Ie t
J u
ttKConn tx I inoa inoaplan 190113nl IF OLD OLDp3n1
plan W Were ere Filed for 8H4OOOIMHI W liorth liorthot ortli ortliof orthor
of Construction Contru Uon nark ork A Volume Volumeev Volumeevir olumcSenr
Senr ev evir rr Hqualled EqusUed3oit > Jost o t or the Capital CapitalMcnl Capitalent
Mcnl ent Into loU am antI Apartments ApartmentsThe
The annual report of tho th Manhattan ManhattanBuilding Maflhattanfluliding 1AnhattanBuilding
Building Department compiled for the thecfw thelit theflew
flew lit superintendent lIuperlnt Jndent < Rudolph P Miller Millerfhows MilJerhows Millerphows
fhows that the year 1000 was 11 the greater greaterin
in the history of the borough aa a regard rogurciiinvestment regardiDestment regardejnve8tment
investment of capital in new ne construe constructions construeflOIlS construet1ons ¬
tions flOIlS The years flgure3 as tabulated tabulatedhj
J hj James W Spenoer the department departmenttlatfstlclnn departmentttRtistician depiirtmentitatItlclan
tlatfstlclnn give the total of the new con conflructlon conII1Jction con1truction
flructlon work for which plans were IcreIllro wrotUed wereDied
Died at S131 131C6S1 < 64S3 ropresentlnR ropre cntlng cntlngnpW mi minew 99new
new buildings a capital Investment Investmentf070107 Investmentf46210107 Inveatmentt467O1O7
f070107 ahead of that of 1908 when the therecord thef1ord therecord
record of new construction totalled tSl tSlpT83ifl SSc11763i6 64 64pt37
pT83ifl for KM new buildings and the thenearest thenpare theearet
nearest npare t approach to which were the theflcures theftlure thelgUres
flcures for the famous boom year of ol1WS ofi
1WS i when the new building plans reached reachedthe
the phenomenal total of 3572 iiZ represent representIDK
IDK tn a capital investment of Sl24740Ki Sl24740Kiwhich Stti40Mhlch 117CMwhieh
which wo Jrt499031 C99113t behind Inst h t ycarV ycarVapportionment Ylar Ylarapporllonment vearAapportionment
apportionment of new building capital capitalLast c3pltnll capitalLast
Last l t years Rains ains are represented in irnearly innfarly innearly
nearly nil of the th various classifications olthe of ofthe ofthe
the building schedule hut were most mostrctlwablo mOBtrc11Coblo mostrctkenhio
rctlwablo in the t ea cae s of store and anti loft loflbuildings loftt loftbuildings
buildings t and apartment and high class classflat c1l89flat classfat
flat houses the loft building beam bcombring beambflng boombeing
bring eignificant as on Indication of the thedemand thedemUld thedemaM
demand for accommodation following followingthe followlnthl
the huslrrss revival revivalStatisticlan trholStntistlclan revivnltntistician
Statisticlan Spencers table shows that thatthe thatthe
the 111 loft and and store conitruction iench reached Hnclltda i ia
a total of MilOSOlV representing flpro lntlnl 20 2 o no nocommercUl new nrvrol11mer newcommercial
commercial rol11mer IAledlflces edifices more than three threetimes thrle11111f9 threetunes
times the capital investment made in inKj InItJiJ initJ
Kj for the > 13 loft and store building buildingthe
the estimated total cot c < ut ofshlch of hlch was wasJ94SOloo W11f9480tOO svaq194S0100
J94SOloo J94SOlooThe f9480tOOThe 194S0100The
The Investment In apartment hou hOIles hOIlesInd liouesand es esand
and fiat houses reached a Rrnnd rnml total totalof totalor
or 570041009 for 410 4 new btiUdinci hul1dln s the themore themarl themore
more expensive part of which represents repreentprojected repetrntllprojected representsprojected
projected Improvement for the uppei uppeiWest lI iiperVest pN pNWest
West Side > section the record relrR hln J V4 V41i5OO 1 1IIB500 tWI500
IIB500 ahead of ions In h the th amount ol olcapital 01apital olrapital
capital Invpf InPftmlnt tmcnt ami of t9 in the num number number number ¬
ber of now buildings for fo which ran ranneie rl1m rl1mIe
neie ere Ie filed The costliost Ct1 t apartment aparlmenihouse ap1rtmenthoue apartmenthouse
house wa Ol the SlwyOOO SIfoo ttnicture plnnnei plnnneiby lonneJ lonneJby
by George eorge I r Johnson at Hroadwav ant ant113th nn113th and and113th
113th itrftt In the Mornlngi > ii < > listriot eliotrictand < listriotand litr1ctand
and the mot mo t notable from a Ftandpolni Ftandpolnicf
cf public benefit toe flt the croup of four mode modetenements modeltenements 1 1tentmectl
tenements to h e erected for Wllllntn 1 Janderbllt 1anderbllt >
4 anderbllt on Seventyseventh street streelnd vtreetand streetand
and nd Seventyeighth Bev ntyelghth street adjoining odjoininpthe
the new John Jay Park which are to tod lx lxdevote b bdevoted
devote d votfl exclusively to the housing 01 oltuberculosis 01tubercul 01tuberculoia
tuberculosis tubercul 11I patients of moderate mean meaniand meannd zneanand
and nd which will be equipped with ccienlineally rcilntillcal1y ccien cientifleally
lineally planned facilities for open all allliving ai altliving
living I jnc and sleeping sleepingThe lleplnThe sleepIngThe
The loft nnn nd tore construction onltructlon pre previously preioul preiouIy ¬
viously ioul mentioned mentoned included cevcrrl toer1 ex exceptionally exlptlonl7 oxceptioualir ¬
ceptionally important Imprtnnt undortakinsp chicl chiclof chlelof
of lptlonl7 whichin wWcb In point pint of capital rplhl Invwtmcnt Invwtmcntwas Invtmct InvtmctIS
was IS the H000000 SOO department deprtmcnt etoro for foiGimbcl forGmbel forGimbel
Gimbcl Gmbel Bros in Oreeley Sqnare qnte r rrecord nr arecord
record r cr breakIng bnklnl operation optrton in point ol olrapid ofrapid oXrapid
rapid construction cMMlctlon work Other notable notableoperations notblpemtlon rotbIoperntioflc
operations In this class cS arc tho twenty twentyMory twentytor twenty140ry
Mory tor and attic ato skyscraper ekYlcpr to replace replacethe rppl
0 the Ashland Asbld House 10us a I noted nat Fourth Iotirttavenue IourthIv Fourthavenue
avenue Iv ue hostelry to t cost Ct SGGOCOO SGr th thtwenty thtwty thtwenty <
twenty twty story stor office ofc and od loft bulldm bulldmfor hulcml
for Henry nr Corn Cor on the site of 0 the Clar Clarendon C1r C1rlndon Clarendon ¬
endon lndon Hotel another famous house hoto ol olbygone 01bygone otbygone
bygone time to cost ct 1000000 100 the eighteen eighteenMory eichten eichtentor eighteenhtory
Mory tor loft lf building buldlnlt of too American AmericanWoolen Amercn AmercnWole AmericanWoolen
Woolen Wole Company Cmpny replacing tho old oldFlorence oldFlorenc oldFlorence
Florence Florenc Hotel Horl on the opposite oPIosit corner cornerfrom comerIrom cornerhorn
from the Clarendon Clrendon site and which it itto II leto
to be b united unied with the rebuilt rebuit section cion of oith ofIh8 ofthe
th the old Parker Building Buidiifg an improvement improvementto imprlmet imprlmetto
to cost St800000 St800000Statistician Itm ItmSttistican t81X1030Statiettefan
Statistician Sttistican Spencers SpncerR table table shows that thatthe tlt tltIhe thttthe
the activity actvty in loft construction constrcion was wasxoinewhat wasomeht waaomcwhat
xoinewhat offset ost on the total cnpittl cnpittlinvestment rpihl rpihlnnetment ctpitiIinvestment
investment of the te year yer by b9 a falling falln fa1bn off or in inoffice Inofc inofike
office ofc building buiding construction cnstrclon last Ilst years yearsquota Ylrs Ylrsquot yearequota
quota quot being blnl thirtyfour buildlngti buidlngl to tocost t toeet
cost et 112666750 1165 as compared cmpar with wth forty tortyfii
fii ix office otc buildings buidin s to t cost COlt 134080030 134080030planned fU 34OOooplaaned Oo
planned planed in 1008 1008Of 10 1008of
Of last lst years n new w office ofce structures structuresthe
the most mOlt noteworthy noteworhy aro the thirty thirtyFlr
rtory Flr towerlike twerlk Bryant Brant Building Buldin on outh onth onthe
th the site of the original origln1 Bryant 11lnt Building Buildingat flialIdinat lldlnl
at Liberty Lbry and Nassau KaU strecta which is isto isto isto
to be a commercial commtreil memorial of the poet poetand po poetand t tanr
and anr editor edior William Wilam Cullen Clen Bryant nnd nndanother nndanotber andanother
another tower twer edifice edifce to be known know as asthe IHthe asthe
the Heidelberg H and the striking feature featureof fehlre fehlreof
of which is II to t be b the elaborate elbrt electric electricillumination eltcrle eltcrleumination electricillumination
illumination of its I lofty lofy outlines outinl by n nmammoth I amammoth
mammoth mammot framework frework of electric elltric globea globeaThe glob globeeThe
The tables bleshow show a gain gin gamin in new church churchcover churchN churchover
over o r the record recrd for 1908 10 with wtb ten new neweturches newmurches neweliurches
eturches to t coat ct a total ttl of SI Sliioooo Sliiooooa 1100 110000 110000against
aR a against aghlst nine in 1909 I calling clnq for an anipendiluro nnpendi ansapendituro
ipendiluro pendi ure of 1100 710000 an a increase Incro also nlo
In the number numbr of schools shol both bth public publc and andprivate andprhato andprhato
