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NEW YORK Y ORI SUNDAY SU SUN N DAY MAY 21 2 1 1905 1905COPlIr CopyrltM ahl l tOO o t bU TH 7118 Sun 8 RutPrinUw Printing and and nd PvbHaMny Attotiaitan oCf Hol s
I IMay
May Clearing Sale SalePIANOS SaleI SalePIANOS
This week we will sell another anotherlot
lot of fine I ne used Pianos fresh from fromour fromour I Iour
I our rebuilding departmentS department I ISn
S Sn Si following Hit of bargalnii bargalniiUPRIGHTS bargainjUPRIG I IUPRIGHTS
S50ACKEBMAN 50 ACKERMAN 3 n m rad 5 I
60 6 J BIJOU BIJOUI 3Taird 3TairdM5GEOSTEGK J J monlll monlllJ unlll11llld
M5GEOSTEGK 115 I 15 OEO STECK 4 n ffld mll ld
125 PEEK SON 4 1 WI WIld 5w 5wI35WESER ld I I11J5
I35WESER 11J5 J WESER WESERI 4 4I50GA81ER 4111nnlhlY 4111nnlhlYJ unllllald
I50GA81ER 150 I 50 GABLER G I L BTnlfttSw 5 flloilth 1 IW atd atdII ld
160 I 60 HAINES II n I I BROS 5 n monthly as as225KRANICHBACH6muXU until flllli iald d
6Ti 6TiSQUARES 6 1I monthly monthlyII W
25 POND CO 12 2 1J ffiSffSoM ffiSffSoM30BUNCE 1 I W ld
30BUNCE 30 3 U I BUNCE U U 2 n monthly monthlyU untIl W paid ld <
LI CO 2irllpyad 2 t monthly monthlyn
35 HINDS n DS untIl paid
40 SCHMIDT CO 2 W lrl ld
45 4 5 BARMORE 3 mu monthly untIl llh llhld gald gald5n ld d
50 U GdBLER G BLER U 3 Tntt monthly monthlyU UntIl llh llhld paid ld
55 5 U CHICKERING UI1IUfl ill 3 r monthly until I ird paid paidI5
STEINWAY 3 monthly lr
15 I H untIl J5 paid paid8n ld
3 3QOETZ monthly tll
80 U Until paid paidGOETZ ld ldGOETZ
to 0 lee t our OU CORSETS We have expert lUtersand lUtersandTOU nLlns alld alldTOU ati atiTOLl
TOU mutt be suited or not expected to buy buyWe bu buW huWe
We W are MAMFACTlKKKS t UCTU1UIIS and nd will mall malicthe malle mahcthe
the e ityle itiljed to your form form0jr rormOJr formOjr
LENGTHEN WAIST 41ST and are perfectly comfort comfortable comtortblt ornfortable ¬
able ableA blt bltJ
A J beautiful and useful u rul SOCVEXIB given with withetch wlt wlta lIh lIhtacb
etch a sale > al < this week weekCALIFORNIA wekCALIFORNIA elt eltCALIFORNIA
MA448 a443 Fulton St IIHOOKIYV 1lRiOIiYNElnator N NEleTator V VElerator
Elerator 10 Hart Street StreetFulling StrretI StreetTsllIng
Fulling I II hair > Ir Itrhlni Scalp ScalpDtndrud ScRIptandruff
Dt Il lIt7 lfe lfeDR
Dtndrud Cured u Einmlnatlon Frrc FrrcDR Frpea
a DR JOHN ni AUGUST nrlir St11 St11CM Y 1I 1InJovenaor
I V p Speclollsl SpeclollslRejuvenator I I
Rejuvenator 13 3 Iwo 14 Trial Rbtlle Itotttc 16C 16CFulton 75cot
CM ot Fulton II opp Flalbush IIV v Uklyn BluynTelephone UklynTelephone UklynTelephone
Telephone tsss J 1 Main MainIGNORES lIalnIGNORES MaIn1GXOitE
Bow Encllsh JooUer Juctt Club Act I Toward TowtrUMraiUcri TowardMmbul TowardMembera
MraiUcri of the HlnK HlnKThe Rln Rlnlbe ItInltie
The EngHsh Znglt Jockey Club Ignores the thebookmaker tbebookmaker thebookmaker
bookmaker and nd his claims nod although althoughthere a1thouKhtbere afthoughthere
there are re rules governing governing betting and all allclasses 011clasees allelaee
classes of wagers no mention ifI 1 made ofthe of ofthe attbe
the layer of odds or what his qualification qualificationmust
must be to figure in the ring Any man mancan mancan mancan
can make a book provided hoi ho i able to pay payhli payh1l payliii
hli debts It is not necessary for him himo himto himto
to o have the sanction of the fraternity to totake totake totake
take his place in tho paddock and there is isno Iqno i ino
no RjTidicate to dictate to him him where ho horaiiy homay homay
may pitch his tool in tho front row rowe or orotherwise OTotherwll orotherwiee
otherwise Still there is tho regular army armyof armyof army0I
of men m n who ho follow bookmnklns ookmakln as a a liveli livelihood 1pIIhood Itwelihood ¬
hood and who among amon themselves observe observecwtain OhfUTyecrtaln SJYfln SJYflncirtaIn
cwtain rules and regulations which hloh tako takothe takothl takethe
the place of a code of printed laws lawsIn la WII WIIIn WAIn
In 1802 an attempt was made to get et till thnJockey tillJockey tluJockey
Jockey Club to sanction a license system systemfor f tystegnfor 61em 61emfor
for bookmakers in ordur it was WIl bald to toprotect tnprotlot toprolPot
protect tho publio from tho weUhers and antiother amiother andolher
other dishonest characters that follow the thettirf thehlrt theturf
turf H H Fry a big bookmaker was wasdelegated WMdelegaled wn wndelegated
delegated to lay the project before the theftewards thetewardsIord thetewardsI1orcj
ftewards tewardsIord Lord Durham l 1001 Lord < onl < 1 March nml nmlMr nnrlMr nniMr
Mr Houldsworth Furthnrmore Fry Fljstllled Fljstllledtllat stnted stntedthat bttltpdthat
that the reputable bookies were willing to topr 10ray topay
pr a high foe for tholr licenses which whichrtoiild which1J01lld whichaboiild
rtoiild bo devoted to the raising of a do dotllctlv detective R Rtsctiv
tsctiv fort tOICfl to he placed pJn ri at n the disposal disposalof
of the Jockey Club Iuh Die snhemp Chem camn camnV Cllmnhefore camobefore
V before > efore the stewards at the Hpughton meet meotIng meetIng meetIng
Ing and was wa immediately referred to tho thoneoutive thotIeouthe thinexecutive
executive At the pamo time tho Rteward RtewardCanted atewardawanted lewllrMsnted
Canted to know if tho denizens of tho thoring thoring ther1nR
ring were oro unanimous In agreeing to tho thofee thotee thofee
fee and on learning that there wan a kick kickIn kickIn kIckin <
In come quarters the mutter fell f 1I through throughTills throughml I IThl8
Tills was the first and last attempt made to toregister toregister toregister
register bookmakers in England or to gain gainany gnlnIUIY gainany
any recognition from the Jockey Club ClubBut ClubBut I
But although the Jockey Club i loaS ys no noheed noheed noheed
heed to betting there are two courts which whichhandle whichhandle
