OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, March 22, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-03-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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m C r rr M r O 7i p I
F r 4 4
S > B
paying n ju JU8 t jrour our proportion to fund funcjyUiinrl fund4rd I Ired
jyUiinrl 4rd red from tho different com COf11Ini COf11Init > ni niI
I Itt HAT just jII that Mr lr Sheldon Sb t < tnn tnnI ni niI naI
I romomlior iomtr wan wn icitttng gtttIngfrom contribution contributionfrom contrihlltlonafrom
from the th companies mpani ho could Rot < < ot then thenfrom theomrom themA
from fromA rom romA
A letter from Slioldon to t Krwmer 1 1111 writloi writloiBoccrnlior wriUellmhr wrtIIoiiocuemtnr
Boccrnlior mhr 3i 311 JIll wa wait placed plIC IIru Iwforw th thiWitaem thltDfIf thWItDfI
Witaem ltDfIf i It uitUod u > > krd for un ti adijitiunul I13Y I13Yt piYnt v vFKHil
FKHil nt t of son K ffl l wlitch wa w wfld made madeDid mndOld
Did lie I nivviru Iro von It wan ti t th1iibtlon lf rtt rttIeehtlon il ilUfblitlon
Ufblitlon In a loxitiiiiato wav Wol Mr MrHurrell MrWunLI Ir
Hurrell ciuohxl ciuohxlWell qtoridWqIl 1I1oritelWII
Well jrc YCL un itniswerd wer d K K1IIr renter slowly towl towlthink
1 think ho did didMr didtr
Mr 11 Sheldon h ktoi was actinic for the th H l1uud l1uudl < uir uirof
of 4 l Fir tmWwritwn wim w u h nut
1 would aiv aivWaa v M MW S SWa >
Waa W h on the iMiiiniiltM of r law 11 w ant antj and andlHia1tlon
j t dont know knowThe knowThe knowThe
The minutes if r thn Ih law II tiw and nd nitcfl niialm niialmtioo nalIt400 <
tioo cornmittoM miU worn Uld l efore > Mr MrKramer MrXrsr fl flKremer
Kramer They rvvealod 10111 that Sheldon hat hatrun hadruB hdruti
run up a bill of SISmO for legal oxpeiuv oxpeiuvTB ope open oxpenaThe
TB The committee oomllll wouldnt 111 py > ajr it no sodon Shol Sholdee SholdeR
dee had tr ta > collect it on hi own ownThon hook hookTbon hookI
Thon Mr 11 Konnvljr cam In und mid midthat Id Idh k1that
that ho h wanted to I testify in n tvftard ItA1 tu tuBtordon tlllllemon to4rdon
Btordon HI liii mommy had l ten > eet > r rV 1r rs rsfrsbod
V frothed again ho hoI thought thoughtI I
r I I 1 wish lotvty to y Mr Suporirtondont th thil ititt itittfriend t ttimnct
il friend of Mr Hiardoii who I li In i th thjtyotn the Ihenow thenow <
timnct jtyotn now camo me to m ml and mill itd tint t I 1MBd IIr IMr
MBd Mr Ir Klvrdun u crtwl crl < injustice I have haviMveracnn haveI have1ever
I 1ever Mveracnn Myer i n Kierdon Uican Kennedy KennedyDo erneiyDo
Do you 01 rvtnemtior the I Klordon that thatealtod thatl4ed halNed
ealtod Ned on you Mr Ir llotchkU > hkod kodllbin
1 think he was a larxn man with jmli UIIIIyl jmliwan ndvair
air wan all the vrltnim IIn could recall recallA r 11 11tIS
tIS A Kiunloti In I not large und hasnt hasntwndr hnlr
l wndr r 1 hair tin II wear WII oyeithttVH oyeithttVHt 111 111Old
t Old this Kuntlmtiuti Jt > tnllnum you y han > thus dlbed di dieribed diejbd
eribed bed introduce liini himlf lf a ai Mr 11 User KierJ HloI UserVoi
I ton
J Van 811 all ir he did didU
I U I the real Mr 11 Kierdim mI In tlin tlinH Ill rulII rulIII ruuIIHe
I JlGw JlGwI
H fi8 is I Anti nll Kenn Kinedy l djr poiutud p1111 to toA him himI
I I l r i I A Aa to tho conversation COllyol > l Ilun that IMHWH bo botWMB boti
tWMB ti sa the bltnN wituevtand and the tb thiaIIegI alleged alltltfCllUunlon alltltfCllUunlonf Hionlon HionlonMr
r Mr Kennedy wan w very hazy bu Ho only onlyrMaUerted olllyI unlythat
f I rMaUerted that the caller call r had corn UMb U tut
t Mb Gt about sorao foglslatlnn at Alduny AldunycBMar UIunyI huIlY huIlYI
I cBMar C till coavwmtion COn Iton make any anyiwprwwlon anyi an antiapriston
i iwprwwlon 100 on you at t all innlsted the theInquisitor the109111a1lor thein9
Inquisitor InquisitorNo in9 utsitor
I No Im 1 m sorry to 51 ir it did nut ao o far fuiaa rarl faram
l aa helpitui me m to recall tho tl 1k remark riiijrLt > IIwrliI
1 A Aiheck jbck from Unlly UIU I n1I v Murrar for stu studpW8 1I1dralia 1I I IdfwR
dfwR on June IIII is I IBUIWC I II WI intrudured intruduredWaa
Waa If that tJ1 I1 your uur payment YQII froin thr thru th thUllderwrirna thirtya
u 4rwriuni rtya pro previously ioi ly nlfrml rrnl I IHoUkli 1ukec tMr
ukec 111 HoUkli HoUkliA
I lUJlthaY no Krnlldv Krnlldv8IH etjy etjyaes
8IH A Ktertion who bu hAd heim H > II Ini InibotlcMtly lallQUeally Inpat1etly
botlcMtly waiting in the room II aa allow allowed allowedto nl nlto
to 0 take the > ttnd H Ihsikt lIkl I < 1 he h lived at atIt I
It 1 Tharlton Btrrwt t and nd that he h U I ohl chIef rhlOOaIfttc chIefdark f fot
ot dark rk te th the Mayor 111ora ortlow om mci H Hblyms Ha < wan as A Aemblyman Mi Mismblymea
emblyman blyms from the Ih SttHiml ond dIstrict diatricl1ft < li trict trictlir
lir MM et H t wa w aeked krrl when lit 11 > flr ft1 t iuw iuwKcaac auwJteoedT UWZe3
Kcaac JteoedT Ze3 y asd a d r flId rejli IId l
1 nw n him a half hour ago for the tb first flntUm n1UIn firsttIfii
Um UIn In my m llf llfYou mTou
Tou were on th > iwvmbly mbl Innurnncx InnurnncxCoRimtttre huurnlloCommlttPl InurniicConmLItee
CoRimtttre In IKOf IKOfVm 11I01u
Vm f e all u throilth thn th three Ih yeira vntr r of ofaqr orrarM1 ofMrM27
aqr rarM1 ntiy In Albany tlban itno IBiti IQI and IWI IWITbe 11101nae iwolIbe
Tbe witn wInees iln saul id that th there r win w uo uootbrr 110ot nooth
ot oth otbrr Rieitlon or Hi Ithdn > rd i > In the th l Igje IgjeIture l lUture
Uture at that time H Lb never pH suiahtany Ollchl OllchlaHY > u ht htany
any knowledKe knowlfd of if Imuraucn l 1ItIbUon i Ution
11 aald
1 Was a never n vr ai inniranre mm the thewltnecu I IItllcoa tiiiwitness
witness comtinuMl in annwir to a q qtloo qilce qilcetion in intion <
tion and I was a nover n intem inltd > tr < l in iniaaurance IIIlaauran iniasurance
iaaurance never knew any a inwiranre inwiranrepeople InuranpeGl inaiarancepe01l
people peGl In Albany bany I never lulled nII on onir onMr II IIlr
ir lr Kmneriv I never MW him until untilrMterday IInlllyntlTdaJ untilyttday
rMterday when h I loolcrd him up it wanting wantingto Mlnx Mlnxio
to face the th man who wh luid done me In a griev grievou
ou wronn WrnflMr wronnMr
Mr 11 Rierdon mid I rurlh furthermore rmore tint he hewaa h hII tiewas
was ill II from January to t March 1901 unit unitthat 11111tJJa unitthat
that he could cou1det tyl a doctor tfrtlflrati tfrtlflratito
to prove pro rOVC It The Th letter eoll from rom Price t tKennedy IKftlnMY tKennedy >
Kennedy wa a written wrlu un II February 21 1 11oI
101 11
101Why Why Whydont rtont yon 11 0 e Mr Ir Price Iti who whowrote ihoWyote Ahot
wrote t that letter 141t mvfitioniriic vou vo I Ito ItozUJ lo3ro o oJrccj
Jrccj know him M 1 HafhUi Ibl hki a ac tM tMI
1 do 1 mean to t > see ee him and andhim sak sakMm k kIIhn >
him why hT he h wrote ih tht t l IUr IUrlUrdon IItrIUrdon ltrr ltrrRlerdon
Rlerdon then uhl il iltt l thit h wa n < u tJ1 tJ1cnrnd st stid t tmind
mind id regent nl of f the th Hoy kOyoil a I Arcenum < nllm ut attime utIme utS
> S time and had lectured nti or fniternal fniternaltamranre fratertiiilleauranc Irnal IrnalIlMuranlf
tamranre Speaker Vixim I n ai isked > V k1 i him himto himto
to 0 KO on the tta Insurance Committ e III Inplace IIIpJaCft iiice
place ce of Sloan of WenichrHte He U went wentI I
I am now here h K sekit ekini light l a as 8 t twhy Iwhy > ihy
why hy my m name ha h has > l leon > een ilrauenl tlruc 1 thr thrch thriiiittith ii < h hthe I It1W
the th mire mt of commercial comm rcial l Plitc PlitcRierdon > olitic oliticRlerdon litllJlIrdoll
Rlerdon Kiiit that he h would drop d in inagain IIIell inagain
again ell noon ard r1 lirin hrlne Mr I IVic with h im imtbe imthe m mthft
the met time timeMrl II timeMr m mI
Mrl I Kremer wan recalled 1C 111too1 for a few nun nunutea nHnUIN mmute
ute longer onpr He II admitted that he h end endMr endMr nd ndMr
Mr Kennedy were not of r th ho ayiie > nie 01 mind mindIn
In retard pnl to t the th morality mraIi t of < > f the th 1111 1111Cifta IlIIltcifta Iteilgifti
Cifta CiftaIf It we w had thought money mun wa ae t to I Idftt lie liegtYft M Mriven >
riven to 0 control votii 01 we w nhoiild n lIvr lIvrI v r rI
I I have lILY paid Id he aid wsidYou saidToI3
You knew that Ih a great K I fJtrl urt of ii iIiI h
I 111311 11311 warn raised r an u ixillticnl r < eitn eitnbutloo 111 111butloo fltriNoair
butloo butlooNo
No Noair o air ir 1 didn t know that thatManhall thaIirraha thatMarshall
Marshall No S PriicK iinxidnnt of the theWiUUmiburc Ih IhWlUiamburl iiiWiUiamsbur
WiUUmiburc City iI Fin FI Insurance i m miI > mi 01ny
i pany an ny wan the th nest n witness witn He H i ta H Hwhite Hwblte iiwhit
white haired elderly Idrlv limn who whoman h wn 1 > t ihnir ihnirman hHirIRaD
man of the th flnanc nan committee t miU which whichlopped whichlopCed whtchlopped
lopped off the Ih extra Jlcxn QUI from Ken KMIne K Kat KenI
I ne nedy fy hill of IBIII 1 He II wan asked < < 1 If I the theonmmlttee Ih Ihc theinmmitt
onmmlttee c nmmln > re rP31i1rr4I < iiiire < l itemired hill nnd nndI
I replied pllfd in the Ih aflirniutlve aflirniutlveWould amrniittveWould mmu1I v vWould
Would you ou rail 11 that an itemized bill billr liiil1d
r r Raid Id Mr II Hurrell allowing 1aiiowirige Knin inlv inlvatatemomt lv lvatatement >
atatement which wa waJlitw was wasaw
Jlitw aw Volta ItiMin fltumr or Fin rlRIr rvrfHwriT r rI K KMay
May I lai a 17 t Iait IaitI
1 T IT R Krrl 11 fir firi n nI
i I For counsel fe r lele rmn ifl ifltravelling telephone telephonetravillina IIhon IIhontralIlnlil
travelling expense 1Nn for elf If ami nlh othdurlnc niher niherduring r rduring
during current year 01 lo Ue > 1 11 l 3111 3111Thll in JH JHTh JiThe
