= iT iTTiJ IT IT1ri n 4 Y u r fits I alt7 SUN male smmlrt ptIjVllli3o l1mt IB jt1 tess iIIUSu MODES VARY MUCHConfusion MUCH h1UCfleConfusion 1UCIIConfusion Confusion of Ideas Among AmonjParis AmongIi AmongParis Ii I 1 Paris AuthoritiesyoaUG Authorities AuthoritiesYOQUE AuthoritiesVOGUE VOGUE OF PRINCESSE GOWNS GOWNSThey aOWNSI GOWNSThey I I They A Are e Chic but Not Easy t tMake to toMake tc tcMakc Make ot to Wear WearChange WenI I Change In the Fashionable Model of thtUteie th Ute UteH thisleeverho tUteie H tnel1lCl The Long llr HUirted Cat eat at C eo eotamn Coe Coetames i itomes tomes of the Louis XV Cenr Il IlLoit line lineLo dartLoot Loot Lo None of Thrtr Tnelr I4aUgebuctBlff reUc IWNUreMueb IWNUreMuebPllfertnc e Mtic MticDifference Blff Difference erena In the Coat IJnesTne Una Tt eUtUt eUtUtBolero UtU UtUDolero Jl o oPoltro Bolero in Favor Aor AInInU AralnVbe he Colt Cutt nit cf th thChcmlictte bbl bblChembette i iChtJUlleUe Chcmlictte Approaching the Propor Pwpoitloni ProporI I lion tioneofa1lanj or a Mania Uani a1be The he Lingerie Olios DIIU1n DIIU1nually U1sueiually e ev euolly v ually definite foot J Je being belD < < erolreho erolre OTolndfr fr r ho 0 ohcoi of prophecy oonoernln oonoernlnthoslsona oonoern1ncthe the thoslsona ione nlI mode but there are still ItUtI stillI tli tlipoints I points oonoerning which the devotee o ofashion 01 01I I I fashion are dubious There for Inatanoo InatanooU U the sleeve sleeveA aleovoA leevoA A host of women ODCD have be been n keepingaeamstreAsea keepmcI keeping j aeamstreAsea ll busy turning turnln last year yearale years year1aietTM yearselMvos I ale aietTM vcs upside down alter th the recipe ad advanced adI advaaoodbyalltbefashtonmadeowynuthor ¬ I vanced vaaoodbyalltbefashtonmadeowynuthor vaaoodbyalltbefashtonmadeowynuthortloe by all the fashion made easy BIY author authortlo authorltlOI tlOI tlo Drcasmakera have been lMn making theI theeleeves th thleevea the I leevea of now frocks Iroo + with groat fulnos fulnessat fulnosat luln lulnI I at the top and wits puff approaching approachingthe the old time sleeve 1I1e burlcsqua burlcsquaylnd uurll9Ituond burlcsquallnd ylnd nd now ono hear from good authority authoritythat authorityI I Ithat that In Paula the mrly trndcnry toward towardexaggerated towardexaggerated I II I I exaggerated w c rilnanx In at the shoulder shoulderline libouldorI I I I line ho > l > tan KVO riot itetl l that thero has be been beena n na I Ia a reaction iiui < < 1 that while widely bouffant bouffantuleovo houlfAntI bouffantleovo uleovo puff pu aro tiU til wn tott in the th rtC realm 1n of ofIbe ofCIe ofthe I the ready reAd jimtio uwl And often of ion duplicated jar jarmenC enrj t menC th thn IRK Ill wt orations turned Qut by bythe bythe bythe j the greatest miien m eJll + tnu cnJ worn by b the moat moatfastidious m moatfastidious 6t 6tI fastidious fast dious and an authoritative of Parisian Parisiantlejantei PrielAnI Parisianefeganfe I I 1 tlejantei III1QIU havo slaves of modest mod t dlmen dlmenalons dimeD110m ddmenclone clone and In many car oars qjlto q Ito clinging clingingThat clinKingI I That the elbow alcove and the sleeve sleevewith eleovewith leeTowith with lon Ions close cuff aro established a for forthe lorI forthe I the seaon no one questions and that a abioader abtvader bioader bloa er shoulder lino than that of last lastyear wtin lastyear in 1 year ear Is accepted is also afinite a definite wflnlte fact factbut factj j I but tho fear that we were w ro on the way to tothojonce toI tothgonce t I thojonce th once popular gigo raotwtrosltie motUltrOllti01lma seems seemito seemsto 1 to have been without wlthoutground grounds and those thosehardy thosebanly thosehardy hardy ones who pushed forward auda audaciously audaI ¬ douRly along the indicated path must ne nee neede neederntraoo < xs xsretraoo a aretraoo I retraoo their step > ol if they the would be in the theheight thebeigM theheight height of the mode modeA modsI modeA A t New York woman exceedingly canny cannyin DennyIn I 1 in matters mat rI of fashion and always in step stepwith IUPi i I i with Parisian modes mod went abroad lat latmonth lutI laste4 I f1 month to obtain a summer outfit In Part Partand ParilNi ParisAla Ni and enjoy May and Juno in London A Aletter Aletter Aletter letter from her which baa just l been > en rev revcalved re received reI ¬ I calved is overrun with exclamation points pointsand poln polnt pointst t and aurprUo and is I devoted clmott entirely entirelyto eD 11 11to to the absorbing toplo of clothesOne clothes clothesdne oJothO1dne dne is completely bewildered by the theconfusion theri theri ri confusion of oIldeaa ideas and verdict erdlc she he write writeand wrlteafit writesrd fit and I am coming to tho conclusion that thattbo thatSj thatB Sj B the only thing to do is 1 to choooo cboo o ono of the thebig thoI thetit I th big bl dressmakers en swallow his laws whole wholeand wholIn wholein In and lUTe sublime ubllm faith in his infallibility infallibilityno l no matter how widely other great drew drewnukersmAy dreMmaktlJJJJ1A1 I 1j nukersmAy differ with him himOfraoarM himt 1 t OfraoarM 01 > cJ0UrM tbero are oertoln things upon uponwhich uponJ I J 12 which all agree The stuffs and trimmings