j I
r 1cI
I > < in 190 T
Jockey Cab Net In Faor of the Salem Yentore
tore Which Hat COt Iti Been aForueBatll
j Fortune Battllnc Nelson Sails forEurope
Europe Hat Squires Cold FectTAlthough
Although nobody IdentlHed with theracetrack
0 racetrack at Salem N H would talk forptthllcatloa
ptthllcatloa yesterday numerous turfmenwho
who are In touch with the situation declaredthat
1 that no further attempt would be made bythe
1 the New England Breeders Club to conducta
ti a meeting In the Granite State unless thereshould
should be some favorable legislation In futurethat
that would permit betting The men whoput
t put up the track upon the sayso of severalIrresponsible
4 Irresponsible persona have sunk more thana
1 a million dollars without getting a return fortheir
their Investment The meeting last summerwas
F was run at a loss of SHOoou additional It Issaid
said with thn result that the backers of thescheme
scheme Including John W Gale and John ADrake
tl Drake practically decided some time agoto
j PE to charge the whole thlnJ up to pro1t andlow
I E low As a matter of fact the New Hampshire
i shire venture never enjoyed the moral support
01 rort of the Jockey Club although AndrewMiller
k Miller a sienard wns heavily interestedThe
The Jockey Ilub did not believe that thescheme
i scheme was prudent but thought that I wassimply
simply Inviting defeat at the hands of theauthorities
i authorities when so little in the way of legalprotection
I protection had ben guaranteed One ofthe
the stewards In discussing the matter yesterday
day with TUB StN man saidI
I think you are safe in stylos that therewill
r will he no more racing In New Hampshireunder
under Jockey Club sanction We were opposed
posed to the Salem track from the tint anddid
did very Itt to help It along Jut whenthe
the betting wa < ntopped we compelled theX
X ev Englanl Ureeler < Club tl go abendand
4 and run oT IN UkP a < a matterof goodfaith
faith with horsemen I has always beenni
I ni > tery to me why the attempt to raceat
t v at Salem was ever made New Hampshirepeople
f people are strIctly puritanical In their ideasand
L and nobody familiar with their view couldever
ever dream of taking such foelliurdy chancesNew
New England ha4 never been I place wherethoroughbred
thoroughbred nicing could prosper andin
in my opinion it never will he The Salemtrack
I track Is a vhlte elephant and will remainso
i so as the New llnmptilrw Legislature willnever
never pant a law permuting speculationIt
It Is known that Drake when he returnedhere
here from Snlcm tat summer was heurtllydligiljileil
dligiljileil He made no attempt to concealbU
bU tlUiInniire over what he termed a hugeflatro
flatro He aH tlvU the situation had beenmisrepresented
misrepresented ti him and that he was gladto
t wash hU liHiiU of It In view of thesefactj
factj therefore there appear t be no chancefor Ifor
f for racing at bile again The contractorssuit
Flit for IWnoo due for building the trackand
and ftUnl has resulted In bringing the situation
ton to a locus If nothing elsePeople
People who say that Davy Johnson wantsan
an ace up his sleeve before making heavywagers
k wagers on horse race wild t E Smalhersat
at the Waldorf yesterday do not knowthe
m the man Johnson will bet moro moneyon
on any kind of I proposition than anybodyI
L I ever saw The fact that he loses heavilyat
at times should be nufliclent proof that helakp
take chances with the rest of us JohnsonWHS
WHS a big loser on the turf this year Hebt
i bt steaMlly and on all sorts of chanceswhich
i which looked good to him but he a strictlyon
on the square In his methods and neversluealed
sluealed A man who plays the races withan
an ace In the hole generally finishes eachteaoon
l teaoon with a bundle Every speculatorlikes
likes to have a shade the best of It now andthen
then but that does not necessarily meanunderhand
e 4 underhand methodsBattling
Battling Nelson sailed for Europe yesterdaynn
nn the White Star steamer Majestic for avacation
r vacation of nix months during which timehe
he will pay a visit to Denmark I A chanceIs
Is offered to pick up a littUt soft mooney thoDane
I Dane nny take part In a couple of tights luEngbnd
4 England where the pugilist are for themost
lolL part a Poor lot Before leaving yesterday
I day Nehon said that he had received a newofler
offer of 4i ooo to meet Gal from Mdiiliattnnanother
i another Nevada mining town which I aftera
a little notoriety no doubt The BattlerMid
A Mid that if tans defeated Herman he wouldimmediately
c immediately open negotiations for a newnutch
Itch with the lightweight champion andthat
that he would also go after Herman In casethe
r the latter should prove the victor atTonoPahon
k on New Years Day Nelson will meet hisu
u manager Billy Nolin In London and willbegin
begin a theatrical tour which the latter haebeen
been arranging for himIn
In an Interview Oal says that he Is a l
worried about making 133 pounds ringsidefor
for the Herman fight Cans declares thathe
he will probably have to Indulge In hardwork
work right up to the last moment In orderto
z to make the weight In which case he maygrl
grl Into the ring a trifle weak WhetherCm
Cm Is trying to fool the prospective backersol
ol Herman or not nobody can say but It Issaid
r said that several persons who are anxiousto
to wager extensively on the Chicago lightweight
weight have been unable so far to get theirmoney
money coveredTommy
3 Tommy Ryan Is salJ to have wired tlienhvollte
nhvollte A l of Nevada asking that a liuooopuree
puree be offered for a championship battlebetween
0 between hlriwelf and Hugo Kelly Ryan Ismodest
modest In Lhiete days of i J00 purses butt
t he via always a believer in real money I
P I sale that Kelly will make a match I theconditions
1 conditions named are favorableThe
The latest hysterical bulletin from LosAngeles
Angeles anent the proposed onesided tWOOOfight
fight between Jeffries and Hill Hqiilres ofAustralia
Australia It thai Squires hal cold feet Atlend
lend the evadn promotors who have beenaylng
aylng that they represent Squires werowaiting
E waiting yestrrrtay for answers lo severalcablegram
cablegram ent to the Antipodean J
d yilre 1a118 to ahon possibly the Nevadamen
men mlart Induce Peter Maher Jack Munrow
roC or Mike Morrhsey to take a chance withJeffries
the that seems lo be burnIng
Jeffries for Ihl inoney thlt Rlemllo blrnInl
P Inc their porketsThe
J The Boston Americans are confident thatLou
t Lou rllr their stir catcher of two yearsagog
ago will be In splendid shape next seasonwhich
1 which they say means that the Hub teamwill
will again be a factor In the championshiprare Ir3
rare Crlger one of the greatest catcher I
that a mask was practicallyhelpless
ever put on nUI proctlal Ihelplt
helpless front spinal trouble last winter andwan I
wan compelled to retire temporarily fromthe
J7 the genie He recovered sufficiently t playa
a few lame > lUst fall and since then he hasregained
M regained all of hi former health and strengthWith
With rrlger behind the bat the IbstonpIt
1 pit hers will probably prove more effectivewith
1 with a general brace up among the rni < t ofthe
