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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, February 15, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-02-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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t 4 TVZLZYZ3wcL1IT TrJ K17Aft 11r1 11r1rarlly isiie isiieI isiiec1ttte
rarlly c1oudytoday rain orsnowt mor morrowfollowed
rowfollowed by muchtder mod moderate
erate southerly winds windsrOLe
c1ttte c1ttteVOL
= = I
VOL LXXVIINO 168 NEW YORK TUESDAY FEBRUARY 15 i 5 1910 1610co 191OCovriht mo 611 v LA Ae a 8v 3in Priftft Gftd PUWM Publ hni Auoclotio PRICE TWO CENTS t
tI ItIIIll f Kit AX A + n UAitnoK UAitnoKihrn DILl DILlThtn
ihrn 1 hn Switch Ichrs to te Subject o opalCr f News Newspaper Nt Ntplltr ¬
paper Abuse of Him and Defence of ofihc orIhe ctItle
ihc Home Uon e Rolf Ro1rlUaJorlt Majority Mutt Have Havethe lIavethl
the h Machinery to Transact TransactWASIUVOTOV nusllifll nusllifllWSIIISOTOS Uu3hsgW1floTO
WASIUVOTOV Feb Febl8peakerCannoll Febl8peakerCannollHrpp1 14 14Speaker Speaker Cannon Cannontepped Cann n nIteppeL
tepped down from histhrone his Ihrone today todayand todayanddeliered todayanddelivered and anddelivered
delivered a speech sp h from the floor of the the1I0uee thejQuee
4 House Uncle Joe started out to In Indorse Inlon8 IndoTb ¬
dorse the th river and harbor bill which whichAII
WM AII up U for consideration before the theHouiw theHoie heHou
Houiw Hou in committee of the whole but he hetoon heoon heeorn
toon oon switched to the subject of news newspaper newspaprr newepaper ¬
paper abuse and the rule of the House HouseTo
To tee CE the Speaker defending the rules rulesfrom rlileefrom rukefrom
from the floor was a sight that cheered cheeredthe ch red redthe
the hearts of the insurgents They took tookth tookthe
th the Speakers words as a the be beet t evidence evidencethat
that he h is worried over the th campaign campaignMIQR
Mini waged against him especially the theulk thellk thetLIk
ulk llk of an enlargement of the Rules Com Committee Commiltft Cornmittee ¬
mittee from five to eleven members It Ita ItU Itvu
vu a U the first time in the present session sessionthat 1I88lonthat ecreionthai
that he has spoken from the floor floorThe floorThe loorThe
The Speaker fi 3ker Iud handed his give g gveI nl to toKepresentitlve tojepn tojepreeentttive
Kepresentitlve jepn > 6ent3t1ve Dclzell of Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniatnd
tnd nd bad sauntered over to the Republican Republicanide
id ide ot the th chamber lie was listening listeningto
to the rather desultory debate when whensuddenly whenuddenly whenudden1y
suddenly the spirit seemed to move him himrnd himrnd himmd
rnd up u he jumped Here is what wb tth tthipt the theSpeaker thepeker
Speaker ipt < ker had to ssy about the rule of the themajority themajority themajority
majority in the House HouseIn
In the great mrss of business tltst la larevered IalOferro isCOVCtd
revered by 30000 bills pending before the thevarious thevarious thevarious
various committees no man ever lived livedho livedwho livedwho
who ho could exhaust all of them We Weiiu We1IIJit Weftt
1IIJit > iiu > t follow the committee No Con ConHires Congrwe on onK
Hires K will ever exist that thatean can ever evercon8ldlr consider considerall
all Ii of the 30000 bills unless God in HIS HLainfinite iliaiallnlte HIStthnlte
infinite mercy lengthens the hours of the theday they theA7
day A7 y and the dcys of the Ulei yenr r It Is I I for forus
us U while hilI we occupy temporarily the pieces piecesthat plLceIhAt placesthat
that we do occupy to preserve the ma machinery milbluery machtnery ¬
chinery by which a majority m jorlty can transact transactthe
the public business bUll inNS rjid to preserve it itlooking Itlooking Itlooking
looking into the faces of the gentlemen gentlemeni
i t0 < n the other side so that when hn the wis wisdom wisdom wisdom ¬
dom of the American n people pnd the thefaror thefAvor theisyor
fAvor of God may give perchance in the thefulness thefulnl8l1 thefuhesa
fulness of years a majority to totbem them they theywill theywill theytiil
will have the rules and the order of pro protidure proure prouture
tidure ure the product of the experience u rlence of of1M orLO
1M yean yea unhampered unhamperedThiu
Thus they may run the buslne < ljll of this thillI
I House and glorify In the conideration considerationof
of oftbe th river and harbor bill and all other otherbill otherbUll otherbUM
bill for the advantage not of men of ofihur 01rheir ofiher
ihur organization or anl t1on alone but for all the thetOOOOOOO theiOOOOOOO theioco000
tOOOOOOO of people pe > oplEl And while we e seem seemngly sPemngly eeemngly
ngly Arnt rnt and fret declaim and are inter interitwed InteriewM interjewed
itwed constantly in the tb public prints printsnotwithstanding printanotltbstandlngall printswtwithatandlng
notwithstanding all that the th people of the thednittd theUn1t thetlntte4
dnittd Un1t States tatea will hold responsible from fromtune fromlime fromtime
tune to time the party in power for logic logislathe legislathe logiclat1e
lathe results and unless that party has hasth huthe hasthe
th the machinery and the procedure procedurtonchlle to toachieve tonchleve
achieve those results they will not have havefull havetull harefull
full power although they may t he > e in the themajority thlnajorlty thenjorIty
majority majorityI
I expect oxpectthat that we will continue to re receive r6ctie receiTe ¬
ceive all kinds of f correct correctlnfonnat1on information and andfated Rndftked andfated
fated Information that is fished for here hereI hereand
I and there in order that our great metro metropolitan metrDP metroplitanjournalS ¬
politan P plitanjournalS < litan journals at least Ieaetsome some of them themmay themmay themmay
may continue to make their papers pII 1II from fromday fromby tro tro1iy
day to day like the Yankee made his hisaion hisUlrB hisa7ors
aion to sell Laughter But I de deire deire dosire
sire ire to say to gentlemen ge itlemen on this side of the theIfoufe tbeJ theIOUFC
Ifoufe J UFI and to gentlemen on n that side of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the House that out of the two great organi organisations organlAlloM organistlcni ¬
sations the minority from time to time timeputting timeptlttinR timeputting
putting the th majority on its good behavior behaviorpnd
pnd nd seeking to become the majority will willi willcm willcTn
i erne correct legislation and correct correctpproprlatlons correctpproprilltlon correctppropriatlons
pproprlatlons and if we lose sight of our ourimportance ourImportance ourimportance
importance and of our own position for forthe forthe forthe
the time being there will 111 come In our ourplaces ourplaCtd ourpkLcei
places better and wiser men who will not notFight notInee notlme
Inee < Fight of the necessity Where reIponslblllty reponalhllity re reiponslhillty
iponslhillty rents there tberemWt must be power for forlhe forhe forthe
the majority to move on onCannons onCannon onCannons
Cannons reference to the possibility possibilitym
m n the remote future of a Democratic DemocraticHouse DemoolatloHouee DemocraticHotue
House was greeted with laughter but It Itm ItIII Ite
m e likely that the Bpeaker Intended this thisM
M a delicate hint of what might mlc t be In Inttorn instorn Inetore
ttorn for the Republican party if the thebickerings tbebiokerlngs thebickerings
bickerings and controversies within the theparty therarty therrty
party continue Thcro is no doubt that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the Speaker Is more exercised at this time timethan timeUum timethan
than he nan ever been before over the pos possibility peelibllity poeibility ¬
sibility of the BUCCCM of the movement movementagalrwt movementagallUlt movementagainst
against him He has spent a lot of time timerecently timer timerecently
recently r ntly on the floor of the House hob hobnobbing hobcnbblnR bobnobbing ¬
nobbing with and buttonholing the mem members membera mernbern ¬
bern and his obvious desire to be agreeable
ti bu excited Ixcit a good deal of comment commentBefore oommentfore commentBefore
Before fore he referred to the th rule of the themajority thoI1jorlty themajority
majority In the House the Speaker bad hadturned badturned badturned
turned his mind back to t the time when be berotM heTO lievoted
voted TO for the oreationof the tb Mississippi
River Commission C < He said that he bad badO
to O meet the opposition oppolJltlonthen then of great papers papersin papeaChtcago
in Chicago and justify his vote to toanagri toanagriiltural an agri agricultural gri grilltural ¬
cultural district districtBut dlltrlctJt
But Jt I thanked God then as I thank thankGod thankGOO thankGod
God now said the Speaker that that thatit thatlorutltulJncy thMCOfltituny
it lorutltulJncy > ostltu ncy had the breadth and intelli intelligence IntelUlen Intofiltenee ¬
gence len and the patriotism to stand by me methe meat m mtthe
at the polls pollsThe poUaThe poUiThe
The Speaker said that ththe he had gathered gatheredtough ptheredfMugh gatheredenough
tough kindergarten Instruction on his hisrecent hi hirPJCjnt hisrecent
recent trip down the Mississippi 1IJa 1aalppi River to toi
i reel I justified for his former vote and also alsoto
to Justify hla voting for and supporting
the on present river and harbor bill as a amember a1TI11D amenb
member 1TI11D menb r of Congress Congresshave
oW S have ninety Dety million people in this thiscountry tblcountry thisCoufltjy
country now no nowa said the Speaker When
fully populated fJ < and developed we will
hare five tI hundred millions Already we weve
Me ve almost onehalt of the railroad railroadmlleaffe railroadmlJa railroadmileaRe
mlleaffe mlJa e of the earth carrying onethird onethirdthe
ot r the th Products of the civilized world worldk
hack k and forth to market Long before beforeth
th the fhp vp hundred million people are here hereI
I we 1 are re to depend alone on transporta transportation ¬
tion by rmi we w will H have to multiply the therallrourl theralJtond theTaiIroLfj
rallrourl mileage by two by three and andeven andpvpn id ideven
