J Itt u r r b < < < > r > n Nr ttTHE L t THE SUN SUNDAY FEBRUARY 21 1909 SHOW GIRLS IN THE CELLAij j initanoin SPKCTACLKi Ar i in SEW roiiH THKATRKI I ID oliIiC Homrn Wlio Are luUlerMIIJCIII > CIII Harris HnmrlPoktr In tnei ures + lnB Moon Huprrilltloni Drrorations rations and Finally a 1011 Wagerrim rim whole subway eootionot tho Nowrk 1 > rk Tlmatro Is turnod Into dressingrmm rmm for the fifty odd and oven girlsvii vii ngear In Mlas Innocenco undrnv rnv ll up for tho part by undergroundmitVxU eoun tbs All sorts of Interesting alloysliiiui liiiui I < > into alcoves from the tttrtlngloin loin whnro siln night lifter night withw w > silo aril light fpvorchly plscod andounxit ounxit hlipparn for his tltwl foot CoptHarrw Harris smart who tuwl to manage f > nman man Thnmpflon nnd by the most naturalgrnillion grnillion in tho world onmo to hold hililr proiyint pcwltlon For there la certainly HOM ping nymbollo In tho rolrtlon boi twwn Innocenco and The Old Hotnotwivil twivil if onn had limo to find out wlwtii ii in or If two had timeTii Ihn two try to persuade Capt Smartto to td thorn Just what him troubles arofir fir u > tho casual nyo It HOOITJH mthor ana a iiis task I a look out torso many youngwiinnn IIn wiinnn hut hn brushes the fJIIMtion w ldovh a vh I hn HVIIO go tiiro that ho might mnkoto to n importunate fly and says tlmlh hs ould look out for a hundred girlsand and not hrvo any more trouble or npondinv inv more thno Ho la reading ft OermanUIVIIHJ ItrnI UIVIIHJ when thn Interrogation reacheshim him and ho puts hU spectacles in to holdat 1tI plno and look about IntrnallyAt at the currying rhorua girls who nrecoming coming through n passageway that loadstn tn tho wingslot tot out of tho drrjiiRiit Mnrno heculls culls to one Fnd In R second tho order lar rs n itod K lna Chose do you want topi pi your death Dont you foes tho coldnir IIIIr nir mi your back Should think youwould would Klorry if youre laid up with1tioiitionift 1tioiitionift dont say thnt I didnt warnyoi IYO1 yon There you Rro standing on thesecold cold nags with nothing on your foot hutth1plfl j thorn thin dippersOne One of the girls Grace Myrtle V lei aor nr Heatriee It Is hard to remember namesin IIn In this galaxy of beautyacknowledgen ian an Introduction with n pirouette nndWeve I 111 1Il8 you to inspect her dressing roomWI Weve got some of the dandiest decornllon llon In our place iho oddll I A CORNER OF THE PEACH ORCHARD Yoi promise your nllcnllnn rnomnntarlly tarlly distracted by Mr Kingston thobusiness business manner who i < promenadingabout about the corridor with his hands filledwith with yellow bill and ono yellow hair on JULIAN MITCHELL THE MAN OF THE HOUR J INVALID YET A WAGE EARNERrni I Till srwfSG CLASS 011611EIBY ny A cmrpLEOne I One Voiim Woman Who Ilea Fuunit Irotltami 1 and llapplims In Instructing lltllrMrls Mrls In Needlework From UolNllulhrj llulhrj to Making Ural GarmentTLe il these lire day In which even Invaliduinen uinen take pride in earning their ownpockst IJOc pocket money and sometimes even theirown own living One young woman in ther Item western part of New York State who Inlamo eo lama as tho result of an accident thatthe the cannot walk or even move out of horchair I I chair without assistance earns 1C a weekby ity by oneliing a claw of little girls to BOWand and mendI I 1itt had to do something eho oxpUmpd pinned to the reporter While 1 amvory vory fond of reading and am fitted totfh trash cihool after my accident I had togire gire up that ambition I was also fondof of daring and often uod to Hay thatIf IIf III e uidnt gut a position in the publichI hI I would toach a dancing clasMnyu l4Ia Mnyu iliin idea of teaching led me toIhn Ihn k < d a mowing clftsHA1 Ir A1 T I wa + well enough to Hit up andin > in rN1 ftrong again I consultedi tt ii tin subject and as she didntI I writ out little cards Invitingv s v htto girl of my acquaintance 1 i I the following Eater ay aftern 6 > µ ih iH It was the last week inNiviminr Niviminr that I wanted them to holBH > BH < in > Ks twentyone dolls that I Intertt t iiiMi irtH < ntlng to u mtssiun Sunduyih arh > fjr its Christ nar treeHr Hr TO mtiy hive been ono or twoh r h hliit like the Idea of spending thef alt toii rowing but If BO they woruf sa ii win over by tho enthusiasm of themauiriiy mauiriiy I had all tho garment cutcm cm sith a threaded needle stuck In eachHI HI a 