I JVj ItJ ItJrtIIlh Tir rtIIlh K Jhre re Stret U Will Street Streetw SlreettulOl StreelFczta
tulOl Ie ew w T Terk Irk IrkIt rk rkSecurities
It Itl 1 <
l t 4
4 fyisimcnt 4stm stm nt Securities SecuritiesForeign SecuritiesFor
T3 Foreign For lgG Exchange ExchangeLetters Exchanaof Exchangetellers
f Letters of Credit CreditI
i il1fJ < I l1fJ < IJlts and andFor AlterI AlterIriAHi Attorieys Attorieysh
1 1 1tOON
tAJ tAJt D
TvA1 TvA1Bakers
f Bankers Q kersand and Brokers BrokersJ
eV eVL71
L71 J
mJSf1 tfmJSf1 r i tf n2 24 4 groad road S StreatJEERSOF Street treatI
VH I 1
a < blestn Bet 3 KewBadforJ ew B Bed df tori toriSEru rJ rJtfun
1 tfun 1 U n lists StriBt 17 Flsasant Fl Silt Street StreetE Stret Stretn
f1 f1J
E 1 5Of
ly rA f
i rl T TIirst 1
F First i SSf Mortgage Mortgageit
it b uaranteed tatteed Gas Bonds BondsPay Boildstopay
to topay topayic Pay Payi
J r W j 520 520P 5 2 O 0
f fttr
i ttr t ic <
1 P Parikulars i rticul rticrar rs Upon Upn Application Applicationfc Applcallon ApplcallonI ApplicationABLeachCo
t tABLeach
fc I
ABLeach ABLeachCo Co CoNEW CoI
I 11 1 t
41 i iS
S < > Holders of
M > < 6 Bonds BondsturiD9 Bondsaturing
turiD9 1910 1910can can re rce rea reS relace
lace a e With Safe Long LongTime LongTimeBonds Time TimeBonds Timef
S f Bonds lnds to Yield from fromto
I 5 54 9 to about 6 6AdJrtti 6AtJu 6I 6Addri
AdJrtti AtJu ftr I fmrttculal fmrttculalWHalseyCo part arl jcula jculaiNW ula
iNW fiWHalsey iWHalsey WHalseyCo WHalseyCoBANKERS Halsey CO COBANKERS CoS
49 Wdl WaUSt Wa St New York Yorkrlltladelphla Yorkfadelphl YorkTitetphI
rlltladelphla fadelphl Cblrarn Cbla San an n Franelsei Franelseiu FranelseiXKRiceJrCo
4 f 5
1 u I It
t o ot
S A4wns 41 Impress ImpressJ F rpr pr S S4ulrr
0 Coal Frnduct
4ulrr mn rrnnru
t 5gRI LuicL A West Coal ToalPowder CoalS I
S 0 L iont 11 Powder Com ComtnSen Comn toniIairs
J 4 Iairs n Mortgar lort
Sr 1 leoSn leoSnSIncr tnSen aScn Chiclet ChicletHlncer ChlcU ChlcUtlncr I
> Hlncer tlncr Mtnufnrtnrlnit MtnufnrtnrlnitLalted IlnularlrlnJ I
If Lalted 1d Stairs ttal Express ExpressSALE E r I
1 Ararr OUtrlrt Tel of > J 1Amerlran Jrnl
5l Amerlran AmrtruinS i 4f KYprrvs KYprrvstlflMeni r
S tlflMeni rnl Milk 311k Com ComMahonlnc 01
5 Mahonlnc fahinln Iniritmrnt IniritmrntTlrrlnltn Intmntn
I Tlrrlnltn n Ralliar RalliarMelts RaIIvavS I
S Melts Iurgo c > en Itnrk ItnrkMells to fwkS
S I Mells pp 1 F Fareo r o Ulshts UlshtsW lltht llthtW
5 W WeUr tem ttr n Inclflr Inclflrtale l5arHIeTale a1 f
tale alt I t Tn Tonne nc II ur ure 3Ifg 3Ifgi fB fBVe
i We Ve e riae 1 ve rool 10o < mArk In unlHird and andlnacltc Inactive Inactivebid InactiteJecki1tlb
1 Jecki1tlb < lel bid Id fld ropcctfullj rrJPceIUlI Invite Inle Inquiries InquiriesLots Inqulrlet
t S KRiceJr CO COt CoI
t t I 7DrM4t0 OIO 10 7i I rInoer lIariovcr Wal Vall SI X c Y Yt Yi VOdd
i Odd Lots LotsFor
t t For the Investor InvestorQdillotibilnf InvestorIS
Qdillotibilnf OJd Iota IS brlnrlnnstmenl btnglnvestments lneilmenls within lhln tbe Ih react of oftkoM
5 tkoM tao 0 who ihc wt alwara ray for their purchases In full fullor tul fulllckln
or erwlo wbo lacking laeklnl Ibe requl rCII reatilelic lto I capital lplal make part partiiimfnts pnnnd parst
iiimfnts t and ent nd settle tle for the balance at convenient convenientw convnltnt convnltntTo
w To all we offer olor the tecmiles fullu ol a New ew York YorkdockKxrbanfe YorkCk Yorks
s dockKxrbanfe Ck oek ESlbanre Earliarle bouseIncludlncsatlsfactorxexe bouseIncludlncsatlsfactorxexeW bouselncludlnr house Includln slstaelor eatlefactory eu euctIOt earS
S W eutloril ctIOt standard sla drd commission Iommlulon rharrri hrft and fair fairik talri6 fairraIn
ik i6 rates te of Interest Interestfc Inlrrt Inlrrtl
l j fc u JBCND JBCNDfrOI Rm frOI tOlt ODD LOT CIHCULAH CICULAI P Pri 1 l liciin
a iciin h ri Muir Co Coi CoJmbr Colember
Jmbr lember eu York or Sn tnrk Fuhanat Exehnj
1t 7 n 7 I 1 IItlOAl1A n Au F m Toll OiK l
LtlhYLIIey JlhJ Ttrmnal Temn1 5s Oct 1941 1941inna 1941lly 1941Liy
lly Liy SHqufhaaa inna 4 VfeslfD Terminal Teminal
1 3 5 53 II IIWE ta 1943 1943W 1943I 1943wE1
M nuoAD yr NEW MwAfred YORK YORKJl3fredMestreCo
j i J
Jl3fredMestreCo Jl3fredMestreCoBANKERS Afred Mestre MestreJ Co
W Hroadway Broadway 130 So 15th St StPhiladelphia Stew StYork
ew York Philadelphia PhiladelphiaSTANDARD Phiadelphia Phiadelphiar Philadelphia5TANDARD
4 K il > Bought Ind and nd Sold SoldEDGAR SoldIDCAR SoldEDCAR
I ft Wall St t EstlftlH El Eat 117 Ift7M New Ne ew York YorkPhone lor lorJ
J 5 WII Phone 74023413 Hanorer Hanoreriuth nnorI nnorth flanoverith
I 5
iuth th Nachod Kuhne KuhneBANKERS KuhneBANKERS KnhiieBANKERS
tYu ZYiilUlam 3i t Lelpxlc L LetpgIgS IPlc
1 S lcTrk lcw York Germany Qerl Grmufligh
H J High Grade Bonds BondsLelpxlc Bondsf
5 f e < p
MONDAT January Jaur 10 10Dally 10Daly 10Daily
Dally Daly changes In the the pevln prevailing market markettendency nutrkettendncy rnzrIcettendency
tendency tendncy have been ben frequent frquent recently recentlyand recenty recentyand
and todayn market proved prove no exception exceptionto eJopton eJoptonto
to tho rule Prices Price wee at the beginning beginningof bglnnlng bglnnlngof
of business hU81ne about as they tho stood at tho thoclone thoclO theclose
clone clO of the 0 market on Saturday At the theend te teend tbeend
end of the te week wek however the market markethad markethad markethad
had risen for three tlo days in succession successionand suooon suooonand
and oven If the net Rains made weresmal weresmall were werethey
smal small they were suoh as a to Invltprft Invltprfttaking lnvitoproflt lnvitoproflttaking invito proflt proflttaking
taking by the minor class of f speculators speculatorsThwref spoulator apeoulatorsThreroro
Thwref Thrror Threroro ore today tody shortly nf aft aRe te the opening openingof o nlng nlngI
of the Stock Stok Exchange session slon the In Instinctive InIUnotv InstinctIv ¬
I stinctive IUnotv movement toement of the maket seemed seenradto sm
1 to be to sag sa slowly to u s lowe level I vel Never NevorthclesH Neverthelt Nevertheless
I thclesH thelt declines declne nude ld before I fore noon noonalthough noonaIthougs
Ialthough although general woe we e by no no means meansheavy mons monshelV meanBJseavy
heavy helV and the makot ma kot from then on oninstil
I Ilut until the last lat half hour or threoquarteft threoquarteftI threulte threultelof
I lof uf an hour of business was lL p aotlSally paot paotIellytttationay aotlSallystationary ly
i stationary ltlonay The dulnetn dulne in this period periodwas Prl Prlwa
was wa so pronounced p onoucl > us a to make transac transactions transo transotonl transaotions ¬
tions tonl for the first frlt hours of o business businessonly buines buinesonly businessonly
only about onehalf oehafth0 those seen n in the thesame thelne thesame
same lne length of timo on most mOt of the busi business bus btzslneee ¬
ness nel days tl s in the t1 pesent yea yea Finally Finallyund Finaly FinalyInd Finallyand
und Ind seemingly rIncly because of a gradually graduallyspreading Rdualy Rdualytprellg gaduallyspreading
spreading conviction oonvlcton that t1at th the market ma maketwa ket
j was being ovehung by
beng liquidation lquldaton prices pricesi pricesbrokewith
i broke b okewlth with no little ltle violence vloleo and continued continuedI contnued contnuedweak continuedweak
I weak until untl the end of the th day Most of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the active stocks closed at their lowest lowestand lowos lowestand
and showed Ihowcd losses 103i ossei generally of more morethan morethan morethan
than a point pointIt pointI
It I may mayle be that tht ore ore cause cur of the U days daysrecession day dayriion daysrecession
recession riion was a rathe greater grate flrmneis flrmneisin frmneJ
in II called cle money than had Leei le looked lookedfor
for especially epaly after afer att last lat weeks highly highlyencouraging highlyencuagng highlyencouraging
I encouraging encuagng bank hnk statement ltleent with Jts t6 t6revelaton tsrevelation i irevelation
revelation revelaton of eta a surplus turplu of nearly 5100 15000000 15000000in
in II the actual actWI figures fgurs of the bank bnk return retur returnThe
1 The he bulk buk of the days dayslone loans weo e howeer howeverr howeerrAotIaed I
r rAotIaed otiated ta e at 5 p per r cent ont and no email emaili smallamount mall mallI
i I amount amout of money mony was put out o t at 0 per perc reI rorcit
c cit vit It If I the funds were wer more mor freely freelyofTcrod freelyolcrod I
ofTcrod oIolo < by leaders ledel than they tley were er a week weekngo wMkI weekngo
I ngo I go the demand emanc for money appeared appearedalso appeard ap eared earedalso
also al to Le decidedly de ldely increased Increo and it itwas Itwal itwas
was wal said sid that applications applctols to the themoney themorey themorey
money morey market by managers manager of syndi syndicates sydl sydlcle syndicatea ¬
cates cle who had postponed ptpned their require requirements re1ulr reuiemerits ¬
merits for assistance Iletno until unti the present presenttime pre8 presenttime t tlme
time lme was W8 one of the reasons reaon for the In Increjie Incree increse
crejie in the demand delnd for mqney noted notedAlso notedAh notedAlso
Also Ah o no doubt English Eglsh money lenders lendersare lendear
are ar not particularly pfouary anxious axou to extend extendtheir extendteir extendtheir
their commitments in view of the
teir cmmitment vew ap approaching apprching ispproaching ¬
proaching Parliamentary Parlamntr election eecton On Onthe Onte Onthe
the te other hand had it is il altogether evident evidentand evdent evdentand evidentand
and the matter mate has h s been bn duly empha emphasised emph emphasired ¬
sired sie of late lat in the financial fnaca columns columnsof clun
of THE BUN that bank bnk and ad trust trt com company cm cmpy cornpithy ¬
pithy py reserves rleres the country cut over are ar sub substantially subItltlaly subtantially ¬
stantially Itltlaly down to their minimum and andthat ad adtat andthat
that tat in the Western Wester cities cte especially especialy the thepressure theprlum thepressure
pressure prlum of expanding expnding business buln8 has h been beensuch ben benIUC beensuch I
such IUC as a to enlarge very 81 mtraly materially the tholoans thel0n theloans I
loans l0n of financial fancal institutions Inttutons with the thenecwwary theneCr therecEsisary
necwwary neCr consequence cnlquenc of keeping kfplnj money moneyrates moneynte moneyrittes
rates nte high hgh Presumably Puably too t today ty a acertain acrtin acertain
certain amount of softness in the
crtin amout softne te market marketwas marketwa
was wa engendered en endord through the general generaldisappointment generl generldilpplntment generaldisappointment
disappointment dilpplntment expressed upre in financial financialcircles fncal fncalcire financialcircles
circles cire over the character carcter of President PresidentTafts Pldlnt PldlntTafs PresidantTafts
Tafts Tafs message m6ge to t Congress Cng1 and the tt th pos possibility p poealbility ¬
sibility sibity that tat many of the Presidents Presidentsrecommendations Paltent Paltentrecmmendton Presidentsrecommendations
recommendations recmmendton increasing the to scope scopeof acp
of Government regulation of the
Gemment rglaton countrys countrystransportaton cours courstrnlprton countrystranaportaton
transportaton trnlprton systems sytems may become bcme law lawIt lawIt lawIt
It was wa commonly cmmonly recognized Illz today tay that thatthe tt ttte thatthe
the Presidents suggestion that
te predentlsuggton tht permission permissionbe prlRlon prlRlonb
be b granted grat to the railway rlWAY companies companiesto cmPnie
to keep kep the stock stok of other competing competingrailway cmpetng cmpetngralway competingrailway
railway lines that they already and andto
ralway lns tht tey Aredy own ad adt
