THURSDAY JANUARY 27 271010 271010tAlered 1910 1910Catered 1910tntered
Catered at the Post omce at New York at a Second SecondCUta SecoadCia Secoa4ii
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o 1 All 1 checks checks money orders orer Ac to t be made pay paytj pa paIi payii
Ii able Ai to to Ta TI Tna Sew Sewi bNt
i 1 Published I bled by the le Sun ln un Printing Irlolor and PublUblng PublUblngssoctatlon Publbblarclaloa PubltsblnCaioetatlon
t ssoctatlon claloa at J70Na no 7O Nasu NaisaU au street In I the Borough norurh of ofManhattan ofManbalan OfManbMtan
Manhattan Manbalan New Ne York President Prienl of the o ASM ASMelation As Aselalon Asoclatlon
elation elalon Kd Yar Edward ard P 1 Mitchell Jlcbel 1TO 10 Nassau Susu ssaU atreet atreetf llret llretI etreetflraUfer
f Treasurer Trurcr of the 110 Assoclauon AOlaton M I I 1 Iaf7an IIan 170 170L 10 10aau 170tiu
I W WlUulnn WJ WtQuInfl
L fassau itreet Secretary Scelar of the Association 5scaUoo n
J lUulnn tQuInfl Quln 170 17 Nassau NaSu asaU street streetLondon atreetLondon Ireelr
r London Lndon office Efflngham Pmocbam House louM I Arundel rundelslrrel rundelslrrelItand street streetStrand itreettrafld
Strand Itand The dally dal and Sunday SUN are on sale sle In InLondon II InLondon
London al the Uo American Amerran and nd Colonial Cloolal Kxchange KxchangeCarlton RubanreCrl ElcbangeCanton
Lndon Carlton Crl n street Imt Re Rerenllretad fletent gent street iireetand and DawsSteamshlp DawsSteamshlpAgency DawaStamlp DawaStamlpnnC DawsSteamflIpEucy
Agency nnC 17 1 7 Green rern street atrtetLeIceiter Leicester 1 Square SquareParlvomce sqUaref ur urJarlomce
f Parlvomce Jarlomce 33 3 Hue Louis lulle Grand Ic The TI dally daly and andRuiiday andtuda
1 Ruiiday f tuda a editions edlloM are re on sale Mm le at Ktoiwtue Klo8ue II I near the thei Ue Uei theOrct
i i Grand Ornd Hotel lolt Kloaque Klo8ue 77 7 IkmlevanldesCapuclnes IkmlevanldesCapuclnescorner JulenrdtaCapucnel JulenrdtaCapucnelrmr
corner rmr Place PIr de lOp fOpra < ra and ld Klosque Klo8ue 19 II Boulevard lloulevarddes oulcrdr
r dea llallens lalens corner rnr Roe te Louis le Grand GrandII
II I our fur trlrruti Irn Who Il laror a til I vUh If1 munutcrtpt onutrp for torfuWeatton ID IDubltll forpI4baCottot
fuWeatton ubltll irl tl wlsI to bar ar rJ rfitettd eted artlclti arle relumed relumedI UrnedlkaV un d
I f JUy ulmu Must In I all a tut tU send ndioml stamps farlhat flr purpose purposeThe purposeIhr UO UOIh
The Ih Good GoOI am and the Bud Budv Dlt flailin
r v In Mr lr TAFTS T message of January Januarytere 7 7f 7there
f there tere is one one paragraph para rph which perhaps perhapsmerits prhapR prhapRr perhapsmerits
r merits meris closer cler attention atenton than it hits ro roi r rc rocel
i c celved Clve cel ed Intended Intende hy h the President Prident as 8 a ai aprdlc aprefAce
i preface prdlc to his proposal proposa of elective Iccte Fed FcdL Fe Fedoral
L oral ral ra incorporation incrporatpn for concerns cncers doing doingK doingIntertate doingjnterotate
K Interstate business bUIlneB it It has h8 a much muchr muchbrder muchbroader
r broader brder eipniflcance flgnifcac Indeed Inde it It gets getsvery let getsvery
very ery near to fundamental fundaental principle Mr Mri MrTAFt Ir Iri
i i TAFt TAr said saidMany Mid1Ia saidMany
Many 1Ia people pple conducting conduclar treat rr dullnesses dullnesseshave buslnna buslnnaa buetnesseasve
have a sve cherished a hope and a belief b I 1 that Iblln In some someway Ime Imewy someway
way or other otb r a line may ma be drawn between bel1e n rood roodtrusts rot roodtr2sts
trusts and bad b i trusts IrUI and nd that It Is possible possiblebr tsslble tsslblebv
br b amendment ot If th antitrust anllrst law la to make makedistinction mke a adl adistinction
distinction dl UDCtID uader which food roo combinations tomblnatou may mayb ma mab maybe
b be permitted Pfmlled to organize suppress upPfe competition competitioncontrol clmpetloa clmpetloaCnlrll competitioncontrol
control Cnlrll prices prte and do II all alltrII legally If I they do not notabut Mtab notabii
abut ab the power pwtr by taking too tlO great rrea profit proll out ot otthe 01tbe ofthe
the business They Tit point with 11 force to certain certainnotorious certin certin8010rlou certainnotorious
notorious trusts trl as having blll grown Into power powerthrough p1t p1ttlrUrh powerthrough
through tlrUrh criminal cimInal methods mellos by b the th usa UI of Illegal Illegalrebates Itl1 Itl1bait literalrebates
rebates bait and plain cheating tbttnr and by various acts actsutterly als alsuterl artsutterly
utterly uterl vlolithe 1olle of business bulln honesty or morality moralityand moralty moraltya
and a urge the establishment tSlblslment of some Ime legal line ln of ofseparation oferlon ofeparaiIon
separation erlon by b hlrh Itl ich criminal trmlnal trusts of this thiskind thi thu thu1nd
kind lld 1nd can be punished punlht and they t on the Ih other otherband olherbad otherband
band bad be permitted permilt to carry crr on their t fr business businessKow buslnus buslnusI businesI
I cow No the public publc and especially pedalr the business bulnes public publicought publc publcarb
0 ought arb to rid themselves tbemslu of the Idea that tha such a adistinction adlslDcton adistinction
distinction dlslDcton Is I practicable practrabl or can be Introduced Introducedi Illrurt IllrurtJ
J i Into I in O the statute statuteFor sfatultFor sfatuteFor
For much of the confusion cnrulon in the pub pubHe pub publb
He le lb mind a as to t the possibilities pibitie of classi classification caBI caBIfcton classication ¬
fication fcton Mr Ir ROOSEVELTS RoSEELTS methods methos of ofthought 01thought ofthought
thought thought are a responsible rpn8ible He WI was con constantly cn cnstnty constant1y ¬
stantly stnty shouting shoutng and pounding punding Into the theminds themnds theminds
minds mnds of his hi hearers hearel his pwn wn absurdly absurdlyconceived aburly aburlyCnce absurdlyconceWed
> conceived Cnce idea that it It was wa the duty of oft ofthe 01th ofthe
the th Executive Eectve thereby meaning hU hi own ownr ownidual ownIidlviduai
t r individual idual dui d to supervise 8upni this classl classlarJ c1l c1ltion cIassIuli
uli uli1I1 1I1 cation tion arJ a to t decide decde what corporations corporationsiiood orrton
11Iel eMCo4d iiood io and ad what what corporations corporationswere crrton
were wer bad b in respect repct of general generl char characler chara characir ¬
acler a rofor before proceeding procing to t pursue the thebad thed thethad
bad d for specific spcfc misdeeds mies Of course courseit cur
it it is a proper propr use us of the word wor absurd abur to toapply t toapply
apply it squarely suarly to Mr RoosKVEivrs RoosKVEivrstopsyturvy RSEVELS RSEVELStopsytury ROO8EVEIJrStopsyturvy
topsyturvy topsytury notion no on of an initial Intil execu executive exe axecuthe ¬
the ve judgment judgent of guilt git on ongenera ongeneral general prin principles prn prndple prindplee ¬
ciples dple preliminary prlminar to selection slection for in investigation invetgaton investigation ¬
vestigation vetgaton and ad prosecution pJcton in the courts courtsfor cur courtsfor
for specific spcfc acts at of illegality illegalityHow iegaly iegalyHow
How shall shal we measure meaur the superlative superlativeabsurdity suprlative suprlativeaurdity superlativeabsurdity
absurdity aurdity of such a division divion of all al the theinterstate theitertt theinterstate
interstate itertt corporations crrtion into Int two definite definiteparties deft definiteparties
parties prie separated spate by a distinct ditnc boundary boundaryline boundar boundaryflueon
line lneon flueon on the one side the sheep the white whitethe whit whitethe
the meritorious mertorou the virtuous virou the laud laudable laudale laudable ¬
able ale and on the other side the goats the theblack theblack theblack
black the pernicious pricous the vicious vicous the theIntolerable theitolerble theintolerable
Intolerable IntolerableLet itolerble itolerbleLt
Let us imagine Mr Ir ROOSEVELT
Lt Imaine ROSEVLT or orone oron orone
one on of his hi disciples dicple attempting attmptn to t apply applythe applythe applythe
the same se theory theor of classification clllfc on to other otherpersons otherpersons therprns
persons prns than corporations corratoJ All Al citizens citizensre ctzen
ar are re good go or bad b in a general generl way wayin wayin wayfri
in advance aanc of judicial judical determination detenlnton of oftheir ofteir oftheir
their teir character characr As A Mr TAETB AFS prod predecessor pr prodecoasor ¬
ecessor er would have hve put pu t it all al citizens c zn are areeitherdesirablaorundesirable a areeitherdesirablorundesirable
eitherdesirablaorundesirable ritherdelrbl orundeirble and it itis itI
is I for the Executive Exec ve through the Depart Department Dpart Departmeat ¬
meat ment of Justice Jutc to mark the individual individualcitizen individualitn individualcitlzenwiththolabelofgoodnessorbad
citizen citlzenwiththolabelofgoodnessorbad citlzenwiththolabelofgoodnessorbadflees itn with the label labl of goodness gon or bad badaess ba
flees le as a the Executive Exetve may in his wisdom wisdomdetermine wisom wisomdetenlne wisdomdetermine
determine detenlne Thenceforth Thencrorh the good go citi citisens d den
1 sens en ens may go about aut their accustomed accustomedbusiness accatme acctmtemedbusiness
business bsine and ad enjoy the pleasures of life lifeand le leud lifeand
and liberty lbry and the pursuit of happiness happinessuoharassed happhiessunar happinessunharassed
uoharassed unar by governmental goverentl inter interference intr intrfernc interference ¬
ference fernc and ad free rre from extraordinary extraordinarysupervision extrardinr extraordinarysupervision
supervision auprislon by the police plc This will wi be bethe b bethe
the tle good go or desirable deirable citizens ctizens lot until untiluch unt untilt
uch uchtlmou time the Executive shall
t t ctea as Exectve shl change changehi chnge
a hi own rnlnd and the citizens
18 ow fin ctzens tag tagOn t tagOn
On the other hand the citizens ctleM execu executively executlely executively ¬
tively tlely and arbitrarily arbitraiy classified cllfe as a bad badin ba badSn
in advance of conviction of
adanc convicton any specific specificcrime spifc spifccrime specificcrime
crime or misdemeanor miemeaor shall shal lead lea lives livesthat lve livesthat
that tht are a foretaste roret8te of the seventh in inferno Infero inferno ¬
ferno fero They shall go nowhere unac unaccompanied nnncmpanie linacjompanied ¬
companied mpanie by the Federal Joeral secret eret ser service spr sprvic sprvice ¬
vice vic Thedaily Th daiy reading reaing of their families familiesand raie familiesand
and friends and clients and
ane clent patrons patronseliall ptron patronsshall
shall 8hal consist nit of Presidential Peidental messages messagesstatements meC messagesstatements
statements ItRtemont and warnings walng pointing pintng pub publicly publcy publicly ¬
licly lcy to the brand of badness badne that de degrades deadc degrades ¬
grades adc them The experience exprence of the theticket theticket theticket
ticket of leave leve man trying tring to earn a aliving aUving aLiving I
living under tho surveillance surveiance of suspl susplcius sUlpl11US suspic1lus
cius 11US authorities authorite shall fhal be incomparably incomparablyeasier
easier e ier and happier than that th t of these theseunconvcteU the theseunconvcted I
unconvcteU ulconvcte subjects subject of Executive Exeutve clas classification dil dilslthaton classifleatlon ¬
sification slthaton They shall shal be bl pursued pursuedwatched Ilnme IlnmeB purtuedwatched
B watched Ctche investigated invetgate at every turn turnand tur turnand
and in every ever transaction tranlacUon When not notactually not notactually
I actually actualy under Federal Feera Investigation Investigationof invetgaton invetgatonfIr
of it their thei private lives lve the bad citizens citizensBTmll citzen8 citzen8III1e citizenssTiall
BTmll III1e live In continual cntnual terror of it i And Andwhen AndThen Andwhen
when at last the accused of
they are acus specific specific5iihdemeanor spifc spifcilemeanor specific1demeanor
5iihdemeanor ilemeanor or crime crme in greater or orminor orminor orminor
minor degree they shall Iha1 be held guilty guiltybecause guiy guiybause guiltybecause
because bause of the bad character charactr which has hasbeen h8 hasbOen
been bn officially ofcialy ascribed ascribe to u them until untiltheir unt untiltheir
their innocence Innonc is II proved prove provedand and the te bur burden bur burdn ¬
den d n of proof prof of innocence Innonc shall shal practi practically prct practictelly ¬
cally clly be upon them as to the particular particularcharge paricula particularcharge
charge car e in the court courtThe cOlm cOlmThe courtsThe
The indication Indlcatol are ae that tt the calmer calmerand calmerand calmerand
and more reasonable reaonable intellect Intelet of Presi President Prci Prcident President ¬
