OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, May 21, 1905, Image 5

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1905-05-21/ed-1/seq-5/

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Anguc Anglican n Church barred to Guilty an anInnioent anInnaoent
Innioent AUkeC1er Alike Clergymen ymen Who Bi Birose B Bage e
rose age Liable to Proiecntlon for Vloli VloliUin i ola olaUon
Uin of the law of tho tountr tountrSftttal Country CountrySpecial
Sftttal CatAt DujxUih la Tins SDK SDKLOKDON SVNrLONDON
LONDON May 20 20A A keen controversy controversyIs controvers controversIs
Is certain to arlao ari o over tho action of th thI the theLondon
I London > ndon dlooaian conference last Wedne Wedneday Wednesday
day in voting that no to divorced person personwhether personwhether
whether Innocent or guilty shall be re remarried remarried
married in any Anglican Church during duiinithe duringthe
the life of ofthe the other patty This decision decisionbrings deoisioibrings
brings the Church of England F igvi In direct dlreeconflict directcoafict
conflict with the State laws It will alai alaibecome aleobecome
become a prominent factor In the campaign cam campaign
paign for disestablishment The law lavprovides lawprovtdro
provides that np clergyman shall be com compolled compellod
polled to marry the guilty party in a di divorce dlvorce
vorce suit but he must not refuse the use useof ua uaof
of his Church for such purpose If another anotheclergyman anotherclergyman
clergyman is willing to perform the cere ceremony ceremony
monyThe mony monyThe
The quostion was koonly debated bj bjprominent byprominent
prominent clergymen before a vote was waitaken wastaken
taken The vicar of a prominent West Bi Bioburcb Ihid Ihidchurch <
church cited the case case of an innocent bride brideof bridiof
of eighteen who wan forced into a marri marriwith marriage marriagewith
with a wealthy suitor The husband pro proto proved provedto
to bo a monster of iniquity Inl ulty and and a divorce dlvorowas divorcewag
was granted The speaker went on to toargue t trgue
argue argueIs rgueIs
Is It conceivable that that this woman woman atil atilyoung sUllyoung
young and as innocent as regards moral gull gulltfi guiltN
tfi on her bridal morn is to remain single singleawaldng aingliawaiting
awaiting the repentance of her husband husbandA husbandAgainst
A Against this man lot lotthe the church doors b bbarred be bebarred
barred but is this youngwoman young wommn tube tol tolthat told toldthat
that any fresh marriage must baenters baentersInto baonteredInto
Into at the registry office with possibly possiblynervico a aserouo
nervico of benediction atthe at the church afterward after afterward
ward This counsel wpuld be very detrimental detri detrimental ¬
mental to the Church ChurchThere CburchThere
There were other protests by prominent prominentclergymen prominentclergymen
clergymen but the conference voted 16 16to lap lapto
to 71 against the remarriage of any divorce divorceperson divorcedperson
person personIt
persone It Is e pointed out by competent authorise authorltieethat authorisethat
that a serious situation will arise from frotrefusals fromrefusals
refusals of clergymen of the State Church Churcito Churchto
to solemnixe marrUgm which are entirely entirelylegal entireljlegal
legal They will be liable to severe penal penaltie penalHer
tie including criminal prosecution for forbrealdng foibreaking
breaking the lawONLY law lawOXLY
Hone of Commons spook Made t Advrt Ad AdTertte
Tertte vrt se a Play PlayOptelil PlaySpecial
Special OttH rxjpofc Dwpeaet to Tn SO SOIXJNBOW acx acxLome
IXJNBOW r May 2oThe 20 The mystery of the theHouse th thHouse
House of Commons ghost is explained b ba by bya
a morning paper M the result of a bet whicl wblchwan whiclwas
was brought about during a i iof dieaneeen dieaneeenof
of the possibility of a leading incident i ithe In Inthe
the noTd and play John Chllcote M P PThe X XThe >
The bet was whether a members double doublnould doublecould
could enter and alt in the House of Commons Com Commons
mons without being found out The qua queadon quadon
don was settled in the affirmative by some somione someone
one made np to to icpieaent Hr Oarne Bar1 Bar1gaining Baschgaining
gaining acoees to a seat in the House i iIncidentally and andInddtmtally
Incidentally causing Sir Gilbert Parkers Parkersnow Parkornow
now famoua ghost story storyThifl storyThis
This may b be the solution of the mysterybnt mystery mysterybut
but the ChQooto play at the St James JameiTheatre JamesTheatre
Theatre ha baa not been very successful ant antit and andit
it to suggested that the paragraph which whichwaa whichwas
was destined for wide quotation should shouldbe shouldbe
be placed to the credit of an Ingenious Ingeniouspress fnget Iona Ionalie
press agent agentKITfO agetRING
Bon Behind Poke Hit Sow Into int the theRoyal theRoyal
Royal Carriage CarrlaaeSpecial CarriageSpecial
Special COM DetfOleh la Tarn eves SDKLOTOON evesLownox
LOTOON May f0WhileleavingtheNew f0WhileleavingtheNewmarket WW1 leaving the New Newmarket ¬
market racecourse on Thursday in a carrfage car carriage ¬
riage on hi his way toward the town King KingEdward KingEdward
Edward bad a narrow escape from injury injuryThe InjuryThe
The royal carriage was In a stream of ofvehicles ofvehicles
