I PH rww17 1SUNI R 10 l ts O l n r 0 DOG DUACTORS ACTORS WOOLDHT AC ACKn ACT AOTm m lI0T11W1I1I Kn Dioaniwii DioaniwiiTO DLOOPhIONDSItTIiI DS DSII1lWr II1lWr TO PttlVATK LIFE LIFECo Co 0 Fir From Fr m U Ua IJthIn hlnK After the Fcaptns Fcaptnspr EsciptngVrtcneF Fiespt FiesptprUcner prUcner pr catr THey Tttt Fled in Terror Fro Frothe From FTolnt Fromthe t the Orchestra Or OrthitrThi rh Itrath Th I Preis Aim Aimfltrcft Armtl Armtlmeet AgtsI I meet trcet rtiuta 1UI Plan Had to De Given t tWJ IIp IIp1t UpWt ° WJ Wt 1t t 4 tho matter with tho those o dog dogJa do dogejveD < < e eJa jveD Ja veo 11 t hey I he pot ol sense Mn enough to do 4008 as thi thiwe they theyIe theyroold we Ie roold rooldThoe told toldTboM told7Tho TboM Tho were the question que tJoOl which hloh set tf tfcbo the thecbol thoCOU cbo cbol yelling with laughter at a Hippo Hippdrome llIppoc1romo Hippodromo drome rehiarsal come two weeks eg egMr ago agoJr ago1r Mr Jr Temple the stage manager had b bladhlrjE been beeala beenJaAtflg ladhlrjE la hr < < th the chorus individually and co coIfetlvch cot eolltetlel cot1eet1veI Ifetlvch with sarcasm wrath land soor sooror BOOm BOOmlor acornfor for or about eighteen weeks There w wscarcely wall wallIoC4fccl weaacarcuiy scarcely a 8 girl 1 or a man In It i wbo had n nIron Dot DotLHln notteen Iron nwureJ most mo 1 o ordlally of Mr Temple Templeprofoundett Temploprofoundt TempIcprofoufldet profoundett contempt and dlseAteem dlseAteemAnd dl8ellteemAnd dieeteemtnd And here ot the very first appearance appearancethe of ofthl ofthe < the pack of bloodhounds In the Ander Andef Anderon11e Anderon1Ile f onville fpectaole the dogs were Inchid Inchidin Included IncludedUl in the general anathematization anathematizationIn In the flrst fir place they were not blood blooiliounds bloodJ1ound bloodiound liounds at all They were foxhound foxhoundtrained foxhoundltralotd foxhoundstalned trained to follow an anioeed trail whe whethere when whenthere hen henthere there WM no fox handy hand It was due t tIhw to toth tohe th Ihw he same f we dog In some small part th thAtMlemonville that thatAodT1Ioo11I1 thatAndrOlWIllt AtMlemonville now goes gcosthrough through Itachang Itachangof Itflchangeeur Ito changea changeauf of Mono without any an pursuit of the pr prt pri priI prLsorv t onrs orv 0 Io l h by > y mllu mll wagglngtcilod hounds wh whacoori who whoiIC whoacor acoori < iip to his announcement before befoitheir beforettelr beforetheir their appearance = o are likely to tear hi hilimb blm blmUrnh b bUnit limb from IImh llmhMr IImhIr IImhMr Mr Ir MeKiile I hiilt Mm ho circus director ha1 ha1ho had hadtho hadthe the ho gnorsl n 1 supervision of thee dog dogalnng doltiIIlnng dogolnng alnng with the other lire stock of the Hip Illjrodrim 1JIprodrmlhw HippodrimA rodrim rodrmlhw podrimA how H 1 kept them at the wlnt wlntquarter winter wlnwrijuKrIri winterquitrtr9 quarter at Coney ufley Island for weeks before befoithey beforethey beforethey they wem we brought to the city clt lie wn wnfull woe woefull 11118ul1 full ul1 of mighty promisee pron 5 8 na to their per pejformanoc per10rmaoOC perforrnanOe formanoc < when ho brought them them In InHe inIII inI1 He I1 sat at back In a chair cocked up again againthf againstIt It thf wall of the press agents room for hour hourpU hoursTIki hourepLaining pU pLaining lining o public exhibition pf of the ur urerring unrlin wrnng erring rlin rnng ability of these dog to follow followhuman a aRuman aurnan human urnan trail The plan na Ill partly devel developed developro develo oped o was to start off a man supposed t to tote 1 te an wcaplng criminal from tome point polonear pointllr pointrnir near Broadway and Fortysecond street streetand etreotnd atreetand and nd then in the pnucnoa of a noleotccompany 110100100oompny noleotc oleotedcompany company of newspaper reporters and Cen Centr CenInl CentrI tr trI l Office detective turn tho boundloo bound boundloo houndeIooe loo Iooe < > e on the trail and follow them up am amdown and anddo11 anddown down through tho hopping district districtIt < It would have been a lovely locl ante anteopouing anteopouingHippodrome anteopeningHippodromo > openln openlnHippodrome Hippodrome advertisement But when th thtwo the thetwo thetwo two or urIhre three reporter who whoknewof knew of the phitrnt phi pl1nfnt pianwpnt trnt < fnt to t t < Mr Ir Melville soon alter th thdag the thei thebg dag i gs wtra loa brought to town they found founihim foundhim foundhim him mOlt uncommunicative on the bub bubjtct IIU IIUlecl aubsect sect Ho 11 wasnt wo nt for a public thief chas chasany chatiean chaaeany < any an mire mireInvestigation mftInolipation anythvoUgatiou Investigation showed that able as thosidai those thosedOl thoaedogs dogs might be b in following a eocnt lof lofon loft Iolton lofton on the ground in the pure and open al alof aIr airof of Coney Cnc Hand at winter they were more rnorat morcat moreat at a lo ION in the city cit than the greenest o ohaokwcod of ofh6ckwvod ofhackwoo14 haokwcod < count oounlryl1 countryuen ryuion tlD They Ihe put theltail their 111lrI theirtail I tail betapen their legs leg and whined a aroon aOQU I IOD roon OD a 1M i Cuy y were cre tuma turntalooe lao Iooe e on the trEet streetTwy trEetT treetTrty Twy T didnt know anything anythingIn In the t hr t reheat rele8aal M at the Hippodrome nippodromiIt It wat di overcd Irpd that the footlights 10Clt lighta OM OMthe aLd aLdthe atdthe the playinc rla ang iDi lri Iho ° oiclteua old lEolla ltd It I a neerl neerlas ncerb ncerbIII as a bailon La tail un effect r ect on them There wen weniuit verejust ere erejWl just two thing ttin > required of those dot do dooto 10 boy b and make a great nolbe off of state staitwhile ttalewblle statewhile while the licru b ru wi L8 > s pleading with th thfl benuti benutiful ceautlful beauftful ful Suttem lay for aid In rescuing bill hliwounded bill1II0llded hiamounded wounded oomrntion from those pltlleti pltlletibe pitllebe pillleaebeate be beate i > t ts who ero r pursuing ue ard a mo morawt mtlment momt rawt Inter to go flying ncrots the start startover tltaleliver adage adageover over the lath I al which the hrro Lf o and Mi MiVounded Ma Maound tiawoindecl Vounded ound fnerd tad takrn while the cavalry cavalrjnlatterod C4alryolttterfd cavalrynlattarid nlatterod behind behindThese behiDdTb betiadTbGle These Tb dl rehearsals were Iota of fun At Athe Attbe Atthe the < he drtt f 1 cne < ne tho fourth dog do sat down dowrbruilrin downabrJv1r downabrJ abrJ bruilrin In midstsge mJ lIta forsaking tho rumar rumarch tuman tumanchu iumoncbae ch chu and nd proceeded to devote hlmsell hlmsellto hlrn elt eltto to a r Ja > a hunt that was much more vital U Uhim tohiD to tohim him and from which cot even the thunder thundeiof thundtrtlf thundernfthegaIIopincavaIrywou1d of nfthegaIIopincavaIrywou1d the galloping nopin cavalry ca 11 Iry would tivrt c him himAt 111mAt himAt At Another dm drfla rehearwl tlc 11 flirt fir llm llmthe IIlreIhe litrethe the tlofs clo confronted the full till glaie of tin tinlights tlJ6I1Chis thelighta lights and the full blare of tie orcbestrt orcbestrtand orcheatraand lrchnlratnd and the npplnuw applau of a small IIm ama 11 audience ol olfrl of offrlend8 oftrieud8 frl frlend8 uda of the management maJla tmelt they whirled whlrlecaround whirledftlOund whirledlLrounhl around an a soon as a they were fairly falrl on tile thfMage tilealalte theatage Mage and went kyoodllng kyoo ling off in a wile wilepanic 1illdIc wildpeale panic panicEvery Ic IcEry Every resource of all the q > lclt and de devious deioCIL dotious ¬ vious thinkers around HIP luildine from frorrlYederlo fromFrederio fromFrederlo lYederlo Thompson liimwlf dowu to Hrnrj rnry Aioer the friend and keeper of Mleks Mlekstbe Miakathe U ka katbe tbe Russian RUM Ian she shnhound nhound who Impersonatea Impersonate Imper onalu onaluI a I lion In the Yankee Circus ircue was con conrenrated contntraed connraed > renrated on thrg brnrHg brnrHgThere hitr8There Nle NleThere There was no trouble about getting them themto thmto to bay bay outside the scenes oCene > A foxhound foxhoundwill foxhoundwiU foxhoundwiU wiU aUayt awayi bay at view of a fox A fox fojwas fo forill foxwas was rill therefore bought and put in an open opencage o openige n ncage cage and at tha proper moment In the theoene tboCene theacene oene was exposed ex Ooo to the view vie ie of the pack paokeffort paQkwhich packwhich which promptly tiOt ot up on laNpllttlnjf laNpllttlnjfcboru earapltttlngehoru cboru Thln the fox Yoa wai hidden and the theetfort theeffort effort was made to net the hounds to folio folioan follow followan an aniseed 4l1II < d trail across OtT0 8 the stage Fin Finof Flntof Firatof of ail tho shoos and the bandages on the thifeet thofeet thefeet feet of Stanton the heros wounded com comrade oemrade cornride ¬ rade were soaked with ankwd oil lie Tliedog 111edog liedogt dog followed him the first ret time but after afterward alterIIrrd afterward ¬ ward paid no attention to hU hI track trackThen trackTben trackeThen Then ju jut < boforo tho curtain went up a asolid alOUd aacid solid trail of aniseed oil was made madeacroM madeacr0t4 madeaco4 acroM the stage staK TbU worked better but buttbe butII butwas was II uU not intere interetting IlIng enough to keep tbe dog do from from having more regard for the thelight 1110Ightll theIghto light and the th audcnoo than for their theirduties theirtlutielllA theirduttat duties tlutielllA a actors Then the fox wai w wa trotted trottedow trottedO8r trottedover ow the stage ta ge in in propria pertona before hefornthe helorthe beforetheraiMngofthe theraiMngofthe the railIng of the curtain The Thedogafollowed Thedogafolloweda dog followed followeda a greet d dtill al better but there was no oor oorUlnty oorlalnty cortainty Ulnty about their moomentThen movementThen movements movementsThen Then Stanton carried C lTied the fox tn a bar baras batlit as 0 be fled The tag seemed med to diminish diminishth the th went and the scene waj worae off 1fT than thanuve thanlive thanve