L are r already contaminated by refuaa retu o ojaTTiofS of ofi olbyth
jaTTiofS i 1T1 iC waahwd down by bytJle tha torreot torrentThe torreotThe
4 The street sweepings are usually loaded loadscion Josdedand
on barges and towed away but tb the block blockade blockide blockde
ide ade de of the bridges brl os now prevent thIs thliI thlaJaelD thIsLflg
JaelD I > ln4 Hone donetod and for the last few days the thiafeeplngs thetlllleplnp theeping5
afeeplngs have been thrown into the tbi1ver thever thever
> 1ver ver This may lead to disease diseaseJ dIaoaeThe
t J The drinking water Bupj flUPW y haa beet beetcut nt beencut
t cut off in some part of o the th city owing owinito
> to Its contamination It la doubtfuwhether doubtful doubUuJt doubtfulwhether
t whether the water now oW supplied any anywhere anyI anywhre <
I where wh re in the city can b be safely consumed consumeceven consumedeCen consumed1oten
1oten even when it la boiled Incidentally this thlihaa thfahM thishas
has greatly Increased the demand for foibottled forbottJed forboUled
bottled waters watersAnother watersAnother
1 Another serious problem fa the disposal diaposaot
ot the dead Some of the th osmeteries oarnet riea an anideeply aredeeply aodeeply
deeply flooded One In an nojtorn suburb suburtis
is under water to the cross on the tbm0rtuar7 tbm0rtuar7blpel mortuary mortuarjVhapel mortuarykhapel
Vhapel blpel Many bodies aro o aTraltins ra1t1n burial burialIn I I21n
21n In the tb city cityBuRlneaa cityBualne118 cityBuaineaa
BuRlneaa is greatly hampered and in insome Inf ineome
f some districts it U stopped altogether altogetherMany altoietherMany altogetherMany
Many manufactories are ax dosed having havinge havingetber
e et etber bsr lr been flooded or deprived of power poweiand powerInd powersnd
and light The men and women thrown thrownlout thrownlOut thrown1nut
lout lOut of work by tho inundation must mustnumber munInumber mustnumbr
number many thousand a Even in some someX someof
X of > t tile Ui unflooded un noded parts ofthe of the city very verylittle veryUtt1 very1iI
little work wor is being done aa the clerk olerkifend clerkancJ clerknd
fend ncJ other employees living in the suburbs suburbsI suburbsrare
I rare are re unable to reach their places of em employment emIoyment sinO7innt ¬
ployment Ioyment or are busy rescuing their theirproperty theiri theirpropert7
i property at a home homeI
j I The Thehotea hotels are crowded with wealthy wealthyj wealthyuburbanltes wealthyuburbanIths
j suburbanites who have abandoned their theltrswldencM theirI
I residence rather than suffer moon 1nconI moonveolenos
1 vsnienoa or worse from the floods They Theyare TheyI Theyare
I are in many oases paying high prices pricesBrest pdceaEnD pricesI
I Brest then they do not always escape th thTh the theI the1wster
I 1wster 1wsterSm
Sm Th flood codmvad orLSnvade4 Invaded the Hotel Continental ContinentalI Continentaltonight
I tonight stopped sto pped the electric supply and andupeat andI
I I upeat the kitchen arrangements The Thei Thei
t i i i reataurintfl reetaur tA everywhere 8Y rywhere are doing in ini
I i i creased business bu lnOlll householders hou eholders being un unabls unabls Unable
abls to cook at home owing to lack ol olfuel orr offueLand
r fuel fuetandto and to other difficulties difficultiesThe
The prices of perishable food fo d continue continueto
t to ri rise e steadily People with small in incomes inoome inoorii
comes oome oorii e are being pinched by these in inconveniences inconveniences Inconveniences ¬
conveniences but their dilemma is merely merelya merelyapicnlo
a picnic compared with the sufferings of ofVho ofhe ofthe
the he thousands who have been driven drivenfrom drivenrom drivenrain
from rom tholr homes homesIt
It to figured figuredthat that there are at least least1000personeWhowero
15000 1000personeWhowero personswho petIIOns W o were sheltered tonight tonightI
I la I public buildings glad lad to have a straw strawi atrawmattreM strawmattre
i mattress to lie on and a soldiers ration rationI
1 for r supper Their homes and andfumiture andfumitureI furniture furnitureeither furnltuyei
i I either lie soaking In mud and water or 01are orwrecked orare
are completely wrecked for a number numberof numberofsllght
of ofsllght slight houses in the poor suburban suburbandistricts euburbanI suburban4ltr1cts
I 4ltr1cts districts have collapsed beneath the pres pressure preeaure pressure ¬
sure of tho flood floodThe floodI floodThe
I r1he The city itself has been divided Into Intofive IntoI Intolive
> five main man sections tlons for the distribution of ofrftUof ofr1J I
I rftUof r1J r under the t he Joint control of the Mili Military MIUtery MIIItaiy ¬
tary Governor Oovemorand and andthe the Prefect of Police PoliceThe PoliceThew9ik
The IbeWofk work done for the public under their theirdirection tbelrI theirdbectlon
I direction Is of incalculable value The TheMoldlera Thesoldien Thesoldiers
soldiers and police are busy from dawn dawni
i t I to dark They spend most of their time timei timeIn timein
i In wading in mud and water over their theirknees theirknetlll theirknees
knees distributing di food and rescuing reec reecuiogtho reecuiogthosick IDgthe IDgtheIck the theelck
sick and others threatened by the flood floodMany OoodlIany floodMany
Many of them have been unable u abteto to stand standthe lltandthe standI
I the exhausting exbu tlng work Chilled by the thetoy theloy theby
toy water and often going for long periods periodswithout periodswithout periodswithout
without food they have been compelled compelledto
to go to the hospitals ho pltals where wheresome some of them themhave themhaY themIiae
have developed pneumonia pneumoniaThe
The rescuers res uers often meet with the great greatcat greatest greateat
cat difficulty dU cu1ty in I it persuading people to toleave tot
t leave 0 their tb ifholpes homes This baa been partlo partloularty partiou1rly partloulerly
ularty the case in the poorer districts districtsOne diattlotsOne districtsOn
One On oftheae of these Javel a densely deDII ly peopled peopledarc
arc am beyoad beY ad d the Champ de Mars was only onlyrt onlyth8 onlysctedby
rt sctedby ch tby the flood thin morning The TheoWcTaTs TheF TheoedinckdthedIe
F oWcTaTs lmmedfiiterlJlacardedthediiii lmmedfiiterlJlacardedthediiiitTict t rJ m dr teJf PWcarde the die dietti
tTict tti t Wamlrigthe warning the Inhabitants to leaveand leave leavelUId leavedsand
and supplemented the advice by verbal verbalexhortations verbalexbortatione verbalexhortations
exhortations from police and soldiers soldiersThe IIOldlersThe soldiersThopeople
The Thopeople people bad abundant abundantvlelble visible evi evidence evldlmee evidnce ¬
dence of the coming flood noodae as street after afteratreet afteretreet aftertreet
atreet became a muddy lagoon They Theystood Theyatoqd TheystoQd
stood about aboutalml aboutalmiesaly aimlessly lllty howeverdiscnssing howeverdiscnssingthe
the Inundation or arguing with the police policeThe policej policeThe
j The district had already suffered by the thecompulsory theI thecompulsory
I compulsory closing of the automobile automobileworks automobilei automobileworks
i works where many of the inhabitants inhabitantswere
were employed and the Ingress of water waterto waterto watertheir
to their homes often raised helpless helplessanger helplel helplesstuiger
l anger and vague threats against the theauthorities
1 authorities or more prosperous neighbors neighborsI neighborsTonight
I i Tonight of about 25000 persons ons residing residingIn
> In the district of Javel some 10000 are arehomeless arehomele
4 homeless homelessOne homeleOn
On of the greatest dangers to Paris ParllI
I BOW la that of subsidences and the ovum cruznbllng crumng ovumbling
bllng ng of orthe the foundations of buildings The Theevacuation Ther Theevaouatlon
r evaouatlon of one wing of the Ministry of ofForeign ofForeIgn ofForeign
Foreign Affairs Arralrais is an indication of the thoi therealization therealization
i realization of this danger The ground groundgave groundr
r gave way at the Metropolitan Railway Railwaystation Eaflwaya
a t station at Bercy this evening and the theJ
i L J waterrushedin water rushed In Thlsconstltutedndonger Thlsconstltutedndongerto This
to toJ j the neighboring houses which the thepolice thepollOtcau thepolicecaused
J I > police pollOtcau caused ed to be hurriedly evacuated evaouatedrTh evacuatedThe
1 1aThfl aThfl The collars of the Louvre are now nowi
1 i eriooaly ot18ly threatened Ports of the Qual Quali Qualc1u QuatdurLouvro
i dtT durLouvro Louvre between the river and the themuseum themuaeum themuseum
museum collapsed this afternoon Sap Sappen Sapt 8appere
t I pen andtmasons andl lUIOus were hastily set to work worki
i to repair palr the damage A whole block blookof of ofbuildings ofI I II
I buildings b on Rue St HonorA bad to be ber
r i hurriedly Jai h evacuated owing to the burst burati bunstin bursttow
i tow of a water main mainiTHere mainEnre mainiheve
iTHere have haveieel1 been e ° falls fanot of masonry on onthe onItlle onI
Itlle I the river bank In the Notre Dame dis district disI
I trict The subterranean chapels of the thoCathedral thei thethedra1
i Cathedral of Notre Dame are flooded floodedi oodederid
I i end the heating apparatus is useless uselessThe uaeleun uselessThe
< The German Embassy andihe and the Academy Academyof
r I of Medicine c1ne are flooTded ft ed It ltwas was not notpee notpeet pos posBible poeI
t Ible I Bible to beat the Chamber of Deputies Deputiestoday DeputiesI Deputiestodayandthernembers
today todayandthernembers ynd and the members shivered in their t n theirI
I I bate and overooats overooatsThe
The lower cells of the Couartaof or Justice JusticeWTre JusticeF
I F 1 I wrteoompletelyftooded1 WTre completely flooded last tnigbtand night and the theI
1 famous mouse trap staircase e trodden by bymany byri byct
ri many notorious prisoner pvi oners between the thecells thecells
cells and the courts waa filled with water waterThere Watert waterThere
t 0 There is a chamber off o the staircase bold boldIng boldIng holdlag
Ing Important legal archives ard vee This was waseight W8I waseight
eight feef feettmder under un del water A diver dlerwae was sent sentto sentto
I to rasoue the papers The work was wasdone waeI wasL
L I done with much difficulty and some somedanger eomei ne nedanger
i danger dangerThe d dangerThe D er eri
i The telegraph t lines are down in many manydirections manydlreotiona manyd4rectfona
directions There is only one line to toLondon toc toLondon
c London instead of four and one to Lyons iiyonainstead LyonsI
k I instead of o six The telephone service is isofficially IsF isI
F t officially crippled one on subscriber lIub odbllr bow bowi
I i ever says ye hecan he can soaroeV oarol notice the thee theidUlel8ll00
i difference from the norm normal anyway anywayFour anywayFour anywayYour
