I t I 74 Td S 4h t b h4 g t I 7 4r w 13 4 Lj rr U 1q 1qr i k ir 4 jgaB i kr jjttSJ j H Hj HMMAMAIU H HTHE I ft ftTHE r THE SUN WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 11 190 19Oi p 1 COTTON OIL CO EXPLAINS EXPLAINSPROFITS EXPLAINSPROFITS108121J EXPLAINSPROFITS PROFITS PROFITS108121J 37081113 LESS LESSTIIA 7MV LAS LASYEAR LAST LASTEAR LASTEEAR YEAR EAR ITS REPORT SAYS SAYSDeereue SArSDecteue SAlSnecreIe Deereue In Surplus 303383 After AfterDividend AttrrDh111rnd MtrrUl1c1end Dividend Tat of a I Per Cent Crntappl Crntappland finppl finppland and nd Foreign FOrtBn Demand DemUd Doth Dot Poor Poorlnt Poorlntfor Poorhint Poorhintfor Hln Hlnfor Government Encouragement EncouragementThe for GOTlrnment Enooralement EnooralementTe The Te Th annual lual report rpor of the te American Arcn Cotton CottoiOil Cttn CttnOi Cottonoil Oil Oi Company Compay Issued io yesterday ystray excited excied mor morthan more morethan than ta ordinary orinr Interest Interot on account ount of th thdividend the thedhfdend thedividend dividend reduction rucUon on the te common stocl stoclfrom Btok Btokfrm 8tockfrom from frm 6 to 4 per pr cent cnt decided dolde on last lat mum Thureday Tur mumday The he net profits for the day da prolt te year wen wenlC wer were1C69Si S6 lC 1C69Si < tt9Sl 9 I a decrease dor of 1708125 170126 708125 from thiprevious the te teprlous theprCViOU previous year After Ater the te payment pyent of 6 poi poicent pr prlnl porcrnt cent dividends clldends on the te preferred prferr shares sharesthere shar ahareathere remained a balance of 1818165 there remaine blano 191818 ap applicable applicablo ¬ plicable to common stock Btk dividends divdends com compared oompand cornpared pared with 1102820 1021200 tho year year before beforeIf bfor If I the dividend rate rt on the to common comon stocl stoclhad Btok Btokha etockhad had ha remained at 8 per pr cent ont a deficit de lcit o of 1298061 120061 would have resulted rsult for 1603 10 In livstead Instrad instead stead of the mirplus 6rplus of 1108981 110881 reported reportedCompared rpor reportedCompared Compared Comprid with wih lost year yar tho surplus surluB shows BhoW t tdecrease a adtrNUIO adecreo decrease dtrNUIO of t33 303383 303383U U I If I statod statld In the report ror that all al the prop properties propertioB ¬ erties etes of the organization orgaizton are ar absolutely free freifrom freefrom from frm lion ion For additions aditions to propertla propertioa37214i 372149 waq expended expnded The Te net working workingcapital p 1 capital of 0 the company at the te years yra end wui wa442S14 Sjj2 4426814 81 of which 1280492 128492 was wa cash clh it itbanks In Inbnk inbanks banks bnk and alli 3145321 15321 was wa bills bll bth1 and ad account accountreceivable account accountsrecoivabte receivable roiabll marketable markeable products prouct raw rw mate matorialn 1t materiah liabilities liabilitiesSince lillltles lillltlesSincl liabilkiesSince rialn rlal and linc Huppllos 8lpples after deducting deuctng current currentliabilities crnt crntlillltles currentliabilkies Since Sincl the valuation laton of the properties mode modein in 1892 1 92 3878330 38783 has ha been ben expended proprlea expnde in me meIn re repairs repalrb ¬ pairs pin nnd Ind charged charge to operating expenses expensesand expenmeand and ad S2b59 2 2S0590 > tt5590 liaa h8 been bn opratng put into productive productiveafwts pructvo pructvopmlanent productivopermanent expn expnad pmlanent permanent Imprvements Improvements ad and adde added to tile thot tileaaet8 afwts t this having boon bn accomplished accompllhe with without wlth wlthout withOUt ¬ out Increaw in II tho capital capitl stock stockChairman stok stokairman MockLnirman Chairman airman George A Morrison Morrlon says saysThe 8aYI The business buslnf of the year Iar covered by b this thisreport thisrpprt thisreport report rpprt although ultlough satisfactory stSflctOr has not been beenconspicuously beenrMrllluousll beenOt31IeUUUB1h conspicuously rMrllluousll favorable tlvomble or easy to control controlCompetition cntrol cntrolCompttlon controlConititIoli Competition Compttlon for or cotton cotto18eld seed during the tremor great grentorprt tremorpart < r rprt part prt of thi th > yenr Ior was persistent Iwrslstlnt nod nd extreme lxtreme lxtremeI extremeIn In I character cl l I ctl buyers being belnl governed oerld by b3 the thefetich th thleteh thefetich fetich that however high the leteh thot howlver thl price paid for fori forlld brsped lld sped i > fd they thf could recoup rcou themselves thtrsllvewlt with n nprofit nprofl i iprottt profit profl by ly thi tJ tti sale eae of the th products product The the ne seed 8ld 8ldIn seedin In many sections Iletonl etIoii proved to be of poor quality qualityproducing qualityproducing Qualty Qualtypnmlfing producing pnmlfing oil 01 of Inferior grade and nd less 118 les than thannormal thanrormll thanrormi normal rormll rormi quantity Quantty to the ton Owing to the thobl theMih thebish bl Mih h priori rlOS of cotton Mttn oil 01 as compared compaed to other otheroil othtr othtroil otheroils oil oils and food products the fore Corl foreigi I en markets marketsf marketstiId marketsfailed tiId failed f iled to consume cnsume the average aVrale quantity Quantlt QuantltTi The Ti deficiency dencencr however hmveve was wa more than thanoir thanotbst oir 011 otbst t hy y an Increase In homo consumption consumptionand consumptionand and th thr season closed with a market cnsumpton cnsumptonInd bare of ofoil otoil oil oi for Immediate Immldloto demands demandsIt lemandsIt It is of vital Uallmportanc Importuned to t > alt al manufactur msnufacturIne manufacturIn Ine In countries that nmrknts mrlot shall hal be found foundfor Coundfor foundfor for their surplus products poduct It I la n singular singularMet elnaularftct singularfeet Met ftct that ttnt whllf whIt RurrluB nil ni other commercial cmmercial countries countriesnr tlnrl tlnrlRr nr are making mlklnl strenuous Itrtnuous efforts torts through throulh sub subtidies subJ subJfldl18 sublIdie tidies fldl18 Idie and nl bounties bountl8 to obtain possesilon of ofnew otnf ofmarkets new nf markets for their product proluct the tht > United UnitedBtntes tnltd tnltdBtntpl United8tate Btntpl Btntes remains lukewarm lukewlrm and nd disinclined dhllnclnfd to toaccord toacrrr toaccord accord acrrr any an substantial Ilbtantll encouragement fnruralement to toconoprvp tornrrvl toconserve conserve rnrrvl and Inr develop trade tradl rven fVln with withcountrlos withCuntrlrl withcoiintrirs countrlos Cuntrlrl having hnvlnl the advantage advantale of oftbe the tbp shorter shorterbaul shortfr shortfrbuL shortertaul baul buL Notwithstanding Xotlthstanrlnl tho business blslntM of the thecompany thempRn thecompany company mpRn with neighboring npl hhnrlnl countries tIntrl18 con continues on ontlnurl continues ¬ tinues tlnurl to Increase IncrtnM and tnd hot hal great possibilities possibilitiesSTEEL pOllbltcs pOllbltcsST possibilitiesST7E4 STEEL ST ESlARES Suit RES ATLOWEST AT LOWEST RE REACT REACTo A I CT CTMo CTNe Mo o Cut t to n Be > t Made Madeinhe lad In the thl Price Ple or steel SterlPlatri St steelPlates rl rlPJat Plates PJat l Pool Decides DecidesFresh Dldl DecidesFresh Fresh Fesh low records were reached reche on the theNew theKew theNew New York Stock Exchange Echage yesterday by bythe b bthe bythe the securities surites of the United UOlt States Sttes Steel SteelCorporation Stel StelCorprato SteelCorporation Corporation Corprato The Te common cmmon shares shaes sold ld RS RSlow 81 aslow low as a 10 closing cloig at lOx 10 or J of a point pointunder pointuder pointunder under uder Mondays closing price prce The Te pre preferred prefere preferred ¬ ferred fere shares Bares sold sld as a low as 4DJ 40U 49 but cloned clonedat cIt at 50J 5 30 which whch was the te same ae as their tel closirg closirgprleo c0lJr closlrgprice g gpro price pro on Monday Monda while the 5 per COM COMsinking COlt COltmkulK caitsinking sinking fund fud bonds bnds touched touthe 65 6 closing cosig at 60 60There 6 60There There Tlere were a lot of rumors that meetings meetingswere meetlngl were ere going Klng on of the pools pols composed of ofthe 01Ih ofthe the Ih manufacturers mauaures of various vaious cmpe Lines lnes of fin tn ¬ ished Jshe steel Itel but It was staled stale late lte in tbe tbeafternoon tbeattron afternoon attron by a representative represnttve of the United Unite Rttes States Steel S l Corporation Corpratn that tht no changes changesme chgea I in prices Icl ha had b been me made yelterday yesterday Oneot Une me of the te pools ple that met wae 1 tlio tl0 steel stcolplate atol atolp1t steelpate plate p1t pool l and ad there thee was I a report that thatsteol thatstl thatstool stool stl plats plates would be reduced reduc reprt from 1178 1178New 1178New tit titNew New York basis tn 110 160 or 1165 166 j per 100 100pounds ioopcunds pounds Punds and ad from 116 160 Pittsburg Ptlburg to 116 lf 150 150Representatives 10 > 0 Representatives Repre8nttves of the pool pal said sid that the thematter thenmtter thenmtter nmtter of prices prces had ha come cme up up1 but it had hadas hadbn hadbeen bn been deide decided to refr reaffirm the 0 old d Iheule Iheuleal schedule scheduleas as al the demand demd was good goo enough eough to warrant warrantno wnrrat wnrratno warrantno no change ohage being beig mode mie The Te meeting meetrg will willbe wi willbe be b continued ontue today but it will wi be merely rertI rertIto to discuss dlsu8 details detil of or o the buniresH uUIIlesf There Therewill Therewill llere llerel will l not be b another aoter meeting mltlK for a month monlhI monthIt monthIt It I was wn reported reprtd that tat there will wi be a gee er ernl ernlsteel ernlmeting oralmeeting meting meeting ot roprelettos ropresontativas of al all the leaing leaingst leading leadingsteel steel st 1 manufacturers mufacWers held today tooay to consider considerprices consldC considerprices prices pricesTlio prlCsTle The Tle directors dlrectr of tho United Unite States Sttes Steel SteolCorporation Stel StelOrrratlou SteelCorporation Corporation Orrratlou held their regular monthly monthlymeeting monthlymeting monthlymeeting meeting meting yesterday yestoday but no statement statemet was wasmade wasmade made as to t the lhebusleF business transacted transactedROCKEFELLERS tacte tacteROCK transactedRUCKEFELLERS ROCKEFELLERS ROCK FELLERS IN N Y 1 CENTRAL CENTRALJames CENTIAI CENTIAIJamn CENTRALJames James Stlllmans 81lnlnl Election EIltUon Taken Tken to Mean MeanEnlarged MnnEnlarled MenEnlarged Enlarged Enlarled Interest InterestJames Inllrnt InllrntJaM InterestJam James JaM Jam Stillmnn Stimn president of the National