OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, July 16, 1909, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1909-07-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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Wbe uu uuFRIDAY
FRIDAY JULY 10 1000 1000Watered 1000JateredI 1OO1tred
Watered JateredI tred at t the Post Office at a t New ew York aa Second aaecondClus SecondClass ccondcl
Class cl Mall Matter MatterSnbscrlptlons MAUrSBlllnlpUon MiittrSsbscrtptlon
Snbscrlptlons by b Halt Postpaid PostpaidDAILY POllpalcLDAILY PostpaidVALY
DAILY Per Year o 000 000WNDAY on onBONDAY 00B3NDAY
DAILY AND SUNDAY Per year t It 00 00DAILY 00J 00JILY
DAILY J ILY AND SUNDAY Per Month 70 70Postage 70ostae o otare
Postage ostae tare to forelfn countries added addedAll adddAll addedMi
All checks money order Ac Ac to be made madepayable mdeaible nadeayab1e
payable aible to TBB Tu SON SenPublished SONJubllabtd 0M 0MYublisbed
Published by the Sun 5jri01lnr 5unIrtntIn Priming and Publishing PublishingAssociation PubllablnrAMoclallonI PubIisbngAssociation
Association at 170 7Q Nassau street In the Doraurhol DoraurholManhattan Iiorouh of ofbaltao ofMinhattan
Manhattan > baltao New York President and Taraturer Taraturerof
of he in Association William M Lattan 10 Nassau Nassaustreet Naauet Nassauceet
street ceet et The offle om of Secretary of the Association AssociationIs AMonllonScmporar1lT
Is temporarily vacant vacantlondon vACanttAmdon Vacantlondon
london office Cmngham nrHou House < 1 Arundel street streetStrand AlreelUand streettfn4
Strand Tbe dally daU and Sunday Sunda SUN are nnale no we In InLondon InLoIIdon inLdon
London at t the American and Colonial Kicaanee Kicaaneefaritonitreet ESbaaceullOa 1zctiaoteCiItoatreet
faritonitreet < ullOa Ireel Ilegentttreet and flaws steamship steamshipAgency SteamshipC Steatnhlttpatncl
Agency C 17 Green street treetLelcentcr Leicester I altr < Square SquareParis Squareria SquarePuts
Paris ria office 3 Rue Lout le Grand The dally and andSunday andSuiday nd nd511II
Sunday 511II edition an ax on sale at Klosque ir I near the theGrand IheOrJId theGtlnd
Grand Hotel Klosque 77 Boulevard dc du Cnpuclncs Cnpuclncscorner CApudnncotner CapucInrcotner
cotner Place d de IOpera lO r and Klcwjue KI que 19 I Boulevard Boulevarddc
dc clta Itallens corner Rue Lou Louis le Grand Grandtf G GrandSt raneLl1r
tf l1r our frttndi if who do faror eeoc u us trWl manuirrrfprf for fortvtHtaUm fO fOkdlDn foribtfratlon
tvtHtaUm kdlDn u totals Uh Jl to ban 1141 rejected rIS artltlri rtturnta rtturntaay rrnedlasp d dell
ay null tn a ell cases 41 tint n irtunpi InJld Jot or Mar purpose purpoirTile purposeo PO POTlte
Tile o Socialistic Tax and tho Central Centralizing C Centralt Centraltlng ntral ntralIzlnR ¬
izing TAX TAXHarpers TxH TaxHerpera
Harpers H rper Magazine for this month monthcontains monthc monthcontains
contains c an article on the fear of ofdeath ordeath ofdeath
death by an eminent physician and andsurgeon andeurgoon andeiwgoon
surgeon of New York who han h l had hodhalf hadball hadIIf
half a century of experience ntthe at the bed bedaide bedde bedeZde
aide of the dying and those tho O who thought thoughtthey thoughttMY thoughtthey
they were dying The senior Senator Senatorfrom Senntorfrom Senatorfroni
from Iowa made a speech a few days daysago daysago daysago
ago in the Senate which armed death deathwith dcathwith deathwith
with aterror A aten rlor ¼ r which perhaps Dr KEns KKYEShad KEYECJhad KEnsbad
had not ot in n mind when hen writing his hiscomforting hisomro hiscomfo
comforting omro lng paper PnperrDOlLtVER paperitr v
llr DOLMVEH referring rerern to t death deathtaxes deathte deathtaxes
taxes te for the very ver rich said saiddo 8ld saidGo
do 0 on with wb your labor labn go on o with wth your our specu speculation specu1sIIOUE ru ru1lal ¬
lation 1lal make everything eerllnl you can Ca We despair of ofbeing oflr ofbelsig
being lr able abe to control cntrl your rur activities while ble you ou are arel areItlr areMc
l Itlr vfcig buVwork b always with wtl the Ih undemanding undemandingthat unrentndnr unrentndnrIlat i
that Ilat the Government GoYrnmenl of the United Unied States 8tal < will willbe wl wiltbe
be represented Rpmenle rep aentcd at your aur funeral fuoerl not among amni the themourners Ibemmen j jiinwners
mourners mmen aheddlnc aedlnt tears le over your our departure departureUnil deprure departure1t
Unil tU 1t s aa a a sort an of court cun of equity euly to distribute rlslrbul your youriUte youriltlf yourtit4te
iUte iltlf < to t turn lur back nto 110 the common cmmon treasury treasuryIJM Iruur treasurylit
IJM 11 lit eieexlvn eea lv accumulations aumuU arising araDe from frm the thesrtJvttk Ie Iervt thesc0itle
srtJvttk rvt of your your lifetime lifetimeMr Ilfetme IlfetmeM llfetImeMr
Mr M DOLUVEB DLtV has hl had h long experi experience expri exprie experience ¬
ence e in Congress Cngre He le was Wa for a dozen dozenyears dozenye dozenyears
years ye a Republican member membr of the theHouse theHoa theHouae
House Hoa from rrm Iowa and ha 1 been hn a S Sna Snator Sna Snatol na nator
tor since 81nc 1900 10 He has ha exceptional excptonl in intellectual Inteletual inteflectual ¬
tellectual teletual power pwer and ad faculty raly of extem extempore extm extmp extemporn ¬
pore p speech eph as a the foregoing attests attestsHe attt attcotho
He H has h resisted Ilsr with much vigor the theAldrich theAdch theAldrich
Aldrich Adch schedules 8htulc in the pending pnding tariff tariffbill tarif tariffbill
bill b For many may such reasons ron his ls procla proclajnitlon prla proclamation
jnitlon Ion of tho purpose pUr of the Washing Washingtoa WMh
toa Government Gvrent to t hover hvr hereafter heratr with withthe wth wthte withthe
the te tax t warrant ant over deathbeds dhb of the therich theric therich
rich ric is i a serious loU and ad solemn warning warningPerhaps waningPhp warningPerhaps
Perhaps Php he would describe deb them th as a the theidle theId theidle
idle Id rich rch including women and ad minors minorswhose mlnor mlnorWhO minorswhoae
whose WhO property prprty in the th hands hadA of trustees trusteescannot tte trustecaCinot
cannot cnot with safety sCety for the trustees trusteesbo trt
bo used in speculative enterprises but butho butbo butho
b u platve nter
ho might lght not as ROOSEVELT RSEL habitually habituallydid hbitualy hbitualydd
did point at them as a malefactors of ofgreat orIt ofgrsat
dd pint te mear
great It wealth wealthNobody wealthNobody eth ethNoby
Nobody Noby of a fair amount amont of intelli intelligence itl intelligenc ¬
gence E0 and a honesty bnty will l deny that equal equaland eual eualjd equaljtnd
and jd reasonable rnle taxes te laid lad in a reason reasonable ran ranaole reasonablo ¬
able way solely lely to t obtain obtn money to tocarry t tocarry
carry c on with economy ecnomy a reasonable reasonableGovernment reMnble reMnblevrm reasonableOoverDzn
Government vrm nt are ar a benefit bneft to t the payers payersThey pyer payersThey
They n augment augent and ad protect prott general gner and andindividual ad adidivual andIndividual
individual idivual wealth weat They Ty are ar a good g ex expenditure exPtur oxpenditure ¬
Ptur penditure but bt taxes te that cannot cnnot be bepaid b bepaid
paid pd from frm income Incme and ad that tt diminish diminishprivate diminih diminihprvat diminishprivate
private prvat capital cpitl are ar injurious because becausefor bUI
for one o reason rn they thy imperil ipril and dry dr up upGovernment upoet upGovernment
Government oet revenue at a its It source sourceIt surc
It I is i not very ver likely lkelysinc likelysince since so 8 many manyStates manyStat manyStates
States Stat preferring to keep kep death taxes taxesfor tae taxesfor
for their ti own ow exclusive excuive use ue protested protestedrecently proter protestedrecently
recently rnty against aaln including Inclug them in the thetariff th thetariff
tariff tr bill bi although President Peident TAFT TAF at atfirst atf atiIrst
first f recommended rmende it t to be b done donetht donethtCng donethat donethatCongress that thatCongress
Congress Cng will wi reenact rena those tho taxes tlC but butlf buti butlf
lf i it does dO what economic eonomo advantage advantagedoes aanta e eao
does ao a Mr r DOLLIVBR DOLLVR fancy fanc any anyone one will willgain wi willgaIn
t gain by bYlui an 80 8 or 00 0 per cent cnt death tax taxputting ta taxputting
puting putting into Int the national ntonal Treasury Trelur the thegreater thegatcr thegrcater
greater gatcr part pat of large lge fortunes CortunlS that so soexcite 8 8excit soexcite
excite excit his hi animosity V What at can Con Congreea Cond CongreM
do with the millions thus
greea d tUg acquired acquiredIt acuire
It i not easy ey to see how hw they could culd be beused bet betzeed
used to t increase Ine a wages wlge fund or bo bomado b beziado
available for energetic I Ime
mado availble young youngmen youngmen
lo men me of the West Wet without wihout money Doncy who whojwish whoTi vho1wish
1wish jwish by the exercise exercse of mental and andphysical andphylc andphysical
Ti physical phylc muscles lce to put themselves themRelve and andtheir andteir andtheir
their teir families file in a condition cndton of opulence opulenceThe opulcn
The T money moy could culd by Congress Congel be dis distributedamong dl distributedfUnOflR ¬
tributedamong tributchuno the States Stt and an by them themdivided thlm thlmdvide themdivided
divided dvide among aong individuals Indlvldual but that thatwouM thattn thatidd
wouM idd tend tn to communism omunl m of so rank ran a akind aki akiM
kind ki that tt it could culd not nt hareMr hlo1tr havo Mr DOLLIv DoLLvz DOLLI DOLLIVZSB
VZSB v vz approbation appbton Certainly Crinly the capl capltal cplt capita1
tal t of the country cntr would wold be b dissipated dissipatedandjU dielpar dissipatedand
andjU a and jt security acurity shaken haen It is i possible possiblethat plble plbletht possiblethat
that tht the th desire cie of individuals idvual to t accumu accumulate acu acult aceumulate ¬
late lt would wold remain reDln as strong as now nowbut nowbu nowbut
but bu i tt t to 1 not no probable The T sourcesol sourcesolimmense sourc sources of ofI ofininiettee
immense I private charities chtc now so con coniSplcuouB c eonspicuoui n npiuoub
iSplcuouB piuoub would pva be destroyed and a great greatJ grelt greltezton gret4eora1iztioa
moralization < J ezton would come upon upc tho thoOovernmenl thofOce thoOveument
fOce Oovernmenl nt at Washington Washingtonlow Wahingn WahingnIo
low Io 1 i Is now M at t liberty Ubry to try in her herjotra herolm
jotra 01 Jurisdiction Jurllcta the experiment epriment of con conHscaling con8nl conj1scLia
Hscaling 8nl by b death deth taxes te great grat Individual IndividualcweJth Individua IndividualsyseelLb
cweJth celb but bt is i Senator Sntr DOLLIVBR DOLVER ready readytto reay reayltBvlthat readysto
ltBvlthat tto advisethat aiv1se that it be b done doneEvery dne dneEe doneEI
Every Ee EI nI one 00 hereabout hrbut Is I glad to t bo bolievfr b be1ievath
11Iefjr < 1ievath lievfr thjsre are I great ga gains pln and ad incomes incomesfor Inceme
for fortunate fortut owners er of city cty real rel estate estateJ etta ettata enta entaCfl1
J ta Cfl1 and town t lit SiteS ite in Iowa by rOn reason of ofjgrwfth orgrth ofgroth
jgrwfth of population the unearned unearnedtlncnpifcent unearnedb
o ppltio uneare
tlncnpifcent HJ grth b rfent nt described dMb by b the late lt HENRY HENRYP HENIY HENIYGB HENRYOz1o3
P Oz1o3 OROB GB a u the result reult of the movement movement0f moement
11 < 0f f Bdclety iety and ad for which hch the to owners ownershav ower owners1Mv
hav tb done dM nothing noting but bt Mr DOLUVETI DOLUVETIHo DLLVR DLLVRfo
fo 4Ioe < Ho i not nt advocate avot an annual annua tax tx of oror 20 20tor zotor
tor or tO 1 O per pr cent cnt on such Iuch increment inceent be befWttM b beiau
fWttM p iau It ha ha promoted promot swollen 8olen for forUunea lortt fortt
Uunea Uuneato tt
tt to Aims e that tht the Judicial Judlcl1 power pwer of ofUhlTiled ort ofthVJLitod
UhlTiled t UJt States Stats bound bud by the do docW do doc docls
cW c n of t the Supreme Court Curt in the theMaryland th the1a71fld
bank that a to totax tota
Maryland l4 bnk case CM power pwer t
> tax tl ta to 1 4 power pwer to t destroy dolry cannot Cnot re refltrato re ros4r
fltrato s4r Congress CnKre and that tht unlimited unlimitedpower unlmit unlimitedpowt I
power 1 to t lay confiscating cntng death taxes taxesla txes txesIl
la Il In it iJ Ia hands hd would Mr DOLLIVER DOLLIVERA DOLLvEn DOLLvEnnO DOLL VEt VEtno1