Four thousand subscribers are unable unableeven unablelVeIJ unabler
r even lVeIJ to beg attention from the central centralbureau oentralI centralbureau
bureau bureauThe bureauThe bureauThe
I The theatres and music mu lo halls are half halfempty halfempty haltempty
empty Not only have beTeC the receipts lpt fallen fallenoff faUenoff falleno
off o fifty per cent but seats t booked ahead aheadare
r are 51 5 not occupied tbe ticket holders being beingunable beingunable beingunable
unable to reach the theatres or being too tooconcerned tooconcerned tooconcerted
concerned as to the safety of their homes homesto
to leave I lLve them themThe themThe themThe
The railway companies issue tickets ticketsonly ticketsonly I
> only on condition of not guaranteeing to totake totake I Ir
r take passengers to their destinations destinationsThe
The northern and western lines have not notb notb notbeen
b b a affected thus far but all the others othershave othersbTe othershave
have stopped running or are greatly de delAytd deArid
1 Arid Railway and other traffic stocks stockslumped ltookaelumped stocksslumped
lumped severely at the Bourse Uf88 today todayMany todayMany todayMany
Many sailors and watermAn have been beenbroughL been beenbrought beenbrought
brought at Government expense from the thenorthern thenorthlrnpolnts thenorthern
northern northlrnpolnts points to help In the work of ofrescue ofrefCue ofreacue
rescue in the suburban areas are The navy navylis nvynu navyhaa
lis furnished several collapsible boats boatsfor boatsor boatsfor
for or rescue work Twohundred hUJUIrM pleuuE pleuuEi
A I I Crawford Co
25 251253 U I 253 ad ad 255fifth 25S Faftb Avenue AvenueCorn AvenueCorss
Corn 28th Street Streetf StreetEnglish StreetEnglish StreetEnglishFumiture
English EnglishFumiture Turniture TurnitureAntiques F I IAntiques IAntiques
Antiques and andReproductions andI andReproductions
I Reproductions Reproductionsboats I
boats from theHots the Bola de Boulogne lake lakeare lakeUe lakeare I
are Ue employed In similar service serrloeMany serviceMany ioe ioelIany
Many pathetlo and some amusing scenes sceneshave eoeneshave sceneshave
have be beenfurnlahed been a furnished by the catastrophe catastropheIt
It Is curious to notice the household pos possessions poesessions ¬
sessions which appeal to some persons personsas
as the most valuable when quitting their theirhomes theirhomee theirhomes
homes hurriedly One man hastened hutelledfrom hastenedfrom bastepedfrom
from his bl house to a rescue boat carrying carryinga
a child chlldob on one arm and nd a gramophone on onthe 01the onthe
the other Another brought out ou a basket basketand haaketand basketand
and bottles bottlesThe kottlesThe ttlea ttleaThe
The grayer Incidents include one at atIvry atIvry ativi
ivi Ivry y where a man In an attitude of de despair dlI dospair ¬
spair lI r stood outside the thetown town hall watch watching watching watchlug
ing the wafer rising HU wife stood stoodbeside etoodbeelda stoodbeeld
beside him sobbing a with a baby b by in her herarms herarma herarms
arms and two little girls clinging to her herSkirt herrirt herk1rt
Skirt SkirtWe k1rtW
We W had a grocery store tore in the Rue RueNational RutNatlonl RueNatlonl
Natlonl said the thenian man to sympathizer sympathizerWe a
We V had an uphill fight Rht for nine years yearsbut yearsbut yearsbut I
but things bad just begun to Improve ImproveNow improveNow ImproveNow
Now all has gone in a single night VV VVhave Whaval We WehavI
have lokt everything teverytblngAnother everythingAnother everythIngAnother
Another described how hehad bebadfouibt bebadfouibtthe fought foughttbe
the invading flood fl0 d It entered ent red hla cellar cellarFriday eUarFrIdAy ceUarFriday
Friday night He Behurdely U hurriedly built bult a adam adamotplanks dam damof tm tmof
of planks piank and andcethentin ndceti cement in front lr of ofhis his shop shopbut sop sopbut shopbut
but on Saturday Stryte Saturdaytho the wat water flowed ftowe over overthe overthe overthe
the barrier ber and reached rohe the te shop As Asthe A Asthe
the water i rose r above abve the te counters cuter ho and andhla andble andhi
hla hi family faml took tk refuge Ir upstairs uptrs thinking thinkingthey tblnklnithey thinkingthey
they were safe safeBut safeBut
wer ee eeBp
But Bp all night he said ald the te water waterrosfftiadire wter wterd wateroqeIdwe
rosfftiadire d lay ly listening to signal ali bombs bombsindSappeVs bombapp bombsdjegbug1es
indSappeVs djegbug1es pp bugles rousing roug the people peopleWhat peopleWti peoplewliit
Wti What moments mtendudl we endured By 8 morning morningthe moring moringthe
the bedroom bedrm was w flooded ftoode Finally Fnally a aboat abt aboattook
boat bt boattook took tkua us off with th a few belongings belongingsAll blongng belongingsAllthe
All Allthe l tbe theretwer rest were swallowed awalowed up upA uprpJrwho upA
A reporter rpJrwho who watched wated rescues reecU8 at atCharon atCat atbarimton
Charon Cat barimton ton from frm a abalf half submerged submerc bridge bridgewhloh bridgewloh bridgehloh
wloh whloh had ba bon n converted oonver Into Ito a apler aplerby pier pierby pierby
by the flood o says ye that every eery few minutes minutesa mutes mutesa
a boat t came cae to t the end endof of o the bridge bridg and andlanded andlade andlanded
landed lade a 1 sorry IIOr looking lookng human hum cargo cargowith cgo cgowth cargowith
with wth a few fe assorted rtedbundleaotnlng rtedbundleaotnlngwhat bundles containing containingwhat
what each eah inhabitant Dbabltnt thought best bst to tosave toeve tosave
save saveSome eve saveSome
eveBmecred Some Bmecred carried bread and aD provisions proviions in inone inone Inone
one hand had and shoes aO and clothing cloting in the theother theother theother
other Some Bme seemed med more Intent Intnt on roe rescuing r roecuing ¬
cuing cllng pictures plcuree books bks pets pts or toys t Not Notone Notope Notone
one wept Every face ra was WI impassive itnpamlveThey inive iniveTheyspeoflthlnc impassiveThey
of but the Inundation Inundationbut
They Theyspeoflthlnc spoke nothing inundaton inundatonbut
but their th lr remarks remak were not nt so 6 much muchabout mucbbout muchabout
about their th lr own cases c as a about friends friendsor frenda frendaor
or relatives rJtlv8 Such a one had b stayed stayedtoo stayedt
too t long log such lIuc another aothe had had b hard ba luck lucka
a third thir had b shown Ihowncuraeand courage and selfcental selfcentalby alfena
by rescuing rhig neighbors neighborsA nelcbors nelcborsA
A curious procession that reached reachedthe
CrOu Pon tt rhe
the bridge consisted conat of a little 1 tUe farm far cart cartfollowed ort ortfoUowe cartfollowed
followed foUowe by two milk mlk carts ct both piled piledhigh ple piledhigh
high hig with bottles bttle Behind Bhnd came a dozen dozenCOWB doen doenO dozencows
cows O With Wit boats bts before bfo and behind behindthe bWnd bWndthe behindthe
the party pry were we marshalled mae up to tha e end endof endof endof
of the te bridge brde with great get difficulty dmclty and andcommotion a andcommotion
commotion oomotlon but at Lost lt they tey were we on dry drycreeSai d dryicrosato
creeSai ffliaaafely eJy acros icrosato to Cbarent Ctn Ctnt Cb nton ntonIt ° n nIt
It i t TTsathe as the whole equipment eupment and ad stock stockof stockotalittie tk tkor
of otalittie a allte little milk mlk farm la a mile mle from fm the bridge bridgewhich brdge brdgewhlcb bridgewhich
which had b been b invaded Inved by the flood floodAt floodAt oodAt
At Bsrcy Droy says ays an onlooker all al the thebonded te tebnded thebonded
bonded bnded warehouses waihouee for wine wne were three threef thr threefeet
f fet feet t deep with Ith water watr Casks Ck were we float floating floatthe ot ¬
the 1I here hn end nd there Many Mny had hd burst burstwhije buntwhiJothen burstwhi
whije whiJothen whi others had hd been bn carried red away awayThe awayThell awayThe
The Thell little te wooden wOen oden offices clc of agents eg nts and anddealers anddeen anddealers
dealers deen were werJeanlgID leaning In all alldiretonll alldiretonllSmeoftem directions directionssome directIonssmeofthem I
smeofthem of them floating like
some Smeoftem otlng toys toysi ty tyNe toysuNear
Near main bad burst and andwithin andwit andwithin
i Ne by a aea gas ma h but I
within wit a hundred udr yards yar a main sewer sewerhad sewerhad ewerb
had done likewise The Th destructors
b lkw dlUuctrs were werebeing wee weebfng werebehig
being bfng flooded t ll dded e outand the refuse rfUe of the thequarter te teq thequarter
quarter q rr was wabDg vias being tipped tipp tippedinto into the stream streamAa etrm etrmA
Aa A J picked pi kd TY my way about different differentgusts dllerent dllerentguet differentgusts
gusts of o wind hl nd brought biuchtme me different dilerent odors odorsfirst odorsOrt odorsfirst
first Ort of wine n then of gas ga and ad then of ofsewers ofeewer ofsewers
sewers sewersRelief eewer sewersBelief
Relief Rlef subscriptions subptlo are accumulating accumulatingThe acoUulta j
The Rothschilds Rthlld have bn given S20000 10 Oooo Some Someof Bme Bmeof I
of the theotber other big blgb banks cven have given fioooo fiooooeach 1100 ioooosich
each eh There Ther are many other generous generousdonations ceroWl ceroWldonton generousdonations
donations donton but the te bulk of the burden burdenmust buen buenmut burdenmust
must be borne by the Oovernment
mut brne tbeGovernmentap ap apparently apperebtly ¬
parently parentlyIt ptly ptlyI
It I was w stated atted today ty in well wel informed informedcircles infore Informedcircles I
circles olrl that tt the te total totl damage die by the t floods floodsup to
up to the present prt cannot cot be b less le than th than2OOU I
100 200000000 The Te Seine Blno bad b reached rched In Intbe Inthe inthe j
the forenoon forncon a height of 40 4 feet fet at the tbePont th thePosit i
Pont Pot Royal Rt This Th U I the greatest grtt height heightattained heightattalnedk heightattained
attained attalnedk la a century centuryIt cntr
It I la I estimated etmt that ta 30000 3000 persons personsaltogether pos posaltogether personsaltogether
altogether are homeless home because ue of the thefloods thefloods
floods floodsA 60
A battalion bttlon of o engineers elB have arrived arrivedfrom arved arvedfrom arrivedfrom
from Versailles VerUe and ad constructed OtOted bard barricades b bardcads ¬
cades oll8 in order oer to t stem the torrents tnts at the thePlace thePlaoe thePlace
Place de d hi l OooooBde OooooBdeFLOOD Oo OoFLOD CoiooMeFLOOD
Rivers Rlye Overflew oeow North ort and ad Booth lo8th In InFrance InFotr Invraoogtorm
Fotr vraoogtorm France fitona Disasters Dlte la I Spain SpainSptttet Spain SpainSPc 8paln8pde
Sptttet SPc CftU CaW CC DttpeUtMl D Dl pkhfa to 0 Tt > SCK SCKPABIB ew ewPuns citPARIS
Puns Jon an 74 eA A volume volue might miht be befilled beed befilled
