I r rI riO 4 iF
I f r 0 r P 0 H tt ttftl
ftl THE SUN TUESDAY MARCH 22 2 1910 = n 1 d
U v ir irMaitwrry JCKMTIII JCKMTIIIfa
1 Ier Maitwrry fa llId nU Joekey JckeyI tkl Brr RPrem RPremL m mauMof
L AlHarwd Ak UaspfndrI1 BHa Becsus auMof of oft ranloufle1 ranloufle1I ranI l Utet
t farm F RmertalHtarlrr llara MitI Cald CaldI >
I HetBrtu taro Front na the Juare Meeting MeiIIngJosiph MeetingJoMph tfltln tfltlnph
JoMph ph Harrooe rroo a wealthy iUtiy Uh Italian con conftor on ontrwwr nnWior
trwwr ftor wh uihu in h i > attracted raIt tI attention allnllnntlm ev evnU V VI
nU I time me on the rarelra ralela k La ha h become becomeindirectly bIoromIadi
indirectly Iadi 1 Involved In a an me with iiIi h th Jack Jackaeavilla Jaaill JackIfl
aeavilla ill eteward Iron eter PIFb r aim In Inh e efcj
fcj b w wa barred bar temporarlli lentltrul irrom Iom the I ih h lleti lletiBtaga 1 HqiRtgS
Btaga 8 track lrk ami ot Incidentally IncItnllh hrnuirht hrOlt ilt iltfar Il iItIei
far HOOdO damaite dam ha Uen I unalile unat
f IOI I hl n Inahl to totrainer 10l Ii Iit
l t a trainer licence Itin front Ih Ihe lorke lorkeClub 10 Ioekrlub
Club and Id ha h hi raced fd hor > e in n the Ih name nn or orWa oCduahlu
Wa 4 daughter duahlu Ml Mm 1 M iI I Urron Irl Whn WhenMM Whnlocal
MM local 11 meaon ended df la I t rail rai Ihe Ih linllnn linllnnturfman 1Untur tinIhnturfMz
turfman tur envaxeil Inl1 niiiti tI lohn 111 P I Matl Ihrry > erry to totrain Intr totrain
tr train several r1 hore hor at luikmullle and andb afldl4 n num
b l4 > turned um ntrr 10 0 him hll the Ih ert K I uw e or orJecker ork OfJocksy
Jecker k Berven orn Ihe lh 1 ttt Marrone IInn hor e hate hateVon hvB haton
Von on B Mveral 11 raI rare rtw 11 lutrntltn ho odd HI1 line linetfcf In Intl Iiitb
tfcf tl and ad raport 1 > ha h It I the h Marrone tarrowsr arnl check checkalwayu 1 1al
sr alwayu al down In Hut u Iii IM on Saturday Irla the thePantouMe I h hIanlon hi hiI1
I1 PantouMe Ianlon after r H 100 > oor oorlb performance performancetk Irnmnr Irnmnrti
tk ti prevlon 110 time out howed n wonderful wonderfulImprovement oiiIrfiiIFOTimertl
Improvement rymnl FOTimertl In form Iteaiinit 11 I o Nenlou Nenlouad Slnl ntout ntoutd
M ad d other olh over the h i furlonr rllnnl mule 1 in II Initi
111 11 + 4 J a new track rr rrortt ord nnd 111 not no far rarMttad r rIh farbMnd
Mttad Ihe Ih world orll retortl 1 The Th Marrnne Marrnnechecks MnnnelMb tlarronChOk2
checks elMb were w down 10 attain 1ln II I I aid ail and andBet a1 a1B flit flitM
Bet M Mir I did the bookmaker I
B Iht lmal at II the track trackinfer HarkE tirks3iar
infer E but bl al alo o the Ih poolroom IHlrm ooromi all al oter the tliecetHttry II IIcf theeurT
cetHttry cetHttryTko cf eurTrho
Tko T rvnal r raI 1 or roiirve 101 iihcwkptt ho hoI1 ked Judge JudgeJoatijh 1111 ItidrJoih
Joatijh A Murphy urph and the tralhtlated tralhtlatedCurler Iralhll IralhllCr trtihtIt4Cury
o Curler Cr Brown rn a ao o that forthwith fOIhlh ram an anMetal 0 ittiI
I Metal 1 edict e1 t lo the Ih cITrU II that the Ih entries entriest nll
at t Mtaa 1 ki Marrone Iarron were ere rerned rr and II Ihe IheHt I Iof lb lbleim
Ht leim a ea of Trainer Mnyl MAvherry llyl > > erry rr and n Jockey JockeyU loeltevulwndei o 1
U 1e rtQ were Wi u ulwndei > ende < l pending dh further furtherhivfwtlntlon rlrhr rlrhrIntlon further1tIgatIon
hivfwtlntlon Intlon Aa tertaln rln wie t i r ra rsiuttm rsiuttmat < > n nt
a at t JMcknonvllle Ionyl were not allowed in t I par partk jiarlak
tk t > of thi hi melton mlol rinsing rling it I I ald that IhntMurder Ihlurlno thatMurphy
Murder urlno Bmwn Bm A to o will recue 1 ome omeiMafratloa onu1atetlng 1
iMafratloa tlo rail r recariiinir lar lnl the Ih iae a and andwire andhatmaoy nd ndI
I hatmaoy ma wire I nlll wiI lie pulled 111 to Iul tut the Iheronfederai theaon h hJan
Jan aon ronfederai 5 oust 01 nr Imlnrt ImlnrtMarberry hlln hllnJJr hitInrapbry
Marberry JJr I ht well el known Inon Iere M > the Ih trainer trainerad tralttersad 1 1d
sad ad d owner or the Ih Keene en iau aII atofTs > fTii Itohln ItohlnKoo4 loln lolnJ ItoluinMoog
Koo4 J and ad lJirl 1 i fonrt Or outrt Whn hcn llobln lloblnMeed lohln lohlnHe IlohinMeo
Meed He waa a roni cOniiIent onII11 lent winner tuo n nMarbrry years yearsa > ear earMO
MO a Mar Marbrry berry made md no ecret 1 or the Ih rat r rtat fail failthat t tthat
that tat lh lh horse Ior mniimeil eeteral 1 < an A or ortaw orr
I l taw brer r each Mb day 115 a larl a i onrt Olrt ran ranMreral a
Mreral Mer In and ano nut 01 rae ra la Iat i peann gton ol but butwhen 1111thzeyr
when thzeyr Mr v r he won on at lone lOl inld HI It I wa a ett ettfeat etI 1 1t
I feat at t that aomelMxIy mt had 1 bet tl heatII hIII Her Hereo Ir IrIh tierIeO
IeO eo the Ih jmkey JoI I a pout > o 01 or r Ihe Iii liVe I Marly MarlyVcriren Irl Irlrn I
4 Vcriren rn a I t great 1 rare ra tar rider rM In I hi ittIn hl a aIn >
In n view yl u of f he Ib inanr 1 iiueer u xiorle rl or ort ofm4oda
t BMHhoda bo1 at JackMttitllle It I ut a tld stIt4y hi hidy teter tetert
dy 4y t y thvt the Ih Jockey Iok I Ilub tub woiill nll1 pit i terv tervI er r rKtle
4 I Httla Ktle allentlon 111 to II the Ih nilliiic nlllca ol I liirpln Niutipityand liirplnnd JI
and nd Brown Brwn and no lliM all 1 l iiornen retnen ratine ratinet r41IngSt
St t the tbl winter Irk would hl he I ii weltonied weltoniedBr rl11
bar Br > unlea unl the Iht turf Ilrr itoteritor 11 hid h 1llh 1llhprf > iile iileproof
proof prf pro f of wruncdoliiit wruncdoliiitMar 0 Id IIC IICan
I Ih
Mar an CamliU aah the Ih Jot Inki 01 key t 11th Inh inrter utarterhindled inrterho
ho h hindlert the tiarrler Irlr HI I Juare Jlar Meilco Meilcokaarrlve NIeiuibaa
kaarrlve baa ervl ardveut < t home h and 11 I cnjokliiir n tin Allon Allonlt nit al Ion Ionat Ionat
at lt Hheetxheul NIh1 Ih liii t < > Mr Ir I taie Mtuld i > lirointht lirointhtwhh hrl tiroitghtkt h hI
whh I kt I hUn 1m a iiirload Iodr of t ioh tlt > i Inl lonies mie iHirch purrltui purrltuiby e eby
by b jamea am Butler IIr ttlu h > lian I Its fOln found tiuarlerfor tiuarler tuIrtersfar
for r them Iblm at t the h Kmplre 111 tIt itt 11 metratk metratkMr I
Mr Canaldy eldy In pe4klnic 111 of hi liii winter 11r 11rprnc ci cip e eprince
p prince rience aiyw a that 111 JiMre Jlar1 will I t he M > the itt 1 num numpet tiuiutet t
pet et for all 1 the Ib horvn hn horeuti en in II future 1111r M eint eintui > IM > II IIeoaue nNU
JI eoaue NU ui of It maunlfUetit 11111 tr inuk ik the I tulue tulueor alii aliiof hi hiof
of stakes alk and 1 nire mil n the Iii h tMitmri 11r deal dealuaranleetl uialguaranteed
guaranteed annl1 to 101 all by I Me Iar r liin hl lluHvr lluHvrnd lut itutkrad
al nd lerniu lerniuFifty 1errnu 1errnuFin TerritaFifty
Fifty Fin workmen 011 orknte beean tln the h iak I rf enhra enhraIng tuturtThe Ir Irnl
The tba It patldotk al I Ktnpire ruitiIr I CI ii hiy > eier eiertay eiertayThotd < tat tatThe 1 1T
The T Thotd nl old ol shed hN behind t hln1 the h ilubhoue dublku will I t Idwn he hetorn > e elorn
torn down dwn and n1 lrrfei lo truture inn lure tike I h h8hrt i4qt i4qtat
athhethe at 8hrt < il lUy 11 will fit I ii e built In the h middle middleof IldI
of the recently ninlred lllrM iroi vrntwrt > ert nurtn nurtnweal uuortitwest orl orlWHI
weal of oftit the Ib rirl utand I hi lariat I Ir iot iotrad o oered
rad with II b Urice I Iar ehtde hl trr nd 4 the I tii h lutil lutilcapa Ltuip 1 1t
j capa r p Kardener rdettr I ha h received order II in in ituike ke keIt
It 1 the tlelra tIi t Ur largest crr et and 0 mol litu I lttiirriiue > Mtldot k knn
nn lh the uietrot 1lrl1In metrotolitan > lltan cirmli 11 New w title titlewill vut II I Iwill
will be b ronainif Ina corsuiritcti4 led leforn ihe s h wiininer wiininermeeting euuuutuierneeting r rm4ln
1 It
meeting and the ro ff roof r fit r tln Krand itnd itndajl tttuitr
m4ln II I 0
ajl r > til 11 a be t extended eXIInoe about 011 yn = tu > feet f eit o that thatcovered 11 titita
a covered < pn lrunnaui > tnenade will II be t provtfletl mvlo1 tot 10 10I lorBanona
I Banona f who hn do twit o fire i ire lo 0 ee the h h1I1811lrIIt late latetroui jutetrnqthe
troui pn trnqthe 1I1811lrIIt 1I1811lrIItIt1 the alevl iruilure iruilureIt tru1tIrtliwili
It It1 liwili will be bl New iev e lk ork uralnt Philadelphia Philadelphiaat i iII
at a Ih II raimmnt tairnt I In lraln Ine II I tie llrnnx lnn iu iorngiui iorngiuiwhen merit meritwhen I
when wbe total 111 punillat 1111 ti ll meet 1 < taker Ulh ill illfour illfour n nfor
four for clote flichl neh The fh niei 11 tn o uu IH us ten tenrouod trttrood
rood rD aftalr between hel bets ert t own UUI utiutr l leuutret > uirire nl nlHlowiown I IKlolon fl4lowtos
Hlowiown U an1 n l lit i > e Kmn Ih1 or f llr Ir Itrnu < xisit xisitheavy ¼ I IheY V Vbvy
heavy heY hit hil htltttu line weiiert I tcn toI > wtm hn have I lia liaii I Iknocked I II
ii I knocked kD k out 0 itittn p IVH i t inm inmOHourke I IRork it
t OHourke Rork Hllotnl 101 ortim 01 t lul lotChart to nulit nulitCharley Iel
Charley lr Chart llrtmn Irm of r utrjiM 1tall s ill II meet 1 Max MaxMaker I Ikr la laakr
Maker kr or llfwton 1ln in n n i legs 1 ruun rHuIut4RRtXUIS 11 t iniei inieiARm 1 1tRn
ARm 4RRtXUIS < i l nm Hi nuiTti nuiTtiKarlrm lJi lIEU ITI IT t Iarlnn
Karlrm arlnn 111 Oanmrn IJkrl 11 tn tot nut lilt ClaHa c liltRace
Ha K Race < f > ornrtal ornrtalTne nmral nmral1e OtflrlaisT
Tne T e Harem Keeaiia 1 fx o 111 I ann 1 in r itAiln regtltacommittee itAilnoommltfee 11
committee cmml 1e met 1 I las n 111 t eh ttu u n u l I ti > MMriem MMriemi lrl lrlI I I
i I C Clf CacIn lno ror the th puri lI pttrlie > o e > r ele I ert i mg 1 offl i iappoint
appoint applll li < ibionunitie t hnllll hitni it it t mid a ttut atll a tr rrs iiiuini iiiuiniother tu gi tug tugother
other minor detail of r il I iii < Mtrn tettirlI rii IB IBmeet I ImH Imeet
meet mH One On or the h ei e > ni ti nu u Die i h lrnl1 IrnruuIu IrnruuIuthe > rnerui > niif niifthe
the junior Junlnrllr tour eis I gi < H > i uet > ml 1 a t leri lerugthc4t lerugthc4tcuteulon th > die dieniMlon
niMlon Clon nut nl1 Irm rom ulmi I h toil wa S I eu4i nl 11 i > i not rmivery n notvery
very 1 iertaln rll that ih the > race r I t bo I miludeil miludeilIn th11 th11I
In I I bo tboflnsl final n1 makeup of ih ihe h racing Inl I ii iiAt itvreesnt
At t rreiwnt ihe nnftltlon onIIn < > whih hlh deMn deMnthe uiflnethe nn nnthf
the thf term gig tle ar are roUrr Il I ila etcuul il > I < IIKII IIKIIIt
It U I po plhl lble n mrvli lrI a h h1 heiI > ll with ih the thed ttidiku h hdedi
d dedi k removed mo and no rail CI u a fir 11 Ir I Ihl thus thusPu hi in inhe 1
he t Pu done l 1 lug > j atinililne Inl n I atue4ti IIHMIII nil nilround jutaround I Iaround
around the Ih giin Iln gtjnwae Me I Iest ji t t esr r hn h r rha ri ribad i ihad
had ha only onl two I enirie DI tietilifr I of hn hid hidfrom h hfrom uaju uajufrom
from the Iht Harlem lri hart IC lt HHT t li wa > iil 11 11Co that thafcne thaten
cne Co en ire crew r u tse4 r f < i hula I rnonnirii reiunurjt1 i l odpll odpllin julirItin hrl I Iin
in the l rare unit n1 ilie lit h iiuh lti would 0111 not nn enter entera r rh
