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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, February 14, 1910, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-02-14/ed-1/seq-4/

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7 7mbe
< mbe mber
MONDAY FEBRUARY U U111 U111ER 1810 1810Entered 1910nIered
Entered ER rft1t at the Post Po t Office omCet at New York as ii Second SecondClasa 8eOOlldCW BeoondCtI
Clasa CtI tfall UaKtr UaKtrSnbsrrlptloBS 1I1If 1I1IfIi 3tterL 3tter8ubcrIptIo
SnbsrrlptloBS lablelptoa by ly Mall rostpald rostpaldDAILY POltpIDAILY rotpsIdDAILY
DAILY Per Ve yea yesr r e eINDAPer OO OOj 00LVNDA
DAILY DAIIYADSUNDAYPerUonth AND NO SUNDAY Per Month MonthPostage ot 7 7to
Postage POltro to t foreign forlrn countries cuatie added addedr adde
r r All u checks cbek money moao orders ore c to t be made pay payafet pa paa pItibis
ibis a to TBB T T Sex SexPublished 31 31Pblied tTW tTWPubltsbed
Published Pblied by the te Sun 3idInr Printing Prlt lr and Publtshlnr PubltshlnrAssociation PublblDI PubUsWerAuocIatIoo
Association Aelloa at a 170 10 Natsau Nasu street Itrut In the tie Borough Bturb of ofMaabattan ofKtta ofUazbattao
Maabattan Ktta New YorkPresident York Preldaat PrtldeD of the tb e Asso Association AUGcftl4oo U UeWOI ¬
ciation eWOI Edward Ewr P Wltchtll MlebelL 170 Nassau ttrett ttrettvTreasurer aIrrstTrUurtr tet tetWTurr
WTurr vTreasurer TrUurtr of the te Association Alal1 If F Lallan Lfa 170 170Kassau I INu
3 Kassau Nu street Secretary Srtuof ot the Association AIlol D W WQttten W1q WIi
1q Ii Qttten 170 17Nusltr 17NusltrLoaomee Nassau street streetlaadonotnee streetLondon
laadonotnee Loaomee London orne Efflngbam Eaarbam House HOI1 1 Arundat ANodell street streetStrand streetItiLid
Strand f The Te dally dl and ad Sunday Sodar SUN 5VI are or re on tale ulola ulolaon la latiOikdan 1 1t
t tiOikdan on at t the lb American Ameican anj n4 Colonial Clon1 RiCBOAte RiCBOAteartton IJebAlo IJebAloeta t1cbsfltrIwn
eta artton Itret street Regent street IttD and flaws DSleamllp DSleamllpe Slesmsblp SlesmsblpAgency teamsbIpgenc1
Agency genc1 e 17 Green street r Leicester lclr Square SquareParti Sur Surf SquarePortsoce32RueLouIsIeOrsd
< Parti PrboaeeURueLllaleOrd Portsoce32RueLouIsIeOrsd office U Rue Louis le Grand The TedaAd TedaAdedr TbsdaUiad TbsdaUiadlaaday dally and andflttaday
f flttaday edr editions eilollr are on sale uleat at Klosque Kollel2 13 near r th th4raed the tbe10tl the4rard i
4raed Hotel 10tl Klosaue Klolle7 77 Boulevard Bllen dot Capuclnes deCpuelea deCpueleaner desCapucineseomer Capuclnesearner
earner ner Place de lOpc 10tr ° ra and Dd Klotqus Klollele ia Boulevard Boulevardetes Bllevr ouIevard4e2taIIenseornerltue
IJ etes I 4e2taIIenseornerltue Jtallens ltleul corner cmer Rut Louis LulleOru4 IOuIuleOrn IOuIuleOrnp le Grand GrandIf
p If t ovr 0 ir frttnti trfd woo M fator taP ui 111 trt wdb l msnutcrtpf IluIrp ftr ftrfubUfoH frfol 7rMkaHon
fubUfoH MkaHon fol n irti t1 iMffi la oln fot rdd nlicttt arftrUi arU rrtunwd rrtunwdP < um umu
P I eJMigmuil u In < n I all al roses ruu send ul stamps 1 for fl thfl 11 ptirpei ptirpeiThe pur vrpsIra l lt
Ira The Greater Part PartTho Partt Partrht3
t The Hon REED SMOOT SUO of Utah Uth was wasleag wa waskiig
hi leag attacked attcke unjustly unjuty and an to t no pur purpose pur purpose
> pose P The Te reaction reacton came cao some Bme time timeago tme tmeta timeago
ta ago Now one triumphant tiuphant and nd death deathj deth dethWkphra
j Wkphra v ItisB tii phrase upon upn his hi lips lp be waits walt for fortis fori forapotheosis
apotheosis apotheosisTbe
i apthels apthelsTe
Tbe Te greater ete part prt of our prosperity Vrart depends dependsI d nd ndr
rs I our r protective protcUve tariff trf system systemThe eystemf tm tmTe
f The Te land lad is something Bmethlnl but not much muchThepeople muchii muchT3tepcopleare
Thepeople are ae something Bmetblnl but not notmuch notmuchTho much muchTho
ii Jple
Tho 0 wisdom wiom of Congress Cnge reflecting reOctng the thef thek theenlightenod
f k enlightened Mhbne altruism alrism ot manufacturers manufacturersand manuracre
and Af producers puts put a hook llok in tho thojaw jaw of ofWature ofI ofI4ture
I Wature pucer e and a Man and creates cet by statute statuteater sttute sttutet statuteMi
Mi greaterpart ater t part of prosperity prosperityt ppity ppityt
t Net Next t Jail fall tho to Republican Republcan Congres Congrescampalgn Cnge Congresona1
ona1 lcpag campaign committee cmitt ought to toi t tos2e
s2e e i tho Hon REED SMOOT Sl the star starf lt
et f the stump stumpVt stumptr stumpParis
Vt t J Jft
ft tr XT pr Pai Paris I anti ml the Setae SetaeNow Selaelo SeineNow
Now lo that tat the deluge delugeis > is over that UlatCntler thatChantecler
Chantecler 1 has been heard hea and Paris Paristo Par Parisreturnod
rto returnod to t its it lighthearted lghter enjoy enjoy5t eJJot
5t t of ephemeral epbem rl delights delgbt the scien scienmen Ben Benm scienmen
men m n have bae a chance chanc to t explain lain why whyttw whyt whyte
ttw te recent overflow of the Seine Bine occurred occurredto occurredat4i
t rnt overow or
at4i to tQ8uggOt suggest means me of preventing prvntni a arecurrence arne areurrenco
rne recurrence of the te disaster disasterParis disUr disUrffrmto disanterParis
Paris ffrmto from the character chaactr of the te Seine Seinewatershed Bine Bineo Seinewalerithed
watershed o is constantly oMtnty exposed expe to in infeUtion inaccrln Inu14ion
feUtion according accrln < to t an engineering engineeringpert enineerng enineerngj engineeringsapert
sapert pert j writing wrtng in the London Lndon Timu Timttbut Timukt Timubut
but Paris Pas is 1 ii as I heedless hele of the river rvr as asples a asYaples
tale Yaples > ples is of Vesuvius Veuvius or Messina Melna was wasof wa wasat
< of earthquakes rhquae Observations Obraton have havaI hlvo hlvoten haveb4it
I fcffn taken ten at the Pont de la Tournelle TournellefC Tour Uo UoQve
fC t over Qve two hundred hundr and fifty frty years yearsTh yeanJna yearsThe
Th The normal Jna depth of water watr there er is iseight il isIrot
Irot eight eht to ten tn feet fet when it itrche reaches reachesWeety rachesIireety
Weety ty feet Cetlt it causes cUH serious srou damage damagegreatest daae daaeltt damageThe
The greatest ltt flood fo on reoord r was 1 in inFebruary InIt5 Inkirury
February 1858 It5 l6 when a height of twenty twentyBhie twent twenty1na
Bhie j 1na feet Cet fe twaa was a recorded rore the thohigheet highest highet mark markWk markJI markYS
Wk JI have 1Ve v found for the tle recent rnt overflow overflowr overfow overfowmetr
1as r gSO jo meters metr a little lite less 10 than twenty twentyeight twentyttf twentyi
< i ttf eight iht feet f t The Te Seine ine Scale lo enables enable pre preof pr pro1ons
1ons 0 of great Grt accuracy acuraoy to t be made madeto
< I to t w1a what will wi happen happn within wihin twenty twentyor twentyo
or o fortyeight Corylgh hours hour but it pro prono pro prono
d no means er of avoiding what is isAn i i iAn
An attempt tempt to t forestall COllaI the theof te teu theU4tncOe
u U4tncOe ne of the floods fps ha ha been beenby ben benby beenby
by building buiding dikes dike along aong the th river riverwhich rver rverwhch riverp
< p which whch are ar the quals with their theirjnng theirfngwals theirsing
sing fngwals walls but the plans of the theeers ther theeIeneers
eIeneers eers r were wer modified molOe In some somethe somethe somsees
sees the walls wats were not made high highin highsnougli
snougli h in others other as a at the Place Pl e de def deJ dolot
f J 1 lot Concorde ncore great grat gaps gap were wer left open opento opn opnt opento
tttte tttteThe to t suit public publo convenience convtmlenc and nnhetio nnhetiotttte lheto lhetot athetIoteste
The Th floods floods to are ar Inevitable Inevitble though thoughMill thoughtu thoughiiatl
Mill tu this 1 year ear they had not been b6n ex exely ex1ely axemcly
1ely emcly ely high for fi a long time tme Sme Some of ofthe ofUe oft4ie
the Ue streams trm pouring puring into ito the Seine Seinejjwwing Seineswing ine ineing
jjwwing swing ing to t the nature natur of their water waters watr watre ¬
e e s become beome torrents torrnt in heavy rains rainsOthers rainOter rainsOthers
Others Oter are slower in action actoD but more moredangerous moretdngerouCor moredangerous
tdngerouCor dangerous for they accumulate water watertill waterti watertLlljtbecomes
till Jtbecomes ti Jt bmM excessive eXclve and then send lend it Itle Itt
jli t a less le rapid but greater body boy bodyto to swell swellthe Iwel swellIthe
the Seine Sine In the region around arol nd Paris Parllith Paristhe
ith 1 the difference dirernc in elevation elevaton of the ground groundls grund
P ls slight tho river bed bo at the Tuileries Tuileriesfbl Tulerel
fbl 14 only a very few feet higher than at atAsnlere ati atAnl
Asnlere Anl i r res after nter the Seine Sine has hl taken a awide 1 awide
wide I sweep swep around the whole city cityThe cityThe
The TheJJolnR flooding of the sewers lewer was wa due to tothe t tou
u the U fact l ct that the outlet outet of the mainI mainwer main mainsewer
sewer wer r at Cllchy Clchy is flush f h with the river rivert riveritwas
I I i itwas t waa wMplathere placed there contrary cntrar to the plan planJV planJh planbt
JV bt Jh the engineer engincr who devised devile the modern modernscheme moer modernscheme
fl scheme ee of sewers swer The blame for the theinundation theInuadatlon theinundation
inundation of the underground roads roadshas ro roadsbaa
has bnot not been definitely defnitly settled Itle as a yet yetit yetit yetII
it it Is probably due to thoughtlessness thoughtlessnessand thoughUene
1 and dd8r disregard ard of the Seines Slnes poeslblli poeslblli4l pOibl
ilfO 4l K on the to part pat of all Il concerned concernedi cncerne
li i The te immediate Immellt remedies rmeie called cle for forare rora forare
are a clearly cery tho building buidin of higher and andstronger ad adtnger andstronger
stronger tnger embankments emban menu for f r the river riverF riverld riyersand
F sand ld changes chag in tho outlet of the sewer sewersystem swer swerrt seweriystesn
system rt that will wi prevent tho floods floodsfrom foos foostrm floodsfrom
from trm backing baing in The To condition conditon how howrrrer hw hwr however
rrrer r is a permanent prmanent one and ad nature naturebo naturo1lt natureMust
1lt Must be guarded guarde against more eec effectively eeclively ¬
lively tvely In the eighteenth century centur it itwa ItprpO itw
wa w proposed prpO to t fill filn in the ground grund of ofParis orraMs ofParis
Paris to n height Above all
1 al possible possiblefloods pOlblo pOlbloJ possiblefloods
J floods fos that magnificent maKlfcentlchcme scheme is isentirely 18ently isentirely
entirely ently out of the question lueton today
Another An er plan suggested BUggete is il to build buid a achannel achannel achannel
channel from the Seine Sine above Paris Paristo
to the tofrt first loop below the city and turn turnthe tur turrbe
the be flood waters Into int thl That at would wouldciet ouldct
t cost ct Jooater 100000000 1000 francs franC fran and would relieve relieverdnly releve relevey relieveonly
only y the cty city and It 1lwCIer Its western suburbs suburbsThe luburl iniburboThe
The e rm Times a engineer seems lcm eem to prefer preferthe prrer prrert itrefarthe
the t plan p1 of damming up the streams streamsolttw lt streanief ream
olttw 6t ef the upper uppr affluents amuenlf of the Seine ro rot4MJalBg ro rotainlng
< t4MJalBg the water In time tme of flood fo and nndt1 j jiiittIng
iiittIng ttlwc t1 it out when the rivers river are low lowaL lowc
c I aL shows OW8 that the present preent freshet lrehet
be beattrbuted attributed to deforestation deforestationplanting deroretaton deroretatonfO deforestationfc
fO fc t tieo planting platng has l1 t been going golns on o
fcs7ears in the Spine watershed wAterhtd he her heflood
r J Q the > flood o to be due almost a al ost ostI
f I wtttrttotho tte nature ntue of the te soil soill Which wh whh
h v f l
cannot eot be b changed cae Meanwhile MewhUe Paris Parisbaring Pa Parishaving
baring haTa enjoyed enoye its it fortnight forgt of ex extiiement exdient oxlteinent
dient tiiement Is II on o the lookout lokout as 8 it ever evers everre
re s for new actuations actuationsInauguration IMtOM IMtOMIprate sensationsInauguration I
Inauguration Iprate Mi ny ny11e 1sThe y yTlie
The 11e Guernsey bill bl does do not seem m to tomeet t tomeet
meet met the approval apprva of the Commissioners Commissionersf Commlfloner
of > f the District Dlatrot of Columbia Columblamcnlnl Columbiamoaning ColumbiamoaningWasbIOton moaning moaningWashington
