S 4 I t 1 J THE fHESUN SUN SUNDAY OCTOBER ft n1903 1903 n 4 I LILLIAN RUSSELL XSCIENTIST XSCIENTISTShe I I IShe IHt She Sh Explains How She Came to Find FindOut FindOut 1 Out That She Is Only an Illusion I There is If something uncompromising uncompromisingand i and severe about the worls orlij Christian ChristianScience ChriltlanScience Chriitian3cIenco Science Weber Weberand and Floidhsnnd Christian ChristianScience ChrilltianScience ChriAtianScience Science form about as sharp I < a contrast contrastas i as one could imagine Yet it was in a adressing adresaing dressing room at Weber Fields a that thatthe thatthe thatc c the following conversation took place placeThe plncerhe p1aeJ 1 J The dressing room Is small and filled filledwith fllItdwith flihdI I with the paraphernalia of a star At first firstglance flrKtf flrLglance f glance it looks like a big bonbon box and andthe amiJ andthe J the star herself does not destroy the il illusion 11ri IIIulon ¬ ri lusion lusionIt 1 It is hung hun in pink and green chintz There Thereare Thprei i are big mirroro outlined with artistic artisticflowers artlKticflowers artb4tiop k flowers There ate real flowers on the thedressing thei thej p j dressing table There are dozens of bottles bottlesof botttek k of f beautifying stuff and mnleup There Thereis i is a tiny tea service for tho matinee after afternoons IIfternoons afternoons ¬ noons The delicate perfume of orris orrislingers orrist orrisUners t i lingers l ners in the air airOutside aIrOut8do I IOutslde Outside you can hear the th shuttle of feet feeton reett feeton t i on the narrow stairway Urn chatter of ofchorus ofr ofI I r chorus men and chorus maids and the thecry thei thecry i J cry crof of the call boy boyEdna boyEdna boyI Edna Chase he shouts shoutsalld and then im impatiently 101i mipatiently ¬ I i patiently patl ntly Well el1 why wh dont you come then thenYes thenYes thenYes Yes It is hardly the atmosphere that thatsuggests that8tigest8 1 suggests s i gosts the immaterial and the spiritual spiritualyearnings spiritualt spiritualyearnings t yearnings of the soul soulMiss BOUIt u1 u1Miss t Miss 1i88 Russell stands before the mirror HER PROTECTION PROTECTIONwhile PROTECTIONhUe rXIOTECflONt t while hUe her maid arrange armll u the fort folds of ofacreamy atoreamy oft t acreamy oreamy cio cl oI6o > JO e de Chine which atfords atfordsasgood ultordsood uttori8I I asgood a good ood an excuse as any other material materialwould materialiv materialwoud would iv uldtor for tho corsage rsage of brilliant gems gemssunbursts gemss11Qbursts genie8wbursts sunbursts bowknots = J clusters wreaths wreathssolitaires wreiltbol1tairesa11 1 j1 solitaires ol1tairesa11 all sparkling in the incandescent incandescentlight incanlesccntlight lncawloscontI I light lightShe lightShe lightShe She taps tho dressing table reflectively reflectivelywith with a small jeweled fan fanYes fanYes fanz z Yes I am a Christian Scientist ScientistThen ScientistThen W WThen Then in answer to tho uplifted eyebrows eyebrowsfacing eebrowBhinit eyebrowsi i facing her and alit the wink of a big emerald emeraldon on her breast breastI I have ha e been one for five years yearsDo yearsDr 1 Do > you mean to 0 say Ha that you ou have not nottaken nottaken nottaken taken any mwlicim durinpyou during durln that time that thatou thatyou you ou have ignored doctors SHE IHEDISCOURSES DISCOURSES ON THE LIGHT THAT THA r SHINETH FROM WITHIN I I I I Well not t exactlyTgnored she ad admitted admUted adI ¬ I mUted You cant Ignore nice men and andafter andaBer andafter after all alii most doctors are Christian Scien Scientists Sclentilt ScientiMe ¬ tilt tiMe only 01111 onfy they dont know it They tell telly6u tellyou telli i you to help yourself and that it is your yourmind yourinInd yourmind mind and that youre not sick at all and andwhat andwbat andwhat what Is that but a sort of Christ Ch1 Christian tian ion Science Sciencetreatment Sciencetreatment Sciencetreatment treatment treatmentIt It is said that when you were Ul U recently recentlyin recentlyyou you Oft bad a re regular ular physician phYRlclanWIlLu 1 IlLu Rue Rueselt ell in came as II near a sigh as one oneicnt oneofber oneofliar ofber happy temperament icnt ever does doesand doesalbad doe doe1rhad albad to You see and sho ho took in the theenvironment theeftTlronment theenironinont environment with a graceful gesture esture tho thotheatres thotheatres thetheatres theatres wiU not accept certificates from fromChristian tromChristian fromChriatlan Christian Science healers as excuse for forabsence rorabnce forabsence absence You have to have a certificate certificatefrom certificatelrom certtcatefrom from a regular practising physician physicianEven phy physicianmZven lclan lclanaEV Even aEV I you ou I thought you were a privi privileged privlI priviIed ¬ leged I character characterIn In some respects and she raised rai ed a big bigbunoh bigbunch bunch of violets to her lips But when it itcornea IteometS iteomee cornea to the question que tlon of losing my salary 1 dont InUmdto run any a I rjk jeit MI t z z I dont mam mc < UI to Imply she he went on onexplanatorily onexplanatorily explanatorily that Weber A Fields ields or in infact infllct Infact fact any all oilier at her management wouid would try tryto 10 make it I unpleasant for you if you ou sent sentin sentIn sentIn in a healers cortifloate c Mlfl te for a prolonged prolongedabsence prolongedabsence prolongedabsence absence Oh dear no noYou no1ou noYou You know yourself that managers ml nagers are aretho arethe aretho tho dearest things in the world when it itconvM Itcom itcome com come to n 1 question of a contract oontractthlll oontractthlllWllij this thiswas thiswassaid was wassaid said with a look of angelic sweetness sweetnessbutit sweetnetshullt sweetnessbutit butit ia well to be on the safe side and as aslong aslong aalong long as I dont believe that the medicine medicineyou medicineis 18 doing me any good why I might 118 well wellg wellget g get t lilY Hick Il leave Lve aClordm aeeordthg to rule dont dontyou dontyou you think thinkWe thinkWe thinkWe We women are all mercenary arent arentwe arentwe arentwe we she concluded lIcludld as she arranged a big bigsprawled bigbowknot bowknot or diamonds and plllerald which whichspruwloo whichsprawled sprawled lazily lnzilyucross across the front frontofhergown frontofhergownwhile of her gown gownwhile goWIIwhile while sho interviewed the interviewer interviewerTho The llt interviewer admitted that they all ailware allwore allwore wore that It was merely a I question of de degree degree degree ¬ gree Then she took up the thread of con conversation conversation conversatlon ¬ versation which had been deftly changing hands handsTell hlldsTell handsTeIl Tell me exactly what you OU mean when whenyou whenyou whenyou you nay I < ay hat t you are a Christian Scientist Scientistio io you feel different than you used to toAre toAre toAre Are you any different differentI I am not real explained Miss Russell Russellin in answer to this thisNot tillsXot thl thlKNot Not real realThe roolfhe realThe The Interviewer had heard of optical opticalIllusions optimlmUHlons opticalillusions Illusions had even vpn seen one or two at Coney Island She rubbed her eyes eyesNo eY18Xo eyesNo No I am not real I am merely a re reflection rentctlon retection ¬ flection siiid Miss Russell RussellThe RlI8IIellThe RussellTue The maid canie softly and rubbed off a aspot apot aspot spot pot In the mirror so that the reflection reflectioncould renectioncoulll reflectionCOtlll could wo its it reflection more clearly I am merely merp a thought thoujthta a thought thouiht of the theInfinite theInfinite theJf1nito Infinite There lh 1f is It no identity here and she shea shesmoothed I smoothed < the RnnlsslUtce lace sleeve over overa a 1 plump arm We are not any of us real realwe 1E61we realwe we ore merely illusions illusionsfor illusionsI I feel awfully real sometimes Today for Instance when I was eating frogs legs legsfor legsror leg for luncheon luncheonYou IWJcheonYou luncheonYou You were in error paid Mice Borsch RurscllNot RUIscllh Borschiot Not heeding h dlng the rofunmoe > to frogs legs legsshu legsI legschic chic I < he continued her hoft oft voIce enunciating enunciatingclearly enunciatingclEarl enunciatIngdenny clearly clEarl denny even t1n iimld thn din of tho chorus chorusoutsidcs chorusout chorusoutsidi outsidcs out ldJ and her eyes assuming a spiritual spiritualfaraway BpiritUaltarnwny spiritualfaraway faraway look lookThnro lookrlw lookTlwro Thnro rlw n In really no evil in the world worldwe we only think them tho is I Everything Eyel1thlnfi is good