OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, May 08, 1905, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1905-05-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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t ttt Hair l II r and cooler 1dbltcArbLfreEOOee today IJrn8uo showerst showerstI
i4 i4L i4I
I 1101 YOU OL UmJU250 UXIL1 250 NEW YORK YO 1tK MONDAY MAY 8 1905cobvrrcM 1905 19 0 5co c fan rr iw 1000 sy v ra rAlhlll TA gun jwiuisa on and PubfsMso hIMAIocttijow M AeoeUan An < utto PRICE TWO CENTS
oppressed The Sons San Despatch Tcllto TclltoHow Te1llnJr Te1llnJrlIow Teltlogflow
How tn tile Ship Were Taking On C CI Coal CoalProYlllonVNlfI CoalL
I and Provisions ProYlllonVNlfI Vessels Arrived li liChlnaBeaDangeroaslyfihortofMapplle In Int IngdnaSea
t ChlnaBeaDangeroaslyfihortofMapplle ChlnaBeaDangeroaslyfihortofMappllei O11na gdnaSea Sea llanseroaslyhort > > nlooIlY libo or 80PPIIN 80PPIIN7J1D
rrom TW Snr C I Corretpondeat at a Honikoor HoatkongHorosoNo HonikoorHONGKONG UODrkOlirHOOONO
HONGKONG May 7 7Followfnl Following is the thecable tbrcable thorable
cable despatch addressed to o Tun SUN 01 01April on onApril onApril
April SO which th the French authorities a aSaigon at atSaJgon atSaigon
Saigon refused to allow to be transmitted transmlttafrom transmlttfrom transmittedfrom < <
from that plaoe baling their action 01 01Articln on onMUcl1l onArticle
Article 7 of the telegraph convention conventionMy
My ly visit to Kamranh Bay and my per personal perroansl personal ¬
sonal obeervatlonahave observations have convinced m mthat me methat methat
that without French assistance in allowing allowingtha allowingtho
the Baltic fleet to rendezvous at Kamranl KamranlBay KamranbBay KamnnhBay
Bay and to receive the fullest supplies o ocoal ot otloaJ ofcoal
coal cattle water and fresh and other otheiprovisions otherprov1loM otherprovieions
provisions and to make full UM of the thiFrench tboFrencb theFrench
French telegraphs the Russian fleet would woulchave wouldhave wouldhas
has have been in sad straits When they ar arrived arried arrived
rived on April 1 16 they were dangerousshort dangerous dangeroua1yIbort
short of supplies suppliesThe aupplleeTho upplleeTho
Tho fact that Kamronb Is a magnificent magnlfioenlbay macnU1centhay
hay which Is held by the Marquis Bart Ba t4lemy t4lemyPontalle lem lemPontalls lemy lemyPontallll
Pontalls who as concessionaire con lonalre Is allowed allowedto
to receive r he cargo and transship it without withoutIts
Its passing through the French customssuggeeta customs customstuggesM cuetomsuggeet
tuggesM prearrangement with the knowl knowledge knoWlr knowledge ¬
r edge < lRe of the French Immense quantities quantitiesof
of f coal and other atoree have been stored storedat ato atoat
at Saigon with the full knowledge of the theFrench tboFrench theFrench
French authorities that they were for th thUM the tbouu theuse <
UM of the Baltic fleet for months past pastready pastready pastready
ready for transshipment transshipmentThe
The reprovislonlng of the Russian ves vessel veaIe ye ¬
sel Ie proceeded under the direction of Prince PrinceLleven PrinceLeTen PrinoeLsren
Lleven captain of the interned In rned Russian Russiancruiser RUMlancruls Russiancruiser
cruiser cruls r Diana Be was assisted by byGinsberg byGlnsberl byGinsberg
Ginsberg a Russian naval na at contractor contractorwho contractorwbo contractorwho
who came to Saigon for the purpose The Thecaptains Thecaptalna Thecaptains
captains of French and Oerman vessels vesselsreceived vesstlireceived TefMhreceived
received enormous sums for carrying the thestores theIItores thestore
stores from Saigon to Kamranh Bay BayDuring DayDurD1 flayDurs
During Durs ig nearly the whole hole time that the thefleet thefteet thefleet
fleet was replenishing 1U It supplies no at attempt atUmpt attempt ¬
tempt was made by the French Govern Government Oovernment Governmeat ¬
ment to check this violation of neutrality neutralityuntil neutralityuntlJ neutralityuntil
until I cabled to Tar Sax what wee actually actuallyoccurring actuallyooourrini actuallyoccurring
occurring Then about April 73 Admiral AdmiralDe AdmiraJDe AdmiralIle
De Jonqulres Jonqul ree the French naval com comrounder comrMnder comsander
rounder advised the Russians to cease ceasetaking ceaaetakinl ceasetaking
taking aboard supplies and to hasten theirdeparture their theirdeparture theirdeparture
departure from French territorial waters watersThe wateraThe waterThe
The Admiral then left for Whatrang after afterarranging afterarranginl afterarranging
arranging with an agent at Kamranh Bay Bayto Bayto Bayto
to telegraph him when the Russian t left WtInstead leftInstead leftInetead
Instead of leaving the Russians con continued oontinued continued ¬
tinued their work as tefor e On the average averagethree avealethlO vergethree
three transport arrived daily tad Ad war warhips war1lp wareblpef
eblpef hips 1lp entered o the harbor coaled and Ad de departed dea departed ¬
parted a tod using the harbor a u a base Ad Admiral AdJnJral Adnrlral ¬
miral De Jbnquieres Jonqu ree returned on April U Uafter Etafter C I Ialter
after further remonstrances had been made madeto madeto madeto
to Franco by Japan The Russians left leftth leftthe leftLb
th the following morning thus having ha had hadt badten
t ten days in which to receive the fullest fullestpupplles tuUe fullestEuppllee < < t tuppllee
pupplles They only left however when whenfhelr wbentbelr whentheir
their transports were empty emptyTour emptyYour emptyYour
Your correspondent oo pondOt1t personally boarded boardedthe boardedthe I Ithe
the French steamer Quangnain which had hada I
a full cargo of contraband which was wasbetng wsabeing washehig
being discharged under the superintendence superintendenceof
of two Russian paymasters Junks and andother andother andother
other boats were carrying these supplies suppliesto
to the Russian cruisers In the presence of ofth otthe ofthe
th the French flagship the cruiser Descartes DeecarteaThis De DescartesThis < < cartM cartMIbIs
This wide stretching of neutrality enabledthe enabled enabledthe enaHIedthe
the Russians to proceed and intercept interceptneutral Interceptneutral I Ineutral
neutral vesselt TOelle The Russians are now nowfully nowfully i ituUyatocked I I
fully tuUyatocked stocked thnnni to the French allow allowIng allowIng
Ing them for ten days to convert Kamranh KamranhBay KamranhBa Kamranhflay
Bay Ba practically into a Russian naval bare bareTbe baseThe I
The action of the French is in striking strikingcontrast strikingcontrast i ieontraat
contrast to the attitude of the Britishauthorities British Britishauthorities
authorities at Hongkong and Singapore SingaporeThe
The latter are stopping steamers on the thelightest theUGbt theslightest I
lightest UGbt st suspicion that they are carryingcontraband carrying carryingcontraband carryingrontraband
contraband contrabandFron contrabandFrog I I
Fron a cable despatch addressed to toTnz toTnz toTna
s I
Tnz SUN on April W the French authorities autborltltOUmlnatoo authoritieseliminated authoritieseliminated
eliminated the th following rol101lin Four Russian Russiantransports nuaalanIrareporta ItussianIraneporta I
transports are still It ill moored at f Saigon SaigonT Bailonlbre algonmere
mere T > ler they are taking aboard supplies suppliesYour aUPPUMYour euppiaYour
Your correspondent oolTt6p nd nt left Saigon on May Mayt MayUd
t wd passed In the river four Russian Russianl RussianIrarwIoIts I IIrazlllOltB
IrazlllOltB l rajiti01 ts that were taking coal aboard aboardTley aboard11t aboardTrey
Trey 11t vrere to follow the Russian fleet fleetOP fleetlrp fleetfir
OP fir lrp French and four German steamers steamersfil
I Is9
fil 11 laden la < lorlo were also there Inside Caps Capsft
ft June were the German emlan steamers Milos MilosTrrta Milosr Milosrert
Trrta r rert rt a Meckkinbourg > Talmo Caardenerd Caarden CurdenItrd i iurd
urd Vc6lpholln laden and the Bodenia Badeniarztavia i iratafia IfilleuI
ratafia Artffilla Art era la and Betlumia empty emptytoe emptyIhc j jUo
Uo toe pilot of the steamer on which your yourcorrespondent yourOrr yourcorrespondent
correspondent Orr pondMt traveled stated that seventy seventyf
f ff w More transports tra lports were expected ted at Cape CapeI j jJames I IEI
EI I James i itlPiVS IUl5 sI1Pl1S
Gcvernnsent orrnmrnt Called On to Act Vigorously VlgoranslyAcalnit Vigorouslytalnsl lsoroDllrcalnlt
Acalnit France FranceSftcM Franceh
b h SftcM 5pc ctttt ntiptltkti to r TEX Sun SunTOKIO
1 TOKIO 1o uo May a 7 TThero Them is rapidly rapldlylncreaa Increas t tIng IInl jIng
Ing resentment at allho the he ineffectual character oharacterr j
d f French neutrality in IndoChinese Indo Chineee waters watersEven watersEden I
Even the responsible paper papersare are joining joiningho
Ih the ho demand for Independent action on onI onthe I Iih I
ih I the part art of Japan raying rayingWe sayinglie
We hold the French promises prorm to be beUK belilt bersxrely I
UK rsxrely rely falsehood fall hoodto Japan is suffering sufferingmilitary sufferingmilitary utrerlngmilitary
military loss owing to Frances violation violationof j jof iof
of neutrality We ad advise rise the Government Governmentlo
lo act in accordance with th International Internationallaw
law It cannot be helped If we are oom compelled oomJIeIled oompelld
pelled to bombard French territory Japans Japanal Japansshotention j
abstention ItJt ntlon from claiming compensation compensationfor
for the Kamranh Bay affair is cited dt < < as proof i iof If uof
of f her desire d lre for amicable relations with withranee J I Iyanre
France ranee but it is declared that Japan cannot cannotendure canno cannolnduro cannotcnduro
endure more breaches of neutrality neutralitytrance neuualltytrancolt neutralitymnce
trance trancolt mnce It Is I maintained iueps k tJepe epe bar Indo IndoChinese IndoChlneHJ IadoChinese
Chinese ports and harbors unguarded unguardedholding uncuarded110ldlng unguardedholding
holding the bulk of her fleet nee at Saigon and andleaving andlann andt
leaving lann t the coast free to the Russians RussiansTho nUIl1anThu RussiansThe
The o induct of France is obviously not no noInkitentlonal notnntntentional i iunintentional
unintentional negligence England Amer Amerl Amerboa
l boa Holland and China have taken precau precaution preesutiona u uli ¬
tion li > nl to guard their neutrality whereas whereasthe where wheretLe whereasthe
the neutrality of Franco rusts ta merely on onwords onworda onwords
words The Ib fact that all the reports of ofthe ortho ofthe
the movement of the Baltic fleet emanate emanitfrom eman emanatefrom te tefrom
from mftrohantmen proves pro that th the Frenob Frenchorgans Frenoborgan Frenoborgans
organs of communication are acting actin Ip
