N t t tTHESUN rf THE THESUN SUN SATURDAY SATURDAYu FEBRITAllY FEBYtITAWi191910 u 19 1910 5 fVOLLS r YOLLS iis EXCITING RUNAWAY RUNAWAYirr irr rrl in rll SOME EW COIIIIEPTIOXS COIIIIEPTIOXSHP CIUlllTWSIIRIUB HP EARHEK U JU1OllJS JU1OllJS11h POUTS POUTSl l 11h MnplP Elk Wasnt Int a Reindeer Span Spanill Spanaion ill Muaon ocon Haint a Nlflgli ana ani ll llUnt 11hnl 1lIflt Unt a Corpse CorpseDut nut It Mas al Unusual Unusualltcu UuulualIHIt UnuuaIleu ltcu for or Ilatlmih albus Near Urookljn Urookljnlenny DruoklDIInny Urookbnnny lenny nny Voll owns a saloon and to twon torlnlerl tornier n rlnlerl n i ers at 2718 Church avenue Flat Flatt I isli h uear Brooklyn Henny has ha owned ownedih ih e reindeers rt > for many months In a aimcn RII anflt II imcn lIlnt t of righteous Brooklyn enthusiasm enthusiasmnnv It nnv IIV named tho first of his bi reindeers reindeerspi r rIfldeeretfowdaatIrhocaIIedtbe ll1deersI pi I i took ook A tfowdaatIrhocaIIedtbe tfowdaatIrhocaIIedtbeIear7 few days dayslatcoor later he called the theihr theIIr ihr Peary What they were called by bytii byIII bysift tii keepers at Prospect ProlJ > fCt Park where hereIIIIIIY bereI I 11 IIIIIIY liny bought the pair at auction could couldnot couldoot couldot not ot bw b learned up to a late hour last night nightFor nightror nightFor For some weeks Doc Cook answ ed edto edto adto to his nime gladly even going so o Cal aa aato IUIto aat to t toss his antlers with pride And in inth InIh inthH th thH meantime his running mate Peary PearyliHil hat 4tI a hang dog aleo a o ran appearance appearancehut Iut in Pearys rary8uyo oyo was a I gleam of hope hopeIViry hopelry IViry was waiting for news from Copen Copenhicfn Copenhi11n Copenhin hicfn One day It came whereupon whereupon1Mry 1Mry Pr hit three dm e tints out of the antlers antlersof of Doc Cook and fcit t < at < up to tajjtp t8 t3J noti noticethe notice notices s the days progressed Doo Cook grew grewadder ItrewRadder grewsadder adder and sadder ad er Finnlly the rendeer rendeermil mil t had Iwrn I II named In honor of the thenoted thenutid thenoUd noted Bushwick explorer absolutely ro rofined roofU tofued fined fU I < J to U answer at all to the name of oflook orlook oftok look Un would take notice however howeverthough howeorIholl howeverthough though Iholl h diffidently to tho simple name namen 0 Doc in answer to the call of the prof proffp fp f ed nose bag and would amble to the theiro theIoure thepmIoI1re pmIoI1re iro Ioure ure back of Hennys saloon to toinimhle toJmhle tornimble inimhle Jmhle gloomily rt his mesa of cracked crackediff iff 1 Incidentally Henny Voll owned H Hthird KIhlrd athjrd third reindeer named Vera but Vera Veradied Veradl Veradied died dl d four months ago of nerous prostra prostration ¬ tion bout the middle of yesterday after afternoon afternoon afternoon ¬ noon Henny You decided to hitch Cook Cookand Cookand Cookand and Peary Pear to a ccrriaicc and take a drive driveHinny driveHnny driveHinny Hinny his h a 1 bright red sleigh and he had hadK K cpenal double harness thit WAI Wol mad madfor madfor madefnr for his team It WES WI but n 1 step from fromtho fromthl fromthEl tho cash register to the sleigh nnd as asIfrnny 118Henn asHrnnysteppedlnto Ifrnny Hrnnysteppedlnto btoppcdlnto the seat of the sleigh sleighand I1ththand sleighand and said Rceclap to bis odd steeds steedsthev steedllthey steedsthv they promptly rpn away through miles milesand milesand milesaid and miles of Flat Flatbuh bush bu h streets finally finallythrowing finlllythrowing finellythrowing throwing him from the sleigh and killing killinghim him himWith With these facts in mind inl d and many manyothers manyothers others 01 hprs gathered from late editions of last lastnights 148tnl lastiiights nights nl hts papers a reporter from this news newspaper cewsP newspaper ¬ paper P < per hurried to Flatbush to see the widow widowof of Henny Voll 011 at 2718 ii Church avenue avenueand avenueDd avenueand and Dd learn from her the story of the life lifeand lifeand lilaand and other works of Henny There are aret are6everal areseveral t several eral vacant lots at 3718 Church avenue avenueAt At t 2205 Church Churchwenue avenue however much muchVAS muchIlS muchwas VAS IlS learned learnedResiding IlarnedR learnedResiding Residing R ldlng over the saloon at this Iwt Iwtaddress lrJltaddress 1rstaddress address a Mr Ir Robert E Voll 011 was as met metjust metjuet metjust just arising from his bed ed d after a pro protracted protracted proiracted ¬ tracted rest Robert not Henny owns ownsn ownselk n elk named Eagle The elk ran away awaywith IWl1Vith LtWaVwith with ith him the day before yesterday not notyesterday notl5 notyesterday yesterday l5 rday Also It waj W U attached atl < cbed to a arunabout arunabout arunabout runabout carriage not a sleigh for the thereason thereaiOn thereason reason that Church avenue has been beenblebilledwardsed benblgbillEdward beenbigbilledwardsed blebilledwardsed d recently and so shown shownonly showol1ly showaonly only bare asphalt asphaltIt It seems that the day before yesterday yesterdayearly yesterdayearly eeterd eeterdMrly early in the afternoon Mr h Voll 011 decided decidedto d idld idldto to go o down to th the Prospect Puk Bank Bankat at Church and Flatbush avenues to make makea a deposit del > Otit Glancing at the clock he saw sawthat sawthat w wthat that he had only a few minutes to make makethe makethe the bank before it closed closedWhy closedWhy closedI I Why 1Y dont you htch up Eagle to the therig therilt therig rig suggested Barney Mungaven the thehead thehMd thehead I head barkeep barkee Frank McDonald the thebaker theaker thebaker baker Joe McTague the real estate man manJoe manJoe manJoe Joe Bieber the second man behind the bar barand barand barand and Horm Boehl a transient tran ient guest K 5t in the thebrrpora theJ thejarrpom J brrpora > arr m thought well of the scheme schemeand 6Chemeand sehemeand and urged Urgedtlle the boss on When young Mr MrEdward MrEdward MrEdward Edward James Groom entered at thin thintime thllime thhtime time and added hi his words ord of tusurunco to tollr toIr toTr llr Ir Voll that thatdouhtl doubt doubts Kagle r ltle would pull pullthe pullthe pullthe the rig amiably Mr Voti 011 fell for It Mr MrGroom MrGroom SirGroom Groom cheerfully handed his engaed engaedard enrwertard ard < to the reporor yesterday Yttl > rday and added addedthat nddedthat addedthat that by profession he Is a gentleman gentlemanAll All 11 these th members of Flat Flatbush8 Flatbushsyounger Flatbushsyoungeret bushs younger youngerset set et just mentioned accompanied Mr Voll Vollto toIIto to the curb where Eagle all dre dressed MHl t up in inthe Inthe inthe the new harnesa stood champing at his luoantlers hiliantlers hisantlers antlers antlersHurry antlersUurry antlersllurry Hurry the bank presently shall have haven havebeen bt been > n closed paid Mr Groom as Mr Ir Volt Vollpaused Yollpal1l Voltpaused paused pal1l > ed to leave his watch and other val valitiablei valual1e4 01 01ualEi tiablei with Barney Mungaven Then Mr MrVoll MrVoll Voll 011 stepped into tho carriage and cracked crackedhis his hi whip > i iI I Tbre rh re is an iron electric light po post t a afew arew araw few feet west of the spot where Mr Ir Voll Vollfirst Vollflnt Volifirst first cracked the whip This was broken brokenhut brokpl1hut brokenhut hut fortunately the elk in clearing tho thotop thotop thotop top of the pole polethero petethe the poLe was broken brokenby by the carriage and Mr VolI not by the theelk theelkdid theelkdid elk elkdid did not Bust the mall box fastened fastenedto to It a catastrophe that might have re reilted reolIItM zeailted ilted in serious Federal complications complicationshile While hile in the thoalr1r air Mr Voll oll noticed < la a rather rathertoil ratherrolt rathersoft toil grass plot just a jump or two further furtheron on Back of the gross plot is a church churchThe churchThe churchThe The elk now partly partlylmarnessed harnessed the car carnage carria carriage ¬ nage ria e and Mr Voll reached the