OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, July 16, 1909, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1909-07-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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III THE SUN FRIDAY JULY 16 1QO 14 i Pffir r i w v N ir c i1 e 7y v p H
land ancl an tij there I Ie iiome somo uncertainty aa a to whatt what vhatthe
2 t the total amount of the proposed bond bomIssues bond1Nuee bondhue
Issues will b be It Is I a understood that th thamount the theamount theaount
amount of 397000000 VIII be Inoluslv InoluslvBot InoluslyeBot
> Bot ot only of the oot of the canal CIU 1I con contraction conatructlon conjv
jv traction but of the amount paid to th thPanama the thei thePanama <
i Panama Canal Company of France and o othe of ofthe ofthe
the amount paid to the Government o oPanama of ofPanama ofPnane
Panama Some change may be made li litCol In InCol InCoI
tCol Cloethalaa estimate and until com comSplete comCplete cornplete
Splete figures are submitted the actual nctuaamount actualamount actualemount
amount of the bond issue will wUlnot not be known knowsdefinitely knowndefinltely knownv
definitely definitelyIt
v It is not expected that the Secretary Secretarjvof 8ecretal7cftheTrtlUurylt
vof cftheTrtlUurylt cf the Treasury if the contemplated bond boneU bondleaue bondtaaue
U leaue ue Is legally authorized aa part of the thetarIff
1 tariff bill will call Immediately for sub subcrlpUons lubacrlpUona subscrIpUons
crlpUons to the full amount of bonds bondiauthorized bondsautborlzed bondeauthorized
authorized by the prospective pro pectlve law Ai Aimatter Amatter Asmatter
matter of fact the main concern ol olthe of ofthe ofthe
the Administration and the tariff con confereea C9nifereea confereee
ifereea fereea U not notwith with regard to getting enough enougttroonty enoughmoney enoughrnony
< money through a bond Issue to pay for foiFthe forfthe forEth
Fthe completion of the Panama Canal Canalproject CanallproJe Canalproject
project < t but bu to obtain an n amount auf sufficlent lIufiftolent aufficlent
iftolent ficlent to prevent preY nt the depletion of otthe ottheaensral th thg the thegenerai <
g aensral neral fund of the Treasury Trea ury which was waihard w whard wasshard
hard hit by the big payments to the thePanama thePanama thePanazna
Panama Canal Company of France and andthe andthe andthe
the Panama Government Governmental nt ntThe
al The working balance of the Treasury TreasuryU
U now about 44000000 This amount amountIs amountlle
lle Is Inclusive of 12SOOOOOO now being with withdrawn wlthdrawn pvithdrawn
drawn from national bank depositories depositoriesIt
It Is expected that by b tho end of I the themcnth thesnonth he hemonth
month the working balance will be In the theneighborhood thonelghborhood therieighborhood
neighborhood of 40000000 40000000J 0000000Tho
J t The tariff bill aa passed pu ed by the theflouse theflouserovIded Bouse Bouseprovided HouatJrovlded
provided rovIded that the Secretary of the Tress Tresstiry TreuIhould TresstU7
tiry should borrow from time to time in inhls Inf1s iniLs
f1s hls discretion at a rate of Interest not notexceeding notuceedlng notsxceeding
exceeding 3 per cent such sums urn as would wouldbe wouldbe ouldbe
be necessary to meet public expenditures expendituresand
and to Issue In return certificates of In Indebtedness Indebtedn Indebtdnes ¬
debtedness up to the amount of 250000 1250000GOO
GOO This provision was struck from the theHouse theHouae theHouse
House bill by the Senate Committee on onFinance oninance I
Finance and the committees action actionausUined was wassustained wassustained
sustained by the Senate The Senate did didnot didnot
not regard this thl provision as necessary necessaryVin neceuarytu I
Vin tu view of the fact that the 8ecretary > of ofthe ofthe I Ithll
the Treasury has ample authority to raise raisemoney ralaemoney raisemoney
money in this way when the necessities necessitiesof
of the Treasury demand It ItThe itThe itThe
The provision with regard to an addi additional additional additional ¬
tional issue of Panama Canal bond with withS60000000 withuoocm
S60000000 of the amount derived from fromtheir fromtheir fromtheir
their sale Ie to be covered into the general generalfund generalfund generalfund
fund of the Treasury is regarded aa aasufficient aawfIolel1t asuftcieut
sufficient 10 to meet any immediate Tress Treasury TIOIUItuy TressIsry ¬
ury crisis and the House tariff bill para paragrsph parapph paregriph
grsph concerning certificates of Indebted indebtcdCMS indeb indebII
CMS II will not be reinserted relnaertedJfINDELLS reinsertedWINDELLS
JfINDELLS IrIFF w4vra w4vra13K0 MORE MOREa vonrtllIU
tllIU 13K0 a Week ed Mas aa All the Court Gate Gatet GanIIrr GaeHenri
t Her Henri In 1883 1883Charlotte 18f3ChArJotte 13Charlotte
Charlotte M Wandell who got a separa separation IIfJprI1tlon separation ¬
tion from her husband Francis Livingston LivingstonWandell LlvinptorrWandell LivingstonWendell
Wandell In 1883 with alimony of 110 110woek 10 a aweek aweek
week and 360 a week for her daughter daughterCaroline daughterCarollne daughterCaroline
Caroline asked Supreme Court Justice JusticeBlschoff JUlltlceBlacbol JusticeBisoboif
Blschoff yesterday to Increase the ali alimony alimony allmony ¬
mony to tol JIM O a week setting up in her herapplication herapplication herapplication
application that her husband now boa boaproperty baaproperty hasproperty
property worth over 200000 3200000 and an in income income income ¬
come of 50000 a year from his hi property propertyand
and from his law practice practiceMrs
Mrs Wandell said in her application applicationthat
that her husbands hu banda father Benjamin C CWandell CWandell CWandell
Wandell who ho was w a Police Magistrate Magistratetinder MagistrateUnder Magistratetinder
tinder Mayor Havenseyer left l ft 500000 3500000wben 500000when 500000when
when he died in 1887 of which ononfth ononfthwas
was left t to her husband on condition that thatBono thatBone thatEone
Bono of it should ever go to her Sho Shoays Shothat Shesays
says that her husbands mother and sis sister alaier Is Istel ¬
tel left him largo bequests and that his hisbrother hlabrother hisbrother
brother Townsend Wandell a lawyer lawyerwho lallr7erwho lawyerwho
who was killed by hya a train at Bologn4ltaIT bolognaitaly Bologna BolognaItaly
Italy last summer summerl left Francis half his hispersonal hlapersonal hisperscnai
personal estate and ana twofifths of his real realf realJ realproperty
f property to be held in trust until Mrs Mrsj HnWandel MrsWandell
J j Wandell prODOrtr is dead or Francis Is divorced divorcedf dtvor ed sdfrom
f 1 I from her herWandell herWandell herWendell
Wandell said in reply that his Income Incometo
to not over overS7ooo 7000 and sndthatblswlfo that his wife has for forfeited forfelted forfLtd ¬
felted all moral right to an 1nolre Increase of ofher ofber ofher
her alimonyy aJlmony y her conduct Ho H sued suedbor euedher suedher
her for an absolute divorce in Vl but butlost butJoat butlost
lost the case caseThe cueThe caseThe
The Wendell were married In 1877 1877Mrs 1877Mrs iSiTairs
Mrs Wandell is now living Ilyin with her herdaugh herdaughtel daugh daughter ¬
tel Mrs Caroline Wlmpfheimer at 178 178Ninth 17 176Ninth < < 1 1KInth
Ninth avenue She says she has been beenalmost beenalmost beenalmost
almost destitute de tltute and has been beenforced forced to tokeep tokeep tokeep
keep a boarding house bousevne houaeVlrErLAN houseVEEfLAND
vne VlrErLAN ELA XD D n 11UnrPLAlIIO lEVitT VRT PLAYIKO BALL BALLCongressman BALLCongressman ALLenprnman
Congressman enprnman l as Irsctlslns for the theCame theGame thesame
> Came of the Hlal Parties Parttrsi
i I WASHINGTON July JuJ 15 Representative RepresentativeI 15Rcprea ntativo ntativoEdward
I Edward B Vreeland of Salamanca N Y Ywas Ywu Ywas
was seriously injured yesterday teniaT while whileploying wblleplaying whileplaying
playing baseball ba ebaU on the Monument lot lotMr JotMr lotMr
Mr Vreeland In company with other otherRepublicans otherrRepubUoane otherllepubllcans
Republicans was indulging in practice practicepreparatory practiceprep practicepreparatory
preparatory prep ratory to the game tomorrow when whena whenteam
a team t 1m composed of Republicans will willcross willcroaa wiUcross
cross bats with a Democratic team at the theAmerican theAmerioanLeague theAmerican
American AmerioanLeague League Park Representative RepresentativeTener Repre entatlve entatlveTener
Tener of Pittsburg who was w a star pitcher pitcherto
to the National League years ago was wasbatting waabatting wasbaulng
batting out flies Air Vreeland started startedafter lltartedafter startedafter
after one of them his hi toot caught In Ina Ina1ole a ahole ahole
hole In the ground and ho was thrown throwndo throwndoYD throwndos
do doYD dos n TiolentlThbreaklng violently breaking his collarbone collarboneand collarboneancidlalocatlng
and dislocating his iI Ia right shoulder blade bladeSeveral bladeBevenLl bladeSeveral
Several other members of the Republi Republican ¬
can team left the field much the worse for forwear forwear forwear
wear but Mr Vreeland was the only onlyserious onlyeerloua onlyserious
serious casualty recorded According to totho tothepresent tothepresent
tho thepresent present programme the much adver advertised advertlltld advertiped ¬
tised game will be played tomorrow un unless unJ unless ¬
less J the injury to tolr JJr ir Vreeland puts a adamper adamper adamper
damper on the spirits of the statesmen statesmenwho ltatMmenho
who ho are anxious to shine as the near nearheroee nearh nearheroes
heroes h on the diamond diamondf diamondlfonmmtl
f Movements or Naval Vessels VesselsWASHINGTON ve1WuHINOTON VesselWLsHINoTo
WASHINGTON July 15 15The Tho cruiser cruiserWolverine cnl1 cruiserWolverine er erWoJYerlne
Wolverine has arrived at Mackinao MackinaoIsland MaoldnaoISland MackinaoIsland
Island Michigan and the collier Maroellus Maroellusat
at Newport News NewsTho NewlIThe NewsI
I The cruisers Chattanooga Chattano ga and Cleveland Clevelandhave Cl ClevelandbaYs veland velandha
have ha sailed from Klukiong for Hankow Hankowtho
the collier Hannibal from Bradford for forProvinoetown forProvinceton forProvinoetown
Provinoetown the tug Standish h from fromAnnapolis fromAnnapolis fromAnnapolis
Annapolis for Norfolk the training ship shipHartford shipHutford shipHartford
Hartford from Newport Newportror for Gardiner GardinerBay OariiinanBay GardinersBay
