OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 16, 1908, Second Section, Image 14

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1908-08-16/ed-1/seq-14/

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1 f
01 t l h r I d 1 t d + Ti tt 4 tb ir
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A Clones of the Population tint Grin
> wteetTurtdth qamitUo the item
I t World Overlooks Aim of the Young
Turf Party IU Hope for the Future
Y t The dramatic rapidity with which n
i Woodless revolution brought u constitu
J tion la Turkey is hardly tbo Western idea
dan Oriental coup said one of the Young
F t Turk party who came aa an exile to Amer
ica The people cf the East you think
pre all fotalloU and move with leisure
J through devious courses and with san I
guinary results
y Yot after all tho procedure is not in
tent with the qualities that those who
I L4gr q h7 r s J PA N9
r m d ol f
rr savJvgaymae
I r tA lfIliPlM N471fIfJ cN3rJ aTOvrRHMzAII
< r CONNYINZJl fOrzr
J 0
a hayed studied the Turk ascribe to him
K ttoflM people wonder that from tho un
speakable Turk there should come men of
1 tuca patriotism and worth as the revolu
t t tionary party has developed All classes
tf Turkey not lone the official class with
trhlch the foreigner baa come most In
Contact havo formed part of this move
f meat and some of the qualities of my
Countryman nave appeared that might
ot have been suspected
There has not been much encourage
teat in the past to study the Turk at home
r and most foreigners who have attempted
y an opinion seem to have gone about It
merely as If they would confirm them
es In one that they had already formed
fi A Your practical man of business finds a
a s country whore road and bridges Invite
Us 4er where the principal towns are
endrainedand unlighted and wherepeo
1 pie seem to take a curious delight In sitting
t perfectly still Persons influenced by their
3 jinatiinenU perceive onlytho division be
t t enMoslem and Christian and are In
i tended in the former principally because
t a they consider them inferior beings and
Y dtMrvlng of pity theee folks get a jolt
c vihen they discover that tho Mohammedan
4 despises the Christian
° ThaTurk la really a mass of incongruities
rind when you take this into consideration
you will find that the working out of the
r bloodless revolution without any ap
I parent leader yet swiftly and surely Is
t tytot so much of an Oriental mystery His
A eountry has been the scene of ever re
I earring anarchy yet he has an Inborn
emse of discipline wherein lies his great
teilltary strength
As lazy as a Turk is a byword yet
f ji tall the world there Is no more industrious
n laborer than some of tho Turkish peasants
g r and there are no more painstaking and
patient soldiers The Turk ia recognized
a the teatperaecutor that the Christian
s baa tocontend with yet his religious In
stincts are all for tolerance
The jrorld has credited him and only
1 t recently too with excel es barbarism
v yet he is hospitable to strangers and kind
i animals and children lie will calmly
i Bit smoking his chibouk to tho last whiff
< r And then get up and cut a Christians throat
err go to his mosque So while tho Turk may
t be guilty of some things charged against
1 t
J A Malady That PfoItrol iUie8en of Humor
Md Eoabln It Vlrtlmt toHellere
I jir Aarthlnv About Their Uneace Men
as Well U Women Attacked by It
s The genealogical bug II getting to be one
1 of the busiest little insects In and around
r New York Bald a man attached to a New
York library noted for Its stock of works
4 on genealogy Evon on those hot days I
meet up with dozens of victims of the
genealogical bug though they would fiercely
resent being called victims If they were
L Dot In their way pathetic they would bo
r decidedly diverting
I refer of course to the lineage tracers
t That 11 bow I came into contact with them
through their lineage tracing or chasing
in tho books
= SI7e a credulous world I know a
ss raceme who ha her anoeatry charted out
a gas far back as Agamemnon Now she Is
trying to got It book of and beyond old
f Troy After a whllo she will endeavoring
to tHioh it back to the eocene period
I know too a squat squash faced man
who has epaded up his onoeetral trail In a
straight path back to the Crusaders He
will find presently tint he U a Html
desoendent of ono of the Merovingian
r Ung Then he will wish to hark him back
d iN Carthage or Phoenicia for a etlll more
venerable stock
s Moreover hell probably be able to do
that same For given a credulous mind
I and an absorbent disposition and an arm
ful of socalled Kcnvaluglcal works In time
you can come to believe anything
The genealogical hag first attache those
nerve colls of tho human brain wherein
repose judgment and the power of an