Russian interest In t Franc h has thus Joined JoinedRussia
I I Russia RutalAln in opposing Japan
LoNDON May la1 BTh Toklo correnpon correnpondent
dent dentot of ihoTtltgrafh the Ttlrgrar h says that In response responsej rMponi
j to Japans second protest Franc ha haIntimated hall hallIlntlmated hasintimated
Ilntlmated Intimated that the Baltic fleet has been beenordered bxsni n ni
i ordered to leave Hongkobe Bay It ii iij IIi isbeleved
j believed be Yed that Admiral Rojestvensky will willmake willmako willmake
make a new base at Lengsol south Ith of the theisland thebland thebland
bland of Hainan HainanThe IIahianThe IfalnanThe
The 7me Tlmea Toklo correspondent says saysthat Irathat ayethat
that even when hen the theoounlry country WM on the theverae theverge h hverge
verge of war the Japanese press did not notshow notahow notshow
show greater excitement and Indignation Indignationthan IndignAtionthan indignationthan
than at preeont Even the most sober soberj
i j journals declare that Franco has u virtually
1 taken up arms against Japan JapanReferences
I References to the AngloJapanese alll alllI
j i ance are assuming n tone of marked Im Imj impatience
j t patience It la plainly stated to bo Eng En Enland EngI
j I land lands a duty to prevent Interference by a athird athird athird
third party equally In the interests of her heraly heralyand heraly
aly alyand and for the sake of the worlds World a peace peacej
j It t Is declared impossible Impoe lblo to plead longer longerinattention longerInattention
4 inattention on behalf of France rance She is feevidently isi Isdellberatoly
evidently deliberately placing every everyfacility ery erytaclUty
i facility at tho disposal of the Russian Russiani Ru Ruselansthereby ealanA ealanAthereby
i thereby constituting herself the latteij latteisactive latteijj
j active ally On France alone will rest the theresponsibility thereeponslbiUty
responsibility for carrying matters matt ll beyond beyondj beyondthe
j I the realm of diplomacy
The newspapers challenge France to toabandon toabandon toabandon
abandon her double faced dealing as un unworthy unWorthy unworthy ¬
worthy a great Power and declare frankly franklyfor tranklyfor franklyfor
for Russia They say that whereas the theFrench thoFrencb theFrench
French nation was sa recently revered as the theincarnation theIncarnation theincarnation
incarnation of liberty and sincerity It Ithas Itbsa Ithas
has now incurred deep discredit by its breach breachof
of faith faithThey talthThey faithThey
They question whether France has fully fullycounted tuUyoounted fullycounted
counted the cost of earning the enmity of ofthe ottbo ofthe
the newly arisen Oriental State They Theydeclare Thoydeclare Theydeclare
declare that she baa created a situation of ofthe otthe ofthe
the gravest nature since It is conclusively conclusivelyproved conclusivelyproved conclusivelyproved
proved that she has oonnlved at flagrantly flagrantlygross nagrantlyI flagrantlygross
I gross violations of her neutrality to the thegreat tbet thegreat
great t Injury of Japans vital rltallnterNta rltallnterNtaThe interests interestsThe InterestsThe
The united chambers of Japan are con concerting concertlnlr concerting ¬
certing measures to cease all commercial commerciali commercialtransactions
i transactions a with French citizens citizensST clUze a aST
ST P PJ Pxuasnnno > TEIIS KRSBBnp t7nIJ May 7 7dmlral Admiral Rojest Rojestj Rojestvenaky
j vensky vena is in frequent communication with withheadquarters withI withheadquarters
I headquarters through Saigon but It Is Isthought Isthougbt lethought
thought that ha went northward after leas leasI leavj lea leaIng
j ing Kamranh Bay No o information is isgiven Isgiven ingiven
given though it Is admitted that his Imme Ironicdlatn ImmeI immediate
dlatn destination Is I knownThere known knownThere knownThere
There is a tendency to Ignore the rev revowed re reI ren
I owed n wed Japanese protests against the al alI alleted alseed
I seed violations of French neutrality A Afew Atew Afew
few newspapers commenting upon the pro proj protestaooatend
j U telaoontend ts contend that there has been no novtola novtolaIon viola violation Iola IolatJon
Ion even If the fleet baa been hI > en In territorial territorialwaters terntoriWatera territorialwater
waters watersIts waterIts WateraIta
Its stay at Jibuti and Madagascar la ladted I Icited iscited
cited asproof as proof of oUbe oftheFrench tbo French attitude att tude Naval Navalofficials Navalomclais aval avalollclals
officials when asked uk bow a definitive pro proi protest protest
i test by France would ould be regarded replied repliedthat repliedI
I that it depended altogether on how it was wasI wasworded
I worded wordedOXLY wordedONLY
I Uttle Fighting Recently Sa SaI > i a Japanete JapaneteReport JapaneseReport i ij i
j Report Reportmm ReportFron
mm T Ten SVK Cotraipondent Con wpondmt at a t Tokta ToktaTOKIQ TollttToco Tok1oToaro
TOKIQ May y7An 7 7An An official iclal report issued issuedtoday I Itoda I
1 today toda shows that there has been only a alight asllghadvaaoe I I
allgbadftDOe light advance in the Tunghwa regionand regionandthe
the Changtu district dl trict The only fighting fightinghas figbUngbu fightingbaa
has been cavalry skirmishes skirmishesTbe skirmishesThe
The subscriptions to the fifth domestic domesticloan domeetloJoan domesticloan I
loan are roughly estimated estlmat < < to have been I IIlOO000000
500000000 yen Foreigners subscribed aubscb un noder under under ¬
der 10000000 yen yenIMPERIAL yn yenIJfPE6IAL I IIPERIL
Coroner Corner Seholer lholtr Says 1I Mr 1 Gray Orr Wan aa Xot Xotan > ot otan otan
an Octoroon and nd Mas al Never ever Married MarriedMrs JtarrledMrs IamtdM
Mrs M J W Gray as a she called cled herself herselfwhp hllelf hllelfi herselfwhp
i whp committed cmtt suicide auede at the Hotel Hottl Im Imperial IraI ¬ i iI
I perial Saturday Stuay morning waa buried burit yes yesterday ye yesterday ¬
afternoon in Kenslco Cemeteryl Cemetery CemeteryCharles
terday teay aftrnon Kenslc Cmetery I ICale
l Charles H Maxwell of the Standard Standar Stor Storage Storage ¬
Cale I Iage
age Warehouse Warhouo where she Ihe bad ba furniture furniturestored fumltuo fumltuoatr furnituretoed
stored atr arranged age for her burial bural in accord accordance acor accordance ¬
ance anc with the request n t made mdll In a letter she sheleft eheleft he I Ileft
left addressed adree to t him Mr Maxwell fawp1 and andMrs andMa
Mrs Minnie Miie Grace Sanford Bfor with wih whom whomMrs I
Mrs Mr Gray lived at different dllnt times tlm attended attendedthe atMde attendedthe I
the Interment IntermentMr Interet InteretMr
Mr Maxwell Mawel to whom whol the te woman con confided con8dd ¬
fided things regarding her past life lifewould lifewould
Cde many may thlnC regrdlnl he pas lte lteWoud
would Woud not talk yesterday yesterdayI temoy
1 suppose I am the administrator Imnl8trtor of ofMrs ofMrs i
Mrs M Grays OraY1 IIUPp property as 8 for t as she couldmake could couldmake culd culdmko
make mko roe so 1 he said Id In I conformity conformitywith cntonnly
with wtb the letter lettr she left lef for me I have re retalned rev I i islued
slued ted the property proprty she has stored stor here herewhich herewhcb herewhich
which whcb Includes Incue household houhold furniture furiture and andsome andsome I
some very ery good go oil paintings pting and I expect expectsoon expt
soon In to be b empowered to take possession possessionof plon
of what other empwer property she left let I have haveths hI havethe i itbe
the facts about Mrs MI Gray In my hands handsand handsand handsand
and will Wi publish pubU b them in a day or two twoCoroner toCronor twoCoroner
Coroner Scholer holer said Mi the woman in his hisJudgment hisJudgent binjudgment
Judgment Cronor was A not on octoroon otoro although althoughpersons albough alboughpraon althoughpersona
Judgent I Iber
persons praon In New Orleans Orlens who any they knew knewher ke knewher
her say ay she was wasSh wi wasShe
Sh Sbl She was never married mared said ad the Coro Coroner Cr Crner Coronor
what she ehetold shetold
ner From Fm letters and from Iho Ihotok
told Mr Maxwell Maxwel I gather gthor that her family familyname famiy famiynamo familyname
name was Gray Ory and that tbt she was Wa a single singlewoman singleWom singlewoman
woman I do not know who J W V Gray Grayof Orayor Grayof
of Wom Chicago CcafO Is 1 The Tlo Leila Liia Parker Paker to I whom whombhe whomhhe whomshe
she leaves levO her property she Iho describes dOrib as asher aaher asher
her former torer maid mat She fh said ad she had hl no norelatives norelaU norelatives
relaU relatives She went to an a Ursullne Uraulne con convent oonet convent
vent et in New Orleans Orl on 6 a girl Jrl About Abut two twoyears twoyear
years ago h hr r brother whose who w nose name was wasGrar 1aa 1aaOrr wasmy I
Grar rera Orr my and ad who wn wal wnc In business lulnf In New NowOrleans > ow owOrleans I IOrIM
Orleans died leaving leavingher her IJOOOO 2000 I gather gatherthat gatherthat I Itbat
that OrIM different dlnert die men helped her spend apnd this thisThere thsThere thil
There are notes hflp from a roan ma who signs signshimself signshimself
himself hmol himselfthehracies Tere thehracies the Charlie Cale rc not oontluly contl which ualhy show plagJr plaada plaadatiny that tt they tiny tinyarenottes I Iquent i inre Iplaye
quent nn tor exmpleTe exmpleTeare Webbwarning
bet Synby a named
are noted from trm a man m named name Webb warn warnin wa
in ing her heragainst against Charlie CharlieDr
Inp Dr Scholer said Chale ChaleD that tht he still sUI has the letter leter leterWhlcb letterwhich i iwhich
D SMler e be to Charles CharlesA
which the woman left to given I Cle I IStoneha
A Stoneham Stoneha Wom and will wil ke kep keep p gve It until ut Stone Stonebam Btoneham Stoneham
ham calls cll for It ItFAST ItFtST it itFAST
Man lan Bleeding DeeS to t Death DeatbAbulan DeatbAInbclanee Ambolane e Dot DotNearly Dr DrNerl DoesNearly
Nearly Nerl 8 Miles N In n II Mutates MutatesOne MiD MucutesOne tN tNOn
One On of the th ambulances ambunO of the th J Hood HoodWright Ud UdWrigbt HoodWright
Wright Hospital IIlpltal made a fast run r early ely yes yesterday y y yterday ¬
terday morning to Eighth Eghh avenue vnue and ad 141st 141ststreet 11t 11tar 141ststreet
lery street mrg The round ru trip triplmwbt somewhat less 1 than thanthree tbr tbrthr thanthree
thr ar three miles was Wa covered over in I eleven elevn minutes minutesThe mute muteTo minuteThe
ambulance m could not go direct It had hadto h badto
The ooud nt di
ab g
To to go south luth to Ktth 12 h street Itrt to turn east eu eastWben j jWhen I IWn
When g the call came in Firefly which wbl is lithe lithebest tha thabest
Wn best horse c they c have ever had at the hoe hosnltaL h hoepltal