NationalCity Natonal NatonalCty NationalCity City Cty Bank Bk has been elect elOted eiected ed a director drtorof of the theNew tbeKew theNew New York Central Centn and ad Hudnon Hudlm River Rver Rail Railroad Ri Ballroad ¬ road ra Company Compay succeeding VicoPresldent VicoPresldentK YlcoPsldent K t V W Rossltcr R6ter Mr Htillman Rtlma has ha also alsobeen als alsobeen been elected a member of the executive ben elete exeutve com committee commtee cornrnltteo ¬ mittee mtee In Wall Wal Street Strt ypsterday Ptcrdnyhls his election electionwas eleton eletonwas was construed cntruo a 8 as tangible evidence that the thesocallod the1alo thesocalled socallod 1alo Rockefeller Rocketeler or Standard Oil Oi in interoits Intere6tshae interoDts teroits tere6tshae have largely large increased Ilcra8d their stock stockholdings atockholdings stockholdings holdings In I the Now York Central Centrl William YVUlinmRockefeller Wllnm WllnmRckefeler WilliamJtockefeiler Rockefeller Rckefeler has ha been Len a director diretor of the Now NowYork No NoYork NowYork York Central Lentral for several 6etrI1 years and the H ei eitrance t tthat truce trance of Jl fr Stlman Stillinan Into earsJ t the Ie hoar of ofthat ofthat that company IB i ii not interpreted as a indicatho indicathoof Indicat 10 10M i o oif of if any Sl ally change in the management Innsoment the Val Vaidorrllt ValderU Vardonut donut t control contrl remaining undisturbed undl urbt but butas butI butas as I merely merp adding ading an I additional addtonal element of ofof ofot ofof of strength at ren th to it itAccording I itAccording According Accrding to the last annual aual report rpolt Issued isuuedby JSlued JSluedby Issuedby by the New York Central company tOIPIY tho ox executive oxeute oxecutive ¬ ecutive eute committee rmmte was made Ilde up of W K KVondorbilt KVanderbi KVanderbilt Vanderbilt Vanderbi F W V VandorLilt YaderLJt J Piorpont PiorpontMorgan Pltrnt PltrntMorKun PiorpontMorgan Morgan Samuel 11luel F Barcor Brjlr H McK McKlwom McKlwomLand Twom Twomblyand 1wornbly blyand Land bly and William Wilal Rockefeller Hockerelel with lh Chauucoy Cauncoy M Deow and ad W V II I Newman members niembernex mtmerK mtmerKex ex officio officioIt ofcio ofcioI It I was WI stated ato yesterday e terday that E V W WRlitel WRossitor V VRossitor Rossitor Rlitel will wi retain his hi first frt vioeprestdency voprldenc voprldencad vloeprostdencyand i iand and ad that that change ChnlC in other executive places placesare plactt are not expected oxreotndWant expectedWant tAd tAdWantDlterntal1 Want WantDlterntal1 DlfTerentlali Abolished AbolishedAs Abolalr As the te result rtult of a request reuet of the Erie ErieRailroad Ed EdRUrad Erieflailcoad Railroad RUrad to the joint passenger p nger committee committeefor cmmite for differential dlerntlal rotes r tC on business buelne from the thePadfloCoast thePacfo thePaciflo PadfloCoast Pacfo Paciflo Coast the custom cu tom of giving differen differentials dllefn dllefntlas differ n ntints ¬ tints tlas may come cme to nn end Ind The committee committeerefused commltee commlteerfuee committeerefused refused rfuee the Eries Ere request rouMt and the road roadhas roadh8 roadhas has h8 demanded demaded arbitration arbitrationThe nrblrtlon nrblrtlonTe nrbitrntipnThe The Te other roads roadl are ar willlnp wiln to arbitrate arbitratebut arhltrt arhltrtbut arbitratebut but they want ant all differentials dlerentlals looked loolle into intowith Intowth Intowith with wth the idea of their abolition ablton They Theysav TheyMV Theysay say it Is I unfair unfar that the Erie Ero and other otherdifferential etherdlennUa otherdtfterentiaj differential dlennUa lines lnes may ma tt chorgo only onl 118 18 po poengor pl pas passenger engor tenKAr fare tar to Chicago Chiago against againt 120 20 by the thestandard te tetlandar thestandard standard tlandar lines linesRhlp InC InChip linesShip Ship hip Combine Comblnf Directors Drecor Dont Meet MeetA ret retA A director ditr of the thl International Interationl Mer Mercantile Mercantle Mereantile ¬ cantile cantle Marine Mare Company Cmpany said yesterday yesterdaythat YCtera YCterathat that the reports rpor that a directors dlreton mooting mootingwould motng motngwnuld meetingwould would be held yesterday tsterday wore wor erroneous erroneousThe erroneousTe erroneousThe The Te directors dirctr probably probbly will wl wilirneot meet tO10 tO10Umo sometime some somebut time this ronth ritonth added thil tlrs director directorbil directorbut adde but bil the meeting me < tn will 1 be b routine rutlno I hao hnohe he neiId heanl rd of no plnns plm for the attendance at ttndanc at It of ofHeir oJ 01herr Heir ler Ballin Da1n Baum of th Ihn Hamburg JImlmrl line lineEXPORTS lnt lntEOnT lineXIORTS EXPORTS EOnT Or H MERCJIAXDISK MERCJIAXDISKEiports EICJ1 ERCJI4NDIWEporti DUB DUBElpn Eiports Elpn of m merchandise nhandlS fm from the port Jr of St Stork Newotk New NewM ork a reported aHhe Custnl Cutoni UOUI OU5c complre complreM compare M follow foiowl with wih those of last Iat week eek and AI Ibo cur curpondlnr cor curSfCiOflolflg rfpndlnr fCiOflolflg pondlnr week one year reA ago sioThis aropI agoflu This pI flu fluLam wtrk k tii3fllunn tii3fllunnLinwerk I IC Linwerk Lam wept wept1it ivartfijl I r rI rFr Lutycir 1it Cr 7618501 7618501From 7813OLrroTn From Fr Jan I 110 to date they te compare compar a a as follows folon with withThis Itb ItbUI I last UI rtar rtarThl 15 15Tu This Thl year rear15I ar itnCUoas l 15I < tyear Ier ea tmO U6101i U6101i11tU1 416101756F l lfll7W lfll7WF F 11tU1 F IACIAL IVt XC1t 1 VOTES VOTESFrank OTES OTESf OTEFRnk f FRnk Frank > nk II I Pyke Pkl has hI hecn appointed east eastDounrt tMt Dounrt boun freight Irighngo ngent of the Delaware Lacka Lackswwina LackaMna Lackawantia oaPt wwina Mna aim Western Railroad The pfflce olfiCO Is Isn Isa isa 11U a n nw new w one oa created sttrn to lalroad expedite expeite handling handlnl ofce of ofMbounU 01t3Mluund oftnitbuuj t3Mluund tnitbuuj MbounU trnnic t T GOSSIP OF flFW4LL IFv4LI STREET STREETAlthough SREET SREETlhouah STREETtitbough Although lhouah the proportion proprton of trin tranoolonl tranottons iietlon I In the Steel stocks stcka to the day days n total market transactions transacions wan wa not po o l larll isrge rfr at 4 on Monday Hondly Steel fteel preferred prrtered had its It grmtoit Ittot volume fo for this movement movment so far rurulore more than 23500 23500Chares 235000shares Chares shares Tho felling ellll In the first hour was th the heaviest heulelt of the thl day FIIlnirwood Flnlood A Cunning ham and Rn J J Manning Mlnnlnl sold about 1000 1000Rharct 10000share share hare each on the opening and H I Ij I horton HortoiA noron norond A d t Co Edward Bweet A Co 0 Provost Bros BrosUeorge DrosOeorlo BrosUcorga Ueorge Oeorlo B Hopkins k t Co and Window Wlneo WlneoCo I ICo l lCo Co also olao were oro large sellers seler Order were die dietrlbutcd distribute dietributed trlbutcd tribute with wih the apparent Ipparen design of forcing the stock through 40 at lt which price prIc It I wu wusupposed wasuppod was wassupposed supposed suppod that some large larle stop top loss orders orderwould orderswould orderswould would be uncovered uncovre This suppo suppolton suppoltonproved suppoltion suppoltionproved ltloi ltloiproved proved to bo bl correct The first frt transaction transactloiat tran oton otonat at SO 5 was M one of 3700 370 shares followed folowe b btwo by bytwo bytwo two more moreot of Jsoo 10 and 1600 16 shares respeo respeotlvely rfspo rfspotvely reepsotively tlvely tvely Then there occurred ourre what man mantape many tape readers radts suspected IUSPlct to be a snap snp trade o oloo of loo 10 shares at 49 40J 9K The bear bar crowd en encountered encountered encountered countered determined determine resistance r0lstnnce on thl thlnew this thisnew thisnew new low level and Ind was WIS unable unblo at lt any time tlmito tme tmeto timeto to break the he price below 4D 0 K In addition addltloito additon additonto to active actve short shor covering coverlnl on a I large lar scale b boperators by byopratrs byoperators operators opratrs who sold the stock for 50 0 then thenwas there thereW8S therewas was some rather rlther Impressive Imprellv buying buTna 1 1wni It Itwas was reported repr d during duri I the day that large largiamounts lale laleamQunt largeamounts amounts amQunt of stock Itock were being bllnR delivered delvere t thouses to tohouseR tohouses < houses that thlt might be supposed suppoald to represent represenImportant representImportant representimportant Important financial Interests IntrestR From thiextreme the theetreme theextreme extreme etreme low price of 48Jf 49 the stock Itock ralllec ralllecto ralld ralldt ralliedto to t 51 Sli4 4 closing clollnl at MJ 6 < unchanged from fronMondays 1romMondays fromMondays Mondays final nnll quotation quotationThere quotaton quotatonThere quotationThere There were observers obsprho who did di not hesitate hciltatto helltatet hesitateto to t assert luprt last 18t night that the movement 1 1the In Intho inthe the Steel stocks totks had culminated clminated This Thlopinion Thisopinion Thisopinion opinion was based partly party upon upn the technical technicsaspects technicalIpect technicalaspecta aspects Ipect of the mark market t and partly p8rly upon upn In Information Informaton information formation formaton tending tnding to confirm certain cerain theories thoorlethat thorlel thorlelthat theoriesthat that have been bn entertained etertaine of market de devrlopmnnts deTllopmenta doveiopmenti vrlopmnnts Tllopmenta Insufficiently Insumctenty explained explaie by trade tradconditions tr tradeconditions de deconditons conditions conditons Rumors Rumor of a I more or less start starlnl startling startlingnature I In Innature nature concerning concrnlna the future of the United UnltvcStates Unlt UnitedStates d d8tltl States 8tltl Btecl 8t1 Corporation Corprlton were current crent yes yestorday 11a 11atorday yesterday torday afternoon afernoon Curiously enough enoulb the theseemed th thseeme they theyseemed seemed seeme to have leas IIM to do with wlh the recover recoverIn recovery recoveryIn In the price of the preferred prlCerred stork stoCk than tha specii speciiIntlve spocuIltle spectlative Intlve Iltle conditions condltonf The short Interest ti tiSteel In InSteel inSteei Steel preferred pre1ere Is I believed beleved to be enormous enormousficxrn enormouso enormousflOafl ficxrn o n traders and groups Ioupa of outside oper operatom opr oprators operator atom have made a great Ieat deal of money 01 01the on ontht onthe the tht short side of Steel fUel1 preferred The mar market market market ket for It has been brln practically practcRly