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I A Oegtnolng of Effort to Hpreail Iducatlsn
l tlsn Anton the Women of TurkeyYoung
i ii Young Turks Divided on the Subject
ject IJfo of the Turkish WomanCOHSTIHTIHOFUS
if COHSTIHTIHOFUS Jan 3Oln ConitonUnoplotho
j itonUnoplotho other day before a roomy
y ful of English end American womenyoung
J Ii a young Turkish woman living in Statuboul
boul was asked to say something abouther
s her follow countrywomen No norvounnens
I nens wan exhibited by the small blackrobed
I robed flguro that roso to speak to suchan
r j V an udlenco for tho first timeWith
i s With yashmak veil thrown backtboro
I present revolting a glrla pale delicatelooking
looking oval face whoso fascination layn
In the largo bawl oye and expressivemouth
mouth eho spoke without hesitation
4ri the purest English her low tono < l
f t >
y <
fj It 1II t rt
Vfi II < f f lfli
i r
NlSK WO AI OJV IySK IN 1 x znr
m xpyvfw orTf ru w4wQYRT4R xtrlrR CR W WND
ae having but the sllgbteat indication I
tion ot an accentI
I feel I Should apologize to you ladleslor
i Jif I for speakb in your own languagesbe
tTtM abe said but I have boon commandedto
to speak to you by an American ladyAnd IIatnlICOUatomod
And I stn aocuitomcd to obey Americanshaving
having been educated at the Americancollege IooUoge
college for girls In ScutariFirst
First the women of Turkey must IHJawakened
r awakened to theirneed of educationthough +
though this Is necessary for the men toot
t at he added smiling an they have receivedalmost
t t almost as little education FM the womenThen
t Then vro shall establlub head schoolx InConstantinople
j lyj Constantinople with English and American
1i can teachers after which wo nhall haveour
our own Instructresses who will Iw sentthroughout
t throughout tho emplrofor
for years the teaching of Mohammodhas I
is Ii has been wrongly construed but now weshall
3 shall go forward giving justice to allas
as wo are commandedThisyoung
Tkd young girl who alone among herr
r kf countrywomen in Turkey holds a collegedegree
degree end who also differs from thornin
off 1 g in refelvlng occasional vtalts from mwnnt
at hot homo was permitted by her lawband
l k band to spend a night at the house of anti
t R American woman and spoak to her friendsthe
ti 1 r A the only stipulation being that no menshould
1j j should bo present Here IK indeed nnintoroiting
intoroiting dnvoloptnent In Turkeysawakening
i 1 awakeningThough
ati Though a few of tile women of thebetter
better olnaa speak a little English nndothers
others having learned French from theirgoverneesee
governesses road the latest French novels
i 5 coxsEVTiciT irowiv i7vws
t I THEY Ml 1S I 11111 1IEI IOnl
I 1
One Hundred Hives Whlrh Kupply NilJforth IorttJ
I ml Jforth of Honey a Year Almont NoKxpen
Kxpen e anil No Store TroiiUleThan
Than Ctilekms iettliiR a Ntnrt IBee
r d
Bee keeping ia my side lino said thowife
wife of a Connecticut farmer and fromher
II her smile the reporter guessed that herventure
f venture was a successhives MI have n hundred
dred hives and count on making IS a hives
s every season Sometimes 1 cake a fnwcents
4 t cents more and other yean a few centsless
less but 15 Is a good averageIt
h 4 it It was about fourteen year ago thatI
> I caught tho bt fever I went fur uvisit
j visit to some relative over In Pennsylvania
f vania Such honey as they had on theirtablet
I tablet When I found that they raisedit
4 it and tho wife of the farmer declared thatbees
bees wore nq more trouble 4I
+ I made upseven my mindpr to have at eat sixor
or seven hives at homo for the sake ofraising
q raising my own bonnyAs
S l As soon as I got hack homo I not outon
on a boo hunt Nobody near IIH hadany
c t fi + any hives to sell but I learned of a manlomo Ilomo
1 lomo distance In the country who hadadozenhlvoa
r a dozen hives to dispose ofHis
k i His hivofl were the old fashioned kindand
1 k r and had been handled by his wife whohad
had died fifteen yearn before They werefalling
1 falling to pleceM and how the man 1 blrtdto
to haul them got them home withoutbeing
being stung to death is n mysteryThe
The first thing was to gut the bnonBto
Bto now hives and in my IgnorancoI j
I I imagined that would end my troubleIt I
It did in a measure though for a longtime IHmo
f time after I was never without n swelledface Ilace