goodtrain good goodand goodand and kind and sweet YlCbody 1 kif r we wlll wllltmln willtrain train otirxilvpH in tha thought The idea ideathat Ideathat Ideathat that I really llly exit exl > t is I absolutely untrue untrueit it is in error as II tho ChrUtian Scientists Scientiststoy Sclmt Scientiststay ts tslay toy toyIf It you aro ar not ival and dont exist at atall atall atall all how can you draw such n big salary Well you set I < et that doesnt doeslItxis exist either eitherand eitherand Ithorand and again th the star gave the th half humorous humoroushalf humoroushaIr humoroushalf half mockingsmllo which keeps ono onogmfslng guessing if after all ono isnt a little bit in error errorIt tlrrorIt errorIt It is the th flrt timewent time went on the prima primadonna primadonna primadonna donna that I have over been interviewed interviewedin in regard to my I li lire in Christian Scionce Scioncethat ScionceI I didnt know that the public knew or cared caredt caredthat that t I had that t creed creedWhen creedhln creedWhen When hln did it commences comm n Did you have a achange IIchllngu achange change of heart or a shock or orIt orIt orIt It was iii five years ago I was completely completelyrun run downon the vergn vern veri of a nurvous collapse collapseand coUap8eand collapseand and I simply couldn t sing I used to walk walkon walkon walkon on to the htag tagu and cpak Ip ak my part partFinally partFinally partFinally Finally ono of my friends suggested suggestedChristian suggretedChristian lugglfltedChri Christian Chri tlall Science I was at the point where whereI I would have tried anything I said all right I didnt care care111A A Alitt Alittle 111A litt little 1 woman cam A to mOa Mrs m T Tand DefrofI DefrofIand Deproeso Deproesoand and just tnlkfd to me for an hour hourAnd hournctthfU hourAnd And nctthfU nctthfUShe then thenShe thetiShe She convinced conin ed d mein m ln an an hour that I was wasnil wasall nil mind that I had no body bod At the end endof endot endof of that time I felt that I could do any anything anythlnj1 anything ¬ thing that my mind was equal to any anystrain any8traln anystrain strain I might put on It ItWhat ItWhat ItWhat What did I do I telephoned to tho thothoatro thothCatn thetheatre theatre that I i would go on and sine all allmy allmy allmy my songs that night When I got down downthere downthere downthere there everybody WOK congratulating me meon meon meon on ray quick Improvement ImprovementI I didnt t tell how it had boon accomplished accomplishedbut but 1 went on tho stage and sang every everyone eVlJryone everyone one of my songs just OM well as I had ever sung them in my life You dont blame blamen blamemn blameme mn n ro < io o you for becoming a I Chrlatlan Scien ScienBlame SclcntiHt Scientist tiHt after your t that lat experience exporwnceBlame experienceBlame Blame you youl Can any ono over blame blameyou blameyou blameyou you fbr anything There are some old cats the star tar ad admitted admitted admltted ¬ mitted but bull I forgive forgivethem them Do 1 > 0 you know knowand knowand knowand and she loaned forward confidentially I Idont Idont 1dont dont hate anybody I cant cantSometimes cantBomctlmlfI cantSometimes Sometimes I dont like people and when whenthat whenthat whenthat that Is the case I simply cut them right out outof outof outof of my life I dont worry about them themand themand themand and I dont try to revenge myself when whenthey whenthey whenthey they are moan and horrid horridI t just Ignore them and In a little while 1 1dont 1cJont Idont dont remember them In the least Its Itsmuch Itsmuch It Itmuch much the best way wayandyou and you know if you youare youarc youare are a Ii Christian Scientist you cant Kate Kateanybody liateanybody hateanybody anybody There is ro ono to hate they dont exist they are simply In error errorYou errorVou errorYoU You meun to say that the germ of the theScientists theScientist thecientistscreed Scientists cientistscreed creed Iff hrne isnegationto negation tlonto to assert that thateverything thateverything thateverything everything unwholesome is nonexistent nonexistentt Yell U thGthl thetioujht ht comes bat t you youffr youS ffr l rV 1 S i have a headache you mm must deny It if you youI youare I are depremxl blue fagged rag od you must ray raythat MYthat saythat I that it is not true truel that thait it cant be tJ true for forexist rortlrodn88 fortiredness tiredness tag neadachea headache dont really reallyexist I Iexist exist they are merely In your mind and are aretrying I Itrying 1 trying to leave physical external evidences evidencesin in your body I I used to have everything particularly particularlythroat J > throat troubles Do you know I dont dontsuppose don t tsuppose I Isuppose suppose there is anything In the world worldthat worldthat I that hasnt been tried on my poor throat throatNow throatNow I Now I dont think anything about it I Iknow Iknow I know that there isnt anything lUly lUlg the matter matterYou matterwith matterwith with It ItYou itYou You know Kipling says that every man mnnhas has his hi particular fear ear Do you OU mean to toay tosay toay say ay that you are not afraid of anything anythingnow now nowAbsolutely Absolutely nothing I used to have havethe havetho havethe the singers fear rearthat that I should lose my myvoice myvoice myvoice voice Now I realize that there is I no more morereason morereoson morereason reason why I should lose that than that I Ishould Ishould Ishould should lose the power of the muscles in inA inmr Inm mr m arm or my sight or hearing A singer worries about her throat until untilshe untilshe untilshe she puta the fear there all the time You Youoe Youwhat YouPoe Poe oe what I mean meanThere meanThere There was a call and the star said blithely Ill be right back Ive got to sing blg a aBong aong asong Bong now nowShe no no8he nowShe She caught up a big bouquet of property flowers and went leisurely from the room roomAfter roomAtter roomAfter After she had sung the song she returned A loss beautiful beautitulwoman woman than Miss Russell Russellmight Rullmight R esll esllmight might have simpered or denied Miss MtaiRussell MI88RUMell MissRussell Russell did neither She looked the Inter Interviewer Interviewer Interviewer ¬ viewer straight in the eyes It may be bementioned bementioned bementioned mentioned that a direct sincerity IIlncerlt of look lookvoice lookvoice tookvoice voice and gesture Is Miss Russells trump trumpcard trumpcard trumPcard card cardI I believe there is something in that thatshe thatIIhe thatshe she said smilingly Then she became becametiling bfooamesorlou beOlflserious serious again It haIInt been all plain plainsailing lain lain8I1111Dg sailing tiling Ivo I ye had lots or trouble I think thinkIve thinkive Ive had l ild my share shareOf shareOr shareOf Of trouble troubleOh troubleOh troubleOh Oh yen and quite recently too Therewas Therewas There fberowas was my daughters marriage She Is only onlyIB 19 and I had planned so much study and andperhaps andperhaps andperhaps perhaps a Oireer for her herA herA herA A career Isnt marriage a career careerIts careerIts careerIt Its It a gamble gamblea a fierce erre gamble re remarked remarked remarked ¬ marked Miss Russell I know I married marriedat at 17 Well if it were not for Christian ChristianScience CllrlstlanSclonce ChristianScience Science I should have been completely completelycrushed completelycrushed completelycrushed crushed when she did the same sameThen sameThen sameThen Then you think If one has Christian ChristianScience ChrlatlanBclence ChristianScience Science to brace oneself against one can caneven caneven caneven even be brave enough to face matrimony matrimonyWell matrimonyWell matrimonyWell Well you would have to study early earlyend earlyIln1 earlyand end late and demonstrate the faith con contimiillv contintudly timiillv AUKS Russell was smiling again agalnTell againTell againTell Tell me and themarriage the marriage question questionwas was loft for Miss Russell Rus el1 it is I reported reportedthat reportedthat portedthat that thatany you take better care or youreU ban thanany banany any uviu living woman It Is i 8l said d that you if r 11 1 1i 1Th11 i C Th11 fill lull J L gr4f A CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST and told more about Christian Christ Inn Science ScienceYou ScienceYou ScienceYou You take a room that is dark and put putjust putjust putjust just a ray of light in it and the darkness darknessIs Is dispelled isnt len tit t it she wild but you youtake youtakea ou outake take takea a light room and try tr to darken it with a alittle 11little alittle little bit of shadow