handle all disputes Thoo are the coir coirmittee corrmittee cornrnlttee I
Xewmarkct and the thecommittee thecommlttea
mittee of rooms at I Icommittee
committee at Tattcraalls They have hn 0 acode a ucode acode
code of laws which though novel incu incujJ incujJIn Jed JedIn
In the book calender are referred to on all alloccasions allontslons
occasions neceswary n ry and are oonsldero1 oonsldero1binding conflderoibinding xnisideroclbinding
binding by everybody oeryb dr in connection with withthe withthe withthe
the turf Cooes Ca s which come up middenly middenlyst
at race meetings are nlwayg handled by bythe bythe bythe
the Xewmarket committee If the secre tecret4ry tErotvy secretary ¬
tary Is notified of the caw in tho evening
the committee can b be appealed to next nextmorning nextmorning nextmorning
morning and the case can l IIfJ > o disposed of ofOne otOne ofOne
One of the gravest offcnse either a book bookmaker bookmaker bookmaker ¬
maker or backer has to fear from tuseo tuseommmittecs theecmntrnitteios I ImmmittlCS
mmmittecs IB a failure to Ic liquidate hla hlateltbg h13t hiaIelllig
teltbg t > tb liabilities According to the rulesrJ rules rulesof
of rJ Jr Netting pt1in he ha a wholo year to Mttlo MttloIhodebtif etlnhedebl ltln ltlnhodehl
Ihodebtif hodehl It ho fails to do BO I he hI is then posted postedin
in a conspicuous CJnpirlI > u place pl1 at Newmarket and andft nndlit andat
ft lit Tattcrsalls and he Is II then branded for
life Th Defaulter in ols llilio ruporJcd to totho tothe toVhn
the Rtfwarcs warc of the th Jorkey Joelp Club 1111 and after afterna ottortha afterthat
that na if ho 11 p pO < j sam5 > FI1 l5 Din least utoin of io ioreaper nof noficwpec Iolf
f reaper > AJCt lie is IlIlIolr nevor ivon on u race couitie couitieIf COIII Iimie e
If ro l e d d11 < cs appoar ho in liable in an instant instantjont inrantJ
111 J a raplll ejacrnoit jec jont and pcrnop lorhDpil rough roughni roughrrHmcllt roughtrtnnetit
rrHmcllt ni roui lver r in after yeamif lie whoiild whoiildnmo ediotildnice hlIllel i
< nice mf hick with onoush aoll h money end di dicliire hIM hIMclirpe <
cliire Ms oblicntlonM fhlig tlonl th tho stigma remains remainsIn
In I a mansntl mun l1tl upon him himAi himAt him himAt <
At i HP 1iglisli In Ji h IIO 1Iletlol cees < > H there are no betting bettingawl lJe tln i iuII
talili awl uII Ilka 111 ii f f1 e at Mm tli race miirsos in innvriratli inr1ertt
Ar nvriratli r1ertt < rm till lv lYkO > rko taking lLkln his ntani I > which whichi
i jl l4 < ccnerally a littlvKtoiilubniit jUlu Iloulabout tmil lOtIt n couple of
J fltt tPt thiGliam hill hi gi i 01111 from fro III I his hi unprcti unllrcllI1tOlllol ntioiiH a perch perchIwr
Io t iuc1s > d > I 11 tin > field Iwr one or two twoleather
I I hii hi ml ist < h III ill 11 1 leather nitchol SWUIIR Rwun
lrorn rom lus hi nccl w wi1 wi li i ills hi clerk or uhcetwriter uhcetwriterrilii I
Ilriitlu rilii him Of cjiiivo tills docs not moan moanHint rnC n
Hint ho in < do I biiinc bui1 1iIIes > III tho grand Btand Btandr <
fir < > r any place luco hwfmicy its tonic > tomptw him Tho Thoo rho
lowl moo 1tllllat o uliijulatos > l where ho hoid <
hall et t up Iohop 01t npd id ho has Jl8 lo lo satisflofl satisfloflwith satleflodwill1 I
with tho I to location ltr r ef ehj st ge tjft nit out DooR DookmalpB DooRmakrua i
malpB ton to Lye h yo lo o Ito oirofulof crcful of tler mitt JunBUIRO IUII1U1 mittguilo
BUIRO 1U1 O and aliI I n few Ce hsvn h o loea 101 known 10 o ho horrpritnnndtxl 1 hereprlnslticlI 0 0rf
rrpritnnndtxl rf forlliou for t he HO < uf vorripconsidered worrll orchi cOIIRtllered I
In n tho United SUIUM S ltl to l lO part oC if thu every CCT CCTIlay
clay lav vr ya1bularr llMM SeuI < u r rJockey yera 111 alto tho Ito
Jockey Club reftiMvl lui 1 1 aiiplipation Dlpll1t DIW on by
wnm nJn Fwoll Itli UKficiRtikcr for fo Lb tho prlilpiro prlilpiroi priliJj7oIhr
Ihr i erpntinn rl tlllr itlc a temporary umbrella over their theirr
beads ed I
The Th grtatist Start Sio end tht th griatist tusmui in Bnoktw Bolc n haJt risii ken 1 on eu tht t fnniitnn In frtl iztii of 0 Pall Pu t Sitftln SJllSf I1 uiitt wt tht th btsi stniKi stniKitie Sirulelthll ssrvicss
tie test s assortments and lowest prcts prctsStore preisi preisiij yces ycesi
iij r rI I
I i IStore I ISt
Store St Open Opt at t 8i30 Imlcid of 8 A M MBudget 14Budget I J Jf
f Budget of Big Valuesthe Gist of ofK ofl
K Cx CxMondays
I Mondays s Sale
The Great Annual Mav Ma Sale of Womens Oxford Ties 1 ks f100 f100and iOO iOOathI 00 00anJSUoO
anJSUoO and t5O 30 Summer Shoes at 181 l31to to 198 a pair pairMens pairMens paIrMens
Mens 100 Shirts at Q7c Q7cMens 57cMens c cMens
Mens 200 OO Straw Hats Hatsthe flCO flCOThe 1jQ 1jQThe
The favored Wash ash Fabrics of the season at the Lowest Prkesanvwlier Prkes Pricesanvwhere Prkesanvwhere
anvwhere anvwhereMens anvwhereMens anvwlierMens
Mens 1800 tofao00 to OOO OO Worsted Suits at 1860 186015c laGO1iic 186O1c
15c Japanese Fans He 8 with blue or white bead chains chainsIjOO chaIn5tjtIO
000 to to750 750 50 Suit Cases at 31XColored 31X 3iVColored 311 311Colored
Colored Lining Lawns 40 Inches wide 6c 6 a yard yardPiiscilla yardPllsdlla yardPiisdhla <
Piiscilla Mocha and Java Coffee 27c 2 a pound No mall ortelephone or ortelephone ortelephone
telephone orders tilled and Coffee sold tomorrow delivered deliveredduring delivereddllrln deliveredcitiritig
during dllrln the week weekBrass weelBmss weeiBrass
Brass and Enameled Iron Beds and Bedding Bargains BargainsJlW BargainsH5 Bargainsl25
JlW l25 Corsets at allil allilflOO fiOc
flOO 100 French Checked Veilings 67c a yard yard4H
48 Inch Silk and Linen Batiste Batlste29c SOc a yard yardWonderful yardWonderful yardWonderful
Wonderful Linen Values
Mens Men 5 Jil00 100 Oxfords tJ 108 108Jlte I JS flSik JSIk
Jlte Ik boxes of Hemstitched Hem tltched WIlling Paper lOc 1O Not more than
