OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, December 15, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-12-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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e U 1tt1t ft Fair today to cloudy and warmer tomorr tomorrOL morro i
= Ij IjVOL
VOL OL LXXINO 106 NEV NEWYORK YORK TUESDAY DECEMBER 15 i 1903 19O3orur1oI1 opurIIM 1003 bu b Tht Sun Printno PjnfjnQandPubljshnQ and PIblslno sodalion jJRWE TWO CENTS 1
mtJITF jff4IITL iTWl
rdvsn FOV 01 AT dI T ACKER RUILDIO RUILDIOFnonili IlnllO IlnllOfnouh ISUILPINGEnollil
Fnonili If Exploded l plodtII to Dllplsoo Dliliaeo Eight ElghTon EI Eightrons
Ton rons of r Noek norklnlcra IoekieIflbCr9 Members of Park ParkCling larl1 larl1Hnr Iarissng
IlullOlngs 10 n n6n He HeuirticiIIY11afldte
Cling ng Suspected StipCCtCtI1iUhid1II1 luldlnri 10 10CuudrllUnamle
6n CuudrllUnamle uirticiIIY11afldte riledl > ynamltc Csed tstd onTabertmol onTabertmolEflougli on onIaberneioEtough 1nIemaelo 1nIemaeloFough
dynamite It properly used usedtb usedto
Eflougli use useto
to Fough displace place eight or nine nhl iiIti Ions of rock am amwork and andwork andwork
work 1 a great amount Imount of damage was wa foun founyesterday found toundfterda foundyesterdaY <
yesterday morning In a plio plo of tiles tie a athe at atthe athe
fterda A CondIt building bulldlniin
the now Acker Morrall 1tralt buidIng buidIngin
Fortythird street whore an ox oxplosion explosion OLplollion
in West
plosion Wlst on Sunday morning moring partly party wreck wrecka wrecked wreckeda
hoisting eiiRlno used u ed by the iron workers workersKviilonce workersEdonr workerevicInc
a lo
holsllnE Kviilonce vicInc rl ww II WI also discovered dlsroere that there therhad therohad therehat
In tho Broadway BroadwajTabernacle BroadwayTAhorncl1 BroadwayTaLnrnack3
had hat Ilell M II all In explosion
Tabernacle TAhorncl1 building lUding at Fiftysixth Flylxth street streeland streetand streetafli
and Broadway whero An attempt had beet beetmiulotoblowiiponeof ben benmado beenmalq
miulotoblowiiponeof mado to Il0w blow up one of If tho main support supportof support supportoC supportfiof
of the ho building buildingTlio buiding buidingTil building1h
Tlio Til 1h executive e rcuto committee cmmitee of the Iron IrotLeagtio IronIeagll IronLengill
Leagtio Ieagll met Id yesterday eterlay and offered olee a re retard rearti ¬
and conviction ol olthe or orthe ofihe
tard arti of ttOO O for the arrest arret cnvoton
11r the persons perbOl responsible r Ioliblu for the te exposlons exposlonsTlio expslon
Tlio To Tim poliio polI are lre convinced cnvinc that tht tho ex explosions ex1loslol exploslOOS
plosions were erB the result rtsult of a prearranged prearrangedplan prelan
plan on the tii rprt art rt of some ono in tho SanParks Sam SamPark SamParl
Parks Parl gang an to cripple work on the te buildings buildingswhich buldlngs buldlngswhlh buildingshicii
which whlh hicii ore 1 being put up by members member of the theEmployers thoEmployers theEmploYer
Employers Association Assciaton and if I possible possiblethrow pOllbl possibhthrow
throw thow n scorn Into Int the members membe of the theXew thot theew
Xew t ew York Housesmlths 10usemlth Union Unon who have havetaken havetakeD havetaken
taken tho places plAc of the Sam Bm Parks Pak crowd crowdAt cowd cowdAt
At all al the buildings luldlngs being put up by mom members momberl mombets ¬
bets berl of the th Employers Association ABoclton police policewero policewero
wero ero stationed statione yesterday and they tey will willbe wiltbe
be kept there at night in the future futue to t pre prevent prorent ¬
vent any more dynamiting dymitng Private Pivat de detectlves detectrt dotectkes
tectlves tectrt have been bon employed employo by the te Em Employers Emplorera Employers ¬
ployers Association ABoclation and they ta will wi bo b kepi kepion ket keton kepton
on duty at the new buildings budigs night nht and a day dayTwo dayTwo dayTwo
Two sticks stick of dynamite dyamte were wer found foud under undeit underpile
t pile pie of fireproof lreprf brick brck tiles te In i the te Btreel BtreelIn strt strtla etreetIn
In front of the new Acker Merrall Mer c < t tCondit S SCondlt
Condit building buidig The Te sticks stck wore woreinches wr 8 8ilrhes 8Inches
inches ilrhes long S Inches in diameter dlnetr and andweighed andelghed andelghed
elghed a pound each They were wer in i the thtcentre thecntre thecentre
centre cntre of a pile ple about five fve feet fet high and andwere andwer andwere
were wer found by two workmen workon Timothy TlmotbjMlnopio Timothyrnlue TimothyMinogilo
Mlnopio rnlue and James Sullivan Suiva who had been beercarrying beenrlrlng beencarrying
carrying rlrlng the tiles tles into Int tho building buildingThey buiding buidingThey buildingThey
They saw two tw fuses sticking stcking up from frorrbetween trombetween frombetween
between two bricks brcks and ad at once suspected suspecteddynamite sUotd sUotddYamlte uipocteddynamite
dynamite dYamlte They Tey carefully carefuly removed rmoved the thtbricks te tebrlekR thebrIc1s
bricks and after ater calling the foreman torml anc ancthe and andthe andthe
the other workmen worken lifted lted out the sticks stck ol oldynamite of ofdyamIte ofdynamite
dynamite dynamitePoliceman dyamIte dyamItePolcma dynamitePoliceman
Policeman Polcma Donnelly Donnely of the te Tenderloin Tenderlolistation Tenderloinltton Tenderloinstation
station ltton was wa wa on duty at the building buidi ant anth and andhe andhe
h he took tho dynamite dyie to the Bureau Burau of Com Combustlbleu CombUtble Cornbuat1blei
bUtble bustlbleu at Fire F Headquarters Ieaquarer He was waisfrald wasafraid
afraid arld to t put the sticks stck in his hi pocket poket anc and andal andall
al all 11 tho way uptown uptow In i an Eighth Ehth avenue ca cacarried cr crcie car carcarried
carried cie them In i bi his bonds had Two To men begat begatto beganto
to talk tlk dynamite dyate and some women In th thcar to totr tho thocar <
car tr were wer badly bady frightened frbtned until unt Donnell Donnellgot Donnely DonnelyJot Donnelly Donnellygot
off at street streetSupt streetSupt
got Jot of at Fiftyninth FUtynnth Itrt ItrtSupt
Supt Murray Muy of the te Bureau Burau of Combusti Combustibles Combut Coinbustiblea ¬
bles ble found foud that t to each stick Itck of dynamite dynamitewaj
waj Wi we attached atbed a fuse tu four and a half yards yirdelonjc yardslong
long JOD and a a flTilMng tlmltpg cap cp The Te dyna dynamlta d dl dyn dynsuite
suite wMfrozeiircbovringtheithadMm wMfrozeiircbovringtheithadMmla W l butIhl
la thn t pile of bricks brck at least lot over ovr night nightIts nightns nightlts
Its dynamite dyit all n right rhtte r1httho the kind kd usec usecfor used usedfor
for blasting blatS purposes PUrl aaid Id Supt Murray MurrayEach MurrayEach ury uryEcb
Each Ecb stick ltc contains ontw about 40 per pr cent ont o onitroglycerine or ornitroglycrne ofnitroglyoerlne
nitroglycerine nitroglycrne A match touched to th thfuse the thetu thefu8e <
fuse tu and fd nd there ther would woud be b a terrific tro explosion explosionSupt explOlon explOlonSupt exploslonSupt
Supt Milward who is i In charge of the tinwork thework thework
work on the te Acker Merrall MerU < t Condit build buildteg buid buidIg buildbIg
bIg Ig said that the dynamite dyamte couldnt have havibwn haebn havebeen
been bn in the pile pie of bricks more mor than two twidays twoda twodays
days Tho bricks he said sad were wer brought broughto
to the to building buldng on Friday Frday and wore wr piled plleion pied piedon piledon
on the thl street atret because bcaua there ther wasnt wlnt room roonon rom romon roomon
on the floor foor of the building buldn for them themI
I have no doubt ho hosaid said ld that the dyna dynamite dynanile
mite mil was put ut there ther by some mo member of the thiold theold theoki
old Sam Parks gang I have had ha some itomitrouble 81e 81et1ub11 sometrouble
trouble t1ub11 with wih them thor principally principaly because becme 1 1wouldnt I IMuldnt Iwouldnt
wouldnt employ them us I am a member membeof membr membrof memberof
of the Employers Association Assciaton I don donthintc dont donttn11 donttilnic
thintc that Ihlt the attack attck was wa directed dircte against agulosnio againt againstojo
nio 110 personally pOllaly but because beause I am a membeof member memberof
of tho th Employers Employer Association AssociationIt Assciton AsscitonIL
It Is I evident eleent that the persons prn who are andoing aredoing aredoing
doing this thl dont dont know much about abut the use usiof useor useof
of For Instance if the
dynamite Intnce dyna dynamile dynnmie dynalotte
mile mie had h d been placed plce under the boiler bier o otin ot otIho oftue
tin hoist hI t engine instead Inte of near It the engine englmwould engineoul enginecoulI
would oul < have been wrecked wrke As it it was WI we wewere weer welIere
were er able to repair rpair it this thL morning moring and andnow andn andOw
now n wo aro using u lng it Several Seerl of the Parks ParkFtren Parkf Parkfen Parksnen
tren en were around arund here her today o and I refused refusedto
to talk to them There were some smo good goodmen goodmen goodmen
men among them but there ther are others other that thatno thatn thatno
no n decent 11pentman man would employ I told tol these thesefellows thl1 t1eiofellows
fellows felows this morning that hat I would have havinothing haonthing havenothing
nothing lo do with wih them after ater what hap happened hapIpne hapined ¬
pened Ipne hero yesterday ycterday and this thL morning morningAu moring moringu
Au u investigation Inestgaton yesterday morning morningshowed morlng morlngIhowe morningshowed
showed Ihowe that that the explosion in the Taber Tabernacle Tabernlcle Tabernacle
nlcle nacle building buiing had been at the base bl of ono oneof onoor onoof
of the iron columns column supporting supporing one of the thetowers thetower thetowers
towers tower Chance Chl0 A Cowen Cwen the contractor contractoroupt contractorclpt
oupt clpt Allardlce Alardlc in charge chge of tho work on onFortyseventh onthe onthe
the buiding building ad and Cpt Capt Handy ot the West
Fortyseventh For1seenth street stret station staton deolared that thatthe thntthe thatthe
the explosive used could coud havo been ben noth nothng ¬
ing inelse ng else than dynamite dynamiteThe dymie dymieThe
The dynamite had ha been ben placed place and andapparently andappaently andpparontly
appaently apparently tied te under uder one of tho cross crosswanu crosl
b betfl4 wanu close to where it had been riveted rivetedto
to toI toone one of the main mal upright uprght columns About AboutI Aboutsix
six Ix I I Inches Iches of the flange fage on the cross cros beam beamWM beamWUrrPpd beamWI
WM WI ripped away from where it it joined the thoupright theup theupright
upright WUrrPpd up gt and some sme terra cotta was Wil charred
t by > the Although the
explosion oxploion Alhough tl flange flangeon fnnge fnngeon
on the cross boom ia i pot very ery thick It Is Isnot 18hnot isnot
hnot not believed bleed that tht a fulminating tulmlnatng cap > would wouldrve
hive been en powerful enough to tem off of a atripsix aI aStripsix
I tripsix rve IP Ilx Inches Inehe long longhTho
hTho The viciousness lclou n0s of orthe the person who caused causedtn
tn It the e explosion said Mr Cowen the con canrtor
trjctor rtor Is apparent from the fact that It ItDowned Itoe itoccurred
Downed oe at the tie foot of ono of the big towers towersmdmipht towerssad
mdmipht sad rnlitt have weakened weakene the whole struct structur struettire
ur tire Iho ho force torc of the explosion wan WI slight slightwoause slfht slfhtUe
woause 1 Ue tho dynamite was loft free in the tlioep theopen
dyamite 110 110opn
ep opn open n air airThero airtTere airThere
There is II no doubt in my mind that thnt this thisis thli thliId
is I the tTere e work of some mo member meber of Sam 1m Parksa Parksaold larklM larklMo larkssold
old o Id union Some Sme of them are ae looking lookinj fur I ib
ISM ft and ad not for work Only Onla n few nights nightsgo nlghteago nightsLgo
ago > go one of my foremen Louis Schmidt SchmidtM Schmidtr
M attacked atacke as he was going Into his own owndoctors ownou OwlOUe
