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f JK 1it i i al
< it
Txanfi DBODOEB 28r netOccasional
I nJ Occasional snow or rain today andtomorrow
J tomorrow southwest windsYOIIJIlVKOlm j j
1 J 17 L
YOIIJIlVKOlm So + NEW YORK FRIDAY DECEMBER 28 1906cowrfa toe iv m su n rrMi0 lid PUM < > Altodajo PRICE mo CENTS
= 1 nn
EXCEPT FOn A TI11CKrrelcht
rrelcht Train UarXwl Down on TwelfthAve
Ave nails Laid niegmlly and LeftThereTrains
ThereTrains Isolated by City LaborerIollie
Police Called Out to Act as fJnarUTwo
Two blocks from Fiftyeighth to Sixtiethitrwt
Itt on Twelfth avenue were the scene ofcontinuous
continuous dlsttirbanoa yesterday due to arlich
rlich between city officials and the NewYork
York Central Railroad Tbe railroad hasfour
four tracks on Twelfth avenue ending atKiftveighth
Kiftveighth street Two of these trackshave
have ion laid within the past year Onerun
run out On a pier at the foot of West Ftf tyrlrJh
rlrJh root und the other into the newuibvnv
uibvnv power house at Fiftyeighth streetThe
The Itonrd of Estimate at a recent meetIng
jig drrlarvd Jhat the Central had no rightto
to lay thf e two tracks and ordered thernilmal
rnilmal to remove them The tracks werenot I
no removed nnd on December BoroughPresident
President honrn was authorized to tear upth
tho track if necessaryOn
On Vedne day of this week Superinteni
i il lOr Highways George FScannell wentt
V th < pltce where the tracks are and madeptani
ptani for the removal by the city He waspM
pM Hint there might be trouble if he attn
tPmr1 to tear them up but decided to gohead
Mr soannrll evidently expected troublefur
fur vwtenlay noon he ordered Co men topather
pather at Eleventh avenue and Fiftyninthftnvt
ftnvt prejttred to get to workWe
We wore told to keep out of sight as muchM
M possible and be ready to move quicklywhen
when told to said a foreman lost nightMr
Mr Scannell came on the scene earlyjeMPrday
jeMPrday afternoon and ordered tho mento
to mmp in and tear up the tracks The menhid
hid ripped outpart of the tracks entering thepower
power house when a gang of laborers fromthe
the railroad yards appeared on the streetAt
At first only epithets were hurled but whenthe
the ritvs men continued to tear away railstie
tie turn from the yards resorted to stonetirowmg
Scannells mm worked steadily howevermil
mil were about to rip up the track enteringthe
the pier when yard officials of tbe Centralppeired
ppeired and asked for an Interview withScannell
Scannell They told him that they had atrain
train of fourteen cars out on the pier andoked
oked him to hold back long enough to givethem
them opportunity to get the train off Scan
nU consented and tho men began to tearup
up the unauthorized track which had beenrun
run Mow Fiftyninth street without permission
mission A Central locomotive puffed urjfrom
from the yards out on to the pier Thetram
tram was made fast and the locomotivedrew
drew it out to Twelfth avenue and then thelocomotive
locomotive wal uncoupled and It puffed
sway againThi
Th fourteen earn stood on the trnckrihrannell
hrannell wanted to remove Before thetitiiitwm
titiiitwm had fully dawned on hlc thelocomotive
locomotive slipper back on the other trackml
ml left a train of thirty can on it extending
tag from Sixtieth to Fiftyeighth streetSrnnneil
Srnnneil went to find the Central officialsh
h had come to M e him but was Informixmat
mat they hail gone away and that therewas
was n < > ono remaining with authority toiivve
iivve ihofirx When ScJnnell returned toTwelfth
Twelfth avenue he was greeted by jeersrnri
rnri hnnts from H crowd of onlookers whoI
I I iiiiixfd ihemwelves by yelling at theivy
11 > ny workmentmrll
> tmrll put hi men to work tearingr
r ili tracks from the end of the taI
1 0 inen foil In work bllt the crowdi
i or niHHixe M > turbulent that KcinnellT
T r i 1 to RO 10 the Wont Sixtyeighthf
f > > < tiirn 111 inn nnd ak for a squadr
r i i guirl hin meniiw
iiw > rve wore onioned out and wentiriv
< > iriv > ll After about twit hourI
I HrK SrHntjrtll mm tore away aboutof
c of rail from the ends of the twoi
i frl Irt the cur standing i olatedI
F r Kittling work leNt night Hcannelltiixn
moon blockade the tracks with himI
I I > limn oniorwil four policeman toi
< i v mid wto Ihdt no one relald thet
Ui II MIC nightiiiixindi
iiiixindi wer rrenfome aboutI
V it 1111 night by tIM rooerves asr1 aI
r1 f ItsllHit Inbnrvrs numbering aboutft
ft apiioumd nnd showed signs ofI
I < mrriih 11 relay IH tracksUix
< Uix r i rvHi4 MRP1I the Italiansc
c WO i I nier nivity iiut n 1I11 lnml on thei
J a i fiuiioiMtlv M 111 a duiturtwinoMH
H 1 it 1rtNlilnnt Abeam said lastTb
is Tlio New York Central Uld two
II 1 Aefth aenue sonic Ilm 1110I
i < UK millM rlly of law 1140 We tli
to < li iiny Owiutr A HUoii proi
i iei 01W liruunlil the insiler before theat
I M < 1 rUilinitti The tlOa1 ppolnlvdii
I ii i in I If f hire the 1oniplrolUr lbsI
I i ii if ih Ikisnl of ldrnn situIup lfci
Iup I > IhVtxtlfSt Wd got ujUltlun
1 < H i irk > rtioii COUIMMI that liesIsu
IM 41 ass IH rK vloUlinii the Uw mlM
< 1 HI hi lies IMM I widelt UflleilMli
l i Ut IMIWV she Mir hx4r Hes
s 4rI II II
I i H i emI luuh MI wlluiiI
I I 1 Endiy iIi jlusrd of tlIultI
I e Ntui I4deiy I esel Ne114 1k oietshII
I hi leaf lh tracke III fiI6nItlUI1I1
e I he ItlUI1I1 v11 IsfIt Up buultSI
SI u ci u 4IWESUY uiheiisiteul heaVy fruIthl
45 elueMe I 411 lh5 + lIh5I lmIIf
11 I5 I HM > M Sets mill W eieellt liuubkilf
0 C swr IIHI lasierrue 1111I
I 1 55 IMW ei I feiaa hil wl1
r b 5 084 sw uiLui4 ui4k luirtIi
tIi s iieOo tkuiw II he tMeMi 111
Mi IA ItieeUuA
A I Hitst lf1 N tier I