2 boxes to tea a customer and no mall or telephone orders filled
1185 105 Black Imitation Horsehair Hats ltB None sent C O D D13lOO Di
23100 i I yards ot Taffetas Pongees and Printed SilksUnder SlIksUnderpriced SilksUnderpriced SilksUnllerpriced
priced pricedA
A tremendous sale al of Household I Utilities UlilitlesWonderful Wonderful Economies EconomiesRoyal EconomiesHoynl bcoriomiesRoyal
Royal Wilton and Body Brussels Rugs RugsAn An Extraordinary Offer OfferIng OfferIn Offerlug
lug IngMens In InMen5 lugMens
Mens 3000 and 3oco Suits to Measure 11DM 11DMSomens 1060 1060Womens 10 O OWomens
Womens fMOO 00 Voile Mesh esh Tailored Suits Ithi f 21 ± l 9iBoys 9A 9ABovs 9 9Bos
Boys JJOO 400 Sailor Suits 205 205Balloon D5 D5Balloon 15 15Balloon
Balloon and Cane DIV In the Toy Store ToMorrow TQMorrowiooc
10000 iooc Rolls ot Wall Paper PaperA A Great Sale
2000 Ruffled Lace Waists Wa sts no 10 OS O O9U
900 9U French Batltts Waists VaistsScarf 408 408Star jU8Searl
Star Pins 17c I ic lk lilc lc 20c > fc and 44c 41 each
A Surprising Value Event Eventin
I in High Grade Waists WaistsIn
In Which Exclusiveness Adds to Attractiveness AttractivenessZ
models modelsone modelsoneI modelsoneentirely one oneI
Two partkularlyattractive
Z 2000 20 Ruffled Jnce II1t WnntB nt IOOS particularly
Th The I he e bllK I 1 WaiStS W alsts I entirely of accordion Valenciennes lace in dainty pattern made over mousseline moussehneI mousselinefoundation mousselinefoundation
I I foundation the second made of deep ruffles of Lierre lace shirred elaborate trimmings trim trimmings trimmings ¬
mings of heavy lace medallions in circular yoke effect Short sleeves in both models finished with large largemousseline largemousseline largemousselinc
mousseline puff at elbow trimmed with lace in cream and white No duplicates none C 0 D Dr D7OO
7OO 00 ntrItL r Silk Wulst A LUS 1 Smart mo model ii el with tu t A e5O 500 jwt siu ChlnlL t JI HI IIIc 11 WII VliItnts thj b t I A tatlR 8tlS t < IO HrMit Front and nni hnlf hnlfDutch badt badtDuld1 bndDutch
block de delinn delinr deIinr
stilt elaborately trimmed with Valenciennes insertion in
Dutch yoke of narrow folds of silk and French stitching
inch folds of silk and hemstitching h Very VeryI ervat erv ervof
back with <
full effect fancy sign separated
either side of vole making very ver
linn on
and anticenter
silk andcenter andwlter
of stItching and dine in tucks extremely eXlremel full sleeves shirred In full sleeves finished with deep de r cuffs o of hemstitched h
I center linished with fancy fanC cuffs colors are light blue reseda lace lacej fancy attached collar In black lack and white whitehXl whitebrown thitebrown
d and sent C CO O D DI D3OO
white none
and uplkates
brown royal no
Clihm hXl ± Silk WUlpstli lO 108 Tailored model of t400 400 White China Sill Waists alstt ItI8 a l8 8 Pointed Pointedstitched Pointedslitched Pointedstitched
I aO box In center with double row of yoke of pin tucking and fine tireiace lace insertions Ins rtrons back ba k islrmimed Islr mmed to tostitching tost tostttctitng
stitched side plaits plait
stitching st tchln tailored back large sleeves with tucked cuffs and correspond with front new sleeves steev s shirred finished with uh fancy fancypearl fan fanpearl fangpearl
pearl buttons separate stock In black and white cuffs soft collar of lace and silk silkrrT silli siIiIO
i rrT jltie I 1The T h e f C Cotton OllOn 0 nLLn tt on W Waists VYol5lS Aac4e als t S I back IJ IO > 0 Of French fine r nel1 Valenciennes Batiste Vnlst WnIsts4tS insertions r4US and hemstitching No duplicates and Mad trimmed with with front large largelace largeI largelace and andjltie andI and1The
I lace medallions Threequarter length sleeves with cuffs of solid lace lac ruffling rufflingiOO
500 Batiste n thta Wnlsts Wnlst f UOS 08 Made with round yoke oke of Kino IJ10 Wiiist nt n t lai I l > sl Six different diffcleint110 models l1 all up 1 to ° < dateValendennes d2 date dateValenciennes 5 5cry
Valenciennes insertions body of lace and wide wheel einbroid one partIcularly good has entire Iront ol If eight ruws ot em emcry emcry
No roldery strip tull lull slfeve sleeves with itlt deepllimm deep trimmeci d cuffs cuffs75e cuffs75c
cry full tucked sleeves with deep lace i i75o c cuffs ffs duplicates models modelswith
OU um1 idiiU oU Waittt ulsti IW 14 EIght dlfferentlnttdels dlfferentlnttdelsd different
75o Whltn Iiawn Wnists 40c With strip of einbroid T Twffh wffh with embroidered firoidered offine of tine la lan > vnTniade made with yoke of ofery ater ofcry
cry er down d own front f separated with Itl lth 1 Valenciennes V a I enc I ennes insertions I nsrt I ons lull f II II Valenciennes s insertion and tucks body of o large figured ti ured me mesleeves meslee mesleeves
sleeves slee es with Ith soft collar dalllons tucked t clted back and full sleeves with Ith soft cuffs17t1 cuffs
8175 175 White lnwu Wnlsts 08c With ith wide embrold 3OO 3t WnJsts > at 108 Made ade with front back and sleeves sleevesery sleevesery sleevescry
tucked of white Cluny insertion separated C with pin tucking full fullback tullI fullback
panel of English embroidery yoke of pin tucking
ery I cuffs and solt collar no duplicates JupllCatlsfa
I back large sleeves with deep cuffs of embroidery I sleeves with iiit Jeep gauntlet
fa 350 50 Waists at f 248 48 Four different models i one made with alternate rows of snowball embroidery embroideryand embroideryand
and pin tucking back front and on sleeves
r ° Rrond Rroo < 1 floor rf rear r C Cfnr Cfntrot nlr l Building BuildingThe flutdtngThe uldlnl
The FavoredWash Favored Wash ash Fabrics Fabricsof of the Season SeasonAt
i At the Lowest Prices Anywhere AnywhereThese
These are the Wash Fabrics fashion favors for Summer wear and in spite of the fact that we have sold soldfar soldfar soldfar