1 i alysis and tho sense of humor most par
ticularly tho sense of Humor Then tho
insect rapidly multiplies and permeates
i the wbole mental and physical system of
him he may at the same time be patriotic
and deserving of a bettor government than
he has had
The propaganda that won the recent
victory is interesting The Turk though
the dominant race in the empire is not the
most numerous he scarcely numbers one
to four of the others Yet he either won
them all over or keptthem silent while he
plotted In the most despotically ruled
country In the world a country overrun
with spies and official sycophants
According the beat Information avail
able a few weeks ago the Young Turk party
consisted of merely a handful of students
exiles and Europeanized and Americanized
Moslems without money organization or
influence Then all of a sudden the whole
country becomes ablaze the Sultan after
his thirtytwo years of virtual Imprison
ment in his palace meets a delegation of
revolutionists tells them that his great
est object Is the prosperity and salvation
of my subjects who are no other than my
own children takes out of the closet the
Constitution of 1870 and promulgates it
throughout the empire It roads like the
trick of a magician
The land was merely ready for revolu
tion said tho Young Turk When the
Turkish soldier found out from tho troops
of other nations that had boon sent down
to police Macedonia that their Govern
ments paid them regularly and that they
wore expected to serve only the legal time
of their conscription ho got to thinking
He poor devil had perhaps liner had
a payday and ho served as a soldier U long
as ho could be kept In the field When ho
went home at last he found that the Chris
tian peasant neighbors of his own age had
settled down to o modest degree of pros
perity while at the end of his long term of
service he was penniless his parents farm
had run down in hla absence and he was
forced to work It with the moat primitive
Implements and without pro t
In the towns be found that the Jews and
the victim The victlrn becomes possessed
of and obsessed with an ineradicable belief
In the greatness and glory of his or hor
marvellous ancestry
Dont tell mo that the Chinese JUG the
only ancestor worshippers I know other
wise The paslo strength of the Chinese
ancestor worshippers position however
Is that ho knows just who his ancestors
wore The averago Occidental ancestor
worshipper doesnt Ho guesses
He is so credulous that he could almost
cell himself a gold brick or a bundle of
green goods When bo strikes genealogical
snags be just glides over em
Ill mention one by way of for Instance
Shoe a hugo Mrs Partington kind of woman
well to do who came here from a little
Missouri town to live She employs the
double negative constantly and I should
judgo without actually knowing uses her
knife to oat pea
Last year she made ono of those hurry
up personally conducted tours of England
She possesses a surname that by some
twisting ird distorting can be made to
resemble remotely tho family name of an
English family poeeeealng nobiliary titles I
and estates This fact struck the Missouri
woman all of a heap when she was taking
a hurried look at the ancient seat of this
English family
From tho minute that oho first clapped
eve on that castle she began to believe that
aha WAS a straight out descendant of the
English family fine had one of the most
virulent attacks of the genealogical malady
that I ever saw or hoard of
She hadnt been back In New York
twentyfour hours before she came here
to dig up tho genealogical records of the
English family She herself told me with
the idea perhaps that I would applaud her
diligence that she pored over the volume
most of the night She spent a lot of money
In buying Genealogical books that couldnt
be got at the libraries
then sho began writing more or lose
abject lottorn to the surviving member
of her ancestral family In England telling
them of how she had succeeded In tracing
her line back to theirs Nobody would over
have known that she bad written these
letters had she herself not displayed them
out of a singular sort of conceit before mail
Ing them
I s r
4iLhc V
the Armenians had monopolized the trado
A homo and wife in his povortystrlckon
condition were Impossible and from lack
of training he was unprepared to compute
with other races
Ho might become a tax collector or a
civil official but the latter was seldom
paid and of tho formers extortions after
he had settled with the man higher up
there remained only a mite As the ruling
dominant racouho might confiscate his
moro successfulChristian neighbors prop
erty but this kind of reprisal had created i
such an uproar of recent years in Europe I
that it was no lodger worth the while
The position of the officers was no better
