OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, May 08, 1905, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1905-05-08/ed-1/seq-2/

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II III S + fff mm MtWDAY UON Y if 1t AY A8 Y 8 1905 7 I
WERK ERt HTOXINO Ill IlllnnrOIIl 11111 11111I 11111ilneerOId M MMnfYwOlcl
MnfYwOlcl Johnny Johnn flntlUi W Us PU1ns7 PU1ns7Cop rlaJ1nCop PII1flS
S Cop mm Other 6th noi aj Ti Maloney MaloneyTt 1IIon 1IIonT1oqht MiIOfl7l5hougbt
T1oqht Tt > ou ht They TIle Wtre Jeering Him 111mliS 111mliSfound IlimIlliWound III IIIWound
Wound Not Merlon et1antC1r1M Charge < 1la Framed FramedNineyearold FraraedNlneJMrold
5 Nineyearold Johnny Hmllh who ho was wasshot WILAMot waRiot
shot by Policeman Thomas omu J Maloneyof Maloneyofthe MA1OUI dAlon or orthe Ofthe
the Wont Blxtyelghth street Iree station st4tlOflS while whileplaying whileplaying
S playing on on the trockii of the Now ow York YorkCentral Yorkeer1tral YorkCentral
Central at Went Wr End avenue and Sixtieth Sixtiethtint SixtiethItreet Sixtiethitree
tint Saturday evening enlnr U lytn lying in th thcrowded tbe tbetlOwdM thcrowdM
crowded living lIv1n room of his home at 240 240Weat 240Ved 0 0WMt
V Weat Sixtieth street lie WM wAlilihot hot throuRh throuRhthe tbrouKhIhe thlOUhI
I the right iala thigh The wound U not neow neowMiilr n D6Oert1 CXt CXtIlarUr
Miilr rt1 riangeroiw and and with good care tho thobojr thoboy thoI
I t boy will recover recoverThe feooverrM i eooverI
I The shootIng ooeumKl OOCIlrtl Cl nbout 1 tt oclock oclockSatWd oclock8atrd clock clockSaturday
Saturday SatWd y evening but no report WM made madeof madeof madeI
I ofIttheMatiofl of i at the station hou howicat i at tha thsttinend thsttinendI time and andereCr andf1TOtT
I ereCr ffort wa made br the police to kep kepthanaU kefptheJUtter
U thanaU r quiet Wh Wbn n theahot the hot wa wu flred flredJohnny ftredJohnn flredJohnny
Johnn Johnny did not fall at once lie r ran n acnxM acnxMIhotricks ACro ACrothtroks cro croI
thtroks Ihotricks to the e out t Ride Ide of the avenue ayenuewb uenueI uenuewbml avenueI I
I wb wbml l KuRh McDonald of 187 Weat W t End Endvenue EndADUe Endavenue
venue picked him up and carried him to toItoonerelt toI I IJ100MTelt
I Itoonerelt floofeeitAtertakIng Hospital HospitalAfter Jlo pltal pltalArter
After AtertakIng takm taking the wounded tad to the hoe hoepltal hoepltal hoepital
pltal McDonald willed up Police Head Headquarters lleadqJ1rtelll IieAdquatore
quarters quatore und told of the nhootlnR hoot InK Head Headquartera UlladqUl1rtelllolfiolalA Headquazter
quartera qUl1rtelllolfiolalA official replied that they would wouldnotify wouldnotlt wouldI
I notify notlt the West Sixtyeighth utreot utatlon utatlonhouoe lltatlonhoWl tatIonhouRe
hoWl and there the matter matt r Deemed to end endAt endAt endI
I At II oclock roll call Maloney made no noreport nonportof noreportof
report nportof of the ehootlng and Detective D hM Mich Michael Michaels Michaeli ¬
ael aels and Donnelly who had been aligned alignedto lgnM lgnMto
M to the case OM had not called at the wounded woundedlada woundedlad
e I lada lad home or made any report an to the theIdentity theIdez theIdentity
Identity Idez tlt of the man who fired the ehot shotReporters ehotReporterll ehotS
Reporters who Inquired at the utallon house houoewemtold hoURewerwtold housewertold
S wemtold by Berg Thomson who had the thodek thed thedesk
desk d k that there wa wai < no report of the shoot shooting ehootlog hoolIng ¬
ing ingAt At 830 a report wan wa laid on the deok deokwhich dCllkwhich doekwhich
which read John Smith 9 yearn old of of24OWeet
240 24OWeet Wect Sixtieth street found In the Ro Roooe Roooeelt RooeI e eyelt
I yelt elt Hospital shot In the right leg above abovethe abovethe
the knee at Went We t End avenue and Sixtieth Sixtiethareet SixtletbIItreet SixtiethS I
S areet by b an unknown policeman policemanThe I IThe
The report was unsigned but the thellergellnt sergeant sergeantnald eergeant1I
1I Mid that It had been made by the two de detfCtlye detectiyee 1 1tectlyeo I I
tectlyeo Maloney was lOOn at 130 oclock oclockIn
In the morning by the reporters He then thendenied thendenied thendenle4
denied the shooting saying I ing that at the thetime thetime
time timeU it occurred he was 1Ia not carrying a re reYeeterday rOooher roJ I
J oher oherYe
Yeeterday Ye terda Maloney admitted the th shoot shooting ihootIt hootIng ¬
1 It ing and made A report to Capt Copney oaney of ofthe I Itbe
1 i the theSixtyeighth Slxtrelgbth street station Hk story storywere IItoryof atoryiiii1
of the affair I Ia that a crowd or larger boa boawelp boyawe
were welp we loitering In the railroad yard a near nearthe nearthe neartheplaco
iiii1 the theplaco place where Smith SmIthMd and hl hlA little friends friendswero triendawem friendwere
were wem playing The big boys according accordingto
to Maloney M 1oney began Kan to throw utones at him himandoall himand himantc1i
andoall and 11 out Insulting name At lat their theirattack theirattack theirattack
attack became HO determined that Maloney Malonoyay I I1lA1I
T sam ay be drew biN revolver and fired flredtn In tho thoair their I Ikir
air ir to call for oMUtanoo lie denied that thathe thathe thathe
he fired at the Smith boy or knew that he hebad hebad hebad
bad wounded him himThe himThe himThe
The little boya story is I that he was play playj ¬
ing policeman with several of hU hi com companions comD cornpaiuooa ¬
j D paiuooa panions lona and nd that they bad broken away awayfrom
from the lad who had been chosen as cop copneck conThe
The latter boy had been named Crooked Crookedneck CrookeIS
neck a nickname given to Maloney Maloneythe MaloneyI by bythe
I S j the resident of the dhtrict and as the lot lotYah lada ladaftCped
1 i ftCped capcd capture they yelled demhely dorLIvelyI
I Yah yahl crookedneck crookedneckAt
7f At that moment Maloney the wounded woundedboy woundfdboy woundedI
I boy says come around the end of a car carand carand carand
and UpponlnK that the lads were mocking
him drew hU hi revolver and fired a shot shotNot abotXot shotot
Not ot one of the youngsters waa over 10 10yean 10ealll 10years
yean ealll old George Hills of 241 1 West We t Sixtieth Sixtiethptreet Sixtiethtreetl SixtiethI
I ptreet treetl and Augustus McIntyre of 347 Weat Weatl We WeatSixtieth t tSixtieth
Sixtieth street who were with the Smith Smithhoy SmithS Smithboy
l boy > oy both agree with him u to the main mainfact mainfacte I Ifacts
S facts of the shooting I Ian
Charles Parent of n Wait fild id avenue avenuen
an n eighteenyearold lad who was wa near the t1Joplaoe theplace I Ibe
place where the shooting took place said saidyesterday saidyesterday
yesterday that he beard the shotan hot and saw eawtbe sawI
I the be smoke of the gun and that at the time timethere timeI I Ithere
I there was no crowd of largo boys bo playing playinabout play1ngS play1ngabout j jabout
about the yards and no one was near the thelittle thelittle
5 S little fellows except the policeman After Afterthe Alterthe AfterI
3 I the shooting Maloney walked along the thevenue theavenue theavenue
avenue and made no Inquiries ln lri08 as AI to the ex exprepared extent exS
S tent or c the Injury whIch be had Inflicted IntUctedcpt Inflictedt
t I cpt Cooney said Jd Mterday that be bad badpreDUed hadPrerred
prepared Prerred a complaint which would be bosent beIIMent besea
IIMent sea sent to Commissioner MoAdoo Meanwhile MeanwhileMaloney Mtanwhl1ealoney MeanwhileMaloney
Maloney ha not been placed plC d under arrest
He n wma still on duty yesterday although althoughmight althoughIBId
II was IBId at the station house that he het hemight
might t not b be sent back to his old post for forent
tbapreaeot ent
Peltee Get et After Violators of the Sunday SundayLaw hnda hndaIA SunflayLaw
Law IA at Valliburg ValliburgTb alllbl1J alllbl1J1be aiIibwgTb
Tb 1be first rwt move to stop Sunday bicycle bicycleracing bloyc1eracq bicyclertcing
racing at the tb Vallsburg track In Newark Newarkwa Newarkwu
I wa waR mdA yesterday afternoon by b the thepolice tbepolice thepolice
police of that city who arrested three of ofthe oftho
J the promoters end two riders while be betweea betweea beC
C tweea two and three thousand men and andboys andbora
I boys showed their displeasure by hooting bootingand hootingDd hootingand
and Dd jesting The prisoner were charged chargedwith chargedwith cbargedwith
with Tlalatln city ordinance No 0 434 4 which whichprohibit
4 prohibit the e playing of game iports iportsa PONto
1 to a on Sunday SundayFlff 4undayY1ft7 undayl
l Flff 1UtT r tollcemen met1 were present Including Includlnltj
j J 1 a > dozen dol Q taounted unted men They The were under undercommend underoo I II
I oo dotOtptOIOlUVogeloftbeFourtb commend dotOtptOIOlUVogeloftbeFourtbPJOOInot of OapL Oaoar Vogel of the Fourth Fourthprecinct
I precinct fa i which hleb the Vallsburg track lies liesCommlasloner IleaComznlaeloner 1kei
i Commlasloner Fred Castle and Acting Chief
4 John H Adam were In the grand stand standAt lltandAt
I At S oikxik oOok six Ix person were allowed allowedby nllowedby
I by the management to buy ticket Among Amongthe Amongthe
the numb Dumbtt waa Policeman Dominick DomlnlckTonero Dom1nJckTonero
I Tonero of f the Fourth precinct who wo woIn waaIn was wasIn