face and almost every mvniber of tbefamily
a family was in the same conditionBy I
By reading and questioning I l irne < labout
about Italian queens how much moregentle ilontle
T gentle they were than the wild kind thatIt
r It was evident I had bought To mostbeginners
t beginners bee keeping this introducingof iof
of new queens eeems a dangerous undertaking
taking but the truth is that If properlydone I
done it Is far from being sof
I fibs first thing is to get the best Italiana II
eY a v r vt r
tho inaiH of Turkish women cannotroad
road or write oven their own languagefor
for they like the majority of their menup
up to tho present have had no system ofeducation Itduratloll
education Tho secluded lift they leadacts
acts on their Intelligence Not Iwingeducated
educated themselves they have not caredto
to educate their children und consequently
quently It will bo borne time before tbeordinary
ordinary women can dispell80 with tbeserviced Iervicfll
serviced of the public letter writer whoIs
Is often nothing hut nn impostorSou
Heated iiisUio u TurkUh cafe or in Homequeer
queer little unexpected nook undertho
tho shadow of a great tuonquc thin Important IpurtlUt
portant por oiutgQ every day recoiveabin
bin clients and equipped with pen andInkborn
inkhorn he writes after the custom ofii
his nnle8tOIM upon his halld thu re11lrlng I
quiring no Mlle for his businetiH A IcOllplo
couple of veiled lguii8 approach One ithrowing
throwing up her veil timidly presentsa
a letter nnd HOIIIU such conversation usthin
thin pasocsFrom
From whom asks the writer soatudwhile
while the women stand humbly IwforethU
thU superior lieingOur
Our liUHband KffendiMost
Most beloved of our wives beginsthe
the follow I nm well I wish you arewell
well The weather ID well The cattlearo
Mil well Hero pausing n moment
ment und btudylng the paper closely he InquIrMWhat
yuires What Is your husbands namoAlmoon
Almoon EffendlAh
Ah yea Almoon Your husbandswriter
writer does not form Ids ohnructcrswell
well I
0 0
queens from reliublo beobreedftr Theyaro
are usually sent through the mulls andwith
with mo have invariably arrived in goodcondition
condition The colony to vvjiich they areto
to be introduced should bo made queenIOIM
less for three days so Ihut they will misstheir
their old rulerAt
At the end of threw day time little quoeucage
cage contulnim tho new queen and herattendants
attendants should be bung between twoframes
frames of brood coinbu The been in thohive
hive attack the sweet stuff tbat tins surrounded
rounded the now queen and by the timethey
they have dinpohed of it ohe has become
HO Impregnated with the odor of thocolony
colony that they accept hor if not withjoy
joy at leant without attempting to dlitror >
Ktroy her If nbo should bo released Inthe
the hive without this precaution theywould
would recognize from her scent that nbowan
wan n Htrnngnr end kill herA
A day or BO later the cage will bo foundompty
empty and may bo wifely removed nit hermajesty
majesty will have no longer any need ofIt
It It will only require n few weeks forchildren
the hybrid worklgI to die off from oldage
age and their plnctla will hu taker by thochildren
children of tho nllw queen In my CUHOtheM
theM were beautiful gulden coloredworkers
workers which It was a pleasure to handlebecause
because of their gentleness an comparedwith
with those I had bought of tile farmerand
and Htruggled with MI long
When I was beginning Imean during
Ihu first five yuan of my oxperience us n
two keeper I bud great difficulty in gottitignewrolonles
ling 0111 COOIlItlIllIto the hivcH Tol > eglnwith
with they would always swarm at tbemoft
molt inconvenient moment and for fearthey
they would get away I had to put downeverything
everything und attend to them Nowthey
they swarm when they please and wnltuntil
until I am ready to present them withtheir
their new houseThis
This change Is accomplished bysimple theHlmple
simple method of clipping the wingsevery ofevory
every queen In my yard When thin is
clone the bees swarm when they feel ineNued
clhwd to It UII hOIlklfplng ror them
selves tint their quern being unable to
join them they do not fly very far
When a swarm is reported I wait until I
It la convenient then go out with my
gloHHus on and looking about in the gramnoon
