OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 11, 1906, Image 8

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1906-08-11/ed-1/seq-8/

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4 4 4I r +
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I s T1tE Sfffr v AtimSr tr u 11i iftfte a r =
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LeeHigginson LeeHigginsonCo Lee Higginson HigginsonCo
44 State St Boston BostonCHICAGO DoatanCHICACO aotonCHICAGO
The Rookery RookeryA
10 0 Utad atrt IU n 1IlIr > Ur n Udldlag UdldlagTori UaUdl UaUdl1W1tJrfoAaNI Uil4ISWhtAsSfl
1W1tJrfoAaNI 1W1tJrfoAaNIw
w Tori ToriU lorfleI TkTICtsn
fleI TICtsn II NY ntlllamtparl IUlanuporltII Fa FaWllhrtt FLt1
tII 11 Wllhrtt Wtkbstr er erCIII rr r rHarato rttsML
CIII U U UCIT t Harato anI N Y YMcraulua 1Iffi TUey
CIT < Iffi U OCxU U Mcraulua IIonI ra raKl r rad FLZzI
CxU Va Kl l 1sItI 1sItIT l lUmb 1Umb4rt
Umb Umb4rt Umb4rtII r rR
R w TMfe T otII Stock IU hohA1c iOhflgaNw lua luaN
N Nw ir Yott Oul oft lUollall lUollalll aehnC1oA1o
OulCWc CWc C1oA1o l oCo o Uaarvl of O Tladi TladiCttUs Tfa Tfaanlud TJIQ4
anlud IQ4 oqI rsa 1Ifl4 1Ifl4rrtvsl tl tlal
rrtvsl al Wh 4 4H te S Irlul1 CttUs C111 C111H C1lSH
to nit abov abon abonTIItMtNAL o oTERMINAL B BT1IMINAL
alUtftd bY Railway and nd Stramihlp StramihlpLln
Un yl ylfldlna ldlng abov abovO abovOS 0 0TOW 6oHN
BSWiiII Wall WallMIW WUIhrMt Srst The Woottory WoottoryONIOAQO IoolloryW ooory oooryNIWYONK
Bankers Bankersj
j J 33 Wall Wal St New York
lb4w 7 fwlw t u SU U L NEW 10BI1SNUK bilk bilk1su1I ORK
Robt GiendinnJng Go GoBANKERS GoZ GoDANKES
Blodl8t Merrill Merit Go Gotrill CoItll 00tN
1 Bonds BondsBOsrrox BondsBM
BOsrrox BM KTf tw YORK YORKiVrciurt oai OilK11LV
1 11LV II1 na naN rvLSruni
Sruni N iVrciurt fi tr Ir > r All l Sort lhtt fl vf r lie I lr INn INnT knTta c cTtu
Ttu T IMatf Ial MUt > U1U lvur r MuiiIlM 111 Iunt Uohtsut UohtsutAll UIII
All U doixirttK dLUII uu lr rK > b < rIol rfl > ort a < muvU IUAb bust bultu lu l lf
D f < tu L c 01 iu t W > o tAkfti It u varv r rr of r k b br > y furtuii4 CrU tti4 tn tnnwuttvi Crahd triQI
nwuttvi iQI ahMd tVr r wvral s twrl tttt sort rt Cs Cst of foumlrj foumlrjIron Cutty CuttyI
t Iron I Sprtlwru 1trl zrfl W WIot Wn tru ami ttt I Southern ulhrt twrt twrtthh pro produv 1 1d
duv d r hv b alrviily a1ly tviwAnl > 1 to II t full CU v 44 i iot > lly llyII
II 1 Ih theLM4 < I flw t vr ar 1 A r rn UDduw UDduwt
t lul u n II th t oltu ot U il su lor lorV fr CNwlry CNwlryI citryG
> V I G J a ator al lrluluMU IU tii 11UIS 11UIStn t ZL 3 3tcr
tor Urgf lrC ti 1ILI > utuijv < of X Northvru rlhru fuuniry tluny VUtZY2L No No3X
3X 1 at I thw Ihi pott lu suv t ¼ I utittui iron tR th thbuylag IW IWhNVY thbQr
hNVY buylag of it 1 th li tit HI t tew ow thy II tut pro prov p pIf ro
If TktjuCdvttw 1111 mOdI t It v 1Ilt itty U y fra itraavv < wtTh wtttuztr3u dH all alll th thtUKxl of off1 <
f1 uztr3u > tu1 n boo b tUKxl to t lh td 1 ttiaut 1 of t th WAI 1uand WAIand
and la situ IU LtW VDW w H wtt tt lull tt > thij II t tb eviuiuc WIUc war warYb o1r o1rlbof
Yb lbof b uiwartl pwlt trvuvl of 1 ihv i m lUJrtt rfcvt o U thl thlii IbbU tbLiI
U lit u Itw whr 1101 tu t ii p LrLtaet Kiuwl < a aULZ tituulittai tituulittaiuix UtuuhttncrrlK1 I
rrlK1 uix U > n fiMvJ r ZZtiU > NJ u iron uurtrt tIIu b Sixtot Sixtotwjrri Ne NeI1 Ct CtEiLitt
I1 rUtut wjrri wIak4 wIak4tSrQuk ITUc iiu bj v N t utovtuc l1I > Yttlir u ut utbrQUotb
tbrQUotb Iht th t wtvk t Th Thit l LQw QVi uuti uutiwlla UWC UWCtIts <
wlla tIts it HBar GL GLB i ithe
Bar B It Lruu 1 < 11 L u Nqut ut DJ J I ti uo uzihn uzihnJ hSIJ hSIJIt
the It > l6 of J l tl w for t ¼ Ur lHoN L toaoagvo ti tuii tuiiU 1U utCQ 1 1dIry
dIry dIryCJI
CJI CQ v U 3 Brt inJ uu uhiut haurvd h1u Pwt PwttMS 1I t tf ald aldlit
lit f fur tMS 3 Tahour t tIur foundry foundryat fl > ult ry 13u 13ual
at t ovyuXn ovyu ovOllnIn OIZLIn
In Xnctivltv taof t INI trod hri l rukbX rukbXc uHh 1 1Uyl
ctivltv c Uyl tY bx I lit tiuIributlae I itU4 I fh rl ttit3t II d dttI1ol11n t4 t4trbuAc
Iributlae aa y V la thh txbru sziarkTUK sziark lutllr lutllrlin
TUK ru SxS S thai vrotluv xtur r > tor r < o fur t CwMnd thtndIbL o otbat Ql QlNlItraC
NlItraC tbat ltnv iry u uow u tUniUtlnt 1 oulaILn thai thaib llild hItsLeaAtLwi3
sLeaAtLwi3 ld tl1S 4t1 b bo coWuwttrU oN llioJt1t for dHtv dHtvfront kUyI hy hyItrl
Itrl I tlttn It front utr ulrfW uc < ut utIjitz onWr onWrnivr uflk11u
11u Ijitz u IUIJo at 1l wkr nivr kN of t eauiijd < aa 1S LAt LAtceL J Jtia
S ceL tia Ilar L rv LH If aveivv1 aud all roofvr rQQtrtLmPthft aaij aaijtln u u11Iw
tln 11Iw tLmPthft uiHh 1t rviHMt r t tSw Ih Ui boI t buuaws bufla evndltow evndltowVvvc 1IIWl 1IIWlVI ztt zttyq
Vvvc VI yq kjKvvtu LLQU Thtf fb scarvlty rlty ot o bar dt ad bLUe bUab bLll bLllb
b rttlctlnt r trklh th the > f outwit oul > lt of 1 aiitjy aiitjyfatort 1U inyttutt y Uul < rtal1 rtal1htuti
fatort wt wbkh wh iclx vri i chlftty la laitv L Lt hC I I IWr
Wr itv t and a n maaufictirv w ut Iu Iroui ZVUZU4 st tlld l rods rodsaud floJfo11t
aud U4 whro W lu r rth U llttl urw buUjev bufb < > ot bu buoctn bJlOrtloIl b boa
lOrtloIl oa lu Lz 1AJJu tLjrj < ort w rvyortwi br b bw1U tl tlV tbulI > <
ulI As V f rvvotttfd by th pririciiMl pririciiMltor rtrii l kt ktbIt1 ol oltnd
tnd Ixt bIt1 t4 tor lIrlh r tuw tuwabout tz t ilI gjto lNI lNINo
about No i3 3 v toiw u24urtU or t rttitw ill atfc foe 11 VW dwllvi ry
iu 11 toiiv wj > d ar w wont w C Biauufivturvrt t wDIltturnlt M Mproraliax t trU I
proraliax lt < rJliflJt rU Jbl jbttitit blDin IHIJI ut < lit u vruvlbl 6 xl aad aadthtev ICIllIwl tI tItityt
Iwl I I tll thtev t I to ICNt < r < tt vl ulUl tl o ubus1jve u UW UWtUrfll w wtft
tUrfll bus1jve 101I11 tft < I cutting vtt uttil1 tavlx 11 < 110 of t tvcul HialltINt tvculU
tINt v b bq uh U I maibtic r1at ± 1 Jw hl blb b rwords rwordsSvvvral fQrdJoY11al rrdsLir
Svvvral Y11al tint Lir TjVivr 1 n of t uvHhtufrv w igjipryaxt blurv for forud r Il IlIII
III ud Irvu workltiv rltw i > Uu 1jui ar uuablv uriib uriiby to toav ta taalY
av y uwr ordre re f U llvwry duruig duruigTKKASlKY uurw Luthjr LuthjZ4ILT hIl hIll hIlIHlLr
W W4XtUXw NIC tIIl w It1o Ta Tairiv IIoImIIC ot th thL1L f9
111 L1L 3fl 11 1 o olJI iriv at I3 I3TWJ tn rr Y31 ur all allrl 8L 8LrLi
TWJ J t Lz TV V Mvntti MvnttiJJJSL > Vto Ltica Lticaflj I t tJtcootrc
Jtcootrc JJJSL ZU twx LII i4 i4UIIDAV I rJttoMI rJttoMIt Lt4U1juthj1tgLI
t 1juthj1tgLI JlVaolJ UIIDAV t11 1J < WMU 1 1WMI j > v vbom 313nl 137tt1flz I I II
t1t t1flz soz sozV2 01 1 U3 t tISt 8 t tt
t VtR rulto t II qlu JtQrnS w WJay w wr IIIM3W IIIM3WfoJTI W4 W4ITI
bom ITI tntontil 1nL w wIl1u III JT 171 74QIU OfMI OfMIwr stt sttIu4i 111111 1111111owmc
Il1u Il1uWon 1owmc Iu4i WI ws ITo 0tH r Ne1J11 Ne1J11lu 4ii 4iiul
Won lu ul JD31f 3tt 3ttt3e
1 t3e too rlWt daQmL C o O uno 1G 1 S S9r Tfe Tfevr
vr wr Vi ViColil ig U HI I > > uw uw1I5ft > w wI >
na 1I5ft I w t pD pDcuI1 o oH11
Colil culn aiJ aiJT a t IlIun jtu tm IOOOOIIIMI IOOOOIIIMIt < xvw xvwCoiil
rt rtr t < 110 110r1I
I Ia
T r1I r Jm ubln 11C I 12 00lI104 IJ3UZ3rvj
a rvj rvjcui1 IW IWCuill
Coiil wtn siU ttuULua ttuULuaSNir uIJLIl ujLwaui1 I1Q11m311 I1Q11m311uNJIIt
uNJIIt ui1 ewrt7b4tt U 1MJV 1MJV4ur 1W 1Wq
q cJuI 4ur 4uruuUIq4iG 101 101ql
SNir ql r u ntti84iw uuUIq4iGtjUltflt ntti84iwBtillluo bl 4J 3J1WJJ 3J1WJJt
Btillluo BtillluoXV tjUltfltstt I INIunA1I
t stt If Tffll TfflltVfl4 to
XV NIunA1I tonal tonalSui b tQtt tQtt14U11 1 1311113111 1311113111u11toltJ1
Sui u11toltJ1 14U11 iui w M uv bVC < st r tad I minor uinorrL cvlo cvloClo It 1 1tQr
tQr rL rLtunM l 81 IU IUI
I In4l b biii biiiA1tLfliC ll WIIII 13 13w3lllnll
w3lllnll lullImII UflUttt17rI3rsz 1 1jI 1jItQr31
tQr31 tQr31blllt rszIltIe
blllt IltIe IltIet u 1
1 al1 laance t IIII IIIITctOrUl
t TctOrUl rtor u uettn ST9lj ST9ljCItnc
Clo CItnc lni bid hl MI nal d onto nuutaUuns t bt110 mr ft ftrUflt4A ctlv a tvoron ctlvj
oron j Uflt4A n > 4a iuMt1 tu t 11ft Q t w 10 Waa V I stiwi I ut7UtJY JCnlng MIl amitnucn MIlew1L
tnucn SolI1 JGNU wr wrTthg4 r rh
h Tthg4 bIoltuuu a aDa43A
Da43A tt awallu oQua 43 43IuQ IS ISoJlItA
il4l4 IuQ oJlItA Int 4flfl c uult I IPQQDeA 1 1pa >
PQQDeA pa tn nnI 3i 32 I Iolllq a37 a37IQmc
olllq 3wi cuu > txaa
FniDi Aug 10 10After toMt 0 0After
After Mt r tho tint tow mlmitnn of trodlnR trodlnRduring InlllnRdurlna trzutnrduring
during blob atooVt ttk wore 0 gtnornlly hlRhor hlRhorthan hghorthan IRhortbl
than tbl loMt tilghfn i clo olojlng ctosh nu Invol lovoltha nvo1 Urn market marketIrnmino mllrkolINtOl1IO inirkobfIUo
Irnmino ronotlonarr l hut > ul the Ih Rroal utronRth utronRthIn lIln > nRth nRthIn
In the Hnrrlinan Liirn MUM Ul l provod n miflloliint miflloliintiMtnlnlnK lIunlnt1IIIIIIIInllll rntfhnteustMnng
iMtnlnlnK factor to o jitvvont onytlilnu mom nuirolimn momthnn niorothan
limn tompornr rootutalonn roOl 3lotl TIll Itondon Itondonmarket lonl1onmluko 1ondonmtrkot
market WM Urm i Yhh lth utrength In Ilio Knf Knfflr Itllffina Inffin
fin fina while ronaoli wore stonily 10AI ntul 1IlIIllhlInn 1IlIIllhlInnbond ntixulnn ntixulnnlioniU BUMflfltfliflth
bond lilalwr Foreign buying whllo nut nutof nlltof flfltof
of a l IlIrl1l r volums In our marital no utronnly utronnlyfavored iitrongtftvord Ironltltfayold
favored Houtlxirn tttd Union 1aclllo IQcI o M to tolURRMt 10IUftlttdt tosuggwt
lURRMt tlmt thI antlclMtlotM of favornlilo favornlilodividend fQrnhlQdividend fArornbldtvkInd
dividend notion wore I cntorttxlneii alirond alirondiw
iw 4 well a M I at honw During the Rttxiutr Rttxiutrpart groRwrpart gnntrpart
part of the swuilon biwln M oittalilo of o a r fow fowIMIIWI fowIMuM towIpjiutgi
IMIIWI wa wry Vt mall but tJx mtlrtono mtlrtonoWM
WM wa at all II time good II cod PonnsyltunlA and andHondtni RnllU1Al1ln stndRudtn
Hondtni whllo fairly notlva oliowoil A sof Uok Uokof Illokof
