I F ir
TO > TOP > HIM 111 ALSO ALSOlolllncun Mmflub
flub nanll1 lolllncun to nl tol tlinKnicllfth tlinKnicllfthil th EnIkft nlI h lIul Uuilti
il but How lIowbollt About Irrlanil OStirel OStirelKept OSIItfhl11t IrStiekept
Kept Arklnn kln KoUn III Rock Road I I1111IhllIns I14eitiiIIkIngq
1111IhllIns 14eitiiIIkIngq l > rcrliii Klns hi q Many Manyloan CIII quleslion quleslionnung lon lonoun
loan oun nung Shaemas OSheel leaped to todfr1t the thedcfMirc th thdCnr
dcfMirc of ° f tho lords of England las lastnight lasnlhr laslhT
night lhT nt the th Liberal Club in East Twenty Twentytiith Twentylixth Twenty1jith
tiith stre tnt t Tho lords were w ro getting it itKOiiK I Ithg
KOiiK thg a and < d coming lInd nd were in a had hadirav batcy
irav 1 until The OShoel arose and girded girdedat girdeat Irdol Irdollit
at Jnwpli Fein of Philadelphia and ant antbeIs London LondonV LondoIII
V beIs > ls the ingle txaer txaerand and wanted t tknow tknow
know how Ireland was to benefit If the theLiberals lh lhibtrnlll thlderals
Liberals came out on top in the present presentrow preSODro
row ro in England EnglandCertainly nIandCtrtninly nglandrtanty
Certainly nobody had breathed a good goodword gee goolorrl geeworI
word orrl for the boltud one before Th TheOShcol ThOSh1 ThOShtel
OShcol lined up with tho Tories All Allaround AI AIIIJOlInd AlfiUfll
around the hall were posters representing representingdiiKps repr represenlinidik e1Unl e1Unldllkf
diiKps dik yith ith red and bulbous nosoa ile ilecrepit dtJcrepit ilecrepit
crepit earl burly barons kicking tho thopoor thpoor th thpeer
poor liboring man otherwise o than in front frontmd frontmarqul609 frontitd
md itd marquises who closely resembled tho thoportriitd t1lportralld tb tbportraits <
portraits of second tory men In tho thodwiitwion th thdillIl lbdiIiofl
dwiitwion dillIl 11ion < which followed Mr Ir Felss Felssipeech FeIBpch Iy IyI
ipeech I h on the irusido points of tho budget budgetflsht uudlto4ght budgeftght
flsht it was very apparent that nearly nearlyeverybody nearlJeffrbody neaTI neaTIeverybody
everybody present felt that an earl was wasth W Wth Walii
th e lowest of Gods creitures As for forDuke j jDukf
Duke Oh the wretch wretchBut wretchlnllt
But Shaemas for back in the room roombehind roanbind roonbbtnd
behind bind Mi Miss a Helen Phelps Stokes IAn Lincoln 1lncoin IAnCOIn
coin StefTena StelfenllMm Mre Florence Kelly Char Charlotte CharlotiI Charlotte
lotte Teller a niece of Senator Teller TellerDarwin TellerDarwin TellerDarwin
Darwin J Mesorole Richard George Georgea
a sen cfl of Henry George and a lot of othe otherSocialists othe8o otheSocIaliat
Socialists 8o iaJi tK Single Sin Tnxers Home Rulers Rulersand RlIleran Rulerand
and an Radicals bobbed < up and nndbegan began to tomake t twake ti timake
make upeeches > about Ireland It vexed vexedLink vexec vexecLink vexeLink
Link StefTens and several times he tried triedto triceto
to case aie ShaemiiB thaemu8 out of the conversation conversationAndgivoSincleTniLrsachunco convertiO convertiOothinJ eonrersatioiandgitesingieThzersn
AndgivoSincleTniLrsachunco chance Nothing NothingShaemas othinJ othinJdOin othinjdoing
dOin dOinShemas doing doingShaemasstood
Shaemas Shemas Shaemasstood etood Itood flrml frmlv flrmlvvsa v us S a rock and con continued contilo contiiied
tinued tilo to make speeches plechlt He wanted wantedto wanteto antI
to know why the Liberals Ilbrals had deserted desertedIreland dtRertelIrland deterteIreland
Ireland Irland He le Inquired Inqulf if Inland Ieland wouldnt wouldntbo wouldnb WOtIIdabe
bo b worse off 01 under the mew budget I Iapprove Iapproved
approved approve than at present Wouldn Wouldntthe Wouldntho
the increased incul revenue be spent spnt for Dread Dreadnoughts Dred Drednoubts Dreudnought6
noughts and marines and redooatH jus justthe justhe justhe
the Mme Or r more Vainly aml did Mr Ir Htef Hteffens HtefflM Stetfens
fens glare glar nt Sluemis and vainly did he hetrv hi hitry Iitry
try to confine confne him to simple questions questionsThn IUttr
The rh OSheel stuck stulk it out liutil hut tU t meet meetIDR meetin meettag
tag in broke up with ith nl II least twothirds twothirdsf tWvthlrd tWvthlrdf
f cif > f it It fts questions qu IO to Mr Fel el li unanswered unansweredThe tnms lrld lrldTe
The Te Liberal Lbml LIberaICIubltajustsot Club has just sot ittolf ilf down downnt dowlIt dowiat
nt It 10 1 Cast Llt ait Twentysixth Twonlysith street ItrlCt utdTast utdTastnights 1 aM aMnights 111
nights conversazione cnclzlone was a lrt ort rt of eyo eyoopener 1 oyeopener
opener ope tor a series 5rie of jolly litt lil ilttte haloRs haloRsto aIoii aIoiito lo loto
to Ho ir 3 held this thi wintor An Imtnonsfl ImtnonsflDumber ImmonS Immonsinumber
Dumber numor of questions qUEtons just luive 11e to be benettled h Is Isettled
nettled rtte before bfom the thebi big thaw thw Somo Sm of ofthe 0 0the othe
the folk who are very ver prominent protinlnt in the theclub th4ub thiclub
club ub and ad are1 ajt treat Irlot Bottlcro 8th aro Sten Stet Steffens SteffensFranklin > n nFranklin nl
Franklin Frankln H Giddinns Oiddinss Omites llilCI Kdward KdwardRussell Edwar jdwaicRussell
Russell RuSel James Graham Phelps PhelP Stokes StokesMrs Stokeslxii
Mrs 1 Charlotte Charloto Pnrkins Oilnmu GiIRI Bojton BojtonHall Dolor DolorHn floitorHail
Hall Morri loria Hillquit Ilquit Mr 1 1loreace 1loreaceKelly llorelc floreacKelly
Kelly Kely Charlotte Chrlote Teller Tclor Rim Rlm Morwin und undHamilton nie nieHAilton ant antHamilton
Hamilton HAilton Holt The sorialistH IOC llstH are ae away awa awain
in the majority tajoriy and votes votG for women womenK womerIts wornergets
K Its gets ts a a play any evening they turn tllr the thewheel th thwbel thwheeL
wheel wheelJoeeph wbel wbelJOeph wheeLJcweph
Joeeph Pels Fe who ho made Ide a greit Irl deal dl of ofmoney 01money olmoney
money by a process prOI which extracts xlrct more moresids mOr morecde
sids Ilds from frm soap 8p thannome t hn 10mI other process processwaft prCt
waft Wa the guest gUEt of tho Liberil Iibr Club Im Imnight hstnllht 125Lifight
night nllht Mr Fels Ia his hl been n taking taklu a pretty prettyactive prty prtyICllve prettyactive
active part partin In the fight fgh between blwPn the Lordt Lordtnnd lrdInd Lor Lorend
end Ind the pr Liberals Lbrals over in England bt btcau be hoaube >
cau tau aube he is a redhot rhot follower of Hours Hen HenGerge
George and thinks think the clause of the budget budgetproviding bud budgelproviding go I Iprviding
providing for a tax on 01 the valuation vahmton 01 01land 01land
land Is about abut the te nearest nelt thing thlnl yet to Mr MrGeorges MrGergel MrGeorgs
Georges Gergel doctrines dotrin05 Ho appeared lpptr aPI1r to tell tellthem telltbtm tCIIthem
them tbtm whit had been going goig on 01 over overarid there thereand th r
and ad to answer anwer quaations quaationsHe qU tonl
He Ilsald said to t begin bgin with wih that th thf the noblecr noblecrof nohlEp nohlEpof
of England Englnd KO gol goLthelr their th lr laud hld by r fraud and andcicvioua andrfvioui anddevious
devious rfvioui ways of dealing dMlng Some me fellow fellowdressed felow felowdree lellosedreesed
dressed dree up as a a knight kni ht would bobble 1bbl up on onbis onhis onhe
his charger charlr flip f ap p nu 11 honest hon st cit clt on the houd houdand hed hedand heudand
and grab grh everything everythlnl the commoner cmmonerowl commonerowned commonerownedin owned ownedIn
In modem timew tmM they arent arnt much better betterMr bter bterIr
Mr Ir moer Fela believed bleve becMise l > c1lse they are tricky trickyand trickyan trickyand
and an hold out on the English Enllsh people Jple who whoappair whoapfu whoappear
appear apfu to bo starving to death deathhy deathhy deathhy
hy said he therp am iro w000r tiO peo people peopie peopie ¬
pie starving strving to death tonight tonight in london londonThere lnlon lnlonThere londonThere
There is i frightful poverty povery nil 11 over overFng Fog
Und Itd Twelve thousand thousnd people own two twothirds twothirs twothirds
thirds thirs of the land of the country and farm farmlaborers furmlbrers firmlaborers
laborers lbrers aro paid pid orly IS Ii shillings Hhilngl a week weekThe wek wekThe weekThe
The condi condition conditions cundibons
only way ay to t correct corret such lueh ¬
tion in II to paw paH the budget budgotwith with it Its clauxoK clauxoKreferring CbUK ClaUseereferring
referring to taxation txaton and then tho prob probInin probIfm problem
Inin Ifm of unemployment the problem that thatI
In I the curse CUI of England EnKlnd will wi lx solved solvedMr slve aolvedMr
Mr r Fels said Ild he believed blevl firmly frmty that thatDavid thaIIa thatIavjd
David Ia d LloydGeorge IloydGeore leader of the Lib 1b 1bHals lAbrtIs LibfraU
fraU 11 that partys fight fght against the thetiand theand thetand
tiand and taken by prtv the th Hotisw Houl of Ix lrdi horde > rda is isnn IRan i ian
an inspired man Mr tr OHheel Olhel arose aroseto arON
to My y that if Mr Ir LloydGeorge was WI In Inspired InIpired inStiired ¬
spired it was aR by politic and not states statesmanship stte8 stte8manship tatesmanship ¬
manship Lincoln Incom Lin oln Steffena HtdJenf rapped rappedsharply rappedsharply rappedsharply
sharply and looked looke very coldly coly indeed indeedat Iml d dat
at The OSheel ORhPI butSoung butoung Hhaemas Shams haH haHfought hl hasfought
fought fought too to long and hard for fot Ireland to tomind tomind tomind
mind little ltte raps m and he took breath for foranother forInother foranother
another Inother quest quetIn question ion Brforo lfor he could get getit
it out Mr Ir Fels els took up the current of ofbin ofhlB oftalk
bin talk tlk and ad passed pS lightly lghty over Shaemas ShaemasMr
Mr Fein Fell aid ld that the til movement to toft tort toft
ft ft a fair tax tx on the lands owned by the therd theird
lird rt rd originated orglnltf in Glasgow Ulgow and that thatiUfgow thatnl thatlasgow
nl iUfgow Jow got it its Inspiration InRplraton from frm Henry Henryorgs
fforg orgs who visited vhlte the Scotch Sotch metropolis metropolisabout metropls metroplsabout
about 1883 and made several speeches on onIDR onIDle onsingle
single IDR IDle tax subjects subjectHlh
lh I the he Scotch had been ben shunted Ihunte off nl by
Parliament PUlmtnt timnnnd again until unti they thwlre thwlrehrfwd theywerohrAwd were wereKhrcwd
Khrcwd tnounl to line up with the Social SocialIMS Soil SoilIMI
IMS IMI and the 10UI Laborites Jabrlt in the Hosue lolue By Byihe Dytht Bythe
the tht use of money monlY and much hard brd work workthey workIhp workthey
they got Iot the signature slnatlre of 270membera 270memberaf 270memors 270memorsoC