prhato over the record rEcrd of zoos 106 and anda and anda
a further furher increase Incr in the public publo buildings hu idlnJ1
designed d Rlgne for theatres thMtre and places plao of ofamusement ofamupeent oramusement
amusement amupeent of which whic twentyseven twentysen were wereprojected werl woreprojected
projected projecte last lt year Ylr nt a I total coat 0t of
14300071 S43061 an af against nineteen ninltn similar aimllr
buildings huidinll planned plnned in 11 1008 at a total totl coat coatof Ct Ctof costof
of Jl833000 SI90 and an Increase ince In manu mnu ¬
factory factor and Ind workshop worlhop buildings buldln of ofwhich olwhich ofwhich
which tmentyflvo tcntyfve were projected prjeced last lastyear 13MtPr lastyear
year Pr at It a coat t of 1557000 11570 na R compared comparedwith eampaJ d dWth
with Wth twentyfour tntyfolr planned p une in 1008 JO at Gt a aco ncot acast
co cot t of 102HO 102HOThe 1022150 1022150The L022l50The
The proj projftr projcted ct < xl theatre thfAtr construction cnRtrcUon of
I li1 l9g o Is II extyptlonal ex ptonal by reason rlll of thonrtistlo thonrtistloimprovement tholriUo tholriUoImproemlft tho art jstlo jstloImprovement
noted in tho
improvement note drawinen dJwlngn of ofthe ofIhe ofthe
the architects Irehltect and in th the growing t tn > n
dncy denc to make tlw th hjtndnonm MndAm rown new r Uy >
housM hou anniixun InnXl to t big bl often ofc buIldIngs buildincsthus buldln buldlnthU buIldIngsthua fly
thus thU earning Increasing IncrlBinp capacity their utility utlty and revenue revenueearning relnl revenuesarning
The theatre thetre capcty A embraced emhrc in the twenty twent twentereo
wsven n places of amusement and ad assembly assemb
UsfcKi tRW by Statistician StatlUean Spencer Spncr include Inclue lmbl the thenew thenew
te tenew
new Globe Gob a striking Itrkg example of the thepure thepJre thepure
pure Venetian Yeneda Renaissance RnaSno unrigi dI I on oneat
Se eat t Fortysixth ForYlxth street stret the Apollo at
Seventh Fo v enth avenue and ad Forty ForYevlnth Fortyseventh Fortyseventhstreet APlo eventh eventhttreflt
street tr t the te new Hhulwrt Shubr Th TMtr Theatre iatre on the thont tbeFite thepit
nt Fite s of the old Mystic tlata on Thirtyninth
MYdo tt Thirtyninthetreet Tirtyninthptrlt
street ptrlt opposite opplt the Casino Clno a Florentine J10rnUno
RenalMance Rensance playhouse also for the
Shuberte Shubrt on Fortythird Fortyt street strt opposite te
th ts Lyric Lyrc another aother theatre thotm on oppt West Westrortyeighth Wet Vestortyeightb
rortyeighth street Itet near nou Broadway Boway in
the Ih style of the early Italian Itllan Jtonaiseanoe JtonaiseanoeMid JtonaIssanand
ery Honce HonceAd
Mid Ad finally faly a twelve twlV story ltr theatre thMtr and
offlcfj offleee with wth Doric Dro finish fsh flnlshat at Broadway rodway
Mid Id Fortythird Forythlr atre ItJt street t adjoining aoining Shan 8hn Bhaneya
l levf eya y restaurant restaurantA returat
A similar elmllr advance In architectural arhittul art
l 11 II shown Rhow in avc the new private prvat dwellings dwellingsprojected dWllng dwellingsprojected a
projected projec d last year yer bf which the number numberwas numberwa
was wa fiftyfive Ifyfve to t cost Ct 13249392 12 3 more than tan
double the investment Invetment of 1008 108 The Theconspicuous ThecOOpleuoU TheConspicuous
conspicuous cOOpleuoU undertakings uderkng are Edwin Ewin
Goulds new residence rdenc in th te the Florentine Florentinestyle FlonmtlneMyl Florentinestyle
style at Fifth Ffb avenue and nd Seventyfifth Seventyfifthtr Svetfth SvetfthIrAt
IrAt street tr t and 4d the J B B Duke Dke house at Fifth Fifthav Fth FthIwnue flfthaVflUe
av Iwnue nuB and Seventy Seventyeighth w ntylghth lthth street stret to tocost t tocoe
cost t S36O 365000 Other Otherhuidln buildings of artistic artisticn arlsto arlstoripn
n ripn ls1gn rn are ar th the new Damroech Damr0ch Instituto IIUtut
for Mueical Muelcl Mnai Art endowed endowe for 150 500000 500000v 500008Jamee
v Jamea J1mt Loobj Lb Loob the new auditorium audtrum of oftho oftn ofthe
the tn Society Soety for Ethical EtiC te Culture Cuture on Central Cntral
Park West Wet which whch is to t ho h of a type of oUbe tho thoJ
J IMISnce RflaIsaanoe rwissanoo of the Third Thr Napoleonic Napoleonicreiod Naplenlo Naplenloro NapoleonloPrted typ
reiod ro the Spanish American Church Chuch of ofOur ofUur
SPh Aerr
Our Lady Iy of OuadAlonpo Oudloop a classic clla edifice edificeoverlooking edice ediceoerlookg edificeoveriooldng
overlooking the Huntington luUnn Hispanic Hpalo
Society Museum Moeu on Audubon Audubn Park Parkterrace Parktra Parkterrace
terrace tra and ad the n new w clubhouse clubhot clubho ae of the theOrder
Order of o E Elks on a Fortythird oytr street atet itreetjiear itreetjiearthe > jiear jiearthe er erthe
the new Army Ay and ad Navy Nav clubhouse clubhousowd clubhot
< rendcd rendcdTh rede rendedThe wd id d upon upn which whch Jl000000 tOO is i to t be b ox oxrendcd exrede cxrended
Th Thl The department det bibles tbe show Ao that tht the thealterations theA thesLterntions
alterations A IImton j1 planned during duDI the year yearached yer yerch yearrtcld
ached ch the theg largo total tt of 3578 318 involving involvingu Involvg InvolvgAU
AU u MUnmtod utt capital C t expenditnro eXpdiom of ofHrtr olI of1I3lfl9
Hrtr 1I3lfl9 I t7Ta m a big b advance avaD over thA th 1008 1008cord 10 1908eord
cord 1 of 2830 28 buildings buldng altered altre and ad 1m 1mi
i rov F0V5ij d at a cost ot of 1101731 10530731 bringing bringingie
11 ie e combined cbn capital investment Invetment of 1 1m 1009n 0 0new
1 n new buildings bDg cpt and ad existing exllUnl buildings buildingso buldlnj
o b b be improved Impronup up to t the te grand la total tt of ofii ofIUU2U
ii 413X2212 IUU2U representing repndng 4573 173 separate separatePuratMmi lept separaterations
PuratMmi rations a s aa ooorpared Cr oo ipared with th IG61812 9S61fl137 9S61fl137expended 516137expuuied
expended exd on O i 3430 a L4 new ° and ad old buildings buildingsin buldn buldni
in i 4 < int l Xt Lstyears Last years yl total tt gain pn la i therefore thereforeV tberfor
S48SieOS5 SIt0 In capital Investment and 1083 1083In 10 1083in
In tho number nubr capltlnvetent of building bulding operations operationsMANHATTAN oprUon operationsMANtATrA
MANHATTAN aANTrH BOILDINO 10tLtUO KXCOBO JUCCI FOB ra 1008 1008Irlvale 11 10 10Vrw
Vrw No Coat ima imaDWeIltntcs1et
n nurna No Cost 011 COi 11
DwetnlsUe DWeIltntcs1et a SO smtxx smtxxTwehu Sloo
Telu Twehu mOi monlh3 Ils M 332 45M3 5 5TencmemiIiUec 13U
TenemeILVe TencmemiIiUec 31 L 4 10 1tOO J JTwrte 80
Teh Twrte mols month e 110 0 I
t rOCo
rxrtsned 140 istmo I 200 LUO LUOTwpIre
TIe TwpIre Dorlb nontbi U 410 lta7fl I S SStoteaLcc 10
SloeU StoteaLcc II m 110 i tew 14 14I JtG
I Twrle monlb 3 1OO56450 04 13 243 243I 410
I I OreeUe Omceiec a 1 1O5tXJ 0 0
I Tehe Teelve monl tnonth 31 I 1e7 i65e7AQ 4e 34SII 34SIII 345O00 345O00Worksbops
Worksbops 176OcK 3 10 irn3o irn3oTweiroinoOth
I WorksboD SCtiOoZpDc SCtiOoZpDcTwetventoaths Telve TweiroinoOth mOQlb 1 j7es 1S 70 1 JOt JOtSloD 1otl5o 1otl5oSCtiOoZpDc
CburchcDe Tcle Twetventoaths mOQ Ihs 7 S15o 6155 Wo CQ5000 CQ5000CburchcDe
ChUIICDc Tneh Twe1semonjhs 10 100 llIOD3 U 7100 710000 710000Pubflc
Publc Pubflc Pubflcmualcipal mualcipal mualcipal1ee nI mOllt < ln1 ln1mullcIPI
nc I 4fD SO I ITwalte 0
Temonlb Twalte mnoetbi R 10 6000 14 1710 1771000 1771000Public
Public Iiutktirnr d
Places of ofAnuement 1 1Anuemrnt
Anuemrnt Anuement Anuementetrflec
ettDee etrflec 4 110 ll73I ll73IFweve 0
Teu Fweve mob7 raoithq 7 4 81 II 19 19tabJes J01o
tabJes end Oar OaragrD
Itable Ind Ga
agrD em a aT M Mehe
T alelDe ehe monI mouths 31 1 I iioais IOI ro 31 I Imr 3376550 3376550thcr
thcr Struelure
thcrDcc Ore 353o 353oTWtve 7 7 7Tcle
Tcle TWtve month I its I moax WI 110 110TolalD 150076 150076TotalDee
TolalD TotalDee U 74 1101 810351350 M 5 5Twelve 61
Tel Twelve mOlti montbs o 000 131818 131545453 6 I IDwrtUngsDec MQ78 I IAIlon
AIlon AIlonDwclnlsD
DwclnlsD DwrtUngsDec I ltM55 4 17 17Twelve
Twelve month IJ atj i1aott 456 1506763 1506763TeasmentiiIJse
TnmeltU TeasmentiiIJse lO ISO J3 1t34 10 e I SI 176573 176573Tweh
Twd montbsl540 7152314 1 J3 1584 101 101JItIO
JItIO 1Intetttec I I 6476 J
Twrhe he months 50 57705 63 31 31StrsDee 315355 315355SLore8Dce
I O s
StrsDee SLore8Dce RI 576557 47 550M 550MTwrlve
387 387Tehe
Tehe monlhs1 monmh 535 r5AlOt IOI7 307 10 1044055 10440550Oecttc
OrO 0Oecttc i 5 mai 10 1
T Twclr el monlh months un 001 13 135 5M3M 5M3MFarorIeDec MM MM7
FarorIeDec 7 Z717 17 1 IS 173 07300 07300Twelve
Twelve monlhs WI 47377 1 Its ItschnotDee 4M 4MSlnlsD
SlnlsD chnotDee I 1o Jo3xx Jo3xxTweIe 717 7 7TIe
TIe mOllhs molhs 76 rOl 65 65ChrrbrDc 0
ChlrrbrOt ChrrbrDc sos Oll 4 7 7TIC 7rwch
TIC rwch monlhs 31 347550 1 5 181 l156 l1563ibllc
lblc 3ibllc lutlor Itutk1Ins Itutk1Inslec
It lec 13 ll3m 7 7TteIve A ATele
Tele TteIve months UI let I5575 131 11 10 5043 5043Stable
Sthle Stable and nrl ir OararaL3ee irarrDe
arrDe araL3ee 3 MoD 50040 1 3 78 78TIc 76500 76500TwrRo