live ve And the humane society l raised ral 1 awarnuu awarning a awarning warning finger on behalf of tho fox foxr Vr r Thompson pointed the finger of ofhires ofrc ofecom rc ecom < > rn at tile pirtnor Mr Dundy who had bought the dogs and aid It wile all tile fault 01 the cogs Mr lltClellan who hires all of theshows actors WH instructed instructedto to K gJ out and get some dogn doj tIu good ood dog He brought in a pacK of rutlcr Iller livelier and andDxm andIMIPltluLiutu andmote mote IMIPltluLiutu > HtijVitioiwl kiulttiu boot > oaMts than the Ih first lot lot11oy lot11oy 11oy iippuaiod npl > e1IOt at the Brut performance performanceafter after one ne or two rehearsals which perfurmanCtd hlch seemed eeeme to fhbw that they the would fulfil the Job re requuty required toquued quired of them But they wereaueh re sucn mall emailqut mallquIY > quuty qut cruuturcs HO o much like beugles beuglesTheywlll I that t one or two ull8rmrnthetio critics criticsering hwrinK In mind that horror trmk howl ThE Theywilltearhtm Theywlll > ywlll tear him limb from limb Ilmbl1aughed Ilmbl1aughedout laughed izughedout out loUt louilMr kuiMr 1 1Mr Mr McClellin Mc Clcllin went out and got three thremuch flll big ta1 blood bloodhounde bounds of tM ancient Cncle rom a C Qibtn bin brood TIle They are arumuch aremuch much more like brindled Great OlO < ot Dine than thannut tloodbounci but at our rate the they tit the the3pu1ar Npular flOnsy of what a bloodhound ehould ahouldu Lt > u nut tile Tncle md Tom bloodhound U Laester aster n er imf nt to It run free after the fleeing Elua lie U In leash and nd ndll If the dramtlo dramtlonuiet nuiet worn tc t be revealed it would b be beDOl1 kno kow DOl1 Tj that he does d not btraln to follow followjla kl ide jla prey but ia driven drivenbo bo S II combination pack was made up the he foxhounds to follow foUo the scent a nl wlthlbe wlthlbenee with tne big Ig do dog a to ImprOtI the audl audience n08 But there wao no tlrtlnty about the perform perfonnnee anee nee even then There was some gun Un firing IIrln in the seem n and tbe guilty con Mdenrc wder er of the four footed actors deemed to tell them that they ought to bo shot at atMM eVIIIJ II I they he r WW w re tl0tl nol and the they > were always ahtnYIlbvWh JwnJ JwnJby MM bvWh riaJbIy n nt < t to M oom1caUr disconcerted by iiWhen JII JIId ii When therefore th the necwislty neC neccaaityfor < Nlt for cut cullinI tin tinMice d dwnthetbzof nn Ibe time of action of AndflfllOnille Mice ii wan wa the th pursuit sccnowhich scene which was n next it to the borr hnrrI li 3 sp pJttado J icle of the prison prisonran U flOckatie Ckalf marked for the MIughter MIughterTbTh lughterThey TbTh dORM hao JH > n r 100 fOm the tage tagee They e MW ben Io sold < Jld to a bunt club clubCu dubIn ran In Jarhion Act ai a furoner furonerThe lurontrThe turonrThe The Board oard of Coroners oon has aaked the theirporaiion thotlfpOration ettportIon > irporaiion Counsel for an opinion u to the etatus of Coroner Jackson who was wasf WMud weeNcently f Ncently udtnUy oily convicted oni ttod of bribery AnanMtcf AnanMtcfCO An arrest of j JUdtent ud tmfnt baa been granted and Mr Jack Jackt Jackn t n 8ColI eCOlleaguPowantteknowiftpIte CO agu KMJ want to know If fhlsperalto lira 1111 to act as a Coroner oroner tjvK rorrcb 7Orc TOPZCktnorJD Anovr rdtrV rdtrVIn r Jr JrJu r rIn In the procession of automobiles pu puand pubUo pubUoand puUioand and prinCe htnom coup COU ecop4 and andsort nd fnt1y r rsort sort of fashionable vehicle that moved t trifth up Fifth lIth avenue past Tblrtyfourth rtn rtnyJero7 street atreetyeterday streetyesterday yJero7 yesterday afternoon atternc was an Qpen baroucli barouche baroucbedwtth barouchewith dwtth with blue wheell and bright 18110 yellow bod drw ran by a pair of clMlDoolored crtm olored driven by a negro coachman While the i ears of the two anImaLs eeoroed BO mod tllgh tllghr2SRer silgbtiy longer r2SRer than S onUnary nw nors horse ears the tra traffic policemAn at tho orosalnpt didnt did t fI OslPeM p I any nYhoPltl1on opinion until a deep rebounding tin tiaw w behew 0 bnw aw smote the air airI airIvo air1ve I Ivo ve been her here BT tI years ean and I gur lEU guess Ive I YO seen every 1 Idnd of o an outfit pass passA In that Urn but IQ aohel belp mil Jehul I DIYI nsvr nsvrwtw r rMI MI MIw wtw w a pairof ordInary 1I11uoun mulCII haul Ing nR an open barouohe before mused the cop copA A recent holdup hodupofatheayfo of a theatric pert pertanoe perform perfonnance performanoo anoe because the scenery was W not notproofed fire ftroproofed fireproofed proofed In accordance with tb the regulations rsguUUowas nault1oOlwas was a novelty to New Ne Yorkers thou thouthe though thougbthe the Inspector hr h been be active ivr iv r sin sinthe since sincethe nOlI nOlIthe the Chicago theatre fire aoUYtwr Out of 0 town i io the theo o i dltlons are far worse orse and thousand i of dol are are spent by b trarelllne < < oomponl CO l1lanl to fleet the req IremenU of U tht > differ differoca tWlerent tWlerentocal ct ± fterentocl oca ocal inspectors InspeotoraLi Li L Cbloago It Is I charged char oct that scene sceneeo scenery lO8lIeryIO eo retimes has to hare different dfaerent tretm treatment lefore I betas moved from one Inspection lnapec on district to another no matter bow man mantl many tl UNit es it may have passed In one Ww West VI glnlan town where bere a single night nightI nightItaYbol nightsatay I etay ItaYbol atay la the limit of profit profit1 the scenery lIC8IIe hi hito h hto hato to bo treated by a loco Arm nrm at a cost c of 131 35 no matter bow bo many manrnapecUon inspection tsl teslS it has naA be lIMn n through There are oth othplaces other othtrplaoee otherpl0008 < places where here the holdup Is almost a aeerious as aseerious iieserious eerious eeriousOne eeriousOne seriousOne One point overlooked by all Inspectors is that no matter how fully fireproof a soon soonmny scene IIOInomay scenemay may be made the dust gathers In the flu flufibres tine tinefibres finefibrea fibres of the cloth This will run the flr fire fireinto into the gridiron no matter what fire flitproof fireproof proof precautions may be taken and tb tbold the tbeold theI I I old safeguard of sharp knives In the Illlefor caller for cutting the rope is still th the only onI res resremedy real flIIlremedy realremedy remedy remedyThree remedyThffe remedyThree Three worried looking men drifted drUt Int Intn Into Intoft n 1 theatrical agents office the other after ofteinoon arternoon afternoon noon and explained to the man In charge chargthat ehargethat chargethat that they tbe sought the services of a quart quartfor quartet quartetfor quartetfor for a dinner to be given to a prominent promlnermember prominentmm prominentmember member mm r of their organization After Aftersearch a aIMreh asearch search of his book the agent announce announcethat anno annodneed annodneedthat nctd nctdtbat that his hi quartets were all engaged for tha thaevening that tbatevening thatevening evening I have a capital man for singing bgin an antalking and andtRlkinlt andtalking talking he suggested He would be a agood 111 111good asgood good as A quartet1 quartet1The quartet quartetThe quartetThe The three exchanged glance 11ao and th thepikesraan the Ibep thespokesman spokesman p man shook his l head Im afraid afraiitnfct afraidtnrt afraidtoat tnfct will not do he b declared It UI go goU gal galto gotw to U > bea be a quartet quartetBut quart cuartetBut t tBul But for or what I should have bA to charg chargefor for a quartet I con give hlI you this man oni oniootnrthuig and andIIOmrtniug andsoancibtug ootnrthuig el elon e two acts for the price o oone of ofone ofone one the agent persisted persistedThe penlstedlbe persistedThe The three drew dre off to a corner and there tberwas thereWIIIJ therewas was a lot of whispering Then the cpokea cpokeamnn epokeaman epokesman man came forward forwardI 1 am afraid that we wil have to si sisomewhere go gosomewhere o oIIQmewhere somewhere else he said You see thidinner this tbLadlnMr thisdinner I dinner Is given to a roan who Is so deaf deathat dNlfI deafthat that nothing short of a good loud quartet quartewould quartetwould quartetwould would reach him him and we 0 dont want ti tihurt to tohurt tohurt I hurt his feelings by making maldn him think tblnlt tblnkrhat thinkthat t hat we put IUt oa ona a p pantomime actomime man manA manA manA A collector of souvenir postal card cardhu Mrdsbu cardahas hu arranged the local part of his eerie eeriein eerlosIn in bookfl M so o that they make on 11 InterestIng interecUnjtour InterNUnatour InterestIngtow tour of Xew 1 ew York Beginning with Ith th thviews th1ews that that1ows views of the harbor he goes gOt up through througlthe throughtbe the city to the Wostchoeter W 8lcbOfttr border glvliiipictures glvliii givingpictures < < Ivlng Ivlngpcturea pictures of all the leading features II IIcomplains lIe lIecomplains liecomplains complains however that net one of th thpublishers the thopllblishf thepublishers publishers of those tho cards has yet t had enter enterprise tnterprll enterpritse prise prll enough to future the theatres al although aIthoulth although though many of the new one have rue rueattractive ouch fluoblIt1rarto ouchattractive attractive oiterior and Interiors Thiold The Theold rbeold old playhouse too are lacking In the th eel collection 001lectlon eellection lection lectionJones lectlonJoneft lectionJones Jones Is a well well1cnolln known young lawyer who whisome wboeome whoaome some time ago established his home In on onof ono onoof oneof of the nearby suburbs where a cot with 01 01acre an anacre anacre acre and a coW is supposed up to t be the earth earthparadise earthly eartblyra earthlyparaUlse paradise ra le UU UI old chum Brown also o othe of ofthl ofthe the bar alter hearing of the rural delight delightfor dellgbufor for a long time consented co nted finally to spon sponSunday sp spend spendSunday < nd ndSunday < Sunday on the farm He was 88 receive receivewith reoe receivedwith ed edII1th