even hy fonr fonrI
I do d not care theSpeaker added a
nttln laier about airing grievances about aboutWfpniHr aboutnw aboutfl0WPfltsr
WfpniHr nw pnlr and magazine attacks It Is
their th l privilege I recpllect that on the theret tberpnnt therecit
ret rpnnt it trip down the Mississippi Mfsa1 elppl a great greatiterpriHiaK greatnlfrpri greatflterprIMing
iterpriHiaK nlfrpri inK metropolitan paper Issued
daily with the aid of the local publishers publlaheraalII publishersalong
alII along I < w > K tho th way ay a paper When I turned turnedwound turD turnedirounl d dArounl
wound to come back from New Orleans Orl Orleans1mm aD8
from frol tho criticisms that I bad received receivedid
Anl id that others had
many received not notlanded
landed upoo uponoorrect correct Information but butMlKlouMly butnllkloUJ4Iy butnthCIOUMIy
MlKlouMly false It made me wonder wonderI wonderhthr I
h hthr h r I was afoot or on horseback bor eback
bether I was wsalor j 1 or somebody els elM elMI
About fM H seeoe eoe 86 Bonn Hate Come Earn EarnKKK I EachEgg h hCC
KKK CC Coated With ItI Paraffin ParaffinFor Paramn ParamnFor PsramnFor
For the first time In flve years European Europeaneggs
eggs are now being imported Into this thiscountry thiscountr thisoountr
country countr The foreign eggs began to toarrive torrlv toarrive
arrive rrlv iravoral ll yural daB ago CO and are still stillcoming 111111coming stillcoming
coming They Tbeyare are all shipped 8blp d by brokers brokersfrom brokerllfroln brokersFrotn
from Hull England but were gathered gatheredoriginally gatheredorlclnally gatheredoriginally
originally from Austria France and andGermany andG andGermany
Germany GermanyUp G rmILDY rmILDYUp
Up to yesterday the total receipts pf pfthe ofthe t tthe
the foreign eggs Egs amounted to 900 cases casesholding caM8holding casesholding
holding Upward of 80000 dozen dozenAll dozenAll dozenAll
All the foreign egg are coated on the theoutside tbeoutalde theoutside
outside of the shell with a secret com compound compound cornpound ¬
pound of paramn to preserve Ihetm IhetmThe tlemThe IeinThe
The coating Is almost transparent but butit butIt butIt
it Is ao noticeable that foreign eggs may
be readily distinguished by its presence presencefrom prtlencefrom presencefrom
from the domestic dOlD lltio The coating la I not notremoved notremove notremoved
removed remove J1IO BO that the public lu buying the theegga thl4lgga theeggs
eggs in the grocery stores will know if ifit IrIt ifit
it is getting foreign or domestic products productsArrangements productArran productsiirrangements
Arrangements Arran ment for the movement of ofEuropean ofEuropean ofEuropean
European eggs to Now X6 ew York wore begun begunseveral begunlIevlral begunseveral
several weeks ago when tlie II fresh fre h gathered gatheredeggtt
eggs eg were bringing So cl cents a dozen tat latwholesale tatwbolMale tatwholesale
wholesale In this city and even utorage utorageeggs IItorageegEs istorageegge
eggs were up to 28 2 or 29 a cents Since Sincethen Sincethen Sincethen
then prices hare ha been steadily teadit declin declining declinIng declinIng ¬
ing and yenterday the he finest fresh gathered gatheredKg
eggs Kg were quoted at 73 8 to 28JS 28 cent at atwholesale atwboleU1le atwholeealt
wholesale while the first grade < < rade of eggs eggsin egglin eggin
in warehouse could be bought at litto 2 2to 2to
to 23 cents centsThe centsThe enteThe
The foreign eggs are bold at wholesale wholesalefor wholpl > le lefor
for Irom 33 to 34 2 4 cent The duty on the theforeign th thforeign theforeign
foreign eggs in I five cent a dozen and andthe audthe andthe
the shipping charge about four cent centa LentllA
a dozen The denier dealerssay nay hut t the Lon London Iondon Loudon ¬
don and other European markets are areflooded at atftooded areflooded
flooded with eggs and the extremely extremellow
low prices abroad enable the shippers Mhippemto
to pay Pll the nine cent for duty and freight freightand rrelllhtand freightand
and make a profit In New York even evenat flVlmat evetiat
at the prices now prevailing here hereDealers hereDeale hereDealers
Dealers who are handling the European Europeaneggs
eggs liar ay that the foreign preserving preservingproceHa pretlervlnlplOCeM preservingprocess
process maintain a fresher flavor than thanin th n niB
in i obtained by the American plan of ofkeeping ofkeeping ofkeeping
keeping the th eggs in ice iceIIOHS 100Ims icelIOJS
IIOHS I I P TO TOPork TOPork 0 0Pork
Pork on Itic floor Costs o ts More Than Slnrr SlnrrINX IlnrtUI SItcitMnt
INX UI tMnt it Mar la Co t Niftier NiftierCiiictno hIgherCtiicrt
Ciiictno 111 Feb eb 14 Hlrk lVrk on the hoof hoofreached boofrtftchtd boorreached
reached the highest price since I 1S IBS M to today today today ¬
day when hogs Bold for S920 90 a 1 huiutfvd huiutfvdpound hUlutftodpound hundfedpound
pound an advance of 40 cents above the theprices theprlOl theprices
prices of a week ago The Th ruHerx < made madea
a determined effort to hold price prl < tcIO down downhut downhilt downbut
hut receipts of 4CftjO proved Inadequate Inadequateto
to supply the demand and when liuyora liuyorafor huyrlor
for shipments < bean the bidding Iliddln nr ntntA atcents 1 1cent
cent ntA above notations the tb prio pri > jumped jumpedrapidly jumpedrapidly jumpedrapidly
rapidly rapidlylrevnt rapidlyJreCnt rapidlyIreent
lrevnt price Jlri are 11 I > cents nlH under the theprice theIlrlrellof theiricee
price Ilrlrellof of IW2 I ISs hut thf they h > v nrt > more than S Vl Vla I Ia
a hundredweight hundre < htlaoht hlphrr than prices prlClfIyear r ryear ryear
year ago Iackers and men who studied studiedthe studiedthe tlldi4dthe
the market said today that there Will wnnlittle Willlittle wuelittle
little likelihood o qI prices reading greatly greatlyIn
In the near future an there was W I no indica indication indirnlion indication ¬
tion of heavy hell y shipments shipmentsVO
VO Il HACK tSSlE FOR fOItSenate 1 1IS4 1IS4Senate lIt lItSenate
Senate Passe 1tS lAW Forhlrtrllns Recoy Recoynltlon R RceEnitlon t tnltlon
nltlon of Rare Tickets In Klerflnns KlerflnnsSptrtal ElcfinnSpeciS leMl nll nllSPU4t
Sptrtal Ctifttt c Dttimleti Dp < ltcll If I Tn Tax > SVH SVHHAVANA 5t1JfHAVANA ScitHAvANA
HAVANA Feb b 14 HThe The Cuban Senate Sonatet
t I I lit ti af alernoon ernoon approved approe < 1 the Moran amend amendment amendment amendmont ¬
ment to the election law after a 1 slight slightchange llghtchange lIlthchange
change in the verbiage verbiageIt
It excludes the recognition of any anyticket Rnyticket anyticket
ticket based on rare ra distinction dilltinctionSU
51 ir hI FiAifKirvrv nitonnit nitonnitnix Duo ImOIlnhr ii tp tpBig
nix Vave a > r Capsized Their I nor Dory or > Of U f Ills IhfNe1 Illse he heeA
Ne1 eA e Jersey J5 Jers Coast CoastATLANTIC roaltATLAKTIC cast castATLaNTIc
ATLANTIC CITY N J L Feb14 Feb HCau 14Caught 14Caughtby Caught Caughtby ht htby
by a towering tow rlng wave that capsized their theirdory theirdory theIrdory
dory while they were hauling in a trawl trawlon
on tho codflshlng banks twelve mile off offthis orrthll offthis
this city late today Oscar OtC r Weterland Weterlandand
and William Leordeon fishermen n of this thiscity thlllcity thiscity
city were wlre drowned in sight of the smack smackIrene IImackIrene smackIrene
Irene on which Capt Charles Aepin Aepinbaugh A8pinbaugh Aspinbaugh
baugh was trying to reach them A Asearch Asearch Asearch
search of several hours failed to find the thebodies thebodIe thebodies
bodies of the men It Is believed that thatthey thattbey thatthey
they were dragged down by their heavy heavyboots heavybO heavyboots
boots bO > ts and clothing Both the drowned drownedmen
men were Swedes and Leordeon had a awife awife awife
wife and family famll In Sweden SwedenThe SwedenThe I
The Th two men had been out from the theIrene theIreno theIrene
Irene and were finishing their work ork at atthe atthe atthe
the trawls when the big wave tossed their theirdory theirdory theirdory
dory high in the air and dropped it bottom bottomup
up in the sea Capt Aspinbaugb who whowaa whowaa whowas
waa alone on the deck of the smack had hadbeen badbn hadbeen
been bn watching wathln the men and saw IW the boat boatcapsized boatcpiz boatcapsized
capsized cpiz He had h trouble starting his histpglne hiscne hisgIoo
tpglne gIoo and both men were gone gne when he hedrove hedrve hedinve
drove drve cne his smack ak to the place pla where the theoverturned tbeovertued theoverturned
overturned overtued dory was wa drifting driftingNew drllng drllngNe driftingNews
New Ne of the drowning drownng was wa signalled sigled to toother t toother
other othe boats bts of the cod c fleet fot and a they re returned retue returned ¬
turned tue tonight tonght with wit flags 1g at half hai most mostCOfflfERS mlt mltCONNERS mastCONNEIfS
No Idea Ide of Resigning RNpl as State Chairman ChairmanRfcjrphy Chairmanurphy
Cialnan Cialnany
Rfcjrphy y HUH MUl Collecting CoUecul Nainei NaineiCharles Nal e e eCharles
Charles Crl F Murphy uhy leader leer of Tammany Tammanyhas TlmmaybentJoA
has bentJoA sent John A Mason fnclek clerk of oUb the Demo Democratic VmD VmDoti Democratlo ¬
cratic oti State Stte Committee Cmitt through throug the theMohawk tbeMoawk theMohawk
Mohawk Moawk Valloy to get gt signatures Ilgtue of State Stateoomroltteemen Stte SttecmItmen Statecommitteemen
committeemen cmItmen to oust OWt Chairman Ci William WilliamJ Wllm WllmJ
J Connors Ce Mr fr Mason Mnw was in Syracuse SyracuseUtlea Syou SyracuseUtica
Utica Ut and ad Albany Albny yesterday yry and expects expectsto ex
to visit vl Troy Tr today toy Mr Murphys Murphysfriends Mubys Mubysfriend Murphysfriends
friends friend said a yesterday 7Mtry that they theybad bad b ten tenupState te tenupState
upState upHtt committeemen and twentyone twentyoneoommitteemen tentyn twentyoneoommlttemen
oommitteemen ottme from Nw York city ciy a atotal at atotal
total t of o thirtyone trye with wit which hleb to unseat unseatConners UMt UMtC unseatCcnners
Conners C within wthin the t next two weeks weeksChairman wek wekCir weeksChaIrman
Chairman Cir Conners Conen i i still It I at Palm PalmBeach PalmBh PalmBeAch