unlimited unlmied ant antoperations and andoperatons andoperations operations operatons In the stock Itock have been feasible feasibletherefore feasiblethererore feasibletherefore therefore on a scale that could scarcely b battempted be beatemPted beattempted < attempted atemPted In any Iny other security ocurltWhen When the thimovement themovemlnt themovement movement movemlnt began belan It was predicted predlote that the thistock theetck thestock stock etck would break 50 and It did thafyester thafyesterday thater thaterday thstyeeterday day It I Is I the history of most bear bea cam cam1palgns campnll8 campalans palgns pnll8 based balId upon conditions conditons for which the thibear thebear thebear bear operators oper ton are not responsible respMlble themselves themselvethat themll themllthat themselvesthat that n large lare proportion of their profits li lilost la lalost iilost lost by persons rsons who overstay onrty their market marketThere marlet marletThere marketThere There Is II a lot of extravagant e tr aaant bear bea talk tak t tto to toto toto < to be bt heard hear on Steel preferred prellre and It Is 1 loud loudest loudpst loudet est In quarters where a fortnight fornllht ago alO the he price prloiof priceof Quarfrf of 50 was 1 named 04 8 the figure trre to t b b be reached reschecultimately reachedultimately ultimately ultimatelyMore ultmately ultmatelyMorl ultimatelyMore More Morl bear tip tp tips panned panne out yesterday yesterdayThe Ylsterda YlsterdaThe The most notable Instance of course cure was In InSteel InStlll inSteel Steel Stlll preferred But It was W said siid on Monday Mondaynight Mondl Mondlnirht Mondaynight night that that bearish belrlsh aggressions laareAlon8 would be ex extended exlended cxtended ¬ nirht tended to the railroad rairoad list lit on the following followingday folonl followingday day and Pennsylvania was aggressively aggressivelyattacked allefslnly allefslnlyat3rked aggressivelyattacked attacked at3rked yesterday yes erday It I suered a maximum maximumdecline maximumdlclne maxImumdecline decline dlclne of JJ per cent ct and Ind closed at lt a net netloss ne ne10s netlose loss 10s of 2 per pe cent cnt The stock etck had an unusual unusualvolume unusu unusuolumlmore unusualvolumemore volume volumemore olumlmore more than 235000 23so shares sharpsbut but Penn Pennsylvania PennlvRnhl Pennevivarria ¬ sylvania lvRnhl Is II what Is known as Baa a half hal stock stockwhich stocl stoclwhich stockwhich which Is to say that Its Is it par Ear Is SO r so that before beforebeing beforebeing beforebeing being compared with the transactions tranlactons In Inother Inolhlr inother other olhlr stocks stcu complre those thos In Pennsylvania Pennlala have to tobo tobe tobe be divided by two Pennsylvanias Plnnlyhalal volume volumeyesterday volumec volumeyesterday yesterday c trrday was Wil approximately approxlma ly onehalf na nalarge 1 1large aslarge large us that tha of Steel Stee preferred preferredThe preCerre preferredThe The principal prlncpnl bear crowd eowd In Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaIs Is f composed largely of Philadelphia Phladlphla opera operators operators operatore ¬ tors who ho concluded concude a very successful cam campaign campoln campalcn ¬ paign on the thl short shor side Ilde of the Hook only a afew atow afew few months ago around JJO 10 That operation operationwas operaton operatonaR Increase of stock stockThe atookThe stockThe was aR based upon a 0 large larae The arguments arluments now being bflna used tile against alllnlt Penn Pennsylvnnli llnn llnnsylvn leansylvnnii sylvnnli sylvn are nrt first Ort that the company has hl been beenIncreasing beln belnncrpaslnr beenIncreasIng Increasing ncrpaslnr Its Il fixed fxe charges oharle through throllh recent recentmoney recentmoney recentmoney money raising rilalnr operations operalonl and Ad second secondthat secondthat econt that a shrinkage IhrlnkAt of steel and Iron tonnage tonnagewould tonna tonnamlld tonnagewould would mlld I be bf reflected refecte more heavily heaviy In the earn earnings earnInp earninst ¬ than In the earnings earningsof ings of Pennsylvania PeD ylaDla erlnaa erlnaaot of nny other road Dirk Dck Bros and Post Postft PostFiala PostFlags ft Flags were prominent In the early Belling Bellingof selna selnaof of Pennsylvania yesterday etfday and traders trader par purtldpatcd fNr fNrtMpated partinipated tldpatcd tMpated actively ncthfly In the work of depression depressionHarris deprtslon deprtslonlurrls depressionIlarris Harris Gates A A Co Mcintyre A Marshall MarshallVY MRrshal lurrls VY B Mak W V H I Oliver Olver and Bouvler DOlvllr also alsoWIT aso asolnr alsowr WIT lnr heavy sellers felcr on th the decline declne A good gooddeal goodMnl gooddeal deal of nclllne nellnl was done dCD through tbrolrh brokers brokerswho broker brokerIho brokerswho dflUlatlons with withthe withthe Ith IthIhp who Iho ire re reputed rpPltod to have flaUona the Standard Oil al crowd so railed rale and ad advantage adntue advintage vantage ntue was WI taken taktn of their selling stltl to spread spreadrumors eprcadrumors spreadrumors rumors that tho stock was wa being belna depressed depressedby by Interests unfriendly unfren ly to the thl Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniamanagement Pennfylvanla Pennfylvanlamanaatmlnt Pennsylvaniamanagement management Brokers Irokers who are arl directly dIrecty In Interested Interestod inerected ¬ manaatmlnt erected In the campaign caDpalC admitted ndmit cyeltfrduy cyeltfrduyIhat yesterday yesterdaythat proportion of tho selling was wasof wasor wasof that a largo selnI larat proporton of speculative speculat origin but Insisted lslster that a good gooddeal 100d 100ddeal gooddeal deal of real rel stock etick had been dislodged dlllodie There Therewas Thfre Thfrewas Therewas bona fid tide liquidation liquidationbut was evidence Indeed Indee of tde lQuidaion lQuidaionbut but not In so large Iarle a volume oume as I to give Ilvo con concern concern concern ¬ cern cernThe cernThe cernThe The house hOlse that offered oferld on Monday on onbehalf onbehalf onbehalf behalf of somo client clent to bet SIOOOO 1100 even evn that thatPennsylvania thatPenMlvanla thatPennsylvania Pennsylvania would sell sel at par before selling sellingat solni solniat at 135 3S was l active acive In the selling selni yesterday yesterdayBearish reeterdaDearlh yesterdayBearich Bearish sentiment on the railroad rairoad stocks stocksis is being helnl Industriously In urtrlousy cultivated cultvated The New Newstreet Newatrept Nowstreet street bear clique was WI declared yesterday yesterdayto psteray psterayto to be responsible Iesponslbl for a good Iood deal of the bear bearish bearih bearMb ¬ ish advice current throughout tbrouehllt the Street Streetespecially Stret Stretespecnly Streetespecially especially ih with reference reerence to tho railroads railroadsIt riroads riroadsI especnly It looked to some fome observers obslrtrA as If advantage advantageas advanlageIS I IS sas as being taken of Pennsylvania depression depressionto depreRlon depreRlonto to cover Cover a lot of short short Steel ftlel There htro was np nppirently nppuent oppirently relation between the weakness weaknessof pirently puent tome rmf betwten weaknel weaknelor of Steel Htl11 preferred preferrld and the break brfak In Pennsyl Pennsylvania Plnnsl Plnnslvanlo P00031vatila ¬ vania owing no doubt to the fact that these theseare theseare theseare are the two to stocks In which there has exl txl exiated exiatedthe ted tedthe te the tnI greatest Rreatt t short Interest Intlrest many man operators operatorsor operator operatortor committed In both bothTho bothTho bothTho for or the tli decline being comlnltte Tho Philadelphia lhladelphll Phiiadolphilbear bear crowd cowd Is l said lald to tohave toh3 tohnvo I Ipreterro have h3 VP made a 1 killing llne on the short side of Steel Steelpreferred Steelpreferred preferred preterro and the Impression Impreion Is that It Is 1 ntlll ntllllicuvlly stl stillhielivill licuvlly I 1 I short of the stock This Philadel Philadelphia Ihladel Ihladelphla iThiladelpIllS ¬ pIllS crowd Is something Iomcthlng more than a 1 com combination comblnaton cornliinatioii ¬ bination blnaton of traders tadei It Includes Include men mfn of con considerable considerable ¬ Idrlbll siderable prominence who have made a 1 great greatdeiil areotdel greatdeal deal del I of money for themselves themselve and their fol followers Collowers followers ¬ lowers on the short side of the market Their Theiroperations Theiroperatons Theiroperations operations operatons are not confined connne to Steel Slepl and Penn Pennsylvania PennIyhnnla Pennsyivnnia ¬ sylvania They are said to bo b committed committedIn ommlted ommltedIn In other stocks stocksThere stockshlre stocksrliere There hlre was Wil a somewhat larger borrowing borrowingdemand brrowing brrowingdfmand borrowingdemand demand dfmand for stocks StCkR In the loan department departmentyesterday departmentresterday departmentyesterday yesterday afternoon afternon Brokers Droker reported reprte that thatfrom thattram thatfrom from what they could HOP the short Interest InterestIn Interesti In the thl general Ilneral market markft had been betn Increasing IncreasingTho Increa Jnr Jnrhn Tho i hn demand dema d for Pennsylvania lennsylala was W S remark remarkably rcmMkably remarkably ¬ ably active actve and nn that for Steel 8tet1 preferred preferredshowed prlftrrpd prlftrrpdSIOWe preferrediowed showed no perceptible perceptble decline declnt Other slock slockh IIockR siocksii SIOWe h active nctve request rpQutst worn Biltlmore Ihltmore and Ild Ohio OhioUnion OhioUnion 1110Union Union Paclflo pnclo and nnl Missouri Misouri Pacific Pacifc A quiet quintdemand quietd quietdemand d demand Olnd for Atchison Atchl OI wits Wid also reported reportedThere rcpotll reportedThere There wa WI was not much Inquiry for Steel com common COl COlmOD coiimon ¬ mon U la evident that t hl traders consider considerthat consldorthnt considerttiLL that stork too low 101 to permit of extensive cxtnnslveoperations oxtnnsleOleritolR extensiveopertLolIa operations OleritolR on the short side sideAmalgamated aideAtnalgannted lle lleAmahllunute Amalgamated Amahllunute Copporrt CUPPlr sharp upward upwardmovement Ullllud UlllludWIR tipwardmovennt movement was WIR due to buying burhl which appeared appearedtj 3ppCrc 3ppCrct t tj proceed from sources lurcrs that thlt have In the theput thep thep p put L Ct Jocce t boon veil Ifel Informed on tho conditions conditionsgoverning condllun condllungornlng conditionsgoverning governing this thl stoilc Ever Mtico sllo the liifct liifctHarry Ilbt Ilbtfurrr Itttflurry Harry In II tin1 tl