= T > <
TI I 1
1111 1111 fifi fff Iltt t M 1111 in 1It it in rut ritKrith rutlf7ul
lf7ul 1 111 tI rith ntu ntuAnd Iitllflaftt IitllflafttAnd 11 WII WIIAnd
And Mlanl In a lliimMit 1111111 w11t tsle 11 Hants Hantstl ttanlIke nl nlI
Ike tl I e Man Ih Mlm 4 lireil a New ew w woJe lrk lrkIeilhaal mrtt mrttI
I lchsnr Ieilhaal Jsc Ullh 1111 lls II > IK I IliIlawn IliIlawnto li Un Unorel mn mnIn
In Ccnrcis orel ami 1 Its lt t Her New ew W 7m 7mr X Xt 7wroil >
t r roil m MUnU I III inlav thorn Ih camn m m1 4wtmrut a amenuill
menuill lust 1 S1Uaun illuiin 11 Knyder IIyI head headr headryr 1 1II
r ryr r Hi II ihr h iriunil ntl Park k tru no I hnlln hnllnI Iwd lit 11 11tUr ern ernekrd
ekrd tUr I inlii Ihr Ih Inn nli of r nil slgrrintnndrnt slgrrintnndrntt > rlll rlllI illln < 1nl 1nlII
I tin II i ii Iou il jauleiiM 1ltltl 1 III Atlanta Ilall ami amiib 4th 4thph d
ib 1 < t tI IK I v > dll uM 11 14i it 1 p > ln 1llIlfT Ingniryglthegla Ingnirygltheglalnrn4l < iulrv al the It n Z MI
10 I ih h nciml liriNIRhl nut It lh the Rle RleIIMI at ath g4ew g4ewnu <
nu IIMI h I ill II Iw William Io Snvder referred rrT in in intu Int inhr
tu t < V 4tfnta t mm In iivinth g nt h mm lie I Billy ly Snyder Snyderthi
thi h tt I tntii f a l inc l case i ed on n l the Ih similar similariy Iml ImlI
iy I nt > r iMinen s < ami 1m and < 1 th I < fact that Billy Snyder Snyderi nYd
i irf rad l keeper of f the th nnlnisl in the nark narkAtrt paleA11 pstkAtd
Atrt I Illv III iy hiniuIf Inter Ir udmill > < d that It ilw ItI Itwan
wan w ik Iw h I who uh h > had iieen 11 iimmoned 4 in M Mant 1ta
a ant 11 and Rd to In I il alii o nitiiiittiil I hut in om MinI omI < > me
111 I 11 of r the I country fIlllltr II hn > i wn w was now n und undknown andItr ft ftklln
Itr > known All H 11 lllUm n i pet name m which whichen whlhhim whichw4t
w4t en a1Vn en him in hi inf Inrn Inr4nly n < y nnd nt which whichli
li pe 1i4w ia h n iitRr 111 wn in later LI It yMr yMrW Y YI y tra traSt
W lut I n i more m hilly J1III ndnillt 111I1111 d l thai h hw hf hfI hrwas
I w was i snklerittg < > ii iiterinii the h > Atlanta prnMltlon prnMltlonti prnlwlthmrrnuaar
rrnuaar ti ii tlv lv inn and n very n likely IIkl might ml < < hl ac atept ateptt epl eplI
I nlthnlh i Ul igli ho h h has M not I yet derided de tdw1 upon uponthe 1I1nIh
the Ih time 01 for Ina hi retirement frnm the I pnt pwathPr pnther
her to which Im he lit itM haul 01 for nme twenty twentyr twentyodd
r odd < lrt vvir 1h The llinln rn < I le nf r c tym tymlwratnely wn wnr omrnl
r lwratnely rfivev recent date tAt and mt h hot has n first rate ratetirt ml mlH cotetlrt
tirt H icxirilins ntillit Iii o Hillv He II hit Ma Men n it itMini IIn Itkraal
Mini n know I nil II nltmit 110 it 1 11 lie jmlilic nf ntthe nfIII r raklllC
III the iinrciatl nrga n city lit Liking tnlaIhl mnldrribkmrrott cnn tnlaIhlI id < ruble rubleintct
intct mrrott Mi m the Ih prnjnct nnd IICI Is i willing In InHo I IIn Inrl
I Ho rl whatever term < Ia n 11waasrry < iv njrry fTy In I make the them th thy
y Ni ih then hr r one of if r the Ih ery r lct in f i Ih thIintry the theoimtry IhI
I oimtry Inhn SsHq < r > v the tl Park Pi rk 1nmmi 1nmmiinner IrnmI Inmta5n1er
I inner there I hin Ise Iw Iieen 1 en Innkinc anxind Hm for fnritne rorn forin
itne n time 1111 for r the h nghl rrwn m it In tnke hnld hnldnf hltlr hnkdor
nf thing If Snyder ga RIUMI It a In I Allan tlatll tlatllIII he hewill h hwill
will III lx director of the Ih n ran t w wsth ilh h full charge chargerf burr
rf r > r every ararTthuIZ ararTthuIZIpunnIhrncasn ryltllIt bins binsi
i IpunnIhrncasn me 11 of r iier h > > i n + letiKiiiR him tnmcejtt tnmcejttthe 10 t tIh
the Ih offer iv I in tw I fmmil in the Ih fuel ltrt IhJtt IhJttiheiVnfrnl III IIII ih4the
I iheiVnfrnl Ih the 1rntrul > ark nM > n Is i tin ImiRer lo11g r th > nnly nmlyIna nnlyone olllyn
one n m this thi iimiinunity II lut U In > divide divideilltetoKi dividethough
illtetoKi wili 1111 tlie nnln 111110 lh < llroni < hound houndDr thoughIr I
Dr U lloitmiirtv will tint nl all that one a aTim Itpuo urho
Tim ih on < > n < in u It IIrklyll llro klyn unit 4 prnji pmprasl pmpraslnor > ctid ctidone
one 1 in Newark k Nlw i lerwey 1 v Jlllly IlIlhI wave wavenew > MV MVnow
now I ik ulxNIt 111 Ihr only I ht41a > t 11 e Iff I slut tin tinnnt h hnnl tula tulanot
not a 7i 7lolotlrI ionicil park f k nnd New 0 ne Irrs lrMy v I Ihurryiiii Ihurryill iihurtyinl
hurryiiii In get > one nunIse It ItnI
1 Snyder nI need in l law > e T iircu nun II IIlecan IIfail lbi lbitrgan
fail with h Ikirnuui a ctrcu Mrc I in 111113 l tw3 3 In InlaA IIIli hliRa
iRa Mr pY taller Ilanr OIIH l arm n HUiinil Ink In Ini 10CnCml
i Central ntral Park Ih city Iy rlnltii etlll etlllnlmI own it itnimil to toanimals
animals in thiwwInva thn t liny but kept f1 a nnrt nf nfIon or10lI1i ofw
w Ion loon n exhibition xhihl nn coma < iiid 111 o s tit t Sny Snvd < r rnlciii ralou
nlciii lo take mre nr r nf ihem Ih In tai Hilly Hillyslnft ItllI ItllIllIrl1 dillyMftcl
slnft llIrl1 < l from the I h Ilarnuin A Builxv I1otIly1I Iksll y man manMC1lnt mnnncenient
ncenient 1I II1t tn that of r the Ih rite II of N w V irk orkn irkami
ami n < l h < > ha Ilea bn > > > < wuh w nit the cilv It evir r ails ailsSin suue suuetin i iIIn
tin iHiniHry IB IHl U ht h ceVbrateit bntt hi hitwenieih hiss hilitr hisstnt
twenieih tnt ± rth tsar > eir tr in n lh IhIrk < park > nrk and Id ftecteury ftecteurytlnlly e trtary trtarylolly
tlnlly 1111 of r tlie III pork Ixuini nve It I him 111ma 1 bull bullcr twillIrirt
Irirt cr < t as 4i > a lixdv 11 little toniimnnlal Thktaap 1 Thw ThwJII hM hM4JI
JII 4JI Billy 11111 tMiicht h in n dn Mlunl with Hatie Hatieit BiltIt
it t i ir rlI u eletttnt rpn nun rfI d < f tt I ItJfhltIo lank lankIIryhsnte wrK wrKHt
Ht tJfhltIo > f h nt ire 11 m sort < l always twy hj tutu e tern ternillyr l < e n
1 IIII illv illyr r sS9tv C4ullv Ih 1 ° Get thus Ilie IlieDnlUn Ih IhIInll IhrA
A DnlUn ii pwgir < > 1 I io own 0 n nha > n If > t Ii I > big brutet bruteti hIII hIIIill burntis
i ill cne rr lessen why IV th they > me anxious xlou to toft tot n nIlt
Ilt ft t Filly Fill dow dnsfwxr < < 0 ti u > r Uuonlthmatn inoni the th mat It Itlta1 < r rinI rw rwthat
that rune M f I INII vn rtii t sit > ip I i to 0 mm during urin hi hiHay hIflA hiss hissIAy
Hay flA in the I 1t pork 1 wi was the lit wr nre r of the th to twohad t tohitrt o otMii
had eVphantt ai Ihh hant Tip and 10 loin KnrenauKh KnrenauKhL Fnrapa ugh ughtevr
L tevr < lip t tit u ihr th 1irk ark rk in I has and I lltiitoy lltiitoyI 1110 1110ntIC1
I 1a i srntrl iitvl Tom in Istki l w Th Thk y wrr r two twoo
o the Ih hut butsst > elephants that hnvder net netbd ever everhart rvsrhad
hart to han hlnII < il > Tip wan oK klllTl ksU in inlwo I dirt dirtIwo II
Iwo 0 years ar 4 refnre h nre l ian Mn arnvnd rn l al I the thea ihnark hon1
a ark and n1 Philadelphia Tlulil 1lphlll < In iv I Ica windnm windnmsnid wltomMt wisiom1u4111
snid that h New York ork only killed Tip te teIMII to toJlII Frt
IMII t uaI New S w uric iliiln t know xtxxu ah hot iii e ephAiit ea eaphatlt > IhotnlA > >
phAiit hotnlA Tom too gut tit so n had h hr had h in inI
I o killed n ld m nls M suss hough IhiU IhiUdelihii Ihllcihloa Pmldlphsa
delihii hartn t spokn spoknSnth > nkKnh oki > ii iiBoth
Both thcw lw elephinti Ihnl hid liken t tchttna Ilh1I1Z 1rhsut
chttna rhsut keeiwr k era srnnt irt > und 111 the III 1t Mdd d tt 1 a wit witli k klip
li lip > got hold of > f nvder < twii I tw and ml Und Undhim 101hili Ltdhim
him u UP dots Iool mite lly the Ih time Tom Tomarrived Tmrrl tom15rristd
arrived rrl f nyiler had h sd I ternm > ecnrne om norr inorecmtinu inorecmtinuand rnur minus minusandrnmuvvrgnt tlnll tlnllart
and romnevergot art rnnt r 101 holdnf thehesdkeeiier thehesdkeeiierTom Ihh ad keer keerTool
Tom was wit 11 sucivedM 44 n performer p m nthe mthe Inh
the h Mrk by Until wh htll canie from Ieyl IsgIon IsgIonHnydr > n nhnyrter
hnyrter r uy y that she h M the Ih isreitmt i little littleperforming liltlrrrormlhlt lustperfmming
I eleplunl you w ever sew nnwlietier sewIrttar w wIt
lietier It than Tom serer flr wa Mi Iliac 1 Jsel Jsela Jew Jewi >
i a III the Ih i only > nl iher Ih r elepIiAnt II1Ani in 11 the Ih park parkDow f ptrknow uk ukDW
Dow DowA A4 A herd kci > l > er r nf r the Ih Ilrk irk Rlllv I Iin IIn u uto
in cliarg of f ell II the th h rmmnU He Hetram II also alsotrains 1 1Inun < >
tram tnern surd teache thrn how in inlite toJ
J bite 11 in a civllixed iii t community Ind IndIf n nel nelIf < l lif
if anything IInvthll i is the II nrttterwith mil rnnr ter with nne onr on nf f them thnlIrntu themI IhnlIrolli
I Irolli mm an ache in the Ih very r mcll 1Ih 1Ihlir t < ith ithuf
uf 4 mtnkey IIIlnk to Sw un n ache 111 II the th very ry Urge Urgetummy largeriluunsy IC ICr
tummy IIIY < > r m eiepnunt Billy u > < i lled < lledf IJodnn
r f nn > n to I see ee wlutf tltl the Ih trouble He If w hi hiown hhnet huts hutsw5
own w5 and nd the Ih parks mrl > vitiTinriin Prill Ion and andaurgwiit AtlIrzn andgrea
aurgwiit and nd errry everything thing rise when hoon it itcinie itc 1 1r
cinie r c m to thecireof Ihpr nr + iftheinitnals iftheinitnalsIn theanimjl theanimjlIn
In the th l Itter tter r pirl I tart I of the Ih winter rfIB rf rfl < f flJojutt
l lJojutt IB i < M i the Ih it str4 t n wa on n II Ida WAY AV In luIi vlaU
Mi Mis Ii Murphy the I th It hlti hll Old faliph faliphMi t aliphIi