Th witness wlln Mid the Ih reason eon for chop chopplug chopiij ho horIa
plug rIa off o a part of the Ih bill wall w hernuKe 11 II ItYou IIwas iiwas
was J xceaLT xceaLTYou IY IY1au
You knew Kennedy K4Dn < iy a as renreeentmg renreeentmgteaurance rprMfOnlrnltla8urancp repraeentng1njurancf
teaurance interests oti II the th Republican RepublicanWeV
fid WeV WeVY
WeVWho Y f
Who repre repntfd nted thetn Ih on th t Lmo Lmoeratlo > emo emoeratio nlOtlo
eratio tlo aldef aldefI elde eldeI
I dont know knowWed len lenWd knowW4
Wed Ilk to tl find that out 0 011 tno M MMr ail ailMr 101 101Mr >
Mr HotcbkiM HotcbkiMMr
Mr II Dnggo Drilt admitted subscribing fZ fZto SMif
to the SAo ivi fund undt at lh the < miageHtion of r Mr MrHutrhln MrI Ir IrHUIthlruo
Hutrhln He I 11 aLa aJ idntin > l twn t ta rhi elcIja elcIjaof kn knof
I of tlonuand 11001 lOt and nd Kun GOIllh1 4JI that he h fid mid In SheldMi SheldMiHeapoke ShI ShIH SheldimIpvike
Heapoke H Ik of ofofr Mr Kennedy an II MIIII rine 11n man manH manH loanHe
H He i ill a charming Kenlleman 111 Im II inl oiilUr inlMr hi hiMr
Mr Hotrhklaa but li forget forgetCol forgtCol
Col Alexander II Wrjv wrvr V rav of th the Com Comceerctal I IaPreiaI tys tysercial
ceerctal ercial Union wwirance ran Iompnny Ltd Ltdnt 1ldr Itrlof
nt r London t tcj l nf the Ih foreign fiiiipnni fiiiipnnipayinK iiiiwiniapaying IIIni IIInirmlit >
paying it bill ot SIO 9ttLlU I l to I IXivien Stone Stonea StoneAuerhsch il ila
a Auerbach in IV3 int It W was M th the f freEis freEiseomniiniee rfign rfigneomnanlea riltllnl
eomnanlea nl hari and nn they Ih mu flhllat t frill rlIw w
the th ttiAmriezn American m rincompII1I compuiim > In h HHM HHMThe said saidihe i1 i11h
The l last t wiinwiii wII wa was Mr Ir torrea rra He Hewan II IIhllllr liewas
wan a plennant chipper MOIl of a wiincM wiincMwan wn wnwa Wltflcsswas
wan wa Mr Ir i orren 1 nd < mil m not to mind mindthe IIlImlIb inI inIthe
the Ib ordeal in t the > II > e lm leii leiios t tu
011 u l kn knew n Mr Ir liMpn erv rv we wehe weil weilbe 11 11h
he h ft ni is4ed is4edi l len 1IInrorlII
i en untnrtiiTMMv l I ilul ilulA thuA li1A
A re receipted eipte < l I 1111 ill for IOr WOo1 i ruild lo loNational Ih IhStJon1 thaiJonal >
National Hoard < l of 0 Fir > ljnd Underitriters > n riter rll on onJutted finJtjte n nJIIt
Jutted JIIt t t lift wan 1 laid on > > n its I table It t tfor was vtaifor wastot >
for aerviceM r in th I he r repeiil > eal ut < il I th I tie tietax Hfiip Hfiiptai tllI
tai in OiniftH mt 1 he 10 lii witti wittice rl > > flidn < i r rinemlier rIf re remember
member mm If II itwwf it itMr 0Mr 1
Mr 11 torr 0111 i o 0111 ill tint ii throw ho IIn any nv light lighton ughfin lhl lhlfin
fin the h K Keiticdt nti > Hlv gift tlr I nnd ami 401 id that he hea h hpr1111 lia
a nriMil f t > MIIII mte that he h nv 11 liever r knew knewaity kll kllat knews2v
aity at > e41515tIrC iii Iatiir HI I ill 11 I lit h ton I is u Tioiint Tioiintol ftflIfltqof 11I1 11I1nl
ol r > wwi V > en 1Ih h tlit h lii i il 1 in iiihe Sheldon Sheldonhe hIlonh
he h w WII wee nnii upnnllo > l > tu a1oIfli it ount tor r thut thuttheir ta tatheir I
their lestinavn e litiai in lli I II v nil I Iraid uric fi firaW w as asaIi
raW in 11 ra act li Ueawin U n rI4Iiw A no ri wiid wiidCtrrea KIt P14i111irTes hI hIe
Ctrrea CtrreaIherw e irTes
here 1 1 h wa inli I iIii 1 ieiii wi Mi n i1 < T tli Ilic irnilv irnilvreitwirnnce lraitvritiirani rttvInm i
reitwirnnce Inm till of r i i wlnrh i iih t 1 Mr MrHiitrhii Mrfltchtsa r r1IlrhI
Hiitrhii ii and lh the witnesi itn 1 w airrwil i 1 1hAil wits witsiaid ut utlaid
laid When h hei orrea 11 wa is uti ii ii Mliiiiv he helin 10 10lmll liiItnilv
lin lmll > lv cirtildn t otand > i iheie 10 iiw Ii ml mlHe ti4Ifs 1 1He
He wan nlrilck liv tin th fnr r fiis n nf if ir x 11 11InlflU 119iis 119iislnielIt m mIntellect
Intellect InlflU of r tho th e V h hit hitpeople nt rfir iti it itpeople <
people of New w York ori 110 Km lliiv lliivtoo 11 11toO sei seitoo <
too rold ra for him M en > he h iot Ol nut nutMr otis31r 11 11fr
Mr fr 0 < > rrea ITI eid Id that thf th Ciradv jjit jjitsursie r n nuranre IIIrnre
uranre bill lnetite I fnlj I I the rein relnasiraIi relnasiraIicnmpani nra nrarnmJlni < iirAii iirAiieompanie > <
eompanie and hurt the th < ither > ih n Upir Upiretalir II IIetII PtrcialLr
etalir etII It wa pitched ho nderom nderomby n < ln ii iiby 1 1by
by Carl rl Schreiner hfinr or the th Munich 11ch ein einrtanT m mMr 1 1ny
rtanT ny Mr Ir Hotrhmm UOllh i d deelded < Hid i < < l to tnettmni tnettmniso xitmiii I >
10 cvms cVR A com ut i aLZATV UK MK WAV WAVLaXATIVC W
UTIVI reftiad 1 I IS ii tim I 5ur J W WVI wMa
o 5 sn VI ru Ma is M sa sakL
kL T I
1 1Mr
Mr 8chr Rblnfr hkhriner iner and ask him what wh t methods methndiuere mflho I In
uere prt n lined I In getting Irhu the bill 11 through throughHie
Hie then until untilU
1 hearing wait a idjniirned IIntl
U I oclock IhU thl < morning when Mr Ken Kennedr Knnly Kennesh
nedr In evierted tecied tu take the th land tali again againItAIIVs againbttAtY llIln llIlnI
ItAIIVs nAIY I VIEW n t It > TIIK tlllMiT UtT BIIU BIIUManIt 111 111r1A 51111AtliAtqy
I AtliAtqy r1A Marsh 21 1 Serwtor Snlor SeruitorTliosnas Tliomam 111aa I Ifirmly tOrd I3raty
firmly In ivnpotiMt 11 to queatlona by cor corniiioiid mrrelatIv r
niiioiid 111111111 < > iila relative 111 to a bill hi affevtini affevtinitin 1Unl
tin itiMiirunce companieM mentioned in intodayri IIII itstoilaya
In 1ran mpnl
I todayri iimMlicntion III SW New PW York ork city cityaid cl clAid citysaiit
aid AidI
I aidI I intr inlnJu1 liutroduced duce < l a hillin hi in tituS tll to givw Klv l It ItIrr Lietter > t tter
ter fnIlion inili > ctloii to pollcyholilen JlcfhoM of Ir tire I tIn tIniniuirauiei I
1 1 Irwurniioo I 11 m 111 coinpsnltHi oml nl under t Ilie Ih law lawIh UHIt UH oilit
It then Ih Blood arod a llr I Innuraiioe Inln P Khry Khryholder oli oliI ° lY lYIinklr
holder was w indetnnine hlllmnl < l by the Ih comNUiy csislsitsyiauiuiitig I
I 1 iwuiiiiK lIt I policy ole but 111 If i that com umnr eomaliyhiatt umnrha1 nv nvhad
had n > in inssired ured the th risk lh iho 101yholdI 101yholdII ioliryholder ioliryholderhail
I hail hlil no IU nionrm 1 aKainm Ilill1 the th h reitiHuratice reitiHuraticecomiaiiy reltissiratsesI 1inllrlN
I comiaiiy My I bill hi made al Urn tl reinsurance reinsusrancecotisitany 1lnnnt
1 coniiany clln rmponiiible pnlhl KM w well ll I as lh I the ori 0r141 0r141ual l lual
ual 11 company moinponTlse > I
I I Th compn bill bi wan I opK opposed > wd by ty the Ih lire lre in invurance inuranC insureties
> sureties uranC coniianlea mOnlt olpoo but I l 1iiiwwd Miw > > d It I with withi wil
i out opponltlon in the Senate nat and I think IhlnkI thinkwithout
I 1 without wlhout olpiiol opposition Ii iu II the th Awetnbly hl In Inn Inany
1 any n event onl It I hematite a law lawXTOtK lwI aw awrlfl
XTOtK rlfl TRASPKH U H Tl T t I4H I4HPrepotnl I 14WI 14WProposed H
Proposed P mrnrtmentt mrMII RrUltng IUns Iattng to the theHale Ib IbHle ttn5ate
I Hale Hle of r Mlampi lt and n Mtekt MtektAlavxr Mt t trch es esAtBiY
Alavxr March rch 1 Senator S4ntor Meade Meadeand I Ianti
I and UII AaiMmblyman tll11 Gray tonight Intro Introduced Iltr introduced
duced du 1 two amendment mendmenll to the stuck atockktamp stuckstamp Iok Ioktmp
stamp tmp transfer tax Uw One Onf ne prohlblta prohlbltaI lrohlblta
I I the t title 11 or espoalng Iplns for mle 111e uil of inch inchatampa inchstamps lch lchtmp I
stamps tmp without tho tl written wrrn content contentof ruwnt ruwntor
of the State Mbtl Comptroller lomlrol r by any n except excepta J pt ptI
a corporation corraton organized oralu umler the bank banking banLIn ¬
I ing In lawa law of this Mute or 01 under the na national MIlol natlonl ¬
tional Ilol b buk bank nk act d of the t Inited tulk State Stateor SIIdul Statesor
or a duly dul dul > authorised ltbornd a tent of the thl Comp Comptroller Com Compsmiler ¬ I Ilrlr
troller lrlr except 01Ct that tat a broker hrokIr making makinga mklnc mklnca
a stile Ie or any agreement llut of axle al of utock utockmay atom atommay tok
I may my aupplr uppl and affix Ib the th required 11111311 utamp et3nipaIt
It alaa l Mvhiblts hls tbe sale I of any uttmp uttmpfor tlIIlI
I I for 1 isat than It it U > face r value vI without wliiolll the thewritten Ih Ihflu theI
I written flu coiuunt c ut of the t tomptrullcr tomptrullcrViolation IunptruhierViolation olllptrl r rIolton
Violation Iolton of the tbn two provIsions rIlon la I made madea Iall Ialla nauI nauIa
a inindemeanor inindemeanorThe altm nor
I The bill 11 Increase In from six si Ix montlm montlmto > >
to one ont year year the imprisonment Imprianmnt penalty penaltyfor J11 J11ror
for the illegal tine 11 of inch uict rb stamp bma und undmake andml
I make ml omewhi Oht more mor stringent Irneont the theprovitlona Ih IhI tinI
I provisions priailna dttlnlng Illegal 1t11 lice among amongother amongether mongulbr
other thing making mkin the Ih tleflniUon dflllUon Include Includetho 1111dt IncludeI
Jlh I tho removal of it alarn stainhis a in MI once onN affixed mxtl mxtl1ICpUon An Anexception Assexception
exception 1ICpUon U II nude a as to the thl latter IUer pro provUlon pl provision
vision to the tb edect tnlt that If a tamp sbtl U Ualllxed I Ilxrd iialtIied
alllxed lxrd to a memorandum mmolulum of ante I and anddelivery anditehivery nd nddelvtr
delivery delvtr nt i ii not lnt thereafter made md the stampmay t stamp hllnl np npmay
may nl IH > iunl 11 on another memorandum nvmornnduml Imolndum
01 ii < > l ti 51e luovldnl that the th vendor ndor or hi hiagent hiItlt his hisagent
agent Itlt att atth attsch itll t > th tho memorandum memorndlm memorndlmI n nwritten awritten
I written wril ktitemcnt IteOcnt netting Ittlll forth rorth in il detail detaillht dtti dttithe detitltin
