pr c 1 j 1 l I t J < i 1 < tIY tIYm e I 4La 4LaL 4Lae j I ISATt1JDAr m j SATOBDAT 0 DBOEWJBB DBOBIDIXBRain aMKflk aMKflkRain 1L ei5tt1t ei5tt1tI Rain ain or snow snow today cold Id wave wa tonlghtj toDIghJfair nTgt nTgtVOL tl tlfair I I fair and cold tomorroW tomorrowiVOL I = L VOL 01 LXXINO 117 NEW YORK SATURDAY DECEMBER 26 1908 1903t0J1I1r1ut IOU hI Tile Swi UI lrllllf Prtitug nncTubldhlf and ubliMu Iudolon taaocaHon PRICE PRIE TWO CENTS PLAITS PLA TTS COUNCIL COUNCL ASSEMBLING ASSEMBLINlMM MM 11 OI tI H TllK J II lII VISTATE STATR CHIEF CHIEFAltKEAltY cln clntntl cu cuti1niti AltKEAltY tntl ti1niti 1 TOHV TOHVAiHlTulliliiK 7OJ TuFvtml AiHlTulliliiK tml 111 J ttIli Ihu AinoimTlicnuflvei IOII1lel rhr About hOlt llov llovlicit 10w 10wIlst IIo IIoIlest licit Ilst to Meet hlt the 11 New ew Situation luatol Ii IiStall In InSlale IiState Stall Iulltlcs tllhondell OIIIlPl1eIIS Ililelli ERrS l Rn Would WouliTlnRle WouldlnF11 WoilLI TlnRle I ltIe lnF11 If UP II Ilcnnl ltart Their lllr Comments CommentsSumo C llrlt IIlIleiIt IIlIleiItStiIiit Sumo 010 of tho tim Republican Republcan ujiStntors ulStaters ujtStnter8have wh whhave who whoIae < have Iae bven I > oen rf rfCut rfqLRted < iiited tel to drop dro into towiand tow lownud towRHI and iliKnis i matters 1null with Senator Plat Platbefore Ilnltjorr FlatIit Iit before jorr rc he ret returns retlrnf tirn to Washington nshlng on on Jani Jan Janill 1 1il ill i il IJQ hero hllo today totnr LleutOov Frnnl Frnnlayland Prnl PrnlII FratiliyIancl II ayland Iylanc Hlggins Ig inM of Olean Oean Senator Wlrox Vilco Vilcoin lleo lleoifi in Atibuin Uhll IlIlI II Senator H < lall lAfovre IArevlt at Xew Paltz PaltzSenator lallz lallzlntr lattSnnntor Senator lntr Alldn ldl of 0 Norwich Xo rlch Senator Helutor War Warniik Wil WilIwl ar arI1I niik I1I l and 111 Jacob Snill Hnll of AniHlordam AIHtrrll Jntit J Jsiout Jilnt siout ilnt ntit Fasseti FIsn L of Kluilni Ellim Frank Frnk Wltherbei Wltherbeiof Wlherheo WlherheoeI of eI 4 Port 11 Henry 11lr Titus Tiu JitU Sheard of 01 Horklmer Horklmerllppivsoiitnttve Htrldnwr1amc I1trldiiirJanes llppivsoiitnttve James W V WudiwOlth Wudsworth ol olCienc or orII o oiflo Cienc iflo II o Deputy Comptroller Iolllltloller Otto Oto Kelsey KelseyPntriU JelY JelYPut lCse lCsePH PntriU Put PH t riI 1 I W V Clillliian lll i ii 111 I tiiii i Stato Htliu St at t Cominlsslone Cominlsslonei lomlllontr lomlllontrf Comm lto n nExeio i f Fxeie ci e and nl1 J B I H Miingiu lltl 11 of Soneei Soneeiri Hellcl Hellclan an ri umotijt alOl1 a inn ug others 0 t lie r not 101 already at ready niontlonoi niontlonoiwho 1llllomd ntnt 10 10WI who WI tO 0 are Iro U rc expected epeced hi il tosvu tosvuspvonil 101 to a I Ivcrul spvonil vcrul 1 rl I of tho invited im td conlVreeH llftrte > arrlvoi arrlvoiin arrhodII in II town IOWI 1W U last la 1 niglit night Outwardly most 10Ht Ro Ropublicans UoIlblals ItoI publicans Ilblals I l ii itt11S talk tnl t harmony harlol Iiartno ny whilo whie vliiI e their t belt per perrial plr plro o 3 rial viows based Uxjn UpOI experionco eriene witliii witliiiho withinhp ho laM year or two tell tel of a situation Hluullon un imKnown unII unrlfl Known II in Ilio 111 Republican Rtpublcll politlcri poltcs of Uii tin tinsi tl tlIt si It i ni o bitwcen IItcen tho years rnn Ih9l I 1S9 I I and 1000 1000v 10 lOOiJflIO SOIII v flIO > ino of thcffl IlcfJ Republicans Hpublcnns declared dClarcd yes yeserday yel ye yecrIav erday Iar that the troubles trlble began to nccunui nccunuialo occum occumalp aecunutu alp u from frol fi om the hour Cloy ao Odell Odel was UH flix flixrmugurated frlt frlt11I flri4naugiurated rmugurated 11I urtrd at lt Albany Alhnl From 1101 that titno titnohoy timpr tknrhy hoy r said Iald GOY Odell Odel and his h IiL friends frlEndl bogui boguii hegonIy i systematic Iy Ilali tptuiatk and secret Iert programmo plrnmmu t tunhorse tn tn1nlrle tu tuSetuitor unhorse 1nlrle Senutor Hllntol Plait and Ind all 11 of Plattt Platttrioiids Plats PlatsrindH Ptattrinds rinds in II tho Stato StatoTin StatnTh StatulIt Tin lIt Platt mon it was wa declared dloloed tit furs lirsind fr1 fursud nd ud 1 tot desire to believo IJlon tcIlo oven os cn their owi owifrrcoc onrr owiCI frrcoc rr l and Ild to all ni uppeals and statemcnti statemcntiiiade ftatementH ftatementH1ldo stateunontiiade iiade 1ldo by b them to Senator Hnator Platt Ilutt I > Iatt later lu lureturned he henurntd Ii Iirttuurned returned nurntd quieting answers InSWCr They returnw returnwio retured returedIhdl io 0 thrir bailiwicks hniwlell only to have 110 their theiipolitical theirpollil theiolitinuI political pollil 11 perceptions perelplions PercClt iOruu furrowed furowed again am amthis and andhi sacu this u hi stato 1111 of affairs nfais s lies continued Am Amtit AndHt Auilit tit l Ia5L 6t Senator Selalor Platt on Tuesday TUeidaj am amWednesday and andWenCda ni niVednctay Wednesday WenCda bent his communications tlmullmtlol > to tluHopublicans thuHopuiblicans tlu thoUpuhlrO Hopublicans UpuhlrO to como COl0 to New York otty oir anc anctnlk and andtal aiuitalk talk tal things over with wih him himSenator himSelutor himSeluator Senator Selutor Plaits Platl friends said 6hl last la t nigh nighthat nightthnt nighthat that bo committed commitcd n I grave gro tactical tactcnl error erroiwhen errorvhen errowhen when vhen ho h permitted 1Crmll1 Oov Odell Ool to boom bom int iuihsaratoga intSaratoga 1110 1110Mrloga < Mrloga Saratoga tho night before hlforo tho con cnenllon cnenllonII conventioi conventioiii vent lor lorin in II ii 1WK l and nd demand nClmnd that George Gergo II I Sholdoi Sholdoilio Shlldon Shlldonhn candidate for Lieutenant LieutenantClovornor Lieutenantoveriior lio lI retitwl 11 n n I cndldalo Clovornor overiior on tho ground glould that Sheldon waR wain waRa waI n I 0101 corporation Iromtiol man lun c iov m Odell Odel dell on tlm tlmopcusion t hut hut1CIOI ha hanuciuin opcusion told lolt Senator nalor Platt that his fathei fatheibnd fntherhad fathehact had 1CIOI advised Invisl him not 10t to accept a renomina renomination lenOmlll lenOmllltion renolninattnlt tion for Cocror lovcrnor If Sheldon was to ho hi hirunning his hisrunning hirunning running mate lato on tho t ho ticket ticketI ticket I have hlo always nlwu > H been l > ln tho friend of Senatoi SenatoiPlatt SeMtorPIlt Su nato natoPtitt Platt PIlt said tin 11 Influential Republican Hcpublenn it luteIlin ittolling In Inteln tolling teIlin again tho story tor of that occurronci occurroncilast ocurfnco ocurfnco11t occurronculast teln last 11t night 1ght and nd I wan amazed Inlzd that 111t ho howould howouldI woul woulpermit woulcpermit < I permit prmit Mr ll Sheldon to withdraw wihdmw asi a a a candi candidate candiCate camlidate date Odell Odel himself was wa as up to his eye eyelids eyelids n nlds Cate lids in corporations corportion and all his ul objections obkoton tc tcSheldon to toheldon t tSheldon Sheldon lds were weo not candidly stated ftatect by him himHe himHe hImtfe He and Sheldon hud hli had a 1 serious Ierous differenci differenciin dltlfnco dltlfncoIn in business bulne matters mnter and Oov GO Odell Odel had Imcbeen hadben uscbeen been compelled by Sheldon to too tho mark markPresident markI markIresldent cmpled I ben President Prident Roosovelt Hoo8vel knows tho Btory Btor anc ancso and ancso so 0 do a dozen doz n Republicans Hcpublmnl Itecauso ecauo Gov GovOdell GO GOOdel GovOclell Odell 1 in hit his anger 0 at Sheldon oouldni oouldnibut culdnt culdntI coulduiiu I but Odel let < the tho c cat t out of the bag bg Spnatot SpnatotJ ipnatoC ntor r jrttnrTnT J ati lirTny opihlonTfehouId havo said id tc tcGov toI tcGov Gov 141 Odell Odel IJmyopnloDlhould on tlmt thltOln thatooowu1en ocoanion Very Verel well Arellovcrnor wellflovernor I flovernor < < ovcrnor o eTnor I think we can cn got along with without wlthout ¬ out your services lenict UB IH tho tlo candidate foiiovernor1 foi forOocrnor foiovernor iovernor1 iovernor1I overnor overnorUI UI I know liuio personally that tlmt Odell Odel in thai thaiSlate thnltlte thaiSlate Slate tlte convention eOllnllon could ud not have controllet cnlrolod controllecluO 100 voles nsainst n lln ciint t Sheldons ShlldonR nomination nominationSpimtor JOmlMton JOmlMtonI nominationSuuntor I Spimtor SPlator Platt 1lnt though houfh iwrmitted rmltod Slieldor Slieldoro o withdraw wihdn and UO ov Odell o el has been ben growiug grow growing prow prowili > ing ili morn 10r arrogant over ler since SenatoiPlatt Senatoi HenntorPlot enntoitIntt Platt Plot has 111 Iia told tll mo IIP that tha ho advised Slieldor Slieldorio Shlldon ShlldonIn io u n rotiro rt ii in I a tho I ho Interests lliensl I of peace in thc thfpirty thoparty thciulrt party iulrt Sheldon Hhldol acted nerd liko 1 him a brick anc anchere Ind IndI amliert here wasnt nsnt a I Hopubllcnit IIpuhlell ii politician rltlcinl ir irSaratoga inartngn iiuratuuga I Saratoga artngn who didnt I admire adlir hit hi courso ciirniIu coursoTliii cou e eTh Tliii Th Ciovornor ovurnor was wn viui not a I vote 010 getter fptr in II thai thaiamiMilgn Ihatat thatnfl amiMilgn at nfl paiguc > ign and Ild lit id had the farmers fllmr fit ii ulors of tho t ho StatiImdbiil Stat HlaloIHII Statill Imdbiil IHII ill I hi II ii till Ih Inintost lu I at t inkliiiK Inklnl Itikil ug that I ha t no le was wn tr triiilvocnlo 10llvotal t tIn iiilvocnlo llvotal in II lh Ihn following foloin wintor iuiter that mot moslvillainous motilninoll mostillalnotis villainous of all 11 legislation 1ti lRIl lalionlhn t ion lie I 3 101 0100000 0100000Krio 00000 00000t t Krio Irl ilninoll rjo Canal anal alal refreuidiimttttuo reforondum refcrcllhlliho tho Oovernoi floverioiiutilul Oovernoimid Goeror Goerormld mid havo hl 1 been 11 beaten 50000 500 votes Oll nl nln otI alticilts I n > polls pollslov ticiltsI lm I lov u pols polslm Odolls OdI dulIs tax tn lepislation Irl lalon againRt n nln t thrilios thr Ihoili1 tll tllI ilios ili1 I I ics of thn III t In first f 1 and ii II ud wcond uo nd class ca the thelosing IhoII t hr hrt t losing II 1jw administralioii ndlnllitrallol iudra iii ust ra I 1cm in i n Now NowYr Xuwy Ntwlic Yr y rk 1 cil it v l th IIP Ii u apprrhwisiou npprdliol 0 Pl Flit ISLO II of t thn buslriesF buslriesFiiHii huinlf huinlfI luttsIreOf iiHii I i of > f SOW Iw York lOtk State Hloll tnte ovor 011 the Natipna Natipnadministrallon Xallolillnilhlralon Nntioima NntioimaI dministrallon lnilhlralon I tfl itiit rat In a at t WiwhliiRton 11lllglol iti t I mu gin ii tho t lie joal joalmisiis jpll jplli jealI misiis I OIfs i of 4 f party pnrl i it y loaders 1 i r 1 the I ho attacks nlnckf at tacks niiidr niiidrhv mndoIn mu lalr lalrin hv In nO iov Odflf Odd and his hi friends on 01 Senatoi Senatoi1lnti Helalor HelalorIlnll eiuiitoi eiuiitoiPhiti 1lnti and 111 his hi friends frlmlr and finally fnll > tho t ho as asMiinption nHGllpt astului Miinption Gllpt Ilnll tului 1t iOI I I I of Ixjssshtp h lo ship hip by l C io ov 0 S Odell Orcl dell I him himelf himIf u ho hoelf elf If worn nil discussrcl diseusld last night nl hl and it itwus itI it1is wus 1is said WII that thnlowlnl al owing to all ollhl these e things Ihll I thr thrparty Ihopart th thlie party part lie I rt 3 all in I it th I ho It a State Hlall tat u is I In ip pretty prU lrtt r Itnd I shape shapeSome Iho Ihoml slinieMnui Some Republicans llpuhlkanl RoiUhl ttutis said Ilr that thlt Hopublican Hopublicannewspapers Ufpuhllun UfpuhllunIpnper fleputul kiui kiuiHwbpapen4 newspapers ml should llllr not speak fpeak of those thosematters the thematf theIll matters Ill Ipnper H t t 1S and nld tho Ih t he reply Ipl was WIR mado mndl that thatnot Ihuln1 t lintnrt matf not a newspaper nw pnpr in the lic State could culd or should shouldbiflu shouldIIrR shouldlu biflu lu ido Hie Ih I ho trim I ril rtili fa fart ts h from from tho t ho peoplo peoploiov pp ppGo poplucov IIrR Go cov iov Odoll 0111 Ou lcII In bis hi it is public Jlhlc titil die speeches pl cl it was wasnvttllpd wnRfIlpr vasioiltril nvttllpd hiis li rofcnvd r Irld to his hi t1s recent le11 iCOiltrt re reorirnniwitionof rt rtIulznlou orirnniwitionof fIlpr rt a I7n I 11 Ii of tlio t It o New York t ojk Republican Republicancounty nIHhlcnn nIHhlcnnUlt 1tIui hi icii a aotility county Ult Iulznlou ioniniitteo eOlunlte as a my m plan 111 It I is isknown il ilImowl iskfluJWll known that the th I lie fiovornors ormor R rporpanba rporpanbalion frqnnlz frqnnlzt rio rganizn rganiznI lion t Imowl 10 was mado for no other mirposo than thanID thul thulto thatiI IHll1lO ID I I put ut himself and III his hi Ii IS men lel in I comrol com rl ml of ofthe ofIho oftim the rommiltoo Timothy Tlmoth