Mi Ii Miirpnv rhv mal had tut died 1 in Inll InllFlet Inntiarr Inntiarrnd nmuar nmuarand
and nd hi h widow tow gave Itlt birth In n 1lhll fwwdhtli > < thti thtiIIKU
i IIKU iou e ti m March h Billy sot t up with withthe withibis lIh lIhIh
the Ih prnnpfvttive prapwn s mother night and n diy dayMud diyHJld 11fut
Mud ut toslay tc I < liy I he h take t pride in a tine 1111 henthy hlth hlththv
baby hipp h1rJ i Iliph hph < II horn in 11 cnptivily rnrtvityunder cnptivilyutiier rlII rlIIulIIr
under hi h his wn h i parsintl > er > inl snp iipervimn iipervimnnvr rvlston rvlstonnlder
nvr nw1 nlder T a work rk IH never two I day 1 the theMite thesett h
sett Mite 111 lii I N Vnle viv ml 1911 llaltie the theni Ih Ihr ther
ni r q eiephmt flunl hid 1 I a chill hl and I the thekeeper Ib Ibkp theg
keeper kp c 1 her some > me 0 wlu whiskey htk key for itHeil it itMottle
Mottle 111 drank t iNi w much ml < h of tlie Iii It stun til and andin An1r
in r i a is few r earl te M slie he h had nil n elephnntine elephnntineji Iphlnt
jsg ji JIC C Hilly Rllv cired her h l ly by y ntufTlng lmn herth her hertth hrh
tth h a Ir rs > trnoiint of r hiv hivThere InYrhern
1h There err rt r wo t kewin kaeas under ur head HeudK H Hf head1ta
1ta K f p pr pr r Snyiler who w have 1 I4 Iwen I in I the thel I theark h hrN
l ark > rk fifty nly Vein r npiece p Theee Th 1hserlames 1hserlamesI M re la me menwiy m mn
I nwiy n and nl Philip PhI liilnie tnll whit wh came cameI cl
I The th h park rk in r l Stls W WAMI I
I I1lartarel
s AMI 1 I II s in n I I ti I I H i i I > 1I i ii IHS IHS9Urcrei
9Urcrei nclln nelne to n ri ma > nllannc in inI Inlrml
I nlirnrnl lrml firceti rr Ttiealre TtiealreNil TI TII TIlrtreIlea
Nil I Ilea Murearet lir r1 Anglln n ll who 1 will 1 gn gnV qnl 0
V l e i with irli 1 The Th Awakening nr < > r Helena HelenaIl IIa IIaJIhl itelanahhhi
Il JIhl hie finer 11 hr h r Kastern Ir tour lOl IM I has ac acfpt aer
I fpt n It dn < v in 1 invitation nt thus ftnn from rIn the th fmuliv r nI 151tv III of oftt orI n nstn
tt I stn I tuvervitr rnv rdy tf f California 1 1Ifnml at Berkeley BerkeleyIn nrkfly nrkflyII
h In Bp aq7e II lr al the Ih C ira irt < < tissue fhal m n npi Rpnol arrnhn
rrnhn pi pnol mill I 5F Hi n i lr f SophiHIe Anllgone Anllgoneon Anllln AnlllnJ
on ni nr r alxMii 11 July Iul I 1 stindnrd IUtl Knglish Knglishlank thjlh thjlhbllk
J J lank bllk trrinUlion Fn of th h tragedy will be bef1 I IlOUII1 tot
f1 t S sieml apr ud inmianr Insuppnrt Mis MisiiClin h hhl Itss Itssthgh11
iiClin hl ash ill 1 go C gm p In o i iliforma Iirnm for the II nne nnept on nom
m rplrn < pt nt tfon tfonvrir innliydrav
ydrav vrir crv V lloetifewl IIn rnfd will w ill 11 I leat e v for r Ran Henoe Ranev
> e ev m 1 a tn I tow lav I t d lest Mil the Ih finishing Inhlnl j jlout I I1 IIa15blaa
lout Ia15blaa he on 1 fi fin < iiiiil cal ploy 1 h ha i is writing writingentille w
entille rnitr1t il1 A llnnrielolony Ibynrri IntI IntIInI lli I
lxl 01 Fullers II i denr 1 rn r < luivi Iu iHen n nI en enC n nC
C R I ash l by Wdhi II > n Inn < l > rn i s h hlhll hlhllh halhnera halhnera4h idliiier idliiieri
4h I i th h + Plii lusn > Iu Hall 11 tiM Nek Mf u They Theyvill bk bkw hY hYV
vill V w tit sail 1 for fn Kiiri 11 > on II Slamh I IfIJI n s in inHope 14Hop
Hope fIJI B I snthi ih h will 11 appiai 11 5 5 it 1 Ih > > Vmeniiin ttnrnsnn1hatr n
T 1hatr h Mlrenot fit Monilay n n in a f II Stir fnriuer fnriuerriUiv fI
11 riUiv kvs the lall LI Kl 1t iul l 1llr laxly iily she sherdi SheiI h i >
I rdi 4s 1 lirnuaht from f Knnii1 lrI t rnl 1 one onect on onail n nI
ail ct plays I hr b Slrili1l rr > r rg aho tnh h lme lmeIjot lu tins tinsnn
nn Ijot 11 IK t wail II MtMl m ti i ifHiiitrv 1 Th ThI The TheI Therkanti
I twmii tn if f a i Romeo in I wtuh 111 this thisrnr I III leisruralSnd
ruralSnd rnr il and M a u 115 iknih kntr h of rJnrenliii Frentnalit
lit I > > MA SI ilA ml InlII llls lo I 1 t ilfxtui eevenil eevenilo nl
0h o 01 heaeplay se 1 plavv thi th4 th4t thsevvn thsevvnThe Miv > n nThe
The t rfetimild IHI for fn links for rn the h profes professional Inr Inrnnl linofssunnal ¬
sional nnl main tnafnr n a of r lnii I 1 s il 41 it the Ih NewThaatrn New NewTheatre S Stilr
Theatre tilr t tonnrnw nnrrw aftrrn nflernnni Ir eua hia lll HIM been beenKteif harnp
p Kteif C teat lnung mnne nnlt rums 1 who ho io will 1 xcupr swntpvtt > xcuprttehnxeu
ttehnxeu 1 tt twvr 1 w S S eiHisiie fr < lnrhn > nrK Knhen Knhene f
e sn > n I Ilan > n n Irr Frnh li > n oui n 1u Viilnt 1 tn Herbert llrrtartYrnnris HerbertKranci I prrl prrlln
Kranci ln W WI U Istn n II nna < lti Skinner kl Ililli 1111 Burke BurkeH I
S H I 1 H I Wan Wa cyrllScott S srllSot IS Inlm hn Misnn MisnntwiintM assn assnSharint
twiintM lo V S4 I U I Ivl P il Aint 11hi5utrnn 1Ion ions CUve CUveUtld 1 l rtr rtrland
i land I I M Slut sp II p I is Michdlmattd lhrhn ItII Its unit n1 Walker llkr llkrI
V h tetdi I h piv will i lie I given vn with withr whf
J r f M > t an iniermik npmIn D nn e h n nf Iha lh n pen ene eneint n nm
int m rhm i l in apprniu rlloxlIIIly iiil + saly ly one onenut nn nnnI S
Nuts nut nI Vfer pr the p pnrtnrmanr rfnrmance the Ih and audre andTe
Te f re u alt t shoed 101 frormn how thtfe th quick quickare IUIc1
ohanrs t are aro aui toads toadsElise d dt < l < quick I
Elise t 1aR
f Jjrt 71 l rt I L Tapirs T r AIWVT AtT AANCT rairv rairvI T8 TAMXThe 1
I I The T queer < ii er Impulse ImJu which fore lorC the thegrowth th thcroW thegrowth
growth croW h of ManhAt HahtA Mankattanese tinea ar a are revealed revealedI a
I I wherever hr r men pa Two Tw men met m at areatrurant a aI I
I rtMlaurant Lurat door one o leaving l one o en eni noi 11
i i tering Irnl and nd spoke spokeHello spokellelto k
Hello 111 old top long time tm since me n Ive Iveseen I 1v 1vae I In
seen ae n you ynuIm youIm
Im commuting t m1Illn m1IllnI I
Do It 1 b you 01 bridge hI < 1 ferry rr or tutu tutuTubs tulieTulw lut lutTul
I Tubs Tul
Orange OrangeAh Orn Ornh OrnteaMullnAdoo
MullnAdoo MullnAdooI Ah h MMdoo1 MMdoo1I lnAd I
I Yep 1 Well WI I sn o long Im overdue overduenn
nn my m eat eatMIouMiy rataIkai t tfI
MIouMiy MIouMiyI fI Ikai by byne I II I
I I One On ne funny runn thing IhllC I have learned Inlf about aboutj h1 h1t
j t human hlmn natum Mid lh he sing dnll aline alinenmljier aturemailer Ih IhI
mailer I ia 1 the I habit Ilbl manypeople have havenf t I Inr
nf marking nrklnl their thtr own n name mf In II the U city citydimlory Ity citytliras I I
dimlory tliras tor They Thf do that thi because 1u the cluediraelnr thedlreclnry tlf
dlreclnry Urlo y ia the t only eo place where hf their theirname 1II 1IInm theirnamrvr
name namrvr ever g al gets la Into Inl prlntand prnta pc it baa haluch haluchr such aucha
a fancinalion r nalnl for them ttn that lhl they th cant cantresist 1t 1tis t tresist
resist is calling mne attention 11lon to t it I A funny funnynld rlnnyo funnyoil
oil o man who like lk to talk clk tells Ila me thathe that thathe tht ththa
he has ha made s strial I > ecial al trip lo different dtffereittartA differenttvtrta dlft dlftI
tvtrta I of th thus city city 1 just Ju lo mark p lrk hiss hi name nnmI nm nmI
I in n the Ihl director dillor of the th neighborhood neighborhoodHo nehbrood nehbroodn
Ho n put a little htl crnaa in red 1 ink 1 before beforeit hro hroII
it pl I asked him what r good Ct it did He HeMid n Heeaaid
Mid 1 none nof al Iihlr 1 m ibly although nllhlllh he h ia H a teacher teacherof rbr rbror
of languages lanllI and may In get Reta a few r calls 1 on onI e
I account of that 1t queer advertisement advertisementBut dv riNmnl riNmnlnllt
But hi hie is i il an exceptional 111011 case m Not NotI nl nlrAY
time and money mon moneym
I i many rAY jtraon spend Je
1 in hunting hllntn city C directories 1rlnrN but bt every everylime fyr verytime
lime they happen lo see s e n new one 0 they theycant theyt
t cant sets tm l help hlJn looking lolnK up their thlr name m and andMilting andputting n1 n11tn I
Milting 1tn some 1m kind I In nf A 1 mark mr around 110 it itlaid it itYou I Ii I
i You laid II d think said 1 a I nighUeer thai thaiIhe thatthe I IIh
the Ih statement thai you didnt get gethome gethorn 1 1MO
home MO until nli A M 1 because ynu were in injail inJail I IJil
jail would he an n excellent PIt excuse xt but innvklsntly butvidcntly II IIrhlnlly
rhlnlly vidcntly some nf the h wivea wly in this thl city citywnnt i iwon ily ilywont
wont won accept pt it Magwtrnte 1litni foes fo was waspresiding W WI waspresiding
presiding in I the Ih night I < hl court lrt some ee time ImAo ImAoh ago agoI agowhen
I when h a prioner nl wa w was arraigned arI for being beingdrunk blnl beIngdrunk I I1Mln j
I Il I
drunk drunkAftr <
fler l the th MuRistrnte 111111 had asked Af several eeventlquestion severalquationa fI1 i iInd
question and Ind wa answered anwrlln In a manner mannerthat tnn tnnIr mannerIthct
Ithct that left little I doubt etnlhl that Ih the offender offenderI olr < 1nr I In
Ir I I
I Iwas wn n Ill in he I h discharged dlhIP he h sternly 141 in infinite Inti inquitsd ¬
finite ti 11 t If I I let ynu vo vat go o1 will you ou tell tellynur tellyour
your wilt wf where wh ynu YOI YOIyot ynuve ve been beenYe IenVrs
Ye your yot Honor lonor reeled lI lIHut Ult the tb lb pnvtHr pnvtHrBut pn Ir Irnlt r
1 But nlt sh h writt won wtl I believe tl you tl suggested suggestWtI IINr I IThai
its Inurt 1nurtTheta InurtThata
Thai ort trii ti I SINS < > sighed elgh lh > wl the Ih man n as a he heleft h heleft