with all the honors and all the attractions attractionwere attractionswere were shown to him himAt himU himAt At each meal ho had to listen to eulogies eulogleof eulolti08of of our own make viands He oto otopatiently IItoo1 IItoo1patiently etoodpatiently patiently our own milk lettuce from that thaframe thatfmme thatframe frame you you saw peas off o tbe Tins In the back baollot baoklot backlot lot and so on until It got to Harry I cai cairecommend C4DIfoommtnd can canrecommend recommend this chicken specially I IraI IraIit rolsec rolsecit n ged gedit it myself myselfThen myself myselfT1en Then the worm turned with a sad nwee nweesmlo IIweot IIweotIImio aweetemito smlo and remarked remarkedXo remarkedwill Xo o Will I cant believe that Youve Vounonly Youveonly Youveonly only been hero a little Uttieovor over two yoanl yoanlThe ycarilThe oanl oanlTbe The bicycle policemen would never han harto hanto haveto < to watch the automobiles if all owners one onechauffeurs and andchauffeulll andchauffeurs chauffeurs were ns 1ft careful as one of th thMagistrates the theMalrlstralea theMagistrates < Magistrates who drives a motor oar himself himsilfWhenever himalfWhenecr himselfWhenever Whenever he sees eel a poJooman he slowi slowidown elowdown alowsdown down and asks if he was w coins too fait faitA futA A man In an automobile doesnt realize roaliahalf realizeI realizehalfthetlmebowfasthe half hlftho halfthetlmebowfasthe the tune bow bo fast he U I going golngaye nays to ys the theMagistrate I he hella I Magistrate lla ltrat and I think tho police ought oughtto ougbtto I I to ne good Judges JudgesTtils JudgNTlJIs judgeJ J This Is I the more notable when It Is I con connldered oon1ldered eonoldered 1ldered nldered that few fe policemen would arrest a aMagistrate aI aMagistrate Magistrate MagistrateA I A stranger and a fountain pen did what whata bat bata I a mother failed to do on one of the Brooklyn Brooklynelevated Drookll1elelltld Brooklynelevated elevated trains the other day The mother mothercarrying mol mothercarryIng her hercarryln carrying < < In her arms a little lilt Ie child boarded boardedthe boardedthe boardedthe the train train at the Bridge and as soon as Ill the thejourney tbejoumcy thejourney journey begun tbe youngster young ler began be < < tuI to tocry tocry tocry cry and would not be b quieted Finally Finallya a man sitting on the opposite side of the thocar tbocar thecar car arose Drawing a large fountain pen penfrom penfrom penfrom from his hl waUtcoat pocket ha asked tho thowoman tbowoman thowoman woman to let bun try a a plan She Sb was waswilling Wallw1l1ln waswlllInR willing w1l1ln w1l1lnTaking < < Taking Taktn the child In his hi arms the man roanL roanily manI manput put the 1ar iargo c end oC the ten in ita ts mouth mouthrhe mouthThe L The flJfpre exoreaslon Rlon on the babya face 1m 1mmodlately imI I I modlately changed It shut Ita it mouth mouthfirmly mouthI I firmly ily on the pen and almost smiled as a the thetranger thetranger theotranger tranger sat At down clown and began jogging the thehlld theI theI I child on his hi knee The passengers watched watchedrlth watchtdwllh watchedI I I with Interest and smlta smltaIn smllPIIIn smIIsIn In lew lea than live minutes that baby was wasast w wI wasfast I fut ast asleep Then removing the pen oau oaulovmly oautlollll11 cantlouilv lovmly from Its mouth the stranger put th thhlld tbI the thechild I child hlld bock In the mothers arms anasA I1nMI armsAs I A All for absentminded men said the theouth theTOutb theyouth youth outh with red hair who had juat been read readIn roAdIng roodlng Ing In g a Live Toplo about one the best bestample beatNlJnple bestsample ample I ever raw was a man who was wasIgbtina waslighting 11 lighting tJn hill cigar on tho platform of f a car carhad carU carII U had a sllvsr match safe When t the h cigar cigarras cigarIIU cigarwu ras Ut be threw thre away the match box and andrefully andoarefuUy andcarefully carefully refully folded up the bo wax match and put putt putIt putit It t In his b pocket pocketThe pocketThe pocketThe The cheapest place p it In a New York to but buji bu bua I a i drink happens to be a Fifth Ffb avenue avnu club clubfhlch cub cubI clubwhich I which wbb boast bta many millionaire mIUon amon amonU amonits < I 11 its U members mmblll They pay less for food and andIrink anddrn anddrink drink than the customers Clomlr of very tl modest modestestauranta modet modetrturil modeststaurante drn rturil estauranta The Te reason reun ia that the club clubis cub cubIs clubIs is conducted cndurted only for the convenience cnvonlen of oftha ofthe ofA A the members membn who are numerous nuerous enough enoughto to make such IUh cheep rate potolbl They Theyalso TbeTal TheyI I al also ma o ptronlM the club pbl restaurant rturt and andorder ai andI I order liberally ronz raI1 The T prices prrs In clubs club depend dependon d nd ndon on the amount aount of money 10n the members membersspend membersspend spend th And th lit a It happens haPNM that the lh club clubIti cub cubhl clubwblh wblh hl h hM that Irgt lareat dining nIal room a ad adthe d dth the mot most exeMln extensIve bi ulU of flre fare ra ran flupply uppiyIt 11 It th Iti member lmben much more reasonably rtaonhly than thanth thantM titanthe tM th club with wtb very ry Umlfd Umll kitchen kthen resource resourceand resourcesand and few to patronize them themA a t paron tm tmA A new ae1 kind of flower fower flowerhospital hospital bolta has h recently recentlycome raty ratyOme recentlycame come into existence It U 1 I Intended liter literally literally ¬ Ito exteDce Ilr Ilra Ome ally only for floral tor1 patients ptent a and especially especiallythose OplUr OplUrtbol especiallythose a those tbol on that cannot cnot trace lrce the place pace of their tbeUWe theirorLIn orLIn ord Wo We take tk care cre of plant plt that tbt have bv begun begunto begunto to fads the proprietor proPit Md said Ud yMtarday yMtardaywhether ysstsraywhether tedY tedYwheher whether wheher they were wer bought buht from fr u u us or not notMany notMan notMany Man Many ladles is dies receive ivo as a prenU pfl oresents palmsand palms pajmsand and d other othe ldl kinds Id of plants plat without Ithut remember rememberInn reb runetn pa pad her herlog Inn who the florist fort was W8 and they want ant after aftera a aa a Ig while bUe to aDd send end them the to t a greenhouse for forrestoration forI fortlonorrepotting restoration tlonorrepotting or repotting Now No anoU most DM rostflorIats rostflorIatsrefuse florists floristsrefu forlt forltrfU ftretlD rfU refuse refu e to take tk o rpting plant plnta not Do bought buebt from fr them themMr tbf thermI I My hospItal U open o to all and no suffering auerlnc auerlncn sufferingI I I dor rflthlnc i n thg ting will be b turned tut a away from frm the tbedor t TAFTBAS TAFT BS TWO ERRANDS HE HE0K HERB HERBos 0K os IS I TO KLKCT DinKCTOttS DrTrTOI O Ornr OF OFTnI OFnfl nfl TnI riAM4 rIUf niiLtioAD niiLtioADThe IUMWW IUMWWTe The Other fhlr Ii I to Confer Confe With mt Col 01 1 darrac darracEdnsrjli CarmorEdarJ c2nrenoeEdiari1P Te Ednsrjli on a ProspectuS Pn lt of Ui UiPhilippine the UIOrhlilpial thePhlliIploe Philippine EdarJ rhlilpial nsllwayi nIU nith nt on a Idea Jdt i iKIIHtlnc or ofEliciting Eliciting 1110 Competitive CmpeUUn Diets Dtd for Theta TbeaSecretary ThetaSecretary em emStr Secretary Tftt Taft accompanied aompnio by b Mn MnTaft MrsTaft n nTat Taft Tat Str arrived urve In the city oiy at 130 03 last It evealn evealnfrom eeng eengfrom evening eveningfrom from Washington Wnalncton and went directly direcy t to 340 3 Lexington Leifngt nnin n avenue aveu the t residence rd c cSecretary of ofStr ofSecretary Secretary Str Taft Tft brother brter Henry lery W Tafwhere Taft Taftwhlr Taftwhere where whlr they will wU remain over Sunday Bund Tha Thareturn They Theyreturn return relur to Washington WubgtoD rs tomorrow toorw otter aftoii aftr aftrj otternoon i noon noonSecretary noonSecretary j noonStar Secretary Star Taft t Is I here her to attend attd a me met meting meet meeting l lIng Ing of the stockholders atokholdtlr of the Panama Panaranallmd PanamaItalLroed nallmd IOd to b be held hel at the offices oto of tb tbcompany the tbecmpy thecompany company cmpy 60 State Stat street tr tomorrow tmorw more moreIng mo mornlog oclock oclockThis oclockThis Ing at 10 ocok ocokTl Tl This U I the first ft meeting mUg of o the stock stockholder atk atkholders stockholders holders under the new rtgimo r gtino be sal sallast said Nldlut saidlast last evening and I a u rg the te Secretary Sctr o oWar of ofWa ofWar War Wa oei am the te stockholder stkolden Enough Eoeb Eoebof share shareof sharesof of stock will 1 be in other othe hands hnds to satiaf satiaflegal Nty Ntylegl satisfy satisfylegal legal legl requirements ruementa but w wo practically prcly ow owall 0 0al own ownall all al the stock ltk When I meet mt myself mYII to tomorrow tomormw morrow moT the stockholders ltkoldra will wi choose chooseboard ooo a aboard board br of directors cUrr Speaking Spag as a the to stcck stcckholders lllck lllckboldelll ateckholders holders I am am able to forecast fOlt In a genera generaway genrl genrlway general generalway way what the stockholders ltkbolder will wl do at their thelmeeting theirmeeting theirmeeting meeting and whom they will IU elect director directorI dlor I think all al the te present pfnt Panama P Commission Commiaslotseven Common Commissionseven leven seven In all al will 1 be b elected eleed directors doto on onabout and andI andabout about sue e of the old commission oemn won Amon Amonthoe Aong AongthO Among Amongthose I those thO of the old commission oomon who will wi b belected be beelected I olto elected is I William 1Ulm Barclay Brly Parson Par ol Whether WhetbcMr WhetherMr hether hetherMr Mr Burr Bur will wi be I am unable to say IY MiShoots Mr MrShoulS MrShoots Shoots and Mr Wallace Walace will be b there am amwhen and andhen andwhen when hen the directors elected I dlon ore a ello euppoa euppoathey euppoasthey they tl Y will