A na t really ly advocate adTo Its It exercise exercisemnot enrC exercisethtgreM
It thtgreM mnot < not tax t for any put purtn pr prt
tn t B I t money for proper prpr prpri pmper1T
i 1T I Ir
r I
public publo uses us but nevertheless neyerelewite s wishes wlaneato
to t redistribute ristibute property propry repeated rePar busi business buslnC business ¬
ness nC panics pnic like lke that brought on in
1007 10 by ROOSEVELTS nOEv us wild wid advocacy advocacysuch udvoacyBuch advocacysuch
such as 1 Senator DOLUVKR seems Bm in innmen Ina inameaauro
nmen a ameaauro mCllf uro to have fastened rltene on himself himselfwill hlInLseltwill
wi will reduce ruc swollen fortunes with withrapidity withrapidiy withrapidity
rapidity rapidiy and thoroughness thoroughnessThe thoroughnC
The source turo and beginning bgining of pre present prntnatonal presentnational < cnt cntnational
national natonal troubles truble and issues are it is isbeginning Isbinning isbeginning
beginning binning to t bo b noon fn in the war lr times timesof tme
of half hai n century cntur ago wlien wJ n Congress Congressbegan Con Congressbegan reA
began bgl to use le generally oneraly the taxing power powvrfor pwer pwerfor powerfor
for other purpose purpl than tln revenue rvenuc We Wedo Wedo Wedo
do not refer to t the tariff tarif but blt to such suchulterior 8chulwrlor suchulterior
ulterior purposes purps8 as 1 arc nr well enough enoughdottcribed eno enoughdescribed h hdorb
described dorb as the police plce power pwer tho thodestroying thodetrorinl thedestroying
destroying detrorinl State banks tho making of ofartificial orartfcial ofartificial
artificial artfcial butter buter the existence exlstenc of State Statelotteries Stt Statelotteries
lotteries loterleg and so s on in liko lke perversion prvellon of oftho oftho ofthe
tho right rght of Congress to tax until unti tho tholatest thoItCt thelatest
latest ItCt scheme 8hemo of controlling ntrlig State Stt cor corporations cr crprlUons corporations ¬
porations prlUons by b n Federal tax tn Reversal Reversalof Hevcrl Hevcrlor
of tho Supreme Court Court income Incme tax de decision decision decision ¬
cision by b an amendment of tho Consti Constitution Cont Constitution ¬
tution tuton is a part pnr of a 1 general ener1 plan to toenable tocnablt toenable
enable cnablt a majority vote in Congress COlrcs to toregulate toregulat toregulate
regulate regulat tho management mlnagment of tho local localaffairs locnla1al1 localaffairs
affairs a1al1 of certain crln States Stt whoso present presentmanagement prefntmanement presentmanagement
management manement does not suit a majority majorityof majoriy majoriyof
of the States Slat of the Union Mr ROOT ROOTtouched HOOTt RooTtouched
touched t u < hc the essential Cntal part pr of that plan planin
in his Senate speech pch two to weeks wtks ago agowhen agowhen agowhen
when referring rrerrng to t the power pwer to t lay la an anunnpportioned anunapprione anunapportioned
unnpportioned unapprione income Incme tax he said saidI 8id
I do dl not want ant It 1 used for the purpose pre of tak takIng Ik IkInr taknt
Ing nt money mone out of on one part prt of the country cuntf In order orderto orderbenenl
to benefit another anotherThat aolber aolberThlt anotherThat
That Thlt is the very ver purpose pur for which whichtho whichthe hIch hIchthe
the amendment aendent of tho Constitution Cntiuton is issought I issought
sought Mr ROOT R went on to say sayI
I do not wish sb to 1 place In the hinds of the theUnited IheUnie the7nhted
United Unie sum StIn the th material matrl for absorb abarblnr In r the func functions functos functtons ¬
tions tos of Ihe Slates Btlt I cherish derab as fondly thtfsov thtfsoverelitn Ihdlv thaoverelen I Ierelln
erelitn erelln powers pwen of the States as I do the sovereign aoverelcnpowers lrlr sovereignpower
powers rwn of the United State Slat I believe belee this coun country counry un unIf ¬
try If ry Is I too 10 crest rreat Its ls ts people ppe too to numerous numeru Its ItsInterests la laInlertl ItsInterest
Interests Inlertl too to diversified dlverlOtd to be ruled rled In all al Its Itslocal ls lsIal Itslocal
local affairs attlr from frm one oe central clrl Government Oemmmi at atWashington a atWabtngton
Washington WashingtonThat Wablnrl WablnrlTt WabtngtonThat
That Tt again is the thing tg which whc the theRooseveltTaft thoROQeveltTart theRogooveltTaft
RooseveltTaft ROQeveltTart corporation crprton tax t was wasdevised WI wasdevised I
devised devl to promote If I tho distin distinguished dtn dtngishe distinguished ¬
guished gishe Senator from Now York could couldonly culd couldonly
only break bre away once for nil al from fromtho fromthe rom romtho
tho meshes mChe of that unfortunate unfornnato Penn Pennsylvania Pennlylvanlndinncr Pennsylvaniadinner ¬
sylvania lylvanlndinncr dinner speech spch into tho making makingof maing maingoC
of which loyalty to ROOSEVELT ROOSEVEL im impelled Imple impolled ¬
polled ple him hm Then Ten he could culd fitly fty lead leadSew leadNew leadNew
New York opinion opiion in the th supreme uprmo issue issuenow isue isuenow issuonow
now in sight As A it is i ho is left ilCt to tosay tosy tosay
say sayI sy syI
I nee I the right rchl and ad I approve It I too tooCondemn t tooCondemn
Condemn Cnemn the tbewrnrand wronr and yet the IhewrIIPUfe IhewrIIPUfeomen wrong pursue pumeWomen pursueWomen
Women omen on the Warships WanhlpsSome 1alblp 1alblpSm WarshipsSome
Some Sm ono has 1 revived rvve tho long for forgotten forgottn forgotten ¬
gotten gottn question queton of the wives and ad other othercmalo otherremnle otherfemale
female relatives rlative of nval naval officers omor aecom aecomjanying arm armping accompanying
janying ping them when when they am an ordered orderedo orer
t to o sea Ia Incidentally Incdently we hear her anew the thowalls thewal1 thewails
walls wal1 over ovr fond hearts hea severed Aver by the thecruel thecre thecruel
cruel cre necessities nlte of the military mitr profes profession prre profession ¬
sion though very ver little It about abttthe abttthewt the ease easewith easewith
with which officers these theseicudships thesehardships
wt hch ofci can cn escape ep the
hardships harlp by the simple slmpl expedient of ofretiring ofretrng ofretiring
retiring retrng to private prvate life lifeListening le leLtnng lifeListening expient
Listening Ltnng to t t this ts sudden Bdden uproar ura over overa oter otera
a dead de and buried tu custom ctm one OD would wouldBupposo wouldsupps wouldsuppose
suppose supps that tht in the t fine fe old days day of the theWorcester theWortr theWorcester
Worcester Wortr and the t Lancaster Lctr the officers officerswhen ofcr oflicerswhen
when wbe sent snt upon up a long ln cruise ci abroad abroadtook ar abroadtook
took tk with wt them t their th wives w e their tir sisters aistersheir sisterstheir tr
heir cousins and their aunts
tir oul a autver auntsevery auntseveryman every everyman
man jack of them themand and junketedall Junet al tho thoway thoway theway
way from rrm New York to t Hongkong Hongln or orBombay orBmby orBombay
Bombay Bmby It It is i hardly hrly necessary no to t say saythat uyt saytht
that t t no such suh proceedings pr pro eedlngs were wen thought thoughtof tought toughtof
of even in that period po and ad it would be beIdle b beIdle
Idle to t discuss dlO the romantic Mmato incident incidenthjch icident icidentwWch incidentwhich
which hjch is i given to t account Rqt for the t suden sudenad sudden suddenand suddenand
and ad permanent prent suppression of the te prac practice prc prctc practics ¬
tics tc Perhaps Perhnpwomen8houd Perhapewomenshould women should never neverle neverleb neverhave neverhavebeen have havebeen
b been permitted penltc to t sail 81 on warships warshipsIt warhip
It I was W3 not a very ver useful Wru arrangement arrangementBut nrrgeent nrrgeentBut
But it must mut be b obvious obvou that tat tho appear appearance appar apparanc appearance ¬
ance anc of the modern moer vessel veel crowded crwde with withmachinery withmachiner withmachinery
machinery machiner and ad limited lmit in space spac for tho thoaccommodation thoacmoaton theaccommodation
accommodation acmoaton of the necessary ner per personnel persnnel personnel ¬
sonnel snnel automatically automatcly put Ptt an end to an anmuch 1 1much asmuch
much of the former foner custom as ever everreally everrly overreally
really rly existed existedWomen exite existedWomen
Women Btlll 8tl go to sea on Government Governmentvessels Goverment GovermentVCl Governmentvessels
vessels VCl but they do not go g with Admi Admirals Admlra Mmrals ¬ I
rals ra Captains and such small sml fry fr They Theygo
go with very ver high lgh officials ofcials indeed inde and andnot nd ndnot andnot I
not on ironclads ironcads or cruisers cnlsr but on onpretty onprtty onpretty
pretty little ltle despatch dMptch boats bnt apparently apparentlyacquired Apparenty Apparentyacuir apparentlyacquired
acquired acuir for that very ver purpose purposeSt puro puroRt
St 8tnbb < of Kansn KansnA
Jnnsal JnnsalA
A few weeks wlcks ago n o with wih a simplicity simplicityand slmptct slmptctat
and at silence ience which whih best bt become bcmo the thotruly thetrl thetruly
truly great there thef sailed Mled from this thi port portoutward por portoutward
outward bound the adventure adventurethe
outwar bund on great atmture atmturethe
the Hon WILLLVM WIL ALLEN WHITE W I of ofEmporia ofEmporin ofEmporia
Emporia in Kansas nM31 It I was not merely merelyto mlrelyto
to discover d cer Europe that this eminent eminentAmerican eminent emInentAmerican
American departed depnrrdthl departedthis this trade trdo hns hnsbecome hnsbome hasbecome
become bome too to crowded crowde His mission miion was wasto wasto ns nst
to t apply to an effete clfet civilization cvizaton and ad a adecadent adecdent adecadent
decadent decdent art ar that diagnostic diagnotc skill ski that thatin thatin thatin
in a single night lifted lfed Kansas KaMa from froman
an epidemic to a disease d l The great greatadventure greataventur greatadventure
adventure aventur befell blelin in Munich 1lunich whether by byaccident byncient byaccident
accident ncient or design del we do not know knowbut knowbut knowbut
but in the te Munich Mlnlch gallery galel which we wehesitatingly weheitatingly wehesitatingly
hesitatingly heitatingly identify Identy as I the Old Pinako Pinakothek Palto Pinakothelc
thek was a found Coud the final fnal expression exprCion in inEurope i inEurope
Europe Europ of the te meaning meaing of Kansas KansasThis Ka KaitoisThis
This TL is i the revelation reclaton in tho phrase phrasethejlluminatlng phra8 phrasethellIuminatIng
thejlluminatlng theJlumlatng phrase phra of the great greatadventurer greataventurer greatadventurer
adventurer adventurerAnd
aventurer aventurerADd
And In the Munich gallery raier there Is a a real rNatpicture greatpicture realpicture
picture by AUBRT ALIT DCnis Dela painted panled 400 4 4 years ar ago afOthai arotba agothat
thai will UI Interest Kansans Inln For DOaia DOal ha hapalolfd h3S h3Spalll hstpainted
painted palll nrcBin 9n as Jonw OON the Baptist Bplt The Th like likeness lke lkeneM likeness
ness Is more than tnarvellous1t marvlloult Is creepy Here HereIs lere lereI If ere ereIs
Is I a tall lal awkward red re haired one sided man mancurly maneurly mancurly
curly hair at that Ibatwllb thatwith with the fare of a fanatic fantc and andthe In Intbe andthe <
the frame of a rlant lant blue eyed eJe floe featured the thespit tbealI thespit
spit alI and nd Image of STBSBS STUB He le Is clad rd In a red redgarment redrarmenl redgarment
garment lUo Iko a nightie nhhll and he Is a man ma full ful of ofmans o omana ofmans
mans weaknesses and full ful of faults faula but a rabble rabblerouter rabbleror rabblerouser
router ror and a crusader Was Wa tbo model moel for this thispicture Ihl Ihlpicture thispicture
picture some me ancestor of o STUBES STtBBI In Holland 10land or ordid orI ordid
I did DOitrn DOII Imailne STDBBS 400 4 years yer ago Or Orwhat Orbal Orwhat
what bal It 1 Is easy 10 Imagine what UonT UonTALBACOH UOIT UOITLBAtOR 3ZottLSAVON
ALBACOH LBAtOR and n1 the crowd In the Federal Fede1 building buildingwill buldlne huI1dInwill
will 1 lay They ThY will 1 say I tint IbIOR Jonv the Baptist lplal rot rotIt rotIn gotit
It In the neck and will wil lost at a tne le parallel pArale but butthere bulIhere hutthere
there It Is en and < < 1 In a Kantan coming around aruad the thecorner Ihecorner thecorner
corner and n bumping plump Into STUBTS STUB In a red redDlthtle rednrhle rednightie