vehicles when an automobile caused a sud audden sudden
den stoppage The driver of the Kingsrarria Kings KingsrarrUge
rarrUge rarria ge promptly pulled up but but the driver driverof
of a vehicle that was close behind with five fivemen fivemen
men in it was not quick enough with the theresult theresult
result that the nose of his horse struck tde tdeKing tueFling
King violently In the backThen back backThen
Then the horse In a vehicle Immediately Immediatelybehind Immediatelybehind
behind the one In which were the five menbecame men menfcecftme
became restive and attempted to climb climbInto climbInto
Into the carriage by placing his forefeet forefeetupon forefeetupon
upon theback of ofit it All this caused a greatcommotion great greatcommotion
commotion which lasted several minutes minutesFinally minutesFinally
Finally the v vehicles were disentangled and andwent andwent
went on on their way The King wag not injtued in injured ¬
jured juredALEADEtt jtuedALI
lonrtcni ActorManager to Appear at atDrury atDrury
Drury Lane at That Salary SaltrySprtfl SalarySptrtat
Sprtfl Cabtt Dnpaltli In THE SCN SCNLOXDON Sr SrLosnoa
LOXDON May 20Th 20 The announcement announcementthat announcementthat
that George Alexander has been engaged engagedto
to appear at the Drury Lane Inthe autumn autumnin
in a drama written by Hall Calne has caused causeda
a real sensation in London It will be th thfirst the thefirst
first time that the London actormanager actormanagerhas
has appeared sis s salaried actor under undermother underenother
mother management managementMr
Mr Alexander will also equal a aDrury aDrurylane Drury DruryLane
Lane record IP the matter of the size sizeof sireof
of his salary Dan Leno established establishedPrury establishedIhury
Prury Lanes salary record with 250 250i
i week That of Alexander has been placedt placed
at t th the Fim mark markSTARriXG markTARIISG
rl ritrrso trrj < In Seville Irnvlnee Il lies i Not Been ReenRellnredl BeenRellnvfsl
Rellnvfsl Rellnvfslspffil RellnredlSprrtnt
spffil rbr r Wf DctpMch to TB Tar SITfit Sew SewMAnnio
fit MAnnio tifTD May 20 20The The Government has hasEranUxl boaamnte
EranUxl amnte < I further credits to the amount of off4Winno off4rrnmo
f4Winno for the construction of light railways railwayswitli railwayswith
with a view of relieving the prevailing prevailingili prevailingditre
ditre ili tifs < s In the province of Seville the thetradesmen thetmdeimen
tradesmen are refusing to w sell l food because beaUsethe becauseHie
the local authorities are not fulfilling their theirpromises theirpromises
promises to reimburse them themIf themIt
If the present state of affair continues continuesthe
the chiliIren and aged persons who are areliving areiiting
living In shelter provided provldedby by the authoritiesUl authorities
will Ul 1 10 dens rlPDrivwi d of food foodTurhlnrn foodTurf
Turhlnrn Turf lnce for Sew w Drltlih Warship WarshipfipKlat 11arahlpSpertat
fipKlat CaNt Detpatrh lo Tae sumGIAsoow SON SONGMSOOW
GMSOOW Slay 20 20The The Government has hasInvited hasInvited
Invited tenders for turbine machinery for forone fortine
one of the battleships under construction constructionThe
The first British crul cruiser er to bo fitted with withturbine withturbine
turbine machinery was the Amethyst Amethystwhich Amethystwhich
which was completed in March last and andmad andmade
mad 21 < knots kno a easily In her speed trials trialsnrltlih trialsnrlueh
nrltlih Ambassador Starts Bach BachSpecial flackpectal
Special Cable Dtipalth to THE SUN StNLOXDON SUNLo
LOXDON Lo moM May 10 Sir Henry MortimerDurand Mortimer MortimerDurand
Durand the British Ambassador to the theInltjd theInltsd
Inltjd Stntpn who arrived from America Americanbmit Americaabout
about three weeks ago ena on a visit left forNew for forNew
New York today He Is accompanied by byliis bylice
lice son Cnpt Durnnd who Is a noted polo poloPlayer poloplayer
llrltlsh Mlulon Starts for Fez FezOfrrM PerJpneal
OfrrM COtUt Dnpaldt la Tat SUN SUKTixoiEB T TTsADita
TixoiEB Morocco May 20 20The The British Britishmisnlon British Britishmission
mission beaded by the British Minister to toMoroccd toMoroccd
Moroccd Gerald Lowther started for Feztoday Fez Feztoday
uvr TOPICS Anovr roirv roirvJohn TOIrxJohn
John Boden the turf authority who hs hsowned has hasowned
owned many horses including Don Do Ore OreRosotlnt OroItosotint
Rosotlnt and the intermittently great Mae Maetertnan Masterman
tertnan suggestfla new condition race for forcounterfeits fo focounterfeit
counterfeit disappointments and morn
ln ing glories gloriogITiere
There would be a good putite said Mi
Jjpden Boden but the interesting condition o othe of ofthe
the race wouldbethatthe the owner of th thhorse the
horse finishing last must take and keep al althe all allthe
the other horn Buch a race would pro protory provide
vide the greatest whipping finish In his history
It wouldnt be fair to name some eligible eligiblementioned ellgtblesmentioned
mentioned by Mr Boden BodenAmong RodenAmongthe
Among Amongthe the peculiar totters recently re reoelvedby received
oelvedby ceived bye Mayor MoClollan was one fronan from froman
an admiring public official in inIndlan Indian Terri Territory Terntory
tory who wrote that a set of Henry HenryGeorges HencGeorges