to t add to t this stock atk in cases c wham vh r half halfthe halfte halfthe
the te stock atk of the competing cmptng road r had hd al already alrady already ¬
ready rady been bn acquired aur W8 was to 10 hedged hege fcbout fcboutwith Ibut Ibutwith Mmutwith
with other qualifications qualfctons as 1 to t amount amountto amountt
to t no privilege prvlege whatever whtnr Furthermore Furthermoreit Furenor
it was announced anounc in the afternoon afteron that thatthe tht thtthe thatthe
the Supreme Court Cur of the United Unt States Statesin Stte
in the case C of tho United Unit States Sttes against againstthe
the Illinois iinois Central Cfntral and other railroad railroadcompanies rlrod rlrodompnle railroadcompanies
companies ompnle had handed hnde down dow a decision decisionupholding deilion deilionupholding decisionupholding
upholding in a sweeping way the power powerof
pWfr pWfror
of the Interstate Inteltte Commerce Cmmerc Commission Commissionto Cmmllion Cmmllionto
to direct dirt the distribution diltrbuton of cars Cli tn the theinterest theIntent theinterest
interest Intent of the independent Indepndfnt coal cl carry carrying cr carrying
ing companies No o further details
cmpnies furher detis detisAardlng re regarding isgarding ¬
garding Aardlng the decision dEcslon were available aaiablo in inVnll InWal inVnll
Wal Vnll Street Slret during durng the buelncm bUllnf hours hoursbut houl hoursbut
but the inference Infer nco teemed feemo to he that thn thnSupreme theRuprEm thnSupreme
Supreme Court had hr uphold the th claim caim of oftho oftho oftho
tho Interstate Inttlttf Commerce CmmEr Commission Commissionto Commllion Commllionto
to a much mich wider idAr control cntrol over railway railwaymanagement rlway rlwaymanagement railwaymanagement
management than tha has hitherto hlherto L bfn bfnlelly hen henlegally > en enlegally
legally lelly accorded accordedA aCro
A violent violntliump slump in the cotton cttn market markettoday marktlodlY markettoday
today followed folo1e rather rther curiously cUroully upon lpn the theiiihli thelblotlon thetthlioation
iiihli lblotlon tthlioation cation by the Ih Census Censul Bureau urou of the thefllrM theflgirea thofigures
figures fllrM showing the th amount of cotton cottonmned colon colonlnc vottontnned
mned lnc in the country cuntr to January Januar I Iw Iwhich 1which
which w made out this tis quantity quantty to h b smaller smallereven smallereve malcr
even eve 1 than had been ben anticipated antciptd by bybullish bybullh bybullish
bullish bullh speculators The relllng feling indi indicated Indicatrd mdicated ¬
cated on the face fRc of things thlng that the ad advance a ad adVance ¬
vance in cotton cton has hl 1een ln carried carro to too toogreit to toogrett
greit lengths lenAthH and that tht todayu tdaY1 unfavor unfavorable unfavorable unfavorable ¬
able news nO1 was made tho hams blis jf enormous enormousprofit InormOI snrmousprofit
profit proft taking takinA sites 1lls sqes Comparatively Comporatvlly litto littoattention Ito Itoatenton lIttoattention
attention atenton was paid to the monthly report reportof rtpr
of the th Copper C Ceer < per Producers Producei Association Associationshowing Assoiation Assoiationhowing Associationshowing
showing a luduntion loon in the surplus quan quantity quntty quantity ¬
tity tty of copper cpror stocks stockl of 11237000 12370 pounds poundsor puda pudaor
or the largest decline declne in stocks ItOCO rcen rcensince lcn lcnsince sesnsince
since July Juy of last la t year An incident incidentof
of interest Intoret in the days daY1 stock atk market marketwas marketWM
was WM an extreme advance nt ono tlmn tlmnof tlmnor tlmoof
of 23 points in the inactive Inacte United States StatesExpress SWesEXIrcl StatesExjrese
Express shares share The Idea prevailed prevailedof prale
of course that this indicated indicate some fome such suchsort suchrt suchsort
sort rt of melon cutting cutlnp by the express expresscompany Ixpre expresscompany
company compny as that lately ltely ordered order by the theWeJIs theWenl theWels
WeJIs Wenl Fargo concern concernNew cncer cncerNc concern4ess
New Nc York ork Mark totk Exchange Echace Hairs Jan Jan10 Jan10CLoSING 10 JOCLallO 10CLOSING
iii if AIr Ask i flirf Ifr utf MUttt MUtttfsrrc 1 sledirer r4 r4u
fsrrc u 100U 100t IOO7 IOI 10 I Nsrrr 4erer r 1I44 lns I 144 llol II I llt llta bt btroup
Is a coup lOOs 11m I ltO I 4 coup lP 1 113 I 5 II I 16 16eregIUi 9f
Isref frtIUI eregIUi lui lOZj IO2 I Panrr1Uu nr > r rIUU I uurf 1O1 lO13icop1Oi <
astotip acouPIUB 3icop1Oi lul > 4 I IO j2hanZa1t1uU oat1 tanzsJiluui PnZIIUU lOt IOIRAILROiD IUInlrnlJ lOtiLl
RAILROiD nlrnlJ iLl ILRflI I AD 1 HTIIKR OTlm HOXDS HOXDSDeti ll IIONISdamlxp4i nS nSAdml
Adml damlxp4i sro Deti Df A Rio Ro fltorls f eir r 4si Pup JarTTcttS JarTTcttSsoqo T T rll Ss SsIOOO 8
1010 soqo o 03 i iAllli IOOO o WON 01 SIPlr 2000 2000DIMIIImSrrur zoo 2000iIiiChaI TI nO nOIIChal
Allli IIChal iIiiChaI Chalsf ChalsfS0 01 1 h s DIMIIImSrrur DloUInSr MOO 1000ItlesCorpAt 1111
S0 1 50411 0 8413 8413mer 4 4sa sa I IIJI ItlesCorpAt cor lgLW I loooo loooolow 111 O34 O34ocr I
ocr g r i As Asinon low 74ia aooo iinij iinijo
tune 100 ioa I 02 Prle prlerrlorllu1prnna prior priorIien4l Urn 4s penal 4s 4 IBM IH
Am Cot 01 OH Oi 4ljs 23000 87I 1711001 8714 0000 IO4Tfl I04 I
10001 100 07l U711 tJ7t5trtecV4slerlfllO9 hrle rle rv 4s t er r A IOOOO 1000 IO4lj 10 I
Am A Am Hide lde ft I J lCs llvinoOO IIOOO 10000 M Hill I ItlODO IOOOO I 04 O41
1000 100 I OlVIrln 0 I 34 IrI rl < m llrn4B lint 4 2000 l4lj 1041 1041A I
3000 ioa I li 12 i lOot W f 7 ttli 78 Ia Iatoooo re lL IVIA I
AmTATfX4 A Sm TT T 5 4i II Krlo 4th UI nt ntjooo 1171 r toooo tooooIOOO OI p
jooo 101 105 IO 1000 101 101ioon IIWI4 IOOO 100 OIH 06larson
Mon 1 I047Hlfn O47H Urn Kin rlt r is Vi ViAm e 3000
Am A Tobario Toblro Cs Sj I 2tno 0 I4fll I 411 41119 1IMOOOOf3 AOOO 1000 OHIj IHi
18000 1800 Ionia I Orrrn frrn May lay is U Uil Prnna3WislS4IU Prnna3WislS4IUlooo Penna3t4e 154111
aoon aoonAm IIU I Ih1I Utit il itch h or er H 1 looo oou 901
1801 tenor 101 t tia 1 looo 1000 I ProrlaKaatlnc ProrlaKaatlncOOO
Am Tobacco Toba 4s 4sIOOO 15000 15000looo 11000 IU41IJ 1034 5000 OOO t7 t7Prc 7
IOOO 77 77l4 looo loooIII 1000 I 11 1519 Prc PI 1erMarrf4q Mar ref 4s
0 noo 7H 7Hloooo 71 III I Cent CDI 4s f inv invIOOOO 11 llO 10000 1000 78fln 78flnt 781
loooo 1000 77J4 77 IOOOO 1000 I O034 00 Hln t m 4tt 4
3000 01 7 H HAnnArbor I 111 I Cent 4 4u 10 IMJ IMJ10i 1000 I n 007 007nnrbnrlst4pi 078
AnnArbor nnrbnrlst4pi 1st 4 10i 101 1000 > 0 I 100 OO 2000 000 I 100 OO OOimoo
4000 7MljlIntboroIlTcv8s 7MljlIntboroIlTcv8slooo 7HIllnlborollcvl 7MIj tntborolllcv5s imoo 1000 1107
looo 7H 7HArmour 000 00 IOa7 I 1000 100 sto 1071 ION
Armour VJ ur 4 4 1000 IU4 IU4InKrboro I 14 rtomeWAOjcn R
7000 649 1419 lg InKrboro I b r I KISs KISscries 1 2000 wgt I OB O 44 4
Aunt 1 TS cv vo cries rlc A 1U1 IY 1U1looo St s l < A 3 r en 4s 4stnoo 4 4OOO
22000 OOO I I2ltla U 1 It BS looo 10 < 0 10114 101 1OtI tnoo 10 5000StrtITSirv4 9 9114 r rHt u
AtrliTSIrv 4s liooo c 10113 I Ht 1 I ft a Iron IronItlv Ml
30000 3000 i 112 12 aaia aaiarrt 2144 tntcrhoro Inlrrbro Mel Melsnooo ICI thy Iv Gnl GnlI Gulf 4s 4sret
ret let paid paidAlrhTA d rot trI 11114 4 2000 flOfl R71a R71aIOOO j
I 15040 I 1 22 snooo 5 Hi7H J7R i IOOO g B7U
AlrhTA trhTSl4 rhTShIOO SP4S 11 1000 TOO Ra 20OO 0 OOO H7lg 1718
2000 O 1 IOOI O s 10 510 < ll71 l427i 1000 87 87Stl 17 17lJ 137alJ5I
alJ5I lJ I 001 0I 25000 Z10 HU HUlooo I a Stl U ft Sf S l ttn geri5e geri5eloon e18 Ss Ssl
looo 100 IOOJ4 ivxm 10 MHS MHSc 81I 41 l 11 lD7 lD7141M 27 27no
141M < 1 < I OO l05s SO OOO Hal4 M1I 101 no OOO < i ieooo RR5 RR5ltiOOc
I Inonc1 noil c l ooia iig I Toooo 1100 10000 HHH Hall eooo DJ 111 131319
soon 310 10034 I 003 looo 1 < 1 Hal HIU 2000 ZO 000 BBB BBBSIL4 8Rt RR ° R
looo loooAKIlnrroltrU I OO 27000 00 Rni8 18 SIL4 hanKr Snfrfdr SsnFrfdt file
3000 ooh 1 OO3J 10010 < Hit HitAtlCoinlIJnr4ji 250OO 25000AtlCoaa1ZJne4s 50 80 8000
AtlCoinlIJnr4ji VIHO HVJ4 23000 847g 7s 7s1lneoIUII
00 tll t g U
41100 no llntAiiiNorlil llntAiiiNorlilI 4 11 N Nor I tat t 2000 000AlI4nerol1rls 80
AKIlnrroltrU AKIlnrroltrUsooo 1lneoIUII looo 100 1IOU II I I 014 Ot 1000 0R471 847 847Hi
sooo 1000 I 110 a let 4 fit el t Nor Zu Zurertlneatm Hi SILu Lou S Wen V en n 4 43
10000 R4U 1414 rertlneatm rertlneatmIOOOO nIAlel 1000 10 7O1 701Bl 704
Bait Bl 5AItOgoI44IlOOOOt07 AOfok14s AOfok14sBOOO 0 olt IOOOO 100107 O7 O7aooo 4000 0070 70 70StPUAlf
80 aooo9t BOOO nou 101 aooo iOI sooo1o7t io7is 071 StPUAlf SIPMM4O1I Dak Dakaooo
12000 10 On OnD 0 lowu 10wCenlra 1owaCen1rilst Central 1st 1stlOOOjlO la SIPUIUDak aooo ao sooo1o1 loia loiaSan I 0
D ltAOblo3Us BsI1Obto 1000 lOOOjlO 106 1O San SsnAStAPau4i SsnAStAPau4i2000927i A A Pass 11 4s
2000 200931 2000927i 93 lows Io ZOWdSflV45 Central a4 < 2000 Zo86 Zo86I 88 88t
J i 1 t ± Lr t
1000 1000luit tOO 0 0234 13 SOOO SOOOIOOO 300 751g San Paulo 3s s et
luit luitA flaItOPLI 0 P L I I IOOO 100 754 OU OUt OU0a looo 10 1000WVa4s oaoa gtl
A U WVa4s V Va 4s 4000 00 fflglSn 711 t t t 9O0Odt ooo g tSa
4000 10 O27 O2740UO 9271 7000 7612 0a tlg 5ab ssboarct r
40UO 40UOlialtAOSWIis 00 123 11 23 4000 4000Jananese 400 7 rtUs rt t 1 tOgg 000 000Halt
lialtAOSWIis lialtAOSWIisKOOO nl4 Halt is 0 SW3 Vl4s Jananese JananeseIOOOO Jons 454 Us UsOOU S 80 Pacc cvi v 4a 4aMoOOf
KOOO MoOOf OOlj IOOOO IOOOOJananese tOO0014 OOU OOUSOOO 11000 11000100OO 10 IO5tI OOe
Beth Steel ex 3 1 Jananese JaPnes 4s 4sIOOO 4 100OO 100OOliooo 10 I O6l
4000 IO8Hlg 8H13 IOOO flR R81 885w > V liooo 1300 33000iikiyn 88kS 003
Dklrn IklT Cllr CIII C11y1e1 1st 1stIOOO Kan KaaCISre1100 MazzCtysrecs City SreSs 11000 11000200O 10014 88 88lOOts
1000 IOOOBKnltapTrrv4s 10ail Iodls 2000 103 1O3LjwU 000 200O4SOOO 1013 03 03llnltapTres
BKnltapTrrv4s Iknlt Tr 4e LjwU Steel e 4SOOO 4SOOO500O 4800 lOOts I
101000 101000aoooo 10100161 889 4000 0009 t tLarlede OO 5000 IOOU I lOAI 0 14
aoooo 8134Lleeu 81534 Larlede Cat s5 5s 5saooo 22000 22000JOOOO OOO ioa 11 I 0
27000 27000BUn Z70 RIO KiI aooo aOOO03 oa oaI JOOOO JOOOOSouth 10434 10434200O 1043Hln
BUn Hln Union Unl11 n let I Nh Ih 4 M I So S 4s 4 South SUlh PaclQc Paltc 4s 4s88kS 4
1000 10 10234 2000 000 OOH OOI 048 200O 00 Oli Olifa 921oo0
1000 1000BUn 10 I 1021LMa1184t14tlSoPaeIficref4s 1021LMa1184t14tlSoPaeIficref4sflkn LSft MS IS 4 IWIt fa S Pacific laUlc rer rft 4s 4s200O
BUn Bln Un Can G let htO 2000 2000IOOO Ola 0lI9 200O 0 OA
1000 100 000 1071 1071Burr 10711 IOOO 1000 003ft O3 11000 10 9478 947 947flut
Burr DuIRlp RAP 13 p 44 44IOOOO 1 2003 003 0011 O I 30U 1000 1000Lou 00 00OOO 9
IOOOO 1 lOOlfl 1OOl Lou Lu ft I Naih itt 4x 10OO 10 047s 047Ce
Ceo Cel Ce Ga ia a en 5s 5sOOO 3 OOO aoo IO03 I OO Southern Sulhern Ry si 5
OOO 10IOHlg lOHIa 4000 IOOU 5000 5000IOOO OO 10034 100347OI
Central CenlraIUtln > a 21 In In40OO 100 5000 I oola l0OI IOOO 10 10g
40OO 40OOtamped 40 833 UftnhaltatiR4s lahlnn4 4000 0 101341 I 095 095Iampe 0934 0934clamped
tamped Iampe 6000 800 o 08 a aVartnn 2000 ZOOI I OOla1 OOla1So OOlg
1000 110 8334 Vartnn Marn1 ol tr 1r44s 4Us 4Us5800O 4 S S So Kwy nw cm rmCn 4s 4sIOOOO UCr
Cen Cr LeatherS athr As As140OO 5800O 5800OIOOO 800 70 IOOOO 1000 R 8114 1 14 t
140OO 140OO20OO 0 g 0913 01 IOOO 10 7OI 7011 701j15000 15000 11000 811 8lis 8lisooo
20OO 0 ooo gpa5 03 3lehenll1ebS tchnleb I 8000 8000aooo aoo 8IU 814 8I1 8I1lQl0
1030 103030OO IQ 0 O9Iii Ilg 50000 10001 01114 IHl4 aooo 10 1 8I3 13
30OO 30 000 OOU 9 99I HlrhStateTrl lrb tttTI 5a 42000 400 8 1 814 1 14 li
Cent PariS Iacln 110 III 4000 00 00Mo TennCIftllHSs TennCIftllHSsaooo Tnn C Iklna IklnaI 1414115 1414115IooO
15000 15000IOOOO I OO 07U 97I Mo MoanTnU KanftTe 4s aooo 3o104Is 1041s1 1Q4I
IOOOO 1000 07I 07ICent 9711 1000 OOla OOlaHo 99lThtrdAveriue4s 99lThtrdAveriue4sett 1 1llnAvenuu 1llnAvenuuCeli him A venue 4s 4srlf
Cent Celi ett K H N J 1 5s 1 Ho to KTsf KT sf i1s is s elf I stamped
