fkn 1 PropMed to the Pabtla Mertlce MertlceHoard fien1eeDoard eileeIloaril
Hoard Weald WonldCOt oIdCOI Coat Tbat Body 51 lBeo Ieo O a aI anay aIaY
I nay y More Say an Official of f tbe Con Consolidated C ColldtcdIew conioLIdatedfrW ¬
solidated olldtcdIew View of the Commission CommissionOfficials CommltIomclalll CornudlilonOtflctale
Officials of the gas companies woreondering worewondering wore worewondering
wondering yesterday just how much more morepowr morepr morepow
powr pow r Chairman Wilcox of the Public Publicg PubUoorvice Publiorvice
g orvice rvic0 Commission desires the commis commission ¬
Non to have over the gas business busln Sll In Inthe InIhe litthe
the letter written wrltt to Senator S Itor John Kisael Kisaelby K I Iby
by Mr Wilcox published in THE SON SDKthe SONIhe 8rnthe
the chairman said that In n order to make makethe makeIhe makethe
the 80 cent gas bill effective elreo lve the amend amendments amendmentll amendmenta ¬
ments to the law suggested by the oom oomj
4 8 mission ehould be passed Officers of ofgas ofaa offu
gas aa companies got the idea that the in increased Increued increaed ¬
creased power sought by the commission commissionwould commlllllionllouJd commieslonwoud
would mean II decided Increase in the theore thelorce theforce
force ore and ealary list of the commission commissionSaid commlllllloSaid
Said an officer of the Consolidated ConsolidatedIt Con olldated1 olldated1It
It would coat COlltJuat Just about 11100 a day daymore daymore
more for the Inspection which It seems the thePublic thePublic thePublfc
Public Service Commission dealrei dealreiIn d lllre sireaIn I
In the letter written by b a citizen to Senator SenatorIl SenatorXlNel Senator1ieeI
Il XlNel 1ieeI el and in turn sent to Mr Willcox it is isucetsted IeIUrlttlitedthat isuggeated
IUrlttlitedthat ucetsted that the commission appoint appointIn
In n Inspector at every distributing tank to tosupervise tou toupervise
supervise u rvloe the distribution of gas all and to tos9 toae tosee
s9 that nothing but gas ll II forced through throughth
th the mains Here are a few figure figureIn ftguresIn
In the boroughs of Manhattan and The TbeBronx TheBronx TheBronx
Bronx alone there are or eightyone gas holders holdersand holderand
and in the greater city about as many more moreyof moreNo moreNow
Now No should an Inspector be appointed for foreach fora forsaeh
each a h holder that would mean 180 inspectors inspectorsBut
But the Inspectors would have to work workunder workunder workunder
under the State law la wand and so would be on onduty ond ondUty
duty d ty only eight hours It would be feces necessary necellarT fecessari ¬
arT therefore to have three inspectors inspectorsfor
for every holder or 480 Omen men a day at a mini minimum mini1I11U11 minimum ¬
mum wage of t3 3 each la actual figures figuresj4tO egures3i440 Ureli Urelito
j4tO a Ada adsy day for l r gas inspection castnpectlonIt inspectioni
i t It is Intimated by bythecltlzenwrltincto bythecltlzenwrltinctoKiMel bythe the citizen writing to toMt
1 Mr Kissel that air is forced through the thecipe tbeIIPe theripe
ripe The law requires us to supply KIM KIMof ItIUlct gasof
of not leas than 33 candle power As a mat matter matter mattax ¬
ter of fact the gas c that is manufactured manufacturedby
by us is 23 candle power and to that end endwe enduee endw
we w use In Xaahatt nand and Tlv Bronx Br n alone IIIoneOOOOOOO aloneeo1ocooo
80000000 gallons lIona of oil to bring the gas gasto Callto gasto
to the standard because an anord1 ordinary ton of ofcoal ofccal ofcoal
coal produces about 10000 cublo feet of gas gasof a gaeof e er
of only It caadje e power It It Is necessary necessarytherefore nllCe1tbarefonl neceuarrthaefore
therefore to t use usetkeoIl usetkeoIlPX the theoll theollEVITT oil oilEveryday
Everyday EVITT PX rday day the gas is inspected according accordingto accordingtothelaw
to tothelaw the law at several places pla not notleM less than a amp
i mp pe from the distributing tank tankand and should shouldWD ehouldIupply
WD a supply gas of oUeu 4ess than thann 33 3 candle power powerwe potfwould powerTewould
we Tewould would be bellible liable to t a aftneot fine of 11000 for tbe tbeoffence tbec1enoe thecence
offence The Th reports on file ill with the cora coraliasloB comIIIloa cointieiion
liasloB will show lIhowth sh that t the gas has never neverbeen ulIYerbeea neverbeenbelow
been beenbelow below belowth the standardIn et standard ndardla
In his letter Mr Willcox says ya that the thecpmmlmloa thecQmm thec9mmiou
cpmmlmloa cQmm 01l should abouldhaethepowltr have the power to take takeup takevpthC01DPlaJatof takeup
up vpthC01DPlaJatof the th complaint of a single elnalepereonand person and not notbe notbe notbe
be required to t wait for 100 persons or the theMayor theW401to theM470r
Mayor W401to to complain complai as la set M forth forh In I the thepresent theprl thepresent
present prl law With 1100000 io meter mtere In use unein U usein
in t the tb thegreater greater ter city clt Ityiahould It should sbouldnot not be a bard bardmatter hardmater bardeatter
matter mater to t get nt 100 10 consumers col mn to t make a joint jointcomplaint Jointcomplit jointcomplaint
complaint If IfAny an complaint
complit any cmplint was w necessary necessaryTbe necery neceryTeCldated
The TeCldated Consolidated has b some 840000 cn cnumel conuer con contimers
timers umel If I ay any were dtned dissatisfied would it itcot ItJot itot
cot Jot ot be b reasonable renble to t believe belee that at least
100 10 of that number nubrll would uld be b7 It I seems lma to tous toU tous
us U that the only onl power not now no vested eat In hithe Inthe inthe
the commission commllon Is I the power to harass bral 0 the tbegas theis
gas 11 is companies companiesOar cmpla
Oar books bb and plants pllt are open opn to Inspec Inspection lpec lpectlon inspectlon ¬
tlon at all al times ti and nd they the are inspecting inspectingour inlpectnl
our meters me r very ve day dayAt dayAt dayAt
At the teomo office of Chairman Cr Wlllcox it itwas ItId Itwas
was said Id that t the t main min reason reaan Wlcx for pub publishing publng pubJishing ¬
lishing lng the t correspondence Crpndnoe between btwn tho thochairman thocr thochairman
chairman cr and Senator Str Kissel Kel was wa that thatlast thatlast I Ilt
last lt year y Senator 8trtelvole SenatorKieeel Kiasel voted against agin tt t theproposed the theproposed
proposed amendment adntt > to the tbepublo publio ser service erI sirvice ¬
vice pP 0 law lw Tho Tbor Thechairman chairman thought toUt that tt It Itwould ItWd itwould
would Wd be interesting ItrU to the t public publo to t know knowthe ko knowthe
Senator the th nto apparent appnt Kteet KteetIt Ki1 change cg In I the atUtudo atUud of otnto
It I waa W wa admitted ait that tht the commission commissionis coIlo
is i seeking elgmo more power pr and ad that tt a bill b to toamend t toamend
amend aend the to present prt law Jww will eoon Bn bo b in introduced Intruc Introduoe4 ¬
troduced truc at Albany Ab But the te commission commissionexplains commllllliontJpn commissioneipalns
explains tJpn that tt it itseeks seeks k only olyt to get the te same em
jurisdiction Julctlon over ovr the te gas companies g that thatit
g cpie tt ttIt
it now baa h over the th railroads rllod and ad the thotraction thetraction
traction tro lines linesIt les lesI te tetro
It I was said Md that tt the te commission omlBfon did dd not notcontemplate Dotctpltan notcontemplate
contemplate ctpltan an increase nc In the present
fote forcethe force the gas g department dept now costa costaabout ct costsabout
about aut ao 90000 a rear yearfor lfor for the te reason Jn that thattha tht thtt
the t work wok now no being bing done seems mi satin Mts ¬
factory faor Therewas Ter probably pr bly no change chng
in I the 1 quality qulty of gaa suppl supplied it was w said ad
but it might be that tt at attmeoe attimea times more mor than thannecessary tn tnr thanMOefary
necessary r pressure pr was W put on onthe the te mains main 1
The Te commission ciio had h adopted aopt no order re r ¬
lating tlng to pressure pru because bu there had hd been beenno bn bnn
no n complaint cmpltbn bearing 100 10 signatures
At present prnt the t inspectors lnptr of the t com commission cm cmmleion cornmission ¬
mission mleion are testing ttng about abut 30000 30 gas gasmeters gasmeters
meters each eah month and adelnc since It came cameinto ce cameInto g
into being bing about abut 800000 60 meters mtelhv meterhavo hare been beentested bn bnII beentested
tested II There Tere are a good many mny reasons reasonswhy J1 reasonswhy
why some Bme gas g meters mter dont seem em to t run runright r runnght
right rgt for the consumer conumr One of them tm is isthat II isthat
that tht many meters meter are ar old The Te commis commission comi coinmissiGn ¬
siGn lon required ruir the gas p companies comple to t remove removeall remve remveal
all al meters metr that tt have hav been b hi I service erlo seven sevenyears av sevenyears
years n and It is I probable prbblo that soon son there therewill therewill
will wl be issued Ilu an order orer requiring ruirng the tr re removal r removal ¬
moval movl of meters metr that tht have hve seen sn six years yearsof yeah yeatsofeervice
of ofeervice ofeerviceTo service serviceTO eric ericTO
TO ISSUE 111000000 100 BONDS BONDSLake BODSLke noxnsLake
Lke Lake Shore 8h re and Michigan leblan Ron Southern eotlH them Rail Railroad Ra afl aflroad
road Appl Applies for Authority AathorltALBAXT Authort AuthortALB AuthorityALnANT
ALBAXT ALB Jan 7 7Te 7The The upState upStt Publio PublioService Pblo Pblorc PubIloService
Service rc Commission Comml8on has h received rve an anapplication anapplcton anapplication
application applcton from the Lake Lke Shore Shor And AndMichigan AndMichiga nd ndMichigan
Michigan Michiga Southern Souther Railway Rlwy Company Cmpy for fdrauthority r forathority r rthort
authority thort to issue Iluo 115000000 115o0ot of it 11 its fifteen fifteenTear fftn fftnrer fifteenyear
Tear rer 4 per r cent ct gold bonds of 1906 110 and andto ad adt
to t guarantee gurat 1100 11000000 of the bonds bond of ofthe oft ofthe
the t Jamestown Jaewn Franklin and Clearfleld ClearfleldRailroad Cefeld CefeldPro ClearfieldPLlroa4
Railroad Company The petition POUU
Pro Compny Teptt O says eYI
that U the te company now no la I engaged epged in inextensive Inerve Inextensive
extensive erve improvements fmproement betterment bttret and andadditions andadton andLdthtiona
additions adton to its It property prprt and ad facilities facilitiesand faite
and ad desires der to use W the proceeds of the thesale thelt thesale
sale lt of the bonds bod for the pro acquisition auetonof auetonofpopry of ofproperty ofProperty
property popry extension and ad improvement Iprovement of
the te facilities facilitiesThe facite
The Te company has ha advanced advac to t the 1
compny te
Jamestown Jameto Franklin Jrkn and ad ClearOeld Cetld Rail Railroad RlI Railroad ¬
road ro Company big sumo Bum of money moey for foradditions foraditons foradditions
additions aditons and extensions exnBlon of Its It property
and ad has ha received reive 111000000 1100 bonds bnds propry in inP Inprt inpart