Georges works was about to be presented preeonteithe presentedto
to the moat popular eobobl teeober in town
The writer asked the Mayor to insorl insorlTwo inscribe inscribea
a few fitting presentation lines on the fly
teals tealsTwo
Two doves are bufdingtbeir building their nest on t tcapital the thecapital
capital of one of the Grecian columns oolumnsthe In Inthe
the front of the Stock Exchange The Theare They Theyare
are busy all day long lugging straws am ampieces and andpieces
pieces of sloth to the place The Best uestls uestlsbean I Ibeingbuilt
beingbuilt bean bbllt onone on one of the projecting figures flgureiof figuresof
of the capital andis well protected from frorthe fromthe
the wind and ram ramOne rain rainOne
One of the doves flew into the trading tradiniI tradingroom
I room of the Excharige from the Neb streeaide stree streeside
side a few days ago and circled about th thout the theroom
room several times Letore it finally darted dartedout
out Soon afterward the market started startedup startedhapve
haw hapve up and named named traders tthhendoveet the dovos with bullish the ee bull bull bird birdA connection connectionhaw bird birdA
A breakfast food oonoem has taken pos possession poeseeefon ¬
session of a Broadway store for adver advertising adverUsing ¬
Using purposes and there one may see hon honthe howthe
the food U made from the grain to the fin t3nlahed finUhed
Uhed product The machinery for making makingthe makingthe
the food ia installed in this store and it U Ureally isreally
really an interesting process All day
long there b a crowd in this store and the thebeat thebeet
beat of it is that no one Is asked to buy buyanything buyanything
anything anythingIf
If you arelh are tn need of a dog said a dog dogfancier dogfancier
fancier dont by any chance buy one onefrom onefrom
from any of the men who stand on street streetcorners streetcorpere
corners Puppies look pretty much all alike aliketo aliketo
to the uninitiated whether they be full fullblooded fullblooded
blooded or merely mongrels and Its a aare adead
dead sure thing that the render is not going goingto
to say that they are of the latter class With Witha
a nice fresh ribbon about their necks they theyare
are just too cute and women fall easy easyprey easyprey
prey to the wiles of the seller sellerLord sellerLord
Lord Brassey shortly after his yacht yachtSunbeam yachtSunbeam
Sunbeam bad been overhauled after her herarrival herarrival
arrival on this side for the ocean race was wasapproached wasapproached
approached by a yachting reporter who whosaid whosaid
said saidWell Well Lord Braascy I suppose suppose you will willtake willtake
take her out for a atrlai trial a spin nowf nowfWeU now nowWell
Well no said Lord Brassey rassey I hardly hardlyacres hardlythink
think so it seems to me that the trip tripacross
acres was a pretty good trial spin spinTrust spinTenet
Trust the raoetraok tout to land thenewest the thenewest
newest expression expressionWhy expreeatonWhy
Why said one pf them at Belmont BelmontPark BelmontPark
Park yesterday this horse Is a moral moralmarvel moralmarvel
marvel He worked a mile in 140 this thismorning thismorning
morning with Raokensohmldt up upThe upThe
The news that Tod Sloan ls going abroad abroadagain abroadagain
again recalls an incident of his last visit visitto visitto
to New York The Th Jo joekey key was standing standingon
on Broadway with a a friend when a man manwent manwent
went by him in an automobile Sloan Sloangaiwd Sloangsked
gaiwd after him with a bitter esprenslon esprenslonon
on hlafaoe hlafaoeThat hle faoe faoeTbat
That fellow borrowed 18000 8000 from me mein meIn
in Europe he said and now he wont wonteven wonteven
even speak speak to o me let alone paying back backthe backthe
the money Sloan added that another anotherman anotherman
man whose name U almost as familiar familiaras
as Tods I1ode In the realm of sport touched touchedhim touchedhim
him for a total of ttOOO whUe they tbey were wereabroad wereabroad
abroad and that he never hoped to get a acent acent
cent of It Sloan did not have tSO 50 to his hisname hisname
name when he left here the last time timeWith timeWith
With wonderful unanimity men have havedecided havedecided
decided that white ls the color they will willwear willwear
wear for summer scarfsand scarfs and the haber haberdashers haberdashers ¬
dashers have accepted their determination determinationThe
The result la that the shop windows are aremaking aremaking
making more of a display of white cotton cottonneckties cottonneckties
neckties than of any other kind This ThisIs ThisIs
Is likely to b be an economical season In the thematter thematter
matter of neckweart as all of them scarfs scarfsmay scarfsmay
may be laundered launderedThe launderedThe
The times have changed since the gar gardenersfrora gardonors
denersfrora donors from the upper part of Manhattan ManhattanIsland Manhattanisland
Island first brought down to what fe is now nowHerald nowHerald
Herald Square the sod which they sold to tothe tothe
the benighted dwellers In cities that could couldnot couldnot
not grow it for themselves There was for forinstance forinstance
instance a stage that used to run from the thesquare I Isquare
square uptowhat upto what was then Bloomingdale BloomlngdaleAsylum BloomingdaleAsylum