4000 40 IS4 1411100 > 3 10090 f 0014 > O 25000 10 stmp 68 68Chec 8Sfl 8 8Cht
Chf Cht ft Ohio As 5 10000 1000 90 goMo Union Unlol partita Pacta 4s 4
1000 01 1 ft 4 Mo MOJanTad oKanTdI80 KanTx M 10000 10000200OO IOI 101ig l0ilChek0htp4
ChOlOll Chek0htp4 s 1000 87U M7t 200OO 200OOZOOO 10 10IOI34 1011 I 0 15a
1000 10 10 I 0 l MoPaclDonllOi toplnll l5P ZOOO ZOOO10OOO 0 IOI34 to I 0 14 I 3
4000 4000Chl 0 IO34 1000 100 10UU I 102410000 021 10OOO 1 I01ft I01ftMoPatlnr4i 1011 1015Clii
Chl CII A Alton Itl a aloon 31 e MoPatlnr4i Mo lo Jacn PacIfle 4c I U ParlOr ref 4s 45loon
loon 747 747Chl 4000 400 < UU 813411000 n 813110 8134 I 4 18000 IOWW 077S V 0771 977Cttt I H HHob
Chi B 84 ft Q am 11 4 4c Hob tob AO 0 new II c lc > Union P 1 Pee c cv c 4s 4
1000 10 U07 U072OOO 07 loop 100 121 121MA II I looo loooJOO 10 I I 143 143UO 414 43 43ooo
2OOO 1934 UO tl03 MA 1Mon Mon 4l s I JOO JOOsooo O 114 114C I 149s
C CtlQJ01fl14 I It A l t Q Jolllt 4s t 1000 100 I 10619 OOl OOlNftau sooo soooloooo O I IA IAI434 I
1300 21 OOO fillv 9 tl tI5 Nftau u Ele I I 4 4IOOO h loooo loooosooo 100 I I434 43
1000 1000t 10 OtHI fl41l IOOO 100 H 8171 8I7 I 7a 7aP4 sooo sooosooo 10 I I4la 4t 4tlsooo
t 10 lsooo ooo 1 Otl utts I AH AHlll Sit4yeMesijs llysMu sooo 00 1141 I 1414 4t
2000 0 000 Ot34 9134 lOOO lOOOAHOO 10 P4 04t 045 2000 zool1411 1 14IH 14IHUs 4l
4 4004 OOO O 0 ttl5 tl AHOO IJO 0434 04 Us 1 USRealIil55 S Really Real I f1 5s 5sIOOO
33 300 33000 OOO OOOIOOO tjt34 000 O47S 9471 IOOO 10 Sola SolaIISItubherM 8 1 a
IOOO 100 0 0454 N 5 Y On Ctn Cm deb 4s IISItubherM 1 S lubhra
1000 lll tit3 t U3 > 34 34reilsterrd 5000 10 11lg 0Al3OO0 3000 800 1O4U 1O4UU I 10414recistered 041 041rtIIIrrd
reilsterrd rtIIIrrd 1000 100 0095 0095OAla DOU U SSlcell S Steel at 5s 3
25000 25000Chl 10 061 DOIg 5000 5000VCentral3Us 300 OAla 9 la 2000 10471 047 047CIIIQ 0474Ciii
Chl CIIIQ Hftgi len Den > en4s 45 N VCentral3Us VCentral3UslOOO YCtnlraI31s 1000 100 1OO 1OOIO47 00
3000 30 OI 011 0114 > U 3000 P 01 9134 134 7000 700060OO 700 IO47 047a
Chi H I 4 A l U I HI I 4s N VCenLSSi Yln LS3tS s sloooo 60OO 10 100 100I O
3000 300 < IOOU 1001 I 00 000 ROta 90I 10000 10000100O 100 I O47g 047SICr 047 047ChI
ChI BAy IIUiji III 3 loooo 8 I 100O 100OIOOO I OS OSI g O
ICr 1000 IIHI fUMR fUMRChl 1101 NYCtty4tel57 i l1g IOOO IOOO240OO I 0478 7s
Chl CtslBQlowass BftQ lottau lottauIOOO 2000 00 I0978 ioe 240OO 240OOSOOO 00 ooo 100 100I047g O
IOOO IOOOCnl IJa Ut 1000 100 IO IODO I OO5H H SOOO 30 I047g
Cnl OnlD0uh4 DiO DiO200O D O 4 ION 10O34 10O34new 1000 100 100 100I O on onooo
200O 0100 10O 10OLbl new 12000 12000IOOO 10 I 047a 4Tg
tat Lll MUbHtHJU MUbHtHJUJA MUastu 1000 10 10034 IOOO IOOOVaCarollnaC 10 10434 043 043Ud O43L4
JA Ud H PWD 1W5s WS IOOOO 100 1OO7H 1OO7HN 097 VaCarollnaC LarolnC let II
1000 1O8U 1081 N NVCity4cl95 v city Cty 4 isS I 3000 30 OO OO400O 01 09ChIMlIStP
Chl ChIMISIPtIO ChIMlIStP Mil ft KlV 4s 12000 I 100 I0Ot OO 400O 40 OH 013 9834 34
21000 10 lOOts 1001 1000 100 IOOU I lOOl 2000 2000sZO0819 S20 O8la
C CMStPdeh4 MA 1 SIP deb 4s N Y City CI 4 4193 1 5 ValronO4Cl ValronO4Cl20OO Va Iron C d C C1OU1
12000 1OU1 liZI5 oa oaChl 11000 10 10014 20OO 20OOTVabash 09014 9014
Chi IIIAPac IPe nit nitold ni aooo 300 I DOS DOSN OOS Wabash Wbaholds 2d ZdcoldS
olds old As N V YGasYIectt Gas Galltc Kite U UH 3000 30 IO3U t08l
8000 50 1021s 102 I H ft P As 5 W Wb b PTer Per lit 4s 4scertificates 4
Chi RIAIM nIp15k4 H Ik < K4s K4s50OO h 5000 10 103 i o9 certificates runet
50OO MO nv R 5000 5000NYCia 10 louu l03I 7000 70 au3 ll
3000 30 81ils H I I NYCia NYCiaH NYuatleeIt34i10O Y nu Klec 1t U 34000 34 8178 I 7
11000 11000IJOOO 10 821i I4 f H Hoph HP4s ft P4S P4SZOOO 6000 10 0134 014
IJOOO 10 Ho 325 ZOOO ooo 84 14 2000 200010OOO 0 000 017a
3000 30 R2t4 M2I 1000 10 84 Rol 13414 U 10OOO 10OOOSOOO 1 6 A13 r
22000 22000ooo 2004 RII 82l 31000 3100 84 84IOOOO SOOO 10 0 II 112 112ooo
100 ooo 0 8v RI141o R2t > u IOOOO B4U 14141 10000 10000Wab OIR 611
4tOOO 4tOOO200OO 4t 88 88ai78 12 8 2 loGo 100 84ia 84iaIOOOO 811 8 4 I Wab PTer Pr 2d 4s 4s140OO 4soooo
100 200OO ai78 A 8l7 Is IOOOO 1000 84 8414 U 140OO 140OOloooo 10 I Ig IgI 19
Chi UI4P IU4P ref rt 4s XYNHAHrvta Y tH vi loooo looooIOOOO 1 1 14 I 1
I 3000 Ol Olzt 1000 10134111 1O0OI34l 1349 1349N IOOOO I lI lIooe s
2000 2000240OO n114 N NYNHIUev NVNHficv Y N H A H cv cvVis 16000 16000certificates lao II Iii000 I
240OO 4 n 1 Vis s certificates certificatesloooo rrunal
34000 34000Chl 30 0 I OII la lacol 11000 1000101 11000101 IOI IOINorfolk loooo 1 12 12C 12Clii
Chl C RIAP RIAPseries 814 P cot C 4s 4 Norfolk ortol tt 6 I SV 4s 4slooo 4 10000 10000Watxish 1 I 134 13 13I 134serleiN
I series serleiN r ti tiOOO A looo 100 08la 0 H I g Wabash Wblh ext et etao 4s 4
OOO ao 04la 04laCln 141a 1000 1019834 9834 9834orf 28000 10 7Hla 7HlaIOOOO 7til 7dl 7dlCkt
Cln Cn Ind indWisNorf4 A W 4s 4sIOOO I orf A W Wcv4 rv 4s t IOOOO 1 7 763 7d 1s
IOOO 10 87 125000 U oo IOV IOVlOOOO 10 I 02 450OO 45000CotoinroIirSsl000010134 UO 70U
Cola CotoinroIirSsl000010134 In col 11 tr Ss Ss40UOS1 15 lOOOO 1 1O134 1O134orf I SOOO 10 71 765 7654000i2542 la la2500O
40UOS1 4000i2542 Xorf = orf ft W Wdtv4a V dlv 4s 2500O 50 7tH4
7000 7000Colo 70121 8214 I 4000 O27fi 0178130O 15000 1500060OO 7tIR 7t1l 7t1lCoin
Colo Midland tldlanl 4s IOOOO 1 03 03Nor 9 60OO 60OOIOOO 10 ° 7 76l 76loo0 tH 4
2000 0 81 H I Nor No Noroilto Ohio 1st IsI lst3 5s 5sSOOO IOOO 10 7 7tH 7tHCola 76ICob I8
ColoN Cola ulhern4s > SOOO I IO IONorth I 0 5 OOO 10 70 70Westlnr
3000 3000AOOO 30 Ol 9I15 North orlhPalfr3s Paclno 3s Westlnr Weattnlcv5c ID Kiev rlrl is
AOOO O OO34 963 1000 1000IOOO 10 7lg 78l 12000 10 03 03Wn 03Colo 03CoIn
Colo bo I ext SI 4U 4UIOOO 414e IOOO 10 7al I Wn Mar Jaland Jalandc Maryland land 4s 4s400O
IOOO 9734 7 3000 3000Or 73I 400O 8434
Cuban c n 44s 44s30OO 4 Or Rail j ftsv4s 4 Nas a 4 West Shorn hO 4s
30OO 30 07U 97l 1000 10 OH OHOrShort 4000 40 IOI IOI1OO78 0
IMA lellludbOrShortUDeh Del 4 Hudrt lIlid 5 4 45 > OrShort Unats 4000 1OO78 I
20000 000 I 102 08 1000 lo116IaeIUnlonl 1 1OU I Ct West Union UnionsDenRGtmn3sOrShorlUne3 As AslOOO
Den Oe DenRGtmn3sOrShorlUne3 ARQImDAs ARQImDAsIOOO RG Imol Or Short Uneis Uneiszooo Unel lOOO to OOla 011
IOOO 100 I OJ3t zooo 0 i i a t tOr WlwonilnOon WIonlnCnls
Deo to Deonacefss A KG JG ref rt As 1 Or OrSUnefdir4e 8 Line fdir Id 4s 4saooo 6000 t A O4la 041 g
3000 3000noon 0 0413 0411 0 4 I aooo aoooooo 30 0434 9430 0 4 3 2000 0408 94e
noon noonZOOO 100 000 943 945 ooo 0 O478 471 aooo ao 04 04Total 94ooo I
ZOOO 0 04 4000 40 0414 94 94TOIlaleol 9434Total
Total TOIlaleol saleaor bonds bnd parUue3O paraua30 parsitluel 30 1 7000 7000RAILROAD 7000RAIRJD 7000RAIIRIMD
jugS Law L tics Net tfttit n
Sain 5 31 rtt st t it t tnt In Chti Chti14la CI C4
200 004mCh1 00 4111s 11IICIaI Cbal lo 14la 1413 141a Ij Ij87U IgUOOO 9 9lZ000AniaiCop
12000 lZ000AniaiCop AmalCoa 8flla 8fllaMoOAmAcCh 87U 871 87UH8 8716lt 871413llOOAmAgCh
MoOAmAcCh I OAmA Cb 49 40lOOAmACpflOU 48 48 48100AmAC 48lOOAmACpflO3
lOOAmACpflOU lOOAmACpflOU32SOAmBSu 100AmAC tl03 103 103 03 4Ma 43935OAmI33u llg
32SOAmBSu 310 Am Su 4714 401 409 48 + la laI3I4 II l l1450AmCa
1410 110 1450AmCa Am Can CanIPOO 1 36s 130 36sSOBn 131 1314 I3I4 U
IPOO 1100 AmCanpf Am Cn Ca pI SOBn 801 703 79 79I 70341U 14 14l000AinCarF
1000 100 l000AinCarF Am AmCrY Car K 7 714 7114 1 U UO7 001 60 60 oOI1 8517a 8517a700tmCoiO B17a
700 70 700tmCoiO Am Co CtO to 67 O740U 0034 66 C63 fl034 fl034UOO O65 O65IOOAmEzp300 O OIOAmEp300
100 IOAmEp300 IOOAmEzp300 Am Kip 300 UOO 00 300
100 10 Am HAL nc 113 L L 734 734IOOAmKIpt 73 734 734 73
IOOAmKIpt 10 100 Am H rpr 40U 40U2flla 4 41U6 4fil U 4614 451428U 4614OOAIceSecs
200 00 OOAIceSecs A Ice Sees SeeslOOAMnseed 2flla 2611 28U 281 20I44 2 26l 14 + la II l
lOOAMnseed 100 00 A JnseC lineed 17 I 7 17 1 7 17 1 7 7l000ALceedp U U40la
1000 100 l000ALceedp A Led p 433 433OOla 40la 4011 4034 U Uoo I 14lOOAmtoeo
700 lOOAmtoeo Am Loco LocolOOAMCrppf Lco OOla 0OI 60 oo ne 1l 1llO0MCrppf
lOOAMCrppf 100 U Crp pr 41 4 I 41 41 4 lj ljloou I
10300 1030 Am Smelt 1O3 I 02 loou 1 1 1001al 1001al4omSleelf66 ooia OOlsl I Ioo
400 4omSleelf66 Am msteelr Steel F en oo 61 oe 661 41341004m8utar123 4134 4134ilit
2200 AmSutarl23 00 AmSucr123 ilit UHO laa 12 12zaoo 322ZSOOAmT4T1405
2600 ZSOOAmT4T1405 AmTAT AmTTIO 14OV 1307 1307g 3 5 >
100 Am Wool 3334 3334S600 3 34 3084 3O3 34 3034 303402I8 3 3O3 34
S600 110 Anaconda nEoada 331 1311 1139 62l 21 02I8 02l 211 7 7lano 77OATAI12271 77DO0Tl1227
7800 7OATAI12271 7DO0Tl1227 AT4ST 1227 12113 12tg l2ll lano 121111 321III4 321III4a iu iu104U4
3 ATSFpl10414 10414 104l 104U4 1041 + Is IsSain ISaOOAtOIlne136 13300AtCtIne138
100 aOOAtOIlne136 AtC llne 13H 133 II lISA II II3aO 114 114sz000ItolIg
3aO sz000ItolIg 1100 UMI4O 1 o 0 1 IO IO68IODknRT I U 118 I I 8 I 138 I 1 I Ia810
68IODknRT a810 Dla ilkoR R T 101 8014 78 785 78 781 785 Ig
1300 10 DknUGasl Dka liknUGaldIl3 U GI 61a Ha 100 130ion 100 21a 229lOOllutRtP106
100 lOOllutRtP106 nut urR n PIOO ion ion180I 100 1061 10611801 08 41 + 1 1400CanPac18013
400 400CanPac18013 Can Pac IBOlj 180I 1801 180 180t I 5
300 Ceo Ccn Lther Llbr 477a 4771 4634 4634OO 4034 463 34 34t800 a aIlS000beOblo
11800 t800 IlS000beOblo CbesObto Oils 0 I 00 00 00COOC8INW18334t10213 7g 7glO2la
600 COOC8INW18334t10213 Cbl N W 1 0384 1 1 101Ia 02Ia 02Ia381j lO2la 1621 la laUSIa laISO
1600 ISO CW new 30x 3 6 31Ig 80I 381j 381jB3I3 USIa 34 3
573 1 COWpfnw Otlrt OtlrtlOOCGWlApd fU 6t1 B3I3 837 637a
lOOCGWlApd 100 Cnpd 24 240700CMSIP 24 24133U 2 24 24Sine I4 I4133la2lH 14D70ClI5tP100
0700CMSIP D70ClI5tP100 Sine 011511 IflftVs IflftVs200CMSPnf 133U l 163I 314 133la2lH l 1O3l2I5OOCI4SPpf170 31321
200CMSPnf 00 OOCI4SPpf170 CM SP rt 170 170 1702 1702occc3
200 10 CCC43 CCC S I 70 70 704R14 70 7 2 248U 2liOOColPueII
1100 100 liOOColPueII Col Pucl 1 1ZOO 401 4R14 4f14 4814 34 34OI78 34200C0IHCI
ZOO 200C0IHCI 0 Col H C 1 017 017UUt4 1 01 9 9134 13 34 34Ol OI78 tl 78 I IlOOColouttt
1200 lOOColouttt Col South UUt4 UUt417ia UI14 flgl Ol 6 t 62 2 + fll fll6lto H18 H1833la 111
6 t 6lto 10 O Consdas Consdas40JO Con ConsUa10914 tul0011 1061 1564 l 1Ofl3I3 1Ofl3I34OOCornP14 634134
40JO 40 4OOCornP14 0 romlH Coral 23 23oo 3 22la 22la80U 2233 21g 21goo
500 oo Corn Cor Ill p 80U HOl 80U R H5l l4 8014 H 8l 14 ia 192000etHud182
200 2000etHud182 00 Del DtlludIR2 Mud 182 182ion 182 182Oils 182 + ia l ll000roftOr
ion 10 l000roftOr < DenROr OH OHoo 011 Oils Oils3llla niI I 01 0 611k 1 I8 I ioo
oo Distil Diti s stoo 3634 J63 3llla 3lllaI 3lg 3 364 3fl3 0144 + 1 117la lIOnlu133A
too 10 IOnlu133A < Duiss ul S SA A 17ia 17ia33la 171al I 713 71333ia 17la 17l U U33I3 I II000SSSpt
100 10 I000SSSpt < DSSApl D SA pl 33la 33la341B 331 33ia 33ia33la 33I3 33I333la
1100 Erie rle 341B 3411 34l 33la 33laOlia 33la 33t S SAlia O 5
2 2100 2500 00 Crlelstpf CrtI 1 pt 623 625 Olia Olia40la 61I tg Alia All 12 ia 1
300 Erlo rrle2d rla3d 14 itt > it 41 4 1 40la 40laI381a 401g + I 4
400 Gen Elec YIe I30la I381a 10811 10811Z000lSorpl141 i68liZT000tNorpf141
2700 Z000lSorpl141 ZT000tNorpf141 GtNorpf 141 141IIOOGNOctfs 140 140 SB I 5lS000NOctfe
IIOOGNOctfs 1300 G NO Us 7014 7014soo 79 70 la laisn Ig3Z00 3
soo Harvester HarvesterI2O7 I ao7 07 123 123127IJ I 23 isn I 2 + 3 3127ial 3I7OHsirvpf12713
170 IQ I7OHsirvpf12713 Harvpf Huv 11 127la 127IJ I27i 127ial 12711 1271 + 18 t
300 llomestk lomcslk 82 8281S S 82 88 41 + I IUI1
81S UI1 III I Cent 14U7a I 4d7 146 140 1 46 la la38U113 9 I
600 Int IntPappr Pap pf 3014 OI 0814 Mi ORJ 4 38U113 38U113o3iai 81lg
300 InlPump 33la 33laoo 03 03HO o3iai 63IiOOIPumppf
200 00 OOIPumppf l Pump pt ptIOOOO 00 oo20ln HO 00
IOOOO 1000 InterMel InterMelI2SOO 20ln 201 2419 41a 341 241k IR IReoig If
I2SOO 100 IntMetpt Inle pt O13s 61a 8 15 001 eoig 601 a 3
730 7 10 Kan KaCSo KanCSo C So 43la 427 427s 4278 4 7S OB O S SlOQKCSopf
100 lOQKCSopf KCSopt 70 70 70I 70 70I