of ilm Ihflllltllll aggreto Rgr sutv I buying wxn earlier In tin IheWNk thowek tinand
WNk and lilt St Paul wiia oomparfttlvplr oomparfttlvplrIMiKluotdd oomprtllvllne oompAratIro7nezuotrd
IMiKluotdd ne llolllll UnlKsl < 1 RiMe Stool ISIIM ISIIMhowpd e III IIIbowlI
howpd fnlr Itttuttlli and It wax I aiworlod aiworlodthat aortodthot rlII rlIIthl
that tho only foar In rDgariJ to 101M th the trade IradoKltimtkm lradl1I1111RIIlln tradeMtttatOn
Kltimtkm waa that the mills mll mlxht not IH IHnl h hahl1l betde
nl ahl1l < U to handU IU < l Mnirai IllfinflOl > s In alght Nor Norfolk Sorfolk or orfoflc ¬
folk and Weotorn won 11I utrong Iron on a revival revivalof 10 nl nlof
of the Morlm nlvout nn u liurtinse In ii tl th the > divi dividend IIlvldlnlt drtdetid ¬
dend The fl report that thU rtouk will txiivd tx hoplllfII beplaett >
plllfII iivd on ft 4 p roer r wnt nl lm llttla l In the II full fullapx filII1lAN fallpIl
apx 1lAN pIl > r N > to Iw wwll oI 11 Hiibtttantlnt d Con Conoll Conolld4111ll111 Conolldated olt oltdattul
dated d4111ll111 Hart maintained lulnt1 MII It Its early Irl rlxo rst whloh whlohi hlohu
i w a u foundwl foull orf ollhollof lioltof that Ulvlilend illMrlbu illMrlbutlotv dLtrIbutkut lrlbu lrlbutlon
tlotv would not be dUtxmtluued Now w York YorkCentral Yorlcnlral YoiicCentra
Central nlral s 3H > par r rent bonds Khownd further furtlwrrecovery furlhf1tOOtry furtherreoory
recovery andundor Md undof tl lIlt > Irailenihtpof 1Inl < nlhll or Stiuth Stiuthern outhu
ern u n Taelflo which hloll r ntaold > aol > otl a now w high highreoord hightIlOrd hight
reoord t etor for thlo movement the IhewhulQ whole market mnrkotcnlned mRrktltIned marketganet
cnlned Ined In utrvngth In the la laM t half hour hourThe hourTI hourThe
The TI weekly weei trnii < reviews vlffII rtiporu nlorl11 > d favorablo favor fTolahltt aror arorbte
ablo ooniUtloivi In griwrnl It 1tIrnl llnoit lint and nC1 an anftotlvn anaOII anaetie
ftotlvn aOII opening o lIlng of full trade truiloKxtn Ifill IfillRltnlIholy tradextretndy
Kxtn RltnlIholy < i < ly fnvoniblfi fvofl > I pnd the LH bt1t bt1tOVtf beityer > it itovrr
ovrr iaswxl by i the dpj department > artincnt wow WI some somecf omocvf orneCIf
cvf the trrru ued 00 In eiprrtwini I1pfn tlng < RUticlpa RUticlpaUon antic1pations
Uon of th 1M crop report 1In no 0 thnt there WM WMreally WMfMlly waarertlIy
really no room for anything bettor than thancurrent thancumn thancurrent
current expectations ttlt tAljot The however howoverwer
were Nt fxiHUlrrl the indication from the theflgureo thllfuxlN theagurrt
flgureo < Uued being that K both > lh for wheat and andcvrn nmlrorn andeorn
cvrn nil prevloun record of o yield 1eU would wouldb wouldfIllflolIl
b t eiCfeded The total indlontod ylold yloldot 1 11 11of >
of wheat hll < 1 W T7384CW buohoU whilo Imilcw Imilcwtloiw Ildlltlon1lolll tndIotlofl4
tloiw tlon1lolll point to a 3H3OCOOOG nlOl tO butihel crop of ofcorn ofrom ofc
corn c liiblivition of the Ih flgutvrt tItzrt however howeverhad hOlltYttrhal howeverhad
had no appreciable effeot Itf t on either the thetrain Ih IhCfln thegrain
train or otovlt atet market Numerous I more moreor
or ltM I circumstantial dtoritM torI wen in circu circulation Ijrcutathn eInulatten ¬
lation ftttrihutlnj to levadlnK Interest In InUnion InUnion inUnion
Union l lncifo cifio a gixvl It > d d1 < l of the recent recentbuying nXfIIIllY rtxentbttylng
buying IllY log of f thl stock tl ok < k and 11 Southern S P PiIlil1o Pt1oand ciflo cifloaml
and 1 among amll tht > nunom < on t hP lat IUlf t er WON WlI ont ontof outol n nof >
of M 5 per r ivnt ilivUrrKi rate ral ant another anotherof
of H 4 per i wnt dividend dh dtnll with the III addi addition addllill additloii ¬
tion cf 1 rights r in eonmvtion with ul ala of ofthe ofIh ofthe
the Ih trtvwury IlI lrr pn Inft prtferrI K > rr < il tock In the thebest Ih Ihlnfonht thebeat
best Informed quarter it va > said id I how however h1wItrlht however ¬
ever Itrlht tht no docWon had yi yt l 111 < n one vometo 01 01to oneto
to on I o these Ih mutters lnattNl Mlthmigh there tht i nxon n on
to OTjwt ItIt nil antxounixMuent tntlCl lnl < mtnt o o Home Onl
within II lhh a we wtk ft > k or Iro so Till msr I V 1 be tel follow tellowJ col colIlII
low lowJ l by b the 111 placing of Union Pacifto on ora ona
a 7 per f cent nl hit ta The notable strength ctrrngUIn tttl1lI h hIn
In tli Ihfle e atook wat In ome quartent v vcrilxxl ILIril1 ft fteribi >
crilxxl to the Ih result llt of the Well fl Fargo KargtContfw Fargoontet argo argoCQIIIIt
Contfw and nl it w wa thouRht quite pcvwlbls pcvwlblsthat plbleIhll
that thU result had Iven achievr t through throughprivate throughIritl throughprtvte
private purchased of adilltionil stock bjxmthern by byuthlm byouthera
xmthern lactrto Iac it through money advanced advancedby
by b Xtuon t n om Taciflo and in this t hl conue connedion connedionit t Ion iorit IonIt
it wu L rvoUItU Tv < UItMI I that the Ih latter companyhail company CCmJlU1ha conanvhad
hail ha been fn a borrower of I eorvWer ct coniderahie idtrablJ < Wi time timemoney UrnOlt timomoney
money Olt in the last few weeks w kj A sharp sharpdecline sharpdecline harpIIldine
decline in the th prk ce of demand et etoring etoringrt eterhingreTived rling rlingrwvivetl
rwvivetl rt v1I1 hopes h pt of god imports in YWW view w of ofthe ofIhl ofthe
the low pric ritt tri of 0 bar in London and nd for forthU forthl forthl4
thU reason reasouthebigherratsl on t thl he higher hlah r rater nt for time money moneycuvwrvl moneyCUtkrt
cuvwrvl little un unNn vsln Call aU loans wi miNt miNt1U1t werauate > r rtuatie
tuatie j high as a 41 4 4t1 per cent although althoughon
on 1 account o of the tit inactivity In the stock stockmarket totocknuMrtt Meekmrkec
market the demand for thU dax < of ao aocoimtHxUliorti aortullxlat aceenuteLtion
coimtHxUliorti rtullxlat iol was M small 11 Gold 111 d prxxluotion prxxluo
tion I in the Tratuivaal ti tutahtel < toil IJ < xi for July Jul JulJIm July4gt
JIm 4gt 3 lInt raaiitijc lU intt a new 110 record fl flt A Ak Alo
k 1 > < 4 of about SJiWUW S3 rtO by the banis was wasindicated waindieated as asiliIlAt1ll
indicated by th the preliminary estimated estimatedof htultttQi
of the Ib week wl > currency movements mov mtnl Total Totalpayment Totallrlllutll Totalpaytttentt
payment made at the th SubTrvvksury I Tn Trtsury urr on onarctxitxt ona onaecount
arctxitxt a lnl o 01 th the Fauatiu nnu t oQd bends > anwunt to toIJ3 to1J3JI to133k
IJ3 1J3JI AXXX but > the Ib JoyeommEtt ovrnm nt contlouea contloueato
to 1 nuke no deposits deeit l with ih tutioail tvuilts oa conIhl enthe oathe
the siwurity urity of 1 th the new Uwe The Sub SubTr SuIT SubTrury >
Tr T Trury ury u rvveived inl to to ody < < Uy v t7CW S n on telecntphlc tele tlltfol tel telgrahle
cntphlc fol l inrMfer t lIr frwin Siin Sun FrAncisco FI FrneL ndC and andic
ic wat w announoixt anooun l chat the Unit1 Unit el Seated SeatedRrlt SatlRNolt ate ateRs1ty
Rrlt Rs1ty y and Coo CoMtNct Coznietion tructioa OI Company owp Ir hadcontract had hadmtiYIII badrreiyL
mtiYIII contract < for fl > r the th ereiticn < of two twobuiMin twoI twolance
I lance buiMin bUILAt3 T in that city il involving the theexpenditure lit litIIJl theapndiure
expenditure IIJl oditun or about S3txvnvi 0l1 l ivKleal Divl Pivtdentsat > ivKlealat < lIcl
at the th rvicaUr f r rttw wow tiecUnvl d on the theof thestoe
t0l > of Z the NatUuial S Ia1 Biscuit t tt ttw Cooipaty CooipatyNew
New IIW w Y Yer ertt rfc Kt Itk k kvioaucu a Lene3 EI1U tale An uw to toua 10Li8L toLoio
vioaucu Li8L < U FLIVI3 ieis o OP v snu T > tu 8C ecoe ecoee < N NJ1tI
J1tI e Am5J Am5JlOaM oJ It1iL lot
1 2ull lOaM 10 taNt1II 1O4 1O4ISO 104tl L04L03
tl IloI 10 L03 ar t ISOBAILJROM ISO I O OI
I I I3 1 104 10 ID 0 1 < 1 11i0 11i0IevtI103t a I IlaNUt
laNUt IevtI103t > loal 104 11 > 01 DC DC35Ltt3 DC35Ltt3tstt4t 113 113l
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uIOItOU 11 t1Kt 31k 11 H HUoCo 4 4CetOdp
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Is TIlt 7ltlH I 1IttiJaIl tl 1 13 13ultlOU 13ALlnOt1
ultlOU lH 1 < e iS sLSLI lJ lJlbll JO 3 3ALInOUt
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AStelFL 1 FI1 IOH 10 u LNTCJkSLjpt STI L lit u so eoNII11 90ADtrxv
ADtrxv NII11 44 44 tSCtoJ srr > N n 43 43AtIkSLZar IJ IJA
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r rau N I OIrA rtan 1 flj fljt3 i iAm
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AWtuLpZ WNIVtN tO3 IQ10aIIYMC t34 OritS VYttt 47 4734j 4 47S 4T 4TAio3a n nOI1da
Aio3a OI1da 31l4 3 Z34FcCustt 34j 34 Fvrt3oCui F < CouL ttj ttjP U 131 131to 131rTSP 131AITar
Tsr IT I > ii iiiOttJo I P PIl1I1 cCoit I p IJO IJOtff to 1 1AIT4IPItt11N 103 103A1tA9L17U
AIT4IPItt11N tff t 1OQiFOa3ZO11I lJ 4PncCou Pcut t f ole X X14l1Fa 133 133M 13 13AUlvaI IUAtLCTMML
AUlvaI 14 t40 14l1Fa UtCjFuUIU UtCjFuUIUBOAIQII taaU ll M M 34tu
BOAIQII iOttJo tu OH OHtl 1 tu4PeiiaR3 alC11IIaaR 13 134 lss0i1111u 131ttsoti
ttsoti 0i1111u tl tlT 14 tIJIIoO tlVj St 111 1111J U3ijyWt
1J 3ijyWt IIr T T7H IT mF Fe3n 4li 4li1JIL1DIOMtN 4t 44 44t
1JIL1DIOMtN t ° 130 tMuSurtCt i t It 14 134 U UBr i34triwq
Br triwq aI = k lJS 13 ltjiPltWl t3tjFittetp It > 30 O U 543tnffitc 4J 4
hnr1Ic 3 1 PIClL 814 814N 81 81C IS ISCvtt J I
C Cvtt ju a 6 N 0 J PCCJkSUpM FCC a St1 pt t1l71 74 to to1aJ toe toetet4
1aJ > a 1tT1 a7 1PgSrtCZ 111 oSori Car 314 3t s 3l4 3l4c l leN
eN c L1 H 3 1 PQ 11 1m f 174 174CAStL 57t t tCrtt I ICr1ILU
Cr1ILU Crtt trt 1I101Lj 1QI iii 115 PuJ1maaIar l uo Z40ctao1 I ICI1
CI1 ctao1 Ott > SI I e euR7toc RJ C 3 U uI 3 3CICAIt
I CICAIt 1 CAStL C L 13 13C45lLlt34 St i R t7SDTPt 5py to I S4 111i 111iCC tCC tCCCCC41ttt3t
C45lLlt34 CC C45lLlt34UXVnt Ltt 113 Rrwmcl3u Rri4tflC UIM 1314 1314CI I3tt I3ttctQtwt
CI ctQtwt UXVnt Ii Im UH UHC 1 ts L 1 Is1jRe4tsf Reaot ttC r rIlJCt is isvL