filled ed with w even ee brief brf and incomplete re reports rep reports ¬
ports of disaster dt r from the provinces provnC The Thentent Thennt Theextent
extent nnt p of the te catastrophe ottpb ia appalling appallingor applng applngPornearly appallingPornearly
Pornearly Pornearly or nearly a hundred hundr miles mie upstream uptem from fromParis fromParis fromParis
Paris In the combied combined Seine Bine Marae Maro and andYonne andYoe andYonne
Yonne Yoe country count there Is nothing but butdevastation butdeutton butdevastation
deutton devastationflame devastation devastationReims
flame Hlms Epernoy ChalonssurMame ChalonssurMameSens ClonIurM
Sens Bn Auxerre Auer and Beauvais Bva are a In the th
midstof Iddl thidotodeA ofooe Hoods as well ell as j theHowM tt th 4dna 1 fur further further ur
ther tbef down such as a Melun MeCrbUand MeCrbUandNates Corbell Corb li ant antNantes and andNantes
Nantes Nates Two Two thousand toUd persons plns in one onijday oo ooy oneiay
jday y quit their houses hoU hi inB Seas Count Countleas Countlees
leas 10 thousands thoUnde are in distress ditJ In the smaller emalletowns llmler llmlertow smallertowns
towns tow and villages villagesThe viages viagesTh villageThe
The Th inhabitants InhabltnUl of Olgny Glg surprised b bthe by bye byThe
the e flood foo fled d half hai clad In the night nlgbtlban nlgbtlbanonlng aban hbandoning abandonlng
donlng their tattle ttle Some people peoplea peopleaetlll an anstill arestill
still Isolated Illio In their houses twjthoui twjthouifood twithoutfood Itout Itoutfoo
food foo Tho commune of Saunleres Bunlbre Saunt res hoijust hoi haaJust hasjust
just been ben revictualled revctualed after afer Qvo days dayiisolation dy daysisolation
isolation Iolatlonror isolationNear tf tfNear
Near ror Epernay Eprnay peasants paants cut the railway railwayto ralwsy ralwsyt
to t drain din the flood foo from rom their fields Sol Soldiers Bl Bldlers Sddiem ¬
diem who ho were sent lItntto to repair repir the damage damagewere dmg damagewere
were wereattcked attacked by the peasants psnt who whcthreatened whothreatened
threatened to shoot The peasants peaat were weredriven wre wredrlvenol weredriven
driven drlvenol off offaftera after Hera a sharp hrp fight fightFifty fRh fightFifty
Fifty Fiy houses in Bas 8 Clery have lavA col collapsed collap collapsed ¬
lapsed lapsedTelegrams lap lapsedi
Telegrams 1elegame i from the provinces provinc con continue continue continue ¬
tinue to t report rpr fresh disasters dlstrs caused causedby cued cuedby causedby
by the te floods fOOM The Saone Bone is i rising rielncat rielncatlacon at atMacon atMacon
Macon lacon and the thlnbabltnt inhabitants are abandon abandoning Qbndon QbndonJng abandonng ¬
ing ng their dwellings dwelngl Eleven houses house have havecollapsed Mvecolaped havecollapsed
collapsed colaped at Verdun VerdunViolent Veru VordunViolent
Violent Violet storms trll are reported rpre from fromLille fromLI fromtAlle
Lille LI the capital cpltl of the Deportment Dpartent of olthe ofthe ofthe
the Nord The canals and the Lh river at alHaxebrouck atHuebrucl atHazebrouck
Nor cnale
Haxebrouck Huebrucl hove overflowed overowe their teir bank bankand bnka bnkaand banksand
has been
and traffic tnmo ha suspended suspendedIn
In the te north noth of the Deportment Deprent of Pat Patde Paade Pasdo
de Calais Caae the waters are a Increasing and andthe sidthe d dtho
the flood food is assuming Uumlng fclarmlng Iarng propor proportions propr proprtol proportlos ¬
tions tol at SavignysurOrge The situation situationat eltuaton eltuatonat
is isalao also Fourteen Fourteenhouets Fqurteenhouses
at Epernay Eprnay laa very grave I9urtn I9urtnboW
houses boW have collapsed claped at Continua Cn a The Thecanal Thecl ThecanaL
canal cl at St Justs Jut has ha burst bUt Its Ib banks bonkeand bakll bakllad banksand
and ad the fate fa of several leverl families fale living lving In Inthat Intat Inthat
that tat district dilltlot cannot Cnot be ascertained ascertainedAccording aerlne ascertainedAccording
According Acring to reports rpr from fr Bordeaux Bordeauxthe Breux Breuxthe
the rivers rvell Gets Charento Chrt Adour Adou and andDordogne Ihd IhdDoroge ahdDordogne
Dordogne Doroge are ar rising riln The roofs rofior of the thehouses thehouees thehouses
houses have hve ben been torn tor tornvayby away awai by the storms stormiIn etr
In some OIO districts diltct In Savoy Sv y the te village villageof vlUg
of Terrenuo Ternuo la I completely compl8ely submerged submergedThe eubmerge
The lower part prt of the theMevl Mevleres r res is I flooded floodedand fooded foodedad floodedand
and ad several verlfact8 factories In tho Mouse Meu Valley Valleyhave Valey Valeyhve Valleyhave
have hve been br compelled compele to cease C work workA workA
A tempest tempet Is raging at Havre and many tmnjvessels my myveMels manyvessels
vessels have taken refuge rfuge in the te hrbor hrborAaevere harbor harborA
A Aaevere severe storm ltOIm Is II prevailing prevalnt at Reline Reimswhere Relmllwhere Relinewhere
where snow Is falling faln The floods foods are arerising arerisig arerising
rising risig in new districts dlatricb and ad are ari wrecking wreckingmany wreking wrekingmay wreckingmany
many may houses hoUs Tho rapid rise of fr UN UNYonne te teonne theYonne
Yonne onne at Auxerre Auxerr compelled compelo the to 2CXXInhabitants 2CXX 20 2000Inhabitants
Inhabitants IDhablbts to quit their teir nomes In a burr burras burr burry burryas
as a a measure mesuro of precaution precautionNAPLES pr precautionNartxs uilon uilonNAPES
NAPLES NAPES Jim 20 20The The storm ltrm prevailing prevailinghere prevaing prevainghere
here compelled CJpe the steamer Admiral on orwhich onwhich onwhich
which the Duke Duk nnd Duchess Duches of Con Connaught Cn Cnnught Connaughtaro
naught nught naughtaro are ar proceeding proouding to Africa Afric to return returthere returnhere turn turnhere
here for shelter The TQ atoarner rUDAr willed willedagain willedagain Ue
again aiaintDlght aiaintDlghtMDRI tonight tonightMADRID tonightthonin
MADRID MDRI Jan Ja 50 26Reports Reports Rports of disastrous disastrousstorms dlalltrous dlalltrouslltor disastrousstomA
storms lltor are ar reaching rcWnl hero from frm all al part partiof pr partof
of tho country unt In addition addJton to tho sinking sinkingof sining siningof
of the te steamer etmer Guipuiooa Gulpuzo off 01 Bilbao Blbo and andwrecks andrs andwrecks
wrecks rs off ol Ferrol Foi Corunna Cornn and Santander Santanderseveral Snbnder Snbndereeven Santanderseveral
several eeven other other disasters dlat1 are Ir reported rprt this thismorning thismorng thismorning
morning morng with the known loss of seven sevenlives lnen lnenIve sevenlives
lives livesThere Ive livesThere
There is II anxiety anxey regarding rjing the French Frenchsteamer hencbIteamer renchsteamer
steamer Iteamer Annara An which ft e overdue overue at Bil nubo Bilbao 1111baO ¬
bo bao and is l reported rport hlchJ to t have been b wrecked wreckedTboso wrcke wreckedThose
Those Tl remaining rnD on board boa the steamer eterunorOuipuzcoa eteor eteorGulpU steamerGuipuzcoa
Ouipuzcoa GulpU which was wa wrecked wnkeoa off Bilbao Bilbaowere Bib llilbaowere
were token ton ashore ahore in safety today ty Bur BurIng DurIng Thirlug
Ing the night nght three tr tugs and three tbr llfeboatarepeatedly lifeboats lebob lifeboatsiepeatedly
repeatedly rptly tried te to reach r thfl steamer steamerbut ster sterbut steamorbut
but their teir efforts oorta were wer In vain vn Thin Thinmorning TIK TIKmorg Thismorning
morning morg sixteen Iltn fishermen fbermo took tk out a aboat abt aboat
bt boat from which they paid pd out two twocables twoebles twosables
cables ebles to the shore and a axidafter Sifter ftr five fve hours hoursbuffetibg hoursbuethg hoursbuffetihg
buffetibg buethg and ad exhausting exhustng effort errorb they theybrought theybrougt theybrought
brougt brought the t women and ad children chidrn and thi tht thtcw thocrew thicrew
crew ashore ashoreThe ashoreThe
cw uore uoreThe
The shipwrecked Blpwk d people had ha spent snt two twodreadful twodrur twodreadfulnIghts
dreadful drur dreadfulnIghts nights gbt in the te rigging rlggDg and wore worehalf werehalf re rebf
half bf dead de with cold od and hunger hungerBBCSBKLB huget hugetBBUIBL hungerBaUssMLs
BBCSBKLB BBUIBL Jon Ja 28 Disastrous IDIBtroue floodsprevail floods flpe flperevaili flpodsprevail
prevail revaili in the valleys vlvs of the Meuse MeU and andSanibre nntlSombre nd ndBbre
Sombre Bbre Many My houses hoU are ar submerged submergedto aubmerge
to above the th ground gund floors 6rs The de destruction 1estruotlon 8 8struotlon ¬
struotlon Is immense immenset Immenl immenseBanLtx
t BERLIN BEB Jan 26 20rt 2LOreat Great damage damag has hasbeen b48bn hasbeen
been caused by floods In parts of the theRhine theRhine
bn cu pr orthe ortheRine
Rhine Rine Valley Valey The losses 101 to farmers farmersand flrmerl farmoran
and an peasants pts is incalculable incalculableHEARS Incalclabll incalculable1IE4flS
Birmingham Birmaham Post Pot Alto Al 10 Deneves rf C 1 U UFbal 8 8Embassy SFmbwy
Embassy Fbal SUIT Stai Will I III lie nelarcf Knloreed KnloreedSptclal ntsrgedpeeIoJ
Sptclal eII CabU Ca Diipatcli DpIc1 to The T Sen SenBinuiNaiiAVi Stl SciBuuusouaM
BinuiNaiiAVi BIJUOIAU Jan Ja Jan2A 24 2aA A depth despatch from fromLondon fromLndon fromLondon
London Lndon to t the Post Pcss says an Intimation Intimationbaa Ithntion Ithntionb
baa b reached rhed the thl Foreign Forig Office OMo that tt White Whitelaw Wite Whitelaw
law lw Reid Hldthe the American AmeriCn Ambassador Ambassadorbos AJbdor AJbdorh
has h bad offered ofer to him and ad hasaccepted hasacceptedan hasaceptd bas accepted acceptedan
an extension of his hlspolt post for two years yearsdating ytrl yearsdating
dating dtng from March 1 1The 1The IThe
The Pont po says SYS It learns also al8 that tht the theAmerican theAmerlcIn theAmerican
American AmerlcIn Embassy Eh8Y at London Lndon will wi be beincreased b beincreased
IDcre increased on its It commercial cmmerial8ite cmmerial8iteWAUKOTH side sideWASHINGTON aideWtsuxNovoN
WASHINGTON WAUKOTH Jon Ja 28 20Whitl 28Whlteldw Whitelaw w Reid ReidAmerican Rid RidAbdor ReidAmerican
American Ambassador Abdor to t OrentBritain OrentBritainwill OatBri ln lnwl
wl will soil a from New Nlw York on Saturday Stuay to toreturn t toreturn
rturn return to his hil post The Te stories store which whichhave whichhave
have been bn printed printd persistently prsiltenty In England Englandthat Egld Egldthat
that it has ha been bn arranged for Mr Reid Rid to tostay tostay
ety stay in London ndon OH Ambassador Ambdor fora for a fixed fixedperiod fed fixedperiod
period some Bme reports repor making it one year yearand yearand
and pro others oters two years yers have bean bn die discredited die diecredited ¬
crdit credited here in the highest hlghelltofcial official circles circleswhere 0lrol6awbore circieswhore
