OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 11, 1903, Second Section, Image 19

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-10-11/ed-1/seq-19/

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JI = I w wfiREAT
Reservoir Covering Coverin Twenty Twnt Milts Mil to t Supply SupplyMetv SupplJew Supply1ew
Jew York With Water For Years Yalsn Yearsi
n i rr IT
Projwlfl rrl1 IR involving the th most stupendous stupendousrngiiiPTiiiK etupendouaIgtertng
rngiiiPTiiiK tusk undertaken in modem modemtliupi modemIIJOei moderntItufr4
tliupi U to furnish a great city with waterare water waterure
are wider consideration I by the Mayors Mayorsmtmniwion MayorsNIIl1l1lliiion MayorscrinuiThkn
mtmniwion of < > f water experts appointed appointedIn
In n ejainirie into future sources of supply supplyfor
for NVw Yorks York needs needsThp ntedMlim
Thp 1 f Mlienie most favored by the ex experts uprrti x xprt ¬
perts i nothing loss than to create a great greatsrtiucial greatIlIke greatInke
srtiucial Inke in the heart of the Uleter Ulsterrnniiiy UleterOllnl Uleterniully
rnniiiy Ollnl y fatekilla lIttkl11 ath iIl and to bring brln tho water waterto
to Ne Sew ew York city through a 1 gigantic pipe pipelino pipelin pipeJjfl4
lino lin morn mol than tOO t mile mileslong long The water waterto
tf to iW li brought here ure la of the purest andnftrit and andnfl
nfl 01111 < > ft Kind gathered athered from the mountain mountaincpringH mountainipringa mountainpriiig
cpringH priiig formed by the melting snow and andIce andIe
Ice Ie I that nil the clefts and fissures of the themountain themounlaini thenount
mountain mountainVar mounlainiIear nount allis allis1
Var as 1 crystal ryta and fresh from natures naturesrefrigerator naturellrffrigtrutor naturesrrrigrator
refrigerator no great city anywhere will willliavo 11111haw willhnv
haw M HJ O plenteous a supply of pure purewhoe purewhoelame whoa whoelonm whoaiorna
lame drinking water aa a will 1111 New York YorkIf
If i his thl plan in carried out outFor outFor outFor
For isiveral i vlral months surveyors have been beenmarking beenarkln beenrttarkng
marking arkln out a 1 proposed site for this thl greatrpservoir great greatr
r rp rpservoir ervoir As planned it will make a huge hugeUkc hugekf hugeiek
Ukc iek kf having a water surface of from four fouriw tourIn fourPpn
iw In Ppn > n to twenty square miles The dam to toImpound toImpound toImplInl
Impound this immense body of water will willlx willb
lx b > built at Bishops Falls on Enopus E opus Creek Creekabout Creekbout Creekbout
about bout fifteen miles from Kingston as 8 the
wash the foot of the Blackberry Range Rangeand Rangeand Rangeand
and Samuels Point PointMany PointMany IointMany
Many notable trout brooks lying in the thetowns thetowns thetowne
towns of Olive and Hurley would be lost lostwhen lostwhen
when the water is I Impounded No doubt doubtthe doubtthe doubtthe
the great reservoir would soon become one onevast one onet onevat
vast t reserve of game fish The streams streamsto treamlto
to be submerged in the reservoir are many
A large part of the BushkilL coming out outof outof outof
of Watsons Hollow would become part of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the lake Tho old Beaverkill t > averklll except lt ltmost its itsmoat II IImOllt
most remote headwaters would be entirely
blotted out as a a stream The Esopus Esopusthe E Esopusthe opus opusthe
the valley of which would form the prin principal prlnclJal princi ¬
cipal ci al bed of the new reservoir would lose loseIts loseits
Its Identity from Bishops Falls to Boice Boioovllle Boicevllle Boiceyule
vllle about five or six miles milesBesides milesBe milesBesides
Besides Be ldes these streams are many others othersall othersall othersall
all of whloh if the reservoir is i built will willpour willpour willpour
pour tholr tribute of fresh sweet water Into Intoit IntoII intoit
it Five Fivestreams streams come out of Ret Ketchum KetchumHollow KetchumHollow chum chumHollow
Hollow and a d empty Into the Bushkill Most Mostof MOIItof Mostof
of thwe streams have their sources in the thesnowbanks tbeBnowbanka thesnowbanks
snowbanks which never melt entirely entirelynearly entirelynearly entirelynearly
nearly 1000 feet above tide water up amongthe among amongthe amongthe
the peaks of Mount Cornell CornellSome CornellSome CornellSome
Some of the more nlorecolIIlderable considerable streams streamswhich streamswbloh streamswhich
which empty into the Eaopus E opu are the Little LittleBeaverkill LittleBeaverklll LittleBeaverkill
Beaverkill which has ha its itl source In the theYankeetown theYankeetown theYankeotown
Yankeetown Pond In the town of Wood Woodstock WoodBtock Woodstock ¬
stock on top of Mount Tico Ten Eyck the
will be amply oompensittod oomp 1d for th the changes changesMany obaDgMMany oangesMany
Many roads would WOuJ be wiped out and whole wholeneighborhoods wholenelhborhooda wholeneighbothood
neighborhoods will be cut cutolrBut off But the thebuilding thebuJldlq thebuilding
building of the great reservoir from which whichNew whichNIJw whichNew
New York city intend to draw her drinking drinkingwater drinldn drinldnwater drinkingwater
water mean much for Ulster Ul ter county It Itmoans Itmeana Itmoans
moans that perhaps tbs moat mO unattractive unattractivepart unLtraotiepart
part of the county the great West Hurley Hurleyand Hurleyan Burleyand
and an Beaverkill swamps would be blotted blottedout blottedout blottedout
out and that the lie county would be beautified beautifiedwith beautifiedwith beautifiedwith
with a noble sheet of water which would be boto beto beto
to all appearance a lake Many miles of ofnew 01new ofnowhighwaye
new nowhighwaye highways would be built and new neigh neighborhoods nelgbborhoods neighborhoods ¬
borhoods opened to settlement Kingston Kingstonwould Klnglltonwould Kingstonwould
would receive such a boom as it ha hanever has baIneer hasnever
never had and already the Inhabitants are arebeginning arebeginning arebeginning
beginning to see the prospective extension extensionof
of their elootrio railways into the country countryand oountryand countryand
and to feel the stimulus to business which whichtho whlohtho whichthe
tho prospect of spending so much money inthe in inthe Inthe
the county gives givesIf
If this great engineering englnerlnlProJect project is under undertaken undertaken undertahen ¬
taken it also means for Kingston a reviva revivaof
of the cement and lime industry which ha habeen h hen has hasbeen
been en languishing for years Millions of ofbarrels 01barrelll ofbarrels
barrels of cement and lime manufactured manufacturedin
in Kingston Kln ton and vicinity would be used usedIt uaedIt usedIt
It moans new manufacturing manuf urlnl institutions institutionsin
in Kingston for the greater part of the themillions themllUolI8 themililons
millions of dollars paid for wages and andmaterial andmaterial andmaterial
material would be spent in Ulster countymostly county countymostly countymOlll1y
mostly in Kingston KingstonUlster KingstonU1Bter KingstonUlster
Ulster county Is particularly happy happyin
in t possessing V < everything in the way of ofmaterial ofmaterial ofmaterial
material necessary to undertake such a ahuge ahu ahuge
huge hu engineering work The beet limo limeand limoand limoand
and cement in the world are in and about aboutKingston aboutRlnpton aboutKingston
Kingston Quarries from which can be botakengreat betaken betaken
takengreat taken great blocks of limestone and sand sandstone sandstone sandstone ¬
stone are almost on the ground where tho thoprojected thoprojected theprojected
projected reservoir is to be located Kings Kingston Klnpton Kingston ¬
ton has foundries where the heaviest Ironwork iron ironwork Ironwork
work needed can be bought and the county countybeing countybeing ountybeing
being a quarrying section has armies of ofstonecutters ofstonecutters ofstonecutters
stonecutters and laborers ready for work workNo workNo workNosurveybuyetbeeurnndeaeto
No Nosurveybuyetbeeurnndeaeto survey has yet been mode as to how howtho howthe howtliopipe
the tliopipe pipe line from the great reservoir is to toe toc5
c5 0 e laid to the river and from the river to
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i a aMAP
crMk runs and just northeast of the village villagecalled Yillapcalled villagecalled
called Olive 011 0th City CityThe Cit Citlhe cityThe
The dam would be erected across the thegorge thegorge I Igorge
gorge through which the Esopus runs runsAs runsAI runsAs
As nearly as can be ascertained it would wouldbe wouldbe WOuldbe
be fully seventy feet in height from the thebottom thebottom thebottom
bottom of the gorge to the apron of the thedam thedam thedam
dam damTo damf damTo
To complete the reservoir another dam damwould damwould damwould
would be built a short distance to the uorth northward uorthward uorthward ¬
ward across the old BeaverUU stream streamwhich streamwhich treamwhich
which rises on Touohe Mountain near nearWest neatWOllt nearWest
West Hurley and flows into the Enopus Enopusa EIJopuslew
a few rods below Bishops Falls This Thisdam Thisdam Thisdam
dam would prevent p ent the escape of the water waterof wtorof waterof
of the old Beaverkill stream and throw it itback Itback Ithad
back over into the Esopua abovetho above tho Bishop BishopFalls BlshopaFan BlshopiFa1IM
Falls dam clamTho damThu
Tho plan provide for several other othersmaller otherIImallcr othersmaller
smaller dams or escarpments around the thepast thePMt thepast
past and north border of the th lake ll to pre prewnt pr prnt prevnt
wnt nt the water from escaping escaplnl through throughth trou trouthn
th thn watercourses watercure not leading Ilading to tho to reser reservoir rr rrvoir rrserolr ¬
voir olr Several SV of three would bo 0 at West WestHurley Wet WetHurlf WestHurivy
Hurley Hurlf six milts mUf mU s west of Kingston Kgllton and andothers andothera andothers
others near Samsonville Snlonv when there ther might mightbe mgt mgtbl
be an into the headwater of the theRochester theRochester
bl escape ellcJ te headwatr te teRochrstcr
Rochester Creek Crk and Pt Plan Pelara > Iar Kill Kl which whichwmpty wic wicfJmpt whichmpty
Creek at Port PortJackson PortJakon PortJackson
wmpty fJmpt into Int tho Rondout Rndout Crk
Jackson Jakon and Accord respectively respectivelyTho rsPclvely rsPclvelyfl
The fl lakn lakf to be b formed fored by the building buildingof bdlg bdlgof
of these the8 dams daml but principally princpally by the main mainclam maindl mainlain
clam dl at Bishops Bisops Falls Fal on tho Esopua Fopu would wouldcover wouldcvel wouldcover
cover cvel tho country cuntry from West Burley Hurey to towithin toitdn towithin
within itdn three thre miles of Sameonvillln SameonvilllnUlster Smsonvll SmsonvllUllrr SamsonvIhllnUlster
Ulster Ullrr county and would ould bo b from about abouta abut abuta
a quarter quarr of a mllu 11 mu wido mar IW1 West W < ft Hurley Hurleyto 1urley 1urleyto
wido from fromBishops fromBihops frontBishops
to nearly or ciuitc quil live miles mies
Bishops Bihops Falls Flls to Boloevillo lcvle Much uoh of the thoLand thuLnd theLand
Land to to IJJ flooded from West Hurley to toShokan toRhokan toShokan