14200 100 Lao LaoCla n las II I 161g Ola OlaJOOLKrleU I I4la I4la24I4 I4l I MIslU MIslU24I4 141a11
JOOLKrleU 101 Soil L LItrIetlS rle U 2434 243 43 24I4 24I401U 241 24I4 24I 41 34 34U2 3
400 400LltSVpf 00 L iVpf 02 01U 01UOHU 614 8II 02 + la lat814 I Ileo
100 Lone Lnr hid 0814 081 OHU OHUtoeia 6HI t814 O8l 34 34looiaHa 3
1400 400 Lou LOl 3ouNash1681 Nash Nlsb1 I68U I68UJOOMnvkayp 681 toeia l08I looiaHa looiaHa3O 1661alg lO1IaiizIOOMacleayp
JOOMnvkayp 300 1aka p 78I4 78I4ZOO 78I 78 7823U 7814 78I + 1
ZOO 00 Marine 71s 71stoo 711 7l 7 7i8 7I la I
too 00 Marino Meino pt t 23la 231 23U 233 23l
100 00 Met tt Stlty 1 I 1l 23 23oo 2 23 2313H I 3 23 2300515PS51131412 3
oo 0 00515PS51131412 MSPSSM ISP SM lUHIa 13H 13H1031e 131 138 138l33U334 I Itoo
too MSPSM p 1331s 1331sIOOO lO3I 1031e 103t l33U334 l33U33402I
1000 JIHSM I SM 11 W2IJ W2IJMOO Wl1I 1211 92i 02I 02Ia SH 335lOOMI1ez
MOO 61001 5lOOMI1ez M Klei Kleii 00 3O74ln 4834 48341 48341fOJKTp 483iu0MJ4Tp
i fOJKTp u0MJ4Tp > 0 M KATp 74ln 741 74 747O34 74 74700MoPac I lfl lfl23la
700 700MoPac Mo 10 Pac PacCOONatLeail Iac 7 711 71Ii 1 14 14HO 7O34 7O34H8ls 703 70 704 11 l l600NatLetd
COONatLeail COONatLeail400RyMlpI GOO IIea < HO H8ls H81 BBIg 88l V I
400RyMlpI 410 400 NRyM HyM Ipl 121 t123 23 t14 tt2t 12144 62I + U U23I3 I
1 1800 OOMiyM2pl Nltyl HM pr 2334 23348Ula 2O3 23la 20l Olg 23I3 23I33IO 20la00NJCenl312 2619ZOONJCent312
200 00NJCenl312 N J Cent 312 312JOO 310 3IO 310noo + S
JOO N YCenl1247 VY Cent 12478 13234 12234 U I
1700 100 Nor Nor4 W I OOU OOUtOONorWp 091 08 08 OSI 1 1Httlj
tOONorWp 100 Nor I W P 8Ula 8 lg 8013 801382la HUla M14I la I Ii4OONorPac145
1400 i4OONorPac145 Nor or Pac I 401 1423 14234 34 34H2 343OOorMn
300 3OOorMn Nor orAm orAmIIOOHntAi Am 82la 81Ig 82 824H34 HI H2 l2 4 + U I IlIOflrtttcWei
IIOOHntAi 10011 lIOflrtttcWei Uei Ueiloo 4 4ca ir l = 4H34 4H34llUla 4H3 4884 483 ia 9 9leo
leo Pac lacCot Coast I 103 161 llUla 1 i6l 1 1013 161 10 104H laGOO li
GOO Pac laoMslI Mall Mal 42 4 411 4113 I la la1330g 4H 41 4t1j IB IB133ogl l
24000 000 PennHR Ienn Penn ll 1111 13034 1 a 634 63 1330g 1330g2H 130 I 133ogl 1301 1 U 14lOOPeoFast
100 100pt0rut lOOPeoFast Peo East 28 2H 2H113la 21 28 + 1
21410 4 410110041178 < OPeoOas Peo qas I1478 I1478ooo I I 47 113la 1 1 3l 114 1 1 4 1 11O3I4 1zone
ZOOO ooo phiuro Phi ro 10334 I 003 103 103oo 1O3I4 i0AJ 34 3 30001CC43L
000 0001CC43L PCC L 0071 00V oo 00 ia
1 100 1101 Pitts Pit Coal S7U 271 2034 263 2034 634 la lafc3 9 9l300PltCosIp
1300 l300PltCosIp Pit PUCoalp Coal D DSOO 83 81 81 Rita la fc3 6 83001re8C U UOO 4
SOO 3001re8C Press Pre SC SCloon S C 31 I 30 OO li1 1 11039s 3SOOIly6t3pi
loon 300 SOOIly6t3pi Jy at II sp sp430nop9tpt 6014 30 301033a 101 OOIs + 7 7 74lOflopfitpf104
430nop9tpt 4aOJopStpr104 104 1041083n 1033a 103 1039s 1031 3s 3 5SO200fleadlnr
60200 aOOOJeadlalld82 SO200fleadlnr neadlni 1083n lOtO 1665 10078 eg e 5152OO11ock1sId
152OO11ock1sId 48 46 4fl5
IUOOJokhll 47 47liOOitnckpf f IB IBOS
1100 100 liOOitnckpf Rock I Ipr pf pf10031L8P2P 3713 tUB 11619 16t 6 l 5 51003tL81Zp
10031L8P2P 100 SILSrz 38 3833U 8 68 08 8 114 14 54 54aoonu8w
300 30 aoonu8w OIL SW SWlOOStLSWp S W 3314 3234 333470I3 3234 234 14 14Tola 14ao 4 43O051L8Vp
lOOStLSWp ao SI 9 V p 76 70I3 70I313ft 701 Tola 7011 70111100SouPa13C 76l1ZS7OOOuPse13O 1
21700 1100SouPa13C ZS7OOOuPse13O SOU rso 13 04 136 136 414 414W 1 1i
1t 1 IA 1 1 W f i r t
lllth lllthr 11 tow towtit ll CI C Cla V Vnt Nf NW NW3ok
Salet SaletIll 31 r ti eat tit ti 11 459 nt CV CI C5lllSoPR3ut
Ill SoPRIur 17 SopR9ul 83 83 83 + tU4 P14ISOOSouRYCC 1
100 1101 ISOOSouRYCC sou nr Co Cotoo C 327s 327 a2 825 32l 21 1 i iSOOSoRyCop
too SOOSoRyCop 0 Sony SoRCOI cop copZOOTennCop 785 o 7a 73 U t tZOOTna 4 4ZOOrenn
ZOOTennCop ZOOTna Cop 30 3834 383480la 3834 U U80la I IJOO 4 4lOOTeaLsad
100 lOOTeaLsad Tex Te Land Lnd 80la 80la 80t 80la 801 80lli 80lliiiOOTeaPac > + l 1ao
1400 iiOOTeaPac Tex Pac 3008 3008lOla ao 36 34 343ieOTblrdAvB
2180 3ieOTblrdAvB 10 Third Avft Avft4300TolKys lOla lOlaSalet 181g HI 381a 1 5
4300TolKys 4300TolKysS400 300 Toll Toiltys I O 65 14 14A234 1 4 14144 + U UA234 I 4 43400TGI5tfW
S400 3400TGI5tfW 40 Tel TrlSIL 3ILW 3ILWOOToSLWp W 0334 A234 A2347IU 123 A234 2 34 347Ua 3 34OOToIf5LWp
OOToSLWp 00 Tol LW I 7 711g 7t1 Ha 7IU 7 II 7Ua 711a 8 5 533OTWInCHT1IO s
230 33OTWInCHT1IO 30 Twin wln CHT11 e elOOUnBacP 1 110 IO IOI3U 110 1101 1 13I4 1lOOUnUgP
lOOUnBacP 100 Ual P I3U 131 I3U 1314 1314aoo 33taooo 3I4 3I410078I4
32000 aoo UnPao202U Ua PI 20214 10034 10078I4 1007a1
400 UnPaopMO3lj UnPopt031 1023 10234 10234 1023 U U87U 16I 143OOUDry0ptti27
I 300 3OOUDry0ptti27 00 UDryOpfl UDrO Il 1278 1278lOOLnRInv 11234 11134 11175 112754 + IS IS100UnRln s slOOUnRItn
I lOOLnRInv 42 43 4371U 4 42 + tlU tlU71UU8 11 34 34lOOLnftlnp
100 lOOLnftlnp Unit CD iIa In p 71 7 7114 II U 71U 71U30ia 711 71UU8 7161S 7161SI
I 470 40 470UCIPIpI US URCI CI Pl Pipe e 31 31IIOUSCI 3 30ia 31 U UR4 14I 4 4SIOUSCIPp
IIOUSCI IOU5Crpp SIOUSCIPp Pp 84 4 84 84 + 4 la II 9 9eOOU3Ezp145
I 2900 UaRxpl4O OO UaRxpl4Ori USFsp146 123 137 + 10 10610USRub 10fioOUSflub
ri 610USRub fioOUSflub > o u S Rub Oll 615 61 01 l l400USRublpil0Ig 5
400 400USRublpil0Ig USRub Ipl 16I 1 116 10 110 10 14 Uaaogr 14i
i 100 USRub USHubp 2p p 8S8 821 81 825 aaogr 820 + IS ISjIIOO Is1lloo
jIIOO 121100 U3 ISlel USfiteel Steel 801s 89I 8714 873818 87313 87515O0Ufi3teeIp194I4
aOU1SIeelp11414 00 O0Ufi3teeIp194I4 USSteel p 1U414 124 24 124 BS l
1800 100 Utah UtahCop Cop 0034 003 00 00oeu 08341 08341oessf 0831 683tITZOOVsCarC
I 17100 100 ITZOOVsCarC VaCarC aCaC 0778 O77 oeu oeu1S8U 661 oessf 06 + ig igI28U ISI l lIO0Vacarpf
100 VaCarpf va r pr I38U I38UA700 I 814 1 128l 1S8U 814 I28U I28U243s 32843O0Wabssb
I 31 3O0Wabssb Wbaah 2 2619 lg 243 24 243s 43 I 3 8 8O534
A700 1700 Wabpf Wab pt O713 O713ioo 0094 34 6034119 6034119100Vesthse O534 03411 I13 I13sue
I ioo Wesfbse 11 Welhse 8 81g 81l Ha Haaoo 81a 8hI sue 8 81l ls a I 5 5800WesIMd
aoo aOWuUld 800WesIMd WrstUd ct 0 1 114 U U200VUrlnar 1 01 0 I 01 0 I ia iaAl 1aOOVMitwar
i 200VUrlnar 00 WJ < r fllla 01g O11 01 I Al l I 34 341000WU1UT 34I000WesIUT
1000 1000WU1UT West UT 7Ola 7Cl 7 614 14 U Uoia 7014 781 ia iaOla
11 00 Vbeel L r 911 9ta oia 9t Ola Ola Ol 14 14O0WLElp
200 0 O0WLElp W VA LKlp Lrlp 22U 22I 214 21 21a la laOO 2 21a34 21134 Ha 34 34A3
800 100 WlsCent WI Cenl 02 2 OO O 62 + 3U 216ulal 24IitIt 3UTotal
Total ulal kales In of r stocks loch 040100 snaras snarasEx abaresz haa haaE
Ex E z dividend tfx t 1 ra rlzht rlzhtGerman rlrbtctOREIGN I ht htlRF
Bid Attti AtttiMi At AtCeran AskedGerman
German Ceran Conaoli Clalls ala Ss i iGerman Mi Di ss ssGrrman WH I
German Conaol Conll Si SiPruulan I 84 lt s3 s3Prussian > f KH
Prussian Psa Government Cunment 4i 4iBavarian 4 ISO Io 103 t0 103Bavarian
Bavarian Bala Government CoermeDt 4a 4aHeaalan 4 102 10 103 103U 10 303Hessian
Hessian Hesa Government Gnmt1 al 3i 3 < 4s 4sSaxony Ii 32s 32sSazotry 1
Saxony Saol Oovernmeiy OoVmmel 0overflmet 3s 3sHamburc S 3 I 84 St Stilsmburt
Hamburc HamburGorment3 Government 3s 3sCity U 1 S4 S4100i I 34city
City CI of Berlin Brln < a aCity 10 IIH IIHCt 101 101clix
City Ct of Ir Colocne Clorne 4 4City 41 100i 100iioo 1 50O III IIICI l01 l01city
City CI of Aursburt ulburl 4 4City 4 41 > ioo iooIOI < 101 101Ct IOicity
City Ct of Munich Uuaeb u uCity 4 10 IOOYj IOU IOUCt 10flCity
City Ct of FrankfortonUaln FrlkflronUla Ki KiCity 31 I O3L O3Lcity 1
City Ct of of1ean Vienna 4a 4aMexican 95 95Meilcn li I
Mexican Government Glymmeal Gold Cld As AsRuaalan 5 101 103 103oi 10 103Buiin
Ruaalan Government Cvemmeal Gold 4a 4aFrench 4 oi 811 O1j < w wM V4 V4French
French FrtDh Government Govmmell Rente 3s 3sBrltlib 3 3 M o M Mt MCKosrV6 39British
British Brlb Consols Colls ti i4s 1 e2t li liCJOSG 3L 3LCLOSING
IL 184 AiLed Ud CM CMSOO I 4l Askf AskfAdams ti tiAdam
Adam F FspUO P19230 P 1 0 0AllliCnn SOO 00 Math MackarIS Mk 3 9 < 8U 8UAII U 14 14AIltsCbri
AllliCnn AII 14W 14WAlUtCbpt 14 IS II Maekaypf 1th pr 77U 77UMarine 7 77 7B 7B7H 18AIOpr 79AIlisCbpf
AlUtCbpt AIOpr llt 53t M MAmalCop 1 54 Marine Wlne 7 787U 7 7AmaCp 73 73AinalCop 7H 7H1H
AmalCop AmaCp S74 S74AraBSur IU 873 87U II Marine UatJpl pf 2J S 23 23AmACCh 1H H HAmArCh
AmArCh 41 484 81 Minn lUaaSL A StL 61 61MAStLpf 1 33 UABSu 53Amflur
AraBSur ABSu 45 4 451 > i iAm 41 4el4M MAStLpf lASLpr SsLpf 82 t 86 1 1AC 6 6AmCa
Am AC AmCa Can 13U 13UAmCanpf 1 UH 3S 1SpSKU7 MSPS3M1a74 138 1381J3U Uat 138AmCanpf
AmCanpf Am C pr 7 71 79 M MAmCAr 80 80dj 0 MSPSSMpflSl MSPS1 pr 131 1J3U ua uaAmC 3334AmCE
AmCAr AmC 6 6AmCAFpf 1 69j dj IY MKAT 4a 4514 40 4 49mCFpf1lS
AmCAFpf AmCFpf11 mCFpf1lS II IIAm 120 10 MEATpf KAT pl 73 7 > j jMo 74 74AmCOI 74AmCOIOII
Am AmCOI AmCOIOII Cot Oil 881 881AmCotOpMOJ 1M 6611 1 67 7 Mo UoPalte MoPacIflc Pacific 70H 70HNat 70 71 71lift 71AmCIOpt103 7 7Amcotopf103
AmCotOpMOJ AmCotOpMOJAm AmCIOpt103 107 Nat NI8CI NatShCollS Bis Co 113 113NstBtlCopf123 lift 114 116Amixpres90
Am AmPpre80 Amixpres90 Express 200 200Am 300 0 NstBtlCopf123 NstBtlCopf123Nat tlCpll 123 123I 13 13Am 123AtnIlIdeL
Am AtnIlIdeL Hide Ide At A L 7 i iAmllftLpf 8 t Nat NaiLead Lead La 88 88VatLeadpfllO 8 < la laAm 81 81Am1Lpf <
AmllftLpf Am 14Lpr 454 454Am 41 4 4S 467k n VatLeadpfllO VatLeadpfllONalMexlitp Sal La pfIO 110t4 110t4AmleeSec 0 0Am
Am AmleeSec Ice IrStc See 2t 2tArallncced 2 1 6 U NalMexlitp Uullp al li liNatMei2pf a aAm 62 62AmIIzteeed
Arallncced Am 1lncce aH 35 M MAm 17 1 7 NatMei2pf SIn Z pt 234 234NatEASCo 54 i ISli ISliAmUnpf 1
Am AmLnpr AmUnpf Lin pf 45 41 > j jAm 48 463 NatEASCo atr C 28 28NJCentral Ui 274 21 Z7 Z7Amtoco
Am Amtoco Loco L 50 50Am 1 59 1 > i ilift NJCentral NJCentraLS0B ICII30a 308 308WAD 312 alzAm 332AmIocopt
Am AmIocopt Loco L pf 113 113AmUaltC 13 lift 11 WAD D B3 B3NY I 93 93AmMaIIC
AmUaltC A IIC 61 6j 4 4AmMCpf 8 NY NYCentrI17 Central Centa 122M 122MNTCStL 11 11AmUCpr 12 12AmMCpf
AmMCpf 40 40AraSmeirc1004 43 NTCStL 62 62lllft 2 66 66Am 66Am
AraSmeirc1004 AraSmeirc1004Am Am 1IL ineItg I0i 10O 100INCSL i00 NYCSt tptO tptlOS 110 10 10ASmeltpfl1 I 10 10AmSmeItpflll
Am ASmeltpfl1 AmSmeItpflll Smelt pf 111 111AmSmSee lllft IIU1IYCSLIPr 1t1 NYCASLtpf 80 80NVNHA11157 O n nAmSmSe 5 5An5m5ec
AmSmSee AmSmSe t9tt t9ttAm 3 80 SOfi 01 NVNHA11157 NVNHA11157XorthAm NNUA 117 11157 138 111 33 33Amsnur30
Am SnuILaO Snuff 230 230Am XorthAm or 82 82NorAWesL I 824 I 5Z 5ZAmseuilpf
Am Amseuilpf Snuff Sul pf UI 54 54Am < 100 NorAWesL orA WnL 88 88NorAWpt 95I 95IAmSlF 8J
Am AmSI St Fy 65 dJVi dJViAmSucsr a5J 5 > NorAWpt Nor Wpl 88 88Nor 8 9 80 10 10Am 90AmSursrl2tT
AmSucsr Am AmSursrl2tT SIrIU 121U 121UAmSurarpfI2IM 12 Nor SorPalle1 NorFsct6o14 Pacific 142U 143 14 143Am
AmSurarpfI2IM AmSurarpfI2IMAmTAT AmSuraptUI Am Sugarpfl3l 1124 UZIODtWnt Out A West ol 4 48 48AmTAT18 49AmTTl39
AmTAT AmTAT18 AmTTl39 1384 1384AmTobpf 140 10 Pae PeCsl11 PaeCoast115 Coast 115 117 17 17AmTobpr 17AmTobpf
AmTobpf B5 B5Am 08 PI PacCoastlpflOl PacCoastlpflOlPacCoast2pfll8 PclpfOI 103 10 503AnWoot
Am AnWoot Wool 0 3 35s f fAnaronda 31 36t PacCoast2pfll8 PacCoast2pfll8padBeUall PaUpUla 118 111 11 11Anaconda
Anaconda Ad B BAtTASF121J IZ 52 a padBeUall PtAoWal 40i 40i1J1M 41 41AITSPUIIS 4 4AtT8SFl2Ih
AtTASF121J AtTASF121JAtTASFpfIOSM AITSPUIIS 1J1M IUHIPa6Te I14PscTeI4 PacTelATel ret 43 43104V 40 40a 40U5H 46AtT 1
AtTASFpfIOSM AtTASFpfIOSMAUCoaatL133 AITSPpf103 AtT 8Fpf1o3f 104V < PacTATpf PaTATpr PaeT Tpf 81 81i O U UAU 98AilCoaIL123 a
AUCoaatL133 AUCoaatL133BaltAOhloll8 AU etLua i 16 PennaRR PaRR 13m 13mH8 IUI U5H InHBtOhlo11 25w8tt
BaltAOhloll8 BaltAOhloll8Ball BtOhlo11 8tt OIaIo11 H8 1apeOLCIU1 1I > PeoOLACll3T PeoOLACll3T14J < 114 114BIAOpr 114fiaIlOpf
A 14J l4 4 PlttsburcC za 27 27i 278atoptlasU
Ball BIAOpr fiaIlOpf Opt BJ4 BJ4Batopllas II < PitburC Z
Batopllas Bpl II 14 14Beth 4 PltUbcCpf PI bo r UH UHPCCAStL sl i 12 12UO 1 92DethSterL
Beth Blb DethSterL Steel St 32 32pet 14 1 PCCAStL 88 88PCCASLpfilO l afr afrltethSIeeIpt