the fact cl justifying jutlnC the reiwe reiweHie renaflit I
flit second lilll i upecitlrally ftui inupuwers inupuwersthi JIr > o othe
the Ih Comptroller C oulplrlr to Prmly examine alin the lulls ia or ornitmorandi orIImald r rI
IImald I nitmorandi of nale 1 or transfers tnr ur ofhaes f fnharea
nharea h or certiflnattw rUnnlt of took tk where wherethe wh whtl whurilthe I
+ the tl prenent Jlnt law lw mention ulniiily lmtl mem memorandit meniorlinilt
orandit 011 of transfers lrnrt and miking 111 klllC other othertJiangM otr otrdlnl otherdimngea I
tJiangM dlnl similarly Imltrly int laln tnten4d > nded upimrently upimrentlyfor ulInly ulInlyrr
for greater ireatTTHK Iftr ilellnlteness ilellnltenessrii 1lllenl
THK T rii I IIKtIHl 1 IKT HI 1 1Im 1ImB iizouB 1 IMC IMCBo
Bo B B > Who ho Wlutubtrtl Iumblf Brr Him 11m at Tas TasUkH T Ta TaI as asI
I UkH ut to I Me n ef r Btr BtrTenyearOKJ 81 HHeTenyearuk I II
TenyearOKJ TfIYMrok Bernard Hrr Ronn of 4M 4MKaat 43 1343Kaat
I Kaat 1 1 Shuts 1 nth Ih street tII playing Ing tag with Ih hi hieotmin hiIl liiuIisjfl
eotmin In Il the > yartl behind hind hi Incle lIdl Solo Solonvtn SoloIn Soloman
man In X lkll Zskin < klm wholenile kwthe Jth htire htireat I It
at t 730 S 345 Second I avenue aenl ye vldY terdty after afternoon afr afrI alternoon ¬
I noon non stumbled over Rough 1 Ih n brindle brindlebulldog Irindl1lnldoa I Ituldog
bulldog lnldoa hilhfrta hlhrlo harmless The T d dul dog dogI g gbit
t bit hi him M several > 1 tirmM tl in II the t tPi log logThe IKTh lgni
The Th young YOUIII counin rlin trietl to I heat e4t be h nut nuitnel
I mal nfl n but hit when the Ib dog d1 turned Ilrn1 on him himhe hhl hitislie
he hud hd to run rln lhcn fn the Its doc dOl do went I hark Ixicknt harklt
nt lt the th Ronn boy who wan w lielpleiw on 011thlt insthi onthe
the ground tore to a three Ih Inch Ild wound In Inhl il itshits
hl hits scalp I and nd bit It bin hi chevk chevkMr MkIr thtukMr
Mr Ir 7i 71klld Ziuikititi kind attracted aUrcl1 by b the Ih crie criewent cries crieswent Ti Tiwlnt
went at the th ilog dOl with a club He I antI amiIolicrniatt In antII
I Iolicrniatt Tn Trllllr Trainer iner finally f1ly got 10l it uway aw OW5sfroni > > i ifrom i ifrm
from frm the th boY and nd tied hIt him hia up upAt I supI
i At 1 the th Syd yt yilenhntn nhntn Hiw Ultl hlisipital < ital II I took I lire lireVoIkwtz > r rWolkowitr t tolkuW
Wolkowitr olkuW l7 end rtl Kramer two hour helir to tore toj
j < tress < re < M oil I the h wnundo nla It I I Is fmred that thatthe th1UI thatthe
the UI boy will wi die tlf hough bou < h it i In I nut lielieved lielievedthat lielkvrdthat
that I ha the tl dog dol had the rabies rabirMr rll rabieslr I
I Mr 11 Xikkind likln1 dOI doe not 01 want to I have havehit hvhi havehis
hit hi dog dOI shot 01 aa a 1 he h do d not think lhnk him himoiiH himInK lutni4tngroiss
4tngroiss InK oiiH If properly rprly trejitt t trtteil fd l The Thenf Th Thfor riseIlartl
for Ilartl nf Health 1I na li lweti en enntif noUnI noUnIltrn nolifleitPRItTOS
ntif PRItTOS ltrn trn 11 IPIS vs i nrn H ITS irtiel IT ITi ITSrta
i iel rta t a Lee I In I the Ihl Triangular Contest ContestUllti nIrnt nIrnteth
Ullti eth tale 1 and ad Hart IInsrsl IInsrslIslxIMro nrd nrdI aril arilIaixiKrnv
I IaixiKrnv March larch1 51 Prinrwhm Prill In InIc won wonun wittii
i un one leg of Ir tlieriangliiinl thlrla tisi S rtanluiirlehate l > atitMtw lid wan wanhlarvisril Mn MnVal
Val Harvard Uarard and ld Irinrwtoti Praltoll IIT h defeat defeating drlt
ing 11 Yale aIa 1 hrw h tonight The Th iii iluaititn iluaititnWa 111 111Wt tlim tlimwas
was Wt whether the th Federal Inveniment InvenimentMiould iovensmtstshould I IhoII1
should have the I h pownr Iw siwar to I levy all n income incometn 11 11In utseotntima
tn tima not apportioned alpni1 among HI < the th States StnteacKording S SI Statesaesiinling
I acKording nhnl t tI tIt < i iasiilal N > iiiltlon iiiltlonPnniviHi llaloll tutu tutulist j
I PnniviHi hail the th negative negat uti Malcolm MalcolmM
M I MrlVnnolt lldn uU IHIi I of r Chaltaiiooica ChaltaiiooicaIVnn l thaI al t talsnga talsnga1ci5 allIA I ITnll
IVnn Je J Je5 m Htrrnian lain 110 of Stirling StirlingN trlmr
N 1 ami K t i It I WfnttinKliam WIIIIII IB It lvlwtnn of ofNnwtnn r rwIn
Nnwtnn wIn S J wetvtlui w war the Princeton Prllul swi s1ieak s1ieakera k krrs kn
era n Th Din Vale aia ai alt < 1 wa 1 Mi auijspurtl uprxn titl ly lyM Styl y yI
M l II I Iluni 111 Kill 111 I of Ir if ltrnlK UllcM htrsIgeinrt t > < > rt iiin iiinr I iiiiti iiiitiI
r I K I W Wood < KM rtll I I of r Bnniniitisrii nIhll Ala Alnanil Alaotisi In
anil 11 llo hlowarI nl IV I I P irer ityer IJr I0n 111 of oflanil r fort fortInml
Inml 1111 V VHie SI V Vliie I
I Hie judge Jltl i wiw w Prof Iror I U W M 1 Npragux Npraguxof Isragua Israguaof
of Harvard Iarvanl < kts I Huratio Huratl I King Kinl of ofHroomvn Ir ifHriwsclvi
Hroomvn f lv mill NIf TalcoM TI i WilM n of itti IMM IMMljfl Iilj I
j ljfl cIlla dIilua dIiluaU > lll lllif I II
fl Pill i 11111 m i s in iuizv iuizvlrss543e vs
if I Iff lt UtIf4 us 1 11 i iMenage 1 1M
Menage M Hrfit nt From Three Have H hut liutKlrenim huttrnll hutIlrenirui
Klrenim trnll IHitnl set el t Ttirtii TtirtiiFin ThrtiuFire 11 11i
Fin i alarm alrn were 1 rung 11 < In from three threel Ihr Ihrhl threehozea
l hl hozea > oie in lh tha virinity of r M litiitiing b11111 frame frameIOIIM rrmh transhsiiisa
h hsiiisa IOIIM > tit 11 ii t Antliony nthn pveinie PII P etsuia iMid i 111 lot Prospect Irospectplare lrOfll ProspectIlae
plare Ia The n Kronx Irn1 late Iat ah lil flight ilIII undno undnoftiglti 11 atil nn nnlltin noetigitse
ftiglti etigitse lltin romiMineM romlli rr rcepotislett M > nclml The Th fire flremeanwhile fr fireuisratswhile
meanwhile IMIhi gained laln1 hccdwry stud the thehouse Ih Ihh ttietoisse 1
house h end nft two Iwrn IIrn were destroye destryelvhsen < l lwhen
when hn an In engine lln company Imfn iirousnl I ItIJh by bytelephiotsa > y ytelephone
telephone tIJh rlnilly IInlly arrived arrivedThe arrhf arrivedrh
The Th tire Ir wa was sp apeciatiltar otatular a as the Ih hosts hnusewa hOI hOII hostswas I
wa on n hill hi in the th Mount Ho U hlispe > e swtlon swtlontlartaril sactionIlsrard 1n 1nnnrl
tlartaril Mln I Two Orlialr OrlialrCAXIBHIIXIK IrhIettsKltnlK
CAXIBHIIXIK IIRI ttsKltnlK MK Mass r M Mfrrli 71 i Mr I the theiinanimou t theiinantmnis h hunanlm I
I iinanimou decision of r the t h he judge JldJ liar Harvard iil liarvaril ¬
vard 2rt won on the t h Hiiruirl Innr del Iehste > a1 with wit h Imiro Imiroton Iril I Iton
ton toulithl IUlllhi rrguitiK lll Ihe I he negative al h sid I of ifS r i ithe I Ith
S the th question Ilf for th It tnsnguliir trIr I d tleLtte tleLttersa l > it itThmgin I
Thmgin f rsa II ghe llrrvrd Ir III rvriI mm isul virtoretoKtvnn virtoretoKtvnnfor irtsre t tO ae Cli Clifur 1
for Irintxton in I th I h hi fc nx nxNrw r rios riosS
S Nrw Sr Y3 HAXPIS I IN Me Mac 12 ch ch1 h 21 Harvard won wonlli wonI
Ilh I lli the debate al h hr r tonight 10llilhl from rr Vne ae in the thetriangular th thrUIlular theS I
triangular S rUIlular dxtiatingionfMt dh3tnl ilabating iitutest I I t Th The subject subjectWR lhj1v
WR v Rtsolvml that lh t the h rVl Fadral r r1 il Sovern Soverniii l
iii ni n nlioiild hav tho tl S his tMiwrr to imMM imMMi imfuissa imfuissaiiis mN
iiis i uiroiiiH leom tct C not n 01 apportione < ctnong nnts oll the theStntHo I tts ttsStat h
StntHo 111 Stat recording rrrlinl to I iMipiiletioti IuiuluuiIatHitiI II lul Vole Voleiookth HI HIok
iookth I ok onk I Ii 1I tsgt t h siI j
nlHTfRS M iv 1 Tin TI jf JI JIhl JlSJIi K KChtl
Chtl hl 1351 Kngtaecrlni s rerll 1 In M Nntoa eetn r r > lng tt ttBra11 1 inIttsill
Bra11 Bra11No 11 11o Ittsillnead
No o need n going Ihll all al the I way w lo British BritishKant Dritlh Dritlht hiritiuihKsmaI
Kant t Africa Arn In search t rth of mriloua llolla udveu udveutiltv Ilvu mulycutllttw
tiltv 11 said Iel Willanl Wilni P Miller illrr a 1 civil civilengineer cl1 civilcnginer
engineer who arrived Irrh1 yvatrnLijr ytlrr at lira liraHolland t t1011n thehIollatst
Holland 1011n House 10llN from rrm Tutnia ra I Pin ll Uman
3 1 man wnntn wall plenty IInt of excitement seipm1 all allhu 11 silthis
hu ha ° gut ci to t do IH I to Join n surveying Ilryhll party partyon
on Oh 1 I II ho is new w roail rI that tllt in I being built IIllt through throughIhe t hrllch hrllcht lsruiglsthe
the t jutigU JIIIIII t or central nlul Brazil nn7i up 51k I Into Intollolivia Inl InlIlllvla itItiilulivia
llolivia Illlvla I huv lx hn n down there 1n a year yeatand yearand r rnnd
and just to got a vhungx hllK I am aa going 10ing over overIu
10 rhitui lhill hutu lo Ii work wor on the Ih Vannantii VannantiiItallruad Vanssan4iIItallruad anantllItUre
Itallruad ItUre which i ii lining hilg built Imll hy h Amer American mr mrI zierIcons ¬
Icons I IconsI n
icanI I hadnt U bn bati > n down tuwn In Bnixil three t threewousils tbrmicoiilti
icoiilti mOIL when WI I began Ig tu want to see seehirnuitway e eHroudway e eHrdwa
Hroudway I ho Ih worst way wa If I I had hadtayt hdlaY1 hadstayud
laY1 tayt < d down dowl there Ih longer IonI than t did didIlia didIItt dIdthe
the IItt jungle jlll would Olll huvo hlvl driven drY me II crazy crazyDuring crayUllrnC criEyltiring
During UllrnC tIme th year I wa WI down with wih malaria malariatwenty l niularhitwenty lri
twenty tlmw 1m And when a i hunch or > f clx clxof lx lxof Ixof
of ii reached chn Porn near the th nioiilh nolih of Ihn IhnAmazon th thnI10n liiiAniazon
Amazon nI10n und Inl nsL found rOlnd there Ih her waa no I Inpr lS lSwner < aa aasvnger
svnger npr ship du to come oor thin Ihi way WI for two twowei twok twoweeks
wei weeks < k wo W were w ci > afraid that we w would wouldhav w011 wouldhava