In citizen glothes QIotb a The ticket wa was sold soldbjr 101dby soldby
by Boloman pe o Vrlea of 401 Plane street streettreasurer streettreasurer treettreuUe1
treasurer of the New Jersey Bicycle Track TrackCompany TmokCompany
I Company He was u arrested by b Detective DetectiveSergeant DetectiveBeraeant DetectiveS
S Sergeant Tult A quarter mile miloruco race wa wathan 11 11tbez1 was wasS
S than thenbeid held There Tbemwersonlytwooonttante went only two contestants contestantsCbarle oonteetantaCbar1e
I charles Frankof Frank of SS7 South Tenth street streetand etreetADd streetad I
and Edward Rupprecht of 707 South Fit Fifteenth ruteeth ¬
t teeth treet Rupprecht 1 Is president of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Day View Wteelmen of Newark which whichha wblebhat widthha
hat ha placed lta Itself U on record aa favoring fATorina8unda7 fsvorin fsvorinSunday
Sunday racing Franks b U also a a prominent prominentmember prominentmember prominentmember
member of the organization The riders riderswho rideJllwbo riderawho
who wore In radns ra costume were started startedby startedi tattedby
i by Frederick W riolgt oigt of II Avon avenue avenuewho aTenueWho
l who is manager ofjbe ot Jhe track and the race racewaa raceW raceiJ
iJ was W timed by Charles > e V Bloamacke of SS SSWest S5WNt 5 5veet
West End avenue who la president of the thecompany therompan7 thecompany
company After the th riders had gone two twolaps twolaps twolaps >
laps which completed the quarter of a amile amile amile
mile Bloemecke Vgt V Igt gt Rupprecht and andFrank andFranks
4 Franks were arrested arrestedBloemecke a arrestedBloemecke ted tedB10em
Bloemecke B10em Cke and Volt were w re taken to I the
Fourth precinct pr dnct station by trolley oar r
Rupprecht and Frank Fran with their captors ceptorsE
E Marted to walk to the station The four fourIn fourmen fourI
I men had got about op opposite te Electric Park ParkWhen Parkwhen
When the crowd closed In h on them and they the
found progress Impossible The crowd
hooted jeered and motfe insinuating lnainuatln re remark remaru remarks ¬
mark about the efforts etloI of the police to atop
violation of the law Imothur casee Al ¬
though the crowd wa WaR 811 not n menacing m naclJg there therew thllreWILl therewas
w WILl danger of It becoming b oomltl < < so and aa the thepolicemen theDOUQemen thepoilpemen
policemen and their prisoners were unable
to advance a step help wa W s 1I4N1t nt for Sergt Sergtpatrol
BU Stucksy 7 In command or tb th4zuounted ounted squad
duhfd through the oro cro1 rollowed b by
Row1dI Ucuadiman Durkin and peWiral patrolmen
Th The retnrorotmenta formed hollow square squarearound Quarea
a around d the lb bicycle ride rlderiimtIl tli a patrol patrolr4
wagon r4 OD arrived ant d and took them t to the eta etaTb ¬
tion tlonIb T TTh
Th Ib Prisoner were arraigned uralc ed before
Actin AcingJudgeTulli Judge YuUL It wa wu wufuqdthnthat wufuqdthnthatno found then that thatno thatno
no complaint hM been madefy made T the poLo poLoand polceand poiceand
and that an immediate hearing beari l wa wu 1m Irat
pnasirila pnasirilaTh
I t Th ma prisoners wal walaa wahed their rljht to haTe h ave
II aaaamination aa aathk In Ion And sndtheywereparoIduntj they wOnt led UDtIl
thlarnlnc thk < raornlns al 4 B oclock wh w whiti n thaywUl
have a hearing heirtn before Judge Sweeney Swee e
I I J Yesterday stardar afternoon a basuballgame bajibaU game gameitnftadt
I5 het11 itnftadt th the Newark Jway sad Ad Jersey J JIDa y at v team teamam
ftbeEastarn Iegue WM Pred at = eIden eIdenI
I IDa ma1 yw Park Ne Newark wbicg r was ID Yio iolsloa
r the lam sne am ordinance o oI
I Rear Estate Trust Trust Co CoOP
30 Nassau NassauStreet NassauStreetCapital NassauStreetCapital Street StreetCapital
Capital Surplus and Undivided UndividedProfits UndividedProfits UndividedProfits
Profits 115000000 115000000Depositsourx 115000000DeposltstaT2llIoIIIOOODOOOOO Ii5OOOOOODpositsnsys
Depositsourx DeposltstaT2llIoIIIOOODOOOOO DeposltstaT2llIoIIIOOODOOOOOnlell looi 1000000000 1000000000nrerlvn
nrerlvn nlell t Depoilli DrpolltlAllowln DrpolltlAllowlnIntlrtlt UeposItsAIiowiuglnIeret Allowing AllowingInlrrrit
Inlrrrit Accepts Trusts TruidTntSTEES TruatlTRtMTEEi TrustsTflLMTE1
IIENRT n II HrAHMAN i1 II l B A1lMANirIdflS A1lMANirIdflSH C HVIIIIO > V IJ < President PresidentII prildal prildalII rDI rDII
II W IIEKIIIIIV UEIIIIII1T 2d VlerFrr r t 8ecj 8ecjJmr 8fe 8feJm
I I Jane M Varnorn mum porr Qtor O DeAVItl DeAVItlCbarle DeWIIICbrlea DeVllICbrIes
Cbarle C Uurke Htnry K Pomroy PomroyMiprnard IOouo IOouoWgrt PonmyTIinatd
Henry Wgrt Miprnard Lewis Stewart Morris t Percy Franklin If Chubb ChubbHenry CbubbHenry II blcrd blcrdI LordEdsin Lord LordKdwtn
Kdwtn A CniUitiank crulklbanll J none Jontewll vrlt noooevrlt noooevrltiCtiirlovA flooseysitrhrlc
I iCtiirlovA rhrlc A Peabodv bod Ilairlaon K p pChl Gawtn1 Gawtn1Cb GaII GaIIChu
Cb Chu i A t Mcbfrmernora bHrntrtom frank rnk n Wllhtrbn WllhtrbnJof VttbirbeeJoll tlbUbNI
I Jot I K t Frermao ft mo Robert Ooelel OoelelI a Goelelflourlu lel lelI
I lIouel flourlu tour Hi lloblnton lloblntonCbarle Frederic r dHtr de p 1 mater 1 FosterCbules ler lerCbAllta
I Cbarle S I urowp Alfred I d K l Uarltnt UarltntChurUf WAlllarCharI Jif stUng stUngCPISTIP
CharI ChurUf M Van Kl Cleek ek A ANlataal Utaat S sert7 sert7WARSAWS ScrtarjIVARSAWS er Utr UtrWARSAWS
For mood Kprinkllnc MprtnkllnClollh Polish nnsslan and andYliiUlih andYiddish lid lidIddlth
Yiddish They TIle Meet to Denounce the theCzar UJeCurnNhtanoe theCzarResistance
Czar CurnNhtanoe rtesliUnce Uke That of This ThisYear Theear hi hiar
Year ear ar Was Wa Impoaslute Ten Years Age AgeOn AIOOn AgoOn
On the strength of the May Day Da massacre massacreat
at Warsaw which thn Poles are already alreadycalling alreadycalling alreadycalling
calling Rod Monday tho PollAh revolu revolutionitOa revolu110nlll rerolutionhte
tionitOa 110nlll of New York held a massmeeting massmeetinglast
last night In Grand American Hall 7 Second Secondavenue Sooondavenue Secondavenue
avenue Not only the Polo but the Russian Russianand RuaaIanMd Rusalanand
and Yiddish revolutloninU were there all allready allready allready
ready to denounce the Czar CzarProceedings Czarlrocoodlng8 Czarlroceedlnga
Proceedings opened with a speech In InPolish InPOJl1l11 InPoiWi
Polish by Joseph Stalg tho chairman chairmanAfter chairmanArter chairmanAfter
After ho had outlined tho program of the therevolutionary thereolutlonry therevolutionary
revolutionary party Dr Zajaczkowsky ZajaczkowskyInquired Zajaczkow8kyInquired Zajaczkowskyinquired
Inquired pleasantly whether the audience audiencewanted audJencewnnted audiencewanted
wanted to be b addressed addreoe ed In Polish or Rue Russian Ruaian Ruesian ¬
Spook 8 ak Pollshl cried the Pole In their theirnative theirnathc theirnative
native tongue tongueSpeak tongueSpeak tongueSpcak
Speak Russian shouted the Russians RU88lanalntbe In Inthe Inthe
the language of Oorkl GorkiPolUhl OorklPalubl OorklPalLh
PolUhl Polishhowled Pollabl howled the compatriot compatriotof
of Kosciusko KosciuskoRuiwianl Kosclu8koRUMianl KoacluakoRuaaianl
Ruiwianl Russian Ru slanl yelled the others othersPeople etbersPeooplo otherPeople
People were jumping up and down on the thal thehonchN thebonchee
honchN l > onclie howling or waving anna and hats hatsin hataIn hatsIn
in the aisles It sounded like the first firstfreshman flJ1ltfreshman firstfreahman
freshman meeting of the year In the Uni University Untenlty Univarsity ¬
varsity of Moscow MoscowWhen MoacowWhen MoscowWhen
When l lit r JJaJacikownky Z managed to get getn
n word In edgewise he explained that be bewaa b hewas I
was only ow joking He couldnt speak Polish Polishat
at all 11 With a few Polish muttering the thestorm th thstorn1 thestorm
storm subsided subsidedIn
In the crowd which stood along the theedges th thedged theedgee
edges of the platform was Israel Leszlnsky Leszlnskycarrying LeulnskyCafTlng Iszlnskycarrying
carrying In his arms his eon Isidor rising risingtwo mlngtwo risingtwo
two years Isidor had a pair of new white whiteshoos whiteIIhoot whitshoes
shoos and a rattle on a string Presently PresentlyIsrael PresentJybrael Presentlyisrael
Israel got tired of carrying the boy bo and andrested andrested andrested
rested him on the platform Then be for forgot torgot forgot ¬
got all about him until Dr Zajaczkowskys Zajaczkowskysspeech Zajaczkowakypeech Zajsczkowskysspeech
speech woe interrupted bv a shrill crow of ofpure otpure ofpure
pure delight Israel I rael turned There was wasoeedlngs waslaldor wasisidor
laldor Jut ust out ot reao1JJ reach interrupting pro prooeedll1P proceedings
oeedlngs with bill rattle and bating an anawfully anawfuily A Aawfully
awfully good time timeCome timeCome timeCome
Come here Isidor sold Israel Iaraelin In a Yid Yiddish Yiddish Ylddish ¬
dish stage whliper Isidor only danoed danoedbackward danoedbackward danoedbackward
backward on his hi plump legs and signaled signaledmost elgnaledtoPl signaledtopapa
toPl topapa thAt there was nothing doing dolnltDr doing1r
Dr ZaJao Zajacakoweky owskY bad just reached the themoet themoat
most Impressive Improe lve point In hu 1 Ia eulogy of fi fiPoland free freePoland freePoland
Poland when something clutched his coat coattails ooattalla coattaila
tails and something rattly began to bang
his shins He kept going for a sentence sentenceor