dent TAFT T AP perceives preeivt the utter utt fallacy f lac of ofhis orhis ofhis
his predecessors preeers notion that corporate corporatewickedness crprat corporatewickedness
wickedness wicenelould should be b restrained retralne by bydftfisification bycUicaton byclassification
classification cUicaton or punched puthe by Executive Executiveeentence Exetv ExecutiveBentence
eentence etnc of a I general nature prelim prelm prelmr prelimas
r as 7
inary 1 to the legitimate leittite reeort rert resortto to t the te th old oldfashioned oWfaone Oldfashioned
fashioned faone process re of judicial judici ascertain ascertainment ascertlflmont ¬
ment of specific spifo guilt gui So far fa as Mr MrTAFT MrT MrTfrr
TAFT T F to 1 concerned cncre it would teem lem that thatthe tat tatthe thatthe
the idea of trusts tr t goodbeforehand gOOde beforehnd beforehand in inthe Inthe inthe
the general sense see g or trusts trst shade bad bd be beforehand be beforehand ¬
forehand forhand in the general sense sne by rea reason re resn reason ¬
son sn of their teir assignment aignent by Executive Executivedecision Eetve Eetvedeiion Executivedecision
decision deiion to t one of two rigidly delimited delimitedclasses deliit delimitedclasses
classes cllC may be eliminated eliiate and die dismissed di diemissed ¬
missed mi as a a crude cde and somewhat smewhat fat fanatical fa faleal fatlent ¬
lent imagining imaginingIn Imainng ImainngIn
In the message mele to which the te brief brierr brierrluring re reassuring iaassuring ¬
assuring statement sttment of Tuesday Tuey invites invitesrenewed invt invitesrenewed
renewed rnewe attention atenton the President Peldent showed showeda showe
a clear understanding undertding of onbe the dire dre cease consequences cn ceasequncef3 ¬
quences qUfC of extensive investigation invetgaton even evenwhen evenwhen ovenwhen
when confined confne to corporations crrton with withrespect wit withrespect
respect rpet to which there tere is any reasonable reasonableground ronable ronableground reasonableground
ground for Btwptrion fuplcon that tat they tey have havebeen hav havebeen
been bn organized oranze for a purpose pu and are areconducting ar arcnductng areconducting
conducting cnductng business buln on a plan which it itin iain isin
in violation violaton of the antitrust law He Hedescribed Hedesrbe Hedescribed
te anttrt
described desrbe these thc possible consequences consequencesin conseuenc
in the following rolowlng words wordsSuch wors worsSuch wordsSuch
Such an n InveatlgaUon InvelrUoa and al possible psbl prosecution prosecutionot prMlon prMlonof
of corporations crpraton whose bos prosperity praprt or destruction destructionaffects deat detfllctiOnaffects lon lonaIect
affects aIect the tie comfortnot only oniyof of stockholders tllolden but butnf butof butof
of millions mllona of wage earners earn employees employes and ld asso associated auodated 1 1ealt ¬
dated ealt tradesmen must necessarily cuarltld tend to t disturb disturbthe dllurb dllurbtbe
the confidence nfdence of the business busnua community t to dry dryup dr drup dryup
up the now 10W flowing fowlor 5owin sources IUro of capital caplt1 from fl flplare Its Itsplace itsplaces
place or hoarding hoarlnr and produce prduce a halt In II ocr oirrpresent 01 01prnenl ocrpresent
present prnenl prosperity praprt that will wl cause ca cause suffering lrflor and andstrained andstrln andstrained
strained d circumstances crumstoca among amr Ihe Innocent alocent many manyfor manrfor manyfor
for the faults f ulU of the guilty rlly few fewSurely fewSurly fewSurely
Surely Surly the comprehension and the thesolicitude theslldtude thesolicitude
solicitude slldtude here her displayed dlspla are not af affected a affected ¬
fected rete Surely they were wer not not ex expressed expr expressed ¬
pressed pr thus tu forcibly for the mere mer pur purpose pur purp0e purpose ¬
pose p0e of terrorizing trorizing business husine opinion and andinfluencing ad adinfuencing andInfluencing
influencing infuencing it i in favor of the Presi Presidents PMI PMIdents Presidents ¬
dents project of Federal Feer incorporation incorporationan incrraton incrratonan
an alternative Rleratve not not yet sufficiently umcienty con considered considered < n n8idere ¬
sidered 8idere and discussed dlsC on n its it merits meritsThat mert meritsThat
Mr Ir Roots Warning Warn WaznlngThere In InTere
f fThere
There Tere is little litte occasion oaion for surprise surprisethat lurprl
that the gloomy fashion rah ion in which the theHon theHon theHon
Hon ELJHU ELHU ROOT RO described dCctbe local po political p poutica ¬
utica ltca conditions cnditon to an audience audienc of ofXew ofXew ofew
Xew ew York Congressmen Congremen awakened awaene no noprotest noprott noprotest
protest prott of optimism opiism On the contrary contraryhowever cntra contraryhowever
however much Mr Ir ROOT may have flu illuminated iu iumlnate fluunmated ¬
unmated mlnate hi his subject subjet with his usual usualclairvoyance UUa usualclairvoyance
clairvoyance clainoyanc of o thought and phrase it itneems itRems itseems
seems Rems clear that the conditions cnditon them themselves tem temselve tiemselves ¬
selves selve were lre well wel known and poignantly plgnnty plgnntyfelt poignntlyfeitby poignantlyfelt
felt feitby by all al allwho who heard hear him hi The Te unhappy unhappytruth unhappytruth I Itrt
truth trt seems sems to be that tat however how ver men mendiffer mendirer mendiffer
differ direr in rAnge of vision and extent extnt of ofinformation ofInroraton ofinformation
information Inroraton regarding regaring the condition cndton of ofRepublican orRpublcan ofRepublican
Republican Rpublcan affairs atar in this State Stt the te char character character character ¬
acter of their knowledge knowlege is identical identicalAH identca
AH Al that tat is apparent appent knowable knwable capa capable cap capable ¬
ble of being bing forecast rorest in the present prent for fortune fortne fortune ¬
tune tne of Republican Republca politics pltc in the State Stateof Stt
of New Ne York inevitably inevitbly gives give political politicalvalue pltc politicalvalue
value to that ancient acient cornerstone cretne of ofpopular 01ppular ofpopular
popular education No lickin Icin no nolarnin nolarnin
ppular eucaton I
larnin lanln Preserved PNre from the former formersince foner fonertlnc formersiuco
since tlnc November 31891 3181 3 1891 the Republican Republicanparty Republc Republicanparty
party pty has h8 long since sinc ceased ce to t give evi evidence evidence evideuce ¬
dence of the posscesionor p6elonor power pwer for the theacquisition te teaUiiton theacquisition
acquisition aUiiton of the latter later For ourselves ourselveswe oul6 oul6we
we profess profe complete agreement ament with withMr withMr withMr
Mr ROOT RO in the conviction cncton that partici participation ptci ptcipton participation ¬
pation pton in ii one will wi at no distant ditt time tme give givethe givete givethe
the te dominant party r ty in this ti State Ste a new newand newd newand
and d necessary nee incentive incntve for the acquisi acquisition auii auiiton acquieltion ¬
tion of the other otherBrrand otherErrand
ton te otr otrErraad
Errand Boy BoyFor Boys BoysFor BoysFor
For the te eelfrespecting selfrepetn members member of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Republican Rpublc party py of this thi county countythe cunty cuntythe countythe
the report repr of the committee cmite of seven sevennow sven svennow sevennow
now engaged engae in selecting sletng a successor successorto sucor sucorto
to the Hon HERBERT PARSONS has ha a avery aver avery
very ver particular paiclar interest intent In one way wayor wayor
or another it will wi answer Iwer the genera generation generaton generation ¬
tion ton old question queton Must the man who whodirects whodirt whodirects
dirt directs the Republican Republcan party prty in New NewYork NewYork NewYork
York county countyoranoitybesmeones countyoranoitybesmeoneseIand of a necessity be some ones oneserrand oneserrand
errand eIand boy by If we judge the temperof temperofthe tmprof tmprofthe
the local lo Republicans Rpublcan corectly Cety after aftermany aftr aftrmay aftermany
may many messengers menger their spirits spirit are hun hungering hu hugerng hungering ¬
gering gerng for at least let one man ma in the office officeof ofc ofcof
of the t > county cunt president presidentIn
In recent recnt years ye that office ofc has ha been beendecorated ben benderat beendecorated
decorated derat by the Hon LEMUEL LMUEL ELY ELYQuico ELYQUGO ELiQuwo
Quico QUGO who did the tf will wi of Senator SenatorPLATTby Senatr SenatrPLTby SenatorPiby
PLATTby PLTby the te Hon ROBERT RBER C MORRIS MORRISwho Moinuswho oRRS oRRSwho
who obeyed obeye all al the similarly siiarly derived derivedorders derive derivedorders
orders orer he could cud fathom by the Hon HonEDWARD BonEDWARD HonEDWABD
WILLIAM WLIUI HALPIN HALIN who repeated repat with withpleasing withpleling withpleasing
pleasing accuracy acuracy the commands comands of the theHon theHon theHon
Hon B B ODELL Jr Last Lt of all al these theseother th thother thoseother
other mens men was wa the Hon HERBERT HERBERTPARSONS HERERT HERERTPARON8 HnnnavPAnsos
PARSONS PARON8 who derived derive importance iprc solely solelyfrom solelyfrm solelyfrom
from frm the fact that that the brass brR buttons buton of ofhis ofhis ofhis
his livery lver bore the potent ptnt letters leter T R REach REach 11Each
Each of these thel incumbents incmbent found roun the theestate theemte theestate
estate emte of the county president justly justlylow jutly jutlylow justlylow
low and nd left ler it lower Some were sue sustained IU suetamed ¬
tamed talne by Federal Feeral patronage some sme by byState byStt byState
State Stt some by both Each Jach political politicalbellboy pltcal pltcalbelboy politicalbellboy
bellboy belboy surpassed urle his predecessor preor in inobsequiousness Inobluiousnes8 inobsequiousness
obsequiousness obluiousnes8 abject abjet subordination subordinationand suborination suborinationand
and selfsatisfied slrstsfe servitude sritude Each Ech con contributed rD rDtrbute contributed ¬
tributed trbute a measurable meaurable degree degre to t the thedegradation te tedegradaton thedegradation
degradation degradaton of his hil party in the eyes eye of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the community cdmuniyand and to its ia offence ofenc to the theselfrespect theselrrepet theselfrespect
selfrespect of most mot of its It members membersAre membr
Are the local Republicans Republcan to have haveat
at last llt a leader whose vhoeJraina ho brains raiJ shall shal work workindependently workindepndently workindependently
independently indepndently of the telephone and andwhose andwhose nd ndwh0e
whose wh0e spirit shall shal sustain sustin itself i I without withoutthV without withoutthe
the th visible warrant of master in
waant a mater tn port par1ttbvsT pr porttibia
tibia tibllr
A Courageous ConrA Conrseous eous Jury JuryRespect JuryRespect
Respect Rept and ad honor are due to the theBrooklyn theBroklyn theBrooklyn
Brooklyn jurymen n who have protested protestedagainst protete protestedagainst
against alnt the action alon of County Judge JudgeFAWCETT JudgeFACtT JudgeFAWCETr
FAWCETT FACtT of Kings King county In rebuking rebukingthem rebuing rebukingthem
them because becaue he was displeased displcle withTa withTaverdict with witliaverdict a I Iverict
verdict verict of acquittal o culUal andin discharging dischargingthem dilharglg dilharglgthem
them from further jury service Irlce at the thepresent thepreent thepresent
present preent term ter of court curt by reason of his hisjudicial hisjudical hisjudicial
judicial judical displeasure displeasureThese di displeasureThese ple ure ureThC
These ThC gentlemen entemen poirjt plt out that they theyhave they theyba theyhate
have ba not iot ot sought of their own volition volitionto volton voltont
to t participate prtcipate in the administration ainittaton of ofjustice orjustc ofjusticebuthave
justice justc justicebuthave hut but liuve huvebLen been beencompelled compelled mptled to t do doin BO BOin soin
in the discharge dischar e of a highly important importantcivic Imprtnt Imprtntcivlo
civic duty dut that the law imposes Imp Upon Uponthem uponthem pn
them and an not upon upn the Judge Judgthe Judgethe the re responsibility r reeuponsibility ¬ I
sponsibility Pnlbity of determining deteninn whether wheter or ornot ornot ornot
not a defendant defendant Is guilty gly beyond beon a areasonable are areasonable
reasonable re nale doubt that that Judge FIWCETT FIWCETThimself J Awcxrr Awcxrrhimself WC i ihiml
himself himl Instructed Intrce them to acquit acul in inthe inthe I Ithe
the case cU cisc which called cale forth his he h1 criticism criticismIf cltc i
If i they entertained ontertlne any ay reasonable reasonabledoubt r 8lble 8lbledoubt asonbledoubt I
doubt an S to the guilt git of the te accused accusedThey ac acThey accuAedThey