Bh Beach He sent snt telegrams tlegrams to t New Ne ew York Yorkcity Yorkot Yorkcity
city ot committeemen cmmittmen yesterday yeltray saying sayingthat sayingthat
that Mr H Murphy Muy and others were we syng syngthat circu circulating cir circulating ¬
lating lting a report rpor that tht he would wou resign rign as asState 8 asState
State Btte chairman cr and not face fa a battle battlefor batte batteror battlefor
for the place pl Mr Conneres Cnns telegrams telegramssaid telegs telegsd
said d that ha h would not resign but that thathe tht ththe thathe
he would wud be b on hand hd at the meeting metng when whencalled whencled whencalled
called cled and atd he predicted pic a Uvely time timeRIG timeBI timeRIG
Coqld CGd He Seen by b Immigrants Ilrfore IlrforeUbertr Jetore JetoreLbet hleforeLiberty
Liberty Lbet Begins Betnl to Enlighten YIEhtrn Them ThemMoMTCtaiB ThlmMONIR ThemMOftCtIB
MoMTCtaiB MONIR N J Feb 14 IPtrloto IPtrlotooplztl 14PatriotIc 14PatriotIcorganizations Patriotic Patrioticorganizations
organizations oplztl hereabout herebut are Interested Interestedin Itrest
in I the proposition pro fl to fly fy a large American Americanflag Americ Americanflag
flag fg from the summit of Eagle Egle Rock Rk in inthe I inthe
the Eagle Egle Rook Rk Park adjoining thin thl town townIt townI
It I is I proposed to tofly fly fy the tle flag ng from u steel steelpole IIt IItple stee steepole
pole ple 900 S prop feet fet in I height h < The Essex Eex County CountyPark Cunty CuntyPark CountyPark
Park Commissions Cmmllos consent connt will wi have hve to tobo t tobe
out bo b procured prr before the plan pl can c bo 0 carried carriedout cre carriedout
outThe The Te flag when whe flown fown from a tall tl pole poleon poleo
on o the lofty lfy Eoffl El hock Rk could cuid be seen by byah byships
ah ships I Ip pa entering enter the te view New York harbor hbor and andIt
It 1s I asserted Mer would wouldoome come into Ito the view orImlgt ciimmlgrnta or orimmlgmnts
immlgmnts Imlgt before Dfom oven the Statue Sltuo of ofLiberty ofLberY ofUberty
Liberty LberY was sighted It IK I planned p ed to todedicate todlc tododicats
dedicate dlc the t flag 0 fIgt with wth elaborate elaborte ceremony ceremonyen cremony cremonye
en tfc the Fourth of Jny
e 1 11b
Senator and Ills 111 Attorney Atore Journey Joume to toAuburn toAnbor toAuburn
Auburn Anbor and Mubptrna Milblllna a Hotel lotel Clerk Clerkfhanlcr CIrkrhanlrr Clerkhanler
fhanlcr Introduces Introncf a Resolution Reoluton Call CallItiK canInK Calllug
InK for sn n AMrinltly A slbl In Imrlltl InesIgatIon InesIgatIonAuBURN > estlK tlon tlonAUBURN ton tonAUBURN
AUBURN Feb 14 HSeuator 1 Senator Conger CongerAttorney CongprAttorney CongerAttorney
Attorney C M tl Stoddard and other mem members member mornbets ¬
bets of the Conger party prty arrived here herethis her herethis
this afternoon and utilized utlz a few minute minutebetween mlnut minutesbetween
between betwlD trains to subposna IIU1p1 Clerk Patrick PatrickH
H Flynn Flyn of the tle Osborne House louse He Hewill Je Jewill Hewill
will leave tonight tonight for Albany with the thohotel tb tbhotel thehotel
hotel register reglstr containing the autographs autographsof autgph
of Bonn neln Conger nger and H a Moe under underdut underdllt underdate
date of April 23 s 1901 191 proving that tlt they theyspent theylpnt theyspent
spent lpnt here the th night nigt of the day IIY of the theexpedition te teeXI theexpedition
expedition eXI > llon to Albany Clerk Flynn 11yn will willidentify wi willIdentify
identify Idlntly them an al the IIlf men nn who paid him himtheir 11m 11mthtlr hImtheir
their thtlr bill hi the tht next lext morning moring us 11 he reas reassigned rts rtslgne reassigned ¬
signed lgne their room No 18 II 1 to a 1 theatrical theatricaltroupe thPtrlml thPtrlmltroull theutrknltroupe
troupe troupeWhut troull troupeVliut
Whut Whlt do tb you Oii think of the Hilghen lu heK Idea Ideato 111M10cltn
to 10cltn clean lu hOlent Iittll4C > UMnt at Albany AlhanynutorCIIflr AlhanynutorCIIflrwas Alba ny Sena Senator tor Conger Congerwas
was asked askedAll ased asedA11 askedAll
All that tult I know In I what 1 read In II the thepapers theperl thepepers
papers perl he nald tld but I certainly ctrtln1y think It Itwould Itwould Itwould
would be a 1 very el good ood thing I never had hadany hld hldan hadany
any an idea Idla mywlf IYHUtoltrt myselftostart to start this thlslnVtgat Investigation invtwtlgatiunbut n nbut
but a Xnw ew York York paper came out with an anutterly 11 11utlrly auutterly
utterly utlrly untrue untrul story Then Thll Jo AlldM AlldMon A ld ldOi
on Oi the tht floor foor of the Senate Mnlte called c3led me le u uliar I Ilar aliar
liar lar so 81 what elite IIE could I do Well 11 1 1have Ihave 1have
have got them th1 all ul shaking llklni now Here in inomethlng II IIomthlug Isomnstliiuig
omethlng that will 11 clinch cinoh my story storyald storytld storysaid
said tld he tapping his hil pocket and then thln taking takingout
out a check chlk book Here is I the original originalcheck orllnul orllnulohlck originalcheck
check ohlck book with th the < stub that how Iho Ihoht showahfl howwhat
what ht each check chek was drawn dfWI for or I as asmy almy aslay
my brother blother Franks frmls executor tXIutOI went wentthrough wntthrough wentthrough
through his hi pa pl papers n yesterday ytfray and nd located locatedIt 10clf
It Here Hel read rd for yourself said 8dd h hoffering he heolrln heoffering
offering olrln the thl hook The stub Indicated Indicatedread Indllltdrfd indicatedread
read readNew rfd
New ew York ork draft drlt MOOO 0 cash Wil iOO OO H HO I HG
G Moe Mot Thn was as the thesigniflcantmemo thesigniflcantmemorundumii significant lgnlflcnmemo lgnlflcnmemorlndul memo memorandum ¬
randum rlndul Albany AlhUY matter nUter with the theindorsement theIndn theindnniernent
indorsement Indn < fm nt Bridge Urld Company COnpny and nil th thtotal the thetotl thetotal
total totl MOOO IO marked underneath undrnfth The Thedite fhl ruedate
date of the thl still Itu was April Apri 231001 231001I 2 22 191 191I 190
I consider conldlr that the th heat find of the week weekfor wek wekfor weekfor
for It is I going oln to clear up a great gret many manypoints nllny nllnyplnt manypolnts
points plnt said Ild the Senator Sntor as ni he tuoked it itaway I itaway
away awayI
I have also alt found the Syracuse Syrlcwe paying payingtoller p1ylng p1ylngtler payingtIler
toller tler of the bank bnk where Mr Moe Io got got the thecaxh th thCRih thecash
cash CRih The man rsn remembers rpmember the thf matter mattervery mater materer mattervery
very er distinctly dlstnoty and will wlld Identify nuy Mr Ir Moe MoeI Ma
I cant CIt give you his hif name naml but 1 have him himaubpwnned himluhp111ed himN1iiXeItcd
aubpwnned luhp111ed and be will 1 be In Albany AlblY to tomorrow tolorrow toiuorrow ¬
morrow lorrow Of course cour e you know about tho thoOsborne tho08borne theOsborne
Osborne House 10ut find fd In Auburn That Tht also nlsocorroborates 811 811corrobort alsocorroborates
corroborates corrobort Moes fos story Iwr The clerk will willgo i ill illgo
go to Albany Albny tonight togh with the register registerand rgltr rgltrand
and will wi prove that tht Mr M Moe Ma and I were werein weNIn werein
in Auburn on the he night of April Apr123 231901on 231901onour 23 ID1Qn ID1Qnouay 1901ofl 1901oflourway
our ouay ourway way back bck from Albany AlbanyWhen Abny AbnyWhen AlbanyWhen
When > suggested that the theSenator theSenator
some one IUg < Nt tht thl thl8ntor
Senator 8ntor might miss mi his hil Syracuse SyraoUf train trainhe tlin tlinhe trainhe
he said saidNever MidNever saidNever
Never mind boys we are arf not due duent duentAlbany dunt duntAlbany nt ntAlbany
Albany until unt 11 1 oclock oclok tomorrow tmorro morn mornIng mornIng morntog
Ing and will wi be there to keep them slink shaking lhk lhkIng slinkIng ¬
ALBANY Fob tih 14 Lewis Stuyvmaiil StuyvmaiilChinler StuyvAntCbller StuyvsanLChnler
Chinler Cbller who is I now nn tn Assembly Assemblyman A embly emblymm ¬
man from frm Dutches county offered orlred a aresolution I Irllulon aresolution
resolution rllulon in th the Assembly II mbly tonight tonightfor
for a complete investigation inve gRton of all allthe al allthe
the allegation alegaton of bribery connecting connectingthe connectng connectngthe
the Assemblies mbl of 1001 1B02 11 and JI 1003 1903brought 1003brought
brought brougt out by the trial trial of Senator Snator Jotham JothamP Joth m mP
P Allds AlldsMr AlldeMr lds ldsIr
Mr Ir Chanlern Chanlol resolution Jollton was the first firstofficial Ift Iftofcal tstomcial
official ofcal notice nolo tho Assembly had hd of the theAlldsConger tbeAldllCon theAlldsConger
AlldsConger AldllCon er controversy Frequently Frequentlyduring Fuenty Fuentyduring Frequentlyduring
during the trial of Senator Sntor Allds AId8 there therehave there therehave therehave
have been ben report repor that members mfmbera of tho thoAssembly tboAlmbly thoAssembly
Assembly other than Mr Allds AldR received receivedmoney rolved rolvedmony receivedmoney
money mony to kill kf bills blR U nical to highway highwayand higway higwayand
and other legislation leglatioLl On the stand ntandlast fttandlut standlast
last week wek It won Wi admitted admite by Senator SenatorCongers Snatr SnatrCn SenatorCongors
Congers Cn erl counsel cunsel that In 1003 19 the tle bridge bridgeInterests hrldgainteresU bridgelnteresV
interesU Interests met in Syracuse Syrcuse and ad contributed contributedto contribute
to a legislative corruption corpton fund fundMr flmdMr fundMr
Mr Chanters CnlerR resolution roluton caught cucht the theAssembly tbeAsmbly theAssembly
Assembly somewhat by surprise surrl and al although although l lthough ¬
though Mr Chanter Cnler argued arged that tht it was wasa Wl8 Wl8a
a privileged privieged resolution r olutlon on which he bar barthe hal bathtime
the right to t talk Speaker Spker Wadsworth Wadsworthinsisted W Wadsworthinsisted dsworthln
insisted ln l8ted that tht under the rules rulel the reso resolution r resolution ¬
lution would have to go over until unt next nextMonday next nextMonday
Monday Mondy night Mr Chanter Clnle drew dre tHe tHeresolution tte tterelluton tileresolution