curb op oppt6lttl opposite ¬ posite the gross plot practically at the thesame theMme theame same time whereupon Mr Voll oll left the thecarriage thecarriage thecarriage carriage and stepped on the grass ltTa plot ploton on the second bounce Eagle Ea le the elk elkturned elkturned elkturned turned around on the spur of the moment momentand momentsod niomontacd and went some place else elset t first Eagle went back a jump or two twoto twoto twoto to Rogers avenuex avenue He turned west here hereand hereand hereand and and leaned up against the air on a little littlejaunt littlejaunt little3aunt jaunt out along Rogers avenue One Onewheel Onehlpi Oneheel wheel heel and the tailboard of th the carriage carriagere carriagewereetill wereetill were re still attached at 1 < hed ai he started westward westwardHih Hih HI > intlers were bending to the breeze breezeHi Hi went by Martense e street and by Linden avenue without noticing them themDown themown thornDown Down own near Winthrop street many blocks blocksaway blocksSII SII away nothing was left of the remaining remalninh W1 h 1 except part of a spoke This how howeior howr howPer Per r mat erect little inasmuch as Eagle Eagleand Eagleanti Eagleand and the vehicle rarely touched the ground groundMr sr und undIr Mr Ir Voll already had got up from the thecra theIr theracs cra Ir racs s plot Aa A he rote to his hi feet Joe JoeMnTague JoeEdWlrd JoeMiTague MnTague Edward James Groom and Joe JoeHi JoeH JoeHior Hi H Hior t tr f told to d him what had been pulled off offKIR orrIHII o oIagl KIR was now six blocks in the distance distancetiut hut as Mr Ir Voll remembering the present presenthigh prlllenhll11 presenthigh high price of meat would take no chances chancceof of losing lo tng his elk he started after Eagle tc tcc tccIh tcC c cIh h him running rapidly Hut no fl matter now how he tried the animal animali animaleven i 1ln in e even en faster despite de pite the fact that Mr MrH y H i 1 < t very athletic At the corner ol olKgers 01IholT ciftgers Kgers avenue and Fenimore street the theelk theelk theell elk bore lrl down on two obstructions a hug iargtred hugred largrei red and white barbers pole and a blue bluep bluPoliceman p 1 Policeman Dennis Coffer of thE thei thEI theSnvd I SnydI Snvd ei + r avenue police station Of the two twotawny twrJIt tworh It tawny Ll wny Eagle decided to take chancee chanceen r n wPh t > the barbers rberlI pole polunvbody polethvhxly 1 nvbody would point out to you yester yesterl 1 ii < l v tats spot ot where the barber pole stood stoodi t 1 > i II in Eagle hit the sidewalk his faCt faceer f er erI r d with red and white stripes Police PoliceUP UP ft n r I oflw hit Eagle Every policeman policemanby policemul1hws hws w by heart the rule for stopping n ni nI nelk I i dv elk promulgated two years age 1 I lane mo by Inspector ln pector Rchmittborger RchmittborgerWll chmittborgsrilirects Wll < < i directH lreotH that the quickest results resultsv v to + obtained by climbing up the ant antI antPrq I Prq f the elk and then pressing pre slnlt the he hei heel heelr 4 r i rq left I foot iv against amnt the animals left leftmill leIr r v + ek mill insensibility results at the thee thEme thelime e lime < mie renting ones weight solidly solidlyn n it I I right n ht foot tootto to maintain equilibrium equilibriumH H th policeman led Eagle back toward towardirh towardIrh i irh avenue ho happened h to t rur rurH rUI1Ir mrrM rM < H Mr Ir Voll The owner of Eagle Eaglefeatintenng EajtleHaunterinl Eaglesauntering sauntering along asking IIIkln person personH persoOfthey personsmtnr H mtnr er they had noticed a runaway elli ellijust el elt elIJust < t just JJ t had nowed Soveral peoplE neopiar peoplEhad 41 had > ar come back to the street and andirt andiH andwho iH irt who could get near the window wlndowimfd windowliJ liJ F r mfd Mr Ir Voll that they had luil juft1i luilu us1 us1rJ > u an It I elk Ik going westward unattended unattendedr vf r oll a IUI has been een said was aair ajtalrIk agairvkflg i Ik vkflg liP up his quest when the elk and thE thErrIman theTtuisnan rrIman met him bud reeled quietly In an enclosure Ir IrI I ht garden back of the saloor saloorday saloorfeI feI day apparently unagltated Jfr JfrH Mrlaid > H laid t two o IIratche on hi8 hi right hand handlId handiid < lId h lii had thought of taking his wlf wlfI a I hJldren out for a drive next Hunda HundaNund Hundasnd Nund nd Eagle but hlUl received word wordI I s since then that relatives from Phllade PhlladePhia PhUadephia Phlladephla Phia are coming here on Sunday to look lookin in on the HudsonFulton Huda nFulton celebration oelebraUonBut But why any newspaper newpaperabouldao should go so far as to say that a team of reindeer reindeerdrawing relnd reindeerdrawln r rdrawing drawing a sleigh belonging to Henny Voll of 2718 Church avenue ran away awayyesterday awayyesterday awayyesterday yesterday when hen aa II has been shown the therunaway therunaway therunaway runaway was the day before Jesterday Jesterdayand yesterday yesterdayand and consisted of a single el elk It drawing a acarrro acL7 acaro carrro cL7 u belonging to Robert E Voll of of2o 2105 Church avenue is I difficult to under understand understand understand ¬ stand Ono can just as easily get all the thefacta thefacta thefacts facta and set them down simply and anduncolored anduncolond anduflcoIord uncolored If one but butbas has the industry and andperseverance andperseverance andperseverance perseverance perseveranceSALOOS perseveranceStLOON perseveranceSALOON SALOON KEEPER FIREMAN FtREMAXMajor FIREYAlalIr FIREMANMayer Major Ganor Would Like 10 Know KnowMore Knowore KnOWMore More ore About Klniella KlniellaMayor Klnl KinsellsMayor II IIMaJor Mayor Gaynor wrote yesterday to Fire FireCommissioner FireCommiuloner FireCommissioner Commissioner Waldo asking him to in investigate Inve investigate ¬ vestigate ve tlgate tho case of a man who is on the thesalary thesalary thesalary salary rolls of tho department but who whoat whoat whoat at the same time is the owner own r of two twosaloons twodoons twosaloons saloons This man got two months leave leaveof of absence in January but the Mayor Mayorhas MayorhILI Mayorhas has learned tha he was was in his saloon saloonand saloonand saloonand and was from all nl accounts in the best of ofhealth ofhoalth ofhealth health In his letter to Commissioner CommissionerWaldo CommlulonerWaldo CommissionerWaldo Waldo the Mayor wrote wroteI wrotebee I bee to call your attention to one WilliamKinsella WilliamXinsellawho William WilliamKlnsellaurho Klnsellaurho Kinsella Vho is in the Fire Department In InBrooklyn InBrooklyn inI3rooklyn Brooklyn He l If is classed as s a battery man manI I have caused ca1J8 d a careful Investigation to be bemade bema bemade made ma < le and it seems that he conducts a real realontate realtal realestte ontate tal oftlce and a liquor saloon at 370 370Eighteenth 370Ehhleonlh 370Eighteenth Eighteenth hi street reel Brooklyn and nd another anotherllciuor anotherliquor nother1Iluol liquor saloon at the corner of Rogers ave avenue avenue avenue ¬ nue nnd Park place Brooklyn and that he hademote heripvole heLevoIei4 demote < his time to his saloons instead of ofbin ofhi ofhis bin hi duties In the Fire Ire Department Will Willyou Willyou Willyou you b be so rood as to t look into his matter mattercarefully mattercarefully I Icarefull carefully On January 12 1 Klnsclla Kln lJa Will WillIrranted wasgranted as asgranted granted a leave of absence of two months monthson on count i < of sickness IIkkn ss On January IS ISho 1 1he 18ho ho was found In his saloon doing business businessIn ll llIn In apparent good health Please sea ee who whola la responsible for this and who gave him himlie himt himtire t tire lie leave of absence I enclose the th report reporton on the ca case of the Commissioner of Accounts AccountsMr Mr Ir Kosdlck KosdlckSSJIOS Yoedick5e1os os ltk ltkOSJIIO SSJIOS NOT OT FOR on MKS SELIGMA SELIGMAtsldor SIIGMAXhider UlIGMAbtdor hider Wonmers orI11Url Daughter Losei Los on Her HerAppeal lIrppa1 