and you cant do it itThe ItTIle itThe The room still remains light cioewit it itWell ItWel1 itVell Well that is just like Christian hri tln1I Science ScienceIt It is a light room and you ru cant can t destroy destroythat tIl8t destroythat roy roythat that light withalittleerrora with a lIltleerrora a fear a dread adrludDut dreadthe dreadBut But if you are completely in I1 error Just Justthe justthe the little ray of Chr Chrstroy Christian Science will de destroy le lestroy stroy that shadow You wont have any anymore anymore anymore more fears fearsTell fearsTell fearsTell Tell me would you advise a young girl girlwho girlwho girlwho who was lust just going on the stage to try tryChristian tl7Chrlst1U1 tryChristian Christian Science ScienceI I certainly would Miss ILI Russell was wasquite W wasquite ll llqullo quite In earnest I think it would be tho thobest thobest thebest best thing thin in tho world for her You see seea seea seea a girl who say comes in the chorus here herehas herehas herehas has a lot of things to contend with withoh thoh oh all allsorts al1Borts allsorts sorts of unpleasant experiences experiencesIf If she would just study Science and andHealth andHealth andHealth Health a few minutes every day and live liveup liveup liveup up to it it would be the greatest help against againstiwulU agailUltImults againstInsults Insults and the like likeDo likeno likeDo Do you read Health and Science every everya everyWcll everyda everyday da day a daWel1 Wcll I dont read it every day but I Ishould 1hould Ishould should Its my Testament When Wh n I feel feelI roolthat feelthat that things are beginning to go wrong wrongI 01111 01111I I dont let it get any farther than that thatI thatIget thatIget I Iget get out Science and Health and read a few fewyou tewlines fewlines lines and It is wonderful how it will help helpyou helpyou you youDo Do you really take it into your life llfryour lifeyour lifeyour your real every day life your stage work workand werkand workand and your home and society societyIndeed flocletyIndeed societyIndeed Indeed 1 do What do you suppose I Icould Icould Icould could do at present preflentI I am moving into a nnew anw anew new house you know knowIt if I didnt havo that thatto thatto thatto to brace me up Why I simply hlmplydomontrate hlmplydomontrateto demonstrate demonstrateto to the painters and decorators and plumbers plumbersand and the work runs along without my worry worrygood worryInp worrylog log 118 I mod to do You can do a lot Ot OtgOod ofgood good if you know how to demonstrate demonstrateA demo trate trateA A masculine voice is hoard outside as asthe allthe asthe the feet of a chorus man who ho Is attired in inchiffon Inchlfton Inchiffon chiffon skirts and a satin bodice slip on the theMaggie thestairs thestairs stairs stairsMapJ Maggie MapJ e the carpet aint am t high hl h enough enoughMiss enoughMIllS enoughMiss Miss Russell RUMOllsmlled smiled graciously graciouslyNow grocloUtllyNow graciouslyNow Now if that man only know how iow to todemonstrate todllmonstrate todemonstrate demonstrate he would know that the car carpet carpet carpet ¬ pet is quito high enough enoughTo enoughTo To demonstrate Is to toJust 7 7Just Just what I have told you to show in inyour Inyour i iyour your life and your thought that nothing nothingevil nothlnlevil nothingevil evil or unpleasant unple lant really exists existsfollowed exltllNow existsNew Now I am a normal woman her eyes eyesfollowd eyesfollowNi followed followd the lines of hor perfect figure as asevidenced IIRIIvldenced asevidenced evidenced in the mirror 1 I live normally normallyThere normnllyThere normallyThere There Is no reason roa on why I should not have havenormal hn hn110rmal lannormal normal health and happiness happln happinessthey llthoy thoy belong belongto to me by right rightIf If I allow myself to become lw > comfl blue or ordepressed ordeJlMIIIed ordepressed depressed I am getting away from the nor normal normal normal ¬ mal and am punished punishedWhat punlllhedWhat punishedWhat What other books do you rend besides besidesScience hooideBctfnce bmideaScience Science and Health along alo l the line of what whatwo whatwe whatwe we have been discussing discussingWell dlsclI discussingWell lIlnlt lIlnltWell Well of course Emerson for he was a aChristian aChristian I IChrilltian Christian Scientist although people didnt didntknow didntknow didntknow know it I then or at least they they didnt call callIt caliIt callit It by that name You remember what he hesaid helIald1 hepaidI said lIald1 I perhaps dont quote exactly exactlyThere exactyThere exactlyThere There Is a light lI ht which shlneth from within withinor or from behind which proves that we are arenothing arenothlnlt arenothing nothing hut tho light In all allThat allThRt allThat That Is right in touch with our creed creedAnd ereeclAnd creedAnd And then I read Lord Bacons BI1C < I1fI Essays and anda a sweet little book called The Right Prlncosa Prlncosaand PrinooAAand Priaceasand and Spiritual Knowing by Thomas Sow Soward SewarcJ Sowant ant Oh I am very fond of Tho Master MasterChristian1 MasterChristian IMterChrlllltlan Christian1 Christian1The ChrlllltlanThe ChristianThe The TheYes TheYes TheYes Yes by Marie CorolH It IH a dear dearbook dlarbool dearbook book You can read it over and over and andget andgat andget get help from it itThat ItThRt itThat That is rather a wide rnnge Is it not notEmnrson netEmol1On notEmerson Emerson and Marie Corelli CorelliBut CorfllIBut Corellihut But they are along alan I the same lmo line you youknow youknow youknow know It la I all along alan the creed of Christian ChristianScience Chr ChristianScience t1an t1anScience Science ScienceDont ScienceDont ScienceDont Dont you think your wonderful health healthand healthand healthand and vitality are perhfrps tempprsnvnt tempprsnvntrather temJfr tempeesmentrather mfnt mfntmther rather than the result of Christian Science ScienceNow BclenoeNow ScienceNow Now honestly and tho Interviewer tried triedto tripdto triedto to get in a little fine work along feminine femininezigzags teminlnezlgzaga femininezigzags zigzags wouldnt wol ldnt t any woman if she shewere IIhewere shewere were as good looking as you are and was wasdrawing WIUIdrawln wasdrawing drawing drawln your salary ho happy whether whlthorqe whetheraje aje qe WlIfea Christian Scientist or n apt U Uqrn qrn NIf NIff f I q ji Jii tnke as severe training as a prize fighter fighterthat fighterql fighterthat that ql t you OU have hav raassape hygienic exer exercises exerC18e8 exarcisc ¬ cises C18e8 that you OU eat health food tliat you youfonco youfence ou oufonce fence exorcise in a word that your entire entireday entireday thatJour day is spent in firSt second and nn third aids aidsto aielsto aidsto to the beautiful OOautilulls is that true And if so sowhy sowhy sowhy why is it necessary ne 88llry if you are a Christian ChristianScientist ChristianScientist ChristianScientist Scientist Why dont you ou just demon demonstrate demonstrato demonstrato ¬ strato hat t you are beautiful and let it go goat goat goat at that thatTho tlmtThe thatThe The star became more confidential confidentialShe confident lal lalShe She waved her hand airily in the distance distanceI I spend my days just as foolishly HS HSevery liSeery a aevery every other woman I r do all sorts of silly sillythings amythings sillythings things and just love them thornOf themot themOf Of course when I find It necessary nooe lu1 to toreduce torduM toreduce reduce I go co into training but I like the thetraining thetraining thetraining training It It is no hardship and AS for formasaage tormtMnge formtsaage masaage nnd those things thln s I just look on onthem onthem onthem them an luxuries I enjoy them as some someone someanI someone one else might a matinee matineeNo matin e eo eNo No o I dont take a I bit hotter care of ofmyself ormyselr ofmyself myself than tho average woman does I SHE HAl ni HAD TROUBLES OP HER OWN OWNdont OWNdont OWNdont dont need to Im healthy and nd happy happyand happyand and lead a quiet life Why should I do doall noall doall all those things Its nonsense nonsenseWhat nonsenseWhat e eWhat What is tho most important demon demonstration demonstration demonetration ¬ stration that you have ever had hadin in Christian ChristianScience ChristiAnScience ChristianScience Science Miss Russell RussellOh Rus RussellOh e1l e1lOh Oh I think perhnp my being s ssved ssvedlast ved vedlost vNllast last summer when the automobile fell on onme onme onma me was the most wonderful thing In the theworld thearid theworld world arid When you think of the number numberof of people Ople killed