hav h another aothtr attack luck that tbll wa 1 climbed elm on onboard 01 01bnl onboard
board bnl a British Dritl tramp tenutr t lr the thi Eng England Fn Fnblld Englaud ¬
land and came lo Tampa Tltll It I wo WI any anything anything ny nythinK ¬
thing to get et away uwayOf Iwy Iwyur awayof
Of the th Madeira and Mumore Railroad Railroadeighty Rllre Railroad44311ty
eighty Icht mlK al have lieen Hntahed Inlb and nd are areIn areIn r rIn
In operation All th the aurvoy eur has l been beenconipktd > e n noompiebHl
oompiebHl CnPO oplol up into Bolivia BIII And 1 waa wa with withone withone withoh
one oh of tin th ttngimwrinK Ullilllg corps < that were weredoing weIl weredoIngs
doing the work 011 There were 1 nine nlnf Ameri American Am Amcall Amaricatia ¬
can In our party 1 and thlrtynvo thlrylvu or forty fortymttlVfi rortyIUhomh fortynittIt
call 011
mttlVfi IUhomh hoiuhre wo call cal lli them m to die distlnguUh dl dltlncutb dietinguiah
tlnguUh them th1 from rrm th the Americana Alrlcn that thathetng thatIHIIK Shuttiitsg
hetng Ihe HpaiiUti word for mm The Thelatter Th ThIIIr Thelatter
tll lih won
latter IIIr of ooisrse < < our i e speak k l ortiiRueiM 1ortljI > > but butIn bl hiltIn
In South Hll American countries Cmtri Amerionii Amerioniingiu AmriOn AmriOnII Atnarloalsiigititrs
ngiu II iigititrs < < ln H > r are uod 1J1 to dealing dlnK with Span Spanish tpu tpuIh Spanhmh ¬
ish et apakii4wsurktnen akiiiawiirkinen ami ald use U that thl1 term termIn Itrm ItrmIn termIus
In KoiniTup going i the th Itlo Madelm it took tookn lok lokn
n twvMityvlglit II t dav Lv to lou go IS n mile mileon mi
on I ntxoiinl IItit twIty11 o uf tlm Ib rapid 111 and nl fall rai which whichun
un numoroii llundnd II ld of lm hiotii t come comedown tm tmdown oniadowtm
down lumroll loadeti lodd with I nibner and 1111 II i III is Ihe Iheobiwt tb tbobJt lbubjucI
obiwt of tho th railroad IId to cut out 011 the thl fall fallund rlt fallsand
and make luk Ihe th product Inluct of the Ih Bolivian Bolivianfottw 8ullnll Bolivianftests
fottw 011 i o ay y to take lak to tli the e1 e1Wh1 cinal cinalWhetm < x > usl uslWhen
When Wh1 wu not IU Iv the Ih pLace pi where whlrt our oururvey 011 011lr our555cr
555cr urvey wu to start wu u found olnd we w hud hi our ourhand ollrInd ourhisistisi
hand full fiI It I Involved Ilvoh1 hewing our ourPHI Olr Olrpl ussrpat
PHI h a as w we rut lIt along aloll uud ud every vr few r dayw day ly lyw LiyaWi
pl w Wi would have li to clear a I saiee i It ore large largeenough largt largtIIOIlh largeetiouigli
enough IIOIlh to build nid a palm house houseKrery hOI hOIf boutsIuy
Krery night liabt without < llholt exception 101 we wewould wewoushd ft ftwOllld
would IM f awakened uWkttl by jaguar jill1 breaking breakinginto bakillt
into the camp cam The n hombiW homh slept iait in inhammock Inhllmmok itthanimocks
hammock hllmmok rmI which were w hung Ilnl husn about threw threwfeel thr threefret
feel 1 from rrm runs the tb ground Iroulll and IUS thr Ihrr ttsera re would wlld lie lieveil beylI 1 1yells I
veil yells of n nlnn alarm la nn ua a eotne tl mu awakened AWllkenl to toilnd told tolituul
ilnd ld a big wild animal anlmlmeln smelling about lllt him himThe IsiniThe
The Th camp hil wld light laha would wOlld attract the th beastlot beast 1 1lot beastslotii >
lot lot of 11 them t m were killed klfC1 br the tlO men lIItn who whoMiid ishutsushi
sushi Nhl that the U animal IIllmal If i hungry buncr would wouldnut wUId wUIdIIot wouldtint
nut hesitate hltl to attack RIIk hiimun hum > > n being beingOne beIngOtueday n
One Otueday 1 day dy wa found the boneaof bm of a native nativein ni
in lite tl wood wOI but we wetild did not 10 kn kns > r whether whetherto I
to blame hlam hi death 111 on the U jaguar jllr or on onthe onwhich onthe
the vulture which hung bllnl about in the their Ih IhIr thesir
sir ir near lr us always Iwa In great 1 numbers nuraberaAnd numrand numbersAnd
And nd a for insert IItt why wh there th seeme seemed II l to tot tolo toLa
t lo La no fewer than lmimo i4ai4 suede I of ants antsand anil aniland antsand
and the Ih tarantulas IAra1t111 were W eight ICb > incises IIhlonl IIhlonlmalden long longnot longSuit
not ronaidenng malden their leg IC We WI used 1 to tohum 101lnl toluui
hum 1lnl u t path Ih around Imnlb the camp to keep the thelegion IheIltioll thelegions
legion of Ir ant ul from invading Inadili it i and andnrryin ani anilI
I nrryin away aWIY our rice ri rim und other pro provision proVIOI irovisiols ¬
vision visionH VIOI VIOIN rln
H tS IT I tfWfK Hm ISltM U ItI 1Sf 1 THICK THICKRoad TRlrl TRlrlta TRIIHush
Road nw Gets < el ta UI ll I Packing Parin Home la lieu Prwl PrwluH Petl Petlu Ptedoils
uH u foIsting < Ine Kt lSs1 lSs1UUAIIA t tOVIAIIA 1hl
OVIAIIA hl Neb h March 1rcl1 21 A Joker In InI Inth
th I he agreement cII1nt of If a all 11 the tl OmahaChicago OmahaChicagorailroad uIIAIalhl iirtisluaClsieagorailroad < o on
n railroad rolln line un to Increake In rate ral on In packing packingIOIIM iackingIHult IklneI
I IHult IOIIM product pO IIt beginning today hatnabted hat 11 11Abl1 hsaietahtei
nabted Rock 10k Inland 1111 line l to I gobble heo the thenlirv th thpcklnl theentire
entire packing pcklnl IIOIIM h bm lituiin > in > < s from tHe tHesuit I Ilh tbeSisuitls
Sisuitls suit lh 1 1 Omaha packing J kll lentrt 1I1r anil lnl today todayvery loa loan1 todayevery
very pound n1 of meat Ual gmng 1 ea twanl atwardwit twanlit
W wit it M sent > nt over that lht railroad railroadaverage ralr railroadTla
T Tla average rr utuisuuient hiniM hllUtnt > nt ea 4alw uaatwAril twaril r1 from fromOmnha rno rnoSIh fromSotilti
SIh Sotilti Omnha Umnh i is four train a day dayOne Ia layOn
One 0 months Inllh ago lo1 all the tb railroad between betweenOmnha lst wan wanPuiatus
Omnha atul lul Chicago lbiCI llle 11 tiled < notice noli with ith the theIntemtMte t td thelistresale
IntemtMte d Coiiunerre ittimerri 1 l itnmi uznmssion miio < ion that thatMI Ib1Ircil
las MI March Til U I moat ml rate rl would w0111 be I ad adfiuiwl adyasiril d
fiuiwl front Omaha South suslts Omaha Uml and andS andlnd
S I oiiucil lnd Illnffo luft ThaI rate 11 cannot cannotwithdrawn UnI I IIlrwn Is Iswslhislrawn
withdrawn Ilrwn for nt lt lea 111 husI l thirty IIIMy day dayToxluy d dTIIY daysrlltsy
Toxluy it I wa itlMtivetvti I that hock lUxkI Ik Iklbn1 hockIitantt
lbn1 I lam I had rot 101 changed dIIJ the Ih rate ri from rrornI fromIt
It 1 station at I Albright riRhl Neb SI jut < > titid titidihe uitaidlit Iil
I I lit ihe South nh Diiahm Irh yard bout and con conHMteil coniscItit
HMteil with IIh all I the th packing houiw h1 by byihe h htl bySIte
SIte tl ktixU 1 yunl nl rilr rliro rsilraiI ad All 1 packingIOIIM packing tlklnaho
ho hItili IOIIM prixlucte were Immediately turneit turneitiver tirndtiver
iver 1 to t that I nwd nwdTlie rNelnl rsutlth
Tlie nl oilier 1 IHe ht railroad e ecetwani twanl tanlharll1 are areliargmgthe areclsargsiig
clsargsiig liargmgthe harll1 I thil Kock Jk 1 Uland 1llIlr withd volh utelitierataly utelitieratalyItitluittig lil > erat ly lyiHliKirig
iHliKirig tliein IIIm t to t Ii increuw Itu Ilieir 1lr own ownute uiwtirates
Indlml rates ute 1 while whl Hock Iwk Inland through IhrUlh the therhllicnlltv tht theteuhisruilitv
rhllicnlltv hlrnlit gel II jiIs all al Ih Ihsi h hHlm1 lutijijiseuta lutijijiseutaIttllIPSi
Hlm1 IttllIPSi si ii 11 III1 if nnnK Hrm7I ntit siii T Trank TTn TTent
Tn rank I IIIIC IIhIuiug lalilln c SO c 1lo 4slIena allon < imi niashrd hnl hrl In Inflie I Inlilated
lilated IU Ifliell DIstIller Uldmrrn
flie n odors < > l 101 or arising a ri nl from the 11 lu Lisiuseiit einetit of r I
133 43 Hopkttiium nkl1 avenue VII in II the th Krownville Krownvillert Urownvl Urownvlrt
irt rt of Brooklyn Hroklvl lured III many tllY persona pernonhither Io Iothlhr personathither
hither thlhr Utto Itt I lat sat night Illhl They f lb went and andmelt ststluuiwht nd
for raid on an illicit illicitlilkey illicitelsiskey
melt 1 and lingered lillr a ni lcil lcilhlky
lilkey Mill 11 wa Wi was going lrolnl on onThe tinThu
The officer mn hail balln lieen watching atchiu the t h base dawinriit IRH IRHIlt baseStietit
inriit Ilt 1 for wmte 1 time and Ild when wh Max 1 x t ohen totienithsui ohenNIII nhnh
ithsui NIII h nay O he h live lv at 19 tl lle haIcr ler street streetrnierged atrusatetiserged IrI IrI1rxo
rnierged with 1ilh a tlv five gallon Ilon keg of whiskey whUkeyihey whlkyIh whiskeythey
they Ih 1rxo fell upon iixm K him and nd took away key keyto k kI keysto
to the Ih baKement 1 111 that th they y found in hl hliHicket ii iiThn liiipocket
pocket I > Then they entered nler andiiiahed andiiiahedtrlftygallnnlankof end nd nuiashsed nuiashsedatiftygalln malht1 malht1a
a atiftygalln trlftygallnnlankof IIrt Ialon Ilk tustsknf or illicit llcl whiskey to I the thegreat I Inr thegreat
great pleasure of onlooker onlookerCohni nnlonkh onlookers5tticii
Cohni h I II is held a 1 as a auisliiriotis u 1IlrO piriotiii per pnon person personThere on onThen I
I Then Th wa w was mi n one 0 else clii I on the I lii h pieiitiftetthnt pieiitifte 1111 1111t
i iUtKN
tthnt 5105 t Ii I a KTO lo Burglar HarglarCAMPKN luralr BurglaruPEN
CAMPKN UtKN uPEN V t March 1rh1 21 Fighting Fightingwilh FI < < htnlt htnltwlh
with wlh A negro burglar rgIAr whom he h had hadtliimbled hAdoyr badatlituiblfWl
tliimbled over in hi hiiui kitchen klrhn Joseph JosephHleigerwald JosephMteIgerwalii h h1ijrall
Hleigerwald 1ijrall W r year old a piano pino maker makerf mak makor
or > f 1407 111 South Klth Tenth street IIt wall fatally fatallyiliol rtl fatallyaislO
I iliol in I theilxlomen th atlomt early 11 this morning morningn momlnI
I it n hour hnlr later II fharle harl t1iavsr e iver colons colonsif