the plnyers A star catcher Is nearly halfa
j a hall tram Without Irigcr the BostonAmericans
Americans went t > niece In sriditiun IntbH
tbH great bnoltslop the Hub tenm will haveanother
1 another excellent catcher In tilmv of Isstjesr
jesr Loulivllle team who was previouslywith
F with ibm Buffalo Eastern lraiue elm TliUwill
I will be Shaws tirat experience in n majorleague
league but sticcevt M predicted for him as heb i
1 I seH I t1 Pviflhed plir 1Jark iJack
Jack Chesoro of the Now York Americanswants I
wants another chance lo prop to local fall
that he can still plten high clans ball He 14rjrn
4 rjrn < lln > r the winter at lilt home In Mauuchu
chu etts and U wor Lie on lime onda dallyto
1 to keep Jo < > n his weight Cheibto writes toBacrctar
Bacrctar Mithon that he li In fine shapealready
already and that lp feels sure that he confilnh
filnh firming ball from the first tap of tieconz
gong I Che bro had been able lo hold hisorn
Fi orn last noaioii Orlfflths men would probably
IIPVI beaten the White Box out fur tho pennant
cant Tie big twirler lot many gullies byweakenlnc
I weakenlnc at critical moment and as theBox
Box only captured the 11 by the uarrowjstof
of nii sins Chettbroa failure were fatalM
M Jack ln set back his efTectiveneH of twoyears
years ago irlffith will be one of the happiestmanagers
managers in the land But It It seldom thatboxmeii
boxmeii once they lose their grip are ableto
to regain I Chesbro however always takescere
r rare of himself and U so earnest about hisrerk
c work that he may prove an exception to theruls
+ 7
The Best Champagnethat
that Care Experience and Money can Produce
I Francis Draz Co Sole Agent U S1 24 Hudion St N Y City I
lack Joyce Whose Handiness mill the
Lariat Got Him In Trouble RecentlyNliows
Shows ole I iHolns Tricks CrandISilree
ISilree With im niden In the SaddleThe
The nineteenth annual Christmas rde ofthe
the Durland Hiding Academy took place lastnight
night In the ncademy on West Sixtysixthstreet
street The hil building was well filled andtbe
tbe performances In the ring were Interestingand
and sometimes bewildering because the ride
went through all sorts of complicated evolutions
tions The entertainment began with thegrand
grand entree commanded by Charles TKraUBs
I There were 10 riders In this and afterthey
they had drilled well the door Imp the arenawere
I were thrown open and a big wagon onwhich
which Santa Clans was seated accompaniedby
by two pretty girls was driven nrsund Atthe
the Chrlstman ride Santa Clans representWilliam
William Durland and he always has I neatsouvenir
souvenir for all the women who lake jmrtIn
In the ride Last night lie prevented to eacha
a silver powder box and puffA
A Jen de barre followed In which R CJStewart
Stewart A W Kinney and F Lee were thecontestants
contestants I was u hot tussle all the timeand
and finally A W Klnney was the winnerCapt
Capt M Grlntgaard was to have given a highi
I school exhibition wth his Norwegian ponyDdaliariue
I Ddaliariue but the pony was lame and in hil
I place Jack Joyce from Indian Territory andorth
I North Dakota a cowboy showed what hecould
could do with the lariat Joyce came heresome
some time ago with others from Col XarhMidslls
Midslls ranch Joyce could do all sorts ofthings
things with his lariat and was applaudedagain
again and againJoe
Joe benlg rode Joyces pony Monkey andJoyce
Joyce could top him no matter how fast hewas
was going Me finally threw a nuoss overBenzlgs
Benzlgs head then two half hitches over hishands
hands and then with nnothtr doxleroun turnfastened
fastened the hands to Inn horn of the oaddlennd
and then around the ponys neck He swungthe
the lariat over his head and then bringing itdown
down jumped through I and gradually
lengthened the noose until he only held theend
end of the longrop in his hand and all thetime
time kept It from touching the groundJoyce
Joyce won some renown n few week agoby
by lassoing John Sheylln and nearly pullinghim
him out of an automobile while It was running
fast Shevlm had bumped Jonel ponywith
with his machine and then added to thissome
some abuse which Joyce took exception loand
and before Mhevlin could get away Joyceslariat
lariat was around his neck He was arrestedbut
but Shevlin in court withdrew the charge ashe
he thought Joyce had some excuse for actingas Iu
as he didTandem ITandem
Tandem riding followed and those whotook
took part were Mr and Mrs John l ierkenMr
Mr and Mrs Edward Keyn 0 I AmendMiss I
Miss C Bennett Emi Midy Mlm L WplI rCnarles
Cnarles P Trusttum Mrs J von Klein Mrand Iand
and Mrs Marshall lapp Kuxtace BlakeMiss
Miss L Harris Charles W Dickel and Miss tO
O N Williams These were commanded by
Carl II atoerzerIn
In a game of polo the Kreebooler 1 IWihunereting iWllmerdlng
Wllmerdlng B V I Vingut and ASchwartz C IRchwarh
Schwartz defeated the alprl I Jdayer1
rayer J J OOrln and lnlhalf CIIIIIA I
A quadrille followed and In this the rlderxwere
were Mr and Mrs John fierken Mr and MrsFxlward
Fxlward Keel I Binder Miss f BennettC
C A Htoerrer Mrs V K Englebacli O PAmend
Amend Miss L Weisner Casper WeyberMiss
Miss Edith L Butter Charles p Tni tmnkraiiss
Mrs R E Sause t X Kinney and MiesKraums 1
kraiiss The commander was Charles TKrauss
A game of basketball a steeplechase amilitary I
military ride In which the riding masters ofthe
the academv took part each renreentlnccavalry
cavalry of different countries and jumpingfurnished
furnished the rest of the entertainmentUYfiRIES
Not Hampered by Ratios or ScanningRule
Rule Many Are Reins 1111 jAuxlllar
Auxlllar yachts with vasolrne motors are j
becoming very populnr In foreign watersThe
The Yachting World paI iWith
With no complication of rating tules orIlntnq Iscantling
scantling restrictions to be faced the 10lur jHide
Hide of yacht building Is pushing ahead wiha Ia
a sticwhich I the position was judged solelyby Iby
by recent appearances would seem to threatenthe Ithe
the swamping of the other Id of the In Idustry
dustry ithat
Thlrl Is no reason to doubt Iolpvertha I
that the sailing side will have Its turn laterthuxlasm
on and In time meantime the growing Inthltlum I
thuxlasm for the marine motor Is heartilywelcomed
welcomed as tupplylr work In Ill whlh I
won alwavs the moM dlfflcult part of the reason
son to tldeover There Is scarcely a yard Inthe Ithl
the Clyde one which has not a < omplp or tooI
of the open motor launch In > tmtme of 101 Istrtictlon
strtictlon but there are IndlcatluiiH that tl jfeature
feature of marine motoring In tliee partduring j
during the coming year will be OIl buildingof Iof
of sailing noatswlth motor auxiliaries or Ihentnr ifitting
fitting of motor auxiliary power to alll Ibout
ntnr which are already In existenceMr I
Mr Kenneth M Clarks flslilng and r mining I
ing auxiliary Ketch has done much towardsetting Iellli
setting the fashion In this direction She linehad
had 1 very long season In commission Indhn I
has been Mtnln the course of I In most of tieprincipal
principal harbors In England and kolanr iThe
The reports of her performances which havereached ireached
reached Kalrlie state that she has answeredfullv I