a as thee h onlderml < iti heir lr han haute e i pt ptaalnT > > I IIlaln r racalnar
acalnar Ilaln autitu u li H tx > r W I Oiiran 11111 fitiratiork V Vlork
lork ork I ihalrmati or r th h I > < nrniiiiti nrniiiitiprealdert nII nPulttItpreelded > >
prealdert Irldl other hrr pr I nt t uf Jiiin 1 1SI K KSacle I INaie
Sacle SI Harlem I 1 It I < f r lulor 1 lii er NI s sf uust uustII HU HUgC
gC II t Irl arl KurhlT 1111 Vr r M UP lo It ItVT I Ui >
f r i W Klrmnfltxrff KlmnI1 Wok iiiiokp II I < John Jnhl Johnflu i iHuche
Huche Jueh flu hes I Ino nloii II I t I stunk Mttir I 1 < verlv verlvant erl erlB 1
B r ant I llerifrr rirndbii ohl > It I IThl i iThe sThe
The Thl nt follow rlol followuutg init recattu c nffli In i 1 were wereelected ere erelpctd
elected electedReferee 11 lpctdHate
Referee 1 Hate h F I Hunhokl Hntl Sr rs Sort Sort4terter ork nI i iSUrt
SUrt 4terter lr r Jotin l I I N ll I tte Hrrm 1Im Koolnti lolnl ItOwtntlh ItOwtntlhlerb ih ihClerk
Clerk J of the Tour ou < I F Mulirr 1 KI fn fnClub ttnat ttnatClub <
Club AMlttanl rlrU I ltrrflr l rrnr Slue liar liarkm r rl
W Il i
l km ni Rowing b t luh Hear I U Th b r t 4 i lk IksI IksIci t ttint
tint ci 1
AnOinrer DOD Mtnhnll nI Httlfm 11 Ho Innl Uoaint lnr i lr lrTlincrv tPTtirs >
Tlincrv TtJ J II Arierl teel aal v > II i Jixlfp j I ITltbe I ti titigbr
Tltbe Mrsbed aeen br il 115 I IA l4a M i J 1 VMNr Jr JrV J Jes
> ew 0rk V I I H HA n ntsrsv s tori toriA
A C 1 JamnlMUilnginn Jame IItklnttna tUrlrm IIm II I U I I I Jar Jrlan J Jr1 Jareju
an PtllMilr II i IMlll I I ML i lceut m < rui II i iPblladriphla uPhiladelphIa
r1 PhiladelphIa 11 I I Ja < ant pt M I r Har artitt > Hi r i tuotni tuotniA o > iai iaiA I IA IJJd
A A AJjdfri AJdga
Jjdfri JJd a lh lt I lnl ntl h w Irtru l r rlrstdan rlrstdanFatmount i > l4nr l4nrFatmount nr nrFIMO
Fatmount FIMO II I t IhlUlIpliu 1 lu > I tir r h I T TUtlUamt TUm TU
UtlUamt U Um Nrw ies Idirnpll 1 HI I It 1 > J 1 llrmnn llrmnnItawnfrwixKt I itfpfla9ItvefluojuI
ItawnfrwixKt lwo H f Marnnrtk Innr i rt NihetrUn NihetrUnn
n C ft f llrrr imuirlrl 1 l If < ttolnr n J JTreat JTnI 1 1Treat
Treat TnI t rt rfrnthhl nrt hli M t John Jnln w t n Hml Hmllr m tta ttalajits t tlanti
lanti lr M f < J 1 I Kmp Iml t Inn n n H T i tt j i iim 1I jlet
im I Jl UtrntOIIIA lrnt lll n H v ul > l Hrt 1 luiirr inn IxinrMarH I innlar n ni
MarH lar is C < l Itr Ijt 11 rrtor N a v H Hc I Ir
r c K ihann i 1 rl i H I Woh i4ofsColumbia ri t Muhnn MuhnnColumhla 1 n nColm
Columbia Colm I Inl tnhprtl nltrr U > If H I ln tlovliuu nir Virun VirunM arjuju arjujuC 1 1C
M C V P It 1 Antitnan nd IKunilr ni H < 1 7 U Uveil 1 fju fjutt >
veil n MHttoo Io II I ittaueh C CUaiwrh
Uaiwrh I lomnllloi omnIU t I lcirnl nl rs < o or orA rk rkA
A Cj C U n1 littd W Bro lr Hrosn n Il tauant 11 nt II i r h Kim Kimmrlberg
t mrlberg 11 W i anokr 0 H I I ITraatnorallofi IJI ITrautporaUon
Traatnorallofi ommlttt I Ji ph ttahrr ttahrrHarlem Ib IbA Ibd tjuherNrk
Harlem JI m K I I rh I I toiv ohn h < rrM ni II IIfrltr C CIdr
frltr and d lUnnrr 1 I nmmliir I l iauli > il I Hrns flrosfl flrosflAttmei > n I I Ir
Atalaala A II 4 Ilkuiril Siurrk Umrrlci t A II I IIE ir
IE r V l Klnmrlhrr Wnn xnoki n I i iThe iThe
The rar races < win S III 11 x till 1 nnd 1 n Minrtiy Minrtiyxiep I1J I1Jes us1r us1r2l
es xiep 2l ert the Ih i iso m mnl rd 1 rtih o In In1 ell ih there h helsln r are areitleen itt ittIttpn
itleen evente n ulirtu lr 111 > i are ti aju folioJunior folio rIA foliosJulnr
Junior IntermMluto Inrm euinr nor nml A 111 I M U Ulloo 1
lloo alnele lnll nil ujila 1 rnlor 11 IlHffr mi r tUli tUlijunior LhJunior h hJunlo
junior Inlerinetlme intetuuued tie mt > l > nl nlor r tlt 11 iuiiie iuiiiecjlI
rrttHn 111 cjlI junior 1 < u ilrii ri i > le t mi i it jnior 1 r four fourl foorgig niI
el gig l senior nl four rAlr julie1 hfM nnior utu r inttrnit uulernupiluip uulernupiluipand liHie liHieand
and nn senior lnr eight ich li tell > ll I < inlor 11 mt stipeiie stipeiiebandfrai te < le lehand
hand 1 bandfrai no Ira I I enlor nl m IflI IflIII4ilItIU i iHAitiiti
HAitiiti 141111 > mi II 111 i 11 I n > jit in II ItT IITWinter lT lTInl ItTItnt
Winter Itnt Inl a Frentiman Itreaka triil r III II Leg Ir lr In InIrarllre Inrrlr hiPractice
Practice PracticeCtttitnirt rrlr I IC IC
C Ctttitnirt ttnnir > < t ia i Min h lit Thrl rrat rratlire rra1k
lire rl 1k or the Ih freohman mktln I ix uat 011 011HoMer nr n n4oidhr
HoMer tl < rleltl 11 ti hA afleriiwn f v si niNrrt vtuarrei vtuarreiby 1 1br
br b a evere v lnjur Jr < An irhie hie h I F iniir 1 < > 1 1Vet rIr fWbtter
Wbtter Vet ter Ma 1 1 I undidnt nIIII for I It hi inn 111 111ute flfiIg flfiIguiTerc4 ld ldufferr
ufferr ute < l a dilo iilnstton ilon tif 1 Mm t ankle ark MIK uutul 0 n ncompound Rrmunc iicompound
compound rmunc frature of r im leg I in 1 Hiding Iltln ret retflr r rtf feptgiret
flr tf giret t Into flr n frau i l In > a e in U 4fl n niien alienup Iml > i > > to n nbunl i leni ni mil milbunt uit uita
a bunt There I lu a l lic > en no iuh m h trki trkiInjury rlt1f rk rkmjtit
Injury 1f on fl the Harvard lrro rua t1aI < l itinc inre mr ronwin ronwinfrarttire rncnIractrt
frarttire frCI1 < t hr kiill 111 in the h nimH fltumtIt > h gamo gamotwo c cto gstuieten
two year rrarago rraragoIn r rIn sin sinIn
In the Ih var Yarty I IV prartlre prrl the Ih a ci Ctini > n Dd < i team
defeated dIf the lb h fir 1 first for tn he h aon4 eron nt < t Im m thl thleaeon IhiaquwIn hI I In
eaeon n laklnir a fte f P Inning nnln game m by the thecore Ih Ihor thecors
core or or 7 lo j t lluka I k asu iioed 1 for two tuntnniag twomntnx 0 0i
tnniag i for Hie firt I tm tna thIs Ihl year Hr and andkgupt
kroM a left hamlor haI from the h freshman frhmaneu freshmanquador frr hm an n nquad
eu quador quad or la Iat i > ear a ITU 1V154 al alan 1 > o tried Il hoth Jh hot or ortbeae
thee t men dt ulki 10 < i salt eil Ii MIX nl nd the h lui > vere made madeoff de deo
off a 1613 rither gjtt tier KI a t hit eucceevleil lhirci tiw i ih1
o ueef
h1 d
HK57jr4jrn F 1WD XEIRL vc IRl iui nrn nrnN 11D 11DI
N I Coctormn Cor HH snei > o er to 4ra < roaa the thetteraa Ih IheC theecea
tteraa eC Next Manlh ManlhThe nih nih11i
The 11 Mhooner Mholr Westward I wad building buldlnc at atHerreahofT atHerTsbos t tterhof
HerreahofT terhof for COl A 8 Cochran ohran will I be belaunched b beiunchpd
launched I unh very aoon 0 She Mh mar m he b put putoverboard puttoverboard It Itobrd
overboard obrd thU th hl week 1 and nd hen the lh Interior InteriorOttlnc 1ln Interiorlttint
Ottlnc Iclne put IB II ao that abe b can I atari aar on her hervoyage tr troy herYnyace
voyage oy acro cr the Ih Atlantic AllDII about ablt the Ih Ihof end endof endof <
of April prl pril Tbla Ibi bl craft rt has been tn bulll IIII In the theaoulh Ih Ihulh thetOuth
aoulh ulh shott h hnl f > where wbr the Columbia olumbl and nd Re Reliance R Rllnl Retinci ¬
liance llnl grew a and 1 ab he h la the th th moM mC Important Importantyacht Imprnl ImprnlaChl Importantyacht
yacht aChl that ha h his been be o built bllt at tlrlatol Irllol tinre tinrethe In InI incethe
the I h Reliance RelianceThe flln fllnn RelianceThi
The n Westward ha h he been n built hI In conform conformlo nromIn
lo the requlrementa rqllrnl of the Ih international InlernatlorwlI
I > ncht rhl llaclng Ialnc t nlon and 0 will I h be cI elaad < U erl by bylllo b byI
110 I lllo Iioy4a > d and Ind the h U I the Ih Hrt rail 1 bulll hull In InI Inthk
I ihl country Conl under Ir thorn Ih rule ril The h hr West Westward Westri ¬
ward r ri H I n hlg lll ho1t hu uniMiully 1111 bulky blll In ap apixraranre iiii130ce 1
ixraranre 1111 ant under Itr the Ih Mnerlrnn rule rulehe ridesshe I Ih
she > he h old Incur Inrlr heavy M > naltlei She Kh I II3i IIU It3
I3i t3 fee tiwer r all 11 4 reel on 0 the h mer line In
37 7 r fii eel it inches I h beam and 17 feet draught draiichtMr Inth InthIr
Mr Ir fochran hn wanted nl a bronre bron hull hti but
III ii a round rlll lhit I h 1 llui 1luI lloyils d miulrement d dss dssfbi
II I no no fbi ruter bronze bron liulU hll ami an > steel 1 1II wu ta taFlue
I UMHl II Th The hull hli I a fully rll plated ino1 101 tt t fthe
Hi the h deck < l k I lit lahl neirly I all au 1 the I cabin alin bulk hlkI
j I I head ar are r In I 111 tioSU KMIIOII loll ami 11 I the in iir and andall antialt n1
all 1 are r ready II 11 will not nu take 1 very
I 11011 Ionic for the th yai yacht lit 1 In 0 IK I flnUhetl after aC phi ulieI h hI
I UIIIK 1Ih1 I1tutulh51 he l and then after being heItt Inl rigged rhr1 rhr1IIrIIpl rigged1juuiii
tand IIrIIpl trIed rapt Barr will ni her wit I ror the theotate Ih thevoyage
voyage > otate 0 at muroit ro r the h Atlantic Atlanticart ttItkapt laI
art herr ltr returned rluL1 rnmi Europe EIl a few rewwiek r rk fewscsku
wiek k ago Ai and 1 ho 1 hi h hia wen and tudkd
liU h iuI new n charge rrl and he h l Ic I conttdent thai thaiIhe I thatlb I IIh
Ihe Ih yai yacht hi will 1 11 give le a good a < i ounl oln of C her herM h
M > ir In foreign rorI water co She h will I nail avaliuil avaliuilIhe iguliflautthe 11 11Ih
the Ih Pttperora inixrur Meteor the Ih Cermania 1 I Ifrly Icelv
llamburg 1hurl and a new yarht rbl tnilldlng hlltln 1Ir itt ittflertnan n I
Herman nrmn font Fit Fi deolgn dI Ihe T CI CII Tcely iel ielI
I the I tet uf Ir if the I ItrltUh Irl Ih fleet 11 of wlioonern wlioonernhut dohr dohrI cltovnersbutt
I hut h ph he h i ti M ueral > eral 1 YN r csra r old ole now 0 I apt 1
I lUrr ILI exi epecta SI > > ert I that the Ih Westward will wi IM IMI I II
I I able i hi to itarl Ir about hll prll I an For 0 the Ib trip tripat tip tipr tripcria
at cria ro r tie I ocean On al 1 h > e will 11 its ne only on her tower towerr losertieru
tieru > r Die n noing Minl toptnaato 101mI If lxxim m and AIII
lionaprll 1111 will be uhlpiml to ii Koulhainpion Hil bun tn
by br Mrimcr Imlr and al1 be h ready r there hr ror the IheUixrwaril li theestwusrl
Uixrwaril 1 when hn ahi he h arrive arI arII
I Mr tr Iwhrun hrun Inn mappol out 011 011ror lu < iam iami atuiptlvn
i tinlgn for the esiaon ei on n nllp abroad Ihoe After A fl Iteiug hests hestsnttl
flttixl t out 1 and 1 tuned Iln1 im I th the rn yh hi will urn itnlo urniii toIn
lo riixhtren Cut < and I 54 Mil 1 her h first nr ru r f under underIh Ir
I Ih 1 sutatult < n 1 i < e es or the Ih t NorildenlM her llegjtla ool Is
Vereln rln on June 111 la I fler Onlmen th IhII the
I eward will II ili go 1010 lo Kiel where h there will 1
I I h H > two rare r for IrI her h la 1 lee < She Kh will I then thentMki 11 thenOaks
Oaks ptrl I In I the Ih rate r from fom Kiel 111 In hrkern hrkernI ker
I ford r nriyone ffll mile and nI th hn n hick hlrk over oerIbe orIh overliii
Ibe Ih nili lounut UI lo Kiel 111 Next sit he h will willinn sillpiultt II
inn I in n the race from klel I 11 around ronllh the iUnl iUnlnr telatuOf
nr Kehmarn tn Travemunde Tllnd a I ilitlatife 1rI n or orM nfIIYlchl ofiiutyelght
M > teiilyfghl iiutyelghtei tnllr tnllri nl
i Next S ei Ihe 11 yacht hl will wil rare fC rat In II ii IIrlll 111h ltltish h water waterand watersI al
I and 1 cet 01 In the I bet t po pII pcasilut > lble condition rondlion for forCowe ro foras