< far the greatest quantity of these dainty effects ever sold in Brooklyn our showing cannot be surpassed if ifequaled i iequaled ifequaled
equaled by any store anywhere while the values arc certainly the best in the city cityLinen cityLinen cityLinen
Linen Finish Chambrays I2tfc 12 1zc I 25c Mercerized Chambray I2ic I2icvnh 12 l2ca2hnch c ctlnh
in black and white and colored I The kind that holds h h1s the luster alter laundering It comes in shell shellslKpherdcKi shellf shellshepherd
linen finish
slKpherdcKi vnh Chambravs finish wydeslttble desir1I desirable > le for wash suite pink oxblooJ and ciuslwJ CI UShlJ rose and Is very ery little prlceJ pricedfor prlceJfor prlceJfur
cheks Excellent linen very cry
shepherd >
f I I I at 1 2J t a yard yardPrinted > trd trdPrinted arlI
for women misses and children
Printed Check VcllinRS eIHn 8 inc a yard Exact EX 1ct copies copi s of the French wool Veilings that have been beenso
I so popular this season sea on They come in stylish checks with embroidered dots and figures figuresr
HultlnK ISJr t2 White Iilte grounds Iroun s ITIntcd Swisses t8 lOr 10 I Pt White lthe dotted Swissprinted in beautiful beautifulunh beautifulwith teautifulwith
> Woven
2r r Pin rin dot nut of color effective for shirtwaist suits and childrens s flower pittcrn p lIcrn cool 1 sunmcr Su < nmer dres tabncs tabncsdresses labrlcsdresses
Printed PrInt Prl titeci InStrlpiNet II t Strll SI rllt It l I IIII I c Ore O C of ollhlnoellsheercot ollhlnoellsheercot2r theiipvelty sheer cot coturic cotsrc
2r dresses Miivcn Clirvlot Shirtwaist Stilllnsii lllllns ISMr 1 1r In light tons tonsoflh of the season s lsonln1 anJdilnty allI dtlntl and beautiful While hile ground with withSummery IlthSmli1 wa waSunimry
uric oven
Summery Smli1 ry effets efje ls twocohr Mack tlil lak k weave caC also nl o blacK with Ith woven I exquisitely > printed tlnral patterns patternsiigure IlItternsIIure ratterncligure
iigure 2ne CIniixrlH Mrrtrlyfil I ritrhiI dhrk Ch I TiifT l Iafftai lfTlta ta I r Black Blacksuitlns BlakFlnmtn Blackiunj
ligure ligure5Sr
5Sr IIure iiiirett P Flnmtn Stilling ult I t21 I 2ic rl nh LI Light g ht sliver u f I gray nrAv ra > IIn iunj < J while auf clors Iors 1111 whIte shl1lwl1 merIrlze check checksuiting heksUltiog
with W black k chant strive strivez smffMI
suiting patterns and ecru ali Sllltln Sultinge JU no ane White MrirBM Hrlrlrlll1l1l1mo rerIyirl P laiiajnn mn C1 lutll lli I0r A Awo wonderfully 1derrull > silky sllkY3ppear sllkY3ppeargrounds appear appearMjo arpeargrounds
Mjo z t4 Srotrh I 1ln Litien n 8hlrt ShIrtwali jV ItI lUanJ t In int fatncthe genuine Paiuna weave Ieael Identical with the woollabrl woollabrlI wool ool labrk labrkgrounds
grounds embroidered in coloredJuures colored ftgures and nJ dots 01 the caine al f nanll 1 ihe he color are ltl ghsutey al1 olutely last < They are are70i made madeiOn madeif
iOn 70 KmhroUlcr d Scotch I l Uncn II Sutttngt it i lo II rge g r White on n of if mercerized yarn an1 will hold the luster alter laundering In sky skvcolored skycoored k kCI
colored o dll1 grounds s also a 5 white I i grounds b ciu s with I th colored coore or c1 embroidery eni roldery 12 1 browni rown tKe reseJa crdlllal hello heilollnen linen Alice AI blue chsinpaune ch1t1pa champaneant ne and pink pinkInches pinkn pinkinches
CI CIo ohre gdroun I
Inches n es wide widevkriety wideInc I I e eIiiI OimtUplI Re Superior In every detail to the 1ln Standard Wpvrit 0111 iltuzhl1n1 lc Washable > le Ginghams Ginghamsfbrlc GInghamsfcthrlcthiat
Inc Prlutld ard ever everywhere where Possesses that high are shown in I lack > and white blue and ndwhlle white and pink and white whitdfinish whitefinish
fbrlc fcthrlcthiat Ihnt sells at Irish 12Hc Dimities a are noted and shown 10 a gred grest sh shepherd pherd che corJeJ anJ mercerized stripes and all 1he t desired dcslredvariet desiredvariety
vkriety finish for ol which pitterns in light and dark grounds Including many manySrrlnta man I plain colors suitable for childrens school s hool and Summer dresses also alsofor alsofiow altoflower
variet variety patterns
for house dresses and waists waistsiOln waistS12O 11151 11151Prlnt
12O Srrlnta fiow flower r patterns Prlnt Printed < d Bntlsto nltl tPOo Oe Fine printed Batist choice choicedesicns choi I iOln 4OI Printed Print Id Mnen Finish Lawns ISJ 12Yac l2 c Note the width widthdesigns Idth IdthdesIgns
desIgns on white and tinted grounds new fresh and crisp crispo 13 inches wider than you usually uiual get at this price The beautiful beautifullinen beautiful40c beautiful40c
Printed Orirnndle 80o Mercerized erferlzed finish nnlsnlnts linen finish In rosebuds dots dots checks and stripes on white alsoprints also alsochoice alsoprints
40c o iivnnh Iornch thehrt the choice PirtslS ParIsian desIgns on white hlte and tinted grounds groundsall choice designs on ecru grounds groundall groundtall
prints lnts in j Main floor Writ est Bvlillni JI ldlnr
all this ssasons patterns
r A Most Unusual Corset SaleFrom Sale SaleFrom Salei
i From the first offer of Corsets at 59c 9c wherein whereinthe whereinthe whereinthe
the value is not to be matched to the sale of sam samples samples sampIes ¬
ples simply beautiful models in fancy silks etc etcthe etcthe etcthe
the Corset Store presents decidedly uncommon opportunitieS op opportunities Opeportunities ¬
portunities for tomorrow tomorrowMl to morrow morrowittr
white Ihlt batiste supporters at attached attached attached
Made of
ts 50c
Ml 8121 2B > CirsMs arl
waIst wlI t model modelSI00 modelS
tached to front and sides long dip hip medium
TOe Long dip hip model supporters attached attachedMade attachedto
SI00 S t no 51 Corsets
to front And sides deep bust tore cut bias at side fully gored goredMade goredMade
Made of white batiste trimmed i iHB50 with la laca and ribbon ribbon52no ribbonSffSO