oC f the Houie Hou promising that tht th the taxation taxationrUuso txaton txatonrJule taxationrlauLe
rUuso rJule should go into the budget Then Thenth ThenIhy Thenthey
th they y went to Io work ork on the budpet Cabinet Cbinf and andfound andfOltd andfound
found fOltd the tahk tk easier oeler than thn they expected expced expcedIr
Mr Ir Fels Fell said lald ho looked loked for a similar similarmovement simiar simiarmoemnt similarmovement
movement In this country
Mr lr Oilman Giman husband hUbnd of Charlotte CharlottePerkins Crlotte CrlottePerkin CharlottePerkins
Perkins Perkin Oilman Oiman got ot UI to say lay thnt Prof Prf
fcligrnan lgran of Columbia Colubia had h made the thestatement the5atment thestatement
statement 5atment that we have already alredy mne a land landtax lnd lndIU landtax
tax in the United Unit States Sttes That rnt irked Irke Mr MrAis
Fs Ais and he said sid right out that Prof
fcligman SIgmn didnt know what be was talk talking tlk tlkIg talking ¬
ing Ig about and had hld better oler road up on the thesubject thelubjec thesubject
subject lubjec Ultimately Ultmatly Mr IFeis Fela said id they
would get et land in Kngiand taxed on onthe the
npland txe
tasm hlll or twenty shillings Ihllngs value In every
pound and that tha would bo b socialism sociaism He Hewas le leWM HeW104
was for it itMIKS itIiM t tlis
MIKS lis Helen Phelps Stokes Stkes a sister sl ter of
James Jlmf Graham Gralam Phelps Pelps Stokes Btkes and the theonly theonly beonly
only one 01 of the Grove Orvo street strt Socialist Socialistcolony Sialst Sialstrolony Socialistcolony
colony now left since Ilnce J O P Stokes Stokeaand BtokesMid Stokesnrl
and Uofio Io In Pastor Pa tor Stokea 8tke and andRbr Robert Hun Ilunr H Htu
tu Cr r and hit hil wife one oC the well wol to do dootokosog
StoklII Stoke otokosog moved moed to Stamford Btafor Coon Connstood Cnn Cnnslo Coonstood
stood slo up quint qUiety quintly ly and In tho th softest IUest volo voicertnnd voice voicepmn
pmn rinnd rtnnd d Jlr I Pots > to the wall wal wall1hl
Will WII 1hl you yo 11 please toll wl mo how when whenlorulixm w wbenUO1a1jI4m n nloclalim
lorulixm loclalim U I attained ataine on that tht basis bai of oftaxation oftUIion ofttitto
taxation tUIion votes otl for women will wi be sc sccumd le leCUld secured
cured cumdMr CUld curedMr
Mr Ir Fels elllque squirmed or seemed lemed to squirm BQuirmAnd
And nd aid that that tt wa wa what wht ho Iqr said ald or orords oror orWords
Words or to thafaffact that tfe but bu Miss Stokes Stokeswouldnt Stke Stokeswouidjtt
wouldnt wOlll t bo 0 denied She wanted wate an a an anwr anwr anCwer
wr flu and pat
Won its it thin Ih pt way said ld Mr Fete Feteomen Fel FelsOrttOfl
omen run the mon lon today tody I dont dontwhy dontwhy donte
e why they theY Bhouldnt Ihouldnt bo b fair fall enough
to g1V4 iv openly opnl to women what wht women womenfally woen woent womenreah7
fally t Ir po P0 poeoss ia Great applatwo applatwoHho applaWI
Hho ho is do Ire
going oll to anything ayhl for Ire ¬
land I anr demanded demadliTo demandedTho Tho OShoel OShoelNow OSnoolfW O5hoolXow
Now fW Sir Ir OSheel OShel Bold Ild Mr Fel FelMiothingly FelJthtnly FeIuthingly
Miothingly I have done tho b 0 beet Mrt 1 could Duld
to answer your questions queUons Give me meibanc InelblnC taotbitne
ibanc ibancKut lblnC tbitneitit >
Kut Blt Ireland Irelnd continued contiue Shaemas Shaema a aliat
What Shat liat do you OU think thik of John Barns BarnsMrfM Barnl Borneafiked
MrfM 1iII i a Socialist Hocllll
John Burns Burlan Is an tograte tgte said sid Mr Fela Fe
HA H in 1 full ful of vanity and ad be worip worships the theK thoPtound theZround
K round Ptound the aristocracy arisocc steps tep on o He Here
deserted re tho Labor Lbr party lor or the same samerjiton sao saoat sameTeao
rjiton Teao Romans RomansBat RomanBut that at Cleopatra CeP4 par l went wrt over oYr to the te teBut
But Ireland IrelandcontlnuedThe continued Th OSheel
IreldetlueTt OSel OSelId
and Id they turned ture out ou the llghta llghtai lh lhf
Will you ou please plae prod pro that tht animal l so sotluit i d dthat
that he will wi get gt up and let tetme let me see how howhe howhe howhe
he does dos It I I have been bn waiting waItng for half halfan hl hafRn
an fn hour for him eid aid a I women won artist artistto arUlt arUltto
to the keeper kepr as a she Ihe stood Ilod in front of the thestall thestal thestall
stall stal of a water watr buck buckShe buckSbo buckShe
She was doing Rome Ime sketching for a apainting npaintng aa
In a painting paintng in which the animal wal was to b bshown b be beshown
shown in Its i native land ld when startled slarled
i from iU It bed bd by an enemy Tho keeper keeperobliged keepr keeproblJd keeperobliged
obliged oblJd and the buck was upon up on its is feet
In Inolato a Jlly jilTy
t Ho got upon up on front nnd hind feet fet at
tho same mo time tl Does Dos he always tb < to it
1 that way asked the artist arist artiatI f
I WUd ild animals do aa untuf nature taught taughtI
I them to move quickly to escape e < danger dngr thogersth
With sth domestic domesto animals its p different difernt differentri I
ri A horse that Is II lying down always alwy got gotup
gt gtup
0 up on hid hil forward feet first frt but bt a cow cowguts cowIt8 cowa
a guts It8 up on her knees kro and then up on ont
t her hind feet fet and the third thir movement movemlnt
brings brlng her upon her horfront front feet fot explained explainedthe eJplalne
the keeper keeperI k eper
pr prI
I I like lke to ho particular prtcular in those thO things thingsaor
0 for aor I remember rmmber how a 1 well 1 known kown land landscape landBcap landLI ¬
LI scape Bcap painter pintel got Into trouble because bcnu
ho painted plr4te cows COWI In a pasture paur getting geUn up upon u uon uotk
on their front feet ttt first frat Thank you yousaid youuld yousaid
0 said uld the artist nrlst us 18 she Iho went on working workingThe
The politest Illest man I ever saw was an anEnglishman anFnglsbman
0 Englishman Fnglsbman with wih an American Amercn drug drugclerk drugcltrk drugI
I clerk for a close clO second 800nd said the woman womanThe WOnn WOnnhe womanI
I The he Englishman Enplshmln was wa w drinking hot choc chocin cboiolato cbot
t olato ill a drug store Ilor where wher I went to totelephone totelophone tor
r telephone It was wa an open telephone telephoneS
S near tho soda lo fountain The conversa conversation coner ¬
a 1 tion tou was wa wasof of a confidential confdental nature natur In reply
to BOIJW I0l0 question guo tonfrom front the other end of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the wire Wif I said 8ld Oh I cant tell you over overthe overthe
I the phone phoneJust
¬ Just by chance chanc I happened happned to look lookstraight looklrhtht lookstraight
¬ straight lrhtht at that tht Englishman Fngl hman when I said saidIt ld ldIt
It Goodness Oodnel knows I didnt mean men any ¬
thing thin by it but he gave it a personal personalsignificance personalsigniflciince rsonnl rsonnlillfcnc
significance illfcnc He blushed blu8hld set et down his hiscup hiscup
r cup of chocolate choolat and said eld Excuse XCt8 me meI ml
C I will wl retire retireU
rtm rtmI
U I imirnmrodJPloaEO murmufdSPlea6 dont but he had hadalready hadalrady hadI
I already disappeared dlsppared In the thereat rear of the thestore the8tOI
1 store 8tOI Then the drug clerk cerk sneaked sneae too tooand tooant tooattt
and ant I was Wil loft nlone to t talk I just had to totulk totlk tot
t talk tlk then The information Inforaton I had held heldl hlld hlldhack heldhack
l hack > ack was not not very important unwill unwillingness Imwl nwIllingneM ¬
ingness to t give it was the real cauro cUlO of ofmy ofmy ofmy
my refusal rfuli but after lfer all that tht sacrifice McrfCI McrfCIof sacrificeof j jof
¬ of time UrI and hot chocolate choolite In my b Ibnlq > halfi halfiI
I I would have told whatever secret Irt I had hadIown hadt hadIn
I t in mind lld If it had been bll ten times as bad bd badPown I It ILIVE I If
f Iown on West street Itret the other oter day daysaid dy dyt dayt
t said Id the to carman I saw 1 the driver of iv ivbrewery P abrewery
brewery wagon holding up two nosebags nosebagsfull
t t full ful of oats oat before a fellow felow who whowas was wa selling sellingwhips Ielng Ielngwhips sellingwhips
whips on the corner crner Gimme Gmme a dime dimefor dimeS
S for tho two he asked nke the whip seller sellerwho sellerwho eUerI0
I who I0 fished tlhed up the coin cil and pointed pointe to a abarrel abarel abarrel
barrel barel at his sido that t was a already two twothirds twothirds twothirds
thirds full ful In went ent the oat 0 whila whie whflatbe whflatbeS the thedrivers thes
s drivers dr erI beasts bl3sta looked looke on hungering hungeritvrnnd hungerll
nnd thus I became uecme acquainted acquaintd with withanother wih wihanother
1 another picaresque way of making a aprofit aprf at
t profit prf The whip seller Iler made about 100 100per 10 100per
per cent nt on the te transaction tranecton while to the thedriver thedr thedriver
driver dr Jlr er of course the dime d d4ne e was WI all al velvet velvetSaid Ilvet IlvetSld
9 Said Sld the Englishman J ngllhmaiwho who had stood stoodplanted stod stodplanted stoodplanted
planted In the snow for ten minutes minutesstaring mlnutItaln minutesstaring
staring Italn at a the Metropolitan letr lln tower What Whatdo Whatdo Whatdo
do you call it itTlie It1le itI
I Tlie 1le New ew Yorker said sid Metropolitan Metropolitant fetropolan fetropolantower
t tow tower towerI or orI
I m man an what 1hat is your pet potnams name namf for forthie forthieI the theclock thecock
I clock clockThe cock clockP
P The New ew Yorker YorkerrepeatOI repeated a a few choice choiceepitliots choic choiceI
I epitliots epilet that had b hen n applied appled to that thatclock thotcok thatclock
clock cok try b h persons whose whos morning and andmidnight mudmidnight nd ndmidnight
midnight re rlt reit prsns t it had disturbed disturbedOh disturb
Oh I dont dont mean men that tl t either said sid the theKnglitihnmn thelnglhlmIU
u Knglitihnmn lnglhlmIU Dont you ou call 1 it Old Ben Banor
or Old Bob Db or old something or other otheran othlr othlras
an a a uark of affection Blloton No o Well Wel thuL thuLis thu thuI thuis
is one ont phasrt phal of American Americn character that thatI thaI thisnrot
I I cannot Cnnot nrot understand You ou s seerd v nS t utterly utry
lucking lcking in Imagination ItJinton in naming objects objectsof objet objetof
of general interest Intert Time after time timea tme tmeR
a tower H I clock cock a church curch a tomb has hasbeen huben liesbeen
been ben pointed pinte out labelled 131eled with its U proper prOIrname proiwrname propername