Shokan consists cn > ltR of the great grat Boawrklll BoawrklllSwamp BJa Th3avrldIlSwamp Orkl
Swamp Sarp which no doubt was at somo Im time timethe tlmthp timethp <
thp lied of a lake lakeAbout JkeAbut lakeAbout
About Abut ShoUan Bolcevllle Dolcvle and as a far farclown farnown fardown
clown us Bishops Falls FalH the 10 ground rround is if aclan aclanMm nean neanInd acl ° an anani1
Mm Ind ani1 and gravel formation broken hroltn by oc occasional occaiior occaioral ¬
casional caiior 1 lerlgts Ifrgrs of blue sandstone Indstone forma formation formation forination ¬
tion In which there is il n grrat gnat deal of ferrio ferrioonirlo ferriooxire ferricotide
onirlo oxire The swamp ground is decayed decyed vege vegetation veg vegotation ¬
tation anil clay The Tlo length of the lako lakoto lakoto lakoto
to 1 he fonred fonret from West Hurley to Its Is ex extreme extrlro extrrno ¬
treme trlro fouthfrn Othfn extremity extrmity is II variously variouslyfMtmatcd varioullyrilinatr varloutdyttrnatl
fMtmatcd rilinatr to Iw IJ from frol fourteen fOutH to twenty twentymiles tWfnty tWfntymik twentynik
miles milesIn mik mikIn s sIT
In IT overflowing oVrfowlng this thls ground hundreds hundredl of offarms offarns offarina
farms farns fruitful fruitul orchards orchardl valuable quarries quarriesnf qurres qurresnf
nf hlwKtone nlle ton no less leA than lan a a 0 dozen villages villagesa vllag
a section of theUlstor the Ulster and Delaware Rail Railroad Rl Rlr081 Railroad ¬
road r081 from West We lt Hurley to Bolceville Blcvle a die dlstauoo dletauo dietaucs
tauoo tauo of fourteen fourten miles mieR and ad more than thanon thananI thanone
on anI one hundred hullrd miles mi of public publo and private privatehighways privat privatehighways
highways h IhY would bo b submerged by the water waterWhere wlwr wlwrWhr waterThpre
Where Whr the streets 8trc tl of smiling smiig villages viagB now nowHtaml nowstand nowstand
stand tiBr tlMP there would ould be a depth of fully fuly fifty fiftyfwt fiftyr fiftyfeet
feet r t of o water wntpr The lhe villages viagl are Olive Olve Olive OliveBranch Ohe OheRranth OliveRranrh
Branch Rranth a a a part of West Wflt Hurley HuriIY Brooks BrooksCrossing Brokl BroklCroIRmp BrooksCrossing
Crossing CroIRmp Olive 01 WI City Brodheado Bridge Bridgea Brdg
a I part Pot of old Shokan Shokn all al of West Welt Shokanone Shokan Shokn Shoknone
one of tho largest villages vilag on the Ulster Ulsterand Ultr Ultrand Ulsterand
and Delaware rlawnre Railroad Riroa and probably probbly all allcf al allof
cf f Boioeville Bolovle with wih at least le8 t twenty or 01 thirty thirtyhamlets thiy thiyhaltB thirtyhamlets
haltB hamlets in addition additionTh additon additonThO additionrhA
Th ThO rhA water would be b deepest depest at West WestShokan WestShokan Westy
y Shokan where there is I a wide extent of offat oft ofat
fat at t country ountr It I is l estimated estitd that tht it would wouldvnr wouldRr wouldvnr
vnr Rr the roofs of the highest buildings buildingsvre
p ere re A part prt of old Shokan a mile mie south southand 8uth 8uthanll
and ing on a I side lide hill hi might escape liCp submerg submerging submergIng submorg1ng ¬
Part Pt art of the th country near Olive Olve Village Villagealso Vilge Vilgeaeo Villagealso
also aeo stanas Ilano on wen elevated ground and andWay andsr andT
Way sr T escape elRp but it would woul no n doubt bo b an anIsland ant1 an1519fld
Island t1 In the lake hke there Ther would be another anotherIsland anotherIand anotherWand
Island Iand high Wjh ground near Olive Olve City and andthere andthere
there terl may be several ema smaller lmler islands Ilnds Inother In Inother Inother
other localities if the plan planIs
loaltes But generally gnerly I pln plnI
Is I carried crr out this th great get territory will 1 be beono 15one
ono 001 solid 8Ud sheet ehet of water waterFrom watr watrFrom waterFrom
From West WOt Hurley to Shokan the lake lakeould lakewoul lakewoi1d
woul woi1d ould 11 le lie between betwen the Touche and Tico TicoTeneyck TlcoTeneyok TicoTeeyck
Teneyck mountains monntlna with their theirand wooded woodedtod oed oedT
T and aD cultivated cultivte slopes ilopl on the west Wllt and and the theHurley theHulor theHurloy
Hurley Mountains Mountins on the thl east On tho thonorth thonrth thenorth
north nrth the thl low foothill foothls of the Woodstock WoodstockCatskilta WoBtock WoBtock41kll WoodetockCaiskills
Catskilta while the south souththe souththe
41kll would bound it on thl fouth fouththe
the waters waln would woud lava tho thl foot of HighPoint High HighPoint Hgh HghPoint
Point 3100 310 a feet fet In height heightOn heightOn heightOn
On the extreme extrml went wtt beautiful bautiful cove cove or orrmg orans orarms
ans arms rmg of this th body boy of water would woul pene penefr penetit n
fr hi tit t Traver Tavr T r and an Watson WatonB hollow holowl and andII
Big Be Beaverkill BverkU sometime 10mell called caed the Mink MinkHollow MinkHollow
Hollow stream Iteam which flows fows through the thedoor thl thedoor
door yard yot yardofDanSullys of Don DaSulys Sully8 the Iriah Irh comedian comediansummer oomn oomnlIuer comediansummer
summer lIuer home the Stony Clove Cove Creek Crek and andltd an
ltd li branches brche Forest ForNI Valley Valey Creek Birch BirchCreek BlrchCrk BirchCreek
Creek Crk the Bushnellvilla Blhnelvle Clove Cove stream stra andthe and andthe andte
the te Warner Kill Ki Most Met of these thlo streams streamsalone etra streamsalone
alone aone would woud furnish furh water enough for or a city cityof cty ctyof cityof
of half a a million mlon inhabitants Ibltnt and ad have hvo some someto somet someto
to t spars The Te only olY one here hfre mentioned mentionedfrom mentoned mentonedtrom mentionedfrom
from which water is t now taken above the theproposed theproped theproposed
proposed proped dam da is I Birch Creek on which whichthe whiohtho whichthe
the Pine Pe Hill waterworks wlurork are situated IIltuate A Atwentyinch Atwetyinoh Atwentyinch
twentyinch twetyinoh pipe line lie from near the head headI headwaten headwaters
I waters waten of the Mink M Hollow Holow stream near nearSullys near8ullys nearSullys
Sullys 8ullys to Coopers Lake Le also ao leads lead to t the thereserve te tereerve theraserve
reserve reerve reservoir reelol of the Kingston Kgton water waterworks waterworl waterworks ¬
works worksIt worl
It I U I calculated caoulate that tat this th great reservoir reservoircould reservoirculd reservoircould
could culd furnish turh to New York city 800000000 800000000gallons 800 800000000gallons
gallons caon of water a day dayand and yet not lower the thewater thewater thewater
water sufficient sufcent to stop tho overflow oerlow of the thewaste theW8tIJ thewaste
waste W8tIJ gate But to provide provld against agalt apossible a apossible ap0lhle
I IlIupply
possible p0lhle emergency when oven this thl great greatsupply greatsupply
supply of water might prove insufficient insufficientfurther inlufclent inlufclenttrter insufficientfurther
further trter pounds poucd or reservoirs reservoir are under con consideration conIideration consideration ¬
sideration Theyo 1tI as yet It have hn vo been bn only onlysuperficially onlylIuprtclly onlysuperficially
superficially lIuprtclly surveyed luneye The Th sites tlte lie le further furtherup
up the Esopus EOPUB in the town of Hhandaken Shandakenwhere Hhandakenwhere Shandaen Shandaenwhorl
where at a small RII cost cot can cn he built buit numerous numerousreservoirs nnmerousretrvoirs numerousreservoirs
reservoirs retrvoirs In which can cn be stored tore water waterenough watertlouvh waterenough
enough tlouvh to supply Now York city for six sixmonths sumonthR sixflottiS
months without drawing a drop from any anycthor anyi anycther
i ether source It I Is I intended merely to toopen toOpf1 tooiintt
open Opf1 the gates of thoe thce upnor water pounds poundsand pound poundnUl pOUndiand
and nUl let tholr contents cOllt < ntl run Into the Esopua Esopuaand uopu uopuInd Esopusand
and Ind thus down into tho great Shokan reser reservoir reor resorvolr ¬
voir 011
voirThere There Tier Is also a o a greater scheme cleme still ti to tofurther tofurther tofurther
further increase inCrlMe the supply Ilpply of water in intho Inthe inthe
the Esopus fOpll Valley Valer A tunnel thirteen thirteenmiles thiren thirenmi thirteenmiles
miles mi lortg olg largo laTlo erough to carry cary a battery batteryof bater
of fourfoot iron pipes pipe is projected to pierce piercethe plerc piercothe
the Shandaken and Westkill Wetki ranges range of ofmountains ofmuntaln ofnvuntnlns
mountains and by building buiding great darns dar on ontho onthe onthe
the Westkill Wetkl and Schoharie creeks oreek to toturn totur toturn
turn tur their waters through the tunnel under underthe underthe underthe
the mountains mountllin and empty their thol volume volumointo volumeinto volumeinto
into tho Etiopus foPUI Creek in tho eastern eMter water watershed watershed watershed ¬
shed of the Catskills Cntskls It IIM has not been de del decded docided
l elded cded to be necessary nECflary to build buld this thl tunnel tunnelIn tunnel tunnelIn I IIn
In case ce it Is built buit tho water brought through throughit throulh I Iit
it would be from streams that flow fow both bothsouthward bothRouthwlrd bothsouthward
southward Routhwlrd to the Delaware and north northward northward northward ¬
ward to the Mohawk MohawkShould MohawkSbould MohawkShould
Should the city ciy decido to go J0 on with this thisstupendous thlllIItupendol thisstupendous
stupendous IItupendol engineering enJlnoring project the question ques question qUf qUftlon ¬
tion of damages daa and recompense recompene will wU be a along along along
long and serious eoiolL one Every Ever inch of ground groundcondemned groundcondemned groundcondemned
condemned must mlllt b hl he paid for Many 1any mill milling m1 milling ¬
ing In interests interCt would wont enormous dam damages damagf damnge ¬
ages agf It Is 11 believed belwld that enough water waterwoud waterwoud waterwoud
woud he diverted from Its It I natural nltuml channel channelabsolutely channt channelabsolutely
absolutely aholutely to ruin r1ln the great irf11 paper mills millsat mis misat ntiiisat
at Saugerties Operating Opfrtl I More 111 now are arothe areth arethe
the th mills mil of tho Martin fnntiiie fnnflne entire Co the thoOld thl theOld
Old Sheffield Shefeld Mills 11 the tlt SaiiRcrtlen Sau erteo Blank BlankBook Bank BankBook BlankBook
Book Company and several vorll other concernsholding concerns concernsholding conoornR10lrllng
holding 10lrllng riparian rights ri htf Thu Saugerties Saugertieswater Saugert Sangertleswater
water power In il one of the thefineetintho finest fnesln in the State Stateand Stateand Stateand
and if the waters wal of the Eaopus and its itstributaries It Ittrlbutare itstributaries
tributaries trlbutare are diverted it will wi be ruined ruinedAt ruinedAt ruinedAt
At Glen Gen Erie five ve miles mle south eOlth of Sauger Saugerties Saugertie Saugerties ¬
ties tie stand the great Battello Battele White Whlo LeadWorks Lead LeadWorks led ledWorkB
Works Idle for than dozen
more tlan a yearn yearnHere yeafllHere yearsHere