I L Woodruffs Woodruffsdefiance VoodruffsrIef1iiiio oodrufH oodrufHdnlCo defiance dnlCo ullllp of Oov 00 0r Odnll Odol in in l Brooklyn Ro Ronubliraii HI HIluhlrnl itouiuulliuaii nubliraii affairs was WI also nl > commented cmmentcd upon uponind UPI UPIld uponiiud luhlrnl ind H i was anll remarked rmnrked that the thl Governor Oovernortiud Goeror Goerorawl Governorhint awl ld tim Ih Oovornors GornOIR IR friends frienr do not liko lko Mr MrWoodruff MroodrttlT Ir Iroodtl Woodruff any more moreThe 111010Flue The oodtl Brooklyn alr 101C Rotmbli Hflhlkau It1uilI1kaII < mn < merely mrel > laughed laughedlit ughed ughedII lit II C ov 0 IrooldYI OclpllK OdelH efforts elorll t to I reform fform 111 and ro roorganize ro rooranlze reorgiitlize organize them them and Iml wont ahead and amid re reIUutwl roced reI IUutwl I cted Jacob Bivnner chairman chulnntn of tho theexicutlve thowculln thoexecutive ced Jacol 11nuer executive coinmlttit when whel Jot GO Od1 Hlell had hadlocgod had1g hadteggud locgod 1g td for olmltt postponed lX5tP0fl action all 101 IxWeving IxWevinghat hnlelu hnleluIlit bolievinghut hat by delay cIela ho could bring hrln rin about tho thoploction thoIecllou thebet Ilit dely ploction bet ion of his hi relative relatvl Deacon Ijaimbeor Ijaimbeoro Lllubr LllubrI o I 1 Brenners Brenlerf jlac jlaciov 1150 1150os > iov 0 os Odell I his Republican Hfpuhlcll critics crilC as asxine asr asrtcd xine r rtcd cd < l should fhoul1 undertako uldfrlko to reform refon and andreorganize fnd fndrOIunlze sac sacreorganize reorganize the Odell kteII machinn in il iti New Newliurgli SewIuurgh ew ewhurgh Odel rOIunlze liurgli and Orange county louut count For almost almosttwo nlmotIWO almostcltciles two decades Onmpo tho Odells Odell deIl fiithor and sons sonshave IIR IIRham soutHf f have controlled 1 the party machinery Ilchiu ry of ofho ofCruluty ollro11 Plry ho county nnd ml for several yearn yeal Repub Republicans Hopnbllnns ItoptibllClttit4 ¬ licans 11 cmJI declared < I bore h has boon h tn a growing growingiivling Irwlnj growingtuelimig iivling llnns teearl of antipathy in Orange Orng county culty to toiio toil toiio iio il iio ln methods of thu Ih Odell delI machine maehilo fhis fhisfeelliiR CIH CIHttln fhistooling tooling came to n bead hed on Nov Xo S 1 Williami Wlim William VIIltflhIlTnggart 101 i ttln Taggart Tnggar Cino a brothorlnlaw hrolhtrlnllw of Hiram Jlrm II IIOdell 1 13Udull Odell Odll Postmaster Poln1 Ir of 01 NewburRli Xowhurph and a aiirothur 1 1111wT aroiher iirothur of till tb Governor had been hpl noml nomlinted nomintod 111wT Off0r inted for a fifth ffh term tell term as I County Clerk of ofrange ofru ofU 11 1 U range e Ip to Nov XO 3 3tho the avorngo 1emgo plurality pluralityor plumll plumlllor lp ru lor or Itepublican 1llhlcn fandldates n 1t1 I 11 in Orange county1iiing county counlyofln countyluting ofln 1iiing the pncoditiB pnln five t yours Ytnl hud hen been beennr neon neonnvr nvr 3CO Tagcart llgh1lt has hu boon Iln JoY 00 Odell OdlUs OdlUsighl Odelis Odelisiglit s siglit 01 iglit arm in ill tlio t lie county cOlnl Cotuilt Ho was as Iteaton Iteatonn healla heallaI n Nov XO 3 bv b iv a iilumlity iurnlt of f 884 18i in il tho county countyiov culty countyC I C iov 0 Odolls OtOlH Odel candidate lumldl e for Sherill Hherl crawled crawlednt cmwlt nt it of the III wreck with wih a 1 plurality plumlv of but hit 117 17 I whilo Louis Bedell ldl < Jov O ov Udells Udels candl candlliito candlilto 11 liito 11 whl for the Assembly sllbh in 1890 180 97 17 08 O 1WW 1WWHI 10 11110UI HI V u nod IHI 03 narrowly escap4 osoapcd srpl defeath < defeat lefeatll ICIeStIi ll ll hull 1011 Biilolls HtlelR plurality plurllY was 54 1423 13 in 1002 1002ix 10 ix xvhllo on Nov O 3 it ehnink Ihrlnl to 190 19 Gov Cowciuil GovCl 1 oill hlo curried his home city clt of Xewburgh Xewburghn n I Cl 1102 mrrl bv h a plurality plurllY of 1700 On Nov Xovf 3 3ut 3r f ut t lr Tnggart Tn lr and his brothers hrutwrH lirotheriuiv lirotheriu lrOthieriuilout a iv lost IO l Newburgh XIJrgh by 515 515Yet 51 51Ypl l5 l5Vet Yet Ypl it is I positively 1Ili1wlruo11 JR1IIIJV0IUS5f1Id assorted that low GO Odoll Odollopes Odll OclclIIfP4 opes rs to force foI n renomination rnorinliion for himself himselfipon himtlf himtlfPUI himselfC ipon PUI the th t I uc iKirty par V in I a ll lOt 1104 0 < beliovinc helovlnR liel loving that t ho hoin huI C in II crawl fmllhroilh through in a I Pnsldontal In Hldental year yearSinutor ear earlltor 1 I 4 Sinutor lltor uiutor Plait Plltt wild aid yesterday that tlui he hei hedl dl i < l riiit rewived r iv1 a reply 111 to the letter letterImd 101 Ciov Ga Odell to come tolimit to tohim 0 Imd 111 sent nt inviting o Odel t COlI him Senator Plntl Pllt also nl wild wildTlipropoit fld fldTI saidliuu hll Tlipropoit TI liuu rpo reisn Snllor t Kent Hnt out fr flm frtn < m WVhlnKton WVhlnKtont Vwhlngton Vwhlngtonfi VashIui ton tonI fi t I r id visit hot of iov o ov Odill Idu II to President PresidentiOM Jnhlent < iOM > et 1 that tlli t the I lu President Irldt hud hilI recog recogi rCog rCogt I t i 1 l him Ii I cmi us lS a Stat 131 tit < loader 1lllr was WOo ns Rotten Folln got ten up upfsrtniii lp lprtlil IIJIrtuu d fsrtniii rtlil rtuu itt iuWhpuperx Il IIIIM lJ ull I and RII was 11 iinauthor iinauthord SHAME SlUn KILLS 1 LM WOMA JOJU FOltCKIl FOltCKIlMrs FIWEIIMrs Ol 1m Mrs Uf nihbi Wlb JIbs Dies nilliln lhll Three Hour lulrA of o Ho HoArrest lictrres or Arrest ArrestKANSAS trresICA5tS rrlsl KANSAS IANs Cirr Mo 10 Dec DIl 25 2Accoldlng 23Accordiuu 23Accordiuuto Accordin Accordinto to Coroner COloner Charles Charlls Lester time tl death citatluMrs t tMM uf ufr MM r > Mary lury Jlbba who expired IXpit suddenly suddenlynuldalgiut uttlonly a amldnlghl al almidnight midnight within wihin a I few ffw hours houl after afel hum IIParrest 11 11urrst humarrest arrest urrst on 01 a charge of swIndlltiB Hwildlng nearl nearlevery neory neorye neon neonevery every e ry bank blnl In town by b 1 means of forgo forgedrafts forgodrafts forKt1 forKt1drfs drafts drfs was due to congestion eOIKeton of tint III lung lungbrought lungHrought lunglroughit brought about by tlm 11 jun slmino halo and dlsgrnc dlsgrncfollowing tlsKrC tlsKrCfulowlnK dlsgrafollowing following fulowlnK her arrest and amid arraignment arrlgnlUnt Mr MrOlbbs Mrbb MriIh1 > Olbbs iIh1 bb > died at 1210 oclock oClock this thl moriiln moriilnat morlil morulutat at tho homo hOlo of her Ilr grandfather rndfalhfr GeorJIlolles Oeorg OeorgHolies eorl n nJole Holies houra houraMM Jole houri hourjMrs aftur Ifel an Illness Inls of less 11t ie linn Iml thro throhoura thmhouri tJirmhourj MM Ir Cibs ilbbs wa WIU wiet only 21 I but hud hu boot bootmarried l becinhttrnlmcl > en ennlrried married nlrried twice onco Ole to a I boy of eighteen eighteenwhen tlllhttel when shy lht was WUI only 011 itt Her lur grandparent grandparentsought graiiciparentsought rlcnlenl rlcnlenlsought sought to t prevent this thl innrriogo Inrrlagn by I keep ket kOejilag lag Ilg her locked 10 ked up hut she fho eseapod tUllol an aneloped nld nldtloped atieloped eloped Sho Hht Iie secured a divorce divoco a few month monthInter lonths lonthslater inoatlInter Inter and sac three years Inl ago married nlrrlCI O UJIbh5 f fGlbbs CUhhl Glbbs Uhhl a travelling trlweiing ealesrnan ealesrnanThe tulemul ealesmnanThe The ho act for which she Iho was 111 arrested am amIo 111 anto Io which fho ho confessed confel r was wal forging forjing a draf draffor lrf dralfor for sw 510 on Oi a I Chicago Clilciu gu Imnk l ltn > nk and Il cashing ca ciuItlngat hlng 1 1at It Itat at the Missouri Mllorl Saving yhl > Bank here afte afteforging ufterforjllg ofteforging forging forjllg also thu tii cashiers ll hlelH 0 K IC It I tool toolweeks 1001wrlkl too tooveeks weeks wrlkl of detective dellelu work to convince cunimt tlv tlvIwnk tho thohunk tl tlhank hunk and all authorities authorliel that thnt Mrs lf Olbbi Glb Bhh Bhhthe wa watho wntho tho forger and ald in tho lie meantime It was din dincovered cln clncoyerll cliiieoVCrtI covered coyerll that thlt with wih IUi a 1 boldness holdl and all id succes suicceslint succesthat ucCI that would ould havodone credit to a professiona professionawho profeeiOJI rlroessiouIusite who 611 had hal by the forged 0 KmethodKG KmethodKGcured JC IC 101 method hod hodcur so socured cured cur J100 SIO 100 from fromlho the National Xatlonll Bank of ot Com Comiiioreo CommOIl Cornluiel iiioreo mOIl luiel ee 000 6 from another onotlwl national natonal bank bnk bnkfrom 100 > from another ulolher amid 011 smaller Ilnlrr sums frouivarious fron fronvarious frol various arlouf institutions institutionsII1 Instlut institut Ions IonslIr Ions11Ili II1 lIr JEFFIUES JRnrW JII fI1II4 IS CHAJ1IIO CHAJ1IIOIlls eniiii III IIIII io ioIlls Ills II Imlior llhpr SI4s S ars s In II a Srrmon trlon Its I nceausi nceausiHe neamele flealisJte He le Never ter cver loses Ills Ils Trinprr TrinprrBALTIMOltK FeutIprrfltLTIMOIIE rlprr rlprrDALTlom BALTIMOltK DALTlom JId Dec 25 23Jiins Jims i ifighter I i ifighter fighter fphtor but ho never gets get mad mad said Evun Evungellst EVln EVlngelst Evutigelist gellst gelst A C C Jeffries Jefrlel father of the chain chainpion champion chutunp1oti pion heavyweight pugilist pugi8t In his nennoi nennoitonight uermnoitonight ermontonight tonight at the Homeward Bound Bounl Mission MissionFor MiMsionFor 1 lon lonFor For tho hardest licks lcks that ho over got fot hi hiburnt ho hobUrt Ii Iiburbt burnt out into a great laugh There an anmen 110 110men ormen men as scientific ecCntfo as Jim Jim but bu they lose thelitempers theli Ihelrtempel theltempers tempers tempel and and then theyre off ol Ho hUH bailearned hUHlenred halearned learned lenred that a man must never nelr got g t mad I Iho If Ifho Ilie ho wants lnll to win alight alightThis I a lght light lightThIH This Thli discussion dl ouislon of tho possibilities pos luilll o oGetting of ofGeling oGetting Getting Geling Mad l11tll Iud and Winning Inllll a 1 Fight ight was wasdigression 1 > i idigression 1 digression dlgrcflonll in highly digressive sermon ermol thntho thn Ihttho thuthe tho Champions ChomplolFoll1r ChnmploeuFatlier Father delivered dllcld to 101 n urowi urowiof erowcl erowclof crowuof of about l1ut twentyfive twent fvo men menIt 111 miteitIt It I was a Christmas Chr tml crowd crwd and Ind five fe or orof si siof lb lbof of the men mIl insisted iusilet on 01 bringing their cola colabratlons colobrations c10 c10hrtlon brations hrtlon into ilto the hall hnl with ltli them Somi Somiwero Somnwero Somwere wero content cntelt to sleep sled while whlo others insistec insistecon insi led ledon on helping the Ihl speaker fpClklr out when there wa wan waI wita > n I lull lul in likt hi outpouring olipourin of If words Twi Twibecame TwobCCIUIU Twitieciamne became bCCIUIU argumentative nrpumcntoto as 11 to whether the tlmelurid thohad thehad had paid for their beds at t the lie mission mj ion nm nmbad and andhnd antlaid bad to 10 ejected ejectedDont jecledI jOctedDont Dont Doll pay pa any an attention atcnton to a dntnhei dntnheiman Inlleu InlleuI tlnmnkeimon I man said aid Mr II Jeffries Jttrll as lS one of his hluul hI audl audltors mmclitors I tors tOr foil fel off 01 a chair and ont went to sloop 01 01the 01 oitli I the tli floor Tho evangelist ongelst stopped tlop speak speaking speaklag penkIng ing long enough lough to remove 10mo0 tho sloepo sloepofrom llpor llporfrol sloepufrom from frol from the tlO aisle nl le in which ho then paced lced t tand 10 10Ind tu tuutnd < and Ind fro fr as 11 he ht exhorted cxhorlJd tho crowd crowdFIRST crowdFIlS crowdII FIRST FIlS II lWm DpJIEDEDDING DpJIEDEDDINGomecri inoniG inoniGOltloer IW > IO IOOmlera Oltloer Omlera of the Jlll EnIluihflrnet Knullsti Itmnrti Iraneh of 7loi 7loiMarried 7101 Zloii3lerrled Married tiy I b tlir thf th Prophet In the Temple TempleWACKBOAN TcmleWU TempleWJUJtE0A WACKBOAN WU ImOA Ill Il Dec 25 SThe The first lrt public publichurch publc publcchurch publicchuireb church wedding ever held in Zion City Citytook el Cit Cittook took place this Ihl afternoon nfteroon following folowing th tinregular thrl thregular regular rl ular Christmas Chrstmn service ferlc in 11 Shlloh Shioh Taber Tabernacle Tabern1cl Tubernacit ¬ nacle n1cl Dowin himself hireelf uniting unitng in marriage marriagetwo mnrlagu mnrlagutwo two of his officers tho Rev le Harry K I Cantonnd Canto Cantclanr Cantonad nnd anr Deaconess Dfatn f Ruth Stevens both o oLondon of ofIndon ol olIMndon London Following FolowiJl tho ceremony cerfmony Dowii Dowiiordained Dowieordailcd Dowitorctaiiied ordained ordailcd both to high offices ofces