r ou OUe end strck struck on the hed head wlth with I a cuh chili
ls Re wa lS picke picked up uncnscIous unconscious and the
doctors worked over bun hi all al night nIght And AndKrike Andt
dtocora that t I i not the only only CS case During cme cmerhke otieStFfl5
Krike rhke ono on of tho engine engie boilers bolers was al filled filled1th tlt
1th t kerosene keo ne and It it hadnt hdnt been ben din dinwvored dlsere dislered
wvored lered ere In tune there would have been nn nnplosion nno onPlploion
Plploion Plploiontentml plosion o lon loncntml
Central cntml Oflloo Ofc men and precinct detectives detectivesJW6 detect detectivesrero es esjere
JW6 jere thick yesterday around tho build buildPytor buid buidIRS buildlgs
IRS lgs where te the etera explosIons occurred In InJ InPeCtor
J Pytor PeCtor tor McClusky Mcuky said sid last ocurrr night that ho lieMa
Ma hd d several clues but that tht he wasnt snt pre prePred prefre prersed
Pred to tell tel what wht they are The detec detecves dftec dftecIt deteclee
fre lee It examined eImine a number of men who have havefive hacnl havevn
vn nl nltrIning training wih with the Parks crowd crowde
jive five e policemen in uniform and four fourw fourfllerton
polcmen uniorm
Pnkrton fllerton detectives wlre wero on dut duty at it the thenel theAckpr
nel w Acker eker Merrall A Condit building buildingPt buldlnR
apt > Pt Hnndy Ilnll IIlnd wns wnRIt lerral at tho I building buiding early rrl In Inno Ino
fapt no 10 o niKinlng OninJ und ho found several 1tIraI mon monJJptnln Ilrn lulenSflIit
rangi SflIit IrOwd tirouind One of them I a pllslfrrr pllslfrrrAd pinstura
Ad tho thoIIh81aln tim timitaifl
n 1ldl lllfldie of working orkin clolhef c1othc 1111 ml
JJptnln IIh81aln itaifl nxamined < xlmlned them before ho drove droveih Ilrooman
C < man
awnv awn RVllVHihe
Hihe Ti ni captain cpt41n was wa also alH told that Joseph Josephn Jo Iomephh eph ephIH
IH le the Inglnler emineer ot the hol hoist 1 rnlino rnlinofcn miIne miInead
h ad fcn ecn three member members of the old larks larksI
n I j
union on in the building on Saturday tnrdy Supt
Mllward Miwar said Bld that tht he didnt suspect supect those thosewere thee theemen thesemen
men He said id that he knew who the thewere they
were uro and that they camo to him to net et t trecommendation a armmendaton arecoinniendatloll
recommendation rmmendaton BO I that they could culd eelinto eel Ret
into Int the new union Ho gave them th threcommendation the tharmmendntol therecommendation <
recommendation rmmendntol he said because they
were good men menThw menThL menThis
This Is a very serious situation paid lc
Capt Cpt Handy er I i have a u list Ilt Rlnnton of tho men merwho menwho menwho
who hnvo been discharged dlhnrgo from frm thoH thoHthing thCo <
buldlnps buildings ad and 1 Y1 will lok look tho them al all up WI We Weare
are making Bme some heaway headway but It I is I a hard
thing to tl run down
Supt Mllward Miward said Bld that he had made madethe madea
a pernl personal cmplint complaint to Inpolor Inspector McClukv McClukvand McCluskv McCluskvand
and that the ilpetor Inspector ha had told biO bini th that t
ho had thr three of 1 his bet best men working Oi on
the tle case cle Commissioner CmmllonerOreno ColnmhsionerOreene Oreeno announce announced
last lt night that tht he would do everythini evertbing announce
possible PBlble r asible to t run rn down the men responsible responsibleortho rpnldble responsibleor
for ortho or the explosions cxpl0 lon9 and to prevent more
1 Tere There te were ere Plenty of signs slll yesterday ellterdn
that the Parks gang was wal down and out outlike
like lke its Is old lender Some of the remnant rmnant
held a meeting meetng In Maennorchor faennerhor Hall lal yester yesterday tcr ¬
day afternoon afteroon Chairman Chairan Crowley Crwlev of the thtstrike thestrike thestrike
strike committee commitee of the old unfon saidthat said Midthat saidthat
that that of course coure the men In his hi union would wouldbe
be blamed blame for any acts act of violence but
he was wn sure luro that tat they had nothing to do dcwith dowIth dowith
with the explosions ex loslon
When hen asked aked what action aoton thd th th employers employersassociation cmployet employersaesoolation
association aloolaUon would take about tho dyna dynamiting dynamitng dynaratting ¬
ratting mitng Its Is representative reprsenta ve Leonard K
Prince Prlno said saidWe Bld BldWe saidWe
We are ae supplying private detective detectivefor
for every ever important Imprant Job and they wil wilcrackers wi wlilremain
rmaln remain on duty at nlg night It These fre frecroker fire firecrackers
crackers croker at night ngh are not going to worr worrus worrU8 worry worryus >
us The men are a not frightened trlghtone The Theare They Theyar Theyare
are ar not the kind of men to frighten easily easilyand eal ealand easilyand
and aa n this thi is 1 a I dull dul season there nre two twcmen twomon twomen
men for every Job Considering Considerg the at attempts attempts attempts
tempts to harm han us the amount of damage damagidone damagedone damagedone
done Is amazingly amaingly small smallC smal
C E Cheney Coney of the Iron Irn League Jge sale salethat sid sidthat saidthat
that over 700 70 men from Parkss old okunion oldunon oldunion
union unon had applied appUe for lobs since last Mon Monday Monday Monday
day He said sid that all ai of them tem couldn couldngot culdnt couldntot
got ot cards crs In the to new union and some o osome ot ottem ofuem
tem uem had use used thratenng threatening language languager
r wouldnt b be surrie surprised he Bld said If IfBore itsome
some Bore of those thol who were wer turned tured down dow nr nrresponsible are arerepnlble areresponsible
responsible repnlble for the te dynamite dyamie outrages outragesROOT outragesROOT
President Pelldent 8 Maid ld to Want Him 11m for Nation NationCommittee Natonal NatonalCmmltee iatlonal iatlonalCommittee
Committee Cmmltee Cn Calrman CalrmanPrIdent Chisirman ChisirmanPresident lrm n nPresident
President PrIdent Roosevelt Rsvolt eminent emient Republl Republlcans npubl Ttepubilcans
cans cn said Bid yesterday yestery has hal about abut given glon U Uthe Uthe up upthe
the Idea idc that Senator Snator Hanna lana will wil accep accepreelection acpt acptrlecton accept acceptreelection
reelection rlecton as a chairman ohairm of the Republican Republlcatnational Rpublcn Rpublcnntonl Republicannational
national ntonl committee cmUte Senator Sntor Hannas sue sueouBsor sucCMor SueOSMOr
ouBsor CMor is to be b elected eleced immediately after afteitho afterthe aftertho
tho national natonal convention cnventon adjourns adjourD Th Thconvention Tho Thoconventon Thuconvention <
convention conventon is called caled to assemble nsmblu in Chicago Chlcagon Cicago Cicagoon Chicagoon <
on June 21 21The 21Te 21The
The Te Republicans Rpublcans who nay IY that the Presi Presidont Prsi Prsident President
dent has h given givn up p hope hop of inducing Mr MrHanna MrHana MrHanna
Hanna Hana to conduct cnduct the national natonal battle ote li In Inlo
1901 lo are ar competent comptent to t speak spak and the thesay they theyIY theyo1W
say IY also al that the President would like lke t thave to tohav tohave <
have hav EUhu Elbu Root succeed lucd Mr lr Hanna Hal a ai ainational as asnational
national natona chairman charn Secretary Sctary Root not it li liunderstood hi hiundertoo inunderstood
understood undertoo is II to retire retr from the Presi Presidents Presidents al aldents
dents Cabinet Cabint about abut Febuary 1 The TinPresidents ThePrsidents ThePresidents
Presidents Prsidents friends trlend in telling toiing about the thtPresidents thePrsidents thePresident
Presidents Prsidents desire deir to have lne his Secretary Secrtary o oWar ot otWar ofWar
War conduct cnduc the national notonl battle btto next year yearassume yearauo yearassurno
assume auo that the President Preident is certain crtin that thaiho thatho thatho
ho Is to be b nominated by the convention conventionThe conventionThe
nomnatd cnenton cnentonThe
The President Psidet and Secretary Sectar Root Rot have haveboon hve hvebon haveboon
boon bon warm an personal prnl and political pltcl friends friendsfrom friendsfrom
from the early 80 B BOs when the th President Presidentnd Prsident Prsidentad Presidentand
ad and nd Mr UrRt Root participated prioIPtdn in tboRopnb tboRopnblican tbeRepablican >
lican lc politic pltc of the old Twentyflret Twentyfrt or orDlamondbck orDimndb orDiamondback
Diamondback Dimndb district ditrc and when the thePresident thePrlden thePreeiden
President Prlden was wa an Assemblyman AssemblymanSecretary Ambiyan AmbiyanScrtr AssemblymanSecretary
Secretary Scrtr Roots Rta friends frIeds said eld last wI night nightthat nlgbttht nightthat
that tht he was wn to resume the te practise prdlf of his hisprofession hisprteion hisprofession
profession prteion upon upn giving up his portfolio portfolioand prfolo prfoloand portfolioand
and their opinion was wn that under no cir circumstances circutncs dr droumetances ¬
cumstances cutncs could ould he be b Induced Inducd to accept acceptthe acceptthe acceptthe
the place plac of chairman of the Republican Republicannational Republcan Republcanntonal Republicannational
national ntonal committee committeeDALY commlteo commlteoDHY committeeDALY
Promotion Pomoton Retarded nrardcd as merited IUerle Uoth 10th I Iand In Inand inand
and Out of the tle Department DepartmentPolice Deprtment DepartmentPolice
I Police Polce Commissioner commslonor Greene appointee appointeethe appointedthe
the last Ilt captain captin who will wi be made mae durin durinthe during duringthe duringthe
the present preent administration administatIon when ho pro promotod promote promoted
motod mote yesterday Sergt John Daly of tin tinEast the theElt tIleEast
East Elt Thirtyfifth Thltftt street steet station staton and sen senhim sent senthim senthim
him to the Union Unionnrket Clarke larket t station stationTho staton statonrho stationThe
Is both in and andout andout
The promotion promoton regarded rpgarde anc ancout
out of the Pollco Pol co Department aa a a merited merlteiono mertI meritedone
one as Dalys name has h headed heade the eligible ellgiblilist elgible elgiblelst eligiblelist
list for some sme time and he has ha been three tbreutimes threutme8 threetimes
lst tme
times on the list lst for a captaincy captaincyDaly captincy captincyDnly captaincyDaly
tme8 Daly IB II 46 years ears old and unmarried unmaried H Hcame le lecae lie liecame
came to the city Cty from Hogansburg Hogasburg Frank FrankUn FraukIn Frankun
cae Un In county CUlt and became lersme a I policeman polleman li In InISB
1880 Ho le was 1 made a roundsmnn in 1891 1891and I iOiand I Iand
and ISB a sergeant during dling theHooscveltr theItoosoveltrgIme theItoosoveltrgImein plm plmII ime imein
in II 1896 186 Much uch of his training trining was wal received receivedIn
In tho Tenderloin precinct Hia HIl mettle mcttluant lelo lelogot mettlegot
got ant a a thorough trial trlnlla last > t summer when lio liothe 1mWW lmewas
WW was bent ent to the West Fortyseventh FortY > oenth street streetstutlon ttret ttretlton stretstution
stutlon as al acting captain Iptaln after afer the sus suspension SU ntispension ¬
pension lton of Capt aclng Dillon Dlol During Durln tho three threemonths Ihreemonths threeInontils
months ho was there the excise xcito oases Mel re reported reported melortd ¬
ported weekly welkly were generally lneliI In II excess CJCISS of ofthose ofthose ofthose
those in an any other precinct precinctWhen precinctWhen precinctWhen
When Capt Shire of the tht East Thirty Thirtyfifth Thirtyfifth hlrtyfrh
fifth frh street ltreet station slltion was I nearly near I killed Iled In II a astreet asLreet astreet
street car Cr accident acidclt in 1 September Capt CaptDaly CaptDaly CaptDaly
Daly was 1 put in command of the pioojnct pioojnctami ptdlrtnnd lieCtmct lieCtmctand
and his hil zeal in iii enforcing eltorcnB the excise cxcse laws lawshas lawl 1avi 1avihas
has hl made the Twentyfirst TwentytlOt precinct recog recognized recg recgnize reoognled ¬
nized nize aa I the cleanest in Now York YorkDEATH YorkIJIATl YorkIEATII
