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MONDAT YOND FEUntlABT 11 1WO 1WOFair 1110e
rytw Fair Fairwltbrislng with rising temperature today todayancto todayanctomorrow andto andtomorrow
1lf bt morrow moderate west and south southwest southwest
4 e i1ff tw n n f west winds windsVOL windsf 1
1 1YOL
f VOL LXXV1T LXXVIINO HO 1 167 7 + NEW YORK MONDAY FEBRUARY 14 1 4 1910 1910CopzricM co wio t lit M Ae a 8M Siot Prlnfil1 Prini Gnd pid < PutMima P hi11 Aoc AaociaUoi atio PRICE TTO CENTS
i =
wetttiy Citizen 8ay 8a ayi iTbat MUllenalres MUllenalresHlth MItflnIre1thTheIrSUeteSSeeureVroM
Hlth 1th 1thTheIrSUeteSSeeureVroM Their Th lr Silent es Seeore From Pr the theglmpllfler tilej theImp1Ifler
j glmpllfler Mwt Jwtlfy Their Kxls Kxlstrnee Fxltrnte ExisttDce
trnee When be Accaied Aee led of Tax Dodging DodgingAndrew DedllcAndrew flodilegAndrew
Andrew Carnegie who baa for several severalyears serersiyt4T Terat Terat1Mrs
years headed the personal tax list with withan
an n assessment eament on 15000000 baa written writtento writtenMayor
to Slay Mayor or Gaynor to applaud his hi i Idea of ofwiping ofwiping otwiping
wiping out the general personal tax taxUr uxHr taxr
r 1 Ur Carnegie on the leT tax rate paid paidabout paidabout paidabout
about W500 to the city oit in personal taxes taxesUst taxeslist
< I
list year This is his hlaletter hlaletterDUI letter letterDIA letterPlAit
DUI M MR MAyan As a contributor to toth toIbf tothe
th the personal tax I venture to thank you youfor youfor youfor
for calling attention to Its folly and Injus Injustice luJuIi Injuelice ¬
i lice An examination of the list of thos thosewho thoswho thoswho
who pay leveals the fact that these th are arecomparatively aretOIDparatlvely arej
j comparatively few and nd upon surprisingly surprlilnclymill
mill amount The absence of many manyttamti manyurnts manyrame
ttamti of rich citizens Is equally surpria surpriaini
ini In but these are not the greatest evils evilsof
of the tax taxEvery laxElry tarver7
Every ver7 year > ear communications appear In Inthe InIbe Inthe
the pre press s denouncing rich citizens for de defrauding defraudln defraudlnt ¬
frauding < < the city by paying only upon a amere amere aniere
mere fraction of their personal property propertyFew
Few Fe ew understand that the law only requires requiresIndividuals requIreslndlldulls requirestzdtvlduaIa
Individuals to pay upon what they are areuie areI
uie eet t and nd mill fewer know that if the lax laxwere Ixwtre taxwere
I r
were levied upon the whole personal prop property proprtr ¬
1 erty of millionaires they would be compeld compeldto
to acquire residence outside the city and andthus ILDdrhus endthua
thus lawfully escape paying anything as asrosnr asmanT asInaflT
rosnr alredy do There Therere are several other otherlawful otherlaful otherlawful
lawful modes of escape but none hat thtm thataemt hatem
aemt em m to me satisfactory Strictly legal legalrresnn lee1run legalweiiu
run are sometimes not strictly right rightSpeakers rlalit8r rIghtSeftkeri
Speakers 8r > ealitn In N SeW sw r York every no Doli and andtben andhtn andthen
then hold me up for reprobation before beforeaudiences betoreaudltnccs beforeaudiences
audiences because I only pay poayuponllYe pyupon upon fly five mill millIon millIon
Ion personal property seemingly s ignorant ignorantnf
nf the fact that this Is all the law requires requiresIt
It Is the aoaeument made by the commis commission commission ¬
sion sionIn sionIn sionIn
In your speech Itt evening at the unveil unveiling ¬
ing in of the Jesup statue you very properly properlyr properlyrebuktd properlyrebuktt
r buked the slanderers of our city who whoterm whofeem whopeem
term to exult in defaming her but I am amdisposed amdlapoeed m mdlapo
disposed dlapo ed to believe that no charge made madeacainst madearAlnet madeaginat
acainst our acknowledged acJtnowltd ed or imaginary imaginaryevils Imaaln ImaalneU
evils tells co banefully upon her reputa reputation reputalion reputation ¬
tion both at homeuid abroad as the charges chargesmade ebraNmade chargeende
made early that even some of her best bestknown beatknoln bestknon
known citizens evade city taxation I 1have Ihut Ihave
have had to explain the matter In Europe Europeby
by giving my m personal experience and andseveral andaenral andseveral
several times I have Intimated to my legal legaladviser It legaladvieer l ladlaer
adviser here that I might have seriously seriouslyto
to consider fixing my residence elsewhere elsewhereat tleeAberemtny
1 at many do tho still residing here not notto notto
to escape taxes but to dispel the general generalimpression generalimpression renliraliln
impression iln lon that I was not obeying but butevading butf butevading
evading f > ndln the personal > tax law by paying payingupon poaylnaupon payingupon
upon only a small part of my fortune but buthis butV
t his reply bas always alwaYlbMn be been n Believe me meIntelligent met
V t to t Intelligent people understand perfectly perfectlyvou
yOU beat t serve rve New York by giving her heryMrly htrrl heryearly
yearly rl about 133000 OOO personal tax instead insteadof
of nothing and advised against a change changeBut chneBut
But It la Important that the masses un understand underitand ¬
1 derstand what millionaire do We Wl must mustjustify mustJutify lMt lMtJut1ty
justify our existence existenceI
I earnestly hope Sir Ir Mayor you will willnot ulllDot willsot
not postpone tpone action until next year yearpropoted as asproposed ria riapro
proposed pro You ou hove put your finger upon uponone up uponone n none
one of the greatest sources of discredit discreditto
to our o r city and the sooner It Is removed removedthe
the better By all 11 means let our city reat realestate reatMte reatestate
estate be taxt hevler or the needed sum sumrated sumraled sumriled
rated otherwise and the personal tax be beabollaht beabollaht
0 abollaht as Incapable of just assessment assessmentor a eII8mtint eII8mtintIIf
or r collection and the Inevitable source sourceif
if grave suspicion of many of our wet welthy welthyIIUrens welthyetIens thy thyritlzens
ritlzens even of such as obey the law lawl lawlbi
l lbi p title of all their personal property propertyhold
hold city residence and nd pay the personal personaltax
tax a aMelt sest without murmur murmurA murmurA4forthemassee
A A4forthemassee for the tbemaaaoa masses they theycannot cannot expected beexpectedto bf > uPtCtedunderstand expectedto
to understand or to remember the differ difference dltlr1Ite differPete ¬
Pete between a tax covering only what whatl
l is asseRt and nd one which requires a state statement Ittemtnt stateinent ¬
ment of what a man own nor should they theyh
h he required to o understand so foolish and sadpernicious andrnlcJous andpernicious
pernicious a tax as the former It t should shouldcoteilst sbouldDltulsl shouldnot
coteilst coteilstIn not exist existIn
In reply to t this letter Mayor aor Gaynor Gaynorwrote OaorwrOle OaynorwrOte
wrote to Mr Carnegie CarnegieDURMR CarneleDUR CarnegieDEAR
DURMR DEAR MIt IR CABNIOI Your our letter U one oneof onenr oneof
of the many coming to me about the matter matternf
nf abolishing the general personal tax txThe taxThey
1 The They hey are all In favor of doing It But yours yoursh
h I the only one expressed la the new ne elm slmIllftH elmJlllftfli elmiIlflI
IllftH spelling I feel feelcompeld compeld to com compliment comi cornpigment ¬
i pigment you In that respect But what wbtbolll whatI4 whatshout
I4 shout the fate of Roosevelt when he tried triedit
it or rather tried to make other people peopletry peopletryltyesorey
try tryltyesorey tryltyesoreyI it yea yt or nay nayI nay7 nay7I
I note your expression of earnest hope hopehat bophal hopelaSt
hat I do not postpone applying to the theI tbeleclslalure thelearbiature
I etclslature until next year Of course I Ihave IIi It
t Ii have lave Ye no wHh to advocate anything con conr conrary
l r ruy ry to the Intelligent h will of the com community comf cornmunity ¬
f munity If It calls for the repeal repealla law now nowI
I shall have It prepared and sent to Albany AlbanyOr
F Or maybe a ala Ian giving Ivw us local option In Inthe InI Inthe
the I matter would be more prudent I note notei noleIhe notethe
i be newspaper editorial approvals which whichion
ion ou quote It U ii a great thing to have ha VIt In Intelligent Intlllitnl inteiiient ¬
telligent able and fair newspapers which whichmost whIchnost whichmost
most of ours are rr The ices 1 said Id about the theother Iheoher theother
other few the thebeller thebelleri th better betterTHROW betterTIIRJIi
Holdup Men Thus Otspsie of r Rebert RebertRu JtebertRussell
Ru Russell ell After Reltulag Him HimT III himTwo I IT1I0
T Two o men held up Robert Russell of 010 010West 010W 616Wt
West W t 116th street on Twentyeighth Twent llbth street streetnear atreetnear streetnear
near Second cond avenue last night robbed robbedhun rob robhim robbedl1n
hun of all his money and beat him over overIbe overtbe overthe
the bead beadMr headJr heudMr
Mr Jr Russell was 1 attacked in front of a atwo atwo atwo
two story tenement The holdup men menpulled menpulled
1 pulled him Into the hallway ballw and ran him himout himOIJt himout
out to the landing of the tire escape eaca pe over overthe overI overthe
the I back yard There one of them mashed smashedhirnin mashedhim
him hirnin in the thetaeeand face and the other otherweotthrouih otherweotthrouihhis otberwent went through throughhis
his pockets taking SlUO 8 SO Then they theypushed theypullhed theypushed
pushed him off the balcony Into Int the yard yardbelow yardbelow
below belowA
A woman who lived in the tenement tenementfound tenementround tenementfound
found Mr Russell RJMelllylaclnthe lying in Inthe the yard un unconscious uncoUCloua tinconscious ¬
conscious with hia face out Lad ad several severalbruises severalbruises ner1brui
bruises brui ea on his hi h beadSb head ad She betold told Policeman PolicemanJudge P Pol1 HenunJudil iAn iAnIudge
Judge who got RusasMl out ut of the theard theardnd yard yardand yardand
and nd revived him The th womaJ1 woman v rnifl told Judge Judgethat Judathat Judgethat
that the had seen n two twomtl msn running up upSecond upSecond upSecond
Second avenue just after the robbery ro rothe
the policeman went up to Secoad avenue avenueand a avenueand nu nund
and nd Twentyninth street itre t and an arrfitad arrfitadJohn mltedJohn rr sted stedJohn
John McQlynn of US Bicond 8 8co coGd d av venus venusand tnu tnuAnd nu nuand
and John Ryan of 33 ns East Twentyeighth Twentyeighthstreet
street str t who were loitering lolt rlng on the corner cornerAt
At the station house hou 6 Russell wa 1 wAs unable unableto un ble bleto