pet BUSlepr ltethSIeeIpt Steel pf 83U 83UnklyoRT 11 6si n 7 PCCASLpfilO PCCASLpfilOPrSteelCar pILprho UO UOOH 10nklaRT io8kIycBT
nklyoRT nklaRT 1V4 1V4DknUnOas157 71 7t 7tJ 7l PrSteelCar PStICr 50 50PSteelCpflO 10 OH lO lOBkaUaOU7 104BknUaQa157 < OHH7
DknUnOas157 DknUnOas157Brunswick II 161 PSteelCpflO PSteelCpflOPullPCar180 pStCplIOI H7 InBrlwk It7lIruflewick i
Brunswick Brlwk 17 17Butterick 1 I I Mi u PullPCar180 PullPCar180RyStSpc PIPCrUO 182 I 152Duttericit
Butterick 8ulrc 33 33Can 4 RyStSpc RStI8 48 90 90I33I 10CaSulb 0 0CanSouth
Can CaSulb CanSouth South U 8 S SCanPao 72 72UOM 7 RStSPlpfOI flr3lSpgptlOS Ita ItaCa 2C6cnPc1R0
Ca cnPc1R0 CanPao Palao UOU UOUOn UOM Ut Readlnr R Red1n 16 166L le 3e61 3e61ceaLesther
On 0 ceaLesther Leather Ller 4 41 4e U UCenLtherpM07 47 Readlstpt RChl pt 81 81Read I IS ISOLlept01j 93I 93ICenLtberpflO7i > <
CenLtherpM07 CenLtherpM07CbesAOhlo OLlept01j < IOU 10 Read Razcpr107 Readdpt107 2dpf 107 1078M 103 10 10Ce 305CbesiOhlo
CbesAOhlo Ce Ohio 80 o oCbl 8M I 90 RepubStftel ub Stel 44i 44iRep 441 45 41 45CSIIAIIOIS
Cbl OAII CSIIAIIOIS A Alton AltonCGI 66 < 67 Rep RepstelpflOaj p Steel St81 pfl03 pfl03J5 < 104 10 10CGIW 04 04COIW
CGI CGIW W new 33H 33HCOW 1t J5 311 Rock Rk Island Isac 4 4Rocklsldpf 4e7 y < 47 47oWn 47coWnewpf
COW oWn coWnewpf new pf t6H 6ti 6tiCblANW 6 63 3 3T193 Rocklsldpf 1 > 8 8SloasShet 87 8 7 7CbI4NW16
CblANW CblaNWlt CbI4NW16 IS2 IS2CkUAStP T193 fU SloasShet Slole 15 17 17CllllPla3JS 97Ch5t8StP15SS
CkUAStP CllllPla3JS Ch5t8StP15SS I5JH I5JHCMASPpflflSJi I33I StLASKtpf StL Sllpr 71 71StLA3F2pf38 7 24 a4CUSPpllt 24I 2L 2LCMPpf36a4
CMASPpflflSJi CMASPpflflSJiCCCAStL CUSPpllt 172 172IO 17 1 StLA3F2pf38 StLA3F2pf38StLSW StLASf2pr I 53 US USCCCStL 9 9CCCOtL
CCCAStL 79 79CCCASLpfiOl 7 IO IOI0 O5SILSW SlLS StLSW 124 124SWpf Ul i2t 3 3CCCSfpftol
CCCASLpfiOl CCCASLpfiOlColFMelAI CCCLpfOt I0 108S < iStl St 31l3Wpf SWpf 76i 76iISO 11 76 1i 1iCl 5 5CoIFueI4I
ColFMelAI Cl FrlA I 48M 48MColHCAI 48 38 81 91 ttP40ml50 P40m ISO ISOSo 10 I 110 110CIICI81 160 160COIIIC4I 0 0lJ3V
ColHCAI CIICI81 OUi OUiCOl DIi 91M 91MJ 91MManhattan II 9143oParI0c1S5 So Pacific 1334 1334So lJ3V lJ3Vft In InCI 135ColSouth <
COl CI ColSouth South Slh 61 61CDl I 1 U J So 5oPRSut PR IRSu Sue 81 81iStl I it ittot3olstpf ft
CDl CISIlpt tot3olstpf Sol it pf sm smColSo2dpf al 124 so SPlSu SoPRSugp11fl Ill Surpno p10 113 13 13CISd 113Colfiold
ColSo2dpf CISd Colfiold pt 80H 80HConOa ao 8H 14 Southern uUrn Ry R 32K a 24 3 3ConGail j
ConOa OOUO 1SOH 1SOHCornPdRef 156 157 17 57 SoRypf SRypl 7 TriHTennCop 73 73SB 7 33OrnPdflef
CornPdRef Cn Pne 2J 11 254 > i iCorn riHTennCop UU TmD ClP 8 8Texas > SB 39Corn 8 8Cm
Corn Cm P I Ref ne p 8 83I Ss SsDel I S Texas Pac Pa U UOelotuclal 134 3 3DeIHudlal
Del Oelotuclal DeIHudlal A Hud Ill IllDel 182 I TlrAv ThlrdAy Third A v 18 18ti5 II 184 11 134DeILW595
Del OeLAWU1 DeILW595 LAW 585 585DenARG ti5 Ia rat rSIL4W LAW sj4 sj404TStLWpf Ul 52 131 63i 63iDen
DenARG DtnAnOO Den flO 50 50DenAIIOpf 04TStLWpf 10iSILWpt 71 71De4UOpt 73 73Den4llOpt
DenAIIOpf De4UOpt 83U 83UDlsSecur tll 8St lalTlnCt11 lSTwInCltylI5 34 Twin City City37li 116 11 116DtsSecur
DlsSecur DIlr 3 361j li i iDSSAA 37li n UnBafAP In 1 P 12 12I7 I 134 1 13 13DSSA
DSSAA 17 17DSSAApf 1 7 I7 In I7I < UnBarPpf 73 7 76 76co 71 76DSApt
DSSAApf OSSA pt 22 3J4 3J4DuPontPpf t3 3 UnPsclrtc Vn plc I8 18p1 7 < co coICJj coDuPoatPpf 0 0Du
DuPontPpf Du PlnlPpl 87 87Erie t 7 88 II 5 LnPaepf In pcprlo I02M I02MUnion ICJj loa loare 103Erie
Erie re 331 331Erlatstpf 32 131 33 Union Unio IThlonRInv RInr R Inv 42 42UnRInrpf 4 43 43Irlellpt1IS 431rieltpf
Erlatstpf Irlellpt1IS 5li 5liErle2dpf lL UnRInrpf 71i 71iOM 71 724 724ill 72 72Eriedpf I
Erle2dpf rrOZd pt 40 40Fed 10 OM 0 UnCUarpf Va Clur pt108 109 109LnDryOdsll8Vf ill illUO II IIFella4S IIIPedMlo4S
Fella4S PedMlo4S Fed Win AS 70 70PedUASpf 8 LnDryOdsll8Vf UnOr018 UO 10 10Fe9pl 20 20FedMSpf
PedUASpf Fe9pl 87 87GenEleo 81 5 UnDryOpflI2i UnDryOpflI2iIS8 laDrOprIZ I l3 l3GenEIeo
GenEleo Ge rleo lfl 1181S 3554 j jGt IS8 11 59 USCI USCrpe Pipe J0i 30t J0i3V 114 Z1 Z1GiNorttpft40 Ii IiGI10rlpr10
Gt GI10rlpr10 GiNorttpft40 North pf 140 140GtMOctfs l10 O cscrppr 1 3V 3VUS 34 > 44 UiGINOetr7U 744GiNOcti
GtMOctfs GINOetr7U 71U 71UHarvester 78 78i4l 71 US Express133 USrpretn Express133USRItyAI 126 126U4 USHaelor 126Huvrter123
Harvester Haelor Huvrter123 123 123Harvter i4l 13434 USRItyAI CSRlyl L8Rlty l 124 124US UI U4 HISHulrpfIH 4 4Harvterpf137
Harvter HulrpfIH Harvterpf137 pf 127 127Havana 118 11 US VSReR USRe4R Red A R a aUSRARpf I 9Havan 12 IZHaaa
Havana Haaa El ElHavana 88 8 USRARpf tSRRpf1 LS 049 p1 2 2US 6 32 32r7 Uavlapr 32Havanapf
Havana Havanapf avlapr pf B3Vj B3VjHockVretslOS 111 93 88 8n 9014 US U3flubber Rubber 904 904USRublpf1154 II 3 3HockVrctal0S
HockVretslOS HockVretslOSHockValpt HokVrtIOa 120 120CO 10 20 USRublpf1154 USRublpf1154US USRubl plIU II 116 116HockVipf
HockValpt HockValptIllinois to US USRubZpt Rub 2 pf 824 824USSteel U 24 tl 314 314IlllnoisCen146
Illinois Ilaol IlllnoisCen146 Cenl4 Cenl4InterBMet C18 147 17 USSteel 87U 87U4H 8 57 r7 r7124U tH tHrltDAeL f71C53lflMeL
InterBMet rltDAeL z4H Z4 ii iiIntDMetpf 34 4H US USSlelprU4 U3SteeIpf Steel pf 124 124Utah 124U 124Usn 14 14Into 124hInt4lMatpf
IntDMetpf Into 1et pI 80 0 0Int < 60 O Utah Ut UtabCopper Copper Cppr 18 55 8 8K 8VaCarpf > sn 31lalpaper
Int IIIPapr lalpaper Paper 15 15Int 134 II 13 VaCar V 554 K 884 UiIntPaperpt 56 56lntPaperpf
Int IntPaperpt Paper pf 5 5Int l I 9 VaCarpf VarprUa K K33U 136 If IfInl 29 29lnlPump
Int lnlPump Pump Pmp 93 93Int 1 5354 33U U Vulcan Vula Vulcanflet Det Det 22 UlnlPmppt 7 78H 7IniPumppf
Int lnlPmppt IniPumppf Pump pf 8 8Iowa sn > > 104 8 Vulcan VuleaDit VulcasDf Dcf 78 7 i iWabash S 8H 8H14H II 511lowaCentyaJ
Iowa 10WaCenlra lowaCentyaJ Central 28K 28KlowaCentpf 281 Z8 Wabash Vbh I4 I4Wabashpf HI 14H 4 4IIWaCenipr iIowaCenlpf
lowaCentpf 54 54KandtySo 1 5 33 Wabashpf ft3 ft3WellsF 1 554 > r 16 16Kanatyflo 6
KandtySo KDCtyS 421 421ICanCSopf U < UI 4314 WellsF WelF Wels F Kx170 F10 180 180I4 180KanCSopr 90 90KanCSopf
ICanCSopf 70 70LaeledeCasll4 71 7 Westhouao Wloul 81 sU < 84 84LacIedeGasI14 I4 I4BI4 H HLledeG14
LaeledeCasll4 LaeledeCasll4Lake LledeG14 1141 14 WeitMdot etldol ftl ftls BI4 I 514LakEAW lS lSwke
Lake LakEAW E AW W4 24 24Lone 1 tS s 1 WestUnTs WelVaTa1a 79 79C3 764 7648K 7a 7aLEWp 704LE4Wp
LEWp LE4Wp al C3 e Wheel WelLE WbeellsLS ALE Bi 8 9LonrlsInd < 8K 8K2I 8J
Lone Lqrlland1 LonrlsInd Island AS 6 70 WALEIpf WLF1 ALFI pt 2U 21 21LouNtsh15814 1 2I 2IEx 211 <
LuNahUIS LouNtsh15814 137 16 IVALEJpf WALEptIi 114 114UB II 24
Manhattan UahlLala7 UB g uCentral WICeal 41J4 4 it U II IIEs 61 61Ez
Ex dividend tEa tr rIghts rlcbtvMVP rlh rlhIvt rIghtsllvs
MVP Ivt Stock Market MarkrtMONDAY MarketMoNDAY arkrtMONDAY
MONDAY January 10 10nrlpt 0 0Receipts
Receipts of beet beel beeves e > for two days ll were 3402 bead
Inrludlnr 258 M rare for slaughterers Iaurhlrer and exporters exportersand
and nd 33 for the market Steers SIr nerelnllcbtsupply nerelnllcbtsupplyand were er II In Irhupply Irhupplyr tiabi esprlr supply supplyattd
and steady to strong best steers lOc 1 blgber I IIrae
r bulls and cow r steady r to firm r the t yards n were werei werecleared
i cleared Irae Medium to t prim plme steers ler sold sd at 1 1323Q Z4
M IU 590 to per las 10 Ibs lb oxen osn at 1 14413 aUI bulls bl at 1 t3 7i 7i8V30 70
8V30 1 pr rows at 1 aaa41 JJOa 2Ois443 4 43 belfers bele at t 13so4l7resleed MiweM I
l nrtd l7resleed > re e d beef was u rather slow Iow at a Hallo 1110 for com common cornmon em emmon ¬
mon to t extra u tra native nauveedesWelterndressedTexan nauveedesWelterndressedTexanbecfat745ic sides ld Western Wlr dressed drse Texan Texanbeef Tesnt
beef becfat745ic t at7tt it c Latest LateatUverpool M Liverpool and London cables cablesquoted cablesCuoted
quoted ItvecatUn a selllnc er at iraHc perlb dressed dressedwfUht dressedwelh1
wfUht wrllhi Kxports to day da 3M beeves beevesKei bve1tlpt beevesltevetpta
Kei 1tlpt ltevetpta rlpta aprt of calves alv for two tWI day were r 1742 bead beadIn h h111dln beadlnlcudlnr
In 111dln lnlcudlnr loud In it 789 718 for butchers bulher and nd 873 81 for Hie te 58 market
Val were In demand dtmand at a full lullay steady prices preea barn barnyard brn brnan barnyard ¬
yard an calves re slow Westerns WCllm a fraction lower The Thepens Te Teptn Tbepen
pens ptn were wtre cleared Common to choice bor veal sold soldat ald aldII
at II 1 I74UI150 naat per 1M 10 lbs I culls clls at 1 S3ttt8 IM 1330 3O barn barnarrt br barnyard
Lard yard arrt calves llve at t W73 137531450 711U I44O Westerns Wlm at 1 14 4451375 4451375Dressed CI7 CI7ttlf 3 73 73Drrsned
Dressed calves quiet e at loaioc l for city dressed dressedeals dreasedeaIs
eals titl44c ttlf 1 for country n dressed fl fldr TaiOc for fordrrated totdressed
dressed dr barnyard and a fed calves calvesReceipts calvesReceipts
Receipts pc of r sheep and lambs a for r two tw days da were wereBrM wereII were15raa
BrM II > M head d Including Includn 324 cars tor f alaucnterers alaucnterersand alaUr lrr
and 134 for the market Ij Sheep Shtp ruled rule firm with withRght withSght li
Rght hl oneilntn lambs were ue Arm to iSo Il hither hitherand hlber hlberan higherand
and an M rme some > me sates 11t 23c hit bllber higher tier with 11 a rood oG clearance clearanceCommon clearanceCommon Iraee IraeeCommo
Common Commo to choice sheep shtP sold old at 1 14KM aUtl per 100 100Ibs 10 00Ibi
Ibs lb rulln ull at UIII 2 ZJSOetlS30 30 tl150 ordinary nnlnay to t choIce boe pr lambs lambaat lamb
at t Mrt SIIO 13451940 i40 culls Iul at V3OAUSOyearllna III rlnr at atKit alSI
Kit SI Oreuod Uroe mutton steady llldy at eailc 8Gle per Ib Ibdressed lbdr1id Ibdressed
dressed dr1id lAmb lmb firm frm at 1 124tl3e Utfl country oualr dressed dresiedhothouse dressedhothouse pr
hothouse bOlboulamblo lambs lambeslow slow at atllSIO atl Mot lOperrarcaa 5loperrarcsuflecetpta lOperrarcaaRcrelpta cres cresbOlboulamblo
Rcrelpta Rtlpt of bogs blCS lor two days prear were wr 10837 108 bead ha
Ineludlnr about aboistsearload a cirtoad rrl for tbe Ie its market mat Price Pricefirm Pr pg3 pg3firm
Ifdudlafbl firm al 9l045 10 826 per 100 tbc lb country treated
g dre dreJ dre1M
hogeadyaW412cpsrl6 hots s steady a at I04 l 4c perlb iit J
1M I lt jl
Dealings Dlnn In I the curb market ckat tay today were wereof wereof wereof
of small mal account acount The copper stocks stoh dis displayed dl dlplayed dlplayed ¬
played a very firm tone coppr In In the themorlnl room znoriiln znoriilnhours In ir
hours hou and higher prices prlel were ero recorded recordedby recrdd recrddbyNenda recordeby
by byNenda Nevada Consolidated Consoldatd Olrouz Miami MiamiRay MiamiRay laml lamlRy
Ry Ray Central Cntrl and liar Consolidated Conloldated Kerr KerrLake KerrLke KerrLake
Lake Lke and OoldOeld Consolidated Conloldted also alsoshowed ailo ailoahowe alsoehowed
showed ahowe Improvement After noon pro pronounced pro pronounced ¬
nounced nounMd dulness dulnels prevailed and prices prlcel
lost lot all sl their previous prevaie advance American
Tobacco Tobco fell fel further but United Unied l Cigar Clrar
Manufacturing lanuracturlnt rose rOI a couple of f points
Transactions Tanlctons In detail deti In the tie market marketwere
today tday were as al follows followsOptn
Optn OMI High 11 Loie Leutit l Clot CI
sale Sat Inc In SQ tit I tit titSOO t In InAm
20 Am Lt A Trac Ta IracO 300 SOO 300 300 3
10 Am Lt L A Trio Tra pf10 pr 10 10 t 100 10 109 10941B 10
288 Am AmTobseeo418 Tobacco Toba 418 41810i 421 1 418 414 41B 418IH
824 IH AtOulf A A0u1t4Wl Gul AWL W I 10i 10 104 10 104 104I5l 10 104 10 10lcmo
1000 10 Bay B State StatcGa Ga 1318 I I 1318 1 la I5l 1318 1316 1316MM 13la
3550 3 British BrUah Col Cop 89 8 84 84BOO M 8 al 54 < a 511 511Botoa
BOO 1 Boston Bton Con Cop 22 22 21H n MM
1200 1 Butte Bute Coalition ColtOD 27 71t 1 274 2H 27W 7 2751 2