I name But what is II IU nickname 1 1ask Ink
ask and an always the answer If II the tie same sampIt m mI
I It I IIJK none Such Sucl indifference indiltn < is 1f 11n 11nknown sinknown tin tinknown
known in our city ly Why If this thll clock clockworo rlockwere clockwere
were in I london < it would wold have been chris christened chrltene christened ¬
tened tene with wih a term of endearment endearmlnt before beforeIt
It hud been btn up two diy diyJust tbyJust dysJust
Just Just then the Metropolitan Ietrpltn chimes got gotbusy gothu gotbusyand
busy hu busyand yand and a nervous New York man trudged trudgedThere trudged trudgedpt trudgedpast
he pt ptllere past There growled erovlodDear arowl llere goes Io that damned damne olock again againhe
I Dear me le said the Englishman EnglishmanNew Englshman EnglshmanNew
New Yorkers aro no worse wo e off ol than thancitizens thanciizen titancitizens
citizens ciizen of some foreign capitals cpitls in re regard regar regard ¬
gard gar to the postcard po tcrd question qU ton according1 aceordinto
to the experience of a man who has huben hubeng been beengetting beengetting
getting g tlnJlcturu picture cards rrdl from abroad abroadI rod rodI r
I had ha three thro from Paris Pars ho raid and andthey andI andthey
I they happened hnppned to come just on the day dayI
I read rnd the paragraph pngavb in TUB SON lCK about aboutthe Ibut Ibutthe aboutthe
the cards crd made mde abroad abr AHhouglthey AHhougltheywere Althougltey Althouglteywlre Aithouighy they theywere
were wlre from the French Jrench capital mplt and rfcvered rfcveredwith mveredwith vere
with wih good wishes in that tha language langage every everyonn everyon everyone
one on of Ro them had b ben been n made in Vienna Viennaand Viennaand Viennaand
and was stamped tampe with lhthe the name and andaddress andaddreA andaddress
address addreA of the manufacturer manufacturerWell manufacturerWel
Well Wel ell said sid the ultimate ultlat consumer conlumlr to toa tousy toa
a busy usy coal cni dealer I suppose UPP0 you are aregetting ar argeting Stbgetting
and getting geting rich rch fast fa t in this cold cl weather weathernnd wttherand weatherand
Not ot so 8 fast that tha we e have hae to hire any anyextra anyextra anyextra
extra clerks cerk to count the cash c1 said ald the thecoal thecol thecoal
coal col dealer dt ler We sell 11 more mor coal but what whatwith whatwih whatwith
with wih the bad bd going and nld the longer time it ittakes Ittke ittakes
takes tke to haul haulund und the cost cot of extra extr horse horaeshoejng hora horseshoeing
shoeing Ihong and nil al that there Unt any anymoney anymoney anymoney
money in It I Take it from me the extra extracoal exl extracoal
coal cl we sell lel at this time tme of year yer doesnt doesntbring dosnt dosntbrng doesntbring
bring brng us any extra profits profitst profitsSome protl protlSome profitsSome t
Some persons pr ol whom you would expect expectto
to know somethinghave smethinghave less 1 sense sn e than thanbabies tbanbble8 thanbabies
babies bble8 remarked mrked one of tbe attendants attendantsat attndanl
at the poultry show recently recnty During Duringthe Durng Durngtle
the tle week wel at least let a dozen dozn valuable valyble birds birdshave birdshave birdshave
have died from stuff tui that kfnd kid hearted heartedfolks hearte heartedfolks
folks bad In given them to t eat eatIn et etIn eat1n
1n In the holiday holday season eaBn you ou know knowmothers knowmothem knowmothers
mothers and fathers take tke their kids Icd to toall t toaU
aU sorts of wholesome amusements amusementsThey amUlment amUlmentThey amusomenteThey
They came < ro to the poultry pulr show Ihow stocked stockedwith atke stockedwith j jwith
with peanuts and chocolate cholate creams cram and andfine ad adtno andfine
fine tno candied cundle fruits frit They seemed to t
forget rget that the birds birs were were eme delicately delicatelyraised delctly delctlyrisd delicatelyraised
raised risd so they threw stuff stuf to the birs birsthat birdsthat birds birdsthat
that simply flm ply killed kie them themIn
In one case cal when I told a stout ItOUt person personthat peontht personthat
that tht it was wrong to t feed fe the birds birs like likethat lke lkethat likethat
that said sid the attendant attndt the man was wasdeeply wa wasdeeply
deeply insulted Insult and when he got very veryangry ver veryangry
angry I had him put out of the te place placeHe plc placelie
He used ui to raise ris cattle ctle in the te West WestNEWS WestN WestNJIV
Sir iiI Charles Wyndhara to Make 111 Only Six Sixtern slitteen
tern tten Appearance Ipearanct In Ibis 11 City CityIt Ciy CiyIt
It was wal decided decide yesterday yesteray that t1t 111 Sir SirCharles hr hrCharles I ICharles
Charles Wyndbam Wynda and Miss lIM Mi Mary Mar Moore Moorewill MOr Moirewill
will wi appear appr In The Mollusc MolJ at the theEmpire theEmpire theEmpire I
Empire Theatre Tentr this tlle season for only twelve twelvenights twelvenilht twelvenights
nights and four matinees matin e In view of the theshortness theshortness
nilht matfI vew
shortness ehorl8 of his New Ne York engagement engagementSir enaement enaementSir I
Sir Charles Charlel Wyndham Wyd has hl broken broke his hiscustom bil bilcustm hiscustom I
custom custm and will wi play Ily both bot midweek midwek and andSaturday ad andSaturday
Saturday Stliry matlntas matlntasThe mtn s s1e
The first frst rehearsal rbN 1 for MlM f8 Ethel Etel Barry Barrymore Brry Brrymor Barrymore
more mor in Sir A W Plneros Plners play ply Mid MidChannel MidChannel lld lldChannel
Channel will w beheld bebeldnexUlond next Monday Charles CharlesFrohman Carle CharleeFrohman
Frohman Frohmn has II I engaged enage Charles Carle Dal Daltn Dalton ton and andII ad adH andH
H Barrynjore BarrynjoreJohn BarrymoreJohn Reeves Ieves Smith to t appear appr with Mlse MlseBarrynjore 1fl MiseBarrymore
John T Kelly Kely wan wal wa engaged engage yesterday yesterdaylife et
by Lebler Lieblor Co t to pi play a leadng leading cmey cmeyr comedy comedytart
tart In support of MIss lIbel Mabel Hlt Hits In InA inA
A r Cerin Certain luPJrt Pary Party te the ply play of Ne New York York Yorklife
life by Edward Ewnr W Townsend Townnd and andWard Frank FnkWar FrankWard
Ward b OMalley OlaUe Hia Hi If part will wi be that tt of ofJerry ofJerr
War Jerry Jtrr foyirtv Fort a district diaic pr politician UUon The Tbecomedy To Tocomey Thecomedy o
comedy comey will i b b be seen An In New Ne York shortly shortlyAt aal aalAt
At tao te New Ne York Hippodrome tonight tonighttho
the 3300th porfonnanoo HIpprme counting cutng tnlat tnlatt from fromtbo fm fmtho fromthe
the t day dy that tat prono the te playhouse plyhoul first fm opened openedits openedits
its It door dr will wl be b given The Tf Hippodrome Hlppodromowas Hppm Hppmwal opne
was wal 1905 thrown tr open op to t the public publc on o April Apl 13 13Dnnan
1905Dennoan 19 Dennoan Thompson Tom nJ will appear at atKeith atXat atKeith
Keith Dm A Proctor P Fifth Fit Avru Avenue aplN Theatre Theetron Tetr Theatreon
on Xat Monday MOy January Jac 81 l1 1 In I l a original originalsketch or originaliketch n
sketch Joihua J u Whltcorabifrom Wlt WhitcombftQmfmowehar m bla blafsaowcharaoter hi
fsaowcharaoter tdo stead ket In I T The T CIu 01 014std Homo Homostead Kol
SIEULKVAL 1611114 1 AMElttCA AMElttCAAdds 41ElUCttdI UIll UIlldd
Adds tdI dd It I Is Alnayn tIwa In the thl Intimate Inlmtl Prr Prron Prrlonal PrrsonI
lonal on l Conndrnro onndenlt or the AlnilRlit AlnilRlitThis AiniIIitThis lmIKhtTI
This TI In Response Rponln to limtlre 11 tln thai Olmslnls Cm CmIttIIItKnl thaistruts
struts IttIIItKnl AllrRrtl Hcnimrkg Rlmakson on the II Uemh Uemhrhe DenchThe en oh ohThe
The shirtwaist Ihlrtwamt strikers 8trlker appealed re recently rocenty tocently ¬
cently centy to George Bernard Brr Shaw Shw for help
in characterizing the remarks which they theysay theyMY theysay
say Justice Justc Olmsted mm8 e made in the Chill Childrens Chl Chilldrens ¬
drens Court COllr on December Deombr 30 when ac according nccoring ancording ¬
cording coring to published publ8hed statements statement the theJustice tle tleJustice theJustice
Justice asserted 1rpl that the strikers striker wore woreon wem0Q woreov
on 0Q strike Itrlke against God Go Mis MiRI Elizabeth ElizabethDutcher Jlzbth JlzbthDutcber ElizabethDutcher
Dutcher of f th the < Womens Womenl Trade lrde Union UnionLeague UnionLeagtie
League Llue got Iot Shuws ShRW1 cable oble reply yoster yosterday YlterI yceterday
I day and a formal tatement was WIS issued issuedforthwith h issuedforthwith III
forthwith forthwih oaying oayingThe
The h special ppll million 8tl lun of the tlI New eur York YorkCall YorkCoi Yorkall
Call Coi all which whlh wax a Umied I IPI last Vetlne Wednesday Wednesdayrealized dny dnyreallred 14Y 14YreRUled
realized many man thou thol thousand aiid dollars dolar8 for the theadieu tholdlfI theldIeu
adieu ldlfI Wall Makers akr tlilon Thvnuwaltera Thvnuwalterawhich 11 The ntlem ntlemwhich news item itemwhich
which especially epfcall struck 8trck the editors edior atten attention alen alenUon attenlIon ¬
lIon was Inl In regard to a recent pronnnrla pronnnrlamento pronlnla pronlnlaOfnto pronuinciamenlo
menlo Ofnto by Justice Olmsled Olmlled In the Chil Childrens Chl Chiluirens ¬
drens trenl Court COlrt A bhlrfwalst strIker 11rlktr np nppenrid lp lppard appeered
peered pard before bror him Uecember rO 0 ns a I com complainant COO cootJlftiLiaUt ¬
plainant Jlaln nt against 8tailst ir 0 strike Irlkl lireakcr hue TlioJudge ThoJlldee hueJudge
Judge nuked the striker It lie wasuorklntf wasuorklntfNot Wil was working worklnot workingNot
Not ot now said lald lh Iht the Hlriker Irlkpr we are on onstrike al onstrike
strike No said sd the t e Judo 1 know you youare youare 01
are not A orkiu workIng > and urn Irt on 01 strike Von Vonare 101 Youare
are on on strike against alalnst God and nature naturewhoe naturewhose atllr atllrwhoe
whoe prime law It U II that man shall shal earn earnhis rr earnhis
his hil bread In this tl sweat Iwpat of his hI brow You Vouare Youare 01
are re on strike Itrlke airaindt alln t God GodThe lod lodhe od odrhe
The he editors edlorR felt that thlt to grapple IrapJlelth with thU thUman thll thluman
man wan wa Indeed In ted beyond beonc their powers and andthat andtlnt andthat
that tlnt there was W only one person perlon in thin wide wideworld wideworld wideworld
world who u Ito could adequately a eQlltely deal with wih the thematter Ihemater liematter
matter mater so without lbolt morn ado ldo do they Indited InditedSind Indld Indldnd Inditedsod
sod nd Kent off ol the following fololylnw followlngcab1egratn followlngcab1egratnchaiv cablegram cablegramSAoifllO ablfluam ablfluamSAol