to identify either of the two as his assail assailants auall1U1t aaaalIMite ¬
ants as he said saldJt it was too dark when he hewaa heWII hewas
was attacked for him to distinguish the themens themen themens
mens features The prisoners however howeverwere
were held on the charge of robbery and andRussell andRuaell endRueell
Russell was obliged to stay Ita in the station stationhoiu etatlonhoUA atatlonhout4
hoiu over night nightJohn nlgMJohn nightiohn
John Ryan says that just before he was wasArrested WAIrrMt wasnrrasted
Arrested IrrMt d McQlynn gave him 50 cents centsTh centaTh centsThe
Th The latter was searched and no money moneyrould moneyIOlIld moneycould
could b he found foundRuMAll foundRUMII foundRuecell
RuMAll told the police that he h wan a aliterary al aIitrary
literary l fr4ry man and lived with his hl mother motherat
at 11 tie Fiore YiorllrlU > llo apartments Ola WeatJuab West Westlsth VettJUthstrest
JUthstrest Juab lsth street
p rjk
nis ff1 Paster tr Says He II One of t the Best BestMea BeetMell NestMeu
Mea Hi I1 Ever Knew KnewACB0BM XaewAtJlltJRH KnewAusunx
ACB0BM N T Feb FebIIThe 13 13The The Rev E E BSmiley ESmlleot EStnlley
Smiley Smlleot of the Congregational Church at atGroton atOrotoa t tGroton
Groton today toda preached to a large con congregation conCI8atloaoloatDc congregaUonolotng ¬
gregation CI8atloaoloatDc closing the thuerTlcewlth service with a strong i idefence
defence of the character of Deacon Mco Moewho Mcowho
who w o remained at bIB hi home in seclusion seclusiondoubtful e eitsIondoubtful lutloa lutloadoubtful
doubtful M to the attitude of his hishome hlahome hishome
home folks at the disclosures mad at atAlbany t tAlbany i
Albany Albanlut last week Moe oe bad been away aw I
from Groton for several weeks to evade evadsdetectives eyaddetectlvea evadedetectives
detectives and newspaper men but butbl butbltownsmen his histownsmen hi hitowlWDeD
townsmen following the th pastors state statement itatemoot utement ¬
ment today tocia called at his h borne om In lalarge Inwee Inlarge
large numbers and andueured assured him of their theirbelief theirbellet theirbelief
belief in his hi Integrity The Rev Mr MrSmiley MrSmiley r rSmiley
Smiley after denying reported statementsderogatory statementderogatory statements tatementiderogatory
derogatory to Moe said saidMr aaldMr saidMr
Mr Moe is iiono one of the boat men I have haveever haTeever haveever
ever known Not only onl baa he been all allthese alltbeee eUthese
these years ears a trusted employee and loyal loyalto
to his employers but I will add as his hispastor hlaItor hi hipastor
pastor Itor that I believe him to be conscien conscientious conlOlentlOUI coneclentious ¬
tious and nd loyal to God GodSenator GodSenator GOdSenator
Senator Conger maintaining bis hi usual usualreluctance uaualreluctanoe usualreluctance
reluctance declined to comment comm < N1t on the thevolunteered thevolunteered thevolunteered
volunteered information that the Repub Republican RepubIIcn RepubHcan ¬
lican conferee in New York yesterday 7eaterdahad
had discussed d a more widespread investi investigation IIlYeltlgatlon irivestJgallon ¬
gallon although he reiterated his hi flea fleabite fteabite fleubite
bite remark and then dropped the sub subject subJect subJeot ¬
ject Defending Detendlncoo Moe and his hi connection connectionwith
with the Conger banks he said saidMr aaldMr saidMt
Mr Moe 00 became clerk at the First FirstNational FiratNtlonal FirstNational
National Bank when hen he was 17 and anc served servedcontinuously lervedconUn sevedcontnuu3l7
continuously conUn ual in various capacities for forthirtyfour torthlrtrtour fortifrtyfour
thirtyfour year During that entire entireperiod entireperiod entireperiod
period the Congers held only onl tJOOO OOOatook OOOatookand stock stockand stockand
and had no active part in the control controlEven controlEven controlEven
Even after Frank acquired the Marsh Marshinterest MarehIntereat MarshInterest
interest in 1111001 1801 the Congers did not obtain obtainand obtainand obtainand
and never have had a controlling inter interest lnterNt interet ¬
est nor dominated the banks policies policiesMoe p policiesMo lol lolMoo
Moo resigned llned in 1901 to work for Frank FrankConger FrankConger FrankConger
Conger In the American Bridge Company Companythere Companthere Companythere
there being a possibility that he might mightget mightpt mightget
get the position of assistant treasurer treasurerThen treaeuntrThen treasurerThen
Then the Mechanics Bank employed him himas
as cashier and he resigned in the winter winterof 1 1or
of lOOt to seek a bank examiners appointment appoint appointment appointmeat ¬
ment meat44sar1fl
Even the Drug Stores Tier n Compelled to toClose toCIMe toClose
Close on Sunday at Keen KeenABBUMPARK NeaASIIU1TPA1IK een eenAsavnvPanw
ABBUMPARK N NJ J Feb FebIIThlllplAoa FebIIThlllplAoawas U 13ThpIaoawas Thta place placewas
was closed so tight today toda that evea e the thedrug thedrug thedrug
drug stores locked their th lr doors at noon noonIn BoonIn noonIn
In the store windows a printed notice noticeplaoed was waaplaced wasplaced
placed arying aryingClosed lIIylngClosed azyingClosed
Closed at t 13 oclock noon Sunday dur during durIng during ¬
ing the silly season seasonThe eeeaonThe seasonThe
The picture of a policeman in the cor corner corner ocrner ¬
ner of the card gave emphasis to It ItThe ItThe itThe
The closing movement began on last lastSunday laatSunday lastBunday
Sunday when wh n Chief Smith of the police polloedepartment potloedepertment policedepartment
department was ordered by Mayor Ap Appleby Apepleb Jippleby
pleby to close olo e the fruit stands and cigar cigarstores clpratoree cigarstores
stores at noon Acting upon advice advlooot advloootother of ofother ofother
other officiate the order was ignored Last Lastnight Lastnllbt Lastnight
night the order came in such peremptory peremptoryform
form that today toda It wan obeyed literally literallydrug UteralldrUg literallydrug
drug stores et re having been included In the themovement themovement themoveniestt
movement This afternoon B people eoplere eopleregoln were weregoing ere eregoing
going into 1f1 > > Ocean O ean Grove to get medical medicalprescriptions medlea1preacrlptlou medicalpreeciptions
prescriptions filled in drug rug Stores iterNSOtHING StoresML4IUNO toresSOAKING
Seeead Hand Dealers Dtat Nete Increased IncreasedVisible IncreasedIlsible I
Visible We rtetttty After ltt SalHvan 8aUh1U1l1aadeut Ilaadeat IlaadeatA i
A week k ago a < < yesterday terda Big Tim Sullivan Sullivanshod Sullivanshod Sullivanshod
shod the unfortunate There were many manytouching IIIJnytouoblng mnytouching
touching scenes at the Sullivan head headquarters headquarters headquarters ¬
quarters at 207 Bowery as the long line linelimptxl lineIImpfd linelimped
limped tip p to receive brand new shoes and andheavy andhoa andheavy
heavy hoa gray < < socks for nothing nothln except an aneasily anOIIIlIy aneasily
easily acquired ticket Yesterday there theredived theredived theredived
dived Into a little second cond hand shoe store storeon
on Heater street and nd the Bowery a gimpy gimpylegged almp7le gimpylegged
legged le gentleman ntleman with a great thirst and anda
a shoe box He dickered for a while with withthe withthe withthe
the proprietor and finally departed with a afifty afi aflfty
fifty fi cent piece The shoes hoe iht that he sold soldhod soldbad oldhad
had been worn perhaps tfjtce t tce CJe and were weremanufactured weremanutactured weremanufactured
manufactured by a Boston firm Big BigTima DI DITIm BigTim
TIm gift shoes h came from the same sameplace ame ameplc sameplace
place placeThe plc
The Te second acnd hand dealers d lra that buy the theSullivan theBulvn theSullivan
Sullivan Bulvn gifts Ilfe were not disposed dlsp to be begarrulous begloua begarrulous
garrulous gloua yesterday sler concerning cnorln their theirpurchases tbelrpr theirpurohisei
purchases pr They The were very ve careful to tosay tothat tosay
say that they bought only second ad hand handshoes hnd hndaOS handshoes
shoes aOS and that they could coul not not tell tt where wherethe wherethe wherethe
the shoes Iho came cme from trm Upon Upn being pressed pressedsome p
some of them admitted admIte that second aend hand handshoes handaOI bindshoes
shoes were shoes that tat had hd been ben worn at atleast atIeaa t tlet
aOI ao
least let once oac The Sullivan Rulvn lieutenants lieutenantsmade liutenants liutenantsme lieutenantsmade
made me every one likely to dispose dlapl of his hispresent hi hispresent
present wear the shoes shO out of the club clubThere clubTher clubThere
There Ther haa ha also al been hen a very ver quietly quiety con conducted on onduct conducted ¬
ducted duct traffic trmo In tickets t1kta The Tb original originaltickets originl originltickets origineltickets
tickets were supposed to be b good fo for last lastSunday lutBund lastSunday
Sunday Bund only onl aupp but It WAIl announced anounc that thatthose thatthOl thatthose
those thOl unable to be b on hand then could culd
get gt their shoes 1100S ii ee later Jtr So 8 If you were In Ingood ingood
good ao you 01 might have been bn able to get a aticket atcbt aticket I
ticket tcbt in your favorite fvorlt mill yesterday yesterdayfor eterd eterdtor
for 25 2 cents cnts Then you OU dragged drne yourselfup yourself ountlp
up lp to the Sullivans Sulvanlplo place and told them themabout themabout themabout
about being bing latlie Ilthe hospital hopltl last week weekYou wek wekYou weekYou
You had ha to be b a comparative oprUve stranger strangerhowever etrg strangerhowever
however howOtr and nd put your our story tor over oyertt oyerttwen pretty prettywell prettywell
well or there was wa nothing Dotlna doing Tim Timlieutenants TimIrutnntl TImS TImSlieutenants
lieutenants Irutnntl are are not easy a marks marksLONti Im markLONG
Hire e oed Ird while 1bUe Uasfeaad UI Was U la I Eorepe Eorepelie Be Befe
lie fe flues U While 1le Wies Iie el to I Month aU Ataerlca AtaerlcaBOSTON AMN AMNBOlTON AeeetlesBosrow
BOSTON Feb IS IsThe The dlyor divorce libel libelof 11 11of libelof
of Charles Ci le Davis Dal a prominent resident residentof r4 t
of Milton Iton against his hlawie wife Ida Pauline PaulineDavis Puine PuineDavl PaulineDavis
Davis of Santiago SnUaao Chile Cie to be heard this thisweek tJ tJweek lii liiweek
week in II Dedham Ddhm will wi test tlt the te validity validityof aUdt aUdtot
of a South Suth Dakota Dkot divorce dlyore granted nt to toMrs toMrs 1
Mrs Y Davis DTl in 1008 18 at Sioux Sioux Falls It Itwill I Itwili
will wU also alo settle atUe the validity ya1dlt11 so far as this thisState tl tlStte thisStat