TIc monlb 7 79 11171 IllL7m 1 50 471 471TotalDr 210 210ToID
ToID M7606 IIIO IIIOTrnmonlhMI
TrnmonlhMI Twetv rnontht373 13Q7 130557J S71 7159 s tor7 i055s7t i055s7tUranci 1 1Urand
Urand Total Totalew 01 01f
f ew Od Odnra flhc1a 4 4ltera1In
nra ltera1In ltera1Inliec lou S
le liec Ml 1 111014 lI5l0fl5 250 250TeIemonIh1555
Th TeIemonIh1555 moolh I lll5tS2l = = 5406 I 0551637 0551637Private II IIrhle
Helll Wei Company ompn ha ha has nolcl Ild for the Man Mnnnelmer Mln Mlnhfllfr Manhclmr
nelmer hfllfr p rSI eStiIC tnli lo Henry lCnr Ilnrburner No NoIto
Ito 10 West Wt t TwentrBlxth street atret a four fourutorj rourI fourstory
story I a t ilwpllinit dWlllnl on lot JjxusgL between betvteenSixth betweenSixtis
Sixth and nd Siventh enlh avenues nv nue Tlie 11 prop property prp prpIrl property ¬
erty Irl idloinmz ndtoln nJ nt No o us 13 was wa Bold 8Id a few fewdivn rewd111 few15i
divn d111 15i 110 see ao t h > y Edward Fwa1 Bur to Charles Charlesinchot CbarlesI Charlesnchot
I inchot by the same Sme broker brokerFJUHTYSIXTH brokeFJUITYSIXTI brokersFJUIITVSIXTII
Vnnarh nnh has ha old for Catherine Hall No o
I 123 Wett Wflt EljhtIXlh Eightsslah Eifht > ilh Street a five te nai story storymerlran Rtry Rtrymertcan storymerlcan
merlran na baIconl basement etnenf dw dVlel dweilng lllntr na on lot lotloaxlbOS lotI loti9SxiOOS
I houl loaxlbOS 116xIO8 Tho buyer will 1 occupy oUP Ibe IbeI Ibehoul
11 I I iSsTIi SAT TI 1 1 STREET STREErhe MTBEETTIie The Duff Duf A Brown Com Compinr Comn
pinr p n 1 has u > > 5 sold for Caroline Carolne Itom lt No 4 4Wc 488 488II 485I
I Wc Wtt Ct t 138th I th street Irtr a nU Ix story Itory Hat lat on plot plotnttxfla plotI plottlrssil
nttxfla fXmll n between Convent and Dn Amsier Amsiercl Amslerdn Amsterthin
II I cl dn tin avenue nveniiBHOADWAY Ienul avenueUIOlWAY5la
BHOADWAY 8101 Y Max u I and Simon K F Hern Hernbrunt Hem Hemhiinir ern ernI
brunt hChltr r have sold lld the Iht seven story elevator elnvatorapurlment elevatoraHertrnent Ievaloraplrlrtnt
I apurlment aplrlrtnt hnuv hnl with wlh v tth stores slor stomesat nt thenouth thenouthe the Illh south
t Weat e t ccrnrr or Hroadwav HrOUJwa and 101st 101lt street streetnn Ilreer IlreerI
I I nn plot 10x100 IUO to Edith Ed Ih Ij I Sawynrd SawynrdI Mawvar
The I he hulldint huldlng Is known as a the Broadway Broadwayn Broa Broaawayumnd way waynd
I n umnd nd was all nrquirrd RQuirld by the sellers lelers about aboutfour abut abutI aboutfour
I four fnl r year years fan ana Sil The ThE corner corer store slor Is occu occupied oecl occupied ¬
I pied b 1n Hf I iteeunan > ftpinan frnn A Co CoTvrXTYSECONU CoTr CoTWflNTYSECONL
p Inrob has ha bought otlthr from Jane K and andSarah and4arah
I Sarah Slrl O 7 braw Irar and nd Thomas C ClarUon ClarUonNo ClarknSOlO
No SOlO 10 0 and K r 7 We Vet > t Twentysecond wenlKond street HtreetI streetIwo
I Iwo wo four fOlr story RloryluUdlnll butldlnac on plot 516x080 516x080Mr > 100 100Ir
Mr Ir irobo Iols owns tile Ih adjoining anJolmnl properly propertyat
1 at A Xos St t anti 25 0 and now no controls coolroll a plot plotTTVFNTYSKCOSn plotlo10Igl plotioatoxnse
lo10Igl ioatoxnse ioatoxnseTWENTYSECOU
i TF of f Hamilton Iltllon M I NVilley SCiley and tbe Olanford Olanfordestate Garord GarordI alasfordestale
estate Rtlio have nol sohj i < l No 0 UN I II IS to 134 West WestTwentycecond Westenron WestTwetutyeeeond
I Twentycecond enron street trft four fOlr three thr story storyand Rtor Rtornnd storyand
and basement bnm nt < brick hrl dwellings d elncs on plot plottxCV ploLI plotp
txCV SxC > between bfWCD Sixth and Seventh SeventhaTomies Svenlh Svenlhsnnn Seventharcnuns
p aTomies It I m il eid dd id that tim buyers buer will willcre wi willeret
I cre ttt eret t u loft buildlnz btJldln on the site Ile Ogden OcdcoA OldeD OldeDk
k Clarlson ClarlNn negotiated ololnle the Ile IleISEVESTSINTU saleSISVENrvNINril sale saleSEVEN
ISEVESTSINTU SEVEN rNINfH STKEirT SIEII8rh 8TltElTSarah Sarah f filomans f10mRn 1Ilornana
ilomans 10mRn has hnl sold oid No SOl Sea Ira Jl and 181 11 West WestSflventynlntb Welt WeltvetlynIDlh WestSeverityninth
Sflventynlntb vetlynIDlh street stre two five story storydndltnes Itory Itorydnln story1welttns
dndltnes dnln on plot 1101 UxlOl 3U0 between betwfo Co Cohinibim e CoJumbos
Jumbos lumbl and Amsterdam avenues avenue A At k kC V VC
C I Tvll tevta vls are said to have been n the brokers brokersIn broker
In the lit lr Irnalon trtnsauqlon n aitlon Th Thadjoinlne adlolnlne adolnlnl prP prop proprrtr oroprn
rrtr rn at No o IM I was as recently rcntly purcbarec purcbarecb purcbae
b Osrir Kr IrSISEY Kress KressNINETY ss ssNINETY
NINETY SISEY EIGHTH IGITI8IEShlna1 8TUEET ST1IEETSehinasi Schlnasl Bros Broshare Broshve Broshare
hare sold No 0 Ito 11 to IK 1 Went W t Ninety Ninetyeighth Ninetyellhih Ninetyeiithth
eighth ellhih street four four story alol dwellings dwellingson dwelnl
on n plot BixliiiII lltIL also 11 Von So lift and 133 133West I IWes i3 i3Vct
West Wes Ninetyeighth Sinelyllhlh street It t two similar similardwpUlnr Ilmla similardwellIngs
dwellIngs dlln2 on plot MxlOOil MxlOOilI 31XI01 33xI001l18TIl
I KSTH JiAI STUKHT TlnF The AlcaJir A 7r Realty Cornpany Corn Compnny Cotqpony
pony has hn old 011 Nov o rO o C and nd no 17 tto7 Went et iTRtn iTRtntrpet 1lh 1lhI 178thstreet
I street a new neY live story wn apartment house housenn houl
I nn plot 5Ol00 O IO 101 between btfen aprlmetlr Audubon Audubn and andVndcivorth andWndworh andVndsworth
Wndworh Vndcivorth nvetuie Ivlllei William Wilm A Darllnn Darllnnw Jarlnl
w was A the Iht broker In he transaction transactionTHIimKOlWTH trDlncton trDlnctonIJRTJOIITH transactIonTHIItTuFOVIXIl
have w old > ld for Edwin 11ln Walton WaioD No o 4S3 4 Wect WeU1hlrtyrourh WsatThirtyfouirth
1 hlrtyfourth 1hlrtyrourh street tnt a four story try and andbasement andbnsemfnt andhamenL
basement bnsemfnt dwelling dWflhl1 on lot W 70101959 70101959SIWENTH 101989 101989SKVENTII IO8SpVESTn
SKVENTII SpVESTn VKSrETMayer JT layer S Auerbach Auerbachhaj
has boil blIh bouutht ah t from frm Josephine IoMPbIDe Delano NOR
212 1 and nit I Seventh Jtnth avenue nearTwenty nearTwentyciulitli nearwenlyhdllh near Twenty Twentyelidutli
ciulitli street lr l old buildings huidlnll on plot MxOSS MxOSSFORTYIllTII Ixl 50x05SFORTYtilIl S SFORTYIJI11
FORTYIllTII FORTYIJI11 8TRKKT HTRJIIwar STREKTF4ward Kdward C Will Willlams Wi Willtansa
lams laml hn has Fold 101110 to the Herald Square Hold Holding HoldIn HoldthiS ¬
thiS In TompMiy Samuel I muel bevy lv ITen Prel No Nosn Sot
sn Vo Vet t rortyflfth Fortnfh street rlet a three story storybuilding storybullcJln lor lorbuldn
building buldn ini Jzto16 > The Herald rerld Square Squarelloldinrt IQuare IQuarei 8quiareholding
i holding I old 11 tompnnv Compn Is the purchnser of tbe tbeadjoining tbeadJolnhlt theadjoininir
adjoining adJolnhlt property No 32 3 and ord 24 and andnow sndI sadnow
I now IOW control a plot noxioos noxioosi 8110 8110Rflnt fl0xl005Recent
i Recent Rflnt Huer HuerI nUer
I i Donald n IL Redden Cedde U 1 the buyer of No Noi
i I 54 East lt 8opntynlnth nlnlnlh street Rtret sold recently recentlyby rnLy rnLyi
i by t the I hI Ilev U ntul Ind Mrs George William WilliamthroiiKh WIUm WIUmI William1ouglss
hI Doulls 1ouglss throiiKh IhrouJh the he Douglas roullas Robinson RobinsonChnrles Robinon Robinonlhlrl Itobinsonhones
I hones 8 Drown Iron Company ComJNny ComnanyJamrs
I lhlrl Jamrs Iam W V MuCiilloch 1lcluloeh In I the buyer of No
I 215 1 JVarl llarl street Ilrlel Hold recently reenty by W Irving IrvingClarke Jrla JrlaCllrke IrvingClarke
1 Clarke Cllrke Comiwny V Vtonn through Ihroulh the Charles Chrlea K J Noyes NoyesComiwny So NoyesCompan yes
comlNnr John f Kennedy nnpdy l Is the buyer of No 4 4West 4Wt 429 429Vest
West 117th 1lh street sold ld recently reenly for Eugenia EugeniaWolf Jug EugeniaWolf nla nlaWol
Wolf Wol hv H C Senior A Co and William Wiiam C CA CJdwRrd
A A Kdward JdwRrd Lester IjecterThe LesterThe r rThe
The Farmers Farmlrl Jx Jan > an and Trust Trul I Company CompanyIs
Is I the real buyer bUfr of the Ihl southeast touthlut so theast corner crner of ofFifth orFih ofFifth
Fifth avenue and ForlYlrL FortyXrst Fortyfirst street Ilreel The Thetrust Theompn Thetrust
trust Fih company ompn nome l0me time lmo ago ICO leased lUld Ibe IbeDelHilold IbeftIHlell thefelslkld
DelHilold ftIHlell plot of XI feet adjoining adJoin In at No
475 Fifth Ffh aeium 1m Tho nominal nomlnl buyer buyeriiif huyerlor luiverof
lor iiif the thl th corner Charles 1larlel A t Capron yesterday yesterdayI elerlayt
t i trntisferrvKl It I to the truxt trlL 0 company comploy The Theprko Theprko Thepriu
prko was 1 540000
Irairs IrairsThe 1tut 1tutThe lcaarsThe
The John II I Fife Company ha has leased leasedfor lea lealor leasedfor
for Ham S and nd I Lee ne Shubert ompny the first nrt and andsecond andRecnd andsecond
second Recnd Im Moors 1 and basement bl ltnL In the building buildingat buldlni
at Nos o oa 10 110 10 and Inr 112 I 12 West Wlst Thirtyninth street streetlo
