably probablylesa
c lesaelectv lesa lesseffective effective supervisionby luprisionbythe the others othersThe other othersThe
The surprising thing is that tht there thereHhbuU thereIhbu thereshould
should Ihbu be b a party pry in England Eglnd so oblvious oblviousoiihe oblivious obliviousof
of oiihe the fact that tht the British DrtahGovcrment DrtahGovcrmentby Government Governmentby
by Its itcnceion concessions to Austria Autra and Russia Russiaand RUMiaad Russiat
t and ad Indirectly d rcYtGeray to Germany Is f paying pying in inkind ink Inkind
kind k J for r the theobtnton abstention of the European EuropeanGovernments Europnn EuropnnGoverents EuropeanGovermncnts
Goverents Governments from intervention interventon In the thelate thelate the1ate
late Boer I3oerWar IWarth War that it tgoe goes to the trouble troubleof troubleof
of organizing qrgni ing demonstrations dfonstrnton and hold holding holdingmetng holdt ¬
t ing ingmetng meetings of protest lirtt against api agalnstthe tthe the Sal Sultan Bu ¬
2 tan tnreadtedoilg tanI ruleland the thedolngs < dpingH of his hiseoldier soldiers soldiersinMacedonia soldiersInMacedonla
inMacedonia inMacedoniaMr in Mcona MconaMr
Mr JAMES J YFS BBYCTE DRYCwllo BnY who presided prsidelt prsideltthe at atthe atthe
the meeting metng in London Lndon on Tuesday Tueay is il no nodoubt nodoubtonttedt nodoubt
doubt doubtonttedt entitled to t urge more effective effectiveintervention efectve efectveint effectiveintervention
intervention int retonbyrat by Greafc Britain Britin for he hewas hewa hewaA
was among those who never ceased to toprotest t toprotest
wa ao1lthose neverce
protest otet liicainst linsttbopolcvof the th policy pollcvof of the present preent preentr presentrH
GovementbEgladi Government in England in the be war watn watnSouth I ISouth in inSouth
South Africa Arrcbut but be must mut know ow tha thaany ibt ibtany tht thtany
any intervention Itrnton by bytbeBrth bythe the British Govern Goverrment Gver Governmont
ment in b1Trkeyat Turkey at the present prntmomet prntmometexcpt momear momearexcept moment momentexcept
except excpt with wih the tbesupprototber support of other Go Goernments Gay Govemment Gayernments
ernments emment ready redy to t use ueCorc force would b bfutile b be befutile
futile futielndM and as likely lkely as not notthlten to hasten hastencrisis a acriis acrisis
crisis criis which every evel European Government Governmenis Government1is
is anxious anxiou to avert avertMr u avertMr vertMr
Mr BALFOUBS lately latly published publshed lette lettemade leter letermade letter lettermade
made it plain enough that he at a aevents al all allevents
events meant to bono b no party to t the up upsetting upseting upsetting
setting seting of the present prent equilibrium equilbrum i iTurJsoy in inurl inTur1y
TurJsoy url by force now or in the future futureand futue futueand Iutureand
and how to bring brng the Sultan Sultn to t reason reasoby reaMnby reasonby
by any other method than force lath lU ye yeto yet yetto yetto
to be b discovered di cover It is doubtful dOlbtftl whetheeven whether whethereven whethereven
even Mr r BRYCE were he in Lord I rd LANS LANSDOWXKS IAsf LA LAnowns
DOWXKS nowXI placu lacu tomorrow would ould pro propose prow prowpOS6 proipose
pose any other than diplomatic diplomatc mean meanand mean meanand meansand
and pressure presure to rightmatters rightmattersAs right muters mutersAs matters mattersAs
As to discussing reforms rCorms and scheme schemeand schemeand schemesand
and plans for putting putng them them in execution executionth cxccuion cxccuionthf oxecutionthe
thf the th Sultan Sulan is ready to meet Great Britain Britaiiand Britnn Britnnand Britainand
and all al Europe combined combinedund and go on diN discussing diNcus lis liscussing
cussing cus ing till ti the tht crack cra1k of doom Mean Meantime Meanthne fean feantme
time tme the devastation devataton of Macedonia am amThrace and andThrlce andThrace
Thrace Thrlce and the murder of their people peoplecontinue peoplecontinue woplicontinue
continue continueAs
As ut the time tme of the Armenian max maxsacras maHsacres muassacres
sacres the good people in England an anmeeting are aremetng aremeeting
meeting metng and passing psing resolutions re lutonB that thnwill thatwi thatwill
will wi lead to nothing nothingThe nothinghe nothinglime
The he Rev Rtl DrUecrg fr Dr 4ieers eer Significant Igllicalt Letter LetterWe Let LetterWe ter terWe
We print in an adjoining column i inotable 1 1notable a anotable
notable a I very very significant signifcant letter leter from froirthe fromthe fromthe
the Rev Dr GEER the distinguished distinguishedvicar distnguishe distinguishedvicarof
vicar vicrof vicarof of St Pauls Pauls Chapel Chapl of the great grealTrinity greatTrinty greatTrinity
Trinity Trinty parish prish of the Episcopal Church ChurchIt ChurchI
It I is an earnest earCt and eloquent warning waring ol olthe of ofthe oftime
the dangers to our society and our politi political pli plical politicut ¬
cal institutions Instutons which he conceives conctvcs to be beinvolved beinyohe beinvolved
involved inyohe in our system of public publc educa education educaton eiimcatins ¬
tins ton conducted cnducted by the tie State StateDr StateDI StateDr
Dr GEER GRI puts himself tfaty flatly on 01 the theground theground timeground
ground held by the Roman Catholic CatholicChurch Cutho1c Cutho1cChurch CatholicChurch
Church as a affording afording the only hope for forthe fortime
the future tutue of our republic republc and of our oursocial oursocial oursocial
social organization organizatonthe organizationthe the ground that the theonly theonly timeonly
only true tre and safe sfe basis bis for education educationeither eucton euctoneither educationeither
either for the State Stte or for the individual individualis indi yidual
is religion rlgion Ho takes tkes too the position psiton of ofthe ofthe oftIme
the hierarchy of that Church that the theschool the8cho01 theschool
school fund or a I great part of it should shouldbe shouldb shouldbe
be b divided diide so as qs to provide support for forreligious forre1giou forreligious
religious re1giou schools schools conducted cnducted in accordance accordancewith accordancewith accordancewith
with the varying tenets and convictions convictionsof cnvictons cnvictonsof
of the religious relgious believers blever who mako up upsomething upsomething upsomething
something like lke a quarter of the popula population populaton population ¬
tion ton if the attempts atempt at their enumera enumeration enumer enumneration ¬
tion ton are to be b credited as authentic authentc For Forthe rorthe Forthe
the remainder described by Dr lEER GEFR as asagnostics a asagnostics
agnostics agnostcs indifferentifits IndiferentstA and atheists atheist he hewould imewould
would provide the purely secular educa education euca eucaton eduration ¬
tion ton they tlY desire desireThis desireThis desireThis
This is a scheme which has h been ben advo advocated ndo ndocated advocated ¬
cated generally generaly by many may of our corre correspondents core corefpondent correspondents ¬
spondents fpondent but almost wholly wholy by Roman RomanCatholics RomanCatholc RomanCatholics
Catholics Catholc It I could culdnot not be b introduced imflrodimcedexcept introducedexcept trodueec
constitutional amendment amendmenttho mendmnentthe
except excpt by a ntiutonl mendmelt mendmeltthe
the proposalof props proposnlfwhieh f which whichwould would be likely 1 < cly to toexcite toexcte toexcite
excite excte one ore of the de thebittorest biterest bitterest political polticnl con conflicts COI comiflicta ¬
flicts fct in American Aerc history Dr GKKRH GKKRHdiscussion GmsdisCiontherefol GEEnsdiscussion
discussion disCiontherefol therefore liiay I ay be b styd S d to be beacademic beacademic e eacademc
academic academc rather rther than of a practical or oreven 01vena oreven
even vena a practicable pracicble question of politics politicsIt plic
I It is i not even even to t be assumed aumcd that Roman RomanCatholics RomanCathoUcwoud RomanCathollat
Catholics would bo united in the
CathoUcwoud b thf support supportof supprt supprtof
of so sraicnll radical a revolution revoluton of our 011 American Americanschool Am Ammmericanschool rcan rcanschoollYNtem
schoollYNtem school system as it exists and has existed existedin eistet
in the States Statei generally genemly with the pas passionate pasIionate pasdonate ¬
Iionate donate support of many generations generatons of ofAmericans oCAmerican ofAmericans
American Americans and anc as a their proudest boast boastTho bonct boncthe boastlLme
Tho he argument of Dr GEER EER proceeds on onthe onthe onthe
the assumption ltupton that in a i country like likethis lke lkethis likethis
this with a mixed population populaton it is not notthe notthe notthe
the right and not the duty nor tho policy policyof polcy polcyor
of the tle State to educate In the full fullsense flli fullsense
sense of the term educate eucate that may be botrue betre betrue
tre true but the policy polc > on which the public publicschool publc publcschool publicschool
based for self selfprotection selfprotection
school system is is ii that set
protecton protection the State Stte must give to the thechildren thechidren thechildren
children chidren to whom its is government will wi be beintrusted beintruste beIntrusted
intruste intrusted as al citizens ctieml tho instruction instnlcton that thatis thatis thatis
is necessary necesar to fit ft them for that responsi responsibility recponsl recponslbim responsibility ¬
bim bility The more mor mixed the population populationtherefore populationtherefore populationtherefore
therefore literate lterate and illiterate iiterte and of ofdiverse ofdiverse ofdiverse
diverse races and ant inheritance inheitanc of political politicalconceptions poltical polticalconceptons politicalconceptions
conceptons conceptions and prejudices the more morenecessary morenecsal nmoronecessary
necsal necessary is it that the State should Ihou1 ox oxercise oxercse oxercise
ercise this function functionNever functionNever
ercse functon functonoel
Never oel was wal this need so imperative impertve as asit uSit asit
it is i now when this country cnntry is receiving receivingthe
the greatest accession accssion of foreigners foreigner of an anilien analen analien
alien alen speech spech in its history First Fist of all allthe al allthe
the children chidren of those thele newcomers newcomCr must bo boaught b betatight
aught our language and something lomethlng of ofjur ofour ofour
our history to fit ft them t for the prime primeiuty primeduty prune pruneduty
duty and privilege priviege of citizenship ctizenship to which whichthey whichthey whichthey
they will wi attain on their reaching rcahing man mandood manhood manhood
hood The State SUto has hlR no right to inter interfere interfere Interfero ¬
fere in the vexed problem of the religion religionhey relgion relgionthey religionthey
they shall shal profess but for its own pro proaction protecton protection
action tecton it must mUlt give them elementary elementarysecular elementaryscular elementarysecular
scular secular instruction instructon sufficient sufcient to save f1we it itrom itfrom itfrom
from rom tho dangers of an illiterate Ilterte elcctor elcctortto elcctorate electorate
ate That is the ground on which State Statempport StnteIupport Statesupport