HB50 Cnwt5 HU40C 149 Medium dip hip suK supporters ° rti attAched attAchedto aC aCto
to front and sides Imported model rr trade de o 01 fine batiste well wellmade wellmade wellmade
made and nJ boned bonedjgBoo
jgBoo 500 Sample Cornets Si 816tJ pp 09 New models made of fancy fancysilk fancylIk fancyiilk
and blue bluesecond blueStcontl blueSecond
silk lIk batiste and coutil brocaded in white pink
second floor front Cut flutldltiiMenss nutldlnr nutldlnrMenss nulldlnrMenss
Menss Summer Underwear UnderwearUsual r rUsual
Usual Prices Almost Halved HalvedEgyptian HalvedEgyptian flaIvdEgyptian
Egyptian Yarn Balbriggan 29c 29cIndia 29cIndia 29cIndia
India Gauze 3 for 100 100At 100At 00 00At
At UP Or BilhrlftKan llbrl a Shirts and Drawers thoroughly w wellmade wellmadeand lImade lImadeInl1 J de deand
and finished linlsl d slight mill stnln make the price smaller than thanusual thanusus thanusual
usual usus A btinJarJ Ste 5J garment arm nt 49U dozen In the lot and a alull alull alull
lull assortment ilsortm nt ol sizes including some extra larl larlrur large larntS
S for 81oo S I 00 inJIa GaUl Shirts and Drawers Shirts hlrts with both bothIons bothIon bothIon
Ions Ion and nJ short sleeves cec Well mad and finished The very purest purestwhite purestwhIte purestwlttte
white whIte in color all the fond pont which you would expect to tofind toLnd tofind
find in a firstclass fir tIass 50c 5 c cainunt
Lnd Mrln door front Hist nvldni ldnr
Black Imitation Horsehair Hats
165 Values at 125 125Nothing 125Nothing 125Nothing
Nothing more stylish just at present than imitation imitationhorsehair imitationhorsehair imitationhorsehair
horsehair Hats for dress wear and nothing more morescarce morescarce morescarce
scarce than the braid in these Hats These are made madeof madeof madeof
of imitation horsehair braid excellent copies cop of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the reali real and about Vj less in price Light as a afeather afeather afeather
feather right uptodate in styles and shapes and andmay andmay andmay
may be easily trimmed with an ostrich plume j value
165 at 9125 125 None sent C 0 D
325 3 25 Black Ribbon Hats 229 229narrow 229Only 2 29 29Only
Only to be had in lieu A S Millinery Store In Brooklyn Of Ofnarrow Ofnarrow
narrow Imported ribbon clossiy clCIS crimped with fods of chiffon chiffonone chiffonone I Iat
one of the most dressy Flats designed this season wcjrth urth 5325 5325at 325at
at iao None I > one sent C 6 O D D1tsln jt
jtllJln llJln floor1 center E rt lit st Building BuildingSilk fluildIngSilk
r Silk and Linen Batiste 1
48 Inches Wide 29c a yard yardFine yardFinp yardFine
Fine lustrous white silk and linen Batiste 48 48inches 48inches 48inches
inches wide splendid for light Summer dresses 59c S9cis 59cis 59cis
is a conservative value now 29c a yard yardDress yardDress yardDress
Dress Linen 35c a Yard VardAnother YardAnother YardAnother
Another lot of pure whit Irish dress Linen yard ard wide lightweightregularly lightweight lightelghtreguarl lightwelghtreguiarly
regularly reguarl 5te 00 and Sic jt at a IJlic c a yard ard
Fine embroidered Irish dress dre s and shirtwaist shirl waist Linens variety ariet 01 otpretty 01prttl 01prettydcsigns
pretty prttl prettydcsigns designs reduced reiucodfroenBh40 from SliO tnl cnJSltJS nJ SIOS to 08o a yard yardMlln yardMiln trd trd10UIn
Mlln floor rcr last alt Hurillni Huldingt
Weathered Oak nookcaiel nookcaiel7HO
I 7HO regularly r IlIJIArl IOSO IOSO8nno SUOI
8nno PftO regularly 112 112Si 112aJI 12
I Si aJI 15 n regularly r lIularl no noS2O 10
S2O 20 regularly rellulAr I2S I2SS34 12 2 2a4
S34 a4 regularly r lularl 143 143Filmed 141Famld tiaFemeel
Filmed Oak tlookcaiei
812 32 regularly rPllul rl tin tinWent 110trtllerd SinWeathered
Went Weathered tiered Oak OHio DMkiA1O OHioI fleuki1O
A1O fll 1O regularly 113
822 22 regularly 121 IZS82ft 8
I 825 25 regularly 133 133Wenthered 32 321trathlirrd 3 3Weafliered
Wenthered oak Hrlllnc HrlllncTablrK 1rltlnsTblrll WritingTablt
TablrK TablrK8HOO TblrllS TabltM00
8HOO S M00 OO regularly flOno flOnottnno loOoI950 OM
ttnno regularly 11200 11200822OO 11200I 1200t
t I 822OO IIIZ2 22 00 reciilerly l 2 2Rri 2RriFilmed on onFumed OIIFllmld
Fumed oak Wrltln Writ rIIlng In OMkt OMktSI7flOrecularly flelkiSUOOregulanht
SI7flOrecularly 51700 rpjulorlr Mloo MlooWeathered 12100Weattleleti 2100lthef11
Weathered Onk Magazine MaiazlneRacki 1lazlneI
I Racki Racki847n flackuj47rI
847n 171 reiiuhirly seoo seooII 1000SO 00 0088OO
88OO II OO nKulnrly llfloo llflooFumed 11000Fumrd 1000 1000Fumed
Fumed oak MaKarlne Raeki Raeki9H RarklSH Rankus0
9H 7 n regularly 1100 lllooW 1100Wathlrl1 1100Weathered
Weathered W hrreil oak Tabotirctte TbonrlUHI
8100 J nn regularly I1S I1S82no 1t2fl2 125
I 82no fl2 n regularly 1321 325 325regularly
8100 regularly I37Mbrar I37 n7rI 375 375LIbrary
LIbrary > Tablei Tablei17S Tabtel113n TableaI7
I 113n 17S I7 reeularlr W7S Fumed FumedT Fumednik Fumedoak
oak T rOllnrfIood 1 top topI LopIT
IT regularly 10 0 Kumod oakleatliortoP oak oakround oakround
I round leather leatliortoP top r
81O 10 regularly re ularl7 11360 Fumedoak Fumed Fumedoak Fumedoak
oak oblong 011 Ion wood top
IIJO 81Ono O regularly rlllarl ItsW UsroFumed isso issoFumed
Fumed oak oblong feather featheri leatbrtoP leathertop
i top
8l8r aJ8relulllrIY128 it cularlyt23 Fumed Fum doa doaobtonll oak oikoblong oakoblong
oblong wood ood top
821 21 regularly 127 27 Fumed oak oakoblong oaknbloni oakoblong
oblong wood top topoak
1114 14 regularly 118 Weathered WeatheredoAk Weatheredoak
oak round wood top
821 21 regulnrly 128 28 Weathered Weatbeoredonk Veatheredoak
oak round leather eat her top Lop Lopa8
838 a8 regularly MR R Weathered Weatheredoak hatherfdoalt ea1heredoak
oak oblong wood top topNetleei toPHtI topMetlei
Netleei NetleeiSM7f HtI MetleiM71 el