11 nit It set with the doll which wast to wr it lying peacefully beneath the pie I plannnd the party to hut twoIniis Iniis and at tho end of tbt time our rmeH m H I if nil work appeared at the doorih Rv9 a large covered trayourno Iouro ourno this was another cause forlenient UIllmtlIt The tray was placed on aIaII tLk at my elbow and when I removed thoCv Cv er there were tea cakes and little cupaof of ttiMard with a spoonful of whippedCTMin Cream for each little 8MJ1slressI Uauo they were all d llabt d aDd a J scraped their cup pretty clnan I noticedthat that the majority wore nnxiois to InUhthat IIhai that they might get back to work on thnirdoll doll clothes Knowing that they wouldbe be more interested In making the ilollHdre dress than Its undergnitnpntH I hadstated stated at first that the dress wan tn be leftfor for the lastIf If you could have seen thcwu littl fingers gers fly trying to finish the undergarmentIn In time at least to begin the clivim thatnftcrnoonl nftcrnoonl That was quite Impossiblehowever however even with the larger girls whohad had had some experience with the io p < lltand and when tlmo came for them to go instead stead of my having to urge them to returnthe the next week to nnidrthe rowing they alltfegged legged tobe allowed to comeMany Many of them wanted to come Mondayafter after school but I insisted that they waituntil until Saturday At least half an hour before fore the appointed time they were nilseated seated In mv sitting room working fordear dear life That day nil tho dresses werebegun begun but none of them win flriinhedOn On use third Saturday all thedrs t h werefinished finishedThoee Thoee who got through first turned Inami and helped tho little ants who of coursehad had leas experience Each garment luulboon boon Inspeo ted by me and on many of them I had done considerable of the workbut but when one remembers that tho youngest est of my guostn were lea than 3 it wouldbe be only natural for mo to give them Homehelp help lo keep them from becoming dUcou cou ragedWhen When tho lust doll was dr wod andpacked packed away ready to bo Bent to the Sunday day school Buveral of the larger rlrlsasked asked me If I wasnt going to get moreta ta dress You should have seen theanxiety anxiety with which my answer wasiwalteu awalleJThatwaa That was the moment I had boon oxj peotlng and hoping for > very carefullyillo I explained that wile I would not havenVmore any more dolls to dross for the inksloncnool school I had determined to open a Bowinglasa close to begin tho first Saturday afterhe the new year I went Into my plansxplalnlng 01IIOwlng explaining my charge for the course ofawing awing and mending and what 1 expecteday my pupils to accomplish4Every mt Every one of the twenty was wigcro to have nor name enrolled at once but Ii explained that they must first consult iheir th lr mothers You know how notionoinofevieltoro hey childreothersnceYou children aro once thEy gt notion Intheir heir heads That night we had a streamif coming rask Thatpvrenta of visitors theThat parents coming to uskbout about my sewing classFollowing Following the suggestion of mynother mother I made my ago limit from 6 to toind undoreloud thatj and bad it distinctly understood thato o j j q M fl m hU coat Ho look at It reflectivelyand and hi ± glance wanders to the four > olntiof of I ho totiipnttn HS if uncertain Theiho ho iiionllonM cuxuully Hint there artalnly U n draught enough to blow tho Hair offanybodys anybodys head and explains the wadsof of bills that ho holds fan likeTheyve Theyve all touched me for their nextweeks weeks salary ho tayn Id like toknow know what the glrUdo with all the moneythey they get Just Its soon tut Monday nightcomnt comes theyre lieginhing on u new creditupend upend everything they get SaturdayIts Its a mystery to mePart Part of tho mystery Is explained laterwhen when tho limp portUre before one of ttiedrosing dreg rooms blowing In ut your timidrap rap n quartet of girls are seen sittingaimit aimit un improvised poker tablWant Want to join the game they iwkhoRpitablv hoRpitablv und then bow amiably to thebelated belated Introduction shrieked throughtho the mcwh by the press agent who onlylooks looks Iniido twice once when he comesand and once when ho goestoll I Dont loll em when you go out whatworo were cloln will you says one of themTheyre Theyre all the tlmo scolding fro