IlJCt vL C Cl w rvt tj TJ TJCTiW 77 77IS Rw oL 54 Llt < t tItWB 1t 1ttblCWBI
tblCWBI ItWB CTiW Bl J74 J74U IS ISJ 5 Rpln J9 J9T 5lIlli ISCntutw4e
lIlli Cntutw4e U WJ i > Jl JlA U IRo3tl aevtetL lllt < 48 48cj r u uCI
CI A X tc t ZU e 4 J 106 IwrUIIlbt IwrUIIlbtII Reek tIlbL SSa SSacaktr 3 > nTi
II caktr III II oS P 1330 l3t He nkhrht 4 4 84 14I 54it
I W a I P It t In it u itt i lo5bt lo5btCaiTni1nat IeIIJ t TI4 71 71cIJ
cIJ CaiTni1nat T Termllial raln l 13 13T U2 t3L5tu1tpttt3 jI 1tpt I J 111 1 ZUCflkTruip U Uct1ITIItlr
ct1ITIItlr CflkTruip T ral t 1 7 35 SI HllIt t 4 70 70j 11ct1I TOcn1tarr
ct1I cn1tarr n 44 4 3 S StL33t44 L rjst It 44 ul i iCttt
l Cttt l1JTrJI itt 14 1 13 I S ttSw ISW4 ISW4CoI 54 54HCAl 54 54Cu1rtaL
CoI Cu1rtaL lal 3s 33ILwL tS tS W lit 3 3CoIIIC1 13 13clii
CoIIIC1 clii HCAl il C a t W USI 14 t p 0 3 Om 17 UI 111 111Col LSPCut
Cut tCtnlIoi < tthri 37 > i iTO4 3t 5 > llICUa n4 7 T TCoI 75 75CctuLtf
CoI CctuLtf I1Itt TO4 TO niuutallt1U 1t 1tCoI 1Lt 1LtCo1uStp
CoI Co1uStp l 01 lit 33 3 33 J u oLflerKy R7 It9j It9jCoitO i iCotaGa
CotaGa CoitO Ui t33 119 I RJDt all StcemrOtr n nCora
Cora cemrOtr N ltot 1 tt so 11 TtaCtm TtaCtmT TatC t U 134 1S1 1S1Com 133ColflPRotOtfl
Com ColflPRotOtfl P ICtrt lit 77 774J 7 n IT01LQCllt T Tea PLT IL T 81 81J111 l lL 13 13ot
ot a J111 v3 3u 551 t rup 3Zi 3S a1 a1tJtIaWlIlol 33rtLWtJO
tJtIaWlIlol 40 11 TI1JrdYKKl 13 13toea LItQ
toea Q 1 41 0 4J 4JS3 jJI 45Ltt1L Tal1llhl1l7 ay L 31 31jT 31D 3 1 35 35Do1
D Do1 II t3 I Vt S3 S3VRy 13trtL4v TSI t n6 n6Dft i 31 31ottaT
Dft ottaT VRy t IJI M MSoinu tI e4LeTtat T SI to oil w tt 017 43Lj 43Ljt1a a3L a3LV1s5r
t1a V1s5r Soinu 9O 9O3AA 11 It jT j inCitrltiH inCitrltiHJH tn Cl1Jr 11i l1J1 l1J1D tUt tUt93aL
D 93aL 3AA Sto o 13 1J3AA lJitmlP JH JID 3 S S3
D 3AA 41tt 14 144J 3 30 tI1l1qI t 71 7J4 T Tan T4n
an n > 4J 4Jr 134iIPcL3o CPalIIoU1i L34 4 IU IUrill 13 133rte r rr
rill r lit at t 7 ni VtL 4 744t to Pllt r 94 U UTS aoL 543le
3le u L 11 rt < 51 7 TO > 1 tau 1t E 34 34tT
tT TS TSTHjf U 7Q ICuRjrinvjt 7414 n njtrsctpio ntoTIIJt TO3aTilt
toTIIJt THjf ao 8 1 84 jtrsctpio tsctPlue t3CtPt 47 4 474 4 4la1WnatJJ 47L 47Lr1tnk3L33
la1WnatJJ 1111 l11 tllIt 111 < LO LOhtWS O OtILa3o
htWS t II 453 94 tsaartt s ts UI UI1iICIt UIOa3tqCQ
Oa3tqCQ 1iICIt tlJ6 t53 147 147to it 11 S T1t 1ty41 ta t l G n T1O 752a3i
O ltt IIIJI 2a3i so V9S tSed41R dAlt 34 i 34 J J1o
1o aL us Sl T4 n nIJ TackTlpt
IJ ckTlpt 1Ial1l to n tSBulthr 41 41Jj 4W 4W1Ic3zz3M
1Ic3zz3M Jj 111 22 ILSJu l14
Did Xi AdeI d I AM W Alt AltlntPap AtI AtIIDterDU S SXetnDhZ1
IDterDU I H HInlDUrtpf 11I1 UIIRlIbpl T 7I 714 0 0Dbllllpf 0lntflMt4pf
InlDUrtpf ToM to 78 78Did U38t VSSI1 l 404 404I7H 40 404
1111 Paper IDIi It I4 V9Se1ptIO U 1017 1017lalPaserpI H
lntPap 1111 lalPaserpI Paper rpf pf IU 0 tt tt ttlal VaCar I7H 17 4 1 1VaCarpflo II II10IPow Ih IhIatPowtr
lal 10IPow Power SOU fit fitiBilMrop 5 VaCarpflo 4 K KValOAO 10PC 10PC11I11 IO1etulnp
iBilMrop 11I11 ump > 444 4i 4ilot ValOAO ViIO 100 O 44 44Wabaah 45 45Iolpumppf
lot Iolpumppf Pump pf 14 4 tl tllowaCeatral Wabaah WabuhO 10 10Walitahpt lO lO10waCOIIlrai 20lowaCcalfal
lowaCeatral lOi Z6 > 4 I7i I7ilowaOtatpf 1 Walitahpt Wabash bub pt f 4 46I 4 4II t7 t7ICIaCalllpf 47howaOntpf
lowaOtatpf II 0 Sh WtlltT wnrrptas pru 10 10Ka 10nAMIc
Ka AlAlolI 71 7 T4 T4RaaOllya WNIVDToI II IIWratUarrl4 Dlli DlliKMOtlrS 9I4ltanQtI
RaaOllya 1M < IT ITKOPflAUptO WratUarrl4 II > t tSI II IIKaaQlr5ca 5 5XIaQIl5op
KaaQlr5ca 03 U WralrbUI SI U UWbetlALR IU IUKO86Up 13 13ItOFt
KOPflAUptO ItOFt Up 10 0 It ItKnleklo 1 WbetlALR Wbsd Llt 171WALK 171 7l I8Ii I8IiKAloIIloa 1511tatcIs
Knleklo 6 OIIH H so soLHAW WALK WIILRlpt W LItIpt lilt at atWALBlpl 5 4 418W 1 1LBW
LHAW to n ntiBAWpf WALBlpl W Lt3pt II IIWUOntral U ULIIlIWptO 54LDAWpf
tiBAWpf LIIlIWptO to 0 n ft ftt WUOntral OrAHaI ItiWlaOtatpf Iti IIliLoae 114 1511 15111aiIsIat4
Loae 1aiIsIat4 Ilud 5 t 0 0Kl Ot > WlaOtatpf WIIOtIlI pr 4 41 4L J JTHE 401 401XI 4011 4011Siti
Siti Kl dividend dividedfIIB dIvIdeedTizic
Opt IHfft w Lou Lo CI CItnt Clot Clot3j1t
3j1t 0114 tnt I lit ril in inloo I 915 915I
loo I Amer Clan pf r t U4 1t I M4 MU 681 l loj 68i >
100 oj Amer Am Wr Pap pf 20 U M K Kus U Ua 131S5
us a lirti Col h Copper IVi 1 11 II 511 4 S i iItt 8 8I 5ISA
Itt I Dos Con Copp Copper r SMi M4 331 JJ4 UL K UI 33t4 33t4IW
100 Uuttt Coal w I 11 IH H IIH 1 SIM St 31H >
10 0 Cripple Cr Hy pf Tt 13 7J 71 71lOOCumtMrland n ntOO 71lOt
lOOCumtMrland tOO Lumbtorlan l nr TM 7U 1i 1iIS 4 4Ito 7H
IS Ontral Foundry loulldrr113I0 t t 1 I IBm 1
Bm Chlraco Suhw lubwal r 4 451 H 47H 4 464 < 4 4i 4i7M 404 H
710 n 1 D 1 Katate P Pwl P w I 104 10 II 104 10 I IMO It t tliwl
MO Dam Cop op new no t 9I I IIco i aH
100 Dolorrs Ltd II < 9t4 H 54 H 0 H I Iho DH DHQ
ho Q Frdtral d 11I1 Suttr 40 40 0 40 41 to
100 8 K tN < 1 Sugar pf 7 106 4 7 71 754 4 704 TO 71 7aIJO 711 7111s1
130 Fur Crrrk Co IH 2 J II 34 < SH SHJO 3 334
20 Olrom Cupper Wl m 7J IH 7J 1 1Oum 116 116OUfleDbrlm fl4a
a Oum OUfleDbrlm nhclra EipUO 20 w J10 1M 1MOraabr
100 Oraabr Copper opper I U 11 II 3 U UCon 12J 3 33t
J OfffOt it Con Cop JJ UI 234 4 3I 21a 3414 > ItJ 3414 3414xu > 4 40oarr
300 0oarr Offf Ureent ne Con Gold JU 21 234 > i 3U 21 9 91KJ 2H
1KJ ODe Coldstver Uold < lver JU fl 2 34 I 2 314 314rto V 3 3TO 31 31o
rto TO o auiuijuto Uln 514 H > II 1t4 4 6H 0 I IJOO 5co Ii IiOOUYTob
JOO OOUYTob hay Tob Tobacco c o 1 034 H 1 It isi H 1 1a34 H 10 ItW 10u
100 W u later tier Mar pf M Js I la law 31fI
w Inter Salt 1 US 33 l Uti 4 4n 33 33I 3 3In
I n Ulrmac Gold 1 Win v t 5 5 t tToo 17th
Too 7th Monj Moo Sho Con U HU 21 IITf It 11 11iO 121 12t4 12t4all
all iO Mines Co of Am 134 174 I 114 t 34 1 1Mck tu tuI
9 > Mck MWeke7 I tt r Co 74 7N < 74 74th > < 74 71 71M 1 1WarkaJ
M Uarsar Co Cos pf n n 73 1 73 73XXUtaf 13O 732to
2to > XXUtaf O lIlIIr Secumir 7O 7S3 7M 7 7too JS2 JS2ro
too Mltrhell MInIng 44 4 1 44 4H It 4 4SOO 414 414Z413 Ii
SOO Nev y Utah s 854 < SU a 3I ali H S S3iX Sli 334ilpLulnc
3iX > Mplulnc Mines 1I1D Co tH IJ tU IJ 6 514 6 II IIIU 5II3
1300 I3 Nev ev tInt A Utoes U > lit H IH fH H > 3H
400 NY N 4 Y Rlec Stor Rat I IJ I C t tKW Ia
KW a Nevada Coa Co Ilia 19 II IS 18 18No1I
4 North oflh Sec ttubs stllbs2OO 100 M ICO TOO TOOIW 00I tOt1c
IW I 1c Penn A Catunea < ananea IUD IH It 4 3H 3 SH S SIII I1 34
10 Rorai u row Po ptios pC ice ton I icw 83 icu tOl5I
1 Slanitrd Slrn 1 Oil OIlGn 007 Bur eJ 1 007 Gn GnTroD an3O 07
3O > > 0 Trnnfsar TroD Cop op 484 10 l 464 < U 4 eli 4 4 fa falCOO 464 464Im l l10CD
10CD Tonopah HttentloB SI 5i 4 11 > 4 5 6 > i S Sit 1344t
4 000 < x > Union Copper C > o > r 14 IH Hi 11 1 IH IHISI 134Ike
1500 ISI Unlied Copper loll > r e6 J4 3 34 r16 4 4ICO 11I 534
ICO Utah Copper Op > r 17U n 17W r J7 1 < J7 J7WO nIl Th4set
WO While Wl lo Knob Cop < 3 M Moxoo 34 < 34 34text
text textt1 oxoo oxooWOO
t1 WOO 1 Ant Ca Sa s w I VH 110 SOU 110 554 I04i i 5t44 5t44oe 04 04KAWO
> KAWO 0 Am tn Writ rli Pap b M M M N Nw Mt 54ftO
t ftO w > CVn Foundry 1a SO W 5074 < M to toSl rtIJi rtIJiSI k114sot
Sl sot Con Co Hub Ib Tire 4s JS X M SI SIUXX s11l 1
11l 1110 UXX 0 H S tl Co M d te IQI 54 > U J4 III 14 S0 S0tw > S SIll l lAXV
AXV tw 1 Stal P I A Hn 34 s D Wi > i WJ W1 p WI1 4 Ofi OfiLATEST 0014LATEST i iATEST
ru rumertfan Zl AUid AUidAmerkll Attr4tD1ertan
mertfan Can common 7l 7 734 8 8mertoaa 816 816rtrlCL 81 81etttC3nprttTt4
mertoaa etttC3nprttTt4 Can prtrerred 08 OBImertcan OBI OOIiADe 0914Amortcan
mertcan ADe D Ctxlcie coon 01111001 193 I S2 134 134raerKvn 186AII 194Amert
AII Amert raerKvn r1 < nCttIckprrfetwt Ctilrlc prtrerml rrterrrd1 ± 104 O lia liamerkaa 112Amt 12 12Aterkn
merkaa Amt Wrltlat tl1c P PaNt p13 p r coa co 3W 3 4 4mt 4Amerl 1 1AtierknWrt11tPtpeZpt
Amerl AtierknWrt11tPtpeZpt mt iinui tl tTrtltaf rt1t1c P Papet txi pt 90 I O 90 90me II IIIMIII OttAuertrnTobicvo
AuertrnTobicvo me IMIII rtcoa U Tobacco To tCO300 300 400 400mertcaa 60 60Amer1Ct1 400Mx1t1canugbaTrsd
mertcaa Mx1t1canugbaTrsd UiM U bl A Tnrl Tractl1 113 3 110 110CMtloaUtaiATtactpt II IIrlcall 110A1uu503n
A1uu503n CMtloaUtaiATtactpt rlcall t4 1115 I1rarpL 3 trtcL Pt OOU 100V 100Vluka 1001a 100LaskaStuInSs
LaskaStuInSs luka a Jtlnlnt S a S 21t 21tBo 2BotdnsCOdtise4MOk Sanl
Bo BotdnsCOdtise4MOk anl ns n Cooitnv11 MUk 173 1 T 3 178 173inieos 178lioN 178aordeIl
inieos lioN CoodtCMd cI3ode03edMlILvt1t Mil pf 111 I 1 113 113toaCoa 113U08loo 13 13noton
U08loo toaCoa Caollol CucsotklIIe1 oikUttd Copper 39 a 90 90rttlh 26DIIII6b 201tSIIIA
rttlh CoiMmbU Copp Copper r 8 6V 6Vlit 8 8IIIUICutlIlIo 8Vu1tCbeIIIIeA
IIIUICutlIlIo lit Cotltttaa D 3Imini 3I 3134 > 31H 31HoQlraI 3134ntT3
mini Foundry FI > COOt > OIIL 04 04tnl 6 6Crclts 014 014Ctta1
Crclts tnl Foundry F drT pnrerrcd prrte BEVi 93 93itatxrUnd 13CUt1
CUt1 itatxrUnd rUnd 7M 1 7 7ikaco 7H 7HChISo 734Ct3oSubwsy > >
ikaco Ct3oSubwsy Subway 40 6 I ICotu 46 46xuoUdal 4034 4034CoseZ1dat40
Cotu CoseZ1dat40 xuoUdal Is Rrrrtrerator Co 0 OH OHmyrt 6 6CoD 0CuoerSeaflt3vL
CoD CuoerSeaflt3vL myrt or > Sevurrtm Urtttas w L 3 aa 3334 3 If 34 34trtc 36ttc 3454 3454ttcBLc
trtc ttcBLc Bo BoU t commoa 18 90 90trtcB 110rIt 2033ct1
33ct1 trtcB rIt i0 fI > l prefermi 90 70 70trlc 70E1P 703irtriVek4erommoa
E1P tr1 3irtriVek4erommoa trlc < Vchtrie ehld rumrnoa 10 1 0 14 14ulc 14Elfflt1e 14ltrzlq
Elfflt1e ulc Vehld el hde dt pRternd 10 1 0 18 ISnptr 18EmIlU 18EmpIre
EmpIre nptr Steel conaoo CO = OIIL 0 8 0aptre 81l2olre 8a1reStetLprihfftt
1l2olre aptre a1reStetLprihfftt Ste StrrL L pntn pnnoo1 dn 40 40mo 40Oratbl 0 0Oran
Oran Oratbl CO Ortwr 11 1 34 12 12ltat 12Gee
Gee mo Oxuolkitteii ltat Copper r 84T4 114 90 90ne 21G 200re
G 0re IffQr ne CnuoUdited CItIIOU ± ted OoUM GoL4 84 iii 1 91 91a I IOlfle 24 240tth1IsuYer
Olfle 0tth1IsuYer Gw oUY < r a gGt1jl1Mta 3l 2LGU4UouJlo <
GU4UouJlo lll1II 314 0 63t I IGJII
GJII 1 s 940 2 0 990 20B 200Hi21stL
