rrr r1 t At fJpi < j fGiti pit Jt 11pt W1t > R 1iJ3 W 6l r i T v i 4 tlllrSONv TIlE SUNSUNDAYS SUNtoAY APifil APEIL 18 1909 V J > x 1 = it wToti uroiibnILE 1 tE NOTES NOTESOrdinarily MOTESOrdinarily NOTESOrdtflarIlY Ordinarily Automobile manufacturers do not nottrinx nolbrinK iOtFring brinK out their models for the succeeding ye year yearnlll reartitU r rfcnill fcnill nlll August u uil or September while others wait waituntil walllntll wMttutiI until nearer tho end of the previous year ear but butttte bult iutte Autocar Company h ha has set se a new mark mar by byjT byDr byea1n ttte t e jT ea1n inif Dr II ls new model two or three months monthsttad monthtral moathietead ttad o or the sl1111 lime for incoverlnj a new newroducilon newlrolu newiro1uCOfl roducilon lrolu < ton The be company hasnowoneihlblllon hasnowoneihlblllongi hu now on uhlbilion uhlbilionaI gi it tranches In New CW York and Philadelphia PhiladelphiaMnrr Mnrr mrr < o 01 Us II 1910 model touring car ar which whichtl Is IspfTnvHli Isorn pfTnvHli tl ilcslRnated I hnard tie XX In the preliminary preliminarymir II mir Lr It follows the teneral reneraillne lines of the Autocar AutocarreiMtirtlon ulOarrOO utoarroIlrtIOfl reiMtirtlon rOO lIlh > n It has ha been Improved la several severalnvior severalor nvior ror or i < > The ll horse hoepower power Is rated al MM MMHaving 25 11 11n 1 entnc n lne Having lIa lnlt four cylinders lInders of 4 Inch bore boreHnt borerII boreiirt Hnt rII l r tmii stroke The ear lies hasW 34 Inch wheels wheelsvr vr r n floailnK no in rrnr axle AXleSflt and high beam front aile aileIm used u ed throughout and tbe Ujej 1 1 Im mum bf hr3rinr riiui are re Bosch The Therinrti Thelr1Orl1 TheIrmrtt < j i h equipped with a magneto lr1Orl1 rinrti mnnasrr nrc rc prepared Ite > ared to five demon demonnrtiton demonlOn demoneItlon neniOdCI neniOdCIto models modelshn modelUh nrtiton lOn ttlh 11 the new Uh hn h most of the leading makes of tires tlve tlveHiriilil rheHol tve tveIt Hiriilil 1 service 1 It Is true that additional tails tailslion satlslemhi eatist t < lion would follow 10110 If even owner would Insist Insistma ma rrrtaln common practices be avoided For Torluiitnrr IorM Fort Hand In water waterilnmp watertr Itcrnn luiitnrr > t a M l s often allowed to floor wbleh Is very bad badtin badf tr nn mm II t ilnmp iwraije Iitra e 1 r tin t I tin I In I nder the constant Influence of ofdarnnnr ofI oftll ofdsmnmmr the tiC oiirrlor rubber covering of the ther thetv darnnnr I g tvg vg llrfc tv r i himnil tll cl to sfparate t from the t fabric sooner sooneror o oIntr condemned and the thenm the1Thm or utcr < The tire Is then nm 0 rr r l b hlamed for the result of the owners ownersIcnnmnrc ownersl ownersIn Icnnmnrc l In ° rfl or rnrelrtsnes rnrelrtsnesi arelessflesiIheIin 8 8ihr N V 1 1Is 1I 1I i ihr h Mlrhelln ohclln Tire Company of MHHown Is I constantly warnlne a mini Its customer and in inl InIi l Ii rt t all tire tlr tisers fI er ti I take Intelligent Inleillgenlare care of their theiri res If owners of cars would learn to do thla thlaUirlr thlalItlr thIstheir i lr their tire II Mils would l he > e much smaller at t the thetul thecud thetiptm cud of It t each year eu of driving drivingThe IlrIlnThe The irciil rellt ilemnnd for Iormedium medium powered mode moder r ra > e nriieil cars rs thla III Is year car Is explained by tt V W Wr WIirc WJjre r Iirc r e of the Mora Ior Company a a a logical result resulttleic resultor esuItU or U tleic inrihanlcHl excellence This year sees seesit lieuel7n seestt it knonn nI t > pcs In tile 1 light car Held guaranteed guaranteedin ah aha in do el7n el7nI Hi1 mi I wiiiU AS efficiently I as machines b which whicha a jtar > Cd M or more ago could not be bought for two twoor IWOcr twoor or three times t the I price Their following Is not notitratvn notIlrilWII nottratn itratvn entirely from the newcomer by b any means meansus us a hundreds hmelrt > of well known motorists of means meanshave meansta meanshat have ta hat t discarded d ed high priced cars for the economical theeonomlcalli economicallict lict li t i lour of l 111 ai Outside of the mechanical mechanicalejrfllence mechanicaltIrlJn mechanicalezeIlence ejrfllence of the latter probably robabl no reason for fortter forttP forte tter ttP te popularity Is I stronger than their light up upkeep upI tiplee ¬ keep I lee expense Tire maintenance Is much less lessr le3rrrn lesseerrnte r irmsHo rrrn while hlle their fine adjustments make makelit makeIn maLetrfl lit In n reasonably onahl < economical In fuel lueland and oil They Theyvnp Theyto vnp 1 to also al tlS demonstrated their