in that way wayt And that thatj thatmalhlne thatmnrhlno malhlne weighed j 2600 600 poundsl poundslIr pound undsl undslInchos 1 1tr tr I had boon hit six Inchos lower it itwould Itwoulj Itwoull would have struck my heart six inches incheshigher InchOllhigher incheshigher higher my neck As AliI it was I had a miracu miraculous mlrsculous miracubus ¬ lous escape If It had not been that fear feargot tMrotthe feargot got otthe the best of me I dont suppose I should shouldhave Shouldhave houldhave have had a scratch scratchNow scratchNow Now I can prove It to you When I Ig3t IIpt Igt g3t on the stage and begin to sing and andtor andtorgot tor lorget got all about the fact that I have a lame lamearm lamearm arm I use Jill It J jllt 1st as I f Iwuys did It Is Isonly I Ionly Ionly only when I get off the stage II11a nnd nndget get think thinking thlnkInlt thjnkIng ¬ ing of it and dont you see letting the fear feartha tenrthe fearthe the error In that it gets lame or I think thinkit th1nlIt it is lame and cant use It UMiss ItMIss Miss MIl Russell ended the interivew by a afurther aturthr afurther further referenco to the automobile ao accident aocirftnt aocident ¬ cident cidentTnlk cirftntTnlk cidentTalk Tnlk about Christian Science Think Thinkof of that happening In my vacation when whenI I didnt loan any salary If that Isnt a adirect adirect adirect direct demonstration what do you want wantAnd wantAnd WIIntAnd And I hadnt even commenced to 0 move moveIn movemy moveIn In my new house oil either her Oh there Is a ajjreat alOIIt areat jjreat lOIIt deal dcalln in it If you ou will only believe believea I 1 1t t > r a i EAST SIDE GIRL BANDITS BANDITSUV A NEtt NEWKINDOFG4N6 KlVDOFtJtNO DISCOVERED DlSC01EREIJnt UV THE POLICE POLICEYoung IOLEouns POLICEYoung Young ouns Girls Who ho Dress Ore Well ell and Carry CarryCons Carl CarlGIIDBPrerer CUlTGunsPrefer Cons GIIDBPrerer Prefer Drunken Sailors Sail on for forTheir rorI1Jelr forTheir Their Victim vteti but Also Execute Street Streetlleldups HtreetIJelcklpeAre NtreetIbidupsAre lleldups IJelcklpeAre Are Dime Novel 0 1 Readers ReadersDown ReadenDown HeadersDown Down in that part of the lower East Side Sidewhere Sidewhere Sidewhere where gangs flourish most there ha grown grownup grownullin grownup up ullin In the past twelve months a brand new newkind newkind newkind kind of gang It is I made up of young younggirlsand youngglrllland younggirlaand girlsand the tal tale n told of them would seem seemridiculous soomridiculous seemridiculous ridiculous were It not for rorthe the fact that in tholast the thelaat thelast last two weeks three of them have been beenarrested beenlTE6ted beenarrested arrested and their deeds recounted under underoath underoath underoath oath by policemen in court courtNew courtNew courtNew New York has always had wonen thieves thievesbut thlev1lObut thievesbut but they have usually been mature women womennot womennot womennot not young girls like those who are now nowoperating nowoperating nowoperating operating on the lower East Side The Thewomen Thewomen Thewomen women thieves of the waterfronts and of the thenegro Itenegro tienegro negro districts are almost all pickpocket pickpockettoo pickpocketstoo too those on onthu the lower East Side are high highway highway highway ¬ way robbers robbersIt It to 1i hard to believe bellevelIald said County De Detective Detective Detectlve ¬ tective Reardon the other day that young younggirls youngirl younggirl girls irl of 15 10 and 17 go out at night armed armedwith annedwith armedwith with pistols plato Is and hold up men on the street streetbut streetbut streetbut but if there is any police omcer who whodoe does net netbelieve netbellove actbeilove believe it I think I can convince him that thatIt thtIt It is I true in a very short time timeI I first struck this crowd when I was waslooking W88looking waslooking looking up policy shops in the Fourth Sixth Sixthand SIX Sixthand h hand and Seventh wards I soon learned that thatthey thatthey thatthey they would make very valuable allies to toa toa toa a man in my position positiono so I cultivated them themand themand themand and got to know some of they very well wellI I never caught one of them in the actual actualcommission actualcommission actualcommission commission of a crime but I know very verywell verywell verywell well what they do Just you walk down downthrough downthrough downthrough through Hamilton street strt some night and andstagger andstagger andstagger stagger a bit as though you were wre drunk drunkand drunkand drunkand and see how quickly some young girl will willshoot 11 willshoot shoot out of a hallway halway after you youIf youI youIf If I she cant coax COi X you into the hallway halway she shewill shewill will wi whip out a pistol p1tol In a minute and go gothrough gothrough gothrough through youeitheraloneorwith the assist assistance Ilst Ilstance assistaces ¬ ance of same other girl who will wi come up upsuddenly upaudcJenly upsuddenly suddenly from where you do not notlow notlowIost know knowMost knowMoat Most Iost of the girls gir1 in the gang which whichoperates whichoprte whichoperates operates oprte along Hamilton Hamiton Chambers Chabrs and andRoosevelt andRoevelt andRoosevelt Roosevelt Roevelt streets strts at a night are re either the thesisters thesisters sisters or the sweethearts IIwlthearts of the tte young toughs In the Yakey Yoke Ynkegang gong Some Sme ale aiemerely alemerly alemerely merely merly admirers of the deeds dee of these tbee young thugs thug while whie others according accordmp to a police policeman polce polceman policeman ¬ man of the Oak street strt station staton are con confirmed canfrme confirmed ¬ firmed frme readers raders of dime novels and are arefired arefired aretired fired to crime crie by the heroes heroe of this d tide son ol olliterature otlterture ofliterature literature literatureThe lterture ltertureThe literatureThe The Cliildrens Chidns Court Curt which whic has h re revealed reyele revealed ¬ vealed yele many queer qUlr phases phses of New Ne York YorVlife Yorklte Yorkills life lte first brought to public notice this thicrought thisgRng thisgang gang ot youn young girls A pretty girl at IS ISDridgeta 15Jirktgetta Dridgeta Jirktgetta Colonna or 5 88 James strt strtwa street streetwas wa was brought bught theie by the police polc on com complaint complint cornplaint plaint plint of her mother who accused aClud he heof her herat herof of being bei a member membr of a gang of girls Jris win winrobbed who whorobbed I Irobbd robbed robbd men and otherwise otherws badly biy con conducted conduce conduoted ducted duce themselves themselvesThe themslves themslvesThe The investigation Inveigaton into the career carr o othe or orthe ofthe the Colonna Clonna girl brought to light lght the exist existence exst exstence existence ence of a gang gag of girl thieves various variousknown variously known in their field of operations operatons as th thFivo the theFo theFive Five Fo Points gang the Gap gang and th thJames tle tleJame the theJames < James Jame street trt gang Tho Colonna Clonn girl girlaccording girlacrd girlaccordIng according acrd to her mother carried a pistol pistoland pistoland care and although alhough she came ce home hiorness as a pstol pstoland rule ruleshe ruleshe ruleshe she spent spnt many Jmy nights nghtl sway f WIV from rein home homeShe homeShe homeShe She was turned tured over to the Gerry Gerr society societywhioh soiety soietywl societywhich which wl oh still 811 has her herA herA herA A little ltte later two other members membrs of th thgang the tbepln thegang gang were brought in II by Policeman PolicemaiMcGee PoUcenumMc PolicemanMcGee McGee pln Mc of the Oak street station st ton On Onwas One OneWM Onewas < was a colored color girl grl of 17 1 and th the other otherwhite a awhite awhite white girl of 18 sold Ild to bo b a sister of Paddy Shies better known us f Paddy tho Sneak Sneaka Snek Sneka a notorious Fourth ward outlaw outlw These Thesigirls Tee Teegirl Thesegirls girls girl are now awaiting awaitng trial tr in Special See Sessions Seeelons sions mon for robbing robb robb1n a man m at the Spl muzzle muo o oa of ofa a pistol pistolAs pstol As for fa as can cn be b learned lored these thee are the thionly theonly theonly only arrests that have hle been ben made mde of this thiigang thisgang thisgang gang of young girls glrA None of these tlei girls girlssave girls6e girlssave save 6e possibly poRlblythe the Shea She rlr girl cnn Cn be callec calleca a 1 prominent member of a tho gang j1anl Tho Tholoaders Tholoders Theleaders loaders loders have so far eluded the police polce and andthe