for beingInto Into and wo told em tho otherdav wo waslearnln I learnln to paint and they believed itAint I Aint they the Innonents1VIII VIII I come in 11u11 I guess IUcx come In nod raise yol Sit down anywhere Iwhere where These silk tights make n softscat scat book out for the hatYou You know this room a perfect dandywhen when Its rlirod up but Just tonightn Its n little oit of order Oh dont mindtheo ItheM theo shoos put em under the mirroror or throw cm In the corner Opened patfull full houseVf iYo1 Vf dont say You dont mean youreshy shy tattlewhatLottie Lottie or was it May Hopkins dojlsnegligently negligentlyLost Lost 10 last wok site offers as anintroductory I introductory remark and Ive 111m ply Igot got to touch Mr Kingston I wonder If Iirint irint work the tonslllltm racket Had itnil nil right The doctor told mo itd be tayJuitli Idu11I Juitli If I came out to the show but whatwould I would I be doing Hitting roundhomefor for a wliolo weekDid Did you over hoar anything like thatAint Aint It exactly like Uoctoni to tell youto to do some prrft Htly fool thing like thntWhy Why Id din sure If I StW myself aloneIn In my flat fading away inch by inch while I oath child was to be furnished with herown own ewln box and mattrials I Ixtgitnwith with twelve and now I havo thirty WhileI I have had odors of twice us many I feelthat that it id ban for me not to try to overtaxmy my strengthI I oxm with threading the needleand and taking thu simplest slltche4 Mymost most advance pupils those who havebeen been coming to mo now for nearly threeyeirs rears make many of their own garroontsOne One little girl who U now 0 has just finisheda a full sot of clothes for her baby brotherWhile While thoy lire far from perfect they aremuch much hotter toads and titled than thowork work done by the average chojp sew InK Iwomllll woman and a dozen timw letter thanthoKo those to be had In our KtorasIt 1t is not wise according to rny experiences enw to start a child on a useless bit ofcloth cloth just for the purpose of teaching lierthe the stitch Even my youngwt pupilsl egln on some garment for their dollsThe The fact that It is a garment holds theirit attention and makes them eager to finishIt it anti put it on the dollFrom From dolls the natural step is to makegarments of garments their household for thenuolve As or a some rule they memberof allmake I make some ono or two articles for theirmothers mothers before they flni h their firstcourse course of lessonsOne One feature that has proved both interesting teresting and instructive was an exhibitelapse which 1 laid IIIIIt season of the work or myclIl elapse It comprised not only the workthey they were then doing but samples fromtho tho very beginningIt I It was very funny to BOO the scorn withwhich which Home of them regarded their firstattempts attempts It was also amusing to seethe Ithl the satisfaction of the beginner whenthey they saw that the first work of older girlswhom whom they now look lIOn as being prizewinners winners was no better than their ownVow INow Now coming to my sewing class hasMjoome i become n matter of course In the familiesDf of my patrons An fast as their daughtersreach Irench reach tho necessary age they make theirmnillofl appearance with thoir sewing boxes andbundles bundles of cloth under their armsThere There have been several classestarted started since I begannot In oppositionut hut because of the demand I cant takenore more than a certain number and that iscry very small compared with the number ofIIttlo little girls In the townIeople Ieople laugh and say they have tohank hank me for having made sewing foshonablo I onablo but do you know I think therouble trouble with most girls who grow up riot Iiking liking to BOW Is that thoy have had noiroper proper teaching Hand rowing is nonoro Imore more drudgery than embroidery so whyihould I should it bo so consldered1I I have had BO many applications irom from the parents of some of my olderpupll Iuplls pupils that I now am considering taking Ihem them again next year for the purpose Iif of giving thorn a course In fine needlework work Theft they finish that coursethink I think thoy will b4 able to make their Iiwn own French underwear and shrtwstetsTbore IThere There is unoUior Mtun to my work I all the rest of the girls was here bavinthe the time of their llvcaIf If I could only awallow Id be all rightbut