lit if r 735 r 3S Varneck place pia was 1 arrested at atdie Ii IiI attIle
I die Ih Kalghn Kalahl i venue > 11 ferry an a he h wz 1111 1111I l nanl sorctlntt > nanling
ing inl o Imat I I for Philadelphia leaver CIar was waataken wastaketi a
I taken liefore Stalgerwald three Ih time timeIhl 1m 1mIhl timethis
111 this Ihl morning 10minK in I the Ih roo Cor > er Hospital HopltalTwice HpIAI HpIAII HospitalTwice
TI Twice the Ih wounde nd1 < man mon wax not cussa cussawhether iir iirshelher lr
whether lhr leaver had done the Ih hooting stioutlcsghut hootingnt hnoliI
I hii hut nt the th third time 1m he h posItively llv1 Identi Identified Inl IdentI11il ¬
fied 11 tunis him a the Ih burglar ralr who whodlit hIIII did the shoot shooting ushotiting hoolInlt ¬
ing I II I II
Easter Eater Neckwear NeckwearA
A bit of color will wi add to your new suit or orfreshen orI orfreshen
freshen frehen up upyouroldone your old one plain weaves figures fgures stripes stripes50c strps stripes50c I Ii
50c 100 150 200 250 250Spring 250Spring 250Spring
Spring Overcoats with a little litle more style than usual usualI II
18 I 8 to 45 ready to wear wearI
I I Ii
I j i
TirrrtKft TnIT TO Tt T IAWM I 1st H WV iKvr iKvrPraJllblU I I K KIrhlblhs 1 I I II
PraJllblU Plbls TheIr T Fraetltlng Ia f rA law AW for Blali BlaliBepartmrat BtatcNesrutWrnnrtt
Bepartmrat NesrutWrnnrtt rrntalaU Branrlt ran Pt In a BH BHt NIHI
t tat hiusilgate editstr t What bt Kxlrnt t th thL tl the theLawyers <
L LW Lawyers wera Have I Mervnl Hfi tho t th Xtate XtateALBAMT HlatAL lta ltaALUANT I
ALBAMT AL Ufl March IN1 21 AwemhlymnrRobert Assemblyman AssemblymanRobert mhlan mhlanUobrt
Robert Uobrt H Conklin lonlcln of New ew York city cty In IntroduceJ InM InMtruc introdticetl
troduceJ truc a bill bi In the tb AM Aabl tnbly tonight tonifthto
to meet t tome a of the tb altuatlona atllatln created cted by bjthe bytb bythe
the tb Add Ald trial tr and by the Inouranco Ilrnce In Inveatigation InYNtpUon Inveatigation
veatigation YNtpUon now no in progrea pr in Now So York YorkMr Yor YorkMr
Mr r CorJiliae Cu Ia bill bi appil apptiia to t UiU tl NI NIth 81aa 81aathe tah tahtho
the th Federal Ftn Statute tut prohibiting prbbltlDS w any an mom momber m mbl mernher
her bl of tho I glUturo 1ltl during durna hi term ol olofllco ofoftlce I Iollce
ofllco from Uw for Stat Statidepartment Statiiepartmcnt
ollce rrm practising pnetlal l any n Rtt
department dtprtlllt or branch brnh of the State 8tr taIm Govern Governraent Gnvarnmeat
meat The Tb bill bu would olid make me the th lb dravrlnf dravrlnfup rln rlnlp < <
up lp of a bill bi for forany 01 any aT corporation oorraton a vioLatIon violatlorof vlolllon vlolllonor
of lbs Ib Uw lw It would likewise Ikttwl prohibit prohibllany prhibIt prhibItany
any member lIIfmbr of th th the Ixigiclature IAalatll from fromorvlng rrm rrmIDC I Iserving
serving IDC a as counaet cnl for any ny Blat Stl ItMtitu ItMtitutlon ImtiLution
tlon and ad iu general Mral makes mkU it a mIsdemeanor mlademeanoifor mlatMnor mlatMnorfor
for a Hmator ttor or Aaaerabtyman Amblrn to Uk Ukmoney lake lakemOU8Y takemoney <
money for tarvlcoa UMk performed prore outside of olhla ofbl ofhi
hla bl hi Immediate Imlelal duties duUe aa a legisLator legiaUtorScarcely Iltor IltorHrl legisLator54roIy
Scarcely Hrl had hd the th Conklin Conkln hill hi been Iweniotroducetl h beenintroduced n nlatut1
introduced latut1 when wht Assemblyman Amblmn WillIam WIIm VH1latnM
M 1 Bennett BnDet of Now ew York city I put In InImikr InImi1 a asImilar
sImilar Imi1 bill bi but blt made md it broeiUr brler In scope ncorwand Jp scopeand
and Dd provided for a legitative ailly comrelaaior comrelaaiorto cmmlo
to consist on1 of two to Senator Intr three th Aaaem Aaaemblymen AmIlyn Aambtymen
blymen Ilyn and five Ih person pD to t h lie H named nmrc by byby b h hby
by the e Governor GoYoror to t Inveatlgate generally generallythe pely pelyth
the th extent to which whic member lmr of the Ib I 14 Legla LeglaIsture < egi egiUture
Uture lhl have already served Mvd the State 8tt looapacitie lo 10Opcl intpacitlrs
oapacitie Opcl outsIde ullde of their tbll immediate ImaiedlaUdepartmenUi Im8flt Im8fltdprtmenU immediatedepairtmentu
departmenUi dprtmenU or In any n other way have haveaccepted ha1 ha1pl haveaccepted
accepted pl retainer rdalner or f compensation cmplMtlon ol olany orIY ofatsy
any IY kind for promoting pmtn or opposing applnp the thfpainsge th thplp thepassage
passage plp of bill bUI in th t the Iiegiabture 1 11 tl1 Mr MrBennett Mrhitniseti 1 I
Bennett nn U would give this thl rommlion rmmlon ar arappropriation anaproprLatIon n nPIrprlUon
appropriation PIrprlUon of 10 430um OQO and Dd empower empwr IIto II Ut itto
to t do practically prclcly aa It might see ee fit l to torearrange < j jrearrange I In
rearrange n the th pulse MI of the t I gUUtiire l lrestrict 10 torestrict i
restrict Iric the lb authority lthorit of tbe Commit lomti Committee Committeeon Uw Uwon r
on Rule and treat this committee
Rlt trt oommlt an antho asthe 11
the National Stol Houe 1011 Hots of Representative Representativetreated Rpfntll RepresentativesIreateil
treated It ItMr I itMr I Ir
Mr r Bennett ouneU gave out a statement talnft In Inwhich inwlsleb I
which wble ho h Mid he waa wa forced to take tk liaur liaurwith I IwUh lstiwith
with Speaker Mk Wadiworth Wdworh and nd insisted Inniitedthat Inll insistedthat I Itht
that tht a general investigation Inyelptlon should aolld aolldhd b bhad
had And Anlln In addition ldllo to the tlt most 10t erten ertenlv suxtensive
a sive lv investigation InvUKatlo thus thU far ausscted aussctedMr UIMr
Mr r Bennett 8nu would nave bav the th Committee Committeeon mmlu mmluon
on RuleH Rnt changed chn < be b says ao e that 1t 1tcannot ll llcannot I
cannot cnnot l 1come > erome lIIe a committee oOOllu fur punish punishment lmI8h lmI8hment pimictiment ¬
ment and nd reward rewardThe rewardThe
The T demand dMnq for an n investigation investigationconcluded InMtplon InMtplontcud1 Inveatlgahionmonetudeul
concluded tcud1 Mr Rennetta fnu statement attlI 9si 9siStitewide ii iiStatewide I
Statewide Htlewlt and n I am I of the th opinion oplnlorthat opinionlbat opinionthat
that the th Governor should bOIlI ho given alvf th thpower thpwer the thepower <
power pwer to t appoint pplnt part rt of tbe Investigating InvestIgxtinicommittee IDY InvestigatingcommIttee ttna I
committee tmmlu provision pryllon having hYln < been b mad madfor md mdror madefor <
for the appointment pplntml of the th Senator S 1 Iry Irythn b bythit
thn Ih IJeutenantHovenior IJlltentlonlor and Assembly Assemblymen ¬
men bv the thRrker thRrkerThe tbMrwaker tbMrwakerThe Speaker SpeakerTho
The Introduction IntrllllolI of the th Bennett on tt bill billwhich hi billwhich I Iwhlcb
which flist I at found Ita way w to the th Aetnblv Aetnblvclerk Awinbivclerkaa I Icrk
clerk clerkaa a a concurrent ruct resolution Inn aroiiaeU aroiiaeUerioiu aimsqt aimsqtserious
crk rl
serious rioll ronalderallon COnldfllon nnly among amol the theAtMmblvmen th thblynt theAsamblvnnn
AtMmblvmen blynt who have been n steadfailly steadfaillyiipporting etesdfastiystipportiuig tdrII tdrIIlppMillr
iipporting lppMillr everything Ivertblnc that tbt came amf from the theEiecutlve t Its ItsKeeciitive
Eiecutlve Ellv chamber chamlierMany chmlr chmlrIn chamberMany
Many In other member m mhr of the tb House HOM took tookthe tok tokthe tookthe
the Bennett 8nMU meaaur Iur in a lea 1 serious seriousvein eriouvein >
vein Yfn and n said Id that Mr 11 Bennett nel got Kotp a apeek apsui
peek at the Ih lolkln Conklin Mil hi coming cmtnc up lp on onthe onib onthe
the p ib train from rrl Now ew York ork todav tly and andconcluded ald andconcluded
coaudf concluded quickly that If Conklin Conkln was wasgoing wasgoing I
going > oC to start anything nthna of thi this nature naturehe nlu1 nlu1h
he 1 h wiMiltl wIII go a bit further flrbftr and n add dd the theInvestigation th thinvtlplon thelnveatigatiuti
Investigation invtlplon claus d to t a similar bill billTho hi I IThe
The halls hi were referred mled to committee committeewithout conutnitteeswithout mmll
without wihot comment commentAomblyman cmmnt cmmntA commentAssemblyman
Assemblyman A byn Chario earO llarwood Urood IMmo f iIMrnocsat IMmorrat 1 1cnt
rrat of Kiogi Kia had h somethIng emllbina to nay N on onliebair onbehalf n nIhf
Ihf behalf of Mayor laynor when ho Aawnnbly Aawnnblyruan Ambl Amblmn
man mn Conklln Conlell 311or bill bl to it give the e New ew York Yorkcharter Yorkhrtr Yorkcharter
charter hrtr investigating I commission tmrnlMon an n ap appropriation approprtatton ¬
propriation prJrllo of mni II came cme up on the thetecond I thesecond h hd I
second d reading na calendar Indr of r the Ihl Asuernbly AsuernblyMr AssarnidMr
Mr Ir Harwotet Uru iid id d that the th work ork of mak makIng makIna ma maing
Ing a charter tJMr for the city it stioiild olild siiusldno I Ino lirogre lirogreno
no further rllrhr until unll Mayor Iaor Uynor view viewwere viewsweti 1 1w
w were given some i consideration tldntlon Mr MrHarwoofl Mrlistwood Ir j
Harwoofl Irwoor cen Insisted InstM that Jmlge Jld laynor l Uaytmorshould laynorihniitd yr yrshould
should l hI be > e consulte rulf1 i now ant then th and andIhe AlldII midthu
Ihe commitaion ommiuon should give some evi eviilvtice evliletse i
ilvtice 1 of the th fact that tt fv thy knew kn the theMayor Ih Ihfyor theMayor
Mayor and d the Ib city el officials of r New tte York Yorkwere ork orkw1 asrkwere
were on earth Mh and n had a great t lnten Inl InlIn IntenIn t tin
in the tl charter chnr iMiilding htidmc busine busineMajority h taisitsuasaMajority i ijrll
Majority jrll leader Merrill said i1 Mayor Mayoriaytioi Iayoryt 11 11nay
nay iaytioi yt would wOII1 have h1 plenty of opportunity opportunityo onllil i ito