or two which hurt Isldora feelings Isidor Isidorscrewed Ia1dorcrewed Isidorscrewed
screwed his hands in his eyes and set up Ul a abowl abowl ahowl
bowl which drowned out Dr Zajaczkowsky Zajaczkowskyand ZaJac owsk owskand
and caused the proceedings against the Czar Czarto Czarto Czarto
to be dropped while papa climbed on the thestage tbestage thestage
stage and bore Isidor away to polyglot polyglotcheering poJyalotcheering polyglotcheering
aao Isaacs asxea wneiner ine auaieooe auaieooewanted
wanted him to peak in Polish or Yiddish YiddishThat YlddlabThat YiddishThat
That started another riot Isaac sold a afew afew afew
few words in both languages anguage which only onlyadded onlyadded onlyadded
added fury to the storm Mr Stolg tact tactfully tacttully tactfully ¬
fully proposed a vote on the subject On Ona
a show of hands Yiddish won wonMr wonMr wonMr
Mr Isaacs declared that the Polish people peoplelike peoplelike peoplelike
like the Russians Rus lana are getting up their nerve nerveResistance nerveRea1stanoe nerve1kelatanoo
Resistance such oa has been seen this year yearwould yearwould yearwould
would have been Impossible ten year ago agoEvery agoEvery I IE
Every E ry man shot down In the streets of ofWarsaw ofWJIIW ofWarsaw
Warsaw will call up 100 men for the great greatrevolution ereatrevolution greatrevolution
revolution said Dr Zaiaozkowsky ZaJaozkowekEvery
Every year the Russians have shot down downour downour downoir
our people peopl on the 1st of May It Attraota attractsmore Attraotamore attraotamore
more attention this year because the world worldknows orld orldknowa
knows that we are ready to rise sold Mr MrStelg MrSteIg MrSteig
In Fetish Ho o No One Knows Kno Wny 1T1lJ1andl 1T1lJ1andlCIId WhyVlandsVeedExternallyTwo Viands ViandsVied
Vied VeedExternallyTwo Externally I xttrnallTwo Two Random Prisoners PrlonerAdolph Pril4lnfllAdolph PrisonersAdolph
Adolph Kapser married Pauline Krauffe Krauffeyesterday Krautreyeeterdayafternoon Krauffeyesterday
yeeterdayafternoon yesterday afternoon They Invited all 11 their theirfriends tbe tberrlends theirfriends
friends to a wedding feast at atthalr their new home homeat
at CIID 19 West Fortysixth street The cop copon copon copon
on post po t thought he had never listened I ned to so sogay 110gay sogay
gay a gathering When he beard women womenscaPamlng womenIIc womensceaming
scaPamlng IIc arnlng he only smiled at the tb supposed supposedhigh supposodhigh uppoeedhIgh
high spirits of the guests guesUSuddenly guestaSuddenly guestsSuddenly
Suddenly a hatless hatl8 and coatless man shot shotout IIhotout shotout
out of the house muttering In an unknown unknowntongue unknowntongue unknowntongue
tongue He rushed past the astonished astonishedoop a tor 8bed 8bedoop
oop and ran to the station house on Forty Fortyseventh Fortyventh Fortyseventh
seventh venth street where he greeted Sergt SergtHosey SergtHosey
Hosey with the cry cryTheyre cryTheyre errThoyre
Theyre all being killed down there thereBefore thererOTll thereBefore
Before rOTll the sergeant could get his breath breaththere breaththere breaththere
there came mo calls for patrol wagon and andthe andtbe andthe
the reserves from three different policemen policemenThe policemenThe policemenThe
The wagon and reserve were sent around aroundin
in a hurry to the Forty FortYlllxtb lxth street bOWIe bousewhere bOWIewhere housewhere
where Policemen Sweeny Curran and andCullen andCullen andCullen
Cullen were wer found vainly Talnl trying to disen disentangle disentangle disentangle ¬
tangle a wildly fighting mob Thirty Thlrt ex excited excited excited ¬
cited wedding guests were rolling among amongthe amongtbe amongthe
the remains of the feast In the narrow narrowlimits narro narroIlm1ta narrowlimits
limits of the young couples kitchen kitchenUnder kitchenLDder kitchenUnder
Under the table sat a woman hugging a
turkey to her breast On the wall the new newpastry newmarrialtO nowmarrAge
marrialtO license with a turkey bone driven
through glass and parchment looked down downupon downupon
upon the My PUddings plea and other otberJII otherpastry
pastry JII try had spattered the waDa and smeared atnean smea smeathemselves > d
themselves over tho fighters n < < hten Everybody Everybodywas
was screaming In Polish PollanlIO so that the cop copwere oo oowere cops copswere
were at a loss 10 on to tb t the cause cau e of the battle
Determined De ed not to hard their trouble
for nothing the police arrested Otto Dalff Dalffof DaltIot DaIffor
of 005 West Fortyninth street and Louis
Wattsky of sot West Fortyflfth street streetthe streetl
the two most besmeared individual and andcarried aDQ aDQcarried andtarried
carried them away awa in the patrol trol wagon
The prison prieonerll ere were brought before the therergeant tberreant theiergeant
rergeant and at a late hour he waa still stillvainly atlllTainly stillvainly
vainly endeavoring to find out what bad
turned a wadding Into Into a aKilled riot riotKilled riotKlUfJII
Killed In a Rnnawmy Kuna Accident AccidentBrxoiuuTox AtIftdmtBtNol1ulTof AccidentIInOOUAMT0X
BrxoiuuTox N T May ity 7 7George 7GeorgeEdard Georga GeorgaEdward
Edward Allen of Little Falls Herkhner Herkhnercounty IIer1dmercount flerklmercounty
county count a a traveling tra lIna manager for the Stager StagerSewing SfnierSewtnS SingerSewing
Sewing Machine Company wu Instantly instantlyrUled
killed at about noon today He and hi hiwife his h1awUe hiswife
wife had started to drive to O Owego wego and met metan metan metan
an automobile owned d by George Oe rge F Johnson Johnsonthe JobEltOnthe Johnsonthe
the LcBtenhlre enhlre shoe manufacturer which
frightened the harM Frank Baldwin the thechauffeur tbechauffeur thechauffeur
chauffeur stopped < the automobile and tried
to catch the bone but it bolted across the thestreet lbestreet thestreet
street car tracks throwing tbrowln Allen out Hi IIs II
bead beadruck struck a rail and hi bj left tempi tem wa wacrushed warn WAIoruabN1ln warnoreahed
crushed oruabN1ln In Allan AIim leave a widow and Dd on OM
daughter In Philadelphia No blame la laAttached 11attached Isattached
Attached to the jobauffeur DbaulTeuw Dbauae
w c
LAttOlt iiOH NWX 101 AT T WAft WAftCIVIC tHIn tHInellle OIEflI
CIVIC I lIC FKDKKATWS FKDKKATWSInrntlcailnf FIWtn4TlOInnltleatlnr FEDER4710VInetlgstlng
Inrntlcailnf Committee Mi HaJ That the theFederation thePldtratton th thPederatlon
Federation It Not Inimical to lAbor lAborhut IAMrhut TAbrhut
hut the Me lPfUnr Un After a Ionr Lon ng > Debate DebateVolet DebatetN Debatete
Volet tN te Nat to Aroepl A lIt the Iteport IteportThe IieprtThe port portThe
The threatened split in the Central tral Fed Federated Ioderated Federated ¬
erated Union over the Socialist members memberswas
was brought nearer yesterday tI IenIAy by b A report reportof
of the committee appointed month ago agoto ACOto agoto
to investigate the Civic Federation and andforoo andtoroo andfomo
foroo delegates ho mad charges against againstlabor Ipln Iplnlabor againstlabor
labor members of that body either to rrove provethem rrovetbem rrovethem
them or withdraw them themTha tbemTh themThe
The Th Socialist SoeialIatere were early oul at the meeting meetingand meetingand meetingand
and remalne until the end It was w from fromthem fromthem fromthem
them that the charges came and apparently apparentlythe appar ntl ntlthe
the had planned Ianned to tire the meeting meotln cut cutso cutao cutso
so that other delegates would leave and andthe andtbe andthe
the Socialists be m mater stars of the field fieldJesse fttldJeue fleldJesse
Jesse Lorlmer of the Housesmltbs 1I0U ll5mltb and andBlrdgemens andD1rd andBlrdgemens
Blrdgemens D1rd mens Union wh made the report reportMid reportI8ld reportsaid
Mid that the records of the Civic Federa Federation Federation Faderstion ¬
tion bad been Investigated conscientiously conscientiouslyand ocnaclentloMlar1l
and that they showed that the federation federationwas
was not inimical to the labor movement movementbut monmentbut movcmentbut
but on the contrary h done the labor labormovement labormovement labormovement
movement good by settling a number num of ofstrikes oratrikes ofstrikes
strikes and averting others othersThe olhelllThe othersThe
The report concluded concludedWe
We do not find an Iota of proof that the theClvlo theOvlo theCivic
Civic Federation is detrimental to the thelabor thelabor thelabor
labor movement We also desire to state statethat atatethat statethat
that the delegates who made charges against agolnlstnational Aplnhtnational againstnatiol
national and International officer of unions unionswho unlo unionswho l lho
who ho were members of the Clvlo Federation Federationfailed Federationrailed Federationfailed
failed to make good on them and we reoom recommend reoommend reoommend ¬
mend that these delegates be cons fred fredThe > iodThe radThe
The report was about to be put before beforethe betoretho beforethe
the meeting for adoption when the Socialists Socialistsclamored 80cIalietaoIamored Socialistsolamored
clamored for a a debate on the subject One Onenamed ODenamed Onenamed
named PaullUoh Paull < ob who represented the thoAmalgamated theAmalgamated theAmalgamated
Amalgamated Sheet Sh t Metal workers said saidthat ealdthat saidthat
that the report was a whitewashing affair affairand affairand affairand