lo Ibe Abhaye Company for restaurant restaurantpurposen rflaurnL rflaurnLpUr restaurantpurposes
purposes The lease U I for ten lD rears ear at an anaggregate aDRIOrgsl annggraate
aggregate pUr rental rentl of 1120000 100 1120000I
RIOrgsl 1 IS T a Canavan and J 1 W Cusnraan eshmaD A ACo 4Co
Co have leased loled to Annie Topp the five fivestory fve fvettr fiveCrOFT
story ttr 0 hve dwelling dwelJnl at No 42J 42 West Twentieth Twentiethstreet fweDteth fweDtethtet rwentlethstreet
street for a term of yean yea at t an aggregate aggregaterental allcate allcaterntlof aggregaterental
rental rntlof of IHooo IHoooTorrrna SI30 SI30Torrm 113000Torrrnl
Torrrna Tlllr Tlip Itrclatrntlon 1llstrnlon Compsuiy Compsuiyfollowing Coni ConIpanFollowing pan panIolowlnl
following the recent rcoDt court curt decisions decisionsupholding decslonl dcclsionsupholding
upholding Iolowlnl the constitutionality cmlltutonaly of the tholand the110 theland
upholdlnl land title registration htraton law I them Ihe has h8 been beenorganlred beenfrant7ed beenorganized
organized frant7ed 110 the th Torrens Torns Title Tile Registration RegistrationCompany ReJstrnton ReJstrntonCom RegistrationCompany
Company Com which will 11 take up the work workof wor worof
of assisting 111 property prprty owners owner In preparing preparingthe preparlnl
the th nerexsarx nec ar applications applc to a for having bavlnl their
titles tlte roKlnt rellllid registered red by b the state MtateThose tlat stateThose
Those Interested In tho new company companvare eorpanvar
are O Imbrie Inlerste Smith Smih W F ilontrpM 31ontross Pavld PavldCtirtin Dlvid DlvidCurtn Dsv t tOtirtin
ar Ctirtin Victor Vllor f Whitney Whlney and Utlbert Hibrt Ray RayHawes RayHawe Rayliawes
Curtn Hawes Hawe attorney alorney The company will wJ have havea
a capital capltl of 180000 180000DolldlnK 160 160Duldlnl 160000liullilIng
DolldlnK Duldlnl Newt NewtPlan Ne NePIAt NewsPlans
Plan PIAt have be bn been n died tled with Building Duldlnl Su Superintendent Surlntendet Soperintendant ¬
perintendent MUJcr for enlargIng the six sixtOr sixstory lx
itory story loft and Mlfr store Itor building buUcUJ1 euarl at the north northenfl nortbelIL northeast
east tOr corner lof of Canal Ca and ad Lafayette Lrantt streets streetwith streetswih streetswith
with elIL a six story ItOr o extension exeion from fom designs delA by byDelano byDelano byDelano
wih Delano 4 < AldrIch for Alfred Alred 8 Ston Salon ton at a cost costFlans Ct Ctot costof
ot 110000 110000Plans
Plans 00 hare hae been hn filed nle for remodelling remodellingthe rfmolnl
the Ih live story and basement balment loft building buildingnt buldlDJ
nt tSo No Nos lve 48 4safld Rand6Park and SO Park place plar running rtJ through throughlo
lo Barclay DarClay street and equipping the build buildln buid buidInl
ln with new ne elevator service rvle tbo Improve Improvemrnta improvemeats
meats Inl mDt 11 belnir bing made mlde from tron de delge designs lma by Improve ImprovemDt Cross Croa CroaCross A ACross tCross
Cross for M Mtaa Il Us l M d Redman dmn as owner Plans Planshave Plan Planshave
have alo been filed nlld for remodelling remoelln tbe six sixstory lx lxstory txstOr
story tenement n at No 17 to to3 S3 Hancock Hancockstreet tiancockstreet Jancok JancokIteet
street stOr installing stores Ilorel 1 on the ground groundfloor groundfloor round roundfoor
Iteet floor the IDKtalml Improvements twine bllJrom belngfrom from designs designsby deall
foor by as Snelllne SDellng owner ownerThe 4 t Potter Pot for the A N z Low Lw estate estateThe Mtte MttealTgnB estateas
alTgnB The Bronx nx plans plan for new nw building buld In Include I inelude ¬
clude two five Ive story Ilor flat fat for lo the Cohen CohenEclonan Coh CohEk CohenEckman
Eclonan Corporation Corpaton on Franklin Frnli avenue avenuesouth avenueluth avenuesouth
south luth Ek of 170th 10th street Itrt to cost cot aiooooo 100 a five nventory nntory fivestory
tory flat for the Cornish Crtb Construction ConstructionCompany Cotructon CotructonComPY ConstructionCompany
Company tat on Fifth Fih avenus north notb of 171th 171thstreet lub lubItetto 179thtret
street ComPY to costS COlt JSSooo 355 000 and a five fve story flat flatfor X1tfor
fO tlt tltfor
Itetto for hoses 1 Mulhall Mu bai on Hunts lut Point road roadsouth roadIOUt roansouth
south of Seneca SDea avenue avenues to t cost cot J35000 J35000o 10 35 35No
IOUt No > o piano plat for new buildings buldt were reported reportedla
la Manhattan ManhattanYesterdays Manhattn Manhattntnas ManhattanYesterdays
Yesterdays tnas Anetlen Aaoleo Hale HalelAt MalesAs alt
lAt lA As II Ve VCT Vesty ey Street StreetBT StreLI StreLIJJOa 4 4ST
BT JJOa josam r 1 DAT DATWooster DAYo DATVooater
Wooster stttwt No 179 to 1U 1 west side ade
o 100 feet tl s tomb b of Blaecker Bkr street tn 74az 74 74Sm a
100 1 ervtn atorr a Ion In and store at buUdtac buUdtacChart bl
Chart Cbsrtes 1M 8n Fowler et etLvsJBind eivi n JBuul Ba J JCornell Si SiCornell W
Cornell C Co Opay Gempsel Fo p oy e et al a 1 due on Jnd Jndraent Sul Sulmo iidg iidgn1en
CroU raent mo WJt P M subject aab to t taxes S Ac A Ai di
i rI
I1J4 1130 40 subject to s first mortgage 01 oliiusoi 01IUOI 01106l
iiusoi to tho pttiBtin r i 1131100 1131100street
tZ l7Ib street atret No ft 1 south al ride de 10 t feet fcewen teeSwan feetweit
wen of Park Parkaveauodl ParkavenueiSz9aIl avenue Urse 11 six III story tr
tenement teemeQt and aQc tore a E D McMuu McMuuet Moue
et e al vs va Simon mQ Volk el at a due un unludament unludrmeQI enjudgment
judgment t3n 337403 ei sub ubect ct to a CusS nntmortrace CusSmorigige
Z t lrt lrtt lrtbO
mortrace t of ttt000 to Tbomaa 1 b Carroll CarrollAnd Carrotiand
And = Jacob bO bOc Cbalmowltz c Irz Irzb M413 76413763tbstrret M413street U
763tbstrret b street ateet No O3 north Qorh tide U3 feel feeleat foeleat feeleast
eat of Keolar avenue 21x100 110 two 0 stOrY Ior IordwelDr
dwelling dwelDr M V llcCuiktr lcoker v vs U V I IKyan IRaD IRYan
RYan berlfTt berr sate > of all right title title4r Ile Ileoc titlec
sao rrbt
4r oc c which defendant bad July I or orlnce orQce orsince
deQdalt ha
since Qce a Ultndrtvrn UltndrtvrnBT WlbdraYn WlbdraYnBY
BT BiUCrt MABX MABXRtdte SAI 9151Ridge
Ridge street No No17weol 87 7 wet tide 1S2I1 I II feet feetsouth feelsouth eetruth
south ruth of imtncton Ih1aton Street aree Mxlt9TxviT Mxlt9TxviTIrreguUr 76z176IlSOrIrregular xl = TI TIImrula
Irregular Imrula inure Inr story aory aynazocua ynalorUQ sn ant an1lw anttwo I Itwo
two lw four story loft tjiilldlnit tulllns In rear rearCbarle rea rear4brie
Cbarle barr Decker 6100 ker vs VI Simon line llle et al aldue aldue atdoe
due on judgment S41NI7M 11 subject to totaxe 10tu totaxes
taxes tu 6c C J4w 34g6o 06 6o to the plnlntllT pslall VUOO VUOOBT 35010PT 0
lUth 1 lh street areet north n rih side KO 10 fret tel west t or orWatblngton orWublnrlOQ ofVasbtngton
Watblngton avenue lotion vacant vacantMary vaeanlMr vacantMary
Mary Mr Dunn Dune vs Julius Jutus 10 Uraun Urun et al ii iidue l ldue
due on Judgment Judimenl t7SJOl subject to totaxes total totales
taxes tal 6c c SKf V5455 > A4 U to Clarence Clarenc C Rogers ItotersBT ltcr 5 85701 85701ST
17th t1h street re No COT 07 north norb tide dc 134 1 1340 feet feetwett fel felwel feeLwest
west wel of Elcbth avenue 5530U1lt1c 5530U1lt1cstory 3111 1xWII nc ncstory nnalor
story alor tenement and nd store Itor Rachel New Newmaa kewma ew7 ew7man
man ma vs Jo JOSI Jocpb cn Ettllnecr EttQrer et al due on onJudgment onudrmenl onJudgment
Judgment HanM 18 lubjert to taxes taxesAc tuS tales6c
6c S1AO 36at6sublcct 1ISsubJccI 18 subject to a first mortccc mortcccor norll C Cof
of 118100 111 119510Adjourned Adjourned AdJourr to January JanuaryTHE Jauar I II ITIlE
Violent 1 II eD Break nr ak Toward the Close CloseHeavy Clost CloseHeavy
lrvy Heavy Selllne ln on Weakness In the theSlack theStek heS
Slack S oc Market MarketSpot ialetpot Spot Demantl Light LightDull Lih Lihnul LightDull
Dull nul Support SupportEerly tEal Earl but blt niltulrawn niltulrawnLater 1IihilraWflLaterShort Itlran ItlranIalnShort
Later IalnShort Snort Interest Increased IncreasedA
A sharp h rp break brek late Ilte In the day d y was wn due duemainly duemnlnly duemainly
mainly to a decline delne In n tho stock rlok market marketwhich markethlch marketwhIch
which led to heavy hevy Belling 5lnl by Wall Wal Street Streetlouses Stret Strethouel Streethouses
houses and general liquida liquidation liquldalion ¬
houel louses aqc precipitated prlpltatd generl Iquldl
lion ton Also tho marker markebad had become plainly plainlyoverbought plainlYoverbought plainlyoverbought
overbought for tbe time tme being as has ha hap happened happnld happouted ¬
pouted pnld before this teason fson Room traders traderslammered lrdors lrdorshammerd tradershammered
hammered hammerd and nd uncovered ucovered stop ItOP loss los orders ordersIhls ore oreIhll orderslhls
Ihls Ihll accelerated acelnrted the decline dlclne which put putfutures putfntures putfutures