resolution relluton without consulting the Demo Democratic Dmo Dmocto Democratlo ¬
cratic cto leader or any anyon one in the th Legislature LegislatureGov Lgslture LgsltureGov
Gov Hughes luge and Speaker Spker Wadsworth Wadsworthhad Waworh Waworhhd
had hd a long log conference conferenc at the Execu Executive Fde Executlve ¬
tive tve Chamber Cmbr today toy It I is understood understoodtho Udersto
tho AlldsConger AldllCngr trial trl was Wi discussed discussedAfter dlsC discussedAfter
After the conference cerenc neither nlthor the Governor Governornor Goveor Goveornor
nor the Speaker Spke would give gve any Iny Indica Indication idica idicaton indleation ¬
tion ton of the nature ntu of their talk talkIn tlk tlkIn talkIn
In view of the te factflbat factthat at the Satui Satuiday Stur Sturday Satumday
day conference cnferenc of the party paY leaders leo in inNew InNew inNew
New York it was wa suggested to make mae the theInvestigation te teivestgaton theinvestigation
Investigation ivestgaton thorough It I Is believed believedthat bleve believedthat
that this was wa the particular prlclar purpose PUr of ofthe ofthe f fthe
the HughesWadsworth HugheWadsworh conference cnferDc to today t today ¬
day dy
dayFollowing Following Fololng their talk came cme the tbeaonO announce announcement announcement ¬
ment in semiofficial form that Senator SenatorAlldss 8nator 8natorAId SenatorMldsa
Alldss AId counsel couel would tomorrow tmorw demand demandthe demd demdthe
the names zel of the Assemblymen A mblyen who wh are a aealleged arealleged
alleged aleed to t have hve shared eh in I the te Conger Congerboodle Cner Cnerble Congerboodle
boodle ble fund In 1901 IDl It I has h been fre frequently frequenty ft ftquently ¬
quently quenty hinted hlnte during the past Pt few fe day daythat d daysthat
that these thele names would come cme out but bt it itnever ItneTr Itnever
never neTr appeared appared to be such an assured assuredcertainty ar assuredcertainty
certainty cernty as 8 It does do today todayIt tdy tdyI
It I was a also a10 said today that tht at the con conclusion cn cncluion concluslon ¬
clusion cluion of the te Alldn trial the Senate Snat would wouldbe woud woudb
be b asked akd if there was not sufficient lumcent cause causefor Cu causefor
for the trial tl of Senator Bnator Conger Cnper If I It Itdecides ItddeR itdecides
decides ddeR that Congers part In the deal del of ofl0 ofloot
loot l0 must be looked Into another aother investi investigation Invellt Investigatlon ¬
gation pton of proportion proprOD equally eCUUy as great greatto as asthe asthe
the to Allds trial will wi follow followDecldm followDecdf followDecides
Decides Decdf to 1 He 81 Good GoO for the Money 1Ionl In lu luAbraham 1 It ItAbraham
Abraham Phillips PhiUp a pickpocket doing doingtime doingtime doingtime
time on the thellnd th Island wrota wrote a letter lettr to Judge JudgeRomlsky Judg JudgeRosaleky
Romlsky RIJk reconlly asking that thlt the fine fineIncluded fil fluteinoludedinhissentencobo
Included Inoludedinh8entnc inoludedinhissentencobo la his sentence bo remitted Here HereIs lere lereII
Is II an extract exraot from the letter Ilttor which whch aim cnmefrom ame amefrom aimfrom
from Phillips PhillipsCertainly Phiip PhillipsCertainly
Certainly Crlnlv sInce I have been hn hero my mymental mymentl mymontal
mental mentl processes pro8s have radically changed changedn chnge
In n that tht myviewpoint myveplnt of life le is different differentfrom difernt diferntfrom differentfrom
from what It was and in my resolution resolutionto reolution reolutionto
to bo b a good go citizen citizn I am actuated RCtUlted simply simplyand simplyand Implyand
and wholly wholy In the belief blef that tht It will wi bo b to tomy tom1 tomy
my pecuniary advantage advantageJudge advnta advantageJudge e eJudge
m1 Judge pcuiar Romlsky RlkT will wi remit the linn linnnEWBTH In InnEWEYS lineUEWEYuI
Only Onll half hl Illock lok cut of Fulton SIlubSlaUo St Hub stationrr station stationII
II rr T pee newsy I S Sons Bo Co 1M I 4 1ulton 11100 St New York Vol Volp
Prof Lowell LoCI Report Discovery Dllcovr of lOOO lOOOMite 10 10003llle
Mite 1le Hitch Ulch Das lAst Year YearCHICAGO Yer YerCmcAoo TearCHIcAGo
CHICAGO Feb 14 1A 14A A new canal cnsl on onMars onMrl onMare
Mars Mrl a I thousand thound mile In length has hasboen hasbn hasbeen
been bn discovered dlover by Prof Prf Percival P rclnllAw1 I Iiowll Iiowllof < ow ll llof
of the te Flagstaff F1astl Observatory Gbervatr in Arizona ArizonaThis ArizonaThill rironaThis
This Thill Is evidence according acoring to t the teltrono teltronomer astrono astronomer ¬
mer that the planet is I Inhabited Inlablt The Theannouncement Theannouncement Theannouncement
announcement of the discovery dllvery was wasmade wumade wasmade
made today tody to t ti Prof S W Bumham Burham of ofthe 01te ofthe
the te Yerkes Yerkel Observatory ObservatoryProf Gb ervutory ervutoryPror
Prof Lowell Lwel spent peJt a few hours hourl in inChicago InClcao inChicago
Chicago Clcao on his way West Not ot only did didProf dd ddPof didProf
Prof Pof Lowell Lowel see lee the new canal but he hephotographed hephotographe hephotographed
photographed photographe it Previous photographs photographsof
of this region made as al late ax al last I st May Mayfailed Mayfailed I
failed lale t to show any trace trao of the new canal canalThe cnal cnalThe canalThe
The fact flct that It developed developd between May Mayand Mayand Mayand
and September Sptmbr when It was wal frlt first ob observed obsenl ohserved ¬
served senl Prof Pof Lowell Iowel regards reglrd as positive positiveproof poltve poltveproof positiveproof
proof that t11t it U II artificial artfcial and therefore that thatliving thatliving
living 1 vlna beings exist exst on the planet planetProf plnnetProf planetProl
Prof Lowells Lwelf discovery is I r f the theiitmaat thettmtsl theultfltdst
iitmaat ttmtsl importance imprtllc said Prof Burnham BurnhamIt
It seems se ml to be b the stronger etrongert innination inninationyet Innratol
yet obtained ottnlned of th the belief holef u t re are areliving areIving are4iving
living intelligent Inlgelt beings U I IH IHhound iMbOlnd ishound
bOlnd hound to t4 cause cn u I stir tr in orld of ofastronomy ofMt ifastronomy
astronomy astronomyProf Mt ronoJ
Prof Lowells 1118 theory theor Ilia lli his mark markiiiKH lllrk lllrkInKHon markingiion
iiiKH InKHon on the plunet plultarecllalslld ure canals and that the thecannlxnre thole tholecannl these thesecanalsitie
cannlxnre cannl m the work of living lving beings bing Is the theonly tlft tlftonly theonly
only only one on that fits fltl all al the known fart factsIiG fartiirIIT
iirIIT 111 IiG 1II KlItKH IiI It IS I v WKKVK WKKVKCANAL UItlfl UItlflT ir fIlh fIlhTi
Two T Ti Im I I Trains Contr UIII Together Torlthll on onCiorgla cii4eorgIi I IIorrla
Ciorgla Iorrla llnllroail llnllroailN IluilirosiluIACO lroail lroailIAlS
IAlS N iu 1 Feb flu II Eight Eightwere persons personswen plrlnMWI
wen WI killed kl five IVI were fatallv ratal Injured Injuredand
and more mor than twenty were wer more or lens lensseriously IlMlerioull lessseriously
seriously hilrt lutr In 111 u collision colllion on the Georgia GeorgiaSouthern Cooria CooriaHutipr Georgiasutuiern
Southern Hutipr and Florida Railroad IUrOd eighteen eighteenmilra eighteenmiles ightn ightnnlll
miles nlll south lutl of here about ubClt H I oclock odok to tonight tonight tonight ¬
night nightThe night nightThe
The train which whih oame all together were wereMoiithbound WIr6 WIr6Kuthoound weresouthbound
southbound Kuthoound No o 5andnortht 511d S ami northhound > ound No No2 No2botb 2 2both 2both
both passengers pafwenKfrThe plenK passengersThe < r r1le
The 1le wreck wrk was caused lause by the thf crew crewof cre creof crewof
of No 2 disregarding orders and run running rn rnning running ¬
ning hy iy Brttlne Brln6 a I small smal station where wherethe wheroIh wherethe
the Ih train trin had been bel ordered onered to meet mft No NoThe 5 5The 5The
The train met at full ful speed IIp Both Bothlocomotives Btb Btbloomotlvel BOUtlocomotives
locomotives loomotlvel and the baggage and ex express expr express ¬
press pr cars were wlr torn to pieces and ad the thepassenger thepngr thepassenger
passenger pngr coaches coch were piled pled in a heap hlp beapSo
80 8 for flr only A R Johnson ohnll a prominent prominentbuainesH prominentbU81neM prominentbusiness
business man ma of Macon and nd Conductor ConductorDupree ConductorDupree onductorDupn
Dupn Dupree of Kathleen Kthlen have been ben Identified Identifiedamong Identte identifiedamong
among the dead deadTwo ded dedTwo deadTwo
Two relief relel trains taln carrying doctors doctorsand doctorand doctorsand
and nurses nur M have left here hfre for the th scene sceneof sceneof oeneof
of the wreck wreckANOTHER wrk wrkIOTIfR wreckI
Postcard Left Iel In an OtrreoalVtas O 0ereoat reat Was al Signed SignedJohn RlpedJohn SignedJohn
John T Hill 111 Cleveland Clneand Ohio OhioNIAGARA OhioUOAIA OhioNIA0ACA
NIAGARA UOAIA FALUS FALL N Y 1 Feb 14 14Early 14EarlySunday Early EarlySunday Fry FrySundy
Sunday Sundy rooming workmen on the State Statereservation Stte Stterratlon Statereservation
reservation rratlon suspected IUpt that somebody emebT or orsomething orsmethlnp orsomething
something smethlnp had passed p over the te railing raitinginto rli railinginto
into Ink the river near Prospect PrOpt Point They Theysifted TheysIfted 1
sifted IIlft the te mow no for a clue but It was not notuntil notunt notuntil
until unt this tblAlmorl morning after a windstorm windstormthat ladsrm ladsrmthat
that a dark object obje was seen n uncovered uncvered in inthe inte inthe
the te snow on the ice above the American AmericanFalls Americn AmericnFalil AmericanFalls
Falls FallsA Falil
A workman went out on the ice wits wll a arope arop arope
rope rop around aund his body by and brought back backan bk bkan
an overcoat ovet a hat bt and a pair of gloves glovesIn
In the pocket pket was a postal ptl card ad addressed addr addressed ¬
dressed dr to Mrs Mr J T THaQl0Clntona THaQl0ClntonanUt TffillaOiO Hill 3010 Clinton ave avenue aveflue ¬