ev b
nltaL b br and Dominick Dmk Langton loon the driver driveriurted dT dTed driverstarted I
started pia ed a out for a record recordThe rrd rrdT recordThe
The message ou came over the telephone tekphon to toDr t toDr
Dr T Severance mg that c a a man had b been bn run r over overby Orb overby I
D 8rn hth avenue electric car and that thatbe thatbe
Eighth El tbat
by an
elr o
be b was a E bTiedinf b to nu death deathJ deathCharles dab Charles Cl Devlin DTln I Iof Iot fof
of b 904 Wi WeitlJSth W Wed 12 17Yt street sr had b J his b lea kn leg lg cut cutoff c cutoffabovetbeknee
off offabovetbeknee a above the knee The TubuaurPn TubuaurPnWben TheambusnoenUrgeon TheambusnoenUrgeonwhen ambulance surgeon surgeonwhen
orrabtbk when be reached the spot saw IW that th the theHe tbem themans
rb IPt
h I Itime
mans oton condition wan eerioua Iru a and It lost n no
time m In getting him Into the abu ambulance ambulancelie
He tme 0 told Laneton ztng to get a move m on on anoii anoiiwas ad and itwas It ItWa
tld Llon minutes from the time timenSoS timethe
eleven n
was Just JIJ 11 mlnule fm tm tmtbecl
the Wa call Clln cone In utU until the m man wa was p1 placed on onthe
l tbecl the nSoS nSoSAT operating tabi in I the accident d w wlT ward wardAT
Hoe wedding sitter It r a at advaolarMos advaolarMosCialortw lt peters petersplabtsa <
Cialortw eJrs Fce tmC fret ddIC 1 Urrraod rn JieaM J lat > ccnl a IrA ding IarA pt Arr <
Ixteh the Only node nde In n th the Party Prr bn bnThey but ot otTl
I They Tl Tote Voielllm 011 1m Illm All Al Right nltPNdet nltPNdetTlkl RightPresdent RightPresdentTalka Preslden PresldenTalks
Talks Tlkl lo a Crowd Cd Who 1 Insist Iullt on onI i iHpeefh a aspeechJodrnry
I Hpeefh HINhJn speechJodrnry Journey mrr Home lome Begins Otll Today TodayGLEN TIar TIarI TodayGnzrwoo0
I GLEN OLNOOD Gnzrwoo0 WOOD Spmvos SP I1CI Col Cl May 7 7Prl 7Prldent 7 7President Presl Presldent
dent Roosevelt Roult spent apnt fljndsy much muh u hi hidoe ha hadoes
I doe when at home hol In Oyster Orer Bay Dy or a ai at atI
i I the White House 1I0U In Washington Wsahlngn He at ati a attended
i tended church churh in the morning took tk a drive drlnIn drl drlI drivein
In the afternoon atern and an had dinner at a the thiusual theUual theusual
I usual Uual hourThe hour hourTbe bur burTh
The only variation In the Sunday
Th onlyrlon th Sudy pro program proI program
was an address this afternoon afternoonAt
gram gm a addr thi afern aferndinner
I At dinner to tonight nlght the President Freeldnt had hd ai aihis as ashs
his hi guests tbe scoots aooh who wb accompanies accompanieshim ampni
I him hi on gl his hi three weeks wb hunt hut In the Rookies RookiesSecretary Rol RookiesSecretary
Secretary ra Loeb Dr Lambert LbPr of New York YorVand Yorkand Yorkand
and Phil Fhl Stewart Stewar of Colorado Clord SpringsAfter Springs SpringsAfter Bprg
After Ater dinner diner the th President PIldent boarded the thaprivate theprhte theprivate
private car Cr Rocket Bocke on which be will wlpnd wlpndtho spend spendthe spendthe
the night HA 11 said farewell tarewel to tbe scouts scoutson IUts IUtson scoutson
on the car cr and they left lef him hi expressing exprll thehope the thehope
hope hop that he would corns em back bk soon In and andday andetay andstay
day longer longerTonight longr longrTonight longerTo
Tonight Tonight To nlght In the banquet bquet ball bal of the Hotel HotelColorado BotelColorado HotelColorado
Colorado there wa WR was a fitting fttli climax cimx to the themost themot themost
most mot successful luCful hunt hut of recent rt years yra in intbe I Inthe
the big game section sio of the Rockies le and to tothe totho tothe
the moet mt enjoyable ejoyble outing outng that tt Mr SIrvRooe SIrvRooevslt MrR Rooee Rooeevolt
volt slt has hl had in yers 1r The Presidents Presidentsguests Ilidets Ilidetsg6tl Presidentguests
guests g6tl of honor were the hardy hunter hunterwhose butnl butnlwhO bunterwhose
whose whO zeal Aal and perseverance plro made it I pos possible p poeBible ¬
sible to n great eAt extent eJteat for the Presidents Presidentsparty Pldets Pldetspry Presidentsparty
party pry to quit qut the mountains moutai I with the ab abnormally abnormally ¬
normally normly lug bag bg of ten te bears ra and four fourbobcats tourboh fourbobcats
I bobcats bobcatsThe boh bobcatsThe ta taI
I The Te hunt was WI run rn all al over o r again at the thadinner thoI
I dinner dner and ad each and every er bear b and bob boboat bb bbOIIt boboat
oat was wa slaughtered alaugbtr anew anW Old Jake JakeBomb Jakerh
Bomb Borb rh the famous Colorado Cloro guide d sat et on onthe onI onthe
I the right righ of the President Pdent while wble Johnny JohnnyGoff JobnnyI JohnnyGoff
I Goff Gt next only to Borah Bor in importance importancesat Ip ree reeI
I sat at at his left lef Scout Sut Wells Weil the third thir guide guidewas gde gdewa guidewas
was wa there attired atir In a hickory hickry shirt lrt and a abrand abrand abrand
brand new pair of blue jeans JM His H only onlyconcession ony onyI onlyconcession
I concession cno6on to the occasion Olaon was W1 a flaming flamingred flamingred
red rd tie that could culd bo b seen n at ten en mile mln on a adark adak adark
dark dak night nigh In the mountains mountainsJack mountall mountainsJack
I Jack Fry and Bill 11 Sprague Bpragu were wre dressed dressedIn dr
I In their hunting huntng togs togl Elmer Eer Chapman Chapmanwho Capm Chapmanwho
who ho has ha gained fame tao as the te Presidents Presidentscourier Pdenta Pdentacurier Presidentscourier
courier curier borrowed horwed a suit sut of store clothes clothesand cthes cthesad clothesand
and ad he had to stand Itand a round rund of abuse abu from fromhis tromI
his hl comrades on account aount of bis elaborate elaboratetoilet elaboratetoilet bort
toilet toiletThere toiletThere
kiet kietTe There Te ws was only one dude due at the dinner dinnerThat der derTa dinnerThat
That Ta was Secretary Srery Loeb Lb It I is true that thatDr tbatDr thatDr
Dr Alexander oJander Lambert Lmbr and Phil Stewart Stewartwere Sa Stewartwere
were present prent but tbey were numbered numberedamong nubered nuberedamong numberedamongtheboys
among amongtheboys the boys bra Secretary Sary SecretaryLoebwonthe SecretaryLoebwonthereputation Loeb Lb won the thereputation
reputation rtptalon of being big a dude due on hi b his first t visit visitto Yt Ytto visitto
to Camp Cp Roosevelt Rvl but he began bgan to live it itdown Itdo Itdown
down do a A as his hI visit Ita became bme more frequent frequentTonight frequnt frequentTonight
Tonight Tonight h h6 > was christened crene tbe tbelut theawout scout and andon andon andon
on motion molo of Chapman Capm ha wa was I voted ved all allright a allright
right and Ind a jolly Joly good fellow fellowPresident felow fellowPent
President P et Roosevelt R vlt g attended atndOlro service at attha lIt lItthe
the Presbyterian Preeb bter > teran Church Curh The Te edlfjea o te was waanot wasnot WA WAn
not large enough en b to accommodate on ontenth orstenth
n le ao
tenth of those tho who applied for fo admission admissionTh amlon admissionThe
The Th Te pa paeter tor the Rev R MrVpurrai app M lf ynrrwLdehI PmdUvez delivered deliveredthe ed edthe
the Mrmon Ptr Nnnon taking tkg for hi bi his theme thel The TheResponsibility Te Tenpmlblty TheHenponslblllty
Responsibility npmlblty of the Christian Crl ChurchThe Church ChurchThe Cuh CuhTe
The Te President Pdet walked walke to and an from trm church churchhitting curb curbhiting churchhitting
hitting hiting up a clip clp that astonished Bohe the nativesand natives nativesand natTe natTeand
and that required tull the members mfmbra member of the party partywho pry prywho partywho
who accompanied him to break bik into a trot trotHe trotle trotlie
He le acmpne was wa warmly wannl greeted RIW by the villagers villagerwho villagerswho vligra vligrawho
who out of respect rpect for tb the day dy expressed expressedtheir eJpr expressedtheir
their enthusiasm entb lm by uncovering uOTrg their heads headsand hedl hedland headsand
and bowing good good naturedly nturly as he passed passedalong passedalong
along On his hi R way book bk 1npk from church chub p the thePresident thePrldMt thePresident
President PrldMt stopped at the shop lhp of Taxider Taxidermist Tuldermbt Tsxldermint ¬
mist Frank Frnk topp Hayes ll to t see r the pelts plt trophies trophiesof
of the h hI < nt He II bowed the greatest gtt de delight deIgbt delight ¬
light Igbt on beholding beboldlg the ekineand skins Ikl and went or overthem 01 er erthem I Ithfm
them thfm with great Rf1 care careThe cre creTe careThe
The Te pure pur type tf of the grizzly gzzy was not seen seenIn seenin n nIn
In the hunt but the thf Presidents Pldnta pelts plta are areremarkably ar areremarkably
remarkably nmarkhly fine te specimens IplrM He li examined examinedtie exmf examinedthe
tie skulls Ikul and Ind used U technical thnicl terms ter in de describing descbing describing ¬
scribing scbing them that tht astonished the taxider taxidermist tadr tadrmt taxidermist ¬
mist mt For several Nef1 days dra there ther has h been bn In Inthe Intbo inthe
the window of the th taxidermists txlderta shop a aplaster apltr aplaster
plaster pltr cast ct of the thl track trck of the first filt bear bnarpulled br brple bearpulled
pulled ple down do by the President Pldent This Ti was wasone WI WIone wanione
of the first things that caught bin
one Ilt thig CKbt bt eye eyeat ey eyeache
ache a at he entered enter the th shop shopI lhp lhpI
I had hd no Idea that the old fellow telow left leftsuch llt lltuch leftsuch
such a track he herald heraldIt said saidIt eld eldIt
It would make a fine fe card cr receiver Ilver for forthe tortbe forthe
the Democratic Dmctlo Senator Snatol who wh call cl at the tbeWhit tboWhite theWhite
White House 10 Mid rld Phil Stewart StewartYen Stewa StewartYen
Yen Yt It wouldresponded wul would rpnde responded the President Presidentwith Plldent Plldentwlh Presidentwith
with wlh an amused amu smileMr smile smileSir emle emleUr
Sir Itooeevot Jtt directed dlTed that the pslts be bemounted bomoute j jmounted
mounted moute close clO moithxl molb instead InatM of openmouthed open openmouthed opn opnmoutbf
mouthed moutbf a al as was Wa planned p1aeJ They The are a much muchbetter muchbettor muchbetter
better that way h hn Mild Nld to the taxidermist taxidermistYou taddort taddortYou
You know low your you business bulne Mr President Presidentald Padt PadtMid PreskleotBald
Mid ald the taxidermist tuidenlt To The tenderfoot tenderfootwants t tenderfootwants deroot I Iwanl
wants wanl pelts 11 opened ope mouthed moutbe but the real realthing rl rlthing realthing
thing knows better betterPresident betterPaldet betterPresident
President Paldet Roosevelt nooe lelt will wi take back bck to toWashington hWalh toWaalahgton