There was no system of promotion for
merit and most of the snaps at Constanti
nople as well as many of the high posi I
tions were given In reward for efficient
ipy service I have often known old offi I
cers to pawn medals won for gallantry
in tho RussoTurkish war In order to get
food for their wives and children
The discontent has been increased by
the incapacity shown by tho Government
In the management of the homo affairs
and by the necessity that has so often
arisen to their humiliation for the Inter
ference of foreign Powers The censor
ship regulations had grown so oppressive
that about the only book a man could safely
have in his possession was the Koran
Shakespeare and Dante were interdicted
because somewhere In their writings there
Was found some reference to the Prophet
that might be considered derogatory
The newspapers were strong on the boll
weevil In Madagascar or the culture of
prunes In Kamohatka but there must not
be a mention of public policy In Turkey or
a referenoe to political event In Europe
The murder of the King of Portugal was
reported allan attack of heart disease and
the assassination of President McKinley
was represented as a death due to natural
The revival of Turkish literature that
But she never displayed any replies
to the letters because there werent any
replies The English folks Ignored her
epistolary efforts But thl didnt daunt
her She continued writing the letters just
the same
She wrote letters too to every American
member of her family on the paternal side
down to the final bucolic fourteenth cousin
announcing her discovery of her and their
relationship to the English crowd She
made an ineffectual effort to get her crew
of American relatives to hold a meeting
New York but this meeting didnt come
off because probably the descendants of
the ancient English family living out in the
Missouri River bottoms didnt have the
price of the journey to this town and be
cause let us hope and believe they didnt
take much stock in the lineage chasing
Now this woman lived in a New York
boarding house of the kind that is called
fashionable As soon as she had It nil firmly
settled and rooted In her mind that she really
was a descendant of the English crowd one
began to look down upon and patronize all
hands in the boarding house especially tho
other women
Of course It was not long before the
other women came to hate her She
clearly showed by her manner her up
tlltod noee and her general superciliousness
that she considered the other folks living
in the boarding house to belong to the
hoi pollol and the canaille and other things
like that
In brief she developed into suoh a per
fectly Impossible and offensive nuisance
that people began to move outof tho board
Ing house Juct to get away from her pro
pinquity Tho landlady finally was ap
prised of the reason why sho was losing
her boarders and then she told the woman
with the genealogical bug that she would
have to go
But sho wasnt fazed She still pur
sues the genealogical phantom She has
gained her way Into three or four or five
or six of the American Revolutionary
societies the pins of which she wears
clustered together during all of her waking
and perhaps her sleeping hours
This woman before she developed the
mania for personally applied genealogy
had a few amiable enough traits At the
present time from what comes to mo
she la perhaps tho most cordially disliked
woman In her own circle In New York
The pathos of it all ls that she cant see It
Sho believes implicitly in her genealogi
cally derived superiority She regards
herself as one aloof from tho rabble and
rvno I9Rrrl 7t EMPzOY
rrrZrvz LTaKOars
OJ1 G ravJTvR
rcrRrsH7 O CWCT
showed so much promise a dozen years or
eo ago was crushed and the works of a new
school of native authors In which the
educated Turk took much pride could be
road only in stealth Most modern inven
tions went prohibited Electricity appears
to have come in for the special aversion of
the Sultan
There are only three or four buildings
in Constantinople that are lighted with it
t one time when the Sultantwas going to
the mosque he RAW that it would bo necessary
for him to pass under a telegraph wire
Ho ordered the wire out before be would
proceed and refused to bail it again over
head I believe that the telegraph man
bought up some official and had It buried
at the creasing
Another grievance that appealed es
pecially to the educated Turk was the grant
ing by the palace clique of concessions to
foreigners Owing to too corrupt way in
which the concessions for railroads were
granted the cost has been out of all pro
portion to the usefulness of the lIne The
price was usually In the shape of a guaran
tee by which tho loss work a railway did
the greater were its profits
The railroads wore not built to enable