Asylum and none of otthebuildings the buildings that now nowsurround nonsurround
surround the square was to be seen there thereAlthough thereAlthough
Although there therebea has been so much change changeIn
In other particulars the men with the grass grasspod grasssod
pod for sale still comedown oome down to the square squareand squareend
and New NewlorkwltAout York without them themwould would lose on onreminder one onereminder
reminder of the spring season seasonThis seasonThis
This Is the time for the unprofitable In Inspectors Inspectore ¬
spectors of data to begin their rounds and andworry andworry
worry the janitors who are soon able to torecognize torecggnize
recognize them from their their interest in every everydetail everydetail
detail of a flat and their surprise at all Its Itsconvenience Itsconveniences
convenienceCome convenience conveniencesCome
Come from out oftown of town the janitor janitorof
of one of the large houses said yesterdayAnd yesterday yesterdayAnd
And they want to see what one of thesa thesaswell thewswell
swell New York flats la like Therefore Thereforewe
we have to take em emall all around and let em emwell em emsee
see eerything although we know perfectly perfectlywell
well that they wont rent rentem em We are Just JustThereIs Justhelping
helping out their eyeing New York YorkThereis
ThereIs but one tree now left on Broad Broadway liroadway ¬
way from City Hall park to Union Square SquareIt
It is a asHrn slim allantus that shades thewindows thewindowsofthe the windows windowsofthe i
ofthe Sinclair House on the southeast corner cornerofElghthstreet cornerof
of ofElghthstreet It lookaaathorgh tooksasthoi gh itwould itwouldnot it would woulderas
not take a much longer experience in the thegas
eras soaked soil of the theJoin highway to send It to toJoin
Join Its many lamented predecessors along alongthe alongthe
the thoroughfare Old pictures chow that thatnot thatnot
not BO many years ago this section of the jstreet j jstreet
street was tree lined linedR01AI i iROY
Kaiser Outline Splendid Ceremony for forHit torHis
Hit Sons Nuptials Nuptialsffpfctal Nuptials4peetat
ffpfctal Cattle Dttpatch lo Tat Rux RuxBBRUN 9uxBssatrN
BBRUN May 20As > As the date June Juneapproaches e eapproaches
approaches Interest in the wedding of the theCrown theCrown
Crown Prince Increases The program programat
at the ceremonies has been arranged The TheDuchess TheDuchess
Duchess Ocilla will arrive in Berlin on onJune onJune
June 3 Bee willbe met at the stttlon by bythe bythe
the Crown Prince and escorted to Bellevue BelleruoCastle BellevueCastle
Castle SUe will make a state entry by byway byway
way of the Brandenburg Gate and Untor Untorjen Untarden
den LindenIn Linden LindenIn
In the afternoon there will be a procession processionf
of f medieval magnificence Cecllle will willrido willrido
rido In a coach with golden ornaments ornamentsIrawn ornamentsdrawn
drawn by eight snow white ponies She Shewill Shewill
will be received at the Pauserplat by the theBurgomaster theBurgomaster
Burgomaster There 100 maidens robed In Inwhite inwhite
white will scatter flowers and 300 school schoolgirls schoolgirls ¬
girls dressed in white will sing a welcome welcomeMter welcomeAfter
After that a aguard guard composed of the Berlin Berlin3ulld BerlinGuild
Guild of Butchers will join exercising the theprivilege theprivilege
privilege of guarding the brides royal royallouse royalhouse
house louse which has been theirs since the first firotaohenzqllern firstHohenzollern
aohenzqllern aohenzqllernThe
The municipality i iis spending 50 50000 000 In Inlecoratlons Indecorations
decorations There will be state banquet banquetjn
jn June 4 and 8 and the wedding will take takeSlace takeplace
place Slace on the 6th in the Chapel Royal un unler under
ler the palace dome The imperial ball ballif ballof
of if the evening will be marked by a hls hlsiorlo hfstorlo
iorlo torchlight dance All the Cabinet CabinetMinisters CabinetMinisters
Ministers of Germany carrying oanda1 oanda1ill a e ewIll
wIll march around the ballroom 7 7will
will ill be joined at at1 certain stages by bytnperor byEmperor
Emperor tnperor and Empress the Crown Rrfee Rrfeend Adigeand
and nd bis hiebdde bride and royalguests royal gueste eacV with irlthaaUghted withlighted
aaUghted lighted candle and all allwildanoeatl will dance a f folohaUe sly slypolonaise
polonaise olohaUe
1 e
During the Spring Months Many Women Suffer From FromExtreme Fromi
i Extreme Lassitude Otherwise Known as Spring Catarrh
What These Women Need li liPeruna Is IsPe
Pe Peruna runa the SpringTonic Spring SpringTonic
Tonic TonicI
I A nervous person U one who has onl onla only onlya
a small stock of nervous vitality vitalitypended
Each day a little more vitality 1 x xpended
pended than is gained gainedNervousness gainedNervousness
Nervousness Is more common amo amowomen among amongwomen
women than men menWomen menWomen
Women are more apt to overtax tbel tbelvitality their theirvitality
vitality in many way waylaiteMd waysInstead
Instead of taking airvlaet torn tornmedicine somemedicine
medicine should bo taken that will pn pnmote promote
mote digestion tad sound sleep sleepSleep sleepBleep
Sleep U the great invigorator of th thnervous the thenervous
nervous system systemGood systemGood