where the statement attement ia made that no time
ha has been ben set setwlthln eetwlthin within which Mr MI Reid Hld must mustrelinquish mustrUnquih mustrelPnqulah
relinquish rUnquih his diplomatic dlplomato office officeMr omc officeMr
Mr M Reid Rid who returned returne to t 14 the th United Unitd
Sttel States several averal days da1 ago to attend the thefuneral th thfuneral
fueral funeral of his fatherlnIaw faterlnIaw ag the te theD Ute t 1 1D
D O OMUI Mills was WI in Washington Wniton on onMonday Monday Mondayand lte I Iandyeetay
andyeetay and yesterday and ad sow sw President rfldeniTar Taft ToftHe TaftHe
He Is II now in i New ew York The only arrange arrangement arran arranmeat ¬
ment available availble bearing barg on Mr ag Reids Reidstenure Rlds Rldstu Restenure
tu tenure of office oMo is that tt he will wi remain in
rmai I
Ldon London as Ambassador Ambdor at least let until untilafter untilafter
after Col Roosevelt Roeelt visits vlalt England unti In
Jue JueFoUowg JuneFollowing June JuneFollowing
Following FoUowg the usual uul course oour Mr M Reid Reidplaced Rid Ridpla Reidplaced
pla placed his resignation reelgation in l the hands of
Peldelt President Tart at the beginning of the theTaft theTaft
bgning te teTaft
Taft administration admlnietton In offering oferng the tbeAmbassadorship theAmbdorp theAmbassadorship
Ambdorp Ambassadorship now held by Mr Reid Rid to toCharles toCarle toCharles
Carle Charles W Eliot Elot formerly forl president prllld nt of o
Haa Harvard University Mr Taft Taf Indicated Indiotd
his desire to make mak a change in the te English Englishmission Eglllh Eglllhmillelon Englishmission
mission However no active steps have haveseen
bn been seen taken tkon to find a I successor suolr etep to Mr Ill
Rid Reidafterthe field after aft the declination deolnaton of Dr Ellotond Ellotondthe Elotand Elotandthe Eliot snd sndthe
the situation Iltutlon today is that Mr Reid Is
lkly per likely period to be b undisturbed udillturbd for a considerable considerableperiod conlllderableper considerableperiod
A ALFRED BENJAMINCo CTailnadec1 CTailnadec1Stle Tailormade cMiesj cMiesjStyle
Style Stle Is I Demanded Here HereWe HereI HereWe I 1
I We meet the demand demaCby by preparing preparqg each eac season seasonreadytowear seasonready seasonreadytowear
readytowear ready towear garments garment that are apace with those thoseproduced thoseproduced thoseproduced
produced by the best bet tailors taiors none of these are arecarried arecre arecarried
carried cre from season to season seasondecded seasondecked decided price pricere pricereducton3 re reductions reductions ¬
ductions ducton3 moe them themI I These Thee reductions reducions now apply applyto
to most of our suits and overcoats overcats overcatsf
f v nt y yI yt
< W
t rl c u l L c I
Brooklyn roelJ Baker Stack Stuc With Wt ee Shares 8tirrHe Shareslie f
He le Couldnt Deliver Sun SUr CrlWi Crle Al Allecrd A AlIegrd
lecrd lecr Principal PrlndpalaJotnc Prlnelpalsliochlng Hocking and dSb Sub Subddtarles Subeldiarles
ddtarles Idarles Co o Into Ito Receivers RtCllnre Handi HandiIrving land landIrig HanduIrving
Irving Irig L Ernst EIt river receiver for orthe the Stock StockExchange Stk StkExcage StockExchange
Exchange Excage flrm rm of J M Flake 4 c Co which whichfailpd whichfal whichfaid
failpd fal aa a a result Jult of the Hocking Hoking smash smashsaid Iuh IuhMldyeteray smashsaid
said Mldyeteray yesterday that he wag Wa going to have haveJames hve hveJame haveJanice
James Jame R Keene up before brore the Federal Federalcourt Fedoraloour Federalcourt
court oour to explain his connection connetion with the thepools thepls thepoole
pools pls In Hocking Hokng Coal CoalMy Cl CoalMytounael
My Mytounael Counsel unl are now making a vigorous vigorousinvestigation vlorQII8 vlorQII8investlatioh vigorousinvestigatlob
investigation investlatioh of the frms firms affairs ala said saidMr saidMr ld ldMr
Mr Ernst and we will wi proceed pr to call callon cl clon callon
on Keene Kene and a d everybody everbby else fls connected connectedwith oonnet connectedwith
with wth the thelrmurralrsto Prais Pnnmaffalrsto affairs to toll tel toIlet of transactions transactionswith tnton
with wth them This Thilwl Thiewill will not be b done however howeverbefore howeverbet howeyerbefore
before bet r the Stock Exchange Ecbangeauthotea EcbangeauthoteaaU authorities authoritiesshall
shall aU have completed ooplet their investigations investigationsas lnvetiatons lnvetiatonswe
as we do o not wish to hamper bpr their telr action actionThe aot aCtionThe D DThe
The Stock Stok Exchange authorities autbotles made madepublic mae maepublo madepublio 1
public this announcement
publo announoemnt yesterday yesterdayThe yesterdayTe
The Te uboommtttee bommUt made made a I report rporttod today todayto
to t the governing aQvernl committee oommlt In I tho matter matterof mttr mttror
of the th failure ta ur of J M L Flike 1 Co C and the thecircumstances th thecircumstances
circumstances elrmtllaurrOn surrounding It i The govern goveraIhff RoVer governIhg
Ihff committee co mit has aat at et February Februr B 11 as the day dayupon da7upn dayupon
upon upn which hicb action acton will 11 be bad bd on said saidreport Ild Ildrprt saidreport
report rprt In accordance accor ccornce dance Titb with the constitution constitutionThe coattutOI
The poftponem postpDemtnt nt of action for for ten tendays tendaye tendays
days indicates Idlctethat that charges oarsea have been beenbrought beenbrought beenbrought
brought against agalnt one or more members membersof member membersofthe
of ofthe the exchange exchanl In connection conneton with vth the thefailure thefaiu thefailure
failure failureProceedings faiu failurePreceedjngs
Proceedings P IDgs takenby tknby clients of various variousStock various variousStock
Stock Exchange Excbuil houses bOUI s to t olentsofvtrloue olentsofvtrloueStook compel various variousStock variousStk variousStock
Stock Stk Exchange Exobanle firms frms to < make good goodthose goodtho goodthose
those tho contracts ontract In Hooking Hoking Coal Cal which whichhod wblobhab whiohhad
had hab been n executed exouted In thejr names nar were werebrought werebrougbt werebrought
brought in i the KJnen K lounty county Supreme SupremeCourt Bupre BupreCut Supre ne neCourt
Court Cut yesterday yeatny The complainant Is IsHoward IIIHowa IsHoward
Howard Howa II Taylor a Brooklyn Broky baker bakerwho bker bkerwho bakerwho
who says lye he sold 300 3 shares of Hocking Iocln IoclnIn
Iron In stock stok at t 17100 n 1Zt tO at a M C and ad 100 10 at 70 70and 10and 70and
and that tht Crtur C alleged alecd principals prnclpalll refused refusedto refuaedto
to accept acpt delivery delver The loss 108 he hopes hopl to torecover torcovfr torecover
recover rcovfr Is put at K3800 138 Th Tt defendants defendantsnamed defendQntsnamed defendantsnamed
named In the papers are ar members mlmbrs oftho ofthoStock oftboStk of tho thoStock
Stock Stk Exchange ExchlnR pPr houses houles of Albert AlbrtJ J 1 Elms EllasA Ela
A 4 Co Day Adams Adaml Jt k Co C Rollins Rlns d Co CoJewett CoJett CoJowett
Jewett Bros and I lthrp baterop < a thro p Hasklns flaskinsCo < k kCo
Co decree W V Harper larPr counsel for forTaylor forTaylor forTaylor c
Taylor said sid yesterday 7etray that tat It was wa likely likelythat lkply
that several verai other defendants oeffndantll would b beaddedto be beadded
added add addedto dto to tb tl the list listFederal lst lstFeeral listFederal
Federal Feeral court cou receiver rlve took charge chargeyesterday chrge chrgeY8trdy chargeyesterday
yesterday Y8trdy of the property prprty of oUhe tho Columbus Columbusand ClumbW
and Hooking loklnl Coal and Iron Company Cmpny and andita BndIt andits
its It subsidiaries 8ubsldlaie The Thl reivefhlp receivership for forHocking lorHocklna forHocking
Hocking Hocklna COlI Coal was u granted grantbyJudgo by byJuidgo Judge J E ESater ESter ESatar
Sater Ster at Columbus on the application applction of ofHenry ofHeor ofHenry
Henry Heor D Hotrhklw Iothl receiver reolver In hank bankruptcy hankruptc hankruptcy ¬
ruptcy for tathrop Hasklns Ialkll A Co eI the theStock theBtock theStock
Stock Exchange Exchang firm fr which went c down downwith aow downwith
with the collapse last Wednesday Weleay of the thepool thepol thepool
pool pol in Hocking HoklCol colap Coal stock Itook Lathrop Lthrp LthrpHaknl
Haskinb Haknl Hnskii cC A Co are ar heavily interested interetx intht in inthe inthe
the tht property and Henry Henr Stanley S ney Hasklns Hasklnsis Huklnl
is president pNlaent prPry of the company while Henry HenryStanton Henr henryStanton
Stanton RtantonIericb Ioverich comlay another partner petner Ift I a amember amember amember
member of the executive executve committ committee committeeThe
The application for a receivership Ivefhlp of oftbe oftho ofthe
the Rubeidlarics subldlare was a8 madQ by the parent parentcompany puentcmpny parentcompany
company A L Lhurma Tburraan of Columbus Columbusvicepresident Clumbus Clumbusvicpreeldent Columbusvicepresident
cmpny vicepresident of r the tb company and andWilliam andWiliam andWilliam
William Wiliam A Barber rbr a a partner parner ompny of Mr MrHotchklss MrHotchk MrHotchktss
Hotchklss Hotchk were wro named nmP receivers reiVrs for forHocking forHocking forhocking
Hocking Coal A T F Seymour Symour for the theColumbus tboClumbWl theColumbus
Columbus ClumbWl and Hooking Hoklnl Clay Construc Construction Constrc Conathiction ¬
tion Company Cmpny and K J N Sinks Sink of Columbus Columbusfor
for tho Columbus Clumbus and Hocking Hoking Brick BrickManufacturing Brok Brokllnuflcurg BrickManufacturing
Manufacturing llnuflcurg Company Cmpany W WH I H McOuire McOuirethe Mcuire Mcuirethe McOuirothe
the third tblr partner parner in Mr I Uotcfakisss Hotckiell law lawflrm lawfrm lawfirm
firm frm sold d yesterday that the receivership
had been bn y called cle ry for to t conserve CMeIe the theproperty thepropr theproperty
property for the benefit bneft of allparties aU parties tle in in interest inter intereet ¬
terest propr ter Lathrop Hasklns H8kins Conppear to tobe tob tobe i
be b creditors credltorl of f Hocking iocklng Coal for 180 58000money 58000 58000money
money mone advanced advAn and of the Clay Con Construction ConItrctlon Constructon ¬
struction Itrctlon Company either ether for formoney formoneyadvlo money moneyadvanced moneyadvanced I
advanced advlo on 1100 xr000 or ttOOOOO SO of bnds bndsor bondor bond bondor 1
or on thc t o bonds bnda The fr firm also all appears appearsto I
to own 8500 85 shared shae of stock atk of the th appars apparsto Colum Columbus Clum Clumbus Columbus ¬
bus and Hooliing Iolin Ho klng Coal Clld and Iron Irn Company Companywhich Compy Compywhich Companywhich I
which is I I pledged plego for loans 10 but 2500 2500shares 2500shares 20
shares possession possessionTwo har Ion IonTw have come Into Ito the receivers receiverspossession fiven fivenIon recehrersposeeslon