State Stte is I concerned coacered 6f ta a marriage marg that thatthe tat tatte thatthe
the Ubele libellee contracted contctd at t Valparaiso ValparaisoChile V lpr
Chile Cle on Nbembr November B I itos 11 with wt Howard HowardParker Hodi UowA UowAParker
Parker formerly torely of this tbL State Stt but now nowof no noof nowof
of Santiago BUaao where whle th t they y are ar Ihi living livingIn t tIn
In the th domestic lo troubles of the te Davis Davisfamily Iyll IylltAmly DAvisfamily
family tAmly are some unusual UUU uuugu dreuautiaefa dreuautiaefaLong CrQ drcuMt4 drcuMt4Long CN CNLn
Long Ln distances distnc have separated the U th rwrttM rwrttMat P psM psMat
at the time UJe court cout proceedings p 4Ia have uebrouaht b b4 b4brought n nbrought
brought and neither libel lbl has bdWt Mea contested con contested OD ODtt
tested tt d At the t t time tla > the te South SutD SouthDakota SouthDakotadivorce Dakota Dakotadivoroe U Udloroe
divorce dloroe was crntel granted the h husband hubAd was wasin 1 1In wain
in WleaAden Wiesbaden Germany GeJ and ad BOW I W the thtwife te tewire thewife
wife Is I in South Suth America AmericaIn
In n hit hi declaration delarUontheliblat the llbellant says a7 that thatbis thtbl thathis
his bl wife wi wht deserted deeer him on January JaUry 11808 11808and 1 10 1001 1001And
and went to Sioux Boux Falls Fall with wih the tbelntnUoo tbelntnUooot intention intentionof
of remaining there six months In order orderto
remlnln orer orert
to t obtain btln a divorce A summons IlmOae IlmOaedelveed was wasdelivered wasdelivered
delivered delveed to Davis Dailabut about July Juy 25 2 1808 1808at 108 108at 1906at
at Wiesbaden Wielbden but no other oter service loe was wasmade 1 1me wasmade
made upon u n him and ad be was w never neer In the thejurisdiction te teJuralco thejurisdiction
jurisdiction Juralco me of the court A decree dec put purporting pu putporting ¬
porting to grant nt an absolute ablut divorce dlYor to toMrs toMrs toMrs
Mrs prtlD Davis < was wa handed down dow on Sep September Sp Sptmbr 8eptrmber ¬
tember 15 1 I 10 iMr eos eosMr
tmbr Mr r Davis Dvl says bin III wife left South SouthDakota Suth Suthkot SouthDakota
Dakota kot returned to Massachusetts Macuetts and andvfaitod andvlll andvisited
visited vlll relatives rlatvel On October Octbr 3 310 310fh 1908 1908ehe 1905ah
ehe fh ah sailed Aied from New Ne York for South SouthAmerleajwhtrp Sut
Amerleajwhtrp A Lw on Op lo Novy berBi berBimarried l lme
married me er Howard H0I Parkdr ak ia b Valpar alPa I If
f 1 w wu
That BaggageElevator Ba Raglage Elevator Over In Inoene Inoenectjiltf Jersey JerseyCity JerseyCityNimoked
City ctjiltf CityNimoked Bucked AcalnitCarrylng AaeltCarI All Al the theDetectives theDetn theDeteetivee
Detectives That West Wet te the tie Train TrainWith Train111J Traini1thJthm
With 111J i1thJthm jrim and Had t Be Lightened Belilltene BelilltenePrldent NelAghtenedPresident LightenedPresident
President Prldent Taft spent lpt almost all al yes yesterday ye yesterday ¬
terday tuT with Otto Ot T Bannard Bnrd Yale 1ale 70 70Politic 18Poltc 76Politics
Politic Poltc didnt have hve a chance caac When Whanthey Wen Wente Whenthey
they te wert werent talking ulkne reminiscent remlnllent com commonplaces commoplac cornrnonplacee ¬
monplaces moplac the President Pesldsnt was 1 haying havll < his hisportrait hisporrit hisportrait
portrait porrit painted pnt and had to keep quiet quietTaking quietTalcltaltoether quietTaking
Taking Talcltaltoether it altogether the th day was unevent uneventful uneTnt ¬
ful It I served to make up for the hard hardwork hardwork rd rdork
work ork of Saturday SaturdayMr Sturday SturdayMr
Mr Taft spent the te sight at the home homeof
of his brother Henry W Taft Tat SO 3 6 West WestFortyeighth Wet WetForell WestFortyeigIth
Fortyeighth Forell th street Itet Mr Bannard Bnrd came camefor cme cmetor cainefor
for hIm a little lte before 11 1 oclock oclockand o oclockafl look lookA
and A afl took to tookiIm him and his party up to 130 130West 13 130West
West Wet Fiftyseventh Fltseventh street where wbee Miss MissLois Nl MissLois
Lois Ll Swan gave the President Peldent a sitting sittingfor slin slintor
for his portrait porrt Besides Bide Mr Taft Tat and andMr an anMr an4Mr
Mr Bannard Bnnr Mrs rs Taft TaC her friend Mrs MrsMcCagg MreMog MrsMoCagg
McCagg Mog who came eme me up from trm Washington Washingtonwith
with the Taft Tar party prt and Capt Cpt Archibald ArchibaldButt ArhIbld ArhIbldButt ArchibaldIutt
Butt Mr Tafta Tar military mitry secretary Bereury went wentto wentt
to Miss MiuSwane Swans studio in the Bannard car carSecret carSecret
t Bnnardcar BnnardcarScet
Secret Scet service enlc men and nd Central Centrl Office Officedetectives Omcedetectivs OffIcedetective
detectives detectivs came along behind bhInd In In four fourmore tourmor fourmore
more mor automobiles automoble so that it was quite quitea
a procession processionMiss prolon prolonMle
Miss Mle Mi Rwan fwn had given givn the President PNldent a anumber aDuber anumber
number Duber of sittings before most of them themin
in Washington Wuhlngn Just now ahe is I doing doinga
a portrait portrit of President Peldent Hadley Hadl of Yale YaleHer TaleHer YaleHer
Her acquaintance oqulnunc with President Pident and andMrs andMrs andMrs
Mrs Taft dates dae from the time tme that Mr MrToft lr lrTAf MrTaft
Taft TAf used ued to spend Iped his summers aumere at Murray MurrayHay MurrayHay
Hay I on the St Lawrence lAwenoe Miss Mia Rwan Rwanspent RwanIpent Awanspent
spent her he vacations vaotlonl there tere too tooThe tooThe tooThe
The whole party prt Including Inoludlnl Mrs Mr Ander Anderson ¬
son on Mrs lr Taft sister lltr who joined joln them themat
at the studio stayed ted out the whole sitting sittingIt Iltnj
It I lasted lut about an hour h u and nd a halt Then Thenthey Thenthe Thenthey
they the motored motr back bck to Henry W Tafts Taftsbouse Tartshoue Taftshouse
house houe Mr Bannard Bnnr stayed styed to lunch lunchHe JunchHe lunchlie
He said sid afterward ttnrd that tt they th didnt Ret Reton geton et eton
on the ts subject of the political poltcl situation situationin sitution situtionI
I in this State Btte That Tt was 1 got rid of as much muchas mucha
as a could be on Saturday SaturdayMr Stuy StuyMr
Mr Bannard nnard left lef at about 3 oclock oclockThe oolockThe oclockThe
The Taft party prty including Mrs Anderson Andersonand Andern Andernand
and Mrs M McCagg Mog started star a fewminutes fewminutesafterward tewmlut fewminutesafterward
afterward atterrd for the Pennsylvania Pnllvanla ferry ferryThey te ferryThey
They The went wet down dow Fifth Ftth avenue and andthrough andthrugh andthrough
through thrugh West Wet Twentythird Tentthlr street trt pre preceded preeed preceded ¬
ceded eed and followed rolowed by blthe ithe the automobiles automobilesof automoble
of the secret et servIce emc men and the detec detectives det detectivee ¬
tives the from New Ne York Police Polee Headquarters HeadquartersNot Hequarre Hequarreot
Not ot many m of the people ppls out out walking wallg on onFifth onFltth onFifth
Fifth avenue anu recognised re ln the thePldet th President or orwondered orw orwondered
wondered w nde what the procession was w for forThe forTe forThe
te pclOB
The Te Central Vtrt Office omO men m left ler a la spsecn soon a athey a as asthey
they t had h seen IB Mr MTafhael Taft safely aboard abr the theferry ts tsfo theferry
fo ferry A squad of Jersey Jer City Ct police policetook ploe ploetk policetook
tk took their teplo theirpiaces place when the boat touched touchedthe touced toucedae touchedthi
the ae Jersey Jf side sideThe IldeTe sideThe
The Te automobiles autobll were run r in on the te car carriage cr crr carriage ¬
riage r floor loor of otlb the station atto The Te whole wholeparty wholepar wholeparty
par party Including the secret a se ret t service lee men menand mn mnAd menand
and Ad the uniformed unifore squad su of Jersey Jery City Citypolice Citypolice
Ple police got aboard abrd the baggage bagg elevator elevatorcar elvtor elvtorcr
car cr which started ltr to lift 1t them into the thetrainsbed thetle thetrainabed
trainsbed tle But when whe it was about four fourfeet tOlr tOlrfet fourfeet
feet fet from frm the train trin level the car cr stuck stuckand stuckand tuckan
and an it looked loke for a time as though the theconductor theconuctor theconductor
conductor conuctor would have to throw on the thereverse tbereven thereverse
reverse reven and an go back bck for a new start lt with witha
a lighter lghtr load lod But three or four police policemen plic plicmen policemen ¬
men scrambled out and the te car cr slowly slowlybrought slowlybrought Ioly Iolybrougt
brought brougt the President Psldlnt andhis andhi party prt up upThe upThe upThe
The President Plldent got Into his hi car cr the theGrassmere theOrere theOrassixiere
Grassmere Orere and ad settled tte himself on the thedivan tbedivan theduin
divan in the rear rr compartment He Hewaited liewat Hewailed
waited wat there ther until unti the train trin pulled puled out outHe outHe outHe
He looked tired tiredThe tiredThe
The car was attached to train traln 69 e which whichleft whic whichleft
left lef at 340 oclock following rolowlng the te Con Congressional ConCl8llonl Congreaslonal ¬
gressional Limited by two minutes miute Mr MrTaft 1r 1rTaft MrTaft
Taft didnt come cme out outoii on 01 the back bck platform platformHe platorm platormHe
He waved waed goodby goby to the bystanders bystandersfrom bystndere bystnderetrom
from where he sat satThe st stTe eatThe
The Te onlookers onlokere who waited wlte until unti the thetrain tbetrain thetrain
train well out of the station
was wel 01t got a athrill athri athrill
thrill thri for their pains pins A Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaRailroad PennqlvaniaRird PennsylvaniaRailroad
Railroad Rird detective detectve grabbed a workman workmanwho workmanwho workmanwho
who couldnt ouldnt show a pass pl and bustled hUlted him himoff bl himoff
off 01 the platform pllorm The man said eld that he hewas hewas
was 1 an an Inspector Inepecr of Pullman Pulman cars cr and had hoda l
a right to be where he was 1 The detective detectiveInsisted detcve detcveInlste detectiveinsisted
Insisted Inlste on having him identified Identfie at the thePullman thePlman thePullman
Pullman Plman district dltrtot superintendents eJPrtende t office officebefore omc officebefore
before bfore he would let him go The 8 man manproved manprYd manprnved
proved that ho was 1 what he said he was
Oil FVEI FOR OR fl BRITISH BITUil V411 NtT NtTNothng N411ohIng V411Nothing
Nothing Nothng Clue 1 I e to He Ltttl r Has Ia1 leaden IondonPaper lndDnra leadenPaperI