Washington Wuhlron This Tl bill b1 provides prvide for a aContinuation acntnuatoB aonUnuatioa
Continuation cntnuatoB of the te formal fora inauguration inaugurationceremonies inauKrton inauKrtoncrmonIe Inaugurationceremonies
ceremonies crmonIe on March Mah 4 and ad for the eetab eetabtsLment et establisLvzeitof
ltb lisLvzeitof tsLment Mtf of a public publo holiday hOldaYlerly nearly two twononthslater twolonth81at twomontbsIater
nonthslater lonth81at r when the te citizens ctlel of Wash Washngtoa Wah WahIngton Washlngtosm
ngtoa e can celebrate clebitttelr to their hearts heartscontent herts hertscntnt heartscontent
content cntnt It I Is l proposed prPOe in fact to t sep sepirate sep saparate
irate artete the actual inauguration JnauKurton of o the thePresident thePldet thePre
Pldet Pre President ldent from frm the revelries revlre and ad balls ballsand bUI ballsand
and other oter rejoicings rJoions by the citizens citizenso citzen citzent
t to o permit pnit the te President Pldent to t endure endur his hisinstallation hil hisinstallatIon
hutUatlon installation under circumstances crcumltc of ofpropriety ofprprety ofpropriety
prprety propriety and ad dignity dlcnityand and to leave leaveWashington leve leveWahlnltto leaveWashington
Washington Wahlnltto to its ia moneymaking moneyaing pag pageantry p8 pageantry ¬
eantry at t a later late time timeOne tme tmeOno timeOno
Ono would suppose that t such an anarrangement anarltentmht anarrflgm
arrangement arltentmht arrflgm nt might upp appeal ap to sensible sensiblernen senible seniblehoneswern sensiblenien
rnen honeswern The Thosearing swearing in of the President Presidentcould Pldent Pldentculd Presidentcould
could culd ba b l done under cover cver and his hisaddress hil hisaddres
address adr to i tothe assembled the umble people ple deliv delivered delv delver delivered ¬
ered er or bottled btte up according arln to t the theweather theeaterTe theweather
weather eaterTe The apparition ppaton of ottecii the citi citizens citizons ¬
zens their plunging progress prore on hired hiredlorses hir hiredhorses
hol horses lorses the tbueliniol theseizingof seizing of Government Goverment build buildngs buid buidinK buildinga
inK ngs for their dances dno and the ho accom accommodation aom aommoaton accomnmodation ¬
modation moaton of their teir invited Invt guests getal getaltis guestsoil guestsoilthis all allLhls
this tis nonsense nOMDe could culd be b postponed Jtone to tosome t tosome
some other oter time tme timeand and ad left to t the Je care cr and andconduct ad adcnduc andconduct
conduct cnduc of those thO who expected expt to t profit profitby prf profitby
by them themThe tbemTe tbernThe
The Te Commissioners Cmmlaionen do not support supportthis eupprt eupprtthi supportthis
this thi plan They Tey submit 8ubmltthat 8ubmltthatTe that thatTli
Tli Te Vital tliltr Inter tnters ot otllcrton Inauguration day turns turoiupon tumalpn turnsupon
upon lpn the t lb taking ot ot the te o ot oath th and al4 the te delivery deln of otthe ofte ofthe
the te Inaugural IIucrl address a4rs and d Ui te the people pple ot the thecountry Ie IeDUDtl Ui Ui000ntry
country DUDtl detlre delre to t be present on a that tU occasion occasionThe Ooa OoaThe occasIonThe
The Guernsey Gueny bill bi does do not prohibit prohibitthe prhiit prhiitthe
the people pple of the country cunt from cssem cssemiillng em embUn essembling
iillng bUn In Washington Wahnctn on Inauguration inaugrton day dayif dayitheywih daytttbeywiati
itheywih tttbeywiati if theywishtodoBo tOdOBO It provides Itprvid simply simplyFor
For the local lo celebration clrton a few weeks weekslaterand wek weekslatetand
laterand lt and takes tae the Unit Unt Uoiti States Stt Gov Government Goverment Govorument ¬
ernment erment out of the now nh prevailing prevailingscheme prvalng prvalngschee prevailingscheme
scheme schee to t bilk bik the Treasury Trur in one di direction diron direction ¬
rection ron and the visiting visitig delegations deJegaton in inanother Inao inanc4her
another anotherRepublican ao anc4herRopuWican her herRep1lun
Republican Rep1lun Reorganization ReorsabatoR la This ThisState Thlltate This5tate
State StateFor 5tateFor tate tateFor
For nearly neary four years yea now at regular regularIntervals lalar lalarintrals regularintervals
Intervals intrals there ther has haamn arisen persisted prlt for fora
a brief period e lod and then te utterly uttrl vanished vanisheda vale
a breao dUcusaim d n of a reorganization rrgaiton of the theRepublican theRepuJc theRepublicab
Republican RepuJc party pry in this tbl State Stte On each eachof ech echof
of these t occasions oton the report rpor has ha fixed fixedupon fe fledupon
upon upn some e one man ma who for a brief brer time timewas tme tmewa timewas
looked to the leader to restore restoreto
was wa loke t as a te leer rtr
to t the party py organization oranizUon ancient effi efficiency ef emoiency ¬
ciency cency relative rlatv selfrespect atrpe and andthat that out outward Olt omitward ¬
ward a appearance app arance of harmony formerly formerlyrelieved tonerl fonnerlybelieved
relieved bleve appfc to t be b essential ental to effective eleive pout political pU poutical ¬
lel ical warfare wara Thus th since ine the overthrow overthrowof overhrow overhrowof
of exGovernor exov rOrODE rnorOflRLL ODKLL the Hon Fax FrfiNKS FAN FaxS
the tfe Hon H n WILLIAM IAM IA I WARD the Hon HonFRKD HonFm HonFaan
FRKD Fm OKEIKKR G K and ad the Hon GEORQB GEORQBW Goloa GoloaW
W ALDRIDQR ALR DOS have ecb each figured fgrd in the thedays thedays thedays
days news as a the new head hed of the State Statemachine Stl tate tatemachine
machine machineAlwayuT machineAIy machineA1ays
AlwayuT AIy however bowevr something has hashappened ba hashappened
happened happne to t prevent the actual actualre re reorganization reorganization ¬
ExGovernor BUCK de declined dedined
organization organizaton EGoyenor BLCK de ¬ I
dined the task tk the Hon GKOROR GKORORW
cinethe I
W ALDRIDOK had ha a brief day while whilethe whie whietbe whilethe
the late lat Governor G01emor HIOOINS Hlools was 18 in inpower Inpower I
power pwer and gave It up for reasons reun not nothard nothar nothard
hard har to t understand undeltd As for BARNES BARNESand BNBSand BAnEsand
and WARD for other oter valid aid reasons ren they theywere theywere theywore
were not tried uie Among a number nuber of men menof menor menof
of equal eualize size there was 1 a common cmon roe recognition re roeognition ¬
ognition that no one was wa quite quit large largeenough larKeenough largeenough
enough to t fill fll the place piaca and so 8 year by byyear byye byyear
has h persisted prlt because bw his hi dimensions dimensionswere dimeltoDI
were too t t4 diminutive diminutve to t awaken any ay
jealousy jealousyThe Jeaouey JeaoueyTe
The Te unfortunate unrorunat phase pha of the situ situation situation lu luton ¬
ation ton however from frm the party py point of ofview ofview ofview
view Is that disintegration d lntrtoD has con continued conUnue continued ¬
tinued Unue grown apace apac with wltheacl each year yearIn yer yerIn yearIn
In place plac of a well organized organize highly con centralized cn cntralze contrallzed ¬
tralized tralze system 8yte with wih a single llnle head hed a acomplete acmplete acomplete
complete organization organtton and ad a great gret out outward outwar outward ¬
ward war aspect po of harmony there ther has de developed de doveloped ¬
veloped velopea a party pr without wibolt a head hea with without without without ¬
out anything faintly rainty resembling Imblng homo homogeneity homo homogeneity bornegeneity ¬
geneity with no policy ploy as 8 to t legislation legislationno legislaton legislatonno
no plan pland as to candidate c ndldat no single evi evidence ei eidence evidance ¬
dence of anything anythlnl but anarchy complete completeand cmpleteand
and apparently appenty without end endHalf endalr endHalf
Half alr a dozen d0 n years YM ago a party pary council councildominated cuncil cuncildomlnat couneildominat4d
dominated but not wholly wholY and abso absolutelycotUrolted ab absoIutaiycomitrofl e
lutelycotUrolted lutelrcrtrole d by the party p11J boos bO out outlined out outlined ¬
lined lne in advance advanc the IheprRrarme programme of the theLegislature theTgillatur theLegislature
Legislature Tgillatur and placed plac pkc d the execution executionof executbn
of the plan plalin In tho bands of the legis legislative legi legislative ¬
lative ltve deputies of the party pary machine machineBills mahine mahineBm machinefills
Bills pawed paAeor or were wer beaten beat n under underorders underorer underordera
orders orer Legislatures Lgillaturmetin met in January Januaryand 1anutn 1anutnand
and in early ery April Aprl went home 1100e having havingturned havingturne hAvingturned
turned turne out precisely pr ly the thefnile finished work workthat wor workthat
that was their allotted aUotte task tk to perform performFrom performFrom
From Fr m the chairman cbairan of the State Stt com committee commlttee cornmittee ¬
mittee to the te captain captin of election el6ton dis district dl district ¬
trict a discipline Ul l Un and a t system syst m gOY governed gOYemo gayeriied ¬
erned emo all al When the orders orer came ce every everyone everyone ver
one marched marcheor or stood tlut fast Looking Lookingback Loklng Loklngbak Lookingback
back bak to t the years yea of the Odell Odel regime rtglme r gime at atAlbany atAlbany atAlbany
Albany while whie Senator Setr PLAIT PI was still stillan stillan Ul
an n apparent power pwer at least leut It is impossi impossible lmpl lmplble ¬
ble not to t marvel ma ni iv 1at at the wonderful thewonderConler thewonderConlerthe order orderthe orderthe
the perfection prrcton of t detail detal the efficiency efficiencyot efcienC
ot action aton that thaftlen then ti n prevailed prevale Cam Campalgns e Cantpaigna
palgns palgn conventions onvein sessions seion8 of the theLegislature tle tleLlatuo timeLegislature
Legislature Llatuo all a1went went off oc ff with wih that per perfect perfetorer perfectorder ¬
fect fetorer fectorder order and strict sict faithfulness CathrulnC to t pre prearranged pre irearranged ¬
arranged araoe plan pla that grows daily daiy more moremarvellous mor moremarvellous
marvellous maeloul by contrast contrastWhen onuat onuatWen contrastWhen
When Wen the machine mlchlne halted halt however howeverwhen h howeverwhen ever everwhen
when the the Hon B B BOJIL ILOIIELL OrELL Jr was wasthrust wasthnlt wasthrust
thrust thnlt suddenly ludd nly and with a lack of ten tenderness tendeme tendernees ¬
derness deme from his hIl sent 6t an unexpected unexpectedthing unexpce unexpectedthing
thing thni happened happn No Noone one took tok his place placeAfter plac placeAfter
After a fashion fuhl n as t a result reult of momentum momentumpreviously momentumprevloUJ momentumpreviously
previously acquired acuire the thing went on onWell onWel onWell
Well Wel trained trine subordinates suborinate continued cntnue to togo togo togo
go through thrugh familiar raminr motions motoM Tho dif difference differenc differenco ¬
ference ferenc was w e slight Ilght nt first frt but it I has hasgrown ha hasgrown
grown grwn until unt now in lr the present pllnt hour hourwhen houren hourwhen
when en two tw citizens clllenlr are seen n disputing disputingIn dilpltn dilpltnIn
In the public highway the presumption presumptionIs p umptnn umptnnII
Is II that they theyare are loyal Republicans Republcans dit ditctisftlng dl dlclslng discussing
cussing clslng party P1ry management Jglta Jgltatur Legisla Legislatures Leglshitmire ¬
tures tur adjourn adjour in June to meet mct oguin auin In InJuly InJuIJ InJuly
July a programme progrmme in il a thing olmont olmontforgotten almo t tforoten tforgotten
forgotten foroten the severest cev ret libel lbl one cnn cnnObtain on onbblin carsbbtsin
Obtain bblin directed dirte against a Republican Republicanleader Republcan Republcanloader
loader of prominence is sure to bo
prminenc i b sup supplied IUP supplied ¬
plied plt by an associate associateIn tointe tointeIn
In a I word ofdthetllnl thething the tling has bnti run down downFrom downFrom downFrom
From Montauk to t Lake Le Erie Ere a chaos chaosaa c0 choa
aa a complete cplee aa I the tea1at ascleat order orw ord wu
general genera reigns reign What Wat GBEIKKR GBlinm thinks thinksof thinksOrWDSWORTH thinksotWAflawonTri
of WADSWORTH what BARNES BARNBsthlnks thinks of ofALTHUDQE ofALDJDB ofALnunoE
ALTHUDQE ALDJDB what everybody everboy thinks thins of ofWooDRtirr ofWoDWF ofWOODEUFZ
WooDRtirr WoDWF these th o arc facts rnta of common commonknowledge cmmon commonknowledge
knowledge knowlege A few leaders leaer notably notablyBARNES notbly notblyBA1UrS notablyBARNES