liarAppeal Appeal to Court CourtMrs Courltrs CourtMrs Mrs trs Julia Seligman only child and andchief andchief I Ichief chief legatee Icga of Isldor 181 or Wormser who whodied whodiEd whodied died on June 21 1007 lost yesterday in inher Inher inher her application to the Appellate Division Divisionof of the Supreme Court to Increase her herincome herincome herlucerne income from the residue of the estate estateby eetateby estateby by S5108 S5108Mrs M1OMrs 2108 2108Mrs Mrs Sellgman her mother Mrs Car Carrie Carrie Carne ¬ rie Wormeer Worm r her cousin Isidor Worm WormEr Er Jr and Simon W Rosendale were wereoxocutora wersexecuto wereoxocutore oxocutora of the estate c tate In rendering renderingtheir renderingtheir renderingtheir their account the executors with the theexception theexception theexception exception of Mrs Seligman credited to tothe tothe toth the th principal account 1344S5 1034 344S in dividends dividendson on stock and 15030 In interest on bonds bondsthat hondsthat bondsthat that became payable during Mr Wormra Wormsers Worm Wormsora sora ra lifetime but were not paid until untilafter untilhig untilI I after hi his death Mrs Sellgman declared declaredthat declaredthatthet declaredthat that thatthet these sums with 1903 rent falling fallingi fallingafter fallindue i due after tho testators death should shouldhave Mouldh shouthave have h ve been added to the income account accounti i and should have gone to her as income incomeTho IncomeTho IncomoThe Tho Appellate Division holds that the theSoIlOS thesi21OS thelos SoIlOS los was properly counted with the theprincipal 1 principal of the estate The personal personaltestate personalI personalestate estate amounted to 3913330 and there therewere therewere I I were legacies of 928320 of which Mrs MrsSeligman MnSeligman MrsSeligman Seligman got 500000 S OOO Her mother re receives reo reocelves mecalves ¬ calves 30000 a year out of the residue residueand realdueand residueand and Mrs frs Seligman gets the remaining income incomeAVOIIS iucome1OIJ incomeItXOttS AVOIIS Of OE O HIGH 1IIGlfR EH tr trUlg UPBig P PDIe DIe Four our Counsel Denies Rumor About Abouttlio Aboutlie bouttile tile narrJner Cat CatCINCINNATI CallClCINNJTl CaseCnkIyNarz CINCINNATI Feb eb 18 18l3eause Because of ru rumors rumors rusnore ¬ mors that m inca n higher up were being beingtected pro protected prot ¬ tected t ted In the Vnrrtaer r prosecution prosecutionJudge PlOticoutionJudge prosecutionJudge Judge J L Hackney general gene ml counsel oounnetfor for the Big Four railroad tonight issued ioftuedr r KUtpment 1Ii tement declaring tjfi rumor to be beI b bIl btrlae Il I trlse 156 and nd intimating intim ting legrl rctlon if what whathe whathe 1 he termed continued repetitions of ofBlandero ori oftslandera i tslandera Blandero did not atop 1 desire to wy tI Y said Judge Hnckney Hnckneythat II that I have yet to diocover a single frqt frqtdisclosing rrotciscl06in fautdiaciosing disclosing tho posuible dishonest con connection cenI ccnneetion ¬ nection with the deflctiou defl tlon of rny one oneother on onother onother other thru Wrrriner Cooke Mm Ford Fordrnd Fordrnd oONrnd I rnd Comstock ComstookComstock ComstockCOl1f1tock ComnstockComsitoek Comstock la r former treasurer of the theJig theBig theBig Big Four Edgar Street Cooke in under underndictment underindictment underindictment indictment here hereFELLOWS hereJlJl JlJl FELLOWS inn OniKSTlLS OniKSTlLSraniutlan onnTtISCanadtan OJIILXTLSCanadian Canadian Grand Lodge Refuses to Itecoc Itecocnlre Reeocnlze Karognlzc nlre Higher Degree Branclirj BranclirjWINNIPEG DranellWINJllEO firanebriW1N1rEc WINNIPEG Feb IS isOdd Odd Fellows Fellowshroughout Fellowsthroughout Fellowsthroughout throughout Canada are stirred up over a acircular aciroular acircular circular issued by the Grand l Sire of the theSovereign tbeSovereign theSovereign Sovereign Grand Lodge decreeing that thatany thltIIJ1Y Ibatany any member of the Odd Fellows order orderwho orderwho orderwho who belongs to Oriental lodges or partlci partlcipiles partloJpd partiolites piles pd in their meetings will be expelled expelledand and any lodge giving the use UlI of lie it rooms roomsOrientals roomat t to < > Orientals to hold meetings is liable liableto to I t have its charter cancelled cancelledOrientals cancelledOrientals cancelledOrientais Orientals are to Odd Fellowship what whathe whatthe whatthe the Sbrlnera are to the Masons They Theygo go In ror all kinds of amuem amusement ° nt and the theSovereign theSoverel theSovereign Sovereign n Grand Lodge has decided to toto torfutie torfi1se rfutie to countenance them on that thntaccount thataccount thataccount account accounttlanoyer Hanover Club Readjustment ReadjustmentA A suit ban been brought by Millard F FSmith FSmith FSmith Smith in the Supreme Court Brooklyn Brooklynto to foreclose the 05000 mortgage on the theliroperty th thproperty theproperty property of the Hanover Club Bedford Bedfordftvenue Bedfordavenue Bedfordavenue avenue and Rodney street which was wasexecuted WMeXfCUted wanexecuted executed nearly twenty years ago agoThe agoThe agoThe The action Is a friendly one and Is Isbrought bhrolJllht Isbrought brought by Mr lr Smith the sole surviving survivingtruhteo survilngtrUbteo survivingtrustee trustee appointed when the mortgage mortgagewas was executed on behalf of a majority of oftho oftho ofthe tho bondholders The ThepurJJ08 purpose is to read readjust readjust readjust ¬ just the finances of the club and It Is Isexpected IIIexpected isexpected expected that the members will sub subpcnba BubEcriM subrjhsi pcnba rjhsi the necessary amount to buy In Inthe InI Inthe I the property and turn It over to the club clubat c1ubat clubat at a nominal nominall1Jnt nominall1Jnttleated rent rentKlet rentElesstedStitlofl Klet tleated ElesstedStitlofl at f d Station Sta tlon Ordered Enforced EnforcedThe i1laratd i1laratdThe The Public Service Commission yester yesterday yesterday yeeterday ¬ day ordered an enlargement of the 149th 119thstreet 149thItreet 149thI I street station of the Third avenue ele elevated elevated elevated ¬ vated line The order also provides fcc fofthe fO fOthe I the building of new stairways The im improvements 1mprovements improvemnenta ¬ provements are to be made at onceand onceandft once and andI I It was announced announ yesterday by the com commission commllllion cornI ¬ I mission that the company com y had agreed to tobegin tobegin toI I begin work without delay delaySummer de14ySummer delaySummer Summer in March MarclThe The nisirnlflcent 5000 000 ton Steamship fiteamsblpMetapan SteamshipIetapan 8teamshlp7iletspan Metapan sails from New 1ork on onFebruary ontebruary onI I February 24th 34thShe 24thhe 24thBhe She he makes the round trip to Colon ColonIn I In 21 days S12300 covers everything sverxthings8s 185 18500 00 to Jamaica and back backFor bsckYor backp p For three days da In the harbor of ofColon ofColon ofCoico Colon she Is I your our floating hotel offer offerIns ollerInll overlog Ins you every tropical comfort She SheIs Is the restful bus from which you youexplore youexplore youexplore explore the slant < < undertaking which whichwill wbichwill whichwill will one day sever two Continents and andunite andunite andI I unite two twoO twoOceans Oceans < eans A stupendous proj project ProJect projI ¬ I ect of fascinating Interest InterestShe IntereetShe interestShe She touches at Kingston both ways wayswhere waywbtre wayswhere where you may stop off o Indefinitely Indefinitelyand I and whence you may connect with withe withevery I e every ry point in the West Indies IndiesZacspa IndiesZc IndiesZCL Zacspa Zc March 3rd 3rdUnequalled 3rdtlnecmualied antCMQualied Unequalled weekly service from fromX fromNew fromNew New X ff York Boston Philadelphia and andNew andNew andNew New Orleans OrleanstoJarnaica to Jamaica Panama and andCentral andCentral andCentral Central America AmericaUNITED AmericaUNITED AmericaUNITED UNITED FRUIT COMPANY 17 BATTEUr PUCE NEW YORK YOUXOfAayStttmihlp YORKOrAuyStUmihlp 0111 0111OrAySumsbp OfAayStttmihlp