Paper ra PaperI t II I 000000 Gallons OatDnl to De ReStored ReStored3pcaS Stored StoredSptriil Storl
Sptriil ptd CMt Cn Dtlftlth D l to 1 TO T T BOW BOWIXJMDON 8t 80 80LOXDON
IXJMDON JMDN Feb 14 HThe 14The The Express Bzpr is I re responsible relpible respocisiblefor ¬
sponsible lpible spocisiblefor for the thl statement sttemet to which whic It Itgives Itye itgives
gives ye great at prominence pTlnec that the Admir Admiralty AdmlrIty Admiralty ¬
alty Ity has decided deied definitely defntely to substitute substituteoil su1ltute su1ltuteontu
oil ontu f ful u l for Or coal coa In the th navy It has b placed placedan plac
an a Initial Inital order for It 11000000 000000 0000 gallons lalonl or
50000 5000 tons tonsThis to tonThis
This will wi bs b stored in I new tanks tnk lately latelycompleted Itelycomple latelyoomptted
completed comple In the neighborhood neighborhoo of Plym Plymouth Plymouth Plyznouthi ¬
outh The Te tanks tnka have hav a capacity eapaot of 50 00000toni 00000 00000tons
tons tonsIt t toniIt l lItl
It Itl Is Intended Itended to fill 11 these the largely laael from fromAmerican tromAm fromAmerican
American Am ric and European Europn sources 10uo but butthe buttb butthe
the tb Admiralty Admlrlt will wi rely on onthe the t British Britishshale Brtlh Brtlhlhal Britishshale
shale lhal and ad colonial colonia oils 01 for to fuel whenever wheneverttierei wheneer wheneerter whenevertlierehs
ttierei The E Eur describes describesthe
ter a war wa prttt delb delbthe
the decision delion de s1oa as the greatest ctNt involution involutionin reyoluton reyolutonIn
in naval nvl equipment euipment since siD steam supplanted supplantedHlU supplated supplatedu
KilL HlUCOL KilLCOli u
Breaks Bnaa Leg L la I Twe e Flares PIee Mtepplng MtepplngFrm Mlr StepptnlPre plnl
Pre Fr Train Tt at Little Ute Rock Ke ReekLwL1 RockLrrrt
Lrrrt L LwL1 Rocg OJ Ark Ak Feb eb iJCol Jl E EW EHaltord Ew
W Halford of N Nw w York chairman chair of ofthe ofte ofthe
the te laymens Jaye missionary ml lo convention conventionof CIV1ton CIV1tonf
of f the te Methodist Mtbodla Episcopal Epllopal Church Churchbroke Chuh Chuhbrk Churchbroki
broke brk his leg Je in 1f two placeS plo today ty as he hestepped het6Pp hest4pped
stepped t6Pp from fti a Pullman Pu1atiCr car Hi had hd just justarrjved jut jutanY justvid
arrjved vid fa f Little Ltl Rook Rk from trm Memphis Memphiswhere lemphl MemphiSvbere
where anY hu he attended the laymenl laymens con convention c codwintlon ¬
vention v ntlon which met there last IAt we week wHkFriend weekFriends k kFriends
Friends of Col Halford in thl this city cty are arefearful ar arefearful
fearful tearul because bule of his hi advanced advano age ageCol aleCI ageCol
Col CI Halford HAtor IJAlf rd was wa the founder and editor editorof odltr odltrof
of the Chicago CIcgo Inter Inte Oetan the Indian Indianapolis Jndlanapoll Indianspoils ¬
spoils apoll Newt Nt and other papers papersDuring ppre ppreDurn papersDuring
During Durn President Prdet Harrslons BarloD term he hewas hewa hewas
was wa private prvat secretary st to the President PresidentOf PresidentO
Of O late lte years yer he has b been bn closely identified identifiedwith Identfie identifiedwith
with church cburh work workCol work workCcl
Col CI Halford Hor was to be a speaker lpkr at the thelaymens theItyeIention thelymens
laymens convention which convenes Cnv n e In InLittle InLltte InLittle
ItyeIention Little Lltte Rock Rk this week weekebraew Wel WelAW wieksbres
AW ebraew sbres CM monuat alter rl CUTM CUTMBSIIITTTI ww wwI curssasaMme
BSIIITTTI tottta l 15 ceats ces I at a tte a iMuvAtf t 4
0 0j
Cries Crl or Man Oerboardl Ovtrboarl Made llade the thePeljglot thepelJClot thePlyglot
Peljglot Steerage mid midAlexander Wld WldAlexade WildAlexander
Alexander Alexade Semzenko Semznko a young Hun Hungarian Hungarn Hungarian ¬
garian garn immigrant lnant who shipped shipp at Trieste Triesteaboard Trete Treteabor Triesteaboard
aboard abor the liner lner Martha Marha Washington Washingtonbecame Wahingtn Wahingtnbme Washingtonbecame
became bme insane ine from frm seasickness aokn on the thestormy theltormy thestormy
stormy trip tp and ad was put in the t hospital hospitalBefore hosplu1Dtor hospitalBefore
Before Dtor dawn dwn on o Thursday Thuy when the ship shipwas shipwas
was 1 about 800 8 a miles mlN east et of Sandy Sndy Book HookSemzenko BookBemznko BookSernzenko
Semzenko Bemznko attacked atoked the hospital attendant attendantand atendt atendta
and a got out on deck dek The Te attendant fol followed rollowed followed ¬
lowed and ad caught cught him There Ther was a astruggle aatruglle astruggle
struggle in which whic the te attendant attndnt was over overpowered 0 0powered overpowered ¬
powered The Te madman mdmn ran rn to the rail railand rai railand
and jumped Jumpd into the sea seaCapt se seaCapt
Capt Cpt Oeromollch Geromo1c stopped topp the te chip and andlowered andlowered andlowered
lowered a small a1 boat bot used in emergencies emergenciesA emergonee
A lifeboat tebot in command commnd of First Fit Officer OfficerReiderwich OmeerI OfficerReiderwich
Reiderwich Rlderlch the second 10nd officer omorand officerand and eight eightsailors eightlors eightsailors
I sailors lors also was wa put over ovr and the search searchlight serh serh11h searchlight ¬
light 11h bored bor boles holel through thrulb the gloom to tofind t tolind
find fnd Hemronko Sem7enko After Atteran an hours hoursac search the theliner thelne theliner
liner lne proceeded prcee It J was thought tough that tht the theHungarian te teHungar1n theHungarian
Hungarian Hungar1n had been killed kie by one of the thepropellers te teprpeler thepropellers
propellers propellersCries prpeler propellersCries
Cries Crie in several verl languages lnJge of Man Manoverboard ln lnnverborlw lan lanoverboard
overboard nverborlw startled trted the Immigrants of ofwhom otwhom ofwhom
whom there wore nearly 1300 I and there therewas therewaa therewas
was bedlam belm in Inthe the steerage Bteee for bra a while whileRussian whie whieRUSIn whileRussian
Russian RUSIn Jews Italians Itlans Hungarians lunearlns and andGreeks andOrek andGreeks
Greeks Orek joining in the polyglot plyglot chorus chorusThe chorusThe chorusThe
The officers ofcr who talk tlk several verl languages languagesused lanzges lanzgesus languageused
used us all al of them in soothing soothingthe the terrified terrifiedCHAMORRO t terrifiedCIItMOIrRO rfe rfeCItvomw
M Msdriz sdrlT drl7 luurn hu an RptnaUonAmrrl RptnaUonAmrrlnn ExplanstionAmeri ExplanstionAmeriran Explanation Ameri American ¬
can Planters Complain to Consul ConsulSprrfal ConsulprcO3l
Conal Conalpnal
Sprrfal Cable Calt Dnpalth DlpaI to Tnm Ta TI Sow StnrMAKAOUA SI SowMANAGUA
MANAGUA Feb nTe IThe The Government Governmenthas Ooverment Oovermentha
has ha issued leue a statement sttement that tha the troops troopswere top troopswere
were withdrawn wihdrwn from Matagalpa lataplp lately latelyfor Itl7 Itl7to latelyfor
for to strategic stra go reasons rlns and that tht they tey took tookup tk tkup tookup
up positions plUon in the hills his surrounding luroundlng the thetown thstown thetown
town where whtr they have placed plac their thelrhev theirheary theirhearyguns heavy heavyguns
guns so 1 that tt they the command commnd the th place placeIt plaeel
It l is added that considerable conderable bodies blea of ofGovernment orOoverment ofGovernment
Government Ooverment troops tp are ar in the vicinity of ofMatagalpa otMataglp ofMitagalpa
Matagalpa Mataglp and can cn at the proper propr time timecombine Umeombne timeoomblne
combine ombne with those tho in the immediate immediateneighborhood Immeate Immeateneighborho Immediateneighborhood
neighborhood neighborho of the town townThere townTher townThere
There Ther is I no doubt that tht the statement statementis lttmet lttmetIs
is issued iued for the purpose purp of deceiving dtlrg the thepeople te tepple thepeople
pple people for as a matter mtter of fact the the revo revolutionists revolutonl revolutionista ¬
lutionists lutonl ta under Gen Gn Chiunorro Cor drove the theGovernment theOvermt theGovernment
Government Overmt troops trp from trm Matagalpa Matglp and andtook Mdtook andtook
took possession plo of the thstow town several sverl days daysago dys dysag daysago
ago agoA
A courier curier who arrived arived here today re reported repor yeported ¬
ported por to the American Americ Consul Cul that thatAmerican tht thtAmerc thatAmerican
American of coffee plantations plantationsin
Amerc owners owers cofe p1ttlonl p1ttlonlI
I in an outlying outlng province provic had ha sent et him hi to tocomplain toomplln tocomplain
complain omplln of the action acoD of the Government Governmenttroops Gverent Gverenttrps Governmenttroops
trps troops who were wer forcing torcg their teir employees employeesto emplo
to Join joi their ranks rk This Ti action ai he said saidwas ed edwa saidwas
the of labor laborIn
was wa depleting plantations pltto lbr lbrI
In the harvest and damaging damagingproperty damagingproperty
I te hrvet season An ad was daqng daqngprperty
prperty prpertyThsCul propertyTheCcnsulwllllook property propertyThe
The ThsCul TheCcnsulwllllook Consul will wll look Into Ito the matter and andmake andmk andmake
make mk strong strg representations reprtUo to t the au authorities authoriUe authorities ¬
thorities thoriUe true tre if he fd finds the complaints cmpllt are aretrue a aretrue
Rammed Herself ReuU Into Her Ifr Slip lp by h7StresglhLrd Main MainStrength 11ala 11alaftnlhlr
Strength ftnlhlr StresglhLrd l > ert Fairfax Faira Back BackThe Bc NeckThe
The Te Cunarder Cuner Campania Campa from Liver Liverpool Iver Iverpl Liverpool ¬
pool pl and Qneenstown QuentoW docked yesterday yesterdaymorning yebr yesterdaymorning
morning on a strong strongIlood trongfo Hood Ude forcing forcingtier torne torneher
her way to the south side of the pier pierthrough pierthrough pierthrough
through ice packed pcked packedlnthe In D the slip lp by b a strong1 astronEwesterly strong1westerly Itrn Itrnweterl
westerly weterl wind She reached reohed the pier pierend pierend pierend
end from Quarantine QUAantne at 840 oclock oclockSeveral oclcekeverl oclockSeveral
Several everl tugs made mde an effort erort to break brk the thaice thelee theice
ice jam for her and she Ihe herself hereel plunged plungedinto plUledIto
into Ito it a dozen dOlen times Ume bucking buckg it like lk a alarge aIrge alarge
large marine mrie billy biy goat goa When she had hadforced hadtord hadforced
forced tord her way wa to within about abut fifty fft flft feet feetof ret retcr feetof
of the south side of tho pier two twotug twojugs twojugsgot tuga tugagot
got between btwen the pier and the ships port portside prt prtside porteide