in his hi > Church Churclnnd Churchlt Churelitud nnd lt assigned to them IhCm the general genCrol ovorsceint ovorsceintof oeleeil oeleeilof ovorseeiiiof of work in Great Britain BritainTho BrllalnThn l3ritalmiThe The white whie robed choir sang nlg a procosaiona procosaionaand procsoiolal procsoiolalnnd and the brido nail ml bridegroom brldElrool walkot walkotslowly walwd walwdBlowlr wztlketslowly slowly down an aiule of the tabernacle tabernacleeach tnberach tnberachneh tabernacleoachi each preceded prcctcCd by a bridesmaid dressed Iiwhite ii iiwhite In Inwhie white whie Following Folowing tho bridegroom WI WIthe ww wwthe ti tithe the best man The hl brido was wa nccompaniet nccompanietby accmpanied accmpaniedhy by her hel father flt fat her They met at the I he plat platform pllt plltrorm pIntform ¬ form where Dowio l hegll began > ogan tho ceremony ceremonyusing creIOn creIOnlSill ceremonytisirug using lSill tlm t ho Episcopal 1 ring service 8eno Kissing Kissingin Is8In Is8Ini in i forbidden forblddl1 in Zion hence hlnel neither Dowltnor Dowlt Dowicnor nor 101 the bridegroom IJldlgroom kissed klfsed the bride How Howover HowOer howover over Oer tho eorernony rfmon was unusual Inuunl in thai thaiimmediately IhntImmldlately thatinimecliately immediately following folowlng the final fnnl words wordsDowio wordDowio wordsDowic > Dowio said saidDo snhlDo saidDo Do you ou Mrand Mr rand and Mis In Canto believe beleve that thatI I nm al Klljah 1 ljnh sent from frornCod God Got to help restore restorethe restorethe the til world and will wi you ou ol obey > ey mo as 0 > such suchTho sticltTit IhTh Tho Th answer anHWlr from rrm each Iach was wa wasI 1 beliovo belmt and shall Hhll obey obeyDowio obryDowio obeyflowlo Dowio then Ih1 t proceeded proceded with tlio t lie ordina ordination ordila ordilatlon oudination ¬ tion of the bridegroom bridlroom as lS Overseer Oels or of 01 Great GroatBritain GreatBritnil GreatBritain Britain Britnil and nli ordained orduiled Mrs 1 tis Cuntel Callel nn lI elder elderpromoting eldI eldIrolotn victorproii proii promoting rolotn otlng her hCr from tho office ofto of deaconess deaconessThe denclw8 denclw8Th deaoonesilhio The Th doxology doxolo r was wa then Ihel sung and Dowio Dowiowished Dowiuwi Jowiowished wi wished lld his hi people a I happy Christmas Chrslmas and Ind a aglad aInt agial glad Int Now Year eur with which tho meeting meetingclosed 1 abatingclosed cting ctingcoset closed closedTO closedTo coset cosetJ TO J ltiTLK IWTI WITH CHRIST CHRISTMowlp lIRT lIRTUnl fInESTIowlv Mowlp Unl Says ls lie H llcilllConie Hill li Come C Ule Hack After AfterUenlh tIlerlentli lr lrUlnll Uenlh Ulnll nrnl Rul Iliilc nlie hub In II lieu Ion lul City CityWAVKKOAK lI lIHKIOX It ItVtrKIcIA WAVKKOAK HKIOX III 11 Dec 2f 25In > In order orter that thathis lmt lmthil tunahIs ho is isElijah IHEljah IsElijah his hil followers foloWlr may not forget forglt that Elijah Eljah during his hi absence UbllICO on 01 his trip around aroundthe arund arundtho arotiutithe the world Dowie spent fp nt most of histlmo hitlno at atthe attbo atthe the big Christmas Chrtnuis service lonlco today in Shlloh ShllohTabernacle Shioh ShiohTaberlwle ShlloiiTabernacle Tabernacle Taberlwle in II impressing imprsing the fact upon uponthem UOI UOIthem UJOiithem them Ho mado mch a declaration dllcumtln which whlth equals equalsin elualin in importance iml1rtnneo his hi > announcement annOUleeCt of being beingtho bel belI beingthe the I ho prophet Ho h1 said that tho reason leaSOI ho hoissued hoiuld hoitied issued iuld leases Il > in II Zion City i > for 1100 110 years yearswas ynrswas plf plfWIS was WIS because becuBe within tho next lox10 100 tJ0 years Clr thrhuwill Christ Christwill lhriRI lhriRIwl will wl return rtr to earth and 111 that ho will wi reign relgl 1000 10 yearn yearnDowio Yll yearsDowie Dowie said t I I that ho will wl return retur to earth earthwith larth larthwith eartluwith with Christ and ld ho believed heloved that thll their theirreturn lllr lllrrotUM t heirreturib return rotUM to earth would ho to that very err spot spotwhere sJxnwhere po powhero where today ho addressed Id tho Zion peoplo peoploAt 101 101At At tho end of Christs Chri I reign Iligl of 1000 years yearsDowlobaid yearsIovIeu tnrl tnrlDowilbald Dowlobaid IovIeu s4 Id the t lie earth frth tin ri Ii will wil s1 I I smush llmsh up ti i and I Li ld oil tlio tliobad I hu huhnd liesic bad sic peoplo tn will wi ho destroyed testroyd In II hull h1 flro flroand tr trllt fir firtfII and the Ih t lie good will wl bo b called cnll1 t to o their thtlr t reward ieviircliowlo rewardDowio wurd wurdDowlo llt Dowio declared that thlt if after IfI ho hI dies diesmlldels dll diesiiil1dlM dlcnred Infldelf mlldels should in II any Lilt way WiY get tt hold of 01 Zion ZionLands ion ionands iol Ilnds ands ho will 11 himself himslf return to enrth erth and andjrder 111 111ordlr 1011rder ordlr jrder them all ni off of the sacred tcnd ground grolII us ushe iK iKthe usltcu the he title to the land Ilnd will wil never 1 > 1 pass HS from fromlim frol fromliii hll hllJlI lim limWILL liiiWILL WILL JlI WElt LU A L t noUIlllllLK noUIlllllLKillns UtVIIUUI I IUIllr HRoiul OOlOfIlOitOfl of Huston to llrciimc the thenrlUo Iherldc hueUndo tl1 illns UIllr Mtry Mar Ojoml loston tl 1ule Undo rldc of 01 It E i Chlldcr Cltter of 1 EiuIpuiuI13o13IoN ICiiKlnml ICiiKlnmlBOSTON 1lall 1lallBORTON BOSTON Dec 25The marriage lltrringn of 01 Miss MissMury MissMary lis lisluQ Mary luQ Osgood Otgood daughter taughlI of Dr awl Mrs MrsHamilton MrsFisinilton II IIHamiton Hamilton Osgood of Beacon Il1cn street tlrPtt and andUobert 11 11Iobrrt iimniFtobcrt Hamiton Uobert Erskine Chllders of London I1dol will willuccur wi wiocur willLctir Erlldnf Chldlrl Iobrrt Jan Ii In Trinity I Church ChurchIhe lumirclithe uccur at noon on Jal I II llrh llrh1ho 100n ocur the romance romnno is II a w oijue1 > < iucl Iu to the recent rCllt visit visitnf VIsi VIsiof visitf 1ho Artillery Comiwmy ot otIxjndon ofFOfldOfl nf f tho Honourable Hoaourhlo ortitr > ComlllY ol Indol Ixjndon of which the prospective bride bridegroom hlidgroom Iurklroomn ¬ groom roomn is a well wel known member memberTho meIIJr meIIJrTho memberThe Tho bride U I the younger OIIlr sister of Mrs MrsFUko MrsPIke rl rlFiko PIke Warren She is highly hl hl acconiplisliitl acconiplisliitlnnd nelnIII hf1 hf1nnd nnd Is 1 Waron an excellent lxclent linguist Inlult Mr Ir Cluldors Cluldorswho lhlhlr lhlhlrwho liildrrsclio friend of Ixird Uen Uenlileli 1emidgli who Is a close cia don personal Ilfolll Iln Ilnhl hl lileli h is well elI known aiovn 101 in II London 101101 wherenl where sluereit Ire Irelt Wf1 nl Carlisle Mansion in il fhoyno 11111 walk ulk the thecouple th thI theOitln 1anlon lt couple Oitln will reside r ldt It was 9 case of love loveit Ionnt loveit I it Jplo mnt tft sightitis Rihit slhtltlt wl It is siiiil 111 bv b l > v I Ihn how Ito y m I the thi secret secretiif ff1 ff1I eerttIf I iif If f that I li romano roram SHERLOCK HOLMES A WINNER WINNEKXEW WINNERIr WINNEB1Eli KXEW Ir THAT T llT A l THIEF U I 11 WOULU JOUI1 III IIIit IlLI IWip it I IvitscKn AXit tXI UK Il nut nutAnil 11 111tuuul Anil 111 1m the Hi Anmlitir Aluhlr Mciilli Itllh Han Too mi miCaught aiit aiitUught at atitauclut Caught rp II 11 After Arrr a Chase ClaAe Throng ThrongMany Trollh Trollhlln lbronkhat Many hat furs to the Injury IIJlr of If Many UIIY lau1f torn torntmiclii Cornl CornllUI5ht orr orrtuuuihut tmiclii lUI5ht at II Last lu il an Imbrrllr ImbrrllrA lmbrlln lmbrllnA A IhUf picked Icked JnmoH Jnmrf 7 Potllgrewi Potllgrewipocket PettlrowH PettlrowHpocket PottlgrewPOCket pocket on 01 u Fiftyninth IIInlnlh street car la lanight llt lltII iai iaiuuhghit night II ht and Ult Mr Ir Pottigrow Poltgrw detected detecle him him at at ii iiTho I I I1lto Tho other witness witnessafterward wltneRnfelwartllolt witneiuueaftenivard TIl passengers a SlnKfn on 01 cars 111 afterward nfelwartllolt alwutau uhuotit ai as interesting Inttrlltlng ri thief thltf chas chasus cha chaii hasu hasuI us I ii has II boon L n been for a 1 while whileMr whileMi hlo Mr 1 Puttigrew Ptigrew is I the manager of an apart apartinont apartment aparlfluent fluent IIOUKO hou n at 57 l7 7 West est Flftyelghtli Flf > elghth Htreol HtreolHe alreotHe streelie He Is 1 > nliio Ilw tho leader of an amateur amnteul dra drainatio dl dlmato dreImiatie inatio organization connected with a church churclin churchil cliurciii mato orgallZton in il Tim Bronx He le lias Ils lia written writen nevern nevernshort uovermshort oErl oErlshorl short Old Ot Sleuth playsand plys plays all and has closel closeltiiclied cloRely cloRelyilrlll closelstuidksl tiiclied ilrlll ho methods of Sherlock Holmeand Holme Holmesnll Holmeituich and nll other great grCot detectives detectC That fact factas factI as I Mr i Pottlgrew Pttgrew mild Illd last Inft night was 1 tlv tlvtlllefrt tl thtthulef tlllefrt Ihief undoing undoingWith uncolng uncolngWHh undoingwIthi With a I friend Mr II Pettigrew Petgrew boards boardsnn boardedIn nn In eaftthound tnHlhoul car at Sixth avenue Ivenue anFiftyninth am amFiftyninth anc Fiftyninth Flfnlnlh street The car cal was WOI unUsuall unUsuallcrowded unhsualy unhsualycrowdll unbsuallcrowded crowded and Ind they hud to stand on tin tinroar thu thurenl tlirear roar platform plalonl Also when lln Mr lr Pettlgrov Pettlgrovhad IetUgrowhad lettigrmhad had paid pl I the fare ho was as no lO badly crovdei crovdeiugaltHt crowdrdIgaln crowdeugaluist ugaltHt Igaln t the tailboard tlhoarr that ho couldnt culdnt ge gehis get gethi goluls his hi hand hU11 down to t his hi side Ido and had to t sta stawith Ltay Ltaywih ta tawith with wih It uplifted uplftld In a sort of Peace be b witi witiyou with withyou wIt wItOU you OU stylo till ti Mudidon Itdlson avenue n enUe was reached reachedThen reaehcdThei reachedrliemi Then Thei ho and aiim his friend transferred tronsftrred to an another anot another other ot hcr car carNow carO camNow Now O all al this tl time tme I stood stoo on 01 that thlt plat platform plulform llutfoiin form with wilI my I11 hand In t tho he air 11 said llld Mr fr Pet Pettlgrew Pettlgle PettIgtev tlgrew tlgle telling telln about It afterward Iferward I felt rel i iburly a aIlrlr I Iburly burly Ilrlr form pressing pfssing against Igalnt me I didathilnlc didnt didntthink didntIhlll think Ihlll anything onthln strange about that but ii iigetting In Ingeting iigetting getting geting off 01 at Madison ladiol avenue I pushec pushecmy l hcd hcdI my I 111 thumb Into my waistcoat alcoat pocket pcket TlniIs Thilis Tlni fhisI Is I is something Iolellllg I always alway do in Inleaing leaving crowds crowdsTho crowdsho crowdsThat That ho pocket ocket was WI va empty Gee Ge M Mwatch Mj Mjwatch Mynlch watch nlch la IF cone gone Bald 6nlc I Ever Every ono In tlia1 tlia1ear thlt thltPu thaear ear Pu looked surprised slrrld I stood for f r the momen momenand momcnt momcntand nbomenand and and meditated ledilatd My first frt first tnt thought wai waito vn vnto to apprehend l1prhend tho ho thief thle I decided dllded to watch watclcountenances watchcunlellnCI watchcotimuteilunces countenances cunlellnCI at at tho same BIO time raying ayllK tc tcmyself to toly t titieif myself ly e1 Human Ihnlal nature natulo will wi betray betla itself itselfMy Ilsl ItfMy My Iy cue is to t look for a sneak1 sneak1Just snek snekJut BnoakJust Just then thln I beheld a dark object slinking slinkingaround slnking slnkingaruld slinklnaroumid around aruld the end end of the car It was WI a man manand manund manuiiid and ho looked backward as they IhCy do yoi yoiknow yot110W OU know 101 That ho was WIH guilty was 11 quite ovj ovjdent oident muvikilt dent dent I thought again Igmn and decided dlcdld thaishould thai thathould thaishould should tho man be b guilty guity ho would flee fleeif 11eIi if I gore chase chasoMr chnfo chnfoII chaseMr Mr II Pettigrow Pettgrow ran rn for the th suspect ant antthu lud ludI sactilt tilt I hu guilty guit gtiiIt ono did dit tako tlln to his hi heels heoll Ho Horun Unfl lierun run fl to the io south suth side iilo of Fiftyninth Fiftynilth streetmid street streetand strlot strlotlud and lud mid jumpud jUJlld on an uptown car followe followeclosely folowrd folowrdcloHe folloveclosely < closely cloHe by h > the wily wiy Pottigrew Iotlgrel Tho Th caiwas car carWIS catwas was WIS crowded crwd d but pursue punlfo ptirsuisl and iud pursuer pursuerdathed IJrSU pnrsiorlflrh0I r rI I dathed through and the fugitive fugiI I flung fung open openthu opertint Ithl tint front frolt door Tho 1he car cir by this IILi time lmo opn opnIthl had hadcrossed