Tlcttt TId Tkf4pacy Atacy t WOMEN TO WOMANS SUPPORT SUPPORTSCHOOL SCHOOL QUESTION THAT HAS HASSTIRKEO II4SSTIRlEII hASSTIRJWI STIRKEO UP SUMMIT SUMMITFrlrniti SUVI1Frlrodl SyMM1TFriends Friends of Woman Superintendent nt I to tolie 10ne tolie lie Discharged Because She Isnt IsntMan a aIanDI aManilig Man Manilig IanDI lllc Protest to Board of du duration Education CSu CSutlatlon ¬ ration and a allot Hot Meeting Ahead AheadSUMMIT AheadStJltllT AheadStaisix SUMMIT N J Feb 18 IHEducatlon Education has baathia hasthis hasthis this town by the ears Today a young youngman younman youngman man asked a prominent druggist It Summit Summithad Summithad Summithad had a superintendent of schools and the thedruggist thldrugjtiet thedruggist druggist told him he wasnt sure but he hethought hethoujtbt hethought thought so He said that anybody who whowanted whowanted whowanted wanted to sell drugs in this town couldnt couldntexpress couldntexpress couldntexpress express an opinion one way or the other otherIt It wasnt sale But by next Monday Mondaynight Mondaynight Jondaynight night by the time the Board of Education Educationmeeting Educationmeetlog Educationmeeting meeting Is over maybe it would be safer saferto to talk StillS for the present itd be just justaa aa 8 well to keep mum sir sirLastSunday airL sirLsatSunday LastSunday L stdund y the Rev R C Hull of the theFirst theFirst thoFirst First Baptist Church preached a sermon sermonabout sermonabout ermonabout about it lie took sides with Miss Louise LouiseConnolly I LouiseConnolly ulse ulseConnolly Connolly who has been superintendent of ofschools ofIIOhools ofschools schools here for four years with the un unhappy unhappy unhappy ¬ happy consequence of an appeal from fromsome from80me fromsome some of the congregation to the deacons deaconsThe dpacol18The deaconsThe The deacons havent reported yet and andtheir andtheir andtheir their wives Ives are very careful In what they theyeay theyeav theysay say about the matter matteralt mattertIt matterMt alt Hull In his hi sermon spoke against againstthe the resolution of the schools committee committeeof of the Board of Education in which it itwas itwas itwas was recommended by a six to three vote votethat votethAt votethat that Miaa Connolly bo replaced by a man manTrouble manTrouble manTrouble Trouble bas been brewing since lust lustfall lutfall lastfall fall when Mayor George F o Vreeland Vreelandwas was elected without opposition Mr MrVreeUnd MrVreeland MrVreeland I Vreeland Is a Republican and nobody nobodyoauld nobodyo nobodyo3uld oauld o > uld be induoed to lead a ticket against againsthim him As s soon aa hn got a chance he ap appointed appointed appointed ¬ pointed fpur f ur new members of the Board Boardof of Education with the result that nobody knows whether Miss Connolly is going goingto to keep k p on as Superintendent of Schools Schoolsor or not notLemuel notLemuel notLemuel Lemuel Skidmore Is chairman of the theBoard theBonrd theBoard Board of Education He has served for forupward forupward forupward upward of two years and In all that time he says he hasnt seen anything to criti criticise crltlcille crltidee ¬ dee In Miss Connolly The four new memo memobers ¬ bers whom Mayor Vreeland appointed appointedat at the beginning of this year are John J Lane me who used to be a Democratic I leader in Summit Dr R D Baker ker a anewcomer anewcomer anewcomer newcomer here Morris A Tyng who whowasnt wbowasnt whowasnt wasnt satisfied with the way the public publicschools publloIIOhoola publicschools schools were being run and M A Sher Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood ¬ wood woodWhen When these men were appointed appointedsaid said Mr Skidmore 9t it was rumored that thatthey thatthey they would get rid of Miss Connolly George F Hill and Horace Dean who whowere whowere whowere were holdover members of the board boardacted boardcted boardacted acted with Ith them Elmer Underwood R M low and I IBtoodoutagainatthem stood out against agalnstthem them That was th the way the vote went at the themeeting themMtlng themeeting meeting of the th schools committee of the Board of Education last Friday The Theschools Theschools Theschools schools committee Is composed of the thesame theMme thesame same men as the Board of Education Educationsitting EducationBitting Educationsitdng sitting as a II committee They resolved resolvedthat d dthat that Miss lIss Connolly should go with the thepresent thepresent thepresent present school year and that a man should ebouldbe be chosen chOll D in her place The report will b be read on Monday night at the open openmeeting openmeeting openmeeting meeting of the Board of Education My Iy opinion in the case is impartial impartialaid aid Mr Skidmore I have known Miss l1I1l1Connolly Connolly for two years These men who have just come in seem to be moved by byprejudice byprejudice byprejudice prejudice and prepossession And why whyen Well en draw your own conclusions conclusionsQuarters concluslonsQllart conclusionsQuarters Quarters Qllart rs generally well wclllnformed informed have it thtt Miss Connollys name indicates indicatesthat indlc indIcatesthat s sthat that she is i a woman It is said that she sheconfesses ebeOnrMSe8 sheconfesses confesses to it herself And that thatsny that8H thatsey sny 8H Miss Susan C Marvin of Jrs J Jersey y City Cft CftMillS Miss Lydia K Ennis of Jersey JEr ey City ana anaMies and and1I88 andMiri Mies Elizabeth C Albn of Hobo Hoboken ken > n in inen Incn inin en dddrcsa to o Heirs and members of ofwomans ofwom ofwomens womans wom nlI clubs is is the only complaint complaintcgainst complalntgalnst complaintagainst against Miss Connolly No other charge chargeIs charl1Is Is mud Her character culture and andcompetency andcompetency andcompetency competency are unchallenged unchallengedThey They add thrt this resolution on the thepart theort thepart part ort of the majority of the Board of ortducation Education In this town is an insult to towoman towoman toWoman woman and that it palpably IB th the re result r rlult resuit ¬ suit of a preelection conspiracy Thats Thatsthe Thattho Thatsthe the way they put it Itun an insult against againstwoman aalnstwoman againstwoman woman The argument for suffrage suffragenow sulfrngeMdays suffrageno2daya now Mdays days is A clearly cl rl drawn In Summit Mayor vreoiand Is supposed to have havepolitical havepolitical I Ipolitiool political aspirations goes on the printed printedstatement printtdtatement printedstatement statement A Statewide protest will willimpress willImpro88 willimpress impress him We hope to make this thisprotest thisprotest thisprotest protest more than Statewide Will you younot younot younot not therefore secure t1 cure a meeting of your yourorganieation yourorganhtlon yourorganiaatlon organieation as quickly as 5 possible fJO sible and andsend andsendu andsend send sendu u protest pr test to the th Hon George F FVreeland FYnCland FVrteland Vreeland Mayor If Ifthere there is not time to tocall toll tocall call ll a mooting will you not send a per peroonal peronnl persortal oonal letter or telegram of protest to toMavor toMavor toMayor Mavor Vrooland VroolandThey VreelandThey VroolandThey They have come Mayor Vreeland Vreelandwho VreelAndwho Vreelandwho who Is a woollen merchant in New York Yorkwhen YorkWhen Yorkwhen when hes not in Summit Is getting them themby the themby > m mby by the reams Rollo Ogden O en took a couple coupleof of shots at a Mr Hill and an Mr lr Tyng Alfred AlfredLane AlfredLane AlfredLane Lane tried to get them for publication publicationlnthe in inthe the Summit Record but Mr Tyng said saidthey saidthey saidthey they wouldnt do to print and refused refusedto to band them over A petition signed signedby by about 700 friends of Miss Connolly was wassent WrLIIsent wassent sent to the Board of Education Fduc Uon but It Itwasnt itwasnt itwasntconaidered wasnt wasntconaidered considered The majority decided decidedthat decidedthat decidedthat that it wasnt worth while whileNext whileNext whileNext Next