side and backed boked and went ahead ahed until untilthey unt untilthey
they the had h so broken brken the tbelc ice that the ship shipcould shp shpculd shipcould
could culd get close clOe enough to the pier to run runa
a gangplank across Whie While she Ihe was wasdoing WMdolnK wasdoing
doing this she snapped several leerl hawsers hawsersso haw re
so 10 strong was Inapp the pull pul of tide tde and ice iceShe ic iceShe
She finally fnlly docked dok at t 10 100 100Aong lOIOAmong 40 40Among
Among Aong her passengers pelers was WI Lord Lr Fair Fairfax Far Farfn Fairfax ¬
fax known to his hi friends frenda as Albert Albrt Kirby KirbyFairfax Klrb KlrbFalrts KirbyFairfax
Fairfax and a native natve of Prince Princ George Georgecounty Oerge Oergecunt Georgecounty
county cunt Maryland Mrland God Oo bless ble you youte as asthe asthe
the te natives native of the county cunt say IIY He Is I the thetwelfth thetwelfh thetwelfth I
twelfth twelfh Baron Rron Fairfax alrax of Cameron Cmern in the thepeerage thepeerage
peerage prJe of Scotland Sotland He smilingly emlnily de declared declred dodared ¬
dared clred Cbat bat he was wa8tl still a good ao American Americanand melc
and that since sln0 his last Iat visit visit to the country countryhe CUt I Ihe
he had had h no romantic romanto affairs alalre which whichmay wiichi wiichimay whichmay
may be interpreted Interprt to mean men that tht he will willbe wii wiibe willbe
be a bachelor bchelor for a few more mor years ye He Heis Heis I
is II accompanied acompanledb by the Hon Hn J H Parker ParkerandtheHon ParkerGnd Parkerand I
andtheHon and the theflon lon Montague Montgue Parker Prke sonsof SODotths SODotthsFArl the theEar theFar
Ear of Morley who will wi go shooting Ihoth with withhim withhim withhim
him in Virginia after artr spending pdg a week weekin k kIn
in thin thl Virgni city Other Oter passenger by the theCampania te teCmpnIa theCampania
Campania CmpnIa were the Jeneel Marquis Mrui Paolo Palo di diMontagliari jl jlMontagllr li liMontagliari
Montagliari Montagllr of the Italian Italan Embassy Embr at atWashington atWahlnlton atWashington
Washington Wahlnlton Capt A R Stewart Stewar Stewartand and LF LFSlilpmao IESbipman F FShipman
Slilpmao SlilpmaoS4V ShipmaniU SbipmanstY
Man 1lan and ae Wife 1f on German Oera Germauaemer Steamer temer Picked Pickedby Pe 1
by Fellow Prlow Passengers punnepoloeere PauengersPoltceThere Police There Toe Toeaftrial TC TC3r TeepdU
aftrial 3r C Cel CeW M Dtipatc D t la t Tn 1 SDH SDHLONDON m cu cu7ozenoN
LONDON lOlOl Feb 14 According uAcrdlc to the theDaily theDlll theDaily
Daily Dlll Mall Aldt Dr Cook the thelMrdonre near discoverer discovererhas
has h suddenly audenly appeared appre in Chile Cle having havingarrived hln hlnarrived havingarrived
arrived at Corral on Saturday Stlra with hl hiswife his hiswife
wifeThey wlteThe They The travelled traveled under assumed ued names nameson nameon
on board bord the German Oeru steamer tamer Osiria OsiriaFellow OilrlFelow OlirieFeUow
Fellow Felow passengers pengsl say I the Cooks Ck were wereshadowed wereIhaowed wereshadowed
shadowed Ihaowed by policemen policemenWhen plcmen plcmenWhen policemenWhen
When the substance IUbtoe of the above abve de despatch delpatob dospatch ¬
spatch was wa shown shon last lat night to t William WilliamI WUlt
I > Cook Ck brother broter of the nlt arotio ardo traveller travellerat tYeler tYelerat
at his residence reidec at 747 74 Bedford Bor avenue avenueBrooklyn avenueBrooklyn venueBrkl
Brooklyn he said that tht he heard he from tom Or OrCook D DrCook
Cook Ck be 1 three tree weeks wek ago ag and knew where whereHe wherebe whereIlocertainly
1He He certainly crinly was not then the in Chile Cile or orany orany orany
any other part of South SoumerO SouthAmerlos America laid laidMr Nd NdMr saidMr
Mr Cook CookMr Cok CokMr CookMr
Mr Cook Cok refused to tell where whe his bisbrother bl hisbrother
brother broter was wa reu merely saying ylnc that tat he was wasabroad wasabroad u uabroa
abroad abroadJJNOLE abroa abroaJIGLE abroadJINGLE
BlelERi 81II1a Kept Krt From Frm City Cty bland 114 Became Becamethe ecBe ecBethe ecasae ecasaethe
the Bridge Brde Is Illw SweptHotel ptRolel Mca Me te Mail MailWhen H HWen MadWhen
When Wen the snow U I on o the te ground aroUI and andslsighing andslelghing nd nd11lablnl
slsighing parties prtN are eiD la vogueinThe vOlufln The Broar BroarCity Boax BoaxCity onz onzCity
City Island hotel hot6 keepers k make Jk money moneyIt
It I is I quite qute the te thing tl to t deign h out through throughPelham thro throughPethain mone h hPelhm
Pelham Pelhm Bay Park across aorO the Pelham Pelhm PelhmBridge Bay BayBridge BayBridge
Bridge and stop on City Clt Island Ilnd for re refreshments retrlhmenta refreshments ¬
freshments freshmentsBut trlhmenta
But yesterday some unkind unklldBronx Bronx offi officials omoll cMdais ¬
dais oll ordered orered the tle snow n01 swept off or the long longbridge Ion Ionbridge longbridge
bridge and all al the sleighs 1elgh bound for City CityIsland CityIslnd CityIsland
Island Islnd turned back bck As A a consequence consequencethe oonleuence oonleuencethe
the hotel hotl keepers ke got together and drew drewup drw drwup drewup
up a petition petton which they the will wl present preent to toPresident toPreldent toPresident
President Preldent Miller Mier asking that tht In the future futurethe tuturethe futurethe
bridge the snow Inow be allowed alowl to remain on the thebridge thebr1dge thebridge
3OO Atlas Fre Fre Er to t Can flvnOne I naden nadenCne itadersOne
One Cne thousand reader rad r of the e N Y Mia 11 laklac laklacftd Ialdcgadvantats klne
ftd advantats nUc n or 0 the e ip special clil all offer made i 111 In connection connectionwith
with 1 Sebder b biters 1 new International Dictionary DictionaryUutl 1 I Iust
Uutl ust published pUhlsbldt printed prln on ollae Page tot to tdav tadsvs days Sun Sunwill fua fuaw 8u 8uwill
will w receive nclve tbioluwlr abolutl free raCpof a copy of the Ilia IIDNe New NewReference NewReference
Reference Atlas Alu of 0 lh World Wol For Fo lull ptrllcn ptrllcntar prlco prlcoIn particutars
tar Jeertne Oil 11 out ot and aa forward 0 toe 1b coupon cJ at a Me e tO < o 0 OC 0C 0S
S C WerrUm Icn Co SprtnifitM 5pdlAI tassIa A
BO 10900 OO Men M n Protest Protet In the Capital Cplal Against AgalnitNew AalnltNew AgainstNew
New PniMlan Ptnlan Franchise Dill DiStreet DiStreetGaDp DillStreet DillStreetGangs Street StreetGangs
Gangs Start Fights FItIMuy FJghlsMany Many Injured InJerr In Inlathes InCIlhr InClashes
lathes CIlhr In hall lale and ad Daltburg DaltburgSpecial Dlburs DlbursSptl DOtsburgSptclel
Special Sptl CaM C l Detptttk Dlpakl to 1 Tan SUN SDKBERLIN SU SUNBsarIN
BERLIN BULN Feb 11 1llor lMore More than tha 50000 50000Socialists 50 50I 50000Socialists
Socialists Soallsts attended attende meetings metng here her today todayto
I to protest prtt against aplnt the Prussian PUln Govern Governments OovernI Governmeats ¬
I meats franchise t bill bi while uble many man thou thousands thousnd thousands ¬
sands snd more were at meetings metngs in other othergreat othtr othtrlrt othergreat
great lrt centres of population ppulation There were weretwo weretwo weretwo
two not very ver serious seriou clashes olahe between btween the thepolice thepolee thepolice
police polee and demonstranta demontrnta ta here and more moreImportant moreImprtnt moreimportant
Important Imprtnt disturbances disturbnC at Halle HRle and andDuisburg andDulsburg andDuiaburg
Duisburg Otherwise the Immense force forceof rore roreor
of police poloe and soldiers assembled alsembled through throughout thrugh thrughout ¬
out the kingdom kingom for the occasion oclon had hd an aneasy an anelY ineasy
easy elY time timeFortythree tme tmeI timeFortythree
I Fortythree crowded meetings meting were wereheld wereI wereheld
I I held in Berlin RrUn between betwen noon and 2 oclock oclockin
I in the afternoon anoroon those thoselltendlngwerng thoselltendlngwerngte attending wearing wearingthe
the te red re badge bdgs of socialism scalsm A policeman policemanWBJS plcmn plcmni
i was WI on every platform platorm ready to close closethe clole clolethe closethe
the meeting meetng If I he judged the language languageof languge langugeor
of the speakers pkera seditious eitous but none was wassuppressed wusupprCe wassuppressed
suppressed supprCe T lone ong experience eprlence has hs taught taughtdemocratic tught tughtdemocratlo taughtdemocratic
democratic orators here how to convey conveya
a great deal del to their hearers herers in appar apparently appr apprentlnnocntlnguge apparently ¬
ently entlnnocntlnguge entlnnocntlngugeWhen innocent language languageWhen languageWhen
When the closed olo ed the
meetings meting protestors protestorsmarched prttors prttorsmrhed protostorsmarched
marched mrhed in the streets steeta In small smal group groupsinging group groupesinging
singing Socialist 80alt songs but they theyabtalne abstained abstainedfrom abstainedfrom
from big processions proctloDII The Government Governmenthad Ooverment Oovermenthad
had issued Isue a brief but item warning warningover warningovernlghtthe
over overnlghtthe night the gist of which was that the thestreets thestret thestreeta
streets stret exist for traffic only and if I the thedemonstrators thedemonetrtors thedemonstrators
demonstrators demonetrtors resisted the enforcement enforcementof entorcment entorcmentot
of this thi rule weapons wepon would woud bo b used ued against againstthem againstI againstthem
I effect effectThe eWe effectThe them The Te warning had hd the desired desiredeffect delre desiredeffect
1 The official preparations prparatIons were made madewith mae maewith madewith
with Prussian Plan thoroughness thoroughe All Al the theimperial theimperi theimperial
imperial imperi palaces the Chancellors Chanclors rest restdenco resl residenco
I denco and a pa the ministries mlltre were wer guarded guardedoutwardly carded cardedI guardedoutwardly
I outwardly outwal by b police plo alone aone but t every everybody everybody ¬
i body b knew ew that armed ae troops trps were werestationed weresutoe weresttiond
stationed sutoe hi I the courtyards cryar The bridges bridgesleading bridg bridgesleading
i leading leing to t the Kaisers Klar island 1and palace palacein plac
in I the centre cntre of the olty were all al held heldby heldb heldby
by b policemen p1cemen wearing werng side arms armsIt an armsIt
It I was 1 not until unti evening that small smalltroubles sml smltuble smalltroubles
troubles tuble began beaa They Te seem m to have been beendue bn bndus beendue
due to t the folly tollyof of Irresponsible Irpnlble gongs gongsactlngon gp gpil0 gangaacttAgcn