fullv to every expeftntlon performlnT equallywell
well under sail and under power and makinga
a ship of exceptional hsndlnesThe I
The same general Idea will be earrlfdout
out on a smaller scale In a boat the order forwhl
whl h has just been placed with Mr ArC ISmith
Smith at Tlghnabruaioh Thin vessel whichfeet Iwill
will be built for Col I Jamlon will be tofeet I
feet long hy to feet team She will he yawlrltrged
rltrged with s fnlrly generous sail plan andwll
wll have a 10 horsepower mol or IRoal
Roal Yachts I > ela > eil IA
A new turbine yacht has been huidlnl J
for some time at the yard of A t J Inglisfor I
for Kinr Kdward HI to take the place of theOsborn
Osborn The acMni World saysMuch
Much concern of a kind has been expresssdat I
at the chance that the present unfortunatedispute
dispute In shipbuilding circles on the Clyderoay
may have the effect of maklm serious delsrIn
ray t
In the count met ion of the royal turbine yachtnow
now being built by Messrs A A 1 InglisTrade
Trade dlsnutes take little regard of ownership
ship and there U no doubt that there will bedelay
delay here as In every vessel on hand on thethere
dely Pnder rprt relm lance howevrther I
there I little chance of the delay being suchas
as to Interfere with the handing over of theyacht
yacht at the time for which she was wantedThe I
The order was placed at rather an unusuallime
lime and even after the delay which tookplace
place while the details of the contract wereunder
under discussion the vessel M so far forwnrflnow
now that them should be little difficulty Inhaving ihaving
having her ready for time Mart of time sentonunless
unless this dispute extends to wholly 11 jexpected
expected lengths The vessel Is almost rimttrrlr Itlrelr
tlrelr plated upa flna handsome hull of boldmIellllh Imodelling
modelling she make and a couple of monthsof
mIellllh should se her out of handIn
C olfIn
In the first days play in the iiiaiifylnground
round of the Interscholastlc nubKtllutc golftournament Ilournlmeli
tournament which began yesterday Inthe iWnnamaker
Wnnamaker Building low score seas made bylreui
Irwin tracy of the Montclair High Schoolwhose
whose card showed 41 14 Di J r 8nokhamerof ihamerof
hamerof the iJheshlro School was second with IH
44 in tl 3 Thto other plavers who mialllleciyesterday
yesterday were as followsWlllltm I
Wlllltm Uiu kcy Horace Mann Sihool UN MAtfrl
4tlnn heWitt Clinton flci school MO llporgrHkliint
Hkliint nakl y School 10 A Jonnen MorrliIllgn I
Illgn Softool 10 Alfred Knopf HeWilt Clint inlzh
tllgh 5cttool 10 I llonnr Mill Sciiiil liu WV
tv Wilte Jr Mirctrsburr Ara j my Ktt fllirriI
g j liiHlch
I finrtuird Ha ley KcJioof 103 1 N 1fas MurrKHlth
Hlth Nnool 10 I llosenrrld New oii JlllltjrrAcadimy
Acadimy 109 P R Ivnun ii Witt l IDton Nonml
107 Villltm V litrdMry Montdslr ntftt ScAocl
107 Dal S Itarum CrUarcrofi Sclool IO lt < rvrilj1
LIlt M Iyrr Nt Iukis Mcftool ti Kred Itsruttmtltgtt
Htitt School of Commerce 100 n ltlr Cnllrgern
rW of New York Prrp rat rv nol in IHnlcl
W llowflls Montclair hlch Srhoel lO A lifts
Manual Training Inch Vhool tin I 1 Myein
Columbia nrsramsr Nrhool II Duncan M Lather
McKenzie School 114 newell Weed MontrlMr
Military lbol 1U fla511 I ori4 lolumra
Preparatory lool Its J 11 Rlh
l ti Seboot 117 John Y NlrbolMa DWe11 100j
f I
hems Castoff Easily Drats a Field ofFair
Fair SprintersNEW
NEW ORLEANS Deo 28 Another goodat
I days racing care out of an Ordinary cae
at the Fair Grounds this afternoon Ahandicap
< handicap for all ages at five and a hall f urtones
I tones brought out a fair liPId of t < prlnt rsI
I Toboggan caMoff from the stable of Jamesi
i I Keene demonstrated that somrthttigi
I beyond being off badly happened In hisI
I previous essay when he was beaten offToday
Today a lot of money hold In the bettingring
I ring for Toboggan who neVer left the resultIn
In doubt Meadow Breexe who openedfavorite
favorite attempted to make some effort lathe
I the stretch hut the Street hors simplybreezed
breezed away from himThe
The biggest surprise of the day happenedIn
In the fifth a purse affair at six furlongs fortwoyearolds
twoyearolds Sir Toddlngton and HoldCircle
Circle were the favorites but neither of themhad
had a possible chance Morales aboutwhom
whom 7 to 3 was quoted rushed to the fronti
i and made every post a winning one SirToddlngton
i Toddlngton and Cold Circle however savedsecond
I second and third money respectivelySMrterDade
SMrterDade presented the ditto and IvfntyI
I yard condition race to Debar thea to 5 favor
1 yar Debar was sent away lully five lengthsi
i inndvanc of his fIeld end with that Advantageat
I WOI galloping ltolowtmmaa wa PIrIcuUr
left f the pot but Ilnqf t nnlh hfOIUTo
Toy Boy at 0 to 2 rppNUN time sellIng mct
at five and a hair furlongs The colt al
a tray well and was never bothered Splonand
and Dmklaw fought I out for second theformer
I former securing It by a half a lengthKiwk
Husk came lit life rather suddenly In thesecond
I second race at six furlong After beingdarner
well played ile won by a neck fmm olenlonOarnr
darner was responsible for the victory ofHenry
Henry WaHeraon In the closing event tarner
ner outflnished Aubl hon who rode Abei
I Meyer and inandHed to poke Walteraons noseIn I
In front In the final strideThe
I The judge announced that the entry of Big
I Bow would be refused for thebalance of tliemeeting
meeting iarle a sfeeplechasejockey wasruled
ruled off the track for assaulting an officer ofthe
the track SummariesFirst
First RIll and a half furlongs Toy HoyM
M lltllnc 0 to won Splon ion lloyd J to Swond
wond Derklaw 09 U llroqessrl IlihO to Ii thirdTime
Time 107 ta Klori Snursnowunn AnnaKuskln
kin Hurrn Arnold Hoys Lad Odd Trick HanerulSpldrr
Spider Web Addle tlawklun Ire Collness andDick
Dick Miantar aiM raaSecond
Second User SI furlonts Riut 107 Vanduoen
duoen 14 lo > won Alencon 101 Irumnnl 3 to Icon
second IMlbrrt lIZ Ii Auittnl IS to I thirdTime
Time < 114 Alsono Consideration hirtl KlneVllds
Vllds Mmsitnr tlartlus Ancestor flrllllcnt avActrUldr
ActrUldr mind Invmlon also ranThlnl
ThIrd Race Cne4 mite and mt yards Uebar I1041Trlx1P
104 iTrixIrn t to 2 won llalloway 10 iarnrIa
f to I second utwooil toi Rlumrnihali ft to Ithird
third Time 144 3 5 tUg nol Saul Caroiniand
and Delphle also
l a 11 ranFourth
Fourth User Five and a hair ttirlonr TobotEsn
Esn W I rlnI 4 to I wont lradowbree7e IIIlM
MorrIsmu to a Mcoud the 3rD ta Llnvdi 7 to Ithird
third Time lt4V 1 n Zero Hitter Missllrho
llrho and Lady llrnrlrtla also ranFifth
Fifth Hare NU furlonas Moralts 10 Sedan
7 lo 2 won Mr Toddlnrtnn lit I J llenneuyithird
i lr dt
S h 5 second Colil tnoNC j 4 to tthird
third Time 111 45 MirIam C SrhrofdrrsMidway
Midway Nancy Hart Clara lirmlne Miss NolhlnjhlrnmiHiri
hlrnmiHiri Die Scout And sea Water aim tanSlim
red r
Slim liner One mllCHenrr Ustt rwin ltdKiarnrri
Kiarnrri a to I won the Meyir 107 Aubucnoni
IJ uJ nlIJ
i to t second iohl VMiii l tf Mclntjrrei u to Ithird
third Time 140IS Ruby star Dcnrvolrntlrna
lrna 1 tIed Coat ynlnn rariINi DrownIlllicr
Illlicr Hand Ladaarlon Woolttsu and lamll1 Ialso
also ran INew
New Orleans Knlrlej for Tc ayFirst
First Ihace Selling I fnlonetChase