Two Tw lots Iot of orBocklng Hocking Os I a were werelld sold at atpublic atpublo atpublic
public publo auction iucton yesterday yetry each cc 15000 15000worh 25000worth 25000 25000worth
worth worh One On lot brought 31 31 and the theother theother theother
other 23 2 5 A third thir lot of 335000 50 wasnt wasntsold Wt Wta waan t tsold
sold a ld A block blok of MO 5 Hocking Coal Cl stock stockwas stk stkWI stockwas
was WI sold ld at 17 On the te Stock Stk Exchange Exchag
4350 43 shares shr were dealt delt dealtin in The Theeecurity Theeecurityopened security securityopened eudty eudty0Pned
opened 0Pned at 18 and closed clOe aj a 13 13SET 13SET 1381T
De Of TnolU oldGltE OctE GetEven rn with 1th a Member Memberof Imbe
of On FoUl FnlUTbe FoUlThe FeltThe
The rival rval tongs ton of East Bt 103d 10 street streetand strt strtand streetand
and East 104th 10tb street Itrt commonly commoly known knownaa kn wn wna
aa a Do D Thoids T lds and ad De D Forts For have havebeen hVt havebeen
been at war war for some time and Do D Forts Fortshave For Fortshave
have had ha all al the better bettr of the the argument argumentDe agent agentD
De D Thoids Tlo s determined deterined to got hunk hunkeven hunkeen hunkeven
even If f they had to t take tke it I out or an individul in individual individual ¬
dividual dividul member membr of the gang gln They Theytried Tbeytried Theytried
tried it on Monday afternoon afternoonJoe afernon afernonJo
Joe Jo Yeaner Yegr is 8 years yer fold and lives liveswith JVO livenwith
with his h mother and father and seven sevenbrothers Bven Bvenbroter sevenbrothers
brothers broter and sisters sster at 207 East Et 104th 104thstreet 10dhtrt 104thstreet
street trt Hoattends Htattndll fit attend Public Publo School Bool 103 18 in inI05th In10tb In105th
I05th 10tb street streetOn etreetOn streetOn
On Monday Mody afternoon aternoon Joe Jo was wa re returning r returning ¬
turning home lme after aftr school 8001 lot out o t At Atthe Atte Atthe
the te corner cmer a crpwd cr wd of boys stopped stoppedhtm
him One of them grabbed grbb hold lltopp of Joe Joeand Jceand Joeand
and said saidNow ald aldow saidN
Now N ow we gotyuh gotyuhThe got ot 3ul yuh yuhThe
The captive cptve was wa Icjd Iq to auarnppost auarnppostHis Q Jpt JptHe
His He arms arm were wer pinned pinne to 1 hlsnMlee hl e a ain ad adIn end endin
in a minute his captors cptor had h tied tie them themfast themui themfast
fast with a I heavy hev cord cor One by one onethe onethe onethe
the members of the tong slipped slpp away awayall awayaU awayall
all except three thr of them John Bharbaro Bharbaroof Sharbr
of S63 S M East F 101st street Arnold Bebeoci Bebeociof Rbcl Rbclof
of 244 East Et load 10 street etrt and Joseph Rood Rossiof R
of 848 East Et 104th street Real Rel addresses addressesdont addre addressesdont
dont dni make me any difference dllrerenc in tho matter matterof mattr mattrof
of membership anT In the tongs tongsRebecci tng
Rebecci Rbeoc fastened fatned Joes 01 legs leg securely
Then Rossi R who was WI chosen ohon to carry carryout c carryout
out the to plan of action acton stuffed a wad of ofpaper otpaper ofpaper
paper In Jos Joes pocket lit lt a match mtch wa and andset aDdaet andset
set the paper paperon on fire ftr and then the te three threeran thr threeran
ran rn off 01 ppr just as I fast fat as their legs Il would wouldcurry wouldcary
curry 0 thfm
Joe Jo screamed Irme at tho te top tp of his lungs lungsfor lungefor lungsfor
for help He said later that tht it seemed
like lke hours hour and that tht his hil burning seme shirt shirthurt ehlr shirthurt
hurt him awfully Awfly before a couple of men menpassing mn mnpng menpassing
passing by heard her him One of the te men mentook menk mentook
took png k off 01 his h coat oot and threw It around arond
Joe Jo while whie the other was breaking brking the theoords tbecor thecords
cords that bound him had
tt They ha him himloose himloose
cor loose 10 in a 8 jiffy juy and tho to flames fames were put putout putout putout
out In short ebor order orer but it was not until untilsomebody untl untlImeb3 untilsomebody
somebody Imeb3 poured pour a pall of cold water waterover wateroverJotlt waterover
ently over overJotlt Joe that he was pl able to talk tk coher coherently cohe coherentiy ¬
enty Policeman Policmn Feller Fller arrested at the three
boys bo already alrey mentioned mentone and after afer Joe
had hd identified tdeDtl e themthey them they were wer held for fortbe tortbA forthe
the Childrens Chidns Court yesterday yestery
When Wen they tey we wee e arraigned aralg they te pleaded pleadedguilty pleded plededgity pleadedguiltyto
guilty gity guiltyto to Justice Justo Deuel Del but told him that thatthey tht thtte thatthey
they te were wre lust Jut playinJ playinJMiss plyln plylnMIM playinMiss
Miss Katharine Ktllrine Smith a teacher In InPubllo InPublu InPubliu
Publlo Publu School 8hool 109 11 who was WAi tcer In court courtthought
thought that tt although It itwas was a very T wicked wickedthing wiokedthing oour
thing to d do co > o the boys bYII deserved dered another anotherchance anotherchance anotherchance woke
chance before brore they the were wer sent away Jus Justice JU JustJoe ¬
tice Deuel asked uke them thlm if I they thought thoughtthey though thoughtthey
they tey really rly merited met going goig free freeSure fr freeSure
Sure Judge Judg they chimed in well wellbe weUbe wellbe
be rood Honest we w will willWell wU willVcil
1 Well Wfl Im Inclined Ioline to give you yot a achance Achno achance
chance chno answered awered the te Justice JUIUc Ill Illparole Il Illparole
parole prol you until unt April Apri 21 Thats Thts my
birthday birtdy If I you come cometo to court cour on that thatday thatday
day dy and an make mke a report of perfect rfet rfetMvlor be ¬
havior It will wi be the tb thrtest best t birthday blrhJy present presentI prnt thtl
I can cn get getItaly gt getItaly
Italy 11 KxeU FtII an American AmericanIptctal Americanprrtoi mlrltan 1 1pda
pda Cable C b DttpateH Drpol la Tns T Sux SuxHOMB Su SvsHosts II
Hosts R fB Jan 20 2eJohn John Howard Howar who whosays whosys whosays
says sys ho hois Is from rom Now Orleans Orlens has h been beenexpelled ben beenexpelled I Iexple
expelled exple from Italy Itly on suspicion sUllplcon that tt he heIs heIII heis
Is a confidence cntdene man manPllXS ma maPIt manPLLES
PAZO PAO OINTMENT OINM NT U I ruaranuad Ifruued to cure crl any anyras a an anCs
ras Cs of Iloblar Blind Bleedln mescung ll or Frotrudlnr
r JI BI o Jrt411C
Poe Ads to I I to 1 ft 1 1days dorm d ormoney o crwoseynAaa4 V hl refund too 6 6o
k 4
nrJrmr rFTF x T T0td
Outdid 0td Himself Rct In Cordiality erlait and andArt anc sOilArt I4V
Art stCsmbOni Camboif Dinneraptcttl
ArKao1featCambone Knowedge at s Dinner Dtnaerspddl I Ic4
aptcttl c4 CaMt OabDpacl Dtipatch to 0 TEl Sew SDKBERLIN Stl SewDEsLflf
BERLIN BEIL Jan Ja 20 21The 28The The exhibition exibIton ol olFrench or ofFrench
French Froh paintings pntnl of the th eighteenth elghtee con contury cn cnturywhlob con1 con1tory
tory turywhlob which was opened opee yesterday yetry by the theKaiser th thKr theKaiser
Kaiser Kr at the Prussian Pla Royal yal Academy Academyand Aeyj Aeyjad
and ad the very vr exclusive eoluev dinner dlnnergTen givn h hM by byM byM
M Carabon Cbn the French fnchAmbsor Ambassador ladnight lad la lastnight
night in honor of the Emperor and d Em Empress EmPl Erapress ¬
press Pl are the one theme teme of conversation conversationtoday converton conversationtoday
today tay At both bh of these functions nl tonLbe tonLbeKaisr the theKaiser theKaiser
Kaiser Kaisr appears to have tveoutdone outdone all al hit hitprevious bllprevlou hisprevious
previous efforts eror to toahow show the kindliness kindlinessof khld1ne
of his hlsfolngll feelings toward towar all thing thlnJ and andpersons andpersons nd ndpersons
persons of French ofFnch or ogin origtn origtnThere gin N NThere
There are a numerous numeus accounts aut of ofB otSst otSstparer Km Kmp
p parer ror Williams Wilai remarks rmak to Frenchmen Frenchmenwho Frencmen Frencmenwh
who wh wore Wre present prnt as representatives rprnttvM of ofthe 0 ofthe
the French Fncb Academy Acdy of Art A and ad andtpr andtprtioularly I ttoularyto par particularly ¬
ticularly toularyto to the French Fch actresses aor Domauget Do D Dmaugt Desmauget
mauget maugt and Roblnne Bblne of the Cota C Corad1 Corad1Francae dJ0 dJ0Fraocaiee
Fraocaiee F al who ho were werebrougbt brought here herebythe herebytheFrench by byt the theFrench
French Fch Ambassador Ambdr for the t occasion occasionand oOon oOonand otonand
and who wh took tk part in Intheen inthe the entertainment entertainmentgiven entertainmentgiven BmeIJt BmeIJtgven
given gven at a the embassy eb p for for the t Kjriowaad KjriowaadUie Kad
the te Empress Ep The tenor tr of all al thsoom thsoommenta th thaoommonte Dm Dmmet
monte met Is surprise Irra at the Kaisers Kaaa intimate UUknataacquaintance inIW inIWaunt intimateacquaintance
acquaintance with French art on the thetechnical thetechnical
aunt wt Foh ar te tetbuwUae
technical tbuwUae as well as the te historical brioai side sideA ade adeA
A remark reak which hlol la certain oer to tclt excite exaltethe excitethe
the most mo sensation antlon was w mode me by b on onof Doe Doeof eneof
of the thIFncbac French actresses who wbaldU wbaldUa said saktls 4k was waaa
a pity that Richard Icha Strauss Strus did not noUhDk noUhDkof think thinkof hnkof
of writing wtlng sensible Mllble music muc since snc what Qa JIB JIBhad liehad e eb
had b hitherto hther composed conpow was not Dotwd Dotwdat vnder vnderstood mdsrsIoo4
at stood by the public The Te same 8mea 8meaex actress actressexpressed actressexpressed
expressed ex astonishment uDsbtt at atbo tim JCnj Jaer Jaercorl JCuiJser JCuiJsercordiality ers erscordiality
cordiality corl lt and simplicity emploty She dTbclared dTbclaredthat c1ared c1aredthat 1et
that th he was WI not the th thOmaIlclad mallclad mllclad liohfenerin liohfenerinthat Ionglnthatheiausuallyplctured bhglnth
that th thatheiausuallyplctured he isusually 1 uly pictured picurd picurdThe r rThe rThe
The exclusiveness excuslv of the th dinner dlnoerild dlnoerildentnlnment dInernd dInerndentertainment and andentertainment
entertainment at a the French Fzencb Embassy Embassyhas Em y yb
has entnlnment b caused cu many mabearbumlngln mabearbumlnglnIlve heartburnings intiufu intiufuslve in exvlu exvludye
dye Ilve German Gera society socety Tho Tho leadln leI leIma > t > Ar Arman r rman
man ma artiste aists fe fel feel l especially aggrievied aggrieviedbecaiise al9V nggriovedbecadse
becaiise boulibey they were wero entrelyu entirely unrepresented unrepresentedand rpt nt
and did dd not notenjoy enjoyan enJoy an opportunity opPru tytl tomest tomesttheir to n ef eftheir t ttheir
their French colleagues coUeges colleaguesISQtJITIIftEILECTRD il ilt ilASQVITH 1 1I