left 11 the th bridge bridgeThe hnd hndTh bridgeTha
The Th neit u < inoner I s grl7Jed tri7JNt and andniHRed andntggsl I
niHRed old ht nn 11 nf Ir Erin Frln wee arraigned arraignednn rrhtnNt rrhtnNton
on n similar Ilnll rhird ehergHow rhirdHow hrr
How 110 at alait I > niit you I the tr I Judge nsnil aakelwill nsnilwill
will 11 vmi 1 tell your wife Ir where t you were wereif w wr wered
if r I ifi slisrhnrge I chnrneymi chnrneymiWell h ty tyWII you youHell
Well your HOIMH 011 naweied nwt the theinilwrra Ih Ihmhtr shimnminrmaed
Yol I
well 11 know knowhnw knowho
nminrmaed inilwrra man er r you 01
i how ho it i iI II I4 I4i
tulIwri ed aaut It 11 lappatrst trl Mews MewsS 1 1o
I fAlr P <
of ofj terngln ternglnI
S I No o man having lh the name 0 CrICI
j I could tell a 1 lie I to a Judge Judgei JII JIII <
I 11 I do i soul lxi IIln ine st n with wil a man nemd nemdInrlinsrid nme ne1 ne1j < t tl
j l Harlillt Inrlinsrid > nrlme enid I n man who faa n an In office offlredowntown or ordowntn officedowntown
downtown downtn and Iml that name put pt me m in inIU + 1 1lueer squ
1 wantel wanteltalk nl1 nl1I to totalk >
IU lueer er situation llatkn ye yfkr yesterday t > rday
I talk 1111 with wlh him about boI a I Irannartion lrnrUon andasked and andatked n na1
asked the h telephone operator tn Ret I me mehm r mehis
a1 ofMlor
hm hil office OC Ilia HI telephone lel phnne was w busy IlfY and amiI 1 1I
I a asked Ud k crotral Irl to call 11 aa aln soon aa she 1 cotild cotildKl rssd41got lll llltt
the Ih bell rang rancHello rangHello
Kl him Preltr soil 1 rnI
tt Hello 1110 PUT I said Mle M that you o Darling IarlinYNo DarlingXo Haln Halnn <
Xo n I gin j1 guns you YOl hn MV made m a mia miatake ei eihk colatake
Vnheanswered VnheansweredI werisl werislI
take Mr r a womana voice an
I would wnl like to 1 sn that lhl womi on n and n make makan mlll makean
an eKpUnilion but I Im am afraid ahe ahewouldnt alt altwouldnt h hwOllen
wouldnt wOllen believe 11 me m anywayrb5we anyway anywayTlmee nyw nywn
Tlmee n trafflo regulation stltlo gave me 0 a aI AI
I feeling f r1n lins of great t pelflm eelf Irlmlort tmlortance > ortance the thejofher th thother h hohr
jofher other Jar I said a woman who liven Iv uptown up uptown 11 ¬
town townI t0I1
1 wished ih to rro Huai a H HUh h avenue nu atFtty at atrlftyeeventh 1 1rel
Ftty rlftyeeventh secenth rtreet rel but hit there Ih wee w wtnuo 1 asgtinunla 1ifmtinuoun
ifmtinuoun tnuo proc r proceaalon ton in of f Mesa h and andi am amaiilomobilMt In Ini
i aiilomobilMt going < < up and nd down and nd I IVld Ihi 1Ad
Vld llomoll hi not dare attempt A I I 1f 11 It Finally tlnll thepoliceman the thepoliceman thrpolrnn
policeman e on duty caught cllht sight llht of me meand m mami mnt
and polrnn nt waved hU hi hand Immediately l lMlte the thewhole tl tlwho Shewhole
whole who I traffic lrr en fn n l Illh both > th aide io of the L avenue avenueame avenuecamm IU
until I Ihail Ihlll Ihad
and Mopped
< ame 0 to a I halt Ia I ort untl
hail hlll gone aero There Tb br wan a nobody nobodyele noh nohfy
ele c frtilnt In that way and nrt I waa very vervmuch verymuch r rmh
fy much impreaced lieiaur I was a important importantrno ImpII ImpIInolh importantrnngah
rnngah rno nolh < ich Imlf to have t all al thow Ih automobile automobileHopped allonhil allonhilrlr automohilatnpped
Hopped for rlr me meriiiin m ml
riiiin l ifI1I 1 nMttn In I wvrFrr wvrFrrMagnrr 1I VtNT VtNTMeaner
Meaner aanr and ne I 111 l Irt l wing 111 Tagetftrr Taen tn ltl ltltnrlnl II IInrlrl Ills IllsIragmmmr
tnrlnl nrlrl Iragmmmr IragmmmrI1ir l Icrmn r srBmmr srBmmrPie
Pie 1 tlfili tlr h historical hilor1 cimrert rt < CJhe Ch Phil PhilI rlll rlllI rhllharmonic
I harmonic hAnonl Society S SKiI Hieiy at A Carregie Cmll Hal IAII hash hashInight II i iI
I nllhl I night reached rchNt what hlI nerd to be I railed railedthe callivlthe mllII
the Ih mush mll1 of She h future This Tl go RC goes to1 to1how II IIh to toS
I S how h that Ihil in hw Ih day el h tory Ior la mad madverr mltr madrare
rare r fn rah l Who Whl i writing rlinc the Ih mu music mlieIh ic uf uflhe o1Sthe
Sthe lhe Ih future rII now ll meat mu l le I Hfnn lnr Hady Hadyley nrt nrtI lladIvy
Ivy I The T progr Inlrmm prngramm mm > la last t evening hint comprised com comprised m mIri ¬
prised the th following rolloml historical hlorC1 numl numlhFlnR numlrra numlrrarVIvtng r rTh
Iri Th rVIvtng hFlnR Firing Pulchmnnoverture 111hm Dutchman nrII nurture U Ihn 1chenI lien lienI
1 I grin c and Ind Paraifol Pirnl preli plud Jen SiegmundV SiegmundVlove lilmlnl
love 10 i song > ng nl from Pie li flu Walk Wnlkl Wnikitr lire the Ih pn pnumg In Innl pntP pntPsoma
soma nl from rom Pie lli Memterlnter and In1 the thefuneral thefuneral h hrllnrll
funeral rllnrll inarch rnar h from rrlm flMiirdammeriing flMiirdammeriingIn n Imm IIR IIRIn
In addition clu to II Is the thrar h > e were two I uf if I luxt luxtlaymphonic IiaztsIsymphonic
laymphonic t emsIe m 0 Mx 1 Preludes Irlud and andMawpin sodlamp n1 n1I
Mawpin MawpinThe I lamp lu vs vsThe
The 11 singer of the I h evening 11t wna w r Il tarl tarltom rl rlJom rlom
tom om of the h Metropolitan 1IopliAn Opera r Hiii II III IIwho litmuswho e ewho
who went hl up 111 m I far n ass Kifl tUIf1h Fiftsevenlh > seventh Mreet Mreetto stre t tto
I to II stills 11 regret 11 Mr 1 Ir Jom ssme < Mrn m here herewith h hwllh lucrewills
with a tine In fresh vibrant tenor voice 01 and 11 11Ih I Ithe I Ithe
the Ih promt e nr ° f youth He I hn h unfor unforInnately unforSlurwtely I Ilhlly
Innately lhlly fallen into Inl viciou vocal vnl habitwhich habit hlI habitsIwhlch
Iwhlch I which may prove p injurious tJrll In hw h vou vouif vnisif n nir
if not nt corrected s + ff He I sang hC la test l eveiiinc eveiiincwith errmnawills rn rnwlh
with wlh come m vigor Iltn than discretion diocretionMr 1111 1111lhlr
Mr Muhler lhlr conducted the Ih orrh nrrhI nrrhIthrmlch strn strnthrough trn trnthrough
through M 5000 > me m very r dramatic lranIII lenilings lenilingsTho I
The audience I was mot mol enthusiastic nlhllllI over overhis n nhi Vrhis
T his hi interpretation nlIIIli ui of the Pnmifal PIOlrl music musichut mll mllhilt musicbut
hut the Ih truth I flh ia I that the tn same ff readintc readintcwmild resdtnipwould < 1I11
would surely llly have gained Ilnr greatly Iay in effect effectin 1
house The ruthleHH s acou acoulicHof armtattauf
in the Ih opera oJ hI T rllhl 11 11Jni1
licHof Tnrnegie Hall expired all it its joints jointssand jointsami Jni1nd
and nd it lacked IA11 that atmosphere of solemn solemnmystvnr solemnniystrrv Irml IrmlIY
mystvnr IY whicb i is at much more In tusily cusulyattained tusilyattained wly wlyItlnt
attained Itlnt in I the surroundings lIfllndmp of ih the theatre theatreThe Ih Ihe4treThe 1 r
The h Flying tyil l utthmnn Ichmln verture i > rll rllm wi wiinure witssnore
inure m happily hAIJI ituateil in the Ih hall h1 and n1 Us Usiierfornuince i it itparinmunre
iierfornuince Irrom was WI full rlll of r colnrand color clnr and An dramatic dramaticaccentuation rtmml rtmmlT dramatisacvntuation
accentuation The T Ixheririn II ln prelude preludemiffered preludeaufferel
miffered 11 fr rm im some t Up Ir lapses ea in I Inlonatinn Inlonatinnam
am mc o ng n nShe a the Ih e much muf divided lvilP string Iin hut hl < m mIhe
She Ih wliile wit it I was eicellently xlnty played playedIf
If S 1 lb Ui ISI ISIMill I nUII nUIII IINISff IINISff1mparr
1mparr Mill I fn6uet M nrturl New ew Opera Up In InWhlrtt Inhim In11Mch
Whlrtt him Hr HrMle asl ibatt baU Hill I Mine MineMis Iln NlntMiss
Miss 11 Bessie nI Al belt 1 > ott I who wh will wU st star r next nexte n1o nslswot
e swot o on in H new n Masoagni opera oJ Yohe Ysnhlundr Yoheunder hl
under the Ih direction dlrlon rf Ueliler JJhIr A o < n n1n h hgone Ara Aragone
gone 1n tn Rome Rn at 1 tne t to Moftcitatlon nllton of Ma Mar Masrequl 4 4NCI
r NCI requl gui to sing in in I several 1 Iarformanrea p rform rorman nre ofI of ofM Ir I
1 M Itohtme nhi nw On her return la Peris Pertain rrlIn
in the I h spring an r e will wi appear r at the I t Grand HrandOi GrandOrerA mn1Orl
Oi Orl OrerA ra in 1 HamM llmlt t Romeo Rm cod n Juliet Julietand JIII Julietand
and 11 Hi BjIto Rg r > letto Krancwco rAn co Cile Il sIea u uwriting I IwfUn iswrung
writing wfUn rn n opera for her haed I on ll 51tetr 51tetrIlncks IIr IIrInk ier ierHnrks
Hnrks Princeww Plnc Malene aln alner and Ale Aleijindrn ll lltandm
ijindrn Ink Iiortlano ha hi has begun t1 work on onrM 0 a apssthumouu I >
rM plhlmO1 er thiimoti libretto Illro by t sarrfou entitled entillefljt nlll1
1 la jt Ffte FI dll < 11 Nil SI which h he roi wishes wlh MISH MISHAlxill MissAlwtl l lAh
Alxill Ah lo Sip IIMIlatph 1 SipRalph
Ralph Kdmunds who hue 11 > lean l een M MKurojie 1 tEurnia I Itlml
Kurojie fall for feebler hlr A Io C 0 arrived jre jreterdny yaterdny
terdny by ty th the North Snlh Orman fJmn i rman l Lo d dliner dliner
liner Iry Berlin rln with wlh the lh announcement announcementthat nnolnnl nnolnnlIhI
that Maacagnl < nl will wi be I here h in the Ih fall falllo fUIh fallto
lo conduct the Ih orchestra olhlr for rf Yv s snlel snlelMlrgfrlnl > l > el elI
Mlrgfrlnl I al iheOnera theapen11agnr iheOneraWagners I 0
Wagners Wan i l > er r King Hnc de d t Nilwlungen Nihdungenreached Nilwlungenrenched Silln < n nrhPll I
reached rhPll ltthlrd its third thlr stage I at I IheMelmpnlltan Ih Ihs IheMelmpnlltanO flmpllln
O 01 OIar4 > erit Ho Inl Itnise ie lat night nllhl Hiegfried rrU was wastiing w wlnl wassung