Washington Walh one of the best t trackers tracker In InFarrbs Inranba InFarehs
Farrbs pack pck This is I a black bak and tan tanterrier t tanterrier
terrier of uncertain uOrln breed b that caught the tbefancy tbofac thefancy
fancy fac of the President Pldet and ad old Jake Insisted Insistedthat Ielat Insistedthat
that tha Skip Sip should oud go East It Skip Rlp showedgreat showed ehow j jgreat
in the hunt When Whentbe Whenthe
great Kt staying qualities qualte hut We
tbe other atayg animals ails were winded wided and ready readyto ry I
to quit Skip Blp wanted wat more fun tu Tho Presi President P Pree1dent ¬
dent det was WA glad Rla to get jt the game Ime little lUo dog dogMuch dogMuch I
Much against bis will wil the President Prdent de delivered delr dolivered ¬
livered lr apt a brief brt address adr today ty Persons Personsbegan Prns Personabegan I
bgan began pouring purl into Glenwood Olowo early el in the themorning thi themornlog I
morning moring and by noon non there tber WM a large largecrowd llo lloawd largecrowd
awd crowd at a tbe hotel Word Wor was sent at in I that thatthere tt tttbre thatthere
tbre there would Woud be great g disappointment dppltmt if I the thaPresident thePresident I
Pident President would woud not accept and make m a afew Afew afew
few remarks remrk The TbePresident President Pent yielded yid speak speaking epk epkIng speaklag ¬
ing as a follows followsMy folows folows1y foilowsMy
My 1y friends trnd I did c not nt anticipate acip having havingtha havingthe
the pleasure pleau of o meeting metl you today t and andas ad adu andas
as It is f Sunday Sudy I am a not nt going I to t try to tontka tom tomake
make m a speech pb to you I Ib shall merely mny say saybow 8Y 8Ybw sayhow
bow bw beautiful greatly gly State StateI Rtat I am a enjoying eoyn my D visit Tt to t this thisbeautiful t thisbeautiful I
I wish wh that in the th last weak we up u in I the themountain Imountains I Imountn
mountain mountn there t bad h been bn a llttia lt Uttle more moreweather moreweather
wetr weather like u this t U then the had b been b I Ithink Itn Ithink
tn think wa 0 would Wou hare hTon gore about aut two to bear bearbatter b bearsbetter
batter btter But Bt still tU u a w we got l ten t I do d not notthink nt ntt notthink
t think we have bT any AY right rgt to complain complainI cmpl
I am sure I need not tell you bow much muchI
a l n l T b muc
I I bve have nave enjoyed my holiday b1y hr b and a how howdeeply bo howdeeply
dep deeply I eoyD bare bT appreciated tb t Mn 1 kindness kindnesswith n m mwith
with tb which Whc I have bT ap been b treated l by b all a the thapeople tboppl thepeople
people ppl of your y State 8 the tb t people in I your yourcities yourdtiea
cities and a the ranchmen rm right r pp in I the imme immeJl t tmmedsle
d dsle Jl neighborhood nbbro of o where wber I wa wa was hunt huntg hwt hwtIC bunting
ing IC g It 1s I a great I pleasure p1u to t sea It tb the man manf menof
of f Colorado Clr and ad an even eY greater g pleasure pleasureo p1u
to o see M the women woen and I do d not no know kW but butchat b butwhat I IWha
chat Wha I am a even ev more mre glad ll to t M nee e the tb small smalloiks a1 < tfolb sfolk
oiks folk I shall al not no try tr to make meu you a speech speechshall speechI
I shall simply say 8Y again a bow glad gl I ap am a to toe toM tosee
M see e you O and to be b your guest guestTbe g NestThe
The Te President Pd train tr will start I East Eastearly E Easteriy
early in tbs tb morning
I t mrnl mrnluu
Two T Rtowawais In the le ll Multitude tuttud Mint ln I Ifreedom toFreedom to toJrtom
freedom freedomTen Jrtom JrtomTen FreedomTen
Ten liners lnen In yesterday terdar brought I IImmllant 17430 17430Immigrant W WImmigrants
Immigrants Immllant chiefly chlt Italians Italin most mOt o owhom of ofwhm ofwhom
whom whm will wi be b landed at Ellis El Island Islantoday Iland Ilandto Islandtoday
today to as a the th Immigration Immigin Bureau Blreau quits quitswork qultiwork qui
before beforhav betorehT beforehave
work wrk at a noon nn on Sunday undy Never Sefr
have hT m 1 many man steerage passengers com comInto comeinto
ItMrg pngn
Into this thl port por In a single IlnRII day Ssvera Ssveraother aneraloher Saveralother
other oher liners lnen Including the Cunarder Cunder UltonU UltonUfrom Ulonl Ultoniafrom
from Adriatic Adrl and Mediterranean Medltoln ports portsmay prt prtmy portsmay
may my gt Ift up In time tm today to make mke the work wortof workot workof
of the Ellis Island Iland inspectors Ilpura more mre strenu strenuous arnu arnuol strenuota
ota ol than thn It ever evr has b been since th the open openIng opn opnlog opening
Ing of the tbelmillton Immigration station st taln atbn there thereThree thereThr thereThree
Three Thr Italian Itl boys stowed atowl away awa aboard aboardthe aboardthe
the steamship aelp CitU Ctta dl Napoli Napol while whlo she le was waitaking wastaking
taking tkm on more mor than a thousand tbownd Immi Immigrants Immlgrnt Immigrants ¬
grants grnt at Naples Naplt They Tey were discovers discoversafter d discoveredafter cel celatr
after atr the ship was Wi out In the Atlantic Atlnto and andi
i I put to work The liner lne docked doked at the foot footof fot fotI footof
of West Wet Thirtyfourth Tlryforf street Irt yesterday yesterdayafternoon yesterdayafternoon etordy etordyatrnon
I afternoon atrnon and two of the thlltowawaT stowaways Nicola NIcoUFerro Nlool NicolaFerro
Ferro Fer aged sge IB IL and Stefano Olacalone Olacaloneaged Olclone Olclonei Olacaloneraged
decided to make swim for liberty libertyThey libertyThey
i aged age 14 dedo mk a twlm lberty lbertyI
I They Te dropped over the stern e so o some Ime oi oitheir ottheir oftheir
their fellow folow dpp voyagers vorager say IY and started ItAred for forI forthe
I the te bulkhead bulkMd An officer ofcr of the ship saw sawthe aw awI sawthe
I the swimmers when they were climbing climbingon clmbing clmbingI
I on a landing lndg float lot but they were up and andi andaway andaway
i away before the policeman polim on post pt w wnotified Wa Wanoifed was wasnotified
notified noifed The line ls l liable lible to a fine tno of otfor
5500 500 for each ec lost 10t stowaway towwy The police policewere polce polcewere policewere
were notified ntff to look lok for the te runawaysThe runaways runawaysThe rwaya rwayaTe
The Te Italian Italin steamship aemlp Italia Ialla which whic arrived ar arrived ¬
rived yesterday yetery at Jersey Jery City brought broughttwentyone brougbttwetyn broughttwentyone
twentyone twetyn stowaways aowaway who smuggled smuggledaboard Imuggledabrd smuggledaboard
aboard abrd while she was WR embarking passen passengers pfn pfngllrs paesengore ¬
gore at Naples NaplesCHILDREN NaplesCHILDREN aples aplesOlILDRE
Body nr or One Found Fond In River the I Other OtherAsleep Ohtr OhtrAllep OtherAsleep
Asleep Allep Under a Boulder DoniderPour OonldtrPORT BoulderPoet
Pour CHESTER CunR May 7 7Fank 7Frank Frank Levine Levineand Levineand
and Samuel muel Marks Mark 3 and 4 < years yea of age agei agerespectively
I i respectively repethely ran away from trm their homes homesin homl
in Port Chester leter yesterday e rdy to gather gatherI
i i I flowers lower In the woods wc and became baml lost lostToday 10t 10tTody lostToday
Today Tody the body byot bodyof of Ft Flank ank Levine Lnno was found foundin
in the Byram Byam River Jrr throe thr miles ml from Port PortChwrer PortCtier PortChteter
Chwrer Ctier while whle the Marks Mnrk boy was found foundlying fOlnd fOlndlyng foundi
i lying lyng exhausted IJha ted under undr a big boulder boulderFor bulder boulderFor
For hours houl the Port Pot Chester Che8 pollen polo had hadbeen hadn hadbeen
been n searching ahlng for the tbl lads la while whie their theirparents theirparents
parents pnta and relatives Ilatvel had also organized organizedMarching orlanlzd organizedsearching
Marching fablng parties ptO It I wan M at first tt feared feardthe teald tealdtbe fearedthe
the little ltto fellows felows had been n kidnaped kidnapedWhen kldMI kidnapedWhen
When the Marks Mak boy by was wa found ha had hadhis hadbls hadhis
his sweater aweatr pulled pule over his eyes eyl to keep keepaway kep kepaway keepaway
away the mosquitoes mout which were hovering hoveringabout
about his bead hed When he was asked aakf where whereLevine
Levine Lrne was Wi h hl he said ud he did not know knW as they theybad theyI theybad
I bad bd become bm lost 10t in the wood o and had hadseparated hd hdsprated hadseparated
separated sprated and neither lhlr knew knw where the theother theoth theother
other oth went wentFor
For twelve hours hou they thy wandered wade about aboutalone abut abutalone aboutI
I alone How the tb Levine Lrln boy by fell fel Into Int the theriver thoI
I river riv Is I a matter mate of conjecture conjectureIee con tu
Iee 11 got awfully awfuly tired tl walking walkg said saidSamuel ad
Samuel Smuel Samueleo so lie I bad ba to lie le down and sleep sleepNot slep slepNol sleepNot
Not more mor than 1000 10 yards ya from where wherethe wherethe Wheretb
the tb Marks ab boy yly lay the body by of Levine Ln was wasfouqd
fouqd face r downward dwad In only a foot tot of ofwatar ofWat ofwater
water watarj3Mvr water13A1 Wat WatJiA
j3Mvr JiA RERTS nin1s xo 0 Ebtrn FbiililTronblei EbtrnTronblM E 1 1TUIM
Tronblei TronblM TUIM or the tlll Drnx lien r Star StON Man an Who PhoDidnt WhoDidnt bo
Didnt Know the Lad LadIn Ld LdGoa Lady LadyIn
In Gods Goa name tell tl me where Edith Eth i is iscried b7 b7cried r rcried
cried a young roK man who ho ran Into T Tolbots Tolbotsdrug Talbotl Talotedrug
drug drg store at a Livingston JIng ton place yesterday yesterdaymorning yesterdaymorning Ntray Ntraymornlnr
morning morningEdith mornlnrFfb7 morningFdithl
Edith Ffb7 asked aked T Talbot Talbt In amazement amazementYes amuemtntYe amazementlee
Yes Ye Edith Im Im Bert BertThe Her BertThe
The Te druggist drggbt looked lokt out of the tbl window windowfor widow widowfor windowfor
for a policeman polomn and edged tlt toward towar the ice icepick lo icepick
pick I dont know kow anything about aboutEdith abut abutFfh aboutFdlth
Edith Ffh he Mid while Whie he cowed owo the th visitor visitoras villtor villtorAll
as well Wel os Q he could culd with the well wel known knownpower kon konpower knownpower
power of the th human h1mn eye er Exit visitor visitorsaying vitor vitoreyg visitorBaying
saying Thats Thatl funny funnyThe tuny tunynlo funnyThe
eyg The telephone rang ranI This is l Bert lert Con Conbin Corbin Cr Crbin
bin Give me Ediths FAltll nddrwi addrr dc t quick I Ididnt Idint Ididnt
didnt dint know kow she he was wll ill and In want wantThis Wnt WntThl wantThis I Ireply
This Thl Is a drugstore drg Itore Mid T Talbot In Inreply inreply
reply We have no Edith FAit and no address addressto addrl