and was made by a member of the Civio CivioFederation ClvloFederation CivloFederation
Federation FederationBefore FederationDofore Federationllefore
Before the delegate goes any further furtherInterrupted rurt1JerInterrupted furtherinterrupted
Interrupted Lorlmer I want to say that I Ihave IhaO Ihave
have no connection whatever with the theClvlo tbeChio theCivic
Civic Federation and there need be no notalk notalk notalk
talk on that score scoreOther IIOOreOther scoreOther
Other delegates attacked the Clvlo Fed Federation Federation Fedoration ¬
eration until finAlly Delegate Hand of the theCarriage theCarriage thoCarriage
Carriage Workers Union told of going goingInto
Into a Bowery saloon with a member of ofthe oftho orthe I
the committee appointed after the Inter Interborough Interborough Interborough
borough strike to see August Belmont and andget andget andget
get the strikers reinstated The oom oommltteeman oominltteeman cornmitteenian
mltteeman according to Hand said saidWe saidWe lAIdWe
We went there to do some good for these thesex thNlOpoor thesepoor
poor x > or devils who were WOr In a lOlling fight fightfhey fightThey fightThey
They went Into the flght In a bullheaded bullheadedway bullbe buunendedway d d dway
way on the blind advice of their own ownleaden ownleailera ownleaders
leaden leaileraDand leadersHand
1 Hand was going on to say more when whenJames whenJames whenJames
James J Daly of the Dockbullders Union Uniona
a member of the committee said saidIt wdIt saidIt
It rives me great pleasure to answer answercoward a acoward acoward
coward We were inveigled Into that saloon fII1oonby saloonby saloonby
by a number of people > 001 > le that we wanted to toavoid toavoId toavoid
avoid and who nod no business a with us usIt usIt 18 18It
It was a cowardly act for people to repeat repeatwhat repeatwhat repeatwhat
what they heard In confidence in a place placewhere placewhere placewhere
where they had no business to be If the thelabor thelabor thelabor
labor men were Ra frank at stating their theirside tbelrIIlde theirlde
side of a case M August Belmont there therewould tberwould therewould
would not be as much mud slinging here hereAll hereAll hereAll
All these the e people who are talking are simply simplyevading eimplyeLdJng simplyevading
evading the present question questionThere questIonThere questionThere
There was applause mingled with hhses hhsesHand bllllllllnand hLsesHand
Hand made an explanation of some kind kindbut kindbut kindbut
but Daly paid no attention The Socialists Socialistswho Roclalllllllwho Socialistswho
who were sparring for time tlm made more moredenunciatory moredenunciatory moredenunciatory
denunciatory speeches es takinz for their theirtext tbelrtflxl theirtext
text the Interborough strike This brought broughtPhilip broURhtPhilip broughtPhilip
Philip Kelly of the Theatrical Protective ProtectiveUnion ProtectiveUnion ProtectiveUnion
Union to his feet feetI
I want to say he sold that you will willhear willbear willhear
hear more of the strike laterwhen Inter when A detailed detailedreport detalledreport detailedreport
report will be made about It There are arepeople arepeople arepeople
people here who are trying to hurt the thelabor thelabOr thelabor
labor movement by insinuations which whichdo whichdo whichdo
do far more harm than direct statement statementwhich etatementlwhich statementswhich
which they would have to prove When Whenyou Whenouknow Whenyouknow
you youknow ouknow know the true fact of the Interborough Interboroughstrike Interboroughstrike Interboroughstrike
strike you will be called upon to censure censuretwo censuretwo censuretwo
two men who rushed the people blindly blindlyInto blindlyInto blindlyInto
Into tho strike Instead of Mr Ir Belmont or orMr or1I1r or31r
Mr Compen CompenFinally
Finally the matter came to a vote and andthe andthe andthe
the Socialists being then In the majority majoritythe
the report of the oommltteo was rejected rejectedPLEAS rejICtedPLEAS rejectedPLEAS
PLEAS FOn NEGRO EORO Y 1 M C A ADlahop ADlop Afllthop
Dlahop Dlop Potter Pottr and ant Docker Bokpr Washington Whnctn at ata ata ata
a Man lal Meeting
The importance Iportanoe of bodily bly exercise nerc and andtraining andtrg andtraining
training trg for the young youg negroes nego who hope hopeto
to compete cmpte successfully eu ruy in the activities activitiesof
of this tbl city was Wa the theme of a number nuber of ofaddresses ofadd ofaddressee
addresses add made me before a maas m meeting meetig in inCarnegie InCg inCarnegie
Carnegie Cg Hall yesterday ytery afternoon afternoonThe afterno afternoonThe on onThe
The meeting mting was a held bed by the Colored ColoredMens ColoredMens
Mens Branch Brncb of the Young Mens Christian ChristianAssociation Crtin CrtinAoton ChristianAssociation
Association Aoton of this tb city and ad nearly nely 4000 4000were 4000were
were present Upon the stage stg were 100 100or 100or 100or
or so speakers spkeill officers and singers Ono Onoof Onoor Onoof
of the principal princp purposes pW of the tb meeting meetingwaa metng metngwu
was to raise r money toward lifting a 29000 29000debt 2000debt
debt on the property proprty of the branch branc at JS3 JS3and 2 2and 253and
and Jii 2 25 West Fiftythird Ftythlrd street streetThe etrt etrtThe streetThe
The secretary announced at the close clo of ofthe orthe ofthe
at annuo a
the meeting rtlng that tb the amount raised r was wasabout w wabout wasabout
about 1100 10000 Of this J Pierpont Piernt Morgan Morgancontributed Morganoontributed Morgancontributed
contributed 1500 15 500 The general gr association associationbaa ulon ulonb
baa b agreed to duplicate dupicte every enr dollar that thatthe tbattbe thatthe
the branch brnc aE raises r before July 1 1Bishop 1Blbop 1Bishop
Bishop Blbop H C Potter and Booker Bkr T Wash Washington WashIeon Washington ¬
ington Ieon were wee the principal princp speakers speakersPreventive spkill spkillPntlve speakersPreventive
Preventive Pntlve method metho ore a the best bestsaid bt btad beItsaid
said ad Bishop Potter Pottr In beginning bging his b ad addreaa a address
dress d And there la I none more preven preventive preventive proventire ¬
tive than that which whic recognizes lilz the Isola Isolation isolation la laton ¬
tion ton of a young yol man m of whatever class 0 or orcolor oroolor orcolor
color Lees L and leas le does dO it become easy easyfor ey eyfor easyfor
for a young younl man m to relate relte himself hJt to the thedomestic thedOmtl thedomestin
domestic dOmtl life lifeLess le leL lifeLosa
Less L and less It la I our modern moern social IIOI life lifeorgonlted meorgz lifeorganized
organized on o a basis which wblc enables us U to tobring tobring tobring
bring orgz ourselves oulf easily oUy into contact oontac with withthe wih wihthe withthe
the lives IvN of others otbe If we really ry knew knewwhat kw knewwhat I IwhA
what whA the people pple of the socalled eled dark darkages darkag darkages
ages ag were we would know kow that tb they were werefar wentfar werefat
far above ua u In this respect respectMr respectMr
Mr Washington Wuhaton then Ip arose I amid aid cheers cheersand ooera ooeraand cheersand
and the te waving wane of handkerchiefs hderef He Je told toldfirst t toldfirst
first of lf the t hopeful hop conditions oditO of the colored coloredrace cor ooloredraoe
race r In I New N ew York and said ad that tt he had ba never neverstood nOer nOert neverstood
finer looking lot of
stood t before a fer lookg people peoplein pple ppleIn
in his We WeI
h I have hve Ue always been b proud prud of my race raceand r raceand
and I am a prouder Away of It this th afternoon aternoon than thanever thaneTr thanever
ever eTr before No temptation tptto were It physi physically pbyi pbyiwly phyalrally ¬
rally possible could od malts me become becomeJapanese be a aJape alapanoec
Japanese pble a Chinaman C ma an Englishman Englishmanor Elb
Jape or any ay other but an American Aerican negro I Iam 1a Iam
am a told by Mr M Jerome Jeroe the District Dlatc neg Attor Attorney Attorney Alternor ¬
ney of your ur city dt that tt the th colored cor people peoplehere peoplehere ple plebere
here are a a most reputable rutle element eeent I am amconfidence a songlad
glad to see that h t this organization b baa the tbeofenoe theconfidence
ii orplro
confidence the sympathy alY and the active activesupport activesupport
ofenoe t
support or ot the Christian t ministry mliat of av the thedty theoty thecity
city oty The best bt thing e about aut this organiza organization organizatJon ¬
tion to la that tt thatit It I concerns oomMItf itself with Wor the Oe negron negronbody nel negrosbody
body b aa well a A as his h souL a And A somehow aomehowtha lehow somehowI
1 beTe bell r tt that we If you t take 0 rare of your yo boy boythe body
the Lord will attend r Aud to the Ie soul oul The Thegreat Thegt Thegreat
great Lor trouble tuble w la I with the negros body boy boyEverod
Everybody gt believes bieve that tt the negs negro will willbe wmbe willbe
be Everod saved and that tt his h soul lul has h neg an eternal eternalabiding eternalabiding
abiding aldCplao Ive place but the trouble tble is with wt ea his hisbody h hisbody
body This Thi organisation makes a young youngman youncma youngman
man ma keep ke In orlan good RO trim t ma And Ad unless u the thetha thent thenegro