andthe andthe the Gerry Ger agents agentsThe a agentsThe ent8 ent8Te The Te real leader leder Is a pretty prtty girl of 17 the thedaughter thednughter thedaughter daughter of a man who was Wt for years year n nprivate a aprvate aprivate private prvate watchman watchmn She comes come of a poolbut poor poorhut poorhut hut respectable Is cnhlo family tnml from which she shehas shehas sheline has entirely pntrely broken away in the past pst few fewmonths fewmonths I Imontl months monthsHer monthsHer I montl Her ler namo is well wel known to the county I IcJotelvl detectives cJotelvl but is h not printed prnfpr nt their thei re request J request ¬ I IqUlt quest She has h8 given them much valuable valuableinformation vllulble vllulbleinormaton valuableinformation information inormaton in tho Jven past pt about policy polcv men menand mtnad menand and ad other othEr law breakers brlker and they do not notcaro notCIlr notcare care CIlr to lose her hlr Rorvicm RorvicmThis RnI RnIThi eericesThis This Thi girl is surrounded surrounrpd by nine nin or ten tenairls tnplris tengirls girls plris as IR clever cer as herself herlt There arc Ir per perhaps plr plrhap perhnps ¬ haps hap half hnI a dozen others in the gang but butthey hntthEyare hutthey they thEyare are not such exports eXfrts as a their pal1g compan companions companlone ¬ ions and they thoyare are the ones onei who generally generallyget gnerly gnerlyget cmpn cmpnlonll get into trouble when whln any one does doesThis dopf doesThis This Tll Nellie the leader lendEr paid foif County Detective Dfleche Rcnrdcn in i the meet me t expert expertfallor expertsailor eXprt eXprtfnlor sailor fnlor runner rnner downtown She dees that thatwork thatwork work becaufe bea lfe it Is I safer saferSailors fnr fnr8lors saferSailors ll0t ll0twork Sailors 8lors are generally genprly drunk when hln they theycome theyrme theycome come rme ashore Rlhore and nnc are easy victims victml A Asailor Apllor Asailor sailor pllor is what all the girls nre after I lr but butthey butthey hutthey they cnnnot clnnot always olwa get Iet sailors palor so lO they have to take what comes cor11 along alongYou alonp nlongYou You have hav no idea how slick fllck these thl young younggirls youl1gpirl younggirls girls pirl are Let Lt me tell tel you one of their theirfavorite theirta theirfavorite favorite ta vorle tricks tricksA A couple coupleofthem of them will I dress drlFS up stylishly I < they nil ni wear good clothrs clothlHlir clotheshire hirt > a room roomsomewhere roompomewhrp roomsomewhere somewhere then go o to nome FOrI downtown downtowndealer rowntown rowntowncllalr downtowndealer dealer cllalr who furnishes rurish places pJa on the install installment Instal installmeat ¬ ment plan and get him to fit ft it up The Thodealer Tle Tledllr Thedealer dealer dllr doesnt ask security bccaure h ufe he liehas hehas hehas has a contract allowing alowlnp him to take tnk the thefurniture theturiure thefurniture furniture turiure lack if installments Instalnln1 are ae not notpaid notp notpa paid pa id promptlyell promptly pt 1y 1yWell p Well Jrom ell the girls jolly joly Hint denier lllr along alonguntil II10nl alonguntil until unti they get Iet him in I n some compromising compromisingposition rOlpromiFlngplton conipromisingposition position and then threaten to have Jla I him himniwted himrrftld himarrested arrested plton rrftld After Affr theyve thy scared Fenred him half halfto hll haltto to drath they let It him off 01 if ho will wi releao releaothorn rpll8 releapthem thorn thlm from trm any further payments pymentR on the thefurniture theturlture thefurniture furniture turlture which whlChlIurprlnl surprising as it may seem reemhe fem femhe seembe he to II generally gneraly willing wllnp to do doThen doTln doThen Then Tln an noon on as 1 they get jEt rid of him thoyFell they tho thofell theyFell Fell the th furniture furlurl to the first rAt second Flrnd hand handm hnndmln handman m mln man n who comes rmllIllonJrockt along alongpocket pocket the cashnnd cashnndgo eoRhnnd eoRhnndpo go back to their ol 01 all I quarters qURrrs I have haveknown haveklw haveknown known po klw this thing to be I done time tme and ad again againand againand againand and always successfully successfullyStreet successfullyStreet < Rfuly RfulyStret Street Stret alwoyluc robbery roh ry is I the thl main mlln occupation olclpltlon of ofthe atthp ofthe the girls lrA however ho ver They TEY all al carry Inrry guns gunsbut gunsbut unfl unflbut but are 1m not foolish toolFlh enough to UFO lFe them themunlesfl thlm thlmunllM themunless unless unllM It Ifl II necessary neellry They TJIY prefer to back backa hek heka a drunken man into a hallway nnd go gothrough gothronh gothrough through him there thereThey thpreTtly thereThey They are expert pickpockets and can canget canRet canret Ttly exprt Ret whatever whlto ver a man has before blforl IIP hI knows knowsand kl10WRIt It t Smetmee Sometimcsthuytake thfY tRkp men to tlllr tleir rooms roomsRnd roomsand and rob them after acpr drugging drnlJlnl thorn tlem some sometimes sometimes rl ¬ times they drug djt thorn In the tll back < rooms of nfcertain ofCrtnln ofcertain certain Crtnln saloons polonl which rater Ialer to their trade trndennd tradend tradeand and nd very ofl nfln often n it Is the gun right at a mans manshead man manhad manshead head in tie ti s street streetSome streetSome trt trtSme had Some te of the very youngest youn Pflt of these thesegirls thefegirs thesegirls girls Sme appear appea to work under the direction direton of ofmen ormen ofmen men girs I know that one on day County Detec Detective Dat cc cctive ¬ tive OShea and myself mllr were in a 1 Chinese Chineselaundry Chine Chinelaundry Chhieselaundry laundry on Jorroi Jale I street watching sone sonepolicy 60mepolc sorvepolicy policy people when a tough young fellow fellowcame felow felowcme fellowcame came cme polc In pple and talked talke with vlh tho Chinamen ChinamenSoon Clnamen ClnamenSn ChilnanienSoon Soon a girl Rll of about abut 131 1 13 I should cay FaI saw cnme cnmein clne clnein cainein in Sn and immediately Immedltply the man turned ture on her herand hprand herand and and Mc swore at lt her He e asked Mke her what she shehad shehad he hehad Iwore had and Ind she said nothing nothingThen nothmjtThen nothingThen Then he told her to go out and pet et etcloak a aclock aclock clock and not to come ome back 10 until unti she ho had hadone hadone hadone one either In thieves pailarco pllanet n clock clockis is l a watch We were too busy with 1h our ourpolicy ourpllry ourpolicy policy watc folks to bother bter about thw th1 man and andohlkl al1dchid andchild child pllry then but the incident shows showl what is isresponsible II IIrrllpnslble isrrsponslhle chid responsible rrllpnslble tum for some of the depravity epravly of ofhee atthOe ofthese these thOe children childrenThe childrenThe The Tle clldr6n clldr6nTle place to find fnd these tlee girls ItITII IS In what whntthey whatthey hnt hntthey they call 01 fc the Gnp in Hamilton Hamiton street trlt That TImtI I is 1 the block Gap on al Hamilton Hamion street between betweenCatharine betweenCathain betweenCatharino Catharine Cathain and Market Ilarklt streets Once a airook acook acrook crook cook gets in there you cannot get him himPiere himTler himThere There Tler are a a thousand thou nd ways of f escape escapeThen scapeThen FClpe FClpeThen Then another aother hangout for these thele girls girlss Ilrlll IlrlllIs Is s a house hOUe on James Jamls street IIteet which has hal four fourentranced eur eurentranC ur urentrances entranced entranC no one in eight of the other otherWo otherWo otherWe Wo cleaned out the house hOle once but but it has hasIliad hll hasfilled Iliad le cene up again Rln and many mny of the girls girl have hnvoooms havorOOI haverooms rooms rOOI there thereMost thereMOt thereMeet Most MOt of these the young girls Ilrlf are Irish Ir h but buthere butthere butthere there are a few Italians IallnA yung and perhaps prJlapl four fourf tourof fourof of > f five fve nepre ntDre negreeses sc el They TI y are nil 11 stanch rtnnchlilies stanchallies Inloh Inloh11e lilies of the men gangs ganRI down there and the theaioute thomuo themJxttu 11e t1e aioute muo there lhtJ is If a general mixup with the thoJ thor 2 2V i < J r IIOP police these girls lake to the roofs rfl an anbegin and andbegin andbegin polc begin throwing brickbats brlokO briok tale ats and other missile missileon mb missllcaon lcs lcson on the heads hes of the police plc I have hear hearen ber heardthese thee these girls bt boast ot havi having hit plcmen plcmencn policemen policemenon en the he hood with