SM7f 1187 M71 rnctuUriy 111 11 Fumed Filmedoak Fumedoak FUmtdOllie
oak leather leat hpr Heat Heat82Oregularly seat2OreguIarly
82Oregularly 1120 rltulllrl I2 12ft 20 Fu Fumed moo oak oikleather 01IpathlT oaklqahhpr <
leather seat 1111 unit back back84O h ck cksoaO
84O regulHrly IS2 32 Z Fumed oak oaklootn oakhooce
lootn cushion leather neat neatand lIeatIld seatnid
and back backi52
812 112 regularly rellul rl lea Fumed < oak oakloot oakloos
loot oiiihlon oll hlon leather leath r seatand seat seatand 8atIInd
and baok baok8lin baokatl
8lin atl 115 regularly II lIfO 140 < o Fumed Furnmloak FtI1tloalt Fumedoak
oak loo loo looo o cushion leather leatherent 1lIthereat leatherlent
eat and hark harkn 1I01kArm harkArm
Arm ROlk RoOkra RoOkraSO
110 n regularly IS 8 Fumlt FUnte4 oak olklenther oakleather
leather teat nenlnnno teatnao eat eatII
II nnno nao ftO njjuinrir njjuinriroak Fumed Fumedoak Fumrooalt
oak l leather thcr rent ellt
FBKOKItlCK jrnrjwuwgiorgviico P 1JK LOrSEB E ti CO C
In ev delaI the Ledin RetaIl EtabIjshmcnt of Brooklyn BrooklynThe 1 1The
The Foreclosure of the Mortgage a Great Painting on Exhibition ExhibitlonLaces ExhibitionLaces ExhibitionI ExhibitionLac
Laces Lac s The Springs Best News NewsA
t A VINO THK lH HK GREATEST LACK BUSINESS nVSI ESS lit thin UlillllQll tii part of the country and un the closest 1 relations with hil foreign maker makerof makersof
HA of If any am American store > lm hllK its It special IIppcinllLdvlintagcs IIppcinllLdvlintagcsPlans advantages advantagesPlans dvarttagesllans
I Plans for Full arc well under way wa with both the makers und the Importers This ilii Summer LaotHthe Inces the he Lneoa you youwant yoiwant 011 011I
I want now flowore lire the laces that they would soonest be rid of ofWo ofWe It ItWt
Wo have helped htllJetiantl and thu prices pric eH have been dropped to rock bottom as an Inducement Tomorrow thousands andthousands and anclI an4thousandu
I thousands of yards 8tU of as w f fresh line flue dainty daiut Laces ia can au be bought ntiywhew here ror or half itnd u 61Cllt irent deal dl > al Ious U H th Hum n hl hlof h1f h1fI hI1of
of roguhir prices pricesRead prlceliRea priceaRead
I Read Rea the ho details It w Li the greatest Sale of the tll6l1easonKrenlln season seasongreut great In vaUiegiving vLlluch ng vast u lUIt in magnitude
19c to S298Laces 298 29 Laces at 5c to 6cFrench 69c 69cFrench 6 c cFrench
French und Jermau Valenciennes Valenciennes Lutes and Insertions Insertionsmostly JUllerlionsmostly Jnlertiunamoetly
mostly to mulch others > > in odd oddwkltlai widths w lllhs Kent eat und pretty prettypatterns Im prettyPatterns ttY ttYpatterns
lOc to 49c Laces at 5c to 12jc 12jc5c 12 12c5c c c5c
5c to 19c Torchon Laces at 2c to 8c BclOc 8clOc SetOe
lOc to 198 Venetian Galloons at 5c to 49c 49cWomens 49cWomens 49c4omens
4omens Womens Tailored Wear Clearance ClearanceSuits ClearanSuits
Suits at 598 Were Up to 18 18Thirtyfive 18Thirtyfive 18Thirtyfive
Thirtyfive Sulta of Cheviots and mannish mlxtuteI mixtures mixturesCoats mixturesCoats
Coats are Eton short and medium length Skirts are aregored areored aregored
gored ored and plaited plaitedSuits ploitedSuits plaitedSuits
Suits at 15 Were Up to 42 42Ninety 42Inety 42Ninety
Ninety Inety Suits ults of cheviots broadcloths mannish h and andfancy andflU1CY andfancy
fancy mixtures Coati are medium mt lum short and three threequarter threeqUlUter threequarter
quarter lengths some are strictly men tailored others othersare othellare othersare
are trimmed and a few with vest effects Skim are round roundlength rOl11dlengt roundlength
length lengt b plaited and gorod gorodCoats gorodI gorodCoats
Coats at 998 Were 1298 to 15 15Coats 15Coats 15Coats
Coats at 15 Were 1898 to 25 25Separate 25Separate 25Separate
Separate Skirts at 298 298Second 298Srtond 298ss
Second Floor Float FloatWomens rrllnlWomens
7 Womens Womens Fur Lined Coats CoatsA Coa CoaA
A Third to Half Less Than Vajue VajueMade VaJuei VajueMade
i Made to Your Measure MeasureDelivered Delivered in the Fall FallFOLLOWING FallFOLLOWI FallFOLLOWING
FOLLOWING G LAST WEEKS remarkable offering of ofFur orFut ofFui
Fur Coats to measure comes comr3 one which is oven more ex extraordinary extrnordluan oxtraordina ¬
traordinary trnordluanThe traordina ry
The long loose fur lined Coat at will be the Coat at of next noxtWinter nextWlntor nextWinter
Winter not only here but in Paris and London The re result result resuit ¬
sult is that the demand for first clam fur linings has al already alread already ¬
ready read increased the price and unquestionably unque6I onably in the theFoil theooil theFall
Foil the supply Trill ill not equal the demand demandTomorrow demandTomorrow demandTomorrow
Tomorrow you will find here about fifteen handsome handsomemodel handsomemodel handsomemodel
model garments Judge of their fine workmanship wor1ananllblpJudl1e workmanshipJudge workmanshipJudge
Judge of the high quality of the Furs and of the fabrics fabricsVfa rabrirftWt fabd fabdWe
Vfa will Ill make the Coat to your measure and deliver the theflnixfied thetlniAlied thefinished
finished garment in the early Fall FallSusliky Fa1lSusliky FallSushiky
Susliky lining 44 inches long broadcloth cover pieced rieoedI piecedPersian piecedPersian
I Persian lamb full ehawl collar coliarSquirrel 2350 2350Squirrel 23110I
Squirrel locke lining 47 inches long full shawl collar of ofnatural ofnatural ofnatural
natural squirrel broadcloth cover 52975 52975Squlrrll 2975 2975Squirrel 2975Squirrel
I Squirrel locke lining 45 5 inches long collarlcw tailor tailorfinished tailor1nlRhed tailorfinished
finished 530 530Hemster S80Hem 350Hemater
Hemster Hem ler lining 43 inches > l long sable bison collar184 collar184Squirrel collar 84Squirrel 84 84Squirrel
Squirrel locke lining linin 45 inches long sleeves fur lined linedblended linedblond linedblended