futures below blow spots a fact which was Wa the thesubject thelubJot thesubject
subject lubJot of remark rmak among 3monl those who ho be bellove b behove
hove 10ve In an ultimate ullm31e advance regardless of ofsetbacks ofstbcKs ofsetbacks
setbacks stbcKs from time 1m to time lme Just now no very verymany VI veryman
many man people pople are either olher against R aIDt t the market marketor
or else ls having hnvlni sold Iold out prefer to watch the thecourse Ihecour thocourse
course cour of events for a time Others thers her are aremerely nromerl aremerely
merely awaiting a allnl a further furlhlr setback Ilbck In order orderto orcCr
to lake bold again Brokers acting aclnl for forleading rorledlnl forleading
leading ledlnl bull bul Interests InlfrlRts buy on all al good set setbacks setbact 1 1bcka ¬
backs bcka Home of the more mor prominent prominnt bulls bullsIt bll bullit
It la I estimated eRlmated tome have within lbin the last t few day daynbought daybouaht thysbought
bought something omehlnl like lke 250000 250 bales biN let letLiverpool YelIherpool letLiverpool
Liverpool was weaker weak r than had hd been ex expected e ePled expeeled ¬
peeled The Continent wan al selling lllni In InUvorpool InJIrpool inLiverpool
Pled Liverpool and Liverpool Coolnent Itself sold In New NewYork Ie IeYork hewYork
York Large spot Interests Interet were ere selling sellingMay 8IIDI aeliinwMay
May here rle though buying buylnl March 1larh There Therewas Therewas be bewaR
was talk to the effect reL that a bear br pool poolha poolhalalerly has haslatterly lisalatterly
latterly lalerly been bn formed fortt comported compO partly prtl of ofwell ofwell
well known people who hnve become bome seep sceptical seeptlcal ¬
11 popll
tical tcl as af to the stability IAbUI of the Ihemarket market There Therewas The Therewas
was 18 heavy hevy selling Ilnl of May partly prlY against againstpurchases alaln againstpurchases 1 1purhnls
purchases of March The he certificated crlnale stock stockhere elok elokher stockhere
here her Increased IncNsd I 2500 WO ro bales blell making 5700 iO In Ina Inrew ina
a few days da and there thrr was nl mnklf soiling 11 na here hereagnlnst hert hereagainst
against cotton coton to be b delivered delvel on o contracts contractsSpinners contrcts contrctsfplner contractsSpinners
Spinners fplner are ar believed belnvc to be buying buyingfreely buylol I Irrely less lessfreely <
freely rrely although alhoulb the spot demand which whichwas hlchlal
was lal so 10 striking Ilrlkln a feature reture during dlrlnl the the th last lasthalf laRthai lasthalf
half hai of December nmhr was al expected f led to continue continuewell contnu contnufi continuewell
well fi Into January anuay This Thll decrease In the thepurchase IhePlrha thepurohaso
purchase Plrha of actual rotlon Iolon cIre has ha given Ilvpn rise riseto rieto riseto
to the Idea In the minds of some lome that Ihntcoton as ascotton uscotton
cotton coton had advanced adjneed for a year Nr It was w waood n ngood sgood
good Idea to take tke profits and look on for n nwhile Rhle awhlle
while hle Spot prices prrR declined dNlnld though noth nothing nothInl nothme ¬
ing Inl like lke as al sharply an al futures futuresOn ruturN
On the other hand there was Wi heavy h buying buyingof bulnl
of May partly by b shorts Ihort During Durla aY the past pastmonth paRtmonlh pastmonth
month 1rll too to there In II said to have hlve been bn bnvery a avery avery
very large IUle absorption borpton of March 11uch contract contractby contractsby
by prominent spot pt people Pople and correspond corresponding orrlpnd orrlpndInc ¬
ing selling llnl of ofSlny May Mn The result rlull It is I con contended contended ¬
tended tended may be b lo force forc the th delivery delvfry of cot cotton colIon cotton ¬ I
ton In this market mrkt on March MarchcnlratI MarchcnlratIThe contracts contractsThe contraclsThe
The general expectation eXPtalon ban hal been bn that thll If I itsqueeze a asqueeze aRQUeZ
squeeze RQUeZ should houll come to pass It I would hap happen happn happen ¬
pen In May M Canadian Candlln and p Carolina Orlol mill millHere mi millswere
pn Here re buying buylnl In MfssUxlppI 11al Ir1 The spot ppotmiles II IIIe spotsales
miles Ie In Liverpool 1lverpl Increase IncJoJ somewhat ooinewhatNorth somewhatNorth melat melatSorh
North Sorh Carolina Crolna yarn am manufacturer nt a aconvention aconvnton Sconvention
convention convnton at Charlotte Cbarlole have derided to tosell 10ll tosell
sell ll no more yarns ar except on the basis bF11 of orII
16 II cent ceD cotton clon Receipts Relpls continue tonlnu light lightCotton Ilht IlhtCoUon lightCotton
Cotton goods aoodl prices prl 1 are reported to be beshowing b beshowing
showing showtDI an upward tendency reprf The Th talk talkof tlk tlkor talkof
of an n Increased Incrl acreage crale I is met by by the he re reminder ro romlnder remlnder ¬
mlnder that an Increased IncreaC nrea does dn not notInsure notiMur notInsure
iMur Insure a I big bil crop It I is t contended clende that tht the thenext IhenUL thenext
next crop can hardly hry be b used d aggressively aggressivelyan alg lely lelya
an a a bear blr weapon for three thre months to come comeMoreover comeloreover I Illoreover
Moreover lloreover Wfpn the next crop Is at least let eight eightmonths ehlhtmonth eightmonths
months month or off A number numbr of the smaller mier In Interior In InIrlor intqrior ¬
terior towns toD report rprt stocks atk entirely enUrly disposed disposedof
of and It Is I said that before bfore long lonl the te dll large largesupplies largesupplies argl
supplies luppl carried crle at the more mor Important Importantcentres Imprnt Imprnteotre importantcentres
centres eotre like lke Little Litte Hock Jok Memphis St StLouis MtLul StLouts
Louis Lul and Houston will wi be D drawn drwn upon uponto UpODto
to supply the needs n eds of consumers Cumel The Theshort Theabort h hIhorL
short IhorL Interest Inlert has apparently Increased Increasedmaterially locr8ed locr8edmalerlaIJ increasedmaterlaily
materially Drastic liquidation apprnty It Is
Drule Ihluldalon con contended cn cntende eontended ¬
tended tende has hal cleared clNrf the atmosphere atmopber Bulls Bullscontend Ihlh Ihlhcni Bullscontend
contend cni end that history will wi repeat rea Itanlf Itanlfthat I iteofthat r rthat
that as heretofore h the market after afer severe severebreaks Herebreaks severebreaks
breaks has ba mounted mouoti to new ne high hlth records recordsIt
It will I do the thesarne same mE tblngpln thingsgalngotnghlgher thingsgalngotnghlgherthan thing again going higher higherthin hilhe rR rRIt
thin ever on the next sustained lustalned upturn upturnLiverpool uptur upturnIiverpooi
Liverpool JIerpol must come about aOuL X Kj gli lh lhplntlt lish lishpointsI h hpoints
points plntlt I e S 35 > American points pointslower pointslowertoday lower lowertoday
today IDay And An If it dose dO notT not JlnlRlowe The marUet marUetla nlael nlaelI
la I considered conldlre more mor of a two sided Idtd affair affairand afaIr afaIrand affairsad
and will wi be b watched ntcbe with Ith keener kenlr Interest Interestthan Intertt Interttthan interestthan
than ever ev r Bears naYT Bearasay nay the rise rll has culmi culminated culmlnled cumlmlmisted ¬
misted nled bulls buls that Iblt U 1 Is I nowhere near the theculmination theculmina theculmination
culmination culmina lon point pointFutures polDtFuture pointFutures
Futures declined delned 12 1 to IS I points plDta recovered recoveredthe
the loss 10 and advanced 5 to 7 reacted reted and anddeclined RnddeclDed anddeclined
declined declDed 24 lo 57 7 rallied ralied ellghllv 81Ihl closing closingweak cOIDI closingweak
weak rak Estimated sales oiOOOO 00 bales balesPrices ble blel balesIrlces
Prices l > rlcs as s follows followsOptn folo followsOpen lmtC
Open o hogs I Low lA Clot ClotIng CI Pr PrJU1 Vets VetsfaQ
faQ HI rat InS cloir cloirJanuary 030 030January1537
January JU1 January1537 1 is si 7 11 tII 1975 71 IS 1535 11 15 11 i5iflfi 4 tlf tlfcig < 4 < i cig cigrb is 15M 15MMarch1900 M MUtirn
March1900 Utirn rb 15 tO fO 107 1940 1 1SV IIt 334050 > Y > 13 l l1a 5590 55901624 W Wuy
1a uy 18 ISo o la 184 4 is 1350 no I is t517 150043 noA7 isn isnJuly 111 15171655
July 18 180 04 is 1655 ra u tl 5557 17 7 i 35504I5 MMni8is MMni8isSeptember 1813 1813Splmbu 1515September1483
September Splmbu September1483 14 13 M 14 I 144 > 140 1ln 1400 1001 140001 01 14 14Uecember 1 1440 1440Uecember1353 <
Uecember lembr Uecember1353 V13a 13 1143 14 1123 1 IS 13101 131015 1015 13 13Sew 1335 1335New as asNew
New Orleans Orleas futures futurl were wer a as follows followsOptn folows foilowaOpen
Open 0 Iltifi iIa Lotf I Cloi c Puts Prtttnf Pr PrJnull
tnf tat tit tag ctoit ctoitJanuary Clost1565
January Jnull J 1 1565 8 is 1 1304 CM u 155 to ISM ISMtltrcn 13591553 1
tltrcn reb l 180 o 18 183 M is nn 47 1347 tlI in tl13 tl13av 1513 1513je u uM
M av y 18 1837 17 18 Isr C IS 73 1 3 IS 1311 1573 7S 18 IS41 1649 1649Snot 49 49Spot
Spot cotton here declined delnf 10 points pointsMiddling polnl points1iddlIng