to o Inspect InI and rile 1 un all al the th charter charterlull charterhills hanrhi
hills lull befuro rorl tin Governor actt scSiil < d on n them themMinority I h hilnorlc huattiMinority
hi I
Minority ilnorlc l lsadsr < eao > r Krisbie 111 said hI that thatMayor I tisutMayor hi I
Mayor Gaynor anor that great t exampln xalI of ofDemocracy lfIhsmocrcy r rUemo
Democracy Uemo should Ihould not 101 IM I ignored ignoredSeveral ignoredSeveral 1ot 1otNvrl
Several Nvrl of the tl Tammany AM Allhnll Aworiblvnists Aworiblvnistspun > iiiblymeii iiiblymeiiml
pun ml word w in II for the th minority rnemlM r nsendsnu nsendsnuuf I Ir > r rrf
rf the ccmmiwion Nmmiulol and said ald they wart wervluH wnI warthut
hut r I anxious nuu to put anything aoylbinl over on the theMayor IhoMor tlueMayor
Mayor without wlthult his tii p having hrll cosmic I knowle ktsswlswlge ktsswlswlgeof I < lge lgef I 1
uf f It ItThe I ISThe
The Th bill bil wag w advanced dvu to third reading readingThs rall taudirigTh
Ths Tt Th IssWstlve 1 = th < cwtunilte Il n whIch if rv rvvising n revising
vising Ilinc the th Now lurk ork city Nt Charter ha ha de demanded demad1 demandeul ¬
manded mad1 that the th only salaries Ial which are arel areIs
l Is be b tj fixed nJfd in the th Iliarter are r those Ih of ofrleitivv oromcl utlettiv
rleitivv official omcl and aue Judicial udlcal officer Omt1 and andthat antithat I
that the tb salaries Mlrl of all al the city l oftlcersaiul oftlcersaiulfmployerei om nflleruzsdemployees rad radImly
employees Imly shall n IM I Is H f1 fixed ed by the th local localiiithontle loall loalllthoril beatausthordlis
iiithontle lthoril without wihou coming fxinlt to h the th legis legislature igislatusre ¬ I
lature 111 Twothirds of the Ih proposed New NewYork tew tewYork tW tWork
York city NI t1Mr Charter i ia alreadyWr Irtdy ros w tho tholegislature thulIIIIlr tholegslatusre
legislature lIIIIlr having bvint been introilucml Int 11 by byrhapter byuiIaItliTP
rhapter 1tf and ld the remaining ninlnl third will 11 IM IMintroduced I haintrodisred I IInt
introduced Int 101 by April A prl I Beginning jlnn Inl to tomorrow tomorrow n nmorow ¬
morow morrow hearing hria will wi lw I > given IVell by I the theCitle Ihel IheltUIa th thtitle
title Committees l mmlt of the th two house Im on onthe unIho onthe
the different section cIOI of the Charter l nr and andtheoe andthese nd I
these Ih hearing herlnp wilt continue ctlnl each el Tues Tuesday rll rlldy ruse ruseday ¬
day for the next nlll fimr rntr or five IIy week weekSenator weeks5senator I
Senator lntor George Uora H I Iobb tonight tollgh re reiiet r r11le saquested
quested 11le iiet d the Ih chairmen rblr of Senate Inl commit commitleos
t leos to net t date < t tpr hearings hrlnl on 01 all Al bill billnf hi hillsof
nf unusual Inlel1 public pllblc interest and 11 h hn re requeated r r1ult rio1ted
queated 1ult the committee mnlt tu get I to work workpromptly wrk wrkrply workpromptly
promptly and d make mle up I for IOM 101 time timeSenator 11mIlatr SliceSenates
Senator Ilatr Cafferty lltrt tonight again aain intro introducod Itrn ItrndUNI Introtliicwl
ducod dUNI hla antipolice hi antpl mugging hill hill1engthy hi 1111Ingthy
1engthy argument rllnt mere inrcle td In the theAssemhly Ih IhAumI theAssembly
Assembly Insby tonight toriaht on the h bill of Assem Assemblyman Asiasnblyman ¬
hlAt blyman Green 0 giving fylng Federal Govern Government Uornmt iotarnment ¬
ment employee emplor the right rlb to lie lI crrled crrledDver erslistover r1 r1oYr
over on the h registration rtilrtlon hooks Itk and ad vote votewithout yol yolwthout votewithout
without going flnlr home to register end endAssemblyman antiAssemblyman II IIAImn
wthout Assemblyman Joseph Mil hi to check checkextortion chcktortlon checkextortion
extortion of th thlohlkll thlohlkllr the loan shark sharkMr ahukaMr
Mr r Frisbio Frblo thought I ouah commercial travel travellera IrAII travellisa
lisa I ought opt to t have bYO the t hI be same me benefits bnntUoYr A AGovernment au aulIovsrnment
Government UoYr omployons mplo under Indr the th Green GreeniHll Onhi iranbill
bill hi
iHllMr Mr r Walter lltel of Onondago Onondalo snil r d I if I there therewri Ih Ihwr therewts
wri wr n desIre dolrfl to hit hi the t 1 lo t1 Ioat i shsrkn the theloteph 11 thisJoseph
Joseph bill h1 ought to t Im I rrn amtzutIeuI mod nd < xl < to puthctn put IJtt isutthem
them t hM out of business buln not to mnroly mrl check checkheir checktheir hfk hfkIhelr
heir graft fl The Joxipu hill hi wj WI was > i prtsed prtsedIn I
In view v of Ibo foot ra that New York ork city cityspending cityIs iy iyI
I Is spending pend In over a million milon dollars dol a yr yror yn ynfor
for or the First 11 District Public Plblo fiervico fiervicoommUsion 810 Setviesomtnlssion Y
ommUsion ommlllion Assembljrrnrn Amblyn Itcey lC of New Newfork ew ewYork w
York tonight Ionllb introduced Inlmuud a 1 bill bl to give givehe givethe ive ivefYf
the he Mayor fYf tho Ihl right to rppoint tim Ih com comnlssloners rm rmmlllonen cornmlssioners
nlssloners mlllonen Id id taking tlln the PpDt power PWft to do don doI
I s > n away w from frm the Governor GovernorMr Gmt
Mr Ir Roey also Ie introduced IntrocKf a 1 bill bi to pro proride pr proride
yld ride 1 a uniform vacation schedule chfll for forItato forRIle forState
RIle employees employeeaTel9hoBe tmplor tmplorTelepkoRc employeesTelephone
Telephone TIB uiaitJ and Be we wil willNCNJ will willread
read 1 onrexpert o rexr in I lee Ie leaf leaflynfeiaa Iraf8YICe JeafyN1eIH
8YICe lynfeiaa to explain ex pia LOOKO LOOKOLeaf L LooiieLeaf
Laf Leaf Devices Deice and aae Meihoaji MeihoajiSo MeCo
So e obltiatiea 010 om 0 your our part partCOHLIES tartGOBLIESMACY ar arCOl
sloaN T 0 a B 40 O Jbm 1 4
J IACTOaY a 441 441l Pi lsee
l =
i r
l I Toorder ToorderShirts Shirts Sh for Men MenPlain KenI MenPlain
I Plain Pan Models Moels 4 for xo xoPleated 10I xoPleated
I Pleated Peated Models Moels 4 for Sia SiaOur ia iaOur 1 1I 1I
I Our price scale was adopted after w we had hadthoroughly hadthoroughly hadthoroughly
I thoroughly satisfied ourselves by investiga investigation investgn ¬
lion that nowhere else could equal qualities qualitiesbe qualtes qualtesbe I
ton ese
Com Comparison Comparison Cornparison
be obtained at t the same figures ¬
parison will wi convince you that this is so soLeave soLeave I
Leave your our order today and in inthree inthree intkscvccks
three tkscvccks weeks cckur your Shirts will wi be beready beIdy I Ircac
ready We W e guarantee a perfect fit fitandworkmanship fitand I Iand
rcac workmanship and beyond criticism criticismBroadway criticisma criticismaIu
a aIu Q QInnipanll QInnipanllBroadway nqy I IBroAdway
Broadway at lt 34th Street StreetA Streetw StreetA StreetA
A Short Shor VampVassar Vamp VapVar VampVassar
Vassar Var Tie TieGun TieGiniMetal
Gun c GiniMetal GiniMetalRusa Metal MetalRUHW Me
RUHW RU or o Patent PatentOK Palct PatetitCalf
i 5 5A 5I 5A 5A
A new HANAN SHOE for women that thatwill thatwl thatwill
I will wl add to the te daintiness dtne of a dainty dnt foot footHanan fol footHanan I IHana
Hanan Hana Son SonS
SU S Broadway Bw Sterns Sternseosdwy t tI I IB
B BtHb eosdwy o < Jw y reseat > fTi TSth St I BVrsr B eom eer sosass r Canal Cnat Bt BtBrosdwsy a ItI
I Brosdwsy dw cern aernir m r ttth Ib St It 1 I Hwr I comtr c Fulton FultonICJ lulla It it itI
I I ICJ Uwy lI w wsy o nest sr tVJ Z1 SU I MTUwajrntsr 2 2W Dea OasovBt OasovBtla oD I II
I la Brooilra Bol1 st MO 3 Pulton Fultn Street Slre
h hI
ICITY I CTY ciiy 414S 4 t8 4S AVERAGE A 10128 10128ttn 1012 L28 L28tfl I IUt
ttn Ut tfl flipS rnI WKHK PIT i IV cu culti rI II1 II1i
lti I i tOlt Jlt 319131 9llnI 1 I913Itf1W I913Itf1W2I JfitO
31 Hidden fll let < 1 Mood lod l largest rgnl Award Awardre Awardtre ar
tre re r ffMlM0oeo oc l Iach ch r to Karuu Uah l Ir Irr 10thA < ori oriA >
A To r and a the tll National tnal tInaI Hank Rk of offommeree 0 0amr ofIsinmerce
fommeree amr Inrrrnt lrrt 4s 4 Below Ilof Par ParThe Pr PrT ParThe
The T JJOOOOOOO WOO 4V 4 ir M > r cent Nnl bonds I od sold soldyuMtrday t1 coldysatcrdy
yuMtrday yry by h bytiia the th city Iity weresulwcnlied for fornrtrly rornGrly fornearly
nearly four oils times over Tln Tt > rctual rctualamount rctlI rctlIImolnt rctusiIuimoustut
amount Imolnt of bid received r4if1 was w tl04U3UO tl04U3UOTim U4 I ITh
Tim number nlmlr of bid bldl received rf I VI I wa 4 UU UUOlt i iOut I IQuit
Out Olt of thia number nut r bonds 1111 w wn > > m awarded awardedto
to ril t bidder hidd the th averago ml price riC receired receiredIning J1Y1 J1Y1inlit reeivrulbeing
being inlit 101 1011 N an II income Iwyiis 1 11 of 4 II IU IUier I5 I5r
11 ier r cent centVlille cantVhsia nl nlWil
Wil Vlille the th bonds Iontl nominally nomlnol run 111 for forlh ril rilth furths
lh ths full rul period rix of fifty ItY year lomptrolltr1rcndergtM I lomptrolltr orIlhrUt utnistrnhlrlrvndcrgast
1rcndergtM he isea Ut insertttl ilrkt a I slipuliitlon slipuliitlonthat 111101 111101thi
that thi the city may my redeem rtll thMii m ut II th tlis 111 111of < > nd ndof I Iof
of twenty Int year ar ThIs wits ill uho nHiilt of ofa ofa
a compromiHtf cnroll which Mr r IVendergiist IVendergiistnailt nt I
nailt 11 with ith the th IMIII 111 house 10 when whOn he It de decldttl I d dukltti
cldttl dltllo lo make mokl so 0 largo lar an 111 IMMIIK IMMIIKI II IssI5he
lh I he Um I broker Irok iiksisted 1111 that tin mole mlect moletutlct 10 10rolelllu
ct rolelllu tutlct > ild not lii be I HiicceMfitt r1 unUw 11 the 11 th interest interestwu interestwas
wu WI uuide UUd UM high UK 4t 4 hey I alias I in insuited I ti tisisteul
suited tin an 11 Isoue ut ii this II lure t isv at it 1 li liinterest hIhall bee beeintert <