Cowe 0 as week and nd there ahe alt h may A htte h holrlnl an anto anflflsrtisnItv
flflsrtisnItv to lr If try > again In1 sir Si rhoma rhomaIjplon rhontsaIJpIone
olrlnl Ijplon 010 Hhamrcfk bamro Hir ir Jame J lender lenderBrynlilllc Ind Indld lentrsRrynitllde
Brynlilllc and ld Myle II It I Kemiedya 1 While WhileHeather Whl Whitelather
Heather fh fheee yacht hay h been chance rhatiieutpitu4e h c1 c1il < l liine
iine il l lad i won ea on and n now no all 1 > arr arty > mu luh luhI much muchrtre h hmere
I mere r rtreOII1HI MI MIrinrirni II
rinrirni 1 t IOVKS Im i L1 tx jt n iffs Ul11 w i iKrn Ir sIrnthaw >
Krn Irnthaw r havt ha of arlty 1 lUehl Put Iul on te tecunt c creunt
reunt 1 of tnetl InrlslbUI Ini1lglbtlIt Ini1lglbtlItThe lbllll lbllllThe > I
The toliimbli ohllhl s var vitreit ilt y rren 1 iuad ln I Inn lost lostusnot t tanother i
another usnot nn b her veteran > e terUy IrI artrrnoon a rnOI Ii ernoon wh S hetu hetuPitia n nPain
Pain Ilennhaw lnho II 1 iult 111 rowing olnl for the h rir veron rirnn r I Inn
nn aooiint 01 of Inellgiblllt Inlthlll lleu Iteiphs Ih hnw rowed rowedNo rousedo 1 1o
No o i In II the Ih I im < varsity arlt rI eight llh at 1 Iouch Iouchkeewle lOIh lOIh1111 lotighkeepek
keewle and 1111 laM tear r see a IHIW I in 1111 the saralty saraltyl > ar rll ll lleight >
eight l lhl Ml Ills I lo I Ins nlll i I he krenl keenly nl felt f1 by h flic flicentlrx ili iliefltlfs 1
entlrx n sltLacI < 1 uad < for ro Ie I had h < Ix I tucen Il ulaeflulet ulaefluletuttuQit < lr > enilrtl enilrtlIIIKIII
IIIKIII to rnw n in hi old ol IMMIIIOD at 1 Imw 11 huts llalune hutstune
tune 1 I n ixvullar pit 111 utIIr feature of KenImw KenImwOltng 1I 1IIhlnt itutuitussgisIng
Oltng Ihlnt ut I > rousing I the 1 fait r ihtt 11 he ht U the theflr Ih Ihnr1 theflral
flr nr1 l president 1 < or r he h unlterli r > wlimtluh wlimtluhunder s 110 tog hlh sluihutittr
under 11 < r the t h n jets < oitem 11 and 1 correnpunil to tot I Itttjutti
tttjutti < t pi 1111 a In of r the h crew r or former rorm yeir > cir r He Hewould I II IIsoitid
would J tiave I lieen 1 laplaln llln had h the It totIon totIonnot Hvi > on onnot I
not Inl been n almlthed a I loliunbta lllhl Inttwo Inttwoutiin I tist is it itaRt1Iis
utiin 1111 failed slf in nuke 11 their eight Iab tn l heir rheirreusIwtive heirrepe hi1
repe reusIwtive tlve year yearllenthtw euir euirltenshis 1
llenthtw Unh U I the Ih wnn1 > > cond of l I tast t tear teareiemn cirpvetetafle
eiemn that Ih lll II < e hi h has l lost l ime II the iii 1 lie lietflnulng 1 Iaitnttlng
tflnulng olIDI of ff if Ihe I h seussiui ea oii Ihllllp Ihli l htilll s ho roved rovedNo ms eI eIu
No u l lat last > t lune Iln having 1lnl left If ihe 11 t tie tmler lhrI lhrIAI < tit titat y yat
at Hie I h he beginning Iclln iC > f the h > i nl1 > iiil lerni Cr0 rl It Iti I II Itte
i te spetel pe sI < tei that Mimdcr nlrr who hf ro rousei e < i No Snh 4 4in 4It
in It lii I h l > t tw no t yarusity rlt > IIMI 1 lu stius tilth Ii nr lu I IfOi hgs hgspnr t tenrt
enrt > four fOi and 1 Ken Ior leetr I or of the I fxi I sirtt sirtteIjit ur ru ruI ii iieUlit >
eUlit I nil us II get I oil ni Inr r heir I tl first M Imrl isrart iraPtlre Ire Ihl Ihlweek I hi hiused i
week used 1 there inloa rhnnx t hut l 1ro IOteJifl IOteJifletruke < oej < i ittruke
ttruke ro orlir of stir lilt I Ite tnestiittistt hnmlieuli eight c > ill I reMir reMirr rcjsrfor >
r for r pT pvitt1a pvitt1aso I rf I e eNn
Nn so rme further CIII1111 than that with llh tnnpoa tnnpoaitnul nni nnlolo nnlolon1 > olt oltn
itnul n n1 < l the 1 nt mennui II henley 11 base I rieen nr nrranged n nr arra
ranged ra nitI r for the t 1 lie t oltimlu lulht trev r s ihi t hl bus prlnir prlniralihuuah turtngalthough rlnl
although H I I eipeiied hit h lite 1 11111 uiuuil t ron ronleus > n ntel
tel lietween the h I olumbii 1IIIhh 01 < iit n t Yale ale 1 first firNttear firstsear
tear 1 ei llhl suthuip lit will a sit I be h arnuned lorh InI Kor Kortie tortii n nh
tie h nrl n fly lime 1m t tnt in tour loa seers etr c I olunihVi it ill illhue illhuse 1
hue h i s fiin > 11 rkjtu rI m < n Mit h 1 I Is iien the ther Ih thetss
iroph I 1 tss Ih r reas will II rate rl far rn the I lliii 11onIIln 11onIIlnIh lIitlonbuiun lIitlonbuiunI > onriiliin onriiliiniroph
I U I lfIs4IS M IM n IIIK 1 H 11 11hlln ziri zirikiliin H V VKilling
Killing hlln Mllh nlh itts 0 n Hurt nUII Harked nrk from Ironl 01
70 1 l In I to 12 to I I Itve I It
I Si P 5 ti I 1 Its Lsrh I h s sIut i
tve 1 Iut noii 0 da 11 of it I Pp > e ru f nieetnc O lirie liriefield 1 1MII it ze zeI1iit
field s > Oi nt 0 the I h IKVI but ur i i tttl ei us ere ereplenty Cr Crptttt
plenty 1 V v Ill 11 I Io tnlt on1 and 1 hdvm tI Elw in I the o I t ntu ntuttoie tttjipnt 1 >
ttoie tOI f ii I reward rn ant 1 he h fh fa f rlill u 11 11I i M Mllnr1 u ulhsr
llnr1 I twi tu ki l fruit rr 11 itt I 5 I ti p I ti > i ste stethue i ithe 1I
the I t winner us I i f ti t h flfh nr h ftteiii elit 1 in I whiiri 5 h I lilu n nklHlllkC itkilling
klHlllkC 111 w 1 s tlliftle rt Th I iP ri t ftflile t hh 1 tf r J JSh I Itiorr Ittorr
Sh tiorr I I i IXmlop III anil n apr I lk w il ilippet ille
I le it ippet it i tn it Jame ttit n tin > 5 t hues la t
1 1 he enutnartI iimmartf iimmartfit fl flII
II I its It lfP 4 rlnnc rt enna In hA Power Powern
it I I I ustn in full r1 Hot lil tisu S tin lrt In n > It 1 I I tn i rn rtn1 rtn11riHArl > ml mlI
I HcirHaril Ir < ion Dttrntmrti eflteru h I to I ii t thlrtl 111 Tim Tlmii TI TIXI
I i 11 s NiKbl XI utiI tit U ir n lram m > ar nnrtmrr JsntnirI4tir 4 anlm nnrtmrri
i I4tir re I eel 1 Pearl Point N ej5 u armad mil Indll1 lit litMirlnrtr tt tt1rinrl
Mirlnrtr lr al a atn o ran ransecitntl r1 rutunnI
secitntl I lice lotir I nir O irltnc rbfl r lien n t ll llrr I 115 115fniiIr
rr r fniiIr nl r > 3 Ut I 2 won n IUnla olnl UA IJ IJt 13 rttweri rttweriI
I tn t 5 t wennil v MUfllfr in Mlvtr 1r I u NlM NlMTime lld lldTIm tslr1TIme
Time n I u iii > lt If I > irrrn r Miv lls I 11 Hrlti I 111 rulttui rulttuiMild rultftilad
Mild 1IU ad Urn ttint n lena I snt ml s Mtla lan IktilalMi liotI aui rn rnTnlnl abrntri n
Tnlnl Haic luau til t nurInni irinn liepnl I HimTent HimTentI14i
I14i 1 1nrI nrI Hum I i t 7 nm Horace t tin itrkn iiniftt iinifttto t ttiMil I
tiMil to 1 t I nil 1 Hr Pirt l Irrnil Ivnutn n it 1 Nkwl 1 w I t I to In Inmint I itSItrsi
mint N Time I i i 5 VI 1 s llnliert 11 I larae laraetlmnt I I1nv tin tinII
tlmnt 1nv II pony lloom 11 t it ulittee llee Tlcvln Illwin scltlewn hp Ml Mlitil SItn u
n > itil ad aid < n < t doMrn i < lee I alto l ran ranKnirtn ranVnsrth n nn I
Knirtn 1 n Hare a SU tnlnnr nr Ma StttIw tlie r I II tOS tOSM 0 0s
s fmli I 1 H I I nr n tlllim n II f III Il XII Nlniliii
ii I I erm t nd < l An Ait A irl tI I III II I t I Crllini 1 < Vilil u ti I IhlM IhlMTlii uPutr4ru nl nlTim
Tim ru I f I I 1 Irat r i Pircel1 1 IViu if Ormonite OrmoniteXlreiJ lrtnnuiSiruI
nun XlreiJ n r lie I iltl I lit St IlilalU I I Stat la a > and Mnntralm sti 1 1n 1nl i inun
Hth nl ll I liar c st MIS furlinrt nl f V 1 Hurt n lo loTrttier 1 1I 1r lnTnisler
Trttier r triol 1 In I won Mjntflrr ttfler t tYtttsunpnt tYtttsunpntlii n > iaien 1 1hl1 irt irtIII >
III I tit I tritvul Hnmr ii IIIIK l5 > Nlcnl I Ienl M tft 1 1thirt 5ttiItI
thirt hl1 Tlrr u t IU iI t S 3 she 1 rallne dune 11 11nl ni niter iijtpress
ter tpress inft l nrrt NriMin ain un ran ranHl n ntr ranMisUu
Hl MisUu in nl hire tr On mllf mi ami 1 K irU Irllr rtOrf > nr Krtwln KrtwlnI 1ln 1lnI
I in I N 4 titenpirf I tju e1 t 0 I t lit < > in wni tialcnnit1O7 tialcnnit
1O7 I l trnu iirn i I in 1 Mec enurd rnf t urr > rr r > mender nd in inllwn tot I II
55 llwn I > T to I Ii I thIrd h Time Tin I 1 SI Otron on onlul SI SIllari t tIIari
llari lul and nd Hirtlnr lul1 att > an tulD1I anfMr n nrIIlr
1I rIIlr iritrs > IIIRI i fMr Ii isitn IINV IINVoilier I II I Inlhr is isOther
oilier American 111 hones 10r Take rtare PIa In tnFrench In1Irh inPrench
French Hares Haeetfrt HaresStr44
1Irh 1Irhr
tfrt r v 5Fs rlp eipitOs < < < i t > Tile srx s sIr SrusJuiia srxr
r Juiia iia Mth Ir h I Two T inern tnenlan n hors horewerepUied hor horr horswere
werepUied were r Ihr plited in the h rice f for r the I h Prl Irl s Pairtilen Pairtilenr Ia I rulen rulenf 1 1r
r r in ttutP lull fnnt rrn fru flu m a I Si Stnf h t ml I Inntl Inll tnU to ll In rink rinknid rk rknld uk uklouildit
louildit < > nid 11ln i iusItunfl lan II 10 mlden r11n h by Mem MemOtilhe1 Srnnl hternflnishel
Otilhe1 utond nl while s hll tulle W K Vnnderhllt VnnderhlltPretlnn VitnilrrhllteI Ihl
Pretlnn I re isl tflfl rtdde1 fI It II I I 1 Neil XII etl mine a ne in inthird n nhl1 0third
third 11 the r jre < ce KH ass won n ht Stunt 11 11nr tItus tItusover letl letloter
over whi bd h llatev 141 hud hlII the lerf I Th I here were wereonly wereonly
only flt n tarter stertersI tarterIhe 1
nnl Ihe 1 h hue rare rt fur r the h 11 PrI Irn us de 1 In I I rnlt rnhI du llnl llnlwa lt i iwe
wa won so 01 tn 1 hi N aatt li Turner lrn Pillard 1lao fhI ridden riddenby iuiilsby I
by h hi his merlcnn ttwner lAcird rriand rriandon Iriniion 1n1 1n1n
on n which Il Hyan htil 1 the t tiitunr un vta was a efontl ecunnuilanti efontland 1
and In1 Hell ltl lteils Hefiice 1 over which Kovell Kovellhid InI I
hid 11 the 1Io leie Uiirrl 1 Nine 1 Irte hire hr ran ranp rn rant41efulerttar
I Imuno I
41efulerttar p Mlenarrt Mtrn I r tds Urant Colnt IJeen licenses licensestI e el
tI l a meeting muno of the h irward of the Ih Va Vatlonnl SA10nai Njutional
tlonnl 10nai Ireple Ih h huec e anti AII Hunt Ihl tntatinn tntatinnheld o lailon lailonhold lnn lnnhlo
I hold hlo ranwtust ranwtustntleman reteriU r he 1 following rlo11 hijtne hIlnnlmn 01 01l wasI
l ntlrtn nlmn ntleman > n Mbtrr 11 Ortlfiratr rurr liranirit Intd J is islIrST T TCt <
Ct Irliwr f A I Ton Tn 4rPbrn lrPni > rw n Krntieil > W t H HMartin I 14Martin
I Martin I Ipr H I s 4 Pacr U II WtIley IWrv 1 Ireit I 4lrh 4lr II IIt
h t I Cofirn 1fn II Tnkrrmaii Jr urU 1 opprn opprnHelm lippenlies n nIn
Helm lies I It I farle SII 1 J S I laSe > I lnst H IUII I II Ik IK liStler liStlertskess r rttnUrt
In ttnUrt k IJcene Crinlrd txtwanl lt ltarn ltarnlsltjunu r rMHUnt i it1
MHUnt I J taelen cl in I1 t Krllrnrr K James Unm llo itoy itoyMn4ll > I ISnl
Snl Mn4ll t1 ll and r t I HrHrr HrHrrTrainer II IITI 1111crTrainer <
Trainer TI I tirne lr In n ltranie1 Cun S Jr 1 U dratrr dratrrtl
4 tl SIteui r > I 1 3 H I Iii l > Ulch tStrhat l Pnllttln 1 111 n frank I 11 11I Ilht Ilhtcost lhi lhifiMil
cost I 5 I node Kj c jrth a Oh 55 Mlltm IIAm liarih rh T r i ie iet i itest >
t test wt lartli a t rink un tlrn Thomas Tnr llodruck ICft ami amiJrremlan apiSJeremiah n1 n1Jrnlh
Jeremiah Jrnlh > llurnn llurnnin Up
In I in fl reromrneiidailon bin of Hie 11 I hunt hln mi On onumill mini ¬
ni mil mill It lee I NI Sim Mtiiikhiae kh ie wa reinstated l lrate Irf tn tnrotiC
rate rf hi I I h Iuor Iuorsate < tre trelate
late 1 nrtlnltel hit Utl of T1relllnr T1relllnrIhe n rlnc lf u u1h ue ueth
1h Ihe th inierollegiate nrnlo wrealllng ln tournament lournamenlml1 nmnl I
sIP I I tie M > held nen n > e eur r In II Princeton fIIlnn The TheuewMiallon Th Th1 Theswlstlnfl