trimmingsgenerally trlmmlngtI I I generally gmer I1 accepted aoccp here are those shown shownin c in Ne New l JY Tork and th the closed bode higherbust higher higherbust 11 bust line ne elbow sleeve full tklrt klrta fittedI fitted fittedround ftt ftti I i Q round the hips lace aco and lingerie gulmpea gulmpeaand rultnpei gulmpeesurd i 1 and a great many other features of the now nowfrocks nowC 2 frocks era > re no surprU lurpr to mo here because becauseI I I bad grown accustomed to them at home homeMy homeMy 1 My Iy ideas on cleaves have been turned turnedtopey turnedropey 4 ropey toPT turvy tWf I supposed no one could b baved be beI beeared < eared without a gigot silhouette end nd her beroJ heret I t 2 find half the women who are ftmedfoi ftmedfoitheir fa fan3edfortheir ed for fortheir their clothe sporting dose sleeves to th thelbow the thei theelbow < i elbow long loco wrlnkl wrinkled d alcoves of oIlaoe oIlaoetj lace loeor laceor t I or other sheer stuff uft sleeves rather long on onthe onthe tj the shoulder and with caps or some other otheiarrangement otherartallcementtbat otherarrangement arrangement artallcementtbat that giro a suggestion of ofdroop adroop a adroop droop droopTbo droopi droopTbe i Tbo lovely IoTeI sheer llttto blouMB as often oftenas oftenI I Ii as a not have fine vertical tucking on thel the theVeevwwhero ther r l sleerea Veevwwhero e s where here they ore set tlnto into the armhole armholeso l so 101 that thy lie comparatively flat for a short shortway shortI I I way below the shoulder line though of oiooureo ofI I L courts the fulnise above abo tho wrist is gone goneandwhatever goneI goneand I andwhatever and whatever hate r fulness there the U usually ulUAlJ end endat rodeI enMat I at the elbow above abo a long close cuff cu or orwithout orI ors I III without any ruff In a general way the thofull therull thea a full top and elbow elbo length or close co e cuff li lithe 11I Isj j I c the thing but dont emphasize the fulness fulnessor v or 91 r in for extreme shoulder breadth breadthand breadthr r and if A close clo e fitting flttingor or mouaquetaire ske sleeve lleeveIs sleeveis v vis is more becoming to you wear it Youll Youllbe YoullI I be in company com 1 with Ith some of the awellesl awelleslwomen lwelleat1IOJ1en ewelkstv v women here though I dont know how It Itwill Itwill ItI will be in Xew York YorkHere YorkThen YorkThere I Here was other first hand information informationIn i In the letter 18ttermentlon mention of an Increasingmovement Increasing Inoreulnlmo I mo movement mcnt in dressy toilettes toward skirts Clklrtawith skirtswith skirtswith with a little train and nd only moderate length lengthat at sides llde and front enthusiasm over the theprlncesM theprlncellOll theprtnoesse prlncesM gowns of lingerie materialseeetatlo materials materialseeatatlo mallr1abeOl eeatatlo eOl lIo description of lingerie toilettes toilettesrn to1Jeturn rn suitefrock coat hat parasol all of ofbatiste ofhatllte ofhathate batiste or linen embrolJercd in openwork openworkand openworkand I and trimmed with Valenciennes Pralao Pralaoof Pra1 PrahsoI I of o f the circular walking walldn skirt of the new newcuhmer newcuhmena01 newcaahmerse cuhmer cuhmena01 of the shot hotBlIkaof silka of the Louis XV XVooaU XVcoat XVooata coat in silk to be worn with sheer skirts skirUbut 11drtaI I but these h ee are All things a concerning which whichwo wblcbI I yebaa1read s0have wo ha ve already alreadysaldmuch alreadysaldmuchrho ea aldmuch aldmuchTho id much muchTbo Tbo prhjceeae pCtMe gown has not yet attained attainedthe attalMdthe attainedthe the vogue hero which It la enjoying In Paris Parisand Pariaand Parisand and the mode Is never ne r likely to become becomecommon booomocommon becomecommon common because of the be difficulties s con DinEcroiin OOIT or srnircD attx attxnoctcd 1I11JDOC 5U DOC noctcd with the succrvtfu making of prin prinoee prlnoeMe prinoe4e k oee models modeJ5i but the woman who Q ran t1I eportatrufpsuocea sport sporta a atrufpsuocea truly Huocnuful fulfrhnoeseagowaof lullrlDOCMa > rlnoCMQ gown CO of lingerie lingeriematerial Ilnriomaterialt Ungsrfematerials material this t sun ummi me wIH 111 bar haTe uro the galh galhteoUoa aU aUfoctlon tiII tiIIf foctlon f UoD of knowing know In that her toilette U I all allthat a1Jtha allthat that them Is of the mdH tao t onto ontoA ohiotol abbtoo7 A tolerably tol rablf pod flgty t b d de dee dsmatided minded 1 e IAaa W t t t by T the prinoMM and a supremely good goodcorset goodcorset I IoollOt corset oollOt is even more ees essential ntial than the good goodfigure KOOdftJUNI goodAgurel figure for in a prince pri prlnceese gown the lines linosths linestbs the thing and only rarfcful corsettlng ran raniissure Mlnure canewurs iissure ure the correct sllhou allheuettl allheuettlTho elihouettaThe tU tUTho > Tho lingerie IIn e princess is a rooM of hand handwork handwork work tucked or shirred or In some aolD otter otterWilful othrIIk11llul otherskillful Wilful fashion moulded to the > waist alat curv curvfull curves curvesfull full above though never blousing ntUil ntUilnround IItu littalaround 1 1around around th the hips hi I by 11 clever tucking goring gotlniAc goringke gorlnsJe Ac ample below belo and cnricl enriched > ed evcrywhare evcrywharewith with Ith hand embroidery mbrolder and inset I t lAce No Noon Noon Noone the ron construction ronItruetlon ronstructon ¬ one on save N an artist should attempt struction of one of the theM o triumphs of a asimplicity asimplicity simplicity truly Parisian but they are nrocharming arecharming charming when well nude and wr well 11 worn wornTo wonlTo wornTo To obtain oht n the round skirt aklJ1ln In a prinoow prinoowmodel prlnooulmodel prfnooasemodel model M difficult though it may to done l h by > y inset ploltings and other trimming run running runnine running ¬ ning up from the hem to the knees kn and in ineuring InlIUJing inairing airing great width at the bottom of a skirt skirtI llkirtnClOllNlil1 skirtnecessarily I necessarily clinging around waist wal t and hips hipsand blpsand hipsand and cut in one with the bodice Some of ofthe 01the ofthe the best makers consider the little trainbatter train trainbetter tmlnbettor better adapted to a prinoosae model and anduse anduae anduse use it with a llldrt skirt length at Bide ldef and front frontmuch frontmuch > much shorter than In the round skirts HklrtaProbably skirtsProbably kirtsProbably I Probably it is the development of this thisidea thl thlIdDa thisidea idea in connection with the modish prine prin prineesse pnneesae tease that ban prompted Paquin and other otherof otherof othersof of his elope to introduce the trained skirt skirtupon skirtupon skirtupon upon tome of the other evening and after afternoon dlernoon afternoon ¬ noon toilettes toilettesIn In lane the prinoc prhnoeaee e model modclle Is liked and andIn andIn andin In tho supple gating atin and nd silka as well the thelatter theIat thelatter latter Iat r being made with a certain oertalnseverity oertalnseverityof severity severityof evenlyoC of line but usually cut very low in tho bod TU Tug casrct CAPS ciriIce CAP CAPlOCI CAPSIce Ice to show fluffy masses of lace chiffon chiffonAo ohlllnnto ohlffnnko Ao and and cin made with short or elbow sleeves sleevesof Illtoecof of hoe or sheer stuff The sleeve made in intwo Intwo Intwo two or three frills falling In points poln to tho thoelbow tholbow theelbow elbow is a a lapui jopular r model and very er broom becoming OOcomIng broomIng ¬ ing Under such a sleeve II eon In lace ono onooft sees seesoften seesoften often oft a llttlft underscore of sheer ruterial ruterialjust l1aerlalj i j just covering in its puff pu the elbow tolnta tolntafeature pointafeature jxilnt a afeature feature seldom admirable even in a fairly fairlygood flrlrgood fairlygood good armWhere arm armVhcro armWhcro Where > regulation prince prlnOOIM cut is lacking lackingthe Iacklncthe lackingthe the mew frock often attains a modified modifiedprincewe modifiedprince modifiedprineepse princewe prince effect by the dkposltkm of the thebodloo thebodko I Ibodloo bodloo folds and bodice and klrt trimmings trimmingsand I and tho arrangement of the juncture Ic Ictwrtn IICtttn lotwen I twrtn bcdico and skirt This arrange arrangement anungoi arrangemeat ¬ i meat nt L Ie for ceremonious toiltttten toIMt more nvarechia mol morechic I I chic than the u use > of a girdle but requires requiresmore rtqulrelmore requiresmore more skilful handling and the fitted swathedglldle swathed swathedgiidfe sathedIbdle giidfe U more practicable for the ordinary ordinaryUrea ordlDllrydree ordinarydresemaker dresemaker dresemakerThe Urea maker makerTh ma r I IThe Th The long skirUd coal costumes of the tboLouis theLouis I Louis XV genre have lost none of their theirprtstig theirpre theirprudgs prtstig pre It and will riJappareIrtly apparently be worn evenp1 even evenp p plIO p1 re than 1aa last Bummer 8WUI er the mode not being beingr brln brlnto beingrestricted r restricted irict d to the exclusive few f w a as It ItD was wasthru wasthen I thru D but belpr betyc < moro generally popular popularJ popularrlK r + rlK rMetWI4R J 11 then ore many varintlons upon the UU UUtwo Idea Ideatwo a atwo two of the most attractive being illustrated Illiutratedin lIIultml < < l lIho in the mall cut cutParisians ruts cutllParlana rutsParisians Parisians have a fondnfiw for tl Uift > Pekln Peklnor or striped silks IIUk as a material for these coat coatsand coatand coatllI I and the mcdiI Mown hero was a most l11o t lUC suoccMful auoassful lUCCXrul ccMful onn with lIh a draped bodloo JcdlC front frontclohfly lrentclololly rentclosely closely mottcllcd to the figure 111 > ending Just Justbetow justI justbelow I below be low tho waist alet line at front and sides MdcsInittoiiing sidesImttoning IdisImltonlng Inittoiiing double lirrnttrd blYlIt d with straps strapsbuttons Ftn FtnbtittoM III IIIbllttoM buttons and having draped revers of band liondsornf bandI handhome I home 100m laro over flat rovers cf white silk ullkIn IIlIkIn silkIn In the lack cent tails narrow at tbo wnUt wnUtline wnhtline nlAt nlAtIlr line Ilr breaden to rounded ends nr and fall falllow falllow faillow low oCr the skirt Idrt of If mountelu mnu 11M lns Inset t with withLion withIllct withlate Lion LionTho The other model has broad square skirt skirtin IIIIMIIin in the back but It too ban u fitted draped front a BurjHco idea ld being carried out ou inthis in inthis Inthis this COM f