but I cant even take champagne and itflhard hard to got rid of our perfectly enormousalarle salaries oven whoa we play unloM wobuy buy wine YM a flush no I mean astraight straightAint Aint It Well Its because Olnlaostanding standing In front of that light and I thoughtthe the diamond was a heart Sure you wontoomo oomo In Theres plenty t f room at thetable table specially provided by the management i mentThe t The table consists of two Merry Widowhat hat boxes placed ono on top of the otherand land the blush roses und tiny buds of thocovers covers decorations are picked out withnickels I nickels and dimes The Interest of thospectators 1 spectators In the game Is not relaxedonly only diverted a moment by another occupant I pant of the room who call your attentionto I to the dealing of Miss MantelAint Aint she cute she asks Slue jimtthrows throws the cards up In the air Wontdeal deal any other way Hays Its luckTho Tho remark gives a psychic turn tothe the conversationRaw Raw that tnnUne cat again Mayme Ar NA HELD IN MISS INNOCENCEllrom llrom tboto by Otto H roo > Co and just as saon as I got in my roomfound found a long slit in my silks lays oneplayer playerThate Thats nothing rejoins anotherIxx ILooked Looked at the moon over Charliesshoulder shoulder and he didnt have any silverin in his pocket No supper for me nnd Iaint aint had a mouthful since breakfastnot not oven a pickmeupTil Til bocst you lottie I mme within an ace of walking under n ladder Afriend friend of mine walked right through afuneral funeral prowsslon only three carriageat at the end and sure enough In just twoyears years anti ten monthskings up oh Iiwnll was noticing I ant one who cant dobut but ono thing at a timeThe iThl The game being over one of the girlsoffers offers horsilf as cicerone to the decorations ions of the rooirs A long shelf coveredwith with makeup materials runs under theHHcM series of mlrrois abundantly lightedwith with down dropping hllIJII meet of themdecorated decorated with wreaths of flowers orx IIWllllant x udant ribbons A few In lieu of betterdecorations icICorutlollll decorations ark wound and twisted i Itttiden the money and what the childrengain gain It Is what I have gainedI I am sure had I given up after myaccident accident and allowed my mind to dwellon on what I had planned to do with mylife life I should now 1x3 a most miserablewoman woman to say nothing of tho discomfortof of those who are forced to live with meAs As small as my work may grem to othersIt It occupies a large half of my timestyles I alii careful always to select prettystylill styles for tho garments my pupils artplunnln planning to make 1 hilt makes It necessary sary for me to keep up with the changof of fashion und brings to me many newidiaa idiaa to think and talk about It alsobrings brings me many grownup visitor Itbus bus now become the usual thing formy my women friends to consult me abouttheir their new dresses before they take thecloth cloth to the dreesmukcrSix Six dollars a week fg not a large income j come but living as we do In a small townit it is not insignificant Then there lethe the happiness It gives in making meknow know that I am note drone and that lifeeven even for n cripple is worth whileHlTKff HlTKff Blfl11any H03IKAlany Alany Varlrtlri Cathrr bout a MaineHonor I HonorProm Prom Mr AVn > iffc JuiirnnlIn In Uondolnham Is a bird nursery whereall all through the winter month Iho applenil and cherry trees are filled with bIl fie Jarcwoodpeckers woodpeckers and others eight varletlMif I oC birds havlntc been seen here this stationjyMrs I by Mrs W n Kendall In the trees the Kendalls place long Mrlpif or suet suspended by wires and furtherown down In the lirnnchet or a cherry tree Ublk I 11 big box fastened securely and alwaysfell fell filled with corn We never use crackedorn corn now said Mrs Kendall as theCngllsh Cngllsh sparrow get It all away from thethers others Home days the box Is blue with theiltiejays iltiejays Timers ore two kinds of woodckers > ckersMorning Morning Is tho best time lo watch thejlrds bird though they com in treat number for their breakfast When It Is very coldhe the Canadian sparrows or winter chiplion pies come down from Canada Then therere are the pine gros beaks big flocks of themand and that redheaded woodpecker You seeswInging winging away as he hangs to that piece ofmet I met III very tame