BARNES BA1UrS and ALDIUDOB ALDRmoJ hold hld their haul bailiwicks bal haulwicks ¬
wicks wick with a fairly firm fn grip gip But ButODELL nlt nltODELL ButODittt
ODELL is 1 In danger In lvi I his A own New Newburgh Newburah Nowburgh
burgh WARD faces raC6 annual revolt in inWestchoster InWetcb inWestchester
Westchoster Wetcb ter and GKKINFK recently recenty lost losta
a Mayoralty fight fght In a word wor a disso dissolution dis dissolution ¬
luton lution which began in State Stte committee committeeorganization cmmit committeeorganization
organization orgaizaton boa b1 spread until unt it has hasaffected ha haacete hasaffected
affected acete party power pwer in tho thOfal smallest smallestdistrict amalleatdistrict t tdltrlct
district and the end is i not in sight sightWill BightWi sightvll1
Will Wi there ther ever be a reorganization reorganizationThis rraIIZton rraIIZtonTis
This Tis Is 1 the question queton once onoake asked in curl curiositynow cur curlositynow ¬
ositynow asked tke by loyal 10ya Republicans Republicanswith RepubUcn
with wih emotion not to be mistaken Al Already Alrdy Already ¬
tmoton misten
ready rdy the suspicion llplcl on grows grws and spreads spreadsthat spreadsthat preadsthat
that such a reorganization rraniton as 8 ia neces necessary ne necessary ¬
sary nr will 11 come only after aftr defeat will willcome wi wiltcome
ALDIUDOK ALRDOK ODRLL ODEL and ad the te half haf dozen dozenother dqe dqzenother
other oter smaller smaler figures fgr like Jko FABSETT FABSETTWOODRUFF FAaanrrWooDRUFF A8E
WOODRUFF WOODIUFF and rUN have In fact factgiven rac factgiven
given Ilven place plac to new men menFor menFor menFor
For ourselves ourflvM we agree with wth this thisview thi thisview
view vew Since 8ino tho reins ns JelJrm ell from tho thohands thohands thehands
hands of Senator Snator PLAIT PLno no Republican Republicanleader Rpublc Republicanleader
leader leder has hn been ben able to hold them long longor Jon
or orOnly firmly Since Sinca1 all have tried tre or have havebeen bayben havebeen
been ben regarded rgare as a too tO boplely hopelessly inca incapable Inc Incapablo ¬
pablo pale to make ake a atriAlorthwhilewe trial trl l worth Wr while whie we do donot donot donot
not look lok to t them for the necessary necessaryleader neM necessaryleader
leader leer When the brains brn are withdrawn withdrawnfrom withdrwn withdrwnfrm
from frm a political poltcl organization oralzton it may maycontinue maycntnue maycontinue
continue cntnue for a time but It can cn hardly hardlybuild barY barYbuid hardlybuild
build buid up Hence Ienc our conviction cnvicton that thatdisintegration thatdisintgraton thatdisintegration
disintgraton disintegration will wl continue cntnue in Jtepub Jtepubllcan Kapu1 Xepublican
llcan lca politics pltc in thin State Rtte until unU a leader leadernot leer leernot leadernot
not now known or measured arrives to totake tof totahs
orlNur arve
take f the te party pay from rrm rota the tle gutter gter where whereit wher
it now lies le and from frm the thhands hands bad of the thefeeble thefebl thefeeble
feeble febl and unfit unt who now n1 hold it itA it itA itA
A Border Wa 1 Hero HeroA HeroAphase
A phase ofthecivil orhecvi war warorwblchcm warorwblchcmpratvely of which com comparatively cornparatively ¬
paratively pratvely little ltle is I accurately a ratoly known know is isthe i Isthe
the strife along the MissouriKansas MissouriKansasbordertwhilethe JIMurlKat MissouriKansasborderwlille
bordertwhilethe brerbne the characters charat who figured figuredin fgure
in that sanguinary nguln warfare wnfae have been beenmade ben benmae beenmade
made mae on one side the objects objet of most mostbitter mostbiter mostbitter
bitter biter hatred hate and on the otier of intense ofintensehero intensehero intene intenehero
hero worship Ot O all those of whom whomthese whomthe whomthesewidelyditrrtrlngvlews
these the thesewidelyditrrtrlngvlews widely differing dillg views VfeB are ar held the themast te temOt themost I
TBELL the guerrilla gerrla leader led r WILLIAM WILLIAMELSBY WUAHELKT WILUsatEtsar
ELSBY ELKT CONNELLY who has spent much muchof muc
of his life lfe in the old border brer warfare warfarecountry wafar warfarecountry I
country cuntr has ha given us in a recent rnt work workan
an exhaustive ehaustveltudy study of him himLawrence himLwenc himLawrence
Lawrence Lwenc Kansas Kalhatehe hates the name of ofQUANTBILL ofQUANRILl ofQuATRIu
QUANTBILL QUANRILl and for years year made mae a time timeof tme tmeor timeof
of mourning of tho anniversary annlverr of the theday theday theday
day on which ho and his 1m band rode rodethrough re retbrughthe rodethrough
through tbrughthe the stret streets killing kiin every ever New NewEngland NewEngland NewEngland
England slavery slaver hating hatng man manwoma woman womanand womanand
and child chid in sight The people have havenever havenever havenever
never forgiven Secretary Scretar MARTIN 1A RIN of the theState theStte theState
State Stte Historical Hiltrical Society Sciety for stowing stowingaway stwin stowingaway
of his treasures the skeleton skeletonof
away awa as a one traure skeletn skeletnof
of the dead dea guerrilla guerla leader leer either eitbe on onthe onthe onthe
the principle of disrespect dirept for the relics relicsof rlc
of a hero or honor for the bones bone of a adesperad adeprg adeperad
desperad deprg Lone Iln Jack across ac the Mis Missouri Mis Missouri ¬
souri Buri line lne in Jackson Jakson county count has ha how however bowever however ¬
ever revered rereQ QUANTRILLB NR LLS memory memor ns nsmuch a enmuch
much as aLrence Lawrence has ha hated hate it and the theremnant theremnanfof theremnant
remnant remnanfof of his bi band ba has gathered gathere for foryears toryer foryears
years yer at about aut the time tme that Lawrence Lawrencemourned Lwenc Lawrencemourmied
mourned moune and and has held a celebration celebrationpicnic celebraton celebratonpicnic celebrationpicnic
picnic listening lstening to the speeches spche of poll politicians pl pollticlana ¬
ticians tciaM extolling extlng the valor and patriot patriotism patrot patriotmm ¬
ism im of the te dead de leader leaderQCAXTRILL leer leerQUARIL leaderQuAwmIu
QCAXTRILL QUARIL appears app not to have burst burstupon burt burtupn burstupon
upon upn the cause cUA of slavery slaver in that pan panoply panoply panoply ¬
oply of ofSutber Southern spirit Iplrltand and revenge rveng for fora forI
a I brothers brthers death dath with which he has hasbeen ha hasbeen
been bn romantically rmantcly credited creitd On the cn cntrar contrary con contrary ¬
trary trar he seems m to have hve first frt appeared appearedin appr
in Missouri lliourl under somewhat discredita discreditable dlsrl dlsrlble ¬
ble circum8tnce circumstances Ho 1 led three thre anti antislavery antislavery
slavery slaver Kansans IoMns upon a 1 slave stealing stealingexpedition stealng stealingexpedition I Iexpiton
expedition expiton to the plantation planlaton of a Mis Missourian Mf1 Mf1Buran MISsourian
sourian named WAIKKR W AIKEn He had how however however however ¬
Buran Ilame
ever notified notfe WALKKK W ALKRR of the contem contemplated cntm1 cntm1plate contemplated ¬
plated plate expedition expediton and the three thr Kansans Kansanswere Ktnsl
were killed kied This act did not not find fndravor fndravorwib favor favorwith favorwith
with the MuMourians and he
wib Millran8 was W obliged obligedto oblge
to t explain it This he did by b telling telng the thestory theItOr thestory
story ItOr that that has ha since lnc been l b believed bleve aa aathe 8 asthe
the compelling cmpelng force Coro in 11 his hi career crer He Hesaid Ie Ie8id liesaid
said 8id that in crossing coing the State of Kansas Kansaswith Kanla Kansaswith
with ih a party paryhcy partythoy they were wer Bet ft upon upn by jay
hawkers bwkelanc and all al were killed kie except excepthim excepthimself him himself himlf ¬
self lf and nd he was wn8 wasso eo severely injured inJurthat inJurthathe that thathe thatlie
he did not recover rver for lontl months then thenonly thenonly thenonly
only through the careful crful nursing of ofIndians orndian ofIndians
Indians ndian His 18 brother ho said Ild was wasamong WMamong wanamong
among those tlOe slain and an also aI three tbreor of his hisnearest hi hisnearest
nearest oar6t friends friend whom lie named name as aspa a ancaptain I
pa CaptlnPlcK captain plain PICKKXH JACK WINK and one oneSTEVENS oneSTVNR oneSmTENS
STEVENS STVNR An AI noon on oon as 8 he was wa s able to towalk towllk towIk
walk wllk he declared declar he took tok an oath over overthe overth overth
the th grave of f his l hisbrbther ibrohertoavenge brother to toavenge avenge the thedead thedea thedead
dead deadTills
Tills 1lls story seems lem to t have have been ben be beIjeved be beIfeved
Ijeved levewlUngly Ifeved willingly by many mnny and QUAN QUANTiULLsbon QUANT Qu QuTSILL500fl
TiULLsbon T TSILL500fl LL i n afterward aftran was W the accredited accreditedleader acredie accreditedleaderof
leader leaderof leaderof of a guerrilla gueria tyihd bd Mr CON CONNELLY CONNRLLT CoxifRLLT ¬
NELLY furnishes Junlshe proof prthat that QUANTRILL QUANTRILLdid QUAN IU IUdid
did not start ltr upon upn this expedition across acrossKansas ac acrossKansas O I IKI
Kansas KI that no such men as 8 those thoe he henamed henamed I Iname
named name existed exite and that hat QUANTRILL QUANTRILLnever QUAfRL I
never had a brother brther What Wh t ho did die discover drs1 drs1cover diecover ¬
cover however was w 8 that th QUANTRILL QUANTRILLwas QUAfRLL I Iwa
was wa run rn out Olt of Kansas Kt after tr the whole wholesome whole wholesome ¬ i
some Br custom cstom of onhe the day on on account Rcunt of a anumber anumbr anumber
number numbr of ofpctty petty thefts theft4rd and d crlnus and andat ad adIt andlit
at It the urgent request rcuetof of neighboring neighboringsettlers nclghblrng nclghblrngBet ne1ghbrlngsettlers
settlers Bet ter who whoU1rctcne threatened to t make mao It too toohot t toohot
hot for him QuANTRlLLs QUANiUs claim cll of ofSouthern ofSouthern ofSouthern
Southern birth birh giving Maryland Marland as ashis 8 ashis
his hi native natve State has also alo been bn proved provedfalse prove provedfalse
false rll for his hil birthplace birthplac Is i positively positivelyshown poiively poiivelyshown positivelyshown
shown as a Canal DoverOhlo DoverOhloT DoverOhfoThis Dover OhIo OhIoThis
This T conclusive investigation has ha com completely cob conplCciIy ¬
pletely ple ly stripped tppe be cloak conk of romance romancefrom rmac romancefrom
from the gtlerrilla gerria tlerriIla loader IQaae and shows him himplainly himplainly himplainly
plainly as n a acmm common n deprdo desperado a rene renegade rene renegade ¬
gade from his native natv North lorl and ad one onewhoso onewho onewhose
whoso who o deeds el were wer not actuated actuat in the thelightest theeUghtet theslightest
lightest eUghtet degree deJre by a spirit either of ofpatriotism ofpatriotilm ofpatriotism
or orol of v He
patriotism vengeance as assumed t anstirnOd ¬
sumed luJum these the nierly merely to t cover cver his natural naturalferocity naturalferiyand naturalterocityand
ferocity feriyand terocityand and lawlessnessWo 1lwlenC 1lwlenCWo lawlessness
> Wo hope that excellent excelent organ of under undergraduate under undergraduate ¬
graduate grduate opinion the Dally Dal Irlneetonlan Irlneetonlanpeaks Prlnutonlarlpakl Prln eton fan fanspeaks
peaks lpakl only for fo Its 11 own university and andthenmistakenly andIten andthen1mlstakenly
thenmistakenly Iten I miltkenly when llen It says sYI Sixty Sixtyper But Butpr SIxtyper
per pr cent of the men In the theunlvenit theunlvenitdo university
do not mako mlko a practice prctce of reading rading the thedally thedll thedaily
dally dll piper pSJr To supply lppIYI1I this omission omissionthe omlslon omlslonthe
the Prlncitonian I is to
Prlnctonla II print hereafter herltr In Inaddition Inadditon inaddition
addition additon to Its I university jiews ewn ey event eventof event oventaof
of ollnterelt Interest In the world at iarge supplied suppliedby luppled
by byC a press pre association associationEvidently a8olllon a8olllonEvidenty associationEvidently I
Evidently Evidenty tho luxury luxur deplored by unl unlvenltlea unlvenlte unlveralties
venltlea venlte today does do not Include Incur the theextravagance te teetv theextravagance
extravagance etv J an eofao pta of a tnoilng moiin lng paper per The ThePrinceton Terrlntn Tiernceto
Princeton rrlntn rnceto dally dlydllae declares that that tbassh1Isis tbassh1IsisatsbIem4aoI tulalate tulalateeatable I
eatable atsbIem4aoI b state HM of o affair aXa4samai to due u jawh 4e