sung lnl hy the h cast 1 heard hr some rime rmf aipn aipnIn agnj go
In il the Ih afternoon tmnl presentation pntli of tr the Ih cycle Crl CrlRlrNn cycleMr I IMr I
Mr garden RlrNn as a Sifgfrlni kplrf rr d Mr Sonmer Rrr a as as1aspi J
IVnqn 11 Mr Reisa il aa 1th Mltpr a and nd Mme MmeOadski 3rf MmOadaki I Ia
Oadski a as a nIIirr lfrussAibd Tninn iWe were the Ih principal principalrnembera principalciemhrs
rnembera mn of the Ih cast Mr 31 Herts lerta rnclfl rnclflmn con1 con1duc cn con 1 1ftuce
ftuce ducted duc d Admirably j II
nut TIRtt1 n in I F rTArnw RIfTli bb riAim riAimH4VTS NAI 114HA1Ti
H4VTS 70 Y HRITENnlgnallen HHITK HHITKHnlgnallon 11 11Ii
I Iman I
Hnlgnallon Rlo Airetilril ANl1 far June u 111 ll 1 liar Harm H liarmen > I
Ii man m n > He I N Ha and n JeriHite ll llIMrwi lla llaIsein
IMrwi t Hgnre l 1curTlnk tgueeThlnka Ttilnk Mr t Plrlcrtl PlrlcrtlMra Pr1 Pr1n Igrkedweasans j I
Mra weasans n Three re Hc lint l rrmlurllan rrmlurllanJohn rtlutI p reduellnaJohh I
I John Cnrbin rhin literary Itr director dlAor of the theNew th thSw theNew
New Theatre Th handed hand his bl resignation rMaUon to tnthe toI
I the I he board of director cltnr Iwo week I ago to totakn Mtake I I
take II effect tl 4l I the t close d of hiss hi second Ond Ondwilb yr yrwith yearwith
with the th theatre Ihrtr on Oi June Jlnt I L The Th recigna recignalinn flaa I I11n
linn was accepted 1nplP Immediately Inmlillr There Therewas Therwan nran
wan an understanding that no In announce announcement alnnnr ¬
I mint fhnuld hlull be I mad mee until IInll the ti close I of ofthe ofthe I Ith
the th New S Theatre 1hur waaon the th latter part partof pr partof
of next n month monthMr monthMr
Mr 1 Corbin lohll wi waa 1 o Incllnwl IIUlel to diacuM diacuMhia dlc
hia hl hl renignatlon flatl ut lt night 111I until 111 h ha was waapositive W4Ilvf waspositive
positive Ilvf that the Ih new n wiia 1 out and anllho anllhoh thenhe then thenhe
he h admitted Imit I that he had resigned 111 two twoweeks twok twoweeks
weeks k ago He I raid that Iht hiss hil relations 1101 with withthe withthe It
the th other oth r manager mlt and nd the Ih I hoard nm of direr dirertors director dif ¬
tors tor had been I hnrnmniou hmuhll anti nd that IhAIor oneor one oneof I
or Ihe h chief irusou 1 why he h wanted wIII1 wIII1lit hi hiquit toquit
quit lit wa hat Ihlt he h was wa getting 1Uln tired Ir ofsending of ofending I Itdlnc
ending tdlnc back rejected rjlo1 r je 1el play pla 1 ya lo playwright playwrightSinc
I Sinc Nil I 1M burr teen literary IIm director directorI
I hays h rend I over overaiu > play and ani naturally naturallyhuv Mtunll Mtunlltd
have h td tlsd d tn vend nd min rust > t nf them l back 11 > to tothe toti tothe
the ti author allthof liHnaid h 1le sail I This has ha h made md mdI me memany
I many man enemies m and I am simply nick 111 nf nfwriting orwrlne ofwriting
wrlne writing those th letter I of Ir refection rlon Fur Furthennore Fmrthennor lr
i thennore I want Wlnl tn gel 1 hACk into general generalwork jn generalwork rl rlI s
I work myself I 10 am interested IIII rif In I several setcalImnk severalhooka end endI
Imnk I > I I 11m am writing wnlnR one Ollf or two playa ly andI and nd i j I
I want to do newHiper alp and nd magarine inagatlneework magarinewnrk llp ln lnwI1
work wI1 or anything anylhlnl that lht attract allci me m Rut Rutdont DutdonI Bitdont
dont let it nppqnr + r that 11 I am m getting Ulna out outlo
i lo devote cvol myself to writing ritnl plays playsMr
I Mr Iorbin Ihl mud e that the II announcement announcementof nnnlnC nl nli
i of the Ih production by William Wlllnl A Brady Bradyof
of hi lll hiss play llualmnd UIIN in which whlth Urace UraceHenrge UaN IrarwOrnrge
I Henrge Orrl i Is to I pwMr AJ in prtl pri had htd nothing nothingto nothinCII
to II dn with 11 his hi resignation iKhn lon he n would wouldIwm wOlld wOlldI wouldlutvn
Iwm 111V had hlc Vufficienl lmrl11 time lr tn devote In Inrelief It iirhMraela
I rhMraela relief nvl 1 anyhow He t alas Il wanted wantedIt wnle I III
It underlnod IIneIo thrt I t I The Th Paaaing lAinl of theThird the thethird I IThl
third Thl Floor Buck lust nothing nnlhlli to do doHiere dolIh dowith
with lIh hi hil his qUllling gbiltinlttlthnngh hlunr although althoughsaid Hiere ni rf wad wadsaid IL ILie
said ie in II I lb criticism nU of r < h ha management managementl managementIvtins
l Ivtins > eciuse II the Ih Nee S TIII riieilre rh utra hud h1 failed failedto rAII rAIIIn <
to lake llf Jerome Jrnn K I JcrnmeV ur play ptajrl pL
l here h11 Ilea never n l wen > en any ny friction rclon overThe over ovnrTh 0 0T
Th T Prtseing Iinf nf fr ih Third Thlfl Floor Back Backhe flackh k kb
he b Maid i ul lrl nrd cl u IH hot 1 mkt run I that I the I play piaywaa pi I Iwas
was cvr v relrrtrd reiTt rI < d Tli 1i h kItty 11 in I acixptj AC aHCpt aHCptIng
Ing la it wn dun e tn th that < < fact rl riot 111 Mr r Jorrtme Jarnmawanlsl Jorrtmewant Jlrom
wanlsl want nl1 > < l tn know ko Ufor ro h Mild ll it I who ho veers veersto werlo w wIn
lo l Is in I the Ih cast NI and 11 < slwrially > cially rily who wa watn wasto
tn l be the Ih star tlf l Irnl luaus cau N it 1 wits wn n very par particular P r rtiriilar
ticular 1111 r pnr pnrsTha pnrTh
Tha Th Ir IrTh New S ew Tbeatr 11 alr is s now 110 now landed lncf In Inmy Inmy Inmy
my opinion in Ion it 1 hns h huffsiHUhac1 prodno prh1 th I the h three t h beat beatplrtjof b1 b1II hestplaysofth
playsofth plrtjof II or ihyertr yanr I 11 ITi ire I srmThuNlgger srmThuNlggerIMn Tim 11 Nigger NiggerDon llrr llrrUon
Don purl IIt Sir Sir if It ha I ao 1 givin civ n the thetwn th thto thetwo
two l Iw > st rasn ca I sif revival rvlIII Ida I School Shol for forScandal rorNaltI forSsandsl
Scandal NaltI HIM 11 and I Twelfth Night Sllh ightMr i iMr I
Mr 1 Cnrbin 101 said il that It when hn the th direr direrfurs director 1 1II ¬
furs II nl 11 the Ih theatre IhI wen wr first 11 looking lokin f rl c rr r rp rmAIRICr
p manager mAIRICr they h offer uR 11 rwl the II place 118 lo himhill him himbut himhii
but hii he h ilirlnt 1 < 1n want nl it I and nd suggested suggestedWinthrop uggete i iWmthrop I
Wmthrop Uses me m IwI Iwcsuise UCHIIII he I thought h hcould houl he hecould
could oul work ork miccesjifiilly rlly with h him Mrnrtin Mr MrCnrbiti 1 1InI1
Cnrbiti InI1 salil li the 1 h wlrctlon ICIOI of Mr Ir Ames Amehad AmhA1 Ameshad
had l her11 > een wise wiseIt wi e eIt
It was said lellI la last i night flh that hl Mr Ir torhln torhinri torhinrisalary Corbin Corbinalary I Iala
alary ala a literary IIIm director cillnr ha h not been beena n nA
a as munificent mlnlnNn a is generally supposed supposedand uppo ed edand
and Int that br h devoting dntt himself to uPr gen Ind Indwok ge nral nralwork rnl rnlwork
work And net wntln4 writing nln I plav iavs he h could cule have havegreater hll havegreater
greater 11 financial fMhc1 returns Iun and Ine more con congenial mnnl1 congenial ¬
genial nl1 work wok Hi I Iha play IA Huahand tltmd enpractically waa waapractlcallr WI
practically rrllrllv written before trn he began t an hi hiwork hiwnrk his hiswork
work at t the I h New Then 1 h har harThere re reThere r rproblhly <
There probably problhly will w1 1u l > e no ieceaor ieceaorto icce or orIn
In I Mr 1 Corbin a as literary ii director IUNlor il I wa wassaid wasaid w wMlft
said but the Ih work ork will wil IN I done ron by b a aper Apn apersists
per pn persists nii hired hlN solely Iy to read le play ria riaI playsIt
II I wa probably Irobht du dun < > to the lb promised promisedcresy promlfredecrecy prm I Iw
w ecrecy regarding frlne the th resignation that thatWlnthrop tb1Winthrp thatIIimhrnp
Wlnthrop tms 1m me director i o of the Ih theatre theatrea t tsalt
salt a I < that I ho h would w0111 not diMMiwt dill the th reig reignatlnn real realnation i int
nation nt Iln aid 1 lef tecrred erred inquiries In111 to Mr MrCorbin Mr MrIbnin r
Corbin 1 oriln l In e Shulvrt the I h busine II direc director dirererlur Ir Irlor ¬
tor wo w in 1 FUmiim Rlnn vs veoterda veoterdaThe terdae
The 1 h he sIe selection 1In tion of f Mr Ir trhin i < irbin rh n w wry mode modeby m mhv de debv
bv th the bard lr of r dire < < tors nf the Ih NswThwtre Nsw NawThertre Sl
Thertre TI I of r huh whii h the Ih hairmen htmn I W K KnIhii
Vrnderliill nIhii the Ih president of r the Ih theatre thertrem IhHlr IhHlrmINny theatrerempany
m mINny ny The T other oltr member nf theiwautl th thixttnl the Iheh
ixttnl h I1 ue William WilAm R Ogden 0 mnr < 1 Field tile vice viceepresident vicepresident vl
president MIItI Otto Olt II I Krhn 11 hn It Itoger 1Ir sger Wlnihrnp Wlnihrnprnd WlhhnJ WlhhnJnt
end nt Clarence 11IP Mckav 11klv Mr Ir t Inrbtns Inrbtnsagreement nrhln nrhlnagreement rhlnIlrm1
agreement Ilrm1 with wth the Ih d r dtre irectAr tnrs was w thrt thrthe Ihl Ihlh th t the
he h nuld Oll resign reel RII at I any Iny time 1m nn o threemonths three threemonths Ih Ihrn1
months rn1 h n n1m nnhr nnhrIHS iif iifMINT
1m MINT T rM Tn Fit rl rlrrk Ml t tPark Iark
Park rrk How H Ihinhamller > wens t rn tn te Rrfn HfI ilefmItrnyirrnre e ellrneflcrncc
llrneflcrncc llrneflcrnccn I
rtt rttnit
In n old nit c 1 genteman nt nlrnAn man walked up yesterday yeslerrtnyalt yesterdayattnsemi Inlly Inllyal
alt al attnsemi niimi in I Walking akml I eeeale 1 Inrlain t FInrlamIhliuuh InrlainPtlaui1 Itl
Ptlaui1 who h en 111 Teday r nlcht nlcht called 1