nt negro young ma man k kesr s a strong tC and Tor TorO vigor vigorOtIs
O OtIs b7 body he cot cnnot hope op to oconpete Wt with withthe
the t rest rt of o the poop1 pJ people In I this t op or any other otherdty ot1Je othercity
city You oanb or can t sit st up u at a a card o game gamein gamen
long loe in n a asaloon saloon WO all night nlat and hold ho your ur p job joblong Jo jobWashington
In I cloalag cog Mr Washington Wublr laid ud that tt be harould be9wd berould
9wd rould ill at down dow because tua oi he was w afraid afrd of oftine ofJg ofrepeating
repeating tine and told t thin t story Ha B B warn waathe warncalled
Jg called In Into to a lte little church In Alabama tr wh where wherethe
c the congregation cu had b refused to pay the thapreacher thepreacher
t t
r Py
preacher while be waa making a speech speechan
an prer old negro n in the back bak part mag of the tb a room roomWe r
kept saying in loud toe tone toneWe p
ket We aaf1 sin JnTt t gwine wthe e to t pay 1m l W we aint aintgwina at atpn aintgwlntopay
gwlntopay gwina to pay Urn Urnai Il IlA Lm1 Lm1After
pn A After being interrupted qversl tImes tImestr
K tr Wa Washington asked t t the M old m L vlzy
b lIs ai Objected oJe 1fI b payia the preacher preoherBecause preacherBecuse 1
arraooa MOl Because Bu Ua w ywr waU P paloT t 1m pra fob to dam damarraooa c d I srnm srnmsiemees
4 Thc T PutlmAi Pln of o AotomoMtt AotomoMttIf AeIomobiflDii ul m 6dl 6dlI
ii If I you are ac looking lookg for a car carthat c ctbat carthat
that guarantees Ilghtnesi libtne simple simpleconstruction slmplcconstruction simpleCOflstrUCtlOII
construction grntee and easy ey control controland controlInd controland
and noiselene nolselesiness the Rainier Rinier is isthat IItbat isthat
that car carOtuirantud c cOlralt4 carOeeraMetd
Otuirantud Olralt4 free of repairs tJ fnrn fnrnPrite In ne vMs vMsPrice H HPrc
Price Prc 3500 500 with wlb full ful equipment equipmentTHE equlpmentlT equipmentsTHE
Soliirom tnt 54 Oartu OartuBroadway Ol4 Ol4Braway aarqBroadway
Broadway Braway 0o A Mth 6th Street Stret New York YorkTBone YorkPO YorkL
TBone loot 101 IColUmu5 Columtus ColumtusMAYOR ColUI u
aicdellan UoC8n flprakf Hpta to German Gtran Audience Audienceof
of the Lesson Taught Tnt by b the Dramatist DramatistCliorus Drntt Drnttor Dramatistbores
bores or of SOO 80 Voices olr Helps lep la I the theCelebration te teIrbrton theCelebrationGreat
Celebration CelebrationGreat Irbrton Great reat Crowd Turns Tr Out OutThe OatThe OutThe
The German singing singg societies soeies of New NewYork NewYork NewYork
York continued oontnue last 1t night nght to commemo commemorate commemorate commemorate ¬
rate the onehundredth onhunrth anniversary alyeJry of the thedeath thedeh thedeath
death deh of Friedrlch Ferich von Schiller Bhle the poet poetThe roe rootThe
The date a of his h death was wa May My D 180S IB The Themeeting Te Temllne Themeeting
meeting mllne wu held in Carnegie Hall la1 which whichwaa wblchwu whichwas
was filled fUod to Its full ful seating IUng Cege capacity cpty The Theprogram Te Teprog Theprogram
program prog Included Inlude solos eolo and andchorus chorus co singing singingby alng alngb singingby
by b 800 8 voices voicesGeorge voO voIcesOeorge
George Oeorg von SItU editor eior of the Stack StackZtituny 81 SSaaLsZrRurti
Ztituny ZUu and an Mayor McClellan McCelan delivered deliveredaddresses deliveredaddressee
addresses addressesRepresentatives adTes adTesRepretatlvN addresseeRepresentatives
Representatives RepretatlvN of the German Oer Austrian Austrianand Austrianand Austrianand
and Swiss Sw legations l gtoDII at Washington Wuhlngon and andof andof andof
of the consulates cOMulate In this city were wer present presentIncluding pent pentIncludIng presentincluding
Including Baron Drn Speck Spk von Sternburg SternburgMr
Mr L 1 Hengelmflller lengelmtller von Hengelvar Ienglvr and andDr ad adDr andDr
Dr L 1 Vogel Vogel The Te Hags of the three thre coun countries countriN countries ¬
tries were intertwined Intertwned with the Amen American Amencan ¬
can colon colonAfter oolonAlter colorsAlter
Alter the reading relDg of a tinned IJ ed eulogy eulogyon elogy elogyon
on the j poet > oet by the Rev Rv Alfred W WIde Hlldebrand WIdebrand
brand brd Mayor McClellan McCellan spoke In I part partbe pantbe
be said saidThere Id IdThere saidThere
There never nevr has been b a time tme In the thehistory thehletor thehistory
history hletor of our Teutonic Teutono race when it needed neededmen ne neededmen
men that men were not forthcoming forthoomlg The Theclose Te TeclO Theclose
close clO of the eighteenth elgbtnth century and the thebeginning thebgnng thebeginning
beginning bgnng of the te nineteenth nlnetnt saw IW Germany Germanyat Oenny Oennyat
at the meroy of a forelgd conqueso her herliberties herIborlM herliberties
IborlM liberties detttroyod detroye her political pltc progress progressarrested proj progresssirested
arrested Bte and ad her Intellectual InteJootu1 life lie almost almostat 1mot 1motat
at a standstill standstillIt IItandstl
alt It I was W then when they were most mostneeded mot motneed mostneeded
needed need that the three thr great grt geniuses geniu of ofmodern ofmodern ofmodern
modern Germany Oenny bunt bW upon the world worldKant worldKnt worldKant
Kant Knt Goethe Oothe and Schiller ShUer the three men mento mento mento
to whom Germany Ony owes her renaissance rnaloo rnaloowhom renaissanceto renaissancetowhom to towhom
whom the modern empire owes its Is being bDg
These T three thr great gt leaden of men me made the theworld theworld theworld
world appreciate apprite that the German Gnn giant giantwaa gint gintWM giantwas
was not no dead dla but only sleerlnfC eltring > and Bd by the thepower thepwer thepower
power of their Intellect lntele and the force for of ofto oftbe ofthe
the pwer trth truth that was In them awoke thai giant giantto
to join In the onward onwar march marh of modern modernprogress modernprog modernprogress gnt gntto
progress prog and modern civilization civilizationThe cvlhaUon cvlhaUonhe civilizationlbs
a moern
The he day may JY come when 11 Schiller Ble the thedramatist thedrtlllt thedramatist
dramatist drtlllt will wl no longer lODgr be read when whenSchiller whenShier whenSchiller
Schiller Shier the poet Pet may be forgotten forgatl but butSchiller butBlor butSchiller
Schiller Blor the philosopher pbllphe the apostle of ofbeauty orbuty ofbeauty
beauty buty and of turtb lub will Wl live forever foreverIt rorev apte
It I Is this philosophy of the man mn that thatbrings thatbring thatbrings
brings bring bun b so 1 nearly and a so a dearly dMly to t the theeveryday tbeevOay theeveryday
everyday life of the te whole people pple To Tohim Tohi Tohim
evOay him hi beauty buty and truth trth were we synonymous synonymousFor IDua IDuaFor synonymousFor
For him there the could be no art that was not notbeautiful notbuUful notboaulifut
beautiful buUful and cu did di not teach teb a the truth truthSchiller trtb trtbSchler truthSchiller
Schiller Schler believed beleved that the mission miMon of art artwas a artwas
was more mor than tha the te mere m gratification gtifcton of ofthe otthe ofthe
the senses e more than th the th mere pastime pastimeof
of the idle For him hi art u waa the plme plmeof means meansto mes mesto meansto
to an a end the uplifting upltlt of the spirit and andthe Mdthe andthe
the development of the soul IW not only for forthe torthe forthe
mankind the favored fuor and ad privileged privieged few but for all allmankind allmankind 11
rman rmanSchiller len lesson
tt ttBUer
Schiller BUer taught Is I being bel learned today ty la laa I isa
a mighty mghty world power encouraging through throughi
Ita it people pple i the love pwer of liberty lbery enoougg and of truth truthI trth trthand trothand
and I the expression epJon of liberty lberty and of truth truththrough trt truththrough
through the true tr vehicle vhicle of beauty butyar beautyant beautyantAnd art artAnd
And Ad that lesson 18n of Fredrich Jr edrich von Schiller Schilleryou SChUer SChUeryou Schilleryou
you his bl compatriots oomptrlo of the German Gnnan speak speaking epk epklng speaklag ¬
lag branch brc of the Teutonic Teutnio race have havebrought havebrought havebrought
brought to us your our English Egli speaking
brothara brotharaThe brotbrsThe brothsrsThe aplg
The closing cig and most mt notable part of the themualool themulo themualoel
mualool mulo program was w the oratorio p Thely TheLy The TheLay
Lay ly of the tle pror Bell DU U brail bra the male me and female femalevoloes ferle ferlevolO femaleoioes
voloes volO 800 I In number Carl Cl Heln Hel Hem was w the thedirector thedIrr thedirector
director dIrr of the evening eveningCLAIMS evig evigCLMUS eveningCLtLIS
Herrera lerra Declare Dlarr That Cunanl Cnanl It I an Inde Independent Inde fndependent ¬
pendent State State5pKtaJ State StateP State34J
5pKtaJ P CtUt CI DfipoftA u pl la t Tn T Self SelfMADRID S w wMamIrD
MADRID 7 7Sarijon Sarrion de Horrors
lDBID May 7ron Herr ex exKlngatArms exKinatAn enKingatArms
KlngatArms KinatAn at the te Royal Ryal Palace Pa who whowas whow whowas
was w arrested ated on the te charge chge of conspiring conspiringagainst oonaplg oonaplgagalnt oonspinlngagainst
against the Brazilian Brl Government Ovrt wes waaarraigned WAI1ge wesarraigned