P prt part rt payment pyent for this tis advance dvano In Inplacing Inplcng InPlacing
placing plcng Its It guarantee guarat upon the bonds bond the thepetitioner thoptitonr theOtItiOflt
petitioner ptitonr will wl be b able to obtain obtn a a higher higherPrice lfghorPrice llher llherpic
Price pic for them the than t it could obtain obtin withoutsuch without withoutsuch ItOut ItOutluch
such luch guarantee guarante The Te Lake Lke Shore Sore and
Michigan Southern Hallway Riwy now no owns OWII OWII0JM owns3g15o
ttMiuo 0JM par value of the capital cpitl stock stockthe stok stokor stocknf
or > the Jamestown Jametow Franklin FrakUnad and Clear Cler
held tlJd Railroad Halro Company Compny and ad has 11 leased leasedthe leas
the Ih property propery for the term tr of its It corporate corporat Corporateexistence
uieenc uieencIlp existence existencehogs i tence
Ilp hogs Jump to WOS SOla OSlaChlca OSlaChlcaCHICAon la Chicago ChicagoCHICAGO ChicagoCHICAGO
CHICAGO Jan Jan7Bog 7 7H6gs Hogs again broke brke the therecord te tercrrd therscrrd
record rcrrd today when the price pic per p bun hundredweight bundrdeght bundredwigbt ¬
dredweight drdeght reached rsched 9O5 0 This Til is II the theaocond thecond thesecond
second big jump within witin a few fe daya dP bring brn ¬
ing in the t h prices pf to figures higher than tan ever
known kClwn in p the stockyards stkyar Jber in Chicago Clago
Lambs also a advanced adanc 99 per r hundred hundredweight hundr hundredweight ¬
weight being the la lttquotUon lttquotUonlalowtr latestquotation latestquotationta1lower test quotation quotationMayflower
Mayflower lalowtr Worsted nte Mill 11 Bankrupt BankruptBOSTON Banrpt BanrptBOTON IJnkruptBOOTON
BOSTON BOTON Jan 7 Schedules 7heule in bank bankruptcy bk bkrlptc bankrllpicy ¬
ruptcy rlptc were filed fed today in the United UnitedSlates Unie UnitedStat55
Slates 61t District Diatrot Court Cour by b the Mayflower MayflowerWorsted fyfow t
Worsted Worted Mills Mis of North Norh Adams dms which whichconcern whlohcccr whichcccem
concern cccr was WA petitioned pttoned Into involuntary Involutr
bankruptcy bnkruptc y about abut a month moth ago The Theliabilities
liabilities liabltel amount aout to 113607 I1S I the to araots araotsre assotsate ot
ae ate re valued value at atindian SM4M SM4Mtadlan 140 140bla
indian bla Village Vlae Washed ahe Away AwayFtAooTArr Awy AwyFUQ1UF AwayFLAoorAfl
FtAooTArr FUQ1UF ArU Ar Jan 7 7A A report reportrAched repor reportrached
rAched btd here today t y that tat thntthe the entire entr Indian Indianvillage Idin Idinvilf IndianvilJa5
village vilf of the th Supais Sup in Cataract Ctrot Caflon Caflonkad Cton Ctonb Caflonhad
had b been n destroyed dot by b a waU of water wa tr
tweoty 1 feet fe high thai swept down dwt the thecanon th thron
canon rfo Many MM h Indlaaa Jd t awp are as missing mad madtP and andare andodtlPPoee4
are odtlPPoee4 supposed tP to t have been b1 lo lot in f the thet t thet
I t
J r > i
A portion portn of t the Presidents Pldta message messagewhich m mwhloh rnsesSgewhiob 1
which was i of some lome speculative pulatn Interest Interestdealt Itart Itartdolt Interestdeait
dealt dolt with wit the t attitude atttud of the Administra tbeAdtr theAdminlstrslion Administration ¬
lion lon toward towr the te ownership ownrip by b one 01 rail railroad rn rnrd railroad ¬
road rd la I the t stock ek of a competitor ompUtor As A this thispart tl thispart
part prt of the message was understood unent the tbePresident thePddent thePresident
President Pddent has ha no objection objeton to a railroad railroadacquiring raUrod raUrodaCQulrlna railroadacquiring
acquiring additional addtlonl securities surites of a com competing com comptnlr cornpoling ¬
poling ptnlr road rd in which It already alrd has bsltok bsltokcontrol stock stockcontrol stockcontrol
control but urges ur that If I the Investing Investingroad Investna Investnarod investingroad
road rod has no 10 such loh control It should be bepre beprevented pre prevented pr ¬
vented vnle from getting lreUlna It This passage passagebrought pS8lre pS8lrebroulbt psSSgebrought
brought out anew the Streets Strtl explanation explanationfor explanaton explanatonfor
for the th recent re ent strength In Southern Southrn Taclflo Taclfloas clno clnoal
as al a well wel as that yesterday ytrday In Norfolk Norolk ant antwestern ane and
western eltern The Union Paclno Pcno holds about abut about45e
458 11 per r cent cnt of Southern Pacifics Pclnoa stock stockwhile atok atokllhUe stockwhile
while Pennsylvania Pellvanla has hi 132000000 200 of Nor Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk ¬
folk and Westerns Wtternl 874eOOO 87 7401 x > BOO stock atok capital capitalization capitalIzation ptl ptltz ¬
ization izationThe tz IzationThe t on
0 The markets attitude att toward the f ulmina fulml fulminStions ulminatlorw
tlorw tOI of Samuel Smuel Compare Oopere against aplt the United UnitedStates Unlt UnitedStte
States Stat Steel Stl Corporation Corporaton was a reflected reetsd In Inthe Inthe Inthe
the action acton of Steel Stl common c mon which opened openedX opne openedabove
X above the closing clOllinlpr cloetngprice price of the day d before beforeAdditional bfore bforeAdditonl beforeAdditional
Additional Additonl evidence 8ld of phenomenal pbeomenl ac activity c cIlvity ¬
IC ICtvly
tivity tvly in the Iron and a d steel 111 Industry indu fcftbe fcftbecounlry of the thecountry thecountry
country was given in the compilation
by b the Iron waaven 0 Age Aie of the December Dmbr copiatin output outputof
of pig iron Irn For the te closing month mOt of f the thoyear theyor theyear
year yor this output reached rche the t enormous enormoustotal normoustotal oroull oroulltotl
total totl of 2MS8SO 2tlm tons tonl giving clvladlly a dally average averageproduction aeal averageproduction
production producton of 850 102 tons toU The T previous
best bt monthly record ror for production prouoton has hasnow hal ha hanow
now been bn broken In four 10urcoDectve 10urcoDectvemonlh consecutive consecutivemonth consecutivemonths
month monlh The Te compilation ompUaton for the year yar yarIhoWI yearshows
shows IhoWI a total t 1 output of 25S3lSt 2111 tons t tofl n as asagainst aaaplnt 55againstisnso
against aplnt againstisnso isB3601R 1D011 tons to In IGOS 10 and ad 3S781381 3S781381ton 2713t 2713ttona 35jl36itons
ton for for the record rord brkl breaking year ear of 1S07 1S07There 117 117Tere 1507There
There Tere Is I every eveI likelihood lo that tt there will m
be new financing f cnc by the Baltimore Baltmore and andOhio andOhio andOhio
Ohio In the near near future This Til road has h hJUlt
Ju JUlt just t bought bou < ht the Chicago Chlcai Terminal TermlnalTans TermlnalTansfer r Trans Transfers Traitstsrs ¬
fers fer property prpery at auction aucton for 118000000 11100 and andthis andthll andtMs
this thll sum together to6ether with the amounts which whichmust wblchm whichmust
m must st be bespen spent upon un the property pr rtto to bring brna
It up to the highest hhlhetameitMY efficiency plus plul the theusual thellal theusual
usual llal allowance every eveI road r makes make for formargin formaiin forniargln
margin maiin will wi probably prbbl necessitate neoliate the theB th thB
B t O calling calni on the bankers baDke for about about2SOOOOO9 about
> 2SOOOOO9 00 The Th financing fnclBC will wl probably probablytake probbly probblytke probablytake
take tke the form o a bond Issue Ilue to be b brought broughtout brucht bruchtout
out next
February FebruaryIf Febral FebralU
If the known know movements m et of otmoner money mone can canbe cn cnbe canbe
be taken tken as al the controlling cntrolni factor frr In the therates te tertes therfttes
rates rtes for forrl rail money IUytere locally there would wouldseem wo wouldseem ld ldelleln
seem to be strong ltrnl Indications Idlatoa that this thisformer tbll thisformat
former accommodation acmmaton will wt be bubtantan bubtantanealrnut substantially substantiallyeasier substantiallyeasier
easier ealrnut next week The operations optonl of the thebanks thebnk thehank
banks bnk this thil week ek Indicate lrdlcate a cash caa gain of oflioonooo ofo0UO oftoo11000
lioonooo o0UO of which net receipts reelptl from the tbeInterior the theInterior theinterior
Interior amount to some m MTOlOOO 1710 while whileBubTreasury wble wblebTaury whileibTreasury
BubTreasury bTaury operations opertons resulted rulte In i a afurther aflirther afurther
further gain < aln of S7193000 120 These Thee figures figurescompare fGI figurescomparewitha
compare compre comparewitha with a total totl cash gain last week aok of ofbut ofbut ofbut
but HNilooo S14e 3145 oo January Jaua Is I i commonly comonly the themonth themonth themonth
month of cash ca gains by b the tle local lol banks banksand b banksand I
and If the th history bltry of ofmne ofmoney money this week we is isany I isany
any an indication Indiaton the opening opnlc month of this thisyear thlllyer thisyear
rule year yer Is I to be beno no exception excpton to the general generalrule cenell cenellrle generalrule
While Whie earnings Mmln of ofibe the railroads rirad In the theNorthwest tbeKortbet theNorthwest
Northwest Kortbet go 10 godowI Oowr dowri SB el ass a result rult re ultof ot the switch switchmens awltb awltbmenlstrke ewitchmens ¬
mens menlstrke strike the price prc of if copper crpr goes zouP zouPandtherlJaunt zoeaup zoeaupand up upand
and andtherlJaunt the rise Is accounted for forJn in largemeasure largemeasureas larpmeure larpmeureasa large measure measureis
as asa a reflex refex of the tbelabr tholabor labor trouble trublM in that tht the therailroad th theraitroad
railroad rlrai tleup has ha operated opert to t check chek the themovement themovement themovement
movement of copper cppr to the market makt and thus thusIndirectly thul thusIndirectly
Indirectly Indlrt to t curtail crt1 the output outPtA A number numberof numtr numtrot
of Amalgamateds Amalcmats properties prprlesere were closed closeddown dO closeddown
down a few rawday days following ololn tbe refusal reful of ofmine ofmine ofmine
mine employees employp to t help In switching awlthlnl the thecars th thecars
cars abandoned abnone by b the te railroad rirad striken strikenOther atrker strikenOther
Other properties In the Northwes
Othr prPrle te Norhw are arereported at arereported
reported reprtd to have shut down for the same samereason Ime Imern samereason
reason rn As A the output of copper cpper has b hi halted haltedthe halt haltedthe
the price prce has ba gone up till tl lake is I apparently apparentlyfirmly aplUy aplUyfmlly apparentlyfirmly
firmly fmlly established etabllbe above abve the to 14 cent cntleet cntleetwhie level levelwhile levelwhile
while whie electrolytica elelroltos position plton is correspond corresponding crrespnd crrespndhUll correspondingtympreyed ¬
ing ingtympreyedOnetteck
hUll lyjraproved lyjraprovedOne mpredOneStk
One OneStk Onetteck Block Exchange ExchaoUI house made madean an esti estimate eatImale t1 t1mate ¬
mate of United Unit States 8t Heels 81s earnings eamlp for tortOl0whl forlOlOwbich
1010 tOl0whl which h might startle atart the most optimistic optimisticoperator oPllmllltc oPllmllltcoprtrlorte optimisticoper
operator oprtrlorte oper torfor for the rise rb Nat t earnings Mrnlns were wereestimated wereetmat wereestimated