freedom from fromtnclne fromcn fromtnIn tnclne cn ln ailments 1111 nnl as was shown by the 10000 mile miletfnleii mileHlr1 mileiied tfnleii iied bonnet run made by a Mora last year yearll ll > H t slity Sill day dl guarantee or at most a aeason ara ftstan stan ra < n guarantee Is the best that a consumer consumerin Ion in euwct from a manufacturer or dealer hut llutwini lIutm hutwli wini iV he perfection e re n orOlerhJfb of high grade e IsA American Americanaitomobllrs Americana r raoou aitomobllrs a m 1 lr a new order of things tl Is brought broughtahou ahou and the astonlshln alonlhlnllllnnounctmenlls announcement Is I made madethe madeh h the Icme Aimc IflsC Motor Car Company that all Acme Acmerats Acmel45T cnle cnleIIrc rats l45T arc guaranteed for life At 1 any time while whilean whllan an tame erne far ar Is In active service the makers will willreplace willrcpln willrrplsee replace rcpln any an part of the mechanism or running runningar runnlnIrrnr runninggesr Irrnr ar that proves J > foes defective Should till this fedeet fedeetnot not no be apparent until five years ellu after the car carturcue ars arspurrhAe s spurchase purchase tile replacement will be made Just as asreadily aslIdll i ireedily readily lIdll as a If discovered Immediately after the thepurchase IbepHhae thepUrCh4te purchase purchaseThe The first rst stride In the aggressive campaign to tomake toIT tomae make the Kissel Kar israswelI r as well known In Inthe the e East as asItwasout asltoaOut bte btee Itwasout IT t West r was wasinade made lastweekwhen si the t theNew theNewOtt New Nework ork 0 headquarters for this car ar was as removed to tois 101oollrolwlI I Iiroa4IWnY is iliroadway changing Inthan In lng Its Itlocallonllbe location the name nameof i ia of a the th concern eonr < rn also changed from Apthorp Motor MotorCar llotorCor Motortar Car Company to the th Kissel Motor Car company companyof i iof of New rw York i ark Frederick S Dickinson manager managernf nf the company Is pleased with the new location locationand locatLoOstd and r oon > on will have ha an additional line of models modelsfrom mOdelsfrom modelsfrom from the Wisconsin WI > tonln factory factoryc c W V Post the famous food manufacturer of ofI Oftllc orlottie I nttle Creek Mich and Post City CII Tex ha pur purha purcha purchsrd cha chsrd < ha eil a P lnion SI Ix landaulrt The WInton WlnlonnOlpan WIntonniwan lnlonnmpany nmpany has turned away a It a score of orders for forMhor rortoe Mhor 54 toe hor e power Winton Win Ion Six cars within the week weekbavins weekhIn weekbsvln bavins no more of this model to sell sellMarking sellhrlnlr sellIriiflg Marking the route for the New ew York to Seattleendurance Seattle sealtlrnduraner Seattisendurance endurance run Diamond IJlamo < 1 tires are making their theirplvcnth IbelrIonlh theIrclentb plvcnth notable transcontinental trip There Theretifve TherI tifve I P c been only on fourteen such undertakings all alltoH alllold alltohi toH Diamond 1 > eeren times In fourteen Is about aboutthe aboutthe boutII the II usual I allrlte average of the Ih publics tire selections selectionswhen selectionshen rl0lIon5when when hen hard hsr work Is ahead The pathflndng pathflndngrsr the Thomas which whichnnn whlcbon whichnon rsr ar now on the long road Is I nnn on thr th New ew York or Paris race The tire IIr equip equiprvcnt equipnl rvcnt eflt nl In that world orl < 1 around trip was Diamond Diamondhe detachable 8flt and andS andAt5 he h same n as a > now quick S At5 x5 casing oa ilJ and tubes tubesrhe lub lubbe tubesrhe rhe be man > activities actit ltle of the spring selling elllnl season seasonr In the personnel of ofbe ofe ofhP r ls o e caused rsu < 1 many changes be e biz hi motor car houses along Automobile Row RowThe Rowppolntmenl FlowaITointrteflt The appointment of Charles A Singer Jr as ascenerl a acnnl aseenerl cenerl < salr > trmnarer mn of the Palmer Singer SlnsrerManiifacturlni Slnerrnlllrturln SingerMsnnfscturin Maniifacturlni Company Com pan vice ce William N Rot Ratio Ratiorr ItottortInid to torelrnfd relrnfd rr < lnert bi imts IUM IU < t been announced l tavll tavlllandaU > avl < 1 1I I landaU has also as > mounted a rune In the tit ladder ladderhaving ldderts having 1 ts In ben appointed chief engineer lIilne r In place placenf nf owar 0 stegeman who t tin recently enll reslsned from fromthis IromIhls fromthl this position positionif po > lll n nI if I I there Is i one nan rt about a motor car that thatirmst Ihalst thatinuCt irmst st n nPP < 1 < be i strong trOn anrt stanch It Is the crank crankshall erantha1t rankIt shall It Not ot only ani must