SAol SAoifllO chaiv 10 AdelpM Trrratt London LondonMagistrate LondonMaalslrate Londonlaglatrste
Magistrate tulle clilrtnalst Ihlrtwolst maker here herelie h 115r6he re rebe
lie U jju J1 u strike isainut I Ia Inlt Rod Go od iho whoe hole e prime primelaw primelw primelaw
lw law tTman j 4 Than ln should 8h011d earn er bread lu pveat at of ofbrow 0 ofbrow
brow Dea JlolIe Pleasa e cliararterl7e chtracterlze lieply H ply ihanfi ihanfipaTd charjd vliargcpa < I
paTd pa rii
I FLIU Fttranittn KTU DVTC Dircnrs DircnrsWomen JI
Women WomensJrad Trade Inion InionThl IOIIP IOIIPrhl league leaguerhI
Thl niornlnc morln came car the following folowlnl reply replynomrnf rppl rpplolrn repIyWotirn >
nomrnf olrn e Tade de Inion IIon lfauur IroUIP ftVie e York YorkDelightful lork lorkDlhrhfnl Yorkflelighful
Delightful mediaeval mfdlral America Amer mraalway mraalwayIn ira always nlwsyoIn
In the Ih Intimate Intmalo personal pfrlon confidence of the theAlmlehty thoIIihty thethmlihty
Almlehty IIihty IHnVAin I nD SIIATT In InThe SritwThe SIIATTThe
The committee clnmltl appointed appolntl by tho thostrikers thostrikers
strikers Itriker to meet mtct John Londrlgan and Col ColMichael Co31chel ColMichael
Michael 31chel J Reagan Regnn of the State ate Board Boardof Bad Badof
of Arbitration Arbitraton and anddeflue define defne the strikers strikersidea Rtrke RtrkeIde strikersIdea
idea Ide of the open and the closed cosed shop Ihohad
had a conference lasting 13stng several leeral hours hoursyesterday hounyetray hoursyesterday
yesterday yetray afternoon afteroon with wih the two would wouldbe
be arbitrators aitrtr nt Ut lUIt 145East Kast Twentyeighth Twentyeighthstreet TwentyeighthItret
street Itret The only result of the conference conferencewas conforenc
was U to convince cnvlnco the members ol tho State Stateboard Statebord Stateboard
board bord that tht it is utterly uterly useless 18116 to con continue continuo contlnuo ¬
tinue Its It efforts elor and Ind apparently thin tight tightis JKht JKhtIs
is on to a finish fnlsb Theltrikers The 1 he strikers and their theirleaders their theirIender theirleaders
leaders Iender stand tnd unalterably committed committedto commite
to the closed shop and the Associated AssociatedWaist Aqocated AssociatedWaist
Waist Val t and cose Dress Dre Manufacturers Ianufacturer we weequally le leeualy areequally
committed to the I
equally eualy committ open shop
Miss 11 Anne Ane Morgan Morlan accompanied accompnllf by b b1If
Mrs 1If Valesh ale the spokeswoman spokewoman for the thestriken theRtrikll thestrikers
strikers Rtrikll and those tho who are Iro assisting assistingthem nastatingthem lstnl I
them attended atende the conference Mnferec Miss MissMorgan JI IissMorgan
Morgan a asked < ked e many questions of the thnstrikers theatrilters I Istera
strikers stera committee committe but did not take tae part partin art i iin
in oar f discussion lilullon Sue Sie went wtnt away be b bfore lefort 1 1fore I
fore the tle meeting metng was wa over without wihout making makingany makinga
any a statement statementChairman sttment statementChairman
Chairman Chalnan Londrignn lndrlan said after afer tbe tbeconference tbeconferenc theponference I
conference ponferenceWe conferenceWe conferenc
We found that tAt the sentiment entiment of the thestrikers thestrike thestrikers
strikers for the closed co shop in Its I most mostrigid mostrigid mostrigid
rigid sense aenle is no overwhelming overwhelmlnJ and the thesentiment theIntment thesentimentof
sentiment Intment of the employers fo unanimous unanimousfor
for the open shop that that we can do nothing
Ve have given up all al attempt atempt to make makepeace makepae makopeace
peace peaceIt pae It was wa announced anouneed by Mrs lrsVah Vnleth Vnlethfor aleshfor h hfor
for the committee 0mlll which are aiding
the strikers Itrlerl that t since tllce the Christmas Christmasholidays Chriltmm Chriltmmholdays Christmasholidays I
holidays holdays began gan the treasury trtsur of the union unionha unionhu unionhas
ha hu b bel beeu en running very ve low lowt Klaw KiawErlanger A AErlanger I
Erlanger Elanger It was stated alato have offered offeredto ollere
to give for three thrl week wpoully weeksthiiy daily performances performancesof performance
of The Barrier rler at the N New ew w Amsterdam AmsterdamTheatre tlntterdAt tlnsterdsunTheatre I
Theatre the proceeds prol of onehalf onlhal of the thetickets thetlcket thetickets
tickets tlcket sold Bld by the strikers to t be given givento
to the II strike fund The performance performanceare performance
are Ire to begin on Monday The I he committee committeesaid cmmite
said ld that hundreds hundre of school Ihool teachers teachershave tMcbrh1e teechershave
have h1e volunteered voluntefr t tu sell 8el ticket trket trketl tiekethXEl
1 XEl Eir r AMERICA lRWp snriiAn snriiAnJane iJII iJIIanp
Jane anp Unborn lanlh Hannah Makes Ukll Her Ipr llrliul llrliult Ihul Ihulat
at t the nil Xlrlropolltan XlrlropolltanTannhftuger Urlropolal UrlropolalTannhluler lriropoIitanTannbltuiser
Tannhftuger Tannhluler was given at the Metro Metropolitan Metropolitan Jltr ¬
politan polCn Opera Oper Hoitso 10180 last In lt night and ld it itwas ItWI itWits
was WI heard by an audience nudienc of considerable considerablefcizo conslderhle
fcizo I The only new feature fetlr of the per performance performanc performance ¬
formance formanc was Wil the d4but d hut of Jane Osborn OsbornHannah Osbr Osbornhannah I
Hannah Hannh who xang ng Eliiabtlli Elzobrlh It Is Isalways If Ifnlway isalways
always interesting Intremlul to observe oblene tho de dejneanor te temonor tiemeaner
of Metr audience m inibe
meaner monor a Metropolitan oltnn mtho 111
tho presence presnce of an unknown tJlmown singer Hlngorelpoily singerespecially I Iespecially
especially elpoily one of American Americn origin The Thehesitating I Ihesitating Ibelatlng 1
hesitating belatlng and noncommittal noncommital character characterof ardQr
of the applause applus Is no fO encouraging encourglg encouraging In Intho II Inthe I
tho case < of Mme Osborn Osbor Hannah Hannb tho thoplaudits thopludits theplaudita
plaudits pludits were national lt nal some Iome parts portl of ofthe ofthe
the house hous maintaining maintining a discreet diHrot reserve reserveThe re reeerveIhie ere ereThe
The new soprano has IU11 a youthful voice voiceof I
of excellent natural naturl quality qUlty and sufficlont sufficlontpower Iumcleut Iumcleutpwer eumejouitpower
power for operatic operatc purposes purOs Her ler sing
InK pwer last night night was best bst In passages nges of ofsmooth orsmooth ofsmooth
smooth melody meloy railing clng for a 1 moderate moderatevolume moerate moeratevolue moderatevolume
volume volue of tone In more vigorous Vorol de declamation declamaton declamation ¬
clamation clamaton the voice voic lost Imt its II poe and Its Itsvibrato 111 111vlbmto itsvibrato
vibrato approached npprooe a tremolo trmolo But this thisfault thisfault thisfault
fault might have been ben due to t the nervous nervousness nervousne nervousnose ¬
ness ne of a first frt appearance apparanc In n Mine Alnl Mineborn OH OHborn O
born br Hannahs Hanhs Interpretative luterprotUve treatment trtmont of ofElltabttkt ofEIabtA1 ofElizabeths
Elltabttkt EIabtA1 muslo mulo there Van qaa a nothing nothingmore t tmore
more mertrou meritorious than conventional convlmtlonl rou routine rouUne routine ¬
tine but she may have hvo something more moreindividual moreIndlvdunl nioroIndividual
individual Indlvdunl if not more eloquent elouent to die disclose dlsclOe dieclose ¬
close clOe in Home Imo other role roleCarl r roleCarl le leCrl
Carl Crl Jem Jb sane TnnhiLvter T4nnhustr for the first firsttime fft ffttme firsttime
time tme this thl season eI SUI His H impersonation Imprnton of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the erring ering knight is II familiar fnmilr to t this tis public publicThe puhlo puhloTe publhoThe
The Te other principals prclpls in I the cost cnt were weroMme wereMme weredme
Mme Olivia Olvi no longer longoI Olive Olve Kremstad Kremstadaa rmtd rmtdVevI
aa Venus VevI Clarence Clarc Whitehill Whiehi as a Wolfram Wolframand Wolfrm Wolfrmm
and m AllanHinckleyfui AllHlnckley Allan Hinckley p LngTrf Landgrere < < zn < irnireerm Iltrann IltrannMr Jlermann JlermannSIr < nn nnMr
Mr Hertz Hez conducted conducte tho performance pcrfonace
Justice Nenburcer Sa Says > t That TIt Joe Weber MrberHhould WeberNhould rber rberHhoold
Hhould Give an Account Accounting AceounUnsSuprme AccountingSupreme Int IntSupreme
Supreme Court Justice Jutc Newburger Newburgergranted Newburgergnted Nawburgergranted
granted gnted yesterday yestery the application applcton of ofWalter ofWalerN ofWalter
Walter WalerN N Lawrence Lwrnoo for a temporary temporaryinjunction tmprr temporaryinjunction
injunction InJunoton restraining relrlnlng Jon Jo Weber Webr the thetheatrical thetheatrol thetheatrical
theatrical theatrol manager manger from frm disbursing the thereceipts therOlp thereceipts
receipts of The Climax Clmax companies until untilan unt I Ian
an accounting acoutng is made mde mdeI madeLawrence
1 Lawrence Lwrnc says lays that ho had an agree agreement lpr ¬ I Imeat
ment with wit Weber Webr by which Lawrence Lawrencewas Lwrence LwrenceW
was W to t receive rceive 40 per cent cnt of the profits profitsof proft
of the companies cmpnle pr playing The T Climax ClimaxWobor Clmax ClmaxWobr ClimaxWobor
Wobor Wobr he asserts 8rt charged chrge IISiXX 11 for forservices forIrlc forservices
services Irlc as a manager managO of the companies companiesand cmpaniel
and that tbat Weber Webr and ad his relatives rlatlYe so socontrived 10 10cntr socontrived
contrived cntr ved and manipulated manipulted the th affairs affairsof afairs afairsof
of the corporation crortlon that the entire entir profits profitshave prfa prfahave profitshave
have been bn absorbed aborbd by Weber Webr his rela reintVn relativee ¬
tives tVn and confidential cnfdenUal employees employeesWeber employC employeesWeber
Weber Webr denying the te charge clrge said sid that
he had heolved hadzocoived received less lel than 112000 120 for his hisservices hi hi I Iservices
services lrlcea aa a manager and that he was wasfully wa wasfully
fully ful entitled enttle to this thl sum sumJustice 8umJuto sumJustice
Justice Juto Newburger In granting grantng the theapplication theapplctQn theapplicatiqn
application said saidWithout sid sidWlhut saidVithsut
applctQn Without Wlhut attempting atepting to characteiizo characteiizothe cbaraetllze cbaraetllzethe
the conduct cnduct of the defendant Joseph JosephWebar JphWebr I IWeber
Weber Webr who appears apptar to be b the master mastermind mastermind ter termind