estimated etmat at 1500000000 120 and the te LIt balance balancefor blanc
for the common cmmon after deducting deuctnt tS5oooooo tS5oooooofor 1300 8oooooofor
for interest charges chareelnlna sinking fund and anddepreciation anddeprlaton and1eprciUon
depreciation deprlaton was Wa placed plac at It liiSoooooo 111100 or orabout orabout orabout
about 23 3 per pr cent cnt Allowing Allolna soOOO o000000 for forImprovements forImprv forimprovements
Improvements Imprv ent It I was W shown that a balance balanceof blnc
of So 5Soooooo would be available aviable for divi dividends dlvldendl dlvidend ¬
dends dendl and an even If as a much as t2ioooooo t2iooooooof 100 2tosooooof
of this th were to t be b b carried cr to surplus arlus there therewould therewoulditl therewould
would woulditl still remain rmain a sum lumauMcent sufficient to pay p
6 per cent dividends dividendsIn
I dldenc dldencIn
In the controversy ontrvelY now in progress prcrel over overthe overthe overthe
the Rock Rk Island Illand episode eple a demand for fordisciplinary fordlllcplnary fordiaciplinsri
disciplinary dlllcplnary action actoncme comes corn from scores Ir of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the smaller emalIr houses Jou which had trouble tuble In the tbeexecution theeection theexecution
execution eection of orders oren that morning n rnina If t a ahouse ahoua ahouse
house houa had bd but one broker on the tb floor r that thatbroker thatbrokerwisiuore batbroker
broker brokerwisiuore was more apt than not to t be b drawn drawnto dnwntothe
to tothe the Rock Rk Island Ilnd crowd cwd with Ith the theru1 result resultthat resutthat
that orders ordM were missed mIe in Southern Suther Ps Psciflr Pacfcwhlchdnppd Picifie
ciflr cfcwhlchdnppd which dropped points point and In other otherstocks othe otherstocks
stocks stck which broke as Rock Rk Island was wassoaring waerlnlr wassoaring
soaring erlnlr upward upar Customers Cltomen complained complainedthat omplalne
that their teir stop lltp loss 10 orders were were not exe executed exe xe xecuted ¬
cuted or that buying buyna orders were Ter not filled filledbefore Oled Oledbefore filledbefom
before the market mrket rallied rll In a few known knowncases knownca knowncases
cases ca brokers brken have hye gone < olelnlo into their Ibelrown Ibelrownpket own ownpockets ownpockets
pockets pket to t make good od losses I on orders oren that thatcould tbatcould thatcould
could not be executed et on account aCOunLot of the tbeconfusion theonruelon theconfusion
confusion onruelon Others who have baverefused refused rfua so to topropitiate toprpitate topropitiate
propitiate prpitate angry aOlrr customers cstmen have bve lost lot cus customers c1a c1atmei customera ¬
tomers tmei and and there has h since beep b a bitter bitterfeeling blltr blltrfelncln hitterfeeling
feeling felncln In most of the te smaller smaler smalerohoul ohoul ohoulFl houses housesFINANCIAL housesFINANCI4L
William 0 Rockefeller Rkfller fl has been ben elected electedvic elete electedvicepresident
vic vlcapre vicepresident Wllam preaident ldent of the Brooklyn brokln I lube Usa QaaCompany OuCmpany UsaCompany
Company Cmpany to succeed sucte tho late Iatetenry Henry ll llItogers UHoren IIitogers
Itogers ItogersDavid HorenDavid itogersDavid
David Van AUtyne Alltynt vicepresident vlcePrldent of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the American Locomotive LomoIIe Company Cmpany in incharge Incharaf iiicharge
charge of manufacturing manufaturll has h resigned resignedand resl resigned resignedand
charaf and this department depalwtnt will 11 hereafter herafler < be nf iu iucharge 10cbarle Incharge
charge of lames AlcXaughton lcNauehto vicepraal vicepraaldent yJceprI yJceprIdent viceproMdent
dent in charge of OfMI OfMICppr sales salesCopper salesCopper
Copper exports for or the week ended endedJanuary endedJanuary
January Jau Cppr a I amount aunt exprt to t 5O4J 10 tons tD we and ene since alnooJanuary anc sinceJanuary
January 1 to t 2840 tons tna aa against 4403 4403tons 4453toils 83 83tn
tons tn for or the thassino same period prloln periodin In I8O9 I8O9Cleveland tl tlClnelaBleetoBonl 1909Cleveland
Cleveland Blectrle Bonds DondiSpencer BondsspenoerTrask
ClnelaBleetoBonl ClnelaBleetoBonlSpnOrTk
Spencer SpnOrTk spenoerTrask Trask Co are a offering olrere 4000 0
000 0 first ftmorge mortgage S Z per Pr ODt cent bonds bnd of oftbe ottho ofthe
the Cleveland Cveld Electric Eleo Illuminating Jutlg Com Company Cm Cmpy CornpaXiY ¬
pany of Cleveland Ceeld Ohio at 108 lo and ad in interest I interest ¬
terest terst py More Mor than thn threefourths tfouh of the theoffering theolrorig theofioring
offering have already been b sold eld The Thetotal Thetotal Thetotal
total olrorig authorized authorz alrea issue fu la 100 0000000 and andof ad adot andof
of the proceeds prdrve derived from the sale Ieof Ieoftho of oftho ofth
tho th tl0 t4000000 00 oustdg outstanding J8200000 120wDI 120wDIb will willbe willbe
be used to provide for the te rtrmentor rtrmentorother retirement of ofother orother
other b u first lt pvd mortgage Qorpgebn bonds maturing maturingearly mtug mtugearly maturingearly
early this tis year yearButtons yer yearHuslersa
Buttons IlnnToubl IlnnToublA Trouble TroubleA
A petition ptton lu lunkrup binkrupjpjr has ba been bn filed filedagainst Ale filedagainst
against alnlt the Ferro Fero Concrete CncreteC8tr Contracting ContractingCompany CoottactingCompany tn
Company Cmpny 1 Madison alln avenue contractor contractorand cnlractr cnlractrand
and constructor cOlsrctor for or concrete concete and ad cement cementbuildings cmet cmetbullln cmitbuilding
It alleged that on January J
buildings I was WA leae tht nur
3 bullln the company companyamtt admitted In writing wrltii2jinabfliy wrltii2jinabfliyto Inability Inabilityto
to te pay py Its It debts and adllnane willingness wrtDilubllf to t be b ad adjudged a adjudged ¬
judged Judle bankrupt bakr t It I was wa stated atate that tht tbe tbeassets tbealell thesiiets
assets alell consist conlt of office 0fcefurDturjand 0fcefurDturjandBme furniture f 8O0 300 and andsome andsome
Bme some valuable vailable contracts cntrat for work The Thecompany Te Tecompany Thecompany
company was incorporated Inorrat June 18 11 IBOS IBOSwith lIS lISwih 1905witti
capital stock i of lioooo but had norating
with wih capitl 1 1100 ha no norating D
rating ratna at tBrdtreet Bradstreet The company has hasdone ha hasdon
done considerable business since II nee starting startingaad starln starlnaa startingand
and among amnathe the contracts contraothloh which It had last lastyear lutear lastyear
aa year ear were wer it I la II said ld bulkhead bulked work for forNew forNew forNeyf
New York city ciy tHOooo 1100 retaining retnlDC wall wallon wal wallon
on o Staten B tten Island 11and 1117000 J70 BuUers 8ul eraUarlem eraUarlemRer Harlem HarlemRiver harlemRiver
River Park and United Unied States 8tat Government Governmentwork Ooverntnt Ooverntntwork
Rer work at a Mobile Mobie Ala Aa MOooo 10 itO000A v vA
A petition petton in bankruptcy bnlrupfr has ha been ben filed filedagslnit alid alidalnt filedagainst
against alnt Somali Imet Chabarowaky Obaway trading tradinga
a the New York Waist Company Cmpny at 143 143Wooswc IUWot 143vtoostcc
Wooswc te street ateet He le had ha been ben endeavoring endeavoringto eneavo nlr nlrt
to Wot seta ea settlement Mllement at zs cents oDU on the dollar dollarwhich doUarwhlo dollarwhToh
which t most of the te creditors orltrll agreed acreo to ac accept acopt Accapt ¬
cept opt S34C0 S34C0Morris Liabilities Lbitie are a I1SOOO Itlo and assets assetsS34C0 ats atsl assets32iirla
l 32iirla Morris Perlmutter Pelmuttr of 247 37 Stanton street streetformerly Itrlt Itrltformerly streetformerlY
formerly l a reaxtaurant reulUrllnt keeper koperbaa has fle filed fileda
a formerly petition In bankruptcy with liabilities liabilitiesisoou liabilItiestseOl2 abtl
isoou ptltfoD and ad no bankrtiwlb assets et The Ine debts debtwlre debtwlreaU were wereall wereall
all 13012 contracted cOltrcto In real estate elte operations operationsin operatons operatonsIn
in IBOS to 1007 on mortgages mort and deficiency deficiencyJudgments decleoy decleoyJudcant detIcjencyjudgmentS
Judgments 111187on on property pro rty at t72 7JV4 72 to t 74 Lewis Lewisstreet Iwls Iwlsstrllet iwi iwistreet
Judcant street lid to t ll lit Belmont avenue Brooklyn Brooklynand Brooklynand Brooklynsnd
and corner 1 Bookaway and Dumont ave avenues ayeflues e eau ¬
flues au Brooklyn e Rkaa The largest Jarlet creditors creditorsare ere dlto 1
are feebeoca rCI Bteln et I14isf 117 14131 aad Joseph Josepharchitect Jose Josephachitct h hr
I u architect achitctBroadway J Jdway
Broadway dway r has as died a e petition ption tJdtet in bank banky bU bnkriit9 k kw
B riit9 t w y wllh I llaWJlUM blt f 1114 11443 M and 1 M I MMU MMUf 0 I
Pltttbors Ptl PfttsburgCesl Ceal Shareholders aten Want Plants PlantsImproved Panta PantaIrenman PlantsImprovtdIarrtwan
Improved Irenman ImprovtdIarrtwan Harrlman Control COltrol Humors HumorsPrrraouno Ran RanPrnto MaimerPrrvenuno
Prrraouno Prnto Jan 7 7Tere 7There There was u a a con conference confenc conference ¬
ference fenc among aong a sooreof sorr stockholders stockholdersof lltockolders lltockoldersof
of the Pittsburg PltlbulC Coal Company Compy here her this thisafternoon thlllatron thIsafternoon
afternoon atron and attorneys attornes were wer instructed instructedto Intrct
to thead the of asking askingan
torpr report on visibility avlslblt kig kigan
an injunction Inuncion against aaint paying the te 1 per percent pr pront percent
cent ont dividend on preferred prfer stock atk which whichwas whic whichwas
was announced aouc here some days ago agoThe agOThe go goTe
The Te stock stk owners owe protest prtet against the thedividend thedlvldnd thedividend
dividend on the ground gund that the money moneythus mone monethue moneythus
thus to be b paid pld should be bu used in Im Improvements 1mprovement Ianprovements ¬
provements provement of the property prpry which wic they theyaay theysy theyBay
Bay sy is badly bly run n down downThat dow downThat
That Tat the to 300000 0 required ruir for a dividend dividendis divdend divdendIe
is used fund the thepresent thepresent
being u as a a campaign OPlg campaignfund by te tepret
to Induce holders holdersof
present pret management ma gment t InduO
of stock stk to t refrain rfrin from frm selling sellng to the thepurchasing te tepurlnJ thepurchasing
purchasing syndicate that thatj recently ronty has hasbeen hubn hasbeen
been bn active aiv sylc thus possibly plb ycnUnulng continuing
in power powr the present prnt control contrl was wa the thesense theeons 1
sense ID of the te meeting metng held hll hIdto today iay ay
It I was W said ad today ty that tat the late lt E H HHarrlman HHama HHarriman I
Harriman Hama had h planned p1e to get hold of the thePittsburg thePlttbug thePitteburg
Pittsburg Plttbug Coal Ca Company C as a a source eur of oftonnage ottn oftonnage
tonnage tn for the te Wabash Wabh mpy Railroad Rlr hi i the thePittsburg thePltburg thePIttburg
Pittsburg Pltburg district dlro and that this was w ono onoof onoof oneof
tat ts
of the conditions cnition a under which he h con consented rn rnnt cons ¬