Chase 10 Malale 104C
C plliCormlck 107 Hoi al Uonrt 10
IniperllnfncT 07Zlc Anrams 101Hilly
Hilly VrrlreM MM Magel e ONcll 101Iady
Lady Vermont IMI Ialulor 100I
I > omo loMWentern WMalta
Malta IMSeeond
Second Race Selling live and a half fuilcnsnPoslnc
Posing USIOaMj KMiJtmt
iJtmt IISAhJure 10
Come On Sam 112 Muflln 104Hocus
Hocus IlHu IONMIM FerrIs 101Tlchlm
Tlchlm I no IMI Habc IL m Iliold
liold llesrer IM French Nun lollThird
Third llace New Year Prrllmlnarj seven furtcnen IOro
ieOroIOOiBeau flrummel 102Tudor
Tudor 103 Pompadour 10
Iaraion 05Judre Ioat lea1Ue I
Lucy Marie 102 Votfni 102Fourth
Fourth Race Haadlcap one mileSt I
St Vnlenllae IMIOrblcular totillnnlr
illnnlr sdamaita Iba flluccler
luccler Ill Pride of Woodstock 84lllnsmir
lllnsmir ld 10
Fifth Pace SIr fuilonjsPaulCllflord
Path Ittiord Ill Sidney I 101Mlrlda
Mnfalda lIIady VaUtl 106Inll
Inll Find llllFenlan H 0Trepan
Trepan llMooduw IOBllclle
llclle Slromc Ill CalabatD 10
Jucord ItlUcntian 101Frontenar
Frontenar IOBISixth
Sixth Itace Sdllnj one mil and a slzteinthfteetict
needier IM L monCilil IMOily
111 MJlMonte 101Klnc
Klnc lilsworlli IlllSandlon t4llulwark
llulwark tllrootllfhls Favorite 103llrrry
llrrry PIoneer119 Docile 101lledlHht
lledlHht IfflTetn lod 102llMIIndlun I
llMIIndlun imi lole 102Antimony
Antimony ICOllluntinKton 101rTIJc 1IXTEIWOLLFVtATK
rTIJc IIron
Iron Curl 1 and Pemujlvanla IlajrraIacli
Iacli Win a tlamrThe
The eighth an vial InlercotlegUte tourneybetween
between two player cscli from the uiilvemities
ties of llrown Cornell anti Pennsylvania wasbegun
begun In the noieletj chest room of ProfUaao
Uaao L Rice In this city yejirrdny morningthe
the conteotanU being O n McCoy and I NSweet
Sweet Brown V J fjuenther nnd I TDluck
Pluck Cornel amid W I Hughes and I IJSmith
Smith 1enniylvanla The schedule for then
first round and the openings adopted on eachboard
board wereFirst
First Hoard Smith tvnnnylvanla vs DlackOirnell
Oirnell French DefenceSecond
Second lk > anl IJuenther Cotnell t s McCoy
Preen iluuro PianoThird
Third Hoard hurhrs Penn lvanla vs SweetDrown
Drown Danisn iHTiJllAfter
After nn evenly contostert opening Blackwon
won a pawn later on a second pawn andafter
after thirtytwo moves the nanieMcCoy
McCoy disposed of lcnlhlr In fortyonemoves
moves fJuenther had at one time muohthe
the better game and should have won thegame
IBm He however overlooked I moveloKlng
losing the and thereby the
lnl iiueen iOI tltrpuy gameAn
An Interesting game was played betweenHughes
Hughes and Sneer A first the latter hadthe I
the better posilionbut Inter he lost two pawnsand
and after fortyseven moves the gameKarh
Karh team therefor scored one game Theschedule
schedule for the second round to b4 playedtoday
today reads ns followsHughes I
Hughes Pennsylvania A Uuenlher CornellSweet
Sweet Prawn m 1 < mih IViinsyhnna ami vieYALKS IC
CO lirown u lark CrnrlI1
Ideal Relations llrtw en Faculty andImlercradiiatm
New HATKN e 8Y ale > faculty andpromlmnt
promlmnt alumni are now tllvnuMng theideal
ideal relations which exist between the college
loge authorities and the alliletes of theundergraduate I
undergraduate body The question 11 atpresent
present whether the control o > the facultyunder I
under the existing taUt avreenipot U stroncenough
enough The general opinion Is that therecognized
recognized authority of the Vile faculty Incontrol I
control af athletics is well uinl rtood andthat
that no net rules or further MCillnc forth oflimitations
limitations by the university authorities Isneee
A prominent Yale professor sildFaculty
Faculty members have rnade no secret ofthe
the fact that they art pleased beyond measurewith
with lime general condnit or affairs by the cuptains
tains and mannglTS of tin ninletio teain < i ilurIng
Ing the past spring and fall The footballrule
rllei are approved m thet nlaiid the baseballseneditle
seneditle has been curtailed In accordancevith
vith fartilty wishes and the unwritten rulingthat
that at the HiivgeMlun of the proper universityauthorltlft
authorities a raraaln shall remove from ihteault
team any lan to whom the faculty objectsli
huts been tried and siicccMfiillr workedAnother
Another prominent Athletlo adviser of theuniversity
university who It A confidant of the authorthere
te there i not the slightest dsrurrr that anyathletic
athletic sport on 1M Yale calendar will be uprooted
rooted of serlcnisly Interfered with Suggestions
gestions from the cole hsv been llMenedto
to and after fair discussion from both partieshave
have been decided on their mutts and actedupon
upon by the athletic association
It d
Good Wages Paid by Tourists Lead to Demorallzatlon
moralIzation of Ode It It tasertedContrary
irrtcdContrary View Held HeroQueen
Queen Alexandra Hat American CarFrom
From time to time during the last few yea
there have arisen little storms of protest fromEuropean
European automobllUts mostly Frenchmenagalnet
against what they have termed the demoralization
zation of chauffeurs by wealthy Americantouring
touring abroad One critic who recentlyvoiced
voiced his displeasure on the subject said hehad
had heard that salaries of from 400 10frana 300francs
franc a month are by no means uncommonAn
An O franca amounts to about 100 It Is altogether
gether likely that there are very few Americans
icans who so abroad with the Idea that theywill
will get off for any less an most of them hawfound
found that It really Is economy not to hire 1
chauffeur this country unless he demandsat
at least > I5 I week and they tertalnly paythem
them as much If they take them abroad todrive
drive their cars for them Men who shiptheir
their cars to France or some other Europeancountry
country generally make arrangements toxecure
secure a driver before nailing from this country
try and In the great majority of cases expectto
to pay an much to a chauffeur In Europe asthey
they do In this country and when they opennegotiations
negotiations with a European factory oragency
agency for a driver very often name a maximum
mum figure which they think a reasonableone
one The fact that this figure generallyexceeds
exceeds that paid to drivers In ContinentalEurope
Europe II of course a fairly good assurancethat
that the American will find a thoroughlyreliable
reliable and trustworthy chauffeur waitingfor
for him when he lands and it would seemaa
a If the visitor was wine In his apparentprodigality
prodigality There are some Americans whorefuge
refuge to pay more than tli a week to a driverwhen
when touring In Europe and who state thatfor
for thin expenditure which Is about 3 < w francsa
a month they secure good chauffeurs butthere
there Is little doubt that mOll Americanstouring
touring abroad pay about the same wagesthey
they would expect to In America and areconsequently
consequently belter oft for so doingThere
There is some chance that Mionourl automobilists
mobllNU will not be compelled t have a separate
rate licence for every county of their Slntetlieywish
wish to visit next year iu the St Louis Automobile
mobile Club baa Kent the drift of a new automobile
mobile measure to Jefferson City It Is avoluminous