with wide lands of real Venetian Venetianinw Venetianlace lace Ixjrtiering the surplloe frontsThe fronts frontsThe The dosed clol fitted front is favored for a alarge alarge large number of theO coats but one sees seestoo seestoo B Btoo too the coat open and cut away in frontafter front frontafter lrontaCter after a modified Dirrrtolre fashion In Instriped Inalrlpe Instriped striped < silk plain corded silk such ns tho thonew thonew thenew new chiffon faille the rich flowered silks Mlkaand IIlIksand silksand and soft satins thf these oe coats Catsare ore plcturecque plcturecqueand and serviceable and often ctic such aursrtgarment smirt smirtgarment I IRl1rment garment IH worn with lIh various sheer skirts skirtsin IIklrtllwhile in white cream or i pale > le tints hermonltlng hermonltlngwith I with the coat Jnt silk nllkThe silkThe ilk I The great variety in coat lines IInl is one of oftho 01tho ofthe tho surprising featured of tic t e sfasons sfasonsmodes 8tneonlImodIS araronsmales modes and tao diversity scene lI < err f t > increase increaserather Increaserather i irathlr rather tan diminish BR to wcets wt1 go by byTlie byTIle byThe TIle street ooct and kit costume COlt mo may mayhave maybAo mayhave have a oo cod t in any lento Ien t from shortest shoitestbolero ahortellbolero shortestbolero bolero to longest redingote and since sincethere IInretbere sincethere there is no hard and fast rule the clover cloverdressmaker c1oerdre cloverdreasmaker dressmaker dre amaher or tailor will consult the thotomeIIll cus customers customers ¬ tomers Individual needs in Rejecting a amodel amodel amodel model for her herIt herIt herIt It is in this tJ1 consideration that the artist artistshows artistshown lrtlstIIhoWII shows himself Few French model frocks frockshowever frockiloweer frockslowever however chic and charming can bo donned donnedby dOMedby donnedby by tho average woman with remits per perfectly perfectly ¬ fectly frot sat satisfactory satisfactoryThe atlllfllol atlllfllolTbe lsfnotory lsfnotoryThe The perfect gown is the gown designed designedfor for tho individual woman woman and owing much muchof muchof of 1U cachet to 1U harmonious development developmentof of the best 1x > st pOlllbilltiOi Xs ibilltioB of her face and LOUI U > UH COAT Or nOWRRCD BILK BILKfigure attnfigure figure Even a slight change In tho line lineof lineor of collar girdle shoulder or hip will some sometlme sometimes times make an unbecoming gown broom broomlag becoming belJmand ¬ lag and the be wU woman wom D sartorially rtorlal1 U lashe Ushe I IIbe she who bo has ha studied her own llue Uueuod Uuesaodcol Uuesaodcoloring and col coloring 001o ¬ o oring until aha know kDo knows exactly what suit suither I111taher suither her and what does not no And who bo baa the thead e r ad courage of her conviction convictionThe lQnvtctloMThe The little boloro coat risen rIII n ono more morofrom morefrom morefrom from from hit M when ll though some m few fe Paris parAcorrespondents Parisoorrospondents Parisoorr01lponden correspondents still thunder Culminations Culminationsagainst fuhnlnationsaj3lMt fulrninatlonsagainst against It Is pcrt perhaps ttP Wndor to tho figure figureand Rure Ruream nuret am and more generally len rnlll becoming thanany tbnnnnotho tbnnnnothocoat otho othocoat r t coat model but there are figure for which whichIt 1 1It It U Impossible aroHl ant It 1 Iii always n youthful youthfulI youthfulgarment uuthfulcannent I garment and not consistent with a consld condderuble COn ltI ltIeruble I eruble weight of yearsAt years yearsAt YMIIIAt At tho beginning of the season one MW MWI sawmany I many close fitting bolero 001 rOil but the short shortjaunty hortjaunty jaunty jaunty loose coat with somewhat Indefinite Indefinitesleeve Indnnltalcef indefinitesleeves sleeve and shoulder line has won flna Asstidaar flnaplace ItI I place Those vague boleros aro a part of a aUrge ai at i Urge percentage of tho smartest walking wallclngCOfItumef 1 I costumes and ordinarily ordlnardyfall fall open to show showI I rather th a wldo expanse C11 e of dainty dnlnt blouse blou I LIGHT LIGHT CLOTH LOTHTAI TAILORED RED SUITS SUl r 1 while the loose short alcove fall in bell bellfurhion bellfUllbion bellfeshion furhion over the blouse sleeves allClslea1ng leaving the thelatter thelatter thelotltr latter In evidence from elbow to wrist wristor wristor or perhaps the hlou blouse sleeve 11I > oe ends at the theelbow theelbow elbow and tho still shorter coat sleeve is isslashed 111IIlabhld isBlabbed slashed up the outride to show the under undersleeve underleee undersleeve sleeveOften sleeve sleeveOften leeeorten Often this sleeve is so cut In one nn with the thebody thebody thebodyof body bodyof of the thebolero bolero that the effect is that of ofa ofa a graceful gm fllllltt1e little cape rather rath r than of a coat I 1 r rs s I or UTCUN RIBBON AND X uses LtCLbut usesbut ACB ACBbut but below these vague flowing folds which whichgive whichgi whichglve give gi shoulder breadth the waist alat curve IB IBtrimly Iatrimll Istrlmly trimly deflnd by a carefully unoulded girdle girdleor gir < Jle Jleor or belt bIIltlOtbat so that the waist waJ appears the smaller smallerfor smallerfor mallerI I for tho fulness of the little