nightie nrhle the Ile surprise aurprle nat 3S astounding utounln and ad It Itshould I itibould
should be b made mae a pun 1 of the chronicle c of this thisfrivolous thisfrvolou thisfrivotoes
frivolous frvolou adventure For It I wa a es the most Im Important 1mprlant Itoportent ¬
portent prlant ImprtMton Impnsoa of the Munich gallery rler rlerTo galleryTo
To the artistic nriltc appreciation appreciaton to the theglocy thegloO thegloo
glocy gloO of local lOl color with which a 1 saint saintIn MintII
In II hero invested Investd no uiiHanctiflcd unlnctfed pen pencan pn pncan pencan
can seek sek to t add One suggestion Rug Uon alone aloneriwfl aon aloneTisesi
riwfl 1161 to t our mind mindour our lr earthy eary souls soulsfall MUl soulsfall
fall tal sufflctently lumcnty short shortof hor of Kansas levels l velii veliii
to tdef desire deslrethe Yhe th accurate att in the thoplnc presence presenceof pr ence enceof
of the all ni beautiful b tlul the truth oven In Intho i inthe
tho terrifying presence prnt of genius genus Is Isit IsIt Isit
it quite fair fairwe fairwe we asTt a it humbly humblyto humblytopermit humblytopermit to topermit
permit JOHN JOlN the Baptist Ilptl t to acquire acquiremerit acuir acquiremerit
merit which of right belongs blongA to an another anothlr another ¬
other othlr Glorious Gorious oa 1 it would bo b for forJOHN CorJOilN forJOHN
JOHN the Baptist Baptst to t have ha boon bn the au authcntio nuthento anthentlo
thcntio thento prototype prtotyp of Governor STUBDS STUBDSof STuna STunaof
of Kansas Kan8 tho right is not hIs For Fortho Forthe Forthe
the DUror DUrr in tho Old Pinakothek Pinaltthek of ofMunich orMunich ofMtinlch
Munich portrays prra St Jom the Apostle Apostlennd Apte Aptennd
nnd to him must mu t belong blong all al tho praise praisethoughtlessly prnlAethoughte praisethoughtlessly
thoughtlessly thoughte ly bestowed bR wed upon upn JOHN JOIN the theBaptist tbeI theBaptist
I Baptist Japtlst It I is a trivial trvial detail deri There Thereis Ther
is glory glocyonough IC enough for all but tho facts factsthese rlc factsthese
these thele are ar as wo have said Mil or were be before b before ¬
fore tho Hon lon WILLIAM WILAU ALLEN AL WHITE WHITEdeparted WITE WITEdeplt WIZITRdepaited
departed deplt these thoB shores shoresAt shor shoressome
At some smo other time tme perhaps prhap we shall shallbo shallbe hal I Ib
bo b permitted permitt to present pr nt to our renders rendersEurope render readersEurope
Europe Europ complete cmplet au I none no no of them we weventure woventur weventure
venture ventur to eay FIyhn sayltas haa ever seen len it but butthat butthat btitthat
that must nURt bo b hereafter herafer It is enough enoughnow
now to have explained explnlne the miracle mlraco of ofSTUBBS orSTUDBS ofSTunns
STUBBS to have discovered tho
diBcerl pre premonition pr promontion ¬
monition moniton and precursor pIulor of the illustri illustrious IUBtr ¬
OtIs ou Kansan Kanen to have hve demonstrated demonstrate that thatto thatt
to t the truly tnly patriotic ptrioto citizen ctzen of Kansas Kansasevery Kanas Kanasevcr Kansasevery
every evcr picture pictur and statue sttuo of tho Old OldWorld Od OdWorld OldWorld
World has ha a mighty ml hty and mystical mystc mean meaning meanlag ¬ I
lag In Ono other o ber scintillating 8clntlatng sentence sentenceand sntenc sentenceand I Iand
and we are ar done donea donea a final Inl art nr criticism criicsm of ofancient ofancent ofancient
ancient ancent days done in terms tr of contem contemporary cntem cntemprar contemporary ¬
porary prar Kansas KansasBut Ka Kanut
But whatever whaleer one saw of the human humA face In Inthe 10Ibe Inthe
the canvases anvas of the Ie Dutch It I was always alwa a human humansoul humanBul humansoul
soul Bul that was wa palntedond plnldld never a saints lnla and andto andto
to 1 a Kansan Knsn who ho has met no saints Inall In al all his life lifeand lfe lfead lifeandfewreal
and ad andfewreal few real sinners alner this thiawaa was a refreshing retnhlnr chance chancefrom changefrom hanrefrom
from the Ile Italian Ialia pictures plclure Hut this Ibs Is a small smallorid smalloridafe world worldafter worldafter
after afe all al The number of o people Is limited limitedWas Imledw ImledwWW limitedWas
Was WW DOrmn Dutch Of o course coule not notnot notnot notnot
not as much na f Kansas la a City to 1 Kansan Kansannot Kaa
not as much muc as JOHN tho Baptist was wasSt wo wasSt
St JOHN the Apostle AJte But these theo are ar de decadent de docadent ¬
cadent details detalbH the all al important Imprtant thing
is that SiUBB STUBD1 TUBBtho tho th rabble rbble rouser rour hangs hangsin
in Munich has 1 been bn hanged hagt 400 years yearsand ycr yearsand
and having Been the thl hanging at last lasttho Ilt Iltthe lasttho
tho Hon lon WILLIAM WIUII ALLEN ALL WHITE of Em Emporia E Emporia ¬
poria pria in Kansas KI has hn approved appre it itThe i ihe itThe
The he Three ThreeLooking Tree TreeLking ThreeLooking
Looking Lking mournfully over olr what was wasonco Wa wasOnce
Once onc the Democratic Demorato party pary and has haslong h hlonl haslong I
lonl long been bn the rag tag and bobtail bobtnl of ofDollar orDoUar ofDollar
Dollar BILL DIL that unrepentant unrepntant and nndunchanged andunchanl andunchanged
unchanl unchanged old style Democrat Demort Deacon DeaconHEMPIIILL Dccn Dccn1EIPmL DeaconIInsIPJIILL
HEMPIIILL 1EIPmL finds fnd himself hil81 about nbut as I10nolv I10nolvad lonely lonelyand lonelyand
and ad apart apr politically pltcly as 1 that thlt fine tno and andbravo and andbrvo andbravo
brvo bravo old Union man JAMES Louis LouisPETIORU TAUISPJRU LoutsPETIGRU
PETIORU PJRU was in Charleston Carletn in the last lastyears IMtyer lastyearsofhlslitonndthoflrst
years yer yearsofhlslitonndthoflrst of his hlslro life and the first flt of the civil civilwar cvi civilwar
war The Deacon Dncon has ho been bn taking tldTg a acensus ncnUR acensus
census cnUR of genuine living lvinl Democrat Dmorat in intho inthe inthe
the South Not a 1 long job Still Sti ho hofinds h hfnd hofinds
fnd finds Spartans Sprn enough enou h to make a new newThcrmopylr ncwu newThermopylo
Thcrmopylr u ropyl Three Tr was wa all 11 BYRON BTRONasked BYRONIke BYRONasked
asked Ike Three Tre the to Deacon Iaco exhibits exhibitsThey exhibis exhibisTey exhibitsThey
They Tey are Elder lAMBLicnusCATo IIBLcnul Luinwcnus CA Caro TO CALT CALTLli CAL CALDWELL >
WELL Lli of Mecklenburg rrecklenburg N C Major MajorWILLIAM 1rljor 1rljorWLLur MajorWILUAtf
WILLIAM WLLur WALLACE W ALCE SCREWS SCEWS of Mont Montgomery Montgomer Montgomery ¬
gomery gomer Ala and unnamed unnae but obvi obvious obviou obvjOtis ¬
Otis himself himselfWe ou hlrlf to t all the good g Deacon Dacn HEMPHILL HEMPHILLhimself IEJPIL Ifmttniwhimself
We had not supposed BUPp that there tem were wereso wer
so 1 many ma So S long lon na 1 any ayone one of them themsurvives them8urlvc thornsurvives
survives 8urlvc the ther tree ree of Democracy la i not notwholly notholy notwholly
wholly holy withered witheredOn wthr
On reflection rfeion we cannot cnno believe bleve that thatDeacon tat tatDcn thatDeacon
Deacon Dcn HRMFHILL HUUJL U I mournful mouru There Theremust Ter Theremust
must mut be b singing Ingngin in bis b Is soul Boulnt at any anyrate MYrte anyrate
rate rte in i the te melodious meloious midst midt of Elder ElderCALDWELL Eder EderCALWL ElderCALDwELL
CALDWELL CALWL the keeper of a world worldrenowned worldrnoe worldrenowned
rnoe renowned nviary aviarthe aviarythe tbo satisfaction Mtilracton of ofbeing ofbing ofbeing
bing being right of ATHANASICS ATANAS18 against t tho thoworld thoworld theworld
world Moreover Morever Republicans Rplblcs are ar get getting get getting ¬
ting tng mighty scarce Aro It I is perfectly perfectlytrue rrcty rrctytre
true as the Dry Bryaniacs unifies jeeringly
tre Bral Jerngly say saythat 6Y 6Ytt saythat
that tt the Republicans Rpublcl are ar filching flching tho thoBryaniao thoBranlao theBryartiac
Bryaniao Branlao policies plce Few Democrats DemocratsRepublicans Dlmort DlmortRpublcn DemocratsRepublicans
Republicans Rpublcn growing few Ocala Oela and andOmaha andOmaha andOmaha
Omaha Populism Popullm and Ind Bryaniflm Branim tri triumphant tr tn tnumphant ¬
umphant umpht uniirr unci Republican Rpublcn names nae in intho Intho inthe
tho seats 8ts of power pwer that is I is what the thephilosophic thephlMphlc thephilosophic
philosophic phlMphlc Deacon Deacn wes B from his hi lone lonepalmetto lonepalmett lonepalmetto
palmetto palmett tree trt Does Do he ever evC ask him himself hm hmsl himself ¬
self sl whether whter in the forum of r reason reasonthere rn rnther reasonthere
there ther is i any nn essential ental difference diernc between betweentho btwtn btwtnthe
the Bryanism Branism that calls cl ItI itself the De Democracy D Dmolc Democracy ¬
mocracy molc and the Brynnism Brnnlam that calls callsitself Ols Ols1t1 callsitself
itself 1t1 Republicanism RepublicanismSimultaneous Hepublcanlsm RepublicanismSimultaneous
I Simultaneous Simulnfoul Production ProductionTheatrical Producton ProductionTheatrical
Theatrical Thcatr ll affairs a1alr are not after nfer all nI HO HOsystemized f sosystemized
systemized Ytemlze that that two managers mnger are ar not notagain notaguin notagain
again preparing proplrnj simultaneously imulaneoUI to t pro produet prodU1 produce
duet dU1 tho same sao play It I comes cml from fromEurope fromEurope fromEurope
Europe since ainle such questions qUftonll do not notariwe notar notarise
arise ar in connection cnnecton with wih dromon drul of ofnative orDatve ofnative
native Datve origin Only the uncertainty unccrnnty of ofsome orsome ofsome
some details dewls In the copyright law lawo be between between ¬
tween this th country cuntr and Austria AUtrln cause causethe cUt cUtthe causesthe
the danger dn dangcrdf cr of simultaneous imu1nntu production productionhere producton productonhere
here of worts w it ik successful SUccfArul in Vienna Vienna or orBudapest ornudtpt orBudapest
Budapest nudtpt Ono never hears hea1 of any anydisagreement anydl8agr anyelisagreenent
disagreement dl8agr ent as W to the ownership of ofmodern ofmoer ofmodern
modern moer plays of English Engllh French or orGerman orcnan orGerman
German cnan origin They Tey are nr usually tuay fully fullyprotected fuly fulyprotet fullyprotected
protected protectedIt protet
It I Itwa was 1 the uncertainty uncrtinty of the tiieAwttrlan tiieAwttrlanlaw Austrian Austrianlaw Autrian Autrianlaw
law that led le to the latest latet case cso of simul simultaneous simultaneous lmultaneoU ¬
taneous taneoU production proucton It I seems 1 to have haveworked haveworked haveworked
worked no hardship harhip in i that case CO The Thecrude Thecrde Thecrude
crude crde drama hurriedly hurrleh put forward forard by bytwo b btwo bytwo
two managers manaer last autumn autum would prob probably prob probably ¬
ably have Boon In ignored i nor by the public publicbut publc publcbut publicbut
but for the publicity of its dual
te publcty It per performance performance performance ¬
formance Neither Nel her manager maaer was o in injured Injure injured ¬
jured jure by the fact that tut another aoter version versionof velion velionor
of tho same 8e play ply was WI offered orerc by b n rival rivalUnder rivalUnder rivalUnder
Under ordinary ordinr conditions cnditons such rivalry rivalrywould rivalr rivalrywould
would woud bo b felt in I this ti case cle tho attention attentionattracted attnton attntonatrctd attentionattracted
attracted atrctd by tho circumstance crcumltance under underwhich lmderwhich underwhich
which thetwo totwo the to production producions were made madegavo madegnve madegave
gave them a vogue which tho play on its itsmerit 1t ftsmerits
merit mert would never hare hne attracted attractedSo atrnc
So tho managers anagel do not seem lelm to fear fearsimultaneous tcarsimuIUeOu fearsimultaneous
simultaneous simuIUeOu production proucton on t much OH OHthey 1 asthey
they did Even ven when it It was WA more fro frequent rro froquent ¬
quent quentlt It is i doubtful doubtul if tho th weaker per performance pr prConac performanca ¬
formance Conac of tho two twoIt twoit it is i not conceiv conceivable conclv conclvable conceivable ¬
able that their qualities qualtl should bo boequally beequaly hoequally
equally equaly balanced blacecer balancedover ever injured Injure tho pros prosperity pr prosperity ¬
perity periy of the thf more authentic luthentlo produc production prouc productfon ¬
tion ton AfOTHTiN At 1IIN DALYB ALYR attempt atempt to togive t togive
give Cyrano Cyrno do Bergerac did not have havoa