arraigned 1ge before brore an examining exg magistrate magistratetoday mitte mittetoy magistratetoday
today He declared delared that the te Independence Independenceof Indeden
of the South Suth American Ame Republic Rubllo of Cunanl Cunanltho Cl Clthe Cunanithe
the Interests Intrta of which whih he represented reprnted had hadbeen hd hdbn hadbeen
been bn recognized rg since d 1872 187 He was wa in inMadrid InMarid InMadrid
Madrid Marid In I the te capacity cpIt of Minister Mllr of Cunanl Cunanlto Cnl Cnlto
to Spain SpIn Morocco Mor and the Holy See SeeHe B SeeHe
He mlntalned maintained that tt recruiting rrtg in Great GreatBritain Ort OrtDrit GreatBritain
Britain Drit France Fran and 4d nd Spain Spln for fo an army ay for forCunanl torCAnI forCuasni
Cunanl CAnI was legal legl He denied deed that tht there therewaa thereay therewas
was any ay plot against agalt Brazil Dr whose WhO diplo diplomatic dlplomtlo diplornatic ¬
matic mtlo relations rAtona with wIt Cunanl Cl were most mostcordial lt ltoor moatcordial
cordial cordialAMV1 cordialM4NY
norm Wa neither Has n Not Abated AMtd the Disease DlaeaseIn Dt
In I Germany GermanySrttial Geranr Geranrt Germany3ectiZ
Srttial t Ctttt Ca DltjHlt nkJ It S TXa T Sow SowBKXLJN S OcwUZPILIN
BKXLJN BOL May My 7 Tntr 7Contrsry Contrary to the predic prediction plo predlotion ¬
ton tion of medical medIc men mn menthe the epidemic eplemo of oerebro oerebrospinal Orebr oerebrospinal
spinal meningitis megts hu b not nt abated l with wth the theadvent theadvent
advent avent of o warm wa weather wher There have hve been beenfresh beenfrh beenfresh
fresh frh outbreaks outbrk of the disease d In the vil villages vUlagos U Ulg ¬
lagos lg of Upper Upr Sfleeia SDel and It I has b also ao In Increased incr Increased ¬
creased cr In I virulence Yireno In the larger I centers centersThere ot centersThere
There The baa b been b an a outbreak OUt br In the Eleventh Eleventhand Enth Enthad Eleventhand
and lau lauTO ad lauTO Flftyflnt Ffylt infantry Iant regiments rrt at Bra Brelau Dr Bralau
Frratdent Imt Mitchell Hloel HIU WI iU Ueln Dr nu l Craaad CraaadTwe Ce CeT CrusadeTwo
Two T Weeks WH Henoe HenoeWn Deno fleiioeWuzzenAnnz
Wn WlB WuzzenAnnz TMHAiin May M 7 7Pt 7President President Mitchell Mitchellof MoU MoUor
of the United Mine W Worker Wok baa b ha been beenobliged b beersobliged
obliged bl to change cg hla h bisplans plans pl regarding replc hla hlaproposed hlapropa hi hiproposed
proposed propa visit vt to the anthracite at coal o region ii legionInst regionInstead
Instead Inat e ned of getting 1t here next nu Sunday BUy be bedoea bed bedoeis
doea d not now expect to arrive until the thefollowing thefoliowin
following folwC g Sunday 8ud 8unda exP May 31 31A 2 21A av ut t
A meeting mg of the to district dtro board b was w bald baldat bel heldat
at at Scranton Sn yesterday y to arrange tha t lb cam campaign c earnpiw ¬
paign of organization oirlon and ag Ad discuss do the theneeds theneeds
needs nfa pg of the tb various VaU 1 bce locals President Pidet t
Mitchell Mt will w probably prbbl spend d th t the remainder remainderof rder rderof
of May M all of June Ju and all a of July Jul in the tharegion thero theregion
region addressing ac mass meetings of mina minaworker ala alaworkers
worker ro wrke every ev day and endeavo endeavothem edY endeavoring me mewrke to tog toget
get them all a colonized 01 In order to enforcetheir enforce enforceIr
g tr their Ir demand demd for fo an eight et boor hu day or and aadother andother Ad Ado
other o coaoeaaloa ooloI next n April AprilPLAY Ar ArPLY AprilPLAY
UtUa Ctrl Gi Falls F Throngn TU Wen We four fourStatic r FourStuies
Static Strt to the 4 Street StreetSevenyearold Str StreetSevenyearo1d
Sevenyearold Sy Ellen E 1en McDonald Mc of U 143 143west O OWeat
west We FortT F Testysixth ixtb treat I was playing Pl oa O the thafifth thef thefifth
fifth f floor or fir 1 flre eaoap on o the front of tha t tb tbhouse
house bU last J evening ep when ah she ft fell fe through throughaaoapMoaahadeaoendad throughthe h hthe
ef w tu
the w well and struok each a of the other fli flieseapea
eseapea aaoapMoaahadeaoendad U oh a cd deaeadod e l Her L body b o struck strucktho struckthe
the t at treat treatShe stoop Ip of a the t boo b and a rolled roD to t I th thtreat tbat
a She S died d soon after raubiax Boowrvlt
Bt Btt Eepltalww Hcwpital I a r
un n m
The Te Pianola Piaola Piano PianoThe Piao PiaoTe
Te The Piano ol TODAV TDAY TO as 8 well as a The Te Piano Piao oll ol the Future Flol
f q < J Whether the players desire be bemainly bemainly bemainly
mainly for music or more for formanual formnul formanual
manual mnul practice practic the te thePianola Pianola Piano Pianois Piao Piaois
is equally eualy responsive Its It key keyboard keybar keyboard ¬
board bar is never obstructed obfruced Its ItsPianola Is IsPianola ItsPianola
Pianola mechanism mechaism is always avail available avai available ¬
able It I combines every ever known knownfacility kow knownfacility
facility faclt for the expression of mu musical musicl musical ¬
sical sicl eloquence elouence through the me medium me medium ¬
dium of the pianoforte pianoforteHE piaoforteTHE pianofortePTHE
PTHE HE PIANOLA PIANO is isan isan isI
THE I an instrument instrment which meets meetsas
as no other has ha heretofore heretoforedone heretoforedone heretoforedone
done every ever demand of ofevery ofevery ofevery
every member of the home as well wel as asof a asofthe
of ofthe the most varied and critical critcl musi musical musital musical ¬
cal company companyIt
It embodies an upright uprght piano pianoof pano panoof
of the highest type perfect p rtect in tone toneaction tOneaction
action and appearance and the means
by which anyone an anne ne can play upon it at atany atany atany
any time any anyone one of 14516 compositions composiions covering cov ring practically pucticlly the entire entir fisld fld of olmusic music Few Fewmusic Fewmusic Fewmusic
music stores could supply sheet music for all al the selections 5eleclol1 that are available av hblc for it and not even a aprofessional aprofessional aproressional
professional musician musican could get from these printed scores what the Mctrostyle Metrostl enables the Pianola Pianolaowner PIanolaowner Pianolaowner
owner to get from the perforated perorated roils roilsSuch rois roisSuch ro1sSuch
Such murciani mUIc n tj I Grirg Gr g Straw SUJ Chinvnad Ch1mnac fours MoixVoviki PaderewiVt PadreWi and othsri too nomtrous n mroul to mention mentionhave mntonhue mentionhave
have accepted tht th Mttroicyle I as < i a meant of conveying musical mUlica das wbieb tat I tt I tnvtitd tPIIJ m II m 11 x tttir sths tl vij t s and have recorded recordedIhtir rcordd rcorddIhlr rccorddthlr
Ihtir own interpretations I terpretl ons of otheir their own compositions compliton by mant of it Toes Tn records reords are ar in th t the form for of ofs comiauoui coniluoul an sal nJ eauly eaulyfollowed cUllyfolowed cinlyfollowed
followed folowed guide gJid 13 that tha the owner of the Piano Pilwla PanoIa Puno laugh lbugh knowing not on oar note from rm anoher hat the meant meJII not only to toprodue toproue toprodue
produe proue good maiic bat to play plya a given gvn compjiitios txitni 1 at tbt Ib toafner O Owssfr I intended inllit it It I if 1 fltjid fltjidThe IJJ iaydThe IJJThe
The Pianoa Piano is now generally generaly recognized as CI The Phno of To diy Grands and anduprights anduprigbts anduprights
uprights of ofevery every representative mike of later mojsls than can b found in any other collection olectlon of ofused ofused ofused
used pano in the city are being bin exchanged for or it at t a rate which shows that cultured people buy buypianos buypiano buypianos
pianos not for or looks but butor ut for music musicAithe muJ muJAlhe muiicAsthe
Aithe Pun Pn1 Phn1i > l ti I the oilf 01 pUno plno pjyerhtrin pJer huh ths t th Mtrottjre Mmolc M 1 o the te Pianola pnot Piano U I tin th onlf ol tnitnintnt itt of o ta tjpt tp whc e caa coob nb b equipped equippedwi eql3lppedwW
wi wl wW i tkli Ihl derice demeonlerd derkeconidered coniidereJ bf miny man of ofbe oftbe the wwlJi urU greater cale muiklmi muihn n I a indiipeiubl lnJipuabl t Piuoi PiuO of ill 1 milctj mtt sal aJ PunoUi Punol art a eCap taken tlen In Intxduojt i IntIchoate
txduojt up for lo tin te PUnoU PI PUno PLno at a reatttuU 10131 wluitior Dirptirc Dr ptn lientire Iiem r mi d marfc malc citabfae Ctalo sent It to t an any T aJra sirsu JJr u on 0 re re1ut repiet repietlurchsabie ueit ueitPurchasable
Purchasable oa moderate rnantlilr olbl payment paymentWeber paaal paaaleber pa7mnteher
Weber eber Flamoln rtlol Piano Ilalo I Arollnn AeolaD Pianola IIDOI Piano 1110 I Wheeioek Pianola PIa Dol Piano PlaaoiTHE rlaI rlaITRE PianoTHE
THE AEOLIAN COMPANY Aeolian Aeolan HaU Hal 2K f urk urkI 2 > r
j = I I
u n
I Toe Te Disease D That Tt Hilled Imle Two To and Infected InfectedTwo Inftte InfectedTwo
Two To Others oben Bald 8 to De Shack Dlac Smallpox SmallpoxThe SmallpoxThe al
The e Investigation Invetigaton of the Health Helh Board Boardof Brd Brdor
of Brooklyn Brooky into the reasons rns why it was not notsooner notener notsooner
sooner ener discovered dboov that th one on man mt and a awoman awoman awoman
woman had died a boy taken tak down dow and andId a asecond asecond