support Iupport of public publc education is justifiable justifiableind jUtfuble jUtfubleand
and requisite requisiteThis requi8it requisiteThis
This function functon of the State says saYf Dr DrjlEEii DrGBB DrlEER
GBB lEER requires require only tho simplest most mostjlemental roft roftelemental mostelemental
elemental kind of an education educaton for those thosehildren thosochidren thosechildren
children chidren who would otherwise bo neg negected neglectd floglected0
lectd lected0 ected Ho raises risel the question questonwel questionwell questionwellworth well wellvorth
worth worh debate debatwhether debatewhetimer whether education ducutou sup supported KUPpred supported ¬
pred ported ported by public publc taxation taxton ought ol ht to go gourthor goturtherthan gofurther
further turtherthan than the merely elementary elementry in initruction instructon instruction
itruction structon necessary nccBsary to save sle the State Staterom Stat Statefrom
from rom the perils prnB of an ignorant ignornt and illit illitirate ilt illitorate
irate crt electorate electrat As At to providing prviding this thisnstruction thi thisinstruction
instruction intrucion only for those thos whose educa educa5on educ education
ton tion 5on would ba b wholly wholy neglected neglecQd other othervise otherwif otherwise
vise wif may it not bo b said sid that already alreadyhat alreadytht alreadythat
hat tht is done by the public puble school Ichool So Soong Solong Solong
long ong as I children chidrn go to school Ichool the State Stateixorcises Stt Stateexorc1se
exerciss ixorcises no compulsion cmpulsIon as n to the char charicter charactr charactor
actor actr of the schools they shall shol attend attendwany attnd attndMany attendMany
Many wany thousands of them in New York Yorkire Yorkare Yorkare
are pupils pupi of the Roman Romln Catholic Catholo paro paroshial parochIal parochin
chin schoolsof sehoolf schools Ichools provided prvided by b the thoTown UleJew theJews
Town or are in private schools The TheState ThoStt TheState
Stt State offers ofem no interference interferenc with wih religious religiousiducatioh rlgious rlgiouseduato1 religiouseducation
of kind whatever and
education eduato1 any whatver no noliscouragement nodicuragement nodiscouragement
discouragement dicuragement to it itDr itDr ItDr
Dr GEER argues argn s that our society societ oven ovenmr evenour ovenourwhole
mr ourwhole whole political p1tcl system is going to t the tholevil thedevlisbcmlng thedevil
devil devlisbcmlng is becoming paganized pgaze because because1mr bcusei bcuseiourchldrenaro
mr ourchldrenaro children are growing up without withouti I II
I a i religious rlgoU education eucaton Ought not the thoihurches thehurehes i ichurche
churche ihurches and synagoguenthen to make it itheir ittheir Ittheir
their fmt first duty duty to supply this omission omissionThey omIssionfher omissionThey
They must provide i it the Constitution Constitutionlirccts Com Constitutiondire ttuton ttutondire
dire lirccts tK without support lupport from the State Statemd Stte Stteand Stateand
and is i the burden buren of cost cst too heavy How Howam Howc Howcan
am c it be b too to heavy if the obligation oblgaton is to toOD t toGOD
GOD OD The churches churche are Ire compelled comflle to toupport tosuppr tosupport
support suppr their t e rworhip worship by free tre will wi con conributlons cn cntribUononly contributlons
ributlons tribUononly only except excpt so so far as concerns concernshe concernsthe
the he help they get from the State Stte in their theiritatutory theirsttutor theirstatutory
statutory sttutor exemption exempton from taxation txaton ns nsnstitutions aRinsttutons a aInstitutions
Institutions insttutons exclusively tcusively I for the moral moralI
n i j itt
or ormettmpv mental improvement t of Jmt men o owomen or orwome orwomen
women wome or orfor for religious iouobltbe charitable an aneducational ad adeuctona and andeducational
educational euctona purposes puj yet enoro enormOus as ai I Itho Ii Iithe I
the aggregate cost of their tbeirmtnc malntenana malntenanathey malntenincothey
they agg flourish fo ib here he her more than th in countries countrUwhere cutre countrieswhere I
where State and ad Cla Church are united unitedThe unite unitedTho
The Th practical practc question quetonafer after all a BO s fa faas la far farus
as ns cohcernd ncern religious lgiou education educton in th thpubln tie tiepubllchoo1 time timepublp
publn publlchoo1 tncrr schools is iSltthe as to tothe the possibility possibilitygetting pSibityof pSibityofgtt of ofgettlhg
getting gtt grd rid of ofhlspr ofthtspr this prohibition hiton hlbltion of o the Con ConBtltutlon Cn CnsttuUon Constitutton
Btltutlon sttuUon of New York ork in principle prinCple simi siinilar similar sanEmr
lar to that of qheStats theStates generally generaly an anthe and andth andthe
the th expediency expiency of ofra raising dng an agitation agitatlofor aitaton aitatonfor agitationfor
for its itslxoiflon itslxoiflonAtcle excision excisionArticle eoisLonArtIele
Article Atcle IX section ectol 4 Neither elher the State nc ncany nor norany norany
any subdivision suhdllslol thereat thereof shall ahlU use IM ls property prper y o ocredit or orc orcredit
credit c dll or any ay public publc money or authorize athoJze or perm permeither prml prmlelUI pernmmt pernmmteither
either elUI r to be e used directly dl tlY or Indirectly Inclrecty In aid ad o omaintenance or ormalltellnre ormaintenance
maintenance malltellnre other thin for examination eumlnatoD and ad ID IDspectlon lBp Ispect2on
spectlon p clon of any lay school schol or Institution Intulon of o learnln learnlnwholly leamlnl leamlnlwboly IeanmlnvhoiIy
wholly wboly or In part under the control cntrl or direction directin c cany of ofarmy
any 111 religious rUrlous denomination dlm1ton or In which any an d dnominations dnOllnatolal Se Senonmlnatlonai <
nominations nOllnatolal tenet or doctrine dtrine Is I taught taughtAs taufhtAs
As 8 to the tl point made by Dr GEEB GEEBthat GEEHthat GEERthat
that the absence of religious relgious education educatioiis educaton educatonis
is responsible respnsible for social socal andpolitica andpoliticaevils anIpltcl anIpltclevis andpoliticalevils
evils evis from which we suffer sufel grievously grievousland grieouslyand
and that those evils evis would be prevents preventsby preente preventedby
by such Ilch education educaton there is il room fo fowide for forwide forwide
wide disagreement disgreement as 18 our own Wfl corre correspoudeuce core corefpndeuce correspondence
spoudeuce fpndeuce has ha demonstrated so s con conspicuously conspicuousl conspiommously
spicuously Practically Practcaly are the gradu graduates graduates graditates
ates of religious relgiou schools better bter moral moralthan moraly moralythan morally morallythan
than the graduates graduat0 of the public publc schools schoolsInfidelity 8chols 8cholsInfdely schoolsInfidelity
Infidelity Infdely is widespread undoubtedly undoubtedlybut undoubtely undoubtelybut
but is i it not among those who received recelveca recive
a religious relgious education eucaton in as a great a rati ratias rato ratoI ratio ratioas <
as I among those whose wllOe education eucton was WI it ittho in inthe Intime
the schools conducted conducte under the pro prohibltion prohibiton prohibition
hibltion hibiton of the Constitution Cnstuton we havquoted have baoquote havequoted <
quoted quote This Th is il a question queton which can caronly canonly canonly
only be b answered by statistics statst < which hLeh il ilis it itif itill
is if difficult difcult if not impossible imlloible to obtain obtainThere obtainThere btl
There is ji a tone in Dr lEERS UE RS letter letteito leter leterto letterto
to which but buihis buthis buthis
we weobject object very er decidedly deidel
his presentation preentaton of the question qUQton is able ableeloquent ableeloquent ableeloquent
eloquent and lnd sincere sincre and lnd is the expres expression ex oxpressioti pre ¬
sion fion of a truly and lnt deeply religious religiousmind relgiouR relgiouRmind religiousmind
mind mindCan mindenn mindCaum
Can Mr Ir Grout nrout miami d Mr 11 Forties lit litKjccted 1f lieJjeeted
JJeeted KjcctedThe JJeetedThe Jjeetedrime
The expressed expree disinclination disinclnton of certain certaininfluential certaininfuental certaininfluential
infuental influential members momber of the Republican Republicancity Republcan Republcancit Republicancity
cit city committee commitee to put the names namC of ofComptroller ofComptroler ofComptroller
Comptroler Comptroller EDWARD M r GROUT and andPresident andPreident andPresident
Preident President CHARLES V FORNES of the theBoard theBoard theBoard
Board of Aldermen Alderen on their ticket tcket for forreelection forreelection forreelection
reelection this fall fal is entirely entrel sincere At Attho A Attime
tho same time it is difficult difcult to see how howthose howthose howthose
sme tme
those two Democrats can cn be prevented preventedfrom prevente preventedfrom
from running under the ballotbox balotbox em emblem emblam emblem ¬
blem without a Iiolnton violation of the law lawThe lawThe lawThe
The Republican city cty convention conventon was washeld WSheld wasimeld
held in abcordance Itcordance with tho statute gov governingprimaries governingprmarie governingeprimaries ¬
erningprimaries erningprmarie enacted enacte iu il 1899 Mr MrGROUT MrOtouT Ir IrGRou
GROUT and Mr FORNES were wer nominated nominatedby
by the city convention whoso officers officersare ofcrs ofcrsare oflicersare
are charged with wih the duty of filing fin the thecertificates thecertfcate thecertificates
certfcate certificates of nomination nominaton with wih the Board Boardof Bord Bordof
of Elections Electons before midnight of Oct 0 0The I 9fime
The he law provides that each ctch certificate certificatemust crtlc1te crtlc1temust certifientemmumst
must be accompanied accompanic by a sworn swor declara declaration dl declaradorm la 1 1ton ¬
dorm ton that the statements statement contained cntained there therein therein therein ¬
in are true The Penal Code in Section Section41I
119 41I provides proi e that misconduct in rela relation relation relatioim ¬
tion to certificates cert lf4ate of nomination nominaton shall shallbo shul shallbe
be punishable by imprisonment impriRnment of not notless notles notless
les less than one and Uul not more than five fiveyears fe feycars fiveyears
years yearsThe yearsTime ycarsThe
The nominations nominatons were made by b the thejastint thectng tImecasting
casting ctng of one ballot balot for each nominee nomineeby nouineebr nonmimmeeby
by the secretary 8ccretnr of tho convention conventionunder convcnton convcntonunder conventionunder
under authority of the convention conventon and andnot andnot andnot
not on roll rol calls cals Whether nominations nominationsthus nomintons nomintonsthus nominationsthus
thus made Iude are legal legfl under the primary primarylaw
law whoso who o object was to give each eachdelegation eachdelegation eachdelegation
delegation opportunity to be heard is isi Isa isa
a i question < the courts have not patwwl patwwlon palnfdon
on yet yet It I may be that in 11 this procedure procedurein proceure proceurean
an excuse may be found to undo the thework theworK timework
work of the tle convention and Ind to recon reconvene reeoneneit reconvemme ¬
vene eneit it itUnless itUnless
Unless tnless this is done it seems tecm that the theertificato thecertfcato timecertificate