hadol findcrotscI crossed ol d to tho north sido icio of Fiftyninth 1iftynltithMt Fiftyninthstiett Fifyninlh FifyninlhHlt stiett Hlt Mt t mid thru Ih thief duslied bI11 around Ifound a ound tho thofront Ihoflolt tliofioiit front flolt of Ilnl it and a nil boarded hOfll 1 a I southbound luhho soot hihotind nd car carieltigrow cr crletgW carlettigrow ieltigrow letgW wan wn a I close elo e second Without Withoutrespect ithou ithoun Ithoulrsneet respect n peet for corns fS or tender tlIH1lr knees tho two tvcrushed tworUHhed twcrulsIleil rushed through to the front door dool It Itopened I IIoixiuieci opened opeled slowly Ilowl and In fumbling fumhln with wih slt Ii it 1llm 1llmorook tin tincrook t lit litcrook crook was wn overtaken overaken by I Pettigrew Pttprew But Butthn BulIh hutthlO thn Ih thief Ihi f got ot the doors dool doors tlalr finally parted parledand parledandwrltd ant antwrested ati aticrested wrested wrltd himself hilIllf from tho grasp grEp of the tuna tunatour lunaWur stunttour tour sleuth tlcuth They he got to the street Ilrt to together 10gelhlr togather ¬ gather gelhlr and a 1 similar slmln performance took tookplace tok tokplc tookiutaco place plc hi IQ a westbound Wtt und Fiftyninthstreet Fiftynlnthslrt car carIn cr crIn carIn In rushing nlhlng through tlrouph that tho purauod purauodlandedon pursuo pursuoiandedon landedon the pot bunion of a portly pas passenger pansoliger ¬ lndedo to pt prty senger who though piled plr with Chrtfltmat Chrtfltmatcheer Chritaa Chritaachlr Chrstrnaucheer p cheer chlr and other things emitted emi d a great greatroar greatroar greatroar roar roarStop Stop thief Police Pole Murder roared roaredthe roard roardIhe roarec roarecthe the assaulted the thief An old nM8Iull1 at thitf n mat matin mal matiii in tho street ltrllt mado lado a swipe 111 with an um umbrella umhreln urnbrella ¬ brella hreln nt the flying crook It I flow tow open nl nltho lt atthe the critical critial moment mOIlnt and proved tho opn fugi fugitives fuglthI fuigltites ¬ tives thI f undoing Indoinp Ho ran rn head first frt intcit intc intcit IntoIt it and cot ot nil nllanqled tangled up When Whenheextrlalcd WhenheextrlalcdI he extricated extricatedhimself extrIcatediilmtuseif I himself ho was surrounded furrounded by b Central CentralOffice CentrolI Centralirnee Office Ufc Detectives Dolclvt Dowling Dowlnp and Oppenheliu Oppenheliuand I and three I cops in uniform uniformThey umulforinThey They hN stood Itood stood him on his hl font felt and the watch watchwas watchWIS watchvlhs I was WIS found fliuld in ft I vcket iockot of his hi coat He wnf wnfrecognized WIR WIRrco ci cirecogulzei recognized rco nled by the detectives rtIlos an al Ducky DuckyRobinson DuckyHohinsol DuckyRohituson Robinson Hohinsol nn old offender offenderGive enonderGIe offenderGive Give that grasshopper rIIPPlr his hlF iunk said saidDucky saidDuchy saidTuieky Ducky referring rdtrrlnl respectively J Rpcllr to Mr MrPottiKiew MrPettiuraw 11 PottiKiew and tho timepiece ImeplCe hes the theluckiest thumluckiest luckiest 11 < It thing Ive dipped into for longcuintigli long longenough 10lg 10lgenough enough enoughDucky enoughDucl cuintigliriieky Ducky Ducl > was taken talCn to Police Poleo Head Headquartern Urd UrdQI11rlrr HeadltillrtCfl4 quartern QI11rlrr He was wal registered as Julius JuliusRobinson JuluA JuluARoblnHon 1uiiltiRobimisomu Robinson 3 > years enl old of 101 Ludlow Iutlo street streetIItTII 811Ct 811CtInI street11GII IItTII InI A t 1 MV JlLL MULLEN LUX KILLED KILLEDWell Klln KllnWel JiiLIJDWell Well Wel Known linonI Philadelphia Phtndtlphia Editor Edior Falls Int In Indrr tndtr n ntier tier dtr an Kxprcss 1xpresf Train TrainPIIIIADEUMIIA Tain TainIIIDEIIA Train1uuIiAaimrumiA PIIIIADEUMIIA IIIDEIIA Dec Det 25 2IuKh 2Hugh Hugh A Mul Miiiliii Mullln lul lullu lln lu editor edior and and principal princpal owner of the Sun Sunilny SunICV Sundciy ilny ICV World Worl and and widely widel known throughout throughouthe throughoutIw the Iw State as O a political oltltal writer wrier during durnl th thlast thc thoInst thclast last twenty twnt years enrl was found dead deld to tonight 10night toIuight night his hit body l1d badly mutilated mutiated on 01 tintracks tin the thetrck tinttracks tracks trck of tho Pennsylvania Ienlylnnll Railroad Halroad i ifew a afew few IW feet fet below tho Xorth Philadelphia Phlladelphiistation Phiadelphll Phiadelphllstul Philadelphiastation station stul 101 platform pIa orm The body d was WIR discovered discoverecshortly diRcercd diRcercdshortl discoveredshortly shortly shortl after nfer 8 I oclock It I was Identified identifieby Identted Identtedb Identifiedby found In his pockets pocketsAt by b numerous numroul papers Jlperl poekol At H1G 11 oclock there Is i an al express OXprfR made rnadup made madehif < up 1 of mail mai and and baggage hnggnpo cars which goes goest gOI gOIto goesto t to < i Now ew York It l does not stop at North NorthPhiladelphia NorthJhladllphla Northlilllacleiphla Philadelphia Jhladllphla only slackening slnoktaing its It speed speedat pod podnt at that place Jlac Inunedlatoly Illrdlatl after atr it com comn COIPH COIPHpaRSen 00mmIL n passenger paRSen lr train trin The guards guarL have much muchdilllciilty muchdlfelly muchI dilllciilty dlfelly I In I a preventing Jrlntng p ioopie llopl < ople from ruin trying tryingto trilg trilgt to t hoard the th express expressMullin ox expressMoult pre preIulln Mullin Iulln it I is II j supposed RUpo d tried trie t to t board the thethrough theIhlouh thetltroughu through Ihlouh train Ilil Grasping Glpilg ono on 0 of the en entrance el entrance ¬ trance lIars ho h was WIS carried mrred on and dropped droppeda droJped droJpeda a fnw feel t beyond tho platform pltonn falling fallingpartly Coln Colnpartl fallingpartly partly under the tie wheels wheell Both legs lelR and andone andono andUric one ana an were wcr cut off of and his hi head hen headcrushed vaa vaacrushed 1 1msle crushed msle Ho was WI found fould ono minute m ml nuts after afterthe nfer nferth afterthii the th express PXprfH had passed passedThree p8td p8tdThl passedThree Three Thl weeks WOJR ago Mullin Iuln made his will willand wi willtimid and Ind timid on Dec 17 t took out a I life Ifo insurance insurancepolicy inuturancopolicy policy polor for 5000 S500 Mullin Iuln had been in losing losingmoney loing loingmom money mom recently lcntl in investments Intmla Ho 1 leaven leaventwo leaPRIwo leavostV two tV daughters dnughlen and ono On son lIn who lives IIR in inXow InX inNp Xow X Np York York1IW1n YorkIIIltII 11 IIIltII 1IW1n Kit MIT WAS Irt A 4 llOIMy llOIMylolm JJOiIitVtiIili IOJU IOJUIlhn lolm Ilhn AneherlKc nellrr of Hckerl Intl IHe IHeConcralril IIuomieraleil I I Concralril Conrralt11 Her Ilr Hex lr 35 Yean YeanKCKKIIT YiuruEctitt1 rlr rlrEClml KCKKIIT EClml In Ind < l Dee 25 2SJohn John Ancherleo Ancherleoan Anchlrl AnchlrlI I an 11 aged Gorman Ormln who lIved lo almost t a I hermit hermitlife helml hermitII life II f on 01 III n little li lit I I Ic fiirm fu rm near 1mI here for more morethan mof mofIhln morethuitm Il than Ihln twentyfive t wllyf years tarH was WIS found f0111 load tld in inbod InI ittbed bed hel yesterday tcrd and a coroners oronr jury has hasdiscovered hasiiitoviretl I discovered that ho was a woman omol tnclo tncloJohn InclnJohn liueloJolun 11 > vllet tlllt wa John until un 11 lii about Ihout two years rari ago nlo lived livedalono lved lvedalon livedlttiim alono alon lttiim but about that t list timu t lute nu brought brought honm honma hOI hOIgirl a girl who it i was wnl wild lid was his sisters sisterschild 81 sistersililid Ir Irhld child hld and nt who was iis taught lalght to tocal t ocuil cull him hllnl uncle unclnTliis uncleIhls I Tliis Thil little ltle girl now IOW about 13 or It I I yearsdci years yearsold rIf rIfold old dci is i the tl t hu only known Ii uiflii mourner mournerTho InurnI 11101 rae raelIie I The IIOIHO hou was was always a favorite IIortP haunt hUlnl for foryoung forroun fouyotung young folks folk on account Ieount uiccoii at of the old olu I hermits hermitsstock hprmlttek I iernt its itstock stock tek of fairy and om ghost stories lorh Nothing Nothinghas Xothilg XothilgI I has hll uits been h found lu L give 11 a clue cuo to tho iIiM iIiMIuitory past pasthistory IJIMI IJIMII history of thti th hue woman Olln or 0 of tIm causes caui aUI lt us that thatprompted thatrnlltlcl thathur I prompted rnlltlcl her hll to llvn 11 as IS a man manA manI manFkST I I A MW > w FAST ST TltAIX TltAIXTill TIAI TIAII TmuAI5nh I Till nh Mil uIh LINK sjItti SIKCMlirnvtcn euwrcfl Xiw Swurl tr Vurk VurkVelnlrr Vortrtonr < IIISf SI I Velnlrr 11 Wwmitrr nml nirhtninr rompoicd > cd ut utlltillrt ulluUrl ofiiuIii Alllllrhhlm Ilnlo lltillrt iiuIii SinokiT uclrr Parlor Parlo enr sr r tiniokliiK Sluklll Car Hint Hintladies AItnnclc iit iitOiClie ladies luUrl OiClie Slukn will Iavp IA llronil rlflhi Onlriil nlrnl Matlon laIUI N Y YX S SI X II I I A 1 II I I II 1 H week ck ilars Im comimnrlng COI11llln cointiiri I the 1ttb 1ttblist sih sihnil lh lhI I nil list I at 1 mm II I II 11 Mi II 1 iluf Iii lr XViirtfMrr 1 IClrr 330 3 I M end endI ald aldI I I 111 I iiihliirc ILtiti < r till I 5 I I M I m Hftuni lietu rtur ml WTVIIT fle uVuo lcar lr Irat r rillto rilltomint Ilrh II fth fthflu mint 111 flu IIln H 1 t 1 I f I M Mo t 1 WimMrr Wur ar stt 1 < r J V i I 1 M 11 lle lim < Nr Nrutk SrI cw cwurt I utk ur f IIr Stt I M I tat la SlHUItE CJIJ AT I1 XKiriOHTK 11110 CUIf CUIftlody nufo nufonOli IJIFDOd tlody DOd of u iVonmn 1llan Iounil 111101 Xour iar the tht IorlSlops lorI IlorlSltl lorISlcpsrluirul Slops Slcpsrluirul Thlril tasn lus tis In T fl tt o Yiars YiarsNKWPOBT 1rarNEstonr tlt tltNWlOlr NKWPOBT NWlOlr K I I Dec o as 2Thi Tho funiou funioucllfls fllll fllllclnJ tamuiouclifl clifl cllfls clnJ of Newport seem seem to be hI b popular ulll wit witwomen wih wihwomen altotieui women on lit sulcldo bent blnt This 1h Ihi is l aftornoo aftornooanother Iflrlol IflrlolIlothfr lift urtoc urtoclunothier another Ilothfr victim Ictm was W recorawl recorl t Tho woman woniathis womanIhl WoflIathis this Ihl timu tim was II its u I resident relidlnt of Newport NewportMrs NewportMrs oporl u uII Mrs II Sophia SOlil Engstrom ElgRtrom Her body hor wai waifound wusfound va vafound found late this thil afternoon Ifeloon on Die lie rock rockshorort roee rocicshores shores hofi fifty fnr fift feet below the llf Cliff Clf walk and 111 I Ifront il Ifrotit front froll of the cxliito llutn of William Wiiam Itilamn latmnell latmnellMrs ltlell umntmiellMrs Mrs Mr Kngstrom llgtrol who lio win I < i 50 I r yiarx tori old olddUapX ohlIllapl1Urd olddisappearid dUapX Illapl1Urd disappearid > ard from frl her homy hOI on Tliursdu Tliursduafternoon Thundor Thundorafrnon ihursIuafternoon afternoon afrnon and a miti not lot mio returning retullng ret tutu ng las Inl night oi oithis or orthL a athis this morning her leI friends fdtld > Iwgiin to thin thinthat I hlnk hlnkthlt hilmithat that thlt something serious Berous had hapixmed haplInE1 Till Tillafternoon Tll TllaCteloun ililafteuuioon afternoon aCteloun two men Ilm friends freld began hlIUI n saurcliand saurcli Rurchand snurcianti and while whie walking wllng along I10ng the Cliff CUl 11ff walk walkthinking walkthinking thinking 1 hiflkl ng that t hut she might have hlt goiw g n itt to thus thupart tilt tiltlrt thusIlurt part lrt of the city ciy they the > saw her hll body on tin tinrocky IhIok tiirock rocky Iok rock shore under undel the cliffs cliffsTho ell cliffsThu Tho n u Ixxly IX was wa lying 1 > lng face flw down own and andugly A ax axugly ugly out showed Hhowfl on the left lef templo Thf Thfposition Thposition Tl Tlpositon position positon of tho body bo indicated in imld t 1 fi at It tin thtwoman tlmwoman tinwoman woman had hld jumped from tho cliff cliffThis cUf cliffThmi This hl makes the third body bod of a woman womanfound wnunfound woinitfound found under the cliffs clf in Inlwo two years rearl and n111 al alof alof of them Iher have been htn found it I aixiut about tho sinn sinnplace IIIU IIIUpllC stnuplace place pllC near naltl the famous Forty Fort > Steps Alton Altontwo Alnut Alnutto Aliotitwo two years yoarsagothiehuolyofu ars ago a o the body of u woman omal lost li t fron frona frol frola a passing steamer washed 18hell uslioro Ishore at iL thl thlplace Ihls Ihlsplac liiiplace place plac and Ind last II I February Fehrull a Mrs 1s Parkor Parkorwhose llrker llrkerwhoso 1arknrwhose whose has been fully estub estubllshod estnlhished identity Identty 1M never ben ful llh llh18hod llshod 18hod was found In the same snm