They insist IMit that the verdict verc which whichthey whch whchthey whichthey
they rendered rendere was WI w the necessary n neo eury and andlegitimate nd ndlegitimate I
legitimate legtiate expression n of their tn unanimity unanimityin wt
in entertaining ntian such reasonable ranll doabt doabtHence doobthence
Hence lence I they can perceive prclvA no nopropy nopropyI propriety d08j
r < 1r t
o I
in I the te condemnation cndenton visited v1lt upon upn them themfrom tem temfrm themfrom
from frm the bench benchNeithercan b benchNeither nch nchNeither
Neithercan Neither c can we The e jury ju scoring scoringnablt scrins scrinshbit scoringhabit
habit hbit is i a gross abuse abule of power pwer for which whichthere whlcbther whichthere
there ther is il no justification Juticton in law and wear weare we weare
are ar glad gla to t believe bleve that it is 1 a compara comparatively cmpa cmpatvel comparatively ¬
tively tvel modern moern innovation innovatin for which the theprecedents theprent theprecedents
precedents prent are ae not rot numerous nweru It I can cannot cannot cannot ¬
not too to soon Bn be b completely cmpletly abandoned abandonedWe abadone
We do not question queton the right of the thepublic thepublo thepubllo
public publo to express expre dissatisfaction ditafacton with withthe wih wihte withthe
the te verdicts verict of juries jurie It I has ha the same sameright sae saeright sameright
right to t express expre dissatisfactionwith diltsratlon dissatisfaction with Ith the thedecisions thedelsioM thedecisions
decisions delsioM of Judges Judge There is no branch branchof brach brachof
of the te dovernment dovernent that can claim cam im immunity i hitmunity ¬
munity from public publo criticism crtcsm under a afree afr afree
free fr government A criminal court courthowever cut cuthowever courthowever
however consists cnilt of two parts each eachdischarging eachdichaging eachdischarging
discharging dichaging a function functon wholly wholy distinct distinctfrom ditnct distinctfrom
from that tat of the other the Judge who whodeals whodels whodeals
deals dels with wih the law of the case the jury jurythat jur Jurythat
that passes pMl upon upn the questions q Otol of fact factNeither rat ratNeither factNeither
Neither can properly proprly interfere with the theduties thedute theduties
duties dute of the other and in the absence absenceof
of misconduct minduct on the part par of the jury jurythe ju jurythe
the Judge has ha no more right to t con condemn condemn condemn ¬
demn it from the bench for a verdict verdictof verict verictof
of acquittal auittl than the jury jur woukfhave woukfhaveto woulchave woulchavet wouki have haveto I
to t criticise critcie his hl law lawIt llw llwI lawIt
It I is difficult difcult even now to obtain ob in good goodmen go goodmen
men willing wiing to serve sere as S jurors juroI in our ourgreat ourgreat ourgreat
great cities cte It t will wi soon son be impossible impossibleif Implble ImplbleIt
if reputable citizens citzen citlzensknow know they ore ae liable liableto lablo labloto
to a I judicial judlclalscring scoring in case they deem deemit dem demIt
it It their duty under the oath which they theyhavo theyhave theyhave
have taken ten to acquit auit a defendant derendant whom whomthe whomthe whomthe
the Judge Jude thinks they the1 ought ought to t have havefound haveround havefound
found guilty guiltyWe guUy guUyWe guiltyWe
We commend cmend these thoe Brooklyn jurymen jurymenfor juren jurenfor
for their coSirage crae in protesting protetng against againsta sfllnt
a growing abuse of judicial power powerWhat pwer pwerhat powerWhat
What hat Can Mr Ir Aiqulth Alqulh Do DoThough DoTough P PThough
Though Tough elections eletons in Great Grat Britain Dr in will willdrag wi willdrag
drag on through trugh the rest rt of the week weekand we weekand
and ad the last lat returns retur from frm the Orkneys Orkneysand Orkneyaad
and ad Shetland Shetad will wi not not be made till ti well wellon wel welon
on in February Febra the practical practcal result of ofthe orthe ofthe
the polling plqng is settled tUe and accepted a pte by byboth bybth byboth
both bth parties pre The Te Unionists have not notwon notwon notwon
won a majority maorty the te Liberals Libral and ad Lbor LborUN LaborItse Labor LaborIt
UN It at best bt cannot caot have one large largeenough Jare Jareenogh largeenough
enough enogh to maintain maintin the Government Goverent if ifthe i ifthe
members eliminated the theNationalists thoNatonalsts theNationalists
the te Irish Irsh mfmbr are a elmlMt
Nationalists h ld the balance of
Natonalsts held baanc power powerNeither pow powerNeither r rXelter
Neither Xelter side Ilde we imagine imaine would care carefor ca carefor
for another aother test tt of strength ohtrngt immediately immediatelyand imm iately iatelyad
and ad the question queton that tat interests interet England Englandnow npland nplandnow
now is what will wi happen when the Parlia Parliament Pala Palamet Parliameat ¬
meat met meets meetsThat met meetsThat
That Mr ASQUITH ASQUIT will 11 try tr in earnest earnestto eret erett
to t keep in full the promises prmise made lade before beforethe befor beforethe
the te election eleton to the Irish Ir leaders leder is hardly hardlyprobable harly hardl hardlprobable
probable prbble even evenwith with wih his hi pressing need ne of ofthe orte ofthe
the te Nationalist Natonait votes vote Any measure meuro in involving involvng involving ¬
volving volvng real re home rule would deprive deprivehim deprve deprvehim deprivehim
him of the of Liberalsprobably
support 8Uppr many may Liberals Libras Librasprbbly Liberajeprobably
probably prbbly enough enouh to wipe wip out entirely entirelyIlls entrh entrhhis
Ills Irish Irh majority majorty Can he devise deviA such suchrelief suchrlef suchrelief
relief rlef forJpeland as I will wi hold hi hi his own ownparty ownI ownparty
together and at the same time timeprove timeprove
party ad
I py togeter te se tmo tmoprve
prove prve acceptable acptble to the te Nationalists NationalistsWith NrtonHst
With home hoe rule rle lert out olt can C his offering offeringbe olern
be b greater grr than tha what the Unionists Unionistsmight lnionis1 Unionistsmight
might mht be b willing wiing to concede cnce to win over overthe overthe overthe
the votes vot that thatwould would ould put put them in power powerAt
At this ti time tme above abve all others other Ireland Irelandneeds Irlnd Irlndne Irelandneeds
needs a real leader leder with the strength to tohold tohold tohold
ne r te 8trengt
hold his party pary together tgeter and the brains brainsto brainst
to take advantage of the perplexities of ofboth otbth ofboth
t te avate te prlexit
both bth sets t of English Eli opponent oPpent oppo tcntJu Though ThoughMr Tough ToughMr
Mr JOHN JOH RBDMONO RRDfNDha RRDtOND1UIs has managed mae to tosteer t tosteer
steer ltr the Nationalists NatonIst along while whie their theirpart theirp theirpart
part p in Parliament Parlament was wa unimportant unmprt he heis hei heis
is i no PARNELL PARLL or OCONNELL OCONNE One sec section s seetion ¬
tion ton of the Nationalists Natonalst in Parliament Parlaent i is isopposed w wopposed
opposed oppe to him hi and when wJen it comes cme to toaccepting toaptn toaccepting
accepting aptn or rejecting rjetn not home rule rulebut rle rlebut rulebut
but but compromises cmprmie of various varou sorts Hrts agree agreement ar arment agreesnent ¬
the Irish will be difficult difficultA
ment among aon Iriih wi b dilcul
in the would be dis disastrous disatus dieastrous
A split splt te party pay now b ¬
astrous astrousThere atus astrousTh I
There T Th re can be little ltle expectation exptton of ofradical ofraicl ofradical
radical raicl legislation leislaton from rrm the new Parlia Parliament Pala Palament Parliament ¬
ment and that that may disaffect diet the theLbr theLbrprty Labor Laborparty Laborparty
party prty and in that tht way deprive thefiov thefiovernment thenovernent the Llov Llovernment
ernment ernent of its it majority majori One unlikely unlikelycombination unlkel unlkelcmbinton unlikelycombination
combination cmbinton is conceivable cncivable for which whichthere whichthere whichthere
there have been precedents preents a coalition coalitionof calton caltonof
of the Unionists Unonllt with the conservative conservativeLiberals cnratve cnratveLberal conservativeLiberals
Liberals Lberal to oppose opPse socialistic localsto measures measuresand meaure meauread measuresand
and ad Irish Ir h reforms rerors an a alliance alanc that that would wouldbe wouldblkely
be blkely likely to deal del satisfactorily stiractoriy with the thereform thereror thereform
reform reror of the House of Lords Lrs which whichMr whichr whichMr
Mr r ASQUITH ASQUITI now declares delac is the first firstmatter frt frtmattr firstmatter
be settled A constitutional constitutionalchange constitutionalchange
matter mattr to b lete cnttutonal cnttutonalchange
change put through though by both the his historical hlsoriCI historical ¬
torical oriCI parties prtie would be respected repte more morethan morethan morethan
than one having the appearance appearanc of n npartisan npin apartisan
partisan pin measure measureTo meaure meaureTo
To bring brng about abut such an alliance alance how however however however ¬
ever would call cal for more genius genus and andinitiative andinitatve andinitiative
initiative initatve than has h8 been shown by any anycommoner ay aycmoner anycommoner
commoner cmoner of lat lt late years ye it it might have havetjfen haven havelen
len n achieved ahieve perhaps prhap by Mr CHAM CHAMBERLAIN CHAMBERLIN CUAMBERLAIN ¬
BERLAIN BERLIN whose day is I past pt if i the Lib Liberals Liberal Libcrate ¬
crate eral had ha had such a leader l er they would wouldnot wouldnot wouldnot
not be b In their tClr present predicament pricaent The Thesolution Te Tesluton Thesolution
Mr will willbe willbeasintereeting
solution sluton of Ir AUQUITHS AIQUITUS problems wi
be b beasintereeting as a interesting interetng to t watch walh as I tJeeleton tJeeletonha theelectionhas theelection theelectionhas
has ha been beenThe ben benTbe beenThe
The Panama I Jlb ItbI lbel Case CaseTe CaseThe S SThe
The Te decision of Judge Jude HOUGH yes yesterday yesterday e ¬
terday teray quashing quahlngthe the indictment in the thePanama te tePama thePanama
Panama Pama libel l l case C against aalJt the New York YorktVercl YorkWrld YorkWorld
World on the ground gund of the te lack lac of ofFederal orFeeral ofFederal
Federal Feeral jurisdiction jursicton for such criminal criminalprosecution crminl crminlpreUon criminalprosecution
prosecution preUon of a newspaper newspapr l 1 Is a vic victory yic vietory ¬
tory tr for the te freedom rredom of the te press Pr It Itis I itIs
is in line Ino with other oter notable notble decisions decisionsby d tion
by upright upright Federal Jeer Judges JUdge In more morethan mor morethan
than tan one of which THE Tim Sex has hl had hadspecial hadspa hadspecial
special interest interestIn Intert IntertIn
spa In contemplating cntemplatngthi this righteous de decision dedelon dociion ¬
cision the fact must be kept in mind that thatwhile thatwhie thatwhile
while whie it it counts cunt much for the protection protectionof protion protionor
of newspapers new papr from unusual unuual and ad op oppressive op oppressive ¬
pressive proceedings prcing against them tem in inthe inthe inthe
the form fon of law it It signifies signlfM absolutely absolutelynothing abolutly abolutlynothing absolutelynothing
nothing as a to the truth or falsity rallity of the thestatements thesttment thestatements
statements sttment printed in the World about aboutthe abut abutte aboutthe
the te disposition dipiton of the Panpfna Pa a Canal Canalmoney Canalmoney Canalmoney
money moneyA
A Deacon SeculAr And a Victim Vctm of ofMegalomania ofIealomluia ofMegalomania
Megalomania Iealomluia Mecklenburjrcnsl MecklenburjrcnslAs 11eckienburlnlb 11eckienburlnlbAs
As we feared rare too long longdevoton longdevotion devotion to the theMecklenburg thoMeklenbug theMecklenburg
Mecklenburg Meklenbug Declaration Delar4ton and Dr COOK COOKhas COI Cooshas
has b injured inue our old friend the Char Charlotto Chr Chrlotte Charlotte
lotte Observer Obener It I is i making maing Cookian Cookiandiscoveries Coklan Coklandicverlc Cookiandiscoveries
discoveries dicverlc on Its 1t own hook hookAa hok hokA
Aa A well el might T Tie > SUM claim to have bv Invested InveitedCsUBLUCAOMB 10Yle InvestedCI4RLI3AQ5
CsUBLUCAOMB cuaLS and a4 tfAroutOK PLON with wlb the Imperial Imperialhonors ipr Imperialhonors
honors Ioaor as Deacon Deicn Huinitu HIPIL with wlb the dlaconate dlaconateHere cnl diacoosteIfere
Here Uee are a the exact and heretofore undisputed undisputedfacta Udhpute
facts t ct of history blIorl The Ta Obterftr OhU first lr male mal the thehonor thebonore bobooor
honor booor Id 4 Deacon Decnt an aler snilder Elder In recognitloA rerDhl0 of his bisbl blaAble hisabie