a 1 disadvantageous d sadvantu U effect eteet on RICHARP RICHARPMAxanBLDs RlcnAnJtFEDS RIcirAn RIcirAnMA4gnELThs
MAxanBLDs tFEDS production proucion of tho Rostand Rostandpiny ROtnd RestandPlay
play CLAIIA CJIA Monnisff Monmsf performance pcrronac of ofDENNERYS orDENNEnY ofDENNEUYs I
DENNERYS The To Martyr did not affect affecttho alod affectthe
tho fate of the Mad Madlnn Madhwn loon Square pro production pro production ¬ I
duction ducion of tho name Imo play that car cae came no at n nlater nInwr alater
later date dat When Wen two actors nctor recently recentlypresented rcenty recentlyprasented I
presented pr t now and dissimilar dilmiar versions versionsof verlons verlonsof
of Don dcsar Cr do deJlznn dojiazan Jlazan it was W with wit tho thopersonal thoperBonllty thepersonality
personal perBonllty ity of thoactora tho nctor rather than t the themerits themerlt themerits
merits merlt of the te dramas draa that tho chanoca chanocaof co
of prosperous survival lunVa lay Two TwoNfghte To ToNight TwoNights
Nights Night prpu in iRme inTtome Home whichthinly wMch thInly veiled vne
the te dramatic drto story tr Forget Fdrt Ma Not Notwas Nowa Notwas
was wa stopped stoppe before bfor It was w4 M possible pble to tosay t tosay
say sy what effect elet it might mht hove bn had ba on onMEIUVALEB onMEIV onMEntvcLna
MEIUVALEB MEIV LS play playMost playlot playMost
Most lot of the improprieties iproprete and ad de delinquencies dc < Ic Iclinquenelce ¬
linquencies Inquence of the theatrical teatricl buie business businessof
of the days in which moat mot of these thesecases tee teeCMC thesecases
cases CMC occurred ocure have been bn removed rmove by bythe bytho bytile
the newer processes proCe of the commerce commerceof cmmer
of entertainment These Teo qpem m impo impotent ip bupotent ¬
tent however to prevent simultaneous simultaneousproduction swulte simultaneousproduction
production proucton of plays that seem em a good goodproperty goo goodproperty
property proprty to t their teir owners owner The Te final fa ad adjustment a adjuatment ¬
justment of the copyright law with withAustria withAustria
cpyrht wth wthAutria
Austria Autria however will wi have this ti result resultIn rult rultIn
In the meantime meatme it does do not seem lem as a if ifit IfIt ifit
it really realy did so much harm harmWe han hanWe hanmWe
We obserro obro with wit regret that tt the te new newState newBlt newState
State Highway Commission ha has ¬
Blt Ihway Cmmlulon b pur purchased purcha8 purchased
chased cha8 but three thro automobile automobla since Iinc Its Itsappointment It itsappointment
appointment appintment An Ai there ther arelhtee are r com commlBHlonora comml810ner cornmisslonora
mlBHlonora ml810ner it la Ii plain plin that some 8me proper properprovision propr proprproviion properprovision
provision proviion should be 0 made for their various variouspocrotaries varou varouIrolrles varioussecretaries
secretaries Irolrles and clerks clerkl and the te families fmle of ofthese orIhe ofthese
these Ihe faithful Calthruleubrdlntl subordinates subordinatesIt
It 1 Is better bter to 1 let people Ie make mle their own ow mil
takes I do doTJ doTA mt Han lon JAUin JAln1 JAUCIt II I VAUBT VAUBTThe VAln VAlnThe VAMILThe
The peoples pplel mistake ml8tle la In tbo Vahey Vaey mat mattor mattr mattar
tar tr was WA wa by oolStt 015U majority majorityCommissioner majorty majortyCmmissIonr majorityCommissioner
Commissioner CmmissIonr WILLIAMS WILIUIS I is going to toclean t toclean
clean elon up the te Immigration ImmlgUon station tUon atElUa atElUaInland at EI Ellis EllisIsland
Inland Ind A quarter qurtr of o the to force roro forcoisdeclared forcoisdeclaredto 1 ldelre declared declaredto
to t t b be > inefficient Inetent How Jow long ago were we wetold wetld Wetold
told tld that this thl wa wato the model moel institution institutionof IDUtutlo
of it I its kind in 1 the world worldIt worldI
It I may my be b all oi right rgbt to incorporate incrrt all allhotel al allhotels
hotel botle a as clubs elu but are ar they going to topost t topost
post pu the te member memberTHE membr membrTilE membersTIlE
More Than Tan 12000 120 Men Ile Landed Iade oa o the theOrach theDf theIlcach
Orach Df h of o Cetlado Colado ColadoTo ColladeTo
To TUJ n s EDITOR orTnI8cJSI orTas SvsRIr Kir On pace page60voiutns e eCOvolume
09 volume II lot hot of MrRobert Wlldln Wldln NeMers NeMersvaluable Neeer Neeerval Neesersvaidabie
valuable val ble SratUtlcat Btatatcal and Chronological ChronologicalUUtory Cbronololcl Cbronololcl1lory ChronologicalHistory
History 1lory of the United Unltd States 8tte Navy ay pub Ipub ipubhlsbed pubINbetl
INbetl Ibe Ihla year er by the Macralllan lracmlan Company Companyof Cmpn Cmpnot
of New ow York It U said eld that for the pur purpose purpe purpose ¬
pose pe of besieging b ewlng Vera era Cruz four thousand thousandfive fhould fhouldVI
five VI hundred hUndr d men were ere landed on the beach beachof b aob aobot
of Collado Colado on o March 0 I8 184 1541 < 7 This Til Is cor correct cr crrpt corrpct ¬
rect rpt no 1 far but lnceJt lnc Jt mentions menflol the landlnr landlnrof landlnof
of no more troops Irop thus giving the Impress Impression Impre Impressalon ¬
sion that the th fortyfire tortyfn hundred soldiers Midlerformed fldter soldiersformed
formed the total ttal number debarked that thatday thatday
day da It in II Ii at fault faultThe taultTho faultThe
The fortyfive forttve hundred men m D constituted constitutedbut cooattutM cooattutMbut
but the llr frlt Oral t part of the Invading army armyand ary aryand armyand
and that part was Wa thrown ashore abore at once onceIn ooc onceIn
In one body bd It wan wal followed tolo d by other dl dlvl dlvllon dlvisions
vllon visions vl lon In men Iuch quick succession succesllon that within withinfour wfhln wfhlnfour withinfour
four bourn upward upwad of ten thousand men menwere menwer menwere
were landed on the enemys shore all allarmed al allarmed
arme armed equipped fqulppf and provisioned poTllloOM More Moretroop MoreIrlo Moretroopa
troop Irlo arriving on the next net and the follow followIne totow totowIne followlog
Ine day they fb theYwere were ere at once debarked dbrkf fbu fbumaking thumaking has hasmakin
making a total lola or over twelve IWfIe thousand thousandmen fhould fhouldmen
men landed lande together tOletber with wlb horse and artil alll ¬
lery Ifrt with wlh their baggage balar arms an and pro provlnlons pr provisions
visions viI on For rapidity rapIdiy and success UC the thelandlnr tbeIIAnrlnl theIandln
IIAnrlnl landlnr stood Ioo and 1 belef believe still atl stands standsunrivalled aandunrivalled
unrivalled unrIvale General Oenfral Scott Sct formulated torDulafe tda tdaunrIvale Its Itsplan IUpln Itsplan
plan Commodore Conner onl accepted It and andwith andwllh andwith
with his hi squadron carried Mrrlfl U aCPle out For Forpar Forpartlcuiars par particulars r rtclll ¬
ticulars tclll fen le Hear Admiral Temples Me Memoirs 11e Memoire ¬
moire molrl of tbe Ibf Landing LndinI printed nle In my
Home lome Squadron Under Commodore Commoore Con Conner C Cooncr ¬
ncr nf In the fb Mexican 1xlCan War W also a pp Is II ID IDand
30 note noteBy notMDT 21 and 4 43 with lh footnotesPP toloolC footnotes pp p w f C 47 1 and andnote andnotes na nanotM
By the by I will wi add that our navy na naInvaeM
Invaded InvaeM Mexico Mulc In advance adYn of our army armyas ary aryI
as I a Is I a evidenced eyldfncf by the fact fat that a force of ofsailor 01 01Mlon oIsailor
sailor Mlon and marines marin e commanded cmmadf by b Cap Captain Cp Caplain ¬
fain Aullck ulck under orders from frm Commodere CommodereConner Qmone QmoneQnnfr CommodreConner
Conner Qnnfr landed Indf and ad or1 took tk possession pIIon of
Barrlla Barrla In Mexico Meic on the te morning of Mar Maris Jlay JlayII MayIs
is II ift 1141 lA4C a the army not crossing C0tn t to o the teMexl teMexlcan theMexI theMexIcan Mexi Mexican ¬
can ride of the fh lllo Jo Grande until unt the Ihefer Iheferon after afterSoon utternoon
noon on of orlhat otthat that day an A stated rte In my lT Home Homeouadron HomeSouadron HornSquadron
Soon Squadron PRIMP 8 P CoKNin CoKNin1niLAPBLrnu COJf CorrsaitlUXLADZLTtTA
FLY FL TIME FANCIES FANCIESExrommonleatlon F1CITS F1CITSEeammrleaUOD FANCIXSExeommisnicaftos
Exrommonleatlon EeammrleaUOD a as the te Cleanest Cleanestof CaH Per Perat P rm rmor
of Exterminator ExterminatorTO Etlatr EtlatrTO
TO rn 0 EDITOR rDln or 0 Tns T Svv SosSIr atr Having Ualne de devised deised ¬
vised 1 method melhoa to t exterminate elennte tbs laexMrmlnabls laexMrmlnablsMjulto Ilutrmable IlutrmablemooullO l5eztermtnablmosquito
mooullO mosquito Mjulto I obcerve oble the wl wN wise beads be are ar now b bDI bDIOD bent benton ot oton
on kllllat kUlor off ol all a those lb bussing butlnr little Ile pests p the IheMet Ile Iler theSies
Met r Method Jebo arc suggested RnelC wDereby weeby they will wfllbe wl wlb willbe
be b exterminated ulenlnte I was sitting Inlor la my easy ekalr ekalrtbe ehlrIbe ekairthe
the other evening eenlr with lb a book bk In ray lT band 1a endeav endeavorlnr Mey Meyorinr nsdeavosing
orlnr to t read rad A By If butted busu aver oyr my book bk In Inmy 10my inmy
my ear ar and an tickled lekld my m ease 0 I waaeked wbale at tke tkewily Ile Ilewl Ikewil
wily wl wil > thing half baf a dorm dOUlme time and as many may times timesdid tm tmdi tImesdid
did di I mini ml my lY victim vtm You Yo know m a fly 1 at 1 nlcbt nlcbtone nlcbtoe nightone
one oe lone lamplight lamplcbl bt haunter whose wO noise Dol seem seemloudest aa aalouden seemsloudest
loudest In the quiet of the evening Is I the wont woritpeclea wontIrru worstspeclea
peclea Irru of fly lT known Inown to t man anteM InluUI It Is I his bl early earlymorning nrl nrlmomlnr earlymorning
morning fellow felow that tickle kle your YOlr feel fH leg bands kandlface la bandsface
face faN eyes eye and an ears ear when dapdawns daaw and n you are aredoing ar aredoing
doing your our bent bi to come rme In on tbe bomettrelcb bomettrelcbof homnlrelel
of sleep al < p In good wo form formWell for forteWell
Well Wel I bad ha Just mad mae my sixth tb futile futl assault asuulton aal
on my m rr rrlilleal psrsisteot lstent lamplight lampllrbt companion rmpnlo when whenbefore wbe whenbefom
before bfor be landed lande on me again I read ra In my book booktbat bk bkIb31 booktbnt
tbat In the good ro old daysa days a whole army anT of ofthoM o otho ofthose
thoM tho winged nUd nuisance nullDC was we aa obliterated obllterale from fromthe frm frmIhe fromlbs
the face fAr of the lh earth I read reS that St Bernard Bernardpreaching Benardpreablne licensedpreaching
preaching on a summer lumJ < day da In a church where wherethe wherethe br
the people lie were wer anngred by flies excommuni excommunicated ¬
cated leI these Ihele winged nre Intecti InlcU and aeS In the morning morningthey momlnrIh morningthey
they Ih were ere found fond to be b all al dead ded and an were swept sweptout eptoul sweptout
out In heaps Good GO for St Deraard DnAd said a1 I IImagine IImarlne IImagine
Imagine the th satisfaction alllacion of seeing Ienc shoot tbm awept aweptout aeptoullnlII awsptoutlnbcaps
out oullnlII outlnbcaps In heaps Why Wbyoasdmpdayanordlnar Vbyonadmpday on a damp day any ordinary ordinarytown
town could furnish furlsb a Pellon Pelon of file Being no noSt noHI noSt
St nernari nemAri but only a plain ordinary ordlnAf but st sttimes attimes t tlme
times lme very ver Irascible mortal mrtal I resolved on 0 ray lY own ownremedy ow ownremedy
remedy rmey and an when wien that lhl fly 1 persisted prlile In I crawl crawlIng caw crawlleg
leg over ov r my m lips Ip to their tber uncomfortable uocmforlable lltllla lltlllatlon Illa Illalon titlUstlon
tlon lon and An to II my m disgust I seized lsed the lb nearest nearestveapon nClt nCltean nearestweapon
weapon ean In reach a newspaper newlppr In which I bad b read readof ra readof
of the campaign amplrn for fly extermination elermlDalon and an I Ichaed Ichae Ichased
chased < that fly n from fro table to chair and sn finally fnan to tothe 10Ibe tothe
the ceIling tlnl where I murdered murred him flat fat aatny aatnywifes 00 mT mTte asywlfea
wifes te brand new newwll neweall rsll paper paperUay ppr pprIa paperMay
May Ia > th the < 9 fly n be exterminated ettmlnaU forever If I the thenclenmts 11e theselenllts
nclenmts 1 nlI fall rai and a they Ibe surely surly wilt wl kt I some IJe IJehumanlr somebumsnitnrlan omehumasitsrlia
humasitsrlia humanlr St t P Rernard rnard be b raised la lI oar olr nsldit nslditwho mlt mltwbo midfwho