Good digestion furnishes the proper propematerials propermaterials
materials from which nerves are made
Sleep and digestion digestionthese these are the come comestonm corneratonex
stonm of strong nerves and splendid
health healthPerttoi 1 > ealthPeruDS
Perttoi produces good digestion 0 0correcting by bycorrecting
correcting may CMttrrbal condition that tbamay thatmay
may exist la the stomach or bowels bowelsPeruna bowelssPeruna
Peruna equalizes the circulation of the thiblood theblood
blood breaks up all oongeationi ani anifacilitates and andfaeltatee
facilitates sound refreshing sleep
Feruna cure cures nervousness by removin removinthe removing
the cause causeAppetite causeAppetite
Appetite Fickle fickleBrew Grew Thin and Haggard HaggardRestored HaggardRestored
Restored by Peruna PerunaMrs PerueeMrs
Mrs Tanton Vance 428 28 3d St Portland PortlandOre PortlandOre
Ore art teacher member Kilo An Club Clubalso Clubalso
also member Eastern Star writes writesI
I suffered for month with stomach stomaoltrouble stomachtrouble
trouble and indigestion which threatened threateneMy threatenedto
to undermine my health healthMy
My appetite wan poor and fickle an anI and andI
I would go for days without eating a goo goomeal good goodmeal
meal mealThe
The consequences were that I los losflesh lostflesh
flesh and grew to look thin and hag haggard haggird ¬
gird gardMy
My doctor tried to help me but when wherI
I bad taken his medicine for a month with without without
out being benefited I thought it was time tlnvto timeto
to make a change changeI
I asked him what be knew of Peruna Perunaand Perunaand
and he said he did not think it would bur burme hurtme
me to try itAfter It ItAfter
After using it for a month I found that thaii thatI
ii T j j i iili iilitwo
I was greatly Improved and in a little over overtwo
two months I was entirely well So much muctfor muchfor
for Perona PeronaHeadache Perunal1edcheseckecheExtreme
Headache l1edcheseckecheExtreme l1edcheseckecheExtremeNenousnes Backache Extreme ExtremeNervouaneaa
NenousnesMies Nervouaneaa NervouaneaaMiss
Miss Nora Sarland 1537 Chapel Street StreetCincinnati StreetCincinnati
Cincinnati Ohio writes writesPeruca writesPerura
Peruca is the one medicine which J Jhave I Ihave
have strong faith In InI inI
I Buffered for years with headaches headachesbackaches headachesbackaches
backaches and extreme nervousness nerrousneasNothing nervousnessNothing
Nothing benefited me until I used Pe Peruna Petuns ¬
runa and one bottle of this made a great greatchange greatchange
change in me so I continued its use until untilperfect untilperfect
perfect health was restored restoredThe restoredThe
The Bane of Her Ufe Was Stomach StomachTrouble StomachTrouble
Trouble TroubleMlsn TroubleMies
Mlsn Gertrude Poeue 1407 Central Ave AVPCincinnati AveCincinnati
Cincinnati Ohio Secretary Social Eecnomioe Eco Economics ¬
nomics Club writes writesStomach writesStomach
Stomach trouble has been the bane of ofmy ofmy
my existence for a good many years I Itried Itried
tried a number of remedies but nothing
helped me until I took the right medicine medicinePeruna medicineeruna
Peruna eruna took hold of the trouble and amisoon andsoon
soon exterminated it from the system systemTHREW eyetemTHREW
Finally the Handle Parted and Was Left In Inthe Inthe
the Blinded Girls Band While the Man ManRan ManRan
Ran Off With Mtto 4OCaptured Captured and Iden ldentitled Identlfled
titled as Soon as a the Girl lrl Could Ser BeeJohanna SerJohanna
Johanna Preuss the fifteenyearold fifteenyearolddaughter fifteenyearolddaughter
daughter of a manufacturing tailor at 380 380South t80South
South Fifth street WIlHanwburg was wass wassent
s sent nt by her father yesterday to the North NorthBide NorthSide
Bide Bank at Grand street and Kent avenue avenueto
to draw 4n with which to pay off his em employees employeee ¬
ployees The girl plswd the money in a asmall asmall
small handbag which she carried on onher onher
her right arm On leaving the bank she sheset shenet
set out for her fathers factory On reach reachIng reaching
Ing the Central Baptist Church at Marcy Marcyavenue Marcyavenue
avenue and South Fifth street she heard heardfootsteps heardfootsteps
footsteps behind her and glanced quickly quicklyaround quicklyaround
around aroundA
A young man who was directly direotlybehind direotlybehindherraisedhathhandsinwbioh behind behindher
her herraisedhathhandsinwbioh raised both hnnds In which he had fine flnered finered
red sand which he threw Into the girls face faceand faceand
and eyes Ai she stepped backward with witha
a scream she clutched tightly at the bag bagcontaining bagcontaining
containing the money and called for help helpShe helpShe
She was unable to see but she knew nt once oncethat onesthat
that her heraseallants assailants design was robbery robberyThe robberyThe
The man tried to twist her arm In order orderto orderto
to get the bag but the girl who Is large for forher forher
her age held on with B tight grip and con continued conttnued ¬
tinued to scream Then her assailant assailantbegan assailantbegan
began to choke her with ono hand while whilewith whilewith
with the other he tugged at the bag until untilthe untilthe
the handle partsd part d and ho had Jhe bag with withthe withthe
the money in His possession As he started startedoff startedoff