Mlddlnl Middling 180O If8 Southern Souther spots spl un unchanged unchanged unchanged ¬
changed to Helowerl He lower Sales 8IESew SalesNow New Orleans Orln Orlnt31
t31 1300 bales blea Savannah Bannln S49 = I Augusta 137 137Iort 137Iort 137Port
Port Iort receipts relpls 3oni 11 bales ole agaiiwt aplt 30038 30038ast 30 sooselast e elut
last week el and Sloio last year Yfr since Sep Hepember Mp Mpt4br September
ember t4br 1 5181710 1170 bales biN against agllt 3AZ73S 65S2735in 3AZ73Sn
In n the name Ime time last year Mr Iort exports
10407 bales lme since September Kplembr l 37S0624 37S0624bales 37 378 12 12blel 624 624bales
bales blel year against aJlnlt 4833312 415331 in the tbelme same time last lastyear fRt fRtIlr fastyear
yearIn Ilr
In Liverpool 11 rpol spot Rpt cotton col on declined dllnfd R Rpoints I spoints
points vl Middling Middlng R2d Sales tl 7000 70 bales balesmports bl blIprill balesimports
imports 21000 10 Futures utu declined delned 8Vi s to to9lf 10I toall
9lf I all Iprill points plnl but rallied rale and Ind closed eoed unchanged unchangedto unchnngd
to lit 1 lower Prices as al follows followsYtiter fololR 1 IFester
Fester Irtt Irttday 1 1JanurFebrur Irrvday
day Dan VI isne isneJanuaryFebruary 1 11 iW iWJanuaryFebruarySl6
JanuaryFebruary JanurFebrur JanuaryFebruarySl6 1 l < 517j t7 4M 4MHnyJune 485479
HnyJune SUa M 1 470 470July 47 479824
July ucuat 84 824 11 471 471OctoberNovember 47 47OctoberNovemnber7554
OctoberNovember OeloberNoembr71 OctoberNovemnber7554 7 SV4 1 774l 4 400i 400iLiverpool 4es 4esLiverpool < 1 1Llnrpoolls
Liverpool Is due to tocome come 15 1 to 1027y 273 Tyt points pointsower plnta plntaloer pointslower
Coffee coree Quiet < ulet tlet and Steady 8teadIo11alona I > rovt lon lr lrrrcular II Krregular
regular rrcularTbe rtlolr rtlolr1be regularThe I
The trading trdla in coffee core was wa quiet and andchanges andcanae andchanges
changes canae in prices prces were few and slight slightThe Ilhht IlhhtThe slightThe
The tables abie were disappointing dlipplntlnr and there therevan therevs therewas
van vs more 10re or less scattered eater liquidation 11utatlon but buton butOD buton
the other hand Western interests
on Welern con continued cn cntnued continued ¬
tinued tnued to buy and the visible supply showed showeda
a decrease d res for the Ihelut last month monthot of S8S3J1 88 31 bags bagsHpoloofTee bal bagsSpot
HpoloofTee Hpt Spot coffee re was Wi quiet fulet 10 ltio liloNo Xo 7 S IIHMH iIIO stitoa8e IIHMHst
st 10 Futures Julre r closed steady Ieady and unchanged unchangedo unchanle
to o ft points plntR low lower er Hales ale I3000 bags Havre Havrewas Havrewa
was wa unchanged unchanled Hamburg lamburl declined dclDed H pfg pr prJUo PtRio
Rio advanced 1 75 rots exchange exelance J 133 133ower 13dlower 135 135lower
lower at 15 1 7sd 7 d receipts reelpt 13000 13 000 bags bagsslock blll begsstock
stock Ilock 471ono 470 tfantos tDlos advanc a5vanee advanced 50 0 rets retsecelpts rellreelptl reisreceiptS
receiptS reelptl 0000 10 bag stock Itock 1049000 10410 Prices Pricesicre Priceshere Priceshere
here icre as follows followsIlltlwit rolol followsflfflsf
Illtlwit Il l Lowest lI ClaiinaPrettloif ClaiinaPrettloiftnusry 0 C1tha P Prep loH etoieJanuary loHJDury
January a lf8U1 6Osa6S 6Osa6SMarch700 IIOA DO e 11 coa 8 80 KV KVlarch
March700 larch 7 CO 7 701 00 0 700 7007o3 017N 7OS 700M70S 700M70S4ay 0170
4ay 7 710 10 7 Id It 710O7 7IOc71 IS 7 71071 7loalls 7loalls76 10U7 IS ISJuly
July 7 76 7 770 o 7o 107 04u755 04u755September 7 7 7i3 7i3September
September Seplnher 7 23 7 720 jo a 7 10f7 oft7 0t7ss 7a 7C7 7C7PJonIIONJlll 776775 776775PRrivisIoNSlard 7mI7 7mI7Seplnher > 7 7PROVISIONS
PROVISIONS PJonIIONJlll PRrivisIoNSlard Lard was i firm nrl prime West Western Wesler Westsun ¬
sun er 11330 SI33 refined relned Continent Contnnl11316ulh Contnnl11316ulhAmerican 113 11350South 11350SouthAmerican M > South SouthAmerican
American fUdo Pork was aR steady read me meJ4sflSi me14a4 mess mess345512713O
14a4 J4sflSi Mi f Iteef Bee was O firm nrl family ramly US sisso sisso9l6 15 15t Jo Joa
t 9l6 a lid 18 Butter uler Creamery extras exlral 34c 34crheeae Si 34eCheeseState
CheeleHtatl rheeae Htate f r September 8 fanoy fatoy tic 170gjrs
EIIWfltern EaesYestern gjrs Western firsts nrls 37 3747350 1f380 38o Chicago ChicagoJan Chlealo ChlealoJn 1e
Jan 0 61rovisions Provisions were higher hlghlr early earlywith erl erllh earlywith
with lh hog hOl and grain markets and under undera
a good 100d general ieneral demand packing Interests interestbuying
buying buylnl January lard and pork Prk The ad advance advance advance ¬
vance brought bronihl out very er liberal lberal offering offeringrom oferln oferlnfrom
from rom large Ifre and small m1 holders and nd this thlapreSRure thispressure thispressure
pressure brought about aOtl a setback 8 tbak and Cnd most mostof mostor moatof
of the list Jlt showed ehowe declines delne at the close closeThe clole cloleT
The T Th continued conlnue small mal hog hOI movement keeps keepsundertone keepl keepsundertone
undertone to provisions strong Prices Pricesas Price
as follows followsOpin folow folowLr
Open lilt 1 L tic v Cbs Prep
Lard Lr Lroc oc tao tu tn r rn 10 Close cioirr CloseJao
Jao r n 1255 eo < iim n 12 1 1240 eo < MM Ur 125714 l257LSlay
Slay U11157H JlS7Mll7H Zl5714 117 4204 4O 12 07M 07 1210
July JulvIIH 1212H lUj tt ion Ia 102 I OJ izoi izoifttb 10 l7o3Jantia
fttb fttbJan lO
Jan Jantia 1100 1180 11 UNI 11 11 10 1150 o 11 115714 siu siuHay
Hay U 116560 w oll llea4 lino M 111i
1a ISZH sin t1 1Ii ll524 Mi 11371 11371l 11 1i571i
ulylG Por ° l 8 lloo 10 MMH JUZI It tU 1t574 a 5 n nJan 111 S S1
Jan s 121 76as ftt 2 51ZI4 UV 21m 1 21 uo M 21 tI 1R7i 1R7iMay22102501 su suMay
May WaJloUO May22102501 22 10200 ZJ1 2213 1 21 Mli IMJi 21 siai siaiJuly1b Oil 11 2J 07U 07
July July1b 221 11 22 35I74 I7 IH 21 1 90 l IM 04 SI 2215 2215SVoARBaw IS ISBCOAB 1 18t0ARRw
BCOAB 8t0ARRw SVoARBaw RAW wa WU quiet Centrifugal
M test last1 tJ 4020 02o muscovados RU Sm Centrlulnl t teli teat t 332c
Beflned Rfne 49V u WM we quiet muaovaol and ad firm Ar granulated aranulate granulatediAvAb
49VATAt iAvAb ATAt BrojiM 81rt SxoituMplrlta Spirit of ofz turpentln ne
z Common mmon to Ut good 0tril strained turpn rosin rM rML
L t J1
Lawyers Mortgage Morgage Company CompanyJANUARY
RICHARD M HURD President PresidentTo
To the Board of Directors DirectorsGentlemen Director DlrectorstGentlemen
Gentlemen t The year 1909 1109 his h 6e been un n In avery ery way ay the mot mol luccenful In the hiitory ol tli til > Co n nnv > iv th tll thi > tint t1t1 tain tainof satisof tn tnof
of Guaranteed Guaanteed Mortgages Motglel 35333294 th tilt n uk k increnj in Oatitinlin Ott1niil GuitantetJ Martja b t 17421513 1741151 ths tb gro grotarninRj grorarninl grosu grosuearnings
earnings rarninl 654175 8515 nd the net ret prohti prolt 508177 SD817 ill al exceelinsj exceeln tIn cortipondinj co tijiirsi of say ny prjlu pr7li yii 1 wish nil th thtotal thtotal ths thstotal
total Outstandtn OuttandtIGu OUtttlndtngGu4raptesj Uu raritel Mortgages noamount to 94702433 94702433The 9470243Ihe
The compirjtive CO p1 tlv h lu hZuueI uic tur rtcint re lnt y yei years ari at ats at follow folow
Net Gain Gan In InOititandinz Ouuundlnj Oulljndln Guir Guiranteed GUHOllttadLng GuirOtitstandin ¬
Oititandinz OllttadLng Gui GuvMortgages anteed Mtzsi MtzsiDec Mt MtssMortgages u uMorgge
Mortgages Morgge Sold Intrd intced Mtgei Mtie t Dec 31st
1903 H 4 9014014 5663500 5663500 17677748
1904 1914 16269278 10442649 1044269 28110397
1905 195 19922009 19922009 12766384 127663842Z959085 40876781
1906 2Z959085 22959085 13577389 54454153
1907 197 20316677 9225573 63679725
1908 198 27152558 27152558 13598209 1359829 77277934 7727793J909
1909 1909The 35333294 3533324 17424546 1742456 9470248 94702481Th 9470248JThe J JRent
The Th Gross Earnings and Net Profit Prolh of th hl ls Company EARNINGS EARNING for recent years YUr havi been beD a al > follow iollovrnEARNINGS folo foloEARNING followEARNINGS
1909 09 1903 1903Premium i93 1907 1906 1905 190Premium 1905Premium
Premium for or Guarantees 410888 340300 340300Interest 30300 296310 234909 166325 U66325Inles 166325Interest
Interest Inles on Mortgage Morgaget 235925 219619 199372 183025 202382 202382Rent 202382Rent
Rent Commissions Com minion etc 7362 7362taming 10012 8130 4055 6195 6195Iarninl 6195Earnings
taming Iarninl t 354175 EXPENSES EXPESE 9569931 9569931EXPENSES U0381Z 603812 603812J907 421989 t749a t749aEXPESE 749JI 749JIEXPENSES
1909 1909Rent 119 1903 1907 1906 190 1905 1905Renl 1905Rent
Rent 19000 19000Advertising 512984 8563 6054 6343 6343Advertising 3t3 3t3Advrthing
Advertising and Stationery t 14404 14404Salaries 14404 13782 11539 1539 11663 1663 8701 8701aaiel 8701Ssiaries
Salaries aaiel 80625 80625Taxes 16825 71910 64889 53788 5378 46670 46670Tae 48670Taxes
Taxes Tae and General Generl GenerslExpenies Expenses Expense 25969 25969Expense 25969 21057 17631 1631 17095 170958860O 1095 31523 3152 31523ElipflSes