u strike 1 li n t Ii e Park r Knw to Panharnler PanharnlerAsenciaticn ranhardlrsPssneate11 nhrllr nhrllrrlIIC
Asenciaticn rlIIC and Ane nflered him a certified certifiedhe rtltP
he < k 1 for rn I sa Pflautn 1llln Y rra fused the th tl chnk chnkllit the < I k khut
hut 111 I luite Urn V tour our Jr benefactor benefactorerj I lenelactornry recor
nry erj 1 rar A eicepi iinxln ln s lor lorIr se eii eoyears eiiveiir
years Ir exclnimwi the Ih man manI m1
I cnnnnt help 111 I hnt ll it aid c ffnim ffnimHrmly flum rtinumtlrmly
Hrmly 1 rm I a as he h warfsl afil the Ih check Chti away aways a aINer
is s lender INer ol the th strikers the Ih aTeptjince aTeptjinceof IoIInor
of any 1m ilotiHlIrm en im i s liirompaliile 1mldl with withmv withmy lh lhm
mv m iwltimuntilt IKMII U < > n until t estnkus e strive IrI is nrt file nnth l
ihe t heaceil h aril man seeme 1 ti In I Ilrr 1s grief stricken strickenlie trickenHe I r
He sil said 11 < Urn I hi hl his daiv 1111 dot v rift Ir to Pnniini 111 hail hailItemne htm hadileenme
Itemne m I h filed Nt habit hahl nnil at hi age I actwngent a achance
chance chn1 ctwngent nf habit would Olkll I la H fatal fatalThe rII rIIIl fatalIhe
The Il first Irt day of r the It tuinluimller 1111 strike strikerccnsnne slrlkrttnannsi 11 11I
rttnannsi rccnsnne > l great I mental mIII distrem iI m tn many manyIMlrniio nany nanylatrnns
IMlrniio Inalrv Inlivcujn InI dust II1 ofcr ol ol arbitration arbitrationwere IrhAUon IrhAUonr
were r rifxltcilly lunMl I < lnwn 10 by I the tlieotrlUer I thestriker
striker Irlr Uthoucli lholll the Ih 11 mice lire were w nn nnIhe sunthe n nIh
the Ih alert 1 there Ih there was nn n display < 1i nl violence violenceu vlollC
lfi u 1 offer ol made mlrt bv h the I Park How Pad Paddler rnt Paddlers
dler I Inc Mhe Uh pushcart pu IlilwArl li < art mend I tn hold hnldall holr holdall
all II limits m Mot panda a settlement settlementol Il
ol tips th I striker Irll ilemunus dr 1rI n l4nun wa was reject rjPI rjPII reertld reertldat wIthogt wIthogta rl rlat
at the I tne meeting 11lnj ing in I i HV v Hall lil fork MI without withouta 11hIII 11hIIIdiunllnl
a dissenting diunllnl vas i > i < t now wv suma > m prob probable pmbab ¬
able ab 1 that If i the I srikeo s of ng n t iluratlnn iluratlnnt llfllnn llfllnnlrl Im
t court lrl order will II lie I nbtamed 111 directing directingthe cirIlna cirIlnaIh
the Ih panhnniller pnhnil tn s now > i w on < n a se wny ny they theyhollll Ih Ihholl theyshoukt
hollll holl t nol eeelte Oh money ny nfTernl n1 tn 0 then thenModel IhI ntenblianal1111
blianal1111 1 Model erl term rH I hilt 111 Inmieil InmieilThe InenipdThus Imf ImfTi
The Ti Nnlinnnl Slon1 Mo dotal lotl 1e I ern rn n Club 111 buts was waaformwl Wl wasformed
formed at the Ih office om if r A Irn l Kteven Kont atat al alI AISinth
I at 2 Ninth yenue n yet yesterday Irrt rd y afternnnn afternnnnBnt Irlrnon Irlrnonlh afternoonRoth
Roth Bnt lh h youth youthln1 and adult Iult w wii will ill l Ise > e members mernberaII mm membersItlathe
Itlathe II i lhe purpsetnhaveauxlierl purpnee tohavenuxlllsrybrannhe tohavenuxlllsrybrannhethrniiKhnul 10 levnliryhnnch levnliryhnnchIhllholi hranehee hraneheethrn11ahnul
thrniiKhnul Ihllholi the Ib fountry 11 and nd hold hol confsU confsUnnd contcetaand
and 1 by h tin Ihil mean nI to encourrpe nmurfp nern nernniiutiCN ernnautie ro ronAut
niiutiCN nAut All 1 troplilea tOI will wi lie I held hy the theNew Ih IhW theNew
New W York ork cirgxnizatinn lnI7111 The T following fnllnwingn rolloII
n fflcr wire el rlnrtsl J Mc l W II I Crocker CrockerprewJenl Inlr Inlrp rockerpridart <
prewJenl p dnl W M 1 Huge MI first Ucepre Uceprelent vire presi president
lent Philip rhllp W V Wilcox eonnd nc viceprnu viceprnudent vkeprrehdent pr prc
c dent I F M Crocker roku necretary ctrr T C I Tab Tabmag TIml Tabmsg
msg treasurer Irrr director A ln 0 St Steven StevenA I rens rensA n nAmlrof
ml A Armstrong Amlrof Edward F F rurll Durant > urant h I I101k W WIlouck WIlntwk
Ilouck 101k
I nl lilasrh III II In InKlnpsch llepltsl llepltslIosf 11
11 Iosf Klnpsch Klopchditnr Klop cdilnr tr of Ir the th Ari Arufln15 Arufln15Ilwold < Mn MnHrraU
HrraU Is I nt I the Ih Cm > erman llnspiial suffer suffering stifferInc Ir IrIe
Inc Ie frnm fom chrnmri gastritis aggravated aggravatedby lral lralIy
by Iy dy t dyspalwis yI pel I i with Ifh winch llrh he h ha hl has been beenirniihled I Itohl1 Ileentrnihlel
irniihled tohl1 for ro mntne m yenis err n e wa was re remnved r rmoNt removed
moNt to the Ih hIIal h piial from rr hi h hu home h at atIhe atthe 1 1h
the h Westmoreland Wlmfhtl Hl Fast t Heventeenth Heventeenthstreet Kflnlh KflnlhI
street I on In Tuesday afternoon rmnon An n olr olri nparatlntl > er erti
atlntl ti n will i Sa l > e 1rrnrm1 erfnrme > ti It day but hillarritrding butcnifding lu lutlne
cnifding tlne tn Ixitlis Klos Klnfiech peh Jr 1 It is e aminor a aminor Amllr
mllr minor one > and 11 no i erious > 1111 result II are arefeared ar arrNt arefeared
feared1hlnaman feared fearedChinaman
Chinaman ll II litnan mr n yrlilnteIlemery yrlilnteIlemery1h1o > lcKlnlr > s Metnor MetnorI ror > I Inos i
I 1h1o Ninv rlim Clln bun March Arrl lam Fn tnhln a aChinese achinas
Chinese hln merchant mfhlnl from Hhanghni thnRh1 Inuring InuringAmerica lOlnne lOlnneAmri touringAmerica
America today Iny paid 1 a visit vi to the Ih tomb tombif lomhor tombof
if inn ll tale If President Pflfml William Ilam McKinley McKlnleycarryin McKinleyDepositing lcKlnl lcKlnlnrynn
carryin an Immense Imm buncti nf curnallon curnallonDepoting 0 rO lo 1 I
nrynn Depositing fpoUlne the th Itnunintt 111nt upon the Ih tomb tombFn tombFit
Fn waved w hi his jo JO joss sUck 1k In token of ofileeprtwpeit or orp nideeprspct
ileeprtwpeit p pt and n then knelt k h1 t on the I hl ground groundIn < rolO I
prayer prayerrtenaiut pre prayeraeaawl + I
rtenaiut Ill la 1 Minx IInE In f 1Krt 1KrtM neert neertM t
M Maurice lall Renaud nnAIt will wi he b the Ih leading leadingfeature lrlna lrlnartlf leadingfeature
rtlf feature of next Sunday Sunrt nights nllhl concert concertat aCrt
at 1 the Ih Manhattan lnbtn Opera Of1 Hat House lUnaud Renaudwill lUnaudwill and andwi
wi will alng alE number nllmbn This Tla will wi t be M MRenaud 31Rfud h hRenaud
Ibis Rfud Yi Renaud season a first fnt appearance ap rnc in concert concortkbit cact
ai rlefslYiN
I II the 1 h Prploncalion Ilonallon of Ufe Ir in a subject auhjectIn
i In II which 1 every f one on Ol i b vitally hal interested intereatedand 3
and ad the publication plhlralio of a new n and cheaper chcapredition cheaperedition llpr llprhl
edition hl of Elie Fli El MetchniUolTa tchnllo ide Id ideas aon on 0 thissubject this thisaubject
subject bJft which w hii I b lo I Iw I arranged ra noon noonhould In soonehodd
hould aolid be b b welcome fme to a large 1 < rlaaa uf ufreader oftraders
reader dtr Th T This < now edition < 11 includes an anInlrnduclion anintroduction n nIlnlroducion
Ilnlroducion introduction by Irr Prof I Charts tI H Minot MlnotTlie MinotThe lnot
T The three Ih chief evil vt that hang tn over Of iu urnaccording iuaccording 11
according to II the author IIhor are r diaeaie U oldage old oldage oldap
age and death clh Modern 310tm science 1h hits hnaalready bl blalrcty hitsalready
strides toward tli tlidealructlon the thedestnwtlon
already alrcty made vast 1 and ti
dealructlon Irlrtlo of disease d and no one nn know knowbetter knowsbetter
better r that which whih he I prophie pmp than IhnINr si sileader aIrsder
leader INr of the Ih Pasteur 1Ifa lnlltule when hn he heaaaerta h hIhAI haassrns
aaaerta that rational rtinn hygiene hYlin and pre1 pre1ventfive preIrndlve
ventfive nll nieaiturea mu will wi ultimately Illmaloly rid ridmankind ridmankind id I
mankind mnlind of diaease d The Th scientific llntll in inveaiigalion I Invistigatlnn
veaiigalion 11101 of old age ge < f attest t that senility eemlityia nilityi
ia i nearly nel always 1 prrcocioua Jnoiolla and ad that its itsdisabilities Itadiaabililiea I
disabilities dibilf and nd miseries mlr are an for lh I the m 01 01rtdll cost costpartdlie < < t tpartdue
partdue rtdll to preventable causes causeskorge cauaeafteorge 4 4ctr
fteorge ctr Mereditha 1rr ltha unpublished Iuhlsh 1 story storyilt lorr lorrCelt lOr
Celt ilt 1 and nd Saxon Kon ii I i appearing ppAlnl serially seriallyin MlaI MlaIIn scri Jly JlyIn
In the Ih forum Fflm It I deal with wih a young youngIriah younglridi nln
Iriah lra gentleman Inllmn of the Ih numerous nlfrOU clan clanODonnell dnOOnn1 clsnOionnell
ODonnell OOnn1 and ad a Patrick rlrI hardly hrly a ills distinction illsw U Utntlon ¬
tinction tntlon of him until nl e we WI kin know w him aa aslereclith aaMeredith u1NUlh
Meredith 1NUlh aaya Y in the tt opening opnlnl paragraphThia paragraph lnh
This Til fanciful rnlul Cell elt 11 ta i making a journey journeytn
I to Squire Kul Adiater Adllr of North Hales WI onbehalf on onbehalf onhlr
behalf hlr of Patrick rlrks a brother hrlh Philip Phiil and andIhe andthe nd ndIh
the Ih Squires Hul n daughter duahr Adianle Philip Philiplopt Phip Phiplnl PhillpaInlt
lx 1 lave Ida hi IIatrickIJ IIatrickIJvi Patrick Patrickvitlonary
lopt lnl love 10 > vn was w bi Wtrk1 Wtrk1i
vitlonary vi i Ionary I temple and nd hi ba bus Ilea IJ of love lovewa lovewas
wa a solitary 11 light in It I Faith Faiths Ub
lessees 1 e neaa he hl conceived rorI to be I obnoxious obnoiiouto ohnoslou ohnoslouto
to nature nlu He I conceived cnClvP it I in inIhe InIlh