1500 1 Braden Copper Copp 4 Ht J 41319 131 4 J 4 41m
1000 10 Butte Dtl New York Yorl 14 Ii 14 l I i 14 H HCnaln
2500 Canadian Cnaln Ms Co 84 81 8Jf 8 8 8 aM
8800 M Cobalt Cb1 Central Central 22 22 214 214 21
7020 7 Con Arizona Arzn 3J 14 3 3819 1 371 3719 31 37161x
1200 12 Comb Cmb Fractions Fralon 38 S8 35 8 38 38S
100 10 Chicago Chea o Subway B 3 3 S 1
1 5400 Cblno Chno Copper Coppr 124 1 12N u 124 124 1 1DvDly 214Dv1sDaIy
300 Davis DvDly Dv1sDaIy Daly Eatale 4 41 4115 18 4 4118 4135Ol00ElyCon 11
8500 I Ol00ElyCon Ely Fly Con 81 8 84 84MOO I 4 83 83SH 3 84 MEI
MOO Ely EI ElyCentrsI Central Cnlrll 2718 2lt 24 SH SHa 4 271 2718U 718 718Flnl
200 First Natl Cop 4 84 84xm a a t 8U al 6
xm f Florence 24 21118 11 H 42l116 42l116lion 1
lion 17 Goldfleld Con 7 7 8 714 7 7U 741cJ
1000 10 Greene Grao Canines Cnaac 11JI 11I UK Il MM 11 11 I 1111
3100 10 Glroux Grux GlrouzCopper Copper Cppr 124 1 12i I2U I 12 1 2 11 lh lhN9l
500 Glla Copper Copp 104 IOI 104 10 lOll 10l ioj 101 IflIt
2400 tO 400 Inspiration las lrlol Cop Cp 8H 8 9 81518 1131 9 OH 9 8n 8nKer 9
6000 5 Kerr Lake 10 10L 10La
Ker 10H 10109l6105l6 10H10 108110111 81810 518 104 1044M
300 La L Rose RoS 4T441318 1 413la 4M 4441515 4441515ica 4 1518 11 11I
10 I ica J Ilaml Miami Copper Coppr 284 28H 28 274 1 274 H HUlne
200 00 Mines Co of II Am SO 50 M 0 1 50 0
800 1 Manhattan Uahlail Trans Tra 2 318 14 2 318 I = 4 I 0n Zl 214
3700 0 NevadaUtah NevaaUab llj I 1i Itf 1 17 llj H n 11 1 <
400 Nlplsstag Mplotr U ILCo Co IOH 10 10H 10 IO4 IO 0 104 10SN 10
23 3 N Y Auto Locker Lker 7 74 > 7 7I < 7 714 > 4 7 7I
6000 1 Nevada Sea NevadaCon Con Co Mln Iln 27 2 T7j n nOhio 38 > i
3000 Ohio ObloCopper Copper CopperBOO Coppr 5 51 44 BH I 6 I H 51eon
BOO 1 Precious Prco U Corp 14 i 111 11 1i IN I
1700 17 Ray Cons ConsIMOO 27 2 7 274 2o9 61 2S j
IMOO nay ltaCentraI Central Centralso CeltI 4 431831318 4 18 1111 4 4Stadar 4al
so standard Stadar Oil 01 Oil635 W 840 BSOU tl 91l MO MOSSolronStpf 80
88 SSolronStpf So S Iron Irn A 6 St pf pI 32 1 52 1 e 1 S2
250 Tonopah Tonoph M 1 of N 61 IJ 67j 7 ON tH 6 7 7I
0900 I Union Mines 1lnea 24 14 i 24 3 518 3ta 3taUnlle 2H 51
400 United Unlle Copper Coppr 84 8i 84 84S4 8 i s I
770 7 United Unie C curl Mfg Co 824 8242H 8 92 S4 I 024 1i 1iUO 92 024 024i
1400 UO U S LlgbtHeat UlhlHeat 2H 2HVttttraav 51 2j 2jLSUghtll J i 2H 2H
200 U US LSUghtll S LlghtH Uabt1 pf pf1100Yukon 8 i 84 8 84 s s10ukon 5l1t00Vukon <
1100Yukon 10ukon Gold 4131 4 1518 41518 41316 4 4J 445la 41441516 41441516SOlID 4 1518
BOMBS SOlIDscm 010
13000 Blngham BnlhmCeals DlngtamCent6s Cent 8s 88U 8 8aY Wf 8 M M 5914 > U W 8 <
78000 7 Chi Or W 4s Uw w I 81 81 8O4j I I 5051 5051Cons > H
2000 Cons Arizona AEon Ss I 5 67 7 88 t 87 89 al
23000 23 Jones A I LM L LI k 1014 101 1014 1011 1014 10t 1014 10lj 301 3011a3
18000 11 1a3 NY NYTel N YTeI Tel 44s 41 414 8 1 9651 BSH t 04 8 M4 1 6 6eMoP5afpdwl
28000 eMoP5afpdwl Mo Ao P I Ss 1s f pd p W I MU D 03W t 501423e IS I 86 Q
25000 23e Mo Io Pac Pa 3s 1s f pd p 854 4 854 11 834 8 t 9514 9514Western W W4WOOO
4WOOO < Western Wetera Pac Pa as 87H DJ 979 8T D 9711 0 9751 7 07 D DCUll 9751 9751CURB > i iCVRU
Vttttraav Vttttraavma yt rav Saturday SaturdayBid Slurdau SlurdauId
ma Id Asked Bid Bi Asked AHedSCO AdAm AskedAm
Am Light llbl A Traction TractionAmerican Tton 300 301 3 SCO 3O3 3 300American
American Ameren Tobacco Tobar Tobacco415 418 418Am 411 419 421 41 423 4 423Am
Am Writing Wrltal Paper Ppr 24 24Am 14 2 34 3iAm 314Am
Am Writing Wrtnl Paper pf 24 4 4Alanle C7 C7Atlantic 23 27 271U 37Atlantic
Atlantic Alanle Oilf Q1 A W L r 104 10 10 114 114Atlantic 1 104 10S 1U lH lHAIlantc 11 11Atlantic <
Atlantic AIlantc Gulf A W I pf pt1 274 274Bay 27 29 274 2748M 1S 1SB 2 30 30flay
Bay B State SLte Gas 94 4 4British ° 1 4 < 4 H HBItaCI 4BrItlatiCoi
British BItaCI BrItlatiCoi Col Copper Cppu 8K s 84 84Boston 8 51 8M si 8 8Boston 1
Boston Bstn Con Ca Copper Cppr 214 U 2m 2mButte 1 214 H HBUll 224 224M 3211Butte =
Butte BUll Coalition Callon 27 274 274Central 7 7Cnlr1 27 M 35Central
Central Fimndry tuundr pf 10 15 IICobalt 10 13 1 1 1Cobalt
Cobalt Central Ctnfra 214 2S 224 224Comb = I 21 I ICmb 22 32Comb
Comb Cmb Tractions FrctoD 35 40 40CumberlandEly 4 35 35A 40 4 40CumberandEty
CumberlandEly 8 9 9Chicago S 10 10Cblar 10Chicago
Cmbrlnd Ey 10ft
Chicago Cblar Subway Sub 4J4 41 S SDavitDaly 4 451 5 ft4l 5DavlsUI 5DavlUaly
DavitDaly DavlsUI Estate sttt 4 I 4 4I > s sFirst 4A 4 4l6H 4l 4 4e 4eFirst
First National XUoal Copper Coppr 8 6H 6HFlorence ll 8 A I 6H 6HAm 651Florence
Florence Flornr 2S 1 2f S i 1Goldileld 2U 2UGoldfleld
Goldfleld Gldfelc Con Cn 7M 7 TU 1 7 0l 016 040 7 1118 1118Olroux 111 1116Olrouz
Olroux Gru Copper CPlr 124 II U4 1 114 1 1t1 12 12Greene I IGtneCAnnea 12GreeneCananea
Greene GtneCAnnea GreeneCananea Cananea t 114 I 11 1 1151 It 11U I 1t3 I1U I1UGuggenheim 1 1114Guggenheim
Guggenheim Esplor Esplorlvana 345 290 245 250 250Havana 230havana
Havana lvana Tobacco Tobac 84 Ili S I I 8 8 8Hat aIlnna 8havana
Ilnna Hat havana ana Tobacco Toba pf 11 10 20 10 10Inlematonal 20 20International 0 0International
International Inlematonal Salt Si 3 a 4 8 8Inplrlon 5InspiratIon
Inspiration Inplrlon Copper Coplr 8 811 1118 814 8 OH 151lnternatlonI Ml MlInternational D
International IntrnUoMI Smelter Smeler ISO 11 140 lo 40 ISO 1 100 100Kerr 10 Ii IiKerr
Kerr Ker Lake Lke 104 IOS 10 I 10 118 III 10 318 318La 316La 18 18L
La L Rote 11 4 451 S 1 4tf 51 3 3Miami 5Miami
Miami tlaml Copper Cppr 2 2751 < H 274 H itfs h 4 274 274Mon 3714Sian 7HUGnSoaone
Mon UGnSoaone Shoshone Con Ca 1 1H 1 I IH IHManhattan I IlMhalt 51 51Uanhattan
Manhattan lMhalt Transit TanI 2 24 V t 24 24NeiHlaUuh 214NevedcUtah 1 1NelaUth
NeiHlaUuh NelaUth 1 IJ U I 14 < 1 III 111 1M 1MNenhouse I INehoua 151Newhousr
Nenhouse Nehoua SH Si 31 31Norther 374 7 < 4 4Northern 4Northern
Northern Norther Sec S stubs stubsl ion 10 no 10 loo 10 00 no noNlplsslng 10 10NlplsIDI 130Nipisslag
Nlplsslng NlplsIDI Mines IUn 104 10i lH 10 2O W ICS 1044 IOH IOHNevada I INovd 054Nevada
Nevada S A U Hi 1 1 II Ill I 14 14Ne I INenda 1Nevada
Ne Nevada ada Con Mines IUn 28 651 27 7 2834 J 1 < 27 27Ohio 27Ohio
Ohio Copper Cppr 5H 5 54 S 711 1l 34 34Ray 11 5 5Ray
Ray R Cons Cn 2A4 S 2 274 f1 J < 211 Wj WjSo i iS
So S Iron Irn A l Steel tt w Li I 22 24 24So 4 22 24 4 4Irn
So Iron Irn A l Steel Stc pf w wi I M 1 M 5 5Standard an 1 55 MStndard ssStandard
Standard Stndard Milling Mllnr 184 18 20 20Standard 3 18 18tnard Ie4 < 20 20S7 toStandard
Standard tnard Milling Mtln pf 574 61S 58 58Standard 11 S7 17S 574 < i 50 508S 51 soStandrd
Standard Stndn Oil 01 1 M MS M MTrlllulllon 8S t es 882 882l 8 M MTrlilulllOn
Trlllulllon Trlulon I 1 118 118Tonopah 111 l I 118 III 116Tonopah
Tonopah Mining Inln 6 8 64 7 TUnited 1 74 > i 8 8Unltd attulted
United Unltd Copper Coppr 7 754 8 8United 8 > 0 I gUnited
United Ual Copper Cppr pt 21 30 30United 3 21 1 M 3 30United
United Unie Cigar Clra K4 IS St M Mbutton 1 01 01 M 1 03Yukon
Yukon Gold 44 3 3BONDS 4 1318 1311 3
BONDS BONDSAdams IONI 8080tdama
Adams Fipress r1pr 4s 4 824 IS M 024 024Am 034Am 914 1
Am Writing Wrlno Paper Papr 5s 1s 5 874 37 11 s9 I7S I7SAlanUt T4 T4Atlantic 88 88TSlf 4s 4sAtlantIc
Atlantic AlanUt Gulf ul A l W13s W 11 I Is 704 7S 7 7 72 72 72Cons 7 TSlf 7 73 73Cons
Cons Con S S Sos 4s 21 1 1Mo 24 22 22Mo t 24 24Mo
Mo Pacific PacOc rol cl As I 054 IS I t 5014 H 054 054WeMrru 95 85 8507M 9551 9551Vcsterit >
WeMrru stm Pacific Patne 5s I 3 07H 11 91 07 D 77 > 074 074an 8S 07M 07MTHE 8i 8iriE 974TIlE
IlllLADELritlA lIILnELPIU Jan 10 loJohlrh 10Lehigh I hlgh Valley Valleycontinued Valey Valeycontnue Valleycontinued
continued to hold the centre of Interest InterestIn Inllrsl
contnue In our market t It I opened opned at 110 10 old up upto upto upto
to 1IOS 0 during durlnl the I early trading tr dlnl but cloned clonedal
al t the thllow low point pint of the day da IOA lOl The rent rentof rtor restofthe
of ofthe the li list Rt t while hle active Rclve showed no outstand outstanding oltland oltlandnl outatarujfesture ¬
ing feature reture Trading TrdlDf In Cambria Cmhrla Steel Htelwas SIII SIIIwa SteelWa
wa nl quite quie heavy heavlhe the close cole being bln fractionally rractlnal
below blow the opening o nlnt price pric bonds Bondl were wereactive wereactive re reIctle
active Ictle und firm In tone toneop ton
tonespec op 01 spec n IIfg4 I l l Let Clot CloSal ClotSales
Sales tfl eg sI fttg n nU
Sal 41 American Am Ame11canCernent6 rn CementM Cmenl 28 s 28 35 35aa
1882 18 aa American AmtrM Rwjs Rwjsm n 418 41151 49 e1154 S SI 454
m I Camttrla Camlra Iron 4414 I 4554 sst4 1
1841 Camlirta mlr Steel A2U A2U11O 1U 1 sz st
30 11O Hlec Ie lleeCoofAm Co of Am 12s 12s8Kl I IJ 173 U 144 1 UH
bid a rieclrlc rteetrlcstorsee Storare O 82 82to a 63 62 a aen
to f Falrmount r U P Tr 7 7 Ii 7 ai ai10la 7 7lOIS
lOIS Hen Cen Asphalt Asphalt6O1 354 3 33 3 3214 3 3254 i
6O1 11 Gen Ctn Asphalt Aph1 pf N 544 I 8454 1 33 ss ssIon
Ion 10 Keystone Tel Tel17O T I 13 U 13 3
17O 17 Lake Lke Lakosuptorp bun 5U Corp 35 I 2354 8 Z ZI 25 35
104 Lehlch Coal A N N323 121 123 132 izx
408 L I LC C A lhl lhlOflte N Npf nf Oflte tr trctfslt ctfs igl 1224 122411JJI m 52254 m 32 m 1st
11JJI 11 Lehtgh Lehl b Valley I 110 10 10 11054 lo 308 10 105
790 7i Mfg NorlKm Rubber ubbr 4 14 I II
10 Northern Central118V2 CentralllS 111 lisIg 135
42 < 2 Penna Penos6altMfg Salt Sil cntIlat Mfg 1 tl IOA 10 10 108 1111 10 10 18 18z 1M 1Mz
2200 z Philadelphia Plaliphi Co M 13 1 53 1 5214 3244
89 8 Phlla Pbla PhilaCopt Co pf 11 48 41 44 4 Zti I 6
3821 31 Phlla Phla Electric F111IC 144 I 14 I 14 Uu I 4
2290 Phlla Phi Rapid Rpid Trans Trl 28 35 37 i i z7 z7Toleo
200 03 Toledo Toleo Ry A L 1 14M I 14 11 35 I 14 15 15Toaopb 1
5 Tonopah Toaopb 8T Ii 64 81 64 6 i a a11M 6liSST050pahRelmonI
1155 liSST050pahRelmonI Tonopah Belmont 1 I Ifil
481 fil Union Traction Traction8AM Trtoa 1 52 1 52 1 53 1
8AM 1135 United Un I Gas Imp 04 95 044 I 9 9lOoWarwlcklS
I 100 10 lOoWarwlcklS Warwick Wanck I A S 1a 1114 I 1tI II 1i5 II
18 9 Welsbach b Co 3q54 6 3o
11 Ir West WesiJerey4S Jersey A SBOHpa S 53 05 W es as assown
sown BOHpaI42OO BI
I42OO 439 Am Gas C A Flee PIe 6a 1 87 878ooo 17 8714 a 57 8 87 871lse
8ooo Kleo YIC A PraTT Pt T 4s 01 0178M 9 I II 0 8t
1 78M 1 Lebtgh Lblrb T 1st 44s101 IOZ la 1054 Io J024 la 102 102534U
15000 1M Lehlcb Lhlrh Val al Gen Gm 4s 09 t 964 1 96 t oe t ae51
3000 a Lehlgh Coal Cl 3s ioa IO IOla 10 10054 10 10li 030 i 10 109
24010 2f Lehlgh Lbllb O 2d 7s 2s10lt toil 10 301 10154 101 107o
7000 7 7o Lehlgb Lhl h Vann an ann 4jiimj 441l2 lU1a 1Z 1254 Il 1t214 ll llNote
MOO Nor Note A Prs PortiTrSs64 Ports Tr T is 6 84 84IOOOO N t 4 ut 5 54
IOOOO 1 Phlla Phi PhllaCot15s Co C 1st 11 Bs BsMOO 10 305 1M 1M IB 303 303SisXS
MOO 8 Phil Phla Elec Flee 4s 4 il 71 131 7674 7 17
2300 Z Phil Phi El r1 Illd gold 5s 5sIOOO 1 5 10 102 tol 103 II 192 10 103
IOOO 10 ttpanlih tpla Am m I 8s S Ia 10294 II 1Otk 10 jolj IIZ 20254
127000 1 Un Ry IY 1 cot cl tr BS BSTUE I Ml 9654 17 81 M a4 a7 a7THE 87Till
CHICAGO Jan 10 10Tradln 0Trading Trading In the local localhsren loealhlR localshares
shares hlR was wa without Itholt feature reture today todl Deal DoalInRA noalInJ Deallflg3
InRA InJ were light Ithl and price pric changes chanitl Innlir Innlirnlncant tnMII insignificant
nlncant nlncnt The bond were 1ere fairly active activeat
at recent recnt Quotations QuotationsSalet lotaLons lotaLonsSaw aLve aLveat
Open tilth tilthint Low do doSale
Sale Saletzoo Saw or int ln Set Z elf tie tieass Ot
zoo 2 American mcra Can uf 1354 1 1351 13 134 I Imr 1351
200 00 AmerCan mr Caa nf 8051 1 110 0
300 3 AmerTel A 4TeI Tel Tel I 340f4 1 140h UO II 140 II
163 15 Booth 81 Fish Fab pf 7 12 11 734 7 73 7 7I 734
2 8 1 Cbl Pneu Peu Tool Tol 404 404 4054 40
10 Cbl Ry Series Sre L 110 1 107 107SJ4 41 10 107 1 107 1 1 1lY 107 41
103 Chl Il Ry Seriea L 2 SJ4 iS l2j 3254 5334 H HIH