coat above and andof endof of the full skirt below belowFlat beJowFlat belowFlat Flat fiber or Houtache braid alone or in incombination Ini incombination i combination with 1rlUllIOtDe some one of the attractive attractiveembroidered attractiveembroidered embroidered galoiu trims many of th the bo boleros 00leres holeres ¬ leres Little tran transversely Tonoly plaited bands bandsand bandsi bandsand i and pipings of silk aro also popular but butthere butI butthere I there tb6l is little of tho very Or fujy Iraulllonee boulllonleand Iraullloneeand houlllonand and cording designs dl5lJ IIB so m ch fancied last lastBcason lastseason I Iaeuon season BcasonHand aeuonnand seasonHand Hand embroidery or material of con contrasting contraatlng contrasting ¬ trasting color braided U 1 like liked < 1 for waist wabtcoats wwtooatII waistcoats coats collars cuffs Ac c but the flat turn turndown turndown turndown ¬ down collar of batlete botl to or linen embroidered embroideredand emlJroldcrland and perhaps p rhap lace trimmed U 11 extremely extremelymodish estromelymodlah extremelymodish modish for the little bolero of wool or orsilk or111r orsilk silk 111r Such collar mar mAT be bought in the tboshops thobope theshops shops and andebanges change cbanlllln in them may UlY ct give ve variety varietye nrlet nrletto to tho > a e coat Manyot Uany of the ready rtad made suite suluquite lula lulaquia suitequltp quite quia plain In iI finish may receive reo lYO a touch touchof touchof touchof of chic and fnmhnim from th the addltlon additionof additionofsuch of ofsuch ot otIUch such A a collar 11ar and often br rtmovtnr aa ADI I A 1 > = unattractive or Unbecoming braided brald d or orappllqu orappUqu orappUqubd appUqubd appllqu d collar and KUlwtttuting on one oneof of the thedainty thedainty thedainty dainty linen collars the entire effect of a aredy arNdy aready ready made bolero may to altered for tho thobettor thobet thobetter bettor bettorllloused betterUlouaed bet lor lorDlolJAeci llloused or draped dm d fitted coats endlug at atthe atthe atthe the walt line or just below belo In front and andwith andwith with Ith plaited coat talU In the back shaping shapingin ahaplnIn in swallowtail allwtall linen 11 mill are shown In eom eomvery some someery somevery very ery good models and while not BO ex extremo extreme oxtremo tremo SH the Louie XV coats coa arc a a happy happycompromise happycompromise compromise between them and the bolero boleroOno ho18roOne boleroOne One of the sketches krtchP reproduce a a wry wrysucce verysucw ry succe u + t sdul ful French frock of this tl A type and andIn andIn andn In n the some group In pictured one on of the thenewest thenowlllt thenewest newest redingote model with smoker collar collarof collarof of black Mtln ltln white waistcoat and broad broadgirdle broadrdl broadgirdle girdle rdl lines defined by close clo e line of heavy heavysti hellVYIItitchlDg heavystltcldng sti IItitchlDg IItitchlDgThe stltcldngThe tolling tollingThe The narrow narro block collar of till this coat and andof andof of the plaited coat tall model mc > dol is an idea popular in Paris and once more the waist waistcoat waistcoat ¬ coat of white piquA smartly tailored i ito Is Isto Ito to be very ery modish with the street costume coxtumeWith OOtItumeWith costumeWith With the long redlngato coats closely closelymoulded l1 closelymoulded I Imoulded moulded to the figure usually by skilful skilfuldraping skilfuldraping kllluldraping draping are worn close fitting plain bodices bodicesof of silk fastening in the back and covered coveredIn In front by bYllomo some dainty fanciful chemisette chemisettewhlrh chcmleettewhlrh chomisettewhL whlrh whL h shows in greater or less degree ac according IICrordlng according ¬ cording an the cootjopens si IIl1ghtiyor slightly ghtly or broadly broadlyIt It Is easier to fit tbo coat over this thl carefully carefullycut cut and smooth bodlco than over a loose looseblouse looseblou8l looseblouse blouse and tho cut and linen of the redingote redingotemust redlngotemusl redingotemust must ho masterly to be successful successfulThe lIucce successfulThe ful fulTho The cult of the chemisette IB approaching approachingtho tho proportions of a mania and this little littleaccessory UttloaCCO litheaccessory aCCO accessory llOry appear a In all sorts IIOrt s of frocks frocksfrom froonfrom frocksfrom from the morning shirt waist frock to the theceremonious theremonlot18 theceremonious ceremonious remonlot18 visiting 1 ltlng toilet or dinner gown gownIt cownIt gownIt It may be a round shallow ball ow gulmpe may mayfill mayfill maynil fill a short square or V in front may reachto reach reachto to the waist wal t line may be U shaped may maybe II13Ybe maybe be broadly in evidence or show only onlya a narrow line but In any and all forms formsIt It Is the mode and some of the lingerie lingerieand lingerieand lingerieand and tho lace chemUettos are exquisitecreations exquisite exquisitecreations exqulsltecroatlo croatlo creations As A a rule the chemisette Is A DAINtr DAI Tr XVKNIKO rllOCK rllOCKIn rnOCKIn raocain In one with a transparent oollAr but a few feware leware feware are finished with Dutch necks necksThe neckaThe nooksThe The rl rise e of the chemisette