He le Vied Jrd to This Country ounlr After Afllr Killing Ilnr the HieMan tht theUn
Man Ian Who 10 tmo Infiiiltcil Inuilcd Hid 11 Sister SisterROMK SisterRoMi Istlr IstlrROlK
ROMK ROlK N Y Dec 14 HI 14lliding Hiding lnl from the thelaw thelaw timelaw
law of his hi country cunt because becuse he had avenged avengedwith unmgIwith avengedwith
with the death of a prominent prominent mnnnn mnnnninsult munll mmin Rn Rninsult
insult to his hil sister Paul Ulrich Urich a German GermanCount lermaimCount erman ermanCountdle
Count Countdle died suddenly lddenly and unattended unaltlldlltodar unaltlldlltodarIn hunt tended today todayin
in his apartments nparnwntl In II Uooloya loole8 Hotel in inToburg il ilabr inTaborg
Toburg abr Oneida Olllda county COUlt Ho Iu was I 55 5 years yearsold yea yeatsold I Iold
oldSeveral oldSerl Several Serl years IRrl ago Paul Inul Ulrich LIdl flrd Ird from fromGermany froll froimiGernlmtiiy
Germany GermalJ nftcr fel u quarrel with wih awards HWlTIK in inwhich inwhich inwhich
which ho II klllixl 11111 a man who ho had spoken Ipolll slight slightingly Ilghl IlghlIIRI slightingly
ingly IIRI of his hil sister Miss liHH Pauline PaulllA Ulrich Urllh nn nnoctree In InnctreMI unactress
actress In II tho Kings KinrH Court Cour at Dresden DresdenOne Irldcl 1resuiemiOne
One year later ho appeared upplllllt lit Tubers ablrj and andfrom andfrom nd ndfrom
from that Ihat timo he lt had posed pOiol as u I mmtadhmer muHic muHicteacher mualcIacher
l but butlio hlthe inthie
teacher He spoke English lglHh fluently fuenty
lio Iacher was Beldam cominuiilfallvn clmrulet and his hiaacmialntnncis hil hilRcqualnlanclI hisacqimatntancts
acmialntnncis RcqualnlanclI were el few The mystery mysterysurrounding 1slcr 1slcrsurronndln nmysterysurrounding
surrounding hIm was as not penetrated lieuptmtPI by bythe b bIhl byI
the Ihl I he villagers vlhinger ilnglri until unti ilmt 1 after nClr his death 1npom 1npomwhich Iuprn Iuprnwtikh Pmiperswhklm
which ho left lef revealed rnahl his identity identityCount Idrmtly IdrmtlyCount mdeiitim y yCount
Count Ulrich Urih was Wl a14 iin excellent excelent musician musicianand mnlican mnlicanaud
and he hI was WI constantly Conslllll with wih his plrno prno and andviolin amifoln andviolin
violin The upnrtmeuts upnrtmeull ho occupied oeup1 In Intho Intho inthe
tho foln hotol wero er crn richly rchly furnished tnrlslid but hit vary varyliltlfl Ycr YcrILte verylittle
little monov vas found fould A cablegram ClhhI1 nn nnnnunclng nnnonnclng announcing
nnunclng ILte his death was 11 wnt flnt iflt 10 Ciermaiiy Ciermaiiyrolil UIllal UIllalolll UiimiamiyCoiti
rolil olll Cars Car All Al Winter Probably ProbablyThere lrolmll lrolmllThere lroiabl lroiablThere
There were many Uan complaints complnlutl yesterday yesterdayover ye tlnr tlnrover
over the frunzInK rrl trezhrm 7ln tempuratiiro to which whichthe whl11 whl11tho whkhthe
the passengers both oth In il the the surface and andelevated nudeleyatll andelevated
elevated earn in Brooklyn nrookJ n worD nxposed nxposedand IXpSPiamid pld pldand
and ViooPrcsidont VI ePrsiont Cnldurwood of the theBrooklyn theDrooklYI theBrookIYlI
Brooklyn DrooklYI < Rapid Transit Trnsi Company omIIIU rufrotted rufrottedthat fIrlttl1 fIrlttl1that ruttreitelthat
that they the were w re well wel founded Ho Iil explainedthat explained expllncd expllncdth expiiimmcdthit
that th t almost the entire entnl available oalblo power was wnsrequired wasrequired ns nsroulrl
roulrl required to run rn the cars and that the in increased II IICrase iiicreased ¬
creased demands te in this thl respect rIRIct during duringChristinas durlnl duriimgChristmas
Crase Christmas ChrlHlmal week ek would oiiitl compel them them to tolet tolet tolet
let tho cars go totally tolnl unheated unheat < d Nor Norcould NorOUld or orould
ould Mr Ir Caldonvood Cldorlood 10 hold out tnueh mUlh hope hopeof hOle hOleor
of any al all Imjrovtmcut ImTro mont during tho wiiitor wiiitorThronuh whlulThroolh winterihroiih
Thronuh Throolh 1t Slorpcrs p tl tit lln Ilnehunt hul X t tSehOllnt CScthoird C CscAhonrd
scAhonrd Air II Uno tine Hallway nUlr rommelcU comnieiieliie 10dl 1011511il loday lodaywill
will 1il IpHllc operate Irate 11 Ill llirouchaUsfplnecari rOIh rough Sleeping I rplnt cAr WnMilncton llnIOI 10mlnIuurt 10 toijpnvo
1 mlnIuurt 11 rllurI rr evr3 Turln TuesitA1 TbuDdar Ild sod Slurda SlurdaJAe saiurdar saiurdariit
ijpnvo JAe iit New rr York iVS I Noon 001 0olm arrIve arrl Ilncnurst Plnehurl 71B 71BAM 715t
1183 11 I 153 llw lor nil Information iitToflnAtlOfltdr
AM t 11 1 tdr dr Write ae omce olcf J nj HI 10llllronnlou
He le WM Wa Told Tint Uellilrs lelalrl Had lad Been BeenConvict a aonlet aConvict
Convict In Florid 1 lorlda and That He le 110 110Committed UadConllited ilsilCommitted
Committed Conllited LnipeaUatile tn plalalie Crimes llel In InCub InCubaSo InCottaNo
Cub CubaSo No Account Kept of a Illg Ut L1l Fund FundWASHINGTON lndWASINOTO Vend1ASmIflOTO
WASHINGTON WASINOTO Dej Do 14 HFour Four witnesses witnesseswero wltneBes wltneBeswer witnesseswere
were wer before the Senate fIHte Committee Committ on onMilitary 01 onMilitary
Military lltnry Affairs Mair today In tho matter mater of ofthe ofIhe ortime
the chargos against Gon Gn Leonard Wood WoodThey WoodThoy WoodThey
They wero ero Dr C E Fisher of Chicago ChicagoL Chicgo ChicgoL
L 0 La L Fontisse Fontsse of Jacksonville Jacksonle Fin FlaMajorGen FinMajorGen FinMajorGon
MajorGen John R I Brooke retired rt Ired and andL andL andL
L J Morrison Morrlsl of Now ow York Tho testi testimony test testimony ¬
mony of Messrs 1lsrs Fisher and Ild La L Foutisss Foutisssdealt Fouts Foutissedealt
dealt with Gen Woods Woodl oodn Intercotlrsa Inlercourl3 with withtho withtho withthe
tho former convict cnvict Bollalrs Belnlrs and was of a asensational ainstlonal aensatioimal
sensational instlonal nature natl Gen Brooke Jrooke was re recalled r recallod ¬
called calod murely lorely to wibmit Hu mlt records bearing bearingupon baring baringUpOI bearingupon
upon UpOI his hii previous plJlous testimony testmon Mr Mor Morrisons Morrisons Morrisons ¬
risons testimony testmony related to a claim or ofS872 orS722
S872 8722 against tho military mitary government governmentwhich pocrment pocrmentwhich gOCrflnlenthicli
which hicli has h1 never been paid paidIn pnldIn paidIn
In 1900 190 Fisher Filher was managing editor edlor and andI andLa
1 La I Fontuwo FontM city oit editor of the Havana lnann Po PoBcllalra Post Postilellaire l lDelalrs
Bcllalra Delalrs waa WI then correspondent crrspondent of the theAssociated thoAssociated theAssociated
Associated Press PreH at Havana Invana and n valiant valiantchampion vllant vllantchmpion valiantchampion
champion chmpion of Gen Wood ood They rhe were wereintimate wereIntimate wereintimate
intimate friends trilnds and ad had been hon since Bellalrt Dlalm Dlalmat Bellahrsat
1 at Santiago Santago proposed prop08d a toast to The next nextGovernor nostGoveror nextGovernor
Governor Goveror of Cuba CubaOne CubaOne CubaOne
One of tho charges chages brought by Major MajorEstes MnjorEstes MajorEstee
Estes G Rathbone against Gen Wood la latliat if isthat
that tlt Wood knew kne the criminal record rcord of olBellalrs ofBllalrs ofBeliairs
Bellalrs Bllalrs and that that In spite EJlo of Ibis knowledge knowledgehe
he publicly publcly consorted with wih him and ad used usedhis usedhL usedhis
his hL Influence Intuenc to prevent Bellnira Dllair from be being b heing ¬
ing discharged dicharged by ly tho Associated Press PressBellalrs Pr8 PressBeliairs
Bellalrs Blalr In the meantime meautll employing his hisenergies hi hionergles hisenergies
energies to advertise aderls Gen Gn Wood through througltho throughtho throughthe
tho Associated A8oiated Press PressLa PressJ PressLa
La J Fontlsso FontS testified testlled today that In May Inr
1909 19 he ran rn across acrs one Johnston at Havana Havanawhom Havanahom Havanawhoni
whom hom ho had known kown In Florida Johnston Johnstonhad JohnRtonhad Johnstonhad
had served time In Florida for homicide homicidebut homlcidl homicidebut
but had been pardoned Early Fariylrm in 1900 10 John Johnston Johnston Johnston ¬
ston had attended otendcd a race rao at Havana ant antglancing and andglancll andglancing
glancing glancll up Into the grandstand grctanl bo lieBellairs aa aaBellalrs fl
Bellalrs Dalalrs sitting sittng beside his lii friend Gen GenWood GenWood GenVood
Wood Johnston recognized rcgnized Bellairs elnlrl 09 09the astime S Sthe
the convict Cherlton Cherton who had served srvcd Ir Irthe In Inthe Inthe
the name prison plitOI camo clnc with wih him in II Alacluia Alacluiacounty Alachla Alachlacounty Alacimnacounty
county Fla Well Wol Ill Il bo damned damnedif
if tHere tem aint my myoId old friend frond Cherllon Charion ex exclaimed exclaimed x xclalmod
claimed Johnston Bellalrs Delnlrs overheard the theremark thermark tileremark
remark rmark and made a warning motion moton tcJohnston to toJohuaton toJohnston
Johnston They The met mft under undlr underthe the grand grnd stand standand standand standlUld
and after that time tme ao B long aa Johnston Johnstonwaa Johnstol
was wal in Havana he drew SI 10 or 0 Sl 1 a week weekfrom wetl wetlfrm weekfronm
from frm his old friend rrleld Cherlton CherltonJohnston Chorton ChortonJohnstn CherlionJohnston
Johnston Johnstn tod this thl to La Lu Kontiwie Fontie in 11 May Ma Iay
1900 190 and Ind La 11 Fontlsse Fonts e began nn investi investigation investigaton investgation ¬
gation gaton on his awn account acColnt Into Bollairss Bollairssrecord Belnls Belnlsrecord Bellairnsrecord
record It I was intended Inlelli to expose Bet Bellalrs Bl Bllair Betlairs ¬
lairs lair in the Pot Rumors Humor of exp8 incredible incredibledepravity Ilcrediule Ilcrediuledepravity incredibledepravity
Bullairus involving involvingtho Inollrigthe
depravity on BlalrO part plrt
the commission com1llon of unspeakable unspeakllle crimes crimeswere crlmet crinmesvore
were wer In circulation cIrulaton at Havana and La LaFontlsso LaJontl8e LaFontisso
Fontlsso Jontl8e found three thr Cuban boys boyl who told toldhow toldhow toldhow
how Bellnira Delalr had ha wronged wronge thorn thornDuring themDurinp thornDuring
During Durinp the next month according acording to toLa toIa toLa
La Fontlasos FontI80s Fontlao testimony tMtmony Gen Wood drew drewLa drw drwLa drewLa
La Fontluse Fontie aside Blde in the the palace plae at Havana Havanaand Havanaand Havanaand
and questioned qUOUone him hi concerning cononing the te rumors rumorsjot rOJ rumorspfDeilalrasjotmner
jot JteilairaaJarmer priaoq prW record and ad his hisdepravity hi hisdepravity
depravity in Cuba Cub La L Fontisse FontW rr told tld Gen GenWood OenWO GsaWood
Wood WO all he knew and mentioned John Johnston Johnston Johnston ¬
ston the te a former foner convict who hod ha lOg recognized lOgnlze reco reconized ¬
nized nlze Bellalrs Belalr Gen Wood thereupon therupn ad advised advised a avised ¬
vised La L Fontisse Font ae to see le Johnston Johltn and offer offerhim orer oerhim 1
him hi In Gen Wood behalf bhalf free fro transporta transportation trnlprta ¬ I
tion ton to his h former home In Florida Flord by way wayof wayof wayof
of New ew York La Fontisse Fonte did this thi but butJohnston butJohnston butJohnston
Johnston refused refued to leavo Cuba CubaJohnston CubaJohnston CubaJohnston
Johnston told La I Fontisse Fonts that Bellalra Bellalrahad Balalr Beliairahad
had been ben discovered dlscorll while whlo in prison camp campIn campIn campin
In the te commission omml8lon of an Infamous crime crimennd crimennd crimeand
nnd had been ben flogged topgcu This Thi Information Informationwaa InformationWI
was WI also nl0 conveyed cnveyed to Gen Wood Gen GenWood en enWood enWood
Wood however paid no attention atentIon to tho thoi thorelltons therevelations
i revelations relltons and an went to New York in July
1000 100 with wih Bellalrs Belalr where they saw BW Assist Assistant Assistat AssistalIt ¬
ant at General Gonerl Manager DIohl of tho Asso Associated ABo ABoclated Assoelated ¬
elated Press Pres Gon Wood Woo ooti interceded Intercded for forBullrirs forBeilairs
Bullrirs Bclrln according nccordll to the 1 testimony testmony of offered offored offared ¬