lk lack of access to t news of o the te world Olc as asto a asto
to t indifference IndUrrn Certainly Ceiy there Ue must ml be benewspaper b benewspaper
newspaper nelppr filed 11M In I Prlaeetons Pats numerous Buraerouclubi numerousclubihall ueu
clubi club clubihall hall hl and ad andUbrar library lbrr reading rding reotnseoough reotnseooughto rl8ouab rl8ouabt
to t keep Informed Irone on current Or events et 90 0 per percent pr prcnt prcent
cent cnt of her 1400 or so students studentsWhatever studentWhatever
te teWhatvr
Whatever Whatvr the th value vlue to t o the Ue Uecmmunity campM campMcommunity cEnpescommunity
community of such a news service lo as asthe a asthe
the Pfjttcrtoiitan Prirrtffr began bt In Its It it issue lue of ofFebruary orFebnlr ofFebruary
February Febnlr 10 It should certainly crlnl never neverbe neverb neverbe
be b allowed a1oe to enoroach norch upon upn space lp more morejustly mor morejustly
justly Juty owed to t distinctive dlatnoUve college ole news newsand Dewand newsand
and the te Prlnoeton Prlnotn editors eltr act a wisely wlly in inmaking Inmakln inmaking
makln making room rom for the new matter mttr by on enlarging onlrling onlarging ¬
lrling larging the t type tp area a and using a smaller smallerfont smallerfont mlr mlrlont
font The Th new nw type tr dress d Is I very n neat neattlndnr net netUnd neatU
U Under Und r the t new re rjmo zss = = It will o1 bo b Ua Uapossible 1 mipouIbIeu
possible pulb1 the te editors eltn say for them tem to toread t toread
read rd proof pror on a large lae part pr of the tb news newsand newand newsand
and they tbe beg bgladulcen0 Indulgence In the te same sameparagraph tme tmeprcpb sameparagraph
prcpb paragraph It la t said the tbe enlargement enlargementbas nlremn nlremnh
bas h been bnalet affected It has b ha not It I has hasbeen h hbn hasbeen
been bn modestly mo t7 and aa on the te whole efficiently efficientlyeffected emelenUelet emolentlyewectd
effected effectedfiureeonOeaaral elet eletBur ewectdSurgeonOenaral
fiureeonOeaaral Bur oneal STOKES 8TIU of the tie navy navyjust 1 nivyjust r
just now appointed ppolat and Installed InetIe sig signalises el elnlae signalisee ¬
nalises nlae his accession aOloa by b delral declaring that tbat he hedoes bedoa hedoes
does doa not want to t be b an Admirl Admiral but butprefers butprfer butprefers
prefers prfer to t remain a doctor dotr We w may maybe myb maybe
be b permitted prtt to t My that tha Dr STOKES 8TUS is isproperly I Iprprly Isproperly
properly prprly proud of bis 11 hi profession prrlor profe lon together togetherwith teter teterwih togetherwith
with wih his eminence emleo therein terin and maiden Incidentally Inolde maidentally ¬
sense anM tally t1y to t compliment cmplmn him on his hi common commonsense cmmon cmmonanM commonsense
Danger Paln of Cerean Von Inland la VIHag HalM HalMeter HgeMs HgeMstale e Mta Mtaemter
tale eter CaBftit Caat la Hi 81 Mousetrap MousetrapFrom H MousetrapFrets nuetrp nuetrpFrom
From At IA London Lldon Globe OlobtThe alo GlobeThe
The Tb Intelligent tteUnnt Japanese JapnHe l I Is taklar an anInterest anlalereltt aninterest
Interest at present preDl la I geological Ioalcalaa as a In other othermatter 01 othermatter her hermlera
matter mlera The writer wrlr overheard ourber a couple couplepf cupl cuplpUb
pf pUb these gentlemen entl raeo newly newl cOI come from Ipm official officialpott olei oleipata omoidpoets
poets pata In Core Cre discussing dlaeuallnl while wll standing standingoutside Itdlnl stidlngoutside
outside oltlde the bar br of the tiger tnr dens a couple coupleof cuple cupleor
of day dya a ago eo BO the meant men otherwise than by bypowder b bpwder bypowder
powder pwder and nd bullet b let whtrtbr wbeeby the tb terror terr of ofthe ottb ofthe
the tb Jungle could culd be b b kept within withi due bound boundIt blnd blndI bounceIt
It I appear a et that tht since the tb Japanese oc occupation 0 occupatlon ¬
cupation cptono of Cores CrM native ntYu have ba been bn for forbidden rorbidden forbidden ¬
bidden to carry car firearm trnn and a as a conse consequence cn con conqIsnce e eQUOD ¬
quence QUOD tiger ter have multiplied multpled to an aexttor aexttordlnary anestreor anestreordinsry extraor extraordinary ¬
dinary extent It I U I not aafe to co o out outhopping outbapplnr outsboppin1
hopping after arer duk IA I tome om of the tb Inland flDd flDdvlae1ld InlandvIIIagesland alandvlllagesjand
vlae1ld vlllagesjand a au many a a as thirty or forty fortyluckless ror fortyIuoklesl
luckless luclle natives nat bare la y been bln devoured dlourl la lacertain lucertln Iiicertain
certain districts dlrlcaUhl within a week wl Theau Theauthorllle Teal lbauthoritles
thorllle Iborllel will wi not raise 11 the embargo emWra upon uponfirearm upn upnIrenn uponOrearin
firearm Irenn how then tbn It I th tb the number Dlmbr of these thesedreaded tee teedrede thesedreaded
dreaded drede beast bt to be b reducedf reducedfThe rdlcP rdlcPTe
The Te Tb tiger tre U I posneued PIe at a time tlO of an al al almost almot iimost ¬
most mot upernatural lupefatu l cunning cmnlil a wonderful wonderfulsense woaderulln
sense ln of smell mol and ale a fine f Instinct IIUae with re regard r regamd ¬
gard ar to trap trp and the thlke lb like Ilk which make mak bun buna bl
a U difficult dlmclit an animal nmal to take tlk alive cli aa any anyexisting IY anyexisting
existing dllna Sometime he can be b b snared innd but butnot hutnot butnot
not often orea On one oocaaloa ouloa th the thewrlter writer wrleal na native asthe ¬
the ty Indian Idlntynt Indlanservant servant ratlin rl ramilnina In In a great a greasIateof greasIateofexolsetnenttosayatlgerwaa at slat of ofexcMetnent
excMetnent eciement exolsetnenttosayatlgerwaa to sar a tiger t r was trapped trp IrspdIn d In the thejungle tb tbJlnal thejungle
jungle Jlnal half hi halts a mile mIleawayand a awyand war and the entire enlnCmp enlnCmplof camp campof
lof of course at t once flocked toke over to ee th thprisoner the theprlloler theprisoner
prisoner prisonerThe prlloler
The trap Ir p wa 1 was exactly on the principle prlcpl of ofa
a 1 humble mousetrap moualrp with wih a falling ralla door doorand dor dornd doorand
and built buit of alrna strong timber tmb laced lce together togetherwith lonlhe togetherwith
with wlh rattans rlUns The Te ImprloM Imprisoned tiger wa waa wn wnluU wasa
a full grown wn male mle and It would wOlld be b difficult difficultto dlleul
to Imagine tmalae anything wilder wider than hi bl bin rage rageaa re
aa a he roared rrd and stormed Itoned and burled him himself hlmi himself ¬
i self ael In futile tul tutu fury flr on each part pri of the struc structure itrc itrctur tructure ¬
ture tur In turnT turn There Tr be bi wa wn to stay until untilhunger uall mmliihunger
hunger had hd rendered rnder him hlr manageable m managMb b the theIncident tb tbinoldent h
Inoldent showing aboI that tbtlbe halftime the tiger can be betrapped b btrpp betrapped
trapped trpp although allouh not often It I Istobe Istobefeared I Itobfea to b
feared fer fea the tb Corea Coa Coreans ns wilt wi have h to recover recovertheir rec vr vrtbetr
rcr rcrtblrmuakta
their tblrmuakta musket or put up with wlb the sight of ofhungry of ofbunl ofhungry
hungry bunl streets tiger trer wandering Wadra about aboutber iboultbeir their village villagestreets villagestreets Ilc Ilcalrela
Brcttae of o an a Nd < tedaM7 I of tIe veem Brrnese BrrneseDaU Bcrflseetriaad 1
811 etriaad IItpehHe IItpehHerivet
J rivet DaU nai DsUv Ctntutar en and M Tfttt TUWo Tsd Rtptrli RtptrliWood ilfprfsWoot
Wood Wo carving far foreDutel centuries aa A Important Iprat na national Da10nl nationsi ¬
tional 10nl ladtfitry t4 14Urrln sVi In Swilterltod ba bfer bassst7ered suffered a aerlsU aens
erlsU rr ens during 4arer tht tl last It year Sebleb which threatens Ulean1 to toaffect toerect
affect the business permtnenlly following
let te bull nDRUJ folowot upon uponpractically upl uponprsctielty
practically Iralrl a nooopoly 01111 and a long period pro ol pros prosperity pr prospertly ¬
pertly PIIJ These n carving nlnr ban been MD especially especiallypopular eapctatlypopular plal
popular ppulr with wl tourIsts trU hundreds ol thousandS Ounda ot otwhom atWom ofwIom
whom Wom vttlt v1 Swlurrland SIuelDd every r year Ia and d a large largeeiport lrre lrrenpr Largeexport
export npr business bul De has I bees bo established tbUbe with wlh other olttrcountries ater atereunlre othercounirfes
countries eunlre Including hrudlnr the United Uale Scales 3tea This Tla It Itespecially I Ie Is5pcLatiy
especially e ell true lre aa a la church rbureb emblems eblDa and articles articlesrepresenting arIclerprteifltog rtlelurprntlr
representing rprntlr itltlorle Itre sceaes at sad evtats evtatsAn anoi evsstsAn
An Al Important laprtatSwa imnportantCwtss Swtss wood 0 carving mal centra Db Is I at atRlndedeln alRIIeeln atElniledein
Rlndedeln RIIeeln a historic bltro village vilare In toe BKnintalos UIlatiD In Intbe II inthe
tbe canton UltD of Ichwys sbwn where were wbersthsrs thtr ter Is I a celebrated celebratedpilgrimage eelebrl eelebrlpUrrmare celebratedpflgriniage
pilgrimage pUrrmare a wealthy ell Itentdkllne 111IUae monastery mooasteryand mODuler
and ald a splendid apleldl4 cburrh ell b Tbs Industry Iduel centres e In Intbe IDlbe Intbe
tbe BerneM Bre Ohertaitd Orrld wher eraO wood earvleg earyingIj rvlDII U the thechief tbecbld in inchIef
chief occupation ocpUon Tb Lbs a church rblr emblems eablem of Tin Tinsledeln ln lnIleel lflsiedelim
sledeln Ileel tbe bear bd of Bern Bra the Uoao lion ot o Lucerne LucerneIbe L rI rItbe
Ibe in at lt Bernard frar dots dorc dogscow cows and nd the quaint QualI 9wlM 9wlMchalets Sil Switschalets
chalets are ar sit reproduced npruo In wood wo and a41Id told at the tbecurio te tecr thecurIo
curio Tb objects obJ tl have found their
cr shop ao tae fOJI tr war wtyInto warlat wayinto
Into lat practically prerl sll Continental CD1111 towns twa and Awls Awlswood Sisawood = 1 1w
wood w carvings are ae almost as 1 well welkDow known In other otherEuropean 9tberPurpu piherurnpean
European Purpu countries lulrlu as a at borne borneVarious bomelroU homear1oua
Various lroU circumstances cr mltnrn have ba contributed cODtbule to the theprewnt Ihepn theprneut
prewnt pn Dt crMs rra among which wlrli Is I the Increased Ilea cost costot Cat Catal coatof
ot raw r msttrlsU mIIIL much mlrb o 01 which It Imported Imprlt tn hipI hipIing l k kIng
Ing It nece Dlr necciasry aty to t advance avDr selling Illr prices prca without wllboutIncreasing wltout wltoutIDereaal withoutIocreular
Increasing IDereaal real rI values This ll hal b laviled latt coop competition cmp cooptillon ¬
tition 1I10n Iron lrm Xro other countries cuDtrea especially npca Austria Austriaand Alat
and nermany On1an Furthermore Flrlheror Austria ut recently recentlyplaced RU RUplad recentlyplaced
placed a heavy buv Import Imprt daty dlt on souvenirs Ilnal under underwhich uade underwhich
which wood carvings lnrr are classIfied rlAle and 4 In France Francethey FrDc Francethey
they te muLe stamped tml Imported Impr bleb It la laalleged I Ilete Ialleged
alleged lete bat bl affected lerl the ule to 1 such leb aa client estentthst oatuttu clientthat
that tu the Imports Imprtl from frm SwltmUnd wUerlud have been beenreally btntreatly D Drrely
really rrely reduced fuc riducedThe 1 1The
The Te panning pulnr of the Swiss SI wood wo carving cnllll14lall Industry IndustryIs
Is I further evidence 141c bat t Industrial IndurI progress ptlr It Itgradually I ICdlaly isgradually
gradually Cdlaly eliminating eUmlalUtr from frm the tie lb commercialworld commercialworldrural rmmeralWrl rld rldrural
rural rrl Induttrle Ildullrl built bul up and ad maintained mlntlbe where wherewages We Weare wherewages
small sod a4 the of ttilo low lowModern lowModern
wages are are re al te expense e living Ivlr lw lwlaer
Modern laer nsehlaery marliDen mnaebtnrysnd and methods mlla Increasing Illrelr com competition 101 101pUtOD cornpetition
petition pUtOD and tld the In Inexorable ttUorble laws of trade Iader are drlv drlvIng drv drvIlr dcivIng
Ing Ilr out primitive prmlUe concern cnurna or forcing forila them Into Intocombinations IDt intocombinations
combinations NmblntoDI ThIs Tl It I eau for rtgret flrt at many manyot mlY mlYof
of the people pple living Ivr In tbe Bernese Bre Oberland Obt04 have bavelor hnelor havefor
lor generatloat lenerloDI depended depade upon Upa wood woo carving carvinifor carviniformaintenance avDefor avDeformlnlDDc for formaintenance
maintenance mlnlDDc They Tay hive acquired Qulr great skill kl In Inthis laIbl Inthis
this Ibl and ad being stow lo to t accept aept Innovations IIDoyUOn It will willbe wi willbe