who will I apply apTly hi plan Ilole seal to the secnrlog Crar of ofour ofolr ofour
our olr bodily blr comfort o fort Thereby TlIer be win w1 also reflee refleeour roe roeor refleeour
morals Improving our temper temperWIUHKOTOX tempersVILMISOTON
our or moral by Improlnr Or lempr
WIUHKOTOX WUllOTON Del De July ul 14 14Tbe I FLY nT nTTe Rayra RayraThe
The Te Clothe Cloh We Wear WearTo WearTo MI MITO
To T T1 vas EDITOR F TOI or rae TI 3vxJtir S At Slo s to llr llrFlaggs Mrfleags r rnel
Flaggs dl dteovery cov Cf ry for himself bhnolf that skin Bippinet la bapeInessIn BippinetIn It
In summer may b be attained atlne by b leaving leavne off of under underwear underwrar underwear
wear I would wold l say ay IhAt tA Mine nut yean rear ago alo oa O the tberecommendation tbt therecommendatIon
I discarded under traderwear underA underwest
recommendation urmmMdlon of a physician pty a
wear A and presently prrsnlY discovered dlscovere that the Ie change changemade eare earemsre changereeSe
made msre not only for flr comfort Cfln In summer aumme but bu for forpractical forpaleallmmunlt forpractical
practical paleallmmunlt immunity to 1 cold eldID In winter winterUnfettered wlnlerrnfelrd winiertnUttcred
Unfettered rnfelrd by the nether Dler garment CAlenls the skin sUlntoy IklnbY skinby
bY reason re of It It Its freer teer contact contc with Wll tbs I all ao aoqulres a soquiets
quiets quire a vigorous I < oros tone tne that enable It 1 to resUt resUtcold rsltld reeidtcold
cold ld In winter Intr and to quit Ul leaking leknl palpably and anddisgustingly anddlllsUn anddisgustingly
disgustingly dlllsUn < IY In summer summerTo
To be b lure It may m ma take a little ltle moral mral and al pnysl pnyslcal PTI PTIcal phyaleel
cal courage lo enter enle upon upn this bl regtm rcrmel rsglnsso n but blt It 1 I Ientirely Iallre Is Isentirely
entirely allre practicable prallable sal fa and aneSaau san and ad by b It I you younot YOl younot
not only let rid reS of sweaty discomfort dlcomfon BOW fOW and andof ad adof andof
of shivering 8btrnr gooseHenn rodtAI later lale but yea v get a new newJoy n nJO newjoy
Joy JO In living lvnr du du due to be Ie po pI poeselilion e l > n of 0 a better betterkin hCer hCerkin bolterakin
had before Kxrxntzxcm KxrxntzxcmKxoxviLig EzrazzwczNxoxvlltX
kin than tln you ynl roti ever Oe beor EnIIDe
KxoxviLig oXVILI Tenn TennTo JulyJ JulyJTo JulY U UTo
To THE EolToa or TH Til Tile scie BUKI SoiSfr r Conceding ConcedingBment CAnelor CAnelorPmnt ConcedInglmest
Bment Pmnt Klagg privilege prvl1ere to decorate deoraU bis bl construe construction COlre COlreIln construeSon ¬
Son Iln on architectural ulllltural line lnn or with wll a simple llpe ar arrancement areralrmenl ccrangernent
rancement ralrmenl of fig n < leaves ve subject lublel to 1 police polee sur survelllauce aurvelalc piarvefllauce
velllauce velalc shall ahal r be disloyal to t Till Tn SON If I I pre pretermit pnlerml peetermlt ¬
termit lerml hereafter her ftr consideration Conlderto of his l sartorial sartorialIdiosyncrasies Mlrl MlrlIdloncral Ultoillldlnyncrasles
Idiosyncrasies Idloncral In favor of Ui Ue more mr Inspiring Inspiringseasonable IQplr Inspiringseasnabl
seasonable iugge1l lurrelO < ms of your Tr advertising aynlnr col columtxf 01 01umn colUtens
umn umtxf W1tlTAM flltUtuCOnAUM flltUtuCOnAUMNouwicif ULnl CGI C OzLMASI OzLMASINonwicif
Nouwicif NOIWJCI Coon Cnn July U Uif UIV 13LoTf
if IV Aim AimSbe Aler AISTtShe
Sbe I la a very vr lovely dream dreamOf 4 dreamOf ram ramOf
Of heavenly be beauty bnty quit qlll a gleam gleamA
A ports visionary vlslon r theme tbomeHut thfme thfmenut themeIlsat
Hut nut when wl I took lk agate arAn I IA IA see seeA
A form lon that sot nn so fair to me meWalking meWalklnr meWaltilnr
Walking with wlh my m divinity divinityHer dhIII dhIIIlIer
Her figure nrlre h extremely ute tout sinuttm toutIm
Im sure shes Ibe subject lo tha gout goutHer Ct CtIer gonttIer
Her Ier mother mollr Ye Ye without tbolt a doubt doubtfAlas cbt cbtAla doubtAlas
Alas Ala for this Il epbemral epbmrlrac epbmrlracro grace graceFor graceFor
For ro unmlstakeably unmlstkebl I trace traceTil tracenba ra
Til Te nba daughter durller In the parents pret fac fuol facli facliNot l lNo
No ol atlll aUI will mi I be fancy free freeTils fre freTla freeThis
This Tla goddess eod win W not tot do for me m mI
4 1 know kow that Ia what Wt Baa ba been en will ft b be beI betLa l lLA
LA I locate T01I JUo lUxcoor
Once Ono again agln Morocco loro Isa Ia Is a storm ltn centre centreEurope centr centreEurope
Europe Eup g pve ve Y a sigh of relief rele on February Febrr Februarya
0 when hon Germany es published publehe her famous famouspronunclarnonto ramouspronunclmen famouspronunclainonto
pronunclarnonto pronunclmen adlUnl admitting the te paramount paramountInterests pmnlount pmnlountIntrt paramountInterests
Interests Intrt of Franco Fno In the to wild wld empire of ofnorth ot10rWet ofnorthwest
north 10rWet northwest west Africa Crc When the t Hague Hago tri tribunal tr tribunal ¬
bunal but gave gve n t decision dso In favor of Franco Francoa Frnce FrnceI
a I few week wekl later la r in the te matter mattr of the theCasablanca te teCblanc theCasablanca
Casablanca Cblanc deeerters detr and an when whn Germany Germanygracefully Gnnany Gnnanyaofulyapt Germanygracefully
gracefully aofulyapt accepted the te result it seemed aecmedA eme
A as If one element elemfnt of anxioty anot and unrest unresthad unrst unrsthd unrestbad
had hd been bn definitely dtutlyelmlnt doflnltelyehiminated eliminated from Euro Europ Eurpn European
pn pean p an politics politicsNow pUtc politicsN6W
Now however hoever there ter are ar once more moreassorted mor moreassorted
assorted asr troubles toubles In i Morocco loroo There are arerevolts arorvolt arerevolts
revolts rvolt against aplDt the te new nw Sultan Sultn Mulal MulalBafld MulalHafd MulaiBafld
Bafld Hafd who was I himself hislf a rebel rbl and an a aptetender attnr aotender
ptetender ttnr otender down dow to last IDt September ptbr Ap Apparently Appornty Apparently ¬
parently pornty there ter are ar three tr or four M Ipart separate separateand pa rate rateand
and an distinct dUnot revolt revolt revoltaand and ono of them Is II so soformidable soforidble soformidable
formidable foridble that tt it look Iok as a If I it would wouldspeedily w woidspeedily td tdspUy
speedily spUy end e the te present pret reign rlg If I BO 1 It Itis I itis
is more mor than likely lkely tb t create cl conditions conditionswhich cniton conditionswhiob
which whob can cn only end e In i armed ane conflict confict with withtho wih wihto withtim
tim to European Eurn Power Por which hold or are areuppoaed ar aresupposed
supposed up to t hold the te empire In tutelage tutelageThen tutlaEe tutlaEeThen tutelageThen
Then there te Is the to attitude atUWe of o Mulal Hafld Hafldtoward Hfd Hfdtn Hafldtowant
toward tn these the same me Power Power He Je ha bu given givengreat livenart givengreat
great art provocation pvoto to Spain Spin he ha has lent Irritated Ir lentfated ¬
tt fated England and ho U oauulni culnt aeriou aerioudisquiet aroa aroadlult erioudisquiet
disquiet dlult to France Fn by b hi bl his policy pUc of obetruc obetrucUonand obto obtoUoa obstructionand
Uonand Uoa delay dely in carrying crn out the to pro provision p proylgioni
vision vlon of the t Algedra Ap treaty kt Finally Finallythere FU Finallythere
there te I I is the th state att of open opn war wr that tt ha habroken ha hasbroken
broken brken out between bten Spain SpIn and ad the te IttRlan IttRlantribesmen niMa Itifflantribesmen
tribesmen tbe In the te neighborhood nelJbr of Melllla Mellllaa Mell
a coast ct town tw which whlo he e garrison prn and andabout an andabout
about abt which whlb a large part pr of her Interest Intrt interestsin InterestIn
In the Ue country cnt centra centraThe ob centreThe
The Te revolt rolt against aplt Mule Muli HaM and andhi andhl andhis
hi hl his own policy ploy of resistance rJnc to t European Europeanpressure Erpn Erpnpru Europeanpreesuro
pressure pru are a alike alie ahno a almost t Inevitable IJtbl re result r resuits ¬
suits at of the circtimstanoea cmto under uder which whichhe
he ascended ude the throne thrne When Wo the south southern IUt southera ¬
era e section alon of the te empire empir rose rln In 1907 117 and andproclaimed andprlaime andproclaimed
proclaimed prlaime bun b Sultan Sultn at Marakeah Marakeahthe lrleah lrleahthe
the grievance glean against Aln the t reigning rlllna8ultn rlllna8ultnAbul Sultan SultanAbdul 8ultanAbdul
Abdul Abul Acts Ad Hands Hfdl younger 7oS brother bthe was wasthe wasthe
the te submission lubmln to t European Ern and Christian ChristianInfluences CrlUan CrlUanInfueno Christianinfluences
Influences Infueno represented rprnteby by the te Algeciraa Algeciraapact Allfi
pact pt The hatred bh of the people pple was wa espe especially ep espedaIly ¬
daIly caly aroused arus against agait France Fc the to ally allyand aly alya allyand
and a backer baoer as a it seemed ame to t the te Moorish Moorishpeople Mori 3loorlahpeople
people ppl of Abdul Abul Aziz A As Mulal Hafld Hafldadvanced Han Hafldadvanced
advanced avnc to the coast ct and then ten swept sweptnorth IW swptnorth pt ptnorh
north norh winning wllC victories vltrle over ove hi hl him brothers brothersforces brther brthertO brothersforces
forces tO and an a as one on tribe tb after ater another aoter and andone andon andone
one on practically prticly Independent Indepndt chief after afteranother atr atrItbe afteranother
another Itbe joined Joln his bl standard atdr the implied impliedcondition Imple Impliedoondltion
condition ondlton always alwa was Wa that tht when ho had hadboon hd hdbn hadbeen
boon bn proclaimed prlaim at Fez Fe and thus thu became becameruler bme bmerle becameruler
ruler rle over oe the entire entir land ld he would woud at atonce atonc atonce
once onc proclaim a loly Ebly oly war and all al the theforeigner theCorlgner theforeigners
foreigner Corlgner would be b swept Iwe t into Int tbe sea aeanever 1 seanever
never nee to t return returnOf rtur
Of course cur no such luch thing ting happened happne or orcould orculd orcould
could culd happen hppn When Mulal had beaten beatenAbdul bten btenAbu beatenAbdUJ
Abdul Abu Aziz Into Int confession cneion of defeat delet and andprayer ondpryer andprayers
prayer pryer for his hl life lie and a pension pDlon be found foundtilmaelf fon foundhimself
himself hlmlf face fac to t to lace ace with wih Europe Eurp and the theAlgeciraa theAtgeir theAlgeciras
Algeciraa Atgeir regulations rglatlonl for the reform ron of ofils ofhl ofhis
his hl realm llm For a moment It seemed eN as asif usIf
I if Germany Onay was wa on the te point pint of brushing brushingthe brle brlete
the te Algeciraa All embarrassment brent out of hi hiway hi his hisyay
way a7 and freeing him from frm hi hi his dilemma dilemmaaut I
but bt France Fno stood eto fast and nd all al the te rest rt of ofEurope ofEurope I IEup
Eup Europe atood stoodwith t with It h hr her r so 1 Germany Gnny aban abandoned ahnl abandoned ¬
doned dne him bm to t hi hl hiss fate fat The Te alternative alternativethat alttvN alttvNtbat alternativesthat I Ithe
that confronted ofrnt him were wer acceptance aptno to tothe t tothe
the Mmldomlnation Mmlltl by France Frn and nd Spain Spainwhich Spin Spinwhich 8painwhich
which Abdul Abul Axis had hd contracted ot at Al Algeclra AIglr Algeolrae
geclra glr to t accept ac or 0 else el the te holy bol war warMulal wa warMulat
Mulal Mual HaM JM la In hi b his way w a wise w man manFor mn mnFor manFor
For a Moor Mo be I is a marvel tet of enlighten enlightenment oulbtn oulbtnment enlightenment ¬
ment ment He I is th author ato of an ai Impor Important Ipr Iprtnt izuportant ¬
tant tnt Arabic Arblo grammar mmr and an of several anerl vol volumes volue voltunes ¬
of in Cairo fairoand fairoandalthough and andalthough
tunes ue poems ppubUae poeniepublishod published Clrand ClrandatUog
although atUog a man ma of indolent Inolet tempera temperament tpr tprment temperamnent ¬
ment he 1 I far fa superior aro to t Abdul Abul Atiz Asz In InIntellect Initllt Inintellect
itllt Intellect H He U I such ac a man m as could cul be beunder b beunder
under unr no D llluscn muo aa to t th t the outcome onte of ofa
a war with wt France P0 and an Spain 8pln He under understood underat understood ¬
stood at clearly that tt he would wold not be b Sultan Sultanof Sultn Sultnof
of Morocco or In any ay real rl or practical protcl way wayuntil my myuntl trayuntil
until untl he secured I the te recognition rUo of the thoEuropean tbl theEuropean