Here is i another fine fne water power the thewater thewater thewater
water descending decendlnp in a series of fails fall fully fullyfifty fuly fulyfifty fullyfIfty
fifty feet Although Alhoul h this thi magnificent magnificentwater magnlfcelt magnlfceltwater magnificentwater
water water power pwer does doe not 10t at present preent turn tur awheel a awheel awhel
wheel whel the owners owner may be expected expeced to de demand demnd damend ¬
mend mnd damages for all al their property is isworth il ilwor isworth
worth worthAt worthAt
wor At Boiceville Bolcvle are the groit wood pulp pulpmills pilipmll pulpmills
mills mll of the American Amercn Wood Pulp Company CompanyThe CompanyThe CompanyThe
The reservoir Irvolr wipes wpeR them out Olt entirelyThero entirely entirelyThere enlrel enlrelThero
Thero are a I dozen other milling mlng interos InterMIwhch s swhich swhich
which whch also allo must nUt be reckoned reckonedThe with withThe withThe
The Ulster Uster and Delaware Rullroad Rairod Com Company Company Cornparty ¬
pany a I a wealthy and and powerful powerul corporation corporationwill cororaton cororatonwl
will wl have to be li placated plcted Their railroad railroadwill rrlrod rrlrodwl railroadwill
will wl be practically praticaly wiped Iped out from WestHurley West WestHurley Weil WeilHurley
Hurley to Mount MOllt Ploassnt Plos nt Its Is line Ino will willhave wi willhave
have hve to bo bt changed nhlngod so as al to run from tho thopresent thopr thepresent
present pr ent stopping place at Bristol Hill Hi to toVoodstock
1 1 Woodstock Woo tock and thence to Bearcivllle Bor1ie and andYankeetown andYu4eotown nfl nflYan
Yankeetown Yan otown through thrugh tho valley valer of the Big BigBeaverkill Bg BgBiverkl10 BigIThaverkill
Beaverkill Biverkl10 to Mount Pleasant 111911nt Some Sme of its itstest It Itsbest I IheAt
test paying stations Itallonl would 1 I be wiped wipe out outbut out outhut
but hit It ryng would bring the beautiful beautful Woodstock WoodstockVnlloy WOOdBtockValey WoodatockValley
Valley Valey within wthin railway rny communication communicton and
New York This T however hw would w no o doubt doubtbo doub doubtbe
bo b made me in due du time tie The engineers eng1 are arestill ar arestill
still tl busy bU at Shokan Sol and a more mor definite definitedetail dIJcte dIJctedea definitedetafla
detail dea will w be learned lre when whe they the report reportagain repor reportagain
again aga in November NovemberNEW Noveb NovebNE NovemberNEW
Remarkable Rmarkable Chances Cbre In the Appearance Appearanceof APee APeeor
or the Kamoai Fao Volcano VolcanoGeologist VolcanoOelogt VolcanoQeologiat
Geologist Oelogt and geological gelogicl commissioners commissionersant oomonor
ant by the government coverent or by societies lIoete of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the United Ult States Stte England France rrn and andGermany andnnay andGermany
Germany nnay have hve given much study to Mont MontPclce MontPe6e MontPeMe
Pclce Pe6e and La L Soufrlere Soufri re since the erup erp ¬
tions UOI began in May Iy 1902 1D These Th scion scientific sciontiflo en entl ¬
tific tl men have hvo recently rnty been writing wting of th thchanges the thechanges
changes cangN that have token tae place pl in these thesevolcanoes thee thesevolcanoes
volcanoes volc noe since the first tt eruption eruptionE erpton
E 0 Hovey of the
Hove geological geologic department departmentat deprtment
at the American Museum Muum of Natural Natu History Historywho Htor Historywho
who has recently reenty returned return from his h second secondvisit Ind secondvisit
visit to the volcanoes volcanoI says Mll In the AmericanJournal American AmericanJournal Amecan AmecanJ
Journal J Oral of Science Scence that tht the most mt striking strikingchange IItrl strikingchange
change at either volcano since
Binc the first firstgreat tJt tJtgrtt firstgreat
great grtt eruption erupton Is the complete cmpillt alteration alterationof atraton atratonof
of the skyline fk > Une of Mont Pelee PeleeA Pel Pelpart
A part of the old crater cratr of Mont Pelee Peleehas Pelehas Me Meh
has h been filled tle up This Thl crater Our at the top topof topof topof
of the mountain mountn was a half ha mile me in diameter diameterand detr detrami dlaeterand
and from 1000 10 to 2000 20 feet deep de At its itsbottom It Itsbottom
bottom btom lay the small smal lake lae LEng LEtang Seo SeoAfter SeoAftr SeeAfter
After Aftr the three great geat eruptions eruption of May MayloZ
1002 loZ it was 11 observed oberved that tt a cone of volcanic volcanicdebris volco volcod volcanicdebris
debris d had been forming in the crater
br bon Conng cter near nearthis ner nerth nearthis
this th lake When the cone cne was wa first frst ob observed obBere observed ¬
served Bere it was WI not more than 200 20 or 300 3 feet feethigh teetWgh feethigh
high highIn WghIn highIn
In July last year ye a protuberance protubrnc re resembling T TlIemblg reaembllng ¬
sembling lIemblg a sharks BhklI fin In was wa observed obervo above abovethe abovethe abovethe
the southwestern Bouthweter port p of the new cone coneThis ooneThl coneThis
This spine or tooth as well wel aa the oone oonefrom oonefrom conefrom
from whloh It rises me has h grown grow wonderfully wonderfullyTho wonderlly wonderllyTh
The Th spine IIpln has h varied much muc in size lliz and form formfrom tormfrom formfrom
from time tme to time tme Occasionally OOlonly it losesseveral loses losesseveral 10lell 10lellseveral
several or even many may feet let of Its It top tp but butthe butthe hutthe
the time loss 1018 la I always alway recovered recver within wthn a short shorttime shorttie shorttime
timeMr tie
Mr Hovey took a photograph phoograph of the pro projection projecto projection ¬
jection jecto on March 25 251a8t last The cone cn on which whichit
it stands rises ries considerably cODlderably above the rim rimof rimof rimof
of the crater orateI and anlll Is i at least leat 1480 141 feet fot above abovethe abovetbe abovethe
the crater crter floor foor Tho spine Is i projected projectedabove proje irojectedabove
above the summit umlt of the cone and its apex apexand apexnnd apexanti
and at the time tme the photograph photgph was taken takenwas ten tenWa takenwas
was Wa 1174 114 feet above aboT the te crater rim rimThe rimhe rimThe
The he cone with the spine is I not central centralwithin centra centralwithin
within wlhln tho old crater Tho Thecne Thecone cone has been beenbuilt bn bnbuit bnbuilt
built to the northwest of the
buit up nrthwBt crater cratercentre orteI oratorcentre
centre and tho spine rises risO from the north northeastern northcMter northeastern ¬
cMter eastern segment of the cone cne The result resultIn rBult
In that the northwestern northwester part of the crater craterhas crter crterbaa craterhas
has been bee completely filled filed up so that the thoslope theslop theslope
slope slop of the new cono on the west and north northwest northweet northwest ¬
west Is nearly continuous with the exterior pxteriorof fxterior fxterioror
of the old crater crter rim rimTho rimTho rimThe
Tho cone bos boon bon built hult up of fragments fragmentsof rragmontl rragmontlof
of ejecta including lava On the other otherhand otherhand otherhand
hand tho spine Iplle or tooth consists cDIRta of rock rockwhich rk rkwhich rockwhich
which seems Reom to have ha VI been ben pushed plhed pushedupbodliy pushedupbodliyinto up bodily bodilyinto bodly bodlyInto
into Its Itl present pre ent position and to bo b b kept keptthere kepttber keptthere
there tber probably prbably by friction frcton against agat tho thoHides tho81dR theilds
Hides of the n neck < ck and by the expansive expansiveforces expaMlveforceR expansiveforces
forces underneath underneathThe undereath undereathThe
The spine Iplno is fissured te8ured in I every evr direction directionand dbclon dbclonand directionand
and parts parti of it are ar continually cntnualy falling f4lng The Thefact Thetat Thefact
fact tat that It Is II go fissured fRsured seems Bem to show showthat Ihowtht showthat
that tht the rock Is l largely pumioeous pumu in texture textureThoro textur texturefhero
Thoro Toro is Ii as a yet no central cntral opening opning in the thetop thetop thetop
top of the now lew cone to correspond with withthe withthe withthe
the general penemlldpa idea of a crater craterIt orter orterI
It I Is I bollaved bolwlrl there was a true orator oratorat orateI
at Its iA top when the cono was Wi tu first frt formed formedbut tored toredhut formed1Ut
but the thf growth of the spine epln destroyed It ItSteam It8tl11 itStearil
Steam 8tl11 Issues ISPUIM with vigor from all part prtH ofthe of ofthe oftht
the com but not from the spine spineNoxt IplneNoxl spineNext
Next to the tli new none ronl and ana spine IplO the most moststriking mOAtRtrlklng moststriking
striking change in Intho the appearance of Mont MontPnl6u MontPAI60 MontPsl
Pnl6u Psl e is II due to time filling fUng apparnc up of the th gorge gorgevolcanic gorgoof gorgeof
of the Rlvltr Rivtero Blanche with rk rocks I dust and andvolcanlo andvolcanlit
volcanic ash MI which were poured out of the thecrater therrater thecrater
crater during durng tho numerous eruptions eruptionsThis enlptOI eruptionsThis
This was WI the thl gorge gor e extending seaward seawardthrough Heawar seawardthrough
through which swept the explosive vol volcanic volcanic volcattle ¬
canic blunts bltl that destroyed deEroycd St Pierre PierreThe Pier lierreThe
The lower part par of the gorge ha hM been beenentirely hen henntlnly beenentirely
entirely ntlnly obliterated ohlprted and Ind Its Il tipper portion portionIn portionII
In II almost filed fet by outpoiirlngH outpuring lPpI from the thovolcano tw twvokano thevolcano
volcano A photograph of a part of the thegorge tha thagorge thegorge
gorge shows It now on n I 1 level Ifv1 with wih pr the th Bur surrounding Burrounding curTOIlfldIng ¬
rounding plateau Us It I surface AUrM covered ovrd with withboulders withboulderA withboulders
boulders small Iml or large < that have been beenhurled ben benhurled beenhurled
hurled out of the th crater
i IV THE URiTisii llITISI cm CRISIS CRUISCbambclanl CRISISCbamberlains sis sisChamberlain
Chamberlain Cbambclanl Chief Che Opponent Oppnfnt In the New NewTmrllT Ne NelsrilT
TmrllT rll issue ae Strangely Htrncel7 Unlike Unke Him HimA 1m 1mA HiltA
A Mu Ma Who 1fo Ihi7 IJlf Dozes and Doze anl anlsun ant antStill nd ndHUH
HUH II Mlfhty In BrItish DrIU Politic PoltC politiesIn PoliticIn I IIn
In the year yer 1857 187 a tall tal heavy rugged ruggedyoung rugget ruggetyoung I Iyung
young yung man having plodded plodde his hil weary wearyway wear wearway
way through Cambridge Cambrdl University
lounged loung into the House HouR of Commons took tooka tok toota
a seat at on the Liberal Jlbral side Ilda and yawned yawnedHe yawnl I
He remained remaine In that thatl8mblag assemblage bored bord but butunremitting butunrmitng butunremitting
unremitting unrmitng for the next thirtyfour thiryfour years yearsplaying ram ramplaying yearsplaying
playing a great gat part in spite eplt of himself himselfand hlmflf hlmflfand himselfand
and then through the accidental acidental circum circumstance circurnstance ¬
crcum crcumetano