voluminous docmrfent repealing the motorcaract
act of 1003 and 11 soon to be introduced In theHtate
State Legislature Among other thIngs It rp
dulren that owner of motor car shall registerthe
the mtiohlnet with the Seoratery of State describing
scribing their vehicle anil upon payment ofnnannualfeeof
nn annlAt teen S nbtiln n license Sootherlicence
licence hull be exacted for the I P of suchmachines
machine upon any of the public highways ofthe
the State Driven mulct also be registeredwith
with the Secretary of Stale and no unregistered
t ere driver will be 1 lowe to operate amotor
motor car A license card will be furnishedby i
by the Secretary of Stale 1 Inches In lengthami
ali I lmli wide with Arabic numerals andno
no other license tag will be necpsMary Inen I
close of accident It U male the chi of thedriver
driver to not only give hl own name and thenumber
number of the machine nnd the owner thereofbut
but also the name or Any persona who mavhave
have been In the vehicle when the necldentoccurred
occurred hl maximum speed limit on thehighways
highways is twentyfive miles an hour andmade
within IunlchIII It 11 ten nmiles tJ1 hourWhtll
Whtll ears lire old or etchlllllClll proviIIlon IIIl1Ido
made that such changes In ownership must beported
ported to the Secretary of State Driversarr
are prohibited from operating motor carswithout
without pennlwlnn of the owner There halto
alto a provision destined to lessen tho chancesome I
01 accidents whelm caN lIIfft restive horseswhich
which IItlrlllat that hllI Ilrnlllltd byom
some one driving horse or riding them thedriver
driver of DIP car must tip until thei horneshave
have passed hta machine and a nosslbin accident
dent avoidedIteports
Iteports from England have It that one ofthe
the gifts to Queen Alexandra from King
Edward on the ocrnslon of her slxtyse < x > ndbirthday
birthday December I was an Americanautomobile
Highway rommloslottrr Joseph M Snow ofthe
the State of Washington has prepared aState
State aid highway bill IlRlterll1 closely aftertime
the New York law of this kill and will en
deavor to secure Its iiaaeaee at the next sessionof
of the State LegislatureWhether
Whether or not the members of the Isle ofMan
Man highway board Inine up their stockingsfor
for Christmas as Individuals they were atleast
least sure of one present to them as a boardbut
but It would have been rather difficult to findn
A stocking large enough to hold it for theChrlstmat
Christmas Hi ft was a steam roller Theent present
ent was from the Adtomoblle Club of OreatBritain
Britain and Ireland nnd was given to thehighway
highway hoard in recognition of Its work Inpreparing
preparing the roads over which the touriststrophy
trophy contest for touring cars was run a fewmonths
months agoAccording
According to stories told by autoniobllistswho
who toured abroad this year the practice ofthrowing
throwing stones at motorists is not coliflnedto
to Hits country where It is by no means asbad
bad as it was a year or two ago owing to thevigorous
vigorous methods adopted by automobilecluns
cluns to Htamp out the evil For a short timethe
the practice nourished in certain districts InEngland
England but prompt prosecution of theonendcrx I
onendcrx by I he English Motor Union had sucha
a malutory effect that the sonethrowers havecraved
craved their efforts III this line and are devoting
IDle Jjelr spare time to ol her Held of endeavorIt
It seems but yesterday that every makertried
tried to outdo his lomrelltor In enlarging onthe
the liorMvpowerratlnif of nix motor toys theAulomobilf
Aulomobilf So conflicting Indeed were thevarious Ivllrlo
various claim ballet on practically the lamefaclor Ifactors
factors cylinder dimensions compreMonand
and speed that the various humorous andSHrooatlc
SHrooatlc title given to the output of a mOl orwer
were legion Home of the commoner oneswere
were ntalincuo horsepower dream hor ebut
power motor power In short everything
but actual horsepower which by some Imysterious
mysterious sleight of hand had been elminated
nated from thn calculation altogether Intfrcst
tnt In the iiue tlon reached Its height aIHtln
IHtln more than a year ago and though thefssue
fssue Wilt one or little or no importancerelatively
relatively or other he it gave rise to nunieron Ioils
oils controversies and caused heated nrllumnl4 Iment
ment Then like the vanishing of timelatest Ilatest
latest Kenintlon from the wore head of Ihldllll Idally
dally papers it lopped out of sight overnieht Inltfht
nltfht and was forgotten as illicitly V re inerves
port 10 the InlIe that Irnch makers ha1bln I
been Indllllllnq III oll1lhln similar all alongserves
nerves to recall it to mind There In this ratherImportant I
Important difference however The American
can maker exaggerated the output or hismotor
motor much In thc name fashion thai theangler
angler describes the sire of the nh that gotaway
away In order to Impress on the public whntan
an almighty skilful designer and mechaniche
he was to he nhln to gut HO much more powerout
out of a small motor than Ida competitorsThe
The French maker with a similar end Inview
view has gone the other way to work Heunderrates
underrates his motor In about the same proportion
portion Hocalls It 20 horsepower when inreality
reality It IB mi more and bow ts of howmuch
much better a J he turn out than his cornit
pelllor who may IIar been more Coumservative
vnttve in Ihir exaggeration In tll e endit
it all comes to the name thing How complete
plete a revulsion them has been on this scorewhere
where the American designer is concernedcan
can best he appreciated from the statUtlcnof
of the American earn shown at the GrandCentral
Central PalaceOn
On account of the great d 01111 ml for motoromnibus
omnibus In lj > mlon an order for morethan
than sioooooo worth or tho vehicle wnsrecently
recently given to a Herman firm To theprotest
protest of his countrymen who censuredhim
him for his failure to patrjnlrehomelnrluslry
K II Owen who is a member of the EnglishInstitution
Institution of Motor Kngliieerj repliedThere
There Is little doubt that the announcementthat
that a large order for motor rmnlbiiscsdestined
destined for London has been placed abroadIn IIthat
In Germany will caiwe surprise ti many ort
t Imo BritUh public Such vehicles can only
he produced HiicceWully by large engineer
ing facline IXIIIK since I strcnuou y en Ideavored
deavored f > find even a hllfle firm In Engiiiudwhich iwhich
which could undertake the nmmifactine ofmotir
motir omnibuses io my design But It winof
of no avail nil neetned iitille afraid of em I
barking the bunlnei though I could guarantee
antee many thousands of imunnV worth oforder
order And the result was that T was forced
ti go abroad ru liavfi had to do before forotWr
otWr englnnerlrg work Sow It h etny formo
mo to supply motor omnibuiei by the hun
dredj for the foreigner Is eager for business
In themrnr engineering Industry he Is bent
Ing time Englishman hand down for riualltr
for workmanship and not least for price
ft U all very well to cry Iro 1atrla bnt whntmiiKt IIIIl1l1t
mOuld one df > when enterprise In ones country
l < absentTo