Ilh the feminine for men are not those thM holy holycreature bolyCrlu holycreatures
creature Crlu whoae wb who conduct cnd 1 strikes Irik on the thesoul h haoul haul
soul aul with direct 111 edge P s Women Womenacredly Womnacrl Womensacredly
sacredly acrl endowed ncwt with hh beauty and n th thwonderful Ihwondul the thewonderful
wonderful vibrating vibraln note about holl the li very verymention verymention
mention rnllon of them thentare are Ar criminal to hideous hideoiMnea hidela hidelaw
nea when w hfn they betray betrayOne IxttrayOne hlr hlrOn
One On merit the lb new n iwhool hol of Irish lnhdrama Irilh Irilhram Irishdrama
drama ram possesses in comparison tprhon with our ourplay tll tllIla ourplaya
play Ila of today according arln < lo a writer writerIn wril wrilIn writreIn
In the Ih thrtnrum Ieum i a that ll doe < 1 reflect reflectfaithfully refinstfaithfully I
faithfully r41trlllly and n uniformly the Ih common commonlife rommonu commonlife
life u of the Ih people ppl Our Ou dramatist drmI eeem eeemin eremin e
in many ln Ina insranes ranoe to travel 1 outside oJlc the theparish Ih Ihprilh theparish
parish prilh of Hi James Jm or Ha I annex nn the thecountry Ih IhrOlnl thecountry
country rOlnl house hOI and a even n while whl they Ihyrapln are arecastigating arecastigating
castigating rapln the Ih sina m of rr the Ih smart nr setdisplay set setdiiplay 1 1dlIy
display a ertain partiality prtiAl ii fot or o ex exceoalve axcesnive x xch
ceoalve interest t m curls lwh society loly Hencewhen Hence Hencewhen U UwhfI <
when whfI our a ploy of lahiunahle life lr that thatia
ia to say the Ih hulk of Ir Ix London > ndon playa IlY IlYhnt are arenot arenot
not hnt frivolous they lb are rather rlhf squalid squaliddignity 111 111dial I Idignity
dignity dial being l 111 > eing scarcely Iv the Ih poe p of ourwealthy our ourwealthy ou ouwlhy
wealthy wlhy idler Iftl and ad high plnr and It sexnslinegulanty sexual sexualIrregularity xl1 xl1Irlllnt
Irregularity Irlllnt being If their stage 11 censors censorsare Cnt Cntr censorsare
are r to n lie I believed 11 their Ih main mih pantim gMktmsHinre pantimSince
Since fashion pays pn the lt piper In our them theatre Ih themtree ¬
tree I it insists on calling mnl the Ih tune Iln and andhence andhence ne
hence folk drama cannot obtain ohllil u foot rOl fontthold I Ihold I
hold on the Ih English Fnlh stage II The T Inshplaywright Irish Irishplaywright In Inplarr
playwright plarr < hl therefore i fa not obliged Ihll lo loconsult 10nll mronanlt
consult nll the I taste of wealthy patron patronindeed patronsIndeed lrl lrlIn
indeed In < 1 is i probably ignorant of the Ih live Iv livessuch j jauch ilu
such lu < h people ppl live I On the llf other hand he heknow h hkno heknows t tfrom
know well I for he h may mY possibly ihy hail hailfrom bailrom
from the Ihf claaa 1 in what consul Ii1 the Ih joyand joy joyand I Inr
and nr the Ih Hiiffenng 11rin of the Ib peasant fnl in hi his hihome I Ihome I
home homeMargaret homeMargaret
i I
Margaret Arl1 Deland olAn < writing r tnC n of the Il New NewWoman S NeeWoman I IWomn
Woman Womn in I the Ih current Irrnt Vanfic IfI emph emphaice emphasixes mpMII
sixes II a two characteristics which whith sh r she con conaider coneiders nn nnaid
eiders aid serious io Th first nrl u I a prevailing prevailingdiscontent prevailingdtcortent
discontent dllrlnt among women and lId the Ibf aee aeeond 1 1onr r rand
and onr a 1 change chn < in what we might ml < hl call Al thefeminine the thefeminine Ib IbImlnt
feminine Imlnt ideal IdfII It I is I sheaay she h aaya Mhe u Ihadis Ihadiscontent dis discontent It ¬
content nlnl of r the Ih woman WOmn of privilege rrIYlrt the thewoman th thwoman Ihwoman
woman of of sane In and net sheltered h hI lterid life lir which whichhav whibhavt whichhave
have havt rerl ignlflraree lalf4J Mr r IVli Ilelend Ilelendop > nd ndpak
rPAI op pak aka of th young ln < parson pln th the whole wholedme wholaome hol holm
aome m lovable creture rlr with llh surprisingly surprisinglyhad lIrri lnl lnlht
had ht manners mannrs who has hl l tarn < een lo college collegeU mlI
U I determined mlhr to earn her own living Ivtnt and andhea An Anhu andha
hea view lcl upon Ipnn marriage rAn and tnet ill 1f hrh birhrt hrhrl burhrate
rt rl rate which whiCh ah also h > diseuuws < veumf i calmly Iml while whilehr whllhr whilehrr
hr moth r blu hlUh hlluha h with wth rmlatrrasm mtwrra mhArrmni mhArrmnih mnt mntHht nt ntShe
She h speaks fk also 1 of lh reatlasanrsi tnM n ofthe of ofth nrIh
th the older oler woman and Inrt Ir l the Ih countless countleMiwoman countlessenmana lnt
woman nm clubs rhl which hlth have hlv sprung rrln < up r nil nilo RI allover
o nr er the Ih country flnty and nd which express r n nrestleMin 1 1IIfn arestlessnsa
restleMin IIfn Infinitely IlIlnllfly remov removed < il from con conditions Cn Cnilo conditlonn ¬
ditions ilo of a g gnrntton n nllon rnllon ago alo Tholuh The Th i iclub i
club 1 woman of Indry ho h hiss none of herntnthrs her hermother hr1othfr
ntnthrs 1othfr mother plccid < 1 content with thing Ihinpth a ath as asth
th vareanymorelhirshehiiaher vareanymorelhirshehiiahersmall yareanymnre A an mor Ihr than shahsaher shahsahersmall hl hr hrIm1
small Im1 convrrtiorrl ronrrtlorr1 l rlinnti tutil or h her r sweet sweetand sweetand 1 1And
and gracious aclol end r rt dutiful dUlrll1 living 1111
I Sm lm Leg I 1prIM serlflf rllvf is I the th first tt woman mAn to towin Inwin towin
win th the Xoh So Nobel l pn1 lf iri for ro litryire ht ratira I for forwhn rlr rlrhn forwhen
when hn the Ih llnror sa von on Suttner received receivedthe 11
the Ih Nobel Sotl prm llzj + it was WI not for lh the lit literary literaryquality mry mryqimlitvof
quality 11 Ir of her work in n nl > WnffenVie WIIn HnffanYtslerbutt SI SIhii < i r rhut
hut hii for its II tendency lnnt tendenrytoward toward In re the Ihpmnllon Ihpmnllonor promotion promotionof
of iwac Vema Im Hwvnston Howord has haswritten hi h15awritten
written In of Miss f l igerlofs Irrlf work ork in the thecurrent Ih Ihrlrnt thernrrnl
current rlrnt 1 1dm futnam s work which i u little littleknown hii hiiInown littleknown
known Inown outside 01111 Scandinnvin ntIAm and ml fi ir irn r rmany rmany
many n A 1hMI < l < > irae child hi1 unable I iA hi 5 tn n play pUvwith pia piawith playwllh
with olhr children rhlllrn sh she h listened IIn In I the thefairy thefairy h hI
fairy tale IAI told 101 by her grandmother Inrnolh andat HTH HTHAt and andAt
I At 0 lyAr year of age II she Ihp began tn dream rr of ofIncoming Ir I IImmlhl Ilamming
Incoming Immlhl an author lhor Ihe 1 it h author authorS3 Alhr es esSI
S3 3 when wh n her h first Ir1 no novel e iir upon r ui which hICh 5h 5hhad h hhad hhAr
had hAr spent n I ten t n year waa ns pui puWtahsl puWtahslHer > hsh hshHer < < I Ir
Her r greatest < novel I b Mitrl to h IK I Jnrues l Jrll rii H
tem a I study Itl < 1y In two voluins of w > itsint itsintlife aMnlIU astntlife
life IU in Dalecarlta OIfarli At 1 the Ih great Iwmiit Iwmiitglv IlhII1hn Iwnquatgiven
glv given < hn n in 1 her h honor after Arl sh h he received the theprize iii iiiprier h hrril
prize rril of I0on 140 oono tytn 110 I n women w wr r ra gussetswhile guests guestswtille 111 111wl
while wl taut 11 more mo were w < r unable to obuuu obuuuH nhtunseats 11
lI seats seatsH
H 1111 H > tTN11fidyll tTN11fidyllscan KTl n < s sMome
scan e I 1rt nret ot 11sn ltn In She h I nlleetlnn n of ofOtl r rfU r1rttIt
Otl fU 1rttIt II I llachrr llachrrThe ttarherthe
The Th Whistler Wh were w the Ih thing hlnl Ml I runt runtNghtaale aI aInlct i t tnight
Nghtaale night nlct sale 1 of > f the Ih collection of etching etchingoriginal atchtngsoriginal trhlnl
original drawings erAlnc took Ilk and 111 letter Ittiermad I Im lettermade
mad m < 1 hr h the Ih late IAI Otto to II Knrher Ikrh uf r r rrn fetw fetwrenca t trence
rence rn Park N Y at 1 the Ih Anderson n ntOl au autlon at atlion >
lion tOl rooms roomsTwrlornt ronmTwforot rm rmT
Twforot T n rot etchings fchlnl K isrwtvenir > iMenir 11 illtalie illtalieand dltalinand 1
and Environs Fvl de I Rom were w M Min sold soldto > < I
in Albert A Rnullier Rllr of Ihlcago for flu fluapiece tl itscase
apiece A case e 1 10 wn Dauhlgnrs nlhl faa chi < nvis y rrnw rrwI mw5 m I con an anOrchard t tOrrhard
Orchard Orhar and n Departure rII of the Ih Nw Nwlows Swnl Swnllows I II
lows I brought II In and 17 7 re resprrvly tecti t 11 11Kpl1 ely
Keppel Kpl1 t rOlfhl to C 0 l 1IIIhi Iwwtght ighl Kir Francis rllr Sev Sevmour Hrvnunir v vfnl
mour fnl Hayrtena I n Early Morning Mominl Rich Milchmond IUrhmOld Richmond
mond mOld for rorl tM Inh Irh Man Manshs Afh > hs try llnr llnrden I Ilaydan
den brought fu 4 An onginal orilllli orillllior imire Impressinn Impressinnnf ion ionof
of Rembrandt Rmhrnt Ir l > r Fau tIIII Fauatls tu with wth an anInk anink n nInl
Ink Inl spot pt in a corner r wa w old Ito to H W Y Hall Halli HaUiror
i iror I for S2S USThe S2SThe I i
The T bidding hedll trted IrNt ned to become t tvelr tvelrwhen hvelrwhen
when whf a photograph IIlr ph of Whistlers portrait portraitof wrtait wrtaitof it itnr
of hia hi mother inscribed Inr by h Whftler h1 r with witiArrangement withArranatnnt t
Arrangement A rran in flwrund OrYlnd dray anti Black RIk Portrait Portntitof Iort Iortor
of the Ih f Peinlers Alnlr Mother Iollr Tn Otto Oto ffcchor ffcchorWhistler HechorWhstlr hor horWhl
Whistler Whl WPS IvtiichI 1Ih br v V R finllitm fallntinfor finllitmforltl nlll nlllro