stance etano of a very old gentlemans gntemanl death deathlounged delth delthloungd deat deatlounged
lounged loungd over ovr into the thi House of Lords Lordswhere LrdI Lordswhere
where as a Duke of Devonshire Donelre he ho hM con continued cn cntiue continued ¬
tinued tiue to t be b a leading leaing actor in i the British Britishnational Brithlhnatonal Britishnational
national natonal dramaWithin drama dramaWithin drm
Within Wihin the lhl last week wek Joseph Jo ph Chamber Chamberlain Chambr Chambrlan Chamberlain ¬ I
lain lan having precipitated prcpiatd upon the country countryB
B p great < lt political pltcl issue this thl samd lama statesman statesmanhas Itateeman Itateemanhu statesmarhas
has loomed up out of the te fog tardy and andprotesting an anprotesting I Iprotlltng
protesting protlltng against aganet the thE disturbance di turbnce of bitpersonal his hispersonal I
personal prna comfort oomort and announced announc that his hismental hi himmental
mental mentl processes procl have at la llt last t Informed Informedhim informcihim
him hi that he can cn no longer longr consistently consistentlyhold cliiltntly cliiltntlyhold consistentlyhold I
hold a place pla in I the Ministry Mlniltr he being bhlg a free freetrader fn freetrader
trader trer and the Premier having committed committedhimself cmmited cmmitedhlmal committedhimself
himself hlmal to Mr Chamberlains ChambrlalnlI protectionistpmgamme protectionist protectionistpro plot otonlt i iprolam
pro prolam pmgamme pmgammeSo gramme grammeSo
So S he drifts dru again on the current of cir circumstanoe clrotano dr drcumetanos
cumstanoe otano to the chief clef place plac of another anotheropposition anotheroppatln anothetopposition
opposition oppatln and finds fds himself hlmllf confronted confrontedwith Lnfrontd Lnfrontdwit confrontedwith
with wit the man ma who more than twenty years yearsago yars yarsago ycartago
ago styled him with nimble nible sarcasm larcut the thelate theInte thitlate
late leader leaderDevonshlr Devonshire the Unready Unreadyagainst Unray Unrayagalnt Unreadyagainst
against agalnt Chamberlain Caberllln the Alert Al What Whatcontrast a acontrast
contrast cntrat cntratWhen contrastWhen 1 1When I
When the present Duke then Marquis Marquisof
of Hartington Hartncton heir to a great name scion scionof Boon Boonof colorof
of the most mot powerful of all al the Whig noble noblebouses noblehOWe nobithouses
houses hOWe came to Parliament Parlament he sat silent silentfor silentfor ent enttor
for nearly nely three the years yen and then was wa chosen chosenby ohoen ohoenby choserby
by reason reoD of his hl station to t move a vote of ofwant ofwant ci ciwant
want of confidence cnfdonco in the Derby MinistryAfter Ministry MinistryAfter Mnistr
After that tht maiden effort efor he lapsed laped into a aquiescence aquleoeno a aquiescence
quiescence quleoeno that lasted for several years yearsbefore yearsbfor yearsbefore
before bfor he h began bgan to emerge from his hi ob obicurlty oblourlty obsourity
icurlty as a one of the really rely Important men menof menoC metof
of the Liberal Lbra party partyWhen partyWhen partyWhen
When Mr Gladstone OI8tone announced in 1875 1875that 1875tht 1a 1athat
that tht he must mut have a I rest and the Liberal Liberalopposition Liberalopplton Liberalopposition
opposition opplton cast cat about for a new chieftain chieftainthey chlettan chlettanthey chieftainthey
they sorted out tho material materia and finding findingthis fnding fndingthi findingthis
this thi one too old and that one too radical radicaland radicaland radicaland
and another aother too unconclliatory discoveredtho discovered discvcred I Itho
tho noble Marqui Marquis at the bottom botom of the heap heapand hea heapand p pad
and ad pronounced onounced him safe Baenot safenot not brilliant brilliantnot brilant brilantnot brilliantnot
not eager not commanding oOmding but safe safeSo 8afeSo safeSo
So he roused rOWed himself put pu on o the yoke yokeoccasionally yokeocionaly yokeoccasionally
occasionally ocionaly even tapped tappd himself himelf with the thegad thegad thegad
gad and jogged along aong Sometime Sometme MrGladstone Mr MrGladstone MrOatone
Oatone Gladstone used l0d to come into the House Houseand HOUe HOUeand Houseand
and thunder and Hartington lartngton afterward afterwardsaid aferwar afterwardsaid
said lIad that he found the old leader a mighty mightyrebellious mllhtyrebou mightyrebellious
rebellious rebou follower followerAnyhow folower folowerAnyhow followerAnyhow
Anyhow when the Beaconsfield Beacnfeld Ministry Ministrywa Mintr I
wu wa overthrown overthrow In 1880 168 and the Queen Queenthought Queenthoucbt Queenthought
thought she saw IIW in Hartingtons Harlngton nominal nominalleadership nominl nominlleersWp nominalleadership
leersWp leadership a pretext for not calling c4lng upon uponMr uponM uponMr
Mr M Gladstone Gadtono to form for the new Cabinet Cabinetthe Cbinet Cbinetthe Cabinetthe
the Marquis lIarquls soon undeceived undecive her and she shswas shawaa shewas
was obliged ble to recognize recoglz the claims olams ofthe of ofthe
the real r chief chiefBut ohletBut chiefBut I
But she gave gav in with bad grace gracl When WhenMr WhenPsfr WhenMr
Mr Gladstone Oldatol went wnt over to the lie 181 of ofWight otWightl ofWight
Wight Wightl in response to her ler summons lIumon the theroyal te teroyal theroyal
royal carriage caiage was not waiting watig at the rail railroad ri railroad ¬
road station Itaton and be h walked in a driving drivingrain diving divingra drivingrain
rain ra to Osborne Olbome House HouseHartlugton Jouo HouseHartington
Hartlugton Hartng ton slipped back bok into second secondplace lecond secondplace I
place ploe until unti the LiberalUnionist LberlUnionist split 6plt over overthe overthe overthe
the Home HODe Rule nu question quelton bore bre him to the thefront thefrnt thefront
front leader in but
frnt a again name hardly hardlyin
in fact Incl This Thil time tme it was Joe Chamberlain Chamberlainwho Chambrlin Chambrlinwho
who cast the shadow on 01 his supremacy supremacyHe sU1Iematy sU1IematyHe supt ernacy ernacylie
He stayed out of one Salisbury SlsLuy Cabinet Cabinetthen Cabinetthen Cabinetthen
then Joined the next D1t In the dignified dlgllftd but butunloborlous butunlbrlouR buttinlaborfous
unloborlous unlbrlouR post of Lord lord President Pr ldmt of the theCouncil theCo theCOUncil
Council CouncilAnd Co COUncilAnd nnc I IAnd
And through thrugh it all ni despite deBple his hil personal personallimitations frlna personalImitations
limitations limitaton despite deplte his hil administrative admlnllltatT In Incapacity i inaapaeity ¬
cpcty capacity despite dlplte his hlsdBlnolnaton hlsdlsiochinationto disinclination to speech speechand spech spechad speechnd
and ad nd his hl hi shrinking nklg from the detail deail of public publicbusiness publo publobu publicbusiness
bu business el he h was Wi a great grat force forc a man m to be bereckoned b bereckoned
reckoned rokoned with wth Where he lacked energy energyhe energyI
he was Wa the th symbol lIybl of power pwer and there therewere therewer thereware
were wer gravity gTty and honesty and patience patiencein pnUeDc
in his character ohaacter that comported oompred with wih the theloftiness the10tUne theLoftiness
loftiness 10tUne of his 11 birthright biright and gave gav It Itsolidity Itsolidty ittohidity
solidity solidty and even evn momentumAny momentum momentumAny momentumAy
Any Ay person perln who studies the history of ofBritish ofBriUe ofBritish
British BriUe politics poltos for the last twentyfive twentyfiveyears twntyfve twntyfveyeall twentyfiverears
years yeall will wl find himself hlms almost unwittingly unwittinglymaking unwttngly unwttnglymakig unwittinglymaking
making makig comparisons complnl between btwten Chamber Chamberlain Cnmher Cnmherlai Chamberlain ¬
lain lai and Devonshire Devonllr at every stage of the thegame thegame thefame
game Their careers crrs have hav run side by byside byBide bytide
side In a contrast that extends extendl even to totheir totheir
their personal prlnal habits and appearances appearancesthe appQrln l
the he one always alwlYB keyed up the other inert inertAs InertAs inertAs
As long ax A the Marquis larqul of Hartlngton Hartlngtonwas Halngon Halngonwa
was wa Just a plain M 1 P It was WQ his practice practiceto prctce prctceto
to 0 slide Ildo down into his seat wearing welrn his hat hattilted hit hittited hutilted
tilted tited forward to shade his hi face one hand handIn handIn handn
In n his trousers pocket the other supporting supportinghis uppotln uppotlnhis
his is head hea and the afternoon nteroon that passed passedwithout p tssed tssedtrithout 8cd 8cdwithout
without his having a long undisguised udlgulsl > nap napwas napM
was 1118 M as a rare ra on a the night of tho blue bluemoon bluemoon bluenoon
moon moonBy moonBy noonBy
By and ad by when he moved up to the theTreasury the theTreaury therreasury
Treasury Treaury bench bnoh an I a Minister Mlnlsltr he dis discovered discovere disovered ¬
covered covere one advantage In holding holdinl office officet ofc ofcIt v vIt
It t gave him a table to put his feet Clt on while whilehe whie whiehe whilete
he te slept sleptHis Ilept IleptHi sleptHis
His Hi dress dreRI was 11 that of a I country Culltry squire squireloose squireooee
loose 101 ooee almost shapeless careless carelel In tho thoextreme thoIJxtremf thetxtreme
extreme IJxtremf Hi H His thick light lght brown hair hall ran rnndown mndown ranfown
down into a haycolored hlycolored board barr which ns nstime f8 f8time itsirno
time irno wore on al began hejan to how threads and andstreaks an anIItreak anditreaks
streaks of silver silverWhen 11 silverWhen vcr vcrWhen
When he spoke ho planted his left lef flat flatfirmly 1Mfrmyon fistlrmly
firmly frmyon on tho table dragged rlrggNI a copious oplOl1 pet petof Slt Sltof setf
of f notes from nn 81 inside pocket doubled doulled up upa upa impL
a L handkerchief haldkrchler In his right rht hand and andground andgrund andround
ground grund round out what bo had to nay nayHo lay layHo sayHo
Ho wan glad Iafl when tho ordeal was Wi over overand 011 011and overittd
and the house 1olse was WI very glad though It Itwas I itens
was wal always awa ready rfady to admit amit that the matter matterwas matterWI matterIM
was better than the manner Ho spoke spokosenHO ppokenRO spoke1011CC
senHO senHOHe 1011CCHe nRO nROHe
He was wllnvarlnblylatelato Invariably Invariablylatelato late lato at II the House Houselate H01s lintiseate
late ate at the Cabinet meeting mptng late lab at the therailroad theralrl theallcoad
railroad ralrl station if i ho was WI making one of a atravelling atrve1nl aravellIng
travelling trve1nl party pary late at all al times tmf and places placeswhere plat1 plat1where placeswhere
where Mr rll Chamberlain for instance wa wapunctual WI WIpunctual was wastunctual
punctual punctualLord punctualLrrl tunctualLord
Lord Lrrl Hartington Hrtlngon was the victim vicim of more morethan mornusa
than tha one misfortune misforule which a person of read readier rad radIer render ¬
ier er wit and keener klenlr perception pereption would haveIged have havedodged havedodge