brick bricksThe bricks bricksThe The reason rcon those girls have hve kept 10 so wel well wellunder wel welunder under coverla covor I is that men a as a re re1edonOtt15 re1edonOtt15to rule do no not c cu cuto uner to take the consequences of complaining complinin complininwhea complainingwhen complalninwhen when a prety pretty oonseuentl youn glrltands glrlstands girl stands r ready y to tocme tocome t tcome cme come bk back with a CI charge o of attempts attepted atteptedIsault attouiptMdassault attemptsassault Isault assault That is always the dereroor defero3 of these thncgirlll thesegirls thesgirls < I girls and a m man h has UUe little o or no chatd ctoi ctoiagant chiaLOtSagainst chatdagainst agant against themTiE themTIlE them themTHE THE TiE HACHEIAWS IMCIEIIS IIOM IIOMI IIOMIt OJUJf OJUJfIt It I 1 1 Li Much u b More Comfortable omrortbe Than It WaS Wttand WaSami and ad Not Much luole luoleIt Dearer UtarerIt It is possible Illble for the te bachelor bchelor in i New NewYork Ne NewYork York to be b much more comfortable cmorblo now nowadays no nonay nowada ¬ adays nay ada than he hcwai was formerly and at little Uttlor Uttlorno or orno orno no increase IncrM in II pi lee leeTake IceTake beTake Take the typical tyical landlady landldy of a men iflenlodging mens menslodging menlodging lodging house ten years yers ago She hired hireda h a servant of the cheapest cheapt possible plble grade gradeand ge geand gradeand and furnished her rooms rm as meagrely meglT meglTshe as asshe asshe she could and yet get lodgers logrs Some Sometunes 8me 8metle Sometimes tunes tle she gave gve them coffee cre in their thei rooms roomsalthough rm rmalthough metaLalthough although in nine cases rol out of ten they pre preferred pr peefarred ¬ ferred ter not to tax t the resources reuro of her he estab establishment etb etblihment establishment ¬ lishment lihment to that extent Her service serviceended serviceended rv ended there thereIn thereIn thereIn In many mny cases c this landlady lnly was a dress dressmaker d dresSmaker maker and rented rent her upstairs upti rooms rD t tenable t to toenable enble enable her to live lve In a fashionable falonable neighbor neighborhood neighbr neighbrho neighborhood bachelor who whrlodged wbologed wholodged hood ho In such a case c the lodged loged with her was wa likely lioly to have even eveiless evenII evenlees less II comfort omror than thn In i the care cre of a profes professional prote profeelonal sional ionlnly ionlnlyThen landlady landladyThen landladyThen Then came cme the great gt increase in in the awn number nu awnher her br of bachelor bchelor apartment aprtment houses hoU In th thnew the thenew thenew new places pl built for them tenants inn had h th thattendance the theatteDno theattendance < atteDno attendance of a valet there thre were wer men me ii iithe i in inthe the house hou to t wait on them at all al hours hou an anthere an and andthere there were above all else el private privt bathas bath btb bathsas as an understood uderstoo feature fetu of all al the suites suitesand u aite aiteand and even of one room Then Ten came c the theuse t theuse use of a telephone in i every apartment apartmentTo aprtment aprtmentTo To meet the competition cmpttin the professional professionallandlady proreion professionallandlady landlady landldy supplies supple nowadays noway as many mny of olthese ofthes ofthese these thes conditions oonlton as she he can cn In somcases some Ime Imec somecases cases c the lodging logig houses hou of the old ol type ty are arestill aresti arestill still But these houses are areabout USabout sti prosperous the hU a aabout plprous about as a expensive expnive in price pric as the te best bestof bt btot bestof which whichthey whichthey of the bachelor bchelor apartments over wh apenl to the thebachelor th thbhelor thebachelor they thy possess poss only ony one advantage avtg advant ° bachelor bhelor not a very important imprt one on they theyhave theyhave have larger rooms roomsof roomsA hve rms A furnished lrgr room in a Ide made over hu house houseof of this rued kind cannot r be had for leas I tha tn than th kd cnnot b bd la in ineluded Ineluded 115 15 a week When the t hall h room r eluded we the price pric will probably be more bj by clude pbably 15 5 or 7 A single wl room rm on the t secern secernfloor Ind Indfor second secondfloor floor for with wih S a small Il bath built but in i the t clone clonewill cOt cOtwi ClOSetwill will wi cost S15 15 or S12 12 at the th least leastAttendance let letAttndnce leastAttendance Attendance is better than it was w in th thpast t the thepast < past pst Attndnce but it ia I I rarely rrely btIr so good goo as a that tht to t to tofound b be befound found foud in the apartments and ad practical practicalcornea prccly prcclycome practicallycomes cornea to an end ed apment at 10 oclock ock whereas wh k kthe mtbe inthe the come other houses hou it lasts lt all a night nightSome nht nht8me nightSome Some of these houses hou are a nevertheless neverthelervery nevhe neverthelessvery 8me te very comfortable comfo and the landladies ldld ai aiable are areable b1 able to get high ° prices r pric One in the t Flftic Ft Fifties FiftiesIs is typical or the beat t of this t kind kindthe kindI kindIt bt I It tyhal Is a large rge twetfiv twentyfive toot hoU house wt with withbathrooms bathrooms added to the rm rooms on ech each 01 01the ofthe bathoms the throe floors fors There The is a J Jvalet Jap Japanese Japanesevalet valet th telephone service in the te house hou but no noin Dot DotIn notIn in the teephon rooms and rce breakfast brat of coffee cofte rolland roll rll rollsand and eggs for 35 cents centsTho cent centsTho Tho rooms on the first floor rent for fora 13 13a 25 25a fr a week The Th two large f rooms room on the t floo flooabove foor foorabove floor floorabove above are S2 20 and 118 18 No rooms rm are a le lefor let letfor letfor for loss 10 than a year yearIn y yearIn r rIn In one of the Thirties Thiie is I a popular ppu ho howhere house housewhere where the th prices are oven higher hghe Th Tha There Therea a large room two small sl rooms room really rlly a aalcove an anIllcoe analcove alcove and a hall bal room rm and a bathroom bathrooiront btrm btrmmnt bathroomrent rent for SII0 1100 a year yer and they are unfur unfurlushed unu unuIihe unfurnishied lushed Iihe at that This Tlls house hou has ha electrii electriilight e electriollgit tro troUght light and no telephone telephonerented telephoneBchelor telephoneBachelor Bachelor apartments cn can ot cu course be berented rented Bchelor for almost alost Iprtment any price that the tenant tenantto tnnt to rente 1 able to pay The Tle most mot expensive expenve house housein hou houseIn in the city py will let two rooms rms a good sized sizedsitting sizedsitting wi lt se sitting te room and a small bedroom bm and bath bathfor bth bthtor bathfor for sittn SI 1500 a year yer a That Tlt is of course ou with without wt without ¬ out furniture turtu and this Ull house for the th sake sakeof akeof k of sticking it on a bit charges charge extra et for forlight forlight forlight light stclng and heat although attendance attndnc is isincluded IaIncude Isincluded included and heat there is a telephone tlephone in i each eachapartment Ich Ichaprtment eachapartment apartment Incude This Tlls rent is the cheapest chepet In Intho IntlO Inthe aprtment the house Some of the apartments aprtment cost ct tlO 4500 450 but the difference deence is only ony in the te num number nu nuniher ¬ I ber of rooms roomsBut roomeBut roomsBut But tlicso tbesf are the highest priced pric abodes abe for fortho rortht forthe the single tngle man It is possible foSlble to get unfur unfurnished unur unurnihed unfurnishied ¬ nished nihed In the best bt neighborhood neighbrhoo in the city citya a bedroom sitting sittig room and bath bth for to 15 50 50a 54 54a a broom month In less desirable delrble regions the thesnme theMme thesame Mme rooms roms may be b had for 110 regon 10 a month monthlees monthle8 monthless lees le8 and may even be b had furnished turlshe over overtoward overtovard overtoward toward the West Side for that amount amountATE aout aoutATE amountATE ATE HIMSELF UP VPThe UPI1Je UPThe The Tale Tle of a Taller Val fr Dog Os Who Wo Chewed Oewe Ills IllsWay 11 11Wa liiiWay Way Wa Back Home lome Again AgainA Asnraier A yaller raier dog lay on the floor for of an Avenue AvenueA A delicatessen delcatelsen shop Judging Judgig from his hissize hissize hi hisize size and shape some one of his remote remoteancestors remoteancestors remoteancestors ancestors may have had a leaning toward towardthe towardthe towardthe