D I > tillai MM UM iiltfM lieu IMHli
N 44etl4h1 i t iideiI4ei eel esI
I Hli UV I UMMMtlll li4l itS
S > f Mui HUM t Mi4 llMl ikea
a 4 Ike MMUiMmr KUW lid IMHWt
1 l SUIM 10 eiIik teie 1s04
4 I 4MH4i IM ju1 a l etI
I iIl41seol4e4ludHeesl4Iw MI
I allV lkeweu esleFiuisuuiels4
0 0 I t hW te liklmua Itee 114C
C I I 1ul
is ieid i ul eodusE4 + ik hisuiM4
uiM4 it 4I iti ei4i1I
I t Hi wj MM Mr lli it PW
isMIIii4 uk Ike IwisIeaei
1 ftoeweb i4miI ee4 essIa9hI
Ia9hI Ildi iM I
1 4 414 U l il sItei wlM > id4Mila
4Mila l
I I 9 e5e4i4Ihf lesi a d ims a
I 1
L r
AII Appointee ISieept Two Are FromUio
the B of Organized ImborBocnwtUB
BocnwtUB N Y Deo l7H3ecretary of
Btateeleot John Whalea announced tnigh o
night these appointments in his offlcet
Fffst deputy James L Wbolcn of Robe
ter tn deputy 1 H Pltgerald of
Brooklyn cashier Charles Low of New
York stenographer to Secretary JamesJ
J Novllle of Syracuse wwlrtant to firstaoputy
deputy E H Bates of Utica assistantcashier
cashier O IT Drawer
cRber of Amsterdam confidential
fidential clerk H H Hackett of Hoohoster
James L Whale who has been appointedfirst
first deputy Is a brother of Secretary AMia
len nnd has been for a number of
11 b nlmbr yearsprominent
prominent in local Democratic politicsAt
At one time he served M a member of theold
old executive board of this city
The stenographer James J Neville Is anewspaper
newspaper man in Syracuse and a prot g4of
of exMayor James K McQulre of that city
All tbe other appointments are withoutexception
exception made from the ranks of organized
laborU orinlze
M H Fitzgerald the oDd deputy wasfor
for ten years president of the New YorkState
State letter Carriers Association He reulgned
ulgned from hil position last fall when heaccepted
accepted a nomination for Congress andbis
bis resignation was made a campaign issueby
by Mr Hearst in the Brooklyn fightThe
The cashier Charles Lowy of New Yorkis
is a member of the executive committeeof
of the New York Central Federated UnionE
E U Bates the assistant t the first deputy
is I printer In Utica He is the secretaryand
and treasurer of the Worklngmens Federation
tion State of New York The assistantcashleh
cashleh O H Brewer of Amsterdam is thenational
national secretary of the InternationalBroom
Broom Makers JUnionAs
As confidential clerk Mr Whalen appointsU
U H Hackett of Rochester
Rocheter a lifelongpersonal
personal friend and former schoolmateFor
For eighteen years Mr Hackett has beensecretary
secretary of Local 5 Clgarmakera Unionand
and ia now acting a the walking delegateof
of the unionTO
Irof Oiborn will Head Natural Historymuseum
museum RxpedltlonProf
Prof Henry Fairfield Osbora of theAmerican
American Museum of Natural Historywill
will sail for Egypt on January I to lookfor
for the prehistoric ancestors of the elephantIn
In the Say on m Desert AccompanyingProf
Prof Osborn as his assistants on thopaleontological
paleontological expedition will b WalterGranger
Granger and George Olsen of tho Museumsstaff
In 1002 members of a British surveyingparty
party unearthed the bones of a small animal
mal which they were Bur belonged toa
1 prehistoric elephant of the pliocene orthe
the oligocene age Morris KJesup president
dent of the American Museumheard aboutthe
the find became interested and organizedthe
the expedition which Prof Osborn Is tolead
lead ProfOsborn expects to be in Egyptabout
about four months although the expedition
tion will not quit work I he has to returnto
to America thenThe
The professor will dig in the SayoumDesert
Desert at a point about seventy milesouthwest
southwest of Cairo and not far from thehlsbum
itafbum OasisPEAItrS
The Roosevelts Crew iooU for a HappyNew
New YearCapt
Capt Bartlett and the crew of CommanderPearys
Pearys ship Roosevelt looked contentedyesterday
yesterday 1 the men wee paid in fullat
at noon and the prospects for a happyNew
New Year were brightened There wereabout
about 200 visitors men and women andtho
the wiilors were kept busy showbiz theinterewtinK
interesting feature of the hU > Cethelrguest
guest and at the same time trying t disK I
p040 of trinkets picket up in their tra1ftTiters
Them are only sixteen dogs now One
died this morning and yesterday Wpl I
were added to thefamily but they promptlydisappeared
disappeared One sailor declared a cannibal
hal dog had had a good feed They willoil
oil b taken to the Zoological Garden atBronx
Bronx Park this morningCapt
Capt Bartlett said the Roosevelt wouldlie
lie put In dry dock at Shooters Islandtoday
today for a thorough overhauling Commander
mander Peary Is in WashingtonIIMVT
onnenlilp LeagUe Formed I Nebraskallr
llr > sn sol In I
OMAHA Neb Deo 2 The Nebraskai
Govern tiistlt Ownership League havingfor
for its object the acquirement of 1 railroads
roads by the tnitl Hutes lovemmentwss
was organized leers tonight with mventylx
all membersIt
I is the intention < if Ihn league ID usOiflC
wine a national organisationT
T l IwigMB Is supposed to lie nonpart Iwnnil
piul Invitation were wnt tit 1 prominent
usa regitnlle of ioltlc William Jennlng
nlng IrAn was pravtUwllr liminsiMlml
and hue name al mnnl HiMl only onivNo
No appUiiM fnlkiwe this ntetitlon Mrllrysn
ran dt < 1 lint reply It the invitatloii I
himM I lLerrliIgtiufl a ivmi t lacier wum
made iM > i > i iil Nfler M Iwu liours siisehA
I ronvHilton Wi railed fur nest Juices
s rlm MHUIKHPrml4M IQI 1H
pui44ses frhalu leers Taking iterrrlPnowenviUil
Iitida II WeisssuIIIpjiuWPtIiJC
PnowenviUil Tm lie > 11 Your wnIN
ieee M > WMI e eiaidiisd lie4ay hy litei sleseelsiIriuiPlsiiuilIC i
IriuiPlsiiuilIC if Isskeei IwI
sobi leciC It iitiguili Ih suletI 11 f I