the peasant to get his produce to the mar
kets and no Turkish subject is allowed to
travel about the count rf without special
permission of the authorities As a result
the Armenians who are the keenest traders
of tho empire and the Turks can rarely I
move about to look up business
The result Is of course partly to prevent
trade of all kinds and to throw what there
is Into the band of foreigners The situa
tion was thus expressed to me by ono of
these foreign concession hunters I bribe
the Turks to buy my wares anything from
thread to steam engine and then they
bribe mo to put down in the bill which the
Ottoman Empire paysa much larger
sum than I have actually received
Who gets the benefit The French Ger
mans English Jews Armenians any other
she will go down to her grave firm In that
mischief working belief
Dont derive the impression however
that women alono are the victims of tho
genealogical bug In New York There are
scores and hundreds of trousered victims
of the bug in this town
One of these chaps with whom I am
acquainted has spent a dozen years in an
effort the result of which Is now at length
quite satisfactory to himself to establish
his descent from one of the entirely com
plaisant and pliable ladle of the court of
Charles II of England When he had fin
ished that labor to his own satisfaction and
had succeeded after muoh difficulty in
fixing up tho bar sinister for himself he
was without exception the most delighted
human being I ever saw
Now this fellow was d tolerable enough
sort of jellyfish before > he genealogical
bug Belted him His presence In a room
or elsewhere In your contiguity or vicinage
was at least endurable But since he
fanned his latent spark of snobbery into a
flame by poring over the genealogical
books he his become the most impossible
bore and nuisance that you could possibly
meet up with in the oourso of a six months
walking tour taken In any direction He
offers ono flabby finger to the strn en he
meets envelope himself In a nimbus as
of one set apart by right of birth and walks
the world a screeching example of an Indi
vidual obsessed by tho genealogical hallu
This one by the way declines to Join
any of those American Revolutionary so
cieties He doesnt believe in em Tho
American revolutionists fbught against
their sovereign King you see Positively
that is his view
In tho schools of Now York mostly In
the finishing schools for young women
there are hundreds of young women who
pond most of their spare timo poring over
the genealogical works trying to build up
ancestral lines for themselves Which re
minds me of a little story
At ono of these private school a girl
was brought before the principal for some
what contumacious treatment of an In
structor The principal told the girl that
she would have to apologize to the instruc
tor The girl drew herself up to the full
stature of nor four feet eleven curled her
Up after the approved manner of a Libbey
bnrolno and replied
II am a Darrell and the Darrells never
Impressive wunt It
It may be that UM big output of alleged
historical or eomlulstorloal novels during
w yqM
JMuH fiv irJ 7vRA TALyfS8LSlV 3 tNDPOlt1Jic I1UifiJ c
I worHtrrey or
persons in fact than the Moslem With
the Young Turk its Turkey for the Turks
and no more foreign concessions oorruptly
bought and no more foreign troops policing
Moslem soil
Perhaps this matter of bribes ia an
Oriental question It was not just tho
earns as If an American should take a bribe
According to the Oriental Idea all the par
ties to a transaction must make something
out of it Otherwise how could tho official
live Not on his salary for in the first
place it was inadequate and in tho nod I
place it was seldom paid
If you were to work for a Turk and tell I
him you wanted youjr money every Satur
day night ho would look upon you with I
suoplcipn Bo would keep you give you I
a share of the profit when ho himself made
a take and kit you have all the opportuni
ties possible for making money off peti
tioners or shopkeepers but a fixed salary
If a man in this country gets away
with a big deal he is pretty likely to make
a oof sldernblo display of it Not in Con
stantinople In thofirst piano if he should
get away with a 100000 deal ho would
have to distribute 30000 at least to keep
other persons in good humor An1 if you
did keep the money you couldnt mako
any display with it in Constantinople I
keep racehorsea or yachts or give balls
Spies arc always on your track I
If tho Sultan had any desire to know
of the corruption throughout the omplro I
he could not find It out from the spies and i
sycophants with whom ho has surrounded i
himself at tho Ylldlr Kiosk The principle
of espionage that prevails in all depart
ments of tho Government is of his own
making and the encouragement given to