to give giveFive ghllFIn gleFive
Five FIn other Bests BrI called clle up as I the day daywore daywore dayworeon
woreon wore on AtORMavouthwithatrouhld AtORMavouthwithatrouhldface At 8 P St 31 a youth with ih a troubled troubledface trouhle i iflce
face flce came eme In and tiptoed tpto up to whisper whisperto I Ito I
to the proprietor proprietorI
1 know knoW what you OU want said eld T Talbot TalbotI Talbt TalbtI
I dont know the lady ladyGuess
Guess Ou again aJaln said the visitor vltor I want wanta I I
a bottle btto of ofbromo bromo sellor sellorMr eltr eeltrerMr I
Mr Ir Talbot Talbt discovered dlcoer later that the theoccasion tbeovlon theoccasion
ovlon occasion of his hI troubles troubl was this tht advertise advertisement adVrl advertisemoot ¬ I Iment
ment published publlo In I the morning morningBUT moring morningntxr I IBUT
BUT K 1 Coxirx enc Am Ali ill 1 and ale dntltuir drUut Addrra Addrracart Addr Addrran i itare
cart of dnic drr store aUvt > Urtnttloa LI11ral gabs place pla EDITH EDITHFOR 101r8 EnaraFOR I iI i iFOn
FOR ROWDYISM llJDJJl OX 0 Tit Tnf TnfTiry TRa11S TRa11SThirty AIXX AIXXThirty
Thirty Tiry Bronx Orm Park Prk Hall lal Players PI 1 Captured Capturedon
on the Elevated 1ltdFlnrl Fines to Do nicxrr elggerThirty nicxrrThirty I IThlrt
Thirty Thlrt boys boT who couldnt play 11la baseball baseballat bhl
at Bronx Brox Park without becoming bcmng hoodlums hoodlumsafterward bolumt hoodlumsafterward I Iaftra
afterward aftra were wt arrested alted yesterday Ylteray after afternoon afterno afternoon ¬
noon no in cars aar of the Third avenue elevated elevatedrailroad olent elevatedrailroad
raUo railroad They had h not taken warning warningfrom waring waringtrom warningfrom
from were arrested arrestedTh aated aatedTe arrestedThe last lt Sunday Sud when fifty fty of their tbt1 like likewere Ue Uewere likewere
Th Te The officials ollcll of th thl the Interborough Intrborougb com company company company ¬
had made careful to totrap totrap
pany bd me aarefu preparations propratlons t
trap tp the th te rowdies rowdl The Te boys bo have hav a trick trickof trickot trickof
of traveling tvelg in the rear r cars cr Th The railroad railroaddetectives ralr0d ralr0dd railroaddetectives
detectives d knew kw that so 10 they planted plto them themselves themselves ¬
selves 11 at the right place plee in the te trains thatleft that thatleft tat tatleU
left the park pk station lttlon after attr 4 < oclock ocok In the theafternoon theafterno theafternoon
afternoon afterno and ad waited wait for the boys by to do the theTWlt thereet theThe
TWlt TWltThe reet reetTo The To expected Iped happened happe Gangs Ong of from fromfour tromtour fromfour
four to ten boys brs played ball bl in the rear rr cars carsendangering ora oraenderg oarendangering
endangering enderg the t e heads he and ad hats of passen passengers passengere ¬
gers cut the bell bl rope and used Jn Jngera rude rudelanguage rde rdeIgo rudelanguage
language When tbe rP trains stopped u either eitherat eithertho
at the 181st IOls street ar or 131st Ipp street sr station stationthe alon alonthe stationthe
the detectives deehN blocked bloked the doors and squads squadsof quadsof
of police waiting on ontheplatforms the platforms platon boardedthe boarded boardedthe brded brdedthe au
o the cars o and took tk such auc prisoners as therailroad the theboys tbor
railroad delT detective poit pointed out BTetn BTetnb tieventeen tieventeenboys
boys b r were seized e at al0le Ifllst street atr and thirteen thirteenat thie
at ttlst 11at street Itr and taken ten to the Morrisanla Morrisanlaand Jor Morrisantaand
and Alexander Aeaer avenue aTnue poll police polce a stations stationsTheir ston stonTe stationsTheir
Their ages a ranged from IS 1 to 19 li Most M of ofthem ottbe ofthem
tbe them cave addresses ad rg on o streets sr of the lower lowerEast lwer lwerEt lowerEast
East Side SideLast Be BeL fve ide idelAst
Et Last L week Wek the offenders otoa were fined fe from fromM frm frms
M s to 1191 110 10 but but it is expected e that th the punish punishment pu Ph Phmet nMh nMhhave ¬
ment win be mad ue de more m severe 1U eevereaa aa the boys boyshave bra brabaT boysyesterday
met baT have had b full ful warning wa Two To weweeks weweeksso weeks weu ago agoyesterday aoT
yesterday T twenty twetT arrest I were wer roaija roaijaso i
1 so that th tb the total to for the te three thr Sunday Bd Sundays1Z100 r
I 1Z100 1Z100FIRE ls 100 100FIRE 10 10FlI
Wasnt asnt m I n Any An of Them T bat Patients Umtler Heard Heardth Heardthe
th te the Engine Ense Dens en n Second Snd Avenue AvenueA I IA
A A ga g gas chandelier cdoU hi I the third thr floor 1or hallway hall hallmy ha
wT way my of the apartment apment house boU at t7 1 Second Secondvenue Snd SndaTue Secondavenue
venue aTue got gt out ot of kilter kt early erl last l night nightid ngbt ngbtad nightand
ad and id started e aismaU aml bltfce bt that tal ealledoutth ealledoutthFird called le out tha th i iIra
Fird Ira Department DepartmentThe I
Dpmnt Dpmnto
The o fire f didnt dt amount to anything anyhing but butthe i iia
the ia Lying Lyingin LII n Hospital HOIIp1ta11 U close c0 by at Sever Severtenth Sl Severteenthstreet I
teenthstreet tenth t street srl the te thestreet Ilkinandhnoerfospltals Ilkinandhnoerfospltalsat Skin sllandOnor and Cancer HooplUl opltal1 is ist
at t Nineteenth NlMn street Ir and ar the Post0 PoOraduate PoOraduateUaaplaJ raduate raduatelospltsl rduateHospital
Hospital UaaplaJ U I at Twentieth Twenti street I all al on Heo Heond H
end nd avenue 1u The officials omcl of all these tho in intltutions i instkudions I
tltutions siuin had to t go around ad quieting quiing the thawhen theWben thepatients
patients when the racket rok of the Orpng fire lr engine engineb 1 Inca Incaand
and Ad bl blocked a street cw anwaa o hH heard thrugh thrughtb through throughth
tb b open oD window dn dnn
I Third Tr Av Train Tain Held Up Upb7 by Open Ope Draw DrawNot Dw DwI DrawNot
I Not Protected Prottte by Any Ar Slgnaleeon SlgnaleeonMotorman tllgnai4eoondMotorman <
Motorman Motran Hyi SI g Drakes Orn Didnt D Work RorkPanto TTorlI
I Psnle Pnll on prRush Cars CrRa Rash for Footpath Footpathj PPt
j In I a collision ollion on the Third avenue aTnu ele elevated ¬
vated Tte road rod just south luth of the iud Iu street streetstation etrt etrtltadon streetstation
station number numberof
yesterday afternoon aftoon A nuber nuberot
of persons pna were wer Injured Injur The o police plo took tookthe tk tkthe tookthe
the names nm of six who Wh Were attended atnd by byambulance b bambuno byambulance
ambulance ambuno surgeons augon and allowed alow about abouttwenty abt abttwent abouttwenty
twenty twent others othlr to get gt away without giving givingtheir givingtheir
j their thir names nmO These TO had been bn out ot slightly slightlyabout elghty elghtyabt slightlyabout gvl gvlj
about abt the head hld and ad face The To polio pol0 list listof llt lltot listof
I of the thelur injured is I as R follows followsAm folows followsAaauuie
Am AnUo41 Aaauuie Mix u li rear rN old oIl of ins 12 cay Car anne anneTo avenueThe rraaeTb
Tb To The arm Drrax DrOJ contudoni clluloa of fats e and ae cut on o the U that rlfhtI frM frMI
armDatwo ar
trmOELMOKrCO OELMOKrCO 1aI01ICO Datwo tico UiHT IAar AV It rear rl Old Of 7IT f rlrfl East EastIteth H H108th
108th street lrfl irere rl aap scalp cp wound woundJEoin wuDd wuDduGla woundJAtoan
JEoin uGla CoxBto UD n year reaa old DIe of 4 UI s1 East E1 Ofbtr Ofbtrfourtb lrblr lrblroum Elgburfourth
fourth itml stre < t shock IMk cuts cul tad al Iru1 brlua bruises f O on brad bradKADCHII ha headCADcail
KADCHII K4DI JAPO Atl e el t ran TN oldot 10 Euclid FurUd treonf treonfN avenasNew CI
> New N Sf > w Rochelle ROhpUf rontutlooi rnlualOa and ad scalp alp wounds woundtROHM woundsRosa oulda ouldaRonN
ROHM Uonaii olal u run t oil ol of 1 eo Est EI Util Utilitrret Iln IlnIfel 141staired
aired Ifel ruts rla on o ra fare are Ild and nd shock ihockScnwiBit aOel aOeleun
ScnwiBit 9 eun HERMiir IZllol Cl I run er old ot I7O Ia Utdl Utdlon Ksdlson al <
11 son on avenue nuI rontutlont IDluloDa of 0 head l a sad ld cut rt on 01 right rljhlarm rlrMar rightarm
arm armXone ar arI
Xone of the Injured InJul would go to the thehospital tbeh08pltl thehospital
hospital h08pltl although ll hough several 1eral of them were wereadvised wereadvised Wereadti
I advised adti to t do so 1 They ThIY were We treated treaU on onthe ontho onthe
the isad 13 street atrt platform plattor by surgeons from fromLincoln tromLoln fromLincoln
Lincoln Loln Hospital HospitalThe Hopitl HospitalThe
I The collision olllon was WA between betw n two trains trainsbound trainsboud tramsbound
bound boud downtown A little Utle south of the the133d
133d 13 street atrt station staton there tler Is I a curve OIr Beyond Beyondthe Dyond Dyondthe Beyondthe
the curve CrO Is II the Harlem River nh r This sec section eeoUon ¬
tion of the elevated eleated structure strcure Is I over the thafreight therrelght thefreight
freight yards yar of the New York Ytrk New Haven Havenand Haenand Ravenand
and Hartford Railroad Rirod The elevated elevatedstructure eleat eleatstcuro elevatedstructure < <
structure stcuro Is I very ry high and ad nervous neroU pas passengers p paasengers ¬
sengers Inll con o always alwaYL get n shiver shr by looking lookingout loking lokingout
I out of the window windowA
A even llvn car cr tram trai pulled puled Into Ito the 133dstreet iS3d iS3dstreet
street stationand and after taking a few
strt atalon afer tang pas pasI PaAIngra panaengere
I started Its Wa south uth After Afteri
I senders Ingra atarto on Il way Afer AferI
I i rounding runding the curve cun the motorman motonn of the thetrain thetrain thetrain
train saw aw that the drawbridge drwbrdj over the theHarlem theHarlem theHarlem
Harlem River was WI open Signals SI115 dis drplayed displayed dl ¬
played plye on the north nrh sldeof sldeotthe the draw drw showed showedhim sbowedhim showedhim
him this tbl even If I h h he couldnt coudnt see e that the thedraw lhodraW thedraw
draw draW wan open himself hiel He stopped stopp hi hitrain his histrain hi
I train and ad waited wal d for the draw dr to close cos and andthe andthe andthe
i the ahead aheadAccording aheadI aheadAccording signal Igal to be h displayed rlplad telling t lnR him to go goahead I goj
I According Acrding to the elevated railroad riroad em employees 1m 1mi emi ¬
i ployees there Is no signal Ilgl nor la I there thre any anyprovision anyprllon anyprovision
provision prllon mode me for one to show that a atrain aI
I train trin had been stopped 6oppd by the open opn draw drawbridge dw dwI drawbridge ¬
I bridge bridl The Te motorman mtonn of the following followingsouthbound follwmg follwmgI followingsouthbound