Expense Epnu 145998 14 998 119733 19733 102622 8860O oo 93237 93237bet
Net rel Earning 508177 508177The 4450198 401190 333389 333389The 281665 281665The
The percentage perce tage of Expenses to toGr Groii Gr uS t Earning arn ng for the past fee years have ben at followi 33 in ill 1J3 31 ft in 1904
25 251 in 1905 19051 22 III 1906t 20 201 in inJ07 1907 2 21i > in 1903 a aid > id 22 < in 1 19H 19HThe 19 19The > 3 3The
The rate of Earning and Di Diltjendion Uend on the Capital Stock for recent yean hays b bean el r AI follown follownCapital follol1Capital followsuCapital
Capital Earninst EarDin Dividendi i iS
1902 1000000 6 per percen percers cen cenper S 6pelctnt pel cent
1903 2500000 7 per percent cent centpercent 5 percent
1904 2500000 8 percent percentpercent 6 6trCeDt ptr cent
1905 2500000 11 1 percent percentpercent per celt 7 percent per ceD
1906 2500000 13 percent percentper per Ient 8 percent
1907 2500000 16 16IS per percent cent centper 10 per percent cent
1908 2500000 IS 1 per percent cent centpercent 10 l lOpercLnt per perc cmt cmt12perceat nt
00 I asooooo 2500000t4000000 15v l5 nt 12perceat 12perceatEarninst 12 l2per
1909 7U 4000000 ra percent percentOn perce per cent centOn centS
S On average Capital for th the year of IIf32 3250oOO 00 Caoital increased July 1 1909 from 2500000 to 54000000 54000000The 4000000The
The large increase in Outstanding Guaranteed Mortgages during the past year ar js is is but little reflected in the thaearnings thlearnings theearuhigs
earnings for that period but Mill ill thoWin future earnings earningsUNEARNED earningU earningsUFEARNED
In addition to the cash earnings are the Unearned Premiums whicb consist con ist of the Companys contract p profit 6t of ofonehalf ofonehalf ofonehalf
onehalf per er cent per annum on outstanding ou mortgages from the date of this statement to the maturity of the th mort mortgages mortrages mongages ¬
gages These future profits profitswhicb which are not carried as assets assetsamount amount to 1036961 1036961The 3 3The
The AtsrU and Liabilities o oi tbe Company on December D 31st 1909 were as follow followASSETS foilomASSETS I IASSETS
New fle York Clt City > Mortgages 5544348 12 12Companys 12CompaDy 12Compaflyi
Companys Brooklyn Bto kly Building cost 175000 17500000 17500000Cah OO OOCah 00Cah
Cah s 122432807 07
Cupltal i 4000000 40 ° ° ° 000 000Surplus 00 00Surplu 00Surplul
Surplus 200000000 200000000Undivided 200000000UndividedPxofit 00 00Undivided
Undivided UndividedPxofit Profit 247745 247745Mottgaes 22 22Mortgages 22MOrlia
Mortgages MOrlia es Sold nbt delivered 695930 69593097 97
6943676 19 19Since 19Since 19Since
Since the Increase In March 1903 of the Companys capital Dividends have been paid to Stockholder amounting to
1540000 in addition to which 814091 has been carried to Surplus o Undivided Profit making total net earning of
2354091 In addition to these earnings the det Increase in Unearned Premiums from fom January 1st 1903 to December 31 31st t
1909 amount to 933406 933406The 933406The 933406The
The Asset and Liabilities of the Company have been verified and the Companys accounts certified as a of December December31st
There are 7121 7 121 mortgages morlt tI outstanding uUIundl r the tb average loan being bein 30003 in Manhattan 5693 58G In Brooklyn and and13COO nd
13000 in the Bronx BronxAu RronxAu BronxAu
Au analysis of the Guaranteed Guarant Mortgages sold during the year 1909 show the following facts i iDISTRIBUTION IDISTRIBUTION mDISTIUBUTION
Saving Bank 44 4433450 4433450Trustees 440450F 450 450TrUIIK1
Trustees F rumteeio t 10437175 10437175Individual 10437175Individuals
Individual 1 10597719 10597719Charitable 10597719C 10597719Charitable
Charitable C arltable Institution 4276350 4276350Insurance 4276350Inurarce 42763501asurac
Insurance Companies 4559000 4359000Trust 4559000Trult 4559000Trust
Trust Companies 1024600
35333294 35333294From 35333294From 35333294From
From these conservative daises cla ti of investor the Company continues to gain new customers a as it I evidenced by tha thalowing tbltlollowini thsfollowing
lowing figure I lturcu
January J anitaty Ut 1903 519 519anility 519January 519J
January J anility lit ht1904 J9M 692 o9ZJanuary 692JaI 692J
January JaI J 2PU217 > U3fJ lit 1905 1012 1012anuary 1012Janual 1012J
Janual J anuary Ittf ht 1906 > i355 1365January 1363J i355January
January J anuary 1st 1907 t 1925 1925January 1925Jnu 1925Januiny
January Jnu ry 11 ht1g0tl 1908 2255 2255anuary ZZSSJanury
1 anuary 11 1909 2775 2775anury 2775anulry 2775January
Janury January anury lit 1910 3201 3201DISTRIBUTION 3201DISTRIBUTION 3201DISTRIBUTION
Mortgages Ibid to tohet net 4 percent per cent 3087000 3087000Mortgage 3087000MortClg 3087000Monigsgee
Mortgage old to net 4JJ per cent 30720794 30720794Mortgages 30720794Mottlgulold 30720794Mctsgesoldtonet5
Mortgages Mottlgulold Mctsgesoldtonet5 sold tonet cOnet5 5 per cent 1525500
35333294Th 35333294 35333294The
The above distribution o rate indicates the drop in interest rate during the year 1939 For Fo the coming yer yerthe yeuIhe yesmThe
the interest rate to investor a will probably pro abl be 4t 4 net for Guaranteed Mortgages on highclass mercantile buildmjs build In or oririvate ortJrinl orprivate
private residences in Manhattan and 4S 4 43 on all other Guarantied Mort Morttaes MorttaesThe ajeJ ajeJThe ze zeThe
The following Map > shows the distribution of tha th total Outstanding Guaranteed Mortgage of the Company on onJanuary onJanuary onJanuary
January lit 1910 in Manhattan the Bronx and Brooklyn BrooklynNEW Brooklynjr
NEW YORK YORKIt o Ia94oooi 517000 457000sit
sit PSI 4
I I 6 Gb0 Gb0wAy wAy c BRONX BRONXA
A Av
299oo 850300 850300fi
I996 s sI
I j
I fi
253I448 t tIt
tI I
1 1It
It la I worthy of note that 64 per cent of the Company mortgage are on Manhattan bland while hlle 27 pat p cent centBrooklyn us i b bBrooklyn LiBrooklyn
Brooklyn and 9 per cent in the Brotx BrofxVALUATIONS BrotxALUATIONS BrotxVALUATIONS
Value Vslueof of Land VahieOf Value of f Building Bulldln 1 Total Mortgage Loans Fire Iniurtncs Inluu1esManhattan IneurancaMenhattan
Manhattan 50003530 50003530Brooklyn S429058SO t92e09380 92 09380 5S 59438200 47807950 47807950Brooklyn
Brooklyn BrooklynBronx 12901635 30957990 43865625 25318448 28842580 28842580948d65J 28842580Bronx 28842580Bronx
Bronx BronxMtg 4744350 9518900 14263253 8500303 948d65J 9483 9J65JMtg 65J 65JMtg
Mtg Ctf 1110700 1235900 2346600 1419532 1200003 12000034fi876ft21B
4fi876ft21B 84618643 84 1864G 153384855 I9470246J 38334lrfO 38334lrfOThe 6133 87334tThe G GTbe
The average amount loaned by bI the Company is 62 per cent of the Companys Conu anys own appraisal appraisalFor ap raisal raisalFor
For the absolute protection of 0 ol the theboldeu holder of Guaranteed Mortgages the Board of Director trectors has adopted the thefollowing tb tbfollowing I Ifollowing
following ByLaws y I IThe I IThe
The amount amount of outstanding outltaDdlft Guaranteed Mortgages shall not exceed twenty tlmvu the Capital ptal rad rn Surplus SurplusThis urpluDof
of the Company Companyflis I ITbla
° This Article shall not be amended snmed or repealed except with the written consent cons nt duly acknowledged acknow1deholders d of the theholders theholden theortgageS
holders of all the tb policies lit I mortgage 11I0rtktClnallranee Jnaurance then outstanding ItsutJ hsu 1 hy th the Company CompanyMortgagea CompanyMortgalu oipany
Mortgagea shall be guaranteed by the Company only when secured by real estate Irarrorrd for buslntfa buslntfaor
residence purposes and od situated within the present limit of the City of New Ne York or such ealarjeruentN ealarjeruentNthereof eilaremeatsthereof
thereof as may hereafter be fixed by law lawSuch I ISucb I
Such mortgages shall not exceed twothirds to blrdl of the valuation of the real estate security as I a ascertained by bythe bytbe bythe
the companys appraisers or orlu11 such larisr Tarperetotale percentage of said vaJmtlon as may ma be flied by b the laws of the StatJ StatJnf State Statlof
of New York for the Investment of fun 4undg unda held by Trustees Trust Companies or Life Insurance Companies CompaniesThe I IThe
The Tb charge of the Company for gnarinteelng the payment of mortxagts mor alrfs shall not exceed oa oDebait baf of on onoer one oneer onper
cent per annum of the principal amount mo nt guaranteed guaranteedThis lIuaraDt d
per p er This Article shall not b bt aminilM m ndt4 or repealed except by y the written consent of threcfourths of the thaDirectors th thDlr theDirector
Directors Dlr tora then In offlee and by vote ot t a majority of all 11 the th outstanding stock of the Company at a special specialStockholders specialStockholders I
Stockholders meeting called for that purpose DurposeThese urpo s sThese JThese
These limitations have been for many manyoyears years m jn use us oy 0 the Company and their effectivenss in safeguarding the theCompanys theCompanY