It be of the toughest steel AlteltUI steel1jUt teelhut hut It must III be h supported well throughout Its Itslenctn lisrn Itslenrmn lenctn rn lh In order OIlJ to remain straight and true linger lingerthe under underthe tioderthe the terrific strain and nd pounding which It Is I de deMsned dtInd denned Msned 10 bear Otherwise the lb life of the motor motorl l < materially shortened and the Ih engine cannot cannotran ran r in smoothly moolhl much less Irs develop Its maximum maximumIndeslgnlne mulnlUmpowcr maitmumna powcr powcrIII Indeslgnlne III a dlnln the h motor for the Cadillac Thirty Thirtyto to 55 engineers coznec have provided the crank halt ehaftv v ID five main bearings There Is l one on at either eitherrnrt eithermn Itberrn rnrt rn nrt n < 1 one between each two cylinders clInd These Thesebsrlncs 1hCOhrln Thesehirings bsrlncs hrln s give IH the th crank shaft the rigidity and andrne IIn1rrnes andrnrss rne s which are essential to the vlbratlonless vlbratlonlessmotor lhnlIonle5tor motor > tor l lacl1 > ch hearing Is made in halves attached attachedto < 1 to 0 and nd supported by b the dividing walls n ails II of the therranii thenan thecrri rranii nan ra rc e so that they tb can an be readily removed removednrrt end an replaced without the necessity of disturbing disturbingit it crank rran shaft shaftTuat hllltTMt baftTsat Tuat an n automobile If properly built will 111 riot rioton1 1101M noten on1 PM < I better service than a horse hut will willfff willst 111 fff 1 st C inelent service for a 1 longer time Is I what whatr t r fiforje Gor flrZe K I enkler of St I Paul Inn lisa liasf l1a l1aOJI lisaC f C out to 0 demonstrate and he I is wlthlu a year yearof yearor tar taror or < cornt his hi point lie has ba been using a Arolln aFranhiri 1 ranln motor car In his bl professional prole 810nal work and andmonr andoanho andCs Cs a ttioiig monr phMlclans ttim slelans here dtlg the average t useful usefule n e ol oanho a ror torac e nl I have found 6 to be t between six sixrn alap04 rn p04 01 < t ecn > years ar I am convincing many msn that thatthe Ih thatthe t th the h car ar can aD b j bC made to equal this but It will wlilialie wlilialieoolhrr take takeinothcr takenothrr inothcr car to prove It Ittir ItUr Ittie tie senkler proposes r > ropO to see ee how much longer longertran roan even e rn > ears the cnrwlll car nr sIii 111 serve him effectually effectuallyIn In his work workn o on n order der from the Indianapolis board of health healthin in n elrctrle ambulance has been hued by hyI the theMnvrrly timem Mnvrrly I s cr1 > cum fIlnlan pan Spwlal points of convenience conveniencen In n tiltS III nmbJlan < e are rc r the two II side doors rioorsnear rlonrnr doorsIi near Ii S t th ttii front ronl o nf lie hl ntibulance hllane opening upon uponin ii puncit in 1 oien spare pare nf II Inrhcs by 3 feet 10 Inches InchesIn joNb joNbIi Ii hl hlon r In from f rr of nh lbs stretchers lor the use of the cur surtr curtnn tr tnn nn and attendant < four speed controller controllerM M o > Cteiltteti 1e > liiied nt1 as to enable the II car ta til It I start and andiat ac aci i ierate HlthoJt shock t s nn Important feature featuretf tf he hein 11lpmnL 11lpmnLth in n th till tl hill rlimhlnz limltlll iontest at San an Fran Frani FrllnfPIIIW i > rncntiy retflt one nil t of the t mnt Interesting I nterestl rig per perfnrrrnrces r Pc > rr rrfrarr r rfryrspepc fnrrrnrces of the III des d nat 8 thr th lclory Icoo of the theMearn theitfiIn thetv Mearn tv mtrfl < In the h class In for mrs M costing more than thanJ100O thann hann J100O n < fn st The car used wan w one owned by b lack Iank Iankmllm JankInt 1ankrifli mllm Int nf I In ns Anzcle n I who tlo had arrived In San SnI 1 ranclvci three days > before the climb nfter a aMrrnuous aetrrnuJus arrnmKu Mrrnuous rrnmKu trip ol 50OJ jI Ott J miles over rough and andrri1dy andr1d andrnddy rri1dy r1d ruad The Th car nr was wa driven bv I n A Kenny Kennywto ttmennysmio wto 10 has hn handled stcarn tcarn4 cars 11 before In evrnta evrntat evetsslesmi rn rnIrHI t IrHI e i on n the Coas 0a5 It rushed up the th one on mile hill hillla billD hillIe la D I mitritcIM nmtijte I1 1 1isntrm J rroods rroodsfieoijei ron ronfnr fieoijei fnr isntrm p I lolin who has h taken the Ih Metrupoll Metrupolltan tan nvrw tor the Ib Vlftrmon car u Is I to make the thes Ih Ihrrlln ibmmiritnir s erllni < innlliles Iltl of thi Western product much muchhitrr milchI hitrr I I tCi lniwn I n In New ew York orh city tll A fine fin line of ofi 01hn r1 i horse hn > eprivv pnlr r models has ha been shipped blpp d from fromth th I h mltani rullbnttloll > ntls fictoiy nnd Mr John Is going goingi Iolngpntc i emer Slim Maimun In all eventS vrl1 and contests conteststosjitile conleslsrhe conteststnmht tosjitile niong These rhe will 11I be Ie the automobile automobileurniial automobllr automobiles1mi urniial s1mi r itt I pad the Ih early rnrl summer three day da con conIC on onnf IC e of the ew York Automobile Trade Assocl Assoclnlin A AmssoelC oll olle nlin e toe 0 to the th < it smtakll < Ull Mointalni MointalniH MoiittalflTtrrfl1 I Inl H Ttrrfl1 > iint < nl adilitlon to the sales forces of the Ih New Neworl e eorl 5 orl on agency Ienc for this car ar are Peter Fogarty a afioneee aJnnr aI fioneee I onee member of the Automobile Club of ofmerlra ofI ofrmeri merlra rmeri I and an Ullllun lll n X Hollo one of the beat bestkntmn beatLnnn beatmoon kntmn n almcn along Automobile row rown I < n Harden of the Hnrrolds Motor Car Corn Cornran Comr ran r rs wr n s a second IMcrceArrow licrce ArrOW car for the thee 1 r of 1resldrni Taft and family famll was wa shipped shippedr r ring no the weik from the factory at llufTalo to toAashlnzon 10atln2on intatingtotr Aashlnzon The new car Is I a II l cylinder J Jlorsc t tI a acurse curse I r power pow lamlaulet lanlnulelIInel and like Ihe first car of off ofthe < the f smr mnkc rnn c was a bought front money appro approI approplaed approf7ted I Hated tor I the purpose by Congress CongressTie Tie T r dr If tram i e rar IIr r for the President was wa ordered orderedn el 1 Im in n Ohruary and was n used during th the In Inn n m i ration ceremonies < by members of the Presl PreslIn Presi1r In i family 1 mil and tlnce Inr then by b him Some ome Idea Ideait it f wnt 10 u t required of the car ar a six cylinder cylindernorse VI VInflr 4 4htrte norse nflr power p rr suburban may be gained from the theInformation IheInfMmlon theifltarmnmtlnmt Information ihat It must he on duty fifteen hours hoursi i da 11 amm1 i nd rt mutt mu ahva all aiwmt3t a > he ready at a moments momentsrrilfp momenlqr momentsrrJr rrilfp qr for to n 1 rail from the White House The Thefn1 Thert fn1 rt cat rll html been In use hut a 1 abort time when wheni whenlIohtrr i Is > Mchter powered landaulet was ordered orderedre Itr Ti re seeond nr car ar It Is supposed will be used not notri no nonn notnn nn durlnr the cooler months but during In IniPieiit InMe inermt iPieiit Me ermt niiihrr hcr In the summer and fall since sincei M i ejirn pr auntie body IIod has hit been ordered for use usecm Uleno useI cm I nor I 45 s hrs i rsr power p cr enclosed car ar during the theb1 Illerrrr b1 turner turnerlecture rrrr rrrrleclure 5 lecture on tires was a recently given before beforepupil beforep 5a p pupil of the Franklin automobile school In Inru Jjvrarujf 7 arose ru hy b W V 0 I llutherford manager of the Huflalo branch of toe t e Cioodrleh Tire Company CompanyIrofp CompanyProfessional y yrrnrlslonal Irofp Professional Monal Marathon for May Mi Mitmiotltr H HArotlir Itr1OI1r Arotlir lile professional prorfII lonal Marathon ha hatnpn habepn has haspen tnpn pen announced for the Polo Oroundi for forftaiurday forf forFas ftaiurday f Fas iJrday afternoon Mays 8 Thin Chi time there thereJill thereIII titerswill Jill III be no restriction ns to the entries and andovery andvery andavery very pro with pretentlonn l to stamina will willh wIllha h ha allowerl in tli flies Iniiil The now corners cornersill ill 1 hn h Clbot and rph rnhvss winners of tho thoix hoa j ix a dajr race Ia John Hvnbnrx of Sweden Swedenat ls at Shllo hit nf Ireland sod od Hlnirxon I the thenhan Indian AloriK with thenn Ihe there will 11I be St StIVPS SIives IVPS ronubottt rnn tJo t Dornndo and Hayes It Itiil its s iil a tI thai lbot I Is a wonder at the dln dlnfinre dlllInn dislana lana Inn Bnd 1IH that hei h has run It In 2 hour 14 14rulniiicM Ie11Inillr i4ftIlImjIt4 rulniiicM vi 3 Mccondrt Whoflvor win thin thinvent thlfltnt thiseent vent tnt can Justly claim the lltloof champion championRacine championRacIne champIonlIacIti Racine In France FranceTerm lrancer Francer5rf41 Term r > rr1 Cablt Dtifnlclt n1 ICh In em Tni SUN SUNiNrKNNM 1If1flIIHt SowS IIHt S iNrKNNM NrII Franco April l7Th hurdle hurdlers TMf rs e for the Prix Porte Dor 1ores ei today 2tno 2tnotnrn 200an 500 500frtiti frtiti an tnrn a 3ItyI 100 motor waM won on by David Davidsleirnilif DavidIOfflll 1avldenrpiI IOfflll leirnilif nrpiI Sauval tip Tlo Iar rArfn on Mon ray rayarrrrnenl J 1t1SiflCfli rfrKMicnl up W sec itA H oconrl Kluchofa Kluchofara b I IIrr ra Mollobone up wan 811 third Ten Tenorp florm borsmM orp < i ran railI I AVTOMOBILGfl U OHoBna I I AUTOMOBILES A1JTO