chem1 etto and of the Jbeblouse thob1ouso theblouse blouse with collar attached attcll d bs lessoned lessonedlbe lewonedthe lonodtbe the vogue of the separate tabbed collar collarand oolIanand collarand and 1 turnovers amover but the there are still IUUworu IUUworuw11h worn worni wornwith with Tats i biouzN b1OUM1tof of ahJrt ti nlD f7R ttD4 d = Y7L BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFULGRAY BEAtJTIFULGRAY A V TIFUL TIFULGRAYANDWHiTE GRAYANDWHiTE GRAY AND WHITE HAIR GOODS GOODSof of th the finest quality auallt soft natural wtvhair wan wsrrbslr wanbalr hair from sllkbily aJllrbU sprinkled sprinkled < t cra gray ray totK totKJ to Ule UleJ1vrll the thepure white whiteAll whiteAll Unr pure All otbrr shades J at ray CTa and white whitematched whitematched bite biteIlalched matched perfectly from our enormous cnornousW ftlOImOUIIoolc al Ioolc IoolcWe alWe W We We b have T made np a couplet stock ofcrery of cfevery ofnerT every style trle Including IncludingCAMIIUS tDdudlDCCUIIJLJa includingLenox CAMIIUS ad a VICTORIA VIOTORLLwig WATK1 WATK1I WATZJWlp WAYd1Parisian I Vlo wig Coiffures half ftlLVJLS WI wigs Switches Switcheswhich Stl1tchrsLenox SlS1 SlS1I Lenox Pari Parisian Ian and Empire Empire Pompadours Pompadoursare ompa4ouT1lwhich I which are of o pnceiosi priceless vaiu value to 10 eym evet every i lad ladwhole lady ladyi Uj UjI i I whose hair bis b I become too thin to dress dressbecomingly dreiif 4rubrcomlngly f becomingly becomlnclyr brcomlnglyHAIR becominglyMAIn r HAIR DREflSIXaMAnCEL WAVUta WAVUtaby WAVIlfGbT by eip expert rt artists Also Scalp Treatment TreatmentJfslr TrfatmrntJlalr TreatmentItr Jfslr Colorlnc Bbampoolnjt Ileautttul < < ittnlcurtnt ittnlcurtntBooklet oanlcurlncDook1el free Booklet B ookk Coloringwbto q II How Uo to IJ Ire UeautUul free freeL r < e LSHAW LSHAWM L qS S SHAW tAW tAWN M WEST urn rr MM ebb th u AT Arl x 2 T are shown In wonderfully attractive guise guiseThe gu1eeThe guiseThe The sheer lingerie blouse blotl continue to tocarry toCUT7 tocarryall carry carryall all before them intherealm in the realm of separate separatewaists eeparatoalstl separatewaists waists alstl and naturally enough there IH a adeluge adeluge adeluge deluge of such blouses showy aha in effect effectbut elCectbut effectbut but coarse ooar e in material trimmed in cheap cheapUce cheaplace cheaplace lace and entirely machine mode The really fine and dainty blouse hand handembroidered handembrolder handembroidered embroidered Ilnoet in inset et with lace and suggestive suggestivein in their fineness nlne and delicacy deUcncyof of baby roboj robojand roboJand robwend and frocks aro necetuaiily n rjy high in price pricebut pricebut pricebut but if one cannot afford these there are arcIn areIn areIn In a few of the be befit t shops delightful deUghtfulllttlo deUghtfulllttloblou8l8of little littleblouses 111thblousceof blouses blou8l8of of finest mull deoldof devoid of all trimming trimmingnave trimmingt nave t a multitude of tiny tucks and a frillof frill lrillof frillof of fine valenciennea at tho throat and andwrists andW1 andwrht wrists W1 l18 These are arevery very ry inexpensive tnexpendveascorn tnexpendveascornpared as 111 com compared ¬ pared parol to the moro elaborate blouse as asfine asIIno astine fine yet t they are much moro chic and anddesirablo anddesirablo desirablo de lrnblo than the coarse and elaborate elaboratemodels elaboratemodels models modelsIn In tho underwear departments aro offered offeredItalian olleredItalian offeredItalian Italian silk slips high necked plain made madewitli madowith madewith with long close bleevcs and buttoning in invisibly InI6Ibly invldbly ¬ visibly in tho back These are for wear wearwith wearwith oor oorwith with tho sheer blouson now that tho pock pookaboo pockaboo peekaboo ¬ aboo idea Is mercifully out of fashion fashionbut fuhJonbut fashionbut but many women lm hai > plait lips of India IndiaBilk IndiasUk Indiasilk Bilk made at homo or oven loss expensive expensiveand espen lvo lvoand and quite cut practical plain Blips of fine finewhite finewhite finewhite white lawn lawnAnd lawnAnd lawnAnd And whilo we nro II talking t lklnlt of lingerie lingerieblouMM IIngoriobloUM lingerieblouaoa blouMM > i and by inference of high trans transparent tranporcnt transparent ¬ parent collars thero Is a new invention for forsupporting forupportlng forsupporting supporting such collars which seems erne less lessknown 1l8known lessknown known than it deserves to be The put in includes Inlludls Inv Inveludes ¬ eludes three th e flat gold slide one for each eachsido eachaldo eachside side of tlo collar one for tho back On Ontho onthe Ontho tho side IIldeof of oacb end ondof of the slide Is a minute mtnutpoint mlnulerlnt minutepoint point upon which is screwed a tiny button buttonor or jewel jewelThe jewelThe jewelThe The slide i III laid under und the collar tho thopoints thopolnta thepoints points pierce through the sheer collar tho thowoe thowoe thowoe woe buttons are screwed on and there is heyour isyour IIyour your collar held out to it I its proper width widthand widthand widthand and with no mechanism showing rave a aglint aglint glint of gnldunderaeeth gold underneath the laco rod a tiny tinypearl tinypoorl