uewMiallon will 1 have t f us memr nemterus t > er fornell fornellPrint lnrneIti
Print i rin eiMi penn tennytvants > ltanla and n1 oturnbla CInhIAlh Intuiritutastilt oturnblawith
with lh i Irh perhap rhap souse om addlllon IUlon hut h silo al 1 ha hare h h11 lie lieresigned
re resigned lcned nnd 11 what wh I more the n resignation rextgnallonhu
hu 1 15145 I liei attepted a unanimously Innlmouly Therx Therxa Th Thm
ass a omei m talk le that hu the I a associatIon < MUtinn n sukitl sukitlI ke ketale
tale I ale I in onii oriluie ie regardless or r Ihe I thu ellclbll ellclbllII lllbl
II 1 i or itnehel 111 and Sweeney hr lilt h that appear appearu I
u I > iw I untrue uutrueIlaterferrt u unartn untrueliaseTferti
Ilaterferrt nartn neat Dl llmartl nn at at11IIFn Horcer HorcerlUvEFironn arrerIlavlpurnart i
lUvEFironn 11IIFn Pa March 31 2 Haverforda Haverfordarnrffr rro
rnrffr r eleven n had Itttln II trouhw 1Ihl detesting defmttlnirHartard dtlnl detestingharvard
harvard loiay Iod by Y 4 to o Earept Iapt for the thela Ih IhI thelast
la I last t few rl minute of f play pl the lb Crimean trllo team tm tmIe tasmiitei teamnever
never Ie wa was a dangerous danleou
THKV SHtT T Ol ofT T < SMHtil iOlil iOlilORI I tMJ tMJOHK Z ZS0R
S0R OHK 10 It Iteutlier ItlVS ItlVSCatleElaru
11 11ouu
ouu eutlier CatleElaru VI Wvk ark the Ih AM c IflricM IflricMHall Ifdelm IfdelmT
Hall Trick T on n Hal 11 rtiaar n taaclin taaclinFortl SauglinForth aacl aaclFe
Forth Fe and aD fphani am Uo Good co < Berk r In Inthe Inh Inthe
the h Uo U o3Ian Man ria Mn > er In llrtenp llrtenpla lol lolTiF
At TiF ra UA la s March Iall i For or the second aecondtime secondtint n
time 1m during ourllC the h training r3lnlnl trip the h Illch Illchlander IIh IIhland ItlghI
I lander land defeated the Ih I lnlversty nlver l > of f lleorglt lleorglttodaj 111 heorgiatnday
todaj 10 The Th core 1 I lii one nn that hould hold holdI
I i the amateur amAIf at arivV fU length lIClh for Dome Dometlmrlo 1m 1m11m sonictimcto
tlmrlo to come m II was I a huluut 1101 lrtnry for forHtalllng fntlallu fortallittgeua
11m tlallu Htalllng ilan 141 ami n1 lie h count rOt was II It O lo 0 0It 0tknl 0It
It dklnt tknl inui th inutib h resemble nll a baseball haohU came cameIt cmI gaolII
It I looked lnllln lo New S s ork o more rr like 11 a 1 Reid rhl dav davand dy dyn dayand
and n to Georgia moH 101 itioustly > like I a runeral rlnnll lf pro procession > rti rtite
te cession cessionThe alon alonI 10
I The Te 10Te mIn leicuet 111 1m lnutlv mp 11 m tl tlCr unsess unsesscrust a acre
cre Cr crust < every I Ito liotniitt mnn ihlr I hI luu ir opponenl cnuld cnuldi 1
i IIOlu I produra iinlll lInt 11 It thet I h IMIUIIIH 1 Ir1 1 red of f the thekilling I h hkllnc he hekilling
killing kllnc The 1 unit er enelt ltt V loulil I do tl nothllitf nothllitfwith nnthil not hiuug hiuugwith
with 1t the Ih t leiuh nh IUhlnt titulu lulling log or Mm 1 Vauutin Vauutinllu VauigitnIltiuutl llhn llhn100
llu Iltiuutl ell Ionl 100 unit llllam 111 I phalli hl ttbn ttbnworke S h Ito Itous
worke us 11 < l In turn 1 ihrre l hr Inmug III eai iutt h 111 111fielding lhIIUi The Thefielding
fielding IIUi of r Itolh eule I wu wits VO In1 sinoil < M 1 I lb lbvnrgIusnus he heienrclan
ienrclan rln made d mllnLi linl < a us all Al nnialiiai nnialiiaiteam uimistuirt
team 11 t will S I ill again a CI ii I HIM usuieli h inmiiany ntuitan but hl om omthe unithe
the Ih college olg lad got 1 oter the h eave t ate Intuit Irluliithev IrhhlIh Intuitthey
they Ih handled ihemelte terv wt well wellhey > ll llTliey 1
hey co uouilti < ild not Itl hit hi Is it or work ss ok Ihe I h titter flneitxilni fllr fllrIHllnlr tittertwilnts
txilni IHllnlr of the Ih eamp lal rot but at that 11 they Ih had h Ih Ihatl I the thesatisfartluut
satisfartluut atl Irrlol fact lull of tttndotiltU 1 two sloutluh 1 play Ir lo the Ih Ilitet Ilitethownliy Ilr Ilrhorn tItrrsshown
shown hownliy horn b by New ew ork rk r es and I hey ltte worked workedthe workedthie oke
the h old oll hidden hlld lull I trlik I on Hal 11 fha e nr nrrather sirrather r rrlh
rather rlh hi suthiltuit iil 1 tltuie alter Walr MannlnrI Mannlnr Inn IannInzthat r n
I Jh1 that hat wa one on 1r or I he I Imt I Jul Jokes oke or lt the Ih Ihno he after afternoon ¬
noon no i ha h hase > e hit hl with w lh It It tnn t 5 I out 111 He I noketl noketlL suskeiltrTmieitun
lmllln L < erml lon to 0 allow 1 Manning IIII t a nit iutg lo I o run rln for ro him himI hi hi1h hitutlit
aiil llr Itrel > iMtenmn agreed acree1lurking agreedtckiug
1h lit I he t aplaln 11 Ir lrt lrttlo
lurking tlo the Ih ball h1 under 11 hi arm t CI CIdldnl hits Imiedltlnt hitsit
dltlnt it ee the Ih I lull h1 It II hidden hlln ii lie I I it told Man Manniuv lan lannittg n nnilC
niuv nilC tu I lake lal a ieid ts linnlng blnlnl tried 111 < l lo locomply h honllh ItuofltttlS
comply with ll the h maler r order rI ht h hTh wa wataeceii was wastaggeil
taeceii oul oulrhe 0111rh
Th rhe pltihlng 1lhhlnl of r Jim V iu ilighn hn and the h nil nilround ni allrosinti
round Oln1 work I of r Ham lr X Si oiler ni uutotd I Ino OIK out outboidl oulbold stiltttstttil
bold V diighn i abl > ir t1 I r id out mx 1 biiomen biiomenIn 111 111In lii I tttVi tttViitu
In three IhP I hr Inning In In I Hit I lit list tno t a u i tsrtisl tsrtislhe rixN rixNhe
he h made d it live in sutuestifl u te lon lln Wol SoIieN SoIieNdrove olter olterdrove
j drove Inv In two I I Iv run with S lh ithi n homer and i al also alsohaul 10 10I o ohail
I hail a using lneie Inli In II three hr Xtiu I ip ii He I chile chiletitut tolntxilli
txilli 11 titut it HMiml 1 and II fl 1 third t h irit nflei nfl ci walklliit S S Ikl I IC itt g In I lie Hienltilb I h h11h lietiittth
nltilb 11h In II fn ItsI < I he h worked us k1 hi h pinie Inr nil nilIhe illI I
tie I nnt A A hoxortxl tin 11 on a wild S 111 pItihi pItihiI pill Ib h hItu
11 Itu 11llnl I tiiiiu hiding tog liiiirilnc 10111 lii lit lttu us hn gutted nlr ft fur tn but butI h hI hutItuui
I hair h1 f a e usuiuuI < oiid 11 Inlmc I al Ii itucs > cmioved ettu I uyeii iilnetmi iilnetmiattlti Illn Illnh iinnltasIts
I attlti h plater 1ln durlni Ihll Mi I lu gum He I II IItti irae iraeI
I Ibe Ih nrw II arrIvals rhII anil tn I it > retrul all 1 a aJ arhai
J chalne rhn lo prote their meru Kvert tv one n nf nfI r
I I tle I t iil ulsst Illu tltule It 1 UI cs uphet 1 u no u Is end euutlal 1 Inlmn ohn on onat
at third 111 honed huuisu usi 1 I wu I mitt h plar I1r that thati Ihuittesiltii nt ntI
i reoiilteil I I hi II doiiillng 1II1 it tip o Id I i timner rn rnor r Ve Veork en enort
ort or had hao three IIr dniiii c pint tr and 1 the thetnllege 11 I hue hueunlIegu
tnllege nll leim I enl m two I su it la I ijut4 ld > > K 1 lemon < ln rellexed rellexedswren rvIletwlfn
swren wlfn i after In three Ihr inning Innlul and no would wouldhate solidhas nlldh
hate h has tlnihe1 Inlh1 the h u gaulle mt Itelilml hhn1 the Ih Ihh1 lt tu5 tu5huut i ihid
hid he I not wrenlied nh1 IIM h leg I in Ih elxth elxthInning cisthuisu
Inning 1111 isu U 111sf In running rlnnll down u to a fl an it U opponent P1 Ihe Iheleg 1 h hIl lie liecit
leg Il cit i i it tft 5 t painful Irnl luflight < > nlglii nlgliiII llil
II 1 t hi e clots clotsyw t on onT 1 1I
I yw TOrI 0 on onr nlnPlc
I 55 It r p ss I P r
5 r t a I ii u is lrlOn rn 1 rt 5 I ii I I 51 51tsiIrnrf
tsiIrnrf I n t I is us ft I 5 IUII Itrii IIlt I I1I a it is isSiUrsrt
1I SiUrsrt < 3 I ut ii St I I I I U I IInalh I II
Inalh 5 I I 9 I ii it tlruflu 5 I IIInc is islngllf
IInc lngllf 11 3 I I St is I 51 Ti Tus It ri 1 1 I I I1Iml I IIlrrrpttltLtt
1Iml IlrrrpttltLtt us I us I is julkrritta lkrI I it ti I 0 011Nh 0S
11Nh S I I I 5 ititisMi 5 I 5 4 1 1ktilgitl
ktilgitl hiI I u I ii I iutrasr it I I t tI 1I
I iirts I I I is ui T urtsnI I 5 0 Z 0 0Ssltnttt
i Ssltnttt nh J I I Is Ii ii lal tlrlvteitp 5 0 5 0 0JoIln 0Jolijiton
JoIln Jolijiton utt I I ui us Mttttiu II 0 0 0 0r oSneritiS
SneritiS r I I I S 5 I 5 5hilnusr
hilnusr n I is n t I I us TII Titei n 4 a aVIIn 3SJulnn
VIIn SJulnn I 55 I 0 1 St Stlltrillr
lltrillr 11 5 I it 5 1 I St StS
S ntbn Allhntt I St I Ii I IurI 55 55iisrii
iisrii urI I us n nlrm u u utpitnlEt
lrm tpitnlEt I us I us I ITII Ii IiTtal
T TII lal a 35 V II K I s n nfount A1tattrtt
fount 1 Mr Mrlno lln in ii ItS linlrr linlrrN tntigNew
N New S orl u I I < 2 n o n I 5 I t It Ittteorrla 11 inorgta
tteorrla Irl orgta n I n I ti n n u 5 u I i n n 0n ii iiHun SttOots
Hun n Nrw eus Son nrk n Sr < rrr Utiltrr 1 liantnrr liantnrrfottr irr irrtH stiflerFoster
Foster tH Xulln I s senS ern t lilt 111 ll lrt Vaorhn Vaorhno ltn ltno
o In n tnrre tilt Innlnr InI u Tnrd r r In I tarer U loilnifv loilnifvoff
off ui I I ttissm i > t > km 1 I In n Ship t lHH ltiitIiug ev ul 0 Tnnmn a A In Intltrre I Ili toIkice
tltrre li intilne < tu > r nrtnnrn 11 nsnlnl I In li two Inntnc Inntnctilt InllI
tilt trim th I Innur In nl our Innlnr t bIrst lr t t tusse e t h errors rrmrNrw errorsew r
Nrw ew ort rI k 1 t 11 teft fl an l In New s X Sot or ororrln n 3 3nrt
orrln 00 3 I 1 ilt lit Ixwnn 10 twill I ntPioninnn t tutt Iln
utt ur ln lrnnn 1n I or smith mlh I ti I u I vurr J Mrtirfc Mrtirfcnut 1 Sttrkniul k kn
nut tl flu llrapnrn n n I I t ty Smith It a hv Vttirttn tn tnh a al el
l h > I nl Its I I nharn nm r lInn 10m run ln Ut 1511Cr 1511CrThree > li Ir r rTtirre
Three T ruw ha hli h Itt TwIll T > Smtnr hit 5ottrr 5ottrrS nlt ni r rV
V asgfln ti cn nn Stole ll b tie e Vnrrr n Mii 5 11 tie r y yi l lis
i is t > Twltt end nd d t u us Tnrd i otd KUlnaw KUlnawand 11 ltetnawanti
and 1 Knlchi t anti nt lln I flrsuk > w Jntinin Jnn aud < I Cll iese ieselIlt tw twtilt
tilt ll t > rttehtr r ll < I itham m IJ I tsersu T < I I < tHd tHdtilirhr hl tttrunt hlsI
runt sI snlift rl5 r I itnplne mttlr nl HiieMe n lime Tlmrt Tm
t lour h and d 17 1 mlninr mlninrn mlninrMrlraw mlnInT mlntitsfiiirs
fiiirs nT n I iiui fl IlrU iuri i t tlrrassa II IIIrir
Mrlraw Irir eleram tjnll II ilIt mill nll the tl Srorc SrorcII 4rereI II IIaln1
II I I lo I caltut fluent PiemM
M rt r Fet rn Mirh hr 11 P 1 With Manacer ManacerMidrnw SlinareriItt
Midrnw iItt I iTitW uliei 1 t unit 11 the I he temporalIIP IfrU ire atnl atnlhuiiit atudtitinihslY he
huiiit tntkinc 11 tn nr u < of I t I a titll I sit 1 tin tinf I inSI
SI f rnrtnbie rnfh ihe uhu h itiiriti put I iuit in ti i rnihe rniheli rhlh
li lh hi tit 1 1ev or r pritttte iruu Ie I Ih thins he worked 1 nlMvul nlMvulnn hnl hnlnI
nn nI it is hour hnl ind 1 i h h1 ilf i If in t the I t itorniiiir suur tuuste iMid u suI 1 In Ini I Ifrn
i tie i nftern tftrrtuntl frn < M > t iuit < 1 ihe 5 h Uill 11 v va situ rd at t I n > lo lok lokIh Ink Inkiftr k kufr
ufr the Ih mil i oi oils hn ound Ot nnniy < > y wnllopel the therecil 1k 1kreiiltr k
recil reiiltr 1 tr M n it < i i 1 nt 10 t i t 0 IP f P lh n life eoreof lifeill
of I tile lit irtlite W4 II It t r 4 at l Ihe h t Hit s4ts I tiow tiowhle 110Wlit
hle hI lit woi n fli a IMIIIP tu 4tiP tiiore 1 in tu ihr I Of ere efl than h he hetetetUIlK h hIh he5ettui
tetetUIlK the Ih i ontft III tight uhl oh hill hl e tlrafrett tlrafrettHUuii 1111 1111I traggulN
HUuii N I huh g for I i i iMiple HIt ii > in mi Ii iMtf Hs lint in I i he heIllh I Ih iiiisth