noon discover her majesty flounderingulout
ulout in her efforts to join her devotedsubjects
subjects I pick her up have the hive
from which tho now swnrm baa comemoved I
moved to another spot and set an empty
hive in Its placeBy
By and by thin new awnnn mining
their queen will return In march of hernnd
nnd enter the hive placed to receive them
When a good part of them havo gone inft I
ft KSfeJ
OTFfSOf rfC fOOftsrt GJtSISS
S8CLlvG oc MRHKrrp CJVr
l ysrYv VRP4flN TVRNJyJ
Wi7 NB8YAv i 6IR4
Satisfied with the content of her lettortho
tho woman pays two mitaltfi two centsand
and doiurtt with her corn > aiilonSomotlmo
Some time later they return with anothernote
note and similar question unit unuwerapuns
puns between them but when a few weekslatpr
later they appear before him again theIntelligent
Intelligent rascal recognizes them andimmediately
immediately begins to readMy
My beloved wife I hope you ore willI
I am IMflTelldi
Effendi the woman intorrupts himgently
gently thin letter I think IH from myBUter I
M Ah you should have told me soAn
An the women go homo on the streetcar ICarUiklnl
car taking their beat in its huremor
or womens compart menu they ralnotheir
their veils with henna stained flngorw
I place the queen at the ontrance nndleave
leave her to clo the rest An hour or HOlater
later they will be found busily at workmaking
making themselves comfortable in tlioirhome
home This method dues away withhandling
I handling the hews nnd oC course rvmovexall
all danger of being stung
I In May I plan + extra hive lashes one ata
a time between tho hrood body and tholid
lid of the hive These extra iKxlUs contarn
1 tarn twentyfour little vixxlen frnrncswith
with thin shoots of boenwax foundation Inthem
I them This tho bees draw out nnd filli
i with honoyi
i When this extra Iwdy Is about half fullI
I slip another under It so that tho IIIfIM
having to pass throlllh It tu romplotothoir
I their work In tho upper boxes will Ixs In
j ducod to continue their work In this oncothe
the first forms are completed In cxooptlonally
ooptlonally flno years I have hud colonlunfill
fill flvo of those extra hive and tho honoywould
would all be goods
I As each of till twenty four divisionsInto j
Into which these extra bodies are dlvldlClcontlIn800llpound
1 contains one pound of honey when It Isfllledy i
you may make your owncalculatlonsaboutthe
the amount or honey to no expoct i froma In
a well kept colony of bees As Ilion n8 the I
cells am sealed It III host to remove theextra II
extra hive for If It In loft the bees crawlInlt iIng
lug back and forth over tho white combiwill
will soon discolor ItBesides I
Besides tho spring honoy which IwginsAuguNt
In May Md as a Milo ends In July thoro IIIuluallya
usually late or frill flow or honey during IAugust
August and tho flrllt part of SeptemberThis I
This Is as a nile darker In color but I think iricher
richer In tlavor It Is not HO salable as the iIightereolored
lighter colored honey and for that reason II
I keep It for homo consumption Thero Iis
1 Is always enough to give our table a bountiful
tiful supply besides Homo to sell to thoneighbors
neighbors nnd the country moron at a roduood
duood prlouWhen
When the hives are owned In thospring
spring If any are short of food I supplysugar j IlIugllr
sugar and water syrup until the fruitbloMomg
blossoms make extra coding urmoces1nary
nary It in for those fruit blossoms thatI II
I put on the first extra hiveOnce
Once In a while on opening hiveswrite
In the sprlllg I have found that the queenhas
has died The only thing to do III towrite
write to a breeder and got one to takoher
her place ns soon iu < possible She inustj
bolntroilueed tho WilY Uiaveduacribfxl iand
and after that thing RO 6n ax if nothing
hail happened I
Iasti < ad of finding my boon v troublesome >
some as chickens i have found thornvery
very much less trouiM a d almost noexixinfle ieljJonl
exixinfle once they are well hived Thy Iforage
forage for their food and as nono of ournear
near neighbors keeps WR they havetheir
their range without rivalAt
At first one or two of our neighbor
did complain of the boon bothering their
fruit whoa it was put out to dry or when
exhibiting the Turkish womans mostenviable IonlaLlo
enviable inheritance if perhaps hergreatPdt Itrelltt
greatest charm tile wonderfully wistfulBazillellko