tinypearl pearl or jewel or gold button at top and andbottom andbottom bottom In solid gold and real jewels the thopott UO1tOts therate rate aro expensive > xpoD tve but plated plal d sets ets cost costvery eoltery costvery very ery little littleOf littleOf Of tho use u e of ribbon this tl ll season I muchmight much muchmight mucbmight might be written but bu it Is hard to giv givby gT gTb give giveby by b description an Idea of the multifarioM multifarioMux ux U8 s to which ribbons aro put The ribbon ribfcmembroideries rlh ribbonembroideries n nembrolderi embroideries used on everything fromixtrasols from fromparasols fromI I parasols to evening frock aro wonderfully wonderfullyboautlful wondedullI wondedullybeautiful I beautiful and among the new trinvnlnga trinvnlngaare trin 1Ilnltll 1Ilnltllare are shaded velvet ohat ribbon of varying widths widthsembroidered liidthllembroidered sidtheembroidered embroidered in tiny flower design of orlbbon orlbbonI o f ribbon ribboncr I cr in silk and gold thread lUbboA bonds bondsborder handI handsborder I border the flounce of many garment pn enta ae aeIa a aIn 8 8In In the oaaoof case of tbe friv < loua little MMjacket MMjacketof of peach each blossom mouelino 8ke ekeiched shed tJed here herewhloli berebloh herewhloh whloli bloh ha baa border of Liberty uttla r1t1 ribbon ribbonIn ribbonIn In the be tame pink and a girdle and bow of ofwider ofder ofwider wider der ribbon ribbonWid ribbonkI ribbonWe Wid kI We folded girdle ar are mn ni of the theoft the10ft thesoft oft Liberty satin ribbon tp gorgeous gorgeouflowered gorgeousflowered OI oUl oUlowered flowered ribbon and the I xpydftJr th JT JTu An Oaa u I chiffon meseoUne me messali alinoe a or chiffon taffeta ribbon ribbonThe ribbonIbe ribbonsThe The last la t mentioned arc frequently used u r in inmany 11IDADT inmany many tone for one girdle but the U lines hnesmust linesmust hn hnmust must meet harmoniously into one anotherand another anotherand llnothNand and it U not every everyone ono who ha baa the artist artisteye arlifitere artisteye eye for such combination combinationOne One such girdle in chiffon meesallno with witha wiUa a ebo wer Or of short ends end in the back included includedsilvery IncluddIlIIver1 includedsilvery silvery gray and all the faded tones dull dullpink dullpink dullpink pink blue green lavender gold Th Thresult 11JtellUlt Theresult result wo wag OH admirable M the millinery millineryachievement millineryachwTtment millineryachievements achievement In tloso tl m tones turned tur d out outby outby outby by BO some n of the Parisian milliners miilinorsLess millinersLem mUllnersLeM Lem unusual and yet almost a as difficult difficultof dimeultof of successful construction was a 1 wide wideglrdk ridegirdle ldI ldIglrdlo girdle of chiffon ch on roenallne me mUne In American Americanbeauty Amerlnmbeauty merlronreauty beauty shades from tho lightest American Americabeauty Americanbeauty AJnriCllbeauty beauty pink to the ik deepest iwst I t American beauty beautyrod beaut beautrod beautyrod rod Tho luntro lu tro of tho witiny U ilhlwn and andtlx nnltho nnttlo tlx > glowing harmony of color wrro weretogether al altogether 01togeU ¬ together togeU r charmingrho charming charmingTho ctllrmlngl11o Tho American beauty shades bltdc lire ore by tho thoway 1Mway thnway way very much liked thU wason lIJIOn efpccially efpcciallyIn elpeclallyInmlJllncry In millinery InmlJllncrylWOuS millineryItOOUS millineryROOJIS ItOOUS MADE TO SUIT DKAlTY DKAlTYTflilte DrACThlle REJCTItfldte Tflilte hlle for the lr Gray ra y Ilalrrd Rosy ncs n > Woman Womanf Womanott IfomanSoft f Soft oft HrowTis to bet t Off U Iced l hair IlalrIts lIalrte hairIts Its te a good thing when you OU are going to topaper topo topaper paper po per and fix up a room to work up a color colorscheme oolorscheme colorscheme scheme that will wUlaet set off some special treas treasure treMUte treasure ¬ ure you may have in the way of furniture furnitureor or ornament Ive worked tho color colorscheme colorschome colorscheme scheme of my room up to my bit of old oldtapeatry oldtapc oldtapeetr tapeatry tapc try said a woman to tho caller call r who whowas wboas whowas was as rbapsodlring over a beautiful room roompapered roomPl1pered roompapered papered in the IOft softest oft t of deep browns broymtThat brownsThat br01 l l11uJt That bit of tapestry la the joy of my myheart m1heart myheart heart Its It valuable old and lovely loel But Ilutnobody Du Dunobody Butnobody nobody would notice it t t especially o In a roomdone room roomdone roomdone done in any other color colorItlant colorIt it isnt big enough enoughNow eDoughSow enoughNow Now everybody noUces it at onoe simply simplybecause llimplybecaUBO simplybecause because IU soft light browns look so o stun stunning eronnlng stunning ¬ ning against the dark brown paper It t tthe 11 11I uthe the feature of the room and gives gvll8lt it a dis d4Ungulehed distinguished dfItlnllllllhed ¬ tinguished air because it 11 I so choice choiceI I I got tho idea I from a woman who ho bad badworked badworked badworked worked up a room of her to act off a very verycharming Tmycharming verycharming charming peach pink vase va e that she ha hadThe had hodThe The advantage I bare