be difficult dlmeul for them to t adopt new ae method methodCaa melblL melblLeaMI mtth ds dsCaaselg
Caa eaMI Caaselg lng a Deal Dealnhi flsel55Im I IIIm
nhi 55Im IIm Im weary we ot bathing btlnr and lentils lentilsin tellial tellialI mcmliiiiD
in I dont dnI sport Irt an automobll automobllXlu autmobie autmobieIA sutomobilaShcA
Xlu ShcA IA A gondola d nil all IDS r In Venice VeniceIll Velc
Ill 1 Ah thats t quite quit too swell ell to tie real resitSuppose ral realOuVpoIe
Suppose Spp then my m hard blr to t unit at Lenloe LenloeWe Lnlo LeniocWe
We two to go C canoeing cnoltr on Dealt DealtCanoelsg Dea DeaCDOI DealCanoeist
Canoeist CDOI well wel go C In the Ie gleaming gleamingA riolmlr riolmlrIU
A snug IU little IUte patty of two twoV 10 10Wben wO wOVben
V Wben > ben westward welr the tblloDI long day la I homing homingAnd bomln bomlnAI4
And AI4 long Inr shadowt shLlOWsitral baowtI steal eer er the thewatere water watn of Deal DealAh DIAbtWD DialAbtW0
Ah AbtWD two In a cedar 4 canoe canoem Cnet CnetIfTe camel camelIftThO
m IfTe IftThO The ball bal grounds tlndl are ae suit lllnd and forsaken forsakeneJtt forken forkenM
eJtt Your sex IS heard bear the call 11 t to a meal meallit Oel menUJlWarm
lit 1Wam JlWarm Warm shadows aao enwrap Interlafcea InterlafceaWhile Intrlbo laterifles
01 s While le I am m about bl lo t congeil congeilUnless tongelilUnIss ot11
Unless Vnl I Im am greatly 1 mistaken mistakenYouve mlken mistakenYouve
Youve TOVlo lost track ek of time lme In your zeal zealll ua uaIl zeal71rn
ll Il 71rn Th moon moa rays rnr sre Sr eaf efaD soften on the water wateraht watr wnters3M
aht Naught Nalt softer afWr than ta you 01 they tbe reveal revealjiO rmaUJ reytaifjlaO
s jiO J fairest talrlot1 ftreitot ot all of f Eve EV dtugbtertr dtugbtertrSM dlubtrl diughterifoOiI
SM 1 Youll T l upset tlNt the te boat If I you yu kneel kneelWen kDe l i iMeal
Wen Weil Irdeat areatot Irdiatof ot all al of oftbdr their eoumr eoumrDo curn courisbaprsr
Do 1pry baprsr pray keep leep keepan aa a cveaer eVeerlel eVeerlelJI eveeerkeell eveeerkeellIlln keen keeni
JI Illn < i air one beyond beotd all al adorning adorningt Idonn
8 85 t ruconslder lUcalder the compliment Cmplmet real realllt r II tli tlisteI
llt JI1 steI l love lov ioveyotnln yetu yu In spits 8IM 5piref7Or5OOFning ef your fr Scorning Scorninggiu rla rlaIt4tlWbO
giu 5 It4tlWbO acianwbo iWrt Wbo know What w wbqsurh a such ulb scorn af may mayconceal m stayconceilt
v volautf
conceal cDclf cDclfGUd conceiltalnsd
olautf GUd Youll Voul come to your senses n by mora moraIngis morPrbp mornthgti
Ingis IngisPerbspt thgtiPerhapS
PerhapS P ubeli hen youll 0ul pop pp to 1 Lucille LucillejffIm Luelel Luelel1Im Luelilel1Im
jffIm 1Im no aol only onl asttln kin buT bu giving givingftM Ilvne
ftM ts 1 4MrGood 100 heavensbqw bn II ttrtagety atrurl I feel feelHi tel tecHlove
JlloV Hi love you ou mor more moredearly d dearlythas IYlaalhlnf IYlaalhlnf1lald1 Utn living livingant iivln iivlnslissfdl
ant slissfdl 1lald1 ititM My v senses S are ail 11 In a rtl ceiteiOuJi tetll tetllI
eiOuJi lud I cant CII be forevtr lorvr forglvlog forglvlogm forvlll forvlllrd
ifld rd Im imloat m IU lo t with wl another anter snotherappeali snotherappealiirerogithir appeal appealfr alpl alpl11otit
fr 11otit irerogithir Tolher rwol well fear tAI iesrsi n < hsrd han sledding sleddingHie afddlnw slfddlngaafit
Hie 1 ICIIte u1t well wellJ eI e11 e11IIeS He wins D me by b ttreagUt atlDlt of ottt ottteI that thatwell thate11
J IlRo IIeS So please pleN Ml N a date dlt for Ib Ibe1e4laa the wedding weddinga weddingffii
a ffii 11 l cant can Semi lmell If right off QI the tle reel reelBut rel reelnut
But 1uI MiDarllng rl DrlbIC for heaven leae were wereheading wer wVreheading
heading headingOae bedIDe headingOne
One 00 more mrdr dear th Ua the contract tret to t1 t1n sean seanAn ealLAn
An n end el4 of lt punning lr alr u aa and scorning scorningFor aafI orstngForfateIwbeeliaawesl
For ForfateIwbeeliaawesl fate ft It a wheel wbeell la a wfctel wfctelVlse I IWIN
WIN maldentaad taddmelm taldssssndmeiiMU men wW law t wanlngf wanlngfflan trt trtfD warntngn4n
flan fD Cupid Cupi It teere rs and ndtbm ndtbmWJeGwc then three Uk a aig aigWImen1Wugoc l
WJeGwc WImen1Wugoc oe4 Ebs e5tZ
4 caoo caooIf
WASHixdTON WAaINQTON Feb 10In 10 In matters mattersaffecting rtt mattersaXecting
affecting deUg our ou relations rIUon with wih other coun countries countc countries ¬
tries tc the te8natvlew Senate view ia I almost almot always alwaysfar alwa1
far fat wider than the House view ie Wli Wien Wiene When Whenthe n ntbe
the e urgent urant deficiency de olenc bill JI came me to t the theHou theHoul thefouls
Hou Houl fouls e it carried crrie a call cl for S1Oror 75000 for the tharepresentation te terprntUonof therepresentation
representation rprntUonof of the United Unit States Stt at atthe attePanmerlcn atthe
the tePanmerlcn PanAmerican conference confernc in Buenos BuenosAyr BuenoaAy fluenonAyre
Ayr Ay during durng the coming cming summer lummlr Mr MrMaoon MrMacn MrMacon
Macon Macn of Arkansas Arkans thought 925000 5OU 5OUclent un lUfficlout undent ¬
dent for tho purpose lUo but was wa Induced Inducedto Induc
to t oonsenfto Olett an n appropriation pprprlton of 50000 50000Those 30000Thosewhcfavored O
Those To Thosewhcfavored who favored r vor the te original ar lnllum175o auru75000 auru75000doubtless sumT5000doubtless
doubtless doubtH yielded yielde through thrug belief ue that tt the thoSenate to tolnt thenst
Senate lnt nst would be b more mor liberal lbl That Tt body bodyIncreased b bodyincreased
Increased Ino1 the te appropriation pproprlaton to t 1100 100000 100000and 100000and
and aa the te House committee ommltof of conference conferenceaccepted cnreenc conferenceaccepted
accepted aopt the te Senate Snt figures fc ni The entire entireamount entr enUreamount
amount aout may not no bo b expended expnde but the theappropriation theIpgopr1ation e eIpJprton
appropriation IpJprton make possible plble a credit credlthle cdit credithle
hle rPDt representation oat at the te conference conferenceThe cfeenc oonfrsnceThe
The e Seaat 8a provided prvIde Si 75000 for rp rpItUnn reprosentatlon repro reproMatatiftn
Matatiftn ItUnn of the te United Unt States Sttl at t the tbeInternational te telatrdon theinternaUonat
International latrdon agricultural agcultul exhibition ehibiton also alsoto alsoto I It
to t be hold in I Argentina rontn next nex summer summerNo lumor lumorNo summerNo
No provision prvllo has ha been bn made mde for official officialrepresentation omolalrpr omobtiropreeentatJon
representation rpr ntton at a the tle international Intrtonl exhi exhibition exhiblt exhibiUO ¬
bition blt n of r railways nleys and Dlt land r transport transportor trnsp t tor
or for the te fine fne arts 6rt exhibition exhbiton which will willalso wi willaao
also form ron parts pn of Argentinas Arentn celebra celebration eJebr celobrafinn ¬
finn ton of its It centennial 0n nlal At both bt there tbe will willbe 11 willb
be b b some Bm American Amerco display diply due to t Indi Individual indlvidul mdlvidual ¬
vidual vidul enterprise n rr but the exhibits 8hlbUwlb will be beo beso
1 so o lmit limited aa a to t b be almost almot humiliating humma lDK in incomparison hiOOplO incomparison
comparison OOplO with wit the displays dIsply to bo 0 De Debor madebyourEuropesncompetitors made madeby
by bor byourEuropesncompetitors our European Eurpnompttr competitors forthe lor the trade tradeof to toor
of the nations MUonlor8utAm of ofsouthAmerl South America AmericaTh a aTb
Th appropriation approprton for the te rQ agricultural agriculturalexhibition a kgricuiturslexhiblUon lOJtrl lOJtrleblblUon
exhibition eblblUon has hbn basbeen been unfortunately delayed delayedand dle
and Bonioenergotlo lofne oUc hustling hUIUnlWm huatlingwill will be needed neededThe nee neededThe
The 1e celebration clebr on is lat to open opn on May Ma 25 and andthe andte andthe
the te time tmetl Is very ver abort for the te preparation preparationand prprton prprtonand
and forwarding lorarln of an offlolal oMol1 exhibit the thaereotiou theerUon theerection
erection erUon of a creditable crtble building budll and the thearrangement tb tbaralemet thearrangement
aralemet arrangement of the display dlspl When it ia iaremembered 1 1 1remembered
remembered rmembr that Congress n two years yearsago yen yenalO yearsago
ago appropriated 1600000 1 for American Americanparticipation AmericanparUolpauon
apprprit 1150 AmerC
participation pelpUon in an International Inttonl exposi exposition expo expoeltion ¬
tion ton in Toklo tht this tardy tr appropriation apprprton of
175000 710 for Argentina A < ntn looks lok a little ltte fig niggardly 01 01prdl figgardly ¬
gardly and almost suggests downright downrightdiscourtesy downrlcbtdlacourleay downrightdiscourtesy
discourtesy Did not Congress know ot otArgentina orArgentln1 ofArgentina
Argentina recent ortUr for battleships battleshipsand batU IJ1CI IJ1CIand
and torpedo hcata b ata Does Congress know knowthat hnowthat knowthat
that Argentinas imports exceed those thoseof e eof
of Japan Does it know that American Americanxporta Americanexports Amnorkanexport
exports to Argentina A rc ntlna lastyear lut year were valued valuedat
at 30000000 while sales to Japan were wereSta500000 wereU500
Sta500000 U500 500000 Does D 1I1t It knowthat know thAtth the Argen Argentine Argentin Argontine ¬
tine tin celebration will bring to It thousands thousandsof
of people from HrarJIUruguay ruJI Uruguay Paraguay ParaguayBolivia ParaguayBolivia ParaguayBolivia
Bolivia and Chile ChileA Chile1I
H flit Hen Bern leader and Her lands IaiwlProductive landsProductive
Productive and Oicap OicapToTHgEDlTonorTmiBiTX Q1np1oTRK fliepTornx
ToTHgEDlTonorTmiBiTX 1oTRK ED1TOROFTRR8uKSir EDITOII OF Tan ScwSir Sir A letter letterabout 1lIerabout litterabout
about Maine farm which 1 recently wrote wrotelo
to Tun BfN ha havIng vine been copied by b other otherpaper otberpCnent otherpapers
paper pCnent and raised the question how pitch pitchproductive nehproductive itchproductiveiandcafl
productive productiveiandcafl land can be bought MO cheap pVr pVrhap pr prhapi r rhap
hap I ought to add a word of explanation explanationMaine explnnatlonMaloe explanitlonMaine
Maine II preeminently a Stale of pioneer pioneernd plonelnand
and s nd d tha ha pioneer pl nffr spirit remain with her pea people p ppIe peapie ¬
pIe to this thisday day I In n proportion to population populationabe
abe be ba b has furnltbed fnrnlthedmore more men who ho have been beenprominent beenpromlaent beenpromInent
prominent In the affair of other State and andforeign andforeign nd ndronllro
foreign nations than any other State In th thUnion tbUoloa the theUnion
Union UnionIB
IB a far Eastern Euterncounlry country at t the Ceremony ceremony ceremonyof
of raiting a large capstone to the top of 0 ofpublIc a apublic apublic
public building the order wa given IYen that thatIt thatif I IIf
If any one spoke during th the ceremony he heshould h heshould I Iahould
should be Immediately arrested Much Buchl BuchlIbeatofT I Itba Ithe
the IbeatofT toy When the Ih stone was within an anInch anInch n nInchot
Inch Inchot of Ua place the word crd came down that thatth tblltb thatthe
th the ropes were 11 so 0 long that the tone could couldbe
be raised no higher Wet the rope ropecried roPtcried ropecried
cried a stranae atran voice intbe In tb crowd The Theman Th Thman Theman
man was 11 Immediately arrested arret led and aa the thepolice tb tboll thebelies
police oll were leading hint away he shouted shoutedTell shoutedTeii houledTell
Tell tbe lubber to wet the rope and ft will willthrlnk wIllShrink 11 11ihrlnk
Shrink It Into it lIa place The rope wa was wet wetand wtand wetmd
and the be Immense atone quietly lid Into Intoposition Inl Inlpoeillon intoposition
position After the suspense ult On > of the multi multitude mullttude multitude ¬
tude was broken the cry went up Who I Ihe Is Isbe Isho
he The man wa w was Abe Dunton a common commontailor oommonlIor commonsailor
tailor lIor from Llucolnvllle Me 1 When hen a aFrench aFrencb aFrench
French passenger steamer look fire in the themiddle themiddle themWdIs
middle of efIbe Ibe Mediterranean lledll rrnean and both the theofficer theolllcen theofilcars
officer and passengers lost 10 loattbelr their heads headllvoice a avoice avalve
voice as of 0 one having authority rose above aboveth aboveshe bovetbe
th she babel of sound and the thetrlcblened thetrlcblenedaenra frightened frightenedpassenger frIhtenedpassengers
passenger beheld a powerfully built half halfdressed h1tdreaetd halfdres5d
dressed man who soon brought order out outof outof ottiof
of chaos It Itas was old Captain Phlnea Pen Pendleton PendlIon Pemidieton