I southbound luth und train hadnt any an means of ofknowing ofkpolng ofkpowing
knowing that the train he was WA following followingbad tolwlol tolwlolI followinghad
bad bld been bn stalled atale < y > He 10 didnt ddt find It I out outuntil outunti outuntil
I until unti he hf had turned hm1fd the curve c and was weewithin waswithin WI
within thirty thlrr feet fl of the last IAt car c of the thestanding thestandlngtrln thestandingtmin
standingtmin standingtminEdward standing standlngtrln standlngtrlnEward train trainEdward
Edward Eward Blake Dlak was WI the motorman moon of the thesecond thend thesecond
second nd train trai and as Allln soon as ash he h 0 saw IW th th the train trainahead tri trainahead
ahead he put on brakes bk He told the police policeafter pUa policeafter
after aer the collision olllql that htll his brakes prekes e didnt didntwork dt didntwork
work but bu the police Mdd4at4twas tad4Jhatit ld n was more moretnahukeyttnat moret1iah1lkelp
wrk pH wamre wamreU
tnahukeyttnat U t1iah1lkelp ahlkelr tlt tfat they did d work but the thetrain thetrin thetrain
train trin couldnt oouldt bo b stopped topp In the little lttl space spaceremaining
remaining remaJnll between btHn It and th thf the lost la car cr of ofthe otI ofthe
I the tholtalJtraln tholtalJtralnThe stalled train trainTbe trainThe
The moving train tmn ran Into the stalled stalledone ated atedone stalledone
one and shunted unted It ahead several ral feet feetThe tet tetTho feetThe
The platform and roof rt of the motor motr car carwere or orWel carwere
were Wel crushed cre Similar Blar damage dre was WA done to tothe 10tho tothe
the rear rar platform plator of the last lit car of the thestalled thoIlltaled thestalled
Illtaled stalled train tnln Bake the motorman of ofthe ofthe I II
I the to peoond lond train tmn stuck to his post His Hisbooth Hl Hisbooth
booth bth wasnt smashed emuhe In Although touRh the glass glassof gll gllot glassof
of U I showered lower about abut his head headBoth hea headIbth
Both trains well filled with ¬
Dth tralD were wel tled passen paesengere passengers paeaenn
gers but those In the lost Ilt oar of the first firsttrain firsttrain
n tOl Or frt frttrn
train trn and the motor oar cr of the other felt feltthe tel feltthe
the collision cllion the most mOlt They Tey Theywere were tumbled tumbledout tumbldout tumbledout
out of their seats Windows Wlndowl of both these thesecan tlel tlelcal thesecar
can cal were smashed There wasnt Rnt a whole wholewindow wboleIndow wholewindow
window left in the last lat oar cr of the first ft train trainMost tr trainMast
Most Iot of those thol who were wer Injured IJut had been beenriding b beenriding
riding rdig in I this thlt oar oarThere aarThere oarThere
There wan Wa a panic plo among amOI the passengers passengersthe pgere pgeretho
the moment momet the shock Ihok was wa felt fel Men Me rushed rushedto rUho
to the platforms plattOr swung awug open op the gates gatesof gatte gatesof I
of the cars crl and got off or both trains to t the thefootboard tbefotboar thefootboard
footboard fotboar of the structure structur They helped helpedthe help helpedthe i
the women wome off or and then the net lt about caring caringfor caringfor
for thoeo thO who were injured Injue Half B l a dozen dozenwomen doz dozwome dozenwomen
women wome had fainted In the cars O and the thefaces thotaO thefaces
faces taO of others were bloody bloy from the cuts cutsthey 011 cutsthey
they had received rohf from tom the broken broke glass glassThe glaaaThe glassThe
The more seriously lriously Injured Inju were carried carriedto orried orriedto
to the 133d 13 street stt station ilto Policeman PolicemanMen PolicemanMenton
Men Menton > foto ton of the Alexander Aloxder avenue aTUO station stationheard Lltato stationheard
heard hMr the cratlfof mlllot the collision colsio and with without wltl without ¬ I Iout
out waiting waiig to we what it amounted amout to sent sentfor Mt sentfor I Ifor
for the reserves reln a and the ambulances ambulancesEvery ambulno ambulanceEvery
Every Enl Injured 10Ju passenger p r was wal asked askedif aeke I
if he had any complaint omplalnt to make makeaglnat makeaglnattho makeagainat makeagainatthe against againstthe
the motorman motorm of either eiher train ti None had hadand hd hdad badand
and ad no one was W81 arrested amlte The accident accidentcaused aedet accidentcaused
aauld caused an a hours hour delay delayXUYDnoCAlWOXS delayIIDnOCRDONi delayx1IVDROC4RBON3 II IIaauld
Director Smiths Conclusions Increase In rea the theMemieries theIt the3leuagerlei
rltor Smih Cn lolon
Memieries It alee Mall MallDirector tall tallDirector Ial
Director Dir Smith of o the Central Cral Park Parkmenagerie Parkmenagerie Parkmenagerie
menagerie has received rh dozens dozn of letterssince letters letterssince leterLl leterLllno
since lno the publication in I THE TK SUN last Mon Monday Monday Monday ¬
day of his hi observations obrlona of the Influence Influenceof Infueno Infuenoot
of food to In predetermining pretrg the sex IX of animals animalshydrocarbons aal animalshydrocarbons
hydrocarbons hdrbn to produce pruce males mles The Thewriter Thowt Thewriter
writer wt of some ame of the letters 1e1 told the di director d dlredor ¬
rector ror that they had ba been b making mln inquiries inquirieson iqurie iqurieon
on the same NO subject subJI at various vriou zoological zoologicalgardens Ilollaal Ilollaalgael zoologicalgardens
gardens but bu that the Information Inorton they theybad tbe tbeha theyhad
bad gael ha got was so unsatisfactory uWar that they theywere J Jwere I Iere
were ere unable unabl to base b any conclusions ooneluo a upon uponIt upn i I
I It They Tey thanked tbe Mr M Smith Sth for having havingmade hvnl havingnude
made known the results of his hl observa cheervnthins observations ob ¬
thins mdl thinsAn tionsAn 10 kw ru o I
An elderly eldery German Gr visited it the directors directorsoffice dra draollo drectorsomoe
office ollo and introduced Intruc himself bll as a a pro professor pr proftesot ¬
fessor fer of a German G university uvry on a visit visitto Tt Ttto visitto
to this thi country countryHave oountryUav countryHave
Have Uav I the honor honr of speaking to Herr HerrSmith Ber HerrSmithP
8th7 SmithP Smith ha asked aed 01 I lp wish Wi to discuss discusswith d discusswith
with yon n the factors tar that t determine der the thejexof theiotbe thesex
iotbe sex jexof of the unborn unbrn It I is f amatterthat a amrt matter that wIn w wn We WeI
I In n Germany are very v much muc Interested Intrl in inI inI
Oery I am a very r busy buy now nw sir said ad the di director dirr director ¬
rr rrI rector rectorI
I read r your ur views TWI as to the conditions conditionsIn oonona oononaIn
In the menagerie menr went Wet on the professor professorIt
pr prI
It I ia just Ju what Wh we in Germany Gr maintain maintainto ma
to be the correct cr theory thlry and a I would ul like liketo lb lbto liketo
to get le further turr information iorion as to the American Ameri American Ari Aric ¬
c can views vieW If true tr among ang the th be lower lowe animals animalswould a Animalwould
would Wo not the theory ther hold bol among aon humane humanatMr hu humaneAlt t tr
Mr r Smith nlb told tld the professor pter that t he hedid bod bedid
d did not no pretendto speak from fm a scientific scientificstandpoint adeatlflestandpoint o oltdpt
standpoint prcop and Ad suggested that tba the in inquirer i inquirce ¬
quirer qu visit Tt ieit the Museum HWu u of Natural Natu History Historyand Iry Iryand Historyand
and dlsouss di the matter mte with the experts expertsthere eprt eprtthere expertsthere
there The visitor vltor left le saying uyng ha would wouldgo Wouldg
go to the museum museumThe fUw I IThe tThe
g The director dlrl mall has h brought brut him himie himmy himmany
my many letl letter asking uklnl ml for more Infono information informationHe
He Ut ie needed the t services of o a t ted tJ tenow d dul
notl frOOl ps
ul used ed many m postage postageedging stage stageservices Uamps LP in acknowl acknowlIginn akwl akwlel a
edging el tb tl receipt rp pp of lh t the missives ml
Robert Rob B R West AwUttr Aatrol Mail onto f the Ue Canal n Co Comission Cem Cemmission
mission tlon Dies at Panama Panamaajwtjj Pam Panamaa
ajwtjj a < Mtt Dnpau D to TBS 1 ant antPANAUI 1 SellPaxaMa
PANAUI PA May My 7 TAudtr 7Auditor Auditor West of tV tVcanal ther he hecanal
canal r commission oloD died di this tbl morning rrlnl o oysllow ot otla ofyellow
yellow la fever feverWismNOTQK te feverWun1NaroN
WismNOTQK W mxO May ay 7Robert tRobr R n Wes Weswas Wel Welwp Wedwe
was wp sent Int to t Panama Paa a a as a Deputy Dput Auditor Audltofor Autor Autorfor Auditorfor
for the Isthmian Ithmn Canal C Commission Cmlon in I Feb February Fobman
ruary rr man of this thi year resigning rlglng th the auditor auditorship aulor aulorsblp auditorship
ship of the th Government OOTrnmnt Printing PnUngOm PtlntingOflloe Office her herto herto herato
to take te the place Re was accompanies accompaniesby
by bit bl son en William Wii who I is also ale an a employee em eraployee emp
ployee p of the commission commissionMr omslon omslonMr
Mr West Wet was ws 4 4e years yr of age ag He came camrto ce ceto cameto
to Washington Wsablngn a number nwbr of year yer ago Gg arw arwwas and andwas
was for a time tim pastor pt or of a a local lo Baptist BaptlsChurch Bpit BpitCuc BaptistChurch
Church Cuc He 10 was Wa a lawyer and a an In ordained ordalnetminister ordainedminister
minister mnter He first tt entered entr the Government Governmenemploy OOlIrnmentemploy Governmentemploy
employ as a Deputy Dpty Auditor Auitor In the Treasury TreosurDepartment TreasuryDepartment >
I > Department DepartmentWhen Dprtmt DprtmtWen DepartmentWhen
When Wen the Panama Panam post pt was flr fil fires off offered offeredto ere ereto
to him he refused refu It but finally pnly consented consentwto consentedto
to I go He left Washington Wuhlngn In February FebruaryI Febrr Februarylie
I He le leaves leave a widow wiow four sons Ion and on ondaughter ono onodaugbl onedaughter <
the eldest eldestson oldeetln eldestson
daughter daugbl all of whom except
son ln William WIlam reside In Washington WAhlngton HI HIfather BI BIfather His Hisfather
father and mother are a now no living 1lng In Lan Lancaster L Lotllr Lancuter ¬
caster otllr Ky Mr Wests home bore and birth birtholace blrtbnlace birthmace
mace olaceTHE nlaceTIF maceTill
THE TIF 1TOMAX MIi 1 WHO IrlO JOSF SSJSSO SSJSSONrrutl 8830 8830small ll O ONmal
small Nmal nor n Seen to 11 Pick Ik IP t p a Velio VelioParkace Yellow YellowPackage el 0
Package Plkacf Police Pollt Learn LearnThe I IrnTe arn arnThe
The Te tSMO 18 lout 10lt by Mrs MI Mary IO Slavln SlaTn of 47 47South aTSouth 57South
South Sixth Sixh street trt Wllllnmsburg Wi I rbu rg Friday Fridayafternoon