certificate of Mr r GROUTS and Mr MrhORVESs MrFonnss
hORVESs FOR BR8 nomination by the Republi Republican Republ ¬
cn can city cty convention conycpton must be filed tie by byhe bythe bythe
the he officers oOtr of the he convention cnvention If I the theffiocrs theofccrs theoflicen
ffiocrs ofccrs fail fai to do so they tley may be liable liableo lable lableto
to o prosecution proecuton Certainly the courts courtsould curt courtscould
could Issue an appropriate writ wit com compiling compclnl cornpolling ¬
piling pclnl them to file fio tho certificates certifcates on onomplaint oncOlnpluint oncomplaint
complaint of Mr fr GROUT and Mr r FORNES FORNESliat FomnRthat F0RNESthat
that the tlo ofllids of the Convention were wereleslecting wereneglecting wereneglecting
neglecting their duty dutyWore dutyWere dutyWore
Wore it not for this power of the courts courtshe courtsthe courtsthe
the he officers ofcem of the convention cnvcnton might file fileinly fe feonly fileonly
the certificate of Lows
only certfcate Mayor nom nomnation nomination miornimmation
nation They might leave 101e two places placesdank placesblank placesblaimk
dank on the ballot balot and instnict all al the thenembors thememberR timemembers
members of the party to vote oto under the theCitizens theCitzens theCitizens
Citzens Citizens Union emblem for the city ticket ticketind tcket tcketand ticketand
and under tho ballotbox blotbox emblem for forjorough forbrough forborougim
jorough brough county and other candidates candidates5uch cndidateHSuch candidatesSuch
Such a solution Roluton besides being clearly clearlyllfiRal cearly cearlyie clearlyillegal
illegal ie al is also allo impracticable impracticableThe impractcable impractcableThe
The Citizens Citzen Union docs doc not nominate nominatejy imonminateby
b by jy convention but by petition petton and fnd it itias itha ithas i
ha has ias until unt Oct Oct 11 to file fe its it nominating nominatingwtitions nominatng nominatngpettion nornimmatingpetitions
pettion petitions wtitions It may place any names nmes on onts onitB onits
its ts petitions Ilttion that itwishpatoand it itwisimrsto wiRbrs to and on get getIng gettng getting I
ting tng the signatures of 2000 20 electors eector to totach toeach tocacti
each petition petiion its candidates candldatC will wi be en enitlcd enttcd entitled
titled ttcd to a place on the ballot balot The he action actionf acton actonof
of > f thoCitizens tho Citzens Union convention conventon in innominating innominatng innominating
nominating nominatng Mr Low Mr llr GROUT GROU and andUr andMr andMr
Mr Ur FORNES had no legal effect efect and was wasn wasin wasin
in n fact only uu I instruction to the officers officersif ofcrs ofcrsof
of if the Union UnionMr UnionMr UnionMr
Mr GROUT and Mr Ir FORNES are on the theRepublican theRepublcn timeRepublican
Republcn Republican ticket tcket and to get them off offigainst of offagainst
against their own wishes whes requires require a very veryngenious ver veryingenious
ingenious ingenioul longitudinal longiudinal dissection difecton of ofrnirs ofhair ofhairs
hairs hair hairhe hairsTue rnirsDie
Die he Walking Delegate Delelot and Ild the theSchools theSchoob theSchools
Schools SchoolsThe SchoobThe SchoolsTime
The Board of Walking Delegates of ofBrooklyn ofBrooklyn ofBrooklyn
Brooklyn and Queens boroughs broughs has hasorved hn hasserved I Isere
served sere notice notc on the Board Boar of Education Educationhat Eucaton Educationtimat I Ithat
hat unless unleB the contractors contractor at work on ontow onnow I
tow nw school buildings buidings and repairs repaIr in tho thox theJng II
1ng x > ng Island divisions divsion of New York city cityllschargo citydicharge citydischarge
discharge dicharge the nonunion men who are aretow arenow arenow
now employed employe by them a strike strke will wi be beulled b becalled
called culed which will wi tie te up ajl ol ll of tho work worktow worknow worknow
now in progress progres Should the te threat of a aitrike astrike I Istrike
strike be carried carrie out work will wi be stopped stoppedin I Ion
on in seventeen seventen new buildings buidig which are areiceded arenee areneeded
needed nee urgently urgenty to relieve releve the crowded crowdedonditlons crowde crowdedconditions
conditions cndltoM in the existing existng school build bulldogs buid buidIng buildIngs ¬
Ing Ings ogs in which it is il bt probable accommoda accommodation accmmou accmmouton
ion ton cannot be found for fulltime fultme in intruction intructon instrtiction
truction tructon ofsome oC I some of the children ehldr of ofnombers ofmember ofmembers
members member of the unions represented repreented in inhe inte inthe
te the he board boaf of walking delegates delegatesUnder delegate delegatesUnder
Under these thee conditions condiion the reasons reasonshat reaoM reaoMthat reasonsthat
that have impelled impele the walking dele delegates dele deleyat ddegates ¬
yat gates to t call ca1 a strike ftriko are interesting Interetng In Inheir Intheir Intheir
their ultimatum ultmutum to the superintendent superntendent of ofchool ofschool ofschool
school buildings buldln the walking waling delegates delegatesaid delegatf delegatfsaid delegatessaid
said aid that they hud thus fur kept k pt their thllr
hands Jd off olte theschool theschoofiirkin co trork rki in Brooklyi Brooklyitat Brly Brlybta ookIyn ookIynbtit I
tat bta as it had b beta tJntt intimated to ttem them tha thapublic tt thtpublloopnlonwaa
public publo publloopnlonwaa opinion opion was wa so s strong Itq Gtrongtliatlt that ttt it iroul iroulnot woud woudnot would wouldnot
not admit amt of any ay interference ite wit witschools wit with withsthools
schools scol it was wa practically prc0r impecativ impecativupon lpvo lpvoupnthe ImpstIVupon
upon upnthe them to show Ihow that thatte their union unionstood uou uoustoo unionsstood
stood stoo together togetherIt tother totherItiweU
It ItiweU is well always aha at the te beginning bealq o osuch or orsucb ofsucha
such sucha a controversy cntvery to have hav the cause culeo culeoit o oit of ofIt
it set st for forth exactly exactlyIf xcty xctyI
If I there is i a strike on 01 the public puble school schoobuildings sohoolbuiding schoolbuildings
buildings buiding of Brooklyn Drokly and ad Queens Queen 1 1will it itwi Itwill
will wi not be to obtain obti more wagps wav was shorter shortehours shorer shorerhour shorterhours
hours hour or greater grater privileged prviegMfor privlleg for the work workers worker workers
ers er Its sole object will wi be to t demon demonstrate demonItrate demonstrate
strate Itrate the power and strength strengh of tlv tlvboard tM tMboard timeboard
board of walking delegates delegatesUnanimity delegat delegat1iJUllmiy delegatesUnaimlimmity
Unanimity 1iJUllmiy for Good oot Candidate CandidateLet CandidatesLet < audldalel
Let us u suppose euppe that the yearning yearnig of M MCHABLES Mr MrCHARLES r rCHARLS
CHARLES CHARLS F MURPHY for good municipal municip1government municip municipalgovernment
government govrment led le him one step further furthethat fuber fuberthat furtherthat
that is to the indorsement indorement of Mr Lo Loalong Low Lowwong Lowalong
Is it said lad that this is impossible imtsible Tarn Tarnmany Tammany Tarnmany
many being bing a Democratic Democrato organization organizatioiand organizaton organizatonaud
and Mr Ir Low being
bing a Republican RepublicanWell Republcan RepublcanWel
Well Wel it has been sold sad at times time thai thaiMr thatMr tlmatMr
Mr Low Lw was WiS no 10 Republican RepublicanAVe Republcan RepublcanWe
AVe o invite the supposition not because becausiany becauseany becauseany
any such thing is likely lkely to occur bu bubecause but butbcu butbecause
because bcu it may serve to t throw light lighon lght lghton lighton
on the te question queton of moral propriety o omoral or ormor ormoral
moral mor turpitude turpitudeWhy turpitudeWby turpitudeWhy
Why on Sept 25 1901 101 the Citizens CitizensUnion Citzen CitizensUnion
Union nominated nomiat for Justice JUtc of the Su Suprerae Suprme Supreme
prerae prme Court Cour the Hon MORGAN MOR N J JOBBiEv JO JOBRIEN
OBBiEv O BRIE On Oct 1 1901 191 the te Repub Republican Rpub Rpublcn Republican
lican lcn County Cunty Convention nominated nomiat the thisame thesame thesame
same candidate cadidat Did Tammany Tammay blight blighland blght blghtad blightand
and ad disqualify diqualy Judge OBBIEX when hen i iput it itput itput
put him on its it ticket tcket nine days dajslater dajslaterI later laterIf laterIf
If I amending the New Jersey Jery ConutitU ConutitUtlon CnHtu CnHtuton Constituflon
tlon ton la i In order what about abut an a amendment amendmcnwhich andment andmentwhich amendmentwhich
which shall sl permit pertt the enactment enatment of a school echoolaw schoollaw hool hoollaw
law that tt classifies elifes districts ditrcts according acording to tin tinneeds thoned theiieeds
needs ned of a modern school shol system systemTwo sytm sytmTo systemTwo
Two To such general gerl school Bchoollws laws have been beendeclared ben bendelrd beendeclared
delrd declared unconstitutional uncJ ttutoni within wihin four yearn yearnIf yearir
If we are not mistaken mistakenThe mltaen mltaenhe mistakenTime
The he opening opnig of the football footbl season seulon ha hanspired hiI immi immiinspired
inspired etcaptical Icsptcal comments to the effect effecthat eloct eloctthat effectthat
that the new rules designed detigned to t abolish abolishleavy ablsh ablshheav abolishheavy
heav heavy leavy maaa ma plays or at least to confine confinehorn cntne cntnethem confinethorn
horn to the last Ilt twentyfive twentytl yards of the thetdvance theIdvanc theadvance
advance Idvanc have not altered atored the nature natue of ofhe ofthe ofthe
the he game The season se3n is young oung yet and andhe andthe andthe
the he leading teams tl3S have not met in fierce fierceonflict terc terccnfict fierceconflict
conflict cnfict The lists 18tS of casualties CAualtlel at the end endif endor endof
or if the series will 11 tell tel the tale taleConference talcolrerelef taleConference
Conference olrerelef Interview or AuUlemr AuUlemrTo tudlemmeeTo udlele udleleTo
To rims UII EDITOR or THE TiE Kvx StxSir ScxSir Sir Refer Roferiiur Rererrlnl Referrimir
rlnl rimir iiur to my lY communication communicton of Sept 23 re rerardine reKurdn regarding
rardine the matter Iatcrof matterof of a ncnferenco conference between betweenlie betwenthe bet Wen Wenthe
the lie President Pesident and representatives rcpreentaUcH or orgnn orgnnzed orgnnIzed organIzed
Ized labor In the matter mater of the Sillier Mier cane canewould cRe cReI caseI
I would wouldre respectfully ruly ask ak your Interpretation Interpretationif Interpretton
01 if the meeting Ineetnl at the White lmith House Hou on the thevening theeening theevening
evening of Sept in Was WI It a conference conferenceor
or a u hearing hearingI
I have hnl1 revinwtnlwitil r reviewed vi will WiLli cure a number nlmber of news nevfswpcr nlR nlRplllk newspmpr
wpcr plllk r accounts of the incident I note that tlmtill thatul thatall
ul all ill refer to It UK M a conference IOlrerence Timer re rex reprt report
prt port x > rt that the conferonco lasted IINtld lasted from 9 9M 9I ap
I p > M f to ilso 10 P 1 M J For a concrete illustra illustraion iustra iustration illustration
tion I quote the report riven Iiven in the Tribune Tribuneif