mind I i am a of the tl0 opinion that the plain plaintiff plaintf ¬ I Itiff
tiff tf has ha mode me out a sufficient luclent CA Cl case to call callupon callu callupon
upon u n him and ad the other oter defendants defendantsWebers defendnnt defendantWobers
Webers brother brotherinlaw brotheInlaw and a aconfidential aoonfldenUal
confidential cnfdentll employe emploe to render an In an ac accounting accutng anounUng 1 ¬
counting cutng of their stewardship stewardshipHenrietta atewarsblp atewarsblpUmr StewardshipHenrietta
Henrietta Umr f Crosraan Crolma Taken Seriously III IIIMIDDLETOT I Illtwotvowji
MIDDLETOT JlmDL twotvowji N N Y Jan 5 GMf MlM Hen Henrietta Henriett Henrietta ¬
rietta riett Crosman Crn the leadia leading lady ly In InSham InShm InSham
Sham Shm presented prlent at the Strut Strtto StrattonTheatze StrattonTheatzehere ton Theatre Theatrehere Tetr
here be last lt night was wa taken suddenly aUdenly ill 111after I illafter
after the performance and ad Iz I confined confinedto
to ar t her bed thoponnC at pt t a hotel hotl hero her Oho hef WM confne forced forcedto forc I
to t cancel al o icel her tr engagement eppet at the Academy Academyof Acdemy 4 4of
of Mtwlo Jt to Newberga Nelk tonight tht She he e U Ustiff I Isuffrthg t tauel
stiff auel suffrthg rtag from frm a severe H1 attack attck of lumbago I Ir <
r > I o J
In order to facilitate facltate the tle settlement settement of ofthe o oI othe ofthe
I the estate of the late Mr J P Howard HowardHoward HowardHoward howardHoward
Howard Co Cooffer i iofer i
offer ofer for fo a limited lmied time tme their magnificent ma nlcent stock oj of ofDiamond I IDIamond I
Diamond Jewelry Pearl Necklaces NecklacesAntique ftJecklaccsAntique ecldacs 1 1Antque i I
Antique Antque Gold and Modern Moder Silver SilverGold Siver SiverGold SilverGold
Jewelry Jewelryat
at a uniform uliform reduction of 20 20Filth 2 20t I IIL I
IL t LFilth Filth Fith Avenue and FortySeventh ForYSeVenh SI
1 tvrs t IF J nniiifis nniiifisHe 6 tllOS imH imHII DEl P Plie
He II Mnx f ns Nrrtlnc Iftn Ills II Scentli Inth Term Tlrm In Inrounrcn InColrl Inottgress
rounrcn Colrl ottgress From I rom CtorIIA CtorIIAWA8IXTO Georin GeorinWasittyarox < i ornln ornlnWASHINGTON
WASHINGTON WA8IXTO Jm Jun G The Th news ntwt of tho thodeath thodtath thedeath
death dtath of Representative Representatve James W CSriggH CSriggHnt GrilgH GrilgHnt
nt his homo in Georgia Oorgla was received receive in inWashington inWashingtn inWashington
Washington Washingtn with expressions of genuine genuinesorrow gllulnesorrow genuinesorrow
sorrow by his hit colleagues coleauol with whom he hewas hewas
was wal exceedingly popular Mr Origg Origgwho Orllg Orllgwho Uriggawho
who was wal of a chewftit C11flland clienrfulami and jovial disposi disposition dipoatOI dispoalthou ¬
thou tOI was almost ahlot us I much at home among Imon ImonReplWlcns
Republicans hia of ofthe ofthe citthe
ReplWlcns aa IS among Imon ls colleagues colealutl
the minority minorty and this notwithstanding 10twlthstlndig
the fact that he had conducted onductP two na national 1 onfional ¬
tional tlon1 campaigns cntpallnA for party control of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the House Jole of ofUeprlleltthe Representative prty As A Hraconteur Arcnteur araconteur
raconteur rcnteur ho waR among mnon tho ito beat b t In the theHOUPO theHonlo theHouuo
It I wan as a chairman of the Democratic DemocraticCongreixlonal DemocratloCongrelolll DemocratIcCongressional
Congressional Congrelolll cum campaign > algn committee cpmmltee In Inthe Inthe inthe
the lOui lOt and Ind 1600 10 campaigns that Mr MrGrigga MrGrlgA MrGrigga
Grigga became prominent cmplgus ns IR a I a national nationalfigure nt1ouualfigure tonal tonalfhture
figure It I has bten claimed cl lld that in I each cclcampaign facl eachcampaign
campaign cmpign ho made mlde a a better betor showing for forhit forhi forhits
hit hi party tlutn any of the chairmen chalrmen who whoImmediately whoImnwtintel whoiinmtdiately
Immediately Imnwtintel preceded or followed folow d him himIn himIn
I In loot lOt l904Ir Mr Ir firigK Grilg had hld sonic somt difficulty difculty In Inkocuring iiisecuring
securing si sInews news of war ar with wih which to toconduct tocontuct toconduct I I
conduct contuct the campaign cmpllgn and It waR William WilliamH Wiliam WiliamJt
H Jt Hearst Hlant who utne < to t his liR aid Out of ofgratitude oCImt ofgratitude I
gratitude Imt itudl the Georgian gave vo thn Now low York Yorkuditor I eric orktditor ericeditor
editor tditor liU hi support for g the Democratic Democraticnomination Dtmocrtlc Dtmocrtlcnominaton Democraticnomination
nomination nominaton for for the Presidency Presidency when whenJudge whtn whtnJudge whenJudge
Judge Parker was th the party cnolco In
1004 114 He was one ne of the t party few Democrats Democratsin I
in Congress longrts to espouse the candidacy cnndilacy of ofMr ofMr
Mr Ir Hearst HearstMr Hlarst HlarstI HearstMi espuse I
Mr I Origgs who was w35cflng Wa serving his hlaleenth seventh seventhterm
term frequently frluenty participated prtclpnte in in debate debte In Inth Inthe
th the House lolle He II was a member tlrmber of the theWays theWa theaya I
Ways Wa aya and Means Iean Committee Commitee and took tookpart tookIn tookpart
part in the tariff trllf di ecllfioUR discuissiotis ciiRBioiis in the Hones 101 Honeslast
last ast summer mmrer In 11 his early life lfelr Mr GrlggRj Gngg Gnggran Griggeran
ran a ii newspaper and was also nl8 a school schoolteacher schol scholttaeh schoolteachur
teacher ttaeh r newspper Ho graduated Irdulte from Peabody Ptlbdy PtlbdyormaJ
Normal School in 1 Nashville lhvle Tenn Before Dfor I Icoming 1coming Icoming
coming to Congress ongrt he wan wa a prosecuting prosecutingattorney proulng prosecutingattorney I Iattrney
attorney attrney and at1 Circuit Ciruit Judge Ho was waaiborn wasborn a abor
born bor in Lagrange LgrnR Ga 01 In March 1891 1891He t811 t811le 1BIHe
He le had had lived lve at Dawson Dawsn where he died diedMnce tle diedsince
since sinc ltSS ltSSWILLIAM 18 1St 1StIIILLI41I
WILLIAM 11111 C lOST K4I II IIrllinoIConel P141rII K4IlinowntnConnectlen
rllinoIConel rII linowntnConnectlen known LnCocineellon n W lllillirStrup lllillirStruplumi lib a tl I he Il Strep Streplura ru r
lumi I u r iion I TrTa nctry nctrySViliiain ct trj trjWilliam 1
William Wiliam C e Post POtt vicepresident lcpfitfnt and andtnvuiurer andtrlurr andlreiuuuirer
tnvuiurer trlurr of the thl structural Itructral Iron firm trm of ofPost ofPOII ofPost
Post POII A McCord died yesterday Yftlray at Atlan Atlantic Atln Atlnto Atliuttic ¬
tic to City His Hl home va was as in Englewood EnglewoodN tnIewo
N J 1 where the lit funeral will wi be held heldMr heldlr heldMr
Mr lr Poet I t w vas tal s 43 years Yf1 old He le wan wangraduated WI wasgraduated
graduated jdlated from frnl Slovens Institute Insttlto In In16S6and InIS8lnd Itt1St6aml
16S6and IS8lnd entered the employ of his father fatherwho fatherwho fatherwho
who wan Wa then associated at0cata In businean busineanwith b uinll uinllwih uslneswith
with wih William lam II 1 McCord When tbe tbefirm tbetrl thefirm
firm trl was merged with the tie American Americanliridge MnerlcanBridge
merge wth
Bridge Jrdge Company Comp LY in 1000 10 ho was wa promoted promotedto promote nercn nercnJrdge
to the position pOUtOt of chief draughtsman draughtsmanIn drughtman drughtmanII
In II January 1001 loC Mr Post POt retired rtr from fromthw frm frmthe fromthe
the American Amerl < n Bridge Brdge Company compny to become becomeviceprwiid beome beomevicptldmtnd becomevieepresidentnd
viceprwiid vicptldmtnd vieepresidentnd nt4nd treasurer trurr of the newly newlyorganized nelyorfuit newlyorganized
organized orfuit Post Pot Jt McCord 1C ord Company OmJmny
Mr Post 108t vms president pfident of the Alumni AlumniAssociation AlumniAS8daton AlumniAssociation
Association AS8daton of Stevens Srve Institute Jnltlute of Tech Technology T Technology b bnolog ¬
nology nolog a 1 member mlmbr of the Bloomlnggrove BloomlnggrovePark Uoomlnggve UoomlnggvePark
Park Association Aloiaton tImChilsea thf hue Ghll Chilsea Plantation PlantationClub
Club the Carteret Creret Club of Jersey Jerey City City
tho Jersey eloy City Clolf Club the Riltusrol RiltusrolGolf Iblusrol IblusrolOol EtituarolGolf
Golf Ool Club lllb luib and the Crescent lfCnt Athletic Athleto Club ClubVETEH ClubITW ClubITEIt
VETEH ITW n t Cirr ITI 1T3 SEItlAXT Il DEAlt DEAltII 1 1E4DVlIlIaun
VlIlIaun 111 II I CI times 4iVr 4hears 1erl ni In the thf Hulld HulldInc luld luldIne Utiliding
Inc nrpartmrnl Jeluatmrnt Ulriof UIflof Ili of Heart leart Trouble TroubleWilliam roublp roublpWillm FreebieWilliam
William Willm H I CI Clalf Class s chief clerk of the theManhattan th thInnhatan theManhattan
Manhattan Innhatan Building Buiding Department Dpartment and andone andouo andone
one of the oldest old t menthern melherR of the municipal municipalcivil nmnlcipl nmnlciplchi
civil chi nervloo inlc in longth of nerXce seroe rc having havingworkml ha havingworked vnR vnRwoked
worked woked through fortyfivo foryfo 1era fears ears without withoutu wihout wihouta
a break in the same department depnment died diedutiddonlyof cle tiledsuddenlyuf
utiddonlyof tuurt trouble at his residence residenceGraham rlhtonc residenceGraham
Graham Grham Court on Tuesday Uldy morning morninghaving morninghaving morninghaving
having been b1 taken ill 1 with wlh nervous lerVOUI dye dyspepsia dYI dyepepsin ¬
pepsin on tutday thodn that the new Building uldlnj
SupArintondent Suprlntondent Rudolph P Miller Mier one oneof oneof oneof
of Ills hl friends assumed office ofc officeMr
Mr Class ClS wan al born in this city nixty IIty
two years yer ago IO nod lud after Ctr graduation graduatOl from froma
a downtown downtwn public publo school was WIS appointed appointedjunior nppolnhl appointedJunior
junior clerk in the Building Buiding Department Departmentunder Dprtment Dprtmentunder
under Mayor lyor Opdycks Opdyckl administration ndmlniltntion in in1M04 Intl
1M04 tl when tho headquitrttirH headquarm was WIR at 2 2Fourth 2ourth 2Fourth
Fourth ourth avenue avenlt and thn tl th department deparment wan wal
known as 1 tho th bureau of surrey and andbuilding andbtuiiding
building bllidinR Inxpection Inpcton The boy by showed showedgroat showe showedgreat ant
great grot aptitude for work especially tplally statis statistical RttS RttSU statistical ¬
tical U < l tabulation talmton and was quickly ad advanced adimrd adranted ¬
ranted imrd by b Supt Macgregor the depart department dtJpartment departmont ¬
ment head tie had a I responsible r6pontible part partin partIn
in organizing organizing the working force forr and he heInvented heIn heIflvtitited