1141W twl 44 liii tiWli I Ault I
hies Imt tnotioii I Irlvi lit ilHseee4illl4 I
Iwbm CC14U4II4 tuiigly under oiJt1 11lld iI
sIcs1 IH5 I
flee IHXIIIIllMilMI tuiesisle of Aa4tsilliesied
liesied IIIII1 pqrujy MjearA
A 1 iI1k4Mp ied l Ye lllfY WiIhlllul
Ihlllul iw dent lu ulPlIfy hit Ilb
nl Ies4UltiMIy is 1 10141 dl1 II ittitI
I i1uIkJ and 11 i I iiieseihI4 fer III 1I
I uslie
I lie MUrl > MMIlUl 4 Major sledI
I luihul 14iiii IM iwt ltlseisI lie July 4S
1FS tHS NHIt 10 utiiIe4h
Ie4h NP4S5CCehC1qIl 1
l uI I IC AihieMieheg ieeflb
lb dl slur IsOh5 111 ci Is4t
4li j All Ir wl NltlMUlll IM uuiitaep uIw
itaep > l lr I Mrl Uel nI 111 SleeI
I Mtly IWM MCMj4 uU uf liii keiitebseg Ciiohs
I Ir ohs jld1 4 labIa iwtrittttt
ii iss I egsr hlies I seefushy JaeiusgIC
IC Ije i51411 u sw was CliMeSl14C
l14C 011CC ueelWll M hilly sied
ied weuee I w lb theiisf II sui foesewy
Jetece J tI tees tegIsssssehiei
i 1l lies s 0 or IiMd
Md 4 Ikees afhy h WI IIjIIIIICg iesafied
ied o ie C4h04 h MistiMe1IiI1eI4
1IiI1eI4ICGe44 lJ
ICGe44 aJ4 Iebi l4ePfi0P4uirei1A I
1A b lisa I cs mse ttttt I
Third Degree fergery the CtisroIjawjrerDHaneld
DHaneld CtooBfei for Grerff w PI
ktat Here Jrreme llagni Male fStaok
Staok U nxrti of tits IndlotmmtsAs
As a result of the Grand Jurys investigation
lon of tbe management of the New YorkUf
Uf Inmitanoe Company which wu pro
belly completed yesterday afternoon Indlctmtnts
dlctmtnts will b filed today against twomen
men At least that wan the prediction lastnight
night and everything around the DistrictAttorneys
Attorneys office Indicated that the Indict
monte were being drawnAssistant
Assistant District Attorney Perkins whois
is In charge of the Grand Jury and who UMr
Mr Jeromes expert on drawing Indict
meats went Into conference with AsxlstantDistrict
District Attorney Kresol Immediately afterthe
the Grand Jury adjourned Mr Kresel hasbeen
been assisting District Attorney Jerome inthe
the entire investigation and be is familiarwith
with every phase of I As soon as MrPerkins
Perkins and Mr Kreel got busy thingsbegan
began t bum A force of stenographerswas
was kept busy from early in the afternoonuntil
until late last night Mr Kresel and MrPerkins
Perkins using them in relaysIt
It L practically certain that the indictments
ments if any are found will be for forgeryinthe
the third degree It may be that there willbe
0 several indictments against each manNo
No one in the District Attorneys officewould
would hint at who the men areliewis
liewis L De la field counsel for George WYork
PerkIns forer vloplldent or the NewYork
York Life was at tbe District Attorneysoffice
office early yesterday morning Mr Jeromewas
was then before tbe Grand Jury MrPerkins
Perkins has played an important part inthe
the investigation He waa questioned ontwo
two different occasions by Mr Jeromebefore
before the Grand Jury the entire examination
about four hours Theanxiety
tion taking up abot bors Teanxiet
anxiety of Mr Delafleld seemed to indicatethat
that ho bad heard disturbing
hear some turinc newsabout
about his clientThe
The indictments I was said will beagainst
against former officers of the companymen
men who were active In its managementand
and who were familiar with what was goingon
on One of the men who will b indictedwas
was a member of the finance committeeand
and it Is said that his name has not beenmentioned
mentioned in connection with the investigation
gation of the New York Life In a prominentway
way He has not been a witness before thisGrand
Grand Jury and no mention has been madeof
of him in connection with the present Investigation
There was no attempt to fasten the crimeof
of larceny on any official of the New YorkMfe
Urea All the evidence was for the purpose
pose of showing that books had been falsified
allied in order to conceal stock transactionsIt
I bad to be shown that the false entrieswere
were made at the order or by the directionof
of some officials of the company and MrJerome
Jerome la said to have furnished that testimony
The indictments will be filed today withRecorder
Recorder Goff when the Grand Jury is dismissed
missed for the term I is expected thatthe
the Grand Jury will report to the Recorderbout
bout I oclockThe
The Grand Jury did not vote ror indictments
monte until them had been quit a strugglewith
with Mr Jerome When tho Grand Juryconvened
convened yesterday morning it wait anicss
nicss nger for Mr Jerome who was dow
town In the Supreme Court There wassome
some delay and finally Jlr Jerome appeared
per before the Grand Jury He talkedfor
for about a hour In that final talk heIs
Is said to have won over some jurors whodoubted
doubted the advisability of finding indictments
The Grand Jurors who were flgainstIndictments
Indictments argued it is Bid that theofficials
officials of the company had not protititdby
by the transactions and therefore theyrhould
rhould not b accused of a criroo even ifthere
there were false entries in the books madewith
with their knowledge That i said t havebeen
been the point on which the Grand Jurywas
was it odd Mr Jerome finally convinced
vinced a majority of the Grand Jury thatif
if them were false entries in the booksmade
made with the knowledge and by the direction
tion of the officials of the company tcnCal
conceal some transaction the officials hailcommitted
committed forgeryAs
As THE HUN has said this Grand Jurywent
went III only one particular phase of theNew
New York Life investigation stock transactions
actions with other companies In thatpwpect
pwpect certain stock deal which the NewYork
York Life had after It had Imen barred byIlm