place placeKXGlKKIt pleo pleovmw place5f KXGlKKIt vmw SHOT SI0 5f 7 HI I ItOltllKKS ItOltllKKSSurprised IWIJHW IWIJHWSlrlrl JH JIB tns tnsSuurprimeti Surprised Slrlrl 1 by h I > Two ltt IlI Nrgroes grofs In Ills I KiiRhn KiiRhnKnoni fujhu fujhunoom EuiglitiItoorn Knoni KnoniPHtLADEiiillA noomPlUDJIIUt ItoornP1t1LAOEIhltmt PHtLADEiiillA PlUDJIIUt Dec Ulc 23 ZThn Thn victim o othe of oftht otite the tht murderous Jurdlrus attack Rtaek of two negro nlpro den denperodoes d16 d16plrdOs desiwrados perodoes plrdOs who shot fhot him through the tle noellliirr neck neckHurry nee Hurry Hlrr lliirr Downing aged 25 2 yours CUI of Down DownIngtown DownIngtown Downingtown Ingtown was WII admitted Idmlted to tho thl Jeffersoi JeffersoiHospital 1elerAon 1elerAonJo Jeffersoihospital todn in serious condition conditionDowning conditionlowniiig Hospital Jo piol today a eondlton eondltonDown Downing Down I is employed as ai a night engineei engineeiin in the engine room 10m of Drake Dlko t t Stratton StrattonDossningtomm StrnttonDownington Htrton HtrtonDOlningto Downington DOlningto Shortly Shorll nfler afcr aft or midnight to today toda today day da as he was M oiling oiln the machinery machine h hheard he hehear Inheard < heard hear a I noise behind him and two negroe negroewalked negrOEi negrOEiI negroewalked > I walked in Ono Onl of them commanded bin binto himto hulato to hold up hl his bauds ImatidsDovnlng baudsDowning hon s sDO11in Downing DO11in had just jl t bon paid but ho linobeyed hoobce ho0lC3Cd obeyed obce Ono of them poked a 1 revolver revolverunder nolorundor revolverunder under his no utoe e Then they tlfY robbed robbd him himThey hunThey m m1hl They 1hl threatened thrttened to shoot lhoot tho ongineoi ongineoiif n ngiiieuIf in r rI if I lie Io gave Ilwe an alarm alarmTho alarmThe alarmThe The revolver was wal thrust so 0 close cJo e to Down Downings DonIng Downings ings Ing faco that he hi threw thrw his hit head to out outside onoHldr etaside side and thinking t that ho was about a h011 to make makea mlko mlkoI nutka a I break for liberty lbert ono of ofho thorobbors the robbers pullec pullecthe 11111ccthe uled uledthe the trigger of his h revolver and the tlo bullpl bullplmissed bulet buletmted hullelmissed missed mted going gong through Downings VOingf brain brin bja bj b ba a fraction of an inch inchIt inchIt inchIt 1 fracton 01 It entered his hi left cheek ch ek ploughing plol hlng bad badinto hnckInto hrnciiInto into tho neck ncc escaping the arteries and andprotruding an1protruding andlrotruiifig protruding a 1 fraction frclion of an ni inch boyoni boyonitho hpron1tho isyonutho tho level of tho back of tho neck without wlthoulbreaking withoutbrPlking withoutbreaking nCc breaking brPlking tho skin skinDowning 111 skiutDowning Downing fell fel to the floor and the two twcmen twomenmldl twmen men menmldl made their escape cleapo in tho darkness darknessTR4 darknoosTflAl dnrknll dnrknllTRH TflAl IX CAHIllKS ctmls C4 RUlES nOHY 11m IIA 1UP LF MILK MILKiirdrncr it11Jardeuier fl flfardenrr iirdrncr Struck SI rlCk nick by b One Ole Kuslnr and anl Thro Thro1n Thro1nOnr Thrown Thrown4ier wi wiOver Over to AnotluT AmletlusrMartin AnotluTMartin AIOIIt AIOIItMari Martin Mari Dengler M yearn yoa old oldo n garden gardenemployed gardenjr gardenjremplo gutodemieremployed employed emplo dbyth bytheFalen Fal estate at a Spring Springhurst Sprig Sprighurt Springiburt hurst hurt was 1a8 run rn over and killed kild last Ilt night nlghlnenr nightnear nightnear near the Casanova Csanova station by an east eastiKiund enAIl1lmd eastbound bound l1lmd passenger paAenger train on the New XI York YorkNew YorkXe YorkNew New Xe Haven and Hartford lartrord road His II fli body bodywas bodywas bodywas was found in a terribly torrbly mangled Inn led state Itato near neartho nlar nlarthe nearthe the Hunts llntl Point station stoton more mor than half a amile 1 1mio amile mile mio from the spot where wht1 ho was Wil struck struckby Rlruckhr mtrtuckby by tho train trainBrakeman trln trlnBrakrman trainhirakemnan Brakeman John McKenna Icl nnl was standing standingon on the cowcatcher cowealehel of f a switch Kwich engine fnglnc which whichwon whiohWl whichwas won Wl shoving 8holn freight fright cars car up UI a I side track trackwhen lrek lrekwhen rockwhen when the light from his hi lantern Ilnlrf fell fol on onsome onRomo outsonmo some queer quer ticor looking spots on 01 the rails ris of oftho ofIho ofthto tho main 11n castbound eUlthount track trck That was near neartho n nIho mivartIme tIme Springhurst Srlnghurt crossing crOlng whore many manypersons man mnnmiypersons i persons prOI have ha 0 been Ln killed kied Tho Slaughter Slaughterhouse Shljhlr ShljhlrhOle Slaughterhioue ¬ i ical folks in the lie house hOle Cut IhC nriglilxjrhcod nriglilxjrhcodcall l ighl1rhcod call cal it itMcKenna it itMcKeniia McKenna lclcnnl stopped the engine Ingine and got gottho gotIhe gottIme tIme crew crw to investigate imeslllale Tho spots Ipoll on the therails thomis timrails rails mis were werofound found to be h blood There was as a atrail I Itri atrail trail tri of it along the thl track for half a 1 mile mileending mio mioIndlng mileemiding ending where hor Denglors body hodywas was found foundCoroner foundoronEr foundCoroner Coroner oronEr Berry Berr concluded that Dangler Dcnglermet met his hil death teath while whio trying to cross IrOSf tho thotracks Ihotmek thotracks tracks tmek just jlL t OH I two trains tminf wore approaching approachingfrom npprolchlng npprolchlngfrom from opposite directions dircton Ho I0 was knockeddown knocked knockeddown knockld knocklddown down by b the first f1t one on and thrown upon upontho upontime pOI tho cowcatcher cowctcher of time other oiliernisnor otherIlSlt otherIsIw1 nisnor IlSlt roTTKit fOTIW nrnT PREACH PREACHIn lIftCIT lIftCITIn PItt CII CIIlii In I nr > r Van al l ni 1e > n Watrrs attr Church ChurthStralnrd ChurthStralnrdIUSllc ChurchStrained ChurchStrainedtltmseio Strnlncil StrnlncilMuscle Muscle Prevented rcHltell Him HimIt 11m 11mI him himIt It I had been hln announced alnounced that Bishop Bshop Potter Potterwould Paler Palerould Potterwould would ould preach yesterday cijlrhi at 1 t St HI Andrews AndrewsChurch AndrewChurch AndrewsChurch Church of which the Hev Cleorgo Itorle eorgo It I VanDo Van VanDe nn nnDu De Water is I rector recioI but tho Bishop BillP didnt didntBishop didll didllho diclnBishop Bishop ho Worthington of Nebraska XerHkn took tookDr lookDr tooklr Dr Potters Polr place Bishop Worthington Worthingtonsaid said to a reporter later laterBishop laterBshop haterBishop Bishop Bshop Potter POtlI was to have hlo preachod preachodtho mreachiucitime rachld rachldIhe time ChrUtmas Chrtmas sermon fermOI at St Andrews Andrewstoday Antnws Antnwslotnr Anclrewstola today lotnr tola but ho lI is I ii suffering Hulerin from froll an injury injuryto Inj UTr UTrto to his hll leg and Int tho doctor told him that ho hohad hohnd hi hihad had better otlr stay indoors Indoof Ho telegraphed telegraphedme hhgl plwd plwdme me several days ago to know if I would wouldtako wouldtlhl wouldtitus titus tlhl his hi place placeWhen plaC Placehen When hen Bishop Bshop Potter Pollr wits IIS riding ridllg in his hishansom hl hlhalm IllsIlanmconi halm hansom last Friday Fridn ho reached ra < up to pull pullthe Pill1the ul the strap and strained Rtrlnd n muscle mU > cle in time vlfof calf calfof palfof of his leg IEg He n always nhm a > Im Juts trouble t Ioul II with withone withDime one 016 leg legWhen IrgWhen leglien When lien tho lie reporter npull1 mlled mltd at II Bishop Bhop Pol Poltors Poller lotIcrs tors ler houso houle ho II WOM WI told tlmt thn t Ito Bishop Bishopwas Who Whowas liiuhiopwas was at It home and III hud hmlnot not preiiohod at lt amiychurch any anychurch al alchurch church yesterday psleJIIY 1ilut In Ii I ui answer nnsIln to an au inquiry inquirywhether luituJ lluJr lluJrwhether ry rywhether whether the t Ito Bishop was Wl9 as indisposed illposld 1 mid 151O4d in any anyway al alWiY anyway > way WiY it i was WIU said Haii that t 111 Im was wa not notAt nolAI 1101At At the homo of tie Hev 1I George CtOr e It Van VanDo VauiDc 011 011Dp Do Water Wlter word was 11 sent 11 down I that hii he hi was wastoo Wlt Wlttoo wagtoo too busy hus > to 0 seo IIU visitors visitorsiim visitorsBIG 1 ltor ltorl BIG l HI II T I Ioit Hu ininn IIJm III IIIV iinn lill b1UIlpath iinnllrnrh I llrnrh Iral at SothlnrInuuth South otll Yarmouth MUM If hieiIulIiig llchiB llchiBUIIR 1111J UIIR UII Ip I 11 and 11 Iloimlicil 110111 iIgpitglt Id Orr OrrSorni 4h O OSotiit Ir IrI Sorni 11 YAKMOUTH r AltctTll I llTI Mass lls DIO 1 25 I Hi HicUUMt 1 lielitlO I cUUMt 11 Elwit 111 Baker laktI whilo whiu dinging rlllI l1 clams Ial on onEastern 11 Iii IiiLiiuterui Eastern I1 t 1 Boacli Bowl umurllied uUlrhld ti uuuttt I med u 1 rusty rust iron ironkettle 1101 I ri 1 tu tuht ht kettle krtl t t h containing comtalniiu ontlinlup g gold cal coins Clill tic vt vaiuod luOI utud II iL iLwrll t tsKViriil t tevtrti sKViriil evtrti wrll 1 hundred limi tlirel dollars dolan 101 iaN tin t lit ontiro ltln titl ru town township townIhlp tow I i ihip ¬ Ihlp ship hip bus goiio wild wid Vi Id and Ilcl tho t I it bonth bllch fur I or mile mileis 1 m it i il ilis Men Menand Mcmiii I is undergoing a 1 thorough tholouvh search rtllh 111 and ii ad boys braving blln tho I lie gulls 11s tlmt t an anblowing Uf ut rt rtiotviimg blowing unc and 111 armed urled with vit hu clam clul hooks huul I work workfrom wnrlfro1 svorkroib I fro1 from roib dnwn Ilnwl until IUt nightfall nlghtal looking luokin for forhidden fnl forik hidden hhldlltrU ik iciout treasure t II Kvim n a I borso hul I uoust and 1111 plough ploughbavobien Olllh Olllh1ItIItIIJ i iute bavobien ute I uami nrissid td into 110 I muto service semv Hlleundlht ice limit ut u id t lie bench benchnl hOllh hOllhuho 1ItIItIIJ uho nl it > ovo higli hl I water wnt1 wa t tim mark looks lou like I ike k a I grain grainHeld rlhl rlhltl i ibItt tl Held hl in II planting plltln timt timtThat t tillitTiumit I 1 > That tIme th coins lohl are urt genuiiio glllil was WI ascer ascertained ICII 115011itimied ¬ I lalnfl tained by II that th village lagu Jeweller juclor who after Iftr a itdose aulose UI dose Examination pronounced prololnl them thll to bo boHold h hgold bettll I ue Hold txlliuallol Owing Owllg wIuig to the action Ictlol of sand and andwater Ild Ildu mudvttter water u r tho coins 1011 wore much luch worn orn Th Thriiitlines Thp Thpoltlnl I IS IStitjInts riiitlines of a head Ilnd and Ind tin tli date tal 1570 could couldIMJ oltlnl and this with the workmanship workmanshiploads 111 IMJ ue traced wlh workrnnlhlp workrnnlhlpI Irnl I loads tho th lie jewollertolHllevi itwollelto ant IIII Ishlv that they tIle wore woreif wont reut reutIf t if Iad English jllello mako Ilke Tho kettle kltll ke ttl was WR about aboutthe nhoutIh aluotitlie Ih the Englsh sue of a I water bilckot bllkt and uld in plao1 plao1Iraccs plac piaeraces i tr1 races of lettering Idllrlng were werl found rUlln rUllnI fuuitittiItuot 11111 Ituot l CtIIflI ml Ia tl rut IrIt1 io Iced c d aDd aDdT1tttrrd 1 I IMIId T1tttrrd Iir 41 SICK SIK MAN DRAGGED TO A GELWIlIlIl1 GEL GELWILLIAM CELL CELLIMJU WILLIAM IMJU L I tHUWKKY O PIIfIl IWI II il I MAN lI4VIitTf N N1tIClrJl I IFACTfREH FACTfREH 1tIClrJl IitTf nEll IHUfiOt 1IOf iiis ii AIOlLiY AIOlLiYAs tOI t1oPLIXAsIeui I I1811jllrul As AsIeui > lstcil 1811jllrul lrom Cur ur toSliUwalU to t o SlltIKI Slglt it 1k li > a Honm HonmHint onll onllho onia onialit Hint ho lit Ulvlnrd UI1111 ni flint l lie Il Huf I mu KliK 11 nn nnThen Rnl Rnlflrn muttrun Then flrn run Arnslril trresi rrlsltII cii liy I I > Iulleeiiian lulllan Id I veutuami Mil Milliiiny sinIliuuISnlti 11 11IIInil IIInil IliuuISnlti liiiny Snlil SII vcr to lUve 11 Uriink rnnl Ltiiuii LtiiuiiWllliatu LtqtuiSVillinmn Inur InurWllnm Wllliatu Wllnm 1 Ii Oolfll lodfroy a wealthy wealh retire retiregnu lelrcl lelrclYnl retiregmiii gnu Ynl manufacturer Illulnclurr of H I Ii 7 Monroe streel streelBrooklyn HtretBrookl streelhrookiyim Brooklyn Brookl failed Ialed to appear Ipp ar in II tho polio poliocourt pol loiicourt court yesterday for 101 arraignment urrllllllt on oncharge i icharge I Ichnrge charge of Intoxication imutoclcmtt ltoxiculon Ion entered Imteltt ugainN ugainNhim IgallHt IgallHthim ii galn galnIi him Ii hmmi by Policeman 10ltllln Michael lchlel J J J Mullmn Mullmnof 3tuii Inllln Inlllnof him a aof of the Classen C 1 hasseui I I n avenue a nnUe station stationTho statol statolTho tatioiiTiio Tho reason Iel < for hU hl fzuliii failure Cllhl Es to I o iCSJH rus