or if Sept 30 That paper statoR that the theonfercnce theonferenro timeconlorence
onfercnce at the Whito Whlt lou Itouo llou o broke up upibout upabout upabout
about 1130 I P 51 l It furthor refers to an aninterview anintcrvlew aninterview
interview ot which various subject Albject > of ofnterest orIntlrst ofinterest
interest Intlrst to labor were disciissed dLqclsREd Three Threelines Threetmes Threetimes
lines tmes more the word conference colreren appears appearsho RppearRtho appearsthe
the ho word Interview once 010 more and die disuasion di8c diecusalon
uasion c lon once onceIn onr oncein
In Mr Ir Gomperas GOlper s letter leter to tho President Presidentsltinc Prcideittasking rOidelt rOideltosklnR
asking osklnR for an Interview lnterylI he refers to the thecontroversy therntrover thecontroversy
controversy rntrover y presumably alluding aluding to the thelifferenco thedlprcD thedifference
difference dlprcD between behleel the President Ireslrlnt and Ild the theinlona theunions timeminions
unions He also allo coolly col requests nqle t8 the Prod Prewilint 1rel 1reldnt Proddnt
dnt to adjust his arrangements to unit slit the theonvenlouce theronwnlelco theeonvenieuco
onvenlouce ronwnlelco of the engagements of Mr Ir John JohnMitchell Johnit JohnMitchell
Mitchell it chel In II the statement given IlvIn by Mr Mrlompers lr lrOompes IrGorapers
lompers Oompes to the members memblrR of the thl press prlSd that thatentleman thatgeDUPlnnn thatgentlemtumtI
entleman tWice t ic use U5CC the word conference conferencend eonrerlnce eonrerlnceand
and nd also al o states At ales that the Miller ller carte was mile dlsuused milecussed ls lscU8
cussed cU8 ed in all al of Its bearing 3rln I am 11 at no nolittle 10 10ltle itolittle
ltle little loss to understand undlrfnn whether the Presl Presllent 1r181 1r181dent President
dent has ba merely given 1111 a hearing hearlnl or whether whetherie
he ie han hn holds held a conference conferloC with a prolonged prolongeddiscussion IlrolongcddI8cuIHlol irolonreddlecussion
discussion dI8cuIHlol of a controversy rontrovrsr between betweenilmself btwfenhimsel betweenhimself
himself himsel and labor unionism unionismI unlonlsl
I also note that the President In his open openng openh1r openlag
h1r lag ng communication communicaton to the delegates confined conllnedilmnelt conlnId conlnIdhlmHIlf confinedhinmecif
ilmnelt with lb great lat earn to the issue of the thnopen theopln theopen
open opln shop in its Is relation relaton to Government Governmenthtablishments Goerment Goermentellnblshlnenll GovernmentehtabllshIflefltC
htablishments ellnblshlnenll Of course courlo he hI was entirely entirelyIght enUrlly enUrllyrltht entIretyrIght
rIght rltht In so doliif doln It I was the only isuo isuoith 18 isemmowith uo uowih
wih with ith which he was directly dlrecly and officially officiallyoncerned omclaly omclalyconclrned omclnllyconcerned
concerned conclrned Ills Is lis letter leter of July 14 m to Secre Secreary Secretlry Socretory
tlry tory ary Cortelyou took tuoka a much tnuclbroader broader ground groundhat Iround Iroundthnt groundthat
that hat of the underlying principle In Its relation relationo relnton relntonto
to o nil u1 establishments eetaIl hmenls public pUblc or private prlnte To Tomve lohave 0 0huye
have mve raised ralsl the point poilt so broadly In a hear heirng hearIng hear11mg
Ing ng or a conference conferencl would have been beenutlle bcenruUe beenfutile
futile of course cal reI and ald perhaps Impolitic Impoltic The Theeal Iho Ihorell Iim Iimreal
rell real eal issue at 1 stake stke is undoubtedly the right rightf rltht rlthtof rightof
of > f Mr Miller lllr to hold his Job So far as Mr Mrloosevelt MrRoosevelt lr lrRooevelt
Roosevelt Is concerned that question Queston now nowippeart 10 10ap nowappears
appears ap nrs to be closed cosel Miller Mier stays The Thenly Theonly iiieonly
only nly question queston which remains remlhls is the nature naturef laturo laturoor
or f the meeting meetng at the White House between betweenIr betweenMr
Mr Ir Roosevelt OOeelt and Messrs lesr Compers Gomperl Mitchell MitchellCo Mitchellt ltchel
k t Co and upon upn that question Illton I ask to bo bonlightened hI hIenlhlhlllp hoenllghteimpd
WASHINGTON WUISOION Sept Smptmu SmptmuSuppose no noSuppose 0 0SUppoRe
Suppose we e call cal jt an audience audienceMure aldicncf aldicncfIure aimdleimes3Iore
Mure Iure Theatre Keinlnlsoencrs KeinlnlsoencrsTo RlntnI8eenel
To 0 THE 1 EniTOn ErlTon or THE SUN SusSir Sir Who Whoan Whocan
with Miss US Mary Maryunuon MaryOanmmon
can an forget tho old Olympia nry nryCanuon
Oanmmon unuon sharing sharlnl the honors with Miss Mis Mary MxryaylorMltchell MaryTaylorMitchell Jlry Jlrynylor
aylorMltchell Canuon nylor lehel and Holland 101and as Mr 1r and all Mm Mmuudlr Ilr IlrCUldle iIraCuitdte
uudlr CUldle in the Curtain Lectures and the thaperatlo theoperatic
operatic burlesques such luch as the lichen lichentaiid iioluiiMans OhlII
Mans oPIrato ans Girl Oir and after aler the th performance the thalull theIslt thevisit I
visit lull to the Ih old ii oyster house on Broadway Broadwaynd roallwlWand
and nd Howard street 111 and nd a bl bli big oyster orllr slew slewor HII HIIror stewfor
for or a York shilling shillingAs shilng shilngAR shillingAs
As to the tll Old Od Bowery owen Philomel lhlole Is 1 > right rightllamblln rhhtT
T llamblln lumbln was manager 14Uager and brought out outIrs outlrA outMrs I
Mrs Irs Shaw 3 J 11 I Scott Hoot E L I Davenport Davenportrhe I
The latter sang and danced a sailors saiors horn hornlipe hor horpipe hornnipe
pipe In BlackEyed Hunan Who would wouldlave wouldhalo wouldhave I
halo lave thought at that tht time tme that thl he would wouldlecome woull woullbecome wotilmibecome
become thoulht tho great grlt tragedian tragelnn he did In after afterears nHeryeMs afteryears
years yeMsJo ears earsDoes Does any of your our old readers relders recollect recoleot time tlmId thRohl timeold
old Id Jo cry lny In the Bowery pit when a colored coloredian ooloredmln coloredmaim
maim ian or boy would wouldlet 10wery g get t In II The hl cry cr was im imlecliatoly 11 11mpdlatlly tommediately
mln lecliatoly mpdlatlly raised NiggerIn Nlller In the pit pi put put himoutl himoutI him elmnit
outl The colorM colored prlon person was M Alzp1 seized hy hyhnlr byhalf
half nit n down dozn or morii more tossed over the heads headsf hendor
or f those In the rear rer and thrown out in tho thoArethoany thorear timerear I
rear Arethoany Ar Are passagewlY passagewlYAr passagewaY there any of your oldreaderSiwlc oldreaderSiwlcgpartles old rp readers der who whoremember whoremember I
remember that In winding up bals balls or dlnc dlncIng dane danetog
tog gpartles IJartes on the West Side we used to t sing singdanced sing1lnc slogI
I danced d with a f girl Irl with a I hole In her stocking a aole abole ahole
1lnc bole ole In wih her utockln stklnl a I hole In her stocking stockingdanced stockingI locllnl
I danced daCd with a girl with Wil a hole In her stocking stockinghe aloklnr aloklnrlo
lo he ie was B the th handsomest hantmesl girl Irl In the room roomThose rom romhORe mootliioee
Those hORe were the days whon young men menhoroughly meQthQroulhly menthoroughly
thoroughly thQroulhly wtre enjoyed lif le and Ind lived lved up to the theId te teold thsold
old Id song eongflo son 1
flo 10 It while whie youre young youngTor younrIor young1or
Tor I when youre old you can cn cant cantJiriVe I IDrive IIrlv
Drive nil II sad sd thoughts Ihourhl away awayAnd awavInd awayttmd
And Irlv bid dull dul care avauntl avauntlW avault
I 1001K
BROOMTV noOUN Sept Rlpt 30 soA 30A 30A
A A TwentyThird Street Urd Experience ExperienceTo pulence
To 0 THE IDiTon or THE B Sow SUSIr SuxStr Str Weeks ago aronew agonew o oew
new ew curbstones were wee laid along both sldawalks of ofwentytblrd 01Tenttblrd ofTwentythird
wentytblrd Tenttblrd street They have been there ever evernee eeriince everjince
iince nee untouched unloucbe and lad collecting colecllnr dirt dir and are In Inverybodys Ineverybdya ineverybodys
verybodys everybdya way wayNow 11 wayNow
Now the bill bi posters pslers have begun brun to plaster plater them themp Ibemup themup
up p with wih potters pleu K I some 1m one connected cnnecled with wlh lt1m tha thaIty thocly thucity
cly city Ity government rovernlen would only start alar at a Sixth Iilh avenue avenuend avenueInd avenueand
Ind and nd go went along Twentythird Tnlythlr street cret and nd see how howetestable howdetelable howdetestable
detestable detelable It I look and see what t forlorn forlor untidy untidynd unUdyanlt untidyand
and nd ramshackle lllahackle appearance Ippearanee It I gives to I an otherwise otherwisetea olherwLe olherwLenice otherwisenice
nice tea street Jteel I certainty think Ihlk the city cty would have havele havothe havethe
the le stones cleaned and would stop It I for the future futureNw futureaw futureNaw
Nw aw YORK 011 Sept 28 2 WKST 11 SIDEH SIDEHUy SID1n SID1nI S1Olti3i
Uy Inadvertence the other day dy we WI attributed atributed to toie totIme
11 tIme ie < I Outlook Ouloot an article on Oi the New Theology by byrat byIrol byIrot
Irol rat George < eorre F Itooro o ot the Harvard Harard divinity divinityhool dlIIU dlIIUlelool divinityscitool
lelool scitool hool which was WI wa printed pJattd In the tie Inttptndtnt InMJ11 InMJ11u
7 w wRELrGIW3
The Te Bev ov K 0 r W JIjCr WiiM 1wtsjaceer H Ceer f fPuIi 8 8Fmnli 1i 1iD
Fmnli D Ch Chapel II p i Arcnn A trues UMt it OSe J r PubllTo Publl PI PubitSSebsolSystem
Meelfte SebsolSystem fIG Per Peril te tSoelety tSoeletyTo Selet SeletTo
To vas TElth Eoiton OP OPTUB THE SON Slr SW8ir Sir hei heiit hers er
it f nothing nts BO topsyturvy tpturv1 in th te the counti countitoday cut countri countritoday
today ty a u our treatment treentonh of the subject subjecteducation ubje or oredut ofeducation <
education edut yet there th r Is nothing notl a x 0 > vital vit t tthe t to tothesafety
the thesafety safety aety and ad perpetuity prpttty of our ou butttutloni butttutloniAnd istutons lflstltutlonsAnd
And the cause cu la I not far to leek leekIn Ik IkIn eekIra
In a country cutr like lke this th with wlhmled a mixed popv popvlation PPI poptilatlon
lation it U i not the thorlbt fight and not the dut dutnor duty dutynor dutymmor
nor thq policy plcy of the State to t educate eduote Th ThState The TheStti TimeState
Stti State i is too t big bi and unwieldy an a organize organizetlon orlanlz organization
tlon ton to t do such delicate delct work To allow alow th thState the theStt theState
State Stt to carry carr on this thi kind of ethical ethIcl ani anispiritual and andspIriul andspiritual
spIriul spiritual warfare warar is 1 as 1 absurd abul as a to t Intrui Intruito Intrustto
to the Church the duty dut of managing a mill milltary ml miiitary
tary buy campaign mplgn against aat a foreign torign managg foe to It I i isimply i islpl 1simply
slpl simply a question cluCton of adaplblty adaptability and ad equip equipmont equipmentThe equipmont
mont mentThe The well wel meant meat usurping ulrpig of maternt materntfunctions maternl maternlfuctons maternal maternalfunctions
functions fuctons by the State Stte reminds one of th thtender the thetnder thetender
tender tnder heart heal imearted d motherly elephant tha thaundertook that thatundertok thatundertook
undertook undertok to t hatch out the eggs of a dina dinabled di dibie disabled
bled bie hen henWhat bel henVhat