wl go to work and elect ee the officer officerof omoersof of the road roadIn rod rodIn roadIn I In addition Additon to the Panama PMm Railroad RaUroaimatter Rid Ridmatr Railroadmattr matter matr I shall sU give gve somo Im attention ateton while whllI whUeI I nm 1m here to tbe matter mator of the Phlllppln Phlllpplnrailways Pbpple Pbppleruilways Philippinerailwaye railways Col Clarence Crenoe Edward Ewr of tb tbBureau the thoDurau theBureau Bureau Durau of Inaulur Iur Affairs ta 1 here In New NeiYork NewYork ew ewYork York and baa b been ba for several Bver l days daysshall dye I II Ishall I shall have a conference ooaferoe with wh hjn before beforereturn I Ireturn Ireturn return with wlb reference rerenc to drawing dwg up upo a pros prospectus proscu prospectUs pectus cu inviting Invting Investment Ive meat la i the railways rallwaytTbe railwaysTbe Tbe Government OOemmnt guarantee gn0 i per pr cent centlntereit oentInterut centlnterP3t lntereit up to an annual anul outlay outl of 1300000 1300000That t2O 1200000That That Tat means mena a guaranteed grantCd 4 per pr cent ont in investmentof Intmentof Inveetmentof vestmentof tmentof 130000000 300 We are In I hopes bop ti tienlist to toonllst toenlist enlist capital cpiallrpivo Irrespective of this guarantee guaranteeby guaranteeby by putting propositions propitons sufficiently eucenty at attractive attrclo attractivo I tractive trclo before bfore the public publo to Induce Induc com competltlvo om omI cornietitivo I petltlvo pettho bidding The railroad ral d lines lie novunder now nowi i under consideration cll8idoralon In the Philippine Phlppls PhlpplsImount Philippinesamount Philippineamount I amount Imount to t about abautl 000 miles mC I shall shU probe probebly prob probably bly not bo b able to say anything anyhl with refer refercnco referenc referenco cnco enc to the proposals propl on this subject eubJe b bfore b be before fore for I return retu to Washington Wahingon The drawing drawiniup drwln drwlnup up of uch a prospectus proepetW as we have hve in mine mineIs md mdi mindis Is i a matter Iter requiring rcqug a good deal of care oireand cre cread careand and ad It will w1 hardly hry be far enough tnough advance advanceby advancedby by tomorrow tomorw night to be b discussed dC In i any anything anytblog anything I thing like le a definite defite manner mannerSritlXO ler lerSPIO mannersP1iIxO SritlXO SPIO WEATHER UE4IER AT AI TUXEDO TlXEDOMany TtXDO TtXDOManT TUXEDOMany Many of the he Collates Colue Occupied OCClltDnr OccupIedDInners OccupIedDInnersand Dtnn Dtnnand and un Home lonl Partlei PartleiTrxrDO ratt rattTrxro PartletTrrno TrxrDO Trxro Para PAP April 15 1The The beautlftspring beautiful bautUul bautUulspring beautifulspring spring weather at the society soiet coony todn todnbrought toty totybrough today todaybrought brought brough out Cut a good crowd of well 1el kn knwn knwnow w wXew Xew ow York people l > ple to pas Sunday Sundy Man Manof Many Maayof Manyof of tho cottagers cttagr are getting getln their cottages cottagtin eota eotaIn cottagesin in readiness readn s and old by the th first tt week wk In Jlu Jlunearly ZtLiy ZtLiynearly lly llyaarly nearly aarly all a of them will wi be b occupied occupiedMany ouple occupiedMany Many dinner dner and house parties prtl wen wengiven wer wergiven weregiven given tonight tonlRht Mr and ad Mr M Spence SpenceTraak Spncer SpncerTuk SpencerTroak Traak Tuk entertained ent4rM a n lrg Urge party at Tray Trajaddo Trayaddo ray rayaddo addo Mr and Mrs I Alfred Alrr far S Seton ton Jr Sir Sirand Mrand lr lrandMIlenr and andMIlenr Mr Henry W V Munroe Mur Mr lr and andM Mrs W WH WH WIi H X Voss V0 Mr and Mrs F F Carey Mr MrMiharcU Mrand and Mrs Ir Price Collr Collier Mr and nd Mrs Ir rbn rbnI ben benI I MiharcU Uibar and Mr and Mrs llll Orenville Grnvile Kane Kanwere Mnol Kanewets I were l among amng others who gave ge dinners dnnr to tonight toI tonight ¬ night nightAmong ngbt ngbtI I Among tho cottagers cotlAgr who have ba opene openetheir opnd opndtheir opened openedtheir I their cottages cOlagell for the eariy earsy spring sprng tan season seasonare AOI AOIare I are Mr tr and Mrs llll J C C McKeever lcKevr Mr am amMrs and andi andMrs i Mrs r II I Fulton tUton Cutting Ctln Mrs Mr Charles Chalt H HCoster HCter HCooler Cooler Cter Mr Ir and Mrs M John Greenouch GreenouchMr Ornlgh OrnlghMr GreenoughMr Mr and Mrs r John Murray Mury Mitchell Mrs MreGworft MrsGorge lr Gorge R Preston PJaton Mr fr and ndMjw MI Mrs Frederic FrederiJohn FredprioOalatln FredericGallatln I Oalatln Gallatln Oorl Mr Ir and SIrs I T W 10rtr Irttr Mrs MrsJohn lr John Wolff Wolfe rolfandlMrrwMacXVlli and Slr Ir W MacNlll lnt rl itodewaid itodewaidAmong Hodp1iald Hodp1ialdAmoni ItedewaldAmong Among todays arrivals aria were Mr Robert Roborrf Rbort RbortOoelet RobertGoelet Ooelet rf Amoni i Mr Er am afll I MI Mrs T Paul rv rvMrs Tucker Tuclcerman Ad AdMrl and andMrs Mrs Mrl George L I Itlves lt Ml Mt Miss Natic laUc lUe lUeDetter lUvosMr I Mr and Oerje M Mrs W H 1 V Holman hoffman Mr I F J JDifr JDriter Detter Difr Mr Frederic Frderlo A Juullard Jlii Mr sir 1 Arthur ArthurD ArthJ D Weeke Wekf eekes Mr I and Mrs r Armory Aol 8 Corhart CorhartIlsl Cahar CarhartMint lf Mint Ilsl Endlcot EdJct Mrjiiid bit Ir and Mrs IN QW O W Fpr Forsyth ForsythMr olyth olythl yth ythSir Mr and Mr bits J Fred Tam MIsa IM Crger CrgerMr Crugor CrugorMr Mr l and Ind Mrs P L I Konal Ilnl Jr Mr Wilirani WiliraniElliott WUlam WUlamElolt iiiIam iiiIamElliott Elliott Mr Ir nnd Mrs IM J J Vatable table Mr and andMrs andI andMrs Mrs Elolt I Richard Rcha1 DelaiieJd 14ed Mr M and Mrs tr WUlUra WUlUraB WUim WUimB B Dinanoro Dlnnro Jr Sir l1 and Mr Mm William WilliamPiereon WIHnm WIHnmPera WilliamPierson Piereon Pera Hamilton Ilton Mr r and Mrs 1 X L n nEdgar 8Edgar I Elar Edgar Mr and Mrs In F B Keen KlaJ and Mr Ir and andMrs andM andMrs Mrs H Deacon DeaconMr Dwn DwnM DeaconMr M Mr and Mrs M Pierre Pie Loiillard Lra who paused pausedthe passedthe the M winter winlr a in Washington Whlngtn will wl open their theirTuxedo th theirTuxedo i Tuxedo llla lla early ely In I May Mayvon Mayuon MayMon op von noivvs DOtr no tviscoIwwTrov tviscoIwwTrovElehtOI COLLKCTIOX COLLKCTIOXKtchlngiand COILCTrO COILCTrOtlhlnl Ktchlngiand ElehtOI tlhlnl and EngravIngs nrt1nll Now SO ow on View If lrw at atthe atIhe atthe the Keppel leppd Uallerlrs UallerlrsTho Gallrt GallrtThe UslifritiThe The late lle Monslgnor Monlor Doane De of Newark Newarkhad Newarkhad Newarkhad had a hobby that of collecting cleNiDg engrav engravings llngrv llngrvIngs engravInga ¬ ings and etchings eing He le left leftdirections directions dreetlona that thathis tboth1 thathis h1 his collection oleloD be b sold and ad the proceeds proceedsdevoted Iroccodedevoted r e edfoted devoted dfoted to various vaou charities oltl which ho hoHis hodnlg1Ied hodeslgrited dnlg1Ied dnlg1IedIia deslgrited deslgritedliLa His Iia executors eXflto sold the collection cleion to toFrederick toeok toredertok Frederick eok Keppel Keppl k < t Co C of this city oly and U I Is Isnow Lanow tonow now on exhibition ehibion at the Keppel Keppl galleries galleriesThe galeo galleriesThe T The exhibition ebiton U 1 to be b continued cninued until untilApril uU uUApril untilApril April W WMr 2 20Mr Mr Keppel Keppl bat ha catalogued ooguo the collate collection oole collatelion ¬ lion which included something someblg more mON than thanone tbanOM thanone ton one hundred hud number numbrA The etching lcblnl in includs Inrlud Inelude elude works oro by Sir Si Seymour Soyour laden laden David DavidYoung DaVd DaVdoug DavidYoung Young Cameron Con Beurdeley udle FuUwood FuUwoodvonett Fullwoodilaig ilaig oug Jacue Jacquft Ilrkomer Ilorkomor I Lefanne ne Soh siija siijavonettt wo vonett 111 Millet MilletIn Ptnnll Ponnell and Vhlstkr VhlstkrIn 111 onell Miet tlr tlrIn In the present state ttate of feeling ff about aboutWhistler abut abutLater aboutWhistler Whistler lil rrlot I works wilt wl probably pobhly excite excitethe excitetho excitetue the Later greatest grtft popular pulr interest Inteft There Tere are arefour ae aelour arefour four of them tb < Eagle EKle Wharf Wha harf one of the theThames theThames Thames set Blaoie Dlo Lion Wharf Y1Ia and andThe andTe andThe ell Tamf The Pool pol o two to more of alhe the Mimoset Mm same act t and andanother andanothr andanother another Te print of the Black Daok Lion Wharf WharfTbe wh V3arffrom from a dltro destroyed Jllate JllateTe idateThe The collection cleio Include Inolude a number numb of en enera e enravthg era ravthg Te ving mezzotints mluotats lithographs ltbo ph and draw drawgraphs drAwin drawfnga in fnga jvgl ana and a few photogravure ane and pbot photo photographs graphs graphsMETHODISTS J graphsMETHODISTS ph phVETHOD1TS METHODISTS VETHOD1TS DISMISS mSlus PASTOR PASTORMaine rUlon rUlonIaae I43T0RIaIne Maine Iaae Conference Onrereo Acts AOI on Charges Cart In Inrclrtnf Inoh1C rnvoIcing voIcing oh1C a Girl Parishioner PariihlonerQiBDtxzit rarloner rarlonerOIP Parishioneraaaznxzo QiBDtxzit OIP U Me April Aprl 15 ITe 15The The Investl Investlgating Iv Inveetigating l gating committee cmtt of the th Maine Methodist Methodistconference Methol ethodistconfereflO t tcot cot conference rn now being bing held bel In t this thl city cityisUrday oityyrdAT cityyesterday yesterday isUrday unanimously uouly voted oled to dismiss dismisse dismissthe yrdAT the e Rev F 11 Bllllngton BlingtoD formerly forerl pastor pastorf rtor rtorof te of f the te church cur at Wayne Wayll from the th Confer Conferno Confllren ConferenoS en enoS no The T charges crg preferred prler against agant Mr Mrillllngton MrBUlngton iIrBuhlngtofl illllngton BUlngton alleged aleged improper ipropr conduct oondut on his hispart hl hlJ hispa part J pa jriah jriahIt toward towar one of tbe girls gll of his b Wayne Waynejriah Wlye WlyeP Wayneit P it It i wo ks charged chre that tht he had b occupied ocupi tha thafayne ti tiWayne Wayne fayne pastoral plrat but bt a short time lme when whenils wbenhl whenhis Waye his ils attentions attntona to one of