To the average aiitomnblllst who looks aft er
his own cu one of the greatest bugbears Ia I he
formation Qf carbon on the cylinder walls andpiston
piston heal and the necessity which it brerdsof
of occasional dismantling the entire motor
In order to get at the part and chip It off
Despite numerous lIe lJonno other method
than this seems to be available for getting ridof
of the carbon deposit and nn sort of cart In
the manipulation of the engine Mtmj to beI
eflectiTe Ia Preventing Its fofltiattQflnovel
novel suggestion hu recently been madhowever
however to the effect that If the parts arethoroughly
thoroughly cortrod with lfrphlte the carbom
will not stick but will be discharged throughthe
the exhaust leaving the surfaces perfectlyclean
clean and free from the objectionable roughneas
flees One motorist who has tried this methodvouches
vouches for Its success and says that afterrunning
running the toachlne for more than tooo milesafter
after applying thetreatment he found practically
tically no deposit on dismounting the cylinders
dens Tbs user In question Is an English commercial
mercial traveller who covers something Ilkaniwu
niwu miles annually and presumably knowstreatment
what he ii talking about The method oftreatment
treatment employed was simply to smear thetxiH
expo aed surfaces thoroughly with a paste conblsllng
blsllng of plumbago mixed uniformly withirasolene
irasolene to the proper consistency and appliedafter
after cleaning the partsZ
Views of Rckenall and De Tray of Chleaioon
on the Present Ntle < of CameUntil
Until the Intercollegiate Athletic Association
Lion of the United States appoints Its newfootball
football rules committee to amalgamatewith
with representatives of those Universitieswhich
which are not convinced of the need of joiningthe
the new organization further legislation luthe
the gridiron game is at a standstill but thereIs
Is nothing to Indicate that the next rulescommittee
I committee will not proceed al ns the sameaane
I sane and disinterested lines as this yearscommittee
committee The good of the game Is rmitelikely
likely to be the actuating motive of the nextbody
body of legislators just as with the bodywhich
which reconstructed the rules so satisfactorily
ily In any event If such proves la be thecase
case little or no changes may be looked forThit
That III the hop of Walter Eckeraall bf theUniversity
University of Chicago the greatest of allquarterbacks
quarterbacks and of Capt De Trayof thesame
same team If the present rules are unchanged
changed say these two players It will pavethe
the way for the best game In the kingdomof
of sportsMany
Many report of dillplellllure over the newrules
rules were heard last season especially Inregard
regard to the ten wards rule says EckersallIn
In the Chicngo Tribune I am mightyglad
glad the committee refused to listen to theappeal
appeal for another down In which to makethe
the necessary distance This would havedemoralized
demoralized the game completely and setback
back every advance madeWe
We now have an open game in irnlchthere
there are possibilities undreamed of Thecoach
coach who has the head now will be theroach
coach of the future It no longer faa question
tion of reteachlng what one already haslearned
learned from the old game The coach mustfigure
figure and think and I believe accordinglysome
some of our socalled best conches soon maytake
take a back seatMr
I Mr Ktagg got a long way with the newgame
game last fall hut as he himself admits liecnme
cnme nowhere near solving half Its ponslMillies
bullies From what I saw I would not hesltnteto
to say his was the best style of play frompractically
practically every viewpoint Next year weran
can expect great things from Mr Stagg andI
I believe he will make good with our expectations
lions There Is only one criticism which I seen hihave
have to make and Ms Is in regard to thetorwzrd
forward pass I lx > H ve tIp forward Passshould
should two encorpgd more Mot playersn
end cnach s feel Ihst there is too much rinkIn
In trying Thl r1k slimld be made smallerIn
In seme way shut I think lIrIIP one viy
1 rluclnir It would be to ptiplltute a penalty
i of fifteen yards for loss of the ball when Itt
strive the groundThis
This however h not A serious objectionIf
If the qiinrterlmek In wine enough I 0 knowwhen
when tiise tho forward pas he nvor shouldfear
fear liking n Ifrt risk The time not lotry
try It of coirse Is when the ball is In toocl
cie proximity In vour own goalI
1 agree with Ecker ll In Ienril hint I
believe Roniethlnz should be done to clorlfylw
lw rule In reesrd to hurdling wld CoPIt
Lie Tray This nile should be rewrittenand
and probably enlarger so that there can beno
no doubt to hid what It limits ntlicrwlneI
I sin greatly Plenwd with the decNIon of thenils
nils committeeChicago
Chicago suffers nothing from the nnchanges
changes We got nlonr < iulita well lust falland
and we will go Hiirpri lnely further nextyear
year Mr Since has ninny ptsys which neverhave
have been used Ho ronsMred the Reasonjuet
juet cloned hrgely in the Ight efs season ofeiperlrnent
eiperlrnent and so has much to work on forneit
nest yearI
I Imk for every team of hnrmajor nerrtajor >
major or minor In mIRy tb ante for all itl
Is wnrlh and 1 think prettlcill every teamwill
will use the open film to good mlvntageThere
There U tio ree on why any one Miould Plsyold
old style frIbali soy lonTrr It was foundto
to Lii n Irslng game lest fsllTher
Ther will be a VreM deal of ImlMtirnext
next fall by the vsrlnus coaches Those whostood
stood on the outside lust season and werecontent
content to let the others try the esperlmntIne
tnt will have ninny plays to use not fallIf
If they cannot Invent they can Imitate andthis
this Is what tliey will doIMPIVS
Posted In Opposition lo llauuoli for omreIn
In New York A CThe
The name of M V llalpln lias been portedon
on the bulletin board of the Ntw YorkAthletic
Athletic Club in opposition to E F llaubold
bold the rogular nominee for the office ofcaptain
captain It was no surprise to those vlmoare
are keen on the clubs affairs to nee Hatpinsname
name up for It was commcn nmor forseveral
several days that the former lieutenant wouldfight
fight when the tlnii camp For severalyears
years Halpln has been a hard worker for theInterests
Interests of athletics In the club and hisfriends
friends thought he deserved some recognition
linn for his activity 80 when he was notselected
selected by the noniiiiatins committee Intho
the regular way tho lIen of putting himup
up In opposition was conceivedWhen
When HaulxolJ first wns approachej regarding
garding the captaincy It U understood hewid
said hn was too Ixmy and had not sufficientllm
limo lo devote lo the office Then Ihe nominating
nating committee put on Us thinking capagain
again and llalpln was considered hut forsome
some reason he wan not selected In themealtime
mealtime Ilaiiboll was staled for u seat onthe
the blord of governor but nt the list moment
ment he wss shifted to the captaincy Uolhllalpln
llalpln and iiau bold lire r opunr but ivisomewhat
somewhat different linenand the flclit sliorljbe
be very Interesting Ill cOOt HaurxM winsHnlPln