mortgage investments is deafly cleat evidenced eYld ncetl by its unusually clean record in the matter of delinquent interest interestandT in interestand I
er t ta
andT and CompanY C d panys foreclosures The Company has ha nOw n w under forec forecloeure oseure only 23 J mortgages s man many y of which will probably be paid paidoff paidoff I IIf
a foreclosure sale The Company > mpany owns TIO foreclosed real estate and the interest delinquent for rho I
off o If prior p rioI o more than thanone n none
m montt monthtis h s on only ° I y orl 6 6768 6768Since 68 I ISince
one Since 5D December ember I2th 1894 when the Company btgan business 10800 mortgage loans have b been n made aggregatif aggregatifoooooo
5ti3ooo000 < oooooo of which the Company Comp Companyhai ny has b WtnnJtelled en tompelled to nuichav = e 18 at foreclosure sale amounting to 4 43jooo J9 J900 ° o restil resuinng resuinngA resllltil1 resllltil1in n nintWlosies I
intWlosies total losses to the Company > in fifteen y yr m of only Sijosr SIJS7A
A noteworthy event during durmshe the year ear has been the purchase purcilsSe by the stockholders of the Company of Si f5ooC1OO wo coo of nflock ofnew i iw
the Capital thus being Increased Item 1500000 to 4CO0008 e oCOa and the Capital and Surplus now amounting
stock amounting to too
t to6ceo000
6 new 6ceo000 w 000 000 o This action is highly hlgblylmport important 1t Jcr the protiction of all homers hol ers of our Guaranteed Mortgage and folr followout follow followCompanys 0 I IoJt
oJt out the the Companys established rate of increasing its capital stock tn it picportion to its increase e in Outstanding Outs ndlllg Guar Guarfew G Ganteed Guaranteed
anteed Thc Mortgage MortgageMortgages Mortgages ortgageSThc steady growth of the th Com CompanyA n It IUSiI1e3S usmeu durtl1 durin3 t the h e pa east t few f ew years Iringing the outstanding Guaranteed GuaranteedMortgages d dtnrtgages
Mortgages or up to nearly ONE O E HUHDRED HUHIREDMtLtTON MXLLTON COLLARS 3 3or involves 1tI ves f corresponding 1 responsibilities Hlitie and oblig obligations obligatonsThe 4n 4nchief s sThc
The guaranteed mortgage business hU lne UVcuvtnv hk mt mimv Y others ot crs runs smoothly in iti prosperous times and the chief thing thin to guard guardanteed guardaRainst guardagainst ard ardlRainst
against is a period of hard times While 111 J indications now point to > a few years of prosperity such a period perfod i Is811ure is sure suresm sureto
10 he followed sooner or later by one bE tf depression preulon It behooves a prlld prudent 1t 1I1 mrnagerncnt na3emen not to h carried away by hi high highprices h hprien
prices for real estate In prosperouS timet tlme but 10 adhere to tpn3crlatlvc ru real ciliate valLlal1onseven at the cost of dolg dolgsmaller doing doingS
S sm smaller bu business inesI to o continue cardul fnlbedlons of ali pr protsrties lea on which mo mortgages tlttges arc being extendtd to enorce enorcenromnt elorcPrompt eiiorce eiiorcepromnt
nromnt payment of 0 interest and taxes and ann to maintain ampe cash balancer With such sound and cautious methods it itN Itu itis
N Prompt believed that this Company will render renctrto to Its dientj client not only the thet theservice service service which jn n periods of proiperity it
u now nowfurnishes n
t nowfurnishes w wfurnishes
furnishes but an even more valuable terviW t arv1 rvttt when periods of depression arrive arriveAnnual arrivehn arriveAnnual
Annual hn tual > Rirprt ioert oi the Company Mailed en Request RequestJ Requestitaecs equet equetJ
J q
1 W r iT W J JrJS ti St i rJfr rJfrP
P itaecs a157se7en t
T r 4
4 pv r rWhy 1 1Why
Why trouble troubteyourself w wyourself Ifyourseif
yourself as to the pay paym payiniof metil metilof n nI
of Assessments AssessmentsWater Taxe T 1 etll arj mh j
I Water Rates when wc wec wecn wecnattend > n nattend ni
i attend to it for foryou you Send Sendfor S Sndfor nd ndfor
for our circular circularLawyers circularlawyers circularLawyers
Lawyers Title TitleInsurance TjtJeInsurance ss ssInsurance
Insurance and Trust TrustCompany Trt15try TrnstrCompany
Company CompanyCAPITAL 1 1CAPITAL y t tCAPiTAL
6URPLU8 5600OQCt 55OOO4U5000000 500OCGl
5000000 t5 oogrl sdded to surplwln P 2 l 3I17 M Ma88 17 HM HMICO Wl
ICO Broadway Serr eav York Y ik I
188 Montanno Street Broattlrmi BI88I11naWtalii
370 a1 Knlton Street Jam r JamI J leaw s
A cat catTHE e a aTHE a aT
HE best bestat waylq waylqat way o oa
THE T at a t any trade tradestick is ist iststick > t i istick
stick to tha thaand t atttfP thaJ1and atttfPand
and not to have have5toomajy too tooirons man manirons
irons in the fire fireOurs < Jtlf aijtOurs 1 1Ours
Ours is the theinsurance theo lly tttJ tttJinsurance
insurance company iI iICW
New CW York that sticks sticksits sticksoj sticksojItS tickttp
its own trade It doesndL doesndLbanking doeSDObanking doesnasbanking
banking business wh whitJ whitJever h t tever
ever and in in times ofpaoiQ ofpaoiQor of pu puor 5
or trouble its policyhdl policyhdlers poli yhQt yhQters
ers have havenocausetowo no cause causeTHE cau5eto wal r rTHE I
1 33 13 Broadwow iA i 4i
Geo R Read ft Oi OiREAL ODREAL CoREAL It t
lied Office 00 LUNrtT Llb rl7 11 near nearBranch aearBrancb Me MeUrancht
Branch I 3 Ea East t 3 55th IUIa tb at atLandlords SLLandlords i iLandlords
Landlords Back BackR BackRCollectfdb R RCollected RI RIColiected
Collected Collectfdb no charge uol unteis > suoec suoecSTANDARD sucxsij Ii IiSTAN
Flatiron nulldlng Build DR Tel MM Qra QraREDUCE OraREDUCE OrREDUCE
We WeSOLES wllllell7Ou will tail you bow Write or1 or > Tihen tout toutSO1ES Tr
1601 Park BV a Tel ug 3 irarlem irarlemUKAlj lfariemtlE1i rofJ rofJnllIwr
FOR RE REDirectly RENff RENiiDirectly I I J 1 1FOR
Lf OJ OJbJit
Directly Opposite OppositeSouth JHi JHiSouth 2 2South bJit
South Station Iti Iti4r
4r 1
185 Summer SummerBOSTON r St StBOSTON Stf
BOSTON r rEntire 1 1r 1Entire f 5 5Entire
Entire second floor contftliJif c coijjI IlbJ
2500 sq ft having entire cnti plftte plftteglass P pat patglass if ifglass
glass front Especially adapfeJl adapfeJlfor
for Life Insurance business businessGEO busin s5 S SCEO J JGEO
31 State I Sl t f litI 1
r L
CUDAlo acm ac asso best toll 1tdeattllI1t 1tdeattllI1td Ideal tllM r rahundantrainfall
ahundantrainfall hundant d tr raInfall a AWJk pocket map lr tree SANlHSHt SANlHSHtSON tJN 0 01lNDRuKm
SON 97 Palace flUlg Minneapolis Minneapolisf NtmeaooilsIAUNBIWKHIL4 rnJ
f yU
i i KIIUSKI Mitt ct zo no 110171 trr Mils l1a to I 0 0A
A M 5 all pledges for unpaid unpaldIOAo loans from fromj pawn > j
brokers pledged previous to dat dAIt1 and numtxrs ulmlwlftbolb t
both tncluslte nnu ndanolr ll ol r ones onesu101o > tallows I IJan 5 5Jan
Jan 8 IIWm Vm Simpson SJm Slmpsontjewclry ODr Jewclrr clry v
Jan 7 71 1 Bcrrtr fro nth at Itercer Dn DrtK BrosSot f
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pledges led s prior prlorJn Jan 41809 4 ian to No o SIX M UUrs 3Llllrael 3Llllraelben IIlr ot K
bcrB ben ill formerly m 3d AV v alt II pIMre lt prl pr1cs r
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Jan 12 12Wm Wm Simpson g > n ft Co o IsiRowert y all allplrtlm agptnlgec
plrtlm lrf prior r Oct 20 long to 0 No 37527 also Not
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prior Jan i Itoa ItoalKATIIAl 1909r7cr1tAL f j
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monI wauhra a < f hes Jeelr Ac c Nos 10sICX 7601Oto3t 7601Oto3tSept 200 fe Jlui JluiSent I IgI
Sent gI n l to Dec p 2 loov iOOSand Mid ntt dates aeIUICS Mm nu D
held over e from prrriom i fAlc fAlcJan asicaJan l
Jan J2By t Y H Miller 747 7 lIb av v K KnotV KnotVkl Kil Knot1 Knot1diamonds o
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rood Auct UCIj BI DowervJan flowers
Jan 11tlothlng II 1 < Iolbln T TMajen 1 1ielleber 1629 1629Magen IIt 11 I IIften
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Jan 12 IZlewrlr Jewelry A anode 1 w M1 > 7 7J ClllutBbUIi
D J Cohn 229 11 Washington at t Ifotokea IfobokenFt Nv N 4cm 4cmrii rr rrFI
rii Ft I sonni Auct IItt M ° w e nowerr atlis n nslOX w AC
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At the fbovo t tine an anS place pc the ID b4 b < iwatrt iwatrtpublIcly t J JL rfea rfeanuhllclv
rUhUtIV publIcly opcrfd ADd nd rf real resit il fampnl U ir CtI eOIItS eOIItSlag Itf Itfnr
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tdlnss b by > ileixultlnr the to uui of oI1OII mt mtitio I ni niJ r rilO3
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until I1DIIII3 12 oclock DOOM Friday day January 7 71101 71101fOllrtluIDNo 1H 1Hfor lbtOFor
for fOllrtluIDNo particular senCttyttecsrd ae > Clly lwt fd fdDEPAHTMENT rdDIPAHT s sniPAitT5ItNT
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Sealed Seal 3e1 estimates Ion rewnviuclic anj anjtendtne an t1 t1tendln 4 4tending
tending Pier 42 4 Nolrh River iCotttrsrt trlot tiMr ttNro11t11 ttNro11t11oJ nW nWtw
tw received J6d by the Commluloaer o or 5 DorM Dol DolPOer M MKcr atFer
Kcr A Dcttury lory Place unlit 12 1 6cveU dc1ct751oudy d dMO1dtv Boifi
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