BILF I un unA1JTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILESAuto AVrOMOHILESI AVrOMOHILESlilt I lilt Auto Carnival Week of April 26th 26thA 26thA 26thA A Short Week Weekand and andthe andtheSecond the theSecond theSecond Second New York YorkAutomobile YorkAulolDobile YorkAutomobile Automobile Carnival CarnivalCopyright Copyright Assoc ssoc Sunday Mags Inc Will b be in full Swing That It will be beLarger beLarger bcLarger Larger More FarReaching Far = Reaching and Impressive Impressivethan than ever before is an assured fact Plans are under way for a series of f contests including a aHill aHill aHill Hill Climb Straightaway Races Endurance Contest ContestBig ContestBig ContestBig Big Auto Military Parade Paradeof of the 9th Regiment commanded hy Col Morris Thursday Afternoon April 20th worhpaitjJu 1 Witch bp dsflr dsflrThe n uw sre sreThe rs rsThe The program to culminate SATURDAY AFTERNOON MAY 1st with withA withA ith ithA With GenI Geo Moore + Smith Smithas A Gigantic Parade as Grand Marshal MarshalRepresenting MarshalRepresenting ZiSmifh ZiSmifhRepresenting Representing the complete evolution of the automobile from the earliest days and the crudest crud cars to totle totQe totle tle handsome models on sale at the leading New York dealers today todayIn In this parade there will be awarded 2000 in Cash for Decorated Cars CarsFor For full particulars apply or telephone to Carnival Headquarters 1789 Broadway BroadwayTelephone BroacwayTelephone BroadwayTelephone Telephone 6408 Columbus All leading dealera are united In this movement movementAutocar movementAulocar movementAutocar Autocar Sales altl Co CoBahcocU I ozler Motor Co CoMatheson Winton Motor Oirrlai rialff Co CoUckolT n Diamond llubber Co CoDoollttle Michelin Tire Tirelahrock On OnUortran Csnahescu < > BahcocU Elect Veh eh Co CoBaker 0 Matheson MathesonMaswrll UckolT t s ckolT Church ft f < Part Partrid Doollttle Him Co CoDow Morgan Uor an 4 Wrirht T TBaker Cr CrMosler CitBaker > Baker Elect Veh eh Co Collowman Maxwell IlrlsroeCo IIrloe Co Inc IncMitchell In rid rllIrr BO Dow Tire Co CoTKemann 0 Mosler A ILft IL I Co CoMutual ColIowman CoIlownico llowman S D Auto tllo Co CoIlrldittPort Mitchell Motor Car ar Co Coof 7 71I 7imst st 1 Motor Co CoAlai TKemann 1 MacneUn MacneUnUmpire Mutual Auto Supply Co CoNcwmajttk CnItridgeport n nIIrldor8 IlrldittPort IIrldor8 rl Veh rh h Co CoIlulcU of N 0 Y YMoon Umpire l Auto Supply SIIPp Co CnUmpire Ncwmajttk Tire re Co CoN Coaarotor o ottuiel IlulcU Motor Car Co CoCadillac Moon MoonMorn Umpire Hat Itjtterv ten le Co CoUmpire N Xc V Hklyn Autn U Sup SupCameron supCadillac Cadillac CadillacCameron aarotor Morn I Motor otor Car Co CoNational Alai III laa < Orleh lubber Co CoAlexander C Umpire Tire Ti 11 < Co Coriciillnr Co CoParkway CoCameron Cameron CameronO National NationalOakland > atlon Alexander J tc Co CoAllen riciillnr A r c Co CoFirestone Parkway Garage OaraireIenn GnralleC C G V Import Co CoCltnloltl OaklandOldsmohlle Oakland Allen lIen Auto ula Spec pec Co CoAuto 0 Firestone Ire > tooe Tire 4 < Hub Co CoFranco Ienn Rubber Co CoRepublic CoClmloltl CoCinilolti Cltnloltl Pros BrosCorbln ros Oldsmohlle Co of N Y YOverland Auto Ulo Accessories Co CoAitto Franco FrancoAmer Amer Tailmetcr TailmetcrCo Republic H publlc Tire Co CoUkhards CICorbin CoCorbin Corbin Motor Car Co CoCordner Overland OverlandOwn 0 Auto uto Owners Supply Co CoGeneral Ukhards Auto uta Supnlv sIIPI Cn CnHotntchlld C CCordner CitCordner Cordner Motor Car Co CoB Owen R M A Co CoPalmer C llepot llepotAuto lepo General Auto Supply Co CoJoodrlcb Hotntchlld Hotboi < hlld A cc Co CoRutherford Cot B t l W l F Koebler KoehlerFlat Palmer cc Singer Mfg M Co Conannev Auto Supply Supp > Co CoAuto Goodrich Rubber Tire lre Co CoO Rutherford Rubber Co CoSmith Cnars CaFist Flat FlatFord Banner A Elliott A Co CoRenault Auto tub Supply lift Co CoHadffcr < 0 O J 1 Tire T Co Cotlartford Smith k me Halnes HalnesSpllldorf llainsFord Ford ars Motor Car Co Cofranklin Renault RenaultSaurer ii i Hadffcr e eIlr Ilr Itrass li WI Mfr Co CoBean rIr Hartford Ird IrdT Rubber h r Tire Co CoHarlfonl Spllldorf O f Magnetos MasrnetoStevens La Magnetosrrankiln to toFranklln franklin franklinllaynes Saurer Auto Truck Co Cosimplex Bean Sidney SidneyBoscn Sldnt Hartford < 1 Shock Absorber Absorberlloflerker Stevens > A Hrlltcn HrlltcnStewart BrltlonHayaen brittenilayneit llaynes Auto Co CoHotrhklM simplex Auto uto Co CoS Boscn Mainctos Mainctosllrady lloflerker Speedometer SpeedometerJones Stewart Irreedo > reedomeler reedomelerTlnitley oeedonieierHotchkis leer leerohkl HotrhklM ohkl impart Co