the Prussian Government from doingInisineM
InisineM Ink all stocks were sold werelooked
looked Into by the Grand Jury At thattint
tint UM New York Life agrimd to ehiatsusuf
cf all I stork and preUoiiwi t doOM mOn >
OM of the Iraruuictlon gone Into wasill
ties dummy sale of 10000 nlmra of IhnCtilivuu
Ctilivuu and North wmiterii Railroad herofrpud
frr > l and BW slesres of Ibo ChicagoMilwaukee
Milwaukee and Hi Iaiil Ui lies Nw YorkKu
Ku irity and Trust Companr On Iha
books of ill Nw York Uf ucla wuis putdun
dun a a buns fid Ml On lh bookif
if lit fw York riwiurliy mod Trust Comtiir
ln1 I was rr eirded as a loan TbtHirlijr avurtly
tHirlijr uiiiijMiiy ess a ul 4diMrx of lieuw
Nw York 11tsWhee
1 Cr
WliMi title dummy Ml was mad ihNew
New Yuri Ufa leach on r 11 with tiesesuuerhIy
esuuerhIy tJitepsey 1I dtJ5iisaI JustOs
Os utiiio4Lieihy IJeIICSaI tl AIII
Tim d uil uf lit Mw Vwrfc Ufn ultle litIt
lrUy WIIIY riemhsenI at elseul iuhiil55J
It t HIM fur lllld IIM llll till sa 1 lastly
astly 11 M if l + H Ulllll lice ItNi ossI u 1Ir < lhy
hy I < M 4rlK eeseieuiisy Ilw juiecluts uflit
lit how YwiK UII wet a IIM KW lliI
j 1111 w siitsesslris lctu uaaI II
I a gale ul O7Luisse and ties ilelrmgi 11t
I woI4k and Mi Jaul al I less of M MMMr
t I a 16N
Mr IVfiilna u iMwliuuwl ChOtil huiraUMHiou
iraUMHiou Mm IbIS Aiinlrunn uniuf
I 11 fllu 1 V IIM4ieIJehs 14ie44serCu
uf I lt Hutm + uy wi he lassie I viKwMxMum
Mum lies diusued Jury djuirtU I sa pievIleii
ievIleii NII
I 114 44II hi J Puseeheh me laceWDiShh4eIit
WDiShh4eIit Slss 1 Auieeuueissi0s
0s IUa cc I Vip SIeuuussqe4 i4ySImS
SImS hlim J ttuisIhu W lleh4 ofMist
Mist iul hue Ki MiiHMnd ul 11 AfMif uli4iii
S ehmus PaxilUMiMi ill K 11 p54serui M i rlllAt
54serui lift Jluuy I StIIISLg I II
I lllAt Ir lIst IVlMMItMIt UlllNil o1
4 I I 1 v J J Silica rihi l
llNil dl Itt iu HIJ will OiMilMtA in hiI
t tiff Itl MIa ct
t I ninthes
Gang 1 KurapA Inrush of Wafer and HandExcept
Except oeOe
One m is supposed t have beenburied
buried under many tons of sand and waterlu
lu the Belmont tunnel from Manhattanto
t long Island City yesterday afternoonThe
The man is Thomas Brown a ssctlon foreman
man who was in charge of a gang oJ menat
at work in tube 4 at abut Borden avenueend
end Fourth street Ix > ng Island City Thework
work on the Belmont tubes up to this Urnshas
has been free from serious accidents onthe
the Long Island sideYesterdays
Yesterdays mlsfip occurred about 880A
A fault was struck and water and sandbegin
begin to run into the shaft and the gongset
set about stopping tho inflow The inrushgrew
grew rapidly and there was a general rushfor
for safety All the m appear t havegot
got out except Brown who remained t
see that they did and it ia believed be wascaught
caught and killed Ho certainly did notreport
report himself safeVery
Very little Information could be obtainedat
at the diggings last night It was a
mitted that Brown I missing and It wasstated
stated that It would take until tide afternoon
noon to clear tho tub locate the bodyif
I it iii there There are many tons ofBand
Band and water t be taken out and thefault
fault will bajfo t b stopped up beforeany
further can bo madeFREXCK
any furher progrem c mdeFlF7CI
Far Striking a Policeman While Being FApelled
pelted Prom Ills PalaceSptcUl
SptcUl Catlf Dttpatcb to TUB SONNANCV
NANCY France Dec 27 BUhop Turinazwas
8 fined fifty francs today for a assaulton
on a policeman on December 12 On thatday
day the Bishop was expelled from his palaceunder
under the separation law and the people ofhis
his diocese made an Indignant demonstration
One woman made herself particularlyconspicuous
conspicuous and while Police BrigadierMeyer
Meyer was endeavoring to obtain her nametbe
tbe Bishop struck himThe
The Bishops defence was that he onlyplaced
placed hL hand o the policemans shoulderto
to attract his attention He did not intendto
to strike him He thought the policemanwaa
handling the roughly Thirteenwitnesses
was bdlns woman ThirtenWIItN
witnesses testified strongly against thedefendant
defendantThe I
The cre of the St Die Cathedral hal
been fined 10 francs for interfering witbthe
the polO the bishopric was evacuatedon
on Deb
The military are occupying the grander
seminary at Annecy as a barracksThe
The Separation Committee of the Senateof
of which exPrime Minister Coral > ee has beenelected
elected a member today discussed the newreligious
religious bill M Briand Minister ofPublic
Public Worship appeared before the committee
mittee and explained tbe measure Herepeated
repeated that the bill was absolutely necessary
r owing to Romes intransigeanoeM
M Combos said that modification couldpossibly
possibly be proposed but under presentcircumstances
circumstances speed was essential and thetext
text should be voted exactly as It stoodM
1 Lecomto read the committees reportto
to the Senate which voted urgency for themeasure
measure which will therefore be debatedtomorrow
tomorrow afternoonirivrs
irivrs xo WIFE At XATIRELFormer
Former AuMrlan Archduke Finds Life Withn
an tnrlail Vecetmrlnn linpomillileSpecial
Special CMt Dttpatch ta TUB SenVlEXXA
VlEXXA D 2rho trouble lietweenIopold
Iopold Woelfiing formerly Archduke Leopold
pold Salvator and his wife formerlyWllhelmine
Wllhelmine Adamovicw daughter of a poetoffice
office employee which ban led to IlerrWoelfiing
divorce is due hiswifes
Woelfiing peeking a dlvorr to hilwire
wifes eccentricityShe
She joined n colony of nature peoplewho
who live on raw vegetables and wear noclothing
clothing tier attempts to convert herhiiflmml
husband to this manner of life overstrainedthe
the conjugal tieIlerr