dleton of 0 Rtarsport Aeaflll ort > Me one or the finest flneitkipper nnetIIklppef1l finestskippers
kipper that ever trod trodthe ethe the deck of au auAmerican allAmerican aimAnmerlean
American ship
Maine for IIhIC the I ci last seventy nent years ha hall been beengiving blenIvln beengIving
giving Ivln the best of her manhood lo meet meetthe meetIh meetthe
the Ih demand for leader I In all 11 live other otherHtie otherMIJIeod otherMteeesnd
Htie MIJIeod nd lit all allllmM climes Thu it Is ihnt we wehave wehave 6 6have
have not the abundant popiillon that is islo Isto
lo he found In many of the other KtaleA KtaleAWe 8Ial 8IalWe iitateWe
We have no tenant farmer ument In Maine Kvery Kveryone Fveryone ver verpne
one tarries onliln o h1I farm arm with the aid of ofhired ofhired ofhired
hired help Farms lrlns that cm be bonxht bonxhtabout OOllllotabout boiittabout
about Ibomdlke are owned by people well wellalong wailalong II IIIone
along In year ealll who hn do not need need lo do any anymore onyInora anymore
more work or the lb farms are In the th market marketto
to settle estate IaU Let me note a few Instance Instancethat InptanIhat inetaneesthat
that will rmpha mphalre lrn what ha hn been said saidA uldl
A man from rom Arooslodk rooAlo L county purchased purchaseda pmrshasedI
a familnThorndlke farm m In Thorndlko two yearn 111IIcro ago for zono UOOOlad zonoand 2000ud
and ud made but a small payment down lie Hehas liehu liehis
has paid r for It and purchased another farm farmfor rarmlor farmfor
for the same nurmount amount end ban ho paid for part partof partor partor
or that moo Another nan three year ago ngobought RCOllOubl agobought
bought a farm of tea acres for Slooo 000 and ha haraised hanallt liii liiiraised
raised oer Mooo O worth of croPS on It In Inth Intbl inthe
th the meantime A farm of 0 BOO boOscres acre recently recentlysold ecentiysold
sold for t 000 l producing Ii 13000 1000 in crops cropsa
a year ear beside II the tll stock ock sold and baa ISooo 1000worth Szoooworth ISoooworth
worth of wood rfml nhi lumber on It A farm farmof farmof farmof
of HO acre c Mid three yearago yean a 10 fnr300 fnr300and ror I2WOJ I2WOJand
and ha has paid for Itself twice In that time timeOn limeOn timeOn
On one place the owner ratted over VWJO VWJObushel S000bushels 000 000bllabel
bushel ot potatoes fit the rout of 0 10 11 rents on I a abushel ablllb abushel
bushel l Including his own labor and that of ofhis ofhi ofhis
his hi team teemnd and reckoning Inlertiat for ue meof ueof ueof
of land at M an acre ar Thin farm of over overMM oracf8il over100avrsi
MM 100avrsi acre the building and tool toclseould toclseouldbe Could Couldbe ouldbe
be replaced repla d for S40001 4 1000 < x > 0 Is I now valued Iuld at atmorn atfliers 1 1Dlllre
morn than 10000 The Th owner keep kee A but butone bulon bittone
one on hired man tbe year round and raise raiseover ralsoyer raisesover
over 140011 4ooo worth of r crop a year yearIn yearIn yearIn
In forni format r years eant many mlln of our bent lIt roung roungmen rounlrmen roungmen
men used to go lo the cities anti to other
flates but they are not doing no now nowhaving nowhulnc nowhaving
having found that there are an good oppor opportunities oPPOr1lnlUee opporlirnitias ¬
tunities here or batter b UtIr than are to be b found foundelsewhere foundelaowhere foundelsewhere
elsewhere rrobabl over one hundred hundredmen
men from other State tal purchased farm farmsIn arma armala
In Main last y rear ar There are re very few fewforeigner rwrorslcnera fewforeigners
foreigner In Maine Ialo not that we object to toa toa toa
a good class cia of Immigrant but we have havearrived haearrlyed huearrived
arrived at our present pmeqtltate state of advanced advancedprosperity J
prosperity by our own unassisted efforts elfailc errollaC
c 1 K Munu
TnonnDiK Me February FebrllrrIOJI 10 10The
The JI Mikado MikadoFnm HlkadoJlrom lilkadoFreM
Fnm uu ma London Globe 014 014Ir GlabtIf
If I ii now Frances turn to learn leambat that the term termMikado termMikado termMikado
Mikado doe not designate the Emperor of Japan JapanA
A well eil tacOs baFnDeltmD Frenchman we are told toldroceal toldrocealuled recently recentlyused eceMhyused
used tli the txpreulon wben convening with an anattache anattichd 11 11attaclt
attache at 1 the Japanete J lpanuelllnlllry Ministry The Th attach attachwas attaebf1Ii
was 1Ii agbaal but and Inquired what was w meant by byMikado byMlkado byiiIkado
Mikado II 1 was wu explained that the Emperor EmperorM Em Emperorureferred eror erorreferred
M ureferred i referred to The attache1 replied You Youknow Youhow
know 0 monsieur that oar Emperor Em eror U I not one uneport uDer oneporti
port r Ia our language tbe word mikado meant meantportebut DlIIIIaporte meansportebu
portebut porte but U Irllover never used to designate the sov sovsreign ov overelga ovrelp >
erelga Y Your ur writer riters and diplomatist refer referto
to tbe Government Oovor miml In the East M uhePor uhePorand the Port Portand Povtp Povtpand
and confound the two Ihlngi In Japan the Em Emperor EmCrOr Emperoc ¬
peror U KOW K U bat never aevarllkado aevarllkadosalt UlUado UlUadoSaint Lfliado8at
Saint a Valentine HI His Bay BayA hyA a7 a7AIOD
A AIOD song ye blithesome le lasted lastedArouse l laMestArOuse aaoiitArouN
Arouse S ye masters alll alllOld sillOld 11I 11IOld
Old Time the tyrant rani passes passesYe i iv i iV01ll1
Ye V01ll1 v may not bold him thrall thrallAway IbraUAWI1 tbraflAway
Away with ithitrsl strait laced reason reasonJYHh nuolIlwUb reasontWith
With cobwebbed care away awayFor awsytFor W11For
For this U loves own season seasonSaint lessonSaint 1011 1011SaI
Saint I Valentine hit tli rttyl rttylAllune daylAlluu dyiAttune
Attune the pleading viol violBid violBId violBid
Bid strike tM plaintive laJDU lute luteGive luteGive loisGive
Give to the hautboy trial trialne trlelDe trialHe
ne not tbe either mute muteBy mUleBy muteBy
By nlgMUd and by b JxyUdGay JxyUd ftytldslay 1t1d 1t1da
Gay a be tbe lifted lerFor lat larF
For F i this Is I love own pUyUJe pUyUJeSaint pr ptayUdeSilni d d5101al
Saint Valentine his bl Sail dsylO daJo
O for the b twtaM myrtle myrtleO
O for th the be wreathed rote roteAlts to resetAiastil 1 1AItllai
Alts AItllai taal wild winds hurtle hurtleAlas bunlAI buntsAlas
Alas AI that slant the snows snowsVet IDO IDOtt snowsYet
Vet may no e slag its bIp psalters psaltersLaylk psalt n n1AlJIe r rIAytbs
Laylk pueaalal pet bay bayOil bI bI1e DamOs
Oil loves 1e D Meat lighted tt oIlIIWrvaka 4ers 4ers5Mrvsssvss rv rv1ia
lIIWrvaka 1ia > at1Tatdi tfc a Na Jkuri dati datiI f i
I lIIWrvakaaM aM aeistiitities JI JItIO
tIO 1 f
i 0
A lawyers w W9enM Bl HIsots4n a of Their TheirTraffe 11 1 aIm t tTraIIIe to toTraMe
Traffe en the 11IdeIk 11IdeIkTo msHt densNtTo msHtTo
To run EDITOR or Tall Bex BtSr fir U I Icurious II IICUrlOUII Iicurious
curious that an opinion of a previous Cor Corporation Corporatloft Corporation ¬
poration Counsel and a Justice of the Jon Ooneral Joner ioncdl
eral er I Sessions to the effect d t that sidewalk sidewalktheatre eldewilktheatre Idewalktheatre
theatre ticket speculators cannot catlnotbe be In Indicted Indicted indicted ¬
dicted for carrying on their trade without withouti wltboutUbeoae
A i Ifbenie hat been Interpreted a aa meaning meaningthat lIIeanlothat
that they could not be prosecuted for ob obIructlnic otJIlrucllnir ohatructing
Iructlnic the sidewalks and otherwise vlo vlolatlng vier vierlatina YIQbitIng
bitIng the privilege of cltireoa la and to the thepublic thepubllo thepuhilo
public highway highwayKow blrhw blrhwNow highwayNow
Now the caw of People vs Mark larkAlilcellanou ha
04 Miscellaneous Report was a teat t ease easebrought ca cabrolbtonan casebrought
brolbtonan brought on an crdssca cd ca passed by b th thboard till tillboard theboard
board attempting to revoke yoke the tll Mcetae qe of ofthe oth offtc
the h speculators That TIIn was set a word wordla wordIn 0r4 0r4In
In tbe th case from beginning to to1t end and findthere andthere nd ndtbere
there never has 1 beeR a test mad about aboutthe aboutthe aboutthe
the Inherent right of the people to prosecute prosecuteticket proticuteUckot prosecutetickot
ticket peculator or any a other people for forplying rotplfac totplying
plying their trade on the sidewalk
1 make bold to say y that the 111 Leglala Leglalature Lealliiture Leitelature
ture never bad the right rlah to tocr grant at to any anyBoard an anI anyfloaril
Board of Aldermen the tb privilege to allow allowany allowan allowany
I any an class ola of people to obstruct the side sidewalks aid aidI sidewalks ¬
I walks The sidewalks batons 1 to totbe the people peopleEvery peoplEYery peopliEvery
Every man ba b baa a right to walk alk in any anydl anydlreotloa di direction dlnotion ¬
notion be pleases and 04 th space be h oocuple oocupleand oOCllpleeand
and that which la necessary for his corn comrorlablo cornfortabia cornfortablo
fortablo passage I is hit bl If 1 maintain my myproper hi hiprope tarproper
proper course ooureeon on th the sidewalk and aora aorabully smbully om ombully
bully obstruct ob tTUI me mil by departing from hit hitIde h18Iidi hisaide
aide and confronting mel m 1 have a ap perfect perfectright perfectrlEht rteet rteetrl
right rl bt to throw him Into the cutter Men Menwomen Menwomenand eD eDwomen
women womenand and nd children ban all the tbamo thes tamo ino privi privilege prlyIatact privilegs ¬
legs a atact fact that ha h been recognized and snddeclared Indd anddeclared
declared d clred by the court of highest retort In Inalt Inan Inall
alt civilized BUtea Btatutlm time and again to t troll strollupou trollupon trollUPoD
upon UPoD the aldewalknwltbout let or o hindrance hindranceFrom hlndrancfro
fro From Iii any potentate policeman or oopedler oopedlerII pedler pedlerIf
If It were Otherwise not only on I could th the ticket ticketspeculator ticketspeculator c1tetpcultorobtrude
speculator pcultorobtrude obtrude hi hIs diamond bedecked bedeckedahlrt bedeckedshirt ecked eckedablrt
shirt front Into the thetacee face of persona going goingto
to t place of 0 amusement but soap osp pedlera pedleracandy pldlerecandy pedlerscandy
candy purveyor and even lawyer laweracould laweracouldbe could couldbe couldbepernilited
permitted be pem lltll1 to 0 take tbe tbepa apace e which belong belongto b lonC lonCto
to the people and thus drive the people peoplethemselves peoplethpmiteivea pl plIbma
themselves Ibma lYla Into the street streetIt IlrNuIt
It cannot canD t be denied that atveete IIttelnd and aide aidewalk adewalhml aidewalks
walk walhml mar be closed and changed alto altogether altatber altotether ¬
tether tber Tli Theppearnee appearance or a aldewalkmr aldewalkmrbe sidewalk may maytte
be altered by the erection under proper properauthority properauthority i il
authority l borlto of booths bool thereon but what I IAxed tftud Iflied
Axed sidewalk te everybody nr bOl1 and amino no nets oseI t tIa netsis
Ia I on on record rec upholding the grant rnt or > an ex exclusive cxclusive s sclulye ¬
clusive right to use u th Ibum IbumNobody the same sameNobody sameNobody
Nobody will 11I pretend 1 Itnc fancy that ticket ticketpeculators Ilcketpeculaton ticktupeculators
peculators are irea a privileged prlYlle < od claim that they theytaveany Iberhave theybaveany
taveany have aa more reason for existing a a nuis nuisance aulsaee nimialace ¬
lace tn the tJa general l1eralllubllo public than any an anyolherclaui anyolherclauiof other olhercla olherclaor cits citsof
of people would have Let u ua assume uaUriUI that thatthe tbtthe tbktthe
the few thousand thou nd dollar that these tbeaePfcuia tbeaePfcuiators specula speculator ¬
tore now par Into the city treasury trall Is I lithe lithesole th thole Ihlole
ole consideration which they thQJIt give for tak taking taktog ¬ i iInperkapa
tog Inperkapa perhaps hair a million dollar doll an for BO BOconsideration nocotialder I Iconaldertlon
consideration cotialder tlon whatever out of the pocket pocketsof pocketof I Iot
of our people annually Still the lb reason of oftheir orIbelr oftheir
their existence does not appear a pear on th the con contrary COliIrar contracy ¬
tracy Irar all Uthe the Iii law that any one can read on onthe onthe onthecubjectot
the thecubjectot subject or sidewalks and their use and andvery andne andevery
very ne Impulse for fairness ralrn a and decency In Inpubtlq Inhbtlq Inplibliq
pubtlq place demand that thattbey they IbeYhould thould be beput beptlt bepitt
put out ut of toxlttence and Keplout KeploutThere ep1 Out OutThere I IThere
There It I a marked distinction between bel ween tbe tbesidewalk lb lbIldewalk tbesidewalk
sidewalk and the street tr It ha b been held heldby heldb heldby