flue nUt Cleveland Clevelad Ohio whloh reads readsSome r readsItome
Some day some day some lome day I mar marmeet mlYm ma mameet
meet m t you and etc et In the tb meantime m6tme may mayII mayal mayall
al all II good lo come cORe to you Oi Remember Remembr me I Iremain 1remaIn Iremain
Tim Tlt card car was dated dt February Februal IB 1215 1215and 115Bnd 1215and
and It is il thought to have been bn written writtenafter writtenafter rttn rttnaftr
after aftr midnight midight Sunday Sundy morning If I Hill Hillwent Hi Hillwent
went ont over the American America Falls Fals as it is 1 be believed be18d believed ¬
lieved 18d be bf did his hi body II down behind a agreat agreat agreat
great mans m of ice Ic on th tht the rocks rk In front frontof
of the falls and it i isluot 1 iot likely to bo b re recovered recver tocovered ¬
covered cver as 8 bodies blee going golnlover over the te water waterfall watr waterfall ¬
fall falin in winter timo are usually ulualy ground gund up upby upby upby
by the ice in the lower loer river riverOfficer riverOncer riverOfficer
Officer Oncer Charles Carlel Conley of t the reservation reservationforce rervatlon rervatlonforce reservationforce
force says sy ho passed the point shortly shortlyafter IIhortlyaftr shortlyafter
after aftr midnight mldnht p during a snowstorm but b bbtdidnt butdidnt t tdldnt
didnt see B anybody anybodyCUCTKLAND anyby anybyCLAD anybodyCLJCYZLAND
CUCTKLAND Feb 14 HTold Told that
CLAD a mes message me message ¬
sage sge on a business buln card car of the rooming roominghouse roomlncbouae roominghouse
house operated oprt by her husband husbd and andfound andfound andfound
found in the coat cat of a supposed uppl Niagara NiagaraFalls NIgr NiagaraFalls
Falls rais suicide was a addressed addN to t her Mrs MrsJohn lr MrsJohn
John T Hill 11 of 9910 3110 Clinton Clntn avenue Ivenue ex expressed expJd oxpressed ¬
pressed pJd little lttle surprise surpriseI urprla
I am not surprised surrled avid Mrs lr Hill HillHo Hi Hill1Io
Ho II had hd boen bn boenlll ill 1 for foreevenyearsand seven Iven1ear years and lately latelyhe ltly ltlyhe
he had h been bn saying 8yins he was 8 a burden burn on ontho ontho onthe
tho family ramly I heard head this morning momne that thathe thathe thathe
he had h told tld friends he intended Intnded to throw throwhimself tbro tbrohlmllf throwhimself
himself hlmllf over the falls At one time timehia timehis
tme tmehl8
his suffering utorln deranged derangd him biO and he helnt was wassent wassent
sent lnt to t the Newburgli Insane lnne Asylum AsylumHe Alylumle
He le was wa insane inne if be killed kied himself himselfWHY himsl himselfirnr
Sidelights 8tdellhts on Old BritIsh Drtlh Ncsndl 8endal In Man Mannersftatton Manileriutton fa
nersftatton deruto Ubel Soil SoilSptda Sui Hullpsda
Sptda prrl CaN CI Dttpatck DI la e TBS Ta SUN SUNLONDON SU SexLoNDON
LONDON IOHDN Feb 14 ITetrl 14Thetrlal The trial of the libel libelsuit Ibl Ibllult libelsuit
suit of the Hon lon Henry le Walpole Manners MannersButton Mera MeraButton MannersSutton
Button son In of Viscount V1ut Canterbury Canterburyand Cterbur
and ad senior enlor partner per in a a religious relalo publishing publl publish ¬
inK firm fr against T W II I Croesland Croeslandeditor CId CIdeto Croeslandeditor
editor eto of the Academy AeCI was w resumed red In hithe Inthe inthe
the Old Bailey SUC this meaning DI The suit Is Isbased I isbased
based b on articles arIce printed prte In I the thl Academy Academywhich ACe Academywhict
which whic reflected refete on the moral morl character characterof er erof
of the plaintiff plaintiffMr plalntl
Mr Croesland Crlad again aga took tk the stand standHe lid standHe I
He proved to be b a truculent tmulent witness Ht and andhad ad adh andhad
had to be rebuked several times
h b rebked evr tile by b
the Judge Ha declared that the
H del tt girl to towhom towbom towhom
whom MannersButton MMn Buttn paid pd 18000 10 ar had hadbeen ha hadbeen
been bn got out of thaway the 1 In I order ordertor to prevent preventher prTtn vent venther I Iher
her being called cled by the defence dele This ThUgirls Ts Thisgirls I Iglrl
girls glrl name nme has b bn been n given aYn as Maggie MaggieDupontnnd Mie Miepupont Mag1epupontand
where Dupontnnd pupont in ad Philadelphia PhiladelphiaLord Phiaelphi she la I supposed upped to be b some somewhere sme some4vhere ¬
Lord Alfred Alr Douglas Duglu was WA the thl next nex wit witness witness It ¬
ness ne He acknowledged acknowlege that tt he hI had hadwritten h hadwritten
written rttn a letter leter to the plaintiff lalntlt in which whichbe wf0h wf0hhe whichho
be called caled him harsh names nme He said that thatsubsequent tt ttlIubelent thatsubsequent
subsequent lIubelent events showed hoed that tat he waa waajustified waaJust wasjustified
justified Just e In using this tl language languageIn 1 lle lleIn
In reply nply to questions quoltob by counsel cul who whorecalled whorecalled ho horled
recalled rled his hl810rlp lordship connection Olon with wit the thenotorious thl thenotoripus
notorious lotOrlus Oscar Os Wilde Wide case c the te witness witnesssaid wlt8 witnesssaid
said sid he resented rsnt his fathers Interference Interferencewith Itererc
with his hil friendship frledhlp for Wilde Wide because bu his hlafather hi hisfather
father fater had at the time been b divorced divor from fromhU fromhi fronthis
hU hi mother for for1 six yean ye and ad andthe the ordinary ordinaryrelations ordiry ordiryrelato ordinaryrelationa
relations relato of father and son e did dd not exist existbetween exlt exltbeten existbetween
between beten them themWilda themWUd themWilds
Wilds WUd alter at bo b was wa released rel from lr prison prisonwe prn prisoncene
we to aha at and said You
1 tt h et Ncpks cp are arethe ar arethe
the only ony friend I have hav If I you leave leve me I Iwill IwUI Iwill
will go straight to toW IwU IwUThe k41The
The Te witness wlnel therefore terfor stuck Ituc to Wlldo Wlldountil Wl Wildountil o out
until ut tho latter Ittr died die and a paid bk funeral funeralexpenses fueral fueralopn funeralexpenses
expenses opn HA 1f had no regrets rll p for ro his hi action actionin acion acionIn
in this thl rnattor rnattorTho mttr mttrThe matbrThe
The hearing hearll was B then adjourned adjurne adjurnej adjournedt
j jJ j
Three Htu Sli tEtuis PUyers Hauled laBlr From a Food Foodlea Foo Peodless
lea Restaurant Retaurat Which 1llcI Inspector InspectorHecaa lrputor Inspectorhogan i
hogan leCa and Capt Morris IUor11 Knew Kl ofarson of ofCarson
Carson t arson Aerated Alud nr fr ninhlnc lalnK at Cr Crap CrapDttVe Craps CrapsDetectives p pDetectives
Detectives DttVe from Chief Cief Inspector InspectorSchmlttbergera Inptor InptorSmltbergera InspectorSehmittbergera
Schmlttbergera staff raided gambling gamblinghouse gamblinghouse
Smltbergera Iw rAide a a pmbllg pmbllghouae
house last lst night over the heads hus of In Inspector I Inspecter ¬
specter William Wilam O I Hogan Iogan of the First FirstInspection Fir FirstInspectIon t tInllpton
Inspection Inllpton District and tnd Capt Cpt Frank FrankMorris Frk FrkIorrls FrankMorrii
Morris of the Fifth irh street strt station tton Two Twoweeks Twoweeks rwowck
weeks wck ago Hogan 10ga1 rnd Morris Iorri were In Informed Informed litformed ¬
formed of complaints against agal1t the place placewhich plac placewhich
which hud been received rlclve at Police Polr Head Headquartern ntad ntadqurtel Headquarters
quarters qurtel They made lad no > arr artl arrests > tR hence liencelst hnceJt hencelaatnLgbts
lst Jt laatnLgbts nights Ihtl visitation visitationEarlier viitton viittonJlrler visitationVarlier
Earlier Jlrler in the day churi chlrg ciiarges w were ie brought broughta broughtatnat rught rughta
a atnat lnst Capt apt Frederick l rederck O Carson Carln of the theWest theWeil theWest
West Weil 133th street diction Itetlo that he had hadpermitted hndprllte hindpermitted
permitted prllte a gambling Kmhllg house to run rn despite despiteinformation depie depieiuformatol despIteinfonuiatlop
information iuformatol from Police Headquarters HeadquartersIt ltudqurtr
It is expected tpcte that thlt ulrailcr slmiiarchargeswill lmlcrcharjeal charges will wii wiibrouaht l lbrought lie liebrought >
brought rgntnnt rg llt Inspector Inlllltol hogan log 1 and uiulapt Rudupt andapt
apt Morris MorrisInformation Morrisl Iorr
Information Infonnatol l CJHUO tc 1116 tue to Headquarters Headquartersthe Hetqusrttrl Hetqusrttrlthe
the lest of January Jlul ry thai tbalKamblnv thjalgainbuing gambling wi wigoing WI WIgolnc wtls wtlsgoing
going on 01 In the th luinenient 1llDtut of tli UII the IIOIIHU IIOIIHUt hOI hOIat
at t 36 3 St Clarks Uarks place plac The he phto place was WJHostensibly wasot wasotnsibly
ostensibly ot n ibly the Columbia olumlll Lunch Room KoomThe HoomThe RoomiIie
The complaint was w sent nt to Inspector InspectorHogan hlpotor hlpotoroan lnspeotorIfogan
Hogan oan who whose a duty wan 11 to send Illd it It on to toCapt topt toCapt
Capt pt Morrlrt Iorr of the te Fifth street trlt station stationin tatlonIn
in whose Iosf precinct SI St Ht Marks rrk place placeliei plac placeHeM
HeM le
Apparently nothing notHnf wj W was t done tol l by > y thnj the thelocal I
local pollen Inspector Inlptctr Schmittbergwr Schmittbergwrgot
polct Shmltbrgtr Shmltbrgtrgot
got no report and the tf appearances appearancll of j 1 igambling
gambling went before The in intpector inspecter
gamblng on an IR bfor 11 I Ilptr
specter lptr decided dNided to undertake undertke the task taskhimself tallkhlmlel tackhimself
himself hlmlel He Ie 1 detailed deie Detectives Dtetve Dunn Dunnand Dunnand Dunnand
and Cantorwf antotf his hs own staff ta to Investigate Investigatethe InY8tigte InY8tigtethe
the place placeThey plac placeThey
They want ent to SO 3 St Mark place last lastSaturday lastSaturday
Saturday Btunay night and found twenty persons personsplaying pnon pnonpla personsplaying
playing pla lnc stuiui stU Yesterday on their sill affidavit aOIdavil silldavite ¬
davit davil Magistrate agiltrl te Harris issiisU 111 three threeJohn thre threeJohn
John Doe warrants warrnta in the Yorkville Yorkvillepolice Yorkvle Yorkvlepolce Yorkvlllepolice