CoJefferv S P O Ostevenn llrady IIrad 4 t Co CoHryant Jones Speedometer SpeedometerKassner Tlnitley C O OTrenton OIetfu 0tefferv Jefferv Thos B Co CoJewell Stevens Ieennurna Duryea DuryeaTimes Hryant Motor Cn CnContinental Kassner A H HManhattan Trenton Rubber Huhl > er Co CoWarner CoIeell CoIeweii Jewell Motor Car Co CoJohn Times Square Auto Co CnThoma Continental ContinentalCaamtchoueCo Caoutchouc Co CoCormack Manhattan Storage Cn CnMetropolitan Warner Arner Instrument Co CoUeaier Colnhn John Geo C Harmon IfarmonKlsael Thomas K I R Motor Co CoWhite Cormack M H HCourtney I Metropolitan Garage GaraceMeyers Ueaier erPhlln Kbtlnr < r Co CoWeed CDKissel CoKiseI J Klsael Kar White Co Courtney Hubbcr Co 0 Meyers cSrayson roro Weed ted Caln Tirj r iiflT tri > C CTelephone f fTelephone CTelephone > II Telephone Telephoneif if e 4756 4 Columbus Columbusor or drop a line to toI 1902 1 9 Broadway BroadwayAnd And we will send our representative to your address to explain why you youshould youshould youshould should have a speed instrument on your automobile this Spring SpringIncidentally SpringIncidentally SpringIncidentally Incidentally he will show you just why whyTheWARNER whyThe 2 WARNER TheWARNERWarner The WARNERAUT0 I II I A AUT0 UTO = METER METERis is isin in every way the best and the theonlyabsolutely only absolutely ac accurate aci I I i curate highgrade speed instrument made today todayThe todayi i flI4IZlI A The call places you under no obligation o to purchase purchaseYou Aa7 You miss much of the pleasure of motoring if ifyour ifyour iffl I fl your our car is not equipped with an instrument show showing showI showNZvTrT ¬ I NZvTrT ing mileage and rate of speed An inferior or un unreliable uni ¬ i a reliable instrument is worse than none at all Can Canyou CanI Canyou I you buy a satisfactory stop watch for 15 15Telephone 15Warner I Warner AutoMeter Mode M MSixtymile 11I MSixtymile I Sixtymile Sixty mile sped dial dialwith Telephone write or belter still strllcall call now nowThe nOlOi nowwith i with clock attachmcnt attachmentWith attachmcntWith With corder seasonexclusive c rderlOOOmlletrlpIOOOOO trip 1000 season mile trip features featuresGuaranteed featuresOuanteed mileage 100000 100000seasonexclusive re recorder ¬ The Th e Warner W arner Instrument I os t rumen t Co C CoGuaranteed 0 Guaranteed to give lasting and anddatlsfaclory andaatlsfaclory datlsfaclory service I 1902 BROADWAY R vv Telephone 4756 47 6 Columbus Columbus3OCOK l olumbuu olumbur olumbuslk u r 3OCOK 3OCOK1910Typc lk 1910Typc 1910 Type XX1750 256 horsepower horsepowerFour horse power powerFour Four cylinders 4 in in bore Dore 4 41 in in stroke Timken bearings bearingsthroughout bClringsthroughout bciringsthroughout throughout I beam front axis Semifloating rear axle axleBosch axleBosch axleBosch Bosch Magneto 34 in vheel Five lamps and generator generatorTlie generatorThe generatorThe The Autocar Company tII Ardmore Pa FaBroadway PaBroadway PaBroadway Broadway and Eightieth St New York 249 N Broad St Philadelphia Philadelphiael el AtTO AtTOMOllILE IODnES J ATTOMOBHE1I ATTOMOBHE1IWhen AtTOM AVrOMOB1L1When BJLEB r r rI I I II II II II II I II I I I I I When WhenChairman WhenChairman WhenChairman Chairman Frank B Hower Howerof of the A A A Touring Board Boardnominated Boardnominated Boardnominated nominated the EMF 30 30for 30I 30for I for the strenuous strenuouswork strenuouswork strenuouswork work of laying out outthe outI outthe I the 1909 Glidden Route Routehe r he took into consideration considerationevery I every factor factorthe factori factorthe i the most exacting buyer buyershould buyershould buyershould should consider considerbefore considerI considerbefore I before buying a car carI I 2500 miles milesover milesI milesover I over western roads roadsin in April season of offreshets ofI offreshets I freshets fre shets and rains rainsin in Mississippi Mi ssi sippi and Missouri Missourivalleys Missourivalleys Missourivalleys valleys notedly the theworst theworst theworst worst roads in America Americawill Americawill I Iwill will thoroughly test any car carAt cara j jI I At first a Mr Hower Howerinsisted HowerI Howerinsisted I insisted that no car carof carof carof of less than 50 horse power powercould powercould powercould could do the work workBut workBut I IBut But after seeing seeingthe seeingthe seeingthe the wonderful performance performanceof I Iof of the EMF 30 30he 30he I he took it all back and andaccorded andI andaccorded andaccorded I accorded that car carthe carthe carthe the coveted title titleOfficial titleOfficial titleOfficial Official Pathfinder