gazellellko eyes Then lighting up theirciKurattoH
ciKurattoH they laugh and chatter together
gether about the mornings experienceIt
It probably hover occurring to them tobo
bo diiMilittllcd with their ncribuHorn
Horn iti Constantinople you cannot helpnoticing
noticing that a few letter clam womenan
an feeling their way in regard to dressbutliko
but like all pionevru they sulTer for theircuiiBn
enlists If the UHtomary heavy blackveil
veil thinner If the hulr hM an appearonco I
once of being pulled out beneath itscovering
covering If the rich silk mantle Is out toshow
show the Blonder form or more maturecurved
curved of lu wearer aim is immediatelyan
an objoct of much attention and remark
they were canning That was eettlodby
by a littlo diplomacy Every IelUOnI
11 make It a x > int to present each of themwith
with a share of our late honey Whereanybody
anybody N III or has a failing appetiteI
1 I nm always ready to contribute a formor
or HO of honey An a bio while gathering
honey ne er HtingK uiiltvw It in attnckeao
oC courss w > neve have complaintson
on that scoreNo
1 M1o bees have not nupon ied chickenson
on our farm We still raise ILJ muchixMiltrj
ixMiltrj as we can handle but I do notiIInd
fittd that they Interfere with each otherIn
In the slightest AH I look at it beestake
take up a mnterinl that would otherwise
ho wasted Think of tho sweetness
In our fields that would nil go to wasteif
if it were not for tho beenAll
All that I have to do Is to furnishthe
the bees with n house and keep tboitifrom
from freezing ant winter All the88sllItnnoo
nnoo I get in handling the boos and thohonoy
honoy la from mv hired girl and tbetwo
two him men Even if there was nota
a bee on Dm plnco we would still have thecame
came amount of hired helpumsr
f umsr fM noiv HEH FAMILYFouml
Fouml In riilllpiiltiM Itullili on the lintlik
stile ot Trees Uorhi at MKtitArom
Frown thr Mindanao llrralJAplrf
Aplrf yonttn or the large 1hlllpplnebi
bpI IjiillilHon the outside of the tree Insteadof Ior
of the inside us other bees do usually outhe
the under side of n ulantlint tree oS branchThey
They ore not inluratory at the Borneoand
and Indian been urn nor do they alwaysselect
select blKh trees to avoid honey bearsax
ax their Uornuo roiiDltm have to do Theyfrequently I
frequently lore several pounds of goodhoney
honey yet limy are greater wax producersThey
They urn exceedingly vicious when dlaturbtHl
turbtHl often following their disturbersseveral
several minuteThin
Thin bee In probably the largest and altothostronvpAl
thostronvpAl of the entire honey bee family
Its wing power U about doublo that ofthe
the Italian boo while It lives several timesan
an long and a ding or two from It willcauso
causo a Ion to see stars In broad day
light Their romhll IIOIIIIUrnt1 attain four orfive
five feet In dlainrter and nre entirely coveredwith
with n thick 111055 of been arraimed aa thnshlnalen
shingles are on tho roof of a house theirwing
wing pointing downwardThis
This bee Is a true Filipino that IH Itsloeps
sleeps during the hottest part of the dayand iond
and also on dark nights though It workvery
very diligently during the early morningand Iunlllh
and the evening hours while oii moonlightnlfthln i
nights It frequently works all night It
U dnuhtlfHH the only honey bee that lapartially
partially nocturnaltsNr j
tsNr +
from Turk and Christian more especiallyfrom Ifrom
from the former who is accustomed totake
take no notice of the ordinary shapelessbunch
bunch of black silkMany
Many young Turks are willing that theirwomon
womon should drop the veil and dressmore
more after the fashion of Europeans butothers
others and perhaps wiser men shake theirbeads
beads and do not agree to thu proportiontbat
tbat tbelr women should go abroad unveiled
veiled thinking no doubt It would tendto
to produce that freedom between tlieaoxeit
soles which prevails In other countriesbut
but has hitherto been Impoiylblo hereThere
There are certain Identical articles ofdread id
dread without which until recently noTurkish I
Turkish woman would venture outaldoher
her door tbe yashmak or veil for covering
InK the face which can be thrown back orlowered
lowered to leave the eyes free the forijegenerally
generally of rich black silk a volumlnoimurmlean
armless mantle completely concvalingthe