the girls ri of the theEpworth theEpwor theEpwOrth hl Epwor Epworth League Lr wa wu the subject ubJe of much muchcomment muchcmet touchcomment cmet comment among amg bu bi parishioners prhlone A com commilt oommlt cornrallies milt rallies wo WU chosen ohon to wait wlt upon uln hUn hi and andask ad aduk andask ask mlt for lo hi h his resignation mllon He denied the tbetruth tLotrth thetruth trth truth of th the rumors rum and a refused rfu to resign resignBy By this thl time tmo his h alleged alege actions aton ro had hadcaused hd hdcu badcaused D caused a scandal adl In the church cbu and the theKU1 thegirl thegirl cu girl who wh ahoel name nlDe was 1 mentioned metione with his bisluddenly blaluddel hissuddenly suddenly luddel left let town tW Bllllngton BUingo later lter r rignd z rat ratSIgned SIgned and was wa transferred tranlel to another anotherchurch anotberchub anotherchurch alle chub ferenc ferencHis church awaiting aUlc the th action acto of the tb Con Conui ConferC Conferenc ferC ui ii His df dec defence no wa a general aelrl denial dtnl of oil oilcharges al alcbarc allebarN charges of Improper Imj r relations rela tOI with the theroung theyoun theyoung young youn cbarc girl He 10 admitted tt that tt wth ha h hJub wo womuch was wasmuch much In I el her hr company cmp and ad Interested Inter In mtier Inhr Inbar Jub tier hr only on as a friend andfaaator al r abuuU sua > hare b bb b 6t c cC cCMONDAY G GSPECIAL MONOAY MONDAY APRiL 11 0 0SPECIAL SPECIAL SALE OF 10000 Iodoo YARDS 23 inch Satin Satn Foulards Foulards55C 55C 55 5 5 c Yard YardThese YardTelt Yardfles These chiffon finished Ihe Foulard Foulad are at all a silk Ub new bandjome hacome patterns paturntof of Telt this W seasons 10n chifon printing neat figure trro and ad polka plka dots dot in i various vaioul alzii alziifaahloaable slufubonable aizifashionable I fashionable fubonable colored clor pti groundj roud Including IDeudni black blk brown navy nav and white whiteRegularly wbte whiteRegularly j to ioo yard yardOOWKS yardGOWNS Regularly Reilaly sold at 850 yar I I II I II IGWS GOWNS AND AN WRAPS WAS FOR EASTER Special Spca showing Ihownl of High Highdais lgh highClass I GWS dais Cia Garments Gaent for fo church curc and carriage cuage wear wea In fashionable fashionablematerlali fub0nablt fub0nabltmatera fashlonabismaterial matera material and ad colon clon after ate most approved approve models modelsTAILOR models modelsTAILOR I ITALR TAILOR TALR SUITS plain plan and ad dressy effects effectaWRAPS elets eletsWS effectsWRAPS WRAPS Peau de d Sole Taffeta Taot Falll Fate Francalse Fracae and ad Surahs Suahl Also AtO of ofCloths o ofCloths WS Cloths Clotl la t soft 1ft shading Ihadg and ad Burllngham Bur1ihal Tussnh Taah Pongee and ad Lace LaceLINGERIE Lc LcUNGERE LaceUNGERIE LINGERIE UNGERE FOR BRIDAL BRA TROUSSEAUX TROUSSEAU Matched Mltche SjU St of Hand HandEmbroidered Had HadEmbridered HandEmbroidered Embroidered Embridered Lngerie Llngeo In new designs Elaborately Elaboratey trimmed trimmedNainsook tImmed tImmedNatlook trimmedNainsook Natlook Nainsook Pelt coats coat Paris made with wIb trimmings timings of Cluny ClunyTorchon Cluy CluyTorchoD CiunyTorchOn Torchon and Fancy FAcy Valenclcnnei VAenclcnnOI Laces LCt Separate Sparate Night Robes Robtiof Robnof of Sheer Mull Mu Crystalline CratUne Batiste Batate and Nainsook Nasook Plain White Whiteor Wbto Wbtoor or Brocaded Brocde Taffeta Taet Petticoats Pettcatl with wih extra exra full fu mules mulesUanonama rme rumesXcnogtins Uanonama and 4 Crests Cut tabroldered ebrihre to toorder t toozderIn Kva order o4et ozderIn la sxsmples apl of o nn Gnt aest it ne le4lwrk le4lwrkWDDIlG needlswozk needlswozkWDDING dliwok dliwokWEDDING WEDDING GOWNS GOWS AND AD BRIDESMAIDS BRIESMADS DRESSES made to toorder toorde toorder WDDIlG order orde simple aiple or elaborate eabrate at reasjnibls reaQlble cot Exceptional ExcepUonaahow ExcepUonaahowjog show showing showlug ¬ jog of appropriate aprprte materials mater Including Includig many may exclusive novelties noveltiesSalon noveltea noveltiesSalon Salon de Roues Roul 2d 2 floor floorLatest foor foorLtest floorLatest Latest Ltest Importations Impraton of ofDRESS ofDRESS ofDRESS DRESS FABRICS FARIC FRENCH CORSETS GLOVES GLVES HOSIERY HOSIERYPARASOLS HOSIERYPARSL HOSIERYPARASOLS PARASOLS PARSL NECKWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS HDKERCHIEFS HDKERCHIEFSa HANDKERCHIEFStca tca a IX 11 SOCIETY SOCIETYI SOCIT1 SOCIETYToday 1 1Toy I Today usher ushe in Holy Week Wok when hen al alsocial al alIca nil nilsocial social affairs allr are supposed suppeed to be b in abey abeyanoe aby abyano abeyonce Ica sewing sewinicircles sewingcircles once ano Members eDbrs of the fashionable fulonble Iwlng Iwlngorclell orclell circles cease Cl their charitable charitble endeavors ende VOr The ThiBadminton TbeI I Badminton Club Cub even will w11 give up its Satur Saturday Stu StudAY Saturday I day Dtn meeting metll and the Pioneer Poner will wi not make rnakilUs makeIta makeits its daily dy run to Ardaley Ardslo and return rtu on OoocFriday Good GoodI GoodFriday i iwt Friday FridayLast Frid FridayLast I Last we wek week k wu far from dull and on Thurs Thursday Ture TureI Thuraday I day night nibt a number nubr of the deferred deferre Hippo Hippodinnersand Hipp Hippodrums I I drme drums partie parties were given ven prod preceded b bcnnon by bydinners dinnersand dinners and followed by suppers J JWalton Rbrt Robert RobertWalton I suppr cnnon Walton Ooelet Oelet was WI one of the entertainers entertainersHo entCrtalnl1 Ho will be the youngest of the eligible eliiblo to tokeep tokep tokeep I keep 10 w1 up a bachelor establishment establlhment at Sew Sewport SwI I II kep port during the coming weapon ta There Therewas here bereI herewas I por dunl oomng in inthe Inthe inthe was a large assemblage aablage on Friday rrdy night al lt of the th Metropolitan MetropolitanClub MetropolitanClub the Ladles Annex Anex Metoplitn MetoplitnClub I Club Ldle when ilr 11 and Ad Mrs Ms Dave llennen llennenMorris lennen HenuenMorris I IMor Morris gave a e a reception rpUon for tbe members membernThe mm membersof rll rllof Mor of te the Rce Radcliffe Club ClubThe ClubThe The final preparations prparatoM for some lome of the thebig tbeblc thebig big Easter Eter weddings 1ddngs will mi be b in order this thisweek thl4wek thisweek week wek and a great gat deal of shopping for bridal bridalgifts bridl bridlgifs bridalgifts gifts gifs will wi bo b done dno Yesterday Yulnla was 1 busy busysocially bUlY busyodaliy i iT socially The members mblll of tho Badminton UadmintonClub Dodrnnton BadmintonClub Club were T out o t in force fon at the thearmory IheI thearmory > I armory Cub of the Twelfth Twelth Regiment Rp mpnt and tho thoofttcere theoflers I II I anory ofttcere and patronessjs patroneeasthe the Messrs T J JOakley JOakley I ofcr Oakley Khlnelandcr lowland Iowld Fell F FAshton Jo JoAsbtn FAehton Ashton OIky de Rhnetncr Perster Mrs Rhlnelnnder RhlPlandar Mrs MrsFrederic MrsFrederic l1 I Asbtn Pefter Frederic Gallntin OoUllla Mrs In Frederic Frderic Sheldon Shldontr SheldonMrs The1donMrs Mrs tr rderit Frederic J do Peygter Ilyler Sire llr Dallas DallasBaehe Dalu Daluh DallasBaxhe Frderc Baehe h Pratt Prat Mrs M Henry lenr C Fjnraet Emet Mro MroOeorge Mmfleorge IN I IGerj Oeorge B Dyer and Mr f Walter Waler Ltapcnard Ltapcnardfor Llpnard LlpnardBuydar LlopenardSuydaxnwCre Buydar SuydaxnwCre Gerj ktpt bu busy whlo while tho gamlI games gamesfor for Mrs de Peysters and the thl clubs cubs band bandHomo hanr handsome M d peterl Homo silver cups went r In on > n The To tennis tennistournament tenlleI tenrdstournament I tomo tournament tulnt elver at up the St Nlhola Kink Hnk ab absorbed abIllorbd a1 a1sorbed ¬ Illorbd sorbed the Ihl attention attCntlon of a crowd of young youngpeople rolng rolngPple youngpeople people and MdwondupCon andwounduprJtofl wound up ts on othiriccaiione othiriccaiionewith Pple with a gay afternoon alteroon afternoontea tea In tho thl ho foyer foyerMr foerMr foyerMr I Mr and Mrs MI George J Gould are ar enter entertaining enlrlane entertaming ¬ taming a week wek end end party psrt lt at t Vorgan Gforjton GforjtonCourt CsorganCourt VorganCourt Court lane Lakewood IAkewo X J Among mon th tllr tllrRMtll their theirguests lr lrguests guests are a James Jae H Hnr Henry < nry Smith Smih who Hail HailTha 8al aiIs aiIsin In RMtll U loulh mouth to slenri IUtl Humlr abroad abrndThe abroadThe The Goulds Oould will wl spenr start stt on Thursday Thudy for thtlr theirlodge thtlrlodgo thtlrlodge lodge in the Cats Ctkle Catskills kills for u brief hreC stay stayForsyth Hta HtaForyb stayForsyth Forsyth Wlckes Wick gave ge his bachelor dinner dinnerlant clnpr clnprlalt dinnerlast Foryb last lalt night at Sherrys Shry His 11 guests gueKII In Includtxl incudo litcluded cludtxl cudo H Rogers Rgre Wlnthrop Frederic JlCierll Ker Kernocban Irnocha Kernochan nocban nocha Robert Rbert Turrbull TWbul Archil rchl old horn Harrl8on Ialrl IalrlSln hornson son Eugene Hale L I Adams and James JamesWadswortb Jnm1 JamesWadsworth Sln lale Wadswortb EUje who wl0 will 111 attend him ns I I rut rutman flt fltman Cotman man und rsVers at his wedding wih I Mice MlfsMarian MlfaMarian MiceMarlen ud cl1er IIs Marian A Paver en the afternoon of Thurs Thursday Thr Thrdy TIroday ¬ e thlllrlrMn day dy April J7 27at pa at St Bartholomews rtholomows Church OiurchOne Curc CurcO ChurchOne One of the Easter Eler week wrk weddlmrs weddlmrsscheduled wldwt wldwtcbeull weddincischeduled scheduled O is II that of Miss Mettle Mtie belle belleQuorrler leUe leUeQuollr BelleQuarnier Quorrler Quollr cbeull and James Victor Ietor McDonald Icllid to totake totlko totake take tlko place In St Thomass Church Curch en e Tues Tuesdnv Tutsdny Tucaday dnv day April 2 26 The brideelect brlceltct who 0 Is I Idauhter n nda5Bhtrof atinughter da5Bhtrof dauhter 1 of Archibald Te Quarrier QUArier of 634 G C3 Park Parkavenuo ParkalnuI Parkavenue avenue Faa been 1I n very III 1 of f late It I Is Isnow I Inow Isnow now alnuI anticipated