fared the other day dl lay by Col oh Diehl and andBellairs Ind IndBeUalrs amidBollairs
Bellairs was Bent nt to China to act for the theassociation Ii timeassociation
association associationDr
1oclaton 1oclatonIr
Dr Ir Fisher Fi hAr testified testlted concerning cncrln his hiaknowledge hlO hisknowledge
knowledge In II woo lW of Bellairaa Belalls criminal criminalrecord criminalretrd criminalrecord
record and rotated roltell how he and Gen Wood Woodhud Wod Wodhli cod codhad
hud hli discussed dlscu d Bellalrss Blalrs record and crlmi crlmii criminal crinminai
i nal practices pratls at that time tme Fisher was wusanxious wasanxious 11
anxious axoU to print plllt nil 1 article exposing expotIg Bel Bellairs Hellairs Bellairs
lairs but lut was va dissuaded dlsuadell ftoin tll doing doin HO HOby 80b noby
by b Gen en Wood Fisher told of u trip lie liemado bemao lierilildu
mado with Wit Gen Wood ood In the despatch delpawh boat boatViking 10lt 10ltYIilg boatlhiiig
mao Viking YIilg lhiiig from frm Cuba to the Isle of Iines inel on onSept onSfPI onSept
Sept SfPI 0 I 1IKW 1IKWThey 11 ItStOLucy
They ho talked tal < 11 of Uellulrs Belulu nud Fisher Flthor told toldGun toldGln tolden
Gun Gln en Wood of evidence oldenl that bad been ben dis discovered dl dlCOIId diseoverecV ¬
that Bel Bctlall Sdlairs
covered COIId showing conclusively concluively tha
1 lairs lall had served hrd five fe years eur of H I seven ten year yearsentenco yearnentelmee Iar Iarcneleu
sentenco cneleu in il Florida 111la and nll that later ho hrd hrdbuen hrdhul 114leSli
buen hul charged char withthe wih tvitlm time commission of In Infamous infnroU Infamous ¬
famous fnroU crimes el both at Snhtlrgc Slltrgc and 1ld at Ha Havana HI lEaamln ¬
vana Fishur Fi hUI gave gin Gen W cod Cod ibo 1 he mimes l me8 of ofthree orI ofthree
three boys who lmo wrruready to tistifv against againstBellairs agiiastBellairs
I Bellairs Helair Fisher FI hel had glan gi CI c mm oidcM to lis lisassistant 1 lisassletant
assistant 1 I tnt La n Joritisio J 011110 Omit isa to gutbtr gulh r time ma material ititterlal 1 ¬
terial Itrlal for un ulrllcle article exiting uxpoLlng rJcllTrs icl Ir and to toprint toprint toPriIlt
print it i in the Post PostUpon PoPt PoPtlPOI PosttIxni
Upon lPOI Fishers FIBher1 return Ieturn to Havana Hynl from fromtbo fromIhe froirmthe
the trip with len Wood be h hurried hurred to the theoflice tueoftico
tle tleonc
oflice onc trp of tho Post JJ t and ld asked La Jontlnso JontlnsoYou JonltM JonltMYou JontlssuYou
You havent printed that story about abut Bel Bellairs 73e1lairs el elInlrs
lairs have your ou La Vontisso rout ss replied repliedthat repled repledthat repliedthat
that ho had not Ot Well Wel eli for Ood u I edont nalte naltedont oHlwd
dont dOlt do 10 it said Fisher Ue1 U Jen mm W Wwould ooa ooawould 00 00would
would not 1ot liavo Iavo that published lllehl > for the theworld fheworld tImeworld
world Accordingly Arcordln ly there t Ile svns II cas nothing nothingpublished nothllg nothllgpuullhed rmotlmiiigJilbliblmel
published puullhed hi II Havnnn lann I regarding n lrdll Bnlluiiss Bnlluiissrecord HolnhH1 l3elIui sn snECCOid
record Ie l Id though the facts ructl wero wcr generally generallyknown generly generlyklown generallykimown
known klown and talked about aboutL aout aoutj
L j J J i Morrlwn 10 rrln who Is I a I lawyer Iwor at ntDrndwa 41 41Broadway 41Brondvoy
Broadway Drndwa Now ul 1i York testified totfcd that ho repre represented Ieprcfnted reproseated ¬
seated fnted clients neltl who had old a disinfect dblnfectlnl disinfecting disinfectingmat Ing Ingmaterial
material mat erial to tlm tl military mitary tim flits ry government govcrrnelt anti nndthat Ind Indthlt antithat
that thlt a iMilance hllalC1 of S8n 8722 WIIH Wlli due dil He was wasadvise W8 wasaiIvisei
I advise lll ed to Bend ln n receipt rlcelpt for the amount amountwith al0lnt al0lntI anmolilmtwith
I with wih voucher Olher to Gen en Wood tOd and ml that tho thosum tll 11111still
I sum 111 I would wuull l uhi bo forwarded fulwanhI in The ivcelpts ivcelptsere elpl elplte n nC
ere te C IC Kent lent but blt no 10 money m 10Ie ni imey came lalO Soon iOm ii after afterword afer aferi altern
i Wood turnwl rieJ affairs ifa irs to the theCulun I I
word nld n id den il ooclllrmllfulr I Ii II over OI u vim tl ll me meII1IIII
Culun elbm GovermnoiU ournmolt Iud loft the Island IslandIt 1lonl
I It vn vmln I < < said thntti tlmtl fund flml of S 100000 OJ bad boon boonrtwrved bcel beenIC
rtwrved nlrnl to IC pay outstanding oltltllllP claims hut Mr MrMorrison Ir Irolri 1 11Io
Morrison 1Io olri irkim 1 toldtbo 101111 told fl I lie committio cnluitf coilil tilt ten o that t h 1m hud hudnever Ilul Ilulneer haitinever I
never boon ben utile Ihlo to net I hU money 10 ne though thoughhe thoughj
j he hp had written llen many I11n times Ihll to Ion OI Wood Woodund ood oodand
und 111 hind Instituted InHtiut inquiries inqulrl lo discover discoverwhnt dl discoverwhat Clr ClrI
I whnt hnd hld beeomo he Jlu of I bo 11X1000 HMJO Appar Apparenllv Appaieimmiv
1111 1111elll
enllv elll no account nlcount wns Wi ever cr kept l < pt of that tlintfund thlt thattitimil I
fund 1111 Ctibin officials cmdr had informed Mr MrMorrison itri1 I
I Morrison i1 Irrllon rrisefl thnt 11111 I imti I not no I only C 11 mly mm u 11 ins no 101lnd Hind I Insight Insightwith In sight 51ghtwith sightwhim
with which to pay for contracts 1IraCtl outstand outstanding oltltlric otmtstmiiidI ¬
I ing In when bIl hti ion iol cmi Wood cod loft Cuba Iulm t1il but I mut that thatfor thutI t limitm
I for m ol vtrv Irv slirmn hrIH time Cuban ulan Government Governmenthnd Ioveraiimeut1cm oermrnt oermrnth11
hnd h11 1cm d Jlil i inKl mm hI out 530000 S30O to I I claimants diOU111 ha in timilt S who pre present prefII1 P re restImm
sent fII1 wl Ci IXMUI IJ ho 111 nit lld IdlJ tide > bills billsMr lil lilIr 11115iir
Mr Ir Mcrrisnii Ikri IIL 1rrimnhm nl ehnrped clnjed Irn 11 ii Wood WOO I with withI 1 1gror
I gror gron IOI > s tifcfillKenci 1t Ivrnel in tho til t ho conduct cOlrurt of buM busiiic bunii
i I iic mmcm niul iitl > added Idlld tlmt tll ho bad fld applied npple ii to totho 10thu totime
time II War nll Department Departmelt without witholt avail a ul to din discover dil dilcover dincover ¬
cover u remedy for his hi clients clientsSenator clelt cleltRelator clientsSeimatOr
Senator Relator Hnnnn 1 I ill who Is h a constant eOlstnnt at attendant It ItIrnranl uttentmtnt ¬
I Itho
tendant Irnranl nt lt time Wood hearingM Iwarilg requested requestedllm reql lfd
time coinmittp f0111I today to tl summon lummOI Gen GenWood Genmi I IWond
Wood mi from the Philippines Phllipnls to answer alBwer the tlioserious theIlriou timescrkitiI
serious Ilriou charge ChrtH that have Invl l lin been > een so 10 stronijlv stronijlvsubstantiated Rtrnrh RtrnrhlhEtlllnlrd strIxmtiysubstant
substantiated substant lhEtlllnlrd kited before blfnr tho committee ommlteo Thn Thncommlttoi 1i 1icommltn 1 lie
4 commlttoi tool tnl the request under con consideration cn cnI conI ¬
I sideration commltn idCrntlol it In II understood undentoo that that Major MajorJames mlajorJmlnmes I IJnnl
James Jnnl E Rtincin 1uncio will 1 lie rncalled ronled to testify testifyfurther tetlf testifyfurther I
I further furher roRardlnc re lrdlnl his hi charge chanle that Gen GenWood GeliI Geim
I Wood Inspired In pl1 tbo I tin article Irtlclo In tho North NorthAmerican Northtnmericamm i i1mericol
American 1mericol fciirtr cljrl attacking Itncklng Gon Brooke BrookeSecretary Uroolo llroolcecreLulrS 1
Secretary Clelr creLulrS Hoot made madl public Plhlc today a aletter aINIr aletter
letter INIr which lio h hns his sent Hlt to Senator Hnalor Proctor Proctorof I Ior I
of thu Senate Hant Military Militar tiUI CommittoofiKlohltig CommittoofiKlohltign Cllit c1l0kJIR i in
n letter leW1 from BrigGen Dr Gll lilitss 11 taking takingexcvptlon taklnp takingXCCjtiOll I IIxpLion
excvptlon IxpLion to the lie printed reports rports of his histestimony hisI histestimony
I testimony Ittlmony In the Wood CiOCi inquiry Secretary SecmUiryRoot Scrulr SecretaryHoot
Root Hot says MIIIO soino person pelOI aevms AI to lo IX furnish furnishing turlsh turlshIng furnishing ¬
ing to tho press Pf8 JJfISI0nty txirslstcntly false tl6 state statements sUte sUtemanU statemflCIitR ¬
ments manU of tho evidence e1 Ol taken before bfor the thecommittee thecmmitee thecommittee
committee cmmitee such sucl perversion being llng in every everyI ever
cane C to the prejudice prjudic of Gen Wood Wod Gen GenBlifls GenB1L GonBites
Bites B1L in his letter leter recalls rais that lint he was WI ex examlnod exolned oxstained
stained olned regarding the examination oxamlnaton of i ipackage a apllge aleiua
package pllge leiua go regaring containing contaning articles arIcles intended fo foGen for forGen forlien
Gen lien Wood ood Ho lb says saysOn eys eysOn saysOn
On each lnch occasion oeclslon 1 testified Ilstnld mo 10 lilont t pool poollively pOfl pOflthel poshlively
lively thel under onth that neither directly direct nor noiIndirectly norIndlrletr norIndirectly
Indirectly Indlrletr verbally nrbnl nor In neihr writing wrllnf personal personalfrom per personahitronm onalr
from him nor through throulh any an subordinate not notfrom no nofrom
from any 1 person whatsoever whltsOfer had 1 received receivedeven rere recelsedoven 11
even an Intimation as to the remlciion rllplon ol olduties of ofdutl ofduties
duties dutl 8 upon UPOI Intmaton thnso thfo articles that thlt I ordered the theremission thermls theTenission
remission rmls lon of duty dut artcles because 1 believed beleved then thenmid thentimid
mid 111 believe bleve now that it was In accordance accordancewith accordancewith accordancewith
with the law la thnt Ifany if mistake was made ma madeI e
1 was UR solely responsible IIY mitake for It nnd that If Ifduties Ifd iftilitics
duties d I Iea are 10111 still sti due dle to tho Island i of Cuba on onthese onthese oimthese
these articles Mich the War Department Dlpartnt Islnnl should shouldreopen sholid sholidreopln shouldreopen
reopen to reopln me meSecretary innSecretary my tn accounts account and Hld chirce charle these duties dutiesto dut
Secretary Sretary meSretary Root Hot is L to bo b a witness wltnO this thisweek thi thisweek
week wek before the committee committe Orders Orer were wereIsmied woresle wereIssued
Issued today toda at tho War Department for forto torIhe fortIme
sle Deprtment
tIme preparation preparnton of a mM mass of dnt data In regard regardto
to tup the rank of officers ofcer before and after aftr tho thoSpanishAmerican thoHpaniEhAmerlcn timeSpanishAmerican
SpanishAmerican HpaniEhAmerlcn War which Secretary Sretry
Root will wi present to the committee committ These ThesediUn ThlIe ThlIeda Thesedata
data da tn will wi Include a list IIt of all al the officers officersof ofcla ofclaof
of the army of the rank of Major before beforetho beore beoretho beforelie
tho lie war Wil with Spain a list lst of Mnor the Majors Majorsin lujor
in the army arm within a year after afer the war warclosed warclOed warclosed
closed clOed nnd a list I t of the Colonels during
the name period periodIt >
It Is II ii said Rn to ro bo Secretary Secret ry Roots purpose purposeto IJrpO
to show Ehow that there thor wore many Majors MajorsLieutenantColonels MaJomLlcutennntCololeis MajorsLlotmtenantCoioimels
LieutenantColonels LlcutennntCololeis and Colonels Clonels who were werupromoted weropromot werepromoted
promoted promot to the grade of BrigadierGeneral BrigadierGeneraland
and that other officers ofcer gao besides blde Gen Wood Woodhave Woo Soodhave
have ha been bn jumped rapidly to the front frontbut frontblt frontbut
but blt In each instance IIRtanl Jump for meritorious merltroU 8erlc serviceSecretary service serviceSecretary
Secretary SrAtry Root Hot has hB been ben called caled upon by b bthe
the committee commitee to t submit a statement tterent upn show showIng showJng showlug
lug tho number of officers ofctr now In the army armywho armywho armyWhlO
who have had civil c1 war experience experienceNINE experienceX experienceI4E
lug U Tall Jl Breaking Drlallinc flreaklngAeeomphlstmed Accomplished Atcompiihed fniler fnilerthe t Uniterthio nder nderthe