informers produced a class of blackmailers
that threatened to make trouble at the
palace for any one who refused to pay
them Many young men found that the
way to favor lay through suoh channel
and they succumbed to the temptation
to be Informers <
The evil reached such dimensions that
the Turk ran the risk of exile for any act
pr word that mlght bo twisted Into a sign
of disaffection I remember instance
of ofchg9boy friend of mine who gave
a light from his cigarette to a servant of
tho heir of tho throne with whom It was
recent years has had Bodiethlng to do with
the fostering of the genealogical bug among
the young women They happen upon
historical names resembling their own in
the pages of these generally sloppy pieces
of fiction
The people whoso names resemble their
own figure in such perfectly lovely and
exalted doings that the devourers of this
kind of mental food begin to day drjsarn
that theyre descended from the reckless
dogs of sword players and such like until
finally theyre elbow high In the genealogical
works of reference trying to trace and
chose the thing down
They generate high and mighty Idc s
IS to the kind of quality genealogically
speaking they intend to make a stand for
as to the husbands they take Great thing
for the making of old maids by the way
the genealogical bug for the middle
class young woman of today who sub
merged herself in the swamp of genealogy
demands that the young man who swims
into her ken show her something in the
way at a family tree Is beautifully liable
to get a retort that would make anybodys
ears burn except the ears of a victim of I
the Renealoglc l bug
But there no Antidote for the bite of the
genealogical bug I wish there were
It would make life easier for people who
have to work In libraries fOr a living
Suspended by a Cord It File Around and
Around la a Circle
The latest mechanical toy is appro
priately enough flying machine I
The toy flying machine has for a body
a slender little metallic cylinder about
six Inches long and pointed at both ends
something In the order of torpedo boat
Attached to the under side pf this cylinder
ire two little frames in each of which stands i
a tiny figure of a man
In the after frame is carried also within
a little case a coiled spring which runs
a two bladed propeller >
This flying machine Is not designed for
Independent night but to be suspended
by a cord When you have It thus sus I
pended and have wound up tho spring
you give the machine a swing out and
around In a circle and it keeps flying so
long as the power holds
These toy flying machines dont coat
quite as much AS ono cf Count Zeppelins
alrehiplrIn fact you can buy ono pf them
for 40 cents
treason to have any Intercourse The
boy was sitting beside the man in a tram
car and didnt even know of hill position
Ho was punished however
It would be impossible to estimate
the number of men who have been exiled
on mere spies tales In some districts
practically tho whole of the effendi or
official and legal cjass Is cont posed of exiles
for their opinions
It was from all those different classes
of the Moslem population of European
Turkey that the Young Turk party drew
recruits It was every one with a grievance
and Allah knows that every Turkish sub
ject has ono from the humblest peasant
and most obscure soldier to the wealthiest
merchant of Bozestin andthe most worthy
Our causa flourished without orecog
nized leaden > for unQ rtb Turkish spy
system u leader would soon have been
put out of the way Ahmed Rlza who
Is at the head of the Young Turk party in
Paris stands ia a more or less representa
tive capacity In Eurooo
Our field of activity has been the dis
affected parts of Macedonia and Albania
The whole of European Turkey is to be
fought for those two provinces being
merely selected for the initial struggle
Every Turk or Moslem U eligible for
membership tho organization and the
oath of fealty la token by placing the head
Upon tho Koran on which rest a revolver
and o knife Every village has a committee
with power to act A tax ls levied upon
members and penalties are Imposed for do
Bcrtiona and failure perform duties The
families of those killed before or during
the revolution are to be provided for by
the organization
Everything at present In tho line of power
Is drifting into the hands the Young Turk
I have a letter from Ahmed Rlza In which
he says that although the Sultan has given
In our party will not disband
We ask he says nothing better than
to see the Sultan hold to his promise
As long as he does eo his throne and his II
person will be sacred in our eyea and if
introduoea truly a liberal constitutional
government ho will find no more faithful
subject than the Young Turkish party
Carrying out his promisehe will bring a