the wearers figure gaudy colored orringed Iringed
ringed stockings a pair of overshoes anda II
a painted parasol for all occasion wetor ior
or fine sun or showerAt
At first glance each woman raomblesthe itha
the other In size and shape and one 1mIaglnos
agine that as sheep are known only to tbokhophord
shepherd and his dog so the Turkishwoman
woman once outside bur close shutteroddwelling
dwelling in known only to her liualuindchildren
children or maid On a closer inspectionhowever Ibowoer
however you discover that there IH u difference
ference among them It nary lx in tbequality
quality of the ferijo a trick In lifting thoskirt
skirt in walking or carrying the head upeculiar
peculiar taste in stockings or Home coquetry
quetry about tbe waist but the difforoncois
is markedDuring
During the winter when streets arocovered
covered with snow und slush you may gofor
for days and nee no black veiled figure ontho
tho street of Pita but on a llnu day xomosmall
small shopping expedition tempts thornout
out Never appearing alone and seldomwith
with hor husband tho Turkish woman InsometlmeH
somneti mss followed by n servant walking
ing a paceback or two behind with veil thrownback
back at other lines a friend accompaniesher
her similarly drwvod AH they cross adirty
dirty road you may got a glimpse of nshort
short pink tlaunul petticoat and a ftamiul
Tbinkfnl Now Sir Flatdwrllrr h TtiatHe
lie DIdnt Put In a Hall TrolleyAt
At first said Mr Flatdweller ourlong
long ball was If not exactly discouragingto
to us at loaat a little disappointing Rtnnd
I at either end and look along It and It looked
I like a section of tho subway tunnel longland
land dark except for light spawn heroand
and there like you see In the subway atI
I the stations these light spots in our hallshowing
showing where tho doorways of roomsopened
opened on to It
At first wo thought wed install atrolley
trolley line here a singh track nu1omantle
mantle trolley line with a chair on wheelsrunning
running on It Instead of a car a chairthat
that the instant you sat down in It wouldcarry
carry you through the hall from ono endof
of It to the other just sort of whisk youthrough
through it so youd linger as briefly InIt
It and see as little of it as possible butI
I happily we were not hasty about thisand
and now we are very glad we werentbecause
because now weve got this hall fixed upi
i In such a manner that Instead of beingI
I dispiriting it is a pleasure to UK showinghow
how easily these long blank tunnelI I
I like flat halls can lw positively trungformedwlth i
formedwlth proper treatmentAs
1 An you come In at Ibo entrance doorat
at one end of our hall now you find theumbrella
umbrella bolder nn elegant and cnpaciouibrass
brass can We chose a brass umbrellai I
i holder because wo thought that its metalllo
talllo surface would reflect light If any
I gleam of the same should find its WRY tothat
I that end of tho hall and It does thatand jand
and so It Is a glittering success Inn decoratkvo Ito
tkvo way as well us being highly usefulpractically
practically in the first lone section of wallon
on that sldo of tho hall from which ox > nthn
the doors Into the bedrooms you find nowour
our new hat rack Now theres a pieceof Ior
of furniture that were proud of Itsone
one of tho kind you hang on the wallwe Iwe
we didnt dare put In a stand up rackfor I
for fear people would stumble over it
but its a grand hat rack with a manaivo
frame of golden oak a spacious mirrorof j
of bnvelleu plate and about a trillion bat i
hooks a grand and Imposing hat ralkOur I
Our bran umbrella can is unlquo and Ini
i some respect It may be more striking butour Iour
our new hat rack IB easily tho dominant I
feature of the hall i
Pausing on now toward the north i
In the next wall Motion between doors I
beypud the hat rack you come to the
JCEA OP Aitryjs CzutSRV9rONN
rH JiVv CatMFT4otto t
otto bloimo underneath the rich silk brocftdo
cftdo but often they forgot to raise theirsklrtd
skirts leaving them trailing several inchesin
in the mudIt
It is Urn old negro woman who noverI
I forgets to show that she possesses legsWith
With her ebony faco partially covered bye
the yashmak lion colored forije drawnTroll
won rbout her known showing a pair ofextrnortlinprily
extrnortlinprily brilliant blocking shesailu
salts along the btroot and though the dayIs