by b our Court or Appeals that while th thsidewalk tbaldawlk Lbs Lbssidewalk
sidewalk belong to the Individual the street streetbelong alreetbeloo streetbelongs
belong Jo J everybody en obOOr Callanan v vs I oil oilman oUman oilman ¬
man 107 107N N Y 1110 MO People va Cunningham Cuanlahamt
1 Denlo 124 241 You are Immune from every everybody neryboor everybody ¬
body elv el ele oil oIbe the sidewalk whether In the thedaytime Ihedaytime thedaytime
daytime or at night If 111 1 am walking along
Broadway leisurely and without lthOlJIhouabtot lthOlJIhouabtotanYlhlne thought Ihoughtofanything of ofanything
anything on earth except el pt that I am pro progressing proreMlolf progreeaiiig ¬
gressing on my Ride and od In an orderly man manner mooerJnel mannerisnd ¬
ner oerJnel jind some passerby twirl a can cane and andhilt andblla andbits
hilt rue In be face Infllctlnr unintention unintentionally ¬
ally an BerereInjury severe InJurylbave Injury 1 have a perfect cause ol olaction oracUon ofactIon
action against him for damages It would wouldnot wouldnot wouldnot
not be bello so < o If 1 should suffer Injury while bile care carelessly carleuly carehasty ¬
hasty walking alkn In the street There every everyone neron everyone
one on travel Ia at t bit peril perilAgain perilAla perilAgain
Again many statute tatul and ordinance ordinancehave ordlaancetlban ordinanceshave
have been passed ed forbidding the obstruc obstruction obottruetlon obstructton ¬
tion of Bide Iidewallr walk and even the leavIng of ofthem orIhem ofthem
them unprotected when excavations have havebeen hayebe havebeen
been be n made by municipalities or Individ Individuals Indlldua iudlvktuals ¬
uals ua Nobody may dig a ditch in the edge edgeof I IOf
of the sidewalk and leave It uncovered at atnlkhi atn atnight
night n Of rhl or even In tha tll daytime as aralnst aralnsta IoL IoLblind
a blind man mnnnwUbout without Itou the tli he risk of Buffering Bufferingprosecution oRerlnlfprosecullon etillerinprosecution
prosecution under und rlbe th criminal crflninailaw law I and andnull an ancult nd nd1IIt
null at t the hands of anybody who ma may be bedamaged bedamued bedamaged
damaged by byrallllll falling Into the bole Indeed Indeedo
110 o careful baa the law been to protect the theIndividual theindlvldu1 theIndividual
Individual and andbl hi his free ue of the aide aidewalk IIld IIldwalka aidewalks
walk that all sorts ort of talule and nd ordi ordinance ordlnaneN ordinance ¬
nance have been en made to prevent mar merchant mrCllanltl marchants ¬
chant and nd tradespoople I rade E Opl from placing
dangerous swinging alvns I nl over the aide aidewalk aidewalks Id Idwlka
walk or boxes and andbalea bale of merchandise merchandiseon mercbandlaeonlhm
on onlhm onlhmWllh them themWith themWith
With these b fact lo mind I must confess con conIhat confessthat
hat II ha b hail seemed to me a prodigious per perversity pernrallY pervarsity ¬
varsity of law I wnd and justice that neither the
District Attorney At meY nor the Ib1 th Corporation Coon Counsel Couaaelot Coonislet ¬
sel islet of this cur cpyst Y at any anrilmewithln time t mwithla within the ret recollection ooUocUon roeolloction ¬
ollection of the be present lII ent generation at least leastha Iuthall leasthas
ha hall ever be been n heard to say y a word on behalf behalfof beh1 beh1or
of lbs lb pedestrian or lo assert the law a me meI
I have been confidently alleging it to be
but to tbe contrary ool11rarIbey they haTe seemed to lotreat tolreat totreat
treat the fb matter as If u a mere clause clau In the theCharier tbeChrlerol theCbarterot
Charier Chrlerol of this city cltynd and some lIoml1cenaeerrnanled lIoml1cenaeerrnanledthereunder license granted grantedthereunder grantedthereunder
thereunder would effectually preclude nolnde a acourt aCOlirt acourt
court Inquiry a as to the lherlrrht right ofnhe legis Ialllalure leglalattice legislature ¬
lattice to o make such a clause or of the Hoard Iloardof
of Aldermen to grant said Id IIceD8The licensesThe licenses licensesThe
The Idea that the III ticket speculator have haveany haveAny haveany
any right to the USA of the sidewalk I Is pre preposterou prepoIIteroua prepoaterous
posterou A Aa ts well believe belle that privilege privilegecould prlvll prlvllcOlild privilegecould
could bi > granted to florist perfumlsls perfumlslssoda
soda 0 water maker and any other con conceivable connlvble conceivable ¬
ceivable person whocaters to tho wishes wishesof bee
of 0 the evening populace to thrust them themselves themselves ¬
selves Iyes Into th the lobbies of the theatres or oroccupy oroccuOY oroccupy
occupy the favorable apace In frontof the tbeaame tb tbme thesame
same me to the exclusion of persons who ho want wantto ant antto
to go to place of amusement unmolested unmolestedA uomol led ledA
A Sl SlDewtlutl
NEW Yon February Februa 11 11snaoTTY nSPll107TY isSPIIOTTY
snaoTTY snaoTTYNome
Nome oine Pussies PunJr of New World Word a and andTheir andlbel andTheir
Their Application ApplicationTo
To TH THe FDtron or 0 THE Bex BUNU Mr Rplg Rplgolty IolrrOilY plg plgour
OilY again Ial I have been putzllng my m brain brainlo
lo decide de lde where your our Panama Bplgotty Bplgottycornea Splaottycorn Spigottycamel
cornea corn from and have so far only decided decidedthat decidedIhat decidedthat
that you and your our misguided correspondent correspondentIsabel correapoodefltlbel
Isabel Oonzatet are equally wrong In your yourgueoies youre yourgueiaes
gueoies e I speak p ak English In Spanish is isHablo IaHablo ii1rablo
Hablo Ingles In lhl not Hablo 1Ibloel el 1 Ingle ao aothst 8 8thllt iothat
that one whole language 14 4 Spanish when whenlearning whenlearuloa whenlearning
learning English would have h no tendency tendencyto teoden J Jto
to say aaypeak speak tbe English The addition additionof
of a Anal a to balL all word I III characteristic characteristicof
of Italians and not of any orpeoplewbo people who speak speakSpanish speak8pa speakSpaIah
Spanish SpanishAs 8pa SpaIahAslzabel h hA
As A Aslzabel Irabel lubelI I Is a name given Iyenln In Spanish BpanlthAmerica 8panlDAmrlca SpanishAmerica
America to men meoDS as well aa women I do not notknow DO DOka noknow
know ka w theaer thetluofyourcorrHpondeilt thesexot of your correspondent but f can canassure canlI8l1re canassure
assure him or her that the lb Mexican a al a arace arace arace
race are inveterate jokers and teases and ahccarry alldcarry andcarry
carry their tbelrloo love for fornlcllnmllll nickname Into their theirown theirownfmiiies belrown
own ownfmiiies families rim Illes To the dignified pollshec pollshecMexican I OlllbedMexican polishedMexican
Mexican sentlemah we are not American Americanbut Amedcenbut
but North Americans m rlcanti To T the populace populacewe
we are gringos trrlnaoand and no Mexican can cantelt cantllou cantell
tell tllou you whyJutt whY Jult II a fipanlaro is a gi gichuplno a acb gachnplno
chuplno cb plno a Frenchman uaually a Barce Baroe10nllO iiar iiarInnhto
lonlto There is nothing offensive In these thesenickname Ut UtnlcknamN thesenicknames
nickname but the German would probably probablyobject ProbablyobJee probablyobject
object to IIthe the Utters of Aleman being belo belotnnlvuu
transposed ss they tbe sometimes are ano to thai
he becomes Anernal AnernalMaybe AnemalMaybe AneiaiMaybe
Maybe aplgottrcome through h tarugo tarugowhich taruaowblcb tartiiowhich
which strictly means a wooden 11 en bung bll or orspigot orpicot orspigot
spigot but colloquially chump DlDn and i Ie
fn In very common use II Anything Anyt 3ne stupid U I or
foolish U generally a Iaruga3a ruaada which Whlchrh whichperhaps
perhaps rh oouldbe could be translated a splgottynesa a vlgottyn lollynllllJa
As A a to grlnao my Mexican friend used usedcommonly u tisedcommonly o ocommonl
commonly to greet ree me with Jth hola gringo gringoand arln arlnand trlngoand
and and i have bevenever never remembered to get ga e angry angryCan
about It ItCan itCan
Can any reader ot ofT Tax B SUM tell me in why bJ
a Mexican child just learning to talk who whowishes whowishes bo bowlllh
wishes wlllh lo tOllay say up tarrlba always mays maysoopah
oopaht plIt Fnxognio CHIIOLU CHISOLUAalillqoToFebruary
WASHINGTON AalillqoToFebruary February FebruaryAa F 12 12Aa isAs
Aa Opera Trovers Loy C Complaints CplalataTODEDrroaoFTRSolf ComplaintsToTUEPi5OOFThtSUItl nplalatiTOTB
TOTB TODEDrroaoFTRSolf Ei > rroaorTi SOH5ir What t patient patientIdiots paUentIdiot patientidiots
Idiots we a granl epera loycra bet W Wo pay pa high highprices ltlrbprice highprices
prices for tbo belt f baft b left sit II behind a post postand poaaDd postand
and see late arrivals apparently get next to the theusher tbelsbtr thevahEr
usher and Dd try to secure ellre better aeat than ours oursA
A singer Is featured programme protrmmMwltb4rw withdraw her lteraame hername hernamebul
name namebul but tbe press pre la not notified tad d the victim victimlose actlai1ltIa vktlmloses
lose 1ltIa hit evealnga anticipated pleasure pleasureAgain pleaunArln pleasureAgain
Again we mall m11aplleadoa application for teat a day d ahead aheadofboxoOlceoptnlag aheadof
ofboxoOlceoptnlag of boa ofrlce o opening and receive tbe wont teals tealsIn MeaIn seatsin
In Ibe house at tile price A dancer U I Mat Matured t4turod featurr4 ¬
ured but bll doesnt dance also no programmes prorrunmeawltboul programmeswithout Programmeswithout
without tips Way WIt cant eo we compel pel the maaage maaagemeat management r rmeat
meat to poet lh the sign Go to 5 tbe lb speculator speculatorand l spistand eOtIl4 eOtIl4aDd
and hotels no good seals 1 on c sal sale htrer htrerHsw hare harei4w
Hsw Yo YoaX x February Fbrlla U I Iflo A VICTIM VICTIMIk V1crurn
Ik Bfryeett BfryeettThe BSyeettThe 671 671TN
The whale gave llyli up UJll Jens iQ
0 1
1 1nt 1ntt1 I
Thoughts Swcestert b by the Prrtldrnti
lateadcd VIsit t te Newark NewarkTo
To TUX JlzED1TOB EDITOR or orTuK THE Buv SUsSir Sir Rom
thftur Uctamon more than a buqdred years ago tu tuolid ti tisolid
solid men of our city eU got Into the habit habitnvltlng e
inviting the President J of the United Btatri Btatrio Bral er erto
to o attend public banquet President Preld nt John Jo
Adams accepted but his visit was wasby mtrrM mtrrMy mlrr
b by > y CItizen Bald BaldwlD win a RepublicanDemocrat RepublicanDemocratwhose
whose Jeffersonian simplicity sense I aeflioended Me wu wuoffended 11 11olreaded
offended by b seeIng Adam AdatMrldrner riding In a adrawn coich
drawn dra by six horses hor a and attended by b bcuard byguard a aguard
guard of troopers all of whom were Fed Federa Feciaral Fedraiits
era aral raiits Is la Clllten Baldwin thereupon twor tworat If Wore Woreat wo woat
at tha President and denounced him himloeler himas ai aiaoeker a aseeker
seeker for fora a crown Brother rotherJ3aldwin J3ald Baldwin In KM KMailed 11 11Jlled wjailed
ailed for this and fined the Republican TtepubllcDemocrats
Democrat paying hi bla fine In the how howmade home homemad h hmade
made horse bead cent issued
by byJey byJeisey N w wJersey
Jersey JerseyThereafter JeyThrearter JeiseyThereafter
Thereafter no President accepted acceptinYitsttoa cceptedInUatioa SB SBnvltatloa
nvltatloa to a public dinner her until Mr MrTaft MrTart MrTaft
Taft Set all northerq New ew Jersey agog by byaccepting b bcoeptln byaccepting
Ibe levitation IDYI tUon of
accepting our Board or o otrade
trade At first our political pollllcalolcDI colons colonsIL MT MTIt ua
It for their opinion that Mr Taft wanted 10 101M tosee o oee
1M ee such an n exhibition of a happy family rlimltYawill t twill
will ul be given Iven at the table when former Sena Senator 8enbr ¬
tar John F Pry Drydennd denand James Smith Jr Jrmd Jraad Jrand
md former Governor Franklin Murphy Mllrphnt MllrphntOorilor tnit tnitGovernor sn snGovernor
Governor Fort alt down together but e eate ef eflate cclate
late the beat Informed opinion 1 II that Prnl Prnldeot Pr Prdfmt Predent
dent Taft baa b accepted the Ih Invitation thit thitlie Iblth ttabe
lie h may on the sacred soil 011 of our Blate Mr Mrword IIYoro Mywords
word oro relative relativoto jo the tb Federal chartering tad tadaurvelllance LDduryelllaoce sn snuryeillancs
aurvelllance of 0 corporations corporationsJudging c corporationsJtid rporUonaJudtlnr
Judging Jtid tng from lromcertaln certain recent expreolnnt expreolnntf expredelunsofopinion llrf lnn lnnC
opinion f upon the thecorporalloniawsof corporation laws of this thisBtatv thlaJUI III IIIStat
JUI Stat It la supposed In tome omeQIIrtelllhst omeQIIrtelllhsttblS quarters that thitbo thattheactawere
tblS theactawere bo acta were re jajted In ipiecentycers recent yean Tee by dint dintof 11l dittOtbe t tortbe