the Nones SOlel oses or the Guards GuardsPimADBLrHIA GuardPIIDRLrIA GuardsPImxlADELPIIIA
PimADBLrHIA PIIDRLrIA Dec De 14 14Nine Nine Ine convicts convlctaled cmlctR cmlctRled
led by Harry Slfton who Is chief of the theBattlo theIJte theliattie
Battlo IJte of Waterloo gang nn In organiza organization orRanITI organizatloii ¬
tion of thugs escaped esope from trm from the Houseof HouseofCorrection HOlsoof HOlsoofCretion IiotmsoofCorrection
Correction Cretion this morning All Al tho men menwore menore muonwore
wore ore striped stripe suits suitsThey suls sulsThey suitsThey
They were occupants occupant of the third tier tor at atthe atthe atthe
the prison prin At the end U a big washroom washroomwith wanlmrooniwith lhrol
with one small smal window looking out over ovoithe overthe overthe
the Holmeaburg HolmPbur racetrack rcetrck In It the con convicts cn cnIcs convicts ¬
victs Ics assemble aem le every morning after the thewake thewake timewake
wake up whistle whistleA whLte whLtetew
A few minute after this th whlstln whltll had hadsounded hadRounded hadsounded
sounded one of the guards guars notlcolthat notlcolthatSiften noticed nottcej1thatSiften I that thatSiten
Siften Siten was missing A glance at the wash washwindow washrom washroomnslmowed
rom roomnslmowed showed that a br bar wns wasgonefrom gone rrm the thewlndo thewindow
window A glanca glunci showed howe inluy mli flgimu flgimudisappearing Ilgllu Ilglludl tlgmlrtmldisappearing
disappearing dl ppelring over the racetrack racetrackA rcetrck rcetrckA
A hue amId ali cry was 1 at a once raise raiseMoimted rls rlsOllto rainedMounted
Mounted Ollto police plce and prison guards gllrds joined joinedin
in the hunt Not ot one of the fugitives tUgll0 has hasbeen hl hasbeen
been ben captureThe captured capturedThe capturedThe
The work of cutting clttng tho bar br hail taken takenseveral takenI takenseveral
I several SI111 days A rough rou h saw had ha been made madeout madeoul madeout
out of a butcher knife knLII The cuts In the bar barhad br brhld barhad
had hld been bn filled tle up each ech day with soap an and andiron andiron I IIrn
iron Irn filings filingsThe flngA flngAThe filingsIhme
The removal of the thl bar rr left lef an aperture apertureonly Iperturo Iperturoonly apert ore oreonly
only twenty inches InchC wide Through Trough this thisthe thltIle thistime
the men squeezed dropping drpping twentyfive twentyfivefeot twentyfe twentyfefwt
feet to the ground grund They Tley then acaleJ a apicket apicket 1 1pieket
picket fence ten feet fet high guarded by byHontrlcj bysentries y y8entle
sentries HontrlcjMINE sentriesMINE
8entle 8entleMINE
Demand Sltoooo 200 for Damages Damtrl Sustained Sustaineds SDltalnr
a s a Besult BelUt or m Strikes StrikesSAN 8tkt irike irikeSAN
SAN S4 FBAKCISCO FANCISC Deo 14 14Te 14The The stock stockholders stockholer stookholders ¬
holders holer of the Royal Hrl Consolidated Cnldate Mining MiningCompany MinIngCmpay MiningCompany
Company Cmpay today ty filed fled suit against the thoIndependence theIndependence timeIndependence
Independence Miners Union 1nlon of Milton MiltonGUaveraa MiltonCahaveras fton ftonCalaer
GUaveraa Calaer county cunty for 12500 250000 damage damagebocause dallagC daimmagesbecause
because bause of the strike strlle which this union unioncaused Inlol InlolCue1 unioimcausoml
caused Cue1 at the mine mineThe rlne rlnehe mineThe
The he complaint crplalnt says aYI the union Inlon was WI formed formedlost fornwdIlt formedinst
lost Ilt September although relations 1 lotlonA between betweentlio lebveen betweenlimo
limo 110 mining riing company cmpany and Its men had been beenfriendly bten btentrlenll beenfriendly
friendly trlenll and that in November a strike strikewosdeclared 8t1110 8t1110ndcclared strikewasdeclared
wosdeclared ndcclared by tho union because beuse a minor minorwaa minerwn minorwas
was wn discharged dhlcharROI for Inoompetency The Thecompany Thelmpany TImecompany
company lmpany attempted atemple to import Impor miners minersbut miner minerslimit
but lh thA tlliEe e were driven out Olt by an armed armedrrob arlld arlldi arzmiedinch
i inch roh led 1t1 by union Inlon men One miner was wnsbiully wasbsLliy M Mi
i biully lIHI hurt hur much 1ueh property was wn destroyed destroyedanil detr
and Inclhe the mine managers munlgertle life was walhrlalenl threatened threatened3o
I 3o S great Irt was Wa as the terror caused calsi that the themine Ihuuln timemaine
mine uln had to shut thlt down entailing entonl great greatloss grCIti greaticss
i loss 1 < as it Is I filling fln with wih water waterTbo waterlimo ater aterTho
limo not only claims
company 1Iany damages damagesbut dnmage
but t demands dcrnalds an Injunction injuncton restraining rtralnlng the thostriker lie liestrikers
striker 11 rllle from interfering Interflrlng with the mine Ilne or orltd orIt orIts
ltd It I workmen The case e will 1 bo heard on onJan onJin onJan
Jin Jan 4 and meanwhile meanwhie the United Une1 Slates SlatesCircuit SUte StatasCirciii
Circuit Cirrult Court has hal granted granle a temporary temporaryrestraining temporaryf temporaryrestrainiilg
restraining f trlnlnk order orderThis or orderrhis er erTlii
This Tlii Is II the lie mine from which a dozen Chi Chinese ChIne Cliimwse ¬
nese were welo driven out olt and the lie case has hasbeen hal hasbeen
been submite1 lullnlld stihumi itt el lo t n Washington WashingtonsrVUvf Waahlngtol WaahlngtolI WashingtouiI
I srVUvf UJIW RESORT 1tOtT FOR fOt TAMMANY TAMMANYroiigressiiiMi 1IIUT 1IIUTollrIS ItlIilt ItlIiltulIgresslilell
roiigressiiiMi ollrIS Iin Siilllvun SIII1 und Inl Sillier 117rr tlay In Ituj ItujColiiinlila 11 11ollllla liii liiielimimibla
Coliiinlila ollllla Hall Inl nt It Lebanon Itlalun Springs SprltissCHATHAM SpringsmIAvIIAM llrlnl llrlnlIAI
CHATHAM IAI mIAvIIAM I N Y Dec 14Tim 111 Sullivan Sullivanaccompanied Hulian HulianI Sullivanaccompanied
I accompanied ar cmpnlied by Congressman Congrssmln ommgrcnsimlarm fiuler fiulerSenator Hul7r Hul7ri SutzcrSenator
i Senator Smutor Irmly Ordr and Ind former Congressman CongressmanCharles Congrsllan CongrsllanI CongressmanCharles
I Charles Charc D Haincs 1alls went ent to Lebanon Ielanon Springs Springstoday SpringsI Springstoday
I today to make an Inspection Inlpeoton of time tl well wellknown wel wellknown
known und In one time tme famous tamolf summer summerresort Rum smimunierresort mer mersort
resort sort known as Columbia Hall Hal and it was waasaid WIS WISIld wassaid
said Ild that they iIA tile have decided to purchase purchasethe purchasoLlo
the Llo lie sumo sme The property is controlled controled by byThomas byThomaB byThomas
Thomas Coolidge Cooldge of Now Nu York and former formerCongressman formlr formlrCongrfsmal formerCongreesmimait
Congressman Congrfsmal Halnes owns un In interest In InIt init
It Their rhtlr plan is to renovate und re remodel r remodel ¬
model thin building buiding which Is an Immense Immensestructure ImmenseItrlctlre immensei4trIlcttiri
structure Itrlctlre In which 400 40 guests lests can Ixj li accom accommodated uccommodated accolilinodated ¬
modated They also Intend Inttnd to build buid a nice nicetruck mo nicetrack i
truck t Ick near the I he hotel As s one memlwr of ofthe ottho oftimo
the party plrt Mid the pluco lle is II to be b made a asecond u asceonl
second 1lond Saratoga SaratogaTho Hrtoll SaratogaThe
The ball Imi will wi become hecolo the Mecca Mecc for the themen themen themen
men above mentioned m ntlOld as IH well W1 us HI for other otherTummonylteri othtr othtrTllmlllltel otherTanimnaumyitemm
suvnral said saidlo
Tummonylteri Tllmlllltel of whom are lre de I
lo ho 10 Interested Intettl In the scheme fchpme together togetherwith logethrwih togetherwith
with wih soveral loenl members mlmbers of Congress Con s The Theliull TheIli IImeliii
Ili liii liull I I hi located loeted In II the tl town tOWI tow a which contains containsHi cont ltnils ltnilsIh aiim aiimt
Hi t lis homestead homeslelil of the Into Hamuel J Tiltlen Tiltlenand Tiden
and undlM ammdinnot IN not u agruut great grlt distance dlstnnl dislancefroimi from It I Informer Informeryears In former formeryears
years Iar It onjoyecl an almost ahnolt national nltonnl repu reputntlon IPI repmitatlon
tntlon Iltlon us a summer resort Ilrl or late the thwplace theiIace I
place pklc has been losing its itl prestige prstge llcSt lgu and andpopularity andII0plllriL amidpopuitirity
popularity II0plllriL and for some lomo years par has not IU IUIIel miot1tpii
been IIel open opli to thn th t iii public uhlc Tutu Tlu party pnry re returned rt returned ¬
turned tunJd to New ow York this thilafernoon thilafernoonOlIWO afternoon afternoonTORPEDO afternoon1iItlIIH
111 Tliey Proved Irurl Their Tlrr riIeIrttIiIt Ability bll to Stnml tnl the theIOMB tm tiledm5
IOMB 1011 dm5 Voyage oayc oyn e lo Manila ManilaWASHINGTON IlanhlaWAsiItNaTo 11113 I
WASHINGTON W ARIOTON Dec 14 HThe Tho first frt torpedo torpedoboat torpolo torpolohont torpedoboat
boat flotllln tolln commanded commandll by Lieut rJelt Lloyd LloydH I
H Chandler Chanlnr arrived arrive at Port Royal IoII S C Ctoday Cloda Ctoday
today loda and Ciipt Clpt C J Train rnln president pre inent of oftlio ofthe
the llo Naval nl Hoard 10ard of Inspection and Survey Surveywho Sunl Surveywill I
who with other oth r members memhprf of the board boarda boardmmeemnpanled I Irplnh
a mmeemnpanled corn rplnh pan I > d tho flotilla fotln on the th cruiser erll er Haiti Haitimore laltl laltlmor itaitIalert
more mor teloiirnphcd Ilegrnphed tim Navy Department Departmentlint epartllnt
lint time little ltle vessels vlfelt had proved their theirability theirabilty theIrabIlity
ability abilty Illt to stand ftand time long Inl voyage to Manila ManilaCapt Manilaapt Iania IaniaCnpl
Capt apt Train Trin said td tld that the flotilla fotia encoun encountered encounIlrlI encomuntercd ¬
tered IlrlI heavy weather for about twelve twelvehoui twelohOllS twelvehoot
hoot hOllS s off ofCIIe Cape Lookout 101111 There here was a8 a south southfast southllt southeast
fast llt gale gall with wih a heavy sea 11 but blt the five flvovessels fo foolls fiveveseis
vessels olls easily pasl maintained lalnt n a speed of from fromten tromttn fromten I
ten to twelve velve knots Ilots against the seu Ila without withoutdamage wiholt withoutdamage
damage damageDourd damngo1luld
Dourd 1luld consldnts consllms result rrRul of trip said saidCnpt saidCapt
Capt Train rlin conclusively lncIUhel proves flotilla flotillaseaworthy 10tla flotIllaseaworthy
seaworthy Iaorth for ciulse cIllsl cm tune to Manila ManilaAll Mnnl ManilaMI lro11 n
All Al llrrrfnat Unot Farm SntnauM SntnauMBIT 100081 Suussgirn
BIT I mAd II at t Iho lh Farm lrm In Soutbboro Sulhbor Mau Mn Il Thflr ThflrMiccrvt Tlrlr Tlrlrueer Tiitrsuccess
success ueer In I ounit 0111 to Iho cholrn chIi matrrULi find ld tha thanf Ihenralne 1115neatnei
nf nralne tnc and ud cltanllnriw cl allnr of the preparation prerlrolondr pnparntmon4dr pnparntmon4drflrotherhood Ait AitBrotherhood i irolh
Brotherhood rolh rhood ChBmpajnc CbamparneConnolstur CbsmparneConnomuaeurs Connoisseurs choice choiceAit cholr choirsA Ii IiJ
Ait J A dr
RIND 111 DRlfl IJWll AND 4I 1 HOll IWI HER HERlleierves IIflt IIfltIeleru IIEatiIesercs
lleierves Ieleru of Fulton lon Street Station SI11on Urook Urooklyn Irook IrookIn lirooklyn
lyn In Out In Plain Clothes With nh ltli Central CentralOffice Ccntralnmr Centralnmee
Office nmr Men Ien After Arer Robueri RobbersThey They Dot DotOnly OotOnl Gotonly
Only Onl 81 812 a but Expected 1 llected More MoreAt Ilore IloreI MoreAt
I At A midnight last night tho entire entre re reserve reservo reserve ¬
serve force tor of the Fulton Fulon street police polce sta station atatlon station ¬
tion in Brooklyn Droklyn and a score of Central CentralOffice CentrnlOfce CentralOfflce
Office Ofce detectives detectlvc wore wer scouring scolrlng the lower lowersection lowersecton lowersection
section secton of Brooklyn Brokln for three men who whoboat whobOIl whoboat
boat bOIl chloroformed ohlorotormo bound and robbed robbedMrs rbbed
Mrs Ella Ela Robinson in her httle Itle newspAper newspiiperand