HnlPln naturally cannot serve as first lieuton
ton ill aid the club for some time will tocoa
a hustler after new athletes and things connected
nected with the track team In generalTlieaddltln
The additVn of Ilnlplns name on the boardmakes
makes practically three tickets Tliere Istho
tho regular ticket and another one headed
by W I Stow who runs specially for theofllce
ofllce of president This Is a record In away
way but the knowing ones say that beforethe
the opposition term expire which Is nextSaturdiiy
Saturdiiy there may be more nddltlonsThere
There IK a rumbling of discontent aroundthe
the clubhouse and the opinion N eImreseulreel
freely that Alfred II LtirtU should havebeen
been asked to head the ticket there ray
It was wrong to put any man on the nnminating
nating committee who harbored the leastprejudice
prejudice agalnbt a prospective officer ormember
member of the board of governorsIt
It Is common gossip that two membersof
of the monlnatlng committee nrreMd pbreson
on it and were avowed enemies of Curtl
For the last few flays there 1ms been tulkof
of Curtis and llaslln running for presidentnnd
fluId vloepresldent respectively but so farit
it has only amounted to gossip Many mcm
hers are urging Ilaslln to nip nlone for thepresidency
presidency hut the battle scarred warrior
has not consentedI
toe Too Thin on Central Park laKc Harlem
lem Here Nearly BeadySkaters
Skaters who take the trouble of little tripsto
to the outskirts of the city may enjoy goodskatingfor
skatingfor there sufficient Ice on the pondsand
and lakes 6f the locality At Crotona andVan
Van Cortlandt parks lakes the red hall it upand
and for time past couple of darn devoteesof
of the steel runners have enjoyed themselves
selves On Star Lake Staten Island Out InNew
New Jersey there Is good Ice Verona Lake iat
at Monlclolr the ixeno of many racing championriilpfhas
pionriilpfhas been Iroen over since Mondayand
and hundreds of skaters have Hocked there
from nil Hqiiarters For several days thereCentral
hiss been good ice on thit inks and other ci ripsof
of water at qouth Orangeit
it was said yesterday evening at the harlemmere
mere at 110th street and Fiitii avenue that
if the present old spell eommtinumed therewould
would he skating todsy Ihers is hetwpmi
four and five inches of lee en th mere The
Central Vark lake will need a rouuln of davis I
hard frost yet before the red ball can be
hoisted Here and there there is enoinzli
timC to hold urn a bIg crowd hut theid areswirls
swirls and spots where the IPO did not thfremmso
so well 1 front ot the skating hoike capecinliy ipeclnlly
peclnlly there h but o thin skin of Ice anil
this IH the partlutilar pot where at least sit
inches of tough solid ice is neetlwti On
Pro pecl lark like Drooklyn there U four
inches of Iceand it was said If the Ireelnir
weather continued the red dine would hechina
china upIrrsey
Irrsey floss neat Towniml Harris flail atTheTonnsend
The Townsend Harris Hall basketball teamwan
wan beaten last night for the flrat time thiseflfcon
eflfcon In a same played In the Ier ey City
High School gymnasium the home team setJerseyboys
the pace tboitghout The score at the end
of the first half wa j t 7 in favor of the
Jersey boys and thejlnal score stouwi Jerser
CityHigh School U Towiuend HarrU HaluT
a I tr
jiipectoKy appropriatefor
for the Holiday Season
r Be SureYou
You Getthe
g the GenuineUnderberg
L BittersThe
The Beet Bitter Liqueur All DealersBottled
Bottled only byB
General AgentsNew
New Yorkana
I hhlekL1 s
Eijoyable as a cocltaii Iaizd
ana better for youUNMIXED
Nothing Added Just Simply Pure Rye Whisey
hothing ExtractedOLD
Sold ONLY in bottles Never sold in bulkGUARANTEED
Under National Pure Food LawSerial
Serial Number 2163Look
Look for word RyoIn redH
H B KIRK 8 CO Sole Button NEW YW
Two Tournament Will Begin Iarly NexlMonth
F Month at SI Nicholas KinkThe
The hockey season that is the tournamentpart
part of it will open next week lnlhe SINicholas
Nicholas Seating Rink Already severalgapies
games have been played but these wereonly
only practice games They were howeverInteresting
Interesting because they gae uonis idea ofthe
the strength of the team that will competeIn
In the two toirnam nt Uecause the lermont
mont Avenue Kink In Brooklyn hat been givenover
over to roller skatlngnll the games this yearwlhlhe
Klllbc played In one rink and the devoteesof
of the sport are much pleased because It Ismuch
much more comfortable for all in the NewYork
York rinkThe
The first tournament to open will be thatof
of the college teams and the first game willbe
be between Columbia and Princeton onJanuary
January > Itilll the middle of the monthgames
games will be played on Wednesdays andSaturdays
Saturday and after that on Saturdays onlyexcept
except the game between C ihimbla and Dartmouth
mouth which will be nro l on FridayJanuary
January IM Thl yenr five colleirij will berepresented
represented In the tournament HarvardVnl
Inle Princeton Columbia and Dartmouth
The last named taken the place of iJrovrnwhich
which has wltlidraivn from the league Thegame
game between Dartmouth and Harvard willhe
he played In CambridgeHarvard
Harvard has won tho championship forfour
four years but this year It looks as If someofthe
of the other teams will put ups much strongergame
game and Hnrvards colors may be loweredTwo
Two teams have been tried out against theIrani
Irani of the Hockey Club of New Vork andshowed
showed up fairly well Vale was beaten 0 toil
2 and Princeton T to oThe
The tournnment of the Amateur HockeyI
I rogue will begin with a contest between theTuesday
elmnninion resremts and the hockey Cltmb onriesrlay
Tuesday January H There are four clubs Inthis
this league Crcweit A C New A C Stof
Ntchoiroa Skating bib and Ihe hockey luilio
of New York tach team plays each of theothers
others two genies Frch team has been practising
tising hard for some time and the players aregetting
getting Into form The Crescents will havethe
the same tram that has won for them InI
tormer seasons htmL the club hr some ooi
I new material which may he used at any timeTbe
The New York A C and Hockey flub eachhavesevenil
have iseverni newplayers and among them aresome
some Canadians wlm are experts fit the cameThe
The contest In this tournament wit be playedon
on Tuesdays and Thuraday and will end onFebruary
February 19VEir
VEir ItUlXG HlLES lKtiLADStringent
Stringent IAW by National Hum committee ito
to Govern Foreign HorsesRacehorses
Racehorses from other countries tu beeligible
eligible for competition In LnBland In futureunder
under National Hunt rules will be subjectedlo
lo some stringent rules xordinir la theEnglish
English racing calendar the foreign hcrneinudt
must be sanctioned by the Jockey club ofhis
his country a certificate most cccompanyhim
him when he Rcen to England and this mustcontiln
contain he age sex and ether fact Convincing
wincing credentials will entitle him to anotherrertltlcate
rertltlcate which can be had for one dollarThese iThese
These precautions are taken to guard againstthe
the possibility of ringrrn and that tbeKngll
Englishmen may have full Information onthe