off with It a car of the Hamburg avenue line linecame linecame
came along Some of the paaeeagemn pa sengere had hadwltnecstd hadwitneestd
wltnecstd the struggle and when he ran ranJ ranawaytheylumpedfromthecar
awaytheylumpedfromthecar J from the car and started startedndwas startedin
in pursuit while other people went to the thegirls
girls aid She had become hysterical hystericalandwas
ndwas carried Into a doctors office where wherehe whereshe
he received medical treatment and where wherehe wherethe
the he sand was removed from her ayes oyesMeanwhile ayesMeanwhile
Meanwhile the crowd had chased the theoung theyoung
young man along Marcy avenue toward towardjouth towardSouth
South Fourth street Pollen Captain Gal Galagher Gallagher
agher joined the pursuers and finally finallyrom finallyPollceman
Pollceman Comminge who approached approachedfrom
from rom an opposite direction direction headed te telUgltive tefugitive
fugitive off and caught him He had Imdhrown hadthrown
thrown away the satchel In his flight Ho Hoought Hofought
ought hard to get away but was quicklyoverpowered quickly quicklyiverpowered
overpowered He was taken back to where wherehe wherethe
the he girl wan and when she was able to see seeihe seeshe
she Identified him as her assailant end nndrent endvent
rent along to the Bedford avenue police policerobbery policestation
station where she lodged a complaint of ofAssault
Assault and robbery against him himng The Thebag
bag ng which had been found with all the thoioney theFri
ioney In It was returned to her The Therlsoner
returnedstDavid stDavid Bye Byehsky
oneride Bribed
Fri rlsoner described himself as David Baro Barotaky
taky Jlyears old of 357 Bushwlck Avenue AvenueMBASSADOR avenueIle
Ile rehteed to make a statement statementAVDASSADOR
Dorchester ironester Home Which He Hat Chosen CbosrnHas Chosenhas
Has Famous Picture Gallery GalleryIptclal Gallery9pulal
Iptclal CoMf liitpttth lo Tire SUN ScNLONpN SUNLONDON
LONDON May JO 20Dorchester Dorchester House Houseark Housepark
park ark Lane whlchit Issaid has been taken takeny takenby
by y Whltolaw Reidtheinow Retd they nee American Am Amassador Ambassador
assador is ono of the finest private man manIons mansions
Ions in London It belongs to CaptHol CaptHolord CaptHolford
ford ord Kings Equerry It was built In 1851 1851nd 1851and
and nd Is In ornate Italian style faced with withortland withPortland
Portland stone There Is a grand stair stairase staircase
case ase of marble marbleScattered marbleScattered
Scattered through the chief apartments apartmentss
is s a splendid collection of pictures mostly mostlyiy mostlyby
by iy the old masters and many of first rate I Ielebrity icelebrity
celebrity There are fine specimens of ofItlan ofTitian
Titian Itlan Velasquez Tintoretto Van Dyke Dyketurlllo DykoMurlllo
turlllo Tenlers Vouverman and others othershere othersThere
There here are two famous famouspictures pictures by Agent Agostino Agostinoand Ino Inond
and nd tndovlcoCanaccl which came to Eng Engind England
land ind in the Duke of Luccas collection collectionhere collectionThere
There here are several exquisite sketches by bylubena bytubens
lubena including The Assumption of the therirgin theVirgin
Virgin rirgin painted for the high altarof altar of the theLntwerp theAntwerp
Antwerp Cathedral and brilllarit land landcapes
by ny Claude and both the Pousslns Pousslnsh PoussinaThe
The h gallery ranks among the most impor imporantcfMhe Imporantrofthe
antcfMhe private ones Intngland In gland glandY
Y s yf stry
Troubled With Indigestion IndigestionLost Lost Flesh Every Day DayMiss Daynww
nww nnwrwwn nnwrwwnMiss
Miss Margaret Little 47 Hovt street Brooklyn N Y writesI writes writesMy
I have bareen troubled with constipation and Indigestion for over a year yearMy
My complexion was ruined and I was losing flesh ties every day dayThe dayThe
The doctors advised that 1 go to a sanitarium but a number of people advised advisedme
I me to try Penina before going to that expense and I did PO POI soI
I I found that the first bottle regulated my bowel and olnnred rny complexion complexionand
and by the time I had taxen fix bottles my stomach and digestion were In perfect perfectworking perfectworking
working order and have remained so over since sinceA sinceAs
A As this was very much cheaper than going to n sanitarium 1 hn have ve every reason reasonto reasonto
to be grateful and I am i
A 4 101 OV SAVED HIS 111 LIFE LITEDonarlta LIFEllonavlts
Donarlta Says Denver Drew Baltimore BaltimoreAway Baltimoreaway
Away at thr > Crltleil Moment MomentCapt MomentCapt
Capt Jack Bonavita the lion trainer at atthe atthe
the Bostock show In Coney Island told aSeN u uSIN
SIN reporter recently his tin tlnt t story of the thoassault theassault
assault upon him by tholion the lion Baltimorewhich Baltimore Baltimorewhich
which necessitated tho amputation of his hisarm hisarm
arm arm r and almost cost him hi his life At thetime the thetlmo
time of the occurrence it was said that thathard thathard
hard work on the part of the show attend nttonriants attendants
ants drove the animal away after ho had Imiknocked hadknocked
knocked his trainer clown and crushed his hishand hishand
hand but Bonavltn doesnt give them this tliecredit thiscredit
credit He says that Denver ono of hU hUlions hirlions