Illh h ti he I mtpip t nt de 1 verjl 1 Irrizh Irrizhhii typughulist
list hl for rn riin itnd 1 luau Itrttke up I it the h izntne izntneMtdrdw I gitacNI
Mtdrdw NI I I i iriss did I mil ret irn u u here I 11 hi hiss inorninc inornincw 1511W n n1 flttu flttuus
w til I h Ihe lit 1 plier 11 tmv took k 1 lIght IIC rain irninfrom f rainffissi
from r HonInn over n tn sn 51s Kntnnln onln t ti > i alt altoil 1
oil Inhn loht In 1 llnih Ioh ind 1 dttii itti I uta < Inh affair affairsItriht rI rIIrh
llruh Irh i is not 11 it ill I ta wa reMtrted rI ll lust t weeii weeiibut wsutPutt t
but I I < tiiMne l in I hi h rtxtni 1 I I It r i a inn late latefor lutefor
for ro Keeler I Keel tn irei ant irainifiir t1 or r dit ii I ant anthtnK aIlSnt n nn
n nt > htnK hU1 dow dn n here I and I ir he h Join Jna jine the n t duh duhI iih ishut iihit
it v ill ii I I I ii > e t rer C hue I I return tel irr t o Neir etc I ork nrl oil oilrn oi ointt
I Iti rn nttMottle u usome t
some of the p h eel t r < tuetnlter jells 1 hera of f the I ttiad siiautIrsiunil ttiadi
i Irsiunil r i ne I ofT r xltmi Ite 5 e pound Io riiniKnv riiniKnvarnutid rlU rlUld rusittuhnigIsffl11141
arnutid ld the h p I srls rk In lnltu nI d t Ixlward HeIsr HeIsrhielti Kelh r rlieiH2
lieiH2 one n t of > f the h Hthlete Ihl st Mete who h ho inued the thenulite Ih ttujun
nulite 11 jun I 5 es tti I utler sit I er em p juu uljl ulln t on of r it < uider uiderIhe 1
Ihe 11 1 b nfifriKMin ii ttr l ii sill wa IS a us C iiiiiii iis I u mi I g u I lii > tie tiela t h hI tieIs
la I IIIIIIIIK 1111 lake k U in h ent Into lOb ire ireImi tbei t
Imi I i for lie i h re rgtli o < re wlrlln Irlo tree 1 lnnln lnnlnMviirt Inlno InlnoIr Ifintingiusgairt
Mviirt Ir Kliwter 11 hIts utter lli 11 i us the Iii rlrt f 1ite 1itei lt
11 I i hit W elitier h ilniie slit I f a jut > ret I IPit lit IIhlc IIhlcI bin bintill
till I Pit priliK 111 Me I hi h tHrefullt rI liir uiirei l hi hiirr hid hloIl hidusrnl
usrnl irr Il > i and I went in tI in liSlaV rtx tH OHM ni Itt I htci htcius ttt II IIw
w S us tinuialh Ii ttlittiC II ho Meimei SSeI seu wat btnifed btnifedfor bIl bu p i II
I for a nm 1 In I lie se etniHl nl11 npit nuilni e n I d 1 three threein i I II lure lureIt
in I the 1 third h tit 1 the h hurst 1 hillitf II I I Is Her Herotf I iteninst
otf n home i iits in x4 I he 1 tlejin i 1 IIP us 1 hit h hI Kli Kliw Iligot
w Met got bt I u for rn i 5 t ir uttlu tiin stud 1 thei h th theleriti IttS h hrl
S eleriti rl t swIll ii < elted 11 tlirre f tfioi h o n tuttis < n nlit
II I lit b Heimour ulnnr Met 1 mil i nt I prtllii 1 an uulti I 1nr a aptir 5
ptir of error prndti 1 ntir I he t alle allexotf sIll sIllnnln i
xotf follonel lotion 1 Mi 11 < 1 lltr sutsi 11 I it itIhlee 1 i > est esthit
Ihlee b hit tntllntf InlI oketl I > I letter r hlti h qt rn rntme tntI m mhl
tme I this hl prlnir Itnl lievlm I levi tusk Ink home 1 run runI rUI runthe
I IP I llh the tore nr if i the lit h fourth liitlntf tie 1 eh 11 lull lullriulliflif ll llrnlllne
rnlllne llnl ihrniah hnII a hole hI m 1 pu the 1 left n I lnlt M feme femeIlr r rI
I Ilr I Ptrnti oti relieteil siitl and 1 In the h lith lithIriiinr 1
I Iriiinr he h sun t litiuhtere 1lllh1 I VXIli Ih none noneH nonitill n nI
itill > > H I Mia h a > intfle nllt < t nnd n1 t irii er r tulI ill 1 nter nterhe nrh iss er erI
I he h fente I let 0 f r s t titttue h rim 1 iHmble I Ihl by byin hrIh lyfsihr
Ih fsihr in her and I I lett her 1 followed rI folkin eti 1 then us mule muleIn nol
In 1 WitS nn i utllr ol nml list I douhlix 1lhlo ituuihil b 1 t > I iiitl u I 11 I Is ind 5 Uil Uilnn 5 ii iiWitS 1 1Ihl
l thl this ol f tie Ike Devote refill tn ln lnanv I II
u ins I more n tit 11 tor I fear of oierhewtni 1 < him himiraml hi hiI Muiset
set > iraml I N n1 the I h C oil I p niMile three I 1 hi re nut II 5 a tusi ml ilkl ilklhl ik klc klcM In InN
M pobe hl Th Then Ihe I It I Time hrnke up upi
1lfl i little wili h it > doulile flll i nil I it in uutle le wss wssthe i iIhe
the h leldlnc I 111 Illler IlllerIhe hlrI
Ihe rh ttire sulurel
n n nr nrI r rr
r l ttl r s n i t t u t t C it I t Is a allrcillar 3Iteruilar
I llrcillar I ii I n 1 I il n I I Il
l 1 t t it iii I ti > n 10 < Setmotir s Set m notis ruri rII un uniti 1 I II
iti I Irtrhrr uih thrr h IIHnr I it run n l rtMn > Hn Her Hernt I herul
nt ul 4ttnff i nm n HUrrle HUwittrr Kmti and n < 1 1i
i luiril urn 1 lVutur Wln r I Paitont nn slut IM mkl > ll I mplrt mplrtIaul teptruslsul rif I
Iaul 1 rmlmnc rmlmncIlrnnkl rtmnPro nintrnnuBrnokln
Ilrnnkl Pro > n Ieate I Training Irouml Iroumlllt UrounT IroutwIsliii
llt TSpriMii T rs rk March rrh1 i I Ihlr flue he ftrnok ftrnokMIK RutwitI
MIK I with is St 1 it hue 5 h e teiii elutselfl Ifn m of 11 r Ionian In tori fterreti fterretiand I flergetujuflil
and Ino s S > Htilati I left if dq t tty at 1 I to lot rn Menifihl MenifihlHie lenitshtalie
lie t rear r ituard OIr1 will it ill I loin In t he h toils II tiid tiidin 11 11I suelups
in I I hntinnnom u week k Inter I Iii ho h Pitt Pittluirv 111 Vittelurg
luirv rl lub f tots oiiinteni tslefli etl i ntttte nh t si Tainlnc ml II I it g In Inflat toitus
flat itus 1 two 0 praf Itrultute lite eion Inn liemir 11 held hlo In Inhe II liitue
he 1 IU nonn ton I Inf lnshttuitt intiNti Mriei f ri the th h tatfer r won wonlo usotuinslav
lo inslav 01 dav u lo n 3 3neinn 3nlon 3Heston
neinn Nearln rln Topeka To han ItanINI hantiusit an ann
n tiusit INI r r I < irv I rI Kan IA March Irl rl I t liranl IilvanilPsison liranlPa
Pa Psison > on n We W Westitui ion nrrltet I1 lId tere thIs 1 rnornmtf rnornmtfrrom monll nlnriuusgfrntiu
I rrom rn rmimrln tI a t ilItstii 1 iaine of tuerittit tuerittitmile ttuenutyismites nl
I mile mi Weson eon nn expect I Iscls It I filter fifty re mIle mllrtodat mi mIletothu
I todat lie I lefl thU hl 10 Ill Hjti t after n tirief tirieftrfV 1mwfslits
slits a nnd n1 inrteft 1 tnt rf Pauline 111 which whichtwenty hlI hktu I Inlrn
twenty 15 ent nlrn four mile mi from Ihl I hl huts iily ity He Heet I tiefit
et 1 > mi to 0 upend pend the Ih nlahi llah there hr Pauline PaulineI rln rlnI
I eight Ilhl mile mi ei of ff Topeki Tn Won tVeiitnappears Vetonapfteara
appears 1 to Ite I as lltely 111 a is eter r nnd I Is In Inood ingood
good ood 1 condition nlon Meton nn I null 11 I ten tenaheusi eu day dayahe 1 i
ahe aheusi il of r hi h hilts Whiduile Whiduilelunthts t lied holl ilie iliero I
I ro Clnmbla > liiml > la FrvifrtnR rnt laid lUulroliimblae l TIPC Tont gut gutnlumhii
roliimblae oilmbl fencing rnlnl season n will I rome to toan Inan 0 0nd
an end nd Ihl hl evening nlnl when hn the thu 1 annual nnu route routefor contctfor
for the Ih Ij lAwrence wrenre fenrln fntln metlal 11 will 1 he t held heldIn h
In I Earl rl Plait 11 Twelve TI men have h entered enteredIhe r
the h competition rmlllol and no ll to I ejpete1 to I Illh Ii IiIt M Mthe I
llh the It rlnoecl clone 1 In jearit er esra The Th fenrli tnhur will willf 11 he heane h hefollowed
f followed Io cd br b en n evhlblilon hlhllnn of Ir Japarword Japar Irn Irnor lapaniaword ane anethe
word or play p Jam Jauwus K Mnrrar llrr the Ile Iii fac facIn fapIng
l In IIt Instructor true tor or and no Robert br Miner will wi rlloj don
japaoe0 lpQC Japan cotumea CIUmf and aD meat tcee in I a duel due
Hut Kail Ua la I Hto MI Mtp Tim m M uWu UI Ba avf avfIn el elTm HSitin HSitinIll
In Ten HoMaAk HoMaAkTim R RTim Hotas HotasTim
Tim Sullltan Suilul a HOIOU 1llh niiildUtwalfht niiildUtwalfhtunknonn lldlleb ndttdliwsightunkniiwti
unknonn unln to it ramp stool IO silT t 8all 811 Sailor > or Burke Burkewho Burkewhit
who hl want nh to meet 1 Kelihel In II a ten round roundflitht rou1Iabl roundfight
fight Iabl at 1 Ihe I h ulymplu 111110 A C In I Harlem HarlemlaI Harlemlast
last nIght hllh xullltan llhn though Ihouoh tlatbly out nt or orrondlllon orrndllnl ofconditlntu
rondlllon rndllnl howol ho enouch nolcb cleverness reCrne and andPluck a auniPluick
Pluck 1111 lo II stab ia > the I limit lmi In II spite le of averal Nvrel Nvrelknokdo aeveralknoekdossnus averalknorkdown
knorkdown knokdo hi tuttle tll vta isa the Iii winner Inn In InIhe 10I Inlb
Ihe Ih lnn long < run rlh hut had Sullltan lv1 been bn In good troodhaw tol tolh goodshape
I haw h there 1r mlehl hate ha been n n dlflrent dlflrentreuli dUrrDIr11 dUTrntruwtill
reuli r11 to t hrnnlfle The clubhouao ubhoua ubhouaJn1 was waajaiiniel wasjiutttstel
jaiiniel Jn1 ussuk nh lh ll Ichl tiehu ln ran r who ho rooted 10011 hard hardfor hadCo hardInn
for Co ullinn I I ni an sstil I theerel hr I him to 0 the 11 echo echovihrli eho ehohl echoS
vihrli S hl lieu lie I left I the th tint I II hi hits rate r tl f maw M of orbump ofburl ofbutnin
bump burl and bruUe bruUeMuiiiana hrl ltrulW4SlouuIatua
I Muiiiana lolal Jack Sullltan 1 I V 11 did 111 not PUI In an anappearance anopesranre 0 0I
appearance I tu o Tim MulllVNii lllvl who bo said Id he heroil hernhl heroluhil
roil rnhl Id tlirlit 11 therefore Ihr tta a as ul uihwllisitetl uihwllisitetlI > lllule < l ll
I l 1 FlutI irl Hound 1011 Diet 1 fiddled fltl lleil for it moment momentThen momntT lutotnfltTlit
Then T llurke I t > lepted awiiy sit Irom 10 a iiSuilivusut run runhullltnn rWn rWntIIn
hullltnn tIIn vllppetl 11111 and 1 fell r1 ansi n1 when n he h got volup gotii 01
up ii It llurke 111 IIIIIH uilieu heI him Ii In In II lie Ih t turn Ionh h with witha w ll It Ii IiN
a lefl I I hey h hue exrliaiieed snings Hln In suit the Ihei Ih IhI thehiuntil
i head hone lu alxi 1 piim 1Ihlnt uiuuistuing hint the Ih heart heartiwlih Ir heartS
iwlih S IIh h a rlitlil rllhl Hullitaii 1111 wa ruhlna rlhll and andwliiKlntt atniswIIIufiflg n1 n1ilna
wliiKlntt ilna vainly Vlilh at the Ihf tfonif nlW I n he round roundwa 10111 10111V
I wa prnftlinlh pten pteni u V yefli4euiutiii
i St i4euiutiii find 1 Hound A us llurke Ilrl lienan to force rnrreIII ro roI
III I it Sullltan 4uil lh I I sustu jablieil him hll lu Ins in II the Ih t he mouth suinuit Uo h with withliirp wit ll Is Isa
a chianti Ilr tell llurke Ilr runhed rhI vetilinr lu In II a aheirt I aIuu
heirt hI Iuu t1t tune ho but ll refeitlnir 1 rui eilflg 1ln n stiff II wallop 101 on onI ni I IIlh
I Ilh the t slit ide hi or if r S lie 1 he lwau id 5 left Ir rut 1 Sullivan SullivanI 11111 I
I moulli 10llh 110111 Is I hl bst H he 1 hi JIIIIIMH JIII1 I in 1 whh s II Is a fiiuple mlI nr lt ltrI
hard rI IMM blow hln
IHh > llurke Ilrk went nl for the thelib tluuntis I
lib tl I ben h ami I al juts 1 o hammered the h head headbut h heathlisit
but 111 the 11 liridite rhlc or r hi his noee nit waa aplli 111 by b bIlno a arlvlntf
I dying Ilno timh rh JUKI JII a the h tiell 11 eountlefl eountleflI lun lunIh1 utounileilthirst
I thirst Ih1 Hound 111 llurke IIa beiran to Ic rut ril loose 1 1I aa aaVoon as4I4ti5
Voon 4I4ti5 n I they 1 mint uii Wil Vhlle ruhlnic rhh he helillilbletl h hllhlI1 heSI
SI lillilbletl llhlI1 itnd thu fell r1 nn all j I four fO but hiI he h jumped jumpedup Jlml
up I ami 1 rorved Ihe I Iii ri flhlnl lighut htlnir Ing Sullivan IIn counter oun ounhil
Inc hil Infix tiiisIly My on n ll Ih < hetiir ht ti iut llurke oon had
hi h mm 11 on lheroi Ih the fnIw nl e Inn I Sullltan Klhan punched Ihd