Bay and andTho the collier Abarenda from Lam Lamberts LamIta am ambts ¬
berts Ita Point for Provinoetown ProvinoetownArmy
Army Ann and Navy Nav Orders OrdersWAIBWOTOV OrdtWaaDrOToN OrdersWACREtOTOX
WAIBWOTOV July 13 11Thcse These array arm order were wereIstued wereue4 wereIssued
Issued ue4 today todaySecond todayS te day dayeeond
Second S < < ond Uut James H Dicker Fourth Cavalry CavslryCapt Cavalryto CsvIrCa
to Fort JUley
Capt Ca Jsmej alDu A Ship 5blpSOn ton COaSt Artillery to Fort FortThe FortunnM FortMonroe
Monroe Monroere unnM unnMTIle
The re followinc oncers to 0 Army Starr Collere at atFort atl atI
I Fort l LeavenworUi Aucutt u U IS for hln Instruction InstructionCapt luitnictionCapt
Capt p Cbailei a tl8 8 Farnsworth Seventh In Infantry Infantm Infaltirri
fantry Capt Cbarlr dernardt Elchlb Infantry InfantryCapt InanlryCapt IntantryCapt
Capt Robert Alexander Nineteenth Infantry InfantryCapt InfanlryCapt InfantryCspt
Capt Nathaniel P 1 McClure Fifth Crvtlry Caps CaplThomas CaPtiilDa Capsbona
Thomas bona O Donaldaoo lr Jr Elibih Cavalry CavalryCapt CaValryP CavsiryCapt
Capt P Frank M Caldwell CsJdweLi Twelfth Cavalry Capt CaptSamuel CaPImuel CaptamueI
iilDa Samuel muel G Joan JOD Eleventh Cavalry Caval Cam Ca aspi John JohnMeA JobneA JohntcA
MeA eA Palmer Fifteenth Infantry Capt a apt l Paul JaUI o oMalone DIoIkf nMstope
Malone TwentyMveath Infantry r Capt John JohnYV Johnw o oIUdlardeoa
YV IoIkf Barker fhlrd Third Infantry Capt Lorraln T TRIcbardsooTwentyMcond TflcjjaooTwcntyaecond
RIcbardsooTwentyMcond IUdlardeoa TW itaecond Infantry Capt tilenn tilennII Jienar Hennim
II r Davis Twelfth ft ftca Infantry fut Capt Pfu Bdcar jtsr A Amrnycr AMrThyer
mrnycr im ElcbUr Cavalry ca dept p Richard J JleWterFI II IIUcUaster UMcMsstet
UcUaster leWterFI Fln1 Field 7nlll Artillery Capt Uanu UanuMeClo JlalluaWeClOI MaousMcCIoskel
MeClo McCIoskel keyFourtli < Fourth Field Artillery Capt Krneat KrneatD rDeat rDeatnteolt
D nteolt 1 fieoit riftb Fifth Field Artillery Capt Houston lloiuionV
V Evan Elrhth Infantry Capt CsptChnies apt Charles 8 8Lincoln Bncoln eLincoln
Lincoln Lincoln ncoln Second Infantry Cant Berkeley Enoch EnochNineteenth EnocbNIDeteentb EnochaNineteenth
Nineteenth infantry Capt Alfred W Djorntiad DjorntiadTwentreirhtn OJorn14Twellthel BJorpasAIwrntyelehth
Twentreirhtn btb Infantry lnfllt2 Capt Ca8t FU Vklel klel J J Will Willlam WillDt WilllAm
Twellthel lam Fifth Infantry Capt torromnor Qrocvenor L 1 Town TownMIM TownCapl TQwusane
sane Twentythird Dt Infantry InfantryCapt Df ohanXyCapt
Capt George E Mitchell Thirteenth Cavalry CavalrytoKort Cavalryto
toKort to rLeveawortb yorIeavenworthEpsUeutUcn rLeveawortbt Leaven worth worthFjrst
Fjrst EpsUeutUcn rst Ueut Henry H Robert Engineer Corp CorpF1nt co coest C ons onsFirst
t est Volnt VolntPlTat
First Ueut Charles R PattI Engineer En neerCorpa neerCorpar Corp Corpfrffm Corpstren
frffm Vonrouver lUrrackn to West Point PointSecond Pointd PoInterutd
r Second = d Ueut Robert S A Uourherly Dou bert from fromWaihlnfton trolDaalll frontWu1tInttcn
Waihlnfton aalll Cton barrack to Pblllpplne 0 division dlvtilonTheM dfvlllo dfvlllonIeae divisionIese
TheM Iese nary Mf orders bave been Issued luuedrCapt IssuedCsp IUedCap
rCapt Cap J C J Clllmore from the Illinois SO a com comM comF coatwand
wand the aryland arylandif
F M O lis L 1 Smith tb from the Virginia to Someaclcn Some 1I0me1I emeso
so if r l tordera torderassIgs
1I aclcn cJ U JnOulUr 3 J ulUver r from the Illlooli to the tneXratuoKyt theYiL uteXntuCKl
XratuoKyt XntuCKlFnsIeit FnsIeit YiL ii 1 spencer from the Illinois to the theJacobs theJkYIIoer the3giri
JkYIIoer 3giri il7acobs Jacobs from the Illinois to the Ken KenMtltblpman KenfllinalJ
Mtltblpman fllinalJ A G DlbreU to the lb MUaourl MUaourlpaMnl lflaamlrlpUf MIUGIUIPassed
Passed < Assistant Surgeon Su n I 8 1 K Reeve to toKaval toJf
5 Kaval Jf ltsvalMedlcalHcilOOl vaJ Medical odIe1khool School IlOf Hospital pltal Waihlngton D U 0 0A Gr
> 0f
r f
The President Alto Wins WlnlltIl 1ns Ills Fight for forr i iPermanent u uPermanent
Permanent r nnanmt CommlsslonConfereei CommlsslonConfereeiSiskins
Siskins Iakln Good Progress on the III IIIA 11m 11mA I IA
A Compromise Expected on Hide HideJuly HidesWAenINoro lldfjlWAS
WAS WAenINoro INOTO July 15 15Jt It appears U Ub to tobe tobe
b be certain that thatProsidentTaft President Taffs Inter Intervention Interventlon ineerventlon
ventlon will wlllr result r ultinaq ult in an agreement agree t on otthe onthe Onthe
the part of the Housa tariff tari conferees Uaccept U to toaccept toaccept
accept the th Senate provision Ilrovl lon for forltnpo lrnpo inposing inposinga lnj lnja ln r ra
a 3 per cent tax on the net Incomes ol olcorporations of ofoorporaUonll ofcorporations
corporations The President talked fh fhmatter Jhe Jhematter he hematter <
matter over ati atl length last night wit wltlSenator witBenator withSenator
Senator Aldrich Aldrlohand and Representatlvt RepresentatlvtPayne ReProsontaUnPayne RefresentatiyePayne
Payne the chairmen of the Senate one onethe and andthe andthe
the House conference commit committee tees and andhad andhad andhad
had some further discussion on the sub subject subJect u uJect ¬
ject with them today
It was the understanding undent ndiog In inwell well ell In Informed Informed informed
formed quarters this thl evening that Mr MrPaynes MrPayne MrPayne
Payne opposition to the tax taxhad had under undergone underlone undergone ¬
gone a change since last la t nights oon oonrerenoe conferenoe oonferenoe
ferenoe and that there was wasevery every inten intention Intention intenttion ¬
tion that the House Hou e conferees would re recede 111cede recede ¬
cede from their opposition oppo ltlon and agree agreto agreeto
to Its substitution for the inheritance inheritancetax
tax provision of orthe the House Hou e bill billTho bUThe billThe
The President has apparently also al owon owonviotol7ln won wona
a victory in his desire dealrefor for the retention In Inthe inthe inthe
the tariff tarilfblU bill of the Senate provision provisionauthorizing providonauthorizing provisionauthorizing
authorizing the President Pre ldentto to employ ex experts experta exports ¬
ports for U the purpose of assisting him In laho Intho inthe
ho discharge dl charge of duties Imposed i upon him himby himby himby
by the maximum and minimum provisions provisionsof
of tho proposed tariff law The victory
however will wlllbe be partial only
Opposition was made to o this section by bTthe bythe
the House conferees on the ground that thatit
it t provided In effect the creation of a tariff tariffcommission tarlloommlulon tariffcommission
commission to which the House JloUlOwa was as asvigorously aavlgorou asvigorously
vigorously vlgorou ly opposed House leaders I delll in including including ineluding ¬
cluding Speaker Cannon contended that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the appointment of Such a commission commissionwould commlaalonwould commissionwould
would be in the th nature nat re of a delegation delegationof delelaUoDotexecutive delegationofexecutive
of executive authority in tariff tarllfmattera matters to toMsreonn topersona topersons
persona Msreonn who were not members of the thelouse theHouae theHouse
louse As adopted by the Senate the theamendment theamendment theamendment
amendment provided that these experts expertsshould expertsshould expertsshould
should b Ie l e employed to toaeoure secure Informa Information information Informsdon ¬
tion which will be useful to the Congress Concreealnt in intariff Intariff
tariff t rllf legislation legislationThe legl letlon letlonThe
The details of the compromise on this thisSenate thIaSenate thisSenate
Senate amendment have not been worked workedout orkedout
out but present Indications are that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the amendment will Ill be accepted by the theHouse theHou theHouse
House Hou e conferees in practically the same samelanguage eamelancuage santelanguage
language as was adopted by the Senate Senatebut Senatebut Senatebut
but with the elimination of the author authority authority authority ¬
ity conferred on the experts to gather gatherinformation Satherinformation gatherinformation
information which will be useful u eful to Con Congress Congross ¬
gross 11 in tariff legislation legislationTho legislation0The
The Senate nate amendment set forth forthaJao forthaJaothat also alsothat alsothat
that these theesexperts experts shall make thorough thoroughinvestigations thoroughInvestigations i inve
investigations nve tlgation and examinations into intothe Intothe intothe
the production commerce oommerceand and trade of ofthe otthe ofthe
the United States and foreign fo ign countries countriesand couatrieand
and all conditions affecting the thesaxne thesaxneAfter same ameAfter x xAfter
After two sessions one In the morning morningana
ana anointer in the afternoon the con conferee confetees conferees ¬
feree on the tariff bill adjourned shortly
before 0 < < I oclock until tomorrow morning morningat
at 10 1030 JO oclock When the conference conferenceended conrerenoeended conferenceended
ended the question qU tlon of duty on barley barleyunder was wasunder wasunder
under consideration Representative RepresentativePayne Repre RepresentativePayne entatlve entatlvePayne
Payne voiced the complaint of the mal malsters maltelllin matstore
store telllin In northern New York whose who e views viewswere vlewaWere vIewswere
were submitted by Senator Root when the thetariff thetarilT thetariff
tariff bill was w before the Senate Senator SenatorMcCumber SenatorMcCumber SenatorMaCumber
McCumber one of the new members of ofthe oftho ofthe I
the Finance Committee Committ was primarily primarilyresponsible prlmanrpnlble primarilyresponsible
responsible rpnlble for securing luring an n Increase Incra of ofthn oftht ofthe
the tht duty on barley brley
Senator Bnator Root Rt made mae a fight fgh against agait It Itpointing Itpintng itpointing
pintng pointing out that tt the te proposed rate rtAI rtAIprohibitve was wasprohibitive wasprohibitlVeand
prohibitive prohibitve and that It pop would deprive deprve the themaltsters thertters themalteters
maltsters rtters In hlNew New York State Stte of the privi privilege priTIleg priyllegs ¬
legs leg of bringing bringig In barley bley from fm Canada Canadaand cd Cnadaand
and would have hve the effect elfot of f transferring transferringthe trfer