stock It has been ufCn singularly singularlyurnna Alnlulnrl slnguiariysr0nJ furrr Inuctlvo and brokers have havereported haveretiorted urnna I WJ I though thollh Inuclvl Irulwr h3t h3treporte reported from time lmp to time HiI that It 1 WIIB Wil lle np npprently nl nlp flup reporte p prently rrntly belli belll being nccumulated lcUlulltd In n I quiet 1ull way wuyt waybr 11 11bi Interest A week or so ISO atten attention ¬ bi t > strong strollintenil ik 10 uten utentnn tion wns 1 II attracted to the th stock by b tin Ih per perdence IwrItenet 1 dence Itenet with wih which brurlh bfarlh tips tp wore w re uir uirjjluted croJlltel r roiiatei jjluted meet hl n tll tl > became hecle no i prevalent prevalentin in oJlltel Monday lond IH It to uxclte Ixcte both curiosity curlos1 and nndijonliclsm Ind Inds andse1ittcisn i1 market developments dlelolentK of oflomn ofsnln ofStililO ijonliclsm s optclsl 1c lurket lomn kind were wlr generally Imerll oxpocted It wn wne wal walt was wast t e talk lust night that a 1 campaign clmpuln hiu hnc been beenjkUti IIn IInb lJeCflbgun b bgun jkUti the object obJlt of which will 1 be to put the theiiock the81ek thewok wok lun to 50 5 There wore rumors rUlore of course courseif tourle tourleor courseof 81ek Hottlcment t with llelnzc hut nothing nt nttit utal atall or if a Rtttemt wih Irlnzt all tit definite Very little Ittt Is generally known knowna al delnlte the speculative position of the stock stockThe stockThe stockThe a ii 1 to spculatve psiton The traction stocks stock especially especAly Manhattan Manhattannd Manhnttn Manhnttnand Manhattanand tracton and nd Metropolitan Metrpoltn were again conspicuous conspicuouseatures onspicuoul onspicuoultuturn conspicuousfeatures features of tho bull bul side of the market with withhe withthe withthe the he buying bulnl attributed atribut as before btor to the up upown up uptown town own contingent It It Is believed belevd by some I rather well Informed iCore persons prnl that an im important i tmportent portent prtant campaign capall In the traction tracion stocks stckl ha haboen has hasbeen been undertaken An abrupt abrpt advance advac It Itthe In Inthl inthe the thl price pic of 01ltrborouIh Interborough on the curb market markeattracted marketattractpd marketattracted attracted a good deal d al of attention attnton yesterday yesterdayThis yesterdayThis cstrday cstrdayThis This Is I a stock In which the speculative lpculatve In Interest Intrelt intereat terest trelt Is meagro meolr It I Is reported reprte that traction tractloisecurities tracton tractonsecurites tractionsecurities securities securites havo been steadily swadly delivered delyered lnt lntsome into intosome < some of the strongest offices omol In the Street fo foeomo for CorBomo forsome some time tme past plst the Inference iterenc being that thothe thatthe thatthe the stocks are being accumulated accmulate for some soroidefinite 5000 5000dennlto somedefinito definite purpose purposeJudge purpse purpseJudle purposeJudge Judge Judle William Wlinm H UMoore Moore 100re of the Hock IloclIsland HockJsIlnd flockIsland Island JsIlnd party part has hl returned to t the Street after aftea afer afera aftera a prolonged prolonatd absence nbsenc at his country cuntry place pl o li liMassachusetts In Infls5chusdta inMassachusetts Massachusetts fls5chusdta All Al the members of th thRock the theRock tIreRock Rock Island party plrty with wih the exception excepton o oJames of ofJnmes ofJames James U Moore 10 oro are now here Naturally Nnturalljthere Naturoly Naturolythere Naturallythere there Has DI ftaa been n some activity actvity In Rock Islam Islamquarters blandQuartr Islandquarters quarters quarters this week but It does dOlI not follovthat follow Colow Colowthat followthat that this presages activity acivity In the stock mar market marklt market ket klt The Moore contingent contnaent has been ou ouof out outof outof of the market for nearly a year Ior Thero have hnvibeen hnebeen havebeen been several Individual operations operatons In Rock RoclIsland Rock118nd RockIsland Island 118nd stock ltck but nothing nothlnl on the order of i icampaign a acampaig acampaign campaign campaig Judge Judle Mooro Is l perhaps perhap thi thimost the themost themost most taciturn taciur man In Wall Wal all Street Strlet and I Icannot It Itclnnot itcannot cannot clnnot bo learned lemo that he has ha expressed exprtssed an anopinion any anyopinion anyopinion opinion of the stock market outlook since alncihis sincehis his return returnImpressions retur returImpressions returnImpressions Impressions of the market last Ilst night were wenconfused werecontusld wereconfused confused contusld to an unusual Inusual degree delrtl 1 havispent have havespent havespent spent A I good deal of oftimeon time tmn on the floor loor today todayaid tooay tooaytd todaysaid aid td the head hea of a large Western Westr wire house houseand hOU8 hOU8and houseand and I find that people nro dazed dazld That li lithe Is Isthe I Ithe the only word I can use uSltor for It Some Sme think thlnlcertain thik thikctrtln thinkcertain certain ctrtln stocks are cheap but are afraid ti tibuy to tobu tobuy buy bu and others other think certain crtat stocks art artgoing oroIola aregoing going Iola lower 10lr but are afraid to sell eel Profes Professlonal ProCpl ProCplslonal Professional slonal operators operntorsare are reluctant rtluctant to take attitude attitudeand atltudls atltudlsand attitudesand and confine confn themselves thlselvls to scalping scnlplnl fractions fractionsprofits Cractonal Cractonalproft fractionalprofits brokers good deal dcaImpressed dealimpressed profits proft Some were a dtal dtalIpresse Impressed Ipresse yesterday with wih tho buying buri the thesaw thtY thtYSIW they theysaw saw SIW and were Inclined Inclnl to think the selllni selllnihad selna selnahad sellinghad had been bten overdone oVtrdonc Positive Positve opinions oplnlonl how however however however ever were generally lonlral1 withheld persons for foiwhoso forwhoi forwhose whoso whoi judgment of market mnrke conditions conditons then thenIs thlrA thlrAIs Is it any respect being blnl as reluctant reluct nt to commit commlthemselves cmmit cmmittholneels committhemselves themselves by b expression expreselol as traders were wtrA t ttake to totake totake < take attitudes on either Ithlr side ido of the market marketLARGE marketLGE marketLARGE LARGE LGE GOLD IMPORTS 11 POlTS EXPECTED EXPECTEDNo No Aotnal Aotaa Encasements Enlalement Announced Annoantterl AnnoantterlInJ Announcedterl Announcedterlln Sterl SterlIns Ins InJ ln Exchange Exohanle at 4888 4888Sterling 4553Sterling 881 881Sterlng Sterling Sterlng exchange rates rtes had a further furtheisharp furher furherIhar furthersharp with demand demandbills demandbUs demandbills sharp Ihar tumble tuble yesterday oteray wth bills bUs selling Blng as 4 low as 1 SU3 84833 4833 The Te decline declineled delno delnole declineled led le to t much talk tl about abut additional adtonal large largeengagements largeengageent largeengagements engagements engageent of gold for import Iprt from fromEurope tromEurp frontEurope Europe Eurp and ad it was wa rumored rore that tat tentative tentativearrangements tntatve tntatvearragement tentativearrangements arrangements arragement had already alredy been bn made madefor madefor madefor for the importation Imprtion of 1300 3000000 to 150 5000 000 0 The opinion was VI expressed oxprl ed in some Borneforeign sometoregn someforeign foreign toregn exchange exohage quarters quarer that the heavy hevy market had resulted resultedIn break brek in the exchange echange ha In a situation eltuaton whore despite any checks checksthis checksthat a athat that might b be appled applied abroad t to prevent preenta a 108 loss of gold to thi tide cuntry country a movement movementthis movementthis this way could culd not be avoided avoide A feature featureIn featureI featureIn In I tho e smash Ilh in exchange rat rt rates a won M a a rush rushinto rsh rshInto rushinto into the market of bills bil representing rpreenUngshlp rpreenUngshlpmont ship shipments shipmenta ¬ ments mont of cotton Mton abroad abroadDespite abroa abroadDespite Despite Deeple the expectation expectaton that further furtherlarge turtherlarg furtherlarge large larg additional additonl gold Import Imprt engagements engagementswero engagementswer were wer Impending Imp mdlnl up to t the close of bnslncn bnslncnno 1 1no no actual announcement announcent of any anv such luch en engagement engageent engagement ¬ gagement gageent was 18 made mae The steamship steaship Kaiser KaiserWiThelm Kaier KaierWihel KaiserWilhelm WiThelm Wihel II I which arrived from trm Bremen Bremenhad Brelen Brelenhld Bromnnenhad had hld on board bar 95000 950 in gold consigned cnlgne to tothe tothe tothe the National City Bank Dn It I was wa stated stte that thatLawrence tha thaLwnc thatLawrence Lawrence Lwnc Turnuro Tmur A k Co were wer receiving recclll 200000 200 gold goldW by the steamship stemship MorroCnstle MorroCnstlefrom MoroCte MoroCtefrm Morro Castle Castlefrom from frm Cuba Cb This Tis is i foreign forign gold coin which whichwill whichwl whichwill will wl be b held In this city cty until untl such time timeas tme tmea as a the the bankers banker find fnd It convenient cmonlent to return returnit it to t the thelland island That will wU probably prbbly be early earlyIn < ly lyIn In December Dember when the sugar crop com commences cm cmmenc cornmences ¬ menc mences to be b moved movedDAILY move moveDAILY movedDAILY DAILY TREASURY TREASlR STATEMENT STATEMETWAsntNOTOK STATElEoT STATElEoTWASRIOTi STATEMENTWA5ITIWOTOX WAsntNOTOK WASRIOTi Nov 10 10Tbe The cash eah statement of ofthe ottbe ofthe the snows receipt rcepl and Ad expenditures of the Treasury Treasurysnows Taur Treasuryshows aows Tlitt day dV This Thl moms monh Flieatvtar FlieatvtarReceipts Flrol Fiseat tear tearReceiptstOeS1O1 o oRept Receipts ReceiptstOeS1O1 ItCCSlOl t0IOI tUfiSSX 1112s 1203628106 1203628106Expenditures S6210 2o35zelooExpeadhures Rept Expenditures Expendlur 1640000 t tDenaU 15190000 axS18On axS18OnDeficit 204015017Defleit Deficit W71B99 48 t2OeiISO 20118 tlS91mi tlS91miThe 51391511The U91UI The receipts p from frm customs cutm today were w n 712773 S1i2772from 712773from 1277 Te from Internal < revenue r venue S272549 U7M9 miscellaneous miscellaneousK3MO mllelaneou fm K3MO 1 Inrn8 National lalona built notes received rcled for redemp redemption rccemp redemptoo ¬ too WSTOOJ WSTOOJThe 487043TIle 10 10aC The cash aC statement of the United UnItd States Tress Treasurer Ta Tressuniv ¬ urn for Nov 10 show showRXSIBTB sbolRUIS showsassisTs assisTs RUIS yemen rUVDGold rD rDGld yemenGold Gold Gld cola cin tlSOoooOOO tlSOoooOOOT 