What Wh t is the result of our malpractice malpracticeVhy malpracllo malpracticehy
Why > hy we ore ae bringing up all al over this broa broaland broad broadland broadland <
land a lusty set st of young pagans pgl who whcsooner whosoner whosooner
sooner soner or later they or their children chidren wl wlmake wi will willmake
make mae havoc Jlavo of our Institutions InstutonH Lynchort Lynchortlabor Lynchorslabr Lynclmorslabor
labor labr agitators ogHatorl and law w breakers llakers general generalaro gneraly gneralyare generallyare
are human guido postH pt with arms al hand handand han lmalmdeand s sand
and lingers fnger wide extended fxende and voices voie a atheir at attheIr attlmeir
their loudest loudcit pointing pintig WI us to tho ruin which whiclawaits whichawat whichawaits
awaits awat society looety if we persevere prRvele in the roai roaiwhich rod rodwhich road roadwitlcim
which we we are ar now taking takingForeign taig taigFoeign takingForeign
Foreign Foeign war ar would make Jake a I unit uni of a abrave a as asbrave
brave as resourceful reourcrul a people as a ever kneiexistence knew knewexLtenc knewexistence
exLtenc existence but let severe leve pressure preure come comfrom comefrom comefrom
from within wthin and we shall Ibal see le to t our sill sillsurprise Ily Ilylurprle dllly dlllysurprise
surprise lurprle how little lte the tbeavra average America Americacares Aein Aeince Americancares
cares for his sacred Got Gotmade God Godmade
ce hi country ountry as 1 a sre Go
made me institution IIUuton Pagans Paga under the besethical bes bt btethicl btethical
ethical ethicl training of old time paganism paganismmight pnlm pnlmmight paganismmniglmt
might be made mae even in this tht Christian Christan era erato erato erato
to do good god work for society but may wi wibe we webe Webe
be delivered delvere from the handiwork < of pagans paganIn pagansIn
In a Christian Chritin country who know llttlor little ltte ltteor littleor
or nothing either of ethics and
pagan pagu eLhc pagan pagaireligion paganrelgion paganreligion
relgion religion or of Christian Chrita ethics ethic and Christian Christlaireligion Christl Christianreligion
relgion religion Such as ai these thee are already prov proving provIng preying
ing a perilous perlouf element The wealth welth am amextent and andoxtent andextent
extent of the country cuntry may put off ol for a timiour time tme tmeour timeour
our evil 011 day at its worst estate ette but if 1 wi wiconlinuo we wecntnuo wecontinmuo
conlinuo cntnuo to forge ahead ahe Into the darkness darknesiat darknE
at the rate at which we are art now moving movinithat movingthat movingthat
that evil evi day may be much nearer thai thaiwe thanwe thamawe
we think A rolling roing ball bal makes make historjfastest history htt historyfaatest rYI
fastest ratft when it is nearest nearet the bottom botom o othe or ortbo oftime
the hill h1 and we are making miking history at i itremendous a atremendous atrenmendous
tremendous pace paceTho paceThe paceTime
The writer wrie has ha been surprised lurprie in con convernation conersatlon I Iclaton
vernation claton with vih Intelligent Intelgent and thoughtful thoughtfumen
men to find fnd a marked marke want of confident confidentIn cnfdenc confidenceIn
In tho permanent permlnent success IUCe of our ou institu instituions istu istuton institulions
ions ton Like Llce him these thee doubters doubter seem sem t tt to tobo tohe <
bo t > o iicering I rlng into the night questioning qumtioniniof qu tonlng tonlngof
of the darkness darknls what is i sea and what if ifland I is island
land And the beet bet they dare hope for foiis forI foris
I is that after aCer a cataclysm ctaclym there there will wi hoP follow followome rolow rolowlomo followcome
come lomo sort of rehabilitation rrhlblHnlon of our institu institulions IItLu IItLulons institutions
lions lons on firmer frmfr foundations foundatons that we will wilbo wi willbe
bo saved fire fireOur fireOur
yet so as a by 1 lre lreOur
Our perils pris are 81a not oldcountry perils peris bu buthey but butthoyare butthey
thoyare they are just as real rlal yet we w seem lem to know knovnothing kow kownthing knownothing
nthing nothing about abut them We Wear ore building buiding costly costljeducational csty cstyeducatonal costlyeducational
educatonal educational breakwaters breal < wRlors against storms stormicoming stor stormsconming
coming cming from one direction dirctlon only onl Our na naLlonal n ontionmal <
Llonal tonl harbor of safety srety promises promlss therefore thereforeto thereroret
t to bo b like lke that of Apia Api in i the famous laou storm stornDf etormof stormof
of s few years yers ago o a Itarbor habr in i stress strO ol olweather of ofwI4ther ofweatimer
weather wI4ther to bo b sailed led out from frm Dropping Droppingmetaphor Droppingmetphor Droppingmetaphor
metphor metaphor our moneyed classes cla in the noi noiremote not notremote notremote
remote future may bo b tempted to place plawiheir plac placetheir
their money over the border in Canadian Canodloibanks CanoL CanoLbnks Canadianbanks
bnks banks as I some of them are said sid to have havlone havedone Imavedone <
done when Bryanism Brynisl was W8 most mot threatening threateningWe threatnhmgWe
We have problems prbl ms of appalling applngmagnl applngmagnltude inagni inagniudo mnagnittide
udo before belor us 11 nnd our preparation prepraton is i wholly wholrjnsilfflciont wholy wholyhl111cotn whollyinjiifficinnt
nsilfflciont hl111cotn In character chamccr We neoti powers pwer o oisHlmilntion of ofus ofassImilation
assImilation us > Imiaton such Such as no 19 other country cuntry ever eveileeded everneeded everoceded
needed yet wo WI are making Ualtng ready reldy for t tsolution a asluton asolution
sluton solution of our difficulties dilcltO with wih a sort lort o ospiritual 01 018piriual ofspiritual
8piriual spiritual dyspnpsLi Nothing ever was WIS sc sctaphazard 80hapla7Ard sohaphazard
haphazard hapla7Ard happygolucky as 8 our olr well wellneant wel weilmeant
meant le4nt national natona system systm of education euclton It it itpenly is isopenly Isopenly
openly > and an I believe bleve justly jUlty charged thai thaihis thntthi thatthis
his thi city for fifty or sixty years past pasthrough vastthrough paatthrougit
through its it schools 110018 lets ha been ben corrupting corruptng corruptngthe corruptingthe
the he immigrants not tho immigrants the thelty thociy timecity
ciy city lty and the same samnezimiglmt might be b said Ild with wih equal equalruth equaltruth
ruth of tho country at large lrge What crass crnutuUmanacement cra cralma crassmLstmmanarmentl
mLstmmanarmentl uUmanacement lma mentl What iizmt fatal fatl blundering bludering
We prido ourselves ourles on our succesxfulicparation successful SUCRful SUCRfulleprntlon successfulseparation
separation of Church Chuch and State but the thetttempt theatteumjt
leprntlon te teattmpt
tttempt attmpt Is il the worst worft kind of failure faiure No Ncmch Nofueh Nosuch
such fueh separation 6pratlon is possible plblo as aslommg long OH I the theState theState theState
State has almost a monopoly monoply in educating educatinghe edutng edutngthe educatingtime
the he children chirrn The truth in il we have an e eblishPd fI es established
blishPd blblkhd religion relgion for the support of which whichhe wimicimthe whichthe
the he people pople are ar heavily heaviy taxed tue Our richly richlyindowed richlyendowed richlyendowed
endowed established religion relgion iso to call cl It Its IIIs ItIs
Is s that of agnosticism agnostcism running rning down into intoitheiHin intoatheism intoatheism
atheism IB not thu same true of religion relgion relgionin religionin
in 11 those families fnmie8 in which the th father and andnother andmothlrneerRIXak andmotimttr
nother mothlrneerRIXak no noverspeak ver speak on the subject to the chil chilIren chi cliiidren
dren And An If thingsaire thlngsre wrong wrng in thenurs thenursry the nus nusery nurs nursery
ery ry what need nod is i > there to look elsewhere elsewhereProtestants elswhere elswhereProtlRtant elsewimeroProtestante
Catholics Hi Hirews nbrew liebrews
Protestants Konian Homal CatholC and
brew > rews have struck a compromise cmprmli by nnl which whichod whichCod
Cod od and Christ Christyes yes and nnr with Uh thorn pagan paganithics paganf1thic pagantttimic
f1thic ithics at their best bstar bestaroehitninated are eliminated lJminate from the theducation thelducnton timeeducation
education lducnton of the tb child chid life lfe of the nation nationVhat naton natonWhat nationWhat
What is the result rfllt WhyHurely Why Hurelv the the virtual virtualnthronement virtualeimtimr000tfitflt
enthronement > of forces lorceo that u disbelieve belee in inod inGoi uiGod
God od and Christ Chrilt and are Ire antagonistic to tohem tothem totiteum
hem How 1011 can those who know what whatliristianity whatChristaniy whatChristianity
Christianity Christaniy 1 is nnd what the nature and andleeds andne antineeds
leeds A of children chldrfn are believe beleve otherwise otherwiseriiero 0lherwl8eThere otherwiserimere
ne There can be x > no education educnton in these days daysvlthout dayswithout dayswitimotit
without religion relgion or o its Is negation oropppalte oropppalteVlmt oropPlle oropPlleWhat or oppositeWhat
What an al atmosphere atmOpherl to bring up our chll chllIron chl cliiidreit
Iron rn inl in Small Smal wonder that atheists nthlilts and nndignostics andagnOltc antiagnostics
agnostics love to have haf it so because in a anost amo anmost
agnOltc nost mo > t pitiful plLfui sense Bn of the word the lamb laml is isaside Ish1lde isinsIde
aside h1lde the lion lionHome lon lonUome lionIloimme
Home allowed onch Ineh cant conquerCTl conqutre nation naLon to tootnln toretain torebmiti
retain Its own religion relgion and even en placed placedhfiir rlaced rlacedtheir placedtheir
their gods in her Pantheon Plnt1on and all al were wereontentod werecontentr werecontentel
ontentod contentr or at least gratefully grtefuly accepted acceptedhe accpte
the he wisely offered ofered consolation eon801ton But Blt we are arelishoiiorfng aredlsimonorlitg
dihonoring lishoiiorfng every form of religion relgion known knownto
to o our people by our olrcolo colossal > sal and well wel meant meantml m meantlitit ant antblt
blt litit ml wholly wholy pople stupid meddling meddlng with wih wit ii the t he nun nursry nunery mIrecry
cry ry of the nation naton And the inevitable irwlabll result resultvfiich rlult rlultwhich resultvhieli
which is 8 becoming more 10rn und more evident evidents oidolt oidoltIs
Is s that no ono Is satisfied Imtsfed Witness WlneH the therant timewtumt
rant of confidence conf enc so o abundantly Ibundnnty attested attestedn atcfted
In n the many Ilny letters letll which have hlo recently recentlyppoared recnty recntyaIIJeared recentlyampoared
ppoared in your columns clulmlR nnd from time timeo tmo timeto
aIIJeared to o time in other newspapers rewipaper and III perlodi perlodials prlodl prlodlC1IR perlodicals
tm overcrowded and andery andver andvery
C1IR cals als Tho lbo schools 80hol8 are Orcrowde
very ery popularof ppularof course OUe but these thfO facts fact are arof Irl Irlof areof
ver of this and andimilar andsimilr mmdsimilar
of f llttlo Itto weight for the 111 purposes purpol
similar similr protests protestsWo protCtsWo
people un unIttlng unfting mmfitting
Wo are over educating educatng our OU
fitting them for what th thy y can fin flfl do and not notifforing notoferinK notoffering