Iolpont > oii oiito Ii Iito to the charge cha u wiuj W that Im II died dlCo al 0 Oodocl Oodocl111lllla ocloc oclocChristmas ocioclumiel Christmas 111lllla lumiel muss morning IOIIIf mitt miii img after having hiuvl umg bee beeunconscious hptn hptnulonslou I tee teeUflL unconscious ulonslou UflL miseio us slnco within wi wit hil Ii lii two I wo 0 hour hourf houret lioti liotif et f the U io time thn t on 01 Thursday Tb hlRdn mm mtla afternoon nfernoon Ii ft e fllOOfl who whtn whtnhe wluuhue 1 he was a pfcked up lp tii by b the policojuun IJlclun am amarrested anarrested and andnrrl arrested nrrl d as I drunk drunkTwo trulk trulkTwo doimikTwo Two physicians plllelnH one ou of whom hol Dr Alber AlberE Allrt AllrtK E i Mucklow Moo lllklo kiow of 300 30 Simmer avenue I enU hat hatIxstfii hld hldhUln huuixieti Ixstfii hUln In attendance Itelculce on Mr I Godfrey Gclrev for th thlast Ihe IheIn1 Ii Iiltiit last eight 1llht months mont s wen with wlh him all ulnlght ulnlghtbll nigh nighbetween iulgluhxttveemm between bll n Thursday Thunu fiuursdn and nnl amid Friday Iimne Iimnedlately 11111 ItiiuiiediaiQl dilloir diaiQl dlately after ufel the death fnlh they issued lued a n eel certiflculo eeltlflto ccittkuto tiflculo tlflto declaring It to have hlp been en caiisoi caiisoiby rud rudh euiiseiby by h a stroke Hlrokl of apoplexy loIIJ The family lull lunill > o otho of ofthe otim the dead drll man IUI are lr prpparing llpnrlng to sea 110 this thawhoever thnt thntwhoPer thiswhoever whoever blundered Iluldtrd shall shal he properly rofErlr pun punLshal Jun JunL ttin ttinLShOth Lshal LshalMr L LShOthMr hed hedIr Mr Ir Godfrey had been 1IIIn a I sufferer suferer from fronapoplexy fromI froui5P0P1013 I apoplexy for fol nearly larl a I year tal and ani was Wil subject sub subject KubjlC ject jlC to a frequent attacks altck As AI a I rule Iull hi hinever he heIwer hinever never left Itf his home hOlo without wihout being bing attendei attendeiby atended atendedhr attencleiby by a servant lnlnt or some ROIO member Imher of hIs family familyHe flmly flmlyIt ftcmilylIt He It felt fel exceptionally exceplionnly well wel on 01 Thursday Thursdayhowever Thufda Thufdahowover riuuirsdayliouvever however and thought that It would hi hisafe be beRafe b bsafe safe for him hll him to go downtown alone fo foftotno for forIme fo40m11e ftotno Ime Christmas chopping choppingAbout ihoppingAbout I About Abut 4 oclock that afternoon afemon he was oi oihis on onhi oihis his hi way l homo in a I DcKalb Dehlh avenue car carAt carAt carAt At the corner of Classon CIIRson avenue he callec callecon cale calieout on 01 the conductor concuctor to stop 110 the car lr so 10 that Ihlt hi hicould he hecould hicould could get get out outMr 011 outMr Mr Ir Godfrey had hardly reached tlu tlustreet Ihoft thustreet street ft reel when I ho began blpal to stagger as a i ifipied I iseized seized Ipizl with wih an al attack lack of vertigo verlo A 0 younj younjwoman younlwommutti oungWOIII woman WOIII noticed notcod him and assisted IlflRted him 1dm tc tcthe to toIhe t tlie the lie sidewalk Idlwnlk divining dllnlng that he was wnl sick sickJust sickJUft sickJust Just JUft at that hint moment Policeman Polceman Mulhanj Mulhanjcame Mulhiancame IIIhany IIIhanycume came along alongI 11011 I guess guelR that old follow ftlow has haf goto got a jaf jafon jal ja jaon on he is reported lportCd to havo said Inldlddlnp adding addingI I guess hod better bet ler como with me meMr meII miteMr Mr II Godfrey was 0 then the I already alread unabli unablito unableRpelk to II speak Rpelk beyond b ond giving his hiI name and addreti addretiIn addrC8 addrC8in In it a whisper He was M taken by the police policeman plce plcelan policetitan man lan to tho he Classon la810n avenue a lnlO station Htationlear near nearby nearbyamid by byand b bIld and Ild was WIS locked up in n cell t111 A chargo ol olintoxication of ofIlloxicton o olmmtoxieation intoxication Illoxicton wan entered entfrld against his hif name narmon nameon normon on the blotter blotterIn In 11 some 80mI way wa word of what had huppenec huppenecreached hUPI1nCd hUPI1nCdrrachco liluppenecreached reached rrachco his hil family fmnlr and several Ieerl memben membendrove mCmhel membenIrovo drove around aound to the station stnton at once onC Whetthey Whet Whentho Whomthey they tho reached the station stutlon the sergeant Irgpant or orduty ondut ouJut duty Jut replied that thnt the th prisoner prlEoner woo WI to todrunk todrunk < drunk to be taken out After listening listeningfor stlnlng stlnlngfa for fa I a while whie to the Indignant protestation protestationof JrOleHIRtonA JrOleHIRtonAof of Mr lr Godfreys relatives relaUe who ho told him birrthat himthat humthat that the alleged alpge drunken mannever man cver taatec taateca ttd ttda a drop of liquor lquor of any kind the nergeani nergeanichanged Irgeant Irgeantchange sergeanichanged changed change his mind 1tlnd so sq far OB I to t declare him himwolf himtol himself wolf tol willing lln to accept aCCpt bail hAl In the stun 1m ol atSIO SIO 1000 1000Cap Cap lt Thomas ThomlR Maud who ho is ig in command commandof comtld comtldof of the product reached rache tho station ftton about aboulthat aboutIhnt abouthint that time Ho reproved rproe tho sergeant sergeantfor Irgeant Irgeantfol for fol demanding moro 10m than thal SZo 200 bail bai but butrefused but10ful1 butmoftmsed refused 10ful1 to release rlenRo Mr lr Godfrey Gofroy without withoulbail withouthal bail hal The security fNuriy was I then given given MrGoclfrey Mr MrGodfrey 11 Godfrey was still IUI portly prtly conscious cOolous but butcould but butcould could not 10t sign Hlln his hi name nlmo to tho bond l1nd He Hewas le lewaR h1 h1as was as assisted apited to tho waiting waiing carriage crriAgr which whichho whichlie hleh hlehIo ho Io had hardly reached before bforo ho lapsed lapsedinto lapse lapsadinto into unconsciousness unonsciou uefl From this thl ho never neverrecovered neverrecoered neverrecovered recovered recoveredDr Dr Mucklow Iucklo was summoned ummoll as I soon a atho a as astime tho sick man mnl had been bEen put to t bed h in his hishome hishome hishome home Tho ho physician phAicnn immediately called calledin in a colleague for consultation eonRlltlton The twodocto two twodoctors twodoclor doctors doclor docto worked over Mr II Godfroy all allight allighthut night nightbut mtighthut hut wcro wer ore unable to save Iao his hi life lo or even evento ovento to restore rlore him to consciousness consciousnessDr concousnef Dr Mucklow llcklow said ald yesterday eftenuy that ho felt feltpositively foltposltI feltJOsitiCIY positively posltI sure ur that lint Mr Ir Godfrey had not notl notbeen l 11 been > eoii n drinking on Thursday 1lldar and that the thoAttack IhuIlack themttack Attack Ilack ending tldlug with wih his hi death dCalh was as brought broughton on in tho natural naturl coarse COlrfO of the disease diseasewithout dltlaso dltlasowihout clissasowithout without wihout any aid of stimulants stimulantsI I have ha lieen Iln treating tlratlnp Mr Ir Godfrey GodfrlY for foreight foright foreight eight months he said tld and I know kno hat Ihutduring tiuutmhuring hatduring during that entire ntro period IJrio he never 101er tasted tastedstrong I tastedstrong at I Iftrolg strong ftrolg liquors lquol of any kind Thoro Toro is II not notI notIho notthin I thin ho slightest lghle t reason to mippooo IUpO that ho sud suddenly suidiiemtly Iud Iuddenl ¬ denly denl changed his hi habits haui lost Thursday ThursdayTho Thullay ThullayTho Tho widow of tho dead dpad man repeated repeatedtho rpted rptedIhe tho lie statement nmdo by h tho t ho physician physicianadding phlciul phlciulncldinJ physiciamiimidiiumg adding addingMy ncldinJ imidiiumgt My Ir t husband probably robahl felt fI that that onn ofItl of ofhis ufhis his Itl Attacks attacks was wa ns coming cming on oh and Ind did ld not notwant notwUlt notwatut want wUlt to bo taken 111en sick fick In the car That was wasthe waRIhe wasthe the reason nnfOl I nm 1m sure why wh he got out at atClasson atClnf atClassoti Classon Clnf on avenue avenueThe uvtnuo uvtnuoTh uventleThie The Th accusations nteualonf of the polio poc are ar abom abominable nhomilnhlo 81015itinide ¬ inable ilnhlo and have hll not the I he least basis hlIR Mr MrGodfreys Mrodfre3s lr lrC Godfreys C ndfrYf place of business Imall was nt Duane Duaneand Dunnert luanetjet tjet rt and Broadway Brondwa up till tl five f1 years lal ago agowhen ngowhel agowhuuimm when whel ill i health hml hmgalt h compelled eomplt1 him to retire retirerlVT retre retreLlT rlVT 1 T It IJUIW IELI1fIr E LIVER THE TIl COTTO COTTOFall COTTOlal COTTOIali Fall lal nivrr nhtr llrokers Jroken Ift 1lr In II the tll he Lurch by bySoutherners h hI t tSoutlieruieruu I Southerners outherlrrs Who Wln Sold Option OptionFALL 01110n8 ltiOflLhtivmmi 1 FALL 11 HJVKK Mass lnI Doc 21 21HfrnL 21HfrnLfnihlrf 25htecent 25htecentailurss Recent Recentfailures fnihlrf failures of Southern Houthrr cotton coton dealers dealel have haveliad ha hahld hld liad a I depressing dfIII ltlre4sl llg ug effect ee on tho t lie mill mi nml nmlbrokerage Ind IndhrlmgH moudsroktingu hrlmgH brokerage bushipss 118hl in this thi city ot alt Brokers Brokersliore Brokrrher Brokerslore her liore lore who bought hOI ht for December Jlmbtr and January Jiimimmarylulivury Januaryilollvery Jlluar JlluardIVrr dIVrr ilollvery at lost l1 sumiuors HUlllrs prices prlrs now hear hearthat heartll hearlout tll that the Iht t ii Southern Hulllr mvn tm cannot clnnot en minot deliver ul tho thogoods Ihl t lie lieoods 1001 goods oods Elm Thl brokers hrierR who sold old this tlil pros prospective proPNlln proslOOt ¬ pective lOOt Iwo cotton eut Unn I orm to t it local 101 I milU mil mumil is upon UpOI u poui a I gout gunrinlee UUl UUluII u uI uII inlee I Ii tIS of If delivery dllhIY del I vtmy are Ifft If high Ii igli and ml diy diymd dt dtIml I I Iuini Iml md amt entirely Illifl tit 101 at tlm Ih mercy nllle of ot the tht hit milk milkThe lils lilsTIl itiihirue rise in ho of cotton has IIHXnude hasiiiidu The TIl rupid Iupld tlt price pre IUOI IRS IRSI I Illd nude it I impossible ill llhll for any Ilr mu it local I brokers brokersIo hrok hrokI ps psIi I tl Io Ii replace plae defaulted Iluulll contraulH ollrwtH involving involvinglarge ilIilg ilIilgI iiitOILiugargo I larK large argo amounts IIIUlt so o that it forces flr the tll tim isstio isstioID IM lsstiiu nu nuI ID u u I Ixisis INI I lt of dollars dolars doi mrs and IVIIH emi ts reprrsiiitlng reprrsiiitlngIlio lrl i treed it tn tntl It ig ighe tl Ilio difference lnn l 1st t vivn the Ih t lie prioe Ildl at II which whichllu whih whihIh vhihiihmu llu sales alls were w um mido 111 to It the th I its mills mils and tho tholMv Ih IhI his hissltl I lMv sltl ent II I prliv pr inIt of cotton 0101 it which whll is practically Irwll111 J iriuct itii I 14 1 cents 11 a pound pOUII One Inc largo Inr transaction transactionis Iln alill alilli i is 4 said Sti ail jul to h 0 have hni e been net i tied t t led by i uy > compromise compromiseiliTndy IIIUOlisl IIIUOlislallfadr co umi noumu It ItiltitI allfadr iliTndy iltitI lIeu Til KM li us sustained si uslaint 1 by mill mi men menmd IIl IIlI imitiiLiii 111 md Liii I brokers I to dale 4 hit will wil aggregate agglgilt tlCOOOO tlCOOOOAnother SICOWOi lcocsxu lcocsxuA I i A Another 1151 lullll iitm effect Itcl of the tl i II iimi inability InahllY hiilltv of If tho Ih I in mills millso lil il Is o 4 get go t cotton tol for fu ol less h s than Ihli I hum i It i i cents 111 > s will wi I IMJ IMJin I Ii Is IsI i al in I ii earlier flrlI Oil rI iou and ii nr mud more mOC exteiinlve ox xt ln e curtailment curtailmentf cutulhlelt cutulhleltuf cu its iluiicui iluiicuiIt uf > It f the Iht t hue production product kin Local 1111 I cotton 10101 eot toit brokers brokersihnodt hlket hlketahnOt huokemeL ahnOt ihnodt L lino t without wlhuut I I mclii t exeopllon PXJ I ion say 1 sit > they Ihe lie havo havoMHti hIL hILhtl list listsami htl MHti victlmiwd 1tltlA 1 by ginnery Ilnllr men mCn of thmtoti tho thosouth tht thtI I Hulh south oti Ii who have hl hut e ln 1 soii eii sitiding HtII ussntl lug light IRhl I ighu I Iwles IwlesMASHIMiTOV h I as II III les lesicr I her herI icr I MASHIMiTOV 4MIIIblO 110 IX 1 IIOImAV IUIIA TIME TIMEinnivlvatila 1E 1E1ln I ItE ItEuIitimu innivlvatila uIitimu I mits Itallnisil 1 Timr Tllr nIl Dricuiliir 5 i5 AH AHxmtists n 11IriuCl lln lalr 1ln xmtists 1 lor ihrii ilnys Inr SIS II slid ml oc fllV hi IO awonl awonliie fOlt fOltI I Ilt tnt In t 0 liolrl Mliiicil 1lel TuutlM Axcnt Item 03 0 Illtb IlltbAvcnur