him hlmI oul of ii clilK clitsihu llh h and nllh1 I hen hook hnk pin hI I with withu lh lhJol
u jolt Jol on llh the t lit jaw j lhe Ihey h > were r In II a t 1111 clutch Inch al ittii I
Hie ii h enl nl Sullltan llhAI Jiatlnc 1 the Ih round 011 by h a atiwill I itptntll
tiwill ptntllt llujn llujnI nwrvln nwrvlni
i I t Fourth I Alr h Hound UmlI Sullltjn IIlvan utthjy rushed rlh1 Into 110 110rllrh a aflinch aelliurts
flinch rllrh He I name Al a jugjujfl tit tln In with us lh Iths A rliiht rlchl In Illh Illhrlh the Iherib thenIh
rib I hen h the they h gut 1 Into 110 a hot h mUupand 111 tnixuutt autil autiluilIiin 11
Siilllin lh held hi his own n us n llurke lurl ducked away a saws
frnm n dntiKernu 11101 right rlhlloII and tame back IIel with usIt usIttuttit lh
iMMlr hlon hi mid I honks In the In neck n1 A left leftI
I hiHik hH tn iti Ihe Ih jiw j jarred jAr Kullltaii 111al but he h wa waileid Wits Witsileud
ileid d gnus In and r resitotitlest Kiniled with lh a swIng Inl on
I the he hllh1 hui id Hul hook bCkIlrkl htottkitutrke llurke to hi hits heel heelsI lh lhI Ihe Iheround
I round u sus an even break breaknrih haIr
nrih 11 Ir II h Itoutid Inllll iltisi Iii t4u Sullltan 111 liltit it met a ninh Ih with wI lh lhrl th a afi iifa
fi on Hi 1 e e llurke 111 rouu roht hit I It In a f clinch dlnrl
It I SiiUitnti tlhII fniiKhi him hll oft of In l a mix mixurkf nh nhk nil niliirku
1 urkf k t > tV hof > i n right Ilh lo the Ih jaw j and nd lull Hut Hutiitiin Kl Klln 4ullittI
iitiin ln ft down u 1 iii us it for ihttnini I h iitt hl Sullivan Siulli 111ln va n not 10 up upuneid iiuuutttesiI
uneid 110 > on In Itisi pin rI iIius am slut 1 Burke 111 went nl II in into Inhlh Itttit
to tmi him hll Sullltan llvan left I e ee > e wa was a tut tutoi ssitopen 11 11on
oi on n stilt 11 h ho wnn n terv r tlrr 11 lIrttl Iril hl he h did old nnt nntiiui 10 10WII luotIts
iiui Its 5 P under is I Ire II uc and a liii St luik 11k UI k ll I out UI lo Ihe Ih I hell hellrtiirkeV I Inl1h
WII rtiirkeV rnuml rnumltlliih rotintil8isth I r
tlliih nl1h Hound 11 Niilllten lhn nihed h and ao sims drotellurke simsfluke r
fluke IIk to I the h roM ft 1 wild s lh lIlt a ten I nn the Ih jaw jawtHilher J JI jawnwitttsr
tHilher I hr stit iii li I on Oi the h net lIeuk Ik k made I llurke llurkebreik 111 Itiurkeluelk
breik itround hut h ilie it h xilurtnme stilor Ilor nll ttsuse In II with lh lhn a ai
i fierce n tIeri iittxtk 1101 II I tisilt punt IIhll Itut nishi hlior hut Ihe Ih I Imdy I util y until untilsilll1 Inll tunt II IIsillic
silll1 lh It tllmlipil 1 I I Sulllvnti illlvn 111 I WM us I we so o weik weikIlitl s eusk euskhut
hut 11 hi blow hlo were pnwerle 1 > el 1 Burke BurkeinuM lrk RuirkiiouilI
inuM 111 ioi put him hI iii down s 101 loss is llurke him Li hid the theround t heIOu
round roundSetenth IOu 111 nil nil4sveiuth
Setenth h Sound 111 Sullltan llt opened with us lh hIs n I
1 rlchl llhl nn ni the II h neck 1 am litiul 1 then hl ruhed fh1 Burke BurkeIn hlirkiii 11
In 5 fortier r Iturke 11 tepped 1 11 1 i ilos lo e with lh lhr H Hr usfeusu
r feusu l titlark I but h Siillltan 111 renontle nI1 < l with withNiflf a lh Ithu IthuhuiI
Niflf blow hI nml us n1 bmiiKht hmlohl hitoti tubst a t lint 1I liiiti h left lefton IUni letnit
on ni the II I lii itn u t > 5 hi 1H1 hiutitk oU > ultitan iu Iln Illsu a but hl he h stiwsl iflM > 111 111I up upto it it itfit
to n I rush atid mi ted ll I eamely 11I Ilillke Ilillkel IIk 115thlsntll
l lsntll nd l another hook Ik nn the 11 jaw J mnl 1 ruhe rlh1 rlh1hi rtitihIits I IIn
In usI Ill h n sidle I > fir r wnit a Inl mit Hurke Ilrk round roundI ml1 ml1Jwhh rnitttillIvlitht
I lIvlitht I hh Itoutitl SiillUHii I put a ten IC III II the themnuth thenitulil h hIh
mnuth nitulil Jwhh Ih Ii ii nd n then I 11 ilimhed iIl uished llurke 111k II uk ran ranwith ri I Ihh lt >
with 5 hh hmt h t < Irfl Ic nnd 1 Hiillltn lhn ttiillilrreil ttiillilrreilwitht iouitueretwith
witht with lh is ternllt 11 nuht rloh iter r the Ih heir h I llurke llurkeeine IIk IIkr Ilirkeri
eine ri mr a In it Ith 11 K riirht on the Ih t hed he si end endleft s lust e eeft
I r left f on he ilmwl ln tun bil P4uillliiit < ulll III ii rallle 11 > t and andheld Alo saidtiItt
held 11 hi 11 own utl Ii Ina II hit II liirp e esshinge i hmre lieal II alu alurcicbieit I n nreichetl
reichetl the Ih taw with wlh u I rIght 11h llurke llurkernintl 1111
rnintl rnintlNlnih 105 Iii IiiuIuth
Nlnih SIh Hound UII Mullltan tlrnte Int a right rloh to tothe tothe
the eitr and 1 llurke 1k put I in n u I bird muh 1 h lo lothe I Ih tolb
the lb h toni tsitisuhu nh ii h In n 1 r < ix s hulks IIrk M Woreil nred nredle I a aiIpsfl
iIpsfl le > n Vnixkdown with 11 H riitht honk tin the iheJHW h hJ
JHW J t Sullltnti Illh got 01 up II rel Iturke 1k trletl in inne instetk n
stetk ne k nter n a kinx kitsitknilt kout blow hlo but 1llh the ltnlnn ltnlnninin 1lnn 1lnnlm hlnatoitlush
inin lm lush i clii hh1 lit tied m I Ihe Ih t ht nick i of C nine t I Hue llurke llurkepiled JIa JIalh Ituir ke keitilesi
piled in tu stilt lh more Ilnr hoi ttiinihie pum he and no Sulll Sulllan Illt i4ustltsail
sail an icrneirt 1 dil Inn lieu 1 lo ate himeir himeirstillltan hlllr hlllrldl hitielfMtiIIIvant
stillltan ldl rleni Icl e eye > e WH u ill and flunk Ihl wa wanuikm sasitlu
nuikm itlu Alul kitu it ii 111111 IIIo hunt b hits < or 51 r him hn h when w hn time timew 11 Ii itt ittusia
w usia up uplenib II ulti1eitt
lenib 1 h Hound llurke lurk ruhe h < l in II In n nkn rore nr a aknixkoilt aknooktut
kn knixkoilt Me I hi tlrnte Iov in 1 a lerrifl iHxIy iHxIypunch Ih11 twitlytuusnch
punch nml 11 Sulll Slllvn Sitihyan tun flinched i hrh1 Sullivan Sullivanrallied llv llvrII1 iliiranrallied
rallied rII1 then ind n met another fieri flense e ruh ruhwith ruhh rushsill
with h wirir nn nI Ihe Ih hend hno hurt II did more morelurd lustremini
mini I rllni r its h i tr 5 mid N 11 nit MHIII > hid 11 hi mull tutu ut > we us si > ik ikthm k Itthus
thus he It a i reeline 111 around 1 the Ih rmc fO vet vetslull < et etnil t
nil 11 tlchlmi nh with us th urc great p i pint 1111 islt k I It I Ilrk wa wallurke useIttirke
llurke Ittirkeqr lrk Pgl rl rlfl
1 iji fl htit 111 rnirhiTins rnirhiTinsll llITI U >
ll 1 llrrninila IPrlloa Tram Tlsm Heist Bfl Them Trl Mllh MllhMlrKrt 1ll I it itIilits
MlrKrt 1 lo parr parrftr parrSei4 r rr
Sei4 > ftr r t ift 11 > IipshS ir xt4Tr tn Ins Tn TnIInuII Stw StwlIniitt t tllmm
llmm IM Mirch 1 urch rh i Th The Ilnlnlelphlnt Ilnlnlelphln
t ri < keter a were all nut for P IIIC > in ut the I ihi to sesonil sesonilI e oml omllining n1 n1mln
lining I iltIn tC 11 r their I man tttttih h wuh s i Ih t hi the t h Ml II llerinutl llerinutlte tIer miii is istl4l
te tl4l < m In the h ivliti on n snuriUv rh the II Ihlla IhlladrlithiHii IhllntIIIIII Phihiiteihutu
drlithiHii mule t turunin 111 rune IinOln in their I h first n itinina itininaThe IIIhlllltn stintoirsIite
The n l eritiudlin > nuide 1 I Iis in fur f it rirlel w5telustli rirleltud 1 1Ih1
tud tli in II retwnt 1 the Ih ° nre to n li 10 when us h tueli the theiiitnni theitttftfl b bIIIII
iiitnni IIIII ir l hunt tv tn I n nh nili d it itli u ut
li t Ii the lIt h Molid 4 iiil 1 innlnc tnda nI Ibe I ti l her hertnustIA > r rriiiidMi
riiiidMi 1 0 5 Ind I 4th I n makf tuiM ku 74 4 rutik r iltul Ther 1t f nf nfoiitplilu A AIoh alsi
oiitplilu lsi Ioh i t tiit 1 I hi with is il h the I It lo I liuse nr t one n nyu w u I kei keiand II kelanti
and 1 ih h sc uh hi slti Ii with h nine lHI wirkrl wirkrlII
II spire i MuirItfnIu
ItfnIu U > i t ws itsrfit I ri 11 run ritirlljvrltall TI1 runIlasettali
lljvrltall Platrr start for to the Ih Hoalh nth Tn Tntl Toita
tl 111 111Iuhnn itatuhnns J Jluhnni
luhnni t offer rt this h firmer m llntnn ltnstnnt Sa Satmiial S SIUtI
tmiial t Hilts IUtI I short hnrtio Cl 51j tar IS r Sfiiiih nit 10 tn tostay da 1 > v llh llhhi lIhhi it h hhIs
hi hIs fordlmtti orlh I tit er ertilv nt 11 hree hrlln lo open the theMaroon thesaruHni h ham
Maroon am lMebill 1weis 1011 ill eMt eslilt > n a it 55 thinaton thinatonto hlnInIrnrrnw
to Irnrrnw tnt > rrow 11 S ttti II I leortfeinwn I eirtPS its n On I in fhir fhiri nl nlhl flurusstir
i dir rnnlham nIII line In up 1 ncfiint 11I 11II Ka Iatern IaternI lern lernollece
I ollece oil 1st t Mitn Manuututois I H and 1 on u Saurda SaurdaUiWI 4atiirdatikt d dIkh
UiWI > > the 10 llaltimore 1lIu I atern I eairuer itt ittIis l lkillnore
Iis killnore 11 I t iiire Ihoush I MfTet rt i up I mrain mraina is ltaln1 ltaln1It ifs Inst InstIi
a dlfli 1Irl1I nil inb In in pliitttit 11 tttitu ttii 110 It I rireiown r 110 n rnr rnrhe rrh
I he h ennn no lr first t kame oan atui he h I is > otifldent the theloKl Ih IhItal I Its Itslss
loKl lss Ml IH I will 111 hot I he > e found WRIIIIni WRIIIIniKortlhin atiilflgViirithivns nllnt
Kortlhin 11 hntif 11111 ate u brtchi on 0 Inh In In Inhe
1 he h fn r t lhit I h hi I the u h s Marrnn SI a iinn lenm I es II nlth us it It but 10 fe feeii r feus feusetietituitli
eii etietituitli eption 1 I 55 nmM e ol teleran n III IIIthe InIt Itsthe
the It pi 10 i hinit hm > lln 11 te > hte ie lIon olleirnin 11 I will willlute sillhas II III
lute I has o IK I reh tel II t nminlt ml upon the h trenirih or orI nrIflw orIhrt
I Ihrt hn t IIIn hone wbn 5 h hun will III pint III 11 the h tenth lenmfrom I IfOll tenthtoni
from toni the he It i nrllIn IMI N Ill three other otherpitcher itbierllts1ttc hr hrlId
pitcher lId are t ltig ina 11 liken k smug hehoe hehoeffulnti hehiia h hllnn
ffulnti a llnn nnd n1 Itarn C hi ruu l 111 itt n I a taritv Ss F It 1 mitenal mitenaltici IIr IIrIt ttl 1 tent tenthii
tici It are mulled iiis 1111 Isti tnt n1 the 110 I he br urittl r ml of r Ihe I h work workwill usorkI 0 0III
will I III rail IMI Isk k on SlqPtttet > lt > > net Owlnr II Iuu hi lute 01 to hi hiiTteal hIreat
iTteal abilirt with tlh ihe h lit iiuk k Ill he h latter will willlie it III IIIrk1 IIIt
lie t M rfced 1 In tenirr 5 itilt nr lent icl nlipu SI 1 flitS on the themound 110 1101IIn1 thisttiut
mound 1IIn1I ttiut in I II
I us o pntlon Inn m the II Infield tvil a 111 iti l Is > e handletl handletlbt
bt h ne n > men 1 third ba e and n1 e einnsl nnd lue lueIt 10 10I htslii
It He tinkent keft will lie at Ihe lb keystone ussk ussktuiie < k khie
hie dm M I t urthv the M Matnnq rnon star I end endi eti etiush I II
i ush f fis il on l he I irrtdirnn ril iron will w ill 11 be I Ii at a t e on nl1 I III IlhtI
II lhtI it I het it tteti en n hnneter huon sS Cu liitehown 10 illS P h11 h11Ifnll hiw n up uptrnnir uiuctrttnir
trnnir in ti pr jrsutti > e and 1In < there i is little hMue hMuen bat hIIII e eof
n of ant II title lim I 1ln telissf en < round thrnuch ibelr ibelrpolton ihieirpoItlsin
polton poltonHit 1 I
Hit 1 II men n taken IIn nn the h trip ra follow skip MkiltM II
Ml M artli > im stiher her S hhle tI 1rt I I bae baeI ha haI
I M 511 lrlh rrh MHond nn1 itn Mrt h nfTrei nfTreihorttoi iITIuishrttltiiit IT IThn
horttoi hn llerketi third hlro tMe I tureen Itarranleft tureeneli n nI
left I field Ht tnl t4usnloui nlon right fled 11 hehoe iulnn iulnnllorrt uilittnlisrrs
hOlIll1lnn hOlIll1lnnIt