te the maltlnir mat Industry Idustl7 from fm fromNew New York Yor to toChicago toCical toChicago
Cical Chicago Milwaukee i1aukee St Paul and the themiddle themiddle themiddle
middle West Ot and ad Northwest NorweC It I was wascontended w wcntnd wascontended
cntnd contended by one of the Northwestern NorthwesternSenators Nothw Northw tem sternBenatora temSnatollll
Senators Snatollll In br favor avor of the tbelncr increase of the theduty theduty
te tedut
dut duty that t t It Itwould would transfer trna r the malting maltng
Indtry Industry from Now NawYork York to tothe the Norh Norhwetem Northwestern North Northwestern ¬ I
western States BttSntor Senator Root Rt attacked attackedthis ttackedthis r
this proposition propositon vigorously saying 1lnl that thatIt tt ttfw I
fw It was wa a preposterous terus suggestion suggestionMr lIuggtcn lIuggtcnMr
Mr Root ltt prep was unsuccessful unsuCsful1 In having hvng
the duty decreased deu but bt when wn tho matter mattercame mttr mttrcre mattercaine
came cre up In conference cferenc today t Represents Representative RpJnta RpJntatvo ¬ I
live tvo Payne Paye made me a vigorous vlgrod protest protestgainst prottagallt protestagainst
against agallt the to Increase Ic of duty and tho con conferees c conforces ¬
forces ferll wore wer still Itl discussing barley barle when whenidjoummont whenadJoumment whenadjournment
adjournment was wtken wtkenAl waitaken waitakenAll taken takenAll
All Al of the conferees confer were agreed that thataxtraordlnary thatextrrlnal thatextraordinary
extrrlnal extraordinary progress PMgh had as boen b made madeIn madeI
I In tho consideration onelderaton of the bill bi Tho Thochemical Thochemical Thechemical
chemical Hchedule Kheule and ad the earth earb and andaarthonwaro andehonwar andearthonwaro
aarthonwaro ehonwar schedule edule were er practically practicallycompleted prclT prclTcmplotod practicallycompleted
cmplotod completed Considerable Conldorable progress was wasmado wumo wasmade
made with Schedule Scheule C relating rltl proP to metal metalSomo metalmo metall3omo i
Somo mo mo work has ha boon bn done do on the agri agricultural agr agitcultural ¬
cltural cultural ochodulo thoulo It I bad h been the rten rtenton Intent Intenttion men mention ¬
ton tion of the conferees confers to take takoupte up upthe the cotton cottontchedulo cottonIbedulo cottonschedule
schedule Ibedulo and dlspoao dllp disposoof of o It today tcT but It Itwas Itw itwas
w was evident before the subject BubJet had been beenconsidered bn bnconidord beenconsidered
conidord considered at length that t ttatthore tther there wore wide widedifferences wde wdedllTerence widedIfferences
differences between btWen longh the Senate Snat conferees confereesind
and ad the House HoU conferees cere particularly particularlyis
is to cotton cloths clot and ad the new plrIT plrITu classifica classifications clltca clltcaton claseiflontiona ¬
tions ton and as to tho duties duto on o mercerized mercerizedcloths ineroerizodclothe ercerit
cloths clotheRepresentative clothsRepresentative
cotll cotllRprsntatve Representative Rprsntatve Payno Payo strongly tronl de demurred demur domurred ¬
murred to tho Senate Bate increases Icna and ad asked askedTor ake askedfor
mur submit aubmItto to the conferees
for time to cfer car certain c cartaint ¬
taint tal tme Information which whlo whlth4te he had h In I reserve reserveind rre rread reserveand
and ad at his hi request rUOt the cotton otton schedule tedulo was waspassed 1U 1UpJd as aspassed
pJd passed over for thetlmo theUmoand and most mOt of the theday theday theday
day was W8 given to consideration of the themetal themotl themetal
motl metal schedule scheduleThe cheduloThe gven
The conferees have agreed not nottodl to die discuss diecuss ¬
CM cuss the coner conclusions conclulo q which they have havereached hv havereached
reached actually Rcly fixing fxing rates r beouiso beouisothey becnU beoiuaothey
the rae they are a aware that to disclooo dilO dlscloeewhat what they theyhave
hve have done will wl simply smply Invite invl an onslaught anonelaughtrrom onslaughtFrom
From the te industries indWtre affected alTo But it Is Isknown isknow 1 1known
know known that much muc work ork has b been bnam bnampU accom accomplished accomplIshed ¬
pU plished hed The very important Import subjects subjectssuch ebJe subjectssuch
such as coal petroleum hides hlde lumber lumbertino J Jzno lumberaino
tino uc and 8 o iron ptrleum ore or will not no be bdllp disposed disposedof thspoeeof
of until untl the bat lafctThe wt batThe
The President Prdnt has made ma It Itlon known to tothe tothe tothe
the conferees that tt ho IB I In favor of o lower lowerduties lowerdutlee lowerduties
duties on nearly nely all of tho articles named namedind namedand
and ad In some instances lnto desires dr noe an nj actual actualtransfer a actualtransfer
trer transfer from the dutiable to the free freelist fr freelist
l list t He Is In favor of free fr hides hid In the theFace thera theface
ra Face of the fact fa that tht certain < rn powerful powerfulWe powerfulWestern
Western We item Senators Senatrs from fr the cattle catte raising r ng
Stt States sm have told tld him hm they theYm will not permit permitthe prmit prmitthe
the bill bi to pass plf If hides hd am a free freeAfter fr freeAfter
After Atr the conference oonferenc adjourned ajoure today todayone ty tyona
one of the te conferees expressed expr s the theopln opln
of The Farmers Loan Loanand Loannd Loania
and nd Trus r t Company Con a ny
near nea 75 41 Ist st stSteet stSteetnter Street StreetInterest Sfrectrierst
Interest nter st allowed on on Dc DcpositAccoqnts DepOSit Dcposit
positAccoqnts positAccoqntsActs pOSit 4ccoqnt ccotiit ccotiitAct
Acts as a custodian of of per peraonal peronal perw
w aonal onal property and man manager manager manager ¬
ager of real1 1ealp property propertyLetters propertyLettera opertyLette
Letters Lette of Credit For Foreign Forjgn Forcign ¬
eign Moneyand M ncy neyind nd Travelers TravelersChecks Travel TravelersChecks rs rsChecks
Checks Checks Vault YaultBoxcs Boxes for forCustomers forCustomers forCustomers
Customers use uselob usclon useioh
lob that t the raU r iat on onbldG hides finally fnldeide inallydeclded inallydecldedOn decided decided6n
On would wolbe10 wouldbei0 bo 10 percent t instead lt t of 16 pet petcent percent r ron
cent on as al In the existing oxilltn pr law and In the bill billTho tll tllThe billThe
The House bill bl put hides on the Iefr free list listand lat lata ltndtbe
and ndtbe tho sentiment lntiment of tho te theIouse House Houl Is lovllr lovllrwbelmlnlydn over overwhelming overwhelmingly
whelming wbelmlnlydn a t In favor of free fr hides But Butthe Butthe Butthe
the Sqnate nate Committee on Finance re restored reltr restored ¬
stored ltr the thed duty Cmmlttee ty of ofnprcnt ofilper IS per cent and ad main maintained maintaIned tnaintainted ¬
tained it I in the Senate Snte when w en the bill bi was wasconsidered wucler wascons4
considered cler cons4 red over ov r the very ver determined determinedopposition deterined deterinedoppltoPSome determinedoppeeltiop
opposition oppltoPSome Some very strong represen representations rprn rprntato repreefltatlons ¬
to the President Presidenty pt ptte
tations tato have been mace Prld
by > y the te boot bt hv and shoo ho me manufacturers mnufacturrs and andly Rndb andby
b by ly representatives inttves of the tanning tnln Industry Industryn IndUtry IndUtryin
in n favor of removing noying the duty from hide hideUr hideMr hideMr
Mr Taft evidently evldentyha has been Impressed Impressedyy Imprea
by yy some aeof someof of these the arguments r menteand and especially especiallyby e peclaly peclalyby
by what whattho the boot and shoe manufacturers manufacturersof
wht bt
of Boston Btn told tld him hlmafo hIma a few days day ago ao when whenhey whenthey hen henthey
they called cle under the escort ecr of Senators SenatorsLodge 8enato 8enatoLp benatotaLodge
Lodge Lp and ad Crane CraneThey CrsnoT07 CraneThoydeclared
They T07 Thoydeclared dcjared that tbaUorelg thatforeign foreign manufactur manufacturers manufaoturor ¬
ers or rs of leather INer cJr and leather leter products rroucta were wereettlnx weregettIng Weregtt
gettIng their raw material from Amer Amercans AmerIna Amerleans
gtt Ina leans cans 15 1 per thei cent cnt cheaper chper matr than tn American Americanmanufacturers Amecn AmecnmUacturers Americanmanufacturers
manufacturers pr could secure sure It because becauseof bulle bulleof
of mUacturers the operation of the drawback drawbk on the theexported theexported 1
exported epor te opraton leather lter This Ia they asserted assertedgave arted artedgve assertedgave
gave the Americanmanufacturers an anunequal anueul anunequal
unequal gve show Amemanufactursr in the worlds worJdamarket markets marketsagainst marketsagainst
against ueul t the how foreign torelg te manufacturers manufaoturrs The Thoresident Te TePldent ThePresident
resident has made known knoW to the con conferees contera conteresa ¬
teresa tera Pldent that tat he would like lke to see the duty dutyon dut
on lumber Iwber reduced to the House rates ratesThis rats ratesThIstwould
This ThIstwould l would olld ruo mean me a dooroase > do In the theduty thedutyon duty dutyon dut
on rough lumber from 8160 to 11 1 a thou thousand thousnd thousend ¬
sand snd rue The lubr present p trJ t disposition dlapostton of the theconferees theconfel theconferees
conferees confel is I to agree on the Senate Snate rate rte of
150 and to barry 11 out ut the Senate Sente Increases Increaseshad incr
on the a fnle finished b prOducts of rough lumber lumberIn
In fat fact It I is likly likely pructa tt that would hve have bn bnree been beenreached
reached on the high rate before this tme tmeb time timehad
had b ree it i not 0 been bfor for the Presidents Pidents firm flrmland firmstand r
stand in the matter matterTho matterThe matterThe
The President te is said to be In favor favorof faor faorof
of knocking I Pdt out the ad countervailing countring duty dutyon
on crude li petroleum le and ad to believe blev that thatran tt ttIr thatiron
Ir iron ran oc ore should bo b put on the free fr list listas lt ltte listas
as they te or were wer in I the House HoU bill bi He is issaid I issaid
said aid to favor the e arrangement agment contem contemplated contm contmplated contemplated ¬
plated by b the te House HObi bill for reciprocal reciprocalfree riprl riprlrr
free rr trade in coal cl with Canada CanadaA c