actlngon il0 their own 01 initiative Intalve In one of ofthese ofthe ofthese
these the rows r near ne the Kronprinr Krprz Bridge rdc the themob themob themob
mob stoned aoe the police pUcewho who charged chged with withswords wlth8or withiworda
swords 8or wounding wcdlnt three the men me and d quickly quicklyscattering qulcly qulclyatWng quicklyscattering
scattering atWng the te rioters riotersThere rotr rioterThere
There Te was w another aoher row ro at lUxdorf Ior a asuburb aabur asuburb
suburb abur of the capital cplul where ere two tw police policeofficers plce plceomcrs policeofficers
officers omcrs were wsr struck strot by stones stonesThe sn snTh stonesThe
The Th worst o provincial pro11 clashes clae were at atHalle atHlleiItre
Halle 1 HlleiItre where De a dispute du between be the te police policeand p1c policeand
and ad the tbi Socialist 80allt leaders lee resulted Iult in in2000demonstrztors
2000 demonstrators deoarat attacking attg the officers officersSeveral ofoere officersSevetil
Several 8 oa O both bhll sides were we Injured InjuredMany hJu injuredMPT5On
Many MPT5On persons were w hurt hur by the tle police policeoffloerVswovJs plc policeonto
offloerVswovJs onto llprnl o 8wO ewod In tnthenght n the te fight fgt at t Dubburg DubburgNumerous D DueburNumerous burg burgNu
Numerous Nu r arrests were 1 made madeFROZEN madeIROZENRFRAYED
as me meROZENS
Polar Ia Bear Doesnt Doet Help Them Te Mnch Mac by byJumping byoJps byJumping
Jumping oJps tg Lp In I the ZOo 700Frown 700 700Fr ZOoFroseu
Frown Fr one of the polar bears b at the theBronx te teBrons theBronx
Bronx Brons Zoo 10 sat t disconsolate dnlte in his hi cage cageyesterday c cageyesterday
yesterday YNtr morning and gazed gi at two to six sixfoot sixtoot aixfootlogs
foot footlogs log lying Iylnl one above the other oter to a aheight aheight aheight
height of four feet fet across aC his hi favorite favoritewalk favoritewak favoritewalk
walk walkLike wak wakLlk walkLike
Like many my of the other animals ani mal Frozen Frozenhas Frozn Froznb Frozenhas
has b been bn suffering IlerlPI of late lte from sore sre feet feetdue ret retdu feetdue
due du to cage c gait pi The Te brutes walk wak for forhours torhou forhours
hours hou along a beaten btn path ptb of about abut eight eightfeet eigt eigttet eightfeet
feet behind the tb bars The
tet bbld te cage cp b asphalt asphaltwore asphat asphatwore
wore Frowns FOns paws Pws to the bleeding bleing point pointVisitors pointViit pointVisitor
Visitors Viit told tld Curator Curtor Ditmars that tht he heought heoughtl heought
ought to do something for the animals anlmalBtet animalsfeet animalsfeet
feet feetSo tet
So 8 two to days dya ago al the curator crtor hit upon uponthe uponthe uponthe
the barricade bcde scheme IheJ This Tle puzzled puzzledFrozen pURledFzn puzaledFrozen
Frozen Fzn greatly ty Ife Jo II would start str down downhis downb downhis
his b patS put With his h great gt head he swinging swingingfrom Iwcng Iwcngfr swingingfrom
from fr side ee to side only O1 to bump Into the thelogs thelop thelogs
logs midway midwayHe lway lwayHeiboat
He Heiboat thought solemnly for two days daysabout cia ciaabout daysabout
about the matter mtter and a came Oe to a conclu conclusion cclu ccluao concluslci ¬
sion ao ytsn yesterday afternoon arno Slowly Sloly he hearose heO hearcee
arose O marched roe down dow the path pth and ad then thengathering thenpthr thengathering
gathering pthr h h hIs bulk bul together tgthr calmly clly lmly jumped jumpedthe Jup
the th barrier br He did the same me coming comingback comingbk comingback
back PAd now the solicitous visitors
bk aUctoQ Yto are arewatching arewathlnca arewatching
watching wathlnca a Jumping jupg bear br whose wo feet fet ar arsteadily arh arhsteadily
steadily 1 growing jlC worse WOr and for to whom whomthere whomth whomtbere
there th apparently apprty is f no cure cureLEFT c cLEFT cureLEFT
RetctUBK HeaK Steamer Itemer Nearly Nerly Lost Llr In I Strait Straitof Statt Stattof
of Magellan MafanJep Magellanhelp Help for fCr the Lima LimaSpitW Lm LmPKt LlrnsSpeckS
SANTIAGO SANAGO PX 1 CBXLB C Feb FeblSThe The Oov Government Ooverment Oovernment ¬
ernment erment ba has sent a t warship wahp to t render renderwhatever reder rederwbt renderwhatYw
whatever wbt aid U possible plble to t the steamer steamerLima stmer stmerLm steamerUrns
Lima Lm which was 1 wrecked wke some aoe days daysago dAy
ago ao in the t Strait StrIt of Magellan MleUn with con considerable oonIderble considerable ¬
siderable loss 10 of life Jte The PacIfic PoUI Steam SteamNavigation Stm StmNavllaton SteamNavigation
Navllaton Navigation Company Cmpny which whoh owns ow the theLima theLma theLime
Lima Lma has b sent nt five fve of its It vessels velel to t the thescene theoe thescene
scene oe of oftbe the wreck wreckThe w wreckThe k kThe
The disaster dir occurred ouM far ta from any anyplace anyplace anyplace
place from tr whloh telegrams t41e could coud be besont b besent
sent at and ad no details detll are a expected ept until untilthe untnthe untilthe
the warship which wblc baa a wireless wlrle equip equipmeat eup eupment equipmont
meat arrives alveat at the island lad where the theLima theLime
te teLma
Lima Lma was wrecked wrked The The8aer Thesteamer steamer Bathu Hathumet Bathumet Bathutact
met which landed lAde at Ancud Aoud 306 persons personswhom peln percnswhom
whom she e rescued r from trm the te wrecked wrked yes vessel Ye yeseel ¬
eel sl has sent antno no further Information InorUoB con concerning ooboernlnK cchoernirmg ¬
cerning the disaster disasterIt
tedltr tedltrIla
It Ila is I said that tht the Hatbumet Hathuet while whie trans transferring tran banserring ¬
erring terg the survivors UIV0 from the Lima came camenear cme cmeDMr camenear
near DMr being blre wrecked l herself owing ownc to the thegale thegale
gale 116 and d the tbe strong atroDI currents curent prevailing prevailingat prevailg prevailgat
at the th theShe ttme ttmeShe
Qe QeShea
She Shea was la l uoha llaperloua perilous position pllton that thatshe tat tatah thatib
she ah had to t steam tM away without wtbout making makingapy makng makngfuthe
apy further futhe attempt tept to t rescue reOue the theelaht theelahtllht eighty eightyeight eightyeight
eight pats pnlr passengers ag n aad members memwr of the theLimas to theLimes
Limas L crew r who remained remaine on board boardof
of h Mr MrSTIR betSTIR r rSTIR
Rowdy Gang Slopped 8Iop lb by a Revolter RevolterWomen RevohrrWomen IevoiierWomen
Women sad 11 Children Chidre Excited ExcitedA Edtt
A gang a of about abut twentyfive twentytn young you men menraised menrlud menraised
raised rlud a disturbance dlltrbnce in a moving movnc picture picturehouse ploturehouae picturehouse
house at 60 SWet 60West West 114th l th street strt last lt night nightand nightand nightand
and when requested ruete to quit set It upon an anusher a anusher
usher uho Clarence Clreoe MoOlbbon Molbbon the proprie proprietor Jorle Jorletor ¬
tor and his brother brothe went wet to help lelp the theusher theusher theusher
usher and also 10 were attacked attackedThey attcke attackedThey
They Te were getting letig the worst of the theargument thearaumet theargument
argument araumet > when whe James Jame England Eg IDd the thedoorkeeperr te tedorkeJr thedoorkeeper
doorkeeper dorkeJr arrived arved with wih a revolver rvolver and andthreatened ad adthJUed andthreatened
threatened thJUed to t shoot When We the police rloe re r yeserves reserve ¬
serve Mne arrived the rowdies rwdIe had left leftThere leUThore leftThere
There were seven eve hundred hund or more morepersona mor morepersons
persona mostly mOty women wome and children ohllre in intha I intheplecs
excitement tha plns t theplecs plaos J at a the t time and there te was much muchxeTtemeat muc muchexcitement
> r
Plans of German Dirigible Airship Party Partyfor rrt rrtror Partsfor
for Trip Front rom TenerllTe to New ew York YorkApt TorkptthI orkOpta
Apt Opta ptthI rial Cotta C b Dtipateh Dp lth to r TH Tars > SUN SUNMADRID SUNManslo Ul
MADRID Feb 13 13A A despatch deptch to the theImpartial theImprral theImpartial
Impartial Imprral from trm Tenerlffe Tenerlls says sy that a aGerman aGrn aG
German Grn G rman aeronaut aernut named nme Brucker Brcker Col ColShack Cl ClShok ColShack
Shack and Capt Meaner
Shok Cpt purpose purpe to try
to cross eJ the Atlantic Atlntlo in a dirigible balloon balloonThey balon balonTe balloonThey
They Te will wi start star from frm Orotava Ortva on Octo October Ootober Octoher ¬
ber 5 1 for Porto Por Rico Jo and thence the nee to New NewYork NewYork NewYork
York by way of Hayti 1at Cuba Cub Florida Floridaand Florida Floridaand
and Louisiana LouisianaThis Luisian LouisianaThis
This indirect Indiret course COUr is dictated dictte by the theresults tberults theresults
results rults of Prof Hergeoells Hergns recent reent obser observations obr obrvaton observations ¬
vations vaton of air currents in the West Wet Indies IndiesMEN Jndle JndleE IndiesiIEX
John II Long Ionl anti ml Prominent Pomlnrnt Da Or > State StaleCltlenx Statelt7fnl Statetltixens
Cltlenx lt7fnl Favor Movement MovementBOSTON MovementBosToN orntBOSTON
BOSTON Feb 13 13Woman Woman suffrage suffrageban sufrare sufrarehaR auffraehan
ban found able champions champlol In Massachu Massachusetts Mlch MlchMUS IIaasaohucotta ¬
cotta John I D Long exBecrcUry ertary of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Navy Navyls Is the leading ledlnglplrlt spirit inthecru inthecrusado In the cru cru8de crusado
sado 8de to place ploe the seal eel sealof of mans approval approvalon
on womans rights rlghtaA k kA
A letter letrr RAnt out oh o Saturday Bturdy bears bearsbesides bear bearsbesides
besides belde the sljyiature II ture of Mr r Long llng those tboeeof thoe thoeor
of two to other prominent men in the Bay y
State Stt Francis J Garrison Oarrlln and Edwin Ewin L LMead I IltGd 1Mead
Mead MeadThe ltGd MeadTho
The Utter lttr says BYS that tht the organization organizationIs orjanz1Uon orjanz1UonIs
Is to be boforinedalong formed toned along the thelinee lines ne of ota a similar similarleague similr similrIegue similarieaguo
league In New York which Is said sid to have havegiven hv havegiven
given gven woman womn suffrage lulrago more considera consideration conld ra ¬
tion ton among amon the sterner strer sex sexAmong IX IXAmong sexAmong
Among those thos who favor the new ntw organi organization organizton organization ¬
zation zton are ar exGov John L I Bate Dt exGov exGovWilliam exOoWiiam exGovWilliam
William Wiiam L I Douglas Dougl the Rev Rv P S SI Henson HensonCol HensonCol non nonCol
Col Col Thomas Thot W Hlgginson Congressman CongressmanSamuel Cnlmn CnlmnSmuel CongressmanSamuel