ItutUtvouiuotdr Ub Ubi Avcnur tvouiuotdr tvouiuotdrii3d dc dcId i ii3d Id Tortlundt rInndt and ant l frbrn irbrori > r tiro r St FtrrlM FtrrlMunvcnlcnl Irrl IrrlmiTiitemIt rl rlIlnllll unvcnlcnl Ilnllll rldndl In nil 11 ictlon < 100 nt Ihr Ih city rl ehi for Lfhlgb Lfhlgbiilli 10h111 Ichtgbati3 I iilli ati3 nler trains t U Iliiitalo Illtln sod fhlcoito hlcAuhdt nlcruAir rft noMnAiiniu noMnAiiniulldinlnlcan IWt wni nWIl Itnixti lfIWO I lIt7 1lTI 1lTIolllhll IL Ti TiIupii lldinlnlcan Iupii olllhll Itliaui ItetoliilloiiMs ite tolllull cliii loll II h s UeRln Uelll U Ilic Ihl I Its Al Altuck A AluCk 1 1twk tuck twk on oi the t lie Clt CltWAHIUNOTOVI Cl ClAlISOTON il il4sltmoTn > WAHIUNOTOVI AlISOTON 4sltmoTn Dec Jll 25 2Tlus jTII The Stato flltu Dcjuirt Dcjuirtmeiit Dtjlll Dtjlll11lt ri rimntiit meiit 11lt has roceivwl rlClvtl a cuble dpsputch lptPllch fromConsul from frotConsul from fromCon111 Consul Simpson Hltp OI nl t Puurto 1UlIO Plata Plil Hunt HuntDomingo StintIonihigo nlo nloJollnRu Domingo JollnRu dated rl I I ytslenluy > Hltnlu sturda reporting rlIJrllg report lag tb tbboinluirdinent tla tla01111llllnt iiillttillluuduiiuit boinluirdinent 01111llllnt of Puerto Iuto Plata 1latl The Thl tit titspatch te teuldl t tsiuatcli spatch uldl contuins eOltailH lilt llttlo 1111 In liuforimlu infurniutlun Ilforlutiun I lou us u su t Io o iiiuttackluig tb tbuttackliiR III IIIullckllg uttackliiR ullckllg force rorct and allllClr emit merely says saysPuerto 11 11IUtlto smysPucito Puerto IUtlto Plata Ihl ta IK I being bombarded bombardedSANTO IJOlhl koi tilmartied tilmartiedSAi nill SANTO SANTO SAi DOMINGO Crrr 1rr I Due 20 20I 20IluyeciThe WDu WDulayedThe Do Dolayed layedThe layed The American omlrcun gunboat gUlbolt Xowpot NwJolnail Xowpotand Xt o 11 11and and H I Gorman ormal warship wirhip are 11t here herl A AItalian Altsliami n nItulal Italian Itulal cruiser eruller is II expected IXpott to arrive Irrho soon soonTho Ioon Ioonl soouiTium Tho l insurgents 11lrglntl are twelve twelt miles rlt fro froithe fiomtutu I the city ciy Their forces fOlcl1 are le increaslnj increaslnjThere Inclellnl IncieaslnThere There have hlvu been several teerll iiKagcmunU clglgltlt bu buthn uut uutIht bethud I thud Iht troops troJ of tlio provisional roIiolul Governtnen Governtnenhave Oovllnett Oovllnetthave Governtnemihiave have not succeeded Iucuded In dlslixiglng dtdcglnl the th rebel rebeUTho r rebelTime b II Time TIl entire entre centre of the tht republic rlpublc is II In revolt revollThe reul revoltThe The Insurgent army Ifny of Gen UenJinieiie cnJimele1 Jimenez Is 11 tb tblargest the thelurKe8t tlulargest largest and 111 most 1 t progressive rolrf t Presldun PresldunMorales Jrwldtnt JrwldtntIorll Prusidemt5Ioraies Morales Iorll g is 1 > on the tht north coast The 1he lot Jovernmetit loternnmerut ov overnment ernmetit has hl no IH funds and little ltte amiiiuni amiiiunition Illnlll Illnlll1lon amuiuuiut1i amuiuuiut1iiou tion iou The ThE telegraph lelegrph wires wlrJ are lre down downIHH dOWl dOWltl downuIv IHH tl uIv 1 MILltlH IIMII hI CIIMIXfl l sIIi HERL HERLTit II1IW II1IWTo IlRfIlu Tit lu Practise PrRtt c Law Ia us l a Meuiliir 111111 of Ihl lie Klrr Klrrof liriior Irl Irlor or Cartrr A Lcilyanl LcilyanlBUFIAIX Itlrd ItlrdHunAW LdardBuEtAmo BUFIAIX Dec DEc 25 5ohn John 0 J Milburn Milburnpresident Miihumiipresident llbul llbulpresident president of the New ow York olk State Bar Amuse Assoelation Amuseelation Sf Sfallon elation allon and leader of the bar of wcsterr wcsterrXow wester westerew westerNow Now ew York will w1 leovo lelo Buffalo Bulalo on Feb Feband F Feband b I Ian and an join tho firm fml of Carter k Lodyard Lod > ard i1 i1Xow II itNew Xow York The Co firm frm will wi become bcme Carter CartoLedyard CartorIdard CarterLedyard Ledyard < k t Milburnthe Milburntheothermttsmnlenes luurntheothErerl1li other members bein beinJames being beingJames heinjIames James C Carter and Lewis Lwis COBS I edyard Id LedyardMr edyardMr > lrd lrdr Mr r Milburn 1ihur was president of the Pan PammAnterican PanAmerican 1al 1alI I American Exposition Expsiton President McKlnle McKlnlewas MeKnlE MeKnlEWM McKinlewas was his guest when will he visited the expo exposition expoIltlon expomuitlon sition Iltlon and the President died in Mr r Mil Milburns Mitiurna I burns hurs house hou e on 01 Delawura Delawl avenue MrItilhbttrn Mr MrMilburn MI Milburn JlbuM was retained rtained by Roland B Mol Molneux dolimieux lol neux for tho lie final fnal argument argwent before I > fore tin tinCourt the theI lii liiCourt I Court of Appeals of tho celebrated celcbrted mil murder murderI nmurdecase role rolecase I case David B Hill 1l appearing for tho people peoploMr Icple Icplefr peoplelr Mr fr Milburn lbum at present prfent is i a member m m r of thfirm th tho thofnn thufinn < firm fnn of Rogers gers Locke A Milburn lbun which whicldoes whichdoeR whichdoes does a large lare corporation orprton business businessCOXVEXT1OX buslnesf buslnesfOT businessOVVESTIOX COXVEXT1OX OT TJ IX 1 THE STREET STREETIne srrnETtse TRET Ine 1 e of a Conrt cart House UOUIf Refused RtfWtd to Itrpnii ItrpniiMeant IIPII htepiphlicans Meant lcnl of a ieoriU Ceorla niitrtct niitrtctEIDERTON mtrlctEIDERTON ItgtrlctEIDxRTO EIDERTON Ga Dec Dc 25 2The The Ropublicai RopublicaiCongress BopublicarCongress publcal Congress Cngre8 convention conenton for the Eighth Eghth district dlstricof diltrict diltrictoC districtof of Georgia Gergia was forced forc to hold its meet meetIng meetIng meetlag Ing In the streets strets today though the weather weathewas weatherWBS weathemwas was very er unpropitious unpropitous for outdoor dolibera doliberation delbr deliberatioa tion ton Tho use of the court house 10uI WI WIreruse was wasrefused vai vairefused refused reruse by the Sheriff Shori after nf er consulti consultiwith cnul consulting consultingwith ing ingwith with tho lie County Cuty Commissioners CommissionersBeing Coml8loners Coml8lonersBing CommissionersBeing Being Bing unable to secure scue a hall hal for tin tinmeeting themeetng tilEmeeting meeting meetng the use us of tho court cour house housl waiflint was wastmt cmthat flint tmt requested for a meeting eetng of tho city oitjorganization oltyorlanlaton cityorganIzation organization orlanlaton Tile 1 request ruest was mado b bR by byn bIt R J Bell Bl a negro and Ind was WI8 refused refu Late LateBoll Lter LterBol Latei13e11 Boll Bol informed informe the Sheriff Sheri of the intended intendedmeeting Iltendod Iltendodmetng intendedmeeting meeting metng of the convention cnvonton and asked aske tc tcbe to tobe tobe be allowed to use Ul tho ho main mll room rm of tincounty tin thocunty thucounty owe county cunty court ou house bous The Tb Sheriff Bhe promisee promiseeto prmbo irothlaodto to do what he could cd for or him hm A meeting mectiniof meetng meetngof of the lle County C nty Commisaibnen Com Commissi l ne ners iras called calledand c1e calledand and an after are oorulldorlng cnldern the tle matter mater they thejdenied theydenie theydenied denied denie the he request requestThe reqUot reqUotThe rt1estThe The shivering Ihlverlng delegates delegatll met in the street streein streetin AtreeLIn in front of the hit court cour house and nd passoc passocresolutions pllfd pllfdreslutons passed passedresolutions resolutions reslutons condemning the action acton of the thecounty thecunty thecounty county cunty officers omcrs It I also als resolved resle to put i icandidate a acandidate mu mucandidate candidate in the field feld for Congress Congr8 next nexlfall nextfol nextfail fall fol LAIJOR hmJ THVCE l IN CHICAGO CHICAGOChristmas CllCtO CllCtOl11rl8tlal CIIICtGOliriBirnaN Christmas l11rl8tlal Urines IrlnKJ flrlngsflneDa One Day Da or Peace Pece In the theItvrryniFiiK tit theLkernmrmimu Jtrltns ItvrryniFiiK StrIkeCHICAnO Strike StrikeCHICAOO StrikeCHICAGO CHICAGO Dec 25 25A A Cliristmas truce trucewas IruceWM trucewas was declared delar today between btlwln the liverymen liverymenand IvErymen IvErymenand and undertakers underlaker and their striking IlrlklnK drivers driversNeither drlel driversNeither Neither the headquarters headqunrlor of the liverymen liverymenand 1lrYnen 1lrYnenI liveryinenand I and undertakers undertakei association Isocatlon nor that of ofthe orIhe ofhe the he livery I ery drivers drlel was open opn Most Mot of the theowners theownr theowners owners ownr and tho men stayed stnc nt home with withtheir witht withtheir t their h1 families familiesOwing famic familiesOwing Owing Owlnl to t the strike benefits benef8 of the t he union unionand unionand tunionand and the lie dollar dolar assessment nssfment on all al teamsters teamstersvoted teamnutteravoted mster msterotr voted otr by the teamsters tpamstorl joint council cwlcl on onlast onlat onlast last Tuewday uNay the men wero Vcre able to have haveturkey haeturkey haveturkey turkey as a well wel as heir employers Not a asign 1 1sign asign sign of violence occurred ocure today AH Allpickets AHpickets Al pickets picketl were wlthdr withdrawn n not not only from fromtho fromtho fromho tho ho houses houss and churches as al they theylavo have been beensince ben benlne beensince since lne Sunday but from frm the stables Rtbles as aswell Mw111 aswell well w111 Had the liverymen Ivermoll wished wishe to Bend Bendout Rendolt sendout out olt carriages crragts thero were wer no signs of oppo opposition oppomultion OPP ¬ sition Rlton apparent apparentWAS appral appralIt apparentIEtc WAS It WALKIXti IUKI OV O UOVBJ UOVBJMan 10 hIOEllan Er Erlln Man lan Who Wln Said 111 HP lt Inlirritrd Inlltrttd SSOOOO SSOOOOWanted 8800 550000santcii Wanted hll1 Io Prove ProtICaplted It itCarpcteii Carpeted Ills Ils noom noomCiuruoK noomtIU floommillArDoN CiuruoK tIU llArDoN 1 01 Ohio Deo 2 2h1nrry Harry larry Shupe Shupeaged Shup Shupeaged aged ged SO O employed ana os a farmhand famlhlld at Chanlon Chanlonloft Chardonlel Citarilonleft loft lel last summer 81mmer to secure Slre a I legacy Ho Horeturned 10 10rlurCd H Hrctumrncd returned rlurCd this week Shupo Shup ordered orderd aroom a uroom arom room rom with a flro tf in it i at the Park Hotel HotelTlio 10tfl 10tflTho hotelThe The clerk cerl told Shupo that tho flro fre would bo boextra bnoxtr beextra extra oxtr Then hon Shupo Hhup exhibited rolls rlR of big bigcurrency hlgcurency bigcurrency currency curency that dazzled the patrons alrons of the thehotel thohotel theltotel hotel hotelTho hotel The To olerk entered enltre Shupos Slups room rm and andfound Int amid amidfoumid found ho had carpeted earph1 the room rom with notes notesof nolesof notesof of largo lago denomination denominaton find old was walking walkingovor over them Shupo Shup admitted admited that he hE had hadfallen hadfalen hadfallen fallen falen heir hell to S80 80001 but blt the t h source tur is un unknown unknowl timikncnsit ¬ known knowl 1 have hl 0 had u pretty 11 y good ood time I 10 the t he last lastfew II lastfew few ftw months said Shun Shops today but I Iintend Iinteli Iinteuid intend inteli to buy Inl 111 n I farm before he foro I blow in all allof al ciiir of r my roll roll0E rol I IThl 0E 1 WEIHHGCAfSKS IWmi tSIt AOTHEH AOTHEHrhr 1 IVOIIIEIitue In 1 1m Thl rhr tJrouinsiimi rUOISII1 In II hue tl flritt 1r 1 IrouourU Irop td to toHit 10I totin Hit It HrUlrsmulil IrltIhl ntitl t Has u Accented AccentedITICA AvoepteutI IO II III I ITICA I II rict X Y Doe 15 Last JI t evening In InWashington InI liinsliimmgomi Wlshlnllol Washington Mills 11 Miss 1 Alenu Ienl M I Arnold Arnoldwas Amoldwa I wa was unltnd ulil 1 in mnrrlage IIrllll to John It Grlfflths GrlfflthsMlsM Griflhs GriflhsI Gritflthsu1tst4 MlsM I Mary Mar Jnt Jones JOI of Oneldii 011111 was bridesmaid bridosmJiidnnd brido81nid brido81nidlt I nnd 1 lt piE I George Og It I Arnold A rol umniul also nlo of Oneida Oneidabrother Onlldl n nI htlhr brother 1111 lien of the th t his uncle wa tas a best I I man Iln Im Immediately Im1t111ly I in inr1i ¬ 1t111ly mediately r1i diatal following folowlnj tlio llo t lie ieremony tlVtiidili mCIY uniting unitingMiss unitltl tiumit big bigtiss I Miss i Arnold Ati mol iOltl I and fl nil 1 Mr I i t irilfltlis ri hit hi s Muss 1 liss s Joius Joiusnnd IO IOnnt tomiisnut nnt nnd nut I Mr ui II r Arnold Ar lnolt tiuihl held hlld lie Iii u hurried Illrricd conference conferenceMr Iolflrnc IolflrncI on ference ferencelr I Mr II lr Arnold rull proposed 11 > sll to Miss Ii Jones Jonl was wasitKoptinl WMIllt1 Ivuistcei Illt1 itKoptinl tcei t mid and unlllw the t hi two decided dtdlt to I a have ha we tho thoknot Ihot t ho honut knot nut tied t itd Itsi then tlI1 and 111 therv lllr The clergy