Monday night Mr Skidmore Is Isgoing 18going isgoing going to present the minority report In Init Init Init it he will say what he thinks about Miss MissConnolly llilllCnnoJythat MissConnotiythat Connolly CnnoJythat that shes been a most able ablesuperintendent ablelIuperintendent ablesuperintendent superintendent of schools that things have haveImproved haveimproved haveimproved Improved since Il nce she has b JII been In charge chargeand chargeand chargeand and that she has the confidence of the theState theState theState State Education Board And If the women womenof of Summit have their way and a good goodmany goodmany goodmany many of the men too she wont ont be put putout putout putout out outAnd And what do you you ou think of this nay naytier her tier opponents In other Jersey schools schoolsone 60hoolone one woman teaches thirtysix children childrenIn In n the kindergarten grades In Summit SummitMiss SummitMiss Miss Connollys teachers take care of only twentyfour Wed like to know what whatsthe whatthe s sthe the matter with Ith the teachers we pay Thats what whatTHE whatTIIF whatTIlE whatJ J THE BEGGAR KTlnET f AGAIN AGAIMlltocekers AGAIN3lliloeekers tGAItllloeeker Mlltocekers Spirited Opera tta nethrd nethrdat at the Irving Place Theatre ThratrrCarl ThtrrCarl TheatreCarl Carl Milloeokers operetta Der Bett Bettel Bettelstudent Bettelstudent l lstudent < student The Beggar ggar Student came cameback camebaok camebaok baok to the Irving Place Theatre last lastnight laBtnlgbt lastnight night after a long absence Indeed there therewere therewere therewere were those who said It had been some something 80mething something ¬ thing like seventeen years since the late lateHelnrich lateHeinrich lateHeinrich Heinrich Cohried had produced It there thereAnyhow thereAnyhow thereAnyhow Anyhow it seemed like a novelty to tothe tothe tothe the greater part of the audience which whichwas whichraa was large and enthusiastic and a great greatpart greAtpart greatpart I part of it young and Hlmmell how they theydid theydid I did laugh at t the jokes of Obertt Dllendorf Dllendorfthe Ol tender t tthe the Governor of Krakau and the feverish feverlahittlclms feverishitticisms Witticisms ittlclms of KnifricA the Eerkermeister Eerkermeisterof of the citadel citadelThe citadelThe citadelThe The story of The Beggar Student Studenthow Studenthow Studenthow how the cruel Governor having been beenspurned beenspurned beenspurned spurned by the fair Laura plotted to tomake tomake tomake make her marry the beggar student studentSmon studentSimon studentSimon Simon who ho was as released from jail for forthe forthe forthe the puropae e and enabled to pose as a aSrinoe aprlnoe aprince Srinoe prince with money m ney borrowed by the theovernor theGovernor theGovernor Governor overnor from one of his subalterns and andhow andhow andhow how just after the marriago the Kerker Kerkermeister Kerkermeiter Kerkerrneister meister appeared at > and gave away Simons Bil7o7Inoog Slnonaincog Simonsincog incog and how the villain Governor was wasfinally WIUItlnallT wasfinally finally folledwas followed with Interest Interestand interestand interestand and every solo and duet got bravos and andencores andenoorN andencores encores encoresFrauleln enoorNFrAuJeln encoresFrauleIn Frauleln Lucia Engelke Enpelkei especially im imported Imported imported ¬ ported from the Metropol Theatre Ber Berlin Berlin BerUn ¬ lin was starred and put in heavy type typeon on the programme but the heroine Laura was Wa sung by Frauleln Alice Haea Haeaeler Haeteler Haeeeler eler who ho sanK well FrAulein Engelke Engelkewho Engelkewho Engelkewho who was her slates Bronislava abounds in physical attractions wore a short skirt skirtand skirtand skirtand and generally had the centre of the stage Rudolf Koch as the hero sane much bet better better bettar ¬ ter than he looked possessing a very veryagreeable veryagreesble veryagreeable agreeable light tenor tenorThe tenorThe tenorThe The chorus was somewhat wooden woodenand woodenI woodenand and seemed to move on wires but it itshowed ItIIhowed itshowed showed up well when it came to singing I The audience generally appeared to enjoy enjc > y the perf performance ormance exceedingly exc ingl ingl0 i j 0 4 > I j v i iQo Qo 43 a I ITHE THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY SOC ETY OF THE THEUNITED THEUNITEDSTATES 1 1UNITED UNITED UNITEDSTATES STATES Pt PtNEW > i NEW YORK FEBRUARY 19 1910r 1910rTO 1910TO 1910 19102O TO POLICYHOLDERS POLICYHOLDERSThe The following synopsis of the Annual Statement State nt as of December 31 1909 is submitted for your yourinformation yourinFormation 1 1inFormation information 4 1909 1909TOTAL 1908 1908TOTAL 1908TOTAL TOTAL ASSETS ASSETSTOTAL 48610963798 486109 486 379 4723395O88TOTAL 47233950883 472339088jTOTAL TOTAL LIABILITIES LIABILITIESConsisting 40083731868 3910724193 3910724193Consisting 39107204193 39107204193THE 391072O4193Consisting Consisting of Insurance Fund 39322355800 and nd 761376068 of miscellaneous liabilities for 1909 1909The 1909The 1939The i The Insurance Fund with future premiums and andintenst interest interestwill CI CIwill I Iwill will pay all outstanding policies as they mature matureTOTAL matureTOTAL matureTOTAL TOTAL SURPLUS SURPLUSWith 8527231930 8126746690 8126746690With With an increasing number of maturities of Deferred DeferredDividend t IDividend Dividend Policies this sum will in tim decrease decreaseNEW decreaseNEW decreaseNEW t NEW INSURANCE PAID FOR including additions 3852143 in 1909 and 3540621 in 1908 1908This 11094301600 I 9126210100 9126210100r r This is an increase for the year of 21 per cent and was wassecured c csecured isecured secured at a lower expense ratio than in 1908 1908INCREASE 1908INCREASE 1 908INCREASE t INCREASE IN OUTSTANDING INSURANCE IN 1909 1909COMPARED 886943900 886943900COMPARED 686943900COMPARED COMPARED WITH A DECREASE IN 1908 1908An 1364781400 An improvement of 2251725300 225 1 725300 as compared with 1908 1908FIRST 1908I I 908FIRST I FIRST YEAR CASH PREMIUMS excluding on additions additionsThis 377432127 272497659 9 This is an increase of 38 3834 j per cent as 8 compared with 1908 1908TOTAL 1908TOTAL 1908TOTAL S TOTAL AMOUNT PAID TO POLICYHOLDERS POLICYHOLDERSDEATH 5171657904 517165790420l023ia67 4786154269 4786I5429DEATH 9 9DEATH DEATH BENEFITS 20l023ia67 2032400265 65 97 per cent of all Death Claim Cla ml in America were paid paidwithin paidwithin paidwithin within one day after proofs pro fs of death were received receivedENDOWMENTS 4 ENDOWMENTS ENDOWMENTSANNUITIES 632155441 4830170 483017010 483017010ANNUITIES 483017010ANNUITIES 10 ANNUITIES SURRENDER VALUES AND OTHER OTHERBENEFITS OTHERBENEFITS 4 4BENEFITS BENEFITS SURRENDZ I 7 7DIVIDENDS 1568366588 1469635416 DIVIDENDS TO POLICYHOLDERS POLl OLDERS C 960904008 801101578 1910 dividends to Policyholders will approximate wl 11000000 11000000DIVIDENDS 1100000 1100000DIVDENDS 1 lOOOOOODIVIDENDS Polcyolder Ipxmat DIVIDENDS DIVDENDS TO STOCKHOLDERS STOCKHOLDERSThis STOCKOLDES 700000 700 700000 t t This is i the maximum annual 700 te maimum dividend that stockholders stokolder can canreceive cn cnrecive canreceive receive under the recive Societys Charter CharterOUTSTANDING Cater CharterOUTSTANDING I I IOUTANDING OUTSTANDING OUTANDING LOANS TO POLICYHOLDERS POLICYHOLDERSEARNINGS POLICYHOLDE 5995493310 5705355528 5705355528ERNIG 5705355528EARNINGS EARNINGS ERNIG FROM INTEREST INET AND RENTS RENTSOUTSTANDING RES 2107401395 I 2063640561 206360561OUSTANDING 2063640561OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING OUSTANDING LOANS ON ONREALESTATE REAL REL ESTATE MORTGAGES MORTGAGESTOTAL MORTGAG 9753264803 975326803 9757076722 975 9757O76722TOTAL 70767 22 22TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES EENSE including Commissions Cmmision and ad Taxes Tae 1043872964 975844746 975844746v 97584476Te Te The v average grow grol rate rat of ° interest t realized realid during durng 1909 199 amounted aountd to 450 45 per cent cnt as a against against445 445 per percent percent r rcnt i cent