llorrt It mid I Mihnnet hnn pllf tuiihwrs IIIor brr anti nl allernat allernatlilt alettuitliia r
lilt at II teirrt ntre fleltl think > IMI la < M nissan nissanlnrulhsuttt > aonnnlhatn n nn
nnlhatn Irep shortstop nlll n ill III In a ailtllln is isiitullu
iltllln n inllelder II < ouch l I oTe = and A 1 Mann Manncer n nr
I cer r 5 title hll en on In make III up 1 a Ital itil or r fourrrn fourrrnmen
men menIjirlt filets15r1
I i
r Ijirlt 11 tnnlhall Practice at llartanl llartanli
I i AMnntPt unn f 3l Ms IIt Mt March i Mihoueh Mihouehihe fholllthII
u ihe II reeulnr EII prina Irl root roolhIIIII football hall prn ttroiIi < llt e will II not notttevln nn nnnlll nol1wgin
ttevln until neti n Monday Inollt the t ownIng of oftnlunlart nrIotnl tf tfsitIulntar
tnlunlart Iotnl prat irissthse lite II Ihl I hi nflernoon brntijht brntijhtout
out I twentt t II latiflldale IIlal rnr Plus It run football footballlemn
lemn II 1 Ih They hey had pr prntle ftl e in punting In ant antfalchniB awl awlsiuhiisg
falchniB hIIlC mnl tiil 1 the Ih bat hk k tried lonr II p IIntr ItesingIast intf intfI
I apt 11 W 5 illilnrlon dlre oIIllb tetl the th work ork leavlinr leavlinrearlt Ivtrlrh ieuuvttgert
earlt rh in roe r with h the II varsity Ir rew < r Some Someof In Inr rtttle rtttleutf
of r the Ih fool f11 Mil pla ulssr 111 > er joine1 later r III the theot Ih Ihr thener
ot ner er r jirnitne Ir tnt II tlui inonir nnn this It tar arIty lty 11 men menho II IItI filetubsit
ho tI reH relusitIesI rle < l teide the to captain were werel usersuggls r rI
l uggls Blewt ort rlh hu I ft r Smith 1111 P Hpraitue Spri < 1rllI1 gui Mornants Morn Morrion 1 1II
on Hlndretl II ltlisl get I ird t Ixwi I sie I t ua aptaln lutut nu ami it lust full rlIi rlIIIImn fullof
1515 of the tail team teamIlllllanl teeushtlltlarsla
Illlllanl IlllllanlThere IIImnn htlltlarslaThusru
There n were r two I game plated 1lar last night nlffhtIn
In the to aiiKileur lundlcap I nlIr I three h ciihlnn ciihlnnlarrnm rhlonrr
larrnm i rr tnurnament 1 at I lohn lohn1 > Mfliraw MflirawllrnmluHf Msra5llroasinise IIi IIiIIrnI
llrnmluHf IIrnI rmim Ill I the llrl II mine 11 111 K KIWker Vlueikr
IWker n 1 > l tWist at I Klnpgnld lnlII lnlIIr j by n core scoreif coreor
or r It i ts tfi He h1wkrr ker mafle In i hugh run n or
3 Kine VinegoIsle IIInlcl nltl t best run las < 2 Ibe 1 tie tunic m
ItiMle l ror eight Ilfholl one Innlnc InnlncPell Innlw1II luintngil
Pell l sli 5 v tlefeuiet I arrlnalnn jn In Inthe IIIlIto InIii
lIto the Iii HM ufiflil ond waPiti hr h a score t ure or r 25 S lo ii 9 Iell 111I Ielttisiti Iellnude
I nude 1 H hl hIgh h run of ofK r I II Ih
K h Andrew nI 55 s won on hi 11 nights tam ame in
I he h Miiiateiir IA1f handicap hndl itoni 000 > ool loiimament loiimamentat
at I Mr4ws Mtttr w He II defeaieil A leronte to toby enby
by a WlltO firo re or a lt It > AO AOfommfMlare vJI vJfonmr 50fonimodr
fommfMlare Nwrrn tppolnlmenff r rfommodnre rI Itotnmndnr
fommodnre ommnr < hrle Hweenv nr the IheUnite Ih 1 1Inll tttanti
I Unite aiht hI Out announce nnoun the lit follonlnc follonlncappoint flInwIngappuinimnt ollolnerpinllnnl
appoint pinllnnl menu fleet captain Robert W WSpelr WIr WI
I Spelr Ir fleet iirxeon rw C C E i ntlbert Olltwon1 M D I
fleet ibapUln the Rev fI Lindsay Ilnota Parker Parkerreralta rar rarRIt rarkerfOgtts
reralta RIt committee mmlt Horace If ra E Houchar J <
Kenneth Kord Ioi ct John E D 0 lund 1
I O ii rtau 5fT 5fTGOLD
I Y YSU u i iI
I t
vi Io L1 L1VoucS YOO0
1 2 u BACK TO TOrrieCL o RUN
10 HOUSE rIttcLUt rrieCL rrieCLHOUSE I fI7g4f S
VoucS VoucSfjwrr
fjwrr fjwrr5E HQNIT HQNITSeEMS
SeEMS 5E NS TO TOTM I tla tlai
F MCRUIT MCRUITf i 11g 11gas
as as541k hut hutr
541k 541kI r tMi tMiBudweiser
Jka aPf aPfB B aAi won its worldwide fame fameQUALITY fameQUALITY
QUALITY makes it necessary for us to charge dealers more for it than they pay foe fotother foeother foother
other beers QUALITY is the reason why more of it is sold and it is because of its itsQUALITY itsQUALITY it itQUALITY
QUALITY that when you drink Budweiser the best of the world drinks with you youANHEUSERBUSCH youANHEUSERBUSCH youANHEUSERISSBUSCH
AnheuserBusch ACl Agency cJ
I 7 74 74tOo H4 I IlOa
lOa CleAR CICAftAt
At whaleiale I In > ew us lark rli by H Mnadav Hsndaveels =
eels 34 = J Nutit l l 11 l M 15 llr Itrklpa kba Ituta ItutaBrl r r8U k kHilseall
Brl 8U ra > ll I3a a Water M > > ew 1 tk tkAMONG tkAlONG k kAlONG
VOTHH fll If IfIJ ir > HI HIKlr mt litItrt
Klr Itrt t H Else p fontplanl In Roaililillll RoaililillllKtenl RoadahltJlPnl lIoadIltIlltIsent
Ktenl Pnl From 011I Itillailelpltla 1 > In Vllanllr VllanllrIt lIanllrnt tlanIIrIts
nt < It Its to Heretic Mltrr tit Traphle Tr TraphirsI lhl lhlI
Mouteilr l tutte ttartlrd anl d Entrants toKjilrantThe 10 EntrantsThe nlrnh nlrnhfh
The fh offlrlal or the t Oiluker Oil I it Jloltir JloltirItuli lIrIth littrhut
hut are niikinu preparailou Ir to a susapi susapipuire anl anlprlre 1 1rl
prlre rl to the II enirnnt of all the Ih inns that thattorn thatsom
torn pet e In It the I h third I Is Irut annual it tu ii liii I rondaMllt rondaMlltrun tunisia lull It y yrun
run of Ihe 110 tircanlulloti troui Ir IhilndelphU IhilndelphUlo
lo Atlantic 11111111 < In U nil II Hjtunln Ipril IIItI1 ws i I It Itwiuutlil t twould
would 11 appear that Ih lie I h ItilUdriihla oritnnl oritnnlallot strgatuiat zall zall7alolI
7alolI allot at bit hn h hiss Kit given > en up Itie t h Idea hi nr having hh M 111I stutuiutsfsIai > m mInerilal
Inerilal 11 motor IIInl telnrlr hl in the Ih event ft the theentry theentry h h1I1r
entry 1I1r lilankn Ink atite t 11 ie ihe Ih I hi ionift nl i > ht I Is oten I to toall toI n nI
all plei tileislIre 1 ure san 1 and nd no ii 11I11 ireniioii con l Is made 1 of ofa ofa r rlvlI
a tllvtloti ul lvlI for hu huisttiVs5 ltie 111 HUtiMiinhlle 1011 The Theronlel Th Thrnnl1 Thecontest
contest nlll S 1tI1 ill l f > e run iindpr 111 the I h rule I unit UII with withI 11 11I
I the h inrton of r the h iiicrltan UI Mnoinohllr Mnoinohllro I1nllllOfIII
I o OfIII < > laiiiti tilt with V I h Ihe I h Itnlor 11I1nlI enient nr f the theIlilladilphla I IlIlollobU thePhsilauiul
Ililladilphla Phsilauiul luhia Viilninolnle Frail isnw Mlatlon Mlatlonand H 1IInnd tat lout loutand
and nd In ooperitton with lIh the h lloird 110 1f1 of Irnde Irndencl 1101rc lrzuleari
ncl rc tnunlt 1110111 Iftal authorllleii iuitt hnllI of lllantli i I Ill IllI ll llThe t tThus >
The Tt file nt principal prUe prl are II to IK I attn attnline trrllnit Ir IrIInlt
I line liver Klr 11 l prle rll wilt 11 go in the h en entrant entrusts n nr ¬
trusts nr r lh < nr rimnlne nenre nearest r t Iv the thetime theesvuct 10 10r1
esvuct r1 time xhedule M whishi hit hlh h will su III onl lie liejknonn I It
jknonn 11111 I kitsuis n unit n reveiitl h II > lion lohn V let letliiirn I Ilestuuirtt
liiirn 1 Mar Staynur or r or fO Ihliidelphli and lion lionFranklin linnnklln lionFranklin
Franklin nklln I It lnv n Mnvor IIIn iitt tr nf it iliiui lIallhIh ittit ittitat itt ittat
at the Ih flnwh of r ih I run rll the I h oIlier four fourvterllni I Irlll ftsreterling
vterllni rlll sIlver ln trutthas t > hle silt tl II t tie e awnrded IM to tnI tojl toth
I the th entrant of the curs < ir r nnlhlne sItsps lee 1 to tothe tothe 0 0uonr
the winner it time In InRItlln addition aititit tots In > he h live livemain lIveilium h hIrl
main prle lint handKome hno eoutenir ore O to he hennardetl I heausarilisi
nnardetl in n the tb etitrint or nil II t le 1 other otherrar nh nhIll nitherears
ears Ill llnlhltitt the h run Thr Th These e will us In lie lielM I littsliI
lM tsliI > ed apprntimatinn prie 1 nsre unit will us ill 111 h hawarded hit hitissarsteil
awarded 10111 III erti r rt of f twenty Pi sisht > t h hrn tnc s rtis rtishieing i iI
I lielntf from rn suit Itlh Ii lo l > s eillt IIIttfth it fifth tlfl h f 111 111rI p4i p4irles > l n e
l rlo rI H frnm IIMIII t tut > > IMli 1 stl in forl > tlfih tlfihplace tip Is IsI4aes
place and a tnt of co her hr erle r It tif 5 1 I wrnM ii rn r tit t trie I utiii utiiiall 10 lit 5 5all
all 11 ihe Ih pilrnnt n lne h liii Iteen t mred 1 ror rorIteoree r fsr5nra
Iteoree 1 INdliv I Ili k who us h ho repreil r the theI h hI heS
I I haltner 11 l ur I Vevrnrk ua hi I las > not iiittlt < f1e n1 < the h nnn nnntialmir nountoiling i iIIAII
toiling onirtnnee nnlln i nf r the h New seus leret r iio iiomnlHle 1 i itiiottute
mnlHle nIHI Iradr luit its 5 n itttitt uit ii i ihii t Pit I he 10 s till ii I rmt rmtaitepl tuotats
I aitepl ats ejii 1 a retionun 1111 Ilon 5Stt for iie I e ttre t cuuule iden idenor n nor
or the II orcimuiHO nr 110 Mr IidiliHK liIII liIIII n ruts rutstints t tIeen
tints I > 4esiteOt re < t < tent ol I I it 111 I r Ile 51 V Vfor 1 1ftsr
for rn the h li I taut t thrrt tr HT toil 1 sass nt he h ihink ihinkhe lhuuttlshe hLh
he hi h > held 101 me II I i > ft lt < e liiiC iui ur ennuffh siou el x it > he heha hehat
i ha h retpie n ellUPte 1111 lrtl II ilmr I h lus t another e to hr itntlMfiie stisI Ultj IH us fit s lie lienametl I liti4nltsit
nametl for t heisil end or lite thu orfariAHHoi orfariAHHoiThe
1 nTh1 The Htinnnl II mteini I Mtid i ee I > i 01 tir t the rheao theAnwlilnti h hI
ao a Anwlilnti wiion o i tn ttt h P > ht 111 Id tin Mar1 Stir o t w O ut uttlie II III 1sttIe
I tIe I t lulihniie hllh or the tb h tw leret 1 1hll S uinrtt uinrttlille ilnrnhull
lille hull and it tuiI Mninr Slot or i tult n Newntk es 11 r k when it lieu the thelliUMne t 1 1I liehiuslne
lliUMne I hU ln iirelinir uor us ill 11 lie I folio followed vie I l Itnr is K Kdinner ailtinsr
dinner ttenriri It t lllakelei III of f lere leretill 11 11t tireyI >
till t It 1 5 ha h l 111 een tmmtiiiie f itil for fn tireident tireidentand ureiIititIt
and It nud there t her i nn npii tlifl t itii I < aiidi I i < late Ia Is tin 4 in inlhe I Ithe I Ih
the h recuUr 11111 Ih h kt k St II I nit III the t pre > > nt ntfe n
fe eiuel > reiart ars I noiinatel tin l itia lst I ft fuir > r < i e preideiit lrets teuit I
1 5 V Mawtn t i no isituuil mi I for r treniirer or nn nnCiIr aol aoljeirgp I Iteorte
teorte M Miuih i iwn I fur I siretsrv r retirv r
1 XV 5 Maon 51 a ainitu i is MII ii is indP I > ei ei > t ulnlldte ulnlldteInr ulllhlInr 5 ulllhl I Imr
Inr the tKi IIt preideu 1 V mid 1 II IIh IIthe ireene ireeneihe
the h preM I iiresthi > nl rIr rei iirer h 1eII > re < eitel nn in inI litlegiettilent
I dependent nnniinniinn nn Inch 11I1Z1I1 I cli M I IIr it itt iiInn
t Ir > er u slut IIIIio I tWinge IlrhliM k Katr tiit s I heett n II1 ni ninhit n i inatetl
natetl j is dire 1 ton n lo eerte three thus hr tir
I nnd II A Ctreent i ruul ha 10 twen I a lomnitel ii IIIIItlI a ait as asI assituc
it dirt lIr hit nr u 10 n > Mr e line r teir teiri 1 1i luirtsisp
i i < irwtil > Chi 11 Mar Ir11 li 1 Fair hlc sire rarare r rill sireuure
are entered in I tu the i h three I I tee tlit ti ss amotnnhlle amotnnhlleieet a hI ollnll ollnllI ottiohuiluIteiI
IteiI ieet I rat r riue e < In I h Ixtiii on Itn Itaytutisi > i IOIM ten II h hlomorrtt hInnrr Ittsinuorrou
lomorrtt The fhr me Ihe I h hi II 15 I 1ntsiwu5 nrMo nrloOr nrloOrIn er erItenrrir erlIen