I I t
M6bbed by b SalTraKCUM 8nlrasetH After VlcWrym VlcWrymRait Vlet1o Vlet1ort In Inrast
Rait Fife Flf t Unionist tnlonlt Sllll SiilGab Galn GalnSftclal GsInSpectiJ >
Sftclal spCGck Catttt pupatch ppalh to ti TBB st M7r M7rLO4D0N V C CLOMDOV t
LOMDOV LDN Jan Ja 26 21Tbe 26The Tbe standing etndlng qf ie the thepolitical thepolitical
political plticl parties pries at atoolok at5oolock 5 oclock this thillortt afternoon afternoonwas
was wa Unionists Unlonlts 255 2 25 Liberals Li1fl 234 Labor Laboritea rr rrlt 1nbrites
itea lt 37 Nationalists lationaUats 72 7l Net t Unionist Unionistgains tnlcintagains8 nlo1
gains gins gains8 gains8Prime 88 88Prime D
Prime Minister MlnlatrAsQulth Asqutth has ha been b r re reelected reelected
elected elet for East Et Fife which whih he has h repre represented ir reprosented ¬
sented lnt sinc since use 1SS He polled plled 5242 1242 votes votesagainst votesagshat ot otacf
against 3183 cast ellt for hi his Unionist Unionistnen QPpo QPponenV
acf 38 h QDP 1 1Boetof
nenV nen 1
nenSecretary Secretary Boetof or War v r Haldane Hide hosWn hosWnreturned bl blreturned has bein beinreturned
returned far r Uaddlngtonshlre1 Idigton8lre receiv receiving rciv rcivInl r ceiv ceivtug ¬
tug Inl 5771 71 77t votes v taglnlt against 3020 3 < 20 cast Ot for Torthe forte forthe
the te Unionist Unlonicdldt Unionistcandidate candidate At the last la elec election el eltlon eec eection ¬
tion Mr Ar Haldane llldne received r celv d 3409 34 volesto vc votelto22S to
2280 polled plt by the teUnlonlst Unionist candidate candidateAfter candldt candldateAfter
After ftr the te declaration delaration of the poll poi at atFife atEast atEastFife East EastFife
Fife a number of ofluri suffragettes te made an anattack annttck anattack
attack nttck on Mr AsquiUi Aeqw t but bUt were ere driven dven oB oBby offby
by tho police polc policewithwhorn with whom they tey theyhadsoveral theyhadsoveralpersonal had h d several severalpersonal ev r 011
personal prsonal encounters encountersMEDALS elcounters elcountersMEDS encountersMEDALS
Cold One Presented Peff by Uma to WJ WJJew W o J JJewels
Jewels Jew eU e tee r r the tl Ldl Ldl6pc I lAdies lAdies8aJ > a < Jtr JtrSptdal
Sptdal 6pc CaMt C C4 Diipatch Dupad to t TB TSm Tal Sen Senlaiu 8m1LIMA
LIMA 11 Peru P Jan 28 2WI William I mJ Jennings JenningsBryan JenningsBryan ls lsi
Bryan Bran and ad his hs family faOy received recived further furtherhonors f18 furtherhonors
honors lost I night nlght The Te municipality muncplt gave gavea ge gea
a reception reop lon In their ther honor honorat at which hlcM Mr MrBryan Mrl3ryan
Bryan Brn was w presented prnt with wit w gold meiial meiialdisplaying z1 inadaldisplaying
displaying diplaycR the Ue arms Ar of tholt tho thecity city Another Anothergold tnAtbergold
gold I Old medal m Ietud studded delthdia with diamonds onda 1 and andrubles andrubles d dI
rubles rblewaa was presented t to t Mrs Bryan yan ttt and t a asmaller i asmafler j
smaller IImDeroM on edo to 1 kher her h daughter dtgt daughterTharewasabaIlafterwad 7 A AThere
There TharewasabaIlafterwad was w a ball l afterward ntz at a th tNa Uiea Uieatlonai Nn NnUonal
Uonal tlou Club C b which wb was w atteadod a by Presi President Proeldent ¬ 1 1den
dent Leguia LCI and an his hi hi wife wie and many mny promi prominent pl plnent prornicent ¬
nent persons pn ThW Thinfunction function Inonlt1tU Inonlt1tU50cloktmor lostedfnaUl lostedfnaUlS lasted until
S 50cloktmor oclock this morning morningMr I PI PIMr
Mr Ir Bryan D an and aD his hi family fmlfwlrt went wentlondo tpMpl tpMpllendo I Ilondo
londo this afternoon aternoon aternoonSup afternoonSupt > y > I if ifSupt
Supt Sup Reid Rd of o tbe tHun Ui Huancayo yo Railroad Railroadwas B d dwll
was wll killed kie in an accident on that t tlh tlhHs Bh BhHis lihe liheHis
His Hs funeral fuerl will be held tomorrow tomorrowVEXICE tm9 tomorrowVENICE w wrElICE
Rumor of a Tidal Tda Wave Untrue l UnrneEarth UnrneEarthquake eFI Earth Earthquake ¬
quake quke Shock Shoc In Italian t Iiiaod Iiiaodapt lLnd3aS s d d3Pdat
apt 3Pdat 3aS flat Cable Cab Dnpalck to TfM fnt fntROUB Uw UwROMS
ROMS RMB Jan 20 26There DnpactoT4 There Therewa was wap a atwiK aetrpjigearthquake 1 atwiKearthquake g gehquathok
earthquake ehquathok shock last l night on o t felid felidof tho ie feline felineof
of Ustlca Velca in the Mediterranean Mel taJ It t la lareported illrepr Isreported
reported repr that there was considerable considerabledamage onllfCeble onllfCebledge considerabledamage <
damage dge done doneEarly doneEy doneEarly
Early Ey in the day there thtrewere therewere were reports r r o oa or oratdal of ofatidal
a tidal atdal wave wveat waveat at Venice Veic but the prefect pre Irefectof IrefectofVenicedenies ol olVenice ot otVenic
Venice Venic Venicedenies denies dees bywire bwlre this thi thisovenlng evening evenlbJtat evenlbJtata that thatany thatady
any a such uc thing thinghas has ha occurred o there tb He Hesays liesays e ey
says y the lagoons lagns are usually unfloodec unfloodecowing unfloodadowing d doing
owing done oing to the rains but no damage has la been beendone bn bndone beendone
French Frto Court of Appeals Confirm Cnnn lnfCrlf Decree Ueereefor
for the te Countess Coute With Uh Altmon AltmonVptrtol AU mo mocl moiu moiuSpdal >
Vptrtol cl C Ca CbJs Mf Dtipttch to ritZ T ritZPARIs Sen SenPARIS 8m
PARIS Jan Ja M 26The The Appeals Court OurLhl has hasconfirmed hasconfirmed
confn confirmed the Paris tribunals tbun ll grant amt of a adovlrce adovlre adovirco
dovlrce dovlre to the Comtesse Cmt de e Qramrhont Qramrhontformerly Gr mmont mmonttorerly mrhoutformerly
formerly Mary Ma Duchene of ofew f Now Orleans Orleansan rle
an the te ground that her husband hu bnd Is too toofond t totoad
fond of gambling gamblingThe gblig gbligThe
The court cur Awarded wared the theCountess Countess Countel the theaustody theoty thecustody
custody oty of her child ohld ohildandalimony and alimony almony at the therate therte therate
rte rate of 100 10 franca rro 120 1 20 monthly monthlyCIIAXTECLER monthlyC monthlyCIIEVTECLER
Immenie Booking Boklnc for Roitandl Barb Barbjarrt Bamn rh rhyard
yard n Play PIa at the te Porte St SL MartinSfectat Martin MiuUnspc MartinSpectat
Sfectat spc CoM CtDac1 Ditpalclt to T Ta Twa Stat SCKPARIS StatPAIS Sv SvPanis
PARIS PAIS Jan 28 2GThe GTe Tbe Porte St Mrhi MrhiTheatre MartinTheatre Martin Martin1rheatre
Theatre has booked bke seats lat to the amount
of Chantecler ChanteclerThe CntJer CntJerThe 1125000 110 for the production prouction of Rostands RostandsChantecler Rinds RindsCntJer RoetandsChantecler
The Increased Incrl1e price pric of seats sts for the thefirst theft thefirst
first ft two public pulo nights has ha raised the thonightly thenighty thenightly
nightly nighty value of the house from fr < m S000 S000toSISOOO LO 000 000to
toSISOOO to 15000 15000anrTAIx
Extensive Ftmhe Naval Navl Navsilroramme Programme rnramme for forUle forUleForfhadowfa08Jore IfllO IfllOForeshadowed 1010Foreshsdowed5000More
Foreshadowed Forfhadowfa08Jore Foreshsdowed5000More BOOO Atore MqO MqOpctaJ > len lenSptttai I I6pda
Sptttai 6pda CaN Ca Dtipatch Dupale1 to II ran T Sex SexPoRTsiionm evwPoavestours t
PoRTsiionm PORT1OcrJan Jan 20 2eIt It is t 1 stated att on ongood ongo Ongood
good go authorityAhat autorithat Great GrtBri Britains I naval navalestimates aaT31estimates T Testmat
estimates estmat for 1110 1910 will wl provide for four fourDreadnoughts fourDrdnoughts fourDreadnoughta
Dreadnoughts two armored aror cruisers cruiserseight orlers orlerseight cruiserseight
eight small eml cruisers olarstwentyfou twentyfour torpedo torpedoboat tor torpedoboat
boat bt detroiere destroyers and ten tn taneubmariae submarine boats boatsIt bt btItla boatltis
It Itla la also alo said ald that the estimatea ebn eatl it will willprovide 4tliprovide l
provide for 5000 5 000 more mormln moremn men for fo trje tle tI navy navyOCEAN Df nav navOCEI4NA
OCEAN OlEAA A AND 4ND 4ND11NI2IA VRXEZtAi 1El1ZIA ilUMP ilUMPItalian nVMPlaUa j p pItalian
Italian laUa Transatlantic TraaUanUo meaner fte Wltfuly WltfulyDamaged 8 MIitlylsnlsged lilJ
Damaged Near Mr TVspln Napl NaplSpc Napiritptcio1 t i iSplcUt
Spc SplcUt Cebtt C Dtlpalch Dpe1 to t S T8X TI TiSmi TiSmiNAPLS8 Sen SenNAPLBS
NAPLBS NULJ Jan 20 20Tbe The transatlantic transatlanticsteamers tstanta tstantatmers transatlanticsteamers
steamers tmers Ocean and Venezia weto w et t in li col collision cl cllsion cclliwion ¬
lision here
lsion today todayBoth tay tayBt todayBoth
Both Bt veeela Vee1 were wer slightly Ilgbly damaged damagedt damagedChinese damagd damagdit damagedChinese
t it < IChlnpu
Chinese Chlnpu Hen Hef the New Comcf ComcfJipicial Com VomalpiclaX
Jipicial pc CoM Ca Dtipatch DpIc1 Oe poJc to Tat Ta SB SBSnANoilu suw suwSnANonu ft ftSnaNant
SnANoilu Jan28 Jan 21The 28The TheneW peW eW corns omlt omltdver cxidmt cxidmtdla6overed t tdiscovered
discovered dver In Johannesburg JOhan eblrgSJ South SouthAfrica SdMthAfrica
Africa r which is known as Comet A of
1910 1110 and by many ry has beanconfused beanconfusedwith bn been confused confuJedwith confusedwith
with Halleys Haes comet Cmet was wa sighted sightd by the theobservatory te teobat1 theobservatory
observatory h hare last 0
obat1 Ult ra night nightIt nigh nightItwas
It uw Itwas was seen ae about abut 1 hour and Bo 1 mlnntes mlnQ mlnQbefore mlnteabefore mlnntesbefore
before YflBUS Vu the I appearance appranc of th tho planet planetYflBUS pIaatYus let letVu
r a A M
SapMBtndiftit 8PM 8uErluI1 Ndtt fld1t of School Stoola Begins Bfina III IIIThird 11 11Tin liii liiiThird
Third Tin Term TfrmOtel TermOtherS outers Reelected ReeeetfAt ReeeetfAtlo ReelectedAc ReelectedAcclan At AtIon
Ion lo on e Resolution ReoluUon Call CaUnc CsUIflS IDC for b btae I kied
< tae itd st ed Pay for t Women Wee IsPostponccUlss IsPostponcc JPOtpe JPOtpeMIM iarotpoaedMiss
Miss Grace Gra Strachan BLacb district distc superln superlnUndent euprln euprlnuDdo superintendont
Undent uDdo received recITo on one vote vot when the Board Boanof Ba Boardof
of Education Euction Educ ton held belda an election eetlon for cit citsuperintendent cty ctysperintendent city citysuperintendent
superintendent sperintendent of or schools yesterday yesteray Th Thelection T Theelpctton
election eIF o was wa held for a successor auo to t Dr DiW Drw
W K 1 RMaxe1l > Maxwell Mal whoso wbotr term la I I boot a t texpire to toeplf toezplb
expire expireOr eplf ezplbDr
Or o Urfxwell M xWU was wurenomlnt renomlnated and ad I Iwja It Itprop
wja 3 proposed prop to W nave hve tho secretary oret CM CMone Ct Ctob cast casthahallotor
one ob hahallotor Ballot notor for Dr Maxwell MxwU aa a no oppc oppcj opp oppositlon
8i0n sitlon j appeared p Chairman Cran Wlnthrophbwovbr Winthrop Winthropt Winthrophbwavr
hbwovbr t i tblot ballot ballotWhen bi1lotWhen wr said I that t tthe the bylaws bylws require requirei ruh ruhtblot requiredbi1lot