Erpn European Power Pel Germany Geny then the hay having bv bvIng haylug ¬
ing backed mce out ot of the te momentarily mometrl Inch Indicated id Inchosted ¬
cated ct purpose p of making mling him her own owngrotocted owngrtt owngroteoted
grotocted grtt Sultan sutn be made mde no more mor re resistance r ralinc tocistance ¬
sistance alinc He formally torly accepted aot all al the theobligation te teobUpU theobligations
obligation obUpU of Abdul Abu Asia Including iclud the theAlgvdra Oe OeAlttr theAlgiclrae
Algvdra Alttr regulations flltc A Aa soon I aa a be hedid bed bedid
did d so 1 all a the te professional prtel disturber dlatrbl from fromtba fr fromthe
the te Mediterranean MeltrD to t the te Sahara Bhn began beganto ban bant
to t make mke threats Urtand and pretty prtta soon a few C of ofth oftb ofthem
th them tn started str actual atl rebellions rblon Since Bno last lastSeptember ld ldSptbr lastSeptember
September Sptbr the te new D Sultan Sultn has ha been b con constantly co coItoUy condta ¬
stantly ItoUy dta dy engaged eg In war wr great gCt or small smallIn sal
In i various nrO part prl of the t country cunt with wt vary varying vr varytug ¬ I
ing success o Of o late lt his hllrle hi armies have hl been beenpretty b beenpretty
consistently beaten beatenThe beatenThe
pretty pet cnlstaU btn btnTe
The Te most mo characteristic charttlo feature f8 ture of the thesituation tbeItatlon thesituation
situation Itatlon is I that thlt while whie hi his fanatical fanticl sub stibjects ab subjecte
trying to depose him for submit submitting submitting
jects Je are ar tin dep fo abmle abmletlng
ting to European Eurpn aggression aurlO Mulal Mulilafd Mulilafdhoe Hafld Hafldhas Ilafidhas
has shown no intention Intntion whatever of male making mk mkIng maleing ¬
ing any real rol submission Bubmllon From Frm the very veryday ver veryday
day of his hi recognition regnitio he began 03n a policy policyof pto ptoor
of passive pllverlltnce pausaiveretslstanco reslstaneo Things Tlni finally fnlycame fnlycameto came cameto cameto
to such a post p that tat In the th early erly part par of ofMarch ofMarh ofMarch
March Marh a joint joint mission mllon was WI sent Int to him himby himby himby
by England Ealand France Franc and fi 6plnr 6plnrLister 3palnMr 3palnMrlAster pa In Mr MrLister
Lister M fiegnault negult and Seftor Stor Merry fer del delVal delValto delValto
Val Valto to demand dend the abandonment abldo nt of ex excuaee exoe cxousts
ousts oe and an delays delys and direct ditn an immediate immediatecompliance Immeite Immeitecmplino immediatecompliance
compliance cmplino with the Algeclras Algelra stipula stipulations stpula stpulatons stipulations ¬
tions tons Mulal received rie the envoys cour courteously cur curteUly courteously ¬
teously teUly He showed an admirable admlrbl readi readiness readine readiness ¬
ness ne to t carry cry out ou all al the clauses clauB which whichwere wblh wblhwer whichwere
were wer to t his bi own advantage admt especially especiallytho eply eplyfho especlythose
tho fho those e covering cverlug Increases Inca of revenue rvenue and andthe td tdthe andthe
the raising rllng of foreign foell loons Ihe loansho he wa was In Indesperate Indp Indesperate
desperate dp need ne of mneybt moneybat money but to t all al other otherdemands otr otrdemanda otherdemands
demands he resolutely relutly opposed op all al sort sortof art sortsof
of o difficulties difficultiesWhen dlmellO dimeultiesWhen
When Wen ha h was ws asked ake to t put pt In force forceArticle ror forceArticle
Article 6tJ I of the which
Aricle I th treaty trty provides providesfor prldps prldpsCor
for the case eae of o European Euan taking tkig up land landIn lnd landsIn
In Morocco ha replied that b be bad
Iooo b rpl tht b h only onlylately onlylately onlylately
lately come cme to t the throne thrn the country countrywa cun
wa wa in a condition odldon of o disorder dirM which he hahadnt hehdnt hehadnt
hadnt had hd time te to t suppress app and an It would wouldbe woul
be b quite qutt too risky rat to t allow alow Europeans Erpan to totake totake totake
take up lands lnd at any distance distnc from she thacities shecities I
cities cte Then Te be b called cl attention aU6ion to t Article Arlole ArticleI i
1 of the treaty trt which guarantees sant the te in independence independence ¬
dependence depndeno and integrity Intgity of the empire empireand empIr empireand ij
and pointed pint out 0 that several 81 sections aloD ore oreatlll ae aeItl arestill
atlll Itl o occupied ec by foreign torll troops trp x In par particular partioular ¬
ticular tlol he suggested Illet that tht aa a a proof prof prj of offriendship oftrendelp otfriendship
friendship Franco should at
trendelp Fa shotd once proceed proceedto proo
to t evacuate eauat Oudjda Odjda near nar the te Algerian Algerianfrontier Alaerlsntrntler Algerianfrontier
frontier trntler seized az more mo than tn two years yf ago agoIn sI agoin
In retaliation rtlaton for the murder of Dr Mau Mauchamp Mauchamp Mauchamp
mure o
champ and ad the Chnoula or region about aboutCasablanca abut abutCabJno abontCasablanca
Casablanca occupied since the massacrethere
CabJno ooplo Ilnc massacre mU massacysthere
there in the summer Imme of 1007 107 He also alsoInvited ailo ailoInvit alsoinvited
Invited Invit Spain Spin to withdraw wthdw her hr troops troopsfrom trop troopsfrom
from frm Melllla Mella MarChloo MarCblc and Cabode CabodeAgua Cabde CabodeAgua
Agua Aga points pints which she holds hld on the thanorthern thenore thenorthern
northern nore coast cat Ha refused rlua finally fnly to todisouas todi todiscuas
disouas di any an demands dem da made mde upon upn him hi until untilFrance untl untlFrn untilFrance
France Frn and Spain Sph made definite dfnit state statements staremento tt ¬
ments a as to when their forces would
ment a t wbe tor woul be bewithdrawn b bewithdrawn
withdrawn withdrawnAt wthdrw
At thu th Reft Sfor Softer or Merry Me del Val lost 10t hi hitemper hl hiss hisstemper
temper tmpr lie le II threatened threteno the te Sultan Sultn with withdire withdire withdire
dire things thln and betook bk beto k himself blmsl homo to toMadrid toMdrd toMadrid
Madrid Mdrd on May 14 r He will 11 not no be b sent sentback sentback t tbck
back bck some ae diplomat with wit more moe elastio elastiopatience elto eltoptienc elastlopatience
patience ptienc will wi replace rlc him But Bt nt Indeed Indeedthe inded indedte indeedthe
the te Sultan Sultn has b carried cried the dispute dipute out of ofAfrica ofAo ofAfrica
Africa Ao Ho H Il b has sent It special spil missions mllona to toParis t toP53ls
Paris Pn and Madrid Mdrid El Mohkri the wily wilynegotiator wDyDcUatr wilynegotiator
negotiator DcUatr who represented rott Abdul Asia at atAlgeotn atAI atAlgeotras
Algeotn AI < fU and an won the te respect re eo of all a the thopleafpotentiarie thepetare theplenlotentfariee
pleafpotentiarie petare there the was received rln by
President fe Failures Fak at the t Elyrt Ey Palac P
1 In 1 June Jue His m mission mlion IB i to t rake r money ie aey if ifhe j Ifbe
he can c and ad retard rt oil al other otr action Blon OB OBSunday O OSundy OnSunday
Sunday Sundy last lt King Alfonso AUoM received rive special specialambassador lpl specialambassadors
ambassador ambdor sent ent no doubt dobt to beep beepSpain ke keepI
I Spain Spi from rm doing doln anything to the last lastmoment lat latmoment lastmoment
moment of possibility possibilitySpain plbUty plbUtyBpln possibilityHni
Spain Bpln hand however ha hl has been bn forced forcedIn tom
In quite an unexpected uexpete way Before Bfor com coming cm cmi cornlag ¬
lag i to t this thl however it will wi bo bowel well to totea toteaglnc totake take a aGlance aglance
Glance glnc at Mulal Mull Uaflda na da domestic dQmeUo difficul difficulties dlfot dlfottl diffloulties ¬
ties tl Of course cur all al the news comes come from fromthe frm frmtho fromthe
the Interior intrior of Morocco Morcco in a disconnected disconnectedyad dllcnnete
yad sd d fragmentary way but there ther is ample ampleproof ampleprof ampleproof
proof prof of the to continuity of trouble In InJanuary InJanuar InJanuary
January Januar of this year ye tho news leaked leakedthrough loke leakedthrough
through thrugh Tangier that Mulal Mohammed Mohammedthe Mobamme
the Sultans Bultns one oyed brother brther was WI dead deadIt ded dedI
It I was intimated intimat that he was poisoned pole On OnNovember OnNovembr OnNovember
November 27 preceding of mal malcontents utahcontents
Novembr pr g a group gup m ¬
contents cntntl had made him a pretender prtnder to t the tbethrone thethrne thethrone
throne thrne In February Fobrar It I wo wa announced announcedthat announce announcedthat
that tat tho Sultan Sultn had won the adhesion adb lon of ofthat ottt ofthat
that tt distinguished dltnglbe patriot ptrot lUlsull Rlul who whoa
a weak wsl or two before bfor had hd got goU20 125000 from fromEngland fm fmEnglnd fromEngland
England Englnd for the surrender urender of Sir Harry HarryMaclean Ha HarryMaclean
Maclean Maclen by making him Governor Goveor over overtho overto overthe
the to tribe tib near ner Tangier TangierOn
On March Marh 7 the te London Lndon Time wa w was In Informed i Informed ¬
formed fone that tat the te Sultans SuI In troops top hd hd de defeated de dofeated ¬
feated feted the te Alt Al Zussl Zul tribesmen tbmen who bo sued suedfor sue suedfor
for peace PC On March Marb 8 they te fought fough an anIndecisive a anindecisive
Indecisive Indel8ve battle btlo with wit Borber rbr tribe tb All Allthat Alltht Allthat
that tht month they tey suffered aule from frm torrential torrentialrains torrentialrains rnUat rnUatmlna
rains and bitter bIttr cold cld They Tey were wer hungry hungryand bu hungryand
and an ragged rgge Their Tei tent tnt were e tattered tatteredDeaths tttr tSLteredDeaths
Deaths and desertions occurred
Dt an dero 0 dally dallyIn dly dlyi
In i great tt numbers numbr On March Ma IS a Paris Parispaper Pamppr Parispaper
paper ppr told tld of a battle bte In which troops troopstrainee top troopstralnec
trainee trne by b French Frcb officer oMcr lost lot twenty twentykilled twt twentykilled
killed kl and fifty Ifty wounded wOlnde It 1 Itwae t was wa remarked remarkedcasually rmrke remarkedcasually
casually 0luly that tt the te Roghl was wal at Oiled 01 Kad Kaddour K Kaddour
dour wlthBOOhorsemen wit with 5bormen but butwaanot was wasnot not threat threatening trt threatening ¬
ening enng This Tl Roghl Rgh it I appeared appre was waanot wa wasnot
not the te mysterious mystroua Senussia Snuul leader ledr Bu BuHamaro DuHmar IluHamara
Hamaro Hmar lamentably lmonlbly famous ramo by b bythat that tht title titleDespatches Ut UtleDeepatchea
Despatches Dpthe received rlve at the State Stt Depart Department Dprt Departmeat ¬
meat met at Washington Wamlngtn about abt the te same ame date datehowever dt datehowever
however said ld that tt this tia Roghl wa ws was advanc advancing advno advancIng ¬
ing on o Fez and an In these thel the te Roghl Robl was mora moraor
or less clearly clerly Identified IdenUfe with wt Mulalel MulalelKeblr Muael MuaelKeblr MulalelKobir
Keblr another anter of the te Sultans Bultnl trouble troublesome touble troublesoul ¬
brother brotherOn
some e brte brteOn
On April Apri 23 2 22Mulai Mulal Hands Ha da forces Cor brought broughtInto
Into Fez a marabout marbut named nmed Klttanl Klttnl who wholind whohad whohad
had been bn preaching problng a I holy war wa against againstthe agalDtthe
the Sultan Sult Ha H was 18 paraded pde through trugh the thastreets t thestreets
streets tt and put to t death deat but bt on the thasame tbeAme thesame
same day the Sultans Bultnl forces tor Buffered sulerd a aoruahlng acalng acrushing
crushing calng defeat deet to t the te south auth and Mulal MulalolKeblr Mull MulloKeblr MulaiolKebir
olKeblr oKeblr advanced advacd on o Mequinez Meulnz Toward Towardlhaendof Towa Towardthe
te the lhaendof end of April Apri the te situation situato was WI oomph complicated ompl oomphoated ¬
cated cte by some Ime of the tribes trlb starting string a re reactionary re reactionary ¬
actionary aionar movement moement In favor of the te de dehroned d dIhre dothroned
hroned Ihre Abdul Abut Adz but about abt the same samelme am sametime
time an army any of 8000 80 men qen marched marhe out outof outo outof
of o Fez Fe to t attack attok the lien Dnl Mtir tribes trib who wholad wbobd whobad
lad bd lately ltel defeated defeat a smaller maler force tor This Thismovement Thi Thismovement
movement moeent seems m to t have hve checked obeke tho thorebel therbl thorebel