police polce court curt Last Lt night Limit Burn BurnDetectives BurnsDtectlvell BOrnDetectives
Detectives Dtectlvell Dunn Cantor Cntor Cody Coy and others othersfrom ethersfrom othersfrom
from the chief Inspectors Inpctorl staff lltr went wentto
to the Columbia Lunch Room A etuss etussgame ItU atussgame
game was on Dunn Dun and Cantor pointed pointedout pinted pintedout
out the thl three tr men mln for whom the warrants warrantswere warrata warrataere warrantswere
were ere issued fue and they were arrested arrestedThey arrte arrestedThey
They The said sid they were Abe Ab Fisher a tailor tailorof taior I Iof
of 130 10 East Et Eleventh street aret Henry HenrKlelnl Klein Kleina
a salesman saltlnn of 105 lo Second Scond avenue and andBenjamin andBnjaml andBenjamin
Benjamin Bnjaml Ooldb Goldbrg Goldberg rg a clerk of 42 4 De Delanoey Delncy Dolanoey
lanoey lncy street stret They Tey were taken take to toHeadquarters toIedqurtra toHeadquarters
Headquarters Iedqurtra with It two t o tables tblM and a adoaen adoan adozen
dozen doan packs pC1 of cards crds and locked locke up as ascommon a8common ascommon
common gamblers gamblersThe gamblerThe mbler
The police p Uc say IY that they tbC found nothing nothingto
to show sow that tht the place p1o was wa a restaurant restaurantexcept retunt retunte1t restaurantexcept
except e1t the name lme on the door Detective DetectiveCody Ddetve DetectiveCody I
Cody Coy asked aa somebody emebo what whatwould would ould happen happenIf happ I
If a customer ctomer came me in to t buy a beefsteak beefsteakOh bedatk
Oh wed fix fx em e up all right said saidthe Midte saidtjla
the man manWheres mn man9Vheres
Wheres Wel mnWel the range Cody Cy asked askedWalk askedWahk kd kdWalk
Walk In said the lunchman
sid lucmn point pointing pint pintIne pointIng ¬
ing to a back bok room The Te men mfn in the theplace theplace i iplc
place plc laughed luhed Cody Cy went ent back bok and andfound ad alidfound I Ifoud
found foud a stove stve connected connNte with no flue flueand flueand ue uead
and ad apparently apprenty flreless trelN for year yera There Therewere Therewere Thereware
were a few fe dishes but there was as nothing nothingto notblnto
to eat eatCapt ft eatCapt
Capt Cpt ftCpt Carsons Cnlonl case cse dates dte from early earlyin erlyIn
in the Acting Commissioner Bu BOthersaid
year 181 AoUr Cmml8ioner Burner Burnersaid blr blrud
said ud yesterday Yeterdy that tht Carson Cr on had hd been bn in informed Informed Informed ¬
formed four fOU times lme that tht a crap game gme was wasgoing Wa wasgoing
going goin on onit tt 330 28 e and 23S 2 West Wet llflth street streetInspector strt strtIpr streetInspector
Inspector Ipr Bussey HU notified notife him twice twiceand twiceand twiceand
and Inspector Inptr Titus twice Yet he did didnot dd ddDot dldnot
not the In his hismonthly hllmonthiT hismonthly
name nme place plce as al inspected Inpt
monthly report to Commissioner Cmml1loner Baker BakerOn Bker BkerOn usherOn
On Chief Schmltt Schmittberger Schmlttberger
January Janur 29 Cief Inspector Inlptr Shmlt
berger berar sent et Lieut Leut Burns Dus of his hil staff ltarr and andtwo tndtwo andtwo
two policemen pleemen to the 118th 1lh street Itrt house houseto hoU
to investigate Invetlat On 01 the te evidence evidenc they theyfound tey teyfound theyfound
found Magistrate Mltte Butts in the te Harlem Harlemcourt Harlemoourt Harlemcourt
court l Issued ue a warrant wrrnt and th the place placewas ploe ploewa placewas
was wa raided raide by the chief ohif inspectors Inlptor men menon menon menon
on February FebrW 7 Joseph Josph MoDonough MoDonougharrested MoDonougharrested loDnough loDnougharret
arrested as the proprietor was held in inthe Inthl inthe
arret a propietor
the thl Harlem court cu for trial trialCapt trialCp trialCapt
Capt Cp Carson Cnn was WI not suspended IUpnded and andhis andbl andhis
his bl case c will wi be b tried tre on Thursday Thu ay morn morning mornlor mornlag ¬
lag Inspectors Inptt Uussey lueT and Titus TI tu will willbe wi willbe
be called c11ed as a witnesses wt to show a slfo that tht ho hewas howa howas
notified of the existence of the
was wa te te place placeCapt placeCpt placeCapt
Capt Cpt Carson Co Is married mared and lives lve at
976 10 97 St Nicholas avenue He Hewl was formerly formerlya
a brakeman and was appointed on No November Novembr November ¬
bkem applnd
vember vembr 17 1 ISM 18 On December Dmbr 27 1885 181 1895he 1885he
he was wa made mdoa a roundsman roundlman and ad on No November November November ¬
vember 1 197 a sergeant ergent He has b been beena ben bena
a captain optln since Ilno October Otobr 31 1905 105 He is IsCC
44 years old oldMr oldMr oldMr
Mr Bugher Duler said charges carpe also ala had had t been beendraw teendrawn en endrawn
drawn draw up against Policeman Polcm William WilliamHauter Wiiam WiiamHUr WilliamHauser
Hauter HUr of the Apt East Et 104th street Itrt station stationHe lltaton lltatonHe stationHe
He was 1 picked pIcke out of several policemen policemenby pUcmen pUcmenbJoepMona
by Joseph Monahan a prisoner in the theTombs theTomb theTombs
Tombs Tomb and ad identified IdenU identific1 aa the polioeman polioemanwho pUom
who assaulted aault him at 101st street strt and andSecond andsnd andSecond
Second snd avenue aveue In the early erlymornlng morning of ofJanuary ofJanu ofJanuary
January Janu 33 2 Th Te The other oter three tr accused accusedpolicemen aoud aoudpUcen accusedpolicemen
policemen pUcen Matthew Mtte Hogan Bog James Jae OSul OSulllvaa O8u OSuiIlvan
llvaa Ina and ad George Orl Rowl Bowley ley y said ad they tey were werenot we woreDot
not no present ptnt and ad knew k kute nothing about abouttho ab aboutthe t tto
the to assault assaultCommissioner aut taMultComnilsaloner
Commissioner Cmoler Bughcr Buher said sd that tht the thetrial theta thetrial
trial ta calendars odr were wr full fulno now but that thatCommissioner tbatCIleloner thatCommissioner
Commissioner CIleloner Reynolds Rolds Reynoldshad bad agreed a ed to totake totk toLake
take tk up the t Brooklyn Bly okyn oases himself hlm8lf to tomorrow tomof tomoiow ¬
morrow mof and d that tt would w ud probably pobb1y eave eaveTrial lve lveI
Trial I Commissioner Cmmonef Walsh Wa free tr on that thatday tt tty thatday
day y to t bear the tf case against araut the te pUc poliomen police policemen ¬
men m who are ar charged cbae with wt assaulting IWtn IWtnA
Ana Thirtyfourth A rltfolhtt rltfolhttKIIEB Anderson Adr In street streetKAISER streetKAISER a I barber brber shop sop on East EastThirtyfourth Et Etrltfolhtt EastThirtyfotzrth
The Te Adilllelon AtJtlon Palaee for or Sale nrcansei nrcanseiIf Breut hIeesusIt
If I Too Small and Expend Fp pre pre3pec41 r rSpteM
SpteM Spe CubA CIN Deipattb Drplc to 0 Tarn ni Sax SaxPABIS tU boxPaia
PABIS Feb 14 11A A despatch from
1A deptch for Berlin Dr DrIin forRn ¬
lin to the Journal Jorl says 8 the Kaiser Kler has h de decided decded docided ¬
cided cded Corfu CorfuHe Cu COTIIIHe to sell 11 l the to Achllleloa Achilleio palace plc at atCorfu atCu atCOTIII
He finds fns that tht It I is too small IImal to t permit permita prmi
a long stay ty and a4 the cost ot of maintenance mintenc
is I too great sat for brief bef visits visitsWoman vlll vllloman visitsWoman
Woman oman Die 11 Wntle bie btle Telephoning TelephoningMiss Telllhonlnl TelllhonlnlIM
Miss IM Pauline Puline M Scott Stt of 215 lS East Ellt
Fiftyseventh Flftyevnth street Itreet dropped dead of ofapoplexy ofappluy ofapoplexy
apoplexy appluy yesterday yetry while whie telephoning tlepbonlng in
Breltenbaeha BrltenbcsPho pharmacy at Fiftyseventh Fiftyseventhstreet Flfye8venth
street tt and ad Madison Jon avenue She was
Ji U 3 years ye old ol She Bb lived lv with her father ftherame w wJi
James ame Scott Stt 01 years yer old and supported lupporte
herself her81 and andhlm him by b hi acting actu actln aa a an agent
for the th purchase PUh of laces 1 and trimmings agt
an trlmmlnl
A sisterinlaw Iisterlnlw Mrs James Scott of 169
Wn aes Btt
FastNinetyfirst Fat Fist Nlnetyft Ninetyfirst street Itt took tok charge cha rg of
the body
th by byi
i jij H
No More 1fora First Frt Offence Ofmee Plea P to De Ac Aeepte Acepted Accepted ¬
cepted epte From Serial Offenders OfTraderDistrict Ofmder OffendersDistrict
District Dltrlct Attorney Atorne Whitman made mae it itknown i itknown
known yesterday yeteay that his hlll assistants assistantswill tant
will wl not allow alow persona arrested alt a asecond aor asecond
second or third time tme for automobile automobilespeeding autmobile autmobilespinjt automobilespeeding
speeding spinjt to plead first frat offence olen It Ithas I Ithas
has ha not been oln uncommon uncmmon In the past pt for forthose forthose forthose
those who have had previous prevloW convictions convictionsto oonvlctOI
to plead guilty gulty as a first fmt offenders olender and to toescape t toescape
escape ep with wih the tie usual unl fine of S25 S5 25 There ThereIs TheN18a
Is 18a a heavier fine for a second conviction convictionand convicton convictonnn
and nn for a thirdu thlrd1 jail Jii sentence sentnc Is some sometimes 80meUm sometimes ¬
times Um Imposed ImposedThe Imp
The law IH II explicit eXJllclt said sld Mr Whit Whitman Whi WhItman ¬
man lout evening and there is
IIno no reason reasonwhy reln relnwhy reasonwhy
why the District Attorneys office omc should shouldcompromise Ihould Ihouldoompromis shouldcomproniise
compromise oompromis with wih this thll class cla of offenders offendersThero olendenl olendenlThere offendersThere
There have 11 ave been bn numbers of persons personscalling penlonacalng personicalling
calling calng upon und Ind telephoning the th Dis District Distrlct Dliitrict ¬
trict Attorney Atonley to t ask for lenity In the theCOXCM theC thecases
cases C IK of friends who have come ome Into IntoSpecial IntoSpial intoSpecial
Special Spial Sessions Slol on 01 speeding plnr charges chargesThere chargMTer chargesThere
There Ter always nlwa seemed mll to t be some excuse excuseeither exous excuseeither
either cllel the doctor dolor was > hurrying burlng to get go goto
to a 1 very sick mtknt patelt or O the owners ownersdaughter ownerdaughter ownersdaughter