B Hi21stL J 97 lOa ioaiv lOa8a 109ilaia
8a ilaia iv o Tobacco eoannoa tOt1 194 I 84 191 191injut 111 111ZhYUS 19ilsT
ZhYUS ilsT injut Tobacco pnrim L 34 3 37 37xulonOlL 31HOl4IQ11 37flottstoa0t
xulonOlL HOl4IQ11 OIL 0 lo loNitoaOJpf I I ItINwaO 0fluutcaOikt
NitoaOJpf tINwaO pt 434 90 90Wrultocal 001ttorolIonXMetta1tUr O
1111 1ttorolIonXMetta1tUr Wrultocal MematCe Iem u Uar 104 1 1134 1134ItWrUt1fl41 IH IHItnatUxul I I1IC11o
ItnatUxul 1IC11o M 3oIulllr tIer r Mar ptM pt t 874 V7 2 74 93 93tfrattooil ji811I1t 28IartatIniSit
11I1t IartatIniSit tfrattooil 1 Salt 344 3 37 37otavacaaSletL 3 37L4otwatS1L
otavacaaSletL 11 > anIIaStCfL 03 9 72 73in 7210N 72Lor43T1or
10N Lor43T1or in AT jrtor 118 18 133V 133Vnl 1 12314ItdaTayorf 3 31oc1
1oc1 ItdaTayorf > nl A Taylor pf 100 1 00 1 103 103W 103waTCer4Ic1 03 03ay
W waTCer4Ic1 < ay Tlm C < Kap AaIft ale 73 73HLaSittu 73H 73 73lscuJ 7314Mietty
lscuJ uouN pt pt 724 41H 73 73U 734 7343LtaaIU1
LaSittu U tbl Trujit m 2 3i 3iuronl 3LIJm11ItlotAmnca 34 341tutn1
IJm11ItlotAmnca 1tutn1 uronl W t T of o Am rte rtra 48 4 2 45 45cariS 405t1tcbt1 3 3lI
lI 5t1tcbt1 cariS b l Jltnta 1l11oC 44 3 44 44null 01 4viua Ii IiS
S null CoejoUiUt UHtor 1 17 7H IS IS4Ut ISaCtah 1 S SNrnMVta
NrnMVta aCtah 4Ut a 34 t 3 3Se 54 54New j jw
Se New w York TraatronatioiL iurt15 sOf1aIols 3 8 8irtaere 66 66o 034ttIertOfttrLV1t3
o irtaere ttIertOfttrLV1t3 Swurtttrs Irl jnbs r to I200 SOO 800 800EIvatur 2 200Oi1 O OQIs
QIs EIvatur CtfQMay C CIoaIT > cvd cG 91 0 1 10tt 33 33is 03OIl
OIl is EI YSIr v t Cota COtnanj ay pf Z 83 9 8 100 looc 100Pure
P Pure J IaJL Crunc CruncP ttxtn 4 0 0P01
P P01 lo11 iLttJ2O1 vruua c lot pf t 71 7 I 73 73p 71PoP 70pup
PoP p < Maai Matu1n e ctjJ1nMpt 8 L la l 0 20 30yilBaiSaj 20ReyB312Puwrtuc1
1 ReyB312Puwrtuc1 111 < yilBaiSaj n Puw 111 er r coo coml 143 133 133ral 11 11lul1o4 105103
lul1o4 ral Piikte 1n PowU PoWrptl0 < r p to 103 110 lloty 110l7l1rL 110SttCarLhi1tkUtatCo
SttCarLhi1tkUtatCo ty l7l1rL Car LhtSt tt A Heat < Co 900 OO 310 310l 310boJ 30Se4burdCo
Se4burdCo sot Co i 31 301uadCQ1tt
1uadCQ1tt 1 1 l hlJf t yt 8d 90 90Co 90r 90e
e r Co CoI1 Coa7L W pt 3tf t to toS ISO3sN 80513arIj
3sN L 43t S 10 10pf 10U 10ujaard
ujaard U 4n 301 M1Itt pt 37 2 33 3313iittlOll 33111uro01J 33taiir1Ot
13iittlOll flOtf 010 010JaesseoCwper tHOltDJ1 010Ttne5ee
ltDJ1 Ttne5ee JaesseoCwper Cvver r 434 4 0 14 431 431itlcCix 5 t5 t5T1nt 8rtnteCu
T1nt itlcCix < Cu tf t4 < 4 7 7rntoap 7nIOI1POCI 77tntoaPqtt
nIOI1POCI rntoap t 1 115 tf 19 19rntca 1 1not11 19rrz2teapot12r
not11 rrz2teapot12r rntca Pun p sf 93 0 100 100t1CLIS 100t1ioaCutcer
t1CLIS t1ioaCutcer IUOP < r 1 14 ILj ILjlnJtoL 1 1L
lnJtoL L ntetCtVtr luoP < f e2i 53 53p e 03taetcuotorvt 3 3ttz1lulIr
ttz1lulIr p pt 54 S 4 u Qt5 Qt5t 08ttCtteer < 5
t ttCtteer CoIIP < r 214 27 71 71tu 714tt1LLzCurtsr
tu tt1LLzCurtsr J Iur 3 034 8 elJ 6aJuitwnr
lJ aJuitwnr Trrrr 9 96 < 09 09ton Q Qttn 99aton17tewttaertlL
ttn aton17tewttaertlL ton Typ lYprr wnt r m pf It liJ I I lad ladluoTnwwriwr 1 120ttIQaTy7ewtlOsrtp l ltnJ1
tnJ1 ttIQaTy7ewtlOsrtp luoTnwwriwr Mpf pt taa I 42 l 133 133Ute 1 120wI1o SI I
W wI1o Ute Saab K1blQIIP b Copwr < 4 HW i ilUf530bCTOWrpt 34 34Wb1teebuttrf
lUf530bCTOWrpt W I ob CWoer pt X4 1I M 3H 3HCTOH 3 3lOoYtIL 214teNtS
teNtS lOoYtILnC1301a1tls CTOHrrtc
nC1301a1tls rrtc aVf Ki 103 tO 104 104vrtLaa 10 10ManWrt1nlChllca 105ALtWrtt1nerM
ManWrt1nlChllca vrtLaa Wrltlnif Parer St 834 814cILttLruw74r 884 884itral 8t1 8t1lIra1FUlUloJry
lIra1FUlUloJry itral Fwnilry 7t 7 > 8t 8tr 8tHSYIIJ14TuMCII St231t5a4
HSYIIJ14TuMCII 231t5a4 r na Tubacro > 3 Sa JO 8 0 7O 7OsreattouAl 10tIOtOMl 70LatnruatlutllttrMartn4s
sreattouAl LatnruatlutllttrMartn4s Mer f f3olUtt2l < 2ann 4H a a11t 77 75 75roaaonal 7SbtertutaX
11t btertutaX < roaaonal tlAlI IIo1I < S San 3 aa t 2 C3 C3Cos es4aurolCola 6 S Sebuar1Ct3
4aurolCola Cos 83 8O 8Ol 90S1niar
l Illinois c ta 77 gi gi8tfH 81WLR7AE1eo4s
WLR7AE1eo4s = 8tfH i 87 87THE 87rut i iTRr
ICSTOX B < INf An 50g 11 to 1I1bON Tlwr1 was wa 3 nothing to toiajr totoJarJ toto4iy
toJarJ iajr aiarkft or < t latrwt Int t Tradiiue Trud TTHJ TTHJa wsor u
ot a dfuilturr character h t r tilt nd am trial trialla trIallArbitfWCUJof fromarbLtrwcuc I
lArbitfWCUJof la Amainmatml Amainmatmltttf lteU WIJ sro srotn4igtllflaot ft fttnicnLlkut
tnicnLlkut Fri Fres 11011 fUlt rstont rstontat intl
1 at tttf CIl cleat < Au 1nnOI1 rxaa Pauutuatli S Sn 8rTU9 8rTU9gaInsi rru rruIrllnod I
Irllnod n i a > pulas oa oa3u o IItNrstOf crt1Dda1lilc crt1Dda1lilclpro
lpro tv HIIl Lit ju7 Clot ctotcit ClotziF
11 ziF lflq < 51 cit 11117 11117Se v
I Se lltI 3 3 34 3 34 Ii jil 34 1
J Wuu Ujut 11 Z4 35 IiI > i 34 3434 < 34 34tiCS 3I 3I3Js <
JJ 3Js 1tcLnat11X 14II1n tW 111134 tiCS II LeZ tiltC trll IU1Wt IU1W WI WIJt
3u 111 Line u ttuU 1 A Auu 1 e5 e54i
tuU uu Ouaaa aoo aooII = 1 I 40 5 53p
II HIuIC 11 1134 11 1134 U 1134 W 1134
11 t Binita 510CMn n Itn 31 > i 31 30tJ 311 311HiU ji 3034 I
333 33 Siltfct Sotiqo1uin CoallUon H 3 31 334 11n S 31 3IW 3IWu3 31 31II
II 503 u3 Bo Ituslut oun Il1 c c to o t 34 5 an II a a 1 1tIM I C CM
tIM M Cal CaLA A Cfz 1 W tllll 10914 4 tw tu IN UU n
18 5 Copttor cUIII uotr Riu 74 r 74 t 74 74IH 1 4 1 1111U 4
111U IH FTMAU 17 r7 rr trW tr 1Ttl 1 1S70
tl W Uraaar lt I p 13 I 11V 11 a aS3 tJII3 t
JII3 S3 3 u Ur jrirnt Copper < UIIPfIt I4 434 I 3H II IIIl1alt 3 J1 s i ia 4 <
44 a V Il1alt oa 4 n U n nSU 11 11Jt
3 SU > Svids irviwl W4 lL t U Wi UH UHa W
30lI a Nona n UntIe 30 > wi III 4S III IIIo i 334 iw
3 Oimula o KW lint 111 ton pit 1111VC
303 93 PHTUC 1VC 34 3T 34 14 Jji 11 11lJollnay
0 31 Jijinor t M sa aa aaW 8Uti 33411J
Uti W Shninun i i 9i a al m II SI ju a aJJII 44lot juJU
lot JU Trinity V Vtu 5 t I > 1 a a31IllIIfod
31IllIIfod 3113 tu faltwl Copout 63 S3 CH 634LLrnii1trr CH CHt
t LLrnii1trr V 3 Stn rncrlr < H r 33 33 33 35 35W 333WtnAeDt
fssmrlterpf W 1 Srnttllf Dt 411 404 > 4414 flU III i 44 44rs IItu 46z3
z3 rs tta t tu > con clnUal4co11 liaaieil 3 3u H 3 311 = Mi 1IJ 34 34ju 311 311ILl
ju Vlcwru Wn OH G GtuU Srt sJ = 2 i iJ
tuU J WMam WllltlltnlnJl1 ft a t 1 t 1 iW
W 3 WvlMORIM 131 ISO 1474 161 1474 1474SIHSOX3 I IauB0411 1134LmaQAo
13 Pontwt run Elimcmt t4T 11 7 14T UT 14 147 141Z IS ISS
2 Buirtnit ft A Ll L11PU L11PUv rU J3T 7 JST 53 JJT SK SKM 33TSq
M Bottoa a SaJn A1ne ttrr 14 toTt 1n1L4 loiu IJi IJililt 34 urru urruW 37 37IM
lilt W Bo A Wore 111 79 7 7I 111 111 i iIII
111 I J 1 a a s T 10534 lS111i 135 + 4 IIIJi I4 LW4
101 Va8a I II IIIII
III 1It 5 S a a aJIo I45 Ssii4 9s44 604
3 JIo t + Z3I t
ICllOJIUaUraol1l ICllOJIUaUraol1lOPln
OPln llI JIIOS ll Low C
Ailfl 4 in inUisArarneti IIlQ 44 If Itt > tQ Q Q1t1
UisArarneti 1t1 343 Alii Am JD11I 11 is 11U 11UI4IS 11 II
I4IS Am Ineu pf MM 11I1 n MJ MJMO 1a4S 1a4Sao 56348SOArnF
MO 8SOArnF Am Tel A Tel 130 131 ISH < IN IN47XiAM IIH IIHf7 1334
47XiAM f7 laM U < ia > pf MI fa ta 11II 52In
10 NrwKiiflandTelltMi Nry N v Irland TrlIN l lol 13114 li liW 1O1 U914 IN INro 131001ItIeEleotrlo
W 001ItIeEleotrlo I tiiiie III firctrlo J M M M Ii IiI
I i 81115 > r oI1l lllo KlrclrlopJ10I t11C1r1Cl p lloa 101 10 lot IOJ 03 03IS
18 Swift A Oa COIOf 7 10411 1044 II 103t 103tlo 1034 < 11I1 93
lo 0 United Fruit IrullIIIII loatj 100 110 lc I 1934 > 2 110 110It
10 Wedera Tel T pf pl M H 8T 7 7cuao S7 S7OVal 87CURD
OVal ROCK ctxjauto riuoa IU
riuoaOil Oil X XAhmeek AtIh AtI 44tI4Alimeek
Ahmeek 71 71Arliona 11 11Atliona
Arliona h Commercial riim rti i iIlIarll I 1314 H HIllark 33 33Illark
Illark Mountain Mi Miliiitte 31 10 10Ihill 10Ilulle
liiitte Fsploratlon EpIoritIoIaII 14 2 t
I IaII nUllo nl nlHelvetia II IIIItlya l lIITet
Helvetia HelvetiaKewe II IIr 1 13 1SuperIor
Kewe Superior ewe r naw A pi PltUbUre ibi r IT ITUaJeillc lh fi fiSuperior If IflIaJullr I IUajcstlc 3
UaJeillc I 1NevadaUtah I INnadaUIII INeysdaUtab
NevadaUtah I IHaven III 814 II IIlIyrn 3RaY11n
Haven CO COtUiawraut U UIlAawmul
tUiawraut I ISuperior 3314 I I6uperlor 14 148uperlot
Superior Copper 11 11Tror 11 11tror 12Tror
Tror l lUtah III IJ IJUtab I3tli
Utah tli Apex ApexU1a9 t tUtah P a aUIb
JlI4U IdAi1d DI411 DI411AmCement JUdAdATnCelnent
Am AmCement Cement T TArollyB Jtf JtfOonTraoNJ1 1l 1 PaSttel U UPa 00 00Am 00Amflye
ArollyB Am JI U UBtllTclphas MJtf IS 1334 Jtfn n Pa 1IlptIOI Steel pf 101 101PnllaCo lat latu 3071t1TI
BtllTclphas 1t1TI u fi1p1II phas M M 3 PnllaCo palla Co M MPhllaOapf I Icrnb 1 1Cmb
crnb Steel 34 141C I PhllaOapf PhllaOapfPtiUKI PlaUa 00 pt IOtC 1 1CoII1rac IICoaTrc
CoII1rac OonTraoNJ1 N I 10 78 78KleoCoof PtiUKI PtIU PtIIEIl0P4 EUIOJl4 > 10p < t tPHTlZlpd 5 5IIeotoo1Au 6 6tlec
KleoCoof tlec Co ot An U 1 ll llElec 1116 PHTlZlpd P R T tthc1 K KSuxil 104 104Elf 01 01iSlotflst
Elf iSlotflst Stor I1a Uf Ar 114 11 71 71FalrmlPkT 1 Suxil 1 ASt AStTidewaters lit SL 4 I IIrm1PkT I IlalrmPIIT
FalrmlPkT It 17 17Den 7 Tidewaters TidewatersUTrlUJOpa TldlerSGenAspllllIt J H U UGcaAph4lI
GenAspllllIt GcaAph4lI Den Asphalt Ht HtQ I 0 UTrlUJOpa UTrlUJOpauTraeoflnd UTfIlUOpdOpllllpl 334 54 54OAaptal1pt
Opllllpl Q Asphalt pf 17 M MHunFdonOT uTraeoflnd 80 80UOaaJOo S SIhlllldoBT 33ItlialdonlIr
HunFdonOT II 20 20HuntDTpf UCcIotNt6S 100 100HUIIIDTpl 100HualDFpl
HuntDTpf M t4 MIntStHy UOaaJOo M ItIDlSt I IWVkfrASt Sttf Sttf1n3lRr
IDlSt IntStHy DrII lit nO M MIntSraPAa WVkfrASt WVkfrAStWJASea WIll r IIL 8 8laISmPa SlntSmPAO
IntSraPAa 91 77 77UkeSupC WJASea WI Sea 40 52LakeSupO I Ilud8tnH
UkeSupC 11 Sup 0 It 14 lud8tnH Illd IndRlflhll4i 81 Rn II 4 U I IIntnncol4a Pe PeLake 54Lke3uplno
keSuplne Lake L SUD Ino M M MUhltiNSttO Intnncol4a lDI COU e eo 521ehIibNS110 I IPhil
UhltiNSttO loelll N ILIOA 110 110LOANtreIM 10 Phil p1I1oeonet0334 Rj Oo con U1MW 111I IlIIl IlIIlLOIINlrdIOI I934L0NIrcf106 mi i iPhUBee4ai
LOANtreIM 110 1101Valley PIIII PIIIR1eals100 I IUI 1 1L ILt31eTfl8