PathfinderNo I INo No Test you could suggest suggestwoud suggestwoud i iwoud woud equal that thatfor thatfor i ifor for strenuousness no nolittle nolittle nolittle little city demonstration demonstrationcan can prove a cars worth worthWatch worthWatch worthWatch Watch the papers for news newsof n newsof W5 W5I I of this severest of all tests testsWatch testsI testsWatch testsWatch I Watch the EMF 30 30make 30i H i make good goodRemember goodRemember goodRemember Remember Rememberit I it isnt power you want wantit I it s efficiency efficiencyPower efficiencyPower efficiencyPower Power costs money moneyexcessive moneyexcessive moneyexcessive excessive weight is very veryexpensive veryI veryexpensivetires I expensive expensivetires tires c cWhat cI cWhat I What you need is isa isa isa a light trong car carwith carwith carwith with power enough enoughto to spin its wheels wheelsunder wheelsi wheelsunder i under full load anywhere anywheresay I say 30 horse power in ina I a 2000 pound car carThats carThats I Thats efficiency efficiencyand I Iand and economy combined combinedand combinedandthats and andthats thats the EMF 30 1250 Magneto included includedof I of course courseHJKOEHLER courseI courseHJ courseHUJI I HJKOEHLER HJKOEHLER17O9 HJ KOEH LER LERI 17O9 I Broadway Cor 64th St StBranches StI St6rnchos I I Branches BranchesBklyn Sr 6rnchosSklyn122 nches nchesI Bklyn Bklyn122 122 Livingston St StNewark StNewark I Paterson IS atersont atersontl I t C ranae 360 Main St l Newark 84B Broad St Montclnlr 373 Bloomfluld Av A m AtT8M AVTetO1tEL AVTetO1tELA1AUTOSATAPflICE lllLE8 L 1 A1 A1AUTOSATAPflICE A1AUTOSATAPflICENiiW AUTOS AT A PRICE PRICENliW f1 1 1rw t tF1an NliW rw YORKS IMOMiKItFINEST IMOMiKIt 1I0llIU UOIJSSFINKS1ASS0ItTtlINT0FS1ANDABfl FINEST FINKS1ASS0ItTtlINT0FS1ANDABfl ASSOItTMIVrorfiTANi OItTfTW Tnnn > ARnIAKFS ARnIAKFSModeli MAKFs MAKFsModeh MAKFSModels Models loon to 1908 and all lu jirlmere dy tot tothard torbard brhard hard service rondltloa lamination and dem demonstrations demoi demonstratloiss ¬ onstrations Hill show s stmpeiclty ivetv rlty tar or eC eCcrsiti Can crsiti crsitimwr such sucras suchas as we otter oi then again againwe I we have what we advcrtls sdverttssieou 1803 Chalmers complete o JIICO 1108 lU Frayer FrayerMiller I Ihillier Miller mwr frost f ISm JIKJOI u l f tiJl 1007 Uwlrrs 18071WH 18071WHOldamohlle I IOldmoblle l7lOOldsmobIles Oldamohlle MV up 18GS II k American Roaditan RoaditanllJOO HoadtenSl 1105415114SIo < llJOO Sl Four Cylinder Walthan 1300 Seventy SeventyUercedei SevenIYIercelu SeventlMercedes Mercedes Fifty Alien lIen Kingston Kln slon Roadster Six SixCylinder SixlInder SiaCyiinder Cylinder lInder Ilotchklsj Twenty Flat Twenty Twentytwo two Berllel rl1el Mora Ford Roadilers Mnwells MnwellsMltchelli UaxellIfllcbdh tiawcltsUitcbells Mltchelli Stoddard Daytnns Iope Hartfords HartfordsStevenl ltartfordsStsvena I Stevenl SlavnlIurTeas turyeas > uryea9 FranUllns llulrk > Road Roadlera RoadterTourlnlrl RoidatersTourlng terTourlnlrl lera Tourlnf Ralnlers Pierce Arrows Cle Clement Clement Clebent ¬ ment LeonDollee and a1 100 14 other unusual oppor opporunities OlptlPlunltlts I Ilunities unities lunitiesPNICE8 unitiesPRICES i iPRICES PRICES 75 TO 4000 4000ml 4000anti anti ml earn one a burtaln h Naln irv s n 350 A1 AUTO BODIES BODIESion t ion Touring Bodies < > dlu tf111 311 to Hill Hillino ti titm i ino Runabout Bodies nsu to anoM ano anoIJO I IMi M Toy ToyTonneatis Tonneatis Tourabouu < SilO I5O to 83SO 83SOMostly 8S10MosUY SOMostly Mostly new tOme > me used nil newly new tlnlslted tlnlsltedTIRES tlnlhedTlRE1I tnlshedTIRIC TIRES A Al I ISIMENSK l DEAL DEA1Clinchers nEUClinchers DEALClincher < Clinchers Quick Detarhable names on onquarter onqU8rter onquarter quarter value valuenroadwuv valueflroadwey f fnroad nroadwuv nroad Jlnminoih Anto 1Sxchnr Tgehan52no4a 1 330348 2301 W ailih St near Broadway BroadwayTO ftroadwsyTO j jTO TO RENT RENTAUTOMOBILES RENTAUTOMOBILES i iAUTOMOBILESi AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILESPhone AUTOMOBILESi AUTOMOBILESiPhont Phone Columhu U UBryant ug ugBryant sWJBryant > Bryant Motor Company CompanyIi 11 VTSI 1 II eul jii srHrrT srHrrTMiouln1 SIR1ITIitsttmtine L Lnnd Miouln1 nnd Touring Car > mine of which whichhm whichhas Ith Ithhlll hm th The < objrctlnnahle fhJ tlDnahle nppeararcr Ir > urarc of a tixlran tixlranCarefully t t3lleabCarefully xlrabCarflul Carefully vlcctrd and Mperlcnctd r > erlcncrd chautTeurs chautTeursIMies CtlllUtfetrs1I cbaufleitrsIItetes IMies 1I le > reai reaStmahlr reaStmahlrAgents reaarnahteAgents nahle nahleAgents Agents for the