Invented In Vtnt everyone eory one of the several 1orl hundreds hundreds6t hundrds hundrdsdeprtmenr hundredsGfdepnrtmentapplicaIouiand
6t GfdepnrtmentapplicaIouiand department deprtmenr application npplctouand and other othet othetfortns othetfortnsnow forms formsnow fonnKnow
now in use ule in Manhattan lnlhlttn Thono hO were all allcopy al allcopPtlghted
cOPYJi411 copPtlghted copy JcUUKi but Mr Class ClS8 presented presentedthose preeonto presentedthose
those tho right rlghtto rightsto to the city cityor
For or years yors Mr Class had hac full fiI supervl supervlnlon surl surlII enpervidon
nlon II don on over the big clerical cIeri a I stall Rtal of the
department d parhnent and when he went before beforetho bfore bforethe beforetho
tho Civil CII Service Rrlc Commission Commllion for promo promotion promo promotion ¬
tion ton to the chief clerkship cerkship offered otered by
Supt Rtuvol Stevenson > on Cointabio COIUtbJo in IH01 IH9 in inrecognition Inroclnitol inrecognition
recognition of his bil capable opble and faithful faithfulborvico faltbful5rtl0 faithfulservice
service 5rtl0 to the city et h he passed pa de with wih a amaximum amaxlomm amaximum
maximum percentage perntge of 100 10 a feat fot until untilthen untl
then ten never equalled eulo At an examination examinationseveral examlntlon examlntlonvernl examinationseveral
several vernl he received the
years ytr ago rie high highcompliment highomplqent highoomplient
compliment omplqent of having next to the best blt
kept set It of books bokl in any department departmenttho deparment deparmentto
tho to Comptrollers Comptrolers office ofc alone being bing ahead aheadof
of him and when in I 1903 10 1 hin salary S11 was wassubstantially WDSlubltnUnly wassubstantlaily
substantially lubltnUnly increased Incro e by Supt Perez PerezStewart PerezStewar PerezStewart
Stewart Stewar tho fact was laid lid before bfore the
Civil Civi Service Hnlee Commissioners Cmmlllonm that his hisexpert hil hisexport
expert exprt knowledge knowlego of department system systemhad sstm sstmhd systemhad
had hd been bn utilized utlr by officials ofcials engaged in inorganizing Inorganlzlnl inorganizing
organizing organlzlnl tho building buldlnl department epartment enjage of
Chicago Cicgo Brooklyn Baltimore Ht lt Ion lotus Is
Washington W shln on and also those tho established est3blshe in
Cuba Cub after aftr the SpanishAmerican War WarMr WarMr WarMr
Mr Class ClM loaves 100 SpshAmorcn a widow and Id nd a son sonnod sonaDd sonand
nod n brother who has long lon bean oen connected connectedwith connectedwith
partment partmentGodfrey with tho William Wiiam Waldorf Wadorf Astor tor realty de department depnrtment dopartment ¬
Godfrey Pattcrnon IUcon who waR COHIIBC CItf1
for tho stockholders Iockholder and creditor crrdlo of the thl
Illy lay Stale 8tlle Gnu 011 Company of Delaware In Inthe Inthe Inthe I
the J Kdward Fdwltd Arldl Addlnks AI10n il < litigation Illaton Is I deed dedat ded dedat
at his hI home In Orange OranlA N J < He le lIea trns t
70 11 a yours 81 of age e Mr 1ntternon laterRon visborn wasbrn
in Ireland und Ind came to 1 this country cuntr
when hon he was yal 17 t years old Ha U was a grad graduated Br gra grahated ¬
hated Intpd from the Ie Columbia law Ifw school choolln In 1NMT
In Mnonnln MIonto rircl clrcAs circles s Mr Jl Patterson PaUefD stood I
high Me le was WI past grand Irand muster mte for or the theUllc
HUUo Ullc of New York as a vie wIl Il II as deputy Brand Brandmaster grandmaster randIalter
master Ialter lie I belonged blonIed to o Atlas 1odeo 1 se of
New York and to Manhattan Commanderr Cmm nder
Ho lD was wal one of the oldest living Ivlnl members membersof membel
of the Republican Hepublcan Club Clubot of New e ork One Oneson Onem
son m Dwleht Uwlrht Horace 10f1o Patterson Jatfron of 1a8t East t
Orange survives urlvel him ilr trl Pitterton Pittertonwho PUeton PUetonIvhn
who was ea js Miss 11 Annette nnete M I Hall lal of Middle
town IownConn Conn died on 01 January 18 II 1909 1909ClIITord lB ta taClifford
Clifford Cllor S llalgh only on sop of Henry B
HalKh Holrh president JrCl ent of Ihoylooro the lore Keller Jller Proc Trocera Prc Prce Procrem
era e Company whose Homo omo was it 291 ea eaulcflonough
MoDonouch lcDonoUlh street shtet Brooklyn Irooklyn died dlP on I Sun
hay of t tuberculosis tuherclo < In Denver Col CI In his histwcnlytlfth hlatWfntftfth himtwentyfifth
twcnlytlfth tWfntftfth your elr He le was graduated Ifdultpt with rl
hlffh tIlh honors honor as an engineer enllneer at Catambla lbla lblatolelo OekflnbiaLoilege
Collexe tolelo lost Ilt year His mother w was with
him Ilw whort heR he died The body 8 will wilhbe wth be
brought trulhL to 1 43 Brooklro BrooklroUiM BrkYD BrkYDMls IlrooklinMiss wlbe
Miss Mabel W V Work daughter daulhter of otJaDel James
Henry e Work a lawyer of this thtl citytied citytiedyesterday y yyesterday
yesterday terdaY at her fathers residence at atwrence
Lawrence wrence L I Mr Work Is n nephew of ofrank
Efank Frank Work ork of this tty Mil Mabel Mibelork 1belorl
Work orl ork was as born In New e York She was a amember arember arrtember
member rember of tbe Fifth Jt pitth Nie Avenue Presbyterian PrlbItrlaa
Church and of the Young Youn Peoples Peple society socletrof Sotety
of r that tht church There Thee are r re tbr other ohe
dauchters tlhter tahtersand and a 1 son sonI
1i I
IAHKER 1H1I1 1I lIKEn FOR ntESimT ntESimTHe lIItlJ T Tnh
nh He II Said s Sah So o lllnmrlf Ihmrlu nai Perfectly PrrfeotlxAble
Able bln to Make Iake Lewis ewliStujvrsantriian ewliStujvrsantriianIrr lwh Slunt CIn CInIr Chin Chinlee
lee Ir Irrjlclcnt rtlldent Tow Tonut But He le Ulld 1Ird 11 nl I Ir IrIn lear learing rax raxIn
In ing c I a Lot of Innnhhrd InnnhhrdThe Unnnhhn 11 lhuumes lhuumesThe lnr l l111l
The 111l dreams and nnd fancies of William Wllnm T TManning TJannlnj TManning
Manning Jannlnj the press agent who started startedthe ltr startedthe
the boom of Lewis Iewll Stuyvesant Chanler Chanlerfor
for the Democratic Dmocrato nomination Dominaton for the thePresidency thoPrllldenoy thePresidency
Presidency in the fall fll of loot 10 were told toldyesterday toldyesterda toldyeaterda
yesterday yesterda by former Deputy Dputy Assistant AssistantDistrict AssistantDistrict AssistantDistrict
District Attorney AtorlY A J Powers Power who whotestified whotlstlfe whotestified
testified tlstlfe before bfore Referee Referte John G I Milburn Milburnin Ml ur
in the suit 8ult of Willinm WIlam F Clark Clrk to recover rCOTer
20000 200 from frm Mr Chanter for services servicesus
us Il head blad of the thf Chanler press bureau bureauClark burl bureauClark u uClnr
Clark managed tint tIl press bureau bure u for forManning forManning
Manning who Is now dead deadMr deadMr
Mr Ir Powers ower8 aid that hit I II Is president presidentof prtsldEJt prtsldEJtof
of an engraving company and that thatIn thatIin
Iin In tho fall fiI of 1808 1IO he met metClnrk Clark at 1 Broad Broadway Drold Droldway Broadway ¬
way where Manning had hae his booming boomingheadquarters boominghedqlaren boomingheadquarters
headquarters hedqlaren Manning wanted wante him to tocornn tocomo tocome
como and help the boom at ISO 0 a week weekPowers weekPowers ek ekPowers
Powers didnt feel able to do that that but butoffered butollerl butoffered
offered ollerl however to do what ho could couldto ouIdto uld uldto
to help out Manning said that th t he heManning I heManning
Manning Iannln was wa the man who had nominated nominatedAlton nominate nominatedAiton
Alton B Parker for the Presidency Presidencyand Preidencyand
and that he Il had told this ths to Chanters Chantersbrother Chanlerl Chantersbrother
brother follows followsI
brther as folows folowsI
I told him IRtiad prepared plpar6 the way
for Parker Paker by my publicity pu lclty work and had hodmyself h hadmyself
myself Jy lf collected colectd a very vry large gum SUU of ofmoney ofmoney ofmoney
money from his Ils friends frends admirers and andbig ad adbip andbig
big bip Democrats Dmoratl I explained eplaned to Chanler Chanlerthat Chanlerthat Chanterthat
that I could cult easily elect him President Presidentif esldontI
if I he would wouldlon wouldloan loan me the money to atari atariwith Itar startwith
with wth I told him hm I i could obtain obtan a very ver
large sum from Hill 111 of the West WestA
A Chicago C < go man ma Manning 3Inng said ld had hadpromised hd hdpromlsN badpromised
promised promlsN to contribute generously generusly to tothe tothe tothe
the Chanter Canler boom providing povding there was wasa
a good go treasurer traurr to t handle tbe money
Manning said Ild to Powers Powtm I suggested suggestedChanlern suggetc suggestedChanlers
Chanlern brother brtber aa treasurer tlaurr but he herefused herefu herefused
refused refu e Now 0W Im going to got Tim TimSullivan Tm TmSulvan TimSullivan
Sullivan to net and I know he will
Sulvan koW wl con contribute cn cntrbute contribute ¬
tribute trbute at least 10 40000 himself himselfPowers hmllf hmllfPower himselfPowers
Powers Power took tbe job of doing the te en engraving engaving engraving ¬
graving gaving work ork for Maong Manning after afer bearing bearingthat hearng hearngthaI
that there was WIS plenty plent of money in sight sightAsked sIghtAsk6 sightAsked
Asked Ask6 If he had heard her Manning annng say sayanything NYaythng sayanytWng
anything aythng about Chanlers Chnlers family tamiy promis promising proms promsIng promnising ¬
ing to contribute contrbute to t the boom bom fund fud Mr
Powers said lald that Manning had told him himthat himthat himthat
that outside of the loan lod to t start tlr matters mattersnone rtrr
none of the family famiy except ecpt William Wilam Astor AstorChanler Altor AltorCbanler AstorChanler
Chanler would have to contribute cnlrbute a cent centHe cnt cntle centlie
He le to t contribute hoped hop to get heavily heavly William Willm Astor Altr Chanler Chanlerto Clanler Clanlert
Powers Power testified h > tfod that relying on 1f1 Mannings Man Mannings ¬
nings ord orer8 orders ra he got some of the beet beetcartoonists bt btcrtoonists beetcartoonists
cartoonists crtoonists in the city cty to draw drw cartoons cartoonsfavorable cron cartoonsfavorable
favorable favorble to the Chanler cause cu Thero Therowere Therewere Therowere
were its tO of these tbefo drawings and Powerss Powers
firm fr did the engraving from them Powers Powerspaid POWEr Powerspaid
paid pad the cartoonists cartomst himself himselfAfter hmsel himselfAfter
After Arer foiling falng to t get their bills bis paid by
Manning lannng Powers Power testified Lstlt the creditors creditorsgot creitr
got together and wept up to t Albany Alby to tosee toCanler tosee