for forltl ro Sit 1 The Th Whistler sse e f conlln mllnllt mllnlltrl1 continued continuedwiisrnal iefl i iNmlurnsl
Nmlurnsl rl1 Nole SO me Venue 1 In1 pencil > en < II trasng Iran tr UK UKK fo t
1 K ISlllln 111 ia J V > Souvenir of ihe lhsisiesy lhsisiesyThe H HTh tieit tieitThe
The Th lir Ithnp trgashnplar sshnpiier 5ath > lel 4 II I Srlnrirn II n
711 11 75 autograph letter I with lh name n and 11 hutter huttern hlllr hlllrn honerIly
n Ily T W Itnoint lna IU a anmarapls > itOBr oa > li letter r In tii tiif I IItaiher I Iher
Itaiher f her T W Itnolnc U phaengraph l > li < > in r i > h oftWhistler of i ii I
Whistler br I IWrher h r frame r i sth lth h a letter letterfrnm kneefrom
from rnm Whistler T W hoeing ww ln 7 1 I Mine Ihamawatrhousesitn11rhltr Minew I
w watrhousesitn11rhltr rehouse rhnl lvnnl WhlI hlsfler Keppel Iptl A I n I IMl
Ml l flask IJon 11 Vhrf lone nn of Tlmnie Th err I
110 10 Finetle nn tn I M 31st 1 Million Wlin 17 17I six sixImpreson a aI
hn Impreson mprrs < > n from lb Hie hnh Mre hit plate I of eta freTrahettn
Trahettn 1r etching rhlne with h the h huiierfly huiierflyto hnrerfto
to l left ft tt the Its h arch I llonlller lnlr ITT L earls earlr4rUI earlstrial rh rhell
trial ell proof turn nt tr the Ih second 0111 plate I of it TheTraahun The TheTr Th ThI
Traahun Tr Trln hello A II I Mpliic tlplnearn plncan rn Il 11 lean The TheK risest h hI
K st t of lh Ihe Venire nk set 1 llnnlller llnnlllerThe lonllr lonllrIn w wsin
In sin HII S tai 1 I 0111 nhtclslk 1 S SThe
The Barden an rden Wertmore WHm isn 1 llonlller lnlU lnlUD tonlliartat
tat 9 > nocturne nnCrn the h Thane ithnilni ithnilniA lhnln >
A M 1 Whit WIIU sat 1 draped tra fl Rrure iire r of a unman unmanwith unmanwith nmnIl
with Il the Ibetlrf th butterfly t upper 1 r right rl hl n nBu nBF 1 1Buey
Bu BF y l lTba set setTbs >
Tbs T IT sale a brought bI taU
1 J r I
Business Buie Women WomenValue WomenI
I Value Vaue the te Telephone TelephoneD J Jy
y i
1 1I
rFLip nriru I r
II1 e
L 1 ULLQ ULLQII1 I y v vs
s I Ills Illstlr
tlr 4 I Ir
r 11 11wl i
wl I
RESSMAKERS milliners nurses nures hairdressers hairrssersin in fact women womenin 1 1In
miiner I Iin
D DREsSMAKERS in all al lines lnes of business realize rilze the value of telephone teleph ie service serice and andemploy andemploy 1 1employ
employ it constantly constaoly The reason rason is clear clearThis clearThis I
This is the telephone age and the quickest and most satisfac satisfactory satisfactory ¬
tory tor way to keep in touch with wth customers is by means of tele telephone telephone telephone ¬
phone service serviceLadies serviceLadies j
Ladies are doing their shopping marketing and are arranging their theirbusiness theirbusiness theirbusiness
business and personal affairs alalrs by telephone just as men are amngng Business Businessestablishments Busiess Busiessestablshments Businessestablishments
establishments establshments of distinction catering caterng to ladies trade trde recognize rconize this fact factand factand factand
and such establishments establshments have adequate telephone facilities facilitiesThere facilitiesThere
fusefulness t
There Ther is no doubt about the helpfulness of telephone service serice Its Itsusefulness Is Isusefulness
usefulness is demonstrated demostrated many times tims each day It I 4s < s as indispensable indispensableto i
to the small smal shopkeeper shopkeepr as to the largest lalest commercial establishment establishmentBy cSlablshmcnL I J
By the way have you a Telephone f fNEW Ps 1 1THON
has Every Telephone is a Shopping Centre
1 1t
t war we 5 a w wv wAS
Reginald Reainl D D De Koven in the New York World HarUafter Worldafter or orfer
after fer Sleuki Sl uk performance prornc of Tannhau er aid paiddot aidNot id idI
I Not since ine Jean Jen de Retske Helke ha < a tenor compared comparedboth cmpun
both bth Italian Itlin and German Gran Opera Oer with wih the absolute absolutedittinction ab absolutedistinction lute lutedbUncUon
distinction dbUncUon that Sleek displayed last night nlI And AndJean AndJean AndJean
Jean de Rctzke himself today tay the greatest getest voice voiceteacher oiccteacher iCe iCetecher
teacher in the world wold 11 says ay a I consider cnsider Slrzak the thegreatest thelvln thegreatest
greatest living lvln < tenor And Slexak ting inpin in Italian Ialan the thegreat the thegreat
great t arias r fromOtello frmOteloand fromOtelloandAida and Aida Id and andinGrn andinGrnTe in German GermanfrotnTannh GermanTh
frotnTannh from userndjLohenjninfor userndjLohenjninforEDISON t
The Te eY1n Amberola Amberolalb Amb Atebetolafrom rmTnnhaulerandLhenKn or Other Ohe Styles StylesSUndint Style StylesI
I lb the highest t IIP I of oflxnin r of ofrnm tFAIM Fdl rm Phminaph PhminaphEdi Pln
ll Edi tlI fbnn combining lxnin eat the theautr a Q EDISON EDISONPHONOGMPH EDI I S ON 14 fn rnm flrte hnlrt M AllotrepbY All AllK Al
t otrepbY bnutT autr ef f ftnoe e AsI stIettaylwth IIprl11 Mu K Fo < i na namhrml n ntone
tone with i a nutrr nu ter terp SUndint Ianlrdandlmtrml IanlrdandlmtrmlIf mhrml mhrmltbt
pietwef p tc nf csbirxt h work workIt Retards r If nn has
= It I ply pl troth b Edison EdisonMaa fA PHONOGRAPH PHONOGMPHand rM rMtwwtph Slut dir dirass t t51r
Maa 51r ass < Un ad nd AmMrnl Ani AI1 < ern ernlUvorit nf net r Am1 Her HerXft R Rc
lUvorit sRrvord Cnneilnse Cnneilnseet c Camel a inse In y pnONORH rMdnMn < Xft h re tau onr onrput I o dsr dsrIt
et It Mk i l < wnrnrOli rnnyer rnnyerofY Antthet fni ofY of fitVr fitVrMk ilh i the 111 111drawer 11 and nd these IhH great t aria r are ar at rendered Icn nn Edtonn F Ambcrol mb1 Hec Hecnrdf n put pii AtUrlmient AIln1 Alt ° nn n Amhernl AmhernlAtUrlmient Am mhrmidrswn tnt tntlrO
lrO Slesaks Slesaksgreat
drawer d fnr rrtwmldint hoMinr lt ltermtla If curd the longest Iln playing plTln records n made ma bringing bncn r rdsat Moss MossRswds
ermtla 1 fllln Pflcr5e Price If tfnxin tfnxinee ot great At aria r into mt jour o home hm exactly cl as A he h sings them tbrt at the theMetropolitan t 4rar4 u say saylie
r ran
lie ee it 1 at t Tour f itmleri itmlerinil dI s Metropolitan Irrltan Opera O House lo New SfW rw York YorkNat I ie am amand
and an nil I ilk ik tn I her Ihr th thSlciaii Gt s 1 n nSkau
Slciaii S Kerord af Nafoaal Nat a o oaal Pluaosrapli Co 75 Lakai LakeidAvorangNJ LuA U Ay Oranf o NJ N J I scar d 9s ans l sun a
InWHr tF 1 urn Ir HUI HUIlie 11 11I IJ IJlie
lie I and nc Others flhn Hhn ho Marked I Ih Ihr Sllp II M S Wllti Wlltii lb lbI ltb ltbInk
i Ink nk Ma Ia > tote nleat at Primaries PrimariesTimothy rlnlIH rlnlIHlnolh IrlnisrlnTnnnthy
Timothy lnolh I Woodruff wrll and nl other nlr Kepnl Kepnllicai nPlh nPlhIra1 RepsibItris >
licai Ira1 In Brooklyn who hn at I the I h last A I regis registrahnn rRi rRitratinn rj
tratinn tl ti I d fountain rnlnlAln In ien Itiktead nf ofblank nfhlack orhlAk
blank kwl le < l pencil ptcl in I denoting < 1nlnl their I th hl tr party partyaffiliation ponyaff rty rtyA
aff affiliation A bastion 1 10 will wl not is ledi I dish Inf > rTed according acmrdmai din dinI
Ito i tn a tleciKinn ilon yesterday hy h Jiwlice Jiwliceplnall JIIli Joatl t tpiruall
plnall pln nf o the Ih Hrm Hii > remw 1 nun f from rrol the theregular ihereRtilar I Irlllllr
regular rlllllr party prt enrolment enrolmentWilliam enrodmentWdltam
William tAI A Kirk of n the Ih Tenth lsemhly lsemhlyihtro eml mhl mhliII > ly lyililrrt
ililrrt iII t inn nf the I h his fntintatnlen fniinl rOJI iii pen enrnller enrnllerhrniiicht enrnllershrnuaht nnU nnUhrohl
hrniiicht n ftlt lil against lnI the Ih lln Klet FIlon Election tinn Inm InmmiM fol on onmfssinners
miion miM > inner In l It i compel them to place pI his hianame hi hinAm hisname
name nn o the th enrolment olm1 Itnnk honl and ald Jii JUII JUIIApIUI Justice JusticeAapiwll ice iceApinall
Apinall ApIUI ha h elei dectclHl a11 td Y1 in I hi hiss favor tustlce tustlceAipitmll 11utlrApinall 11
Aipitmll says saysIn ay ayIn y yIn
In my n opinion lie ups nf r tii the h hI inline inlineI
I i Is > eiiire Ir a srstrnent l leTnen n of par I r fTIIIltnn afftktinnfor fTIIIltnnfor mi lin linro
for ro pilhll hl 15 n e Ma the I Inline 1 ilirerl 1I Ihe IheBonn I i iikwr
Bonn 1 nf r Elections Ulon In 0 Ilhnh nitill > h for rn rener reneriiw general generalu nr1
iiw u 11 fter election dap d the n de cIrlon > lurvtlon nf nffft Ir Irp ofevery
every p illlcena IIisn II2n a In hl b peru 1 > rl > nfriluiion nfriluiionlt mllo mlloh
lt > lbs rJp re rect + es I u i ilwiilv s 11 differ ot from the ihetrnvllnn thepmyllon h htr
pmyllon trnvllnn nf tr the li iinlereltlnic Iul 1 to n marking ninrklnchwilloM markinghaunts ril
haunts 111 There Th Ihe Ih rom ti Asst er t us m n mlnvln mlnvlnal nln ln
al lute secrecy err < cy I a in is n She h manner In which whichthe shfhthe hkhh
the h illlren lbn totsi ole 1t > l end 11 inl itlreii 11 the h line nf nflienrll r rI a apencil
pencil I < II h having lnr hljrk h1 lend SI In n maintain mlntlntitilformlly a awnlfnrmity
titilformlly Irormll nf prnieiliire trrt s in 0 prevent preventthe ire ent entIhe
the nurkinscnf in rkln f a MlbIn Ixll 1111 in ant nt n manner nl shlrh shlrhmitlu hl hlh hlhIIhllrd h hniKlll
niKlll IIhllrd Ied tn ll Issltwelnent llh > e < lefll 1 liienllfl lnlflnn lnlflnnI idenunralion idenunralionit < llnn llnnIt
It I s therefore evlitenl ll nl stud 0 o i > has h hI been beeni tn tnh