I go out and talk to himiften I often and he Is never the least bit frightnrd coed fast week thirty blijls were here onenornlng I morning One chickadee family fathernother I mother and baby Is very InterestingWe We have the hairy and downy woodpecker pecker the nut hatches chickadees Canadan an sparrows and the English sparrowhe the bluejuya and the pine Bros beeke andometlmes sometimes the shriek or butcher bird makeiln his appearance The other bird are frlghtinedof inedof him for he kills them when he eeUhe the chance with garters and monoohromtlo colorsoherpes schemes prevailThU This U my end explains the guideleading leading to a rose hued section Youwe we thats my mOlt becoming shade andpicture picture of Mark Twain I put him atthe the top I know a girl who knows himand and she says hes perfectly dandy YesIn In white flannels they say he alwayswears wears themThats Thats Favwsuam below Aint hegot got a romantic ace just like a man withu a secret Borrow Oh these babies I justtuck tuck them there because I liked tlierobut but they dont belong to anybody Allthe the girls have babies picture and kittons tons They go BO well togetherThat That big picture lathe brother of oneof of the girls HBB a moraber of the NewYork York Athletic Club and that foot on hlaoh chest Is the embolI mean eymblemoh oh well my tongues twisted Whatthat that foot on Hairy chest Ruby Ohof of course the club coat of arroaHere Heres a pincushion the chorus gtrlacoat coat of limbs I suppose you might callit it while youre In the business AintIt It kind o cute with ft ruffle round theknee knee toothat WM before the Ompeer gown came in and we had to change theunderpinning underpinning Aint Anna fields figuresimply simply stunning I call it juat perfectand and her accent too Did you ever knowanybody I anybody that could roll their rs the wayIve Ive got everything In It Yes thats ashe she can They sound like a soft rubberball ball going down marble stairs and hlttlneach Ienrh each stair I tried it but they my Itssomething something you cant acquire that youhave have to have a nurse for It when youreyoung iyoung 1Tllo youngTho The press agent who inquires veryanxiously I anxiously If youve been able to get Anymaterial material of the kind you wanted Insistsupon Iupon upon your going in to oongratulate Mlstarrnine Lorraine who has added that evening anew Inw new cong to the repertoire and Is beingmadouptolook Imado made up to look like Linn CavalhrlolS youenter I enter her dressing room which she has thoproud proud distinction of sharing with onlytwo two others She shows the six changedof I of costume that she has to make amongthem them the famous white heath gown wornIn In the Abbaye scone which fits so that Itmakes I makes tho average costume of the fash WHAT ITOMEX ARK 110111Mrs Mn A A Lafferty the only womarmember member of the Colorado L zlslatureIs I Is chairman of the educational committee mittee and a member of the committeeson on criminal jurisprudence State institutions tions enrolment Denver city affairsand and county linn She was assigned todetk detk J3 and accepted It saying that shehad had no suoerstltlonsThe The national woman euffrageconventionfor for 1609 will be held at the AloskaYukonPaclflo Pacific exposition in the first week InJuly July One day of this week will beobserved observed as womans day It Is saidMrs jIra Mrs Helen Woods Miller left 130000to to Brown Universitydepartment to be used in itsdepartment department of comparative anatomyThe The remainder of her estate is to go totheWomens Womens CollegeMies Mies Mabel Willard and Mn Maud PWood Wood have started on a tour around theworld I world Their object Is to study the condition dition of women in the different countries I tries They expect to be away more thantwo two years Tney will visit Japan firstThe I The hundred dollar prize offered byMrs I Mrs L B Bishop for the best suffragesong song has been awarded to Louis J Blockprincipal principal of the John Marshall HighSchool j School of Chicago More than a thousandmanuscripts manuscripts were received by MrsBiihop BiihopMr Mr Catharine W McCulloch of Evanston ton 111 said to be the only woman justiceof 1 of the peace in this country astonishedthe the Society of Anthropology at a recentmeeting I meeting by denouncing Adam M aOoaferShe She declared that Eve was the motherof of all the arts and sciences and by