I and candy store Itore at 119 19 Jay street streetAccording stret streti streetAccording
i According to Mrs Robinson Hoblnfn she was waasitting wasI wassitting
sitting sitng beside bcldo the th stove In the little ltte store storent ftor ftorat storeat
I at 0 oclock last I t evening when three men menentered monentered menentered
entered One was as tall tal and had no over overcoat overcoat ¬
coat 10 at The others were short fhort and wore woreovercoats woreovercoats oro orooerontl
overcoats oerontl All Al wero rough looking lookingMrs looilng looilngMrs lookingMrs
Mrs Robinson supposed sUPpsld that they were wereprospective wereprospeote wereprospective
prospective prospeote customers ClltomelS and started slarlld to go gobehind gobhind gobehind
behind bhind the ho counter Then she says sY8 the theall thelalmnn thetall
lalmnn tall all man seized sel7o her struck her In the face facewith tac facewith
with his hi fists and threw her down The Thethree Thethre Timethree 1
1h hs tsts
three thre then tlln Ued her hands behind her back backand bak buwkand I Iand
and she says sY8 that they chloroformed chloroforme her herJust herJustan 1 1Just
Just Justan an hour hOlr later she was I found just jlst re returning returning ¬ I Ituring
turning turing to consciousness cnslousle8 by Julius Jululleidel Jululleidelman Hcldel Hcldelman Heidelman
man who runs nls a butcher shop next door doorHe doorle doorHe
He le knew Ime that that she usually usualy closed up at 9 9oclock 9ocock 0oclock
oclock ocock and seeing elng her store ltr lighted lghted at 10 10oclock 10oolock 10oclock
oclock thought tholght that something fmethlng was WIS wrong wrongi wrongWhon wrongWhen
i When Mrs Robinson nobln on got up from tho thofloor thonorsho timefloor
floor norsho she and HeIdelman HrldpIman made a search searchi
I i of the store Itore and her little lte homo back Inck of It ItHer I itHer
Her living 11lnp rooms rools had ha been turned tlred upside upsidodown upsideI
I down and 110 10 had been ben taken from from a sew sewing sw swi sewhug ¬
I also alsogot alsogot
ing machine drawer The thieves
i I got about abolt J2 2 from hereash herlMh drawer drawerMrs drawlr
1 Mrs 11 Robinson Hobinsn Is llld said to own the building buildingnt bllding blldingI
nt lt 119 11 Juy street Itrct and nd It L Is thought tholht likely likelymoney lkely lkelythat likelylint
I that the thIeve = expecter expected to fnd find more moreI
I money than they the got got She Is I a widow and andlives andle andI
I I lives le alone aloneHoldolman nloneI
I Holdolman Blldllman ran over to the Fulton Fulon street streetpollen Htret HtretI streetI
I pollen polcA station tntlon and told Capt Condon about alxiuti ahoutthe aboutthe
i the robbery roblry Ho lI turned out all ni his reserves reservesin rrprI rrprIin
in plain clothis cotllJ semlliif ndll Mime of them themto themto tlmemto
to the ferries terrl and others othel to the uloons Molonl italoonsamid uloonsand
and resorts rrors in the neighborhood nrlhbrhoOI Central CentralOffice CentrnlOfro CentralOfflco
Office Ofro men swarmed around and everybody everybodywho
i who was 1 near the store Itorl lt at it midnight mldlight and nndthereabouts anil andthereabouts
thereabouts thlreaboutf waft wa held up lp and questioned questionedJ fUrtonld fUrtonldhe
J The he police polce found fould one man lal who thinks thinksj t timlnIsthat hlnls hlnlsIhat
j that he saw the three thref men going oln t to ° and nndi
i from frol Mrs f Roblnsonn Ho insnll store lie 10 in William WilliamI WilliamDenley llnm llnmI
I I Denley of 1 Bridge street ILreet Ho says fYI that thntI tbalhe thatlie
I ho was I talking to his sweetheart sWfethP1rt in front frontof frnt frntI rrontof
I of her house nt a 57 7 Tolman street tl tI nearby nearbywhen mitlrbywhen lhy lhywhen
when three thr men answering nlwlrlnf the III description descriptionMn dllcrptiun dllcrptiunJ
J Mn MI IlobliL Itobbisomi > lll10f gives givmiiof of her hmer4aallamit8 assailants llantl panxod panxodI paO 1lIi4 Id Idby
I I by from frm Bridge Bridg street street In fifteen fftef mlnutej mlnutejt
I t they lev came < llI back lck apparently app1I ntly In a great reat hurry hurryMrs hurryi
i Mrs Irl Robinsons eyes worn badly bndl blacked blackedby IIlcked IIlckedI blackedby
I by her tall tll assailant afsulnnt her hlr fare far was wa cut Clt anti nndher Ind Indher antiher
her wrists wrlstl were lacerated by the lie rope used usedto Ised Isedto mmnedto
to tie them She was aM attended nlllded by Dr DrAitken DrItlum DrAitlmi
Aitken Itlum of the Brooklyn Hospital HO Jltal but hit re remained romalned remained ¬
mained at tho store storeC
II He Sa Sal > i It Il Its Very cr ery Mncli n J Alive Alve and anl Proposes Proposesto
to Ue In the tle Ring Inc in iDea 1UOBR 10 iDeaIt
I R I Fulton Cutting Cuttng was WI reelected reelotod chair chairman chairmnanof ¬
man mnnot of the olty committee counlte of the Citizen CitizenUnionat Ctrel ClttzensUnionat
Unionat the annual arnuol meeting metni held last Ilt night nightnt
at 34 3 Union Square Eat As R vloepresl vloepresldents rioepresldenL loprl loprlI
I dents UlnLi the committee corrlt named lamed A S Height Halghtfrom Heightfrol Heightfrommm
from frol Kings Klnl A M ii Harris Harrl from tror from Richmond RichmondKleldlng Jchmond JchmondIoldlni llichmimmoimdFielding
Fielding Ioldlni M i Marshal Ialhal from trm The h Bronx and andFoster andFler andi
i Foster Crowell Crowel from fll Queen Isaac IsaacSelgman N NSoligmau NSellgimtaii
Soligmau Selgman was W reelected treasurer trlaSHer and lli John JohnJ
I J Murphy secretary secretaryAfter secretar secretarArer secretaryAfter
After Arer the Ie election eleton a protracted disousnion disousnionof dilI rion rionI
I of legislation Igislaton held tho commltUH eorrlh in session sessionuntil Helonltl sessionuntil
until ltl close coso to midnight Proposition Propolltonl to toabolish toIlbolsh toabolish
Ilbolsh abolish the tle party column on the tll ballot ballotto halot halotI
tho lon to toelect 10elet toelect
I I to submit suhlil to the people proposition Jropos
elect elet Members Imbere of Assembly lemhly for or two years yearsto YNrs YNrsI
I to make the term term of tho tl lie Mayor lno four fUlr years yearaand yearsamid eurl eurlrld
and rld the excise problem were discussed discussedIt dlscled dlscledi
i I It was ni decided dlcide to 0 send fnd all llhto tlaso matters mallr to tothe toI
I the committee eom1ltl0 on legislation Ipgrlatol which whllh Chair Chairman CUI ¬
1 man Cutting uttfn will wi appoint appointMr appoiltI
Mr lr Cutting Cutlg announced unnolnled hia lil him reelection reelectionBuying
I Buying BuyingThe 1lng 1lngI sayinglIeu
The Citizens Cit izemms Union tnlon liu luA I a s iipilu 1111n mm i i a chosen ehO 1 me meits mmmcits
I its Tie president renimleuit ldllt und Ild wlilln whlp I nhonUI hiive itrcatly itrcatlypreferred grall1imrefrred rultl
Is preferred Jr to have ha hud unexiwrliiice Ulr ui Illllce III II the theiMiikR theIalb timeriik
iMiikR Ialb I um enlisted enlstell for or the war wlr In II any UI ca capailty Cl captvlty
I pailty my In associates aoalutls desire desireIf dsIT
If the tti I condition cOldlton of tho Cltlzeim CIIlnr Union Unionany tllon Is Isn Isnil
any n nil l Indication Indlruton of the strength strelfth of tho tht tti 11011 11011Iinrtliau nOl mmommmmmrtlsan
Iinrtliau ciiuee rluse we WI have hlvl every In reason reapn reas mn to be beed beCOUrAIN beemieouragecl
emieouragecl IllrtRau ed I I do < lo not linow of time th uifevtlon uifevtlonof If tlon tlonor
of COUrAIN a BlnRlBmenib 81111IIIIr r of the Ih oreanlutlon orllnlulol and andthe ondtill amidtti
the tti 1 city 1t5 coininillce corrltle comnmmlit t Ce as u It Is totluy totl to4mmi y made ud up a I p Is Isth I It islie I
th t till lie Ie stroii stronilst stromiei e t body bod w we have llYI had olnc IIICI 1897 1897At tNg7AI in7I
At I tin 11 lii time llI I I mmmc diinnir dllll iii 101 i tin1 th I lit past IIst fiVe fO yearn elrl have havewe hA1 ii itvC itvCWI I
WI found such resdliionn re dlh to mrve sr n u us delegates delcftnteHnn i
nn the thO part plrt of the men whom whor w we most 10Ht wanted wantedMoreover WUltl wantedlorovr
01 Moreover the 1 lp lie union 1110n mm mm Ion linn lllt ii i ii now IOW ho fairly fllr fit Irli denion denionHtrateil demol d enmoim enmoimstruteil
Htrateil Its nlnceitly Iimcm II of > mid iid UK
Ilrll I llcII puriosi plrpO 1 ld I per purmiiliPiifo prlnenl permiiiimiPlmie
miiliPiifo lnenl uf u i a i fiKtor in II liiillilclpnl 11 I 11 pl 1 pnlltks poltlr tmolti VS VSI
1 do not regard rlnrd the thl last campaign a 1 an a blow blowto bowto Ii ow owto
to the I 10 h lie nanpartisan nonllrtsul principle prl1dpl It I Is I evident evidentIhiit 1ldnt 1ldnttil evIdentt
t Ihiit liii t canuen IIWH cither clhr CO Iir than I minim mere mtrl parlsnlhl part partisanship partisanshipdecided mans lii mm mmdeeldeil
decided til Iddl the t tim issue Issl lash nlthrmch nlhouh nit Itoitch the thl I lie Imminent hllllln liii IulImmenci of ofthe orthr atI
the I tie ronilne eommml omlll tI umg niitlonul IIIOIUI election elect llrlon ton doubtleutt doubt Lens Is inlln inllnenced Ilnl I mifi mm mmmmeed
enced plld some 0 0101 Uemoernts Ueloorts Ki I rote ot nifalcist Ilailst u ufusion ululon aminion
fusion ticket headed by b a Hepuhllcan HepuhllcanHowever HIIhllal llcpublkammiIowevr
However Illwlyr tckt we WI w mire Irl teachable 1lehahl and Ild propone proponeIn propofe proposeI
In I n learn lelT leim rIm something 801thlnl somnet ii iii g from frol Ire tim our olr omm r defeat dorIl d If I I f in inIOOS I mm mmmno
100 IOOS we lire lre not ecpial Icllll to the occasion It will willnot wIltnot 1
not be bconuse herAlse of unwIlllnRnens unwlllnn s to BTHHP BTHHPsome lasp laspsome grispsome
some plain pil plim 11 1mm facls flCIA mmcm Whatever Whltler Vhmit ever criticism criticismmay rrllrlsl criticismmmlay
may be made of Mr Ir Lows Iowt administration administrationbelieve Ilrlll atimnhimintrattonI tralon
1 In believe ho has rendered relderl tho tle lie CIIUPO cnlSI of If non nonpartisan nonlnllsln nommiiuurtlsitn
partisan government loernlelt Inestimable Ineslmnhle service servicelie servIceIfs enlel
lnllsln lie le has demonstrated demonstrutll Its IR possibilities IloslbltN and andhln andhi andhis
his hi ndmlnlstriitioii Idmlnl trulol has IIIS created frelled u demand demandthiit dcmlnd dcmlndIhnt dcmmummndbitt
thiit must be tJ reckoned frkoncd with wih hereafter hereafterCRKKNE hlnurl hereafterGI1II
CRKKNE mw HAS 11 A t NEW EtI m 1111 1111To OH OHTo J JTo
To Take Charge laree of a Niagara Power PUnt PUntHell ihntHell Iant
Hell lrl Live In Buffalo BuffaloBUFFALO Iutalo IutaloUFFAt lIutfaloIiurrAio
BUFFALO UFFAt N Y Deo 14 BI 14It It is announced announcedhero nnnouncd nnnouncdhera aummommncedhere
hero today toda that thnt Gen Francis V Greene firconewill Grecnewi Greenewill
will wi become becmo a 1 resident rtident of Buffalo Dnlulo when whel he heretires heletin itoretires
retires Now Yorks Police Commissioner Commissioneron
letin a aH Yorlcl Poll Comrllioner Comrllioneron
on Jan 1 1 Ho Hl has hiI accepted an al offer olel to take takeclmrge lukeehnrge takeciimmrge
clmrge of the th Ontario Power Company Companynow
now being builtin hult iaiiit In Canada opposite oppolle Niagara NiagaraFalls NiagaraFalls laKaJ
Falls FIU and will wlmalH make hl his home In this thll thil city cityCommissioner ciy ciyCommlsRlonel cityomniisnlommom
Commissioner ireene recmie said Mil yesterday yesterdaythat tedny tednythat
that his hlf future homo will wi iil bo in Buffalo Buffaloand Bulalo Bulaloand Buffaloamid
and that that he will wli bo in business bUllnrs in that thatcity thatcity hat hatcity
city Ho le added that ho didnt dint expect Ixplet the thepublic thelblo timeimmbllo
lblo public to ho interested intenstll in II his private privatebusiness prhnlolln privateitmslness
itmslnessENTItt business businessCENTRAL lln
> llnE
It I Han Into mb a 1 Train Tain of o Kmpt > ram nr ars on a mKltlliiR ahln aSluttimc
KltlliiR hln at llndloy Lnll Near rar Corning CorningConxiNn ornlni ornIngonXmie I
ConxiNn N Y Dec H HPOfCIel HPOfCIeltrnln 14Passemmgem 14Passemmgemtrnimm Pawcncei Pawcnceitrain
train No o 3 on the Pennsylvania Pcnnflanln division divisionnf dlIlon dlIlonof