interest than lhi hiss would 11 interfere IIIIrrr with withthe wtthitIme IIh IIhIh
the Ih value all of the th I er I cents 11 which wilci hnve hnvebeen hn hnI lunvehseen
been I loeiied 1 diirinic rli the Ih I 455 st two I or three threeyear th thY theeyears
year Y Mr Ir r Irenderg lnlrlt was wa not willing willingnor wllnl
nor was a the t Mayor to t it piv In p so high Illh an aninterest UIII 555intereat
interest and I a I compromis mpmll wit w rejche reichieuiwhereby ch cht < < l lwhereby
whereby t the t h lx IG Iiorsiiu > i IK I should IhOI t1 IM I isniiel at atIi
41 perienl ir caui 11 hut 1lllhll Shut they HlimiM I tlimle tlimleleHi tsuisleIas
leHi 1 Httrnctive sttrtct UII lvi IIMII 011 the Ih I old 01 < 45 I bv the theiventy II IInt liiiS
iventy S enty nt Vest r refiempiou rI11 flmiiu flmiiuThese 1 1f Iuis IuisIii
These f Iii were the Ih principal uwund 111 an announce II IIIlulncl atlsuIituCeI ¬
nounce Ilulncl lsuIituCeI just j lust t Ir > efore int lilldlncht 111t tuilti ig lit laM IIt night nightKubn liAht liAhtbl tu ighthssha
Kubn bl iMtb It fr > o II iiiiii n ill illti3Oai > n nll
ll ti3Oai nl Hnl Iln > of 0 i t iI i iiir n r 4ll5iM1 < i 1ln nui nuiI
I srmrr I on ln inl O4 1 lruiI rti l i oniiant IXXIOIKII IXXIOIKIIlauirohurc iiakiilIle4ecitsr
lauirohurc lArDle Tli Tllalmn lm nn A I < i > rlToiui rlToiuiWilliam IW I IttIlItam
William WIlam Xslonnn I lo iatqniisbk 0 0I JDIII > U UKiinllsblr
I Kiinllsblr tqnlbl Lilt t hn > iir vurifle me NI SuIruy s Irljr rCHi l lJ I
J 1 4 W t V rll Umn m n A Co 0 oIiaakcv mim mimlunkcr I II
I lunkcr 1k TruM Tomphi Iomtt oml ti I Imr Imerlraa iu > i iAmrrlr
Amrrlr mr merlraa n Kirliancr rIlancr N a5IoiaaI llon lou1 l IiiU nl tmiiiii tmiiiiillonU I II titililiI
I I llonU llo S ioo oisIslls 11 til I muni munillolorxsln tIlitlmtlotitaIfl ln ln0
llolorxsln A Co coieIigTnsfl l II > u < m mSrIKmia
SrIKmia 1man Hrw r lj Iontun IontunlotiI > mlun n Hll OU u uIrolni
I Irolni 01 Uoi IAIiIi > lra tui < w IIMIOH IIMIOHllronu 1101 1101I PISUII
I llronu r t titus A To 0 t lliiItiIi lliiItiIiew ii j jNew
New ew York 0 Ufr Invirsiue InI i omt oniitu nI > sn > PIEno PIEnoTh Pl fuOluTli 00 00Th
Th arrangement Rntmtnt made by h the th city cityoftlcialt cityI cityumeiala i
I oftlcialt mlial with I h the I h bond 10 house hol insured insuredtbe hlrO1 hlrO1the iiiusreulI
I the sale 1 of r all al the Ih bond lrnI but bil neither IIer the theMayor Ih Ihfnr theMayor
Mayor fnr nor the th Comptroller 1Olmlr ex lsectetl > ecte < l that thatthe Ihalth thatthe
the th average 1 price ri would wIIII IM I so 0 hlh UKI usi usiit UII ussiIt
it worked rk1 out n when h the th award lrl were weremade wptuttuada 1 1nld
I made veslerduv Inla Most of the Ih l 1nI 1nIa hjonilusas > ond onda
a as were eipected went nt li I to the II aIl al Street Streethoi Street151iM4 Ir1 Ir1hOIl
hoi 151iM4 i MM Kuhii lob 11 t Cn I iu hid hiI forUi for hStNlu hStNluI t tu i ium
um u of the Ih bosnIa IKII at t price urh ri ranging rntI1 from fromHKi33 rrm frotmiI
I I HKi33 13 to 1 tot 31 Harvey Un risk tM t Co 0 hid bidforKi hidI
I I forKi for4ulII5uiat ii at lurid ri nintiiiiK n111 from 101 lcl3a tlE59to in > 30 30In
In tiii79 It11 IjtfJirtl nnl Krire r bid for Mmo Mmomi fli fliIs I
mi Is nt II inoU U lli to I liin7 III the th United Cni1 Slates SiutexTrust Sal SalTrllt SlatesTrust
Trust Co bid for 1ltnon 2uiuww m > 11 n i from JOIIM JOIIMlo Jnl
lo t us 101 71 1 1 Sveyer A Co t tu Illi hll for lllll IIiuIusuiau IIiuIusuiauat 11 11I ln l lrt
rt I from rm limlM II to tnt IK I the th Fnimers FnimersI tlrnr tlrnrnd FusimuraIoon
I Ioon onn and nd Trust rrlt Company om bid hie for 1 314th 314thhE 4 4a i iinn
inn 11 at t from Kiti I5hPO i to ti Ma tr II The 1 lit Guaranto GuarantoTrust Imranl ImranlTru1 luarantoTrust
Trust Cotn Company any bid for tll flIUIIIhi ICUII > i i Ht lt t from mm mmUIII
1110911 UIII to 54 n fl II I Kountru Un Ilrtw hid for fortlioonoii rorIIOOI forI
I tlioonoii IIOOI at from lini21 1 to 101 MofTul MofTulA 311 MoflgtVhlte t tWhit
A White for SAUUndri S IJI at from Km ICI3 IM3355 SV to toIOln I toiOR6
IOln 1010 iOR6 Tlie TI United lni1 Slates MI t Trust ComMiiy ComMiiyfor lII Cumpmtufor
for I7onnonii 1010011 2OV1O nt from ino UI 70 O to mi 10111 07 If IfS ttu ttulqw
New S lqw York Life Ir Insurance CotniMny otnpsny for fortloonnooat r forIxI
tloonnooat 110 IxI 1111 us at from tot to Ifc 10 Itt the th Kqui Kquitabi Ftiiitabla IIII IIIItbl
tabi tbl l IU ife Aanurance ABurn Society Hlt for t5uiutii t5uiutiiat lmO jk1llas jk1llasat I Irro
at from rro ino63 118 to lot II 39 the Ih Bankers lUnkerTrust Unkr UnkrTrt BankersTruat
Trust Trt Comprny tompIY for MOIKI 101 onu at from fromlonvt rrm rrmI fromIIXLSI
lonvt I UII I tnliiliio to 1111 iiul Iwidenhttrg ldf url Thilmuin Tbhnul A ACo
Co 0 for tAiimiuin 11 from inn I to nil ICI Z li lirime l lThe
The T highest hid made mt was sent II sn in br hyal on onIndividual i iIndividual
Individual bidder of r the th Lii name of John JohnV ohll ohllW
W V Wi Wise ise who wh asked I1 tot Ifr 141 I2uNII orai worth of ofbond ofbtnd r rbond
bond them themYesterday thmiestruIays for which W hlcb he h offered f 1 lt Iit IO llrt I got gotthem It IttM gotthm
tM Yesterday NIrda1 sato 1 wa the th first rt that ha habe I In has hasbeen
be been n held h 1 by h the th prer ptwritut < ni niliuinintration niliuinintrationMayor ulniinlstratiotsMayor huinlMtol
Mayor Iaor Gaynor Onor himself himJ who w In attended attendedthe tlmd tlmdIhe
the sal 11 sale with wit all the th memb tisembers ni of the theKinking th
I Kinking Mnkln Fund Flml Commisinn ommlMol openeil the theflrat Ih Ihtrt thefirst
first trt envelop < with n silver 1 v knife which whichhod whichhad lh lhha
had ha l been tyoof > een presented prI earlier rUf in the day da to toComptroller toomllrll toomtrnhler
Comptroller rrendergat 1ldr t bv hr his hi staff staffaa tft tftmmto
aa a memento of hi Ii first ft bond sale saleIhe NI
I the 1h bid that tht Mayor 101 Gavnor orenedme orened 011 011r opensilcame I
from r Gilman A Clucan hl and
came < me Oima wa wafor w wfor was wasfor
for tsntnouat 1305D lol at 1 from r 11114 11147 n loimtc lolllr This Thiswaa 1 Ihiswas l lw
was w taken aa a favorable indication Ind Uon for fortho rorthe forthe
the quote IU t of the th sale and the th Mayor Mayorwaa Mayer4 Mayer4was Iyorw
was w in high humor humorThe htmor htmorT humorThe
The T Comptroller oplrltr said last l night that Olt thatbe i ihe
be waa extremely txlrly gratified IrlUf at the tt nldt success micceeaof I
of the te sale 10 because bU he I Is thought tbudu it had hadproved badIrot hadproved
proved Irot that tt the step t he h had b taken tkm with withtho wit withtha
llb tho concurrence oCID of the Ih Mayor laO in raising rllne raisIngI I IUM I
I UM rat Iu of iaterot itt to L C Ct 4 per P cent Ct baa 1 1o hatsi
i > o = =
lwn tn n justified jutn1 The Tb Comptroller lQnptnltr adiled adiledthat ad adtbll adiledthas
that tbll the th proceed of this ti mile 1 would be beufllci b beutuifitcient
nkinl > > ufllci nt to pl nun thus th city along Iona until untilthe unll untiltim
the rl full rai when ht h > will wi maki another lond londImnie b011 boiidisisite
Imnie of KIlt C3iMiiiMi C3iMiiiMiTlie SIIUI SIIUIT h5j4iuP h5j4iuPTis
Tlie T Tis bonds wh whian n und old IM U issued hufl have haveIxfti havehiecti
Ixfti 1 dealt tII in il on Oi the Ih Brand lirul street curb curbsince curbInc curbsInce
since Inc the th announcement nnnnIlICmt of thn thl offrring offrringwaa oftrin oftrinWA <
was WA made iId Thn Ti first It Nile 1ft of them wa want W WnllO wasat
nt nllO HC That 11Rt I this Ih high hllh sale i Yesterday YesterdayIwfor sutcrdayLuafore
Iwfor tin > bid l huigais gan ll to I Is appear on 01 the thenew Ih Ihnw thenewl
new ticker Ihkpr mil sales were r tnudn ut t litli litliand 111 lftl lftland
and Ind 101 SiilMMxpifntly most aot of tho thosal thl thusala
sal 01 sala were w ut lot1 III iOl and In1 lIlt II I with Ith th thlatter thIUr thuilatter
latter the Ih dusting cfil price priceMany lrieMatiy rh
Many of r the r UinMtig lkhl lions hsui5eus which whichput whichIllt widetijust
put in il bid bil did Iil m 4t for th account nl ult of for foreign rorll forCigus ¬
eign ciiNtonierH CIIom or I us I ngxnt 111 for foreign foreignluinkef rniil foreignliuiskrrn
luinkef hUlk ll It had hld heti llrnllllhnl iirrungml thnt when whendesired whenilsirail hn hnIh
desired tho Ih Iod lionsia Mind would woule lw I 1111 tssusett S IIIH pay rwyubl payjilili y
ubl 111 < > in sterling 11111 and IltI franc fnIKIh hulls n nl as to ttrin ttrinii mm mmtisal rin
tisal ii l and ane intore int < t nt lt u I tlind 11 nitn nI of f fl1n ax axihatuga T TIlkingx
Ilkingx l1n < < Home Hm prevloii vlI sale 11 hnd h1 pro provld pro prOviduul
ld1 vld < l for fot puvmMiit 1 rnllt of r iut illnt Ititenast > r t in foreign foreigncurrency rri rrirnnlc fflTPlT1euirrutscy
currency rnnlc ThIs Til I is th I tie first ln in I which wlll the thepnnctul th thIrinopal tlseIurinu1il
pnnctul rut I hiss nlo 110 Ix Ien n ito < > iuynbl < > lh lhrity Thoty liicity
city t tierlutit5 riftit 1 of iu7 tU1 wild 11 Id < down dOWI tlownyttanlay tlownyttanlayto ytHtenluy ytHtenluyto InIIY
to 108 90 which I is the th luwe t pnc pri ptiea of Ir th rl thu yiur yiurOthtT uur uurthis
this city iMjiid 1011 wen wln al als 1 > ch shsooier shsooieriinuioin h uKr uKrnrs 1 1nUmln I
nUmln ta < nrs ir i n I 1 in inIptntlnird 11 11pplnt uitppelntrtt
Iptntlnird pplnt l lkput > riut 11 > Miiperlntrndrnl uprlnlntrt of In Inmiranre IIInrlI ItssuitSure
miranre nrlI at t UIMM C Sitar NalarAIBANT SitarAtPIANT 11 11AIIAST
AIBANT AIIAST March Ilrth 21 1 George Irl K t Meri Merigold mfrrinhcI ri rinl
gold nl nhcI of New ICW York ork tin hszsa l twati > een nppointtii nppointtiiIhinl nJMinhd nJMinhdI