A Senator tle wpo enjoys wth very close rela relations relaton relations ¬
tions Bntorwo with the theP President eo dt yer and who wh has hashad hs hshd hashad
had hd ton much wth to do with ith framing frt the tariff tariffbill ti tariffbill
bill bi admitted today that President Pidet Taft Taftheld Taf Taftheld
held very decided tTtt views vie in the direction directionsuggested dition ditionSCgest directionsuggested
suggested SCgest TIr deded but bt declared dec1 that he had b not notbeen notb notbeen
been b arbitrary aitr or disposed to force his hisviews hisTlewa hisviews
views on OI the conferees cfer His views vie had hadboon ha hadboon
boon solicited te by the conferees a and they theyhad
b aJclte b cn they
had hd been bn ffiverf err freely fr ad d were well wellunderstood wel wellunderstood
understood undmt by the conference ooneren committee committeeThe cmitt
The President Pd was w advised adY by some sa of the thoOonf te theOonIersee
Oonf OonIersee eroes of the probable pbble existence edno of an anunderstanding anunderstdlll anunderstanding
Cel understanding understdlll between btH the advocates avot of ofhigher ofhigher ofhigher
higher duties dute on hides hldO lumber coal oil oiland oi oiland
and an iron ore and ad was wa told that if he could couldguarantee couldgrnt couldguarantee
sufficient number of votes votesto
guarantee grnt a aumolet numbr TQI
to carry through thrgh the legislative lejfalatve pro programme pr programme ¬
gramme t cl that tt there theouJd therewould would be no difficulty difficultyin dUfcl1t7 dUfcl1t7In
in securing an agreement by the te con conferees confer conferees ¬
ferees fer ataagment for f r substantial Ibtt reductions rUc0 in duties dutieson dut
on all althr thearttolssj thsftrtioissnamed thsftrtioissnamedTiIni named namedTIlIEf I Illf
TIlIEf llf WANTS WXN Tg i < U niNa HACK HACKVnconstitBtlsaftU nACKi nACKiactBUle RACKVnotnatitatligl
VnconstitBtlsaftU actBUle He Hay i rtn to Take Te TeI TePt MyPropvty My MyPreprvtjr I
Preprvtjr Pt From rr the tle Malls MallsTheodore Hal Hal8 IailsTheodore
Theodore S Whltmore Wbltmor the former formerThird formerThird
Third Tird avenue a nu6motor motorman who was ac acquitted soquitted ¬
quitted qit of tthe the charge chJ of ofmurerinl murdering his biswife hiswife
wife and ad throwing thWlnl her body bT hi ito Into to the Lamp LampBlack Lmp LmpBlck LampBlack
Black Harrison N NJ J
Blck swamp ap near nerHn on onChristmas onCrlatu onCbristthss
Christmas Crlatu Day DI la 1007 107 was w sentenced sntenc to toSing toRing
Sing Sing Sin for torto two and a half years yer by byJudge y yJu yJudge
Judge Ju Roeatsky Rlk in inGeneraISion General Sessions yes yesterday yery yest ¬
terday t ry for forgr grand larceny larny He How Ilowas was also alsoadjudged a aaudg alsoadjudged
adjudged audg a habitual bbitulcin criminal He stole stolea
a ring at 610 10 Riverside Ryetie Drive where he was wasemployed 1 1mplOe wasemployed
employed mplOe to hang hg awnings a1lnd awnIngaand and mailed maied It Itto itto itto
to himself hll The package was Intercepted Interceptedin
in the post office officeAfter omoeAfterlntoeWtmore officeAfterlentenooWhitmore Pl
1 After AfterlntoeWtmore AfterlentenooWhitmore pt sentence Whltmore gave the te Court Courts CI Courtastart
s astart astartWhat start startWhat atar
What Wht about abt my constitutional oUtutonal rights rightshe rghta rghtahe
he said k I want wnt an order orde from fr the Court Courtfor Cu Courtfor
me for of ofEven ofEvn ofEven the te property ppery the police polco have hn robbed robbedme robb
Even Evn If you are a a criminal cinal you are areentitled areentle areentitled
entitled entle to t your property proprty What Wt did they theytake the theytake
take takeaDwerthe answered the Judge JudgeWhy JudgeWTi Judge0Whyi
Why WTi the ring rna They e Invaded the thesanctity thesctit thesanctity
sctit sanctity of the United Unlt States Stat mall mal The Therinc Ther Therinvu
rinc rinvu was addressed add to me and they the had b no noright notttote sicriht
right r tttote to take it itI ItI 1LI
I consider onlder von 01 a vicious typo typ of crim criminal cim cimIl crimins ¬
ins Judge
replied RoaaUky
Il repledJuc Rlk
No No Fra im not Botlolo vicious shouted hoted Whit Whitmore Whit Whitmore
more mor I am Innooent mnOt Right Rgh now noW I Ihave Ihave
have hf eyldeco evidence which hloh would wold land ld the mur murderer murde murderer ¬
derer de r of ray wife wie within an a hour But Butthe Butthe Butthe
the authorities uthorlte of Hudson HUdn county dont dontwant dontwt dontwant
want wt It It They The would rather saddle dlo the thecrime theorle thecrime
crime ba me meTake me meTake
Take rae him h away said ld the Judge Judgewaving Jue Juewayin Judgewaving
waving wayin his b hand toward ta the prison prn pen penTake p penTako
Take Tae aim hm out ot of here as quick as you con conl O OSTl cansrnii
Pttttburn rtl Miners MhtGo Go Back Dae Ielne Pending Ne Neotlatlses Ne Negtlatlsss
otlatlses eeaaU for Settlement SettlementPnrBBono 8fttemt 8fttemtPjOR ettiementPnruac
PnrBBono PjOR Jury Jul1Ehtn JuIylE1gbteen U Eighteen thousand thousandcoal tound toundooJ
coal ooJ miners mlmenemploe employed by the Pittsburg PittsburgCoal PittaburgCl
Coal Cl Company CpT struck stok this morning mominr in inspite InIpite inspite
spite of ole Hhe order of National Natonal President PresidentThomas Plec PresidentThomas
Thor Thomas E E Lewis LI The strike atlke was short shortlived shortlived ort ortUYed
lived however boer as at 0 < < I oclock this eve evening evenlnl evefling ¬
fling the men meDre wore ordered back bk to work workpending workPdln workpending
pending negotiations negotiationsIt nsotlatoD ollr
Pdln It Is a complete victory Ylcto for National NationalPresident Natonal NatonalPient NationalPresident
Pient President Lewis Lla over officers otor of the Pitts Pittsburg Pit Pittabirg
burg br district dltcfo for It is announced announc that tht all allnegotiations al allnegotiations
negotiations neotlto wllltbe wlbecnuo conducted by b Lewis Lewiswho Lwil Lwilwhowlcme Lewiswhowili
whowlcme whowili who will come here tomorrow tmorrow
5 5On
J f J 4
IALFREDBENJAMlNCos ALFRDBEJAMIN Cds Tailormade Taiormade cloitesl cloiteslOn cloth s sOn
On Saturdays Satudy dul during July Juyad Julytnd tnd August AUft store closes d sa at 1 P M MOUR MOUR MOUR
afford aford opportunitiesof opporte of purchasing purcaig the best bestclothing bet betdotgat bestdothing
clothing dotgat at the te usual usu price pre of the poorest poorestSuits p pogrestSuits resL resLSuit
Suits Suit at 18 18that Stylish Slih of of course courseand cue cuetat coursethat
that tat were wee good value valueat and a bearing bearingour bea ng ngat
at the forme former prices pricesof25 prcs our usual UUa guarantee guaranteeof garantee garanteeof guaranteeoI25 I
of25 of 25 28and 28 ad 30 of absolute abs61ut abs lute reliability relabilit
llousri lall Votes oJ ofei the Appropriation Apropraton After AfteiSpcenhes Afte AfterHpeechei
Spcenhes Sp e Acvotlog the President Irildet ol olPlanolBt orPJA8 ofPlanning
Planning PJA8 Trips Tr for t6 f r Political PoIUel Ends EndiFive Ed Endslve
Five rve lve RrpubUcaas lut With Wtt Opposition OppositionWASHINGTON Op OppositionWAeanfooN tn tnW
WASHINGTON W SBDOTNJu July IEin U appropria appropriation appro approto ¬
tion to of 140 22000 for for fo he e travelling tUlng expenses expensesof expn
of the President Pdint was Iris Toted by the Rouse HOIUHof HOIM HOIMof
of Representative Reprttya today When th thalary the theary thesalary
alary ary of the theEresidentras President aldet iwas Increased Ic lal lalyear wiye 1s4year
year ye from 100900 10 to 175000 the annual annualallowance aual aualaUowancoot annualallowance
allowance of 38000 which hoh Mr Roosevelt Roosevollhad Rvolt Rvolthd Roosevelthad
had hd received recle to defray defry the cost Ot of hU hUjourneyings hlaJoumeyl hisjourneyinIs
journeyings Joumeyl was not provided for Mr MrTafts MrTatts oIl
Tafts Tfts benefit beftoyll Todays action aoonof of the theHouse thoHoue theHouse
House Houe was ulte Intended as a a permanent Prent ermanent rostO rostOration roetoration t trtlO
rtlO ration of otte the Presidential Padonta allowance allowancePresident alowance alowancePrident allowancePresident
President Prident Taft Tt desire to visit vlt tho Pacfto Paciflo Pa Pacific ¬
cific cfto coast ootad arid othsr OU1 t sections eto of the theoU thecoun thecountry coun country ¬
try to which wWe be ha b been bn invited Ivite was WA made madethe mde mdethe madethe
the subject lIubJe of bitter bittr discussion dcaaio In the theHouse theHoU theHouse
House HoU by Democratic DmorUo orators ortrs whilo whio the thetravel thotnvel thetravel
travel tnvel allowance alowoo was wa under considera consideration ¬
tion tion0Wanderust
tionWaderlut Wanderlust Waderlut show performances performancesand perfonacea perfonaceaand
and other terms tra of ofrldicl ridicule were wre applied appliedto applod applodto
to the Presidents Pldens peregrinations prratione while whileone whie whieone whileone
one Democrat Dmot Representative Rprenttye Ralnoy Ralnoyof Rlnoyof
of Illinois IUoola boldly charged chrged that tt tho Pros Pri Prosdents
dents d nts proposed prop trip to the West Wot this fall fallwas fal fallwas 1
was w Intended Intendeslely solely as a political pltcl mission missionHe
He quoted statements nts made In
sttem newspaper newspaperreports newllpapr newllpaprrporta newspaperreports
reports rporta In on a effort to sustain his conten contention conteton coritealion ¬
lion ton These The w were n to the effect elToo that John
Hays Hys Hammond Hmond of the League of Repub ¬
lican lcn Clubs Cub was u to accompany the Pros Pr ¬
dent and ad would take tke aompy advantage of the theopportunity tbeoirtuty theoportun1ty
opportunity oirtuty to boost bt the Republican Republicanclub Rpublic
club movement movementThe mOTment mOTmentThequea movementThe
The Thequea question n of Mr Tofts Journey to tothe tothe tothe
the Pacific Paofo coas ol come ce up in connection connectionwith oonnelon oonnelonwth
with wth the deficiency defceD bill bi which carries carriesthe carriesthe
cares caresthe
the appropriation appropriato of 25000 15000 to defray the thecost t thecost
cost ot of the Presidents Pddehta travelling trvelng expenses expensesThis epen expensesThis
This Ti measure meuu meesurewu was reported rpor by Represents Representative Rep nta ntatve ¬
tive tve Tawney of Minnesota Mlnnlt Mi sinesota chairman chirman of oftho ofthe ofthe