Able bl detonc defec ot that 111 great eea Calvlnlsllo Canalo document documentthe oOumelI oOumelIll
the ll ut Mecklenburg Ilelleburl Declaration clrlon later ller forapostatli forapostatlilac forA for Aposistlalot slUa slUala
lot la II degraded drle him hi to t the Ii dlscenal daCnl but bllIU butstEtl itm dIe dlaItagttUed 411tlbed dIegs5iilsbed
ItagttUed tlbed rank fie wfeanjie bat ba since ane remained remainedWe rm1e rm1eWe remaledWe
We believe Uev that tat the te original orgina patent pa nt is i
0 0s
s lk
sued sue by bTE THK TnETJN VN creating cr tnJms ttfl J JAitxs MES CALTIN CALTINHBMruiLL CLTN CLTNIJUfIHIL curiHBMrBILL
HBMruiLL IJUfIHIL a DecoB DeaSe Secular with it all allthe al alte allthe
the te right reU dignities dIE1le privilege pdvee immuni immunities iun immurdties ¬
ties te and eepUoM exemptions issuing iuing from frm and andpertaining andprnlng andpertaining
pertaining thereto is now in the vaults vaultsof
prnlng tet t noW t vaut
of the South Carolina Clna Historical Hstrc Society SocietyAt S iet
At any ay rate we made Mr HEUPIIIUJ HIPIL a aDrtacon aDMcn aD4acon
Drtacon DMcn Secular Seulr before the Charlotte CharlotteObserver Chlotte ChlotteObener CharlotteOb
Observer Obener Ob erter had ha observed obsre him That honor honorit
it is in no mans power pwer to t take tae away awayOnce awayOnc awayOnce
Once Onc a Deacon Dean always aways a Deacon DeaconNotice Dean DeanNoUc DeaconNotice
Notice NoUc that our unfortunate unrortunat contem contemporary cntm cntmporary oontemporary ¬
porary is still tl playing with that that mere merecourtesy mer merecourtesy
courtesy cury title tte of Deacon FcleiatcJ EcclesiasticalDeacon Ecclesiastical EcclesiasticalDeacon
Deacon Den HEMPUILL HBMPHLL is il rather decanus decanusthan deanus deanusthan decanusthan
than diuconus dlacnu He le is II the president presidentdean preident preidentdean
dean and master m8tr of his hil trade or corpo corporation cro corporation ¬
ration raton in South Suth Carolina Carolna as 8 he is soon soonto sn snto soonto
to be in VirginiaAH VIIiliu VIIiliuAf Virginia
AH Af to the remarks of this darkened dnrkenN Tar TarHeel TarHel TarHeel
LEON we have always humored humor its It delu delusion deluIlon delusion ¬
sion Ilon and have been bn glad to t concede conce that thatboth thatboth thatboth
both were wer natives natve of North Carolina CarolinaThe Carolna CarolnaTf
The Tf swinishness of Buffalo Burato that want ant to hog hogeverything borevertllnrTIlln bo boeVerytfttnTheIfon
everything evertllnrTIlln eVerytfttnTheIfon TUf lion KDainTucMiN RO TJU1UN IHUCKETT IHUCKETTHas IIUCUIT ItIUcKzrThas
Has 13s Buffalo Bulolo Ime some mineral mineri springs co t be besaved be8ve besaved
saved 8ve too to i iAa IAs IAs
As a traveller trveler with wih no official ofolal past pt of any anyconsequence anyconquenc anybonsequcace
consequence conquenc who can cn invoke the te notice noticeof notc
of o crowned crwne heads hed and ad uncrowned uncwe rulers rulerson rler
on his travels trvel and obtain obtin state att dinners dinnersand dinner dinnersand
and gold medals mela and other oter distinctions distinctionsusually dlstnotonl distinotionsItsuahly
usually usualy reserved r re for men of achievement achievementMr
Mr r BitTAN has hs earned ere the te right to t be becalled b becalled
called cle the to Great Grt Uncommoner UncommonerThe Uommoner UommonerTho
The bill bi IS 1C1 11Zi > 4 to Incorporate Incorrle the tbf Descend Descendants Dewend Dewendanla fleicendanti ¬
ants of the Signers was w announced anoounc d as next In Inorder Inorer Inorder
order orderUr orer orderMr
Ur KKNI t that Ual bill bi go over oVeFro overFrom From tlu tluConortiilonal ffi
Conortiilonal ntcord ntcordPerhaps RIO UTOrdPerhaps rd rdPerhps
Perhaps Perhps Senator Snatr KKAN KKJN really rly meant meantLet meantLt meantLot
Let Lt that tt bill bi go under There 1her is a good gooddeal go gooddeal
deal del of opposition opplton to t It In theBenate te 8nt Mr MrLonoR MrLol drLonos
LonoR Lol of Massachusetts MaBchustt gao expression expressionto exprsion exprsiont
to t It I when he said sid We want to t consider cnfider a alittle alte alittle
orders ordersThe ordersThe little lte carefully crfuly before brore we create crat hereditary hereditaryorders herl hereditmryorders tny tnyrer
rer rerTe
The Te desire delr to t preserve prere for fo posterity pter y in a acorrect acort acorrect
correct cort form ton the history hltr o 0 the te famous famoutphrases tamoW famousphrases
phrases ph of our own time tme leads us to t pro protest pr protest ¬
test tet against the te following folowing misstatement mlsatatementrecently mltteent mltteentJnUy misstatementrecently
recently JnUy reprinted rprinte In the editorial eitoral column columnof column
of the Evening Post PoitThe PofTbe PostThe
te Ernnl
The Frttmit Fr smas Journal aum however b01vr declared declaredthat delard delardtbal declaredthat
that In the tbelobb lobby of the Senate Slate ALUM AL applauded applaudedCAMIDTI applaUdf applaudedCAuiori
CAMIDTI CAaIDTa racetrack raelrack tpeeebe pecbe and said ad that tbl the theGovernor tbeGoveror theGovernor
Governor Goveror ought ourbllo to have le a good ro swift f kick klcUWe kik kikWe kickWe
We quote quot from frm the te news newl columns clumn of the theEvening tbeErtnn thegvenfng
Evening Ertnn Post Pol of June 23 1908 1908Ur la 1908Mr
Ur r PAOI 01 pulled pulN out a aclpplor clipping from aChlaro aChlaroppr a apaper Chlcaf 0 0paper
paper ppr which bltb printed prInte an Interview with lh J B II IIMoxaiK nONOIH IfMONOINofleofihe
MONOINofleofihe MoxaiK ONOIH one of ofb the small mal fry fr frypoiiticlaneotcentral frypoiiticlaneotcentralNew politicians pUtcaoa of central centralNew cenlrale
New e York ork and ald an a alternate lernate for J 1 StoaT SLAT FjMrrr FjMrrrThis F FiMzTrThis AfK
This Interview began borne Sme one oe ought OUII to give rl rlGoernor giveGovernor iheGovernor
Governor Hconu a good lo swift 11 kick kickIn llck llckIn nickIn
In view of the character charctr of the witness witnessthis wlne witnessthis
this testimony should establish etblsh the author authorship autor autorahlp authorship ¬
ship of the words or beyond byond nil al question questionThe queton quetonTe
The Te Hon lon J D H I Movoix has recently recentlybeen rnty rntyn recentlybeen
been n removed rmove from office oto by the Hon HonCLARK HonAfK HonCiAtuc
CLARK AfK WILLIAMS UIAMS whom GqyernorHconFs GqyernorHconFsnamed Gqveror Gqvernor Huouns Huounsnamed CORFS CORFSnme
named nme as State Stt Comptroller Comlltrltr For hi hisacrilege hilorlege his hissacrilege
sacrilege lorlege therefore tlrfor MOVOIN has ha be been beenpunished n npunished npunlshM
punished properly prprly For the benefit bneft of offuture offutur offuture
future futur historians histran It hits t si emed me worth worthwhile worthwhie worthwhile
while whie to set st forth the t real rl responsibility responsibilityfor Ipnlblt
for this tis crime crme which whch the te ErnIQ Timing Post rottthrough Id Idtrugh Postthrough
through trugh misinformation misinforton and wholly wholy with without without without ¬
out malice malc we are ar certain rtln laid at the door doorof doorof
of the Hon loriuM IelAM P ALLDS ALLDSVeneer ALLD ALLDWene AZLDSWeneer
Veneer Kill U hae title Ite In America Ve Wto Wtonot 4o 4onot to tonot
not want I them Thc They > confer rofer too real rrl distinction distinctionrnal dlstncloo dlstnclooJlnnpU dIstinctIonMlnnepolIs
JlnnpU MlnnepolIs JOUI JOUITher Journal JournalThere rnal rnalThere
There Ther are ar more mor titles tte to the square BUr inch inchin inc inchin
in these t f United Unit State Stt than thn anywhere anyher else elaain ell elsein
in the thf world nor is i there ter any other oter pee people p peepie ¬
ple so 1 enamored enmor of buttons huttM orders orm small smalldistinctions smal emaildistlnoUoos
distinctions and two cent
dtnctons cnt pomp pompIs pmp pmpIa
Is it possible pble for the te Houston Houstn Post Po to tolearn toler tolearn
learn ler that tat the candidate cndidt for Mayor Mayorof Iayorof
of Boston Btn whose who campaign cmpgn expenses expensesamounted expn expnamount expensesamounted
amounted amount to t I1032JO 10 wan WV not the te Repub Republican Rpub flepublican ¬
lican candidate Candidates
lcn cndldt Cnlda fqr Mayor Mayorot Iayoror
ot Boston Btn are ar not nominated nomint by parties partiesand prtN prtNand partiesand
and the te gentleman genteman in question happens happensto happn
to t be h a Democrat Demort Having Hving the te misfortune misfortuneto misortne misortnet
to t be b an n Intelligent In lgent Democrat Demort he was of ofcourse ofCUM ofcourse
defeated the illustrious Little LittleGeneral LittleGeneral
course CUM defet by Iutrous Ltte LtteGenerl
General Generl This Tl Is known know probably prbbly in most mostAmerican mot motAmmcan mostAmerican
American pla places outside of th thought thoughtrooms toulht toulhtrms thoughtrooms
rooms rms of our esteemed Ctme if misguided misguide con contemporary cn cntmporr contemporary ¬
temporary tmporr which too tlYlumetat tlYlumetata toorashly rashly assumes that thata
a well wel bred br and forehanded forhnde candidate cndidt for foroffice foroto foroffice
office oto must he h a Republican RepublicanCANNON Rpublcn RpublcnCANNON
CANNON In Illinois 11101 fighting Irltn against ralll a direct directprimary dlret dlretprimar directprimary
primary primar law lawOrtC iawOreQon Ortgon Journal JournalAgnln JouN JouNglln JournalAgain
Again we recommend rmmend the Wiokedst WiokedstMan Wlcket WlcketIan
Man In the te World to t read rar the te sixteenth sixteenthchaper shttnth shttnthchper sIxteenthchaper
chaper chper of Leviticus LeviticusThe Lyltcs LyltcsT
The T Peerless In lont Jontlt America Americafrom Amerlisrroni mele melefro
from fro the Ih rrnldinct Prodlnc Journal JournalThe Journa JournalThe
The honors hooor paid pid to Mr Bryan In Peru Perusugeeftt Peri rentsuggest
suggest IUltteft the possibility pulbiiy of hla removlnc removlncpermanently removlnprmanenty removlnrpermanently
permanently prmanenty to that or ome other 01 her South SouthAmerican Soulhmerlcn Southtmerlcan
American country cunlry and running for Presi President Pmldent Prealdent ¬
dent HU I HI style of oratory would doubtless doubtleoaappeal doubtel doubtlessappeMl
appeal appal to the volatile volatie Latins Llna and provided providedhe prYJde
he mastered their language H tlWld Hthlld WtrUld bo boable b beable
able ble to give them such Ich a campaign campl8n as a they theynsver theyner theynever
never before brore experienced eprienc There are r not notmany notmany no nomany
many railways rlaYI In Peru but Mr Bryan Bryanmight Drynmltlt Bryanmight
might mltlt make a whirlwind canvass cnvu from the thetall Ihotal thetail
tall tal of an n orcart orcat or some other antipodean antipodeanvehicle antpoMo antpoMovehIcle antipodeanvehicle
vehicle and what mere mee native nAlve aspirant aspirantcould uplrancould aspirantcould
could hope hop to stand against hi his flood 10o of ofrhetoric oCrhetorlo ofrhetoric
rhetoric and flow 10 of soul The Nebraska Nebraskaleaders Nebrukaleader Nebraskaleaders
leaders views on finance Inane would be b more moreAcceptable moreIcept morencceptle
Acceptable Icept le In South Soth America than they theyhave Iheybave theyhave
have prbved to be b In the northern nortber half of ofthe orthe ofthe
the hemisphere and altogether aloaether It seems eeme aa aaIf A asIf
If I a large laee and attractive Uraetn opportunity opprtuniy awaited awaitedhim a awaitedhim le
him at Lima Lma Quito Quio or La Paz PazProtection Pa ParrateloD PazProtection
rrateloD Protection In th ta British Election ElectionTo EIKUIs EIKUIsTo EIectosTO
To THS T EDITOR DI DflO5 or 0 T TIa SVK SVKSSr air In view of ofthe 01tbe ofthe
the return ratum may It 100t not be b said II that tlI the le question questionwhich queslon queslonwlch questionwhich
which wlch has b been before bcor th Ue the electors of Great Orat Brit Britain Brt BrtIn Britsin ¬
ain In and nd Ireland Irland baa I not been be the te House Joua of Ix Lrs Lrsor Lods Lodsor > rds rdsor
or the budget bldr l but bil protection pr1cton rsus en free fr trade tradeIn tra trsd7In
In IfrM la Sir Robert oberl Peel Pl following folownr the le lead lad of ofRichard ofRchar ofRichard
Cobden explained that his bl views
Richard Rchar Cben apllMd on the thecorn le lecorn thecorn
corn law bad undergone unerroae considerable osderable change changeadd clr changeadd
add ld that the fore forr of events evnl bad lad brought brurl him 11m to tothe t tothe
the conviction cnvlclon that tha the le system of protecUanwblch protecUanwblchhe prltODWbdl prltODWbdlbe
be had so 1 long lonl supported aupprte must rul be le abandoned abandonedThe abadoGe
The Ta Tories Tor raged rre with wUhlllrnaton Indignation against raltbe raltbePrime the thePrime thePrime
Prime Minister whom they regarded reared aa a Ualtdr Ualtdrand Ilr Ilraod traitrand
and then ten It was that Ilal Benjamin Disraeli Dlsral supped suppedto stsppeto lp