I afternoon afteron soon n after ar r she had withdrawn withdrawnIt
f It from the Nassau au Trust Company Compny Intending intend intending Intendi ¬
i ing to put it into Ito savings s ngl banks bAk has ha not been beenfound beonfoud beenfound
found foud Mrs Ira Slavln was still IItl in I a serious seriouscondition erols erolsI seriouscondition
condition condUon lat It night at her hfr home suffering sufferingfrom suferil sufferingfrom
I from heart hort trouble as A the result ult of the th shock shockshe ahok ahokMi shockshe
she Mi sustained IUtalne sustained when she be discovered dlvercd that all allher al allher
her money mony was M gone goneThe goneThll goneThe
The pollen polo of the Clymer erer utrwt IItnt station stationJwirned shton shtonftercy stationlearned
learned yesterday ftercy that a small smal Italian Ilalln boy boywas bo boa boywan
to yellow package Fri Friday Fridy Friday ¬
was a seen fn pick up a low pckge
day dy afternoon atteron in Wythe avenue a venl not 10t far farfrom fa r rtrom
1 from Mr Slavins 51adnL home It Is Mid the theboy thobo theboy
boy bo after afer glancing at the thf package packgo shoved shovedit hocdIt
it under udr his hi waistcoat abtot and then ran away awaygoing awayt
t going In t the he direction dircion of South Suth Eighth EIFhth street etmotIIAREAS street1IAREAS tro troIU
If I She hI Is Not Xot ot Otherwise Set St Free FrteA FreeA A Cousin CousinOffers Cousini lu ln lnOlfr
Offers to CJIve IJ Ball BallA I1 I1A
i Olfr
I A middle mddle aged age man m who sold Nd he WAS WASEverett wasEverett
Everett Eertt Wheelock WhClok an a employee employl of the theState theState
State Department Iparet at Washington Waehlngon D C Cand Cand
and a cousin coml of Nan anPatcrn Patterson and Julia JuliaSmith Jula JulaSmith JuliaSmith
Smith called rle upon upn the chorus chon girl and her herlst hersister
flat sister lst r in I the Tombs Tomb prison pri8n yesterday yesterdayand yterday yterdayand yostenlayand
and had a long lng talk tk with wth them Dan DanOReilly DanOly DanOReilly
OReilly Oly one of Nan Na Pattersonscounsel Pattersonscounselsaid PatternalUnll PatternalUnllald Pattersonelcounslsaid
said ald that tt Wheolock Whtlok cams to t say that he hnwould hewould hewould
would put up any ay required ruld ball hl for Nan NanPatterson XanPattn NanPatterson
Patterson PattersonAbraham Pattn PattersonAbr41un1
Abraham A 1 Levy tv said d yesterday JeelrdT that tht bo boreleased b bwould 0 0ud
would ud aID o lf on District J rict httori to a er iib Jemo Jerome at at
100clok 10 oclock t tt is sad ad ut ask fiat ll clent ellemt be bereleased
released rele OB her be own ow recognizance rgizce and that thatfalling tbatfalll thatfalling
falling falll that tht she i b be allowed alowel to t go g under underreAsoaable underInble underreasonable
reasonable Inble ball ballIf bl
If I Mr Jerome Jeromort Jeromerefus refuses sbothpropositions sbothpropositionssaid both bth propositions propositionssaid propaltoM propaltoMI
I eld said Mr Levy Lv I will l apply to t the Supreme SupremeCourt Bupree BupreeI SupremeCourt
I Court Courtor day for a writ of habeas habea corpus CrU on Wednes Wednesday We Wedneeday ¬
Founder Foondfr OT a Riding Rdls Arttlrnir ArWfny Thrown ThrownFrom Tr1n Tr1nPm ThrownFrom
From Pm a Carriageunite Carriage CarriageWnrns Canall
unite W r PLAINS Pml N Y May faT 7 TCarlM TCarlMW 7Charles Charles CharlesW
W Dickel the te founder founer of Dlokels Dlckfl Riding RidingAcademy Jdlng RidingAcademy
Academy Maemy In New ew York d dil died d nt his hl country countryhome ontr countryhome
home hore The Pines Ines last llt night ns A the result resultof reult
of an accident adent His i Hlehome home was 6 at Scarsdnle Scarsdnlener Scarsdalentr tale talenr
ner White Plains Plal A week ago go Mr Dickel Dickelwith DickelWih Dickelwith
with Wih his hil son lon Albert Albr was a out ot driving eta etathey U Uthey
they were returning rturig home on a automobile automobilefrightened automobie automobiefriltene automobilefrightened
frightened friltene the horses hol Both Bth men were werethrown
throw out outMr ot outMr
Mr Dlckels Dckel hip was broken and he was wasInjured wasInjured
Injured InJur Internally Intmly His Il eons on arm nr was wasbroken WASbroke wasbroken
broken broke and both received relvM severe wounds woundson
on their heads hMd Mr Dlckel Dckel never nler recov recovered rov reoovered ¬ I Iered
ered from trm the shock ahok He le won M be 0 years 1era old oldHis oldHis I
His 11 wife died die several sevrl years yera ago He leaves leavesfour leaMfor leavesfour
four for children chidrn diaries Albert brt Bertha Derha and nndGladys nd ndOlara andGladys
Gladys Olara Olara4D GladysS
Prompt Pompt Assistance Attancl After the Sloop Christie ChristieCapslrrd OnlUe Christiespitted I
spitted prm Saved All Al nand HandtBninoEfoHT nandBnmOFPnT HandsBmnoneonr
BninoEfoHT BnmOFPnT Conn Cnn May 7 7Te 7The The sloop sloopyacht elp sloopyacht
yacht yact Christie rtle with a pleasure pleure party par of offorty otfory offorty
fory forty men aboard abrd was WA capsized cp lz In a squall squallon sqUl
on n the Sound Bud this thl afternoon aft mon The oyster oysterwatch oYltr oysterwatch I Iwatch
watch boat bt Helen put to the rescue re of the theparty thepy theparty
party py but only one man mn was aboard abam of her herand lu tierand r rand
and he had his hl bonds bc full fullTha tul fullThe
The Te accident aodent was witnessed wtM by work workmen workmen workmen ¬
men at Pleasure IJeure Beach Bc who telephoned telephonedto
to this city and the tug Stephen E Babcock Baboockwas Babok Babokwa
was wa sent Int out The crew cw of the Babcock Baboockarrived Bk Babcockarrived I Iarv
arrived arv in the nlok of time as most mOt of the themen thomn themen
men mn In the water were wer almost exhausted exhaustedAll exhu8t
All l were wre rescued rescuedMRS reecuodMRS
fo I IMm
A Fan F In Her Temperature teat bt Otherwise OtherwiseNo OUI110 I Io I
No o Chance ChanceMrs CalCp CalCpl ChangeMrs
Mrs l Maud Mud Booth Bth the wife wo of Balllngton BalllngtonBooth Dligton DligtonBth IlallingtonBooth e
Booth Bth of the Volunteers Voluntfra of America Amerc who whoIs whois ho hoia
Is sick at her home in Montclalr Montcair spent llpnt a arestless art arestless
rt restless night niht Saturday Stury and was W unable unableto ublo ubloto
to take any nourishment yesterday There Therewas Therewas
tak nourhment ottery Tere Terewsa I
was a fall fal In her temperature tempratu from frm 103 10 to i
100 10 but with the exception eoopton of this ths Improve Improvement Impro Impromnt Improvemeat ¬
meat mnt there was no change cang in her condi condition oondltlon condition ¬
tion yesterday eetrY Sir Mr l Booth Bth U I suffering sufferingfrom IlUterng IlUterngfrm sufferingfrom
frm from grip and tonsillitis to aUllts She has b bad to tocancel toco tocanoe
co canoe cancel gp several Inral engagement ogagemt aha bad ba In Inother I inother
othe other cities dtieaA citiesTRAIL
atc atcA
L Leads to t Arrectof Arrof Arreet of Three ee Men Ilen and Seizure Seizuref Serre Serreor
or f B8OOO 1 Had Money MoneyNonroijc MoneyNoarobx oDer oDerNOIPu
NOIPu Nonroijc Va Va May My 7 7Tr 7Three Three men have havearrested bTe bTeb havebeen
b been arrested at accused aO of being bg export ep and andigeroua anddgerua anddangerous
dgerua dangerous igeroua counterfeiters cunerelter They Tey were wereught werecaught We
caught ught in Portsmouth Pormoutb today t and ac lodged lodgedthe Jd JdI lodgedIn
I In the Norfolk Norol county oouty jail ja there to be arelpsed ar arIgned I
elpsed r Igned before bor United Un States 8ttoa OommU Commisabner OommUjner Cmm
aer abner jner Bowden Dwen here he tomorrow tomorrowTbe tmorw tmorwTo tomorrowThe
The To men are Thomas om Drowsier Charles Charlesalrbanks CtN CtNFalru ChulaFairbanks
Fairbanks Falru and Robert Rbr Slack Bl all all al of San Sanandsoo B SanFrancisco
Fc Francisco andsoo Secret Bt Service 8n10 Agent At Howard HowardJ Bowa
E E J Land d made me the arrests He says 8YI be beas beha behas
ha has as been b on tb t the trail t of the men from trm Key KeyTest Ko HeyWed
W Wed Test Fla F all a along anl the Atlantic Atlto coast coasthey c coastThey
They hey have bve passed p he says 8YII bogus bog bills billsU bUi bUSall
aU U of them thm of the IX 3o denomination denominationi
I In i Charleston Crlton Savannah Sva and Wilmington Wilmingtontid Wilgn Wilgnrd
rd and tid were we just Jut preparing preprin to put them out outere outhere outhere
here ere when wht ha came upon up them With Withem Withtm Withborn
money mney tm born > em ha he seized IB IVOOO 11000 of the te counterfeit counterfeitjonsy countf1 counterfeitmoney
Land I nay a the tb money mon was wo made In I But Bufalo Bu Buttalc
talc alo J N Y Ys
n n n
Dladpllne it itthe
Trouble Tuble Seen lee Predict Peot Discipline Dllrplne to t rollow rollowUie roe roete
the te Defection Droton of Five Fn Oat Oa of o Mtft MtftTammany 11 hlttll 1 1Tammany
Tammany Tmaa rnator Two 1 of Them ThenlUg Themnig ne nes
lUg s Tim lulllvant olnn UeatenantA IdeutenapttBy UeatenantABy Ltttatl LtttatlDy
By long lon distance dtc telephone telehone from tom Mount MountCleratns 1 MoudtClemens t tCmen
Clemens Cmen Much Chutes Calc F Murphy Murhy said addyesterday saidyesterday ad adytray
yesterday yesterdayBefore yesterdayBefore
ytray ytrayDeore
Before Deore I left New York on o WednedAjr WednedAjrfor we
for Good Oo Oround I spoke pk to t Senator Snat SenatoeOradtl Gradji Gradjithe O Otho a
the minority leader leadr and told tol him h that tht t t7oent U Nis Nis7Moent
7oent 7 nt gas bill bi ought ou < ht to have hTe the to support supportof
of all Democrats Demot I repeated to him blmI epp wbM wbMI
I have frequently fruently said Nd r In Interviews Into In the h hnewspapers h t tnewspaper
newspapers nwpaper That Tat was that the organiza organization o orgsdtJMLion ¬
Lion ton would support aprt any bill bl which Whe stood et for forreducing to forreducing
reducing rucng the tb prioe pric of otga gas to th the people peopleI
I have said ud that tha many my times Ume and a the t pp alti altitudo a it le letude
tude of the organization orlaztlon has ba been b maxi madsplain m maxiplain
plain In that respect respectOn
On Thursday Turfy rep morning mrn I called ced Senator SenatorOrady 8natr 8natrOry 5etutbtGrady
Grady Ory up from Good Gd Ground Oroud before betorec tbv Ui4i Ui4ivoto
voto v to was taken tkn on the gas IU measure meur and anrl anrltld I Itold ftold
told tld him bl again that the bill ought ougt to t havi havithe hgrbthe hlY
I the supportof IUpprtOt all al the Democratic Dmoorato member raemberCertain mbr memberCertain
Certain Crn members mMlbnl of the Senate Snt called ciId m mup 1 me meup
up before btore the vote vte was wa taken tn to ascertain ascertain1ray aarn aarnmy