new era of peace and prosperity to the
Turkish Eraplrol
One Inventor Who Expects to Make a For
tune With Hit Aviator Suit
I was left as you might Bay said an
inventor who keeps his eyes open and
makes it his business to Invent appliances
and appurtenances adapted to rue with
new things that come up yes consider
ably left when the original bicycle craze
fire struck us foiled to get Into the
field promptly with clothing suited to
bicyclists wants the manufacture which
you will remember speedily bocame at that
time a large and profitable industry but I
can tell you thatI snail not bo left when
the craze for aerial navigation actually
bursts upon us
It U a well known fact that one of the I
chief dangers attending flying through tho
air is that of falling I have npw d
an aviators suit that I expect will bo to
travellers In the air all that o life preserver
U to travellers by tho BOOIf not more and
I dont see how this suit can fall to be of
benefit to all concerned and especially
benefit to mo
My aviators suit is a combination spring
and pneumatic envelope which when
properly put on will break the shook of any
fall Its Inflation with air Is Intended to
add to the comfort and luxury of Its use
but this inflation is not absolutely essential
to the suits usefulness If It should be
come from any cause deflated the springs
will serve their purpose fully though the
jar on striking with a deflated suit would
naturally bo somewhat greater
This suit U so constructed ADd so worn
that no matter how you hit the ground you
ore all right You may rebound a few times
aeforo you finally como to rest the height
I and number of these redounds depending
of course largely on the height from which
you fall and the nature of the ground on
which you drop OB to whether for Instance
should be rock or soft earth oras might
be the roof of a house My aviators
tuft I properly put on and adjusted
would by its distinctively reoillent elas
dlsUnctvel OJ
ticity save the aviator every tlrao
dIn short with one of my aviators suite
on ono may travel the air quite free from
care and what air traveller can afford to
bo without one
Yesyes Urnrnha And the Inventor
smiled a little as he spoke Yeos he
said I certainly was left a little in tho
bicycle days but when we are hit by the
goods airship erase I shall be prose with the
c y
Most of the Subjects Naturatly touetrn
time CampaignParty Clubs to Vie tie
Record to Enlighten the Voten Al
t Waugh Many 1711 tie Heard In Home
Gentlemen wo will now listen to tin
voice of our Peerless Ixiader remark
the chairman of the cntertalmout cam +
tl our
mitten of the Blank Democratic Club and
turns a crank
Then from the phonograph inane the
well known tone oftho ono Boy Orator
of the Platte speaking wln tabloid ton t i
on some of the subjects which Mr Bra 1
conceives t bo vital issues The lama
treatment Also m1b taken by member
of Republican clubs because a oomptole
set of rooords la coming out records for
which Mr Taft aim posed if that Is the
proper word t u
It was only a very brief time ago that
Mr Taft consented to speak for the phono
graph Mr Bryans record wore mae
lost April long before tho convention which +
nominated him Thoy mode a hit became
lots of persona who never otherwise would
have a chance t hear him speak took that
opportunity listening to the roan
The Republicans apparently thought that
their candidate was losing a trick At
least that is the complaint made by Mr
Bryan and done since likewise Mr Taft has boor and gone
It took some manoeuvring to get Mr
T r to speak At first he did not think It
particularly dignified Thomas A Edison
wont not only to BOO Mr Taft but also made
a trip io Oyster Bay to see Mr Roosevelt
partly with the idea of getting him t use
his influence and partly in the hope that
tho President would utter a few remark
on assorted subjects treating of the attaint
of tho world in general The latter object
was not attained as Mr Roosevelt declined
resolutely t speak
When once M Tufts consent was ob
tained tho National Phonograph Company
sent its recording for toHot Springs To
to tthe twelve records
I took two days get rr
which the company b on tta list From
time to time in the course of the two days
tme T f took moments from golf and
politico to deliver into the recorder the
remarks that ho had selected
Unlike a speech of acceptance the
had to bo more pr lees brief otherwise they
would not got on tbo record Intact one
of the speeches that Mri Taft delivered did
run over the record Bo merely laughed
the Taft laugh when told of It and patiently
went back cutting I to make it fit
In tho two days Mr Taft stood for prob
ably six hours altogether In front of the
machine I Isnt just like a phonograph
in appearance because there l no bell
mouth to the horn I U more like a sec k