cnt in in 1908 198439 439 per cent cent in i 1907 19 7 426 per cent cnt in 1906 1906403 403 per cent cent in 1905 p and 390 per pr cent cent in 194 194The 1904 1904The 1904The The condition of your Society S is i constantly cnsaty improving improvg The Te growth of new business busines at a redu reduQn reduced ezpcase Qn ratio and the t increase inea increase in i in outstanding tndig insurance insurac manifest rifst public recognition recognitin growt of the te fact factI 1 I b 1 PRESIDENT PRESIDENTI v I 4 IP NEW 5THAYEBAPTIST oTH A AYE VEBATIST BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCHITALIAX CHUCH CHUCHITUItN OIIURCUIT4L1IN ITALIAX TYPE OF 0 FACADE OF OFTEXT1I OFTENTII OFTENTh TENTh CENTURY I IN PISA PISAllatn PIStIaln PISAMain Main Auditorium AudiorIu In the Form of a Greek GreekCroii Grek GrekCrolTre GreekCrossThree Croii CrolTre CrossThree Three Stories ftorl Above the Audi Auditorium AndltorlumAttethe AuditorlumAttractive ¬ torium torlumAttethe torlumAttractive Attractive AoommoaUonl Accommodations Accommodationsfor i ifor for the te Churchs Churbl Many ltan Activities ArtUltlrsThe AlthIU AlthIUrhe The new ne Fifth Fifh Avenue Avenl11 Baptist pt8t Church ChurchIs Is s to be different diferent architecturally archltectursly from frm any anyof anyof anyof of the other city churches churchl largely largl owing owingto owln owlnto to the th necessities necitie imposed ImPed on the builder buildery buldel buildersby by > y the size and situation sitution of the lot on which whichIt It t is to stand standThe ltand ltandThe standThe The lot on which the th present church churchstands churchstand churchstands stands stand Is just a hundred hundr feet square lureand lureandIn squareand squareandin and andn In n view of the probability probblty that the site will willsooner wi willsooner sooner or later 1ter be surrounded by tall talloff tal tallethos off ot ethos on or apartment aprment buildings buidng the church churchauthorities churchauthorites churchauthorities authorities authorites were confronted cnfronted with the theproblem theproblem theproblem problem of obtalningilight obtainlng lght for their thor new newitructure newstructure newstructure structure chiefly from the front Aside Asidefrom Asde Asdefrom Asidefrom from the requirements uirement of the church ser services Ir Irvic services ¬ vices vic and activities actvtlell this was wuthe the principal principalfactor princpl princplfactor principalfactor factor which the architect archiect William Wiim Welta WeltaBosworth Wel WellesBoeworth Bosworth Bworth had hd to consider considerThe Cflder CflderThe considerThe The tentative plans for the new struc structure st10turt stmuctrim ¬ trim turt have been n prepared prpr those for the thejnt theIntrlor theinterior interior jnt rlor having been OD done dontlln In collaboration collaborationwith collabrtion collabrtionIth with Ith Prof Sabino Rbine of Harvard Hrvard who has hasmade h hasmade made mde himself hlm accountable Bccountble to th the trustees trusteesfor tmste for tho acoustics tho1cutc of the new building buildingThe buildig buildigThe buiidtngThe The main auditorium of the church churchwill churchwi churchwill will wi be b in the form of a Greek Ork cross cr0 and andwill andwi andwilt will wi occupy oupy the full fiI length lenlh and width of ofthe orth ofthe the th lot except excpt that the four comers are areadvanced areaftvnc areadvanced advanced aftvnc to give gle support for the thl tipper tipperstori uppr upprstori tipperstories stori stories s of the building bliding and allow alo space spacefor spacefor pce pcefor for stairways tirwaY8 and for subordinate subrdlMte ser service servic services ¬ vice vic There Ter will wi be b galleries gnllries at the front frontand frontand frontand and tho two sides lIide th thl the inner end being beinggiven bing binggiven beinggiven given to the chancel chancl platform platorm baptistry baptistryscreen bptl8try bptl8try8n screen 8n and canopy can py thl the n < l lt last t being bing the thochief thechleC thechiof chief architectural architecturl noto of the interior interiorTho InteriorI interiorThe I The decorations decorationsThere deraton deratonTer decorationsThere plan p11n U 11 to build buld it I of stone with mosaic mosaicdecorations moalc moalcderaton mosaicdecorations There Ter will be b three thret stones store above abov the theceiling thecing theceiling ceiling cing of the main auditorium for the theSunday theBundy theSunday Sunday Bundy school the classroom and the thechurch thechurch thechurch church social sial floor The rear fr of tho roof roofis is to be made flat ft to nerve nrvo the purrova purrovaof pUI0 of a roof garden In the summer There Therewill Therewi Therewill will wi be b four ltirys stairways two at tho rear rr and andone andone andone one at each ech end of the facade fa ade them th latter lattertwo ltter lttertwo lattertwo two surrounding elevators eltvators The ceiling cellingof cing cingr of < If r the auditorium audtorium comes only oly to about aboutonehalf abolt aboltonehl aboutonehalf onehalf onehl the total height of the front if ifthe rifthe oTthe the building buildingTo To meet met these requirements ruIrement the archi architects arhl arhltet architoots ¬ toots tet reverted to an Italian Itian type tpe of church churchfacade churchfaad churchfa facade faad fa ade of the tenth century cntur in il Pisa Psa a alarge alarge alarge large gable filled with lthrows lth rows of arches archesresting arhe archesresting resting restng on slender 8le er columns The windows windowsare wlndowl are recessed red in the wall al behind this open opencolonnade opencolonnae opencolonnade colonnade colonnae The Te main feature fetur of the front frontIs Is a group of three thr large arched ahod windows windowsand and a three gabled gable portico beneath which whichaccess whichacce whichaccess access acce Is gained ganed to prco the veatlblue ve8tblue and the theauditorium theauditorium theauditorium auditorium At each end of the front frontthere rrontthere frontthere there will wU be other lesser le8r entrances these theseleading thM theseleading leading leaing to the thl stairways stairays and elevators elevatorsIt elevatorsI It I is expected epted that the building buiding will wi be beof b beof of light lght stone stne combined comblno with the shades shadesof ebade of dark darkThe darkThe marble mble the columns light lght and the bands bandsdark bd8 bd8dark bandsdark darkThe The rear rea corners accommodate aommote the thepastors tbeptorsstudy thepastors pastors ptorsstudy study ushers ushersroom room choir rooms roomsand roomaad roomsand and ad organ loft lof There will WU be b a dressing dressingroom drinA room in the basement bement The Te ruditoruim ruditoruimceiling udlorulm udlorulmcelog uditomuimceiling ceiling celog will I b be of heavy beams bl Above Abovethe Abonthe Abovethe the galleries glerle the side walls are a brought broughtforward broughtforard broughtforward forward forard to allow aow the entrance eo tranc of light lightthrough lght lghtthrough lightthrough through windows ladow there thereThe tere tereTbe thereThe The interior woodwork wowork will wi be b in i the te tel l > t 1 color of antique walnut alnut The Te floor foor pitches pitchestoward pitehe pitchestoward toward tward the te platform platorm The ventilating ventilatingsystem ventatg ventatglystem venttlatInsystem system lystem is to provide for the intake Inte of offresh ofI offresh I fresh frh air ar suitably ultbly heated heat at the top of ofthe ofthe ofthe the house hoW and the withdrawal of air at atthe atthe atthe te the lowest lowet floor foor level level There is ar to be beapparatus b beapparatus apparatus appatualnatle installed by which deaf dea persona personamav prna prnamay may hear the services servicesThe eervlO The floor foor above the gallery galer is so 0 ar arranged ae aeranged arranged ¬ ranged that the whole may be thrown throwninto thrownInto throwninto into one room and there are a to be service servicearrangements serice