L Lt31eTfl8 1Valley alJer RIU 7e 7P 7PUanden 7534 < PhUBee4ai P PhUltIeel U EI es IIlAradrn 5 5Marden I ITonolllnlac
Uanden IS I l lMtwkPaMlalll 14 Tonolllnlac TonOlla f I IWeUbCoi iniJ ini 18 18N ISNiw
N Niw MtwkPaMlalll k Put PsaslaIll 11m 111 12 WeUbCoi WeUbCoif rllb 00 3t 7334 J I ICHICAGO 111 111OIlICAGO tSIChICAGO
DU DUm DidAMSd DidAMSdAmCsnCo AJtd 11101 Abl AblAmCaIOCo
AmCaIOCo m Can Co n nKm 711 < I 14 MftlTsnpt MftlTsnptNat W 064 111 111Am 31Am
Am cent C C pt t MI MIkm Ii 0 544 Nat 1 nttcull at 61s 1i nNat n 04Am i iAm
Am km3oi nAII 10 Nat al nit m p5117 Pf 1ITU 117 11 11NttCarb IU IUAm IIIAm
Am IIIS ptI pfI24 no 1 NttCarb NI Crb sl slNat 134 11 18 54ItoL
3oi Hoard 1 1ollkl 34 > Z Nat Carb pf pfl1l US n nNChlStRy III
ollkl 1301 14 1 pr II ItHy 11 114 NChlStRy NtlllSI n RI 30 MSo to toellT 41 41CItY
CItY Hy HrlesI It ieo ieoi 111 So Side SIdlley Eler Ele MX OSIi < B BSUSuCar 511 511D1Uk1I4 ra raDla
Dla D1Uk1I4 WkbI lS SUSuCar Sta su e r a J JWCmStRjr 21 21U 1i 1iIAI
IAI U i W V S IIIa El 75 33 WCmStRjr W t tTHE ZI ZITUE 00 00riu >
PrIMe Irrefular Irnocull11M1orta Short Cover C ColerGarsTil ColerGarsTilmont IGGnIo IGGnIommt Com Comnirnt
mont neport Favorable FavorableVlieat FaTorabllWhlat FavorableWbeat
Vlieat closed at a fractional decline owl owlo owltg owltgto
10 o the Government report port and favoralfeather favorable fSTOrabletlthr favorablewsther
feather During the greater atlr part of t twton the theHt5lon thesession
session wton the fluctuations nU IUIIUOII8 were Te Irregular b barrow but butnarrow i inarrow
narrow The tone was firmer In the mi miarly main mainearly mainsarl
early sarl owing to better cablM < blps than expect expectIverpool It expected expected1iverpool ttd ttdUIrpool <
Iverpool advanced H to Xd d Berlin eqi eqio Iqual Iqualto
to o H 3 to ie iic and Budapest fe c There we wepport were werereports lrl lrlrtporl
pport reports of a good export Inquiry and soi soihorts tOme tOmethorla somes1ots
horts were disposed to cover c ver before rore t tlo th thG011rnmnt the theovernnient
lo Tprnment report There Thlfas was also 150 a acertatn acertatnamount certa certamount In InlIount
mount of commission house buying buyingFarmers burinIFllrmra buyingFarnters
Farmers deliveries d < are getting light ht Son Sonromlnent SompromlnllIt Some Someprominent
prominent Chicago operators were > buylnnd buying burinIlid buyingand
lid nd the soiling lIInC was a scattered The Michigan Mlchlgitate MichiganState 1I < hlcan hlcanSlatl
State tate report made the yield 13000000 busl buslgainst buahralnsl buebagainst
against I9cnvooo 19 1tlIOO lat year The week weekFport weekly weeklyretort etkITrlt
retort rlt < rl of the Modtrn Jl dn liillrr wa wu rather bul bulUb bul11th tn tnh
Ub h Mating MatingKains slatingRalns tallnrRail
Rail have delayed the threshing threshinginter thre blnlf or orInttr ofwinter
inter wheat especially In the hard wlnt wlntTritorr wInter wInterrrilor wintertarttory
Tritorr and deliveries of grain nln by farm farmre rarmn rarmnArt tamerare <
Art re temporarily checked In Oklahoma ai aimi and andTuu andTexts
Texts mi the th Quality of the era grain In has bei beirred been beenlowered n nlotn
lowered > rred and the Ib jrield rll tsld reduced to son sonttnt some tOmonlnt someClIent
ClIent Texas has h suffered i mo 1II0fl 1II0flllroowhall m141Hroomball < t tllroomhall
llroomhall cablrd that Liverpool oot appear appearbf ap appeared appearedto tandto
to > bf 1 oversold The market there wa U 1 1urnc la ladunt Influeneed
dunt urnc tl to some extent however by llg llgl light 111Mulalll lightreeuIaIive
rvuUtlve l and Kuoaian offerings offeringsSheanon I lfertnlrltbealt offering8bearson
Sheanon < n llarumlll A 5 Co fianlett Frail FrailCarriticton FrultrA
A Carriticton and Klnley Barrell A Co wei weirominent were wereprmtnrn re repromlent
rominent In the Ih buying at the tteet tteetThe ftt fttTb
The Tb 1 he receipts r < at 1 bUYblor the C primary markets d dr de decfaj docraeed
cfaj r aed to N 543OO < 3x Ql > bus l agttst KIIH It JlSIOO iiwiW la laeek lut lutk 351 351seek
seek eek k and SMwO luc year while b the t ahii ahiilents 6hip 6hiplu
lents lu nU Increased lu rfad to torsoco against 071 17Itlast n1 n1la d dt
la last t wr weel k aud ud woouu ttO lait la year A 4 turner fllNnerdiminution turnerdIminution funn funnImlnutiontn
diminution In the Ib receipts no lpt I > xp lfo zperted < ted Chicsiat Chicsi ChlcaJQ ChlcaJQrot C2iicaogot
rot at 4 la car CI Including 407 or of contract trad tradnd Ifdand gTh1Cand
and nd lIt > t 10 < > > totlay
I Iufr itrr on the tone became b amt easier Influenced tn9utncinly touenetd14n11 Influencedpartly <
partly by the Government 1 > report on wlct wlctheat winter winterwheat IcterbNI <
heat 11 Mated that preliminary rtlun rtlunidlcate relunaludle reiurttatctdteate
idlcate a crop of 13Uf 4304349i < 4J4o 0 bush or I Iicreum an anIneNtiN inIncregse
IneNtiN icreum ut t lel 16 r bush bu per aere Last y yte year yearthe r rIht
buM The coad coadon COIIditiOD coadilion
the te yield was 47340310
lion on of sprint whtat was u stated at M SLi I Imp u itcompard I Irom
rom compard > mp < tr d with 114 l4 1 last la moih 92 last yei yeiid year yarand yearand
and id S15 TS In tsw The Th Indicated yield i JIJ JIJ0w i ibush 77
550110 0w > bush The total Indicated crop croplater or orlulr ofrtuer <
later and spring combined Is mt4 172SIIeO 172SIIeObush W Wbu < X Xuh
bu bush bushThere uh uhThere h hThre
There wa mor or l ices s hammering on tl tlport till tillnoNn thereport
report port e epeelalhy xcliUT IsIT as the ch h weather alhtrat at the North Northwest Norttes Oft1 Oft1WMt
west es was w 1 favorable tsyo bl and the market at Mir Mirapolt 1I1nruNH 3linreatt
ruNH apolt wa was weak Wl but as a already Intimated Intlmatrle InllmtIhl
the le speculation wa a inactive and tee it changt changtilmponknt chl chLpxrs chLpxrsunimpertnI < s sualmpo
ilmponknt ualmpo > nDt Many were eN disposed d1s to col colo hold holdaIC noldi11wt
aIC o f and await d dsvhgtnentS dsvhgtnentSThe < vlopm y 19mf 19mfTht nts ntsThe
The Argentine rllnI nt shipments for th the wee weeere week weekwere It Itere
were ere lJ7 1IW CW bosh making TJ4i4CVO 73 434ct sfncinuary face 111175January faceJantl4ry
January inuary t a aulnt < bt S579JOOO 93Ct xI in the Sam Samme tamelimit 6105tims
limit me last year Tho exports from fTO thl thluntry IbIS Ihlscounlry IbISuuztry
untry > for th the we week k w were ere re a i26241 OWl tott bo btlIlUJrdDC bib bibmakIng h haklng
makIng UlCOhfa thus far thU Mason agalniJ agalni alalnstJ33fU
J33fU J 4i to t the Ih ume tim little last weuoo weuooras WSUOIrlE ieatoaTIlL
TIlL roiw siTrATiox siTrATioxCom 3ITATtOXCotn I Iom
Com om op OiIIN < od ea ear y oa eis npoltatf5 < ctations of i irHh a abotarlh abearIsh
bearIsh rHh Oovvmiaent report and zd favorable favorablefather rsvorablNthllr favorableweather
father but oon 11 became ml flrcMr owing tc tcattr 10kU 0 0stter
attr kU U covvrtng of short notably ir irpternbr In Inttlm InSeptrmbs1
pternbr ttlm lUht receipt f itt aud oCertajs o rbp ace aceChicago and acdNIIt1 andcornm4eton
NIIt1 cornm4eton iQn bon boue btrlni btrlniChkaaro buytnLChkago
Chicago fot only Ji 5 cars including J5 of olntr ofroctra ofcontrict
roctra ntr ct grid ind sn td Ox expeets Tp oif t 00 o today The Thtal Thetll3l1rllY11 Thetotal <
tll3l1rllY11 total tal irrlvab at th thot pruairy pr uu points pQ amountsjrrcw amounts anOlmtedto
10 jrrcw i rc 0 bush ton ariii a agtIast LlMc > < t 3ioc4 3i Ct U Li1 t w week weekand i id 11 11Id
Id d toiiM to > la st t y Tsar r with jhipments of 330000 330000lc 330 OOO OOOa OXagitt
a agitt o lc lu JV4IW list wvk ok and 413000 413cCUYear lax laxar liSt liStTfar
Year ar September pC1Mr r 5h hc hcrt < jrt were nervous nero owing owiaireport OWU1eto
to report < of a good co cash < h demand demandIawr d UeznanL141cr a1cddler
Iawr dler on however the market reacted reactedf reactedThe ctrd ctrdTh
Th The f offricf ril incr iCid Mtd 1 nt s nt the ct demand deciancjm dellndtrom demandfrom
from jm the ch short fU off Th ttowmtaenlit ttowmtaenl tornmentStItI oQTn1InlsutJ
sutJ it d the rh condition > it 91 I mlm > t ST HS i U W WCloa la54DIOtth i ijnth
Cloa DIOtth jnth 3 List ut year md nd 573 73 in 10M 111 The In Inintd tndileU Indkited
intd crop is 2Tt30iMM 1301 > bush 0u1 as s coca cocared roctfYd comgnred
tfYd red wIth l1h a crop of 5311523340 r roiI93 rW33iO bush b b lastur last WtTN lastThe
TN ur urTts
TNThe The Arsfntiae r 1UtiD shipnieow for the wee weert week weekwere t tto
were < rt 2Jl 13 1tt AW b bJS bush i maiiat In tb the total loWtlY fcc sine3tsr fccly
tlY ly I 4i t1IfJCtJII c M bush b smbst 3U C jro3jooithe jro3jooi 3O
11 the th same tin last awn Qa Th The export exportid exportsfrom P rta rtarom
rom id this Ih country conntri fr the 111 w week k w were re t trm trmbCoh 141Sbt J J3ukin
bCoh bt making < 45n3J7 lJr this far thIS season seasoos fei04Url1l seasonatn3
Url1l s ixvrO4 3o4 hi 4he i same am m tin last aTRlI year yearras yearta
ras ta OATS rtircsr rtircsrfh rJa rxATVacsThe 1 1ThO
The fh trading in ont4 U ws qul quiet < and aaiiwI pete peteshowed c8 c8od
showed wI > arj n dvcidfd idN tundfncy IflJun T tn L ether eithrtLJI dircn dirc ijirection
tLJI n la th cho maIn th tone was 1 Qrmer drn mft < d dt do doPlt deapt
apt t favonbl wath weather Il r rvoijrta rvoijrtaTi llt soor1sThe olts oltsT1 >
T1 The Ti I ovifrnnaect YtC01 tl stated the t fccditloa at S KJ KJof C Ctlr tiper
per of cent nt agaiatt aJ 1 J Ji l wt t month HO S last y Tlr Tlrato ar ari arad
ato ad i M 3s6 U in tM I This was w considered bullish buliishlicatia bullibtdkatin bullishtndka1inc
tdkatin licatia t crop TO of SJZtsQUQ I I bush aii ac tSllISt tSllISta = st stWd t ta
a Wd of oll1J3ln 43ji t ti Ust ta y reM reMtho ye7rThe r rrh
The rh cu cash h tnui w wSo j quiet qt1 l1Ltt lt Chicago ChCIIIOtyd r rvd re reetyed