Itenrrir In vir m nm us nl h llirnei II I F lte i lid hlnIlmI Mr tIslI Id mule the thewnrld Ita I lieI
I wnrld s re runrll < nrtl tin I iIfi e of r 7 11 1 511 ii K eoliits eoliitshere M nnd nth
I here h la I last t week it ie 1 hs li I tips litir II isursiiosur > e IMUMT Iteti Iteticur 1111rr ltticar
cur in be I driten r li I lisini n id llrtie llro lrnw IIr IIrtll lirnisus lrnwwhnh >
whnh us tll h made t tiinmh ii nlh it ret ru onl I rl 1 tin the theand I h hnllr lie liesfltl
and fOiSts nllr in the III h tournament lfnn here list lttyear listyear a ar
year r the 10 hut I linie frnnl tint e i re rest iinn iinnI 011
I I lo l it > e tlriten 11 lt Ity > Itetirve Ii I eirg llnltertnn nnd situ IIIh the thel
l I lIr iMrsss > am i ear 1 in l Ims > e driten 11 lit h lien Ker krchr krchr1tl rh rhTh her herIhe
Th Ihe < hlef hi toitr1 0 r far r the npeninz tla tlaare dat datsire 1 1II
are one iti II two 155 and 1 three ihu It mile I rm uisu f for the theI thehilt h hI >
Ma ar irs Vnnnir 1110 the lb It other even n n11I11 i 55 ten tentulle tentIll
I tulle Ill it free fr Mr tn all a II hindtt bus sii is up for r a i cliii utt 11 offered nfleretlMian on1h
h hg Mian i II II Whllll 55 hitlni hut Iuit repreetitnnte r i ye lOr r the thelei t h h1IIInl heieihstilu
lei 1IIInl hnli nl aiidmnte a tint 1 ro lntut t tmirdor tun on uruls rolr tuf tl IIIInmohll t hi i > t ten tenU
U 55 an ii iitomohile S sw Mtriiithtrt MtriiithtrtThe a rt rtTh I Ii at atThe
The Th Warner St auncr nuinniMir 111 tilting ntipiralu ntipiraluwhl ijupuritisushih
whl hlh h IIH h hiss tieen t limit > mllv for nr the thei h hIII
i I liearh rm e cc will III tie UMH isssi 1 Mr lr I Wn Sanuur nrnerlried nrnerlriedhi inlet inletitis 1 1Itl
hi itis inti 1IIhll hire initt It Hint I it 5 wnrxel us wiitittui wiitittuin ltI ltIAn
n An flaw The n nnlt 1 one itti of the h hitfh burs horepowrr hor horrlllor burspousef
powrr ret rlllor In Iflit srs r on the lb h t hh n h mda > flits flitsI ii iiIhe 0I
I Ihe I hti I hrltie will us III Uiilier i hnne hr hrisi us at I Ihe Ihewheel Ih Ih11100111111 I he heus
wheel us Inn imnlf 11151 cuclut TI WH 5i5ut tnidiul > tsiliisg tsiliisgluhouigls ire < lliii lliiilihniiffh
lihniiffh the iii h enirt lilnnk rnr fn or the h Nor Norrltiiwn Sn11 Norrletstus
rltiiwn it ii ni litn 11 > i mhile i luU 1 u b two I us n dnv sits 1 s en endiiriiMe iniiuurstse n nIr
diiriiMe Ir run in Mt I > hate t hiuss taut 1 ret been beentiel bestuiiieil
1111 tiel i numlter nr tiiemlier or f Ihe h rlnli rlnlihave rlllhhv dullshave
have alreatlt 1101 Ml I heir Ih enirt tr fee r Mi a atn as asin
tn eilur r ure 11 a favorite lilitulter 11I1 in I the Ih i onle nnl nIstesi1hie l lI
I 11 1hie he event n will 1111 le from rnm Sorri lrristiius rrl > iown II t in l4orlln l4orllnIon tiujunI ran ranI
Ion I I Inn and n1 return on Mat M I is mid I l III lust O ctInhotl I I Ilnhiarrll I
l nhardl or r thus 110 VorrHlown Surf iirujistus Ii t lull de 1lerM 1lerMh < are areIhe
the h report thai 110 the Ih run will III nnt l he hetinned > e AI ir irlinnet
linnet by the tts h innlet n tmrd or hit 10 is titers meriran 1IIrII titerssa
ran sa n tulntnohile is sit IIrnI I is iitlmi i i I ittt > is a iniinken sitist ken kens
I s
The Standard sa 01 Rye Whiskey Whiskeya
a frmateeJ Pure Rye 1 e Whltkey Under VIKl r NUonl NUonlPure NtJeaalPIIre NaIIeamIPure
Pure Food tllAw Lw Serial S rilJI ffumter 3163 3163NOT ZI6JNOT 2163NOT
Nk kirl
H B KIRK CO New York N Y
CLEAN way 3Y of ofthe cleaning cleaningthe
THE T the thorough way wayWith wayWith wayWith
With the motor drives Vac Vacuum Vacuum Vaculun ¬
uum Cleaner CleanerIt
It sucks np duct aad dirt every everyparticle
I particle of it itj
j I Sweeping and dusting nave eve dirt dirtdont dinI
I dont remove remo it itThe ItThe ItThe
The Vacuum Cleaner cleans cleansSaves cltvuSues cleansSave3
Saves labor and costs little to tooperate tooperate tooperate
operate operateEdison operateEdbon operateEdison
Edison Service is the best the themost theClost themost
most economical of servaatt servaattNew servaatlrsh ervazts5he
rsh 5he New York YorkEdison YarkEdison YorkEdison
Edison Company CompanyAlw
Alw Always y at Ycur cu cur Service ServiceTtUphMM ServicaTlepb ServkcTalaphea
TtUphMM Tlepb Worth 300O 300OVI
lluuuufQ Ibditl tniitSiui1 IIa luaJ IntUuctlon I lZu lIon n to torfiulpnrnL lilt liltquitpuurnt C Cri
rfiulpnrnL ri IntpectBurplant I Ob r Cisei ei ttartetrry ttartetrrywrrk
t 7r
week W tntte rile lor turlluotIct Ituoucl IKW Slltist Mlh t N S Soil vl vlone >
one 0 oil iHkitic kllll of r the lh report he sill sillislun < ii iitt 11 11orI1tllh <
islun tt > sitiitestluit ni orI1tllh e iniii to is the onirirt onr i is ri rIh rudicti licit
Inn llnr II 5 reliflon tidal Inns with us II h Ilie I h unterninir unterninirotnti 10 ertillug It
hints h ure or iinilialite ii ntis able lo a ileree I HIM slutl I us 111 111rer 1 I Irr1t Sser
ser rr1t ninh remain r 55 > Ihe Tit tineritnti I inl isuilo isuilotiudtlie ulo ulonuiliile 1110I
nuiliile I is < tv w mm his I los i IIH h hiss terinti rt i ni InrI Mml Mmlf us nt I
f feet l rule fill Mhlt is hll Ii I h we 5 e mtepl 1 nm oiilitlnnall nuitlit lime II
tint I in s4ilt oiiin IC iletnil ihe I h mlltie risls vu g hod K 1 > in s ii its ItawiHlttin 11 itsusinliitii
wiHlttin 1 rrter roo iinreaonile uiil I urn itrovnlitiir urnslulsnutu
vnlitiir it i is iluijetl nrte 111 < l that I h the h spirit 1lrt itrii of 0 0trol it itonirol its itststrol
onirol trol i is luttse HIIK arrlefl out ou it > the h letter lettertha 111 111hIt lelterthsl
tha hIt the h tnierrrt of onietniii n IIII are 1 al ishiWl > ii iiluleii
luleii III V Itrtil < rnie < ted 1 there 11a < an neter r he I an attn
hilt hiuh h oter the lb iietlon 11IlIonf or ant stlstiti lion 1 i
I l Ii > Kolwell I the It 10 Ihllilrlplili repte repteketlallte retr retruntIStlS
ketlallte 1 C fir if the tI is is 1 I hi Icie gone nn over oterever overuvrv
ever 1 > ileiMil 11 nr our nil run rl with us Ills u his and nol our ourrelitlon sisrrsIitittns If Ifh
relitlon hive h been 1 illfin IIrlnn mr In every etertwa
wa > Th Ilie is is I Is em elitluhiuti IhIIo > lmtl < In in ll I luttinsi t nil
that h the II oftli onlIII InN rnll tm I study riuilltletl 1111111 for
the Ih t 1lIlnll twIst > ltloii t lotus hue t > holtl tlfllr anil a tisi wt us certainly certainlytin lPrtau Inily Inilyslip
tin I mil n rOI rroxie tn nominate nlll lhc lhcuutiliwtsflt iii > etrnt
ror In the h place luau Ia s a mailer IIr or fist r rlrflfl1 we are areliifortnetl Sr Srtuftrtueil
liifortnetl tint lUrry l les wU Is n ineinher mhr ol olour ofoir r rnil
our nil t luti mil 1111 tte It ipelnteI ti ilnte on the Ih technical lechnlcalfitininllleeM IflChnl1IfIlIII technicals
fitininllleeM s IfIlIII e p retreenintlteor nr the theHml Ih is is is isitnil
Hml this onl > goes to prove that every deli eleiiwe delisue
we take p c dtiliTlittirt rilor > lo the nm will he In Ininllliletencconl tntsasthuislete
inllliletencconl sasthuislete ucuini with the rilIng llmU
dpd4ItlesVr4 l + lrtjI Ii II liiIiIliIll I1 l44t4i4gl I ITEE
TfJLfK w MS taA A C n tXBICM 5pasass 5pasass4S44
k5 WittISie 1 U Yost la
with higher priced rmtomo mutomobilesyou
1 biles bilesyou you will buy a Regal Regal912M
912M with Magneto MagnetoafCAL Magnetous
afCAL afCALAutos c ct us
t Autos At a Sacrifice SacrificeNrw
I Nrw ew arUa Uarrln Automobile Ifoutc Par ParI Pusretknre
I cirrllenre cirrllenreyn sretknreun
yn un nf th be twst t rrconttrurteit reliable makes makrIMJ makesieu I
IMJ ia am IUI7 IBM Irerlente all llr to toIxxwnoMIe t5t4womobtte
IxxwnoMIe 1o by > Tonnrau All l 1Ic > lr Parkan ParkanItrrre I arIanial1ni
Itrrre Arrow rruis lllc ltdimobltes mot > llr lrernlrr laolia laoliaM lanliaIstt
M Istt U Urrcnte Twroly nu Is four and andrtllntlrr 1 1Cs
rtllntlrr Cs ltntier llulrki ties onlt ml > i 8l 51itsns trn ilww until untilMaiwrll unttlSlsiweiti
Maiwrll IUlnlfr > llrnaulu Chlmrr LanOau LanOauteile Lan4ttrite
trite anti Oxn i adlllan liorhrl itorhris3tIsl IV II M klitt I it itswrll
swrll Mearn > l iSis mutlrli tit i w Muudani l lav lavtms > av avkm
km l ullnian > W title Steamer K M lIx lIoso lIosomobile > o omobiles
mobiles K ni > up Un > unusual opporluclUr opporluclUrrcmlac opportuaIUssornl5g
rcmlac In every d dati > lMtnua DemusiaUatkct UaUoo cheerfully cbctcfullrgltrn cheerfullygi
gltrn gltrnBody gi en enBody
Body Bargains BargainsRare Rare Snaps SnapsBought S
Bought at Stivers Auction Auctionvte
vte 5 ran offer some om na ftnn < nrw nrwTOfitiNct nsTOtltlXI
TOfitiNct IIOIMIH rrvmjAra and Tourt
AIKIT AIKITAlvi AItoItlt4Also <
Also Vat ests Ton Tops Wind lnd Shield law prtcrt prtcrtSecond rfres rfresMcon1
Second hand lloillr In crral variety harfVi harfVit ttarstislsrgrt
t irrmt Mock tn America I Pt every drparlmrat drparlmratBway depsrimeatBway
Bway Mammoth Auto Exchangi
36 364840 840 W 60th St sJL sJL1nOToRCAk r rr rrMOTORCAR
A Al LC ffl 0 mertran l tocomottu comoll e romranr romranro ConuanyIusc
o V l Iusc v Hroadwai fri svn Cal CalEN CalMENZ
MENZ EN Pert Auk > import < rnp > trt IV > of jflIi merlra
a iT aV lIi v to tall liroatwrat N NUUS4 V V1XUSH
IUICK Motor Co nj n sai txlwern 53114 53114A111 UUl A AC
A111 at Ilinite 040 Columbwa ColumbwaCAIILLA
C CAIILLA ABII I 1Q far Part fteruiln Ctrace CtraceI Grsgnlttmhus
> I oliimhu Clrrle Tel Vila i lot lotC nl nlCOATESlfSHEN
COATESlfSHEN C tel liwaS > siti 4 4mill
mill tit in Mi Cot CotC
VULIMDIH IMI Hituuiuak > Phme XIT7 Col Colrn 0 0aflAaA1
aflAaA1 63dSti 63dStias
rn as e si 5103 oa oaDC alsmbas alsmbasI
DC ninUlailTAU I and oMnilcrn
Ub UIDN I1ITIN liwai wsy31t wsy31tc AJlt N NThe
The I Imore Motor Car Co of N V VPlume VtVet
c tVet Sit 4t Plume fU7 f nl nlf DITouirtne
f Tourtnr Tmiraboui ItunahoulKim toil > lf I IWJBt Ilif3iiI
WJBt Inttnel metl > l Motor rtllrle Co Cnlu rift iS Jltl 7SSPIIIjUIS1N st stPhone
taflhi Coltisa St StSilk
IIjUIS1N Silk lIt 4 S Phone xa 5 iol iolIfnTTa tot totI
IfnTTa Ihifl Tis IUIOIl cl1ps S Siai
I iioira ISII I I H iai flrosilwa > 15th 1 1lnJ
lUUI I II l lnJ tj U t1Jiilflb Uulnh UulnhKntM > osusar osusarK
afajakM KntM Auuimol AuuimolUAAIIMftriltMilwat ompan ompalisa
RnBX K UAAIIMftriltMilwat lisa ItS flroestuss > Phone V Vll 5 1 1Stilt
Stilt ll > XfHI terKtirr KT AMI BltOt BltOtTrle S
t ZIE Trle Ieletttooe > hoar MM loltimiii loltimiiiafajakM IolumtsuMarlou
Marlou Flyer tflsiIttrsaA is isIlls
Ills ltrnsdwav
Overattd llionut 5itCitl 5itCitlAFtI
AITtl fO l teSS Mt tAM A nwat nwatPhone 11a 11alPoc >
Phone 5533 aj Col ColH o4
H 114 WFIJellltl 4 OC < lee lnrliiui >
M AIWtLL liiui llroadwar ar Pkonr iboneSItsSCAt iboneSItsSCAtMoI ilio Ciil CiilMoon
Moon TltotoTVar Mnlorar To of V V VU
MoI U 1751 l Broitwa > TeL < Bm Cat Catuirroit CotA
IOrttTNllt uirroit t itii it ct coir coirftway > nz nzHwayiiMtiMi
A TI4WIL HwayiiMtiMi ftway uSOh 15 Pbonv 1iH 7 Cot ColMade Cotu4
Made u4 hi ew Tort ntr ntrIMO
IMPLEI IMO itmiis IM n flusa > Tel nl itu ituSFUTIHFlWlttTl Cal CalWalton
SFUTIHFlWlttTl SFUTIHFlWlttTlSTEVERSBURYEA S Walton Ilnanrit Avl3h Mresisey MresiseySTEYEMSDVRYE t
4u11nst 4u11nstr
mjt e R R Tbotna Motor Co
TH 0 Jill M A S BwaratllM at atir t tWHITE
ir WHITE CO ° Brea flzodws1mad war aad CM SzdiL
L a