conjulal tPlerr
herr Woelflinj lately applied to theAustrian
Austrian court to send hn monetary allowance
ance for which ho compounded on renouncing
nouncing hiu hereditary rights which hewan
wan compelled to dii on marrying FraUteinAdamovicH
AdamovicH to America In the future instead
stead of to Kwit7t rland and to this thecourt
court has consented herr Woelfling invented
vented Home time ago a nautical Inxtrumentfor
the wind thepatent
for testing the power of tht
patent for which be hope to sell In AmericaHerr
Herr Woelfling particularly reented thelack
lack of clothing and strove to make hiswife
wife drew faultfullyIt
It II lad that acting on the advice of hislawyer
lawyer Herr Woelfling will make a trip lothe j
the Riviera lxforH lie taken definite urtionregarding
regarding I divorceinisii
inisii > TO WE itMiufliler 1 I uunUlhr
Miufliler nf f iii It I I lioiliUrd In UrrMiniuli >
Miniuli flAiullBne uii t sliirilaPHOVIDKNPK >
PHOVIDKNPK Deo 27 MiM MideleineGoddcnl
Goddcnl and ties Marquis dAmliRnx 0cO
coniianie < l by Col R H IGoddard vUitedtbn
the City lIeu toduy and got s ioene furllteir
their marriage which will take placellbi atiIojaton
llbi ton HOIIM Col Goddards honte onHaturdny
TIes Cecilia of lli brdegrotirn lo N wssllveii
given a lisri AlxuiiireM > n ItnA MsriliiUdAndlgrtM
iliiUdAndlgrtM CnmlN I Saints GeinmeHintn
harem di H ugr hits rekdwnuH was givenIsriK
a IsriK age 44 < Muiipti > n iriiiiittinUtrn
Utrn In Itondiin KiifUmlAucordlnji
Aucordlnji lu tIes Ikutea It is tl1 MIII ofjlwnrl
jlwnrl Marl Mu Maniui dAndlgUMWllltw
Wllltw WMHIpIUlll W i KIVWll as lbs 11
as suit iuf letMadeklies witMadrMn
MadrMn Jve JMldcril us was nivcnII
5 I him was born In Pr v lnU aicci II
11 Uuglifr uf lUlMiri II I Omiiiard au < lItrbvbali
Itrbvbali II Or 4lirtili IWI i kslhaerd is sHeMleUlulUll
ln iiufaiitr i lies uduhce nMadrrii is IIrlull
lull dub uias4sleisIkseuslhe tiuerqenI
I I 111IIH
ND ii ii AI I iiiisy4drfls
Madrrii eeuIAeasshiieeM Mill lr IiNV1CfleeIM
MHrriulu Mini MHI IruM Mri Ms1151y4 I
t 1151y4 1104 1 Hi Iauslyfue4etIe141e1Mi
AsmuuHatsuIe 4 Aeeeauee efrssi eel hi I
I iJsy teeth lu iiiitiss hueo III
IHK tif ike dust hips foe I I
t 34 5 oeM hi whuq uisueNy siceMil5
eMil5 kwfttbl SuM 144 he OflM Itlli tetssCu
Cu siesther ii wss t w ssjsur
H 1 shieSr I tt 1H WM mJi iurdI4M
dI4M i Cell hwlua4syJe4
I Ilut liki U Juhisee 4 JI4uCiI4 h
I j I teihl aIi4 em uk a lkrIgiqM1
IgiqM1 e4ekv Ia4I
JIs4IsJ wjmu lie aMglc45y
lc45y tf s M ail4iee HI seiue hsllbs
lbs CeO JS0 40141 H Mu nf
gas a 1 <
Ie UherIw fliM > r MitiIttmlH u V 161HI
IttmlH will efsk m b WKr f i A I ahfllr
hfllr u4ei I HaS 4 I
g4ud Tlc IJI1 deSpu
pu w U f flf bulls pi4N4Is J I J
f I I Varwf
llth lOUt and OOth DistrIcts DisfranchisedIn
I the Executive ComniltteeProtertAgainst
Against Ijuitry Handy In Case Murphjr
phjr Wanta to r0p Him Out LaterCharles
Charles Ye Murphy demonstrated lastnight
night in pretty convincing fashion thathe
h I the absolute master of the presentTammany
Tammany organization Not only did herun
run things C salt himself at the meeting ofthe
the executive and general committees toreorganize
reorganize for th coming year and r
fuse t alwy of the McClellan meneUoted
elected I con t t at th last primariesto
t alt on the new executive committeebut
but h had a resolution adopted wlbbp
whoop of jo expressing the organltttlona
tlona high appreciation of his politicalaagacity
sagacity and wise leadership in the lastcampaign
campaign This resolution was passedby
b th new general committee and wasoffered
offered by Little Tim Sullivan It waataken
taken aa an acknowledgment by the Sulltvona
tn a a awldaent b t Slla
vans of Murphya masteryWith
With but two vote in opposition theexecutive
executive committee ordered referred tthe
the new general committee the matter ofseating
seating Abeam In the Seventeenth Willtamain
in the Nineteenth aodNagle in tho Thirtiethand
and the general committee followed thisup
ad th ier omlt Ilowtd thup
up by referring these cases t a committeeon
on contested seats to be named whenChairman iCbaina
Chairman Cram may think proper andreport
report when Murphy wants i tl he wantsit
it toFrancis
Francis J Lantry was seated from theSixteenth
Sixteenth but how long he holds his seatdepends
depends upon Mr Murphys pleasureA
A protest was on band charging Lantrywitb
with treachery and this was referred bytbe
tbe new executive committee to a committee
mittee of five to be appointed by the chairfor
for investigation and reportLantry
Lantry an Maurice Featherson costtbe
the only votes against Murphy Commissioner
sioner Coggey of the Eighteenth who gothis
his job recently from the Mayor did notraise
raise his voice with Lautrye Here isLittle
Little Tims tributeRrolrtd
Rrolrtd That while 4 sincerely regrettbe
tbe defeat of the Hon William HandolphMeant
Heat for Governor we rejoice with ourDemocratic
Democratic brethren throughout the Stateupon
upon the trluuiphaut election of 1 the otherrand
rand Id a ten nominated at the last DemocraticStile
Stile conventionHfsolrtd i
Hfsolrtd That we give expression t ourhigh
high appreciation of the political sagacitywGe iIt
wisp leadership and untiring Industry whichmarked Imarkr
marked the management of the campaignIn I
In thin county by the lon Charter F MurpliyThe I
The list of members of the new executivecommittee icommite
committee oas then offered It was a 1rolowt
I Daniel I Finn 18 J V Cogfey
2 Thomas Kolty lurt DunnS
S T V Sullivan ID NoneJohn
John T Oakley M Maurice Krathrmon
4 Jol1 1 Ahem 21 Jamr J W rabP
P 1 Scully n w H Slnnoiii
i C W Clllkln 23 T F MrAi
8 lienjainln Hodman 24 J 1 Diets