dodged dodgedThe dodge Iged IgedThe
The story Itory in I told that durli g our civil civilwar chnwar civilvar
war when he wan wal a young man nill he visited vteltedNew visitedew d dNew
New ew York and a 1 woman IVOlun of Copperhead CopperheadIwmlngH lopprhend lopprhendlennlng Copperheadsanings
IwmlngH lennlng pinned to lib h evening coal a Se Secession H Soession ¬
cession ollon badge which he unsuspecting unsuspectingworo 1IBI8pf Ing Ingwore
wore to a public publo hall bal Imagine the clamor clamorit
it t caimodl f allJr And imagine Inglne the smile Imlle thai thaiwent thatwent diatvent
went round when President Prident Lincoln Lncoln a few fewdays fewda fewlays
days da later persisted perlte in addressing IddrcRflnK him as asMr al nitMr
Mr Part Partirg Par Ir irgon irgonIlls on onHto
Ills 1 English Egl h critics crit < also made mae a play not notquite notquite notuitoco
quite uitoco so good on his hi name namneand and ad dubbed him himthe himthe himhe
the he Marquis of Yawnlngton YawnlngtonIn Yawlnglon YawlnglonIn
In his hil early elrly clays dly Hartingtori Harlngton used urd to tocommit 10commit toommlf
commit most mOt of hl his speeches llpehl to memory memoryIf memor
If r anything Inyhlngo rourred lre that tht made it neces necessary nC nCRr necescry ¬
cry Rr for him to change one of them thpm in the 1hocourse thecourse theourae
course of indelivery IIdcUycr the substitution luLllutlon was
an evident and ad painful pinf task Beside BidN h hstuttered hIItuttere hatuttered
stuttered IItuttere alittle alittleHa a alittleHe ltte ltteHe
He wont to Darwen Drel in I8 IBM to open op s spublic a apublic apublo
publo public exhibition exhibiton and while whil he h wo lllpea speak speaking speaking ¬
ing tho impediment ipiment in his hi talking talkg apparatus apparatusgot apptua apptuagot apparatuigot
got the upper uppr hand of him hi every ever now and andthen ad adthon sac sacthen
then and ad he had ha to pause and ad struggle strugglewith etrggle etrgglewit strugghiwit
with wit hit hitA h it itA itA
A woman wOlan in the audience audienc kept suggesting suggestingthe luggtng luggtngthe auggcstinthe
the obvious obviousword word wor at each ech sudden halt and andhe andhe anr anrlie
he kept ignoring Ignorng the suggestion BUlgeton As A soon seeras
03 8 he was able to L proceed troc with wth his hi remarks remarkshe remarkl remarkilie
he cast about for some lome othor word wor spoke spokeIt lpke I IIt
It and went on to the > next fext stopping place placeHo plC placeHo I IHe
Ho got over oVlr the stuttering habit oventu eventually oventualy oventually ¬
ally aly and alpo over the lined led of writing out outin outIn outIn
in advance advanc what he had to say ay Ho ever nvenFohooled tWlnfoholed evervohooled
Fohooled foholed himself himsel into a pretty prtty fair debater debaterand debaterand debaterand
and once ono or twice twie a year when the Irish Irishwwre Irilh IrilhWre Irishwere
were Wre morn mOr exasperating oXlprltng than u usual ual his hispeaceful hil hilpaolul hitpeaceful
peaceful paolul eye would flash fuh tcorn orn and anger angerat angetat
at them and his voice voic would woud roar rr defiance defianceacross defian defianacrot defianceacross
across acrot the hall hallBut hal hahiBut
But it took a I lot of prodding to rouse rousethe ro roustthe 1
the sleeping Bleplng lion lionHe lon lonHe hionHe
He made a cracking good speech eph one oneday on oneday
day In a mill mi at Kelghloy Kelghl y Yorkshire Yorkshir Men Menon 1on 1onon Meton
on the platform platorm noticed nlod that when he ar arrived arrived arrived ¬
rived lato as usual at tho meeting metng his hil face facewon fac facewame
won W flubhed IIhed and his eye kindled kindledThat kindledThat kindledThat
That watt Wit because his hl carriage crriag had jusibeen just justbean jlt I Ibon
bean bon demolished dtmolhfd and he had had lu a close closecall olollecal closecall
call for his life It hook him him
cal Ifo I a Ihok up upTho U upThe
The To Duke is I ono of tho great crat landlords landlordsof landlorl
of England Ha 10 collects clect the rents rnt of about abut about0o0tto
200000 200 acres arl and has ha fortytwo forytwo churetlivings church churchlivings churh churhlving
lving livings at his hil dltpotnl dltpotnlAnd dlpml dlpmlAnd djbpoenlAnd
And ha kits It in II iii the th board meetings mptngs of ofmany ofmany olmany
many railroads rairoads and other corporations corporationswith corrt0l1
with the Santo smo resignation rllgnalon that ho ht displays displaysin
in the House of Lords Lrd Being Bing a Duke Dukoby DukeIy Dukeby
by Iy tho way hasnt changed ohangd him externally externallya externlly externllya
a bit bit Ha wears tho same slovenly clothes clothesIn clothoIn
In the game shambling Ihnmblng way and snoozes snoozesalong Iloozel snoozesalong
along just as I ho did in the Commons CommonsTheres Common CommonTheres CommonsTheres
Theres a 1 celebrated clebrated romance romanc about abut him himthe himtho himthe
the one thing that illuminates iuminates a sombre sombrecareer Imbre Imbrecarer sombrecareer
career carer When he and the Duke of Man Manchester Mal hiattchester ¬
chester the present Dukes grandfather grandfatherwere grandAther grandAtherr
were r young they loved Louisa Lul8 daugh daughter daughter daughter ¬
ter of ofthe tljc Count Cunt dAltenof d 1en of Hanoverandshe Hanoverandsheloved Hanover Hanoverand and ae ae10Td he heloved
10Td loved one of them But Hartington Hntngton was alaggard a alaggard alaggad
laggard laggad In that business bUllnell as he has hal been bn in ineverything Incrrythlng ineverything
everything else els and so 10 the lady becamo becamoDuchess ocmo ocmoDucheB5 hescantoDuchess
Duchess of Manchester lanoheeter in 1882 182 and Duchess Duchessshe DuohenBhe Duchessshe
she remained rmained for forty fory years yearsBut yearBut yearsBut
But though bhe married the other man manher manher manher
her devotion devoton to Hartington Hartngton and his devotion devotionto devoton devotonto
to her were famous She counselled cun8led him himIn himIn himin
In all al the Important Imprtant affairs alalrs affairsof of his hI public publo life lifespurred lfe lfepurd lifespurred
spurred purd him on maybe and was 18 his nearest nearestfriend neart nearestfriend
friend Nobody Nobdy thought of inviting Invitng one onewithout onewithout onewithout
without the other otherAt otherAt otherAt
At last Manchester died Hartington Hartngton him himself himlf himself ¬
self lf shortly shorty afterward succeeded lIucded to a duke dukedom dukedom dukedorn ¬
dom and in 1893 the widow Idow still IItl one on of the thebeautiful thebeautful thebeautiful
beautiful beautful women of England Enrland become bcame a abrido abride abride
bride and Duchess
a again againNOW againOW againNOW
IM 111 iP5 and Downi In Many Lands Land of an anEast anl anEast
East l aL Side Siiu Pushcart Pualcarl Ainu AinuDown JlanDow llaiiDown
Down Dow on the lower East Side you may maycome my mycome maycome
come across acrs him any day trundling trundg hispushcart his hispushcart hi
pushcart puhcrt along and ad sounding soundng the slogan sloganof osan osanof
of his trade lings Bottles Botles Rags Rgl 1 Bottles Botlel Botlelle BottlesHe I IH
H le He plays play so s humble a port pat In that hurly hurlyburly huly hulyburly hurlyburly
burly of street Btet life lfe that you might rub rubelbows rubelbow rubelbows
elbows elbow with wih him a dozen times tmes before beforenoticing bfor beforenoticing
noticing notcing him Yet even In the lower East EastSido Est EstSide EastSide
where odd characters plentiful plentifulhis
Side wher chaaoter are a plentiu
his h1 career canr is i considered cnidered eventful eventfulHllcl evntul eventfullIllel
Hllcl Luttinger Lttlger is I a Hebrew Hebrw and wa 11 born bornin bornin
in Austria Utrl When a lad ld he worked wrked as a da dalaborer dy dylbrr day daylaborer
laborer lbrr on a railway raiway in Roumanla Bul an ansaved ad adl and andsaved
saved l ved enough money to open a wine we shop shopTo sop sopTo shopTo
To innkeeplng InnltepIg he next joined mono monolending money moneylendng moneylending
lending lendng ana ad soon began oga acquiring aquing the thofarms thefarms thefarms
farms of those thos who borrowed borowd from Mm MmAt h himAt
At that time Roumanla Roumaa was wal in the hands hml ol olthe ot otthe ofthe
the Turks Trkl Then Ten by some twist twt of Turkish Turkishlaw TlBh TlBhlaw Turkishlaw
law he was waslluddenly suddenly stripped of his h posses posseselons pSIS pSISelone possesdons
elons elonsHe eloneHe dons donsHe
He emigrated emgrated with his family famly to Bul Bulgnria Bulnrla Rugarfa
gnria nrla and ad thence wth to Constantinople He Hetried Hetrtd Hetried
tried trtd tho commission cmmelon business bUe Ontatinope did dd well for fora
a time and met disaster dter in I 1803when 18Swhen he sent sentthree Mntthro centthree
three thro ships loaded with wth onions from lake Iskeshier lke lkeIhl lakeshier
shier Ihl r ship Asia Minor Mior to London Lndon A rot had hadgot hadgot
got into iu intotheordonsand to the onions onon and by bythie the tle time te London Londonwas Lndon Lndonwu Londonwas
was reached the tle three th cargoes cgo were wre worth worthless wrth worthless ¬
lessAbsolutely Absolutely Ablutely ruined Luttinger LuUnger saw 811 in the theJewish theJewish theJewish
Jewish colonies In I Palestine Pae line his hi only chance chanceto
to scrape a living livng for himself l and adbl andble his tanifl taniflAfter family familyAfter Camy CamyAter
After Ater working workig at various vious callings clnp cahhIrigsPalestine in inThen i
Palestine he next tried h his luck in Egypt EgyptThen t t11n
Then 11n 3000 30 francs tacl came due on an insurance insurancepolicy Inurnc insurancepolicy
policy ploy and ad he went wnt to Marseilles Maiell After Afterlooking Ar Arlokng Afterlooking
looking lokng that French Fnoh seaport laprt over ovr he went wentto wentto nt ntto
to the meeting IlUng of Zionists Zonlts that was WI being bing
held at Basic Then Ten he travelled trrlled up to toCologne toColojne toCologne
Cologne where he had a brother brther He Hetried Hetried Hetried
tried Colojne his hand had at a number numbr of trades but butfailing butIdlng butfaiiing
failing Idlng in all he finally fnly drifted dltod into the thejunk thejunk thejunk
junk business bURinoB businessFor DusinobsFor
For Jor three years he gathered the rags ragsremaining rageand
and btl bottles 0 of IBr thll this Oonan iorma cty city hi his Inmly Inmlyrmalnln family familyremaining
remaining in Palestine Jalotne whore his h1 two twosons twoIOn8 twocons
sons IOn8 Paul and Daniel Danol were wor studying in inthe Inthe inthe
the Jaffa Jna branch of the Alliance Alance Israelite IsraeliteUnlvorwollo lralo lraloUnlvonlo IsraeliteUnivOrsm7ilO
Unlvorwollo a series of schools schols maintained maintainedby
Unlvonlo 8ro matane
by wealthy French l lench Jews with the Idea of ofeducating ofiueUnl ofeducating
educating brefhorn brefhornAt brlher iueUnl and unifying unifyng tholr Eastern Easternbrefhorn Eler Easternbrethern
At tho end of tho three ii years ears Luttlngers Luttingersfamily Luttlngersfamily LuttlgerlI LuttlgerlIfmly
family fmly joined joino him in Cologne Clogne but the re rejoicings r retjoicings ¬