to t the front as I the ti champion of protction protection Dis Disraeli m mral nuracli ¬
raeli ral always slid sid that Ual be educated eucae hi his party pll and andthe andhe nd ndtie
the tie surprising lurralor results e ul df the present prtanl election electionseem 1cIO ictionseem
seem seem em to Indicate Indlcl that Mr Chamberlain Cambrln wa won wonfrom wonfrom I
from the Ue ranks of free fre trade and od radicalism ralealm by b the themaster Ibemter themaster
master hand bad of the great rreal5mlUc Semitic statesman statesmanThe tlsn tlsnTe
The Te keen sarcasm lrum of LloydGeorge LlydGerro scarcely scarcelycomes 1 csrciycomes IY IYcmel
comes cmel up to the level of that 0 of Disraeli Dlual sixty sixtyfour 11 11four ilityfour
four yean en ago ao II le lie accused aoul Sir Sr Robert Robr Peel Pel of ofcatching otcakbllr ofcateblng
catching cakbllr the Whigs bathing and running rnllr oil al with withtheir wt wIQtheir
their clothes clte He Jo nald M that l Peel Pl was a political politicalPetruchlo polliicalPetruchio llcl llclJtrcblo
Petruchlo Jtrcblo who wlo had ha tamed t his 111 shrew brw with wt her own owntactics 01 owntactics
tactics tctta that tl Peels Peel party pry was a an organized orrall by bypocrlsy bJ bypocrtsy
pocrlsy prsv and that the Prime Prm Minister 1111tr was aa merely merelya merl merla
mediocrity mediocrityIt
a sublime ublmo mtlarUv mtlarUvI
It I la I the Ue Chancellor Can lor of the Exchequer Eaoeqle who h bo now nowAnds n nowfinds
Ands Ind himself himsl In an awkward wkwar sltualloii Ilualod After Afterthe Afr Afrthe Afterthe
the Parliament Paimnt Is I reopened rpoe It will wl b be seen I that thatme lal lalte thatthe
me te House Jous of Lords Lrd holds the te whip blp handle handlennooiLTN badle badlelonn bandleffljtooaLYzf
nnooiLTN lonn January Januar 28 75Broker A Bamsncn BamsncnBrokers BIo BIoBrokn
Brokers and Customers CustomersTo CtomTo <
To TUB T KCITOH FDII Or TUB n Sim SvI SexSir Sir A certain certainfirm ectln ectlnIrm certainfirm
firm has h been bfn suspended auspled from frm th the New York YorkStock YorkStk ioiStock
Stock Stk Irm Exchange Eachanr Now No the te dear der public plblo may mayread my myrrac mayread
read rrac that tha th th thS failures faluru recently ttCnty announee4 aounet s000unee4tMya s000unee4tMyacleared Jure Jurecleared > f I
then has 4on 4onsiderabie I Ialderble
cleared cere the stmosphert amsper thAI tber ba been ben con considerable n ¬
siderable alderble liquidation IQuaUon and ad that Ial stocks Ioh are ar surety suretydue surelydue uely uelydlf
due dlf for a good o0d rally rallyBut rly rlyBut raliyOut
But what bl r of the Ile people who wh have bae money mOD In I 11 11had isa isahandi th thhands
hands had of the suspended luspende des f Should 80u1 tt 1le 1leaueued they y be besqueezed besqueezed
squeezed aueued because btu becauseeartainbroken certainbroken erfbr1en refuse rr to 1 fulfil fulfiltnelr fIII fIIIIbelr fuisitheir
their contracts cIDtrat In I Hocking Hodl Coal C and Ir ironomios iron
0 BOMS R R3 R31T 3rmvxao 3rmvxaoCccciXNATt 3iwYxeeeGL 3iwYxeeeGLCIXcEmAT
CccciXNATt 1T January Januar 2 > J JW
2 2fvrm
fvrm W J
I add ad to t my previous prvoWI letter ttr that tht lawyers lawyerstell IweOI IweOItU
tell tU me that tat In all al the States Stt the te fun fundamental ruj fundaiientai ¬
damental dentl law lawnlt Iawpermits permits the State Stt to t modify modifyor moIy moIyor
or revoke rvoke any charter chartr of a corporation corrton it ithaa Ith ithas
has h granted rt Each State Stt has ba that tt Which Whichla whc
la described vlsi visitatonlal tatorial to over overhaul overhaul ¬
II deb aa I a vili t trl power pwer t over
haul hu the te doing dol under uder every ever charter chrtr it ithaa Ith ithas
has h created and ascertain if i the corpora corporation corporalion ¬
ct a r te corpra corpratOh
lion tOh manger managers are r violating violatng Federal Feerll laws lawsor
State laws Each and industrial industrialcorporation industrialoorporation
or Stt lws Ech every ever Idustrl Idustrlcrraton
corporation crraton unlawfully unlwfuly Increasing Incrasing the te cost costof cst cstof costof
of living lving must have hve been bn the te creature cratr of a aState aBtt aSlate
State Btt Congress Congr boa ha not yet created crt any anyPresident anyPrident anyPresident
President Prident Taft invited invlt the te wicked wlcko trust trustthat trt truststhat
that tha conspire cnspir against aglnlt com cptton oonupetition petition and for formonopoly formonoply formonopoly
monopoly monoply to t come cme under uner the te control cntrl of Con Congress Cn CngrB Congress ¬
find shelter and be
gress grB fn seltr b disciplined disciplinedWilt dsiplne I
Wilt Wi you 01 walk Into 101 my parlor palr I said lid tbo spider spiderto I
to tieny tienys ib be ay ayTIs fly1s
TIs 1s s the Ile prettiest prlleat little le parlor prlor that ever you yousld YOI YOIIld youdid
did Ild spy spyBut spyRut I IBut
But why run rn amuck against the Supreme SupremeCourt Suprme SuprmeCurt SupremeCourt
Court Curt and the custom custm of more mor than thn a cen century cn cntur century ¬
tury tur in regard rgr to t the chartering chartrng power pweror pwerorIndustrl powerof powerofindustrial of ofIndustrial
Industrial Industrl corporations crprtona if I each ech State Stt has hassovereign h hassovereign
sovereign Iverlg power pwer over Its 18 creature crtJr and ad can cantake c cantake
take tke its lt life le if I itmonopoliea Itmonoplz trade trdelntr trdelntrItate inter interstate interstate ¬
state or Intrastate IntrastateThis Intrtt intrastateThis
This Ts U I tho month in which tho to States Statescan S Sttascan t
act State Legislature in the theUnion theUnion
can cn Every Ever Stte lgblatr te teUnion
Union that meets this year excepting five fiveIs fiveis
tht met yor excptng tve tveIs
Is In session Ion President Taft
now Prsident Tar ap approving apprving approving ¬
proving prving Mr 11 Roots Rots Pennsylvania dinner dinnerspeech dinnersph dinnerspeech
speech sph three tr years yr ago warned ware a few fewdaya fewdays fewdays
days since slno thlrty Governors Govemor then in his hispresence hieprnc hispresence
presence prnc what wht will wi happen hppn to their States Statesif Stt
if I they ter do not mind their ps psand and qVt qt Mr MrDeneen MrDeneen r rDenen
Deneen Denen the loyal Republican Republcn Governor Goveror of ofthe orte ofthe
the te State Stt in which are 1 tho to headquarters headquartersof hMdqurlr hMdqurlrof
of the tb beef bl trust received rive admonition admonitionThe admonUon admonUonThe
The Illinois Ilnois Legislature lgl8latur is In session slon and andIts andIs andIts
Its Is courts ourt are ar open openIf opn opnI
If I State Stt corporations cororton are doing the un unlawful unmwfullhlngs unlawful ¬
lawful mwfullhlngs things in restraint rstrint of tmde that the thePresident thePrsident thePresident
President Prsident has ha described desrb in his hil recent rnt mos message mo mossage ¬
sage go to t Congress Cngrf and are ar thus responsible responsiblefor Ispnslble Ispnslblefor
for the increased incrs cost C0t of living lving then tho thochartering thoohartrn thechartering
chartering ohartrn < States St s can cn quickly put an end endto endt endto
to t the te rascality Ilt If they the will willIt wi willIt
It that the theStates theStates
I happens twentysix of
happns tat twentsix te teSlts
States Slts have now Governors Govemor and Legisla Legislatures LRlsla LRlslatl Legislturee ¬
tures tl of the same fme political poltcl party pry as a ProM President Prel Preldent ProMdent ¬
dent Taft Tar They Tey arc to t bo 0 assumed 8ume loyal loyalto
to the last Of the
Chicago Cicg platform platon re remaining r ramaining ¬
maining mining twenty which have hve Democratic DemocraticGovernors Dmortc DmortcGoveror DemocraticGovernors
Governors Goveror a dozen dozn are ar known know as South Southem Sut Southera
em The e others other are ar Colorado Cloro Indiana IndianaMontana Indian IndianaMont
Montana Mont Ion lzs Nebraska Nebrek Nevada North Da Dakota Dakota Dakota ¬
kota Ohio nnd Oklahoma Thus Tus the theStates theStle theStates
States Stle chiefly chiefy chartering chrterng trusts tmlt are Repub Republican Republican put ¬
lican len Why do they not act In the th sense senseof enseof ns
of their Presidents Pldentl menacing mencng warning amtn If Ifthe I ifthe
the Republican Repuhlcn politicians pol Uclans in those thO States Statesthink Stl Statethink s sIhlnk
think and wish i the same things of the thetrusts thetrt thetrusts
trusts trt as al their President Prsdent Prsdentt PresidentI
1 am told tld that tt New Jersey y is II the banner bannerState bnir bnirStte bannerState
State Stte in creating crtng predatory preuory corpora corporations crpor corporations ¬
tions tQns empowered empwen to t do business buslne when wherever whenever her herever ¬
ever other oter States Stt will i tolerate tltmt them and andauthorized nndalthorz andauthorized
authorized althorz to t own stock ltk in other corpo corporations cr corporations ¬
rations mtons hare hl all oi the te watered water stock stk they theyplease theyplea theyplease
please plea and generally Rrnemly do the te things that thatTaft tat tatTaf thatTaft
Taft Taf Roosevelt ROvelt and Bryan Bran condemn New NewJersey NewJenY NewJersey
Jersey In a I State Stt of the purest purst Repub Republican Rpub Rpub10m Republican ¬
lican 10m water The UooseveltBryan IOevelBran poll politicians pl pollticisns ¬
ticians UCUIS unsparingly unpringly denounce denolno her cor corporate corpmt corporate ¬
porate pmt creations crtons If I the he rose ro vigorously vigorouslyup vlgoru81yup
up against agallt her creatures craturl she and an her Gov Governor Goveror Governor ¬
ernor eror Fort could culd do more mor than Congress Congressand Congl
and President Pr8dent Taft 1lft and yet Roosevelt RooseveltBryan R08I RooseveltBryan
Bryan Bran politicians pltcians in the Legislature Igiaur are aredumb lr aredumb
dumb and motionless moUonlt Why is it thus tms in innil Inni inall
nil ni the States St even in Lbs thl Bryan Bran States Statesif StUI
if the te politicians polticis are UI sincere lnor when they theyaffirm tey teynfn theyaffirm
affirm nfn that tat the te commercial cmmerial corporations corporationscause crrtons crrtonscus
cause cus tho monopolies monoples and increased In < r cost costof Ct Ctof costof
of living lving Has commercial cmmeril competition competitioncompletely cmpUUon cmpUUoncmpletly competitioncompletely
completely cmpletly died die out in the country cuntr since sinceRoosevelt sinceRv sinceRoosevelt
Roosevelt Rv lt began bgan his schemes shemes to t Infuse Infunew Infunewle new newlife newlife
life le into Int it I and discover diver a sovereign 8verlgn to tocontrol t tocontrol
control cntrl predatory prtr corporations corporationsA crrtons crrtonsA
NEW YORK January Januar 26 26FMiSETT 2 2FtSSETT 6 6F1SSETT
A t Nf iRhtrarliood Ilhboro View 1 of the1 th Statesman Htaflman er erthe > f fthe rthe
the Southern utbr Tier TierTo Ter TerTo TierTo
To via liDixon DITon or 01 THK SUM SusSir Sir Con Congressman Coocreaman Congreseman ¬
gressman creaman Fssetts Flsels call al for a Republican Republicanhousecleanlng Republcan RepublcanhOWeceal1 RepublIcahousecleaning
housecleaning hOWeceal1 Is funny to sa nay the th least leastHere le8lt le8ltlere leastliens
Here lere at borne those Ihole who know Fiuuielt and andhis andbl andhis
his bl methods methos believe belee that th t the t le first frt step top in inRepublican InRepublcn inRepublican
Republican Republcn housecleanIng hou8lenlll would b b be to lorellr retire retirehim retirehim
him from public publc life le anti the management managementof manalement manalementor
of the partys prt affairs arnlr In this IhlStale State and Con Congressional Concrlonal Congreussional ¬
gressional district districtHas dlfrlcl dlfrlclla districtlisa
Has la anything ever happened hOPlne to brine brinecondemnation brlol bringcondemnation
condemnation condemnaton upon upn the Republican Jeplblca party parlyIn prly prlyIn
In thin Ilon section of the State at a least le4t more morethan morethn morethan
than thn the reprehensible rprehenslblf methods methol employed
by him hi to obtain obtIn bin first nrt nomination nominaton for forConsreMT forConread forCongress
Congress At that lima tme by appropriating Apprprlatnl
body b bod and breeches J U II I Monitui MonRI wbl whoby who whoby
by the way has hal just been beo riuruped dUlpd out or orthe orthe oftrie
the Stale Ilate Comptroller Complrolerl office by Clark ClarkWilliams ClarkWllam8 ClarkWilliams
Williams Wllam8 he managed manred Co hold a convention conventon
In Seneca tenec county over a year ear previous prfYlouI to th thday Ibday the theday
day of the election eltllon upon upn which Congress Congressmen Connes Connesmen ¬
men were to bo b voted upon This Thl snow snowshoe snowshos nowaho
shoe aho convention has 14 gone lpn down Into his history hl hllory history ¬
tory In this thl district dllrlct at t leant JUlt ita a culmina culmination culmlnlion ¬