When the ballots blot were wer counted count then thena ter terw therewas
w was a I stir etlreog among the members DIbers when wheithe whentwlrnannou whenthe
twlrnannou the Chairman announced that DrMaxwel DrMaxwelreceived Dr1 Dr Maxwell Maxwellreceived 1
received nve 32 3 out outof of the te the42 42 votes vot Associate AwooiabSuperintendent Aaoat AssociateSuperintendent
Superintendent Gustavo Straubenmullei
SupttdeDt Gustv6 8traubnmuler 8traubnmuler4MI
4 4MI Ml Mia Grace Grac Strachan Strach 1 and and 5 ballot ballotblank balot ballotsiapk
blank lk Twentyfour ntyfour votes ot8elote elected s sMaxwell eo eoMuwel soDr <
Dr Maxwell Muwel will wl begin hia hi third tir mile U yea yeaUsrmtThe 7el 7ele yearutrinTho
UsrmtThe e salary ai is 1100 10000 A year yearAnother y yearInother
Another ioteillo0 10000 job voted vot on on was I that thaof tat tatlurintepd thator
of superintendent lurintepd nt t of buildings C P PJSnydert It ItJ i
JSnydert J Was a elected elet to t bucoeed suc himself himselfTwo hlmMlf hlmMlfTwo birmwlflwo
Two Snied associate aolate superintendents uprlnted nt wfaos wfaossabuiosaro wo wboaesmlaziee <
sabuiosaro smlaziee ar am tafiOO 16ayer a year 1Qre ere re elected eltct It Itod t to toettQoeod
i1 ettQoeod od themselves thrmel They 1heyare are Clarence Claronneleney Clrel ClarenceF
F eleney and Edward Ewar L L Stevens StevensPatrick StovesatrI
Elellnyn BteQ
1at Patrick atrI k k Jone was wa elected to succeer succeerhimself succeed succeedhimself
him himself r assuperfntendent La suprftendelt ot supplies suppUe euc a aUn at atT5l1
Un 1 a year yearTbore ye yearibers
Tbore Tber were were six vacancies vancie among the thedisliict the9tllc theduaijct
disliict superintendents uprintndenwwbO whose salaries ealarieire elaries elarieseS5Q
9tllc re SQOO ft year ye and those tbo thoeowhoeeterms whose whos terms trs o ox of ofx ofeli
eS5Q eli x Shears ar ars expired ex lr were wer elected cleot again againTheybre againe againThetiro
Theybre OraJQ Grace1 C Btrachan James Jame II IIKd I Iihdsall
hdsall Kd e atl 1 DarwinL DatnL Bardwell rwl Joseph JOlpb 8 8r Byor Sy1or
r yfor John ol Jameepn Jaes n and a Cornelius Crelus E En Elr EVrahlin
lr Vrahlin VrahlinLt yor kln klnU
n U wM waij on the echedulo e beplo to take action actloronMr acio actiononMr
onMr 00 JUt Soraerss Smersll resolution rolutron calling calng for foiIncreased rorInon forIncreased
Inon Increased pay y for the women teachert teachertar tpachllB tpachllBd teaeh rai raiand
and d ar aJatgo a largo delegation delt atlon of women fillet filletgallery fled fled1al1r tilledIJwgaikry
IJwgaikry 1al1r gallery But Iut air Ir Homers Smer wan W out oj ojtown 0 of oftown
town tw and It I was W8 decided elde to postpone the thtdiscussion thedi thediscusnion
discussion di ln to a special epecialmeeting meeting mlUng ptpon to be b called callecby cle calledby
b by the ft Chair Clr Chair8uiisr 4 48li5CMasfweU pa
8li5CMasfweU 8uiisr 1 t lwell submitted lIubmltt his hl annua annuareport annual annualrofort nnul nnulia
report and ae in it gave a brief bef review rev of olrnt ofb ofanbtt
rnt ia b has ha been bn accomplished gve mptlahe during his hiatwelve hlsJI histelve
twelve JI t years 1er aa a a city superintendent superintendentand suprntndet suprntndeta
and a twentye tentYven twenlyeven ven years as a a suporKv suporKvBeWdentln suporlurde1it
teft lyn BeWdentln In Greater ratt New re Yr YofkandinBroou YofkandinBrooulyn York and In lIupr1 lIupr1teft I3rooii I3rooiireooiuinnendittiona roOt
lynHU HU I recommendations rmmendtion related relat largely largelyto largly larglyto
to ebj4ttrl1t eubjectd treated in former ror r reports reportstiebdvfeett reportsH
H tiebdvfeett IBvl iodvl es the theextlon extension of trade rprs rprsH or 01VpoaUonnl orPUinl orvpOaUonauI
VpoaUonnl schools lccole no 10 a aa to provide In Initructlori Intrclo inktructiorl
itructlori trclo PUinl for foroyor over age pupils pupis For For thenaettor thlir thlirbtt then theirbettor
bettor he ad adi
btt management managmet suggested lugjefto a ad addisory
disory i 6ry committees dmmltt mlU es s of f the te employers eployu of olarior oflbr oflabor
lbr labor arior lr and nd membern mcmbr of trade trae unions unionsITB unloll unionsiris
iris o recbmm rim tecbmnidnc1cd ndod ndc special speLI clauses cllel for foichildren frltrbo forhilfiren
< children ltrbo who stutter stutr and the eatahlln eatahllnMont etthlf eetabIinment
Mont t of summer etmmerevenloR eVening school to totcabrf toabH toIeabfr
tcabrf abH English Elgllab and civics clvlO to t Immigrants ImmigrantsHoVepeated Immijtll immigrantsIIopcated
HoVepeated 1 eptthA tha suggestion eugOtlon that tbtwhole whole wholesbnio wholekbmt
sbnio li > nof food should 8houl bo bBld bosold od at co cot coitprice t price pric to tcthe toi toth
the th i children ohldrn in Ial all public pbl schools schoolsTufts lhoob lhoobjr eriiooiuurts
I jr ± Tufts urts t toiftS o SKr Segregase Ka4 te the Sexes SexesBoaroK 8t 8tN
BoSTON N Jan Ja ro 2CMuch Muoh Mua discussion dl lon has hasfollowed baa1olW hasfollewed
followed 1olW the te announcement ounC et of ofPrldot ofPrldotBllinof President PresidentHamilton President1X
Bllinof 1X Hamilton jnliton of Tufts Turt College Coleg that eegro segretlon eegrogallon gr
gallon idn tlon of the waxes 8e at the thecllge college watto was wa wasto
to t bo b expected et in the near ne future fture Dr DrfiAmilton DrHltn DrHamilton
Hamilton m made e this statement In th thcourae the thecue thecomae <
courae Hltn cue of an a informal inormal talk tk to t the t e girls uirUlast Iirs Iirsl girlslast
last l night nght He also el said sId Urn a special speclacommittee eplal eplalcommittof specialcommittee
committee committof of the tetr trustees Is How Iow ow evolving evolvingthe evolvig
the matter matr and ad it was hi hl hope that t tcomplete a aompl acomplete
complete ompl segregation eggatlon might migh be arranged arrangedTufts aaed aaedrur arrangedTufts
Tufts rur has b been a coeducational coeducatonal institu institutjoq IltltU IltltUoqro inatituUoni
tjoq oqro for fifteen f pn ters tersN years yearsoarrpARY years1r
N t oarrpARY oarrpARYJoslah Q811ARr Q811ARrlilb
Joslah lilb iPerry the oldest oldest woollei = manu manua manuactur
r te l
a actur tarar r in i the thlnt United 8tal Sate Btata < s died d last 18 st night
in PerrjrvlUe P te MUll Ma s where be win wi born bornOn br bornOn
On MariSh 14 its ta and where 1h re he had been beencontinuously beenoonttnuuuely
bn bncnAq
tqttlr continuously U J4 ylnpled engaged In the manufacture manufactureot maufactur
ot cnAq wox wciollenigoods QI > lfcn n icoods o since sInc his bl early ely boyhood boyhoodAfter bYho boyhoodAfter
After wbrklntt rllng out o t of school choi hours houl In his hisnttb histht hi hiftbWstniU
nttb ftbWstniU tht tr rstnU mI he became bme overseer OTerr of w wMvlnl weaving avnc
In i tnit2iand JMj olandtn n J in IBM 18w was put tn I charge of the theonfll theml thejnai
onfll fts f 9itp supetintendeul rJntend tnendnt < nt Fracn F the death deathol deth dealtof
ml ol f hl blr hisftlr ftJ r IlII10tLthe to Ini8 iw the buslnAs blI1 was se carried carriedpn
pn gin hvioslah by JotaQ Tos4ah and hlv nl hiibrotber brother brotJerCrle Charles carrie ii iilmaJthe
lmaJthe n t e narneqf iarier eQr Joseph JopbH HTerry II nm Perrtp SonititftHh 800 Son SonsiPtalh 1
ititftHh tt deathof deat deaLhorCharlee 0 Charles Chale to I 1M0 131 burins l
rnt f nt forty rt years teAi since that date dat Mr Perry Pert rl
had ben bn sole 01 proprietor proprl of the mill mi and ad topic topic4acV9ruict tot totiectrppart k
4acV9ruict Vr > tn I the t e jnanasement aoagmnt within withina
Ihln Ihlne
a ifeie e ew d days ys YI p of hit hi death deth Pe PerryvlUe I U I a ssuperior aluptlor aeunerior
superior luptlor type tyor ot th New England nliand ytl factory factoryvlDaire ractoryTU1ce factoryvillage
village TU1ce The ownership oweflp of the property
has ha continued cntnue for 1T7 13 IS years 7ers in i one on proPrty family ramly familyPr6
PrthBdward P Pr6 ti lidward finelteHaynolda telt iflette nyold Raynoids of the
Yale University UnlveIIYI law school schol died die ot pneu pneuoitHita pneueasels
easels I < alilhevHotel a I dol k BelmoDt lmoDt yesterday yesterdayaft yrsteriIasftmo
aft ate0D sftmo rnopn n ProfUayuolda hret r tllYloida ltayiioldai naa we etera eteraate0D married
Ib I lordnlp lormiuo Cftnaa na a week wek ago to Mra lre
Thomaa4 ThcmseJlaI7is hmla arrUi 1 Jf cJ that thalcltv city ag He came cmo 1 to
this t liii city with hl ll his < bride taint Wt Saturday Stury and andwas nd ndl
wan l taken tken 111 I His Il bride and a daughter
by br byn former roner wife wie werewlth werewlh him at the timeof tm tmo time tineof
of o hln iiii I deat det deat4i HI I Ills frlt first wife WI use a a laughter ilaURhteiof liugbter liugbteror
or George onte It Watrol watroiu Prof lUynolus lUynoluswan
wan 8 tx br born rn at a Grand Gnnd RaPid l ld nftyone tfone 111018 jeniKQ years yearsago >
IIQntte ago KQ Jn the Spaniel Spnlh war hewn be hewaMa WaR a Ilcuten IlcutenantCommander Jeuten Jeutenantmlumder Jieuierant4onnmander el1
antCommander antmlumder In the tt Naval Militia and
1 I I
to h cOmmand cmmand nn Ina a monitor monlorUe He haa a son sonawroiorat sonaseniorat
lon lona
a awroiorat lora t 1 ale isleDma aleISlliAvrT aleDID
ISlliAvrT DID Dma AVO Avery Brn Borawu arP8Sa a native ntve of Syracuse Syrcus
N Y but for the last lat set twenty years YOI head hed o ot
th the mechanical department of the Went Wentuigtiovdse Wel
uigtiovdse tlJ thetmObnlcldeprtment ote com C3iflcefly mpn pan of o Schenectady 8hentad died dicliutIdeXil
ftuddenly ludd Tuesday Tfdsy night at at hU bil home bore In
Bch 8tuuty hebenectaily n cUrly Although only 47 yearn of
age < Mr 11 tr Uarnes rM was waf one onl of 0 the ye beat au ¬
thorities thoresln In be country on mechanics mlhanlf bt and andgasolene andIlol andmactens
gasolene Ilol n emrines enIM He played an active active1eIrt
txClt tlh inthe he development of 0 tbBWeillnKhoiiB tbBWeillnKhoiiBBaaolene th9We hnWetinglioiiwgssolenn
guolen Baaolene Ire tr enitlnnn lln U tt survived by h
Slr Ar irs Jrnl Jdrne and 011 J vjo 0 rlilldren tliildrentillert hldrrn lur11
flrt tlton tiiflon Tliornippon Judge or the thpnltM
nltM State Stile Dtrkt DUlrUt omfon I Court ourt dun of the South Southern Souther Southern ¬
ern er District Vltrlrt of Ohio dlwl die at hU hi home In
Mount Auburn jesterday yest terday Uenth I ent h wasdue Wi uas due
I to an Injury by a Mlnle lnle ball bllin In hi his right rllbt lung
received reeive at the th battle hatle of oflul Hull Run and which lunl
had d Imrhl hurthim seriously seromlly of late lateTheDrink laleTheDrink litheS
S TheDrink TheDrinkof
of the Gods GodsBASS GodsASS GodsBASS
On Draught and andIn andIn afldIn
In Bottle Bote Everywhere EverywhereSpecialPinCask Everwher Everwherpecal EverywherepecIaPinCaska