see ChattIer Canler who was a then Lieutenant
Governor Goveror The men who wbomad mad the trip tripaccording tripacoring tripaccording
according acoring to t lowers lowtr were Henry Ifr Meyer Mererpresident Meyerpresident Ioye
president of the Hamilton Hamitn Press P film Dimthe Bimthe
the Button Man and himself hlm lf Powers Powersacted Po Fowersacted
acted acte tut a spokesman He le toldCtianler tlcChnnlor eJ
ho says that the creditors cetJ were ere poor men menand menand menatid
and that y while whie they did not hold pr him
legally legaly responsible rpDlblefor vfor the debts owed I
by Manning they thought though he might owe be bemorally bemoraly bemorally
morally moraly interested Int rlte Chanler couldnt couldnt see s
hU hil moral morl responsibility repolbliy and ant the delega delegation dEI0g0 dEI0g0tlon delugation ¬
tion went to Sidney Harris HarR Mr ChanlerM Challer
lawyer and friend They rey talked talke the theroatt themuter thematter
roatt muter matter r over with Mrt Harris Haris who told toldthem tld tldthem toldthem
them that Chanler friends lie thought thoughtwould tboughtwould thiouughtwould
would be willing wllnR to raise rll 10000 00 for the theIanuln
Manning Ianuln creditors crtorK rather rtber than have Mr Ir
ChanlerH I name handled bndie about in the thenewspapers thenew thenewspapers
newspapers new pr The h creditors crl < and the theclnlms claims
were tnen ten as follows fOlowl mm the Button Duton
Man lan1oo 9000 for campaign cmpll buttons buton Hamil Hamilton Haml Hamltn Hamnliton ¬
ton tn Press r IOO 4000 Murceau 11aru photographer photographersixto
110 sixto 1000 and Powers about abut 7 7I 1nouI Ml The Thototal Thettl Thetotal
total ttl with tho salaries slari06 due to Manning Manningsemployees Munnlngsemployee Manningemployees
employees employee reached reche about abut 1370 37000 37000After 37000After
After receiving rlvln Mr Ir Harriss Jlrrlls offer oret of
10000 100 the creditor CrltOr went to t work orlt to topare t toPUe
pare down the bills 111 Hims ms went wpot to i iIZO
IZO 2000 Marc MarCus Mareenus uis to 1SOO and Power Powerhaved Powerl Powersshaved
shaved Bhavld on or about abut 100 3oOO Finally Jinally by leav leaving leavInp learlog ¬
log Inp out Mannings 11nln8 employ the com commitu cm cmmltu cornmittee
mitu mltu > e got the bill bi down to 10000 10 and got gotthe gotthe gotthe
the 1100 10000 executing eXlcutng in return releases releasesto
to Chanler Manning and Harris HarrisMr Jarls JarlsIr HarrisMr
Mr Ir Powers Pow er had heard hear that the Man Manning 11n 11nnlng Manning ¬
ning employees had har made mi de an appeal to toMr t toMr
Mr Chanler Canler He II thought that Mr Ir Chan Chanler ChnIeI Chanler ¬
ler IeI had sent lnt checks cheks to t all the women womenemployees WOmonemploye womenemployees
of the bureau bureauDEATH
employees press pre pressbureau pressbureauDE4T11 burtnl burtnlDEAT
DEATH I OF I 0 I UILTOjlniltEn UILTOjlniltEnAuthor Il TOnllIR TOnllIRuthor
Author and Former ortr Secretary Melrrtr of dilate dilateof ftate
of New Nr ew York YorkGilbert 1orkOlbrt jerkGilbert
Gilbert Olbrt Hilton Hiton Scribner Secretary Rcrlta1 of ofBlate ofBtte ofState
State Btte of N New w York from 1870 to 1873 died diedyesterday dll diedyesterday
yesterday YCflteray in Yonkers He was born bor in inMonroe InMonro inMonroe
Monroe Monro county on June 23 2 lt Ilt Iat l the tb son sonof lon lonof eonof
of Bewell B Scribner Srbner After being blnj gradu graduated Rrdu Rrduate graduated ¬
ated ate from Oberlln Obrln College Colege in Ohio he heread herd heread
read rd law lw with wih Daniel Dniel B Taylor in this thiscity thmcity thiscity
city and was admitted admite to the bar br In IBM IBMHis J8 issHis
His active practice protce terminated terminat In 1808 1808when 18 IBC8when
when bo entered entere the Legislature Lgllture A year yearlater yea yearlater
later be became bme Secretary Rltry of State StateTwentyfour Stt StateTwentyfour
Twentyfour years YM ago Mr r Kcribner Kcribneradvanced Sribner Sribneradvanc Seribneradvanced I
advanced advanc the theory theor of the circumpolar circumpolarorigin circumpolarorigin circumpolarorigin
origin of life lo This was WI In his monograph monographon monogrph monogrphon
on Where Did Life Begin gln Since Sinc then thenhe thenhe thenhe
he has b been ben a contributor cntributor to the Pojnrlar PojnrlarScience Joplar JoplarScfCf lopwlarScience
Science ScfCf Munltil MunltilMr JlonAI Monthly
Mr Hcribner wal was president Jreld nt of the theNew theNew theNew
New York Bkin 6kl kia and Cancer Cncr Hospital HospitalH Hopitl
H He was a I member membr of the New York Acad Academy Acd Acdemy Acadamy ¬
emy of Anthropology Anthroplog the New NeW York YorkGeographical YorkOegphlml YorkGeographcul
Geographical Oegphlml Society Hons of the Amer Ameren ¬
loan en Revolution Rvoluton Bocletyt the Society of American AmerivaAuthors
Authors Autom and the Union League Lguo Club ClubMr ClubIr ClubMr
Mr Ir Scribner Scriber THUS WI tnk tlktn taken > n with wlh n severe severecold wverecold lwer lwercld
cold cld lost It Saturday 8tury His Js Iii death deth occurred occurredat
at the residence reldene of his hi daughter dugher our Mrs MrsD MrD lt
D MoN Bttiaffer Btualer 261 Palisade P l de avenue avenueYonkers avenueYonkeJ avenueYonkers
Yonkers YonkeJ He le is lalurvved survived by six Ilx hi children childrenthrco cbldren cbldrenthrc childrenthree
three thrc daughter dughtr and three thre sons In They Theyiro
are < O H Scribner Scrbner Jr and Osgood Olgo j T TScribner TScribner TScribner
Scribner of Chicago o Howard Howr Scribner Scribnerof
of Yonkers Yonker Mm lUr E H D Mlel of Hart Hartford Har Hartford
ford for Coon Cn Mrs ii E H Frost Frt of Sethle Sethlehem Dethlhem l3ethlehem
hem Cotin Cnn and Mrs r D MoN cN Stauffer StaufferTho Sturer SturerTo StaufferThe
The ThoSailing To 8ea50e 8ea50eBIDt SesgoersSallint
Sailing BIDt today by the HamburgAmeri HamburgAmerican HamburgAerl HamburgAerlc8ller ¬
can c8ller liner Hamburg Hbug for the Mediterranean MediterraneanGen 1feltrea
Gen and Mm Adelbert Adelber Ames Ame th t e R Ret nevand Retand r rand
and Mrs 11 James Jam W Blxler Or W ilenrr ilenrrDurmelt UenryBurmeletin enr enrDurmelaler
Durmelt r W R H 1 Dann D nn Mn 1 Henry C
Lows Iow Mr r mad aa Mrs n Walter Waier A 4 Mar Henr Prof ProfCharles krotCharles
IlaYbPt IlaYbPtCbare
Charles Saportaa SaportaaBy Cbare prU prUB A Perkins Pektn Mr and ad II 31mm 11 rs Oeorse e rie rieprU
Ram RamM By B the te French Fcb liner Iier La L Bretagne BrtSe for forRam torl forilAsrt
l v
M IV I D tlma Delmsi lmas theXfeunV the I Albert AI ntuie dsSauxda d saunis
Ernest Erlt MoullBeaux4ndMrs 1Ioulneaux r F M > 1 Button BU
J ft ftGreat
Great Clearance C1aranceSa1of Sate Sateof t ti
of Fine Books in Rich Bindings BindingsDuring BindnsDuringthe 1 i iI
During Duringthe tbe month mOlth of January a1tary we offer oter at special stcalt secaZclearance clearance arane jmces jmcesour us 1 1i 1ilour
lour our entire stock stok of Books Boks in Fine Bindings BindingsThis x >
This splendid stock stok includes Best Editions of most of the th standard standardauthors sta standardauthors ad adauthors
authors in substantial and tasteful f eful bindings bindingsal bindingsahL all new n frtib and andperJsa andperJsaThere nd ji jiThere erf i iTere
Tere There are also als many lany Fine ioe Old O Eaglisb Elglsl Editkms Editkmsamong Edi EdiI EJitiOISamong
among which are a number of rare and outoftheway out of the way items itemsSome ate ateSome atemsSome
Some slightly shelfworn shelfwor volumes are ar offered ofered at 40 to toless to6 to6q to6qless t tless
less than usual prices priceslle
f 1 1W
lle have no catalogue ef this stock Upon reqnit rqs wt W will U promptly prom ty tfHOtftfitt ff ffany fl flan tujan
any an author or authors autbor ixe te may bayt ba bate to offtr or Wt 1 cordially invitt tit ttt b irttptcticnlfl iU fdit f Jf a < 1
jiil d buyers who o ruate
U appreciate aP bargains f JB JBOur I t tOur
1 1Our
Our recently inued catalogue of Bargains in Books Booksnew Booksnew Booksnew
new and old oli will wi be sent to any anyone one asking a kin I for it itPutnams I Itn f r rf rP
Putnams P ruillaIllS n U t nams 27 < Retail Retai 29 West West23d st23d Department Department DepartmentruillaIllS 23d 5t t N Is NfYf iif
DODD MEAD CbMP COMPANY COMPANYAre N 1t 1tDODD ia ia1t z zAre 1 1MEAD t tAe
Are Ae going out of Miscel Miscellaneous Miscellaneous l lj
j laneous Retail Retai Business BusinessAND BusinessAND BusinessAND
I Plt ti 4 4h 4DODD
Fifth Avenue and nd 35th 35t Street S feet
II I I < rtl r rt lit
t 1
Old Chinese Ckinse Porcelains
JRCi JRCiJ II tiRt tiRtJADE lt
N JADE J E and a 124 other oter hard han stones stonesPLAZA stoes stonesPLAZA J tjif d diJ
0 0Fih °
Fifth Fih Avenue Cfi C 59th Street ee Suite Suit 13468 13 1 81t tat Floor Floorby Floo F1ort 1 1by y yby
1 s14 n 14 t
170 New Bond I Street Stet London LondonOn Lndon LndonI l 5 5On AP 4 4AP l lV
On View Dally DallyIndividual V
t t
Individual specimens may my be selected sJee t nu
A Printer Prnlrr and Soldier Who 1bo Was Called Cale to toIIlBh tolSh toIligh
IIlBh lSh Places Plart In the Church ChurchMOBBIBTOWXN Ctrr CtrrMOBnlT ChurchMonntsrowN
MOBBIBTOWXN MOBnlT N J Jan Jan 6 SYgr SYgrJolepb 5MgrJoseph Mgr MgrJoreph
Joseph M 1 Flynnrector Flynretor of the ChurcH Churcl of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Assumption Alumpton died die at the parish parRb house housethis bou8 bou8this housethis
this morning moring follow rololnK following ing a stroke trok of par paralysis paralysis paralysis ¬
alysis Buffered 8ufer yesterday He was born bor on onJanuary onJantnry onJanuary
January 7 1818 in Spflngfi d Mass MassHis Masshi 11
His s parents removed to New YOrk V k and andlater andlater andlater
l prlnt remove
later to Newark where whe be was wa sent ant to t the theparochial tb thee theeparochial
parochial parhlal8chool school of St Patricks Cathedral CathedralIn Cter1
In 1881 be entered a printing office ofc in that thatcity tht thtcty thatcityaudinl86iheenhisted
city cityaudinl86iheenhisted 181 and in entr 1801 18 be enlisted enlst in Company Cmpnny CmpnnyThlrysoventh C mpanyflTltlrtyseventh B BThirtyseventh
cty New Volunteers VounteersWhile
Thirtyseventh Thlrysoventh 1 IlJrVy BOVOUIH 4vcn Jersey wti Jtry vj Yolunte w i tvt s sWhile
While Whie tho regiment wan wa before bfore Richmond RichmondPrivate lUclmond lUclmondPrlvnt RichmondPrivate
Prlvnt Private lynn was Wa promoted to tho rank rankof rn rankof
of corporal and In after life lfe received relve a amedal nmedal amedal
medal cororal of honor from trm Congress Congre for bravery braveryIn braveryIn braveryInSeptember