lion of moat mOI dbercCul disgraceful methods mlhos In In the theconduct Ibeconduct theconduct
conduct of party prly prlmarle primaries and conventions conventionsBy
By an n equally equaly contemptible cntemptble scheme schemewhereby schemevchereby chere cherewherby
whereby wherby a nomination nomInaton for Assembly Alembly was waspromised waspromised WI
promised promise to 0 a resident rldent of Schuyler county countywho countywho
who ho was wa that year beaten at the polls an anha S ashe
he deserved deate to be b he secured lecur the delegate delegatefrom delectMrrom delegatesfrom pll
from Hchuyler lcbuyler county count al ailo also o He has ha at each eachelection eachelecllon eachelection
election by Immense amounts amolnte of money
throughout the district diltrict made the conduct conductof
of elections elecllol ro 0 far aa a Republicans are con concerned concorned ¬
cerned a disgrace dlslrace to the district districtHe dlatr districtlie ct ctHe cn cncerned
He Is I I now loudly 10udlydemandlnlIhathe ioudlydemandingthatthe demanding that the ras rascala ra raseMs
eMs calb be turned out and nd attempt atemp1 to t put the theentire Iheonlre theentire
entire onlre blame for the condition condiion of afTalrs Alr In InNew InSew InNew
New York State 8tle upon Woodruff Wor I boa hr to torepeat 10rfpat torepeat
repeat rfpat that here her at home the people pople believe believethat bloYf believethat
that Iha the first flt act In the hou houiecfeiinlne leanlnl should
be b to turn tur Kasaett aalelt out at C public publo life lCe and con control control controi ¬
trol of o the Republican Republcan organization orenlzton In this thisdistrict Ihldltrlct thisdistrict
district dltrlct K P liMits UUITHEXIIIRA liMitsEiJJiIts
EXIIIRA ElIRA January 26 26PRICES 21 21ln1cts 25pn1ctsOF
PRICES pn1ctsOF OF MEAT MEATnould lE4T lE4TWold VE4Tflouid
nould Wold They DC D Lower Lrr If Retailer HtaUen Combined Combinedto ble
to t > Reduce Rnc Expenses ExpensesTo Expar ExparTo
Is much talk tlk about the price of beef bef The Theretailers Thertlen Therttatlers
retailers rtlen are barely making mkln8 a living lvI The Theraisers Theralsr Theraisers
raisers ralsr of cattle cate say 8Y that the packers pcker do not notpay notp notpal
pay p them enough The packers pcker according accordingto accordlnto
to Roosevelts ROOev 11 committee commlfte ware ere making mkinI only onlya
a profit of IK I3 Per cent cnt on their sales eale at lt the thetime thelme thetime
time lme of the committees eommltee report reprt and the thequoted Lh Lhrjuoted
quoted price of packers pc en stock atok Is only a Hull Hullabove II Iltel Iltelabove thS
above abve par parLocal
Local Lal pr prLal cattle catle cattleraiser raisers railer are ei extinct tlnct Slaughter
houses houM that tba once onc existed elte In every eVlry Eastern Easternvllla Etem EtemYla Easternvillage
vllla Yla village are ar a thing IbIDI of the past PI driven out of
business bUllne because bane the packers pcar sell sl too to cheap cheapand cheapod cheapand
and ous od et t the price prIc to o the consumer to I grist grievous IrleT IrleTous gristous ¬
ousThere There Is one retail rtai butcher In Waterbury
for every ner ooo e Inhabitants Inbabltnta Each Ecb ach has to pay payrentclerk pa parnt payrent
rentclerk rnt rent cerk clerk hire hlr and for learns If If I they all allwsnt allwent
went wen into Inlc a trust tlt and had one big bllmaket market marketthey al
they could save ° enough on running
culd ta enoulh ex expenses e epnses axpasses ¬
passes pnses to sell el meat at 25 S per pr cent less Iee and andmake andmake andmake
make more mor money than they tley do now nowOur nowOur nowOur
Our salvation lvalon seems bile toie In some such sucharrangement lucharnlement sucharrangement
arrangement arnlement arrangementyarsaamuT ORANDPA OnNDPAATBRBtRY
WATBRBCRT ATBRBtRY Conn tOln January 35 35Trlamphant 25Trlampbaat 2sTriamphant
Trlamphant Grnocracy GrnocracyTo GocacTo
To rue T EDITOB EDna or o Tn ins Six hweS UI Sir The action actionof lon lonof
of Miss Il Lulu Van Fleet Fleet the Cleveland Clevlod school schoolleather ahol aholtalel schoolteacher
leather talel who severely beat highwayman blrbwamn who whotried wbotre whotrIed
tried tre to t rob rb her be and ad after ftr she sle had given him hima
a good 1 thrashing threw lrew him Into Int a knoVbank knoVbankand iobk iobkan Inobankand
and an Jumped Jump on blm again shows hws the superiority superiorityof Uprorty Uprortyof
of woman both bth mentally menily and physically pbscaly over overman ovt overman
man 8 and ald It II la proof prf positive plUve that lallber then la I no such suchquestion suchquestion uc
question quelon as the theeually equality of sexes ltandequ and equal pay paybut paybUI paybut
but that mn Is I Inferior Inleror and should oule be paid p4 ten tentbaa lentbaa lesstha
tbaa tbaa woman womanBecause w womanflectuse n
Because nu UlssVan MIaf Fleet FI I forgot her poeketbook poeketbookla pketbk
la 1 the l snowbank aobak after aflt tbrashlogihli tlrslrl robber rbber proves provesthat prv
that lblomen women are re capable CJble of doing dole large IrreAn largeand and noble nobUthings DO DOtblra noblethings
things tblra and ad consequently CoJq uenUy forget rret such ne a petty pty thing thingat ta tamone
at money JAMH D Darwzm Dfu Jr JrNBW JrN JrNil
Nil N YORK OIUt January a ur urf 2 2The ss ssJiieCemetof5C
The JiieCemetof5C JiieCemetof5CTb f Cnmet met of ofT6 8 8Tb
Tb T TIEI tas Ecrro or 01 THB T Sun Srr Swe8fr sir Vhsl lihal be btcame beame became
came of the l enormous enonu comet COBI of ISM Ilt Aslremtm Aslremtmbet Aa I rmem rmembet reman remanbe
bet be U lasted for weeks la the faU a
I I te a moil IOU glorious gloriouscbjWt rlroe rlroecblkt gloriouscbjt
cbjWt cblkt cbjtI CXPor CXPorITiw 0 P
I ITiw N tlwioxxanuarya tlwioxxanuaryaC Vote 011 C January JanU St
1 C
4 I
To Rise J ta I the te S 81 ele le ef e IttaalMMd M He l Matt MattLearn MBt MBtL I Ihews
Learn L to Respect J IHaiwtf IHaiwtfTo Ilel IlelTo
To nut EDITOII or TUB SUN BUNSir Sir I i am amafraid amaCrd amfraId I
afraid TI that tht Mr Robert E Park who h wrote wroteto wrte wrtet
aCrd to Tea T 8CK recently renty on the th subject ubJet missed missedtho ml missedthe
the th t point lnl of my previous prvioul Utter liter about abut the thenegro te tenear thenegro
negro 1 do not wish any anyone one to t think thnk thaiI that thatI
near manhood of the theaverage theavrle theaverage
I am so unjust as to t expect expct maDhod
could he acnWv acnWvIn achi4ve achi4veIn
average avrle negro ne810 today tay bow culd ach4v ach4vIn
In a few COW decade doe of years yer what wht wo have havfailed ba baCale havefailed
failed Cale to t accomplish acmpUb irt 11 centuries centuriesThU cnturl cnturlTbls
This U I my point pint how can an the negro ne8r hope hopeto hop
to become a man If I he does do not first frt show showthe showthe showthe
the brme desire not for oopsclous oleloul wealth welth and ndtb the thepower thepower
power to order people pople around arund with wih non nonchalance nonchalanc nonchalance ¬
chalance pwe chalanc t but orr to t be b a gentleman at heart bert to tobe t tobe
be b truly trly noble Does De he show aow this desire desireNot delre delreNot desireNot
Not to t my knowledge kMwlae Does Del he In hl his j self selfconscious seUcnecousne selfoonsclouanesa
conscious cnecousne oonsclouanesa ness wIsh vl h for sympathy ymptby from frm ui uiI u uImelne usI
I imagine he had rather rlber have havl something somothlncmore amlthln amlthlnmote
more substantial substantialEven subRlantal subRlantalEnn
Even If he has hal grown arwn iota Inl this desire desiresince de desiresince lre lreIDee
since the fht hut time I saw fW him even If he has hascome ha hacme hascome
come cme to t appreciate apprecate Im sympathy sympthy Is I he there therefore ther therefore ¬
fore Cor exempt from rrm th the old rule that a man manmutt manmut manmust
mutt conquer cnquer himself hlmleU before he can cl con conquer ron ronquet colioust ¬
oust the world worldIt worldI
It I win 11 because beaue X thought thoulh that thlt A Negro Negrowhoa Nelr Negrowhose
whoa 1bol letter leltr WB was printed prlnt in I TUN SUN re recently recnty recontly ¬
cently cnty did not 10t fully fuly realize relh this that I rrote uvrotemr rrotemy rte rtemY
my letter and because bocalle I thought thOlht he would wouldhave wouldhave ouldhve
mY have the intelligence to understand nd ltndmy ltndmyplnl my mypoint mypoint
hve Intlhtenc t
point of view vie I am nota negro nelr hater hatr I hto htowil too toowill toowill
will plnl take off my m ar hat to him whoa he ne has hasachieved hasachieved u uochl
tAl ot bt
achieved wil ochl selfrenpect seICrfJl pride prde and Independ Independence Indepnd Indepndnr ¬
ence f facts CRctaI nr ve but bu t that tha does not alter the existing existingI oxlstnl existingfacts
I recommend that Mr Park take up his hlariwldence hi hisresidence
residence In the South for a while whie Let Ixsthim 1thIm Lethim
him have his hil daughter Insulted Insule a few times timeslet tme tmelot timelot
lot himself be treated with abundant Mlfconnclousnesaand self selfconsciousness I
connclousnesaand cOlclounf consciousness hmael b trt and he h may not take tke quite quiteso QU I Ie
so lofty lofy a view of the matter aalur It I Is a awell ael awell
well known fact that the Southerner treat treatthe trealthe treatsthe
the el negro with far more leniency and oon oonRlderatlon oonRld considoration
Rlderatlon Rld nejro raton wlh than tha the mor Northerner Northerer does do after afterbe at afterbe J
be has once onc become bcome Intimately IntmatlY acquainted acquaintedwith aCQuaintwith
with the negros peculiar pcular temperament temperamentNow lempramentkl
Now for ne108 the gentleman from Brooklyn Brooklynwho Dro Brooklynwho yn ynwho
who also ailo discusses dlcU8M Ientpman the subject In TnB TnBHUNT TnBBU TflENV
HUNT BU He U most courteous eourteoul to honor me mewith mewith mawith
with his le contradictions but I am uncon unconvinced unconvinced uncol unconvinced ¬
vinced hl and contrdlcton of mine own opinion ollnlonlll still stillUurely stillSurely
Surely vlnce no one who thoroughly knofs kno the thenegro thenegro thenegro
negro could clid fall f to agree with me meas as to his hisservility hi hiservity hIsservility
servility servity anti impudence 1 aaee to say ay nothing nothlnl ol olother oCnther ofother
other faults Cal18 1 do not condemn the negro negrohe negr negrohe
he speaks 81ah for himself hlrel In railway raiway car ca restau restaurant restu resturantand restaurant ¬
rant rantand and street atrtandato and aa to a glorious 810rlolsCuture 810rlolsCutureI future futureI
I d do o not assure Aure him of f rany ranyItte any anyThe anyThe
The old olr negro ofrslavery or slavery times tmea perhaps perhapscommanded prhap perhapscommanded
commanded nelro more love and respect r8pt than the thefreed Ibefre thefreed
freed man now As Al to those thO other races racesare racesare
are fre not Moors Mor and nd Hindus black or ort at raci least leastblacker II leaatblacker
blacker than tba our olr mulattos mulalO Do we 0 not In Ina Ina inft
a way TY honor the one and nd do we not read readtbe rfadtbe readthe
tbe philosophies of the other otherHow olbertow other110w
How Ihlnopbe did the Indian get his name of the thenoble Ibenoble thenoble
noble tow dir red man Why ae do they sing Ilnl In Inpoem Inpom inpoem
poem and ind r story of or his hi dignity and reserve reservehis rere rerehI reservenis
his hI bravery brBVeq brdver and fidelity ndelty Does Dol not the very veryfact verytact veryfact
fact of his hi detention detenlon on reservationsprove reservationsprovethat reservations prove proyetht provethat
that tht we 1e acknowledge acknowlerl our reervlon crime crme against him htmand himanf himand
and wish to make mke him some reparation reparationIf
rPraton rPratonIC
anf If we wedo do not respect rept the Chinaman IhChlnman whjifao whjifaoive wh wh1e wbowe
ive 1e hOld hlr diplomatic Ilplomllo relations relaton wjth hlmknd blmlnd blmlndwalh himlsndwatch hlmkndwatch
watch his awakening with b such aucl an n anxious anxiouseve anxlols anxlolseyo
eve Is his not the oldest civilization cIviizaton In Inthe Inthe intl
the tl e world I Have lae we even now nO ceased cled to toprofit topront toprofit
profit from the wisdom wIsom of Confucius ConfuciusLet Conrucul ConruculLt
Let the gentleman aenl man from Crol rota Brooklyn Brokln think thinkthen thinktheMe thinkthese
then Lt things thlnla over let id him ask Bk hlra hlmlr himself lf the themeaning Ihemeanlnr themeaning
meaning of respect rpct I think that It I Is I the theInvoluntary theInvollnlary theInvoluntary
Involuntary Invollnlary tribute that rises In rny heart hearttoward hear hearttoward
toward towar any Iny one of any color who stands standsbefore s1nda s1ndaberoe standsbefore
before beroe me with wih dignity sustains austln my mylaze mylazewlh gaze ttazewith gazewith
with wlh calmness calmMfs who refuses rlUles help hat Iha he hedoeoi hedO hedoes