5 i h held M In huh thUcittirt 11 rturt In ntnnernii nnrserol4pim prtMeedlnK prtMeedlnKof eding edingof le lenr
of n tinllar hllr ihrarler hrtr In the h pant I wlihnH wlihnHn llhnIrUI
n nrlllen rUI ovlnlon tnl however h r that Ih the ih law lawreUllnn I lawrelaling
reUllnn llne tn 0 the Ih ne 11 of r n t pencil < encll ni h having vine hUrk hUrklend hlkIr1 hkrkInd
lend Ir1 nn enrollment hUnk hlnl I nierelj rly iire threat threaton 1 < t torv
orv n and 1 not mnnrtiiiir Inlnt > anal ml 1 where hr the thellnnnlnf Ihei thelYoard
i llnnnlnf lot lYoard or Flevtinnl itusklsl eiuitief Ihl1 hr the Ih marking marklnctn tlnc
tn ilet dtsrtnine rmlne the Ih intention Innln of the 11 rltlren rltlrenwith rlllrnwlth 111nI
I with lt reference n m 0 hi party fY affiliation Amlltn it ithonld I itshould
hoI sum n record the Ilnlnl Intent nf the Ih rltlren rltlrenMetier Chlnbiller n nIl
Metier Il Haudanlne Haudanlnel uUn uUnI
I ITs l A r < IIMIINT T March IIh Mi Nv I Mardierlt MardierltIkudmline > lar < tierlle tierllellaudmiine
llaudmiine Iludln and d Wllllnjn Wlwn Alfred Heller 11 wereniafrlsl were wereinsrried r rmrl
insrried mrl > etentay Irray In Int M Inhn Episcopal Kptcop4lniureh tplrnrI tplrnrII Episcopallhurrh
I niureh nllrh bv h t he h Itev tv Illehanl flhrt Inrxlen 1oh ln Only OnlyIhe flntythe nly nlyI
the Imniertlale Innl member Imh nf tr the 1 famllle famlllewere familieswrre amil amilHI
were I present Afterward HI there In Inolnn MM a adinner adinner
dinner olnn at t the Ih Ijinhniont Iar nton Yacht hl flub 1111 > Mr Mrml Mrand r
and 11 ml Mr 1 Kellar tu hate gone n In rl Atlantic Alan 4 1Ity 1Ityfor lly llyfor U Ufor
for heir I hone Inlmon > anon The T bride brideyear I 1 1E 1Tara
year Tara nut 11 hh ribs h i s the lt daughter dlhl nf Inhn nhl K KUandniilne t thumn Iadmin
E Uandniilne admin > fhl human mn and clubman hmn nf ofrrhmont f frhmnl
farrhmont rhmnl rrhmont Th bridegroom Itnm b I l 0 0co > van vannld e r rn4
nld n4 < 1 a IMWI nf Ir Col C J J Sell Amer lr r nf r the h Twelfth Twelfthfl TeIh TeIhfmf1 TwifthI1giment
co fl I1giment rlmetit and ne a member b nf tb the Arm rm of ofHlirrto
Hlirrto fmf1 tlrC Jk Baiter 8 SUf lier of < t N Nets et ir York or orI
I A s
LIIKU LI L1 11 tlMHST tT I I KTI t 1TI RIIn ttV ttVn I In
In n I 1Tpsre pre nainn rut Dawn Mr Mrchla Ira Irhst Irhstrhla aC aCrht
chla rht T Ta n 1 ear Before RefareSly rer Mie N VI flatted flattedMrs Iah shed shedMr
Mr Kva 1 Schatchfa IM I years old Irt who whnwaa whoU whowas
was U knocked knolt down hy nn n express xl wagon WHKOHnn IIn IInon
on Rivinirton Rinlon street on Kehniarr hr1 IA II and nndtaken In InIAk andtaken
taken IAk first t tn I louverneur nOlvmr llfopilnl and andthen sandthen 0
then In Bcllevue died on Tuesday TII night nighta tthl tthlI
a at I 7 oclock Ik at the Ih hone hOl nf her grand granddaughter CIt CIthlrr granddaughter ¬
daughter < hlrr 1115 lr Ir Abraham hr Cohn II lit FeatIleth littreet
l Ileth h street streetOwing treettn 1 1Oln
Oln Owing tn a I delay y nn the th part Irf nf the thenltendinic Ih Ihnldlnl theattending
attending nldlnl physician rhII in in cnmmunloilinic cnmmunloilinicwith rnmmIJIlilt rnmmIJIliltw
with w lh the th toronera Ioro omnra nltlce tm the Ih Brand Int of ofHealth t tHealth
Health 111 h did die not lime I a burial hllllli permit mi in intime intime
time tm to enable nhl Ih the relative UNr nf the I h decease deccaetn > 1 1t
tn t comply with lh th the nrthndnv Jewish Jewhcuatnm Jewisheuatnm wlh wlhfln
cuatnm fln nf htiryinic hlrn within twentyfnur twentyfnurhour
hour after death deathAbraham tIh tIhAhrhm deathAbraham
Abraham Ahrhm Cnhn aid that he h did I nnt nntmind nntmln notmind
mind so a very vr much mich hut hit that hi hil hia wife wifefelt wifefelt Ir Irrlt
felt hail hd about it because her hr grand grandmother Imh ImhmOlbf grandmother
mother mOlbf had h always Iw been t no careful Mrll about stoutliving aboutliving alut1lne
living 1lne up to the th Utter Iter Ir of < > f the Ih Uw UwThe IwTf lawme
The Tf old ol lady l lived I all by herself at atU a ar4 t tRhinalnn
U nivmRtnn etreets atreet he h std ld I and nd went wentevery wentevery nl nly
every day y tn the th synugngtu yiui yncncl i > tt Hhe the he c cold codtIn < xildeee
eee tn read le the f newpa newspapers > er without withoutnUe Wihn1 Wihn1II withoutglasss
nUe II and he sewed Iw Jut ja a I sa well U na a I young youngwoman vnungwoman Vhl
woman ma Hhe Hb Mb wouldnt or < 1nl live Iv hv with itb any ir ofus of ofiia r
iia 1 although althllb we w wanted her tn am anti n she sheresented he herenenled h hrUf
resented rUf the the idea I nf any nf her h grand grandilauchter grandslaughters nnd nndIhl
slaughters Ihl going nut with her h lh She h had t n apot nlot
lot nf n learning I mlnc Inn t Hhe Ih 5Th used ul tn 0 I la M > a ateacher atfhfr ateacher
teacher tfhfr nf Hebrew Ix 11 > ta nf ti I na boys Imyiue 110 110t boyshalal
iue halal < l lo go to her tn learn it itMr i itMrs
Mr Mr < Hchalchia Hhtchl wa 1 born hor In a little littleIluaaian Jill Jillluln littleRuaian
Iluaaian luln village vlt not far rl r from C Men MenHhe k1 Mewws
I She fh came cm t tn n thi country nnl about 111 twenty
five n years yeraio agn co after having lnJt pmt nt four fouryear fouryear
year In New S Zealand ZeiUndI ZealandOne
I JNr One On nf her granddaughter Irnllllht I la mire mireI I
I that she hf had bft naaed Ihe n century tlur mark markbut mr mrI mrhut markbut I
but Mr 1 HchalchU hllh r Insisted thai he lib wa waonly wns wnsonly 1
only II 91 < and Mid that she ah would wnlid > he < e unite unitewilling quitewilling IIil IIilwlln
willing wlln to die etlf when wh she h had hd celebrated celebratedher t1hu t1hufr
her fr hundredth hundflh birthday birthdayi lrthda lrthdalau
i Vase lau lee I bat bt Xol t Ills lt I nlform nlformN nnam nnamS nil arm armNaw
N Naw w OMIKAN OlLIAI March rm 2 The T O A R Rdivision ndlblo Rdivision
division dlblo for IxmUlana llblna met mf here h today oa oaT
< The T encampment Icprt will wl probably take ak nn nnaction nnI nolartlon
action I on o the tb protest rr1 against < In1 placing placingIhe plrn plrnhe
the he atat atao statue u A of kit O Robert Rr K t Lew l e In the tbeHall theI b bI
I Hall of Fame Fat hut ht Ihe individual member memberespreaa mf membersexpress r rl
express th the opinion nplnlo that ht while the th status atatueobould statusoboald 11
l obould aold t t M > admitted amite it should not Do be b in Int inthe
1 th t the uniform ure of tCcafedaratooentmL tCcafedaratooentmLl CcelO CcoI deratoO aot Ge ntrBL j jjiJ i
jiJ = t
A Guide to the Ring of ofthe orthe ofthe
the the Nibelung Nibelunglit Niblung Niblungn
lit n ni nln mllIIIRISllliltlll mllIIIRISllliltlllTse nMII UIUUIIWI muni muniThe
The Ti mif nrtrn C n n I te f r I y e M4 a rt 1 MOT nf n e MI etch rh rhdiama
dune dm llh t th an n 1 niiti of 0 the b m rI music i > lc ant antthe a1 a1r 1 I
II the nading r < < r p at > t r n M ra nnuimi nnuimirrl nn nnternnrrl
rrl r > e In rlnlh II HI C 33 7sSelections 33Selections S SSelecton I
Selections Selecton from the te MusicDramas Music MusicDramas I IDama
Dramas Dramastrranieit Dama I
trranieit H tar the I flint 1 hr Iy Mfa n < i < ilnceT ilnceTrrrltf alagelrrrcar
rrrltf h ttlThntit Itirr 1r hrA ilUrlrlt ilUrlrltLyrics Idr1rALyrics frh frhyric >
Lyrics yric for Soprano SopranoLyrics Sopano SopanoLyric SopranoLyrics
Lyrics Lyric for Tenor TenorLyrics TenorLyrics 1 1lyric
Lyrics lyric for Baritone B rtone and Bass Bassr4iieii 81 BassEdited
Edited IITTAX Iy hr iI1 AIt tHHiinrHTrit tHHiinrHTritPriceearhOI T W Wrnre I
PriceearhOI rnre rarhataapaiwr2anrtathgilt ni > aperXSII rUth I III IIIGHAS I ICHAS iCHAS
CHAS H Hr 01 OIIS00 0 ISDN CO GOlrl12 COSII12 i
lrl12 1112 EAST 34th STREET STREETW i I iI ii iT ine
W i T ° leMIn ne Ane 1 j J iff r h rtrs r rlp r runt SmrHtetl s j 1 1tetra
tetl tetra 1 Perrj lere 1 flpP < ln inr Ilrhl Ir Hole tultrtrs Ie tr I < lumlnm lumlnmTwnrtillnret 1 nC j IiRA1r
iRA1r 1 isl 41 nth th thT ai
Twnrtillnret T hldrI ll r51 r51upfrfne illl I nlle nlleSupreme ll lllpr I
Supreme lpr upfrfne C curt It Juntic JII > i IM 1117 Pl4tzeir < t7xJ ap aplh lp I
pruvel yIrLy ye5t ruluy t IIw thdalinn of ofthe r rIh
lh the Sew ew York nrk Infant Ir 1sytein vlnii 11 with ih the theXurMry Ih theNursery 1 1Infl
Nursery and Infl thild t hi s llnnpital 1IIIlt under r Ih Ihtmm IhIlm the thenum
tmm Ilm nf the Ih Newr ew V ark > rl 1 < Nursery Ir and andhllil and1hilds I Ichll
chll 1hilds hllil HnpilHl iiiAic I1 the th h thirty r lirec diractor lirecf lr lrI
tor f > r of < if r the Ir n a ircinial rlll I ITI arc u Stephen StephenIhker Strhm StrhmItkr StephenRaker
Ihker Itkr iher CIri ihrsrdi rdi I arts > 1 Iletiry Ir K t Ifnw Ifnwlatid Jo Iraeland
land 11 Freicnck Kr lenck 1l HiuneUnder UniIIIr W WKmlcn Wtmln 1YEmlen
Kmlcn HoonevHit Fr Kreru4 dernk < de t I Foster FnterMward FosterEdward t I Itwlr
Edward twlr de d I I IiMMznton 1111 Mr Mrs 1 Katherine KathrrmeH Kaf1llne I II
H I Ainrlwrli Auh Auirlwrlimd mil 11 Mi Ihis I John h K tl Ih1 Ih1ou rwlr rwkwh rwkwhtouJl l lCatarrh
touJl ou Catarrh at rrh Bronchitis Bronchitisr
t Broncis
MM r ll l Sf 1 gat i K grr ei era < < 1 ltanl > < ii > ettt Water w wt wayttoteJes i
t Ei r ruu i > ltnt sod M Miners iBlt a61tfria iBltfnm
1a 1 1Ik
fnm it tt Spa Eel 4ertauy r sy
BM Ik tlnnhkt kt naUmt a oi our r > dlel I tr 1 sk < eni t Lg I IC
C C TON OX Dr Dr DLa u DKtTK Dtta au IaB I Ps k lel lViws w R T 1 1I 1c 1L fUla1Mr
I 1I
Ula1Mr I I1Yk L ± rOYg 6 lwut wa i an