sented s nt nted to rehabilitate rehbltt the Wabash Wab termi terminals trmi trmin fermintis ¬
nals n hero heroQuiet her hereQuiet
Quiet Quie purchase pu of the preferred stock stockhad stok stokha stockhad
had ha begun beg by b the Harriman Haman agents ant pre previous pr provlous ¬
vious vio to t his fatal fat Illness 11 His Hs death for fora
a time tme checked cke proceedings prlng in thin direc direction dlr direotion ¬
tion but bu shortly Mory afterward afterr the Gould Gouldinterests Gul Gouldintereatsentered
interests Intrtentr intereatsentered entered into an agreement alnt with withJudge wt withJudge
Judge Judg Lovett Let successor Icr to t Mr Harriman Barrimanto Hma
to t follow the te ideas Ide which whlchMr Mr Harriman Harrlmanhad Harm
had h with wt reference rferc to t controlling ontibig the te coal coalof c coalof
of the Pittsburg Pttbur district ditrc and ad purchases purchasesof PUrWMofPitburg
of ofPitburg Pittsburg Coal C stock stok was w resumed resumedThe rued ruedTe resumedThe
The Te first frt purchases were w at 40 40fadthe 40fadtheph r and > the thepurchasers thepurthaser
purchasers ph pr have not been b discouraged discouragedat dleour
at today 84 tthe y the price prc of preferred prfer in Pittsburg Pittsburgtoday PttburR PttburRy Pittsburgtoday
The Te common con stiook ltok when has h equal equalvoting equalvoting
voting VOtlg power with wt preferred ter his eu been beenbought bn bnbuaht beenbought
bought buaht pwr approximately approxmt at 36 ani ai those thosesupposed tbo thosesupposed
supposed to be b the Gould uld agents agent here hereassert her hereassert
IPp assert Ir that tt they the have at least It301 30001 shares sharesof ahar
of orommon common and preferred prter which will willbe wl WILLbe
be control at the coming cing annual meeting meetingINDEPENDENT meting metingINrBPENDENT meetingINDEPENDENT
Chicago Ceo Subway 8ubw Interests Int Plan Rival for forChicago forChlCloTelek I r rChicago
Chicago ChlCloTelek Telephone e Co CoCHICAGO CoCNo CeCuioioo
CHICAGO CNo Jan Ja 7 Chicago 7lc is to t have a abig abg abig I
big bg independent Indepdet telephone tepbone system Btm cover coverIng Cer coverlog
Ing the te city cty affording aorng long distance dnc lines lineaand linesand Inesand I
and constituting cntttng a formidable fondble fori ldable rival ry l of ofthe ofte ofthe
the te Cico Chicago Telephone Company CompanySuch Co CompanySuch PY PYSuoh
Such Is the to tenor tnor of aa announcement anaonment anaonmentme anannouncementmade announcementmade
made me today ty by the receivers tler of the theChicago theClco theChicago 1
Chicago Clco Subway Company Compny following folong a aconference aone aoonferenoe
conference one in which wblc a tentative tnttve contract contractwas ctact ctactwaAnnde
was waAnnde made for the te immediate Immet Installation Installationof IMUaton IMUatono
of o a a minimum mnmum minlmumofPOOOO of of20 30000 telephones telephoe In the thecity thect thecity
city ct at a cost Ct of S300000 S300000While S 35co 35coWhile 0
While Wie this ti Is the smallest elet equipment equipmentthat euipment
that tat can c comply with the terms trmll of the thetelephone thetlephone thetelephone
telephone tlephone franchise frnchf held by the Illinois IllinoisTunnel Ilnis IlnisTnel IllInoisTunnel
Tunnel Tnel Company Compny subsidiary 8ubahlary to t the theChicago theCcg theChicago
Chicago Subway Company CmpnyltJIprct It is predicted predictedconfidently predictedconfidently
confidently Ccg confdety that tbe powers behind bhind the thenew te tenew thenew
new undertaking undein will wi pwer create Clt a a system systemthatwill sytm sytmtt sjwtemthatwlll
thatwill wl adequately aeuatly cover the local lol field fieldPresent feld feldPnt fieldPresent
Present Pnt at the meeting metng which whlchwl was held heldin heldIn heldIn
in the offices omo of President Pident E A Potter Potterof Pottr Pottrof
of the American Amerc Trust Tt and Savings Bvn Bank Bankwere Bnk Bnkwe Bankwere
were we Charles Chle G 7 Daman Da and David Davd R RForgan I ItForgan
Forgan receivers river of the Subway Subay com company om omr cornpany ¬
pany L C c KrauthofT Kutol representing rprntng J JOgden JOJe JOgden
Ogden Armour and the Armour Aourlntrt interests interestsWilliam interestsWIllIam
William Aour Stuart Ted representing A G GWheeler OW 0Wheeler
r Ila st To rprntng
W Wheeler Itr C W Hotchkisa HothldM and a C O OFriable OFrable 0Friable
Friable Frable of the te Illinois Dlnolll Tunnel Tnel Company Compn CompnTe CompanThe
The Te contract contrct reached rhe was w described describedas deb
as tentative tnttve because bUI of the absence absencefrom abnc absencefrom
from frm the conference cnfero of Mr Potter Pottr who whowaa whoWI whowas
was WI called te to New York and Henry Hel I IDeforest L LDfort LDeforest >
Deforest cle representative of the E H HHarrlman HHman 11Harriman
Dfort rprnttve te
Harriman estate ett who also allla is in the tbeEast theE theEast
East Hman E Both Bth are a however said ed IaLcLtO to t bo b fully full
in sympathy 8pty with the steps atps taken takenCAPITALIZE ten tenOAPITLIZEOBfl takenCAPITALIZE
Harvester late Co Likely Ukl > to Give Its It Stock Stockholders Slok Slokboe Sleekholder
holders boe Some 811 Klr Slices PM of Melon MelonCHICAGO MelonCnicaoo Uelo UeloCHICO
CHICAGO CHICO Jan 7 7lt It Is i conceded cnce that thatthe thatthe
the International Itraton Harvester Harvetr Company Companywill Cmpy Cmpywl
will wl capitalize cpitiz Its It foreign plant invest investments Invet Invetmet Investmonte ¬
monte met which have b ve been en made me very eq largely largelyout larly larlyout
but butwhen butwhe butwhen
out of the corporations crr loQ1 earnings ernlng
when whe the te step sp will wl be b taken tken has h not been beendecided bn bndeide beendecided
decided deide upon It I is i believed bleve in IBme IBmequr some somequarters somequarter
that the scheme will be
quarters qur tt eheme I an announced nnnouo announcedattheannual ¬
nounced nouo nouncedattheannual at the annual anul meeting motng April AprI21 AprI21Te 21 21The 21The
The Te plan pl as it now stand std Is I said ld to t In Involve Involve Involvo ¬
volve the tb declaration delartion of a stock tck dividend dividendand dlvieDI dlvieDIand
and if it is I decided deide to cover cver by such Buol din distribution di dintribution ¬
the made and andarranged andarranged
tribution tbuton only te expenditures expnditur ad adI
arranged arie up to the present prnt time tme tho thoamount thoaolt theamount
amount aolt of new ne issue ue of stock stk will wi be b less lessthan ItS lessthan
I than th 110000000 11000 There Ter are five fv foreign foreignplants tOrIRn tOrIRnplat foignplants
plants plat of the company They Tey are ar located locatedIn 10to
In I Sweden Swen cmpy Canada Ca Germany Grany Franco Francoand Fnc Franceand
and ad Russia RUla The Te value vaue of these thee plants plantsbased plantsba plantsbased
based ba upon uPn expenditures epndlul1 in estimated Mtmte aa aafollows a asfollows
follows folows RUla Russia 19000000 00 Canada Cnd J21CO 11 <
710 710 Sweden Swee 1194707 70 Germany Grny 300000 1300100France 300000France 0
France Fc S0 300000 total ttl SO031417 SO031417It SIOU41
It I la I figured fgu that if I based uleupn upon these thesevaluations the thesevaluations
valuations vluatlna the stockholders lltckholder would re receive ro roclve recelve ¬
ceive cent centWOVK1 clve ceDtUOEJ centIIOXEI a stock lltk dividend at o about abut 75 per percent pr prceDt percent
f m mOrdway
Ordway Orwy Said Things llq Mood Woodward ward war Told Him HimWerent Ilnl IlnlWerfnt hintWerent
Werent Werfnt No NoR HoR SoIt
R Graham Grham Woodward Wowr a public publo account accountant accountant accountant ¬
ant with th an ozffice 07m at 25 2 Broad Bod street streetwas IItrt IItrtW streetwas
was W before bfore Magistrate Mag trat Harris larrs in the theTombs theTomb theTombs
Tombs Tomb court cur yesterday Yeterday upon a 1 sum summons summon summona
mona mon sued out by Aaron Aarn P Ordway Ordwaya Orway Orwaya Ord way waya
a manufacturing mnufacurng chemist at 443 West WestThirtyseventh WOlitTryventh VeatThirtyseventh
Thirtyseventh Tryventh street ltrot who wh charged chargedgrand oharge chargedgrand
grand d larceny larcenyMr larcny larcnyMr
Mr Ordway alleged aleged that on March
34 2 1908 11 Woodward Wowrd induced Induc him hm to t in invest Invest invest ¬
vest JSOOO 10 in the Accord Acrd sliver slver mine minenear minenear
mne mnen
near n r Georgetown GrKtow Col Cl by representIng repmeenUngthat rpretng rpretngtt
that tt a miiroosting mi mill Otng coating 140 41000 bdbebuit bdbebuitat had b been built builtat buJ
at the mine and new n seams IS opened opne up upwhich upwhcb upwhich
which were richer rcer in ore or than tn had h beenindicated been beenIndicated en enIndct
Indicated whcb by samples IIILmple previously ptoul shown shownThese shwn shwnTN ebownThese
These TN samples eple It is I alleged iegaverge averaged averaged13co
300 a ton tonMiss tonN tonMiss
S Miss Edith Eith Ordway Orwy daughter duCnfror of the thecomplainant thecomplnt thecomplainant
complainant complnt N testified t that tt Woodward WoodwardBade Wowr Woodwardmade
Bade m the te representations JprnttoM to her father fatherIn
In her presence presenceJames prnc presenceJames
James Jae J Culley of Georgetown G r Col Colpresident ColDdet Colpresident
president of f the Accord Mining r ng and andMilling ana anaMlng antiMIUIng
Milling Mlng Company Cmpyed said that thtthemU the mill had hadnever ha badnever
never been be buit built and nd that tt the ore was wastoo WI wastoo
too t t thin to toY pay the expense expns of milling millingIt milg milgIw
It Iw was shown abow that tht Ordway Orwy had h prevl prevloualy prevlou previousb
oualy Invested IDvet 14000 10 in I the mind and ad that thatcomplicated tt ttomvUct thatcomplicated
complicated omvUct ou litigation ltgton is pending pndng between betweenhim btwn btwnhm betweenhIm
him and ad Woodward WoodwardThe Wowar
hm The Te defendant deredt denied deie having havng made madethe mde mdet madethe
the representations rpenttons alleged aUege Before Brore tho thocroMexamlnation thooumton theszamInaUon
t oumton croMexamlnation was W over Magistrate MagistrateHarris Magistrateflarrinadjourned
Harris BaraJoue flarrinadjourned adjourned the hearing hearneUtl Msgtrate MsgtrateBaraJoue until next nextWednesday nextWeMy nextWednesday
Wednesday WednesdayCHAMPAGNE WeMy WeMyCllMPAGNETIUSr WednesdayChAMPAGNE
Deal l OB Foot toConsllclale fo CenlUtate All Anthe the Cellar CellarIn Celar
In tae tie United Unie States HtatetPENN HtatNPN StatesPBNN
PENN PN YAN N Y Jan Jn 7 1A A thaI d al of large largeproportions lrge lrgeprprlonaetnghe largeproportionsaffectingtlie
proportions prprlonaetnghe proportionsaffectingtlie affecting the wine win and chain champagne chm chmpe chainp58110 ¬
pagne pe industry Idutr of the t United Unied States Btt is isin i isIn
in fpro process of perfection prfeoton news of which whichleaked wblchleak whichleaked
leaked leak out uttoay today through trnugh a am man zmt well wellknown wel wellaown
iOW known in I the wine industry Industr The Te deal dealfa dealI
fa I said ad to be b no less Iee than thaco tbs a aco consolidation consolidationof loldton loldtonof soljdat ion ionoIsll