Samuel Smuel W McCall McCl Charles Chrle Mellon Melen and andJoelah andJOlh andJosiah
Josiah JOlh Quincy QuincyFIRE QuincyIR1 QuincyFIfl1
I Burning nurlns Cigarette ClsrftC Left ef on Cn a Sofa lot Cansei Canseithe snare snarethe n rl rlthe
the Los of Several H rl l Paintings lt1lnp PaintingsThe > alaltncj
f j The Assembly at Fulton and Pierre Pierrepont Por Pierrepont
pont pnt strceto stret Brooklyn was a in danger dangerof dangr dangrot
of being bing destroyed by b fire fre early yester yesterday ye8 yesterday r rday ¬
day morning Flamed Fame were wer discovered discoveredin dller
in the ballroom destroyingseveral destroyIngseveral
lrom completely destroying detroyingaverl
several averl valuable Taluble paintings plntnp and the fresco frescowork tnl frescowork
work Henry Nut Nut manager magr nays the theloss te theloss
loss 10 is about 1100 10000 10000Mr 10000Mr
Mr Nuto sleeps elep on the sixthfloor Ilnh noor of ofthe otthe
the building bulding He le was w awakened awkened by bysmoke byemoke bysmoke
smoke shortly Morly after arer 5 1 oclock He tried triedto trie
to t go down dow stairs str but when whl he reached reachedthe red redthe
the fourth tour floor for was 1 driven back He Heclimbed Heclm Heclimbed
climbed clm out on a window wndow ledge legs Just Justacross Jut Jutar Justacross
across ar the way from the te Assembly mbl on onPierrepont onPerpt onPlerrepont
Pierrepont Perpt street Itreet Is a fire f house hoW and andthe ad adthe andthe
the firemen fremen came ce to his bl rescue resue He was wastaken wastaken
taken tken down dow on a ladder ladderThe la der tderThe derThe 1
The fire fre was soon ln put out It I was wascaused 1 1cu wascaused
caused cu by b a cigarette cgtte which whoh had been bH
left I r on a sofa soa in the ballroom ballroomBOY blrm ballroomROY i inor
Two To Lads l Hho Wo West WrntOut tt Oat From Fem Atlantic AtlanticCity AtluUocty AtlanticCity
City cty en Cnnanay Tlranday Last Llt Given Up UpATLANTIC U VpAmiwrtc
ATLANTIC A No CuT C Feb Feb13Dt 13 13Bent Bent on emu emulating eu eulatng ernulating ¬
lating older fishermen who ho have
latng olde 1erel hTe made madebig madebig
mo moble
big catches ctbe of codfish Cfh on the bank bl off offthe oI offthe
the city ot John J JohatDrls0OMa3TlXjIIiam PriaaoU BiiHrglHaa An Andrews Al Andraws ¬
draws dr two boys b of this th city ct 11 secured s u a alaunch alaunch alaunch
launch belonging belonsng to Capt Cpt SamGaU BmGale of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the inlet fleet feet and ad went wet to sea a seaon on 01 Thurs Thursday Thu Thurday ¬
day d last lat Neither Neiter the boys 0 nor the boat b
has since anoe been b seen se and ad It is feared fearedthat tear feare4that
that they tbe went w nt down do in the storm str atom of
Saturday Bturd which wlic Wtlt nearly n rly swamped ampe biff biffsmacks bf brgsmacks
smacks caught cught In the gala gle and heavy heavyseas hev
seasParent SO
Parent Prent of the lads who know kow that thatthey tht thatthey
they thE intended Intende to t stay sty only onl a few tf hours hoursaway hou hoursaway
away awa from the coast ct have hv given dV upsJiopo upsJiopoof uopo uopoot
of their return retlm and signals algal have hve been beenflashed bn bnOahed beenflashed
flashed Oahed to life savers Ivere along the coast ct to tokeep tokep tokeepwatohfor
keep lads kep keepwatohfor watch wath for the boat ba andbodies and 1eof of the thelads theladl thelads
Police Pot Fall to Make MaeGD Good Their elr Alleged AllegedThreat Aler AllegedThreat
Threat Thret to Clone Cole Saloons SaloonsSomething 8atoO SaloonsSomething
Something Smethig went wet wrong one with wih that ru rumored rumored rumored ¬
mored revolt among amo the ploo police of The TheBronx Te TeBrz TheBronx
Bronx Brz that tht was to have hye resulted rult in I the theclosing theolOlng theclosing
closing of all al saloons ulo yesterday yeter by the theaggrieved theaeve theaggrieved
aggrieved aeve patrole patrolmen The recent rnt trans transfer traI transfer ¬
fer of two members membrs of the te force torc after afterexcise aft afterexcise 1
excise exce arrests at and ad the dismissal dlall of the two twosleepers to toIleper twosleepers
sleepers Ileper In the Morrisanla Morl mansion manlon manlonaald were weresaid wonsaid
said to have hvo caused cu intense It indignation indignationamong IdlEatlo indignationamong
among amog the te rank k and ad file 11e indeed Inde so in incensed Ino inceused ¬
censed o were we they sold sd to be that tta thata a week weekago wHkago weekago
ago Sunday Bundy all the saloon alon keepers kep put putchains putohal putchains
chains ohal on their doors and admitted amit the theelite thelte theIlite
elite lte alone aloneBut alne alneBut aloneBut
But yesterday ye ra all al this thl was 1 changed changedThe ohagedThe
The side doors wereIn
dors wer splendid order orderThe orderThe orderThe
The venerable veerabls sandwiches dwchO again 8n made madetheir mde mdetheir madetheir
their appearance apprc and ad there ter was never a achain achain achain
chain In sight The total of excise
liht Te tul excl ar arrest a arrests ¬
rest rt made mde in I The Bronx Brnx precincts prno yes yesterday ye yesterday ¬
terday t ray was five fiveDRIVEN fv fvDRlE fly flyDfthIEV
Survivor arvor of Ct the Chanzy ChZ Disaster Dispose Dlipogeor Dhpolof
of Gunpowder OaDpoWdf Theory TheorySftctal Teor Teor8t4 TheorySpec4al
Sftctal 8t4 Caklt Cd Detroit Dtloc to t o Tie T SUit SenLONDON S SUitLoD0N
LONDON Feb 14 14The The Madrid
LNDN ITe Mdrid cone correspondent cr conespondnt ¬
spondent of the Telegraph Tteaph sends edd an a inter interview Interview Interview ¬
view with Marcel l Rodel the om
wih Rel only stir survivor luryhor stirvlvor ¬
vivor of the wreck wrek of o the steamer mer GfoSfal GfoSfalChanty Otnftal OtnftalCz G n4tal n4talChanay
Chanty Cz which was mailed maied from tmPalmai tmPalmaiMjor Palma PalmaMajorca PalmaMalorca
Majorca Mjor to Barcelona BarcelonaRodel Brclona BrclonaRel BarcelonaRodol
Rodel Rel ascribed acib the te wreck entirely entrely to tothe tothe tothe
the gale and ad currents crnta driving the steamer steameron Iteae
on o the rocks rk rkfAWEU rocksSAW
Policeman PDlefan straightway ttrptway Gave a Woman WomanRaw WomanRw oma omaRw
Rw Eggs E1 and Sarert 8aTr Her Life LifeMrs Ltt LttMlry LifeMrs
Mrs Mlry Mary Maldla laldlaot of 241 South 80ut First Firststreet FIJt FIJtut Firststmet
street ut Brooklyn took tk bichloride biclorde of met mercury l metcurl ¬
curl cu In a doorway opposite the Eidridga Eidridgastreet Edrid EdridItrt Lidridgeetreet
street Itrt station ttlon yesterday yesur afternoon aro Po Policeman Policeman o ¬
liceman lcmA Breves Bve saw ew h hr r from fm the thewl window windowand windowand
and ad carried cred her he Into the station tato house houseThe hou houSeThe
The Te lieutenant leutnt sent lnt out and ad got t some Ims egg eggwhich eaewhlcwr eggswhich
which whlcwr were given to t her while whie she ee was waswaiting 1 1wltn warnwaiting
waiting wltn for an ambulance ambulno She was wastaken 1 1tken wastaken
taken tken to Gouverneur Oouvmeur Hospital Hospitl a prisoner prisonercharged prlne prisonercharged
charged eharee with wih attempted atempte suicide suicideNEIT luloldsNE suicideNEIV
Apartments to lie 1f Provided provldr for Pmle Families Familiesof
of Students StodentiCAHnnionp StdeatlCUIARrO StudentsCaaJnnmoCW
CAHnnionp CUIARrO Mass Mu Feb 13 nHaArd nHaArdUnverelty 13HarM 13HarMUniversity Harvard HarvardUniversity
University Unverelty is to have have accommodations accommodationsfor aoommoto
for those thOltudents students and their tala families who whodesire whodeire whodesire
desire deire to live lve adjacent Idjant to the university universityPlans unlvereltPl universityPlans
Plans Pl have bve been bn drawn for an apart apartment aprt aprtment apartmont ¬
ment house hoU containing contlnln 124 12 12 suites lult along alongtho alongt alongtao
tao t Charles Carle facing the stadium stdum Each Eachatmrtment EC Eacjapartment
apartment llrment will wi have six rooms roms and ad a abath abth abath
bath and will wi be rented for IIS 15 and t0 s 0 a amonth Amonth amonth
bth month The new structure etrctur will 1 be built builtat hult hultat
at the approach of the te proposed propo million milliondollar miion miiondol1
I dollar dol1 Memorial Meo Bridge on o Roylston lln street streetand ptetI t ta
I and a nd directly d over ove the to new Cew subway eut1a110p loop loopb
Police Ioll Hunting luutln for Mtlllsm IInl Sejler Helerrlr Mar Marrled Marned
ned rlr Last Seen Hrln with lth Her at a P P1an111 Plr Plrnance i iDanceIlls
nance 1an111 DanceIlls Ills Brother An Anlt Aryls Is Escort Fear ef efa o sfa
a Younger ounetr Minn 11 Adams Alto Ceae CeaeATLANTIC Get GetATNTIC GeaAmarIc
ATLANTIC ATNTIC City CIT N J Feb 13 ISTe ISTeby 13The 13Thebody The Thebody
body by of Jane Adams who has a been miss missIng 81 misslog
Ing since sinc she spent the evening on ot the thepier thepier i ipier
pier on Friday J February 4 was W found foundin C tf tfIn 1 1In
in the breakers brokel off 01 Harrisburg Harrisbug avenue avenueVentnor ave aveuueVentnor
Ventnor today She was wa 18 years yere oM oMand o cdand
and the daughter of Charles Charle Adams Ad et etthis e1this
this city ciy Still Sti clad cad in the finery fnery TrhloV TrhloVshe whIkshe hlt hltbe I
she be donned done for the evening at the pier pierthe pl pierthe J Jtbe
the body van wlldentt identified by the themotheraJ themotheraJtat mother rnotherand rnotherandtather and
father fatherThe tat tatherThe her 4 4Te
The Te police polc have started Itared a earch erchl to toWilliam for forWilliam J JWiiam
William Wiiam Beyler 8ylfr a young YOUDI married mane mat matthis tA1 tA1this ms ci cithis
this city who ws WII the th last po person r seen seenin rfj rfjin
in Miss 11s Adamss Adamse company cmpay and ndhod who whoappeared die dieappeared l lappeared
appeared on tho day da following tololnl her i ipearance d disap disappoarance r rprane
pearance prane The search i Is also alsoextended Ilso Ilsoextended blng blngextended
extended to find fnd Arrln Ani Keyler ylol a abrother YOI younger youngerbrother
brother of William Wilam Seyler Syler who Is Ismissing i ale alemissing l
missing missingTho ml missingThin lnl lnlThe baT
The face tac of the dead dlad girl Irl was WR battered batteredby bte batteredby
by the breakers breaker The surgeons lurjconwboe lurjconwboeamlned who eW eWamined ex examined
amined the body by thi this afternoon aferon found founddeep toud touddep a adeep >
deep hole over the left Icf eye which the thesoy thy thyairy
soy 1 was W made before btore death detb No bulret bulretcould bJe bJeculd bull bullcould