7 Irank J Ooojwln is J p IrrndrriraMx
x f J Sullivan Jrorge K SmanrllU
U tltlamllallna 2f J J Pnwley
I J Doollng 27 T K Mr1rvIUI
10 tiilli llarbiirf 21 Nicholas J HarmIt
I fa ftn
It T J MrMamia Y Thomas K Ruin
12 ruirlesP Uurplir 3 NoneIS
IS J K Curry SI W J Wrlcbt
14 uu V J Boyhan K o K J rllrU
13 James J Harnn Thomas I ONrlll
lii KttnrlJ IJUitlT M Mlcluirl J fiarvlnI
I None 34 Arthur II MurpliyM
3 W Y MorrliFeatherson
Featherson objected to thin lint and wildthat
that the recommendations of the districtcommittees
committees should be followed in makingit
i up Senator Grady reminded him however IItr
ever that the committee was the judge ofits
its own members Iintry Hiibniittod Ir
resolution that all communications affecting
ing any Assembly district or its member Iwreferred I
referred to the district committee Featherson
erecT immediately seconded thin resolution
tion whereupon Mr Murphy moved thatIt
It he laid upon the table He got all thevoted
voted but twoThis
This ended the meeting of the old executive
tive committee Upstairs there was acrowd
crowd that suggested a mass meetingEven
Even the galleries were packed and hundreds
dreds were standing up Just what thepurpose
purpose of having such a crowd thorn washard
hard to see The followers of Williamand
and Abeam kept shouting for these twoleaders
leaders They hud front seats and everybody
body expected that they would maketrouble
trouble when hey found that their lendershad
had not been sealed But they didnt Infact
fact thing were put through with such arush
rush and yet with such precision that Itwu
wu all over before they realized what hadluipieued
lea iIfledJohn
John T Oakly pre idml and before11m
11m lint of executive oomrnillNmiVi wasread
read LlttU Tim got up with the Murphyrennlution
rennlution and it led to a demonstrationthat
that lasted a minute ear coors Then followed
lowed a motion by William J Byrne tlistth
the protest In die Huventtonth Nineteenthnd
JIIId Thirteenth district ba asOt to a cominltt
mitt < Mt nu uotitostod a uuts U > be appolnteilIttOJamUi
IttOJamUi hoffman had tlm nest turn onlit
lit Murphy prugranuna It WM hU molion
lion that the iunimitu b made uji ofMwnn
seven inaiulwra l 4 ltn apoll1t1d b x Ilia
4 > alr All these inolUms went throughwliliuut
wliliuut dUmm hiee i4niinill4Hi UctdJ
J HigMUit Irate la IM chsirnwn iigatnslmtwi
ad IlciSi tldJIm1Th
Th iew seoutls 1JIlIlIlIt nest takeIsih
slmtwi TboUMts K McAvox clisiriiuuilid isCuCiVeul
CuCiVeul Je JuruilPeel 1I1t11 lIiig Isniryaced
aced asiel II to C HuiumlliMi of flyUd
After tics Iseirileg Juceileuisou uicui 1seirylid
Ud iMibliitf In MX Murphy WM sliliii itilUwH
liii friends of 1111111 IIUIU uitesilight
light uIueeC II heel I < < HI fur lamHIM
Just sill is Ste IjeIeuWili4V l Isiciselies
HIM iliio ehiIrDls use lie iwW eCulniesileeutile
utile slss4eg Ito 1ItIllIItlllflllt asceticleSs
leSs 11 mill liMes ili > irttiH rsie be esciedsciIe
sciIe Mbtrhk1 Icisil S his iseaiIeee eacui911411CC
911411CC CuH IIIIHII C euf0la14s 11 spa
H I t itUHttttllf hiub hca MUisI I 4 iccaicelcer4Clii
I 1 M jivlMlill MliUlMllwr flee deaSgleei getsseieh
ft tit uutuwlHw 511 nested MI lli sueli
eietcy hlvkIi
i 5 su Vift I pica j5 9lrpIhaMe
Me listiie I wiibhNd SMul hrJ1athd 14t
J1athd t II esosegw em fhue aeysqIkuurtacauvsuitaChlsu
sqIkuurtacauvsuitaChlsu furedsseisi hlsuiiCpu
Cpu 5iui yseLsy itlvmcee luW Clltaucei
ltaucei ayuu ash ie4h4 tte4CII
CII J114u14 I k 1M fSutl f Iks Istaiuu uubegC
C Heed hem IoJ uta l4q5 i4a tsNII IlMC4i
+ lMC4i J lees 4iiul 1 h ki41igk4el II
1igk4el hleSisilseet isicsey 41is101s lfihu4ed
ihu4ed tqaS N t sie1samueeJIeq utseugluterIesu
IItI1I icul igseasl IIlIl lIIIu1rIItI1I
1sijthtr e4l was tuseOiusI sued vies
0145 4eS Iii lMiAhcr sea ltlf l ruiMUl
plied ale vflasl fuei JiiiASIN
ASIN hS a hb Ia4sus
Ul f + tt UM JllfkUU IMM u
DVttAXD TO nE A PKEttReport
Report That Ilell He Honored for nilWork
Work as Ambassador Heref
pedal C4 tU DupetOi ta Till KmrLONDON
LONDON Deo 28The Standard atysthat
i that a peerage will be offered to Sir HenryMortimer
Mortimer Durand the retiring BritishAmbassador
Ambassador at Washington in token ofBug
King Edwards personal appreciation ofhla
hla excellent work in Improving AngloAmerican
American relationsWIFE
Ethel Irvry to heck a Utverce From UiActor
EtheF Levey wife of George M Cohanthe
the actor and playwright Is to bring su Itfor
for divorce Mrs Cohans mother wan seenat
at the Sonoma apartments 1730 Broadwaylast
last nightMy
My daughter is to sue for a divorcehe
she told a reporter The suit will be begunimmediately
immediately through her lawyer a MrHarrington
Harrington of ChicagoGeorge
George Cohan N playing In Boston nndho
ho confirmed Urn report font nightPOMLISTS
Kama trailers nrfuxc to Illshanil llryaniHand
Hand at WprkTOPEKA
TOPEKA Kan IMo nThe PopulUtleadera
leaders called here today by State Chairman
man Hanna to disband and Join the Republican
publican party declined to do HOHanna
Hanna pleaded with his brethren and Insisted
sisted that Roosevelt was a good enoughPopulUt
Populist for him but the two dozen leaderssaid
said it was too early to disband a partythat
that had twice carried Kanll4l1It iIt
It Is said that William J Bryan whoaddresses
addresses the State toachere her toni htadvised
advised tho Popultststo maintain theirorganization
Inlon Pacific Accused of Making Iujuntand
and Unreasonable RatesSVaitazsavotr
WJLBHINOTON Dec 27The Union PacificRalroad
Ralroad Company a Harrlmin line ismade
made the defendant In a complaint filedwth
wth the Interstate Commerce Commissiontoday
today In which the charging of unjustand