the Committed Committ on Appropriations Appropriaton While Whilethe WhUethe Whilethe
the bill bi was mode r the excuse ex for a number numberof nwber nwberotfghta
of otfghta flights of oratory ortot on the tariff tlf the theprovision theprovson theprovision
provision provson relating relting to the Presidents Presidentstravelling Prellden Prelldentravelng Preeidentstravelling
discussion travelling travelng expenses epne excited oxoted most of the thediscussion te tedlon thediscuion
discussionThis dlon
This la Item was U opposed by b all of the theDemocratic theDmoto theDemocratic
Democratic Dmoto speakers pkllJ opp including Minority fnorlty
Leader Lr dark Cark of o Missouri lUsaouri Representatives RepresentativesFitzgerald Rpre RepresentativesFitzgerald entatvel entatvelFitrald
Fitzgerald Fitrald of New Ne York Yor Bwers Bowers of Miss Mississippi Mlaalaappi Misssippl ¬
sippi appi Macon Man of Arkansas Akt and ad Livingston Livingstonof Llvinptn Llvinptnof
of Georgia Oore The burden of the te Demo Democratic Dmo Dmoctlo Democratio ¬
cratic ctlo complaint complint was that Chairman ChairmanTawney Cran CranTaweaa ChairmanTawney
Tawney Taweaa was ai guilty Jly of bad bd faith in ask asking ukins asklag ¬
ins the HoU House to make an appropriation appropriationfor
for fo the Presidents idents travelling travelD expenses expensesIn expen es esin
In the face fao of promises proml alleged aillg exp to have havebeen havebn havebeen
been bn made me at the last session Ion when ts U te tePresidents > e ePresidents
Presidents Pdnts salary aa was Increased Inc from fromttOOOO fromO fromU0il
ttOOOO O to 17SOOO 15000 a year ear At that time It Itwas itwaa itwas
was asserted a by Democrats Demota a tacit tt agree agreement agreement ¬
ment was w reached ed that tbt no effort edort would ag be bemode bem bemade
mode m later lat to secur n appropriations approprtlon for forthe forthe forthe
the Presidents Plldnts travelling tvlng expenses This Thiswas Thilwu Thiswas
was denied deed by bH Mr Tawney opn and other Re Republican R Republican ¬
publican publc leaders leadersRepresentative lers lersReprntatle leadersRepresentative
Representative Reprntatle Ralney Rnay was u particu particularly particulaity ¬
laity ly bitter bitt in his reference to the pc travels travelsof tv ls lsof
of the President Pdnt He declared dl that tt Mr MrTaft H MrTaft
Taft had b been bn generously glnerT treated tt by
Congress Cn and a that no D good Co argument aent could couldbe cd cdbe couldbe
be offered olered In justification Justifcton of the proposed proposedappropriation propd propdappropr proposedappropriation
appropriation appropr o Mr I Ralney Rney directed dln at attention at attention ¬
tention to the fact fac that a few weeks weeksbet before beforeMr bfore bforeMr ore oreMr
Mr Taft Tat entered entar the White Wite Housq Ho the thesum tboIW thesum
sum IW of S3t000 was made available avaiable for the themaintenance themantnc themaintenanas
10 ma
maintenance mantnc of the Presidents Pdea stables stablesIn lble lbleInaddltoD
In InaddltoD addition he said d 136000 O had b been bn ap appropriated appropriated ¬
propriated propriat to purchase automobile atobU ap for forthe forte forthe
the te new nw Preeicunt P t Then Tn Congress Cn In Increased Inte increased ¬
creased the te Presidents Pts salary aal Further Furthermore Frer Frermo Iurthermore ¬
more mo Mr HR Ralasjr alleged alK there e was on onhand onhnd onband
hand hnd from tr thprsvibus the t prsrvlbus administration amln traton
13000 120 or o S1SAX IU5 pl > that tt President Prdet Roose Roosevelt R Boo Boovolt ¬
wit had b failed fale to spend lpd on his hl travels travelsas tvel
as he was Wathoril authorised to t do by b Congress CongreesNow Cong
Now said ad the tb man m from Illinois Ilnol we weare weare weare
are asked uk to t appropriate approprte 120 25000 more to toenable toenable toenable
enable Mr J Taft Taa to move from place to toplace toplce topLace
place plce about the tb country ountr Before Bfore Mr MrTaft 111Taf MrTaft
Taft Taf became be President Pldet Mr MI Ralney Rlneluld Rlneluldhe said saidhe saidhe
he showed a a disposition to travel A Anavy Anvy Anavy
navy nvy vessel vol was WI dspton remodelled rmoele said Mr MrRalney MrRiney MrRalney
Ralney Riney and Mr MI Taft Tat soiled aled in luxurious luxuriousstyle luxuroua luxurouatylo luxuijousstyle
style over easy e tropical tropicl seas 1 to the dis distant dllltant distent ¬
tant Isthmus of Panama all at the
lathmu o Paa al ex expense exP oxpenee ¬
pense e of tho Government GovernmentRepresentative GovernmentRepresentative nt ntReprntty
P Representative Reprntty Scott B of Kansas Kn who wbola wbola8d Is Issajd 1 1eid
sajd 8d to be slated te forSecretary fOrRret of Agri Agriculture Agriculture ¬
culture oultu In the new Administration Adlnl tratlon should shouldSecretary IIhould8reta1 shouldSecretary As
Secretary 8reta1 Wilson Wlln retire asked all ked Mr Ralney Riney
If it were not true tre that tht Democrats Demorta were werecrowding wer werecrowdln
the White House these the
crowding crownll Wite e days daysasking dayuklng daysasking
asking the President Preident to visit tholr States Statesor Stt
or districts districtsOh
Oh ye ye thats tt so 0 returned retured Mr MrRalney llr llrRneT MrRsiney
Ralney RneT The e President Preident Is a welcome welcomevisitor welcomevistor welcomevisitor
visitor vistor everywhere enrher Its Ill a a big event when whenho whenh whenho
ho h comes core to town tW He Is usually utilr accom accompanied aom aompnle aocompanled ¬
panied pnle by byastarlpeaker a star speaker pker like lke John Hays HaysHammond HaysHmor HaysHammond
Hammond Hmor for example Beside Blde his hiscoach hiscoh hiscoach
coach coh attired attr In I high hats hu puffing pmng and andsteaming andtmna andsteaming
steaming tmna with Ith the h het heat at at times tme run runcret se secret 1 ¬
cret service Irlc agents agnt who frequently fruetly got gotmore gotmore gotmore
more applause applau than tan the head htd of the na nation n itslion ¬
lion ton On such occasions oaaiona the demand for forsoft for1f forsoft
soft 1f drinks drlnl Is I strong and ad In communities communitieswhere communitie communitieswhere
where her they the stand tnd for It I stronger atrngr bever beverages beverage beverages ¬
ages age are sold In great crt quantities quttf I pre predict pr prodiet ¬
dict that thtIf If this thl proposed tour goes go through throughthe
the demand demnd for prp rd r d lemonade lemoe and ad peanuts peanutawill peanutswill
will wi be b unprecedented un rentOut r Out at Pnuta Pnutawi Seattle Seattlethey Btto Seattlethey
they have hod hd nearly berl everything nerthlng from fromWashington fromWashington fromWashington
Washington but the President Pident He H is a aheadllner ahedilner aheadliner
headliner hedilner and ad they th y wont t him himMr himMr himMr
Mr Ralncy Rlnayrd read a letter written writen by
Thomas Thom Jefferson Jerersoa 100 10 years rs ago go In reply
to an Invitation Invtato to visit Y1 lt New England EnglandIn Eglad Egladin
In which he said 8ld I am a not reconciled reconciledto reconcie
to a Chief Magistrate parading himself himselfaa himllf
aa applause applauseMr 8 applaW an object obJ tof Magstrate of pUblic plblc pz gaeo a5o and a In quest quct of ofapplause ofapplaW ofapplause
Mr Scott Stt read a table tab showing showJnl that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the allowances aliow is r made the heads bead of state statein etatein statein
in Europe Europ were greatly me tln in excess exo of those thosegranted thOlOgt thosegranted
granted gt by wa Congr CnSN CongrMs M to 1 the Pdent Pdenthil Presidentthis President PresidentThis
This hil got o rise out of o Minority Leader LeaderClark Lder LderClark LeaderClark
Clark My 17 r understanding undllltdlng Is I that we wewent wewent weWent
went out of 0 the te royalty lt business bUnel on July
4 1770 17 < < 1 said aald1rCI Mr Clark The mistake mistakethe
the gentleman getea from K Kansas makes Is Isthat IIthat isthat
that he does dO not nt make mke the te discrimination discriminationbetween dl discriminationbetween crimlnatlonbetwen
between betwen what wht wepay the President Pident for forand forand forand
and the reasons rna wpy that tbt actuate actute tho large largeallowances IarpalowanO largeallowances
allowances alowanO paid Pd European Erop monarchs monarchsRepresentative monarhl monarhlRpr monarchsRepresentative
Representative Rpr tn Tawney concluded concuded the thedebate thedebte thedebate
debate debte He deprecated deprted the attack attk that thathod thatb thathad
had b been bn made on the item allowing allowingmoney alowng alowngmonlY allowingmoney
money monlY for le th tbd Presidents Pident travelling travellingexpenses travelng travelngexpn travellinaxpenses
expn expenses He said the President Priden could octal
not not afford alor out out or his rs own o pocket to visit visitthe VISIt VISItthe
the various variou cities ctad and States Stt pKet as a he had hadbeen hadbn hadbeen
been bn urged ur to t do and ad It i was for that thatreason thatrealn thatreason
reason realn that tht e the appropriation appropriaton was In Insorted InIred inserteclmnt
sorted Ired serteclmnt In 11 the bill billTheprovision bl billThe
Theprovision The e prillio provision was carried cred by by a vote voteof voteor voteof
of ISO l O to 107 10 KlveIRapubloana 1ve Y1vespubcanaMurdock Y1vespubcanaMurdockof Murdook Murdookof
of Kansas Kn Norris Nor of Nebraska publonMurook publonMurookof and nd Kopp
Nelson and ad Lenroot Lnot of Wisconsin WJnnvot Wisconsinvoted Wisconsinvotedwith voted votedwith
with the Democrats Dmoata Three ThrDmorta ThrDmortaPou Threoflemoorats ThreoflemooratsPou Democrats DemocratsPou
Pou of North Carolina CArolin Clark Ck of Florida Floridaand Forida Foridaand Floridaand
and Republicans Martin Marn of Colorado Cloroyot Coloradovoted voted with wth the theRepublicans theRpublone theRepublicans
RepublicansOther Rpublone
Other items ltem carried in the deficiency defoenO
bi bill which will have bve cred further furer consideration considerationtomorrow odertlo conniderutiontomorrow
tomorrow tomow whc wi are a For American Americn participa participation partid partidlion ¬
tion in the Brussels tt53 Exposition prcp Uoooo Uoooofor 00 30 30for
for completion completio of tho Epton new National NationalMuseum NationalMuwlo NationalMuseum
Museum Muwlo 60000 for expenses expeD of the thecourt th thecourt