of oIsll all tho still etl wine wie and nd champagne ohapio cellars cellarsof clira cliraor
of the tle theVritedStatesIntoa United UrtdStte States into Ito a a trust trt for tho thopurpose thopurp thopurpose
purpose of fixing fing a 1 uniform ulfonpro uniformprioe prioe on all allproducts al allproducts
purp products ptuot and otherwise otherle cnduotlg conducting busi business bUI bUIne buelflees ¬
ness according to the most
ne acrdlng mOt approved approvedmodern Approvedmodern prved prvedmoern
modern moern methods methodsFor mthc methodsFor
For Forlme some time tm the work of consolida consolidation ¬
tion ton baa b been bn progressing Irgrlng propositions propositionshaving prJIUons prJIUonshvig prepositionshaqing oonsolda oonsoldaton
having hvig been bn made mae to a score lcre of the leading leadingwine lding ldingwie leadingwine
wine wie companies opbl That Tht these the propositions propositionshave PrpltoM PrpltoMhve
have hve met me with wit considerable coDlderabl favor la shown shownby ahewnby shownIy
the fact that a number of otthe the
by thl ta nuber com companies cmj cmjplalhav6 cornpank ¬
panies plalhav6 have had h d their thir boards br of Ofd director directortogether directortogether lr
together tgttr and and dfscuraed dfoU tho proposals proposalsAccording Prl hropoealsAccording
Acrdla According to t the terms tr made ma by the tbealleged thealegd thealleged
alleged alegd trust trut8owie each wine company I must mut mustinventory
Inventory fvet Hock k and ad dlaolosa do compy it f its velum volu of
feustaess for Morye several ev ml year pastand some someof ol
of 1 ttf tidIn leading lecclar collars arc BOW Be pad at tt t tata ao took tookV I
V if t if l f I Il It < = <
t tL i Wd > J J
Henry Hm L LDnet Doherty President PresidentYielding ei eiicentYIelding mt mtI
I Yielding YieldingBonds VleldlneI YIeldingBods I
Bonds BondsPreferred 84 84P M MirClerred
Preferred P ferred 7fe 7feA
A strong proposition that will wishow show the the investor exceptional exceptionalprofit exceptionalprottptpres exceptionatprofit
profit prottptpres it t present nt prices pricesCircular prics pricsCIra ices icesCIrcular
Circular CIra ta on requPat requPatWilliams resl reqirsiWilliams
Williams M McConnell Coleman ColemanBonds
Bonds Stocks Stoks Stockso
80 o Wall Wal un St SI Phone 5621 John New York York
Will Wi Support Suppor Taft TarSo So Long as lie leFoU01 Follows FollowsProRTrsiUr FellowsProgressive
Progressive Prollhf Policy PolicyMADISON PoUC PolicyMtnrso
MADISON MADION Win Jan Ja 7 7A A signed elied state statement statemont tte ttemet ¬
Senator La in the Issue Issueof
mont met by Sntr L Follette Folett te
of his hil magazine ma le to appear Bp r tomorrow tmorw will willdefinitely Wl iilldefinItely
definitely dtfltly commit cmmit the theSntr theSenathr Senator to topplll topplllton opposi opposition opposition ¬
tion ton to President Pident Taft Bt whenever he com oomromisea comprme cornpromises
promises prme > on n progressive policies plcie The Thehroat Thott Thethreat
threat tt is Implied Impled not direct dlr The Te state statement lltte statemeat ¬
ment in
says I part partOn pr partOn
On March 4 President Preldent Roosevelt Roo velt com committed co cornmuted ¬
muted mit the great rret work of his Admlniitra Admlniitratlon Admlnltf
tlon ton finished flhe and unfinished unfnilihed to his hil sue suecesaor Ruoceasor uo uoOr
cesaor Or President Taft Taf formed fonec a new newCabinet newCblnel newCabinet
Cabinet Cblnel some lome of whom had not been ben In Insympathy Inarpthy Insympathy
sympathy arpthy with that work He aided aidd In Inthe Inthe inthe
the election eleton of Cannon Cnon as R Speaker BPker of the theHouse the theHoul theHouse
Houl House of Representatives Rprntate Cannon lrnon Al Atdrlch Aldrch Aldrich
drlch drch and their tielr associates ueoltel became bame his close closeadvisers clo closeadviser e eadvl
advisers advl rs on legislation legislationThe
lelslaton lelslatonTe
The Te people pple are ar not satisfied tefec with the thetariff tbetarl thetariff
tariff tarl legislation leJlatonThey They are shocked Ihoked at atthe a atthe
the te charges charres made made1n In the Alaskan Alaeln coal col scan scandal aan aancl scandel ¬
del cl They Te have h not lout 10t faith yet They Theyare Thi Iheyare
are still Itl waiting wltnlrhoplnl waItinghopIng waItinghopIngBut hoping hopingBut
But the people pple of the country are lr pro progressive proIlive progressivo ¬
gressive Ilive East Eat as well wel as West Wfst They They1 will willtolerate lll llltolerate
tolerate tolerte no retreat retrt no nocompromll compromise on pro progressive to tosmassive o ¬
gressive Ilve policies potcel La Lt Follettti Jol te will Il sup support suppr support ¬
port pr the tePresldent President in every effort ftort which he heputs heputs
Ilntrt IlntrtWe puts Interest InterestWe pIs forth torh to secure lre legislation In the public publicInterest publc publcIlntrt publicInterest
We too to are ar waiting lUna dally daly hoping hoplna No Xoeminence Noemine Noeminence
eminence emine of position plton In party prty or govern gorernment Jov governmeat rn
ment shall shal protect prott a servant srvant of otlhe the people peoplefrom Iple Iplefrom peploftcm
from deserved dlre criticism criticismMove criticismlve
crltcm crltcmIove
Move for f r Uniform Cnlorm Demurrage DemurrageINDIANAPOLIS Denlrae DenitirrageIIIDLNAPOUS
INDIANAPOLIS IIAPOLS Jan 7 7Te 7The The Stto Stto RAil RAilroad Rl Rlr Rollroad
road r Commission Commiion today took tok the thf initiative initiativeIn Inllatve I
In adopting adptig tho uniform unior demurrage demuge rules rulesof rlcs rlcsot
of the to national naUonlommito committoe on uniform uior I Ideml
demurrage deml The To rules rls will wi become bcomo effec effective oleo oleotvo offtctire ¬
tire tvo on March 1 1MARINE IJI 1MARINE
Sun n rs uses n e 7JOSjn 7ISa eu44SMoon I 51 Moa rises r 419 419man 449nion 11
Sandy Sd HooltBCICrovl5land KolIIIICvlslandllel Hook5aiiGovlsIand5ellieI1 Hook5aiiGovlsIand5ellieI1ArrtvedFSIDAT J Htll Gate 7a 7aArrlrrd 7 7ArrIIUD
Arrlrrd ArrIIUD ArrtvedFSIDAT FHIDAT January Jauan 7 7Sa 7ihu 7as
Sa Adriatic Southampton Dec r rMl 9
Ml 4 ConUlnn ihu If kltwivs urlv lrf t ie A A8a I
8a Ocutncnland 1euWlland lank ak Hamburg lamburl Dec De Def Dectls 21 21S
S tls KlnnH ICtngawood oort UaUnu flee e 31 31ts > l lMexico
ts f Mexico Vrv Havana Jan 4 4h l 4 4s
h s Canugurr U Clcoturtm Jan 1 1Ha 1s 1Ms
Ha Ollnda 1 Nips PJ Jan JanHs Jan1s
Hs s Prltxne Yr Clcnfurios Cientls Dec C St Sti 29Ss
i 5 Ss San Jaclnlo Jadnl Galtraton Gahaln Jan 1 1Sa 1s 1Sa
Sa s Rl Y Slilo Sra Sub Gait Galnln Galveston cton Jan 1 1S 1Sc
S Sc City Cly nt t Savannah Svann Savannah Svannb Jan 4 4aa 4nuron 4Sc
aa Huron Jacksonville Juknte Jan 3 aSs 3Ss
Ss Albe AIMncs nta Boatou BsLon Jan JnS 1 1Sa tSi
Sa S Jamestown Jlmeslown Norfolk Norolk Jan JanSs a aSaTeodora 68s
SaTeodora Ss Teora de lUrrtnata rr notion Ialon Jan S SARJtITBD I IAUIao0 3snalyDotrr
ARJtITBD AUIao0 snalyDotrr snalyDotrrSi OCT OCTSa
Sa S TJI L Touratnt at Havre Jnre from frm New Ne ew Tort TortSa Tork YorkS
Sa S S Zealand Uln at Antwerp Anler from New ew York Yorkmow York YorkIID
IID 51150 mow iOMFCa51Oit ON roicjax FSCOI POSTS ronnSa pOln POSTSSR
Sa 8 Berlin Bula for fr New Ne York or tram frm Naples NapleaSa
Sa S Blueriicr Bluler for New York or from frm Southampton Southamptonocrootxo Suilamptl SuilamptlOltNO SoutbsmptooocTooLtssrn1s
ocrootxo OltNO ocTooLtssrn1s ocTooLtssrn1sdd 4U BTXAuamra BTXAuamraMalli aTLUlllrL aTLUlllrL4U
rdfV Todny
Malli MalliClan Mafl Iids IidsCZnt VltSeIscie
Clan CZnt 3aO 3aONew Sai 340New
New Vork ork Southampton Sllapln S3 a M A M 10 100 00 00Carenta A M MCiroDta t tCrnlshoru
CiroDta Crnlshoru A urea P so Alt A 11 1 UOM UOMt 1 13 r te M MIennaylvaiils
t enntTlvaiilv Hamburg HaCburc 12 1 1 on o i 1 < j on 0 f I M M7ullnLflOuvr M7ul 14Zeus
7ullnLflOuvr 7ul Zeus L tefluavra Ouvr AM A tIaIU 3 A It > r 1300X1 1300X1Coamn 1 1CoamrSIJ 13mMCoaono
Coamn CoamrSIJ San Juan an A3l S SO M 3 1 1lblrla im II on II IISlblrla 14ttbIrI
Slblrla lblrla Haytl latl BuOAU I 9 U 0 A 1 Ii 11 1 no All AllHavana A 31 31iIavna >
Havana lavAna H HvAn vana 1000AM 10 itJ A 1 linPM linPMCherokrc llQ 1 0 P p14 p14Cherokee rt rtCher
Cherokee Cher Santo Snlo IKimlngo Uomlnl 100OAM 1011 10 u A M 1O3PM 1O3PMNapo lOP lOPNarlqI I 00 p pNsro
Napo NarlqI Iqultos 1 lO 13 00 M SOU 3 011 011Juboo 3 IM IMHarburotia 1 M M13rbirsaa
Harburotia Naples ltnoM ltnoMCaledonia ii m > A 14 14Caledonla
Juboo II
Caledonia o rila Olasgow I row JOOPM JOOPMMtnnewaaka 3 dX P 14 14Mlnnewsaks
nt ntrlynfBavanubSvAunab
Mtnnewaaka k LorJnr 8 00 AM AMntynf It ItCllyntSsvannahSavaflfleb
ntynf rlynfBavanubSvAunab CllyntSsvannahSavaflfleb Savannah Savannah 300PM 300PMNuercs 3001 OP OPJ 14 14ueecsOaIveston
Nuercs ueecsOaIveston Oalreaton v > 12OOU 12OOUHunm 1 12014Hurn
Hunm Jacksonville J ni iraPM iraPMJatneatown in tM tMJnelow PM PMJamestown
Jamestown Jnelow Norfilk 3UOPM 3UOPMSail s 0 uo PM PMTames PMSan
Sail Tonamv TonamvThames VomorreeThames
Thames Tames Jamaica Jame 1200M 1200MSatt I 15031Sell 0
Sell Sa Umutav odav January Janlarv 10 10Marowtjnr 10Urwtn 10Uarowtjre
Marowtjnr Paramaribo Paramrb 1100AM 1 It cn A 1 31 100PM 100PMAlliance l0P l0PUtauCACtbl13A1 1 Xi P 11 11AIIISUVSCrlstcbal
Alliance AIIISUVSCrlstcbal Urwtn UtauCACtbl13A1 CrtJtohAl II 1130AM JO Ail aooPil aooPilPrlncns aop aopPrlcu 34mP31Princess
Princess Prlcu Anne Da Norfolk > 3501 00PM 00PMSoil 0 l lU 31 31SaC
Soil U Tuiday January JInU4rv 11 11nuca 1 IIflues
flues nuC dl Abrutzl Naples NaplesHorteaalua NapleU NiplesioteostUi
Horteaalua 1 Montevideo MontevideoMobawk MontevideoMohawk
Mohawk U h Jarkwnvllle her 100PM 100PMNacooehee I ojiU ojiUNaeSannal 501 501Nacoochee
Nacooehee NaeSannal Savannah 1 300PM 300PMHamilton 3 OPM OPMlamtloD 50 p pItamIlton
Hamilton lamtloD Norfolk NorfolkiCOUTNO 3O3PM 3O3PMINCOUIKO op oplICCUIJ1
Due Duerola D rt Dodw av avPoi
Poi Huelva luva Deo De 15 ISInra 15laca 1513
Inra Huelva Hurva Dec 13 13Zyldak 15Zyld 1314cc
Zyldak Zyld Itotterdam lllramUea Uee U UGrsf 34Grftt 4 4Graf
Graf Hstderace Wadene WslderateltamburgDcc Hamburr ambuf Deo D 24 24HoDtrui 2 2335
HoDtrui lcJverus Hamburg lamburr Deo D 24 24iiunlo I 3523
iiunlo Durlo Hull llun Uee V V1 23 23KaSavote 23La
KaSavote La Havre Jan I IPeruila
Peruila Inlrrmo 1 > lrrmo Drc I 13 13Carmanln IaCarmaail 331 33So
Carmanln Carmaail IJrrrpoul Urrl Jan 1 1Mlnnebaha 1lUnnebaha
Mlnnebaha Ixmdon Ind IKc I c M MColon 3 SoCoIn
Colon Cristobal Crelbl Jan JaDl 2 2PrlotiiiarNederlandrn 2PrtosadarNrdertsudrnltsvil
l PrlotiiiarNederlandrn dlrNderlsDdnIt Haiti Jan Ja 3 3Vuinfth StuflMi
Vuinfth Tftmplro rmpl IM 3O 3Olrlnce 3 30LIobatkJacksonIlleJilt
lrlnce lne Anne nne Norfolk lorlolk > Inn 1 1Uobauk 7Uoba
Uobauk Uoba LIobatkJacksonIlleJilt Jacksonllle JackSDJC Jan Jal ft ftOur ADee
Our DI Tomorrow TomorrowArablr rorrorablr FonaerraioArabic
Arabic Llrerpool Unrl Jan JanNewVorUCHy Jaal Jaalr I INew
NewVorUCHy r New Vorlt ork Cly City Swansea an Dtc DtcTrltoula Oe 24 24Trlllll 21Tribute
Tribute Trlllll Anturri tntwrrplice nlWrr > Dec e 24 24Crown 4 4Crown
Crown CWD Prince Pr1ceTrInidadJan Trinidad TrnldI Jan 1 1tiara 1irva 1Ouppeitarne
tiara irva vi I Trinidad Trnldad Jan 13 1I 1 1Vljlltncls tIaDla