and unreasonable rated in violation of lawU
U alleged The Omaha Grain ExchangeIs
Is the complilcanlThe
The complaint is based upon an increaseof
of from 2 to W a car on shipment of groinover
over tbe Union Pacific between Omaha andCouncil
Council Bluffs laDISTHICT
Magistrate Cornell Ilcfuies to Clve PrivateInterview
Interview to Ross WilliamArthur
Arthur McXamee of 125 West lOCth streetwa
was In the Went Side court yesterdaycharged
charged with keeping a gambling bouseThe
The complainants against him were detectives
tectives Gilbert and Enright of the West100th
100th street station The beans had beenraided
raided on Sunday last and twentyonemen
men captured wero fined K eachMcNatneen
McNatneen case come tip on an adjournedhearing
hearing Before it was beguu Rose Williams
buns the new Democratic leader of theKineteeuth
Nineteenth district asked to sec MagistrateCornell
Cornell about the case The Magistraterefused
refused to see him and held McXameefor
for trial in 1000 ball He complimentedtbe
the police on the cone they had made outDuring
During the hearing Williams oat in thecourt
court room on a front bench red In the faceHe
He hustled up to offer bail when MoXotneewan
wan held and his bond was accepted0fY
MiiXltrsted as llryres Successor asSecretary ClilefHecrelary
Secretary for Irelandflprctal
flprctal Cable lIp cll to TUB SonLONDON
LONDON Dec 27 Ihe Catholic Wrrktyfuiyx
says the suggestion has been made amifavored
favored In very high quartern that JohnKodinond
Kodinond leader of the Irish party in tbeHouse
House of Commons succeed as Chief Secretary
retary for Ireland James Bryce who hasbeen
been appointed British Ainbnsiuiclor to theUnited
United StatesThe
The Liberal papers rftfnso to take thestatement
statement heriously They point out thatevery
every member of the Irish party U ptetlguinot
not to accept office from any Kngli h Government
1111 lat Opponent Hifore Iolorlldoatur Iegltlalure
lathe MllhdrswsDKSVFn
DKSVFn Dec 27Iho bust vestige ofoppOMition
opposition to the election of Hirnon Gugenbelin
belin to succeed T M Patterson In theUnited
United States Senate disappeared tonightwhen
when Congressman It W IJonyngo leftfor
for iVashington after announcing his withdraws
draws from the Senate rareliorjyngn
liorjyngn was OiiRgenhnlius most forinlilablHopponfiit
1111010111 opponent and had spent hit holidayvs
vs cat Ion In u vigorous canvassof the liexi1luturn
luturn and party trader HH said beforeleaving
leaving thud be found the eiiilinent forOuggenhim
Guggenheim so nearly unanimous that huMr
lead gIven up a lIldI of having hill lesseetiwntionrd
Mr IuKffnh lin will 1m thee uriunltnmicholne
cholne of the Heimlillcun cadets Its annoiinoivi
noiinoivi todsy ills withilmwiil from oiltumiieotion
tumiieotion with HIM Airxirlrmi Hineltlnirmi
such ItolUiliig CotniMiiy stud that hue willgive
give much ilriiH liereufter 01 oJniadie sellerteri
iriiHNi In which hisisliuisrrstcsiitiis
nun A itrnit AM A VLLKlltulr
lisle MrniUrn Tr > llsg In Mini Out HimMeuil
laie fine Uriessglsigt his hunts
Meiscberui of lice choir of lieu butch of I IMIIryiiig
I hu9Iulosu a I u WI IIlIlh slnewl IlAud 111r11111
Iryiiig lu catch M IIVllk ihluf heal iuis beenIsshhisi
Uiillliu ilui Icing Aliil vuliubUw nun litnd
aiclCiOuelus cit lies 1111111 gin Nusiediy uueuerisliege
liege send Jereiateus JlIIIIIII fl111 susy citiesIs
Is iie hllff ciii a ItertolaIee4J 0115 nuiesiesitu
situ 1 a IH 1 ilk garter fnund on lit floor oflit
lit room wlwir lice luivtsshtu of lice ilwirih
IMvJI their wmwOA
OA I HijiiiUy Juiiii HUM lies ideSlumt
lumt a tUt utortNtMl wliiuli lee hd lnNiKhl aiUf
iUf ur itbit lfil Ski iiralill theesyfsili
4yfrili as fuUltwl of lest l M ik ilttt4ikMiiiUilniiitf
MiiiUilniiitf a few dulUi ami setter iiunitat
tlIIu Iii sicosraus iced IIIIe allllI1IIII
at jkf11 KM taseetitis f tif lice tihtMfr
ceer mr5tikW ibey MX viicli p lint iiifTWMIII
lift htchicdI
I 01cc Hutai 1451 Ipita iJliicpear II lieIssue
Issue Tissuelulksi
TWMIII lUni M jJa lNltlwull f WMhiaesileuoaias
Nltlwull VM 1Hldut hf tie JuuhiaucaI
I ti4ssj 4e4i buukr ices deewjiuugseeh
tin Due IIeU 4 1 < M iiiitull ieioiey
k WIU < 4i hU iii oullg Mil lUlie IeismS
S lie nif w llui celia nf Pwetrlry
Jeeeulr hsnuueit tIoieetsy tIHIIII lieuSM
SM 1 u4uu eslaf4ey eoeeuusshcg halceuie
111 in teph I ci liii nfluu J yIN
tM TrvwlMMi lltmtf iteihWhen
When Sir and 1 the JrsuMiuMi ailed ilmlrwkj
10414 tn beck in iur bain as tat JilusgIMO
IMO UI < rim lU Jfini Mriri
Cesinl yMM riur lies y towed dual I ihMnull
a4 brawl 11 lIes IusseueeI dUl andwi1
k4 wi1 aM a guild wstaI gas 4 susie
null edverr r
Would Ve theUnnntshrd Manhattan Bridien
Rather Than the Old OneTwo TrackSubway 11Mubway
Subway Right MUM Long His IdeaFigures J cFigures
Figures the Cost at 81OOOOOOOJohn lJohnB
John B McDonald the builder of thepresent
present subway submitted a brand nowsubway teab7ay
subway loop proposition for the reliefof
of Brooklyn at yesterdays meeting of theRapid sRapM
Rapid Transit Board Mr McDonald naldthat
that It was his personal plan and that insubmitting ssubmitting
submitting it he did not represent any onebut
but hlmaelfMr
Mr McDonald is now a private contractorhaving
having ceased his connection with both theRyan
Ryan and Belmont interests some timeago
ago He denied that he was acting for theprflIfOnt
present traction interestOne 4One
One of the feature of tho plan and ontthat
that Mr McDonald laid great stress uponwas
was that it does not make any use of thoBrooklyn
Brooklyn Bridge which ban formed nut ofthe
the links In all other subway loop schemesMr