offering fting them the opportunities o portulltl6 for which whichre
we re are lre fitting fltng them What deplorable deplorableollyl deplorablefolly
folly loty Small Hmll wonder again that lhat farms are areloini lre lreboing arebeing
being loini deserted dflrted farm laborers becoming becomingiftrder bcoming bcominghnrder becomingintreler
iftrder and harder h4rdlr to get cities dl lot ice and an J larger largerowns Inrgertownl largertowns
townl towns owns becoming more awlf awlfmore nmt more over overween overcrode overcrowded
crode crowded Ind and the strife and dl8trst distrust bo botwen between
twen tween ween capital cnplnl nnd labor becoming appar apparntlr apparentr tipperenthe
ntlr hopeless hOpleA and endless endlIR nil 11 to totno tno great greatleril greatPri greatperil
entr peril leril of the body boy politic politicWhat poltc poltcWd politicWhat
Pri What then Is the right the duty nnd nndhe nndthe andthe
the he Wd policy policy of the State rilh in this thll vially vifaly inn itnlortnnt Importnnt innportahit
portnnt lortnnt matter mater The situation calls 1tloudly 1tloudlyfor loudly loudlyor ioudiyfor
for or an answer answerwhicit which is ennily lllly given hard hardideed hardIndeed hardindeed
Indeed though it be to put it into prac praoIce practce practies
ties Ice The State for fo its own protection proteton is iso isto
10 tce o see that the children chldrn are educated eucate and andnly andonl andonly
onl only nly R to take action acion where whpr it is necessary neoensnryo no80r
to o do o so 10 by providing provIdig the th Ritriplet simplet most mostlenientary mOHtelementary mostelenmentary
elementary kind kid of nn education dulllon for those thosehlldren thot timosechildren
children who would woul otherwise otherwll be b neglected neglectedf negletP
I If f private enterprise enterrise carries Crrl8 education educationurther eutlon eutlonlurther educationfurther
urther further than this It will wi be b on so small ml a acalo 0salo ascale
scale salo comparatively compratvely that thlt no no n serious HrOls harm liarmlikely hur harmis
18 > likely to bo 0 done doneIn doneIn doneIn
In lkoly title t I way an open 01 field and no n favor favorrould Ilvor Ilvorwould favorwould
would be given to t every religious relgious body to toirovldo toprovide toprovide
provide irovldo proper education educaton for Its own dill chilren chl dilldreim
dn dreim ren or take tke propr theConBoqiionces th6clqlenel of Its neglect neglectif neglec
or if duty Private schools 8hoolt large larg and AndRlal small smallllffcring smalldiffering
differing widely in dogmatic dollalo teaching teacig but butJeiitlcul butIdentcl butldeimtical
Jeiitlcul dlferlnl In i ethics elhlc and patriotism patrlotll woujd woujdgain woud woudagain woujdagalim
gain Identcl spring up and multiply multply all al over the thnind thelaml theland
land ind and education edotln would wOlld again alaln l he on a aroper apropr alroper
roper and safe basis balt The children chidren or orlootof ormotttJI orinostof
lootof propr motttJI them would he h Christianized Chrltinl d as al well wells wol
a mu s Americanized < lzd Pagans Pljl8 might In1 ht bu b In Intrctd Instructed
structed trctd Amor i In pagan etblcJew ethics Jews woud would be beInstructed
Iniiruct Instructed d In pal Jo1b Jewish cthi0 ethic Protetlu Protetluc PrOtestants
I rI j
and t tEery =
Eery re body ouW f fe the theeducitlonof
eiotk educitlonof of IU ts ownoUldrenj own Udieni aad U I en enoeptlonc ex exf Ixceptiotia
oeptlonc e t to thla t this MlaUry on urnwo1ildPth urnwo1ildPthcd1dreu ol rate rlwu wo ddiWBUi ddiWBUiohlUrtu tb
ohlUrtu f u t State Stt duotied and a BuidB tttereb ttterebthe t tbereby tberebythe y yt
the eur prey pr of e MWW lanpr 00 stronger form fo of n nllgioo r ye yeIlgiami
t lad todilfereatlam ladferentlim
llgioo or the victim TIolrtI oligRMtidtm
fereatlam morality fertl liO ort or o atheism t and ad consequent Oeunt in inmorality Immoty liiimorshIty
moty This means division in part at atleut least lt of th thchool the theIol thes
s chool T mool moneys me diy1 and ad troublesome tUle I prt enough enough1M enuht enuhti It ItiaJntI1
Iol iaJntI1 1M ly Ine to prove but buUti it U Sailors Slora Snu Snur Bnug BnugHbr finUgHarbOr
i HarbOr r In in t pve comparison with wltl the th storm stormeai sry sryIj stormy stormyseas
seas Ij Hbr which blolIve opin we are a now no steering aterlg the abl ablof ship shipor shipof
of State for torTe forThe
1 The Stt introduction of religion rlgion Into It Slat Slatschools Stt Stateschools
Te Introductn
schools hol in i any ay ammy form tormcmen commensurate utewith utewithtle wit witi with withtime
tle time needs or th the chUd children I 1 out of te the qu ques question
tion i ne Herein lies thehopele thehopelerresent thehopelesnsM of the theprnt thepresent
prnt present ton rresent Heri situation siuto le and ad te the th hoplen sooner Iner thin thi poll pollis pit pitIs poInt poIntleunderetood
is understood uderto and ad conceded cnced by byanprt all parti partiinterested parties partiesInterested f
interested itrt the sooner 8n this thi most tnOt important Importaof iPTtt iPTttof importantof
of all al subjects before bfor Church Curc and ad State stte t tday to tody today
day dy can cn 8ubjc be b arguxl to a flnich fnish No Prote Proteono Prles Prlestatl Protestart
tart Rml Roman ag Catholc Catholic Jew lgnoltc agnostic or orathe oratheist
tatl athe atheist t Is wiing willIng t to 0 be tl taxed t to help sme smeon some someone
ono on else eile choose chO the religion rUiDn which wbl shall al b btaught b be betaught
taught his child chil According AciinB to our tueor tueorfair theory theoryof
of tUgthiS goverment government ad and we mih might 11 say in the thesllt timesIhtof
sllt sIhtof Or Go God ad and Den men thl this woud would not b be befair
fair and ad therefore thereror it cannotand will wi no nobo not notbe I
bo b done doneHere une uneHer duneHere
Here Her U i the he opportunity for Protestant Protestantof Prott8nta Prott8ntao I Iplyig
of all al kinds to cry aloud this would b bplaying b be bepiaying
playing o plyig into the hands of oUhe the Roman RomanCth RomanCth01c8 ftomantth ftomanttholics CaU CaUolics
olics 01c8 It I is i ma what they have hae been bn demand demanding demnd demnding demandlog
ing and ad working workig for for many mny years ye pest pestGranted putGrante pestGranted
Granted Grante but it I would woul not no beplaying rplaying Int Inttheir into intott Intotheir
their tt ir hands band nearly e ly as a much Iuh as we e lire IUt ncr ncrdoing now nowdohmg
doing dollR by allowing them a 1 substantial substmUal me menopoly monooly maonopoly
nopoly of the whole Held feld of Christ Chrit inn edication edi lu lucton education
cation and of all al the blessings bletsiugs which ar arsure are arear aresure
sure cton to flow from fr the noble 10bie oelfsaorirlc oelfsaorirlcthey selIaaerdioethey llorlc
they ar are ar fo making main rather rtber than wanton wantonexpose watonly watonlyex wantonly wantonlyexpose
expose ex their children to o the inroads inroadsunbelief inrods or orublef ofunbelief <
unbelief ublef If the th chln writer is not greatly grty ml mltaken mil mis mistaken
taken unless I our ir wter affairs ataI take a turn tur fo fothe for torthe forthe
the better bte uneor in I the tle sight st of o Him whose wbo part pring pringcmmlion partIng partIngcommission in incommission
commission cmmlion to His Ht Church Cuch was Feed F m mlambs my mylamb mylambal
lambs evidently evidety the proper place p1o fo fothe for forth forthe
the lamb lamb is not notlle inside the propr lion 10D after t all allfor aUfo allfor
th lm
for fo the rehabilitation rehitti of our ou institution institutionwe InttuU01
we w will wl be flying M frightened frltene doves dov t tthe t to totime
the window bfy to the Roman Rmn Catholic CatholiChurch Ctholo CtholoCuroh CatholicQaurak
1nd01 t
Church as the greatest riatest power which whb ii iitroublous In IntroubloU introublous
Curoh troubloU troublous I days will wlBtand Itet stand for pwer law lw and order ordeand orderand rder rderand
and for the highest blghet morality moralityIt morltY
It was Wa tho Rev H Dr A A AHoae Hedge a cole colebrated cle clebrate colebrated
I educateof educate educatorof
brated Presbyterian Prebyteri divine and lucator lucatoror
brate of Princeton Pincton Theological Seminary Smiary wh whused who whoUe whotmtted
used these the none Thelogcl too t strong 8tron words word in a aarticle an anartcle ammarticle
Schools SchoolsUnder Ue Shol SchoolsUnder article artcle entitled entte Religion Rlgion < in the Public PubliSchools Publo PubloShol PublicSchools
Under these problems there ther lurks lurs the most mo tre tnmendous tremedou tremeadous
mendous medou and d moat mOI Imminent Immient danger drer to which whch th thInterests the IhoIntere thelntereat
Interests Intere ot our people peple will ever be exposed upstd In conpirtson con conrl costpattaos
pirtson with wlb which the w Issues ot slavery and Ind of It Ittemperance 10temprnce Intemperance
temprnce temperance rl shrink ahok Into Insignificance InsignificanceAnd Insrnllcre InsrnllcreAnd inslgnhieaiiceAnd
And for a Presbyterian Preb r r divine he is cer certainly cr crtinly certhinly
that thatIn thatIn
thinly tinly bold bld to say IY
In view ot the entire entro situation sluaton shall shl we e nc ncall 10t mint mintaml
all 1 of us t u who really believe In led Urlve glvethanks give Ibaks thanks t tChurch to toHim tolila
Him that He ra baa prred preserved the Iwma human Catolo CatoloChu Catholic CatholicChurch
tht la
Church Chu rrh Iu America Amerca today lday true lre rime to 1 < that thi theory tberr c ceducation 01 01educaUon ofeducation
education upon which our father fat rl jounded founded Jh Jhave the Ihepubli thepublic
public publi schools hols upn 01 > Ihl titIS nalol nation and frm ftmn which they Ibyhne theyhave
have ave been bCD so 5 madly milly perverted pervertedIn perered pereredIn petverieSTIn
In common cmmon doubtless donbtlP with many others otheiwho otherswho otherswho
who want the children chidrn of this country ctr t treceive to toreive toreceive
receive reive wat good American Amerln fair play ply be b th thcreed the thecl thecreed
creed of go their parents what wht it may I should shoulbe shouldb shouldbe
cl be b glad to see I prntR at least leas the attempt attemuptinade made t targue to toarpuc toargue
argue t hU hil question queston ton to n finish fnish ntemp by the highest liigheiauthorities highestaUlhortt8 hIghestauthorities
authorities arpuc aUlhortt8 on 01 the various Trlns different dl18rnt side sideand Eldp81 Eldp81and sidesand
and In THE SUN SU newspaper newEper which las i ilate 01 01lte ol ollate
late lte shown hOVo so much Interest in the subject subjectW mbje
Vicar Yt < l ofSt or 8t Pauls Chapel ChapelXKW Chapel ChapelNEw
NEw J YORK Sept pt 29 29Need 29red 29Needs
Need red or the co coast st Artillery ArtilleryTo 4rtler 4rtlerTo
To TIIH TIN EDITOR EDl01 OK 01 lila TIE SUN SuSir Sic Th Thannual The Theannual rheInual
annual Inual report of the commander of the I Ipartmpnt Do Dopltrtmlnt Dopttrtnment <
partmpnt pltrtmlnt of the East MajorGen 1njorG n Adna AdnaChaffee dna R RChaee IIChaffee
Chaffee Chaee calls ail attention attnton to the duties dutls Impos Imposupon tmpose inmposed inmposedupon
upon the coast oast artillery urlery In the department dcpnrtmenThese dep departmentThsee rtmenl rtmenlTh