Vljlltncls IaDla SanUago nUato Jan 3 3Ouppename 3OpPae
Ouppename Trinidad Tlnld TrInidadJan Jan JanAdmtnl a aMlrIFara IAdxutriil
OpPae <
Admtnl MlrIFara Farragut FarragutPort t Port Antonio AntalJan Jan 4 4Jacob CJcb 4Jacob
Jacob Jcb Luckenbach luekenbcl Luckenbschow Ne New Orleans OrleacsJan Jan 1 1Hamilton 1Hamlln 1Hamilton
Hamilton Hamlln Norfolk forolJB rfolkjan rfolkjanComancheacJaontil1e Jn a aComancbe ah
Comancbe ComancheacJaontil1e h Jacksonville o oDI Jan JanAvon 5 5is
Avon Southampton Deo fa faOut is isDue
Out DI Monday MO January JanlarllO JanlarllOEaIDla 10 10Catonla
Catonla EaIDla Ubau Ublu Dee DeeAmerica fleeDee a
America Ameria Naplea Dee M MRheln a soRhein
RheIn Unmen D Uremenflee men Ota D to toUranium a 50Uraniumflottrdant
Uranium Uraniumflottrdant Rotterdam RltramDe Dec DecSau 2 2Sau I
Sau Su Paulo Para Deo D t tPnlUdelDhlai 29 29PhllMclpha
PnlUdelDhlai Plael b a Curacao Crco Curacaolan Jan Ja Z l lSan aSn ISan
San Sn Juan San Juan Jua JuanJss Jaa Ja B BAltai I eSemlt3oIeTurkililandJane
Altai Kingston Jan 4 4Semlnole
Semlnole Semlt3oIeTurkililandJane l l Turks Island Uig UigF Jan = 4 4R 4Ti
R F Ti Dla Da Oalveftton Jan JaEx 4 4Excelsior 4Orleans
Excelsior Ex lslor New Orleans Jan JuBy 4 4By 4Ily
By Marconi I rconl Wireless WlrrleSa WlreI WlreIS WirelessLaSavole
Sa S La lSaole LaSavole Savole for 10rNr forXrwVOrli New York tu was 710 70 miles mies et etof listof att attof
of Sandy SndY Hook Hok ¼ at 1JO l A M IetcrdaS1Inneluha yesterday yesterdaySaWnnehAha yesterdaySc
SaWnnehAha S1Inneluha Sc for New Ne York was wa AM miles mileseast mi milesesstorSandy
east esstorSandy ot Sandy Sn y Hook lnk Hnokat3OA at a l SO A M MS 1 31von
S Avon von < for New N York waa UO 1 mlle mleleut mlleseait east of ofSandy ofSandy t tSody
Sandy Sody Hook Hool at 720 7 P M J
Chicago Chfc iO Burlington Burlngon I Quincyo Quincy
o Railroad Rairoad Company Companyur
Dn Denver Elenin EIensIo Four ° ur Pr Cent Cnt Bonds Bondsder
Un Due Fhro Vhrar 1 822
BEAtEn SEALhn PROPOsALS addreswd to the tinder der er
sigure re a at It Its omc 1 iu I evonjilrf > AddrM Street I le fkntnn fkntnnAND In <
Ja Maas ad and endorsed ndorS e on OutsIde Irt 01 envelope Bln
l Pmuposal sl t to aU sell C B A Q ii R Co Denver
R C Dver
Esitnaton 1 Iionda
Extsio BdL WI W1LI L B tnt ItECE1VED
UNTIL UNTIIa400N NON ON ER1DAy4JUAfy1I nrcrlD 1910
for the e all sale 01 abve above FRDAY named bonds JAUARYUlIIO to the trustee
name bdl I tie trat
CE cltrri IULmZe2 1011 0 OR ANY PART tJITO ThEREOF
in Sceordance ranc wth With i the to agreement PAR dated TltREOI peoem
Ireemet dal em
t Der 1 IHI IMIPropIswl 1501Proposals v vProposals
Proposals PropIswl will be b opened and successful auetl bids
deIAd JI Jaiuav Ii felV Illn 1910 AND INTERESt ON
5 iM 1
ACrPFn ACCEPTED 1II0j lflt0 lflt0The T IONOS norns WILL C citsr ASr jragSi jragSiIliellewEnjIandTriistGarapany Jur January 15 13
IliellewEnjIandTriistGarapany TheRew The Nw En Englandirust andT rust DumpanJ llmpanTRUSTEE
o By I D R WHITNEY Ilealdent
H1TE 11eo
Boston DI Mass Mil Ma Jsnusry Jauy I ItO 110nVt 1510SINNiNII ItOFUND
Pint Consolidated MortKaao Bond o oTo
PintDrTWI DATED DrTWI JANUARY 4tiAYf lat f 1893 W
Tho To Central CDlrAI Trust Tt Company of New N York Yorkgives YorkIh YorkgIves
gives Ih 1 notice nol that thi In accordance acrac with tUb Article Ane Vi Viof V
of a tertaln trlan Indenture Ind nlu made me by the above abo rail railway rl rli ¬
way = company dal dated d January lit laai It will willrecelvx WIllrtcelve
i recelvx lv staled I proposal to sell IsIe the above att4ve 1 de described doseAbed ¬
scribed bonds at a rate not to eieeetl 105 per percent petcent
1 cent and accrued r Interest or the i total o offer eCor not to toconsume toconubme
consume me more mor than lba the amount of One Oo hundred hundredand
and thirtyeight thousand Dn hundred JuBdr and andtwrtvy andtwlve
an tbryelrll IhOs lve bundr
twrtvy twlve eh and a KMOD DIO dollars dolr 1MS1280 135121 Th Theatrd Te The Thesealed a
sealed I proposals will be b opened at the office of ofibe ofthe
the Central n Trust t Company of r New York Tom In New
York Yor City Ct at twelve oclock noon Don on the tb 17th 11b day dayof
of January 1810 1810CENTHAt 1910CtNTUAL
Trustee TrusteeBy Tle rmusteefly
By B J N WALLACE President
New 1 York January Jaua 6tn 61 mo moTill 1110 1110I 1110Postal 1910Thi
Till Postal TelegraphCab TelegraphCabCompany TelegraphCableCompany TeJegraphCbleCompany
Company of Texas TeiasUnder TllasUnde
Under Unde the provisions pr110nl of an a Indejture ID8lur of trust tru
dated da January Jaua I Idas le between btwn the Ile above Abn com company cornpan < m mra ¬
pany pan aid the Old Ol Colony Trust Tl Company Cmpy This Trustee T ¬
tee ra B the undersigned underfD hereby IRby gives notice noUo that II I
has h the sun UD of 0 of l32 Hiooo 1 for rv Investment Dt In tai the lb
TinST FIR MORTGAGE MORTACI BONDS nOND Issued ISue thereunder tlerunder
Otters otrersol of bonds will be received until noon of
Monday Jan 17 I BIO 11110 when all offers will be beopened beoptnffl beonened
opened the lh right being reservnl reserv to reject any or orall orall
all tenders tendersOLD lendersOLD en 1en 1enOLD <
OLD COLONY TftDST ThUSTCO CO Trtntoc TrtntocBy Tt TtBy
By WALLACE WA LC B DON DONHAU HAM VIcePresMent VIcePresMentBoston VlooPmtdeuttJoatoa VIcePentBostee
Boston January 5 1MO 1MOINVESTORS 11110INVIESTOft8 1910INV8TOR8
ThlWal1 Str88tJournai Str88tJournaiLOST5outbern
LOST LOST5outbern Southern Paclno Company Coanp ny Common Cummon810Ck
Stock Certificate No AXKt A 4 for uvntlbarea v ve ailar In the thename theamI thename
name 5prlngrr Mead notice la lberebrlYeD lberebrlYeDIn hereby liven livento
to chow cauM cau why by duplicate < should not be Issued Issuedt Il8IIedPRlNGlm isenedSPRlNuIfl
NOTIcE IS HKRfcBV OIVBV thai te partner partnership pinnership
ship of Stanley A Peanall b heretofore engaged In
business as merchants at 641 Fifth Avenue venue New
1 York y bu t been ftto dissolved by bJIIJg mutual consent consenti
i The business will be continued by Mr Silas R
t Pearsall tinder the th name of Stanley 4 Peanall
but Mr Stanley hern being no oOfl oOfletri Ion longer err etri interested II Is Isnot Isnot
I not liable for obligations contracted eon lrarled hereafter hereafterOPTIMISM bereafterOPTl1Ilsu hereafterOPTLIIISM
Trade Reviews ante Bnjoy the Buster BOIIDNtOUt Ont OtrtI Ontlook
I i look for 1810 1810The 1910The 1 1O 1OThe
The jOommercia reporting agencies agenciesfind
find th the new year opening with sentiment sentimentoptimistic sentimentoptlml sentimentoptirniItic
optimistic tlc and with every indication Indic tlon of ofBrent otalOlt ofgreat
Brent prosperity to come Dun will willnay willMY willsay
nay today todayNot I INot
Not In half a decade has ha a rear opened openedwith openedwith openedwIth
with tho business outlook BO generally generallyauspicious cenerallyauspicious generallynuapicious
auspicious as a the year 1910 In January January1D07
1D07 there was a tremendous volume of oftransaction oftr oftrknsactlon
transaction tr but already the clouds of
Impending IUl endlnidl disaster a8ter could be seen on the
horizon In January 1908 the crash had hadarrived hadarrived
i arrived and the business world was was count counti countInatbe countlag
i Inn Inatbe the heavy losses In January 1009 1009I 11109conndencehad is isconfidence
I confidence conndencehad had been In part repaired but butthe butUi
i the Ui progress toward recovery was very veryBlow veryi veryslow
i Blow Hut In January 1010 the volume vol lime of
transactions Is as IS largo aa In 1907 with withconfidence withcon withconfidence
confidence con dtnce supreme and no impending
disasters casting their shadows before beforeSome beforeSomeot beforeSome
Some Someot of the perplexing Issues hl8ueawhlcb hl8ueawhlcbcontributed which whichcontributed whichcontributed
contributed to the crisis crill Ie of 1007 still remain remainunsolved remainunsolytd remainunsblved
unsolved while the question of high prices
has become become be < me more acute but It Itwould Itwould Itwould
would seem on a if bunlness buln 1III confidence were werenot weren werenotgoing
not n notgoing O coin to permit these things to Interfere Interferewill
will the further progress of industry and andcotmnerce andCOD andconitnerce
cotmnerce COD eree The optimism which usually usuallyprevails IIsullllypreviilla 9suallyprav
prevails prav tia at this season Is this time appar apparently app apparently r rtnUT ¬
ently well supported eupport d by b the tact of the theeconomic theeeonoml thee4onomib
economic situation situationBradstreett otuatlonBradendlI nltuationflrcdstreef
Bradstreett will eay sayThe eayThs eayThe
The year ear opens with a perceptible rcepUblelul1 rcepUblelul1In lull lullIn lullin
In trade though with lIh optimism as a the theunderlying theunderlilnlr theunderlflng
underlying element in all 11 lines Severe Severecold SlIerecold Severecold
cold weather and heavy anew sleet or rain rainstorms rainllt rainstrms
storms llt rma have checked transportation and andretarded andI andretarded
I retarded country trade though more or orlets orlea orleSs
lets Immediate benefit to retail trade In Incitlea InCUlM incilIea
citlea has h accrued from the stimulus given givento atventadmandfor
to tadmandfor demand for seasonable goods by bweather bweathercpndlUona weather weatherconditions weathercpnditions
conditions and cd the beginning of clear clearabce clearatlC clearabcs
abcs abcef abcesales atlC sales of winter goods Wholesale Whol8llIeIIboll Wholesalelinos
hOes have been generally quiet owing owingto
to tbe fact f Ct that salesmen as a yet are fact factfully hotfully ot otfull
fully full Intheir In their fields of activity Jobbing Jobbingreorders Jobblnarreorders Jobbingreorders
reorders are checked for the same reasons reasonsCollections reaonllCollectlonllare reasonsCollectionS
Collections are rather lower and classed classedgenerally clauedenerally classedgeperall7
generally as only fair due no doubt to toInterruptions toInterruptions tointerruptions
Interruptions to the movements of malls mallsand maUand mailsand
and of farm products to market
ThePresidonts The Presidents Presid nts Message MessageI
I have incorporated inc rporatedin in thelarge the large deckleedge public opinion moulder moulderNo
No n i I the result r sult to the he investment in estment world and stockdom of President PresidentTafts PresidentTafts PresidehtTafts
Tafts vigorous message of today todayIt tod i iIt
It is too long for a newspaper advertisement advertisementU
H U is being mailed to all Senators Sen tor5 Representatives RepresentativesCabinet Cabinet officers officersand officersand officersand
and to the Press Any Anynumber number num er of copies copiestvill will be mailed free to appli applicants applicants appliacants >
cants cantsAs As the demands the President makes upon Congress if quickly quicklyput
put into law will destroy the System thel ystem make n1 k of all monopoly m nopoly trusts trustsSteel trustsSteel trustsSteel
Steel Beef Oil OUSugar Sugar Bank etc Frabbhabatatted Zopps and nd will domore do domore domore
more to raise wages and lower the prices of ofthe the peoples necessities than thananything thananything thananythIng