rebel rbl band bn for fo practically praotoaly nothing nolnsln Jn the theway te tewayo theway
way of fighting tghthig was reported rpr during durnS May May3n MayOn Ia IaOn
On June 2 however howel ElKeblr entered enteredMoqulnez eler enteredMequlnez
Moqulnez 1loulnez and ad dating datng from trm that time Fez Feswo Fezws Yeswas
wo ws was described decrlb as I being bing In i a state Itat of siege siegeOn alle alleOn sIngeOn
On June another battle
14 anoter btle was Wi reported reportedn rpr
In n which the t army of Mulal Mutl Hafld Had corn oommandod cm cmmnde cornmnanded
mandod mnde by Raid Mohammed Mohame Cherghl Cherghlwas CherghlWa
was Wa put to flight fight Swarms Swa of demoralized otiomoralizsdfugitives ramorlz demoralizedugiUve
fugitives CglUvM carried orll the te tidings tlding into int Fez and andtha andth andthe
the th next nt day dy ElKeblr EKeblr issued le a proclama proclamation prlm ¬
ton tion declaring dellln himself hlml to t be b the Sultan SultanNothing SulfnNothig SultanNothing
Nothig Nothing has b since linc Improved Imprve hi hl hiss position positionSeveral pltion pltionBvet positionSeveral
Several Bvet minor mtno defeats det of his forces tor art artreported a ar arreported
reported rpr HI Hl Hiss troops tp are ar unpaid unpid and andwill an andwill
will 11 not fght fight without wltolt money He ha hanone b hasnone
none nn and cannot raise rl any anyWhile anyWie sayWhile
While Wie the French rnch by hard han fighting fching speed speedily epdodily
ily U brought brught the te wild wid tribes tib around arund Casa Casablanca C Casablanca ¬
blnM blanca to 0 fear fe and an respect rp them tbe the theSpaniard t theSpaniards
Spaniard Bpanla have hve never nee made any ay Impres Impression Ipl impresaba ¬
aba Ilon on the te Riftlan rma pirates plt and an brigands brigandswho brgad
who surround aurun their thei ports pr at Melllla IleUU Cents Ceutaand Cut Centsand
and ad elsewhere e1her Desultory DNUllr fighting fghtm ha haseen b has hasbeen
seen b going lolgo on oonatontly ottyad and murder muen and andpillage andpillage
pilge pillage of Spaniard Spla who have mining miningx mlln miningconcessions
concessions cnolon x > in the surrounding srunding country countrynro cunr
are ar frequent trunt This was 1 one of the te griev grievances IleT IleTnnc grievirnoee ¬
ances nnc over which wblc Merry Ier del Val Valot lost hi hitemper bl his histemper
temper tmpr with wih Mulal Mult Hafld Hald who Is I In fact factxjwerlos tac factpowerless
powerless pwerle to prevent prent the outrages outal Span Spanish Spa Spanlab ¬
lab ib feeling felng has hl been ben much wrought wrught up upover upover upover
over the situation Ituatio and nd a portion prion of the theo t thepress
p press o and some Im opposition oppltln politicians politiciansIn pltcln
In Madrid ladrld have b bn been en urging the Govern Government Gver Governmentto ¬
ment mentto to send end a strong etrng expedition expiton to t Mo Morocco Moro Morocco ¬
rocco ro to t establish Ntbllh Spanish 8pnlsh prestige prtls The Thecry Te Tecr Thecry
cry cr has ha been bn taken tken up even that Morocco Moroccoshould Ilor Moroccoshould
should fall to t Spain Spin as a a I field letd of expansion expansionrather eEpnlon eEpnlonrther expansionrather
rather rther than tan to t France FranceThat Fnc FranceThat
That Tat the Government Goverent has feared fer the theoccasion theolon theoccasion
occasion olon might develop Is il suggested luggt by bycertain bycrtin bycertain
certain crtin credits clt secured a during durll the te recent recentsession rnt rntNlon recentsession
session of the te Cortex Crl but Prime Pe Minister MinisterMaura Mlntr MlntrUaur MinisterMaum
Maura Uaur has b all al along stood et out against agalnt a apolicy aplo apolicy
policy plo of adventure aventur and ha h la Isseld said to tohave t tohave
have hae the te hacking hoklng of the te King a a as well wel as asof a asof
of the the wiser w r section ton of the te public pubto The Therecent Te Tert Therecent
recent rt occurrences orec however seem a to toleave t toleave
leve leave no nohoIce cholce cholc but to t act with wt vigor Tfsa and andan andn andan
an n overwhelming show of power pwer The TheImmediate Te TeImmllB TheImmediate
Immediate occasion was the tb murder
ImmllB ooulon Wa mure by bytribesmen bytrolme bytnibeutnen
tribesmen trolme of four Spaniards Spanirs who worked workedIn worke
In a mine min in the neighborhood neighbrho of Melllla MellllaA Mel la laA
A punitive puntive expedition txpdlton was ws sent t out which whichattacked wblcbattcke whichattacked
attacked attcke a I large Rlfflan force Cor killed kie fifty fiftymen fft fiftymen
men and an wounded woune about 150 15 This has hasset ha hasset
set st the entire entr country cntr on fire fr The Te tribes tribesmen trbs tribesmen ¬
men are gathering gtherng In thousands thouMn and Ind the theemail te teBmll thesmall
email Bmll Spanish Spnl8 forces fors are practically prctoly be besieged Mslere bitsieged ¬
sieged slere In their ter works I Their Teir danger dnger It i la lareported 18rprle hereported
reported reenforcetnents rprle rfornet by b cable cbl reach Ic will wl them themSpecial themSpal themSpecial be b very ver great gt until untilreenforcetnents untl untlrfornet untilreentorcetnenta
Special Spal effort eort I Ie bfdng ng made In SpIn 8plnto 8p11nt
to t hurry bur the embarkation embarkaton of the necessary necessarytroops neMr neoeeearytroops
troops tps in order orer to head hed Franco Frnc off ol from fromcoming fro fromcoming
coming cming to t the rescue rCue a thing that tt Spanish Spanishinterest Bpnlsh BpnlshInterst Spanishinterests
interest Interst could culd ill 1 suffer auler and that tt Spanish Spanishpride Spns SpnJlpride
pride prde would not tolerate tlert The danger dangerof dner dnerof
of international intUont complication cplcton growing growingout 1n 1nout
out of thin Increase of the Spanish
tl IDI Spol8 force forcein fa fc fcin
in Africa Aric is not serious srloua England Enn Is Isfriendly I I Ifriendly
friendly frendly to t Spain 8pn and an will wl not complain complainGermany complainGeany complainGermany
Germany Geany will 1 be b rather rte pleased pl to t see seoanything a seeanything
anything anyting happen hppn that tt tend nd to t depress depresstbe dcprSte
of France In
the te standing atndln Frne Morocco MoroccoIn Moroo MorooIn
In the meantime metme the th Italian Itlan Govern Government Gove Governsnout ¬
snout met In view vw of the te general generl chaotic CMOU con condition con conditon cmiditlon ¬
dition diton of the t empire emp ha be baa started atrt a I move movement IO movesilent e ¬
silent the chancelleries of
aent among mae t canolme o Europe Europeto
to t request rUCt France Frnc as the representative representativeot r8pttte r8pttteof
of all tbe Powers Poea to t Interfere In ere to t put down downdisorder dow downdisorder
disorder disrer and compel cmpi the the restoration r rton of ofsafety ofCety ofsafety
safety Cety aud order orer at all 11 costs costsHamlet ct ctnaml costshamlet
Hamlet naml In Ia JaFr Iapm IapmFrom a aFrom
From Fr Uportl O pr1s of On 1 7r 7rJapn TinUgJapan Tlmtt TlmttJapan
Japan Japn eager to rival ra America Amerc and Europe eroe has hasappropriated h happroprld hasappropriated
appropriated approprld our plays pl8 and presents preenl them Ibe with withnovel wll withnovel
novel novl sad lad Oriental Oretal accessories acca tlamkr Urllw w wrecently WI ws wsrecently
recently recety performed perfoe si Kobe Kobt In a style that makes makesEddie malrClEddie makeEddie
Eddie Toy seem si serious as a a funeral The Tbamelancholy Tbemelanebolf Themelancholy
melancholy Dane first appeared In tt the uniform of ofa ofa ofa
a student of the Imperial University then In the Ihetblrd lb lbIblrd thethird
third act be wore a brtrht blue suit with striped stripeditncktnr alrlpedatnclllnr stripedstockings
itncktnr and rode a bicycle during dnrtn hIs nt scene scenewith aeeftewltb scenewIth
with the player For the duel and nelllfll hi death he hewaa bew hewas
was w conventionally attired In evening dress The TheKlnj nIeKln flt fltzin
Klnj zin not to lobe be outdone oUldonoblIlellonloIaWcbnCd oUldonoblIlellonloIaWcbnCdbl by his sonlntaw changed cbtnrrdhi
hi his costume from the Ib robes of a Japanese noble nobleman lIob lIobI nobleman ¬
I man to a swallowtail coat and nd stovepipe bat hatOpMta batOplIlIa bat0pbtSl
OpMta wa w beautiful In a kimono but wooed wooedllnmlft wooedhamlet 00edUnmlr
hamlet In a Parisian toilet The effect eew are aresaid arehlIO aresaid
said hlIO to have been kaleidoscopic but the Japanese Jspsnessactors JIll JapaneseactorS e eaclon
actors contended that they were Justified by the tbeteat tb thetell
NeIIleetell Commuter CommuterTo
To TUB EDITOR or Taa Ta Stmvir We e read to InIbe tmthe tothe
the newspaper that the UoAdQo tunnels are aresoon areaoon aresoon
soon to connect New N w York with III the Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniathe
the Erie and tbe Lackawanna railroads How Howabout nowab flowabout
about ab < the New ew Jersey Central Railroad Is tilt It cot cotcoin 1I0trolnr sotgoing
coin to connect with these tuoflets tuofletsIt IU
It I la the only onl New Janet railroad not apotea apoteaof Otteaof
of in this matter purxmto coiacma coiacmaWIMTM Coingtnsewuetas
I WIMTM tfaasoa Me July U I
TUB mVXQLAR 1UROL1RIOF PIMP 99VT HIlIrrofesatoftal 99VTProfessional L2 L2Pofesaloflsl
Professional contempt JoutempUqr for A HeogehaM HeogehaMeri n 1 1era
era er Precaution PrecautionTo
To tun EDITOR or Tn TUB Ocx 8cH8r air f ftake Jtake Itake
take my pea In hand to write rlte you an answer ananwerto answerto
to tho mug that th t signs his name n me Victim Victimwhat VlotlqaWbat Vlotizawhat
what aaya tbat a bolt on your bedroom bedroosadoor bedrooedoor bedroomdoor
door nights will make you pate te from bur burglar > tglare I Ialare
glare coming Into the room and Ihootlng Ihootlngyou bootlo bootloou booUagyou
you ou bead oa and an to tall him the only war warto 1a 1afo wayto
to be safe > from harm by burglar bur lara I la to lay laystill laytllI laystill
still when they tell you ou to and after aft r they theybos thaThu th57has
has gone to collect from the burglary la lasurance 18lurance issumac
sumac qpmpony qpmponyYour csnnpanyYour mpanyYour
Your man wVlctlmw Victim Is a dull Buy If be bethinks beIblnu hethinks
thinks a bolt will atop ato any anyone one that know knowhis kno knohis knowshis
his trade because we always put a gimlet flialothole gimlethole lmIt lmIthole
hole through the panel anel right back of the theboll thebolt 3
bolt and slides iIde It back quiet and easy y Just Justtbe Justthe J
the same WaY a we w put uta note through throughth
th the panel back of dead latcb latches on outside outaldedoom outaJdedoona outsidedoors
doom because there alnt nothing will stop stopa
a man that knows the trade only a ateeJ ateeJdoor stsedoor teeldoor
door with an Iron crossbar back of it and andeleotrlo andeleotrlo andeIeotrIo
eleotrlo contacts all round roundWhats rouadWha roundWhta
Whats Wha mora Is that any man that sleeps elpewith sleepswith l ep epwith
with a pistol under hi his pillow Is a chump 1
because that wner where we always a wan feels for ft ftth Uthe Iithefirsi
th the thefirsi drat thing Ibln minecndgtalt and gel eta u before proceeding prOOeedlto
to the buslnM or the evening enln the right rightplace r richplace h hplce
place to keep A pUtol t being In the e front ball halhanging al
banging on o a nail where you alnt liable liableto lIablto J
to do DO damage dama e to whllrriu the bedroom b room walla ana anafurniture ajulfurniture I Ifurniture
furniture with It it t besides Its te being beln bad for fornervous for fornenoue fo fonervous
nervous people to wake up In the night ana anafe anelCeel salfeel
fe feel l for a pistol that alnt there no roars roarsIf tnrItaguywantatolakesplstoltobedwilb I I1C
If Itaguywantatolakesplstoltobedwilb Itaguywantatolakesplstoltobedwilbhim a guy 11 want to take a pistol to bed with wltbhim withhim
him and thinks bn h got ot nerve enough to touse toule touse
use It the proper place for It1 It 1a not under underthe undrtbe vaderthe
the pillow because that t4its where w we always alwayslook 1111took lway lwaylook
look for It but Its at the toot of th the bed about aboutwhere aboutwhere abouwhere
where you can stretch out wKh your toe toeso toesso H Heo
so that when you Jouwake wake up and 70urll feel tile tboburglars tilebUI1ara theburglars
burglars hand searching under your pillow pillowyou pillqwyou
I Iyou