court ourt of Inquiry Inqull now engaged In investi investigating inveti invetiptg0 investigating ¬
gating ptg0 oases arising afa engg out of President PresidentRoosevelts PresidentRoosevelts dnt dntRovelts
Roosevelts Rovelts order discharging dhr nc the colored coloredtroops colo coloredtroops
troops at Brownsville oo te 15000 and for the theequipment tbeeuipmet theequipment
equipment euipmet of the contagious disease diseasehospital dl diseasehospital
hospital hOpltal at t Ells E1 tbcootgoua loUnd Iad 30000 320000Wsbop 30000Blihop 000 000Blaep
Blihop Blaep Hewmanjs Irma ernan J 1s 93 93ORAXOX 92Osaox 2 2OIANO
ORAXOX OIANO y S sT J July IS 15Blahop Bishop Thomas ThomasBowman Thor ThomasBowman
Bown Bowman senior tloJlhop Bishop of the Methodist MethodistEpiscopal MethodistEpiscopal etho t tEpilp
Episcopal Church Curl Is i observing Cb lag his ninety ninetysecond nlnetyMnd ninetysecond
Epilp second Mnd byt birthday today The e venerable venerableprelate vn venerableprolate rable rableprlate
prelate prlate who Was known during durl the theactive theaotlvo theactive
active years of his bi episcopacy eplp as the thechildrens thechldrena thechildren
children chldrena re bishop makes mak his hl hi home with withhis wit withhis
his daughter dauAhtar M ru Burns Bum D Caldweli Caldweliwife CldweU CldweUwife CaIdwellwife
wife of the th vlcspresldent vlopreldont of the Lucks Luckswanna Lck Lckwana Lackwanna
wanna Railroad In thl city cit Mr and andMrs andMrs
wana Rlra I
Mrs M n Caldweli CRldwel are ar now ncwnbr abroad and Dr DrBowman DrB DrBowman
Noes Bowman B n Is I visiting llUng ar a daughter dulhtr in Haiti BaltiNoes It ItJ I 1
J 1
r O l
I I The Te antiseptic anteptc powder pwde to t be afcaken aen into It the te shoes iho Your You feet fed fedswollen fee feelc
c swollen wol n nervoud nerot neriou hot and ad get tired tredeiy easily If you y u have hv aching achingsmarting ag agsDmg achingsmariing
smarting feet feet try Allens Aes rootEase FotEo It rests rst1 the feet and a makes makesnew ze inaiceenewortight
sDmg t
new newortight or tight tght shoes so easy ea alvraya awaya use ueit ifc to t Break 1r BreakNw ia i New Nw Shoes ShoesIt Ss
I 1 i It I cures u swollen woU oI1ea hot ho sweating foot ft feetbIietere blister b ingrowing ig ga nails aad aadcallous d dcaou
4 I callous caou spots st Relieves Rve corns and bunionsof wDf all 8 pain and ad gives givesBest ives
1 I Best andComfort RehndCmor It ItcnreawhilOouwa1k cores while hIou you walE We Weheo Wehayooyerthlt bare p oyer thirty thirtythousand t e
11 thousand tola4 testimonials to Try Tito it todc Sold Sld by all a Druggists Druggistseverywhere IriggiataC ggs ggsevehe
C everywhere evehe 25 2ont cento Dont Donf accept aept any a substitute tute iojc fo AUens AUensFootEase 4lienFootEaao I
FootEase FotE Trial Ta package FREE F Address Adds Alien es S Olmsied OlmsiedLe Oled l
S Le L LeBoyNY LeBoyNYS Boy By N Y European Eup Brunch c Office ofc Pet Petu8h rboroughEngland rboroughEnglandUffADrVnitTsr1
S UffADrVnitTsr1 W U T A DMITf Saoceas Baoe brings brg imitations ituSr Scored or of ofWVKJraiftlur otn ofwortiil
WVKJraiftlur n 4RG worthless wortiil imitations aro re sometimes sometimesoffered B6IU eB eBS
wo it n a m
S offered oferet for sale we Insist Iun upon having hTgAnsFoTe Aliens FocEase The TheOriginal 0 0Orgna
1 Original powder pwder for the te feet f et Sixteen S years y before bfor the tep1 fteHio fteHioAnnual MblI MblIr I It
t r Annual An Orgna sales 8es over ver three t million I packages e Do D not ot accept acceptspurious aooejtqflTS
qflTS spurious spuo substitute substtt claimed c Jo to t be b just JU a M goodJL Jmitations Jmitationspay tt
4 1t r p pay pyt pa the dealer dler a a1srgorprofi larger le profit pft otherwise otn ot1ierwiseyou you yu g would oudneTe neverbe neverbeoffered iiebevT b
J vT offered oferd a substitute sbttt lores for Allens FootE FotE FO tEUe e Ask J for f Allens AllensFootiEano AJ AJl AiInsrn
rn I1Iki FootiEano lot Ea and a adjxjgjgijon insist sf upon Laving hTJt baiingItI it itBemombor
l I Bemombor Allens en FootrEasd FOtEa p is 1 sold oldonr only in25 i 2 cent centbearing eth U
C In a Mil F1ncb bearing bg b I ain yellow yt w label lbl Iabelwith with Wt our durtradoinark n1i trade S mark mk j and d facsimile facsimileSold f Ue mntue mntueC t tUse I IUI I j jBold
Sold by bY all aDrlllerhere Druggists everywhere for for5 25 cents cent For FoRTpae JREE JRZETrlal Trial package also aF Free SampU 8jJuft O otthe ottheFOOTEA81 to toFOOTEA8n
FOOTEA8n It SANITARY COHNPAD a new n invention fnnton address adM Allen Aen S Olmsttd Olha Le L Brfy KN K Y YIt I S
Juan UA Ilalstmlr lalllndf iho tio Followed FOlo t Loots a ton tonOMtrn voflOestrn n nOetm
OMtrn Oetm Prom FrOn Havana laana a Suicide SUlcldfJa SUlcldfJaDnarlns la sv svnnardlnc aBoarding
Boarding Dnarlns Home 10u After rrr a Quarrel With Withthe nUhthe iUththe
the Soubrette Soubrete In Union Cnl n Square Squarei Sq i ire ireA re reA
A young Cuban Cubn shot himself himsl in a a Four Fourteenth F Fourteenth ur urtenth ¬
teenth tenth street strt lodging loging house hou early yester yesterday yeir yeirdy yesterday ¬
day dy morning and died die a a few hours hour later laterin l ter terin
in Bellevue elevuo Hospital H0pltl He le wasJuan wasJuanBalslnde wasJuanBalsinde a Jun JunBl
Balslnde Bl lnde eldest eldet son ln of a Havana family familyHe famiy famiyHe
He left home almost amOt a year yer ago in the thewoke lb thewake
wake of a theatrical thetrical company coIPa1in In which whichLouisa wblchLula WhichLouisa
Louisa Lula von Oesten a German Oern girl living livingat lving lvingat
at 83 8 LoU street stret Brooklyn Drcoklyn was WI a aou aoubrette sou soubrette soubrett
brette bretteHe brettHe A AHe
He followed foloe the company mpydurlnlts mpydurlnltstour during Its Itstour itstour
tour through Cuba null aa come ceto to New Newlork Newlorkaly York Yorkearly Yo Yoearly
early last lt May M by the same aam samoship ship lhlpthe lhlptheSratog the theSaratoga theSaratoga I
Saratoga Sratog He went ent to the lollng lodging house houseat ho hoat i
at 211 East Et Fourteenth Fourenth street atrt kept kpt by byMrs b byMra
Mrs rs Louise Lule Champion Campion a aFrenchwoma Frenchwoman Frenchwomanand
and asked for the cheapest ooea t room rCm she shehod shebad heha
bad ha She gave him a bedroom boom on the thesecond thend thesecond
second nd floor back for which whih he paid pd paid35Oaweek
35Oaweek 35OaweekHe 350 5 a week weekHe weekHe
He was a perfect perfet gentleman genteman said saidshe ssldse Baldshe
she se in telling telnc what kind of a young l ung man manher manher manher
her boarder ber was wa He used u to t be b very veryquiet ver veryquiet
quiet when h n h was In my house and welked weliked we weliked
liked lked him hi Mone Money No he didnt dfdtim dfdtimto seem seemto loomto
to have very v ry much money mone H6 HI had ha a alittle alttle alittle
little lttle when he4 he came cme but but not long ago agohe agohe i ihe I II
he began to t seem a very poor pr Last Ltwek week weekI I
I lent him hi ten ten0nt cents No he h didnt dldlt seem seemto a ato seemto
to have much money But a apro perfect perfectgentleman perfectgentleman
gentleman ntema yes yesHe y yeeHe
He left lef the te house hotl about abut noon non on onWednesday onWedney onWednesday
Wednesday Wedney and ad went off down dow the te street streetMrs streetUr streetMrs
Mrs Ur Champion Capion didnt know just Jut where whereLouisa wber whereLouisa
Louisa Lula von Oesten Otn said that she aeapent aeapentthe spent spentthe spentthe
the evening with ith him himI
I met him hm In l ki Union UnlonBuare Unioniuare Square a few min minutes nllnut ruinutes ¬
utes ut before bfoi 8 dcloclc o oloeksa1d oi said l she We Wetalked Wetked Wetalked
talked tked for an hour hor and an quarrelled quamled all allthe aUthe allthe
the time He if was angry because ou e I went wentout wentout wentout
out with wit other oter fellows felol I said d Juan Juantheres Jua1 Juantheres
theres thers no use U us quarrelling qurlng this tis way You Youtrust Youtrt Youtrust
trust trt me and Ill Il trust trttyol you and well wellgo well wellgo
go with whom we please We can C get getaloruc gt getalong I IalOQ
along alOQ that tt way ay If I you YOI dont iat want to towed towed I Iwed
wed better htter call < IIQuita it quits now nwe nwething The last latftthing lastthing
thing Joan Ju said lald as he went away aWAywa aWAywathl was wasthis wasthis
this thl Louisa Lul Ill Il get even with you youor youoral for forall forall
all al this tla That Tat was the lost Iat I 111 saw of him himMiss hl btmMisevon
Miss MIl Misevon von Oeeten OEtn Oeetenadlo1 Oeetenadlo1Why adde1 adde1Why adde1Why
Why a Cuban Cb should get infatuated infatuatedwith infatuat
with aVOerman aeran a girl gir 1s more than t n1 I can cansee D Ds nsee
see s I certainly crtnlnly wasnt W8t infatuated Infatuted with withBalslnde withlm witht1slnde I
t1slnde Balslnde reached reed the lodging house hOUat at atI I
Blnde logng
1 oclock ociok yesterday rooming morng He found foundMrs fon foundMrs
Mrs Champion yery still sitting stUng out in th thair the theall theair
sidewalk sidewalkIll air all on ChmpIon the tb little Ite piazza pia that tht flanks fk the thesidewalk te tesidewak thesidewalk
sidewak Ill pay you tomorrow tmow lady Mrs MrsChampion M MrsChampion
Champion 11 py says as he told her as he went Wenttn WenttnHe in inHe InHe
Cpon He was a a a week wek in arrears a on his rent rentTomorrow rentTomorrow rent9omorrow
Tomorrow Tomorrow Im Im going to settle tte every everything everything everything
thing ho said saidThen aaldTen saidThen
Then Ten he went up to his little Itt litt1 room roomHe rm rmHe roomHe
He lighted the gas and ad then Mrs MrsC Chant Champlan Chantnion
plan lghted heard herd a f revolver ryolver shot Kot Bolsmde Bolsmdehad BBnde BBndeha Balsindehad
had shot himself hlm elf in thjj abdomen abomonAfUr abomonAfUrht After Afterhe Afterhe
he ha ht had been ben taken tken tl to Bellevue Blevue Mrs MrsChampion Mr MrsChampion
Champion h found fOld a letter leter lying on his hlodresser hisdrr bindresser
dresser drr Capion which whic she handed hded over lyng to Police Policeman Polic Policeman ¬
man Shields Apparently Appntly It had ha been beenwritten ben benrltten beenwritten
written by Balalndo Blndo on July 3 and It t was wasaddressed wasadrto wasaddressed
addressed to tho actress actressI
adrto I have had h enough a trouble troublelth with my mypeople mypple mypeeple