SpecialPinCask pecal PinCub 5 gallons gallonsfor g nOM
for family laly use u e on draught at atthome at
t1t home me from deparment department Btores etoreetlealers
delers dealers and ad jobbers jobbersBASS jobr jobbersBASS
BASS S k CO Brewers Brcwet New ew York YorkChirfs YorkCrls YorkChins
Chins Crls Olive Oil OilT OilIITUCANI Oil1ltYSitlAe
IITUCANI 1ltYSitlAe T > 1 PrtKS 1RFS inEscitIaE RIBE IT I AND ANDcoNxoisscuRspRErnn ANDw ANDCONXOlsrULnpREgfl
w coNxoisscuRspRErnn CONSOIEtRPREFER rr rrAt r ITAt
At all al nne Sn rooms and good o druggists druggistsSalad draaahtSalad druggiatiSalad
Salad book bUG tree freWHAT tre treWHT treeWHAT
I Ii ten thereone ole anions YGU out aeDerua generous enough to
tVI gIve one a danee chaace 10 r get In your ela clasa I neej t
1100 1Uvwfll wi pay 1 7 Inire interest and Jive Brklyn tlrookiyn ne
fal real estate tt wetiitty for every dohler Whoe
evel dolr
kSnee Frrsonal ll Interview I to pricll principals > 1 1TALLUORQANOn Woa only onlyt
A4dess r BEbol 115 3uti 00ev 00evM4IEb
TALLUORQANOn n LLUOROANOD We W dnesday January lanual st
l 1110 tO In I ChrUtXJhurch Chrlburc New e Ifaren UanllCoID Ifay Core by
the flay Frederick XI
Rv PrderlckI DurrM ni assisted aalt by
the te Re Ry Rev Thomas Toma Frederick Plerlek Ole Dorothy Dorty
> Brlnley A Korean Jorran ilau IfUrhir daughter cater ot the le late lall hey fe heylad levand
and aldr Jin George Georrl nrtnley Moran Morral to John J
Looraer Ler ITall ITallJTERTON 1iii0YERT al f
OTRORSr 0YERT JTERTON NtonnrrrOn ORBETTOn Wednesday Ver4IT J 1U Juty n nutry
utry U M ata1o 1B10 110 at tho t iii resident eI4en ol l Ua te brides bridesparenta bre breP brideparent
parent P 1 Plain Plnlel PIsinSeid Held N J by b the ten Her CL c 1 1
Goodrich O hEIIIUe Elate Vlerrto daughter da ahk ot old oldo of1jr Mr sea
MTSOS lnouioivst o 01 CoiBott ODIU to rredetloSumtoy Fele FrsdIoStse17Orrctcs 81 81I OYettoL
rr rrAME
I AMERICA AME MERICA UC leads ledteVjd ledteVjdf 1eastheWotd 1eastheWotdpreeminently the World WorldJT
JT f preeminently pr in in the theperiprity thest thestperlQrltyand 4 4prQrtand
periprity prQrtand perlQrltyand and ml skill skl of her lr dentists dentistsDr dentst dentstDr de tits titsDr1 st
Dr Lyons LyonsRft LvonsPElfECT
Tooth To th Powder Powderhas r rhs
has hs hasbeen been bn prepareifby preparebyanArner preparebyanArnerican by an Amer American Aaer ¬
ican ic ican dentist detst prpae since snce1 since 18j66Jt 18j66Jtcleanses 1 86 tlt tltcleanses lt ltcens
cleanses cens preserves prre and beauti beautifies bui bui6e beautjfies ¬
fies 6e the theteeth teeth and ad imparts irpa a p purity purityand rt nt ntand
and ad fragrance fagace to toilie the iatJ iatJLittle t tLittle reli reliLitte
Little Litte acts of considera consideration con consderaotion dera derationare ¬
tion tionare are what count countwith eoun eounwith Countwith
with womenItalan women womenItalian
1 1Italian
Italian Italan Creams CreamsOld Crea n
Old JFashione Fashioned FashionedConvey PashIonedConvey
Convey Cnvey an expression expressionthe prM r 1 1the
the sweetest awetat sentiment sentiment60c seniJet seniJet60c aentfment60ca1 <
60c 60c 60ca1 60ca1Delicious alb albDelicious a1LDelcious
Delicious Delcious Caraculs CaraculsStandard Oariil OariilStandar
Standard Standar of Parity PrU I sa a Kx BMU0 Ezes1tsao Ezes1tsaoAn < wU > c cAn
An exquisite nqulale flavor vobC about them 1em tbtunlv tbtunlvtators Itlt Itltt lat Iait Iaittetors
tators t cant Q obtain obtI obtainit t Jvo O flavors vor ThY T y never neverdor flSYStcloy
cloy the tbl t lt taste tastefltENCH u uFRENCH > ne
Order1 Orders liken lo or French Flcb pastry faner fanercakra rOc tsnc2Icakes
Oe len Pl
cakes hrcnrb trrb Ice le Cream Crm and Dd dinner tlDDr candy Cd
71 22 2125 SB Bway SA 4B IW W 13 12dlt 12tk tfi St Stll eiltwsy
ll ltwsy w r ud Sad 2d lt Ht lea I Ind Bro4way Bro4wayAnd
11 And nd All Druggists Dal DalSraU DruggistsStall nrnilntiOrdtnri
Stall Order Oren Carefully CUeU11 FllleU FllleUDinner I IUnlr iI iIllniucr
Dinner Unlr of St Paula School SchoolTho Alornnl AlornnlTho Alui AluiTo
Tho To Alumni Aluni Association AMlatlo of BU R Pauls PaulsSchool Patta PattaSbool PattisSchool
School Sbool of Concord ofCncord N U < gave a dirfri dIdflr dIdflrattheHotel idr idrat r rat
at at attheHotel the Hotel 1011 Astor lost hist evening ev evnnlnlnJuonpr evnnlnlnJuonprof nlnfInJnpr nlnfInJnprof in honor honorof
of the rector rtr the te Rev Rv Dr Henry Ear Earguson q qgUn r rguson
guson gUn and the te vicereotoreipct vlorecrchot the lit hl Rev RevSamuel Rv RvSuel RevSamuel
Samuel Suel B Drury Dr and the diners diMf filled filledthe flU JM JMthe d dthe
the north norh ballroom blro with wth their presence presenceand pNln0 presenceand
and with oratory orator and song The presi president PlI president ¬
dent Wth of tho association Icltlor Is Charles Crle E EIngeraoll EIngrl EIngersoll
Ingeraoll Joseph C Baldwin Bldwin Jr was wastoostmoster waatOMtmltr wastoa
toostmoster tOMtmltr toa Ingrl tmaster The speaker llpkr were wr Dr DrFerguson D DrFerguson
Ferguson on Mr Drury Dr Frederick FrederickBhottuck Fedock FedockShatuck FredesiokShattuck
Bhottuck Shatuck of Boston Bton a son sn of the 1foudr 1foudrot founder founderof
of Bt Pauls and theRev the Rv Rev William Wmla I IOlmsteadheod n nOmlltd HOlmateadheacl
Olmsteadheod Omlltd hla master malltr of Pornf Pomfret o rr ret School SchoolBrilliancy ShOl ShOlBriiancy SchoolBrilliancy
Brilliancy Briiancy Color and andFlavor andFlavor andFlavor
Flavor are the tests of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the purify trif and quality qualityof qualty qualtyof
of Ale AleA AleA AleA
A bottle bottleof bottleofEvans t tof
of Evans ofEvansv1th Evanswith Evans t tw
w with ftsjroth its tsJr frotjl t of f creanj creanjamber crean creaniamber <
amber hue sparkling
brilliancy brii brilllnc ncx and an mellow mellowflavor melQw mellowflavor 1
flavor faor will wil make a con connoisseur er connoisseur ¬
noisseur noisseur of the most mostcasual motcasu mostcasual
casual l ale aledr drinker drinkerHotel ner
Hotel Reniauranu Club ClubSaloon
Saloon and andARROW Dealrr DealrrARROW
having havingf1e flexible flexiblebending flexiblebending cble cblebending
bending points p pointsDO nts ntsDO f fDO
I 1Sceacl2o25r 5c 5 e wcA0 20t25c > 5c 5cdinttIVibod7 1 1aesupeay
dinttIVibod7 CMtI CoM Co Makirs MakirsARROW a kar karARROW
DIED DIEDDnYANSudtnlyatSanJuaa DIEDDRY c cnRYArudaeniy
DnYANSudtnlyatSanJuaa DRY nRYArudaeniy A ud4eDIY a atSanJuagsP > n 1 05 IdtT
a 2 3 Etwar Edward Payaon PYI Bryan Dla u otBooad of 1 Boumd O Brook Brl I
NJ s beloved beloffhuab beIovvdhubnd husband of ArbeJla ArblA ArabehiaWsldE MfaltfC f fFuneral
Funeral lleraIW Wednesday nrr February Jcbla1 1 2 ZP P P3 L at atFrankfort a siFrankfort
Frankfort Frakfor Ky St Louis Lu u and L0ulsUM L0ulsUMpapers Ll Llppn LOuivtIhspapyri
papers please
ppn pleuePF pleuePFCJRKen copy copyCIARKBOn copyCLAftK5Qn
CIARKBOn CJRKen January Juuar 15 ulo I John 10IPlt PbeloVd PbeloVdson Pbeh Md Mdson
son IO of William WIImD D and U the tb Ute II Jan lal AlCtsrVe A C Cliflhe Ne
Funeral Funeranrom from hla bil hi late tallraldelc laterteideoce residence ia 12 Onion tlon tlonDra 1 V VBronx
Bronx Dra la 3r a Amelias nlem Curh Church when a I asolemn I Isolemn
solemn rlenl high mass ma of requiem rfulem will be b beeei beeeibrated seel seelbrated
brated brat for the thl repose fp of his bi soul al IOMdn IOMdnFriday 101 030 do doPrMsy
Friday January Januar 2e Interment In Si Ray Raymonds na namond fl flmood ¬
mood Cemetery Cemeler Westcheiter WestcheiterCONVOROn WetcheitctCQNOROn eelebrte eelebrteCP
CONVOROn CP ORD January lanuaI 3 Harold Hlr Francis halelCnnor halelCnnoraced Connor Connoraged cosinoraged
aged 18 Funeral Iunerfl from frm Tna T a Fmcratt FmcrattCauRCH P FmirzClriucu aL aLCtC
CauRCH CtC 41 4 West Md 3dSt at t CAMFSEU C1n1 PUXI PUXIThursday IL Lno LnoThursday
Thursday Tburaay afternoon alernoD 130 130CUUUlNGSSuddenlyon t tCUUJINGSSud4enfy 13eCt1MU1NGSSuddenly
CUUUlNGSSuddenlyon Tuesday oa1ueaaT January Januaryat J aual 1 25 25at
at his residence ra4enc 109 10 East ITtS Ilb st t tXw Sew ew ewCalea YOrt YOrtCharles YOtitCbsrles
Charles Calea Frederick Frderck son a ionof ot the thu late Thomas Tom P PCummlnislnhlsMtliyBrT pCmmtra1n PCummlagstebhse6thysatv
CummlnislnhlsMtliyBrT Cmmtra1n Cummlagstebhse6thysatvFuneral hla elthu1o elthu1oFunerfol i iFuneral
Funeral private Please llHowers emitflowriDrxTRAgter m RlltlIowenDrxTERAter llHowersDRXTER
DRXTER DrxTERAter Alter a brief Hint ilicru fn nTu n Tuesday TuesdayJanuary TuedarJanuary IdaY IdaYJalluary
January 3 at a the Hotel HotelNelberland Netherland Mary a11
Elizabeth Phelps widow wld Ido of Georga Dexter DexterFuneral DtosterFuneral DZ1erPunerai
Funeral services will be held he 14 al Ik tIe resident residentot realdntofh residento1hier
ot ofh o1hier her r daughter lira Hear U Palinsr ralm aImrZtt aImrZttClinton rz rzCllnton 214 214Clinton
Clinton av Brooklyn on Thursday T ur4 January JanuarySt
St at half past pa past two lwoKElt1 twoKE11IY i 1 1KE11KY
KE11KY On Tuesday T eaday Januirj 5 llary l1a tI r U Uwidow 1fldow I Iwidow
widow of William lIlam Kcffey and daughter 4a a lpr ol f tn tnUte iliA iliAlale ISIsle
Ute Matthew and RacelITtlley In 1 her bU6d bU6dear ud udear
ear Funeral private prlvalrIRKOt1 i iKIRK t tKIRKOu
KIRK IRKOt1 On Tuesday TuesdaynDlllr evenloc January f3 Anna AnnaKirk tnnaKirk nn nnKirk
Kirk wife 111 of the laleKdward lal ard C CKlrk CKlrkFuneral Kirk KirkFuneral KlrkFuneral
Funeral private privateMARTINOn prlVfoteUARTINon privateMAWFINOn
MARTINOn January a 4 Mary Uartla aced ol olServices nServtoea s sServloe
Services at atTB THE FVNxal CBUBCH il et etU e vtnud t
3 U st a CAMBBLi BUM BLDOr > r Thursday itrr itrrnoon in innoon ateVnoon
RAYNOLDS RAYNOLDSAt At New York city c1ITluuuY January JanuaryKdward I I14Wforc1 3 3Idward
Kdward VlllstUi Reynolds of New HavtoConn IlatiCoon Havto favnConn
Conn In his hi Mat I la year yearFuneral OearFUDerI yearFuneral
Funeral from bis hi home lot Prospect ProepeoH ProepeoHJIcn atNew atNewHaven stNswhaven
Haven Coon on Friday January 28 at nO nOp SM SMP
P U Kindly Ddl omit o01ltlIowera omtt5oweraSCHELTAt flowers flowersSCHEIU t
SCHELfA SCHEIU At the tbePletta Pkuct Ilotelon flotelonr lloIeicnTtie4ayJenu lloIeicnTtie4ayJenusri TueadarJsnu TueadarJsnuary
sri ti 1910 ItlOPAwalt1 Rdward Heart fleannlebtlt Scbell In the te heW heWru 12d 12dyear M Myear
year of his blare blareInriersl are arernneral arelmierel
rnneral auvl aervlre on Friday 1It411 Jsnuarr IIIUIYauaia IIIUIYauaiaChunh Janusrp25aItlieChurch l al ttia ttiaChurch
Church of the Aseeaslcolfliav Aaellaaleaa AacensimIthavmdtetbst AacensimIthavmdtetbstat laid odtdthst odtdthstat tGGtII
at 10 oclock o It Is I kindly nqet4 nqtUDO nqtUDOow VuV no noflowers
flowers ow be sent lentUNDRWTAMI1LS L LVNDBKTA
r ut nrWr JW t tVANKZCAPB2
VANKZCAPB2 K 2454VM4 St Stewe
ewe AbIasss eaMt eaMtI
dO 1 r rpr rprff
r I