sericearangement servicearrangements arrangements arangement which will 11 enable dinners dinnersto diners dinersto to be served to 200 2 people pple There will willbe wi willbe be the customary trustees truat rooms room and andalso anda andalso also apartments for the sexton The Thecost TheCOI Thecost a aprment 4500005 cost COI 0 of the building is estimated etmated at about aboutiacxio TilE SEAOOEItS SEAOOEItSThe SEAGOBRSTe The Te Avon Carries 3O6 30 Excortlonlitf Eeulonlltl on a an 31 Da la Cruise CralieThe CruiseThe Cmle CmleThe The Boys Rya Mail Ml steamship Avon sails sailstoday wlstoy sailstoday today on a thirtyone thlrtyn day sightseeing sightseeingtrip aghtlng aghtlngtrip trip that will wi take tke in Bermuda Brmuda Porto PortoRico Poro PoroRico PortoRico Rico Trinidad Trinid the Canal Cn Zone Zne Marti Martinique Martinique Martinique ¬ nique Venezuela and ad Cuba Cub She carries caie carries3O 305 s 3O excursionists exouronat from thirtyone States Statesrepresenting Btt Statesrepresenting representing reprntng all al the chief cities cite of f the thecontinent thecontinent thecontinent continent in the list lit are areMr areIr areMr Mr Ir and ADdlr Sirs F W V Barnes Benjamin Cable Mr lr and Mrs Robert RberL H t McCreerjr Enamin A t K Hloun tloln Ur Charles Charle Stoddard Stoddrd Mcreery U I IIerwIlIiger F FlerwIlllBBr FJerwllftr lerwIlllBBr Jerwllftr J I F t Tuttle rutte Col Cl Somerset Butler Hlter I II > Kimball Ktmbl Uen and Mrs rs 8mest Edward I KIVleKi HIII Rtcley < Mr > lr and nd Mr lra Caspar Whitney Eward Wbltey t h J llllatm Ulam Mr and ad Mrs elpr O 1 A Chap man n Mr M r and Mrs 1 Norman Norma Ellison Elsn llap Ur Frederick O Craves Mr Ir and Mrs Augustus AUKu tus Newman William Wilam fhurber Mr and Mrs Thomas I llulbert lulbert Thurber C CaPt pt B n K Hardaway Hadway Judge Judle rlnghum rlnghumThe rlnlhar ringhamnThe William WIlam W l lougiris > > oUKia UKlol and Ind W V T F Wlnt Wlntrlnghum Wlntrlnlhar Wintringhamn The Qube Quebec line lne steamship steamsip Oceana Oa off offfor of offfor for Bermuda takes more than 300 Brmuda take tan 3 passen passengers pn pngers paseengems ¬ gers the largest larget number that ever has hasleft hasleft hasleft left this port for the island of lilies liliesAmong lies liesAmong liliesAmong Among the voyagers are areMr areIr areMr Mr Ir and Mrs 11 I a S Borden Brden Mr and Mrs James IJrisbane Urlbne Herbert C Bartlett Bltet Cot Wilam MlllamJ J KIllotMr JIt Elliot Mr and Mrs H W V Foster Cl Mr and Mrs W V N In Inie < Mr If and Mrs tra l W llteJ T CarrlDRton Mrs Mr J J W Uiimberlaln Chambrlan Mrs Mrsand Mnand Mrsand and Mrs 1 Allen Alen Townsend Townnd Mr and ai mind Mrs Mr H t V Woolverton Wolverton Mr and ad Mrs r C 1 Thur Tburston Thurton Thurston ston MrJand Mrsfcrneut Poole lrJad Mrret and rand Mr and Mrs M II I VVOrr VVOrrBy W Urr UrrBy irmBy ad By the Cunarder Cnrder Caronia Cna for the theAzores theAzore theAzores Azores Azore Madeira Meira and the Mediterranean MediterraneanMrs Meterrane Mrs J A Bostwlck Mr and Mrs Herbert Herbert L Clark Clak Mrs VirgInia Intlnla B Drury Mr and andimii Mrs Hary Harry Mmlth Ford Judge Jud e and Mrs K I Ulenun Jiennon Cunt Count Io lye Irlnnl Sorianni Maeeei lalel lr U C D udeI Mr and yin Claude Jill Jillpatrick patrick imii iuiv vsui Col Cci J i W V v jiuLuiiuio Huthis Ilutehins 11 Mrs tiro Harvey Ki 1 nulls Inlls Mrs ls J 1 Blake Uake rlbner Mrs lr Andrew AndrewPHton Andrelln Andrewiaton PHton lln Judge and Mrs Ir E II Hlnsdsle and andMr Mr 11 and Mrs Ms J C Harper HarperBy HarperBy harperBy By the White Star Str liner lner Baltic Dtlo for forQueenatown forQUMnstown forQueenstown Queenatown and Liverpool LiverpoolLord Liverpl LiverplLrd Lord Lrd Robert Rbert InnesKer InnsKer Viscount flaunt da Perlgnr lerlln Mr lr and Mrs ll F K I Vivian Bond ond Lady Ldy Mary Mar Dawson the Countess Countss of Dart Dartnnr Dlrt Dartncr ncr nlY the Countess Countlls of Harewood Haewood Mr and andMrs ad Mrs Charles A Worral Vorrall orrallandHPHarper orrallandHPHarperPassengers and I It I Harpr HarprPMngen Harper HarperPassengers Passengers PMngen by the Atlantic Atantlo Transport Transportliner Trpor liner Mlnnehaha Mlnnebaa for London LondonMrs Lndon LndonJrs Mrs II n S Baring Barlnl Gould Miss 31 Adeline Gould Montague Montrue Samuel SIDuel Jacques Adelne Adady Adadyand Adadrand Adadyand and Miss 3 18 Constance Constnce Fletcher FletcherBy tleLo er erBy By the Anchor liner Inlr California Ciornia for forGlasgow lorOlUlgow forGlasgow Glasgow GlasgowV OlUlgowW W V W v Darling Dallneh Mrs Schuyler V V hot llofman hotmanIilrs man ertson ertsonSailing msn11rs erln manIilrs ertsonSaUing Mrs Louis Uoullllon noullon and William Ilam Rob Robertson Rb Rberln notiertson 10t 10tmsn11rs ¬ erlnSUng Sailing SUng by the Royal Ryal Mall Ml liner lner Nile Nilefor Nie Nieor NileIcr for or Southampton Suthmptn by way of the West WestIndies WestIndes WestIndies Indies IndiesH Indes IndesH H R Dltmari Ditars the Rev and Mr C T TI I Harrzell larrzell Mr and Mr iirw Ir W E Young Y Dr and Mrs II I pa Dayton ton MaJ MaJthln MajUon Oen Debevolse Debvolse OUI and ana an Mr l and Mrs W J Christie Passengers Palenlers by o the New York and Porto Port Rico Ric steamship seam8hlp Carolina Caroln for San Bn Juan JuanDr Ju JuanDr Dr C O Frederick rlderlck E E C onot Root Major Kerrey pates Bat Mr and Mrs 31rl C M Goddard Dr wfuUm Wiiam William li I Walker Walkerf W L DripVrTand Dr Drspr GOdad rana and I Dr and Mrs Mr Thomas Thoma E Parks Pak Parksit it PAXTOMIXES ES AT NEW THEATRE THEATREAmateurs THEATREAmateurs Amateurs Amate Dell Deaht Delight rent a Large Lle Attendance AttendanceIn In I Behalf Bml of Charity ofCarlt ofCarltA ottharityA CharityA A series serie bf bfluaicl musical pantomimes and anddances adddances d ddc dances dc given by NewYork soiety society folk folkor folkfo folkfor gTel fo for or the benefit befit of the MusIO MulO School Shool Settle Settlement Stte Sttement Bottlemeat ¬ ment was wa presented prnt before a large lageat and andfriendly andfriendly friendly friendy audience audienc at the New NewtTheatre Newhetre Newhetreyeterday tTheatre tTheatreyesterday Thdatreyesterday yesterday yeterday afternoon aternoon With th t the e exception exceptionof xcpton xcptonof of the New York Symphony Syphoy Orchestra Orchestraunder Orchetra Orchetraunde Orchestraunder under unde the direction dreion of Walter alter Damrosch Damroschand Darolh Darolhad and ad Miss Mi Rita Ut Sacchetto Schetto of the te Metropoli Metropolitan Metropl ¬ tan t Opera Opra House Hous company compy the entire entireprogramme entre entreprge entireprogramme prge programme was performed prore by amateurs amateursand aateurs aateursad and ad the te applause was wa frequent fruent and hearty heartyThe heary hearyThe heartyThe The staging was IUI lavish h v h the thf settings settingseffective 8ettngs 8ettngse settingseecthe effective e eve egg and the te music mulo appropriate appropriateAfter approprte approprteAfer After Afer three tr pantomimic ptomlmio affairs aairs ranging rangingFrom rangingfrom rangingfrom From Jack Jak Frost Frt in a midsummer midsumer garden gardento to a ceremony cmony about the tomb of Agamem Agamemnon Agaemnon ¬ non with the irrepressible Irreprlble ELectra E dra in evi evidence evidenc cvidence ¬ dence denc Miss Mi Sacchetto Shetto gave two dances dancesof danc8 danc8or of a rather rther quiet sort 8r She Ihe was well el re received reoived recelved ¬ ceived oived but the audience manifested maniested a akeener akeer akeener keener keer interest intrt In the pretty young girls girlsin in their Grecian and Bedouin Bouin costumes costumesAnd Ctumee CtumeeAnd costumesAnd could closer view viewof viewof Iewof And then too one get gt a clOer of them because bU8e they the all came ce right into intothe Intothe Intothe the orchestra and balconies baloonle after afer their theiract theira theiract act to orestra ask their friends if I they really realy did didas didIUI didas a as well wel as a they had ha expected expectedThe ex e The popularity ppuhUty of Orlegs Grlegl Peer Gynt