does dO not no need ntd and nlipaks speaks to me with It innate innatecourtesy Innaleourl innatecouriesy
courtesy ourl not because baulo I lAm am anybody anybr In par particular partictular ¬
ticular tcular but blt just Jus because becaua I Im am another aoolher human humanbeing humsnblnr humanbeing pr prtcular
being blnr Lucr LtCY Bkpronn BkpronnLIBKRTT BIIFOnD BIIFOnD1lalmTr BanyonpLIBIC8TT
LIBKRTT January JanuaryCOAST 26 26cotsr e elOIST
COAST lOIST 1V0 GEODETIC OWDETl SURVEY stnnr stnnrCarnpntnt SUflEt
1 Correspondent Carnpntnt objects UbJftU to Putting lttnc It ItI I Itloder
I nrter od r Military llar Control ControlTo ontrl
To 10 i oTns THK KDITOR or or Tea T x Stx S SCyMir sSiri Nir Is It Itpossible I itpoesibie
possible Mslble that the editorial dlorlal In II todays tay Srx Srxentitled Mr Mrenlllor Stxentitled
entitled enlllor The Coast t And Geodetic Ueelo Survey Surveywritten SUtoy SUtoyR Survoywas
was R written rllen under some Rme polite 1 > It Satanln tnlo suc sucjrextlon SIll auggestioti
jrextlon and not lot fromany frm lnY fair CIlr conception cncplon of ofthe otIhe ofthe
the work nrk of that bureau work which It has hasclone ha hasdono
clone ollllnd and which properly prprl belongs 111 < 1 to t It Ite I ite
e all al know that the Navy IVY Department DepartmenttA Depatn1ent Depatn1entu
wits u tA relieved rleved of thin thl bureau after the time timewhen tme tmewhen timewhen
when the Navy Iy Department Uerrtlent had been ben de developed devtIfd develipcd ¬
veloped vtIfd Into a great frB and comprehensive comprehensivedivision lOprhenITe lOprhenITedlblon comprehensivediulalon
division of the l e fJovernment noerimentl having havilI a genu genuitieVpautpDient cenulueQulplent genutltietuipiusiit
itieVpautpDient for war and nn i pence eaoe no service serviceHint aervl aervlItlI servicenitt
Hint ItlI hat our olr learned Iarncr legislators ledala orl are Rr now nowH nowInc nowsince
H Inert the death of Professor Prof roCM8r < nsor Simon Ne Necoiub Sew Sewllb Newcomb
comb llb diseasing 11fcu lll the removal relinval of the NVval NvgiObiarvaorv NVvalObswrvatury l lO
Obswrvatury O rulry from Crm that Department Jrroent for forreiRoni forrelln forreasons
reasons relln which I need n not enumerate enumerateSince enumlrale enumlralefUn enumerateSince
Since fUn the days of Kache che the first frt great greathead aroathead greathead
head of the fturvey RUne through Ihroulh the adminis administration admlnlatraton admiusistratlon ¬
tration traton of I I Ililgard 111 I Kara to today under Dr DrTlttmann DrTltmann Drrlttmann
Tlttmann Tltmann the survey ar has ha plotted plaIte our terri territory terl terllory tonitory ¬
tory scientifically clenlUJcfly and not alone as f an ad adjunct d dJunet ¬
junct of the War and Navy Nav Departments DepartmentsIts Deprlmena
1 Its ts work haH hal extended etndo to every ery part prt of our ourcountry ourounlry ourcountry
country and nd In conformity cnCormllY vth ltb the spirit aplritof Iplrlor
of our Government and people pople It belongs belongsdirectly blonll blonlldirtly belongsdirectly
directly dirtly to the agencies aaenclt of peace and ad com commerce comWf cornmerce ¬
merce Wf Dr Tlttmann Tilmann has grown pac up u In tbe tbebureau tie tieIureau tbebureau
bureau Iureau and known every ever detail detl of Its I work workand workand ork orkald
and ald except IXlpt for President Prsldenl Clevelands Clev lad ap appointee appinte apiointee ¬
pointee pinte for its IR head hetd the Coast Cot and Geodetic GeodeticSurrey Geodeticfiurvey
Geoetc GeoetclurTey
lurTey Surrey has ha always been bn under control of ofa
a scientific clpolno man manThere mn1here manThere
There U I no reason re80n to say al that the bureau
U I a snug harbor harbr for political plical favorites favorle
If the President Itldent will wi hold his department deprtment departmenbeids
heads to accountability acountbity such lueh appointments appointmentswill nppllmfnta nppllmfntawi
will wi be b stopped stoppedYou stoppedYou
You have havI topp too frequently frequent pointed polnle out the thespheres thopheres thespheres
spheres of activity actvity of army officers omor to trip tripover tripOVt tripover
over OVt the plan of adding a purely purly scientific eclentfc
bureau for national ntional purroees purposes to their labors laborsCHABLKS labor laborsIIARLES
New YORK January Janur s sAUK 1 1AlI sit
Portj IortLears Yrar en Ago o Coldand Coldad MIIdncM ldne Alter Alternatrd Ale Alenate Alternated
natrd nate as nsThey They y Do D Now NowTo NowTo NowTo
To THK EDITOR or TUB TIB Tui SUN SUNSir Sir The Thearticle Theartcle Thearticle
article artcle on winter weather weaher printed In the theSpringfield theSprlnlneld theSpringfield
Springfield rtrptibtican orpNbltll and reproduced reprouc In InTHK InT inTax
Tax T E SUM Sureminds reminds me meofmyo1n of my own experience experienceIn eaprlenc
In eastern euler Pennsylvania Penllvanla sixty miles mie back backfrom backfrom
from tidewater and probably not 230 2S feet feetabove Ceetabove feetabove
above It we had three thr foot snowdrifts In Inhe Inthe inthe
the winter or 18788 IS17IS Twoyears Two ean later laterlohnnla Iterlohane laterI
lohane I lohnnla Jumpupn Jumpl crew Ire In our front yard yardn
In n February Jebruar The next rear ear the winter of
1R7071 1107 I am nearly sure It was the mercury
wertt wert to ZH degrees dlll8 below blowcro zero for Just a acouple acouple acouple
couple of hours hOlr of one night a trick it per ¬
forms about abut twice twic In a nlrht century cntury or so I pr be b
hove leve However the temperatures tur are as
I I record reccr them and possibly pslbl tempra of Interest Inlerllt ar to
those who ho hola that the Inters winter are not as ascold ascold
cold rold at a they used u to be beAs b beAs lr f
As to this thl I need
proposition proplton n go no fur ¬
ther back bck than the winter of 1O0304 1930 e IO In that thatseason thatsouon thatseason
season It was a my privilege to have landed lande
twice In this port prt from ocean oa trips and
blmy balmy weather 1eather In a temperature of about
a degree de ree below blov zero zerol temprature and a this despite deplt New but
forks nearness nerne8 to that vast reservoir reroir of
heat the ocean ocan I believe bleve It wa then said sId
that the Hudson would have frozen over
had Itnot It not been ben for navigation vl At Atanv any rats rattfthe rat ratthe ratsthaioworbaywithits
aton ay
thaioworbaywithits the lowerbay loer bylh with Its I ice Ic masses m8s afloat afot looked
like lke the Picture plcture In Looks Ikl relating rlaUnl to lokf Arctic Arcticexploration Arto ArtooXlloralon Aceticexploration
exploration oXlloralon To speak fPak more mor personally PfOnly I
had a foot rot slightly Ilihtly frostbitten frOtbllen while stand
in lag I on a corner COner waiting aIlo for a trolley troley and ad stnd not nota
a very long wait either eitherSome ellherSome eitherSome
Some scientists sclenll think that the amount oT 0
heat received rcive from the sun has hal not varied
to any Urge rle extent In the thirty thlr or varIe more
millions mllool of years ye yea that have elapsed elape since alne the
earths earhs crust cooled c le led to t 312 21 degrees deares tFahren
belt and ad river action alon began It Itla la therefore thereforeair IherCor
air to assume aume 1 think that the weather
In winter wlnl r could not possibly plbly change wetber greatly
in the small amal period Prlo covered by greaty human
annals and still Itl less le In covtrN that infinitesimally
anae minute mluto fraction tracton of time tme since Innlttlmaly observations
have been ben taken tken obervaton D O
BROOKLYN January JauAY 20 20Faithful 2f 2ffal 26Ealthtai
Faithful fal Fhlladelphlans FhlladelphlansTo rbladelphla rbladelphlaTo
To THE TR EDITOB rDIT ouvoa or TBB n SUN SUNol SUNSIr sir During Durnl the therecent tberecenl therecent
recent blizzard blzard about abut a hundred blndr men had b ba been beenmpaUently be beImpaUenl
impatiently ImpaUenl awaiting awallnr a train at 1 Fiftysecond Fiftysecondstreet FUIacnd FUIacndtd Fiftysevonstreet
street td station atlon with wlh the morning papers ppra from frm
downtown At last
a man on horseback borback borbackple was wasspied wasspied
spied ple through brurb the tie falling flnlnow Mllingsnow anow carrying crrlnr a bundle bundleofTapers bUldl bUldlof4pr bundleofpapers
ofTapers of4pr A rush rb was WI made f fOt for or him aa the themndle
bundle was small mal but bu wa wOee wewere were met nel with wlb New NewYork Ne NeYork NewYork
York papers ppf gentlemen renlemen and ad the 111 good ro Phlla Phlladelphlant Pbla Pbladephln Phitadelphians
delphlant dephln went back bak to their tllr posts t to await t 11 the theocal
local lo newt new Hems Iem from Irm downtown downtownOBWm dontwn downtownDC
PHitADKLriua January 23 mWind
alar alarI x xWind
Wind I b > the tor tor1Dd Moor MoorWind oor oorWind
Wind o the moor mor breath bealb of the ui vast 1 free fr reaches reachesWhat rshn reachesWhat
What Wlat Is isthe the mutable mutblevlca voice wherewith wertb you cryT
I listen IltlDd itstenanduiatenagsiaaad and listen again aad Dd I dream dram dreamyourspeis dreamyourspeisFneishted your rur speech JO pI cl la laFreighted laPnllbl
Freighted Pnllbl with wlb whisper wblprof ot lips lP from m the te days daysgone da dane daysgone
gone ne by byEver byEvr byEver
Evr Ever adawn at daw of the day or whan sunsets lunlt darken darkenTha dark n nTe nThe
The Te murmucme murmurcoines murmur comes of ollrar strange Inscrutable lartblelbc things
And Ad metfflnks metDk that tbl I often ofen catch what ba Urn t
hearken hearkenTna berkeD berkeDe hesrkeflInn
Inn e rustle rUe of feet fet and ad the beating balnr of unseen unseeawings unuef unseensdncs
wings sdncsWind
wDCI wDCIWind H HWind
Wind eerie eerieFor ere ereFor eerieFor o the moor mor you y are r eldritch eldrb aye ay you ru are areeerie ar areeerie
For aU of tbe pain ot the fail al can ta you yu dad BO BOeuro 00cu socutest
euro euroRest cu cutest cutestIteat
Rest RUor for a little ltl apace efor for my heart bu r Is t weary
And An would 1u fain fao forget forettm forgetforges forget 0 wer wlpd o tfta t tmood 0 0lorl
mood lorl CriwTOW i SCOLLXBD SOL SOLk 8C0U 8C0Ur
n k
n AJ <
f Tfce Te Word Wer Is VW t iea to 1 Bete B Be fee Oe OM O Tests Testament Te TestsBlest ¬
Blest met and a the tie New NewTo Ne 4ewTo
To THE EDITOR EDIOR or Tie T Bc RCNirI BrySii Sirv Sirvlottor Isa Isaletter
Illtrr letter to ITHK TB Bow recently renUT Doctor Dcb of ofDivinity orDvinity ofDIvinity
Divinity says that our pulpit pulplt at sliest It Iton slieston fteeton
Dvinity IYI
hell I beg to differ differwith dietwith
on the question Quetn Of hel b t cWet cWetwith
with him 111 The doctrine doctin of h hnaPleM hnaPleMfrm hell ll ls preaetofl preaetoflfrom preaebefrom
from frm thousands tbund of Catholic tbUo pulpits pulplt through throughout tbitb tbitbout ¬
out Christendom Cbrtendom The Ta rororend nrld doctor doctorclearly dtr dtrolearIY defitoreleariy
clearly sees I that taO th te Old Testament TestamentScriptures Tetment Tetment8rlltum TestamentScriptures
Scriptures 8rlltum never Deer taught tuht an eternal etral boll lel ef efpunishment orpunlhmnt t tpunishment
baa studied care carefully carefUlly ¬
punishment punlhmnt He I ha tdl very cr
fully tuly the te words wor of the Grt Great Teacher Tche and andIs ad adI I
Is I certain cortln that He le never tuht taught U Uwill I ILC
C will quote a few of the th many mnJ test txt of efScripture ofSrpturet ofScripture
Scripture Srpturet 1 to show that tt the t doctrine dootra of boll bollI 11
111 I is taught tuabt In the Old Testament THtment and wa waInculcated waaInculct wasInculcated
Inculcated Inculct by bCbrlt Christ Hlrhwlf HlrhwlfA Ua I
A fire fre la I kindled kInd It In Uy wrath t and a shall sa burn burneven bar bareen burneven
even een to t the Ue lowest lowea bell bel Deut Dutoxl xull xxiiirite 3 3Th Z
Th To rite sinners anes ainnersof of Slon 90n are a afraid afad trembling hath hathseized ht bathseized
seized alud upon pn the te hypocrites hyprt Which of you y un undwel candwell n ndwell
dwell dwel with wlt devouring deouroc fire frr Vblcb lo ot you shall shalldwell d1 uhaitdwell
dwell dw U with everlasting eerltll burnings bUmaa Italat xzzllU xzzllUU xzzllUThe lt >
U 141 4
141Te 4The The Te dead that are ar In Inhel hen whose 10 spirit plrl Is I taken takenaway tkn tknwav takenaway
away from frm their bowels hall lal not Dl give ve glory gloryand gloryand Or
and nd justice JuaUC to t the Lord Lr BaruohlU Barc I 17 17Woo nWo 17Woe
Woo Wo be to t the le nation nton lbat Ilat riseth ratup ratupmv up against againstmy
my people pple for the tle Lord Lr Almighty Almllltt will wi take tke re revenge r rvence reveago ¬
He will willvisit wlitvisit
venge on them lem In the day of judgment wl
visit 111 them lem For He le will wi give rly fire fr and an wn wormsinto worms wormsInto
Into Int their flesh fes that tb they tbe may my burn and nd may mayfeel maYleel nayfeel