lions who Is now d dead ad really M saved ved his life lifeand lifeand
and he believes that Denvers act was wasintentional wasintentional
intentionalBaltimore intentional intentionalBaltimore
Baltimore had a rhutn c Incoinnr Incoinnrsaid Ingomnrsaid
said Bojiavita and when ono of OPII OPIIbecame tie tiebecame
became quarrelsome the other was nlwnjn nlwnjnaffected nl4cnysafTected
affected A few dare before Bnltiiroro Bnltiirorowent
went for me I was trying lo teach Iiigomar Iiigomara ht armor armora
a new trick and he 1 wcnmo bad tempered
Baltimore was soon in a misty moon too tooand tooand
and when my back was turned he flew at atDenver atDenver
Denver That started a general row in intha inthe
the arena and after that at Mr Bostock Bostocksrequest Bostockrequest
request I took only eight lions on r at a atime atime
time Among them were anrle Baltimore Tn Tngomar togomar
gomar and and Denver DenverOn DenverOn
On the night of the accident I rather ratherexpected ratherexpected
expected trouble and depended upon n nlarge nlarge
large Iron bar to protect myself Mv Mvthe Mypistol
pistol was ht my pocket as I thought that thatthe
the bar would be the better weapon for fordefense fordefense
defense It was scon apparent that Balti Baltimore Baltimore ¬
more was In bad humor Ho charged me mealmost msalmost
almost immediately and I retreated across acrossthe acrossthe
the arena until I could go no further Be Beover Before
fore I could get my revolver out he sprang sprangover
over the bar grabbed my hand in his mouth mouthand mouthand
and pulled me to my knees kneesThe kneesThe
The attendant fired blank cartridges
in his face but they didnt bother him and andhe andhe
he was dragging me into the center of ofthe ofthe
the stage where the others were when whenIngomnr whenIngomnr
Ingomnr let out n roar and Baltimore Baltimoreleft Baltimoreleft
left me to help his chum who was llghtin llghtinwith Iightinwith
with Denver I was then able to get getout getout
out of the arena arenaI
I firmly believe that Denver saved savedmy savedmy
my life and that he did It purposely It Is Isuseless Isuseless
useless for mo to try to explain to anyone anyonewho anyonewho
who is skeptical but I have lived with these thewianimals theseanimals
animals for years ears and know the good curd nndthe curdthe
the bad Denver Denver knew that the only onlyway onlyway
way to draw Baltimores attention from fromme fromme
me was to attack his chum and that Is just justwhat justwhat
what ho did I remember too that after afterward afterward ¬
ward whenever I was having trouble with withBaltimore withBaltimore
Baltimore Denver followed Ingomnr about aboutwid aboutand
and pestered him himBlood himBlood
Blood polsonmgresultedfromthe poisoning resulted from the crushed crushedband crushedband
band and three operations were performed performedmoved performedbefore
before the trainers tmrnm was firefly re removed
moved to save his life Even lion there therewere therewere
were fears that he might not recover but butho buthe
ho did and In Paris last winter ho went on onagain onagain
again with Baltimore and put him through throughhis
his tricks
Trolley Tars Collide In Brooklyn DrooklluWond DrooklluWondwork Wood Woodwork
work Smashed SmashedThrough SmashedThrough
Through the failure of an automatic automaticswitch automaticswitch
switch two trolley oars car cf the Fulton street streetlino streetline
line collided nt Fulton und South Oxford Oxfordn Oxfordstreets
streets itrooPlyul vesterdny morning about i in
n nniock neloek umasliltiR the woodwork on the thef theside
f side rf l bath th cars and injuring four pass poesKT passe
e KT getsairs KTMrs
Mrs K T McDonald 12 yean old of 641 641Mnoon 841Macon
Macon street and her two children little littlegirls littlegirls
girls were ere pinned fast by In the legs by the thedsbrt3 I Iilphrifl
ilphrifl of overturned fonts and the lie broken brokenframework brokenframework
framework of the T r They rero ero also alsootherwise alsootherwise
otherwise injured 11 V fen they vn ro helped helpedout helpedout
out blood was streaming fr m tin ii face of offno ofono
ono of the little girls and Mrs McDonald McDonaldwas
was in n fnintini condition All three threeworn threeworn
worn carried into the office of a physician physicianCharles physicianstmetrlwaslraughmi
Charles Chase R7 years old of 570 Macon Maconstreet
stmetrlwaslraughmi tru s570 rntq
street wa caught ijctwppn tvo ponts and andhU andhie
hU loft leg was lirolnip brolenI
1 Crop of 1892 1892Mellowed 1892Mellowed
Mellowed Mellowedby
by b i p Years YearsRepose YearsRepose
Repose in inthe inthe
the Wood WoodT
U r
T Its ItsPure
j < Pure Puretrreawn
trreawn p 1 Thats ThatsSure ThatsSure
New YorK i Kentuchy Co CoSole CoSole
Sole Pfocrle PfocrleNew Peoprle4 Peoprle4New
New York Branch 452 Fifth Avenue
Furniture Made Madefor Madefor
for Country Living Livingdeinei
defines the simple purpose cf our pitliculu creation of Hampton Furniture Furniturefor
for the Bedroom Pieces that bear a distinct impression of careful handicraftwith handicraft handicraftwith
with a decided meaning for comfort and simplicity find expression ia Twin TwinBeds TwinBedsBoteamsChests
Beds BedsBoteamsChests Bureaus Chests of Drawers DrawersTables Tables and Chairs Chaitsin in Mahogany MahoganyMaple MahoganyMaple