you can lay still tilfh till lie ie moves mOY 1 over flilow jo 0 the thebureau Olebureau teebureau
bureau when you will have II plenty 0 of Uma Umato iss issto
to get et bold of your our run with w wt U your toe toMpUl1 anil anilpull asqpull ff
pull pUl1 It up gentle ereJtr ana an slow row like you ou was 1 still I Ifat stilifst
fast asleep till you art your grip np on It and andthen allCltheo apdthen
then U roil 11 are quick enough to make tie tieburglar tilebarlar taoburglar
burglar shoot In th the smoke all right but butIf bu buIt buif
If you alnt alnWOt cot ot the Lb nerve for the job road roadbetter 011ebelter ionsbetter
better not have no noruna gun around bee because bee1IMbe u
be will shoot b o next nextHaving lisztSlaving I
Having been befj In the bolt slipping Uppln and pil pillow p11low ¬
low 10 pistol l collecting eoue tnll line for nine lne war f fguess 4guess
guess know kno the rme me and d if i ftaN ftaNINfIUI jutoweawhere jutowea knowetiwhere ow owwhere
where your mug mu Victim live I would wouldJust waVi waViJult woUldjust
Just come up some evelng and pinch his hisgun I Iun Igun
gun for hlpi to show him his bl bolt I la ftp p good goodSINO POd81NO
et etMUSICAl
Is It the Pobllo or the Manager That ThatWant ThatWanta TitsiWailt
Want WantTUB Flubdtlbf FlubdtlbfTo
To THE EOITOB or Tns Stw SUNiflr 8tr Every Everyone Eye Eyeone
one will agree with the sentiments ot your yourparagraph yourparagraph
paragraph about the scarcity of good oper operatic Cl operatio tI tIaUo ¬ 1
atic librettos and tbe idea of the Metro Metropolitan Met MetOlltan Metropolitan ¬
politan Opera House offering a prrfl priso for a adecent adecent 1 1decent
decent book aa well as the musIc to go with withIt
It You add The man who write the tbaIbretto thelibretto I Inbretto
libretto should know hla business W Of Ofcourse Ofcoullle OfcourSe
course but a aa matters stand aqw the writer writerlias writerbas writerhas
bas to know primarily and altogether the thebusiness thebUAlnell thebusiness
business of the manager managerBorne manaerBorne managerRome
Borne time since I wrote you on thesub thesublect the sub aubwI sublect
lect of a musical satire I had perpetrated perpetratedThis per perpetratedThiuls etrated etratedThlsls
I This Thlsls Is still In abeyance but Its II progress rocrr rocrrI to tobeing isbeing
being marked Iked by some Interesting Incidents IncidentsI Iceld enta
I I Interviewed a somewhat celebrated com composer compoael cornposer ¬
poser on the subject and said to him In tn tnuRual myusualartless my myusual 1
usual usualartless artleas artl way wa wWe1I We Wesllknowyou sit know you are areoit areoitBble areC areCableofwnltlnggood dp dpable
able ableofwnltlnggood of writing wrltlnlood good music Then why wh whydonLt whydonLtyou dont dontyou dontyou
you la It because you cant fit respectable respectablestralna rH respectablestraIns eotabl eotabltralnl
straIns to tbe words you get or it 1 It I the thefault t tisfault e etault
fault of the managers who Insist that t the thepublic t thepublic e epubllo
public doesnt want anything but the trash trasht tra trathat trashthat
that Ie at present t provided He H answered answeredBtlll answerfdl answersdYesand
yCand yes ea Btlll 8tllla0lber another composer did didI didI
I approach Why Wb do you write such suchbalderdash I Ibld Ibalderdash
balderdash bld idh1 J I ventured Because Bu the thepubllo thepublic
publlo demands d man it he replied led Wont Wontou Woqtyou I
you ou substitute the managers for the thepab thepabapart thepublie pub public Ub UbUoW ¬
lie UoW I suggested He would readily Visit Visiting VisItIne Visiting ¬
ing a voluminous writer of musical com comedlca cornedles coinedieal
edlca I expatiated on the glory of his bl apart sparment apartma apan apanment apartmeet
ment Yes he sighed I got all this snag mainlflcence mnlfteence snagniflcence s sSoyou >
nlflcence by writingrot writing rUin II rot I have to do It ItTo ItSo ltSo
Soyou So you seethere Bee there are librettist andlXlnt andlXlntpoHra sadopraposer nd cont contposcra >
poser crying out to be good ood It I Is really reallymoot a amoot amoot
moot question considering the percentage percentageof percenl percenlot
of SMOce lNoca s and failure during durin the last lastseaaoa Iton lastseason
season whether the managers actually do doknow doknow doknow
know what bat the publlo wants I am ac acquainted acuainted c cQualnted ¬
quainted with Ith nearly nearl every ey manager in th thcity the theelt thecIty
city elt but I certainly wouldnt at tbe present presentmoment preeenmoment
moment submit my m libretto U ilb etto to any anyth anythem reeeaa of ofthem
them th as I know It would 011111 be Immediately Immediatelyrejected immedlat immedlatrejected y yreiec4ed
rejected 1 Gauged by tbelr rule It would wouldnot woWsnot 1 1nM
not b be > worth a oent oen oenIt oeniIt oentIt
It has ha been auarffssted that In the pre procorned presumed r rI ¬
corned state of public fe feeling llnj a bittwizt t and andbetween 1111beteen andbetwen
I between trial should b be made of half att dscent dscentword dto dsctstwords t
Iord word and music so aa a to train1 tfln tysm the thudl audi audlence I 4 4ences J
ence to better b er things Alaaf AI that the old eldstory 01111Ito0 oldorv
story orv of tbe lb man who wish to glv dYI op
I drink by b degrees He cant do It Besides Besideseducating etdeseducsling I
educating the public I 1a a pretty prett expensive expensivetask I
task A Aa a matter of fact U 1 ts educated educatedbut edqcatedbut 1
I but can only get II beat sellers W when wbentE wbentEreall It Itreally ifreally
really want waatssensIblewell sensible well written books booksNew booksNsw i iNsw
Nsw YORK Yo July Iul is TnESris TnESrisTBE TDurllI TaiSgisTilE
A Former Soldier Approves the AbeM AbeMtlon AbolSItoh I
tlon of the Cantata CantrraTOTRBKznTonorTBSSuic CanwmTonm CantataTo
TOTRBKznTonorTBSSuic Tonm To vas Fz7tTOI orT or Til SUItSI Sir Afterperos Afterperostng After ptlrQIo ptlrQIoIIIr peruelag
tng WflnUni article In today tood Sex 8tJWI t could couldnot eouI4DOl couldnot
not help feeflar surprised 1 and cbarrlaed at a the theauthors tbtlaulhora theuuthors
authors apparent JubilatIon over tbs rsrenal at atcertain ofcertain I
certain dry counties into wet t at the polls pollsPerhaps pollPeTltaPIIIt pollslerbsp
Perhaps If Vlrftnlaa dropped IS tome er ernlng eve evefling I Inine
nine at Its ta Water tract or any of the rescue sail mission mr mralOu sailetoaa ¬
sion on the East Side of llaahattan aDd there tberalistened IoIIetWUlleneeS therelistened
listened to tbe testimony tenlm of redeemed drunkard drunkardtelling I II Iriling
telling of their degradation misery sad slavery slaveryInduced sa slaveryInduced j jIn
I Induced In by alcoholism to would DO Dot lake such Ucllbroad a abroad abroad
broad view v et f the b question questionlUUUvo qMesUoeRelauvo
I lUUUvo IItall to Ut the abolition of the army anD canteen canteenI cen tees teesI T
I should say It was a great uplift In the Ibellrb IbellrbI fifhl fifhlacahut Oghtatilast
I acahut alcoftot because UIlO It enables the raw n r rcrull ed edcmiii J
Ie crull who bas enllaled from the rural dIstricts dlttxtetatherefore dlltrtetaI dIstrictstheretore
I therefore never knew kne the taste of liquor UqllOfbeIalD Uquogabstain M Mabstain
abstain abstainIly abstainMy i iJy
Ily experience baa beenand I write wrllewllb with aa aaborlty auChortl anIbotity
borlty having Served rved eleven moatM monta1ft M the vat volunteer v vunteer ¬ i iIIntefr
unteer service of our lat late war both on Oevera Oeverament Gevwaroent Oevezment
ment reservations a here In the State and In Porto PortoRico IVrtoRk4tbat PoytoRicothai
Rico Rk4tbat that the enlisted men who habitually via viaalcoholic 11MIoobotlo useaicohotlo
alcoholic stimulant Invariably sought them out outaldo ou ouaide outside
aide tb the reservation la the days of th lbs canteen canteenIf
If total abstinence Is I so Impracticable In the thearmy 1110ntI Ikearmy I
army ntI why bat II been so soceeMful ajocng aaHft out outenlisted o oeniisted k
enlisted men metllD lo ins th navy DaYft T 3 N O ONrw Do aNEW r
NEW TOIl July It Itla I 14a
la a th thLaU the Mil Toga TogaTo ToerTo TogaTo 1
To TUB Tn EDITOR ov o TB rag Sa smr8U 3ir That lines linesfrom lIDeafrom Seesfrom
from tbs Vlshuupurana descriptive of the tll Iron IronAf ItoAAce TeesAge
Af Ace e In which we are supposed to live liver seem sin singularly Idaularl1 a agutatlt
gularly appropriate apnroprtateHear
Hear what hat mil happen la the tl kali yes yeseTba JeaTIle yesThe
TIle usages and nd Institutes of caste of order erdWI aid aadtaak aidrash
I taak will not prevail prevailNor prevailI prevailNoryettbspreceptoftbtrlpleVeda
I Nor NoryettbspreceptoftbtrlpleVeda NoryettbspreceptoftbtrlpleVedailcilgian yet tba precepts at eU1I8 tha triple Veda VedaReligion VedaRcllrOD
Religion will const of wasting wealth wealthIn I IIn
In fasting flto and performing penance penanceAt JItIIaDeftAI
At eta tbe man who be owns mos property propertyAad > II SAad
I Aad lavishly distribute K It will wUllata wUllataI gala galaDominion galsnonunion
Dominion over others nOble rank rankWill raakWlU rubwill
Will give ri B DO claim to 0 lordship sclfwlllod weast weastWill WOIMIIWlIl woaWill
Will seek their pleasure and ambitious ambltlouIIlfD ambltlouIIlfDFt men menFix suesiii
Fix Ft afl their hopes on onl1ch rich riches gained by b fraud fraudTba fraudTb
I Tba Tb women WO lIJ2 will b bt tickle and desert I ITbelr ITIIetr ITheir
Their beggared red husband laving them glees atoaTOogtveltMrmmoMy gleesWho ne neI
I TOogtveltMrmmoMy Who gtvelIwm messy PttncslMtcadefgnardlag PttncslMtcadefgnardlagWill lEings teatcad etgusrdtag etgusrdtagwill
Will WllllOb rob theIr subjects bJec and abstract the wealth wealthOf
I Of merchants under plea pi of raising laze lazeThen lunTII taxesTbso
Then TII In tile worlds orl4lut last age the fit rights bis of mea meaWTtl sacswin
win be confused coeit na property be safe safeNa safeNo f fNo I
No Joy aad BO prosperity be lasting i iHers II IHere
I Hers Herela Is a pr pp pboc pa cy wtlch ha Ms not fafiedl fafiedlOurrB ecllOaara 131541oases
oases Caaada Jury U 0 L 1 P FTh Pn > Pn
n Mites Rack RackTo ReoltTo Rookto
To TBB fa Eorroa OT o Tax 3vn Smrlr 3lr It may b bof be beof beof
of Interest and a is 1 wen of servfoe to your Phila Philadelphia Pblldelpbl ¬ P Pdeiphia
delphia patriot who bo writes so effectively and andpathetically 144PAtMeaII sadplIedcaU1
pathetically of Indents IA III oonnectad eet04 with Ply Plymouth ¬ I Imoulb Imouth
mouth nooks adverse eipcrionets a portion portionof port portof
of Which w1 leb rock he Inform us u wI is Is carefully care full pre prexrved p proserved I IICrved
served at New Plymouth I to be mads m aware er of ofthp oflbe ofthe
the fact fa that W b need Jevmer vrney no further than to totbe totbe tothe
tbe borough ot Brooklyn la order I Ie look upon DftOtt1otber spotanother uponanother
another eetlon at Plymouth Rock wlleb Ieb the ttofounder lbefOdDde thefounders
founder of lbs t Church ot lh lbs pilgrims north northeaat Denli Denlieaa nsrtkeast
east eaa corner ofResmn and Henry streets In Inreverent Inreverenl Inreverent
reverent commemoration of the first loading ot ofthe ottbe otthe
the Pilgrims Interted In la the outeT wall of r tbstf tbstfchurch tbeWcburcb Iblechurch
church edAc RanCvcB RanCvcBBrirtnomu RJIftUJIeL8mtJIGPmL C CsprtneaflzLD
Brirtnomu Ohio IDly U j jPUsahlng J1leeplDlf Jriasahing
PUsahlng H Ito s > r Ear r a Hospital Hospitalfrom HtptlaLFrom oa1tltaLrom
from rom tin 11 Lancrt LancrtA
A somewhat novel method of obtaining fund fundfor fUndSfor eendfor
for a Hospital was adopted by UK Cattertoa tVl tVltorts VI VItorli VItori
torts commute Th TIle president prald Induced U the UIa00ftI1II1I1 theexautmittise > a aoommlttoe
oommlttoe < to tea MM twenlyOv mBYe acres of land sad aodtbo all4tbOll sadthou
thou arranged with a number of neighboring farm fanners farmen ann annera ¬
ers to plough and sow 40 It Twentylive team teamturned ematulntd tsamturned
turned to Ue ploughing operations operitl lll wlrt w wCfIDpiete w were wereceniptete ta tacomplete >
complete tn a talk moralist morntegNo momtnNo
No N It A4rrilMr A4rrilMrTo Awtl I ITO ITO
To TW Entree e 1TOt or a Taw 1 SM3ir Wkey Wbs te teetmrra Si SiElmira
Elmira Aamttur AdIrnIf la rteoviti a the dstev d dJtortete iigarlckp C CJtorlcka
Jtorlcka Glen 01 fetm ft to cNr os MMaatttaflv MMaatttaflvdoe v vdeMl
doe M tt aims aa it its refcrestatewv reretetatMIt to I Oswfnttf sfii1 sfii1tfwTsah1 t j
I JMr tfwTsah1 IM t h OswfnttfwV wV J > I

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