1500 120000004mrst T ntsT mrst rst reaD rCNDHeld FND FNDHeld reaDHeld Held against notes and certificates arWlrlte cerllrteatea915131869 cerllrteatea915131869aaxaaAareao tWSlSlSW tWSlSlSWOKXIIUL 95t te OKXIIUL OIKIRAL aaxaaAareao aaxaaAareaoGold FtJKD FtJKDGold FND FNDOold Gold coin cin and ad bullion bullon 74C78MO 74C78MOGold 7ti88 74078t20Gold Gold certificates certifteatesStandard S88282S S88282SStandard S88Z Standard silver dollars 3787023 3787023Silver 378723SUv 3757023Silver Sladarc slver dolars Silver SUv r certificates c rlnca 7313878 7313878SUrer 7SIS79 7SIS79SU 7313579Silver SUrer SU r bullion bulion 1 4Mi4 4648 408441 408441United l lUnited United Unll d State Siale note 4613200 4613200National 4513200National 632 National bank note nota 8275709 8275709Subsidiary 827iO 8272700Suasldlary Subsidiary Subidiar alon8 silver 11er and minor mior coin ell 8441334 8441334Total 8661mToll 8441334Total Total TotalIn Toll 1147792066 5147792856In Hi72 Hi72rw In national a bunks bunksAwaiting 1720 m 172045406 172045406Awaiting a4M Awaiting rw rwII II reimbursement reimbursementTotal e iD D 428475 428475Total m I I II ITolal Total TotalLiabilities 1320270506 13202705069501fl6S7 t2270 5320270356LIabilities I Llablllcs Liabilities LiabilitiesCash 9501fl6S7 9501fl6S7lDVSTRIAL 93010857Cash OI667 OI667Ob Cash Ob balance btA balanceINDUSTRIAI m2S93 m2S93l lDVSTRIAL l DUSTRAI EARIOS EARIOSToe EtRNINGSTe Toe American Aerean Cotton Cton Oil 01 Company Companyreports report repr for fortbe forbe forthe the be Te year ended elde tug ur 31 a last lastl 1 lastloon l 19 loon 03 1802 lO CAanpM CAanpMTet ChnUt CUJflQeSNet Net Ne profit prnto profIt1885081 tleo5oei a 0I J2S7S209 3320 Dec 708lli 708lliebbondtnt 70t2 704126Beb Deb ebbondtnt bond tat 195000 I O 154000 154000Balance I 136t 136tlialance O OBalace Balance Balace 11590081 t 80I t2238200 2320 Dec De 708124 708124Dlv 7012 708126Div Dlv pfdltk07l pfd Itk O OllUlO 01910 611810 611810Balance 01910 01910BaDC 811910Balance Balance BalanceDlv SOI 1911165 I6 tl626290 Dec De t70Si3 t70Si3S09484 70125 70125Dlv 708125Divcomstock Dlv Divcomstock BaDC com Mock ttoek S09484 1214220 l2U22 Dec 404742 404742tlM081 4072 4072Srlus 404742Surplus Srlus Surplus tlM081 IOAl t412064 1204 Dec De 1303383 1303383STEAMBOATS SS8 SS8STFUmOA 5303383STEAMIIOATS STEAMBOATS STFUmOA STEAMIIOATSB STEAMBOATSDflOTiliVI TS TSBOSTON DflOTiliVI AND POINTS IN INDUO INNEW INNEW DUO BOSTON B I UN NEW ENGLAND ENGLANDFALL FALL RIVER LINE LE via Newport epon and ad Fall laU River RiverLeave Rnr RnrLeAe RiverLease Leave Pier in N It I loot of Warren anrn St week days daysonly daraVtil daysonly only at 600 1 31 Steamers A IHSILL PRISCILLA and andPURITAN Dl DlSTONINOTON PURITAN Vtil Orchestra hr lra oa each each8TOMNGTON eachSTONlNGTO4 8TOMNGTON LINK via Stonlngton Lye Pier Per 40 N II foot Clarksun llarkson St SII week day days only at II 000 000P 00 000P P M I sin 51 MAIN and NEW ES HAMPSHIRE HAMPSHIRENORWIC1I IA I1A4IS1i1Jt1r4oJc ISHIE ISHIENO NORWIC1I NO r4oJc 1UCI Icif LIME Ma Va New London Lndon Leave Pl Per PerOJ Pier r 40 OJ N H I foot 101 01 Clarkson CIArkon St week days only olly at ateA a eA 6 60 P 1 M I Steamers ltnmer CITY OF LOWELL LWELL LOItELL and andCITV ad adCITY andCiTY CITY OF WORCESTER WOKCKSTKRftEW WORCrfm WORCrfmNEW WORCESTERNKW NEW HAVEN 01 LINK LI for New Haven 11en Hartford HartfordSprlcrnilil Halford hartfordSprinyneid Sprlcrnilil and the Nona orb Leave Pier Iler 40 N K Kfoot Mfot 54foot foot 5prntneld fot of Clarkson Clakson St week days dals only onl at 400 u P PSteamer U USteamer IiSteamer Steamer 1UC1IARU ICUAID PECK PECKJOY PECIJOY PLC1OJoy JOY S150 S150TO TO PROVIDENCE PROVIDENCEIP PROVIDENCELINE PROVIDENCEI LINE I INE IP Past FAt and ad elegant eleral steamer steamer leave leaveNew leaveNew leaveNew New York ork ever eel every > week day at 5 P U Ufrom Stfrom I Itrm trm from Pier Per 33 3 East EAt River nr foot fot of Catharine Catharne St StPhone S Spbone siPhone Phone too 8 Orchard OrchardPEOPLES OrchardPEOPLES OrchardPEOPLES PEOPLES LINE LINEFOR FOR ALI1ANT ALI1ANTADIRONDACK ALIA ALIAADIO ALI1tNTADIRONDACK ADIRONDACK ADIO DACK OR DEAN DEN RICUMOXD RICUMOXDleaves ICUMOSD ICUMOSDlrves ItICLISIONCleavea leaves Pier 32 N n fool fol Canal St at 0 P M week weekdas weekdays I Ilays lays lrves connecting nnecl 3 nr with wili trains Sunday Sunda Included Inrudtdl for forotnts lorponl forp01010 < ponl p01010 > otnts North orlh Cast a and ad West Kxcurslon J260 J260OnV t2 t2TROY 208 208Tiru Tiru OnV I IMP SAIIATOGA I or CITY OP OPnUT 01U TROY nUT U 9 Ulit LNE h NE THOY t re leaves Vest est but SI SIler StPier r Pier ler dally 0 P M except tlrrpL Saturday latunaj Direct rret railroad railroadnnnecllon ralrold ralroldronlteUOI railroadronrectIOll Jer nnnecllon ronlteUOI da1 at Troy Tro for all al points poln north and Mi nabSunday cut cutlunday etSundn Sunday steamers len me touch at Albany AlbanyCatskill AlbanyCatski AlbanyCatskill Catski Catskill Hudson and Coisackie Coisackieinaw CxAckie CxAckielonl hoots every eel week day at Six P M from Pier 4 4ortli fS fS1GIIe 4North lonl 1GIIe North > ortli Itlvrr OCICAN OCI AS STICAXIKIIS STICAXIKIISCANADIAN NTI STEA3lElICANADIAN Amm AmmmFI CANADIAN mFI PACIFIC RAILWAY RAILWAYntrnded RAILWAIntlnded ntrnded Steamihlp Stemhlp Halllniti Hallnu from Vancouver Vancouverfor ancouur ancouurfor for Japan China and Philippine Ihlppine lilandt lilandtup hlnd hlndl Iliandlrnt lrnt up of China Clllla Nov No OV 80 3 Emp ip of JapanJan25 JapanJan25iMSAlunilaii JapsnlJan2504icc 04 04Ii Ii iMSAlunilaii l SAL eIIAU Ore icc 14 111 Hraiiuf lmp ChinaFcb2204 otCjlln utClilna1ebn4Fmnp ChinaFcb2204mp el2 Fmnp mp of ollldla IndiaDec India Oer 2S 2 RifSAthcnlanMar7U4 RifSAthcnlanMar7U4awalian IMShnlanMarU4 IMShnlanMarU4HiwAlan ItiSAtluaIanMaio4tiawiiafl awalian HiwAlan ml rljllilmdi Fiji Islands Australia Australlnd and New CW Zealand ZealandjiaiKv Zcll Zeala3dtalrn d dMlnn jiaiKv Dec 11 I i Mlowera MioworaJan lowtra Jan 8 Ot Otor Otjor 04Iur jor Mlnn Iur or nt f f ii and Information Inforalon apply at II MS 3 4 i nwny Own OwnAMERICAN I1wayAMERICAN I IAMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN LINE LINEns LNE LNEW NIW ns W YORKSOUTHAMITOVLONDOV YORKSOUTHAMITOVLONDOVt O KSOUTIAMITOLODO KSOUTIAMITOLODOStIul StIul UmlsNov t O HOJOAM II 0 03A A M I I St Il PauLNov laUIO Patil Nov 2S 2 259SOA 9 SOAM SOAMK 0 M Mew Idew ew orkNGv21YA K I il O IA 1 Id VI Iall l541s linll iec ll tc o x 5 nln 0 oao All AllRED M MRED IdRED RED STAR LINE LINENEW LNE LNEwonKA NEW wonKA YOHK TOI1KtNTVEItPPAltIS TOI1KtNTVEItPPAltISVdcr1d ANTWERPPAUIS ANTWERPPAUISndrrlU WRIPAIIS WRIPAIISndtId ndrrlU Novl4ICUWAM I Zetland Nov21IOSO ov21IO AM AMrwA AMKrnld AMRrnld Krnld ndtId rwA Nov NO SUHIOM 0 21l 211 211030 ao AM I IZttnnd Hnland lire IfC S 1030 JO3 AM AMlera AMI AMPlera I Plera lera e U I I and ad andi3 15 N R Once M Broadway lrndya N NANCHOR Y YMOUflO YANCHORLINE MOUflO I LI 1 IM N P E Oln OI OILondonde Bow and andrlwlivn ANCHOR ANCHORLINE rlwlivn bllVCt Londonderrr Londonderrrolumbla Londonde LondondeColumbia 7LIC 7LICColumbia Columbia Nov 143 I 14 3 PM P I AstoriaDec lorllUer S 10 AM AMurnessla A tMFuroessla I IFurnela urnessla Furnela Nov 0 2 noon II I Ethiopia r1 lopla Dec 19 Noon NoonFirst Noontlrst on onnr1 First saloon MO 08 to t 8108 81083econd I10 I10tcond 10 3econd tcond d cabin SJ and up ol third I clans < KK S 35 and ld up upFor u uFor For dn new n aIil Illustrated rI UJ book of 1 clg tours i apply applyhENDERSON k Ul to toIENDERSON IENDERSON Ir JEDERSO BROThERS nOTUE S 17 1 and Ad 1 19 Bway N Y FANCA FINANCIAL I FINANCIAL FINANCIALMARCONI FNANCAL FINANCIALMARCONI u MARCONI SECURITIES SECURITIESAre 1iIT1i1 1iIT1i1Are Are one of the safest and promise to be the most mostprofitable mostprofitable mostprofitable profitable investment ever offered ofered to the public publicProbably publc publcProbably publicProbably Probably no Investment Invesment his been offered ofere since the Bell Bel Telephone Teepbone stock tak went wentbegging wentbeging wentbegging begging beging at t one dollar dolar a share which sold at a thousand dollars dolar a share shortly shortlyafterwards shorflyaferads shortlyafterwerds afterwards aferads that offers offer the opportunities opportunitie of an Investment in inMARCONI InMARCONI inMARCONI MARCONI WIRELESS TELEfiRAPH TELEfRAPI COMPANY COMPANYOF CO MP ANY ANYOF OF AMERICA AMERICAAs AIERIA AIERIAAs As A evidence of the good god faith faih management economical working and relia reliability rela relablty rellablilty ¬ bility blty of the company among amonl those of tbe directorate dirctorate are areE arcI areII II I H Na New HCJtRE 3tCLURE Y O of lelu1 McClure Mab Magasin Wo W U DI HENTLET Ne New T0k York YorkNew E noTj ROLLNS Turk rk Mons of o E ROIU Mm 1 LYAL LOYAL l L L oSo 811 511511 CapiaUlt Capitalist TnTto Chlcalo Chicigo MORE Rol lon a Bro Hanker Boston Maa ROBERT RO UT OOODUOOT r of Robert Good GoodGCOUBLMO GoodGVGLIELMO < GCOUBLMO BOltn bod body a CIa Co Bnk Banks N NW w T York YorkEVGF YorkEUGENE rh rhEVOKVE GtGLELHO MARCONI hrentor lavDtor bod EUGENE EVGF E n LEWIS LflS MARCONI of o f EatOB Etoa a LewIs rw CYRD8 OYU8 S 8EOOW1OK 8EOWSOK of o Hall aU Slnul Co CoAttrsatLa CoAU11atLY CoAttystLaw AttrsatLa AU11atLY > r Mew Ne Tork New No York YorkJOHN YorkHen YorkJOlN YorkJOHN JOHN JOlN E E OIPE OIPE Montreal loncel Hen JOHN UN W OBICGH ORIGI former forme Attorney AttorneyW AttorneyGeneral Alor W R i BETTS UE New York General OeenlofhetnleStaNwYork OeenlofhetnleStaNwYorkTHE of the VnltedatatM New York TorkTHE YorkTHE THE ENQINEERINQ ENONEERINO BOARD BARD INCLUDES INCLUDESTHOMAS INCLUDBSTHOMAS INCLUDESTHOMAS THOMAS A EDISON EDSON GUGLIELMO GUGLELMO MARCONI MICHAEL MICHAELIDVORSKY MICHAELIVORSKY MIOHAELIDVORSKY IDVORSKY IVORSKY PUPIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS ENGINEERSThe The Marconi Marcni System has the endorsement endorement of the entire press prs of the United UnitedStates UnitedSfate UnitedStates States Sfate and telegrams are accepted at the offices ofcel of the company and also at any anyoffice anyonce anyoffice office once of the postal telegraph and cable companies for transmission tansmision via the Com Companys Companys Cornpanys ¬ panys Shore Stations Slatons to passengers pllenger on board the following folowing TRANSATLANTIC TRANSATLANTICSTEAMSHIPS TRANSATLANTICSTEAMSHIPS TRANSATLANTICSTEAMSHIPS STEAMSHIPS WHICH ARE FITTED PITED WITH THE MARCONI SYSTEM OF OFWIRELESS OFWIELESS OPWIRELESS WIRELESS WIELESS TELEGRAPHY MINNEAPOLIS MINNEHAHA MINNETON MINNETONKA KA LA BRETAGNE LA SAVOIE SAVOE LA TOURAINE AURANIA CAMPANIA CAMPANIACARPATHIA CAMPANIACARPATHIA CAMPANIACARPATHIA CARPATHIA ETRURIA LUCANIA IVERNIA SAXONIA UMBRIA AU AUGUSTE AUGUSTE AUGUSTE GUSTE VICTORIA