the character and markings of hones fromother
other land FolIoing is the new ruleA
A horse foaled out of the United Kingdom ballnot
not bequftlldrd to Mart for any race until there hasbeen
been deposited a certiorate at the rcitMry odlceand
and a fee ot S shillings paid on ach certificateA
mM A foreign crrllllrate slating the name Ofanyi
anyi ate sex pedigree and color of the horse andany
any mark by which It may be distinguished signedby
by the secretary or other officer of a racing club Intbe
tbe country In which the horse was foaled npproved
proved bv tbe stewards of the National Hunt rommliue
mliue or by some mncMrni mayor or publicoflrcr
oflrcr of that country presrrlliel by themlit
lit A certificate of are signed by a veterinarylurceon
surgeon tn ttte United Kingdom approved for thispurpose
purpose by time stewards of the National Huntcommittee
committee eltjmer by central order or In hue purlieu
tar case and who Is not himself the owner partowneroriratnerof
owner or Iratner of the horsS <
S The stewards of the National Hunt committeemay
may also require any further proof of confirmation
In any particular case and may ilrelcre nv horse
dl 4uallOeil In default thereof
3 A horse wblcb has been out ot the United
Kingdom otherwise than as n font at the foot of his
dam before having nm In Great nntaln shall not
be qualIfIed to start for any race under tbrse rulesunlit
unlit such a certificate of DEC has been depositednt
nt mOo registry ortlceThe
The calendar too contains an Important
Item with regard lo trainer under the rulesof
of the Jockey Club Every trainer of a hornnrunning
running under the rules of racing mulct obtainnil
nil Htinual license from Ihe Klewanln of the
lockey Club for which ho nhall pay a yearlvsulMcrlptlon
sulMcrlptlon of one sovereign to be devoted
t the fluntinok Benevolent Fund Any
trainer who runs n hone without having nb
ulneil thi licence render himself liable ti a
fine or he may be disqualified the discre
tion of the stewards of the Jockey ClubFOOTBALL
Vale FacIlIty Said lo Object to NeedlrsiKxpradltures
KW liAtsy Dec 5 H has been canceledthat ithnt
that the Yale football
association would announce
nounce Us flnanolil account ever since Iheseason
season closed but today H was learned thatthe
the statement Iii now In he hands of the faculty
ulty where It is beins utrefiilly extvuinedThe
The members of that body are ret topi on themihjett
mihjett hut It Is learned fro < i a reliablesource
source tlin every Item is underKoing carefulscrutiny
scrutiny and Hut gesflons are being form
ijlnlednstoways for eliminating and cutting
down the oitlav another rteason
The rxainlualIon of thn Htntemnnt was takemuill
ill just before the close of the fall term and
his not been flnWifd One member of Ibo
fsfiilly enid to lay i
When the statement Is returned lo Ihe atii i
11k aniorlAdon certain suggestions andreronmiendiilloM
reronmiendiilloM will awomoany it They
will point out where In the opinion of the fee
ulty there should have been curtailment andwhere
where needless expenses have been Incurred
H T > a 5 learned today that the faculty b
lleve that there has been a too lavish expendi
tuna of funds this season although the ex
penses were cut materially from those of
former lessons
Bway Auto Exchge BIdgsh47249
h47249 West lith t 13501752 ltromdaslArgest
1 largest concern In AmertrK for eoirt rcllab
I AulomobllrsEven
Even known tllIIAKIr mnkr inoj Vf yrt
I lAComobllrs IlalnltrK Iliilcks IcertceiFrantuilne nrii
Franklins lonl Autorem Acmen Hlcspiibtmtlevelanrtt
tlevelanrtt Panhards HrnnuItR Clurrnn ulr inSot
Volet Popes Wavrrleys Northcmnsand Mi ritand
and other makes
100 INVHtAI opIKirtlinltlcs all modrHDeniunstrnllons
Deniunstrnllons ilvenKver
Kver > one IXCFI1iOXsltV low and tn MMEX
DID OKOKK When ion bit buy rood coo itrljht
right prlcfsAe
I Aca VorUn Ilati er Automobile Hitat iimmAutos
Autos at RockBottomISOSUliHTIV
sent here for slId at CjRKATIY HKI > > IKH orleMi
i await your Inspection Touring O n JJ75 Iflunabouts tenemnunahouu
nunahouu from 1125 Sillsfaclory lilfovSTKATIONS
Hllllss Automobile Eirhance Ml test ytsNear
Near BroadwayAutomobile
Automobile Owners Supply DepotWhere
Where supplies are retailed at w hole i IF nrtcrtA
A visit will convince all and save you III VDHED1of
of DDMAHS on you pijrclutesIQSC
IQSC Broadwaybetween hst and S2dSttlimes
limes Square Automobile CoIjirzcvl
Ijirzcvl Automobile Dealers In Ui WorldAutomnhlles
Automnhlles IViughl NoM and rarhommcedM5
715 W lImb near Rnayl Plmne 3173 DrialniMunns
Ijllrd with the tncompatahliIndorsed
TJ Indorsed by all the nroiiinrnlllllllard
llllllard experts In Ihr worldPRICKS
professional and amameimiPnlCF
The IlranswlrkIlalkeCnllrnder CoSalesroommus
Salesrooms SS7 and SO 4th Ave comer uih < uLEITERSCHAtlFElIt
Coroners Jury Declare Kilting of > ecraBoy
Boy an UnavoIdable AeehlrntWASHINGTON
WASHINGTON Dec 26At the Connersinquest
inquest today over the body of ParnuIWest
West the foiirteenyearold calmed boywho
who wan instantly killed by Jotopti fpiteritouring
touring car yesterday the jury niter hearing
ing about twenty witnesicn promptly returned
turned a verdict that death was due tn aaunavoidable
unavoidable accident and directed mime rlease
lease of Charles Raymond chauffeur tbeLeitoH
Mrs L X loiter and Mrs Franklin HornIngton
Ington of Now York who were in this illhtemobile
mobile when the accident occurred < li < lnotappear
appear at the inquest Jowpb L Ieit rteatitlod
teatitlod that the car was running nt anot peednot
not exceeding nix or eight niilertiin hour ndthat
that the chauffeur WBH conndinc the hornFranklin
Franklin Remington of New York testified
fled lo the swine effect Eleven ofh > ineHo ifnes
neHo < including Raymond the < luiuTrurtestified
testified that tho horn was noundcilRepresentative
Representative Joseph V iraftof Illinoiswho
who with hl son barely eneapml I icinfatntmck
struck hy the leiter automobile at hue eaSttime
lime testified that lie did not h ar ulia tnmRounded
Rounded At the clone of the Inqiier hOironer
Oironer directed that Raymond th ehituffeur
feur who was held to tsniii hail for hi atnearanco
nearanco at the inquest today be r
from custoJyLOST
Thief firls Away Wttti H3IHMI In raJi anilJewelry
Jewelry north S2lOKATOAJI
KATONAH N Y Dec 20TUrilem CfJreen
moon n contractor lies potilicl nTMerritt
Merritt that hw mother Mrs Hi p aof
of Kntonali wan robbed of S5ViO oninas i < rsrmas
mas Day Mr CSreeusiispotsa > nt mmwho
who has been employed by him ianuedunt I5wpmeduet
anuedunt Sheriff Morritt iiaa npolice 0 iSPOlice
police of Westchostor county nrtd iYork NpYork
Mrs Green keeps time Katoniwhere P Iwhere
where contructors and cnjiieoiwntenshed >
watershed work board Aifonlitie > ViOreen
Oreen one of the young men l < Mtt Ihis
his mother kept her flhllIy miii jo 1 Tlycistenlay
yesterday while the family w < ir ig
their ChriHtinni dinner the rohiplnce
The booty connfwted of S V1and > <
and M00t in gold coins wlirl > V nhad
had been Having for yearn VMnv vrIrecn
Irecn took tn a gold < oui < nIMPERIAL > C fbtisinees
btisinees site niacin it a ncn I
1I1llui IIDEwAS
1 I