anything which has been b en done in inthe an the past hundred years I trust al allabor all alllabor alllabor
labor organizations reform clubs and wordstringers generally will see seeto seeto seeto
to it that thatthegr the greatest atestpossiblc possible number of olmy r my educator public opinion opinionmoulder opinionmoulder opinionmoulder
moulder No 11 i I are posted postedydthtnilk posteddth wjth rnilk scores or and andvestry vestry calendars calendarsTHOMAS calendarsTHOMA calendarsTHOMAS
1BOSTON BOSTON January Janu ry 7 1010 1010iV 9IOl
iV 4ti I 4v W
t < <
R L Lt
> I J
t wcI tt iiItJJ
Executor eoutor ecut Trustee TrusteeChartered Trutcchartered 1
Chartered 1822 1822The 0 f 1 1t 1The
4 a aThe t
The Tanners loan and Trust Company CompanyNo
No NO 161820 16 18 20 22 William Street StreetBranch StreetBranoh StreetBranch
Branch Office Offioe476 475 Fifth FifthAvenue PifthAvenneNow Avenue AvenueNew 4ii 4iiNew
New York YorkLOKDOIT YorkLOlfDO181ah8IPta1tWithln YorkLO1cDOZ
LOKDOIT LOlfDO181ah8IPta1tWithln 18 BkbeftgatB Bt Within PAil 41 Uaalararf UaalararfTravelers h hTraveleraLetteraoIOredit seius seiusTravelera
Travelers TraveleraLetteraoIOredit Letters of Credit Foreign ForeignExchange Exchange Exchangeis
is a aAdm1nitrator
fL fLAdministrator l t Yt YtAdmini8trator 1
Administrator Guardian Guardiat t
t p
Franklin TruSt Company Company1on
on on the morning of the first dy of January 1910 1910RESOURCES 11110nE 1910REtOUI1CE
Bonds and Mt7MOOO Mt7MOOOStock 164763050Stock MIIOOOI
Stock r and l mortgages ma bond af Investments ii D vii viz vizPublic u uPublic
Public securities book value MM MM1MOO 638
I 1MOO martlet value 709 70361510 70361510Oilier 10351510Otheriecurttles 1 0 0Other
Other Otheriecurttles securities curtUealNlok itookvatue book valve value1mI1I111 11J41 11J41B7
B7 1mI1I111 01 market msrketvatne value 1U4 131482903 131482903Loans 15 4ASM 4ASMLoans 1 OLoaa
Loans 0 < aMl1OTtlldrafl 838147103 838147103iteil Mltlt MltltOverdraft
Overdraft 1tO 1tOIleal iS2
Deal estaw 8MT41TO 8MT41TODue HI70 HI70Due
Due from trust companies conks conksandbankers bankland banksand
andbankers and bankers OMJ9917 OMJ9917ipecls aoevII17Ipede
ipecls 1J13W11T 1J13W11TLeral 1113111117LeJ 131391117Legal
Legal tender note and cS notes O C ot na naUonal astiooal
LeJ Uonal a banks k i 1MUSOO 1MUSOOOther 111400O 13843600Other
Other O assets viz vizFulUni vlzt vlztFulton
Fulton f street Office Oft1 construction constructionaccount 8ClD coostitictionaemunt truetJoD truetJoDaeooual
account aemuntAccruodinterestetcnotentcred 70ITT 670177AecruedlJltemteknoteatcred 70ITTAccruedlntere
Accruedlntere AecruedlJltemteknoteatcred telcnolrntcred MM1M MM1MTotal UMIMToal 338114Total
Total t tLIABILITIES 11464373036 11464373036LIASILItIES 1161110 1161110L1AB1Lln
Capltalstoek CapItal lOCk IUOOOOOOO IUOOOOOOOSurplus 11110O00000Surplu 8150005000Surplus
Surplus Including all 1L undividedproitta undivided undividedprofit ndh1declprolllJl
profit profitPreferred 10U 10UPreferred 1012343 1012343Preferrtd
Preferred deposits J1101J04M J1101J04MDeposits 110130423Deposits 101043Depoalta
Deposits not preferred 7M1S4A31 7M1S4A31CertlOcatrs I8tIMIItCerUIcttoe 194154931CertifIcates
CertifIcates ot deposit depositnot depoalv
v r not preferred F nP iilZs11 2JWUM11 2JWUM11Due
Due trust companies companiesbanks compeatesbsnkaand iil
banks baa bsnkaand and bankers bankersOther tw 61Z
61Z1I3M7 1I3M7 1I3M7OLber 1183L237A7Other
Other liabilities Uab1l1 d viI vliUnpaid viIUapald vUUnpaid
Unpaid dividends MMOOO aMIIDOOOCerUlled 11405050Certided MMOOOCertified
Certified checks 1MU9O4 1MU9O4Deserved 1165SotR 15563504fleserved
Deserved R < for taxes and andrent andrent sadrent
rent llnsoo llnsooAccrued la71I100Aceroed 1371500Accrued
Accrued Interest Dot notentered Dotnterect Dotentered
entered 4711815
MU711 MU711Total W271ttToal 60227119State
Total I14MM50M I14MM50MState M811iO M811iOSate
State of New NYorll ew York County of Kings ss ssARTHUR u4RT isART1thR
TON W LUDLUM secretary of Franklin Trust TrustCompany TruslCom1 TrustCornpaay
Company llY located Ioeatedult sad doln doIng business at No No1M No1M
1M Montague Uoa Sarue street Borough of Brooklyn and andk
140 Broadway Boroucb ol Manhattan Cttr of ofNew ofNew
k WBrte1a Jm ttr aerl aerlr
New York being duty J sworn each for hlmsell hlmsellsaya himselisara
sara the foregoing report I J Is true and correct e ebelief In Inall inall
all r respects efI to the L belt of his knowledge and aadbelief andbelief
belief and they th y further say that the usual uua bus business bualrb busDeem ¬
ness ot f said trust company has been transacted transactedat
at rb rbf rbtIS the Ideation tIS required 1 = by baUe the Banking cx cxChap Law LawChap LawChap
Chap 2 of the Consolidated ConaGlldste11WI Laws > and not cite citewhere eL eLw eLb eLdbtatt3u eIewhere
where w and that the above aboverepoti report Is In 1 the form formprescribed f formpmertbed
prescribed = b dbtatt3u by the Superintendent d of Banks and andIs
Is 1 1 made In compliance with an official notice noticereceived nod nodrecetTed notie6received
received from rom him destcnaUar the mornIng of oftbe oftbe ofthe
tbe first day of January 191O as the day of which whichsuch whichsuch II IIucb
such report shall be made madeARTHUR maeARTHUR madeARTHUR
CLINTON W LUrLUM Secretary SecretarySeverally SecrearYSeverallT SecretarySeverally
Severally subscribed and sworn to by both bothileponenta bolbIeponenta bothepcnents
ileponenta the tII sixth day of January JaBua iclo before beforerseal beforefe
fe >
Notary Public Hinge KlnpCount KlnpCountCerWicattt County CountyCertificate CountyCorUScate
Certificate filed In New VorkCounty VorkCountyTHe VorkCounttPThe orConlYT1Je
THe THeFranklin
Franklin FranklinSpciefy
Spciefy SpciefyTbe I
The Franklin Society ojty announce aDllOuee8 theuwial theuwialsemiannual the usual uvataemlDlluaI usualserniannuej
semiannual rash itirtded at 1 the rate of ofFive ofn ed11y
Five n Per Center Ceo r annum on all accounts accountsof ccotmtaof
of 110 10 to 10093 i3 011 TM Is I the Society BodetT1M mdclv42d s
424 CeB CelltMeaUwe eeHUve mviaeacl mviaeaclSECUBITISS 0111111111SECURIT1ESI11rs DiwIdeRd6EcuRmEsYlrsi
SECUBITISS SECURIT1ESI11rs Tint Mortcajra worw on homes homesIn
In New M York City ty and vicinity non noospecnlatlve nOJlapecu nonpecntatlve
specnlatlve apecu ooanuetuaUnr ooanuetuaUnrB rnnOucluaUntBaaktag
B Baaktag i kl ro Kl Depi > VtBaprTUlmi VtBaprTUlmiEveaadoUarwlllopenanaocount SVpSrVtaiGIslIven = IoD IoDEea
EveaadoUarwlllopenanaocount lIven adoUar adolIsrwtUOpen wttl open an account Thou Tbousands vIIIDd Thousands
sands of Investors Urge Jar and small Pay Paymenu PaymenSa Paymeats
menu up to and Including Monday Wood Jan Jan10theam Jan10th
10theam 10111 em from Jan lIt 1stSIMPLE lItSIWPLE lituIMPLE
Dertn p644500w elcRTNu now or orwrtteforflookletM orwrtteforflookletMTHE write for Booklet II u I IFOR
Park Row at Beckman kllll St New N York YorkFIVE YorkTIlE YorkI
3ft BroAd Street StreetNOTlCB BUteNOTtCB StreetNOTICIf
New NYurll York December 19 1000 1000Notice 1110IINottce 1900Notice
Notice Is hereby given thAt the Regular Annual AnnualMeeting AnaualIeeda MacsiMeeting
Meeting of the stocknoldtrs lOclcltold n of TIfF STANDARD STANDARDSAFE TAKDARDSAFE
SAFE DEPOSIT CO OF NEW YORK will be beheld bohetd beheld
held at the tbeoalce office of the Company No 23 Broad BroadStreet BroadStreet jlroadStreet
Street In the Borough IIorou b of Manhattan In the City Cityof CltTf Cityof
of New York on Tuesday d January IS 1010 at atII atI
II I f I oclock A M IA lIo for the election le ot Directors I and aadtbe andthe J JIbe
the transaction of such other business AS may mayproperly mayproperlT mayproperly
properly come before the meeting meetingBy
By order ot the e Board of Directors DirectorsWILLIAM Dlre DIrectorsWILLIAM < tors torso
4 Irving Place PlAtwJanuary PlaceJuuary PiaieJanuary
January lit 1 191O 191OTbe 11110Tbe 191OThe
Tbe annual meeting of the stockholders of this thisCompany thllComfIDY thIsCompany
Company for the election of 0 Trustees to serve serveduring I4Irvedudnry srvodoting
during the ensuing year will be held at this thisoffice thIg thisomcMONDAY
dudnry office omcMONDAY MONDAY January JaflusryZ4th Z th 110 1 Poll will willbe willbe 1 1wtll
g be open penOCcP OCcP from 12 Li M to 1 P 14 3 II Transfer r book bookwill bookswill
will close Saturday January nth IL L 1810 10 at 12 M Mand Waud 63said
and reopen Tuesday TlleadaYIJanual January nth isio isioR
rILllIo rILllIoA
a R It A OARTKli CART I Secretary SecretaryThe
The Annual Meeting of tbe stockholders of ofthe orIbe ofthe
the Central Union Gsa Co will 111 be held at the tbeoffices tboeesY theoRces
offices ot the Company S0 3 Alexander I r Avenue AvenueNew AvenueNew ue
New eesY York City Icmlo on the to 17th day of rJ January J
1010 at 12 1Zociockooon oclock noon for the election of Di Director ll llfor LIrectors ¬
rector for the ensuing year earand and the transaction transactionof
of such business buala aa mar ma be legally brought be before berore b bfore ¬
fore the meeting Transfer Books will be closed closedfrom cloacdfrom closedfrom
from January Hth to January IVtb IVtbLOUIS 19thLOUIS
LOUIS Jrl H WEHNKH lll R Secretary Secretaryr SecretaryNew
New York December 131KW 131909The 131KWThe
The annual an ual meeting n2lgYl or thestockholders = Ijj tO ot the theMorton theMarten beIorlOD
Morton Trust Company CompanyWiU will be held at 1 the office officeof
of the company No JS Nassau Street New York Yorkon YorSeooVedDelC1Y
on Wednesday January JB lIra at 12 oclock oclocknoon oclockD oclocktraIId oclocknoon
noon noonThe D noonThe
The transfer r books close eloaeal at 3 oclock P u uJanuary JotJanuary 14Tanuary
January a 1010 and reopen at al10 10 oclock A U UJanuary MJaDua UJanuary
January JaDua 20 1910
11110J H U FRANC13 LIFRA < Cl1 Secretary SecretaryTUB SeClelarynIE SecretaryTIlE
TUB ANNUAL MEETING oi 0 the Stockholders Stockholdersot
of the DunseathWeller Company will be held heldtt beldIbo
tt 1 the office of 011110 the Company 49 Broadway BroadwayNow BrodwayNewYoCltT
Now J ewYenkCtlr York City on Tuesday TuM tay < January Utn Ulb1II10 1810 jab at atthree atIhree atthree
three oclock In the afternoon for the purpose purposeof
of electing directors to serve for the ensuing ensuingyear enalllncT ensuluyear
year T ar and of transacting any other business bUllaeuwhlcll bUllaeuwhlcllmaT which whichmay whlcmay
may be properly brought bro before tile meeting meetingCHARLES meeUnlCftAULES meetingCOIALU2S
CHARLES VVwnLLER W Secrelsry SecrelsryDated SecreltDated StcretaryDatd
Dated December r Mtb 1909 1110IINew 1900New 1909New
New York December SI 31s1 at ine ineThe iuoThe
The Tb Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the theNew Lbe1 Lbe1it theNew
New York Carbide C b and n Acetylene lr Company nt ntrleeUolI for forthe forthe
it the we election ot Directors and two Inspectors of ofElection ofElectIon
Election will be b held at tb the > office of the Company CompanyNo mpan1
No 4 mInt Place New N York Yorllon on Monday Janu January Januaf Januamy ¬
amy 10th 1B10 at two oclock P M MLEWIS MLfWIS MLEWIS
LEWIS B GAWTRY Secretary SecretaryNew
New York December Slit HOB HOBThe 1110IITh 1900The
The AnnuAl Meeting U eUar ot tb the Stockholders of ofThe otTbc ofThe