feel forever Corve Judith Judlh z1 30 21 21Christ 21mull 21Christ
Christ mull in describing deaorlblnl the last judgment judgmentsaid Judlent Judlentsid
said saidThen sid sidTlen saidThen
to them also that shall shallbe the thebe
Then Tlen shall bal the King say ale tsl
be on his left lef band hald Depart Dpat from frm me you VOl cursed cursedInto cu cuInt cursedinto
Into everlasting Ore fr which hleb was w prepared for toe toedevil thedevil e edel1
Int eerlstDI prpr
devil del1 and his angels analaISI St Luke Lpkeaav LpkeaavChrst uv 4t 4tChrist 413 413Christ
Christ in the parable prble of Lazarus JAJAml and Divepictured Dive DIMplctuJ Divstspictured
pictured Chrst the Utter In hell hel The Th rich rch man manalso manal manalso
also plctuJ died and lttr he b was ws buried In hell hel In InTfce ITthis I Inthis
al this parable die boll bel is emphatically emphatcalY called rled elledplace i iplace I
place prble of torments 181 St Luke xvi 28 28Christ 21 28Christ
Ilc Christ torents In warning mln against Lkt the fear tNI of wlo wloafter th thworld the theworld t a aworld
world Chrt said Id to t the Jews < Fear Fer ye him hll who whoafter whoaCer
after he hath hth killed kied hathpower hthpoer hath power to o cast cs into intohell Int intohell
aCer hell St Luke xll xlI zliChrist 5 5Christ
hel Christ Chrlt In preaching pJchlna against aplt scandal In cl used usedthe un unth usedthese d
the these o words wordsIf
th If thy eye scandalize thee pluck It out It I Is Isbetter I Ibel1r isbetter
eft andal le pluC
better bel1r for thee Uee with wt oneejre one eJe eye to t enter entr Into Int the thekingdom 1 thekingdom
kingdom of God than having h bavitw1e1f5afQ two ee eyesuo be cast castInto caa castinto
Into lot klrdom the hell bel of are fre St StThere iar Mark iz 4 4 T TThere
There Ther are abundant abundnt texts txi In Scripture Brlplur to toGove toprove toprove
prove the existence of boll Intho Ia the very Terrst verylast erylat
lt ne hil
Gove last st book bk the Apocalypse A lrPI or or Revelation Revslatlonthe alton altonIhe
lat the teaching la very definite defnit In describing describingthe dearbilc dearbilcthe
the tMchlnl last It attempts altmpl of Satan Atnaraln against the thaChurch th8Church theChurch
Church St John says saysAnd lya lyaAnd saysAnd
And there ther came down ftr f fire from fm God Go out tlt of ofheaven ofIeann ofheaven
heaven and devoured eme them and a4 tb Ibl 56 devil del who whoseduced whoseduced bo boIuC
Ieann seduced them devur was cast cu lem Into lat the pool tl of fir lr aad aadbrimstone aadbrimstone
brimstone IuC where both the Ue beast bt and afd the le false falsaprophet tle falseprophet D
brlmlnf er bU
prophet prphet shall ahl b b be tormented tnentdy day aad night forever foreverand f ttreverand rfr rfrnd
and nd ever Apoc zz 9 9In 1 aIn
In the IAp eighth vents of the twaslyflrtt twaslyflrttchapter twdrt twdrtchpler tweAtyanstchapter
chapter of elht the same ver book bok the te te author utOI denom denominates do denombuttes ¬
hell buttes lntel some of the souls who wh bo will people peoplehell pople poplehel peoplehell
hellBut But the fearful feaml and ald unbelieving ubeletr sad the Ua abom abominable abm abmInble abomlnable ¬
inable and murderers and ad whoremongers and andsorcerers sadsorcerers
sorcerers an and murrn Idolater Idoltr and d Womonr all 1 liar I liars they lq shall shallhave sal shallhave nc
ba have arrr their ler a portion In th t the pool pl burningwith humI th fire fireand t fireand
and brimstone brlmSlnf prloD which Wlcb Is I tb tl thi second 1n death deathThe i iThe t
The thought of hell Is uncomfortable tliomfortbl In I 15this v vthis
this Te see of luxury worldllnoss worldll and ald crime crtmoAs cre creAI crimeAs
As the tb wicked wicke say ey In their teir hearts there tee is isno lano istherS
no God so too they the say ey there la no noliell o hell hellWALTIB e1
DAXBUBT Cons Con January Janury I ITRADE 21 21c 21T1UDE 26TR4DE
The Te DromgoBy DJasol and ad8If1nM Ketftohnett aT rieaden rieadenRetard r le ies4ersRetard
Retard Retar FroKrets FroKretsTo P
To THE EoiTon EITOR or 01 TH Tas Scs BtSi SisSir Sir To Tohe Tothe Tothe
the Interested d observer oberer of the methods metboa of oftrades otIrade oftrades
trades Irade unions It Is I apparent appnt apparenttht that a transi transition traDI traDIlion transilion ¬
lion is I taking lakln place plAt both bth bothin in I the Ibep nertonsl onel of oftabr oflabor N Nlabor
labor tabr organizations orlanlzton and aadln in the th men wh6t wh6tmore Wh wh6Cmore t >
more mor or less II control contrl tho policies lcl f and dddoc dddocIrlneoC doe doeIrlnesof doeIrinesof
Irlnesof IrlneoC organized oralzf labor In America AmericaTo Americ
To me personally ronaly the present prent epoch lpbaO seems seemsfraught ae ras rasfraught
fraught with great Iret possibilities POlbUII and d treat treatdangers greatdangers rt rtdanaer
dangers danaer I have no d dodri slrt > to totsaume assum um the therole therle therOle
role rle of selfappointed telCAPplnle moralist oralst but from tom a asense asense I Itne
sense tne of duty even a sense 1De of solf Mltpreeer Mltpreeervation Iprr Iprrvalon preoer preoervatlon
vatlon valon I am moved move to crlticUo crltclae In I a broth brotherly brth brtherly brotherly ¬
erly spirit plrl the weaknesses eakoetf which tend to tocreate toate tocreate
create ate a spirit of revolt rvolt among a10nl the mem members membr merahers ¬
hers br of labor labr organizations orranlzIO 1 I have no axe axeto auto axeto
to grind or animosities anlmOlte t to gratify gratifyIn < ratCr ratCrn
In n my m judgment Judlment the troubles touble besotting besottingorganized bttnc bttncorranrzad besettingorganized
organized labor at the present time tm are ar not notdue aat notclue
due tohostility 1 hellty of employers employer ftomtirh fmuch as to togeneral toIenra togeneral
general Ienra conditions cndiions that exist In Its 18 form tor of ofleadership orIMdellpo ofleadership
leadership IMdellpo and ml In UK I plele policies My views viewsrepresent vlwa vlwarprnt viewsrepresent
represent rprnt the welfare elare of tbe man mn OB J lbS th Job lobThe JobThe JobThe
The general pnerl welfare wela Is I to me more mor Important Importantthan Impralt Impraltthan
than the jlton position and prestige prUre of any a Indi Individual Id Idvidual mdividual ¬
vidual There Ter are ar today toay too to many ay labor lOt v vleaders
leaders leaer and they lack sincerity Inerlty Organized Organizedlabor Orgibixlabor
labor Ibr Is I burdened butene and retarded rtr by bya Orrhbe a horde hordeof hore horeor
of officials who ho will 1 do anything anythlnt for labor laborbut Ifbr Ifbrbut iborbut
but work workBeing ork orkBln c cBeing
Being Bln elected to office they Immediately Immediatelyaciiulre immedIatelyatiujlre
aciiulre a distinction which enables them to tolook tolook
look down from lofty heights on the common commonhorde oommonhorde
horde They assume an air of superiority superioritywhich superioritywhkh
which their mediocre abilities render ridicu ridiculous ridicisbus ¬
bus They consider that they are ascii sacrificing asciifleing ¬
ficing themselves by holding office but buttheir buttheir
their whole aim and object In life Is to hold holdoffice holdoffice
office without regard to the general wet welfare wetfare ¬
fare What does It matter what becomes becomesof
of principles or policies so long as the pro professional proreasionai ¬
fessional labor man can perpetuate himself himselfand himselfand
and live without work workHlncerltr workSincerity
Sincerity Is requisite In any walk of life lifen lifeas
n as It distinguishes the honest man from the thedemagogue thedemagogue
demagogue Many Manyof of the troubles of or organized organixeri ¬
ganized labor can be traced to the penal pernicious penalcious ¬
cious doctrines of the demagogue To no noother vieother
other form of organization Is sincerity so sos soessential
essential s entlal as to trades unionism yet I I am
forced by experience and the weight of ofevidence ofevidence
evidence to say that It Is lean an unknown unkoowuvirtije virtue
In the case of a large number of our labor
leaders Trades unionism Is not making maklneUIB
UIB progress in America that It should This i >
Is largely owing to the selfishness and In Insincerity insincerity
sincerity sincerity of the leaders The Intrigues and andmanipulations andmanipulations
manipulations to which they descend for foroffice foromce
office and power would shame even a dix district dixtnict ¬
trict captain in ward ard politics ThIs state stateor ttateof
of affairs Is well known to the men loyally
Interested In trade unionism and no ma matonal sv svterlal
tonal progress can be looker for until we weret weget
ret rid of the fakers and grafters If the
fakers learned their trade and the gnftors gnftorswent graftrswept
went to work the troubles of organized
labor would be reduced 50 0 i PSi > r cent
The principles of trades unionism art not notwritten notwritten
written in sand or In false promise bat are
founded on sincerity honesty unselfish unselfishness unpelflshfleas ¬
ness and charty DAVID MACKAT
ASTORIA UJ I 1 January w wA
The Good Fortune of Some onie Stranded Devil DevilWaK DevilWagoners
WaK Wagoners Wagonerslo oner onerTo
To tax Eorroa or TBB Sen ScsSlr sir in thee ex exciting cxciting
citing times with toe city populaUonsof poputatioasofthewo poputatioasofthewocountry the whole wholecountry
country quarrelling over the price of cold storage storagebeef storagebeef
beef I want to stir your envy br tilling you ou of ofan ofan
an Impromptu dinner enjoyed br some friends friendsof
of mine whose automobile had broken down downIn
In th the Shenandoah Valley somewhere between betweenlx betweenLeesburg
Leesburg lx sburg and Winchester A gentleman farmer farmernear farmernear
near whose place the accident occurred court courteously courtously ¬
ously Invited them to come ta and refresh themseiveswhile them themselves ¬
selves seiveswhile while the devil wagon was being tinkered a aTbe Is IsThe >
The dinner was simple enough Xo oysters oystersno oysterno
no soup no appeuzers nothing of otthat that kind kindIt
It was all put upon the table at one Yellow Yellowlegged Yellowlegged
legged chickens with hominy cakes spareribs spareribsand
and sausage with corn fritters an eight pousu pousulam
lam cured In hickory amok and garnished with wjOigreens withgreens
greens and eggs and home cured bacon and andhot andhot
hot corn bread and beaun biscuits and 54 fragrant fragrantgolden fragrantgolden
golden butter and unaktmmad milk milkEverything milkEverything
Everything was cooked to perfection every everything everything ¬
thing was good and fresh and gehulne and the thetaurista thet3Uflst
taurista ate all with growlsp growtj appetite and sub subetpient u uaegnent >
etpient deltght and wonder AU lots within easr easrreach eaayreach
reach ot cold storage and the lb loud complaint at atthe ofthe
the ultimate consumer OLD Oownnoa OownnoaWASKWOTON DoaryttAIWioTOw
WASKWOTON D C January 2a 2aH 25A
A rip Smokers ThMBt oa Thrift ThriftTo ThriftTo
To TBK EnrrOK nrma or Tn Tvii 3m Sirw31r 5lr Built far farFiftyfive tarFitlyAve
Fiftyfive who told us ushow how he saved tbe tb none monelose noneto >
lose to selbissonupiabusioees selbissonupiabusioeeslaise this son up In business businessI
I laise also smoke a pipe but because I prefer It to toevtn toeven
even th the delectable Imported cigar These fel fellows fellows ¬
lows who smoke th the thin yellow pipe stuff stuffbecause atutfbecause
because they say It I iainfld mlU dont know the Joys Joysof 4 4of
of a pip clean though old filled with that splen splendid spitudid ¬
did whatever your favorite tobacco IsSmoke Is IsSmoke
Smoke a pipe say1 1 because Its the real thing thingand thingand
and shave yourself dally because Its luxury slusuryno a luxuryno
no barber can provide you youAs youAs
As to polishing my in boots me oonWmplaUve oonWmplaUvefive I Ifive
five minutes during which the embryo ratrchsat ratrchsatlooks marchazilooks
looks alter afteryou you Is I think wall worth the price priceItAKTTOtP price1iaanyoaD
ItAKTTOtP Coon January fa J W wike K KTkF
TkF ike Panissesent Btsfuu tf e Jades JadaaTo JadesTo
To TBB BOTTOB or TM Srjn flvw9fr r Oa thfaae thrquessoft m mUon
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SUM says > that all CatlioUct believe la such a apunishment apunishment
punishment y l they nrtt assert that any anyparticular satparticular
particular Individual Is In hell with U the possible possibleexception possibiexce9tlon
exception of Judas JudasThat JudIaThai
That It to tar th min who mad Cbrlstlaalty Cbrlstlaaltyand brtsUanilysad
and Catholicism possible wa mtaVto everlasting rwtUitUgpuUnaentfor everlastingpunishnent
puUnaentfor for We put pulls lota th tfirtse scheme of ofJadasakalwutu olSslvttioi
Sslvttioi SslvttioiJuduudbusat4ua
Jadasakalwutu Juduudbusat4ua filets nasal Ould hT beesatad beesatadM1t4totaL > e iioad iioadlatetslOBtag
latetslOBtag M1t4totaLwA2z7zeseiry
wA2z7zeseiry Jtaaary IK