daughter was Wl sick Ilck or something So the theDistrict theDiOtrht theDistrict
District DiOtrht Attorney Atom decided to give rlvewarnlng rlvewarnlngI warning warningtilIIll warningC
tilIIll C I oy 0 KXHtRlTION KXHtRlTIONModel fXl Im Immlll
Model mlll or the Big lllppo IIIPoIotamo IhIppOjOtilItIs > otaina at the theNatural Ihf tll tllituraI
N Natural turl History tor Jltul JltulIllodel Museum MuseumA
A ijiodel of Caliph l ph who was wa once the theImgest thelrg thehugest
hugest lrg > t hippopotamus hlppopmu1 in II captivity on onrecord onrcrd onrecord
record rcrd and ald probably the largest largt known knownhat knonhalleon knownline
hat halleon been mounted mountld and placed on exhibi exhibition exhibition exhibifinn ¬
tion In the department deprtmfnt of mammalogy mammalogyat mammlogyat
at the th American Americn Museum luPul of Natural NaturalHistory Natur1 Natur118try Naturalhistory
History HistoryCaliph 18try historyCaliph
Caliph Calph was Wi formerly a I familiar famiiI sight to tovisitors t tovisItors
visitors visitor o M the menagerie mEllgerie In Central Cta Park Parkwhere PAk PAkwhrr Parkwhere
where whrr he was one of the chief chie attractions attractionsfor attrtoa attrtoafor
for more than tban thirty yearn yea He le died ded In InJanuary InJanury InJanuary
January 1908 ID of acute Ill indigestion Indlceton His Hisboity Iia Iiabod Hisboitjp
boity bod was 1 presented p entd t 11 to the museum by bythe b bythe
the Department Dlprtmtnt of Parks Parkl of New York Yorkclty Yorkty Yorkcity
city cltyW < ty tyU
W 1 I f Jt ttORDEN IIR n SnoWS rnOf StOO StOOWinreal Uf Ufblrlat 00 00hberet
Winreal blrlat IirChauffeur llthaufel Who 1o Ran Rn llown a aMan aMa aMan
Man Ma Is Ii Rrllevnl RUeld of Ball Bal Necessity NereoltGeorge NeeUlrge Necessityleorge
George lrge Witt of 402 40 West Fortyeighth Fortyeighthstreet Fotyelpht
street chauffeur chaufer for M I C D I Borden Bordenthe Drdln Drdlnthe
the textile txtle manufacturer mnularer was W4 arre arrMt arrested arrestedat td tdat
at Fifth Fih avenue and an Eighteenth Elght nt street streetyesterday Itret ItretYltrdy streetyesterday
yesterday Yltrdy morning mrin for running rnng dcvrn dcvrnHurst dCn dCnJurt dcvnHurst
Hurst Jurt Beaumont Bumont of 020 West W t 117th street streetMr ItreetMr streetMr
Mr Beaumont Beumont was wlnot not badly bdly hurt and andwent andent andwent
went ent home without assistance IltnoeI Mr MrBorden MrBorden
Borden Dren his secretary sctar who was WI in the thecar theor thecar
car or with Ith him and Witts went ent to the theJefferson theJetern theJefferson
Jefferson Jetern Market Markt police poUc court courtWitts curt courtWitta I
Witts was held for exmintion examination by
Magistrate lgiltrt Herrman lerrman in t SOO ball bl The Thesecretary Te Teectr Thesecretary
secretary ectr hurried out to t Mr lrBoren lrBorenwho Borden Bordenwho Bordenwho
who had remained remined in the machine mcblne and andcame andcame andcame
came back with wih the amount aount Magis Magistrate Mil Maglatrate ¬
trate trat Herrman Herrn took tk a good go look at the themoney to tomoney themoney
money and said saidIfthe sid sidI saidItthe
Ifthe I the chauffeur cauleur Is worth that much muchmoney muc muchmoney
money money to Mr tlr Borden Ben I guess guellI Ill Il parch parolhim prl prlhim parchhim
him in Mr fr Bordenn Doren custody custodyTHE custy custyTlE custodyTIlL
T 1nu Thu ill Mote On When 1en Police PoltT PeliceTeliThem Tell 1 Them Trm at atOprnlnc atOpenlnE atOpenIng
OpenIng of Parliament Parlament Today TodayIpdrlal To Todayip
Ipdrlal JII ip al Cebt Cb Dttfnlch Dtpc1 to 0 Tit T Tax Sex SexLONDON SosLONDON
LONDON Feb 14 HThe The
INH recently renty an announced announced announced ¬
nounced change in the policy of the te suf suff su suffragettcs
f ragettos fraget could coud not be more clearly shown shownthan Iho Ihothn shownthan
than thn it was as tonight when the Womens WomensFreedom WomenFedom WomensFreedom
Freedom Fedom LeaRiM IJ issued laued a handbill bndl which whichread whichread hlohred
read red as follows followsParliament followsParhIament
Parliament Parlament reassembles reambles for business businesstomorrow buslneeatmorow businesstomorrow
tomorrow tmorow So 8 do we Join us 11 in a apeaceable apcooble apeaceable
peaceable gathering gthering at 7 P M Mln In Parlia Parliament ParUamet Partlamont ¬
mont met Square Buare If Uthe the polio polo request reutt you youto youto youto
to move moe on do so and cause cue no obstruc obstruction tbtructlon tibsttuiotion ¬
SALE tE OF YERKES HOfSK HOfSKMutual nOfSflutu1 flOrSEMutual
Mutual Life Ile Can Foreclose hut Federal FederalConrt FtdtralConrt FeuitralCoert
Conrt Mill I Sell SellMrs SIl 4eIlMrs
Mrs Mary Adelaide cellde Yerkes and others othersnamed otber othersnamed
named name ns I defendants in l im the suit IIt iit brought broughtby hrughtby
by the Mutual Life Insurance Insumno Company Companyto Compny Compnyto
to foreclose forlos Its 111 it mortgage mortg gu for 370000 o on onthe onthe onthe
the Ycrkeft Yerk residence reldeno asked 810 biiprcmp biiprcmpCourt huupremeCourt uprmt
Court Cour Justice ulltr McColt 1f01 yesterday yctery to htay htaythe klaythe ktaythe
the trial tril of the suit suitwhleh whirh is on tomorrows tomorrowscalendar tomorowf tomorrowscalendar
calendar clcndar until unti May because bou the nale le of oftho oftho oftime
tho property propry has bIAlfad already been bn ordered orderedIn onom onomIn
In the proceedings r olng8 In the Federal Fetrll court courtand OOUrt courtand
and It Is planned to sell II tho property propery in inApril Inprl inApril
April prl If I the Mutual Mutull Life suit goes g to toa toa toa
a decree de of sale 110 the two court decrees decreeswill derrl decreeswilt
will 1 conflict nflct whereon wherM the Federal Freml court courtproceedings oourtprings courtproceedings
proceedings prings contemplate cntmphle paying off 01 the themortgage themortgag themortgage
mortgage mortgageJustice mortgag mortgageJustice
Justice Justc MrCall lral denied donii the application applicationsaying a applcatlnnsaying plCtnn plCtnnM71ng
saying that as the Mutual Ilfo is not nlt nltprty a aparty aparty
party prty to t the tht Federal court hrocecdlnfts hrocecdlnftsits rOlny8 rOlny8Il
its Il caw 01 > should bo b permitted prmited to proceed proceedto prt
to a decree decr and tho ale le under the tht decree decreecan decr
can en then he x > stayed stayedMAY stayedMAY tayedUAIIU1EPENSIl
Man ln Sacrificed SatrlfcrlllUI ill His Health lealt In the thp Interest Interestof Interft Interftf
of f Medical IedIMI Science ScienceWABHINOTON Sclrnte SclrnteWAIIINOTH ScIenceWARUINOroN
WABHINOTON WAIIINOTH Feb 14 Uoh John R KIs KIssenger KlslIenge KIasenger
senger lIenge of South Bend Ind will wl have his hispension hispn hispension
pension pn loo Increased Incre from frm 134 1 24 a month mon to toS133 t
S133 125 If I Congress Cn aots on a report to the theSenate theSt theSenate
Senate St by the Committee Committ on Pensions PensionsKlssenger PenlouKleenger PensionsKissenger
Klssenger Kleenger sacrificed srince sa rlflced his health helth In the theInterest theIntret theInterest
Interest Intret of science scence by permitting penlttnc the themedical te temedicl th thmedical
medical medicl officers omcr of the army rmyto to use u him as asa a asa
a subject for experiments exprments to prove that thatyellow thatyelow thatyellow
yellow of yelow mosquitoes mosquitoesIt mosuit fever teer was carried by b certain crtn kinds kindsof klnl
It I was at a time tme when the yellow yelow fever feverexperts feverexprts feverexperts
experts exprts after afer the Spanish SpIs war were trying tryingto tng tngto
to make Je the te Island blnd of Cuba Cub more 10r healthful healthfuland helttu
and to eradicate eradlol yellow yeloW fever that tt had hadworked badworke hadworked
worked worke such havoo In the army Ktestm Ktestmger XUn XUnler EIM n ngar
gar contracted contrt the te dlseasa d and a baa h never neverrecovered n neverrecoverd r rrer
recovered rer hi his health helth Widows Wdon of two twoarmy tw twoarmy
army Y surgeons iurgl who sacrificed ecO themselves themselvesIn teeh6 thenis lyss lyssin
In similar elmll experiments expriments were pensioned pensionedby peneone
by Congress CongressPRINCE Cnge CngePRICE CongressPRINCE
Ferdinand Frrdlnanc of orlavo Savoy Determines Detumln to Take TakeIrsioiis TkeI TakeLessens
Lessens I ol In Aeroplftnlnt Aeroplftnlntap Aeroplantagmicod erepltII
ap micod lc Clal CnM CIN Dttpote Dqlcl la Tn T Home HtmMILAN Ht HomeMILAN
MILAN rILN Feb 14 1Prnc 14Prince Prince Ferdinand Fernnd of ofSavoyGenoa ofSvoyGeno ofSavoyOenoa
SavoyGenoa SvoyGeno Prince Prnc of Nollne Nolle has b de decided d decided ¬
cided to take tke lessons lesns in the management managementof mnment mnmentof
of an aeroplane aeroplaneHe aerplne aerplnele
He le Is the tht first frt of Europes Europs royal ryal Princes Princesto Princ
to t adopt the role rle of aviator aviatorTwelt avitor avitorTehe aviatorTwelie
Twelt Tehe e Year Yfn ears for 6 60 O Cent Cet Robbery RobberyThomas Robber RobberyThomas
Thomas Thoml McCormack llconnack 29 years yer yearold old of
221 21 Longfletd Lgfield street 8trt Hoboken Joboken an fezcon bxonnvict fezconvict o ¬
vict vie who last Jt week wek pleaded pleade guilty gultT to torobbery torobbry torobbery
robbery robbry In the second degree degr in the theCounty theCuty theCounty
County Cuty Court Brooklyn Brk1y was W yesterday yesterdaysent yseterdaysent tr
sent lnt to Sing Sing by b Judge Jud Dike Dke for fortwelve fortwelve fortwelve
twelve year yen On the night nl ht of February Febrr 1
he held up a man mn in Myrtle lIyleavnt avenue rifled red redhili
his pockets pkets J and got 09 cents centsONE Onta OntaJ OntaONLY centsONLT
vIa 1 Pram and nit Allan AUaaUo Uo Coam CI Line Uoe1be tho Standard Standardr
n ratl I = a r cf f ao tfe t the Seutb SouthPour tFD Four r Uj uI LntOtralca 4 > pr lfls 5llular Dally
914 A A Ii 1 l is 3i L 1 I H 11 118 flws1Ad yA Dall
< r
HaaklBS Jun Thought Toual They T Could C8d Go J I ta at atthe atthi
the 1 High Ilah Priee r and RepeatKerne RepeatKerneWent RtK RtKft RecatkeeWentlnTooTheyllad
Went WentlnTooTheyllad ft IB Too Tooe They Had la 19OOO 188 169 OIItari OIItariat < nar I is isat