These Th duties dutes he says say I are ae very enormounow enormous enormousnow enormousflow
now so 1 groat ifatlndeelsto greatindeedmmsto indeed as to require that tt atten attentlon attn attnton attention
tlon ton be Invited Invite to the necessity neCty of an Increase increasIn Incrpae IncrpaeIn IncreaseIn
In its Is strength trenlth as 1 a measure meuue of relief rltf ana t tmeet to tomot tomeet
meet mot fairly fairy new development of defence defencemade dlenc dlencmae defencesnmade
made by At present less thai
year year prfent tha
yer yer leS
mae 10000 men are available in this thl tImi department departmentwhile dppartmlnt departmentwhile
while one 1 IOIO I relief reliefTho relieflbe over 15000 IGO are lr required reqlJn to constitute conjtltutone consUtuteonn
The relpf relpfThe Oinerul Stuff St r it It U i understood udertod i ironsldprluc Is Is10lsldlrll1 isconelderlug
ronsldprluc 10lsldlrll1 the t advisability sdvl abUII of Increasing Incrtalnl th thstrength the theatreDlth thestrength
strength of the th coast co t artillery nrUItr corn c companies companiesfrom panic panicfrom
from atreDlth 109 enlisted men to 101 ISO hut hii while this tblwill thi thiswill
will be 10 an al enlstd Irnprovement Impovenleltlt it will wllotmeet not imotnaeet meat tb tbquestion the theQUpstlol thequesitoim <
question wi QUpstlol fully fU fuil Many an of the thoconnalies companies are annow arenow arenote
now short shor ofofflcersrdue otomcerl ue In part Put totho fact fucthat flct flctthlt factthat
that thlt the officers omcel necessarily larl detailed detaled uwa uwafrom IW3 IW3frm away awayfrom
from frm their companies compnu ne are ar grratrr lrtatpr in number numbethan numblr numblrthan numberthan
than the htirnberallowed num number tuloe nilowed on the tl unnsslmic unnsslmiclist unMshme unassigimedlistso
list lstlo listso so that companies comrallt have only ono office officewhere onCr onCrw officerwhere
where w hprc three Ihrle are supposetl IIIPOI to be present presentConsequently preselt presentConseqimtntl
Consequently on eqllntlr the tb relief rllt will wi not be com complcte COI comaPlAte
PlAte or orptn even satisfactory ntsf8lor unless Inle8 unle the num number number omanber
ber of officers is I also Inureaged InureagedThis Illr momeasedThis
This Thil Increase IUCf ofcers l Is absolutely obsohltlytltal mmbsohiiteiyessemmtlal ose essential at tin tinprrwut theIr timepreseimi
prrwut utmoment11 moment in order to have the tb expen expenslvn expensive
slvn siI Ir armament already I1rp8 onr Y installed InFlnled proper propercared properly properlyoare properlycured eXPn eXPnsiI
cared for and as more fortifications arc ro be beIng beIng belog
a fort clons
Ing oare completed eomplet year elr after afer year the demand denrniubecomes deDlnd deDlndboOJpH demandbecomes
becomes boOJpH constantly constnt greater Irlatr The coast ar artlllery nrtler attllicry
tlllery troops have hae been b n Inadequate in num number number stunher
ber tler for troop a year or two and Indlfl31e within 11 hln that time tlnnthe tme tmethn timetime
the now fortifications completed completf have prac practlcaliy pr prmmctlcsilr
tlcaliy IW doubled donblpd the armament armlnent In most of tin tinartillery thearllery ttmartillery
artillery tlral districts ditricts no 1 that in a very ver chor chorlimn timortttimme
arllery limn the const OOlst artillery nrtUery will wi bn compelled cmpelell tt ttdevote to todloto todevote
devote 111 all Its time and attention merely merl t tve to tokeplng tokeeping
dloto tme atputol
keeping al the Is mat material rlnlln in lervlcable servIceable condition conditionand ondltlon ondltlonand
and wi will have ve no time Ule or men to spare fo foproper for forproper forproper
proper training trainingIn
In regard trnlnlnl to the thnw new uniform 11lform the depart department dlpart dlpartmeut departimmetmt
ment relRr commander cmmlnder believes bpleI that thlt it I eiveHgen eiveHgencral 5lve gives gea geacml
cral satisfaction satsracton but blt ho very veryproperly eryroprl properly object objectto obJlct objectsto len leneral
to the th strapson strops mps on the bottom botom of a the dress trou trouHers trol trommsets
Hers OB serving sellnl no useful or ornamental pur purnose purpose purpose
pose and considers COIsldlrs two full fiI dre drlA dress > hats hits am amshoulder and andshouldlr andsimoulder
shoulder shouldlr ornaments ornamenll for general officers use uselettR useless useless
less lessihe
lettRThe The hl new militia mita law la has hI already had It Iteffect 111 Its Itseffect
effect on J the State troops The reports of th thifllrers thifllrers the theInllIr9 theofilcers
ifllrers InllIr9 etfct making mnklnl tll tI the thelnAPecUon inspection of the National NationnftSfict Xatlonnilunttl Nationallmmnrel atonnl atonnlOllrd
Ollrd ilunttl Indicate that In the ImportAnt Item Item3f lems lemsof itemmmsof
of discipline mobillMtlon ltlon nod 111 target prim praotics primtics
tce tics dldfln the National nlonal mobil Guard OUlrd shows commendabl commendablprogress conmpndnble conmpndnbleprogress commendmmbleprogmess
progress that the Oovernmcnt Govermlnt supervision supervlsloilo
lo the extent defined bylaw brluw will wi produce bene beneIclal bnenrlnl benetidal
tidal results eJpnt dennl and that tha within the time tme flxe flxeflve nud nudrne flxeddye <
dye yearn resul from from I the thl date of the th approval o oho of ofI oftimtm
I timtm ho net time t hA organization orlnlztlon and armament o ohe of ofthe ofthe
the he National Olt Guard will conform to the or orsanitation ornnlrntoll organiratloti
sanitation nnd armament prescribed d for the thiliegular theHejllllllr thefletnimilir
liegular and Volunteer armies of the Unite UniteStates rnlledHtnleA TimitedStates
States Under the th stimulus of the law un unhpse and uodIhelp andtimese <
hpse Inspections there t flre has been hearty co coperntlon cooperntlon coopermitiotm
perntlon > between the National Guard and andhe audCh andtims
Ch tims he Regular army In this department departmentKotsT departmentrotT departmentFlmr
KotsT InrnLK P nmmmLv IJ1r Sept 28 ABTIIITRT ABTIIITRTSim AnTIIIFRYS AnrmmrzarSmimi
Sim S 111 Parks M i flits HnssVHIH n1l55onJlJl flits1roai
VHIH the h Vfir fIr 11lllrn arm Kvenina Ifllino Register RraiilerAti Rroiltrror
Ati for the results ofPnrksandparkslsiuthe ofPnrksandparkslsiutheif ofPnrksand orparks and ParkslsJ1 the Ihenlxt thenstt
nlxt if it few months will tell Its first result has hasipen hasheen imasbeen
been ipen to put nn end nd to building operations in injlnnhatlan Inolanhattnn inMaimhattan
jlnnhatlan This TimI means the idleness of mil milions millionI mimliIion
ions Iion of dollars an untold amount of actual actualuUery octunlmisery actualimmlsery
misery and the danger of lawlessness lawlell neM bred by bylllng bybllin bybItIng
lllng bllin wnlit It means this nnd something somethingmore
more It U I not possible for this Chi to happen happenvithout hapPl1Iwithout happenwitimotit
without HH effect being imposed upon trade tradnverywhere trlldpverywhlre tradeeverywhere
everywhere > To have partial idleness thus thusorced 1111111rorllll timusforceti
orced In the iron stud steel bitislness and in inhose Inlhose intimose
hose producing trades which compete for foriimlshlnga lorrnnrlllhlulll forftmrmmisimlmmge
iimlshlnga is to cripple general confidence confidenceind coundenceand confldeneaanl
and bring nbout stagnation From rom Just such suchunnll Auehtlninll suchsimumil
unnll tlninll licginnlnits big periods of depression depressionrow deprftlslonlitrol
litrol row Hut what Is to be especially < feared fearedy fearedby fearedby
by y those thotl upon whom such iieii a misfortune would wouldall wouldfall wouldfall
fall all with Its heaviest weight nnd who have havehe hllvethe imavetime
the he power to avert It i If they gather the conr conrige Ionrage coimrage
age to throw over Parks and Pnlrknism Is the thelonslbllity IhepOlllllbility thepossibIlity
lonslbllity of allied capital determining to tonfft tomltt tomeet
meet time question now and fight it out to a aInlsh RnnLil1not afinishnot
nnLil1not Inlsh not gnyly Ir gaylyand yl and In a spirit of entertain entertainnewt entertainment entertainmerit
newt but reluctantly and in a spirit of fleece necesilty necpeltr fleeceshy
shy That Is the present dnnger which whichhreatens whichthrlatnll wimlcitthreatens
threatens the th world of commerce comJJ ree today todayVail toodayWall todayWall
Wall Street Is I already passing through it iteasou Itseaeoll Itseason
season of liquidation and great fortunes are areicing nrtbllnll arebeing
icing reduced thereby thereb It would be most mostinfortunate mOlltunrortunate mostunfortunate
unfortunate If organized labor should l lorced he herorce beforced >
forced l through a senses of like liquidation liquidations
III s a result of Bain Sam Parks and his brutal phil phllsophy philosophy philosophy
osophy Now Is the time for those who pos posPSB potsees
sees PSB 611 the power to avert a storm to uu u use it It Itnay Itmay itmay
may be too late In another nix month monthTfce monthlThe monthsThe
The Lea of Michigan MichiganTo Icblla
To 0 vita EDITOR or TH Tax SCKair Up In Grand GrandInplils Jranc1Tlllfl1ch Grandrumples <
rumples I saw V a delivery d lIvtry wagon the other day da with with1ANTATORIUU williI with1tNTATORIUiI
msu NU srit rnnsixo IU IO CIUH CIUHLadles CIIJRadleA cIoRladles
Ladles Work a Specially Speciallyslnted Ipeclallyp Specialtypainted
p painted slnted i i d on Its il Hide HideST d GHtnMtr G ii iiliT ADAUH ADAUHPet AuiuoiST
ST Iiiis lAn Sept 24 2
Pet PetSoine FutUlIIC PutSomue
Soine UlIIC nluir lil1Ilht the dainty little tool toolThat fuelIhat
That bouts bo II a Spanish h arch archAnd archlId archtmmS
And lId In the ballroom rapture branThe bran bartThe heartsThe
The while It leads the march marchIlut marchIIl1t marchiitmt
Ilut heres In prnUe of that which whichnuniber hteh e r rnllmber r rA
A nuaiber thirteen sole soleThat MI MIThat soleTimat
That kicks klckslh the football footb ll high In air airAnd atrbd airtmmd
And bd lands It at the b goaL 10aLcLIID1I
4 4f 4S
Varylac l1aslewaertlleFaltl View r the Vaett and of f tha thaDuties tll tllDIIlnr thDuties
Duties DIIlnr f G Good d CltlzeaihlpTo Cltlzeaihlp atiualldpTOTIUFJJror
To TOTIUFJJror rita ENTer 01 THK Tu 8ux Su8ir Sir From Fromthe lrolDth Fromtii
the th recent reoontpolltlool political developments d VelopD1eon1I It seem eeelllll to tom tome tome
m me that the Issue 11 lie of the campaign cnlllPalrDto to date h hnot Lo LoDot isnot
not Fusion vi Tammany Ta inmany but Craft CraUyGraft CraUyGraftLet tGraft tGraftLot s Graft GraftLet
Let us get together press graft and craft to toone iuone toone
one side and fight for good government and andhigher andhIIher andhigher
higher principles principlesMr
Mr fr Jeromes J rome denunciation of Mich duplicity duplicityas
as has been shown by different c ndldaten clndldate clndldateexpreMe candldateiexpresses ndldatenexpresses
expresses expreMe my HeiitimenU to the th letter l tt rand and I Ipledge Ipledce Ipledge
pledge him not no only my nt vote for u aD10re more sub substantial aubstnntlal subatantleml ¬
stantial platform but my mhearly hearty nupport supp rt t tcrush to tocrtlllh tocrush
crush the tb stigma that would ret reetuJon upon New NewYork NewYork NewYork
York city in time event of the election electl not of such suchlukewarm surhlukewarm suchlukewarm