second Id woman wom stricken atricke with smallpox smalpx and andhundreds ad adhundr andhundreds
hundreds hundr of other oher lives Ih endangered edKer by byllv byllving leav leaving leavLag ¬
ing the patients pIent at home and unquarantlnod unquarantlnodwaa uquranllne
was w continued yesterday yery and will w be b again againtaken agan agantake againtaken
taken take up today loy The house bou at a 283 State Butestreet 6te Statestreet
street 1 where whr the body by of Miss M Alma Alm S SHotohldsa BtoJ SHotohkijs
Hotohldsa toJ dead dN of smallpox erlpox was WI found foundby foundhy foundby
by the police on Saturday Stuy afternoon aftrnon when whenthey wbe whenthey
they went wet there tere under the impression Imprlon that thata tht thta
a suicide tulcde had h taken place p1 and two others otherssick otbeJ1lalck otherssick
sick with the disease dJu were also a found was wasyesterday wasyesterday
yesterday again ag fumigated by the Health HealthBoard Hellb HellbBoa HealthBoard
Board Boa and the quarantine quarantie raised raisedA rai
A rumor ror well el founded fouded bad h it last lt night nightthat nightth nightthat
that th the disease dl from which Norman No T TCoohran TCr TCochran
Cochran Cr and a Miss 1 Hotchkisa Docht died was the theblack tbeblak theblack
black blak smallpox lmlpo and the disease d from which whichthe whichtbe whichthe
the boy eel e ODonnell ODnel and the young youngwoman youngwoman
woman Mrs M Eldeca Ee Muller are ar suffering euering at atthe atthe atthe
the Kingston Kgon avenue aenu hospital bOpl1 I 1 is that th viru virulent vr virulent ¬
lent form for of smallpox mlpox that is I so much muc to be bedreaded bedde bedreaded
dreaded dde and which la f usually uauly only to be befound hefound befound
found among amon people pple who have hae come in con conct oonc conact
act ct c with the disease d in the South American Americanor Aericn Aericnor
or West We Indian Idi countries Outrlll or have become becomeInfected bme bmeInee becomeInfected
Infected Inee from contact oontaa with wb a victim vlcm who whobaa whobs whohis
baa bs brought bruat it here hereThe be hereThe
The only one who is said to have hve been beenaboard bn bnabard beenaboard
aboard abard o the ship and who wh came cam in contact contactwith contt conttwIth contactwith
with the dead d and dying persons in the theState tbeRtate theState
State street IItt house hOI waa dyg the tbebrotber brother pJna of young youg
Cochran I L Cochran who arrived
Cr L Cran ave on onbrother ontbe onthe
the St St Lu Lout early t in Apr April from Erop Europe Europelie
He alt slept with hi his brother long long after bl his hisbrother
brother wag w unable ubl to go to wor work and unti until untilhe
he learned that he was g suffering lerlng from rro what whatwan whatWill whatwas
wan supposed to be German Oen measles measlesBoth measlesBoth
Both Bth Ipp the health th officials ofla and m the t principal principalof
of Public Pblo t School Bl15 1 15 where whre the boy prindpl prindplof ODon ODonnell ODD ODDneU ODonnail ¬
nell attended atend are much exercised exerL over the thethought thetbought thethought
thought that tht thesick lad was waaat at school ahool until untillained unt untilTuesday
Te Tuesday blt last and for everal several c day bd bad corn oomplled cornplalned
plled plalned lained of being big unwell and was excused excusedcm excusedfrom
from from cm participating in several vral of exc the ex exercise exe oxends ¬
ercise e ends prclptlng and studies stdl of his bl class ol The boy boywaa boywa boywas
was wa in I room 7 the graduating dutllt class corn cornand oomof cornposed
posed of bo boys and girls Ia D Dr Frrty Fogarty de de deelated
olae elated lt last night tt that be wuld would Ind send ip tnspeo tnspeotore
toran tore and vctora vaccinators to the abl school toy toyad todayand
and ad aa I many aa had hd not been b vaccinated vaccinatedwithin Toclt vaccinatedwithin
within witin a few yean and all who wanted to be betreated bett betreated
tew1ra wt
treated would woul be vaccinated vaccinatedSAY a
tt vt vtAI
Tourttt Tu Identifies IfWe Woman Wema Wtn 1b Wb Talked Tkld Kith KithHim WU Withflhn
Him 11 Just JOt Before Deor ire le Mined 11 Tio TioEdward noEw 710Edward
Edward Ew Sexton Stn the te English Elh tourist touristtopping tourlt tourltIpple touriststopping
topping Ipple at a the t Hotel Imperial Ip who was wasrobbed wasrobb woerobbed
robbed robb of S7CO 17 7Z0 in I draft drta the first fnt night he helanded held holanded
landed from the steamship Oceanic
ld tblp Oolo ap appeared app appeareci ¬
peared In the Jefferson Jeen Market Markt police polc court courtyesterday oourt7e courtyesterday
yesterday p and identified Florence Frenc Edwards Edwardsa Ed
7e 1n was wasthe
a U the woman wm who wh had b greeted I him on onBroadway onDrdW onBmedwy
Broadway DrdW outride oude the hotel and with wth whom whomha whm whmbe whombe
be took tk a stroll IU just before fore he missed the thecontent tbeoontent thecontents
content oontent of his h puree pureeTha pur pureeTb
Tha T Tb woman wm wa wu arrested early ey yesterday yesterdaymorning yesterdaymorning
morning at 318 West We Twentysixth Tw ntatb atreet atreetThe atreetThe streetThe
The police Uo say y that the woman wom wo la I an A old oldIn oldtm oldtime
tm time dooral the thief wbo whose plcur plcour la laIn Isin
In the t rogues ro gallery 11ler They The1NY say that tha the thefirst theAr thefirst
first Ar time she wa wu arrested aba got 11000 11000from 13000from 0
from fr a guest of o a big bl I Fifth Ft avenue aenu estab establishment eb esiablithment ¬
lishment lmet She Se Sb wa was aa held bel in SIG SIGBAD 1800 1800BAD 1500HAD
Woman Died De at St t Lake Le Hospital Boplal From FromCriminal Fm FmCral FromCriminal
Criminal Operation Operationliot Net
Cral OpetioD Appendicitis AppendicitisMarjr ApptndcU AppendicItisMan
Man U McBride 7 S3 yean n s old of flu Colum Columbua Columb Columburn
burn b avenue aTU WM w taken t to St S Lukes L Hos Hospital Ho if ifpits1 ¬
pital oa e May U t Sh S She haul b a a note from frompromt A Aprominent aprominent
promt prominent p physician plIc according ae to Supt SuptGeorg SuptOr SeptOcorge
Georg Or F Clover Cnr airing that tt she t was w suf suffering en enfntng ¬
yesterday fering fre elyao from trm afternoon afternoonA appendicitis ap Ue dU She died d Ute Uteyesterday l lateyaterday u
A few fl hour bu bef bC befosi aa she died d it waa found foundthat fou foundthat
that she > was aruffertagfrom from the th effects of a acriminal acopr aalmlnal
criminal t a operation ae The e hospital bpU ee authori authorities auri aurite authonlties ¬
te ties copr notified not Coroner Core Bcboler Sler and i Dr D Wee Weeton W Wt Weeton
ton t will perform an A autopsy today
The n w > superintendent l por td8t AUtopy refused ru t to disclose disclosetha d
tha te thenameof name n of th thl thephysidan physician pbd but b betsald said a that t It Itwaa I Itwas
8ob was k known knownto o t to th I the boapltal bp1 and a Coroner C1r Coroner8ob
Archbishop Archblaop Parley La > the Cornerstone Cornerstoneof Crnentne Crnentneo
of o St Monicas onle Church ChurchIn Curob CurobIn
In the presence prnc presencoof of fully fuly 5000 60 5O30peraos pcnicns peJ1l0 Arch Archbishop Ar Archbishop ¬
blop bishop Farley Faey laid lad the oornerstono ooreraton3 of St StMonicas StInoa StMonicas
Monicas Inoa Church Cur In East Et Seventyninth Seventyninthstreet SOntyntb SOntyntbstrt
street strt yesterday yetery afternoon afternoonHo afteroon I IUe IlIe
Ho ww wa attended by the R Hv Rev v Jamr JamrDougherty Ja1 Ja1Doughertr JamreDougherty
Dougherty pastor of fit 51 Gabriels Church Churchin Cur
in East Et Thirtyseventh Tlrtyeenth street etrt and the Rev RevNeil R RevNeil
Neil Nel McKlnnon McKinnn pastor pltor pastorof of the Church l hurh of St StIgnatius StIgtlu8 StIgnatlus
Ignatius Igtlu8 Loyoln at Park avenue and andEightyfourth andEgbtyrourtb andEightyfourth
Eightyfourth Egbtyrourtb street streetThe etrt streetThe
The Archbishop ArblBop and his assistants ltta were wererobed wer wererobed
robed rob In cloth of gold gld vestments vtmenta A tem temporary tm tmporary tornporary ¬
throne erected the founda foundation foundation
porary thron was erec on foua fouan ¬
tion n of tho church This was draped In Inpurple Inpurle Inpurple
cur drap
purple purle trimmed lrmed with gold lace lac and Ameri American Aeri Aericn Amerionn ¬
can cn Irish and papal flags s Here seated seatedwith eeatedwith eaWwth
with wth mit mt red t head and cruziar in left lef bond bondtho had hadthe handthe
the Archbishop hhlahop reviewed cJzer 1600 16 men mn and andwomen andwomen andwomen
women of the numerous nueroU church eodtirs eodtirsIn ectita ectitaIn
In the neighborhood nl bbrhood They cu were we led le in inprocession Inprooon inprocession
procession prooon from trm the school ecooll In East Et Eightieth Eightiethstreet EhtJetb EhtJetbetrt Eightiethstreet
street etrt around to the front of the church churchby churchby
by the Mission Mlllion of the Immaculate Iraca Virgin Virginband Virginband Irln Irlnbnd
band bnd and St 81 Vincent VIncnt Ferrer Ferrd band bnd Six Sixhundred Sixhundr Sixhundred
hymns hymnsEvery b hundred hundr J little lttl girls grls dressed da in white hit rang
Every Evry available a alable fire f escape window wndw and androof androof androof