the fox terrier species spies Aside from that thathe thatbe thatlie he was IS just plain dog dogFrom dogFrom dogFrom From time tme to time he glanced glance up at the thedelicatessen thedelcatessen thedelicatessen delicatessen delcatessen man and wagged his little littleslump ltle ltlestump littlestump stump of a tail tailWhy tai tailWhy Why theres Bismarck said lald a custom acustomer customer ¬ er I thought youd given him away awayI I am am ashamed alhnmed to tell tel you dot you are arerightdt arerlghtdt arerightdt rightdt said the delicatessen delcate sen man gazing gazingfondly gazingfOldly gazingfoudly fondly fOldly at tho dog I did give him avay avayDut avy avyDut avayBut Dut he would not stay gived givedI glYe I givtd him again aan avay ava but again ho hovould hovould hevould vould not stay 8ta At lest I gived him againund again oialnund againmid und again und again avay ay und even locked lockedall lookedall all der dlr doors But love like Iko Bismarcks Bismarcksvlll Blllmarcksvalwns Bismarokvlll vlll al valwns always find nd avay to give lockschmldts lockschmldtsdor dor merry haha Vonce more he corned cornedback comedbck cornedback back backDen bck Den vhcn ben I find nd out how strong a af affection affedlon affection ¬ fection bus lin dot loathe lo tl dog og for me I dont dontcare dontcare dontlare care vedder veder he stays avay or doesnt I Ivotildnt Iouilnt Ivouldnt votildnt ouilnt give ive him avay even if he did didHow didlow did11ev How did he get in by der door vhen vhonhe vhenhe vhenhe he low couldnt culdnt He didnt I vill vl tell you youhow youhow youhow how howI I give him avay to Bug Buckley Bckley der dericeman derIceman dericcinna iceman but butvhen vhen Bug wall not lookin lookinmarck Bis Bismarck Bismarck ¬ marck sneaks off und der first frst ting tng I knowed knowedhe he comes running into der store und jumps jumpsup jumpup up nnd Ind down all 111 over Oer me mit gladness gladnessI gladnel I hated to do it It but vhen I vonoe vonc give giveavay giveavay giveavay avay something I dont take tae it back bc So Sotook SoI SoI I picked Bismarc hisniarek by der cla collar up und undtook undtook took him again agan to dot Buckley man manYell m nanVeil Yell Vei sir to cut up Uj a long story short shortdot shortdot shortdot dot lectle leete Bismarck corned running back backflvo iaoicfive five or four times more moreNext morpiext moreNext v Next time tme by Chimminy I told my mysolf my1II0lr myself self I vill viloc lock dot door doorvhen vhen he comes Cmes back backto to g get t in InUnd in1Jnd fjnd gt Und t did didIt didI didIt It broke my heart so der vay he whined whinednnd whinedund whned whnednnd I nnd wagged his toil dot I really couldnt couldntstand culdnt culdntstand couldntstand stand It I vent ent upstairs by my room roomvere roomvere rm rmvere vere I couldnt see Re him himPretty himIretty himPretty Pretty eoori toon I dont hear her him wagging wagglnxor or whining any more und I tink maybe maybehe maybehe he has went avay So 8 I creeped down downstairs dow downstairs ¬ stairs stAlrl gin paln und sure enough crep dere isnt isntany isntan isntajw outside outsideM any an ajw Bismark BImark M 1 I vas va standing Itndlng dere rendering vondeng to myself myselfvrdder myl myselfvedder vrdder vrder I vas vasuorry sorry sorr or gl jlad clad about it vhen vhenall vhenal vhenall al all of a sudden down der nec stairs strstrrrup strstrrrupterrrup 5talreterrrup 5talreterrrupterrrUp t rrrup rrruptcrrmp terrrup terrruplund der first ting tlng I knowed know dot leetle leetl Bismarck dog vas vaslumping Valljumping vuliumpuuig lumping all al up and down dow me m again und undlicking undlicking licking my face faceNow flce flceNow faceNow unc lckilll Now how der defile do you yo tink dot dotlectio dotleetlo dothectIc hectIc doe got ot upstairs u taln vhen vlen vle der front frontloor trontdoor frontdoor door vas locked I now knowed knowe a do dolot dog dodot Vi dot climbed did you YOI I vould find fnd out outI I clmbl took him out by der collar cll und ud locked lockeder lockedder lockedder der er door again Den I made believe dor me bleve go goPstaira goupstair gounetalra upstair Pstaira again but I sneaked flene back bak to toked toyber tovhere yber vhere ho didnt know I VW vas looking ud udpflced mid midpeeked peeked < > ked out outPretty outPrety outPretty pflced Pretty Prety ooon flcn 5O alretty alrftty he goes R0 avay from fromler tramder fromier ler door dor unil begins blglrl sniffing around vone vonef vaneat voneof at f dem strings ftrlngs of sausage lt P8 vat I have hang hangIIR h hanglug lug IIR by der owning frame frameAll trameAI framoAll Inl All AI hr of n 1 sudden he makes make a quick bit bitit bitlt bitat lt at it tIer dtr bottom botom sausage und Indvould undvould vould you youliove you1lov8 youbelieve 1lov8 believe liove itdot i dot leetle lete dog sated et his hi vay vaydl vayall vaynil all dl der vay up to der top und Jumped Jump in by byny bymy bymy my second IIcnd story window quicker quKe dan d you youan youcan youcan can an say sy Johann Robuwohn RobuwohnVhen Robih RobinsohnShen Vhen hen I told dot Buckley Buckle man m about abut It Ite ithe Ithe he e said I < id I could keep my myoid old dog dot he heouldnt heoul hevouldnt ouldnt oul nt have a dog vat vas VI a cannibal cannibalnyliow caibal caibalInhow cannibalanjhiow nyliowBut Inhow nyliow But I dont caro how much he insults IMuit my myausnges myfaUfnjl mysausages sausages faUfnjl Ho cant make mko mo mod m I got gotay iotJ gotlay J lay ay belle lete dog again aial aialr r 1 1 1C Q C 1 j > th THE FLAG FLG STAMP IS TO GO GOPUBLIC GOPUBLI GOPUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLI RIDICULE THE TiE CAlsi CAlsiOF CUCOF CitLsiOF OF ITS WITHDRAWALWashingtons WITHDRAWAL WIJUDBtAL WIJUDBtALWuhlnatn WITJJDR4WALWashington Wuhlnatn Washington Rubicund Nose Especially EspeciallyProvoked ESINIII EspeciallyProvoked Provoked rrokl Katlre HUreThe SaUceThe The New ew 2Out 2OutStamp 2 2CentHtainp Int Int8tp Stamp 8tp to t Show 8ow a Shield Slldll Shicldtcn Ken Slier Nlicrnan Nler Nleran Slieralan nan an Ousted < te Prom Fm the Postal Uallrry UallrryWASHINGTON Gallrr GallrrWA81NOTN Gaiter GaiterWASIIIN0roN WASHINGTON WA81NOTN Oct Oc 10 10Tbe Tho fins fap stamp stampwhich I stampwhich < tampwhich which has h been bn in i use Ul for about six month monthand lont mouthsand and ad ia 1 I the first and only stamp of the kind kindever kindeve kindover ever eve issued u9 by this Government Govermont will w1 very verysoon verysn veryaeon soon sn be b superseded spse by a new design which whichwill whichwill 11 will be b known kown as II the te shield stamp stampPrior stampPor BtampPrior Prior Por to the te issuance ISuar of the current series seriesof serllso seriesol of o stamps stamp known as the series of 1002 11 and andbrought alI andbrought I Ibuiht brought buiht out at the oloso of last 1It year then thenwas Illr Illrwa therewas was wa a demand deld from from stamp samp collectors nod amithe nntlthe nodthe the general gneral public pblo that the flag ng should shOld have hnvoa havl havla a prominent pminont place ple upon the two cent stamp stampWhen stampWhe stampWhen When Whe the current cunt stamp lltmp wan W issued iju1 it was wasbelieved WD wasbelieved believed bleve that tht it would satisfy sntlty this thi demand demandThe dcmnnl dcmnnlThe demandThe The design de lg showed sowe Stuarts Stuta portrait portrit of ofWashington orWaingn ofWashington Washington Waingn in the centre with wih a draped drapedflag drar1 drar1fa irapedflag flag fa on either aide Tho name nae Washing Washington Wlhlnr ton appeared beneath the bust together togetherwith toctherwith togetherwith with the tbedat appa data of the birth and death of Wash Washington Washilton Washington ¬ ington ilton these te features fetures being entirely new newin no noIn newIn in stampdom stampdomAlmost atampdomAlmost stpom stpomAlost Almost Alost from the te first frst many newspapers newspaperscondemned nowsppcr nowsppcrcondene newspaperscondemned condemned condene the design d0lg and letters poured pouredhi pount in criticising crtcising adversely aveJy and Ild in i satirical satirial vein veinthe veinthe the new stamp stmp Some Sme critics critis said that it itwas itwa itwas was wa te an a insult llult to the intelligence Intelgence of tho thoAmerican thoAmercan thoAmerican American Amercan people pple to print prnt tbe name of tie tlofirst 1e 1efrst tiefirst first President Pidet beneath his portrait upon a apostage aptg apostage postage frst stamp Others said tho lettering letteringwas etcrln ptg was 1 so small smai that it could not be read and andsuggested andluigte andsuggested