of tbo Now York orll Central Centrl was wrecked wrelhrl nt ntLliidley atLimidley I
Lliidley seven miles mlcslulh south of here tonight tonightThe tonllhl tonllhlThe tonIghtThmo
The train ran rn into 11 to a train trin of empty rls cmre irs on onn 01 ommI
I n siding which hich nn ni operator oplralor forgot to notify notifytho not notifytime
tho conductor Illuclor about UbOlt Engineer nllnIO George Georgeharris icorpe icorpeHarris
Harris lnrrlM and Fireman Daniel lnlll Unbridle llrlJ1 eorlo eorlolnrrlM wero weroinjured weroInjured wereinjmmred
injured by h lumping from their engine engineBrulteman 11lnl Ilgifleliralmummian
Brulteman Irllllln Edward Dowlinit Dowln wna WIM caught be between hl tntweOn ¬ I
tween twen oars rrs and was wnf badly bndl Injured Injued The ThepnRsenKers Theoen Timepmseengers
pnRsenKers oen lrf escaped with only onl n shaking hlklnl up lp tipTime
The engine nnd cars < rs are badly adl wrecked wreckedTo wrechlTo
To Help Mexico 1tlro Fight Iht Yellow Fever FeverNEW FeverNaw
NEW KW OniHANS OmFANS Dec Dlc 14 HTho The United UnitedStates tnlted tnltedStatls UnitedStates
States will wi cooperate coprte with wlh tIme Hepublic Jeplblo of ofMexico ofMexico I
Mexico oxlc to get rid rle of yellow elow fever tevlrln in the theMexican th thMexlon theMexlcamm
Mexican Mexlon ports prf on the Gulf Ollr especially e plrllr Vera VeraCnir Verammiz II
Cnir l111z mmiz and Tntnpico mn lco This Rtntement lntllent li limade lamade ismmmade
made by E M Oouley Goulrtv ioulev United Vnilll Staten Htatl Vice VlceConstil Viceommatml 1 1Conul
Constil nt the City Ciy or 0 Mexico 11lc The work workwill workwill I
will Iw in the lie hands of the United lnill States StatesMarine Statenrle StatesMarino
Marine nrle Hospital Hospial Service frvic and ant tho Public PublicHealth Puhlc PublIcHealth
Health lealth Bureau Burau The T necessary neCtir bill bi will willl wi willbe
II be l session > e 8lon introduced Intrduod in Congress ongrls at the present presentsession p presentsession nt nt8lon I
Ship Indr Indrawadl w dl Leaves Lan Without thout Him HII si a H HCannot le leCaaot lIe lIeCannot
Cannot Caaot Do le Pound PoundThe FonndThe FoundThe
The entire police polc force forc of thls thlely thlecity Ity Is look looking lookIng looking ¬
ing for William Wllnm T Porter a steamship steamshipcaptain stemship stemshiprptln steamshipcaptain
captain rptln who is I strangely stranpely missing mlsn Capt CaptPorter Qpt QptIorterO Captiorteris
Porter iorteris la II the commander cmmnder of the ship Indra Indrawadi Indrawadi Indrawadi
wadi of the China and Japan Line His Hisdisappearance II IIdlspparanc Hishisappearance
disappearance dlspparanc was reported report by b Funch FunchEdye FunchEye FunchEdye
Edye Eye A c Co C the agents Qjonts of the line lne whose whoseoffices whos whosofc whoseoffices
ofc offices are at 8 and 10 Bridge street streetThe stret stret1e streetThe
The ship sip was we to have sailed sle Saturday Saturdaymorning Saturda Saturdamorning Saturdaymorning
morning 1e Capt Cpt Porter slept aboard of her herFriday herFriday herFriday
Friday night at the Atlantic Atanto dock Brook Brooklyn DrookIy Brooklyim ¬
lyn Iy but when it came cme time lme to nail si he howas hewaR hewas
was missing and no trace trac race of him hi could couldbe culd culdLe couldbe
be found The be ship did not sail 81 until untl yes yesterday yenterday e8 e8terday ¬
terday and then she went out In charge chargeof
of the first trst officer officerAt ofcr ofcrAt officerAt
At the offices ofc of tho agents It was said saidyesterday MidYClcray saidyesterday
yesterday YClcray that no reason ro n could culd be given givenfor glenfor gIvemifor
for the captains cptaIns disappearance dispperanc His Is ac accounts aclunt accounts ¬
counts lunt they tey said sid were all al right right Capt CaptPorter Cpt CptPorter CaptPorter
Porter la II 38 years yers old and his hl home is II in inLiverpool In1Ierool inl4iVOijlOOI
Liverpool LiverpoolCONFESSED 1Ierool 1IeroolCONESIW l4iVOijlOOICONFESSED
She Was a on Trial TIal for Arson ron When ben the Fire Firebug Fire Firebur Firebul ¬
bug Owned Up UpATTLEBOBO tIpATLEBORO upArrLuaoao
ATTLEBOBO ATLEBORO Mass Mls Dec l4Phlllp l4PhlllpHeitchman HPhip HPhipHeltchman 24PhIlIpHeitchman
Heitchman a hostler hoster confessed conresse today todaythat todaythnt todaythat
that he set fire tre to the Salamon Sallmon Hospital Hospitalseveral 10spitai 10spitaileverldays Hospitalseveral
several leverldays days ago Mrs rs Margaret Giles Gies a acook acook acook
cook employed emploe at the hospital was a under underarrest underarrCt underarrest
arrest arrCt charged charge with the crime and the fire firebuga tre trebugs firebugs
bugs confession conteRion free free freed her The hospital hospitalbam hospial hospialbnr hospitalbarn
bam bnr was Wa sot st on fire tre last night and it was wasshortly wal walshorly wasshortly
shortly shorly after afer the discovery of this fire tre that thatHeitchman thatHeichman thatHeitchman
Heitchman Heichman was WI arrested arrestedHeltchmans areste arrestedHeitcimmans
Heltchmans Helchmans confession was WI made mao while whileMrs whie whieMrs whileMrs
Mrs Giless Giess trial for arson aron was on He Hesaid Hesnld liesaid
said that that ho was WI subject lubject to epileptic epieptc fits fitsand tts ttsand fitsand
and while whlo In one of them was WI likely lkely to todo todoanythmlng do doanything doanyhing
anything anythingIn anyhing anyhingIn In ordering orrlng the discharge of Mrs Mr Giles GilesJudge OIN OllesJudge
Judge Byham said that that ho would have havedischarged havedischarge havedischarged
discharged discharge her In any event on the evi evidence evldenc evideoce ¬
dence denc presented prelnte at the trial trialOIRL trial trialGilt
OIRL Gilt 11 HORN lll IN 1 AMHVLANCE AMHVLANCEMother AlllIt 4 iIBUL4 NCE NCEIlother C CIothrr
Mother Had lall the theehmlltlNarned Child Chid Named Samld Before She SheGot SheGot SimsGot
Got to the HnsplUI HnsplUIA Ilsplal IlsplalA
A call cal was WI received reele at Hudson Hldson street hos hospital hosplUllato liespital ¬
pital plUllato late yesterday yeterdlY afternoon foranambu foranambuance for alam au ambu ambuammce u uanre
When Whentho Whenthe Whemitime
ance to go to 303 Water street
the doctor got there he found Mrs Mr McVllla McVlllaabout McVla McVlaahout MoVihlaabout
about to become a mother but ut as a there thereappeared thereappelld timersapieamed
appeared appelld to he ample Impl time tme he had bur burlifted hrthe herlifted
lifted Into the ambulance to be taken to the thehospital thehopital hue hueImospital
hospital hospitalOn hopital
On the way a t girl gir was born om It I was WI a avery acr avery
very cr healtbybaby helhy healthy bu baby y and the mother named namedIt amedit
It on the spot spt The he doctor filled fled out his hishospital hisb0pltnl hishospital
hospital b0pltnl blank hJall in this thif thii way wayPatlenta WIY WIYp wayPatiemits
Patlenta p tlentM name Bablna MoVllla age ageI
I 7 minutes mlnutt occupation Intruder disease diseaseinfancy dllle dllleInto diseaseinfummey
infancy Into le
Story Stor Writer rlrr 8 Sa Nas He le IICIOOI Took Maurice Hew Hewletts le leleU hewhetts ¬
letts leU Plot 1101 lnconselouily lnconselouilyNBW tnonalowl tnonalowlNgw tneoImiCIetmllNmuw
NBW HAVKK HAVEI Dec 14 14aunuy Chaun y C Ken Kennedy Kenney Kennedy
nedy of Orange Ornge N J in a signed sige state statement Itatement statemeat
ney ment to the Yale Yal Daily DalI Nu Nrl today toaay admit admitthat admitsthat
that a u eTory 8y of his hil written wrten In competition oompetitloifor comptton compttonfor
for the Yale rol Literary LiterarMagalne Magatine last lat year yearentitled yearentitled ea eaeltlo
entitled eltlo The 1he Will Wil of Cod 00 was wal a 1 plagiarism plaglarisnof plaga lm lmot
of Maurice Maulc H Hewletts HewlettI8nus Servus Servorum Servorumin Srvorm SrvormI
I in Earthwork Earhwork Out of Tuscany u cny Mr MrKennedy 1r 1rlenll MrICeiimmedy
Kennedy lenll says srR that when his attention attentionwas atenton
was called cled to Mr Hewletts Hewlets book book he re remembered r rmembri ronmenmbered ¬
membered membri that he had read It 1 several Oevral months monthsbefore monthsbfor monthsbefore
before bfor he wrote the story He says say that thatho thathe thathe
he unconsciously mconfcoutly copied copie the plot and style styleof Ityle Ityleor
of Mr r Hewletts Hewletl work workHITTER workIITTlm workBITTER
HITTER IITTlm COLD IN 1 THE WEST WESTFortyfour JE 11ESTFortyromir T Tfortronr
Fortyfour fortronr Ilelow lelow Zero Ztro Reported Ieporlrr From FromWhite Fom FomWhlr FronmlIhilte
White Whlr hirer Ontario OntarioCHICAGO OntarioCUIAOO OntarioCamcAoo
CHICAGO CUIAOO Dec 14 HThe The forecast foreclst for tho thonext thonext timommext
next thirtysix hours houl indicates Indictes a gradual gradualmoderation gradualmoderton gradualmflOClOliitiOil
moderation moderton in the tmnperature tempratur but the thecold thecoll thecold
cold coll wave will w1 linger lnger for a few days The Thecentre Thelntr Timecnmmmtre
centre lntr of the he storm today loda appear appeal to lie liealong healong bealommg
along the north shore thole of ijike LilIe Superior Superiorand Suprior Suprioraud Superiorand
and Lake Huron HuronAt Huront HuroimAt
At t Port Arthur which is directly directy across acrossLake aors acrossLake
Lake Lke Superior Suprior from Houghton Mich It Itwaa Itwa itwas
was wa 20 bolow blow zero zeroand zer and at White River on ontho onthu ontime
time Canadian Pacific Pacltel0 100 miles mies to the east eastit ent eastit
it was WI 44 4 degrees degres below belowCities belowCities
Cities Cites in the West from which the storm stormcame stormcaine
came cme show a marked mrked rise ris of tempera temperature tempra tempratur temperature ¬
ture tur normal fnnal readings being bIng reported reprted In InDenver InDenel inDenver
Denver Omaha Kansas Kauas City Ciy and other otherplaces otherptatl otherplaces
places ptatl
1lro Zero ero Weather aUlr l t11 > the thl State StateSAIIATOOA Stntl StntlSAIATOOA StateSAmIAT00A
SAIIATOOA SAIATOOA Dec Dtc 14 HTho Tho mercury did didsome didlome didsome
some lome long tumbling tumblng here Inside Inllde of twenty twentyfour twentyfour twentyfour
four hours houl Yesterday Yelttrday morning while whie a arain amln arain
rain storm was WI In progress proglss It rejistr1 registered
45 degrees degrll above n zero 7ero The he zero 7ero line lne was waareached wa wasreached
reached nuche at daybreak dalrcalt today and the weather weatherthreatens weatherthreatens eatherthratens
threatens tonight thratens to inorcoae 110leale In freezing frozlng severity severitytonight seeritytonight severitytonight
To lie D Received Rtcrlt Today TodaSl Sis Illds 111 on Hlver HlverWork Unr UnrWork hitverIlork
Work Expected ExpectedProposals R ExpectedProposals pletld pletldProposl
Proposals Proposl for building buiding the Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniatunnela Pennsylanlatunnel Pennsylvaniatunnels
tunnels tunnel from Jersey JerlY to Long Island Ilnd will willbe willbe 1
be received reclled today at at the he main offices 0lc8 of oftho ofthe oftime
the company In this thl city cty at Broadway and andCedar nndClar andCedar
Cedar Clar street The he bids ldl will wi not be opened openedpublicly openl1pu opemmeclpublicly
publicly pu lclr As Al thin thl work worl Is 1 > divided dllde Into Intoseveral IntoHverl intoseveral
several Hverl sections Irt ions und Ind the Ila bidding is not in inIho Inthe littime
the lump It will wi ill be le some days dUf before bet oro the thecost theCOOt thmecost
cost COOt by y sections 6ct Ions and In II the entirety will wi bo boknown beicmmown o oIlown
known Ilown It I was Wil said last night that prob probably prb prbnbly iirobatly ¬
ably six ix bids hldl would bo put in II on the river riverpart rlerpu1 riverpamt
part pu1 of time tll work which Is tho th Ito most difficult difficultNORDICA difcult difcultIIJ difficultOfllIA
Denial From Her Ilr Husbands lusband lawyer That ThatShe Tlat TlatHiI ThatMime
She HiI Has la Its Stopped ltollped Her Ilr DIvorce UIoree Suit SuitEdward Sui SuiE SuitEdward