blended blond cd muskrat shawl haw I collar US USSqulrml 35 35Squirrel
Squirrel locke lining linln 44 inches long full shawl collar of ofnatural ofnatural
I natural beaver 40 40Blended
Blended muskrat t lining h r 40 inches I r long full II top collar c Il of ofPersian oft
i D1p 4 4mended
t Persian lamb 6 47 47Blended
Blended muakrat lining linin 46 inches long shawl collar of ofPersian ofII ofPersian
Persian lamb military fastenings fWtcnln 53 53Blended 58Blended
II Blended muskrat lining linin 44 inches long full shawl collar collarand collarand collarand
and cuffs of Persian Jfl lan inmb 58 58Extra 58I
I Extra choice squirrel locke lining 10 o inches long black blacklynx blackI black1yn
I lynx 1yn shawl collar 3so 3soExtra 80 80Kxtrn 80I
I Extra choice squirrel locke lining full shawl collar and andcuffs andI anticuffs
I cuffs of Persian lamb 395 395i4cond 95 95Hvond 95i
i Hvond H ond Floor Front FrontMens IrontI IrontMens Fronti4ens
i Mens i4ens 1250 to 18 Suits SuitsTEN SuitsI SuitTEN
I TEN DOLLARS Apiece ApieceThe
The Store for Men Elm Place Entrance EntranceREDUCKl Entrancei EnlraszceEEDIYCEI
i REDUCKl n DUCE1 > IV l PRfOK PRH because they th are in styles flt IN not notto noti notto
i to bf > reordered because the Midsummer Stiita are ar orowd orowdins erowdlug rownI
I ins for room Out of our own stock up to the Loeser Loeserstandnrd Loeflllrptmdlrd Loeserr4atidiurd
standnrd of clothing in every rletallIhe derail the standard which whichhim whichhllil whichhas
him made our SIiO 1260 to t US 18 Suits Sut the ho beat b > t in Brooklyn BrooklynThere BrooklynThere ooklrn ooklrnThere
There are 131 Suits altogether altcjetberJII 9 single breasted breastednnd breLItcclanrl2 breastedand
and anrl2 42 double breasted Tho fabrics are light and medium mediumshades mediumebade mediumebades
shades of cheviots tweeds cassimeres find homespuns homespunsKot
Not ot every sixo sinin in every style but every size from 84 S to 42 42chest 42I 42chcet
chest measure in 10 the lot lotJUIn lotllLllIlloor lots lot5lsh
JUIn llLllIlloor 5lsh Floor Elm Place PlacI
I s
lOc to at to
Cluny Lccoi > and IiiEcrtinivt to nmtch and In odd widths widthsA wldlhA
A largo variety arlel of hanct hQn liancisoitue oiuB patterns patterns98c JlILttCf11I198e latterlt98c
98c to 298 2 98 Allover Laces at 49c to 149 149lOc 14 1410c 149lOc >
lOc to 169 Net Top Laces at 5c to 69c 69clOc CgelOco 69clOc
lOc to 5149 149 Chantillv Laces at 5c to 29c 29c98c 29c98c 29c98c
98c Fancy Nets at t 59c 59clUlu 59cIlatu
lUlu Flour None nt Sn C O I II II45O
45O 350 Colonial Shirtwaist Boxes > i
198 198THK 198TilE 1981lIk
TilE STRONGEST LARGEST lRm iT and handsomest Shirt Shirtwaist Shirtwaist ¬ I Iwaist
waist Boxes that were ever sold for such H price pot we be believe believe beileve ¬
lieve lieveThey They are covered with ithpll1ln plain burlaps in shades of myi myitie rnvltie nnyrtie >
tie olive Nile light and dark blue brown cold and red redTops r ndTops l t tTops
Tops are finished with lth wide borders of vhlm lIIH enamel enamelgolden IlIanwlgolden enamelOldeIl
golden oak mission oak light and dark iruihogany und undforest nndforest andforest
forest green recu finished woods Ouu metal and bniini billl tiiu tiiuuiings tItlniluga
uiings to harmonize with the deforntiomt deforntiomtAgain denratloIl8Again detoratiosieAgain
Again 225 to 3 Shirtwaist Boxes Bo > es at 139 139More 139Moio I
More of the famous nDIOU Hiirtwaist t 1J0 itozu oxc > tlmt went by bythe brthe bytile
the hundred lant Monday londaynellll newu flint will 111 interest these thesewho l t1ueewho se sewho
who came too late These are large and strong covered coveredwith 1 jwith II IIwith
with French English and American n cretonne art tickings tickingsand tickingaand I
and red and green reen burlars
750 to 1350 Renaissance Bed Sets 445 and andJ598 andS598
J598 J598About S598bout 598 598About
About bout 125 12 Sets In this lot They are in both white whiteRnd whiteand hite hiteand
and Arabian colors all made on heavy heuv French net with wittdrop witideep
deep valance ruffles All have large real Renaissance Renaissancelace HcnD anli1 anli1lace
lace center pieces in > pread p rend and roll rollililrrt rollhlrd rolli
ililrrt i hind Floor I rout r rota14i0 r
14i0 10 to 15 Cut Glass atCHEAPNESS at 5 5CHEAPNESS 5OUEAPESS >
CHEAPNESS IS NOT OT THE CHIEF THING to be de desired d dIIlrcd dosired ¬
sired in Cut Glass Beauty Reaut of design perfection rfeotIon of cut cutting cutting cutflog ¬
ting purity in the quality of the glass Itself Itsclfthlllle Itsclfthllllethe theae W Wthe sea seathe
the points that appeal most to the Tvomao WHOM whotlQ Cut CutGloss Cu CuG1as8 Cu1flasa
Gloss is her special pride These are the points poiJi that thathave thathave t thave
have long distinguished the Loeoer Ci C t Glasaba Ulaaa4iavplaeed Glass Glasabaplated har harplaced
placed it in a close olopa olopaBut 11101JtIBut alopeBut
But tomorrow we e shall present a broad fine Block of ofCutOlass ofCun ofCiit7Thlasa
CutOlass Cun llUlll of this grade for prices pricesA pricesA pricesA
A Third to Half theUiu the Usu Usual UsualIt l lIt 1It
It would bo no groat gr at diftl d julty ult to soil 80118 a Cut ClltGlllM Glass Bowl for I If1CIO
f1CIO 11 150 50 but few people want nnt Bowls of that character any anymore anymore anymore
more than there is any rin any great demand for diamonds at
2 apiece Tomorrow we shall have ready an especially especiallytine
tine collection of the newest and choicest hoi t articles in inCut inCut inCut
Cut Olaes of a grade that will make m o splendid weddinggifts wedding weddinggifts eceddinggifts
gifts Saturdays prices on these pieces ranged from fromtO
10 to 10 Tomorrows price will II be her 5 5Mens 5Mens
r Mens Special Shirt News NewsHALF
HALF PRICK OH LESS In come MOil nearly half halfprice halfpricc halfprice