Selden SeldenThe Se < 1 The Bri 82000 Automobile AutomobileGREAT AutomobileGREAT AutomobileGREAT GREAT BARGAIN BARGAINTcurine Tcurine Car In n Ptrftot CmdittM CmdittMOELAUNAY Olt CINditliaOtLAUWAY j jDELAUNAY OELAUNAY BELLEVILLE v 40 HORSEPOWER HORSEPOWERCRVDER HORSEPOWERCRTDER f fCR1DER CRVDER a CO S83 PARK AV AVE AVETIMES f w V VTIMES o oTIMES TIMES SO AUTOMOBILE CO CbLargest COLargest Largest Dealers In New e and heed Cars Carsla Ji In the World no matter what ear S > i iyou lyou 1 1uu you uu want at Remarkably Hemr abh Low Prlcea PrlceaNEW PrlcesN1W 1 1EW NEW EW YORK Jts17 W 4Hth tb St itS Broadray BroadrayCHICAGO Broadrt3lCIlICAGO s sCHICAGO CHICAGO 13K 133I3U 1 133C Michigan Av AvST AvsI t tT ST T LOFtS N W cor Pine A oc 18th St StFRONTUNAC Sts t tFRO sFflOTINAC P FRONTUNAC FRO TI AC Pleasure Cars and GasollneCoit GaaolintCofflmeretsiTrucks Gasolln Com Commerclal if ifmrtlalrrueks merclal mrtlalrrueks Trucks can an deliver Immediately4045 Immsdlateiy4o4511P7passenger M P I I1pusenrer v v7passcncer 7passcncer TourIng Cars M6OO and Runabout RunaboulsAgents M MArents 1 1Arenu Agents write for proposlllon 11ENDROTH IlifNDflOtHROOT ijS ijSROOT 2t ROOT MFG M G CO 1 le1 21 nrundway near SCth st t tr M MNew 1 1New New r Mercedes e1 York J 7 J 1 EVANS tV = S formerly form rh American tmerlcanMercedes me Ii IilG le v vMercedes i iI > 1008 I lG PopeHartford TourIng Ir Car taken takenluest takenluestchange akcnn akcnnchance Wei H Hchance chance for A Benz has hll fnll equipment Invery In Inverlgood vert 4 4rood rood 10 < > 01 rnndlllon for quick sate 111 tlCNl 1I a BEJiZ B ENZALIrio l J si siAUTO < AUTO ALT0IMIORTCOlfI111I1roarlwar 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Jf > ti vif vifWRII t tMAvmt MA MAvmt WRII Tonrlny TOllrln Car splendid condition condItionfutl ° Si Sifull full rntilpment best barznla In the clty It ItPWMU KOOi Us v vNTWMAV a aNFWMAN NTWMAV 117 11 i West tSI 48th at stlt7 V I I11X17 11X17 Maiw ell Toning To rlnlt Car overhauled ll lbe Ien Ienromplelp enenr nw nwcomplete I Icompleti complete equipment will sacrifice a rlnc HKXSCHpL tUSSCH I1ISSCRLttOBroactway L F FISO t ISO 1 ttOBroactway ttOBroactwayMOTOR 0 Broadway BroadwayMOTOR MOTOR CAR CAli CAliDIRECTORY CAiDIRECTORY j jDIRECTORY 7 7MOTOR < DIRECTORY DIRECTORYFT > 1 1OJ > OJ OJACME FT ni niA J JACME ACME A Th Cordner Molar Cur r Cflmaaf Cflmaafl imp T NWIHC IMP l tO Broadway N Y Tel TelM3Br TelM3BrALCO TelO3Bry1itA ISM BryaflC BryaflCAmerican ALCO A American Locomotive Uompwiy > < v j j1M j1M3 1M 1M3 < > Broadway Tel TtlCenz tI OGOlm OGOlmB < < J JBENZ BENZ B EI8 Cenz Auto Import Co of Amenafe Amert AmcrWua < l f J i i1S93 1S93 1 1rI tn tt > ttfll Broadway N NBUICK NB Y > j 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Guide GuideWheels Guider r 4 4llltCS tf tfUEJ UEJ llltCSWheels 1 Wheels fitted wit wlfInatilroofvournearfltt > s sDZIIOVNTAULCRINS li linJJIOt nJJIOt DZIIOVNTAULCRINS DZIIOVNTAULCRINSlonSWpe TAnLE Rill ti f fIn In lonSWpe on r ¼ stifle Inatilroofvournearfltt Inqulr lnquIrnofvoure5mstd4al lnquIrnofvoure5mstd4alCOTlENTAL olvourfearestdi6stl1 olvourfearestdi6stl1CONTI < Wl WlCONTINENT CONTINENT CONTI It TAL At CAOUTCHOUC CO CO17SS90 COYork 17SS90 178 1O Broadway New < elr York City CityFmmre Cltyi1 Cltyi1fmpire r < h 0 l lT I B fmpire Fmmre mplrelr T T1r T1rflE4R Tires TiresWCAK WCAK LONoesrr LONoesrr73D LONUfSt t tiJD 73D ST BROADWAY BROADWAYI j jI t I Tel sS7 5 1 O Onors Coiunibmtt olul11b s g gDOr8 1 1DOGS m i DOGS mnns III mnnsBEAl D AND POUIThT1 POUIThT1fiFAUTiIiJl OV II IIfIYATUU BEAl fIYATUU Tirol I Rn rnr1 Pnglish ll h eanaricn grand aIDr lnir iorerS iorerSALUFRT T TALBfnT W WALnrRT ALBfnT UKVCR U3 < Webster av v Cot ecraa UMl UMlt I ISt 1 1St St > t iHd d av Li LiHKAL l 1 s slltL 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IIIII SOX < 1 lASt < V < 0 leilncion av 5 5ro v f fI APA T IENTH 111 IICTFiHSlSH3Kl IICTFiHSlSH3KlTO IETFIJR JS JSOI > I It 1 1mn TO OI IirNT fur the summer iirnmerfnonthK monthS Ideal apart apartment apartmeat meat mn of eight < l ht extraordlnarllv large and cool coolroomi coolrOom coolrOoms rOom directly on river near 7 11 < l it hleJwsi hleJwsiref hlcbeatreferln bi inesl ineslrefCrSnCtI ref referln refCrSnCtI rnre el required AddressaTATlOM Address3lATiOFflYV < rRYf RY ya yawe we Well t flath Oth t 0 V J r rNo No lo Uxtra I tr CharKe for ft ftfor ItrivrtinientI rt rtrlvlrlIAfntentl rlvlrlIAfntentl for Tn R Srx iti UIf and Tn TnSiiv Tnv TnvEvNlNG i iEVNINfi EVNINfi SuN UN may mia t I he > loft at any Amerlf Amerlfcan Am rk rkI rt rtcan can District Messnger 1 8s ner office in the th etr erf I f t I I