tfcst r she he will w1 recover Ve Vefore le Latore fore the Inlrpatfd date at set et tt She will wU be attended aUendt by bythe byI bythat I the thf McDonald McDonaldMr Ml Mia Mie s Georgia Georga Belknnp Bllap and nd Josephine JosephineMcDonald JOlphine JOlphineMcDouaid JosephineMcDoiald Mr and Mrs James Speyer SNyer will wi remain remainIn rem I In town tow I until uutl the Ht lt of May Iay and then ttn will willp wU wUg willgo I llaC at Scarborough Scarboroughn place p go > to their country clUllr Srborujh Srborujhn < g n the Hudson ludln They have returned rluft from fromEurope fremEuror fromEurope Europe only oly to prepare for another anotbe trip tripapparently tripappa tripapparentlY apparently Euror as 8 they thee pfpr M sail again P1 in 1 on ° Jllre21 Jllre21and JUTe 21 21I I appa and nd hv rave ty arranged flong theev to 11 remain abroad for forthree forI forthree three months monthsAlfred motlil motlilAlr znuntbeAlfred I Alfred Severln vrin Bourne n = gave his bachelor bachelordinner bachelordinner I IdinMr dinner Alr last night Arthur rtbur K Bourne HourneP BournePodedcC ume i P PericJ PodedcC derick B Barnoi Dmo amee Francli A Georger GeorgerLoul OcorgerLouis S Harold A Dodge Sheldon SheldonF Louis Dewey Iarld Dei fhpdon fhpdonllortln Lul F F Martin Walton Wolon D 1 Day Jamo E Cun CunMneham Cunhlnham Cunhinghuani Mneham and Howard Howad Corless Crle were Wfre among amonghU amonl amonlI amonghis cuSt Tliese will he his attendants attendantsBarnes attendantat hU hi aiticats nll wl > attendant attendantat II0tl with Mln Hattie loutlae loutlaeBarnes I at his wedding 1 Halte 1111 1111M weding Barnes M on Wednesday Weneay April M 2 at the West Westtod Wet WetI WestEnd Church ChurchMrs ChurchMrs I End d Collegiate CoUeglae Cuch Mrs John W Mnokay Mokay and her daughter daughterPrinoess dugMer dugMerPO daughterPrincess Princess 11 dl StlgllanoColonna Stglanoolonna were er the therursU thec1 theguests PO guests of honor hoor last night at a 1 dinner given givenby 1pn givenby I Iby by c1 Mr I o and Mrs Mr CIa Ca cure eut H Mackay tackav acky at attheir atI attheir I their thei country oount roeldenc rldent Harbor Habr Hill nU nUL Rortyn RortynL L I There were many my additional addlUo guessfor guess 1011 1011Cor guestsfor for tbe musicals mUlCle afterward alt Joeef ef floe Hofmann Ho Hotn floemann of the artiste t Mrs Mackay Mackayand Mackayand mann was one al M Macky Mackyand and tn Princess Colonna ColoM o Th h arrived ITh last lastTueedayon 1 I Iuesdayon Tueedayon uesdayon rr the theKalser KAtoerWUhelm Klr Wllhlm Uhelm U will wUjLeo wUjLeotitle leo teotria leothil Tyon title side Ide Jut one moth month ad and are mklnt mklntI makIng makIngthe tria thil the HoterNctherland Hotel Neherlnd Nethetlind their the headquarter3 headquarter3In hMqurten hMqurtenIn I In the loel Utter part rt of May ay and June Juo thoy thoyWill thoywl thoywill Will do a lter deal dtl of enterUUung entalg at their great greatestablishment jot jotMtabUMmnt greatestabUahment establishment wl on Carlton Crltn TerrocoLondon TerrocoLondonPrincess Telo Terrace Lndon LndonPro London LondonPrincess Princess Blanca Colonna Clona Mrs 1 Mackay Mackaygranddaughter MakI MakIj Mackaysginaddaughter granddaughter Pro lddaughter Dan I 1 is to b b hA presented presentedMr prte prtet j Mr t and Mrs Ir Clarence H Maokmy tkr have haveInvited bve haveInvited I Iinvit Invited fuejta for some ame weeks oa ahead ahd for forweek forI forweek I invit week end lel parties IM EarlytaMay EI1in Ear1 In May Jay Mr Ir and andMrs Ad andMrs I Mrs M Oliver Olvr Harriman la HarnIZnnflU will w be b their tber guests gucstaThere it1 guestsThere There will wi be b a smart am turnout tuut in n the theneighborhood theneighborhood neighborhood aelghbrbo of the Seventysecond BTntrlnd street streetentrance streetentrance tt I ItntranC entrance tntranC to Vntral atr Park ou Thursday Thursdaymorning Tbuay ThursdayI I 1 morning to see IO the LadW 1t FourlnEand FourlnEandDriving Fou1Id Fou1IdDving FouMnhIdDriving I II Driving mr Club start st on Its It annual anu parade paradeMrs prado paradeSIr Mrs Dving II Thomas Thom Hastings as president prldent will willbe wijibe 1 1b I be In the lead lead MM Arthur Anur Iselln neo neoJay n nlay noJay Jay b the vloeprosldent vi pfldet of the te club Is ex expoeted exo oxpocted poeted to turn tur out also a will wl Miss M Olady OladyVonderbilt mad OladyVanderbilt Vanderbilt o the newest aowot club member memberOther membr membrOther memberOthers Other Vadrbit who will wl be b feen 8n een on their ooapbea ooapbeaare oob coaches coachesare are Miss Louisa Walker Gulliver Oullr Ml MlAnselloa MIl iiiAngeiloa Anselloa M Gerry O Lus Mls ha Cornelia Crell Bryoe Drc Stiss StissFr MiesFredenica U Urero AnllM Fr Fredenica lerioa Vanderbilt VadtrbUt r Webb Mba Ml Kato KatoCory KateCary ato atoC Cory rero and Miss Adelaide Randolph Radlph Their TheirguoSte Tr Trtl Thtfrguests C guoSte guests tl are likely to Include Incud some Ime of tho thomemberj thome themembers lly members me < r of the te coaolnnK ColtC club cmbMr clb clbM clubMr Mr M and Mrs t W Watt Wait Sherman 8he of 833 833Fifth a usFifth Fifth F avenue eu will w clow c their te town tn houae ionas ionasa a 1 t early < > rly in May ly and go to Newport e1rt for th thseason the the1n theaeaaon season 1n I he MU Miaet 1 es Sherman Shern will wU probably probabll l bo among the debutantes dtbutant of tbe summer summerThe lwe lweThe summerThe The marriage marge o f Lieut Leut Charles Clt P Kelso KelsoV Nelln NellnC Nelsent V S N c and Miss U Loiter Llttr Wheelerdauaht Wheelerdauahtof 1eer Wheeler dught daughter daughterof of Mrs l1 Thomas Thoma H I Wheeler er of 214 Wet WetScntlad Wes WesSoventyseoond West Westleventysecond Soventyseoond Scntlad street Itrt will take tko place a aihe at atthe athe the he Collegiate Cll lte Church Cuh Fifth Fih avenue an ano and andrortyelghth andFortyeighth < rortyelghth strt street on Wenoay Vcdnoeday Apr April Aprilo o MivTMary Mi I Mary 18 L L I Wheeler elr will williilster wi atnd attend her hersister sister a as maid mal of honor and the Misse MisseStella M1seeStehla 1 les lesStela Stella Stela N Wheeler Wheler Helen Illen Vaughan V311fhanl Slvi Sylvia 8111arcJay SylviaBtrclay Btrclay rcJay A Agnes 1 oe lorgan oran Alo Aiilo Ull Soaer OiJ OiJFlorence mder and andFlorenc andFlorence Florence Florenc tnderhill lndtrhU of East Eat Orange wi I b bbridesmaids be bebridlsmad bebridesmaids bridesmaids bridlsmad Richard T Ellis J11 will wU assist assistbe let lettbe assistthe tbe bridegroom as al best It man manThe mo moTto titanThe The Rev Re and Ind Mr Mrs 1bblt Abbott E Kittredg Kittredgof of 711 71 Park avenua 11enu gave a dinner der on Frlda Frldanight Fridy Fridynight Friday Fridaynight night for the bridal brid party of the latter latterdaughter later laterdughter lattersdaughter dughter daughter hiM Elizabeth iuiJtl py BiaUie lnlole Swift Swiftand Swlltand Swiftand and Howard McKesnon llcKebn Kirkland MbSwift Mb MlnSwit MissSwift Swift Swit piosented Jlnted her souvenirs souvenl pearl crow crowpins cown cownri crownpins pins ri The Te wedding U i to take pr place a at 3 oclock oclo < k on Ek Eter Easter t r Tuesday T6d afternoon aternoon I Ithe In Intho inthe the Madison ldon Avenue A enu Reformed lefored Church Cburclat Churchat at FlityMTOnth street strt The ccremon cermony ceremony ceremonywill will 1111 11 ie performed perftned by tho brides bride stepfather stepfatheitbe tbe her lie P F Klttredso KlttredsoVmong Itrede ItredeAmong KittredgeJflong Among Jflong others other sailing MUm fo Europe Europ early erly L LMay In In1y InMay May 1y will wU bo h tbe Rev Rv Douglas Dougaa McLellan an anMrs and andMrs lOdI < Mrs I VoCillan odlan nf n ntat > Cochrano Cochr ne who have havselecteii bve bveIltct1 haveselected selected Iltct1 Mar Iov C C for the date of tbeldeparture their thei theirdeparture departure The he couple will w live in Liver Liverpool Liverpool dePrtue pool 1 where tho Hex He Djuglna Duj1 McLelbn lcLlln I Ithe Is Isthe Isthe the pastor pMCrf nf a Presbyterian P church The Thehad Thy Thyhd They Theyhad byerln had hd a 1 pretty prlty wedding on Wednesday Wedned after afternoon afternoon afternoon noon In 1 tho Central Centrllsbjorl1n Presbyterian Church ChurchThe ChurchThe ChurchThat The marriage mJag of Henry Hen Alfred Alred Schroeder Schroedewith Sbroedtr Sbroedtrwh Schroederwlih with wh Natalie alale Mund will wl be b an event o oVVednoday of offdo ofVeainoday VVednoday fdo flday in Easter Eler week at St 8t Bartholo Bartholoinewn Ilartholotnew inewn t tnew E Church Mr Schroedera Shrder brothel brothelCHiat brotbercmit brotherciIiat CHiat Sfhroedpr hred r whose who own wedding weddlniwith weddlnIth weddingwith < < with Ith Mim l Alexandra White Whle Stevens SlevrD In I ti tilake to toltke totake lake ltke jiluo jia 11 0 cu cn Juno Jua 3 Jamc Jaet Duane Dua Poll PellHamilton Pel Pollhamilton Hamilton laml tcn Fish FI h Benjamin S Duncan Mar Marohaii Ma Marsha sha ohaii h Jr J Chfshlre Chulhr Nash ah Frank Fra U Sim Simmri Sirnmr mri ml and IJiutenants IJfulfn1nt8 Stuart Stuar Hclntzel Hclntzelman Jeinlzl Hclntzelmat man mu and Inl1 Julian Julin A Benjamin DnJamln U 8 I A will wilattend wi attend attn him himMM himtN himMrs MM tN O Ogihy II I g who was MlwCharlotte Mica MicaCharlotte nt8 nt8CuloH Charlotte CuloH Aatorand Ator A4tor Oghy and laUr Mrs J Coleman ColemaiDravton ClemAn ClemAnDraton ColemanDravion Dravton U I over on one of her occasional ocraelonaI occasionalbumnus hln bumnus I nisi n > s trips trps and U I with wih her brotherln brotherlnlaw broterIn broterInlow law and sister ltr Mr lr and Id His Mr M Orate OrnwWllaon Om11on Oratelbaon Wllaon 11on lbaon at their residence lldnc In Fast st Sixty Sxty fourth street strt Mrs r Haigs Uags Ilaig London home ii iiIn 1 I IIn In Brock street Grosvcnor Brk elrct Square SquareMr SqWro SqWroJr SquareMr Mr Jr and Mrs II James Stokfa will mi Mil for foiIXiropo forJrop forEurope Europe Jrop on 1tealy JxiesUay as 1 will 111 also a Mr r anc ancMrs and andMrs Mrs II E Rollins