clergyman elcrgrln clergyhail ¬ ln man who a 110 was W in II his hil carrlHfje lrrllt about aholl to drive driveiway drio drioIwa driveway Iwa way > was wu nxjidled n llhl tutu Ih company tOlpny reassem reassemUlod rtm rtmhld reassemulilorl Ulod amid Ind the ceremony e < foIY uniting Itill Mr sIi II Arnold Arnoldnd Armioiituicl 1011 1011Ul nd Ul Miss I JOIIOH was WI ciuickly qlikly performed performedMS prforl1 perforatedrM 10 MS AfELES LilI o llllLtHXGS lIl IWi HOCK HOCKrvrrr TWC1 TWC1Srnrt ItOchterre terre rvrrr K Jlrlllllkp Esrlhqttake rtti < iu kf Shock Hhotk CRIU < aiies a Panic PanicIn Pn PnI I In the he Cll CllLos ii iiLos t tLo Los Lo ANOKrFs A OIF8 Dec 1ee 26 25A A severe 8ere shock shockif of if f earthquake Elrthquak here at 945 V4 oclock oelo this thisnoniing thlAomlng thisnommming noniing caused cURI some of If the te biggest bgCt blggeatbufld blggeatbufldmugs build buildtigs bid bidhlgi hlgi mugs in the city ciy to rock and sway lay in i a threat threatnlng trat tratlnlng threatsing sing manner Peoplo became Olme panic panicitrickpn paniclor panicrickmn itrickpn for I a time UrI Xo o serious rlolf dnmngo tumllo tumlloI ciampigelas I hl las Ilfn hisgn rstortsd 1011 TIME LIMIT FOR WAR AROR OR PEACE PEACElMVSVlJ I Jt1lV 11 lMVSVlJ 5JJ O I TO 7t HAlK TU 1 IIEMAXDEU IIEMAXDEUHISSIAX I 1EhI4SDLlIUSiIiX UlEl HISSIAX UOOU ItKItA UI HV Jt lV 7 7cmitnrt 7ellnrl 7Cuuhimict cmitnrt ellnrl al Toktn Vntesi tr to Guarantee GuaranteeFund C1uarntef C1uarnteflulll GuaranteeFuiuui Fund lulll fur Complrllon Cullllrtol gintuirihun or Coretn or n flail IUIInv Rl flaila 11 a nv s That Would uIII lie lt of ut AdvnnUse dIJtlle Ivluuitae In Inipedit Inllar insiIlIuury siIlIuury llar Ullrltl OJstrauioilslIu IU II Itir SUlel Suipliea SuiplieaipsCIit ipedit Me blt lesr 1tpoli < il > is to tar lr SUN SUNLONDON SUN SUN10NDON SUNIorio LONDON 10NDON Doc Iec K11e JH The Kobe come correspondent crr crr1ndnt comesponciint ¬ spondent 1ndnt of the Daily Daiy Mail tl says S that the thetime thet i itll time tll t net by Japan J it Jiliti for In r a 1 reply Jeplr iei II to her last lastnote IMtot I Iutote note ot to Russia Ihllin was a fortnight and that thatthe thatthlimi thatthe the thlimi limit expires on II Jan lln 7 TA 7I i iA A despatch d pntch to tile Daily Daiy Mail ai from Syd Sydney SydntY Sydmis ¬ I ney ntY mis X H W hays I 1 that Japan apamt is order ordering orderirig ¬ 1 1In ing In large Iuanltits itmntlliiS of 01 pit P1 lead in that thatcolony thatclony thatcolony colony to it bo shipped in II January Jlnulr > It Itit I l L Lis it is is presumed PItlunwc iigiuumtiuc I that tlli t liii t the meliil Ilelll hid II I is I to be used usedfor uled usedfor for milking maldll bullet bulletTOKIO htilltsFoxzo rt rtTOKI TOKIO TOKI Dec USAn Ait extraordinary eIJlordlnar me meing mesS mesStag mN I IIng r ing of the th Cabinet Cubinl was W held Ille today It I Is Isreported IslpOlto i imeloltrdt reported lpOlto < that thD tho I he Ministry ItI tJY resolved lsohr to toguarantee topunlallll i igmu guarantee punlallll gmu a is ritto the I I is principal ituI 1111111 uielpii I and Ild it lid Interest Interelt I of otdebentures ofteontnrpl 1 1i1lemttumrss debentures teontnrpl amounting ninotmnt lag to 10000000 100 yen yento yento yento to complete omphl t tiro tl Is SeoulFuyan HtoulIlu an railway rlwav theCorona the theCorean l I ICofal Corona Cofal road which hich would bo of advantage advantageto ad ntngo I to 0 Japan in ila u war Wil ar with lh Russia RussiaM HU htusgial IIII m mi M 1 i Okuma Ulmlll exPrimo fxPrll Minister i IIt e I and M MKato MInlo MEruto Kato exMinister x 1ni III of Foreign Affairs Alalr In Inaddresses t j jadiireutes i iaccl addresses accl I delivered l IIr beforo hlfor the I ho Oriental OrientalAssociation Orentll Orentllocilton Orientalsociitticin i it Association ocilton concurred oncurld in 1 the t he opinion that thatthe thntthe the t lIe situation Hluntlon is I critical criticalThey cult rlicl Ical 1 1Tile They Tile he declared deluretl that lime tl Government Governmentought Cotrment overnmentomiglit ought oUlht now no to dlvulgo tlvulgr the II actual acual position positionof pion i iof of affairs afalf M 1 Okuma o 11 1 a urged urled that chivalry chivalryand ehhalr chivalryand I Iand and selfpreservation Aelf pr alike dictated to toJapan i iJapan Japan to make efforts to preserve Chinas ChinasIntegrity Chinasiuitegrlty Integrity IntegrityLONDON iuitegrltyL0tiOX LONDON Dee M u The correspondent correspondentof t tof of the TVmrftut Tirnei itt Tokio says that the decision decisionof lecitSiOnof of the Cabinet regarding tho completion completionof of the KpoulFtisan Hallway is ono among amongseveral aunongseveral several active steps that Japan is contem contemplating contommlatiiug ¬ plating to toassert assert amid and consolidate her positioninCoren position positionin in inCoren inCorenThmo Corea CoreaTho Tho guarantee of the debentureH for the thocompletion theconipletion completion of the railway which wan given givnnwithout 4 4without without waiting for tIm consent of the theDiet he heDiet Diet has for it its object the t lme comp etion of ofthe ofthe the work in 1004 instead of 1006 1006DOCTOK 10011JHWTOR DOCTOK THHEATEXEH TO SHOOT SHOOTHail SIUJOTlied Hail to Drive Irt e Men Away twa Willo He Attencteml Attenctemlto At tr tided tidedto to ICmrrRcney Cane CaneAmbulance ase aseAnthuinnee Ambulance Surgeon Rossiter of the theLong theLong Long Island College Hospital whilo treat treating treatlag ¬ lag two Italians who had been overcome ovcrcomoby overcomeby by gas in the tenement house at 360 Carroll Carrollstreet Carrollstreet street Brooklyn yesterday hud an ex exciting cxciting ¬ citing experience with a gang of roughs roughswho roughtaVIil who VIil thought that the youthful appear appearance appearRace ¬ Race of tho hue doctor indicated ignorance ignorancoof of his duties as well as timidity Not Notuntil Notuntil until tho young surgeon threatened to shoot shootono shootone ono or all of the crowd did they allow him himto himto to attend to his unconscious patients nnd nndremove and andrentove remove thorn to the hospital hospitalAbout hospitalAbout About daylight yesterday morning a call callwas callwas was sent in for an ambulance to go to time thoCarroll timeCarroll Carroll street address Dr Rossiter found foundtwo foundtwo two men lying on the sidewalk in front of ofthe oltha the house surrounded by a dozen half haltdrunken halfdrunken drunken Italians An soon as tho doctor doctorjumped doctorjumped jumped off thin ambulance the gang began beganto to mutter Finally they shoved him asldo asldoand amuldosoil and told himto get out of tIm neighbor neighborhood nolghborhoed ¬ hood a 104 quickly as possible or he would wouldbe wouldbe be sorry sorryRossiter sorryRossitpr Rossiter tacked up to the ambulance ambulanceand and raid raidt t am here to attend to those met Ifany If Ifany any man in tim crowd cmowdor or all of you youin youinterferes in interferes ¬ terferes Ill shoot and shoot to kill too tooTho toorime rime young doctor put his hand to his hip hipixicket hipPocket Pocket Like chaff before tIm wind tho thomen ho homoon men disappeared and Rossiter aided by his hisdriver hlndriver driver put tIm two t we unconscious mon into intothe intolie the lie ambulance and hurried to tIm hospital hospitalIt It was n good bluff said the t lie young youngdoctor yomimigdoctor doctor last night I did lid not have a pistol pistolwith pistolwitit with me 1 dont know what I would havedone have havedone done if the gang had called tho ho bluff bluffTho bluffThe The asphyxiated men were In a serious Kcriouscondition seriouscommdi condition commdi iou last night nightcoiJt nightCOLE COLE An tI svoir on on nsr nsrnittrr lfISTHitler Hitler my Pa Inlhlpaica In i1eauu With jjft Hnphllj InllliiR InllliiRTcinpprnturo FnliimijTetnpers Tcinpprnturo TcinpprnturoCHICAGO Tetnpers lire lireCiimctco CHICAGO Dec 25 2LA A gentle snowstorm snowstormIn In i mu the morning a blinding biltidhi uig gals in i a Ilio I hu aflor aflornoon utit or ornoon noon and biting bitter cold in tin evening eveningmade eveningntiuis made up Chicagos Christmas Day Dayweather 1aywrathter weather weatherChicago wrathterCiliecigo Chicago wiis tH not quit IIP I Ic coldest cohk spot spotin spotill in the lit United States today but it received receivedthe recuivedthus the most snow From Iowa and western westernIllinois westernIllinois Illinois the lie gale raged with uniform bluster blusterand bluisterand and and increasing I iicrtLisiag bitterness bitternessIn In I li the t Imu tempomlure t vu tilenilt lilt from midnight midnightChristmas mnul night nightChrist Christmas Christ inns PVO C Vi until limit ii twentyfour t Iit fom r hours lmourshit hourslater later hit vi there t was a difference ti iffenuic of 20 degrees degreesnnd degucesatud nnd streets st rootu which i had I is d liven I sutt damp dti 1111 wit h shah shahwere siuthstuI were covered Iltd with n brittle glnxe of ice iceWith lee leeIt With It hi the t In slippery streets St reets pedestrians pedestriansloaded pudesl rinmus rinmusbailed loaded with wit hi Christinas Christ mit cheer found a pre precarious irePa ¬ carious Pa rkiup4 footing foot iuig Sprained 511111 mmcii limbs I u Ini and a ad cut cutfaces cutfoess faces occupied the intention llttemmi lomu of physicians physiciansin in tho t list evening etoitlii g One Oi ue man m uma m u was killed k u lIed be because ¬ cause of tho I lit u blinding I ill nchi mug snow Others Ut tens in injured I n nhired ¬ hired by 1 y falls fit hIs were tiiken I ii litmi to I a their t liii r honiCH honiCHor I omiios omiiosr or r to hospitals hospitalsAt At Kansas City Cit y tho t lie temperature t IiiIiflht lure fell from 40 to 111 degrees The Tli fall in Chicago was wasfrom wasfrcitn from IM to 5 degrees Unlike t ilku most rnow rnowstorms mtow mtowstoimu storms stoimu this ono did not arise cmri in Medicine MedicineHat Iediclnehat Hat which enjoyed a temperature equal equalto I to 0 that of Toxnx today todayTho todayThis This storm which caused the snow de developed ¬ r u uruin veloped from ruin a slight disturbance over overIowa overons Iowa ons on Thursday nlchtmoving nIght mtmovlmig eastward eastwardrapldlv elmstwaudaitidi rapldlv aitidi increasing I in I ii intensity i ttttmusi t V and dl itd bo boromlnk icOtiuig romlnk Otiuig central over northern Illinois nnd nndIndiana nndridiana Indiana this morning Snow fell over nil nilf f tin North orlt Central States StatesHUH HUH H IhIXI Vf > HITS IMHAXA IMHAXAllr I IIngtggiisiamm llr tt r Slur > llnllilliiB HhmiiuiilikitIOalI mown IKiwn In Wash WaililiiBtnn liiBtnn Ingtggiisiamm > lan > HousiH Damaenl DamaenlISDIASAPOMH larnumgedIrflANtP0imR ISDIASAPOMH Dec 25 A severe wind winditorm windito itorm ito ram swept over Daviesc Pike Jackson Jacksonmd Jltekt5flmttad md othnr southern Indiana counties countiesh h i is afternoon and did great damage damageAt At Washington the livestory building of ofho of1w ho Cincinnati Seating Company was WJIHilown wasiOWrl ilown down and twenty or thirty persons pcreousvho personsrho vho had just j uist left let I the t ii u building I mu lid imlg escaped escapednjury escipedlmjtfl njury lmjtfl from the flying debris only by fleeing fleeingo o the protection of other houses Too Toonghipor Thenglmiter I nghipor thinks that thatuiltlmts nil tho visitors tiiitorsbadgonn had gone gonevhen j jhmsmu vhen this storm struck it Houses worn wornmroofod worninmroofed mroofod mnokestuckK blown down and andnany andnaiiy nany barns and stables destroyed destroyedPetersburg destroyedletruisburg Petersburg Pike county was visited br brhe h hlie he name wind which was MI almost a hum humano hurrlammo ammo and much damug was done to prop proprly iropny rly Seymour Jackson county and a aiart ahurt hurt of Johnson and Bartholomew coun counioH coumiits its hud a storm and telephone and tale toleraph talerapli raph point iluui wore blown downfleerfoat down downnerrfoat nerrfoat Farm Sausages MauugeVllh SausagesWtiti Vllh iQcrrailnc UmmlfilRe or the dancer to toiculth utieftith iculth throurli carulo carticltt ly prepared tool con coniiimert conuntmuis iiimert grow mnrr l fMtmthOtJs tlillou in thlr selection selectionDecrfool selectionDemr1ont Decrfool tnc mcan ni iiurtty dalntlnc s clwnllntw clwnllntwA A Jr JrtiInter r rWinter Winter Sport lit Montreal and nd Qatbte QatbteThe QasbeeThe The New lout CnlrM will sell fU txcurslon UekttiL UekttiLr r > Manirtal UUO in Quctxc J15SO Good GoodhrrrmlxT 0004oembct hrrrmlxT 3IH to Silt Incluitvt retaiitfac retaiitfaciniur rctx1sfltili iniur ib 5 l il544 H < it I i