roof was jammed Jaed with wih esoap people pple when the theArchbishop tbeArblop theArchbishop
Archbishop Arblop rose ro6upon up upon on thPstepsofbU thpetp80f the etepeof blthrone blthronet his throne throneto
to t address addrel the th crowd H I said Md In part partThis partsf1
This parish plris has the distinction distincon prt prtThis of being blng
the th first flllt to build a school ecol for It Is its children childrenbefore cUdren cUdrenbeforo childrenbefore
before a church dlur in which bch to worshIp wor blp God GodYou Od Od1ou GodYou
You have hve wait d twentyfive years to cern ccmpleta om omplete cernpleto
pleta your yur foundation foundtion for TLr this church cburh cburhbut churchbut
but In that time tme you have havepreserved preserved prelrved the faith f8tb I
tat yu
In I the children childrenThe chUdnThe childrenThe
The papal benediction bndIction was W8l then given givenand givenand
and the pap Dd bonds struck etck up the theStar Star Spangled Spangledi SpanKINtDer SpangledBanner gOn gOnand
Der Banner whie while eVlrbdy everybody sing the words wordsMgr
lg Mgr Mooy Mooney prched preached a Innon sermon ID wor wblc which
he revewed reviewed the i growth Irowth of the Church Cur in inAmerica InAerica inAmerica
America AmericaNew Aerica AmericaNew
Aericair ir
New Department DepartmentThe DepartmentQ4e
Q4e Q4eThe
The Newest Figure Fashion FashionRounded FashIonRounded FashionRounded
Rounded in Contour with the theWaist theJVaiJt theWaiit
Waist Smaller Smal than Recent RecentVogue RecentVogue RecentVogue
Vogue VogueRedfern Vogue VogueRedfcrn
Redfern Redfe Models Moes through their thei straight itnightHoe straightline taht tahtlae
Hoe lae at the top under uncer the te arm m throw tow the thebu thebl theby
bu bl forward rnnrd 10 0 that it it supported in I the theconet theeont thecorset
corset eont shape bap which fill ltt snugly tppe sharply hlrl hlrldefning
defining defning the waist watte waistthe the exact CIct requirement requirementot rcqucmet
ot the te new ICW figure ge fashion fashionRedlem fashionRedlern hion hionRedfe
Redlem Redfe Models Moeb are ae many mlnone manyone one for or everj
type of o form fo formbringing bringing bigD out it iu natural naturalbeauty ltual ltualbuty naturalbeauty
beauty buty and concealing eoneeaiag its II defects defectsIn defect
In attendance atendace is I a special corsetierr corsetierrtrained con coredeietrained r rtnne
trained tnne by the te desifnerof teEZcot pc Redfern Redfe Models Modelswho Moel Modelwho
who lov will lee that tha YOU are ae properly propl corseted corsetedin cOfled cOfledIn
in tbe new union fuhiol fuhiolJohn fuhionJohn unionJohn
John Forsythe ForsytheTHE
86r 86 6 Broadway Broawy ttl 17t > and i8th 181h Streets StreetsCtntt Steet SteetOrll StreetsCrti
Ctntt Orll DtptrtmtMt DtptrtmtMtThird DIprlI DIprlITMrJ DrisuwtThin
Third Flair Fh Fruit Fr Frsxio
Indwtrvftlble IDdrtrrlble fire Ir and Dd Burglar Burlr Proof ProofWarehouses Pl Plaehou ProofWarehouses
Warehouses aehou Lexlnttoa L Drtl Ave Av haL and 424 614 614and S SInd Stasad
and Offlers ome Tib Ae K4 C 4 and ad W M St StSuperior SISupro fIts fItsSuptflor
Superior advanlatcs r ud a4 unezrelled uourUe temrttr fot fotitorace lorIorre miItorage
ava 8fllr
itorace Iorre Supro of rurnlturr tumllr Vtfrrhindne 1rhndl o and a < Valunble ValunbleI aulblu aulbluAVr 1oab1es 1oab1esI
Furniture Fmlu Ornamenla etc carefully urfuly packed packedVu pkec packedVan
Vu > terrlce by tkllltd workmen workmenIllustrated workmenIllustrated
Illustrated WiOd descriptive W pamphlel z tent ent on 01 appli application sppUCatOt1 PpU PpUt ¬
cation cationImpfrtlon t CatOt1InDertton ala n nn
Impfrtlon n rton of bulldlnts buldln InvltM InvltMADHIAV Invl InvlADHfN Invlte4ADlfft
SecV and j4 < Tress T Pmt PmtCATHOLIC PmlCAT PreitCATHOLIC
Greek Grtk Killed In I quarrel quarel Crowing Out or orDlacnsslon orDIcollon ofDiscussion
Discussion DIcollon of Russian Atrocities AtrocitiesFOTTSVILLS Atrdtu AtrdtuPOVILB AtrocitiesPoTrsvILrs
FOTTSVILLS POVILB PaMay Pa PaMay7Mlchaei MY TMichael Michael Meliko Melikoa Mel1o Mel1oOrk
a Greek Ork Catholic CboUo wa W was stoned ltone to death deh In at atreligious arUou sreligious
religious rUou quarrel qul near n St Clam Ca this morn morning momlng morningandflveoornpanlonsaretn ¬
ing ingandflveoornpanlonsaretn and five fve companions are In jail Ja charged chargedwith chargedwith
oompoJ crg
with wth the crime crimeWhllo crimeWhile
crme crmeWbUe
While talking tlnl with somj ImJ friends In a asaloon aMon asaloon
saloon Mon at midnight mIdIght Meliko Melko got Into a quar quarrel quar quarrel quarret ¬
rel oter affairs at in Russia Ri and particularly particularlytbe parlOlaly parlOlalythe
the shooting eboottg down dw of Roman Rman Catholics Colc by byCossacks byCcu byCoesacka
Cossacks Ccu in Poland Pold One man m in the crowd crowdstruck cwd cwdtrck crowdstruck
struck trck MeUko feko with steel ltlknucke knuckles knucklesMeliko knucklesMeliko
Meliko Melko managed maged to make mke his escape escapefrom
from frm the crowd cwd but bu was followed folowe lOp When Whenhe Wbe Whenhe
he was on his bl hi way home early elY this morning morningho
be was wa crushed cbe to death deth by a shower ol olstonoa oretno ofstones
stones stonoaI etno
I Mtaslna 111nl Clerk Otr Found Fount Drowned DronnrdA
A body by found In the Harlem larem River rOr under underthe undtrthe underthe
the Washington WIhngon Bridge on Saturday Satury night nightwaa nght nghtIdentied nightwas
was identified Identied yesterday aa a that of Daniel DanlMJ Dal1 Dal1J
J who lived Eighth EighthMARRIED Eighthavenue
Sullivan Suv a olerk Uv at Til Ehtb EhtbaTenue
avenue lie h bad been Dsng missing fiDoe since A pril4 pril4BBID prilSMARRIED
CnONIV cSINPARKRn O4lPARKlOn PARKER On Sunday Sf dy May 11 T br r thu thuRrr IheR th thRpv
Rrr R William WIlam 1 B Dalr chaplain clpln of We Le Slity Slityninth SIKIJ Slit Slitninth
ninth nnlb Rtflmtnl RluIL tnfantrr 10tOII Elizabeth IUubelb B Parktr Parktrto rk
to CapU cpl Jamei U Cretin CronlnDIED Colo ColoDIE CretinDiE
BALDWIN BALDw114r BALDWfl1On Oa Bandar Sands Mar Sr 7 lOot lO entered eter4 loin Intarest tnt loinrest
rest rl Track lualk rrnkOl3aJdwlnln O Baldwin B4wn11 In the tl SSth 3 b rtwof rea of his bisac bl hishe
ac ac he husband bubd of Kaihertnt Ilero VT V Baldwin BaldwinTuneral Bdwa BdwaJoer Daidwin7unersl
Tuneral Joer senrlMS ao from fm Grace Gr Church Curcb Baltimore BaltimoreBlDWKLLOn Blmore Blmore8ur flaltinoreBIDWJtLIQn
BlDWKLLOn Saturday 8ur Mar 1t t 5 1KB le at L KOCM KOCMvclt n nve Roossveil
veil ve Hospital 1011 Ocorte OrCe B Indwell Dwet son el of tni tni1st Ih Ihlale thalate
1st late Ifrorr Inur 3 and a Uarr 1 V BldwrU D4ot In I tt tttout Its IheaU Its30th
tout aU rear re of his h ace aceJlclaUvn U UIellh usJielaUves
JlclaUvn Iellh and 4 friends IreD ace e tallIed Inlk to attend alt4 tt ttfuneral the thefuneral t ttne
funeral tne services uC at St 81 Lukes Lkel Church Cur dlntoa dlntoaav Qlntoav
av n li nest < ar Fulton Futl at 5 1 Brooklyn DrklF on Tuetda TuetdaMar TueaI TueaI1ar TUCidaMay
Mar I at
1ar IDJO tc oclock oclockBURR odo oclocknunnon
BURR BURR nunnon Oa FrIday FT Uar Jy a at Bcllmore Beor L L I U URobert I IRbe IRobert
Robert Rbe II 1 Burr Dur son I of John oh T Burr Bur In I Its thtJSU Itsatte
JSU > of his
21 Tt h are areFuneral aceFer ageFuneral
Funeral Fer at ths It convenience Ovelece of th U family tamllrOOCHrUN r1 familyoocJfnAN1t7
OIRNIJt oocJfnAN1t7 OOCHrUN lUr I at a M 1 We We Weet t inh 12 at Robert RobertOochraa Rb Roberttchaa
Oochraa O in t lbs U aotft S rear re ot his ii ate C ton I or ortha ofIt i
tha te It laU 11 Robert Rb and a4 Emma mms Oochtan Oochtanfuneral Ofa CocbranPunersi
funeral Fu en 0 Monday 10da Private PrivateCOXB plvle privateooxnIn I r
COXB OXEI ooxnIn In Philadelphia Jelpb on the U tth lb Inat OJI OJICUe Uarr UarrClatltr 31517Clatter
Clatter CUe Cot Ole Cote oauf drller daughter hler ot the Ile tat lC laW Dr Edward EdwardJenner dwat4Jeassr 4 4Je
Jenner Je sad a4 Uarr J1 Louisa Lu Clatter Cater Ooze CozeRelative CKe OozeRe4aftves
Relative Ir and ad Mends Cd of the t tsisllr l lT art ar Invited Invitedla tte4
la 1 attend d th Its funeral lr Mirtoea Mr 41 1 St 8 Peter PeteMChurch PelenCUf PeterChurch
CUf Church M 1 and Pin P Pins ata Philadelphia Phl4dph oa oaUondar 01 onUonday
Uondar JODcT the U Ithtnau bWI at it 1 oclock odk A U J In Intermtnt 10UrtDI laUrmen
UrtDI termtnt private prnt Pleas Pe omit oml flower Cowen New NewOrleans Se SeOmu ev evOrleans
Orleans papers pt plea aa
ppn pl espy ooprLTOXOn oPT oPTLTN espyLTONOi
LTN LTOXOn fltindar Idr NaT 7 In h t th lbs 1 < i S4th II rear J of hit hitact h hISage
act ae Oeanr o William W Lyon L at a the t home 10le of hi hison I hssea
son Corn 0 Lyon L Sarbrook Sbk Coon OonnInterment 0l Coonlntetment
Interment lurlti at Ortenwood Dnanr04 private pvl al l th t Its ma mavtnleno eayralenos 1
vtnleno Yllro of tha i th family familySHtimr C family8nzJtJtyAt
InTU 8nzJtJtyAt SHtimr At his ia parents prD resIdence r4 O4 Jta 1 1Lull av avLouis LvLouis
Lull Louis r Sherry Sler aftir ur a lingering rrr Ulaes Ue a aM ar ar2Syetiltmoaths
M 2Syetiltmoaths 2SyetiltmoathsPuneril rear Fe 11 I month monthfuneral 10U
funeral Tr trrle to from tl Ws I Pmbrterlan rcr Church ChurchOd Curl rauretd1
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