Is cold end damp she wields her paintedppjrjol
ppjrjol fts adroitly an any European coquette
queue rolling hor eyesBoaido
Beside the othor women ol the Levantpale
pale grow looking crortures of JewishOrook
Crook or Armenian blood whoso everycurvo
curve is exaggerated from lack of exerciaa
ciao overeating and a desire to imitatetheir
their sisters of tho West the averageTurkish
Turkish woman Is a doll But amongtheso
these veiled women are many Europeanswhouo
whoso nationality is successfully hiddenby
by yashmak nnd forljo yet tholr strongInfluonco
influence ls felt and seen today in theYoung
Young Turk movement
I One woman an
nothing of the real life in Turkey andimagining
imagining the title of Effendi to bosomething
something more Imposing that just plainMr
Mr accepted the hand of a Turk whomshe
she met In her country Though livingi
i here now with her husband and conformIng
i Ing to the strict Turkish mien she hasprobably
probably often regretted and envied thefreedom
freedom she surrendered
As summer approaches tho sombreblack
black ferlje is changed for another ofgayer
gayer huo and tho women go out of doorsmore
more When the days grow long andwarm
warm many are tho little excursionswhich
which are mode to the sweet waters ofKuropeono
Kuropeono of tho Turkish womensfavorite
favorite outingsLittle
Little parties with an attendant go upin
in caiquiM a xxuliar Turkish boat like alarge
large canoe or In close curtained buffalocarts
carts drawn by two of those glow movingunwieldy
unwieldy heists A spot which holds IItlllRre1ter
i greater attractions for them not so farfrom
from hope Is a Turkish cemeteryHere
Here with no fear of interruption fromany
any disturbing male element in ono of themany
many old graveyards on the Bosporus orGolden
Golden Horn they throw back their veilsto
to smoke and clutter and laugh likeschoolgirls
schoolgirls out for u holiday or perhapsIf
U there U nn artist among them she triesto
to reproduce vluit uho SOOIa sceue whoneI
I magnificence holds one spellboundThen
their attendantviirn
Then 18 the sun nnd
> wurn them they must hurry homefor
for no Turkish woman may stay outafter
after dusk they mount their respoctlVHchariots
chariots and return whence they camopassing
passing out of the sunlight down narrowstruut
streets they are lout to view in their clonei
i shuttered wooden housei
i large and small the houses standgonerally
generally untouched since the day theywere
were built some fall to pieces for need ofpaint
paint others whose walls on one bide haveisunk
sunk lower and lower have an air orIIllriY
1 tipsy Insecurity In such dwellings asthese
these the average Turkish woman theveiled
veiled chapalviw bundle of the streetlm
hUB been content to pass her days In workor
lor idleness but the quickening Influenceof
of education lit already felt and porhapywill
will one day bring her into lifo
ball gas fixture a simple but Hiifflcientgnu
gnu brnokot with n glufii globo on Ittlio
tlio light from which thrown gontlo floodi
of Mldhmlo liver nearby If not distantobjects
i objects What hotter could one wonthere
here than that gas brocketStill
Still holding your way north nndlooking
looking along the Rime side in thenoxt
next section of the hall you como to ourtelephone
telephone box noctirely fastened to thowall
I wall and admirably furnishing thatsection
section and not far beyond the tolephono
1 phono you como to a closet that openson
on the hnll and whoso stout oaken doorframe
I frame and door help Btlll further to breaktho
tho monotonyI
I Beyond this closet there Is Atlll n considerable
siderable space of blank wall but yamcna
lean hurry ast that und you roally dont
i notice It much after no much variety
thin you como to the parlor doorIloally
I Iloally could you find anything
further removed from monotony tluini
i the spectacle that that hall now presentsUmbrella
1 Umbrella can hat rack gas fixture telephono
phone box closet door any monotony
I in tliatBut
I But then we realized that all thesei
i things were on ono Hide of the tall theother
other side remains a blank wall BtretchI
I Ing away interminably but wo brokeup
I up the monotony there very easily andBnondily
I Bnondily
I Wo hung up along that wall n fewpictures
picture taking care to place them opposite
posite the bedroom doors so that whenthose