at the Bout Up Vle Vplie He Bold 8ed SoidNotseksrt SoidNotseksrtJames None 1e Shrt ShrtJames t tJame
James Jame R RKeene Keene manager mnger of the te Colas Colasbus CIJ CIJbus Coluebus
bus and Hocking Coal C and Iron I peal pealwhich pes peswhich
which whoh collapsed cllpe last Jt month moth moththr and floored flooredthree oGrLJ oGrLJthree p
three thr New York Stock Exchange Eth p houses bouawtestified 1o housestestified
testified ttfed yesterday yetryaOb afternoon beferw beferwUnited befeseUnited
United UnIt States Stat Commissioner Cmmeoer Alexm Ale AleIn AIexai4 AIexai4in 4r 4rIn
In the bankruptcy bnkrpt case c of J M I > FW Flst 1 1A
A Co C one onl of the three thl firms On and aa declared rtnnUrsWthat declaredthat
that the collapse colap was wa due entirely entirelytho tr ii iithe 1
the greed g of mombr members of the first 1 pitH pitHwho peelwho t
who had ha cleaned clean up 1250000 WO and an thMif tk tkthey tkoet tkoetthey t 15 15they
they could culd repeat rept the first At perform po perfor perforwith < w wwith
with wih better bet betterresulta rr1a results even een though thoug Uw up pete peteof V Vof
of the te stock t did dd not warrant w it itMr itMr ItMr
Mr Keene Ken ICeenehad had de declared before befor be wjttttt wjttttton sret sreton e
on the witness wlt standithat llinditt he would ouht t t tel4 tel4all M Mall
all al he knew about the business btDeo btDeotwo of H e etwo MI MItwo
two pools pl even if he had h to cv cvRlph crossexai crossexaiRalph cross ammtaVia ammtaViaRalph
Ralph Rlph Wolf counsel coun l for ReceIver Rlvr Rlvrof ReceIverof Rri Rriof
of the te Fiske firm frm to do ItfcThe fTqu questteM questteMput queel1oWput i iput
put to t him didnt ddt givelhlmTthe gv81hmteo gv81hmteotunt opperjj oppel oppeltunlty
t unity tunt to say ay what wht he wanted wat so 1 bo hov hovuntred vol volunteered vol volunteered ¬
unteered untred the th remark remr about grfndlnnsir grfndlnnsirof cat
of the pool pl members membr Even Een after a JIM JIMexamination Wse Wseexamination
examination eXntlon had hd been bnocud concluded asl aslhis aa aahis J
his hl lawyers lawyer Solomon Hanford Hnforal and andmund andmund
mund L Mooney M ey were tugging tucnk at atsleeve kit kitsleeve
thl thllleve
sleeve lleve and urging urne him to come comeMr Oe awaq awaqMr t t3fr
Mr Keene Keno Remained emalned mane behind behindthat behd I Insiethug Insiethugthat
that he had ha warned the members membnlo of offirst the thefirst I
first fr t pool that they theY ought oua t to be i hntlnrted IatIeedwith hntlnrtedwith
with what bt they tey had ha made me rather ratherform rte the theform
form for another lother pool poolThe pl pooiThe
The members mmbr of jie the e first pool pt besldS besldSMr b bet44 bet44Mr
Mr Keene Kene were Newburger Header Headerson B Blon
son lon A Lo Lb Loeb b J J M 1 Flske Fisk Co MarHM are
A 1 Morison Morln Lathrop Lthp Haakina H1 A O Ce CeRollins l lRollins I Iln
Rollins ln A Co C for Lathrop Ltr p Bask BaskCo 1M 1MC UaskIns UaskInsCo
Co C Day Adams Ac A 1 Co C Jawett Jawettand Beef Beefand l land
and AG AtG Elias Flu A Co C Of theon te theithe e ethe
the Lathrop Lthrop aDd Flae Flske firms 1a remain remainin r remsln4 remsln4in i
in the second tod pool pl being bein formed formedwood foed b bood AlL AlLwood
wood ood Vlolett Volett A Co C Wagner WagnerA Wag Dc Dickeaen DickeaenCo
A Co Laimbeer A Co CoAnthony
C Bishop Lmbr CT CTAnthony Tus TusAnthony
Anthony A Co C and ad Tan V Bchaica Sc Schaichthe A Athe
the te last lt two for account acnt of Lathrop s skInCo
kins kn kInCo A Co CoMr C Ltrp A AMr
Mr Keene Kee said Id that ttb h IIi had ban aa aaand cii ciiand t tand
and that his ls business bUln was w stocks a I Ipose Ipose
pose J and speculation splton He U Umanage was wasmanager wasmanager rl
manager manage of the two Hocking BoIJD poolaH poolaHaid poois pooissaid
aid ald 1909 l9 the first frst being blnr formed roned In IK p Mars4
Mr Keene Kee said lld he had bd brought brulkt l lpool p ppool
pool pl agreement ag ment of the first fr t with withand Wt withand 1 1and
and his hil counsel o l handed hne over 01 a paper pa paMarch t tMarch
March Marh 1 1909 18 Mr Keene Kee said saidthink Pf be b d dthink
Siftbak think thIn Dr all al hl the te firms fe I IThn were In until ultI ultIDr i iThen Ike IkeSiftbak
DrTo Then To was w this thJ pool pr subeiuintIy subeiuintIytended ub Ubut eqU ly i itended J Jtdl
tended tdl to March Mrh 1910 110I < 1I t tI
I cant cnt say whether whethe the te old oldete pool poolextended w c 4 4extended
extended ete or a new n pool formed fMe I Jthe k hi hithe > V Vthe <
the first fr was WI all sold I p oat 01t at atI eas easI 5 5I <
I cant cnt tell tll bow hoW It was continued continuedWasnt otit 4 4Wasnt
Wasnt It I extended exnde by wrlHaMarch w writing t tMarch c
March Mrch 11910 11910In I 1910 1910Inawayitwasand
In Inawayitwasand a way way it I was and an in ma a waykwd waykwdThe wyJ waykwest waykwestThe i
The pool pl WM W sold sld out out but if I you yotfthe o otbe bds bdsthe
the extension exten lon In writing wrltnl I suppose lupr1 II IIall ht htall
all 11 right rightHe rlgbtHe rightHo
He said he had hd a paper pprentt sent to iti J J j jPiske l lFiske
Piske Filke A Co under date dt of Jury Ju 14 14minting Urelntng 1IN 1INrelating
minting relntng to t the terms of the second secondand secondand od odand
and identified Identted his hil signature sigture signatureDid tJ iS iSDid r
Did Fiske Plke A Co C accept aept the provif provifof pr provMau provMauof
of the second eend pool pooarnlemnt arrangement arrangementI J i
I suppose IIUPp 10 o they took tk Ht stck > ck ckunder k b bunder hodM hodMunder
under it I dont recollect rlet whethtuvl whethtuvlagreement whetbil whsthi t1 t1agreement
agreement Igemnt was wa oral orl or orvqblbut orvqblbutundoubtly vqrbal but butundoubtedly butundoubtedly
undoubtedly undoubtly treated trt them us 3 n I rnomt rnomtof mm meet meetofthepool
of ofthepool ofthepool4Prior the pool poolPrior pl >
Prior to the formation fortonr of the Jtattij Jtattijpool A 4h 4hiOOl 1
pool 1 > 1 did you own ow any Cluml Columlni ColumlniHocking uin4 uin4Hocking r rlocldng
Hocking locldng Iron stock stockI ltkt +
I did did I had hd 8500 10 shares hlUt hrd fdo fdoIt owa owait ownes ownesit
it for two before the
years Yellr pool poolformed pr prfoned poolformed
formed formedAfter foned fonedAfter
After the pool pl was formed what whatyou wht I 414 414you
you do with It ItAfter It itAfter
After Ater the pool pl was wa sold out I Ithe 11 sold et etthe
the stock stockI stk stkI
I asked what wht you did with wlt It after aftr afterpool i ipool
pool 001 was WI formed formedDidnt fored foredOidnt formedDidnt
Didnt do anything with It It ItHow ithow Ai
How no and when was wal your stock stockI etk dIe dIevsdor
1 vsdor on
I sold old it in the thft1tof last of April or the tb theof grst grstof
of May I00 10 009 through tbrou h Stock Stk Exchange ExchangeAre Exohanshouses
hOI houses housesAre Exohaa
Are you able to give the name nmN of I Ihouces th thhousra
houces houle oft L LYes i jS jSYes
Yes Ye but I would rather not notHow netIIow
How 10 soon sn can you give us u a tabulates tabulatesstatement tbuW tbuWsltement tabulate4statement
statement sltement of all al these the6 transaction tlcUont tlcUontIn transactionIn 4 4In
In a day or so s There Ther is a good o deal dealof deelof
of work In my office officeMr of ofticeMr J Jr
Mr r Keene Kene said lid that the te first J pool poolto we weto
to take 110 20000 20 shares h and ate the thepool p acossd acossdpool t tpl
pool pl a like number E H4 said sid he heknow hc dIdt dIdtknow
know how many mny lhar share each eh poo Pt Pthd pool reek
had hd without examining hU bl aooouats aooouatsWho a aoeotm aoeotmWhOgavetheorderstosehl I
Who Wo WhOgavetheorderstosehl WhOgavetheorderstosehlI gave the orders ord to 11 ell ellI ti
I gave a good g many my Ha Han hfu1cJ Jdns Jdnssome y ysome
some someMr someIr someMc
Mr Ir Keene Kee said ed that tt pools pk 1 aad a 31 31acquired a aacquired t
acquired Acur their tertl foil quota quoo oJ stoelc M Mbe 1t 1tbe
be h couldnt fell tlthe the aeaou aOU amount t of ea eaout e each eachout
out the book boD Te The seooad o pes pesIe000
10000 shares In the last J weak weakBo weeko i
1o a
of the S Bo o the te collapse collapseYea oUp oollap7Yes highest hae number ub ussberwas was at at tk t the Ms es esof > 1 1of
Yea y M a M newfas ne1 neax as my memory 1 allow allowTo Me MeTo J
To January anl 301910 2110 20 1910 bad you bMUrM bMUrMually ia41s44uallj
ually ul dealt det in Hooking H deal O y asd bwsi bwsiother I e eother
other oter than the te 6900 80 share a you ew ewMtL ewMtLSNot edn ednNot
Not a share aa sharej 21 21Had r
Had H j you sold ld aaynp ap to tJa Jaaaary Mtftl MtftlNothing 14iNNothlng
Nothing Nothnc but bt the Uo poet p stock wW wWooune wkkkt wkkktcourse d4 1
course ou we kept keptDid bpI kptDid <
Did DdY you oU ever verrnalce make any short ta sales salesNot esiserl esiserl5Not J1 J1Not
Not a short aorua vrmaea1 sale directly dr1 or o ceAato Ivmtfr IvmtfrAa m
Aa Aato to the t time tl e when wU be h disposed co Of VHv VHvown i IJ s sown
own owltk stock Mr I Eeena Xe said i b bbe h he hehe
he told sl 8200 60 shares I IB I Stay JllI hot aM aMother mi ft 7 J Jotr jj jjotber
other otr 1700 17 bat lDb December DecemberDo
Do D you Yreb remember the eFo price you 10 10for g gel gelfor f n nNo J Jfor
for the 1700 17 1700No 1 1No
No but but I can o n furnish fulh it itDid ItDldth ILDid
Did Dldth the pool plu buy your yourtt stock stookI stock0Idontow
0Idontow 0IdontowNow I Idatk dont know knowNow
Now NO thee the 6900 1 share wr What W4t did y ye yehey < l lbuy i ibu
buy bu them th for f07 f07Wt forWhats VI
Whats Wt that t got ct to do with th It It Itownad I kowned
owned oW tb t the stock tk for or two years yearsthe enlbH b4o b4othe
the tb first A pool pl was wMfonne7 formed I I an anFLORIDA 81 wting wtingirLoama h hFRm
Seaboard lebr Air Ar Un U COLIIARBa shortest lorl quick QulCuJ 4iiCtIm 4iiCtImattractive rntm rntmOfflre
attractive Ai IYruw reals Offlre otre HsJ 18 I1 BWM B way tor gr corAi M O
i1t5 i L 4aIs J l

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