tyd < vd 30 car iacfodin t4 1sT of contract coatnctui ualnctr1I contractZr3d1 <
r1I ui o IIi ipct < ll today lods Tn The total totaljiry tQta1rtnMY totalprthiarv
rtnMY jiry ri rijW roi reeeLt13 li > t w e311t Im tiusll a 1e 1eTltO
TltO jW lase wv w4 k and M3WQ lJt r 7ear r with withcnnw wIthhipm7n15 Itb Itbfllifm
fllifm hipm7n15 cnnw nt of MlOix agatsdt lC J40U < < last ts t w week weekand k ki kaal
aal and i OsO HOm 0011 lass yell yorVb T1111o yellW5M1
W5M1 Vb < MC t Q on < a th the < p < > t was l lee s active Sale SaleOHO SaIQlJtl
74030 OHO Null 1L aainty maiD I for oJr onprt xr rt as fh h out outNo oOltN oneper
N per No N 0 I red f September Inr rrcJ trteeNo r COCI < Xo t tta tUl Inerhern
Ul nerhern > r ta b rn r tot111h > tlnth l 31 3c c owr o So o Ittard h4rd winter winterv wInter117over lefTloyr
loyr > v r Fu Futures ut ur cto doI d xic i e law < Sales SalesWWO Salestt1IJOO SLe104M1
tt1IJOO WWO both Prti oM as 3 follows followsma toLlO
07 HIq HI > Lee Clot CfoW i
ma 17 ffl Ht tno1 v5 ct uf Clot5etember
5etember f man n Tt r31 19 s 11 n NDomlttrr 70Owmqr TVS TVSitaitnt
Domlttrr itaitnt 3i so SI S1 034 H KH KHr r r 514 514a7
1 a7 r Hii 3434 H MH 44 t KH KHiota 534Oats i 1 1O
O Oats iota w were trot < r dull on th the spot SoJas iV SOIM SOIMh 104 104t1l scs3bth
t1l bth h Xatunlwbit Natural tt1r1l white lit on track OT II 3 to J3 3 lb lbTW Lbs Lbs37tfTOe
3 37tfTOe tf TW whit bJt clipped cl1 tOO W to 38 tb lbs > Ja40c Ja40cn 304OCCirn <
Cirn m n wx iia ItLIeC LI on th the sort Suits 1Il M0 M0A 901100bieZ
br bieZ 1 A mainly for r import Nn rufirr closed cloiwdhigher ctoc
Lq c higher h hr to He c tower Sali Sale W003 bushm bush bt13bPru bushLS
Pru < m u follows toUo followsOres
011 Ores B1 1II Low Cto Clot ClotIII frn frnua
ua nt c at J1 t tnt 1 ClOt CtunXfl 10Matrnr ClOt5ttoOber
5ttoOber atrnr 11 3611 35 tO 3 3114 1 Xfl W4OH W4 5IiD 26143em3er
D 3em3er r sr S3 sr ar1 33 OH i33 UH UHn S3tn 33 33The
n The C1OYln1Ct ws a ta1o ta1oor tollow1ew
or 1ew n Tur ruaf Itt Out o1b By Bylot B1lIo1tWD B1lIo1tWDpr ztto zttoaee4tt
aee4tt lot pr 113 ItJJnii 50 5035 HID NJ4H 11 11134 fit fitana ItI1t 41 418octs
1t 8octs 1tl ana r r1111I 1111I IWW4 tI1 174IS 174ISJ950TO rrsuIrs 17313Rpcttta
Rpcttta Irs J950TO II MtWW S3tim XOOO WXJO WXJOmuou tTOOhJrmelS 17302Sblmet1
hJrmelS 904 131JoIO muou tJ oou iaou iaourmiOtsJ39OIM 100 100Rtcett7ti 04N 04N31Lm
31Lm > I ID
Rtcett7ti D 5302 110O t tscm tscm531ttnrlltLJS0 arn 11000 11000lJDmrau
lJDmrau 531ttnrlltLJS0 rmiOtsJ39OIM 1J10IK 1llrJJ 1100 1100CJnclao 23XCtCaoO
CJnclao ttig to tIJPric8 Price ai S SQpei tuttowv tuttowvWjwn rlIa
Wjwn 11 Hfa CIQft t tot i CJu a fm fmJs1 Pmur Presri
ri Js1 L st it ur a 1ft f17 o oHiH CIc Csi Csi5ett
5ett c HiH 7 i 4 TZH tl nT Dr4 < 73 7 72S 1534ec
Vm ec 7t4 X 731 1334 TV r 1 7 71311IJ 74i H 73 739Ty
9Ty 1311IJ TSD W rs rea > 71034 75 131 131c 737550L
550L c 43440 4J 30 ID 404 tIL
Dm M34 6 401 0414 4 ss
26 5214 11 11 40 ta tac sni s51i s51i9ept
9ept c 31 ni tJ7 1114 t g II IIJi 314
tIec Ji 314434 3 33 3 3J 35a1
J a1 360Ls W2 3ti 14 14Onmt W4 W4oraza
IJIII 0 ll Wall tow a COrn fm fmma Pmtnq t tWlIa
WlIa ma nr tit ma maAot 1ft l l1nnaDDllJI 19 19Wflnes300t
1nnaDDllJI Aot t n Tj1 i 734 n TTH TTHD 11t 11th 71i
p n a 1s 714 0 711 7111j ISti
Dtti h 151 1 1j 1 514 514w 514Oct
D DC 73 73 73 7JK Wi 711
W1rm w oc Aq 1 r t 1 < 11 11Oct
Oct 74 T T54 11 4 11 flt 1 1Dora 73Dec
Dora n fl34 n n 7134 n 11 11T1lod IlL IlLrrjlodn
T1lod etL75 t 1 74 7334 13 13Eaaa0t7 7314 73 73Ote
Ote 7575 77 754 104 785
Eaaa0t7 Eaaa0t7SL = 2
SL tftL tftLvo12
vo12 1 n 7Uto 12 12S
ftaQilM S sTf1h1
S nn n nExeoutor
v on
Exebutor I Trustee TrusteeObartord TrusteeOhartorod TruateeOhartorod
Ohartorod 1022The 1022 1822tThe 1822The
The Farmers loan and Trust Company CompanyUofl I
Nor 16 18 20 22 William Street StreetBranch StreeBranoh StreetBranch
Branch 475 Fifth Avenue AvenueNew AvenueNew AvenueNew
New York YorkAdminiutrator YorkAdminiotrator York5 York5Admn1ntratoT
Adminiutrator Guardian
4 4nIPt
ReceIPt IS781 bbl export 1IW4 IISDabbl IISDabbl8prlD 13523Sprlng4atent bl bl8prln
8prln Sprlng4atent Patent MleMM clear ttt tttWM 33003 110 110I3M
WM 305 Winter IntIl18trallht Straight W90WT UOOI > 76 del delW7Se3iO clean cleanU20eplO clearS3t5e310
W7Se3iO Rye Hour 132511fUB 33SQtTHE 33SQt 3251251TIlE
Heoevred Prepare Carats Decline D flee I1DIIea1ber I1DIIea1berFaYorable lIne TTeatl TTeatlFavorable Weather WeatherFavorable
Favorable FavorableThe FaYorableTho
The cotton market was aa subjected to fort fortpressure further turtherJlTllflllure furtherpieaaure
pressure and nd again It took a downward ooui oouithough OOUllle OOUlllethouah 000585though
though the Ices for the dar was moderate tnoderithere moderatfIhrt moderatethere
there > naturally being a dlipoaltlon amc amcmany among arnonImanT amongmny
many to await more light on the situation sltaatlNothing situationNothing Ituatioll ItuatiollNothlDI
Nothing very striking derelop d 1 1we The Theweal Theweather
we weal weather th her r wall generally considered faroratonlr favorable fTOrablonlT favorableonly
only a few light showers being report reportand reported rllportodand
and many favorable crop report porta were werecirculation ero in inclrculatlon Incirculation
circulation Some complaint were werefrom neel1d neel1dlrom recoil recoilfrom
from the Southwest t where weevil are w wto said uldto saidto
to be Increasing but the crop situation situationa 1It 1Ita Ua
a whole waS w regarded by the trade as atx atxaa about aboutas
aa favorable as could be desired de lred except exceptthe In Intbe Inthe
the Atlantic States though even en In tl tlsection Ihat IhatIpetioe thstsection
section Improvement ha been reported reportedlate of oflale oflate
late Local Southern and nd Wan Street tradi tradisold traders tradenold traderssold
sold and broker who often act for the b bleader bull bullIl4der bullleader
leader were again selling Some burli burlion buying burinIon
on a scale down wa reported rep ned and more moreINM mo ro or orI
INM I covering covo > rlng took olace while LiverPool Llverjxbought L1Y11f1OOIboulfbl LiverPoolbought
bought considerable October The selll selllwaa selling lIellinlwas
was loss I acr aleNNIIO elvo jxtterday tlrdaT but gene genesentiment general IfIIcera1Itatlmenl generalsentiment
sentiment was > a 118 bearish u 4 ever and t topinion till tilloplDlon theopinIon
opinion was quite generally expressed U Uunite tbd tbdun1 thatunltt
unite un1 something serious should happen happenthe to toIbe tothe
the crop rallies In price ar ar likely IIkl to I Iunimportant hi hiunimportant I Iunltcpomnt
unimportant unimportantCarpenter unltcpomntCrptcltr unimportantCarpenter
Carpenter Baggot t Co said Ai Aifrequently A 1a 1arrt Isfreuont1y
frequently rrt > the cane In decided more elth elthway sillier IlIbersrST sillierway
way the pendulum of fluctuations nuctu lotll will like likenine likely Ilkelria likelySwing
nine ia far beyond reason or conserTatlsiaud conservatIsm COll8lrvatlsmlIud
and aa at prtoent everything look favorable favoratto favorableblower
to blower lower price prlceetheetronoSrclZlatiYe tn tboo > wrong speculative s latt lntre lntrewhich tntfffItI tntfffItIwhich Interestswhich
which are predominatingly y bearish are y yfree yet reIree yetfree
free ree sellers lIe with no disposition d to COTIbut Corer conTbul Corerbut
but there th in a time coming when the market markcan marketcn
can be b bought with 1111 confidence < We a areceiving are arerElvinl arereceiving
receiving an Increased number num r of bad repor reporfrom reports reportttrom reportsfrom
from Alabama Ii 11I3 and nd Mississippi l Spot cottc cottcU colton coltonII
II begInning to show sh w Itself 1t8 < 1C at many man point pointwhich polnlllhl pointswhich
which hl 1i prombes to Increase In se early rOod to a market markeable marktIIbl marketable
able IIbl sUe The l Insight for the th season to da daks dale daloI
ks 10W1000 10 1 bales against ia440000 last yei yeiand year YlSTand yearand
and 910000 In loot I We anticipate mo moand mol moland moread
and more of a weather market a fill the da dapaa dayS daySpaN din dinpass
paN and would su 8UIjt8t great that I our friends friendspreparedfor I Iprepared bo boprlprld i
prepared for any sudden cu den more and to change chaniposition chanlfllP
position positionMessrs P tion tionMeetts
Messrs 1 Price Freeman Jforden ordeL Mitchell MltchelODfll MitchellO
ODfll O DeU Carpenter Dick and Wilson WPI WPIsellers were weresellers Pro ProU
sellers U Mttwre Sledenburg Rountre Rounl R Rand RaT RaTand Rayand
and Lee 1 and nd Liverpool Uv > rtQOl were s IPUp IPUpDid eel ll ers ersDick < > r9 r9Dick
Dick Bros 4 Co 0 said The character charscteof
of the selling Ulnr around the th bottom yesterdaand yesterday TH1erdayand
and today was aa hardly such as a to Inspire > con coifldence contldenCOll contldene
fldence tn the short side until congestlo congestloha IOIIIrHtlonbll8
ha as been relieved somewhat When one OMth se sethcvw sees seesthose
those th who were ere such ardent champions championshuh < oC oCblJrh ofh1h
huh prices rl tOO points hither h hr up UPl felling sell g wit witsuch with withsuch 1111 11115u
such 5u h splendid confidence around arouna th the pre present presentleTs ec eclevel et
level he 11 Is Inclined to be a trifle cautious rautlouiWhere OtulloUWbre cautiousWhere
Where are the argument mnl proving that th thwork the tboworld theword
work wiulred f UiCOOOO I tcoOtl bl hiJ5 i of cotton cottwat cottonat
at a II cents nb Will tees 1 cotton Ott < D be require requirewith l1Quredith reqtitredwith
with ith PTH1 IT prires OI a cent centapo1n4 a roicrt lower We hive havbeen hivebPton barebeen
been told that tftIlrIfIIO Aogutt a Is the month for cro crocarv crop cropand cropscares