The Astoria Light heat and Power Company Companywill Com Anv AnvWill
will be held at lbs office 01 the Company No Nolrv1l1f I IIrving 4Irving
Irving Place New York City on Monday January Januaryloth Ja oury oury100b
loth 1 lrv1l1f 1810 at a twelve oclock noon noonlroWII noonLEWIS
LEWIS D UAWTRY Secretary SecrelarrTHE Secrel SecrelnlE SecretaryTIlE
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders stockholdersof I
of The Park Terrace Company will be held at 1 Us Usoffice Usom Ig Igomen
office om ll 1111 Broadway New e ew York Cltyon CIty on Tues Tuesday Tued Tuesdel ¬
day d January Januaryl61h 18th 1810 at 2 oclock P M MJOHN YJOHN 63JOHN
JOHN W PARIS Secretary Secretaryrutuic SecrearV SecretaryPURLIC
at Amesbury Mass l la the State of Massachu Massachusetts
setts 1 1a Is closing Us affairs ts t Ml lI n note holders ei eioler and andother andottsercredltors
other ottsercredltors creditors of toe tssorUUon als rlalto1I are therefore thereforehereby tbereforrbY thereforehereby
hereby rbY notified to present the note and nd other otherHARLANO otherrlJtI1 otherrIsiuts
rlJtI1 for psyisent psyisentSIARLANU nt ntlIARLASf
HARLANO A SAWYER Preddrat PreddratJAMES P PresideuirlIaWNM dtlt dtltI
vi viJAMES
JAMES T P of o Dorchester DorehealerwCommuDI DorehealerwCommuDINte Mass MaisComanunt MaisComanunteat Communl Communlrate
rate at once with wife Alice II P 1 ierythlur ierythlursatlafactory 1 IverythiugsatIsfactory rylhtIlC rylhtIlCaUfaeIOry
lia Broadway New N York January s 811I1G 8 1810 1810A 1910A
A reniarty Quarterly dividend of On One and andOaebaTf endOaebalf andOebsif
OaebaTf Per r Cent on the Preferred t Stock ol 011Ie 011IellItemalloaalSleaIllPumpccmpanttllbetld ih ihInternational the theInternatIOnal
International llItemalloaalSleaIllPumpccmpanttllbetld llItemalloaalSleaIllPumpccmpanttllbetldt Steam Pump Company CompattyWlIl will b be < field fieldFebruary paidFebruary
February 1 The Transfer Books ot the ihere ihereleered Pre PreJanuary Jrelid
leered t arv lid mock will I1 bo boeOMX1Iu boc4onJsausy0 closed January and sa re reMiliLD rer
r ° 4 Yebrth YebrthI MiliLD NZE AM Tr
4 42 Broadway New York JanuarjLeto Janur10tl113 January sOt J 1S 1SThe a aTbe
The Th Board of Directors of the United SJi SJiTlubber 5ftnubber SsCs SsCsfluhlcr c
Tlubber Company has IbIs Ibl day declared de tarect from I usnet ltane us iiinet
net ne profits a Quarterly dividend dlvl 1ead < of 010 Two Per C Con GiI GiIon I Ion
on the th First Inferred stock Including JncludlngastandIng I Istanding t tIlandlDr
standing old Preferred Stock and a aq qtarM qua Iy Iydividend lt ltdIvidend
dividend of Oneand One and Onealf OneaslfPtTCeRlAee OneaslfPtTCeRlAeeSecond Ptr ceauhs ceauhsSecond
Second Preferred Slock cf this Cemtlffl tea teaSlockboldero IsIQnelholders
Stockholders of record at 13 I oclockBOOB oclockBOOBSaturday ocloeklIocMJoa ocloeklIocMJoaalurday oeiock nodl5os nodl5osMturday
Saturday January nIb 1910 payable Jamiiry Jamiiry31st jsnuirySlit
Slit 11 IB1O 19111The o i f fThe
The Transfer Books BooIIlorall or all classes of stock o vltt vlttclose vIlIeloee IIt IItclOe
close at 12 I oclock noonon Saturday January Jasusxr1Mb
1Mb 1010 and reopen at all0 10 oclock A A M oa oaWednesday 01 01Wedaos OsWednesday
Wednesday lA < February M loIn 11110JOIL loInJOHN ffl fflJOHN
JOHN J WATSON Jr Treasurer TreasqnrIffllGH TreatntrLEnlGn TreasurerLEhIGh
Philadelphia December necm r U IMP IMPThe ianThe H
The Board of Directors of theLehlch he Lehl Lehigh h Va itr If IfRlJlroart ei eiRaIlroad
Railroad Company n n > this day declared a asemlanoial asejsaflaI m
semlanoial dividend of three UII per mat Ol OlIts eiIts 4
Its common stock tn stockholders lOCklllld rs of reorl reorlDecember renrIlecember lt ltDecember
December 11 l 1110II < x and a d a Muniannual Jctt di5i di5idnd I Id Id
d dnd nd of nre Sr p pee r cent on Ita preferred pnfelTldtocltlloJden stoatf to tostockholders tostockholders
stockholders of record December mbct St 1MM 1 t ti1I1 ti1I1rayiblajanuarvN 4 V Vpayable 1 1payable
payable rayiblajanuarvN January 1 uto 1910Checks IO IOChecks J JCbecka
Checks will be mailed mailedJ c
Trea Treasurir TreasurirOFFICEDA tnl I IUFFICE
OFFICE OF SHY UNITED GAS OAHment u iMIiiT iMIiiTmeat p pmeal
meal Company N w Corner Broad and Arvu ArvuSts 1 t tSt
Sts 151 Philadelphia Dee a aThe MIIi W WThiS > <
The Directors have havethlsdaydecisred this day < declared a qnsrwrtr qnsrwrtrdividend 111 111dividend qudividend
dividend of 0 two per cent ntII100 til 11150 00 pershaleF petaJteJable refahate refahateabl I Iable
able January 19 1810 to stockholders stockholdersat t IPGrJ IPGrJal o acorj acorjattbseloeeotbustliessbecember3l
at attbseloeeotbustliessbecember3l tile close of business bus lac December 31 lto ltowlU 111011 f UIIJI ieit ieitwIll
will be mailed
mailedLEWIS LEWIS LILLIE Treasurer vratSaI TreasurerSavings TreasurerSavingBaisks
Savings SaI SavingBaisks SavingBaisksTHE Banks aak aakT > M eMi eMiTHE
Broadway Cor Blosclrtyv Blosclrtyv117lh BI Bloclrs Bloclrs117th r r117th
Dee DeeTbo DscMol5as DscMol5asThe v vThe IMA
The Trustees of this thiJpetlIuuoahsagdeeiseei thiJpetlIuuoahsagdeeiseeiinterest JnMltuUoa ba asucSeeIJ f deeumi deeumierest
interest erest at the th rate of ofFOUR ofFOUR ofFOURPERCENT
per annum on all sums not exeee ezeaedUtfgi ezeaedUtfgimsIrilngondepottdudngthsthreeor cirhi < KngWail KngWailmalnlngondepc i >
malnlngondepc msIrilngondepottdudngthsthreeor 5 ltdurlncth 41tb < three roe or six nttsplia nttspliaending us usending i iendlnlf
ending on olltbo the Slat I lost InltpaTlttll payable on otISI4 otISI4Jn1711110 j jma nSdSis IA M1 M1mainlarOadeP after met metDeposits
Jn1711110 Sis IT 1910 < 4 I 1
Deposits made on or before Jin J L 10 10draw 10 10I 158 wes wesdraw
I draw Interest lol resl from Jan JanFRANK J
llDlm llDlmFRANK
> Preside PresideFRANK
CONSTANT M BIRD As A Aest t 8eeretsar dectu74 dectu74The ff ffj ffJVSlgS31 < > j fi fii fiThe
The Bowery S Savings jiRB jiRB1m JVSlgS31 JVSlgS31The Bang Bangizs
izs AND i laG o BOWERY BOW DOWERYNEW Rr l lrzw c cl
l NEW TOUK V RK nee it 14 jeo JulsA t tA J JA J
A aemlannual dividend dh1 dentS at the th rate rteotr rteotrTRREE otjt otjtTHREE ol olTHREE
per perannurn annum has beeadeclaredaB heeD deC aacl aJs 1wai 1waicredited J Jcredited
credited to depositors rI on all sums ottM ottMand or of602J1 of602J1arid
and upward and nd not exceeding Saa3t Saa3tw 1 1wt 3902 3902wISeit
w wt wISeit ch stall baUbavs have been deposited d Od at lesatj lesatjthree tOlll Saisi Saisithtro 1
three months on the Oral day of January Januarynext Jullr7aUIantS j
next aUIantS and will be b parable PTbaon 410 lid after afterMonday anetlondr attstIlondsy
Monday January anuarY IT ttto tttoUooey 1 10 10Money I Ihoney
Money deposited d on ODor or before Januair Januaty10sill
ti tilmNRYA
10 10sill will draw Interest from fro rD Japl1 January h 1W9 1W9HENRY 1 11OINRY
JOSEPH G L1DDLE LlDDL15eeretuT Secretory SecretoryNORTH SecretaryNORTH 0
31 MT34th Stbet 5th < Mb 6tIaA AVis AVis88Th 4 488TH 1
HALF PElt CENT CENThall per WMHM spa i
hall bean decUrcd and II trriiltedv ftII ereIIsd
to depe depotdtoa ltoins OB Jaatourjr S 5 1M 1MOB 1 1oa = t p pMoney +
OB am ol 5 5 to HMo 7 0
Money deposited OB 5 l iMfttT IS1PSonuazLrywil t j
Jsusetwy onuazLrywil onuazLrywilSaturday1Oaasto1 10 Ie will dmtv dmtvMoa tal tal8a17
8a17 L t N1I11
Bak opaa18 nolo a 1i
Moa < ly I0mmt 18 1 T Po
Sattudll Saturday1Oaasto1 tosa tosaSamal 7j 7jSsmail it I I5snulDSsPrulbnl
Ssmail 5snulDSsPrulbnl 5snulDSsPrulbnlOseig 0 Sljls 51 rrsiistal PnIIJ PnIIJFnJr j
Frslk JCte 1 ClaCahin r Stc4Trt 5tc4Tnur 5tc4TnurOrCI
OttrtsT Oseig T CaasttLAslLtrsss CaasttLAslLtrsssMetropolitan Cellltr A AssI True TrueMetropolitan Tressmetropolitan d
Metropolitan Saviiiif Savj l BPI
1 and nd 3 TlJ1nO n AVP oPP Cooper IlIIItI lnst1tuI lnst1tuICJfAIITIllrD
5IIARTF CJfAIITIllrD ED1M2 ED1M2113th 1832 1832113thDIVIDEPJD
New York YorkDrc D S14tll 4tll i W WENDUM I I
UKC D 318T 1800 at allhe the rate of c tf tfXew 1
Four Per Cent Per AimiMi AimiMiwill AM Amwwill II
will be credited to depositors detJOSl ion entitled e1lt1 ecslJtlei la tIdrOt tIdrOtunder e eunder l luDder
under the bylaws bvla of the bank on rumvflrof IUnwNJ uumsftoMto iS iSto t
to Jono PXXlNTERrST 63115INTilttNr JonoINTERFST
MONEY DE1OSITBD on or before 111T1fltli Januaiy Janu
Uth l lb ciii lll draw dj liIr1 Intrrest from January let 1stJONATHAN letJATIfAN
ch k dJ
JONATHAN B CURHBY PmldeaU 1esldenli 1esldenliEDWAltl hi hiEDWARD
EDWARD SltCHKR Secrelary SecretaryTHE 4 4THE t ti
SAVINGS SA VI NOS BANK BANKGomtr t ttom f fAvenue
Gomtr tom Kth 8th4C1tnue8 Avenue fadSMtA fadSMtAilannuol 1d 2djrf fI11 fI11C8I11 t tcsm
C8I11 ilannuol 1 nn 1111I rff dlfldd n < J at lUU tin thiFOUR tMof tMofFOUR r l4il l4ilFOUR
FOUR PER GENT GENTftrannum CENTperaiiiumonaI1ium
ftrannum peraiiiumonaI1ium rIJnil tnaUiunufrom tnaUiunufrompavablt em JIU from 1510 31103SiiJ 31103SiiJpaoNe I
pavablt P4VIJblonandaftJCUIJII on ana arur aflsrJanuory January 17M 111111 iBlo iBloDeposits 1910DeposIt o opolt
Deposits polt made on or before Janatorv Janatorvloth r Jaaar10th 1lan 1lanIGIb
I loth will draw Interest fromth hom Ibe 1st 1stWm lalWm lptWan i
Wm a Conklln 1tr Pres Pte5J l l 4 4J
J Hillock Wiring See Seoiff ScNBW SeeNllST
ft 4 W for 14th I 4 Ills b St and Nth Al AlJAil AiES AiESJan M MJan
Jan I IBIO dlvUeni dIvIJen t I at t the 11 e rats mu of1 of1FOUR 0 oFOURPERCENT 1
per annum on ell sums umrom from a 5 i it I WOJJv 1JIitJ 1JIitJDEPOSIT 33OLdti 33OLdtithereto MJ
thereto under lh h0 hffiuws hffiuwsDEPOSITS heiawsREPOMIrS
V1LL1AM t MiLINtiKR Presui Preiasaa PreiasaaJAMES
ARCHIBALD MsPKtyTZ W = Pt ihSTZ TZ Secretary SeeretaryEAST SecretaryEASIHIVEA tuT tuTi
I l1arorr Inrortvoraled Inrortvoraledzso oral > d lM > 1 1ZS
l sunVius SUnPzUtt unptri NhVuyoiut OVER RKi2tc J2o J2oTHE I2 I2TNE W WTME tr trSUnPzUtt
THE 123SI SEHIANHtfAl SEMt AHKlAtlmtfll AHKlAtlmtfllbas imitW imitWhas IY1IEIhas
has been declared at the galS ral ralFOURPERCENTt o oSu oSuFOUR n nFOUR
Deposits lt Made lIadoQ on ocBeforeiJah ot orDetoye teJ teJDrAlnter Jajt 1654 Tsfcil TsfcilDruw
Thaw DrAlnter Interest frarr froasjan Jan Istt IsttD 1a 1
Tho Tb AIIlori AIIlori4Q Aocu Bn
1 WkMI 4213 7
0 The Board ofTnlIeeCIJ ofTnlIeeCIJOlared 55 55Zrlaredadividnd
4Q 4 Zrlaredadividnd rlared dividend SiibsVs55e SiibsVs55eI t Ui tIIt r rteo rteot i
I Olared Fail Par CutI CutIon Cst jIs jIson
on all atoms tn leflMrelW oi oithe
the Dy ly ly1st laws fm 31 t 10 U tien cro to 0 b t n Cr1454 1ol < j
Jan tel 1D10 1II10parablo parabls on itnil itnillisa 1Ilanr nt t after J Ja Jly JsIsb JsIsbIvswlis
Ivswlis lisa 1 made up tlP1JD maiuMnrtidlnr maiuMnrtidlnrdraw In and nc1lnIUltlltrJail6It lflrlldle JitJiSak a I Idraw iti e
draw Interest from Jats J JCLARI J5 t lit t tCLARKNCH r rffl
CLARKNCH CLARI ffl XCI flI COADBY GOAnDVPtdellt GOAnDVPtdelltLIIAU PrrsldettWILLIAM Prrsldett lrreldeatWI
WILLIAM WI LIIAU 111 AM U > HAZriTmTya nA7JIosT nA7JIosTPUSIN I1AZHIIONVIaa3ref I1AZHIIONVIaa3refi I1AZHIIONVIaa3refMOEYlesn50kMnrtaVs4 yr < r rWeOderavm
i PUSIN 8S M ePMtTtJ9rituA ePMtTtJ9rituAM
M MOEYlesn50kMnrtaVs4 rnTI4ide h lnaiIi it saisJa saisJaJe 0 1 1l
l Je WeOderavm CApttaMI PtOOIa raeki raekiJ9 P C I Iv I Is
J t s J9 sv v 7f W t LI5 J JJ ij ijt isi
t I N r HI 4
> C