Rlln Mora MoJ Among Amon those tho who whcare whoAre whoare are to soil 81 on Saturday are al Airs Mr John R RHarris RUarr KHarris Harris Uarr and her soninlaw lonInlaw and daughter daughterMr dughter dughterI Mr I and ad Mrs 1 Leland Llad U l Langley Lelp Mrs Ir Jus JusSollgman Jesse JesseSollgman Sollgman Slign and ad MM w Madeline lne Sellgman SellgmanGordon SIRmn SIRmnOonon SelignuinGordon Gordon Oonon Brown a a nephew of Mm M J JPierpont JPiernt JPierpont Pierpont Piernt Morgan 1 1 to l be > e married IMllo to Mi MiCaroline Miss MIMCrlno MissCaroline Caroline Crlno Bogert on April Apr 77 at St 5t Georges GeorgeiChurch Olre OlrehJch Georgeshureb Church hJch Flushing tusbinR L I I Henry lenr I JUoRort JUoRortloorgo DOlort DOlortW Bogort Bogortv W v W r UOlfln hfoppln Jr Jr Frorlo Frederic 1 F 11 10ppt Hoppin HoppinJr Jr Ehi hnlet Poler Potter Arthur howler howlerGeorge owlerGorge Gorge George E1 l hltenden hittendon ltglnld Reginald Wilkef Wilkes and andGeorge anlCcorgo at George loorgo the wedding weddingA wedg Stillman Sliman will wi bo 0 his hi lii attendants attendantsat attndant A pretty prety wedding wedig took place plac on Wednes Wednesday Won Wodneeday ¬ day at St Stephens Church Churh Broadway Broadwayand DroadwlY and Rlxtynlnth fxtynlnth street slrt when MIss MI Rumor ElinorIrosvtnor Eior Eiorr9tnOr RumorlrosvauQr Irosvtnor Teacklc became Ime Mrs llr Rluhnrd RluhnrdVon Rihard RihardYon IlluhnrdVon r9tnOr Von Dannenberg Dtnnenbrj The 10 bride Is I the daughter daughterof rughllr rughllrof of Mrs MI James H 1 Teackle Teckle of this tI city C1 and andpranddau ondrnddlhter andrsnddaughter pranddau rnddlhter rsnddaughter hter of the late lat Lovell Lvel F FMr Py PyMr iurdy iurdyMr Mr Yon Daneher rannenberg IA th tIn elder in son of ofMr ofMr Mr and Mrs fr C W T Von on Donnenbenj Dnenbri of ofClifton ofCllon ofClifton Clifton Stolen Inland The bride was WQ given givenaway IITen IITenalI givenaay away Cllon alI by her ume Majur Lovell Lvel Purdy PurdyOtto Pur PurdyOtto Otto Von Iy Dannenberg Janenbri brother brothtr of the bridf bridfproom brdgom brudgroom groom Oto wa W l batOt > est man and the ushers uhelll were wereJohnston wereArthur woreArthur Arthur gom O Thom Thompson n ad and Frederick A AJohnton AJohnston Johnton Johnston The Rev Rv Dr Seagle Sglo rector rectorof rr rrof rectorof of the church chuh officiated officiatedAmong ofclcc ofclccAmoi ofilciatedAmong Among Amoi the returning rturing traveller of the theweek the1iok theweek 1iok week jvill vtfl be L Mr M and Mrs Mr H Van Rens Renselaer ltns ltns8ler Renaseinor jl elaer 8ler Kennedy who sail 11 on Wednesday Wednesdayfor Wety Wetyfor for this tbi aide They Te went from Italy Ity to toFrance toJro toFrance France Jro recently Jty in i on automobile I anautornoblleH automobileK automobUe K R Duane DUnl Humphrey Humphy who Is to marry marryMl marryMiss Ml Miss 10 a Fannie Flnnle H Ellisdaughterof El Kill dughter daughter of Mr Ir and Mr MrHerman Mrlfcrmafl I Herman Elll EI on Wednssdiy WOadlY April pril J4 J4In 25 2 2in In Iron Trinity Chapel Chpl will 1 give hl h his bachelor bachelordinner lchplr lchplrdir bachelordinner dir dinner next net eit Saturday 8t y night gv at Delmonioos DelmonioosCount Delonloos DelonloosCunt DelxnonlooaCount Count Cunt Maurioe burce Oarrcau GrU de Domba Dmwle Dmwlewhoe Dombasle Dombaslewhose le lewhoie whose wedding < < with wih Miss I Pauline Paulne La L Co Cte Ctewi Coettu Coettuwill te tewill will be one of tbo ho Eastern E r event onnl and Ind will willbe willbe be b wi celebrated clbrled < l In St St Josephs JOepbt Roman Catho CathoUo Ctho Cat ho hotic Uo Church Churh In We Wet West t IMth street rtrt will wi bo b tho tholooond thofond thesecond looond fond Frenchman Frnohmn of title Ute to be married marriedhere marriedhere here this season M aon the Ant tt being bing Count Cunt lfnt lfntj Itn6 Itn6du ltandu du Temple do j Ru ReUgmonL r mont Mi liliss L L I cote coteoutc Ote Otei i 13 that dugbter daughter of Eel meatto L La Cie Code outc who whohas whoh whohas has h largo lr estate olt in Cuba C as well a Q as a aHavana a1oD aHavana Havana residence fideno The Te brideelect brideelet has two twoUter twoitr twosister sister 1oD the Mines lre Lucy LaCojto L La calo Costo and ReaM Ren9La ReOML ReaMLa La itr Co C Coto to who will 11 attend altnd her Rudolph Rudolphvon HUdlph HUdlphvon von L Kramer Kme < will wl bo b the beat bt man manHltlTS In InItllTS manIILIfTS HltlTS ItllTS GLOVE OVSIKSS OVSIKSSAutomcbllo DtSIYEiSI Te The Automcbllo Automrbto Maker lake Hare Cornered Corneredthe the rine fne Hide Jde Market MarketJonxsTorx MarketJouxsTOr larkelJOJTr JonxsTorx JOJTr N V 1 April 18 1Te 15The The auto automobile automobile ¬ mobie mobile has b struck trutk a blow to the glove manu manuaetureni mu mufactU rnanufacturars aetureni factU of Fulton Flton county cunt the centre Cnt of ofbe ofthe the be glove glo trade tradl of tho country The Euro Eurouan Euronian uan p an manufacturers manufactrr of leather 1ther goods god have haveind bn bnbad havead bad such a call for leather I thr articled for th thme thf thfUA8 the theuse arclM use me of automobllist automobletll cal that they thy have practi practiallr prU prUraly practirally rally allr cornered the flue fe mocha moha hide market marketTie mret mretThe marketThe raly The Tie roonuIactureiK cmJ t of this city cty and Glovers Oor Oloverevilla villa 111 manuaturef are disgorging tl hadng many mny of their Ihllr expert expertlaw uprt uprtRI expertaleve law RI 1 cutters the hlgbtyt higiteit paid wearied weariedibowrs lard lardIboNr salaledlaborers laborers ibowrs cte in the country countr because bau no n hides hldrb bd bdrA hidesran ran IboNr b be secured d for them to work upon uponroamifovturer uPn uPnT uponThat rA That roamifovturer mnllfaWlc Ir h hlre bore re say y that the pile prieIf pileIf If T If If fln f fine glove Ilovl will 1 lii be b advanced advad materially materiallyD Irll IrllC C on D account aunt of o th t scarcity It of bide be beu u Le Boutittier Bouiill e Brothers BrothersLaces Brotfetj BrotfetjLaces Laces for Easter Wear WearInctttding WearInadl Inctttding Inadl ncThdIn tn n txttnttot txtnJ ttsoHmtnl Jormtnt of Novelties Nalftl and nd txcttsw tIC SI de destgni te telgfJ designs Point terodtrle rodertc VHnccsst bisk biskCrochtt Vls VlsCrocfl LqsbCroceI signs lgfJ In 1 Htttretqut Mlurlqft a IAiffalUe I it Ndert rness Crochtt Utm MtcMtn Frncbe Seed Ptynnnt PtynnntHtHnu PsystnuMaitnes Crocfl Lltr Iedli AppHqttt pplq t Sld PYlnne PYlnneMlnu HtHnu Mlnu Point Gut and nd n otntr o1t styles st 1 of Net Lucas la Allcbtr 110 4Ilo Nets NttsFloaneing Nt NtFDn91 NetsFiouncbigs Floaneing FDn91 t Galloons Gll or 6k Ending nng t to mtlch mtlchSPECIAL mc mifcASPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIALWhile SPECIALWAIIe While vut Cream SOFT SOF DRAPERY DRERY NETS 45 inefiet Inef round roundtqatrt r rowidsquare nt and nd dUmond tftcb square qa spring prn td flc 69 69c a and nd 89 Dibit rau 98c ad and nd ftlS ftlSCretm 125 125Cream Cream Ca and 1M id white fl Aze FLOUNCING LACES LACE 9 Inches 1 u tatttblc l ldlc for forslttvts losstacy o oSIII slttvts stacy Qc 8 c I J9c c r rquar 35c 45 Colon ColonAn Clon inch mcf SILK SIK CHIFFON CFON GW vd finish flf Bftck White W Ht Cream and tnttColon at andColors 39c 3 9G value lfe 55 55An 55c 55cAz An immense mtn tssoHmenl sormtn of WASH W SH LACES UCS nd INSERT1CNS ISETJCNS all tiluidlfa allqvzdths 1 1J11 uidlfa J11 Alloters Al m sad nd Medtlltons to maids irulcfuA mcl A Itrye ble vtHtty vt arie of narrow nu GERMAN GERMA LACES LACw tnd f INSERTIONS INSERTIONSsura INSTJONS INSTJONSnCIO not nCIO so math mucf in t demand dtnd mtiched 1etd widths widthsWOMENS wdiAsWOMENtS ldtl ldtlWOMENS WOMENS NECKWEAR NECKWEARSPECIAL NECKWEARSPECIA NECK WEAR WEARSPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIALIrish SPECIA SPECIALIrIsh Irish lr Crochet CNc1 COLLAR and nd CUFF CfF SETS SETS Various irDI designs designsOO dtst designs55i OO SSe 55i regoltf rquai gru value lae 75e 75eWhile 75 75Wht 75cVbile While Wht Linen Lnen and Id Piqtte COAT COA T SETS SES plain pr1 and embroidered tm6rodtNd39e embroldesed39r 39 39e and nd 55 SSe regal rgali ftyS5ctnd75c ftyS5ctnd75cA 55e and n 7Sc 7Scd 75co d o A large rue tssorlment of plaIn and nd fancy frc Wtsh WJ Slocks t cb and nd Top Collar ColltrSett Cot Collar3d Sett 3d tl m lit EngJsh Ensl Eyelet ttl French Ffnch embrofaered and nd plain pi Hemstitched HemstitchedVERY Htmstitche JlemsliIcFzedVERY VERY SPECIAL SPEClAICJt SPECL4LSe fysc Point Polf Btlst Blst Embroidered E6fdtrd and ad Crochet CrochetYokes Coc CrocAciYokes tl tlY Yokes Y with stock It ttttched the It ales lest t l f cf Ittd tlt lftlmpolfr imporltlion imporltlion139f n nS S 139f S 169 > S L98 L98Also 198Alo f98Also Also Alo increased assortmxits of Bright rglt new ne Enter Elie Goods Goodsthroughout Goo Goocjjthroughout s stnroughout throughout the Store StoreWest StoreIe StoreLe Ie Bottillier Bouttiler Brothers BrothersWest I West Twentythird T wentt1 rd Street StreetHigh StreetThe t t tI I I f 7 The Unusual St Sti Store StoreHigh I i High Class Clas Silks SilksWe Siks SiksI I We offer ole oer several vealousd lhou thousand and yards yar ol o Lyons Lol Novelty Noet Sal in i moil mot deiif deiiffacconrie dei destable able styles tle of thi this seasons UOI 1abc labrics such ue u Tae Taffeta Raye lmpe lmpnme Sual Surah Surahfacconne facconrie faeone Camcleon Camen o Taffeta Tafeta facconne fcconne Glace Gle Taffeta Taet brae broche Quadrille QudriHeCamdeon Quade QuadeCdeon QuadrilleCameleon Camdeon Cdeon Broderi Broe facconne Meiwlinelte Melinete facconne fecMe Crepe Quadrille QUlde Broderi BroderiMouusHne Boe BrOdetiMousseline MouusHne Mou le Quadrille Qde etc tI This Ti utortment atet U i ii one oe of o the te most mot select det offerings offeringswe ofeng we have presented plente and an a early ealy inspection in ptO will w repay relY those to intereited intereitedSpedal itereted intereitedSpecial Special Spcal price prce 150 I 50 a yard yardVain yard yardValve Vain Vau 150 2S0 to 1 KOO KOOWe 