118 lY ChI Ry Seriea 3 16 16 14 15
174 74 Cbl Cblll Ry Series Sr 4 8 8IM U 9 19 I o
IM I Chicago 8 ChlragoTel N Tel J IM4 1 mS 133 333 35
18 ChI Title A Trust l 145 146 its i46
82 4 Cora COl Edison Fdbon EdIson21 121 UI 21 11 35 UI
80 1 Diamond Dmond Match UalhI Mateisl27 127 12 327 1 531 1 1IO 131 131Ito
Ito IO Illinois IIDo hick Drk BO 1 0 1 ee 1 ito 1 so
33 1 Kan C Ry A L pf 71 7 1 73 70 7034 3054
50 3 3OMe1llpt Met Jel Cl I pf 55 M 1 55 101 M
15 National Bis pf 121 334 24
10 3 National NaUonslCarbonlIl t = Carbon til m 1 151 1 III m mtlO Ill IllonPcoplesGas
2 onPcoplesGas o Peoples tlO Gaa Its l IIS 114 14
25 3 Quaver Oats pt pf 105 1J 05 106 l1 100
324 2 Sears 13earsRoebuck araRbuck Roebuck 18I 18 654 11 163 18Ui 11 16151
75 71 Hears ears n Roe pf Kl 12 1 321 11 131 11 121
785 71 Mtreeta SlreIt titreetaSisCar Sta Car 44 4551 4 n 41 49 41 4754
408 SwIft Swi t A CO 100 IO 10051 10 10054 10 10011 u 10 l00 4
41 418 11 United lallb Unttedbox bo i Board Dar 13 1 131 1 la 1314 13 13q 1354
27 79 1 Western WMlm Westernutone atone ne 21 2154 1 32 IIH Ii
203 Canal Caa A Dock Dk 31 31VOMDI 31 51 I II 5 5POND
14ono alt Con Gas 3s I 1024 1024liooo 1 < 1 10i 10214 10 lo3 lo31Ufl3ChlRy3
liooo 10 1Ufl3ChlRy3 Chl Ry Ryl as ifliM ifliMIOOO 101 101 1014 101 10 1C1 l01
IOOO 10 l Com Edison UIID As t 10 1021 U 101 I 10214 H Ion 703
liooo 10 Morris oma E r 44s 4 454 M 1 93 1 sll slli00OMeiIt4 I I
i00OMeiIt4 < 4000 Met UolFU K 4s 84 84BOOO I 1 4 N 84
BOOO S05OttoSldeE4 Ho 8d d < El 4s 04 04MK 1 1 4 I si 1 4
MK 09TooiM > Tool M M I sa is I as
1 rt f 1J I f 1 I h
ttneat feat beat Ends Ed Silently SUsbtt Lewer LWeetr LowerWevator Heritor IB IBtereati I I Itereiti
tereati terets Sell 8clReeelpt SellReceipts Receipts Irce Lr LsrgeAigea LsrgeAigeatine Arcea Arceatine Ae Aetn8
tine tn8 Newi Bnlllih Bllom BnltlthCOFfl Corn and a Oats Oat Do Dortlne De DeUne Doeline
rtlne Then Tl Rally RallyTbe RaU RaUThe RallyThe
The wheat speculation peulaton was 1 a narrow narrowprofessional Darw Darwprrelona narrowprofessional
professional prrelona affair aalr with wit prices prcea irregular irregularThey Irnll IrregalarThey
They ended ende at a small maldelne decline Elevator ElevatorInterests Eleatr Eleatri ElevatorJinterest
Interests Tey continued contiue to sail aal May and ad pit pittraders pi pI pIltrsdere
i traders also als sold oldthat ld that month as well wel as asJuly asJuly
July traei for abort account aoount at times tmes Bear Bearcontend Bara Baracontend I3earacontend
contend that the worlds yield Ield for 11 the season seasonwas SD
I was 400000000 te bush larger larger er than tba In the theprevious theprevious
buh lr te teI
I p 1 preloua previous 000 year Also Als that It Is I what U I known knownJD IQwn IQwnla kn wn wnIn
I T JD In popular parlance4ts a milking mlklnlllmarket market marketwith piarxet piarxetw
with wit w IUi ppular prominent prminent prlanoea cash c Interests Intrt nlllng n lot th throle te terle thrOle
role of milkers mlkrs Good Go rains were reported reportedall reprt
all rle over India with the crop prospects prspt ex excellent excalent oxoellent ¬
cellent sl Liverpool fell Kto H 3 t to tfd dL Influenced Influencedby nuence
calent by Increased Iverpl worlds worldl shipments shlmen and ad the thefact thefat thetact
fact fat IncreaRe that the United Unit Kingdom Kingdom t4M tok took 5s4o 5840000 5840000buab MOpoo MOpoobush
bush for the week against 4410000 In the theprevious theprevious
wek alalnst te tepreious
previous preious bul week wek Paris Parll was Wa 440lo unchanged unc A len to toMo t to1o
Mo 1o o higher The worlds shipments sblpment as re reported r Feporteti ¬
ported > hlther by Broomhall BrmhaU Te were 10388000 10 0310 368000 bull bulltalDt bushagainst bush bushagainst
against prt talDt n720000 1720 In the preceding prlI week wek and aa aatI0o an
8003000 last lalt year Winnipeg Wlnnlpel was wal reported reportedWeak iortedweak prt
tI0o er
Weak The receipts were still UI faMawr faMawrthan fat larger lareertan largerthan
reipts wer
than a year yer ago Spring 8prlnl wheat whet arrivals arrivalsamounted arlvia arlviaamountd t1va1 t1va1amounted
tan ato
amounted amountd to t S107M 51015 bush anJ ad anu winter wintr 239 231
530 13 or a total ttl of 710285 75W aIalnlt against 607018 7O a ayear ayear ayear
year ago The large larle crop orp movement movementlate ol ollate OflaO
late In alo the face fAe of sever vel weather w4ter suggests sugBeatoto autlelt suggeststo
to some this iis query What will wi be b the te size sizeof sizeof sizeof
t 8me
of the receipts reelptl when hen the weather welther becomes becomesfavorable bomea bomearavorable becomesfavorable
favorable for or marketing marketol the crop Time Timewill Tme Tmewi Timewill
will tell Meantime some Imo think the de decision decision ¬ I Iolalon
cision wi tel will 11 take tke the Ie form of a marked marke In Increase Incre Increase ¬
crease In the arrivals arrivalsAt
At one time tme prices pric were wer fractionally fractionallyhigher frctonaly frctonalyhleh fractionallyhigher
higher hleh The Argentine ArIentne nevs ne was wa bullish bullishThe bullh bullhThe bulliehThe
The wheat Is I arriving arrhlnJ at the seaboard seaboardvery ICsbar seaboardVer3
very slowly lowl Increased Increaae arrivals arivaL are ar ex expected expctd exported ¬
ported vel pctd after January Januar 20 21 but the expor expormovement expI expormovement
movement It Is I stated will wi be b slower than thanlast thantlt Loanlast
last tlt year Bull DolR SlAt think that olnt owing to the thepoor thepor thepoor
poor YNr Quality of the Argentine wheat this thisyear thisyer thisyear
qualty Araentne
year por yer Europe will wi be forced rore to t purchase purchasein purha
in this tblacountrytormlnt tblacountryformtilng Furp country for mixing purposes Buenos BuenosAyres BuenoArM ThlenoSAyres
Ayres opened opned y 1 4 to t lo purps higher bl higher her Berlin Berlinrose Drln Drlnrle Uerlinrose
rose tic c and Budapest 8udalt Jc C Nprthwebternrash Zsorthwesterneach Nprthwebtern
rash markets were wee reported firm frm At AtMinneapolis Atlnneapl At3llnneapotte
Minneapolis there her was rprt n good tood demand for forthe forthe forthe
the actual actal wheat wbet Bulls 81ls contend cntnd that thatany Ihat thatany
any Increase Increle In the movement there ther will willbe wi willhe
be h absorbed aborbd by the mills mil Furthermore Furthermorea Frthermor
a brisk brllk demand for flour four was a reported rprtd at atMinneapolis atllnnepll atMinneapolis
Minneapolis with shipping directions directionsbeing dl010n8 dl010n8blnl directionsbeing
being llnnepll blnl given promptly prmpUy Iblpplnt The visible de decreased de decreased ¬
creased cread 859000 10 bush bushA bUlh bUlhledlnt
A leading ledlnt elevator concern cncer said si We Wehear Wehear Wehear
hear the flour four brokers brkel all al over the country countryare counlr
are alI parrying larger lager stocks Ilocks than thn ever in the thehistory Ihehiltory tlehistory
history hiltory carryl of the trade Many mills mis still sti find flndit fnd fndIt
it difficult to get tet shipping directions drton and In Insome InIme Insome
some Ime cases cle storage Itort8 la lI being belnt paid to t mills millsfor mll mfllsfor
for carrying carvlnt flour already alrdy purchased purhaledWe purhaledWear We Weare weare
are inclined Inclne to feel that unless unlal the foreign foreignmarkets forhm forhmmarkets forelgamarkets
ar markets continue to advance and the theexport theexpr theexport
export demand contnue for Canadian Candian wheat wbet Im Improves Imprves Improves ¬
proves expr prves materially materialy It Is well wel to be b cau cautious cu cutOUR cautiout ¬
tious on the buying bulnt side unless unlas the general generalpublic teDerl teDerlpUblo genera generapublic
public pUblo tOUR comes cme In as 8 a more pronounced pronouncedbuyer prnouncd prnouncdbuyer pronouncedbuyer
buyer of our futures futuresTHi futuI futuresTIlE
Corn Cr here her was wal nominal At the West Westprices WtAt WtAtprc WeaLprice
prices declined early on free rre selling by cash cashInterest cMhInterftl cahInterests
Interest prc Interftl delned pit pi er traders trder and slng commission commissionhouses cmmlaslon cmmlaslonhousO commissionhouses
houses housO more 10ro favorable ravorble weather ether for market marketing markelII marketing ¬
ing II the crop crp and larger laler country cuntr offerings ofTerinroLater oterlnll offeringsLater
Later Lter on bull blJllppr support and covering caused causeda
a rally rUy Beneficial enefchd rains were cvernc reported rpred in inArgentina InAr inArgentina
Argentina Ar and the indications Indlclons It Is stated statedpoint statedpint statedpoint
entn to I
point pint < to t a larce crop crp Liverpool 1lverpl was wal Jid 4d 4dlower d dlower
lower Primary PmRr receipts relptl were 544110 1HtO bush bushagainst bUII bushagainst
against 572170 51210 last lat year yer The visible vllible In Increased Incrl increased ¬
creased 041000 0410 bush bUlh World shipment Ihlpmentl
3000000 3000 bush bUlh against 330SOOO 33SO last lalt week weekand weekand Cl
and 330000 330 last llt year yearTUB yer yerTil yearTHIC
Oats at the Went W declined declned early erlV on selling sellingby ena enaby
by large larte elevator tlevator interests and liquidation liquidationCountry lquidaton lquidatonCuntry liquidationCountry
Country Cuntry offerings oterlnJs were 1re larirer larler and increased increasedreceipts IncreaA Increasedreceipts
receipts are at expected Later Itr there was waa wasa
a rally raly on commission commlllon epte house houl buying buyingTHE buylnt buyingTI1ES1OT
Wheat Wba firmer nrme Sale 1 102000 1020 hush hushmainly hUlh hUlhlalnl hushmainly
mainly lalnl Manitoba > A for export No 2 red redto redto
to arrive si30 f 1 o b afloat for export export5o txporfo exportco
5o I northern Duluth Sl28 Xo 2 hllrdwlaler hardwinter hard nurdwinter
winter al2M ll 123 Xo I northern Manitoba ManitobaSllDV
SllDV 1111 Futures closed 4 to J c lower lowerCorn lowerCom loworCorn
Corn nulet Hales 30000 bush No o on
2 new n 71 711c Kc in elevator Future closed closedunchanged closedunchaDlred closedunchanvsd
unchanged Oats dull natural while on ontrack 011IrAck ontrack
track 52S0S4MC 52 S c Rye quiet Xo 2 West Western Wl Vetem I Icrn ¬
ern em lo arrive use o I f Buffalo Barley Barleyquiet Barleyquiet rle rleQIIItt
quiet malting maltl ll 7SM77r c I f Buffalo BuffaloFutures BuftatoJuturM BuffaloFutures
Futures were as followx followxOpen rollo rolloOpn fohlosOpen
Open mm LowS 1 Clot Pnt Pnte PrffWIIar Pr PrWheat
Wheat WhtatMay tnt 4n e est t tit ing Close Clait1SOU CIo CIoyy Close504
May MayJuly 1204 1SOU IOT 1204 10 1204 I 120V 10July 12o1 12o111134
July JulyCorn Ill 1114 HOf 1t0 M14 M14Whtat OU IIlh IIlhCom 11551Cortt
I IStay
Corn CornMay
May 11 784 1I 784 784CHICAGO 76 76tnlcAoo
CHICAGO cAO Jan 10 i Prices were as 1I 1I1I 1IlIo follow followsOpei lIo lIoOn s sOwn
Own Utah late Clot Prt PrtWheat PrtUnl Preflient
Wheat WheatMsy Unl i np ° elI cit In17 Clo Clouy ClosMay
May 1I 1135114 14 114 113 II 1134 113i 1134 1134flity
July I l44tj 1034 1111 Io lfl34 IN1 3035 3035Sept
Sent SentOim W 055g51 811 0954 P 0651 IllS 0951Corn 1ItI 1ItIClm
Corn OimMay ClmUy CornMay
May MayJuly NllII tIM 1344 till 11134 IIIt 6M4July
July JulySept NI 0314A < 034 to74 n tIIIl tIIIH
Sept SeptOali SC a71s tllli 11TH 57 till 0334 till tillM 03Oat
Oat OaliJuly OatMay i
M May 4742 474 1T 47W 1 47 4744H 4751 nt 4716 47 47July
July Jul 4414 Ii 44H 441 4454 l 44H 44 44Sept 1
Sept 4m 4mWlttat 41 411 411i 41N 41 414 414OTHER 41H
Open II Silos ten f Late Ctoi Prey Prettna PreySheet
IrIIaIort ort t tIIlnneapoll
Sheet WlttatMinneapolis tna fti st I cit tna g date dateMay11S CloseMInneapolis
Minneapolis MinneapolisDuluth May11S 1144 II n IISI 11354 lisv 3 > llit llitJuly 113TJllly113 1l3July113
July Jllly113 IIS IIS 11301 1I2HJ1J 1I2HJ1JMay IUT 1Ia ilJ 3ilJ ilJll 113h