In September Sptmbr 1865 18heenter 1865heentered ho entered St Charles CharlesCollege Charle CharlesCollege
College Maryland Later Ltr ho studied studie at atSeton atSton atSeton
Seton Clege Ston Hall lnn Marlnd College Coltge AfteXhls Att hI8 Jjraduatlon Jjraduatlonlie Eadunton Eaduntonbe raduationlie
lie entered ntere the seminary seminaryHe Imlnnry Imlnnrylew8 seminaryHewai4
He lew8 Hewai4 was ordoified 0rI0 a I priest in 1ST4 187fer 187fertwo After Aftertwo Aftertwo
two years year service irlce at O fl44I n I priest he was wasappointed W8 W8applnto wasappointed
appointed private prvate secretary seretar to t the tle Right RightRev HIhtRv RightRev
Rev Rv applnto M 1 A Corrigan Crlpap He successively successivelyfilled successivelyfllleJ uoelvely uoelvelyfUN
filled fUN fllleJ the ofllccri ofC of diocesan dloaan chancellor chancellorypastor chnclor chnclorptr chancellorpastor
pastor of ceremonies and secretary ltretr fif fifinvestigation 61investigation
ptr investigation and for one year white whiteVicarUenera wble whiteVicarGeneral
VicarUenera VlcrOenerl Invetgaton Donne DOln was abroad he haadministered headmlntere headministered
administered admlntere the parish Ho wnsappointed Hewos Howasappointecirector wnsappointedrector pplntld pplntldretor
rector retor of tho Church Chlrch of the Assumption Assumptionin
in IS81 t8t He Uewa Ilewas was made a monsignor 10nlfnor In 1004 1004Mcr 104 104I 1004Mgr
Mgr I Flynn wrote wrte several levera books 1ok on onreligious onrelKoU onreligious
religious subjects stbJet Ho was a member membr of ofthe ofUle ofthe
relKoU the Morris MorlR County Golf Club the thf Morris Morristown Moml Morristown
town Field tleld Club Cllh und the Washington WashingtonAssociation Wahlnlton Wahlnltontllntun WashingtonAssociation
Association AssociationFtfXERAL AssociationFfVEIlt1 tllntun tllntunFFRI
Km 11 iceS 1t11 Hill I lie 1 Uriel Irld at Mlllbrae llbrat Tonior Toniorrow Tomor Tomorrowlnttrmfnt Toflierrowltiterurflt
row rowlnttrmfnt rowltiterurflt Interment at t Tarrytotvn TarrytotvnSIN TarJ1011 TarJ1011SUf
SIN FRANCISCO FRACISC Jan 5 5Funeral Funeral ser services MrIc services ¬
vices Ic for D O Mills Mls will wl be bl hefd hffd Friday Fridayafternoon Jrlday Jrldayaferoon Fridayafternoon
afternoon aferoon at Millbrae 1Ibra after afer which the thebody thebody I
body will wi be h put pnt aboard abar the special apecal car carin carIn carin
in which the body bey of the late George GeorgeCrocker Oeorjo OeorjoCrcker GeorgeCroeker
Crocker Crcker was WD we carried cnrrl to toths this city cty and taken takento
to Tnrrytown 1arown N Y for interment in inSleepy InSleepy InSleepy
Sleepy JIollow oloW Cemetery Cemeter Definite Dfnite art artrangements ar armnpement arrangements
rangements for services will wi not be bl con concluded cn cnclude concluded ¬
cluded clude mnpement until Intl Thursday night nlpbt at which whichtime whichtnle whichtime
time Ogden Mills Mil Millswiilreach will wi reach here hereBishop hereBshop hereBishop
tnle Bishop Bshop Nichols Jlcbl and the Rev Rv N U W WCallway WCalwaYt WCailway
Callway rector of St Matthews Mattews Church Churchnt Chuch Chuchat
at CalwaYt San n Mateo J alo ateo where Mr Mills 1 worshipped worshippedwhen worhp d dwhtn
services when whtn in on California cloria Friday rdRY will wl officiate omrlat at the theservices thl theservices
nnITEI4 n11 flEIl StlLS StlLSnil S St1IStrnisssador < tl tlnbusdor
trnisssador nil nbusdor isiior Coming on the St loul to toAttend toUtOI totttcnd
Attend UtOI Mllli ml Funeral FuneralSptclil FuneralSpecial unrralptld
Special ptld COWl Dtiputcti Dtpalcilo to THE THr flex flexSOUTHAMPTON StK StKSOUTJ ttexSouvitatrro
SOUTHAMPTON SOUTJ Souvitatrro tPO Jan 8 Whltclaw elaw Held Heldthe Reidthe heldthe
the American Ambassador Atbador at London Iondonnailed lndonMI Londonsailed
nailed MI d for New York today tday on 0 the Amen American Amer Amencan ¬
can cn Line steamship tlmilp St Louis LouisHe Lllie Lllie1f Lottielie
He 1f is II on his way to California Cllforla to t attend attendthe atend atendthe attendthe
the funeral flttra of his fatherinlaw the late latoD lto ltoD
D O Mills MillsCOl3 lls llstwr
fertile Dnlalo Itllli In 1111 nramUlauchtrr Married lUarrllt to toa toa toa
a London Ionton Man ManMiss ManMise n
Miss 11 Clara Clar Boal Bol the nineteenyearold nineteenyearoldgranddaughter nlnetenyearoldIrnddughter nineteenyearoldgranddaughter
granddaughter Irnddughter of Col William WllAm F J Cody Codywas Cey Ceywas Codywas
was married marie to Franklin Frankln Hamilton Hamitn Bean Bennof Bnn Bnnof
of London LIloD yesterday yoarcy morning morin at 11 f oclock oclockIn oI k kIn
In Trinity Trinit Chapel Cape1 They were wer married marriedby marie
by the Rev William Wiiam H Vlbbert Vibber vicar vlCf of ofthe oft ofthe
the t chapel chapelCol chapel
Col Cb1 Cody Coy came to t New Nfw York from trm the theWest theWeston theWeston
West Weston on Tuesday Tuesdy to give gie glvehis his granddaughter granddaughteraway gddughter gddughterIway
away The Te wedding weding party prty partyaahimIted partyaahimItedto waa aa 11ml lmlt ted tedto
to t relatives rltve and a I few friends friend of the te bride bridoand brde brdeand brideand
and bridegroom bridegoom bridegoomMr bridegroomMrs a aMrs
Mrs Mr Bonn Bnn has ha lived lve abroad abrd a number of ofyears ofelr ofyears
years elr and andwa was educated euct In France Frac Ger Germany Oermy Germany ¬
my many and ad England EDlnd Mr 111 Bonn Bn lives Ive at atQneon atQuen atQueen
Queen Quen Anne Ao Mansions Manions in London Lndon an3ls an3lsa an hr hra
a partner prl in a large lrge firm frm of lumber lumbr ship shippers Ilp Ilpprs shipper ¬
per The Beans Denn sailed a for Hamburg Hamburgyesterday BmbUS BmbUSyelray Hamburgyesterday
yesterday prs yelray at 1 oclock oclok on the t8 Kalaerin
August Augut Vlota Victoria and after alr a a tour tur on the
Continent Contnt will wi make mke mnace their tei theirhome home In London L n4on te
Col Col Cody Co told td a numb number of his bil old Lnn f trlnd frin frinabout rtendi rtendiabout
about abouttttaat It yesterday at the t Hoffman Hom House HoU
Wt What do you u ti think bo said gayly 11
of Balo Buffalo lia 1h1 grncMau hter Md t married
t to an EUamru Ecgllahman But b be a ae a floe mrc boy
a aflneboy tne boy
1 L tL tLi
r 1 f e s t 1 1tTT
nave OU OUSent 011Sent
Sent That Tat TatTeleranl ThatTelegram l li lTelegram i t
Telegram TelegramIr Teleranl
r t 5t t th
Ir if ifIt
1 1It
It I may mean 10O 10 to toyou toyouf toyouFO you youFofc i ir iri
f f
f r C CFo
Fofc FO Fo particulars get t this tbi weeka weekaE weeks weeksLIFE eeksLIPE
LIFE E from frm your Y01T ypi new nmde newd de iiett Ierv IervI le t1 t1I L LI
I I A AnrtAXVS < f fBRAXNn
i iRA
nrtAXVS RA NS Ironocbul IrnolYoIArl Volldtres Tale TaleINSTRUCTION TIe Tales K
Colutu JacttatOI Elsgeflatioa Sx 5 W WI I
PRAT la 11w i iu iJ iINSTRUCON
lluaineg 1 CoUgss I al alWritingPtnmanshrp it
nokke LSlorih
1rltngPlshfp WritingPtnmanshrp CII CMI SeniN SeniNand P
and Academic Acemc Departments Departmentstinits Dett Deart usnts dLi thto thtoL
OpM durln tbe
cal or lnefor eatto CITt 1e M 1 i if
f c I Inol
L nol Aei Ave 12 l2ISt f fIX
tinits JXJ BROADWAY IOnWAY con CO SSTK ZU trei treiSitortliand t IXf r
Short Shorlband bind T 1prllnc Tpcwritin13uoklusepIog Tpcwritin13uoklusepIogOpen > powrltlnf nookli Rkleplolj eplafPea fe
hip Butlnetn ButlnetnOpen BUsne BUsneOpn
Open Opn throurhout Ibrourhl Ui UtS e yesr4y n Ur Md ftlf nIgki nIgkisiane h JMS T
loot rail al or seed od Dlor for booVleiHST booVleiHSTEmplojmrnl bkIe bkIeEmploymtnL boelilel tr 1 1Empioymen a aelt1
Emplojmrnl Dfpl Phone Pon 3X 013 U4dltoa ala M Mutly
utly tIY IndorieU tudorlct b bt tbe Board BOd pi Rc est aL estM41fK eaiv eaiMARK
v L r 1M
BFRl t trJ trJObltoul
Oblivious Obltoul OLuIisI us Ir of r nut nutonanl Uuitons ton and th the thent w wrnt WhV WhVtheft
theft > rnt nt nitli Wih itii Open Over Ov O cet col cetlrk tv tvMark U UMark
Mark lrk Twain Tln nailed le for Bermuda Bermudaterday Br d 1i 1iterday
terday teray by tho th Quebec QuebOLne QuebOLneBermudian Line LineBermudlan steaIh4tJ steaIh4tJIermudian
Bermudlan declaring delarlnj a bit wearily w ly hlf hlfhe thi thiho
he was wasoptmlsUo optimistic about abot abouthslMesffps his Hide lte air airin It + it itin
in the left Ieftbreust breast brrst which be bettrtbgs bettrtbgswholly h UrlbuMrfr UrlbuMrfrwholly
lrb lrbwholy
wholly wholy to indigestion Albert Albrt BiiiHpwli BIJ
Paine Palnl his blllretr secretary went to t the tb pwfto pwftosee ett to tole
see le him off 018nd offand and had to t remind mll him hmt himtltatit himtltatitwas Ow Owwns
was not good ot to keep k pchll his overcoat
buttoned hutone In 1 ui this climate chmst on 01 oita ver bad b ay Yri
Mr Ir Paine buttoned huttte up the thotIUiaM boat tM tMClemens andfr1 andfr1Clemens I IClemnl
Clemens Clemnl raid ld whimsically wh1msicailytbatfhdnved hlmlcallytathdnea that hit nv rtf rtfcould
could reinember fI embr buttons but buttonaanyiuayan anyway and fcV 1
he weather had hada a habit aht of forgetUng orgettng naana7aD that t there tere I WMweather WM WMweather 1
I lCring
arlns for 390S 3 988 90 Famine FamineThe Fiin1IIeiThe
The New York Aasocktjon Aasocktjonproving Aasocigtjonproving aocl ont r rpruvinR
proving tb tbCondltloo Lbs > Condition of f tho thowhich th thwhich Poqr4C Poqr4Cwhich
which R Fulton Cutting Is t th
p pre preefdet preefdethAs > nnuv > v vhia
hAs h a under its care careut careutand at present pr senhDI senhDIand SttfBfatefHA S SInform
and expects to provide 1 trr er frothe mlteM 7
3000 more families WitbJathe1lliHtl1lhtM WitbJathe1lliHtl1lhtMmonth8 wlthlathw aextthre aextthremonths
months Letters and toIepbone l
Inform the associatIon of emwrgAMhr m mcases mrg mrgcases i icases
cases where food inodielnw med1 iDW or orrequired fUefUtf fUefUtfrequired r etJOfulred
required < tAri I IIn 4
In the last rear m57 215709 WUapeatr WUapeatrrelief ws was spiatfg spiatfgrelief p at fr frrelief
relief and ministration the amount amo t beink i iabout V Vabout I Iabout
about to p per r cent of the net noCce cttrrwiT e
Income and 75 percent of the I n net i otmtfA otmtfAexpenses oatJ1 oatJ1expenses a g
expenses Money sent for a apeotJjJ p eWpiI f l1 7
pose to the association 1I tlonls Is wed uwdaasodaVion bjtIi by th thsssocIaIJon t
aasodaVion aa the donor donorre doncrruS re ttie = uonW uonWBrooklmi
S 1
fi4d 1
Brooklmi Onratr DcxetiPqUcO t Jrxmee JrxmeePplloe Iee 11 11PQUce <
Pplloe Cornmla Commlasicaes loeer Baar as asin i
In mln mind for Dep Deputy Comb1 1 1obrteotRrookbti
obrteotRrookbti mlnrk rk fII fIIIa a aili
ili Ia a IJroo rookIy mas fl aaQI lg tIa o oi i cmissioner
missioner I knOWhhun owhmwefls4Z aM i 1
he < u1dfilltheJIl P1T ui
4 Xt t
1 if
iilit t tz