scares carv and why hT Au15 U It that those t who h were werso wereso 111I
so cautious about selling October at 10J 10Jconsider IOsocon 1050consider
consider con lder It an absolutely safe proposition t tsell 10 10U tosell
sell U it t at 9901 o Let t When such a change chn < come ore oreIJ over oftrlto
lto IJ 4 spirit of the Ih speculative sP nlattvt dream it mIght mUhb m mIghtis h hbo
bo b a good thing to stand said and walt awalthe awailbe waltb
is the b outcome even though one had fait faitIn faith raltbIc
In seeing seeIzi in nine cent cotton some time dnrlnthe dosIng dur dosIngthe lIf lIfthE
the > season The most ace receive seller sellerit MUnaaC
it present are tho those who 110 recently hare ex exchanged excballcrd cxchanged
changed th the horn of a boll for the claw clawDf cla claor clawsof
Df a bear The situation has not changed ehangecit
it a all tn th the last three week wetDnttpt except emU cectlmentally emUtcentallT titienTaUy
mentally tcentallTConoa mentallyCotton enTaUyCotton
Cotton on the Ih thespot spot 8 Ias was unchanged Mkl Mkllllag 111ddl Mkldltng
lllag dl le loeoc 10aokJ aralnat t io73c 10 last year ear New NewOrleans tw twOrtean5 i iOrleans
Orleans and Gulf uu bu 10Kcaralnst joe c against 81n lie l Sales SalesS
S bale for spinning Tee 5 Southern Soul en stx stxmarket l spot spotmarkets O Omarke >
market were ere unchanged uncl1n to Kc lower Mid Midlira liddJtn 4 4dlin
lira Galveston I0 10c c New ew w Orleans leans 1018C 1018CUobue 10 5151 51513lobde tllo tlloobt
3lobde Uobue 1 10c I Savannah 19 11 Itand and August AugustlOSc Augusta1oc
10 lOSc lOScThe c cTbe I
1oche The he movement was 1 a U follow roDowsluI
LaX L4 Last LUIT LastTo4 433 433Th4y
T To4 Th4y 4j W Tier Ttaijg ToJrPort Tierport I
Port 1WCt1tta tU jg sju tTi tTitotal 5710 5710wes TlO TlOw
w wes total to a Jfll Z I1 1X304 OJltstkaated OJl GSIllnUed 53543attnaed
tstkaated receipts lpU lpULull
La Lz tai tair l4nr 3433Tl1747
r Tl1747 ZJ7 < tr rt 1IU t lent lentIouSoa ToJrIouQ Tierff003100
IouSoa IJ0 L3X4o0 > 4000 ITS IXThe IX 2337The T TTbt
The exports from troclhe th the pam WHIP 14033 bales balesFutures balesFuttlNlS balesFunlree
Futures declIned dt < lliIed 13 t to 14 points recovere recovereart reconrld reconrldpan <
pan > art and do cl dosed < l at C a net decline d < of S to S points pointsrtth polnsIdllh polosswtth
rtth Idllh the estimated sales UOVOO 3J4 OOO bJ Fries PriceiA
as A follow
BWuA LnYJf JC Ctami Prrt Close CtoMk CloseAugtat14
A Augtat14 k It tD 31 JJIIMH JIIti SWC9 SWC9SrtoS S44l243 S44l243SesemterU t4C9Sc
Sc SesemterU III rj3 14 141 4 4Ooor 14 14October554
Ooor October554 SrtoS r 324 M S4II4 I e roet roetb 53 53December
December = b tfo < 5 0 LI t l7413 7C n 1I 973ffJDt 973ffJDtJanuarya IrJr IrJr1l
1l Januarya > rT aw awFuture t < ICIS S 49W St9Futures 49WFlnurM
Future In Xw Orleans were lre as foUowa foUowaO7 IoUowsUIs
O7 UIs II Ilaz uv Lf CIJI Im ImtV PnA Fresai
tV tlL is tit tlf 04 close CUlt cr croOler closeAazist
A Aazist 51 > 33 5 > t 932 932Oeobr
oOler 111I w 173 T2 161 al t itr r tr trTt T Tvembtor tnDecember
December 574 Tt 1 573 r 1 > 544 44 111 T 573 573In TJ TJIn 1la
In Liverpool spot t cotton lto dectlned It polnu polnuKidlLnr polnca1id poinlaMiddlIng
MiddlIng 1id 1I i 3554 M iiias alf Mc IStd 331 Use yeaiil yeai yars ycir1es
s il 1es J i Jooi II bales import Ufloo C0 Future Futurecli2 FUureldOdllOt Yuture4dedtnal
dOdllOt cli2 < M 4 to s point Prices aa follows followsr foJloWSAJf foJloWSAJfT followsFr028
T Fr028 nnot Ir nn nnA T3ziAogustSectember
A AogustSectember I r 40t3U V J S43 343a354 4 4r 113 113ScnC1 533OvwCsrlcvember
OvwCsrlcvember ScnC1 r 33iCiii in i3 vr vrceo6 snrramUJ 513Deeetcr4afltaZp
Deeetcr4afltaZp ceo6 r ttaxtzr 33 33 i 131 M tT tTJflRKTTS LTfrt 177FebriaryMare0
rt rJTlanl 35S 33 341 11 SN SNJlISCruEOlS 579WISCELLANEOUS
CtTe ffee LcwrrCabtn KrikPrartsloa KrikPrartsloaEasy WncPn11slEasy WeaesvcCoffee
EasyCactH Easy EasyCoffee
Coffee declIned dt < l1J d rao cO moderately < < < rately owing 0Wt1 to loweiibJ lower 109tfCilb lowercables
Cilb cables ibJ s rom Haves Ha and Hamburg foreIgn fanleattia rarclllilcl foreIgnselling
selling ttia llilcl Iccal ct UquMatiaa ad a lick of support supportivutti supporttl1 sttpcrtIheigh
ivutti tl1 < early In th the day there waa more mo cr cr1fts crlees
lees 93 buying by local operators The market marketid marketdt marketdid
dt id pot rtMrocd PQJd to this support however howeversd 0n1tt 0n1ttacd
and sd laser support was withdrawn Ti Ticffpts nfce The Therceptt
cffpts fce ts at Rio and Saztca continued Oci1rtThE < d liberal liberalhe liberaLThe
ThE he speculatIon 1 tJa wu cal q sateter ter tf than of Ute UteCoff t4t t4tCoif LateCoffee
Coif Coffee on til the spot was wi quiet < < and steady steadyto
RIo to No 1 T se3J 0 JJC r Future d d dictined clia l to to topotao
15 1 points cloflta dcf cloetnj steady ad with sales of Mjflfl Mjflfli UoS4IbaC5 eeobai
baC5 i s Hun and Hamborg Ham declIned 34 to topfg toS 0 0S
S pfg Rio declined n sets rewists rset iswous iswo
b ba us stock steeko7lsiu CICcr woo OOIJ < K Sa Sintei = toj dcta dedftnsdlo dM so irU r ripts re reIpt re recetots
cetots ipts Ipt 33000 txvt stock 0011 1 1Q31OO 3000 Prices ceaIS ar arLmnt lsrss
IS fallon
H 371q6 Lmnt CfcraUK Ptw PrTCW PrTCWSevtember CID CIDt1I1
Sevtember t1I1 71 6 UG o on UOOlUS 20V93 T 7flIJ0 7flIJ0Uec10ber oC1ltJ oC1ltJvmbf
vmbf n mt > r 7JO T08 T08T3I 1 16 1DO J14 05Santiary733 2urb 2urb1u11ArT1b
1u11ArT1b T3I T3Itta T 7334753 1 xInI tC1 s sT
tLay T lU tta T Ia tJIICfr fJOtCTu fJOtCTuJulT 730 7303i1
JulT 3i1 l 134 143 143Paonsloss t 2434231 Uao UaoPaOVl3tonLrt Tt63F80v7370wsLard
Paonsloss PaOVl3tonLrt Lard was dull prime West Westa WestnI1 Westcr0
nI1 a t 52101 w waned Contloant il IIJS 337 S Sooii Sooiisierkaa SOttkmerican
sierkaa 111 UJ Pork Forltu was noire i1t and andm firm firme flrmmess
m mess e new 11 IMfflU3ju I Tallow sc Batter Battero BntterC llixtterCreamery
C Creamery o = iry ry firsts = c Egga EtII1m1 ggeeetqrn westera first flrstSHSc nc nclJ first13llL5jc
SHSc lJ < OUcajra Chi Au tLi W L011 It wa wu stS stSw tUl tUlc a acue
c cue w of too to ruoT mitt Ilmn ci in provisions eisioc Lfcuirfao Lfcuirfa uJrl4tloa LLiidlion
lion > o by a lore ioid holdr Ider r at lard w was stUlon stIll ou on and aadoctr11 sndofferings
octr11 offerings ot ° f1 ribs L1 were ON fairly liberal Soc Soce on onin me meCns
e in h traa < In lord am IZlIf butt support paitteu paitteurlr
wIT 351 rlr ch chtt1kld chec ckd ked tH the dowaword tradrecr A Awd 4 4gtod
cwd wd Ito hog mo movsea v a oPnt nt la expected uect nee ez wwlt wwltPncw wwJtPriteI wes wesFries
Fries xs foOowsr foOowsrma fofluws0es rn
0es HItS z Clap 1 1rd Pp PpLII
LII rd ma ne neDC nr 5145 eta etac
DC c 333 S S S1 7H 130 R Fm 57 111 J5I sms 13Oct
Oct s 5714 ST74 Tti 8TIU 8TIUJTU S Sirow Ti smi J 1Tr6 TT
or irow S31Lj 32 1I1t 7 s sJan JTU JTUEji ltIi SCIi
Jan I 111514 ua I Eji Ejist G1I IU IUOVL 103RIO
OVL 5et st I serq i J 50 01 tM tMX 10 10 10 I 555 555Oct lIS lIS0rL
Oct X ir 1711 71 t SW to i = 4 57714 T7i 530 530Jan AO AOJn
Jn 1 74514 t 43 140 140PC TCi 745 Tom Tomc Tomovc rSaPeril
Peril PerilSept c
Sept PC M Mx t74 11fli Mi t4 Ie 1550 Ie IeJn 16Jan
Jn x U U5COAB Ur1 1311II U9Ti m 13 133714 t3ai t3aii5 U4Srut3Raw
i5 Srut3Raw 5COAB uaRa Raw wan WI nui 1l < 31051 t anti stimdr Cim Cimifiural CIII1crtCZIIll Cmitrttitzl
ifiural crtCZIIll art ti t 111t w 3c 3 c Vuscovmim Y1IIJm m 3 a t lIst t 3 347 3jeRelinsit o odn
RmnoM dn > d was In fur demand sad rtrin lrtn QrmaiL QrmaiL4JWo Gra4IlI1ti >
late 4JWo 4JWovii 4SIloNaran It Itur
Naran vii STOBICT i51on STonrs3plrfrs Solrit of turpentIne turBirattaiaioQ ttl lI1tln C4 <
Co Common iaioQ = to good strained Itfn t roSin La iio iioXOXEY 1a 1aJlO
3tolJT onir on Q can 3 h04 I4S i Pw cent pr PlnIlnc PrSTaLlIntrate TatHni TatHnit
rate t 4i 4i p pr < r cone centlnlt lost toao nia 3 p per r c cent nL Tlm5 Tlm5raity Tim Ttmtnon Timmoney
non money raity quoted 1lLot at 4S 4140134 11 p er r cent for unr unrninety
CQ 8 ninety IlJnpt ffciyi dl blyedIR J < p pOfT r c dIR nt for four montn montnB months
5 B aIer o per r onto o c for tt v and six inonsia Com Comjrciua ComII1eIPIal
II1eIPIal merc jrciua paper I11r snoed at J 3tbI ffi p per < r cent for for1m rorD ttr1mn
D r1mn 1m Lit nam names and billa bib rtcrirrahia rtcrirrahiaper nceiTSbleotMr rcejra rcejraotItr
otMr named S per can cunfurrigs Clint Clintnit canThe
nit furrigs t foret < u icaaaim achn achndemand hanlM amrkst dosed wtth wtthmand
c demand mand tramc at adrIM IU UIO M Mwer 1CId 1CIdtrPM
trPM rIM wer were onoted at M03 51 for Uraa and JiSt JiStlong k See
or Attt1al ru ra7 t f kanolZll
ksi dnne IU 38 5455r cable C La Lalcn I IUd
Ei se seIII
long lcn and JOJH L tar short < wt wtaa
aa tt Jst fag teg lam
140 Broadway Manhattan Manliaitan164l66MorgqueSt11Brooklyul M N v Y t
NYtGtr 7 7CaI
164166 164I66MolllapSIBrookJ1I 164l66MorgqueSt11BrooklyulCapital MomarueSl Brooklyn
UllitMd Capital I arplul Proftl3 and asSUsdhidd ever 84500000 84500000GEORGE I4 < p pOEORCE S 5 0 0 S SOEORC 0 0 0
1 1flAflERE
I Iw
w twJwntflW 7 Cfl Aflt LW LWWEIR
WEIR BROSEstablished BROS CO COIE8tabllahtld COEstablished
Established 1898 1808Specialists 1898Specialists 1898pecIaIISt9
Specialists in Nevada NevadaMining NevadaMining NevadaMining
Mining Securities
I Iw
I Iri
D Design 1cn 4Donttraet and Operate nallwiy nallwiytight haliwiyUght I IUchl
tight Power Hydraulic and Gas Plants Plantsabort Plantishort I IEXAMINATIONS
abort Guilder were ere quoted at 40S 40 for short shortdate MorldINI abortdate
date I IDomestIc
dateDomestic dINII Domestic I ome tlo exchange on New York Bo BotOIl BotOIll Boton124111k toa toa12SfilSc
12SfilSc l 15c discount Chicago Cblcuo5c Sic discountCharleston discount dlscounlCharltltonBnka discountCharlestonBanks