Duluth DuluthTVlnnlpee Dulull1My1I31S May nM 1144 11314 ltll 1214 ll llMay106i 114 1141I31 litJuly 114July
July JulyMay 1I31 II3T11t < 114 14May
May 1111 durl101 101 100 1001 < 1007 101H 101Hlooi 1011 1011lnnlptIt 101 101Vlnnlpe
TVlnnlpee TVlnnlpeertsnsssCtty May106i Nay l0054 106H loa 1000 30555 i 100 11w14 1001 1001Jul I00IJuly
July Julyltay107 Jul looi IOIIT1I0 11034
rtsnsssCtty rtsnsssCttySt fensa tfansasCltylIay1O74 Clly ltay107 < imu imuJuly 1011 1 1074 1011 IY7TI07 IY7TI07Iuly 1074 I07H
July 87U VIH 1B7j2 B7j2 117 9734 B7U DI R7M R7MTHE 117 117St 9754St
St Louis MHV11W MII Ill 114July II 113U 113 UMj HMj 11MJuIVIO
July JuIVIO 10 102 I 1o I0n 0134 102 > 1025J 1025JR7M 101TrItt 10254TIlE
ItosTox Jan 10 10The The market for copper coppernhar OpperIIhllrtfl coppershares <
nhar shares x > WR Irregular today Ioda Lake lAkelopper lAkelopperwas Copper Copperwas
was the outntBndln r feature opening at at73VJ
73VJ 71 It advanced to 7nj cloolna at t 7 7ats 7354 7354sales 7SV 7SVnates
sales being 1000O shares hares North Butte Butuwan But Buta Buttewas
wan a weak losing a point net on pales of
3100 pharos The remainder of the Hut Hutwan 118not listwas
wan not traded lit heavily and showed IIhowedalendnty n ntendency atendeney
tendency toward eakJies weakneseInduetrials eakJiesIndustrials ll llIndutrlll18
Industrials were moderately dealt In Inwith Inwith Inwith
with small m ll change In prices prl < llonton Kln Klnvaled FlevIPd Elevated
valed WRR the mont active Issue In the roll rollraod rollraod railraoti
raod department ill shares being dealt daltIn
In with a loss besot of one point on the th day daytit daySat dayr
optn r r tttgn tttgnScltt 70w CIni CIniSales o
Sales Sat tng fit C tit fn
210 10 Adventure II II M4 titMi MiKti Mi la 54
30 Allouei AlloueiItM Mli M 35s 35slti Kti KtiA7 tI1Il 1
ItM Amaliiamated Amaliiamatedtro M M54 IIII 0313 A7 l7Ia > t A7 117H 37lIn
too Am Zinc L I 4 S SS77O 1III 3114 311 3914 M Moptn 311
S77O Arcadian new ft 3l 0Vt AS ASlvy 4 8Ji s
lvy < > Arlidna Com 4 f8 H C8 4SI < H 47H 41 45
100 Atlantic II 11 U 11
5 Boston C C 4 O lib 2IU Ii 21J4 ZI 1t4 ZI 2114
343 Dutte Coalition 2 8 55s J r7U 7 7 71M
163 Cal ft Arin Art lot 101 idol 1m lid3 lOll 1m13
4 C Cal l A llrcls 072 a7 672 72 670 a70 a70II
Mo II 0 Centennial III V 354 > H MM 11I11I 3A 3Ayn 32tt3 III IIIm
yn Consol Mer IA IA IA IAMl ld ldIII
Ml Copper Huiie RAD e a4 4 K Kitt 5114 545
10 IralyWfst I1a1 ul AH ft AU 8J Mj 84 84eno 1
cm East nutte utle i UH izil 12 124 32t ill 11 11M 18t
M Franklin nl 17 17s 17 ii 17 I75 ij 17 574
45 iranby I10U 1t0 HOW IIO 110 1101S03 II 3ft4
1S03 Greene Canines 11 1114 11W II 11U 11UAIM II II81M 1154
AIM niroux i2 I 32l i 324 > i u u1M 2 U 1254
1M 1tvtI Meltetla S 554 > i 82 8 5 5UIB 1I1i < II 6t
UIB 3 Isle Royale Ro ale 8 5 za zaU a azI
U Keweecaxr 3 514 6rt < 5 5ltM 1 GH 57
ltM l tI Kerr Lake lo l0t 1Ig in4 III 1OM 1OM10WS 1I1I I I10f1M nd
10WS I Lake ke Copper 73H 13 7 1IIH u 7S 7314 711 754
910 J Salle 17 177 11 374 1 161 1 17
160 Mass Cop a O 2 614 I ° 6 III > i SU a 11
3713 Miami 2SK tI Sts 2AS Z8 3M MU MUao tI tI 3354
ao MexIco Con II 4 H 454 4 H 451 4U 41 n 41IN
150 MIchIgan 7 7 7H 7 1
223 Mohawk B7i 873 AS f7 t tCTM M
CTM 27MNeAd Nevada Cons 27 71 27 i 2u 2uBO I III 21514
BO a Nlpljslnr I0i io 10i 3 > lo IIIS 10 9554
3181 North nutte 43 49 43WAO 41i 43W u 44so
AO Newhouse 3T 374 4l 454 < 31 1110 37
2313 00 North Lake A Mi II A AIAO III
IAO Ojlbway 10 054 loVj 10 10 10en 10 10BO
en 9 Osceola ISA IM 1M 1M
3 1M 0 1arrot 21 1 21 11i H 2Oi OS
10 qulnc on U in wo uo
210 0 Santa Fd 2H 54 2H It 2 ii 1 z
MM hhnnnon 17U I7t 17U 17J 17 17 175
W 1fJ Superior tI3 15314 171 AM 8 5 A4 a 4 II
431 Slip 4 Ronton 17 17 754 ii lAi 182 16
32A Sup ft Plltsburc 1AM III 1t1 1A S IA I i
600 Tamarack 72 73 71 71no 7 72 72te
no te Trinity 10 1014 104 10 104O io
IfO 4O Utah Apex lwz 4 4I i 4 11 > 4W 101 it
J4 6 II S Smeller S4 M rot7Z M M54 7
272 U S Smelter pt 82 1I1S < 1Ii 2t SIR SIRMO SlitnIl 51
MO utah Consol 4 4551 1S ti 437 114 44U 44UTAO I
TAO Wlnona 12H tz I2 I l3I J 12 12CO I
CO WolverIne 140 1JO Ha HalOWjundot lW 130
lOWjundot 10 WAndol 2S 51 2H z 51 Vi 4
740 Hancock lIanCOCki fLMAD r W M 3SU 3SURilLROAP ti h 3 stIISILROAP S
SO Hoston 4 Albany tlbany1324 lban IKJi 234 4 2ii Ui nt
311 boston Kle IItvated > at l 1X1 t 11 tvt I 134 13 134
M Koston 4 UIIltI411 Maine I4A 14 un 14 14li UI 111
11 Itoston ft Pro 2M inn III 20A IMI
1 C CJ J II is S V pl 1111 1111 1171 31714 11712 ll7
BO Masa lla Mssaileelric Kleclrlo 14 I 54 11 IUIj 111 18
40 Ma Mass t Elec m lleetric trie pt M ai 110 110 If
10 Old Colon o OJ > rn 111II lilliS
5 W 5 V K I 5 S It II Ii 04 8 U41 l4 IH lit 12
5 W K S It H pf 1 107 107 T 107 107
91 N NY Y N Nil H 1 A H IA7H IV IVUISCBLLtNKOUS I 16714 n 11712 111Tt 153
70 Am Pneu Pn u prl nt 20 21 a N 11 0 0
010 O3OAmTeIATeI Am Tel A Tel T Ht I in 4ot 1574 I4O IW 31314 4Ol
310 Am m Agrl Chem hem 484 Ia 4 411 01
148 Am Agrl lIrl Chem rtlo1 pfUU tit 1112 102
00 Cumberland Tel Te 14V 141S 432 141 3431 11
111 lAM u 8IU 8IU1ZO II 11l4 NIl IOJ IOJI
3 MauCiaspI 11 Mass Gu Ga 11 lI4Ii 41 1111 kit i Uli ill Ii
10 Mercenthaler IM l33 2114 IM Z11I 2l ZI 213
1ZO New < BneTelCo Ynl BneTel Tel IS7 137 137 131 37
ZM Swift A Co 1110 looi I imH inuM 10II1j 55I I 3ll51 3ll51aN
am United Jnlted Shoe M co BB Vt III ft IQ
18 DniledShncM tin UnIted ted IIb1 13hw 31 pf 1 s < > NIL ini < 101 a inij 3I
eon United States 2ttsiesOll Oil 37 t74 37 17 7 17 571A
a United fruit 1874 187 ISTIj 18714 11111
15 Western e rn Tel pf 94 04 94 94CURB IH
CURB tL ltli STOCKS Wt0CEecLOslrfu Tocasao CLOSING IlO fftlCKS fftlCKSAhmeek PIIICDAhmeek
Itll led
Ahmeek AhmeekArlE AbmrekSrltpe 220
Arlfpe ArlE 40 0 f
Bay BayStale State Gas 0 Is i M 11I11I so
flack nIa Mountain 40 41 0 110 0
Butte A London 23 10
Chemunf ChemunfCumberland 13
Cumberland Ely s g
DavisDaly 4 41 41FIrst U
First National NatloflaliIA e ali alil
Ui National = Rose IO Mlalnf l < ijbtPl A Expioratloo Expioriti f i 87 1111 1111NevadataI1 47f U a
NevadataI1 194 IU su4
1 t6 4 10 10iJ j j4o5w
iJ l f t f
6 4o5w Jt lttl s
WararjcoTOW Jan 10 toTbe Tbo statement ef r ttm
receipt and expenditures ot otthaTru tbe I1eTreaaur Treaaur > SIJOBI 111 111SIIlmZau
SaturOau rate main Fttcal ttt >
Receipts RecelptaJZ731IIIU 12731984 11404S37 iMfXHf S308 IJ
Expendltuws W7M8 atSOOBl 5690051Surplus1763TIG suutju suutjuSurplus 1 80II3 80II3Burplua
Surplus Surplus1763TIG S17U779 smiSMdef U7UIIIdCfJIoeu la ju
Tbe receipts from customs Saturday Wet were
JO79S42 from Internal n1al revenue lltiiiw 11435263mlaceilaneoui 41133 and anjmlaccllaneoui
mlaccllaneoui SZMlftO National bank noti no ov ovTt
received for redemption J1BM308 allll allllThe 31tlessoeThe
Tt The cab statement ol to Celled CDIt States TIMS 5
urn for January e shows showsI ho
Gold coin and bullion lisa SI1IO000000 000000
To redeem outsUndlnr certincates certincatesGold c r0fleate r0fleateazxezaL SI IIIIMg IIIIMgODZL
ODZL nllfD nllfDGol4 IVZ4DGold
Gold coin coinGold MM3M1
told certificates cerU alea h TMOim 7540I
Silver dollars dollarsSliver h 401111
Silver certtttcates cert1flcatesUnited II 1IMJ3t aw Ml
United Staten notes notesNational 7311
National bank notes notesDeduct 17a 17aTotal 173235Total
Total lM 574 7 353
Deduct current llAbiiltlei llAbiiltleiWorking Uablilltee lIOOU311 lIOOU311Worldnr 0013355Working
Working balance In Treasury TreasuryIn ju 811I1 tttlAt
In national banks 34Mlml
Silver bullion subsidiary ub dlary sllier and andmlnorcoln andthlnor
mlnorcoln rilaor coin coinAwaiting ln 208M44a oUQ 441
Awaiting reimbursement reimbursementCash 2 902 OZ33 Mi
Cash balance 8711375 873137USVIt 8711375SUBTREASURY 8711375SUBTREASURY
Paid by SubTreasury to banks banksPaid MSH SU8Mo tto
Paid by b banks to 0 SubTreasury SubTreasuryGain 48S0XI 48S0XIOalD < 2Mo 2MoGain
Gain to banks on days cia transactions transactionslNCZ Ho fOOOO fOOOOma 000 000BDtCZ1
Paid by SubTreasutry to banks banksPatS 111110 9 222 On
Paid by banks to SubTreasury SubTreasury813000 SubTreasury813000GaIn 8120 810001 810001CalD on onGain
Gain to banks baskI SIIOOOO SIIOOOOThe > l 102000 102000The
< The Metal Market MarketTbe ItarkrtThe
The market for copper metal yesterday ds dsveloped 4 4velo 4veloped
veloped velo a stronger llron er tone IOn Lake copper copperquoted eop copperquoted er was wasquotecl
quoted at 1411t14 UaUHc and ad electrolytic at in 13i zi zitrices 51351e 51351eIrlceS 13 13trlees
trices for standard copper closed as follows followsf 101105yIIraau fOlIoWtYetetday
f Yeiterdai YetetdayBid Frldzv Zrfd u
Bid AiLed Bid Attid AttidSpot At Atspot13 AstSpot
Spot spot13 13 13374 37W 13 133214 24 1325 1390 1390January 13MJnury I3soJanuary1337t
January January1337t v w 1117 3tt4 13 1361 erv ja 111 25 n UM UMFebrullry 1330FebruarV w wFebruary
February 13 3J 13 150254 eatj 13 1323 25 13 1330 1330138214 so soMarco 110161
Marco 13 37H 13824 13 1323 n 1390 1390Spelter 13MSpeller 13snSpeller
Speller s 1110 10 A 13 23 810 II IId 85 85Lead s sLead
Lead d 4 4117 874 4 41 7 = 4 4 46734 11 74 4 47214 734 734Tin
Tin 82 85 3303 327SJ30V 327SJ30VIxindon 3275 3303 3303London
London prices were
Yt SetIerdw tn rd f > v fndsv
e i 56 d e i Ld Ldcopper d dCopper
Copper spot 61 1 12 8 i 2 2Copper 23 23Copper
Copper futures 82100 62 10 0 82 StTInspot 11 11Tln
Tln TInspot DOt 149 28 149 7 75 75Tin H HTin
Tin futures vlv on 0 0 1V112R 1V112RLead 130 136 136Lead
Lead 13 S3 1313d 1313dSpelter 13131S
Spelter S her 23 376 78 23 2374 2374PY1ronCW 7 n
rtgironCW PY1ronCW B1104 5110 511 511Municipal 5 5Munidpal
Municipal MunicipalIrrigation MunidpalIrrigation
Irrigation IrrigationB
Send for foriCircular Circular 10210T 10210TParson 10210TI
I Parson Son Co CoMembers CoMembers
Members N Y Stock Exchange ExchangeNew
New York Chicago
21 Broid Slrsel First Hafl Bank Bid BidGuaranty
Guaranty Trust Go GoBankers CoBankars
Bankers Trust Go GoAstor CoAstor
Astor Trust Co CoGontinsntal CoiContinental
Continental Ins Co CoFidelity CoFdolily
Fidelity Ins Go GoStocks GoStocks
Stocks Bought Sold SoldP
Ptien 69O Rector IO Wall St
5 Per Cent CentOur
Our Circular No 84 describe describea
a number of sound Investment Investmentbonds Investmentbends
bonds which we offer subject to tosale tosale
sale at price to yield approxi approximately approxiinately ¬
mately or orSpcnccr > i iSpencer
Spencer TraskCo TraskCoWilliam
William and Pin Street StreetNaw
New Yore YoreVirginian YorcYirglnlan
Virginian Rway RwayEqulmeni RwayEqulmeniKnickerbocker Equip want 5 A AKnlokarbeeker
Knlokarbeeker Trust Cerllfloatis Cerllfloatisterlrs
terlrs A and B BJHffata BIMifite
JHffata City Gas Ss 1947 1947SWARTWOUT 94TSWARTWOIJT
J Uembera New York Stock Exchange ExchangeV Eachaoga7e1ephoOJobaM30
V Telephone 7e1ephoOJobaM30 John MTO etc 44 44Guaranteed Fine St
j 1 1Guaranteed
Guaranteed Stocks StocksDealt
v Bankers BankersS3
S3 Pine Street K T City CityN
N B Cor Broad 4 Chestnut Sta Pllada PlladaCarefully PbUsdCarefully
Carefully Selected Bonds BondsFor R nds ndsFor
For Investment InvestmentLEE nt ntLEE
LEE HIGGIN80N ft GO GOfiestan 00IatGn
fiestan New Yerk Chleagft ChleagftST
POUCH P U Isfl w 0 GO GOSt I Members llembertNewYork llembertNewYorkw Stock itA3SAtsT Exchange ExchangeSt New ST STMembers York YorkStock
St Louis San Francises Old W 4s 4sElectrical 4sElectrical
Electrical Securities Corp 5s 5sBANK 5siAit
LSTACUSSLO 121 P1LOtsxt33 95C7011 95C7011LWrrRan4
LirTTEHanrl useful isetni lloollet on onJ onapp1laIIon
Member Consolidated Stock Sto k1g Hi of N
Branch omoe 1 Hudson M MBostonCorresptCH SiBoston
BostonCorresptCH Boston CorreaptC if Foster WashlnytonSt WashlnytonStW Sf Sf123TAlttSl5il
123TAlttSl5il 1692 1692WI
W P EAGER a CO COUembers coMembers
Members ConsolIdated Stock Kxchanr uf N
Fractional tots a apeclaltr
Only Conservative Account Solicited SolicitedENGINEERS SollcittENGLNEEit
fWttakf4MCHT tkCi iktt Mob Ate Savi seDl Bl Cti