Maple Natural Oak or in the simple rote of White Enamel EnamelGrand EnamelGrand
Grand Rapids Furniture FurnitureCompany FurnitureCompany
Company CompanyIncorporated
Incorporated Incorporated34th Incorporatd34th
34th Street West Nos 155157 155157MINUTE 155157MINUTE
C + i
HONefllCoSILK HONefllCo HONefflCaph
3 3As ph YV YVSILK
As illustrated illustratedHandsome illustratedHandsome
Handsome 1850 Models at 1000 1000We 1000We
We will place on sale Monday Morning MorningTwo MorningTwo
Two Hundred Hundredi
i Silk Shirt Wrfrt Salt dens aide in an ortirtly ortirtlynew estrilynew
new model new ylaltedbluaofontlriaed ylaltedbluaofontlriaedwith plaited fclu e front ttiauied ttiauiedwith
with an inserted Honlton lice fancy collar colUri collarand
i and tie nil plaited skirt ikirtAll skirtJar11ofsoft
All Jar11ofsoft of soft luatrousTafftta lusrousTaffetaSilkCohen Silk SilkColtn
Cohen are navy Trench blue retcda retcdaI resedathe
I the new brown AM ale BLACK k kI
it 1 1 The actual retail value of this splendid Suit Suitl r rIi
I l Ii 1MO Monday only out ipcdtl price U
1000 1000Notable 1000rNotable 4
rNotable Notable Reductions in inthe u uthe
the price of ofWomens r
I Womens Cloth Suits SuitsWomcai J JWomees
Womcai Cheviot and BroadO BroadOcloth Broad Broadcloth
cloth Suit Suits visions mcddi medals00 1500
vw vwWomeni
Ii Oiliinally Orlgisallyl001s WOOtt now vowWomens J
Womeni Novelty Cheviot tndl tndlWomens and andbroadcloth
broadcloth Suits varlousmodels 1950
Originelly 3740 to 42 now nowWomens y
Womens Voile Suits made oversilk over overSilk
Silk various nodcItOriilnally modelsOrlglnauy25 ipw 25 00 00l ww wwAutomobile
l 1 to tS S now nowAutomobile J
Automobile Automobile Apparel ApparelAttention Apparel i iAttention
Attention is respectfully directed to our new and very verydepartment verycomplete
complete department for the sale of Automobile Cloth ClothYon Clothing
ing far Men and Women WomenYou
Yon will find prices less than elsewhere elsewhereThird elsewhereThird
Third Floor FloorWill FloorWill
Will Place on Sale Monday
1000 White Lawn Waists Waistsat
at 195 each eachValues earValues
Values from 230 to 375 each eachTen eachTen
Ten new raodeb modelssizes ile it to 44 44the the ttlmmlnji are Val Vallace t 1 1lace
lace Mechlin lace and blind and tnliih embroidery f A i Q r rall
all have the new full sleeve with deep cuff of the lace Isaror I 4 > A 95 J Jor
or embroidery attached collars I2il 251 to 9WS waists at atWhite atWhite
White Lawn Waist WaistST
ST CtCtLIA NLCKDLMI NtCK OtMI SLttVI SLLLVLtrimmed trimmed dj 2 j QC QCwith 75
with VaL lace and English tmbroidety Lmbrolderyj y i rJ rJSplendid
j Splendid Assortment of Black Lawn Waists WaiitsBlack Waistsflack
Black Lawn Waists fart black Black Lawn waists button front frontbutton ft ont ontbutton
button front of back splendid trimmed with Batiste or Ln Lngwh Lngwhvalue liih liihvalue
value it 100 embroidery Ji5 163and195 163and195Third and 195 195Third
Third Floor FloorImportant k
ui V Vr
r J JImportant
Important Special Sale of Black BlackAnd SlackAnd
And Colored Dress Goods GoodsOn
On Special Tab s
50 o inches wide A firm bright lustrous cloth stylish Both Bothand lothand
and specially adapted for travelling towns used extensively Lines Linesthis Linesthis
this season for separate skirts and nd tailored Jacket Suits We Weshow Weshow
show them in the popular colorsalso in black and white OVC l lSs
ING IN G A sheer crisp cloth receiving much popular atten Y yard yardtion rd > t tlion
lion just now we offer it at very little over hall price priceJtt pricelit
lit Regular Counter CounterBLACK V VBLACK
j 83C 100 5125 125 135 135are T Tare
are high grade substantial fabrics and we can recommend them for forserviceable > I d dserviceable
serviceable travelling purposes L LRLVLRSIBLEENGLISH j jy
> t
a cloth sold at JLOO 100 per yard special for Monday at fJr fJrWe f G
1 t tt
t ai aiWe
We will offer Monday 5000 yards yardsRough yardsRough
Rough Pongee Silk Suitings I f fW t
W inches wide in a great variety of the most popular 55e 55eshader CCp CCpshades + e
shades also white and black This li one of the mostserviceable most t tserviceable
serviceable silk fabric for Seashore or Mountain wear j 1 SC g gSpecial 2 2Special >
Special prices Monday J J JValue OC OCValue
Value JLOO L00 per yard j jRegular i o oRegular
Regular 75c Colored Taffetas Taffetasin
in a good variety ol all the wanted shade for the new newprice newShirt
Shirt WaistDreuea Also inwhite ivoryand black Special 48e 48eprice
price Monday J J JHigh t i o oHigh
High Class Wash Dress Fabrics FabricsBelow FabricsBelow
Below Cost of Production ProductionSUPLRHNE
15000 yds exquisite dainty floral patternsvalue Se per J 17e i iartist
artist I
Value 25c yard I Value Sic yard I Value 40c yard yardat5c
at at5c 1Sc at25c at 25c at 30c 30cJHso 30cIlso n
JHso Ilso on Special Tables In rear of Store StorePRINTED StorePRINTLD
PRINTED BATISTLS BATISTLSdainty dainty Moral patterns and F Fast t Color l c cGINGHAMS t tGINGHAMS
GINGHAMS in assorted site checks checkivalues values up to lOc per yard J C CHIGH II IIPRINTLD 1 1HIGH
PRINTED ORQANDILS new floral designs designsvalues values up 74c 74cto iC iCto
to 15c per yard J JSixth t tSixth
Sixth Avenue 20th to 21st Street f fr fp
p 4 S J1

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