Charleston CharltltonBnka Banks buying par selling lUnc So Soprrmlum c cpnmlum opremIum
premIum Montreal 21ontreal3Ic 31 Uc c premIum frmlumOrlnsCotcmal N ew ewOrleansCommrvJa1 w wOrleans
OrlnsCotcmal Orleans Commercial ISo discount bank bankMe toaniroc bankstOe
Me discount d oUllt St t Paul PaulPar Par Minneapoli MinneapoliPar llnn rAI4 rAI4Par I IPar
Par Cincinnati CtnclnnaIIIOoc lOc discount St Louis ljul45c InuJ4Sc I
45c discount bid SSo asked San Francisco FranciscoSOc rnelsco5Oc I ISOC
SOc premium premiumMoney premiumMoneT premiumMoney
Money in London 1 per cent Rat of die dlScount dJ dJcouot diecount
count in open market for short aho and thr IhrmCIOtha thres thresmonths i imonth
month bills 3IU 83 ii 110 pr cent cen ConnN Cono for formoney formoceycloseaat
money montJcJoaeaal closed at MK M 35and and for Coraceont account at C M1 M1Piris 1 1Parltladvlce 344 344Paris
Paris Parltladvlce advices quot 3 per centa at 97 Crane Craneeo
eo 0 cpntlmefl The private rat of discount C5C < Olnl H H2K i
2K 2 Percent pel cnt Exchange on London LnndonSStrncs 3i francs Cranct17ntlmes
centimes 17ntlmesrllt 11 7 centimesBerlin centIrneRerun
Berlin rllt ndvlces quote exchan exchange on London Londoamarks Load Londono
0 o marks 47K Pfgs Private rate of discount discounts diocounti3lpercent
15 i3lpercent s 3J 3 percent percentNew tr Ctnt CtntYork 5 5New
New York Clearing HOUM statement Er Erchanges Excban Erchanges
cban changes ls 5S343 43iS3 13I balances lievM UOwIe8ubTreallur 1I6t4t4BubTreaSllry iJ iJSubTreasury
SubTreasury debit db t3113l t balance t J 5S33437 5S33437Commercti SO oiir oiirCommercUl i iCommrcLd
CommercUl price of bar silver slly r In New e York YorkBHc YorkSHe 4 41Sc
SHe Bar silver tn London S 5Kd Ied Mexcia MexcialUver UrLCUailver Mexcansilver
silver do dollar 1 Lara were lrt quoted Quot at c lQXauytc lQXauytcCOPPER X Jyc JycCOPPER c cCOPPER
1 1Relief
Relief Ipt That ReOned Copper Co r Ii 1 Conditioned Conditionedfor d dfor
for a lx lone e Period of lllsh Prices PricesInterviews PrtlftIntIl PricesInterview
Interviews with and letters l tIrs from torn mann mantjacturers manatac1urera mannfcturrs
acturers in IbM country who ho consume more morhan morsthan P Pthan
than onehalf on h t the countrys output of copper copperexhibit co copperexhibit r rnhlblt
exhibit that there U a unanimity of belief beliefy leC leCbr S Sby
br y these t Interests that the worlds orld consampion consamp ronsumplion P Plion
lion of copper U Increaslar more rapidly rapidlyhan rapidlrUlAn rapidlythan
han the t output and that therefore with ill1lh ill1lhproe the thero lbspropecta
proe propecta ro pects U for good business busln well aasured aasuredor
tor or a year and more mOfI it li l certain nal that priced pricedf
or > f Uke 1 1 electrolytic l lroh1Ic and casting will be on onUgh on onbleb onhigh
Ugh levels until a time of general business businesslepreealon bustnlMprlMlon busInessdepression
depression Among m n copper consumers coc a la lab J3t Inthe
t the b Eastern and middle mlddltSulrs States only one re rex rt rtort soport
ort x > rt is given oat 00 a to business bttalnlMll all th lbcan they y yan b bcan
can an do to the end of the th year and th the cer ceralnty Cff1anIT certanSy
tanSy of plenty of new n business coming coniagorward comingforward
forward The executive u IITe offl otlkrs r of the Ih copper co copperrefinIng pr prrl1inIn < r rflnmg
refinIng rl1inIn Interest which operates o > rates the tb largest largesteflaery largsetrefinery
refinery In the world orl twentyfour hours a alay adaT aday
lay and seven days a week k report part that 13 13heir liii liiitheir t tthir
heir competitors cotcP tltcra < they clltan have no surplus 11U eosr co coAmonc r rImong C CAmong
Among copper sellers I f th the markets II7 ltS are iccr iccrictlve enac1lve cr crarttre
ictlve for electrolytic and casting than tit titake C ClakE foelake
lakE Price Pri are unchanged Lake for t < r lirty lirtylay liryth p
th thys lay off UvatsHc l3 eI5 Q Electrolytic Do ctrolytlI > S Sec Sectembsr H Hember
ember I and October < ISO la12l3s < i eastisg eastisgPPr rascCO cullgcupr
CO cupr PPr r prim grades thirty days d US U 13U34c a aIKc illUX
IKc UX The London cop copper < r market la Craiag Craiagp
up p Standard warrants closed at t S3 3 i R0 H Hor 51for 1 1ror
for or spot and cd m J3 Is sd for forwards Pig Pigla P Ptin
tin la Is 4O1Htc < oi 4tc spot t > Th London marirt marirtlosed C11ridt P Pdosed
dosed at LIst lst ton for spot and LHI lt tM for torHree rrIMetmontbl forthree
three IMetmontbl months This position poosionehon shows that th Steri Ster thsreIs r rb
b i no backwardatioa and nd that tb marct marctlooks = = ari Ht HtIOQU t twk
looks wk for a strongly sustained IlU3t ne1 high I lied InioOTe liedoremnt TI TIoovemnt
oOTe oovemnt nt thrcqgh three months 4 ltit ltitleavr ILIH 1tuHeavy
Heavy H VT buying in pig tin characterize ti tiomestlc c cdom tdomestic
domestic dom S1c < markets Interests In t which f1el ltk lIiplated like t tpLated h hIat
plated Iat d war trades tnd > cUe laryj w ua use i cf < t tin ia or orrhite 01Whlt 1 1white
white Whlt metal met ar are butler b r than ev ever r before bOfo la laiia 11I 0 0this
I this iia line all manufacturers = t1I predict ot that 1111tor ja sae s sir I Ifor
for ir the fall will run up to quantities toaD < l t Urffr Urffri Lar r rlhats 3 3than
than i ° a ppybr nntbe of nroducers can put g ori orilc Q Qllllr11s 1 1pt
pt lc lead llllr11s i t firm and in Large demand d i 1 ii iiMc 3 a alpot p
5300 Mc spot P PR41L1z0W
TS Xrw ew Test tad Roclca RocIrST r Bema Bemauai5 Po5vsy f fComaa
Comaa uai5 ay rtportsl r ct 13s v < uarlrr = rvr 1 iN = nie < l fiat l n JO JOttW 0Uitl 30tRIM
tRIM tJM CLiitfft CLiitfftraw lLI 1tirtGrusaeara l lGroaset
Groaset raw ears ti33T < KIMW 1t 1T lie ji 5C 5CtYper 1 1tper c cper
tper per cap Mjai 4Tua lao meYet ± s 3 M OJlc MBJT
c Yet earn BJT sI 4O73 or 137021 Cm tSua tSuatter s1Ii1r t2 t2Other
Other tter r income K7 jju4 p Doe c rr rrTotal r7TOUl t hi hiTatl
Total Income tKX C3 IO I395K dw dwajpas V Vnt 54171 54171Ftjed
nt c1lu Vt 454 tIJ 1 1m L CL CL7111rtIus
ajpas m tis rsc m 5414442 + r tc > J3Tile J3 11TIt 5 > 11 11The
Tile g general t b baIan I o sleet Ill snow 110 a yrjfit rudt d t I2ii u i1ietckncv ititf ititfrficlcscr 0 0ct
ct rficlcscr lcncr ot 0 K4UU K4UUTAZEt aHlJ05IrIArSS 1341505rAr
TAZEt rAr moTD ILIIt aarLway aarLwayThe YI T Tn
Ti The Statea Waait J rtJrwar t r Cmtrsaaj rrrcra 7or ort ortO Jw Jwjoarter o
O joarter zr ttuled Joa 30 JI11Jjo
1Jjo 194 MI75 MI75Ti t34 CXI1117t CXI1117t47t1 < W1qoo
Gl ftD 81111 IIIJ fae faer JI 3 14 14OVU 84Opt
Opt r sat M3t jj4C 1 lao laoXeieara 11 11Cft i t tyes
Xeieara yes ar3 tn ptt I4 KW Be b < 7 7n i SS SSaertacaai 315OIler
OIler aertacaai 3rome = n ran tt 3 J i 434 pw t0CTotaL PI s ITOU1In ri riTotal
Total TOU1In taeoma OJM ItOJWt r teo s sTIed HW HW4i 1 1TtasdeOargs
TIed TtasdeOargs cJlToe u1 1 7sjs otCI = CC 11 11SII11IJs < l ft
SII11IJs 51319 s 33m4 er 7J 7Jno 1 Ji 1 1Thi
no rnonl aant 11 enert SOUwS II Caeo 1 ill 10 10a1d 1t3
554 4i aaa a stout ja 1Jld t lo loCUM IDa dmlctett < Y t tAztertrsa sJ I IBall
Aztertrsa Ball Satwiyt
CUM 104 mos OUrtff OUrtffraa cw cwhIr C714rtYamtn
Yamtn raa atr tr 1130r3 ars tawaa 2333 rs tw t li I Ilrum LI LIim J H Hom >
lrum om Joa 1 = a t 1 tJJSW3 1 1III3 UTSE7 tic 14 Mtnilalm 14WoJo1IcoJ 14mdalgll
tnilalm aaa JCinacastatxc Taura ww e4 < uL3C7 u 4s37
131 L3C7 month 391331 391331dlnala 311331lIlIno 3JL33LIflinoli
dlnala II CmtraJ CmtraJmta C ttInth I Inin
nth Jnir J Mjwties 11II11I njiswo Bo b < IIIa IIIaI 3 na naCateroc ii iiEnterocemic
I Enterocemic Cateroc alc RaIlway ot Vazim Vazimi x I I4t
4t i wwu k July BSJTW ijirjr 11tf1 Be t c3Jf slJfTItor1IJ P3307StonUl
Itor1IJ 179435 3UIHC 11 1I1a Be 1 iIJ iIJlrum 17an 3 3anx
lrum anx Jan J = t I 4073113 cr 3Ji s 37423S is Be wtlJl wtlJlJlnhl 1l5 usiI usiIMe2lcaa
Uexlran tatrnmannal tatrnmannalL
jQ L w wet e jaiy J ran rlllw MI nwJoo 1 BI 1 1JfAmth 13lOnt8 H TT TT373Stp
JfAmth 33534 HT 315331 Jn to 11 J ues Ii Ii7im
lrum Jas 1 I IIIIUIIf 373Stp inc incttaBotxzt Inctourt QJn QJnIn
ttaBotxzt tourt Pacfflc PacfflcwreitAjte Pac13cLvi
In wreitAjte weelt Me WJSOOO W n Y41IM IMI 1 tnt tntam S I II IIIrom tr3Tn
Irom r3Tn am July t I 4ja uIm 31 4UTO tac tacrottrat tl a 1II 1IICIIltr p4M tc tcI
I rottrat BrMciU BrMciUw 8 8st
st w week elt tog IBJHXI ia gsts J > Crc Crcan 1 t 11 11lNttI Ii Iiyewn
lNttI an July Jo U L l W432L S3 auii Dec DecRational leeSallonat JW JWCstana1
Rational Raaniut jt t Unim UnimL l lCl
Cl 11 L west Wy i I7iiaa twrait tnmm tn 5 5mth I IXm121
Xm121 mm 1WHJIIS C3I7 Be Betax L IncFrom
From tax Jan L 1 1HU7U 1SIII TlNiiOr 711I Be Ber tnI1C IncToronr J
Toronr r nn BamJlttm ft int n < t Duirtiiii Duirtiiiitita IJ r r3tmtn
1C 3tmtn = tita June r tus aas iti mssei s II Be Becal I IJIIU ImacaL
macaL cal y year ar 7 H 74Xaz S 1WtI wlti IU JB BIT BITTwin tIltT1I1 1 1Twtii
Twin City RaDIo Transiti Transit =
4Cl i WesI nt July UTarm Btraw Br Brinta tI tIrrJiZc o s J Si Si3fntO
3fntO inta 12 3234i ul UC2N Oilm Oil Intlrsfln 3 3Tawo
rrJiZc g
rsfln > m Jaa i t Krr 3 KrrnaxJui 5310514 uC uCYti <
Tawo m4 vattttI ValIr 1 1
Mm1tl naxJui July tarijia jIIIJ sniitt 1JII Be BeSTtrrKfVT S SnrBrUlRiar 31 31W3rPL4sLY >
nrBrUlRiar STtrrKfVT STtrrKfVTnTrfleenrr srlrrnErnttmtm 5TLTEJS F I Imtn00A
nttmtm nttmtmPr4 mtn00APsid
Pr4 117 nTrfleenrr nTrfleenrrlit Iu bulL 1 1h4 3
h4 lit 3g r DOOJU to aubTnuury ub1rtul7LoIaIDIIIII K Kaf I ILa
LoIaIDIIIII La af to a banS on tax tronaacuun tronaacuunto un I Md IIN IINIiCIC1I 0 0vaw1
IiCIC1I ftmA lATh 1oAtthilt lAThPeAt
hilt 117 Sttlo 1l3Tris1ry to onnks lai laitt fi fiPalt
Palt tt li r ttanka tu U SuOTuwoury 5U1 K1 a1IIIia 14 14jTjjjj 11JJ
1IIIia ID baIIb u IZ IZZItada
ZItada WftiL

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