could culd be b found In the skullnnd Ikulnnd tbf the only onlyother i iother 3 3other
other explanation for rol tho wound oundb Is t1 tbat tbatIt
It might have hve been blen caused cal by the th he4 he4striking h hstrikIng bea4striking
striking a sharp ahap nail as the girl glrfeUfrV glrfeUfrVthe fell fremtho frem frpmthe
the pier No formal charges have beei beeimade been beenmade i imade
made by the police plc but the deteettye deteettyehave din detectLyshave
have begun bsn a chase chae for the Seylera Seylerawill B7Ier w wwi who whowill
will wi be b asked ake to explain their moV morenwuU movementeon J Jon
on the night of f the girls lrll disappearance disappearanceMrs dlp dlpMr
Mrs Mr Seyler Beler wife of the missing miing man mMwullrt whe wh whwas J Jwas
was wullrt left with two small smlll children cblcm in I a r ahouse ecaatt ecaatthouso
houso in the lower part pr of the ct city say saythat sagethat
that she knows kows nothing of her husband husbandwhereabouts h huabe4gwhereabouts i iwherbuta
whereabouts wherbuta She Is I hysterical hystericalBefore hyatre hystericalBefore
Before the discovery dicovery of the girls bedf bedfhad bedyhad r > Ihd
had hd assured AAUr the police polc of her herde er dsattt dsatttsearch deathsearch
search ssrb had hd ben bn started ltrte for Miss Misaand IIA IIAand A4saq A4saqand
and Seyler Syler on onIWaatlornou a warrant sworn out before beforeMagistrate befrMagistrate
Magistrate agtrte Joseph Donnelly Dnnely by the te temotbe girLS girt1mother girLSmothimr
mother motbe who believed believe believedjthat Jthat her daughter daughterhad d dauItIUhad 1
had eloped elP with the young married mame raw meSNodirect f j
policeauthorities policeauthoritiesMiss poloauthortle Nodirect No direc appeal appl had bd been made mad to topoliceauthorities t tfls tflspoliceauthoritles rA rAMdme
Miss Mdme Adams who bad hd been bn employ employin e empleyi4In
in Boardwalk Brdwalk shops shop started str ou oat frtik frtikAlice wt wtMice
Alice Alle her sixteenyearold slxnerld sisterfor ti Meter for rorTt a avisit avisit
visit Tt to t the th pier after aftr pra permission Jujdl Jujdlbeen J Mdbeen
been bn secured le from frm their tel parents p w wa wh whare w ware
are a poor por people pple living JYC at 210 210Nor 10 Northern Northernsouri Norbssourl
souri sou avenue avne The Te mother of ott the theknewthattheryonnger Ir IrhaowtbaVtbe
knewthattheryonnger kebae haowtbaVtbe rouge younger child chd waaHe1 waaHe1accompanied w wampn was tois toisaccompanjcd
accompanied ampn by Arvia ABler Seyler aad aadtkg aadtkgpolio tlM tlMpolloe f fplc <
polio plc learned leetoat Iearnedtodaythat > todaythat afterthe attr ghfc ghfcleft gi gileftbomo
left lerlome leftbomo homewith wit with Arvis who whoijt is J Jand just o ci ciand
and unmarried ummete unmarviedthey they were wremCt met by I WIUI WIUISeylirwho Wttataik WttataikSeyler n 1 1Sl
Seyler Sl Seylirwho who llvedwith Ivlt flvedwithhlsnife his hie Wife a fewbl afow2away 18 fai faiaway
away awy from fm the tf Adams Adms house hou Aced AorrdUing Acedlag t tln
lag ln to tthyoUger thexyouager girl all al four foa w wS wSto tot totto
to t the te pier where whe they t watched the daw11 daw11oera d dcers
oera or for to a a lime me and thenatrotled ten wat1fr wat1fror t < oat oo Ao Aothe Lothe
the te endof edoftelblg thebig structure strucu Wkenths WkenthsyoungergfrI Wh the theyounger
younger yougrl youngergfrI girl and ad her he escort 80r etartaTbsok etartaTbsoktoward et etaxte4bcktoward
toward the Boardwalk Bordwalk she sheelder OIe4tO OIe4tOelder
elder elde girl and the te police hare harethat o heai heaithatWifliam
lrl plc
that tatWllam thatWifliam William Seyler Bet held her herpersuaded he whils J h4 h4persuaded 4 4peue
persuaded peue her be to t stay t withhlm withhlmAccording WithhimAccording to i 0 0gt
According gt to abatements ent of o the t Adanw Adanwfamily 4dwsfmlly
family t1 Arvis Arle Seyler Sler Soylerreturtied returtJed rutel home 1iOdIsWII 1iOdIsWIIthe 4 < wMI J Jthe
the te youngerdaughter youngerdaughterhad youngutT The mJ mJha mnbsr w whad
had ha become bmeaslolo becomesuspiclous auspicious of former for formerdons i ititaut
dons do paid toher therdugbt daughter by b WlhhesSeyler WBHiisl j jSeyler
Seyler SE met young O g Seyler Blead Bleaddor FieylersndAIioeM FieylersndAIioeMdoor aad AK < 3 s4j
door dor and ad asked k where be Jane Jas Jasshe wav wavshe was wasshe
she had wrung reluctant rluta statt stattfrom Ma Mafrom
from tr the te two to that tt they te had h letCJaaewMIl letCJaaewMIlthe JetJ JetJthe iciLJanwthe
the elder ederSle elderSeyler Seyler Mrs MIdfrb MrsAdsmnsiuebrnd Adams rushed to tos tosSeyler 4 4Beyler
Beyler Sle home boe where wher she eyer aywehefe Ie Ieboth sl j jboth
both William wla and Arvin Alsv AlsvI V t tI
I was w frightened frghtenne1 frghtenne1r nearljr nearlrtodehe nearlrtodeheI tod alrva j jI
I told tld Wni Seyler SleT Seylerthat that that he hehad had done d donething I Ithing
thing tlc to t my Janey Jane Jane declared d la MrsA MrsAtonight H irsMau irsMautonight
tonight tnlt His Ra face ta facewaa waa white blt and ndi 146M 146Mhim 1t 4016 4016blrnhelied
him hele blrnhelied he lied when he said ad thatiJaneJba4 thatiJaneJba4left t tMtJaaesdIefthimand
left Iefthimand him and started startedboniealone startedboniealoneLster homealone V
lef a Ir homeo
Later Lr that t night Mrs M Adam d tkgafat tkgafatbecame agalisbecame
became bae concerned cDcr and ad left her he bedtmake bt bedt bedtomakeanotherisittotho <
make maother makeanotherisittotho another jrisit tote to the Beyier Ber home hot hottt A At Atthat 1 1that
that tt time Um ehe ho e declares dela5o she failed fafledadmittance rde to toadmittance
admittance altoe admittanceey1er iA iASeyler It Ita
Seyler a r who whohaa has been b employed at atjobs t0M j
jobs during dung the wintercould wtr empoeo ud notbe not b be fevasj fevasjthe f fthe teamdthonextdaywhenat
the thonextdaywhenat next day d when whe at t the behest bnhestof bnhestofmother of 0Mf 0Mfmo the t tmother
nex te b
mother mo erMltt Magistrate Donnelly Dnelt Dneltwat ieauedtVf ieauedtVfwarrant iaauedia iaauediawarrant
warrant wat charging oha In him hi with withher withher abduet abduether
her daughter dughter Supposing Bupplng that tt the t 1w 1whad W Wbad
bad h left the theclty < city et together tgeter the thestarted t wbdaes wbdaesstarted
started sted to trace tr them tem and raid aaiddays ad add aeyersi aeyersidays
days d ago ao that th she thought tout they tew tewIng weratirv weratirving were41vlag
ing together togeter at some Ime place pla outside ou1 tfce tIqcity i icity
city cityNo clt f fNo
No suspicion tUplclon that tht the mllnggl mllngglde missing missingdead miesinggIrlws miesinggIrlwsdead
dead de was aroused arou Thtotiiorninethebedjp Thtotiiorninethebedjpwaa Thi This nornintbo orn body bodywarn
warn 1 seen 8 bobbing bobbie In the breaker br breakersBorIce by byHorace
Horace Hor Monroe Mon and ad William Wii HnmuMi HnmuMimotormn R1 IIaesesslmotorman J
motorman motora and ad conductor of thl the Chelaeeleotrio < Chelae ch01eeselectric
electric Ietro car ca running runn along alonaclQ close to t the tbebeach thebeach
beach bh in I Ventnor Vetor Halting Btgthew Btgthewmen the oar tbav tbavmen I Imuon
men ran rto ranto to the beah beach and dl dragged draggedthcorpse thw thwcorpse
corpse oor above abv the te tide line lne while wh catty eaitjrpromenaders cattypromenader
promenaders pree on the te Boardwalk Bowak Bumraoaatl BumraoaatlCounty ii suiznnos4County i4 i4Ct
County Ct Physician Phca Bouder Sur Coroner Coroaertheimer Ca Sen Senthetmer
thetmer and ad Chief Cief of DetectivesWbai DetectivesWbaiThe DlnlW Detectives When WhenThe
The underclothes unerlotb wero badly bt loan i ithere aa4 aa4there
there were other indications Indlctlb of vicleaoTbe vicleao vicienosTho
o T
Tbe Th police plc believe bleve the t girl gd w w1Ju was a injured injureda In Ina
a struggle strgl that tt preceded re her be death desjthMrs d deathMrs +
Mrs M1AamalBt Adams insists that t her herbad he db dbba dangbl dangblhad
bad no DOTO reason to commit suicide auloideJaney suicideJaney
ba comtaod
Janey Jaey was a a good go girl gJa and U i f she shewrong ah ahwrong <
wrong wg Will Wi Seyler B11e la L 1 to blame ble bleSe she = i iShe sa16 sa16She
She Se worked worke steady aa and alwayabro alwayabrosome aW
some 10 of her he money mOD home hom and u I Ithat Itt Ithat
that she was murdered murderedMm murderedMrsSeylerthe
tt s mu
Mm M MrsSeylerthe Seyler S r the teyoua youne youngwite wife wio of Cithonthi Cithonthilag the t 1 1ing
lag la man m I is prostrated prtt She 8h baa nabpless vbtav3 vbtav3lees
lees I than a month mO old odud and baa b beta betadestitute bl be is isdestitute
destitute circumstances since the theursofberhusbaxid i iure
dtttcutc an t H
ure u ursofberhusbaxid ursofberhusbaxidThe of her he husband husbandThe huW huWH huWo
The o police discovered dv late lt tonIght tal thai thaiSeylerwaaworkingforaoonetcuoltatflr thaISaylar
Seylerwaaworkingforaoonetcuoltatflr Seylerwaaworkingforaoonetcuoltatflrunderstood Sy1wuwoddcfor Saylar pa was working for a aIn aoocsMucen Stos StosIn
In Llp Longport wh when h he Jt 1It i tae dij dijUdnt city it itunderstood
understood Udnt that tt h h he received notice nottoefriends frees freesfriends
friends Crid that tht ha h was 1 rve about aut to t be b am amon arrested arrestedon
on the charge chp of taking t1 the tAc AdaaM AdaaMfrom Adsasfrom
te o
from her he home hme and that tt he hI left toftan with withan
tom a
an hour hou after ater The Te police plee were w mn mnto nrpdvsd nrpdvsdto
to t learn le of the departure depu from the tM7 tM7or ctty ckyof 1 1of
of Arvin Seyler who had b b bto beeruhtteoMve beeruhtteoMveto r
to Ar the te younger youn r Adams eir eirhas girl No sarrasa sarrasahas a
has been Issued c for his a abelieved arreet J Jbleve Ibelieved
believed b bn that th IRu be is with h his h 1 brothThe brot broth brotherThe t tTe +
bleve The Te police at midnight mldht wth tonight tonighta tnght tnghta Me4a
a description delton plc of Seyler Ble and ad a request requesthis ru
his hl arrest was sent antto to every ever city cty of o ofcountry tfc tfccountry
country ar According Acr to the police lo 4s d dscription > 4 4acription
acription count n he U L 28 2 years I old ol about 6t 0 I fs fstall fs fstl1
tall pt and of spare build tUld with 1t brown brownWhen bwbt haIr haIrWhen
When Wen list Jt Been lp n he wore wre a dark dk graf grafcoat gra7orj gra7orjcoat
coat ct with black undercoat udert and andtrousers edtrot andtrouere
trousers trot wih and a slouch hat ht He H Hbut also atoebuttowd alsobuttdaed
buttowd 1a gaiters veil worn wornL q
but e wU wor 1 > j
L St i
t 1 1i t
1 i