people already alry he wrote wrte I am a going golniback goingb golnback
back pple to Cuba to my mother who wil wilforgive wiforaivo 1
b Cub
forgive t all 41 my foolish fooU l nets at I Iwilcme Iwilcmesgan will become becomeagain becomeaa1n
again the aristocratic anlltto young man who wholeft wholef wholeft
left sgan lef Havana Hava a year yea ago to follow folow an anactress anaor anactress
actress girl girlHe girlHo girlHe
aor He went on to charge chlgoher her with having havlnitried havingtried havingtried
tried to break bmk up a friendship friendhip between betweenhimself betWen betWenhlm betweenhimself
hlm himself and another girl and ad added adeh In Inseven Ineven lnseven
el aoter
seven days dya I spent S 360 grl on you at Brighton Brightonbesides irgbton irgbtonbde Brightonbesides
besides bde the jewelry I gave you youAn youA youAn
An expense account aunt for tho two twoweekll twoweekllUolng weeks weekssucceeding weekssucceeding
succeeding A expn Juno 19 indicated Indlot that he had hadspent hadpent hadspent
spent about S4SO 450 In his pockets pocket were werenrty werefmy werefifty
fifty or abut sixty theatre theat s checks chek An allow allowance nlow nlowace allowsnice ¬
ance ace which whle Ilxty it appears apper that tht he receive receivethrough recive receivedthrough
through Williams Jk k Co 64 Pine Pio street streetwasnt art artWat streetwasnt
Wat trougb wasnt nearly nely Wllaa enough c to carry car him through throughnotwithstanding throughnotwlttdlnl throughnotwithstanding
notwithstanding his meagre living lving In InFourteenth in inFournth InFourteenth
notwlttdlnl Fourteenth Fournth street Itt A week ago he cabled cabledhis cbled cbledhil cabledhis
hil his family famiy in Havana Hava but no response responsehod rSpf responsehad
had come comeMrs comehire
b Mrs 111 Champion Cmpion went to the te Morgue Morgueearly Morgueearly Morgueearly
early yesterday yetery afternoon atmoon to claim cm the theI te teb thewant
b I didnt want wantto to leave leve him thsre thsreshe the thee thsreshesaid
shesaid she e sold 1d ddt It I 1twouldnothave would not have been bn right rightBut rijht rlflhtBut
But to the Morgue also all went Pablo PabloLuna Pablouna Pablotuna
Luna una of the to Hotel Hotl America Amer in East KastFifteenth Et EtFiftnth EastFifteenth
Fiftnth Fifteenth street ftrt a a gathering fterinl place placefor placefor placeror
for prosperous Cubans Cb In New York YorkHe YorkHe yorkHe
He said sid prroU that tat his brotherinlaw btherinlaw who whoIs ho hoIII
Is in the employ of ofanmero ofanAmerican an American electric elto I
lighting company In Havana Hva used U to tolive t tolive
live Ightlnl next door cmpy to the te country ountr place pi of the theBalsinde theBinde theBalsindo
Balsinde family in Vodado V ado and ad that tat ho hawas howa howas
was Binde godfather famiy to Juans Jun brother broter On Onthe Onthe Onthe
the wa strength gorater of family tamly acquaintance auntce he hetook hetk betobk
took tk Itrngof charge cbrg of the body by and ad had It token tokento ten tento
to an undertakers undertakersI underkera underkeraI
I sent ent a cablegram cblegrar to t his hl mother too toosold tl tlad toosaid
sold he Nobody Noby had hd thought though to do dothat 00 00tat dothat
ad that and It may be that she will wi read readfirst readthat
first lnt tat of a It In the to Havana Hya3 papers paprs I should shouldbe abold aboldbe r
be sorry Ir for fo tht thtTHOSE th thstThOSE < t trlOSE
Two lien Iror or the 1 e Some ame Town Aecasta a fat fatthe at atthe atthe
the Samp ameTme amsTltUe Time of tike Lke Offences OffencesTwo oreo oreoTo OffcooesTwo
Two To Joseph JOph J aepb AUonos AUao both of whom whomwere whomwere whomware
were arrested Oted in I Hoboken Joboken for illegally illegallyselling W Illegallyselling el11 el11elnl
selling elnl homemade homeae Italian Iti wine without withouta wltt wlttalcen
Intbe IntbeCurt the theCourt
a alcen license were we recently renty arraigned aJed In theCourt
Court Curt of Special Bpi Sessions Sionl Jersey JenCity JenCityOne City CityOne CityOne
One pleaded plee guilty gUtyad and the other oter decided decidedto decidedtOBtd decidedtostatdtriaI
to tOBtd tostatdtriaI stood trial trialWhen trluWhen t tWhen
When the former orer was called caled before beforeJudge beforeJudg beforeJudge
Judge Judg Blair yesterday e teray for sentence etna the theother theothe theother
other othe Alfano Alao stepped forward and a alawyer alawye alawyer
lawyer lawye informed itore lItppforaa Assistant ltt Prosecutor Prosecutorof Prtr Prtrof
of the Pleas Ple George Get T Vlckers Vlokenth that some somebody sme om ombody ¬
body had h made a mistake millte somewhere somewhereMr 1mhe
Mr b Vickers me subsequently auety learned lee that tt ttJ a aman aroan
M man gave boll bl on Wednesday W6ne W dneLiay ay for the theAlfano t1 tIoAlfano
Alfano Alfao J gve who was awaiting awitng trial and ad tho thoother thootber theother
other Alfano Ala was released IleJ In his hi hI stead steadThe steadThe t1
The second 1 ndAlfa Alfano was wa also admitted admitt to toSo t tobail
bail yesterday yesterdaySo
bal So S yoray yorayS far as the Prosecutors Ptors office ofc knows knowsfee knos knosQ knowslb
Italians not related
fee Q lb Itis are Dt relted
Mauch MaUohChuflkNeXt ChunkNext und unday undayThe y ySpecial
4 The beautY of the ceneryof IUI thIsAMIltlCAN AMFI ll > J l 01T t < 1 iir vW V Vand Rl Rlrou J JI
BERt Islocatod vt d the wonderful sad ihrUllBf SWITCHB SWITCHBleave
and delight You rou jrr
Special trio train leaves leave W SW 34 St Sundaysso Sunday S20 Liberty St StBOUND 6 6ROVND > A AD
I BOUND D TRIP BlSOf CHILDREN It tests testsIUI eat eatLak ats atsS atsLak
Lak Hopatc IlopatcngEVSrY ngCv ry Sunday SundayAND
S ebaratlOf mount1a lake i loi feet above ea level affords finest flawtboattnc finestboitln
boitln baibtOC Aahte motor boattnc and alllnr Special train trainSt trainleeves
leeves 5 ad St Hundays sno Uberty5t SW A U Uspecial
special traIn leaves rtdayJub me w d Hi si bir7 bir7St
ttlnd 1r i d Enough FOh but Not From the Hlgtit Hlgtitj Risat RisatPlrelon HightDirection
j Direction DirectionWASHIXOTOX Plrelon PlrelonWASHIOTNJulY DirectionWAennooX
WASHIXOTOX WASHIOTNJulY July 15 15TI 15The The Wright Wrightaeroplane Wrightaeroplane
aeroplane did not fly today t although althoughrepairs althul althoughrepairs
arop repairs had hd been bn made and It was W8 all allready al allready
ready to do dos so It wasnt because b there therewas tr therewas
re4T wind because there therewas theiewas
was watmuohltd too much nor bou ther
was W8 too t little litte There Thre was just Jut enough enoughbut eoKl
but usually the wind was from the wrong wrongdirection wronadlrconThre wrongdirection
direction There seemed to t be nearly nearlya
a dlrconThre dead calm clm but really rlT m there tre was WA a four fourmile tourmle fourmite
mile d breete br e from the north Had Hd It itbeen itbeenfrom been beenfrom n nfrm
mle from frm the te south lloth tm there ther nor would have hve been bna bnatlght1o a aflight uflight
flight no the WrlKt yriKhts sold soldThe ad adTh saidThe
tlght1o The failure Irritated Irtte a number of per persons pereons r r8n ¬
sons Th and ad a couple of Congressmen Ongmenwho Ongmenwhowent who whowent whowent
8n went out through the th hot sun to see the themachine te temhine themachine
machine mhine outthfuK fly ly saldthey ad said t they guessed ge they ty woujd woujdnot wOlld wOlldnot
not vote for toranYapproprtion any appropriations for aero aeronautics neronautics 10 ¬
nautics The Wright brothers were ere as asmuch aamuob asmuch
much nautO put TeWrlbroters out ot as any one on else el for they theyare toy toya theyare
are tired i of malting Itlng and wlan In to get gatthrough gt gtthroug getthrough
through with it their tr present prnt Job as a soon soonas sn snu soonas
throug for work workin
as possible and make ready
in Germany O plbfe in September Sptemb me r It I is I begin beginning beg beginsing ¬
sing to r7 look loK as al if they tT will wl have hve to ask askfor ak akror askfor
for nng an a t extension extnion of time tim from the te War WarTheybaveVntll WarDpmt WitrDepartment
Department DepartmentThey
TheybaveVntll They Dpmt DpmtTheT hve have until July 38 2 3 to finish fnl the tests testsIf tts ttsI
If new misfortunes come core they thO may my not notbe notb notbe
I no maorune
be able to get through by that tt time timeSecretory UmeBretary timeSecretary
b Secretory gt of trl War Wa Dickinson Dcknn went out outto outto outto
to Bretary Fort Myer today t in aa a automobile automobileHe au moble mobleHe
He was accompanied by many m7 man oto officialsotthe officials officialsoCthe
oCthe the War Department Dparent Mr Dickinson DickinsonMid Diodna
Mid 1 jg that thanf if they the wonted a good start ltrtor ltrtortho for forthe forthe
the aeroplane apie they could Ou1 K hitch hlh their theirmachine ter terbhln theirlachlne
machine on the end of hie automobile b b1esutomobtleand automobileand aimo
bhln and get off In that tt way WyTeWricht The Wrights Wrightswould Wrightwuift
andgt would wol have uYeJk bavellksdrnaklng liked making maf aHlftat a Iatfpr tf for the theSecretary te teBc theSecretaly
Secretary Bc of War Wa but they tey held bl that UtJ thatthe thattheconditions the theconditions
conditions oditon did not notwarrant warrant wat Iti It it They T ore orenow a arenow
now making plans for starting the machine machinefrom m sMne sMnefrom
bW pl atng t
me meCrom
from mg a different diler point on the t field feld where wherethey wh wherethey
they will 1 hove hve a Pnton longer longr stretch stt for the thestart thest thestart
start st and the first turn to the left leftThe Jeft lefLThe
The flight on Tuesday TtaT was brought t ta to tosudden toa <
a sudden end ed because buae there thor was not notroom notrm notmorn
room rm enough in the field feld With the south southend IIOUt southend
end of the field feld as the te starting tlng point pint there therewould the therewould
would be ba a longer longr straightaway Itrghtway and no nobuildings nobulding nobuildings
bulding buildings or trees tr to prevent prevt a turn even evenf evn evnIf
If f the machine nlne did not happen hppn to be b far farfrom farfrm farfrom
from frm the ground groundThe gund gundThe groundThe
The brothers broten ore aal also planning plning to in increase Ino increase ¬
crease o the size sz of the weight which whio drop dropping dropping dropping ¬
ping from a derrick dero gives the t machine machineits mahIne mahIneIt