Ihinl I hinllI Deputy Stale 1 SiiM Suiiwrjitauiilint > riiiteiiilt > nt of In Insurance II Incisrane ¬
surance lra at n saliirvof 111rr salmiry ut II > > Iliewotkof Iliewotkoflhi n Ilta work nk of ofthis r i
this t department has h so > i iticnMw itserausal < l that the thei Ih Ihm tluimme
imme i fltc m > nf Thllt riurd IVputv I hit Sii Srillnlil > riiiietidetii etsteftt ha halxeti haI tsaa tsaahtati
lxeti I r rorl rustored < torej Mr Ir Merugoiti leri told IH 1 s lawyer lawyerformerly lawyerfturiuserly
formerly rened r I1 in I 11 itrilo Ilu nnd nl1 while whilethen whiletti hl I IIh
then Ih tutu tlul tinidenible i ilml atiwripne JHTIPIIO 1111 in II tin tinComptroller tinConupirulier
Comptroller 011111 a i nife > nh and rilsti I in II the lit 1 1i IM IMliartiument > i
i > artinent nlnt of Ir Iuliln Wnrk of r that iitv iitvHe tv itViii
He Is a graduate erIII of this Ih llufTnlo 1ftIlo Iuw Iaw Srhool Srhooliind Shol Sholnd SctstoIand
and nd for the th but four rOlr tar lu I huts l twets > e < > ti 1 S4 sects sectslistV < re retory
tory r lo Supremo SIIm Court I Hurt 111 lu lul hssttr tice Uiughhn Uiughhnof lolthln lolthlnor
of Ilio t ApiMIUite DIVIHIOII UiMltl First inl I tijam > tnrt tnrtmeni it itflicust j
meni nWlt in New w York urk itv 1 and an mine to tollie liitiiu
llie 11 t liiilillic 1 Iii IewrliiiHiil U lathu rl IieSiI wuli a I I I Ii strong strongncoiiimeiidatloiiH strungrtttlSstfliflhlatiutst Irn
ncoiiimeiidatloiiH 111111 fnitn nun lunticx IjniiKhln IjniiKhlnand IJllhl1
and unlth ther who I are n fitmilinr rlllr with wlh Inn I Iii wnrk wnrklie wrkIi ork
lie 11 Ii will a assisnia unie orTIcn nm ItnmiHllllel IlmIhh IlmIhh9f iuinmstiiilvAfrCt v vShctect
Shctect 9f If Ifa l el
Get Gtt the theOriginal th thOriginal theOriginal
Original nd Genuine GenuineHORLICK GenuineHDRLICK GenuineHORLICKS
t hqe4 ar ar Jmian imiidieni imiidieniTheFood
TheFoodDrinkforAlIAges TheFoodDrinkforAlIAgesMM TheF TheFood ood Drinkfor AJAgel AJAgelf Ages AgesIII
Nit IM il i axy II Milk Iik Trust TrustIniiat Trlst TrlstInliet
Tok Ta Dckd boat boatBROTHERS bODBROKW hensBROKAW
If Ifth2bestisnone Ifth2bestisnonetoo the best bcstisnolc bcstisnolctoo is none noneI
I too good wed like liketo lke lketo liketo
to show you the theBest theBest theBcst
Best fabrics fabricsBest fabricsI fabricsBestcolorsand
Best Bestcolorsand colors c 0 I 0 1 sand sandpatcrns and andpatterns I II
I patterns patternsBest patcrns patternsBeet
I Best styles stylesBest stylesBest tles tlesBest I IBest
Best variety and andBest andBest
Best fUln fitting suits suitsand 5 u its itsand I t s sand
and overcoats overcoat we have haveever haveever haveever
ever produced producedand producedandyou and andyou andyou
you can canBest cannest canBest
Best the customtailor customtailoron
on the prices by 50 50rSLftB
50 I
Is a definite defRlte business Inns as asset ait asset
set t Make It beautiful tful with withJOXYL withJ withJOXYL I
JOXYL JOXYLDecorated J 0 X Y L LDoate
Decorated Wood Panels PanelsVOU Pan Panyo Pans0U
Doate oo
VOU yo 0U U cnn Cn reproduce reproditcemost rprduC rprduCmOt
most mOt elaborate tlbrtf and andtiful beau beaulifuf hall halltfur
lifuf tfur inlay Inla or other dmoritivi dmoritiviefTetA dNral dNralftel iv ivcffeta >
efTetA at a very moderate moderatecoat
ftel r motrl motrlCt
coat Ct Thi TIt treatment tnAtment open Usa thoports Iln Ilnp Usapotce
ports p of wood wo or other flbr lbrl11 lbrl11mltcrll fibrous fibroustnaterinbs u uinatcrinU
inatcrinU mltcrll fixes fxe the color clor ilr ilrt 1 jo josigns >
t signs > 151 beneath onlath the surface lurar nna nnathen OMIhtm anithati
then closes c0 the pore P Imp impnonlnc Imponll Imprioniitg
onlnc onll the colors clor IndMtnirti IndMtnirtililv IndMtnlli IndMtnllilh
lilv lh
lilvThn Thn o treated tat mirface trac Is I hard hardened har hardetted
ened madi madl durable durble water waterliroof WaleI Waterisroot
liroof and imperviou imprlou to un unequal unequal In Infual ¬
equal fual heat Write Wrte for booklet bookletor bklf
or tr telephone 1171 Cortlandt Cortlandtfor Corland Corlandfor
for IM IA to call aU Seour S See our es eshibit exIsibit x xInbit
Inbit at Room Rm 1818 Hudson HudsonTerminal Hudn HudnTrlnll HudinnTerminal
Terminal TerminalAMERICAN Trlnll TerminalAMEIICAN
30 J Church Churh Street tret N V City CityAHoatAcontiMc Ciy CityUNCQUALLZO
AHoatAcontiMc AHoatAcontiMcEASTER A Not Accbk AccbkIASTER
flar flarii
S IY Y GitoccM O tvwrrwxwt5efwing tvwrrwxwt xvgvwwtttS f fSewing 4 4Sewing
Sewing Cabinet CabinetTHE
Cainet CainetuT
A Colonial Reproduction ReproductionThe
Rquco RqucoThe
The helpfulnci helpfulnciof hclrrlllnt
of r our extcn cxte extcnive extcnivettncka < ie ietock helok
ttncka < tock lok < in i the tots solution totslion olulion ¬
lion of the wedding weddingeift cdln cdlnIif
gift Iif problem rrofle can be befully berll befully
fully rll appreciated appreciatedonly arrlritc
only o I after rn personal personalinspection rmoalinfclion personalinspection
inspection From FromTirmnd Frm FturnsGrandfsthers a afrandrathefs
Tirmnd frandrathefs frandrathefsClo Grandfsthers GrandfsthersC7usW f fhers fhersClock
Clock Clo or Ir armchair arinchairto tnchil tnchilIn w wtO
to Colonial candle candleMick cndleick candlettickt
Mick ick or a mU smallfootstool mUroo n ll llfoot
foot footstool t tool our ourshowing ouri ourshowing
showing is i tttrictivtly trctlvey complete completeSchmttt complCleShit completehtnull
Schmttt Shit htnull Brothers Brothes BrothesI BrothersYiuauuusp
Yiuauuusp IAsSrt 5 5 5sIsbad
40 ad adA
I sIsbad 6t J 8Ect 8EctAte t L LAlso
Ate A Antique Attqu ad 1 Reprodactie Rtptct se
Aimrv nDr flu > n i Uondtr M Starsh arb rrh It 1 at atN 1 rte YitssbS YitssbSJ
N J Itlrbsnl lbd tievrrlrr I rlr son e ef 0 His U 3 U UTiom I SW SWThorns <
Thom rioylr rl and nd J JD ne d de Per Ptr PP7uer Ardea ArdeaIn Ar
In ihr 1 1111 437ihyswrof5utst 437ihyswrof5utstNotS ih vsrof r 01 hl scr scrNotlre e eSol
Notlre Sol NotS of 0 funeral hr h betretOr betretOrCJtXTlN dkr fl r rriXXTtV
riXXTtV 1 XT Cnurftl l into 110 rest r jndr oda Wtrrti Wtrrti9i Wrl
9i s mirt Jnxph Cliitoa luO belovei Mo bu hb babUl babUlof > btB > t tol
ol 0 flenmiru nrlrl X Xloifalt oral Mastic n1 at III IIIinlilenrp k I lsW lsWtetlltwe >
inlilenrp 10 74 n IVmnloc llolDC al > t Braonlrn Brklyn Tuetliy Tuetliyrrnlni 11 11ah TtiftYrumtn
rrnlni tsrrb srrh S it t S oclock O Buo BuoIllniimti Ru Hurltrnunt L LlmI >
Illniimti lmI rncUod Inclaol papers ple plf piraw e ropy ropyDK sup suptl 11 11I
DK I NXX iVIlItI Alllto ni On O fl Msrfh 11 Si 1 mom 1010 at t her I rr real realIne t trnrr
Ine rnrr llXm4Ath 13 5 W tsI olb tb 1 NrwTorkcltr rw Tok YORk rUT IM IMX rie rIm rImthkir
X li 1lr thkir km 1 le Vararro avar avarm widow ww of Jot J r rainrro P I In 15 155T
ainrro 5T n An Slid nd lUuftitrr rauc of D the 1 Ute t John KM KMon I Sf54was
on li 11 llvkir > krr > nf lr r Xork ork ll HI HISnilrv rttNnttte I
Snilrv Snl of fmrrsl In brmllrr brmllrrIIIIS heralterPlus
IIIIS IU IXMHOH Un sindnr mormlof monloc MusS 1 n nuJd t tt4ZOnI
uJd uJInl t4ZOnI nl M Uan an nr H lar liar r wife W of John Joll R f fra f Di Ditaeao h hI
ra I taeao o < at stil Dj > 4 ilaurtiler ueb of lh Ie lat I tate l tO > Win Winantt V4t1and 1 1ano
and ano Xmanrta ma r I Ma MaIunrral llsa llsatsueral >
Iunrral i enre > will wil l be > arid I at h I her r l Isle Islelnfa f fitrr
itrr 1 It K Y1 tut t Mlh 1h il t MI 5 TuMlar Tln LIS h i iK
K 2 3 at 1 l mna < htl X U Inurmont IDr1 private prtraliIINfOIN pv privateti
IINfOIN 1 ti in Ol tin iii Xlarrh h SI 1 i ItahHI 14 Hrnoki Ir Iroln RrsetcoIn i iroln
coIn aerd < rrt 71 71Sertlen 1 tiSrtir
Snl Sertlen 5 t her Ir lal I Isle trMntff SI97 Ir i9 BnMt1 BnMt1Ifattfnnl I Ittel 15 i iIfartlarti
Ifattfnnl and Iprnen prlntn prtntfl1 t f rpn papers > i > r plp II III1 pleatf f WP COPt1itJUtt WPMcgUXIIP
McgUXIIP I1 in n Marrh 31 o Paul rraiirl rraiirlnf fnrt
nf Kil I4eeri rJ J UcVuadf tud netvsa rrtm n1 at n nrvm 5rsPNu <
1 rvm rsPNu i lllIII iifniir iC CmlrsIU uapaau Mrtu Hu titisi i iXnt S SWrst
Xnt 2M J su suTnrAfltIl i iTnrAOWKlI ITnrA
TnrAOWKlI TnrA nWI t1 Un < > n Hind Msndur nhl v Mirth 1 So o In InHucur fr frle er erttjgtir
Hucur le ld I l4ue < of tumid I si Trradwrll T < rl 11 If Iftunml f f1M us75th
1M 1MInrul rs rst
tunml t inisI i Irh 5rIuii > rl a 5mm ram m liw I tIm rrtl Ild IldbhI mlder < Jmr nf nfitaui t Itfi Itfiulaughtar
itaui ulaughtar bhI htr Mrs 555 W If I Hobvm N rSI IHInv IHInvXMIIUm 1InI 1InIlmbldl Huh Huha
a XMIIUm t lmbldl IIItambrldte brlde tlroni r1 on o W Wln WlnI Wetiitad WetiitadJatch > lnMI lnMIXlatrh
Xlatrh s > m t in I A AnyTalr U UfXX SIutrcrsrs4tc
fXX IIKNTIf nyTalr utrcrsrs4tc XMKX SiHdmlv orI at a 5t I Aur Aurline Au AuIn Augtine
line In Ila 11 on tonliy an Xlarrb a1 V VlUothlrr > flea44 flea44Iauigluler 1 I
lUothlrr ht of the lair II nark sad ad r rIt YI rlistIoi rlistIoiSt
It I Xai A IWnlhiv 1 Tt of D Alt Albany > aD > N X XWATrtlMAN 5 5ATrnttA I IATrn
WATrtlMAN ATrn ATrnttA liHldenly at llmutlnc P PMarrb P Pa 0 0tlarrb
Marrb 1 3 > o II1O henry Ir Atarre uatv Waterman Watermanlotrd Wat h I Iloved 1
loved 11 son en oa of Thomas Tmh Stirr anil ly LydI 5445 d la Uf UfXXaftmaa UttletmaO 1 I
XXaftmaa XXaftmaarnnrral tletmaOIIunsTal mu I IInnal
rnnrral Welo WCIDea4Sy d r harsh a1 3 at atInbland rMUrarr rMUrarrIflthland SSUS5115515usd tr trAmbalaac
Iflthland av v Orange OeI N J JsI al 4 4P P U Uarrival Uartteal I l lmvt
arrival of train l arHf Ie HoUoHen Ho vU v p I IXV tltltt i iItaltrusi
XV Itallrastl ltltt at IV 2 for Illcblamt leblU Arm ArmMtatlon Aven51tIlon Vf VfflUo
Mtatlon flUo It ItIIDEflTAILEL
rwS ic 22 w 21 is s sCbapsl ft ftS
CI Cbapsl FRK I Ambalaac oaaa CJII Mrvlc TU T UZt I C c C3155 C I
i iI 14 14I
I t tL
L I i

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