of ortbe tb liberal expenditure u ndltllrfl of brlbru brlb to < t ttaln it itlain r raln
lain legislator t or as following spit spedilplea spitplea I Ipl1II
plea made madto to tbe Legislature by corpora corporaIon lQfPorlion corporalion
lion lawyer A ta matter of fact d dorganic tie Ileorcanla tieorganic
organic principle of the Jersey IIIK for forhe rort I Ithe
t the he e chartering and Stale iteward alewaroelll lili > over oxerlolnt OfrJolot overjoint
joint clock com comptl compantee pan ltl let were wereut set in n being beingy tpIngby > plncb
b by > y Alexander Hamilton inlllcn wh when r > be hedellded hedelldedto derided deridedo
to o establish tabUhthe the Society of Useful Mtim Mtimfacturex MaUllraettllN Maii1fsctthwa
facturex at a PaUraon The Theeorpotalloo corporation hi hiexisted bat batexlll buexiseed
existed exlll e to ibIs Ihladay day Thereafter at IIMM IIMMititll tltn tltnIIntll IinMuntil
until l Utft l43 l severs several changes wire nm mild < l in IntbeMIe litthese
these tbeMIe law In that year farther rirtberthanCM rirtberthanCMwre chantm chantmwere ehanlMwere
were made and and the law so remained until until11I73
1373 and In I Ml 111II a few tit changes were flied madato nudso fliedto
to o bring the thla law up to date dateIn dI dIIn
In essence ersenceh ho corporation Ian I laws of our
Stale are based bltl d Upon good principle prl elDIOo of the thscommon Ihee thecOmmon
common e mmoa law they have worked well ell In Invrarllae Infrartop IiipractIce
practIce and their main nalnIuN feature have b be betsksu a aaken nakn
frartop aken over by llrot 11111 Britain France and andUrranny an anlermany ncl ncllarmaor
Urranny < What has become one on of ht htargent tm tmlargest
argent corporations chartered In New NewJersey Se SerMY NewJersey
Jersey rMY began an a very small Indnplrr Idn fr In ma Ina ina
a business bUllln ruined bv b cutthroat competition competitionfbe IOClI competitionThe IIIIn IIIInCbe
The New Jersey concern paId the h hleht hllbetwa hightwsgee < t twage <
wage wa and made Inadth the best goods roodain In the woill woilland wotdand otl otlnd
and nd vra was ea potMilnr r with all It its working people peopleThe peopleIlmepisni
The Ilmepisni 08 plant was placed in this Stat in order ordero olf1 r
10 o eel the benefit of the Ih liberal Iibersicorpors Iibersicorporsdnii corpora corporation corporatlo1 ¬
tion laws and an ti tle MgcloiMly I8C04clot8lyplllnnPd planned foe fostering fo foterlnw foetarIng ¬
tering care which our bankers have b always slwsriexercised IIIa IIIaexerdlled alwaysexeriised
exercised toward honest and energetic enertetlenianiitdrtilrerti enerullcClIllnulllrturelll energeticmuantit5itiIrers
nianiitdrtilrerti needing accommodation accommodationIn
In order to eliminate cutthroat cutl1ruatlmDl ennipelU ennipelUtlon cnnpetllion tllo tlloIon
Ion the I founder of that Nw sw w Jer Je ray raycern y con concern 1nrn ¬
cern rn brought about by tact a community oommonltrof
of 0 Interest that wax neverintended to b be a amonopoly a10000poly amonopoly l
monopoly and which did Dot become ome omemonopoly a amonopoly1 amonopoly
monopoly I wa was an office boy bo for that thntconcern IbtCDocern thatconcern
concern when It was w v verY > ry mail I bare Met Metx heetIXlntlnuouli bedcontInuous
contInuous x > eervioi with It In a mechanical mechanlcilwar mffhanlt1way
way ever since and have seen It grow until untilts untilits
It its ts trade Is with withsitthe lIhllll all the worldand I have asen asentens e n nten oUnft
ten tens of thoifandi of It its employee bewln bewlnnlng beitnfling Itn ItnDIne
DIne a at Immigrant In dire poverty and sndunable andunablt andunabia
unable lo speak a word or Knsllh Knsllhrite Ensrllthrile EngIlhrise
rite through their energy enerayto to ho hold < t high highplfce bllhplce imighpiece
piece here and all over the tb country cc < 8 good goodcltlren loodeltbu goodcitizens
citizens tit it the men who whogavetheir gave Javeblr iher bH brat bldltrrorta bratefforta > i iefforts
efforts for or these high ends hae been b n for forrears 11ffIN faryesra
rears branded byMr ttoosv Roosevelt lt ana other otheraa othemillelrtofll otheryas
aa maleftctora of great wealth wealthThe wMllhTh weslthThe
The Th concern I write wrll of 0 like a number of ofother ofothera ofOthers
other has hacrecently recently taken out a charier charierIn
In Great Britain ana a net If we we are cr010 to have a Tom TomPool TootFool
Pool 001 Federal law thousands of our corpo corporations corporatlooA corporations ¬
rations will take out foreign charters < and anddo enrldo anddo
do business here under the protection protectionalven protectionalvenunder given givenunder 1 1IInder
under treaties of commerce Mr Tatl will willhear willbear wilthear
hear some om very plain talklne tlkl on this head hea1when headwhen < l lwhen
when he comes to our city cltyAt At At bottom bottommost bottommot bottommoat
most of us are real Democrats I over here hereand hereand henand
and we wewtll will not n notatand ot land for foripuop much raor mOfoiloit rnorefthi4 rnorefthi4business < lf thit thitbusiness Ihl Ihlblilloe
business of converting the Federal Oar Oovernment Olvernment Oareminent >
ernment Into an Instrument tllor of oppression oppressionof o Jrealonot
of business men If our good old poraocrtt poraocrttof moenl moenlor
of days of old Governor JoetParjcert J Par were werealive werealive re relIve
alive there would he somethingdelBgrieht somethingdelBgriehtaway aomlllhld l rlht rlhtaway
away quick on this Federal corfroratlon corfroratlonjedevllment cor eororattoitbedevilment tirattoftbedevUment
bedevilment proposition IIro oaltlon Joelknew > hOlT hoiro hOlTto ho hototake
to totake o take the I be conceit out of o Federal Federsioffenders Federsioffendershabit offsndrri offsndrriigalost ofllIndfflMain
habit at the thejlaeeand peace and dignity dlnItTofN of New Newjersej wJeu wJeuII JerMr
Main lie fe clapped Into jail a lot of bumptious bumptlounFederalofncers bumptiousFederal
Federal Federalofncers 110 I11 II clarpeJ omcen who wl o tried led to carry an armed armedorce 4Imtltrorce armedforce
force orce Upon our soil 01 without Slate per permission pe pemllof permission
mission 0 WiLrnKp WILFltKDPJJ PXARCX i
NEWnx N 1 February FebruartillS 11 i2t1113 11Ains
Derlc flevices < JS N 4eedid < ir < l to AMt AL1Itm Him la AvoldtnC lIIAvoldlnCJansrr AvoldtnCDancer Av ldIng ldIngTo
Dancer JansrrTo DancerTo
To THE IHEEDITOR EDITOR or orTas THB Hex 8C1Sir Sir Ihavt Ihavtread lit litd Ibuvaread
read d the communication lon from 91 H r with withreference withrelerence withreference
reference lo the recent wreck 6flhe 6flheYork 6r r Ihee IheeYork ha > > ew ewYork
York Centrals Twentieth Tw nUelb Century Limited Limitedthe LIJI1ltedIn LInitedml
In the Mohawk Valleyand Vally and the Ihkllllta killing ot otEngineer IIFn ofFngInier
Engineer Fn John Bcnlon and his hi fireman firemanH
H C says that the automatic automitiodevlces device ot otthe ofthe
the railroad company In the running of oftrain oftrains
train are not sufficient eum lent lentIt
11 I true that tbatthectgnai the signal system U ha a great greatmproveujent treatlmprovetent
mproveujent over Ibe lb old method but butettil butettilit still stillt
it t would seem that there Is chance for fur furher further
her safety Consider If you please a atrain atrAIn
train running In the darkness at he rate raleot rateof
ot sixty miles an hoar as It was as Engineer EngineerJcanlons EngineerScalone
Jcanlons custom to run the Twentieth TwentiethCentury TwentiethCentury
Century Limited when of a sudden a signal signalis
is shown Indicating that he must get hi hiengine hie hieingine
engine under control Should the engineer engineerfall
fall lo see the signal the result probably probablywill
will be a wreck Of course a lowermao will willtell w ii iitell
tell you that If tho engineer pastes the dis distance dlilance ¬
lance signal be ought lo see the dancer iiangrrsignal dancersignal
signal which la 3SOO feet from the distance distancesignal distancesignal
signal Yes but with th ii rapidity that the thstrain thetrain
train Is running is It possible for the en engineer enginsor ¬
gineer to have his train under sufficient sufficientcontrol sumcientcontrol
control to cross from one track to another anotheror nol her herpr
or three tracks as the Twentieth Century CenturyLimited
Limited was supposed to do In safely
The instant Engineer Scanlon passed lbs thodistance lbsdistance
distance signal there ought to have b hei heisome n nome
some additional method of warning him himto hintto
to get his train under control The re reaponilbillty rpsponaibiltty
aponilbillty of an engineer Is very great greatand greatand
and every device possible should bo Drought broughtinto DroughtInto
Into play to assist him in running his train trainwith traInwith
with safety It U all very well to say saythat saythat
that an engineer should be on the look lookout ook ookout ¬
out for signals but stop for a moment and andreflect andretlect
reflect what the position of an engineer of ofa ora
a fast train like the Twentieth Century CenturyLimited Centurylimited
Limited requires He ii must be convey conversant conveysani ¬
sant with every part of the mechanism of ofhla ofhis
his engine as well aa the road and he alto altobaa ate atehas
baa the element to contend with In th thevent the theevent
event of hi his paving attention to any par particular parHauler ¬
Hauler part of his engine while travelling travellingolxty travellingsixty
sixty or more mile aa hour he i Is liable to torun torun
run by a signal signalWith signalWith
With the case of Engineer Session It will willnever willnever
never be known why the speed ofhis train trainwas trainwas
was not checked before the crossover was wasreached wasreached
reached I was Intimately acquainted acquaintedwith
with Engineer Bcanlon and I have con convened conSversed ¬
versed with him on the subject of hi his ft ftruaa faatruaa
ruaa with the Twentieth Century Limited Limitedand LImitedaqd
and when I told him that I feared that he hemight hemight
might some time meet with aa accident accidenthe
he said that he did not have any fear of It Itinforming
informing me that hla hi engine wa the he best bestto best bestto
to iu be EQ had ruuii the OB cars carewere were substantially suneuinimiijr built builtthat ouui ouuithat
that every Precaution was taken to guard guardJlf guarOagainst
against accidents Jlf and that whenever he heanything benoticed
noticed anything ti tibelie about the working of f hi hior hti htiengine
engine or the car that ws not a as it should shouldnmedlatejy shouldbe
belie be tie immediately stopped hitr his train la laaccidents
He wa aa expert engineer nglneerind and he told tolame toldme
me that tlia he always took every precaution precautionwkn71h preauttOflwilsil
wkn71h wilsil there T wa any IfabriHs of danger
I believe that the snowstorm reventp reventei reventeilngtneer
Engineer Scsnlon from seeing th stroLl stroLlthe lzi > tl tlIbe
the window of hi cab no doubt having been beenpartially beenpartially
partially covered with snow Amumlng AssuminIbIs
IbIs to be true what blessing a It would wouldhave weulhave
have been If there had b ben > en tome tort of ofan ofart
an emergency signal for Bcaaloti to bare barerelied haverelied
relied on aa suggested by n C
AMST AtiayasoAet BPm ebruary 13 M 5 D DBeaota Daesn
Beaota aesn HJBB ResiphIlls Hls Icecser IcecserFrom ecesser ecesserFran
Fran DM IS Columbia attn attnRobert 51stRobert
Robert Laifcan bad Us first newspaper training tialnlnfon
on the tlaff stattot of U the > StoU vlst aa secretary for two years ystnto
to Its late editor N O Gonzales to the rule of ofraining ofItsinlag
raining I is reversed lit Console having been beenfor beenfor
for year before the ettabHahmeat ot the 3 51111 51111a > i ia < >
a member ot the alaS ot the Nft res and Curter CeurUrLater CurterlAter
Later Mr Lataan was a court stenographer sttaoirspaerduring stenographerduring
during which he acquired a valuable acquaint acquaintenoe
I mace with men and aftalra la South CarolWa For Fornearly ForI
I nearly four year he h Da has served the fitvtani fitvtaniCevTtor IVWIadI
I CevTtor during which lie ba his beta State b hews hewseditor wi wieditor
editor aa sail < latterly city editor wtb tk the a4il a4iltlonal eddltianal
tlonal duties of managing Miter MiterH
I H I retarded among detitt C Ceselna eto etoBaser sews sewsI
I Baser tsv men M a > mesa e et axeaUeat balute aad aadterHa 34 34I
I iterlag terHa prlaetel tsusof hIs ° n nI
I ambscta of publIc power sad ad fcer sg > beews ev iat a we
I asS Cou5ii will prseg e4ghf e4ghfI
I 4s wk ho ittil Sse Rihedti epqg ofn

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