Edward E Lauterbach told a SON SU reporter reporteryesterday reporterrlsterda reporteryesterday
yesterday fhat hat there thele was no foundation toundaton for fora
a report rport that Mmo Nordicu had withdrawn withdrawnthe withdrwn withdrwntile
the procetidingB prcetdln 1 for divorce dlorc against her herhusband herhURond herhusband
hURond husband Zoltati Zolan Doeme DoemeI DOme DOmeI
I am 01 Mr r Doemes attorney ntorey Raid Mr MrLautcrbich MrLauterbacim r rIutrlach
Lautcrbich Iutrlach and there tll Is II no ground for forsuch torsuch formmchi
such a story The pleadings have lau been beenserved bn bn1rld beenserved
served 1rld nnd Ind I suppose IUPPOft that the tle case will wi bo botried beI
tritd I tried in the usual uSlal way wayKvlnllce wu wuI wayhPoiiee
Kvlnllce I > ole Captain Capt simm and Family Fall Fammmii Poisoned PoisonedExPolice Pollonld PollonldI PoisonedExPolice
ExPolice I xPolco Captain John W England EnglandIlls
hi Ills wife Le his h son Edward and the lattera latterawife laters laterswife latterswife
wife were wer all 11 poisoned poisonl on Saturday Sturdny night nightby nIgh nightby
by sardines fardhlel they ate at their home 1352 1352Chisholm 132 132Chiholm i32Chmisimoim
Chisholm Chiholm strwtln stnll street In The Bronx The cap capIains cp cptains captams
tams wife wlo and lair hpr daughterinlaw were wereIn wereIn werein
In a critical criial condition conditon until unt yesterday yesterdaybut YMteray YMterayhit
but hit are ar now out Olt of danger England and andIlls andhi andhum
hi Ills son were only slightly Ellhtly sick sickMurphy Ilck Ilckllrlll sick3IimrIh
Murphy llrlll Here Irre Toiliy Toda Touis Mccirllin lcnr1an Soon SoonThe foon foonThe SoonThmo
The Tammany speculators Jlculato got word wordfrom wordfrom wordfrom
from Washington last 118t night that Leader LeaderMurphy Jeaner JeanerIurph LeaderMurphy
Murphy Iurph would bo homo tomorrow omm1orro and andthnt one andtimat
thai Mayorelect tn1orelfct McClellan fcelelnn might 111ht be ex expected exptrd cxpeeled ¬
peeled ptrd Thursday hlldRY or Friday Frida Ho will wi bo IQ hohere
hpr here for thn opening olJnln of ml the 1m new bridgeand bridge hrd bridgoand o oand
and for tho dinner dlnnrr to Comptroller Comptrler Grout Groutfct Grut Grutat
at the to Hoffman Holmn House lou on Saturday Sat ray night
Report of an Agreement to Employ Rat Ratdan Ri Rilan Huesian
dan lan omocra omecr In Corean Army ArOVn ArOVneallnen ArnmyVn ArnmyVneasiness Un UneaslneM
easiness In Russia Iolla Over Ovr Our Ou Attl Attlluilo AUIlude > I Ituule
luilo negnrdlnK Rearlnr M Ilaoohorlan Mnohuriln nchurl n Reports ReportsSpecial npri Reportspecat 1 I ILONDON i ipaa
Special paa 1 Cable CabteIJespatches Dtipalcht JIallt to TUB SOW SOWLONDON sm
LONDON JNDI Deo 14 BThe Tho British Britsh Foreign ForeignOffice Forig j jOfco fl flOffice
Office Ofco has received reIved Russias Husslal reply rply to Japan JapanIn Japn I
In regard to affairs afnlrln in the Far East Et Baron BaronHayashl Brn BrnHaashl I j jflayashmi
Hayashl the Japanese Minister to Great OreatBritain Orat OratBrtain i 4 4Britain
Britain Brtain Bays fY8 that it It is in such form as a to tostrengthen I Istrengthen I Istrengthen
strengthen his belief belet that peace pece will wi remain remainunbroken ritn ritnunbrollen remainunbroken
unbroken unbrokenLONDON I ILONDON I ILoNDoN
LONDON Dec Dl 15 15Unofcll 15Unofficial Unofficial reports rprte ai aito al asto
to the tenor of Russias reply to Japan Japandisplays Japanlspla Japandisplaya
displays lspla pessimistic peJslmlsto tendency ten eney Telegrams Telegramsfrom Telegramsfrom Telegramsfrom
from Toldo oilo record tho belief belef of well in informed informed informed ¬
formed Japanese politicians poltclanB that although althoughit
it makes some concessions concCllonl there thero1sa therolsa Is a wide wldudifference Wldodlforenco widedifference
difference dlforenco between bot ween the reply and the thepacific thepaclto thepacific
pacific paclto assurances a given out at St Peters Petersburg Peterburg Petersburg ¬
burg and that It Is far short of complying complyingwith cmplying cmplyingwith complyingwith
with Japans demands The prolongation prolongationof prolongaion prolongaionot
of the negotiations riecessltated by time thoreply timereply
reply causes an undercurrent of uneasiness uneasinessalthough uneasinessalthotigh
although the hope of a peaceful settlement settlementis
is not diminished diminishedTho t I ITime
Time Morning Post says It learns from fromodlciil I s sofficial
official sources In London that the reply is isunsatisfactory isunsatisfactory
unsatisfactory Time paper says It Is not nobto t tto
to be assumed that the reply will 1ll terminate terminatetho jiJ jiJtime
time negotiations Nevertheless the Pott Pottdeprecate Iostdeprecates
deprecate anticipation of a disagreeable disagreeableending disagreeableending
ending endingA
A despatch to the Daily Dait Mail from Kobe KobeJapan ItobeJapan
Japan says that advices have been re received yeceived ¬
ceived there from Seoul showing that an anagreement sitagreement
agreement was signed by Russia and Core Corelast Coreslast
last Wednesday providing that a Russian RussianMajor RussianMajor
Major and Captain shail be employed In Ineach ineach
each Corean battalion when an emergency emergencynecessitates emergencynecessitates
necessitates such employment Russian Russianofficers Russianofficers
officers are also to command the Corean CoreanImperial CorenImperial
Imperial bodyguard bodyguardThe
The Standard prints a despatch mailed mailedfrom mailedfrom
from St Petersburg on Friday stating that thatthere thatthere
there la uneasiness in diplomatic circles circlesthere I Ithere
there owing to a report that the United UnitedStates UnitedStates
States has resolved to send Consuls forth forthwith forthwith ¬
with to Mukden and Antung Manchuria Manchuriaanticipating Manchuriaanticipating
anticipating the ratification by the Senate Senateof
of the ChineseAmerican commerical commence treaty treatyIt
It Is perfectly understood In St Peters Petersburg Petersburg
burg that the new treaty Is quite aa much mucha
a political as a commercial compact and andthat andthat
that time United States La unlikely for ob obvious obvious ¬
vious reasons to forego any legitimate legitimateadvantages legitimateadvantages
advantages It renders American Interests In InManchuria iiiManchuria
Manchuria ManchuriaMARINES J JMARINES
fapinesc Put Men MenAsliOre Ashore to Stop Rioting Riotingt fltotlnat
at t Mokptio MokptioSfitdal MokphoSpctimi
Sfitdal Cable Detpatch to Tint Sex SexSEOUL Sc ScSEoul
SEOUL Dec 14 14A A strike of Corran Corrancoolies Corcancookies
coolies in the foreign concession at Mokpho Mokpholed
led to fighting between the Coreona and atdJapanese andJapanese
Japanese A Japanese warship landed landedmarines landedmarines
marines yesterday ye terday to suppress the rioting riotingand riotingand
and it is i reported that the marine marineefired fln d dinto > i iinto
into themob the mob killing several men menIt menIt
It In thought that the affair will C cause UM UMcomplications m mcomplications
complications The Russians may pos possibly poeBibly ¬
sibly send warships to Mokpho if the Co Coreana Coicans
reana resent the action of the Japanese In Inlanding 1mmlanding
landing marines marinesDOESNT marinesDOESVT
Opinion of an n Eminent Japanese Civil CivilEngineer liii liiiEngineer
Engineer Now Staying Here HereM HereIii
M Otagaua a Japanese civil engineer engineerwho engineerwho
who Is Interested interestedinlarge in large mining and agri agricultural agricultural ¬
cultural properties in his own country left leftJapan leftJapan
Japan on Nov 17 and is staying at the theAlbornarle theAlbemnarle
Albornarle He said yesterday yesterdayI
I think tho lie difficulties between Japan Japanand Japanand
and Russia will be settled soon because becausethere becausetimers
there Is great excitement among the people peoplenow peoplenow
now U no reason why the country should go goto goto
to war The more cautious people are by byno byno
no means ready for war warMr warMr
Mr Otagaua also said that he didnt didntbelieve didntbelieve
believe the results of a war with Russia Russiawould Russiawould
would justify the cost of such a conflict conflictWhile conflictWhile
While in this country he will visit a number numberof
of universities study irrigation and place placeSPENCERS placefive
five young Japanese in an American college collegeSPENCEWS
No o Religious Service at the EnglUh EnglUhPhilosopher1 EnihishPhIlosophers
PhIlosophers FuneralSpecial Funeral FuneralSptelal
Special Cable Despatch to THK SUN SUNLONDON SVNLoNDON
LONDON Dec 14 14Time The body of Herbert HerbertSpencer HerbertSpencer
Spencer was cremated today and the theashes theashmes
ashes were interred in the Highgate Ceme Cemetery Ccnmetery ¬
tery There was no religious service serviceAn serviceAn
An eulogistic address was delivered deliveredin a aIn
I ILeonardCourtneyinpiaceoftlmeitightHon
in time cemetery chapel by the Right Hon HonLeonard
Leonard LeonardCourtneyinpiaceoftlmeitightHon LeonardCourtneyinpiaceoftlmeitightHonJohn Courtney In place of the High t Hon HonJohn
John Morley whoso absence in Sicily pre prevented pm pmvented ¬
vented him from complying with Mr Spain Spencers Spaincars ¬
cars wish that he preside at the interment intermentA
A number of literary and scientific men menattended menattended
attended the funeral funeralAt
At tho close of time service Krishna Marva Marvaan
an East Indian acknowledged time indabt indabte I Iedcss
e edcss < less of the educated people of Hlndoo HlndooBtan I Istan
stan to Mr Spencer He offered IOO IOOto io I Ito
to establish a Spencer lectureship at Oxford OxfordUniversity OxfordUmmiverslty
University UniversityliniTlSU UmmiversltyBRITISh
Lama Returns Viceroy Curoni Letters LettersUlthout I IIUlmout
Ulthout Answers AnswersSpecial AnswersSpectiil
Special Cable Deipatch to Ink SUN SUNLONDON f fIoDoi
LONDON Dec 14 14Despatehes Despatches have havebeen havebeenreeeivtxl been beenreceived
received hero showing that Col Young Younghusband Younghusband
husband the British commissioner to toTibet tolibet
Tibet and Col Maodonald of the Royal RoyalEngineers i iEngIneers
Engineers who commands the military militaryforces militaryforces
forces to bo employed in the Tibetan ex expedition cxpeditlon ¬
pedition liavo left Dorjecllug for the ClnimbiValley Clnimbi m mValley
Valley whither the troops are now moving movingfrom movingfrom
from from their various stations stationsLetters stationsLetters
Letters which Lord Curzon Viceroy of ofriestof u uImmdia
Immdia sent to tho Dalal Lama the High I IPrlemstoftlme
Prlemstoftlme riestof the Tibetans at atLhassahavebeen atLhassahavebeenreturned Lhassahave been beeneturnod
returned to him with no answers answersHOTTENTOTS answersI1OTTENTOTS
Tim in Uprising In E East t Africa IlM Not Been BeenQuelled Beenquelled
Quelled QuelledSpecial quelledSpectih
Special Cable tupatth to Tall strw strwCAPE ScwCAPE
CAPE TOWN Dec 14 14The The Germans in inSermon t tGerman
Sermon East Africa have not yet succeeded succeededn
in n putting down the Hottentot rising in inheir d dtheir
heir territory An official telegram from the thalarteboest theIlartebeest
larteboest River states that the Hottentots Hottentotslave Ilottentotishave
have lave repulsed a German patrol wounding woundingwo
two wo of them Heavy fighting U expected expectedYale expectediaIe
Yale ProfeMor1 Mishap MlihipNKW MishapNaw
NKW HAVEN Doc 14Prof William H HCannalt HCarmnalt
Cannalt the leading surgeon of the Yale YaleMedical YaleMedical
Medical School while trying to save hi hihftt his hishat
hat from boing blown off otfon on the rear plat platform iulatform ¬
form of H trolley ear today lost his bal balunee em emmmcc
unee and fell from the car striking on his hisforehead hisforehead
forehead A deep gash was made in his hishead hisimead
l 1ene cj Wine Are Pure PureSperIM PureSnweisI
SperIM lunortrd cur for Holiday A very Vfryircepl veryieceptabme
ieceptabme ircepl bl prfMnt mrrant Send Jot rtMcrlpllvt prlf prlfInt er I Imint
mint Int Iieury mieC 3 a 13 131 Fulton St New ew lest Clt hmtAdr CltA
A Adr at
ii i a
1 i it

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