4 4We 40 40We We a aso o direct de directtion attention attn to another aoe shipment spe of o Crepe Cep Shantung Shant in i deor deorable demable dedxable able color clor33 colora33 33 inches icc wide wdeat wideat at 1 150 50 a yard yardSecond yad yardSecond Second 5eD Hoot HootA f fA FloorA A A Vantine Vantne Co CoBroadway C coBroadway Broadway between 18th 18t I and ad 19th I 9th Streets Steet HOLY I1OL OL WEEK WEFle AT 4 TlIK TH CATUEDRAL CATUEDRALlilsborate CATUFOnAL CATUFOnALrabrle CATUEIJIMLLiaborate lilsborate Serrlee llexlnnlnr TtMtay and andCncUnt andRotting rabrle 8en11 ImnnlDI Totr a Rotting Ec With mt Carter rr Sunday SundayArchbishop SundayArchbishop Ur UrAbbihp Archbishop Abbihp Farley Fale opens th that Holy 1101 Week Weekserrloe We Weekperyloei serrloe semo at a the t Cathedral Cathe1 op this l morning moring by byblessing bybi byblessing blessing bi ni the th palms at the 11 1 oclock ocook mass massTbe m massThe The full r ceremonial omonl p of the t day d will wl be ob oblorved o orer observed > served rer and the chanting ctg ot o the Sacred SacredPassion S SacredPassion Passion PQlon will be done by three t deacons den from fromSt from6t fromSt St Joseph Seminary at Dunwoodle N Y TWednesday YWoddy YWednesday JOphl Sm a Dwe Wednesday Woddy Thursday Turdy and ad Friday Fdy after afternoon alte altenoon afternoons ¬ noon at 4 oclock ocook Tenobra Teabr will w be b chanted chantedby c chantedby by the th full choir choi and the te seminarians I auto numbering Du autobering ¬ bering in all ISO 10 voIces ie Oa Thursday Thursdaymorning TbUT TbUTmorng Thursdaymorning morning b ArohbUbop Ahb1hop a Farley Fley will celebrate celebratepontifical clbrat clbratponWo celebratepontlflcsii pontifical ponWo morng high h mas m at a 10 oclock oclk and will willbless wl wlbl willbless bless bl the t holy oils used Ue during durlD the ensuing ensuingyear CDutg CDutgyo ensuingyear year yo At t the close c of the th mas m ma a prooeaslon prooeaslonof of the t obolrs obL seminarians emnararu o priest prat pn pnof and fifty fiftylittle tty ttylitk fiftylittle little litk girls in white wbt will precede the th Area Areabishop A Archbishop blhop bishop g who bo will carry the pe Blessed Bd Bdmet Sacra Sacrament SeersinGot ¬ inGot met to tb t the repository rpltor o In the te Blessed Bi Virgin Virginaltar Tea Teaat Virginsaltar of the dihedral dihedralwhere Cathedralwhere altar In the north transept transpt 01thlI 01thlIwhe at where whe It t will wi nr remain rm exposed ue until u Friday Fridaymorning Frdy Frdymf Fridaymorning oclock Besides th the regular regularmlnUter regularministers morning at 10 Bld tb r rmtr mf a oo ministers mtr at this t mass m there will w1 be s lev seven sevendeacon ven vendeacons deacons dtl and NY seven ven utdeocon luden assisting asaUtingthe t the Archbishop ArohbUbopThursday Ahblhp AhblhpTu ArchbishopThuieday Thursday evening even the Holy Hol Hoar Hol will willbo w willbe bo Tu observed between bwen 8 and 0 oolooK ocooi and andbeginning andbl andbegtnaing b beginning bl obU at 10 oclock oo0 the t men men of o the dL dLforent d ditextuaL textuaL font societies leUe of the Cathedral Q will ob observe o olee ohserve ¬ serve lee the nocturnal adoration oreUoD Bands B of offifty 01dtT offlity fifty dtT or t more mr Do men will kneel kolin In Infront front fro at of o th thUbernocto te tetbl the thetabernacle hour This will ootiaoe ootiaoeuntil ooatlnoeuntil tabernacle tbl for oas bou Ts w cntu cntuunt until unt six ail oclock ooJc In the morning morningOn m On O Friday Ir morning mm1 at 10 oclock ocok tb tbmas t lbs lbsmass mass of the t Presonoined Yo Ue will be b sung sungand au sungand and m the th Sacred d Passion Plon will again agabbe bo b chanted chantedby ohed ohedby chantedby by three deacons There Tere will be b a sermon sermonon trmon trmonon on UlrP th the Poa Pan Passion d ion by the tb Rev f R I 0 Hughes Hugheof Hub Hughesof of the Cathedral and another anoth procession prooeaalonwill processionwill o tb Cthl will ill brine the Blessed Sacrament BnL from the theBlessed lh theBlessed Blessed virgin th BJ altar to tb th the main mt altar altarGood at altarGood Good Bld Friday VI U the th e only onl day dy in tba tbothat year yearthat yearthat that G a fd mass m U 1 Is said 1 without wihut th t the consecration consecrationof cntl of the host hostThere boatThere There tb b will be b a Passion Pulon service er Friday Fridayevening Frdr Frdrevne Fridayevening evening Tflre during dug which whh the th faithful ftithlu como cm to totbe t tothe evne the sanctuary rail rU and kiss 1 the th crucifix crucifixThere crucU cruellixThere There lb lol wilt be another ahr sermon lrn on the Po P Passion Passionin loti lotiIn Tre In the evening wl by b the Rev Rv William WWI B Mar Martin Martin r rti ¬ th tin t of enc the Cathedral Saturday Stu morning morningtb mmlnl mmlnlth morninthe Cb ti tb th the services rvice are a th t the longest Ic of the th week weeknd wee weeand I and nd Mr begin at 8 oclock A pontifical mass maawill masswill oook Patlol bgi I will be b sung a by Archbishop Ab1bop Farley YulT during dulC dulCbh duringwhich i iwhich which bh b h be aUi wfll w will bleis bless I the th holy watertha waer water th the new newfire nw nwf newfir fire fir the paschal schalcndla candle and the tb baptismali baptismal bptsm bpLamaIfont font f i Easter ph Sunday c morning a mjodooj at 1 11 oelook oelookArcbblop oclockArchbishop tot Archbishop Ee Tansy Budy will mml pntlto pontificate 1 ta at high highMcClusksy blh blhm highmass Arcbblop mass jb Fl1 Irn sermon will b be pbd preached 6y 6yth b bthe th the m Je Jesnit Fh Father th the wl f Rev Tom Thorns J JMcCluskey M MMculT McClusksy a former forr assistant ant priest at a the tbeCathedral tb theCathedral Cathedral MculT Cth At the th end ed of the th p mass m Arch Archbishop Arcbblbop Archbishop ¬ bishop Parley will Impart the t Papal bene benediction beo hen hendiction ¬ diction blbop dicl rarl granting stina to t 1p all a the th faithful fatbU Pp present presentPontifical prt prtI presentin in th the attl state of grace a plenary Idul indulgence indulgencePontlflraI C Pontifical I Y vespers spm cc will b t be pr at 4 oclock ocok with withtbe witht withthe the Poatl Archbishop Tpn officiating ot Tb T The musical musicalprogramme mul mulplcm mualoslprogrstome t programme Ablop for tb tb lbs week wk will W be b th t te1tte most mostelaborate toosteLibtelonian tb elaborate e1tte eLibtelonian plcm Cathedral Gregorian OregrD musio mu ever efr given T in intb M C cH H U rh h9 9 FortySecond St StWest SLr Ui r Iwest West of 5th Ave AveSELLS Ave AveSELLS AveSELLS SELLS SIMPLE THINGS THINGSf f Good Go Nlyl Nlyll Pcl Pcla tt715at a at l Low C CA C4t C4tA CciiA A en e n results resultsFOR FOR THE COUNTRY ralca ralcaFOR HOUSE HOUSErianvncs HOUSE1H HOUSETHE 1H THE E DeoraUve Parhanlnru ParhanlnruWALLS Paperhanglngig PaperhanglngigWALLS rianvncs I JapaneSe oapanee Crass rau Cloth WALLS Burlap Brlap and ad Iiuekrams IiuekramsTUP DUlkrm fluekrarnjTHE THE TUP iMeiiuoii MeIU1 rucitrie aaClrle nnn IthgiFLOORS I sand and Carpel arpela b by > the he Yard FLOORS I Morrti orrll Filling Fllnp F lungs and Unarrle Unarrlerur Oblrr OblrrT tlhurrleeTHE anl rur THE E I SlnaTipore Lattice LatIloeDraperies Draperies flnppore Lattee Drperle T lt t I iir iirWINDOWS Uomtpun Ilomespun Arr Areas CIOlh Clot s DOORS rAlonal ColonIal Casement Mnhnt Mnung WINDOWS AI Oldtme ldIme ChntU Chlnties and New ow Cretonne ret000eut t match matlb Piper Pipergr Papea PapeaI PapersuIiiiiioN FURNITURE I laldTulht hiaudwrought tJGiiiwON uIiiiiioN f 15 101 llowg llowgI I E Easy EUb Real sb hshlon hshlonI bto I gr THE UehUOU Sfeh UGh Furniture iJJodt f rit ritManhattan M MtIcacltaecndi Manhattan JI tIcacltaecndi an < t n and onl i nrt ni n tn fsso4 He tod lul E > tu Ja era sreAt lre eraap1 3 ap1 I cIut cIuttt a pf i cJugf 0 At tt Ui slga of itt It Popnlir fopala Sh Sbp Sbpl Skop SkopI p pTradt l Tradt Tf Mark Mar Mau Rtgd RtgdDrink RI1a RI1aDrink RsgaDrink Drink DrinkNEW DrinkNEW DrinkNEW NEW YORK BOTTLING BOTTLNO COS COSiUIDlJiru COotsIDIJYEJL COSdvDutRAYyEReoLEN iUIDlJiru IDIJYEJL dvDutRAYyEReoLEN YffEHDOUSN C CHigh UYHN UYHNHigh IYWf > High Hgh Grade GradeQINOER OrodeGNOER GradeiNGR QINOER 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I M rite d da le 11 Paula PaulatroD I from UoiuUr OId M WI Mao U I ta t WtacMdiv WCHISr lur lurA H 4 1 tIta tItaciILEcEloNorckafl 11 t A LAI fiE ciILEcEloNorckafl UjKrrON ION OF OUJErs OW Cu n nVALVABL DART DARTantI DARTantIVAkHL U < VALVABL VAkHL LII tA l CtHIOSlTIKS t tHlOS TIF SIrS aaelenl rlel mtdlt mtdltbtlontlrjt mtdltvU Ircn AM AMM a o4 o4rieaslRuatce rieaslRuatce aUc btlontlrjt beloniIe lor to ibe lite liteM 1W M MICHEL MI oJHtrtte U1 HO HOT HOTCoravrteiir Stiltccsariuetu T Toraec Coravrteiir PorccUln En Enacuals m el l ouuw UiaMwsre rc En Enrravtd El Enred oraec red JtvcU Peo Ivories 11 lU U tlle Leather th r Artlrln Arl I Cvtlcnr CvtlcnrAmu ltcr atitryAnna lrar4 Anna AiUnut Uqu Palatlnri PalUnr Clocks Coda Uald Uod Object ObjectBrcmxr ObJtI ObeeIi ObeeIiOreates Brcmxr r Furniture t1mlul 1 lapntrtr lle Tnllle Tnl lililct lililctpntVATE hblt hbltPJAT 1 rIca rIcaPpIVAU pntVATE DrOl VIEW fittiirdtr U Jr r a ITBUC ITBUCVIEW ltDUOIE flUQ flUQV V PJAT VIEW IE W sudar II4r hay I Ilur4 II I 4 from trm I UU ii I r I Ict XI XICaptain IL ILCaptalA Captain ct of IL J U W 1 Savaie 1 Yacht aMt Dead DeadNonrouc Ded DedNOIOL DeadNoaro1 Nonrouc NOIOL Vo Va April Apr lSCapt Cpt apt John 11 IIVood 11Wo 11Wood Wood of Camden N J died suddenly ludden thinornlng this th thismorning morning Wo Be was here be attending attng to the theefltUng thertt therefitting refitting moml < of the te steam t te am yacht yaht Marjorie aorie be beonglng b belonging o rtt W Savage the theatrical theatricalr theatricalifo longing lo U to > Henry nll 8 teatrc r t Wa l mother moth arrived aV yetrdy yetrdyfor Hmy esterdayr r rmo I mo ifo for r the purpose ptino of taking a tr trthe tp tpO tnon okCtE O on the yacht at Capt Ct pf Wood Wo was w M a yean Yu o 01 tE tE2h 2h rn