my views Tew and I told thorn the same s thin thinEvery thing thingEvery Q r
Every Ery1amtY frmmsny Assemblyman Agmblyn voted tfor tfortho fpf fpfthe to i ithe
the bill billWhen bi billWhen
When It came c me to a vote vte in the te teOrdy SenatA SenatAGrady HenstaGrdy
and Marks voted votedfor vot fd fdfor
Grady Ordy Doollng Dlng Frawley Frwley Y <
for the tlO bill bi and Fitzgerald FhJgemld Hawkins lawl Rkvfr Rlojydon Rkvfrdan R
dan Foley and Martin lIrtln voted vted against agat it itAccording I ItAccording
According AordlR to some som Tammany Tamy men m mentbe mentbecustom tfcsi tfcsicuxtom Uecu
custom cu tom has h ha always alwa been n for the leader leaderIn 1 ed edIn
In the thl Assembly or the Senate Snat to get ttii ttiiword u tb tbword +
word or1 and in turn pass J it on to the th g TaiuV TaiuVthey T TI i
I mny many membra member It was 1 not the ot ouatotfr ouatotfrthey
they said for Mr r Murphy or any one erepresenting els elsj e eI
j I representing repIentng the organization onanlztlon to have hT hTI haletalk I Italk
I talk tlk with wlb each eo man Ian Assemblyman mblymn Palm Palmgot Pam Pamgot Palmgot
got Mr Murphys views vew and the result resultthe ll llth In Inth
th the Assembly mbly wan Wa very pleasing pleulg whertai whertaithe whera wherathe Whe
the division of the Tammany Tammny vote vo in I th thSenate tbt tbtSnate thSenate
Senate Snate is II likely lkel to make makl trouble for fo this thftfive tUfte thisfl
five fl o Senators Sntore who voted ote no The dledpllne dledpllnethat dloiplln dloipllnthat dllpUn dllpUnI >
I that tbt has hA been n applied apple in similar IIlmllr cases c ha habeen bA bAI haL haLI
I been tln a defeat for fo renomlnatlon rnomination Senators Senatorsterms St Senatorsterms
I terms trml expire expir with 1908 1908None ll 1005None
None onf of the five e U 1 i n district rltrlc leader ledr but butj bu bui
j Fitzgerald FI rlr and Foley are lieutenants luenta of ofBig otBig ofBig
Big Tim Sullivan sulan and anr have b been b in I tbfc tbfcSenate th thRnate t tSenate
Senate Rnate for yearn enl Riordan Rorn is Tom Foleyman Foley Foley1man Fole11
man mn and his hi chief lieutenant leutenant Barney BarneyMartin Drer DrerIarln GameyMartin
Martin Iarln who voted ot d ngainntthebIll n gainst 815t the bill bu recentlyannounced recently recentlyannounced rtr rtranouc
announced anouc his hl retirement relrment AM t a district districtleader dltro districtleader
leader leder and It is i said atd that hedges bo desnot not intend intendto Intd Intdto
to seek lek another term trm In the Senate Snte Seta Senator S Setator ¬
tor Fitzgerald flt grald in the session Ion just Jut endedhad ended endedhad e
had himself blm l presented plnted a bill bl for 70 cent centgas cnt cnti cantSal
i gas which was all supposed at the time tim to toi t torepreeent
I i represent the attitude attludl upp of Tammany Hall HallI Hal Halton
I I on the question questionMr qUlton qUltonMr
Mr Murphy Muhy it wan Wa said yesterday yetay will willi willbe WU
I i be t hack here her on Friday Frld in time tmo to attend attendi ated
i a i the meeting of the Tammany Tarr caenem caenemft see sachrttrts sachrttrtstwae
ft twae t was wIMl1 said last night nigh tbatjuetioe that ttuto Justice OGormaa OGormaahad O Oba OGormanhad
had ba born prevailed plTale on O tohold to hold boltor over again againGrind e erd et etdr4nd
Grind rd Saohem SaohemL1 dS ohem ohemTV oem ap
Eight Men ff Finally Fnan Rescued Rlrl In ftgbt er erCaney If IfC3ne ofCaney
Caney C3ne island bllnd Visitors VUltnrtSeveral Olnn OlnnSml v vSeveral
Several Sml thousand thould people pple stood t at the thefoot theI thefoot
I foot of Ocean OCn Parkway Pakway at Coney Cne Island Islandyesterday ld ldyeterY a ayesterday
yesterday afternoon aflerno and shouted out < < advice advtosto
yeterY aTo aToI
to eight men me who were Iro clinging clinKg to an over overturned ovr ovrtmed L Lturned
turned tmed sloop 6101 about abut threequarters thruartenl of Ai almile a amile Aimllo
I mile off shore Their voices 10 didnt dldt carry carryfor e carryfor
for the wind was 6 high and ar there was a hot heavjfea hote havyt
t sea ea e The sloop that capsized aaplz was the theArgus th thI tbdI
I I Argus Arr of the Jamaica Jamaic Bay Yacht Club ClubThe Cub CubI ClubThe
I The Thl > cries crie of the persons plD who saw 1 W he hego h he4 he4go
go g over attracted atrcf others othel and a big crowjj crowjjof c1 crow crowi
i i of Coney Cny Island blnd visitors laIOnl gathered gtber on o oI th thconcourse t1i t1iconcourse >
cnooW concourse They could ooull eee ee everything everythingthat evrbl everytb everytbthat
I that tht was doing doig around arolnd the capsized aapl b bojj bojjThey o oThey
They The saw 1 two of the eight eigh men let go g th tbtt tbtthold tr trhold t
hold on the boat bt and swim awl to the boejfa boejfadory boq a aI adory
dory dol The Tf These two climbed clb into Int the dry djryand dr drI dryand
I and picked up four of their thlr fellows tollo 30 30more 3o 3omore 1o 1omore
I more could get gt Into the cjory cory and the thetwo b ojber ojbertwo
two men were wer left clinging clnKI to the tnasan4 tnasan4rigging ms msriggg xnaa xnaarigging
rigging of the sloop sloopThe
riggg alp alpTe g gTha
The Te crowd on the beach bh saw aw tbeMory tbeMoryetart the Jr ktory ktorystart
start t rt off or leaving two of the men mn behind behindThe b blindThe
The crowd crwd didnt didt understand undeltand why twjf t men menwere mn mnwere menwerobeing
were werobeing being deserted They Tey reddublaj rb reddubk their theircries theircries b
cre cries to the two men mn hanging tlanglnl to tty tJ tit boat boatand ba bestand
and then something Imehlng happened hBppno tbajr tb tbs raids nudthe m > i ithe
the crowd cheer cher loud lud and long longTbe lnl longThe
The 10 sloop sop righted herself herlt and an Jbe lo Ie two twomen twoI twomen
I men who were holding hollng to her hlr i njact and andrigging a andrigging
rigging were hoisted In the air r Taney < hey e held heldtight heldUgbt heldtight
tight and when they got gt the opportunity opportunitythey o rt rttey rtuatty rtuattythey
they tey dropped to t the deck The Theoettafnly Foertainlr FoertainlrrouM I Imust
I must dpp have heard hear the cries cl of Thetol ThetolI the jptr spectatorswhen spectators ipeotstorswhen
I when they landed on the tlO dock dockThe dok dockThe
The To dory dol meantime mOthno was heading heing for torlargr a alarger alarger
larger largr sloop slop that was further tuhr sway W1 from fromshore frm frmi fromshore
i shore This Thl sloop slop was the Katie Ko owned ownedby oWe oimdby
by Police Sergeant 8rRnt Sharkey Bhaky of o the IIal Ralph Ralphavenue lpb lpbalnuo b t tavenue
avenue alnuo station ataton In I n Brooklyn He had hadparty h a aparty +
party of friends frinc out sailing alig He le took tk the themen to tomEn
men mEn from the dory and then lh soiled aed in I to totry totry totry
try and nd rosette flf their companions o lons who whoseemed whoseemed Wh
seemed me to be b helpless belplQ on the t wave tossed tossedThe t tonedNThe
NThe The Katie Kto was so 1 much larger Ig than th the theArgus te teg theArgue
Argus which had drifted inshore ihre thatSharkey that thatSharkey
drift t
Sharkey Shkey g was afraid arrd to take tak his hl boat b close closeto dO doseto
to the other He Jo rent nt off or his tender td and in inthis I inthis
this thll way rescued red the twotnen tworn aboard ab the thesmaller tbesmler tb tbsmaller
smaller smler boat bt The Te Katie sailed away with withthe withthe th ththe
the rescued men The TIg Argus ee was taken takenanchorage takn taknlater
later lo I in the dy day to the Jamalo Jamaica Yact Yacht Club Clubachorage Clubanehorage
anchorage anchorageTbo achorage achorageTo
The To Gone Coney Island Ild police oo beard he that a anumber Anumber anumber
number Cner ofRllianaburgpoIltlolanshadbeen ofRllianaburgpoIltlolanshadbeensailing of yllllamsburgJ Imsburg p polUo > olltloUns bad b tt been beenthere h
ulg sailing on the Argues Ty They al alas her hard that thatthere
the there were two t physicians pbyacl aboard ab when whenSAVED whenthe whenthe
the sloop capsized t tAVED
cpr cprSAJED
Poor Fou Men Jlpn Clone < u to the te Weedtn eerD Over Overturned OUUUle overturned ¬
turned UUle In I a Squall luU on o the te Sound SoundTbe Sud SudT BoundThe
The T sloop slp Weodena We lfooter atot i5footerwse was WA over overturned oT overturned ¬
turned ted In tle8oumd the t Sound Bund off Clasoos Coa Point Pont Pontt Pointy Pointytoday yes yesterday ¬
today t afternoon aton and ad the th four fou men mD aboard aboardher ab aboardher
her he were we rescued rcd by b the t tug tg George 00 Tucker TucterIt
It was squally euly and a a strong tne northeast notet wind windkept wid widkept windkept
kept most mot of the t pleasure pllll craft ct close clOe to tobe tot tothe
be t shore aho The Wetder Wer was about a quarter quarterof quart
of a mile ml out when Whe she he cspslned eapalzedJohn cspslnedJohn
John Lenahan Lo of o ISltn cpl street Itt and Park Parkavenue Pak Pakavnu Parkavenue
avnu avenue is 1 the te owner ow H H He had hd three t friend friendout frlc friendout
out for fo a sail All l four lou men mn clung cug to thaupturned tha thaupturned
uptnd upturned boat bt a The T Tucker Tc saw aw the t strap strapgo ix l t f fgo
go over oye The T four tO men were we taken tan aboard aboardand abductand
and ad 1 landed ld at Beldons Bldoa dock dockTbs dok doke dockThe a
Tbs e sloop llop drifted dt to some IIOm rocks rl off or Hunts HuntsPoint BuntPont HuntPoint
Pont Point where wh sho 1 was WA held hld fast tut Bb S She was wasteen waaseen
teen tn there the by b a farmer f who Wh notified notJf the thewned t tis tispolio
poUc polio Noth Nothing bt but rwbta rowboats lud ludD could get getnear
D near he her and when the t police poloo a11 arrived ty tyu th7 th7supposed
supposed u a that the people ab aboard bd had b ban bandrowned
dD drowned > wned The T t sloop alo pple lay lT so f low lw in th thtar t the thewater
wt water tar that tat they tb could coUd not even get the thone theiinetrying he hene
ne neIn
ne neIn iinetrying In trying to se s see what they could pair pairut pallout lr lrout
out > ut of tng the tb t cabin cbin the polios got o two derby dsrbyand d dh derbyhats
h hats and an old coat plo with Wt a memorandum memorandumk lemrl
a od o
bk book > k in a pocket There were Wl sorer sorern see erel erelnames j
names n s In this tl pkt book bk but bt tb the addresses wtr wtrII were wereall
all nM II wrong wn w I aa the polios polc presthentlyopletaibed presently a learned learnedThere J JTe
fu further al urtber There Te Th woren oren thedangerpoilea M no te danger c r of o o the te n sloop al a afurther drifting driftingurtber d t
rtt iI iIi
0 i

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