those doom went opened you could seethe
tho plctuitvt anti then wo did not puti
i down on tho floor n hall or stair carpetto
to nm away In oneunbroken monotonousstretch
stretch to a point In the far distanceI
I but we bought hall runners of Bllghtly
j different patterm nnd colors and of
different lengths nnd laid them down with
i little breaks between and so got varietyon
on tho floorTboro
Tboro you have our long hall asit iIt
it In today not llko a long dull section
tion of subway tunnel that you want togot
I got through as quickly as youcaann buta
a ploasant plnco of Infinite variety andwo
wo shall nevor COOAO to be thankful thatwo
wo didnt yield to Impulse when we liretcame
came In and install a hall tralloyninraell
ninraell AmonR the Ixinlnfrom
from Iht Yrtlminnttr atttr
Dlaraoll was a pact mister of the art offlattery
flattery but his audacity carried him out ofdancer
dancer Hoon after bin elevation to theHOURO
louse of Lords ho was asked by a brotherpeer
peer how he felt In his new nurroundlnjvOh
hurledThen Oh dont ak mc he groaned dead and
Then remembering that bin questionertemping
was or the conupsm which he was con
temping he added and In the realms of
the bleat
TOLD An rovnn ouuiThe
Tile Bourdonchi Here Amused ntini lint
ler Wandered Into the North Loaded
WUU HUe Book Theories bat Utrr
Were mad to Follow ills LeaaWINNIPyn
WINNIPKO Feb 12When I loft Dawon
son said Chuck Asqulth a Sourdoughon
on bill way back oast from beyond Uawsou
City things were all heated up over theItrlke
strike Joe Butler baa made on Darker
Creek where the lucky chaps are washing
12 to the pan in coatno gold This liutlerperson
person sure had It put nil over Uio oldest
inhabitants he being an ordinary Oboecbooo
cbooo for fairHuh
Huh Cheechaco sure thats Hour
dough for tenderfootWell
Well this Butler person went Intothe
the north only lost summer hn havinimeandered
meandered In all loaded up with VIMbook
book theories about how to find goMbut
butt most especially about what to dowith
with tho gold when he found It He madea
1 a hit tho night ho landedOf
Of course everybody gave him thmirthful
mirthful horhor and offered him allsorta
sorta of advice but Butler was the rightkind
kind and after a period he began to shedsomo
some of his story book dope and cop onto
to the real Info nnatlolllIe
lIe got wise to the fundamental principle
ciple that gold la where you find It and thatbarring
barring a few geological hints the colorscheme
scheme of tho surrounding country hasntgot
got a whole lot to do with It Ho also gotnext
next to the fact that gold is often foundIn
In benches overlooking any creek bedknown
known to contain the metal Moreoverhe
he took a gentle hint and went and burledsome
some of the junk he bad toted In underthe
the delusion that It was part of a necomarroutfit
outfit He had saved his coin some hardto
to got that junk and it must have hurtbut
but Butler waa wising up fineFinally
Finally armed with a grub stake apick
pick and a pair of field glasses Butlerwent
went out to knock tho block off fortunetaking
taking with him the sage smiles and thetralalos
tralalos of ill the wise SourdoughsIn
In townWell
Well being such an all fired Choechaoohe
he had to go and hike up Barker Creekwhich
which as all the wise guys know had beendug
dug t a faro you well long ako 8 for a
one hone prospecting was concernedWell
Well Butler Isnt wise sole just goes andtoddle
toddle up Barker Creek until ha meetsup
up with oldiCharley Graham whos beenrunning
running a hydraulic on that Barkerstream
stream elide Noah was a kid
says iiantcrHowdy
Howdy answer CharleyCan
Can you toll me where I can get thebest
best gold hereabout Inquires ButlerNot
Not yet I cant Bays Charley verysober
sober I ThoyB I flue grade of chestnutgiro
giro nuggoU fardor up the creek butthey
they dont mint much moron a thousindplunks
plunks a pound Then over about amile
mile on yon branch theres some floeslab
slob gold but It grows to a slue thatmakes
make lot of work hackie it
make a wor hkn up sosyou
you can carry It
Well well nays Butler h evenglistening
glistening May 1 dig anywhere on thecreek
gl8toDlug 111 Inyhore tecrk
creekYou mire can allows Charley magou
nanmoUy T Is a fine like ountryI
and you can go as far aa you lkeWol
I Well now this llutlor parson yanksout