joicings jolcnl8 over their family fally lounion lullon wore woreshort wereshort woreshort
short lived lvod for the authorities authoril8 had ha just justpassed justplr justiiaaseI
passed a law that no alien alell could take out outa
a plr license Ikcnl of any kind kindSo kindSo I
So S Luttlngor Luttngor was again aglln obliged oblved to take taketo takoto taketo
to the road He wont to Duasoldorf DIJdorf where wherehe wherohe wherelie
he found roa a similar simia bar br against lah1Ht aliens alena and andthen andthen andthou
then to Frankfort Frankfor whore ho was WI again mot motby motby metby
by the same Mie obstacle obstacleUtterly obftaee obftaeeUter obtttiwieUtterly
Utterly Uter disijusted dill ullted with tho Old World Worldhe Worldhe Worldlie
he decided decdt > to strike out for America omorlc Tray Travelling Trv Trvoing Traytiling ¬
London and andLiverpool andJAverol andMverpool
tiling oing by way WI of Hamburg lambur Jmdon
Liverpool JAverol ho and his family flmly shipped Rhlpjod for forCanada fornada forrnada
Canada rnada nada Intending Intend in to KO IO Into farming fanln But Butwhen ButI Butwhen
when lie reached Quebec he changed change his hismind hismild hismind
I mind mild and conio clO to New York YorkHe Yorkle Yorklie
He le moved Into an East FAt Side basement basementand balont balontand basemontnel
started In his hisold hisDid
and hiring hirng a I pushcart pushcar again
old business buslneA of Bothering atherln rags rgf and bottles bottlesThis btleR btleR11R bottleshut
This exlandholder oxmorchant and world worldtrotter worldtrotter worldLrotter
trotter 11R now trundles trDdles a hired hhe pushcart pu hcr and andpicks andI andpicks
picks plek up the outcast outrlt garments < of the dwel dwellers dwellorR dwellore ¬
I lore in tenements He makes malil about 30 cents centson cnts cntsI ventsDli
on every fory IOU 10 pounds he pathhers Iathher Some Sometimes Sometlmo Somet ¬
I times t he gathers athAr a couple cuple of hundred hundrd pounds poundsIn punde pundeIn
In a day and again it may take him a week weekBut wek weknut weekBut
But Ills 111 son Paul who by his many manyshifts mlY mlYAhl manyehifte
shifts Ahl of abode has been bn turned tured Into Intoa Int intolittle
a little ltle polyglot polplot speaking and writing writingEnglish wriig wriiggnpllh writingEnglish
English gnpllh French Gentian ennan Hebrew Ron Roumanian Ru Rumanian Roncianlan ¬
manian Arabia and Turkish secured ooured work workwhon workwhon workwhen
whon ho reached reRdlJd Now ew York as I an inter interpreter Interpretor Interpreter ¬
preter In an East Est Shin ticket tckot office ofce at 14 14a 4 4S
a S week ek Since Sinc then ho has 1M been bon raised rall to toS
I S 17 7 a week And it is in him that the hopes hopesof
of his father now centre centreOther cntre cntreOthlr centreOther
Other Othlr Peoples Dirty Drty Work
Id Id hate hat to be bt the thl scrubbing nl brush brushFor bru brushFor h hor
For or though thollh Im not nnll n shirk clilrkI Ilrk
I couldnt COlldnt hwtr hplr to have to clg clgAnothers duAnotbcr 10 10Anothers
Anothers dirty dity work
Ar Ceort Ce Conducted Ceadetf by b tall hi Bleeds Bloos Whit WfcConvict Wie WieCovct WhitConvict
Convict Covct Seven Sve Tlnirt 1ule Out of Ten TenWnrra Te TeWUIT TenWurri
Wnrra WUIT EAGLE EOL Okla Okl Oct 3 30no One of the thefew thofew Ut Utfew
few full ful blood Indian Indll1 courts curtl remaining remainingmay remaning remaningmay remaininimay
may be found grinding grlndiul away here on tin tinreservation theIrvaUn tht thtreservation
IrvaUn reservation every Saturday tunay hearing herng mis misdemeanor mi midemNnor misdemeanor ¬
demNnor demeanor cases CM and ad punishing punlhlng members membersof membr membrof memberof
of the Poncaand Pncaand Otoe 0100 tribes tribtunluckyeouh tribtunluckyeouhto unlucky enough enoughto enougtto
in inabout Inabout ii iiabout
to bo convicted The court convicts
1le cur
about seven out of every ten cases casesTho C8fs C8fsTe casesThe
The Te members membr of the court curt are ar full ful blood bloodsand bloodand bloodand
and never speak Ml k English EnglUh on tho bench benchThey bonchThey beachThey
They have ha a high Idea of their importance importanceand hlportale hlportaleand itnportaticeand
and their rule with convicted prisoners prisonersis pr
is It to sock ock it to Vm tm cm They receive reoie receivesalary a asalary alaary
salary laary of 110 10 a month each eachThB enchThe eachlhtethireejusticesartj
The lhtethireejusticesartj three justices JUltoel are Chief Little Litte Soldier SoldierRough SoldierRough SolcliezRough
Rough Face nce and Big Bg Goose nol The prose prosecuting pro prosecutting e eclting ¬
cutting attorney atorney is tho Indian agent Major MajorNoble MajorNohle MajoNoble
Noble NobleCourt NohleCOlr NobleCourt
Court COlr was Wa called coe to order last Ilt Saturday Saturdayby Saturdaby
by Major Noble oble an ai prosecutor Little LittleSoldier Lla LlaSldier LittlSoldier
Soldier Sldier Hough Face Fe and Big Goose Ooole nat naton lat laton sa saon
on the bench never asking klllg a question queBton and andgazing ant antgazing
gazing with wih sternness ItornO upon tho luckless lucklessoffenders lucklet luckletofenderl lucklesoffenders
offenders offendersTho ofenderl offendersThe
The court wag wa not without wihout human hunl at attributes attributt attributes ¬
tributes tributt though Little Lle Soldier Idler neemed neemedespecially 10mO Seentee Seenteeespecially
especially tpelly proud of a big Mexican hat gilt gilttaring glittering glt glttering ¬
tering with wih tinsel tnsel which he hung occa occasionally occa8ionaly occasionally ¬
8ionaly sionally on his kneo kne Big Bg Goose 0080 under underthe undorthe undothe
the strain Htran Imposed impose by the importance Imprtance of ofhis 0 0his I IhlB
his office ofce chafed ohafe He wanted wante to smoke smokebut Blole smokebut i ibut
but lacked lake courage curuge at first frlt to defy tho thoproprieties till tillpropr1eties I Iproprietlt
proprieties proprietiesFinally proprietlt I
Finally Fnaly he sifted 11tId some tobacco tobo from li1 li1ack lit litsack Ills IllsTemptation
sack roiled a cigarete cigarette and cmpromlRell cmpromlRellby compromisee compromiseeY
by Y plaing placing roe It unhte unlighted btwen between hit his lp lips lipstemptation I ITemptation
Temptation led him on and after afer the see session tllI tllIMlon seesion ¬
sion was well under way he struck Itruck a matoliand matoli matohand maid maidand
and Wi the wel smoke came in II clouds from rota h hlips 11 hi hilips I
lips lp Vosliti VI1t Four Eyes EO come forwardcalled forardt forardtcaled forward forwardicalled
called Major Noble NobleThree NohleThree NobleThree
Three hundred hundre pounds punM avoirdupois avolrupoil in inbuckskin Inbuckkln it itbuckskin
buckskin buckkln moccasins mocnlns and a red wrapper wrappercame wrappertcame wrappercame
came to the dock She Ihe nervously nerolly r Beatod Beatodherself seate seateherself eate
herself herlelf upon a chair five fve sizes HiZtl too to small smalland smaland ml
and tell the truth truthVashtl truthVashti
ad was wa sworn to tel trth trthVaht
Vashtl Vaht was wa charged char ed with being drunk drunkVashtl drk drkVlht drunkVaahti
Vashtl Vlht began hglJ fencing She charged charge Fire FireShaker FireShaker FireShaker
Shaker with buying whiskey whiskeyDid whiklY whiklYDd whiske whiskeDid
Did you drink part of it itYes It ittea
Dd drnk
Yes that thatl thats the reason reon I got drunk drunkGuilty drunkGuitr drunkGuilty
Guilty Guitr said the agent agentTho ngentThe agentThe
The court of three nodded nodde approval as asone Mone atone
oneThen Then came ne Mrs Fire Fir Shaker She pleaded pleadedguilty plded pldedgulty pleadedguilty
guilty Fire Shaker was called next He Hecame 11 11came
gulty Fi Shaer wa caled le leoae
came oae forward forwad with a troubled countenance countenanceHo oountennc
Ho le offered 016rd no defence defenceTho deteno defenceIhia
Tho 111 Chief Justice JUltc Little Ilte Soldier was wasequal wasequal wasequaitotheoccasion
equal equaitotheoccasion to tho occasion ooallon Ho 1e Hobegan began bjan a 1 harangue haranguein
in Ponca that Increased In vehemence vehemenc as 1 he hetalked hetaked hetalked
talked He said things to Vashtt and Mr Mrand Mrad Mrand
and ad taked Mrs ltrs Fire Shaker that should Ihoud have havemade hl hlmade 111Stmade
made them Fre weep Ho le declared decared that their theirJ thfl thflcnduc thouconduct
cnduc conduct was 1 a disgrace J to n nJust the nton ntonJust nation nationJust
Just as he was warming up to his hil bent benthe he besthe t the I Iolgarete
he put one hand on warmng the end of Big Gooses Goosescigarette GOOII Goosescigarette
cigarette olgarete and ad suddenly felt the stinging stingingburn Htlngingbur stingingburn
burn bur He le jerked his hi hand had away glared at atBig atBig atBigGooseand
Big BigGooseand Goose Ooos and then thiensatdown sat et down dow It I Itwasalinosi Itwasalinosian was WI almost almostan alost alostan
Nale had hadconvicted hadconvicted
an hour and not before bfor Major hd hdoonvioted
convicted half a dozen do on culprits clprll that the themembers themember themember
members member of the court regained regaied their tuidigtity full fulldignity
dignity diglity diglityEloh Eich of the two women was WI fined 125 25 and andforbidden andforbiddon andforbidden
forbidden to leave the reservation resrvaton for BIX BIXmonths six sixmonthl si simonths
months monthl FIre Fir Shaker wan wie fined fned 120 20 and andsentenced 111 111Intnod MW MWsentenced
sentenced Intnod to ten days labor lbr on the roads roadsThis road roadsThis
This last was a blow blw that tlat made Fire FireShaker Fie FieShker FireShaker
Thl wa
Shaker groggy The Indians Indlls dlsliko dilko foimanual for formanual 10rmu
Shker Te the case of ofone ofone ot otone
manual labor may be judged by bythe c
one mu Indian lbOI who was fined fned Judgd 40 and sentenced sentencedto Intncd Intncdt sentencecto
to work Indi six B days wa on the road He 16 asked askedthat Mkedthat aitkedthat
that t his fine fne be b day made mde 110 100 without labor laborOne lbor lborOne laborOne
One of the last cases C of the day was WI that thatof thatof thatof
of Hope Irontrap Iroltrap a woman arraigned for fordrunkenness fordkene8 foidrunkenness
drunkenness Hop She pleaded guilty guity but butcharged butchagd butcharged
charged chagd dkene8 Thick Tick Toll Ta with having havig given her herthe herthe heithe
the whiskey whiskeyThick
Thick wblkty Tail T had ha been ben a spectator atator up to tothis tothl tc tcthis
this point but now he pricked prloke up Wa ears earsTho earsThe
Tho thl pint crowd laughed for It know what wan wancoming we wecoming
coming orowdlaughe Thick Tail Ta was called caled before the thecourt theoour thicourt
court crng at onoe He had no chance to t escape escapeHe o escapeBe ape apeHe
oour He collapsed coUap when Chief Justice Justce Little LittleSoldier Ltte LtteSlier LittliSoldier
Soldier said saidOryba saidGreyba
DUJU10 Slier Greyba Oryba DCUUi ftenl ten teni I numba Itwol two I iii kid klda a lad ladeota I land landsota andsota I IGreyba
sota five bashana ashaa Ito to pay payl klda and andumba ad andumba I Iumba