datawhich which carried her back to the palaeolithicago ago she sought to prove that womanVaathe the originator ofr oat of the good thingsIn In the world At the end of the meethigshe she asked for a vote on woman suffrageand and the audience almost to a man declared clared Itself in favor of giving voted toThe womanThe I The first medal for artlatlo photographs graphs of children at the Kansas Statephotographers photographers convention was awardedto to Mrs Helen L Francis About half thecompetitors competitors for the prim were menFour Four out of the five political partiaain I in California have Indorsed the amendment ment to the Constitution giving full suffrage frage to women To those men who saidthat that the women of California did not needto to vote to got everything they wantedthe the BUtfragisU replied by calling attentionto tion to an Incident that is said to have happcotd pined within the lat few yean An Iriia PLAYING FOR A FULL HOUSE enable style look like the covering of arhinoceros rhinoceros Then you stand for anothermoment moment two by Capt Smart who U stillrending rending Oerman text and chasing the girlsout out of the draught The guide introducesthem ithem them occasionallyMiss Miss May Hopkins who does the sufI I I ragette comes forward fanning heroolfvigorously vigorouslyIm Im a sufferer nil right she announcesAm Am I a suffragette too Well I guessnot not Girls are we suffragettes Not soanybody Ianrbody anybody would notice it I believe In thohome home and fireside and womans proper J I THE FRONT BOWsphere l sphere I dont Bee what a show glrlllg rget get out of a vote do youMan Man Deur chirps another a sho tripsgayly Igayly gayly by her dark hair outlined by awreath wreath of pink roses and her pretty figurein in tarlehtn sUlrts of tho ballerina kindShes Shes real French whisper anotherin in pink pajamas Dont she say thatMoan Moan Deoyer1 beautiful Only been heresix six months She sing the French songIn In the restaurant sceneTwo Two of tho girls are exchanging hagaot ot bonbons and another is handing I girl of good reputation married a Chinaman man When their first baby was threidays days old the father gave it to a brothoto to be taken to China to be brought upThe The wife appealed to the court ThoJudge Judge promptly decided that the husband was within his rights and wan the legalowner owner of tho babyThe The suffragUU ofKngland are offeringa a prim of ono guinea for tho best epigramIn In verse on tho question of women suffrage rage and the force argument Tho forceargument argument It seems U denying the sex thoright right to vote because of womens Inferiorphysical physical force Tho epigrams are to consltt slat of not less than two and not morethan than six lines and must bo In the hands ofthe the proper authorities before the end oftho Itho tho present monthThirty Thirty women have been nominatedfor for places on tho school board In PhiladelphGa delphia Among them Is Miss EmilyHallowell Hallowell sister of May Anna Hallowelltha the first woman ever appointed to thoPhiladelphia Philadelphia Board of Education MissEmily Emily Hallowell was for a number of yearsthe the head of a privato school for girls theonlyshool only shod l In Philadelphia for a long tlmowhore whore girls could be prepared for collegeAmong Among the candidates from tho otherwards IwardalUO wards ore Dr Clara Marshall dean of theWomans Womans Medical College Dr SarahLockrey Lockrev president of the Womans Medical cal Club of Philadelphia Mrs Edwin OOrice Once member of the council of thoNational National Educational Association MissMan I Man V Komu head worker in tho ChurchSettlement Settlement House nnd Mrs CatherineTullldge Tullldge founder of the Womans Educational tional Improvement Association whichla la now trying to secure the appointmentof of a matron in each public schoolMIsa Miss Kate Gordon of New Orleans aspresident president of the Juvenile Court Circle Isleading leading a movement to establish a StateIndustrial I Industrial school providing manual trainingfor IInjtfor ing for boys and girls She proposes a taxof of 7t cents on every 1000 to pay theexpenses expenses Tho women taxpayers ofLouisiana Louisiana who ha vo a right to vote on allquestions questions relating to taxation havopretty pretty generally let It M known that they Iare are willing to playtheirshareto establishthe itho the schoolMiss Miss