FUERST BISMARCK BLUECHER DEUTSCHLAND DEUTSCHLANDMOLTKE DEUTSCHLANDMOLTKE DEUTSCHLANDMOLTKE MOLTKE KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE KAISER WILHELM DER DERII DERI II I KRONPRINZ WILHELM TUNISIAN PARISIAN BAVARIAN NEW NEWYORK NEWYORK NEWYORK YORK PHILADELPHIA ST LOUIS ST PAUL PAUL FINLAND KROONLAND KROONLANDZEELAND KRONLAND KRONLANDZEELAND KROONLANDZEELAND ZEELAND VADERLAND VADERLANDThe VADERLANThe The Marconi Company Is In operation at a South Wellfleet Welneet Cape Cod Co Mass MassSagaponack MaslSagaponack MassSsgaponack Sagaponack L I Babylon L I IChicago Chicago III I Milwaukee Miwaukee WIs Wi and other places placesThere placesThere placesThere basis There are no bonds or Preferred Preered Stock Stak every ever stockholder being on the same samebasis sme smebasis samebasis The following folowing are ae a few extracts extrcts of the hundreds that have appeared in the thedally thedaiy thedaily dally daiy newspapers newspapersNew newspaper newspaperNew newspapersNew New York World October 4th 1903 1903When 1903When 1903When When the Dell Del Telephone Stock Stok was wa first frst put upon the mar market market market ¬ ket twentyfive twentyfve years ago aIo It went begging bgging at 100 10 a share but 100 10 then invested Increased to more than 5100000 100 and the theprofits theprofit theprofits profits profit of an original investor of 10000 100 are more mor than 200000 200000The 20 200000The The Telephone scope scop of the Wireless System U I wider than that of the Bell BellTelephone Bel BellTelephone The Plttsburg Pltsburg Press October 4th 1903 1903The 1903The 1903The The future earning capacity capaciy of the MARCONI WIRELESS WIRELESSTELEGRAPH WIRELESSTELEGRAPH WIRELESSTELEGRAPH TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA Is believed bleved to be b con conservatlvely cn cnservatlvely conservatlveiy servatlvely considered cnsidere the superior of any investment that has hasbeen hasben hasbeen been ben presented presente to the public publc for many years yearsThrough yearsThrough yearsThrough Through the managers manager of the Underwriting Underting Syndicate which controls control the stock stockof stockof stockof of the Company now offered for sale we are enabled to offer ofer only a limited limitedamount lmied lmiedamount limitedamount amount of certificates certielte of deposit issued isued by the Continental Cntlnenfal Trust Trst Company of New NewYork NewYork NewYork York representing 500 of of the stock of the MARCONI WIRELESS TELE TELEGRAPH TELEGRArH TELEGRAH ¬ GRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA at par 500 Certificates Crtlcates are full ful paid paidand paidand paidand and nonassessable nODasesable Early remittance remitance is i requested requesed as the price prce of these certifi certificates cerl certiticafes ¬ cafes caes will wi be materially materialy advanced in a short period perio In subscribing sbcribing for certificates certificatesmake certfcates certfcatesmake certificatesmake make checks payable to F P WARD CO COFor COFor COFor For full aU and complete cmplea Iormton Information Including Incadla prospects propetu descriptions derlptO etc etcelcH etcoCe etcetc elcH etc address addea addeaF F P WARD < COMPANY COMPANYBANKERS BANKERS BANKERSLand BANKERSLnd BANKERSLand Land Lnd Title Tito BuIlding Buldln Philadelphia Pbladelphla Pa PaFarmers Pa PaFarmcrs Farmers Bank Bnk Building Buldln Plttsburg Plbbul Pa PaRoyal P PRoya PaRoyal Royal Insurance Inaurnco Building Buldln Chicago III IIICorrfjpondenU 1 IllQrrepondcnt3 CorrfjpondenU P rfpoldeol of Monroe Munr Monroe Munro Manager Marconi Marcnl Underwriting Underrllnr Syndicate Sndicate New York TorkPROPOSALS YorkPROPOlAL YorkPROPOSALS PROPOlAL PROPOSALS I PROPOlA PROPOSALS 7500000 7500000NEWYORKCITY3 7500000NEW 7500000NI3WYORK NEWYORKCITY3 NEWYORKCITY3Tax NEW NI3WYORK YORK CITY 3 3Tax 3V 3VTax Tax Exempt Gold Bonds BondsPayable BondsPayable BondsPayable Payable In Fifty Fify Years YearsTO YearsTO YearsTO TO BE SOLD THURSDAY NOVEMBER 19 191903 191903OFFBRBD 1903 1903OFPBRBD 1903OFFERED OFFERED DIRECT TO INVESTORS INVESTORSA A legal Investment for fortrust trust funds exempt from fromtaxation fromtaxaton fromtaxation taxation taxaton exceptf exceptorState or State purposes No allor al or none nonebids nonebids nonebids bids received thus giving Investors the same ad advantages advantages advantages ¬ vantages as dealers Bonds are awarded to bidders biddersoffering biddersoffering biddersoffering offering the highest premium premiumttnt p emlum emlumPn4 ttnt bldi bId In a i std l4 tnrilop tacloxd In the tb tdSmifd tnTilep ntlep TWO PER CENT OF OF PAR PARVALUE rARVALVE PARvALVE VALVE MUST ACCOMPANT DID It 1 muit muO bi In cub or certlflti rtl 4 check on slat Btl or Nillonil Nolon1 fcink fcinkc btrikci c ci N 145 York r city Thli nh dtpoilt P will If nqntiti4 t t bt nturntd llu o d day > 7 1 at t ul to ITO uniuect uniuectFor unIucceMfsI UCWIUI b144ta b144taCo blddrs blddrsFor For O fuller Ir Infonnttlon n aTr IH 5 Cltr Record publlthd bllihid i ti S City I ham Ntv York TorkConiult YorkConult Coniult Co aul any flank nnk or Treat Trus Company CompanJ or address addreaiEDWARD addrenEOW addressEDWARD EDWARD EOW ARO M OROUT Comptroller Comptroler City of New York 280 28 Broadway New York OCEAN STEAMERS STEAMERSAMAICA STEAMEILNTb TIAms TIAmsTh AMAICA AMAICATkt Tkt Tb Land l l at 0 Even ev Clmt ClmtTHES Cllmttt Cllmtttafford tO8 tO8attord OS OSItord THES afford Itord an eyDHrR Intrreannc Inttr IntOrcat or comfortable COmfOIr I e voy vo voage OJ ate on the magnificent marnlnrnt twinscrew twinscrewII twin amrrw II S Mall Ships ADMIRAL DEWEY crl 1 Mal stir JAMMCA JAMMCAJAPANCHINA SCHLEY SCILE SAMPSON SAM SON AfIIAL rARIUOUT PARRAGVT rARRAGITrekly DEr Weekly Wekl rekly sailings slnri between b lween Rotten IlostonPhiladelphia Uatn RottenPhIladelphIa Philadelphia Phiadelphia ana Dnd on Jamaica Jamal ea Fare tar for forBennd for forRlud forStand Stand Rlud Trip Ttp ip Including stateroom Iialerom ac accommodations acImmodalol accommodaltons ¬ I commodations Immodalol and meals meal 1 57 One OneWar Onel On OnYav War WarAddress 540 540Addrea < > Address l for ior Information Inlorat inrormaiin n and booklets bookletsDivision bokletl bokletlOllon bookletsDivision Division Ollon Pawnr Parnrer r Antnt AntnttNITKD Alenl AlenlUNfRD ArentUNITED UNITED UNfRD FltriT FllliT COMPANY COMPANYLonit COMIA COMIAtYlong long Lonl Wharf WhRf Rotten Uo Ion Mass MassPier Ms Massllcr Pier e S North Wharves Jhlladelphla Pa Panr Paor nr or n RAYMOND NN AVVinVH Jrn A Wfl1cOMu VHITnnlll flp2 flp2lrJgi 2t 2 lrJgi lntnn lntnnI S Sq I THUS COOK a Sr SONS lNS 2C1 2e Sway BwayJAPAKCHINA Bwa BwaJAPANCHINA JAPANCHINA JAPAKCHINAHawaii Hawaii Hawai and Philippine Phippine Islanrfs IslanrfsPACIFIC Ilancs IsIanifaPAcIFIC PACIFIC pAClllD MAIL MAl S I S I CO COOCCnEVr c COOCcIDENTAL OCcIDENTAL AV ORIENTAL S S CO COBetween COTO COTOYO OIETAL LvANVsiOHENTAL OCCIEfL TO TOYO IISI KISRN IISIA IISIADrlletn KAISIIA KAISIIABetween Between Ran Francisco Honolulu Yokohama YokohamaKobe YokohamaKobc okohlma okohlmaK Drlletn Sn Iranelsco Shanghai and Hong Kong KongSteamers KongSteamers Kobe K Nacisakl a r rKoreA Steamers o at leave j San 50 nf Francisco rt at orrAKl 1 A M MKorea Korea Nov ov UlChlna Dec 12 UGaelic 12Gaelc 1223LotIc Gaelic Nov No Ul 2 23LotIc Doftc Dec lec M MHongkongMaruDec 2 22htongkonMarU HongkongMaruDec htongkonMarU Gaelc Doc 31 3 1l0te NipponMaru lppIMar Deo Dec31 Dec31lor 31 31For 31Ior 10nrkonrMIU For freight fre gilt passenger pa nrrr and an general renera Information Informationapply Informaonapplr informatIonapplyat apply applyat at 3l SY 39 Hroadway Uroadwl or I Bnadway Oradwa Washington WashingtonBldg WAhllrCOD WAhllrCOD1ldrand SSashlngtonIll Bldg 1ldrand Ill g and 287 Broadway Urodwal N Y City CllyATLANTIC CI CIATIAIC CityAT1AFlC ATLANTIC ATIAIC TRANSPORT TAX8PORT LINE LINENEW LISE LINENEW NEW NEf YORK LONDON LSDOS DIRECT DIRECTMlntkaNovHliSOPM nmECT1In DULECTMlntkaNov14R2OPM MlntkaNovHliSOPM lkaNoI1 fIpM I MlnnehanaNovJJnoo MlnnehanaNovJJnooMlnapolls Mlnnebaa Mlnnehaba Nov Nov25 15 nool nooc nooctlnapollS Mlnapolls 1In lnall Novl7AM I Menominee DecStAi DecStAiOnly De Dec5SAOnly 5 VAM VAMFOR Only first n class passengers passeng carried carriedFOR carriedFOB FOR RATES RA < n ETC APPLY A y PLY L r TO I antgADW BROADWAY A Y SEALED PROPOSALS Mod Proposals for IlulIdlag under Speclflcation 1327 wi wIll Prpsl b be rrceld rrceldt received receivedat at the BUreaU of SpeclneAton art1a and Dock lutdlnf Navy Depart Department ment t WashIngton r n naUr aUr until tald 11 o oclock = A 91 1ec 5 lam 11 and then and there Iher publicly opened fa for f con constructing constructing ¬ structing 1 nM a brick r1 and a steel om olnoc building about t ttn M ty 120 feet at the Navy Yard op Portsmouth 11 Mb N H Plan tn and si 8pecneaon speclflcatloni > edlc tlons can be b seen sen at the Bureau Bureauor hurolu huroluor or will wl bo furnished furLbel by the th Commandant Cnlmandlnl of the thenavy tDanaV thenavy navy naV yard ar named upon deposit of IM Z 20 as security for their tb lr return upn MORDKCAI MOnnr AI T 1 ENUICOTT serurlj Chief of Bureau Dnrau October Otbr 2J 2 1P03 1P03OCEAN 19 19OCEAN 1903OCEAN rNOICOrr OCEAN STEAMFJW STEAMFJWTO STEA STEA3IFIMTo IF IFTO TO ORIENTAL LANDS LANDSOur Our THIRTYTHIRD TIITTuRD ANNUAL SERIES SERIESof of touri tur to the he Holy 10ly Land Lnd Egypt Erpl the Ihoallh theaLi1 Levant allh aLi1 etc et leaving January Jauar and ad Febru FebruIne Iebru Iebrurn7 February ary cohtatna compreltenaivetoura coat coatInc Inc rn7 from 1700 700 to rr 91100 all IV expense expensecluded In Included ¬ cluded elI ar first class I throughout throuihoutSicily throughoutSpecial h ot Special rt tours to lb the MEDITERRANEAN t IAN Sicily Slrlr Italy Iall South lulb of France tac etc et leave leavenses EA Itcnllr ilecemnbier I and 10 J 5S0 ana ana up 81 all e cx cxDense Dense Nlss nses Included Similar tours Iu January February Febnlr March MarchProcramrac Marb MarbIrrrammt MareSProgramme lnUal Procramrac Irrrammt from fromTHO8 frm frmTf08 fromTilOS THO8 Tf08 COOK SON 261 I 118S Broadway Irod 640 I D Mad Madlion la4 la4Ion hadlion lion Arenne Aytne New e Tork TorkLINE TorkCUNARD YorkCuNARD CUNARD OUIlAniJ LINE UII1CI I TO via viaCampatila LIVERPOOL Quetnstown QuetnstownCampania IJ n nEtrranec Campania N VnvUnoon I Etrurla Etrranec Etrurtaflrc Dec C I A U U1mbrta A Ulmbria 1mbrta Imbra Nov 21 7 AM I CampanlaDec CapaaOee 12 I 11AM 11AMLucanlaNov 11 A A St StLucaxilsNov LucanlaNov LuealaNov ZH 2 2 11AM I 11 A Id I UmbrlaDec Umbra Umbnla Dec 19 0 A M MMFDITERKAKCAN MMfLITERIANCAS UMFLITERIIANCAN MFDITERKAKCAN MfLITERIANCAS SEHVICK SEHVICKCarpathlaNovMlOAU mnICr lltVlCFCarpathlaNov