price in others Tluit sounds interesting to the man manwho manwho manwho
who has Summer Shirts to buy bu Jt pounds sounds all the more moreintoresting moreIntNlIItins moreintereting
intoresting because it comes from the Locsor STORE STOREFOR HTOREron STOREFOIl
FOR MEN n and men know thot they theywill will iJI flndthc find thcip Shlrta Shlrtawell Siurtzowell t
well made of good style ns pntisfnctorj iw nny Shirts Shirtsthat Fhtrtathat ShirlsthRt
that can be had for full prites prilclI5t
5t 1 White Madras Sbl Shirts 59c 59cJl
Jl 1 Negligee Shirt Sh lrtJ 45c 45cXoRllBeft 45cXfJiI 45cNegligee
Negligee XfJiI tf Shirts 29c 29cOarlpra 29cGurtem 29cClltPrs
Oarlpra 3 I Pair lor or 25c Regularly t a I Pair Pair5ie PAirSO PairSOc
SOc SO < Kcckwpnr at 25c 25cCufTs 25ciiflp i
CufTs 11 iiflp ff 3 Pnir for 34c 34cU 34cInn
U Inn tn Floor Dm 1 lm re re69c Ift Ifti3lack 1arTack >
Tack Japanese Habutai Sil Sil69c S lls lls69c
69c to 150 Values at 49c to 110 110THAT 110THAT 110IHAT
THAT wonn OUJ1 UK tIl KKMARKABU Hg IAHfAIH KNOUOH rt ihi ihiReason Ihlll Ihlllsaason Ibisl4eaeon
Reason if tho Suite wcrn the ordinary hliuk Jnp Silks SilksHut SilksBut Silkslint
Hut these are the best of if Lynnn J nr1I ctrl 27 indIes Wide IIJO hoft hoftfinished eftfinished ort ortflnillhcd
WATER PROOF You will find tho gunranten Btampcd Btampcdon
on tho th selvage cage of If each Irh yard rcl
1 Pompadour Crepe de Chine at 69c 69
1500 yards ard of 24 inch fa fal faicy icy r silk Crepe rope de Chine hine in white whitedel schitedel I Idel
del and pink grounds with dainty colored floral design deaignThis designThis rle8i n I IThis
This is II n stifle tine quality 1uRlIt for kimonos and house gowns
Mission Furniture Unrivaled Show ShowI
I I And a Sale Unprecedented in Low Pricing 0 0uKE
I f AKE THE ELEVATOR ELBV ATOR TO THE FIFTH FLOOR tomorrow and you vou will find the largest and finest display of fumed fumedwhich fumedi fumedand
i TAKE and weathered oak Furniture that 18 made tnodeln In any Store In the country Note ote the prices prlc and you ou will find uluea vnliieawhich ulueaI
which are without parallel anywh anywhThis anywhere anywhereThiB anywhereThis
This Furniture is largely large the product of the famous Stickley Bros of tf Grand Rapids Mich who ho won the chief prize at atSt atSt atSt
I St Louis for Mission Furniture and for whom we are sole Brooklyn representatives rep etlentative8 jThe room on the fifth fth floor has hn been beenarranged beenarranged beenarranged
arranged for the artistic artist lo showing of the Furniture and tomorrow its opening is inaugurated with a sale altogether without withoutprecedent withoutI withoutprecedent
I precedent precedentThis precedentI
This Furniture is all of the highest grade solidly made of the strongest oak in the quaint t dignified shapes which areknown are areknown areknown
known as Mission M 5ion styles and which are deservedly In high favor for city houses hQus as well ell oa country homes In artistic artisticmerit artisticmerit artisticmerit
I merit you will find nothing to equal this collection in substantial workmanship nothing to excel it In Inlow low prices nothing nothingwhatever nothingwhatever nothingwhatever
whatever to rival it
975 Fumed Oak Rockers and Chairs at 765
913 13 rtrularly lioso 1810 Fumed Fumedonk Fumldollk Fumedoak
oak wood ood feat eut euta2tz
822 regularly reaul r relt Y 128 28 Fumed oak oakloose ollkIQ05 oakIQOaC
loose cushion cUlhlonleather leather scat IIS and MilbAck antdback
bAck bucVSnareffiitnrlr bAckaS3
Snareffiitnrlr aS3 83 regularly 142 42 Fumed oak oakback onkj oakloose
loo loose e cu blonleather seat ana anabaok and andback
Arm Chain ChainR4no
R4no 480 J regularly IMO 350 Fumed Fumedook FUI1le Fumefonk < I
oak leather teat RialS9no
S9no J regularly rl < < lIlarl JI2 12 Fumed Fumedonk Funnedoak
oak 0 1t bather seat eat And back
1112 12 regularly llto It Fumed Fumedoik Fumtcfok Fumedoak
oak ruth rll h sent sentSal pat
Sal 21 rrpularlr l2 20 Fumed oak onkhaul oaklooti
looti 100 l cushIon cU8hI01llolltlurJrat loatinerseat anti ana anahwk
haulS2O haul
S2O 20 rc regularly nlnrlv fit 38 f Fumed Fumedon Filmedoak Fumedoik
on oak loosw cushion clltihlolllllIllIer leather teal tealnnd aeatIInd scatnnd
nnd back backCtialrK backChlllr backChiairA
CtialrK Without Arm ArmS3 Arns3regularl
S3 3regularl regularly r llulorl 1376 Fumed FulU oak oakrmh oakruII oakrulu
rmh Mat MatS47V ot ota
a S47V J resulnrly 18 0 Fumed oakteether oak oakMl okIther
Ither seat seatDO Rt
Ml DO no regularly 112 12 Fumed Fumedoak Fumdoak Fumedoak
oak leather leather atber uoat uoatFumnl Cal CalFumeel Dt DtFumrd
Fumnl oak Chltia Chit hhllL a Cloieti CloietiI
I tII RO O recuisrly rllul reculr r Y f 111 1111ethrllI 083Weatliereil J JWeatliprril
Weatliprril Oak Sideboards KlclrhoardW31 fCldhoardafl2J
W31 2 regularly 127 2 27
1132 32 regularly HO ItoI
Snl al rreularly Is 147 147S4O
S4O 40 regularly I9 I9Fumed SMFllmd 57 57Filmed
Fumed Oak Sideboards Kldeboardi8UO Sideboardsauto
auto regularly S75 S75nealherrtl 376ntherf1I sAWeathered
Weathered Oak ChIna ClilnaClosetR ChInaClosets IIIDa IIIDaIoetll
Closets ClosetRS22 IoetllfI
S22 fI 22 2 regularly l IA21 2A
A21 2 regularly relfUlarlY 131 131M33 31
M33 3 32 regularly regularlyS4R rflllular yun yunSIIi 40
S4R 46 regularly KB KBTablet I iB iBTables G GTabll
Tablet TabletCtlO TabllIII Tablesi1
CtlO III 0 regularly III IIIW1O suMr1 13
W1O Mr1 0 regularly I2n I2n1I2l Zi ZiS22 27 >
S22 22 regularly I2S 5211inin 25 25nlnln
nlnln Cl1all Cl1allt1122 hiiir
8221 225 regularly UT5 Weath WeathTt Wnthpr11 Weatherut
pr11 Tt < l oak ol hluo rhnlr haIr tune tuneout urnsOAr un uno1Ilt
out out84no o1Ilt84nO
84no regularly I5no IO Weath Weathrreil Wtathred Veathuuretl
rreil red oak Arm lIn Chair cane caneent canesent anet anet113O
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