Mr McDonald contends that the BrooklynBridge
Bridge in already overworked and wouldhave tfhave
have to be rebuilt before it could rOrnlpart 1 kpart
part of any such scheme The McDonaldplan
plan uses the Manhattan Bridge InsteadThe
The McDonald route would start at BroadandWllter
and Water street and would go up Broadto
to Nassau to Park row to Centre to DAlanoey
lanoey and through the latter street to thnWilllamiburg IWilliam
William Iburg Bridge After crossing tiu 1bridge
bridge and the plaza at the WlUiomshurQend
end the rood would RO undergroundthrough
through Bedford avenue to Lafayett 5avenue
avenue to Fultoa street and Fort Grrensplace 1place
place and down Fulton to Flat bush avenuewhere
where the Manhattan Bridge U to terminateAfter
After crossing the Manhattan Bridge theroute 11II
route Is through Canal street to Centreutreet
street againThis
This route would be about eight mileslong Along
long and would have seventeen stationsThe
The McDonald proposition Is for a twotrack
track subway over this route Getting ona
a train at Water street Mr McDonald saida
a passenger could easily reach Flushingavenue
avenue in twelve minuteThe I
The most Important feature of the McDonald
aid plan and one which seemed to appealespecially
especially to the board ia the fact that it Ismade emade
made up entire of sections of subway routrsalready
already approved by the board Theseroute
route have also been approved by theBoard
Board of Estimate They aro the Thirdavenue
avenue line and route B which providedfor
for a Brooklyn loop longer than the McDonald
aid one but necessitating a tunnel uuderthe
the East River at Water streetIt
It is permissible to bid upon sections ofany
any of the route to bo advertised no matterbow
bow small HO that by bidding on the necessary
sary sections a person could get the rightto
to build such a loop as Mr McDonald proPOM
POM H with a few slight alterations Thewhole
whole thing would have to bo approvedhowever
however by the board before the contractcould i
could be signedMr
Mr McDonald said that the cost of a twotrack frIll
track subway over this route would belo000000
10000000 without equipment He said thatIt
It could be constructed in three years atthe 7tics
the most which In about the time the BridgeDepartment IDp
Department figures that the ManhattanBridge
Bridge will ho completedComptroller <
Comptroller Met submitted Mr McDonulds
ulds proportion and expressed himself asbeing
being heartily in favor of it except in oneparticular
particular The McDonald plan as MrMetR
MetR pointed out takes In the proposedextension I
extension of Bedford avenue from Flushingavenue Iuenue
avenue to the Williamxburg Bridge plazawhich
which tho Board of Estimate has voteddown
down as being too expensive Mr McDonuld
old suit that if the street was not open theroad
road should Iw constructed under privateproperty
property for n distance Or thirteen blooktIt
It was pointed nut bv Mr Metz that thiswould
would mea n unexponne of between 3 000000ond
ond f4oooono which would have to beRdded
Rdded to the 10000000 estimate of MrMcDonald IMcloniuld
McDonald whereas the route could bechanged
changed no ns to run down under Lee avenueniui
niui Kohling street to the bridge Thiswould
would mean two rather bad curves andMr 4
Mr McDonald objected vigorously to anyMirli
Mirli changeIn 1II
In explaining hilt proposition to the boardMr v
31 r McDonald wild that he had given theinntter
inntter lone study ami wall thoroughly conIrjred
Irjred i Inn it would prove A sure remedyfor
for die Ilp lInn at the terminal of theKtooilyti
Ktooilyti IIrllllAI
At IIH sic cite tune it would he Midnenirea
nenirea pniM ditrifition of the travelImtc
hog public all over the Manhattan downtown
town husinrns section instoad of turningIt tI
It nut at a given jxilnt as now It willHM
also ununi iHooMuiHKlntmns far superiorto
to Hiiy now In uw to a population In theturrstsry
liirrilory m Brooklyn numbering aboutJSiiKiii
JSiiKiii or neiiBrU r of the total papulalinn
linn of that boroughiiiiiniiMluner
I iiiiiniiMluner Chsrte Stewart SmithiUxd
iUxd Mr MnDonsId If he had studied hisplan
plan from the suitilpolnt of its aiir etvl >
l > rm In capital Mr lol orulil Mid thatIt
It lutdnlI aI
I think lust It will apMXil ID rupiuiiior
iiior thesis Hiiy niuia yi laid ueesi MidtoinptrolUi
toinptrolUi Mmlihr
Mr MolMiald Mild Unit as a rasireaulblast
blast hi iHmM i4U > heal it ass M tt ndldJlii
01111111 lerUiMisuImItlieu
lieu Uliiint was sisal by on H f idr
r iniiilni4iiirs WIll duiii i wale in id tliucectaul
qiirttod lltat Ikciii would IMI DU difflouliy
III UflllllH IIIVWIH eul5141 lee 1i441 for MhfllIlI
lush IfMnlloiuld Ilies
lies 1111 e9tCul luewis 1I t IIIIt icylies
lies IIUIIIiftll weSuiul iocal flJJiJH Mr utlelkusiI
Mnlloiuld ivfijMxl M MX wltatlter h wwiMU
U 111111 III letS If his lOch agee lt utasI C
S lee r IM IIMIIX ohte Iiiiltsvut fleet UWHS
WHS is1tc1Y a lim icy the Itouitoni wUi
Ui Htel to UU lint nUvtlxJ loon jiUn lIb1II1fII1t
MMUM lumiii lies iiirsui of lit Hr MiklrHUH
UH i Tuiisll lulu iliU Uron ki Mr MoiMiaM
iMiaM lesa haul no M nu iitMi with MrlloiuiMil
lloiuiMil UIIM ib tjbwy ss Hani Iw1It
ll was hem guseefal > I tireS 0 noli r < Mlw
owl asItrhIsus4 a bid 11Iot MUM fromMI
145CC ur UM dUrof IIIt Iwo iiuoUMi uHletasieui
sieui jsmIieiy 111111n CSte
Ill icsaiemsd IMlp MIMtbl lest hiC IM
Iurtiiary Itlnlt VP5Ihl4ettI lint NiIsp
Isp I see a eIuest4s fusss 11 IkeS
S etE4V
tE4V IYAhi 5PMII tENJpwIlhws4lluisswUt
JpwIlhws4lluisswUt AdwIIyaa1M6NPnWEtesrW
wIIyaa1M6NPnWEtesrW rAar
pacer e ueeee e4aje MushYUee4bssahisllsl
IoU YUee4bssahisllsl C
1e <