tlon stovepipe
The record ono taken i removed from
the machine and is packed away to be taken
to the factory There a mould in made
m and in turn the duplicates that are
from It adln tu l t tt a
tent out for use are mode from that
Tho selections made by Mr Taft were for
t e most part paragraphs from his speech
tIO acceptance From the titles however
some others do not appear to have a real
political bearing The twelve titles are u
folowa For Missions Irish Humor
Republican and DemocratioTreatment of
Trusts Rights of labor Unlawful
Trust e Function of the Next AdmlnUtro f
Tt Roosevelt Policies The Philip
i pines Enforced insurance pf Bank
pln = FItqr Jury Trial to Contempt CMJ I
The armr and thoRepublican Party
Rights and Progress ot tho Negro 1
Mrs Taft was highly interested In the
process and she spent a grjjyt deal of time
with her husband in the room while he
was making the speeches before the
The Bryan rooords were mada out at
Te BAD Bryans Nebraska home
Twentysix records were exposed of which
ten were clear enough for u They are
typos of tho Bryan oratory and although
made when Mr Bryan had not boon nom
nated the third time vrerb qualified t fit
nat nicely with his campaign plans If
he should get the p dpg
The Bryan subjects arc Swollen For
I tunes Ban Labor Question Railroad
Question TheTrust Question The Tariff
eton Popular Election of Senators
Mrial Guaranty of Bank Deposits
An Ideal Republic and Immortality J
A last is the best seller of them all
Ilt to bt Iler o te
being made up of selections from one of
the Bryan lyceum lectures The Frinoe of
Peace It is oratory not politics
Pee I
The subjects of both candidates In tem
To He along the same lines so that it
may not be impossible for the clubs which
wish to do 1 have little debates g
in turn what Mr Taft and M Bryan have
to say on what are called Issues
The political clubs have token very kindly
to Te record scheme and they hvea serious
te of getting the before the
ous purpose gettg bforo te
persons who otherwise never could get
anywhere near tho men to hear them k
It is a now thing to have it attempted on
so largo a scale a development like the
moving pictures of Mr Taft I
There is no Ide however of presenting
any moving pictures while phonograph
is going so pct the semblance of a
political speech made b the candidate onscreen
seh te
the screen This could have been debt
but It did not seem t be dignified
The distributers of these record have
made a greater success with here Bran
records than they expected There were
no samples of the records sent out in a
vane as customary with the phonograph
goods but the advance orders were mO
for delivery on avance Ihis Is not count
ing delve of orders later I the year
after Mr Bryan was nominated when they
came in in much greater volume
From all Indications the as heavy a de
mend for the Taft records Although toe
clubs do much of the buying there h a
stage ge
olub of te
big percentage of the speeches which go
to private homes It is rather a novel Idea
that of having a candidate address himself
to tho voter of tho family withoutthe lat
ter vow go dow d stand for noun
at some railroad station orto wait I a
crowded auditorium
cwde audirium
State and county committees throughout
the whole country have added the phono
graph to tho campaign outfit Some of
the State and county fain also have arranged
ranged mows to got them tts an attraction for their i
soW committees will send the phono
graph and the records lie pOo
gphl rr wlthltno
outlying districts tandwfohingin withla
ref speeches by local celebrities
rho phonograph company has been informed y
formed of many plans ° which have been
devised all with the Idea of bringing the
records into operation where they hop
hey will get votes
wi th first time that the pbmo
rraph has been used so largely la a Tim
> algn When Mr Bryan ran for the Ei si I
W B t P
decoy In 10 some records were made of
his speeches but the phonograph was
lot such a finished product and pie d
rlbutlon of tho records was not 8 gust
At present the Bryan records rank away
up among the U rn the Edison
Ibmry and th expectation is that tb k
Taft records will do as well
It might be Interesting t trace the beav
let sale of those thlngoln order t attempt X
to figure outwheret greatest interest
In Mr Bryan le An far M the distributer
have been able to determine dtbter
Vest and Southwest that there a most
who want to hear Bryan talk Texas It i
one ihonograpb of the heaviest records consumers of the Bryan 0
Both the oa candidates have good speaking
oloes so that It was possible to make s
xoellent work of th cylinders ne i
The VicePresidential candidates were
not le and n other party h been
asked to have 14 leaden p
7RF a jG

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