suggested luigte that a magnifying mgnifyig glass g S8 accom accompany accompy accompatty ¬ patty each eh stamp stampThen ltp ltpTe stampThen py declared that ti tiportrait the theportrait Then Te a number numbr of critics crltcdplarethat tle tleprrit portrait prrit gave gve Washington Wahigon the thenollC nose o of f a toper toperAs toperAs toperAs As a matter mtter of fact tat the reddish appear appearance appmranc appearanee ¬ cheeks ia duo to the cir circumstance dr drcuanatance ¬ ance anc of the nose nO and a cheks er erctc cumstance ctc that tat the inferior ink fills fls up the thofine tbofine thefine fine lines line on the plate In I the die dlt proof proofof proofat proofof of the design delg this docs do not appear appea the shad shading sbne shadlag ¬ lag is perfect and what the critics critcs com complained cornplained ¬ 1 pret plained pline of as a evidences eviences of inebriety on the thapart tLepart thepart part of Washington were not apparent apparentAs apparent As a result lut of the condemnation condematon of the thestomp thostap thestamp stomp stap the PostmasterGeneral PoetmterGeneral determined determinedto to get out another design and gave in instructions insructon instructlons ¬ structions sructon to the artiste aists at the Bureau of ofEngraving ofEngraving Engraving and Printing Pinting to prepare prepae another anothersketch anothersketch Engving a sketch The artists aists worked worke upon tho thoproposition thoprpiton theproposition proposition prpiton for months submitting first firstthifl frt firstthis this and then that feature in the effort enart to toproduce toproduce produce th1 a a design delg that would woud meet met popular popularapproval popularapproval popularapproval approval prouc They hope bop now that they havo havosucceeded haoluce havosucceeded succeeded luce It I is expected expt that the now nowstamps nowatamp nowstamps stamps atamp will wi be b on sale about abut Nov 1 1The 1The 1The The new design delg is I as usual Uul said sid by phila philatelists phla phlat1t philatelists ¬ to be the finest finestever finestever telists and stamp experts t1t lltmp exer InMt InMtever It combines combinesrare combinesrare ever produced produc anywhere anyher I combine combiner rare r artistic artist conception cntion with wth simplicity smplciy and andstrength andtrngh andstrength strength strengthThe strengthThe trngh trnghTe The Te central cntl figure Is Washington Washngton of the thoStuart theStur theStuart Stuart Stur type ty similar mr in i a general gneral way to tothe totho tothe the portrait portrt upon the stamp ltp now in use useThe useThe useThe The lines Ue of the engraving are however howevernot hoeernt howevernot not nt quite qute so s close cl together tgther and the bureau bureauexperts bureauexrs bureauexperts experts assert Ir that tht in regular reglr use the red redink redink redink exrs ink will wU not be b so 8 apt to fill fl up the shading shadingand shadln shadlnad shadingand the effects that have made madethe madethe and produce ad pruce te eeet me methe the current curnt stamp stmp objectionable objectionableTho objetonable objetonableThe The frame trme or background bkgund of the design designis d0ipn d0ipnla of which wl ch has hasbeen hasbeen is a shield 8hlel the lower lowr portion porton ha hab been b flattened fattne so as to permit pert its it conform conforming conformlag ¬ lag 11 to the outlines outlnea of the stamp The Th lower lowercorners lowerorers lowercorners corners orers are a very ver slightly slghtyrounded slightlyrounded rounded and in inthe Inthe inthe the centre centr of the bottom may my be seen son tho thopoint thopit thepoint pit point of the shield shieldThe 81ld 81ldThe shieldThe The upper uppr third thi of the design dllg comprises comprisesthe cmprise cmprisete the te blue field fel with wth stars in I white whiI Instead Insteadof Int Intor of thirteen thin stare str there are a only four fully fullyvisible fUy fUyvible fullyvisible visible vible although three thr points pints of as a many manystars manystars manystars stars may be seen sen peeping out from behind behindthe bhind bhindthe behindthe the letters letter United Unitd States of America AmericaThe Aeric AmericaThe The blue field feld Is I cut off of by moans mcan of a ahorizontal ahorizntal ahorizontal horizontal horizntal line lne at about the top of Wash Washingtons Washingns Washingtons ¬ ingtons head and the vertical rUeal bars bar three threeon threeon threeon on ingns either side shaded hdpd so as a to depict rod rodand rd rdand rodand and white whte comprise the remainder rmider of the thedesign thodedg thedesign design designTho dedg designThe The figures gur 2 appear in relatively relatlVly the thesome th thsame thesame same positionas pltlon in the current stamp stmp Th The 2 at the right is encircled encirle by a wreath wreth of oflaurel orlaurlleve oflaurel laurel laurlleve leaves while the wreath rth on tho left leftis leftIs leftis is composed compd of oak leave laurel repre representing rpre rpresontlng representing ¬ senting peace and harmony while whio tho oak oakleaves oakleave oakleaves leaves leave symbolize lIymbolze p strength strngth and vigor vigorPrevious vigorPrevious vigorPrevious Previous to the Issue ue of the current currnt stamp stampsix stam stamsl stampsix six sl months month ago Washingtons Wahln tons face in pro profile pro profe profile ¬ file fe as depicted depicte by Houdon had appeared appearedon appad appadon on the stamp for thirtytwo years in fact factall faet faetal factall all al the portraits prtraits upon tho stamps from fromone fromone fromone one cent to 00 0 cents cnts had been profiles profilesThird profles proflesThird profilesThird Mad Madden Madden PostmasterGeneral Third Assistant Alstant L1c ¬ den who directly direly has charge of the stamp stampdivision IItlllP IItlllPdlvlolon stampdivision division conceived concived tho idea that a full fullor ful fulor fullor or nearly full facing facin view of the subject subjectwould subjpct subjpctwould subjectwould would bo preferable prt rablo to tho side view Ac Accordingly Accrngly Accordlngly ¬ cordingly crngly in preparing tho designs eeHlgnH for thc thfnew Ih Ihnew thcnew new series every ever face was turned tured about abolt om omquarter nlltqurter nutquarter quarter qurter so 8 that In the tho now nlw serifs lerll one on views viewsthe viewsthe yjp yjpthe the subject subjot face ta to face In tho majority majorityof of cases CMa the change has worked woked nn im improvement Improvoment ¬ provement although alhough It Ls L questionableif questionable queHtlonahl1I if I as fine ne a bust of Washington Wahington for Urn II pur purposes purpOI br brposes ¬ poses pOI of a 1 postage postRe stamp will wi ever 1lr bn bnfound 1 1tound hefound found as 01 that of Houdon recently recentl aban abandoned alIl alIldne niatidoned ¬ doned donedAt dne donedAt At the time of tho bringing hrlnpinl out of thus thndesigns fhAdlslns thusdesigns designs for the series lerll of 1002 tO It was W wa dwidM dwidMto ld1 ld1to to place the portrait of Martha Washing Washington WAhil Vashuuugton ¬ ton upon one of the tle denominntiolH denomination Th Thquestion Thqueton The Thequestion question queton was Wi Whom should she lho supersede supersedeFinally slpndl slpndlFnaly suiptrsedeFinally Finally Fnaly it was decided deeldll to rnmnvn remo Gen GenSherman > cn cnSherman enShenan Sherman Shenan from the eight cent clt stamp tlmp and andgive andIve andgive give the place pllco to toher her putting the tle portrait of ofSherman 1 1Rhern OfSherman Sherman Ive Rhern upon the reply repl postal wstalcarcL card After Afterworking AtCr AtCrworking Afterworking working upon the proposition propsiton for six Ix months monthsit mlth mlthIt it has been found impossible to design designa p iJn iJna a postal pstal card eard that Is II satisfactory Mtifflcorr so thn thnold thaold thiflold old Grant reply rply card care will wi hn 10 conHnuPci conHnuPciSo Intillc So S Martha Washington remains remalnl and Ind On OnSherman GpnSherman lenSherman Sherman is lost In the shuffle 8hufe and all disap disappears tilp tilppenrs 111581pears ¬ pears from the postal pstal gallery Ialoy IaloyAloloil galleryAicelielle Aloloil Aicelielle p Scrappy ScrnppyKrly ScrappyKelly Kelly says Fn R ho hf wus I one on ur IV IVold H Hold de deold old Fourt ward gang RnnirMUJHW Innr gangMuggsyFourt MUJHW MuggsyFourt Kourt ward nuttln1 nutln HP II lived llvfdIn UtdIn livedin In do old TIrtysccond Tlrt And ward nt Bellevus Bellevusover nlpvu nlpvuover Ilehlevueever tttf over I since IlnC he wus old enough t bite tlt do Q due8r toy toytttf 8r 4 ll