CarpathlaNovMlOAU CarthlaNo CarpathlaNov 2IOA 21 IDA Id Auranal Auraalec > cc d 10 A M MCarrylnr UCarrying 1 1Carlnt Carrying cabin clbln and ad steerage letare passengers pusengenFrom pMenrer passengersFrom Carlnt From frm Piers Pier 5IS2 61 North SorIILer SorIILerVE River IllverVERSOK RiverVERNON VERNON VE SOS H BROWN 4 CO C U o Pen n AU rl gts 29 2 Sway D RAIOAD RAILROADS RAILROADSPennsylvania uuu uuuP8 Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaXlLsi P8 XlLsi XZjiZl gl glSATtONS > 3 3D 3DarTATIONS STATIONS SATtONS FOOT FOa OF WEST WES TWENTYTHIRt TWENTYTHIRtSTREET TWESTYTlnD TWESTYTlnDSREE TWENTYTHIRDST8ET STREET SREE AND DESBROS3E3 DESB OSSJS AND CORT CORTLANDT CRr CRrLAND CORTLANDT LANDT LAND STREETS STREETSOT SReES SReEST RTRESTSt OT t The T leaving udal time tme train toln DMbrotiM DbrOI s sad aa4CorlandC sadCortiandt i iCortUndt CortUndt CorlandC Street Stre l II > fly the minute later thai thaithat thanthat aD aDat that at given Inn below belo for Twentythird Ten1tblrd fltree fltreeStation Ice atresStation Station Italon except IcpC where h re otherwise othrlo noted Dote notedliii 7 liii IBS 11 A 4 IfFAST HFAS UAILParlor WILIarlor Sleeping ant antDlntnt andDlnr an anDIning Louisville Louisville0S5 Lulvle DIning Dlnr Can Cr For or Chlcaio Cblcaeo Indianapolis Indlaapl B pnr am amLouisville 50LouIsvIlle d dLulvle 0S5 011 A MSTLOUISL1MITED HS 1STLOUISLTMITEDPuUman LUS LllnmPUman Pullman Sleep Sleepla Sleeplog Inc la Smoking Smeknr and ald Observation ObeVLon On Cr Cincinnati CincinnatiIndianapolis Cnrilnatl CnrilnatlIOI CincinnatiIndianapolIs Indianapolis St Louts Dining r Car Car10us CarIOmhS 10us IOI IOIIIa IIa AKVENNSYLVANIA A MPENNSYLVANIA N V 1 7 LIMITEDPUU LIMITEDPUUman L JhEDPI man Sleeping Dialog Dllnr Smoking Sl0lar and anl ObservatIon ObservatloiCompartment Obrluon Obrluongg ObservatIontbmpartrnenl Compartment Can For Chicago Cleveland ClevelandToledo Cevelad ClevelandToieOo gg Clcar Toledo and JnJt Detroit I 155 11 P HCllICAGO AND ANDNrLOUIS STLOUIS SLOUIS EXPRESS EXPRESSFor EXP EXPRESSForToledo E For ForToledo Toledo Tledo HIICAGO Nashville Nuhvle via Cincinnati Cnclnnall and ad LouU LouUUle Luu Luullel LcuUVISe Car Car4IBS Cr Cr41l VISe llel Ule Indianapolis IndlAapl Chlcaro Cbearo St Louis Lu Dining DlnlniCar Dnlnr DnlnrCr 4IBS 41l P MCHICAOOLIMITKDPullrain HICAOO LUJITEDPlma Slep SlepIn Son SonInr SIeplag In lag Smoking and ad Observation Obrraton Cars Cu For Ior Chi Chicajo Cll CllcarD Chieago carD Toledo and ad Cleveland Ceveland IXnlnt Car CarIBS Carau 11 au IBS P MST M LOUIS LUIS EXPKESSFor EXPRrSSlor Pltuburr PltuburrClnclnnall Ptlbur 1lttsburgCincinnati Cincinnati Cnclnnll Indianapolis Indla I Louisville LuVle St I Louis LouisWnlnr Lul LouisD1nln Wnlnr Car For Gary W Va VI tv via Shtnan Shtnandoah ShenandoaS hmnIla doah Ia valley Route RoutemU te r 18 Ila P MWESTERN HWESEHS EXPRESSFor EXPRFSFor Chlc Chicago CblcaeoFor ChicagoFor o oFor For Toledo Tledo except urpl Saturday SlurdlY Dlnlni Car Carand Cr CarIrIS IrIS 11 PI P 1iAC1FlC ACIFIC EIRES EX1IIE54SFor or I1Llburr I1Llburrand Ilttsburg Ilttsburgand and ChIcago Chlctro For Ier Knoxvllle Knoxle dally daly 1a Shen Shendoah 8len 8lendoal Stienfl Stienfldoab doah doal Valley Aey alley Route oute Connect Onnael for Cleveland Clevelanexcept Clevelandexcept except Saturday SaturdayUS Slaturdareras eras US 1 P MCLBVELAND AND CINCINNATI EX EXPRESS EXPlESFor fiXPhtE3SFor PRESS PlESFor PhtE3SFor CIa For Pltuburc PLlburr tZLAD Cleveland Cleveland Cincinnati CincinnatiIndianapolis Cnelnnall CnelnnallIndlanaplL CincinnatiIndianapolIs Indianapolis IndlanaplL and St Louis LouisWASHINGTON Lull LullW LouisWASIIINOTON WASHINGTON W INGTN AND THE nE SOUTH SOUTHIM 80u IM 7 825 82 9U 2S 1010 Deibroue and Cortland CortlandStreet Cllandt Cllandt5tr CortlandiStreets Street 5tr l 1030 IO 010 1055 Iebrsea a m 1255 126 210 IO Des Desb Desbrasses s sbrOe brOe brasses b roues and Cortlndt Cr1dl Streets Sir 220 221 335 8 Con Conday Cn Cnl1lonallml Congreasionsi l1lonallml greasionsi Limited d aU Illor Parlor and Dlnloe Cr Carat 323 f3 046 463 92 925 p m 110 1210 nIght Sun SundlY Sunday S2 day dlY 835 8 925 10 i1Th3 5 a m 1 126 1255 55 tM 8 Con Conrreulonal Cn Cnra Congresslonal rreulonal Limited II all Parlor and Dining Cam m ra 3254 325 6n 423 5455 r 453 Desbrosses S and Cortlandt F streets Streets5I5 I 516 8SS 9 p ii m 1210 nlEht nlEhtSOUTHERN nirhtSOUThERN SOUTHERN SOUTERS night 61 dally daly llAILVVAYEipreM UAILwAYtspra nlJbl nlJblSOUTERS 435 6 p m 121 121nlfht 110 110nlebt 1210 1210night ATLANTIC COAST CAS LINEExpre LINEEzprl 9 908 34 a m mand mand inand and 935 9 p po m dally dallyMemphis daly dailySEAnOARI SEAOOARD AIR L1NR m RAILWAYtxpres AILWAVtxpr 16 16N8R 1256 1256p p rn and d 1210 nlrht daily dailyNORFOLK N8R NORFOLK t 1Wbn AND SESTIRN is JILWAVIor JILWAVIorCtksnJ RAILWAYFor RAILWAYForMemphis Memphis and New Orleans 325 p m dally dallyCHESAPEAKE dailyCHESAPEAKE rg Od i2tt r CHESAPEAKE CtksnJ AND OHIO Z8h luiLWAY755 y a m mweekdays mpJ inweekdays weekdays and 451 p m dally dallyFOR SallyFOR FOR pJ t OLD yMr POINT COMFORT rH rHIJoD < IJoD AND NORFOLK NORfOLK 755 761 a m I weekdays and 8SS 8 p m dally dallyATLANTIC daly dalyATAIC dailyATLANTIC ATLANTIC CITYfl55 a m and 145 p m week weekday weeki weekdays ¬ ATAIC day Sundays CIT 755 a m Throurh Vestlbuled VestlbuledTran VestibuledTrans m Trans i s nmietParlorCarsandStandard flurfet gr l i nJ Coaches Coacheson on weekday e kdnr Parlor Paror Smoking Car Cr Parlor ParlorCan ParlorClr ParlorCars e Sundays SundaysCAPE Can Clr Dining Onlnr Car Cr and Standard 5lndai Coaches Cacbea on onSundays 00cW onSundays CAPE dtr1y12 MAY 5AYi23 1255 p m weekday weekdayFor weekdaysFor kara karaFor cW For point polnL nn New NeV York and Lonr In Branch Brnel Rail Railroad Ri Railroad ¬ road from West W st Twentythird Tentylhlrd Street Slr 1 Station SlUonl 855 rRI a m rm 1210 331 31 1 410 and 465 4 p m week weekdays weekda weekdays ¬ 81 days da Sundays 110 VM Y a I m and 455 6 p m Urm UrmDe from fromDesbrosse fromDesbroaues Desbrosse De and Cortlandt Streets 900 8 a m 1 bre Crlnll 1230 10 840 420 4 and 510 p m weekdays w kaYI Sun Sunday Sundr Sundays ¬ day dr 945 a m 500 6 p m mFOR mFOR niFOR FOR PHILADELPHIA PIILfEPIIA PIILfEPIIAe iIIILA fELPHIA 86 e 735 755 755 826 865 825 rt 955 St Louis LouisLimited LouisLimIted Limited J 9010 lO10tesbro M tleabmasesafld sesandCorttandt Cortlandt Sdrtm Streets 1030 1035 lO Pcnna Limited M066 106 1156 16 a m mStreets 1255 16 155 210 teabrossea Da and CortAdt CortAdtSrrrti Cortiandi CortiandiStreets 0121 lebrose Streets Srrrti 220 22 255 26 S 305 35 355 36 435 4 06 435 0 45 455 455Chicago 66 455ChIcago Chicago Limited for Gemiantown Germanlw Jet only 066 655 655 06 Limied 75 835 e t55 6 935 1 p r m 1210 110 night nightweekdays nlrh nIghtweekdsyt weekdays Sundays 4016 5 75 835 935 955 St Louis uu Limited ai 9ii 1025 lobc Penna Urn LlmIted Urnited t tledl Ited S 1066 am rl M2S5 016 155 oS 335 355 S 436 ledl 0106 126 455 41 ChIcago Limited Imled for Germantown Oaralw Jet Jetonly Jelgr Jetonly only gr night nlshtDlnlnc Chraro 4M 4 S 65 656 7A5 7 825 8A5 8 035 0 p m 1210 1210nlsht ltO ltOfnlnr 1210night Dlnlnc car carTicket carTcke carTicket Ticket Tcke fnlnr omcei No Nos 401 1354 IS IIS lS and nld 261 21 26 Broad Broadway Prodway rB ¬ way a 182 Fifth avenue below 23d 21 St 261 20 28 Fifth FifthAvenue Flb FlbAcnue FlhAvcnue Avenue Icomer comer 79th St Stl I Astor lor House and andatatlon ad adalatonl andStations Stations alatonl named above Brooklyn 4 Court CUr Street SUectIulon 600 Fulton Iulon Street390 Slrel3 Street 801 300 Broadway and Ind Penn Pennsylvania Pennhanla PennSYlVania ¬ sylvania hanla Annex Anne Station Slaton The New N I York Trans Transfer Transn TransOcr ¬ Ocr Company will t call for and check c baggage batzaiefrom baggagefrom dga from hotels r and residence r f through to destina destination dratination fl fllon ¬ tion tionTelephone tionTelephone n Telephone lon lonTelephont 014 01 Eighteenth Flrhttenth Street for Pennsyl Pennsylvania Pnarl Pnarln1a PeanslItanla ¬ vania n1a Railroad 4lrad Cab Service ServiceVT SerleW W W ATTERIIURY AtRIUHY J 1 R WOOD WOODGen WOODGen WOODCeo Gen Manager Manalr Passr Par Traffic Manager ManagerGKO Naer ManagerJIo GKO 0 W v IIOY1 IIOY1General UOYI 1IOYIGeneral General Gne1 Paa Iaenrer Passenger encar A Arm Arm10IQ tent tentIO81D03 IO81D03 IO81D03LEHICH 10IQ 10IQLEHICH 1081903LEHICH LEHICH VALLEY VALLEYFoot Foot of We Wet 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For or Old Od Point Comfort Cmfor Norfolk Portsmouth PortsmouthPinners Prlmouth PrlmouthPluners Portsmouthllnncrs Pinners Point Iolnt and Newport N News Va a connecting connectingfor ronnellnl for Petersburg Richmond Vpl Virginia Irrlnl lrgtnl llcnch Wash Washington taubing100 asb asbInitn ¬ ington D C and entire entir South Sutb and West Westrreliht We5 WestFreIght Initn FreIght and passenger steamers sail from Pier PierW W 2 27lf 7lf N it foot Beach J St ec ecmrk even mrk week eek day at 3 PM PMJiamburgJlmerican Ir PMII I II U W VALKEII LKlm Vle VIceProoldent Prsident Trmc TraOc Manager Manarerjam ManagerJimburgtmerican JiamburgJlmerican JiamburgJlmericanI1lM jam urgmerican urgmericanWHkl I1lM fliWpekIy WHkl > kly Twin Screw Here Service SerrlceSS ServiceFOR lce lceFr FOR IIMOUTI PLYMOUTH CIfIIOURG C1IEItiIOIJRG HAMDU IOAMHTjRO IOAMHTjROFILE O OTiE Fr TiE FILE GREAT tCEN OCEAN FLYlt FLYJIR FLYJIRS S SS S Deutschland DeutschlandRecord Reord Record Vorane Ntr S Day T Hr 38 31 Site HtnSAILS Mi MiA SiteSAILS SAILS oIrt NOVEMHI5R rtli r 12 12DeutichrdNorl2ll InDeutschidNov12ll DeutichrdNorl2ll AM A I rcnnsylvanlaNov2ltAU rcnnsylvanlaNov2ltAUBclgraMa 1cnnsrlvanlaNov2IeASfIlclgravia BclgraMa lclrra1a Nov No 14 I 1 IM IM I I Patricia NovZN N o2H1 oV2i4 n AM AMMediterranean AMMedierranean AUMediterranean Mediterranean Medierranean Service ServiceNew New w York rk Xapln NaplesGenoa aplG Genoa GenoaDy noa noaOJ Dy 11 Hupurh SUIh New rw Twin Screw Srn Steamer SteameraFlrnt SleamerIlnt SteamerFIrst FIrst Ilnt Cabin OO 1 j15 95 S too f 00 Upward UpwardAccording tpud tpudArronlnl Epwardeeorlln According Arronlnl eeorlln to SleAmer SteamerS SleAmerS SleamerS S S Deutschland to Italy ItalyLESS Ialy IalyLESS LESS THAN TIAN EIGHT EIGIT DATS AY TO NAPLES NAPLESAround NAPLESArund NAILESAround Around Arund the World WorldDy Dy the PHINUSSIN rlossl VICTORIA ICOIA LUISE LIJISE4d 44 4 months trip Ir H121 upward upwardIIAMIIUROAMERIOAN upwardIAIIURGAHFHWAN upwardIIAMhiURGAMEItIAN IIAMIIUROAMERIOAN IAIIURGAHFHWAN LINE LINEimces USEomees 1tNE00cc imces S4 6 4 S7 5 Hroadway lradwal Hers 11er lloboken 10boken N J JWinter JWinter JWinter Winter Tours ToursOF OF 01 THE THEnAMDUIIGAMKIUCAX TiE TiEnAMDtGAHEHICA ThERAMIItTHGAMEILICAN nAMDUIIGAMKIUCAX