Gyntmusic Gyntmulo Gyntmusic music mulo which U is being bing used ut by most mOt all allthe Al allthe the professional classic claslo dancers dncers these thesedays the thesedays days furnished furni hed considerable rhythm for forthe forthe forthe the first frst number A chorus cbor bearing bearingmusical bring bringmU81c bearingmusical musical mU81c instruments istrent8 of an ancient vintage vintagegrouped vintge vintgegout vintagegrouped grouped themselves themeelvO about Peer Oynt Oyntoutside ayntoutfde Gyntoutside outside gout outfde of his tent and did an a a Eastern Easterndance Ern Erndanc Easterndance dance danc Peer Oynt alt was indifferent until untilA unt untilttaUra A nUra Elided glded In He sat s up and observed observedwhile obered oberedwhie observedwhile while whie the girl whirled and posed pO until untilhe unti untilhe he was 18 entirely entrely in her power there thereupon Whereupn here hereupon ¬ upon they robbed robD him and made mae a hasty hastyexit hutyexit hastyexit exit upn Miss Mis Dorothy Dorohy Jordan Joran of Boston BostonImpersonated Baton BatonImpnoned BostonImpersonated Impersonated AnUra She Ihe danced danc with withexquisite withexquisite withexquisite exquisite Impnoned grace and looked suffciently 8ulQlenty g bewitching bewiting to charm cba most mot any man manScenically manScenlclr manScenically Scenically Scenlclr the pantomime ptoime of Jack JackFrost JackFrot JackFrost Frost Frot in the Garden in Midsummer Midsummerproved Midsummerproved MIdsummerproved proved the most effective efectve part art of the thematinee thematih thematin matinee matih e Joseph Joeph LlndonSmith Lindon mlth was < lack lackand Jec Icckand and Mr Mrs George Gerje Rublee Ruble was 1 the Jothho Mothwho Moth SloShwho who ho danced danc The Tbemulo music was W1 composed composedby cmped cmpedb by b Edward Ewa Burllngame Burlnjtae Hill 1i of Boston BostonIt Dton It 1 was constructed cnstruc on the Wagnerian Wagnerianprinciple Wagnerianprincple Wagnerianprinciple principle princple wa of the leitmotif leitmtf each character characterhaving charaer charaerhving characterhaving having hving Its it special spial theme The baas b horns hornsworked homaWorked hornsworked worked overtime overime whenever the frog frogappeared Frof Frogappeared appeared appearedThe app The simplicity aimplct of the Greek Grk costumes costumesIn ctue In the scene scne with Electra Eldr Cluttmnettra Cluttmnettraand Clvcmnefrf Cl yr emnestra emnestraand and the maidens and the fitting music musicby musicby musicby by Massenet Maenet from Lea L Erinnyes Erinnye made mae a afine afe afine fine fe combination cmbiaton It 1 was wa all alver sIlvery very quietly quietlyand quiety quietyad quietlyand and ad solemnly 8Iemnly done Mrs Archibald Arclibld 8 8Alexander BAlxader1 SAlexander Alexander Alxader1 was Electro BlectN Miss ML Sacchetto Sacchettodanced 8etto 8ettodanc Sacchettodanced danced danc the Toreador and ad Andalouse Andalouseby Andloul AndalousebyRubinstelnand by byRubinstelnand Rubinstein Rubiin and Moszkowskis Mozkowakis Costa Costagnette Ct Costagnette gnette gete Solo Slo The orchestra orchera played sev several seveer severai ¬ eral er selections 11etons during durg the Intermissions IntermissionsThe Intermi810na Intermi810naThe The proceeds proc of the performance perormac were werelarge werelage werelarge large and ad they theJ will wi all al go toward towa the sup IUPPrt support ¬ port Prt of the Muslo School Shool Settlement Sttement lii liiKast Ibt lbEast East t Third street str Among Aong the box boxholders boxholders boxholders holders yesterday afternoon afternon were Mm MmAndrew me1 I Andrew Andw Carnegie Mrs Mr Payne Whitney Mrs M Adrian Adra Joline Miss Lorraine IJrlne Roose Roosevelt Rs Roosevelt ¬ velt Mrs M MrTaylor Mraylor Pyne Pe Mrs Mr Henry Henr Clews Cewa Mrs Mr Henry Henr Alexander and Mrs MrsJ lrs lrsJ J West Wet Roosevelt RooseveltTherell Rvelt RveltTeren RooseveltThereil Therell Teren Be Skating 8katns at Van Va CortUndt CortUndtThe Cortandt CortandtThe The red r ball bl will wi be up In I Van CortUndt CortUndtPark Corldt CorldtPak CortlandtPark Park today The cold weather of ¬ Pak tay Te cld yes ye yeaterday yesterday terday terda and last lt night put the Ice lO on the thelake thelae thelake lake lae there In splendid splendd condition conditon for skaters skatersand skatersand kter and with school boys b having a wholeholiday whole wholeholiday wholholday holiday holday and ad many my others olho a I half haI holiday holday it Is more than probable prbble that tt several severalthousand sveral sveraltoud several4tboussd toud thousand skaters atrs will wI be b on the Ice Ic 5 SEEKI SEEKIXG Na l P t II IIPolice nD iilollce V Q QPolce Police Polce Looking for Paper Makf M MSprlnllneld reese FrwSpringfield reesetipringrleld Springfield Matt MattA Ma MaA u I A confidential oonfdenlalnlarmwlUl alarm atarmwas was wasPolice snt sent o outfroM outfroMPolice JQ Police ioe Headquarters a few few days daysfor c Mll MllJQ sje sjefor for Charles Carles H Davenport Davenrt Jr Jror Jrorfield of offield Sprn Sprnfield Jr field Mass f a paper ppr manufacturer mnufactwJo1r Mr MrDivenport r rDzvenport Divenport came here on F February blU1kh blU1khattend to toattend Wattend attend a dinner of the American Aerc T pup pupand > Jp Jpand i iand and paper manufacturers mnufacturer at the th WaMerf W Wthat Wilderfthat vf1 vf1that that p3pr night Ho registered rogistr at the Murray Ku MmitysHill i iHill Hill Hotel 1otel Hotellie p pHe v g He attended the dinner diner and went wet b bask baskto k kto to the Murray Hill Hi It was w BUpjpoMd BUpjpoMdhe k he was on his way home when wh J uP h he left Wftthe leftthe < Jr the morning of February Februar 10 A aaj4t aaj4tof roh rohof 1 1of of hospitals publio publo and private privt bass b I Hoi Hoishown hotshown shown any anything thing about Davenports Davenptw where whereabouts whereabouts abouts aboutsTH ahuts ahutsTo b bTi1 f TH To Kettle Hetie The Grand Grad Moguls 011 SU 5Ne 5NeMarc e eMara J J Mara laro Klaw Klw and end Abraham AbramEJ Erlpaer Erlpaerwho Erla er erwho who brought suit 8U It against agin Felix Felixfor 1 Iera Ierafor for en e accounting aountng of the thepr1t9 thepr1t9Grd profits of ofOrand o Th Thlmnnd Orand Grd Mogul have obtained obtlealw obtlealwlotory an anlooutory n lset lsetlocutory looutory lotory judgment and ad Philip PhUp M J Jhas Brttt Brttthas 8ftthas has been bn appointed to take the theaut account accountThe accoustThe l lTe appinted The Te plaintiffs pJintf8 allege alege an agreement agrm t made madein f in 1900 19 by which Isman was w to produoq prudneethe 1 the show and to give them tm 25 peroent peroentof pr1A pr1Aof pr of the profitu profitswhle while they th were wor alsotohtMtd ltokt W 25 per cent cnt of any Jny losses 10 They The say that thatIsman WatIsiman 1i Isman took tk the show off oflnb In Oeoeniber r1 Ing 1007 107 and has b declined declned to make mke an a account A aooouting t I ICELESTI IngCEIESTINS CEIESTINS CEIESTINSVICHY CELESTI N S VICHY VICHYNatural YIr t I Natural NaturalAlkaline Nata Natural1i 7 1i Alkaline Mklie Alkalinef3 S WiteH WiteHUsed Wtl WtlUsd 4 f3 Used Usd at a meals mealsprevents m nIcalsI I prevents pretss pretssppsi Bys Byspepsia Dyapepsia > pepsia ppsi and ad re relieves r relieves ¬ lieves lces Gout and andIndigestion aric aricIndigestion I Indigestion IndigestionAsk Idigeton IdigetonAil c Ask Ail year Physician PhysicianVICHY Physlcl Physlclt K KI t CELESTINS CELESTINSEnduring YI VICHYEnduring VICHY VICHYCELESTINS rHY rHYCELESTfNS Enduring Quality Qualityted ted txqalsHe dufyni ire ireassured wT wTsured assured In n knives forks forbfpooni forksspoons spoons and nd fancy sets senlag setsIng lag plcccj stomp I847ROGERSH4 stamped I847ROGERS BROS1 BROS1Mad H4 n fie II tonltit tttfto fttti HH ISiwits Vi Viart wits art its log bees rnwicpfM iwi4113ir > Tjj TjjBifftr 3ir fte SAsS Wasra Wasraanw Bifftr tfftiu din to I Hit sod s sfrsyi i Irtjt bwI > 1k 1kI < nt ntSOLO I SOLO sy T XBADIMO XBADIMOt Daaxaa Daaxaa1J5 1J5 H A 1 J 3