over her 1 is that my mykeynote mykeynote mykeynote keynote for color cant break breakEren breakEen breakEven Even if I anything should happen to the thatapetry thetap thetapestry tapestry tap try the brown room Ls a moat effectivo effectivociting etJect1Teletting effectfygetting citing for your coloring cuggoatod auuest < < 1 ths thecaller thsoallor thsoallor oallor oallorThe oallornle callerfhe The hoU hostess s blushed as though the idea ideabad fwhad ideahad had occurred to her beforo beforoIvo I IIvo l1vo Ivo often wondered why hy women dont donttake don dontalce donttake take their own o coloring oolori ooloriagInto into account in indecorating Indecorating Indecorating decorating their rooms I know ono woman womanwho womanwho womanwho who has Her hair is perfectly rfrctly gray but butshe buthe butshe she he U l so young It Rlvca tlu tho effect of being beingpowdered btlngpowderrd Delngpowdered powdered hair She always wears white whitowhen whltowhen whitewhen when she receive n > ce1t and she II receive in a aperfectly 1 1plrlectJy aperfectly perfectly white drawing room Tho whnl whossroom whnlroom wholroom room is a a Betting for her face which Is l tho thocolor thocolor thecolor color of a rose loaf loa In any other room roomyou roorrou roomyou you would Bay that she wa 11111 a very pretty prettywoman prettrwoman prettywoman woman In that whlto room of h be hee a you youcall youcall 01J 01Jcall call her ravishingly beautiful beautifulThe beautifuLThe beautifuLThe The sunlight was u glowing over the thahofttoflss tboho thehostesss hofttoflss ho e < II1 wealth of golden red hair on she shesat sheeat bo bosat sat pouring tea beneath her precious tapes tapestry tIlRMtry tapestry try and tho caller found herself rather rathersceptical ratherlCtptlcal rathersceptical sceptical about the idea that the brown brownroom brownroom brownroom room had been planned plann d to offset the tapes tapestry tApestry tapestry ¬ try tryTRAVELS tryTRAnU tryTIIA1ELS TRAVELS OF HOTEL ELEVATORS ELEVATORSFrom EIm4TORFrom ELEIATonsFrom From 10 to SO BlUrs a Month for KTMT KTMT1OO i rrry 100 Fret of Shaft Ti f the Average AimerNobody ATIra AverageNobody t tNobody Nobody who spends much time in the thaskyscrapers thoIkyScrapers theskyscrapers skyscrapers can help noticing the Increased Increasedspeed Increneedllpeod Increasedepeod speed attained att ned by tho elevators nlnoe the thaIntroduction th8IntroducUon theintroduction Introduction and perfection of tho safety Mfetyclutch IIdfetyclutob safetydutoh clutch This Increase in speed applies appliesto to the elevators in apartment house and andhotels andhoteJa andhotels hotels equally equnllywlth with those In office buildings buildingsthough buildingsthough buildingsthough though the hotel elevator la usually still stilltho aUIIthe stillthe the alower oa it always alwaYllJaa baa been beenTho beenThe Tho maximum speed for a passenger passengerelevator passengerelevator I 8Enger 8Engeroleator elevator In ordinary use LSO has been reached reachedfor 1OOcIINIlor reachedfor for the present pJ llent at any rate In a Doano Doanostreet Dunnnstreet Dwannstreet street office building where one runs with witha a rapidity averaging from 000 to 700 feet feeta a minutetome minute minuteSorao minuteSomo tome Interesting Intere llng experiment prporlmen have just justbeen ju justbeen t tbeen been made by the Ldlson L < ueon Company to d ddtnarv rids ridscover U Ucoor cover what hat distance Is covered by the or ordll1l1l ordinary dtnarv hotel elevator ee tor in the course of a amonths amonths amonths months travels In ono apartment hotel hotelin hOlplIn hotelin in which them are two passenger elevators eSevatorand olatolland elevatorsand and asbaft II shaft 310 feet high traveiling tm tmvellingordlnari lJinlt ordinari1 y 250 feet a minute tho elevators covered in a amonth amonth amonth month ion and itt Ii miles n loa A freight elevator elevatoralmost cleIltoralmost elevatoralmost almost half as 111 fa fast t covered in the sameperiod same sameperiod I14meperiod period only oDI S2j 3 12 j mile mileThe mil milThe milesThe The two elevators in anqther hotel one onewith OMwith onewith with a 154 and the th other a 21S foot shaft shaftcovered shaftcovered ohahooered covered 1M mile and H9i HC miles In a 1 inoib inoibtravelling IDOIUtm mon b btravelling travelling tm cUing 150 feet a minuteTho minute minuteTho minuteThe Tho conclusions reached were that in inhotel inhotol inhotel hotel ncrvioo a busy bl1 > l elevator ciwtomari ciwtomaritravels Clhltomarltraelll customarivtravels > travels from SO f to fo w o miles rnlk > a I month for crpiee crry ftV 100 fe feet t of halt nod conminiea approxi approximately IIpproxl IIpproxlmatc1y apprnxnmately ¬ mately 2 kilowatt hours hou of electricity f fr frevery freet r revery every eet car mile mileMAY mileI I MAY MANTON MANTONPATTERNS PATTERNS lOcts 10 its each 4 45321o40 45321o40MAY n 10 40 40MAY MAY MAVTOV MA TUII CATALOOVB pee Pee r Uful IIKuriilomrif IlIuuaUoIU lOt Uy mall l if ifMAT OrMAY r rMAT MAT MANTOX JfA TOoI lATTKn1 I pArr lTEnJlt gu tx txtl lu luxl V Vsa tl JHfUrt HUD aT T N 1 T Tl TUN OUitloor m l lboortlaavgltote Door MA ATS Hotel Or snr Drl UAV at UAN UANTOf Il 1 TOf Armey MM1 ail ISm praapilrAUrd