umba dayl I greyba Itenl tenl ten I walita wota Iworki Iworkiwhich work workand workwhich
which meant meat in plain EnRls English a line lne of ofand 2 2and
and ten days daYI at hard lard labor laborChiof laborCief laborChief
Chief Little Soldier Sldier was wa formerly formery a ress ressvatlon reserration
Cief Ltte
ration policeman A horse hor thief wa walodged waB waBdge wailodged
in plceman the reservation re Jail one day am amMajor amMajor
lodged rvatln ja1 on daYi
dge fearu fearuhow
Major < Jansen the agent wanting wantng to lean leanhow
how Mor far Jasnl Little Ltt Little e Soldier Sldier would carry ca ou ouInstructions out outin cuinstructions
Instructions in saidLittle said saidLittle ld ldLtte
Little rcton Soldlerthere Sidler there is I a bad ba dangerous dangerousman dangerouBma dangercuman
man Ltte In the jail and ad I feel that we ought to toget toget t tget
get ma rid of him him ja Take Tae your rifle rife and go down downto downto dowrto
to the jail and fix him himLittle hintLittle
hm hmLlto
Little jal Soldier Sldier looked looke steadily IItealy at the agent agentand agentand agentand
and Llto seeing oeln no change in his hil countenance countenanceMajor countenancepicked
picked up his rifle aQd started state for the jail jailMajor Jail
Major ploke Jansen thou thouwould thought th that t Ltt1 Little Sldier Sldierwould Soldiei Soldieiwould
would weaken thougt but he gave no sign Ilgn of It Itand Ih Ihand itand
and Little Poldler was almost alost at the jail jaildoor jalidoor
door IJtte when Major Jansen Jalln called cale to him himLittle h himLittle m mLtle
Little Soldier seemed reluctant rluctant to return returnWhat rtur returnWhat
Ltle What Sldier were we Bome you going to do dol asked askedMalar aked akedMajor askedMater
Major Jansencuil Jansen Jansentall JanBental
tall tal cuil him said Little Litle Soldier SoldierAnd Sldier SldierAnd SoldierAnd
And there is no doubt that ho meant It ItBERNIERS ItBERNIERS itIIERNIERS
He le Ha n naked Ralt SDOO OOOOO In Canada 10 Far FarToward FarToward
Toward Towad Ills 111 Expenses ExpensesCapt Expesel ExpeselCapt ExpensesCapt
Capt J E Bernler Brier a FrenchCanodain FrenchCanodainsailor
sailor s or who has ha commanded several seveal ocean oceanvessels oceanvOel oceanvessels
vessels vOel has ha been ben trying trg for two years ya to toraise torale toraise
raise rale funds to carry car out his h own ow schema Iheme of ofPolar otPolar ofPolar
Polar exploration explorationHe explorton explortonHe
He was Wa permitted to address addre8 the Canadian CanadianHouse CanadianHouse
House of Commons Common on tho subject fubjet and his hisproject l lprjet hiL hiLproject
project prjet has hl been ben heard with wih favor by say several sayeral ev evora ¬
eral Arctic Arlo experts expert He has now raised rle in inCanada i inCanada
ora Canada by private subscription lIubripton 100 00000 of ofwhich ofwhich ofwhich
which Lord Lrd Strathcona Strthcolla has given 15000 15000It 10 5000 5000It
It is also 8 reported from Ottawa that the thoCanadian t theCanadian
Canadian Canaian i Government Gvemmont will wl probably build buildand buid buidand buildand
and equip euip a vessel for the expedition expeditionNansen expeditionNanson
Nansen Nanlen has ba expressed exrle the belief belef that thatBernier thatBerier thatBernier I
Bernier will succeed If he has sufficient sufctnt per perseverance persevernce perseverance ¬
severance wi RUcco Dr Dawson DaWn of tho Canadian CanadianGeological Cnaian CnaianGelogica Canadiaflfieological
severnce Geological Gelogica Survey Sureyald paid two tw years yar ago that thatBernler thatBerier thatBernier
Bernler had a very fair prospect prspet of success successand succeSRand successand
and Berier Sir Si Clement ha ver Markham Marka believes beleve the proj project prj prjel prejset ¬
set el is I worthy wry of all encouragement eDcouragement and andBernler andBUppOr andaunport
aunport aunporttiarnier
BUppOr tiarnier Bernler Berier Is a thorough sailor Balor has ha givenyears given givenvears
years of study to every ever phase phae of the work workmany vork vorkho workhe
yars ho is planning to do and hM Inpired Inpiredmanywlth inspired inspiredrnanywlth
many manywlth with plannlnl faith i ieel In himself and In hiproj hiproje his proj projoct
Is to build a vessel of coo 800tons cootons
eel His plan I t a vfM1 BO
tons e burden Ilq modelled modeled after aftr the From Fra but butnorth butwth hutwith
ton with sme some Improvemonte mprvementj ad and tae take her hernorth hernorth
north wth through thrugh Bering Derng Strait StraitIt Strlt StrltH
It Is I well wel known kow that tha the prevailing prevlol winds windsthere windsthere
there are from the southeast 80uthtt which causes causesan canP canPan causesan
an Ice drift to t the northwest By entering enteringtho enterng enterngtho
tho Ie ice far east of the place where her the From Frombegan Frll Frllbepan Frambegan
began her drift ho hopes that Instead Istea of ofdrifting ofdriftng ofdrifting
bepan north of Franz Josef Land Landas
drifting Just Lnd LndM
as driftng happened to t nor the Pram Pam he h will w be carried carriedacross care careacroaR carried carriedacross
across the North Pole PoleTo PO POTo PoleTo <
To be sure Norh his hl vessel v81 wffl w begin hd its It drift driftnear driftnear
near the place pla whore wher Do D Longs Lnge Jeannette Jmnnettehelpless Jeannetteentered fnett
entnd ner entered the Ic ice ad and bgl began bel her tdious tedious ad adhelrltE and andhelpless
helpless drift to t the spot Bpt where she sank sankBut MnkBu sankBut
helrltE But Bu Bernier thinks there tbtre Is i a fob tal prospect prospectthat prospectthat
that ho will be carried cared northwest far Ca more morerapidly mor morrapidy morerapidly
rapidly than wll the Jeannette Jeanott drifted drtd It has hasbeon h hboon
boon bon rapidy observed obld t in recent rcent years that there therehave ter therehave
have been more open spaces epaos and Ind cease coneeauently cole colequnty ceasequently
bn opn freedom of ofmovement ofmovment ofmovement
auently a chance chaO for 101 more frodom
movement qunty movment in the Arctic Arclo Sea north nrth of A Asia Asiathan i ithan i
than during duing the time tmo when tho te Jeannette Jeannettawas Jeett
was fast flt in tile ice iceDornlor IceBernlor iceThornier
Wi Thornier will go equipped egnlppd however hOWvr to tostrike t toetrilce
strike out Olt over the ice io toward twnrd the North NorthPolo NorthPolo NorthPolo
Polo Atr1 Just jlt as soon 10n as he becomes bCmes dissatis dissatisfied dlt dltfed dimeteatisfledi ¬
with the a his vessel la making makingHe makinglies
fied progress progTiR hi vBI J maig maigII
He fed II intends wih to take with him hi 120 dogs doglwhlch doglwhlchi which whichsledged whichwill
will i daw draw a lr large amount or sUI BUpPttes > puei 01 on onsledges
sledged sledgedHo slld sledgesHo
Ho will wi f also carry carr a raft rft on which to load loadhis loadhis I Ihll
his hll le stores and travel trvl across sorM the spaces llpo of ofoptn ofoPm ofDpon
the theIce theIce i iIc
optn water If I he starts atm north over
oPm Ice Ic by sledge he will wi keep in touch tuc with withhis wt withfile
his hil VOSHO vef1 vessel as I long fong ong na A possible plhle by mean me of ofwireless otwreleR ofwireless
wireless telegraphy telegraphyDuring telgraphyDurin
wreleR During Durin tho war In South Suth Africa ric wirelcommunications wleM wleMcmmuncatons wirel w1re1ecemmttntcations
cmmuncatons communications were wr found toud to t be b practi practicable pro practjcable ¬
cable cble for a distance dlto of 200 20 miles mes and a since slnoothen sincethen
then messages melRagel have hav been bn sent nt across the theocean te teoa thertoean
ocean The explorer exlorer hopes to wake wire wireless wJ wireless ¬
Tle hCp1 w
less equipment telegraphy tlegrapy a I very yer valuable vub I p part > art of his hisequipment lilatquilpment
equipmentBorlners tqapment Borlners rlners chief PUrl purpose is f to t reach roh the thePole thePole
Pole and he thinks thik ho can cn accomplish amplh this thlaend t thissnd
1 end In eighteen elghtn monthsthough monthlthough he will wD be befully beFully
fully tuly prepared prpred for an absence abnc of three to year J years
Once Oee the World Word Got Its It Diamond mamond Pr PrThis Ite IteThis
This TII Town In HrazlJ Ira71 JIrazilhi It Wits W Ctterlf CtterlfWiped Ite Utteu1 Utteu1Wiped
Wiped WIp Out Two To Year eat esti ABO AgoDeWlu ccOet Details f tits fIt
It I its Kitto ilave lute Just ut Utica Received ReceivedMany fteeetvedMany
Rolye Rolye1any
Many 1any of the Inner Inor irmcrparts parts parll of ofSouth South Slth America Americaare AmetO Amer1oare
ar are less k known today than th any portion porliot of ofAfrica cfAfrica
Africa Arica Thrsa 1lcs regions leKio1 of o widespread wldfHpreadforests wldflpr widespreadforcette
forests foltR and Ind swamps IwalJ inhabited Inhabie only by bywild b bwid b7whit
wild wid Indians InlanR are almost almOt unknown to o tho thooutside thooutBid th thoutside
outside world worltj even In southern llratll llratlllarge Hrad Drakillarge
large districts dhtricR of tho big State of M Matto Mattor0 Msttolroo tto ttoIrosHO
IrosHO r0 may well wt1 be b Hold to he h on the edge edgeof ep epof dgeof
of the most mOt remote mol corners ornel of civilize civilization elvlU elvlUton civilizetion ¬
tionCapt ton tion Capt Cpt Ludwig Jerrmann Jerrman has just bean boratelling b beantelling
telling telng In I Peitrmannt Mititihingcn Mjlolu gr of the thedestruction U thedestruction
tOtrclol destruction of Dlamantiuo Dlamatno in that State Stateduring Stateduring Stateduring
during the insurrection Insurrton of November Novemb
1901 101 The world worlc has scarcely IIcarly heard herot herotDamantno of ofDlamantlno ofDiamantino
Dlamantlno Damantno for many yearn year though thouJh it ItOICO was waaonce wasonce
once OICO a flourishing lourlhiDg little ltl place plo inhabited inhabitedby inhabie inhabitedby
by Brazilian Brazian who were Wre rich rch in slaves Bla and andin ad adin andII
II in the diamonds dimonds they washed wnhe from the thostream thestream thestream I IThe
stream streamThe streamTho >
The district ditric once 00 had ha a population popto of ofabout c 0 0about
about 4000 mostly m0ly negroes negr and half halfbr halfbreds halfbredsThe brood broodTho
Tho peoplo who still IIt1 live lve there speak speakvery Ipk Ipkery speakvery
very ery corrupt corpt dialect diale of Portuguese portugue but buttb buttbtown butthstown tho thotown
town was WI in 1 decline declne years yeai before bfor its iA finaldestruction final finaldeat f
deat detnmtion destruction ruction Slavery Slver and diamond wuh washing wuhIng wuhlog ¬
ing were wer at an end and the welltodo weltooW weltooWdepre welltodoMd welltodoMddeparted had haddeparted
departed depre The town had ha a sohoolhouoo sohoolhouoobut lIohooJ
but not a soul In that region rgion was W com competent C Cplent co copotent
potent plent to teach school IIchool It had a church churchbut chu chubut churebbut
but for years year no priest had been bn seen in i tho thotown t tb tbtown
town townNo townNo townNo