nAMDtGAHEHICA LINE LINEIlUniVC LNE LINEIIUR1NG IlUniVC Cln G JANT JA JAN FEll MARCH MARCHTo MARCi MARdITo To the Orient to the West Indies Indiesy b by y palatial twinscrew twtnsre twln serew steamer Iitamer Cruises Cruisesof Clae of 2S 4 to 74 days da duration durationcostlnr duraUoncasln dursUoncosting costing casln from I20U 2 200 to MiO upward upwardSend upwardend upwardSend Send end for llookleti llookletiHAMBURQAMERICAN loklee IlookietsHAMBUROAMERICAN HAMBURQAMERICAN UAMBUROAMERICAN LINE LINE3S LNe LNePbIAd1p1I 3S 17 HHOADWAY N NPhlindelphlS V VPhiladelphia 7uY1 Philadelphia PbIAd1p1I office gte IKU WALNUT lT ST STIORTU S SNORTU STNORTH NORTH GERMAN ER IN LLOYD S S CO COFAST COIAS COFAST FAST EXPRESS FXlm SERVICE SERVICEPLYMormCHEHBOlROIIREMEN SEnVICEPL SERVICEPLYMOtfllClIItHUOlROIiRCMbN PLYMormCHEHBOlROIIREMEN PLYMormCHEHBOlROIIREMENtWm PL Yl10 IAS 1rIRRUO l nOI EM E EXWm tWm IL I hi Nov No 172 Ii 211 2 PM K Wm II I Dec 161 II I PM PMlolser PYKaler PMKaiser0 Kaiser0 lolser Nov2410AM 02410 24 10AM AM I I Krouprlni Jan Jai S 7 AM AMronprlnz AMKronprn AMKronprint ronprlnz Kaler Kronprn Dec 1 I I IM I I I K Win IIJan I II Ja Jan 217AM 217AMOELRICHS 217 2i 7 AM AMOELIICIS AMOELitIChifl OELRICHS OELIICIS CO S BROADWAY U N Y YWHITE YWHITE VWHITE WHITE STAR LINE LINENEW NEW W YORKOrEENSTOWNLIVERPOOL YORKOrEENSTOWNLIVERPOOLfaltstlc onJQtEENTWLIRHPOOt onJQtEENTWLIRHPOOtMallla faltstlc Nov SO 11 1 noon non I ArmenlanNovl73 ArmenIan Nov17 OI 3 IM PMllte IMClic IMCeltic Clic Celtic Mallla > llte Nov N 0 ov 13 I noon nOD lnenIM I Oceanic Occlnlc Nov 10 kov 18 186 E AM AMler AWPer48 AMP1er48 Per48 P1er48 ler 48 North olb River Office Omte9 B Broadway New York trk RAILROADS BAIUIOAD9NEWYORK RAJUOAD RAJUOADEWYORK RAILROADS1NKWYORK NEWYORK NEWYORKCENTRAL 1NKWYORKNTRAL EWYORK EWYORKTHE CENTRAL CENTRALHUDSON NTRAL NTRAL8t 8t HUDSON RIVER R R RTHE BTHE THE FOURTRACK TRUNK LINE LINEVia LNE LNEVa Via Niagara Nlalarn Falls FallsTrains Fah FahsJ FailsTrains Trains s arrive Va at and wd Uenarl depart from from Grand nd Central CentralStation C CentrAlStation nlrAI nlrAINorh sJ Station 42d Street New York urk LI an ul below belowNorth belowNorth rl North Norh and west bound trains except ucelt those II0e leav leaving lea lealar lealog ¬ log at aao 8 liao 1 A M 1 245 24 aao 35 916 ts li 13 1130 P 1 M Mwill liiwill will 11 alp atop Up at a 125th street atcet to receive rcelv pawrnaers 11rller atrllers lea leamlnulei 101 teamiflUies mlnulei rlnUlel after alte leasing lel1nr Grand Central Cntnl Station StationA SIAlon SbIdlonIC IC 10 It A M1M1DN1GHT 1UIU IGr EXPKESSDu EXIIISSDue Al Albany AIbany Alsaisi ¬ 1 saisi bany 655 56 A Mu M Troy Try Tro e4f Of 6454A > A M MA 7 1 54 a A if MSYItAdUSIt M SYHACUSB H usr LOCAL IOCALStop LOCtLSlopa Stops at atall a aallmporlanL atuw uw all Important stations stationsA allmporlanL slaloM 8 3d O A UTKMPIKK MEMII STATE srTF KXPnESS KXPnESSMost p EXpnrssMost pnl Most famous train Irlln In the world Duo DuoBuffalo Duolutlo DuoIluffalo Buffalo 44S f4 NI NlararA c M Fails 15 631 P 1 I M MAM 8 45 AM AMFAi4TMAIIhlhourloChlcato AMFAi4TMAIIhlhourloChlcatoDue lutlo KAsfrMAll 1 MI21 2lhourilnChlc 2lhourilnChlcDue hourIn Chtcaeo Chtcaeolue Due lue PruSsia nulllo 710 Nlicara hll Pail nl HC7 HC7A 8 10 30 A U MtIAV tllAY iI UMRKSS UXIIlRSSMake XIISS Makes lkC local localtops locl localstops tops Slo Due llunaln Uulllo 115 A M MA 1 11 3D A V MtIACAI tLOCAL Jue o1 BXPHBSS I1 11XhltliSFor 1 ssFor For Albany Albanyand Albansand 110 and ritTf Troy laical slops stopii 1250 1 W MqitlpFtLO i I ML ALO f t LrITEnnue LiUITEDflue tTnn n ttf ttfDuo ful fulfalo Hut Hutfalo 1250 falo 1150 1 1 31 1 Slnrnrl Nlnara 11 Falls 11 1133 P M 100 1 00 t P MSOUT MsotJrllvrtfrlcnN 1 IWITmN LiMITED LIMITlmUu LiMITEDDue Duo Uu Cincinnati Clnclnnal 1030 10 Indlinanolls Indlnnnrols IndlnnnrolsA 1iI 1iIA M MA A XI St Louis f4S ff P I M neat n day dayInn dnl P M AICIIAOO 3L CHICAGO LIU1TKI LUITr LnuIrrlnl 1 hours 10uu hoursto Inn 1 UU 00 to Chicago Cbleall via Lak ShIP Shirc si re 24L 211 2414 < vln vl M O I P M ttTho2oth TheSOthCivnUYLIMITEt TheSOthCivnUYLIMITEtTJ ClNruilv II3IITEI > V V20hnur 11 tr m mErclrlc 248 2 TJ 45 20hour train r u > Chlraiovla CliIeao via Lake f Shore ShoreElectric I IElectric Electric Erclrlc 2 I Hints and fans fansq Inl fans3on q qn P I MtALHANY NfA Ifhl AY ASh AN I TROY TnO FLYER FLYEROW ILYER ILYERi FLYERCu OW 3IO 3on i Cu Duo lu Albany o40 Troy Tnl 7 iO 703 5 P M Ma 1 3 l1 a 3 fU 40 n P Local Loe MALIANs MoAIIA stops AND TIIOY TIOY EXPRESS 1IHeq dXl8E513l1 < 4 nn au P Lorl It 1UYTHOT MiETIOOIT MOi DKTItOIT GRAND OANI RAPIDS AIIS and andCICGO nd UM 5 CHICAGO CICGO SPECIAL SPECIALB SIIXIL B OH 1 > M MLKF LAKK I SIIOHE LIMITEIMi Ll3tITEl22 Ll3tITEl22hour 530 5 30 l Ilmw lmw r klll r mt mtDue 9OU hour u train in I Chlcifo All 1nllmnn I cars cnriDue carsDue Due Cleveland 705 iO A U 1 Cincinnati Clnrnnnl 130 130Indianapolis 131 131Indllnnlols 120Indianapolis Indianapolis Indllnnlols 310 Chicago 4uu 40 St l Loilir LOl 845 U4 P I M next dav davBOD da daDDO BOD 0 a M MtlrrrUN 1 WKSTRRV f KXPnESSM I 1 r hours bouniU U U U to l Chlcaeo tij Yt via both h L S and 11 O Jouu 7 7 nn UU 00 4 t I H M l or MONTREAL Rutland Huland TIIL EXPRESS IXlnCSVla EXIRCSSVla Via D DI Ua 7 730 7 fJU 30 an P 1 EXPRESS EXPRESSp EXPR1SSSnfl M ADIRONDACK M IO1CK AND MONTREAL MONTREALEXPR1SS p Snfl nn P MHUFrALO AND TORONTO T TORONTOJJ HONr 0VV 800 JJ SPECIAL SPECIALn n O IK 15 P 1 y MSPECIAL lln MAIL l LIMITED LIMITEDi LiMIT1tDSireping ll lm 915 i Slecplnir ice car cnly for Richcjtcr he 920 t M lOUTlrlc MOUTIltVESTd1lN > OUTHWEhTERV I SPECIAL SPECIAL3fJ SI SPECIALa CtAL a 3fJ O P MPAC1F1C MPCIII MXPnESSChlcajo HXIIS Cblraro 81 81hours 81hour SIhours hours hour by b M I C 33 hours hOIU hy L L I S 11 in 1 I M JICIICAIO StCiilCAi CHICAGO THEATRE TIWATJr TIUIV rltAIYis rJAI rJAIWalerLowo j 1130 11 all 3J Watcrtown Oicdeiifburf Oldrulufl ilullolo luUwo Do Dotrolt 00trott Dotroll troll Chicago and St Louis LouisDally Juut JuutDaly LouisDaily Dally Daly tEiccpt Sunday IKxcept rI rpt Monday MondayHARirij 3tondayt1ARLE roadayUARIE1 HARirij t1ARLE DIVISION DnI IO 0 908 A M and ad UARIE1 335 3 P 1 1 M dally d ly except ocept Sunday Sundl to toPlltsnrld CoPlsn toPlttsfleid Plltsnrld ld and Ind North orll Adams Nuiday SUdlj1 at all3A V30 A M MPullman Mulman MPullman Plsn Pullman ulman cars car on all RI throuch Ilrourh trains trainsrains Iralmrin trainsTrains Trains rains rin Illuminated Ilnlller with lh Plntsrh Ilnrh lleht llehtllckct Ihht1ekel liehtTIcket TIcket orHces ofce at 107 2fll 211 415 and Ind isin 1211 Ilrondway IlrondwayUnion BroRdwayUt 25 Union sq W V 273 Cdlumlius nv 275 West i5th i5tht 12315at at t Ut Grand dd Central l and f 115th st s stations iiJ New York YorkS3S k kM S3S and 726 Fulton Fulon M 0 and l WI l Jlrhndway IrclIIY llrooUlin llrooUlinTelephone Irolln IrollnTeepbnne IlroolritnTelephone M 7 Telephone Teepbnne enr IWO 0 Sfnti Street SlreL for New York or On Ontral Cn Cntral Dentral tral Cab Service S f1ee Ilarrnirc Ilrvnve checked from frm hotel hule or orresidence ormldence orresidence residence by WcatcotiKxpressCoinpms WcatcotiKxpressCoinpmsNEW Wrsl Vcateutt u J FspreuaCumnpan9 FspreuaCumnpan9NEW pre Cn PI PINEW NEW YORK CENTRAL ROUTE ROUTEI1ETWEEV R ROUTE1112T1EEN UTr I1ETWEEV I1ETWEEVNEW llEEX llEEXNEW 1112T1EENNEW NEW YORK AND BOSTON BOSTONVia Via SpringfIeld Sprnlneld and tho thoBOSTON thoIOSTON theBOSTON BOSTON IOSTON AND AUtANV AtIA1 KAIIROAD KAIIROADTrains IAIROAD IAIROADTlir R4iLROADTraln Trains Tlir leave tO 1902 A M 11200 110 noon 400 6 P il 1 I 01 110 P t M MTickets MTlakels UTickets 0 Tickets at New York Central Centrtl Ticket Trket nmcM omrt 107 10716and 117gin gin 16and and 1210 Broadway Druldwaand andal and 1 a Grand Cenlrnl Station StationA SIl lon lonA A H SMITH GEORGE UPOlO H I DATiIHIS DATiIHISGenl IAXWIC lANiIISCool Cool Gen Manocer MaAler Ucnl Ccn Pissr Ir Allnt AllntWEST Aicnt AicntWEST tgefltWEST WEST SHORE R It R RNew It Itew I INew New ew York Vor Central Centrl A HaSten Hldnn River 1rr n H Lessee LesseeTrains lcee1Tal LcsseetTraIns Trains Tal leave Franklin rankln St l Station New York a afollows 1 aI aIfollows follows folows and 1 16 inln lin mm later fool 101 West 4Jd 42 St N It I 700 1 AM AMFor Mfur For Intermediate Intcrmtdllle points 1111 In Ihany Ihanytt 11120 tt AM AMl M 1 Hud ludn ludsn m and Inr Mohawk lixpress JAprr 100 PM lMClrlmaic Chlcaitn Express Kinrcu22S 22S r PM PMContLlrn g ContLlm I E Xl for Detroit jtrol Chile Ch StLnut StLnutJIS SILonloJ ItTntiis34J oJ JIS IM IM 3 21 For or Iludsou Itlver JUvrrpnlnlnnd ilserpolntuntttl points and At Alhln Albany tony tonyBw Bw 6 PM PMfor For Hoch loch lluital IUlral leviS A Chicago Chicagot800 Cbeao CbeaoUO t800 UO PM PMIor P11For For lineR Hoel IJUIIalo 1 lro Detroit letul 6 St Louis IiuliU 1 luls 0016 U PMForHyraRochMagFalls PMIor PMFor Srl ii3ra Rocl Rod Nln NiaIalts III lInt 4 0 Clil ClilDally CII CIII CiiiDaily Dally IDally except Sunday a Ixavu e Brook Brooklyn UrooRlyn ¬ lyn I Annex h x 1 at ll MO4S 18 rI1Ur A M 54 at t24i f ial iale ialLave P I M MLeave ItLeave cN Leave Lave Jersiw Jen City CI Penn 1on II It I SIn 11 II 1 nt tllSO tllSOA IIO IIOA 11129A A M t2 2 at fSJS f P M Time 10 tables at principal principalhotels 1lnrlp1t orlncleIhotels hotels t and offices Uanaze checked front trul hotel hoteli 1 i or residence I eoceJ by Westcoit flarX Express ExpressA r A H SMITH MITlt C V P LAMBRRT LAMBRRTGenl fnmrnT fnmrnTGenl LAMIIERTGeul Genl Manager MaaKer Gcnl Paiir 11r Agent AeentNew Afent AfentHew AgentNew New York and an Boston All Hail HailN Rai1 N Y N H I ft H R R and connection connectionFrom conuecton conuectonFrm cormeetloosFrom From Frm Grand Ornd Central nlr Station StationLenve Staton StatonLv StationLeave Leave By ly way WiY of Due DueIDOOAM O Lv IDOOAM 5100 A M Hartford Jnrfor and Wllllmantle Wllmlntc 200 2 PM PM03AM I I Ig 5 g 902 03AM A AM JI Sprinfileld Sprnrlthl and Worcester orrr ler 330 33 PM PM10W 1 10W 10 AM1fNew London Lndon and Provldcncc300 11ldellSOI1 PM PMlO03AMNew IMtO00 110 lO03AMNew tO00 AItNew AM New Londonsnd Lndonnd ProMdcncc4ao Im1drncc40 PM PMIJOOM r IJOOM I 1250 31 SpringfIeld and ate l WorccstLr r erX 5IOPM 5IOPMlOO 5410 l lM t Iff r lOO PMttNew London o and u Provldcnceowi I PAI PAIIM IM PM New ew London and ProvldencoTM Irldroce70J PM PMJOOPM I IM2SeP30 I IP JOOPM P t Hanford Har lord and Ind Wllllmintlc WllmsnUr n 11 08 l PM PMJflOPMNew P t JflOPMNew 8 230 PMesv London Lndon and PrnvldcDcelimPM PrnvldcDcelimPM4OOP IrldrneeIOP I 4OOP 4 400 IMXrv 1 P M Sprnlleld Sprlnlleld Sprtnclleldand and WorcMtcrlOoo Woc lerI0 PM I 5100 5 PMNcw IMfw London and Provldcnceil Prold neI IT m Pit I L 4110 11 P M A Sprtnirfleld 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