its It initial Initl momentum gVN Wilbur Wibur Wright Wrightsaid Wrightaald Wrightsaid
said that he wanted to put on enough more moreweight moreweiht moreweight
weight to give the machine about three threemiles threemiles
weiht abt tree treemUe
miles mUe an hour gve more speed II mne than tan It now has hasThis huThl hasThis
This Thl will w help overcome ovme the atmospheric atmosphericadversities ItOphllrC ItOphllrCaversite atniosohericadversIties
adversities aversite which hlch have prevailed previed during duringthe I Ithe
the last tt few days r r1VtPEDnt1 daysIUJrED
Druoo Dro UrunoTtiough Though TouslnnolmtUa Innocent n tasTbat as That Kserr Kserrto Fas r rtn
to Kirape the Police PolicePoliceman PollerPoliceman oUr oUrPolceman
Policeman Polceman Walsh Wal h found a man I taking takingthe
the air on a a stoop stp on Broadway Brway near nearWhite ner nerWhite I IWhite
White street lltreet early ely yesterday morning morningOn moring moringOn I IOn
On the way to the Leonard n street IItrt station stationWalsh lltaton lltatonWalah I IWalsh
Walsh says the th man cTTered 5 for his hisliberty hlaUberty I Iliberty
ey ma Iere I
liberty He leu If was booked bke as Joseph Joh Bruno Brunoa I Ia
and suspicious 43 43yean 42year
a painter a eploou1 person ptn t
yean yt old 01d2S1 231 West We t Thirtyfirst Ttlryfrt street streetThe IItt streetThe
The police Ploe are ar looking loklrK for painters paintersEvery paintersEvery
Every pointer suggests uggOt a Benin Bni murderer murdererSo pnter
So Evor they ttey pntr investigated Ine Ugate Brno Brunos address adr muerer muererSo and andwere ad adWer andwere
were Wer rewarded rae by y finding fding that tht he didnt didntlive dldntlive didntlive
live there He was taken tke to Police Poloe Head Headquarters He Headquarters ¬
quarters quutt and ad accused 41 of being belnl a criminal criminaland orimlnl orimlnland
and of having given give a false ral address Bdr He Hereplied Horeple Hereplied
replied reple Im Im a little litte hazy h about abut the ad address a address ¬
dress dr but I know ko the house hou end ad andif if i youll youllcome yol youllcome
core come with me Ill show ho it to you youBruno youBo youBruno
Bruno Bo took tk detectives dettvfto to 334 West WestThirtyfirst WeltThlryftnt WestThirtyfirst
Thlryftnt Thirtyfirst street tot They The searched ahe his hisroom hl hisroom
rm room and a finding fdl nothing suspicious suspiciousstarted sspllous sspllousItArted ausnl ioua iouastarted
ItArted started back bk to Headquarters Hequat On the theThirtyfourth theThirtfourth theThirtyfourth
Thirtfourth Thirtyfourth street stt station etton of the tle Ninth Ninthavenue Ninthaveue Ninthavenue
aveue avenue elevated line Bruno Brno leaped lo 1 the therailing therlinl therailing
railing and to the street
rlinl dropped Ue Itrt Having Havg
hurt himself hlmel dropp he was W8 easily tly overtaken overtakenThen OvertakenThen
Then aorcrdlng aoring to Walsh Walh the overen overenThen prisoner prisoneroffered prilnarolTere prisoneroffered
blocksIn olTere bJoD offered blocks 1 350 53 for a run r with a atari stt of three threeblocks threebJoD threeblocks
laid In the Tombs Tomb court ort Magistrate Uagtrt Breen Breenlaid Breensakh
laidThots a Thots Tts as bad as If it had happened in
Russia Rua There is nothing nthi against al t this thisman tblllm thisman
man m Aa A a sample of oflntelectua Intellectual proc process pr prooOs ¬
ess Os I dont think tink much rnuchaf of this tbl deduction deductionof deduoton deduotonof
of crime cme DUchargwJ Dlh Id give lve 858 quick quickto
to ovoid ayoiat arrest and aa disgrace disgraceTerry dfac dfacTfrl disgraceTerry
Terry Tfrl MeOovern UoGoyer Out OutTerry A ATel AgaIn AgaInTerry
Terry Tel McOovern Mcover was discharged dicbar ed by b
Magistrate Mgltrato Voorhees Voore in the Fifth Ffth avenue avenuecourt avenuecourl avenuecourt
court courl In Brooklyn yesterday ye tenla on his hispromise hlaproml hispromise
promise to t go to the country ount Ho left leftin
In in an a automobile automobie with his hl old manager
Jam B Harris Hail his hi former wth trainer mnger Charles CI8
Mayhood Malho his mother moter and his Il wife for
Amltyyllle L I He H was w arrested about abouta
ar t abut abuta
a week w ekago ago on complaint emplalnt of his wife wifewho wifewho
who to charged ohrle that be was Irresponsible
Since Sloo then he has ha been bn In I lathe the Iprlble observation observationward obrvatlon obrvatlonwar
ward war of the Kings County CuntTUoapital CuntTUoapitalC Hospital hospitalq
C q 51 Wo W 0 sell sel the beet bt of every ever
thing in stationery statoner In loose loosoleaf looseleaf IOOHOeai
leaf goods Iods Jones Improved
Loose Lose Leaf Lf specialties speclaltcsae speclaltcsaethe are arehe arethe
the beat We ere araientfor agents for or
XAaLZa i tssv tssvSTAIONIRS
TonE > 40 Julkm 1h 1hIACTOKII 8 sCO1 < r t tVACTORlTi
VACTORlTi CO1 a 441 r Pstl ul a
It ItU
I A DUItOLAn lun LAnSOIOOl SCHOOL SCHOOLBeys v s so3rs t
Beys o3rs Ray fa ay Game ame Warden arm Planned 1 Rn taeJebt taeJebtand t e eaD
I and aD Bought B ept ids tie Plunder PtusderMISBAWAKA MderMJ81 PlunderMISHAWAICA
MISBAWAKA MJ81 WAlA Ind July nLse 15 15Louis Louis Car Corrter Cartar
tar tr deputy deuty earn ie warden ware wssT w arrested arrestedhere arrestedhee ted tedh
here h lost and this I
JtnSht night escaped t morn morning mo moning ¬
ing Six boys b ranging rnll from 13 3 to U i years yearswere Te yeartwere
were we arrested at today toay charged with wth bur burglory blr blrgJ barglary
glory gJ and ad arson an The Te charg boys boyay say that thatC Car Carter Cartrdrilled ¬
ter t trdrilled drilled riJethem them in a burglar brd school schoolplanned ahC schoolplanned
planned pJne the te robberies rbberiN for fortem them and d dved re received received ¬
ceived ved and ad paid od for the stolen goods A Asearch Ah Asearch
search h of the Carter C home brought to tolight toLight
light than Ujht stolen ltole 1000 1000Not I INot goods So to tothe the value vUleofmore vUleofmorethan broulhtto broulhttoUjht of of more morethan morethan
Not to twclsssad twclsssadwith I e ewt d 11 11ni
Salos wt with withSalos 0 SM SMI SMTloo I
I >
The Tloo TlooIota following followinglets
lets of ofGenuine f a aGenida
G GenidaStetsOn Genuine GenuineStetson H b
Stetson Shoes Shoesall Shoest
so t to t 700 v V1gb V1gball
t I ni niI niil
Canizua all sizes and widths widthsSever wjdthjA1i Jdt d d1i I
A1i 1i PrkeiIwjSket PrkeiIwjSketSeveral lli Sh
Sever Sveral hundred hundre pairs paj cf Russet JtHtsetOxfords Je RussetOxicede
Oxfords Co this thiseSo jeajooi most pop popular ¬
mos il
lar models moel regularly riuluJy 1qo 500 q a1 adj
f00 0 4 i 1 1gSiso M MAlso 1 1AUTOCAR
Also 11 Gsw G < Metal MdlUMss Tire Tirebel Twhal
hal 1e Ties TI Ti at favorite a forteltyl style with withyoung w withyoung u uyou
young you rmcn men regularly r rguIarly55oAbout ullrYS5 50 JAbLI JAbLI5D About
150 5D pairs of salesmen sumens s sample samplesizes sampitsiip sampitsiipsizes qil
sizes 7 and and7 7 B only onlyTey onlyThey
They Tey are ae gong goaifast al ALL ALLAT ALLfaituy A Afat8uy
fast Buy
fat8uy now nowTHE BOW
I 7 Cortlandt Cndt Street StreetNear Stut StutN t tNear I
Near N Broadway Bro Brout SroadwayAUTOCAR <
ut Qt QtI t t II IIi
Mtk Si R la 4 Bw Wwl w y N NY NYMA1RIEDI1 Y
lt CIi Juir 1 i U Iii Jt O Uoros a
Pariah Paa Chureb Crb Belfast Delf1 by the tbeRe1oma honey Rev Thomas r
K E1om Thome aslat a a lsted lt d by Ibe Rev R fle WillIAm Wi Qtilrv Qtilrvthe Qln Quinthe
the Rev IIV William 111am B tusk Lak Chapel CQ of the
Incarnation JneatCo New Nlw ew York ork to tE das rouarer Ja
daughter daucblel of Mr r WlUlun WIUlu Bright BrlbaJ4o flrtgh344ry JMonderrr
Portadown PooW County unIY Armath Anal Ireland IrelandPAnsONaVAUOHAN Irlc lreks4PARsONVAVaHANo
PAnsONaVAUOHAN PnONsVAUGUANn On Thursday July J IS J5at ISat
at the tbeatberal Cathedral of tbeIncarnation tbeIDcaad tbeIncmttosCIty TuIF11 Cardan
City Cty L L 1 I Rthel Flbe Thorn Parsons P daughter daUcBMrof dadtr dadtrof Ga
of Mr and ad Mr lira r Albert Ron n Parson p to o Mr
Donald Dnd Curler Cyle Vauf VAUlbu Vaughan ban ot Garden OaOs4 a O4 r
I a
DALIND DALSINDuOn DALSINDK On n Jury Jul JuI 1lu IS Juan Balalode 8 Dd of r Ha Havana UI ff ffvine ¬
vine Cuba Services
vaa Cb8nm at Tm T FOKMUI F
Cuuacn Cuam m We Wet West i rw Z at al FajLVc FIx fc E HCAUr HCAUrasiL Com Coms C CSI
s SI asiL u BUXJJ BUXJJEVKrtnvOn BLl BLlrpnln I
EVKrtnvOn rpnln July U Rtitene Puce Everlt Fvrta0 aged II IIyear 11ean 51rears
year ean Servlcetal Sn1caal TB lx s FUNSIUI CBVSCU CBVSCUMORTONOn
If 241 Wfl SVesI Zd Sd II at atU0RTOOn 11u CII CIIIf
MORTONOn WORTON July 15 Walton WautonJames VaID Ilmono6Judr n or
James Jaea W and Ad Fmlly Fmly D Mortori ortolf ot OraBte oru a 5 5Va
Va Va aced ace M I years yearsfuneral 0 0Funeral
funeral and Interment IDwrmlt a afOraanVa OrutfVa OrutfVaSCIIWAB00 OrangqaHCltWAilO
SCIIWAB00 lWABa Wednesday Wenea July JulI H < Gabriel Oa
Schwab 5wab beloved blv husband Jab Of Henrietta sol solfather
father of Ada AdsFuneral Adafleralla AdaFuneral t
Funeral fleralla Friday the 18tb th at 10 A M iL frWbli
f 11
late realdcae dcnO JStt West Tet 102 10 it t fttmtn fttmtnrelatives P ssts sstsrelatives
relatives rlaUv and I following folonc torletlei ale es4 u tcttzvi tcttzviare I tcdzvare
are invited Irled Ucmbcra Wbn ot 0 Tempi Tep Enaatwh siap
Emanuel Emaue Lodge Lce No tit 6 F A A M 3 Soetttah 1
I Stlhl
Rite JI ConaUtory Colaatr Ucoca Tempi Tmple SnrloJra Srf
Standard 8lanc Lodge L No a 301 o I o r 8 of i Sth Eureai
Lodge Lp No m I 10 O O F Uanbaiua MaekataNo Lodra ur
NoUt No1M No 126 I O B B BOr BMoeroo Mooroo LrN LndgN Lodr N j 1m 1mRochester
3TRASCHNOW SASHNOWJuIY HTI1ASCHNOWOnJuIy On Juljr 11 11 lto Ida titrate tlaJ 8Irscinow
now seed are C 4nce Services a C ir Trai Fcxtiui
CnrjacB Claa Ml We Wel West t ted isdat at atcrJ Piuiut jWt jWtILL u uBILL JA Fa C Cuu
BILL uu BUM B Cremation Cito st stmatorjr fHc flosUhii c
mto matorFEUedee matorjr Linden Uee N J JVOOIUEESOn JVOORIEn JVOO1UfEEOnt
VOOIUEESOn VOORIEn July u 15 11 1M 11 leon leonwidow 1I ou n nwidow
widow wo of Judge Ur P Ptr ter lr Van V Vs VooihanT VO Voohsea tI1
Relative qlaUve and ad friends te ar a are Invited 1v1 to attend at d tha lb 1
lera funeral urvtcts rcOD Os Saturday 1 n p
1 17 at t oCok oclock at lelal her isis isisCopsr a
Capr Copsr al st C Cthden N J 7 Icteeqpsy IdH 1
Pe Pitie omt omit flowers flowersVUVftTAICW W Jallutvaw
t b 1 4 J
i 4 4

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