out his sixty hen e power field glosses andsiwjs
Bats up tho near and distant landscape
I for about fifteen minutes Jn1uklnj
1 taking 1 fancy to a high bunch heavilycovenvl
cove d with timber and shrubbery hedocidod
about decided thereHU to take a crack at Fortune jut
HU look learning hid fixed his howto
t Mink a shaft and all that and ho tolledfor
for two days through the hard graveland
and frozen muck working into stratathat
that would have fanned a Sourdough in aseen
minute 1 any of the gang ould beIt
seen him titers would have been a laughto
I to shako tho everlasting hills but Josephi
I tolled alone In the sweat of noonday and
the dew of eveIt
I was afternoon of the third day whenJoe
Joe saw something that looked like a ricenew
new copper glitter among the grit In IhAIIhaft
I shaft bottom and Jumping down hoi
i fished It up The feel of It Bent himbugged
1 bugged and he began scratching the earl1In
In the shaft like a colllo digging for woooi
i chucks Tliuu ho hiked for his pan a011wa8hd
1 washed outi
i Well I High to tell you but there W
152511 in cold coarse yellow In that thpn
I pan and In many more that followed ltvluck <
luck wasnt much wonw Butler woWoff
loll fur tho first dose of heart diwfthai
left hIm and M sank another thai fartherUIOng
along the bonch
He struck pay at alx > ut tho same levIn 1
In bigger quantities than ho had beforand
and then staked out his chum and wen1In
In and registered Sixty day Inter listaked
staked his second claim oil accordinglaw tlaw
law M ho lad learned In the story bookand
and then Mr Wise Guy Butler puts alltho
tho village cutups noxtButler
Butler N Indecently rich and many ofthi
the Sourdoughs who gave him this niTryhawhaw
I hawhaw liavo profited by lute rank Chefchaco
chaco luck but the real Joke scorns tl
l > e on old Charley OrnhamItaclnR
ItaclnR on KnowiUioriFrom
From the Wrulmiiiitrr latiUfBy
By travelling ninety wiles across all UllknowlI
known country and mostly In the darVI
I In fifteen hours the winner of the militaryski
ski race In the Swedish Northern Oauie
i has splendidly shown the powlbillllM ofsnowshoes
snowshoes as a means of locomotionIn
In a former contest nome year asoover
over a dlalance of Ias milathe star vaI
I made at 0 oclock one morning and the maI
I Jorlty of the rem titors completed theourney
lorl early In the afternoon oC the Colowln
Olrnl day while In a more recent race thehe
flrnt man bOle a Finn coYeredtforty he dmtanforty <
forty miles at an cover of eifhtand
and ii half mllos an hourMARMOLA
Why Is FatIs
Is it because one l born with the tssdenoy
denoy Or I It one of lifes trial orIs
Is It duo to just plain hearty appetiteThe
The doctors say not any one of thesephrases
phrases the question correctly They Myfat
fat IS because the fat persons digestiveorgans
organ Such iseem <
organ are defective Such organs i
seem dont change the fatty foods eatenby
by stout persona into heat and energyas
as they should Instead tho food fatspason
on Into the system unconsumed Hencefat
fat layers accumulate under the skin inquiet
quiet spots such 8 tIle chin abdomenshoulder
shoulder blades etcIet
Let that digestive defect b correctedand
and the formerly lat person goes back toe
his or her original shape 1ou can prtthl8
this on yourself Seventyfive Cnb i
secure from your druggist ono of the lawcases
cases of Mannola Proscription Tablets recently
cently licensed for sale by the MarmoliiCompany
Company of Detroit Mich Tae ono ofthese
these tablets after each meal and ut hodtime
time and tho demonstration starts riRtiithem
them Very soon you will cxperlenc Inew
new tr digestive comfort and n cieshould
II dlgetve coror
lightful feeling of Increased onergy whuehshould
should b followed in due season bygradual 0gdunl
gradual uniform decrease of your futDuring
gdunl o
During the demonstration period youet
Dring drink W formerly rememwrThe
The tablets need no help from either dietIng
Ing or exorcising neverole tho dailyloss
Ig oxornl
loss should approximate ten to elxlOl1ono
ounces a dayIt
ono WHY 1 It youget thin Wy
It the fat just seems to slip away leivtnyour
your flesh smooth firm and wrlnkleieSimply
Simply because Mannola correct that digesflvo
Restive bU thereby stopping funhrrfat
fat accumulation and enabline the bodvready
acmulUon what
dlesolve lea
ready to haley dllvo wht hl a