No good roads ro3d connected connece it with wit other othovsettlements othe othesetlementll othersettlements
settlements setlementll and ad its Is population ppulation had ha dwindbd dwindbdto dw
the plaatand plaatandhouses plasteve4houses
to about 000 0 souls BOUl Only ple
houses along the thl three thr streets Itrt and the thosubstantial t thescbstantia
substantial Btbltatal stone rrakienoeo Ilena of the te fonnw fonnwdiamond f fdiamond foiT foiTdiamond
diamond washers wnhe remained remalne1 to testify tetf t tthe te tethe
the old time tme prosperity prOprity of a place plt Uu Uuwas tbM tbMwas
was once the centre cotre from which wblc the th world w worliderived worldderived
derived derve most mOt of Its Ill diamonds diamondsThe dlmo diamondsThe
The insurrection lnurrclon of 1801 101 when whendl8al a Mri Mritlitesatisfled lan landissatisfied
dissatisfied dl8al te element element in MattoGrosBO MatoGI MatoGIagllin STOM STOMagainst sr sragainst
against t the Cantral Government Goverment at t Mo Modo R ledo
do Janerlo Jaerlo completed complete the ruin rin of DlanMD DlanMDtino Dlml Diamaistino
tino tno The Government GIemment hurried hure a large larganumber lr largenumber
number of troops trp Into the State Sta and infew In Infow Infow
fow weeks weka they laid Iacl the dlaaffootedi dlafel dto dtotrictB d dl dltrictte
trictB in ruins ruinsTho 111 ruinsThe ns nsIhe
The Ihe frantic franto inhabitants Inhabltatll of the little ltte tow towheard to toeheard
heard on Nov No 4 that the soldiers Ilders were we com comIng c oo ooing
Ing and at once onr began to abandon abndon tholr tholrhomes th th thhomes
homes They heard that t bt the soldiers lde ldenot wainot war warnot
not sparing spring oven women or children chldren and ad so sowith 1 sowith
with wth bundles bundle of household hou bold effects efeots under undertholr u undertheir
tholr arms arl they hurried hure in wild wd flight 1gbt Into Intothe I int intthe
the dense den forests forots to hide from frm the advanc advancing av ailvanolag ¬
ing enemies one es On the evening evenn of Nov NovCapt I ICapt 5CaptJermann
Capt CaptJermann Jerrmann JerIn a I asicic rick sok oldmanandablad oldmanandabladwasherwoman old oldnumtnandablacliwasberwoman J nnd a b
washerwoman w8he omn were tho only human hum being beingleft bg beIngsloft
left lef in the town townThe tow townThe
The next nex morning morng the infantry Inar and Mdair C oew oewairy T Tairy
airy air of Brazil Bral a wild wld ruffian r crowd cw barofooted hare b harefooted
footed Cotedreled dressed In ragged ragge trousers trouer without withoutcoats wtho wthoctll witboulcoats
coats ctll or hats ht poured poure into the place plc They Theyswarmed Te Tesware Theyswarmed
swarmed through the abandoned abdone houses housesplundering hO hOpluderng housesplundering
plundering sware pluderng right rigl and ad left let and ad after ae ro romovtng removing
moving their booty to the neighboring neighboringfields negh neghfeld neighboringfields
fields movng began bga the work of levelling levelig leveillngthetown leveillngthetownThey thotowii thotowiiThey thet
They knocked koo down the building buld with withaxes withaxea h hae
and timbers an arduous task that thatoccupied tht thtople thatoccupied
axes tmbn a auou t
occupied ople a a day dy Then they thlY set flr ttt tttrn fire to th thruins the theruins
and took thelraft thelraftparturo their de departure
ruins rn in a dozen dzn places p tbe tbeparture
parture parturoIt partureI
It I was w ten days day later ltor before bfor the theded flamo flamodied fiaSSdied
died out There Ter was W nothing nothng left but butmd butaa butaaand i ifind
ded find blackened blackened stones and ruins ruil to tomk tomkplc mark < aarBVtj aarBVtjplace t tplace
DUBmantino had stood stoodLost stoodLast d dLas
place where
plc whlre Dntllo to
Lost Las your only olT a I few of the inhabitant inhabitanthad Inblt irthabitahad
had returned returne yr to begin bgin the difficult difc work of ofrebuilding o orbuilding ofrebuilding
Some of them had hadbeen hadboon
rebuilding rbuilding their t tw town wn Sme th h
been bon murdered murder by the soldiers 8Iders many my had hadfled h badfled
fled fe further furber south to t begin bgn life le again aa among amongsettlements ao aostt amongsettlements
destruction destructionand destructionand
settlements lemonts that had escaped detroO detroOand
stt efop
and others other had gone gCe to Paraguay lay and andBolivia a andBo1Iva
Bo1IvaCapt Bolivia BoliviaCopt
DoUv Copt Cpt Jerrmann Jemn believes blo8it believesit it will w WiUbemasiy WiUbemasiyyears bo b many manyyears m myr
will recover from fromthe tro trothe fromthe
before this region
years bore tbs wl rce
the yr utter ruin rn which riQn hn b has overwhelmed overwhel it itIn I IAIn
In time however he h thinks thin that thn yariow yariowindustries v vIndltriM variotaIndustries
industries IndltriM tme will wl bo b established etabubed for there theregood the a agood sa sagood
and diamond wash washing washtog ¬
for gold
good prospects a daond w
ing rubber rbbr trees trelour flourish in the neighboring neighboringforests negh neighboring neighboringforests
forests fOrtl and ad the agricultural agcu1da land are antCerie YWjr YWjrfertile v vfertile
fertile fertileIt Cerie CerieIt
It is a curious fact fao that tht nearly nel two t telpld yeas yeaselapsed ywuelapsed
elapsed elpld before CUrOU brore any detailed detale information informationreached ioto iotorcbed informationreached
reached rcbed the outer world word of the te utter ute destruo destruotlon d deetsuotion
tlon of the little lte town tow that tt had h once oc oncefamou btsot j jfamous 1tamous
ton ioolatoa k Itthis ktbs kthis
famous tamous It I shows how hw utterly uttery il1
Brazil from the foreign foreignest i ieats
this part of Bl tom Corg I Iet
p all the Nortftenj Nortftenjwhite Nortbaiflwhite
est et eats that tht are a impelling impeln a No
thousands of rir rirsentatives
white races racs to send end thouc o olIentnU ropro roprosontallves
sontallves lIentnU vs to t the newer newr parts pas of the world worldA wol wolA
SUtlon StltonAlcnt tationAgent Asent Henry Ienr W 1 Deacon Dacn of oftWD BuMlMft BuMlMfttown floNd floNdtQwn
town tWD netired Ret on a PensionHenry Pension PeodonHenry PeOD PeODHery
Henry Hery W Deacon Den of Bordentown Brdetow lJ lJwho NJ NJwho N J Jwho
1 from his poet poettion am amlion
who retired rtr on Oct frm h pt ptUOI
lion UOI agent had ha nerved Ire the Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaRailroad Ptf PonnsyIvnIRailroad
and it Its predeooMOi predeooMOitho
Railroad Company Cmpay ad I pr
tho Rra Camden Clden and ad Amboy by for fiftyton fiftytonyears fto ftoyear fUty4ouyears
He the fM fMticket th thticket
years year and sir months mont wa 1 was to totcket
ticket agent aent the first fmt telegraph teeaph operator operatorand oe operso opersoand
and the first trainmaster in the ferric ferricof
ad ft tat i t a aof
of the railroad railroadHia railroadIlls
Ills long raroa service entitle ette him h to t tudor zeoeM zeoeMunder reoel reoelunder
1I sr
under udor the Pennsylvania Pe ylval Railroad na naBYtem ponaloij ponaloijof pena1o pena1osyatem
syatem a an incom Income autg amounting t to 55 peo peoof per ees4 ees4f
of f his h salary wa at a the t time t of ofulao rt rtu1 retirement U Ualso
also u1 gets gt an a unlimited ulit peas pa peasIt f fIt 1I
It I was in i March Mh 1849 IM that t Doaoon Doaoontored Doen Doentered = e
tored the employ of the te Camden C and d dRroa Am AmRailroad Lmnbot LmnbotRailroad
t Railroad eoy Company Ompy Tho road r at a that t ttm ttmextended U Urns Urnssitended
extended Rroa exnd from trm from Camden Cde to t South Sut Axoboy Axoboyand A Amboyand
z zthrough
and the train service consisted of ofthrouh t thre threthrough
ad te t cn
train and two twotrain wa watrains
through throuh passenger plgO t Id t w wt
train daily in each direction directionBordentown directionDordentown
dy e dn dnBonetow
t Bordentown Bonetow was w then t one oe of the t mm mmImportant rno4 rno4Important
Important Iprt station lltn on the road ra and ad DOM DOMcon D De Deons
con cns ons duties dut w wore many 1 and a rafted raftedHo T THe wadede
Ho e sold Ild tickets tk to t passengers pa1 < x o1e o1elected > l llectod
lectod the tickets on the trains and at attended attended ¬
lete tIJ t t t a
tded tended to the baggage bga and ad expresu exl axpr mattes mMttfHo matU mattesLie
Ho le was w yard master mter freight fh and ad pauangef pauangefagent PI PIaet paasengeiigent
agent aet and ad train t dospatoher dospatoherWhon deate denpatcherWhoa
Whoa W the Civil Civ War Wa broke bk out o be beappint waippointed wa waappointed
appointed train runner in chance of the thetroinlood thistrainloads
appint t re ca te tetoa
the line of the therailroad therailroad
trainloads of troops t over t U te terra
railroad toa Immediately after the battle battleof b battlef
Imey a t
rra when it feared that th thConfederates Utonfederatee
of f Bull Bu Bun R wbe was le ta tl
Confederates would take poaaeadon of ofWashington ofWagn ofWashington
Confee wud t pD
Washington Wagn he remained rmed at a hi h his poet p day dayand r rad daetad
and ad night nih in the t effort eor to t do d hi h his utmost utmostto ut
He had thai thaiarmy th thirmy
national capital
to t o save sve the naa cpit Hoh t tay
close togeth together that thatthe ths thslie
army trains moving so
ay t Dvg 1 o ts
the t utmost utO vigilance vgc was w nooeesary ly to tpr tprvet topre toprerent pro provent
vent vet collisions c a with the t regular r passenger passengertrains p ptrn pasassigeprains
trains The records chow that at one time timeho Urn UrnDe
trn rr Iw t a t
than thirty trams on a single singletrack singlesack
ho De bad more tan try t a
track h between betwO Burlington Bulngtn and ad Cssadsn CssadsnTho Cd CdThe Cerndnrho sg
The tk trafflo was w handled hde without an a ooct ancisloot ooctdent
dent t of any kind kindDuring kindDuring
During ay the latter years of service of th thfamous th thamouJi
famous faoue amouJi Dg old te locomotive lODUve ltter yr John Joh I Bull Bul BuIIL that thaton t J JIrew
Irew the first passenger car i in N Non New Jreey Jreeyrt
d t fr pfogr c assigned to duty dutyIn dut duti dutya
on rt Nov 13 121 1831 181 it i was wa as ae t
In a the Boraontown Borctw Bortforitown yard and ad whe when it i ira iraadjudged was wasidjudged
i adjudged t unfit for further fr use u Doaoon Doaoontook v Deaoeuook
took tk adudge ook h I on o its It last laa trip tp over oe the road ra from fromBordontown fi tronBordontown
Bordontown to Trenton TrentonMr TrentonrDesoonissUIlUkeaungm
Mr n rDesoonissUIlUkeaungm Deacon tOW t Is ietllk Tt utill like a young yul man m mU H HneoB Hses
M Dn to tohas tobacoo n4 n4u
neoB ses neither stimulants eUulal nor tb a
has U h u never lother had a dayof ot illness Fr For < several severalrears r ry
dy Ie
rears neer the top h of h his be beau wa was bd bald bt but h hiti hitiDair
y Dair is DOW growing aew anew He c oanJut oanJutI JD JDa
I gwg
har and snsnsj snsnsjdmsolf
a I fence 8 as nlnbly nimbly Mln as In byhodtand boyhood
Jt hel if dmsolf reglaIll regularly u h he has l OI don Lki Lkiif i ls

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