Sophrinla Brockonridge assistantdean Idean dean of women in the University of ChiI sego la a director In tlio League for thoProtection Protection of the Immigrant She is also Iono ono of the leaders of the movement to guta a bill through the Legislature of Illinoiswhich I which will regulate the employmentagencies agenciesMrs IMra Mrs Emma S De Voe of WashingtonSlat ISlaW State was told the other day by a woiildto be wit that ha was about to introduces f a third a bracelet dleonsoatoly shosaya uaaya saya Oh toje It I always keep myword word and you won It all rightI I know Id not him tbli itao tight Intho tho chin too tho other replja Holooked looked up so surprised and I wired ayband band just DA kittonUh cs thatTho Tho guido explains that whenth glrlathrow throw the little pamphlets containingpictures rpictures pictures of the oovbrated beaaUot of theAnna 4 Anna Hold production latothJe audienceIt It of course mates it more exciting if theycan can hit somebody In the oo Wcscrtare 1are are sometimes made AIn Y1n In tho bii rooii on the noxtjlqar phlchserve serve as foyer owl groopiaotrfegitl 1IcnS0106 Julian Mitchell Is trying to xplyeUTniflcanco y niflcanco of cectrio inaRuotUm to ° hAlf ftdozen dozen girls who aro listening bJIia enthusiastically thusiastically and uicthor huJfdateri are i trying to inaVa thu sUgo raaoofcer letthorn + them oil from rchoartal Jlip poxi day Anna Held cornea off etajo andpaoeathrough through a double row oYadralrtDgcrloruiimen rInca men and maids whom she greets on princesse cease throwing remarks hero aprf there Ilolono ono throws buttered ftliculf to hungry pup 1 Into tho Legislature a bill giving a voteto rto to every woman who lied one child audan an additional vote with every additionalchild child Mm Do Woe promptly announcedlliat that she would ofjTor u substitute billmaking dmaking making paternity a qualification forholding holding unite All members of the lowerhoufo houfo wore to be required to have atloiWit ± Inset two children members of the Senatethree three Supremo Court Judges six andGovernors Governors an even dozonMrs Mrs William L Howard was recentlyappointed appointed second probation officer forwomen women at Rochester N Y She is thnpresident president of the City Federation ofWomens Womens Clubs Sho rocoivoa no salary for hor servicesMiss Miss Alnallo of MaroshTlnkos gjvean n crnnliic description of the rejoicingIn In Turkey over tho opening of ParllamontCannon Cannon wero fired and procwHlonsmade made up of Jews Armenians and Moslemsof of all claseeM marched througli the strootastand rejoicing Many people did not understand stand what it all meant One womancame came to Miss Ainsllo and said the wanlooking looking for Liberty She said ho haddone 1done done her n great kindness in caving horftom ftom the tax gatherer who had troubledhor her in former years so she wanted lofind find him and thank himMrs Mrs Rose C Johnson of Clorlmm Melias lias just boon appointed visitor of tnaMaine Maine State schools She succeeds MrsClarke Clarke Darker daughtor of oxGorFrederick Frederick liobio who hold tlio ofllcfor for more than ton yearniltou iltou roniun TO fKsiOKvr ttread tread or the Panama Itrpuullc fugsnasa n llrnkrmanPresident President Olialdlas career Is as full ofadventure adventure and romance as the countryover over which ho rules A brakeman on thaPanama Panama Railroad lo the days when thsfever fever and tho Bcorplonn of tho jungle Ywere were piling up an annual death list ofwhere + one man III every fie from thl compdnyapnyrolh pnrelh 11 cowboy on n Mexican ranchwhere where ho who knot bvet and shot firstwas was the victor in all points of dlspuuvthose those were the early stepping stones ofhis I his career leading finally through thafortunes jffortunes fortunes of revolution to the Governoruhlj still of the Province of PanamaWhen When It Is remembered that he waseducated educated at tho leading college centralof of both South and North AmericaBay a Hampton Magaiine graduating fromthe the University of Bogota and proceeding to New Haven whom ho studied at Yflloalthough although never matriculated his tramIng tag for the Presidency of tho storm loosedRepublic Republic of Panama can be appreciatedAnd And It was all rounded off by a torrp In la a Panama prison as a result of tho warwith with Colombia In the early years of thepresent present century j >