lukewarm crafty and grafty crattyexeCuUves crattyexeCuUvesThat executives executivesTlmt executivesTimat
That candidates for good government for forA lorA
A clean honest muniol mmnloipollty > alty It can join with withupholders whhupholdr whimupholders
upholders of Tammany und her disreputable dtareputabluadminlfitrutorH disreputableadmiminletrittors 1blJ 1blJk <
adminlfitrutorH n without contaminating their theirgood I iS r rgood
good purpos In Impossible You cant mix mixwith mixwith
with dirt without Yltho t getting dirty dirtyThe dirtyliie
The worthy citizens of this the greatest crcatpstcity greatestcity
city of the United States tire seeking to es establish estsblish ¬
tablish principles of honesty and righteous rlghttounws righteousspas
spas in its government and this desire ran h hconsummated tus tuscoimsunmiImutt4d
consummated only by electing officials who whowill eiimwill
will faithfully observe Much principles principlesAguln priimciphwAgain
Again 1 sum I give my heart and hand lo thus tlioTote thusvote
Tote for a platform of builders of the reform reformunder reformwider
under Mr Low not of offlceseekers offlceseekersNKW omcsseekersNsa
NKW YUBK Sept io u J W U UTo iiIo
To rita Krnroii of OT Tim iii mSi Srs Sir Tlie atti attitude msttftude ¬
tude niwiiiin5l iy Comptroller lirout romt in otTer offiTInic otTerlug
lug to accept the Democrullo nomination for forComptroller forCommmptroller
Comptroller In without doulit the tIm most In Inconsistent it itcommststemmt ¬
consistent and I must say the most remark remarkable remarkable ¬
able position that a gentleman rain take In Inpubliollfn ittpubllolife
publiollfn especially in view viewof ot the words of otthe ottheConmptrollers the theComptrollers
Comptrollers letter In accepting the fusion fusionnomination fusionmionmination
nomination for Comptroller wherein he stated statedtlmt statedthat
that In municipal affairs the question of pout political poutIcel ¬
ical parties was entirely eliminated and the thaRepublican theRepublIcan
Republican and Democratic parties were not notto notto
to be considered as factors in the municipal municipalelection municipaleletlon
election basing his distinction on national nationaland nationaland
and State elections electionsKnowing el cttoims cttoimsinowthg
Knowing Mr Trout to be an n able lawyer I Irespectfully Ireapectftmliy
respectfully call mt1I hi his attention to tothe the decisions decisionsIn
In the case of People vs Glotion 13 131111 Mis 511 511Mutter StIMatter
Mutter of Mitchell 81 llun 40l in which the theCourt theCourt
Court staled staledThe eLiteSThe
The reference to parties Is all au time time to Stat Statuparties Statparties
parties The State party ls made up of local see seetlons seelions
lions or segments being local orcanluttoas all allconnected allconnected
connected with the State patti organization unit unitof unity unityof
of political faith hi n State politic Is not enough enoughactual esoughstitual
actual unity In State party Is essential Without the thelatter thelatter
latter the local ortanlzatlon however numerous numerousIs
Is not of the party partyIt partyIt
It must be conceded by every ore that thatTammany thatTanmnmtmny
Tammany Hall in i the Democratic party In Inthis inthis
this city U affiliates with the State Demo Democratic DemocratIa ¬
cratic organization adopts the star th thDemocratic the theDemocratio
Democratic partys emblem and sends its itsdelegates itsdelegates
delegates to State conventions as well as asnational i inational
national Ko you can see that Mr Grout Groutia Groutis
ia Inconsistent with his letter of acceptance acceptanceof
of the fusion nomination nominationI
I hare appeared before the Board of Esti Estimate EstImate ¬
mate end Apportionment many times and andMr andMr
Mr Orout has without exception been of ofall ofall
all others in the board the Champion of ofmunicipal ofmunIcipal
municipal reform How he expects if elected electedon
on the Tammany ticket to assert hU lade Independence ladependence ¬
pendence as heretofore Is beyond my com comprehension eomprelmenimiomm ¬
prehension Ills attitude reminds ma of ofthat ofthatofliacon
that thatofliacon of Bacon to his friend the Duke of Essex EssexAfter EssexAfter
After accepting the munificence of the DukeBacon Duke DukeBacon
Bacon proceeded at the request of the Queen Queento Quecimto
to prosecute In the House ot Lords his bone benefactor bonefactor ¬
factor tMt Instead of prosecuting he peru persecuted perucuted ¬
cuted him and after the Dukes eieouUon eieouUonhe
he was requested to write his epitaph and andin andlit
in doing so ho defamed his character characterMr
Mr Grout in accepting the Tammany Tammanynomination Tamnianynomindlion
nomination betrays the Mayor who only onlyDemocrats onlyDemocrats
Democrats will concede Is a fair political politicalopponent politicalopponent
opponent It has come to < the question questionwhether questionwhether
whether the political machines at the behest behestof behestof
of their leaders shall make up Jhe theslate Ute and put putU putIt
U before the conventions and thereby secure securesnap securesnap
snap nominations nominationsAs
As the honesty of the ballot in the city of ofNew ofNew
New York today Is beyond question the thnoaly theonly
only solution I can see in the future Is that thatnominations thatnominations
nominations for office in the respective respectiveparties respectiveparties
parties shall be made by the votes of the thocitizens thecltlzen
citizens that is to say by primaries Then Thenevery Th im imevery
every candidate who is Toted for in MIB MIBprimaries Unprimaries
primaries and who receives the majority of ofvotes ofvote
votes is the rightful and legal candidate Candidatot candidateof
ot that party and on a general election th thquestion the thequmestion
question of political faith and the policies of t tim timrespective h hrespective
respective parties and their candidates ar arplaced are areplaced
placed squarely before the people and are areapproved n napproved >
approved or rejected according to the will willof wiltof
NEW YORK Sept 39 39To 29lo
To THE EDITOR OF THB Bun SrsSir Sir Does It Itnot itnot
not teem that the horror of Platt Bruce and andother andother
other patriots at the idea of Tammany in indorsing indoming ¬
doming Grout and Fornes betrays mor morsolicitude more moresolicitude <
solicitude for the prestige of our tlda sid loanfor loan
for 10 the continued good government of thin thincity thiscity
city cityFusion Fusion nominated these mentwo years og ogand go goammd °
and by renomlnatlnc them It asserted tha thathey than thanthey
they have performed their functions honestly honertlrand honestlyand
and well All fuslontsts then who bar do docent decent
cent municipal government really nearest MareMtheir nearesttheir
their hearts will rejoice at any support from tnmwhatsoever fromwhatsoever
whatsoever source that will Insure tb lms MB sontinuance
tinuance 11 nuance in office of these two eminently eminentlyefficient eminentlyefficient
efficient Officials OfficialsDid officialsDid
Did John Cunneen refuse the indorsement indorsementof
of the Prohibitionists last fall If he had hadIndeed hadIndeed
Indeed ho would not now be gracing the At Attorney Attorney ¬
torney Generals office at Albany Is ha now nowsorry nowlorry
sorry that ho did not refuse this Indorsement IndorsementAre
Are his friends his party sorry sorryNEW sorryNEW
NEW YORK Sept i 29 OPAanw OPAanwTo OP Aewaw AewawFe
To vita EDITOR OP TUB SON SuzSfr Sfr1 Tb Tbnames Time Timenames
names of Grout and Fames should be with withdrawn withdrawn ¬
drawn from the fusion slate without delay delayIt delayIt
It is to regretted that the Mayor tried to topersuade topersuade
persuade them to change their course Th Thvery The Thevery
very fact that they even entertained the thaproposition thepropcBitiofl
proposition to accept the nomination from fromTammany frontTammnanY
Tammany proves that they are political politicalfakirs polIticalfakirs
fakirs who joined the fusion movement for fortheir fortheir
their own aggrandizement aggrandizementThe
The leaders of the antiTammany Demo Democrats Democrats ¬
crats have nearly all turned out to b be In Insincere tosincere ¬
sincere Now we have two who are wtlllnsj wtlllnsjto
to fight on both sides of the conflict conflictIA
IA I it not time that the people began to torealize torealize
realize that the theory of nonpartisanship nonpartisanshipIs
Is a a failure A t Olty can be run on party partylines partylines
lines just as well as the State or the nation nationIt
It has now been proven that a city cannot cannotbe cannotbe
be divorced from State and national politics politicsWhat politicsWhat
What is the difference between a city ad administration admiminietration
ministration and a Stain or national adminis administration administratlon ¬
tration We are told that city ls isues ues are arebusiness arebusiness
business issues So are some of the State Stateind Statmind
mind national issue For Instance U not notthe nottime
the tariff question a question of dollars and andnts andctmtt
ctmtt nts In the State we have the canal proj projot projnot
not > ot a business proposition On time other otherland otherimand
land there are issues la the city admlnlatra admlnlatralon adminlatration
lon which are not business propositions propositionsike
like the school question charities ita A Aity Acity
city ity can be administered by a party on burl builIPSS burlness
ness principles Just us the State and the thalation theimatloti
lation lationI
I have always held that the Republican Bepublloanmrty Republicanparty
party should run n straight ticket in this thliown thistown
town own But we are told th the Republican Republicanmrty Republicanparty
party Isnt strong enough It never will bn bnitrong bestrong
strong enough no loner as 35000 Tammanyttes Tammanyttesire
ire allowed to remain In office And aye ayeheres ayetheres
heres the rub The enemy intrenched tn tnmr inommr
mr camp ready to work und vote against anlartIH
tie IH while In our own ranks there are dlswtiv dlswtivaction dlssa ° ds dsfactIon
action and indifference indifferenceWe
We are told that the Mayors hands ar arled are aretIed
tIed led by the Civil Service law As an sxso sxsofor xim ximor
for or not enforcing the Excise law the Mayor Mayortated iityorstated
stated that the extreme of the law la th thitreme the theextreme
extreme of injustice Cannot this Mine Minergumcnt sameargument
argument be applied to time Civil Service Servicew Servicelaw
law w 5 5I
I predict that unless Mayor Lowpleg Lowpleghimself Low ptafMe ptafMeilmself
himself to have the Civil Service law modified modifiedind madj madjmind
mind the army of Tammany 60oehold Offi ak0d ak0dremoved n nemoved
removed he cannot be elected and 1 know knowrhewof ow owwhepsof
rhewof I affirm having been a Republican Republicanlection R5pbljjelection
election district captain for tae pst flfUen flfUenirs ftii ftiiyemLrS
yemLrS irs CtoncK a Ajrwirat AjrwiratNEW meyz meyzzw
NEW zw YORK Yo8 Sept 20 20Ivorce 20Divorce
Divorce to B Olicasaed la theNext MMMJ MMMJrom sag sagFrom
From rom a W Wdshfn < iihln ton ce despatch It HirNtv ffisW wetj wetjNews rkXtmtnt
News NnciTbe NewsThe
The President will take up thesiujectof thesmjectof4tgj1 dlvane
it Is sold and will recommend th th4 Coafjcai CsogyesviSe pro
viSe d mean tor MttBt an a x5 oiM a ta fg
Th 1 1t
t I

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